The Joe Rogan Experience - Fight Companion - Dec. 16, 2014

Episode Date: December 16, 2014

Joe is joined by Eddie Bravo, Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen to watch a few old fights and also discuss some other topics. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Callan, you can sing us. No, my voice is not appreciated. Oh, we're live. That's it. Alright, alright. We went on the air. Alright. Good evening, everybody. This is, uh, if you're listening to this for the first time, this is what's called a Fight Companion Podcast. And what that means is we don't really, um, talk about
Starting point is 00:00:17 anything that's gonna expand your mind. Or, if we do, it's totally by accident. Okay? We don't talk about, uh... I don't spit my wine. We don't have any sponsors. We have Caveman Coffee t-shirts on. Caveman Coffee is owned by our buddy, Tate Fletcher. Caveman.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Keith Jardine. Two awesome dudes. Great dudes. I would have worn one as long as it was medium so I can bust out of it. We might look a little gay if we all got them on. Whatever. Two's a party. Four's a not fun.
Starting point is 00:00:43 We're trying hard. We can't we're gonna go into this podcast what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch some old school fights but we can uh we can't really talk about fights until we talk about our last podcast together because it kind of became the biggest podcast in the history of mma how many views you can take you can take kinda out of that sentence yeah it's off the charts the downloads off the charts jamie it's not ours it's not theirs it's a the charts. Were the downloads off the charts, Jamie? It's not ours. It's not theirs. It's the fighter and the kid.
Starting point is 00:01:07 These fucking people are doing a podcast. It's the fighter and the kid. Oh, I thought it was JRE. No. No, no. Oh, it was. We just did it in his studio.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We had Joe on and- Wait, it was this studio but your podcast. Right. Exactly. And so Joe kind of spoke his mind. Did you sit there? And neither one of us actually...
Starting point is 00:01:25 You sat there? Yeah, I was just... Yeah, and... It's just a chair. I think Joe should have sat there. Because I watched it on YouTube, and I thought the whole time it was JRE. Well, but that's because it's the same studio.
Starting point is 00:01:38 That's all. If I was sitting there, it would look like the same show. No, it would be different. There would be a red behind me instead of a brick. If you had Brian behind there, you would go, what the fuck is he doing? Anyway now eddie's all concerned with the logistics
Starting point is 00:01:48 we're in eddie bravo might be a little high talk and shit could go off the rails all i wanted to know was the views how big was well it got featured in the new yorker magazine and it got really we're number one on on every chart on itunes damn so it was a blessing in disguise i'm just i'm just it was but it's huge though it's huge it was great for brian it's great no it was well it's great for your podcast and in a lot of ways it's an important conversation that needs to be had about mma and about fighting agree part of the issue with it was having it having a really honest conversation in front of the whole world that's part of the issue with it if i could do it again i definitely wouldn't have done that um
Starting point is 00:02:37 the good part about doing that is that it gets this conversation out there the bad part about doing that is you took a lot of heat. And I feel real bad for that. I feel like I really fucked up for that. And I didn't go into that intending to, like, approach it like that. But it seemed like when we started talking, I started getting worried, more worried that your perception of, like, how the fight went down and the future and what's going on as far as like the amount of damage that you've taken is very different than how i see it and how
Starting point is 00:03:14 a lot of other people see it and i think there's a certain number that every fighter has you know like a certain amount of times they can get hit a certain amount of concussions they could face and if i don't know a guy and i see that i just know okay this guy's chinny you know and i've called a lot of fights like that i've called a lot of fights where i know if this guy gets tagged he's his legs are gonna go you know we've all seen it we know and i've called a lot of fights where a guy's a young fresh fighter and then i've called the same guy fighting seven eight years later six years later whatever and it's a different human being um that's everyone's choice and i'm not trying to impose anyone's choices or my choices on anyone else but there's some things that we've talked about, and one of the things that we've talked about before is
Starting point is 00:04:09 you were talking really open and honestly about some of the losses that you had, and you said, why didn't anybody tell me? You kept saying that. Why didn't anybody tell me? Somebody should sit this kid down and tell him. Why didn't anybody tell me I shouldn't be fighting Noguera? My third time out. Yeah. You were like, I thought I was going to kick his ass. I thought, you know, why didn't anybody tell me? And you kept saying that. It was funny and you were being self-deprecating. It was kind of a bingo, right? These guys joking around.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You're being self-deprecating. It's very funny. But one of the things that you see time and time again about being a fighter is that that same kind of belief in yourself that makes you want to get into that fucking cage in front of the world in your underwear and throw bones at some other dude, that same kind of belief in yourself can get in the way if things aren't going right. yourself can get in the way if things aren't going right it's almost like so many fighters like have this ability to put blinders on and and not see the danger not see the not see what other other people are saying and as as a person who is around it all the time it gets it gets super disturbing like you see it time and time again you know one of the best things that dana white ever did in all the times that i've known him is stop chuck liddell
Starting point is 00:05:31 from fighting it's one of the best things he ever did because it was he could have made a fucking fortune off chuck liddell just pair him up with someone who's not going to knock him out pair him up with some dude who's going to grapple with him. Pair him up with some dude who's not a big striker, a guy who's a real good wrestler. There's guys like that out there. You can find a comeback opponent for Chuck and just make ungodly amounts of money. Rich Franklin wasn't supposed to be that dangerous on his feet. Exactly. You'd think, okay, Chuck can outstrike Rich Franklin.
Starting point is 00:06:05 He's a middleweight. That's a good fight for Chuck. Right. And then what we saw is Rich Franklin dropped him, you know, and it's, Joe has seen,
Starting point is 00:06:15 what he's talking about when he sees, when he meets all these guys, the new fresh crop from tough, oh, here's the new guys. I would, when I worked with Joe,
Starting point is 00:06:23 I would watch tough because it was entertaining, but also to remember all these new guys that I'm going to meet backstage. I'm going to meet all these. Dude, I worked with the UFC eight years. And you meet this new crop, these new fighters, and you feel like you have to be on top of everything. It's embarrassing when one of these new guys from The Ultimate Fighter, season six, season Fighter, season six,
Starting point is 00:06:45 season seven, season eight, they come up to you backstage and you have no idea who they are. There was a couple seasons that I missed and it's embarrassing, right?
Starting point is 00:06:52 You see them come and go and Joe really is concerned when he meets a guy and they come in and he sees like, man, how much damage is this going to take? Is this guy going to be
Starting point is 00:07:04 one of the elite that make it through? Or is it going to be like most fighters that don't go all the way through? And then they go through some tough times and all that. I see the exact same thing, but I look at it just a little bit different. Because I think, hey, man, you know it's dangerous. You're getting in the octagon. If you want to put your brain in jeopardy, you know it's dangerous. You're getting in the octagon. If you want to put your brain in jeopardy,
Starting point is 00:07:28 go for it. I look at it as why these guys came in and why they got cut. You look at all these fighters, why did he get cut? Why did he lose that last fight that got him cut? I'm always looking at who his trainers were, what his training
Starting point is 00:07:44 was, what his jiu-jitsu was like, who was trainers were, what his training was, what his jujitsu was like, who was he training with his wrestling and for wrestling and striking and what went wrong there. And because most people that come into the UFC, they don't even get to the main card. Most people aren't even aware of these hundreds of fighters that come through, never make it to the main card and they're gone. They're cut. You lose two fights in a row in the prelims, they're gone they're cut you out you lose two fights in a
Starting point is 00:08:05 row in the prelims they're going to cut you generally right but you know how many wins you have to line up in a row to get to the main card especially if you're under 170 you have to put like eight or nine wins together before it's like it's like getting getting into the ufc getting signed by the ufc is easier than going from the prelims to the main card. By far. It seems like the easy part happened. You got signed to the UFC. Here comes the hard part.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Let's see you last. And I was going to say to piggyback on that, and I think what you were saying and what I took away from it was the fact that, look, to get to the belt, you are going to have to take a certain number of fights. And just because of the way this sport is, you're going to take damage no matter who you are going to have to take a certain number of fights and just because of the way this sport is you're going to take damage no matter who you are and the question is is it worth it and you were speaking specifically to brendan is it worth it to go go through that journey go through that journey and possibly do real damage to yourself when there's a bridge to cross that and and i that i i took so i think that's a question that every fighter has to ask themselves um and i think it requires being very
Starting point is 00:09:10 honest with yourself so that's kind of what i that that's what i why i thought the conversation was very relevant to anybody who is in in combat sports look at your look at your brain this way okay pretend your brain is a rock that you're going to carve a sculpture out of, okay? And you're chipping. You want to do, if you have one sculpture that you can make with your whole life with this brain, you want to make the very best sculpture possible. You can't chip too much shit away from it and then try to put rock back on. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You only have a certain amount of rock to work with. And I look at fighting in the same way. You have a certain amount of brain that you could take damage with before you start seeing weird shit with guys. You start seeing guys get knocked out by punches that look like nothing. You start seeing guys just a normal shot that they would have taken. You saw this with Chuck. In his early career,
Starting point is 00:10:08 he would have eaten that thing like candy and just blasted you right in the face like it was nothing. It was very demoralizing when guys would fight Chuck because they would clip him right in the chin and he would just fucking break your face in. I mean, he just was so tough. So tough and so mean.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You know, when Chuck, I mean, he's a very nice guy, but when he's competing, he was just ferocious. And he was also known for having an incredible chin. Incredible chin. Incredible chin. He went from having one of the best chins in the game, and we saw it, to, man, he went through what most fighters go through. A lot of fighters, they go through their career and they try to piece things together as it goes along try to get well you know maybe i should uh you know work with more wrestlers and maybe i should uh work with a good kickboxing coach or it's ever i believe i really
Starting point is 00:10:57 strongly believe in this that in the future we're going to have every fighter is going to have like a matt hume or a faras a hobby or a guy like that who's like a maestro. A guy who looks at you objectively. And those are the best guys at it, in my opinion, those two guys. There's a few other guys. John Crouch is great at it. But a guy who looks at you objectively and finds what's wrong, what's right, and moves you into position slowly. Gets you fights with the right caliber opponent and gets you to a place where you
Starting point is 00:11:27 need to be very few guys have the luxury of that very few guys ever get to that and i think that along the way a lot of guys take some damage in training that's unnecessary or that they could have avoided they and then you factor in life. You factor in, like with you especially, you factor in how many years of football? 20. How many times do you think you got your bell rang in 20 years of football? Maybe six. That's it?
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah. Like flatlined or just boom? Yeah. Yeah. That's how many times you got hit in the head. Like flatlined or just boom? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's how many times you get hit in the head. The other thing that goes on in football that's really crazy that people don't think about is chest. When you get hit in the chest, it seems like an impact that's just on your chest. But a large amount of concussions, even concussions that wind up in depression, are from chest injuries, from getting hit in the body.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Because your brain, your neck smacks back. You snap back your head. Even though you're not getting hit in the head, your brain smashes around inside of your head, and it causes some serious injury to the brain. They're doing all these different tests on what is important. Is it head contact? Is it head moving? A lot of soccer players have issues with CTE as they get older from heading the ball.
Starting point is 00:12:50 That's right. Just heading a fucking rubber ball in practice. Do they hit it that much? It doesn't matter. It's not. It doesn't. It's not. Yeah, they do a lot, but it's a matter of that jolt.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Just that like thump. That jolt. That sharp jolt. It's your brain moving around inside of of your head and it's not designed for that and at a certain it has a certain amount of those you can give it and then it just starts going it's like a fucking transmission that you just you know jam into fucking first when you're on the highway after a while it's that thing it's just like whoa hey hey hey gears start breaking shit starts falling off if i didn't know you and you were just another
Starting point is 00:13:26 fighter and you asked me for advice i'd probably be a lot nicer about how i gave you that advice i i did that because i'm fucking terrified yeah i did that because i'm seeing you're a smart dude you're a funny dude and you're you're like fun to be around we We're not going to go. If that goes away. No, no, no. We're in a good place. If that goes away, if that goes away, I would be horrified. I'd be fucking horrified.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I would have a real problem. I've had problems calling fights with people I barely know and then I see them get to that point where they start slurring and they start having a hard time. I see it in interviews. I see them struggle in interviews. I go, ooh, look at him. And sometimes it's just a guy's tired.
Starting point is 00:14:10 That's possible. Shit, if you catch me, if I'm really tired and someone interviewed me, I bet I'd probably look like I was fucked up. You can tell the difference usually. You can usually. But there's just a thing that happens where I go fuck he's gone you know and i've seen too many guys man i've seen too many guys i've seen a bunch fighting is fucking dangerous as shit but it's more dangerous when you're not considering the danger it's like you know tj grant
Starting point is 00:14:40 guy who's fighting for the lightweight title has a title shot lined up smashing everybody you know looks fantastic has one concussion and all of a sudden he can't he can't recover from this fucking concussion he's got like this year-long headache he's all fucked up tries to get back every time he tries to get back to the gym tries to start training again fucks him up again and he's like this might you know he's trying to figure out what to do like this might be over he was in line for a title shot a year and a half ago, something like that. A year and a half ago, yeah. And then the guy who fought before he got the shot for the title is Gray Maynard.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Now, Gray Maynard is a fucking animal. Guy comes off tough, tough wrestler, hard puncher, you know, but goes through these wars. He's got wars with Frankie Edgar. He started off with a great chin, too. Yeah. And then, you know, you saw the last fight with Nateate diaz he gets tagged and he just his body freezes you can tell you can see it in his face his body freezes and you're like this guy just is not taking shots the way he used to take them you know and maybe he's okay maybe you know he went into
Starting point is 00:15:41 that fight that's the other thing guys go into fight with injuries already like you were talking about um your fight with ben rothwell that you in that fight we were talking about on the podcast you got tagged by carwin in training up to that yep and you're going in already diminished you're going in like with a weakened chin already where you you know if somebody tags you you're already it's like you hurt your knee somebody gets you a knee bar and your knees tweaked already like you're fucked that's tags you, you're already, it's like you hurt your knee. Somebody gets you a knee bar and your knee's tweaked already, like you're fucked. That's the same way with everything. It's the same way with the whole body.
Starting point is 00:16:10 What do you want to do, Brendan? I mean, have you decided? Are you like on the fence? Or are you for sure fighting? For sure fighting. Oh, okay. I'm not even up for discussion yet. I would.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I mean, you guys can keep talking about it. Yeah, for sure. At this point, at this point. That's defensive, Brendan. Yeah. That tone. No, I'm not just, you know. At this point, it defensive brendan yeah that tone no i'm not just you know at this point it would be about i think uh it's it's it if brian started hanging out with any other fighter
Starting point is 00:16:33 who just got into the ufc whoever it was there's a good chance 80 chance i would say that we'd be going through the exact same thing at whenever uh that person's career you know whenever there was like two or three losses and they're big losses bam that would mean if you're around brian that means joe likes you too and what you're hanging out and he gets to know you and and he's just it really is i i know you know this it really is just him like loving you yeah that's all it is no i know I know. That's why I take zero offense. For me, I'm like, man, if you want to still fight, this is what I think. I think if you just say, fuck the brain injury, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I'm going for it. I'm a fucking savage, and this is what I was born to do. I don't care if my brain starts going bad at 50. If you're going to do that, then this is what I would say. You shouldn't have said that. He just went, oh. I was hoping to get out of here scot-free every now and then every now and then someone uh some fighters ask me for advice what what they should do and and everything that he said about like you know like your footwork for example and kind of lunging with your punches obviously you're not as smooth as Anderson Silva on your feet.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That's obvious. The goal, I would say, if you're going to keep going, okay, let's fucking get that footwork and the movement down. Let's strive to move like, I mean, you know, John Jones. Whatever John Jones is throwing, however he's moving, maybe you'll never be John Jones, but you strive for excellence. Maybe you get halfway there, but you're in your pursuit. You get 70% of the way there.
Starting point is 00:18:13 But I think you're a tremendous athlete. You play football. You can do anything. I think, you know, just critiquing your last fights fights like spend extra time getting your footwork professional rocky three rocky balboa mr t watch that movie you know what i mean watch a lot of those movies he just went off the rails watch that fucking movie bro i've seen the fucking movie about him getting his footwork together yeah that's what the whole movie was he gets his footwork together and then he beats Mr. T.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah. You can get smooth. If you remember, anybody can do it. If you pay attention to Fabricio Verdun, for instance. Right now, he's a killer striker with great footwork and great movement. He's fucking people up. But he wasn't like that for a while. He was the classic jiu-jitsu guy like Haja Gracie when he came out.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Super good jiu-jitsu guy that had zero stand-up. And you don't know if they can take one punch. They're really shaky. They're trying to get the fight to the match. They lose some decisions. They get taken down. You know, they really don't have anything to offer on their feet, right? But then what Fabrizio Verdum did that most other jiu-jitsu fighters didn't do, a lot of jiu-jitsu fighters, they poked in into the MMA world, like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:26 This is going to take way too long. It's way too scary. I'm going to open up an academy and fucking make money just with jiu-jitsu. A lot of guys that did that. And some jiu-jitsu guys, they lasted a few fights, but they could never get their stand-up together. It started looking okay, but then they didn't have the wrestling to take down these wrestlers, so they're stuck standing, and they can't take these wrestlers down, and they're not that pro pulling guards, so they get caught in this mess, and then
Starting point is 00:19:51 they get cut. In the UFC, out the UFC. All these black belts. In, out, in, out, in, out. Fabricio Verdun, in, out. But you know what? He stuck it out. He stuck it out, kept working on his footwork, kept working on his strikes, the power and
Starting point is 00:20:04 the combinations. Look at Fabricio Verdun now. He stuck it out, kept working on his footwork, kept working on his strikes, the power and the combinations. Look at Fabio we're doing now. He stuck it out. People don't remember those dark ages. He started working with Codaro, right? He wasn't that good. His stand-up wasn't that good. And it takes so long. I just think you gotta get the ultimate stand-up coach
Starting point is 00:20:20 you could find. And it's just like Rocky 3. The focus on lids. And then work with, just as someone who's giving You advice find the best wrestler a wrestling team go to the Colorado And get your wrestling on try to strive for Olympic level you might not get there But you're an athlete you can get you could be an amazing wrestler. You could be an amazing striker You think you can't throw all those spinning kicks and heel kicks. Yes, you can You just got to practice you can do anything you those spinning kicks and heel kicks yes you can you
Starting point is 00:20:45 just got to practice you can do anything you want every time every time we've had discussions like it seems like you you think um that a lot of techniques are just for certain people for their body types i believe you can do anything you want i believe you can i paid him before he walked in and no seriously this is the real this is the real real. And then the jiu-jitsu. The jiu-jitsu. You need to release the stuff that's holding. Whatever is keeping you from opening your mind to the best possible jiu-jitsu. Have you seen Ben Saunders' last fight with Joe Riggs?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yep. Joe Riggs, he hurt his neck from a takedown. But did you see how Ben Saunders was about to eat him up? Right away, yeah. Did you see that? You can do that. I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass. You could do all that.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Ben Saunders came down for three weeks, and I ran it. People are going to be shocked when they see him. If that fight wouldn't have ended, oh, man. The position we worked on, Joe Riggs just fell right into it. He was about to light him up with amazing guard work. Ben Saunders, a lot of guys have come through my gym, and I have a lot of great fighters, but Ben Saunders is the only fighter ever that I ever worked with
Starting point is 00:21:54 that came to me a Ricardo Laborio black belt. He's already good on the ground. And he has a lot of MMA experience, and he's a great striker with super long legs. He's 6'3", but has the legs. His legs are insane and super flexible. Someone just gave me the, if I said, it's perfect. They gave me a guy to get his rubber guard together who's already a dangerous striker, long and lanky, super flexible, already a black belt in jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Man, Ben Sonners is going to shock the world. And I believe, I believe, give me three weeks, just come to my gym. I'm not going to charge you. I'm not saying leave Henner Gracie. Just train with Henner. He's got a lot of great stuff. Henner Gracie has great stuff. He's the great grandson of Helio. Come on. Give me a break. He's very super knowledgeable. But you can always add to your game. You can always add weapons.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And that's the mindset I believe every fighter should have, including you. What weapons can I add in wrestling? Oh, I'm done with the wrestling? You're not done with the wrestling. You need more setups. You need to master wrestling off the fence and really turn that into an art on jujitsu there's so much you can add dude there's so much you can add talk to ben saunders talk to tony ferguson when guys actually open their mind and come through man my my team you know we're all
Starting point is 00:23:22 working together to come up with the best possible jiu-jitsu for MMA possible. We're getting a little off track. I agree with you on all points. What's about Brennan? His jiu-jitsu, Brennan has really good jiu-jitsu. He definitely could benefit you to work your guard. But you're striking. If I had to say one thing to you, we talked about this before uh or right after the arlovsky fight
Starting point is 00:23:45 i'm like you gotta go and do like some hardcore like go to some like really elite gym and have a guy like henry hoofed or have a guy like rob cayman or have duane ludwig have someone work with you for a long time have someone tighten up all the... You're young. How old are you? 30. Dude, you're young. You could take a year or two off and just say, I'm going to come back. 30 is fuck. 30 is fuck. 30 is young as fuck. You look like you're 24, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And you're in great shape. It wouldn't be a bad idea. You know, if I read tomorrow that you wrote a blog and you said, you know what, I decided I'm going to take two years off to get my striking to the i'm not gonna come back until my striking look beautiful i'm i'm gonna go to thailand for fucking six months or whatever yeah just the focus the focus should be the foot work and the the combos and and the the arsenal the kicks, the flying knees. Brendan, what's your thoughts on the podcast and the aftermath and all that shit?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Because we're just talking at you here. Yeah. I don't know where to start. I mean, people think I was, like, offended or they thought we were mad at each other. It couldn't be further from the truth. I know you're looking out for me. It's this is the only reason yeah i know this i wasn't mad in the least bit there's maybe five people in this world who could talk to me that way and i wouldn't try and kill you know i'm saying so uh you're one of them and uh i don't know man during
Starting point is 00:25:17 the it's tough to listen to you know it's tough to listen when people are like oh you took it great nah man i didn't know what to do i wish i could take that credit i was trying not to cry to be honest that's why i was just going uh-huh uh-huh because i was literally if i would have said more than that i would have just started crying and then people are texting me like my brother's like dude just fucking leave this is brutal like well i can't do that well your brother also told you that he agreed with me yeah it was like he agrees as far as he he he thinks i can be champ i could fight for a title but he thinks that i could make more money being doing podcasts in my shows but he's also worried about you yeah oh yeah he's like i don't want to see you get punched in
Starting point is 00:25:58 the face yeah yeah you don't think i'm like washed up and all shitty like you really could become like you guys together especially especially as a team. You guys could become a huge force. That's the other thing. You're hilarious. Doing the podcast with you is by far the biggest thing we've ever done. And just the notoriety and the amount of love I get now is insane. I was walking down the street from Starbucks and these construction workers.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Three of them came up to me and gave me a big hug. Like, don't stop, man. We love you, man. Don't stop. Like, it's insane. And then you see the article in the New Yorker. I mean, it's just the amount of coverage we got from it. And honestly, when I left here, I text Brian right away.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I said, we're not posting that, man. I'm super embarrassed. I'm crying right now. Do not post that. And I got home again cried some more and i was like i think you and i started talking and uh i was like we probably should post it because there's an unselfish way i've had a lot i'm not going to mention names i've had a lot of fighters reach out to me who are like thanks dude like that that went a long ways man i needed
Starting point is 00:27:01 to hear that i can't believe you stood and took it like a man blah blah blah so i have these people who are in the business reaching out to me now and i have big shoulders man i have thick skin i have big shoulders for a reason because i can take all this shit you know i'm saying it it i took it as you just reaching out to me so we spoke about hold on let him talk i was gonna tell you what he said about we talked about releasing it and you kind of said this is part of this is part of my thought process. This is part of the experience of fighting. And that's why he kind of decided why hide this. Let's let's let this out there and get the debate.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I talked about on our podcast, like it's like a journey, like the reason the show is so big. And the reason why when you do a show, I walk in, people are cheering big Brown, you know, it's insane, man. When I, when I go to anything. So the reason why is because they're on this journey with me. Like, they care. Like, they literally care about me.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So I talk about signing a fight. I talk about getting the Travis Brown fight, how excited I am. I talk about going through training camp and the buildup, how excited and nervous and scared. And then after the fight, win or lose, there's still a part of this journey, so I'm just going to leave it. And this was a huge part of it good or bad it does i think it does wonders for not only me but other fighters out there or football i've had football guys reach out to me i had a ton of people reach out to me and thank me for having that conversation both fighters trainers former fighters just across the board you know so many people don't want to have that conversation they just
Starting point is 00:28:27 don't because we all know it's real and it's the monster in the room that nobody talks about you know what it has done though it's uh like obviously you're a powerful dude but i don't think you realize on when you say something these fucking people jump on it man but it's opened up a weird door because people don't realize that you and i are good friends they think you know i they see me on here whatever six times a year whenever the fuck i'm here so they think we're just whatever and you call my fights in the ufc so it's opened up this door where like the fucking guy at uh uh bennegan's or whatever i hop my waiter's like yeah man heard the podcast. I think,
Starting point is 00:29:05 um, I think, I think you might want to give it up. Oh God. Like for sure. Everybody, everybody starts with, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah, for sure. Go get my double stack, but thanks. You know what I'm saying? It's like, so it's opened up a weird door, man,
Starting point is 00:29:18 where I'm telling you, I've had close family and friends like, well, what you need to do? They think, cause I took the advice and everyone thinks I took it well when, what do you need to do? They think because I took the advice. Everyone thinks I took it well when I was just trying not to cry. They offer me the advice now where they've never been a fight in their life.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Like I had a family member go, I just don't get why you don't do two-week camps. I mean, you do these eight-week camps. You seem over-trained. Let's just go two weeks. People are giving you that kind of advice? Isn't that hilarious? It's because they think. Suck down to 205. Why do they come up with a two-week camp? No you that kind of advice? Well, it's because they think. Suck down to 205?
