The Joe Rogan Experience - #973 - Wheeler Walker, Jr.

Episode Date: June 8, 2017

Wheeler Walker, Jr. is an American country music singer-songwriter. His new album "Ol' Wheeler" is out now, and he also can be seen on tour later this summer. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 boom that's it we're live we're on now fuck yeah joe rogan my man thanks so much for having me back thanks for coming back there's a lot of people everywhere i this is the fucking tonight show man before i go man heard you on joe man, heard you on Joe Rogan. Heard you on Joe Rogan. It's been the last year of my life, so... I can stop fucking answering them when I'm going to be back. I'm back right now. You are back right now.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. Feels weird. It feels like I was here like two days ago. That's a problem. Maybe you were drinking too much on the road. I definitely was drinking too much. I went to the last tour I ended up
Starting point is 00:00:49 in I don't want to make it sound too bad. I ended up in the emergency room in the last tour. With the IVs, with the fucking fluids. Yeah. I went a little too... They said it was kind of exhaustion and whatever. I don't, they said it was kind of just exhaustion and you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And not, you know, the, the normal, I think they wouldn't, the people at the emergency room wouldn't believe me that I wasn't, you know, on hardcore drugs. Cause, cause they come in and I'm just, I'm fucking out of it. And I, um, they're like, well, you know, where you been? I've been out, been out on tour. And they're like, oh shit, we know what's up. And they of course did all my blood work and there was no shit in there and nothing at all no i think i think it was honestly kind of just i mean it was they they did find some kind of like
Starting point is 00:01:34 vibe like a bug you know some kind of whatever just bug that i had been on that probably was more of it than i thought but i really do think it was just um kind of non-stop every night rocking out and you know pushing it a little too hard so you really did wind up in the emergency room yeah yeah it was i mean the official diagnosis was just exhaustion what were you worried about like what did you think you didn't think you could just go to sleep like how does one go to the emergency room what happened what happened was i um i was off the tour and I had a meeting with some managers and shit and in the meeting I fucking barfed. Like in a nice
Starting point is 00:02:09 building. We were in a nice building talking about shit. We were actually talking about the shit that Rick is over here doing. It was like guys in suits and I fucking threw up on myself. Whoa. And they go, are you okay? And I go, I think I am. And then they hand me a banana to get some food in me and I couldn't peel the banana.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So then I just, I drove myself to the emergency room. You couldn't peel the banana? I didn't have the strength to open a banana. Really? Yeah. But I do now. And then I drove myself to the emergency room. And they hooked me up to IVs, like put me on fluids and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Just to give you an example, so when they finally said I was good to go, I went back out, and I couldn't fucking find my car. And I checked my parking ticket. I was like, where's this lot? And I called the guy in the lot. He's like, yeah, your car's in here. The windows are down, and it's running. Apparently, I just drove myself to the emergency room
Starting point is 00:03:02 and fucking closed the doors and walked in the emergency room and said, help me. Wow. So, yeah. And I actually, you know who we talked about last time? A guy who was a big help to me then. I was just like, I reached out to Sturge. I was just like, you know, do you ever get like just because at the time I just I didn't know I had a bug. I thought it was just, you know, pure exhaustion, which, again, doesn't that sound like the old rock, you know, the rock star like heroin excuse? Like he's exhausted. He has to cancel a bug. I thought it was just, you know, pure exhaustion, which again, doesn't that sound like the old rock,
Starting point is 00:03:25 you know, the rock star, like heroin excuse, like he's exhausted. He has to cancel a tour. And I reached out to Sturgill and he's just like, yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:03:30 you gotta, you know, take care of yourself out there. It's just, you know, it's mental, physical, everything fatiguing.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You know, I think I need to figure out a way. It's funny. I don't forget who you were talking to a few weeks ago, talking about, um, you're talking some serious shit about suicide and stuff, and about how exercise is such an important part of that. And I've been on a pretty vigorous, you can't tell, but I've been running a ton, which you've been running too.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah. he was talking about a study they did with, with like 200 depressed. He told me it was like a couple, maybe 200 depressed people. And the, the study was half of them. They gave Prozac the other half, they put on a strict like running regimen. He said there was no difference between the two.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's like they both, they were both helped a ton. And the, the running, I don't want to give out, you know out medical information, but that's, you know. Yeah, the woman I had on, Kelly Brogan, she's a psychiatrist. She said that it's more effective, that exercise is actually more effective than psych meds. I'm wondering if that, just the fact that a doctor told me that makes me think that he was airing,
Starting point is 00:04:40 you know, he still wants to sell the drugs. But I'm just wondering if like um because i started when i fucking run i feel fucking great you mean i can't do it in cowboy boots and shit but you know it's hard to do it it's hard to wake when you're on you do the tours too it's just hard to wake up before a show and just yeah it's very hard but you got to do it you got to do it like it's brushing your teeth like it's you know it's just something that is if you give yourself the possibility that you won't do it, then you won't do it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I think in the back of my head, I'm like, well, this is a tour. This is a little vacation, a little break. And that's just, that's why I need it the most. So I got to start. When you think about it as a tour, is that what you think about? I think about it as work. I think about it as work, but I think about it as like, that's my excuse for not. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, yeah. It's definitely, it's definitely more work than anything. Yeah, the human brain seeks comfort, man. We like to fuck ourselves up by trying to take those little naps that you don't really need and blow things off that you really should do. It's a weird thing. Well, shit, we just got back from New York City, and I fell asleep on the couch. I just slept for 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Wow. I mean, I feel great now. I bet it would help you with this touring. I bet if you really got hardcore into shape and started eating right, I bet it would definitely help you with this tour. Oh, totally, yeah. Well, we've got a tour lined up for, I think, mid-July, and I'm not going if I don't get up and make sure there's someone there
Starting point is 00:06:04 making me do all that shit. I ain't going to do gonna do the tour because i've been looking at your tour online i've been looking at some of the photos and videos from your shows they're insane yeah it's been pretty crazy you know you're doing giant places i don't know about giant but you know uh hoping that it gets bigger but um it's been it's been fun it's a it's a um it's been fun. It's a, it's a, um, it's been a fucking blast, you know, one, to me, one thing,
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't, I hate to change the subject, but it's just like, um, you know, I got the new record out here, pointed out, and,
Starting point is 00:06:34 um, still making records. Yeah, this, I think this one's better, but Jamie, what do you think? That's not what I mean.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I mean, like actual physical copies. Yeah, I know. It's the only thing I could bring. I can't like bring it. I would like a link to Spotify. I should have just put it on the piece of fucking paper.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah. It's almost like these are kind of silly now. Yeah, because I gave it to one guy. He's like, you give it to somebody, their laptop doesn't even have a CD player. Mine doesn't. Like, thanks for the CD. I'll throw it in the back of the car and load it up. Well, you can listen to it in the car.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Most cars still have a CD player for now. I bet they'll stop pretty soon. Oh, yeah, you can listen to it in the car. Most cars still have a CD player for now. I'll bet they'll stop pretty soon. Oh, yeah, for sure. I used to have an Acura NSX and had a cassette player in it still. The cell phone holders, that's where they're putting the thing to hold them now. Instead of putting it in your air filter thing or the way the AC comes out to clip on that, there's like a little thing that spreads out and just fits in the CD slot. Ah.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It's taking up space. I don't know about you, but my new thing is everywhere I go, you know, I rent a car. I'll get to the airport and I'll rent a car. Right. And the first 20 minutes is me sitting in that fucking car trying to figure out the Bluetooth. And every car, you find that, it's just like every fucking one, they make it so fucking impossible. Yeah, I love Cadillacs, but goddamn, that Escalade infotainment system is a piece of shit. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It's so hard to work. Apparently, they switched it now, and they're going to do Apple CarPlay, which is infinitely better. Yeah, my Uber driver had that the other day. I asked him. Finally, I had something to talk about with my Uber driver. He was explaining it to me. It looked like the whole interface was just on the... Yeah, it's like a phone.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, it looks like... It's not the whole interface, because, you know, you can't get most of your apps, but you get things like messages podcasts things along those lines yeah i mean the good i mean what i was kind of getting to before is you know we're talking about the crowds and shit which was when i first put out these crazy records of mine um you know the the assumption was um you know there's no there's nowhere to go right terrestrial radio won't play me right i ain't doing foul and all that shit. I don't want to kiss your ass too much. You know that. It was kind of finding this everything's
Starting point is 00:08:32 fucking equal now. That was kind of the big breakthrough for me. A few weeks ago I did Joey Coco Diaz, who's my new favorite fucking dude. He's the best ever. I'm now in the Rogan world. I did that and Bert Kreischer. Oh, you're in.
Starting point is 00:08:47 It's like doing The Tonight Show, then Colbert. And I'm telling you, these things, and I've got numbers to prove it. There is no mainstream media. It's like if you go through the back door and do all this shit, it's bigger than that fucking shit. Well, mainstream media, if you know the actual numbers that they get, it's not even close. Like a good show on CNN might get a million, a million and a half views. If we got a million and a half downloads, we'd be pretty bummed out at this point.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah, it's crazy because the week I came in here, I never even told you this, so that week I came in here, someone has access to these numbers. I don't have them but they said i sold more albums from being on here than the artist that week did on snl so this is that makes sense like what does snl get what kind of uses snl get on a good episode we'll get 10 million downloads that's fucking great i mean also too you know here it's you know it's me talking to you on SNL. It's like, do they make it to the music?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Probably not. They're just there to watch some funny fucking stuff. Well, not only that, they don't watch the whole thing. Because SNL, I love SNL sometimes. SNL is one of those things, though. They fuck you like 70% of the time. Yeah, I got really pissed about it. 8.7 million views with The Rock.
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's a big one. Oh, the finale?, with The Rock. That's a big one. Oh, the finale? Yeah. Okay, so that's their big one of the year. So their big one is smaller than yours. Yeah. A normal one. Okay, Melissa McCarthy was 10 million.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, those are their top two for the year. Oh, the top two. Okay. So our top one for the year was Alex Jones, which was, what, 15 million? Yeah, and then number two would be Neil, I think. And then Alex Jones got to put out a country record. He should. He probably should.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Reptilians and black helicopters. He could do it, too. He's from Texas. That shit would sell, yeah. I fucking would. If Alex Jones just went into country music, country New World Order music. I'll fucking, you know, I'll produce that shit. You should go on a show.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You should go on a show and just start talking crazy shit about Sturgill again. Yeah. Oh, by the way, and this is not for lawyer reasons, but Sturgill Simpson is not affiliated with the CIA, nor is he a trained CIA assassin. I want to get that on the record. Last time it's possible I may have mentioned that. I think you did. I think you said he worked for James Comey and he was...
