The Joe Rogan Experience - #950 - Abby Martin

Episode Date: April 25, 2017

Abby Martin is an American journalist and former host of "Breaking the Set" for RT America. Check out her interview & documentary series at --

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't even think their nuclear bombs work. It's all posturing. Probably, right? Yeah. Do-do-do, Abby Martin, we're live. We're live? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:10 You have a Doom shirt on. Powerful street cred with the kids there. With the Doom shirt. Hey, going back to the Wolfenstein Doom days. Fuck yeah. Old school id software. Hell yeah, man. I played that game.
Starting point is 00:00:20 That game was awesome. I miss Doom. I do too. The new ones are pretty badass. Did you see the movie? I never saw it. I did. It was terrible. Was miss Doom. I do too. The new ones are pretty badass. Did you see the movie? I never saw it. I did.
Starting point is 00:00:26 It was terrible. Was it the first person shooter? It was so bad. No, no, no. There was a first person shooter movie, like something Harry or something like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What was that called? Hardcore. Hardcore Harry.
Starting point is 00:00:37 That was nuts. Henry. Was it Henry? Henry. Was it good? That was nuts. It really just felt like you were watching a video game the whole time. It was absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But was it good? I don't know if it was. It really just felt like you were watching a video game the whole time. It was absolutely insane. But was it good? I don't know if it was... It was very entertaining. Well, then it's good. There it is. Yeah, Doom. It was with The Rock. That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:53 The Rock when he had hair. Wow. That's right. Old school. God, that was a terrible movie. Was it? It was so dumb. Why does it look like that?
Starting point is 00:01:02 I remember Doom being super red and orange and this is blue. Come on now. Come on now. Why is he listed first? Because nobody knew who the Rock was back then. Who the hell is Carl Urban? Exactly. That's how old that movie was. What else has Carl Urban been in? Dude, I just had a Twitter argument with Chelsea
Starting point is 00:01:19 Clinton last night. Oh no, you did not. It's like these people don't understand. Never respond to someone who's like way less than you. You know, she like she like I called her basically I called her parents war criminals and she was like, yeah, you know, I should have listened more during during the 2003 Iraq war to the anti-war activists. But she initially called people who were protesting the Afghanistan war and like the AUMF anti-American. And so she was like, yeah, because there was a story that came out that said Chelsea Clinton actually with like American flags and all these things like went and disrupted an anti-war
Starting point is 00:01:54 protest. What? After 9-11. Yeah. Like a group of like patriots including Chelsea Clinton. Probably like 22 or something. Back then? Maybe, maybe younger. So then people were calling her out and being like 22 or something. Back then? Maybe younger.
Starting point is 00:02:06 So then people were calling her out and being like, you know, like mother, like daughter. Because there's stories of Hillary Clinton, like, really working hard to quell the protests, the Vietnam War protests on campus and stuff. As the president of the young Republicans club. She was the president of the young? Really? Yeah. Is this pre or post Kent State? This? Ooh, good question. Really really good question i don't know that was when the whole the break yeah it'd be hard to defend
Starting point is 00:02:32 it after that right after people are shot but yeah so chelsea actually responded to me i was floored because i was like your dad killed 500 000 babies in iraq with the sanctions and your mom voted for the iraq war was like, why don't you protest them? And she was like, you know, I was like, what? What did she say? She just said, she was like, you know, I wasn't really, she was like, don't think that people protesting the Afghanistan war are anti-American. She was like, you know, 140 characters limiting.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I was like, do you see that I just called your parents war criminals and you're actually responding to me? Whatever, whatever. WTF. Just put the blinders on. Oh, my God. And then she was like, I was talking about the Americans who denounce, like, you know, that America is an imperialist warmonger. I was like, it is.
Starting point is 00:03:13 The country is an imperialist warmongering country that's killed millions of people. Usurp the democratic processes of dozens of countries. And the world actually thinks that America is the number one threat to global peace. So I actually agree with the Americans you denounced, Chelsea. It was nuts. So that was a highlight of the day. Yeah, that's not a good look for her. No.
Starting point is 00:03:33 She should probably stay off Twitter for a few years. Yeah, it's like, dude, just step back. I mean, you sound awful. I know that you're trying to get in the public spotlight and get that momentum behind you. I mean, people are already talking about her running in 2020. No, they are not. Yeah, Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton. Together.
Starting point is 00:03:48 The two of them together. That would be hilarious. Can you imagine? Whoa, that would be hilarious. Well, it's like, the problem is, as soon as you engage in someone that's calling anyone who is absolutely responsible for death a war criminal, as soon as you engage, it's like, well, then you have to define what do you for death a war criminal as soon as you engage
Starting point is 00:04:10 It's like well, then you have to define. What do you think is a war criminal like what's okay for you? Is it okay of 10,000 babies dead? Is it I mean like you could kind of call any president ever a war criminal except for maybe Jimmy Carter Like Jimmy Carter gets slippery because he was really a peaceful man in a really weird situation And I think a lot of people capitalized on that weakness, including Ronald Reagan, which is the reason why the hostages in Iran weren't even released until after Reagan took office. That's nuts. That's a crazy story. It's a crazy story because they literally kept those people prisoner and negotiated with their release based on Ronald Reagan winning the election to make them look better.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Unbelievable. Those people were prisoner longer because of Reagan like they could have just gotten him out in a button total Nonpartisan way they could have said hey these are Americans. Let's get him home like fuck out of there They wanted to move those chips around the board. Let's move this. Let's move these pieces It was it was almost as good the Chelsea Clinton recognition As when John McCain Tweeted a segment that I did about him On Breaking the Set Which was like the most scathing segment
Starting point is 00:05:10 Calling him a senile Like crazy war criminal Like sadistic fuck And he like tweeted it out And he was like Thanks Vlad Vladimir They called me Vladimir Putin
Starting point is 00:05:19 Vlad continues his attacks against me And tweeted out to like his That's really what he said yeah yeah now you don't you didn't have anybody telling you what to do on that show no but god can you did you heard about all the the dni report that intelligence report that basically claimed that i along with another show cost hillary clinton the election i mean this intelligence report came out after months and months. Everyone's waiting with bated breath thinking, OK, we're finally going to get evidence that Russia hacked the election. Right. This claim that Russia hacked the election. And
Starting point is 00:05:51 then they come out with this report. Half of it was just bashing RT. And it named my show specifically. And it said this show covered fracking, Occupy Wall Street, government greed, covered fracking, Occupy Wall Street, government greed, Hillary Clinton's war crimes. It's like, and they basically just insinuated that these things are what cost Hillary Clinton the election. A show that had gone off the air two years before. That's hilarious. It's nuts. But people accuse people of ridiculous shit.
Starting point is 00:06:21 This is the intelligence community. How did they do that then? How could they do that if your show went off the air two years before? They were saying that your previous criticism? Yeah. They said that that was when Russia had begun to foment all this dissent and trying to discredit American democracy. That's when Russia
Starting point is 00:06:38 really began the propaganda campaign was when my show, I was like the vector. I was like this person that was put in there and started to unravel democracy. You're a Russian double agent. It's crazy. It's an enormous amount of power. That you didn't know you had? But what's even crazier about it is it's like, yeah, of course RT is pro-Russian. It's fucking called Russia Today. Of course they're going to cover Putin in a positive light. The crazy thing
Starting point is 00:07:02 is that the intelligence report essentially said that covering real issues like covering greed and fracking are Russian propaganda talking points. And that was really bad because you're calling reality propaganda. Like people are living in poverty in this country. Half the country is poor, living paycheck to paycheck. So you can't call like covering that reality propaganda, Russian propaganda. That's just fucking reality. that reality propaganda, Russian propaganda. That's just fucking reality.
Starting point is 00:07:28 What is slippery though, working for something like RT, if they are going to view Putin in a positive light, but they are going to criticize Clinton. Like it is, it does get a little slippery. Are you happy you're not there anymore? I am happy that I'm doing the reporting that I'm doing, which is like more just on the ground investigation. Like since I last saw you, I've been to Palestine. Like now I finally like really have a sense of these issues that I was covering from the studio and feel like I know them more you know after going and talking to the people in the communities and stuff like that. So the journalism is definitely much better.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I don't have any boss. I'm just doing my own things. You're totally independent now? Well I'm working for Telesur so it's like a Latin American state funded media now. Sounds too close to Soros. I don't like it. He's the one that makes the weed stronger. Did you read that?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Soros controls everything. He controls the weed, according to Alex Jones, saying that he's making the weed stronger. Can I ask you a question? When does a billionaire become a globalist? Because why is Rex Tillerson not a globalist? He's the ExxonMobil CEO. Good question. This whole thing about Soros is this globalist and all these people are against the globalists,
Starting point is 00:08:30 yet Trump, it's totally fine to have Rex Tillerson and all these Goldman Sachs bankers in the government. Why are they not globalists? Because they're right-wing. Capital has to move across. The left-wing, the Democrats with money are globalists. What does that mean? Well, Trump's in power so that's how it works so if trump wasn't in power then it would be rupert murdoch that would
Starting point is 00:08:50 be the evil one he'd be the evil bandit it's nuts it's nuts i mean yeah soros is a horrible person who's done a ton of crazy shit but like so is rex tillerson so are all these people you know betsy devos is psychotic. These people are Christian fundamentalists who have used Trump as like the Trojan horse to get into power. These people have been vying for power for the last 30 years, these Christian evangelicals. Mike Pence, Betsy DeVos. You know Betsy DeVos' brother is Eric Prince, right? The Blackwater guy?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah. That's her brother? That's her brother. Oh, is DeVos her married name? Yeah. And what her brother? That's her brother. Oh, is it DeVos, her married name? Yeah. And what is her deal again? So she, her and her, I think her husband's name's Dick, but she married into this like education privatization scheme where it's like a super right wing religious extremist education privatization thing where they're trying to like get vouchers for creationism and all these things like private schooling that teaches creationism and so they funneled the
Starting point is 00:09:51 Betsy DeVos like family um I forget what the organization's called but they've funneled millions and millions of dollars into this scam um meanwhile her brother Eric Prince you know what he's been doing I mean he's now working for like Qatar, Saudi Arabia. I think it's private UAE, United Arab Emirates. And I think he literally, when Arab Spring broke out, he took his whole business over there. Yeah. And he's like, listen, there's a way to prevent this boy. So they have like a private militant group over there or rather a mercenary group over there. It's kind of running their their army. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's like this family is working together to create these like obedient Christianized soldier children who are growing up in schools thinking that, you know, the kingdom and the Messiah are going to come. I mean, it's nuts. And when she was in the confirmation hearing, of course, she was the only one that actually wasn't confirmed. And Mike Pence had to do the tiebreaker because everyone was like, she's the most unqualified fucking person. She can't spell.
Starting point is 00:10:50 She's like a total moron. Why is she even like in the running here? And she lied multiple times in the hearing. Vice president or on the board of this organization, which is this right-wing extremist hate mongering organization that's Funneled millions of dollars to knock down all the the gay marriage propositions and all these states and stuff like that So she lied and said she wasn't on the board But really when you look at the paperwork she was on the board for like 10 years or something I mean, how could a clerical error happen that that long so it's sick These people are sick Mike Pence is a disgusting disgusting person who fought for conversion therapy for gay people
Starting point is 00:11:27 Those people are odd What does this say refused to agree with Democrat that schools are no place for guns? citing one school that needs one to protect she really ins Grizzlies bears she really said this First of all Grizzly bears are rarely predatory towards people and especially not in schools. They don't go to schools.
Starting point is 00:11:52 First of all, Betsy. I don't think that's ever happened, Betsy. And you know what you could do? You could just shut the door and then the grizzly bear cannot get into school and won't try. Unbelievable. That's hilarious. Give the kids guns. Who said that? Didn't someone say like the solution to Sandy Hook is giving the children, arm
Starting point is 00:12:11 the teachers. Yeah. I don't think that it would work either. I mean, it wouldn't be the worst idea to have some military presence in a place that where people, you really feel like they're threatened. But the question is is like why are they threatened like you have a fucking mentally ill person who has access to guns the real issue is keeping track of mentally ill people i would imagine and and also knock down that mentally ill thing like wasn't that a vetting thing that i think the nra actually shut down that we mentally ill people can actually still purchase firearms am i wrong about that that? That's a good question. I think in terms of like what is the medication they're on. Right. What defines mental illness, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Well, the federal government was trying to deny licenses to people that have marijuana, medical marijuana prescriptions. They were trying to deny them handgun licenses or firearms licenses. That's such bullshit. Hilarious. It's crazy because you could be on Oxycontins and all sorts of disassociative drugs, SSRIs, which are almost entirely connected to school shootings and mass shootings. If you look at mass shootings, the vast majority of them either were on psych meds or have
Starting point is 00:13:19 been on psych meds or were off psych meds. And of course, then the argument, the argument is you know that they're not necessarily the cause you know that causation and correlation are not necessarily connected so no one knows exactly why those people do that but if you've ever talked to someone who's on like zoloft or anything one of the problems is there's a disassociation with reality and that nothing bothers you anymore. Like I had a friend who was on it and she was telling me like, she's like, I could come home and my house could be on fire. And I'd be like, oh, my house is on fire. She's like the dog.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Everything's fine. The burning. She wanted to write a book called I Lost a Year of My Life because she literally like nothing mattered. Everything was gray and black and white and there was no color and it was just weird. She's like, my whole life just happened in a year and then I got off of them. And then I was like, okay, now I'm a person again. Like what the fuck happened to me for a year? That stuff scares the shit out of me. How many people they just throw on those goddamn things.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And I know that some people are that they benefit from them. I've had friends that benefit from them. I know there's a positive, but I got to think there's too many people that are going right to them and not exercising, not changing their diet, not trying to meditate, not trying to seek some sort of a positive avenue for their life and their energy and see if that has any effect on their depression. It just scares the shit out of me. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's crazy. I mean, and how crazy is this Jeff Sessions like taking us back to Reefer Madness? He wants to do Just Say No again.
Starting point is 00:14:58 He wants to restart Just Say No. What the hell is going on? It was a good program. This guy's nuts He's old as fuck That's part of the problem And along with that guy Dick Any guy still named Dick?
Starting point is 00:15:12 What's her name's husband? Oh yeah Dick DeVos If you're so old That your fucking parents Called you Dick It's over Yeah the last Dick that I know
Starting point is 00:15:20 Is Dick Tracy Which is like You know an old school Dick Nixon Yeah That's like You're so old That the name Dick wasn't referred to. It wasn't a dick back then.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Right. That's how fucking old you are. That's how crazy that is. It's time to not be in charge of drug policy. There's no way you're thinking clear. There's no way. What did he say? He said, he said, no good people smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. No good people smoke marijuana. That's not true, Jeff. Yeah. That's not true. We're good people. I'm a nice person We're very good. I pay my taxes you fuck. Yeah, what else did I just read that? You know just the racist origins of making weed illegal obviously I tweeted something like that a couple of days ago
Starting point is 00:15:55 About the racist origins. It was a Rolling Stone piece on the racist origins of the drug pop exactly entirely designed during the Nixon administration This the whole schedule one It was entirely designed during the Nixon administration. The whole Schedule I designation for marijuana, cocaine, or not cocaine, actually. Cocaine is medical use, believe it or not. It's Schedule II. But marijuana, mushrooms, all these different psychedelic drugs. Cocaine is Schedule II? I believe so. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That is bizarre. Medical use of cocaine. I think heroin as well. Check that, Jamie, just in case. But there is a medical use for cocaine. There's a medical use for heroin, opiates, things along those lines. So I think they have different designations because of that, because they still refuse to admit there's a medical use for marijuana, despite all the millions of people using it for positive, including kids with epilepsy. I mean, it kids with epilepsy. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And autism. I have a good friend who has a kid that had severe seizures and there was nothing they could do about it until they started giving him, they would give him hash in like a piece of melon. You know, like, and all of a sudden, gone. Like all seizures and he's more communicative. He's more responsive. He's got like pretty severe cognitive issues. Autism and also the seizures. It's like it's pretty severe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And the only thing that helps him is medical marijuana. Yeah. Yeah. For me, I just get high. I just like to get high. Right, right. Don't be clear, folks. I mean, don't be confused.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I mean, I'm pro all those things. Yeah. It was basically inebriation was okay back in the day if you were making money. So if there was businesses behind it. Cocaine schedule 2. Wow, that is stunning. That's stunning. It's like it's used as a local anesthetic.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I didn't know that was an option at the dentist. Dude, fentanyl. That shit that killed Prince at schedule 2. Oh my god. Morphine schedule 2. Opium schedule 2. Codeine, Schedule 2. Opium, Schedule 2. Codeine, Schedule 2. Unbelievable. Methamphetamine, Schedule 2.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, and how in that article, it said that the South passed all of these anti-cocaine laws after the race riots, and then they were like scared. And then in San Francisco, they pass an opium ordinance targeting Chinese people. So it was like kind of racially bent back in the day but of course weed was never an industry behind it, so they just You know didn't have the cash. Yeah, fuck man. Jeff Sessions is a little little elf
Starting point is 00:18:16 Why is he it's so bizarre? He's just like this old man who's totally out of touch and for some reason He's just what are they gonna do though though? Because California just legalized weed. I mean, are they going to continue with DAA raids and stuff, you think? No, but they are doing a bunch of sneaky shit. Like Washington, D.C. has a disproportionate number of arrests on people of color
Starting point is 00:18:37 for marijuana. They're getting arrested, even though Washington, D.C. has legal recreational marijuana. They're still arresting black people. It's fucked up. It's really weird. There was a whole article on it. They can't really.
Starting point is 00:18:50 They're arresting them, but they can't really do anything. So they're just arresting them. They just go through the system. They have to get processed. And I mean, I don't think they're getting jailed. They're obviously getting jailed initially or at least brought in for to be booked. But it's just the idea that this is still going on Despite all the evidence. It just shows you what a corrupt system
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh, totally and the vast majority of Americans just totally want legal recreational marijuana Well, that's the only thing holding that sessions guy back is it 57% of Americans support legalized recreational marijuana Which is just unprecedented. It's never been that high before. And that's people willing to answer polls. I would venture that if you really got down and dirty with a bunch of people like you and I that aren't answering polls, I bet you're going way over 70 percent because it just doesn't make any sense. And when D.C. passed the law, it was overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And that's where all the legislators are. Like, obviously, they want it, too. So what the hell is holding us back here? You guys are in D. in DC you all smoke weed. There's a massive massive amount of money that's still being spent by really odd groups like prison guard lobbies Which is really crazy police unions. Yeah, they want more people in jail so they can make more money and get more hours It's it's so crazy
Starting point is 00:20:04 It is like vampire shit. Because you think about what you're doing, you're literally trying to suck money out of people's lives. I mean, they're not looking at it that way. They're looking at it like, we're going to keep jobs for these American prison workers. We're going to keep American jobs. We're just trying to create jobs, Joe.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah, we're creating jobs. Don't you see the good thing behind this? The drug war? It's spooky. I mean, as a comedian, I mean, I know that like the alt-right is kind of blended in with like this anti-PC culture that I think comedians relate to. But like, do you just wake up and think like, holy shit, Donald Trump is the president ever? Are you like still? I had a huge bit about it before my last special.
Starting point is 00:20:43 My last special aired in November, which was right before the election. Yeah. And I was like, do you know how fucking close we are? And people were laughing. Yeah, he's not going to win. I'm like, no, he's fucking right there. It could happen. And then, boom, he became president.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And I'm just like, wow. It's so surreal. But it highlights to me how preposterous this system of having one person run this whole thing is. It doesn't, and any, I know there's a cabinet. I know, I understand the legislative process. I understand there's a Senate and there's Congress. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:21:16 But still, he's got a lot of fucking power. He's, what was the thing that he shut down? He's shutting down the EPA database. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And they had to like start rogue Twitter accounts. They're like, we need to put out the climate data in case Trump deletes it. It's like, how does he have this much?