Starting point is 00:29:45 Why do they come up with a two-week camp? No one's ever said that. No, it's insane. There's never been a fight. Can you make 205? I don't know. One day. Somebody close to him said, go down to 205 and fight in February.
Starting point is 00:29:58 He was like, hmm. Dude. So it's opened up this door where people are like, oh, shopping likes this. I'm just going to give them advice. Listen, if you're changing my oil, for sure don't give me fighting advice. So it's opened like that door. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's whatever. People love you, though. We're good. People love me. I've had a conversation with Dwayne. And listen, I've had conversations with people that don't like you. And I say, it's because you don't know them. That's it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I'm like, if you know him and you don't like me, to take a page out of Brendan Schaub, lose my number. If you know him and you don't like him, if you know Brendan Schaub and you don't like him, I don't know if I said that right, but don't, yeah, you're wrong. You're a real nice guy. And I think that's one of the hard things about being in a position where you're exposed to the public because you're just going to get a bunch of opinions. I get it no matter what.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Anything I talk about, it's one of the weirdest things. Like you'll be in line at Starbucks and someone will try to bring up some shit that happened to you, like some personal shit from like 10 years ago or something. And they'll talk to you about it. Like, yeah, I heard you bringing that. You're talking about this and that and blah, blah, blah. Like, dude, I'm just trying to get a coffee and get out of here. We're not going to go into some weird shit about my dad. You know, just, I don't know you.
Starting point is 00:31:14 This is crazy. It's because I talk about some shit on a podcast. But they do know you. And I think. Sort of. I mean, in a way, yes. Yeah. In a way, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:21 They do. But you don't know someone unless they know you too. Yeah. You do know them, but you don't know someone unless they know you too yeah you do know them but you don't know them in terms of like how you guys interact with each other especially if not accusing these people being clueless but if you run into a clueless person they they think they have this idea of who you are you know based entirely on your interactions with other people they're not taking into account how that person would react to you. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:45 you think you have this idea of who the fuck Brian Callen is and how to fix Brian Callen. But Brian Callen would be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How about you look in the mirror, motherfucker? You know, you're talking all this shit about me. Why don't you look at yourself?
Starting point is 00:31:57 Like, this is a crazy conversation to have. But you're not qualified to be doling out advice to Brian Callen. That's why podcasts are so big and that's why people buy in because those same people are going to listen to every show you do what rogan says brendan shop needs this that listen i run them they're like yeah man you need to do this you know what it is man it's a numbers thing it's a numbers thing i mean you're dealing with millions of people now and when you're dealing with millions of people you're going to run into a certain
Starting point is 00:32:21 amount that are just crazy and a certain amount that overstep boundaries and a certain amount that are just getting real nervous around you and they they they talk out of character when they're around you they would never be like that yeah they don't know what to do especially if they're drinking how many fucking drunk dudes have got me in bear hugs and picked me up and fucking dragged me over to their friends i mean people lose their shit they don't know what to do they're like they've grown up with you in a way like some way in some way yeah they get drunk and you know just it's overwhelming and i've i've experienced it i've been lit up before and i met someone that i really admire and like whoa this fucking guy and you know you you know the only time i ever experienced anything close to real fame was when i did one episode of sex in the city when it was the biggest show.
Starting point is 00:33:06 And I walked through New York city and I am, I am not, I was with Jimmy Burke and I am not exaggerating. Literally every woman that came by every woman was like, Oh my God, you were so funny last night. I started dragging Jimmy into bars just to see, just to have this experience. I was like, and girls would get drunk. They dragged me and i was a prop i was basically a prop they didn't know my name or anything but that sounds cool but we're talking about dudes we're talking about dudes literally for sure paid on sex in the city is better yeah for sure your story's way better yeah i'm talking where i'll go places and guys think because i'm a fighter they'll hit me oh god like holy shit Shob And hit me I'm like What the fuck I know
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah You don't hit me man I don't like to get hit How many times have people Asked you to take pictures Choking them I get those Mine's more of a punch
Starting point is 00:33:54 A punch Punching them I do a terrible choke Just so they can't sue me I go like this Yeah People Well you know the UFC
Starting point is 00:34:01 Actually told people To not take pictures With people while choking them Because Chuck Liddell And Matt Hughes Both got sued I tell this to people When they ask me Well, you know, the UFC actually told people to not take pictures with people while choking them. Because Chuck Liddell and Matt Hughes both got sued. I tell this to people when they ask me to take a picture choking them in a picture. I say, I literally can't. I've been told not to.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's a good scam. Can you take a picture of me choking me? Yeah. It's true. A guy did it with Matt Hughes. Listen to this. And the guy was a fucking bad cop. The guy was a fucking dirty cop.
Starting point is 00:34:25 So he takes his picture with Matt Hughes was mad as choking him in the picture you know and look matt's a fucking hard ass and a wrestler and one of the greatest welterweight world champions ever so i'm sure he fucking really choked this dude like all right dude gorilla strong you want it yeah country fucking farmer strong i was like all dude, you want to get silly? Just fucking gave him the clamp down. But he didn't hurt the guy. At the very least, the guy got it. He got to experience what it feels like to get choked by a fucking world champion.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So this guy goes and he files this lawsuit because he's got the photo of Matt Hughes choking him. Meanwhile, everybody around says the guy asked Matt Hughes to choke him in the picture. And then they start looking into this dude because the dude's suing Matt Hughes. And they find out he's dirty. He's doing all sorts of illegal shit. And now the guy's in jail. Damn. The guy went to jail because of that.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So don't choke people in pictures. And then Chuck Liddell wound up, I believe, I might be talking out of school here, but I'm almost positive he settled. I'm almost positive they had to settle because it was some stupid number like ten thousand and the lawyers like look you're gonna spend 25 grand fighting this I bet they use that commercially does that oil filter commercial whatever it is where he's just out of zone or some shit way before the monster this is a long time ago this is a long time ago this is a bit a while he was a world champion yeah that's crazy man yeah happens all the time so what do you what do you want to do? What's your plan? How are you going to rebound from this?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Make some changes, switch some things up. I'll go over it probably off here, what I'm going to do, but just make some changes camp-wise, coach-wise, and just focus on my weaknesses and get better, man, work hard. And then I'll fight again at heavyweight, I would imagine, mid-next year. And what helps me right now, you know, yeah, I'm in a dark place, but our podcast, Fighting the Kid, and doing stuff like this really helps me, man. So I'm focused on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I've wrote a couple of new segments. If you can keep this guy in line, like you guys make him show up, and you guys work together still, you guys are a great team. It's a hilarious team. We have a great time. It's a hilarious team. You have, like, a man, very – Brian great time it's a hilarious team you have like a man very brian is i count on brian you know i mean i goof on brian all the time but when when i had this
Starting point is 00:36:31 opportunity to go hunting for that show meat eater there's only one guy i called because i know that brian would go camping he'll fucking he'll sleep in the snow like he's just he just can go through shit he ain't calling me yeah i call eddie bravo eddie bravo be like dude you can go through shit He ain't calling me Eddie Bravo would be like Dude you can go to the supermarket I'll flake I'm gonna bear down Brian is there for you too And Brian is also never angry at you
Starting point is 00:36:59 And never in a bad mood He's a very unique guy Eddie Bravo and I I love Eddie These guys are both my brothers bad mood he's a very unique guy he's a very unique guy you know like eddie bravo and i i love eddie he's my brother these guys are both they're both my brothers but eddie the difference between them is like eddie can get upset at people about shit but i've never seen you upset at anyone in my life where you're like fuck that guy man for whatever reason whatever you have in you you have this weird thing in you man where you where you're like a duck.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Water just rolls off your back. Shake that shit, and you keep on going. I can't stay mad. Dude, it's an amazing positive quality because Eddie and I are very similar in a way. We're both really nice, but deep down inside, we have some weird resentment shit because of our dads. There's like this anger shit we both have. We both have this weird abandon this anger shit we both have we both have this weird abandonment anger shit where we're like you know fuck the world you know but
Starting point is 00:37:50 it's also one of the reasons why we're brothers it's like you know what i'm like the same with you man when we met each other we became best friends like instantaneously i know you know with you and with eddie it was exactly the same thing right like you you could sleep in my house you do whatever the fuck you want to do you want to borrow my car you know it's instantaneously i know you know with you and with eddie it was exactly the same thing right like you you could sleep in my house you do whatever the fuck you want to do you want to borrow my car you know it's instantaneously because we have this you know you know i know when dudes are are real you know i know when no one's gonna fuck me i know i know when i when you have love for someone and you know it's reciprocated and you know i would do anything for you you know that and i would do anything for you and i would do anything for you it's a i really would and so being in this situation where you're watching someone and they're they're going down a path that you like god damn it there's a fucking cliff how do i tell them there's a fucking cliff
Starting point is 00:38:39 at the end of this shit there's a fucking cliff there's a goddamn cliff and especially as someone yeah but you know what like you could you could rebound from a lot of this shit. There's a fucking cliff. There's a goddamn cliff. And especially as someone, yeah, but you know what? Like you could rebound from a lot of this shit. As someone who's a mixed martial arts fighter, it's a fucking crazy cliff because it just goes.
Starting point is 00:38:57 It just drops off and there's no pillow at the bottom. There's no airbag and there's ways around that fucking cliff. You know, Matt Hughes, perfect example. Matt Hughes, you talked to him today. He's sharp as a tack. there's ways around that fucking cliff. You know, Matt Hughes, perfect example.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Matt Hughes, you talk to him today, he's sharp as a tack. He's fine. He's fine. And he was never a great striker. You know, he never got knocked out, or he got knocked out in the cage a couple of times, but he never really knocked anybody out other than Henzo Gracie, like, standing. Everything was, like, him taking guys down, ground and pounding them. You know, but he got knocked out by BJ.
Starting point is 00:39:24 He got knocked out by Pele way back in the day. He was stopped by a few guys. George St. Pierre stopped him. George St. Pierre, yeah. He fought some really fucking badass dudes. But to this day, he's fine. I talk to Matt all the time at events.
Starting point is 00:39:38 He was one of those guys that said, okay, I had a good run. These new dudes, holy shit, I'm actually going to have to learn how to strike to compete with these guys. Fuck that shit I'm actually gonna have to learn how to strike to compete with these guys fuck that I'm out
Starting point is 00:39:47 see ya see ya well you know just everybody has like I said you have a rock we're all born with a rock
Starting point is 00:39:55 different people's rocks are different size Mark Hunt's rock is as big as his fucking room you know he's got a different size rock some guys have a rock that's like really small
Starting point is 00:40:03 man some guys rock. You've got to be careful with your sculpture. You're designing something, and you should design that to the best of your possible abilities. And with you, you're a very high-profile dude, not just because of the UFC, but now because of the podcast. You have the opportunity. I mean, you could get guys who would be more than happy to take partial credit for turning your striking around, for turning you into an elite kickboxer. Dwayne Ludwig is the motherfucking man, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I mean, I never met a guy who's more obsessed with taking fighters and turning them into, like, prodigies based on all of the information that he has in his head. He's texted me several times. Fuck yeah, he has. Right before we came in here. Jump on that. And we've talked about it. Dwayne and I have talked about you too. And Dwayne and I talked about you before I brought him in to work with you. I brought him in to work with you because I have a deep, tremendous respect for Dwayne's knowledge
Starting point is 00:40:58 and also his obsession. Dwayne's a nut. Really? He's a nut. He's off technique. You get that TJ Dillashaw footwork together, you can do that. It's just going to take a lot of work, but anybody can do it. Well, not only that, Dwayne doesn't sugarcoat jack shit.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Dwayne won't sugarcoat any. He won't even sugarcoat sugar. Dwayne's like, that's plenty of sugar. It is what it is. I love you. You're my motherfucker, but this is wrong. You're lifting your back foot up off when you're throwing right hands. What the fuck kind of shit is that? Dwayne will go, and then you do it right. You're lifting your back foot up when you're throwing right hands. What the fuck kind of shit is that?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Dwayne will go, and then you do it right. You're like, yeah, motherfucker. He'll give you all the positive reinforcement when you do it right. But if you do it wrong, Dwayne wants a shit in your mouth. He doesn't give a fuck. He's a guy who's fought for world titles in kickboxing, was an elite MMA fighter for a long time, has been down. He's been up, he's been
Starting point is 00:41:45 KO'd, he's KO'd guys, he's been submitted. He's seen it all. How crazy would it be if Dwayne Ludwig got his shit together when he's coming out looking smooth? That would be amazing. That would be amazing, man. It's all just about numbers. I always say that fighting in a lot of ways is like having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Someone could shout you down. If you don't know how to like having a conversation someone could shout you down you know someone if you don't know how to deal with it someone can shout you down but if you know how to deal with it and someone tries to shout you down you'll like you'll slip away and then they'll get tired of shouting you down and you go what did you just say now what did you say you basically said nothing and here's why he said nothing because you're a fucking idiot and this is why you're a fucking idiot and then you start hitting him with all these words that they don't know and all these sentences they couldn't possibly form. And you barrage them with a verbal assault of intelligence and of articulation that they're not capable of. And in a lot of ways, fighting is like that.
Starting point is 00:42:40 There's some guys that could storm out of the gate and they have one technique and they throw it at you and they fucking... But if you're skilled, you move and you slip and you slide and eventually you start Anderson Silva in a motherfucker. Like when Anderson Silva
Starting point is 00:42:54 fought Stefan Bonner, one of the best examples. So crazy. Or Forrest Griffin. Or Forrest Griffin. Both of them are good. Stefan Bonner was crazy because he backed his body
Starting point is 00:43:03 up against the cage. Oh, yeah. Remember that? With Forrest, though. cage. Oh, yeah. Remember that? With Forrest, though. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, he just led Forrest. Perfect example in another way
Starting point is 00:43:10 in that Forrest got KO'd dos times in training. He got knocked out twice in training. He did, huh? Yeah. Yeah, it was, you know, I'm sure had people telling him to not fight, you know?
Starting point is 00:43:22 I mean, I'm sure. It's just what, you know you know also force is a good example of a guy who won a world title came off the ultimate fighter got fed immediately to the dogs i mean he was fighting like elite guys you know like right off the bat and then you look at force now i mean forces he's physically in a lot of trouble like he can't even brush his teeth with his right hand he's talked about it pretty openly. His body's, like, really fucked up. His shoulders. He's taken a lot of punishment to the head.
Starting point is 00:43:49 He was a big dude to cut 205, though. Fuck yeah, he was. He's about my size, if not bigger. He's a big dude. Oh, yeah. So cutting down for that many years really jacked him up. Guess who else is? John motherfucking Jones.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Jones walks around 230 all the time. Does he really? Yeah, when John Jones is, you know, like when he carries around, do you get your body fat measured? What's your body fat? I was 14% last time. Was it really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:11 How long was that ago? Like eight weeks ago. How do they do it? They submerge in you? It's with some body composition machine that like scans your body. Ah, interesting. It's some fancy ass thing. I would have thought you would have been higher than that because I'm 17%.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I was 17% or 15%. But heavyweights tend to mark hot. You're pretty lean. Yeah, I am. But I think my head is fat. Yeah, fat in my head. You got a fat head. Hands.
Starting point is 00:44:37 My dick. It's all in my dick. You got a couple big heads. Big noggins. Whose head's bigger? Probably Bravo, actually. Yeah, Bravo's got a couple big heads. Big noggins. Whose head's bigger? Probably Bravo, actually. Bravo's got a giant head. I put my head next to Dean Lister's head.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Dean Lister's known. He's world renowned for the size of his head. We took a picture. He's world renowned. My head's bigger than Dean Lister's. Stipe Miosic has got a heavy giant head. He has a good noggin on him. I won't shave my head because of that.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What did you think watching that fight? What a goddamn slobber knocker. Stipe Miocic He has a good size He has a good noggin on I won't shame my head Because of that Yeah He's got a big noggin What did you think Watching that fight What a goddamn Slobber knocker Stipe and Junior Dos Santos I didn't know how they
Starting point is 00:45:11 Could take that much punishment Speaking of punishment I thought JDS looked stiff Yes Well you know what He looked bigger What's weird is that He weighed
Starting point is 00:45:19 He looked really big He weighed the same He weighed around 240 I think he might have been leaner Like he looked more shredded In this No he just looked like He looked bigger Perhaps Yeah I thought he looked bigger 40. He might have been leaner like he looked more shredded in this They just look like you look perhaps. Yeah, I thought he looked bigger too, but he might have been leaner I'm John Fitch's body. Do you see John? I was crazy. That's crazy shred. He's huge
Starting point is 00:45:34 Shredded I've never seen him. I used to be like Mike just see you know what I mean, please stop big He stopped being a vegan start eating meat again. Oh Stop being a vegan. No, he's still vegan. I just. He looks great. He looks fantastic. Would you think of that? Would you stop being a vegan, too? No, he's still a vegan. I just talked to him the other day. What did you guys think of that Rusamar Pajaras knee bar? Nasty.
Starting point is 00:45:52 No one's trying to fight that, dude. Monstrous. And he gets a hold of it, you're going to get hurt. You know what I think, man? I think he's held on to submissions way too long in the past. But people are saying it was too long. Here's the deal. If it was any other submission,
Starting point is 00:46:06 it was an arm bar or rear naked choke, no one would have a problem with it. It's the fact that it's a heel hook and then it transitioned to a knee bar and everybody's thinking about their knee exploding. And you know that with a heel hook especially, you don't have any time, man. By the time you're hurting, it's too late.
Starting point is 00:46:22 How is his knee? It's okay, right? It's fucked. Oh, it is? It's fucked. Oh, it is? It's fucked. Look at the position his knee's in. That doesn't mean anything to him. Yeah, I mean, it might not have...
Starting point is 00:46:31 He gets super-sprained, isn't he? Extended, hyper-extended. When guys try to knee someone in the face, they're not holding back. It's not 80% power. They're trying to put their knee through your face, 100% power, as many motherfucking times as they can until the referee stops it. It's fine. So when you get injured with little joint locks, personally for me, I do jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:46:49 That's just part of the game. You know what I mean? Yeah, he held it on a little bit long, but that's MMA. If it was a jujitsu match, that's a big foul. He's so good at that. His opponent's trying to smash his face. But he didn't even in this fight. I mean, it was like literally he's holding on to it.
Starting point is 00:47:03 John Fitch is tapping. The referee grabs him and then he lets it go. I mean, it's not. He's holding on to it. John Fitch is tapping. The referee grabs him, and then he lets it go. I mean, it's not. He's in the past held on to shit, and the referee's pulling on his arms, and he won't let go. He doesn't do that anymore. The issue they have is because Fitch is tapping, and he doesn't let go until the ref stops you. You're not supposed to. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:20 What people don't know is in the back, the ref says that. You know what I'm saying? So he's trained to do that. Yeah. He's so goddamn strong. He's five foot seven and a half or something like that. So thick. He's all muscle and all gorilla bones.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And did you see how we beat him? Did you notice that he pulled guard? Yeah. Oh, yeah. He was not going to take John Fitch down. He's like, he needs John Fitch on the ground. How the fuck is a Brazilian going to take a wrestler down if you're not Damian Maia? He's the only guy that's doing it.
Starting point is 00:47:48 You know how he did it? He was just like stupid little single shot, and then he pulled guard right into a heel hook. So nice. I don't think anybody knows what a heel hook really feels like until that guy gets a hold of your legs. Oh, my God. So people that are against pulling guard, right there. That was a perfect example of a guy he could not take down, but he still got him down anyways. He pulled guard.
Starting point is 00:48:09 He's so fucking dangerous. It's one of those things that people forget about. Horrifying. That was scary. He's horrifying. He's going to mangle your leg. You're not even going to train for six months. You're never going to be the same.
Starting point is 00:48:17 You won't even train for six months. You know what? You can be the same. If you're going to fight Rusamar Pajaras, tap early. Or look at what Alan Belcher did. Alan Belcher not only did the best that anybody's ever done at dealing with his ground game and being caught up in it and defending, he also put out a video on what John Fitch did wrong, what John Fitch should have done.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Oh, really? Oh, really? I want to see that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He went into the fire and literally stopped all of Paul Harry's stuff. Literally got caught up. Is it too long to see that? Punched him in the face.
