The Joe Rogan Experience - #991 - Eddie Bravo

Episode Date: July 31, 2017

Eddie Bravo is an American Jiu-Jitsu instructor, musician, former UFC analyst, and is the founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 four three two one okay so i'm on my way over here and i'm listening to this new radio lab podcast and they're talking about this new technology that's available and i'm like this is the perfect thing to be listening to right when i'm coming to hang out with eddie bravo oh no there's a website called future of fake where they show this new technology on display well you know how adobe does photoshop and so they can they can adjust images they can take 20 to 40 minutes 20 they do it with 20 they prefer to do it with 40 40 minutes of recorded audio of you talking then they run it through this machine and they can have you say words you've never said they can
Starting point is 00:00:40 have you make sounds that you've never made in those in those those sentences That's so like you can have a sense that yeah, like you can have a sentence that says like Hey, Joe, you want to get something to eat after the podcast and they can intersect? Hey, Joe, I got a bunch of transgender hookers and some heroin You want to get something to eat and go hang out with them after the podcast. And it would sound exactly like what you said. It'll sound exactly like your own words. But I'm sure there's going to be experts that can analyze it and go, this is a, this is a fraud for now.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. What they're essentially saying is this is a, the infancy of it. You have to get like experts to analyze the audio. You can see it right there. They synthesized Barack Obama's audio and they have him say things that he never said. They have him and George Bush going back and forth telling jokes to each other that they never told. Dude, can we hear this?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right now? Can we? The thing you're talking about? Yeah. I've got to find that. Okay, see if you can find that. It might be on their website.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It doesn't sound good when they're doing that, but it's in its infancy. But it sounds like them talking. It just sounds a little edited. It's not flowing together right. But apparently they're able to break down faces to the point where they were saying that if Jennifer Aniston goes to China and she does a commercial for something, what they can do is have Jennifer Aniston talk for a period of time. And they figure out how her voice moves and they take all these images of her face and they can manipulate it so accurately they can have someone speak in Mandarin Chinese with all the different you know different sounds
Starting point is 00:02:16 they make and they could sync up her lips and her movement and the movement of her face to what it would look like if she was making those actual sounds which is just amazing so then they can have a voice like a mandarin speaking woman who could speak in chinese and you would see the exact correct movements from jennifer aniston's mouth so it wouldn't like you know how you watch like a that kind of movie though right but yeah let's hear it let's hear it because our parties have moved further and further apart, and it's harder and harder to find common ground. So, you know, when I said in 2004 that there were no red states or blue states, there are United States of America, I was wrong. So you could tell by the lips in that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 If you looked at his lips, it looked funky. It's not that good. But that's just now. Like, what's it going to be like in a year? What's it going to be like in five years? And this is what they're saying is that what we're looking at now is the future of fake news. They're going to be able to recreate people saying things that they never said.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And it's going to be impossible for you to tell the difference so how can that be used for the illuminati well how could they use for anybody that's the problem anybody can you see the problem is there good in it do you see oh now we can do this i don't know it's hard it's hard to say what would be good because you never know what the end result of anything is going to be when someone creates some sort of a mind-bending world-changing technology like that it only could be for bad because it's a lie it's basically going to be when someone creates some sort of a mind bending world changing technology like that. It only could be for bad because it's a lie. It's basically going to be a lie. Yeah. But whatever comes out of their mouth, it's going to be a lie.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So that there's no way that could be good. Yeah. But see what it is, is the consequences of technologists pushing boundaries. So the problem is it's not their intention is not initially to do something bad. That's one of the interesting things about the Radiolab podcast. Their intention is probably to make funny things. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Because the Radiolab podcast talked to the technologists, and they confronted her with it.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And it's very uncomfortable to watch this lady be confronted with the idea, like, what if this is used for evil? Like, what if it's used for fake news? And you can tell that they don't, they're not even thinking about that hardly. All they're trying to do is figure out how to do Something that nobody else can do like when someone comes up with a technology if you can come up with some sort of a voice Manipulating technology like that or a visual manipulating technology You got to realize there's a bunch of other people that are probably closing in on something like that, too And it becomes this mad race to get something done and to make a shit ton of money
Starting point is 00:04:45 if you have something like that that could be potentially worth who knows ungodly sums of money i'm just trying to figure out a way you could use that for good to go away the one thing that they were saying is you could take recordings of einstein there's hours and hours and hours and hours of recordings of einstein You could create a visual Einstein. And you could have a 3D technology perhaps or a virtual reality technology where you're hanging out having a fucking conversation with Einstein. What? Now step one, right? Step two is some sort of a neural interface with virtual reality where instead of just looking at it through goggles, it's going into your mind in some sort of a way.
Starting point is 00:05:29 It's interfacing with the very neurons and your visual cortex. It's showing you images that you wouldn't really be seeing. For sure it would be great for brainwashing, though, right? Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. That's a no-brainer. That's for sure going to be used for brainwash. Like fake news, just like you said.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So the thing is, no one gets out alive with this shit. So this is the thing. The one thing that might be fascinating about it is there's going to be no control. Everyone's going to be able to eventually use something like this. And they said that it would require painstaking, step-by-step, a person going over the data to see if they could figure out what was manipulated. And they think they could find like 75% of the ones that have been
Starting point is 00:06:12 manipulated right now. They can find the fake ones. But the problem is like the amount of time that it takes to do that is astounding. It's crazy. It's people-to-people time. Like you have to be sitting there like going over it, looking, what is this? Check that out. Go back. What's this number right here? Why is this off? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Okay, mark that. Move on. And they have to do this over and over and over again. They have to look for anomalies, look for some sort of evidence that it's been manipulated by a digital source or by some sort of a digital control, a phone or a computer or something like that. I think it'll be easy to tell. In the beginning, maybe. But I mean, how good are Photoshop's?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Like the Photoshop Steve, how good are some of his Photoshop's? And this dude is just having fun. Well, how about that Photoshop of, I think it's Neil Armstrong, where he's standing on the moon and it's like there's a shot. There's a shot of him looking down.
Starting point is 00:07:02 It's like a selfie. And then there's the earth in the background and they proved that's a photo a photoshop already i mean they could just run it through shit just basic shit and you could see that it was cut in well there was definitely some manipulation of photos for press use it's not just that was not just speculation that was 1969 well they did it before that even yeah they did it with the gemini space program no one's even defending that picture no one's going that's real nobody defends that picture well I don't know if they do or don't but the craziest one is Michael Collins because Michael Collins you can prove it the Gemini 15
Starting point is 00:07:32 picture they took a test photo of him like in you know some sort of a warehouse where they would strap him up with a harness and they're showing him how to utilize this equipment and then they blacked all that shit out and reversed the image and try to pretend he was doing a spacewalk You never seen that and maybe maybe I've seen so much on the moon. This one's the best one isn't weird It's not even the moon. It's it's just Michael Collins, but you should see because it's like wait a minute Why the fuck would they do that? Like? They took a photo. This is a hundred percent. This is not speculation They took a photo of him at a test facility where they would prepare themselves for walking on the moon.
Starting point is 00:08:10 The one on the left is them preparing. See, you can tell he's in a harness. There's a bunch of equipment around. And he's hanging on to this thing and they're pulling him with this harness that he's attached to. And then the next one, it says it's a spacewalk. It's the same exact image. They just blacked it out. They just took all the stuff that was in the background,
Starting point is 00:08:31 all the equipment and all the bullshit. That's kind of a blurry copy. See if you can find a better copy of it. But what they did was they made a fake photo of a guy in space. That photo's not real. That's a photo of him in the test suit, and they just reversed it and blacked out the background. They could get away with stuff like that back then, man.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It wasn't, that's a better picture of it. You gotta get a, that's a good representation. It's just, what they did was, What they did was unquestionably deceptive. So the question is, how much of that did they do? Oh, come on. Well, that's the question. The question is, it of that did they do oh come on well that's the question the question is it's even this hardcore the most hardcore skeptics now even
Starting point is 00:09:11 the most hardcore skeptics they're like yeah i'm on the fence about that moon thing you know um no one's really no one's really saying yes we went to the moon now even like mick west will shut up about that you know there's think you will i don't think you're right at all i think you would definitely argue that we went to the moon well he's getting paid for that so like i mean he's got to i mean the dude the dude backs up every official story yeah but people do that not necessarily because they're getting paid they do it because that's the mindset they're in they're in this mindset like we were talking about with someone else before the podcast website. Well, he has a website. He makes money on his website.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That's what I'm talking about. There's very little money to be made off debunking things. It's not the motivation for doing it when you're a multi-millionaire from video games. I mean, he made a shit ton of money from selling video games. He was like some sort of a programmer in video games. And then he has
Starting point is 00:10:01 a good time debunking things. But he has an official story mentality is what i would call it where no matter what like there's people that are objective and there's people that are debunkers and he's a debunker and it doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong about a lot of stuff but it does mean that he goes into things with the intention to debunk and the intention to almost always gravitate towards an official story. Not almost. Yeah. Every single time.
Starting point is 00:10:30 He believes Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Yeah, that's a goofy one, man. That one's goofy. He believes Tower 7 collapsed at free fall speed because of fires. There's a lot of people that believe that. Unfortunately, I'm not a fucking engineer. I would like to know whether or not it's possible to burn a building so bad inside that it does collapse like that. It's impossible. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 00:10:49 No, no. All you have to do is talk to engineers and architects. I've talked to them. You could hear them talk. Right, but it's not all of them. That's the thing. There's no architects outside of NIST, a government agency. There's no architects fighting to debunk the Tower 7. There's none.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Okay, I don't know if that's true, Eddie. It's totally true. I don't know if you know that there's like... I do know. But there's got to be some architects and engineers that don't think that that building fell because it was demolished. There's got to be. No.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Well, if you understand how it's... There's about a hundred thousand architects and engineers in the associations, like the American association of architects. And there's about a hundred thousand and Richard Gage, he's one of them. And he didn't know anything about, he thought it was a, it wasn't an inside job. It took him years.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And then he didn't really know about tower seven. Most of them don't know about Tower 7. What he does now, he discovered it. And what he does now is just go from convention to convention, sitting 15 architects down at a time. And boom, about 99% of them, they all believe it. They didn't even know there was a third tower. It was not in the media that much. They basically ignored it.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I think that's crazy I think by this time everybody knows about tower seven. They still don't know most people think no But they don't you don't they don't know about it on the mainstream media How could anybody know people have talked about it enough online to the point? I don't know more than ever but still my now more than ever yes They go to hear about that tower seven thing, but they don't really know the details They just kind of just know about it You know did you ever see the video that shows the full collapse which takes a lot longer you
Starting point is 00:12:27 see the first collapse it was the top of the thing falls into the center and that's the elevator it happens yeah they explain architects and engineers i've sat with them i'm no structural engineer but you tell them what did they say this is what if someone told you if someone told you there's 85 columns that hold up Tower 7, and if someone told you, if a structural engineer told you, would you think he was crazy or would you believe him? If he said, and it makes sense, I mean, it's common sense. The only way you're going to get a building to come down like that, any building, any structure,
Starting point is 00:13:01 is you have to blow up all 80 columns at the same time. Otherwise, it won't go down like that. To me, that's common sense. To someone who believes NIST, the government agency, said, no, that's not true. One column went and then it spiraled out of control because of fires. When you talk to structural engineers, I've had Richard Gage on my podcast twice. Every time he comes back, he gets more. He just piles on more.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He goes, all I got to do is sit him down. They don't know. Nobody knows. That's the truth. See, has he ever debated someone who's like an opposing viewpoint? Nobody will debate him. That's an architect or structural engineer? No, nobody's backing him.
Starting point is 00:13:36 That seems like people would, though. No, because when they look into it, it's common sense. Anybody knows. So you think that they know that it's not true. They think they think that power tower seven was an inside job and they don't want to debate it because they can't win. Do you really think they think that? Say that again. So you think the people that are debunking it.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So like if he's got this opinion, there's no architects and engineers debunking it. That's already been done and said. There's got to be architects and engineers that disagree. Come on, man. You don't think there's any people that disagree? Find a video of a real, not a government agency. Not a government agency. Jamie, see if you can pull up.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But doesn't that make sense? What makes sense? Of an engineer told you, a dude who builds skyscrapers, told you to your face, like I've been told to my face. They said the only way that they, and you see it on video, engineer after engineer after engineer. Are they all crazy? Engineer, engineer after engineer. It's impossible when you look into it. It's impossible for a building to collapse like that unless all 80 columns are blown up at the same time.
Starting point is 00:14:41 We've covered this, but here's the thing. I don't know anything about engineering. I don't know if you have diesel fires that get out of control, if it weakens the entire structure where it just collapses like that. I don't know if that's possible. You have guests all the time that are experts in fields that you're not experts in, but when you sit here... I find out sometimes they're wrong, too, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I let a guy ramble about some stuff, and then they find out that they're making some of it up or that some of it's based on pseudoscience. It does happen. But an engineer, a guy who builds, doesn't it make sense? Doesn't that make sense? Google, try to figure out who resists architects and engineers. What is it?
Starting point is 00:15:22 I'm reading right now an article from the Boston Globe that talks about truthers in 9-11 and Richard Gage has talked about and I think they might have interviewed him and I'm trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:15:32 what they're talking about. There's got to be some architects or engineers that have had a conversation or a debate with someone who believes
Starting point is 00:15:40 that it couldn't possibly have fallen any other way. Okay, maybe they're out there. There's no documentaries. But I don't know. Here's the thing. I don't know shit. Like, I don't know how my fucking computer way. Okay, okay. Maybe they're out there. There's no documentaries. But I don't know. Here's the thing. I don't know shit. Like, I don't know
Starting point is 00:15:46 how my fucking computer works. I don't know who constructs a jet. How do you know anything then? How do you know anything? You know a lot of shit. You know a lot of shit. How do you know?
Starting point is 00:15:53 But if somebody wanted to argue with me about the components and how they worked on a laptop, I would have to go, wow, you're probably right. I'll have to talk
Starting point is 00:16:01 to some computer engineer who's going to tell me the actual reality of it. I've talked to a dude who built buildings. I've had him on my podcast. I'm have to talk to some computer engineer who's going to tell me the actual reality of it. I've talked to a dude who builds buildings. I've had him on my podcast. I'm sure, but I just can't believe that all of the people that build buildings think it's an inside job.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Okay, what if 90%? Okay, what if 90%? That would be pretty impressive. If 90% believed... That would be pretty impressive. It was a... Shit, 50% would be impressive. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:22 50% would be impressive. It's about in the 90s. I don't know if that's right. So I don't know where you get in that number. I'm getting it from Richard Gage, who's the head of... Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. Yeah, and every year they add another couple hundred. I understand.
Starting point is 00:16:36 They keep adding. But he might be a little biased, right? I mean, if he's the head of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, and he tells you that 90% of the architects and engineers out there think it's an inside job, it might be a little biased. I don't know if that's true. And I don't think you do necessarily either. I think we're just guessing. I believe it 100%.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I would love to see an architect or an engineer that disagreed with him talk to him about it and go over the data. Because until that happens, I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Nobody argues with him. Nobody debates with him. There's got to be someone who debunks that guy everybody debunks everybody no they definitely a smear campaign are you kidding right but is it a smear campaign or is it just that they're saying things that he's saying that aren't correct it's not just
Starting point is 00:17:19 him he's just i understand he's one of many it's common sense dude. Maybe. Okay. Right, but I don't know. I don't know anything about making buildings. I don't know anything about what it takes for a building to collapse. I don't know. Totally. I don't know either. Maybe it got hot. I believe it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's not just hot. It's diesel fires from giant tanks of gas that were in the basement. I want to believe that. I want to believe that fires made it hot. I don't want to believe they blew it up because that's fucking scary. I want to believe that. I want to believe that fires made it hot. I don't want to believe they blew it up because that's fucking, that's scary. I want to believe the fire. If a fire is in a basement and the fire has diesel
Starting point is 00:17:53 fuel and it's burning at some insane temperature and there's fucking shit loads of diesel fuel down there, I wonder what effect that has. I don't know. Do you? I'm pretty sure based on my life's experience, that that's not going to bring down a building.
Starting point is 00:18:08 A lot of diesel fuel life experience? Based on common sense. It's common sense that, yeah, if a building's going to fall at free fall speed, boom, like that. If an engineer after engineer after engineer,
Starting point is 00:18:21 at some point, I'm going to believe them. At some point, I'm not going to... I understand, Eddie, but I don't know if you've necessarily looked into the engineers that disagree. I know there's a smear campaign. Okay, but have you looked into the engineers that disagree? There's none.
Starting point is 00:18:35 There's none. There's no documentary. There's got to be. There's no documentary. Find a documentary. If there is... What about just articles? Do they have to make a documentary for it to make sense?
Starting point is 00:18:45 What was that? What if it's an article? What if it's a peer-reviewed paper? What if it's some sort of... Those are all... Dude, that's a smear campaign. There's that side. There's the elite that don't want this out.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And then there's people trying to get the truth out. So the elite have the control of the media. So how are you going to... They have paid shills. You don't think... You think that they would have dropped the ball big time. Like Ernest Biner in 1987 for the Browns. It would have dropped the ball.
Starting point is 00:19:10 If you're not, if you don't have paid shills online, strategically pushing the agenda. Come on. They're all over the internet. What were you about to pull up? There's a bunch of fake shit on him. What, Jamie? I'm lost. I was stuck on this Richard Gage thing that I was trying to debunk to see if anybody's debunking him.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I'm looking at Twitter to see if somebody's finding an engagement. Hold on, don't talk for a moment. I'm not finding. I'm looking around. I'm just looking around. The Boston Globe article says that there's a small vocal subset of people, of engineers that are with this Richard Gage guy. That's what I had read. I never read that it was like some overwhelming number.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Just keep stirring. I'm digging. It's hard because it's fun. It's exciting. It's exciting to think that there's some sort of a gigantic cabal of super geniuses that run the world, and they decided to blow up Tower 7. You know what's funny about the moon? Fuck Tower 7.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Jesus Christ. Believe it or not, I don't even know. You want to talk about the UFC at all? You know what's crazy about the moon is the hardest shit ever accomplished The greatest by the human race the greatest accomplishment ever was landing on the moon right right? So you would think holy shit balls. I don't think it does know what listen okay, okay? But let's just at the time at the time. I think the internet is the biggest.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Okay. Okay. But I'm just talking about like a physical achievement. Three dudes, they got shot up in a rocket. They were in like a orbiter. And then the orbiter shot out the lunar, like the LEM. And then it lands. They played golf, went dune bug riding, did donuts in the in the sand they get take pictures. They get back in take off
Starting point is 00:20:51 Doc with that orbiter and then fly back That's the hardest shit ever no one died To imagine can you imagine that second mission six months later? They did it again when when they had to break the news that they were going to use different astronauts. Because every mission they use different astronauts. Wouldn't you think they would? Like a show? Like have the same star over and over again?
Starting point is 00:21:14 No. The three dudes have pulled it off. Keep doing it? Dude, are you kidding? They did it before. Yeah, but they don't want to keep doing it. What if it fucks you up? Every time you do it.
Starting point is 00:21:22 What if they were planning on using Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, but they just fucking got egos and shit. They started going to clubs and fucking. Flavoclocks on. Yeah, they were like, you know, they wanted to renegotiate their contract because they probably went to the moon for like,
Starting point is 00:21:37 you know, $70,000. You know what I mean? They got that government check. They go, we'll get you on the second album. On the second, just like the record business. You know what I mean? I bet you they didn't even make that much. They, of course, they say, listen, we'll get you on that second, on the second and third landings.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Do you know how much money you're going to make? You're going to come back. You're going to be famous. You're going to be fucking doing all sorts of press. Think about the bitches. Think about the coke. All that shit. They probably got blowed out and got too cocky and wanted to renegotiate. Think about the bitches. Think about the coke. All that shit. They probably got
Starting point is 00:22:05 blowed out and got too cocky and wanted to renegotiate. Oh my God. And then NASA said, we just gotta go with some new dudes. They made $8 per diem.
Starting point is 00:22:16 When Uncle Sam fucks your raw dog, he uses sand. Uncle Sam uses broken glass on his dick when he raw dogs you. You think those guys went to the moon?
Starting point is 00:22:26 Why wouldn't you think they went to the moon? They're not handsome enough? Come on, that dude in the middle, the dude in the middle. The dude in the middle didn't actually go to the moon. Was hovering in an orbiter. He was hovering in an orbiter and they landed some little piece of shit. A lunar lander, the lander. And then they took and they show the only time ever they got one shot of it taking off
Starting point is 00:22:48 and whatever was filming it followed it all the way up. Yeah. Like who was... Remote control, bro. The official story is... It was on a timer. Yeah. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:56 There was a live remote control. That's what they said. That they could control from... From Earth. From Houston. Yeah, for sure. That works. Dude, I couldn't get my cell phone to work on Laurel Canyon.
Starting point is 00:23:08 The moon landings are so goddamn ridiculous. Oh, fucking. There's video of them just maybe 100,000 feet in the air, and they're filming it, making it look, they're manipulating. What the fuck? Come on. That video is strange.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's a damning. I've never seen anybody explain that video. And those, explain what they were doing. Well, the video says that they're saying they're at 30,000 miles out. That's what they're saying. Something like that. They're halfway to the moon. They're halfway.
Starting point is 00:23:39 They're halfway to the moon. So it's like 125,000 miles away from Earth. They said halfway? Is that what they said? Yeah, halfway to the moon. So that'll make it look like 125,000 miles away from Earth. They said halfway? Is that what they said? Yeah, halfway to the moon. So that'll make it look like they were far away. So, you know, if they look out their window, their little circle, their whatever shape, maybe it was a rectangle, whatever, the window, the entire Earth fills up all the glass.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Of course, because you're like still. Well, you got to remember, they blocked out all the other windows. That was what was damning about it. What's damning about it is that they've got this camera set up where they're filming the blackness of the interior of the cabin and the circular window. And the circular window is supposed to represent Earth. This little
Starting point is 00:24:17 slice of Earth with clouds on it and shit. And they've got a stencil trying to create the... I don't know if that's real. See, I've looked at that a hundred times. It might have just been... It looks like a stencil. What I think, more than anything, more likely, it was just like... Is this what you're talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:33 That's fake. And now they're pushing it as real. But watch. This is what you can see. You can see... Oh, this is just... You've got to go to the one where it shows the actual fake footage. This is the actual video.
Starting point is 00:24:44 This is not going to show the full thing where they pull away, and you see the guys manipulating the dampers and pulling the things off the wall. And it reveals that they're in low Earth orbit. They're really just looking at Hawaii. It's like they've got a little hole, and they're focusing on a little island. Google Bart Sibrell. I had dinner with this gentleman back in the day. He's a very nice guy.
Starting point is 00:25:05 And he's the guy that wrote A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon. And he's absolutely convinced that they never went to the moon. He's not a dumb guy. I had an interesting conversation with him. He's fully on board and absolutely committed. And not that they couldn't do it or that they couldn't get the footage of it, but that they faked the whole thing. They never even went out there. Some people think that they couldn't do it or that they couldn't get the footage of it, but that they faked the whole thing. They never even went out there.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Some people think that they couldn't film it. They went there, but they couldn't film it, so they used this fake film. But there was other ways to track whether or not they went there. There's some people that believe that. And then other people believe, no, no, no, it's all fake. It's all fake. From the jump, they shot them in the low Earth orbit. They float around in low Earth orbit and then drop back down to the ocean
Starting point is 00:25:45 I believe that I believe it's just a scam. They're just making money and they're and they're showing oh That was the distraction for the Viet from the Vietnam War all six missions during Richard Nixon administration They did one every six months with different astronauts. No one got hurt. No one died. Are you kidding me? Well, did you ever see the video footage from the first man in space? The video footage of the first man in space is so entirely fake. It's fucking hilarious. It's a guy from Russia. No, the guy from Russia. The Russian guy.
Starting point is 00:26:14 He did go in space, but they didn't have a fucking camera crew inside the capsule with him. There's like opposing lights and different... You could see there's a distance between the guy, but it's so fake. It's always been propaganda. Google fake video footage of first man in orbit.
Starting point is 00:26:32 What was the Russian cat's name? The first dude that went into orbit. But they have a video footage of him inside. Oleg Taktarov? No. Vigorov Chenshin. Oleg. Amarov? No. Vigorov, Chenshin. Oleg. Omar Suluyev?
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oleg Taktarov was like one of the first leg lock guys ever, right? Yeah, dude. You had to watch your shit with him. He would sambo the shit out of your legs. Remember, there was like a few leg locks back in the day. Just a few. Yep. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:00 You know the craziest thing I found out? I thought heel hooks for sure were legal in sambobo and apparently they're not even legal in Sambo Oh my god They just do straight ankle locks and knee bars and it was because of the shoes and calf cranks They all wear shoes and no heel hooks in Sambo. That's crazy. What do you think about shoes? Should you be allowed to wear shoes? Where? Either in fighting or in grappling? No No, yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I don't think gloves, too. But I'm a broken record with that. Did you find it? Video of the... Just find fake video of the first guy in face. Change of mind. You want to wear shoes? Fuck it. Problem is they kick you.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'm just thinking for MMA. They kick you and that goes in your eye? Yeah. What is this? Is this the footage? No. No, no, no. This is the moon landing.
Starting point is 00:27:44 It's a Soviet moon landing moon landing no first man in orbit um it's uh inside the cockpit it's like uh just put a camera that's faking a nasa faking uh earth nasa faking earth first man in orbit russian i added russian nothing came up no just put nasa faking earth well what was the guy's name? Who was the first man in orbit? Yuri Gagarin. Okay. So go Yuri Gagarin video.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You can see the video. So he climbs into this thing. He takes off. And then see if you can find the first person staring at him. There's a bunch of it where it's so clearly not really happening. It's all fake, man. They're all faking it. Russians are faking it. They're all doing it together.
Starting point is 00:28:33 There's no real Cold War. But there was some sort of a video on the analysis of that saying that there's light sources in there. There wouldn't be a light source inside that cabin that you'd be able to film with and how far away would the camera have to? Be to capture this they had these big-ass clunky cameras. There wasn't that kind of space think about think about TV and the movies
Starting point is 00:28:56 When they were born Were they ever about like what's really going on? You know I dream a genie was right away It's right away. It'sie was right away it's right away it's total bullshit right away from day one it's never there was never a show about what life really is it was always bullshit right from the start right from the get-go propaganda they didn't create tv for entertainment you're kidding me oh let's entertain the masses tv it's not like one super genius wants to create something called TV and then they use that TV to manipulate the world.
