The Joe Rogan Experience - #931 - Jim Norton

Episode Date: March 14, 2017

Jim Norton is a stand-up comedian, radio personality, author, and actor. His latest special "Mouthful of Shame" is available now on Netflix. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Henry Rollins was on the podcast before. Three, two, one. You have a very specific style of wearing the headphones with like one off to the side. And Henry Rollins does the same thing. And I said, oh, you're wearing your headphones Jim Norton style. I didn't know that you guys had some sort of an altercation. How long was this? Recently, like a couple months ago, two months ago.
Starting point is 00:00:25 He didn't say anything. Someone else told me online. Oh, I thought Henry was still mad about it. I'm like, no, that was minor. Was it? Minor. Fucking online people. They blow everything out of proportion.
Starting point is 00:00:34 We've talked since then. I like him a lot. We've interviewed him. I think he's great. He's an interesting guy. Very interesting. We were talking comedy one time, and I forget what he was talking about with Richard Pryor on the phone, but he was a little like, oh, you don't know Richard.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like there was some. Oh, that's right. I remember this. I vaguely remember it. Yeah. He was trying to pretend that you didn't know Richard Pryor and you're like maybe one of the biggest Richard Pryor fans of all time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I love him. And it was a silly thing to try to, like for what? Like there's no valor in knowing Richard Pryor. I know. Set himself on fire on purpose. There's a weird thing that people do when they pretend that knowing things makes them better than you because you don't know things. Yeah. It's very strange.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Like, knowing something is just like, oh, you know about it. It's all it is. And we also get caught up in where Colin has a brilliant joke about how people, if you learn something from a movie, people are embarrassed to go, I learned that from TV or I learned it from a movie, so they try to act like they read it. He's like, you gotta be smarter because you read it. I hated him for
Starting point is 00:01:25 thinking of that great point. But you do people feel smarter if they read something. Yeah, that's true. That's true. My daughter was just telling me that today. She learned something from an animated movie. And she said, that's the weirdest way to learn things ever. And I'm like, well, it's
Starting point is 00:01:41 really not. I go, it's just a thing. It's like you can learn things from anything. It won I go it's just it's just a thing you know it's like you you can learn things from anything it won't be any different learning it from there like then if you hear somebody say it but there's just ways that we think are smart like I feel so much smarter if I read something oh yeah and uh and just hearing it on tv I'm like oh I'm a fucking dope repeating what I heard again well I have a friend who will get upset if people say they read a book if they actually listen to the audio book. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yeah. He's like, did you read it or did you listen to the audio book? I'm like, fuck, man. Yeah. Leave the guy alone. I think listening to it's better. Well, it's way more productive. Like, you can get it done while you're doing stuff like driving your car or at the gym or whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Can you – my focus has gotten so fucked up. Like, can you sit down and actually just come through? I read a book and then all of a sudden I'm like, I gotta be doing something addictive. I can't fucking read a book anymore. I hate that I can't. My focus is not there. I read at night before I go to bed. That's what I like to do.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I like to read and when I start like having a hard time paying attention, that's when it's time to crash. How long can you read for? A couple hours. Oh. Yeah, I'm good for a couple hours. I'm usually good for no more than, say, well, if I sat down during the day, I could read for about three hours. But at night, I'm good for about two. You have that kind of focus?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Depends on what I'm reading, if it's really interesting. Right. I can't do it. Well, I'm reading now, it's kind of research. It's a book called American Serengeti. It's about what the wildlife used to be on the American plains, like before in the Pleistocene era, I guess, before the Ice Age. It's pretty crazy shit. I understood none of those words, except for like the American. You said the first part I got, and the rest of it I've never heard of.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Well, there's this guy that I'm having on the pod. He was supposed to be here last month. We had to reschedule to next month. But he's a wildlife historian or a biological historian, I guess he would be. I'm not sure which one he would be. But his name is Dan Flores. And he wrote this amazing book about coyotes, about the history of the coyote. And he wrote another book about the history of extinct wildlife in the American Southwest or the American West.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And at one point in time, we had all sorts of crazy shit. We had cheetahs. There was cheetahs. There was lions that were bigger than African lions. There was a thing called the short face bear, which is fucking enormous bear, bigger than a polar bear. We had, there's a reason why, like, have you ever seen an antelope, like American antelope, like a pronghorn antelope? Do you know what those are? I've seen an antelope, but that's only because someone said that's an antelope. Right, right. They could have been lying.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Well, they're this weird animal that lives in, like, Colorado, and Wyoming, and New Mexico, and a lot of different places. It's a strange animal because it runs way faster than anything that can kill it. That's it right there. Runs way faster than anything that can kill it. That's it right there. And the reason being is because this animal evolved way, way back, hundreds of thousands of years ago when there were cheetahs here.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And there were really fast things that would chase it. Like, those fucking things are lightning fast. That can outrun a cheetah? Well, they can do their best. Yeah. They can make a cheetah work. Yeah, but whereas, like, a deer has no shot. Like, a white-tailed deer is, if a cheetah is going after a white-tailed deer, the cheetah is going to get it.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Did you see the video of, I'm such a fruit. Like I go online, I like to watch happy animal videos, like baby elephants cuddling. I went on a fucking baby elephant like YouTube loop just watching people cuddling with baby elephants. They're awesome. Elephants are amazing. They're really fucking smart man they're really they're not really smart just really smart but they can remember individual elephants from like decades ago like they could be separated from their family and not see their family for 20 years and then they reintroduce them and when you see the two
Starting point is 00:05:17 of them to get together again it's fucking heartbreaking because you're like what it makes you think about like the elephants that are in zoos and the elephants are in the circus you're like, it makes you think about like the elephants that are in zoos and the elephants that are in the circus. You're like, whoa, what are these things? Like, they're not stupid. they get it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 There's something wrong. Yeah, there's some animals that are, like deer are beautiful and everything like that, but they have a very limited cognitive function.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Sure. Their brain doesn't work that good. It's just real simple. Like, is there anything you want to eat me? No. Where's the grass? Let me eat the grass.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah. Anything you want to eat me? No. Where's the grass? Let me eat the grass. Anything you want to eat me? No. Where's the grass? One of two thoughts. Yeah. And then time to fuck. Once a year, it's time to fuck,
Starting point is 00:05:50 which is crazy, which is why they have antlers to fight off all the other men and fuck. And then the antlers fall off and then they're back to normal shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And people think we're unique getting like Porsches and Lamborghinis. It's the same thing. That's just fucking nicer antlers. Yeah. Well, they have weapons,
Starting point is 00:06:04 really. They fight each other to the death. They kill each other all the time. They do. Yeah. It's just fucking nicer antlers. Yeah. Well, they have weapons, really. They fight each other to the death. They kill each other all the time. They do. Yeah. It's fucked. But that's what those things are for. Those giant antlers, they're for stabbing.
Starting point is 00:06:11 They just slam into each other. They headbutt each other, and they occasionally catch one, slip it, and they broadside them and go right through the fucking lungs. But a lot of times, they'll just kind of back off, like, all right, he's got bigger antlers, and he's smashing me a little bit, and I'll fucking... It's fun to watch one male, male animal back off another. And it's so much like human beings. A lot of times it's just posturing.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm just going to show you that I could rip your head off. All right. You'll beat it like hippos. Yeah. Bite each other a little bit. And then one's like, all right, fuck it. And leaves. I was elk hunting once.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I saw these two elk duke it out. These two huge animals. They're about a thousand pounds and they're slamming heads into each other, just running towards each other, bang, and head-butting and smashing antlers together. And they were so big. I mean, these were like enormous elk. Both of them were somewhere around 1,000 pounds.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And just the force that they generate with their heads just colliding with these antlers, all of it just for pussy. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's why I don't think people are so bad to do what we do because it really is an animal. We're chimps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And we're one step beyond and we just don't do it that way anymore. But it's always us fighting to fucking mate or to get laid. We do it with gold Lamborghinis and fucking beautiful watches and shit. Yeah. Or even shows of strength.
Starting point is 00:07:21 There's guys that do it, you know, just brutal guys who are big and can fuck you up, and they get hot girls. Sure, and then just people at the gym just wearing little clothes, flexing, picking up weights. It's humiliating. It's weird. It's like we have a weird sort of connection to these ancient animals that needed to do that in order to make sure that the women were attracted to the strong genes to stay alive even though it's not not nearly as important anymore it's weird in the gym too because i'm i dress like shit like i obviously i mean i can't wear a tank top and i'd look silly so i wear like sweatpants and like an old rotten hoodie i really look like a bum in the gym because i know that i
Starting point is 00:07:58 can't compete so i'm almost going totally the opposite way like people wonder like what kind of shape i might be in but i know i can't compete on a level of looking good in a gym like I'm never gonna get laid in a gym never no you never picked up a girl in the gym I dated a person who trained me I did but she knew me it was a personality thing it was never like it was never like wow this guy's cute I'm gonna fuck him like it's never worked that way damn no never never I. I just kind of like, I become friends with them and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:08:27 we're fucking like a year later and they're like, how'd that happen? You sneak your way in. I really do. I just put personality my way into it. And the one girl
Starting point is 00:08:37 who I really, she's still a really good friend of mine. We dated for maybe two months and I think she's in a different place in life and kind of wanted kids. And I'm a fucking perv. I just can't do it. I mean, I'm not right and I know I'm not But I was so attracted to her. I was so few. I wrote a bit about her in one of my In back on please be offended. I did a bit about following a girl up the steps and looking at her
Starting point is 00:08:59 Vag in the back of her pants because it was so nice and I told her after we had dated and She loved it. She thought was really funny He's like oh my god. That's the greatest. She was really a fun person But yeah, I lusted her for so long And then we wound up dating But I knew her for like a year before we dated when you lust for someone for that long finally when you finally get there It's such a nerve-racking experience Like like trying to hold back the jizz.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Ooh, ooh, ooh. Yeah. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Well, you can't believe it's happening, too. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Yeah, right? Like, finally. I like to come fast, though.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Do you? Yeah, I do. Because sometimes I'll lose my rod. So if I come fast, I won. Then I can compliment them. See, because the experience, if you lose your hard-on, you're like, oh, sorry,
Starting point is 00:09:43 this, you know, whatever, I'm fucked up. But if you come quick, it's like, wow, you did great. Right, I get it. I'm a mess. It's hard for me to let someone else make me feel good. It's really hard to just let someone pleasure me. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Really? Yeah. I admire people who can. I'm so solo with that stuff. Wow. Very difficult. What do you think that's from? Just compulsion and jacking
Starting point is 00:10:08 off and just being a weirdo. Just jacking off so much you're like, let me take care of that. Don't bother with that. Exactly. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. You know, like when someone's trying to help you fix something, you're like, I got it. It's kind of like that. But with her, it was fun. We didn't date too long. I don't like to waste people's time and I know
Starting point is 00:10:24 that I'm not in baby having mode yeah maybe soon you know i wouldn't mind if i like someone but i think so i i kind of want a relationship i've been saying that for like the last few months 15 years yeah i've been saying that since i was middling i fucking i but i want somebody now like because it's boring by myself. Right. It's not about sex. Getting laid is fairly easy if you have money or you have some kind of personality you can get laid. So you kind of want someone, like, to get on a plane with or to watch TV with.
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's the shit you miss. Yeah. Yeah. It's somebody whose opinion you like. Someone to hang out with. Yeah, a friend. Yeah. That's where it gets weird, right?
Starting point is 00:11:03 But you want sexual, too, though. Yeah. Because my openers were typically women, and I hang out with them, and I've never fucked any of them. a friend yeah that's where it gets weird right but you want sexual too though yeah because my openers were typically women and i hang out with them and i've never fucked any of them it's never even been an option like you know kelsey cook was my last she was just a friend and we would like watch tv like an old with like an old couple right just but but a non-physical it's just you know like it's like an old i'm like an old queen with my fucking lady friend um and i so i want that a friend that I hang out with, but someone who I'm also, you know. But I don't want to date a comedian, I don't think, because it's just, you know. Yeah, I would say that too.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I would say it's just, the odds of it working are so small. I mean, it could work. Like Tom Segura and Christina Pazitsky. That's right. It works, and they're both really funny. Yeah. Usually one of them is not funny. It's like usually the woman's funny and the guy sucks or the opposite.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Right. And then they sort of glom off each other. Yeah. Or one gets resentful of the other one's career. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the case often.
Starting point is 00:11:57 That's the case often. There's always like one breaks through. One has something going on and the other one gets bitter. Right. Yeah. And they feel bad getting bitter. And then the other one resents them like we're partners you that's that's a hard oh yeah that fuck that I couldn't do it I'm well the only way I could do it is if it was just like I guess it would
Starting point is 00:12:17 have to be one of those things like you were talking about with your friend where you were friends with them for a long time right you're friends with her for a year and then you were both looking for somebody. And you're like, hey, you know, this actually kind of works. We know each other really well. Like once. See, that's one of the things about getting intimate with someone. Sometimes people get intimate with people when you barely know them.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And sometimes it works out great. But sometimes you're just opening up a fucking bag of worms. Oh, yeah. And then you realize, oh, you're're crazy and you want to blame me for your entire fucked up life you know when i realize they're crazy when they're fucking sitting in my house with a suitcase because i've flown them in maybe i should get to know them first i've put a lot of people on planes before and they're sitting there with an open luggage and i'm like and it's like no i don't even have to fuck them but it's like i probably should know that they're
Starting point is 00:13:03 not unstable first. I think it'd be crazy, completely crazy. And then you're in your house, and you're sleeping, and they're hovering over you. Frightening, dude. Thinking about putting that pillow over your face. I've had a couple. I'm not going to hold you down. I've had a couple where I just, I literally, I'm not kidding, I couldn't sleep. Because it was just like I didn't know the person well enough.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And I'm like, I didn't want to have sex, because that just takes it to another level. Yeah. But I mean, that's the price you pay when you're... A pervert. Yeah. Or just promiscuous. Yeah. Just taking a chance.
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's funny. I stopped saying I'm a pervert. I still say it. But I thought to myself, am I a pervert? I always think perverts... I'm like, no, because I don't like victims. Right. I don't like drunk chicks.
Starting point is 00:13:43 At one point in my career, I did. But I remember I was on the road, and this girl massaged me. And she was so fucking sexy, and she stuck her hand in my mouth, which I never thought I would like. I never had anybody do that. Stuck her hand in your mouth? She was a little dominant. Whoa. And the first time she massaged me, I was naked, and she pushed my dick out of the way like it was a disgusting item.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And it was so hot that she did that. But we didn't hook up she just moved my dick like it was an annoying yeah beat it and I told her that was one of the sexiest thing and I didn't see her for a year and then we miss Daji and she understood I like dominance I kind of liked her feet a little bit but there was nothing inappropriate happy kind of liked her feet yeah she was barefoot and I was just trying to check it her out and so it was subtly dominant but she wasn't jerking me off or anything and then she stuck her fucking hand in my mouth it
Starting point is 00:14:27 was out of my mind that's where it started the hand in the mouth was like the first thing yeah but that was after the dick thing a while ago but she just read me like you know people can read you like a real a woman that you like can fucking read you and they just get it and it's intuitive and you don't have to go do this they just kind of do it that. That's so weird. That's a weird thing to do, though. Never, ever occurred to me. So it never occurred to you, but once she did it, you thought it was really hot? Yeah, her hands were clean. It was a little massage oil.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Right. What did the oil taste like? I always wondered. I honestly don't remember. It might have been coconut or it might have been a scentless. It was more the parting. I think I just kind of kissed her finger, and she just stuck her hand. And anyway, I wound up hanging out with her.
Starting point is 00:15:08 She came to one of my shows. And she came with a friend on the early show, and then she came back on the late show at the end by herself. And she came to my hotel, and she was so drunk. And we were fooling around, and I didn't realize how drunk she was. I went down on her for a second, and I she's fucked up like you know you realize the middle like This is not I don't want to be a part of this something. I don't have sex with her It's just too fucked up, and she wanted me to fuck her in the ass
Starting point is 00:15:33 She put her ass up in the air so fuck me in the ass Wow and when someone is that drunk It's hard to go like you're too fucked up cuz you were sober a hundred percent. Yeah, that's right You don't drink at all. I don't happen since you 19, right? Yeah, I quit when I was young. So to me, it never turned me on to get someone who's sloppy. Right, right, right. I don't know what you really want to do. And it's just I'm not going to chance you coming out of it and feeling like I did something wrong. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Right. And plus she was loaded. And she had actually driven to the hotel. So I'm like, look, let's just hang out. And thank God she got sick. Like, that's the only time I've ever been happy to have a girl fucking puke. Because she's like, I'm so fucked up. I'm like, oh, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And she's apologizing because she's puking. I'm like, it's okay. And she let me call her an Uber. She let me get her on. I had to talk her out of taking her car. But she let me get her an Uber home. And that worked out okay. Did you get back to her after that?
Starting point is 00:16:30 No, that was the last time I was in town. We still talked after that. But I'm so happy I didn't fuck her. Because I wouldn't have fucked her. I don't feel good about... I don't like somebody who it means too much to them either. Like somebody who's looking at you like, Oh, I care for you. Like if I don't care back. Oh, yeah. Was them either. Like somebody who's like looking at you like, oh, I care for you.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Like if I don't care back. Oh, yeah. Was that the case with her? No, no, no. She was just too drunk. But I've had that where I think that sometimes like, you know how guys will lie to fuck a woman. We'll say like, yeah, I love you when we don't. They'll lie and they'll go, I just want sex.
Starting point is 00:16:57 But they really want love after it. And if I sense that someone is doing that, I still feel like I'm a liar if I pretend I don't know what she's doing. So I won't do it. Yeah. You're a sensitive guy. You're trying to avoid the bad feels. Yeah, I just don't want to be a creep. I don't even think I'm doing anything good.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It's like, yeah, you're not supposed to fuck someone who's so drunk that she's going to vomit. You know what I mean? It's almost like I'm not a good guy for not fucking her, but someone is fucked up if they do. It's like if you know she's that loaded and you still stick it in her ass, like, come on, dude. Yeah. You know, I think she would do it sober. So it's like, then I would be fine with it. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:17:34 But anyway, I find like I don't like, the older I get, the less I like anyone who's not right here. Like, thinking the same way or being, i just don't like a predatory feeling it just never turned me on yeah you know what that is too that's also like as you get older you realize like any kind of confrontation any kind of negative feeling that stuff ruins your day clings to you for however long you choose to hang on to it and any sort of negative interaction that you have with another person is just bad. It's just bad. I tell people that all the time.
Starting point is 00:18:08 When people start flame wars with people online, I'm like, look, man. What's a flame war? Is that just when everybody's talking shit? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like shitting on people on Twitter. I'm like, don't get invested in this. Because even if you win, even if you make this person feel terrible, this is going to cling to you.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I've done it before i know the feeling that that the insulting thing and the mean thing and the negative feelings thing and the any kind of weird confrontation that you have with human beings where one person walks away from it feeling terrible like those things cling yeah they hang on to you you know and it's most of the time not necessary like yep My problem is I have ego like everybody else so and says something so much to be shitty like as comedians Oh, you think this respond because you're used to doing in a live room, but after a while I'm like what is this satisfaction you like you said even if you win who gives a yeah who gives a fuck cares Wow, I made a guy feel worse than he was trying to make me feel yeah
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's not why I got into the business. I think in the business to spread joy, but it's like you know I'm a comic. I'm not trying to make me feel. Yeah. That's not why I got into the business. I didn't get into the business to spread joy, but it's like, you know, I'm a comic. I'm not here to make people feel shitty. Yeah. I mean, the best part about a show is when you're killing. And the best part about killing is that a whole room full of people feel great. Right. Everybody's laughing hard. You see it.
Starting point is 00:19:18 When you look out in someone's face and like, ah! Yeah. And they're crying, laughing. That's a positive feeling. And when you get in any sort of a negative situation with someone, just as simple as a girl pretending she just wants sex, but she really wants love. And then when she's leaving, she feels bummed out.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And then you feel bummed out. And then you get a text from her like, was that all that it was to you? And like, oh, Jesus. Yeah. Oh, fucking Christ. All those negative things, man. As you know fucking christ you know that all those negative things man as you get older you realize you've sort of dated chunk you sort of add up all the ones that you've had in your life you go oh i know what this is i see this coming right yeah so you learn to
Starting point is 00:19:55 back off let's just be friends i don't want a lot of times if someone comes over like i might fuck around with them a little bit but i don't want to put my dick in someone until i've hung with them at least once or twice so they this way if we fool around a little bit and they walk away and they don't feel good they're like well we didn't fuck like i don't want anybody i just don't want to be somebody's mistake yeah yeah i have been before and i feel shitty about it i never feel good about it isn't it funny that there's like stages of things you could do like you hug someone it doesn't mean anything you could hug a co-worker you could hug a friend and i'll hug you it doesn't mean anything but then there's like hugging and kissing.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, you took it to another level. Yeah. Now you touched lips. Ooh. Holding hands. You can hold hands with a friend and say, it's good to see you. It's good to see you. You could shake hands with someone, and that's just a business transaction.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Hello, Bob. Hello, Mike. Yeah. No problem there. But when you stick your dick inside someone oh things get weird yeah it gets a little more connected yeah and it feels more connected and they certainly feel more connected to you so yeah and if i do it for a shitty reason i know it and i don't feel good about it and i'm like and when you put your dick in their ass like whoa this just got crazy yeah
Starting point is 00:20:59 this just got great you just took it to that wild place like oh boy i haven't fucked anyone in the ass in so long dude a couple weeks no years years i've just i don't know what it is i'm just running out of steam i guess as i get older fucking petering out no it seems like you're being more considerate as you get older it's interesting and i i agree with your your perception i think you're a pervert but i don't think you're a bad pervert. I think what you were saying was that you're not a negative person. You're not a creep. You're not a mean person. I don't think pervert is a bad thing. I think it's hilarious. When you start talking about feet or all the weird shit that a girl put in her hand in your mouth, that's a pervert. But it ain't a bad pervert.