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, he has no affiliation with the CIA. He's doing some weird fucking gigs in Europe this year that look a little fishy to me and I don't get it, but... You think he might be over there doing some hits on the side? Well, the lawyer part of me says no,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but the sensible part of me says... He's doing some dates in Europe with John Prine I think John Prine kind of you know Talks to him settles him down And then Sturgill fucking takes him out Who's that guy who's John Prine You know John Prine great fucking Folk kind of country singer
Starting point is 00:11:36 He's great I'm just getting into the country world I would almost call him more like folk He's more in that kind of Isbell. Him and Sturgill share an office in Nashville. Yeah, Isbell's in a weird category, right? He's kind of country, but he's also kind of folk. Yeah, I mean, at this stage, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Nowadays, what the fuck is country? I don't know. I complain about it all the time, but you know. Jason Isbell is a bad motherfucker, though. Oh, dude, he's the best. I heard a few songs from his new record, Sounds Killer. Yeah. I think he's going to isn't I heard a few songs from his new record sounds killer yeah I think he's gonna ruffle some feathers too because it sounds like a little political which is a no-no
Starting point is 00:12:10 in that world you know so this is kind of a crazy day did you watching that shit that I shit this morning I call me stuff you know I didn't watch it did you watch it I watched some of it but it was I felt like it was a waste it's just like shit we knew before it's just like politicians lie uh comey it was like i felt like we knew all i didn't see anything fucking new it seems like it's way too easy to fire him like you just decide you don't like what he's doing and fire him there didn't seem to be any like real clear definitive reason why he was fired yeah i mean like the to me like the main news is like like i said politicians lie you know news flash and the other one was like you know they kept making the point that like trump is a different is different than most presidents were like he used to host a
Starting point is 00:12:54 reality show no shit we knew that you know it's like that was their big takeaway it's like two hours of fucking i just used the time to fucking tweet about my new record saying how i kept tweeting that james comey was it was all code for my new record that he wanted people to buy it i know i saw some of your instagram posts that had uh comey endorsing your album yeah he's a big fan he he he said he wanted to talk about it during the hearings because that's a big audience but apparently they wouldn't let him yeah collusion between me and comey would have fucked things up is that what it's called yeah it's uh well i actually it's funny because this guy because there's they say there's a chance which looking less like there's this guy luke combs
Starting point is 00:13:30 who's like my arch nemesis even though he's a good dude i just he was up against me this week on the country charts because my album comes out my new album came out this week and i'm trying to beat him and i said on on twitter that russians have colluded with with Sony records to like have him out, sell me. And he kind of played along. So we'll see. I think, I think,
Starting point is 00:13:48 I think they are. I mean, Nashville's definitely trying to keep me down, but are they really, are they fucking with you? Like how, how are they receiving you now? Now that you've become a mainstream success?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Cause I hear about you all the time. Donald cowboy Cerrone. And I think, you know that he listens to your music before he goes out and fights. Oh, cowboy Cerrone reached out to me thanks to you. He called me up, and he was on the set of a movie with Michael Madsen. And I don't know how, it seems like last second, but they go,
Starting point is 00:14:14 hey, Cowboy, you got a scene tomorrow where you sing karaoke with Michael Madsen. Any song you want to sing? And he's like, fucking eating pussy, kicking ass. The producer's like, what the fuck are you talking about? He's like, I want to sing eating pussy, kicking ass. He's's like do you have the rights to this song he's like i'll have it in like five minutes he just fucking calls me i call my people's like now i'm in a movie with cowboy serrani and michael madsen singing eating pussy kicking ass he said he was in the trailer you know like you know rehearsing with michael madsen you know gets to the sucking dick part
Starting point is 00:14:40 and i think he was just like what the fuck we singing here man so yeah he's been he's been awesome and um yeah like I said too I'm now in like your world you know doing I just did I was telling you before I did Joey Coco Diaz Bert Kreischer like all these dudes it's like it's cool to have it's cool because I went into this second album I was like I gotta make my fucking money back you know it wasn't about the money I'm just saying it's I was like I gotta make my fucking money back you know it wasn't about the money I'm just saying it's like what am I gonna it's gonna be the same shit again but like knowing I have these other places to go now is so fucking great yeah well that's there's a transition happening and I think for the longest time they always felt like the whole idea of
Starting point is 00:15:19 mainstream media like that was just going to be locked up that was going to be the case forever it's cbs nbc the cable news networks they were going to be there forever that's not really the case anymore it's just no and like i said i've got the numbers to prove it but you know i came everyone was telling me you know you can't get on fucking good morning america you can't be on fucking terrestrial radio and i just kind of lucked into finding this and you guys been being supportive and shit it's just like these things are it's it's all i i think i saw mark maron some guy was tweeting to him like how your podcast fucking it ain't the tonight show or something and he he said something back to the guy you know it's just all media now and that's
Starting point is 00:16:00 kind of how i look at it yeah it's all fucking even right i mean i mean you guys are probably bigger than me you know that what they quote unquote mainstream media but it's to me it's just all it's all part of the same fucking thing like yeah what's bigger and what's more popular is all kind of silly but the one thing that's different is that if you go to mainstream media if you go to television shows for the most part you're not going to get a hundred percent dedicated audience you get people are just flipping through the channels so some people might fall upon it because they were looking for it but a whole lot of people are just going to be flipping channels like what's on exactly and the people who listen to you like that's why the first pod you know i don't want this whole podcast to be a review of the last one although i wouldn't mind because i
Starting point is 00:16:41 had a blast but the whole when they tune into you to you, it's like it's your buddy. If you say, buy the new Wheeler Walker Jr. record, they fucking buy it. Buy the new Wheeler Walker Jr. record. There. I said it. They're going to buy it now. Can you, it's called Old Wheeler. By the way, I just found out something.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Either of you guys know about this? I became a hit yesterday on something I never heard of on black Twitter. You became a hit on black Twitter? You know on black Twitter? Jamie's a big fan of black Twitter. He alerted me to black Twitter. I wasn't even aware until about a year ago. I didn't know, but the more black people I can bring to country music, the happier I'm going to fucking be.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Darius Rucker's not bringing in a ton? No, no. Just white girls, right? It's all white people, yeah. Most of the white girls too, right? Probably, yeah. But no, no. I'm the king of black country. And I'll say that loud and clear. no no it's all white people yeah is it most of the white girls too right probably yeah but no no i'm the king i'm the king of black country and i'll say that loud and really yeah so they took a clip from a um fuck you bitch from the first record and some one of the big black twitter guys put it like a a clip of it and just at the top it's like i didn't know country music went this hard and so then it like got it got millions and millions of views,
Starting point is 00:17:46 and all of a sudden my, because now the new album, Old Wheeler by now, is out, and the first one's going back up the fucking charts too because of black Twitter. So we got white people buying the new one and black people buying the old one.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Interesting. Yeah, well, who's this guy? If you know black Twitter, do you know Daquan? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Daquan. You know Daquan? Yeah, it's a really big
Starting point is 00:18:09 Instagram account. I'll pull it up for you. And who is this fella? It's not a fella. It's a group of people like the Fuck Jerry account or a couple of others. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Really? I have no idea. So they're like a business? Definitely. And then Erykah Badu fucking tweeted about it and shit. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:18:24 She's a big, she's a singer. Yeah, she's the biggest singer in the 90s. R&B singer. The biggest singer in the 90u fucking tweeted about it and shit. Who's that? She's a big singer. Yeah, she's the biggest singer in the 90s. R&B singer. The biggest singer in the 90s? No, no, no. A big singer in the 90s. Oh. She has a song, Tyrone.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Tyrone. The song Tyrone. I feel like I'm calling in from another planet. I have no idea what this fucking black show is. Yeah, black Twitter is fascinating to me. I thought it was like a hashtag, but it's not even. Daquan. Nine million followers.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Wow. Yeah, go down. You'll see it down there somewhere. Right there. It's on the right, yeah. I never heard of a country diss track until now. Fuck you, bitch. You broke my heart.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Fuck you, bitch. Two million seven,000 views. And that was in a few hours. After being on the road for a fucking year, I should have just talked to Daquan. Yeah. Well, there's so many of those guys that have YouTube accounts now, too, that they'll put up a video just talking about something that just happened in the news, and they'll get 7 million views. You know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:19:24 You say that because I am. One of the guys I work with called me up. They go, who's Jehovah? I go, I don't know. And they go, somebody on your video keeps talking about Jehovah. And so, of course, I look it up. There's a guy playing. He just fucking plays video games in his parents' basement.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And while he was playing the video, and millions of people watch, while he's playing the fucking video games he was singing my songs just along to it and like the album started sell like went back up the charts it's like that's the world we live in now as a dude in his mom's basement singing sorry if you don't live in your mom's basement Jehovah but he probably doesn't he's probably making millions of dollars playing video games yeah it's crazy and then then he calls me, and then he tweets me. He goes, I always thought about doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:09 He goes, you mind if I just Skype in and just do one, just try it out with you? And I'm like, that's where other artists would just be like, fuck that. I go, I'm home. Just, yeah, let's do it. So I went on his, he posted an interview with me on his YouTube page, and it just, I don't know that it was huge, but it was just like, why say no? Just like, it's all, like you said, it's all fucking even now. Yeah, it might not even be even.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Guys like that PewDiePie guy, I don't know how much he's dropped off since the Nazi controversy, but that guy was, he has millions and millions of downloads for every single thing he does. Like, he might be above mainstream media. I think that's one of the reasons why he felt like they were going after him. Like, the Wall Street Journal went after him. Was it the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal? Wall Street Journal? I think it was both of them eventually. They went after him and they kind of made it seem like he was a Nazi sympathizer.
Starting point is 00:21:01 He was making a few inappropriate jokes, apparently. What did he say? He just joked around and did like a Sieg Heil salute or something like that, but he was apparently making fun of people that were Nazis, making fun of the idea of being Nazis. That's crazy, yeah. That's all been distorted and twisted.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I agree with you. I mean, like this new record, I feel like there's people out there... That are going to go after you? That are coming after me and trying to make sure I don't chart high, which, by the way, I'm banned from all the chains. Are you really? Yeah. Best Buy? There's people out there that are coming after me and trying to make sure I don't chart high. By the way, I'm banned from all the chains.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Are you really? Yeah. Best Buy? Best Buy, Walmart. Walmart. Who fucking buys this stuff anymore on there? But the weird thing is country music fans do, and that fucking pissed me off. Yeah. There's this other site, Pledge Music, where you can pre-order albums.
Starting point is 00:21:41 That was the first album they ever dropped. So they're buying CDs still. Is that like one of the few genres that still buy CDs? One of the few genres that buy CDs. So I can't compete on the charts as well because they're making sure I don't go. And I think, honestly, it's not just the language that's bothering me. It's the fact that I'm doing it outside this. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 It's like you can't go on Rogan and Joey Diaz. We have a way that we do it. We do it on the radio. We'd go on rogan and joey diaz and you know like we have a way we do it we do it on the radio we'd go on fucking tonight show like you're messing up like it's all these guys in suits walking down music around nashville like you don't tell anyone that don't tell anyone that nobody needs us you're gonna fuck up our fucking jobs yeah well i think also they don't like that you're i mean you're opening up the door for people doing pretty much anything in country music now. With the crazy fucking lyrics and the fact that it's been so successful. And you got people. You got a whole goddamn theater filled with thousands of people singing along to eating pussy and kicking ass.