Starting point is 00:21:32 How does the executive branch have this much power? I think he's just doing shit. And then they have to stop it somehow or another. And no one wants to stop it. Like he's just doing shit. Whether or not he can or can't do shit. I mean, he's just doing it. And then you have to figure out a way to reverse it. But it's, he's just doing shit, whether or not he can or can't do shit. I mean, he's just doing it and then you have to figure out a way to reverse it, but it's already getting done. Like the EPA standards, that's some spooky shit because that's the, literally the ground that
Starting point is 00:21:54 we grow our food in, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe is one of the most important things, but it becomes this, it becomes this ideological issue between right and left, where right wants work and jobs and industry and left wants water to be clean. It's fucking insane that that became one of those issues, that it's an ideological thing, that if you're on the right, you're supposed to, if not deny climate change, you're supposed to ignore it at the very least. And if you're on the left, you're supposed to be a tree hugger and a hippie and you know You're supposed to be all about clean water the fact that these people Can make these distinctions like that and then figure out a way to make money? Despite that you're poisoning the mother earth. It's just it's insane. It's weird. Yeah, it's like there's got to be another way to make money guys Yeah, you know I mean there's got to be this coal mining thing you're going to reignite coal mining you like how trump kept
Starting point is 00:22:48 calling it clean coal like what are you talking about are we living in the 50s eat it bitch eat it like like obama drank the water in flint and he's like oh water's clean we're all good fucking evac immediately epa has a different story the agency says it has no plans to shut down the website much less bury the data it makes accessible and never did. Okay. So they're fighting back. Because it was a hoax. Oh, it's a hoax.
Starting point is 00:23:12 No way. So the EPA is not. Fake news. So who were those rogue accounts? Goddamn fake news. Who were those rogue accounts that were saying, oh, we're going to. That happened. But the story came from like context or excuse me, data taken out of context from the Trump administration.
Starting point is 00:23:28 They are going to maybe take out 31% of the EPA's budget, but... Don't worry, they're just going to... 31%! And they're adding it to the Pentagon. You heard about that too, right? Including a 25% in the cut in the workforce. So they're going to get rid of 25% of the EPA as far as the workforce. And then 31% of the money.
Starting point is 00:23:48 That's hilarious. So that means the people that remain are going to leave. Because look, if you cut out 31% and then 25% of the workforce, that means you're cutting out more money than you are cutting out people. So I guarantee you that's going to equate to people leaving. Yeah, and the whole like climate accords or whatever that you know the u.s is not only the biggest polluter the pentagon pollutes more than any other entity in the world but they do then yeah the pentagon itself like just the
Starting point is 00:24:15 military oh yeah all the billions of plastic debris in the ocean all the fucking bombs exploding god knows what we're doing around the world um but yeah, I mean, when the Pentagon's the biggest polluter and then you pull out of the Paris Accords or whatever, like Trump was just like, yeah, like we're going to pull out of that climate change agreement. It's like, well, who's going to hold it together then? It already wasn't enough. And then he just puts ExxonMobil in charge of the State Department.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I mean, it's so much crazier than Halliburton. It's so much crazier than Condoleezza Rice's ties to Exxon. The actual CEO, I just can't even wrap my mind around it. It is amazing. I mean, it's amazing that we didn't learn from the Dick Cheney thing. You know? It just got worse. Exxon.
Starting point is 00:24:57 They're like, run the country like a business. It's like, all right, I'm just going to put actual CEOs in charge of all these departments, and that's going to be good? Like, is that fucking good? Well, it would be good if you streamline the business and tried to make it more practical and cut out waste and bureaucracy and red tape and made it better for everybody. But as soon as you start saying things like, we're going to shut down all those satellites that track global warming.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Like, why? Why are you doing that? Shouldn't we know what the fuck is happening? Shouldn't we know? Shouldn't we have, like, good estimates as when the people in Miami are going to drown? Right. Because they're going to drown.
Starting point is 00:25:35 They're going to drown in 40 or 50 years. Those people are so selfish. The people in Miami are fucked. Those people are fucked. He put that... The head of the EPA is a climate change denier. He was a guy, like, embroiled in a lawsuit against the EPA. Yeah, that's not good, right?
Starting point is 00:25:48 No. I would say that's not a good thing. No. That guy. If you look at every department, Rick Perry, the guy who's, you know, we go from Dancing with the Stars to now he's in charge of the department he wanted to abolish. Did he go on Dancing with the Stars? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 And then he was like, he wanted to abolish the energy department. And then, of course, he's appointed to run the energy department and he didn't even know what the hell it did. The energy department like is, is what houses are like, I think nuclear weapons. So it's like, okay, did you know that? Like how stupid are you? How are you even running for president? How about Ben Carson? Didn't he make him like department of housing or some shit? Surgeon general. He's a goddamn doctor. Yeah instead of like yeah instead of some surgeon he's like yeah shouldn't you make him in charge of like neurosurgery he's like a fucking neurosurgeon shouldn't he like be in charge of yeah housing educating the the board on or the you know the the government on the science behind neurosurgery and
Starting point is 00:26:41 like let's let's like stay on board with all this research and science utilize your expertise maybe um it's like a joke i mean the whole thing is like a reality show looking back on it i do think you know i believed all the polls and i was i don't know why because they're you know it's coming from like this ivory tower elite who's totally out of touch with the rest of the country but i really did believe that trump had no chance because i thought hillary would steal the vote i mean if it came down to it, I'm like they have they have measures in place They're really like lock this down. I was like, there's no fucking way and when he won I just couldn't believe it but looking back on it. It makes so much sense
Starting point is 00:27:13 It's like how could he not have won Hillary was the most corrupt clay candidate 30 years of just a legacy of horrible death and destruction Her husband had ruined the economy Horrible arrogance right Bill Clinton ruined the economy. Horrible arrogance, right? Bill Clinton ruined the economy? Oh, my God. How did he ruin it? Deregulation up the ass, dude. It was going great, though, while he was in office. It was going great.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yep. That's what happens right before it crashes, right? Yeah, the buildup. All the banking deregulations, the Telecom Communications Act. Oh, God. Pretty sweet, wasn't it? The prison industry. It was real good.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Those Clinton years. Good times. Good times. Except for Vince Foster. A couple other people I killed, allegedly. Trump is, and all the women that I raped, how crazy was that when Trump brought out his sexual assault victims? That was pretty intense. That's hardcore.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I was just like, dude. It was right before the debate. I was like, what? He wasn't playing games. He was not playing games at all let me ask you this um because you're a journalist what did you think about that wiki leaks claim that the young man who was murdered in washington dc was the guy who gave them the info on the dnc yes whatever his name was you know that's if people don't know the story he was a young guy who was working for the
Starting point is 00:28:22 dnc he was murdered at like three o'clock in the morning or something crazy They shot him in the back and they didn't take anything from him They didn't take his wallet his phone his his cash. They left everything so they called it a robbery robbery attempt, but he was essentially assassinated and The investigation is just non-existent. You don't hear a goddamn word about it I don't know if anybody's like currently, you know working on it where we don't hear about it But it's not something that's brought up in the news. It's just one of those things he was killed There's no leads and that's it
Starting point is 00:28:57 It was odd that Julian Assange mentioned that as if it was like, you know leading people to think that he was the leaker I don't know. Well, that's what he said. His words, the paraphrase were that there are consequences to giving us information. That's a pretty serious charge, basically saying like he was killed for leaking this. If Julian Assange is a liar, if that's not true, then everything he says has to be taken. You have to take into consideration everything he says, because he's a liar now. Did he really like, did he actually come out and say that?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Or did he kind of insinuate being like, you know, this guy was killed and that's... Let's find out. Let's find out what his exact words were. I'm pretty sure that his words were that there are consequences for giving us information. It's just so crazy when you look at what that allegation was, like Russia hacked our election and 52% of democratic voters actually think they hacked the vote when really it was just Podesta fell for a fucking phishing scam because he's an old idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 He's too busy looking at kiddie porn. That's what I heard. Allegedly. Well, you know, that guy's like super problematic regardless of how ridiculous the pizza gate thing is and what's real what's not real What is real is that him and his brother were close friends with Dennis Hastert who was the Speaker of the House who was? fucking kids for decades Fact these in jail for fucking kids That was the Speaker of the house. The idea that the
Starting point is 00:30:25 speaker of the house could be a serial child molester. And that's what he is. I mean, it's literally what the judge called him when he sentenced him. That's insane. Alan Dershowitz, Trump and Bill Clinton were on the Lolita Express with that billionaire, that rape plane that had like a bunch of underage girls. I mean, all of them. Yeah. What is that deal? What is that deal? I mean, it was just this crazy billionaire who had some island that was known as some like sex ring and had a bunch of young kids and all these, all these dudes were, were going there. Here it goes.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Whistleblowers go through significant efforts to get us material, often very significant risks. A 27 year old that works for the DNC was shot in the back, murdered just two weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington. So, and the guy says, anchor, that was just a robbery. Not true. Nothing was robbed, says I believe, wasn't it? And Assange says, no, there's no finding. So, and then the anchor says, what are you suggesting? What are you suggesting? He says, I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that. Huh.
Starting point is 00:31:28 But was he one of your sources, I mean, the anchor says. And he says, we don't comment on who our sources are. And the anchor says, but why make suggestions about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington? Assange says, because we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States. Our sources face serious risks. That's why they come to us, so we can protect their anonymity. Hmm. I found an article about representational state transfer.
Starting point is 00:31:56 How hilarious is that? Siri. What the hell? The government is fucking monitoring my conversation with Abby Martin. I just want to say to the government, listen, you fucks. You could just watch the podcast like everybody else. Oh, my God. You don't have to hack my goddamn phone.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So that is really weird. So he's kind of saying it without saying it. I don't know why he's doing that. He also tweeted out some Pizzagate thing. So I don't know what the deal is. We all know that that's not really true. The thing about the Pizzagate thing is there's a lot of weird shit there. Like the little international child molesting symbol was a part of their logo.
Starting point is 00:32:31 All the weird artwork that that guy owned. Well, I did a whole expose on Podesta, and he is a bougie chef. So it's not surprising that he would talk about pizza as being some really highbrow chef. And they pride themselves on how they cook all these expensive dinners and have these dinner parties. And then the spirit cooking thing is like they're really into this like elitist subversive art scene. And so they have, yeah, they have weird ass art and it's really creepy. What about the emails where they're talking about little kids coming over and getting in the jacuzzi and hanging out with them? The kids were going to come over and entertain them? I mean, mean i don't know i need a little bit more to to really
Starting point is 00:33:07 go down that rabbit hole yes there's pedophilia yes it's in high places the lolita express thing is a really glaring example but in terms of like john podesta being involved in a in a pedophile sex trafficking ring i i feel like we need a little bit more to go on because i feel like what's out there right now seems pretty self-explanatory. It's like the art and the cooking stuff. I agree with you, but little kids coming over the house and getting in the jacuzzi, like that little kids are coming over for entertainment. Did you ever read that? I read the email and it seemed like they're just really out of touch with how to talk about their...
Starting point is 00:33:40 Child fucking? They need to mask it better? Look, I have kids. I have kids that age. And if I'm sending an email to someone else, you know, oh, yeah, you know, blah, blah, blah. His friends are coming over. Yeah, I think we're going to have like pizza or something. We're going to have a pizza party for the little ones.
Starting point is 00:33:58 You say it like that. You don't say they're going to come over and entertain us. Like, what were the exact... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pull up all the creepiness. Well, how Alex Jones interpreted that was saying, they're raping and killing kids. Is that what he said? Did he get crazy?
Starting point is 00:34:12 Oh, he got super crazy. I love how he... About that email. About that email specifically being like, this is obviously like they're raping these kids in the jacuzzi there. Well, it is weird. I don't know what he's saying, but it is weird. My favorite thing about Alex is when he freaks out and then he says, apologize. He's like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen. I don't know what he's saying, but there's weird my favorite thing about Alex is when he freaks out
Starting point is 00:34:25 Let me say apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry ladies. I never swear like that, but these fucking Goddamn child fucking pizza lovers, okay We plan to heat the pool so a swim as a possibility Bonnie will uber service to transport Ruby Emerson and Maeve service to transport Ruby Emerson and Maeve Lozon, whatever, 11, 9, and almost 7, so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. What does that mean? Like, why is he bringing kids over his house? I don't know, man. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:34:57 This is a scumbag. But that's odd. And did you ever see that thing where Breitbart had said that many years ago? He made a tweet. That was weird. Super weird. Right. Like, how does Podesta get away with being a, what was the exact word?
Starting point is 00:35:13 I forget. Oh, Jamie will find it. He did say something about. Super crazy. Yeah, about essentially covering up for kid fuckers. Well, how weird do you think it is that Trump seems to be the first president or anyone really in a political office? Here it is. How pro-guru John Podesta
Starting point is 00:35:30 is in household name as world-class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me. That's a really heavy tweet. And this was in February of 2011 before Hastert was arrested. So this very well could have been connected.
Starting point is 00:35:47 By the way, Hastert only did 15 months for being a serial child molester. What? Bannon also worked for a bunch of child molesters at IGE, this internet gaming entertainment company that just like mined virtual resources in World of Warcraft games and would sell them and he was like a money bundler for goldman sachs because he's a goldman sachs shill and he was working for like all the people on the board were just pedophiles really yeah yeah i think prince brock was one of the guys and then one of the guys is still on the run and has
Starting point is 00:36:19 been for the last 10 years so where are all the pizzizzagate people? They don't know about it. Now they do. I mean, it's crazy. You're going to cause them to... It's a bowling alley now. It's going to be Bowling Gate. But what do you think about, you know, Trump being really one of the first people
Starting point is 00:36:35 who's won a political office that has catered to, like, the conspiracy crowds and conspiracy culture and the Alex Jones crowd and all the conspiracy culture? Well, I liken it to how Ronald Reagan figured out that if you court the Christian right, they will vote for you. I mean, there's a whole market in that.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Look, the conspiracy, look, Alex Jones has a gigantic audience. Tens of millions of people. People discard him as like some crazy outlier. He has an audience of tens of millions of people. It's huge. Yeah. He gets as many downloads as the biggest podcast in the world probably. And he's on I don't know how many different radio stations, but I want to say it's more than 100.
Starting point is 00:37:12 He's got a crazy reach. So it was a wise move by Trump. And as long as he gets on Alex's show and doesn't say anything too fucking crazy, those people are like, I can't believe the president is with Alex. You get those people, and then you get the people that president is with Alex. You get those people and then you get the people that don't like Alex. You get those people too. You get the hardcore Republican base who just want to quote unquote make America great again and wear red hats. You get those people too.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah, it was extremely smart. Yeah. And that's how he won. I mean, he's a reality star who won the biggest reality competition in the world. You're right. That's exactly how to put it. The reality star who won the biggest reality competition in the world. You're right.
Starting point is 00:37:44 That's exactly how to put it. And it was the first time that an actual popular person entered this popularity contest. That's really what happened. Totally. That's exactly what happened. And you're right. He knew how to play the audience. Bannon knew exactly how to work the media, too.
Starting point is 00:38:08 It's fascinating to cultivate that Alex Jones crowd because people are analyzing the results of the election and wondering, you know, how did he win? How did he win? To me, I feel like that's a huge component that no one really puts any like credit to is that Alex Jones, this, this like voting block that never was really active before, like other than Ron Paul. Well, also this alt-right thing that we were talking about, there's a, there's's there's groups of people that were never interested in politics that are now treating it the same way they treat sports these guys are sports fans i mean that's really what it's like it's like this is my team i'm on team trump you know and these fucking it's a brand it's like yeah it's a corporation man and and they're showing up at these berkeley rallies and they're fighting with people now. Like now you've got people responding. This is one of the real problems with the left.
Starting point is 00:38:52 The real problem with these really hardcore lefties that are outraged and want to do something and they want to be positive. So they want to shut down all these people like Milo that they think are Nazis or Ann Coulter and all these people. All these people like Milo that they think are Nazis or Ann Coulter and all these people. But by doing that and by having these gigantic protests and literally shutting down people communicating and talking, you invite people to resist that. And then you start these antifa people who hit people on the head with fucking bike locks. You see, they found out it was a professor that was hitting people in the head with bike locks. And this is going to have people show up and want to hit you with something. And that's what you see now.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And I've seen plenty of footage of Trump protesters and supporters beating other people up. It's like it's coming from both sides. It's coming from both sides now. But I almost feel like this is a manufactured thing because I think that there's being from the Oakland area. And I've an Antifa has been showing up at every protest for as long as I can remember and the cops kind of like are hands off and so I feel like to provoke the Antifa block where you know that they're like really strategically oriented and keep going to Berkeley and keep going to Berkeley and then making it like this big free speech blowout where it's like why do you keep going and like creating the situation
Starting point is 00:40:04 you kind of know what's going to happen it seems like a why do you keep going and like creating the situation? You kind of know what's going to happen. It seems like a manufactured thing. And then at the end of the day, it makes the left easier to demonize and basically protests easier to demonize, where now you have 200 people facing felony riot charges at the inauguration protests. And a couple of them are just journalists who are filming and all the Trump people are like, whatever, they're fucking rioting and they're fascists and they're Antifa. It's like, well, because this happened in Berkeley, now all protesters are scapegoated to these people. Well, certainly, it's easy to demonize.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It's easy to box people in, but I think what's going on in Berkeley is it's the most outrageously liberal place in the country. I mean, Berkeley is and always has been. Like, if you go there, it's so lefty that it's like, it's a great target. It's a great place to get things popping. So if I was Milo or if I was Ann Coulter, and what does Ann Coulter do? I mean, she wants to sell books. I mean, she's a troll.
Starting point is 00:40:59 She's a troll. Yeah, she's totally a troll. Didn't she used to be liberal? Probably. Yeah, she's just one of those. I mean, she's just weird. She's a performance artist. Exactly. We don't talk about her be liberal? Probably. Yeah, she's just one of those. I mean, she's just weird. She's a performance artist. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:06 We don't talk about her as a performance artist. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. She's absolutely a performance artist and not a very good one because if she was, that In Trump We Trust book, like the whole cover, like what in the fuck is that? I mean, it was just bizarre. It's just bizarre that she wrote that book. It was almost like, okay, this is cheap even for her.
Starting point is 00:41:26 This is just like a cheap ploy during this whole Trump movement. She sees the whole momentum of the country, and so she's going to write a book and put Trump in the title of it. It's so stupid. But it's weird. It's just weird that it's so easy. But it makes sense. Just like we were talking about how Reagan sort of mobilized the right- conservative people that were christians that really weren't about politics before that and he kind of brought them in people real like they look at it and go hey look this is an angle you
Starting point is 00:41:54 know there's an angle we can take that no one's been taking and this you're right it's kind of like a bait and switch this whole milo milo berkeley thing because they know exactly what's going to happen when they go there and then then, of course, that's exactly what happens. And then they can use it to be like free speech, free speech. I mean, it's just. He knows what he's doing. Yeah. Milo's a clever guy.
Starting point is 00:42:12 He's very clever. I mean, he knows exactly what he's doing. And Milo at one point in time, by the way, was a guy who was very anti-hate speech. You know, and it was very anti shutting down people who are writing things to hurt people. People have like pulled quotes of his from the past, which is interesting because I mean, I'm sure people's philosophies changed. I'm sure mine have and yours have, but this is like one more piece of evidence that what you're seeing with a lot of people that are in the public eye that are involved in this whole political arena is you're seeing their working angles.