Starting point is 00:21:41 It doesn't make me feel bad. I don't think of you in a negative way at all i think you're it's a positive thing because you're honest about what turns you on what you get excited by yeah and it's it helped like google is my friend and my enemy like when i'm dating um i really have had uh many girls google me and it just that's all she wrote it's never good like if they don't know me beforehand i'm finished because they google stuff and they find it or not then well then that's a good that's a trooper there you got a party you got a you got a great girl if she meets me not knowing anything and googles and then reads what she can read and goes oh wow this guy's even better than i thought she's phenomenal but that's very very, very rare that that happens.
Starting point is 00:22:27 It just doesn't happen very often. Well, it seems like, though, they would find you, though. I mean, there's a spectrum of human beings, right? Yeah. And they would find you. Like, well, this is what I'm looking for. Yeah, I do get that, too. It's a very narrowed corridor of people, but the ones who do really show up with their gear packed.
Starting point is 00:22:43 of people, but the ones who do really show up with their gear packed. Well, when you say narrow corridor of people, though, I mean, I kind of feel like that's the same way with everybody, really. Like, when it comes down to who's attracted to you and likes you, generally it is kind of a narrow corridor of people, but most of the time you don't find that corridor. You know? Like, at least with a guy like you, a girl can Google you. Yes. You know, like some regular guy, like what are the odds she's going to know his sexual proclivities and all the weird shit he's into? And, you know, how open he's been about his relationships on the radio.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Sure. Pretty hard to find. I mean, so, you know, that Thoreau quote, I always bring this up. I bring it up too much. I know, folks, if you that Thoreau quote, I always bring this up, I bring it up too much, I know, folks, if you're listening, but most men live lives of quiet desperation. That's a great quote. Fuck yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I listen to that quote all the time. I read that quote all the time. I think of that quote all the time because I think it's one of those things that we just do and we don't address, especially if you work in the public sector or you work in business, rather. You're a guy who works in an office. You're wearing a suit and a tie, and you're acting as normal as
Starting point is 00:23:51 you can. There's a lot of that going on out there where people are pretending to be someone who they're not. It's a huge problem. One of the things that you're seeing these days, and I wanted to bring this up with you now that you're here. Jamie, pull up my Twitter profile. There was a tweet that I posted last night that I found this guy got in trouble for a fucking joke. And he wound up leaving this company that I think is involved in video games. He's been on Dave Rubin's show. And Dave Rubin was raving about him. Look at this. Look what this guy wrote. Let's click on the one on the left right there. This is what he wrote. Ah, peace and quiet.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Hashtag a day without a woman. Just a fucking joke. Just a real simple joke. Now, go to the next one, Jamie. Look what the fucking International Business Times wrote. Kind of funny. Colin Moriarty resigns after targeting women in racist joke. Insists it's his personal decision to resign racist race is there a race known as women are women a fucking race now
Starting point is 00:24:52 did you know that that dad joke about women is racist get some brain surgeons over there at Ivy Times got Wow that's crazy get some vacancies for real journalists to click on that on that quote again. Look at this. International Business Times. Fuck you. Why did he resign? Whoever this guy is.
Starting point is 00:25:11 What is this guy? By Mike Luke's? Mike Luke's? Luke's, whatever his name is. Fuck you, man. That is what you are doing right. That is virtue signaling at its very worst. You know that's not a racist joke.
Starting point is 00:25:23 What you did is you targeted that guy, you went after that guy, and you did it in a very deceptive way. That is, if anything, it's just a joke, and you might not like it. You might think, well, that's not really good if you're working in an environment with women. You don't want to hear them talk. That might be sexist. It's a fucking joke. And saying that it's racist, that is so fucking deceptive. And manipulative.
Starting point is 00:25:52 At least the guy fought back, though. Colin Moriarty, I don't know why he resigned, maybe they were going to fire him. But what's this guy's article say? Well, how does he tie in race with it? He has to have some connection. Let's go to the article. There's no fucking connection. It's completely crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:07 How could there be a connection? I don't know. Unless that's a race. Unless women are a fucking race. It's just crazy that someone would think that it's okay to do that. I like that this guy's punching back, though. I kind of like that he's not just taking it quietly and apologizing. Well, he quit whatever organization that is that he was working for, kind of funny, and
Starting point is 00:26:28 just decided, and so many people that he was working with shit on him for that joke. It's just a goddamn joke. Why is everybody so sensitive today? And is it that they're so sensitive, or is it that they're super ready to jump down other people's throats because they sense that this is a very hostile Environment and when you tell jokes people are what what are you doing? Is this it? Okay when you oh he updated it And by the way, I don't think it's that people took down the word racist Okay, I still fuck you described as a joke tweeted by commoners racist. It was not
Starting point is 00:27:02 The article has been changed to reflect this still fuck you yeah still fuck you is right still fuck you that's right fuck you man that this is we got a real problem today and that people are jumping down people's throats for jokes and they're they're doing it because they sense that they're soft targets that it's there's gonna be a pile on and they sense the pile on they go oh this guy made a joke about women let's get him a bunch of people are gonna be getting him this is a free shot. It's kicking someone while they're down, right? That's what it is. It's a drunk girl at the party. You're sticking it right in her ass. It's basically the same thing They're mean the same thing at all. No, but no, but it's
Starting point is 00:27:36 It's the same shitty mentality behind it. It's that people like People they don't feel offended They just feel it's a chance to be mean and you can be mean to someone who does something fucked up or says something racist or whatever. So, yeah, people are just cunts. That joke is every episode of Married with Children. It is. It's every episode.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Peace and quiet, yeah. A day without a woman. Shut up, dingbag. Peace and quiet. That's it, peace and quiet. All the family, come on. Every episode of Honeymooners. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That was the worst. To the moon, Alice. I know. He was threatening beating her. I know, was the work. To the moon, Alice. I know. He was threatening beating her. I know, with his fist. To the moon, Alice. Yeah, punching her into interstellar space.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And it was so great with that, though, is literally people would criticize that, but she was like the first feminist on TV because she won every exchange. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 She was always right. He was at the big dumb fatso and he was always fucking up. And he would always get mad. And he would always get mad, and she would all, like, the writing in that, the fucking, the emasculating lines she had. Some of the best lines, I don't want my salary to leak out. Your salary couldn't drip out.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Oh, what a fucking great line to write. Your salary couldn't drip out. It was a great show. How humiliating. And you know what? Another thing about that show that was so great about The Honeymooners, there wasn't a lot of previous sitcoms. No. I mean, there was a groundbreaking new thing at the time.
Starting point is 00:28:55 It was on, I think, Cavalcade, it was called. It was some, like, there's like, all the lost ones are like, some of them are 15 minutes, 20 minutes. They were part of a sketch show. The Honeymooners was a sketch in an overall show. It'd be like, it was like Dice minutes, 20 minutes. They were part of a sketch show. The Honeymooners was a sketch in an overall show. It was like Dice. When he started, he was just Dice as a character in Andy Clay's act.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah. That's what that was. Wow. And it just became this thing which didn't do well. And they came back years later. But so funny. But you could never do that shit today. Well, you can do it all in the family.
Starting point is 00:29:23 No. You can do it. There's a million movies that you couldn't do you know i mean you try watching like older movies what was it that we looked at recently that we were like there's no way you could do that today there was a an old movie that was a really fucking funny movie from like the 90s i don't remember which one it was to kill a mockingbird okay he's a guy's a bad guesser definitely you probably couldn't do that one either No it was like one of those Oh it was National Lampoon's Vacation Like good lord
Starting point is 00:29:49 I watched National Lampoon's Vacation And it's just like there's no fucking way you could do that movie today I don't remember it I've seen it Sexist and misogynistic Everything There's no humor Humor has to be
Starting point is 00:30:04 It has to pass like these rigid filters now. Yeah. It's not as simple as say something inappropriate but that's still funny that you don't necessarily mean. Like, one of my favorite comics, and I think one of the greatest of all time, is Roseanne Barr. I really put her. She was very funny. I put her as one of the most important comics of all time. I put her as one of the most important comics of all time. Because I think that what Roseanne did was she had that powerful fuck you comedy as a woman.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And it was really one of the first ever. Because women were more sedate in their, even if they were really good comics like Joan Rivers. It was a different sort of style of delivery. But Roseanne came out like a hardcore man club comic. Yeah. You know, and she was shitting on her husband for being a fucking loser, being fat, and it was just hard and slamming. And I didn't take offense as a man.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I didn't hear those jokes and go, yeah, I can't believe she's shitting on men. Right. Can't believe she's shitting on men. It was just funny. We need to stop this. This is sexist. You know, so this guy saying, you know, ah, peace and quiet. Like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:09 If you're not a yappy cunt, that joke shouldn't offend you. Right. Okay? If you're a person who's a great conversationalist and you also happen to have a vagina, that shouldn't bother you even in the slightest. And it probably doesn't. It's just like, oh, I know that should bother me, so I'm going to be shitty about it. I don't think people care that much.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I think they just like to attack other people. bother me so i'm gonna be shitty about it i don't think people care that much i think they just like to to attack other people exactly that's what i'm talking about and that's why i fuck you to that guy who wrote that article and especially fuck you because he called him a racist yeah he did that on purpose because he knew it was going to be clickbait it was going to get people to go to that article and it was going to get people more excited about it without even reading it because all they need is the article most people are so fucking busy they don't have time to read the whole thing. They're so quick to pull the trigger all they all they need is the title What's the title? Oh, that's good enough. Fuck him. Let's tweet at him. Yeah, let's shame him. Yeah, did you ever do John Ronson? He's great. Love John. I've talked to him before really interesting guy about shame
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah, and I always feel it so i kind of understand that it's a weird it's just it's like what everybody's afraid of people fight so they don't feel ashamed and have to back off exactly shame is the fucking amazingly powerful thing like you know the reason guys shoot or go on a shooting spree at work is because they've been shamed because they've been fired or because their wife is asleep with somebody else and there's shame it's the worst fucking thing well shame is a new thing that people are going after you know like fat shaming and slut shaming these are like completely new ideas yeah in in american culture this is there was no slut shaming when we were kids you never even fucking heard of it as a concept no well yeah you call a girl a slut
Starting point is 00:32:42 that was it they're saying like well girls should be able to be sluts too and they shouldn't be shamed or fat people. Like, hey, look, I don't care if you're fucking fat, but if you're sitting next to me and you're taking up more space than you should on a plane, I do have a problem with it
Starting point is 00:32:54 because you're making a decision that's fucking me up. I don't care if you eat, I literally, those people that live in a house that have to be crated out, good for them. I don't care if you sit
Starting point is 00:33:01 on the toilet forever, knock yourself out. It doesn't bother me. I'm not going to shame those people. But if you, you know, if you're sitting next to me, I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. It's, it's, it's, look, being fat is a shameful thing. It just is.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's, it brings people shame. I mean, that's why there's humor in it. That's why when a fat guy takes off his shirt and he doesn't give a fuck, it's hilarious. Yeah. Because like that guy doesn't give a fuck. That's right. He's shameless. You know? Right. You know, a guy with a big gut and he doesn't give a fuck, it's hilarious. Yeah. Because like that guy doesn't give a fuck. That's right. He's shameless. You know? Right.
Starting point is 00:33:26 He, you know, a guy with a big gut and he's rubbing it like Buddha. That's, that's where it's funny, right? Because this guy's shameless. He looks disgusting. Whereas you or I would look at that and go, oh, if that was me, I'd be so sad. He doesn't give a fuck. And we, we admire him because he doesn't give a fuck too. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:33:40 We like the fact that he's like, he's literally, either he doesn't give a fuck or he's so ashamed of it He's loaned to learn how to own it. So I think it's a comment it both some people probably so fucked up by it They're like fuck it. I'll wear it and other people just don't give a shit There are so many weak weak weak men out there that go after people for jokes like that guy Who made the guy Colin Moriarty is that his name that made that joke i'm having him on the podcast i reached out to him last night after this i was like this is so crazy so and i looked at all his tweets and all the people that were piling on i'm like what in the fuck are you guys talking about this is so mild it's so silly yeah who cares ah peace and quiet
Starting point is 00:34:20 jesus christ that's it yeah that's it that's all it takes all it takes? All it takes. For you to be disappointed with him? I mean, there's so many people, people that he worked with piled on. What was kind of funny? Was that an idea? I don't know. I don't even know what it was. Jesus. I never heard about it until last night. Somebody tweeted to me that thing, and he tweeted that at me, that, did you know that it was racist
Starting point is 00:34:39 to, you know, to make a joke about women? I was like, what is this? And then I looked into it, and I was like, oh my God, this is so crazy. What a dick that guy was to put that though. I wonder if he thought it was racist or he heard it was. How could he possibly? I don't know. It's so simple.
Starting point is 00:34:52 It's such a simple joke. I mean, there's no room for error there. A day without a woman, hashtag a day without a woman, and then, ah, peace and quiet. That's it? Yeah. You see racist there? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Monsters. It's fucking crazy. Anti-human monsters. They want you see racist there. It's crazy monsters. It's fucking crazy Anti-human monsters they want people to feel pain for almost no reason whatsoever Or they will go out of their way and use any tactic they can if they if they see that it's live in their eyes It's legit, and it's it's somehow or another warranted and It's that goddamn virtue signaling there's so many weak men out there that virtue signal They like to attack other men for anything that shows that they're better than that man
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, so you could they get a little pat on the back a little cyber hat. Yeah, aren't I good? People been doing it lately politically too. And it's like I don't care how people feel about their pilot fine But it's like the obsessive tweeting the same thing over and over It's like they just want to go like like, wow, this guy really wears this. Shut up. Yeah, exactly. Fucking cares. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Who the fuck. I literally, I don't have. And I just, I took it out because I tripped on the punchline. In my special, I had a Trump bit. And I was just like, ugh. And I fucked up one of the final words. There was no way to fix it because I'm just a dope. And I literally, I was about to grab the pussy and I said, drabber pussy.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Could you like voice over it? I tried to Because I said it earlier In the thing Right But I'm like Just take it out Fuck it
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah Who cares It wasn't a smart enough bit anyway It was like okay But I'm like I could do this better Right Where I'm not just saying
Starting point is 00:36:17 Something cheesy And you know Cheesy and fucking You know Donk Over the head Sometimes when I'm doing a bit Like about something
Starting point is 00:36:24 That's real current events like that like I am on Stage literally searching for the words as I'm saying them Yeah, like I'm hoping that a new word will come out or a new angle come out or a new a new perception Like I'll be able to see see an angle of it that I didn't see before and then you know Sometimes you've got to realize also that bits only have humor in them because they're current yeah they hit people immediately and they oh yeah that guy can't believe he did that when you have to start going remember what no we don't unless it's fucking genius like there are some remember ones you could pull pull out but it you know it all it all like
Starting point is 00:37:03 i feel like every bit or every idea and not not even necessarily just with jokes but any subject they could talk about like they they had these subjects have energy to them and when a subject doesn't have the energy to it it just doesn't and you could try to juice it up and jazz it up but i remember there was a guy to put it that's a really good way to put it because sometimes i've never been able to put the words on why does all of a sudden something like it's no longer topical That's a good way to put it. That's a really good way to put it. Because sometimes I've never been able to put the words on why does all of a sudden something, like it's no longer topical. That's a great way to phrase it. It doesn't have energy around it, like in the room.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah. Because it's kind of on everybody's mind. Right. Yeah. Like last night, yesterday we were doing a podcast and we got to the subject of Brexit and leaving Britain. And I could feel the energy in the podcast drain because I didn't really give a fuck about the subject anymore.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And it's kind of a tired subject. And it's just been beaten down so many times. It just seemed like there was no energy in it. It just seemed like, maybe if I lived in England, it would be different. Maybe if I was over there experiencing the pros and cons of Brexit. But to me, it was like ideas have – but we were talking about artificial intelligence, the potential of artificial intelligence taking over the human race. And that one charges me up. And that one gives me like, oh, this subject has energy to it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 This is a subject. This is, there's things that have, they have a something to them, like an overall mass to them. Well, the word I'm going to use should make people want to smack my face, but some words, some things have explorability. Yes. I know I'm a complete cunt for saying that. I acknowledge it.
Starting point is 00:38:27 No, it's a good word. But like Brexit, you kind of explore and it's done. But like artificial intelligence, you can always, it doesn't feel like you're walking into a room that's already been searched. Like a lot of times you walk into the room and it's like, I've looked in this room, I've opened every door.
Starting point is 00:38:39 There's really nothing new in here and it's boring and the audience feels it. Yeah, that's what it is. But artificial intelligence is always, you know. Yeah know yeah i like dogs do you like cats i don't understand people who like cats yeah there's only so many times someone can say that until you're like oh my god i can't do this anymore exactly i don't care about either one of them yeah i'm done people i've been riding the idea like a meaty pussy since fucking 1990 so it's time to step forward i've always been a meaty pussy fan oh really yeah i just i
Starting point is 00:39:05 like the bat lips back wings i just don't understand why people don't they wrap around your dick it's like it's like an extra gripper yeah i like that a lot too i'm so happy i was just kidding saying i didn't know you liked that bm no i am and you know i was talking to this woman who's explaining to me um how women watching porn gives him a fucked up self-image because a lot of those women have labia surgery. Oh, I hate those labioplasty doctors. I hate them. The worst.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's just so crazy that you would remove pussy skin. Like, because they don't want their pussy to look, like, ragged. They don't want it to be, like, hanging out. No, your pussy's never too big. Like, literally, you say, my pussy's too big. Why? Because sometimes when I'm putting my shoe on, my heel gets caught in it. Then it's maybe too big. Like literally you say my pussy's too big. Why? Because sometimes when I'm putting my shoe on, my heel gets caught in it.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Then it's maybe too big. If you trip over it while you're jumping rope, if it gets stung by the leather rope. Yeah. If it dangles like wasp legs, it's too big. Wasp legs. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:03 I hate that too. It drives me crazy. Like I love, that's why I talk about too. It drives me crazy. That's why I talk about it because it's fun to joke about. But women always will email me like, I love that you like that because I've been so self-conscious. I'm like, please. I just don't know why it would be a bad thing. I've never understood why it's a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I don't either. Because some guys don't like it though. Some guys like that neat little... Me and Anthony used to talk about that. Ant would always go, I like a tight little package. Ant's a fucking meat and potatoes guy. He wants him naked in a tight little package. Ant's a fucking meat and potatoes guy. He wants him naked in a tight little package. That's how he likes him? Anthony might like him a little young, too.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yeah, I mean, he might like it neat for other reasons. He hasn't had time to. Yeah, he might like him fresh out of the box. Yeah, he also enjoys green bananas. Yeah. He likes to pick the coconut off the tree. He really does. And hack it open with a machete.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, but it was so funny to talk to a guy who was so opposite me in like that. But I almost wish I was like that. I think that's a simpler thing. Not simpler. It's just an easier thing to find than to have these weird little quirks. So you get bummed out if a girl's pussy's like nice and tight and trimmed up and no because usually by that point there's something in her personality i like or there's something about her scent that i like
Starting point is 00:41:13 there's always you know you gotta pick it's like buying an apartment you pick your back like okay i want it to be in a good location i wanted to have a doorman but i wanted to have outdoors you're gonna get two of those three things right that's how it is when you get dating but what if you were dating a girl and she looked like she's got good bone structure, she's thick, almost like Eastern European, she's got big hands. You're like, wow, this girl's got to have a meaty pussy.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And you get down there and you see scars. It's happened. She's got it trimmed up. Oh, I don't know if you'd see them. You wouldn't? No, I think they do a good job, but if a woman ever told me she had it yeah you look at like a jeweler yeah like those monocles like bud from the improv bud friedman that fucking monocle what the fuck are those monocles for i don't know what was the
Starting point is 00:41:59 deal with that i don't know they were needed at one point in history i guess and people just think it looks smart do you think it's just for reading like when people needed to read things i don't know. They were needed at one point in history, I guess, and people just think it looks smart. Do you think it's just for reading? Like when people needed to read things? I don't know. Like why would you want to have something to hold it in your eye? Like one thing like that. I really don't know the thinking of it. It looks really uncomfortable and I don't know. I would love to know the history of the monocle now. I have no idea. Bud Friedman used to put that fucking thing in his eye and go on stage every time he did Evening at the Improv. Like he thought it was a good thing to have a monocle in his eye probably after a while
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's like a muscle like that little thing in your cheek if I just got it probably just holds it there like naturally It's like when you have got contacts or reading glasses I had to buy $25 reading glasses and like I just can't fucking I got to go back to glasses. It stinks 48 my eyes are going yeah, my eyes are fucked my eyes are you near or far? And like, I just can't fucking, I got to go back to glasses. It stinks. 48. My eyes are going. Yeah. My eyes are fucked. My eyes are fucked. Are you near or far?