Starting point is 00:22:39 My favorite one is when I go out on tour and I see a sea of just like like dude you know bros backwards baseball hats and all singing along which one of you queers gonna suck my dick and they're singing every fucking word and for all I know I was gonna call it the make America gay tour just cause I think they're all going home I think they cause they listen to everything
Starting point is 00:22:59 I think they're just going home and blowing each other do you think that you have that kind of power with a really good song get a guy to Go Homo? I mean, if anyone can, it's me, because my songs are that fucking good. But there's no way these dudes have ever in their life screamed, which one of you queers is going to suck my dick. Yeah, I would imagine. In a fucking open fucking area.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. But along with a bunch of other people doing it. That's the thing. It gives them freedom. Yeah, I think it's weird. Yeah, it's probably weird for their wives when they go. If they have a wife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:28 What'd you do tonight? We went out with 800 dudes and screamed about blowing each other. She'd go, hmm. Did you actually blow each other? Like, girls will find a loophole. Like, no, we didn't actually do it. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I think I'm kind of, I'm hoping to get some of the women back with this. Do you think you lost a lot of them with Fuck You Bitch? No, the women, that's women's favorite song because I think they can. They could sing it too. They see it like from. A victory perspective? Both ways. Yeah, that they had that much, that they had that much.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like, for example, the woman who made me write Fuck You Bitch had that much power over me to make me write that fucking song. Does she know who she is? I think she does now, unfortunately. Do you think she laughs? No, I think she's honestly upset. And I've had, that's happened a couple times. I've been on some, you know, this is a podcast I fucking love called I think you've talked about before too the guys we fucked podcast
Starting point is 00:24:27 which is basically women talking about women talking about dudes the way that guys talk about women and I fucking love it and it's the way women talk about men when we're not around so it's like an eye opener for dudes but for some reason there's been no
Starting point is 00:24:42 no one's really done that before. And I was in New York doing press and they'd reached out before. They wanted to use one of my songs. I was like, while I'm out there, I was like, can I stop by? And of course I just start telling a bunch of fucking stories
Starting point is 00:24:52 and then my phone starts blowing up. Like, don't fucking, you know, don't tell, don't fucking talk that shit. And I got in a lot of trouble for that one because you can't really go telling those kinds of stories on it. Because my thing was, I didn't know that the podcast
Starting point is 00:25:04 was that fucking popular. Yeah, they're very popular. They're a good example of what I use. It's like people always try to say that, oh, you can't start a new podcast and have it be successful today. I'm like, that's not true. Those girls started that podcast just a couple of years ago. It's fucking gigantic.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah. I mean, I got a lot of fucking people talking. I mean, I lost some pussy over it, but I got in a lot of trouble.'s sad well don't forget i got a podcast too you do yeah when did you start doing that uh like a month ago um it's actually what's weird is it's doing it was the number one music podcast for like a month and i and i and i'll even admit like the problem with doing a podcast now and you i'll i kind of want your notes on this, but the problem is, with someone like me who sells records, is I don't get the months of testing and, you know, it's like they hear it from the, everyone listens to the first, you know, there's no way, there's, I can't experiment as much,
Starting point is 00:25:59 and I can't, you know. I see what you're saying, yeah. Well, that's the case with us, too. Our first ones are terrible. Well, I'm saying, but that's the case with us too our first ones are terrible well i'm saying but that was to him but but yeah but but it was probably before but it was at least before it got huge yeah yeah for sure but they're still available like if people i'm gonna start from the beginning they might get to episode three and go fuck this dude yeah i mean you were in the early days you were doing just like straight to video right with like video effects and shit like yeah sometimes yeah we had snowflakes in the background and we'd do it right to a webcam.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I love it. Yeah, I mean, it's been fun. It's a cool way to just talk directly, you know, to your people, but it's not my natural. What happens is, and you talked a good example about it the other day, which is you just have conversations.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Like I've been doing them all over the phone because all the musicians I want to talk to are on the road. And when you do it over the phone, it becomes like an interview. And I don't want an interview. I just want to talk to my friends. Over the phone and over Skype, they're both weird. I mean, it's better than nothing. Some people do it well.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Like Sam Harris does a good podcast over Skype. But I think that it's just you lose something. You want to be in the room with somebody. Yeah, I mean, Bert was the one who told me that and said, like, you know, don't do it over the fucking phone, and then I did one in person with a singer I really like, and it was so much fucking, we were just hanging out. That's what I liked to listen to when I was in the podcast, is buddies hanging out, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So, when you started touring from your last last album and it was this just out of the gate surprise smash hit took the whole country music industry by storm what was that like did you did it feel surreal because it seemed surreal on the outside yeah it felt what felt surreal was because of my that's why it why this one's so much different. And I kind of hate it that there's expectations. Because I left the studio on the first album with the, I just paid cash for it. I think I told you. I didn't have a label.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I didn't have any way to release it. And I was just like, this is a great fucking record, but it's a bummer no one's going to hear it. And then I finally started getting it out there. And so then I really thought it was going to just be like a cult record and like i was gonna run into some dude 10 years from now and down the street go you know i dig the record but then when he's you know the guys who do the tours for me were calling up like you're not gonna fucking believe this man we sold out you know you know la like the whole west what's weird for me is because it's so country to me it's's like we did a West Coast tour.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm like, what the fuck are we doing a West Coast tour for? It's like the whole West Coast sold out. It's like, well, how the fuck did I sell tickets in Seattle and Portland? It makes no fucking sense to me. Like, do they even know what country music is there? I think it's almost like they're looking at me like in a glass cage. Like, look at the look at the redneck in his like natural habitat kind of thing. You think so? I think they're just having fun, man.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Well, I think they're having fun. I think it's that, too. I think they're also, there are a lot of people out there who do love country music, and if you love it, there's not much of it left anyway, not to mention not much that probably goes to Seattle or Portland. Isn't there seemingly some sort of a resurgence, though, in really good country music? Seems like there is. Seems like there is a little bit. like really good country music?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Seems like there is. Seems like there is a little bit, you know. You know, there's Sturgill, Isbell, you know, the guys who still aren't. Chris Stapleton. Stapleton, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I feel it, too, but then again, you know, there was an award show on, there's like a country music award show on like every fucking week now. Are there really?
Starting point is 00:29:23 Well, there's a lot. There was one last night, like for the CMT Awards.t awards like how do they even have aren't they just show fucking redneck reality shows what would the what would it seem is cmt still country music television because i think they're like changing or something right aren't they changing like they're i think they're yeah they reached out to me about something and i said i told him i wanted to host the top 20 countdown i got a hard pass on that i think they're like would you make fun of the artists i'm like if they're shitty yeah think they're like would you make fun of the artists i'm like if they're shitty yeah and it's like all right see you fucking later um
Starting point is 00:29:48 yeah i feel like um real country's coming back but i also feel like the shitty stuff is getting bigger like they're going at the same like it's not that pop bro country shit which i talked a lot about last time i mean like florida georgia line yeah well there's a new there's a new song by this guy chris jansen, called Fix the Drink that just came out. Because now I'm looking at everything that's coming out the same week as mine. The song Fix the Drink, it was the worst fucking thing I've ever fucking heard in my fucking life. It's this white guy just kind of rapping about Fox News. And he sings about, I can't fix the world, but I can fix you a drink.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm like, jeez fucking Christ. It's doing well? It's doing better than me me there's a lot of mutants out there yeah i mean there's a lot of i mean who the fuck would i mean even if you're not an expert music fan who would want to listen to a song about a dude fixing a fucking drink a dude who wants to fix a drink a dude with limited use of his brain exactly it's just like that's like his main that's like his main um but to think about it there's a we know there's a lot of fucking idiots right think about how many people are just dull-minded folks and then think about how few people are talking directly to them and then finally someone comes along that does they're like finally finally
Starting point is 00:31:00 yeah finally finally enough about you know life and you know enough sturgill you know about life and enough Sturgill about life and what it's about. Finally, something I can relate to. Just how much whiskey, how much sour. That's what I want to fucking hear about. Some people just want life simple down. Isn't that sort of always been the knock on country music in the beginning? Is that country music, what it does, it sort of reinforces these stereotypes of this simplified world that doesn't really exist. They tried to get me on that shit before.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Did they? Like how so? I think they were just like, you know, you're like doing like a, you're like mocking redneck, you know, using a mocking, like redneck shit and all the crazy shit, you know, like fucking your cat and like, you know, you know, killing your dog and all that shit. I didn't think they got that. I was just kind of making fun of my buddies back, you know like right what the cliche of being a redneck was you know and i still see it it's weird because we were talking about the political shit like in snl there was a
Starting point is 00:31:53 there was a sketch on snl near the end of the season i don't know if you saw it but it was alec baldwin doing trump and he was in a small town called union kentucky is what they said which is actually not far from me and the whole whole idea of the sketch was that this, that, which I've been hearing a lot with these, well, these Southern people who were so dumb that they voted against Trump against their own interests, which I'm so sick of that fucking narrative, you know? Against their own interests. How can they say that? Well, they're just saying that like, there's a lot of, there's been a lot of shit in the
Starting point is 00:32:24 press about how, you know, these old quote-unquote Southerners and rednecks voted for Trump. But it's like, they're the ones who are, they're the ones who are going to lose their health. You've been hearing that a lot? I don't know. Maybe it's just from my point of view. But I found it very condescending to, to Kentuckians. Just, you know, I don't like the sketches. It seems like, you know, like fifth, like the 40s, you know, don't like the sketches it seems like you know like fifth like the 40s you know like some character hey mr trump i gotta you know like that kind of shit you know i think that people are nervous because the same thing that you're saying when you're talking about how there's no mainstream media anymore and there's just media when a guy like donald trump gets an office it's
Starting point is 00:33:03 it's changed what being a politician is. Because now it seems like anybody can be a politician. Now we had a reality star that became the President of the United States. What is this? There's no real President there. It's just a guy. There's nothing
Starting point is 00:33:20 we can control anymore. We can't stop non- politicians from being President anymore. And it seems like they were able to do that for the longest time. Obviously, there's a lot of other factors. He's very rich. He's very famous.
Starting point is 00:33:30 He handled a bunch of politicians for many, many years and paid them off and understood from behind the scenes. Is that going to be the next 20 presidents? Are they all going to...
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, President Kanye coming up. Mark Cuban is the one they're talking about. He's a good one. He's rich. He's nice guy. Smart. Yeah, I they all going to? Yeah, President Kanye coming up. Mark Cuban is the one they're talking about. He's a good one. He's rich. He's nice guy, smart. Yeah, I mean, why not? He'd be superior.
Starting point is 00:33:51 It's entirely possible he might do it. Yeah. I mean, that's the one I keep hearing. But yeah, it could just be from now on you just buy the presidency. Well, it could be. I mean, until we figure out that's a dumb idea, that being a president is a dumb idea. It's a dumb idea to have one person running shit. Just the fact that Trump has the ability to fire that call me guy is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:34:11 That he could just say, I don't like what you're doing. You're fired. Like, doesn't he have to have some like rocks? Like if you get fired from Walmart, they have to have a reason. Like you can get fired from the fucking head of the fbi and you just he doesn't like the fact that you're not willing to drop an investigation that seems like that seems insane the whole yeah the whole thing is just fucking like i mean there's nothing more you can say other than that this guy hosted a reality show now he's president and i think that's another thing that fucking scares
Starting point is 00:34:41 people about old wheel walker jr is you know country stars aren't allowed to fucking talk about that shit you know you can't talk politics you gotta you gotta fucking right man when the dixie chicks talked about joy still can't go back go back yeah they're done what happened with that they they were essentially blackballed from country music for years for saying that they were against the war which by the way which which trump basically got elected saying you know he was he kept saying he was against that war too yeah so they like you know well i think they said that he's an embarrassment that they're embarrassed that george bush is their president i think had more to do they said it at a club in england so
Starting point is 00:35:18 doing it out of the country it's like you can't leave the country and talk shit about america but this if that was pop music That would be super standard Like no big deal at all That's the weird thing We grew up on like Dylan and Beatles And whatever All they did was talk about that shit Neil Young
Starting point is 00:35:36 His whole album is just Fuck this politician, fuck this guy And you just can't do it in country I don't know why that is Well it's the same thing we're talking about that simplified narrative that these stereotypes of this world where you know you go to bed and you get up in the morning the birds chirping and you work hard all day and you know and everybody loves god and it's it's just this simple version of the world that's boiled down to like there's there's things that are allowed inside the simple version of the world that's boiled down to like there's there's things that are allowed inside the simple
Starting point is 00:36:05 version of the world and there's things that are expected and then there's things that are just not discussed you don't discuss sucking dick and kicking ass yeah i mean you're supposed to keep that to yourself about sucking dick and kicking ass you're not supposed to in any way mock the president well that's that's yeah i mean that's the other thing too is, you know, my first single, Pussy King. That's your new? Then the first song is, I put that out
Starting point is 00:36:30 and I, I got, everyone got so pissed, you know, you can't be, I go, and I said in the interviews, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:36:34 I heard worse talk about this on Meet the Fucking Press. You know, they show, Right, all that grab the pussy talk. Yeah, I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:42 I'm not grabbing the pussy, I'm just talking about how I'm gonna stick my dick in it if with, with consent, you know? Yeah. I was like, I'm not grabbing the pussy, I'm just talking about how I'm going to stick my dick in it. With consent, you know? Yeah. I don't think I used the word consent in the song. But I think even grabbing him by the pussy was implied consent. Because he was saying, they let you.
Starting point is 00:36:55 They let you grab him by the pussy. Don't you think that whole thing was so fucking weird because it's like, I hate to still be talking about it, but it's like, I don't know, I just found it funny. Like, it didn't change my opinion of the guy at all. Well, you knew he was a scumbag. I mean, you knew in whatever ways. That's just who he is. I think part of it, too, is, I don't know about you guys, but, like, I'd never heard that phrase before, grab him by the, you know, it's like. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's not that something I'd heard, so it was new. Here, I have a question for you guys. I have a question for you. What do you think? Here's a theory I have, which is, do you think someone in the Trump organization, I've been wondering this for like a year now, secretly, after that happened, because he's smart, no doubt he's a smart businessman, copyrighted that phrase? Because you know, spring break from now on, there's going to be grabbing by the pussy
Starting point is 00:37:41 shirts. Maybe for a little while you could sell it, but I think that's kind of died off. Those things have like a short shelf life. Like those fidget spinners. Anybody making those fidget spinners? Sell as many as you can now. Because a year from now, no one's going to have a fucking fidget spinner.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Is that part of Black Twitter? No, no, no. It's kids. They have these little things, and they spin them. And they hold them up on their finger, and they spin around in circles. And people are buying that shit?
Starting point is 00:38:04 People buy them like crazy Yeah, I was looking at him the other day I was like how the fuck did this become a popular item, but it won't be for very long You know it's now you say yeah, I've seen those online online just these things spinner. Yeah, they're not how dumb we've become You have watching shit spin around yep Well, there's nothing to doing this anti-stress device that you hold on to and it's got like switches on it and buttons that don't do anything you just hit switches and press buttons and supposedly like if you hold on to this thing while you're stressed out and start hitting switches and pressing buttons you feel better yeah i'm sure that works like a fucking
Starting point is 00:38:38 charm yeah um i think go back let's just run instead oh by the way we haven't even mentioned but uh i think r, you're cut. I'm so fucking big now, they're doing a fucking TV special on me. Yeah, we have a guy here from Showtime. They're shooting a Showtime special on you. They're recording my life and work. And, you know, it's weird for me that they're making a TV special about me, but they're letting me do it on censored and telling the real story.
