The Joe Rogan Experience - Fight Companion - June 22, 2024

Episode Date: June 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Trapped I don't like being trapped in this Apple ecosystem, and I'll tell you something this fucking phone live with live This phone does so much more first of all the anti glare the the fact that the screen doesn't know it has anti glare on It so much better outside crystal clear you read everything crystal clear I fucking love this circle to search thing so like if you have a cool pair of sneakers on I can take a photo of them do a little circle of it on my phone and immediately pops up on Google all the places to buy it damn it shows you what he's yes dude it here's another one my notes like say if I do a like a show and I record it it will transcribe the entire set and it will summarize it for me
Starting point is 00:00:48 That's pretty gangster. What? Yes, it'll summarize it for me. It also will summarize websites So there's a website, you know, oh what's going on in Russia some crazy shit is happening I say summarize that for me. Give you the cliff notes? It summarizes it for you. God damn. And Apple doesn't do any of that? No, not yet. Great camera? Fantastic camera. The cameras have't do any of that? No, not yet. And great camera? Fantastic camera. The cameras have always been better, right? Camera's amazing. They've always been better on Android?
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's hard to say better, because I have both, I'm going to tell you something, they're both awesome. It's better at certain stuff. The iPhone camera is fucking awesome, but so is the Samsung. Hey, let's be honest though. You've never taken a picture with an iPhone like, ah, I wish it was better. Nope, never, never. No, that's my point.
Starting point is 00:01:21 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, professional photographer? Fuck off. No, but if you are like one of those crazy professional photographers, one thing this does do is it zooms way better. Way better. The zoom is crystal clear. You can read a sign like way in the distance where I've zoomed in with this and I can see
Starting point is 00:01:37 it but I can't read the letters. And then with this phone, with the Samsung, I see the letters crystal clear. I think that iPhone is a better camera for just whipping it out and taking a picture. But you can do more with the Samsung, I see the letters crystal clear. I think the iPhone is a better camera for just whipping it out and taking a picture, but you can do more with the Android. I don't even know if it's a better camera for taking it out and whipping a picture. I think they're equal. I think for taking it out and whipping a picture, it's equal. But this thing has so many more options.
Starting point is 00:01:57 There's all these options he's always shown me about. Like, do I have to go, where is that? It's in the settings. Like, if you're not into fucking around with things, get an iPhone iPhone But if you're like me and you're like really into tech stuff androids, but also shoot like the with the the Apple with the iPhone they have like the The thing we can like shoot and cut and edit that has all that Oh, you can have the handheld thing cuz I don't like my crew like when we're filming whatever car stuff
Starting point is 00:02:21 Whatever it is outside. They'll just have a handheld with a with the iPhone Yeah, gimbal. Have a little whiskey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they knock it out. My god, yeah, man. You do all that. Not only that, this has pro features.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Like you could you could set it in a pro mode and you have way more options in terms of like how you film it, like what the images look like. And it's just way more adjustable. Can the government track you on that one too? yeah they tried getting everything all right that's all bullshit you you're never getting away from the government I don't even believe in signal I've been talking to these people on sick like the guy moxie who made signal what's a matter glass smells funny glass smells funny just smells like whiskey no I mean I smell it through whiskey.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It smells like soap. Like dirty water. It smells like plasma. You're out of your fucking mind. It smells like whiskey. No, no, no. Outside the whiskey. You're crazy. We have an awesome dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It smells, uh, trust me. I got the bloodhound nose. Is your nose that good yeah, really is it always been like even as a smoke yeah runs in the family Oh, wow That's interesting Bro when I got my nose a defarger when I got my my deviated septum fix I could smell way better I was like oh my god forever though cuz I got my fix and it just it's whatever I think you're just accustomed to it in the beginning. Was it better? Oh night and day different yeah in the beginning when you first get it fixed and you have the
Starting point is 00:03:52 Bandage up there. Yeah, take the stitch out and pulled out you're like I didn't get my nose fixed until it's 40 years old for 40 fucking years I had a broken nose with just the whole inside of it was blocked it was nothing I had like one quarter of one nostril that was useful and that surgery is real fun is that better well look at a Drikus duplices yes because I call bullshit when his coach was like he's only breathing 8% I'm like come on that's what he said you know it's ridiculous I was like come on that's not a cardio thing and they're like wait do you see him in this next fight? His cardio is gonna be better way better. My cardio was way better My cardio was at least 10% better when I got my nose fixed because you can breathe out of your nose
Starting point is 00:04:32 like if you can't breathe out of your nose, especially if you're doing jujitsu and your mouth is getting covered all the time you like All you have is your mouth to breathe out and also as a fighter breathing out your mouth is trouble Yeah, because your jaws open you need rocked easier for two years I walked around like this pulling my nose so I could breathe That's why I got that we're gonna hunker on my operation went bad. Did you ever get those things? Yes, did they work? Do they do anything? Well, so they put things in there for the outside I'll see you see you feel has them on and all hours of the day. Yeah, so crazy. So funny You just show up one day the steel. I'm like, why the fuck you don't wear that suit?
Starting point is 00:05:05 He's like, yeah man, I need to breathe. I'm like, all right. He's like, you ever tried them? I'm like, no. Hickson used to roll with those on. They work. Speaking of which, where's those smelling salts? Oh, we got them.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Oh damn, you can have them. You're ready to go back. Totally, bro. This is your first companion, huh? You ready to go back in? Brian had the funniest reaction ever to smelling salts because we opened up a fresh, fresh ah one of the fresh ones And as soon as he opened up he threw his headphones off and ran out of the room if you do it now
Starting point is 00:05:29 There's not a lot of room to run. You're gonna have Fresh oh this one hasn't been open. Thank you nothing better. Thank you. What do you mean? You're getting in? Of course you hate it everybody hates it. I hate it too, but I'm about to do it That's fucking you gotta do it. This is so strong. This is so strong. Look it's sealed Okay, I just broke the seal and then the lid of the thing is sealed as well and you still you smell it through that Ah fuck you. That's not through that That's not the real deal. But look I want you you to see. That's just four-player, buddy. It's still sealed.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, that shit's powerful. Is that the same one? Yeah, but this is how you want to get them. You want to get them fresh. Oh, this is the real deal. Once he opens it, it's the real deal. Him smelling it through the fucking bottle, that's some bitch shit.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Smell the bag back smell the bag just the bag Yeah, takes you back so look now. I'm gonna break the seal Top is sealed get ready boys. Oh, yeah, here. We go the ship fires me up here we go oh my god haha Jesus Christ Ah Ah Yeah dog Nothing bad You asked for it Brian You brought this on and it's early I was going to wait until at least the co-main event
Starting point is 00:07:16 Hey what's this huh Ah He's better He's better I'm cool guys good night Fuck I'll tell you what that wakes you up for a show we have a little sniff before you go on stage. I leave in my garage every morning before I get out head to work. Have you had these the Lucy's the breakers?
Starting point is 00:07:43 No. Oh these are good Lucy's have eights and they have like a little mint thing in it when you you chew it the mint thing breaks It tastes good in your mouth How many you have in there for his High no, it's good 24 milligrams in your mouth. He's a maniac. I go through two cans a day, Doug.
Starting point is 00:08:08 What are you using? Which one? Black Buffalo? Oh my God. Maniac. Good Lord. Yeah. You push the envelope.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, that's not even an envelope anymore. You've got a satchel filled with envelopes. The directions say to keep it a foot away from your face. Shut the fuck up, pussy. That's a liability thing. I had to get in there. The directions say to keep it a foot away from your face. Shut the fuck up, pussy. That's a lot of building things. I had to get in there. The first time you did it, bro, you got it up to your nose.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You put it like an inch from your nose and took a deep swing. I think I damaged my sinuses. Pure pressure works like a motherfucker on top of that. Since you do not use more than a few times a day. He was like, I'm the way. I was never. I said, don't be a bitch. I got it. I'll try it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, he just saw how fun it is. Yeah, it's a good time. It is fun. That was like the last time we did a fight companion. I go, I'm just going to microdose it. And you like pushed over a giant piece of chocolate. I was like, I think that might be a little, yeah, don't be a bitch. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I was texting you from the plane. I can't negotiate my plane seat. Hit me the Lucy, man. One, one ain't going to do it for a trial here. I think there's one more in there that's the same play yeah baby you don't want you already have 24 yeah that's the same flavor I took the 24 out I don't mix flavors well now you get 16 so you'll have two of those it'll be 16 to see if your heart will stop yeah Lucy's it for people who are done but I like it better than Zen a lot better because Zen gives you this weird flavor in your mouth and it doesn't seem good. So
Starting point is 00:09:30 I like you know, there's another one called I think that's empty. I think there's another one called athletic THC that I really like. Not athletic THC athletic nicotine. So how long you been doing nicotine? Um, like a year. Why? Because it's good for your brain fires you up, man. It's it's good as like a nootropic It actually helps your brain. It helps cognitive performance the real problem the cigarette cigarettes are not good But the nicotine is actually great a lot of great books were written on cigarettes. Oh, yeah, yeah nicotine is great Yeah, yeah I will say this is that Stephen King said when he stopped smoking cigarettes is one of the biggest issues like stopping cocaine and drinking was
Starting point is 00:10:04 Fine, but Cigarettes like he was like boo. His books got super boring. Hey, they didn't they weren't as good Yes, he said he doesn't remember writing Cujo. That's why it's so good Yep And then he said this he came he came his wife came in and she said, you know She started cleaning up cans and he goes god I kept cans everywhere He goes how long when's the last time we clean this place and she goes and it was literally the whole place is covered with beer cans and she goes this is the past three days and he
Starting point is 00:10:33 was like I'm drinking hot he didn't even realize it yeah well damn if you want to be good yeah do you want to really write the kind of shit that he wrote when he was young you got to push that motherfucking umbilical cord. You can't do anything in moderation. No, he said, he actually in his book said, I was a very creative guy who had a substance abuse problem. It's not that I had a substance abuse problem and therefore I was creative. He said don't get it twisted.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Because I always had a great imagination. But I just like my image. Yeah, I don't know. I am of a belief that it helps you. I really am. I'm not. But I do think that it's a personality type So Michael hand-in-hand right with an extreme sort of you know it all comes together Maybe maybe I think it opens up doors in your imagination that will stay closed. Yep, you can't get Yeah, I mean I've never fucked with cocaine
Starting point is 00:11:22 But he was a big cocaine user and like the shining was all on cocaine great movie fucking great fantastic The book is insane. He didn't like the movie. He felt like Jack Nicholson was too crazy too quick Yeah, he thought like in the movie the guy becomes crazy guys I got normal dude who becomes crazy during the during the the staying at the overlook That was shot in Colorado movie so here we go first fight Vulcan OZ Demir and who's he fighting Johnny Walker right in the hell fight dude the odds are even on this the odd makers went somebody's getting knocked out Johnny Walker can knock out anybody how
Starting point is 00:11:57 does he get down at 205 please it's so hard to believe he's so big when you stand next to him he's massive like he easily could be a heavyweight Dude, I want it'd be fun if Johnny Walker wins this one. Can you imagine him and Alex? That's a motherfucking fight. Yeah, but is that possible? Why not? Yeah, he's a big fella why not Joe because I don't think he's one enough. I don't think any it's compelling What do you have to beat like a Jamal Hill? You could act to beat? compelling. I mean, he would have to beat like a Jamal Hill, he would have to beat a Yuri Prohaska. Oh no, I'm not saying next. I'm saying I hope he wins and continues to win. He's about two away from it. At lightweight, you win two big fights, you're there, bro.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Right. It's like one step below heavyweight, right? Like look at Yuri. He won one fight, now he's back. Boom. Yep. Heavyweight's pretty slim. Joe, why didn't Uncle I have get that fight? That's a good question. Because he's the biggest threat. They might have. Yeah, he's very good. I don't know why right? They might have offered him that fight and he might have said no they might have thought that his fight with Yonbo which was boring. I
Starting point is 00:12:56 Disagree heavily. I think Yonbo which is a fucking animal And if you want to like survive against Yonbo ho which you got to fight smart Yep, like you can't ask a guy to fight stupid just so everybody can cheer But all right, but to Dana White's point like it's a business of entertainment, too, right? But he looked entertaining in all of his other fights. I just know he has a draw before that bro with who? And Clive had a draw before that. Who did he have with young? Oh, but again, yon bojovic fucking animal four minutes and 30 seconds 429 428 428, 427, 426. If you want to sync it up.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Like I like what the UFC did with Izzy, right? He's coming off a loss. And then he's been out, what, a year at least? And then they're giving him a title shot. I think that's what makes the UFC the UFC, because they're going, no, no, we're not just giving to the guy a title shot who we think is next like what Izzy did his body of work you can lose one and still be a huge draw. What's the difference between fucking UFC and boxing? That's true but if that's true why didn't Sean get the
Starting point is 00:13:57 rematch because Sean won that fight I thought. I thought it was very close but I thought Strickland should have got the decision. Why not give him a rematch If you're a purist, which I'm both, right? I get the business entertainment side in the purist. If you're a purist, Shawn Strickland 100% should be next. And he beat Paulo Costa. I thought he beat Drikus as well. But the thing is about Drikus is that these guys are angry at each other. You know, it's like a lot of hype.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It's a good fight to sell. Yeah all that shit talking when it get more views than a Strickland rematch Maybe maybe I'm strickland's a big fucking star man. He's so awkward dude his style Oh, is he and there's a story with it. He's up right now. Yeah, oh, it's American crack The problem with Johnny Walker is he's been KO'd a gang of times Yeah, his defense is suspect usually a lot of guys have put him away. Yeah He didn't he win his last fight on a disqual DQ. I don't know the Jamal one was crazy Yeah, Jamal hit him on the forehead and his hands flew up in there and he went oh there it is There it is. He got rocked. I got he's in trouble. He's in trouble. He's in trouble already
Starting point is 00:15:05 Odomir might get him. He's letting him get him against the cage like that get out of the way, bro He's got to get out of there. He's in trouble. He's in real trouble. Oh He does like a lot of wild shit. You can't do wild shit when you're really hard to me is technically very proficient Oh, yeah Cold but that's why I went to SPG cuz because he needed to tighten up, because he's wild. Yeah, but that's... Damn dude. Wild horse. That's happened too many times. That was a reflex that lowered flying me.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Fuck. When you're a wild boy. He's just trying to be crazy, just trying to do anything, but you can't do that with Volkan. Volkan and Oztemir can punch so hard. At a certain level, the fundamentals are going to beat you guys are that good and those to me has been? Out for a bit, right? Yeah, so you know any losses to oh, he's had some losses. Yeah, but he's a good striker, man It was really yeah, very very solid hands He heard him and then once Johnny Walker gets it. He's I think he's just been KO'd too many times
Starting point is 00:16:02 I mean, oh there's that left hook. That's nice. And once it goes he goes there's nothing you can do, but this was a bad one I mean this was he got flattened I just think Johnny Walker who had all the physical gifts, but I just didn't have the kind of fundamentals like Ozemir does Well, it's yeah, look at that boom. Oh my goodness. That's awful. That's awful. How cold And the other thing is like Johnny Walker That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. That's awful. 100% clean your body of all that water and he's six six two. Oh five how good a bro good heavyweight Yeah, go to heavyweight fucking heavyweight. He might be a really good heavyweight man And that is a shallow pool super shallow you could lose like multiple fights And there's a lot of strikers for him sure Rosenstuhl. You know, you got a ton of guys
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah, now there's now there's been he's been flatlined a lot. Yeah, it might be over I mean you gotta think all the different people that have gotten him Well, remember he was doing the worm when he won and blew his shoulder out. Yeah, that was crazy No, he so Johnny Walker's won a fight I think it was in Brazil and he started celebrating doing the worm and literally fell too hard and blew his shoulder out It was out like a year now. Yeah, have the shoulder reconstructed in the worm or shoulder. Yeah for nothing Did you see Conor'sors injury yeah thoughts well pinky toe it's exactly what Paheta had when when he beat Jamal Hill he had a broken toe a lot of guys have had a now it's the pinky toe a lot of guys I fought with broken I knew about it in advance look
Starting point is 00:17:38 here's the thing about a broken pinky toe when you're a guy who kicks as much as Connor it's a fucking problem hundred percent and it's also the same foot where his leg was snapped and he went into that fight injured He's never pulled out of a fight before Never This is the first one he pulled out of and I think it's wise Because I think if you do have a broken toe and you are going into a fight and you did go into a fight the last Fight injured what if that fucking toe becomes a real issue? Like what if he throws a kick and it smashes again and he's in agony and he can't move
Starting point is 00:18:05 I thought you and I were gonna disagree on this I couldn't agree more because and you got to realize what's on the line for Connor to like he loses this one The the rides over also, you know, why so why risk it? You got to be able to get the fuck out of the way with Michael Chandler you fuck. Yeah So you're not gonna go a compromise and it's the leg that's already fucked up Like you want to you want your best foot forward no pun intended That's his biggest asset against Chandler you got an in and out stick move kicks You can't tie that toe to the other toe you can but it's gonna be come you're still not a hundo
Starting point is 00:18:40 If this is Connor six years ago, he's fighting all these fight Yeah, excuse me. He fought Chad Mendes with a blown fucking knee still beat it. Yeah, and it was on short notice still beat him Yeah, so don't get it twisted like Connors a savage and he's a fighter's fighter But this I think finally his team's like cokes dude. I'm addicted Okay, I'll take one of those. Yeah boys. We got more The only person drinks more diet coke Right, I'm gonna miss the cool kids are doing it and then I'll drink it. I never drink Diet Coke, but just to be part of it.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Why don't you drink Diet Coke? I don't know, I just don't. Are you scared of astrotame? You think it's fucking poison? I disagree. I'm just not a soda guy. I just have my temples super pure. I love Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I scrub my temple clean. Dude, we're gonna get along, brother. Yeah, I love Diet Coke. We're gonna get along. You know, they fucking, they tried to remake it to taste just like Coca-Cola. You're talking about Coke Zero? Yeah, that's what Coke Zero came about. They fucking they tried to make a they tried to remake it to taste just like Coca-Cola Talking about Coke zero. Yeah, that's why Coke zero came about they try to make a better diet coke No, but people had already left like the flavor of diet coke. So they had it coke zero doesn't bother me. I like it It's kind of the same if it's there. I'll take it
Starting point is 00:19:36 I can tell the difference but you know why they came out the coke zero because the sales of diet coke were going down because Men were embarrassed to order diet coke. So if that was more of a female drink, so they're like, guy, let's do Coke Zero. What men are these? They did that with Miller, they call it the champagne of beers to get women and then people started drinking. What? They don't know their audience.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, that's what they did know. But initially it came out and it was the champagne of beers. How do we get women to drink beer? Call it the champagne of beer. You know, the one- It's like with cigarettes, they used to call them freedom torches during the suffragette movement. So they wanted to get women to torches during the suffragette movement. So they want to get women to smoke and was considered like not very feminine.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So Freud's grandson, Edward Bernays, was like, I know how to do this. We'll fucking just tell them that these are freedom torches. So all these feminists now were like smoking their free. No man tells me and they started smoking. Really? Yep. And he's the same guy that got people to say breakfast is the most important meal of the day Well, that was all because the pork lobby came to him and they were like, hey
Starting point is 00:20:33 We gotta get people to eat more pork and he's like cool say less We'll just call it bacon is part of a breakfast a good And bacon is great most so unhealthy. How so? Bacon? Yeah, how so? All the cholesterol, all the fat, no? No. No, nonsense. I love it.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Absolute, complete nonsense. Are you an American? Saturated fat is not bad for you in any way, shape, or form. That is all, again, that's all the sugar movement. The sugar industry... Sugar movement, but the trick... ...trap people into thinking that saturated fat is a problem. How many calories are in one piece of bacon?