Starting point is 00:42:48 Can you read? Only near. Like I see you crystal clear. Yeah. But when I read, I put these fuckers on. Are they prescription? No. I mean, they are.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I got to get prescription. But I mean, I didn't go to a doctor. I just went and I went to look at the charts and found out what it was. That's what I got to do. Cause I bought like literally a $25 pair downstairs at CVS. They didn't work? No, they're fine. But I don't think they're good enough Cuz I look up and it's like my face is in gauze. I'm like I gotta get one good fucking
Starting point is 00:43:16 They probably fuck with your eyes if they're not they're not the correct way That's why I don't want to make my eyes worse excited LASIK Back I guess I know ten years ago And but that's starting to not work anymore because you know you get old you got LASIK was it for nearsightedness or farsightedness? I can't see far away So I'm nearsighted. No, that's farsighted. I can't see far away, right? Isn't that how it works? Yeah, I'm nearsighted. I couldn't see far away, but now it's the reading like I just farther and farther away So yeah, I'm reading glass That's I have a friend who's an ophthalmologist and he said that's just one of the things that happens as you get older your eyes just don't they don't focus the same way as they used to i had a doctor tell me you're supposed to live my ent the guy who did
Starting point is 00:43:51 my sinus surgery he goes yeah the human body is designed to live 40 something years and everything else is just science and medicine so we break down and that's what happens that's why your eyes go that's why cancer's happy you know he was just saying that these are all part of just natural you know you're not when you're born you're not designed to live god damn it 80 years god damn it i know well you are but the last 20 are supposed to suck yeah yeah oh they're terrible yeah supposed to get to the point where when you're on your deathbed you're like finally yeah can't wait for this to happen over with yeah i don't want to die i've been thinking about that a lot lately like i really resist the idea of it i don't i don't want to do. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I really resist the idea of it. I don't want to do it. But do you enjoy life? Yeah, much more now.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Much more now? Much happier. Much happier. Because of when? You know, in the last couple of years, I mean, I'm doing the show with Sam now. Me and Sam Roberts have a show together, which has been a lot of fun. It feels like you're starting a new thing. So whenever you get to reset, like, okay, I'm doing a new thing now.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It feels... It sounds like you guys are having a good time yeah yeah yeah yeah we really are um and just with doing doing other stuff with work i just feel kind of more grateful than i have in a while like what the fucking shut up being upset fucking idiot yeah like things are really good and when i fall into feeling bad i know it's just because i'm addicted to feeling bad and it's bullshit well we have such a fucking great job when you talk to a person who has a regular job and they you know complain about their job and then you think about
Starting point is 00:45:11 like the complaints that you have with being a comic it's like god damn it's so so minimal I had a complaint about I had like a legit complaint about whatever the Australian they fucked me. They just,
Starting point is 00:45:27 the connection didn't wait, even though it was a Qantas plane that was late, and I arrived, and my manager was on the plane waiting for me, and they just wouldn't let me on. Yeah, we already put the paperwork in. They were just being cocks, and they flew me somewhere else. It was just a dick move. So I'm complaining about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:44 But people, they don't give a fuck. They're like, even though it's a legit complaint, they're like, fuck you, you're flying all over the world and business class, shut up. And they're kind of right. Like, it's a luxury problem. It's a problem of, okay, that's not right the way they did it, but that's not a bad problem to have in life.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's so minor in comparison to most things that people go through. You know, when you really stop and think about how many people work jobs that they fucking hate, it's probably 80% of the people. It's probably close to 80. You said the office before and the things with the women and Googling. You can't, if you're
Starting point is 00:46:18 an accountant, you can't walk in as an accountant and go, oh my God, I had a massage last night and she stuck her feet in my face and they were clean but stinky. You know mean there's gonna be 12 people that go what one guy will get rid of you they'll fire you human resources will pull you in the office jim i'm gonna read from a transcript you tell me if this is not something that you said yeah someone stuck their feet in my mouth last night and they were clean but stinky No, it was awesome. And I jerked off under my shirt. It's not what I said
Starting point is 00:46:49 I said she put them on my face and they were clean but stinky not in the mouth I didn't suck them. I wanted them clean, but you know in our jobs we get to discuss anything and it's so much fun to just Vomit it. Yeah, and people like it because they relate to it, but it could be a lot worse. Way worse. So I think of that a lot. I do a fun, I love, I like doing the podcast with Matt. I love Matt Serra. He's a fun guy. You know, he's just the most genuine guy I've probably known in years.
Starting point is 00:47:16 How often do you guys do UFC Uncensored, right? How unfiltered? Unfiltered. How many? Tuesday, Thursday. Monday, Wednesday we tape. And it's just fun to sit with a guy. Monday, Wednesday you tape. What do you mean? We tape the day before it comes out. Oh, Wednesday we tape. And it's just fun to sit with a guy. Monday, Wednesday you tape.
Starting point is 00:47:25 What do you mean? We tape the day before it comes out. Oh. For whatever reason. That's just the way they schedule it. Why don't you just do it live? I don't know. I would be happy to do it live, but that was just...
Starting point is 00:47:36 Is that the UFC's idea? You know, I don't know. If it was them. I'm guessing they are the bosses, so it's probably them more than digital. But I don't know. Who do you talk to when you do that? If I have a problem or a question, I'll ask Craig. I try not to bother Dana with stuff, but if there's a legit question, I'll ask Dana something.
Starting point is 00:47:53 But who do you coordinate with when you find out your schedule of who's going to be on the show? We have a booker, and I'll talk to our producer, who really is a great dude, and he's very organized and a great prep guy. our producer who really is a great dude and he's very organized and a great prep guy um but if there's something that i think like hey i would like to have this better or i would rather we should have this guest on there in new york then i'll maybe ask the ufc booker or i'll ask uh i'll go i'll ask craig or somebody like that if they can help and when someone comes up when you have an idea uh of a guest you can bring it up to them and they can book it sure yeah we just needed a booker and we have someone now who's really helping out. But do you have to run it through the UFC?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Say if you wanted to have somebody on, do you have to run it through anybody? The producer, Christopher Matz always teases him, Christopher Dosa! But he's a guy who's a little nervous. He doesn't want to get fired. And I'm like, Chris, they're fine if we have a comedian on or a guest. He likes to check it out. I don't think we need to.
Starting point is 00:48:45 But it does help. I wanted Francis Ngannou. I likes to check it out. I don't think we need to. But it does help. I wanted Francis Ngannou. I fucking love Ngannou. He's one of my favorite people. And they pitched him for our radio show in the morning. But I was like, we'll talk to him, even though it's going to be hard because I don't know how well he speaks English. But we actually did the UFC podcast a different day just so we could have him in. So he was great.
Starting point is 00:49:03 That's the fun part is you can get people you want to talk to. Yeah, how bad is his English? Not bad at all. I mean, I've only talked to him in post-fight interviews. He did not bring an interpreter with him. Oh. We did Fedor twice years ago, and that was rough going through a woman.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Patrice was in. It was really a fun interview, but... Yeah, I don't think that's... He spoke no English. Yeah, that's not worth it. No. Going through an interpreter, because you also don't know
Starting point is 00:49:24 whether or not they're interpreting accurately. Yeah. I've had people say that, um, like I'll interview someone after a fight and then, uh, someone who actually speaks the language will say that interpreter fucked up everything. Like they, they got it all wrong. Oh, that happens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I guess so. So we didn't want to do that, but he didn't even bring, he just brought someone with him. He was nice. He was like, that was kind of fun. That guy's fucking scary. He's scary, man guess so. So we didn't want to do that, but he just brought someone with him. He was nice. That was kind of fun. That guy's fucking scary. He's scary, man. Fucking. I think he doesn't want to fight.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I'm surprised he's number six over Derek Lewis, but. It's in the neighborhood. I mean, him and Derek Lewis are definitely in the neighborhood. I would give Derek the nod because Derek has beat more top ten competition. He beat Roy Nelson. Derek just beat Travis Brown by KO. That's a big, big victory for him. Yeah, I would rank Derek.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Boy, he's fun to listen to. Derek's hilarious. Yeah, he's a fun dude, man. His fucking Instagram is hilarious. Some of the shit that he puts on Instagram, you're like, oh my God. This guy's pushing the fucking envelope. There's something about, I don't know if it's because he did time in jail, but there's just something about it that just those guys are like, ugh, I've seen such
Starting point is 00:50:25 worse, a worse part of life. This is just, I can only guess what the, it seems like there's a different mentality when you go to jail and come out. What did Derek do time for? I don't remember. It was a three and a half year. We talked to him about it, but I don't know if we got into why he was in jail. It might have been a parole violation for drugs. He was just going
Starting point is 00:50:41 down like a road, I think. Three and a half years. I believe he did three and a half years, yeah. It's a long time. He's an interesting guy. He's getting a lot violation for drugs. He was just going down like a road, I think. Three and a half years. I believe he did three and a half years, yeah. It's a long time. He's an interesting guy. He's getting a lot better, man. In the beginning of his career, he was kind of a brawler. And then somewhere around the time when he fought Roy Nelson, I noticed he's putting these
Starting point is 00:50:58 combinations together and he's got crazy endurance. And then I saw an interview with him where he was talking about the strength and conditioning workouts he's doing now, and he realized, like, look, I gotta have a gas tank. Like, he could put it on these dudes and hit them and hurt them, and then I saw an interview with him where he's talking about the strength and conditioning workouts He's doing now what he realized like look I gotta have a gas tank like he could put it on these dudes and hit him and hurt him then he'd run out of Gas and he realized yes, I have a gas tank and now that he has that gas tank You're seeing these incredible performances because most guys can keep you going through around if they know that you might run out of energy They can at least they can keep you away for enough time to fucking capitalize on that
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah, Travis Brown. I was surprised that he lost that fight because he was doing really well. Yeah. Travis had him hurt. Have you ever seen anybody do, I've never seen anybody hold their stomach and like Derek Lewis got kicked in the stomach. It's very funny because you said he had to shit, but he got kicked and he actually turned and ran to, I've never seen anybody actually display like, fuck, I don't want to get hit there again.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Yeah. I've seen it. Yeah. I've seen it. Matt Brown's done it a couple of times. He, uh to there was it was also uh um drago pete sell fought nate quarry is that who it was i think it was no scott smith scott yeah scott hands of steel smith and um drago hurt him to the body and he moved in for the kill
Starting point is 00:52:08 and Scott knocked him out with one punch he came rushing in cause Scott like grabbed his body and then as Drago was moving in Scott knocked him out with one punch and then like literally fell to the ground himself in agony holding his side it's like one of those Rich Franklin Liddell things like literally
Starting point is 00:52:24 if the round just ended I think he broke his arm and he would have won the fight. You got to look back on that and go, why didn't I just avoid that fucking, I was doing so good. Well, Chuck just had that crazy style. His style was always kamikaze. It was kill or be killed. Just such a banana style.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So fun to watch, but man, you would never teach a fighter that. You would never teach a guy to fight like that. You would teach a guy to fight Mighty Mouse style. You would never say, hey, fight like Chuck Liddell. I'd rather watch Chuck fight, even though you watch Mighty Mouse and the guy is just perfect. But I just like watching somebody throw giant fists and fucking
Starting point is 00:52:57 knock people out, because that's what I want to be. If I could be a guy, in life, it's probably better off to be Mighty Mouse. He's probably a more responsible fellow. Probably a more polite fellow. But who do I want to be? I would rather be Liddell. Just a guy that walks in and he's looking to fuck somebody or knock somebody out.
Starting point is 00:53:13 That's just a fun guy. Tattoos on his head. Mohawk. Fucking animal. Crazed look in his eye. Yeah. You look at him and you know what he does for a living. Mighty Mouse might be an accountant.
Starting point is 00:53:22 You don't know what he does for a living. But Chuck, you're like, he absolutely has to do this for a living. Yeah, it's in the neighborhood. He's a scary dude. He is. But there's a lot of those things. He came to the improv. I didn't even know him that well years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And Dana brought him into the improv, and he's heckling me. I was on stage being like, how do you fucking handle this? What did you say? I played with him a little bit, because we knew each other casually. But I was like, what are you doing? L played with him a little bit, because we knew each other casually, but I was like, what are you doing? Liddell is heckling you. There's no... Because you never know how somebody is really going to take, you know, when they're drinking
Starting point is 00:53:51 a little. Some people have a bad reaction. Yeah. You don't want a bad reaction. No. But he was... Afterwards, we were chatting, and he's such an alpha guy. Like, he doesn't even mean to do it.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I was talking to him in the hallway and he comes, his arms are wide he's like and he fucking leans in. But he's being lovely but people walking by are like what the fuck is happening between because it looks like he's putting you down and telling you to put you in your fucking place but he's not. He's just having a
Starting point is 00:54:19 fun chat leaning in with his giant arm. It's a really fun thing to watch. I could see people looking. They just thought something unpleasant was happening and I thing to watch. I could see people looking. They're scared. They just thought something unpleasant was happening. And I'm like, no. I'm just smiling bigger so they know I'm okay. I'm like, ah.
Starting point is 00:54:31 It's like when you see a big dog in the room. People just go, oh, Jesus. They do, yeah. Is that a friendly dog? Yeah. Whose dog is that? I want to take it, man. I listen to so many guys that do jujitsu, and I want to do it so badly.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Why don't you do it? Because my cardio is so bad. Matt took me down to Henzo's, and I loved it. I walked in. I just liked the atmosphere. But I'm too tired. I know it sounds like such a pussy thing, but I have apnea, and I don't sleep, and I'm fucking exhausted all the time. Yeah, but you just start doing it, and you'll get better.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, maybe I will. You're on a certain level in the beginning, and everybody's level is different. If you came in, you were like a world-class gymnast, and you were really good at wrestling in high school, you'd be at a higher level when you started. But everybody starts somewhere, and you just keep getting better. I mean, Bourdain started at 58. I actually, you know, it's funny. I asked him because I know he started late, and I'm like, do you like it? He's like, I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:55:22 He's addicted to it, so it makes me kind of want to. He's a weird guy, man. I never would have thought that when I first met heroin addiction well well the heroin addiction I think is indicative of the same thing that's leading him to jujitsu addiction I think he's just a crazy impulsive guy and not in a bad way I don't know it's not any way because that crazy impulsive thing. It's also doubles up as passion You know like the way the guy loves food the way the guy loves culture the way the guy loves music the way the guy Loves anything. Yeah, man when he and I we did this episode of his show a Few months ago and we went pheasant hunting and we talked to jitsu like he fucking loves it so much We were we were down in the dirt like on the ground
Starting point is 00:56:05 in montana and we're going over positions like i was explaining certain parts of this like a lot of times when guys are going for the darts you get stalled up here but here's another option we were going over stuff and like he was fucking soaking it in man that you know there's guys that like kind of like jujitsu and then and then there's guys that i start talking to my like oh this guy's balls deep he's all in well that's another reason and I'm like, oh, this guy's balls deep. He's all in. Well, that's another reason I want to take it. Because A, it's for self-defense reasons,
Starting point is 00:56:30 and because I talk about it, I want to experience it. And there's also so many great people I know that I could ask questions to. Oh, yeah. It's almost like when you know all these people who are great at it. Well, Matt Serra, you know, people don't give that guy the respect he deserves.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I don't think people remember. But at one point in time, Matt was one of you know, people don't give that guy the respect he deserves. I don't think people remember. But at one point in time, Matt was one of the best Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitors in the world. He beat Jean-Jacques Machado by decision. I mean, it was by decision, but he beat Jean-Jacques when Jean-Jacques was in his prime. When Jean-Jacques had won Abu Dhabi and Jean-Jacques was submitting. Everybody submitted. Sakurai submitted, like, some of the best guys in the world.
Starting point is 00:57:07 You know, Matt Serra was a fucking beast, man. Yeah. He was one of Henzo's first black belts in America. Was he? Yeah. I mean, he was super respected as a jiu-jitsu competitor before he ever got into the UFC. And, you know, the problem, Matt, in some ways, is kind of cursed with the fact that he has heavy hands. He hits really hard.
Starting point is 00:57:29 So Matt wound up, you know, knocking a lot of guys out, like knocked out GSP, knocked out Frank Trigg. But Matt's jujitsu was better than like 99% of the people that have ever competed in MMA. He loves it so much. It's fun when you talk to him and he talks about he has to roll in them. He loves it so much it makes you want to do it. Well, for him, it's fun. He's strangling people every day. Yeah, that would be fun.
Starting point is 00:57:46 He's not the nail. He's the fucking hammer. I would probably be in a much different position. I would probably have a much different feeling about it. You definitely would at first. But it's just one of those things where the moment you get your first tap out, you'll be so addicted. It's so fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 But do you immediately start like, and I'm such a fucking complaining, but I have, I have tendonitis, and, like, I couldn't work out for a year. I could only do legs and cardio. So I had this terrible. What was wrong with your. I had tendonitis, and it was, like, literally, I think from doing pull-ups or doing the kettlebells wrong. And I just, I literally, my arm was in such pain, I couldn't do anything with my arms for a year. That was when I lost all that weight. I was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I was like, I'm never going to get fat again. And I went on this Whole30 diet and I stuck to it for like eight months. What's a Whole30 diet? It was pretty good. It was like, you don't feel like you're eating unhealthy. A lot of egg whites and common sense with carbs. You can eat a baked potato and some fruit. They didn't say
Starting point is 00:58:37 don't eat this. It was just very strict. Certain nuts, no beans on this shit. And I dropped a ton of weight and I was doing all cardio and I'm just afraid of reinjuring my arm and not being able to work out like yeah you can't think like that if your arms not hurt your arms on hurt one of the things that happens when you get injured you think you start thinking of your body is like a race car like you blow a tire like up well gotta get that tire right you know like I've had a I've had quite a few
Starting point is 00:59:00 surgeries and a bunch of injuries that I didn't have to get surgery on I just had to let him heal up but you just do it's so fun that you just sort of you have a different way of looking at your body you start thinking of your body as like a utensil or a tool instead of just as your body I mean you think of it as your body as well but like if I break something I hurt something I gotta fix this thing yeah I don't think of it's like oh oh, my God, I can't do this again, because if I get more tendinitis on this elbow, then my elbow will always be in pain.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I don't think like that. I think, how do I fix this thing? Where do I got to go? Who's the doctor? Luckily, I work for the UFC, so I'll talk to Dr. Davidson, and I'll say, hey, man, what can we do about this? What do you recommend? And he'll say, well, again he's on the cutting edge and excuse me he's actually um part of this team that has
Starting point is 00:59:50 started injecting stem cells into discs which is this radical new procedure where they've been using stem cells to regenerate tissue for a long time and stem cells work amazing by the way on tendonitis really fuck yeah it heals it up like it's incredible I did cortisone which I know is not recommended. I only did it once and someone told me just do it once and you're okay But don't keep doing it. I did it once it actually really helped and I didn't do anything and it actually fixed me a little bit Well, that's good Well, it certainly will help take away some of the pain
Starting point is 01:00:17 But it's dangerous because it masks that pain and a lot of times guys like they they injure themselves Badly because they don't feel that pain like boss rootin boss rootin chewed his fucking knees to pieces because he got cortisone shots in them when they were already damaged right just push through it like an animal you know but my point is like what they're able to do now is they can shoot these stem cells they take fetal stem cells they get from a woman's placenta after she gives birth. They take, like a woman who gives birth by cesarean section, they take out the placenta, they extract stem cells from this placenta, and then inject them directly into injuries.
Starting point is 01:00:53 You fucking heal. It regenerates tissue, regenerates meniscus, regenerates all these different types of tissue. It can basically form anything that's injured. Soft tissue, muscle, tendons, anything that's injured, it can regenerate, any tendons, anything that's injured, it can regenerate. But they're now doing it on discs, which is crazy because when you have disc degeneration, what happens is your body through poor posture, exercise, abuse, trauma, whatever, your discs get compressed. They wind up pushing on your nerves and they usually do
Starting point is 01:01:21 what's called a disectomy. They come in, they cut a piece of the disc away. Usually it gets worse, and some people either have to get that disc removed, and then they either get it replaced with an artificial one, like Eddie Bravo got it replaced with an artificial one, or they will actually fuse the bone together, which is very problematic. It puts stress on the upper and the lower portion of the disc. Now what they're going to do is start injecting stem cells Directly into the disc and the disc will regenerate and pump up so you'll be able to
Starting point is 01:01:54 In theory at least get your discs back to where they were when you were 18 So you so a little injection of stem cells into this yeah, fuck yeah, but it's not hurting you now, right? No, I stood but I noticed it when I do certain things like I it's almost like I feel it like going hey hey hey like it's it's just the beginning of it and i know where it goes i would say lift weights i do but i mean not a lot yeah but i mean you don't have to do a lot but just lift weights and you know progressively build it up and and listen to it you know if you feel pain put some ice on it but the late weight lifting like it seems it seems counterintuitive but one of the things that a lot of people have found is that even Olympic lifting like heavy power lifting cleans and squats and deadlifts and things along those lines actually helps joint pain because it strengthens up all that tissue and
Starting point is 01:02:38 strengthens up all the stabilizing muscles strengthens up all the ligaments and tendons yeah I do lift but it's not a lot But I can't do much I get too tuckered out You get tuckered out? My trainer wants to fucking spit on me I'm always like I'm tired I'll walk in and let her know what kind of shape I'm in Like I'm really honest about it Like if I feel okay but if I'm having my days Where I'm feeling like stoned
Starting point is 01:02:57 You just gotta deal with it Yeah I do You and I should do a show where I take you to the fucking gym every day And we just get crazy I would like to. I'd pump you up with caffeine. I would try that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:08 You want one of these caveman coffees? These fuckers have 270 milligrams of caffeine. I'll give you two of these bitches. And then some Alpha Brain and some Shroom Tech Sport. And just go in there like a goddamn wild man. Dress me in some hot pink satin shorts and let me lose it. Scrunchy socks like from what was that movie?
Starting point is 01:03:28 She's a maniac, baby. Oh, that's not Flashdance. I was gonna say Fastdance. Yeah, Flashdance. I always hate that part of the song that goes remember that part? Then it goes and I fucking hated that song. That part bothers you? Yeah, I hated it. I don't know why. There's certain
Starting point is 01:03:44 things, Like certain songs Where they Where they Where they clap in it Like I'm a big Betty Davis eyes guy I like that song She's got Betty Davis
Starting point is 01:03:56 But I hate when they go Da da da da da da You hate that? That was so 80s The fucking The hand claps in songs Drove me crazy I hated that yeah
Starting point is 01:04:04 It is funny how songs like you can tell they're from a time. You know, like there's a sound to them. They go, oh yeah, that's from that time. Especially like the 60s. Yeah, I was thinking the 60s. Like the weird, whatever the weird sound whether it's what Phil Spector started
Starting point is 01:04:19 or these other things that like I've been listening to Del Shannon's Runaway a lot and there's Runaway a lot. And there's just this sound in there. You're just like, everyone who that song meant something to as a teenager is old or dead. Those songs give me weird feelings, man. I listen to the 60s or the 50s. And I feel like creepily voyeuristic and frightened.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Like I really get weird listening to those old songs because the connection they had they are in the history it's gone it's dead yeah it really freaks me out well it's also one of the first times I mean if you really go back to it but I get creeped out when I listen to early 1900s music too oh yeah because like that's the original music that was recorded essentially I mean you I think the first we talked about this once before when was the first record I feel like it was the late No, it's like the 1700s the first time they came up with one of those big You know those big tubes with like the needle on it and that that was where the sound came from was that giant? Looking thing yes, not people in fucking in Brooklyn are buying them. I think it makes them look really cool Listening the old vinyl on it.