Starting point is 00:39:09 And I was like, fuck it, just shoot it. All right, man. But they follow me around like that, and I'll do an interview in five minutes, and I'll just go get the fuck out of here. Wow. How stupid is that? Does he bring it up afterwards and go, hey, man, the way you told me to fuck off was kind of harsh? No, that guy's really cool because uh the um the guy's doing it i don't know if i'm allowed to say his name he's part of the
Starting point is 00:39:30 jackass crew so he's he's he's um literally the show jackass so like the fact that he there's no fucking goat jizz and shit i'm sure he's just happy yeah he's excited there's no explosions and also don't forget he's working so anytime someone says fuck off he's off the clock so oh there you go that's right so he gets to relax yeah so uh this showtime thing is it uh are they doing a showtime special like you're gonna play your music on yeah i don't know how much music's gonna they've been following me around forever and they're gonna do like i don't know what the title will be because like i said this is literally the first time i've ever mentioned it on any sort of... Jesus, it's a scoop.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah, do you got that Rogan exclusive button you can press? Yeah, wish we had one. Dun, dun, dun! And they've been following me around for years, and not years, but for a couple years now. Obviously, we've got footage from the old days, so they're going to tell my whole life story. And we'll get some songs in there. We got footage from the old days, so they're going to tell my whole life story. And we'll get some songs in there. I was just psyched to be able to hopefully fucking tell it my way and not sick of all these fucking...
Starting point is 00:40:31 All these lies and rumors. Lies and rumors. Yeah, it was weird, too, because that was another thing, too, about Comey today, which is Comey admitted, they kept bringing up these New York Times articles. He's like, no, that's not true. And he's like, they kept bringing up these New York Times articles. He's like, no, that's not true. You know, almost like backing up Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:49 You know, he's saying like, you know, these stories. If the head of the FBI under oath is saying that these stories, he said it was how much of it's true. He's like, none. The head of the FBI saying that a New York Times article is completely untrue. I got to believe him, you know. Yeah, there's definitely people that are printing things they hope are true with a limited amount of references that can verify it. Yeah, it's like, and there's also, too, there's stories that will sell newspapers. It's not just that.
Starting point is 00:41:18 It's also the bias of the people that are writing the stories who are heavily left wing. You're really freaking me out with that bottle. You keep opening it and closing it. Yeah, this is still from the airport. Are you tweaking? No, I'm fine. It seems like you've got something going on with that opening and closing that bottle. It's like it and closing it. Yeah, this is still from the airport. Are you tweaking? No, I'm fine. It seems like you've got something going on with that opening and closing that bottle. It's like...
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm going to stop now. It's become a fidget thing. Like one of them fidget spinners. That's what it is. That's why they do it. We're selling Wheeler water bottles to stress relievers. Wheeler Walker water bottles.
Starting point is 00:41:41 What were we just talking about? Stress... You were talking about New York Times're talking about new york times something oh the bias of the people who are writing it they want to get at trump so if they have any sort of an article that even might be true they kind of think might be true it seems like it would be exciting if it was true they just run with it i thought that was interesting what comey said actually which is like because it's highly classified information, he's not allowed to go out there and say it's not true. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Because that would, you know. Sure. Would put them in a weird place. Then you know what top secret information isn't true. So he has to keep quiet about it. So when he's doing these interviews and they're rather, when he's under investigation, they're given these statements. How do they justify it then? How does he say it's not true?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Because isn't that still top secret? Well, this is, you know, he's under oath and they're asking him, I guess, is just the only reason. But there are definitely some questions where he said, I'm not allowed to, you know, I can't say that in an open hearing. Yeah, that's what I figured was one of the reasons why Trump could fire him, because he wouldn't be able to talk about the investigation until they hired a special prosecutor and all the stuff that you're seeing now. I would assume that people are like, oh, Comey's going to talk. I'm like, well, he can't really talk. That's one of the reasons why Trump can fire him, because that guy's under oath.
Starting point is 00:42:59 And rather, all the stuff that he's talking about is top secret. What's he allowed to talk about now that he's gone? Is it the same rules? No, it's top secret. Everything's top secret. I bet What's he allowed to talk about now that he's gone saying is it same rules? No, it's top secret. Everything's top secret. I bet he's not allowed to talk about his job at all I bet they could fire him not not fire him rather I bet they could arrest him if he yeah, cuz he made it today that he did he admitted they leaked some stuff Yeah, but he leaked stuff that was unclassified. He just leaked his memos They weren't classified and people were freaking out about it like no he he did it because it was
Starting point is 00:43:25 real simple he didn't want to be the one who was making the statement and the way he described that he he had a funny description he said it would be like feeding seagulls at the beach they would just follow him around and look for more and he was like i just wanted to get the information out there so i i had someone put it out there but he was honest about it you know, it lets you understand that that's how these people do business. And this is, this is one of the ways that information does get. I think it's just, I think a lot of it is guys like, uh, was that movie all the presidents, man? I think it's a lot of guys who think that they're going to, if they get the scoop, they're
Starting point is 00:43:58 going to have a hit book and they're like, you know, Brad Pitt's going to play them in a fucking movie if they get this fucking scoop. Well, there's also that. But then there's just if you're an investigative journalist and you're covering the president of the United States in this unprecedented event where a reality star has become the fucking president and he's a liar and he just keeps lying about shit and getting caught lying about shit. And there's a bunch of people that don't care that he's a liar. Everybody lies. And they just jump on in with it. And you don't expect a higher standard of behavior from the number one most influential person in the free world.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You know, he's still tweeting about, like, people that suck. And people who get terrible ratings. That's the crazy shit. I mean, like, I mean, I'll never forget it. I remember watching the Republican, one of the Republican debates, and he talked about how fat Rosie O'Donnell was.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I was like, can we do all the debates like this? I fucking love this. You know, like a roast debate. Even Rosie O'Donnell's got to be sitting there like, why are they talking about my weight? Well, Rosie O'Donnell has decided to dedicate most of her Twitter feed to shitting on Trump now. She's losing her marbles, man. What about Kathy Griffin, too? That was fucking insane. What did you think about that? When you saw Kathy Griffin holding up that fake head of Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:45:11 covered in blood, what did you think? Well, all I think is how fucking badly do you need fucking attention? Yeah. It was like, I mean. Exactly. What did you think best case scenario? Right. exactly what did you think best case scenario like right i think if if you if that's your if your viewpoint is that like you you want the president's head i mean just to twist it imagine
Starting point is 00:45:33 ted nugent holding up obama's head like it's over dude like well ted nugent did at one point in time say he wanted obama to suck on his machine gun he did say that words are less powerful than that you know right image i guess i heard a picture's worth a thousand words that's what that's what his machine gun. He did say that. Words are less powerful than that image, I guess. I heard a picture's worth a thousand words. That's what they're saying now? That's what they're saying. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Well, I didn't know it had gotten that big. Yeah, maybe more than a thousand if it's a picture of Trump's head. What was it for? I never found out. She's just doing it
Starting point is 00:45:58 to get attention. That's what it was for. She's sticking around the house and just like, I'm going to hold up. She had a photographer come over and the photographer set up the thing and, you know, they covered this mask with blood and she held it up like she was ISIS.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I mean, this is not, you're not talking about like guillotines in medieval France. I mean, that's just a sign of a fucking idiot. Yeah. You know, it's like, not only, if that's your viewpoint, you got to be smart to know that that's only gonna hurt where you're coming from. Well, not only that, she did this press conference and painted herself out to be a victim. She's saying he's a bully and he's trying to ruin her career.
Starting point is 00:46:35 And then she was like celebrating the kind of comedy she does. She was like, you know, I've always pushed the boundaries and my comedy is, you know, it's not for everybody. But it's not. She was like relishing the moment to express how she feels about her comedy or to sort of describe her comedy. And it's not a free speech thing.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I mean, no one's saying she didn't have the right to do it. We're just all saying it's fucking lame. It's an attention thing. It's purely an attention thing to the point where there's no there's no entertainment value to it like it's one thing if you have some ridiculous idea in your head that is funny or is entertaining that's what i'm saying what was the what was the best case scenario there's no there was nothing no thought it was just like let's do this people are going to see it well the only funny part for me was uh you know you, you know, you know, that guy, Mike, who does all the photoshopping for Joey Diaz. I don't know if you know him, but he's been helping me with some Photoshop.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And the second I saw that picture, I go, do me a favor. Put my head on Kathy Griffin's head and change Trump to Sam Hunt. And he did fucking did in five minutes and looks pretty good. And I put it up. So then I loved how some of the people thought i was like actually once i was like no no it's a comment on the fucking kathy griffin i didn't hear about the kathy griffin thing until i saw her apology that's how i found out about it i found out about it through her apology on instagram and so i was clicking on this video and it was her apology and she looked like hell she looked like she hadn't slept and she was freaking out. As opposed to when she looked awesome? As opposed to when she looks hot as fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yeah. That's good Photoshop right there. It's perfect. Your head sits perfectly on her neck. It's weird. Yeah, I mean, that hair's perfect. My beard and her beard look exactly the same. I don't think she has a beard, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Okay. But I saw the apology and I was like, what did she do like she was like i went too far i went too far you know i'm sorry i've seen the comments i went too far i apologize i'm a comedian and sometimes we go too far i was like what the fuck did she do and then i went and saw what she did and i was like oh my god i, I'm trying to think, like, have you heard anybody, even in the comedy, have you heard anybody defending her? Yes. Who? You have to say their names.
Starting point is 00:48:52 I don't remember their names, but it was a defense of the intent behind it, which I agree with. The intent behind it meaning what she was trying to do is be funny. She was trying to get some attention. She was trying to, it's like a joke that you do that falls short. Like, here's a perfect example. Bill Maher's joke. Did you hear what he said? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. So if people haven't heard, the senator from Nebraska, was it a senator? God damn, that's a fucking voice of mine. The senator from Nebraska, I believe, said you should come visit. We can have you work in the fields. And Bill threw his hands up and go, not me. The senator from Nebraska, I believe, said you should come visit. We can have you work in the fields. And Bill threw his hands up and go, not me. I'm a house nigger.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That's what he said. And everybody was like, what the fuck? Like, what makes you think you can say that? And when he did, HBO released a statement. They were pissed off. And there was a fire Bill Maher Twitter hashtag thing going on. That one, don't you think, to me, is a little more, at least I understand the intent of his joke.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah, he was trying to be naughty. He made a mistake. Look, Pete, here's the thing. He's working on a show, okay? He's working on a very important show for HBO that is a very high-profile show. There's an extreme amount of pressure, extreme amount of demands. There's a lot going on behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:50:09 He's probably working very hard. He's probably tired. And he's in the middle of this interview and he's trying to make something entertaining. The guy gives him an opportunity, right? The guy says, you could work in the fields. And he's thinking, work in the fields. Work in the fields.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Uh, no. Who works in the fields? Slaves work in the fields. Who's the guy that's in the house? Work in the fields. Oh, no. Who works in the fields? Slaves work in the fields. Who's the guy that's in the house? Okay, I'm going to say this. And he just goes with it to try to be shocking because he's, you know, he tries to be that naughty, edgy guy. And it just was, it was lame.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And it wasn't funny. Yeah, I get more pissed when I watch, when I see his shows. It seems like he's, when he makes a joke and they a joke, he gets mad when they don't fucking laugh. That's the part that bothers me. He's a silly boy. But when he made a joke and it was lame, he was just trying to be funny. He was trying to entertain people. It's important to him.