Starting point is 00:21:02 Calories aren't the problem, brother. If you're working out. It's sugar and bullshit is the problem. Calories aren't the problem if you're working out. Yeah, well, over-eating is always a problem, but calories from saturated fat are not a problem. Cholesterol is what creates myelin, which is literally what the fucking brain is made out of. Cholesterol is responsible for all your hormone production. Cholesterol is responsible for so much in the human body. It's not bad for you at all. It's just a crock of shit. What's bad for you is processed food. What's bad for you is
Starting point is 00:21:33 sugar and excess of carbohydrates, bullshit food, seed oils. There's a lot of things that people get connected to that connect they connect to and they say this is bad for you. But actual real bacon is not bad for you. It's just fat Look if you're on a ketogenic diet, which is very healthy for you ketogenic diet. Those people eat a shitload of bacon true That guy's a fucking stone cold killer Fucking fight bro. Has he knocked out everybody? He's fought not everybody but pretty close and that's a great card. He's fucking terrifying man Diego Lopez and Brian Ortega is a fight son How about this Anthony Smith Roman deletes a fight like how much is that card changed?
Starting point is 00:22:17 You know it was supposed to be Jamal Hill Khalil round tree Khalil round She falls out and then Jamal Hill is gonna go out against Carlos Urberg Oh, I'm like, whoo, I love that and then Jamal hurts his knee and then Carlos Urberg for some reason is out Well, so I'll burgo. I don't know and I used to fight Anthony Smith and Anthony Smith stays Recently he had one site That's another great fuck Yeah, I want to see if he gets away with all the shit at this level Well, he's gonna fight in Jane Gary who's really tall and really but I don't think he's gonna be able to hit that dude You don't Michael very well age. No, I disagree. Michael Vandenpaige is a different thing. I'll put his lights up. You think so
Starting point is 00:23:01 Really? Yeah, I think he gars the, he's it man. He's so talented. I think he's sensational, but he's been hit before and he's been rocked and dropped. Michael Van Page is a different thing. He's been hit, but Michael Van Page got hit before too. Right, right, by Diego Lima. Correct. Or Douglas, Douglas Lima. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, I like Page, but I think Ian Gary's that guy. I think he's gonna have a really hard time finding that guy, you know, I saw the Kevin Holland fight Yep, he was like where the fuck is he he couldn't find him couldn't even touch him He's such at that point elite point fighting style with all the MMA skills that Michael venom page has
Starting point is 00:23:40 That is one of the most puzzling problems to deal with inside the octagon. Look at Alex thriving, Pierre thriving. Right, but it's not, Alex is not a point fighter. It's a different style. Yeah, I'm just saying his elite level of striking makes up for the other holes in the game. Sure, but we've had elite strikers before. The difference with Michael Venom-Page is Michael Venom-Page is an elite point fighter. His style of hitting and not getting hit and being able to close distance Really fast fucking nobody's like that wonderboy closest close But not not that level it's wonderboy was a kickboxer very elite striker very elite kickboxer
Starting point is 00:24:17 But the difference between kickboxing and point fighting is that blitz that bl blitz and Michael Vanipage is so unorthodox. I think that could be one of those fights. Remember when Francis and Derek Lewis were gonna fight and we're like, bro, this fight's going one minute, get ready, and it went to a decision so boring. Right. Sometimes when you have those two high level strikers and it's that style, I'm not saying it's gonna be boring,
Starting point is 00:24:41 there's a chance it can be really fucking boring. Because it's so calculated, so so strategic and neither guy wants to engage Michael's gonna throw all these faints. He's never been in a boring fight in his fucking life. He's amazing. Michael Venn and Paige is a He's great don't be wrong, but some of those bellator ones were tough I'm interested I'll tell you what you might be right You might be wrong. I'm interested. Yeah. Yeah I just think that he is the most difficult puzzle on the feet I've ever seen hard to find a guy who can spar like him to Kevin Holland couldn't do a fucking thing to him right couldn't do a fucking thing
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, and Holland is a good striker a very good striker I mean, he's a complete fighter Kevin But he's a very good striker and he didn't even come close to hitting him. That dude was just not there It's a different thing man Don't disrespect the Holland I think Ian Gare's at a different level than those guys you mentioned I think so too and his movements different his size is different, but he also used to fighting guys that are shorter than him Yeah, and Michael Vennepage is the first guy that's taller than also. Yeah, he's taller than hey or the same height similar
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah, he's not like a huge advantage, but also look at the age is a factor as well. That's true. That's true He's not even in he's just getting his prime dude when those guys are like 2726 28 good fucking luck and they get so much better so quick. Yeah It's kind of interesting that in Gary and Colby never came out because that like Ian was calling him How we said he's declining cuz he's not famous enough. That's so crazy and so incorrect It's so incorrect. Wait, wait, wait who was saying that Colby was saying he's not famous yet But meanwhile Colby's lost most of his last fights I think it's an interesting fight cuz Colby is a motherfucker man. talk all the shit you want about that guy, but that guy
Starting point is 00:26:26 Can fuck his gas tanks off the charts? You know this one broke 30 seconds into the that fight with Leon Edwards Yeah, like he had a broken foot. It's broken in three places. He came to my show in Miami He was still he was like 85% that was that was three weeks ago. So was a real fucked up foot. Oh, no doubt. He was walking on it tender Yeah, no doubt you fought that fucking dude for 25 minutes with a broken foot in three places Are you that's a bad motherfucker also Leon Edwards is the best striker in the division. Yes He's the most technical the most dangerous, but he was in that fight I love watching the on move Leon move just the way he moves just the technique the precision everything is
Starting point is 00:27:07 just so fucking everything it's just so it's just like always what it's like what you want to see in an elite striker you see in Leon I also like him because there's no there's no really shit talking he's not on the Instagram doing He's good. Just respect them first fucking He's the fucking man, yeah You don't expect him to sound British. I still don't every time he talks is a surprise Now we'll see what happens if Islam goes up there Let me tell you the time I think I've told on the podcast forever tell you the time that there was this dude That was I don't want to say who we work for but he was a bodyguard and he talked shit to Leon Edwards when Leon was with me I brought Leon to a show Leon did my podcast then I brought Leon we went to
Starting point is 00:27:52 show it Chappelle me and him were hanging out and afterwards we all went out to this club this like after hours party that David set up okay David's Dave sets up these shows like he does the shows and after the shows He likes to set up a party, so he has like a DJ He brings in foods fun hang, but it was at the end of the night and this guy decided He was gonna kick everybody out and for some reason He singled out Leon Edwards, and he got in his face He said like hey, man. I fucking told you it's time to leave and then I got in between them
Starting point is 00:28:25 I said I know you probably made some fucked up mistakes in your life. You're about to make the biggest Do you say you know what that is exactly? I said I said pull them aside what he do and he he like went like a ghost I go That's one of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet. You're about to make one of the biggest mistakes of your life I go I go he's cool. There's no reason to talk to him like that. He didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't know. He's here with me. And he's like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. After he sees him knock out tomorrow, he's like, oh no. He sees his wife pass before his eyes when he was watching it on TV. You want to go viral, bud. You can, but it's the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:29:02 If you're going to do do this let me get my phone Like try to pick a fight with him before that it was a he was a mountain off to him the whole time before that And Joe's like was he yeah, I thought he was addicted He was enough off to him his mouth off like other people he was mounting off also to Joe I the whole story is that he was just a dick from start and Joe's like are you kidding you can see that? He seemed like a dickhead just the way he was behaving Isn't that that's one of the most wonderful instant karma videos of all the greatest It's like one of the greatest viral video show me the best But what it missed it like karma put one of the scariest humans alive in front of it
Starting point is 00:29:37 You don't know this this is seen in a bar Joe Schilling was a friend of mine's world champion kickboxer elite You would look at him go that's not the guy I'm gonna fuck within the bar Joe Schilling is a friend of mine's world champion kickboxer elite World class, savage dude like savage You would look at him and go that's not the guy I'm gonna fuck with in the bar So Joe Schilling is at a bar and he's trying to walk past this guy to get to the bathroom The guy backs up as Joe's walking doesn't see him and Joe bumps into him puts his hands on this is it right here So this is the guy this is the dickhead he's talking shit. He's real loud and drunk. So that's Joe in the black shirt It's like I got Joe Joe's like excuse me He passes by and the guy says something to him, he turns around. The guy flicks.
Starting point is 00:30:09 See how he just flinches at him? The guy flinches at Joe like he's gonna hit him, and then Joe just hits him with that three piece and a soda. And then he walks away like it ain't shit. That's the wrong guy. The wrong guy. The fucking wrong guy. Boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And you gotta understand, this was the end of a long, he was fucking with Joe and everybody else the whole thing I tried suing Joe and Joe won yeah yeah well it's Florida stand your ground like clearly a guy flinched yeah like went like that to make him flinch and you don't do that to guy that's a fucking train striker I need more of this yeah we need more of Joe is the farthest thing from a bully by the way. Super nice. I've hung out with him many times. He's the greatest. He's the greatest. No hesitation though. Yeah. He's the wrong guy.
Starting point is 00:30:49 But the guy was picking fights. He was picking fights with other dudes in the bar too. He was causing all these problems with other guys. He was trying to pick fights. But I mean you've rarely seen people that like get right to it. Yeah. Oh right. It's usually like shut your fucking mouth or who you talking to.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Just bink, bink, bink. Wrong guy. That's his language. It was like a reflex. Wrong guy. He bink. Wrong guy. That's his language. It was like a reflex. Wrong guy. He's fluent at knockout. That's his language.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's just the wrong guy. Straight up. Joe Schilling, he fought in this battle in Los Angeles where he had to fight three times in one night. Remember that? Last Man Standing and Glory? We went there live. It was fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:31:20 He fought three times. And it's against world-class kickboxers. And this dude who doesn't work out came off his day job at rematch and was like, I'm He fought three times and this against world-class kickboxers Came off his day job at rematch The best thing about Joe Schilling world champion kickboxer most decorated American kickboxer in history he smokes cigarettes In our gym Smokes When a video first started it you said that's him in the black shirt I thought it was the nerdy looking dude No, but like you used to met she looking yeah
Starting point is 00:31:57 He looked like somebody you don't know he's also like big Right. He's awesome. Look at his fucking face. It's like a great white shark. Like out of all the people to talk shit to. He just smokes. He smokes. And his voice, like he's fucking Nick Nolte with his fucking world class hands. Deep voice. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Tatted up. Look at that guy. You gotta love moments. Yeah. Yeah, he's like talking shit. I told this guy I'm gonna beat him arm wrestling, like whatever the fuck he's saying. Look at him, look at him. See, I thought it was him. wrestling like whatever the fuck he's saying
Starting point is 00:32:30 Just an accident, I mean just a bump and he had to talk shit I Mean the dumbest hey fuck around and find out that is around and find out that is if fuck around and find out Was a viral video that's it. I would love to be the level of ready Dude you can get there, man. Yeah, you know, it's not impossible. No. It's not impossible. I listen to my brothers that start riding motorcycles when they're 40. Nah, it's pass you by.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You can still pass you by. You could learn just a mean combo for the Austin bars, though. Yeah, you get up. Don't get a fucking Hayabusa, but you get a Harley. Yeah. Fuckin' b- Or you get a pistol. Just run around.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Just get a pistol. Yeah, by the time you get that pistol, you get a Harley. Yeah Yeah, by the time you get that pistol you're asleep, you know, let's see you have a quick draw Did you see the You got a Hawk to eat spit on that That girl one video you see a bright. Yeah, one One girl gets interviewed and it's just I love moments like that were one weird video It's so funny that the whole world sees The one I saw on Instagram the top comment underneath it is another woman being like Nobody needs you don't have to spit on it and then then it's just a thousand news. It's like somebody taught you wrong, bitch. Especially the way she says
Starting point is 00:33:51 it like that. She's not, she's not pending. She said like she, she passed up, but she got a certificate. She's not posing. I wouldn't be that into a girl going, I would be into her enthusiasm. Yeah, you would. If she did it. But if you're, if you're, if you're a girl, you're not gonna be like, wait a minute. Hold on. Let's see it. Jamie. I'm trying to find a good version. Didn't I send you a bunch of good versions? The original one has how many views now? Has to be a hundred million. At least. I wonder what she's doing. She's probably panicking. I know. Everybody knows she's making money. Is she she yeah, she's making money. There's merch now. There's like Hawk to murder
Starting point is 00:34:29 Oh, I need to buy a shirt. Oh these kids man. They own it like they own it that so she's hot to 24 on a graph That is let's hear the video It's just the way she says it right up in the corner. Yeah I know I know these are I already clicked two of them and they didn't have the video on it for some reason Christ what a weird world what a fucking world and it's only been like four days, right? When did it come out? Yeah? I'll honestly it happened. I mean where the who is the hawk to a girl taking over tiktok? It wasn't her original video. she was doing an interview, right? Yeah, some guy in the street says, what do you have to do to make a guy crazy in bed?