Starting point is 01:05:27 It sounds like shit. Enough with vinyl. What is it? It's 1870s. 1870s. It's the cylinder thing, then the records first. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Cylinder first, then records. Yeah, the cylinder. That's right, yeah. Yeah, it's just crazy that when you think about human history, that people recorded music, they just had a, they could only write things down
Starting point is 01:05:44 until, you know, a little bit more than 150 years ago or 150 years ago, human history that people recorded music they just had a they could only write things down right until you know a little bit more than 150 years ago or 150 years ago whatever it was it is weird when you look like like when you're listening to your iphone you want to hear something like oh time pad and you just download like a walk into a club and and the idea that people couldn't record it at one time like you literally had to just say remember that song no uh and then and tell somebody how to play it and they had to hear it and then they had to play it the way you play it. That's how it got passed down. The worst is
Starting point is 01:06:10 when you tell someone like, hey, you know that song? And then you go, it's like this. Dykes and fairies tell me where is sanity. I don't know what the fuck you're telling me. And then you play the song and they go, oh, that song?
Starting point is 01:06:27 Oh my God, you didn't sound anything like that song. I was trying my best. Yeah, that was a completely unfamiliar sound you were making. I'd love to change the world. I don't know that one. But I don't know what to do. I bet you would if you heard it. I probably would.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I like really weird sappy music sometimes. I get really, like I'm a weird emotional wreck with stuff. Are you? Yeah, yeah. I cry at weird shit. Like sad movies. I cried at Logan. I like to cry at Logan. You cried at Logan? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like to cry at movies. It makes me feel like connected to things. Like, you know, like
Starting point is 01:06:59 Jungle Fever. Frank Vincent. I just wanted to hug him. I get it. It makes me feel like I'm not disconnected from human interactions or. Do you feel sometimes like you are? Just, yeah, a little bit, but not, not to a point where I think I'm unique, but just sometimes a little bit, like it's always one tick off. Like I would argue with a woman in a relationship and I could say barbaric things because I felt like I was arguing through a window. Like it was not real life
Starting point is 01:07:25 It was a movie like it was a movie performance, but then I watched you know a Sanka commercial Oh, he hugged the puppy and I'm crying It was like one click off from where you should be Wow and I can remember Bill Burr I've been thinking of a lot because Bill Bill told me that he doesn't Call names like he won't call his wife a bitch He just doesn't do it because he saw that growing up and he like as angry as bill can be he doesn't name call i've been thinking about that a lot i'm like i've done that with every person i dated and it's so fucked up name calls yeah it just it happens they'll say shut up you're gonna be like
Starting point is 01:07:57 you fucking but i'm like i don't want to do that anymore it just kind of made me feel like it's shitty yeah it's shitty it is shitty and it's too easy to do. Especially, there's a real issue when you do it because you know the person's going to take it. You know what I mean? Like, it's one thing if you're like, look, you're a cunt, and this is done. I can't do this anymore. You lit my house on fire. You fucked my brother.
Starting point is 01:08:17 It's over. Absolutely. After I jerk off to the memories, I'm out of here. But there's one thing if you say something to someone knowing that you're going to make up like knowing that you can get away with it you know i think a lot of people do that in relationships they get real mean and nasty to each other because they know the person's trapped especially if you're married and you have kids right right that can get real squirrely i've seen i've seen i've seen that happen with people and you're like oh man you got to not do that to each
Starting point is 01:08:42 other it makes me not want to get married i talked to so many guys who don't get their dick sucked anymore and they or they don't get this or that i'm like i'm not that it's got to be a fuck fest if you're married i get it you're a kid things die off but i that that's my fear is i marry somebody it's a real fear yeah all these things all of a sudden i know i'm gonna cheat i'm not gonna be good well it's uh the the idea of marriage and this is coming from a happily Well, it's the idea of marriage. And this is coming from a happily married guy. It's fucking stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And this is why. Because it's a contract. People change on a day-to-day basis. They change throughout the day. They change based on the song they hear. They change based on the conversation they have with their girlfriend. They change based on a book they read. People fucking change. And you're in this constant stage of growing and developing.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And when you commit to someone, like you say, this is my girlfriend. This is my husband. This is my wife. This is my companion. When you do that, there's one thing to do it and to really be all in and really enjoy that person's company and want to be with them a lot. It's another thing to involve the government. Yeah. To get legal paperwork signed and all that kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I was willing to do it simply because, well, first of all, because my wife's awesome and I love her and she's a great person, but also because I have children. And I was like, well, that having children is a way bigger commitment than anything else. It's legal. Because now there's a human life that depends on you. And all my phobias about government interaction and laws and legal paperwork and this is coming from a guy who has several close friends whose lives have been fucking ruined by divorce ruined yeah where they've had to pay exorbitant amounts of money it wrecks their life it caused them stress they've aged 10 years in a year i've seen like that. I've seen a bunch of guys like that who've been devastated by divorce.
Starting point is 01:10:27 And then devastated by the fucking wife hiring the most evil, vicious lawyers to attack them and go after them and try to squeeze as much money out as possible and drag it into the dirt. Especially when a man and woman are married and the man makes all the money. The man has to pay for the woman's lawyer and that's where things get fucking spectacular ridiculous yeah because then there's no cost to her to do anything she can file a motion after motion knowing this dummy is paying for it not only that she's draining the money she's draining his money and i had a very good friend of mine deal with this he went through it was more than a year and a half of of deliberate where he lost
Starting point is 01:11:04 hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. And the whole time his wife was doing it on purpose. They would come to an agreement and then she would change the agreement. She would be like, I don't give a fuck. I want more. And he would be like, but we had an agreement. She's like, fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Pay me. And then she would hang up the phone and then the lawyer would contact. These are the new stipulations. And he would get ready to agree to those. And then she would drag that out for a couple months and then ramp it up again. and she was being completely unreasonable and in a way she's doing it on the relationship, too That's a weird relationship. Even when it's a hateful relationship. It's still some kind of a connection. Yeah, it's crazy What it is great divorce. I have to I have to pass my pants I go piss you know make it through a whole podcast. Don't worry about it, buddy. Don't worry about it
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm glad you did well. I was getting too ramped up about divorce talk. He's crazy to think he's going to get married. When you talk to someone who's a, and I say this with all due respect, a hardcore pervert like Jim Norton, the idea that he's going to settle down. But you know what it is, man? When you don't have it, it seems so attractive to you. You know? Like, if you're a guy who's got a regular 9-to-5 job, you get up in the morning, you get your newspaper, you let the dog out, you say hi to your kids, you eat your breakfast, you drink your coffee, you go to work the same way every day,
Starting point is 01:12:15 and then you hear about Ari Shaffir disappearing and throwing his phone into the garbage and just traveling to the middle of the... God knows where the fuck he is. We think he's in Vietnam. That's what we've heard but he could have left vietnam tuesday and gone to fucking malaysia now who knows where he is he might be in bali he might he might be doing some fucking psychedelic ritual with some monks
Starting point is 01:12:36 on the top of a temple right now who knows gone for like three months now right yeah that's insane it's great it's awesome but i don't want to do it I mean But to someone who looks at life like if I was miserable and I looked at his life like god damn That's what I want to do. That's what I want to do So I think when people just aren't completely comfortable with their life Jim's problem one of Jim's problems is he's very smart And when he's thinking he's constantly thinking so he's constantly obsessing about things So you see him like going over all these variables. And that's one of the reasons why he'll cry at movies. It's also one of the
Starting point is 01:13:10 reasons why he'll go over various aspects of himself. We're talking about how smart you are. And that it's a problem. Do you have to pee? I'll be lucky. I'll have to go again. My bladder's weird. Like, I wind up... Well, it's already 3 o'clock, so you made it an hour and a half in.
Starting point is 01:13:27 We're an hour and a half in? Yeah. Oh, my God, dude. Oh, my God. I pee so much that when you hold it for a little while, then your body doesn't release at all. My bladder's a fucking nightmare. But my apnea's so bad, I wake up and have to piss a lot.
Starting point is 01:13:41 But I think that someone told me that's your body waking you up so you don't suffocate. Like, when you're not breathing, your body's going, breathe, breathe, and you know, and then your body will send the signal, piss, and that gets you up and have to piss a lot. But I think that's, someone told me that's your body waking you up so you don't suffocate. Like when you're not breathing, your body's going breathe, breathe, and you know, and then your body will send the signal piss and that gets you up and you go to the bathroom. Yeah. I've heard that.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I don't know how true it is, but I couldn't be pissing that much. Well, if you drink a lot of water, you would be. I piss sometimes in the middle of the night. I try not to drink at night, but I get thirsty. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:14:00 And when I get thirsty, I'm like, I don't, I'd rather have a drink of water now and get up in the middle of the night to pee. I love a good beverage. Yeah, why not? I know, me too. And when I get thirsty, I'm like, I'd rather have a drink of water now and get up in the middle of the night to pee. I love a good beverage. Yeah, why not? I know, treat myself.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Or something like 70% water or some shit. I know, but it's making my life almost to the point of being unmanageable. I saw Logan with a girl, and I'm not kidding when I tell you I went to the bathroom 12 times. It's embarrassing. During the movie? During the movie. 12?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, I have a couple of coffees. I've had sonograms on my fucking bladder. 12? Yeah, maybe. How long was the movie? Two hours, two and a half hours. That's insane. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So you left every 10 minutes? At one point, towards the end, I did, yeah. It's a two-hour movie. That means you left every 10 minutes. Yeah, I mean, without exaggeration, yeah. When I'm on a roll, it's a two-hour movie, that means you left every ten minutes. Yeah, I mean, without exaggeration, yeah. When I'm on a roll, it's nonstop. The girl must be like, what the fuck is this guy doing? She knows me.
Starting point is 01:14:51 I told her, like, I pee a lot. I always got to sit in the aisle. I flew to L.A. The first time I went to L.A. was when Patrice and I were on a TWA flight. And I was in the window, and he was in the aisle, you know, for maximum comfort. And fucking, I pissed so many times. And this is 94, 95. And Patrice said to me, you got to get checked for diabetes.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I think you're diabetic. And he was diabetic. So he fucking freaked me out. So I went and got checked. I've been checked multiple times since then. I'm not diabetic. I've had my bladder like sonogrammed, like the size of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And different checks. And they said, no, it's a normal size. You just peel it. You got a lot of thinking going on, Jim Norton. I do. Too much, right? It's too much. That's one of the things we were talking about.
Starting point is 01:15:32 You think a lot. I mean, it's because you're smart. Because you're taking in variables. There's a lot of variables involved. I always used to tell that to people that were my students back when I was teaching taekwondo. And they would go to fight in tournaments. And they'd be really nervous. I always used to tell that to people that were my students back when I was teaching Taekwondo, and they would go to fight in tournaments, and they'd be really nervous. And I would explain that the smarter you are, the more nervous you're going to be.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And that's just part of reality because you're aware of the variables. The stupid people are not going to be aware of all the possibilities. In their eyes, in their mind, everything's going to go great. Right. And that might be good if it goes great but it might be terrible if it goes wrong because then the reality gets shattered because they can't handle the fact that what happened i didn't see this coming exactly i'm always prepared for the fucking florida fallout yeah exactly you're you're but you might be prepared too much you might be thinking too much about all the different variables like it seems like you're like like the whole worry
Starting point is 01:16:22 about your arm when your arm's fine right now. Yeah, it is. Right now it's good. But then, like, last week I was there, or two weeks ago, I was doing these curls, and I started to feel— Why are you doing curls? Who's got you doing curls? My trainer, I think I asked her I wanted to do them. Are they not good?
Starting point is 01:16:36 No. I don't believe in isolation exercises. There's very little times in life where you're standing there doing this, just lifting things up with one arm. Well, there's a lot of time in life I'm doing that. A lot of times that leads to like imbalances. I feel like, and as I got older, I really believe this more and more. And the more really good trainers that I talked to, the more they sort of harp on this exact same thing is that you should treat the body like a unit, like it's one large unit. And so if you're going to do something something it should involve for the most part with a few exceptions it's not terrible to do
Starting point is 01:17:09 some isolation exercises but I think for the most part it should involve most of your body or large muscle groups like a squat or a deadlift is one of the best because the deadlift involves your arms your back your shoulders your legs your calves I mean there's so much involved in a deadlift. It's one of the reasons why it's such a great exercise for overall physical strength. And I think for arms, like chin-ups and rows and things along those lines, when you're doing that, like you're involving so much of your body, like one-armed rows. It's your back. It's your core.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's your arms. It's your shoulders. There's a lot going on there, whereas a curl is kind of just your bicep and your forearm. It's really mostly what's going on there. Yeah, I do a lot of those, too, those things where you're pulling the thing or you're throwing a punch this way or whatever. It really is like a robot sizing. It's not a very particular exercise I'm proud of, but I do do it. When they have you lifting weights, are you lifting weights for high repetitions or low repetitions?
Starting point is 01:18:04 It depends on how tired I am, really. Like, there's been, you know, it really depends on what I feel. If I tell her, like, sometimes I say I just want to do, like, minor things today because I'm so exhausted. It's like, and I know it sounds like I'm being a bitch, but I know how I feel. And I'm like, I feel like I'm going to pass out. Like, I feel like, like, it's like a fog. It's not even being.
Starting point is 01:18:22 It doesn't raise up when you start working out? A little bit it does But it's literally like There's a thickness to it It's like looking through things I know what you're talking about I had sleep Well I have sleep apnea now But now I wear a mouthpiece
Starting point is 01:18:36 It helps you right? Oh yeah the mouthpiece is incredible But you got the one that goes over your tongue I want to get one like that Because I have one to push my jaw out Which helps But it doesn't fucking I got the one that goes over your tongue. I want to get one like that because I have one to push my jaw out, which helps. Yeah. But it doesn't fucking...
Starting point is 01:18:47 I got the central apnea, too, which is a brain signal. See, your apnea is a completely different animal. Your brain tells you to stop breathing. Yeah. That's a totally different thing. I also have obstructive. I have both. You have both.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have that one, too. Jesus Christ. That stinks, dude. The brain one, though, is the creepiest because obstructive, all you need is a mouthpiece and it's good. I have the one too Jesus Christ That stinks dude The brain one though Is the creepiest Because obstructive All you need is a mouthpiece
Starting point is 01:19:07 And it's good I have the obstructive My tongue's too big Yeah And so it covers my air hole When I lie on my back And my neck's thick And it falls
Starting point is 01:19:15 That's like a lot of Football players And weightlifters Reggie White died Yeah they get a huge Huge problem with that And guys like that also That take sleeping pills that becomes
Starting point is 01:19:25 a giant issue because then you don't wake up so you have like this big ass neck big old weight lifter neck and lie back and your tongue literally chokes you to death yeah and they they take part of the sleeping pills i'm guessing because you're so fucking tired of waking up every two minutes exactly and they're always exhausted like i'm getting a good night's sleep from i'll take a melatonin once in a while melatonin is great we have on it we have a spray night's sleep. I'll take a melatonin once in a while. Melatonin's great. We have on it, we have a spray. It's really good. Sublingual, like, under the tongue. Really?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Yeah, I'll get you some. Yeah, I would like to try that stuff because, you know, I want to sleep better, but I just can't fucking get it. I just don't know what they can do other than that mask, though, for that brain stuff. Like, if it's your brain shutting off, you're breathing. I don't get it. I don't know what it is. It just doesn't send the signal. It's got to be a chemical thing
Starting point is 01:20:05 I think your brain Gets bored With too much peace I'm like This motherfucker's Sleeping too good Let's freak him out That's probably what it is
Starting point is 01:20:12 Let's make this more interesting I do I wake up And I check my phone Which always keeps me awake Like I'll check my text messages Or I'll text Tinder You do?
Starting point is 01:20:19 In the middle of the night? At times I will Yeah Oh look what's happened Oh you can't do that No and it's very bad Yeah I don't do that. I sleep better with my phones across the room.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Like, you put it across the room, and it's like, ah, cool. I shut my phone off before I start reading, and then when I'm done reading, that phone stays off. Oh, you don't check it before bed. That's probably better. Fuck that. I don't check it before bed, and the only thing I check in the morning is important shit. If someone's text messaging me, it it's important but i just do it less and less i mean i think the phone is a tool but it's also very very very addictive yeah and being
Starting point is 01:20:52 connected to social media and and you know having it's usually one of my friends dude have you seen this and they'll send me like a text message and i'll click on the link and i'm like oh fucking christ it's some crazy story or some dude who got killed by a bear or something nutty. Yeah. And then a half hour later, I'm still on the toilet bowl. Now my legs are numb. Yeah. And I'm like, what the fuck am I doing with my life?
Starting point is 01:21:14 I got tired of doing that. And so now I just look at my phone real quick. Anything important? No? Good. Leave it alone. And then I'll go work out and I'll go get my day started. Do you keep your phone with you when you work out?
Starting point is 01:21:25 Or do you leave it in the locker? No, no. Well, I work out a good percentage of the time. If I'm not doing jiu-jitsu, jiu-jitsu is in my locker. Or it's in my bag. But if I'm at home lifting weights, like I lift weights in my house, I don't even touch it. I just leave it alone. Just put it away somewhere.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I'll do it in between sets. I'll kind of look at it for for a second, but it's stupid. Fuck that, man. They're too goddamn addictive. They're too addictive. But here's the other problem. People get mad at me because it'll be like 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I haven't responded to their text yet because I've got 30 of them.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Right. And I look at my text and it's just 30 fucking text messages. I can't respond to them all. Right. I don't have, because that takes you a half an hour, literally. Each one takes a minute. You respond to each one. that takes you a half an hour, literally. Each one takes a minute. You respond to each one. You've got a half an hour down, just text messages.
Starting point is 01:22:09 And when you send someone something, like, well, here's one I don't respond to. Hey, man, what's going on? I don't, that's. Yeah. I'm not doing that. No, it's a worthless question. Nope. Can't do it.
Starting point is 01:22:20 It's a terrible question. I can't do that. What's going on? Where? Air, breathing, shitting. Yeah, exactly. Death. What's going on? Where? Air. Breathing. Shitting. Death. ISIS.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Syria. Phone texting. Bye. Fuck off. And you know, people just like, sometimes they just want to connect with you. They just want to talk to you. You know, maybe it's someone I don't talk to that often and they want to talk more. They don't have shit to say.
Starting point is 01:22:44 You know, and then occasionally someone will say something funny and you know, it's fun to get that. There's pros and cons, but it has to be managed. and if it's not managed. You'll get away from you I don't manage it very well. I think that's the problem. I spend too much time Obsessing on it and on the computer. I discovered chatter bait. What's that? What is that? It's like a fucking good site man. They have You open it up, and there's all these windows of people being sexual. And you can join or you can almost watch for free as a lurker. But you just can't tip if you're lurking. But you can just kind of go in there and watch.
Starting point is 01:23:17 It's fun. Oh, that seems like a lot of time, too. Dude, it's, you know, yeah, it's very addictive. And there's a bunch of sites like that. There's other sites like that, too. That's just the name I know. I can't do it. There's other sites like that, too. That's just the name I know. I can't do it. I don't do any of those sites.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I don't look at any of those. I didn't either for a while. But this one I found, I was like, well, it was so new. Like, the idea of it was so new to me. But, you know, I'm trying to stop doing it because it's just, you don't even do, you just watch. I don't even jerk off like that. I'm just watching. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 It's like weird. It's like what I dreamed of as a kid. You remember when you were a kid, like, oh, oh someday you're gonna pick up that phone in the kitchen and you're gonna be able to see the person you're talking to and you're like no now i can just open this thing and watch people fucking masturbate i'm like holy shit yeah it's wonderful it is weird it it's i can't believe it your brain's not ready for it no one's brain is and especially a guy like you that knows a lot of people and has a lot of options. There's like almost like too much coming at you. Yeah. I
Starting point is 01:24:10 don't know how to manage it. And I'm so afraid of missing the party. I'm so afraid of, you know what I mean? It was, uh, it reminds, it goes back to, I remember when I was a kid, I had fucked up. I don't know what I did, but I remember my friends, you know, these two black kids there, I think they were twins Pierre and Randall and they wanted me to go to the store with them and my mother wouldn't let me go
Starting point is 01:24:29 and I remember screaming and crying and being so fucking angry and it was like I was gonna miss something like the idea like oh
Starting point is 01:24:37 these guys I like are going to the store fucking shit's gonna happen and I'm stuck with this bitch I was so displeased. But it was that feeling of missing this great thing.
Starting point is 01:24:51 The fear of missing out. You know who doesn't have the fear of missing out? I love him. Dice. Never care. Oh, he doesn't give a fuck. And I told this story recently
Starting point is 01:24:59 which is what made me think of it. We did a show when I opened for him from 97 to 2000 and one of our Vegas shows, Tiger Woods came to the show. It's the only time I opened for him from 97 to 2000 and one of our Vegas shows, Tiger Woods came to the show. It's the only time I ever met him. I ran out and said hello.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Probably 1998. And Dice, they said Tigers might come back and he goes, let him. I'm going up to the room. He didn't give a fuck that the greatest golfer alive wanted to come back and say hi. Hey, Tiger. Right. Good for him. And he meant it.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Good for him. He wasn't showing off. You know Dice. He fucking meant it. Right. Good for him. And he meant it. Good for him. He wasn't showing off. You know Dice. He fucking meant it. Yeah. And he went up to his room and he ordered a creme brulee. That was what he, he didn't give a shit about missing. Because, you know, Dice is fucking nuts and he's the party.
Starting point is 01:25:37 But I admired that so much, that ability to live without feeling like you're going to miss out. Ooh, I'm missing out. It's this fucking fear. It's addict. It's addict. It's addict stuff. I used to have that with this pool hall that I used to go to. I used to go to this pool hall when I lived in New York, and it was a fucking great place. And there was executive billiards in White Plains, New York, and there was always a lot of gambling going on.
Starting point is 01:25:58 A lot of big gambling games. Guys would come in from out of town. There were great pool players, and people would sit and watch. There was always something happening this was I didn't have a cell phone back then so this was like I'd be on a date with my girlfriend I'd just be thinking man there's something going on at the pool hall right now it's probably happening something's going down guys are betting guys are playing probably a lot of action something's happening total addict
Starting point is 01:26:21 stuff yeah and it's really when you get there's nothing happening sometimes there was though that's a problem yeah once in a while but it's the one time there is it wipes out the 40 times there wasn't yeah it does it does it makes it worthwhile it's like fishing you can go fishing three days in a row and not catch a goddamn thing go goddamn fishing sucks yeah and then one day you hook a giant salmon you're like holy shit another year of fishing because that one time it's weird how that one the one time it works overrides all the times it doesn't. It's not rational. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:48 But I live my life like that. Well, that's like people going out trying to get laid. I mean, how often does that work? When a guy goes out trying to get laid at a bar, the average fella, what is it? Is he like three out of ten if he's great at it? Right. Not even. Maybe one out of ten if he's great at it. Right. Not even. Maybe one out of ten, right?