Starting point is 00:50:57 His show is important to him. It's a very good show. He works hard at it. And most of the jokes are really funny. And there's a lot of edgy controversial jokes on uh bill maher show that are really funny and he that's the line he pushes and sometimes you cross that line and he crossed that line is he racist fuck no is he a bad guy no yeah is he an idiot no he made a fucking mistake he's a human being it wasn't like the n-word slipped
Starting point is 00:51:23 out talking derogatory. He was trying to make up a point about slavery. He was just trying to be silly. He was trying to be funny. He's not like being... Remember when Dog the Bounty Hunter got caught? Dropping a bunch of N-bombs above people? There's a way... Look, there's no words that are forbidden.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And the idea that that word exists in countless rap songs, but you can't sing along to those rap songs? And yet I'm a fucking band from Walmart. It's ridiculous. I think those rap songs are banned from Walmart, too, though. You know what I found out recently, which is there's Walmart versions of all those albums. I didn't know that. Oh, where they take out the cuss words? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:03 You know how I know that? I didn't know that. Oh, where they take out the cuss words? Yes. You know how I know that? I fucking ordered on iTunes once a copy of one of the dead, not dead presidents. Who the fuck was it? It was one of those, like, hardcore rap bands. And as I was listening to it, it was all this, like.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Backwards shit, yeah. No, like bleeped out or like like empty spots where there was the I Downloaded an Eminem album and all I heard all these backwards sounds I thought was like any of those old sergeant pepper shit I guess they took out the bad words and just played him backwards even worse I've listened to one from gangstar and they had alternative words Alternative words and I was like oh no You can't have alternate words my thing is
Starting point is 00:52:46 why don't the hip-hop guys and why don't just all those like jay-z or some big guy go fuck this we ain't doing this anymore i think they're not doing it anymore but the reason why they do it is for money there's so much money out there i mean if they can get their shit played on radio and get the more it's all about exposure i mean you know it's all about the the most amount of people that you could reach with your stuff yeah well i they asked me to do a clean version. I said no. Good for you. But my morals definitely is going to cost me a lot of fucking cash.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Nah, I don't think so. I think in the long run, it'll save you money because it'll elongate your career. Because if someone's a fan of yours and they're at a barbecue and someone pulls out the lame version like oh you got to hear this guy's fucking hilarious this guy's crazy and then it's like f you bitch f you b you broke my heart screw you girl or you know whatever it is well remember when celo green had that forget you no no no no It's not forget you. It's fuck you. What's the song? Again, why can't you say fuck you on the radio? I mean, I know why, but.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah, it's stupid. Because a long time ago, people were dumb. And they thought that the sun was 17 miles away. And they thought there was an old man living in the clouds that had friends that used harps. And that you had to be careful with the words you use. They really are clinging on to. I mean, the in like you know tv and like radio they're like they're still like but like dude it's like there's a there's youtube like you know we did it we we we premiered another video from this record again we did the porn hub premiere you know uh-huh like fuck this
Starting point is 00:54:21 let's reach the people fuck up you know yeah you premiered on porn hub which is hilarious how did that come about um i reached i uh what happened was my my people were just kind of like you know like let's find a place to premiere you know they always do this thing where like you can premiere a video on like i don't know what would be an example like av club or some shit you know and and we're rolling stone or something i go give me those numbers you know it's like so and so gets 50,000 what I go what about look up Pornhub's numbers it was like 200 something million I think one of the I think we're rolling stone was something like the 8,000th or something biggest website and I go check out what Pornhub is and Pornhub was like number 19 in the world and I go well I go I go let's just reach out to them and see if they'll premiere
Starting point is 00:55:02 be the first guy to premiere country music video on Pornhub. The problem is when people go to Pornhub, they're sweaty and nervous and they're just thinking about beating off. So you get in the wrong mindset. Well, I think after you beat off, you're ready to fucking chill out and listen to some good country. Yeah, but you're also ready to hide what website you were watching. I don't know, but I'll tell you what. You're going through your browser and erasing your history. It fucking worked man i mean everyone i've seen i saw a lot of people you know like uh i don't know how many
Starting point is 00:55:30 people i could tell you that came up to me like i first heard about you because they don't want to admit it you know right but the numbers show that people fucking it was crazy because we premiered it on pornhub and they're like it was almost like you know if you guys do this for me i'll show that you know it works and sell you can sell things besides fucking almost like, you know, if you guys do this for me, I'll show that, you know, it works. And you can sell things besides fucking boner pills, you know? Right. Well, it's also, it's one of the things that if you did it, just knowing that you did it, people would go there to check it out. Like, he's premiered his shit on Pornhub.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Ah! Exactly, yeah. And people would go there to check it out. And it's funny, because we put it up at, like, you know, noon or something. And I was like, I thought it was like hundreds of millions. The views aren't that high. And someone there was like, wait till 5 o'clock. When people get off work and start beating off?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, I was like, at 5 o'clock, the numbers fucking just shot through the roof. It's like once that fucking work bell rang, it's like they were fucking. Yeah, people get in trouble for beating off at work, right? You can get fired. Yeah, it's a bummer. I wish there was like a section. There's no country music section of Pornhub. You think there would be?
Starting point is 00:56:29 There would just be the Wheeler Walker section. Yeah, right now. I got to figure out how to, because I set up my own channel to promote that video, and I got to figure out how to turn it off. I get alerts on my phone every fucking two minutes, so-and-so clicked like on your pornhub video or so and so like from like left a comment on your pornhub videos like i gotta get that shit
Starting point is 00:56:51 off it's all day it's like i wake up in the middle of the night to like a buzz yeah your phone's just i look at it and it's just and it's it's like um you know trump jizz 44 digs your your uh your new your new song did you ever look at some of of the comments on porn website videos when they start rating videos and describing? That's how I know what to fucking watch. Yeah, well, the star system is pretty good. But when you get to the actual words, you start feeling real uncomfortable. What were you expecting? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I didn't like how she winced when it went in her ass. Huh? Jesus. Yeah, like, sometimes you'll go on there, and you'll see the first thing. He's just like, don't watch this one. Fucking finish. He finishes inside, or you can't see shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Thanks for the heads up. Jesus Christ. People get mad. They think it's fake. It's fake cumming. Like, what? That's weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I believe in fake news. I don't believe in fake cum. There's definitely fake cum. I've seen it. I've seen fake dicks. Actually, I've seen one. He always has sex with his pants on because he's got a big fake rubber dick. And it has a button in it where he could jizz.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And he presses the button and it comes out. It looks like, what's that C cetaphil that the face lotion that people use what's that irisil no no no that's for zits cetaphil it's like that face soap it's kind of like yeah i saw i saw one of those too and then right before he jizzed it was like a hard cut like you could see like you could tell that they filled up the fake dick machine yeah they had to pump it up get it Get it to the top. I wish I could sit here and honestly say I didn't jack off to that one. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Now, do you think you're going to have more songs that come out on Pornhub, or is that a one-time thing? What about you, Jizz? You ever thought about going to one of the other competitors' websites? They might offer you a better deal. Some company called PervCity gave me a free membership. PervCity? Yeah, I never even heard of them.
Starting point is 00:58:49 They're looking to get through your webcam. That's what they're looking to do. I think they were looking for me to mention on your show, and I just fell for it. Oh, you did it. Fuck. I didn't mean to. Sorry. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:58:59 But they got their money's worth, I guess. But yeah, if I could do only porn, I mean, CMT ain't going to fucking play it. Now, they won't even play one of your clean songs how many clean songs do you have like with no swearing zero i'm just i'm rounding off there but yeah would you uh you know what's weird too is um so i got one of my new tunes it's it's definitely an American thing because I just, the CMT of Australia, whatever it is, one of my new songs from the new record is in heavy rotation there. And it's singing about a stretched out pussy and shit in it. Whoa. And they play it in regular rotation.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I guess they're just, Australia, they don't give a fuck? They don't give a fuck in Australia. They're savages. Those people, they're descendants of prisoners And they're just freer over there, and they got I didn't even send the video I think they took took it off YouTube and just put it on fucking TV. No, they're pretty badass in Australia legalized prostitution Really? Oh, yeah They want me to come over and do some shows and I'm like that's a long fucking train
Starting point is 01:00:02 Oh, it's a long trip, but you would sell out over there. But here's the thing, weed's illegal there. Really? It's so backwards. You can sing about a stretched out pussy on TV and weed's illegal. Crazy. Legalized prostitution, no weed. How soon do you think, because I keep looking at the, I think weed's going to change big.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Kentucky, you know, my home state, is the place where I think it'll be the most, because I know a lot of tobacco farmer friends of mine whose families are in the tobacco farm business, which is like they need that shit right now. They could get their business back. And I don't know why it's not legal there yet. It's renewable. It's very easy. It doesn't require much in terms of resources.
Starting point is 01:00:42 It's less pervious. And I'm seeing the tide change every time i go home you see more and more you know legalized you know from like more and more businessmen and shit in town you know yeah because it would really help the economy well it's also people realize it's stupid it's stupid just like making whiskey illegal stupid it was dumb they figured that out in the 1920s and the fact that here we are in 2017 and they haven't completely embraced it That's one of the things that pissed me off about this Jeff Sessions guy like what a giant step backwards that asshole is Coming back with wanting to bring back just say no and you know saying that marijuana users aren't good people
Starting point is 01:01:18 It was basically what's like what's that crazy movie? It was basically the accuracy now What's the crazy weed movie from the... Oh, yeah. Reefer Madness. Reefer Madness. He was acting like that. He's just a guy who doesn't smoke pot and probably never has and doesn't even know what it does. His idea of it is like people doing meth or sniffing glue or something. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah, it's fucking... It pisses me off, too. It's just like... Well, it's also there's a lot of money involved. I mean, these guys are all whores. You got to pay attention to who's butter like um well. It's also there's a lot of money involved I mean these guys are all whores you gotta you gotta pay attention to like who's buttering their bread And there's a lot of people that have a very strict agenda And if you go out there and start talking about look that's one of the things that pissed me off about Hillary Clinton more than
Starting point is 01:01:54 Anything she gave some sort of a speech and in that speech She said that she was absolutely in every sense of the word against marijuana legalization Well fuck you old lady. Well, she also said she was against, she wanted flag burning to be illegal, right? She was also against gay marriage until 2007 or 2013. A lot of people forget things about her. They just think when you just say the word Democrat that you're like, you believe in all these things. They're strategic.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Their opinions aren't real their opinions are their strategic sort of uh conglomeration of ideas that they think are going to serve them well when they go out in public that's that's what their opinions forget that it's 2017 everything there's a record of fucking everything yeah i mean i was getting pissed because there were a couple weed companies who wanted to sponsor some of my my tour but it's too complicated right now because on different states, it could be like, I could get arrested in certain states just for advertising, which is crazy. So I couldn't put it on a tour bus or anything,
Starting point is 01:02:51 so there's no way to really do it right now. Yeah, and you also become a target in the states where it's very illegal, where cops have been arresting people for a long time. You've got them trained to arrest people. Then all of a sudden, you tell them they can't,
Starting point is 01:03:03 and they're like, what? Well, it's legal's illegal now like what? Fuck that like there's guys that still want to arrest people out here out here I mean, there's there's still arrests that are taking place in in other states, but it's so fucking DC for instance Washington DC marijuana is legal people are still getting arrested for it And they don't they don't spread that around how cuz I didn't even know that black people It's not white people getting arrested for it. It they don't they don't spread that around Hawks. I didn't even know that black people It's not white people getting arrested for it. It's black people black Twitter. Yeah well, they you know, it's just a reason that they can arrest you they could find a reason to arrest you and
Starting point is 01:03:36 Look, there's a lot of gross shit that goes along with law enforcement But one of the grossest ones is that these fucking people have requirements for how many people they're supposed to arrest they have quotas they're supposed to be making how many people they pull off pull over how many tickets they write you know there's it's the wrong guy at the wrong time yeah yeah you're the wrong guy at the wrong time or you know the cop just decides he's gonna arrest you for it because it's federally illegal and he just makes a call i don't know it's not good yeah i mean if it's fucked up that you could you know i could have a tour bus with like you know you know
Starting point is 01:04:11 bourbon on the side and go across the country and back and that's fine but which you can advertise on the fucking road where it can kill people yeah my friend uh ron white he runs around a giant truck that has his um uh number one tequila on it. He's got a huge bus, a huge-ass tour bus, which says number one tequila on the side. They probably pay for the bus. Yeah, they probably pay him good money. And I was all psyched about it. It's his company. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I was fucking excited about some fucking marijuana money. Like, let's help me out, get a nice bus. Yeah, people have asked me to partner up with them or to get involved. And I'm like, it ain't the time yet. Yeah, I agree. You'd be target number one. It's worth it financially, but it's not worth it in terms of
Starting point is 01:04:54 the mental mortgage that you have to pay to be involved with something that's semi-legal. I've always wondered about that. I always wondered, like Snoop Dogg's on tour, if you see Snoop Dogg's bus, why wouldn't the cop... They do. They do all the time. Oh, he's been pulled over before.