Starting point is 00:35:09 She'd start like... Spit on that thing Once upon a time, two girls were out on the town in Nashville, Tennessee when a Spit on that thing, you get me? No, don't fast forward To which one woman replied Oh, you gotta give him that hawk, too, and spit on that thing, you get me? You do You get me? You get me? I went away for- One woman What if her dad's like what though yeah like imagine being her dad right now her college is probably paid for now No, her dad knows yeah, when how much money she's making off of this
Starting point is 00:35:41 It is smart that she jumped right on it because you got to think it's only been a few days. Oh, someone blew her up. June 11th. It's like 10 days. So it's 10 days. There are a handful of other videos on Tim and Dee's page featuring the Hawk to a girl and her friend. Since then, Tik Tokers claimed to have found the woman, but the account is now repeatedly deleted. Oh, she, she might have deleted it. Possibly doesn't remember being interviewed. Yeah. She got blackout drunk. It's in Nashville. She's probably hammered. Yeah, she's doing her thing.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Having fun. But also, our bullet. We got the red. Here we go. So where's her references though? I would like, where'd all the dudes whose dicks she's sucking while she's just talking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 She has these? Those guys are about to make some TikTok videos. Just like sitting there with a cup of coffee on the porch like, whew. Let me tell you something. Dude. It's real. Netflix about to do a doc on it
Starting point is 00:36:26 This is a good fight. Tricoli is good Guy in the left has one eye Brian. Yes, the guy on the left has one eye and he only can fight in other organizations That's why I can't come out of countries cuz he can't cuz he can't see he can't see out of his right eye So they won't let him fight in the United States. I don't believe so. He's never fought out here Most people think that one IDC fighter Sharabutin Magomedov lands killer role for acting debut new Hollywood movie. Oh nice He's gonna be in a movie soon. Hey bro, they name him Eddolf, I'm not fucking with him Yeah, any kind of off. He's a scary striker too, but it's fun to watch. Sharabullet, but his His depth perception. It's got to be all fucked up because he's only got one eye like you know you need two eyes for depth perception shit It's shit ass biz being yeah, yeah, it fucks you up it fucks, but it doesn't matter. He's that good. He's that good
Starting point is 00:37:16 Seven different operations on the eye to try to fix it. He was from childhood, right? Fight are you sure I'm pretty sure it's from a fight I'm pretty sure because he had the operations while he was competing. I think it was something that happened during a fight I may be wrong. For some reason I thought it was when he was a kid. Jamie will find out I'm pretty sure the injury happened from a fight. Also, how do you even not like you don't see shit coming from that way? Nope, he doesn't see shit out of that right eye. He's got a giant, what's it say? Head He had to get the right eye removed completely after losing vision. Holy shit, man. They get infected. That's why the eye gets infected Yeah before the operation I was afraid of an infection God dude one eye redhead
Starting point is 00:38:00 So they don't take your eyes out of your crazy beard They don't usually do that anymore because you have cones in your eyes that sense light even though you can't see and it regulates It's a damn man. I know they take that I but it might have been something wrong They're saying something about infection could they get infected a lot, but they took bismuth I out right no He was a plate over it yeah He wears like a lens over the top of it So it doesn't look so weird, but it's just so people don't stare at his eye, but I get it still goes I yeah, Tricoli is good though, man. Shara bullet does weird shit. He's wild man wild kicks
Starting point is 00:38:36 He throws kicks like a jab He got punched twice in the face from the direction he can see it Isn't this his UFC debut? No, no, Sharboats fought at least once. No, twice. Yeah, he's a fucking huge prospect. Isn't he fought twice? Yeah, at least once. I think twice.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Just once? Well, this article was he was 11-0, and he's only 12-0 now. I feel like this is his first fight. Signed last year. No, this isn't his first fight. So this is his second fight in the UFC. At least second fight.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Said he signed in 2020? Yeah. But he can't really fight. Hmm. So this is a second fight in the UFC At least second fight he signed in 2020 Yeah, but you know, he can't really fight in America like the Nevada State Athletic Association. There's no way about you can't see Like you have to be able to see out of both eyes. I'm sure there's some places Well, we're in Saudi Arabia for these fights not saying in America. Oh, yeah, like you bring them to Kentucky. Oh, yeah Mississippi Tennessee close both your eyes. I don't give a fuck Oh, yeah, like you bring them to Kentucky to learn. Oh, yeah, miss sippy. Yeah Tennessee close both your eyes. I don't give a fuck The girl had no idea that thing went fucking viral Yeah, she just being funny with her friend.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Here's one thing you do know if you try hard you won't get one. That's for damn sure. Yeah, yeah. That don't stop people from trying. Oh they try so hard. But the people that I know that try the hardest have never gotten one. Never. So Tricoli just wants to take him down. Shara Bullitt has terrible take down defense. That's his liability. Also doesn't get up well. And even in his UFC VABU, he got battered on the ground.
Starting point is 00:40:14 How about the main event was about to be Bo Nicol, but he was hunting in Montana and didn't have an Android phone like you guys and had no service. Yeah, interesting. He was going to take that fight. Interesting. I would not have advised that. I wouldn't either interesting. He was gonna take that fight. Interesting. I don't I would not have advised that. I wouldn't either but he was down to do it. Yeah. He's struggled a little bit with Cody Brundage and Cody Brundage is nowhere near where Robert Robert Whitaker will change your fucking life. Well, Robert Whitaker might be the best 185
Starting point is 00:40:38 on the planet. It's up for debate. He's up there. How do you say that when when Sonia would say different? Well Drekas Drekas beat the shit out of him in one round. Drekas beat him. Yeah, he's fucking good He's very good. He was a former world champion. He was number one at the time. He's certainly just a Costa certainly in the top He's the man they're hyping him up well he's an elite wrestler real top of the food chain blue chip wrestler And you know, he's getting very good at striking. He's basically our LeBron James, but he's white
Starting point is 00:41:12 He's his rest his wrestling is Ridiculous thing to say now the hype on him is insane. Yeah Like out of high school So hold on since so here we go This is why you make the comparison guy like LeBron because he's in wrestling since he was seven He was selling out fucking huge auditoriums wrestling dominating. There's on a world tour The bar and James was the best ever at Penn State Same goes on a world circuit three time or four time NCAA champion. Yeah, he's he won it in as a freshman, right?
Starting point is 00:41:41 This is a great anyone the highest in events. You double aission a good fight I was very good fight. What are we gonna say though, Joe? I was saying that like the difference is LeBron has been dominant and famous on a world championship level so long It's more like a John Jones. Mm-hmm John Jones. It's more like the LeBron of MMA. No, he's Like as a prospect because there's so much pressure on him and he has how many fights? Yeah, I would advise a guy like that to not fight in the UFC for a long time I think you should get to world-class level before you get to the UFC It's tough cuz cuz cuz outside the UFC. He's so dominant fucking so dominant. He's not even gonna strike him up Yeah, and the world-class 100% yes, because once you get there there if you're not ready It's gonna be it's a it's a marathon not a story that yeah, I'll train with them Dagestani boys
Starting point is 00:42:28 I'll fuck them up. He'll fuck them up in wrestling. He did already He's beating a lot of Russians and russians thing is very good But he'd be able to hold up his striking is not like awful His thing is combining the striking wrestling put it together like he did well once he gets that his thing is combining the strike and wrestling put it together as a speed that's what he gets that yeah but but but it was a guy's been watching at the human body move for a very long time he took and his timing and i mean it's a real shit not having no i'm not going to be a home signing take downs and so
Starting point is 00:42:57 so did they have an easier time i was just got that their learning curve is a lot steeper elite athletes have a good learning curve yes that's that's a show he's a elite No, no doubt about it. I mean, Bo's got massive, massive potential, but even Johnny Hendricks, remember his timing. He learned how to not class though, but he would knock it out. It's a different Johnny. Also, you have world class and post you saw the Johnny are two different human. Correct. Yeah, it's like you and Mike Tyson It's like they're two totally different human different species post you saw them Johnny Hendricks like what where'd you go? Like where'd you go? But also you watch Johnny's fights and go man. That's world-class strike. He's just had a big fucking
Starting point is 00:43:40 Worse when they're not testing anymore. No, no, then once they start test Oh, okay When they start testing his body melted like there's a lot of those guys like there's documentaries online about Johnny Hendrix pre and post-usada He's like one of the biggest examples to be fair though. That was those were the time in those pictures You don't see much. I mean you see a little bit of a difference in the physique But what's really the difference is in the shocking power? He would just put guys to fucking sleep. Power, cardio, great fought, confidence, aggression, confidence. But also to be fair to Johnny, those were the times.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Everybody was on. Everybody was doing something. Fuck yeah, name somebody. Go ahead. Because those were my, that was my era. Everybody. Those were also the TRT eras where you could do it legally. Not everyone.
Starting point is 00:44:21 They turned me down, whatever. They turned you down for TRT? Yeah, they weren't going to have it. Why? What happened? I don't know haters man. I think it was already weird because Nate Marquardt was like from your area Correct already got fucked us. He got popped like alien levels. Yeah, they were like, I remember that fight got cancelled Yeah, we were at the weigh-in and this fight got cancelled and I was like, what is going on? They like he's that like I he could die his levels of testosterone or so alien Like a he could die his levels of testosterone or so alien
Starting point is 00:44:48 It knows like 24 it's like He had nitrous oxide in his fucking bloodstream and then all of us were going to the same doctor and then that doctor's like See ya closed up shop like hey, yeah, probably good move I just got the deposit but well a lot of these doctors are dorks, you know And they think they're gonna be able to take these out I know what I could do with you because they did our you know, they're just like oh TRT's legal great We're gonna fucking bang you up with all these other different They don't get the commissions and all that you know with high-level sports Hey, how many of those doctors have ever been like through the whole testing process? That's why Balco is so big. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, sure the clear, you know, you know, you know, I fuck with now and like I mean Shit probably the best shape since I bought fought is that transcend with like peptides TRT. They do transcend as a company It's a company and they're like there you do your blood work like pray at least every two weeks every three weeks And they monitor everything right you should be taking this this this and this and it's a scripts plan They send it to you. Oh nice just. Just start taking everything. Then they check your blood work. Like that's what Cowboys on Bradley Martin like all the like peptides out here. Really? I do out here with ways to well same deal ways to well. I've never felt better. I've never felt better. Plenty of peptides. They have stuff for your cognitive like for you know, for me, I need my fucking brains
Starting point is 00:45:59 get after getting punched. So cognitive energy, everything. Because I had a doctor, he looked great. 65 is a friend of mine, Jeff shows up my show. And I was like, What are you doing? He goes peptides. Yeah, peptides are incredible. Yeah, that's why they keep out long. Yeah, really keeps Yeah, they got rid of thymus in because it was helping people get over COVID. They say no, they're good. No reason for it to get rid of it. Now they're trying to get rid of BPC 157. No reason to fix my stomach.
Starting point is 00:46:24 BPC 157. Yeah. Shit's my stomach PPC 157 yeah shit's magic This fight is interesting now. I'm a guinea pig. I shoot myself out sometimes a day, but whatever Why does it feel good? I am you fucked you know what irritated me is the back of people the back? Oh people got caught because they had it they had that they they went through the trash and they had their names written on this Yeah, I was no Vinsky right how the fuck no my name no Vicky caught him. Yes the ball. Yeah, no, this is the head guy that got him New shit man Yes, please how you do a crime and write it down and put it in the trash I'd be pissed That's very bonds. I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? It's funny. You know, what's that risk?
Starting point is 00:47:04 You put a sign baseball in the trash, bitch You rode the fucking, you rode into the trash Dude, homeboy can kick, he's kicking his lower legs He's doing that Pierre thing where he doesn't turn his hips over. He just soccer kicks your fucking calf. He's tough as shit Oh, Joe. Sarah Bullitt. Oh my god. Joe, let me ask you this. If you're back to the Connor thing, if you're Michael Chandler, what do you do? Fight somebody. you fight somebody yeah max Holloway BMF I hear people are talking about that fight that's an amazing fight he
Starting point is 00:47:29 needs money in the sphere you can't not fight for two fucking years he's pretty good he's a very smart has a bunch of businesses sure but wouldn't it be nice he was making millions over those two years like even if you're doing well two years is a long time. He's kind of family. Yeah, and he's paid pretty handsomely from the UFC. You know? Yeah, actually him BMF title. I like Max at 55 anyway. I do too, but the problem is they want Topuri versus Max. That's what Max wants.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I don't like it. You don't like that? well. Don't get me wrong It's a great fucking fight. Yeah, I like max at 55, especially now. He's getting a little older with his output I think you can do a lot of damage there. He's not old dude. He's like 32 bro in fighting years. Yes 77 I'm saying sorta Yeah, he's 77 years old yeah, but he's so smart his style so good dude outside and if Islam goes to 170. I mean, I don't see why max can't be champ I'm the best boxer in the UFC Shara bullet well, he's gotten a lot better with his takedown defense, but true. Cole is not exactly Bo nickel. No
Starting point is 00:48:43 Mmm, but it's good. I tough though Rough but the thing is like sharp bullets gonna face this with every that was a nice elbow in the clinch. Yeah, it's gonna get dicey Oh, he just hurt your cold. He's in trouble. Oh look at that. Yeah, he did dropped on a single Dude, what do you do? If you're the UFC you put all this stock in Homs? I he's just eventually this go fuck it fuck it. We got to move on So did he get food poisoning is that what happened? Somebody from his team said that and then they backed off that story such a bad story. Come on fellas Did they back off the story? I think so. Yeah, I think so. What is Aaron till said something?
Starting point is 00:49:22 I remember what are they saying? Well, Nick will allude to the fact that he's always partying like hanging out all the time That Hamza does? Yeah Well, Hamza's got a lot of bread, bro. He does a lot of money. Yeah He's hanging out with some people that have a lot of money. The same people Khabib's hanging with you ever seen what Khabib has? Yeah, he's got some money. Have you ever looked at the land he owns in Russia? Well, one of your friends with Putin seen what Khabib has? Yeah, he's got some money. Have you ever looked at the land he owns in Russia? Well, when you're friends with Putin. They take care of their athletes, especially when they're fighting? Yeah. Bro. Also the Arabs, also the Saudis and stuff. Yeah. Khabib is wherever he goes and should be. Well, Hamzah is friends with that Kardiav guy. The guy who's the leader of
Starting point is 00:49:57 Chechnya. Yeah, he won a Nobel Peace Prize. Did he really? No, he did not. I was like, what the fuck are you talking about? He's not the... He's a warlord. There was a guy who used to fight for the UFC who left the UFC and went to work for him and was like his second guy. Who's that? Some dude. And then he wound up getting killed. Cardiof... Cardiof course. Yeah, but he fell out and then... Yeah, Kadyrov's father was blown to smithereens and I believe he witnessed his father. Do you think they're arguing about pronouns out there? No, they in fact in fact in fact Hollywood basically What was it boycott at Chechnya because it is the embassy international said that the Chechen government was killing and torturing gay people
Starting point is 00:50:44 Oh, they definitely are. Yeah, the Chechen government was killing and torturing gay people. They definitely are. Yeah. The Chechens went, oh no. Yeah. He was like, he was actually- We're not getting into the new press light year. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:50:52 No, Kardeev had a ceremony because he was sanctioned more than any other leader by all the Western European countries in America. And he was given an award for being basically the biggest asshole. He threw himself the award. He was awarded. Yeah, with with Homs on it's tough UFC because a you know, he we don't even know if you can fight in the States, right? You can't fight here. And then Yeah, I don't know what that's about. He has the longest COVID ever, right? He keeps getting hurt. Well, the problem with
Starting point is 00:51:19 him was when he got COVID, he would not stop training. And so he had full blown COVID and he was just beating his body into the ground every day. It's a shame. Hospital multiple times. And I know it's a shame. He's the fucking bogeyman that might never come. But when he fights, it's fucking pretty goddamn exciting. Although I did think tomorrow beat him in the third round.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I was like, if that was a five round fight, that's a difficult fight for him. Yep. Because you're dealing with a real champion knows how to pace himself. Guy's been there struggled before It knows what it feels like so he really doesn't have a significant win at 85 Never be 85 or not a real good one Joe Merrill shart, you know, he's beating a couple of guys Not like I'm not that short. No, not that tip of the spear. Excuse me. The oosmon thing was no Not he knocked out and then you go to Robert Whitaker, right?