Starting point is 01:27:05 Yeah. If you go out ten nights trying to find the girl of your dreams, what's the odds of you finding her in one of those ten or finding a hot girl or finding a girl you're attracted to? Some guys will pull it off. Chris D'Elia could probably go out and do it. Yeah, but he's a handsome guy. I give Chris, he could probably pull a fucking four or five nights out of ten
Starting point is 01:27:20 where he's pulling home at least an eight. But he's also famous. And he's funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's funny. He's got a good personality yeah good-looking guys revolting combination there's another man to watch it's revolting beautiful it really bugs me does it yes of course it's all I need is to date a girl who wants to fuck him I'm like finished I have no shot because he is funny he
Starting point is 01:27:41 wasn't funny he'll be okay but if a guy is funny, like, I can't even. That's the one trump card I have. I'm a funny guy. But if another dude's funny and he's good looking, I'm like, I just have to give you up. I have to concede defeat. Yeah. You know, unless he's a conservative guy sexually. Maybe that.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Maybe she's a pervert. Right. Maybe he's not sucking on her hands. Yeah, or feet. I'm not even that big on feet. I just found them later in life. I just think it's fun to talk about because people talk about it. But I'm not a big foot guy. But I do ask the size of feet.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Really? Yeah. I like them big. Really? Yeah. Why do you like them big? I don't know. Probably because more is better.
Starting point is 01:28:16 I'm a greedy fuck. Fuck. Did you lose a sound? Yeah, what happened? There's a little thing there that has to be plugged in. I probably knocked it out. We need to fix that with our next setup. No, I didn't fix it.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I'm sorry. We'll get it. Did I break it? Oh, I just knocked that out. It's cool. I'm only doing radio since 2000. Let's tape that. There it is taped.
Starting point is 01:28:43 It is taped? Damn, you're so violent. Pull the tape for me. I just only doing radio since 2000. Let's tape that. There it is taped. It is taped? Yeah, damn, you're so violent. Pull the tape for me. I just uncrossed my legs. Uncrossed my legs improperly and broke the equipment. So yeah, that's the one ace in the hole I feel like I got. And fucking, I don't know, but I want it to be like, life is fun. And I wanted, yeah, I kind of wanted to not settle down, but I wanted to see somebody regularly.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah. When was the last time you did that, though? You had a girlfriend for a while when we were doing the virus tour way back in the day. What was that like? It might have been 10 years ago. That was 2006 and seven or seven and eight, maybe. I had a girlfriend back then, but after that, I dated a girl seriously, too, for a few years. We broke up.
Starting point is 01:29:22 It was just too much fighting. I'm difficult. She's my best friend. I still talk to her all the time. We just don't date anymore. Yeah. I haven't slept with her in five years, but we're still, you know, she's a few years. We broke up. It was just too much fighting. I'm difficult. She's my best friend. I still talk to her all the time. We just don't date anymore. I haven't slept with her in five years, but we're still you know, she's a great person. Too much fighting. Too much fighting. What do you fight about? Everything. I like
Starting point is 01:29:33 the arguing thing, but I get obsessed with feeling like I've been wronged or humiliated. Oh really? Yeah, it's crazy. It's that whole thing. Do you realize that you're obsessed with it and it's not real while you're doing it? Yeah. Like if I had to write it down, I could write it down.
Starting point is 01:29:48 But it doesn't change because I got addicted to feeling shitty. Like I used to trap girls, right? I would have a girl tell me like I would make them tell me if their ex-boyfriend's dick is bigger than mine. Okay. And let's be honest. The odds were not bad. That would be the case. And you would trap them,
Starting point is 01:30:06 and then you would get upset that they had brought it up. Or just it would give me an excuse to hate myself and feel bad about myself and like I'm worthless, and then that way there was nothing they could do to make me feel bad. It was like this self-fulfilling prophecy. And then I dated a girl one time whose ex-boyfriend had a giant dick, she told me that before i dated her he said it was like it
Starting point is 01:30:29 was it was you know and um she had a video fucking him and she's like you're not gonna want to see that and uh the way she said it was so sexy like oh naughty girl i wanted to see it right and i made myself watch it and it turned me on to see her like that like to see her being dirt like I took something that I was going to torture myself with and I'm like fuck it it was almost like you throw your hands up and you go with it like instead of like being ashamed and feeling bad about myself because
Starting point is 01:30:56 of her past take a woman's past and just make it a dirty part of her that you like so then I never gave a fuck again about her but I don't care who you dated before me now right his dick was bigger good for you let's hear about it while i'm eating your pussy that's what i like tell me all about it hon he would do better wouldn't he uh you know it's fun then it becomes a fun thing that you can fetishize and make good and they don't ever have to feel embarrassed about their past like oh i can't tell this guy that that's a rare girl that'll show you a video
Starting point is 01:31:25 of another guy fucking her yeah but i bugged her for it but i kind of knew at that moment i knew at that moment that it was a make or break because i had done this my whole life with girls i had set up these scenarios where i was going to lose and they were going to be fucking i was going to purposely put a wedge in between that wasn't necessary and i didn't want to do with this girl because she was super sexy and funny. And I just knew it was dumb. So I made myself sit through it and see how I felt about it. And I was able to turn it into a pornography and it was okay.
Starting point is 01:31:54 And when you said that you knew that you were doing it while you were doing it, like you knew you were sabotaging it while you were doing it? At times, yeah, but not until after because I got addicted to that feeling, that burning feeling in the pit of your stomach when you're feeling like you've been cheated on you've been wrong it was just a stupid it was like it was like a drug it was like a fucking a familiar feeling so you were actually addicted to feeling disrespected and shitty and yeah but not in a sexy fun way like now oh a good dose of humiliation makes me crazy but in a fucking it turns me on
Starting point is 01:32:27 yeah it's fun it's different it feels unique that's so weird yeah yeah yeah uh i love it does anybody relate to that when you tell another like your friend a lot of people do oh my god of course sure a lot of people like it they like humiliation or whatever they like whatever it is or how many guys uh and plus the women. A lot of women enjoy it too. They love telling you about that stuff. Because it lets them be who they want to be.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Right. And they don't have to feel like, oh, I've got to pretend on this way or that way. I don't give a fuck. The worse you've been, the more you're going
Starting point is 01:32:57 to be happy I walk through the door. You know what I mean? Because there's going to be nothing I do that's going to surprise you. Right. So that's what I kind of like
Starting point is 01:33:04 is like I want somebody. That's why I seek out people in the sex industry, I think. Because I have no judgment on it. Like if you do porn or if you've escorted. Because I feel like you're not going to judge me. I feel like whatever you've done, like I'm okay with it. Yeah. That's really important because the real issue is someone judging you.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Right? Yeah. You know? Someone deciding that what you've done is wrong. I ended a relationship one time There's a girl I was dating and she was one of the girls I met who didn't know my Past from my history of the things I've joked about her talked about her said that were true that made I made sure they were Jokes for a while, but of course it which was you know, and I had to tell her a couple of things You know because it's Googleable right now, and she's you know, you know, you know, and I had to tell her a couple of things, you know, because it's Google-able, you know, and she's going to, you know, you know, trans, you know, it's going to come up. And there's no way around it. So I talked to her about it a little.
Starting point is 01:33:55 This is post-nuptials? Post. Sex? Have you had sex? Had we fucked? Oh, yeah, yeah, we were seeing each other for a few weeks. Post-coil. Nuptials is marriage, right?
Starting point is 01:34:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. We were seeing each other for a few weeks, and sheul's marriage We were seeing each other for a few weeks And she got really weird with it She was uncomfortable with it And we were eating lunch and she said something to me Like you know that stuff you told me About like the stuff you've done with Trangirls or whatever Like I had to say it because again I'm not going to be with you
Starting point is 01:34:20 For four or five months and all of a sudden you Pop it up and go I got a question I'm not dealing with that on the way to a wedding or a fucking party. I'm going to look at your dumb face because you don't get it. Right. I don't want it. So I sit out, fuck it. I would tell her and she's like, you can never tell me stuff like that again because I have
Starting point is 01:34:37 an idea of what being masculine is. And I'm like, okay, cool. And as she was talking, I felt every bit of attraction to her drain. Nothing. I liked it. I liked the fact that I wasn't offended by what she said. I was like, go fuck yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Finished. And I stopped seeing her after that. Because it was fair that she had that. Right. But I don't like that scolding shit. Like, don't, like that, like, we all want something. When someone judges you or scolds you sexually, it drives me crazy. Yeah, so it wasn't just that she was saying, hey, I know that that's your past, and I know
Starting point is 01:35:14 that this is something that you're into, but I'm not into that. That's fine. So this is going to be a problem. Fine. Right. Instead, she was saying, that is not what I think of as masculine, and you are not masculine. Yeah, like, and you can't do that again. Yeah, I didn't feel like, oh, that is not what I think of as masculine. And you are not masculine. Yeah, like. And you can't do that again.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Yeah, I didn't feel like, oh, I'm not. I was like, shut up. So she had to put her foot down? Is that what it was? I think she just didn't want to hear about it. But, like, I don't care if you're into the same stuff. I get that. You know, I'm not going to be in the same things a lot of women are into.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Apparently, at times, they want to hold hands and hear I love you sexually. Good luck with that one. It's not happening. I'll do it after. I can't have a loving sexual experience unless we're strangers. Then it's a weird high. What? Yeah, it's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. So, if you're strangers, then you can have a loving sexual experience? Yeah, then I want to say I love you. Whoa. Or I want you to tell me you love me. Because it's inappropriate. If they're strangers?
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah, or if I'm paying them. you love me because it's inappropriate. If they're strangers? Yeah, or if I'm paying them. Wow. Yeah, it's weird. It's like whatever feels, you know, whatever gets things mixed up a little bit. So that's just for a good time. Just for a moment.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Like you said, you think too much. It's too much. But do you really feel it in the moment though sometimes? You feel connected. Yeah. For some reason,
Starting point is 01:36:20 I've analyzed this to death. I think what it is, when I don't know them, I don't feel any pressure. And I don't feel scared that I'm not going to do well. I'm not going to be scared that I'm going to fuck up. So when we're connected, I feel completely free just to feel things and be nice. But once I know you and once I'm dating you and I care about your opinion, then, like you said, all the variables come in.
Starting point is 01:36:43 I'm not going to fuck up. So when there's no risk, I think that's what I always liked about exchanges of money. It was never dehumanizing. Like, I never treated the girls bad. I was never, you know what I mean? I always made them, I think it was, I just felt like free. Like, I know she's not worried about how I do. Right.
Starting point is 01:37:02 So I could be comfortable. I'm not going to be judged. I don't know. It's just me. I. I'm not gonna judge this. I don't know It's just maybe I'm just justifying my own shit. I don't know it's it's interesting it's like I've never heard that before though the only way that you can be loving and Like lovey in a sexual sense is if they're strangers Yeah, or if they're inaccessible a lot of times it was just about the chase and again It's that addictive stupid shit, but I liked that one moment like yeah
Starting point is 01:37:27 We all have these moments where we feel bet and that when that girl said that I felt better about it Like I was glad I'm like that. I didn't go. Okay. Did you stay friends with her? Oh, yeah I'm not mad at her right I'm not mad at her and she told me some sexual shit, too I didn't it was almost like the shit you told me that I didn't judge you on She had had a fantasy i could say this because she doesn't even live in state anymore i see i wouldn't say this if i still saw her i would feel bad but uh she had uh let's just say had a and she'd never done it but she had had an animal fantasy or she had watched a video of an animal fucking a woman and admitted that there was something about it
Starting point is 01:38:07 that had turned her on. Hmm. What kind of animal? It was a pony. And... There's something about the way he said that. The long pause. It was a pony.
Starting point is 01:38:25 And when she told me that, she wasn't being dirty. She was literally just talking to me about it. Well, it's a big fat hog. Yeah, I think I blurted that out. It was a big fat hog. Big fat pony hog.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Well, that's a common fantasy. Women and horses. Yeah. A horse's dick is so big you can't think about the horse without, women and horses. Yeah. A horse's dick is so big, you can't think about the horse without thinking about its dick. Absolutely. When you think about a horse, like, you think, oh, it's got a dick on that thing. It's just like, it's a giant dick. I mean, horse dicks are fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Yeah, what a great reputation. Horses are such dopes, they don't even know what a great reputation they have. Being a horse sucks. Well, it's also a lot of women that ride them they're like these box and no disrespect ladies boxy sort of almost androgynous flannel shirt wearing women they like you know they lose their feminine shape and they they they get thick and they just ride that horse and i always feel like they're getting some sort of a vaginal stimulation by just the constant clop, clop, clop, clop, clop,
Starting point is 01:39:28 clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, clop. There's something about the movement of the horse and their saddle rubbing up against their pussy and they're just wearing their pussy out on their Wrangler jeans.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Wow, yeah, that's a good way to look at it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I never thought of that. That's how I think of it. Women who just like, I don't need men, just ride this horse
Starting point is 01:39:44 and come three or four times as it goes up a hill yeah This giant beast You know I mean, I think that's a lot of what it is I mean There's a lot of women in my neighborhood. I live in like an equestrian neighborhood Do you know the Burbank like an equestrian neighborhood. Do you know the Burbank is an equestrian neighborhood? I didn't.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Yeah, you could be in Burbank and you'll see fucking people walk down the street riding a horse. That's cool. It's weird. I love petting horses. Do you?
Starting point is 01:40:14 They're awesome. Fucking great. They're great. They're awesome animals. I like to pet all animals. I want to go to a sanctuary. Oh, but the point with that girl was I didn't judge her
Starting point is 01:40:23 when she told me that. I wasn't mad at her. I didn't think she was weird. I, it's not my thing at all. Yeah. Like I'm not, she's a size queen.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah, she sure was. She picked the wrong fella. Well, she probably liked you for some parts of you. I mean, that's often the case with people, right?
Starting point is 01:40:37 Like you like certain aspects, but it doesn't, it doesn't go like, it doesn't all line up, but you like a few things. Like he's got a great sense of humor. He's fearless He's hilarious. He says funny shit all the time. He keeps me entertained. Yeah, but he's fucked a few dudes and dresses Yeah, well she like no I would never fuck a dude address. That'd be weird only a trans woman. There's a difference
Starting point is 01:40:58 Oh, there are said what was the dude in the dress? I would never fuck Edward. Yeah, I would never trans woman Yes, yeah when you probably like did you get excited when people started changing the differentiations between like uh like it used to be like a tranny like everybody thought it was a guy yeah it's a guy and now it's she it's her i didn't care what whatever they i thought i felt that there was probably some of the political correction is so fucking irritating And then there's times where I think some of it might make sense not in punishing people But in like just there is a difference between this person and that person so some of it
Starting point is 01:41:32 It's fine, but I don't care whatever they whatever people want to be like they want to try whatever right I don't care something some trans girls. I've talked to you. I'm a woman and I'm like no there's a difference Yeah, you know you are is fine. You're great who you are. You don't need to change who you are. You don't have to say you're this word because the judgment of the country is pleasanter for that word than it is for this word. But you are who you are. You don't just don't say you're.
Starting point is 01:42:00 I personally just don't look at it that way. But someone who's 20 would tell me I'm a fucking transphobic. Yeah. I know I'm going to get shit. I talk about it in the special yeah I know I'm gonna get shit I talk about in the special I know I'm gonna get shit for it but fuck it you know if you don't say every word right if you you know if someone's throwing the mines down and you step on one you
Starting point is 01:42:13 know you get fucked well it's the same thing with we're talking about with that joke earlier that guy got in trouble for it's people are looking to get mad there's there's a lot of that and when it comes to transgender people and here's another thing like people will tell you if you're not trans you shouldn't be talking about trans issues how about fuck you first of all because this is a national global thing that's going on right now but you should be able to talk about everything that's my point sure but there are people that
Starting point is 01:42:41 definitely for whatever reason nature the universe has has thrown them a strange set of cards and they really should have been born a woman and they are a man and they identify with being a woman they feel much better when they're wearing a dress they feel much better wearing women's clothes they feel much better and i don't think they should have to get surgery to do that i don't think you should have to get your dick do that. I don't think you should have to get your dick. I mean, people said, unless you get your dick cut off, you're not a woman. I don't agree with that. I feel like if you were a woman and you were in, you know, quote unquote, trapped inside a man's body and someone told you that you had to get surgery to appear whole. Right. And that's the only way you could ever be thought of as a woman, but you
Starting point is 01:43:23 didn't want to get surgery. Like, well, that's crazy. Like those rules are just as crazy as any other bizarre restrictions that we put on people. So there are those people in the world. But then there are also people that are insane. Yes, sure. There's plenty of that. People who think they know who they are and what they want, but they're wrong. People who think they know who they are and what they want, but they're wrong. I've asked that surgery question a lot. I'll ask, like, do you want, why do you want, if you want to get this SRS, and I'm just, I'm genuinely, sexual reassignment surgery, I'm genuinely curious. I'm not asking to be like, oh, sex plane. You said it like everybody would know what that meant. I know. That's how deep into the world you are.
Starting point is 01:43:58 In my world, that's old hat. That's like human resources. I got to go talk to HR. Yeah, I forget sometimes you know CIA FBI SRS normal shit I poke my head out the fucking cave once in a while I'm like really everybody isn't talking about this alright back I go
Starting point is 01:44:13 but I've asked about it and I'm like I'm genuinely curious to what you say I don't know the answer to it so I'm like do you want it and sometimes the answer is like I think it will feel better and that's one thing and then other girls are like well this way I can go swimming and i'm like but those are all outside things of other people's judgment right that's not like i feel a certain way that's other people are will look at me more this way so that's a dangerous thing i think but if it's if you're gonna feel better
Starting point is 01:44:37 and this is how i want to be that's one thing and they can't come though that's the other thing there's no orgasms right i don't know you get your dick removed i'm pretty sure the orgasms are done i've heard i've heard different answers from different people so i i just i don't know the answer isn't it funny that that's terrifying to people as a thought to no longer be able to have orgasms like how many orgasms do you even have in a week you know i mean if you have like four or five orgasms a week oh there's not that many but it's not considering the 24 hours in a day all the moments in a day that the few moments the 30 40 seconds That's so important to people the lead-up to it's fun though like I like that I get addicted to the lead-up and that's what you can keep going for a while
Starting point is 01:45:20 You were the first person to tell me about edging. Oh, yeah, it's great I never heard about that. You would get close and then stop get close and then stop. It's awful It really is. I wish I didn't do it because then sex becomes this weird thing, but you know It's I got addicted to doing that and when I don't do it for a while then I just kind of feel normal Yeah, now when you do a show like this and you get real open about this kind of stuff Do you get a bunch of freaky chicks just start? I think is because again, on the radio show
Starting point is 01:45:48 in the morning, there's enough people who know me, or it's not surprising to anybody. I was talking to this girl on Instagram, and she was trans, and I was following her, and she wrote me this private message, and she's like, I didn't even know who you were.
Starting point is 01:46:04 I had to look you up, which is weird. Like, all didn't say hey hey look it's me kiddo well they're trying to shoot you down a little bit for no reason i didn't do anything to her well it's natural and then she's like that bit you did on strap-on is is very disrespectful to training i'm like oh first of all it's a true story you think i'm proud of the fact that a fucking i cut it there's two different strap-on stories i have and i've told them both the specials they're both true and I'm like they're not they're true stories it's like you're trying to act like you don't like trans girls but it's obvious you do and I'm just like oh you fucking dope you not reading the situation right of course I
Starting point is 01:46:37 did you know no one thinks I don't no one and I'm like I sent her an interview from Vice where I talk about it. And then she blocked me. She blocked you? Of course she did. Nobody wants to be wrong. She's a fucking idiot. So she was just trying to get mad at you. For no reason. And she didn't want to be proven wrong.
Starting point is 01:46:52 People are so stupid. People get mad. They like to get mad. They get mad just like you were talking about. You were addicted to causing these situations. That's true. I'm a Twitter troll in a relationship. I mean, that is what I'm a Twitter troll in a relationship Yes, I'm addicted to that feeling I'm addicted to that
Starting point is 01:47:12 That rush and that high that's exactly what I do isn't it funny that the president is true as a Twitter troll Oh my god. Yes, it's a Twitter troll and I don't even say whatever you want about him I don't hate him, but his Twitter is embarrassing. He's a troll. He's got to stop. He's a legit Twitter troll. That's a weird word to say. Twitter troll.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Say that 10 times fast. Twitter troll. Twitter troll. Twitter troll. Yeah. Really, he is an odd duck. He's a troll. He likes to troll.