Starting point is 00:29:27 What happens is one super genius figures out to take a visual image and project it into millions of different televisions at the same time. And who's paying his bill? Hold on a second, because he's a technologist. So he figures out how to do it. They start broadcasting things through this, and then the powers that be realize what kind of manipulation you could get out of something like that, where you could show
Starting point is 00:29:49 the news every night and presidential addresses. And then they started using it for their own good, but it wasn't created to control people's brains. It was created because people have this inherent desire to constantly innovate and make better and better shit. We don't even know why we do it, but we're fucking obsessed with it So these technologists that create it there They're so far smarter than any of the people that use it and manipulate people the people that create it the ones that actually Understand how to make a digital signal with your phone Stream live in a periscope and a guy who is in New Zealand can look at it in real time
Starting point is 00:30:22 While you're talking about something. Wouldn't it be a good idea for the Illuminati to seek people like that out and hire them? Wouldn't that be a good move? It's definitely a good move. Hell yeah. You go after those dudes. You bring them in. I think. Blackmail them.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And then bam, you got them. Companies work directly with military and they get military contracts to make all kinds of shit. They always have. Whether it's computer stuff whether it's surveillance equipment well i mean there's lucrative contracts like that was the big thing about the iraq war right like everybody was terrified of the fact that you had this guy who was a ceo of haliburton which is a company that cleans up after we blow shit up and that
Starting point is 00:31:02 guy becomes the vice president and then they start getting these giant no bid contracts to clean shit up after we blow it up. Like the money involved in something like that is insane, right? You're talking just hundreds of millions of dollars just flowing like water, right? It's just constantly flowing. So if you think about that, you think about that's going to be the case with everything. If they have the kind of money to throw that way towards the afghan war what kind of black ops money do they have to make those jets it's unlimited those those crazy fucking stealth jets how much trillions are
Starting point is 00:31:34 constantly missing in the pentagon at back in right before 9-11 it was 2.3 trillion missing from the pentagon like literally a couple of days before. But yeah, the day before, Donald Rumsfeld, everyone knows about that. But now it's like, oh, 17 trillion are missing. Like, whoa, 2.3 trillion was bad. Where's all this money going? Exactly. These are trillions. Trillions.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah. Missing. They don't know where it's at. But what you're saying is not crazy. Like people who listen to this, there's a lot of people that are listening to this that have never heard this before. And they think, well, this is crazy. These guys are just making shit up. This is some loony fucking left-wing conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah, you guys think that the government was in on this and that it was all a scam to hide the fact that they had stolen trillions of dollars. But they really did have a press conference. And it's really available online, and Donald Rumsfeld really does look straight at the camera, and he really does say they're missing trillions of dollars. 2.3 trillion. Trillion. Trillion. That's a thousand billion.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And then the next day, 9-11 hits, a plane or a bomb blows up a small little section of the Pentagon where all the people that are auditing the Pentagon, the accounting office blows up and everyone dies. That's a coincidence, bro. That's a total, complete coincidence. That shit could really happen. Listen to me, man. No one would ever kill someone for as little as $2.3 trillion.
Starting point is 00:33:04 That's not enough money to get people to kill people. It's just not. People need more money to kill people. People kill people for like 50. If you gave a really shitty guy, he would kill somebody for like a thousand dollars. Shit is so corrupt and has always been so corrupt. Listen to Donald Rumsfeld talk about this. Oh, how dare you?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Talker over guy. See if you can find the actual video of him talking because it's pretty fascinating. It's just a couple minutes. Donald Rumsfeld. Yeah, that's a good. It's a lot of money, Donald. Where's that cash, son?
Starting point is 00:33:37 There's a shitload of them. Where'd it go, son? Yeah, this is. That's not the full video of him actually saying it They say not, but 9-11 Donald Rumsfeld trillion Guaranteed a bunch of pop up And no one ever talked about it again
Starting point is 00:33:51 The second one, boom What's crazy is it really didn't get brought up after that Let's listen to it Cosmonaut Ends Hold on, you got some things going at the same time, son Trillion dollars in. 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. 2.3 trillion.
Starting point is 00:34:10 2001, 10th of September. Ends. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. 2.3 trillion, with a T. The very next day,
Starting point is 00:34:26 the accounting offices were destroyed in the Pentagon. The 2.3 trillion was never brought up again. Who's more gangster than that? They go, dude, we just gotta say something. He goes, you can take the trillions, but we gotta admit it. And then everyone's gonna forget about it.
Starting point is 00:34:42 What do people say to that? That's one of those it. What do people say to that? That's one of those ones. What do people say to the idea that the plane would hit the perfect spot to hide the $2.3 trillion in debt? For someone to admit to themselves, they'll say everybody will admit the government is corrupt. But when something gets brought up, they're always believing the government's side.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but this one doesn't even have a side. Here's the thing about this. You should just watch that and know there was fishy shit, 9-11, I don't trust it. And everything, now you've got to look at 9-11. If you see that and you don't look at 9-11 with skeptical eyes, you're hypnotized.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Well, that alone is one of those Arsenio Hall segments. Things that make you go, hmm. Come on, man. It's just like, who are you going to trust? You know, you're doing, like if you were doing business with this organization and then you saw a speech by the chairman of that organization and he just said, we're missing $55 billion. Would you still want to do business with this guy? Look at this one.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Trillions go missing from the military. Pentagon can't account for $6.5 trillion in taxpayer cash. Cash. No one cares. But everyone's, I believe the official story. I believe the official story. Yeah, they did that. How crazy is that?
Starting point is 00:35:59 They wouldn't do that. They wouldn't do that. Yeah, they're corrupt, but they wouldn't do that. Yeah, they're evil. Yeah, but they wouldn't do that. It's like, it, but they wouldn't do that. Yeah, they're evil. Yeah, but they wouldn't do that. It doesn't make any sense. Look at this. They cannot provide adequate documentation
Starting point is 00:36:11 for how it spent $6.5 trillion. That is hilarious. How do they not all go to jail? Nobody's going to jail. When you're Illuminati, nobody goes to jail. You're rich as fuck. You're into Satanism
Starting point is 00:36:26 The people that The people that Have the money That our taxes go to Like they have it Our taxes We spend the money Or we get the money
Starting point is 00:36:34 We send it to them They have it They can't account for 6.5 trillion That is so much money That's crazy That's like Isn't the national debt
Starting point is 00:36:43 Like 13 trillion or something Yeah What's the national debt? It's higher. I might have made that up. Yeah hundred trillion. What do you think it is? We think the national debt is Dude, I have no fucking it doesn't even matter dude Six trillion dollars and nobody's going to jail what I'm saying is it's half of the I think it might be like half the national and nobody's going to jail. What I'm saying is it's half of the, I think it might be like half the national debt. Dude, nobody goes to jail.
Starting point is 00:37:06 20. 20. Nobody in the Illuminati goes to jail. So look at that. Our national debt is 20.4 trillion, which we cannot pay, but we can't account for 6.5 trillion. Why even account for it anymore? At this point, just fucking, just say.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Shut up. Fuck it. Let's just cross our fingers. Yeah. Well, there was an article that was written about the idea that our country was going to descend slowly into something that's not a democracy anymore. And the argument you would make if you don't have to account for trillions of dollars that you make us pay for. The argument would be that might have already happened. Like, if it's all about money and control, right, what more money are you going to get than six and a half trillion dollars? Like, if it's really all just about money and control, that's a shitload of money.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And, well, what's the control? Well, the control is that it's rarely discussed. Like, there's all sorts of outrage. They're brilliant. Transgender people using the women's room. You know what? Once you're in the Illuminati, you're above the motherfucking lot.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Nobody's going to jail. They're all fucking doing crazy shit. Nobody goes to jail. Nobody in the Pentagon's going to jail. Are you kidding me? No one in the CIA's going to jail. They're not going to jail. I understand, but what's crazy
Starting point is 00:38:21 is that no one talks here. A further mystery is what happened to thousands of documents that should be on file but aren't. The IG study found that DFA, I don't know what that is, did not document or support why the Defense Departmental Reporting System removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million records during quarter three fiscal year 2015. As a result, the data used to prepare the fiscal year 2015 AGF, I don't know what that is, third quarter and year end financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So they just started yanking transactions and deleting them. Oh, I believe them. Oh, what else? Now, how does that work? Tell me. Tell me something else. If they have black ops, like what we were talking about before, so if they have like Area 51, which is like Groom Lake,
Starting point is 00:39:14 that whole area in Nevada where it's illegal to even get close to, where they were supposedly developing stealth bombers and all that shit, they did all that stuff out there, right? Yeah. How much do they get? And how does that money work? Is that where all all the money's going is it all going to crazy military projects like what is a black op you know i'm saying like if they say black ops right is that why they cannot account for that i mean doesn't that make sense if they're spending trillions of
Starting point is 00:39:38 dollars making these crazy fucking jets hey it's missing yeah but but is that what it means i wonder if that's what it means i wonder if it means that this is just some shit they get to just do whatever the fuck they want with they build these crazy bases and they do whatever sonic jets you know what i mean can you imagine the people at the top like the islands they have and shit can you imagine they got pieces of they got pieces of land that we don't know nothing about, man. What, Jamie? The budget has an area for classified programs. So they spent like $59 billion on classified programs. Oh, so the $6.5 trillion is on top of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Maybe classified programs is one level of top secret, and it gets all the way down to where we deconstruct alien spacecrafts. That's like that Robert Lazar type shit. You ever see that guy's videos? Yeah, we checked we were in like 15 years ago I don't know where I stand with them still fascinated. Yeah, that guy's just a little he's still alive Yeah, dude. Can you imagine him on this podcast? That would be freakhead You think he's really can you know? He's friends with John Lear and that guy says the most retarded shit.
Starting point is 00:40:48 The guy says crazy shit. John Lear says, this is his his secrets are that there's people, there's millions of people on Venus, there's millions of people on Mars, there's people all over the, on every planet and they're just not telling
Starting point is 00:41:03 us about that. But isn't John Lear, like, do you think that it's possible? I'm just going to throw this out there. Do you think it's possible that John Lear, who's like some, isn't he a super billionaire character? He was a former CIA pilot. He was in the CIA for many years. Once you're in the CIA, you're always in the CIA. But isn't he like some super wealthy businessman?
Starting point is 00:41:21 I don't know. Or am I thinking about Lear Jets? Am I confusing him? Yeah, Lear Jets is, like his father created Lear Jets. Okay, but is he a super wealthy businessman? I don't know. Or am I thinking about Lear Jets? Am I confusing him? Yeah, Lear Jets is, like his father created Lear Jets. Okay. But is he a super wealthy businessman? He should be. I was thinking, if I was one of those guys and I was bored, I might just be trolling
Starting point is 00:41:34 the fuck out of people, telling them about people on Mars. That's what he's doing. That's what he's doing. For fun. And they let him in the Illuminati if he does that. And he's like, fuck yeah. He probably was already in. He's probably already in.
Starting point is 00:41:45 What you can't deny is things like Bohemian Grove. Here's what you can't deny. I'm on the skeptical side of all conspiracy theories. And you know me. Don't get me wrong out there. I'm not going after anybody. I'm not trying to indict anybody. I feel like there's just too many people are hypnotized to really stop anything.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You can't stop these trillions of dollars missing. are you going to do that who's going to who's going to stop that there's like it's it's uh man too many people are hypnotized it's just it's it's hopeless sometimes you know okay what i'm saying is that what you these things you can't deny and one of the things you can't deny is bohemian grove bohemian grove is a place where these leaders and these bankers and these elites of the world literally do get together and put on fucking robes and they get in front of a giant stone owl and they have a like a ceremony and they burn some sticks they burn an effigy it's like it is is the, when Alex Jones was the first guy to find that. You can criticize Alex Jones all you want.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And a lot of it's deserved. He says a lot of crazy shit. And he's a character. And he gets big and theatrical and it's fun. But he's exposed some very real shit that's undeniable. And one of the things that's undeniable is that there really is a place called Bohemian Grove
Starting point is 00:43:04 where these guys really do get together. And they get together and they put on robes and they worship this Moloch, the owl god. And it's something that's been going on forever. That's where people thought Alex was a shill because he would say all this great 9-11 stuff, 9-11 stuff. And then he would say, he would work into the world's run by satanic pedophiles. You know, so then people go, OK, he's a shill. He's a shill. You know, it's like saying it's like John Lear type shit.
Starting point is 00:43:30 That's what it sounds like. And that's what it sounded like to a lot of people. He's a shill. He's talking about everyone's satanic and they're all pedophiles. He's he's he's he's retarded. He's a shill. But what do you know about the Chester pennington uh bennington suicide um i know that he had uh done a bunch of interviews we talked about being raped a bunch of times when he
Starting point is 00:43:53 was young and how fucked up it was i don't know anything other than that damn uh there's there's i don't want to talk too much about his personal life no it's there's no personal life this is all i'm saying was was um anytime a dude kills himself he's got a bunch of kids yeah but when you when you talk about you know um you know you know chris cornell and him were best friends yeah you know he killed himself on chris's birthday, right? You know what Chris Cornell and his wife, they have a foundation called the Chris and Vicky Foundation. And it's all about helping children that were molested and abused. And a lot of them were like former pedophile child traffickers.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Jesus Christ. Trafficky, or however you would say it. And he was really, really into it. And this is the conspiracy theory. I don't know. This is the conspiracy theory. Let's not with him, man. No, no, man.
Starting point is 00:44:55 This is why shit is getting fucked up. It has something to do with that. The conspiracy theory is that he was involved in stopping, trying to, you know, Ashton Kutcher is trying to stop, uh, human trafficking. And you know how, uh, um, Corey Feldman, he got in an interview, he said the biggest problem in Hollywood is pedophilia. Right. And then, and then there's been several people coming out and the dude from Lord of the Rings,
Starting point is 00:45:22 Elijah Wood, he says it many times. He goes, there's a big problem in Hollywood everywhere really Hollywood and Washington D.C. do you know that 800,000 to a million kids get kidnapped a year do you know that
Starting point is 00:45:38 is that real I don't know look it up I don't know where'd you read that I don't know I mean somewhere online I don't know if it's true read that? I don't know. I mean, somewhere online. I don't know if it's true, but it didn't. 800 to a million kids get kidnapped a year. And you know what city? You mean 800,000 to a million? 800,000 to a million.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And you know what, where's the biggest city? Where? Washington, D.C. Really? Yeah. How many people are kidnapped? Oh, my God. 203,000 children are kidnapped each year by family members.
Starting point is 00:46:05 800,000 children are reported missing. Dude, that's huge. 800,000 a year are reported missing. How many of those are recovered? How many people are kidnapped each day in the U.S.? How many children are missing in the United States? Click on that. How many children are missing in the United States?
Starting point is 00:46:22 According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States. That's roughly 2,000 per day. Of those, there are 115 child stranger abduction cases each year. So 115 are abducted by children or abducted by strangers each year, which
Starting point is 00:46:40 means the child was taken by an unknown person. So a lot of those, they're saying most of those people that were abducted, they were taken by family members. But it's still a shitload of people. Yeah, even if it was 200,000. Even if it was 20,000 kids a year get kidnapped. Even if it was 20,000.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Isn't that fucking huge? If it's 100, it's 20,000. If it's 20, it's huge. 20,000. Yeah. And Sandy Hook was 20. And there's 800,000 to a million, and people aren't all over that. No one's all over it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Everyone's like, oh, that's a conspiracy. I think people are aware of it. Exactly. There's so many statistics. Nobody's aware of it. There's so many statistics when it comes to how many people die in car accidents, and how many people are murdered, and how many people die in car accidents And how many people are murdered And how many people die of cancer And how many people
Starting point is 00:47:28 There's a lot of statistics to follow You know when people are You know there's been Over time You know that there's been a few people That have been suicided But they're like They're really murdered
Starting point is 00:47:38 But they would call it a suicide What were those two recent ones That were connected to Hillary Clinton Where people were like What the fuck Yeah explain that What is that? There was two of them.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Do you know the ones I'm talking about, Jamie? This is real? This is real about Haiti. There's a Haiti thing going on. There's a Haiti investigation, right? Is this a new one? He was supposed to testify about the money in the Clinton Foundation. I mean, that's what they said.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I don't know if he was officially going to testify about that, but they said he was going to at least talk about it. Yeah, there was two dudes that died in the same month or in the same like in a 30-day period and they said they got Suicided yeah, they both killed kill themselves. They're both like so I'm gonna testify so who knows maybe they were really depressed Maybe maybe hey, you know, who are these former Haiti government official shoots himself in the head in Miami area? Hotel oh my god. Come on. Yeah here And what did he do? What was he doing? He was getting ready to testify, son. Was there another one? Find another one.
Starting point is 00:48:29 There was another one that was really recent. It was in the same, was that July that you just looked at? Yeah, find the other one. There was a girl. There was a girl. It was a female. Was it? Yeah. She was a part of the investigation. Ends up suiciding herself. It's like an episode of the fucking House of Cards, man. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 00:48:45 So obviously, who knows? Maybe they were really depressed and they wanted to shoot their brains out. Maybe. We don't know. We don't know. But I'm saying there's some fishy shit going on there, right? It's kind of fishy, right? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:48:54 For sure, someone that works for the government has had someone killed. Right? For sure. Yeah. Let's just go. Even Lyndon B. Johnson was about to be indicted for two murders before JFK got murdered. Let's start from the beginning. Was that true?
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. I believe that. Yeah. And then boom. Let's start from the beginning. As soon as he becomes president, boom, it's gone. Let's start from the beginning. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:16 For sure, someone, whether it was Nixon or whether it was Theodore Roosevelt or Kennedy, someone at some point in time wanted someone dead. Yeah. And they did it. Yeah. And they pulled it off, right? And the best way to do it is call it a suicide. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And make it look not like a suicide because then you're sending a message. Right. They do it on purpose. But here's the question. If we all agree, and I think every reasonable person would agree, that somewhere in government,
Starting point is 00:49:42 somewhere at some point in time, someone has ordered someone killed and got away with it. Right? Yeah. That's so mean. That's all I'm saying. Not. So then the question is, how many other times?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. How often? Is there a whole culture of it? Did you find that chick who recently got suicided? But hold on, Eddie. Here's the thing. You got to think of military strikes, right? If you're willing to authorize a military strike, you get to the point where you're
Starting point is 00:50:04 willing to say, okay, do it. Like, especially a drone strike. How about that? Like, this is the building, the apartment building. We're 97% sure he's in the building. Do we have the authorization? Like, how many civilians are dealing with? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 100.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Okay, you have my authorization. And they do it. And they launch that. Anytime you do that, if you can do that, if you can press that button and just wipe out 100 people, including the bad guy, anytime you can do that, well, you just killed 100 people that didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Now, how easy is it going to be to kill some people that you think do a little bit wrong or are annoying or keep fucking with you or like, you know, the Michael Hastings story. You know that story, don't you?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Which one's that? Michael Hastings. Did he get suicided?'t you which one's that Michael Hastings? Did he get two sides he got journalists? Did he commit suicide? Michael Hastings was a journalist who wrote for the Rolling Stone and he followed around a general and he got stuck over there There was something happened. I think it was that volcano that went off wasn't it where they limited air travel for like a month Anyway, he got stuck over there while the volcanoes, they couldn't fly into this shit. The sky was hazy around this area. So he stuck around and they got a little loose with him.
Starting point is 00:51:14 They were joking around about stuff. And he was making jokes about Obama. And the Rolling Stone reported it. And he wound up getting retired. He retired and stepped down he had to sort of step down because he was in shame and After he did that like everybody was furious This was this reporter
Starting point is 00:51:33 He got a shitload of death threats cuz this guy was a serious general and he really knew his shit and he was well-respected Amongst his troops and he had a step down and he had like it put those people in danger Because this guy had like inside track to these people and they got a little comfortable around him and they took this one part and put it in this article and made this big story about it well he wound up driving his car into a tree at like 120 miles an hour i wonder how they pulled that off the car exploded it's new cars new cars apparently they could take over the car the car exploded and the engine was launched from the vehicle like the engine like blew up and was on the in like i forget how far
Starting point is 00:52:11 away it was from the car fishy right oh so crazy fishing but who knows they said this is what the thing they said they said oh well he had um amphetamines in his system well you know why he had amphetamines in his system because he's a fucking writer here's the dirty secret about writers they're all on adderall you got a shit ton of them on adderall like if someone's a writer and you got deadlines you got to be like alert it's way too easy i have a good friend who told me that almost all journalists and writers are taking this stuff when they need it. Does it help them write? It helps. It absolutely helps.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So there's the crash, and there's the engine. It fucking launched a block away. And they think that, you know, the conspiracy theory is that they drove him, not only drove him into a tree, but they had set a bomb in his car. And that it slammed in, the bomb exploded, and the engine launched. Look how far away the engine is. Look at the engine in the upper right-hand corner. There's the car.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And look at the engine way up there. It launched. Yeah. The whole thing's crazy. So what my point was, let me finish my point. He fucked up. Because even if the conspiracy theory that every now and then, a politician, someone in power, even maybe an entertainer, has someone suicided because they're in the elite,
Starting point is 00:53:32 they got all the connections and they can get away with it. Even if that's not true, and that's all bullshit, and every suicide generally is a suicide, even though it looks weird. And they make it look like when you watch that movie, the documentary, The Clinton Chronicles on YouTube. When you watch that, man, man, they make it look obvious to send a message like, listen, we got the corner in our pocket. You don't want to fuck with us. We can make anything happen. And no one's going to jail.
Starting point is 00:54:04 That's what that is. But that's the conspiracy theory but if it's not a real damn that's a good idea you know what i mean run with that shit that's a great idea if you're if you're corrupt and you want to hold on to your power and you want to climb up um as high as you can in the political world that's a great idea right on the corner? Own the corner. Go after the corner. Wherever you're mayor or whatever, go after the corner. You got to own them.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And then there's evidence that you look at stuff, certain cases, and it's obvious for certain cases, they fly in the corner, they fly in. It's so shady. But why wouldn't it be? And why wouldn't you believe it? Do you want the best one? The Enron whistleblower who shot himself in the head twice.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Shot himself in the head twice. Exactly. They do that on purpose. That's an obvious sign. If you were a detective, would you enter a case like that? Go, listen, someone got suicided, but it looks fishy. Would you say, nah, it's a suicide. Don't disrespect the family. Just keep it a suicide. you say no it's a suicide don't disrespect the family just keep it a suicide
Starting point is 00:55:06 they told us it was no you would want to know what the fuck really happened like if one of like one of your relatives died or whatever and they said she committed suicide and you're like fuck but then someone you know that knows him said it wasn't suicide bro wouldn't you want to know the details and or would you say it was a suicide that's what the cop said you know what we should have respect for their soul and their family would you say that or would you say it was a suicide that's what the cops said you know what we should have respect for their soul and their family would you say that
Starting point is 00:55:28 or would you say tell me what the fuck happened what do you know right yeah right that's natural if it's your family
Starting point is 00:55:33 fuck yeah so when it comes to stuff like you look at Chris Cornell him and his wife had a foundation him and Chester were best friends
Starting point is 00:55:43 the conspiracy theory I don't know if it's true, but they found out some shit. They found out some shit. Let's be respectful. No. We don't know. I don't know. I'm not naming any names. But you got to look into it.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Okay. But this guy just died, man. I just don't think this is shit to speculate on. That's why you should speculate it. When you find out the connection and the way they died. They made it. Chris Cornell had nine broken ribs and
Starting point is 00:56:11 a gash in the back of his head. Yes. And they said the official story is from the CPR. The CPR. He was already dead when they got there and they break nine ribs doing CPR. And there's a gash behind his head. The gash behind his head when they cut him loose and he bangs his head off the ground?
Starting point is 00:56:25 And he's hanging off one of those exercise rubber bands. So you think someone killed him? When you look at the evidence, you're like, holy shit, he looked like he was murdered. And then Chester, right before, Chester dies the same way. The exact same way. Okay, dude, let's not do this, man. No. I don't want to even do this.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I don't even want to do this. The exact same way. Okay, dude, let's not do this, man. No. I don't want to even do this. I don't even want to do this. Okay, all right. Okay. I'm just looking into it because I love Chester. I love Chester. I love Linkin Park. Who got you into Linkin Park? I got you into Linkin Park.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I understand. I don't want to talk about conspiracy theories involving this guy's death, especially when he just died. It just seems so disrespectful. He's one of my favorite singers of all time. I understand, but if he really did just kill himself, it seems so disrespectful. He's one of my favorite singers of all time. I understand, but if he really did just kill himself, it seems so
Starting point is 00:57:07 disrespectful to speculate that he was murdered because of some conspiracy theory. I don't know what the case is, but I don't even want to talk about it. But do you know what I'm saying? You know what? I've said enough. I don't need to say no more. I don't want to get into trouble, but I'm just I'm not trying to put anybody
Starting point is 00:57:24 in jail. I'm just, I love Linkin Park. I love Ch okay. I'm not trying to put anybody in jail. I'm just I love Linkin Park I love Chester. I love Chris Cornell. You can understand I understand I just feel like you should really know what the fuck you're talking about when you talk about people We were just talking about suicides. We were just talking about how people get people cited We were just talking about the Haiti thing We were just when you look at what they were into they were into that They were into fighting that okay, and when you look at exactly how also severely depressed There's also a lot of psychological shit going on yeah, I don't know man I don't know why people kill themselves period you know I don't know why but wouldn't you want to know if they do?
Starting point is 00:57:57 Seriously, there was some fish. I look into it. There's some fish. You should talk about it until Whatever the fuck reality has been that's not that we were talking about trillions being missing we're talking about all these crazy suicides we're talking about all that and then this is insane this is this goes right with whatever just died this is when you should bring it up not later when everyone forgets about it i don't know any facts yeah so when you're bringing it up like this, it sounds crazy. Okay, okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I get it. I get it. He probably did it himself. He could have very well easily have done it himself. And the whole thing, just connecting him to some conspiracy without a deep understanding. Because I care about him. Because I care about him. Without a deep understanding of the actual facts. I care about him.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I care about him. I understand you do. I believe you. You don't know how deep my understanding is? I believe you. Dude, you don't know how deep my understanding is I believe you dude you don't know how deep my understanding is you have no I would assume that you just know when it happened no but I've looked into it well I assume you don't know who was trying to kill him I assume you weren't there I assume that you don't know it as a fact I would assume you would trust me that I looked into it and you were sure you were sure you have man I sure you have I just it just me personally okay i feel very sensitive about that stuff i get no i get it i totally get it let's change the subject okay let's get into the ufc okay damian maya can we turn the tyrod woodley
Starting point is 00:59:15 tyron tyron i always say tyrod tyron tyron okay tyron woodley yeah that was people thought that was a boring match but for me there was tremendous data in mma the fact like damien my goes down to 170 at 170 takes everybody down he's taking college wrestlers down left and right but could he take down tyron i thought he could i probably i thought that was that he was gonna hit a wall there and he did how are you gonna take that dude down it's gonna be very very hard to take him down. So what I learned from that is, man, you've got to get really good at shooting and doing what Paul Sass is an expert at. Paul Sass is the best ever I've ever seen in MMA at making pulling guard option one.