Starting point is 00:52:02 But I think the fact big leap did he come in having two fights in two weeks or in the early days of his career He did that. Yes, I think that's where has him and Dana's good graces. Yeah within the well, he's also Incredibly excited to trick always take one my favorite taking a beating right now Well, it's Shara bullet does wild showing hook kicks off that front leg. He's why you like them He's got a crazy gas tank. Look at him Just keeps he keeps herring that front leg. He does hook kicks from like a open stance, which is weird Not even bladed. He does like he stands like open stance like an MMA stance Listen to that like the way he throws that front line foot his left leg is so interesting Also, nothing's better when you see a dag is standing you assume wrestling and then they're all striking
Starting point is 00:52:44 Yeah, like the beat. Yeah, like Zabit Yeah, isn't it weird when you see him? You're like what the fuck? I'm as the beat the man God He was by the way, what's his name is about to fight Whitaker? It's got a hell of a jab and he's a very good striker. Yeah else. Gareth's good, man. He's very good He's very good. It's a tough fight for Robert. Where'd it? Yeah, I got I actually think he's gonna win Alice Gareth I do interesting. I tell you well what it's a good fight I'll tell you that else Garof the only loss that he has is hums on and homes are caught him with a perfect uppercut I said it was his toughest fight ever. Yeah now now yeah, and oh
Starting point is 00:53:15 He never took he never took him down to call his hurt He's just too tired man, he's giving up Dropping that's it Shara. Wow He's just too tired, man. He's giving up. Oh, I love the body shot. Oh, he dropped and that's it. Shara Bowitt. Shara Bowitt. Let's go. Damn. That was good. He just kept getting caught with one eye. One eye assassin. Good for him. And he showed way better takedown defense in this fight. So obviously better training on that. Way better. But obviously Tricoli's again not an elite wrestler, but fucking good fight There's not enough hours in the day to get him at the elite level wrestling, bro
Starting point is 00:53:49 They're so close to creating new eyeballs give it a two eyes. Yeah, fuck everybody up so Michael Bisping is gonna be reading signs at a distance. I hope so dude. Yeah, they're close man. Are they really yeah They're close to developing artificial eyes. There's so much going on with medical science Yeah, but they can't fix hair Kind of they can kind of grow your hair back now how if you get on it early They get cowboy cowboy has a full set of hair when he got a hair transplant. I want to grow hair When are they gonna do that for me? I had hair. I shaved my head. I really was you can't oh, no Yeah, no was you can't oh no. Yeah, no you can Know it's I have a good head for for being bald. I wish I shaved my head earlier. I really do
Starting point is 00:54:35 They don't have they don't have dick transplants they do word Yeah, use your thumb people have had their dick blown off like soldiers and shit Yeah, there's your thumb no they give them a new deck they give them a donor dick Yeah, but they can't give you donor balls You know why because the balls will always forever contain the sperm of the person who died So like if you died and you gave your dick to Brian Brian would have your kids Brian would be able to shoot your little nothing But it's crazy because you could shoot someone else's loads into a person and make your kids and you're not even alive anymore I'm pretty lit though pretty lit if you get the right genetics if you like sign off on
Starting point is 00:55:08 it yeah if you say I agree to let Brian have my kids yeah he's a good dude yeah how tall is he donate my dick to science your DNA won't even be mixed with it a little bit nope nope 100% it would be the person who owns the testicles their dick. They could speak fix that was was themselves No, no, no, no, you can't fix that. I mean, it's literally the DNA is embedded into the testicles So your DNA would be it's not like for the first couple of loads. It's forever forever forever How far away do you think we are from all that 20 years well they've given people dick transplants right that's already like eyeballs and yeah about 20 years but they're also gonna be able to I think in 50 years you know all this transgender shit they're gonna be
Starting point is 00:55:56 able to change your sex for real for real yes they're gonna be give you double X chromosome you're gonna go to XY as As soon as you can go back and forth though we're in trouble. Yeah. Right. But you know we're we're the XY's we're the last of the Mohicans. You know one of the things that they found is that Neanderthal DNA in humans none of it is the Y chromosome. They can't find Neanderthal DNA in Y chromosome they find it in X chromosome so it's all women being fucked by Neanderthals So yeah, so it's all it makes sense human women being fucked by Neanderthal No, it's just a cave no no no okay. No. It's the Y You know we're XY women or XX you cannot they can't find the Y
Starting point is 00:56:43 Let's lease an article. I read. I don't know if it's accurate facts Wild but it makes sense. Yeah, do you know there's a theory that Neanderthals, you know, we we want to think that Neanderthals look like us They're just different kind of like fucked up heads and big bones. They were real thick They were just like way heavier and denser But there's this crazy theory that they look like gorillas and that we don't know what they looked like on the outside and that they had big eyes that they could see at night like cats. Because they had eyes that are much larger than our eyes. They were smarter than them? Yeah but they
Starting point is 00:57:15 also there's theories that they hunted us. There's some pretty cool documentaries. Wouldn't they be more thinner? No they were bigger. They were short yeah they were short but really heavy. They were like 5'7", 210 pounds, and they were like freakishly strong, like a chimp. So they're built like you. Yeah, but freakishly strong like a chimp. You know, like not like a human, like me, I'm strong for a human. They're strong like a chimp because massive bones massive tendons
Starting point is 00:57:52 Everything's dense much bigger thicker heavier bone structure everything different that what makes chimps so strong there their tendon strength Everything makes them strong first of all how much plyometrics of those guys do god damn There's throwing their body through the trees every day Throwing themselves around just know they're just neck and head Also heard they don't have any they don't have any medium twitch twitch muscle They go from zero to a hundred when it comes to anger Or just rip your fucking arm. Yeah, that makes sense. That's all you need in the wild the wild you ain't running any You know, they're jogging nice slow jog working on your fucking arm. Yeah, that makes sense. That's all you need in the wild the wild you ain't running any metaphons You know, they're jogging nice slow jog working on your fucking zone Sharra bullet one tooth to one eye one tooth. He was on the prelims to they bumped them up
Starting point is 00:58:40 Yeah, well, they lost a lot of good fights Which is just how it goes with this fucking sport, man. It's been really rough this past month. I got, god damn. I know. Especially this card. Jamal Hill versus Carlos Olberg. I was really looking for Jamal versus Khalil.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Khalil is fucking scary. Khalil's my boy. And for Jamal, I kind of like that Jamal, I hate that Jamal hurt his knee, but I kind of like that he's not jumping right back in after getting KO'd. Because I know everybody wants to do that, because I got to get it back, but the reality is, he got fucking flatlined by one of the scariest punchers on earth. They're doing him a favor. I'm not saying he couldn't win the fight, I think for the longevity of his career it's
Starting point is 00:59:16 better that he got hurt. Olberg's fucking scary too, and so is Khalil. Khalil fights like you just killed his dog. He really does. Khalil's terrifying and his fucking technique is so sharp. Here we go. Calvin's next. Mrs. All That Weight, you know he has a show called Missing Weight where he eats food. That's hilarious. He's eating tacos, he goes, definitely ain't making weight. And that came out like a week ago. He is a wild, rough dude. He's eating tacos. He was definitely making weight weight and I came out like a week ago So he's so talented, but I had a conversation with him maybe eight years ago at the store eight years ago We're always at the store always at the store
Starting point is 00:59:54 We're hanging out and I said Kelvin if you just got disciplined and dropped down to 170 or a world champion He's like, I know I know Meanwhile here we are. Yeah eight years later. He's fighting Check out this new show check out this burrito. I just say it's so funny man. Yeah, cuz he's 5'8 Yeah, not tall 85 it yeah, no think that even at 85 went toe-to-toe one of my top five middleweight fights Oh, my god Tell me when Izzy at the end of the round? So there's no problem here die He goes this is that I'm here. I want gangster. What was that?
Starting point is 01:00:29 He was like looking at the Adam said I'm prepared to die. Yeah. Well, that's cuz who was it? Who is the ref her Dean goes, you know, you okay? Because is there a problem? There's no problem here I'm ready to die. Fuck it. Is he different level different level shit is he? There is like rating best tacos ever missing weight with Kevin Kelvin gas. That is so funny. It's so funny That was called weeks ago. It's so funny that it's called that that is such a funny funny name On the place. Nope. No, I just does a Like a lot of these guys they have to do something as they're phasing out of their career and some of them do a podcast
Starting point is 01:01:10 They do different things but Kelvin's just known for being I mean, it's just an incredible fighter, but not that weight That's not his weight. But meanwhile, it goes on to 170 who's he fight Sean Brady? He was a fucking gorilla who's so Sean Brady was here on the podcast. He was a man he was walking in front of me and We were walking into the studio. His back is like it's like a triple back. It's like triple back muscles He's fighting Gilbert Burns. Oh When is that? They announced I think September
Starting point is 01:01:39 I've talked to people that train with him said his fucking top pressure already all savage. They charge the man Wait, what's he walk around 200 probably? Oh easily 200. I'm 200. He's way bigger than me Like I'm looking at his back his back was fucking massive man. It's he's so thick Yeah, so fucking strong and elite technique man. His jujitsu is so good, but he's a wrestler first, right? He started out wrestling a black belt in jujitsu, really good striking too but he's got that one loss but you know it's to blow all the laws elite to laws fucking good don't give them credit now when blobbing like our braids are not very good then you find out Brady's pretty fucking good and that's how good ball all is yeah but all's really fucking yeah one that's
Starting point is 01:02:18 that was also balal training with could be even correct mom and those guys in Dagestan which I think brought him to a totally new level told me that like like just standing up against could be Is pretty much impossible for him like hey, give me the letter D road Do you write he's a fucking? D robber so his he was so pissed because the Kelvin was so heavy he couldn't do a catchweight bro headline fight night September 7th. Let's go. Okay, Calvin Yeah I was pissed cuz he was like bro who doesn't make weight like and he goes and we were down to a catchweight
Starting point is 01:02:53 He's too heavy came to a catchweight. Wait, they were supposed to do it. Yeah, what was it supposed to be? One I think they were they tried so they were gonna do 175 and they can't do it 180 can't do it So they were going to do 175 and they're like, can't do it. 180, can't do it. God damn. So Kelvin did make weight though. He made 185. He made 185.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Well, 185 is what they agreed to. But D-Rod also trains with Joe Schilling. Yeah, LA's finest. But D-Rod started as a boxer, I think. He's fun. This is a good fight as long as it doesn't go to the ground. This is going to be an entertaining fight. I think it's going to to the ground. This is a entertaining fight, yeah. I think it's gonna be a slugfest.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It should be, most likely. Calvin is fucking dangerous on the feet, man. His combinations are so fluid. He's so sharp and fluid off the feet. It's just like if Calvin had the kind of discipline that like Kamaru Usman has, He would be world champion. World champion. You remember when he fought Uriah Hall?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Yeah, I mean everybody was like Uriah Hall's the next Anderson Silva and Calvin's like a fighter for now. Yep It's a cool story. Check this out. Yep beast. Yeah, I mean come on man beast Where do you wrestle at cuz he started when he knocked out Bisping my China? Yeah, I hated that for Bisping that drove me Not his Tim Kennedy Tim. There's the Bisping one. I mean, oh, oh China yeah, I hated that for bismuth drove me nuts Tim Kevin here's the bismuth one. Oh Oh My god, he's a beast. He is a beast. He's a fucking animal man. All those clips are from a long time ago He had the window. I don't mean to be a hater, but the window was there I think he trades out of a sahutas camp, boys. Yeah. Yeah, they're both drinking and eating together
Starting point is 01:04:32 But that's real man, it's real I mean I wish that guy would show up Fuck yeah, you can crack me. It's so hard to maintain the fucking grind and that's what's up Hard to maintain the fucking grind and that's what's up Yeah, I think after a while they don't love it anymore because it just breaks Well, and also the worst part the worst part of fighting is cutting weight Because those last five pounds is the worst of the worst and you're getting older and enjoys food you're out for a while Wait cut out to get weight cutting out of that was me. That was only me Nobody listened, but he I could fucking brought it up to them the moment they bought the UFC I pulled aria side and I said hey, this is what you should do
Starting point is 01:05:12 You really want to do this blow up the weight classes cut out all the weight cutting make a big deal about it It's the most dangerous thing in the sport outside of getting kicked in the head It's the most dangerous thing in the sport and it's unnecessary getting kicked in the head is a part of the sport there's no way you're gonna get around it but the most dangerous thing outside of that is weight cutting and we can eliminate that is it too late though yeah oh it's never happening they don't listen to me how would you do it though I didn't no one listens to me no but you can't no one listens to me you need weight classes and then also Joe also wants there to be no cage and have it on an open field. Brian feels the same way. Talking about Karate Combat. That's fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:05:45 When we went to Karate Combat, man. I'm playing stupid. I don't know about the fighting itself, but when we went to Karate Combat, it was just more entertaining to not have the cage in the way. Nah, you gotta have the cage. It started as cage fighting. No, no, no, no. You don't have to have it.
Starting point is 01:05:59 What you need is a basketball court. Well, we went to see Gordon Ryan compete Thursday night, right? You see everything it's it's we saw on the mat There's still a map. It's not a basketball court-sized mat, right? But still controlled right but it's a big ass man in bounds though, right? Yeah, they got to stay in balance They move them back in the bounce, which is what should be. Yeah with the karate combat shit had like like blood sport walls Yeah, yeah But can't have ramps though, because then people would use the ramp.
Starting point is 01:06:27 It's too easy to get taken down. It's too easy to get taken down when you get pushed to the ramp. But people use the cage. But the cage stops you from getting taken down. The ramp, you fall. Right, right. The cage is a huge advantage.
Starting point is 01:06:36 If someone's pushing you and you're near stairs, you're gonna fall down. But you know what it cut out? It cut out all the running away. Yep. It forced the action. Yep, it does, it does. Yeah, I agree. That's the like all the running away. Yep. It for it forced the action. Yep. It does it does Yeah, I agree behind the ring I think a flat surface is the move by the large flat surface and then have danger zones where you can get a point deducted if
Starting point is 01:06:55 You enter into the danger zone too many times if there's like a warning track on the outside make the warning track big enough That's like I can adjust and get back in that makes it too many times in the warning track should be deducted from your total score and you could have a large enough sir and everyone be able to see everything we will see everything how would you get or not cut so much or we can elevate that motherfucker no but then people fall off and die but you lose if you fall off no no no no someone like sumo then it's sumo like kumite some other way to lose no no no here's the thing we like for Dana It's a business right so we got to sell this thing. It's tough to fucking sell like PFL has the playoff system
Starting point is 01:07:31 I was watching last time I go Fuck look if Dana loses seven million one night and strokes out and they come to me. That's what I do I tell them this what you're out over seven mil. He just goes crazy Joe what should we do bro just ruin the business hanging out with him gambling will give you the craziest fucking anxiety All the while. Oh my god. I walked in and he was $600,000 down did you see him on do you see him on Shannon shop on a club session? No, I didn't he's great on that. He was great on there and he he talked about it openly. Yep He was like his dream is to bet a million dollars a hand.
Starting point is 01:08:06 He wants to bet a million dollar hand. And him and Shannon Sharpe started reminiscing about this old blackjack place. And he said his strategy is his first bet is always the highest. So he goes in on the first bet with the highest. That's a high. But he also explained, I didn't hear him, I don't know if he talked about this on Sharps podcast, but on Schultz's podcast, he's talking about, because Schultz brought it up, he goes, and you're banned from those casinos? No, no, it's fucking stupid. I'm
Starting point is 01:08:34 not banned. What happens is I win so much and I take money from them. So what they do is the reserve, whatever it used to be, 10 million, they drop it to like 5,000. So I'm just not going to play there. He's like, they drop it to like 5,000. So I'm just not gonna play there. He's like, nobody gets banned. He goes, you only get banned if you're cheating. He goes, so anyone that those rumors that I'm banned, he's like, I'm not banned. They just don't want me to play there.
Starting point is 01:08:53 They did something with him back in the day at the Palm. He talked about it. Yeah, he said, he said what they, he took them for so much money, they went, cool. And he went back like shortly after he won all, like millions of dollars. He came back and they're like, yeah, your reserve reserves five grand now
Starting point is 01:09:06 He's like the fuck not night. I play like a million like not anymore Cuz cuz they would they just they don't run there. They pull the rug from yeah They're like no you can play red rocks like come on down. Yeah, that's what we went We went to red rocks. It was nuts man It was your hands get sweaty just watching them and then him and Taylor Taylor Luan was gambling with him and he tells Taylor had a bet in five minutes they were down a hundred and twenty thousand and I'm just sitting there I'm scratching I'm sweating I can't take that shit I don't like I don't like like that kind of gambling doesn't make sense to me I'm like yeah you know the experience is fun when you
Starting point is 01:09:42 when you have a good dealer and it's just you and them Maybe you and a couple friends, but you know the dealers telling you how to bet so you don't got to be an expert Yeah, it's like 20 bucks a hand. Right do we talking millions though? I don't care how rich I am. I can't do that I couldn't I'm with you. I couldn't do that either I think I could do it once as an experience, but when they're going like a few times a week Yeah, I get it or he's on vacation and hires like somebody to do it on the boat I tell you what I like I like get gambling on skill games like gambling on pool If you're gaming on pool for a lot of money, I want to watch that that's exciting to me
Starting point is 01:10:15 Gambling on cards like who knows what the cards gonna be get the fuck out of here with that. Just not for me I don't like you know my games of chance. No, I don't I don't like them at all. I don't like them at all. I mean I know they're skilled to it I understand there's like ways that you can make it like lean more towards your advantage, but we go I like games where you're you're in control of your own destiny here. We go look at Kelvin Well D rods coming out hot yeah, you should do Yeah, well especially probably thinks that Kelvin's probably out of shape I mean Calvin had a tech camp he probably yeah he's always thick though
Starting point is 01:10:53 and with skinny-ass legs yeah you know he doesn't have big legs but damn that dude gets some power and his gas tanks ridiculous but you got a corn you got that corn body you got zero but he's a guy who you wouldn't think can kick ass to that level. Oh, he's such a stud. If you fought him on the beach, you'd be like, all right, well, this guy looks like he's out of shape. I'm going to whoop Spongebob's ass. He's built like Spongebob.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Didn't somebody show that having that little gut gives you more power? Absolutely not. No. No? Hips, hips. But he's got, look at his back, man. I yes but he's got look at his back man I mean he's not small his back is any as well the greatest chance speed actually he's surprisingly fast man yeah he's got like fluid combinations yes and he has the head like a rot woman and look head movement is good high level of
Starting point is 01:11:42 course it's just a discipline thing yeah it's just a discipline thing I think he Good. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled.
Starting point is 01:11:52 He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled.