Starting point is 01:47:38 I mean, him and Rosie O'Donnell still go at it almost every day. Or at least Rosie goes at it. Rosie backed off for a long time, but now that he's president. Didn't she back off when he said he was going to sue her? Because I think she had said he was broke or he went back. She said something, which technically, and you don't want to have to litigate with a guy with a billion dollars. I mean, that's a frightening proposition. I think she apologized on The View, which I was wrong, which is probably a smart move.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Well, that was when she started mocking him on The View because he had done this thing where the Miss USA, which one does he own? Miss Universe? I don't remember. He owns one of them, and he had made some sort of distinction that the woman, I forget the specifics, but she had done something inappropriate
Starting point is 01:48:20 or what he deemed inappropriate, and she was getting her crown removed or something like that. So Rosie O'Donnell was mocking him and she's mocking his hair and the way he behaves and the whole deal. And she went on this long rant about him on The View. And then he went on Letterman and shit all over her. Right. And then they went back and forth and back and forth. And then I saw she made a poem because he had mocked her during the debates.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Like when one of the things that drove me crazy, because when Hillary Clinton was debating him, she said, you have said this about women. You know, the women, this woman's a pig. OK, but about which one? Like, well, you can't say women overall in general. She knew what she was doing. She was she was doing. She was trying to find this hot button issue and he's like, well, I said about Rosie
Starting point is 01:49:10 O'Donnell. And so she was devastated by that. She was watching it at home and wrote a whole poem about the sadness creeping in, how it was bothering her and the whole deal. But now she kind of baits him. He made a post yesterday about all the jobs
Starting point is 01:49:25 that have been created he wrote jobs jobs jobs and she retweeted it quote tweeted it and said treason treason treason i'm like all right yeah people really are upset with this one i'm enjoying i love being alive i love watching it it's fascinating love it it's fun it's all these protests yeah get in front of the trump towers and fucking scream i know in our studio is not far from there so when the fucking Uber driver decides to go up First Avenue I know I'm gonna hit traffic crossing town. It's like hey dummy go up the other way. It's recreational outrage.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Yeah I think so. There's so many people that are out there in front of his building. Oh but we were there in the hotel. Yes. In your hotel at UFC 200. That's right. Or was it 205? 205. And we had to walk. Holy fuck that was great. Remember that? That was fun. Yeah. We walked from my hotel all the way to the UFC because we could not
Starting point is 01:50:08 get a fucking car to take us. There was no car, so I had to put a hood on and just fucking barrel down and just plow through all the people. And then when we started getting close to Madison Square Garden, it started getting a little crazy because people recognized us and it was getting a little squirrelly. Well, yeah, for you it's very hard, but you
Starting point is 01:50:23 walk very purposefully. You have a way of getting in and out. Because if you stop, there's going to be a fucking fire. You've got to tell people you can't stop. Because people are like, hey, man, take a picture. Hold on a second. Hold on. Let me get my picture.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Nope. Can't do it. Can't stop. Can't stop. There's 50,000 people on the street. There's no way I could stop. If I stop, I'm fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Yeah, I've seen it. One comes over, then it's just too many. But it was this feeling in the air, too. It was just such a weird feeling. It was almost festive. Like, people were festive in their protesting. Yeah. It's almost, they're getting excited.
Starting point is 01:50:52 We're together. Yeah! Fuck him. But meanwhile, you're not doing anything. You're just yelling. And this one guy, I've told this story before, but it was just so bizarre because he was screaming out, Donald Trump, KKK, racist, sexist, anti-gay. He had this whole thing that he was screaming out.
Starting point is 01:51:08 And then he sees these black guys walking towards him and he starts yelling out, Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. He changed his rant. What a fucking douchebag. It was so gross. He was such a thin boned liberal. The kind of guy who would cry if they were camping and they ran out of water.
Starting point is 01:51:29 What are we going to do? Just that guy. A frail, meek man. He was so frail. He was not just frail. He was just everything about it. The chant. First of all, this whole racist, sexist, anti-gay.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Let's just start with anti-gay. Where? Where's the evidence? Are you sure he's anti-gay Let's just start with anti-gay like where where's the evidence? I mean, are you sure he's anti-gay? No, like what has he done? I really I think he cares I don't think he does either is unless it's making him money or losing him money. There was the thing about people trans rights to be able to use the restroom that they identify with use the restroom that they identify with. You know, that was a hot button subject. And there was actual government support for people to use the bathroom that they identify with. And boy, that is a tricky one.
Starting point is 01:52:15 That's one I'm not sure of either. Yeah. I feel like that one, there almost should be three bathrooms. Yeah. Like male, female, and who gives a fuck? Yeah. Or put them all as, when you can have them all as single bathrooms gender neutral neutral That's fine, but then businesses go yet
Starting point is 01:52:30 We have a man in a woman's room and it's like we just established these are the bathrooms now what you want us to pay $100,000 to have a new bathroom put it like and there were people that were arrested a few guys who were arrested for saying they were Transgender and they were peeping and taking pictures of women. Yeah. You know, it's like there are creeps out there. And that's scary. Yeah. I mean, and then people say, and rightly so, well, those creeps should be punished on an individual basis. Right.
Starting point is 01:52:54 But that puts that up to law enforcement. And then you have to have more resources to make sure that these guys aren't doing that. Right. Creeping around in female bathrooms and pretending to be transgender. It's like, man, when you have an opening for creeps, they're going to find their way through those cracks. Yeah. And that's not necessarily saying that because of creeps, you should punish transgender people. It's one I'm not sure of the answer to.
Starting point is 01:53:19 No. And I just don't know the answer. I don't like the law that they made. I think that's a little shitty. What was the law in North Carolina. It was North Carolina. I think that's a little shitty. But I do. What was the law in North Carolina that people were so upset about? They just said that basically you have to use the men. They just said you can't do it.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Whatever's on your birth certificate, right? Yes. But can you get that changed? I think you can get your birth certificate changed. That I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. See if you can. Can you get the gender on your birth certificate changed?
Starting point is 01:53:42 Google that. I think you can. Maybe. I think you can. But. I think you can. But is there a legit complaint, like if women are in the locker room, and someone is legitimately trans, is it odd for them to see somebody walking around
Starting point is 01:53:53 with a cock? I could get where that would be weird without being transphobic. It's just not something you expect to see in a ladies room. Majority of states permit the name and sex to be changed on a birth certificate, either through amending existing birth certificate or by issuing a new one. Many states, however, require medical proof of sterilization
Starting point is 01:54:10 by sex reassignment surgery. What? Proof of sterilization by sex reassignment surgery in order to warrant a gender marker change. That's a weird... Yeah, you gotta get surgery for the state to agree with you? But not just that. Sterilization. Well, by sex... So you're steril get surgery for the state to agree with you, but not just that
Starting point is 01:54:29 Sterilization well by sex. I see you're sterilized by the reassignment surgery I know but that's a weird way of describing it many states However require medical proof of sterilization because guess what female to male does not make you sterile Like when when women start taking male hormones like there was a one where there was this guy with a beard, and he was breastfeeding. It was crazy. Oh, yeah. He had gotten pregnant, gave birth, and was breastfeeding. And then people were saying, well, what kind of, what is this kid getting? Like, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:54:55 I mean, this guy's taking exogenous hormones, and this kid is sucking on his tits. Yeah, I wonder. I don't know. Maybe it's not bad for the baby, or maybe he stopped. I have no idea. I don't know either. That's where it gets a little dicey. And, you know, like, there's bigots in the country, but it's like, other people, it's like, all, I wonder, I don't know. Maybe it's, maybe it's not bad for the baby or maybe he stopped. I have no idea. That's where it gets a little dicey. And you know, like there's, there's bigots in the country, but it's like other people, it's like, all right, we're trying.
Starting point is 01:55:10 We're not, everyone's, this is a tricky one. People are just trying to learn what it is and get used to it. And science is not even a hundred percent. So give people some fucking time to adjust. Like everyone who's not a hundred percent on board is not trans fucking phobic. Yeah. Some people are. Some people are. But learn to differentiate that just because a guy says tranny sometimes they're not true
Starting point is 01:55:28 Doesn't mean he hates trans people who's transphobic right learn the difference when you're labeling everyone who's not a hundred percent on board Transphobic you lose so many people who would be on your side. Well, I think like many things with human beings people are messy Yeah, there's messy realities to all of us and i think that's that's what's going on with the whole transgender issue too you know i mean that's people are messy you know it's just the whole thing is we we're weird man we're everything about us is weird from education to marriage to gender relations to the the roles that we choose right like there's some fucking tweet that i saw today um oh smashing social justice this is what it was go go to smashing social justice on instagram and this is like this just shows how bizarre the way people think there was a line in front of the women's room and
Starting point is 01:56:18 no line in front of the men's room and i think the quote was um more subtle patriarchy bullshit line 20 minute line in front of the women's room no line in front of the men's room like no that does nothing to do with the patriarchy that has to do with women need an individual stall it requires more you know more space yeah oh no account accounts private Account's private? It's private. Oh, wow. How weird. They're probably getting a lot of hate. Why don't you request?
Starting point is 01:56:49 Request to join. You fuck? You got locked out? What? I'm not logged in on this web browser. Oh, okay, okay, okay. That's interesting, though, that it's a private account. Must be they get hated on by people.
Starting point is 01:57:01 That's funny. Yeah, I tend not to. It's funny on Twitter. I've seen a few really annoying things in the last month or so, and they're not mentioning me, and I'm not following them, so I don't address it. It's like they're not talking to me. I kind of practice what I've always preached. If you're not following me, go fuck yourself. I'm not talking to you. Well, there's people that will say mean shit to you that aren't following you. Oh, yeah, yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:57:24 Try to get your attention, but who are those people? Why would mean shit to you that aren't following you. Oh, yeah, yeah. Exactly. And they try to get your attention. But who are those people? Like, why would anybody, unless you've done something egregious or you've put something out, like, say, like, if you wrote a book and you're like, trans people should all be shot and make the world a lot easier. Sure, yeah, of course. Like, well, that's something that someone should address. And them doing that and making a big deal out of it makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Putting their foot down. But again, it's like what we were talking about with that guy in the joke. People are not necessarily making points. They're just looking to be offended. Recreational outrage. Like a dumb guy laying there on his side saying, so you're saying that this cock
Starting point is 01:57:58 was bigger. So you liked having sex with him? I would walk them down logical steps just to get them to say painful shit. That's what you would do? Oh, boy, was I good. And you would lie on your side? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:58:08 If we were in bed, I remember being in bed with one girl, in particular, laying on my side just discussing it in Florida. Literally painting her. Do you ever see the clip of, and this is where Trump was not media savvy enough, where Chris Matthews, I think it was, painted him into a corner about abortion. So should they be punished for having, like he just did.
Starting point is 01:58:25 He's a smart dude. He just did a real media savvy guy thing that Trump as a non-politician didn't give a very good answer to, which was about abortion being illegal. And he logically walked him into a corner. And then Trump had to go, like, the only answer was they had to put him in jail. So that's what I would do to them. But just to get them to say bad shit. What a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:58:44 Did you see that one reporter that backed him into a corner when it came to the amount of electoral votes, like how big his electoral victory was? I do not. I don't know. Yeah, he was doing this thing that he does where he brags. Yeah. He's a braggadocious man. But you can't do that once you're the fucking president.
Starting point is 01:59:00 You've got to change your ways. Yeah. And you've got to stop freewheeling. He freewheels up there. He does. And you tie yourself up in knots and all the shit that he was allowed to get away With his whole life now those become a liability and he was just talking about the Electoral College victory And this guy said you said that you won by the largest margin in history In fact, that's not the case and then he goes well
Starting point is 01:59:21 I meant by Republicans and then he because he says by Barack Obama and then he says, well, I meant by Republicans. And then he, because he says by Barack Obama. And then he says, well, George Herbert Walker Bush won by a far larger margin than Obama won. He says that. And he's like, well, you will agree though that I won by a substantial number. He just can't say he's wrong. I did see that. The guy was standing up in the press conference. Yeah. The guy, he goes, oh, people told me that.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Yeah. Like you can't just, sometimes you just got to go, I was wrong. Yeah. People don't mind when you're wrong. You shouldn't say it. But he, the guy had a you just got to go, I was wrong. Yeah. People don't mind when you're wrong. Well, you shouldn't say it. But the guy had a point. The reporter had a really good point. The point was, if you want to point at all these media outlets and say they're fake news
Starting point is 01:59:53 and they're giving bad information, how can we listen to you when in fact you're giving bad information? Yeah. I mean, that was a great point. He should, people, when you, when you say, maybe because people don't let you off the hook, but if you say you're wrong about something Hey, I made a mistake. Yeah, people have a tendency to look at you and like you for that Yeah, because nobody nobody thinks you didn't of course, of course, everybody knows you did own up to it. We're all human
Starting point is 02:00:15 No one's perfect. I'm bad as a person. I'm bad at that. So I'm saying that he should think everybody's bad at it Well, I shouldn't say everyone there a great many of us are very bad at that Yeah, it's a very hard thing to admit, especially if you feel like you're being challenged Everybody's bad at it. Well, I shouldn't say everyone. A great many of us are very bad at that. Yeah. It's a very hard thing to admit, especially if you feel like you're being challenged. It's very hard to admit that you're wrong. Yeah, like to just go, hey, man, I made an error. Fuck. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Yeah, but it's that feeling like I lost the exchange. Yep. Instead of winning, I lost. But then when you win- You gotta learn how to lose. Yeah. That's one of the good things about jujitsu. You learn how to lose. You do, right?
Starting point is 02:00:43 You have to. Everybody's tapping you. You get tapped all the time, especially in the beginning. Yeah, I said I'm going gonna take jiu-jitsu and i'm only gonna take it until i get tapped then i'm finished you're taking it for one day then yeah no i really want to do it it really wasn't for being tired because when i went to you know it's like you walk into a place you get like a vibe and matt walked me in he had to do you know matt's just like the mayor sure everyone loves this guy and governor even oh he's so great governor jiu-jitsu state. He really is they love him Everybody does he's the most probably the most genuine guy like there's no bullshit in this guy
Starting point is 02:01:11 Yeah, he's in the he I love Macca. He hates bullies. Mm-hmm fucking hates bullies He's one of those guys who just doesn't tolerate a guy who well He's a short guy no, I'm probably people fuck with him when he was younger. He said that to you guys I just can't stand it. That's a lot of guys, that's what leads them to martial arts in the first place. George St. Pierre, the same thing. Just tired of being bullied. Yeah, tired of people fucking with him, you know? Well, he walked me into Henzo's place, and I really liked the energy in there.
Starting point is 02:01:37 The people he introduced me to were so nice. So it's something I'm going to do. Well, Henzo's place is, sorry to interrupt you, but it's one of the best places in the world It's in your neighborhood. I know it's not far. It's a few minutes It's one of the best in the world people travel from other countries to come and train in Hensos They do a hundred percent John Donahue. Oh, yeah He's a fucking genius He's he is one of the most respected guys in jiu-jitsu today and what they call the Dona her death squad like all those guys Like Gary Tonin and
Starting point is 02:02:05 Eddie Cummins. There's so many really great jujitsu players that he's training and mentoring in that one gym. That one place, Henzo's place, is absolutely one of the most respected places in the world. And I think today or yesterday
Starting point is 02:02:22 is Henzo's birthday, so happy birthday Henzo Gracie. I've never met him. Great guy. He's come on Unfiltered a couple of times like I'm away and Matt will bring him in as a co-host But I've never actually oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I want I want to sit with him But I really like the energy and the people were very nice It was like you walk into a place like I could see myself being here. I couldn't yeah But I didn't feel nervous or uncomfortable. I mean, this is a place I could come and learn this like I would love to yes When you talk about it, even though I talk about it,
Starting point is 02:02:46 I'm not a fucking expert on it. Like, you want to know from experience what certain things feel like, and it would make me more knowledgeable. Well, you're always having people strangle you. Just for the feeling, to see it. But I respected it so much more after that. Like, when you feel...
Starting point is 02:02:59 Cain Velasquez puts a fucking guillotine choker. Yeah. For a second, you're like, oh. I know. And the fact that guys do that with the intention of hurting you and choking you out in a real fight staggers me. Yeah. Like when Jon Jones, the worst one I took was fucking Jon. That big Jon Jones shin in my leg.
Starting point is 02:03:20 But I told you, I felt like I had to shit my body. This video of it, I was very fat when that happened. I was a fat fuck. And I literally, I was, my body just shrunk. Here it is right here. Here it is. Give me some volume. Two and three.
Starting point is 02:03:36 Oh! Oh! Oh, that was a delay. Are you? Oh, lookie here. You're in agony. I feel like I have to shit. It's true.
Starting point is 02:03:53 I was all shitting, too. Oh, that was the worst thing ever. You know what's fucked up about that? I mean, he barely hit you. He didn't put full strength in. Not at all. That was like fight week. Sometimes don't get them on fight week to do it because they're a bit ornery.
Starting point is 02:04:03 Right, they're amped up. Cutting weight and not happy. But he didn't even hit you hard. He didn't even hit you hard. Oh, and he's going to choke you in this one? You can tell by the different outfit. This was a second appearance. Oh, this is horrible.
Starting point is 02:04:10 The way he's doing that, that's a horrible choke. Oh, that's horrible. Oh, that's horrible. How was that, Jimmy? That's a horrible choke. Wow. Because he's going, that's an esophagus style guillotine choke. Because he's using the bone of the forearm across the front of your neck.
Starting point is 02:04:29 Yes, he was. That's the worst. That's the most painful of the guillotine chokes. Yeah, he did it. And the kick, though, hurt me. The leg one. Your body. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Actually, I felt like I was going to vomit. I had to go to the bathroom and splash water on myself. I literally had to put water on my face because I was like, I might pass out. It was because my body had not been shocked to the system. And I hadn't felt that before. Well, your nerves too. It slams into that meat of your thigh
Starting point is 02:04:58 and all those nerves that run down the side of your leg are all impacted and your whole system just gets jacked. Dude, but then you watch someone like Edson Barbosa kicking people like that a lot. And I'm like, this is a guy standing there who knows this is coming. He takes it, and he continues.
Starting point is 02:05:14 Well, that's a different thing because you're so pumped up with adrenaline. You're in the middle of the fight. I mean, those guys are in agony afterwards, though, for sure. They're walking out of there in deep, deep, deep pain. But to have felt any remote, even if it's a 10%, to have felt that at all, and then know that when he's doing that because he wants to fucking put you out right he's doing a hundred percent you know what you should do you should do it for your show where you like decide to like
Starting point is 02:05:37 if you filmed it if you filmed like your first day at Hens Oh's and like do it on that like for a YouTube channel and and go out there and do you have a YouTube channel you have your own YouTube channel? Yeah, I don't do much with it. I do more on the radio shows one now Just we put our episodes up, but this is a good opportunity to do it though Have someone come and film you taking your first class and have someone you know put it together make a 10-minute little video out of It and you talking about what it's like to take your first jiu-jitsu class and then commit to it and do it three times a week. Yeah. I would like to do that because a couple of days I could do it right after the gym. Yeah. Well, don't do that. I shouldn't. No, no. You'll be too tired. You're going to lift weights and then go do jujitsu. You're going to
Starting point is 02:06:16 get fucked up. That's what I do. The gym four days a week. So that's four days a week. Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. That's awesome. That's really good, man. That's really good Yeah, I'm a dumb schedule. I go like right after radio Oh, okay, and then well is if you did jujitsu at night, that'd be fine if you give yourself a few hours to recover Yeah, I taught with stand-up though. So I might schedule stinks I'm up at 7 on the air 8 to 11 fucking the gym that is crew You have a crazy schedule to two days away
Starting point is 02:06:42 Why did you decide to do morning radio again? Cuz did you didn't you guys have the opportunity to do it in the afternoon? We wanted the mornings. There's more people listening in the morning. But it's also because I became so used to it that I wound up, when I travel, there's travel days, man, that I would miss. Like, if I have to leave Thursday for a Friday gig, I don't want to miss Thursday and Friday's show.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Right. And the guests are better in the morning. Got it. The better guests. There's more people in the building. Right. But after guests are better in the morning. Got it. The better guests, there's more people in the building. Right. But afternoons is fun. Sam and I pre-taped last night for this morning's show just because I was so fucking tired.
Starting point is 02:07:10 I knew I was coming here and I just wanted to do it. It's hard to get good guests in the afternoon. Yes. A lot of times the good guests that you're going to get in New York, they're doing Fallon, they're doing Colbert. So by three or four o''clock they're amping up to go over to the studio oh Colbert's in New York too?
Starting point is 02:07:28 he is yeah he's in the Leonard Mifold studio oh okay and Seth Meyers too right? Seth Meyers and they will get good guests but it's just we get I'd say
Starting point is 02:07:35 70% more people are coming through in the morning plus Howard's in the morning right so like sometimes people come in to do him or they'll do this or that
Starting point is 02:07:42 and Cohen's got a show right right right you know it's plus I just it makes me feel like I can go to the gym Sometimes people come in to do him or they'll do this or that and Cohen's got a show. Right, right, right. Plus, it makes me feel like I can go to the gym. If you let me sleep all day, I'll wind up getting up at fucking 1.30. I'll be on the air by 3 until 7 and then I'll go fucking do spots and I'm up all night on the computer. I'm up to no good if I have all that time. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:08:04 Because you can't go take jiu-jitsu at 1.30 in the morning. If that was an option, I'd do afterno can't go take jiu-jitsu at 1.30 in the morning. If that was an option, I'd do afternoons, go take jiu-jitsu. Well, New York City seems like there would be a place where you could do jiu-jitsu in the 1 o'clock in the afternoon, or 1 o'clock in the morning, rather. Once I'm up, I just gotta go. Like, Monday is my busiest. It's fucking radio, gym, unfiltered,
Starting point is 02:08:19 and I'm home by like 3 or 3.30 in the afternoon. So I feel like I get a lot done. And do you go out that night and do stand-up on Monday nights? Monday I'll do two sets because there's a regular set at the Cellar and around the corner they have New Joke Night. Will Silvins runs New Joke Night. It's a great show. Oh, nice. So how many nights a week are you doing stand-up?
Starting point is 02:08:36 Six or seven. Whoa. Yeah, almost every night. Wow. Because the special comes out today. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yeah. Wow. Because I'm working on, because the special comes out today. Oh, that's right, that's right. And I started, I shot in December,
Starting point is 02:08:50 so I've been since December working on material just to get it. So now I'm like, wow, I got a new 35. Right, right, right. I just drop it as soon as I'm done, I shoot. Yeah, me too. You're sick of it, right? By that point, you're like, oh, enough. Jerry Seinfeld did the improv the other night
Starting point is 02:09:02 and did 20-year-old jokes. Did a set, did a couple of new bits, and then he did jokes from like 20 years ago. Did he really? Yeah, and a couple of my friends were in the audience. They're like, what is he doing? Like, why is he doing these jokes that everybody knows? And I guess in his eyes, they're like classic songs. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:18 You know, it's like you go to see the Beatles, you want to hear them. I don't know why I said the Beatles. They're all dead. Yeah, pick another better one. Leonard Skidder. Guns N' Roses. They're all dead. Yeah, pick another better one. Leonard Skidder. Guns N' Roses. They're dead too. If you go to see, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 02:09:30 whoever the fuck it is, you expect to hear the classics, I guess. Maybe it's different when you're a guy from a different era. He's from a different era than we are. Well, plus songs don't have to catch you off guard. Jokes do. That's why jokes don't work forever.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Right. Because the song you hear and you become familiar with and you learn the lyrics, you know? Yeah, and you like it. You like it more. You want to hear, hear i mean songs repeat them doug stanhope has a great bit about that he has a great bit about songs being fucking lazy it's really funny you have to hear it he says like the same punchline over and over and over again and then he just i
Starting point is 02:09:59 don't want to give away the the actual way he sets up the bit but it's fucking that's very funny but that's true yeah but some some guys they don. And it's true. Yeah, but some guys, they don't want to let go of that shit. They don't want to let go of that old stuff. No, they feel comfortable. Well, Jerry has always said, and I don't know him, but I mean, I don't know him well.