Starting point is 00:42:49 They're like, what's the angle? Like, OK, let's go that way. And you can justify it. Look, I could justify a lot of different angles. If I wanted to do that, if I wanted to be if I wanted to be an anti-Trump protester, an anti-free speech protester, if I wanted to be a person who thinks that free speech should be limited because hate speech is not protected by the Constitution, like Howard Dean just said,
Starting point is 00:43:08 that fucking asshole. He said hate speech is not protected by the Constitution and the First Amendment. Fuck a dick, Howard. Yes, it is, Howard. You fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You're a goddamn representative of the people. That's why Nazi parties exist, actually, and they can have rallies. You know, like that, that happens in this country. I forget who he was
Starting point is 00:43:24 saying it about, too, but it was ridiculous. That happens. I forget who he was saying it about, too. But it was ridiculous. Bizarre. The way he said it, it wasn't even like justified. It wasn't like someone was saying like, hey, we need to gather up these gay people and hang them from stop signs. That's not what people were saying. It wasn't anything that extreme where he, oh, I think it was Ann Coulter. I think.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Going back full circle. I'm pretty sure. Pull that up. See if you can find it. I'm pretty sure Howard Dean was talking about Ann Coulter. Unbelievable. And he was saying that hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. So what is he advocating?
Starting point is 00:43:55 To round up Ann Coulter and arrest her? He's just saying that you can stop her talking. These people are nuts. that you can stop her talking. He just, you know what it was? These people are nuts. Poorly thought out statement that got trampled and just thrown out and everybody sort of repeating it over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And I just don't think he thought about it when he was saying it or the consequences of it. He doesn't think about it a lot, yeah. Here it is. Was it about Ann Coulter? Yes, it was about Ann Coulter's upcoming speech in Vermont. The Vermont DNC chair, Howard Dean, elaborated on his argument that Ann Coulter's upcoming speech in Vermont. The Vermont DNC chair, Howard Dean, elaborated on his argument that Ann Coulter's upcoming speech at Berkeley does not have to occur because hate speech, in quotes, is not protected by the First Amendment.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Fuck you, man. Of course, look, just have someone debate her. It's not that goddamn hard. Have someone say what we're saying. But what about the safe space hysteria where people are like, we need safe spaces. But then it's the same people who are like, why are you protesting us? Let us debate.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Well, then fucking what is it? Do you want safe spaces or not? Because if you want to have debates or you want to have speeches, you can't stop people in Berkeley from coming and protesting you or heckling you. It's such a fundamental idea that we all know that in order to,
Starting point is 00:45:07 if you're going to have a discussion with someone, you have to let that person establish, this is what debates are about, right? Let that person establish their position and then give your counter to that position. This is like so firmly established in the way we communicate and the way we go over ideas. That is essentially
Starting point is 00:45:26 the marketplace of ideas. You have your idea. Someone has an opposing idea. If you don't let that person establish their idea and you shut it down, shut it down, and you're throwing rocks and burning cop cars and throwing fucking bricks through Starbucks windows, you are feeding the whole resistance to your ideas flames like you're you're you're Feeding the people that are saying that they're right and you're wrong because you are against your destiny feeding Feeding that again and people sympathize with like Richard Spencer after you guys sure you know and that's that's a problem Yeah, it's a fucking problem because all you have to do is let those people hang themselves give them a rope give them rope let them talk But you have to have someone qualified You have to have someone who can have that speech with them and you can't have the fucking audience shout them down either
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's a disservice to both ideas both sides But I've heard people say like is Nazism really an idea worthwhile of putting it in the marketplace of ideas like you're advocating genocide Okay, Richard Spencer, so you mean that guy yeah okay but if you are going to have someone debate them you have someone debate them in a venue where let everyone watch it online it's like how do you debate someone that wants to exterminate you like if you're like a black person you're like i'm going to debate this guy whose main premise of the argument is you shouldn't exist it's kind of i i i've i've heard people it's a it's a confusing topic argument is you shouldn't exist. It's kind of I I've heard people It's a it's a confusing topic But if you don't debate them if you don't if you shut down their speech
Starting point is 00:46:51 If you stop and then you can they can frame what they were gonna say in a very different way They can they can gather sympathy with people who are more pro speech more pro free speech Then they are anti what you're saying. Yeah, I think that they still are. Like we were saying before, Nazis still have rallies. Like no one's shutting down these from a government level. So I think the whole censorship thing is not relevant to this situation because that really does mean like the black end of the state like coming down and blocking you.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And instead we have like what we see Antifa blocking like physically these these venues. But it's not like these people are blocked from having venues or access or speech platforms. I mean, they're fucking everywhere. It's like I feel like all over the news, it's Richard Spencer, the dapper Nazi, like giving all these interviews. Aren't these speeches in like this one place? Aren't they very retro? Like, why even do it that way? Why have an audience?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Why have an angry mob yelling outside or even inside like create and cultivate these situations and they could be the martyrs right the free speech martyrs that's exactly what they're doing it's a very poor way to go over ideas though i think the better way to go over ideas is you have a moderator and two people in a room together you know like that that simple. One person has an allotted time where they can express themselves. Then the other person has a lot of time where they can counter and you're not allowed to chime in. You're not allowed to interrupt. You're not allowed to in any way disrupt this person's flow of ideas. Then there should be a time set aside where you could go back and forth with each other.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And unless you do it that way, you're going to involve the cult of personality. You're going to involve the cheers from the crowds. You're going to involve all these different people that can organize to sway things one way or another. All this shut it down, shut it down, shut it down. And it gets as ridiculous as like Jordan Peterson speeches. I'm sure you've seen that professor of University of Toronto that doesn't want to use all these made up gender pronouns. The 78 now accepted gender pronouns. Canada has really weird laws.
Starting point is 00:48:53 You know, and Canada has, they don't have free speech the way we have free speech. And they have a human rights council. And they've decided that these 78 or whatever the fuck they are, however many they decide on, gender pronouns, that if you don't use them, if someone says, you know, I want you to call me Foxkin 26, but for real, like if you don't do that, you're imposing on their human rights. Other people have debated him and said that that's not how it should be interpreted, but he's like a very staunch critic of Marxism,
Starting point is 00:49:25 and he understands the real ideology of Marxism and how it went horribly wrong all throughout the world, throughout history, and that he thinks that what you're trying to do when you're invoking, when you're asking the government to tell people what they must or must not say, that you are going down this
Starting point is 00:49:45 road, this very dangerous road of cultural Marxism. What is cultural Marxism? Because I've heard this said a lot, and I actually have no idea what the hell it means, because Marxism is simply a critique on capitalism. So I don't understand this whole cultural Marxism, like, and how it has anything to do with gender pronouns. But let's check it out. Well, you'd have to talk to Peterson about how it, but he makes a very compelling argument
Starting point is 00:50:07 about how the two of them are connected. And essentially what people are trying to do is control your behavior. And they're trying to, in some way, force you to behave the way they would like you to behave. Even if it's a preposterous thing, like making up words and you have to call them this instead of he, she, or even like the people that want to use they, which is, you know, plurals, which is fine. I mean, like, that's a real word, you know, if you want to use it in an incorrect way. And it does get used like, you know, it does use like if anybody wants to use the bathroom, they can go ahead. You can be using that in a singular term.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It's non-gender specific. Right, right. So there is open interpretation in the standard use of it in the English language. So pull up the term cultural Marxism. I was looking for it. I can't really find a great definition for it. There's a couple, like the Google search says there's a couple things calling it conspiracy theory. The urban dictionary definition, this isn't like the obvious. Social political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various causes often promoted by so-called social justice.
Starting point is 00:51:17 This is a perfect example of it. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost always never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling, and chanting of slogans. Well, that's a perfect, otherwise known as the regressive left, a play on the contradictory nature i think that this is this seems to be like a hub of the alt-right where this is founded on like this reactionary movement on pc culture on things like the gender pronouns thing and it seems like there's no real like political ideology behind what is the alt-right other than just a reaction to this like i don't want to conform to this progressive whatever cultural marxism but to me i feel like i just i don't know it doesn't bother me as much like what bothers me right now is just like the
Starting point is 00:52:10 empire fucking killing people in my name oh yeah trump no like a disgusting war criminal who's flip-flopped on all the shit that he said that he's that's a different argument but you're absolutely right that's more but what i'm saying is these people are that upset about leftists like they think leftists are the problem and that cultural Marxism is like ruining society. It's like, what is this government doing? Like the empire never stopped when Trump won. Jordan Peterson, he's a progressive. He's a liberal.
Starting point is 00:52:34 So this, I mean, the guy who's arguing against cultural Marxism is actually a progressive. He's actually a liberal. I mean, he's not, he's not a Republican. He's definitely not alt-right. He's Canadian. So they obviously have different parties up there, but he's not he's not a Republican. He's definitely not alt-right. He's Canadian So they obviously have different parties up there, but he's not an alt-right guy. He's a professor I mean, he's not he's just sees that there's a bunch of people on Campus that are trying to control the way other people communicate. It's just
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yeah, I I totally hear that and I see where people are really upset about that. And it just, you know, I see SJWs and leftists are ruining everything. And to me, it just seems like such an isolated, like, totally inconsequential thing to what's going on in the rest of the world. And especially what Trump is ramming down everyone's throats. It's like, is this really the main issue here? No, it's not. But I agree with you to a certain extent. But to not address that or to write it off, it empowers the people that are fighting against it because this you're ignoring it. Like to them, it's a giant issue. The issue of free speech, the issue of not having people enforce whatever ideology that they have on you, that you have to behave the way they want you to and communicate they want you to,
Starting point is 00:53:45 or you're a bigot, or you're a Nazi, like punch a Nazi. Meanwhile, there's actual Christian evangelicals employing top-down policy that's actually telling people, here's how education is going to be run. Here's how you're going to be indoctrinated. That's what I feel like we're really missing the boat here. All these new atheists who agree with what you're saying, don't want to be policed and are more like in line with Trump. How come they're not speaking out against like the Christian evangelical hold over this administration? Well, which ones are you talking about? Mike Pence? Oh, I mean, who's not speaking out against him?
Starting point is 00:54:17 I don't know. I just kind of said that in the ether, but I guess I just haven't seen enough critique of Trump for bringing in this religious fanaticism. I've seen nothing but. Really? Oh, that's great. That's really good to hear. Maybe I'm in different circles. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:54:32 So people are talking about that. Well, what's weird is that people think that Trump is so inept, they almost would prefer Mike Pence and even Ted Cruz. That's terrifying. But I mean, is it better or worse? It's like you're not even choosing the lesser of two evils. You're choosing incompetence versus this radical right wing Christian ideology that we were terrified of in the beginning or from the beginning. It's like Ted Cruz would have been a terrible president. But many people now think he would have been a better president than Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And Ted Cruz and Mike Pence would never have won because they're disgusting creatures. And Ted Cruz is the creepiest motherfucker I've ever seen, where he actually tweeted a photo of a cow made out of butter and said, look at this cow. And he was like, my daughter's first word was butter. It's like, wow, you creepy psycho. Is that creepy to you? That's creepy? It's just weird. creepy to you that's creepy it's just weird it's just maybe he's just really into butter butter is delicious it is delicious it's great on
Starting point is 00:55:29 toast he's super fucking weird but yeah these people would never win without trump being that conduit to like get in the white house and so i think that with trump not there you don't have this veneer where people are like oh trump's really liberal like oh no he really believes in this stuff it's like you would just have pence and that would be really straightforward of exactly who pence is and what he believes in. Well, Marco Rubio sucks as a debater, but goddamn, he's an eloquent and really well spoken man outside of those debates. He just folded under pressure. He's not good with conflict, but he's been outstanding.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah, he's been outstanding since then. He just doesn't know how to deal with that big fucking looming cult of personality asshole. He just doesn't know how to deal with that that big fucking looming cult of personality asshole He just doesn't know how to deal with it. Trump is such a baby. He's such a pampered baby I saw this chart of how many times like, you know This is kind of a stupid thing because I'm not opposed to like taking vacations or golfing or whatever But the amount that he's gone where he's just like gone half the week in Mar-a-Lago like they've spent ten million dollars so far in the first hundred days Trump spent almost as much money as Obama did in an entire year on his vacations
Starting point is 00:56:34 in the first 100 days that's insane he's so pampered he can't even like get away from this world that he's a part of where he has to go to his fucking country club and be surrounded by billionaires what's also so incredibly hypocritical because he was constantly complaining about Obama taking vacations and going golfing. He's golfed more than anybody. Oh, yeah. You look at the first hundred days of Clinton, Bush, Obama, and him. It's like no one has done this.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I think Obama maybe went golfing once in the first hundred days and Trump is like every week, four out of seven days, he's just like gone. It's like, who's running the country here? Yeah, it is weird. It's like, who's running the country here? Yeah, it is weird. It's crazy. I saw something, I don't know if it was yesterday or Sunday, that he hasn't taken an international trip yet. And at this point, I think George Bush had taken two
Starting point is 00:57:14 and Obama had taken eight. Too busy at Mar-a-Lago. International trip for... Out of the country to go meet another... Leader. Yeah, come to me. Come to me. Come play golf.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Come on, I got a great place. It's the best. We have the best. The best steaks. The best. Come. The best. We really do.
Starting point is 00:57:31 We really do. Remember how weird that was when you would have all these props, like the steaks and the manila folders and all these things, like the magazines and shit. He loved all these props. Remember that? No. What do you mean? It was great.
Starting point is 00:57:42 He was doing all these campaign rallies. On one campaign rally, he had a bunch of Trump steaks out on a table. No. Yeah. I swear. I didn't even know Trump steaks were a thing until last week. Was it Moshe? Moshe turned me on to Trump steaks. Moshe's, uh, Moshe Kasher was a show that's on comedy central right now. Moshe is a super hardcore lefty. It's really interesting cause he and I were having this conversation on the phone last night. We're texting back and forth. He goes,
Starting point is 00:58:07 we were talking about, he asked me to find like a suitable representative of the alt-right to come on his show and sort of talk about these ideas. And I'm like, ooh, boy.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Like, who? Like, who the fuck? Who the fuck is a suitable representative? So I threw some people at him. Every name I threw at him, he's like, ugh. And I'm like, I know i know i know but that's what you're asking for he's like milo would have been great but he's so tainted now i'm like yeah i get it i love how pedophilia is the thing that brought him down and it was from this show yeah crazy out of all places it's like wow they get loose
Starting point is 00:58:40 three hours you get loose start talking about what your reaction your reaction was really funny to that too you're like that sounds like well he was trying to justify his own his own victimization he was molested as a child right trying to turn it around and say that he was he said i was the predator don't get it wrong he's basically trying to empower himself. He was fucked by a priest when he was 13 I mean, this is the reality of his life. That is terrible and He's trying to figure out a way where that empowers him I just find it interesting like the Tommy Lauren thing was fired because she was pro-choice
Starting point is 00:59:19 It's like that went too far for the blaze, you know, like the pedophilia things too far for for the alt-right I was thinking that about Hillary Clinton. How crazy would it be if Chelsea Clinton went to work for the blaze? Oh, God. If she just started going super hardcore right and she's got two flags and a motorcycle jacket on, pearly whites. Hey, just go interrupt those anti-war demonstrations again, Chelsea. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Just like you used to. God, what a nightmare. Just like you used to. God, what a nightmare. I mean, what do you think about the Syria thing, though? Trump, within two days of the chemical weapons attack, he's already bombing Assad. And that was a big point of contention, I know, with the Alex Jones community, with the alt-right. I think a lot of them were anti-intervention because that's what he was saying. And so what do you think is going on? Because you have that whole argument where, like, all these people are pulling him in different directions.
Starting point is 01:00:05 He doesn't really want to do this. What do you think? Well, I think he's incredibly impulsive. I mean, that's sort of been established that he's very impulsive. So I also think that he's got this desire to be a strong leader and to be a guy who makes strong decisions and it's not going to take any bullshit. You know, and I worry about that. That scares the shit out of me. Because when you really find out how much the power the president has in terms of like launching a nuclear strike, and then you look at the conflict that we're getting into with North Korea, it's entirely possible. I mean, they are moving nuclear submarines right now as we speak off the coast of North Korea. That is happening right now as we speak. It was they were talking about it today. It's in the news right now as we speak off the coast of North Korea. That is happening right now as we speak. They were talking about it today.
Starting point is 01:00:47 It's in the news right now. This is terrifying because if they decide to launch a warhead at North Korea, the odds of someone retaliating are so fucking high. And if they do retaliate, it's probably going to be Los Angeles. I mean, we're the closest. We're the closest to North Korea. And we're also the closest, I guess, we would be the target for China. I guess we would be the target for a lot of places. Yeah, let's talk about this North Korea thing really quickly, because the media is painting it like North Korea, like we're going
Starting point is 01:01:20 to strike back, really, when North Korea has repeatedly said, we will never strike the U.S. ever. We'll never strike anyone unless we're attacked. What are they doing that we're so intense with them right now? They are doing missile tests. They don't even work. They tried a missile and it blew up. But that's how crazy the U.S. is.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And we have historical amnesia where Americans don't know geography until we bomb somewhere, right? historical amnesia where Americans don't know geography until we bomb somewhere, right? So we have completely no memory about the Korean War, where the US military invaded North Korea and bombed napalm the fuck out of the country for three years killed 20% of the population killed three to 5 million people left the country. We just completely forgot North Koreans haven't forgotten. They haven't forgotten. They have a deep-seated hatred for the U.S. for a good reason. And Americans have no idea.
Starting point is 01:02:09 We probably don't even know that we went to war with Korea. Most people don't even know. Like, they don't even think about, why is there a North and a South Korea? Like, what the fuck is this? You know, it's... So Kim Jong-un, obviously, probably what he's learned by now
Starting point is 01:02:23 in terms of U.S. empire imperialism and interventions is that you have to not only act like you will use nukes, like you have to have nukes and you have to act like you will use them if you get attacked unless you want to get invaded. Look what happened with Gaddafi, Saddam, all these things. Assad, you give up your chemical weapons and then it doesn't matter. Well, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of this whole North Korea conflict, as I think everybody is. It's a terrifying place, first of all, because it's one of the last really obvious military dictatorships in this country, in the world, rather. There's not a whole lot of them left, but that's one of the last ones. It's one of the ones that's like you can see.
Starting point is 01:03:02 They're so extreme. You see them goose-ste goose stepping walking down the street you see the people wailing in agony when kim jong-il died like it's it's a very very strange world where people are born in prison and they live as prisoners their whole life and some of them have escaped and and detailed the horrors of the the prisons and what's going on that's what worries me is because it won't be hard to sell. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:26 People already are like, of course, North Korea is horrible. They have prison camps, labor camps. It's undeniable. So like, yeah, I guess we should just do regime change there. Well, that's what I was going to get to is what you had said before the podcast started, that it's a massive reserve of minerals in North Korea. And this is what you and I were talking about, conflict minerals and phones before the podcast started. And that they know that this, by the way, also Afghanistan,
Starting point is 01:03:51 trillions of dollars of minerals in Afghanistan, conflict minerals. Absolutely. That's probably why we're still fucking there, to be honest. 16 years later, we dropped that mother of all bombs, that dick measuring contest that Trump just laid his dick out on the table and was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:07 I'm going to drop this giant fucking bomb, dust it off from the shelf. It's been sitting there. Bush wasn't even crazy enough to use it. And all of a sudden people are like, wait, we're still in Afghanistan and ISIS is there now. Like no one,
Starting point is 01:04:17 no one asked any questions. Why is ISIS there? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Everyone's like, Oh, cool. Drop another one. Let me see the video. Let me see the video. Lindsey Graham's like, oh, cool. Drop another one. Let me see the video.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Where's the video? Let me see the video. Lindsey Graham's like, oh, cool. Boom. It's disgusting, dude. I mean, there was 95,000, I think 100,000 people who lived in the Aachen district. Like this was, this wasn't just a mountain region with goats. I mean, there were people there.