Starting point is 01:00:02 He just made it, not option three. I always talk about the third option. I would want my fighter to have the best stand-up possible, the best takedowns possible, get on top, ground and pound and submit him, beat him on the feet if you're beating him. But if you're getting beat on the feet and you can't take the guy down,
Starting point is 01:00:18 you better know how to pull guard. You got to know how to drag dudes down unorthodox ways, not just the regular wrestling way, because you're going to hit Tyrod Woodley. You got to throw some flying M&Rs on him. You got to shoot deep enough just to get a slight clinch and have something you're going to jump on, not continue with the traditional wrestling. You got to shoot, pull half guard, just like Andre Galvao did.
Starting point is 01:00:38 He fought MMA a few times. That's all he did. He'd shoot, dude sprawled, he'd just pull half guard, boom, he got up, double underhooks, got the bag. You just pulled half guard. Boom. He got up double underhooks got the back You got to get creative the way no guerra beat Tim Sylvia way back in the day Tim Sylvia could not get taken down. He's too tall. He had an awesome reach. No, Gary was getting clipped He couldn't take down Tim Sylvia. What did he do? He shot the best he could and when Tim Sylvia countered
Starting point is 01:01:03 He pulled half guard he ended up in the in in a in deep half and boom with the momentum got up swept him so it was an indirect unorthodox takedown is what happened if you shoot pull guard and then sweep that's the takedown you end up in the same place so he went around the the the the wall and he ended up guillotining from put a guillotine from the top you got to have that You got to and you know what he was pulling guard before Damian Maya did pull guard before early in his career and I just wasn't having it he didn't that wasn't an option Tyrants takedown defense was the last that was that would take down defense. Yes. That was the last option But this is not I'm not talking about traditional takedowns. I'm talking about the art of, watch Paul Sass.
Starting point is 01:01:46 He would take deep shots. Oh, no, I totally understand. It's the timing. You can't just sit on your butt. Not just butt flopping. I think really what it's going to take with a guy like Tyron Woodley is you're going to have to get a wrestler who's like an elite, high caliber wrestler that's going to be able to figure out how to take him down.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I don't think like a regular dude like Damian Mai, who's not a regular dude, who's a world class grappler. But did you hear Dominic Cruz's criticism of his uh his takedown temps that he wasn't following through enough and what he was saying Technically was wrong. I approach. Yeah, you know, I think that if it was a real world-class grappler, you know for a real You know top of the food chain Amateur wrestler at 170 he's taking everybody down. He looks like the best wrestler. And what he said about the fence, because most of Damian Maia's takedowns,
Starting point is 01:02:30 a lot of them, anyways, are against the fence. He's really good at going double underhooks and doing some inside trips or outside trips. Tyron defended all that shit. But you know what else Tyron did? He clipped him with a huge uppercut in the very first exchange. The very first time Damian tried to close the distance,
Starting point is 01:02:46 Tyron hit him with a vicious uppercut, and he fucked his left eye up. Damien's left eye was fucked up from the very first exchange. When Damien shot low, Tyron hit him with a hard uppercut, and just his eye immediately swole up, and it was fucked for the rest of the fight. So I think that played a factor too. Just Tyron's game plan was, in a lot of people's eyes, wasn't fun to watch. That was the problem.
Starting point is 01:03:09 And Dana felt like he should have finished him. And Tyron, his thought was, look, this guy's, it's his goal is to win the title. You've got to come and try to beat me and win the title. If I'm beating you, why don't I just keep doing what I'm doing and continue winning the fight? You can't do anything. But if I change tactics and make myself more vulnerable, and he said he did get hit by a left hand or a couple left hands and that stunned him, I guess his attitude was, look, if this guy wants to win the title, he's got to come and get it.
Starting point is 01:03:37 And if he comes get it, I'm going to knock him the fuck out. And if he doesn't come and get it, why would i go after him and put myself out of position i would coach woodley the exact same way i would be yelling from the corner just keep doing what you're doing don't one fucked up exchange and he gets a shot in and takes him down and trips him he tries to get up on his knees jumps on his back in that little scramble one little scramble like that boom you just fucked your whole shit up damien is not the best puncher in the world But he's not the worst either he can fuck you up if you if you make a mistake And if you rush in and maybe he's reserved more energy than you think he has and he fires a very fast straight left-hand And catches you on the chin he could fuck you up. Yeah, he can fuck anybody up. He's not incompetent on the feet
Starting point is 01:04:20 He's just not at the same level as tyrant. He doesn't have the same movement on the feet. He's just not at the same level as Tyron. He doesn't have the same movement as Tyron does. Do you think Damien should, what if Damien had kicks more like, maybe not exactly like, but more in the vein of Edson Barbosa or Yair Rodriguez? Wouldn't that be a whole
Starting point is 01:04:36 other dimension? Well, he doesn't even have to be like that. How about just like Pedro Hizzo? Just attack the legs. Just make the legs... He's not doing that, right? No, very little. He's just boxing. Well, Dominic make the legs. He's not doing that right now very boxing Well Dominic brought it up one time during the broadcast because he's like I want to see Damien throw a high kick a left high Kick yeah, but I go have you ever seen Damien throw a left high kick and he's like, I don't know I'm like, I don't know if I have either. I don't know if he's ever done it
Starting point is 01:04:57 I'm not I'm not disagreeing with you Yeah, but I'm saying I don't think I've ever seen him try it like he doesn't I think he's such a specialist His specialty is just get you the ground strength. He should do you spend I would suggest But I'm saying, I don't think I've ever seen him try it. Like, he doesn't, I think he's such a specialist. His specialty is just get you to the ground, strangle you. He should spend, I would suggest, I don't know, I ain't shit, but I would like to see Damien Maia with some, with adding to his arsenal, adding more kicks, adding more weapons. Like, why not?
Starting point is 01:05:17 For sure. You know, shit. But even if he did, the problem is, it's like, Tyron is just so fucking strong and so good at stuff and takedowns. And he hits so goddamn hard. It's like, you'd have to be, like, on him. And you've got to figure out how to actually get him to the ground and have full control of him.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And good luck with all that. Remember Noguera versus Mark Coleman? Yeah. Mark Coleman wasn't planning on going to the ground with Noguera at all. This was at the height of pride. Mark Coleman's plan was to box with him and use his wrestling to not go to the ground. That was the plan the whole way through. I'm going to box this Noguera guy.
Starting point is 01:05:57 He's got an amazing guard, amazing jiu-jitsu, and he ain't going to take me down. I fucking wrestled at Columbus. What happened? Did Noguera take him down? Fuck no he didn't. You know what he did? He's like people who can throw high kicks and a lot of head kicks usually don't
Starting point is 01:06:13 because they're afraid of going to the ground. All the guys that could do that but guys that want to be on the ground and don't mind being on their back and are dangerous off their back and are known for having a dangerous guard like Noguera they could throw all the high kicks they want. And that's exactly what Noguera did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:28 He started throwing high kicks, whizzing by Mark Coleman's head. And then one just barely nipped his forehead. So Mark Coleman just snapped into wrestling and said, fuck these baseball bats. I'm going to ground and pound this motherfucker and take my chances in his guard. Right. He took him down. He got triangled yeah that was the glory days of jiu-jitsu do you remember that we had a heavyweight champion
Starting point is 01:06:49 yeah yeah it was a triangle arm bar and that's exactly how i got back then yeah yeah that's how we got the fight to the ground is by throwing head kicks and scaring the motherfucker i remember there him to his wrestling. You know, Cowboy used to do that a lot. Cowboy has a nasty guard. And one of the reasons why his guard is, I mean, one of the reasons why he's so loose with his kicks, because he doesn't mind if you take him down. If you take him down, he ties shit up quick.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Yeah, exactly. That's why Vinny Magalhães throws head kicks. Vinny throws head kicks all the time because his guard is super dangerous. His guard's insane. You jump in his guard, you know, there's like 40, 50% chance you're going to tap. Yeah, his guard's insane. Yeah. He did an EBI maybe like eight months ago. He pulled off some beautiful rubber guard, man.
Starting point is 01:07:37 He looked like a fucking ninja. Yeah, he's a bad motherfucker. Vinny's a bad motherfucker. He's got a crazy athletic frame, too. You know, he's built like this gigantic superhero type character. He's a huge dude, but he's built like a big, small dude. And he's all handsome and shit. He's right up there with Alan Joe Bowne.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Beautiful man. He's right there. I would put him right there. But don't you think when you look at his proportions and the way he moves, he's almost like a—you know, a lot of big guys, they look like big guys. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like a perfect example would be that dude that just submitted, Travis Brown. Was it Olenek?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Is that how you say it? Oh, the guy that got that— Yeah, who just submitted Travis Brown. Nogi Ezekiel choke off his back? Yes, off his back. That guy. He just beat Travis Brown. Yeah. What did he get him, an arm triangle? Got him in a rear naked choke on the side? Yes, off his back. That guy. He just beat Travis Brown. What did he get him?
Starting point is 01:08:26 An arm triangle? Got him in a rear naked choke on the side. Oh, that's right. He does crazy. Dude, his squeeze must be insane. Oh, my. Insane. He's probably just known in his gym as like, dude, he's going to get a hold of your neck
Starting point is 01:08:37 and just smash it. Dude, he's a spooky good grappler. You'd see when he gets a hold of guys that he's putting a crusher squeeze on them. People don't understand what he did. He let a guy mount him, and he choked the guy while the guy was on top of him. That is insane and unheard of. He was mounted. He was mounted, which means it's one of the worst positions you could ever be in in MMA.
Starting point is 01:08:59 The guy's on top of you. His hips are above your hips. He's pinning you to the ground, and this guy choked the guy from the bottom. It never happens. It never happens. The fact that he could do it. I mean, here we can see it here. How do you say his name?
Starting point is 01:09:14 Olenek. Is it Vasili? Alexei. Alexei. That's right. Alexei Olenek. So he's just ragdolling Travis here. And he gets his back.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And look at this. He's got a rear naked on the side with a body scissors. Look how he's squeezing the body and just smushing him so he can't breathe. He's got him in a lockdown across the body. Yeah. And then he gets the neck. He's on the neck, just sort of like a sideways rear naked choke.
Starting point is 01:09:37 The other one he did is even crazier when you see him submit the guy from the bottom with an Ezekiel choke. See that kind of guy that looks like a big guy. You See, that kind of guy, that looks like a big guy. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. He looks like a big guy. Yeah. Vinny Magalhaes looks like a welterweight that's 6'3", for some strange reason.
Starting point is 01:09:51 And 230 pounds. Is he fighting MMA anymore, or is he just going to do jiu-jitsu? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. He is going to come back and do the absolute. EBI absolute's going to be at the on it. Look at this shit. Look at this shit. This is crazy. Who the who the fuck does that yeah watch him do that no one's ever done that back
Starting point is 01:10:10 that up again people are gonna try it now so go all the way to the beginning so the guy gets mount and he he thinks he's got like oh i got the mount here and he just sinks this in and look how tight he makes this it's a rear naked choke into the into the throat. Yeah, we're crazy dude. That seems legit. Fuck. Yeah, it's legit It's a hundred percent legit. I think I think that's super legit Yeah, if you look at the way the arms are folding up here, I mean that's not a goon right that's all That's a front naked show. Okay, it is that is um, it's all like real leverage You know how you see you could tell if a guy goons somebody? Yeah. They're just crushing their head.
Starting point is 01:10:47 That's not a goon. That's all squeeze right there. Yeah. And it's fitting in like keys, right? Yeah. It's fitting in there perfect. Dude, your squeeze has to be super high level to choke someone while being mounted. Good lord. Good lord. How many people have that?
Starting point is 01:11:03 See, this Tyron Woodley thing is very tricky. Because in my mind, I see that he wanted to win the fight. Period. That is the best way to win the fight. If this guy is only offering a certain amount of offense, and you could stuff that offense and land your shots and continue to pile up points, which he did, and don't ever put yourself at risk.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I get it. But I also get the Dana White point of view, where he's like, you've got to sell tickets. People are paying to see you fight, and if people are holding up cell phones and swinging them through the rafters, because everybody's bored, because they don't want to watch it anymore, and his thought is, look, you've got to sell tickets. Hey, who's the greatest takedown artist in UFC history? George St. Pierre.
Starting point is 01:11:43 George St. Pierre versus Woodley. Take down artists in UFC history George St. Pierre George St. Pierre versus Woodley. Yeah, but Woodley apparently Because of this fight they're talking about GSP versus Bisping now. Oh, they gotta go to Woodley. Come on. That's the only guy if GSP can't take Woodley down Nobody can what if they just tried to take each other down back and forth and everybody went crazy again Well, what if he took him down? Repeated if he did like he would that'd took him down repeatedly? What if he didn't? That'd be great too. But what if he did?
Starting point is 01:12:08 Either way. I want to see the fight. Either way. That would be the fight right there. Because Woodley has a style. Some people don't like it. Some people like it. Some people appreciate it or whatever. But the only guy that has a shot to beat Woodley,
Starting point is 01:12:22 the only guy would be the best takedown, best MMA takedown artist of all time. He has like a million takedowns in the UFC. He's the only guy that would be able to. If GSP can't do it, no one can. He's also a very good striker. Yeah. Very good striker.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I think you would have, this is what you'd have. GSP saying, you gotta go the pro wrestling angle. I'm tired of sitting at home watching boring fights. That was a bad GSP impression. But him
Starting point is 01:12:49 saying, like, enough already, I want my time. It's not like Arnold. Can he make 170 without IVs? Um, I don't know. Because Bisping's at 185, that's kind of weird. Is he saying, man, it's gonna be too hard to make 170 without the IVs? I think he was willing to fight either fight. I think he was willing
Starting point is 01:13:06 to do 170 or 185. Dude, Woodley GSP would be huge. That would be the biggest fight for Woodley. I'm not impressed with him performance. That's the biggest fight for Woodley. Because who else is there at 170 that has a chance of taking him down? Well, Robbie Lawler, since he just won, you would
Starting point is 01:13:21 have to look at Robbie as being one of the top contenders. Yeah, he would just brawl with him. He's willing to brawl with him. That's the only way you're going to beat him. If he can avoid the big bomb that he got hit with in the first fight. Yeah. You know? And you got to think, Robbie Lawler is coming off of five round war with Rory McDonald.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Five round war with Carlos Condit. War with Johnny Hendricks. War, war, war, war. It's all war. Every fight he's in is fucking war. I think him having that year off was giant.
Starting point is 01:13:52 And then he fought Cowboy and towards the end he was coming after Cowboy. He was hurting Cowboy to the body. He hit Cowboy with some big shots. I felt like a lot of people disagreed with that decision but I felt like I gave Robbie the first round because he jumped all over Cowboy in the beginning. I think it was enough to win the round, although I think Cowboy was getting the better of the exchanges towards the end. I still think the volume of it and the
Starting point is 01:14:13 impact went to Robbie. The second round went to Cowboy pretty big, but then Robbie rallied in the third round, and I think he dominated the third round, and I think he hurt Cowboy a few times. I think that would have been an amazing five-round fight. That would have been an incredible fight. I don't even remember who won the fight. Robbie won. Very close decision. I think it was a split decision.
Starting point is 01:14:30 I'm not sure, though. I saw the fight, but my brain is scrambled. It was a great fight. It was a great fight. Both gave, both took. It was war. It was chaos. And Cowboy definitely caught him with some clean shots.
Starting point is 01:14:43 He hit him with some real good knees to the body as well. Cowboy landed a lot of great shit. But Robbie looked like Robbie again. He looked like the Robbie Lawler that won the title. He looked like a killer. He looked like the same spooky dude that just keeps coming after you until he puts you away. That's what he looked like in the third round. Third round in particular, it really looked like he was falling back into the old groove again.
Starting point is 01:15:02 So there's him, you know. Man, it's crazy seeing Rory McDonald over in Bellator looking better than ever. Looking better than ever. When he took down Paul Daly, like he cracked Paul on the feet, didn't get hit with shit, took Paul down and strangled the shit out of him. And the way he did it, you watch it, you go, whoa. Like Rory McDonald might be the best welterweight on the planet. Like he might right be there.
Starting point is 01:15:26 You've got to remember, he beat Tyron Woodley. Remember that fight? I don't remember it. Rory shut him down. Shut down that big overhand right. What year was that? Kept him pressed against the cage. Was that recent?
Starting point is 01:15:34 Not that long ago. Damn. If I had to guess, 2015. I think he fought Tyron Woodley before he fought Robbie Lawler. I think it was one of those elimination fights. Woodley, that was a decision? Yeah, he beat Woodley by decision. And he also beat Damian Maia.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And he survived being mounted by Damian Maia in the first round. Damian took him down, mounted him, he defended, and then he fucked Damian up in the second and the third rounds. And he's still peaking. Dude, he's like 26. Yeah. He's one of the best in the world. Without a doubt, he might be the best.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Without a doubt. Yeah. It bums me out seeing him over at Bellator I think that kid is sensational is Kelvin coming back down to 170. What do you think I? Think he can make it for sure I think if Kelvin had the kind of discipline that Chris Weidman has to get down to 85 Chris Weidman's a huge guy Yeah, free he has to have real discipline to make that 185 pound limit. I mean he has to really watch his cow What does he walk around it? I would like to know it's well north of 200 pounds. Oh, he's a big guy
Starting point is 01:16:28 You know according to Ray Longo and Matt Sarah They're like Chris is on the big side of 85 like he could easily be on the small side of 205 You know and then do you what do you think about these new weight classes like the athletic commissions now? They're they're gonna add 65 95, and I think 220. Was it 225 too? The UFC going to do this? I don't know. I don't know if the UFC is going to do it, but I think they should.
Starting point is 01:16:51 I think they should go every 10 pounds. Not every 5 pounds, but every 10 pounds. I like it the way it is. Do you? I like it just. It makes sense. It makes sense, but we don't need it. I think there's enough fighters.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I don't think we need it. It makes sense. I don't mind the big jumps. Really? Find your spot. we don't need it. I think there's enough fighters. I don't think we need it. It makes sense. I don't mind the big jumps. Really? Find your spot. We don't need more. It'll just be, it'll just, I don't know, at this point, I think you keep it the way it is. But who knows what they're going to do.
Starting point is 01:17:15 I don't agree. I think we need more weight classes. I think there's too big of jumps. I think the jump of like 185 to 205 is fucking crazy. That's a 20-pound jump. That's huge. The difference between a guy who's 185 and a guy5 to 205 is fucking crazy. That's a 20-pound jump. That's huge. The difference between a guy who's 185 and a guy who's 205 is significant. The amount of power that guy has over the 85-pounder is fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Find your spot. There's too many tweeners like Diego Sanchez. Diego Sanchez is probably a 65er. Maybe a little too small for 70, maybe too big for 55. I think there's a few of those guys. He's gotten down to 45. I know. Not good, though.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I mean, not fought like the Diego Sanchez of old. I don't think he can sustain himself. I think he should stay. 55 is his spot. Yeah. I think it's hard for him to even make that, though. If you could let him fight at 65, he'd have all his energy. It makes sense what you're saying, and I get it.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Totally makes sense. But it's just fighting. It's just fighting. You know know let's not dilute it we got enough we don't need more we don't everything doesn't have to be like just all systematically fair you know i don't think that's the case i don't think we have enough i think we could have room for more champions i think we'd have more super fights we'd have more guys rise to the top of the division and it would be easier to match them up it's way easier to match up a 75
Starting point is 01:18:22 with an 85 than it is to match up a 70 with an 85 or 55 with an 85. It's just like the gaps are too big. I think we have too much already. I think it's hard to keep track of shit the way it is. Maybe. There's an argument for that, I guess. I don't know. I like it, though.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I think it gives people more options, and I think heavyweights, for sure, gives them more options. I would also like to see a super heavyweight division. I would like to see a full on freak show. I want to see the mountain from Game of Thrones. I want to see that guy learn how to fight. He's like 330 fucking pounds. You know that guy that picks up those stone balls and shit. Do you know what I'm talking about? Carries cars. He's one of those dudes. How big is he? Giant. How tall is he? Six, eight. White guy? Yeah. Viking. Straight Viking. Long hair? Beard?
Starting point is 01:19:07 No, he's got a beard. Yeah. He's like one of those Iceland guys, I think. Sweden or Iceland. One of them Viking characters. How big is that mountain dude? There's a video of him sparring with Conor McGregor. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:19:17 He's 6'9". Jesus Christ. What in the fuck is that? Is there a picture of him? Jesus Christ. 380. He weighs that? Is there a picture of him? Jesus Christ. He weighs 380 pounds. 386 pounds. Is there a video of him picking up cars?
Starting point is 01:19:31 Oh, yeah. There's a bunch of videos of him doing shit. Here, watch him. That's him. See if they have some videos of him doing his workouts. His workouts are fucking insane. Or in some sort of strongman competition. Did you ever see? Go back. Go back some sort of strongman competition. Did you ever see...
Starting point is 01:19:45 Go back. Go back to the screen you just had. Scroll down to that Conor McGregor video. The screen you just had. That's it right there. See Conor McGregor
Starting point is 01:19:55 versus the Mountain? Look how much bigger he is. Holy shit. And Conor's playing around with him, sparring with him. Look at the size of this guy. And Conor's like slapping him in the
Starting point is 01:20:06 stomach and he's like come on i'm gonna grab you look he's trying to grab him dude oh look at this he's like come on. Let's keep going. You're getting tired. He's getting tired. He's getting tired. Damn, Conor wanted to keep going. Look, he's popping him in the stomach. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:20:32 He got him mad. Yeah. He got him mad. This is real now. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's getting real. How old is this? It's pretty recent.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Like, before he fought Aldo. Damn. Look at this. Got big balls, dude. He's just hitting that dude with straight lefts in the gut. Look at his face. He's mad.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Yeah. He's mad, dude. This is why Conor McGregor is such a bad motherfucker. He's so crazy. Like legitimately crazy. Dude, he's like Bruce Lee. He's just popping that guy
Starting point is 01:21:02 in the stomach with those straight lefts and he don't like it and he knows that dude's getting tired. He threw his kicks. Dude. He's pinning his leg together inside his crotch. He's just getting him tired.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Oh. Couldn't he just pick up Connor if he wanted to? I don't know. Oh, dude. He jumped in front, kicked him in the body. Oh, shit. He's just teeing off on him. And he's moving.
Starting point is 01:21:31 The dude's getting tired. He's so big. Look at the size of that fucker. He's going to sidekick him right to the stomach. He just keeps popping him with that straight left. Look at that. This is crazy because this goes for a few minutes man I guarantee you that dude is not doing a whole lot of cardio
Starting point is 01:21:48 he's getting tired man look at him he's backing up big giant 6 foot what 6'9 386 he's getting tired he's trying to grab him
Starting point is 01:22:05 Nope Nope Not today sir He's laughing He's bobbing his head He's like Dude he was That was like a Bruce Lee laugh
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah Look at this is real See look at this Over and over again He keeps popping him With that straight left It's funny man It's weird to watch right
Starting point is 01:22:23 He tried to give him A high five to stop. It's Connor said, uh-uh. Look at him. Oh. He tagged him. Ooh, look, he's throwing. Yeah, but there's nothing to that. There's nothing to that.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Oh, dude. Yeah, he don't like that. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, he doesn't like it. Those are hard shots. He gave up.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, man. Wow. That was basically a real fight. That was a half of a real fight. That was like a half a real fight, right? That looked like a real fight to me. Towards the end?
Starting point is 01:23:23 They didn't punch to the face. I don't think he wanted to punch to the face. That would have been a bad move. Yeah. Just stick to the body. You can't even reach his face. Yeah. You're not going to hit that face. Look at what he does. He throws a kettlebell over the top of a fucking bar. Dude, what if it landed on his head? You've got to watch the YouTube channel or the
Starting point is 01:23:39 Instagram page. Is it Instagram? No. Twitter. Jesus Christ. Twitter page, Hold My Beer. Have you ever seen the Twitter page, Hold My Beer? No, Twitter. Jesus Christ. Twitter page, Hold My Beer. Have you ever seen the Twitter page, Hold My Beer? No. Maybe. Dude, it perhaps is the greatest Twitter page that's ever existed. And it's Hold My Beer while I do this.
Starting point is 01:23:56 And they do some stupid shit over and over again. What is this? Hold My Beer while I... Oh, that's a good one. He opened up a beer with a football. But that's not... Scroll down a little bit. Let me show you some ridiculous ones.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Did you find the right one? There's a ton of videos of one guy did a backflip. He tried to do a backflip off the top of these bricks. Oh, don't do this one. That one's horrible. The guy's going to karate kick that girl in the head. Look at this. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Hold my beer while I kick this can off your head. Watch this guy. Hold my beer while I sit on an airbag. Watch this. What is the hold my beer? Do they say that? No, no, no. They don't.
Starting point is 01:24:41 But what's this one? Is the guy lighting the guy on fire? Oh, Jesus Christ. The fuck is he doing? Oh, it's basically hold my beer while I do something crazy. Something fucking ridiculous. Oh, he blew up. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Okay, scroll down. Scroll down. Not that one. Keep going. Keep going. That one right there. This guy's pretty badass. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:25:00 He actually made it. Sometimes they make it. Yeah. But watch this one. It's good. shit i guess try to do a backflip off a stack of bricks or something okay that's enough that's enough but anybody anybody who's interested go to hold my beer on on twitter it's fucking late i i try to retweet them at least like once a month. They find the most ridiculous shit. Whose Instagram accounts do you find funny?
Starting point is 01:25:31 I think the Beastmaster. Oh, you mean the Beast? Derek Lewis. He's hilarious. You got to follow him. You have to. You got to follow him. His Instagram might be the best Instagram I follow.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Yeah, he's so funny. Did you see the one where the dudes were trying to jump out of the way of some rolling hay? They had a bale of hay rolling down the hill, and the dude tried to jump out of the way and got fucking launched into the air. Yeah. I mean, he's the most gangster of all shit talkers in the UFC. I mean, who's more gangster than him? He's more gangster than Mike Tyson. You know what I mean? Mike Tyson has said crazy shit. He said,
Starting point is 01:26:05 I'll eat your children. I'll eat your children. And he said, I'll fuck you till you love me. But he said that before the fight. After the fight, he's not saying that. You know what I mean? When Derek Lewis, when he called out Ronda, that was fucked up.