Starting point is 01:05:07 He's been arrested before. Yeah, it's weird to just be that adamant about it, you know. Dude, they went after Willie Nelson. You don't have to fucking really know. Here's the thing, though. Like, if you're a stoner, an unknown stoner, all you have to do is just know somebody in a town. Like, you don't have to travel with it. Like, traveling with it is stupid. Like, people that get that get busted with weed like don't you know there's weed where
Starting point is 01:05:28 you're going yeah but yeah i don't think i've gotten off stage once and there hasn't been a joint ready for me for some dude i've never even met yeah there's always something but the thing is do you smoke that weed um i usually do but i would say don't do it every cup every once in a while i'll smoke it later that night i like, something don't feel right. Be careful. People are going hardcore. People are going hardcore. Some dude was telling me about this spray that he invented that's an acid spray.
Starting point is 01:05:57 It's LSD in spray form. And he goes, just as many pumps as you take off of this spray is how deep you go into Alice's rabbit hole. I was like, what? Jesus Christ. Did you see that? There's a new documentary out. I got scared just talking to him. There's a documentary out that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:06:16 I don't actually like, I'm not a big Grateful Dead fan, but there's a documentary out now about him that was like, it's pretty crazy watching them in the old fucking days. I lack the Grateful Dead gene. I'm with you. I don't get it. I watched this to try to get into it, but the acid tests they were doing back then were fucking crazy. They would dose the fucking record company dudes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Well, people just dosed people back then, which is one of the things I think we're seeing. That's a dick move. Well, I think it's one of the things we're seeing with this Bill Cosby thing. I think people had a different opinion about dosing people. I think Bill Cosby was amongst a group of many people that were dosing people back then. I think it was super common. Oh, you think it was a common thing?
Starting point is 01:06:53 I think it was super common because they joked around about it. You know, Bill Cosby had a whole routine about giving people Spanish fly. And he's joked around about dosing people. What was the TV show he did? He did a routine on someone's late night talk show. I saw that. It was Larry King. Dude, it's dark. And he talks about Spanish fly and him and Larry King started laughing
Starting point is 01:07:15 as I would have because I would have thought he was dicking around. Right. You would have thought he was joking around. And then when you find out I just think all those old dudes that used to go to the Playboy Mansion and hook up and meet all these young ladies. We're very happy to see them. I think they were dozing people. I'll actually say that to girls when I take them out.
Starting point is 01:07:33 If I go to the bar and get a drink and I'll come back with two drinks. Do you usually do this? Because I'm cool, but how do you know? Right. How do you know? Oh, yeah. If I was a girl. You shouldn't be drinking this.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah. Well, I won't take a drink if I don't know who it is and someone just hands it to me i don't know where yeah that you know that happens a lot too they'll put shots on the stage yeah and then they'll call me a pussy for not drinking like i ain't drinking i don't know you yeah i know people i know people personally that have been drugged. I know several people that have been drugged. It's not uncommon at all. Hunt for tattooed woman who drugged and robbed two wealthy men of $200,000 worth of cash and watches after targeting them at exclusive Hollywood nightclub. Wow. The woman, 20, met two men at a Hollywood nightclub on March 5th. She went with them to an apartment in Studio City, made them drinks.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Men say they passed out, woke up hours later, but she had gone. They claimed $200,000 worth of watches, cash, jewelry, or all sorts of stuff. First of all, these guys are fucking assholes. They have $200,000 worth of cash and watches, and they're living in an apartment in Studio City. Shut up. What you guys were doing, you were pimping on a budget, right? I know what you're doing, and you just dragged in the wrong cat. You fucked up.
Starting point is 01:08:49 You fucked up. You got lucky. You're lucky you're alive. You're lucky you didn't wake up in a bathtub filled with ice with a big fucking incision mark where your liver used to be. And you're lucky that you made it that fucking long. And it didn't happen the fucking first week you tried that shit. You dumbasses. You got tricked by a 20-year-old, you fucking rookies.
Starting point is 01:09:04 week you tried that dumb asses you got you got tricked by a 20 year old you fucking rookies i might want to it's almost like it's almost like you almost want to like even me it ain't cool but like you totally see where she's coming from it's just like yeah fuck these assholes fucking dopes you know well they might have been shitheads too they might have been like real gross to her and she's might have been like i'm finna get paid just rob these dummies at 200 yeah i mean it didn't sound like it was too tough for her, either. Something about drugging people, man. Like, it's a very dark, dark thing to do, though, honestly. All jokes aside.
Starting point is 01:09:34 It's pretty fucking evil, yeah. You put something in their drink and watch it affect them. Like a lab rat. Like, you know, they don't even know what you did. I know people that's happened to, like, maybe not even high school or even junior high, and they still aren't over it, you know? Oh, yeah, for sure you did. I know people that's happened to like, I want to maybe not even high school or even junior high and they still are still aren't over it, you know? Oh, yeah, for sure. Fuck you up for life. Rape.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Yeah, you get raped. But I'm saying even like if you're like a ninth grade and someone dosed you and you had like the worst fucking day of your of your fucking life. Want to hear something crazy? want to hear something crazy my um my uncle uh in nashville was a med student uh back in the 50s and he um they came the professor comes into class one day and he goes uh so here's the assignment for today there's this new thing that government's testing out called lysergic acid we don't really know what it does so go so here's your assignment he's where i'm split you up into groups of two one of you takes, and the other one has to do a report on how he reacts to it. You want some weed?
Starting point is 01:10:30 No, I'm good. I got a show tonight, man. You do your show sober? I do my show. I drink a little bit, but I can't do it. If I get stoned, I forget all the lyrics. Really? Because I forget who's fucking who and who's whacking who off.
Starting point is 01:10:41 You know what they call specifics? It's very critical. Yeah, it's like, I need to know, it's called specifics. You know, it's very critical. Yeah. It's like, I need to know that Rita's blowing this dude. I get it. It's all the names. You don't have to explain to me. You've been there.
Starting point is 01:10:53 But yeah. And they actually actually led to the lawsuit about when you weren't allowed that you weren't allowed to, you know, test drugs on students. Oh, yeah. But, you know, they did that students. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, they did that to the Unabomber. The Unabomber,
Starting point is 01:11:10 Ted Kaczynski, was a part of the Harvard LSD experiments. No way, I didn't know that. Yeah. Doing what? Dosing them up. They dosed the shit
Starting point is 01:11:18 out of that dude. Because didn't they originally think it was some kind of truth serum, maybe? They didn't know what it was. So they were trying to figure out, well, Albert Hoffman figured it it out right he he accidentally discovered
Starting point is 01:11:29 it i think he was coming up with a drug to induce labor i think that was the original premise behind creating lsd and he got some of it in his hands and then on his drive home through absorption through the skin he was tripping his fucking balls off riding his bike. That's the whole story behind the understanding of LSD as a psychoactive substance in human beings. So they started doing all sorts of studies. There's some videos from the, I believe it was the British Army. They dosed their soldiers up and they filmed them. They're running around laughing and giggling and they can't do anything.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It's like a black and white footage from i want to say like the 50s yeah there was a lot of that crazy footage in that that because i don't think i mean it's hard to say because it's obviously influenced a lot of great fucking music but oh yeah also they were like these guys were so taking so much acid there was a part in the movie where the the drummer for the grateful it was telling the record company guy he goes i I always love these kind of drugged out hippie stories. This guy goes, he goes, we want to take a microphone and we want to record the smog in L.A. We want to go out to the desert where there's clean air and record clean air. And put the two sounds together, that'll be a rhythm track.
Starting point is 01:12:41 That's a lot of acid, man. And they want that to be the drum track. And some guy warner brothers records in the suits like what the fuck are you talking about yeah it's that dead gene i don't have that gene i feel like if you could play the dead to like a young fan of rap music that like never never heard the dead like a young black dude just like sit him down like tell me what you think about this. They'd be like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:13:08 That's how I feel. I just don't get it. It sounds to me like, again, like a bunch of drugged out hippies just noodling around. But I think when you're on acid at the show, it's amazing. I've heard people say that I was never a fan of the Grateful Dead until I saw them when I was on acid. I'm more than willing to agree to that because there's some songs that I've heard when I was tripping that you go, oh, now I understand. I remember the first time I got stoned heard Black Sabbath. I remember saying to my friend, are there people who listen to this without being stoned?
Starting point is 01:13:39 What does it sound like? What's the point of fucking Black Sabbath if you're not stoned? It doesn't even make sense to me. Yeah, but Black Sabbath to me I could still listen to, even not stoned. They've got some great jams. There's something about the sort of hippie nature of the Grateful Dead people, too. I was always like, well, you're just running away from life. Go get a job, you stinky fucks.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Fucking dirty hippies. But then my own cousin became a deadhead for a while. She's cool. She traveled with the dead for years. And she was like one of those people that lived out of the back of a VW van. They would go to a store and buy bacon and eggs and cook them up for the people that were in the concert. And then they would sell them and shit. And that's how they got by.
Starting point is 01:14:17 They would sell bracelets and shit. Like, she lived like that for, man, I want to say it was more than a year. She traveled around with the dead. Yeah, I mean, it was kind of, because they had a big kind of country influence to what they did, according to this documentary. I'm like, well, I don't fucking hear it. You know, it's like, I love the idea
Starting point is 01:14:32 that they were making kind of trippy kind of country, but it's like, that's not what I'm hearing in my ear. Yeah, I get it. I get it if you're into that music. But I feel like it's like food. You know, there's certain people that I just, like my friend Tom, I have a friend, not Segura, Tommy Hershko. Hey, Tommy, shout out, shout out to Tommy. He's a buddy of mine that, um, I've always been a fan of spicy food.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I can eat some fucking spicy food. I go deep, but not nearly as deep as this motherfucker. There's some dudes that I think they, they, their taste buds are just wired different. They can just take in a different level of spice than I can. It must be affecting their body differently. And I know for me, I have friends that don't like anything spicy at all. I don't like spicy shit at all, yeah. Yeah, it just doesn't get to them. To me, I love it, man. I eat jalapenos pretty much every day of the week. I put hot sauce on everything. I'm always, I put hot sauce on everything.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I'm putting a habanero sauce on everything. But some people, it just doesn't work with them. The only thing I can tell, I tried these shots of like super, it was like, there's some little shot you can take. I thought I was coming down with something on the road once and they gave me this super, something like filled with vitamins and it had some kind of pepper in it that was supposed to help me. Oh, okay. Like cayenne? Yeah, yeah. And it hurt. It hurt pepper in it that was supposed to help me. Oh, okay. Like cayenne? Yeah, yeah. And it hurt.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It hurt, but it fucking helped. It definitely helped. Yeah, I wonder what the real science is behind cayenne pepper, but they always like to add it to those wellness shots to make you feel like it's doing something. Gives you a little woo. It opens up your snot. I think it's the way they market it, too. Yeah, I mean, you feel great right after you get the shot done
Starting point is 01:16:02 because you're just kind of like can't believe you got it down. There was this place that we went to that doesn't exist anymore that was in Encino. It was called Chili My Soul, and it was a chili place that had levels of chili, like from mild all the way up to like I think, I forget what their system was. It was an X system or a number system. I think it was a number system, and I think the top was like 10. And one day I tried an 8, and they would give give you a sample and it was like the size of those you know those little uh paper cups that you get like at a hamburger joint you're supposed to fill up with ketchup like it was that
Starting point is 01:16:33 small a tiny little thimble full of i was like this is so little then like just try it just try for a sample and i put that fucking tiny spoon in, like an ice cream spoon, like a sample spoon. I put it on my tongue, and I just started sneezing and hiccuping out of control. Snot was pouring down my nose. I couldn't believe how fucking hot it was. And that was just an eight. I remember thinking, I had one of those, probably not that hot, but I remember thinking, like, I'm never going to recover. Like, my mouth was burning.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And then I remember sitting on the toilet just like, I was apologizing to my asshole for what I'd done to it It's like you know it's like it was just a fucking attack man That's why I worried about especially on the road like you know I Could see how like you know like a big bank go get eat the wrong thing get up there and fucking shit your pants Oh for sure. There's also something about really spicy food that makes your shit. Just want to get out of your body immediately Oh, no Yeah Sure. There's also something about really spicy food that makes your shit just want to get out of your body immediately. Oh, no. Yeah, it was too. It was like if if someone had been in that stall at that restaurant that I'm in this particular case I'm talking about. Yeah, I would have I would have fucking toured through my fucking, you know, I would I would have shit. I was going to shit no matter what. Would you shit in the sink or the garbage can?