Starting point is 00:48:47 It was nasty. Pull that up. Alan Belcher versus Husamar Paul. Yeah, put it on that because we don't want to steal any hits from. It's your computer. Oh, it is? Okay, that's right. Okay, let's see if we can find it here.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I saw him like two weeks after that event, and I was like, damn, man. Just something like that, Brennan. Just the, you can get as good with leg locks as Rusamar Pajaras. You can get that good. And if you were in a situation where you needed to get this fight to the ground, the guy was too much dangerous of a striker, but you couldn't take him down. Jumped a guard. You could pull guard with those heel hooks. You could do that.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Anybody could do it. They just got to work on it. Yeah. Let's see this now. Powerful Alan Belcher. Let me kill the sound on this motherfucker. Beast. He's a good dude, too.
Starting point is 00:49:36 The Brendan Schaub comeback. I don't hear anything in this. I like it, man. This is the first 45 minutes of the movie. Rise of the Brown Knight. Rise of the Brown Knight. And also, I'm going to show how maybe you could do something a little bit better. This is the first 45 minutes of the movie. Rise of the Brown Knight. Rise of the Brown Knight. And also I'm going to show how maybe you could do something a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I'm not going to say John Fitch did something wrong. A lot of people have made the same mistake. There's a couple things to look out for. So first off, Paul Yaris, the way that he gets to the leg locks a lot of times is he attacks the legs on a single leg or a double leg and then drops under. This takedown that he did was on the outside and then he started lifting the leg almost like he was going to switch to a double leg and he does it with the perfect timing with a lot of his techniques. He does a really good like set up by faking the take down like he lifts the leg right
Starting point is 00:50:24 when the guy adjusts to it, that's when he drops. Underneath. Right under the leg. And starts to attack the leg lock right here. So John Fitch did a good job. That's how you take wrestlers down. To put his weight on the leg. And start to go like this.
Starting point is 00:50:39 So Bayaris locks his legs over here. Can you come around this side for me? You should. Everybody who wants to watch this, Alan Belcher breaks down Husamar Paul Hares versus John Fitch. And traps the knee inside. I know you're not going to spell Paul Hares right, so just write Alan Belcher, John Fitch. His knee can't move, and I have it trapped here.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So Partonaris continues to twist here until he finally knocks Fitch down, and then he starts to attack this heel by bringing his wrist underneath here with his hand, and then pulling on his hand like this right here. And what he wants to do is tighten up the legs and push the toes back and get a heel hook just like that. All right, so what Fitch was doing here was unraveling his feet a little bit, and push the toes back and get a heel hook just like that.
Starting point is 00:51:25 So what Fitch was doing here was unraveling his feet a little bit, open his feet up trying to take this off. Palliaris wants to bring this over just like that and he was making space, cutting his knee across and then Fitch was also straightening his leg out. What Palliaris does though is he squeezes the knees and he brings this he keeps twisting it even though it's straight and he's expecting the guy to roll out because the pressure I'm putting makes him to spin but as he spins I turn back the other way which helps break his knee more but also puts me right into a position for a knee bar. So now he locks his figure four right above the knee,
Starting point is 00:52:08 and he keeps this grip here, and he can thrust his hips down while pulling this straight and actually twisting the heel also at the same time. Sucks. Oh, it's hard to watch. It's just as hellish. And you can see in the fight, Poyaris got on his side. I think it might have been all the way.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Go this way. To this this side here he's actually elevated he fish actually elevated with gave him more more room pressure it's almost as if I have this behind my arm it feels really strong and I twist the heel boom and I thrust my hips there getting the tap. All right. Okay. So one more. You know what? This is probably too long for us to. I want to see what he should have done, though.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah, but this is a long time for people that are listening to this as a podcast. We'll watch it. We'll watch it after the show, but I also want to get Alan as many hits on this as possible. So if you go to Alan Belcher's YouTube page, it's Alan Belcher Breaks Down Husamar Pajaras. But this shit is like 15, 20 minutes long or something. Is it? Yeah, it's only 11 minutes.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Pretty dope, though. Alan Belcher. I'd like to see how he defends it. No one's done a better job at defending leg locks in the octagon, in front of the world, millions of people, pay-per-view, than Alan Belcher. Rusamar Pajaras
Starting point is 00:53:33 was all over his legs. He had five different attempts at his legs. And what Alan Belcher did is he flew Dean Lister in for that camp, and he flew in a guy named Davi Ramos, who's a leg lock wizards. And he just had those guys jump on his legs for two months straight. And he said the first couple of weeks he was tapping left and right. But after a while he learned how to stop
Starting point is 00:53:56 that. And then it just became instinct. And then he became impossible to tap with leg locks. You just have to walk through the fire. You just have to go through all those taps and not worry about it. Just know you're going to get through it. Go through all those taps. And no matter what, no matter what, unless you have some kind of brain defect, you put yourself in those bad spots long enough, you will figure it out. Comes the stress. Then after a while, you're like, I don't worry about this at all. Hey, Brian.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Not only do I not worry about it, but I'm going to attack from there. Oops. Oops. Sorry. Someone's in alcohol. I got a drinking cup. A couple bottles deep, huh, bud? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:34 So I think we probably talked enough about Brendan Schaub and Brendan Schaub's career. I think so, too. I love you guys. I love you, too, man. Are you guys allowed to pull out UFC Fight Pass fights? Yeah, but we're not really watching them. The people at home are going to see us. The video up there is...
Starting point is 00:54:53 See, we're watching what's going on on YouTube. But once we go to Fight Pass, the people at home are still going to continue to see that. But we can reference Fight Pass. Oh, yeah. We're going to watch the fights. We're going to watch the fights. We're going to watch the fights on Fight Pass. And I want to watch...
Starting point is 00:55:09 We're going to watch some classic fights, man. And I want to watch some early Fedor, man. Because early Fedor was such a motherfucker. So scary. It's like the Tyson days. Good God. His timing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:20 This is Fedor versus Noguera. This is the first one. And we can get volume on this right we can hear and so so fedor was a sambo world champion what is his background combat sambo which is a different style of sambo it's a uh a sambo that also has um they have a lot of uh strikes in it and they wear the gi jacket and uh headge. And, you know, I don't know how long they've been competing like that, but it's essentially like MMA in a lot of ways. Look how good he looks. Handsome bastard back then.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Yes, he was. I love that motherfucker. Noguera is my hero. Handsome bastard back then. Yes, he was. I love that motherfucker. Nogueira's my hero. This was 10 years ago. My favorite Brazilian fighter of all time by far. Really? Back in the day, he was a motherfucker. He was the first heavyweight that came along that showed real, legit jiu-jitsu off his back.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Okay, we can go through all this god fedor looks young too baby face if he had emo hair he could be in a band missing a lot of the uh the big scars that he developed later in his career yeah really bad right bad, right? Yeah, yeah. He's got some scar tissue. He's got Russian mafia eyes. Also, his body changed. Yeah, look how calm he is.
Starting point is 00:56:51 That was one of the weirdest things about Fedor, when he would fight. That's like Carla Esparza. Did you see her when she came out and fought Rose Namajewas? Mm-hmm. Did she actually... It was almost... She was so calm that if you didn't know that was like her little thing, you would think she was petrified.
Starting point is 00:57:08 She was just like the. Yeah. And Rose is all like just dancing around and just shaking on her side. Carla's not even moving, not even an inch. Look at this shit. They had the national anthem back then. It's dope. Did you remember that?
Starting point is 00:57:22 I don't remember. Is that Bustamante? That's Bustamante, right? Yeah, Murillo Bustamante, Mario Sperry with fucking black hair. It's dope. Did you remember that? I don't remember. Is that Bustamante? That's Bustamante, right? Yeah, Murillo Bustamante, Mario Sperry with fucking black hair. Look at that. That guy's not Brazilian. Look at Jirio, man.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Jirio was young looking too. Look at that nose. Yeah. Got a nose on him. Do you think they traded girls off? I hope so. I would be trading. They'd be like,
Starting point is 00:57:42 why did you lose weight? What happened? I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. You just forget. I put the pressure on you, the hips on you. Look at that crowd. Look how quiet the crowd is.
Starting point is 00:57:53 This is the thing that was weird about watching fights in Japan. When we were there for the UFC, everybody always told me it was like that. But when you see it live, and by the way, they've adjusted. They've changed since the old days. The old days, it was dead silent. Now they clap and cheer a little bit because it's becoming a little bit more westernized. Just for, like, submissions and stuff, right? For everything.
Starting point is 00:58:10 It's a trendy thing now. Yeah. Damn. Hold on. We've got to go to the beginning. I just want to see Takata fight or Takata talk. He doesn't look, huh? Look at that.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Look at it. He's tighter back then. No, he never used to look. He always looks down. He was thick back then, too. Yes, he was. back then too later in his career fedor like slimmed out he got a lot smaller look at him super thick back then yeah well he sees a lot of kettlebells and a lot of power lifting back then but he decided somewhere along the line that skill training was more important but i think that you need both man i really do oh but i mean there's all so many variables involved in old fedor that made him a monster more important. But I think that you need both, man. I really do. You gotta have both.
Starting point is 00:58:48 There's so many variables involved in old Fedor that made him a monster. Just strength is only one of them. The other thing was he was just so fucking ferocious. Calm. Timing. And fast, too, for a heavyweight, man. Deceptively fast. Just stand right there.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He also had a really good technical approach to MMA, man. He just would explode. Oh, my God. Oh, man. So fast. So fast with these fucking strikes. And everything he throws is like a knockout punch. What's the latest?
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's still retired. He doesn't want to come back. He's done. He keeps saying that. Man, he's smart. He knew that those last few fights, he's just not the same guy as we're looking at right here. We're looking at the dude in his prime here. This is 2004, 10 fucking years ago.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And what's interesting is 2004, there was nobody like him. Nobody had come along before like him. Nobody could whip off arm bars off their back the way he could and still throw fucking serious hands on their feet the way he could. I don't think we've seen anyone like him as far as the Mike Tyson effect. His face never changes. Even in the fight, his face stays completely the same. Well, he always said that.
Starting point is 00:59:53 They're like showing emotion and showing weakness. Yeah. Noguera with that fucking wrist control setup, man. That was his shit. He doesn't even look like he warmed up. Like, he just looks cold. His body, like, he just looks like, eh. Took my shirt off. I was playing cards about ten minutes ago. Now I'm going to fight. I got to fight Noguera. It's hard to see. like he warmed up. He looks cold. His body, he just looks like, eh.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Took my shirt off. I was playing cards about 10 minutes ago. I'm going to fight. I've got to fight It's hard to see. Remember his brother and his gnarly ass tat on his back?
Starting point is 01:00:13 Like the grim reaper holding a baby? His brother, I guess, was a criminal. He's in jail right now. Is he? I think for rape.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I don't know if he got out. His brother did a lot of crazy shit. There's some video of his brother drunk off his ass. Imagine that guy being drunk and being mad at you. Or raping you.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Or being mad at you and raping you. No, thank you. And I mean you. I don't even mean a girl. I've been thinking about it. Cosby was framed. I believe he was framed by the Illuminati. I think he was going to drop the bomb.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Is that right? Illuminati. You know what was going to drop the bomb on the Illuminati. You know what? We're going to get some girls. You're fucked. That's what I think. I don't think he did that. He's too nice. You think it's about chemtrails?
Starting point is 01:00:52 Bro, come on. Or UFOs. He was going to drop a bomb about the CIA's involvement in... Oh, shit. Meanwhile, we're missing Fedor with some fucking
Starting point is 01:01:02 ferocious ground and pound from inside the car. Big Nod got those scars from being run over by a truck, I think, as a kid. No, just the one on his back, yeah. Yeah, on his back. The bus. He was in a coma for like a long time. Or in a hospital, I think, for like a year.
Starting point is 01:01:15 What'd they do? Feed him vitamins and milk? I don't know. I don't know what happened. Vitamins and milk? It's just big. Why milk? Not milk. Bones or something.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Why would they give milk to a baby? It's bones. It's got thick bones. Yeah, that's something. Why would they give milk to a baby? It's bones. It's got thick bones. Yeah, that's the last thing you want to give is a baby. It's milk. Look at this. I mean, it's just what everybody gives babies. This is why gay guys love MMA right here.
Starting point is 01:01:35 This is it. That's not why. They like MMA because they think about fucking these guys. No, that's aggressive. Look at the positions. Super aggressive. That's why gay guys like MMA. I know a gay man who is a comic who's very in love with Brandon.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Why isn't there gay jiu-jitsu academies? I mean, you would think like, he would flock to jiu-jitsu, right? They would flock. Probably not enough of them. Why isn't there gay jiu-jitsu academies? There probably is. They would love it. They would love it.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Can you imagine? Put out an advertisement. But even in gay jiu-jitsu academy. They probably are. They would love it. They would love it. Can you imagine? Put out an advertisement. But even in gay jiu-jitsu, you don't think about the sexual aspect of the positions. Even in gay jiu-jitsu, no way. You don't want the guy
Starting point is 01:02:17 to tap you out. So even if you're attracted to the guy. Unless you're one of those dudes who likes guys beating you up. I think I think. Francis Bacon, the painter. I think jiu-jitsu, I think it's so important not to get tapped out that no matter what position you're in, you're not thinking about sex ever.
Starting point is 01:02:32 You're thinking about not getting tapped out. Even if you're gay, you're not thinking about sex and jiu-jitsu. That's what I believe. They're moving him to the center of the ring. I think you should have a podcast called That's What I Believe. Weird thing about fighting in the ring, that they kept moving people to the center of the ring. I think you should have a podcast called That's What I Believe. The weird thing about fighting in the ring, they kept moving people to the center in the same position.
Starting point is 01:02:51 The good thing about the ring is that it plays less of a factor, like as far as the environment, than the cage does, because the cage, you can push a guy against it. It's a whole sport, cage wrestling. That is so different than regular wrestling. Wrestling off the cage and because the cage you can push a guy against it it's a whole sport cage wrestling that is so different than regular wrestling wrestling off the cage and all the possible positions
Starting point is 01:03:10 against the cage when you're wrestling there's only so many positions against the cage and kenny johnson he's a wrestler who's scientific about it he trains alan juban who's one of my guys and they're... Oh! See, here's the thing about... Here's the question I have. If Fedor's training in mostly Sambo and training in Russia, he doesn't have a lot of jiu-jitsu guys to train with, probably, right? So how is
Starting point is 01:03:35 he so good at defending against all these tricks? Sambo has submissions. But aren't they mostly leg locks? Well, they have arm bars. Especially Kimura's. Which is what he was just going for. I mean, Fedor's won a lot Well, they have arm bars. They have arm bars, yeah. Especially Kimura's. Yeah. Which is what he was just going for. I mean, Fedor's won a lot of fight by straight arm bar and a lot of fights by Kimura.
Starting point is 01:03:51 You know, Verdum used to be Crow Cups. Jiu-Jitsu instructor. I didn't know that. Yeah. He flew him to Croatia to help him with his defense. Well, even though Sambo is like a it's mostly a leg lock system and catch wrestling is like this kind of
Starting point is 01:04:10 system without a guard. Since Hoyce Gracie all grappling styles have adopted or filled the holes that were glaring since UFC 1 like, oh shit we actually do need a guard. Because catch wrestling didn't have a guard.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Eddie, when you see this, what do you think here about his guard? I mean, when you see this, I mean, this is obviously 2004, but when you know your guard and your style, you mean you must be seeing so many goddamn openings in this that just didn't,
Starting point is 01:04:38 people weren't aware of back then. As far as like when he can control his posture. Well, Nogueira was the first guy to come along since Hoist Gracie to be known for his guard. We went Hoyce Gracie, who tapped everyone out in the beginning. And then people got hip to jiu-jitsu and they started training it. They learned the defense. And then we had a long period where Mark Coleman came in and the wrestlers started dominating.
Starting point is 01:05:01 And we didn't have any jiu-jitsu guys in there that knew how to submit people off their back when there was punches and elbows, and there's no gi. It was like a riddle that needed to be solved, and then Noguera comes along, and boom, just like that. He was the only guy out there, especially for heavyweight, to finish people off their back. He was known for his guard. When you're talking about MMA guards back then, most of the time people said Noguera had the best guard in MMA. He was the only guy going after him. Man, Fedor's getting out of a lot of stuff, though. It's greasy in there.
Starting point is 01:05:40 It's really, really greasy. It's greasy and he's strong as fuck. I was going to say, he's also really strong, by the way, might have been oiled up. How about that? Mark Coleman told me that he was backstage and he saw Vanderlei oiling up. Vanderlei was oiling up before a fight. So unfair. Listen, brother.
Starting point is 01:05:58 My jiu-jitsu ain't as bad as you think. I would surprise you. You can't do that. You'd be shocked. You'd be surprised. Oh! Oh! Oh! These fucking shots he hit Noguera with.
Starting point is 01:06:08 This is the roughest part of this fight. And Noguera's another guy who was known for his chin based on these fights. He had the strongest chin in MMA. If you talked about the best guards in MMA, Noguera's going to be up there back then. If you talk about the best chins in MMA, Noguera's going to be back there in MMA. Noguera's going to be up there back then. If you talk about the best chins in MMA, Noguera's going to be back there in MMA.
Starting point is 01:06:26 You talk about the best chins now, Noguera's been around the sport so long that his chin clearly isn't as strong as it was back then. I think he's doing one more. I think he's going to do one more. Noguera said that. He's doing one more. We'll watch his fight with Roy Nelson. The next guru who's going to make millions
Starting point is 01:06:40 is the guru who could turn your chin around and strengthen your chin and make yourself and turn you into a guy. There's got to be some kind of technique. That's not a guru, bro. That's a fucking wizard. He's going to come in on a dragon if that happens. Oh, man. What if that happens? What if there's something that we're missing?
Starting point is 01:07:01 A guy can make your dick bigger and you give up on fighting because your dick is so big you're just doing porn? Check it out, man. What if you could fly or breathe underwater? He could breathe underwater. Why would you fight? I'm going to bring your chin back and I'm going to make your dick three inches bigger. Trust me. Trust.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Well, you know what's going to be really interesting? When they do come up with genetically engineered human beings where people have just unbelievably freakish athletic ability you're not going to care as much about like athletics it won't mean as much like right now what it means is the representation of your character of your will of your ability to do something that most people won't do when you see a guy who's built you think two things one he's on fucking steroids but the other thing you think is things. One, he's on fucking steroids. But the other thing you think is like, wow, that guy's putting in some fucking work. Even when a guy's on steroids, if a guy's big,
Starting point is 01:07:49 the only way you get big is by putting in the kind of work that most people are not willing to do. So when you see somebody, look at this sweep. Look at this sweep. Oh, man. That was at a Brazilian electric chair.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Yeah, it was beautiful. So when you see someone that, look at this. He's about to blast. Look at that. He's trying to pass. He's about to blast. Look at that. He's trying to pass. Instantly trying to pass. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:08:07 He's on top. That was the beautiful thing about Noguera. His jiu-jitsu is so smooth. Look at that. Half side control immediately. Look at that knee on your arm. Look at this. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Look at this. He was a monster, man. He's so strong. God. So strong and such a good grappler. What if they found out? So good at pausing. Brian.
Starting point is 01:08:23 What if they found out that Regine King brings a chin back? It's not going to. What if it does? I knew it. He's never seen this fight. Because he's like, oh, shit. Brian is kind of a fake MMA fan. I've seen a lot of fake.
Starting point is 01:08:33 What? Just the way he's been reacting, there's no way he's ever seen this. He's an MMA fan the way I'm like a fan of politics. You dip in every now and then. Damn it. Why'd you have to call me out? Because, you know, I'm like, wow, man. You're like every now and then. Damn, why'd you have to call me out? Because, you know, I'm like, wow, man. You're like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Well, there was this guy, Mark Fitch, used to fight in the UFC. Now he fights for the Super Bowl of fighting. And he just got armbarred. It was really horrible. He fought this guy. The guy's like Bart Chimpanzee, and he's known for his armbars. Dude, SBM, that should be what CBS comes out with. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Super bowl of fighting. Looks like he just woke up. Doesn't have a scratch on his face. Even in between rounds, calm as a cucumber. The thing about these fights, these pride fights, and this widely known, I mean, you know, you talk to guys like, I had Ensign Inouye on the podcast and Ensign told me, like, specifically said on his fucking contract that they're not testing
Starting point is 01:09:29 for steroids. Specific, oh, look at that bomb! Jesus Christ! Damn! Whoa! Jesus Christ! If he would have landed with that one right, I think it would have been over. Dude, let's see those. He kept missing. Just those shots. He kept missing. Don't you think as aggressive as he was in his ground-to-pounds, the same reason down the road
Starting point is 01:09:45 when he fought a guy like Verdum, he got submitted? Yeah, Verdum was just way better off his back. He just got, people get caught, people get caught.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I agree. Verdum caught him. Verdum tricked him. He made it seem like he went down and got hurt. He pulled guard in a different kind of way. He's like,
Starting point is 01:09:58 oh, he got him to take him to get on top of him. Watch this. He tricked him. Boom. Jesus. Right in the jaw, bro.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Boom. If that third right hand would have got through, I think he would have been knocked out. He's still hitting him. Boom. Jesus. Boom.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Those four. It was a right, left, right. Right, left, right. Jesus Christ. That should be a gif right there. That right, left, right.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Oh, yeah. Holy shit. Dude, Noguera could take it like nobody, like nobody I feel like pride was back when baseball didn't test and guys were hitting like 50 60 homers Mm-hmm these fights they didn't test these guys exactly blast each other in the face exactly plus the last time I watched baseball They're on EP. Oh, they're all on EP. Oh, she cries. That is girl. She loves him. She loved one No, no, I heardoguera lives like a rock star. That's what I heard. You mean in Japan? In Brazil.
Starting point is 01:10:50 He's a rock star. Really? Yes. He don't give a shit. Good. He enjoys life like no one other. He deserves it. Anybody who's a warrior deserves it. Just no other.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I hear that Putin really likes Fedor. Oh yeah. Of course. We're watching this but let's pay attention to Fedor's physique because we'll show
Starting point is 01:11:12 some later Fedor fights. He's never been lean. Well no no no never lean but his bulk dropped substantially. His amount of mass like his muscle power
Starting point is 01:11:21 dropped substantially. If he got the 205 and shredded that would have been a 205. Well he should have been 205. Yeah he's only 230. He should have been 205 the whole time. Yeah he got the 205 and shredded, that would have been a 205. Well, he should have been 205. He should have been 205 the whole time. Yeah, he was 230 and at least 20 pounds overweight.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Like, easily could have been 210, lean. You know, if Fedor was like, you know, find a fighter, a Russian guy, like Ali Bagutinov, who's shredded. If Fedor, like, got down to that lean body mass, he'd be 203.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Without even cutting weight. That's crazy. Look at his gut. Guy's got a little bit of a gut. How badass was Carlson fucking Gracie, man? He's a bad motherfucker. Dude, when you look into the history of what happened in Brazil, Carlson Gracie was the man, dude. That was the man.
Starting point is 01:12:03 His whole team. They went no-gi. They worked on their boxing. Look at all their guys and their boxing. Marilla Bustamante had some serious boxing. So did the Nogueras. They could throw down with their feet. And that was all Carlson Gracie.