Starting point is 02:10:15 I know him, but he said he thinks that people come for the act and not the performer. And maybe at one point they did. They want to see your act. I think Leno feels that way too. They come to see the jokes. In a way, that that's true but i also think that once they know your jokes they want new jokes from the personality they like yeah like like seinfeld did that i'm
Starting point is 02:10:33 telling you for the last time yes where he did a whole hour special of old jokes yeah that he was done with yeah but that was like those are jokes there were again there were 20 year old bits and i don't think that special was well-received. I honestly don't know. I don't think I saw it. But I don't understand. I understand why you'd want to do that if you want to make some money. But it doesn't feel good to do it. And he has, when I see him do new shit, it's like his new stuff kills.
Starting point is 02:10:54 Like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. You know, when he goes up and just starts, you know, working on things, like, you see he's a fucking really good comic. He's a great comic. There's no doubt about it. But I think his idea is different than the idea of the current guys. And maybe in a bit, he's, this new trend maybe the trend that everybody does well it's burr or ck or you everybody releases a special and then a band is the material I do it
Starting point is 02:11:15 Ari does it yeah everybody I know does it and there's then there's a few guys that just don't release specials they just don't and they have like really old material like i know a few guys that are like really good comics but they just don't put out specials because they want to keep doing the act they just don't want to be they don't want to be committed also to to recording like that there's a lot of pressure to batten everything down and tighten it up and then get ready to release it right ready press play record go you know this there's a lot of there's a lot of pressure in that i love doing it until i'm fit like amy did it weird she did she did her special and then she toured until the special aired so now she has to start over for me i want as soon
Starting point is 02:11:55 as it was shot i wanted it done so by the time it airs there's some like i got fuck i couldn't wait to not say those things anymore i couldn't fucking wait yeah not say that shit, man. I just wanted it finished. Yeah. Everybody's got their own way of doing it. Yeah. But I think the point is that in this day and age,
Starting point is 02:12:11 the public demands content. Sure. You have to put it out. And you're putting out a lot of content anyway because you have your radio show, you have your podcast. You know,
Starting point is 02:12:19 I remember you used to write a lot of blogs and you used to, you used to be pretty prolific with blogs. That was because we were off the radio and I was blogging all these sections. That actually became Happy Endings, the first book. It was all these blogs I wrote about things I was doing, and I had nowhere.
Starting point is 02:12:34 I started writing again recently. I really wanted to do another book. I had a sexual experience with this girl, and I just had to write after it because it was really weird and intimate and sexy. What happened? I just felt connected write after it because it was really weird and intimate and sexy. What happened? I just felt connected. I felt really connected. No drugs.
Starting point is 02:12:50 No drugs. And then she texted me from the elevator and said, which one is the lobby? And I realized what a dope I just had a second experience with. Which one is the lobby? The L. The one that says L. I am not kidding you that she asked which one was the lobby, and she wasn't joking.
Starting point is 02:13:08 That's a mistake. Super innocent. I had to write. I had to write it. I'm not good at going back and grabbing shit. Maybe that's the radio training where you're just alive or we're talking, but I had to do it in the moment and just write it. I'm good at writing then, but I'm not good at going back and going, wow, two years
Starting point is 02:13:24 ago when this happened, and people asked me about the O.B. Anthony show, I'm like, I'm not good at going back and going, wow, two years ago when this happened and people asked about the O.B. Anthony show, I'm like, I'm not good at going back and writing all that shit because the emotion for it has passed. Do you ever try those transcription software programs where you talk and it just records what you're saying? I have it on the phone. I'll hit Siri, but I do use that a lot. I used to write for Time once in a while
Starting point is 02:13:40 and I would just talk out the whole fucking article because I'm not good at starting. And all of a sudden, I'm good at organizing and editing. But I yapped it out already. What were you writing for Time Magazine? They would ask me to write about... The first article I wrote, I wish I didn't write actually about prostitution.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Why do you wish you didn't write it? Because there's certain things I said, I wish I had said it smarter. I wish I had been clearer. Because I was talking about how John shouldn't be embarrassed. And in a way, I agree with that. But there were certain things that people in the sex industry who had been victims of trafficking and stuff, I should have probably addressed that better.
Starting point is 02:14:16 There is a big difference between trafficking and a woman who just decides to have sex with guys for money. And there are a lot of those women. And feminists don't want to admit those women exist because they, so for them, they'll push up the trafficking numbers because it's a stronger argument against prostitution. It's like, right. I get it. The traffickers should be executed and save the people who are being trafficked.
Starting point is 02:14:37 But if someone makes a decision and they just want to do it. Well, there's one friend of mine who's an artist and she's a feminist and she's actually pretty successful and she's actually talked pretty openly about when she was younger she would do stuff like that where she would uh fuck older rich guys for money yeah and she's like there's nothing wrong with it like i chose to do it i did it because it was a great way for me to pay my bills it was easy these are guys i chose to have sex with they were nice guys i'd fuck them i'd take the money and she'd make you know I don't know whatever the pay was thousand bucks. We don't fuck it is and
Starting point is 02:15:09 She could get that in a couple hours rather than working for an entire week. Well, yeah It's the same or probably more than we back And it's the same group of people that are saying you shouldn't be ashamed of sex and keep your laws off my body or the Same ones are saying if you're getting paid for it You should be ashamed of it and I should be able to legislate. It's so silly. It's silly. It's all silly because first of all, it should, you'd be ashamed if you massage people because
Starting point is 02:15:32 you give them a back rub. Right. Is that, is that a shameful? No, that's a very respected thing. If someone tells you they're a massage therapist, oh, you're making people feel good. What do you do? I just rub dicks. I'm really good at rubbing dicks and guys like it.
Starting point is 02:15:43 Oh, well they probably feel real good. Yeah. But no, when when it comes to pleasure we don't allow pleasure in the genital area we're like oh that's the dirty naughty pressure well i don't go to like this asian massage places i won't do that no or russian because they feel like those to me are more sex slaves that's what i don't like the energy there i've always very rarely gone and i've gotten maybe two in my life in those places and i don't go ever i will not go to massage places because i literally you're an ethical pervert i i feel like i like to and i know that there are certain women that do it because i've had a couple of women i dated legitimately dated because they that wound up doing stuff like that for money after that they told me about like like really and had never been my dynamic with them so i know for a hundred percent fact they weren't being pimped
Starting point is 02:16:28 their force i know they weren't right but i don't like a massage place where i think somebody has to do it like it doesn't again that's just sad to me like we're a russian place where i think that they're being brought over for these reasons right right right yeah i'm talking to a girl like and like i get contacted with social media all the time and if i if i've talked to her i find out she's russian and i'm not to be raised russian girls are hot but i start to doubt what the uh like i talked to one girl off a website and i wasn't game right away and uh she got a little weird i'm like are you being forced to do this and she was like oh no no i'll talk to you later we just never spoke again but like it was just weird it wasn't sexy she was setting you up i don't know it's just not a sexy energy
Starting point is 02:17:08 it's just not even setting me up but maybe she had someone was doing it so she had to pay back something i don't know but that's not a sexy energy that's a sad energy yeah that's interesting that's interesting so you definitely clearly differentiate yeah you're an ethical pervert there's nothing wrong with that yeah i mean uh you're a good guy yeah i just i don't like I just, I don't like the idea of, I don't, I, but I think everybody should look at it that way. It's almost like, but people get married just for money. Like how many people get married? It's like, what are you?
Starting point is 02:17:32 Just a hooker with one client? I mean, is that what you are? Fuck yeah, dude. I met this woman the other day. She was like 40 years old. Hot as fuck. Her husband looks like he's about 70. He's got terrible posture.
Starting point is 02:17:44 He's leaning over. He stepped out of a fucking badass Bentley or whatever the fuck it was. Some beautiful car. And you're like, oh, okay, I see what's going on there. No worries. I mean, maybe he's got the best personality ever, but the dude looked like he was just falling asleep
Starting point is 02:17:57 while he was walking. Yeah, you know what that's about. It's a real rich, older guy who got some hot piece of ass who was younger than him by like at least 30 years. And they're both getting what they want. She wants a guy who maybe talks to her nicely and isn't some young guy that's fucking, you know, acting like an asshole who can take care of her. He wants a young, beautiful, like as long as you're both honest and respectful, who cares?
Starting point is 02:18:18 It is a form of prostitution. Sure it is. It is absolutely. A lot of marriages are a form of prostitution. People just don't want to admit it because they think that prostitution is bad. Yeah. Sex for money is bad. But there's a lot of people that are engaged in some sexual relations with people that
Starting point is 02:18:33 are only doing it for money. It's 100%. How many women try to trap basketball players? Oh, yeah. So you're prostituted. If you try to trap a ball player and get pregnant, you want the money. That's prostitution. Well, it's a payday.
Starting point is 02:18:43 They want a kid. They want some dick. They want some cash. It's prostitution. Well, it's a payday. They want a kid. They want some dick. They want some cash. It's a package deal. It's a beautiful package deal. Look, you can't get a better package than getting knocked up by an NBA guy. I mean, Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 02:18:53 who wouldn't take a load from LeBron? You're never going to ask him to put a bag on. You're crazy if you do. A lot of money, you know? And there's nothing he can sign where if you have a kid, you won't get money. He can't sign away that kid's right to his his money as soon as they came out with genetic testing boy that changed the game Yes, it did no one denying change the game. Yeah, you're gonna tell me fucking ty Cobb didn't lie about a few of them
Starting point is 02:19:16 I'm sure you know what Ted Williams doesn't even look like me good point Those guys probably dumped loads and the gals all over the country no way what are you gonna how you gonna find out how would you find out who's she gonna tell oh yeah she's gonna tell Ted I fucked Ty Cobb in some way you know it's a different game man Babe Ruth a lot of fat face little babies running around there probably are little legs moving quick little Babe Ruth legs moving it's so funny when you look back at Babe Ruth, that body that he had. It was so ridiculous. It was fat gut. Fat gut.
Starting point is 02:19:47 Eating hot dogs, drinking beer. Good picture, though. He had a real multifaceted player. And I love the quote in Cobb, it ran pretty well for a fat man. That was the only nice thing he could say about Babe Ruth. Cobb is one of the most underrated films ever, by the way, with fucking Robert Wool and Tommy Lee Jones as Ty Cobb.
Starting point is 02:20:05 It's a good movie. Probably fairly accurate. You think of how cunty a lot of athletes are and especially back then with really very few repercussions for being a piece of shit. It really wouldn't get out. And I won't say the quote, but it's got arguably
Starting point is 02:20:21 the best quote in movie history, which I'll tell you after. Why won't you tell me now? It's just really vicious and racist and movie history, which I'll tell you after. Why won't you tell me now? It's just really vicious and racist. And I just don't want to deal with anything. I know the one. I know what you're talking about. It's my favorite quote ever.
Starting point is 02:20:36 There's no way to squeeze it into conversation. But it's a funny, it's just a funny fucking thing. It's a funny thing, too, when you think about athletes and how competitive they have to be and how ruthless you have to be. And then that sort of bleeds out into the rest of their life. It bleeds out into the way they deal with the fellow players, the way they deal with women, the way they deal with managers or anybody.
Starting point is 02:20:59 Athletics is a ruthless, ruthless pursuit. It is. I mean it just is. Have you had Tyson on? No. Oh, he'd be great. I would love to. You've had him on your show, right?
Starting point is 02:21:08 A bunch, yeah. And I'm sure he would do this if he was here. He would love you. I'm sure he does love you. He loves UFC. Yeah, when I first met him, I was like, yeah, you're that weed dude.
Starting point is 02:21:16 Yeah. Yeah, he's awesome. But he's a great, you're talking about an athlete, just the ups and downs. He's like kind of the personification of everything that can go right and everything that can go wrong. And sort of balance out at the end. I mean, he sort of achieves homeostasis at the end of his life or not the end, like balance.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Oh, okay. I mean, he's at 50 years old. He's gotten a family. He's got this great new career where he does that one man show and it's hugely successful. He loves it. There was a recent article in Sports Illustrated where he was talking about doing that one-man show and how excited he gets to do it and how fun it is.
Starting point is 02:21:52 And he's amazing at it too. And then that documentary sort of revived him and then the one-man show came behind that. So he's like in this new stage in his life where he's achieved this strange new balance you know like foreman they always say foreman and when we were kings they it might have been uh norman nailer who said he was this he was he was not a likable guy in the 70s and then he gets knocked out he comes back and he's a lovable grill salesman funny dude one of my favorite clips ever is him on the tonight
Starting point is 02:22:22 show there's a clip of him talking to Johnny Carson in 1990 before he fought Alex Stewart. It's like a minute and a half. It's just a funny, like what a lovable, fun guy. He was a different guy when he came back for sure. He became a preacher. He ballooned up to well over 300 pounds. And what's really interesting is he made his comeback. I want to say he was 36 years old.
Starting point is 02:22:42 And everybody thought it was a joke. He was hugely fat like way way way overweight when he made his first comeback fight and i remember as a boxing fan i was like wow that's kind of sad look at him and then slowly but surely over time his body trimmed down and he got more muscle and less fat and then he knocked jerry cooney the fuck out and when he did that everybody went whoa he is for real. Like, this is crazy. Like, George Foreman, not only is he for real, he might be a better
Starting point is 02:23:10 fighter than he was when he was young. I remember when he fought Evander Holyfield and he lost. I think he lost the decision, if I remember correctly. Yeah, he did. And I love at the end, he said something about, this is for people over 40. Hip, hip, hooray. That was such a great quote by George Foreman after losing.
Starting point is 02:23:25 Like, what a victory it was for age. You know, it was really... When he knocked out Michael Moore, I want to say he was 46 years old. And Michael Moore was beating him and winning, and he hit him with a straight right hand on the chin, and Moore just flattened. It was crazy. I think he was the oldest guy to ever gain the heavyweight title at the time.
Starting point is 02:23:44 Who did he beat for the title? Did he beat Michael Moore for the title? I think he beat Michael Moore for the title. Oh, and title at the time. Who did he beat for the title? Did he beat Michael Moore for the title? I think he beat Michael Moore for the title. Oh, and then he lost at the Holyfield? Is that what happened? I don't remember. I think so. Do I have time to piss one more time?
Starting point is 02:23:51 I've got to piss again. Sure, go ahead. Piss one more time. We'll wrap this thing up when you come back. Find out how old George Foreman was when he won the heavyweight title. And here's the thing. I don't think they had human growth, or if they did have human growth hormone. It wasn't really being used by boxers, I don't think.
Starting point is 02:24:07 They used to get human growth hormone from the pituitary glands of dead people. He was 45. 45 when he won the title? It would be 26-year-old Michael Moore. Wow. Michael Moore was only 26 at the time. Michael Moore was a murderer at light heavyweight. He was one of the best light heavyweights ever.
Starting point is 02:24:24 But light heavyweight was too hard for him to make, so he went up to heavyweight. He was like one of the best light heavyweights ever. But light heavyweight was too hard for him to make, so he went up to heavyweight. And that was when he won the title. And then who did he lose it to? Did he lose it to Holyfield? Lost to Tommy Morrison, too. Lost a decision to Tommy Morrison. It was like Tommy Morrison's biggest victory ever.
Starting point is 02:24:43 Yeah. And that was like post. The Morrison loss was just before he beat Michael Moore. Really? Yeah. Interesting. He lost to Shannon Briggs, too. He lost a decision to Shannon Briggs, Shannon the Cannon, let's go champ.
Starting point is 02:24:56 And then I feel like the. Holyfield was before it, too. The Shannon fight. Oh, it was before it as well. Holyfield lost his 91. Morrison was. What is the. 93, it was before it as well. Holyfield loss was 91. Morrison was what is the, what's the order of his fights? So he had the Holyfield loss, the Morrison loss, and then right afterwards you got a shot at the title. Yeah. That's what it says. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:25:17 Why would they give him a shot at the title right away? The fight was for the vacant WBO heavyweight title. And then he won the WBA, IBF, and lineal heavyweight titles when he beat Michael Moore a year later. Oh, okay, so Morrison beat him for the WBO title. He lost that decision. A lot of people thought that he should have won the Shannon Briggs fight, I believe. Was it the Shannon Briggs fight or was it the Morrison fight?
Starting point is 02:25:39 I'd have to go back and look at it again. I think maybe both of them were controversial. But the Morrison or the Moro fight. Morrison is an undisputed decision, and Briggs was a mixed MD. Is that a mixed decision, or what is that? Majority decision. That was Briggs. Yeah, the Briggs fight was the one I think that was controversial.
Starting point is 02:25:56 Who's that? Shannon Briggs against him? Yeah, George Foreman. We're just going over the George Foreman career. Let's wrap this up. Yeah, this was fun, dude. I always enjoy this. Always a good time, my brother.
Starting point is 02:26:04 I'm going to ask you one prediction because Anthony Johnson against Cormier. I do not have a prediction. I never predict, but I think that if it goes into the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, it's going to be really hard for Rumble to win. I think Rumble's chances
Starting point is 02:26:20 of winning the fight come early. He's a goddamn short-term hurricane that rips the house right out of the foundation. He's not necessarily a long, long storm. I think what Rumble does is comes at you fast and hard, and he can go fast and hard better than anybody. It's just really hard for him to go with that style more than three rounds. The only time we've ever seen him do it three rounds, he beat Phil Davis.
Starting point is 02:26:43 He beat the shit out of him for three rounds but phil davis wasn't threatening him it was uh he was fighting at his pace he was completely in control of that fight and he won a clear-cut unanimous decision hurt davis a bunch of times and it was super dangerous also i feel like rumble johnson today is scarier than the rumble johnson that fought phil davis but rumble when he fought dc the Rumble Johns that fought Phil Davis. But Rumble, when he fought DC the first time, when he fought Cormier the first time, he was preparing for Jon Jones, so he's preparing for a different fight. The fight was a last-minute replacement with Cormier,
Starting point is 02:27:13 and Cormier just out-wrestled him. I mean, Daniel's one of the best wrestlers in the sport, period. Out-wrestled him and then eventually got his back and choked him. I just think that it's a terrifying fight for Cormier because this fucking guy hits so goddamn hard He's fun if you make any mistakes any mistakes. He lands a fucking nuclear bomb on your face This very few people that scare scare fighters the way that rumble does yeah, he does he has that that what he is like that old school I'm afraid of being beaten up in the schoolyard Yeah, like when it could be beat Michael Johnson the way he had him on the ground
Starting point is 02:27:49 Like that's how I would get beaten up like that was so claustrophobic for me to watch that It's like not be able to pull your arm. That was a really uncomfortable fight. Mmm. Okay, I can't fight So yeah, I wanted it stopped. I wanted to stop before they stopped it. It was bothering me I was like this guy's not gonna win this fight. He's getting the fuck beat out of him. He's getting his head punched in. He's one of the best fighters in the world, and you're ruining him. Right. He's just taking this beating.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Like, just stop the goddamn fight. He was so outmatched. But he did hurt Khabib early in the fight. He hurt Khabib in the very first round. But then the fucking Khabib not being able to make the weight against Tony Ferguson. I'm just like, this goddamn weight cutting. God, it's such a horrible, horrible practice. It makes me sick.
Starting point is 02:28:28 That was heartbreaking because everybody wants that fight. And now it's like they're going to be scared to put him against Conor. I mean, they're going to have that be their fucking main event? You can't. You can't. And by the way, one of the things that we talked about on the Fight Companion podcast we did the other day, we pulled up the Luke Rockhold quote Luke Rockhold is his training partner And he was saying that he couldn't get blood to his liver. That was something's going on
Starting point is 02:28:51 He's in deep pain. He wasn't getting blood to his liver I'm like yeah, you're fucking kidding me like this guy and this guy's gonna do that again he's gonna lose that weight again after that and Apparently he said that he had the same problem in the Michael Johnson fight the Michael Johnson fight He wound up getting down to 155, but he was having the same issue where he wasn't getting blood to his liver Like what the fuck man? You know in George St. Pierre is Did an interview today where he's saying that it's gonna kill one of us like one of us is gonna die from weight cutting
Starting point is 02:29:18 Well, he's going to middleweight now, right? I think that's one of the reasons why that's better. Yeah, I think it's better I mean look how goddamn good Kelvin Gastelum looked against Vitor Belfort this weekend. Yeah, he's faster. Johnny Hendricks I thought looked good, too. Yeah, he looked great. He looked great against Hector Lombard. You would think getting heavier makes you faster, but I guess... It's just not draining yourself.
Starting point is 02:29:35 That's all it is, because he's not getting heavier. He's always heavy, but he would be the same weight and then dehydrate himself down to 170 and then go back up to, like, 190, somewhere around then, dehydrate himself down to 170 and then go back up to, like, 190, somewhere around then, which is probably what Johnny Hendricks was instead. This time, just lost a couple of pounds, made 185 easy, and then looked fucking great against Hector Lombard. I would like to see more guys do that because I think that's so much healthier and the performances are better.
Starting point is 02:30:00 Look at Donald Cerrone. Donald Cerrone, since going up to welterweight, looks far better than he looked at lightweight. Yeah, I always wondered why they do that. And I've them before and they just say look cuz you're gonna be fighting a Heavier guy if you I like why don't you just fight at your normal? Kind of your weight you walk around that wouldn't that be better and had not have to cut all that weight and put it back On it just seems crazy honestly in their defense. I think there should be more weight classes I think there should be a weight class every 10 pounds
Starting point is 02:30:22 I think if there was a weight class every 10 pounds. I think if there was a weight class every 10 pounds, it would alleviate a lot of the extreme cutting. You'd have a 145, 155, 165, 175, 85, 95, and then go up like that. I think if we did that, we'd have more champions. It would be more exciting. I think it would be an excellent way to have champion versus champion fights because it wouldn't be that much of a difference in weight. Much closer, right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah, that would be interesting to watch.