Starting point is 01:04:42 The way that Afghans are dehumanized and the way that the media cheered on the Syria strike and this Moab thing makes me fucking sick. Brian Williams is sitting up there quoting Leonard Cohen. He was like, they're beautiful. The bombs are beautiful. He said it a bunch of times. It was amazing. It was weird. It was sick. It was almost like he's trying to make up for the fact that he lied about being in that helicopter he's trying really hard to make up for it he's like look just you just gotta go hardcore right just go all the way just talk about how beautiful it is and it was like and then farid zakaria you know here they are telling us that trump is a mentally unfit puppet of russia who's retarded yet the second he starts bombing, it's like, oh, love at first strike. Like he started bombing Assad. Now we all love him. Rachel Maddow has been talking the last
Starting point is 01:05:30 30 days or three months, six months about how he needs to be impeached. He's guided by Putin. And then the second he started bombing Syria, oh, it becomes a commercial for Tomahawk missiles. Rachel Maddow did a 30 minute segment just analyzing how efficient Tomahawk missiles are. Rachel Maddow did a 30-minute segment just analyzing how efficient Tomahawk missiles are. Isn't that great? Why do you think she did that? I think that there's a bipartisan establishment consensus on foreign policy, and there has been.
Starting point is 01:05:55 This is what the empire does. The corporate media completely loves the empire. They love imperialism. They love selling wars. They have for a long time. Joe, that's how I became a journalist, because I saw the Iraq War being sold by quote leftists or liberals on TV. And I just couldn't understand why they were selling a completely insane, unnecessary, illegal war. Well, there was a lot of people that were selling it or at least in support of it because we were
Starting point is 01:06:18 really terrified after 9-11. So after 9-11, there was this movement to do something and this massive amount of people that ordinarily would have a lot of distrust towards the right. They all of a sudden were trusting in Bush and trusting in the government to go and take adequate measures. That's bullshit. That's not a journalist's job. Right. You're not supposed to be a stenographer because you're scared. Like the time that you're supposed to step up and say, OK, I need to question my government's claims because we're in such a state of hysteria and acquiescence that I need to, as a journalist, question authority, question my government. That's the number one job that you have. What was your thought?
Starting point is 01:06:55 Well, you're not old enough, really. How old were you at September 11th? Oh, yeah. No, I was 18. So I was. Did you have any? Obviously, when you're 18, it's hard to formulate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:06 No, I was stunned. I mean, I agreed with the Afghanistan war at the time because I didn't really know. And then I went into college and learned about what the fuck this government and country has been doing to the rest of the world and what militarism and empire has been doing. So I kind of put it together. And then, but that was just Afghanistan. I really woke up when one day my mom called me and she was like, did Saddam bomb us? She said, because every single media outlet has just switched over from afghanistan to iraq unquestioningly so do you think that like rachel maddow for me always seems like if there's anybody that's not towing the line it's that lesbian the lesbian with the short hair but it doesn't seem like she would be
Starting point is 01:07:41 like i like she would be like the perfect person to sell you some shit that, you know, like you would never buy as a person on the left. Because she's like, she's super articulate. She's wicked smart. And she's obviously a lesbian. And she got short hair. And she hated Trump. So like, if you wanted to sell something, she's your Huckleberry. And she was trying to sell that Russia shit real hard.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I mean, she talked more about Russia than any other issue. And that's the problem with this so-called resistance is that when you focus on a fake issue like Russia usurping Trump's brain or like occupying Trump's brain and puppeting him, then you forget about all the rapid fire executive orders he's throwing down. You aren't focusing on the real important things that he's doing that we could actually galvanize and stop. And especially when you're just pro-war. These motherfuckers are, they're funded by defense contractors and banks. That's what the corporate media is.
Starting point is 01:08:32 That's what the corporate media is. Do you know who's gone all in that it's been like a coup against Russia? What's Homeboy's name that used to be on ESPN? Oh my God, Keith Olbermann. The reason you saw that, did you see the Kermit the Frog where he's like covered in the American flag? Did you see that? He's going crazy. Wait, we should look that up. He's got a whole thing. It looks like he's in a basement somewhere. Dude.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Like he's in his basement. GQ sponsored. Yeah, it's the resistance. That's the resistance. Sponsored by GQ. What is going on with him? Does he have children? I don't know what the hell is going on with him. Keith Olbermann has children. I used to really, really like him. Psychologically. I used to as well.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I used to think that he had some interesting rants. I think the problem is too many people liked it, and then he got drunk with it. It seems like now his speeches are almost like a parody of a guy who is, it's almost like an old Christian Slater movie about a guy who's got like some sort of a ham radio thing and he's fighting against the oppressive government. It's really weird. It's really cartoonish.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Yes. Cartoonish is the right word. Yeah. It's really weird. And I saw this one like side by side meme of him draped in the American flag and he's like this, you know, on the cover of GQ and then someone put Kermit the Frog draped in the American flag. This is what Keith Olbermann thinks he looks like and this is what he really looks like.
Starting point is 01:09:49 And it was just like a little frog and a... It's just nuts. I mean, what the hell is this guy doing? And what is GQ doing? I don't know. It's like you have Teen Vogue somehow leading the resistance and GQ. Like, what the fuck country is this? His videos are so strange.
Starting point is 01:10:06 They're so verbose. Oh, man. It's like, goddamn, dude, is this a first draft? Apparently it is. It seems like you got a lot of extra words in there. We could trim that down a little bit and have a little more impact. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Wait, I wrote this down because I wanted to say this. Oh, Jesus. This is insane. So the Pentagon just came out with a number. It said 70,000 people have been killed as a result of bombing Syrian Iraq since 2014. You're like, okay, that's crazy. They called them militants.
Starting point is 01:10:34 We already know that militant can be just a military age male. So really they include militants. You could be a militant feminist. You could be a militant feminist. You could be a short hair lesbian on the ground and they think that you're a man. So they include anyone who's probably over the age of 10 and a male as a militant. So anyway, these numbers are 70,000 people killed.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And then they said only 229 civilians were killed. So 70,000 militants, 229 civilians. Here's another interesting part. The CIA in 2014 estimated that there were only between 30 to 40,000 ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq. So I'm sorry, where the fuck did these other 30,000 people come from? And did you kill all ISIS? Like all ISIS was gone. Somehow they're back because they're still there. What year was the estimate? 2014 is when they said there were probably 30 to 40,000.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And then the Pentagon just came out, and this is according to the LA Times, 70,000 militants killed since 2014. Only 200 civilians. Don't worry about it. Wow, that makes me feel really good. Yeah, isn't that great? I'm not nervous anymore. We're on terror. I feel pretty good.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Just killing a bunch of terrorists. Wow, that's nuts. Yeah, no one questions this shit, man. It's sick. Well, I watch House of Cards, so I have a really good grasp of the political system. Is the new season out yet? Not yet. Next month.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I'm still on the old. I just started. I just started this year. So, yeah, I binge watched. I went from the 2012 episodes all the way to I'm on season four right now. God damn it's good. I stopped watching when it became really like all about the Putin character. Cause you know
Starting point is 01:12:11 first Frank Underwood's like he kills a journalist and then Oh I'm sorry I thought. Spoiler alert. There's a lot of people out there listening. Jesus Christ. Robin White. That bitch is badass though. I'll tell you why. She directs some of the best episodes, too. Really?
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah, yeah. She directed one I watched last night. I was like, Jesus. Good, creepy camera angles. They remind me of the Clintons. Oh, yeah, for sure. That's why I thought it should have been illegal for Hillary to even run. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Because I look at them as a unit, just like the Underwoods, you know? And they work together, where Clinton even admitted that Hillary was the one who sold the Yugoslavia bombing and stuff. And she even said, she was like, I'm going to appoint Bill to run the economy. It's like, again? He already destroyed the economy back in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:12:57 How is this legal? My favorite footage of her of all time, what you really got to see behind the wizard's curtain, was when Gaddafi died. That was sick. When she was literally throwing back her head laughing, going, we came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha ha ha. After he was raped by a bayonet
Starting point is 01:13:16 from the rebels that we funded. And you could watch it, like you could see him get stabbed in the asshole. You can watch him, You can watch him terrified. And he doesn't even react. He's so gripped in horror. And then they're shooting him and killing him. They trot him around his dead body.
Starting point is 01:13:34 It's fucked up. But watching that guy shove that bayonet up his ass, it's like, whoa. And what was the premise of the Libya thing? Now it's a completely failed state. ISIS has totally taken over the country. And where are all the interventionists that were cheering on the Libya bombing? And they all said Gaddafi was on the verge of committing a massacre in Benghazi.
Starting point is 01:13:51 And we have to go in. We have to do the no-fly zone. Where are all these people now? Where are these cheerleaders now? Yeah, I just got a Twitter message. It's the same argument in Syria. From a guy who lives in Libya. It was pretty deep.
Starting point is 01:14:02 What did he say? Just terrified. He wants to talk about it. He would love to be a guest on the podcast. Jesus Christ, dude. I think the idea that you're gonna remove a dictator
Starting point is 01:14:15 and then everything's gonna be fine is so crazy. It's insane. It's never worked. Ever. But it'll work in Syria. It's like, maybe good? What do you do? Like, what do you do? You don't fucking do anything.
Starting point is 01:14:30 So you just let those people suffer. No, you don't let them suffer. We're the police officers of the world. When has any humanitarian intervention resulted in anything good? Can you tell me that? That's a good question. It's always killed more people than we're trying to save. Like, Trump bombed Syria because kids were gassed and in the meantime killed kids when he was bombing them.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Germany now makes great cars and they used to make Nazis. So. Have you heard the Norm Macdonald bit about, oh man, he has the best like Nazi jokes. No. So good. Norm is so crazy.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Out of all the comedians he really pulls it off what do you say dude we have to let's watch it what is it it's a reason I mean he's done a million norm is so crazy nuts he's such a character he's so good he's always wearing like a letterman jacket he's like what the yeah that's who he is too you know he doesn't he doesn't even drive. Oh Yeah, he's scared of driving. It's so weird. I flew with him randomly twice just randomly Just like right next to me in the plane totally really total dumb luck crazy on two separate occasions norm set right next to me He's like I can't believe this is happening again. Yeah, the last one was hilarious.
Starting point is 01:15:46 We have this long conversation. We're having a great old time. And he's telling me, yeah, quit smoking. I don't like to smoke anymore. It's just terrible. It was so hard to quit, but I'm glad I did. We land, and he immediately walks right into a gift shop and buys cigarettes. He goes, I changed my mind.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I want to start smoking again. And he's lighting before he gets out the door I mean he's so impulsive he's like lighting as he's walking towards the door I'm like whoa like Norm what are you doing
Starting point is 01:16:11 he goes yeah I guess I smoke again he just that's you know there's people out there that are like pretending to be wacky right right
Starting point is 01:16:21 he's really wacky I love those people there's so few of them who just themselves like no matter what. Yeah, just that's who Norm is. He's great. He's so funny. David Cross' new special is really good. Actually, it's not new. It was before
Starting point is 01:16:33 Trump got elected, but it's hysterical. His stuff on gun control is really, really funny. And he's doing it to like a Houston audience where it's a lot of Trump supporters and he just goes balls to the wall. Like everyone's walking out. Really? Yeah, he just, yeah, it's nuts. Houston's a Houston audience where it's a lot of Trump supporters and he just goes balls to the wall. Like everyone's walking out. Really? Yeah, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Houston's a strange place because there's a lot of liberals in Houston. Houston is way more diversified than it gets credit for. Yeah. It's a very interesting city. It's very interesting. I feel like Dallas is way more. Austin is the super lefty part. It's the most lefty part of Texas.
Starting point is 01:17:06 But Houston is way more cut down the middle. It's almost like it's a split of Austin and Dallas. That's cool. That sounds cool. Yeah. I love Houston. You got Austin left. Dallas is pretty right.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And then you've got Houston, which is like a combo plate. Nice. How are people reacting to your bit? Do you have any Trump jokes? I'd be able to get mad. Duncan said that people fucking attacked him. And I've seen videos of people getting attacked for saying Trump. I'm like, how are you not making fun of Trump?
Starting point is 01:17:34 It's Donald Trump. Well, they'll get it. They'll get it eventually. It'll take a little time. I mean, there's no way. The snowflakes. Yeah. There's no way this is going to keep going and be good.
Starting point is 01:17:46 It's just I really think and this is what I think. And I don't think this is necessarily a reflection of who Donald Trump is. Or I just think the idea of a president is preposterous. The idea of one person that has that much power over hundreds of millions of people is insane. It's an idea that was created back when people rode horses and rode with feathers. They used to fucking, I mean, that's really what it was. I mean, the whole representative government. You had to have a representative government because some people lived in North Dakota.
Starting point is 01:18:19 And how the fuck would you get word to Washington? Well, you had to have somebody talking for you. Well, now you could send an email, you fuck. You could vote online. The idea is antiquated. It's so behind the times. And it's so behind the times to have one person have any sort of massive power. And also, I feel like the government works very hard to stop monopolies in certain sectors.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Why don't they work so hard to stop it in government? Because this left versus right, this Republican versus Democrat thing is a goddamn ruse. I mean, why don't corporations police themselves? Great question. It's people. It's like I think scholars, educators, people who actually understand the consequences of these ideological structures that we're trapped in. These are structures. Left versus right is a structure because they provide you with a predetermined pattern of behavior that you adopt. And there's many, many easily influenced people that go super hardcore right or super hardcore left because they want social brownie points within the structure. And that's a natural part of being a human. It's a natural part of tribal behavior. And it has to be addressed and it has to be addressed openly. It has to be addressed from an understanding, a fundamental understanding about the way the
Starting point is 01:19:35 human mind works and the way the human psychology works and our need for social acceptance works. There's a lot of the way we behave that's just based and predicated on these really simple, obvious principles that everybody knows. Peer pressure, the desire to be loved, those things all play a massive part in how you're manipulated and how you manipulate yourself. You convince yourself of certain things. I really firmly believe that when you go super hard right and super hard left, the distance between these two is not nearly as far as you think. And that the ideological point of views and what they want and what they're trying to accomplish is very different. But the way they think, the way they've locked themselves into these predetermined thought patterns. They're not much different. They just
Starting point is 01:20:26 were indoctrinated one way or indoctrinated another way. They might've gone through the church system or they might've gone through the university system, but they've sort of both taken these hard line stances. Whereas the reality of the world and of most reasonable people is there's a lot of weirdness and there's a lot of variables to be considered. And most people are not hard right. And most people are not hard left. And you have to take one or the other. And it's really the best way is probably a gigantic group
Starting point is 01:21:00 that gets to decide on all sorts of different things. And many, many different parties to choose from like i think holland oh yeah has something like don't they have like 16 different political parties or something that we have this two-party dictatorship and i was reading this quote from chris hedges that really says it all it's like exactly what you're saying right now you have you know conservatives across the country who are worried about abortion and obsessing about these issues. And then you have the liberals in New York who are obsessing about creationism in schools. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs continues to fucking win. Yeah. It doesn't matter what you guys are squabbling about on the ground. Left, right,
Starting point is 01:21:37 liberal, conservative, like these people are in power and they're going to further entrench their power. We're all the losers here. And it's that And it's like you were just saying, I mean, why do we have a system that props up these two parties that going back to the corporate media continues to sell war after war, continues to just sell off our government to corporations? It's just the matter of which they do so. Yeah. Well, control of groups. Anytime you have one person or one organization that has control over a group, whether it's a dictatorship, whether it's a government, it's like, what is a government for?
Starting point is 01:22:11 Is it to control groups of people or is it to provide people with services like schools and utilities and infrastructure? That should be like really what it is. And the idea that war is inexorable, it's inexorable. You can't remove it from our culture. You cannot. I mean, if you ask people, do you envision a time in your life where war doesn't exist? No one says yes. How sad is that? It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:37 We just live in a war economy where that's just a necessity. It's like, well, we have to have just endless war, right? What is that? Is that the disconnection between human beings based on financial situations, based on language, based on culture, based on religion? Like all these differences are so vast that we have to launch bombs out of planes? I mean, it's an indoctrination of American exceptionalism. Going back to the historical amnesia about what this government has done, the rest of the world hasn't forgotten. The rest of the world is very acutely aware of what the empire does on a daily basis. We have no idea. Right. But it's every country. I mean, it's every country with the military tries to
Starting point is 01:23:14 enforce that military in some way, shape or form on other countries. I mean, it's just it's it's gone on since the beginning of time, as far as people getting together in groups and then going over and conquering other people that have resources. Well, some people would say it's the it's the system, the economic system, that once you control one area, you have to move capital and extract capital from other areas through force, through military force. And that's the extension of imperialism through capitalism. And then so you just go and now we're the biggest, most powerful empire controlling the entire world. And we have to go after the last remaining sovereign, quote unquote, sovereign states to completely control.
Starting point is 01:23:53 I mean, yes, other countries have done that before, but never on the level of what we're doing. If we could just get everybody to speak English and everybody to listen to us, we would be fine. What we need to do is wipe out all the other cultures we need to just wipe out wipe out all the other languages we need cultural marxism we just need a dictatorship a one trump world i was going to ask you how do you feel about the i feel like the level of discourse has gotten to the point back to the reactionary thing someone
Starting point is 01:24:21 was telling me this last night that the word responsibility, it's like, you know, your ability to respond, your ability to understand a situation, respond and not just react. And I feel like so much of our culture is just reacting to news without even understanding what the hell is going on.
Starting point is 01:24:36 You know, the Twitter universe where it's just like you see something and you react. And what, what does that do to critical thinking? What does that do to discourse when you do not understand issues or have the ability? To respond the responsibility well not only that you engage inundated by so much data If you look at something you're looking at a headline really quick Yep, and then many people have no idea what the article even says well like we did like I did about that EPA
Starting point is 01:25:01 Oh, yeah, I mean like what you hear that shit And you could be at a gas station right now talking to her friend like you be Remember that fucking government to shutting down a database to the EPA can't even get a hold of the information. This is crazy We got to organize meanwhile. You're not even reading right? I didn't read it. I just told you about it I hope that Jamie pull it up, and then we found out if it wasn't for Jamie pulling it up I would probably parroted that out for a couple days Something would have had to somebody would have had to tell me on Twitter hey man it's a hoax I went oh I don't want sheepishly retweeted it shit
Starting point is 01:25:32 it's a hoax there's too much coming at us Abby it is too much we can't handle it this totally true it's too much info. That's totally true, man. It's part of the whole thing with the internet is like these little 140 character soundbites you're getting off Twitter, but then the fact that it's coming at you from websites, it's coming at you from Facebook, it's coming at you from Instagram, it's just coming
Starting point is 01:25:58 at you in a way that like, there's no fucking way you can keep up with all this. There's no way. And that's part of what's going on with people. Absolutely. And so there's an embracing of anti-intellectualism that you're seeing now that I think is a response to that. I think people are scared. And one of the things they're trying to do, when people are scared, they do a couple of things. One thing they do is- Promote flat earth.
Starting point is 01:26:24 There's little to that. Longing for nostalgia back when they thought is they promote flat earth. There's little of that. Longing for nostalgia back when they thought the earth was flat. Flat earth. I get more fucking angry people online because of flat earth than anything I've ever done other than make fun of vegans. No way. Like people who are flat earthers and angry that you don't agree? So mad.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Really? So mad. There's that many? Every day I get called a shill. Every day I'm a round earth shill. And they tell me, this is where it gets really hilarious. I see where your checks are being cashed, bro. By the round earth society.
Starting point is 01:26:54 I'm getting round earth shill checks. I get them in the mail. Is George Soros controlling that? Yes, George Soros sends me $3 a month. And I've been open about it. $3 every month to promote the idea that the earth is round. For less than the price of a grande Starbucks coffee, I am willing. I'm still waiting for my protest checks, man.