Starting point is 01:12:15 How about fucking Vitor, bro? Yeah, and Vitor. Vitor was the first guy to come along. Think about that. UFC 12. The only Gracies that had real hands were Carlson Gracies guys. That clan, that Brazilian top team clan that Carlson Gracies brought up, that guy was the man.
Starting point is 01:12:31 That guy was the unsung hero of the Gracies. I'm shocked at how much bigger Fedor is physically. Like his muscles. I haven't seen these old fights in a while. He's much bigger. Like 20 plus pounds of muscle bigger. If you look at him towards the end when he fought Dan Henderson, he's a shell of himself.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And it makes me wonder like how hard was he training. Those were also in the States. That's true. That's true. When you hear Hoyce Gracie saying stuff like you don't need to train boxing or wrestling, you just need jujitsu, like all you need is jujitsu. When you hear Hoyce say stuff like that, what do you think? I think it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:05 He's saying that to the other Gracies, though, right? He's not saying that for everyone. He's bagging on Roger Gracie for working on his Muay Thai and boxing. And meanwhile, Roger Gracie's one of those guys. He's saying that now? Slowly, he's turning into a decent striker. He's fucked up James McSweeney. Dude.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Fucked him up standing. Dude, Roger Gracie is turning into Fabrizio Verdum. If he just fucking turns that striking training up. He has the coaches. And he's got the jab. And he's athletic. He's got the movement. So Hoist is saying that now?
Starting point is 01:13:33 He's saying what? He's saying that today. It's hard to listen to Hoist today because it makes me sad. Because I think Hoist is just, I don't know what's going on with him. But all the shit that he said about you, I put Hoist in a new category now. I'm like, okay, he's that guy. I don't know what's going on with him, but all the shit that he said about you, I put Hoyce in a new category now. I'm like, okay, he's that guy. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:13:50 I don't know if it's emotions or if it's anger, but all the shit that he said about you after you beat Hoyler the second time, I know you didn't win a decision because it was a draw. You dominated him in that fight. Let's just say that. You dominated him in that match 100%. Everybody knows it. And you never said a bad thing about the Gracies leading up to it. You guys were very respectful to each other. You and Hoyler were before the match. Even after the match, you gave it said a bad thing about the Gracies leading up to it. You guys were very respectful to each other.
Starting point is 01:14:05 You and Hoyler were before the match, even after the match. You gave it up to Hoyler and the Gracies. You always did. You always have. You've always been really cognizant about it. So when he got super upset about that, I went, okay, this is like a non-rational person. This is a person who's not thinking straight. So when he starts talking about, like, all you need is jiu-jitsu, I'm like, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Until you fight someone like Anthony Rumble fucking Johnson. Good luck with all that. Good luck with your jiu-jitsu when you get knocked into the fucking next dimension with every jab he throws. Oh, yeah. Try that out. The reality. The reality. Cold, hard reality.
Starting point is 01:14:40 It is Hoist Gracie in his prime. UFC won. Okay? Fights Anthony Rumble Johnson. He gets put to sleep in 20 seconds. That's a reality. Because the game has changed. It is a fucking whole new world.
Starting point is 01:14:54 And when you deal with a guy like Rumble Johnson, I hate to keep bringing him up, but he's a perfect example of a wrestler who is a strong wrestler, wicked takedown defense, strong as shit, and has that God-given power, God-given power with good coaching. He's got Henry Hooft, one of the best fucking striking coaches in MMA, period. A real Dutch kickboxing striking coach. And he's teaching those fucking guys how to throw combinations that are technical, put strikes together, be in the right position to land bombs,
Starting point is 01:15:26 and he's dealing with this super athlete in Rumble Johnson. If Hoyce had to fight that guy, he would have a difference of opinion. He would realize, well, you're dealing with a completely different species of human. These super athletes of today, they're just on a, what would he do against Jon Jones? Jiu-jitsu is all you need. Okay, good luck. Good luck using your jiu-Jitsu on Jon Jones.
Starting point is 01:15:48 How do you explain that? You don't. You don't bother. What do you do when someone says the Earth is 10,000 years old? You go, okay, I gotta go. Here's the crazy thing is not one MMA fan on the planet agrees with him. Nobody agrees with him. Not one. And he's the biggest
Starting point is 01:16:04 UFC legend of all time. And he's the biggest UFC legend of all time. And he's saying all you need is jiu-jitsu? What was the context of what he was saying? He's saying that Roger Gracie was spending too much time working on his striking. That's why he's not successful in MMA. King Mo is a perfect example of why he had to work on other shit. King Mo put him to sleep. You know why? Because King Mo is a perfect example why he had to work on other shit. King Moe put him to sleep. Bad. You know why?
Starting point is 01:16:25 Really bad. Because King Moe is a fucking elite wrestler. Good luck trying to take King Moe down. Good fucking luck. I don't think he's ever been taken down. If he has, it's because he slipped. He's a fucking beast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 King Moe's a wicked, wicked wrestler, man. And one of the best coaches I've ever seen. Yes. Because you can coach some wrestling. Very technical. You know, he's kind of had a rough career, man. You know, he's had some real ups and real downs, but I always liked King Moe, and I always thought he's got massive, massive fucking potential.
Starting point is 01:16:54 He hit that electric chair again, Eddie. Hit that electric chair again. But King Moe also has some serious knockout power, man. He knocked Hodger out with a bomb of a right hand. That's the problem. That's me quietly looking him up. That's the problem with saying you only need jiu-jitsu. What are you going to do with King Moe?
Starting point is 01:17:11 Are you going to take King Moe down with your slippery body? Well, if Boyce had this curriculum and this system mastered of pulling guard and then another system mastered of finishing people off his back in this MMA way. If he had those two systems, then I would say I see what he's saying because a guy like Paul Sass, only guy in UFC history who had the strategy every fight, was shoot, make you sprawl, and then pull guard and finish you off his back. He's the only fighter I think in UFC history, I could be wrong. Dean Thomas was another guy like that.
Starting point is 01:17:47 He strategically went out to throw some strikes, shoot, make you sprawl, pull guard, and then fuck you up off the back. In that case, if that's what Hoyce is doing, then I understand where he's coming from. But I don't hear any of that from him. I don't ever hear him talking about different strategies to pull guard and the best ways. There should be, there's at least five, six, seven different ways to strategically pull guard, and I'm not hearing Hoyst talk about it.
Starting point is 01:18:12 But I think when it comes to Hodger, he's saying, Hodger's never going to fight for a belt or whatever. He has these crazy skills in jiu-jitsu, quit wasting time on working on your striking and wrestling, just win by jiu-jitsu. That's retarded. You got to on your striking and wrestling. Just win by jiu-jitsu. That's retarded. You've got to get your striking together. If you're going to be an MMA fighter, regardless of— I think he's saying focus on jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Well, Haja Gracie is one of the best motherfuckers ever. Ever. There's no more he can do. I agree. What I would tell Haja Gracie, based on my experience in watching fighters come into the UFC, I would say, don't get frustrated. The striking is going to take about five or six years. Don't get frustrated.
Starting point is 01:18:51 You've got to get your fucking striking together. You've got to keep pushing. You can't give up. No matter how many losses, there's no way you're going to get to the top with suspect striking and you're on your feet and you're scared. There's no way. You keep working on your striking. You strive to be Jon Jones. You strive to be Anderson Silva. Whether you reach him or not,
Starting point is 01:19:12 whatever, at least you're trying. You're trying to close that gap. He TKO'd James McSweeney with his striking. Yeah, but he's turning into Fabricio Verdum. Hodja Gracie, I would say keep working that striking, even if he loses his next two fights striking. Give him the right matchups. I would say keep going.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Who cares about your record? No one knows anybody's record in MMA. It's not like boxing. Boxing, it's all about the record. MMA, I'm a huge MMA fan. I don't know anybody's record. MMA is like, how did you do your last couple fights? And there's so much to learn.
Starting point is 01:19:39 You've got to understand that fighters are constantly in stages of development. You're not done. When you think you're done in development, you're done in your career. You got to remain a student. There's too much to learn. You can't think, even John Jones, the baddest motherfucker out there. He still got, there's still a lot of jujitsu to learn. There's still, well, he's not Olympic caliber wrestling.
Starting point is 01:20:03 So you strive. You keep learning new takedowns off the cage, new takedowns, different little takedowns off the cage, and different setups off strikes. It's endless. You never stop. I was impressed with Junior DeSantis' clinch work, and he
Starting point is 01:20:18 was much better than Stipe. Is there cheese in your mouth while you're talking? Nope. It's a cracker. It's more dramatic. I was impressed with Junior DeSantis. It's a cracker. It's a cracker. It's more dramatic. I was supposed to say Junior. It's a little more dramatic. Listen. How about Nate Diaz versus Dos Anjos?
Starting point is 01:20:34 How about Dos Anjos? Holy shit. Talk about Dos Anjos and not so much Diaz. Dos Anjos look amazing. Another example. He puts a lot of weight on that front leg. He comes in strong with that jab because he's got good reach. But every time I've seen him, I was like, my God, why isn't someone leg kicking the shit out of him?
Starting point is 01:20:52 They're just not adapting to the evolution of the game, right? They're really not working on kicks, wrestling. They do both kicks almost disdainfully, like he's joking around with you. Like he throws these like his brother does. They both do the same thing. He'll throw axe kicks when you're nowhere near him. When you fought Carlos Conant,
Starting point is 01:21:09 Nick Diaz fought Carlos Conant, he just threw this sloppy roundhouse. He goes, oh, we're throwing spin shit now? I tell all my fighters coming through my gym, I tell them all whether they want to hear it or not. I pull out my disclaimer. I'm not a striker. I don't know shit. This is just my opinion. But if
Starting point is 01:21:26 you're not striving to be a striker like Conor McGregor or like Jon Jones, damn, you're old school. You gotta strive. Everything that they're throwing, break it down technically. What is Jon Jones throwing? He's throwing spinning elbows. He's throwing side kicks. He throws front leg side kicks
Starting point is 01:21:42 to the leg. You're telling me wheel kicks don't work when you're watching Edson Barboza? You're watching Vitor Belfort, who never threw kicks before. You saw him in his career add a dangerous weapon like a spinning heel kick. Everybody. Alan Juban, one of my fighters, he doesn't throw spinning heel kicks. He doesn't throw wheel kicks. I constantly tell him, dude, add that shit.
Starting point is 01:22:02 You can do it. You're very athletic. It's going to take a little while, maybe six months, a year and a half, two years. Time flies. We all know time flies. But man, before you know it, you got a fucking wheel kick that your opponent has to train for and prepare for, and it throws them off balance. You got to turn and side kick.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Look at Diego Brandao. What's his name? Diego Brandao is the guy that fought Conor McGregor. Yeah, those guys just throw everything. You never know. They're just like right here. You don't know what the fuck they're going to throw. Spinning back fist, wheel kick, side kick, Conor McGregor throwing capoeira kicks.
Starting point is 01:22:35 In my opinion, that's the future right there. A guy that can throw any kick, any punch, any spinning elbow, all that shit. You've got to strive. Anybody listening out there, strive for that. Don't be one of those guys who just sticks with boxing. Well, the problem is guys get into MMA, and they get into MMA after a lifetime of one style. And sometimes it's very difficult for them to incorporate other techniques.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Like say if you spent a lifetime of just wrestling, and you've never thrown a kick of just wrestling, you know, and you've never thrown a kick in your life, and then someone's saying, you know, you should throw head kicks. Like, motherfucker, I can barely touch my toes. Takes a long time. That's a lot of these guys. It's like you're dealing with an elite athlete in one area, but when it comes to, like, the ability to learn how to kick, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:20 I mean, some work needs to be done for sure. Do you stretch? Are you stretching now? Yeah, man. You're stretching now? Yeah, man. You're stretching now? Yeah, Doug. You promise? Yeah, I promise.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Do yoga. How much does that change? Get into it. Get obsessed with it. Get obsessed with that. I'm obsessed with it. Yeah, but you didn't used to stretch at all. You didn't used to stretch at all.
Starting point is 01:23:36 And I got crazy with it when we worked out with Dwayne. Come through my system. Come through my system. And when I tell people, when people ask me, I want to learn the rubber guard. I want to do that flexible stuff. What do I have to do? All I tell them, I tell everyone, every guy, just all you got to do is be able to get into the most basic yoga positions of all time. It isn't a rubber guard position.
Starting point is 01:23:57 You do a lot of yoga, Eddie? You do a lot of yoga? I don't do yoga. I do yoga stretches. Right. But what I'm saying is if you get if you can get into the most basic yoga position of all time, lotus, full lotus. It's a position
Starting point is 01:24:09 that you have to learn in yoga. I'll do some yoga. Nobody has done yoga for 10 years and not been able to get into lotus. Eventually you get into it, whether it's four years, eight years, six years. It all depends on your work ethic. That's it. But what I tell people, if you can get into that basic, the most basic, like Buddha's
Starting point is 01:24:29 in Lotus, if you can get into that, you can play all positions in grappling. It's not just rubber guard. There's a lot of stuff. Human tissue is very pliable. And the real issue is there's a bunch of studies that have been done on flexibility and a lot of them, I shouldn't say they're all, but a lot of them are very flawed. And I say this from a lifetime of working out with people, teaching people techniques, especially kicking techniques, seeing guys become more flexible, and knowing my own flexibility limits. I became very flexible, and I became very flexible by going through pain.
Starting point is 01:25:04 So when they say like someone is only able to you know get a certain amount of flexibility I say how do you know did you do you know how much effort they put into it how much time are they putting into it I don't know how many guys tell you what I did I put a fucking shitload of effort in focus the reason why I could do full splits like this way and this way and this way is because I didn't I couldn't do it when I first started doing tag one youondo. You're weird flexible, bro. I forced it. You're also weird flexible.
Starting point is 01:25:30 We were at a meeting one time, a TV meeting, and it was like some people who did a lot of TV, and he just grabbed both his ankles and went, and put them straight up, and everybody's like, Do they like it? I don't remember why I did it. You just went, I said, I've been doing martial arts for a long time. I'm really flexible. Check this out. They're like, Joe, you do a lot of martial arts? He goes, yeah, I do. He goes, what do you do? He goes, I don't remember why I did it. They asked me something. Yeah, you go, I've been doing martial arts for a long time. I'm really flexible.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Check this out. Because they're like, Joe, you do a lot of martial arts? He goes, yeah, I do. He goes, what do you do? He goes, I don't know. I just do it all. Well, they asked me to show them something. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So he said, you want to see something crazy? Watch this. I grabbed both my ankles, and I pulled them apart like this. I can grab my ankles. The kind of thing you want a girl to do. And now that picture's used for gay gifts and stuff. Well, that's from a men's fitness. But when I did it, it was just for me. Well, congratulations, by the way.
Starting point is 01:26:08 You've held on to it. You can still do that? Yeah. Yeah, it's weird. That was a war. How long was that fight? Well, you've seen me kick. Oh, no, you can kick like a mule.
Starting point is 01:26:20 You know, I've seen you kick. I've never seen you do the legs like porno stuff. But you can't kick like that unless you're flexible. True. You can't. You don't have that. There's like a whippness and a fluidity. It's like when you see a guy who really knows how to punch,
Starting point is 01:26:33 one of the things you realize is they're not tense the whole way. It's not like, it's like there's a snap. At the end of it, there's like bang, bang. And that's the same with kicking. At the end of it, there's like, bang! And that's the same with kicking. At the end of it, there's a whippness, and at the end, it's crack! It comes over, and the amount of
Starting point is 01:26:53 fluidity that you get when you're kicking is directly proportionate to the amount of effort you put into, your body type, your bone structure, there's a lot of variables, but a big one is flexibility. That's a big one. The more flexible you are, the more you can fucking crack.
Starting point is 01:27:10 That's just the way it is. This is going to sound gay as fuck, Brendan. But, man, your good friend Joe Rogan impresses world-class fighters like GSP on striking with power. No, I've seen it. That motherfucker right there. Oh, I've seen it. That motherfucker right there. Oh, I've seen it. Your friend, this guy, anybody he works with, anybody that holds pads with him, they always trip the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Oh, I know I did. Right? Have you held pads with him? Everybody trips the fuck out, right? For years. This has been going on for 15 years, Brendan. This is nothing new to me. This is going on forever.
Starting point is 01:27:47 This guy, when you listen to fucking powerful striking, it's the fear factor guy. How insane is that? That is the craziest thing ever. Nobody believes that shit. How is it possible that the fear factor guy... People warned me. Dwayne told me a kick card before. So did Brian. Everyone told me.
Starting point is 01:28:04 What did Dwayne say? Dwayne said this motherfucking kick, regardless for fighters, professionals. Whether it's the jab or the hook, everything he throws, it's all from the hip. That's where all the power comes from. That's what they say. He's got talents for his hips. I can only imagine how you fucking lay pipe. Can you imagine? Joe must be like,
Starting point is 01:28:27 bah, bah, bah, bah. Bitches are just fucking back in the day. Well, 20 years ago. You know what I mean? CM Punk, Rogan. CM Punk, Rogan. Fine. Coleman Fedor.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Look at this. We're watching Coleman Fedor. He might be the hardest fucker ever. Rogan's been with his girl forever, so it's been a long time, but about 20 years ago. For sure, none of these stories. Listen, look at Mark Coleman got Fedor down almost immediately.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Look at this. Look at the difference here. Look at the difference. Now, imagine if Coleman had monster jiu-jitsu. Because look at this. Coleman took Fedor down. And could have just beat out this Muhammad Ali right here. Let's show it right off the bat.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Look at this. This is the beginning of the fight. So retard strong. He was so retard strong. A fucking elite wrestler. Is he 39? He's 40 years old. 39.
Starting point is 01:29:12 He looks 20. 40 years old. All natural. All natural. Not even a little natural. None of them is natural. All natural. 100% natural.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Hormones are natural. No tanning beds. No tanning beds at all. I think this is Coleman before he won the... Or was it after he won the heavyweight grand prix? Remember he won the heavyweight grand prix? Look how easy he takes him down. That's a motherfucker that's strong as shit.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Mark Coleman had everybody lifting weights. Mark Coleman is the reason. Look at that. Look, Fedor tried to get up. He's like, eh, negative. Not happening. Do they do wizards in Russia? Boom!
Starting point is 01:29:46 You don't do no Wizards in Siberia, son. Look, he's got his back here. He's on his back. You're going to choke him out. Could you imagine? And he's got wrestling shoes on. You'd be surprised, brother. Look, he's got his full back, man.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Could you imagine if Mark Coleman had a monster fucking guard and a monster fucking rear naked? Yeah, look at this. He's such a good grappler, dude. Dude. A little neck crank for you. Look at Chuck Liddell. Chuck Liddell in Mark Coleman's corner. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Chuck Liddell with no sleeves on his robe. You never wear sleeves. I wouldn't wear sleeves either if I looked like that. How much damage did Chuck Liddell do in Japan that year? Oh, my God. Look at Randleman. Over 10 or under 10. Kevin Randleman.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Who looks like a... If Mike Tyson was in drag. Oops. Oh, look at this. Boom. Boom. Look at this. Look at Fedor.
Starting point is 01:30:39 He has the underhook. Don't kid yourself. Look at this. Drop, drop, drop, drop. Well, by this time, Coleman was probably already starting to get tired. Why? I don't understand. He's going to stand up. Look at this. Drop it. Drop, drop, drop. Well, by this time Coleman was probably already starting to get tired. Why? I don't understand. He's a natural 170er.
Starting point is 01:30:49 No, he wasn't. I'm just kidding. Damn, that's a serious guillotine. Look at this. Look at this. This is where it becomes a problem. Dude, I forgot about this fight. I don't know how it ends.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Don't tell me. He grabs the ropes a lot. I don't know how this ends. God damn, Fedor used to grab the ropes a lot. You ever see his fight with Matt Lindland? Easy takedowns. Two easy takedown ever see his fight with what? Matt Lindland? Easy takedowns.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Two easy takedowns. His fight with who? Matt Lindland. The blatant grabbing of the ropes. He reversed the position because he grabbed the ropes. Lindland got a body lock on him. It was about to take him down. Fedor fucking rope grabbed, flipped the switch, and got on top of him, and then wound up armbarring him.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Look at this. Coleman just controlling him on the ground. Look at the armbar, bitch! Look how fast that shit was. He tapped. Look how fast that shit was. You could do that. Wow. Easy. Watch this again. Keep a fucking
Starting point is 01:31:35 close look. Perfect timing. Look how relaxed he is until he locks it up. He's like, is he really gonna leave his arm out? Look at Coleman. Oh, that's not good. That's so beautiful. He practiced that's not good. That's athletic. God, it's so beautiful. He practiced that a thousand times.
Starting point is 01:31:48 That's all. Remember the second time they fought was in Las Vegas when Pride came here? I was there, dog. I was there and he brought his kids into the ring. Surprise, brother. Look at this. Look how glorious that is. Belly down Russian arm bar, man.
Starting point is 01:32:03 He was so good at that shit. He was so good at that shit. That's not good. He was so good at that shit. He hit that shit on everybody. Didn't he hit that shit on Semmy Schilt, too? He hit it on everybody. Sure. Sap?
Starting point is 01:32:12 Yeah. No, he never fought Sap. Oh, that's right. He avoided Sap. That's right. He was like, no, thank you. The guy was 375. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Remember when Nogueira was like, fuck that. Remember when Nogueira fought him and they wanted to fight him again? He was like, fuck that. Remember when Nogueira fought him and they wanted to fight him again? He's like, nah. I had an hour conversation with Bob Sapp one time about hypnotism. He was really into it. Bob Sapp? Yeah. How big is that dude? Smart guy.
Starting point is 01:32:34 How big is that dude? His face. I kept looking at his face. It was so wide and so big. He's just a different kind of human being. All natural. Smart guy. All natural.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Smart guy. A nice guy. Yeah. He's a very nice guy. And was really into hypnotism and just mind control and stuff. He was giving me all these books to read. I want to watch the Fujita fight because that was a crazy fight. Crow Cop one's good too. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Trying to find Fujita. God, he's got a lot of great fights, man. Gary Goodridge. I forgot about that one. You know, the other thing is when you look at these guys' careers and you see how many fights you forgot about. Oh, I know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Mark Hunt. Here's Krokoff. Wait, Randleman, what happened? Oh, yeah, I remember that. The Randleman fight was crazy. He slammed him on his fucking head. I know. And then moments later.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Suplex, right? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Moments later, he did the same thing to him. Kimura. Let's watch Cyborg versus the hot chick.