Starting point is 01:26:21 That was a low blow. I mean, no one's done that. I mean, even Roberto D done that. I mean, even Roberto Duran said something about Sugar Ray Leonard's wife, but that was before the fight. Afterwards,
Starting point is 01:26:31 they became friends. I think they became friends. I think it was after the second fight they became friends. Yeah. After the first fight he tried to hold,
Starting point is 01:26:37 that was like one of the famous things. Did you watch the movie? That Roberto Duran pushed him away. No, I never saw it. But after the end
Starting point is 01:26:43 of the first fight, he tried to like embrace Duran. Duran pushed him away like he still wanted to fight.. But after the end of the first fight, he tried to embrace Duran. Duran pushed him away like he still wanted to fight. It's pretty crazy. It's a crazy ending of the fight. See if you can pull up the video, the very last moments of the round with the first time Roberto Duran fought Sugar Ray Leonard.
Starting point is 01:27:00 He beat him, and he knew at the end that he beat him. And so when the bell rang, he just fucking drops his glove, and he's staring him down like he's still ready to go. It's crazy. Roberto Duran was a wild motherfucker back then. Can you imagine if after Mike Tyson knocked out Michael Spinks, and when they get in the post-fight interview, he said, I'll eat his children.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Can you imagine him saying that after the fight? People would go, what the fuck? Where Michael Spinks' children at? Fine ass. This is the first fight at the very end seconds. He goes to shake his hand. He's like, fuck you. So he comes near him.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Look at this. What the fuck out of here? He pushes him away. Fuck you. That was after the first fight? Yeah, after the fight was over. He pushed him out. He's fucking, he's screaming at him.
Starting point is 01:27:43 He's like, fuck you. Yeah. He pushed him out. He's fucking, he's screaming at him. He's like, fuck you. Yeah. He was an animal. And when did he say that thing to Sugar Ray's wife? Before? Before this fight. Before this fight. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:27:52 He got in his head. Yeah. He did that to get in his head. Oh, well, he was just that guy, too. Apparently, there was an article written where they went to visit him in Panama. And he took a cat and he picked it up by the tail and smashed it against a wall, and they were like, what? Not according to the movie.
Starting point is 01:28:08 The movie, he had moments where he got out of control, but generally, he was a very good guy in the movie. The movies are weird. I don't know if they're true, but apparently, he did that to a cat. I've read the story. I don't know if the story might be bullshit, but I'm like, if he was that crazy, living on the streets in Panama, becoming this savage boxer boxer he was so good too man he was ferocious remember when he beat up davy moore i don't remember that davy moore was thought to be the
Starting point is 01:28:35 guy like and everybody thought after no mas roberto duran was done so they had this kid just stud boxer davy moore world champion at 154, I believe. That was after Nomás? Yeah. There was the comeback fight. Roberto Duran, when he was really fully back, he boxed up Davey Moore and stopped him. It was a tremendous upset. Because Davey Moore was a lot bigger than him, too. White guy? No, Davey was a black guy.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Davey wound up getting killed working on a car. He fucked up. He was trying to fix his car and he fucked up with the jack and it crushed him. Damn. Could be conspiracy? Yes or no?
Starting point is 01:29:10 Look into it. Oh, man. So, you saw the UFC this weekend. Did you see where I fucked up and I interviewed Daniel Cormier after he had been knocked out? Dude, here's something that people think that somehow or another the UFC told me not to do that, and I did it.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Nobody said anything. It was just 100% my fuck-up. And it was also my idea in the first place to stop interviewing fighters after they'd been knocked out. It was 100% my idea. How often did it happen before? In championship fights, it happened often, right? Almost always, whether a guy got knocked out or TKO'd or submitted or lost a decision,
Starting point is 01:29:49 I would interview the winner and I would interview the loser. Every time? Every time. Okay, so it's normal. Unless they ran out of the cage, which has happened before. Yeah, I get it. So you were just running on instincts? No, this is what happened.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I was there for Gonzaga versus Krokop. Remember Gonzaga head kicked Krok Cop and just fucking into oblivion. And it was bad. And I interviewed Cro Cop afterwards. And I'm telling you, that dude had no idea what I was talking about. And I remember saying to the production team at the time, I was like, man, I don't think we should interview guys after they get knocked out like that. That was my saying, like that. And then the one time it happened again was with Alistair.
Starting point is 01:30:30 And after when Alistair Overeem fought Stipe Miocic and he remembered this guillotine that didn't really happen. He remembered Stipe tapping, rather, and it didn't really happen. I was like, this poor guy, he really has this memory in his head. And it's just not correct because he just got knocked the fuck out. He got knocked unconscious on television, completely flatlined. And then a few minutes later, I'm asking him to be coherent. I'm like, I don't think it's fair. So it was my idea to stop doing this, and the UFC agreed.
Starting point is 01:30:58 So it's not like they said we've got to stop doing it, and I violated my own idea. And I just did it on, this is what happened. After the fight was over, first of all, the fight was crazy shocking how violent the ending was. Because John really did fucking hate Daniel. And Daniel, I think, really did hate John. Or at least had real anger. There was real emotions with these guys. It was insane. It was intense. When John landed that fucking head kick and you saw him moving in
Starting point is 01:31:31 for the kill and then he stopped him right in front of us. He got on top of him and just blasted him. It was like right there. I remember looking over and I'm like, Jesus, he was just dropping bombs on him. How close to you? Like real close to you? It was pretty close if I remember correctly. I want to say it was like right off to my right if I remember correctly. But you had a good look at it? I had a real good look at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:55 I mean, obviously I'm cage side. I got a good look at everything. But I had a real good look at that. It was intense. It was intense. And it was also, I felt like there was a couple of shots too many. So I remember being stunned like, oh, I'm a a big fan of John Jones but I'm also a big fan of Daniel and I'm a fan of both of them I know they don't like each other but I like both of them I like them independently I just I
Starting point is 01:32:16 can't help the fact they're enemies but I love hanging out with John and I love hanging out with Daniel I love doing commentary with Daniel I I love that guy. So I would never do anything to make him look bad. I just got, I was in shock. There was, he was confused because he got knocked out. So he was confused that, um, why the fight was stopped. And so he was mad that they stopped the fight because he just didn't understand because he'd just been KO'd. So he was arguing with big John. I didn't hear the exact words. Then he was arguing with Dana. I didn't hear the exact words of that either. But Dana was in front of me. It's, you got to realize when a KO like that happens in a world championship fight and you're standing in the octagon, you're surrounded by all these people screaming and cheering. The, the fucking noise is
Starting point is 01:33:02 so loud. It's hard to figure out what the fuck is happening so i couldn't figure out what daniel and dana were arguing about but dana's whole head was red he was like he was like that fight was amazing you fought your heart out like i couldn't tell exactly what he said like you'd hold your head up high it was a great fight that kind of stuff but he i think daniel was still trying to figure out why the fight was stopped because it just happened he'd just woken up then he realized he got head kicked and then he was really sad but I think Daniel was still trying to figure out why the fight was stopped because it just had happened. He'd just woken up. Then he realized he got head kicked, and then he was really sad, and then he was upset.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And I went to go talk to him, and literally as I'm going to talk to him, he's turning to me, and I have the microphone. I'm like, why am I interviewing him after he got knocked out? What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't even realize what I was doing. I was just in shock almost. I went on instinct, and i'm interviewing him if i had a chance to stop and think i should have been like oh yeah he's been ko'd don't do it so in the middle of me even talking to him i say i normally i don't like to interview fighters after they've been knocked out
Starting point is 01:33:57 but it's just like i was stuck i was already there talking to him and i didn't want to leave and walk away from him and i really do care about that guy a great deal. And I just watched him get knocked out. And now I watch him, his heart's pouring out and he's crying. You know, when he was realizing that he got knocked out and he lost the fight. It was all awful. And so I put a, it was haunting me all night. Nobody had said anything. Nobody from the UFC got mad at me. No one said anything to me. It was just me thinking, why did I do that? Like, why did I interview him? I shouldn't have interviewed him. Even though we used to do it for every fight. It was the right move to stop doing it.
Starting point is 01:34:37 And ironically, it was my idea. It was my move. I don't even know if other guys, I don't know if Brian Stans still interviews guys after they've been knocked out. I don't think know if other guy I don't know if Brian Stan still interviews guys after they've been knocked out I don't think he does though because Brian actually said Thank you to me for that because he got interviewed after he got knocked out by Vanderlei and he remembers thinking I don't remember what happened. He didn't know what the fuck happened and they were interviewing him He's trying to keep it together for the interview and he was like you're right. It's not fair It's not fair to interview a fighter after they've been knocked out. I just fucked up, man.
Starting point is 01:35:06 There's no other way to say it. I just, if I could go back, I definitely would have taken it back. I definitely wouldn't have interviewed him. Because I feel like he didn't, and he sent me a text message saying it's all good. I didn't say anything crazy, so it's no big deal. But, you know, he could have, you know. He could have said I never got stopped. I could have said, you know, he could have. You don't think anything. said I never got stopped. I could have said, you know, he could.
Starting point is 01:35:28 You don't think anything like if somebody doesn't explain to him well enough what happened. Yeah. And then it takes a few seconds and you forget again. That's the other thing about guys have been knocked out. Like you like say if if I got knocked out and I ask you, Eddie, what happened? And you said, oh, this dude just punched you in your jaw and knocked you out. I'd be like, no way. Hey, man, what happened?
Starting point is 01:35:45 Like a few seconds later, you start asking again. again when you get knocked out it's real weird so um it's a huge up on my part but it was i was in shock honestly it was so ferocious the final barrage was so ferocious and it was the way it was the way john did it when he heard him once he knew he heard him he just started going after him and one of the the spookiest things that he did was the way he tripped him. You see the way he tripped him? Like Daniel's like sort of stumbling back and John just sort of scoops his leg out from under him and trips him. And Daniel falls back and John just moves in on him. And you could tell Daniel just couldn't get his feet back under him.
Starting point is 01:36:19 And John just jumped on him and just murked him. Cormier did great on his feet for a while there. He did great. But I was really impressed with John Jones' striking. Dude. He throws so much unorthodox shit. Those stomps on the knees, dude, that's high level shit. And the volume.
Starting point is 01:36:38 He's throwing a lot of strikes. Yeah, that's his shit. He was in tremendous shape, too. And then he's throwing those elbows from left field, right down the pipe. Yeah. He's throwing a lot of elbows, man. Dude, he's throwing all kinds of shit. He throws everything. Front kicks, throws a lot of front kicks.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Yeah, right to the, yeah, those front snap kicks. He throws those oblique kicks to the thigh and hyperextends your knee. I love that. You can't get close to him. I love that. I hope he keeps close to him. I love that. I hope he keeps going because he's evolving so much as a striker. I hope he gets more like- I hope he gets it together.
Starting point is 01:37:11 I hope he gets it together 100%. You never see him arrested again. No more bullshit. No one cares about that. I do. I don't want him to get in jail. If he gets arrested again, it's like he tore his ACL. What's the difference?
Starting point is 01:37:21 He'll be back. He's going to be back. It doesn't matter. Let him party. He's the difference? He'll be back. He's going to be back. It doesn't matter. Let him party. He's the king of the world. He's probably the best fighter of all time. Let him do some coke. Let him party.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Dana should be getting him some house. You know what I mean? Fuck it. He gets fucked up. Hey, that's actually better press. So what he needs is like a security team. He should fake DUIs and drunken stupids just like they do in TMZ. He just needs a constant security detail to keep everything away from him.
Starting point is 01:37:49 Let him do whatever he wants. He's the king of the fucking world. Yeah, but you don't want him getting locked up. You think anybody- We lost a whole year of him. And then we lost a year before that. We don't want him to get Tysoned. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Dude, he could get locked up for five years. That shit happens to people. What you want him to do is have fun, but don't do anything illegal. Don't let them drive. Take his keys. Take his keys. Yes. Don't let them do anything illegal.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Just have a security team. Have a rubber party room. And then just lock it. Those bouncy warehouses. Go off and just say, dude, you go off for five hours. Whatever you want, boom, but you can't leave this room. You ever been to one of them bouncy warehouses where you can go from one trampoline to the next trampoline are you kidding we go all the time me and my son go all the time those are the best man yeah the best so anyway um even though i
Starting point is 01:38:35 already talked to daniel i felt like i put it on twitter i apologized on instagram and i was like i gotta apologize on the podcast too i fucked up and And it was just a fuck. There's no other explanation. Is it because of the meme of his crying face? No, I just mean just to talk to him. The memes, you're going to have memes, man. You got to accept memes. It's part of the game. Everyone's got, man, there's so many knockout memes.
Starting point is 01:38:56 You have the Rashad Evans one that's pretty pop. It's one of the most. You have the Jose Aldo one. That's pretty, that's on the underground. When you turn on the underground, boom, it's the Jose Aldo getting clipped. There's so many of them. Did you ever see the video of the dude that came up to Rashad and asked him to sign one of the posters of Rashad all fucked up? Wait, wait, say that again?
Starting point is 01:39:15 Some dude had the balls to come up to Rashad at one of those signings and try to get Rashad to sign the picture, that one picture where he was all jacked and fucked up. And try to get him to sign that. And Rashad crumpled him up. He thought he was being cute. What's this? That's the dude. He walks up to him.
Starting point is 01:39:34 He says, get the fuck out of here, man. Oh, shit. Damn. He's like, no, get out of here. Go. You want to hear it? Yeah, I want to hear it. I want to hear it.
Starting point is 01:39:44 So, hold on. out of here. Go. You want to hear it? Yeah, I want to hear it. I want to hear it. So hold on. Hold on, rewind it. So we'll go before that where you see him rip it up. They're Mexicans. Here. Damn it, Mexicans. See, watch.
Starting point is 01:40:00 He hands him the picture. Rashad crumples it up and throws it. And he's laughing. And he pushes him. He's like, get out of here, man. He's laughing. He thinks it's cute. Rashad looked like he was going to smash him.
Starting point is 01:40:23 He took a picture with his friend, though. I think it was Photoshop Steve that made a... He made a Photoshop of a shot inside of a plane, and you see everyone's sitting down, you see a bunch of people. And you know when you're on a plane, and you're going overseas, and everyone's crashed out at night? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:40:39 And you're walking, and you go take a piss, and everyone has their crash-out face? Right. So he put all those famous knockout faces on people on a planet. And you were in there too. I think you were wide awake though. You were wide awake and all these famous, like Vitor knocked out over here. So fucked up.
Starting point is 01:40:57 That was one of the greatest photoshops of all time. I don't know where it's at though. That's just a price that you pay if you're going to be a part of that world that public world yeah if you win you get yeah insane amount of glory you know but you only get that glory because there's a risk of getting the opposite of that jamie foxx was talking about the other day we were talking about michael jordan that a lot of people don't even know who michael jordan is they just know oh you're the crybaby face you're the crybaby face people see that meme it's like you got you cease to become an individual why was he crying in that mean what was the original
Starting point is 01:41:29 source of that I don't know what was the interview it was Hall of Fame and when he won the Hall of Fame he was talking about his haters he was calling out his haters really in his Hall of Fame speech oh my god it's one of the craziest Hall of Fame speeches ever it made people reevaluate how they feel about him. Some people lost like all respect for him. I want to hear that. Some people understood it. He's talking shit about like reporters and coaches and here, play it. It's kind of hilarious.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Maybe he's telling the truth. I'm sure. But it's just fascinating to listen to. Oh, there you go. What if I told you? No, this isn't it. This is like how to fail and still be a winner and all that shit. Here it goes. Let me hear that shit. Here it goes.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Let me hear this shit. It's okay. Just give me a little volume. Let's get to the good part. Yeah. Very kind and said, yeah, I'd do it. And that wasn't a disrespect to any of my Carolina guys. They all know that I'm a true blue Carolina guy to the heart.
Starting point is 01:42:23 You know, Coach Smith, Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know, all of those guys. Well, it all starts with my parents. You guys see all the highlights. What is it about me that you guys don't know? As I sit up here and I watch all the other recipients stand up here and they give their history and so many things I didn't know about Jerry Sloan. I know he lived on the farm, but I didn't know he was in a small classroom from first grade to the eighth grade.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Even David Robinson, obviously I'd known David for some time. We're going to lose the audience here. Let's see. I don't know what the part where he got mad at people, but he was- Maybe YouTube, Michael Jordan insults whoever. Gets mad. Oh, he mad. Oh, yeah. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Michael Jordan gets mad. Oh, he mad. How about Michael Jordan? Oh, he mad. Jamie's eating that cave shake. Those things are the shit, aren't they? Can I have one? Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You have one right now? I've got a bunch in the refrigerator back there. They're all keto, too. Yeah, give me one of them. In the fridge? Yeah. No affiliation with this company, ladies and gentlemen. They're just good.
Starting point is 01:43:33 I don't know shit about them. They might be monsters. One of these small things? Yeah, those are good, man. Do you shake them? Yeah, you gotta shake it a little bit. There you go. They're very thick.
Starting point is 01:43:42 It's like a milkshake or some shit. What flavor is this? Strawberry. Powerful strawberry. Someone's going to get that. So what did you think about the cyborg fight? I felt like it was kind of weird seeing Tanya Evinger so outsized, fighting cyborg, who's like, yeah, it's real thick. Sometimes I eat it with a spoon.
Starting point is 01:44:03 What did you think about that fight? Cyborg is just too goddamn good. Tanya Evinger, she's the only girl. She's tough, and she's out of her weight class. She almost didn't have a chance. Almost. You know what I mean? She had a chance, but it wasn't the best chance. And Cyborg fought a
Starting point is 01:44:17 very technical fight. She's such a good striker. Jesus. She's super technical now, too. You see, she's not taking too many crazy chances. She's just picking her spots. She's a machine. And she's really's super technical now, too. You see, she's not taking too many crazy chances. She's just picking her spots. She's a machine. And she's really good on the ground, too. Hard to take down. Her wrestling's good. Her work ethic's insane.
Starting point is 01:44:33 She's a legit brown belt, right? Isn't she? Is she a brown belt? I believe she is. Last I heard. I didn't know. Maybe she's got her black, but she's legit. What was impressive to me that you know, like, Avenvinger was, like, trying to be crafty and move around
Starting point is 01:44:47 and being unorthodox and throwing a good jab and she was looking for her spots. She was just outgunned but Cyborg didn't just try to gorilla fuck her. You know,
Starting point is 01:44:57 she didn't just try to chase her down and smash her. She picked a part out of her, did a great job of hacking at the legs, landing shots, and then once she had her, I love great job of hacking at the legs, landing shots, and then once she had her... I love Tanya Evinger.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I love that girl. You know what's... She's tough as fuck, man. Just to take that fight. One of the coolest things about MMA is how open-mindedness we are with lesbians, right? I mean, we don't even... It's no big deal at all with girls. Put her on the countdown show, two girls making out.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Amanda Nunes is the champ. Yeah. And no one, we're like totally cool. We're like all, you know, Tanya Eminger's on Instagram live making out with chicks at bars, drinking. You know what I mean? Yeah. She's a party girl.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Good for her. Yeah, you're allowed to be a big old lesbian. Yeah. Yeah. We're so open-minded. But with guys? No. No, we're still in jesus time one dude one dude that i know of that's openly gay well he did gay porn he was on tough oh okay
Starting point is 01:45:52 wait a minute yeah he's on ultimate what was his name dakota dakota cochran i think his name was cochran no cochran that's his last name right there that was like a that was a part of the show it's a part what they were talking about damn okay there's one yeah I hope I'm not making that up
Starting point is 01:46:10 we're still we're way behind we're way behind because there should be at least 50 but I don't think necessarily
Starting point is 01:46:16 there should be 50 he was saying he's gay I think he was just saying he did gay porn I'm all you know what I love gay people my favorite singer
Starting point is 01:46:24 of all time he's a friend of mine Marvin Gaye Peter no anyways gay porn. You know what? I love gay people. My favorite singer of all time, he's a friend of mine. Marvin Gaye? Peter, no. Anyways, I have no problem with people being gay. I think they should come out.
Starting point is 01:46:33 You know, I lived in West Hollywood for almost 20 years. You were surrounded by the gay folk. I was surrounded by gay people. Every time I'd visit you, I'd have to swim
Starting point is 01:46:40 to a river of gay people to get to your house. Yeah, yeah. If you're a guy, we're still in Jesus times, unfortunately. Maybe it's not the best thing to come out if you're in MMA, right?
Starting point is 01:46:54 But it's just MMA. For comedy, nobody gives a fuck. Football people care, right? Can you be openly gay in football? How many guys? One or two? That one guy came out before the draft. Oh, now there's a few now. About how many? I's one or two? There's a few. That one guy came out right before the draft and he got drafted. Oh, now there's a few now.
Starting point is 01:47:06 About how many? I mean, not tons. It's not prevalent. What do you think? I don't know. Probably equal to the population, maybe like 10%. What?
Starting point is 01:47:13 No way. No way. Football? No way. No way. 50 guys. What? You think there's 50
Starting point is 01:47:17 openly gay football players? Okay, not quite that many. Google this. Google this. No, you know what? I want to believe you. I want to believe you. I'm going to say two. Okay. You say two? I say two, you know what? I want to believe you. I want to believe you. Well, Google it. I'm going to say two.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Okay. You say two? I say two. I say five. Jamie, what do you say? 50? You say a million? You got to say something.
Starting point is 01:47:32 I wasn't saying 50. You don't have to be right. I was just saying it's close to the national average. So it's like, what, 8% to 10%? So it's probably like 30%, 40%. No, no. That are out of the closet is what I'm talking about. Yeah, I don't know about necessarily that.
Starting point is 01:47:41 No, no, that's what I'm talking about. Right. The national average is not considered out of the closet, does it? No, no, no. The national average is how many people are gay. Yes, but how many people are out of the closet in the NFL? I say there's one or two. It says there's been 11.
Starting point is 01:47:53 There have been 11 known gay players in the NFL. And they all got cut. Interesting. I don't know if they're all there now. Hmm, interesting. We're not that open. No. Guys are not that open.
Starting point is 01:48:04 There's a lot of players. Think about how many players there are. Yeah. All right, now let's go this way. What percentage of the population is gay versus what percentage of the population is out of the closet? Oh, shit. I think... If you had to guess.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Of all the gay people in the United States, I would say, I'm going to guess 50% are out of the closet. 50? Yeah. What do you think? 30. Yeah, it could be. 30. It could be 10.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Yeah. It could be 10, depending on where you live. If you're in California and you're still in the closet, you're probably a UFC fighter. Hey, are you around when the Edmonton fight happens? Are you around during that week? What's the date? I've got to do a fight companion. This is kind of interesting.
Starting point is 01:48:56 This is totally unrelated to this weekend. What is it? September 9th. September 9th, yeah. Is that a Saturday? Yeah, it's Saturday. September 9th. Is that a Saturday? Yeah, it's Saturday.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I'm there on Friday at Edmonton for doing two shows at this auditorium. Okay. The Jubilee Auditorium, two shows at this theater. But I'm not doing the pay-per-view the next night. Okay. You want to do a fight campaign? I go back home, yeah. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:49:23 It's weird because it's a main event. It's Mighty Mouse versus Ray Borg and Amanda Nunes versus Valentina Shevchenko. But I don't think they're anticipating that it's going to be a high pay-per-view sell. Let's do it. That sounds like fun. Yeah, it's on. I would like to get Callan and Shaw, but Shaw has become too fucking successful. He's too successful.
Starting point is 01:49:47 That fucking baller, he's traveling all over the place, selling out everywhere. He's selling out theaters. He's been doing stand-up for like six weeks. That's incredible. Dude, he's selling out everywhere. He's been doing it more than that. He's been doing it like a year. But he's selling out everywhere.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Damn. Damn. Dude, you know what I said? I was telling all these other comedians. I said, you see what you're seeing here? I go, this is what happens when an athlete shows you how lazy you guys are. This guy's just starting out, but he
Starting point is 01:50:12 actually works at it. He does a ton of sets. He writes a ton. He actually puts in the time. That's what athletes do. Comics like to pretend they're working and they fuck off a lot and keep doing the same material for 10 years. Shob is out there swinging. I'm no expert at comedy, but I think, in my opinion, it's a lot like jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:50:32 You've got to practice and refine. It's a lot like writing music. If you're going to rely on just going up there and riffing, fuck, good luck. Good luck. It's like trying to write a song. Okay, we're going to record a song. We have no idea what we're going to do, but we're going to jam an E. All right?
Starting point is 01:50:47 And then we go, and that's the hit song. The odds of that happening, super slim. You've got to record a jam, pick out little pieces, polish it, add this. Two months later, ooh, you've got a middle part now. A month later, you've got the intro. It's all coming together. It might take eight months to get that bit together. You're just constantly going back and forth.
Starting point is 01:51:05 That's how music is put together, and that's how jujitsu is put together. You got to constantly refine your game. You're out there getting wrecked. What are you doing wrong? What's working? Let's stick to what's working. Let's add some new shit. Learning from other people, techniques and being open-minded, understanding that your
Starting point is 01:51:23 body's magical, and it'll do anything you want it to do. You just got to tell it over and over and over again to a point where it does it by itself without you even knowing what the hell's going on. It's unconscious. You could do anything. You could play piano. You can play guitars. Like, oh, I tried guitar, but it's too hard. You just didn't practice.
Starting point is 01:51:42 That's all. Anybody could play guitar. Anybody could play guitar. Anybody can play piano. As long as your neurons fire correctly it's just as long as your hands move correctly it just takes time well yeah if you got in a motorcycle accident you smash your hands and you're like this you can't play piano but i'm just saying if you have normal limbs you could play piano you could play guitar you can do anything you could you could do anything you can learn jujitsu you can can box, you can play basketball.
Starting point is 01:52:05 Maybe you never played basketball in your life and you're 55 years old. If you practiced hard for a year, you'd be all right. I know, people don't want to believe that though. It's hard for them to believe it because they're not reminded of it all the time. That's why a lot of people coming from jujitsu
Starting point is 01:52:21 and martial arts in general, they become successful because through jujitsu, you're constantly reminded that you can suck at something and then you get pretty good at it and then you master it and then it's unconscious. You're reminded of that every time you go to jujitsu. Every day you're reminded, damn, I can do this with anything. And people do it with their business. They go, all I got do hustle in the in the the jujitsu of business and make it happen or whatever you want to do you're reminded like shit you when i say magical it's not a metaphor it is magical because your body will do shit on its own like when you like when you're doing jujitsu sometimes i come up with moves i don't know what the fuck i did i did
Starting point is 01:53:02 something i have no idea and then it comes up again because i've programmed and drilled my body so much and has so many things that i trained it to do uh on instincts that it's kind of like a suggestion thing like when you hit youtube and they kind of know what you like and here's the suggestions like your body will go he always does this and he always does that and he always does this, unconsciously, man, he might like this. And then you're like, oh shit, what was that? It's like your body, someone else came up with that. And then the next time you do it, you're like, there it is again.