Starting point is 01:12:00 He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very skilled. He's very Bro, that's crazy as long as he's been around. Yeah, your eye hauls out of the game. Your eye hauls already done retired How many guys have the only good fight? He could fight he could suck down 70 and fight three more years He's not gonna suck. That's tough. Also those guys down at 70. There are no warmest now. You missed that boat Monsters 20 a 32. It's tough at 170. It's very tough
Starting point is 01:12:25 Well, also those 170 guys are gigantic imagine him and Michael venom page Michael venom page is so big. Yeah, you know, how about Michelle Pereira before he dropped out? Maybe they made him fight up to 185. He was so big They're walking around with right under people that don't cut there's a few but it's very rare No, Frankie Edgar is like the last of the Mohicans when he was Fighting at 55. He actually weighed 155 pounds, but damn He was so durable because he didn't cut the weight he could bounce back He wasn't depleted these guys all deplete the fuck. Yeah now it's like a science. It's Frankie Frankie fought at 55
Starting point is 01:13:02 55? I thought you fought at 45. No, no, he started at 55. That's amazing, because the 55 was a huge truth. He beat BJ in his prime at 55. His fights against Ben Hendo? I mean, Grey Maynard? Grey Maynard fights were crazy. Whenever you see a fight that gets stopped too quickly, watch the fucking Frankie Edgar Grey Maynard fights,
Starting point is 01:13:18 because Jesus Christ, they could have stopped those fights a hundred times. Yep. Damn, nice jab by Kelvin nice job Well people forget Kelvin is fucking good And if you're just gonna stand with him, you're just gonna stand with him. It's super dangerous He's beaten and almost beaten the best in the world It's his head movement man his head movements incredible and it's just the punches are so fluid. He does everything well
Starting point is 01:13:43 He reaches like it's kept. Look at that. But D-Rod solid too man. But he can stand at the edge of the pocket man. He knows exactly how far your reaches. Look at that. I'm surprised Kelvin's not going for a takedown. Could be a cardio issue. Look at the way he's standing. He knows exactly. He hardly ever does though. You know, Kelvin. A guy like D-Rod you'd probably want to shoot it on but. Look at this. He's a success on oh good catch left and right Kelvin do you know off Calvin's gonna win this fight man if he's just keeps calm this is 122 because because I'm watching things have I got caught you got ahead
Starting point is 01:14:19 of your wheels yeah I'm over my skis. Sorry guys, I'm an aristocrat. I use a rich man sport analogy. I think that's the right analogy anyway. I think over your wheels doesn't even exist. I think I made it up right there. You gotta read your skis. It can be over your wheels though. You could I guess. I mean you're on a unicycle. Oh, oh D-Rod. Look at this. Nodding. Oh, oh D rod look at this nodden Gels gonna head like a fucking you know how you take the left hand like that D rise. Oh good shot by D ride Kells this is slugfest exactly what I expected this yeah, and that's what Kelvin loves he loves these kind of exchanges
Starting point is 01:14:59 He forces guys in these combination extended combination slugfests Nice faint up top and then left to the body. So I assume if Kelvin wins this fight, he's just going to stay at 85. You know? Why not? You got to come. You're never going to beat those Drekas Du Pussy guys. Those massive 85ers. There's guys at 85.
Starting point is 01:15:23 70 is even deeper. Right? Look at Kelvin's, look at his head look at his head movement slip and slip. He has one of the best chins ever as well. He can also slip really well he sees those shots coming right in the he stands right in the pocket look at it he probably should do some boxing. Agreed I'd like to see him fight Jake Paul how about that that'd be an interesting fight yeah it'd be hard to sell get some money yeah be hard to sell because he's not big enough name. Yeah. You know, how many people are counting out Mike Perry in that interest? I'm not counting bro. It's wild to me. And then in all the comments
Starting point is 01:15:51 like, Oh dude, you must think it's bare knuckle. This is box. And I'm like, Oh, you don't know what a fucking dog Mike Perry is. Yeah, he's a pit bull. You need to do your goddamn research. There's no quit. He's a game bread pit bull He's even getting your fucking face for all eight of those rounds. He was like, oh, this is a gimmick fight I'm like you're moron, but you're into Mike Tyson fight The fuck out of here. Yeah, Mike Perry's dangerous. That's a super dangerous It's supposed to be in November supposed to be but that is Who knows if it's ever gonna happen I mean Mike has ulcers he's a 58 year old man thing ever to get out of the fight oh my that's like a CEO problem yeah you got on a plane yeah Mike Perry's fighting
Starting point is 01:16:35 in July this July 20th yeah the Mike Tyson fight is in November in Tampa Florida which is like Mike that's Mike Perry's like that's his source. That's like the the land He's the man I mean he's become very famous because of bare-knuckle look at Kelvin look at you the face of Baron I'm tired at all. He's fine dude a guy because remember in the UFC. He wasn't a huge name He was fun to watch we didn't have like a great record and we're like, alright, he's fun But he's gonna be world champ leaves So I'm gonna do bare knuckle and then just starts being the shit all these fucking Hall of Famers They it's such a fun story dude, bro. You got so many pouches in your mouth. You sound like a squirrel
Starting point is 01:17:21 I'm kind of going to say something. Because I was talking to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you wait for him to finish, you go, bro. You know, so. Old squirrel shab over there. Old squirrel shab. Whoa. D-Rod just left.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Nice left hand. This is a very good fight. Hey, man, give me some of those smelling salts. Oh, let's go. Oh, man. Take it easy. Now you talk. I could see you, man. Time to come back. I Could see you yeah let's go Brian
Starting point is 01:18:13 come on you're good you're good you're good man that one's tough devil horns devil horns swim it you're just power bro Oh Oh, dude, no hands? Fucking no hands! I'm sweating. Meanwhile, we're working. We're missing you. Fill away the demons. Whew, Joe, I had no idea you could dance so well.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Yeah, once I get the chair under me and I feel like my legs fit in this little... You got those jeans? I'm about to take a salsa class. I want to learn how to do the... Really? Yeah. Yeah, once I get the chair under me and I feel like my legs fit in this little thing. You got those jeans. I might have taken salsa class. I want to learn how to do the... Really?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Yeah. I take salsa every Sunday. You will take one class and then you'll blow off the next one. Really? Yeah, you'll call in like, I can't make it. Sure as fuck can't do in those Uggs. Me and my wife have a salsa couple come to the house and teach us. Uggs on?
Starting point is 01:19:20 Usually it's crocs on. Oh no, crocs, my bad. You can't salsa with crocs on? Brian Simpson has two separate crocs that he wears to the mothership One Crocs which are walking around Crocs and then he changes them in the green room and puts on a stage Crocs. What dude? Respect me a respect. I hate Crocs but respect for that, but my kids had Crocs kid love Crocs Do I? Middle of night took him them in the trash.
Starting point is 01:19:45 They fall off. So comfortable. I don't understand what everybody's saying. Those are what? Solehi Crocs. What's that? It's a collaboration between Crocs and the vice president of Versace. So this is his special. Oh, it's like a finger. It looks like a fingerprint. He's missing Gazlum. Gaz finger Gasps a ghost right now. Oh Well, yeah D rod D rod came back there. He's missing. He's catching glove
Starting point is 01:20:12 Catch an air he caught him on the left hook and right hand right there. He just looks a little stiff He's a little too tired. Oh, it's a great fight It's a slug fast, right? You just wear those Oh, it's a great fight It's a slug fast, right? You just wear those Crocs for comfort you're more about comfort mostly. Yeah, but I kind of fucked up pinky toe. So like sometimes my feet you and Conor McGregor Yeah, you just hurt my training. You want things you guys have in common Connor training regimen. You have wide feet. Yeah You're asking random questions Well, cuz he was you were so why feeder who are so many crocs, you know, I don't know. Oh
Starting point is 01:20:48 Kick in a right hook. I got like all the colors. Oh Nice jab. Yeah when Calvin gets jumping around on them feet. Oh This is a wild fight man. He moves his head man. He's got he's just this this fight will get you in the shots Very confused as to what kind of punches you can actually take in the face Calvin looks as good as he's ever looked. I'm sorry. No, come on. Do you see the easy fight? Sure, you're fighting off so not true. Great. It's so not true. That's great. He looks good. He put away world champions Tim Kennedy fight, yeah Goddamn I can breathe after those things like staff yeah yeah Kelvin did yeah he like oh that was a good left hand by D run what a Saudi Arabians like these fucking Mexicans and five
Starting point is 01:21:47 Oh finally take down finally was zero seconds to go that counts it that's the end that's good way to end around and so is this the co-main no no what's the co-main Volkov and Sergei Pavlovich. That's a tasty fight. And they were training partners in the weigh-in. And the UFC did this to me and Mitrione. At the weigh-ins, Volkov goes, why would you accept this fight? He's like, I didn't. They said you did.
Starting point is 01:22:16 He's like, I didn't. They start fighting. That's what the UFC does. I don't know. Who knows if they do it now. Not accept, but ask for it, right? Like when Joe Silva called me to fight Mitrione they call me and he called me dragon goes Mitrione's asking to fight
Starting point is 01:22:29 you man I don't know if he has a friends because he wants to fight you know it Matt does he was yeah you got a contract that's in Toronto if you want to fight like what the fuck like let me think about it I call Matt Mike dude what the fuck you want to fight out there we're friends use I don't want to fight you I told them no That's hilarious. So what you don't fight your friends. Yeah, you don't want to but sometimes you have no fucking choice Exactly, don't me to fight like me and Shane Carlin had an agreement where we would never fight each other unless it was for the title That's a good agreement. Yeah titles different animal that changes That change your life. Oh, this is the third round. I thought that was the second round. Oh Left-hand by Kelvin
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, but you got a family especially if you do something somebody you really fuck them up You know But title shot that has changed your life you win that you're talking about Yeah, real money. It's everything. That's why you started the sport. We're friends, but. Yeah, at the end of the day, it's a one-on-one sport. It's an individual competition.
Starting point is 01:23:33 That's the only way you get points, right? Pay-per-view points. Well, not only do you gotta win the title, you gotta defend it, then you get points. Oh, so you don't get points on the? No. Oh, man. Does anybody get pay-per-view points
Starting point is 01:23:43 on a title possibility? Connor would. Don't you get pay-per-view points if you're headlining now? No. Oh man. Does anybody get pay-per-view points on a title possibility? Yeah, don't. Connor would. Don't you get pay-per-view points if you're headlining now? No. If you're main event? No. No.
Starting point is 01:23:53 No. Gaslim's rugged as fuck, man. You have to be a defending champion. It's just rugged. And depending what weight class too, like Mighty Mass didn't get pay-per-view points for until it was like fifth defense or some shit. Because the UFC's argument was, yeah, we're putting you on there and you might be made event, but we stack the cards
Starting point is 01:24:09 cause you're not bringing in the viewership. What goes down in November? Do they have November set up yet? John Jones, Stipe. Is that a hundred percent? Pretty hundo. John Jones, back to training. I'm so against that.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You're against what? Why? I don't want to see Stipe fight no more the last fight the last fight And if this will be John's last fight, I don't I wanted to be a child Bryan Simpson makes a stand You want to see him fight Tom Aspinall, yes Like imagine going out like that. Yeah, you know really what I want is the time machine I want to the time machine. And I want to go back and keep Francis and Ghana there.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I love that Francis made a ton of money. I love that he dropped Tyson Fury. I do not love the Joshua fight. That was sad. Watching him getting KO'd like that against Anthony Joshua. I was like, it's like, you're just fighting one of the best boxers that's ever competed at heavy weight. It was a knockout puncher who really knows how to box. It an olympic gold medalist and you've had one boxing fight. Correct. One. That idea.
Starting point is 01:25:10 It wouldn't get sanctioned usually would it? One against a hell of a fighter though. One of the best. But a guy who's been drinking and doing coke and barely paying attention. And didn't take you seriously. Yeah, didn't take you seriously and you dropped him but then. He also might have had an incentive to keep that fight going for a long time. I'm not saying anything but.
Starting point is 01:25:24 What? Yeah I said it. Who? who my Tyson Fury shut the fuck up. He may have had us you're ridiculous You're so wrong. You can you couldn't be oh yeah, Calvin down again. You have no there's not a chance in hell Chance in hell you know there's not a chance in hell that Tyson Fury carried him, huh? He was terrified of his house. He got dropped with a furious left hook in the left round. He got rocked in the eighth round. Bro, it's the same thing that you see in the Usyk fight. He's not all there anymore. Those fights with Deontay Wilder took something out of him. 100%. Deontay Wilder in those days was the most terrifying knockout puncher in the history of the heavyweight division I believe he dropped him twice in that last fight and rocked him bad. I feel like we don't
Starting point is 01:26:10 appreciate the Wild as much as we should you know how it is man once a guy loses you start thinking about him as the guy that Just lost so why don't me yeah, I don't I don't I don't either Let's see for somebody started boxing late in life. I think I was 23 I don't think I think I still think that Tyson Fury fight. Did you not hear him talking? Yeah, but I'm just saying I'm finishing my thought Yeah, but you're finishing your thought while he's talking. It's kind of crazy Yeah, but you we were already having our conversation and then you moved on I'm saying that the idea that Tyson Fury didn't have a bag of tricks and he didn't carry him for me. It's very strange to me
Starting point is 01:26:46 It's very strange. I don't know. Maybe he was maybe that train at all I look fat and look out of shape, you know, he was partying Everybody said he was partying like he's one of the greatest heavyweights of all time for sure But he's also fighting a mountain of a man with Insane physical abilities that caught him with a vicious left hook in the second round if he he was carrying that dude, all that shit would be out the window after you get dropped and rocked like that. Oh, god damn. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Boom. It's a weird thing too, because you want Francis to go on and make all the money, but you selflessly wish he was still in the OC to fight John Jones. But even if he fought John Jones, he made ten times more money fighting Tyson and Anthony Joshua. Yeah, he probably did. He probably did. He did.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah, I don't know. Do you know what he made? What did he make for the Tyson Fury fight? They announced it. Ten? No, I think with the paper he was like almost 20. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And then Anthony Joshua probably another. Good amount, yeah. Yeah, I just think with boxing especially The thing is no one had seen Francis fight as a boxer and no one knew what to expect surprise everyone But then Anthony Joshua got to study his style and see the holes in his game and he exploited them like a fucking Professional and that's why I said I said the the the shock factor is gone and and when he fights Anthony Joshua This is how it should work. You're going to see how it really goes down. So the MMA guys are like, man, Francis do it, maybe I'm jumping to boxing.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Yes and no. Because we fought Anthony, that's really how it should work. That's how the world should work. Unfortunately. Right. Unfortunately. But I'll tell you what, if Francis had gotten into boxing when he got into the UFC, he would be a heavyweight champion in the world.