Starting point is 01:27:12 You've got to get a protest check. It's so good. You spend it, you feel so good. Especially if you could eat it like a whale sandwich. You spend your money on something terrible. You get that protest money, and you spend it on something horrible to balance it out You've been to Iceland right? No, you haven't. Yeah, awesome. It is amazing But I want to go just for the northern lights are so bad the food so bad because they only like whale horse
Starting point is 01:27:37 Well, they have this pickle this fermented shark It's supposed to be the foulest thing on earth and they love it. It's almost kind of like the moon where you're like, there's not even insects here, so you understand why they have to import all the fish. You're just like, why do people live here? It's just nuts. Yeah, they have to bring in their stuff in boxes and barges and shit. Look, we have a plant.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Eat it quickly before it spoils. They seem like really cool people though. see grow giants Like they have a disproportionate number of like strongman winners that come from Iceland. Yeah, I did a whole thing on them They're fucking these enormous Viking do that live up there. I know they filmed some of the some of Game of Thrones up there It's it's stunning. I mean it really does feel like a different planet isn't the mountain from there The fucking guy who plays the mountain that enormous strong
Starting point is 01:28:26 Man, he's like the world's strongest man the mountain in Game of Thrones that guy who smushed that dude's head. Yes Yes, yes Spoiler you had to close your eyes Well, no, I didn't say who he was There's one really yeah, it's an awesome scene that's a good scene, but it's one of those whoa that's one of the things I really love about television now is like people just fucking
Starting point is 01:28:50 die like people that you really like they die you know I mean sometimes it's great sometimes it's like when they kill Glenn with a baseball bat on Walking Dead I was like get the fuck out of here his eyes bulging out of his skull I ain't watching that show anymore I stopped watching that show right there that's where I cut it off
Starting point is 01:29:06 I just like absolutely this is a zombie show anymore It's a torture show it really is torture porn and the zombies are inconsequential Yeah, also, they're not scary mm-hmm like everybody just push them away and keep running and it's seven episodes of just dialogue of them walking Around and it's like dude just come compact well rogue one i loved the new star wars movie but everyone dies sorry spoiler spoiler you spoil the fuck out of it god damn it woman i didn't okay i didn't see it i want to see it i just didn't amazing i'll tell you what i'm holding my breath for every day is so good my life is downtime until the new Alien movie comes out.
Starting point is 01:29:45 There's going to be a new Alien? Alien, May 19th. Jesus Christ, the ad looks awesome. No way. Have you seen the ad for it? No. Oh, let's play the trailer. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Let's play the trailer, Jamie. Have you seen the arrival? Can you play the trailer? They're not going to get mad at us, will they? Yeah, they'll take it off. They'll take it off? Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Oh, I'm done. We'll play it afterwards. It's so weird. You know, I had a conversation with somebody about this. If you guys react to it, we might be able to play it. So, will so weird. I had a conversation with somebody about this. If you guys react to it, we might be able to play it. So would we talk while it's going on? We have to do mystery science. If you're watching it, I can P&P you.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Okay. I think that works. But listen, folks, we're just trying to sell your goddamn movie. Right. I'm a huge fan of those movies. We love you. And I think this is... It's not going to be Ridley Scott, is it?
Starting point is 01:30:24 I think it is. Really? I think this is Ridley Scott Returns. Is not going to be Ridley Scott, is it? I think it is. Really? I think this is Ridley Scott Returns. Is Sigourney River going to be it? She should. I know. I think it's a prequel. Cool, cool.
Starting point is 01:30:31 I think she isn't around. I think that's the idea. But that was, Prometheus was a prequel too, right? I never, I don't understand what the hell. It wasn't good. No. It was too CGI'd. I was like, that's not a real dude.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Exactly. I was looking at those big. That's why Star Wars is so good, because they finally bring back the costumes and stuff. Da, da, da, da, da, da. No, no, it's great. It was too CGI'd. I was like, that's not a real dude. Exactly. That's why Star Wars is so good because they finally bring back the costumes and stuff. No, no, it's great. It's the costumes. It's not a lot of CGI. It's not a lot of CGI. It's a lot of great.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Well, people got mad at Star Wars. Oh, yeah, a woman and a black guy. What else? You're going to have a fucking Chinese transgender person? Like people are like, here it is. Here's official trailer. Go full screen. I'm just happy Jar Jar Binks
Starting point is 01:31:05 Is out of the picture This looks so good Oh what You know what's fucked up They Like the old school Oh man Alien from the original one
Starting point is 01:31:14 The computers look so clunky I know Like what they thought We were gonna have For computers And what's his face Is here Danny McBride
Starting point is 01:31:21 Yeah Danny McBride Wow look at how Crazy this is It's nuts Danny McBride's in there Yeah Kenny Powers is. Wow, look at how cool this is. It's nuts. Danny McBride's in there. Yeah, Kenny Powers is in it. That's so great. I've never seen him play a serious role.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Yeah, this looks so fucking badass. Did they film this in Iceland? This is nuts. Yeah, I don't know where they filmed it. They film a lot of shit in New Zealand. Yep. That's where they did The Hobbit. New Zealand is one place that I really need to go.
Starting point is 01:31:44 I keep hearing how amazing it is. Whoa. Yeah, this... What? Shh. Oh, what? Nothing. No birds.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Damn, that looks good. No birds. No animals. No animals. It's like Iceland. Nothing. Nothing. Well, bitch, that's Montana.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Okay? Don't be so fucking willing to see animals on a planet where you don't know what can eat you. Oh, what? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, damn. Shit's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Dude, this is so cool. So it's like a planet where the aliens are? I don't know. What happened here? I don't know what happened. I think they're going to repopulate a planet. Oh, wow. Like, these are the team of people that are going to go save humans or something like that.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Imagine you get paid to repopulate a planet. Sorry, we have to fuck. We have to fuck for the future. They don't know. Oh, man, this looks really good. We have to fuck for the future. They don't know. Don't get too close, stupid. Have you not seen... It's going down! Haven't you seen Alien?
Starting point is 01:32:33 These motherfuckers haven't seen nothing. But I just love when they do a movie like this and now they have these modern special effects. Oh, totally. But they abuse those things sometimes. One of the coolest things about the original Alien was, like, you saw very little of it. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:49 That's the problem with all movies and TV now is you just see way too much. There's no buildup. Well, it's also, like, real fear comes from the unknown. Exactly. You know, and glimpses. Like American Werewolf in London. You only saw, like, a couple of times. Totally. Like, flashes. Totally know, and glimpses. Like American Werewolf in London. You only saw like a couple of times.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Totally. Like flashes. Totally. And it was awesome. There was this Stephen King movie called The Langoliers. Yeah. But I was so, I was terrified. I can't remember the last time I was watching a movie that I was so scared and terrified.
Starting point is 01:33:18 And then at the very end, CGI like must have just come out, they show the Langolier and it's like, it looks just like this. It's like a black like spot on the on the screen That book is great. Oh, it's so good show them what the actual see him see the little guys up there Wow that's what it looks like that's so stupid sad yeah And it was your magic like you got killed by something that looked really stupid? Like you got killed by a minion? It'd be so sad. Look at it! Did they really fly through the air like that? That can't be real.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Yes! It was real! Wasn't that a made-for-TV movie, though? Yes. That's probably why. They didn't have any money. And plus, people that watch TV, they feel like are stupid. It would have been better to have just little puppets on a string, though. Well, that would suck if minions really killed you. Like from Despicable Me.
Starting point is 01:34:06 The minions are the most like forced cultural thing I've ever seen. The minion ad campaign here. It's because you don't have kids. Was it really popular with kids? It was. My kids love minions. Okay, that makes sense. They love it.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I thought it was just some weird forced on adults thing. Like you're going to love minions. There's a lot of shit that kids fucking love and then like you get it Oh, yeah, that's right. It's coming out No way we did it. Yeah I just I just tried to watch it and it was like I six hours An artist one but the new one they've shown it. It looks way creepier really it Used to be look creepier than this to be the Roger our picture show guy right it wasn't it Tim what the fuck's his name Was it yeah? Yeah? Yeah, the one from the TV. Yeah, yeah, yeah series well that was extremely scary
Starting point is 01:34:56 Oh, so that is that guy, but there's some creepy images of it like where you see his teeth and shit Yeah, but yeah was what's his face from rocky heart what the hell's his name yeah tim no i've never seen rocky or picture show it's terrible one of those yeah let's do the time off again just tim curry tim curry yeah tim curry was the original it he was the original clown. That's another great book. See, I feel like Stephen King's movies all suck compared to the books. The made-for-TV ones, for sure. Not that they suck. I love Stephen King.
Starting point is 01:35:33 But I mean, his books are so good that the books just don't, you just can't turn it into a movie. And like Pet Sematemetery was so god damn creepy as a book yeah and then you see the movie like oh the cat's gonna kill me I'll fucking kill that cat
Starting point is 01:35:49 let me get a hold of that cat I don't care if it's a demon cat I'm gonna grab it by its stupid little head I'm really excited for Dark Tower though Stand By Me and Shawshank are both Stephen King stories
Starting point is 01:35:56 really? yeah oh cool but Stand By Me was not superstitious or supernatural or like a horror story yeah
Starting point is 01:36:04 I think when he Green Mile as well there was like a little bit of supernatural shit with Michael Clarke Duncan. But the thing is like when you turn his movies into something you have to look at, like Christine they kind of pulled off. Christine they absolutely pulled off. Because it was just a car. Yeah. But it was even creepier in the book. Yeah. Because you get more, you know, you get more insight into the guy who created the car who sold
Starting point is 01:36:26 him the car yeah he's super descriptive with his language and it really paints a picture that you can never do justice when you're watching it well I'm excited for the Dark Tower series though the Shining but do you know that the Shining was very different than the book I read the book the book's very different and
Starting point is 01:36:42 he redid the movie with his blessing and they used the guy from Wings. Remember that? And it was a made-for-TV movie, and he was in it. I think he was the bartender. It was bad. But Kubrick had a lot of weird shit in The Shining. Like, there's a lot of references to the Apollo moon landings, as well as hidden shit in there.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yes! Yeah. Remember that hoax story that said that he had, had like proven that the moon landing was false or whatever well he definitely did a bunch of shit in the shining to pay homage to the apollo moon missions in some sort of a weird way like there was um i forget there was a bunch of different things that were there first of all the little boy wore a rocket. He wore like an Apollo rocket sweater. And then there was the number for one of the rooms that was the exact distance between the Earth and the moon. And there's a whole documentary that goes over in depth the connections that Kubrick made between the Shining and the Apollo moon missions. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:41 It's fucking pretty intense stuff. That's really awesome. Yeah. And it was just it was a different book though the book the book was a slow build before jack gets crazy and then in the movie jack nicholson was like crazy already right he was like a little crazy to begin with yeah and then it just got crazy and crazier whereas in the book he's like slowly became more and more nutty. And you bought into it.
Starting point is 01:38:11 You saw him getting taken by this crazy hotel. And so he didn't like Kubrick's interpretation of the book. No, he didn't like it. He didn't like it. Apparently. Which is too bad. Because you just can't make a book into a movie. I guess you can, but they're just not as good.
Starting point is 01:38:26 You know? I hate people that say that, though. I'm saying it, and I hate people that say that. The book is better. I read the book. We don't read anymore, Joe. Come on. The book is better. You're acting like people read.
Starting point is 01:38:34 I hardly read anymore. I'm going to be honest with you. I listen to books on tape. I hardly sit down and read them. I still read them a little bit, but I enjoy having someone read for me. Yeah. That's awesome. But still read them a little bit, but I enjoy having someone read for me. Yeah, that's awesome. But it feels like a fraud. Like when I say, if I tell someone I read a book, I have to read some of the book to say I read the book.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Right. Like, but I'll read part of it and they'll go book on tape and then I'll go, I read that book, but I didn't really read it. I only read like three chapters and the other 11, I had some actor read. I read like three chapters and the other 11, I had some actor read. But if you tell somebody, yeah, I listened to a lot of books on tape, you're like, oh, you fucking moron. No one's tried to have you write a book yet? Oh, yeah. I had a book deal and it was so brutal.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Talking to the editor was so brutal, I gave them their money back. What? What was the book about? Just a short bunch of essays on things, but they wanted, this is what they asked me to do. They asked me to transcribe my standup. Once they were like,
Starting point is 01:39:32 they, they read some of my writing cause I used to do a lot of blogs and I used to put up a lot of blogs on my website and I put them on online and some other venues. And, um, they were like, Hey, we want to give you a book deal and we'll just write whatever you want to
Starting point is 01:39:44 watch. Okay. Yeah. And then once you get some money from them, then it's like, we want to give you a book deal and we'll just write whatever you want to watch. Okay, yeah. And then once you get some money from them, then it's like, we want you to write what we want you to write. And then they wanted me to write. One of the thoughts was they wanted me to take my stand up and transcribe it. I go, that's going to be terrible. Bizarre.
Starting point is 01:39:57 But they were like, but George Carlin did it. But Jerry Seinfeld did it. I'm like, no, they took a check. They took a check. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, maybe they wanted the money. I don't know. Maybe George had taxes that he had to pay. I don't know. I'm took a check. They took a check. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, maybe they wanted the money. I don't know. Maybe George had taxes that he had to pay.
Starting point is 01:40:06 I don't know. I'm not doing that. Yeah. And so they said, okay, well, we want you to think that you want to get a laugh, like, on stage, like, every 30 seconds. And I was like, well, I'm going to write about some stuff that I don't even think is funny. And no one does that when they're reading a book, laughs every 30 seconds. So I sent them a chapter, and they edited it and changed a bunch of shit like
Starting point is 01:40:25 changed the tone of it and i'm like we're done yeah i called my manager i go tell them we're giving the money back and they're like are you fucking serious i go yeah i'm giving them their money back i don't want to do it that's crazy that they would actually change like the language of what how you would even write i'm never going to do it again that way if i do do it again if i do write a book i'm going to write a book and then i'm going to sell the book or i'm going to do it again that way. If I do do it again, if I do write a book, I'm going to write a book and then I'm going to sell the book or I'm going to put the book online if nobody wants to buy it. If nobody wants to buy it and turn it into a book, I'm going to go, okay, this is the book.
Starting point is 01:40:52 You can do it on your own now. You can think it sucks, but at least it sucks and it came from my head and my fingers. Like I'm going to write it. I'm going to think it. You could totally think it sucks and you don't want it. And look, there's just the reality of things is when someone creates something, it's going to resonate with a certain amount of people and other people are going to hate it. There's fucking music that I think is terrible and people love it.
Starting point is 01:41:16 They wait in line. They go to see these concerts that I just, you would have to strap me to a chair and pry my eyes open like clockwork orange for me to sit there and watch it. And they can't wait. They can't wait. So tastes and people's desires vary. But as soon as someone tries to enforce their ideas of how you should express yourself. To me, I thought of it as very similar to stand-up in the way that like if if my stand-up if somebody came along
Starting point is 01:41:45 and was like like some publicist that i didn't even know not even a friend and wanted to edit my stand-up look you can think my stand-up sucks you can not like it but if as long as i'm actually paying attention to it as long as i'm actually sitting there and i'm actually going over it and editing it and thinking about it myself and practicing it on stage. I don't want your opinion. I don't want your input. You either like it or you don't like it. But it's me. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:10 If the book came out and it sucked, and then people would be like, you suck. You're like, no, it actually isn't me. It's this ghostwriter and he sucks. Well, I think a movie has to be a collaboration, right? Like if you're doing a movie, you have actors, you have writers, you you have Directors you have producers you have the people that are giving you the money That's got to be a goddamn nightmare This is a lot of a lot of different cooks in that kitchen But that makes sense to me that you have to collaborate with these people like if say if you're playing some
Starting point is 01:42:38 Some chick in some movie and you're you know you have this idea of how it's supposed to be That's how you audition, but then you get on set and the director's like abby what i want you to do is play a chinese lady in the 1500s and you're like what you know like you'd be like that's not what i got hired to do like what the fuck is this right then you have this chaotic sort of struggle between the director and the producers telling you to act one way and it's a lot of nonsense that one of the pure things about writing whether it's writing stand-up or anything it's like it's here's the world and here's here's my vision here's the world through my eyes and my fingers and as soon as you allow someone to start fucking with that I just think it's a recipe for disaster
Starting point is 01:43:22 it's my experience wasn't good not that you can't have a good experience writing a book. Maybe other people have. But everybody that I've talked to that wrote a book told me it was terrible. Everybody I know that wrote a book. I have to talk to Whitney about it. She didn't have a bad experience. Get there. Go use that restroom, Abby Martin.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Abby Martin is my favorite hardcore lefty, I think. She can't figure out where the door is. She's my favorite hardcore lefty. She's so rabid. She's so, I want to get her in a room with Sam Harris though. Cause she hates Sam Harris and she thinks Sam Harris wants to fucking bomb every country where Brown people live. She just takes things. You see how she ramps up? Like she wants to take things so far Like you can't even talk to her about like what social justice warriors do she's like she's not even thinking about it She's just like yeah, but why they're paying attention to that while Trump's doing this and they're ready to bomb North Korea And yeah, but that's still an issue. It's still a something. There's a thing going on
Starting point is 01:44:24 It's still a something. There's a thing going on. Yeah, it's hard to pick your thing. You gotta pick one. Like you said, there's so much info going on now. You get distracted from one, especially if you have a tinge of ADD. I do. Don't you? Yeah, for sure. Who doesn't? I don't trust people who don't have ADD. You know? It's like you can concentrate all the time.
Starting point is 01:44:41 I feel like one of those people that can really sit down and concentrate totally. How do you pee that quick? That's insane. What, are you opening up like a bucket? How the hell is that even possible? That doesn't even make sense to me. What are you saying, Jamie? Did you see the lambs being born
Starting point is 01:44:56 outside of a womb? Did you see that story going on today? That's the apocalypse. Silence of the lambs. It's not like they weren't made in there, but it's being tested on I think it was sheep, like premature births. So after, instead of a 37-week period, if it was like 28 weeks, they could put it in the sack, and it was still growing. That's so crazy. Hair, its eyes opened up.
Starting point is 01:45:20 What? I'll show you the story real quick. Do you see that blowjob machine? Yeah. This new blowjob robot that they invented just for blowjobs. A new one better than the lip thing that you, what was it called? Fleshlight? Yeah, the fleshlight.
Starting point is 01:45:33 You have to actually move that thing around. Whoa, look at this. Oh my God. Oh my God. An artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep and humans could be next. Oh my God. We're looking at this plastic bag where this baby sheep is inside a plastic bag. Lamb is growing in an artificial womb for weeks.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Oh, Christ. What are we doing? What is going on? This really seems like the next step. We'll definitely try making one in a bag next. Look, in China. Just got babies in bags now. They probably already have a person that they've made.
Starting point is 01:46:01 This is nuts. As soon as they start telling you about this, it's already happened. They're warming you up. This has happened like 20 years ago now soon as they start telling you about this. It's probably it's already happened They're already yeah, right? This is happened like 20 years ago now, and they're just showing us now that is probably say Ivanka Trump was probably born and raised in a bag That's how we know Cheney's Cheney's still alive. That's why she's so pretty yeah, right? They've the other two sons She came out perfect they were definitely grown in bags well he knows how to cook up a girl yeah right like the jeans work good on girls they work good on her that's for sure his her husband is gross he's so odd the video of him in iraq or afghanistan oh my god with the
Starting point is 01:46:42 flak jacket on he's just like preppy just like walking around it's like GQ like endless war fucking weird but just weird yes sick why didn't you give him like some military clothes what it looks like a complete douchebag he looks like he's never worked a goddamn day in his life prep school kid with a vest on yep just shiny soft hands like send him to? Jake through. Yeah, his hands probably tear on sand. He'd probably just rip open and start bleeding. They're all irritated just being in like... Ew, it's always working, people.