Starting point is 01:53:33 That's how most of the moves or transitions that I get good at, they come up on their own. And then the third time, you go, I got it. And then I videotape it. Then I videotape myself doing it. I'm like, shit, I didn't even know I was doing that. It was just like, your body will make shit up for you. You, everybody, not just me, it's everybody. You just got to learn how to capture it. It's like comedy. People love comedy because they go see a comedian and he's saying all the shit that they agree with. And they're
Starting point is 01:53:58 laughing and going, yeah. And they're like, I think that this, this comedian's amazing. He's saying shit that if you're laughing, you agree with it. But all the shit that he's saying, you've said and people around you have said it, you just didn't notice it as something to use on stage. So once you, just like music, every time you listen to music, like for me, anytime I listen to music
Starting point is 01:54:19 and I like something, musically, which is rare, I'm gonna find out everything about that song. I don't ever get lazy with that. I find out what, who sang the song. I download the song. I analyze the song. Like, what is it about this song that makes it so great? Why am I getting chills listening to this song? Why do I have this song on repeat? You know, that's I'm, I'm trained musically to always try to capture golden nuggets. Every time I hear it, I'll be in the middle of a conversation in Japan at TGI Fridays in Tokyo, and in the distance, a song would come on, and I'm in the conversation with some people, and I hear it, and I know that I tell the people I'm with, I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:54:58 I got to find out what the song is. I'll write it down. Boom. I just do that. As a DJ, it's kind of a DJ thing. So my point is, it's the same thing with jiu as a DJ. It's kind of a DJ thing. So my point is it's same thing with jujitsu. It's same thing with comedy. It's same thing with music.
Starting point is 01:55:11 You just got to, it's all around you. You just got to look for it. You got to train yourself to look for it. Maybe you have to write shit on your hand to train, remind yourself, think, think about then once that becomes your instinct, once looking for shit and recognizing shit and always be on the call for shit. Like, for instance, editors, dudes who edit videos, every time they're watching a movie, what are they doing? They're breaking down the editing. Right?
Starting point is 01:55:35 Of course. Like movie makers are breaking down the lighting. They're watching a movie. That's like the hidden directors of movies in a lot of ways. Like the directors, they get all these ideas. They put it together. But a lot of times, like directors, they get all these ideas. They put it together. But a lot of times, you'll get on a television show as well, the editor will make these passes at things.
Starting point is 01:55:50 And they give you an editor's first cut. And a lot of times, the director will look at it and go, I like that. That's good. You don't just get anybody editor. You've got to have an editor who knows the shot. Who's creative. Yeah. You've got to be a talent and not just some slave that's going to cut shit together. There's a lot of talent in the editing. Yeah, you've got to be talented, not just some slave that's going to cut shit together.
Starting point is 01:56:05 There's a lot of talent in the editing. Yeah, there's got to be. Especially in television shows, right? Yeah. Or I guess in movies, too, man. The editors that I got working for me is high level, man. Isn't it amazing that movies are still in a theater now? It's one of the rare things you do where you'll go somewhere like just to to get uh
Starting point is 01:56:25 some some sort of art where it's not live you're gonna go to a place still like they still have i like that and i don't know if i've been brainwashed because i love going to movies i like it too but it doesn't have to be good i'm just saying it's weird that's like one of the few places we have left where we'll go and take in media at a specific location. We all meet. We go for a live show. We'll go for a live show. But you're not going to go to see a fake band somewhere where it's a screen.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Yeah, but it is a gigantic screen that's like 100 times bigger than your TV and the sound is- Amazing. Yeah. So there's all that. It's crazy though, isn't it? And then it's cool sitting with people and when they laugh, you laugh and it's continue. You want to laugh more when there's other people around, but you run the risk of douchebags run the risk of people talking.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Yeah. People talking. Yeah. The people that do that, they violate the sacred laws of the movie theater. You got to go in with big old Como D shades and a beanie and a fake beard. Crazy. You know, beards are so in these days. What happened to the fake beard market?
Starting point is 01:57:31 Like, why isn't there, like, dudes, like, wearing fake beards to clubs and being, you know what I mean? Like, posing. Guys can't wear fake shit. Girls can wear fake asses. They can have fake tits. They can have fake hair. It's so not fair. It's not fair.
Starting point is 01:57:42 It's kind of like, there's a lot of things that aren't fair and that's one thing that they got, you know. We can't be the same. So whoever was deciding on men and women, like, okay, you get this, you get that. It isn't fair. Like the women were like, okay, okay, if you're gonna you get you know, guys, you know, they're
Starting point is 01:57:59 they can't control it. Guys are attracted to girls with nice bodies, fit bodies. Generally. There are some guys. But not just nice bodies. Like, there's something about actual fake tits that's hot. Because it's like, whoa, this girl, she's into dicks so much.
Starting point is 01:58:16 She just wants to be, like, ultra attractive in a cartoonish way. Like, look at those giant fake tits. Like, whoa. Some guys are like, I don't like fake tits. There's still some of those guys out there. You know what I mean? There's like 15% of the population. Eventually another generation, those will be all gone
Starting point is 01:58:34 and fake tits will just be accepted by all men. But fake ass, ooh, that's going to take a couple generations. It ain't going to happen this generation. Nobody is cool with fake asses. Nobody. That's the worst shit ever. Don't get it, girls. Don't even think about it.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Yeah, but the gray area is this fat thing they're doing. What is that? It's not a fake ass, but they're taking fat. They're grafting fat. That's still gross. From parts of your body and stuffing it. Do some squats. Do some squats.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Anybody can have a great body. Just do some squats. No, that's not true. There's some people out there that got some fucked up jeans. There's nothing wrong. Some hillbilly stick people jeans. You know what? Those people, you got to get good at sucking dick.
Starting point is 01:59:12 You got to eat ass. You got to eat ass and suck dick. They don't want to. They have to. They have no choice. They want to get that fat stuffed in their ass. They want to re-engineer. The older you get, the more women eat ass.
Starting point is 01:59:24 I was reading this thing about CRISPR. They're starting to use CRISPR for embryos now. And they think they're really close to genetically engineering the first people that become viable actual humans. Do you know what CRISPR is? No. Dude, it's like Photoshop for genes. Look at this. Scientists edit human embryos for the first time in the U.S.
Starting point is 01:59:47 They're using this new technology, which is way more complicated than my puny brain has the ability to describe. But it's a gene editing tool called CRISPR. And there is another episode of Radiolab that's about CRISPR that it might be like a good way for you to get an entertaining but descriptive explanation of it. But they're going to be able to, at least someday in the future, if this keeps going, they keep perfecting this. They're going to be able to edit things out of people. Like they're going to be able to take away the gene for Alzheimer's, you know?
Starting point is 02:00:23 I don't know. I don't know. What do you mean you don't know i don't know they always say shit like in the future no they're doing it now eddie okay they're doing it now like there's there's real science behind this like you could you could follow the science they're editing things the same way they're making photoshop the same way they're making that new thing that allows them to edit videos they're gonna edit genes How about those contact lenses where you can play video games and you're seeing some animated stuff? Yeah, I don't think they have that yet.
Starting point is 02:00:51 I think they have glasses so far, but I don't think they have contact lenses. Isn't that coming up? Contact lenses is just theoretical. They're talking about it's coming. Yeah, it's going to happen. If you could do it with a glass, like Google. You ever see Google Glass? You ever put that on?
Starting point is 02:01:03 Uh-uh. It was weird. What's that? Google Glass isn't around anymore. They've got some new applications for it, but what it was like was like a glass frame and you had this little thing in front of you, like a little window, like a tiny little TV that was sitting in front of your eyes, but it was clear. And on that little window, you could see through it, but you could also see like navigation
Starting point is 02:01:23 directions and you could Google things and have it brought up in front of you could also see like uh navigation directions and uh you could google things and have it brought up in front of you it's like navy seal shit yeah like some some movie shit but it was like the internet like you're i don't know about these phone calls i know these guys are your bros no they're not i have no idea who these people are you don't like it drinking it yeah you need to yeah well let's not do it while the podcast is going on. I'm just sucking on that thing and chewing it. We need a spoon. Let me grab a spoon. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Real quick. Black helicopters. They're good, though. I like them. You got a spoon or no? Oh, I got a knife. Eddie Bravo will abandon you in the middle of a podcast for a knife. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:02:04 You offered it. It's your fault. Cave Shake's blowing up now. Their stock's going through the roof. What were we just talking about? This AR stuff. This is going to be built into Apple's new operating system. It allows you to read how big something is?
Starting point is 02:02:18 It's a virtual tape measure that you just hold your camera up to stuff. Right here, they're showing you how accurate it is up to a real tape measure but like it's see the tape measure staying there they're uh measuring the size of a picture frame holy diagonally and it stays in space uh if i'm saying if you get what i'm saying like yeah i do get 3d space it knows where you're modeling depending on even how far away you are from it and knows the thing. The other weird thing is by watching that show, The Planet of the Apps, they just started on Apple Music. I think it was in the first episode. This guy shows an app that he made that I think Apple bought eventually.
Starting point is 02:02:55 They're adding into this operating system. They're mapping the inside of everywhere that your camera can take a place or is shooting. So inside here eventually will be all mapped. And this guy said that he would own the map. That's why Apple bought him. So now Apple's going to own it. So they're essentially going to be able to have the inside 3D mapped of every building in the world
Starting point is 02:03:17 or at least wherever an iPhone is. You're killing me with that thing. Oh, I'm sorry. Fuck KF Shake. Fuck KF Shake. But it's built into the phone, so there's other cool stuff, too. So they can map everything just based on... Look at this.
Starting point is 02:03:30 Eventually, yeah. So something came out about Roombas, like that Roombas are currently tracking the inside of everybody's houses and apartments, and I don't know what the hell they're going to do with that data, but people got scared they're going to sell it to someone. It can be good. You know what I mean? How is that going to be good? We're doing this to to someone. It's got it can be good. You know what I mean? How is that gonna be good? We're doing this to protect you how it's not about protection Necessarily, but it could be used these guys have dollars missing. It could be useful. It's not the same people Eddie
Starting point is 02:03:56 Yeah, I mean if Jesus Christ Making these things are not the same people as the Illuminati that run the government this could help blind people It's all these are technologists. These are people that are creating the greatest. Yeah. Sorry. It's okay. I mean, this is not the Illuminati making this stuff, Eddie.
Starting point is 02:04:12 This is technology. That says Apple? Yeah. Apple's not the fucking Illuminati. I didn't say that. Although Apple did get in trouble recently. Do you know what they did in China? They made a deal with the Chinese government to take apps down from their app store
Starting point is 02:04:27 that allow you to circumnavigate their censorship system. People are very, very upset at them. Because what essentially is they're saying that these apps are illegal in China, so they're not allowing them on the Apple Store, but they're illegal in China because they allow them to get away from government censorship. So government censorship has a certain lockdown on what you're allowed to look at online. Here it is. Apple removes apps from the China store that help internet users evade censorship. Very disappointing to people because they feel like Apple kind of like feels like maybe they
Starting point is 02:05:01 have to do this. Are the New York Times trying to get us to pay? How dare you, New York Times. No one's paying for articles online. Just stop. Just stop. Who the fuck pays for articles online? Who gets newspapers still? 80-year-olds? Do you ever get one if you're in a hotel and they offer you the USA Today?
Starting point is 02:05:17 Just see what the fuck the world's paying attention to. Oh, man. USA Today. That's like the CNN of newspapers. Oh, man. USA Today. That's like the CNN of newspapers. If you had to guess, what percentage of people actually read the whole USA Today every day? 2%. No way. Less than 1%?
Starting point is 02:05:35 Yeah, less than 1%. Okay. For sure. 100%. But I was just making a point. Yeah. Well, it's just like E-entertainment news for the world. You know? It's like very surface. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:50 I mean, you're supposed to get it at a hotel. Like, what's going on? Oh, we won the football game. What do you think about that? All those memes of Donald Trump and CNN? What I think was crazy was that CNN went and found the guy who made the meme and put it online. And they scared him. Gangster, right?
Starting point is 02:06:08 Yeah, like, what are you doing, man? They threatened him. They blackmailed him. But how crazy is that? Like, you don't think that that's funny? Is that what you're saying? Like, he was in the WWE. You know Donald was in the WWE.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Yeah. You knew that that video was available. And they put a CNN thing over your face. You're actually mad at that? You're mad at that. You're not mad at the $6.5 trillion missing. But you're mad at that you're not mad at the 6.5 trillion dollars missing but you're mad at that that seems pretty fucking crazy to me that seems pretty crazy to me you're gonna go after a guy who made a comical meme about the president body
Starting point is 02:06:34 slamming you made him apologize publicly dude how many memes are there of us sucking dicks there's got to be thousands right it's like the golden rule of the internet if there's a photo of you online somewhere someone has photoshopped a dick in your mouth yeah and now it's going to get even crazier there's a lot of there's a lot of gay ones there's probably at least 50 gay ones the one you just showed me the one you showed me of you and me in a wrestling statue where the dude's grabbing the dude dick yeah yeah that's just. That's just wonderful. That was Photoshop Steve. But, I mean, my point is, like, that they would get so mad at that that they would go after the guy who made it.
Starting point is 02:07:12 That sort of reinforces the side of Trump. Like, people don't get that. They don't understand that if you... You have something that's comical, right? Like that meme of Donald Trump slamming CNN. And then you go find the guy who's just joking around. Made a little animated gif. Joking around.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Put it online. Thought it was funny. Everybody got a laugh. You know, oh, he's smashing fake news. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And you go and scare that guy. You go and scare that guy. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:07:43 What's going on? You know what's scarier than that going on you know what's scarier than your cnn what's scarier than that is that there's still people that watch that shit every day yeah after that well after knowing that you're gonna still watch it and believe it the other thing was a story they made up about russian contacts about uh there's like three reporters had to resign whose story that was on CNN, they're like greatly exaggerated. I think CNN is,
Starting point is 02:08:09 they just want to start shit. I think it's not that they're- They want to make money. They just want to start shit. I think it's part of the agenda. I think this is what I think. Divide and conquer. They feel like there's an enemy out there,
Starting point is 02:08:22 and that enemy is the new president. They think there's an enemy, and they feel like they're going to war with the enemy. And when you have a bunch of soldiers that are going to war for the enemy, some of them do some unscrupulous shit. Like these people that had to resign because of the story with Russia, with the fake facts.
Starting point is 02:08:37 I forget what the actual thing was, but CNN disavowed their article, pulled it down, removed it, whole deal. Three journalists leaving CNN after a retracted article. CNN journalists, including the executive editor in charge of a new investigative unit, have resigned after the publication of a Russia-related article that was retracted. So you can go into details if you wanted it. You know what?
Starting point is 02:09:01 What if the CNN Donald Trump feud is like pro wrestling? What if they're just laughing and they're just slinging shit back and forth? Dude, I was talking to a guy the other day that thinks that. He thinks it's all about
Starting point is 02:09:13 setting up China. He said it's all about us going to war with these other countries. He thinks all these distractions are happening and that's what's positioning North Korea
Starting point is 02:09:23 and China on the side of North Korea. You know what's crazy about North Korea? They're the most demonized country on the planet. Oh, they're always testing missiles. They're testing missiles. Since the Korean War, you know how many countries they've invaded and killed innocent civilians? Zero.
Starting point is 02:09:38 How many countries have we invaded and killed millions of civilians? Like 20 or 30 since the Korean War. But they're the bad guy. They're the bad guy. They're not invading anybody. They've never invaded anybody. We invade people all the fucking time and kill innocent children. Come on.
Starting point is 02:09:55 This is a big show going on. There's nothing. North Korea ain't doing shit. That's true, but it is a dictatorship. It's a scary dictatorship. They have ultimate control. No, no, no. It's not. The people who have been there have studied it. No one disagrees, Eddie. I think it scary dictatorship. They have ultimate control. No, no, no. It's not.
Starting point is 02:10:05 The people who have been there have studied it. No one disagrees, Eddie. I think it's like a prison city. They have ultimate control. I think it's a prison country. Yeah, they're all imprisoned by their own military. For a show. I think it's for a show.
Starting point is 02:10:15 There's no show, man. They don't have bombs. Eddie, they do. They do. And it is scary, but they're a minor league problem in comparison to a lot of other problems that are in the world. You know why I don't believe that? Because CNN pushes it.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Everybody pushes it, Eddie. I think it's all bullshit. There's no one out there that's saying that North Korea is not a military threat or they're not some sort of a military dictatorship. I think it's a distraction. I think they're all in on it. I don't think there's that many people out there. They've never invaded anybody.
Starting point is 02:10:39 We've invaded 30 countries since the Korean War. But this guy's still a psychopath that's running this whole country in 2017. That scares the fuck out of people. CNN says he's a psychopath. So we got a lot of people do. Michael Malice does. He's an author that I had on the podcast that wrote a book about Kim Jong-un. And, you know, he was describing, was it un or ill? Which one's ill? It wasn't even raised in Korea. No, that's the young guy. Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un is the dad he did it about the dad which whatever one the dad is is the kid the new one
Starting point is 02:11:06 the new one okay so it was Kim Jong-il but it's called Dear Reader it's a very very good book and interesting you find out how fucked up it is over there it's a system that's set up so that everybody's imprisoned by it
Starting point is 02:11:18 everybody tells on everybody else like they're set up to tell on each other like the people that have escaped and have left and gone to South Korea They'll tell the stories about the prison camp. Okay, people are born in prison camps over there Eddie. I think they're prisoner actors Oh, come on. Jesus fucking Don't get mad cuz I say that why you
Starting point is 02:11:36 Am I gonna get killed for saying the whole group of the whole country's a bunch of actors. They're getting a check I think the prisoners and they're forced to do parades. Yeah, definitely prisoners they're definitely forced to do parades exactly yeah like the whole country's a prison that's what i'm saying that's what i'm that's what i said but they're not actors they're acting when they're being filmed the guys they're acting they're not that's not real they're not being a sincere they're acting they're forced to act they're prisoners but wait a minute do you think that this country is under the control of a military dictatorship and everyone's terrified of doing anything wrong you think that okay so they're all so you think that this country is under the control of a military dictatorship and everyone's terrified of doing anything wrong? Yes.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Do you think that? Okay. They're all acting. So you think that... What do you mean by they're acting, though? They're all terrified. Like, how are they acting? In what way?
Starting point is 02:12:15 They're acting like they're in love with Kim Jong-un. Yeah, they have to. Yeah, they all do that. That's a fact. They were arrested. They went to jail. A bunch of people did for not crying hard enough when his dad died. Not crying hard enough.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Like people who did like six months of hard labor. They come up with all that shit. Oh, he got a haircut and he made everyone get the same haircut. Look into that. That's all. Yeah, that's a fake story that everyone thinks is true. That he got a haircut and he made every man in the country get a haircut or they get killed or something or get thrown in prison. I never saw that.
Starting point is 02:12:52 It's bullshit. Maybe he did. Maybe he's that gangster. High top fade or die. Those motherfuckers don't have shit. High top fade or die. They don't have shit? What do you mean?
Starting point is 02:13:03 They don't have nuclear weapons. You don't think so? No. Let's just bring you to Washington, D.C. and clear this up. I don't believe shit. They're robbing trillions of dollars. I think you should not believe in anything coming from the mainstream media. Anything.
Starting point is 02:13:18 If they're all pushing it, then it can't be the truth. There's no way it's the truth. North Korea themselves, I mean, they definitely launched a missile yesterday, right? No, that's what they say. You don't believe it? No. Who's they way it's the truth. But even North Korea themselves, I mean, they definitely launched a missile yesterday, right? What was the missile they launched yesterday? No, that's what they say. You don't believe it? No. Who's they? That's what they say. CNN? Fox News? Everybody's in on it?
Starting point is 02:13:32 It's all mainstream media. So you think they're all in on it? I think it's a distraction. I think there's some serious shit going on in Washington D.C. and they need that shit. Oh, they're sending out missiles again and everyone's afraid of World War III. It's too gangster. What do you think is happening in Washington, D.C.? They're not invading anybody.
Starting point is 02:13:46 We've invaded 30 countries or 20 or 30 countries since the Korean War. We've killed millions of innocent people on some bullshit-ass wars. And we're worried about North Korea? That's ridiculous. No, it's true. Propaganda. We're brainwashed. Or maybe they are a military dictatorship with nuclear power.
Starting point is 02:14:03 I'm very suspect. Experts. Latest North Korean missile could strike Boston and New York City. Eddie Bravo, skeptical hippo face. I mean, this is a trap, man. Yeah. It's got a beautiful haircut, though. Look at that sweet fade.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Did you know in the Korean War, and this is mainstream news, we made 18 cities disappear in Korea? Oh, yeah. It was horrible. Dude. What they did in North Korea was horrible dude what they did was horrible we made the soviets get the fuck out the soviets left and and after the korean war the united states was like what are we gonna do with it china says we'll take over so since the korean war it hasn't been officially soviets the soviets officially left and then china took over
Starting point is 02:14:40 they kind of manage it and govern it i think it. I think it's just like a little prison country that they use to, they use as the bad guy. I think, I wouldn't be surprised if Kim Jong-un doesn't even live in Korea. It's probably like a hologram. It's just fake videos. If you watch the videos, easily faked. Easily faked. There's no proof of anything.
Starting point is 02:15:00 There's no proof of shit. You're right. They're showing video of a missile going up. Oh, I believe that. After they're stealing tr proof of shit. You're right. They're showing video, but it's missile going up Oh, I believe that after they're stealing trillions of dollars It's did we shouldn't believe shit a smart man wouldn't believe shit Okay, you don't even think that the missiles that are getting launched in the air real so all the people Don't really have missiles. I don't say that no I didn't say so that's why I assume they don't have missiles if we thought They're talking about I'm talk talking about North Korea. They've always had missiles. That's what they tell you.
Starting point is 02:15:26 Didn't the Russians sell them shit? That's what they tell you. Was it the Chinese or the Russians? Everything they say. They. Who's they? The same people that stole the trillions of dollars. The same people that stole the trillions are also running CNN.
Starting point is 02:15:40 They're running everything. It's all connected. It's all connected. Definitely don't think that's the truth. It's all connected, dude. I don't think you can have everything connected if they're going back and forth with each other. Like, look what's happening between Fox News and CNN, right? Look at the internal battles. I think it's fake.
Starting point is 02:15:56 You think these guys would— That's WWE. As a Republican and Democrat, it's a fake fucking— So they're not really in competition with each other either? They don't care who gets more ratings, money individually right individually people are worried about their own check and their own family so individually yes but at the top it's just a show and i don't believe shit coming from them too much faking six moon landings come on let me ask you this come on let me ask you this where do you think because one of the things that's happened for sure is as
Starting point is 02:16:23 time has moved on as technology it has gotten more and more powerful, and the ability to do all the stuff that we can do now with our phones, all the information that you can get almost instantly with your phone, when is it going to reach a point where no one has any control over anyone else? Because it seems to me that that's inevitable. What do you mean? It seems to me that the idea of these big units or these big groups having control over mass amounts of people,
Starting point is 02:16:48 I think at a certain point in time, if technology keeps moving the way it is, more and more people will have more and more ability to communicate. You're not going to be able to hide things.
Starting point is 02:16:57 They're doing it right now. But I think we're going to reach a point in time where they can't do that. They could do that so much easier in the 60s. They could do anything in the 60s.
Starting point is 02:17:04 It was so much easier. It was so easy so much easier in the 60s. They could do anything in the 60s. It was so much easier. It was so easy to fake deaths in the 60s, 50s, 40s. Fake everything. Everything. It was so easy. No one knew shit. Look at how Jack Ruby runs up on Lee Harvey Oswald and just shoots him in the guts in front of everybody.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Yeah, they look like a- They just let this guy run at him with a gun in his hand. They're bringing him in. We've got him, Lee Harvey Oswald. We got him. What's that guy? What's he doing running our way? Hey, is that a gun? Bang! He just shoots him right in the stomach in front of everybody. Meanwhile, he's probably not even dead. That looks so
Starting point is 02:17:34 staged. Maybe Lee Harvey Oswald, they go, dude, we gotta send you to an island. Oh, they shot that dude. You can see the bullet hit him. Shoots him right in the guts. I think there's land that the elite have that no one knows about, man. That's what I think. I would. If I was the elite, I would have some shit and go, we don't need to tell these motherfuckers.
Starting point is 02:17:52 You think the people running shit are like, we need to tell the people. They need to know. They have a right to know. What do you think Clinton does most of his days? I think he's just got a bunch of chicks he calls up. Hey. Hey. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:18:04 But when you watch the Clinton Chronicles. Stroking the resistance. There's a, they may be bullshit, but there's some. What's the Clinton Chronicles? The Clinton Chronicles is a documentary made in the 90s that you can find on YouTube. And it goes through his career in Arkansas. And the Coke and all that stuff with the CIA. Mina Arkansas.
Starting point is 02:18:21 Very few. While George Senior's vice president with Ronald Reagan. The Cont Arkansas. Very few. While George Sr.'s vice president with Ronald Reagan, the Contra, all that shit. Man, there's a war on drugs? That's a scam.
Starting point is 02:18:32 They're not trying to stop no goddamn drugs. They'll bust a Mexican cartel here and there just to say they're doing shit, but they're taking
Starting point is 02:18:40 all that money. Everyone's like, yeah, we need to fight this drug war. They're getting all this fucking money. It's just like the moon and all the space shit.
Starting point is 02:18:47 I just want to know what Bill Clinton's doing right now. He's probably having a good time. Do you think he's having a good time? I think he's having,
Starting point is 02:18:53 to him, it's a good time. I think he's having a fucking great time right now to tell you the truth. Do you think they got him set up? Do you think he's
Starting point is 02:19:00 got like a sweet house and they bring him grapes and shit and he lays down? No one's ever going to bust him. What's this? It's that movie about Barry him grapes and shit and he lays down. No one's ever going to bust him. What's this? It's that movie about Barry Steele coming out at the end of the summer. Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Tom Cruise is playing Barry Steele. How unreal is this going to be? Come on. It's a propaganda film. It's not a felony if you're doing it for the good guys. Wow. They're going to make him look really bad. I wonder.
Starting point is 02:19:27 I wonder if it's... Maybe they'll just say, hey, this is a long time ago. How can they make it look? They're going to make it look like... We don't do it anymore. He was being sent... He was a... Barry Seals was a pilot.
Starting point is 02:19:40 He was a... Here's a trailer. Tom Cruise, looking sexy as ever. They make him seem like a badass pilot. How does he stay looking? He was a badass pilot. He had his pilot license at 15. And so the CIA recruited him.
Starting point is 02:19:52 That's mainstream. The CIA recruited him because he was a badass pilot who was... The trailer's really good. The movie looks really good. He's covered in coke. And he gets out of a fucking plane. Covered in coke. Steals a kid's bike. Wow. He crashed around in coke. And he gets out of a fucking plane. Covered in coke. Steals a kid's bike.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Wow. He crashed around in a plane. How does Tom Cruise stay looking 35? What is he doing? He's a Scientologist. But what are they doing? Are they doing something to his face? They're drinking baby blood.