Starting point is 01:28:24 110%. Speaking of knockout artists, can we get Tank his flowers? Oh my god. Like, people- Javante Davis? Oh my god. Yeah, we talking about how he's not a boxer, but that motherfucker's so technically- Why are you saying that? He's one of the best.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Well, hold on. He's the best knockout artist in boxing today. Yeah, easy. Easy. He knocks out everybody. He knocks out everybody. He sets up his power shots like like a fucking Technician sad it's crazy did nothing special about the way he looks like
Starting point is 01:28:51 Physically nice time doesn't look like a power puncher. He just looks like a regular guy, but his fucking powers extraordinary Yeah, and then that little that little bit of that little extra something he got from he got from being around Floyd for that Little bit mmm that helped for sure he got from he got from being around Floyd for that little bit. That helped for sure. He and Bud Crawford hate each other now. But he and Bud Crawford are in a class by themselves. Crawford is another one. It's just incredible. Well, I mean, very, very different styles for sure. But Gervonta is the most economical. The thing is like, he keeps you backing up and he wears you out without even using too much energy. And then as he gets you into the later rounds rounds you're starting to slow down and he's just warmed up. His boxing IQ is wild. Wild. Outside that. Those highland guys figure your patterns out. They just figure out what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:29:34 You see all of these things are him like breaking down his opponent and then they watch the fight that happened and he was exactly right. He's a technician yeah when comes to boxing. Yeah but that's what makes the really good guys good is they can figure you out. What he's been doing since he was a to boxing. Yeah, but that's what makes the really good guys good is they can figure you out What he's been doing since he was a child Calvin won this fight, right? Yeah Here's the decision. He had to tell you what I'm really excited. I love how the Saudi Arabian Government and the people the royal family's throwing the way they spend their money and they want to do Terrence Crawford Canelo
Starting point is 01:30:01 Oliver is all And they want to do Terrence Crawford, Canelo Alvarez. And I'm all in. All in. I'm all in on that. How dope is that guy went, oh, I like boxing. They go, why don't these two guys fight? And it's money. Oh, I have money.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Yeah. Oh, OK. You guys fight. We have a lot of money. Yeah, and we print it. How much? And they're giving it to us. And the boys are getting paid.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Let me tell you something. Saudi Arabia, they could come to the UFC and go, we will buy you for $200 billion. Oh, that's going to happen. That's going to happen. Yeah. And then all of a sudden the UFC something Saudi Arabia they could come to the UFC and go we will buy you For 200 billion dollars. Yeah, and then all sudden the UFC is Saudi Arabia. Yeah. Yeah That's what Dana was saying to Shannon about fighter pay. He was like, yeah, these guys these guys got so much money They don't care if they lose money. He's like I care if I lose money Unless he's gambling well, yeah, and then like in the same conversation. He was like, yeah Here's the whole thing on fighter paying obviously back in the day. I was super hard on it but my argument it has kind of changed to where cuz you're not a fighter no more no but as a businessman you're on the outside looking in like you can argue all you want about fighter pay and
Starting point is 01:30:57 how much they should be paying what other leagues are around you know I'm saying like you look at the longevity of the UFC look how massive the massive the UFC is off their pace structure. They're doing something fucking right as far as the business. They're doing something right. All these other leagues. I watched PFL last night. I watched everything on degenerate. There's nothing even remotely close to the UFC. Close thing is one championship because they'll do some jujitsu to do Muay Thai and they have high level guys. The production is really good, dude It's UFC and then everybody else is so far behind man. And it was like, oh we got change fighter pay It's like we can we can that's affliction, you know, so it's this it's this weird thing
Starting point is 01:31:36 Let me ask that's a fighter. I'm like the PFL still doing that wacky point thing Yeah, I'm watching last night and you know, I'm balls deep in the finals. I don't know what the fuck is going on I don't know what the fuck's going on. It's too good to come to the meeting They made a calm bad for no reason explain it It's so weird ever play our system if it's also like if you win by knockout you get X amount of points if you win By submission you get X amount of points and that affects your pay. I don't know so so the way they stand Yeah, so they then they put you in playoffs like seeds so that there's a regular season There's the playoffs so you have to have a certain amount of points to get to the playoffs and that depends on your seeding
Starting point is 01:32:10 So win is three points it draws one point lost zero points round one stop is three point round two stop is two points Round three stop is one bonus point. That's stupid now describe that to a casual Yeah, example fighters win the first round TKO six points we get out of here with all that that's so dumb I hate it and a submission is one point. I it none of it makes any sense, and they have no stars It's fucking tough, dude. It's stoppage submission counts I thought is this for if you're fighting in a tournament wait It is a regular season they have a playoff in the whoever wins the playoff becomes a champion you get a million bucks listen to me And the whoever wins the playoff becomes a champion you get a million bucks. Listen to me PFL
Starting point is 01:32:49 Abandoned shop a sand in ship stop. No one likes it No one loves MMA more than us and we hate it But I fucking hate it and then also get rid of Bellator just make it all under one banner Yeah, we're doing trying all that shit. I'm good. It's a good name UFC rankings Based on who's winning. It's voted on it's based on the experts are deciding Experts are loose term but yeah It's like the press Yeah, same way like the BC rankings, BCS rankings
Starting point is 01:33:16 They're the best rankings we currently have available and most people agree on them They're very close to what I would say are accurate. Yeah, the only part- I very rarely disagree with the rankings Yeah, the only time you disagree is like the pound for panelists, which is stupid anyways So subjective so weird. Yeah, it's like John Jones or Islam, you know, you could say Islam you could say John Jones I see both arguments and then the goat pound for pound or the goat list. I see GSP I see the argument for Mighty Mouse So it's all about time John. Yeah, it's time here. I didn't know Rose was still fighting. Yep. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:33:51 I don't like the fact she's playing at flyweight though, dude. How about Paige Vans and is doing slap fighting? It's not real Bring it up. Jamie. Why? Page and that it's an out last fight. She had way I watch she lost that one Flyweight hook on Hey, it's an out last fight. She had way I watch she lost that was I wait how come she got dropped it was a draw in the rematch I think in November I know all the stars are only for its own star girls still real Like a street like a twitch real to me Like Rose it's my weight how come I think she's better at straw weight. I think it's straw weight at 115 She carries power, you know, she's she's big for the weight class that she knocked out, you know, you want to you and J check
Starting point is 01:34:31 She's really legit at that weight. I think at 25 It's probably not as hard for her to cut the weight and that's why she wants to do it But I just don't see it man, right? I just think she's a flyweight, you know contender She's a straw weight champion, you know, and she's had incredible fights at strawweight Oh, yeah, this does nothing for me me either. There's a massive fan base for it I can't figure on your boy Tony's balls loves it. He loved but he's he is pro wrestling. He's a pro wrestling heel I I loved it coming up No, when we were kids, he loves it. Yeah me too. Yeah, I love the one I was 12
Starting point is 01:35:07 Yeah, me too, then my dad was like Hulk Hogan's not and then my nuts dropped Yeah, then my dad and my dad was like, you know macho man can't fight right page man's and to compete at powerslap eight slap fighting debut Okay, don't do it page. Here's my question. Why well when she fought Rachel Ostevich at bare knuckle my please ladies you're so you're both so fucking pretty don't ruin your faces the prettiest girls in the sport please save that for the warlocks you guys should just abandon it and start making out yeah yeah yeah yeah she's a slap fighting I get being relevant but she also has she makes a ton of money off only fans I and there's no there's no talent to get slashing that fame I was chasing that fame to the end of the way I can't get I cannot understand it Well, or it's a business decision you say okay
Starting point is 01:35:55 I'll do a slap fighting that'll be that'll be x number of subscribers to my only fans as long as you stay in people's faces Unless she makes a deal where I get to slap first Can you do that can you say I'll fight you but I get to slap first I think you gotta like I don't know how they do it. They they flip the rig that fuck that quarter Yeah, Dana's all rigged that quarter. Yeah, I can't believe it If she gets slapped first and gets KO'd with one slap by some bulldog. Have you seen the girl? She's fighting No, I mean you nailed it. Is that it? Hot girls doing slap fighting. Let me see. She's fine. Who's page fans and fighting Jamie?
Starting point is 01:36:32 What are we doing here? I just it's free brain damage like why you could hit someone so hard with a slap because you're not Everybody thinks of a slap is like the palm in the face. That is not what's happening You're getting palm striked in the face full blast terrible from from a full swing like this You know what the problem is I because I think part of the hatred of slap fight and I used to be so hard on It now I'm like, whatever do you Dana? Would that the problem is is they combined it and started posting promoted on the UFC channel? And then that's when you piss me off. I'm like, no, no, don't confuse the public here. Separate them.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Well, they got Bisping doing commentary for it. I would do it. Like, when I start out, Bisping's doing it, I'm like, yeah, get your money, dog. If the UFC is cocaine, slap fighting is crack. Crack, yeah. Yeah, it's like, it's the dirty. Not even. Not even. Because UFC is complicated. Like, this is, here's like it's the dirty not even C is complicated like this is here's who's the gal she's fighting like it's so pretty
Starting point is 01:37:30 No, if if UFC is like flaming young, but she's practicing on a fucking rubber doll. Oh, there's slap Oh, look at the girl. She's fine. Oh, yeah, the girl. She's fighting has been through a lot of truck stops The girl she's fighting handsome woman that a handsome woman. Look at that girl. That girl does not give a fuck if you give her a scar. That's how. Oh my God. Oh fuck. That's a big strong lady. She's gonna slap the fuck out of you. Oh she's got a good slap too. Oh my goodness. She's got an iron face. Like she looks like a lady that like, like turn on the ovens. Bit through some shit. Yeah. At Auschwitz. Grab a hot pan.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. You know what I mean? No mitt, no oven mitt. A long winter. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah survives eating dogs in the woods. She's like mean the kids Powder on their hands to make it like like more crazy to be fair like it's crush on social media You know what they probably got different cat Williams Remember we played the pimp. Yeah They probably got that from cat Williams. Remember when he played the pimp? Yeah No, yeah, well the bronze fighting's been around forever. Dude, Russia was like what the fuck we've been doing this for a hundred years This is the girl she's fighting. This is just approved the card you jitsu in New York or something. That's why that's an industrial bitch Why would you do this? Okay, she's getting down low dude the girl she slappens
Starting point is 01:38:50 Her eyes all cocked she's got them lip implants too she's probably worried a lip implants gonna get blown out are you allowed to go with it is no you can't go with it oh she got a K.O'd oh bro this is the girl she's fighting in those a six and that girl got K Oh, look at her legs twisted up. That's a wrap. That's really bad They don't have something for you to fall back on it. So I catch you know, they do force Griffin. Yeah Yeah, that's a major brain injury. Look at that real legit and then you got like Mark Smith She's a MMA referee who's refereeing it. It's like that crossover That's my problem crossover if they were just done it completely independent, do you man. But when you start mixing the lines. How did this get sanctioned? But why did they let her fall? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Yeah. I don't know. Watch this KO. First of all, you don't close your eyes. Bad move. Why? Because you want to see it coming. You want to tighten up. So your body prepares. You want to prepare for it. She did not see it coming and it probably led to her getting KO'd. She hit her head in the to her getting kayaked. Look at this swing Once your head dip down like that to spit on that thing I think it's the worst part of our culture right there. That's just I don't see It's part of our culture, but if people make money and that's the only option do your thing man Fuck all of it making money. That's what we worship.
Starting point is 01:40:06 What do you worship, Brian? I'm glad you asked. Art. I'm an artist. Jesus Christ. Here we go. I open the door. Jesus Christ. Pull out your pens. So these guys train together. They're buddies. I worship that which you can't measure.
Starting point is 01:40:19 From Mother Russia. Boy, they look exactly the same, like two brothers. Yeah, similar. One's tall, one's thick. Yeah, one drank more milk That's just a straight knockout more beef just fucking look up so big Oh, he was really good before you got to the UFC Bellator. Yeah Yeah, Volkov was really broken good really picture at your house. Is that Kanye's girl? Volkov is one of those guys. I never understand. Why doesn't use a jab more?
Starting point is 01:40:50 That's dope? Yeah, what do you know? No? No, I bought it. Oh sick What's what do you know? Maybe that old picture of Kanye with his like new wife look like she'd be in hell hostage Yeah, somebody replaced him with Darth Vader like and I made her princess Leia Print With your Android or some shit. Shit. I need to get me one of those. If I had the artistic skill to make all my ideas happen. You'd be rich.
Starting point is 01:41:13 I'm waiting for that. That's why I'm waiting for this AI shit to kick off. Have Joe talk to you long. Put a fucking nerve-winking in it. There's another company that just released some videos of this new AI text prompt to video. It's even more insane than Sora. Have you seen that, Jamie? Fucking insane. You could just, you put in the AI, like say, dark alleyway, mysterious stranger in a black leather jacket walking towards the camera.
Starting point is 01:41:41 And then they have it, like rainy alleyway. And it's like everything looks perfect like a real movie and it does it like that it does it doesn't look artificial no no it looks incredible so many recreate it like oh everyone's gonna lose a job Tyler Perry shut down his eight hundred million dollar production studio as soon as you saw Sora he was like stop really hit the brain he was building this massive studio this is it this is a prompt motorcycle park to a street corner Porsche of a man a subway and on wonderment look This is this is not a real person landscape of waterfalls in the mountain. None of this is real
Starting point is 01:42:14 It's incredible. So you're gonna be able to make movies that are like legit Theatrical movies are you doing this? Good look I'm incredible website look incredible what they call called runway and it's free now no no these things are not free they sign up is free use but you can have it look cartoonish you could have a look realistic you have a little like a
Starting point is 01:42:38 fucking stuffed animal bro they started putting rules on chat GPT I pay should yeah I was country music that they're making the kind of rules show me how to rob Bank of America and they were like we can't help you with this putting rules on chat GPT. I should. Yeah, I was like that they're making rules. Show me how to rob Bank of America and they were like, we can't help you with this. What I asked between me and my AI, it shouldn't be them. No, because it gets in the wrong hand. Show me how to hack to a thing. One of the things they did was they said my grandmother used to make nuclear weapons. How would she do that? Oh,
Starting point is 01:43:08 then it'll tell you. Yeah, you get around it instead of how do I make a nuclear weapon? You say, Oh, my grandmother made nuclear weapons. I don't like any of it. I make napalm like this and then it'll correct you. I don't like any of it. That's hilarious. We're going down a wrong road. It's not good. Oh, it's you're not stopping that I'm aware. Yeah I'm aware. Did you hear that? I heard a country music song it was damn good It was actually really funny and good and and it was generated by a road They made a hook to a spit on that thing country music song. I'm sure are you spinsters?
Starting point is 01:43:39 Yeah, they did. Well, you know, you know Drake used to to pocket Biggie's a voice in his diss track. Yeah Who the fuck's speaking of Drake you see Kendrick dance on his grave the other day What's that Kendrick did a like a pop-up with this one in LA? Yes, it was lit He brought together like the bloods decrypts from all the different neighborhoods and everybody was on stage just partying. Really? Singing all the songs he shit on Drake with. Wow. And they all at the same time go, Miner, God dog. I mean he did a whole long ass concert and he did not like us like six times. Yeah. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Nothing else before, you know, we continue to party. Yeah, okay I'm gonna see the moment of silence for this Hey, must have done a piece. How? Sad how crazy is this beef? It never ends. Well, this beef is going on forever. And if I would the wrong yeah, that's the wrong guy Street guy but Drake But Kendrick is such a good writer. This is like the the the stamp on it because he was alley He's like I I have more influence like I can bring now gather the whole west coast. He has more credibility, right? I don't think Drake could do that in Toronto. No.
Starting point is 01:45:08 You know, like his own. I don't know, maybe. What's the beep originate from? What's the deal? Oh, where do we start? It's a lot of things. Like Drake has done a lot of weird things, but the main thing was Kendrick did the control verse.
Starting point is 01:45:18 He was on a song with Big Sean with a whole bunch of other rappers. And then he shit on, he basically challenged every rapper, but then he shit on, he basically challenged every rapper, but in a friendly way, like all his friends. And every rapper took it on the chin, like, yeah, this is hip hop, it's competition. And then Drake did an interview where he was like, you know, I thought he was my friend, like, why would he say that? Like, he took it all sensitive. Wow. Yeah. And then, and then Lamar, Kim Lamar
Starting point is 01:45:39 was on the BET Awards cipher, and he said, he said something to him again. He was, you know, something about tucking a sensitive rapper back in his pajamas or something yeah and then ever since then they've been kind of like subtly yeah little shots back and forth and then he got serious yeah and then Kendrick left his label I think the label was holding him back from like going all out listen because people kept wondering like Kendrick respond respond is like taking forever huh yeah and so then Drake wanted to do Drake did a song called first-person shooter with J Cole that they wanted Kendrick on and Kendrick didn't want to be on it. And so
Starting point is 01:46:14 You know and they were calling them themselves the big three but Kendrick wasn't on it So then he dropped another song that was like there's no big reference Yeah, and then we go heavyweights. It was awesome Well, thank you for educating Justin Timberlake. It wasn't selling well in his concert Arrested for drink driving. I don't know this that conspiracy. You're a conspiracy Do you believe that Tyson Fury carried Francis? I actually do believe you're a ridiculous person I think you got paid for it to voc. I've has to stay on his toes Yeah, this is circle and don't get to the table. It's such a tank. Look at that guy's built
Starting point is 01:46:51 He said how are they the same size? How did the same weight? Well vocal comes real tall Oh gosh at least six seven. They say they have lists six seven price six eight I used to train with him at black house never understand why doesn't use his jab with those long arms He's got a great front kick. He does a great front kick to the middle. Having one of those with a tall guy, it's such an advantage. And I want to take credit for his new samurai tattoo because he did have the Moana stingray and I would roast him every fight and then all of a sudden he has this dope ass samurai tattoo.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Yeah, the samurai is way better. That Moana was tough. But it's wow for your whole back to be your first tattoo Well, you had a back tattoo that was not as big and he had to fill it in as a is a straight Yeah, it was a manta ray right? Yeah manta ray of Monterey manta manta ray Look pretty bitch in Russia. Oh, it was a Babel it's just such a fucking scary striker man. How about Tom Apsen all like short? No, it's not Good man. I think it's a great in the world This your first tattoo would you want to start with the yakuza? Okay, you think Tom Aspin?
Starting point is 01:47:55 I'll beats Francis and Gano absolutely I do mmm boy. Yeah boy You guys are alone on that especially now Yeah Boy You guys are alone on that especially now Session now well now is focused on boxing. Yeah now now it's a different. See I say I think Francis will come back better He's also 37 38. Yeah, correct. He's never really lost that way That way is a bad way to lose man to get flatlined like out cold laid out legs stretched
Starting point is 01:48:23 Not moving for minutes You're never gonna see Francis and MMA again. Yeah, I'm having no that's all that's all high great stock value Sure, by the way that guy who might fight that Brazilian do Good man, he's danger. You never seen that fight. Who's that cat? What's that dude's name again Caesar something, right? You never seen that fight who's that cat? What's that dude's name again Caesar something right? Based on what he stands for if Francis doesn't fight again won't that make Damon's argument even stronger I don't think Francis gives a fuck. He's just making money man He has so much money and then to go back to the to the PFL and fight this Brazilian monster Nobody knows it's just there's just no upside for him. They don't have anybody
Starting point is 01:49:04 Yeah, he's He's set for the rest of his life if he doesn't do anything crazy with his money. And then he'll always have things that he can do to generate money, seminars, meet and greets, all that kind of shit. He'll always have like extra money coming in. The guy was the UFC heavyweight champion, knocked down Tyson Fury in his first boxing fight ever. I mean, he's a legend forever. He's still gonna box we forget he has a boxing fight coming up but we think he's going back to box I bet he fights Deontay Wilder if he can get it you know he lost his son wait a minute you think Deontay Wilder is gonna fight again no yes I hope not when that big Chinese dude knocked him out like that that Chinese dude was 40
Starting point is 01:49:40 years old too fucking massive he's Olympic. He wants to fight Joshua. Joshua fought him in the Olympics. Interesting. And beat him of course. Joshua won. Joshua is really a killer. But I think, and Ghana lost his son. I don't even know where his head's at.