Starting point is 01:47:14 My lotion. When can I come home, Papa? Look at him there. What a complete... Look, kush. What is that? Get that Afghani kush, man. Yeah. They don't even have good weed. People that give you the Afghani weed, they hate you. They got the opium, Kush. What is that? Get that Afghani Kush, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:25 They don't even have good weed. People that give you the Afghani weed, they hate you. They got the opium, though. Oh, they do have the opium. They got the opium, though. That is one of the most open secrets. Absolutely. And going back to why are we in Afghanistan?
Starting point is 01:47:38 Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Well, why were we in Vietnam? Exactly. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Come on. It's a lot of fucking money. Nicaragua. Come on. Yeah. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. It's a lot of fucking money. Nicaragua, come on. Yeah, come on. But it was one of the most open, like, the information is readily available. Totally. The amount of heroin production that ramped up since we invaded Afghanistan. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:47:57 90%. And opium latex is needed for pharmaceuticals. It just goes on and on and on. It's completely obvious. And it's going to come out soon. I think that that's really what's happening there. You think so? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:48:07 How is it going to come out now? It's 15 years later. Good question. I mean, it came out. Yeah. When did the Sandinista, like, when did all the cocaine trafficking stuff come out? We need an Oliver North. Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:17 And we need a Freeway Ricky. Yeah. We need an, yeah. Exactly. And a Mike Rupert. Totally. Poor guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:24 But a tortured soul. It got to guy. Yeah. But a tortured soul. It got to him. He was such a tortured soul. I had him on a couple of times. That guy gave me mushrooms. Nice. He came on my podcast, brought me a giant bag of mushrooms. Good man.
Starting point is 01:48:37 He was a great guy. Such a good guy. I loved him. I didn't agree with him. I didn't agree with him because he was so crazy about so many different things. About peak oil and stuff? Yeah. Like that whole collapse documentary that they did where they interviewed him and he's just sitting there smoking cigarettes talking about the end is near. I'm like, Jesus, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Meanwhile, all these years later, everything's fine. Like he wasn't right about peak oil and a lot of the other things. And he was always inclined to go towards doom and gloom. But I think that movie, that documentary, Collapse, and his worldview, a lot of it was based on how he thought of things. Because he was really depressed. Exactly. It was a reflection and just kind of an externalization of his own depression. Yeah, and he wound up offing himself. So horrible. That was one of the saddest suicides of people that I knew when I knew that he killed himself.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Because he sent me some emails and we talked back and forth and you know, he was, he was definitely like down in the dumps. And I always felt like, God, man, like that guy just needs better people around him. And he just needs more positivity, but he was so engrossed and entrenched in corruption and greed and horror, all the stuff that he saw but I'll never forget that fucking speech when he stood in front of like what was that LAPD yes well he was an art he was an LAPD narcotics officer and he stood in front of that CIA guy and that I forget what the the meeting was about
Starting point is 01:50:01 and he was talking about how he had witnessed CIA agents selling narcotics and the L and that they had been doing it forever and that he had been stopped from prosecuting and arresting them and everybody went crazy and nuts. It was nuts. And then he, and he exposed the whole insider trading nine 11 stuff and peak oil. And yeah, I mean he was just lambasted as a conspiracy theorist toward the end of his
Starting point is 01:50:24 life. And it was really sad because he's done so many amazing things yeah that was a that was 1996 town meeting in Los Angeles on allegations of CIA and this is by the way folks pre-internet and confronting the CIA director and with balls balls the way he did it I mean he did it like clearly and loudly and articulately. Like, play it. Just play it so people who haven't seen it. Pour one out for my group of friends. Yeah, pour it.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Back it up a little bit. Back it up a little. I will tell you, Director Deutsch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time. Yeah! He's so good. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:51:19 All right, obviously, that is an answer for a lot of you. Now, can you please? I refer... All right, now, can you please for a lot of you. Now, can you please? I refer. All right, now, can you please? I refer to it. Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. It's like, oh, no, this is been filmed.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Nothing happened at C-SPAN. C-SPAN was so boring. Wait a minute here. Wait a minute here. Wait a minute. If you don't like what's going on here, please leave now. No, no, no. Leave. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:51:53 I haven't seen actually this whole clip. Yeah. She was trying to control it. People were going crazy. I mean, this was in South Central. Will you please take your seats? I will come back to you as we roll back across to the center section.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Director Deutsch, I will refer you to three specific agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus, and Watchtower. I have Watchtower documents heavily redacted by the agency. I was personally exposed to CIA operations and
Starting point is 01:52:23 recruited by CIA personnel who attempted to recruit me in the late 70s to become involved in protecting agency drug operations in this country. I have been trying to get this out for 18 years and I have the evidence. My question for you is very specific, sir. If in the course of the IG's investigations and Fred Hitz's work you come across evidence of severely criminal activity and it's classified. Will you use that classification to hide the criminal activity
Starting point is 01:52:50 or will you tell the American people the truth? Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Done. All right, everyone. Yeah, she's not the best at keeping this group together, but that was an intense moment. That's amazing, man.
Starting point is 01:53:10 That opened up a lot of people's eyes. Like, that was a very, very important moment. It was. Where people realized, like, wait a minute, is this guy right? And then it turns out he was. I mean, they really did sell drugs to fund these black ops. I mean, that's how they, that's the whole Oliver North. That's the connection between Freeway Ricky, who I also had on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:53:31 I mean, that's how he made millions and millions of dollars by selling the CIA's drugs. And that's how they funded the Contras versus the Sandinistas. Unreal. Fucking crazy. And you're telling me that this opium is just leaving Afghanistan without being without being monitored or trafficked whatsoever they must have done a way better job of keeping it together they're like maybe they've learned something yeah we're gonna not have another oliver north type deal yeah yep that shit ain't no good because i think i think afghanistan's this the only other country other than if i'm not mistaken kenya that is actually not only the um
Starting point is 01:54:04 metadata you know like we're collecting metadata Kenya, that is actually not only the metadata, you know, like we're collecting metadata everywhere, but that is one of two countries in the world that WikiLeaks exposed that we're actually collecting every phone call. Every phone call is being archived and recorded from Afghanistan. So which kind of adds to the weirdness that somehow these this giant heroin, opium manufacturing like operations going on, and we still can't get a grasp on where it's coming from. Yet it really affects America. I mean, God damn, what is it, like, more than car crashes now are pill overdoses and opiate overdoses?
Starting point is 01:54:35 It's nuts. Yeah, it's just surpassed car accidents for the first time ever. It's insane. I had Dennis McKenna on recently. Yeah, that was awesome. He was explaining to me. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. He's such a genius, man.
Starting point is 01:54:47 He's so spooky smart. But he was explaining to me carfentanil, which is a new form of fentanyl that's even more powerful than fentanyl. Still schedule two, though. Yeah. Marijuana schedule one. Never killed a fucking human being ever. What was he saying about it? He was saying the head of a pin contains enough
Starting point is 01:55:05 for you to die of an overdose. Yeah. What? Why is that? Why did we make that? It's so crazy. I don't know because like hippos we need to put them down. They hurt. They have joint aches. These poor hippos.
Starting point is 01:55:23 We have to figure out how to weight it. Authorities brace for more overdoses after Maryland deaths linked to elephant sedatives. Yeah. I thought we were on horse tranquilizers. Now we're on elephant sedatives? Yeah. I thought we were on ketamine and now we're on... It's so potent, apparently.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Oh, great. Two overdoses. Holy... 10,000 times more potent than more... Oh, my... Why is it... 5,000 times more potent than heroin. Oh, dude. See, this is scary. 10,000 times more potent than more. Oh my. Why is that? 5,000 times more potent than heroin. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:55:47 See, this is scary. 10,000 times. Not like 100. 10,000. That is so insane. This is why Philip Seymour Hoffman and so many other people die of overdoses because the drug war and these people just sell like laced heroin and shit and it's so dangerous. And yeah, it's absolutely horrible.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Well, we were talking about Bourdain's show. He had a great show on Massachusetts on his CNN show. And it was about the heroin epidemic that's hit Massachusetts and many other places as well. But he kind of talked about Massachusetts because they had a few people that they were referring to where these people, they got hooked on like Oxycontin, synoxycodone. I don't know what the difference is to you. No. And then they made it much more difficult to get. And then as soon as these people made it much more difficult to get, you're dealing with these people that have addictions.
Starting point is 01:56:38 And so then they started doing actual heroin. So they're taking hillbilly heroin. And then they get addicted to that. You know, if you have a back pain or you hurt yourself, they'll fucking write you a script for that shit. Easy. And I have a bunch of friends that got hooked. I have a family member that just became a loser, was a hardworking guy, had a shit together, got hooked on those pills. Loser now. No one talks to him.'s just gone his own fucking kids don't talk to him gone and um my buddy brendan he broke his nose they had him on that
Starting point is 01:57:10 shit and then three months later he's taking it every day still his friends had to come over his house and scoop it up out of his um out of his uh medicine cabinet scary stuff scary so addictive and then you just need it you just need it like I'll get off it eventually right now I need it Oh, I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was like 17 and I feel like I got addicted to the Yeah, I loved it, how could you not I never did it what yeah, I never did it I got knee surgery once and they gave me something it was either Percocets or Viking and I cannot remember but it made me so Stupid I remember thinking I would rather be in pain.
Starting point is 01:57:47 I'm pretty good with pain. But I'm not good with anything that makes me feel stupid because I feel vulnerable. I'd rather be hurting and aware. I'm not like a numb guy. I don't like numbing out. That's one of the reasons why I like pot because it makes me hyper aware. It makes me hyper vigilant and really sensitive and and it makes me you know people you can call it paranoid some people call it paranoid but i i'm i think it's more like hyper awareness you know and that hyper awareness you
Starting point is 01:58:14 have to take into account all the variables that you are going to die that you are in a a ball that's spinning a thousand miles an hour with a thin layer of gas. On a flat, flat, flat, flat Earth. On a flat little strip of land spinning around. Oh, wait, just stationary? Yeah, everything's doing something around us. It's not. Whenever I hear the flat Earth thing, I'm just like, don't astronauts take photos from space now where you can see the Earth behind you?
Starting point is 01:58:39 There's a live feed. There's a live feed that you can watch from the space station. It's all manipulated, man. Soros. No, it's CGI. It's a hologram. Everybody that from the space station. It's all manipulated man Soros. It's no it's it's CGR It's a hologram buddy that I talked to you that believes in Flat Earth to show them that Japanese satellite that takes a photo high resolution Yeah, every 10 minutes from 22,000 miles away a full picture of the earth. They think it's it's fake That's all you have to say it's fake by the way. They keep saying that you can't fly over Antarctica listen to me you fucks
Starting point is 01:59:04 You can fly over Antarctica. You can't fly they keep saying that you can't fly over Antarctica. Listen to me, you fucks. You can fly over Antarctica. They keep saying you can't fly over Antarctica. Why does the government stop you from flying over Antarctica? They don't. There's regularly scheduled flights. They fly over Antarctica. Not only that, there's a Qantas pilot who filmed it because he was tired of that bullshit.
Starting point is 01:59:19 Mick West, the guy who runs... I'm going to debunk this once and for all. The man who runs Metabunk. Metabunk is a website designed for debunking conspiracy theories with facts and science. They have many, many pages on the Flat Earth, on that website, of debunking all the arguments against Flat Earth. So he's going to come on the website, and we're going to go over them one by one. Nice. I'm going to definitely tune in. But for some reason, it's still growing. The theory is still growing.
Starting point is 01:59:47 It's because me and my $3 a month that I take from George Soros, my round earth shill money. How much do you think they could pay you if the earth was flat? And you knew the earth was flat. Could they even pay you enough to not tell people? No.
Starting point is 02:00:03 No. There's no way. There'd be no way. Think of how many people you'd have to tell or how many people you'd have to keep quiet. It pay you enough to not tell people? No. No. There's no way. There'd be no way. Think of how many people you'd have to tell or how many people you'd have to keep quiet. It's hard enough to cover up the moon landing thing, man. That's hard. Let alone cover up the flat earth thing. The moon landing at least happened in 1969 and it happened with a limited amount of people that had access to all the technology.
Starting point is 02:00:21 There was no internet. They controlled the media and we never went back. So there's all sorts of beautiful things that connect together to form a nice, juicy, fat conspiracy that I love. I love the moon landing. Oh, it's a fun one. Yeah. I secretly, not even so secretly, covet that one like no other conspiracy.
Starting point is 02:00:40 I would love it if it was true. Yeah. There's a great quote from Bill Clinton from his book, My Life on the Moon Landing. And it's fascinating because he's talking about an old carpenter. And the carpenter says that them TV fellers, that he didn't believe the moon landing. That those TV fellers, I never believe anything because they can pretty much do anything and make you believe that it's real. And you don't. He goes, back then I thought he was a crank.
Starting point is 02:01:05 But after eight years in the White House, I was wondering if he's not ahead of his time. That's in Bill Clinton's book. Are you serious? Yeah. You want to hear something really queer? Yeah. And people are like, oh, you're going to go on about the moon landing again, bro? I thought you gave up on that.
Starting point is 02:01:18 I will give you the most cryptic piece of information about the moon landing. Neil Armstrong gave a speech on the 25th anniversary about the moon landing. Neil Armstrong gave a speech on the 25th anniversary of the moon landings. And it is one of the most what the fuck speeches you'll ever hear in your life. Because it's not a guy saying,
Starting point is 02:01:37 look, we went to the moon, it was amazing, and you kids are going to accomplish amazing things as well. Pull up Neil Armstrong's cryptic speech. Is that when he says he doesn't remember if there were stars? No, no, no. But that is one of the things that they did say.
Starting point is 02:01:48 It wasn't Neil Armstrong, by the way. It was Michael Collins that said that. Michael Collins said that he didn't recall seeing any stars, but then later in his book, he recalled in great depth what stars looked like and how amazing they were and how incredible they were. Just came to him later. But meanwhile, he was in the lunar lander his whole time so play this play this on the 25th anniversary of the event in 1994 Neil Armstrong made a rare public
Starting point is 02:02:14 appearance and held back tears as he spoke these brief cryptic remarks before the next generation of taxpayers as they toured the White House. Listen to this. Today we have with us a group of students among America's best. To you we say we have only completed a beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered. Breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's
Starting point is 02:02:52 protective layers. What the fuck does that mean? He is. Is this a funny thing that happened on the way to the moon? Yeah. Dude, that movie is nuts. At the end when they show the Apollo mission and it shows them putting the piece of paper where it makes it look like they're farther away. I was like, what the hell is this?
Starting point is 02:03:07 What were they doing? I have no idea. They're filming through a window. They're filming the Earth through a circular window. And they have the cabin of the lunar module blacked out. They have all these things over the windows. Like a set. And they're using diffused lighting to operate the controls.
Starting point is 02:03:23 It's so crazy. It's so strange. It's so strange. It's nuts. It's the one conspiracy that still to this day you go, huh. Because there's no technological achievement from 1969. It's not easier, cheaper, and faster to reproduce today other than the moon landing. They went six times, seven attempts, six successful attempts.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Apollo 13, obviously, they never went. They had that accident that made Tom Hanks make a great movie. Yeah. But that was the only time human beings had been more than 400 miles from the Earth's surface. Every other space station. It's trippy that we haven't gone back. Not only we haven't gone back, we never even left the magnetosphere. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:04:02 We've never gone through the Van Allen radiation belts since then We never went into deep space like all the way out and back like around the moon They never even did like a flyby since then. That's insane. What do you say much it costs? Yeah shit lot of money, but so does the space shuttle so does the space station So does a lot of things it does cost a lot of money and that is a good argument But it is weird that we still had a space program. It's like, look, I'm not saying that we didn't go. But what I am saying is that that is why that conspiracy is so juicy.
Starting point is 02:04:30 Oh, yeah, totally. No, it's super crazy. And that movie, you can kind of go through and debunk the lighting stuff, the stars, the Van Allen radiation belting. But then when it gets to that end scene, you're like, what the hell is going on? What is going on there? It's nuts. It really is creepy. I had dinner with that guy, Bart Sibrell.
Starting point is 02:04:46 He's very compelling. He was all in, in that guy the guy who made that movie funny thing happened on the way to the moon this is when i was balls deep yeah and the whole moon landing thing um but there was a first one that got me is when i was on news radio in the 90s they had a documentary on fox called conspiracy theory did we ever go to the moon and that one is really compelling and one in the 90s. They had a documentary on Fox called Conspiracy Theory. Did we ever go to the moon? And that one is really compelling. And one of the reasons why it's compelling is because there's more than one occasion
Starting point is 02:05:12 where they used the exact same backdrop. They had the same backdrop, but they were supposed to be on a totally different part of the moon. And they had the exact same background where it looks fake as fuck. You want to see something really fake looking what google astronauts on trampolines you want to see some ridiculous shit there's one one video
Starting point is 02:05:30 clip that they did now here's what someone explained to me that it's entirely likely and this made a lot of sense that it's entirely likely this is during the nixon administration by the way which is all going on massive deception i mean, Nixon was just a fucking fraud in every way, shape, or form, and a crook and a liar. That it's entirely possible that they filmed a lot of stuff and that they filmed all this fake stuff and they passed it off as the real footage, but that they actually did go, but they couldn't get footage of it. And one of the reasons why they probably couldn't get footage of it, if that's the case, is that you can't even get that fucking film through the radar detector at the airport or the x-ray machine at the airport without it killing it, right?
Starting point is 02:06:12 I was looking some stuff up on this the other day. The Van Allen radiation films. The spaceship itself and all the stuff they were wearing would have protected them from most of the radiation that would have potentially harmed them or anything. Allegedly. And they also didn't go through it. They went through the donut hole that's at the top. The way the Van Allen radiation belts apparently surround the Earth, it surrounds it like a donut.
Starting point is 02:06:36 So there's an area where you can go through. There's like hot zones or something like that. Well, there's an area where you can go through where they're only exposed to the radiation for like an hour or something like that. How creepy? I mean, with all this deception back in the Nixon era. Yeah, so here's, start from the beginning. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:06:49 Whoa. So this is. I like how you upload this on your channel. Oh, this is when I was balls deep. Oh my God. But look at this footage. Like, what is going on here? Like, what is this guy doing?
Starting point is 02:07:02 So here's the thing. The physics back then they're they're not the same on every mission like the way they move around is not the same on Apollo 11 as it is on Apollo 16 or whatever the last mission was it looks different when they're moving around but this one is the weirdest one because here these guys are they're in one sixth earth's gravity and they're just fucking jumping around through the air, and you can't see their feet. Like, you only see their feet when they're in the air.
Starting point is 02:07:30 They just, they're hiding behind this lunar module, and they're bouncing around in a way that you never saw them bounce around before. That's not in any other moon mission. So I think it's entirely possible that they faked some stuff and that there could have been an issue with them being on the surface of the moon. Yeah, and also being on the surface of the moon, the radiation on the surface of the moon, there's no protection on those cameras.
Starting point is 02:07:53 And there's no magnetosphere. There's nothing. Those Hasselblad cameras that they had, that they kept in the center of their chests, those weird-looking cameras that they used, there was nothing different about those. There was nothing protective about them. Their suit was protecting it from what I was reading. Yeah, nothing different about those. There was nothing protective about them. Look at today when you look at. Their suit was protecting it from what I was reading. Yeah, but not the camera. The camera was external.
Starting point is 02:08:09 It was in the suit. But it was external. It was out like this. It was out in front of them. Well, I don't know, man. I just read that the Pentagon spent like half a billion dollars on just fake ISIS videos and propaganda videos for terrorist recruitment. Well, do you know why they did that, though?