Starting point is 02:20:17 They're running those little cotton gin looking things over his face. Hey, have you heard somewhere in Europe, This could be bullshit. Oh, no, but but people like teens that Donate blood old people are buying young blood and getting transfusion. Okay, not in Europe It's here in Silicon Valley. They're doing it for real. Yeah, Peter Thiel who's a famous billionaire. Tell me about that What do you know? They found that if you inject young mice, or old mice rather, with the blood of young mice, it makes them act like a young mouse. Illuminati knew that shit for millennia. Well, it sounds like vampire shit.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Forget about Illuminati. It sounds like vampire stuff. Sounds like Illuminati. Elizabeth Bathory stuff. So they are doing this now where they take these young, healthy guys and they donate blood. And then you go there and they take that blood and pump it into your system. And they fill your body up with young blood. Does it work?
Starting point is 02:21:16 Apparently. It has some crazy rejuvenating effect on you. It's super expensive. Let me ask you this. Okay. People freak out when you say, hey, the Illuminati, they're kidnapping kids and torturing babies,
Starting point is 02:21:31 and they want to scare the shit out of them because they want to adrenalize blood, and they're poking holes all over them. Adrenalize blood? Apparently, if you scare the shit out of them, the adrenal gland flushes into... This is what they say. Apparently, this is what they say.
Starting point is 02:21:44 This is what they say. Should I look into it? Hey, do I have... Can I just talk? I should look into it. I don't know if it's real. I don't know if it's real. But apparently,
Starting point is 02:21:51 adrenalized blood is the most potent. So they scare the kids and they kill them and suck... They drink their blood. That's a conspiracy theory. That's a conspiracy theory. But we're already seeing this with we're being slowly getting.
Starting point is 02:22:07 If teen blood is good for you, for old people, I bet some billionaire is going to go, what about fucking toddler blood? What about that shit? What about newborn baby blood? I bet they're thinking. The whole thing about stem cells, the thing about stem cells is getting placental stem cells. Think about all the kidnaps. Or embryotic stem cells. 800,000 to cells is getting placental stem cells. What do you think about all the kidnaps? Or embryotic stem cells? 800,000 to a million kidnaps
Starting point is 02:22:28 a year? So you think they're just taking babies and using them to make rich people stay alive forever? If you were rich and fucking a psychopath, wouldn't you do that? If they can use CRISPR to artificially engineer a bunch of headless kids and you take the blood out of them,
Starting point is 02:22:44 they don't even know you got it. If teen blood is working, don't you think baby blood would... It wouldn't be a shocker if you found out that baby blood is the best, right? It wouldn't be a shocker. Let me ask you this. Would that be a shock?
Starting point is 02:22:54 Is it immoral to have a warehouse filled with headless, fake kids? They don't have any head. They never did have a head. They were engineered with CRISPR to have no head. And you have them hooked up to this thing. And the blood is still the same. They're pumping blood into these vats.
Starting point is 02:23:07 And you go there and they tap you. And you have to look up and recognize that these artificial people. It's got to be real blood. But they're real blood. They're real people. They just don't have any heads. So they never have a chance to be alive. They're connected to some machine. Is this a movie? No, probably. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:23:23 It's kind of like The Matrix, right? It's kind of like The Matrix. But we already know teen blood is helping old people. I think it's 25-year-olds is what they go for. An adult. Young adult. So based on the fact that teen blood is better than getting like a 50-year-old's blood, right? Right?
Starting point is 02:23:39 Yes. That's what they're saying. Toddler blood would be better than teen blood. And you don't think a trillionaire wants that toddler blood? Maybe. You're right. Here's the other thing that than teen blood. And you don't think a trillionaire wants that toddler blood? Maybe, you're right. Here's the other thing that goes the other way, which is even more fascinating. They took the blood of old mice and they put it into the young mice
Starting point is 02:23:51 and the young mice started acting old. Which is kind of fucked. It's like, wow. There's something in the blood and they're trying to isolate what it is. Of course. It just makes sense. It's easy to believe. Yeah, young blood is probably better than old blood yeah it's probably better yeah and that's what where everything comes from
Starting point is 02:24:10 it comes from the blood everything blood is look at this cannabis reverses aging process in the brain study suggests researchers restore the memory performance of methuselah mice to juvenile stage. Whoa. Regressed to a two-month-old. Whoa. Using a cannabis active ingredient. Whoa. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:24:35 That's crazy. Treatment opens up new options when it comes to treating dementia. Imagine if weed was what you needed, just hardcore edibles. We need to ask joey some questions he does have some stories we know for a fact that cannabis basically like 90% cures seizures in kids and even in animals yeah even in dogs dogs that have seizures you give them some cannabis oil boom right but let me ask you this why does it fuck with your memory how come when we're high we're like what the fuck was I just talking about?
Starting point is 02:25:05 My theory is this. It's like there's a difference between forgetting something and misplacing something. Like when you go out to Vegas and you get hammered and you black out, there's no way someone's going to say anything to you that's going to make that memory come back of this or that. They say, dude, and then you grabbed her and then you picked her up and then you told her to get the fuck out of here. You're like, dude, I don't remember any of that.
Starting point is 02:25:30 You lost your memory. Even them reminding you and telling you about what happened, you lost your memory. But now when you're stoned and you've got all this shit going on, weed makes blood rush to your head, so you've got so much shit going on, shit gets misplaced. You forgot what you were talking about. But if someone reminds you of what you were talking about, you're like, oh, okay, then you're back on track.
Starting point is 02:25:51 It's definitely better than booze in that respect. Yeah, because, well, there's a difference between actually forgetting something and not remembering at all. It just completely, you did it. You were drunk. You did it. You don't remember it. There's nothing anybody can do to bring it back. They could you all about it you could watch it on video it ain't coming back maybe the memory of you watching the video will will stay in your brain but no memories
Starting point is 02:26:13 of it's never coming back with weed you're talking about all this shit you're going to it's you start you start digressing and moving to this and jumping all over the place and go what did i just say right if someone reminded you it'll come back. It wasn't like, man, I don't remember ever talking about that. You were just talking about that. No, I don't remember that. So it's different. Well, I forget sometimes what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 02:26:32 but I don't forget moments or instances or facts. If you were blackout drunk, you would. Right, you would. You can get one of them caveman coffees, those little things. Yeah, everybody has gotten those moments where- Blackout. Yeah, or just when you know that you're not seeing things the way other people are seeing them.
Starting point is 02:26:50 They're like, where? That's why I don't understand how anybody could do ketamine. People that do recreational ketamine- Never done it. Never done it either. But it's scary. You go into that K-hole that they talk about. It doesn't sound good.
Starting point is 02:27:04 K-hole doesn't sound good. That doesn't sound good. K-hole doesn't sound good. That doesn't sound good to me. I don't want to do that. It's some sort of animal tranquilizer, right? Thanks, brother. Thank you. What is it? If it wasn't called K-hole, if it was called Wunderlust,
Starting point is 02:27:22 if something was called Wunderlust, I'd be like, let me try it. Yeah, but they call it a K-hole after they've been in it. Yeah, itlust. If something was called wonderlust, I'd be like, let me try it. Yeah. But they call it a K hole after they've been in it. Yeah. It sounds horrible. It sounds like darkness. I don't want to go there.
Starting point is 02:27:32 I never had the desire to do something that was going to put you in a K hole. Fuck that. Like acid, not into it. I, we did that acid podcast with Joey. I didn't think I can go. That was the only guy not on acid,
Starting point is 02:27:44 but Ari was on acid. Joey, Lee, it was fucking hysterical. I was like, you got to change the name. You can't call it acid. I'm not going to take
Starting point is 02:27:55 anything called acid. That fucks me up. That's hilarious. And they should have called it something else. They should have called if they just call it cutie love. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:02 Want some cutie love? Yeah. Yeah. I'll take some cutie love. What's it going to do? love? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'll take some cutie love. What's it going to do? Oh, just make you look at yourself the way everybody else looks at you. Oh, that's weird. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:28:17 But Joey would drop some ass. He didn't give a fuck, man. Yeah, Joey, he's down to have a little. He's gangster. That's the most gangster guy. He's been killing it everywhere, too. Joey's been doing a lot of traveling. He just sold out the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City.
Starting point is 02:28:29 That's nuts. Yeah, he wanted to come in and do a podcast to promote it. He's like, I don't even got to promote it, dog. It's already sold the fuck out. Everybody's killing it. It's kind of crazy. Crazy to see how hard they're killing it on the road. Joey's podcast is killing it too and then the comedy store holy shit that thing is
Starting point is 02:28:50 thriving yeah it used back in the day they had so many like hidden bars back there then it was like collected dust spider webs everywhere now all those back rooms are being used like the old days it's insane i've never i mean i was hanging out at the comedy store all the goddamn time with you for like two or three years straight. You'd come pick me up. Man, I'd come out. Your car, either like the baddest car on the planet is like just waiting for me. I'm out front. Those moments.
Starting point is 02:29:20 You know, the reason I bring that up is last night after ebi me and my wife drove through my own neighborhood and we went down my street i got out of my car i parked right in front of my house and i got on my car i just wanted to look at it again i mean i was there for like 15 years and when i turned around and walked back to the car dude i went back to 2001 where you'd come and pick me up and we drive to the comedy store dude dude. I had that vision. That was just last night, man. It was insane. It is crazy, right? We did that all the goddamn time. And the comedy store, the way it is now,
Starting point is 02:29:50 holy shit, Tuesday night, selling out? They sell out Monday night. What the fuck? They sell out almost every night sometimes. Remember, the main room was rarely used. It was just all about the OR. It was struggling. It was struggling.
Starting point is 02:30:01 And then when you left, and you had that falling out for a while, then, dude, darkness. And then when you left and you had that falling out for a while, then, dude, darkness. And then you come back. Boom. It's like Jesus is doing stand-up there now. You know what I mean? It's so packed and everyone loves it and there's lines outside.
Starting point is 02:30:16 It's nuts. It's weird, right? Yeah. It's weird to see because you get to see it in the dark days. You got to see it when I first started going there, which we weren't getting a lot of crowds no just the or and it's rarely sold out that it took like a few years of me going there selling out sellouts weren't happening back then not maybe if dave chappelle came by and did like a set or something maybe and everyone talked or maybe on a friday night it would sell out or a saturday night in the or yeah but just the or not like both of them. You know what I mean? It's pretty rare. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:45 Yeah. And now it's nuts and all the managers are like, hell, this is all insane. It's different. It's a beautiful thing, man. It's crazy. It's the internet, dude.
Starting point is 02:30:55 The internet. Internet opened that fucking place up. Yeah. It's always been a big vortex for crazy people, too. Yeah. There was something about that place. That guy was still there last week.
Starting point is 02:31:05 Robert Apervier. William Aper Robert Appervire. What's his name? Robert William Appervire. The weed lawyer. I'd like to talk to him. Have you ever talked to him? You can't touch him. You can't touch him. He won't shake hands. What's his story? What does he say? I don't know. I mean, I think he's got something going on. You'd have to ask him.
Starting point is 02:31:22 There's some issues. There's some sort of issue. He walks. That's a documentary right there. Getting into that dude. You know what that dude would do? He would put on a jacket and then he would put, he would like stuff the jacket filled with plastic bags and walk in the rain. He's like a
Starting point is 02:31:38 sort of a homeless kind of comedian who shows up. He has a place where he sleeps. Yeah. And he's got a place. And he's been at the comedy store every weekend forever. Forever. Every weekend. He's always there and he's got a place and he's been at the comedy store every weekend forever every weekend he's always there and he's by himself no one usually talks to him
Starting point is 02:31:48 right he's kind of just he's a nice guy and all his jokes are about marijuana does he have good ones they're not bad they're not bad
Starting point is 02:31:57 oh so he's a super weed guy oh yeah it's all about weed everything's about weed his whole act's about weed what I didn't know that you didn't know that I didn't know that
Starting point is 02:32:03 that's hilarious his whole act is about marijuana what does he I didn't know that. You didn't know that? I didn't know that. That's hilarious. His whole act is about marijuana. What does he say? Oh, you'd have to go and watch. You'd have to go and watch. I wouldn't want to do his bits. But yeah, it's all about weed.
Starting point is 02:32:14 That's crazy. I feel like he was a lawyer. There's this documentary about this old lady who basically lives at a laundromat. She just started hanging out there and super nice and started doing people's laundry. And the owner of the laundromat just let her live there. She's just a homeless person. She's really sweet. She's there all day, clean it up and watch. She's like, I got free security.
Starting point is 02:32:35 She's nice. I'm not going to throw her out. And she's helping everybody. Everybody loves her. And then they did a documentary on her life. It's pretty fascinating, man. Um, Zach Galifianakis take has been taking,
Starting point is 02:32:48 he's known her for years because she's like in Santa Monica. And back when he was a struggling actor, he met her at the laundromat and he became friends with her. He takes her on red carpet premieres as his date. He hooks her up. They have a really, they're, they have a close relationship. That's great. He hooks her up. They have a really, they have a close relationship.
Starting point is 02:33:05 That's incredible. He takes her to legit red carpet, big ass movie premieres. That's hilarious. Yeah. Zach's an interesting guy, man. He's real good friends
Starting point is 02:33:15 with Brody. Really? Yeah, when Brody was having some issues, he reached out because he knew I'm friends with Brody and just telling me
Starting point is 02:33:22 like Brody's not doing so good right now. Help him out. Try to keep an eye on him. Don't know him doing anything nuts. Really is he not doing stand-up anymore? What is this? You remind me of this story I just heard the other day. I'm looking this video up It's not brand new which I thought it was brand new this lady was living in this guy's attic for a couple like I think a year And the way he found out is he put a camera in because he was finding food missing from his
Starting point is 02:33:47 apartment, like in his kitchen. This lady was living in his attic and climbing down when he was gone to take a shower, piss, cook food. Wow. I think it was a year. I want to say it might have been a little longer. It could have been a little less. She's like 54 years old.
Starting point is 02:34:04 This is like that movie. I think it was in New York. What's that movie? She had this little stool there. It could have been a little less. She's like 54 years old. This is like that movie. I think it was in New York. What's that movie? So she had this little stool there. It starts with a P. Whoa. Poltergeist? No.
Starting point is 02:34:14 No, it's a paranormal activity or something like that. Yeah, right. This is crazy. This could be fake though, right? No, it was real. Look how quiet she's being. I'll share the rest of the story. So is she doing this while he's asleep?
Starting point is 02:34:23 I think he was gone at work. She probably didn't want anybody to know. She was pissing in the sink and stuff. Wow, pissing in my sink. What the fuck? The video's time-lapsed a little bit, too, so I'm skipping it. Oh, my gosh. She's sitting there at his desk.
Starting point is 02:34:37 This is his whole apartment that we're looking at? Well, this is just like his kitchen. He just put a still camera in there when he went to work to find out what was going on. Dude, I wonder how often this is happening. Maybe this is a thing. Whoa. Hold on, but keep going with that. Keep going with that.
Starting point is 02:34:54 Where is she? How did she get up there? Like she went back up? Yeah, exactly. How did she get back up? Yeah, where did she go? That's him, right? That's him.
Starting point is 02:35:02 There she is. Okay, so where did she go? Dude, this has got to be fake. No way she could get up there. Well, let's find out how she does it. Oh, she hears him. Oh, shit. Oh, she hears him coming in and she runs and hides.
Starting point is 02:35:15 Oh, wow. It might have been in the middle of the night. Oh, my God. He got up in the middle of the night and she had to hide. I don't know. How is she going to get back up there? How is she going to get back up there? How is she going to get back up there? She's been doing it every night, so it's like...
Starting point is 02:35:28 But let's see it. Let's see it. Dude, that is insane. So he leaves, and then she climbs back in. Let's see it. There's no shot of her going back in. There is, just right there. There she is.
Starting point is 02:35:42 Okay, let's see that. Oh, shit. It's real. Dude, she, just right there. There she is. Okay, let's see that. Oh, shit. It's real. Dude, she lives in his attic. That's insane. That's so creepy. What did it say? The next morning?
Starting point is 02:35:53 Maybe she has a phone. Did it say the next morning? Where? Didn't it say that at the very end of that video? I missed that. Does it say how long she was up there for?
Starting point is 02:36:05 Like, how long it had been? I don't know. I was going back to the story so you could get the rest of the video. Go like right when she pops up. Go right back to that video, please. And right when she pops up into the attic area. Go a little bit further back for when she scrambles up. Fine when she scrambles up in there.
Starting point is 02:36:23 There's one up there right now. I don't see it. There you go. That's him coming out the next the next morning yeah okay him so him the next morning and does he check the video and find out fuck man you know how creepy that would be if you're sleeping in the house and someone's in your goddamn attic and they climb down while you're while you're sleeping they make themselves some food and they climb right back up there. It's like a little human rat. Here's where she was staying. What's her name?
Starting point is 02:36:51 And how long, does it say how long she was up there for? Do they know? Did she admit it? Is she in jail? She insists it's actually her house. He knocked and found a dark-haired woman who said that Jimmy was letting him live there. He called the police, but the woman fled before they arrived. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:37:10 Strange. Wait, it's not unusual to what? Let's see, go back up a little bit. It's not unusual. Oh. What does it say? But one man was shocked to find a woman. I wonder how often that happens.
Starting point is 02:37:21 It's not unusual to find unwelcome bats, squirrels Or termites in the attic But one man found a woman Jesus Christ, what is that? Some other video started playing Here's where she was Wow So she had like a little spot up there If you look this up too
Starting point is 02:37:39 This isn't an uncommon story, this happened A few times to other people Oh shit They're just living in their fucking house This isn't an uncommon story. This happened a few times to other people. Oh, shit. They're just living in their fucking house. Well, there's a lot of homeless people that eventually become squatters. That's a big problem with people, too. Someone just set up shop in your house and start living there and cooking and bringing food home,
Starting point is 02:37:59 and they change the locks, and then they say, this is my house. And then you have to actually figure out some way to prove that it's your house, that you didn't rent it to them, or that you have to figure out a way to kick them out. Dude, you just kicked their ass. What are you talking about? It's not that easy. Someone living in your house, you're going to fucking try to go to court? Let's say this.
Starting point is 02:38:18 Dude, you're going to sidekick them right in the throat. Not maybe me, but what if you're a guy that has a house in Big Bear? Okay. Okay, and you're a guy that has a house in Big Bear? Okay. And you're not there very often. And then you go up to Big Bear one day and the lock's changed. And some guy's looking at you through the window. Can I help you? And you're like, this is my house. The fuck it is, this is my house. And you're like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:38:37 Why are you in my house? What did you do to my locks? Like, the guy's just squatter. Dude, you come back with some friends and you just fuck this dude up. But he's got a gun. You come with guns, man. And he calls the police. The police show up. And the police are like, you're breaking and entering.
Starting point is 02:38:50 You're like, no, this is my house. No, he lives here. Possession's nine-tenths of the law. This gentleman's inside the building. I always heard that from kids. Possession's nine-tenths of the law. What is there, a fucking percentage of the law? Is the law the law?
Starting point is 02:39:04 Possession's nine-tenths of laws that real What that's how it's hard to say what I would do I saw something about it I just let him have the house some woman bought a house and right when she was about to move in some woman had it Just moved in and she had been there for like two weeks and she changed the locks and she was like someone leased it to Me online like she said that someone online changed the locks and she was like someone leased it to me online like she said that someone online like was leasing this lady's house is it a scam or is it real could be a scam on both sides could be she's lying or it could be someone ran a scam on her and got her to pay rent for a house and she really thought it was hers could be right yeah that's true totally what I think I was fooled Eddie called this video out as
Starting point is 02:39:46 properly being fake I think which video doing that video the lady in the apartment oh yeah yeah fake I found a story apparently and people are adding this video to that story so yeah this of another side I just said that it was a marketing campaign for a rental website the Daily Mail UK put out a marketing campaign how would they use that to get business so this video is fake it's a marketing campaign Oh interesting marketing campaign for what Goddamn fake news man real fake news calm go watch that shit That's just like Blair Witch so much shit. I believe Blair Witch the first time I saw it.
Starting point is 02:40:26 I thought it was real. Did you ever see the Bobcat Goldthwait Blair Witch style movie? He made a movie about Bigfoot. Willow Creek. It's a Blair Witch style Bigfoot movie. Is it good? It's pretty fucking good. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:40:40 If you want to get scared. I want to see it. The idea is that all those people that go missing in the forest, that's one thing where people go missing that's legit. Like Is that all those people That go missing in the forest That's one thing Where people go missing That's legit Like a ton of people Go missing every year
Starting point is 02:40:48 In the national parks National parks and forests They just get jacked Easy to pick them off there They just get jacked Hey if there's a market for it You don't think there's guys Out there trying to make money
Starting point is 02:40:58 I think they're getting Eaten by animals People are They're in deep woods And they're falling down And breaking their leg And getting eaten By bears and shit
Starting point is 02:41:04 There's a lot of that For sure There's a lot of that There's a lot of that When you have someone People are, they're in deep woods and they're falling down and breaking their leg and getting eaten by bears and shit. There's a lot of that. For sure. There's a lot of that. There's a lot of that. When you have someone that, like if you're in the business, that's a good spot. Get people camping. They'll never see it.
Starting point is 02:41:14 They're never going to investigate. They're going to say a bear took them. Easy. If that's your business, that would be, if that was your business, go, what's the easiest way? Right. But bears do get people. I know. It's perfect.
Starting point is 02:41:23 That guy that got, just got jacked the other day, woke up in his tent to the sound of his skull cracking because a bear was biting down on his skull. Oh. Oh. How often do bears kill people? Every year. Every year? Every year. In the United States?
Starting point is 02:41:39 Yeah, every year someone's getting killed. How many? Five? A couple. Four? A couple, two, three. Not that many. getting killed how many five couple four couple two three not that many you know a kid got killed at rutgers and then the most recent one a kid got killed he was in a road race in alaska he was uh
Starting point is 02:41:51 racing like some uh track event and he was lagging behind and he saw a bear and the bear was going after him he's like he called his mom up said mom is a bear following me and the bear jacked him dragged him into the woods. They had to kill the bear. The bear was, like, hoarding, like, covering the body, like, protecting it. Oh, they found the bear? Because the mom sent someone out. Yeah, they found the bear guarding the body.
Starting point is 02:42:17 Like, it was his. Like, he was going to eat it. How much did he eat at that point? He ate some of it. Face off or something? I don't know. Whatever he could get tore him apart, though. It's not a good way to go.
Starting point is 02:42:30 No. How about that documentary with that crazy dude who lives with bears? That's one of the best documentaries ever. Yeah. Grizzly Man. The way it was set up, too, because the first half of the documentary, you really liked that guy. You're like, this guy really cares about these bears. Because the first half of the documentary, you really like that guy. You're like, this guy really cares about these bears.
Starting point is 02:42:51 And all the sound bites they were using from the multiple interviews that they took were all stuff that were saying good things about him. And you're like, oh. And then slowly it gets dark. There's this crazy dude out there. Crazier and crazier and crazier as time goes on. I love when the pilot. What was it called? Grizzly Man.
Starting point is 02:43:03 Grizzly Man. The pilot of the sheriff goes, I thought he was retarded. You shouldn't laugh though. It's funny. Yeah, you can't be hanging out with bears. You can't be hanging out with bears. He wasn't just hanging out with bears. He was hanging out with them deep into the late season where the only ones that were alive that weren't in hibernation were the starving ones.
Starting point is 02:43:22 Like he was in a danger zone. Yeah. Like most of the time those bears, like if you're around bears that are eating salmon, you're not even in danger. They're just eating so much salmon. They don't want to try to chase you. They don't even think of you as food. Is that real?
Starting point is 02:43:33 Yeah. Yeah, there's an area that we, what is it, the Cannae Peninsula, that video that we showed where that huge bear wanders up to that dude. It's not even trying to kill him. It doesn't even care because there's like 30 bears on the stream and they're all just jacking salmon. They're eating so much salmon, but this bear lumbers up and it's like the size of a VW bus. It's so fucking big. And this dude just sitting there and this bear just walks over with these dead button eyes. They have those black dead eyes.
Starting point is 02:44:02 Oh, they're so creepy. I mean, they're beautiful in a lot of ways, but look at this thing. Look at this thing. Right up next to his lawn chair. Look at this thing's eyes. That's just an eating machine. That's what that is. That's like a pit bull times a thousand. Yeah, it's a thousand pound eating machine.
Starting point is 02:44:22 And they look so lovable. Yeah, of course. They look like your friends in the movies that talk. Well, what do you guys want to do today? Teddy bears. Should we go fishing? A lot of fishing going on here. And so this guy's hanging out and it just starts walking towards him.
Starting point is 02:44:36 I mean, this thing is 10 feet from him. Have you ever eaten a bear? Yeah. You eat bear meat? Black bear. Yeah. What does it taste like? Like a pig fucked a cow.
Starting point is 02:44:47 Nice. So look at this. This thing's just, look at his nails. Look at those fucking claws. Holy shit. The head on that thing. That is an enormous bear. How come this guy, this guy just freezing?
Starting point is 02:45:00 Yeah. I mean, he was taking pictures. He's a photographer and it shows it towards the end of the video. This guy was taking pictures of that river, which is filled with bears. Filled with bears eating salmon. And this is just a full bear. He's full. So he says to the bear, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Look at the muscles on that thing. Is that like code? Just noise. Just noise. Now look at that. Look at all the bears. Back up real quick. I want to see the running turns. Just noise. Now look at that. Look at all the bears. Damn. Back up real quick.
Starting point is 02:45:26 I want to see that around the turns. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. Look when he turns. Look at all these fucking bears. Holy shit. There's so many bears.
Starting point is 02:45:35 They're stuffed. This area, which is overwhelmed by bears, there's never been a death reported there. They don't kill people there because there's so many fucking salmon that they just gorge themselves on salmon and just chill out but if they're hungry they'll fuck you up like they'll just figure you out they're like i think i can eat this dude and then once they eat you they're like i can't believe i didn't eat him before that was easy like it's like we have this stupid idea that there's a contract we have a stupid idea that there's a contract. We have this stupid idea that there's some contract between us and bears.
Starting point is 02:46:10 They're not going to fuck us up. Well, they like us. We're cool. Most times bears are scared of people. Is there any video of a bear and a lion fighting? I'm sure, right? Probably in China or something. If you had to put money on a full-grown bear, a grizzly bear or a lion, lion what do you think i'm going with the lion all day yeah i'm going with cat they both got tremendous claws yeah i'm going with the cat he's more
Starting point is 02:46:33 athletic yeah he moves better cats just fuck everything up they fuck everything up they fuck up crocodiles you've seen leopards jack crocodiles yeah jaguars jaguars grab jack crocodiles i bet leopards do too yeah they just cats are just too fast they're too mean they're the meanest of all the animals and they're one of the rare animals that only eats meat like they only kill things like bears eat berries what about a polar bear versus a great white shark i gotta go with the shark i think the bear will fuck up the great white i don't think he's gonna be able to fuck him up in the water. They swim. They don't swim that good. They swim alright.