Starting point is 01:33:30 What's her name? Gina Carano. Gina Carano. Dude, listen to the audience. It sounds like a Beatles concert. It sounds like a fucking Beatles concert. I don't like to see my crowd
Starting point is 01:33:40 get hit in the face. It's a bunch of chicks screaming in the audience. Gina Carano, Cyborg, that's one of the craziest fights of all time. They're cheering for Gina? Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Gina said, I'm going to do movies. Fucking arm ripped off. It was like a Britney Spears concert. There's never been a fight like that before. Just chicks screaming. Oh, this is pride bad to the bone. Handsome. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Mirko was fighting somebody else back then. Boy, he looked fucking different. He looked like Street Fighter. Boss Rooten. It's really a shame that Boss Rooten never fought in Pride. It would have been really interesting to see him fight in Pride. Boss was a fucking murderer,
Starting point is 01:34:18 dude. He was young. He was a murderer. He was the first real athlete in MMA. First real striker in MMA. When he fought in Pancrase, he threw kicks. The guys were like, what the fuck is this? I watched him hit a bag, kick a bag with his shin. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:34:35 It sounded like a gun was going off. You've never seen Pedro Hizzo kick a bag. No. Pedro Hizzo throws some life-changing kicks on the bag. His coach said he won't hold mitts for him. Daniel Warren was like, I won't hold mitts. Why would you? He said he did it once.
Starting point is 01:34:49 His hips are about this wide. They're literally about a quarter mile wide. He's got goddamn tree trunks for legs, too. But the thing about Pedro Hizzo is, man, he had really good technique, too. Real Holland-style kickboxing. But he would hit guys with one leg kick, and you would see them go like, what? Really?
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah, because guys were used to eating a certain amount of leg kicks. You know, like guys would hit you. I don't think anybody kicked legs the way Ernesto Hoos does, though. He kicked really good. Ernesto Hoos was a technician, but Ernesto Hoos didn't have the kind of power
Starting point is 01:35:20 that Hizzo had. Hizzo had a freakish power. When Hizzo fought in um in the ufc he hit rico with one leg kick like early in the fight just and you could see the look on rico's face like fuck all this yeah and rico just completely adjusted and decided to survive oh like he literally decided to survive from like the opening moments of that fight It'll change your career It'll just change everything Well he fucked up Randleman so bad
Starting point is 01:35:50 Randleman's legs are still damaged to this day Are you kidding? He's got crazy All over his leg Who'd you say? Fedor? No Randy Couture He's got crazy dents Really?
Starting point is 01:36:04 And weird veins. Oh, my God. He broke their veins open. And the veins recuperate, but they form new channels. So all over your... He has these gnarly, bubbling veins all over his leg where his kicked him. Fuck that. It's insane, right?
Starting point is 01:36:20 Yeah, all over his leg. I'm sticking to comedy. I was going to get into MMA. I'm going to stick to comedy. I think you can do it. Do you? Be honest with me. Don't play with me. I was going to get into MMA. I'm going to stick to comedy. I think you can do it. Do you? Be honest with me.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Don't play with me. See, this is Fedor versus Fujita. And this is like a fight where he got in the worst position. Fedor looks like the before and after in a body contest. He looks like the before. Yes. He's got a bad stomach. But look at this. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:36:42 He knows how to throw those hammers. Oh, dude. He also knows how to surprise you hammers oh dude he also knows how to surprise you timing man oh that soccer kick was big too soccer kicks were big and probably right totally different experience man yeah it's not a good thing and you could knee to the head right when somebody's on the hands and knees that's that's devastating i'm surprised they don't have that in the ufc that that that wouldn't change a lot with cages it's different why is that the cage because you could trap a guy okay go soccer kick them stomp them soccer kick them the thing have that in the UFC. That wouldn't change a lot of it. You can't have it with cages. It's different. Why is that? With the cage,
Starting point is 01:37:05 because you could trap a guy up in the cage. Oh, okay. Stomp him, soccer kick him. The thing about the ropes is you could
Starting point is 01:37:10 slide around underneath it and avoid stuff. It's good in that respect. There's probably a better solution that someone hasn't figured out yet.
Starting point is 01:37:18 I don't know what it is, but here's where he gets rocked. Fedor comes in on Fujita, and Fujita throws a fucking hammer his way. And Fujita, look at the size of his head. He's a big dude.
Starting point is 01:37:30 He's all fucked up too now, man. Alistair Overeem changed his life. Oh, that knee. Fujita looks like he's moving like an old man right there, I think. I mean, he's just stiff-legged. Put a black suit on him, and he's the... Odd job. The bad guy from James Bond?
Starting point is 01:37:44 The hitman for the UK. Oh! Look at that. Oh, snaps. Dude, rubber-legged. He's all over the place. That motherfucker knows how to survive, though. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Look at this. Isn't it amazing that he couldn't... Fujita couldn't get him off him with greasy arms. Unbelievable. Greasy arms. His overhook was so strong. Then when he got hit... He just took a bad hit.
Starting point is 01:38:03 He was able to hold on to him. That's the rough cam right there. Wow. He just took a bad hit. Yeah, the roughook was so strong. Then when he got hit, he was able to hold on to him. That's the ref cam right there. Wow. He just took a bad hit. Yeah, the ref cam was pretty badass. Jesus Christ. And if they had a ref cam today, it would be high def. So it would be even more badass.
Starting point is 01:38:13 That would be sweet. Yeah. They probably should have that. We're going to see that in Slovakia. Why not? Why not? So a ref could say, I didn't see the eye poke. Like, bitch, how come we could see the eye poke through the fucking ref cam?
Starting point is 01:38:23 You lazy fuck. Yes, my head was looking that way, but my eyes were looking that way. Oh. Your honor. One of them ring card girls done distracted me. Yeah, you could bring that in. It's just on her. They got a new Brazilian ring card girl
Starting point is 01:38:37 that judge, like, you gotta understand because of pictures. I wonder what's going on. Fedor's gotta be a little still bunched up here. Yeah, he's backing up to his feet well he's probably slowly recovering yeah look at this fujita almost throws him down man he posted on his arm that's dangerous check this out look at this look at this right here blip blip blip and he turns it around yeah well striking loose loose boom boom boom standing Standing, standing right there. Right there.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Kick to the body. Fucking jacks him in the face. Well, I think he knows Vegeta's a lot slower than he is. He doesn't know that. Both you guys quiet down for a second. It's getting very... Jab, hook. It's fake blood, too.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I think he zoomed in a little too big. Look at this kick. Boom! Body kick, left big. Look at this kick. Boom! Body kick, left hook. Look at this. Fucking him up with strikes and then closes out with a rear naked choke. Look at that shit. He's choking the shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:39:34 That's how you fight. Yeah, man. Having the ability to do everything is so important. Having the ability to do everything. Look at him. He got rocked in that fight. Fuck yeah, he did. And look at him walk around like nothing happened.
Starting point is 01:39:47 Nothing happened. All he's thinking about is Asana right now with a bunch of naked men. Yeah, naked men hitting his back with branches. So tough. Oh, no. He just got choked unconscious. That sucks. Well, that's the least of his worries.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Yeah. If you watch his Overeem fight. Where did he fight Overeem? In Dream? Was it Dream? It was Dream. He eats a knee and it like concaves his frickin. Oh, it's he was out left It's an hour. No stop it. Yes tough to watch man. Yeah, I said it was one of the worst knockouts ever for
Starting point is 01:40:15 I sound like a shotgun Yeah, that's horrible. Yeah, man. Well, how's he doing now? Oh, I'm sure fantastic man. No, he's writing books and shit Well, how's he doing now? Oh, I'm sure he's fucked up. He's fantastic, man. Oh, he's writing books and shit. It's dope, man. Ah! Writing ideas.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Curing cancer and shit. It's so cool. Said no one ever. Come on, man. Who do you guys want to see fight? How's he doing now? Who do you want to see fight for the Pride days? How about some early...
Starting point is 01:40:36 Was Anderson ever fighting in Pride? Yeah, he fought in Pride. Anderson... He lost there. He got submitted. I like some of those Nick Diaz fights. Well, he won, too. We fought Alex Diebling, the Brazilian killer.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Remember that? Chonen. Rio Chonen. Rio Chonen fucked him up with that beautiful flying scissors to a heel hook. Yeah, I've watched Nick Diaz. Let's watch some fucking classic Vanderlei. Oh, that's classic. Let's watch Vanderlei Crow Cop because Vanderlei Cro Cop 2 especially was a real education in what happens when an elite striker gets good at takedown defense.
Starting point is 01:41:17 There's something that happens to these guys when they get really good at takedown defense. Where they start figuring it all out and then they get loose good at takedown defense, where they start figuring it all out, and then they get loose on their feet, and then you see the gap between them and other people. Which one did Varenda-Le fight? I have to start taking my takedown defense a lot more seriously than I have. Shut the fuck up. What did I say?
Starting point is 01:41:44 Just shut the fuck up. What? What did I say? Just shut the fuck up. Is there going to be a hangover five? This is the big one. This is when, for whatever reason, Vanderlei decided that he was going to go up to heavyweight. Is there going to be a hangover five that he said? There hasn't even been a four. Mirko, favorite fighter of all time.
Starting point is 01:42:04 Really? Noguera number two Wow How weird is it I fought both of them? Weird huh? What fucking world do we live in? Damn Mirko was only 32 back then I know you've done like some Latin
Starting point is 01:42:15 Kind of crossover stuff Like Russian kind of Latin I don't know what the Here we go Look at this shit Oh boy Dude how scary was he? He's natural here
Starting point is 01:42:22 Yeah but this is Vandele as a heavyweight He was 218 here. Cro Cop was actually 214. Dude, he could throw. But this is Cro Cop at his best. Look at Cro Cop's legs. This is Cro Cop at his best. This is when he was sponsored by Purina.
Starting point is 01:42:37 No, that's the flag of Croatia, bro. Don't be rude. Boom! Look at that fucking kick to the body. Jesus Christ, that shit was on. God, he was so gangster. He was so much better before the tattoo. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Vanderlei? Yeah. No, I'm talking about Crow Cop, dude. Look at this. Hammer fist. He was just... Oh, my God. He was just fucking Vanderlei up in this fight.
Starting point is 01:43:03 So strong. He was so good back then. Just that kick to the body in the opening round, I could watch that all day long. That shit was ridiculous. For sure the greatest left kicker ever. Ever, hands down. How much different does Vanderlei look now?
Starting point is 01:43:21 Totally different. That facelift or whatever he did? Well, he had a piece of rib taken out to reconstruct his nose and he had his nose made extra large so he could get
Starting point is 01:43:30 more air in it. What if it got him more pussy? Nice. I don't think it did. I would agree with it then. I would agree with it. But watch this shit, man.
Starting point is 01:43:40 This is rough because he was already beaten up. He was already beaten up by them. Boom. Straight left. Mirko was so goddamn laser beam this is rough because he was already beaten up he was already beaten up by them boom straight left Mirko was so goddamn laser beam accurate back then too
Starting point is 01:43:50 he's just fucking going off on Vandele there's also the first fight which is maybe the scariest fucking stare down ever ever hands down when Vandele and Cro Cop were stinting and Vandele's doing all his normal intimidation shit and Cro Cop's looking and Vanderlei's doing all his normal like intimidation shit
Starting point is 01:44:06 and Cro Cop's looking at him like I've killed motherfuckers with a knife. You know he's got like that face. Yeah that was the only time
Starting point is 01:44:14 Vanderlei has ever been out scared. Yeah. Out stared down. Out stared down. Yeah. That was the only time.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Usually he fucking scares the shit out of them. Cro Cop's still fighting He's fighting I think Ishii soon Well he fought him Dream Or in Brother Glory
Starting point is 01:44:29 He actually did well He won K1 right The heavyweight He won a version Of a Grand Prix Yeah Like a year ago
Starting point is 01:44:39 Yeah look at Vandal his eyes His eyes and his nose Look at his nose His nose had a curve It was smashed. There's a lot of guys like that. They get that smash part of the middle of the nose.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Oh, he wants to fight. Look at his eyes. He wants to fight. I think that doctor's going to stop it. That's all fake. That's not even a doctor. That guy's a cable guy. Do you think they're just giving him a break here To let him recharge
Starting point is 01:45:05 To make the fight better So they create some drama They make it look like they might stop It's like WWF They would never stop There's not enough blood to even consider it The problem is While they're doing this
Starting point is 01:45:19 They're giving Croke up a break too And that fucking dude was so goddamn explosive He's not even yoked He was only 214 back then Giving Cro Cop a break, too. And that fucking dude was so goddamn explosive. He's not even yoked. He was only 214 back then, man. I mean, he's yoked, but it's a different kind of yoked. He carries around a lot of weight now. He looks very different than he looked back then. What's he weigh now?
Starting point is 01:45:37 Probably like 250, 240, somewhere around there. Cro Cop? Yeah. What do you think he weighs? 235. You said he was the strongest guy you ever tied up with, right? Hands down. Wow.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Not even close. Jesus. Look at this. They start him on the ground again. I like that. I like that. Vanderlei throwing some hammers from his back here.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Damn. I just want to see it when it gets to the feet, and I don't want to hear the commentary. Look at this. Trying for arm bars and shit. Nobody's even talking. It's all me carrying this podcast. I'm watching this like, damn, man.
Starting point is 01:46:20 I haven't seen this. First time Callum's ever seen it, so he's just super into it. I'm totally into it Yeah sure What is that you're eating? One of the This is amazing Whatever it is
Starting point is 01:46:34 It's a bar Talking to the microphone Pro bar? Yeah I didn't want to chew on the mic or anything But this fuck I've been looking at it for two hours Going it's delicious
Starting point is 01:46:41 It doesn't look good Whatever happened to the pickles, Doug? There's too many seeds, but it's great. I got pickles back there. There's trouble, though, with the mic, right? Yeah. Is this on it? We should probably break down a pickle.
Starting point is 01:46:50 No, no, no. Those are- Too bad for the mic. How about that? When I went hunting, somebody came and- You don't have to be a mic Nazi, bro. Break out the pickles right now. I just want this.
Starting point is 01:46:57 We're bigger than everybody else. Eat a pickle and give me one. I just want this to stand up so I can see the end. Well, we want pickles, so you can want can want to stand up and I want fucking pickles. I've been here for six hours. Go get a fucking pickle right now. I haven't been here for six hours and you were 40 minutes late. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Now he wants a pickle. I brought wine and I brought cheese. We can go get something to eat after this if you guys want to get some dinner. Too late. I'm sorry. I can't eat that late. Come on. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:47:20 I have rules. Do you have rules as far as your diet? I'm sorry. There's some things I won't do. I can only be pushed so far. All right. Here it goes. Here it goes. I should have rules as far as your diet? I'm sorry. There's some things I won't do. I can only be pushed so far. All right. Here it goes. Here it goes.
Starting point is 01:47:28 I should have brought donuts. Look at this, Eddie. Back up to the feet. Sweat it. Here it comes. This is not a Krispy Kreme from miles away, and you don't want to settle for less. You know what he's doing? They gave him a yellow card.
Starting point is 01:47:37 That was fucked up back then, too, man. They would give dudes yellow cards for inactivity. I like that. Oh, my God. The guy would get a percentage of the purse, right? What's that good money? 10%. 10%. What's that good money, baby? Here it goes, though. I like that. I like that. The guy would get a percentage of the curse, right? We'll take your money. 10%. We'll take your money, baby.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Here it goes, though. I like it. He can't even see out of his right eye. Watch this. Look how good Crow Cop slides his side, too. Good movement. Boom. To the body.
Starting point is 01:48:02 He hooks for days out of Wonderland. Oh, my God. Yeah, he never threw straight punches. Ever. Very rarely. Well, he had very narrow shoulders for a big, muscular guy. Here it comes. Here it comes.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Here she comes. Oh, my God. He's just setting them up. I got butterflies. I've seen it a hundred times. He's just setting them up, though, man. Oh, thanks. Yeah, you can never give Crow Cops set-up time.
Starting point is 01:48:24 You cannot do it. No way. Good shot there. Yeah, you can never give Cro Cop set-up time. You cannot do it. No way. Good shot there. Vanderley tagged him. But look, Cro Cop back, forth. Cro Cop's still out of chin back then, man. He could take it back then. Boom, again to the body.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Good Lord. Yeah, he's fine. The straight left to the face and the... Here it comes. Here it comes. Boom! Oh, good Lord. That referee stopped it quick.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Oh, shit. Look at the fucking gash on the side of his head where the shin lord. That referee stopped it quick. Oh, my God. Look at the fucking gash on the side of his head where the shin landed. That's horrifying. Yeah. Well, he was one of those dudes, man. If he caught you with that kick. The way he moved. He didn't get laid in there.
Starting point is 01:48:55 That's awful. So different. What in the world? Boom! Oh, my God. Oh, Christ. That's so bad for him. He moved so different back then.
Starting point is 01:49:03 He looks dead, dude. By the time he got into the ufc and you gotta wonder you know because of the what they did in pride as far as like the drug testing and shit you gotta wonder what these guys were and weren't on back then and then you get off of it and there's this like this period where your body's just not the same right like a perfect example that i always use is Roy Jones Jr. When Roy Jones Jr. fought John Ruiz, he got up to like 199 pounds, like ripped, shredded. And then he got to go all the way down to 175 when he fought Antonio Tarver after that.
Starting point is 01:49:39 And he looked like dog shit. That's when he got knocked out, right? Exactly. Tarver was the first guy to stop him. And Tarver didn't just knock him out. He changed his career. He changed everything. Then after that, he fought Glenn Johnson.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Glenn Johnson knocked him out bad. Well, they said that he was so gifted physically and so fast that he actually, Roy Jones Jr., that when he lost a step, because he didn't really have to work on fundamentals the way somebody who wasn't that fast did, once he lost a step, he was getting knocked out by guys who were really educated. He was so fun to watch, man. Oh, he's the best. Yeah, he's my favorite ever. I hate it.
Starting point is 01:50:11 That Mayweather-Pacquiao fight's going to happen, huh? Is it? That's what they're saying. They both agreed now. Mayweather called him out. Really? Mayweather called him out. And then Pacquiao was like, cool, money's not an issue.
Starting point is 01:50:20 I don't care about the money. Let's just make it happen. Wow. Because money was what was holding it up. That's going to be the biggest money-making paper on the bandwagon. I wish they'd done it five years ago. I don't care about the money. Let's just make it happen. Wow. Because money was what was holding it up. That's going to be the biggest money-making paper on the band of all time. I wish they'd done it five years ago. Yeah, but it's a good time for it. It would have been better
Starting point is 01:50:31 five years ago, but it's still really good. You saw what he did to Algeria. He just took his whole game away. Algeria's not on his level. But people didn't really know that. Before the fight, when you listened to people, they weren't saying that he was going to get outclassed that way. Everyone knew it was too big of a jump for Algeria, though. I didn't really know that. Before the fight, when you listen to people, they weren't saying that he was going to get outclassed that way. Everyone knew it was too big of a jump for Algieri, though.
Starting point is 01:50:47 I didn't hear that. I heard people talking about him. Who the fuck are you talking to? He was a huge underdog. Think about who you're talking to. Virgil Hunter. No, Virgil Hunter. Virgil Hunter.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Bradley. Tim Bradley. And they were talking, and they were very respectful of Algieri. He was like a plus-1200 underdog. Yeah. No one gave him a shot. Yeah, like Vegas. He's exactly how you would think of a guy who lived with his parents in the basement. He was like a plus 1200 underdog. Yeah. No one gave him a shot. Yeah, like Vegas.
Starting point is 01:51:10 He's exactly how you would think of a guy who lived with his parents in the basement with a fight back. Which he does. He lives with his parents in the basement. That's the part I was talking about. He does? Yeah. He lives with his parents? In the basement. But he has money now.
Starting point is 01:51:17 I mean, he beat Provodnikov. I know he made some money and decided he was going to keep his Honda. Yeah, he keeps his Honda and lives with his parents in the basement. 200,000 miles. Good for him. I like him even more. He just says he likes to be around his family. Floyd Maywe keeps his Honda and lives with his parents in the basement. 200,000 miles. Good for him. I like him even more. He just says he likes to be around his family. Floyd Mayweather, don't be a boxing humbug.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Give the fans the fight they want. They have waited long enough. Wow. Dang, son. I like the dot right before Floyd Mayweather. Let everybody know. Put a little period before Floyd Mayweather. So it's not just in his at mentions.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Oh, so if you go Dot Oh I just learned that It's kind of a lame It's kind of a lame Fair call out Don't be a humbug It's cute That's what he is
Starting point is 01:51:51 He's a nice guy He's a nice guy That fucks people up He's an interesting guy They did a thing On skeletons Filthy facial hair Filthy
Starting point is 01:52:00 Very Genghis Khan That Bieber haircut With a Genghis Khan Friggin Moustache They did an analysis of like his skeleton Apparently he has very large wrists Big bones
Starting point is 01:52:12 Yeah, they're talking about like One of the reasons why he's been able to carry his punching power Up through the ranks And why he's so successful in knocking guys out And there's a direct correlation Between the size of certain parts of your bones particularly like wrist size like wrist size is like a big huge too who's this huge laces his speed his speed his footwork but his speed is just so awkward he's just a beast and the nicest
Starting point is 01:52:38 guy ever huge dick you think so for a little guy what if dick size what if dick size had uh affected your power what if they learned that and they tested well then i'll mark on my man no just kidding a lot of laughing there and you cut it short i like how you did that i'm marking on my man no serious question serious question brendan how many inches are you this is not serious this is not a serious question i like the way your voice dropped and you got whispery about it. Serious question, Brendan. How many inches are you? I like shit like that.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Me too. I like shit like that. All I want to know is about it. All I care about is contact. Brendan, be honest. This could get you more pussy. I'm all set, man. I can't take anymore. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:53:19 13 inches, Eddie. Thank you for asking. That's bigger than Lexington Steel. No, I'm just kidding. I forgot Roy Nelson fought Crow Cop. How'd he do? Right after me, I think. Yeah, Roy took his back and smashed him.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Roy beat Crow Cop? Yeah. Crow Cop had him wobbled, though. Do you remember that? Crow Cop had him on the ropes. I think he head kicked him or something. Straight left. He landed a nasty body shot on him too but yeah cro-cop got him
Starting point is 01:53:46 down tk owed him yeah oh you mean uh roy got him down yeah my bad um i want to see roy versus nogara oh really yeah just to see like what happens at the end what the giant right hand yeah i can't believe you want to watch that you don't want to watch that that's tough. What happens at the end? What? The giant right hand? Yeah. I can't believe you want to watch that. You don't want to watch that? That's tough to watch, man. It's like Noguera's freaking, like this stilt and just gets annihilated. It's basically the end of a freaking legend. I know.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Yeah. Made me sad. It definitely was sad. He was doing that. He was all stiff. Ugh. It is what it is. I got so concussed. What about the Bob Sapp days?
Starting point is 01:54:31 Okay. You know what five would be? Bob Sapp, Noguera. Yeah. What about Carlos Newton, Pele? How about... Oh, my gosh. We already saw Bob Sapp, Noguera. We've done that on the podcast before.
Starting point is 01:54:40 I think people will go, oh, not that motherfucker again. Yeah, that's true. How about Bob Sapp, Crow Cop? Was that kickboxing? Yes, it was. What about Jose Canseco, that motherfucker again. Yeah, that's true. How about Bob Sapp Crow Cop? Was that kickboxing? Yes, it was. What about Jose Canseco, Ho Man Choi? Oh, no. Classic.