Starting point is 02:08:23 That's something that people bring up a lot, but it's a little misleading. What they did was they made these videos for real player. And so when someone would watch these videos, they would collect metadata as to the location the person was watching. And that way they could find out who was watching these terrorist recruitment videos. That's completely insane. You're right. You're right. But so is everything the government does. And if they want to try to figure out where ISIS was, they can zone it. That's completely insane. You're right. You're right. But so is everything the government does.
Starting point is 02:08:46 And like if they want to try to figure out where ISIS was, they have unlimited money. Like. I mean, they can kind of do whatever the fuck they want. Someone said, hey, I got an idea. We'll make these videos. We'll have these terrorist recruitment videos. It's just like how the FBI manufactures fucking everything. Like the Garland, Texas, the first ISIS attack in the U.S. was really an FBI.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Once again, it was an FBI informantant two FBI informants were on the scene why didn't they stop the attack kind of blew it guys right right well here's a better one that's what they do all the time how about that video that we were supposed to be led to believe was the reason why they attacked Benghazi
Starting point is 02:09:20 remember that remember that fake video that was like a movie? But they said it was about the movie. And everybody was saying that that movie was the reason why they attacked us. Which was a lie. They knew it was a lie. Yeah, they had a CIA operation running weapons out of this hub.
Starting point is 02:09:38 But they're like, oh, it's about a movie. Everyone hates this movie. And they're just rioting over a movie. Have you ever watched the movie? No. It's fucking unbelievably bad. Oh, God, I'm sure. It's so bad that you don't even believe it's a real movie do you create that movie too i would guess so i don't know but i would say probably i would say if yeah i would guess the thing that bothers me about the isis stuff is that like i said before that
Starting point is 02:10:00 70 000 number it's like you could just say anything's isis like the isis caves that we drop the moab on and it's just like oh it's an Isis cave and that's why 70 percent of Americans just support bombing the shit out of Afghanistan because Isis was there what happened I felt like there was more critical thinking that people were upset that we were playing judge jury and executioner I think but now we just kill Isis in mass and it's just no one questions it at all I think it's like what we were talking about earlier. There's just too much information. There's too much going on. And they bombed, they dropped the mother of all bombs right after we had accidentally killed a bunch of people that were on our side in Syria, right?
Starting point is 02:10:36 Yep. So like that was like a good time. Like we had accidentally fucked up and killed some Syrian rebels and like, ooh, didn't we kill like 18? Yeah, we killed a bunch of people that we were training and arming, al-Qaeda. And then Trump, and you know what Trump learned after the Syria strike? He learned that he can get, because all he cares about, he's like a little child, wants positive reinforcement and he hates, you know, the fake news, CNN.
Starting point is 02:10:58 Why don't you, why don't you cover me fairly? He goes out there and does these press conferences, begging the news to cover him better because that's all he cares about. But that's what he learned is that he can get bipartisan like support and praise from the media if he just bombs the shit out of people. So that's what he learned. So then he dropped the Moab. And what's next, Trump? Because you know now how to be popular.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Just like Reagan came in and was seen as a joke until he got swept into the military industrial complex and became a war president. And I think that Trump came in as a reality star president joke. And he's surrounded himself with more generals than any other president since World War Two. And he's just letting them lead him wherever they want. And of course, generals just want to be in charge of conflict so they can get more stars and emblems and honors and lead us into different. Well, that's what they do. Yeah, that's what they do. That's their career. I was going to bring this up earlier, but I forgot.
Starting point is 02:11:48 That was one of the things that was most creepy is that he's saying he's going to let the military do their job. Like oversight of the military is what Eisenhower warned us about at the end of his term. I mean, remember when Eisenhower was leaving, he talked about the military industrial complex and everybody was like, what the fuck? But that was something that was broadcast on Television and back in the day That's when it ended it was broadcast on TV some people listened and then business went about as usual
Starting point is 02:12:14 And it wasn't like today where you could watch that video over and over again when you see that video Eisenhower saying yeah, we are industrial complex of Eisenhower saying, military, industrial complex. Trump is now adding 10% of the fucking budget, cutting all of these agencies and bolstering the Pentagon even more. We already have the biggest military in the goddamn world, bigger than the next 10 countries combined. Why is this happening? This is what makes America great?
Starting point is 02:12:36 Just reverting back to like a completely disgusting. It's sick, man. What do we do, Abby Martin? What do we do? Well. Okay. If President Abby gets man. What do we do Abby Martin? What do we do? Well, okay president Abby gets elected What do we do? Well first abolish money in politics and start some sort of true democratic representation where you have simple laws to Prosecute criminals whether or not they have money or they're billionaires. So if you're a corporate criminal you go to fucking jail
Starting point is 02:13:01 somebody wants to assassinate it fucking jail. Sounds like somebody wants to get assassinated. Sounds like suicide by government. It's sick, man. I mean, I, yeah, it's, it's hard to say, but I just know that Trump is taking us down a very dangerous path. And these people who are thinking that he's somehow anti-empire, anti-deep state are very confused. Bannon is a psycho. Bannon wants war. He wants war with China. But isn't he on the outs? No, I think that's just on paper because Trump didn't like people calling him President Bannon. So he's still attending the National Security Council. He still has a huge say. We know that he really is him and these billionaires, Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers, who somehow aren't globalists,
Starting point is 02:13:38 right? But they really are backing Bannon and Trump and they hedge their bets. Bannon tried to do it before with Palin, but it didn't work. He saw Sarah Palin as like the Trump 1.0 and made this giant movie about her and tried to latch onto her, and then she flopped. Have you seen the picture? What? With Palin, with Ted Nugent, and Ted Nugent's wife,
Starting point is 02:14:00 and Kid Rock, and Kid Rock's girlfriend. Oh my God, it's so creepy. Next to Trump in the Oval Office. This is our world. This is idiocracy. This is idiocracy. and Kid Rock and Kid Rock's girlfriend. Oh my God, it's so creepy. Next to Trump in the Oval Office. This is idiocracy. This is idiocracy. It's like a fucking Bass Pro Shop video. It really is.
Starting point is 02:14:12 It's like a photo from a Cabela's catalog. I mean, it's hilarious when you're looking at the five of them next to Trump. And when you were saying the military do your job, he's already changed the rules of engagement where we're killing a thousand civilians. He killed a thousand civilians in March. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:14:30 Yeah. Yep. Carpet bombed an area in Mosul a couple weeks ago, killed 230 people. Didn't hear a peep about it from the mainstream media. Let's just move on to the next one. Look at that photo. And look, this is what's happening. But seriously, Kid Rock's girlfriend's hot.
Starting point is 02:14:45 She's hot as fuck. Kudos, Kid. She's hotter than him. That's for damn sure. Of course. Wait, is that Sarah Palin's husband? No. Who is that guy? Oh, that's Ted Nugent. I don't even know what the hell he looks like. You don't know what Ted Nugent looks like? No. You gotta watch Spirit of the Wild. He's totally out of my periphery. Like, I don't... He's got a good hunting show.
Starting point is 02:15:01 Look at Sarah. Look at Sarah. Didn't her kid just have another baby? I don't think that's her fault, Abby. Maybe one day you'll have promiscuous daughters and you'll understand. I won't be promoting, what's it called? What? Like how she's just a whole, like she praises don't have sex. Like the whole abstinence thing.
Starting point is 02:15:20 Well, who are you talking about that was promoting pray the gay away? Was that Pence? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Pray the gay away. That's a, that's a good sign that someone's trying to fuck dudes. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 02:15:31 Right. For sure. Remember Michelle Bachman and her husband? Yeah. I forgot about her. Remember her husband who is maybe the gayest guy that's ever walked the face of the planet? Oh, he's so gay. That guy comes glitter.
Starting point is 02:15:42 He's so gay. Like glitter and shoots out of his dick. Remember last time I was on and you showed me that Dennis Prager video? Which one was that? It was an argument about Israel where he was talking about why Israel deserves to exist and stuff. After being there, man, holy shit. I feel like people have no idea. I didn't even know what the hell was going on until I went to Palestine and saw how crazy it was.
Starting point is 02:16:02 What is it like? Tell me. Give me your thoughts and your experience. So everyone mistakenly thinks that Hamas controls Palestine. That's not true at all. There's three different areas that were drawn up with the original partition. It's the West Bank,
Starting point is 02:16:15 which is totally under military rule by Israel. And then there's the Gaza Strip, which is like the open air prison, which they bomb the shit out of every couple of years and Hamas controls that area. And then there's Jerusalem, which is like the open air prison which they bomb the shit out of like every couple years and hamas controls that area and then there's jerusalem which is an international city center that both arabs and jews live in but the west bank has been occupied militarily since 1967 and it's complete martial law there's checkpoints all political parties are illegal you can't having a gun is like the least of it you can't't hold a flag. You can't belong to a political party.
Starting point is 02:16:45 You literally can't do shit. If you're a Palestinian, you just have to sit there and submit. And if even if you share a photo of someone who was like killed by an Israeli soldier, you go to jail and you go to jail for the amount of like months that. Yeah. Based on the shares and likes of the photo, they'll they'll penalize you more and put you in prison for longer and longer. I mean, I'll just tell you one story. So if you put a photo on social media, like you put someone on Facebook. Of someone who died and they'll be like,
Starting point is 02:17:08 you're sharing a martyr and inciting people to like commit suicide. Like on behalf of Palestinians, you go to jail and they put them in jail. There's 99.7% conviction rate. Kids are tortured. Kids are in prison. It is absolutely insane. We went to the first day that we were there, we went to a funeral of some guy, some farmer who was shot by Israeli forces. And we went to the first day that we were there, we went to a funeral of some guy,
Starting point is 02:17:25 some farmer who was shot by Israeli forces. And we went to the funeral was horrible. You know, all the women are wailing and crying. And as we're leaving, the Israeli forces had set up a checkpoint right outside of this dude's house and started tear gassing and shooting rubber bolts, like at people who were simply attending the funeral, just to punish people for attending the funeral. We went to another girl's house named Aya, who got shot in the vagina for peacefully protesting at some protest. And they shot 200 people that day. One guy next to her died. Another guy was paralyzed. They have a policy called shoot to cripple where they shoot guys in the dicks. Yeah, it is fucking nuts, man. The West Bank is no joke.
Starting point is 02:18:07 I thought that I was going to die several times. We were at this checkpoint going through Calandia and there was this old man walking like clearly drunk or something and kind of like walking a little bit toward the check. But they started shooting at him. Bullets are ricocheting off the thing. And I, you know, my partner, Mike, who was an invading soldier of iraq was just like we're gonna die like they're shooting the sky there's bullets ricocheting i it was absolutely insane and as we go through the checkpoint the soldier's like hey stay safe out there and i was like yeah when you guys are arbitrarily shooting people and and the person who was driving
Starting point is 02:18:40 us had just told us that a couple months prior to that some woman palestinian woman because you can't go to Jerusalem. Like if you're Palestinian, there's like barely any Palestinians who are even allowed to go pray at the most holy site, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. You can't go to the beach. You're just completely constricted in a prison and you can't travel. And he was just telling us that months before we went through this checkpoint, someone was going through the checkpoint because they got a permit to go into Jerusalem, which is like a lifetime golden ticket, like Willy Wonka. And they're walking and they get, and she just got executed. And then, yeah, she just got executed and she was bleeding out at this checkpoint and her little brother tried to help her and they shot him too.
Starting point is 02:19:14 And they're like hiding the video of this. And this is just a day, because they fucking hate Palestinians and Palestinians are animals to these people. It's sick, man. It's sick. It's really, really sick, Joe. And I couldn't even get into Gaza. We were banned from going into this territory because I was told by the Israeli government that I was a propagandist and that I was like an enemy agent. And so I wasn't allowed to go into Gaza. So Gaza is hell. But the West Bank is under martial law and
Starting point is 02:19:40 everything's illegal and you can't do a goddamn thing. And it's super cool. Like we went to this place called Ramallah that was just like Oakland where they're smoking weed. There's like openly gay people there. Like it's just completely different than what people think of Palestine. You know, people think of it as just a bunch of people with turbans on blowing themselves out. And Hamas is like, oh, you elected Hamas. And like, well, Hamas doesn't want Israel to exist.
Starting point is 02:20:04 It's like, well, actually, Hamas is controlling this one area for a reason, because it was built as this surplus when Israel was created. Millions of refugees were put miles away from the homes that they were ethnically cleansed from and put into refugee camps in Gaza. And when the Israeli military wanted more and more land, by the way, all settlements in Israel are illegal. All of them are illegal in the West Bank, but they just keep creating more and more and more. And we would go to these villages of just Arab people living in these villages and the settlers will come. You have to be a fanatical fucking asshole to move from California to an Arab village in Palestine and set up a goddamn tractor trailer and just live on top of their home. And they can have them, you you know giant machine
Starting point is 02:20:45 guns they can firebomb you they can shoot you they can beat you up they're protected by the state you can go with a tractor trailer set up a home the state immediately runs a water line a power line and and a military outpost to protect you and the arabs are just sitting there waiting to get killed or attacked it's absolutely insane and the way home demolitions work are insane too because like they either deliver a piece of paper with a rock over it and they're like here if you find it good for you and if you don't then you're screwed and that's if you're lucky if you're not lucky you'll just your home will be invaded by settlers and you'll be forced out of your home there's
Starting point is 02:21:19 videos of this all over the internet of like groups of settlers going and literally taking over arabs homes and then they just are forced out. It's crazy, man. It's, it's completely way crazier than I ever could have imagined. How long were you over there for? A month. Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. And we were, you know, we were simply, and people want to quabble about like, Oh, it's not apartheid. There are different fucking license plates for Arabs and Jews. Like you cannot go to areas like Israeli soldiers were arbitrarily set up checkpoints and just shut you out of your neighborhood and force you to walk three miles to your home. Like they can do whatever they want because you are under martial law and you can't you have no mobility like you have no freedom. So it's really it's becoming a more theocratic state and a more fascist state as it grows. Because you have to be to maintain this Jewish supremacist state. You have to be like more fascist and more controlling and more militaristic
Starting point is 02:22:26 in the way that you rule society, just like the U.S. I mean, people who were considered outlier fringe assholes 30 years ago are now like the Christian evangelicals are now in power. It's really, really crazy. I mean, it's not the same because Israel is a white nationalist, like ethno-supremacist state. And you see the way that they treat Ethiopians and African refugees. And it becomes obvious that even if you're a Jew and you're black, you still are a second class citizen there. Have you interviewed anybody that's pro-Israel? I interviewed a lot of Israelis. And what did you, what'd you get out of that?
Starting point is 02:23:02 It seems like a lot of israelis will think about this in order to really reject the notion like you it's like rejecting being an american it's like such a hard thing for people to really accept so there's a huge mobilization within israel people who are opposed to the military who talk openly about how awful the occupation is how brutal it is how they you know all the crimes they. But you'll very rarely find anti-Zionists who will come out and say the notion of a Jewish state is wrong, because then it means you're just rejecting everything that you are. And like, who are you then if you're an Israeli and you are not Zionist? You know, it's like, it's just a really hard notion for you to wrap your mind around. But we interviewed about 40 Israelisis man on the streets and and to be leftist is a slur so like a lot of israelis don't even entertain the notion of oh
Starting point is 02:23:49 maybe there shouldn't be an occupation at all they're all just like okay well maybe we should have a more humane occupation maybe we should give them water like maybe they should have their own water supply when you say an occupation you mean occupation occupation of Palestine or occupation of Israel itself? The West Bank. So the West Bank has been militarily occupied since 67. So when Israel was created in 48, there were those three partitioned areas that I talked about. And ever since that happened, Israel has just continued to take over more and more land in the West Bank. So these settlements just keep growing and growing and growing and growing. And so, you know, over time there was like mass resistances that happened. And then in 67, Israel was like, we're just going to do a large scale invasion and try to take over all the land.
Starting point is 02:24:31 And then they just stayed and occupied this area. And they just have been there ever since. And so that's like the huge international crime when the international community is like, by the way, these settlements are illegal. And we're like condemning you at the U.N. And the U.S. just vetoes it every time because every time because the US is just like boys with Israel unconditionally. It's sick, man, and they just signed that $10 billion aid package, giving it to Israel for the next 10 years. Actually, I think it was $30 billion over the next 10 years, which is crazy
Starting point is 02:24:57 because this would never be able to happen if it weren't just completely supported by the US. And why is it supported by the US? I don't know. I think that the U.S. loves using Israel as a military garrison. They love using that strategic point in the Middle East to have. And also someone was shedding some light, this Israeli soldier that I interviewed who was amazing. His name is Arana Franti. And he was telling me that the military aid package that we just signed with Israel, it may look like just a gift to Israel. We're like, here's $30 billion. But he said, really what it was doing, Israel has been like its own arms dealer. It actually is one of the
Starting point is 02:25:33 number one weapons dealers in the world now. It actually did like this huge deal with India. And so the U.S. felt threatened, right? Because we're the military might. And so we kind of locked in Israel with this giant packet and we're like, you have to buy U.S. armaments through this. So if you accept this $30 billion aid deal, you have to go through our military weapons to buy if you want this money. So that's what this guy was saying. He said, it's actually a gift to us that we're locking down our control over this country. But honestly, it's becoming so unpopular. Obama had a big feud with Netanyahu.
Starting point is 02:26:10 I mean, Trump is disgusting because Jared Kushner is personally invested in illegal settlements, and he is boys with Netanyahu. Invested financially? Yeah. The Kushner Foundation, his family's actual foundation, has funded illegal settlements. But if you fund some charity in gaza you will go to jail
Starting point is 02:26:27 for supporting terrorism but you can go fund illegal settlements and sponsor settlers to go and live on top of arab villages and that's fine i guess that's freedom do you think that most people just aren't aware yes i didn't even know i had no idea how crazy it was you've been pretty vocally pro-palestinian for a while. I remember you had a piece that you were criticized about on your show where you were furious about. Oh my God. Yeah. And people are just, it's so confusing and convoluted on purpose because that it really relies on Israel being the victim and for people not really understanding that Palestinians are not all terrorists and that it's really just a case of being occupied and like getting freedom So it's it's really tough man, but a lot of these Israelis want they just want to push the Palestinians
Starting point is 02:27:12 Yes, they where they want them to go. They want them. They don't care as long as they're gone As long as they're gone, I mean here's an example of how crazy it is As long as they're gone. I mean, here's an example of how crazy it is. Elor Azaria is a soldier there. You know, in the U.S. when police kill black people and we have rallies like Black Lives Matter, people have rallies in support of these people who get killed. In Israel, they have mass rallies, 10,000, 20,000 people strong in Tel Aviv. If a soldier executes an unarmed Palestinian man and gets a slap on the wrist, like this guy, Elor Azaria, executed an unarmed Palestinian. It was on video. It's a horrific
Starting point is 02:27:51 video. And because there was this international uproar about it, Israel had to put him on house arrest. The Israeli government put him on house arrest. And that was enough for like mass mobilization of tens of thousands of people to come out and protest the fact that he was getting even reprimanded, a slap on the wrist to get house arrest video available absolutely and they're chanting death to arabs there's tens of thousands of people what's the name look up dan cohen and david sheen uh they do amazing journalism there they were living david sheen is israeli he's he's been there and he documents these crazy rallies these fascist fucking rallies that no one else has shown and until i saw that until
Starting point is 02:28:26 i saw people chanting death to the videographers because they hate when you even film like what's going on there death to the leftists it's really scary man it's just a completely different society here it is here it is let's play it nuts it's a long video look at at that. What is that? It's just there. The two of them? The broskis, yeah. Go forward to, yeah, like, see, it's just like crazy. We are being criticized all over the world as if they are righteous. They kill for less than that.