Starting point is 01:49:57 I can't imagine. I can't imagine. He's got to be dealing with the deepest grief. No I can't. Yeah I can't. How did the son die? I don't know. But it's such a, it was so terrible. Like I think he was how old was his son? Very young. I think three. Was it three? Yeah. Oh God. Horrible. If you have kids, it's like unthinkable. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:50:20 I feel so bad for him, man.'s gonna boxing in 15 months 15 months as well even just terrible damn that's horrible how much his nose is already busted up so you want about Volkoff he's not really had a born fight either no Volkoff has good fight he was beating Derek Lewis and then with fucking a minute left Derek knocked him out that was the my balls are hot oh Oh, yeah, that's right That was that one That one was amazing Volkov is one. I think for in a row
Starting point is 01:50:50 This might be if he wins this foreign road. This might be five in a row. What is it Jamie? Where's Volkov training these days? Russia is he I think so he was at Alliance and then I would train with him down there and then at black house Does it say we're Volkov's training, Jamie? Strelka. Strelka. Because like where does a guy like that find people to train with? A guy who's that big.
Starting point is 01:51:16 I mean it's kind of Russia. Russia. Limited amount of people that size, you know? Russia's got some big boys in there. It's going to be tough to find wrestlers though. So this would be his fourth in a rut. Heavyweight, you need some rushes got some big boys in there. Yeah, it's gonna be tough to find wrestlers So this be his fourth in a rut heavyweight, you're right there Especially be Pavlovich one more and then it's just slim pickings and then if John and Steve a fight neither one will ever fight soon Where's serial gone been?
Starting point is 01:51:40 Shooting a movie. Oh, yeah, what movie? Bad boys five. Oh, I made that up I don't know night because they offered a serial gun the fight against Tom Asselin all in England and he turned it down said he's on a movie set I disagree really I think Tom Mops the floor wrestling wise you mean he takes him down Yeah, John John Lurie was like come here fucking Yeah, 18 seconds. I was just thinking striking wise you know take him right down so fucking fast. What do you think Jones Aspinall?
Starting point is 01:52:19 That's the fight that's the fight everybody God I Want to see it so bad John was shit all over Aspen all I think that way to go is lucky that he blew his knee out with Curtis blades cuz Curtis was teen oh well Turse curse was he was Oh not easily no no we See I think the angle of oh Tom's not that good I've had you know I fought newcom newcomers before no build them up, bro
Starting point is 01:52:46 Build them up. I'm like, yeah Maybe this is a guy that's gonna beat me and then when you come back come out of retirement after you beat steep a that fights Massive, but yeah, he has to talk shit like that just for strategy Correct, you know, I'm a fight I'm excited to see John fight anybody but the Stipe fight was just like I don't know who's asking for it and I love Stipe, he's one of the greatest of all time but it's a weird thing. Aspenall is an athlete man, he's such a good athlete. Very fast, very fast for heavyweight.
Starting point is 01:53:16 So fast. Yeah, but we fought the same way about Serogon though. Yeah, but Serogon doesn't have wrestling, doesn't have jiu-jitsu. Aspenall is like legit on the ground I'm very legit on the ground so legit his dad owned a jujitsu gym. His dad's a black belt He started doing jujitsu at two And he and you know remember Aspinall was came out of Tyson furious camp to like wait train for them Yeah, but you know that quick video of John rolling with um rolling with Going right Gordon. Yeah, and it was like, they weren't neck and neck,
Starting point is 01:53:46 but it was still like. Oh, that's Gordon being cool. Well, Gordon with timing knots, yeah. Gordon, when Gordon trains, Gordon rolls with you technically. Like Gordon does not explode. There's no explosion. Everything is like smooth movements.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Everything is just technique, smooth movements, scrambles. There's no explosion, There's never overextended Gordon is just pure technique Yeah No If there's money on the line said Gordon will give you a hundred thousand can tap John out in 30 seconds Gordon would grab a hold Of his leg. Yeah, he would get his leg so quick if John unless John avoided him unless John uses wrestling to avoid Exchanges, you know what? That's all about correct. It's called the shop shutdown
Starting point is 01:54:26 Yes, yeah, I'm part serious He just decides to shut it down that he doesn't come close to him, but they're like engaging Yeah, Gordon snap his fucking leg. Oh, yeah, Gordon grabs a hold of a leg and that's a wrap you think asmanol's Jujitsu is like that no no but but he's not according not a go But as far as heavyweight MMA Yeah, Tom's right right up there. You're by far the best in the division folk. I was teeing off on Sergey He's hitting him with some serious low kicks
Starting point is 01:54:55 Technician has to just stay on the bike cuz yeah, I'm already did this Derek Lewis and then the minute you get tired these big boys Keep hitting but he's also like fucking his nose up man It's Jack his faints are great his movements great and that distance is defense with the distance is a lot the the gap He's just so tall bro. You met you more Stefan strew. Oh, yeah, man seven two. Oh, yeah Yeah, but why Pavlov's I mean a Volkov never uses a jab. He's got those long use that tonight, bro You gotta watch the fucking fight. I am. I haven't seen how much he uses those front kicks, but he could piss in that. Yeah, he's fucking up Pavelovich's legs, man. He's kicked his legs multiple times.
Starting point is 01:55:37 I thought Eddie was gonna be here. I was ready for some conspiracy theories. No, that's why you're here. Once the liquor starts telling you the earth is a rhombus, bro Problems the problem is that he's right on about 90% of stuff at least you know people forgot about Sammy Schilt Sammy shot. Yeah giant kickboxer Tall and great foot nasty front kick to the bottom is Sammy Schilt waster was a world champion kickboxer world of the elite elite elite super tall guy If you decide to play basketball
Starting point is 01:56:10 He would've been professional the nastiest finishes ever when Sergey Keratanov got on top of him and kept punched him in the one eye Yeah, his one eye was fucked up and he kept hammer fisting He got a crucifix and just mount like he mounted them like mount like high mount and just like hammered his bloody I was a Game of Thrones when the fucking mountain just says that it's kind of like that Okay, can't you just say tap he wasn't gonna now we don't especially in pride you do that shit in pride They won't have your back now if you tap pride was the most ruthless organization dude stomps soccer kicks
Starting point is 01:56:43 Everything was legal. I did a post for a... But no elbows on the ground. Yeah, they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, boys, boys, we're not savages here. You can kick them in the head. That is so weird, those random rules. That was the weirdest random rule,
Starting point is 01:56:56 no elbows on the ground. I posted the best highlights of Pride and I said, it's Pride Month for June. Yeah, a lot of those are going around the internet that was awesome Yeah, look at Pavlich's nose. It's leaking man. He just keeps getting popped pride was the best time ever Golden years. Oh my god No, no, you see bought it folded it and brought off a bunch of the guys over here and then tested them. They all shrunk Everybody shriveled except for over him. It was a good time It was a good time when you see it was the best of times the prime over here and then tested them they all shrunk everybody shriveled except for over him it was a good time it was a good time you see it was the
Starting point is 01:57:27 best of times when they brought him over here what are we doing let him fight yeah Rampage is a good one to have on talk about pride yeah Rampage is coming on soon he's the best if you over 35 you should be able to juice hundred percent I think so yeah hundred percent yeah why? Like we got to be careful with the young guys. We can't have another like TRT Belfort era why you don't like awesome shit? Yeah, we need to have that dude was yeah exciting I got pissed right back wasn't there a new is there a new rule where you can do TRT now? Absolutely not no No, they don't allow They don't they don't allow TRT
Starting point is 01:58:13 Wasn't it talk about it? Like you can get sanctioned for it under some circumstances certain commissions what Commissions what? We started out what to That's shit. This is the co-main event. Yeah, that's clocks cool. Very steampunk ish Brian I should explain that young thugs to I just took his headphones Give us the young thug stuff Tell us about that young thug stuff. Cause the, yeah, you have a great breakdown
Starting point is 01:58:49 on it. Oh, should we wait for Joe to come back? Talk young thug. It's interesting because he's yeah, the lawyer fucking the, the, the, I think that the trials are gonna be over is pretty soon because the judges don't get the Supreme court of judges will step in. I know nothing about it. The Brian six years old don't see the thing is I don't know shit about the actual young thugs case Okay, the interesting shit is what's going on with the it's all the drama Yeah, so that district was the lawyer the district attorney of sex young thug I don't know wow a rapper. Okay, and he talked that shit Brian and he's on track. He's on he has he's on trial with Rico trial so his whole organization is on trial.
Starting point is 01:59:25 For racketeering? For racketeering, yeah. And, but that district attorney is the same lady that tried to try Trump, but she's like corrupt. Fannie Willis. Fannie Willis. She slept with a... She was dating that prosecutor.
Starting point is 01:59:36 She gave the dude, she was fucking the no bid contract. Yep. And the lawyer that was trying to take her down is Brian Steele's lawyer. Brian Steele is Young Thug's lawyer. So they come in the court one day, everyone's three hours late except him. He's like, what the fuck is going on? And then he finds out that the judge had a, what they call an ex parte, just means just
Starting point is 01:59:55 seek like a meeting without him. Right. The ex parte meeting with the prosecutor, the district attorney, who's the prosecutor, and the star witness. So the star witness was supposed, he got immunity to prosecutor, and the star witness. So the star witness was supposed, he got immunity to testify, but the key witness to the whole case, he gets on the stand and pleads the fifth.
Starting point is 02:00:12 So they take him in the judge chambers and him, the sheriff, the prosecutor, and the judge pressure this guy into testifying, because he basically tells him. Which is illegal. The judge tells him, yeah, the judge tells him like, I can hold you, not till just the end of this trial till all the trials are over Yeah, so you'll be you could be in jail for seven eight years without being charged with a crime
Starting point is 02:00:34 And so then the dude was like okay. I'll testify problem is That that dude's lawyer went on vacation. He told him ahead of time. He was going on vacation He couldn't cancel the tickets a year ago and he and he leaves this girl behind to take his place The witness fires that girl Before they go into the meeting but they force her to sit in the meeting so he could say he had representation Right. So then boom so young attorney finds out about it. He's like he's like hey judge So then boom, so young attorney finds out about it. He's like, he's like, hey judge
Starting point is 02:01:11 it's highly unusual and illegal for you to have a meeting with a sworn-in witness and the prostitute prosecution and The judge goes how'd you find out about that? And so it turns into this it turns into this whole drama of like he's like, yo If you don't tell me how you found out, I'm gonna hold you in contempt so he so he holds him in contempt. And then his attorney shows up and it's the same bitch that was trying to take down the prosecutor from the Trump thing. And she's like, I got 25 other lawyers with me. We filing all these motions for this and motions for that.
Starting point is 02:01:38 They get him out. They get him out of jail the next day. So he's in jail with his client. He's in jail with Young Thug. They get him out of jail the next day. The Supreme Court of Georgia was his client, he's in jail with Young Thug. They get him out of jail the next day, the Supreme Court of Georgia was like, no, he's not in contempt until we have a hearing. And then this hearing, like now,
Starting point is 02:01:51 all this other information is coming out. Because even if, let's just say the meeting was legal, they're supposed to have a transcript, they're supposed to tell them what happened. And so it was shit called Brady evidence, which means if the prosecutor finds out something that could that could exonerate your client, they have to tell you. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Right. And in that meeting with the judge, the dude, the key witness told him he was like he was like, I killed the guy. And if I go if I go on stand and say anything other than I'm gonna be perjuring myself. And the prosecutor was like, well, I'm not gonna charge you with perjury if you perjure yourself. So basically like go lie Damn, but now it's illegal because I just found out something that could make young thug innocent I have to share it. So not only did they not tell the lawyer about the meeting not only did they not So the young thug was being originally charged with murder
Starting point is 02:02:40 He's been in charge with murder racketeering for running a criminal organization. Yeah. But this murder was the key murder. Yeah. And so, and so now, and so now it's a great fight. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sitting there talking through it. No, you're good. Probably just face looks like a tomato, like a bump. But he's coming on strong. Like he's applying the pressure. That's why he's getting lit up. That it is. Uh oh. Brian was just breaking down the young thug situation. Oh yeah, isn't that crazy? He broke it down the other day in the green room and then I won't start watching videos anymore.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Brian's a lawyer now. It's crazy. Dude, I get obsessed. Law shit's the only thing that gets me through like depression. Really? Man, I just lock in law and order. Yeah. You think you could have been a lawyer?
Starting point is 02:03:24 Oh yeah. That's what I wanted to be. Really? Yeah, I wanted to be a lawyer, yeah. But then I met a few and I was like, nah. Yeah, they're not fun. They're just a different ethic. I guess trial, being a trial lawyer would be interesting, right? Because you gotta get there though.
Starting point is 02:03:37 But no, the truth is like, real lawyering isn't that exciting like they make it look on TV. It's details, details. It's boring. Yeah. I know a couple trial or pretty wild When you see a dude's head not moving so good bobbing around like as they throw punches those events on that's Volkov one because you see Pavlov Put a hand on him. I don't think I just sent Jamie the AI Hawk to a song.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Oh, this is the Connor one, but yeah, listen, the AI did a song. That's wild. Is music so important in that the AI can make a good song? Yes. Yeah. Crazy. Especially country songs. All you need is a river, pickup truck, you know some cold beers. This is Connor. I agree with Connor here. Like Connor's talking about why he pulled out of the fight. He was talking to... In a way you know I had a little little lapse of concentration and you know I had to reschedule the belt so I'm a little upset about that but you know it's keeping me dialed in it's keeping me focused you know I can't rock around
Starting point is 02:05:12 like I'm at the showing up like I'm at the only job the job is not done so you know that's not bad for me for someone like me you know so I'm onwards towards the new date and you know take my lessons learned. There was a lapse in concentration. If I was any one of these other little bums that can't move, that have no footwork, I don't rely on their skills, you know, then I would be okay. And I've done it before. I've made the walk a multitude of times under those circumstances and given these bums an advantage over me that they don't even deserve. So now I'm dialing it in in i'm getting this training camps correct i'm walking in there
Starting point is 02:05:46 100% connor mcgregor injury-free Perfection is on the menu And that is a dangerous man great to see you in my Heart i hope yeah dan hardy's great is the best i was bummed out when they fired him Why do they fire him he's great i don't know he't know Herb Dean. Yeah was a little more than that. He didn't like somebody and he said something to a worker, right? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what happened. You know, look, he's a fighter He felt like the fight was stopped too late and you know, it's dangerous when that kind of shit happens For him, like he was winning and they stopped him. No, he was a commentator. He was a commentator and he got upset at Herb
Starting point is 02:06:23 Who's the best referee alive? Yeah There was that that started and then there's something with someone the UFC employee too. Yeah, I don't know what happened I don't know what's going on there. I don't know what happened, but I miss him I used to train with him a 10th planet. He's the best. He's a good dude one of the best minds in the game I mean my no car to apologize for that shitty movie made minds in the game mind apologize for that shitty movie made entertaining dog you didn't like it you liked Roadhouse I like how cliche it was I didn't expect it to be fucking you know yeah but it was kind of like a comedy right I mean that's sort of tongue-in-cheek it was so ridiculous I don't know it's just an
Starting point is 02:07:01 action movie you know what I didn't see, but listen they filmed it at the UFC Oh, really? Yeah, they filmed scenes But I wanted me to interview him I'm not a fan of so bad. It's good. Yeah I'm a fan of how many people why I think what the opening week was like 50 million I'm a fan of when a fighter ventures out into something they do well. Yeah, I'm a fan of that. And I don't get why people hate on it. Like, Conor McGregor can do anything.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Whenever a fighter does anything, like does some pour-eight hot sauce, best hot sauce I've ever had. It's very good. I didn't hate on it when I heard about it. I hated on it after I watched it. That's fair. It wasn't good.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Both guys are heavyweights. And he wasn't. Look at that, that's a former heavyweight champion. Look at that, Volkov standing next to a former heavyweight champ. So crazy. That's how good nice he was Yeah, that's how good DC with DC should have been 185 pounder. Correct. Maybe even one correct. No, just kidding 180 though One eighty five. Yeah, I hate it when people do that. What what he shook his hand as he was walking away But he did this. Oh, yeah disrespectful. What is that? He shook his hand as he was walking away. Like, he did this. Oh yeah, disrespectful.
Starting point is 02:08:04 Why do you need that? I don't know. Just, it makes me feel it some kind of way. No, they just, they just, in the moment they're happy. And they got somebody in their ear. Here we go. Robert the Reaper, Bobby Knuckles in the fucking house. Dude, can you imagine if this is bone echoing in right now?