Starting point is 02:30:46 Maybe they'll do it. I hope so. 65 versus 75-pound champ, 55 versus 65. There's a lot of fights you can make when you have these big-ass super fights. The one guy could go up a little, one guy could come down a little. It's not a giant jump. Yeah, I felt bad for Tony Ferguson. That just sucks.
Starting point is 02:31:01 It does suck. Are you going to come up to that Buffalo fight? I don't know if I'm working for Cormier Johnson in Buffalo, right? Yeah. Yeah, if I can, I will. I only usually go to Vegas, but that's one I want to see.
Starting point is 02:31:12 Is Yair Rodriguez on that one? That's 211. Frankie Edgar, Yair is 211. Yeah, Yair is 211, I think. Oh, this is, it's Weidman against Mousasi. Here it is, Will Brooks, Charles Oliveira.
Starting point is 02:31:23 Yeah, Weidman versus Massi is a great fight. Oliveira is another one. He went up to 155. He's fighting Will Brooks now. I like that. Yeah, that's, well, Oliveira has been just struggling to stay at 145. It's just brutal. It breaks you down, man.
Starting point is 02:31:37 It's just so bad for you. Yeah, didn't he miss, was he over? He, no, he beat Pettis. Pettis didn't make the weight, and he beat Petis. No, that was Max Holloway. Max Holloway beat Petis. He lost to Petis. Petis guillotined him.
Starting point is 02:31:54 But I think he's had a couple losses in a row. Who the fuck was Charles Oliveira's last loss? Who was he mad at recently who criticized his weight? Unless I'm not thinking of Charles Oliveira, he was pissed off that somebody had said something disrespectful about his weight. Oh, he lost to Ricardo Lamas. Yeah, he got submitted by Ricardo Lamas. That was a great fight for Lamas.
Starting point is 02:32:12 And then before that, Pettis submitted him. And then before that, he beat Miles Jury. He's just, I think he's just, it's another one of those guys. He's a really talented guy, but that fucking weight cut is just horrible. It's the worst part of the sport. There should be a way to do it, to eliminate it. I think they should be weighing these guys in every 15 days or something like that and finding out what they really weigh.
Starting point is 02:32:33 I think it's crazy. I really do. I think it's insane to dehydrate your brain, your body, get to death's door, and 24 hours later have a cage fight. GSP said that recently. I didn't know they did that in boxing. He was saying about in boxing, a month out, they weigh you so you can't lose like 20% of your,
Starting point is 02:32:48 whatever the percentage of your body mass. I never considered that, but that would probably be a good way to do it. Maybe they will. The guy who runs the California State Athletic Commission, his name is Andy Foster, and he's probably, in my opinion, one of the very best commissioners in MMA today,
Starting point is 02:33:01 in athletic commission commissioners, because he's just really proactive. I believe he's had some MMA fights himself, and he's an accomplished martial artist, and he really understands the sport. And they're taking some really proactive approaches to cutting weight cutting and making sure that people don't dehydrate themselves as much.
Starting point is 02:33:18 And he was really proactive for performance-enhancing drugs, catching people doing drugs before the USADA thing with the UFC came along too. So just need better regulations, more people on top of things. This is how bad I want to lose my gut. I fucking, like I do exercise it, but I actually, I think I asked, it was either Wonderboy or his father,
Starting point is 02:33:38 what the paste was that they put on. And a part of me actually considered putting the paste on and just sitting in the fucking room. For Abilene? Well know what it's thank you i didn't know it's a sweat yeah but he's like you don't that's you'll lose the wrong weight oh yeah no you'll just get dehydrated that's not gonna lose body fat no you just gotta stop eating sugar do you eat sugar very rarely but occasionally i'm doing i go you know like i go fucking through periods you know what i mean like i want to misbehave and i'll just shove bad food in my fat face. It's hard not to.
Starting point is 02:34:06 It's tasty. It is tasty. I love a good treat. I love a good ice cream sundae. I have a hard time. God damn it, dude. I love it. Frozen yogurt.
Starting point is 02:34:14 Oh, my fucking manager and I, what a couple of queens we look like prancing on Santa Monica Boulevard to the yogurt stop fucking three times a week. We can't stop eating this shit. Menchies? It's the fucking best, dude. The vanilla. They have the sugar-free chocolate. Holy shit, is that stuff addicting.
Starting point is 02:34:30 You get all those toppings. I do. Reese's Pieces and stuff. I don't go that crazy. No? Maybe a little bit of coconut shavings, but lately I've done more. I rarely do it.
Starting point is 02:34:39 I rarely do it, but when I do it, I go hard. I'll go to Cold Stone Creamery and get a fucking giant sub with peanut butter and hot fudge and Reese's Pieces and chocolate ice cream and whipped cream on it. Fucking God damn it. Doesn't that fuck you up? My throat.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Oh, yeah. I'm a throat clearing idiot, and that type of stuff fucks me up. Like lactose I can't take. Coffee, I think, messes my throat up. I stopped drinking butter coffee on the show because i would drink it and i would be constantly coughing it's just when you're talking for long periods of time like this you're occasionally gonna have to clear your throat yeah like that yeah yeah but i mean like when i when i think about it more i have to do it more but i mean when uh when i'm like lactose fucking kills me ice cream cream, frozen yogurt.
Starting point is 02:35:25 I take a Mucinex. Well, the sugar, too. There's so much. When you have an ice cream sundae, I mean, you're getting who knows how many hundreds of grams of sugar. But it feels so good while it's going in. And then you just crash. Yeah. And you regret it.
Starting point is 02:35:37 Yeah. Your body feels like dog shit for a long time. Yeah. For an hour or so afterwards, I feel like dog shit. I feel that way for a few days. Like, I got to eat good for a while, go to the gym, and then when I start to... I've never had abs, and I never will. You can have abs. You're not far
Starting point is 02:35:50 away from abs. I don't know. If you have a real trainer, like a really good trainer that fucking kicks your ass, you got a chick that you go to? Yeah, three different ones. Three different ones. One, yeah, well, one couldn't do another schedule, so I use another one. One Monday, one Friday, and then one I use Tuesday, Thursday. It's all scheduled. So every time you work out you work out
Starting point is 02:36:06 with a trainer every time unless I'm here and I'll do a little something I'll pop up on the old elliptical for 20 minutes but I'll do a few things that I remembered you know I'll do 45 minutes by myself but I would say almost every time I use a trainer mmm because I don't like I'm fucking lazy right I'm lazy I like to be fucking lazy they will at least make you do different shit squat we're gonna pump right you know like all these full body exercises so I'm lazy. I like to be fucking lazy. They will at least make you do different shit, squat, pump, all these full body exercises. So I'm doing things I wouldn't do on my own. It's interesting that you say you're lazy, but you work out four days a week. That's not lazy. I do that in spite of my laziness. I am lazy.
Starting point is 02:36:40 You do stand up seven nights a week, but you're lazy. You do your radio show, how many days a week? Five days a week, but you're lazy. You do your podcast on top of the radio show two days a week but you're lazy yeah it's weird i mean but i maybe i i maybe i maybe maybe i'm not i mean i always feel like i'm a lazy bum and i really do i might i feel like i'm a fucking hard and i'm doing all this stuff in spite of being lazy like i'm fighting laziness constantly maybe it's the way you're defining maybe you're self-defining yourself in a very uh negative and limiting way maybe by thinking that like you're self-defining yourself in a very negative and limiting way. Maybe by thinking that, like you're lazy, even though the evidence points to the contrary, you're still doing all these things.
Starting point is 02:37:11 A lazy person would find a way to not work out. A lazy person would find a way to fuck off and call in sick to the radio show. That's a great point. Yeah, I don't think you're lazy. I think you're self-critical, which is usually what a lot of artists are. You know, a lot of artists hate everything they do. And they just, you know, they're constantly trying to do the best, and it's just never good enough, and they get pissed.
Starting point is 02:37:29 Right. So it might be like this way you're looking at things. You might have to just blank that out and just not think like that, just not allow those thoughts to get into your head. If I wanted to fuck off and not work out, I'm sure I could come up with some sort of a reason, but I don't consider myself lazy in that regard. I'm just not.
Starting point is 02:37:49 I work out too much. It would be ridiculous if I said I was lazy. I make myself do it. Like, with a trainer, that also forces you to do it. But I make myself do it, too. Like, there's not much difference between you and me in that regard. I'll give myself a few days. Like, I'm so busy doing press this week.
Starting point is 02:38:03 I'll give myself, like, I did it twice but uh I'll let the third day go like I'm not as driven as I was at one point but the trainers I always show up I never don't show up I don't cut the workouts or like you just make yourself do it it's almost like making yourself be faithful like you know once I start cheating goodbye I'm not the floodgates are open floodgates are open because I'm no longer perfect that's what OCD shit comes in I'm not perfect I think that's what you're doing I think you're defining I think it's a negative definition that you've latched on to yourself that you're lazy because it's it's impossible for you to be lazy when you look at all the things you do that's a good point I hadn't thought of it that way that's a good point yeah well you're right I've always identified myself like that maybe I'm just a
Starting point is 02:38:42 driven guy who's tired yeah that's what it sounds like. I mean, Jesus Christ, think about all the shit you're doing. You're doing five days of radio. You're doing two days of podcasts. You're doing stand-up every night. You're working at night, and then you're getting up in the morning to do radio, what, seven? What time are you there? I'm on the air from 8 to 11.
Starting point is 02:38:57 8 to 11. So you're getting up at seven? Yeah. That's fucking early for a comic. Yeah, it does. Who's doing a set at night? Like, what time's your sets? I usually, well, SD will give me early ones when I request it.
Starting point is 02:39:06 So I'm usually done by about 8.30. I'll be home by 9.00. I'll have a little something to eat. I'll have some Vietnamese food and relax. Yeah, but still, even then, like, you're barely getting eight hours sleep then. If you go right to bed. I never get eight hours. I can't.
Starting point is 02:39:19 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You need. Everybody needs eight hours. I like eight. I got eight hours last night. So you feel refreshed, right, when you wake up? I feel great today. I never feel refreshed.
Starting point is 02:39:29 I feel amazing. Yeah, I feel fantastic. Get that eight hours. I just think that that's one of those things that's non-negotiable. I just think that, I mean, there's going to be days where I can't. I've got to get up early for a flight. Yeah. But I think sleep is one of the most non-negotiable things.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Sleeping and drinking water and eating healthy food, those are pretty non-negotiable. What time are you going to bed? Depends. Last night was pretty late. Last night was probably like one o'clock in the morning. I got up at like somewhere around nine-ish. Yeah, that's still a good schedule for a comedian. Yeah, for a comedian, it's great.
Starting point is 02:40:02 Well, it's good that the store's not far away. I can get to the store in a half an hour at night, get there, do a comedian. Yeah, for a comedian, it's great. Well, it's good that the store's not far away. I can get to the store in a half an hour at night, get there, do a set. I'm done by 11, 11.30. I'm home by 1, you know, whatever. That's what scared me, though. It was the idea of doing radio during the day, and then, like, if I did afternoons, I'd do a set at night, and then what? Right.
Starting point is 02:40:20 And then you're naughty. That's what you're worried about. And nobody's around. Nobody's around. But you're really texting the dregs at 4 naughty. That's what you're worried about. And nobody's around. Nobody's around. But you're really texting the dregs at 4 a.m. Are you? Yeah. Bet you're best options have gone to bed.
Starting point is 02:40:34 Best options have taken all the loads they can handle for the evening. Or they've given them. You know, if she's a really good girl. All right. Jim Norton, your new special, is on Netflix. Mouthful of Shame. Yeah, it's on really good girl. All right. Jim Norton, your new special is on Netflix. Mouthful of Shame. Yeah, it's on as of today. As of today.
Starting point is 02:40:50 There it is. Bam. Well, you look great in that picture. Thanks, Jim. Holy shit, dude. It's a snowstorm. I actually just pulled that. I actually just screen capped that because I didn't like the picture they were using.
Starting point is 02:40:58 So I just screen capped it from the special. Like, could you guys use that? And they're like, okay. Perfect. Yeah, that is perfect. I like that, too, because you're in the middle of a set, you know, like that's a real picture. That's a real, like you're not posing. Like I posed for a bunch of Netflix pictures, pictures, and I was like, ew. Well, there's one they took of me where my hand is over my mouth, but it's a screen grab
Starting point is 02:41:17 from a set. I'm doing a joke where I cover my mouth, but I'm like, I don't want to use that. A, because you can't see my face and B, because I know it's mouthful of shame, but it seems like I'm going oh, I said something naughty Which is not what the joke is, but it looks like I called it mouthful of shame and then went oh look out folks, right? It's fucking awful. Yeah, that could be a problem I'm not being censored cynical and they were like who's this guy what yeah fuck out of here your mouthful I'm allowed to say whatever I want. Yeah, it's Netflix. No one's censoring me. Isn't Netflix amazing in that regard? I could not be happier.
Starting point is 02:41:49 So amazing. They're so good. Robbie Praw said to me, it's an hour and one minute or hour and two minutes. It was an hour and 14 with the set. I chopped the bit up. And I asked Robbie, well, you might want to trim this a bit, but it's up to you. And he was right. The trim was actually smart.
Starting point is 02:42:04 And that was the whole suggestion. Yeah, the only notes they gave me when I was recording was like one of the ladies really enjoyed the dolphin bit. She's like, you didn't do the dolphin bit on that set. I go, oh, it's just because I did. Don't worry. It'll be on. I go, I just didn't want to do it during that set. I didn't want any of the sets to be longer than an hour. And some of them are going to have material that's not in the other ones.
Starting point is 02:42:24 And I'll decide which way to do it. But that was it. I like a bit. Is that bit going to be longer than an hour. And some of them are going to have material that's not in the other one. Right. So I'll decide which way to do it. But that was it. Like, I like a bit. Yeah. Is that bit going to be in it? Don't worry, that bit's going to be in there. Yeah. That's a nice note to get.
Starting point is 02:42:31 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I think, the best venue right now for standup by far. I don't think there's anything even close to Netflix. Dude, it's everywhere now. Yeah. Like, it just gets released everywhere.
Starting point is 02:42:41 So I'll go out and do gigs, hopefully in the next couple of months, start, you know, booking a bunch of shit. And someone can listen to this podcast right now, hang it up, close the podcast, and then go right to their TV and instantaneously watch it. That's the best. On their phone. Yeah. I opened it on my phone before.
Starting point is 02:42:57 It was weird. It's amazing. Like you're watching it on your... They don't care about the premiere. They care, but I had a bunch of stuff lined up. And Netflix actually said, you know, don't kill yourself. There's going to but they're like I had a bunch of stuff lined up and Netflix actually said you know don't kill yourself there's gonna be a second wave
Starting point is 02:43:08 you know how much press I did I did wow I did like maybe I called a couple of people I don't remember it was nothing though it was nothing like
Starting point is 02:43:16 I had to do for Comedy Central right Comedy Central involved like there was like a bunch of obligations like if you do an HBO special I would imagine it'd probably be the same thing
Starting point is 02:43:23 same thing same for Epix and again just cause they have a premiere date, they get numbers. Netflix, they just want to know that people are watching it and they can tell. They don't tell any of us how many people are watching. None of us get numbers.
Starting point is 02:43:34 Yeah, they don't tell you shit. They just go, we're very, very happy. I want to do another one. Yeah. I should act like I'm holding out. When do you want to do it? I'm not ready to do that, but maybe in a year or so, maybe more. I mean, I would love to do it with them. What's your schedule do you like to do? Do you want to do it? Well, I'm not ready yet, but maybe in a year or so, maybe more. I mean, I would love to do it then. What's your schedule do you like to do?
Starting point is 02:43:48 Do you like to do one a year? It's not always possible, but my goal is to do one every year, year and a half maximum, because by then, a lot of the material is... Like, when I touch topical stuff now, I try to touch it in a way that ties into an overall theme so it still makes sense.
Starting point is 02:44:03 Right. Like, I talk about how I don't really think I'm a pervert and i mentioned that jared's a pervert but i don't do a whole long jared set i do like one or two something that that is fairly timeless to that bit nothing specific to the moment where you're like wait i don't remember that you know you know what he did so that i yeah but after a year and a half i just lose interest in what i'm saying joke wise and plus i like doing that yeah i love doing that I feel like why not just put it out there's so many places to put specials out right and especially when you're doing so much stand up if you're doing stand
Starting point is 02:44:30 up six seven nights a week and then you're constantly doing a radio show there's constantly new themes running through your head yeah you want to get that out there and it's always there and it's like I maybe I should do shorter videos or something I don't know how to get them out like things that are so topical just to just to spit them out there so they're there and opposed to getting wasted in the set I want to be your self-esteem coach i'm going to pump you up
Starting point is 02:44:47 no more negative thinking positive gym but then again you might be fueled by that negative thinking it might be why you're so prolific it's a combination of both like i can feel good and be funny too but i didn't even realize it was a negative thought i just think i was confusing being tired with being lazy and i think that's a good you just pointed something out that makes a lot of sense you're definitely not lazy you're getting a lot of shit done yeah i feel but i'll watch you and i see you you got a company you got you're doing that and i'm like motherfucker i'm sitting and i'm sitting on a block of ice doing nothing or louis doing this you see all your friends can't compare yourself no i know but it's like you feel lazy when you
Starting point is 02:45:22 see your friends doing these great things see all, all the things that I'm doing, though, I really enjoy doing those things. They don't seem like work to me. There's not a goddamn thing I do that seems like work, whether it's working for the UFC, whether it's doing stand-up. There's obligations. I have to be there at a certain time. There's writing involved. There's things that I have to do where I have to sit down and be alone and force myself
Starting point is 02:45:42 to do that kind of work. But none of it seems like work. It's all fun stuff. Well, if I was only doing stuff I want, believe me, I wish if somehow watching Chatterbait would advance me in this business, you'd be fucking, you'd be seeing my fucking heels. It probably would. If you did like live commentary on Twitch for Chatterbait, like you had Chatterbait windows in the background and you're, you're just sitting there like, Oh no, Jesus.
Starting point is 02:46:03 You're not allowed to, but I do, what I do want to do is I want to get a beautiful girl in Chatterbait and then I want to just come on as fucking Chip and sit next to her and wreck it. All these guys jerking off
Starting point is 02:46:14 in fucking England and Portugal. That's a great idea. Yeah, I want to do that. I have the look and everything. I really want to, but I would have to have somebody like somehow capturing because you have to be careful you don't show them or you'll get sued.
Starting point is 02:46:27 There's a way to capture what they've said and change it a little and put it out. I think it's so funny. Or you'd have to do it in conjunction with that girl. You and that girl would have to have some sort of agreement. The girl would be in the room with her. But she wouldn't be. I can't do anything with porn. But the girl would be like a sexy girl showing her tits really hot.
Starting point is 02:46:43 You can't do anything with porn because it's serious? No, because it was a comedian i don't want to i don't want to cross a certain line right like i don't want to i don't want to be there with people i'm actually fucking right um not out of judgment but i just i understand what you're saying um but i want to i want to have fucking chip come on and just sit there and fucking spoil the vibe and fucking talk to her tell her to show her fucking cooter and just ruin it. People would be so fucking angry. People like me wouldn't. No, you would enjoy it.
Starting point is 02:47:12 But like, do you put it in a couple's room? Oh, yeah. That'd be so funny. You wait, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of her in a few fucking seconds. That's a great idea. You sit there with like a bib on, mashed potatoes, cut the steak. Yeah, where do you see how good I fucking stick it in a cooter. People would hate it.
Starting point is 02:47:33 Sounds like a plan. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. I love this podcast so much. I love you, man. You're a funny motherfucker. Is this real? Silva versus Gastelum?
Starting point is 02:47:40 Oh. Wow. In Rio. Oh my goodness. What a tremendous. Oh my goodness. Whoa. Calvin Gastelum,
Starting point is 02:47:53 he's trying to be the legend killer. Yeah. Asking you shall receive. Whose tweet is that? UFC. Oh, wow. Well, Calvin asked for that fight and Anderson apparently said yes.
Starting point is 02:48:03 That is a dangerous fight for Anderson Silva. Calvin Gaslam is a fucking destroyer. Yes, he is. And Anderson against Derek Brunson I thought was a very interesting decision. I didn't agree with it, but other people did. It wasn't a bad decision. It was a close fight. He didn't get a lot done, but I felt like he—
Starting point is 02:48:19 I'd have to go over it and really score it, but I didn't think it was egregious. But I do think that Anderson has definitely lost a step, and he can get hit. And Calvin is a motherfucker, man. Yeah. He's a motherfucker. Wow. Wow. In Rio, though.
Starting point is 02:48:33 He's going to fight Anderson in Rio. The vibe in Rio is going to—but he just fucked up Vitor in Fortaleza. He knocked him the fuck out, man. Jesus. He doesn't seem to care where he is. Calvin Gaslam is a beast. He's a beast. He's a kid on the way up. He's only 25 too, right? How old is Calvin? Is he that young? I believe so. Oh my God. I believe he's 25. I believe he won the ultimate fighters. Like one of the youngest guys
Starting point is 02:48:55 ever to win it. Yeah. Did he beat Uriah Hall? It was, right? Yeah. I was shocked at that win. I remember watching him. Nobody thought he was Going to win Shit Now he's way ahead Of Uriah Hall I love Uriah Hall too He's a beast He's another one Really good fighter He's a really interesting
Starting point is 02:49:09 Guy too Alright Mouthful of Shame On Netflix Starting today UFC Unfiltered And your show With the great Matt Serra
Starting point is 02:49:18 With the great Matt The Terra Serra And me and Sam Every morning on Sirius 8 to 11 Thank you brother Thank you Joe
Starting point is 02:49:23 Bye everybody See ya We'll be back tomorrow With someone fucking good Who the hell's tomorrow And me and Sam every morning on Sirius 8 to 11. Thank you, brother. Thank you, Joe. Bye, everybody. See ya. We'll be back tomorrow with someone fucking good. Who the hell's tomorrow? Hold on a second. I'll tell you. Give me one second.
Starting point is 02:49:35 Oh, TJ Kirk, the amazing atheist. That'll be fun. He's great. Bye. Thanks so much.

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