Starting point is 01:54:49 You need to sleep more. Right? How bad was that? Remember Mark Kerr? How bad was that? Look at Mark Kerr. Remember Mark Kerr and his body? Captain America right there.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Who? He had the craziest body on the planet. Mark Kerr. Remember him? I heard Mark Kerr likes the way the dick tastes. Well, there's a rumor. What's your price?
Starting point is 01:55:08 There was a rumor. Huh? What's your price? For Mark Kerr? I do have a price. $100,000. If anybody's ever watched that documentary,
Starting point is 01:55:14 you haven't. You know exactly what I was talking about. You haven't watched that documentary, The Smashing Machine. Great documentary, man. It's a crazy documentary
Starting point is 01:55:20 because they followed Mark Hunt, who at the time, Mark Kerr rather, Mark Kerr at the time was a world-class mixed martial arts fighter. He was smashing guys and had this unbelievable body, and they caught him in the middle of this drug spiral, a downward spiral.
Starting point is 01:55:36 They didn't know that when they were making it. They had no idea. And right when they got there with the camera, he fell apart. The crazy thing about Mark is he told me this when Mark Coleman was rising in the UFC and there was a couple of the wrestlers. There's no Gerald Bob Sapp. Mark Kerr said that guys were always telling me, look, dude, you should do the UFC. You got to do it.
Starting point is 01:55:56 You'd kill these guys. And Mark Kerr said he did not have any interest in fighting. He kept saying, those guys are animals. I don't have that animal instinct. People kept telling me, dude, it'll be so easy. Look at Mark Coleman. He kept saying, those guys are animals. I don't have that animal instinct. People kept telling him, dude, it'll be so easy. Look at Mark Coleman. He's a star. He's making all this money. He's taking people down. You could do this. And then they twisted his arm.
Starting point is 01:56:14 He signed a deal with the UFC and then backed out of it because he just was not confident. And then he decided, damn, maybe I'll he got an offer in Brazil to do an eight-man tournament. And he said, okay, I'll do this low-key tournament in Brazil. See how I do.
Starting point is 01:56:33 And then we'll evaluate after that. He went down to Brazil. He was scared shitless. Mark Kerr was scared shitless. Throwing up in the bathroom. Had diarrhea. This is what he was telling me. He was freaked out. He went out there. Won the eight, had diarrhea. This is what he was telling me. He was freaked out.
Starting point is 01:56:45 He went out there, won the eight-man tournament. It was bare knuckle, so he got this staph infection all up his arm. So he was in Brazil. He won this thing. He won this tournament. He beat Fabio Gergel in the final, and there was no gloves. And he got the staph up his arm. He almost died in the hospital in Brazil.
Starting point is 01:57:03 It was terrible. He was supposed to win twenty thousand dollars the promoter of the show said hey this brazilian tax you're getting eleven thousand or whatever so he got fucked with the money he had a nightmare experience in the hospital when he finally got home he said i'll never do this again but he started reading stuff on the internet about they started calling him the smashing machine and and in bra a machi not this fucking a smash yo or whatever and all of a sudden he thought wait a minute hmm maybe I will do this again and then that's funny he did I want to freak out he wrestled at 188 and then he fought
Starting point is 01:57:35 260 look at the size of yeah that's crazy the size of Bob's out forget about anybody else anybody that's ever lived ever forget about anybody when you talk of size forget about anybody that ever lived. Look at this. Noguera still tries to take him down. Look at that. Look at that. This is really bad.
Starting point is 01:57:49 That's what fucked his world up for five years right there. Really jacked it back up. That power bomb. That was Paul Orndorff, Mr. Wonderful. He tried to do it a second time. Piledriver. He piledrived. First and only piledriver.
Starting point is 01:58:00 How strong is he in the first minute of a fight? Unbelievable. Might be the strongest fighter ever for the first minute. Yeah, he's unbelievably strong. Him or Carwin. He's bigger than Carwin, though. He's 375 pounds with abs. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:58:11 No one can, I mean, that's, he's pile driving people. You can't do that. And he's on every drug known to man. I mean, he's allowed to take whatever he wants. I mean, he was so much bigger. He was 100 pounds bigger than he was when he was playing football. What makes you think that's unnatural? Some guys are that big.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Yeah, totally. 375 with abs is totally normal. We see it all the time. Tate was in that movie, The Longest Yard, with him. Tate was like, the dude carries around a doctor's bag everywhere he goes. He's just got supplies. I heard he was terrified to fight. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:58:44 They said he would be in the back like just a super nice guy super sweet like incredibly smart ivan salivari is a friend of mine and he's really close with bob sap and he's just like the sweetest nicest guy ever who just found a way to make cash i heard he made a killing in sponsorships in japan yeah but then it all went away man it all went away in a big way. Like, when he backed out of K-1, you know that whole deal. The Yakuza apparently, allegedly, due to unforeseen circumstances, did not have the contract ready for him. And they were trying to get him to fight without a contract.
Starting point is 01:59:22 He was like, fuck you. So he backed out of the main event. They don't play that shit. They don't play that shit. He was worried about his life. Look at the size of him here. Good Lord. No, Guerra's still trying for that takedown.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Neck is probably all jacked up. Yeah, but if he, who Samar Paul Harris did, he could have at least grabbed a hold of those legs. He pulled guard there. He shot. He's like, you know what? I have at least grabbed a hold of those legs. He pulled guard there. He shot. He's like, you know what? I'm not going to go through him. I got to pull guard.
Starting point is 01:59:48 I got to beat him off my back. And that's what he ends up doing in this. He sweeps him in the arm bars. And his neck is probably already injured pretty badly. So at some point he made the decision, I can't take this motherfucker down. If I keep trying, it's not going to work. I got to pull guard. I got to beat him off my back.
Starting point is 02:00:03 And he's got to do old school Hoist Gracie. Cook him. And he's prepared for it. He has confidence in him. He's like, I can beat him off my back. Because in the gym, I'm beating people off my back all day. Tie him out. Yeah, but is he beating someone this big?
Starting point is 02:00:16 Does he even know anybody that big? No. How do you train? That's the thing about sap. How do you train for a giant? You don't know anybody that big. Who are you going to get to train? Look at the fucking difference in the size of them.
Starting point is 02:00:26 I mean, that's so weird. That's goddamn comical. He hates getting hit, though, doesn't he? Yeah, he doesn't like it. See that? When he got hit, he hated it. Look at that kick. Half-ass kick.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Hilarious. I know welterweights who can kick harder than that. Maurice was training him, though. You know, Maurice had him. Maurice Smith, right? Yeah, Maurice had him At least competent And Barnett right
Starting point is 02:00:49 Josh was in his corner for this fight You can see Josh in this corner I mean he's a Seattle guy That's right He started getting tired In this fight It's crazy how far everything has come Since 2004
Starting point is 02:01:04 I'll never forget watching this fight Watching this fight going fucking nuts All I was thinking about in the beginning Was he's too big He's not going to win He's just too big There's no way he can do this He's too big
Starting point is 02:01:17 Look at this switch Look at that Oh shit That was goddamn ridiculous. Poor Bob is exhausted. Too late, though, for this round. Yeah, but when he got Bob inside control, he was working, trying for a Kimura on a 375-pound man. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 02:01:34 Dude, he eyes met his ass. And put him in his guard. I don't know. His neck looks fine. Look at that. No, it's not fine. Let me shut the fuck up. 380-pound dude slams you on your neck.
Starting point is 02:01:44 It's your weight and his weight all on your neck. Believe me. Oh, God. He's not fine. Let me shut the fuck up. 380-pound dude slams you on your neck. It's your weight and his weight all on your neck. Believe me. Oh, God. He's done interviews that he was never the same after this fight. What kind of massage would you give him if you had the chance? What's that? That's why Fedor wouldn't fight him. I work the lower body mostly.
Starting point is 02:01:56 A lot of your neck problems come from the lower body or hip area. Your toes. You should work out barefoot. Your neck's hurt because your hips are super tight. Yeah, your buttocks. You ever talk to one of those guys? Those fucking weirdo guys who think they have some magical secret. I got a massage in college.
Starting point is 02:02:14 It's not hurts because your ass is tight. I swear to God I got a massage in college where the guy wanted to put both his fingers up my ass. And you let it happen. I swear to God. He told me that there's a nerve center there that releases all the muscles. I went, I know, that's cool, bro. And I was so polite. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:02:27 I can't hurt anybody's feelings. I was going, I know, bro, it's cool, it's cool. But you know what? I think I'm going to stick with it. That guy was trying to finger your ass, period. Yep. You know what? I really tried to tell you that.
Starting point is 02:02:36 I go, it's all right, bro, because I'm good with it. I just need this part, this part. It's in your glutes, bro. It's in your hips. He really told you that? Huh? Why don't you talk about that on stage? I should.
Starting point is 02:02:46 He tried to go with double fingers in your ass. He tried to go double fingers right up my asshole. Tell me this story. I was like, no. He gave me a massage. Where were you? He kept saying he was a masseuse. He kept saying he was a masseuse?
Starting point is 02:02:56 And I was, my back really hurt in college. I had a bad back. So my lower back. And he goes, so he's massaging me? And he's touching everywhere but my feet is weird my feet i mean my back where's he massaging my legs my feet my legs then he starts talking about my ass and then he goes you hold a lot of tension here and i'm like okay this feels good though he's like massaging my my glutes and then he goes he goes i swear to god he goes so now this
Starting point is 02:03:20 is going to be weird maybe in the beginning you have a nerve center, you have a nerve center right next to your prostate. And he goes, so what I do is I'm going to get right up here. And he goes, I'm going to get right up there with my fingers and I'm going to massage the area. And what's going to happen is you're going to let go completely, but you got to really let go.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Start letting go now. And I go, I was like, what do you mean? He goes, I'm going to put it, I'm going to put it, I'm going to have to go in your anus.
Starting point is 02:03:45 And I go, no, no, no, no. I go, no, it's okay. Because for me, I'm more tight here. And I go, also, I'm not used to that. So that's not something I could find. Also, I'm not used to that. Yep. So then I find out, then I find out that my buddy, who is from Jordan, and a really macho dude, macho dude.
Starting point is 02:04:07 He was from Jordan and Germany. Good-looking guy, always combed his hair with a brush and wore tight jeans and pulled his balls and cock to one side. And he was very happy with it. The character I do, I take this woman to my bed. That was based on this guy. And I don't want to say his name, but I found out that he got fingered, and then he let the dude blow him. He's like, okay, you can blow me.
Starting point is 02:04:30 And we were all like this. We were like, yeah, but he's from Jordan, man. It's probably kind of macho. We kind of gave him a... Wait a minute. Culture to culture. You gave him a pass? We gave him a pass.
Starting point is 02:04:40 He's not from America? We were like, ah, he's not from America. Maybe it's like a cultural thing. Wait a minute. You let... None of us talked about it again either. You let a guy finger your he's not from America. Maybe it's like a cultural thing. Wait a minute. You let Hobo. None of us talked about it again either. You let a guy finger your ass and then blow you. That is a gay act.
Starting point is 02:04:49 I would imagine. You gave up, man. That's what I would say. There's no experiment in what you do. And what did he say about it? I had sex, not to be, but I was in college and I saw him have sex with a girl. I had sex in a room. You know, you're younger.
Starting point is 02:05:00 You're like, oh, we can't afford a hotel room. We got to share one. Right. I'm having sex. He's having sex. I saw him do it oh yeah so he bangs girls
Starting point is 02:05:07 as well he banged girls well and hard and he was working with a piece I know dudes that go both ways but he let the guy
Starting point is 02:05:14 blow him and put his fingers right up his ass but this is a guy who hasn't done that in other places just did it this one time or
Starting point is 02:05:21 what's that that's probably not the first time I don't know man we didn't really talk about it after that we were like that's not the first time I don't know man we didn't really talk about it after that we were like that's not the first time
Starting point is 02:05:27 I was the one who was like you know what man we'll give him a pass he's from another country how did you find out that he got blown by the guy
Starting point is 02:05:33 he the guy who did it told my buddy Dan very very confidentially very confidentially cause Dan my buddy was Dan also got fingered
Starting point is 02:05:41 in the butt Dan was a little gay and he goes he's hanging out with a bunch of gay dudes, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was in college. Some fucking tricky gay guys. American University.
Starting point is 02:05:50 And Dan goes, so check it out. He goes, there are a lot of people in your midst that have had things with guys. I was like, like who? And he goes, well, don't tell me, but I told you this. But blah, blah, blah. And I was like, oh, man. There it is. But he was so macho.
Starting point is 02:06:06 But you, hold on a second. This is so weird. Back it up. So. I remember these stories. You forget stories. The gay guy who tried to finger your ass. The masseuse.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Told this other guy that the other guy let him finger his ass and blow him. But that guy never admitted it to anybody else. No way. So how do you know it's even true? The guy, he trickster you said the guy wasn't even the way he did it because he only told my other friend who was gay who was gay and made him say not tell anybody and why because he's lying it could easily be because he's lying and he's got a fantasy of blowing your hard ass jordanian friend so he made some story up. And then he tells you, look, the guy blows everybody.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Good, let him blow you. Yeah. And you're like, okay. And the next thing you know, the guy's swinging your ass and blowing you. It was a big secret. He didn't want anybody to know.
Starting point is 02:06:52 He didn't want, the gay guy didn't want anybody to know. Right, because he probably thought your friend would kill him. The Jordanian friend, I mean, he's a Middle Eastern guy. Yeah. He's very likely.
Starting point is 02:07:01 Is he a masseuse or not? Yeah. Well, no. He was a soft-spoken guy. Oh, weak, bro. I don't know. He said he was a softball weak bro dude this is like a bit of my crew was pretty i used to have a bit about bisexuals that i don't think they really exist i think there's gay dudes and then there's really gullible straight dudes who get talked into blowing crafty gay dudes this guy is like making my act real. That's probably true. That's what a bisexual is. There's guys who just crap.
Starting point is 02:07:27 Crappy as fuck. My friend Jimmy used to say they're just greedy. That's what he used to say. I don't like bisexuals. They're fucking greedy. They're just greedy. They just want everything. Gimme, gimme.
Starting point is 02:07:40 He's like, pick a team. Pick a team. He just liked attractive people. Well, this guy, do you still Facebook him every now and then? No, man. Is it over? How did you end the sparring session on the massage table? He just gave me, he finished it up, and he said, well,
Starting point is 02:07:57 What does that mean? He goes, I remember, well, we dated for a while. Charged to what? He goes, it's something you have to work up to, and it's something that I think I could really help you with. He almost had you for a little bit where you're like, yeah, maybe. I was like, that would be weird. How would I do that?
Starting point is 02:08:13 Yeah. Wait, I'm going to tell you something else. You're going to think I'm making this up. Now that I remember it, I blocked some of it out because I was traumatized. He did massage my taint. did yes he did i swear to god he massaged that area because he told me that area is where a lot of tension and i was like this is awful i remember my toes kept pointing i was like oh oh god i didn't want to be in your taint i'm so bad with confrontation i didn't want to be in paleto It's massaging your taint. I'm so bad with confrontation. I didn't want to be in polite. So you just let it happen?
Starting point is 02:08:45 Yeah. I was like, oh, I'm good, man. That's cool. My lower back. I get pointed at my lower back. Is that where all the gay jokes come from? Probably. That's all I do.
Starting point is 02:08:53 Oh, Seth. Massage your taint. You've had a dude massage your taint. You've also been picked up for prostitution. I haven't had a back problem since. You've been picked up for prostitution. You got arrested for prostitution. When?
Starting point is 02:09:04 Oh, you don't know that story? crackers put the crackers down i was um this is great i just found this out the other day yeah but everybody thinks it was fighting so i was like people you got arrested yeah why i was fighting i have a whole story about it prostitution yeah no well no it wasn't but it wasn't i was not trying to pick up prostitutes this is a story then you tell me what he was doing. I have paid for sex. Now, anybody who knows me knows that, and I believe in it. I just haven't done it in a long time.
Starting point is 02:09:30 I believe in it. I believe in it, and I think you should believe it. It does exist. It's not Santa Claus. That's true. And I don't do it in my adult years because I don't want to. It doesn't turn me on, and for a lot of reasons. I just don't want to be part of it.
Starting point is 02:09:42 And you're married. Yeah, but even if I wasn't married, I wouldn't do it because I have my own reasons. It's too expensive. But you want someone to be attracted to you. Yes. You don't want... That's what it is. I also don't want to contribute to someone else's destruction.
Starting point is 02:09:55 There are a lot of reasons. I have a philosophy behind it. It doesn't matter. But I come out of Jimmy Burke's apartment. It's late at night. I have literally been on a plane. And these two blondes are in a car. And I look in.
Starting point is 02:10:10 And I go, and they go, hi. And I go, hi. And they go, what are you doing? And I go, not much. And immediately I'm like, hmm, interesting. And I figure, man, I don't know. They look kind of hungry. And they go, you want to have a good time tonight?
Starting point is 02:10:21 I go, how much? And they go, how much do you have and i go i don't know five thousand dollars how's that sound like that's silly right right so they go sounds great we'll be right here i go okay i'm gonna go right to the bank machine and you can't get five thousand dollars of course you can't so i go to the bank machine i go to the bank machine by the way to get to cash i had no cash to get in a cab and go home guess what i go to the bank machine guess what's waiting for me bunch of cops guess what those girls were cops it was a sting operation and they caught me and i looked at the cops i go you guys are really gonna arrest me i said five thousand
Starting point is 02:10:55 dollars guy goes yeah i know here's the problem you got caught up in the sweep we got to take in sat next to a guy who was dressed like a woman who was trying to pick up women and he was peeling his he was so nervous he was peeling his, he was so nervous, he was peeling his nail polish off. I spent two days in jail. It was a lot of fun. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:11 You went with Simon? Thank God they were there to protect and serve. And I had to go to a class for Johns, where I had to go to a class for, you know, whatever, like for Johns, for people. This is also a story you should be telling on stage, you know, whatever, like... For Johns. For Johns, for people... This is also a story you should be telling on stage, right? I know, I know. So you got busted being a man.
Starting point is 02:11:29 I found a funny way to do it. No big deal. You got busted being a man. Unbelievably ridiculous. You got busted trying to pick up prostitutes. Someone can come up to you and ask you if you want to have a good time. I know. And then when you respond to that, you're soliciting prostitution.
Starting point is 02:11:44 You know, the cops were cool. They were like, bro, I mean, look, for me, by all means, I get it. The problem is you got caught up in the sweep. You know, they were like, don't worry about it. They're like, it'll be knocked down on misdemeanor. Just, it's a pain in the ass, I know. They were all cool. I mean, you know.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Yeah, but you were in jail for two days. That's not a misdemeanor. And I had to make up a story. When a girl, when girls pull up next to you in a car and say shit like that, you gotta know. They were parked. It's like music video type shit. That shit don't exist.
Starting point is 02:12:09 It does exist, though. That's the problem. You hear about it in fucking penthouse letters. Maybe this is the time. You see it everywhere. What if I was getting married
Starting point is 02:12:17 the next day or something and my wedding would be over? There's all kinds of shit that could happen. Well, I just learned when girls go, oh, you want to party? They're not talking about
Starting point is 02:12:23 dancing to some tunes. No. They're talking about doing a little drugs to party? They're not talking about dancing to some tunes. No. It's about doing a little drugs. Yeah, they're not talking about hats with rubber bands at the bottom. Yeah, they're not talking about. You want to celebrate somebody's weird shit. Two times in Vegas, I got had with a girl. Met her.
Starting point is 02:12:37 She's cute. We're talking, hanging out. Get upstairs, and we start kissing. Yep, and she goes, and I start moving. She goes, oh, wait, hold on. Hold on. You have no idea how much fun this could be, but nothing's free.
Starting point is 02:12:48 I was like, oh, you got me. Then another girl, we were hanging, dancing, beautiful, having a great time, kissy kissy, go to my room
Starting point is 02:12:55 and she goes, oh, the problem is I have to go to work. I go, oh, what do you mean? We didn't work. We're almost like neg. She goes, well, it cost me $1,000.
Starting point is 02:13:03 I'll lose $1,000 tonight if I don't dance. I was like, you like you want a thousand dollars i kicked her out of my room you 100 gave her a thousand i didn't i was like i didn't i really didn't i'd be like you know i'm just gonna regret will you take check yeah of course she's like no i should take credit card i didn't like the way she did it it's not the last i just didn't like the way she was trying to pull a fast one on me that is hilarious i. I was like, man. You got to be careful these days. These hoes ain't loyal. It's tough. It's tough, man.
Starting point is 02:13:29 It's tough out there. It's tough out there for a John. You know, I think if- Stories of a John. My real problem with all of it is when you make something illegal, it puts all this extra energy into something because you create consequences.
Starting point is 02:13:43 The consequences being you could go to jail crime you know all sorts of issues can happen it's a is it a it's a misdemeanor solicit prostitution right it's not a felony so you can still carry a gun and you can still vote but either way the idea behind it they're taking away your freedom and putting you in the system you also probably have to register as some sort of a sex offender in some states. No, you don't. No, you do. In some states.
Starting point is 02:14:08 You do. I don't think so. I bet in some states you do. In Calabasas, for sure. For sure. You're a sex offender. A lot of street walkers. I wonder, man.
Starting point is 02:14:15 I mean, it depends on what the fuck you're doing. You know, like, what are you doing with the prostitute? We need to get this figured out. You certainly can get fired from your job. It can have big consequences. Here's the point is, in countries like Australia, where they have legalized prostitution, their divorce rate is way lower. Sure.
Starting point is 02:14:30 They don't have all this violent crime attached to prostitution. Why do you think that is? If two individuals- Because they don't need- First of all, with violent crime, they don't need johns, okay? They work in these places where they have security. Yeah. They get people tested.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Yeah. When people walk through the door They know, they take their ID Sounds like the way to go We're going to do it regardless It should be legal If it's legal to fuck someone for free Which it is
Starting point is 02:14:57 Why isn't it legal to fuck someone for money What's the difference? If it's legal to give someone a massage For money Why isn't it legal to It's ridiculous. If it's legal to give someone a massage for money, why isn't it legal to stick two fingers in a guy's ass and free him? Free me. Yeah. Two consensual adults
Starting point is 02:15:13 and all my nerve endings are there. Two consenting adults and all my nerve endings are in my anus. And I want to relax. I can't let the guy jam his ring finger right up my shitter. A strong lower back issue. I do. I can't have him jam his ring finger and his middle finger right up my shitter?
Starting point is 02:15:31 A couple digits? What's the matter with that? A couple banana hand digits? You can't go three knucks deep? Well, I always bring it back to if there was this room, okay, the five of us in this room, if we were the only people on earth, and for whatever reason, you know, the only people on earth, and for whatever reason, and there was like four other prostitutes,
Starting point is 02:15:48 and, you know, would one of us arrest the other one and lock us in jail for having sex with somebody for money? I'd have to. Law's the law, my man. Think about how crazy that would be. If it was four of us, and one of us said, I mean, it was the only men on the planet, and we found out, Brennan found out that you
Starting point is 02:16:03 were having sex with prostitutes. And he's like, I got to bring you in. Bro, I got to bring you in. And you're like, what? And he's got some crazy cage set up with bamboo fucking bars, some fucking lost cage on an island somewhere because we're the only people. You can't have prostitution in a civilized world.