Starting point is 02:47:10 Not that good. Oh, this is a mountain lion. What? They're really fighting? Yeah. Holy shit. The mountain lion's biting the bear in the head and the bear's like, whatever, bitch. Whoa, this is amazing. I barely care. And that's it? So it's a female, it's a male bear and a female mountain lion that's guarding her cubs.
Starting point is 02:47:29 What if it's fake? So she bit the bear in the face. What if it's like, let's make a killer video and they just take this captured mountain lion and bear and they just let him go at it? I think that's real. She's just trying to keep that bear from eating her kids. Because if you just have cameras set up where you know mountain lion activity is, do you stay away, use a zoom lens? There's a bunch of different ways.
Starting point is 02:47:49 I mean, they've gotten a bunch of different really incredible encounters between animals just by filming hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours. You stay in the field for months at a time, you see things. Like look at this lion and the bear. Those are some good camera angles. Look at this. But that's a black bear. See, someone set this up.
Starting point is 02:48:08 That's a black bear and a lion. That's crazy. That's not a big bear. That's a small bear and a big lion. How would a black bear and a lion... And they never live together. Yeah, how would they be in the same spot? Somebody put them together. No other way. Lions are only in Africa, right?
Starting point is 02:48:24 The bears are only in North America. This one at least. Actually, they probably got some of those in Asia that look similar. That looks like a zoo right there. It is a zoo. Where the fuck is that animal? It's like a lion got in the bear pit or something. Oh, no, they're two lions.
Starting point is 02:48:38 They're two lions. Oh, he's about to get some. Oh, he's taking a shit. There's a bear in there too? Oh, the bear gets let in later? Oh a shit. There's a bear in there, too? Oh, the bear gets let in later? Oh, shit. There's a bear right there. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:48:50 Yeah, what's going on here? This is like some snuff film. Well, they do shit like that in other countries. Russia and shit. Yeah. I've seen videos where they have betting matches. Look at this. There's a bear and there's a lion.
Starting point is 02:49:04 Oh, shit. Bitch, that's my food. That's a big-ass black bear, too. Make them fight over the food. That's a huge black bear. What's that lion doing over there just facing the... Eating something. They're eating something.
Starting point is 02:49:17 This is way weird. I don't understand. I think they're just making bets. What about a full-grown chimp versus a tiger? Tiger all day. Really? Yeah, I go with the cat. I always go with the cat.
Starting point is 02:49:34 Especially if the cat's bigger. A full-grown cat can be like 900 pounds plus. Tigers can swim, right? Do they go underwater? They can swim underwater, yeah. Tiger versus great white. Great white. You think so? In the water yeah you don't always go for cats then you don't always go for cats but the great white's so much bigger still a cat there's a picture of uh i think i think a tiger would surprise you i think a tiger would take a fucking if they're taking out crocodiles great white white, they're not smart. That's true.
Starting point is 02:50:05 They try to eat cages and shit. I don't think they'd be able to do anything with it, though. I don't think it's too much. It's like, you know, a real great white's like a thousand pounds. Like, what the fuck's a tiger gonna do? Gonna swim with it in its mouth? They figured out that you could swim with all sharks now. The sharks are
Starting point is 02:50:21 like, hit them at the right time or whatever. You could swim with fucking sharks, except for great whites. But there is one lady who swims with great white sharks. What is this? You see this footage this weekend? 15 foot, what is it? It's a 14 to 15 foot great white, like in three foot of water off the coast of Mexico in this bay. It got hit right here with a propeller, but they found out it was feeding off stingrays.
Starting point is 02:50:42 It wasn't like beached or anything. Oh, really? This guy gets fucking super close to it, dude. It's wild. Holy fuck. Where's this? Mexico?
Starting point is 02:50:49 That's why it was there. It wasn't there because it was stuck. It was there because it was feeding off stingrays? Yeah, if you watch the whole video,
Starting point is 02:50:54 the guy, they're wondering if it's caught in a net or what's going on with it. He gets real close here. You can see this injury on its back. It got hit by a propeller.
Starting point is 02:51:02 Wow. I'm not going to show this online. If you want to look it up on YouTube, it's Pearson Brothers Winery. Why can't you show it online? There's too many views on it right now. Whenever you try to put someone else's YouTube video on your YouTube video, you get
Starting point is 02:51:16 yanked. Look at the scars on his back. So he got fucked up by a propeller? That's what happened there? It also starts moving around too. The guy got a little fucking hairy. Wow. It's pretty dark. Wow.
Starting point is 02:51:34 Look at the size of that thing. I didn't know they were so dark. Well, it's probably just shitty lighting. Or shitty... That's scary as fuck. That looks like a submarine. Just an eating machine There's been a bunch of videos That are really
Starting point is 02:51:47 Crazy to watch Where they take a drone And they fly it over Malibu And you see these people Surfing And just a few hundred yards Outside of the people Surfing
Starting point is 02:51:55 You see a great white Swimming through the water In Australia No Where? Malibu Oh shit Malibu
Starting point is 02:52:00 Yeah Is it on YouTube? That guy's in the water Right next to that thing At the end here He got Looking at it He got hit by a stingray twice in his foot. One was like a six-inch gash, he said.
Starting point is 02:52:10 Oh, Jesus. So there must be like a school of stingray. Stingray jacked his foot? Yeah. Oh, fuck, man. What are you doing? Are you retarded? Get out of there, kid.
Starting point is 02:52:19 Step it on stingrays, you fuck. Like, you accidentally step on them, right? Don't they, like, bury themselves in the sand? Is there video of that drone filming yeah in malibu yeah pull uh pull up uh great white spotted off of uh southern california coast look at that now this is malibu yes pismo beach it says okay that's pretty close it's a couple hours up the coast. There's a gang of them. And are they great whites? I believe there's one from Malibu, too.
Starting point is 02:52:49 Can they tell what kind of sharks they are? Yeah, they think it's a great white. When they get real big. There's quite a few videos that they're catching now with drones. One of them, they had people real recently, they evacuated the uh beach look at this look at that oh shit oh shit it's in the wave it's right there it's right there with everybody you know what they should have those patrolling the beach look at the other one right next to it oh damn he has no idea isn't that crazy it's right right there. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 02:53:26 He's just waiting for a wave, and that shark is right underneath him. That. Are you kidding me? Fuck all that. He has no idea. He has no idea. And what is that thing? And then he gets on this wave.
Starting point is 02:53:38 He's gone. He's gone. I bet you sharks all the time, they were about to go on some surfer. And then they take a fucking wave and he saves his ass. Dude, they probably are near death often. Those guys are so gangster. Guys like Kelly Slater. Yeah, fuck that. Shane Dorian.
Starting point is 02:54:00 Jaws fucked it up for me, man. I know that's brainwashed and all that, but it worked. That wasn't brainwashed. That's a movie. Do you know what Jaws fucked it up for me, man. I know that's brainwashed and all that, but it worked. That wasn't brainwashed. That's a movie. Do you know what Jaws was about? You know what the inspiration was? Well, it's some real shark that was... Real shark attack in freshwater.
Starting point is 02:54:15 It's real crazy. There's a shark called a bull shark that swims from the ocean up rivers into freshwater and can get as far north as Illinois. What? And they're the most aggressive sharks. And they killed a bunch of people in a river in New Jersey. Yeah, I think it was like the early 1900s. I want to say like the 1930s or some shit.
Starting point is 02:54:34 They killed a bunch of people in a freshwater river in New Jersey. So these people would be swimming. Hey, let's go swimming. All right, everybody. And they didn't know shit back then. And then you just see just get torn apart by sharks. I think it happened. Where's that one?
Starting point is 02:54:50 Indiana side of the Ohio River. The Indiana side of the Ohio River, and they catch a fucking bull shark. Do you know how crazy that is? That thing got all the way up the river in fresh water. They're the only shark that we know that can do that. And weirdly, it's one of the most aggressive sharks. I don't think we know of any other sharks that go up fresh water like that, right? Isn't that the only one?
Starting point is 02:55:15 I think that's the only one. Could travel up rivers. They have been known to travel as far up as Indiana and the Ohio River. Although there have been recorded attacks, they're probably responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks, including many attacks attributed to other sharks. See if you could find the inspiration for the movie Jaws shark attacks in New Jersey.
Starting point is 02:55:37 Because it was all in fresh water. That's what's fucked up about it. It wasn't even like the movie Jaws where it was actually in the ocean. Like, these people had no idea. They had no idea. 1916. Imagine all that.
Starting point is 02:55:52 People were like babies back then. They didn't know shit. They just landed on the coast of America. 1916. How long have we been there? 1776 to 1916. People just got there. No airplanes.
Starting point is 02:56:06 They've been there 100 years. Yeah. It's crazy. Like, 1916 in 2017, when you sit back and think about it, 1916 was essentially 100 years ago, 101 years ago. And just 100 years before that, you got 1816. 100 years before that, you got 1716. 100 years before that, you got 1716. So it's like the beginning of the country.
Starting point is 02:56:28 Just a couple of hundred years into the beginning of the country, and that was just 100 years ago. Great white shark attacked five people near the Jersey Shore. Huh, this is a different story. Unless they called it a great white shark and it was a bull shark. Is that... Hmm, I think that's different different i think that's a different story there was a bunch of attacks on a river in new jersey in the early 1900s i don't think
Starting point is 02:56:54 that's the one i think that's a different one there's obviously been a bunch of attacks spring lake and into matawan creek is that it rogue great-hmm. Rogue Great White. But the one that's a Rogue Great White, huh? That's different. I thought it was a bull shark. That's just what this says. Hmm.
Starting point is 02:57:12 When's this story from? The story says it's 1916, 2012. Well, if it's in the Smithsonian, you gotta think that's probably right. I could've swore
Starting point is 02:57:20 it was bull sharks, though. And it killed more than one person. Either way, fuck sharks. Right? Yeah, I don't fuck with the ocean. Do you go fishing? No.
Starting point is 02:57:32 You're not into it? No, I'll probably get into it for my son. I'll probably get into it. He likes it. But I ain't trying to go way out in the ocean. I have no desire to go. I like watching it on DVDs and shit. The deep and, you know that the deepest part of the ocean
Starting point is 02:57:45 I forget what it's called Cameron where he goes down that submarine. There's like a there's like a Mariana Trench. Yes Yeah, I like shit like that. There's a lot of mysterious shit that goes on there Do you know where the best place to go shark fishing in the world is South Africa right off Catalina? Really dude. It's one of the best spots in the world that catch these giant mako sharks, and they taste good. You can eat them. Gross. People get mad at you, though. That's a new thing. People get mad at you if you eat sharks.
Starting point is 02:58:10 If you kill sharks, people get mad. Yeah, they shouldn't be mad at that. But they don't get mad if you kill, like, a tuna. Tuna's okay, but sharks are bad because people have been brainwashed into thinking that people eat shark fin soup and they waste the shark. So then people start thinking of shark fishing, like they think of trophy hunting, or they think of killing lions or something like that.
Starting point is 02:58:30 You're just killing it for no reason. You're not eating it. What about killing dolphins for food? You like that? Nobody does that. The Japanese do. No, they just kill them. They kill them because they're getting in the way
Starting point is 02:58:40 of their tuna production. And they eat them too. Do they eat them too? Yep. Really? They eat them. They make dolphin burgers. Really? They eat them. They make dolphin burgers. Really?
Starting point is 02:58:46 Yep. Ooh. Seems wrong. They trap them in a cove and just fucking harpoon them in. I thought when they were doing that they were just killing them because they were getting
Starting point is 02:58:55 in the way of their tuna. They don't waste shit. They're not going to just waste that. Really? They eat them? They eat that shit. Have you watched? I've seen a documentary.
Starting point is 02:59:03 It could be bullshit, but it seemed legit but isn't it feels weird it feels weird right like eating a eating a dolphin seems fucked up didn't the japanese like they were totally into killing whales all the time but don't they still do whaling yeah yeah they still fuck whales up that's pretty fucked up right definitely they use it for all kinds of stuff right they would eat the whale blubber you know one of the things they do now they um they they kill whales under the false pretense of uh they're trying to do scientific research they're allowed to do some scientific research on whales so they kill a few whales and then they take those whales they kill
Starting point is 02:59:38 and they sell whatever parts which is smart that's gangster if i was in the illuminati i'd be like i'd green like that shit that's a good one i don't think it's illuminati i think it's a japanese fishing market that's always been doing that they've been selling and buying and killing whales forever and so then when these new environmental standards got raised they said oh yeah well we have to do a little research we gotta do a little research perfect perfect those uh that company um or that group the sea shepherds do you know who they are they're the ones who bust people who are whaling in illegal whaling because otherwise you got to think you find some whaling boat in the middle of the fucking ocean think I'll pick the
Starting point is 03:00:14 goddamn ocean is there's a boat out there somewhere in the middle of it that's whaling how you gonna find them what are you gonna do they go out there and ram these boats and they've they shoot like air guns or something like that at them? Like water guns. They do a bunch of shit to try to disrupt it and then they try to expose it. Isn't there a TV show about it? I think so. Whale Warriors or something.
Starting point is 03:00:35 Yeah, they should be fucking whales and dolphins. I draw the line. Yeah, they're too smart. Cows are okay. Cows are okay. Chickens are okay. Cows are dumb. Hey, chicken. Not that dumb.
Starting point is 03:00:46 Have you seen those videos of the cows that- They get loose. Yeah. Yeah, they were in a slaughterhouse. They let them go. They seem like they're smarter than we think. What about octopus? How smart they are.
Starting point is 03:00:56 They're definitely happy. And you go to some restaurants and you can eat a live octopus. You just boil them. That's fucked up. I went to an Italian restaurant. They had it on the menu last night. Grilled octopus. I've had it before. We've They had it on the menu last night. Grilled octopus. I've had it before. We've talked about it on the podcast.
Starting point is 03:01:07 They're smart as fuck. They are smart as fuck. But, you know what? Look at that. They're smart. It's going to go through a hole. Watch. It's going to go through a tiny...
Starting point is 03:01:15 Yeah. A little tiny asshole, right? Yeah. Where's the hole? Right there. The hole in the wall? Yeah. I got obsessed with octopus videos for a while.
Starting point is 03:01:23 I want more. I want... They got to pour... Fuck NASA and $ a while. I want more. I want, I want, they gotta pour fuck NASA and 18 billion dollars, put some more money into. Octopuses? Octopus, dolphins, monkeys. Where's that thing going? Out of the boat. Whoa. Just going through that hole in the wall? Yep.
Starting point is 03:01:37 Right out the side of the boat. Wow. Look at that shit. That's an alien life form. I mean, it might as well be from another planet. Yeah. If you found it on another planet, you'd be so excited. Did you see the one, the guy released it into the water and it like came up, it said it came up to thank him. Look at that shit. It's hard to tell if that's what it did.
Starting point is 03:01:53 Piling out of that crack to slowly compressing itself. The head, the brains, everything. Yeah. The only thing it has to worry about is the beak. I don't think they have like a classic brain like we think of. Look at that. That's nuts. Through a little tiny hole.
Starting point is 03:02:11 And right at the end of it, you scoop it up with a net. Psych. He tried too hard, but I saw it coming, bitch. It's crazy. He eat octopus? Yeah. Damn. I think they'd eat us, too. I don't think they're nice. Some octopus attack. Yeah. I don i think they'd eat us too i don't think there's some octopus attack
Starting point is 03:02:28 yeah i don't think they're nice up north i think canada they're worried that we're assholes and they're probably right but i don't think there's a lot of morals going on the octopus community do you ever see that one video of um octopuses that were taking out sharks in an aquarium they had this big ass aquarium they kept missing They're like, what the fuck is going on? It's like someone's killing our sharks. And then they put a video, they set it up
Starting point is 03:02:49 and they found out. Videos always, octopus always get busted with hidden cameras, right? Yeah. There's so many hidden camera videos of like pet octopuses
Starting point is 03:02:57 getting out of their aquarium. Oh yeah. And going into another aquarium and jacking the fish and then climbing back in. Look at this. Do they attack each other? Do octopus attack each other?
Starting point is 03:03:05 That's a very good question. Octopus wars. I'm sure they have them, right? Look at how he fucks this. This shark doesn't have a chance. It's a tiny shark. It is a tiny shark. It's like a baby.
Starting point is 03:03:14 It's like a toddler. It still doesn't have a chance. Do you know that they feel like they're pretty sure that they found fossil evidence of enormous suction cups, which would indicate that at one point in time there was a thing like a kraken, like an enormous 100-foot-long octopus. I believe that.
Starting point is 03:03:32 They probably still exist. Probably, right? We don't know shit about the ocean. Well, you've seen those giant squids, right? You ever seen those? Yeah. Do you ever seen that one they found when they had one of those offshore oil things?
Starting point is 03:03:46 What are those things called? Do they have it on YouTube? Giant squid? What's that? Offshore oil rig alien squid. Or the biggest squid found. The biggest one. Fucking squid.
Starting point is 03:03:56 They found this fucking squid, that one. They didn't even know this thing existed until they had a camera set up and look at that fucking thing. It's got like crab legs They found this enormous giant squid in the ocean They didn't even know it existed until they got this video look how big that shit is it's huge It's like it has like yeah arms I go back to that image Jamie and and freeze on it like it's hard to tell we need something like a boat next to it
Starting point is 03:04:23 Or it's hard to tell how big it is. Well, they've caught them. They've caught giant squid now. The giant squid used to be like a rumor. They used to find dead ones occasionally, but now they've found them and caught them. Yeah, it's huge, man. It looks like an alien. What the fuck? That thing looks like an alien.
Starting point is 03:04:39 Look at his crab-like legs where it bends. I wonder how smart they are. They should do some experiments on giant squids. Maybe they're just stupid. Octopus are smart, and they're just good for sushi. They make a hell of a sushi. Tell you that. I like squid sushi.
Starting point is 03:04:54 Ugh. I like it. You don't like sushi, huh? I don't like seafood at all. You have a weird taste, man. I like canned tuna. What about sardines? No fucking way.
Starting point is 03:05:01 That's the worst shit ever. What about oysters? Hell no. But I do like black cod Or is it black cod? Yes from the east. It's like from racist. I See what's this? I don't like white. It's black cod. They serve it. It tastes like candy I like that. Oh, I know what you're talking about. You're talking about like miso cod. Yeah, I don't know what's me So I think it's called black cod. Yeah, black cod with like a miso dressing.
Starting point is 03:05:26 So good. Yeah, a lot of Asian restaurants. I love that. Anything that tastes fishy, like salmon, I don't like that shit. Trout, uh-uh. Really? I'm not into it. I don't know. Man. You might have a very different taste. I wish I was into it. God damn it. Sushi sounds so much
Starting point is 03:05:42 fun. Let's go to sushi and do shots. What about organ meat? Organ meat? No. You ever eat liver? No. So good for you. I want shit that doesn't remind me that it used to be an animal. No desire.
Starting point is 03:05:53 That's why I like McDonald's, because I know that shit ain't meat. What if you were on a farm? If you were on a farm and the only way to eat was you had to shoot a cow and butcher it and grind it up. How would you handle that? Would you do it? I'd get used to it. You'd get used to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:09 I'm sure I would. If I was starving and I had my family, I'd kill a cow. Would you go vegan or would you just kill the cows? What was the choice again? Go vegan. You're on a farm. I'm on a farm. You got to get all your food from the farm.
Starting point is 03:06:22 I got to get all my, okay. Yeah. I'm on a farm. You got to get all your food from the farm. I got to get all, okay. Yeah, like say if we're in some Day of the Dead fucking- I'd have chickens. Night of the Living Dead. Chickens.
Starting point is 03:06:31 Walking Dead zombie scenario. Chickens. Kill chickens. Chickens, no problem. No problem, right? No problem. You wouldn't kill cows. I think God put chickens on the planet for us.
Starting point is 03:06:40 I think animals eat other animals, right? It's true. That's what we do. Every animal eats other animals. Do you think God is out there deciding? Let's just leave these chickens out there for the people. Man, I can't believe they're eating dogs. And then like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 03:06:52 Dogs, that's bullshit. What the fuck, Chinese people? You have a festival? We're just eating dogs? How about Indians think cows are sacred and we eat them? They must think we're fucking crazy. Well, certain parts of India, right? What is that?
Starting point is 03:07:05 Is it just the Hindus that think that? I think most of India. What do you think that's from? Just culture? Mushrooms. Maybe. For sure. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 03:07:14 For sure. Mushrooms, yes. Psilocybin grows out of cow shit. It only grows out of cow shit? Predominantly. Really? Yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 03:07:21 You can find it in fields. You need to get a couple cows. You got chickens and shit. No. Dude, are you kidding? You make your own mushrooms. You can get your own fields. You need to get a couple cows. You got chickens and shit. Dude, are you kidding? You make your own mushrooms. You can get your own mushrooms. Mushrooms are not hard to get.
Starting point is 03:07:29 But make your own. That's right. All foods easy to get. You can buy kits. You make them in your closet. You know that conspiracy theory that McDonald's doesn't actually use real meat? You know? Some people call it a conspiracy.
Starting point is 03:07:40 But some people believe it. And it's easy to believe. Eventually, it's going to come out that they're using some other kind of shit, fillers or whatever, that it's not real meat. Don't they already admit they use some sort of filler? Yeah, but they're not admitting that they're not using meat. McDonald's has never said, we don't use meat. Hold on, what?
Starting point is 03:07:58 And the McRib? What do they say? That same compound that they say is used in yoga mats or something, that fake rubber compound. Come on. Yeah. But McDonald's is not out there saying, hey, we don't use real meat. They're saying 100% beef.
Starting point is 03:08:12 Dude, I just got sick. In their commercials. Yeah, but they don't say that for about the- They say 100%. But here's a conspiracy theory is that 100% beef is actually just a name. It's a trademark. Oh, that's right. I don't know if that's real.
Starting point is 03:08:26 I read that somewhere. So when they say 100% beef, that's just the name of the company that makes the beef. I read that that was. That's the ultimate mind fuck right there, right? Right, yeah. But you know what they do? What? All they need to do is little by little say, yes, we don't use.
Starting point is 03:08:41 First, they have a fake meat. Vegan burger. Yes a fake meat. Vegan burger. Yes, fake meat. And then slowly tell people inch by inch that, oh yeah, we don't use real meat. Real meat's bad for you. It causes cancer. We're helping you. We're trying to save you.
Starting point is 03:08:56 You don't want to eat meat? I feel like that was shut down. I think 100% real beef was like shut down. Like they were trying to make a product called 100% real beef. What a sneaky fucking loophole. Are you shocked? Yeah, no, I'm not. But what kind of a monster would do that?
Starting point is 03:09:13 Create a fake meat and call it 100% real beef. And that was the name of the meat. Like, you know, what's your dog's name? Oh, my dog's name is 100% real beef. Like you're just naming it, right? You're just making a name. That's so fucking sneaky. Is that true?
Starting point is 03:09:27 I don't know. It could be a myth. Is that true, Jamie? What's that? Oh, he's saying listeners. Sorry, I was reading this thing about the Subway Newsweek McDonald's. Oh, did McDonald's try to copyright the term 100% real beef and use it on patties that weren't all beef? think they did i feel like
Starting point is 03:09:47 someone did that i don't know if it was mcdonald's but i feel like you're right i feel i wouldn't be surprised if it's true but it could be a hoax i remember it you know it's hard to tell what's real these days yeah we could look on snopes but nobody trusts them anymore oh what does snopes say you can't trust false what do they say about what's what's caused the rumor well Snopes is what's false They're saying don't do that. Don't do it. Oh, don't do it. You can wait. You're hungry. Are you training again? How's your back my knees fucked up it popped out again Saturday? I don't know I did a seminar in Oceanside 10th Planet Oceanside and it fucking popped out again dude I was on the floor and then this time I was like
Starting point is 03:10:28 I can't squat down for a long time because I was squatting down giving Kyle Bame a brown belt out there he's a badass grappler I was just giving him some rubber guard advice while I was squatting on the balls of my feet you know when you're on the balls of your feet and it blew out there and I
Starting point is 03:10:43 when I stood up that's how it blew out originally. And when I stood up, the thing popped out. I'm like, oh shit, I'm in, I was in serious pain. And then I straightened out my leg,
Starting point is 03:10:52 and it popped back in, man. So I'm, I'm gonna need surgery. Because the doctor said, for six weeks, because that happened six weeks ago, and the doctor said,
Starting point is 03:11:02 make sure you don't do anything stupid on it for the next six weeks. Because if it pops out again, my ACL was hanging on by a thread. It's probably all gone now. It's probably all gone. My knee's fucked up. So I'm going to need surgery. I'm just going to do it.
Starting point is 03:11:18 But meanwhile, I'm just going to lift hard. I'm just going to make sure while my knee's recovering, my upper body is strong as hell. But did you talk to Dr. McGee? Dr. Roddy McGee? Yeah, I talked to him. Well, they have a new way of attaching the ACL where they don't have to give you a cadaver graft anymore. When did you talk to him? Before it popped out again. So I need to talk to him again. Well, this is what they're doing now. They're changing the recovery times drastically because
Starting point is 03:11:42 the old way that what they do is they take a cadaver graft, right? So they take a piece out of a dead guy or they take your hamstring. Or patella. Patella. I had the patella done and I had the cadaver done. What's better, you think? The cadaver. But the cadaver, it can get infected and then it gets ruined.
Starting point is 03:11:56 I've never heard of that happening. Yeah, that's a problem. I haven't had it happen to me. Mine went super smooth. I did all my rehab. I did a good job of the rehab i was on it every day it's good it's great it's great my cadaver knee doesn't bother me even a little you had acl both ones both both holy shit yeah and you see what i could do with my legs what
Starting point is 03:12:16 year did you do that what year 94 with the patella tendon graft 2003 with the uh acl with the cadaver i got jacked that was when I got my biggest. Wait a minute. All I did was lift. So the first one was done with a patella graft? Yes. Not a hamstring? No. And then the second one in 2003 was done?
Starting point is 03:12:31 Cadaver. With a cadaver. Yeah. And both knees are good? Oh, yeah. They don't pop out? No. Did it pop out?
Starting point is 03:12:37 Is that how it ripped before it slid out? Well, the first one fell, I tore it kicking the bag. I was tired and I was doing rounds on the bag. And I threw a kick and my leg was planted and it didn't, my foot didn't pivot. I was just doing rounds. I was real tired. I was trying to push myself real hard. So it's your pivot leg that went out.