Starting point is 01:17:44 Which way would you go? Honestly, I think at that point I would have just probably just shit your pants. No no i would have taken i didn't i probably wouldn't want to ruin my pants i probably would have just pulled them down just shit like on the fucking bathroom floor i'll bet you think it's hard to it's hard to know i mean what's the move though if you want to be like i bet there would be a lot of arguments i probably would have gone to the urinal really shit in the urinal that's rough well if he's got to clean that. Would you offer to clean it? Fuck no, but I wouldn't I don't think I would have It wouldn't have been too nice to do it on the fucking floor
Starting point is 01:18:12 Yeah, it's one of the rare things about going to a public place like a restaurant or something like that You shit all over the place They don't go, hey man, you got to clean that You're like, no I don't It's funny, before I ever hit the road I was talking to some other musicians They were were just like the main thing about the road is
Starting point is 01:18:29 and you maybe you know is like find a good place it's all about finding a good place to shit and i'm like i put my heart and soul into these records like it's there's got to be more to it than that you know with support people they've already given up yeah but they're giving up on their dreams they're like to play drums on the road yeah exactly but they're just talking about how like you know, if you're in this town, there's this one restaurant that doesn't check you, make sure you're eating there. What?
Starting point is 01:18:52 There's like a, you know, they're giving me the fucking toilet tour of America. I'm like, you know, if that's my biggest problem, it'll be fine. There's something about shitting in a bathroom in a gas station that's actually kind of satisfying. It's like, yeah, it's disgusting, but you're not going to ruin it. You take a terrible dump in a bathroom in a gas station. It's actually kind of satisfying. It's like, yeah, it's disgusting, but you're not going to ruin it. You take a terrible dump in that bathroom,
Starting point is 01:19:09 you're just like, this is what I'm here for. Or a park. When you go to a park and they have those stainless steel toilets that don't even have a lid and you just sit down on it. Oof. And you got to wipe all the piss off of it first
Starting point is 01:19:20 before you sit down. Yeah, those rest stop bathrooms are pretty nice. Yeah, sometimes. I've messed some of those up myself. Yeah, those rest stop bathrooms are pretty nice. Sometimes. I've messed some of those up myself. Yeah, you can mess them up. It's a weird thing that that's where dudes chose to go to get together when they were gay and in hiding throughout the 50s and the 60s
Starting point is 01:19:36 and the 70s. That was like the thing. They would go to rest stops. It was a hacky joke in the early days of stand-up comedy. Sounds like I got a new song. Yeah, guys meeting at rest stops. I should sell my album at rest stops. You'd probably sell some, for sure.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Truckers are one of the few people that definitely still have CD players. Oh, yeah. They probably have VHS still. I definitely have a lot of Trucker fans. I meet people after the show. It's like, you know, I drove fucking 36 hours or whatever. Yeah, we do too. Shout out to the truckers.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah, there's a lot of people out there just, I mean, if you're stuck in a truck for fucking 12 hours, you need some goddamn content. Totally. I mean, I don't know how you do without, like, I think some of those guys don't know technology that well. But without having access to podcasts or fucking Spotify, that shit, how would you fucking survive? Those guys, you'd be amazed. I think truck drivers are more in tune with that kind of technology, like entertainment technology that they can take in while they're driving than anybody.
Starting point is 01:20:34 What is that, Jamie? It's the luxury sleeper cab for a long-haul truck. Oh, wow. It's a goddamn apartment. See, that's what I need to get. That's that big? That's like a camper. Holy shit. Well, that's what I need to get. That's that big? Yeah. That's like a camper. Holy shit. Well, that's cool for him, man. So he just goes back there when he's done.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Oh, there's the thing. The bed. He goes there. He's got a coffee machine there and shit. I could live in that. Yeah, one of my buddies got one of those with a shower in it, too. It's got a magazine thing. But you know, still the rule, you can't shit in it, no matter what.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Yeah, you're not supposed to shit in those things. However nice it is. Well, people do it, though. They wreck those things. Yeah. Yeah, there's, I mean, still, it's a sucky job for those poor bastards, and they all get fucked up backs. You're sitting in that chair all day.
Starting point is 01:21:16 They need to get these ergonomic chairs for driving a car. That's what they need, right? And hemorrhoids, too, right? How come no one's figured that out? Hey, Ergo Depot, I got a fucking task for you. How about you guys figure out replacement car seats? Does that make sense? Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 01:21:32 You could sit in this. You could sit in this and drive in cars. It'd keep you straight up. Yeah, I'll bet there's tons of, like, cushions and weird shit you can buy from there. Yeah, there are. They say the lumbar thing's the big one because it makes your, it forces your body to stay straight instead of that, like, hump thing. Yeah, I was going to say there's probably uncomfortable shit that's probably good for you that makes your back.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Yeah. Yeah, well, you're supposed to sit like this. You're supposed to sit straight up. That's why they say, like, those balance balls are really good. Like, sitting on balance balls are good because you kind of have to sit up straight. Yeah, a lot of guitarists have a lot of back problems because, you know, you put it on and it's not really that heavy, but just a little bit of weight every night of your fucking life. Right. You know, after 30 years, it'll start to get to you a little bit.
Starting point is 01:22:10 That makes sense. That makes sense. In the exact same place. Yeah. I feel like people that wear backpacks, probably the same thing, right? It's just pulling on you. Just slowly but surely. Women with purses.
Starting point is 01:22:20 They say women with big tits. You wouldn't think that tits would fuck your back up. Oh, yeah. it happens a lot. I know people who've had breast reductions because it's helped their back. Oh, I knew a girl who had one. And that's another thing, too. I threw a funeral.
Starting point is 01:22:34 What's that? I threw a funeral for her old tits. Did you? No, I was definitely bummed, but... But for her, she's probably like, God damn it. It was always... She was one of those girls who was always like a pain in the ass like I got fucking giant things giant jugs
Starting point is 01:22:49 Yeah, yeah, it's probably annoying as hell. I get it Imagine if your dick was so heavy hurt. What do you mean? What do you mean imagine? I mean imagine I? Did you dig that heavy no fucking way? No? I was good like the surgical going to, like the old one. I'm going to try, I'm going to start a rumor here that my dick's too heavy. And I got to, we rolled around in a wheelchair to my shows. Well, who was the guy that they said had the giant hog? Milton Berle.
Starting point is 01:23:16 They would say Milton Berle would just whip his hog out just to settle everybody the fuck down. That'll do it. People would be talking a bunch of shit and Milton Berton burl go let me show you something here shut the fuck up just yeah who's got the biggest fucking pull this hog out like how big how big we i mean what are we talking 10 inch limp jesus christ monster hog fat can you even get erect if you're 10 inch yes he could milton burl could that's like an elephant yeah milton burl on the rumors of his endowment let's hear this this. Don, by word of mouth, you never know how much truth there is to any of them.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So just once, for the record, Milton, is it true? Are you talking about my endowment? Yes, sir. Endowments? Is it true? All I can say is that I'm still working on it. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 01:24:20 No. That's been thrown at me so many times, that question. I don't know what's so thrilling about Is It True? I really don't know. You know, I'm not the only man in the world. There are better men than me. Of course, you'd have to show them to me. No, I've had a little success with it.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Even recently at 88. So, it seems quite true. All I know, that when I get an erection, I black out. I'll bet that's fucking true. I really do hope that he was getting laid at 88. They say that.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I had a friend, and one of her friends worked at a nursing home, and she was saying that they just fuck like cats and dogs in that place. I believe it. Those old dudes get a hold of Viagra and they don't give a fuck. It's like a dormitory. They don't have any responsibilities because, look... Viagra probably changed
Starting point is 01:25:38 their whole fucking game. Oh yeah, changed the game. But here's the thing when you think about people in nursing homes, right? Essentially, no one can take you in, right? You have to be in a nursing home because your family can't handle you anymore or it's just you need assistance. So as soon as you start getting assistance, right, you get assisted living.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It's not good, but it's also you have less responsibility, less things to think about, less things to worry about. You're in this assisted living place and you're with a bunch of other chicks that are just like you in the same boat. And they're like, come on, girls. And it's not like you get to a certain age, you just get tired of dick, right? They probably still want some dick.
Starting point is 01:26:11 And they probably remember 20, 30 years ago when they were young and hot. And the guys can kind of remember it, too. And they're like, let's just do this. What else are they going to do? Play bingo? But also, yeah, their nephews come by with fucking chocolates. I mean, you'd much rather have a dick than, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Probably someone's coming by trying to change the will, get them to sign some shit. It's probably gross. Imagine talking to your relatives. You know, they're trying to weasel you out of money. Just wait. Yeah, we got an ant like that in Nashville right now where it just feels like everyone's stopping by just to hope to get into, you know, kind of out of your fucking apartment when you're gone.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Oh, dude. It happens. I know a family where the son tried to get the mom to change the will, and the other son found out about it, and they start suing each other, and fucking Christ. Over your mom's
Starting point is 01:26:58 money? Like, really? But it's real common. Yeah, it's crazy. Everybody thinks they're right, you know? It's like, oh, I helped her. I have a right to this. Everybody gets real weird. Uncle Mike said that. I always like it when they have those wills where the guy, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:13 those really rich guys, and all of a sudden there'll be, like, a mystery, like, five million to some girl who they never knew, you know? There's some secretary who used to work for, like, 20 years ago that he stuck it in there yeah he's thrown dick at her for years nobody knew that would be the best relationship if you had like a secretary to keep her mouth shut you guys just both smashed it and you could say i'll leave you something in the will you ain't gonna pay her then yeah yeah well is that what it is paying her maybe she liked the dick as a gift yeah i mean saying like it'd be a nice thing that i'm gonna start telling
Starting point is 01:27:46 women that that you leave some some money in the will you get my last album broke even you're gonna have half but with your reckless lifestyle don't you think that they would be worried that you would die penniless because you're so impulsive and well i'm gonna be penniless soon if these if these things don't turn around but yeah did your record really just break even as many as you sold yeah well i say that as a joke but not really a joke because what i did was i took all the money and put into the new record right so in a weird way i've seen no money from it but i have the touring money though but i have but i have you know like i'm putting everything i have into the new band into the new record do you mind uh saying how many albums you sold? I forget what it was. I mean, it was a crazy
Starting point is 01:28:27 number for physical. It was like over 50,000 physical copies, which is... That's very rare. Which seems rare, which to me didn't seem like very much. Dude, someone brought me in a CD just a few days ago, and I was like, look at this thing. Who was it? Oh. It's Everlast.
Starting point is 01:28:44 He brought me in War Porn, but you it? Oh, it's Everlast. He brought me in War Porn. But here's another thing. Can you read that? You think you can read that bottom, the white part? What does that say? Infestation? Yeah, exactly. It says War Porn.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Yeah, man, you got to fix the font on that shit. Yeah, that's what I've been saying. And he's like, no, it's art, man. It's art. I was like, okay. Well, art, people aren't going to know what it's about. Get fix the font on that shit. Yeah, that's what I've been saying. And he's like, no, it's art, man. It's art. I was like, okay. Well, art, people aren't going to know what it's called. Get out of here with that shit. Yeah, I've been having a lot of issues, too.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I'm fucking pissed at Spotify right now. Why? What are they doing? Here's my issue with Spotify, which is, I don't know if you guys use Spotify, but almost everybody does, and people don't know this. I'm going to get the truth out, which is those big, giant numbers you see on – the thing that people do, people not like me and you, but there's these playlists that are fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Some people just go on Spotify to listen to, like, country hits, you know. Right. Or country – wild country. I don't know why the fuck – and they refuse to fucking playlist me. So everyone else has these inflated numbers. But they – when I did your show the first time
Starting point is 01:29:48 eating pussy kicking ass became the number one I don't know if you knew that they had the viral charts of what's going the actual listens the viral charts eating pussy kicking ass was the number one most viral song on the planet after I did your show I said well now can you put me on some of your
Starting point is 01:30:04 country playlists and shit? And the guy who runs the country playlists, it's back to the meet the new boss same as the old boss shit. They hired a guy from Terrestrial Country Radio who designs those playlists. And he won't put me
Starting point is 01:30:19 on the fucking playlist because I say fucking dirty words. So I'm losing tons of listeners and I can't get on the, you know, like when you see Florida Georgia and I'm at the hundred million listens, a lot of those are just from automatic listens just from those fucking playlists and people don't know that shit. We had an offer to do one of those. Was it Spotify or the other one? Pandora or Spotify?
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah, they do podcasts. And, but, but I was like, well, what do you... You guys have an app. You guys have money. Like, what's going on with this? Like, what is this? Like, you guys are just distributing content. So you must be making some money.