Starting point is 02:16:19 Well, it's just as ridiculous if there's 400 million. It's just as ridiculous. A grown adult telling another grown adult, whether it's male or female, what they can do or can't do that harms no one. The woman makes a decision for whatever reason, decides she wants to have sex with a man, and she wants to get paid for it. The man makes a decision. He decides, I'm tired of dealing with this bullshit. I don't want a relationship. I just want to pay for sex.
Starting point is 02:16:42 And these women, they pretend that they like me and they really don't so I'll just give them what they want which is money right that for guys who are unattractive That is the only way I know hot shit. Well, it's easier to control It's easier to control people that are married with kids then single dudes banging prostitutes you can't control those do you can't so you got To make that shit illegal. It's way better when they have kids. It's illegal. It's amazing.
Starting point is 02:17:08 It's a puritanical law. It goes back to, you know. It's stupid. It's a stupid law. Don't be mad. You don't want your daughter doing prostitution. I don't want my daughter doing prostitution. But the reality is people are going to have sex with people.
Starting point is 02:17:23 And one of the reasons why prostitution has a stigma attached to it is the legality of it. That's one of the main reasons. Exactly. It's just sex. We're all for it. We're fucking weird with sex, man. Human beings are so weird with sex.
Starting point is 02:17:36 Always have been. I think it goes back, though. I think it goes back to the kinds of diseases we didn't have cures for. Think about it. Antibiotics have only been around for about 60 years, maybe even less. I mean, when you got syphilis and gonorrhea and you got other diseases, it was no joke. Everyone knew if you had a runny dick. There was a stigma to especially syphilis.
Starting point is 02:17:56 You went crazy. I mean, you did. I mean, there was a stigma to sexual, liberal sexual activity because it was in many cases very unhealthy in the way did they put syphilis victims in like some kind of institution well that's what happened that's what happened al capone people died what happened in nichi nichi would became syphilitic i mean uh a lot of famous modern day celebrities come down with well now they hit you with antibiotics penicillin actually clears it up Right away You get a shot in your ass
Starting point is 02:18:25 They can cure that shit quick Yeah man But until penicillin came along The syphilis was awful Because what happened was You would get A sore On the end of your dick
Starting point is 02:18:35 No I don't think so A sore on the end of your dick And then you would go Then it would incubate For a long time Like ten years And then you would start To lose your fucking mind
Starting point is 02:18:43 There's no way It could incubate For ten fucking years Well there is a way And it to lose your fucking mind. There's no way it could incubate for 10 fucking years. Well, there is a way and it did. There's a lot of diseases that can incubate in your body
Starting point is 02:18:51 for a long time. Oh, yeah. Well, that was the thing about HIV was that the incubation people, the incubation period is what scared the fuck out of everybody.
Starting point is 02:18:57 What about that guy Did you hear about HIV now? It's really interesting because of the protease inhibitors and stuff, it's had to mutate so many times that it actually
Starting point is 02:19:04 has weakened itself. You believe that shit? It's had to make so many compromises. Dude, you have to to mutate so many times that it actually has weakened itself. It's had to make so many compromises. People aren't dying from it, right? No. HIV, you're straight. You believe in that? Michael Jordan. He says the virus is actually weakened over time.
Starting point is 02:19:15 You have to listen to this Radiolab podcast called Patient Zero. It's fucking amazing. It's amazing. What is it about? Because they tracked HIV from the time. They used to have this guy that they thought was patient zero. He was a gay guy that was having sex with all these people, and he knew that he was infected with it.
Starting point is 02:19:32 It was the early days of AIDS in America, like in the 1980s. And everybody thought this guy was patient zero, and he was infecting all these people. Then they found out. They traced the lineage back. I want to encourage everybody, if you haven't listened to radio lab it's a fucking amazing podcast it's so good it's so consistently good and really well produced and really well edited it's genius and they had this um this these doctors these scientists that traced the lineage of the disease, they brought it all the way back to the early 1900s.
Starting point is 02:20:09 Monkeys? Well, they brought it all the way back to the early 1900s in America, and then they brought it all the way back to even earlier than that in Africa. It came from a hunter. And the number one theory is a cut hunter. Like a hunter, in africa they kill a lot of monkeys they they eat them you know they call it bushmeat they'll kill monkeys and chimps and that someone killed a monkey or a chimp and that chimp as they were cutting it they cut themselves and they got the blood in the cut and that chimp had killed and eaten two different
Starting point is 02:20:42 types of monkeys that had two different types of infectious diseases so different types of virus yeah suit two different types of immune if immunodeficiency diseases and those two mutated inside that chimps body and then got into a person and then it became Wow and how hard that is to believe that they nailed that shit down to some dude who call listen science listen if you listen to the that they nailed that shit down to some dude who cut his finger. Oh, listen, science is pretty good at that. If you listen to the podcast, they explain the lineage. They explain how they did it. And it is fascinating.
Starting point is 02:21:12 They've also isolated why, which I thought was fascinating. Why didn't HIV, why was it a disease, a heterosexual disease in Africa and not among Northern Europeans and Europeans in general? Well, it didn't make any sense. They kept thinking it was secondary infections and stuff. They kept thinking it was their secondary infections and stuff. And what they found was that anybody of European lineage typically – Black plague, right? Yeah. If you survived the black plague, you had a mutation in your gene that made you resistant to the HIV virus,
Starting point is 02:21:35 which is wild. And they've isolated that. And so what's really wild is like – I always encourage people to read a book called Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne. He's an evolutionary biologist. Man, when you really look at the science of how they isolate these things, when they look at the genome and they look at what they can read on a gene, like viruses that were dormant, that you share the same kind of viruses that your ancestors, your monkey ancestors
Starting point is 02:22:05 did. Really fascinating stuff. The overwhelming evidence, like as we learn more about evolution, it becomes more true, not less true, which is fascinating to me. So there are a lot of things when you actually- I believe in evolution, but the whole HIV thing, I listen to Doucheburg and that guy- Doucheburg is a good name for him yeah yeah you know what makes a lot of sense yeah but here's the problem he doesn't make sense to biologists he's
Starting point is 02:22:30 not a virologist yeah he doesn't make sense to virologists he doesn't make sense to any of the researchers that have been working for decades if it was a really i thought i was with you before i talked to doucheberg and then talked to other scientists about it and if it was a real issue where they really couldn't understand the differences between what Duesberg was saying and what other biologists are saying, it would make sense. But it's out there. All the information is out there. And it's hotly disputed. Like Duesberg is wrong about so many different things about how viruses behave and about HIV in general.
Starting point is 02:23:03 That's right. It's not his specialty, man. Yeah. viruses behave and about hiv in general that's right it's not a specialty man yeah it's i'm pretty convinced that he made some pretty critical errors in the early days of hiv and then stayed with that well he also testified with maddie s rath maddie s rath who was pushing his vitamins on south africans and telling them not to go with regular um protease protocols and he said take my vitamins and that's how you'll cure your disease hiv and duisburg was with him when he testified and you can see the people in the they were talking about the people
Starting point is 02:23:32 that working on the ground with these things they were like shaking their head going this guy hasn't he just flew in he has no idea what we're dealing with he doesn't know he does not see what we're dealing with on the ground he doesn't see the kind of the kind of disaster we're dealing with on the ground. He doesn't see the kind of disaster we're dealing with, the health crisis disaster, and watching people die and get sick and stuff. And this guy, Duisburg, is coming in and testifying that police neighbors are not good friends.
Starting point is 02:23:53 Well, if Duisburg is wrong, then we basically stopped AIDS. AIDS was going to be a thing that affected in the 80s when you heard all the predictions, one out of four. A lot of people did die. One out you heard all the predictions, one out of four. A lot of people did die. One out of four.
Starting point is 02:24:06 But they predicted one out of four people between the ages of 18 and 35, something like that. It was going to be like the Black Plague. And if Duisburg is wrong, then, man, we licked AIDS. Yeah, but you know what? No one's died of AIDS. When you say that, like people saying that, you know who was saying that shit?
Starting point is 02:24:25 The media. And you know the media, if it bleeds, it leads. Anything that's controversial, that everybody was going to die. That everybody was going to die. You talk to health professionals, a lot of people, first of all,
Starting point is 02:24:34 did die in Africa. A lot. And a lot of people in this country died. Do you know what has killed half of the people that have ever died ever? Wait.
Starting point is 02:24:43 Wait. Malaria. I was going to say. Malaria is a motherfucker. Yeah, malaria by far. Malaria kills more than a million people a year. Malaria kills the shit out of everybody. That's why Bill Gates was so instrumental.
Starting point is 02:24:56 And he said, what you really need is mosquito nets. Yeah. I had a dude on my podcast that had fucking malaria. I've seen malaria with my own eyes. I've seen somebody suffer from that. Malaria is terrifying. When I was a kid, I watched. I've seen somebody suffer from that. Malaria is terrifying. When I was a kid, I watched... He'd get it from the mosquitoes, right?
Starting point is 02:25:07 He was like this, you shake, you're so cold. Yeah, and you can fucking die easy. A lot of people die from malaria. It sucks. A good percentage of the people that get malaria die. Ebola is another one. Ebola is fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 02:25:19 What do you think about this whole Ebola shit that's been going on the last couple months? Pretty contagious. You know what, man? Here's a bunch of shit that's going on. It's not hype. It's real. It's contagious as fuck because AIDS workers are getting it.
Starting point is 02:25:31 People that are giving, people that are medical people. Aid workers. People that are medical professionals are getting it. So they're dealing with situations where they're trying to help people and you're around people all the time. Well, because they figured out a way to close it off in the united states it's so very few cases the thing is i saw i saw the odds of dying from ebola so i mean the chance i mean in other countries in other countries if you get it it's almost a death sentence but in america it's about 40 percent 40 percent of the people that
Starting point is 02:26:00 get american it's very high it's pretty high but 40 percent of the people the people that have all come over from africa that have it, they're all fine. Yeah. They don't know. They don't know. They were talking about, they were trying to isolate why some people survive and others don't. They actually don't know. They think it is genetic.
Starting point is 02:26:14 They think you either have a genetic resistance to it. Because typically, overall, if you look at the grand statistics, you've got a 70% chance, I believe, of dying if you get Ebola. If you look at the broad statistic 70 you got a 70 chance i believe of dying if you get ebola if you look at the broad statistic something like that what are the odds what are the odds that the ebola thing all over the news was a distraction from like let's say syria i don't think i don't think the news can work that way because there's so many different independent outlets so many different independent remember the people on the ground like the doctors that are going there and making no money and just going there that's where we're getting a lot of our information.
Starting point is 02:26:45 We're also getting our information from mostly health workers on the ground. We're getting our information from CNN and Fox News. Yeah, and they're trying to get America to panic all the time. You don't think there's a possibility that that's all a distraction? I think the media makes money by sowing fear. You don't think the media is controlled by whoever's running everything? You think the people that are running everything don't think about controlling the media? I think the world's too complicated, and there are too many other interests for anybody to run everything.
Starting point is 02:27:13 For example, take the administration. Take a presidency. First thing any president always says is what? I had no control, no power. Why? So many different people in his cabinet have different agendas. Everybody's undermining everybody. And so I think it's very difficult for any one group to take total control.
Starting point is 02:27:27 And they usually get found out. I just think the media, man. They usually get found out? Yeah. Woo. Okay. Typically. What do you think, Eddie?
Starting point is 02:27:33 They never get found out. What do you think? I think that you can't trust shit. It's not a bad thing to say. When you see CNN and Fox, I think everything that's coming through the major news networks all have an agenda behind it, whether it's distraught. Because if I was running shit, I would – if I was running shit and they said, hey, what do you think we should do? I'm like, wait a minute. Are you guys controlling the media, first of all?
Starting point is 02:27:56 If they say, no, we're not really controlling the media. They do whatever they want. I would say control the goddamn media. What the fuck are you guys doing? How would you control the media? Explain to me how you think you would control the media for example like the ebola thing for example like like when you have all those different people dying right and you have people what do you think more people dying than the flu or no no no but but ebola is so devastating exactly exactly well i think because it becomes sexy eb becomes sexy. Ebola is very difficult to cure and probably uncurable.
Starting point is 02:28:28 And also because it's so devastating and it's so contagious. And it spreads like wildfire because a lot of these people who were there, when their loved ones were sick, they would take care of their loved one. And they would absorb the fluid. Okay, let me ask you this. Why isn't the news covering all the innocent women and children dying in these Middle Eastern countries through U.S. bombs? Why are they not covering that? Well, I think they are. They're not. I think that sometimes the news can be sanitized, and I agree with you. But what I'm saying is that I think, and I agree that I think that— You know how many people died in Iraq?
Starting point is 02:29:03 I think you're right not to trust— How many people died in Iraq? I think you're right not to trust- How many people died in Iraq? I don't know, but a lot. Over one million civilians. Over one million civilians. It's not a conspiracy theory. I've heard a lot of different statistics. How many people have died of Ebola?
Starting point is 02:29:16 Not many. 5,000. Less. Over one million civilians died in Iraq. You don't hear about that shit. But we've read about that. I've heard about that. No, they're not covering that.
Starting point is 02:29:27 That's a holocaust right there. Why aren't we aiding the families of these people? Why aren't we talking about this? No, we're talking about some... So to me, if I was running shit, I would have the media on motherfucking lock. I would have the movie industry on lock. I would have the TV industry on lock I would have the TV and how would you do that easy the CIA has been in checking
Starting point is 02:29:49 scripts since the 50s to make sure that communism doesn't infect movies yeah the CIA has no say and could never tell a studio are you kind of that that's ridiculous you don't know that no that's not you're not aware there's actually when one of the things about wiki leaks and one of the things about finding out more about what kind of information the cia uh or what kind of uh operation the cia has been involved with they've been involved with the influence of hollywood movies forever operation mockingbird operation mockingbird is a real CIA operation. But it gives them access. Look, a lot of these guys want... What about Zero Dark Thirty? A lot of these guys, first of all, want to be patriots.
Starting point is 02:30:30 A lot of these guys, these producer assholes that are involved in these movie studios, they also want access to information that's going to allow them to make a very realistic film. They want the government to be behind it. So if you're doing a movie like on, you know, fill in the blank, Black Hawk Down, some shit. But Zero Dark Thirty, they got in trouble because Zero Dark Thirty, a lot of people in the intelligence community got in trouble because it was so real.
Starting point is 02:30:54 And a lot of those things, the intelligence community didn't want exposed. So I don't think there's as much power as you can think. No, you're saying Hollywood as if it's one guy. It's not one guy. You're talking about dozens of studios, thousands of people. Harry and Singer. Producers, money coming from all sorts of different directions. A lot of it foreign.
Starting point is 02:31:14 So by saying the CIA had one problem with one film discrediting CIA influence on Hollywood is kind of silly. Do you think CIA has influence on Hollywood? Listen, listen, listen. They have had. They have had. They have had. But what do you mean? How about there's a great article in The Guardian. There's a great article on Global Research
Starting point is 02:31:32 called Light, Camera, Covert Action, The Deep Politics of Hollywood. And it's, I mean, there's not just one thing about it. If Brian Glazer and Ron Howard want to make a movie, I doubt very much, and the writers and the actors, I doubt very much the CIA is coming in and saying, hold on, guys, you can't do this. What are you talking about? What you're saying right there, you're just completely oblivious. So the CIA is telling those guys what they can and can't do?
Starting point is 02:32:00 Yes. The CIA. Yes. They're controlling Hollywood. Okay, listen. Harry Anslinger was the first drug czar in the United States. He's single-handedly responsible, if you've done the research, of making marijuana, putting it into a Schedule I category. Harry Anslinger, he was the one guy who was standing in front of Congress with fake newspaper reports that stated,
Starting point is 02:32:24 Look, Congress, we we got to outlaw this dangerous drug called marijuana. It's making people, listen, let me finish. Eddie, nobody's that gullible. I mean, I'm not, you're not. Wow. You see, you just don't know. You just don't know.
Starting point is 02:32:35 But I don't know what the reason. You're giving them so much credit. Listen, listen, listen. Harry Anslinger was the guy responsible for marijuana. The guy responsible for marijuana, after marijuana's prohibition, he got into investigating or looking into Hollywood scripts. He was in charge of making sure that communist screenwriters weren't trying to brainwash the public. So the CIA immediately recovered. That was during the McCarthy era. They never pulled out.
Starting point is 02:33:02 You think they pulled out? Once you're in, you're fucking in. You think they pulled out? Once you're in, you're fucking in. You think they pulled out? Eddie, I can write anything I want criticizing the CIA. You think they pulled out. You think they pulled out.
Starting point is 02:33:11 They got in and then they pulled out. Hold on. Let's have a conversation. Yeah, I can make a movie. Yeah. I can make a movie
Starting point is 02:33:18 criticizing the CIA, right? No, you can't. And you're telling me that I couldn't do that? No, you can't. Depending on how you criticize them, they will come down at you.
Starting point is 02:33:27 They will knock on your fucking door and talk to you. That's what they will do. Or they just turn on your fucking laptop camera and catch you beating off a thousand times. Dude, dude, dude. Are you kidding? Are you kidding? They were in. It's a fact that they were in.
Starting point is 02:33:40 Harry Anslinger was the guy who brought in the government to inspect the scripts to make sure there was no communist plot. You think they pulled out? So does the CIA control the news outlets as well? Do you know in 1996 the CIA announced that it had established an entertainment liaison office which would collaborate in a strictly advisory capacity with filmmakers? They would be idiots if they didn't. If they didn't and they brought me in
Starting point is 02:34:06 and the CIA 80 men go, you motherfuckers got the fuck out. You guys were in and you got out? How retarded are you? I think if you talk to the New York Times
Starting point is 02:34:12 editorial board, they would laugh you out of the room if you said that the CIA controls everything. You don't even know where he acts thing is. Do your research.
Starting point is 02:34:18 I don't know if they control everything. What I think is that they've had some influence. They don't control everything. Hold on, Eddie. Come on, man. I think they've had some influence on some movies control everything what i think is that they don't control everything but hold on eddie come on man i think they've had some influence on some movies because especially movies about the the agency
Starting point is 02:34:31 themselves they've been consulted sure national security yeah secrets you can't want to make sure that they know how to look if you're a guy and you live in hollywood and you have no history at all in in secret service or anything you want to know how the fuck things work. How does it work? What kind of a conversation does the president have if they're about to drop a bomb on somebody? What happens if someone is trying to kidnap the president's family? What steps take place if we are going to plant a phony dictator in place?
Starting point is 02:35:00 So there is, without a doubt, some discussion. I mean, they've had some discussion they've also been laid bare haven't they in this past like look at how bad they look with this torture report from from the intelligence committee yeah i have a mike big what do you think of that it doesn't matter because the cia was it is is the what everyone blames it's okay the people above the cia they're like blame the the CIA. So the CIA has different directors. They keep rotating. Nobody's accountable for anything. It's just
Starting point is 02:35:29 CIA. The CIA's been, you know what the Iran-Contra scandal was? George Sr. was the vice president, was the head of the CIA, became vice president. There was a assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, who's known as one of the most oblivious,
Starting point is 02:35:46 dumbest presidents, only second to George W. And George Sr. becomes president, the head of the CIA. His father, Prescott Bush, started the CIA. His father, Prescott Bush, financed
Starting point is 02:36:02 the Nazis through Union Bank. That's not a conspiracy theory. Hold on, Eddie. It's all CIA. Drop some knowledge on him, Eddie. It's all CIA, bro. Take notes, motherfucker. So it's the CIA or you're saying it's not the CIA?
Starting point is 02:36:17 The CIA is just the whipping boy. There's nobody accountable in the CIA. Who's really running this shit then? Who knows? The people with all the money. The Rockefellers, J.P. then who knows the people with all the money the Rockefellers JP Morgan all the people on the international bankers, but the CIA is perfect The CIA has been busted many times the CIA has been busted The you listen to Rick Ross the CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the United States. How crazy is that? That's not a conspiracy theory. They brought over $5 billion of coke in the 80s.
Starting point is 02:36:48 How's it feel, brother? $5 billion. All those little drug cartels. I love it. I love it. All the little drug cartels that get busted on the news in Mexico and Juarez and all that shit. That's a distraction.
Starting point is 02:36:59 Meanwhile, the CIA is bringing in coke by the military. This is not a conspiracy theory. You don't see anything wrong with that? Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan dare to keep kids off drugs, yet the vice president is bringing in all the drugs through MENA Arkansas. So the vice president is bringing in drugs. Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention?
Starting point is 02:37:21 He's going to get a jujitsu. They got busted. His legs are all closed off. George Sr. got busted all over North. Iran-Contra, 1980. You know what that was about? You know what that was about? That was about selling drugs.
Starting point is 02:37:32 That sounds like Brody Stevens doing comedy. That was about bringing drugs in, selling arms. They got busted. It's a fact. That wasn't the Iran-Contra scandal. It wasn't actually about drugs, though, was it? Yes, it was. He's just not going to get it. Yes, it was. He's just not going to get it.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Yes, it was. You're just not understanding. It was about guns and drugs. That was a part of it. It was guns and drugs. The drugs were definitely a part of it. They got busted. Drugs and coke.
Starting point is 02:37:52 Selling drugs. Yes. Selling. The real question is how far up does it go? The guy who was getting the drugs to Rick Ross, who was he actually being greenlit? They were dropping off the drugs in Mena, Arkansas. Was it a few officers? Is it the head of the CIA?
Starting point is 02:38:07 That's where it gets real weird. Why would you say, why would the CIA do that? For money! Money! That's how they finance all the black ops. That's how they finance the Iran country. And they're putting it in the pocket. The CIA gets all the money they want from the U.S. government.
Starting point is 02:38:20 They do whatever. No, they don't. Yeah, but they don't because they have to. Do you know what their budget is? They have to. No, but their budget they have to know what they're trying they have to get approved dude yeah but they already got approved by pretty much everything they got proven that they weren't with this iran okay so hold on so so so let's say they sell drugs and they get that money yeah okay so they did hold on they did it illegally right of course okay so black market now now hold on who what do they do with that cash i mean you're right we don't know what they do with it so fuck it it's not real
Starting point is 02:38:52 i'm just saying that the cia is such a big bureaucracy so you need their tax reports and everything they do basically is under civilian control i mean i'm just saying yeah right technically yeah right so what's the world? Black ops, dude. The Senate Intelligence Committee gives them any, pretty much, they have pretty much a blank check. They have a lot of money. That's not true. They don't get all the money through
Starting point is 02:39:15 Congress. They get it all black ops style. They sell drugs, sell arms. That's what they do. Do you have evidence of that? It's already busted. Just Google it. Look it's busted just google it look it up google iran contra they got busted and the crazy thing about that not only did george senior get busted doing it as a vice president but he became president he got busted and then the dude he didn't get busted yes Yes, he got busted. Nobody gets indicted. Nobody is held accountable.
Starting point is 02:39:48 Well, it's a waste of time. They put everything on Oliver North. They put everything on Oliver North. When you say busted, like, in what way was he busted? Busted, everybody knows that looks into it and doesn't trust the fucking government. They go, you fucking criminal. He's a criminal. Right, right, right, right, right. George Singer's a criminal.