Starting point is 02:28:59 The United States is the worst. They bomb hospitals and it's all good. So she's basically saying, how dare you criticize us when you guys do this shit, which is a good point. Not just in war. Police in the US shoot blacks and it's okay. Because of the whole circus, the world would say that Israeli army are really murderers. We gave them an official license to call us murderers. Instead of covering it up and dealing with it ourselves.
Starting point is 02:29:23 Why make so much noise? Whoa. She's pro-covering it up and dealing with it ourselves. Why make so much noise? Whoa, she's pro-covering it up. Once a soldier understands that he can be charged with manslaughter, next time he'll think twice, and that hesitation is likely to cost soldiers lives. Go to the rally part. Wow, this is interesting. Oh, here we go, our brother Alar.
Starting point is 02:29:42 So everyone's cheering on the soldier. We're certain you're now sitting in an open jail, an army base in the center of the country, watching TV. Look, Alar, the Jewish people support you. The Jewish people are with you. And wait, he's about to say... Jewish people do not abandon their soldiers. They're about to chant death seraphs.
Starting point is 02:30:11 In the past, present, or the future. Whoa. You are not alone. This is intense. Elor the hero. They're chanting Elor the hero. They're chanting Elor the hero. They're all taught summary execution is like an institutionalized thing. So they're all like, why the hell is this guy getting persecuted for something that everyone just acknowledges that this is.
Starting point is 02:30:38 So the soldiers have to be able, in their eyes, soldiers have to be able to just execute Palestinians anytime they want. Go to that huge rally at the end Do you think that they feel like Trapped and surrounded And that they Make this justification because they feel like There's Arab states all around Oh my god they have a fucking concert
Starting point is 02:30:57 Because we're in Adidas With the help of god All Israeli soldiers would return home peaceably With the help of god, all Israeli soldiers would return home peaceably. With the help of God, all terrorists would be neutralized. Go to that part. Yeah, go to there. Flowers in the gun barrel.
Starting point is 02:31:15 Israeli national anthem. Yeah, where it shows the... Thank you for coming. Good night. And tell the respect for the Israeli army. Yeah, there's a part in this video. People should watch it where it says, yeah, we'll flip the country over, free the boy, death to Arabs. Where is the death to Arabs part? It's coming.
Starting point is 02:31:31 So how'd these guys get away with filming this? Elor, the king of Israel, lives. Yeah, it's really... It's very intense. I mean, yeah, of course Israelis are indoctrinated. I don't know, it's a... It's very intense. I mean, yeah, of course Israelis are indoctrinated. I don't know. It's a 10-minute video. But it's part of when the giant rallies.
Starting point is 02:31:52 We have it in our videos, too, on Empire Files. Yeah, it's really... Wow, we didn't want to vote ultra-right. The square is full. The square is full. Oh, because he's saying that the establishment makes it seem... Like an Arab is a son of a whore. A Jew is a soul.
Starting point is 02:32:08 Whoa. This is dark. Friends ask you here. Yeah, he's like embarrassed. They don't want this on film. We really came to embrace and love the army and the soldiers.
Starting point is 02:32:21 Whoa. He's trying to change it. And the football club. Is anybody here from Jerusalem? He's like, no, no. This isn't about killing Arabs. We're about celebrating the army. Anyway, there's some really crazy stuff.
Starting point is 02:32:30 Like, my friend David was attacked. Let me listen to that terrible music. Oh, God. We're fucking sick of waiting for peace. I will no longer dream about it until I die. God, together with this holy crowd, I utter a prayer. Jesus Christ. Like, we would go into Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and people would be like,
Starting point is 02:32:58 are you Arab? And I'm like, what? Like, they just immediately just have this distrust and hatred for Arabs. It's extremely intense. And like you were saying, I mean, this is a thing that starts from childhood. You are indoctrinated to think that every single person is trying to kill you. So all these people or these guys that film this, they're kind of fucked now. They've been jumped.
Starting point is 02:33:21 My friend David Sheen was jumped because someone came up to him and he was like, where's your fucking flag? Because you like wear Israeli flags as capes. A lot of these people like wear them. It's extremely fascist. And he was just like my flag. And they're like, yeah, where's your fucking flag? And they beat him up. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:33:34 Took his camera. And this happens all the time. I mean, luckily he's an Israeli Jew, so he doesn't get that much heat. But my friend Dan is also, you know, looks like he is a Jew. So they don't really give him heat but like yeah it's really dangerous to film there and it's really dangerous to document what's going on they must be particularly furious about israeli jews that expose this stuff oh yeah they're definitely targeted yeah yeah it's dangerous for them to be in the country for sure that's that
Starting point is 02:34:00 that really ruthless patriotism right that what that woman was saying that soldiers might hesitate if they can be charged with manslaughter. You know, just just. Yeah, it's pretty intense. So I feel like, yeah, the whole Israel thing and people are confused about like Bannon and this anti-Semitism thing. Look, you can you can hate Jews and love Israel, just like Richard Spencer. That's a perfect example. Richard Spencer sees Israel as the perfect example of what he wants the U.S. to be
Starting point is 02:34:31 because it's an ethno-supremacist nationalist state. And that's what these people love. So you can be anti-Semitic and still love the notion of fostering a certain group, a certain identity so does does he think we should have mandatory military service the way they do well he he definitely doesn't want different races breeding so i think that he probably just wants like an insular society of all just like white people jesus christ nazism when you get a bunch of people and everybody has to join the army, there's a bond that they have. It's very different than a regular civilian bond.
Starting point is 02:35:12 And the indoctrination that you get once you've been in the military and you fought side by side with your brothers and sisters in arms, it's a totally different feeling. I know a lot of people that have been in the military and some of them got deeper in it than others. And like those people, like it's almost like an us versus them. There's society that they're, you know, like that's that whole Chris Kyle sheepdog thing, you know, like there's, they're protecting us, but they together as a group are much tighter than any other group in the united states like i mean there's there's division in all groups right but i got to imagine that the the bond that they have as israelis all of them have been been in the military all of them living in this one small area surrounded by arab states it's got to be super intense.
Starting point is 02:36:06 They should have created Israel not in the goddamn middle of the Middle East. Put it in fucking Australia. Like, what the hell were they thinking? It's insane. I don't know enough about the history of that region. I mean, Sykes-Picot, Western, you know, empires basically just drew a line through the Middle East and divided all these countries and formed all these borders back like 120 years ago. I don't know, like 19. When was Sykes-Picot?
Starting point is 02:36:34 I don't know. Somewhere around that time. So anyway, fast forward to when the Ottoman Empire was colonizing this area and the British were occupying what is Palestine, right? And the Zionist lobby was really strong. This is well before the Holocaust and they were super, super strong and emboldened and they were negotiating with the Brits about where they can form like a Jewish state. And there really was no support until the Holocaust where they were able to sell like, you know, the fear more. And there was even false attacks where zionist organizations were going around different arab countries and committing terrorism and then saying like all right like the jews need to come and escape that you guys are being
Starting point is 02:37:12 persecuted like they would actually carry out terrorism at like synagogues and stuff and this is all documented yeah but the ethnic cleansing that went on i mean it's horrific there's dozens of massacres that happen in the formation of Israel, because even though it was partitioned initially by the UN, I don't know who who gave like this international body the authority to partition a country on top of another country. But on top of that, there was several massacres that just continued to take more and more of the land, as I said, and since and that was called the Nakba. And so all these people were expelled violently and purged from their lands. And we visited some of these refugee camps and the people were just like, we literally, our houses are like five miles away and we're just stuck in these camps and we've been here for 50 years. Yeah, it's sick. And they have, and they, they have like no water. They just have one water tank every month and israeli soldiers will go and spray
Starting point is 02:38:05 skunk spray which is like a military manufactured disgusting toxic tasting spray that sound that's like tastes like sewage water and they'll just go like target these water tanks and then your water will be fucked for the whole month there's just little things like this just to make people's lives a living hell now did you film when you were you were over there? Yeah, we have tons of... What are you going to do with that? Well, we have four episodes out where we... I go to anti-refugee rallies, and I'm talking to people who are telling me
Starting point is 02:38:33 that these people are subhuman infiltrators who need to be executed and rounded up and put in chains. Jesus. It's all in film. I mean, it's really crazy, and you really don't understand how bad it is and why it's so dangerous and how really it's been the crux of so many problems in the world, especially in that region. Like what we've done just to create this settler colonial state in the middle of the Middle
Starting point is 02:38:56 East and expel all these people violently and then just unconditionally support Israel, no matter what war crimes they commit, no matter who they bomb, no matter who they kill. It's sick. And people don't respect us for doing that. And it's super hypocritical when we're engaging in military operations in the name of fucking morality and humanitarianism. Why do you think they openly support Israel the way they do? It's really hard to say. Like, why do we support Saudi Arabia too? Yeah, but Saudi Arabia has oil. At least there's some logic. You can connect dots. They're really simple. I don't believe the whole like Zionist lobby controls the U.S. I think that it's a partnership. I think that the U.S. sees a lot of leverage having Israel there. But I think
Starting point is 02:39:37 it's becoming more unpopular where it's almost becoming a liability because the rest of the world is increasingly realizing how fucked up the situation is and trying to boycott like the state you know and and the U.S. is it's not going to be a popular thing like even when Obama was leaving office he did that kind of cursory like superficial thing where they for the first time didn't veto Israel or didn't veto like the condemnation of Israeli settlements and so that was like we didn't not do it but we just like didn't veto it for the first time in a long time. And that was like a huge slap in the face to Israel, even though it was like nothing but just a symbolic empty gesture. But that was kind of Obama's like, fuck you as I was leaving. But it really didn't do anything. But it just it shows you that there's a lot of divisions, I think, from the inside. And I think
Starting point is 02:40:22 the government is realizing like it might not be worth it. If the pressure continues to mount, I mean, we need to put pressure on our government to stop this occupation because it's completely inhumane and disgraceful. So you said you have four episodes of this that are out right now? Four episodes and we're putting more out. We're putting the episode with all the interviews with Israelis next. So where can somebody see these? empire files on our on our show on youtube so what is it just that's the name of the channel yeah so empire files is the name of the channel and then if you go to the empire we have all of our archive on there that you can check out so is this all your stuff now you're doing this all completely independently yep that intense. It's really intense. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:07 What is it like being your own boss now? Hard because I really love smoking weed and not, and procrastinating. So it's really hard to like get shit done and then I'll be like, oh man, I need to put all this together. So it's like just totally me and my partner just kind of. Have a deep sense of responsibility after you've been to somewhere like this and got this kind of footage a deep sense of responsibility after you've been to somewhere like this and got this kind of footage yes definitely and we also went to the amazon um and and saw the mess that chevron left there like 18 billion gallons of just oil just festering in the amazon jungle that's just been left really yeah and they just lied about a bunch of pits and never cleaned it up
Starting point is 02:41:40 and so we went and i was like standing in this oil pit and i was like what the fuck is this everyone's dying of cancer i mean it's a whole nother level when you're you know you're not just reacting to the news and giving like commentary like we were saying before in the studio right you're going there and it's like the truth is in front of your face is this the first time you've done stuff like this yeah so you just felt like when you were on RT that you were kind of shackled by being in a studio and to really get a feel of these subjects that you're covering. Because I'm really emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve and, you know, it's a detriment.
Starting point is 02:42:12 You're very fiery. Sometimes it's a detriment. But I, you know, I wanted to go and really be there. I feel like I need to be connected to the people I'm talking about. And kudos to you for doing that. Thanks. I'm going to watch this stuff. I'm going to watch this stuff. I'm going to watch your videos.
Starting point is 02:42:26 I will. And so Empire Files on YouTube, what do you have coming up? So coming up we have, we're going to Venezuela. Oh shit. Venezuela just fell apart, right? Dude, it's such a mess.
Starting point is 02:42:38 It's a goddamn dictatorship right now. Did you hear they took over the GM plant? Well, that wasn't the government actually. That came out that it was not the government that did that. Who is it? I don't know. They issued a correction. That was not a real story.
Starting point is 02:42:50 So somebody else took over the GM plant? Dude, it's such a mess. There are massive, I mean, can you imagine if like, oh my God, I don't even know, like millions of people from both sides are out just fighting in the streets. Like it is the craziest. Why are you going there?
Starting point is 02:43:05 To report. Let the dust settle. Don't get shot. Abby, don't get shot. I know it's scary. It's scary. Like 30 people have died already. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 02:43:14 I know. But I feel like we need to go and shed some light about what the hell is going on. GM fires 2,700 employees by text message after Venezuelan plant seizure. We all received a payment and a text message. There is no longer anyone in the country. What is it? Go down. Wow. So they just took over the company.
Starting point is 02:43:34 They just took over the building. Wait a minute. I swear. So what are they saying here? Local government is part of the South American country's ongoing economic, political, and social crisis. It's being seized by the local government illegally. I swear to God that I saw this story retracted, but who knows.
Starting point is 02:43:55 Maybe. This is the This is just a car site. It's like GM sponsored. They kind of counter-reported that saying it looked like they were abandoning it for a while. Oh, they've abandoned it for a while? GM was going to abandon it over, like, 20 years. Fake news! No, I'm just kidding. I mean, it's a total mess.
Starting point is 02:44:12 According to Routers' report, on Monday, it looks like General Motors is abandoning Venezuela for a while. Two employees told Routers that the giant plant's employees were all fired via text message, blah, blah, blah. Corporate email accounts were all deactivated over the weekend. We received a payment and text message. The size of the payments were not disclosed, but according to the union leaders, they were too low. Of course. Unions never said they paid us perfect. Everything's great.
Starting point is 02:44:41 We're psyched. Yeah, man. It's going to be crazy. Fuck. So Venezuela essentially is now some sort of a dictatorship, right? I don't think so. What happened? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:44:56 I don't know enough about it. So you won't know until you get there. Well, I think that there's just a lot of misinformation out there, just like there is about every country. I think that there's just a lot of misinformation out there, just like there is about every country that, you know, Rex Tillerson just announced that we want to install another regime in Venezuela. This is, you know, Chavez was a was a target from the U.S. empire for a long time. So I just really take everything that I read with a grain of salt, especially in light of like all the serious stuff. I just feel like we're in a really heavy propaganda war. You know, you look back in the coup
Starting point is 02:45:25 when we actually removed Hugo Chavez from power for a couple of days, the New York Times was praising it, being like a distinguished businessman took over, like, you know, not mentioning like the US was behind all of this. So I just, all the media talking about, you know, it's a dictatorship
Starting point is 02:45:42 and this is a pro-democracy movement. I don't doubt that there are millions of people who want Maduro gone and they have absolutely valid things to say. And there's a lot of fucked up things about the country, mismanagement, corruption, etc. But I'm going to go there and try to find out what's going on. If you want to get a Chevy Volt for $29,000, the only way you do it is you got to get those Venezuelan people to work for a dollar a week. So unless you've got a better idea, how about you fuck off? Wait, how great is Trump's economic plan? He's like, just give corporations giant tax breaks and all the jobs will come back here. You're like, wait, corporations already have giant tax breaks and they're never going to
Starting point is 02:46:17 fucking come back here unless they can pay people 10 cents on the dollar like they do in Bangladesh. Right. How is that a plan? Or China. I mean, what were our phones? You know, I mean, the Foxconn companies don't have nets around the buildings because the job's awesome. They have nets to keep people from killing themselves while they're working there. That's extremely disturbing. And that's the only way you get people to make a cell phone that's that cheap. We've reviewed it.
Starting point is 02:46:42 We went over the numbers of what a cell phone would cost if you had it made in america and you gave people like a living wage it's like more than double yeah and i feel like you i i would pay that if i knew that i wasn't using conflict minerals it would be nice but conflict minerals are the least of your concern because this is just american labor conflict minerals it's gonna There's one company that was making an Android phone that was like a karma-free phone or something like that. Wasn't it something along those lines? But everybody was like, how good is the camera? It only had like 3G.
Starting point is 02:47:16 It was like a test of your how much do you care? Fuck 3G, dude. 5G is right around the corner, okay? You got to step up your game, Carmophone. By the way, Joe, do you know how many emails I get from dudes saying, I listen to you on the Joe Rogan Show and you are horribly unbecoming, you swear too much, you're not a lady, you need to stop swearing. And it makes me think, what if female...
Starting point is 02:47:39 Those guys are pussies. They're pussies. And would a female ever be able to win any political office if a tape came out of them saying, I grab men by the dick? Yeah, that's my kind of gal. You think? What if I looked like Trump? Oh, no. You couldn't have all that loose skin. But if you looked like you and I grabbed men by the dick, be like, yeah, go pussy riot. Those pussy riot girls are cute. That's why it works.
Starting point is 02:48:03 You know those pussy right girls are cute. You know, that's why it works Yeah, you know it's true. I mean look there's a there's a lot of shallow thinking Yeah in in pretty much every part of the world. I mean human beings are involved in this weird sort of a race for for Resources and for breeding rights and for you know for social You know social position. There's a lot of weird shit going on with people. And we're, we're, we're like in some weird stage of evolution where we're, we're close to like getting better than we are now, but we're not there yet. And the Trump thing is like a little slide back, the longing for nostalgia, you know,
Starting point is 02:48:43 we've kind of slid back a few steps but i always feel like i mean my take on things is always that unless there's some sort of resistance the real hard work doesn't get done and i feel like this this situation that we're in right now which is really unappealing to a lot of us is going to force people to activate politically, socially, and also I think like this Berkeley shit that's going on, these riots and everything, it's going to force people to re-examine the way they interact with each other. This is not the functional way. This is not a good way to interact.
Starting point is 02:49:18 And that's where I think like, you know, we were talking about like what's important about this regressive left ideology and addressing it. It's important because it fuels the right. It fuels these alt-right people to have some sort of regressive left. It's like literally what the alt-right's based on. Yes. It's this like notion of, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:37 I mean, it really is. I don't know. Listen, you're awesome. Hey, thank you. I always love having you on. We've got to do this more often. Sorry, I was very, this time I was like, I need to say more things that are just really depressing and political. It's great. Prime Abby Martin. And he didn't say shit about Sam Harris, so he won't send me any horrible text.
Starting point is 02:49:54 Would you ever get together with him? Would you ever do a podcast with him and talk to him? He's a very reasonable guy. I swear to God he is. I mean, the thing is that his followers are just so crazy. So are mine. Yeah, but not like his, man. I mean, wow. The thing is that his followers are just so crazy. So are mine. So are yours. Yeah, but not like his, man. I mean, wow. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but damn.
Starting point is 02:50:12 He is. I think he feels like you misrepresent what he says. He misrepresents what I say. I mean, basically his whole argument was tearing apart me, tearing apart official military data and statistics, which is complete bullshit. Anyone who believes the military and Pentagon statistics, come on. You don't think they fucking lie? You think that 70,000 number is correct? Well, they only got a few civilians.
Starting point is 02:50:34 It was a little surgical. I understand. Look, a lot of my friends love Sam Harris. They love his philosophy 100%. But when it comes to politics, there's a different jive. I think it'd be funny having the two of you guys go at it, though. It would be funny. It'd be interesting.
Starting point is 02:50:49 It'd be interesting. It'd be funny. It'd be interesting. Would you do it? I don't know. I'll think about it. Think about it. I'll think about it.
Starting point is 02:50:54 No pressure. I'll think about it. No pressure. It would be fun. It actually would be fun. Well, I'm glad you're back. It was fun. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 02:51:02 Thank you. Abby Martin, ladies and gentlemen. The Empire Files. Check it out on YouTube. We'll be back tomorrow with fun. I enjoyed it. Thank you. Abby Martin, ladies and gentlemen. The Empire Files. Check it out on YouTube. We'll be back tomorrow with my pal Dan Doty. See ya. Bye bye. Peace.
Starting point is 02:51:13 Yay. All right.

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