Starting point is 03:12:53 Exactly. And I was 21. And I think I had heard it before then. I just didn't realize how bad I had heard it. And then I heard it again. It popped. Like I felt it explode in the gym. And then I went to the hospital and they checked it out and
Starting point is 03:13:05 the whole deal and and uh I eventually got it fixed and then the other one no you know what I heard it a couple different ways but anyway point is it blew out um my second one that I got done it was in jiu-jitsu class I was in half guard i was on top and someone had to lock down sideways so instead of straightening me out normal like you know where your leg bends and extends it hyperextends it went this way like against the side of the knee and it just was a weird angle and he straightened his leg out and it just pop you could hear it snap like a carrot snap and i didn't even know it was broken i thought it was just really painful and then um the next day I was actually walking around okay and I didn't think anything was wrong I
Starting point is 03:13:49 thought it was just really sore and then I was moving some stuff around in my office and it just went to doink it just fell out of the socket slipped out gave out yeah just gave out and I knew that feeling before because of my other knee and then did you have to straighten it out and pop it back in no it did that wasn't a problem because it problem because there was no meniscus tear on the right one. The left one had meniscus tear as well. Remember one time I blew that out in class and my leg locked? Do you remember that?
Starting point is 03:14:12 And you had to drive my car? How could I forget that? You drove me to the doctor's house. How could I forget driving your NSX stick shift when I was grinding the gears? Your knee was tore apart. We're like, you're fucking pissed driving because of your knee and I'm grinding the gears. Your knee was tore apart. You're fucking pissed driving because of your knee and I'm
Starting point is 03:14:28 fucking up your car and you're like, what the fuck are you doing? Don't you know how to fucking drive a stick? I'm like, dude, I haven't driven a stick in forever. Fuck sticks. Sticks are the easiest. It's all about automatics, baby. It's 2017 and people still got sticks? What the fuck is going on? I got all my cars in sticks. Come on, man.
Starting point is 03:14:43 I love sticks. How are you supposed to text? I don't. No, I'm kidding. I FaceTime everywhere. That's not a good joke. Yo, yo, yo. People get in wrecks for texting. They do.
Starting point is 03:14:54 Yeah. Yeah. How many people have been in wrecks while they're FaceTiming? I saw some dude FaceTiming on the highway. I've seen a couple people do it. FaceTiming while they're driving. Yeah, I'm on my way. Gonna give you that sweet dick.
Starting point is 03:15:04 I'm on my way. Yeah. That's incredible. I love driving stick shifts, though. I prefer it. FaceTiming while they're driving. Yeah, I'm on my way. Gonna give you that sweet dick. I'm on my way. Yeah, that's incredible. I love driving stick shifts, though. I prefer it. I don't like it. Maybe you'd like it if you drove a sports car. Why don't you get one of those engines that you cranked, like in 1910? Don't you like that? Yeah, dude, I feel
Starting point is 03:15:20 like I have control of the engine. I don't think they have those anymore. Hey, if they made them, you would get them. Maybe. What if you had to start your car by cranking it? Fuck, yeah. Yeah, but you don't feel like there's some fun in controlled the engine. If they made them, you would get them. Maybe. What if you had to start your car by cranking it? Yeah, but you don't feel like there's some fun in shifting the gears. You know what it was? You know what it was? My first car was a 1977
Starting point is 03:15:36 Pinto station wagon and I got it for $550 and it was a stick shift. I always wanted, the cheaper cars were always stick shift. I could only afford the stick shift. The more expensive cars had the automatic and I guess it was a stick shift. I always wanted, the cheaper cars were always stick shift. I could only afford the stick shift. The more expensive cars had the automatic.
Starting point is 03:15:48 And I guess it was just, I was brainwashing and thinking, fuck, one of these days I'm gonna be able to drive an automatic. Fuck this manual bullshit. And I think it was just a mind fuck. So once I got my first automatic car, I'm like, fuck, stick shift.
Starting point is 03:16:02 You could just. I had a bunch of automatics and then I got You could just. I had a bunch of automatics, and then I got a stick shift. I had a bunch of, like, muscle cars, and then I got an Audi Fox. It's a tiny little Audi car. It was a little front-wheel drive car, and it was a stick shift. It was like a zippy little car, like. I loved it. I was like, ooh.
Starting point is 03:16:22 I loved, like, shifting the gears. But it wasn't until I got my first NSX. I had two NSXs. I had the NSX in 95 or 6, maybe 97, 97. And then I had another one that I got in like 2004. It was a badass car. I love those things. They're so different now.
Starting point is 03:16:43 Now the new NSX is like this big technological spaceship thing. I like it. It's dope. You need another one? I don't think so. But it's a different thing. I like the little cars that you're in control of. I don't like the big electronic car.
Starting point is 03:17:00 That's why I like the Porsche, because that thing's light. It's light, and you control everything. You feel it. You feel the road. If you're in a sports car, for me, like a fast car, you want to feel everything. Makes it exciting. You don't like any of that shit. I don't know. You don't even like liver. What was that?
Starting point is 03:17:17 You don't even like liver. You and I are very different. Oh, no, no. I didn't like liver. Sliced hearts. There it is. There's the NSX. That looks incredible, dude. It's already out? Oh, yeah. Not only is didn't like liver. The sliced hearts. There it is. There's the NSX. Look at that. That looks incredible, dude. It's already out? Oh, yeah. Not only is it out, they just released an NSX GT3. So if you want to race, if you want to be a race car driver, they'll sell you one of
Starting point is 03:17:35 those and it costs a half a million bucks. Holy shit. It's a beast of a car, man. And the thing is, it's a Honda. I mean, you call it an Acura, but it's a Honda, which means it's just not going to break. You could drive that thing forever. Those things will have unbelievable reliability as opposed to like, say a car that my ancestors made. You know, you get something Italian. Good luck. But is it really Japanese if they're making it in Mexico? Are
Starting point is 03:18:02 they making that in Mexico? Don't they make Hondas in Mexico? Do they? And Toyotas? Do they? That's what I thought. I know they make some of them in America. They make Nissans in America. That's even worse.
Starting point is 03:18:11 Really? That's a good question, right? Is it considered- Now, we're talking about breaking down, all right? Oh, yeah. There's awesome American cars, but- Yeah, but they just use standards developed by the japanese and once they have standards developed by the japanese like what
Starting point is 03:18:29 does it say they're making them in ohio ohio oh that's right the nsx is being made in ohio that's right i forgot about that is that good or bad that's real good for americans in ohio they want a good job but as far as as far as uh reliability yeah you know what everything's automated now see that's the thing it's not like you're you're dealing with skilled craftsmen you're dealing with programmers and shit there aren't people like on the assembly line i'm sure there's some there's some that was the thing about the um corvette factory and bowling green kentucky like those people they put together those corvettes by themselves like there's a lot that's going on that's uh animated
Starting point is 03:19:03 automated rather but there's a lot that's going on that's animated. Automated, rather, but there's a lot that's going on by hand. Look at this shit. This is crazy. They're making cars? So what is this guy doing right here with this thing? Oh, this is the factory. I don't know. I just kind of skipped ahead.
Starting point is 03:19:14 Yeah, what's happening here? It's hard to tell what it is. They're flipping the thing upside down? Oh, they're working on the chassis. This is the bottom of the car. These things are just... What they are now? Like, that's what the car looks like on the inside before they put the seats in the drivetrain all that stuff but what these things are now look how it's all done by these
Starting point is 03:19:33 robots is someone controlling it real time or is it on a program it's a good question i would bet it's probably on a program there's probably someone controlling it but they're probably just pressing start they probably lock it into place. And this thing, I mean, the way it's stacking everything. That's amazing. The things that they're doing now, though, I mean, these cars are so precise. They're so different than anything that existed like 20, 30 years ago. Like this car, it might not be like the most, the fastest, best engineered car in the world, but it's one of them.
Starting point is 03:20:07 And it's just that the horsepower wars are so out of control right now that a car like this is almost kind of overlooked. Because there's so many insane high performance cars now. I mean, there's so many that are zero to 60 in three seconds. many that are zero to 60 in three seconds what they're doing now is just making these unbelievable spaceships that a regular person could buy if you have the money you don't have to be a race car driver you don't have to be like super qualified to handle this thing you just get a car that's 600 horsepower four-wheel drive drives like like a demon. I mean, you could just go out and buy it. That Tesla, that Model 3, it's like $35,000, right? Crazy.
Starting point is 03:20:50 Yeah, you're buying a fucking spaceship. There's a Model T? Model 3. Oh. You're buying a fucking spaceship. Like, everything is automated. This guy's using torque wrenches. Everything's all set to the exact amount you're supposed to crank things.
Starting point is 03:21:02 Like, everything is, nothing's left to the imagination. You know how it's cool to make, like, old classics, like a new version, like the Charger and all that stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think they'll ever do Model Ts, a new version? Those things are so, like, ergonomically clumsy and so poorly designed in terms of, like, aerodynamics and shit.
Starting point is 03:21:22 If you try to take a Model T on the highway, that shit would just fall over. Like, once you got to, like, 80. They make it right, though. But the wind resistance, you try to take a model t on the highway that shit would just fall over like once you got to like 80 make it right though but the wind resistance you got to like 80 you're not trying to go fast it's just like a like a harley oh like a cruiser yeah right yeah maybe i mean they they go they had those cruisers that those 50s type cars right like dragster oh yeah what do they call pt cruiser or something? Oh, yeah. That thing. That thing's gross. I drove one of those once. They were so bad. It was like, you guys just made a cool outside and threw
Starting point is 03:21:51 the shittiest suspension you could. It was so bad. Every time I'd go around a corner, the ass end would kick out. I took it on a dirt road and I was like, I could fly off the side of this road and not be able to control this piece of shit. Oh, those were pretty dope. That was the Plymouth Prowler.
Starting point is 03:22:09 Is that based on a 50s style car? Sort of. That was created by Chip Foose. He's the guy that did the design element of my 1970 Barracuda. He's a wizard car designer guy. He invented a bunch of different cool cars. They had that thing, the Plymouth Prowler, and there was another one that was kind of like that too, wasn't there?
Starting point is 03:22:29 Wasn't there another one of those fucking retro-looking things? Either you don't have kids if you have a car like that, or you're a shitty father. Ha ha! Or that's your weekend car. Well, I'm just going to take my weekend car and drive around the neighborhood, pretend I'm still alive. Or, see, you're super rich, and you can do that every now and then.
Starting point is 03:22:47 You put it in your side garage. That's the Thunderbird? Yeah. I think Foose was involved in that, too. Guy's a goddamn car wizard. Yeah. That's a nice one. Is that a falcon?
Starting point is 03:23:00 No, that's a T-bird. That's a Thunderbird, but it has a roof on it. Have they made newer versions of Falcons? Hmm. I don't think so. When was the last time they made a Falcon? In the 60s? Look at that thing above it.
Starting point is 03:23:13 Was that, is that that movie, from that movie Christine, the one on the right? The second one on the right? The red one? Yeah, look at that. Yeah, what about cars like that? They should make new- Oh, that's a Thunderbird. Look at that thing.
Starting point is 03:23:22 God damn. What about new cars like that? Like those, look like the limousine that JFK was in right there. Right? Just a little shorter. That's a Thunderbird. Look how badass that is. That's like, if you roll around on that in Hollywood, like if you're some sort of rock
Starting point is 03:23:37 star type character and you got a goddamn- And it's red. You're like, look at me, motherfucker. Look at me. Look at me, bitch. Look at this shit. Look at my white walls. Look at me. Look at me, bitch. Look at this shit. Look at my white walls. Look at that thing.
Starting point is 03:23:47 I mean, that is a slick ride. Go back to that last one, Jamie. That is a slick-looking car, man. What year is that? It's a fourth Thunderbird, right? It's a second generation. Second generation. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 03:24:02 If I had to guess, I'd say that's like 1960 something right crazy looking cars like they figured it out they back then man they had just caught a design groove and figured out how to make these really exotic looking sexy shapes 59 wow amazing what a car there's a lot of remixes possible here for Ford and Chevy. Yeah. I wonder. Why not? Should they do that or should they?
Starting point is 03:24:29 They did that to Chargers and it was a grand slam. Have you seen the new Ford they got now? The Ford GT? No. The new Ford GT? Jesus Christ. Ford's came out with a car that's like a super Ferrari looking car. Let me see it.
Starting point is 03:24:44 I think it's like 300,000 plus. It looks like a... Look at that thing. Yep. That's a Ford super Ferrari-looking car. Let me see it. I think it's like $300,000 plus. It looks like a... Look at that thing. That's a Ford? Come on, son. Holy shit. Holy shit. It's about goddamn time.
Starting point is 03:24:51 They could have did that a long time ago. Look at that thing. They should have did that 20 years ago. See, that's like whatever the NSX is, $453,000. Holy shit. Holy shit. You need to get one of those, Joe. No, I definitely don't. Come on, man. It's not453,000. Holy shit. You need to get one of those, Joe.
Starting point is 03:25:06 Come on, man. It's not even a standard. You got an automatic transmission, that piece of shit. The old ones, they used to have a stick. The old 4G. Look at that. Oh, that's only $3 million. I saw a gold-plated one driving down Sunset.
Starting point is 03:25:20 Why not? If I had one of those, I'd have a gold plate, and I would have 3D videos of my dick that like play all over the car It's like your your hard dick is like a hologram on LED screens that are all over the car Imagine if a dude drove down the street and he had a Bugatti with like the outside of the car was a screen What do they make? Only one? How is it three million? It's got 1,500 horsepower.
Starting point is 03:25:48 How many did they make? Four? Well, it's a status symbol. It's one of those things where people want to show everybody that they don't even give a fuck. They drive around a $3 million car. Rappers. Floyd Mayweather's got a gang of them. Ace Hood has a song called, I woke up in a Bugatti.
Starting point is 03:26:02 I woke up in a Bugatti. I woke up in a Bugatti. I saw one in a Bugatti. I woke up in a Bugatti. I saw one drive down by the comedy store once and everybody looked. That's a million dollars. That's a million dollars. Used to be a million. Now they're three.
Starting point is 03:26:14 Used to be that was the first million dollar car. I saw a million dollar car. Look at this. My Bugatti's for sale for four million. Is that Ace Hood? That's Floyd Mayweather. Oh, damn. That's Money Mayweather.
Starting point is 03:26:24 It's in the DuPont registry. He's selling it. For fucking $4 million. You want to be a baller? You want to drive around in Floyd Mayweather's Bugatti? I wonder if he does that often. He flips cars? Are you kidding? That's easy money. Buy it for two, sell it for four. Not only that, it's a good move,
Starting point is 03:26:40 man. It's a smart move, right? Flip cars? Are you kidding? With social media? He's his own corporation. Yeah. No. It's a smart move. What's that? He's pissed over lowball bids at his Bugatti auction? Look at his face. He's mad. 1.5
Starting point is 03:26:56 1.9 million dollar bid because the number was still much lower than Floyd was hoping to get. I wonder what he paid for it. It didn't sell. Somebody offered 1.9 million and he's like, not enough. Whoa. Reportedly paid 3.5 million. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 03:27:12 So he was expected to make a profit and someone tried to short him. It's not the same one though. This is the white one. The one we just saw was the black one. Oh, okay. Yeah. The only people that can afford that are people that don't give a shit about that Well, I think Floyd is just his whole thing is about just being the only baller guys
Starting point is 03:27:30 Guys that are in the memorabilia. They're usually broke. They don't have that much money. Come on That's not a memorabilia thing a hundred people on the planet could have could afford to do that You know what I mean? And they're not impressed by having someone celebrity. You know what I mean? If they got that money. Oh yeah they are. It's more than a hundred. Guaranteed. A billionaire is going to be tripping that it's Floyd Mayweather's car. That it's obvious that
Starting point is 03:27:56 it's flipping it. Like nah they're too smart for that shit. But if they wanted to get it and drive around let everybody know. In 2013 it says they sold their 400th Veyron. Jesus. So 400 people have bought Bugattis. Yeah. 400 over a million dollars.
Starting point is 03:28:13 Jesus. That's a lot of money. $400 million in cars. I wonder what it costs to actually make. What do you think? $50. No. It probably costs like $ thousand dollars to make okay
Starting point is 03:28:25 let's guess i bet there's a website that shows how much does it actually cost to build a bugatti i want to say three hundred thousand dollars i'm gonna say because it's so expensive that the people making it will charge more you know what i mean because it's probably going to be three hundred thousand dollars oh you agree with me what did you say i said three hundred You know what I mean? Because it's probably going to be $300,000. Ooh, you agree with me. What did you say? Let's see.
Starting point is 03:28:48 I said $300,000. Oh, wait a minute. Yeah. Oh, I ripped you off. Perfect. Well, we'll see if we're right. We'll see if we're both right. I think that's a reasonable thing to imply.
Starting point is 03:28:55 Oh, shit. What? Volkswagen loses $6.25 million on each one they sell. What? Volkswagen loses what? What? Wait a minute. When they sell what? They lose $6 million when they sell. What? Volkswagen loses what? Wait a minute. When they sell what?
Starting point is 03:29:06 They lose $6 million when they sell it for $3 million? So it costs $9 million to make? I'm looking. They're lying. You would never know. You would never know. I'm going over to Eddie Bravo's side on this one. Illuminati.
Starting point is 03:29:19 This is Tower 7. You know what they call me? Bullshit. They call me Illuminati. Illuminati? Yeah. Slamming this guy, a friend of mine. He goes, dude, your name should be Illuminati.
Starting point is 03:29:30 Do people get tired of talking conspiracy theories with you? Do they get tired? No, they always want to bring it up, and I usually don't want to talk about it. But it's a good thing to talk about. I usually don't want to talk about it. It's a good way for a young guy to approach you. Hey, Eddie, I'm with you on Tower 7, bro. Yeah, I'm with you with the flat earth, bro.
Starting point is 03:29:43 Hey, bro. I've been checking out the satellites. They seem pretty fake Tower 7, bro. Yeah, I'm with you with the flat earth, bro. Hey, bro. I've been checking out the satellites. They seem pretty fake to me, bro. Dude, a guy came up to me with his 12-year-old daughter, and they were all like, they're all into flat earth. 12-year-olds into that? I go, do you talk about flat earth at school? She goes, no.
Starting point is 03:29:56 They all think I'm crazy. I wonder why. Kind of weird. Why don't they just give her the benefit of the doubt and look into it? Is it really that much money? Yeah, I mean, here's other cars. It says they're in a 17-year low with European cars.
Starting point is 03:30:11 There's lots of loss makers. Here's the biggest one that says. Smart cars? Those are pieces of shit. Loss per vehicle, $4,000? Yeah, it goes into the economy. They could be going into the development costs and all the money they had to spend testing everything. Well, VW's all fucked right now, right?
Starting point is 03:30:29 VW's fucked because they got caught lying. About what? They got caught lying about fuel emissions. Or, yeah. About the fuel mileage of their cars. That's a conspiracy theory. And also about emissions. No, apparently they've just been lying about that shit for a long time.
Starting point is 03:30:45 I bet they're all lying about shit. Who's telling the truth anywhere at that level? At the super crazy high level? Well, they try to sell cars too. They're like, how do we sell these cars? People don't give a shit. They're like, just tell them whatever. Just lie to them. Study says. Science reports
Starting point is 03:31:02 say. Just whatever. Do you have any desire to drive around in some baller car fuck yeah I'm not rich though I have like one
Starting point is 03:31:11 one five hundred millionth of the money you have I don't I'm driving a Tundra Toyota Tundra it's a good
Starting point is 03:31:21 good fucking car I like it I like it Toyota trucks I got it for my baby shit for my baby i'm like you know what i had a beamer before that i'm like i'm not gonna put a babysit in the beamer i'm gonna buy a fucking tank so i bought the biggest tundra with the biggest cab the biggest one i could find put that babysit right in the middle so he's if anything
Starting point is 03:31:39 happens god forbid he's gonna make it you know what else they do if you're if you're into this they make side sliders on those cars. They actually act as like side impact protection. They make what you call a rock slider. So they'll raise the car up a few inches and put these rock sliders on the side of these cars. They do it a lot with Land Cruisers. And they offer significant side impact protection. I need some of that.
Starting point is 03:32:03 What cars have that? A lot of cars do. and they offer significant side impact protection. I need some of that. What cars have that? What cars are the best when it comes to accidents? I would say like a Dodge Ram. Volvo is known for that, right? Are they still number one? They're known for being real safe in accidents. Yeah, maybe. Are Volvos still?
Starting point is 03:32:20 Do they still make the strongest frames? Because basically that's what it comes down to. Who's making the strongest frame, right? It's not just that. It's also like how the body responds to impact, how it crumples,
Starting point is 03:32:31 how it's engineered to take an impact. Whoever's the best, I'm going to get that. That's my next car. I saw this car accident the other day. What is that?
Starting point is 03:32:39 Chevy Volt 1. No way. Number one? Top rated? Number one? What? That's like an electric car. As far as what goes. Impact in accidents?? Number one? Yep. What? As far as what goes? That's like an electric car.
Starting point is 03:32:45 As far as what goes? Impact in accidents? Yeah, crash test results. What? Wow. That's crazy. What about SUVs? What about them?
Starting point is 03:32:54 I would say it would have to be like a Ram or a Chevy Silverado. It's got to be Volvo, though, because that's what they specialize in. That's their shit. Yeah, but they're not as big. Like, if you get, like like is that number one for suv what about for like the number one truck what's number one is that number one what is it what does it say i'm gonna get it 10 safest audi audi goddamn pop-up ads looks like audi right there right yeah what is that one that's the audi something, Q whatever the fuck it is, Q7.
Starting point is 03:33:26 That's a pretty cool car. I've seen one of those before in real life. As far as side impacts? Yeah, I think a lot of those cars have airbags and shit now, and their pillars are designed to absorb a certain amount of impact, and they give in with stuff, too. I saw a car accident the other day, though, at an intersection, and it was a Dodge Ram truck in like some little
Starting point is 03:33:47 peon Corolla ooh They head and head on The Corolla was destroyed man when I see people driving around with their babies and tiny little cars and the car seats like right Next like right. I want it in the middle. Yeah, it's right. Whoo scary. That's a scary one man one little fuck up You know what's amazing that's your baby think about how many cars there are on the road how rarely they slam into each other most of the time people keep it together most of the time most of the time like yeah it kind of the traffic kind of filters out bad drivers because bad drivers they're not going
Starting point is 03:34:19 to last they're going to wreck so we're usually we're left with people that have seen wrecks and they're like you know once you've been in a wreck fuck yeah you're super careful you know my mom was in a terrible wreck lost all her front teeth terrible wreck and she since then this has been maybe 35 years she doesn't drive out on the freeway she's like scared to death of the freeway it was a horrible freeway accident and uh she won't ever drive on the freeway. I've seen some bad ones. I've seen some bad ones coming home late night from the comedy store. Cars flipped over, smashed, fucked up.
Starting point is 03:34:53 You know people are dead. Yeah. It's like, oof. It happens. You can get a phone call at any time. Fucking drunks. At any time. Look what happened to Matt Hughes, man.
Starting point is 03:35:01 That could happen to anybody at any time. He got hit by a train. He got hit by a train. He got hit by a train. He was trying to cross a train track. I don't know what the whole story was, but he got hit by a fucking train. How's he doing right now? He's out of the coma, apparently. That's good.
Starting point is 03:35:13 Yeah, he's responsive. Holy shit. I mean, if anybody's going to survive something like that, it's that fucking tank. Damn. You know? Guy's a tank. I mean, most people probably would have been dead. Damn. It's pretty amazing. He was in a coma for quite a while. Man, guy's a tank. I mean, most people probably would have been dead.
Starting point is 03:35:26 It's pretty amazing. He was in a coma for quite a while. Man, what's worse? I mean, getting attacked by a great white shark and getting eaten? Well, what if he comes back from the car wreck and he's like that dude from the dead zone? He could see the future. He holds your hands. He can see you're going to run for president. Put all your money on John Jones.
Starting point is 03:35:43 Yeah, he holds your hands. He can see the future. Right? What if he just starts predicting fights? Yeah. How come there's never that? They talk about nuclear fallout. How come no one's getting superpowers?
Starting point is 03:35:54 Remember when you were a kid? Comic book. If there was a nuclear accident, you turned into the Hulk. Or you turned into Spider-Man. It's a radioactive spider. Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:36:02 The fuck? Today? It's always bad. There's no like good radiation where's yeah where's all the mutations where's the good mutations there's no good mutations no one ever has a good one no one ever becomes like magneto right yeah it's always like you're getting cancer there's all this new everything's cancer fallout where is it at you gotta go to places where it's
Starting point is 03:36:20 at you ever see the video of Shane Smith from Vice? Went to Chernobyl and they're carrying around these radar detectors or these radiation detectors. It's off the charts, man. They got wolves running around. They got catfish. They're swimming in the rivers. They're all mutated and giant. Are they really mutated? I don't know.
Starting point is 03:36:39 I don't know. I heard that I heard that there is I'm hearing that there is no mutations and it's like, it's. It's fake. Fake news. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I don't know if you want to hear the conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 03:36:53 I definitely don't. Okay. And that's a good thing, man. That's a good thing. That's a good thing. Radioactive catfish. We've been doing like three and a half hours. Is that a long time?
Starting point is 03:37:07 It's already 5.15. It's a wrap. Can I direct people to the replay? Yeah, definitely. EBI 12, the female flyweights was last night on UFC Fight Pass. You can catch the replay anytime. You could watch all EBI's. EBI 1 through 12.
Starting point is 03:37:23 They're all up there. We had our first all-girl show, including an all-girl combat jiu-jitsu tournament. We had a regular 16-girl tournament. It totally went. The people that were predicted to win, they didn't even get close. It was, I don't want to give it away. Don't say anything. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 03:37:44 Yeah, and we had a four-woman combat jiu-jitsu tournament. Have you seen combat? Have you seen that? Yeah, I have. It's crazy. It's jiu-jitsu with palm strikes to the face and head and body are legal when you're on the ground. Standing, it's just wrestling. But on the ground, as soon as someone hits the ground, you could start palm striking to the face.
Starting point is 03:38:01 Beautiful. To the body. So we had a four-woman tournament. It was nuts. It was nuts. Okay, and then September 9th, we're going to be back. That's going to be the next Fight Companion. I'm not doing that UFC.
Starting point is 03:38:13 That's UFC 215 in Edmonton. So we'll be doing a Fight Companion. Awesome. Pumped. This week, Sacramento Thursday night, Seattle Friday night, and then San Diego Saturday night. There's tickets available for the second shows in all three of those places.
Starting point is 03:38:32 Otherwise, just hold the fuck up. And we will see you soon. Okay, bye! Bye! you

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