Starting point is 02:40:02 So are all the presidents. They're all criminals. You can't be a president unless you're a criminal. George Singer's a criminal. So are all the presidents. They're all criminals. You can't be a president unless you're a criminal. I understand that. But when you say busted, what specifically points to the fact that George Bush was involved in selling drugs? Oliver North said his boss was George Singer. He was the vice president. Everything was running through George.
Starting point is 02:40:21 Oliver North has never said anything about drugs. He's never admitted that he was a part of selling drugs. What do you think? Be honest. I don't know, but the point is when you say busted, like if you were in a court of law and you said this, you said he was busted. It's like OJ.
Starting point is 02:40:36 It's like OJ didn't go to jail for murdering Nicole, but we know he did it, right? Do you believe that he did it or didn't? Well, this is a completely distorted argument, though, uh nicole but we we know he did it right though do you believe that he did it or didn't well this is a just this is a completely distorted argument though because you know when you say george bush was busted for selling drugs or george bush was busted for enabling oliver north to let drugs go through south central la i don't really think he was i mean did he have anything to do with it if the cia had something to do with drugs and they used that money to fund the...
Starting point is 02:41:05 That's still a theory. Conscious versus... It's not a theory. It's about selling arms. It was really about selling arms illegally and using that money for illicit reasons
Starting point is 02:41:12 and they got caught. But they got caught in it. You want to believe that shit? You can believe that shit. But they got caught, didn't they? Nobody will ever be accountable for that shit. No one gets thrown
Starting point is 02:41:21 in prison for that shit. Somebody just wrote on the message board that we need a fight companion for this fight companion. No, what I'm saying is nobody ever gets accountable for shit. CIA
Starting point is 02:41:34 agent... That's true. I wonder if they're going to be accountable for freezing people to death and record feeding. E. Howard Hunt is a CIA agent. Hey, listen. E. Howard Hunt is a CIA agent who for years defended the CIA against any involvement in the JFK assassination. For years, E. Howard Hunt, he was involved in Watergate as well. Very well-known, high-level CIA agent.
Starting point is 02:41:58 For years was the one guy in those documentaries about the JFK conspiracy theory. E. Howard Hunt was like, you ain't got no proof. What do you guys got? He was killed by a lone nut, Lee Harvey Oswald, on his deathbed. He said that was all bullshit. He goes, listen, it was all bullshit. So what do you think the average CIA guy is like? Deathbed confessions, first of all, I've never seen it.
Starting point is 02:42:21 Have you ever seen a video of the deathbed confessions? I've seen the video. It's all over YouTube. It's a video of the deathbed confession? I'm sure you're saying some crazy shit when you're about to die. It's a video? There's many interviews where he was dying. He was like, he, dude, and it's never made any of this. E. Howard Hunt, the guy that was. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 02:42:34 But have you seen it? Was he old and fucked up and broken down? No, you tell me. It's only two minutes. It's two minutes, but there's actually 30 minutes of it. Eddie, come on, man. If people are old, they get delusional as fuck. Okay, Joe, you're very good.
Starting point is 02:42:48 I'm going to say some crazy shit on my deathbed. I'm going to lie. I lie anyway. Listen, listen, listen. I'm not sure if it's true. You know what? You're right. I believe you guys until you see it.
Starting point is 02:42:57 I'm with you, Eddie. Until you see it. Whatever you say, let's get down. But let's watch it. It's two and a half minutes. It's two and a half minutes. I want them to feel like I hate. You listen to them, and then you tell me with your judgment if this guy's a high-level CIA agent.
Starting point is 02:43:07 Eddie, let me ask you a question. Eddie, let me ask you a question. Watch this. Watch this. Let me ask you one question real quick. You believe all that shit. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:43:11 I don't believe anything. I'm just trying to help you, Brian. I'm just trying to help you, Brian. I appreciate that. He's just trying to educate you, Brian. I love you, and you are. But here's what I always... Whenever you guys...
Starting point is 02:43:20 And you'll have a guy you're talking about who admits all these things, and there's video on it. The only thing that I always go back to is this. There are so many investigative journalists, so many, who are good people who are trying to find the truth. A lot of people. I mean, if you look at the New York Times, Economist. Let me just listen. NPR, New York Times, The Economist, Wall Street Journal. These people don't make a lot of money.
Starting point is 02:43:41 But they do go to countries. They risk their own lives. And they are as concerned with the truth and exposing the truth as anybody. Have you heard of Amber Lyon? But hold on, hold on. And what happens, the way an editorial board works, is when you go and you say, here's my story, the first thing your editor says in a credible newspaper, like The Economist
Starting point is 02:44:01 is the oldest magazine ever. How do you know this? How do you know what the first thing they say is? I know a lot of journalists. I've interviewed you know what the first thing they say i know a lot of journalists i've interviewed you and i've interviewed the first thing they say is what the first thing they say let them finish man and the first thing they say is what are you need at least i believe it's three credible sources that we can check up on before we can run a newspaper uh magazine they're very careful about that okay and so so when you have that much information
Starting point is 02:44:25 and you have the mainstream media, which is the economists, the NPR makes no money, they rely on public funding and stuff. When everybody is essentially sharing the same story and checking these things out. These guys are so credible. But they are.
Starting point is 02:44:40 Oh, yes. So you're saying that these journalists that are risking their lives are are lying and you're one guy is the one who has the truth that's where i get one guy you're talking about some black and white shit this one i said that there's one guy who has all the truth i said that this one guy has and these journalists that you know so well aren't full of shit i believe you that you all these journalists that you know aren't full of shit you're talking about what journalists what the what the what the with the CNN asked them is give me three credible sources you don't know that shit how do you know that well it's not CNN he's talking about the New
Starting point is 02:45:16 York Times you want to think that you want to think that but what really I think the reality is that major networks are full of shit. The government at the high levels is totally corrupt. And you could just follow the money and find out how corrupt everyone is. And the people at the top in politics are not waking up thinking about what can I do for the people. They're not thinking about that shit. They're thinking about how I keep my power and how I make money. That's my guess. I don't believe any of those motherfuckers. So you don't think anybody is in the news? I didn't say anybody. Okay. But you don't think the majority of journalists have the interest of the truth in mind? You think they're being
Starting point is 02:45:59 paid by somebody else? Do you ever read the New York Times? Have you ever read the New York Times or The Economist? Or do you listen to NPR? Do you read the Wall Street Journal? Do you ever read the New York Times? Have you ever read the New York Times or The Economist or do you listen to NPR? Do you read the Wall Street Journal? Do you ever read those? I watch CNN and Fox. Do you read those publications? I don't watch CNN on a regular basis because I feel that
Starting point is 02:46:17 I'm getting fed an agenda. Every now and then I'll watch it. Why would I read the New York Times? I think that the people at the top have all that shit on lock. So why would I waste my time? The only time I do read New York Times or watch a CNN report, I'm always watching and going, what are these motherfuckers? What is their agenda? And how are they trying to steer the public into a certain opinion?
Starting point is 02:46:40 I don't believe. I think they're all fucking corrupt. I think they're all full of shit. And it's been like that for 35, 40 years at all and i think you're i think that's very arrogant to think that you somehow have the truth and all these people i never said i have the truth using like mechanisms to fuel your argument instead of it's fine i'm not using anything i'm not arguing because you i'm just saying you just did his but you just did okay because he never said that that you have all the truth that when people i love people that's what i said you're saying all these
Starting point is 02:47:16 journalists confession and we're talking about the cia's admitted role in hollywood you tend to like not want to buy into any of that stuff. I tend to be the middle ground. What we have is the mama bear, papa bear, baby bear type situation. I love this discussion. I'm the middle bear. My podcast host is
Starting point is 02:47:37 you times ten. He will not... He will say stuff like... He will say stuff like, trust, he will say stuff like, trust me, I know the government's full of shit. I know it's always been that way. I know that they're fucking us. I know that.
Starting point is 02:47:53 But he says that, and then he believes no government conspiracy theories. So it's kind of weird. So it's way more over the top than you are. I think, Eddie, for me, for me, though, the difference between government is Brian reads. Yeah. And, Eddie, for me, for me, though. But the difference between them is Brian reads.
Starting point is 02:48:07 Yeah. And you know what? Zach reads a lot, too. I think at the end of the day, you should educate yourself, Brian. Zach reads a lot of books, too, dude. Zach is reading books all the fucking time. That might be the problem. That might be the problem.
Starting point is 02:48:19 Eddie, the only thing that I think is that sometimes when we, and we all do this – when we decide that this is the enemy, right? When we go, well, for example, I don't believe any of this. I'm not going to read any of this. And I think they're all – or most of them are not trustworthy. I think that you do yourself a disservice in some ways because I think the real enemy is a lot less insidious and a lot less glamorous. And I think the real enemy, for example, is, like, let's just take campaign finance reform, which is probably the most important thing to talk about.
Starting point is 02:48:50 Money in politics and the way, basically, somebody in Congress has to spend 40% to 60% of his time calling people he doesn't know just to get enough money to get reelected. Now you've got a problem. Or, for example, here's a huge enemy. Am I disagreeing with that at all? No, no. That's all part of it. Yeah, for example, here's a huge enemy. And I'm not disagreeing with that at all. That's all part of it.
Starting point is 02:49:06 Yeah. That fuels my beliefs. In 2010, for example, this is fascinating. We had some real problems in this country, some real challenges. And the thing that they were arguing about on the floor in Congress was swipe fees for ATMs. Swipe fees. Why? Because you had corporate behemoths that were arguing about their bottom line and influencing Congress because they wanted to make more money.
Starting point is 02:49:29 And they didn't give a shit about the real issues that face you, me, and the average person on the mainstream. That's what I'm talking about. I totally believe that. Right. But remember, now that was very, very much dilated and really exposed by some of the mainstream medias. New York Times did some great stuff on that. Lawrence Lessig, who's a Harvard lawyer and wrote a great book called republic lost so there's really great information out there and if you know where to look i think that a lot of people in
Starting point is 02:49:55 earnest and a lot of great journalists do a great job trying to expose what the real enemy is and i'm always fascinated with the fact that it's not even so much the cia although they come out looking terrible in this what they did you, these 39 detainees and stuff. How many people are involved in that? That's what I want to know. We don't know. I want to know when you leave someone alone with detainees, how many people are involved in the decision to torture them? How many people shield themselves from that to protect themselves?
Starting point is 02:50:21 They don't want to know. They just want the information. I wonder. Well, they did a five-year study. shield themselves from that, to protect themselves. They don't want to know. They just want the information. I wonder, you know. Well, they did a five-year study. One of the reasons the CIA got caught was because a lot of CIA officers were sending emails back to their superiors saying, I don't like this. This is really bad. Well, you know, the one who got arrested was the whistleblower.
Starting point is 02:50:39 The whistleblower is in jail. The snitch did? The whistleblower is in jail. Everybody else who fucking froze none of them none of them they froze them to death froze got it they did awful stuff yeah and and and the other issue from what i understand is that a lot of this work was subcontracted out they put him in a room naked they chained him to a wall they chained to a wall and he was naked and it was cold and yeah and he died yeah died overnight yeah yeah Yeah. Died overnight. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:05 Yeah. And we don't really know, by the way, we don't really know how many people this happened to. And we don't know a lot. Got to get that info. Yes. How worked up is Eddie Bravo? Eddie Bravo, just for everyone else at home, Eddie Bravo just went to pee. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 02:51:22 He gets so worked up over conspiracy theories. I was hoping you'd jump over here and choke the shit out of him. He loves conspiracy theories. He gets upset if there's a rational explanation. If we don't believe him. I know.
Starting point is 02:51:31 We don't believe him. He gets upset. And I love him. I love my Eddie Bravo. I don't see Eddie Bravo enough. He loves his conspiracy theories. Nobody loves conspiracy theories like Eddie Bravo.
Starting point is 02:51:38 Hey, listen, before we watch that E. Howard Hunt thing. Hey, what happened with 9-11, Eddie? We don't have any time. Will you educate him? Unfortunately, we don't have any time. We're running out of time. The E. Howard Hunt deathbed confession,
Starting point is 02:51:47 which is just interviews with him talking about what really happened in JFK's assassination. The CIA agent telling you what the fuck happened. He's telling you, but no one wants to hear that. Can you play some of that for Callan? Before you play it, real quick. Before you play it, you've got to understand. We're not going to. The basic.
Starting point is 02:52:02 Can't. I mean, why not? Why not? We'll be able to show something on that. What I'm saying is when you look at JFK. Yeah, we don't have any time. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:52:11 All right. You wouldn't want to hear. I want to hear your 9-11. It's deep like Game of Thrones deep. JFK is as deep and complicated as Game of Thrones. Seriously. You have as many members involved in that assassination as Game of Thrones. Their names, how they
Starting point is 02:52:27 affected the assassination, everything. It's so deep. If you look into it, it's so deep. It's fucking insane how deep it is and how deep the CIA was involved in it. It's very widely known. It's not a conspiracy theory that JFK did not support the CIA's
Starting point is 02:52:43 invasion of the Bay of Pigs. They did not. The CIA formed Operation 40, 40 assassins to take out Fidel Castro. The Bay of Pigs was their mission to go get Fidel Castro. JFK didn't support them, didn't support air support. They lost the Bay of Pigs. The CIA was so pissed at JFK. JFK fired the director of the CIA, Alan Dulles. Fired the director of theigs. The CIA wanted, was so pissed at JFK, JFK fired the director of the
Starting point is 02:53:06 CIA, Alan Dulles, fired the director of the CIA as a result of what happened in the Bay of Pigs. So the CIA's director is fired by JFK. The whole Operation 40, 40 elite international assassins assigned and put
Starting point is 02:53:21 together to kill Fidel Castro, the craziest assassins ever, hate JFK kill Fidel Castro, the craziest assassins ever. Hate JFK. The vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, was about to be indicted for two murders. Mack Wallace was his bodyguard who murdered people for Lyndon B. Johnson. Lyndon B. Johnson was a known gangster. He mingled with the top mobsters. He was so, and he decided the budget on the CIA and the FBI
Starting point is 02:53:45 and was really close to J. Edgar Hoover. When you look at what went down, the only reason Lyndon B. Johnson didn't go to prison for two murders that he ordered Mac Wallace on to kill people, he was a gangster,
Starting point is 02:53:59 was because JFK died, he became president and cleaned that out. When you look at all that shit and then you also look at JFK in his 33 months in office, he had every month he had a different mistress. Every month, one of his mistresses was Cord Meyer. Huh? I was like this.
Starting point is 02:54:27 Listen. Huh? Yeah. Cord Meyer was one of the top CIA guys back then. JFK, this was known that JFK was banging Cord Meyer's wife. So when you listen to this E. Howard Hunt confessional, he said Lyndon B. Johnson orchestrated the whole thing. He's telling you. A CIA agent famous on his deathbed saying,
Starting point is 02:54:47 you look at, it was Cord Meyer. Cord Meyer wanted him dead. So Lyndon B. Johnson, he had Cord Meyer. How much time has Eddie Bravo spent smoking weed, peering out curtains? Can you first play that? Or this is going to count? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:54:59 Why wouldn't you play two minutes? Because it's a lot. All this shit. All this shit. We literally don't have any time. But we'll tell everybody to go to it. It'd be nice to educate Callan, though. It'd be nice to play Eddie. It's fucking 11 o'clock.
Starting point is 02:55:11 But still, if he's going to learn, he's got to learn. E. Howard Hunt, deathbed confessional. Listen to that on your own. You went too strong on that one, you fucker. You're not even going to listen to it. You should be like, oh my God, let me listen to this. I don't believe you 100%. You're thirsty for knowledge. You're a smart guy. You're a even going to listen to it. You should be like, oh my God, let me listen to this. I don't believe you 100%. You're thirsty for knowledge.
Starting point is 02:55:26 You're a smart guy. You're a smart guy. This guy is breaking it down. And several people on his... It's all over YouTube. The hour is on. It's frustrating, Brian. And it makes no news ever.
Starting point is 02:55:38 And this guy is telling you how JFK went the fuck down. He's telling you he was there. He's telling you I was there. He's saying every assassin was there. They's telling you I was there. He's saying every assassin was there. They all knew about it. All Operation 40. They were dressed like bums. He said that.
Starting point is 02:55:52 He goes, I wasn't involved in it, but I was on the bench for the big event. They called it the big event. Everybody knew about it. They all set up. They were all involved. It was a huge Game of Thrones thing. Game of Thrones has a great TV show, damn it.
Starting point is 02:56:04 Yes. They have dragons. E. Howard Hunt, Deathbed Confession Thrones has a great TV show, damn it. Yes. They have dragons. E. Howard Hunt, Deathbed Confession. I wish we had time to play it for you. Yeah. I wish we had time. We don't have time. You go and you do your research next time, sir.
Starting point is 02:56:14 I'm going to do that. He doesn't even want to look at it. He doesn't. He doesn't. You don't want to look at it. You don't want to remember it. You don't want to learn, Brian. You don't want to believe it.
Starting point is 02:56:22 You don't want to believe it. Brian, you don't want to learn. Hey, guys, come on in. You don't want to believe, Brian. You don't want to believe it. You don't want to believe it. Brian, you don't want to learn. Hey, guys, come on in. You don't want to believe it, Callan. Guys, come on, man. Guys, really. I think the news cares about the people, and it's all about the people. We call Callan a CNN bitch.
Starting point is 02:56:33 The news can't be bought in control. CNN bitch. It's impossible. But that's a straw man. You can't really say that. He never says that. He's talking about the ethics of journalism and the importance of- Callan's wrong.
Starting point is 02:56:44 End of the day, Callen's wrong. I don't believe any of those motherfuckers. Me neither, Doug. Some information is very difficult to acquire for a journalist. What do you know about Barry Seals? When someone says Barry Seals, you know a lot about him, right?
Starting point is 02:56:59 Barry Seals, without a doubt, flew drugs into Mena, Arkansas. Without a doubt, Barry Seals was involved in the murder of two kids that found a drop. They found a drop of cocaine. This guy was flying back and forth. There's numerous pictures of him, not just with CIA agents, but with numerous known drug dealers from South America and Central America. Without a doubt. He was a CIA pilot.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Yes, without a doubt. And got murdered when he was about to talk. a doubt the cia pilot yes without a doubt not only that that is older news but more recent news there was a cia drug plane that bent to guantanamo bay twice that crashed with four tons of cocaine 100 guaranteed verified fact a jet that had been to guantanamo bay and been used by the cia was guilty of transporting cocaine into the United States crashed because the Mexican authorities would not let them refuel. That's like, you know what? That's like you see in video.
Starting point is 02:57:51 That's like you see in video of Joe Rogan sucking dick and not believing he's gay. Whoa. Hey, Photoshop. Hey, wait a minute, bro. Two fingers up my ass when I'm getting a fucking massage. Because he's telling you this, but you're still not getting it. You're not going to get it. You're not going to get it. It's a waste of fucking time to even try. No matter it. It's still not going to register. You're not going to get it. You're not going to get it.
Starting point is 02:58:05 It's a waste of fucking time to even try. No matter what. It's like, I don't hear that. I'm sick of it. I'm frankly, I'm sick of it. I don't believe you, Brandon. Frankly, I'm disgusted
Starting point is 02:58:12 and disappointed. No, I'm with you guys, man. Hey, man, you're jumping ship over here. Oh, yeah. It feels good over here. It feels good on this side. Just for no reason
Starting point is 02:58:21 turned on me. That's some serious shit. The CIA got busted for importing $5 billion worth of coke through MENA Arkansas while Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas. Why do you think he became president? They owed him. They owed him. He was huge. He was the governor of Arkansas allowing all this shit to happen.
Starting point is 02:58:39 Look at these photos. This is hilarious. This is the plane. This is all the coke that was on the plane. Was that a CIA plane? Yeah, This is the plane. This is all the coke that was on the plane. Four tons. Was that a CIA plane? Yeah, this is the plane that crashed. That's CIA, Callan.
Starting point is 02:58:49 CIA. But it's not going to mean shit to Callan. He still believes in that. It's all cocaine that was on the plane. He still believes in that. Four tons. God damn this coke. I want to know what you guys think about 9-11.
Starting point is 02:58:57 I know we don't have time. It's late, but. Oh, you motherfucker. I see what you're doing here. You're trying to do something. I see what you're doing here. What? Inside job.
Starting point is 02:59:04 For sure? A million percent. I fucking told you, Callan. A million percent. I told you that're doing here. Inside job. That's a great one. What? Inside job. For sure? A million percent. I fucking told you, Callan. A million percent. I told him the other day. Brian Callan just took off his headset. A million percent. Oh, is it too hot in here for you?
Starting point is 02:59:15 I'm disgusted and ashamed with this goddamn. I got to go home. 30 seconds. Do you really? My family's waiting. 30 seconds. This podcast is brought to you by Onnit. Go to O-N-N-I-T.
Starting point is 02:59:23 Use the code word Rogan. Save 10% off any and all supplements. You want to get some gangster coffee? Get yourself some Caveman Coffee, ladies and gentlemen. We've been fucking drinking this shit the whole podcast. Some of us more than others. Jacked up on it.
Starting point is 02:59:37 Jacked up. E. Howard Hunt,,, 80Bravo on Twitter, Brendan Schaub on Twitter, Brian Callen on Twitter. Fighter and the Kid. Fighter and the Kid podcast, number one across the board. Eddie Bravo Radio. Drama creates listeners. Eddie Bravo Radio.
Starting point is 02:59:57 You want to hear more on conspiracy theories slash jujitsu. I'm going to come on. I'm going to come on. I can't wait. All right. Do it. Come on. come on on Sunday we'll stay away from
Starting point is 03:00:08 again Zach Waldman my co-host he's worse than you he believes in the in a lot of ways wear earmuffs you're going to take a beating
Starting point is 03:00:15 beating no I wouldn't do that I gave up on Zach no matter what science I give him he doesn't he doesn't want to hear it alright my friends
Starting point is 03:00:23 let's do this again next time actually Actually watch fights. We watched two fights. Two and a half fights. Yeah, we watched. Well, the Fedor fucking Cro Cop one was pretty bad. Cro Cop Vondelay. Cro Cop Vondelay was great.
Starting point is 03:00:35 And so was Fedor and Noguera. Those were great. We'll do more of these, man. We can do these any time. And they turn into whatever the fuck they turn into. We need to do a whole 9-11 thing because you've got to educate Cal. Oh, you motherfucker. You don't understand.
Starting point is 03:00:50 This is not real. You don't understand. He's playing a role right now. No, I'm not. He is fucking terrible. You are the worst instigator slash tongue-in-cheek. Look at him smiling. Like a kid caught with a bag of cookies.
Starting point is 03:01:05 No, for real, though. Seriously. 9-11, I don't know. Good night, everybody. Much love. I'm not sure. Peace. Good night. The CIA has sponsored this podcast, and it's now over.
Starting point is 03:01:15 Control this podcast. I'll tell you that much. Good night, everybody. Yeah, the CIA doesn't control the podcast. They will if you talk fucking. You know when the CIA gets involved? When it's not involved, it's when it's not involved. It's when it's not involved.

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