Starting point is 01:30:55 They didn't want to pay you? It's very, very, very, very, very little. It just doesn't make any sense that you would be willing to do it. I'm one of the few guys who actually... I actually make... When it gets played, I actually make decent money from Spotify. How much?
Starting point is 01:31:06 Because I don't... You don't want to say how much online. But I would... But because I own my own label. Right. Most of those artists have to, the label takes all their Spotify money. But what's confusing to me is like, what's the benefit other than like being introduced to stuff that you never would have heard of before?
Starting point is 01:31:21 Like the benefit of Spotify is the same benefit you would get from radio, except it's streaming, except it's in real time, right? Yeah, I mean, the benefit to me is to listen to, oh, I'm on the road. I haven't listened to this Zeppelin album in a long time. Then you have it. So you can make a Spotify playlist and people can listen to your playlist. Is that the case? Correct. You could make one and everyone could listen to the updated one you share.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Diplo is a popular producer and he has an updated hip-hop list. He updates it every few days. But there's those official Spotify ones. That's separate from the Spotify official playlist. It's just when you search for him and follow an influencer you like. So if I started a playlist, I could put your song on my playlist and then it would be on. playlist i could put your song on my playlist and then it would be on and then it would be on yeah but the people for some reason they go it's they own the interface so they make it so their official ones are the big ones on the page right so you just you want to hear the country hits
Starting point is 01:32:13 like this this album's going to be in the top 10 they won't fucking play it huh so i'm and i'm not saying i'm banned but you know if they're going to put me on the playlist then i'm i'm at a disadvantage. Who the fuck cares about I mean, is it that big a deal? But they pay you. So they do pay you when it goes on. You actually make checks. When people listen, I get
Starting point is 01:32:35 paid, yeah. I just don't think when I... There's a band of like a year. You can't do this now, but they gamed the system and they made an album that was silence and told their fans to stream it all night long. And so they made a bunch of money
Starting point is 01:32:51 just off of the streams being played of silence for like eight hours. How could you do that? But there was no way. They didn't have any writing to stop someone from doing that. So do they stop it now? Yeah, you can't do that now, yeah. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:33:04 But there is someone, I saw the other day, someone uploaded like eight hours of rain. Well, that's good to go to sleep, too. Yeah, but someone's going to get paid for that rain track. Someone owns that recording of rain. You've got to make sure
Starting point is 01:33:16 you didn't steal it from YouTube or something like that. Also, someone had to actually be up for eight hours recording. You deserve a little bit of money. Yeah, there's a lot of people who do that to tell their fans, you know, listen to this song, just put it on repeat
Starting point is 01:33:28 or whatever. That seems ridiculous. That's a silly request. It's unfair. Like, hey, make me some money. They used to do it back in the day. Call your radio station and request my song on the radio. That's different, though. Requesting a song and you want to hear it,
Starting point is 01:33:44 that's saying you want to hear it. Saying stream my rain 24 hours a day. But you have these playlists, you know, it's almost back, it's payola again. It's like there's one guy who's controlling basically all the radio. Yeah. It's like this one dude is just doing it. It's just like, if you're his buddy, you know. Well, any of those things, it's like, whether it's Pandora or whether it's Spotify or anything,
Starting point is 01:34:05 what you're doing is you're selling or distributing other people's work. So you're basically just a distribution center. I mean, that's all it is. Other than like the unique features of the distribution, oh, but you can make playlists or oh, you can do this and people can recommend things to you. Oh, there's algorithms and they can find out what you like, and then you go seek out those things. But at the end of the day, if there's no things to seek out,
Starting point is 01:34:29 you don't really sell anything. Like the YouTube, you know, people suing them. Like YouTube isn't anything. It's just a player. But YouTube has bandwidth, and that bandwidth is extremely expensive. It's a different animal because you're talking about they're not just streaming something, they're streaming video.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Video is, you know, God, what kind of fucking, and they have to be able to store it when they upload it. I mean, what kind of storage is fucking YouTube doing? Yeah, where is it all fucking stored? It's your mom's house. My fucking, upper, upper fucking cunt? Is it different than like a museum? Like maybe like YouTube
Starting point is 01:35:06 where a museum is a building and they store a bunch of stuff that people come to look at and they have to make some sort of money to keep it running and to keep people there. I tried to make this argument
Starting point is 01:35:15 the other day that I was talking to someone about it. Is it the same or is it completely different? This is an argument that it's in the ballpark. Well, the argument with like when youtube originally sold for like billions right right at the time it was mainly just clips of
Starting point is 01:35:30 other people's shows back in the old now they have original content now they have your like right people they pay people that but back when it was sold people made people made there were dudes who made hundreds of millions of dollars basically off stealing selling off you know clips of fucking comedy content other music videos yeah that is an issue it was a giant issue with youtube but they seem to have ironed out a lot of that like if we put up someone's content like if someone has a an like it happens a lot with me with animal attack videos like anytime an animal's attacking another animal or some nature video if you try to put that up on youtube you will get flagged and pulled off we got remember last time we got pulled because for putting on my song and i was like i told the
Starting point is 01:36:11 people the distributor like i gave you permission it kept getting tagged or something right yeah when we had everlast on when we're playing his war porn songs we had to make sure that we had permission they had released the flags on all these things for us before we ever did it we had to like coordinate well my i get flagged uploading my own fucking videos which is weird you know really i just they say do you own this but who owns it i own it you own all your stuff i'm not yeah i own your videos everything i own my masters yeah even eating pussy and kicking ass the one that was on comedy central i own the song i don't own that video okay so but that video gets uploaded though like say if you took that video and you uploaded it onto your
Starting point is 01:36:51 channel would they flag it would comedy central flag it uh maybe but they they would they would that one other than that they would that one they would have a right to i think right but everything else like you know like like when that the guys we fuck podcast people call they wanted to play A song from the new record on my on the podcast. It's like that. It's like an intro music I'm right. I'll give you permission. I own it right even if they come at you. There's no suit lawsuit because So you don't have something like that where someone's looking for people that are uploading your stuff to YouTube or things along those lines I've actually like I was talking about those like like, I have had, like, YouTube gamers who want to, like, can I upload your video to my channel?
Starting point is 01:37:29 I'll always be like, yeah, sure. Right, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about, like, somebody just creates a channel, just starts uploading your content, which happens all the time. Oh, yeah, I've seen it around a lot, but, you know. But you don't have anybody that flags that for you. I think, that's a good question. I think that there's an algorithm on YouTube that catches it.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Because my distribution goes through this distribution company. Right. And I think they have someone on their team who does, like, I don't know how they know it, but there's definitely, there's some kind of algorithm, you know, like you said, when you put it in, it hears that Everlast song, you know, and I think there's someone that does flag it for me, but again, I don't know, I think we're finding out, too, I don't know where the fuck my money's going, you know. You should do some sort of an online video series, like where you're giving people access to you getting on the tour bus, traveling, going to different places.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Because you know you're doing this podcast now. I think that would sort of complement that really well. Yeah, that'd be good, too. Well, hopefully the thing Rick was shooting, if that's around enough, will show enough behind the scenes. That'd be a bigger version of something like that yeah definitely and yeah if you start doing it from show time and then
Starting point is 01:38:52 take it to YouTube or wherever and start streaming it on the road I think that's a great idea for you yeah it's been cool but it's weird too because you get back into the whole like you know you know giving I'm giving my music you know the the tv thing is going to be for myself so how much do i sell myself the music you know it's like
Starting point is 01:39:12 do i do i do i try to you know rip them off on the fucking price of the music no because i want the thing to it's it's in a very very weird areas where people like try to talk you out of just like oh just give me the fucking music right you know yeah like if you do a stand-up special i'm sure there's they've had negotiations i'm not speaking for you but there's probably times where they're just like listen this this special is going to help you so take fucking less money here do you do that it's like it's almost like they're doing you a favor kind of which i don't you know they can do stuff like that they can say but you know if they're right they're right if they're not they're not you know i mean if you're chris rock they're not right they have to pay chris rock like it's good for them more than it's good for him well i'm saying like have you ever had any issues with like um
Starting point is 01:39:56 telling well guess what your last couple been netflix right my last one was netflix my one before that was comedy central and like you want them to, like, market it more? Have you ever had issues and they're just, like, you know? No, fortunately, no. Comedy Central was great. Netflix was great. I was going to say, the other thing, too, is you've got a bigger marketing outlet than any of them. So, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Now I do, yeah. And Netflix doesn't really market. They put up a few billboards and just leave it alone. They, like, let people word of mouth. But that's the thing. Like, if someone puts out a comedy special, you special, like Ari Shaffir's comedy special, which is coming out July 18th. He was just on here, right?
Starting point is 01:40:31 Yeah, it was yesterday. If he puts something out, comedy fans are just going to get the word out. Word of mouth, you've got to go check it out. You've got to listen to it. I found out about a lot of people's specials. That was the main thing with my records, which I really loved, lot of the which i really loved was that it was it was old school it was literally word of mouth it wasn't like i mean there wasn't memes until recently it wasn't memes or fucking youtube ads and all that shit it was just you got to hear this shit it was that's how i found out
Starting point is 01:40:59 about it i found out about it from people sending sending it to me i already knew you were doing something but then people started just started sending me shit just randomly. They didn't even know I knew you. Well, I think that it was, yeah, I think what happened is just, you know, it's like they never heard country music used with this. It's like, dude, you got to hear this motherfucker. He's talking, you know, like hip-hop guys in fucking country, and it's fucking crazy, you know, and they get, you got to make, nowadays you just got to be so loud i guess is maybe what it is well it's hard to believe that
Starting point is 01:41:30 you were the first guy that figured out sort of the andrew dice clay approach to stand-up comedy you know i'm just hilarious you mean did i say comedy i'm sorry to country music a comedy sort of shock comedy like into country music. It's weird. Like I say, when people tell me that, I'm just like, all I did was not censor myself. And have fun. The new album, I think you can hear us having even more fun than the last one. The last one I felt, now it feels a little stiff almost, like I was trying to figure out, this one you can hear us having a fucking blast. This one you can hear us having a fucking blast.
Starting point is 01:42:06 It was like, because country music is so serious and the people are so serious. It's just like, you know, just fucking let loose and have some fucking fun. Yeah, it's got to be so bizarre to see a room full of guys singing along to some of your lines. Then I sucked his dick and I kicked his ass. Suck a dick and kick an ass. Yeah, well, we got a new song called puss in boots and one of the line is uh a line about you know her tongue her tongue knows where my butthole's at is in the chorus you know um and i'm seeing watching people scream that out you know it's like i was dicking around man you know like don't do that, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:48 I want a girl in a cowboy hat, her tongue knows where my butthole's at. That's a weird thing to hear back at you, just as well. Yeah. Well, it's weird when you were thinking, like, should I even put this in the song? Well, it's weird, just like, this is a crazy thought. What if I just go with it instead of trying to hold myself back, which is all the best shit, you know. But obviously, the impact has been fucking tremendous. I mean, the results are amazing. I mean, just the idea that we're playing the Turbo Door tonight and it sold out a month has been fucking tremendous. I mean, the results are amazing. I mean, just the idea that we're playing the Troubadour tonight and it sold out a month ago is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Yeah, you're selling out way in advance. And that's a big place. Well, the Troubadour is like a famous, you know. Yeah. You know, a lot of horrible fucking music got their start there, you know. And just for me to go up there and sing about puss in boots, you know, is like. To conquest. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:28 You've conquered. Yeah, fuck you, you know. Yeah, you planted a flag. I'll do this shit the way I fucking want to do it. Fuck you guys. Well, it's another era. It's another representation of our era, that this world is not what it used to be. We're in a different place.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Totally. That's why I kept bringing it back to this, which is just like, you can make whatever you fucking want and you don't have to censor yourself. Find the people who, you know, find the Rogans, whoever in your world that can get the word out bigger. There's ways to
Starting point is 01:43:58 make it, ways to distribute it, and ways to promote it without fucking sucking some network's dick. And on that note, ladies and gentlemen, this shit's available right now. Go get you some. Old Wheeler.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Wheeler Walker Tour. The tour is available. You can check it out on Instagram. He's got a full picture of all the tour. 7-12 starts out in Atlanta, Georgia. Woo! Charlotte, North Carolina. Virginia Beach. He's traveling.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Wheeler Walker Jr., ladies and gentlemen. Thanks as always, guys. I love it here. My pleasure, brother. Always good talking to you. We'll be back in just a few moments with Megan Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church. Wow. Wheeler Walker Jr., ladies and gentlemen. Fuck yeah.

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