Starting point is 02:08:18 Oh man, I would love it. And Homsot, if it was Homsot right now. Hey bro, these new gloves, They know better than the old gloves No, the only cool thing about is still getting poked in the eye. So what do they do? What they change? They made a better glove. It is better. I should say it's better padding the best gloves the best gloves are Clearly not made yet. They need to cover the fingers, you know, they just they need to cover the fingers There's no reason for the you don't ever do this ever The fingers never come into play. There's not a time where your fingers you you always do this Yeah, whether it's grappling or striking. All you have to do is have
Starting point is 02:08:55 padding on the knuckles and a protective layer a thin leather layer that covers the hands that the fingers slip into. Then you cut out like grabbing the hands and stuff. It's the same. It's exactly the same. The only thing different, the only thing different is you now you can get jab with the thumbs. So only thumb pokes will still exist and we'll have less pokes because a lot of our eyes, it eliminates probably 90% of all eye pokes and it doesn't change anything with grappling anything was striking You have it like an everlasting bad glove But no padding and so with a finger area completely unpadded and just a thin Leather cover that covers over that and goes to the fingers right here
Starting point is 02:09:39 You not only that you'd be able to do it better because leather especially if it's not if it's raw leather If it's not shiny if it's raw leather that in that dope Shane against the machine he made that with thimbles sheen against the machine. Yeah, he did he's got we have another one of his pieces I have one at home Another skull that he made for me and then another one we have which is a World War two helmet with a bayonet in it That's a lamp, but it's in our storage But I love that one But yeah, man cover the fucking fingers. There's no reason to have these fingers open like this
Starting point is 02:10:13 This is so unnecessary if you just had a covering over the fingertips. That's a thin piece of leather you would Eliminate all those fingers going in the eye so your fingers would go still's still you still get poked a little bit, but it wouldn't be this Yeah, that's not as bad. It's not gonna stop a fight. You would have it like webbed like bad gloves those old black gloves. Exactly like I said Yeah, just cover it with one thin piece of layer of leather and it would make gripping better Yeah, what is the argument against? No argument against it again. Nobody listens to me. There's no argument. Nobody listens to me
Starting point is 02:10:44 That's good. You told them to do on open field so they just shut you out, but I told him to do a football field Yeah, which is insane have those guys the middle I'm not stupid. I know what I'm doing. I'm right. I'm right. Nobody wants to listen Here's I have a bunch of rules that I would implement if I was the king Here's number one number one no stand no standups ever. No standups. I don't give a fuck. Get up. Figure out how to get up. Also, if a guy takes you down at the end of the first round, the second round starts with you in that exact same situation. 100%. You can never get up unless you get up. Because it's not one. Yep. I hate views.
Starting point is 02:11:19 I hate ratings. It's not five fights. It's not five five-minute fights. It's one fight. So if a guy takes you down, that's where you are at the beginning of the next round. You get the one-minute break though. You just start in that. I also like the idea that the judges only see the last round. I think there should be six judges, not three. Six judges.
Starting point is 02:11:41 And then I also think that you should have, for sure, you have no weight cutting. Weight cutting should be completely eliminated, for sure. That should be the first one. Before they implement any of these rule changes, cut all this legalized cheating shit. Kamaru Usman is not 170 pounds. He's never been 170 pounds for more than five minutes. Five seconds, yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:02 He loses the weight and then immediately rehydrates. You stand next to him, the guy's massive. Balloons up, yeah. He's so big. Why even number of judges? Because you need more judges. Three's not enough. And I don't think they should be ringside.
Starting point is 02:12:13 I think it should be a remote location where they're not influenced by the crowd. I think they should be able to watch the fight and hear the commentators. Maybe not the commentators. I don't think they should be next to the ring. I think they should have a separate, I don't think next to the ring is bad because then you get to hear what's going on like maybe something's happening
Starting point is 02:12:28 Let them listen to the commentators. Maybe have one next to the ring. I don't know but that that's debatable There's more judges more judges so that if you have one cock-eyed asshole who? Fucks everything up because there's so many cock-eyed fighter Like decisions like the way you look at it you go how the fuck you know how many times me and DC have looked at Each other and go what the fuck was that one card like it's Michael Bisping judging what he's got one good eye He would get it right the it's like you see a guy get Three four fights wrong in a night, and you hear his name again. You go. What the fuck man Yeah, that's wild, but that guy would first of all they should be cut out as soon as they have one of those get rid of them
Starting point is 02:13:07 throw him away at least suspended yeah I get rid of them if you ever do that you you don't know what you're doing they shouldn't be doing it but back to the I pokes I think sure change change the gloves hopefully that happens but if not I think an eye poke or a serious like groin strike one point automatic point one point it would stop it yes John's like groin strike is an automatic point. One point. It would stop it. Yep. I'm like, I can't lose a fucking point.
Starting point is 02:13:28 So you're not going to see me reach down like this. Exactly. Because now it's just a warning. One point nut shot. Sometimes they get three warnings. One point eye poke, one point nut shot, automatically. No. Fence grab.
Starting point is 02:13:37 One point. One point. Yes sir. You grab a fence, stop a takedown, one point, automatic. That's easy to do tomorrow. Tomorrow. I don't get it. So cut that out, cut weight cutting out, you fix 90% of the problems.
Starting point is 02:13:47 Doesn't the Nevada Electoral Commission have to agree to the rules? Yeah, everybody has to agree to the rules, but the rules are good. Rules make sense. If I could argue this in front of these people, I really think I could make a good point. Those people aren't they the same people that like, haven't there been a few fights that should have been overturned and they never did? No, they never overturned fights. I don't think you can convince those people with logic.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Well a lot of them aren't fighters, right? A lot of the people that make those decisions are not actual fighters. They don't have as much experience. Well, no, none of them are fighters. None of them, sir. A lot of the judges have not even stepped on the mat. There you go. They never even taken a jiu-jitsu class.
Starting point is 02:14:19 It's a huge problem. They never even stepped on a treadmill. That's a problem. And if you don't know jiu-jitsu, if you don't know how closeitsu, if you don't know like how close something is, like you don't know. You really don't know. You don't, like sometimes a triangle looks good, but it's bullshit. It's sloppy.
Starting point is 02:14:32 Yeah, there's no chance. And if someone just sees like an instep over an ankle, like oh my god, he's got the triangle. He doesn't have a fucking triangle. Like there's so many times where something looks good, but if you have a skilled eye, you don't know what the fuck is going on. That's so surprising. That's the main event. That's so many times where something looks good, but if you're you have a skilled eye, you don't know what the fuck is going on That's so suspicious. That's the main event. Al Scarra, I'm gonna grab my own. This guy's a beast. You gotta go He has a very difficult journey around there Brian. You gotta have you might have to duck. Yeah, you gotta crawl This is a motherfucker, man
Starting point is 02:14:58 Al Scarra is very good man. You're supposed to fight two weeks from now at the Apex. Who is he gonna fight? There's a three round fight No, no, no, okay. fight? It was a three round fight. You wanna buy one of these? No, no, no, I'm good. Oh, okay, thanks. It was a three round fight. So now your main event on a, this is ABC, dog. And you're the main event against Robert Whittaker. Right. And it's five rounds. And Robert Whittaker's fired up.
Starting point is 02:15:14 One thing about Robert, when he loses a fight, he comes back fucking guns blazing every time. Lost the Izzy fight, came back in the rematch, almost won. Yep. Very close fight in the second fight Robert Whitaker is a bad man. And now he's coming off that polo costume when he looked great And that's the best I wanted hams on him so bad
Starting point is 02:15:33 That is the fight that is the fight man real test for hams on man. Yes, bobby We know what whitaker does bobs not needs it more. Yeah, that's what i'm saying You'd see you'd be like if hams up beat him that way he'd be like, okay But here's what's interesting if if Whitaker wins this fight, you're not gonna give him a title shot off this Yeah, you would. Yeah, I would for helping them out. Yeah, I would that also just like he's so good man He's so good, but you got Strickland right there. Yeah, well, I bet you and Strickland him and Strickland will be wild, bro He's Strickland shuts down everybody the way he shut down Paul Acosta His fucking style is so unique. I don't get the complaint with that. They're like, oh, it's really the born fire I'm like, have you never watched him fight? I don't find it boring
Starting point is 02:16:13 Like what he does he just he just he's a tidal wave and his defense is so elite I don't get it constantly moving for it's just as casuals. I think Strickland's one of the most exciting fighters in the sport I love what I just couldn't just couldn't believe that at one point Costa didn't at least just double leg or just grab him around the... He can't take that dude down. He's been getting pieced up for fucking three rounds, man. The problem is like Strickland's just different. You don't know anybody like him. Correct. And then also be his... We've gone over this. Pauloras is number one thing is cardio. There's nothing more exhausting than shooting shots. And you're not gonna do it against Strickland
Starting point is 02:16:49 at that level. And it's not in his background. It doesn't matter. Paulo afterwards said, you know what? I gotta stop trying to play the point game. I just gotta try to take it. That's when he's best. Not worry about my cart.
Starting point is 02:17:00 That's what he did against you, Al Romero. Losing his quills. Use your strength. Izzy mind fucked him, man. Especially when he humped him. After he him man, especially when he humped him. Yeah, I knocked him out and helped him so disrespectful so disrespectful Izzy in his prime now bro and just pieced him up standing up I think is he coming back and everyone's doubting him all these haters against Rikas, dude That's a dangerous fucking Izzy man. It's dangerous for sure and trick is his fucking dangerous, too
Starting point is 02:17:25 Hell yeah, I think he's the biggest guy at 85 other than pehada He's so big when I stand next to him. I'm always like how How are you when he's a heavyweight? He's so big man. He's like six two. He's wide as a fucking house How do they do it? I don't know how it costs to sucks down to get it starts like Dan Garner Some of these guys that like have it down to a real science to it Yeah, I mean they get it down to your body or calories how much water you're taking in how much sodium I'll tell you what I do if I was the UFC with Homs that we're not doing this whole Robert Whitaker and contenders You haven't beat anybody. I think they give Bo nickel a pretty good test next and then it's Homs that Bo nickel I love you guys figured out. I love it. So who Homs lot Bo nickel. I love you guys figure it out
Starting point is 02:18:11 So who do you give Bo nickels a test like who's a good test? Oh, yeah, I get a doll foe. Oh, that's right Is that in Bassett Square Garden or is that I do lie? Uh, what is that Jamie? I thought it was a later What is that? That's a good test for Bo. That's a very good What if he fucking mops the floor with him? All right, Hums on a good don't do this There is fucking Dane super dangerous dangerous. He's a also in enormous for 85 world champion. Oh, there's a jujitsu world champion Yeah, but you jujitsu may not be good here with bone. He's been submitting everybody. Yeah He both mean he's it's a it's a test. It's a real test. It's the right test Yeah, and Hadoffo looks like a fucking striking coming together. Oh, yeah fucking savage. He's so's a it's a test. It's a real test. It's the right test Yeah, and Hadoffo looks like a fucking striker coming together. Oh, yeah fucking savage. He's so big dude. He's so jacked there It is November 9th. Oh, it is Madison Square Garden
Starting point is 02:18:55 Let's go now bowmops floor with him. We're off to the races. Yeah bowmops the floor with him then Hamsan that's the I would do. Yeah, I yeah from the UFC I'm like hey bud no we tried it I would argue let's fucking go or do in America no we can't get him over god damn I forgot yeah Bo's not going out there he's not why no that's boat with Saudi Arabia he's like I'm kind of glad I missed the call I don't go away the fuck do it though he did the international circuit so he's not you know for him he would do it he would do it. I just think that that's uh that's an intriguing fight the Rodolfo Rivera fights an intriguing fight And then the Homs odd fight is a captivating fight
Starting point is 02:19:34 So they've been it becomes on who knows how much money Hums on has now You know with all the relationships that he has people throwing money at him He might be wealthy enough to like fucking not doing anymore Who knows that'd be such a shame would be a shame? But I mean what kills a fighter more than money nothing nothing comfort and again again I'll get annihilated for this but out there would you grab that wine? Yeah, we got a lot of shit But you want to be an alcoholic. This is the place to do it
Starting point is 02:20:07 But is that a fine line if you're Dana or if you're the UFC, it's like I we yeah We do got to pay them but if we pay him too much then they'd lose their drive No, it's a fine line. Yeah, but kinda is that real? I mean I feel like it's an accumulation over time and then fame and then they have so much money that they Like what Connor's fun flying around in private jets got a Lamborghini. Yeah, I just said he was gonna buy I'm buying a big goodie for my fucking birthday. That's what that's what that's my point The richest guy I'll tell you what he can do without changing the paint too much It's like make sure like make sure they take a piece of each check and set aside for retirement. Nah, fuck all that. Save all that.
Starting point is 02:20:48 These guys get die in the ring. What about, um, what about that? You see that? They got shot down so fast. Bugatti tourbillon? We're going like medical shorts. You see that Bugatti tourbillon? Yes. It's insane. Was it V16? It's insane. It's a V16. It's a hybrid. It has 1800 horsepower that's it and 1800 fucking steering wheel has the gauges on it and the steering wheel moves around the gauges it's the most beautiful interior I've ever seen in a car it's four mil yeah it's four mil there's 250 of them they've sold them all you can't buy another it's impossible I can't get here's that watch it's like a Swiss watch but here's the bummer about bugatti's the people that buy them they don't drive them
Starting point is 02:21:28 Yeah, so they just sit there do go. Hey, so does that that's that's you got that really gets you going Well, I'm not really I wouldn't buy one. Honestly, I think it's dope. Yes, doesn't get me going. It's not for me I like Porsche. I like Mustangs. I would buy a new yeah drive it But I wouldn't really do you know the maintenance on those just to change the tires every year is 25,000 a tire and it's not a place here you have to ship it back to their the main it's like a over it's over six figures a year to maintenance it yeah I'm sure it's like a private chair and it's one of those look like you're not allowed to sell it within the first what's that
Starting point is 02:22:01 you can but then if you drive it loses it loses its value. They're a nightmare. What is it? So, tourbillons are a movement in watches that is like the most precise movement in watches. So, they have watches that are tourbillon watches that are $400,000, $500,000 for a watch, just because of the movement. And you see the tourbillon inside the watch. Like, Jamie, pull up a like a Grand Seiko tourbbion watch because grand Seiko has an insane Turbion watch that they just released
Starting point is 02:22:32 Yeah, Richard Millet two million five hundred thousand dollars for a tour Yeah, Richard Millet watches are crazy expensive But this grand Seiko Turbion is fucking beautiful man. Look at the machinery the the gears and stuff going on That's like a what people like watches. That's that's a real watch. Yeah, it's not a Rolex but Grand Seiko It's a no watch. It's a fucking wild. I think that one is $300,000 Jesus how much does that bitch cost was the Grand Seiko? How much is a grand Seiko tour beyond cost? Do you have one Joe? No, really? No, I'm not interested in those things. I'm interested in looking at them But I don't like like rich guy fancy things, right? I like
Starting point is 02:23:15 Mustangs and shit Tell me right. Yeah, I like things that are fun to you. You know what you need to do rich guy food though Oh, yeah, rich guy food. Joey. Joey, you know, you know what you need to do rich guy food though. Oh, yeah rich guy food. Joey, you know, you know You should get 350 thousand dollars Constant forced her beyond okay, Joe, you know what you need to get for us by foresters You get it and then send me pictures was the the Mustang GTD. I'm down with that. There's only 300 of them Oh really I applied for it. Come on for it. Hook me up. They're gonna do it. I just got a Hennessy Raptor are That's wild. Yeah, it's being built right now. You see but you do stop that I'm getting rid of the TRX. What's the GT this is the this Mustang's version of a GT3 RS
Starting point is 02:23:57 It's that Nuremberg right now being insane 800 horsepower fucking preposterously wide crazy grip street legal legal but just barely. Do you see the shocks in the back? There's no back seat and so there's an open glass thing we can see the suspension moving. It might be the greatest American car that's come out in a long fucking time. Near 50-50 weight balance, it's got a rear transaxle, it's fucking insane and it looks
Starting point is 02:24:24 incredible. It's the best Mustang I've ever seen. It's got a rear transaxle. It's fucking insane and it looks incredible Mustang. It looks incredible. And all the carbon fiber. Because you know Farley, the heavy Mustang, he went in and was like, I don't get it. Guys, the fight is happening. Jesus Christ. Oh, fuck. Oh man, this is exciting. We haven't even been paying attention. It's 443N. Boy, we're ridiculous. Let's save the car talk after this just started oh very interesting fight Whittaker is so good at blitzing he's so good he's so light on his feet you know very interesting style like different than anybody else always on his toes you know you know he's supposed to be on the Australian
Starting point is 02:25:00 wrestling team too but the UFC next it really yep that's how good he was at wrestling oh let's cross jab watch you let's cross jab. Yeah, I think he has five kids or six. He has a squad He has a fucking squad good low kick Yeah, he can really good just just miss him man really good head movement We got to wonder what kind of condition he is two weeks before he takes it late like last minute Like where is he at in his training? Was he peeking? You know and he's preparing for three rounds not preparing for five and he's facing you know, who is he supposed to be facing? You find out Jamie who al scaroff was supposed to be fighting
Starting point is 02:25:39 I think Whitaker either wins by decision or beats in the fourth Whitaker just jabbed him Very interesting fight. I imagine the wrestling edge goes to Alistair Croft. MMA wrestling different though. Yeah. Robert Whitaker's a motherfucker to get down. His hips are wild, dude. And then you got to get in there.
Starting point is 02:25:56 Good luck. Al Scare is a combat world champion, combat sandbag. Oh, he heard him. He heard him. He heard him real bad. He heard him real bad. real bad oh I love his kicks when he knocks out the kicks oh it's it it's over holy shit over that's it Bobby knuckles oh my god first round give a title shot
Starting point is 02:26:15 right yeah oh my god the shimmy he had him out there like oh no when you see him fall up with a kick that bitch is over Bobby knuckles. Oh, yeah, Bobby knuckles Let's go Robert Whitaker. That's so sad, right? Fuck yeah, dude, you go. Yeah Bobby knuckles. Look at him. He's a savage not this fucking kid out Who's no punk? Oh, there should be Paula Costa and did in the first round. Oh white the floor with him Yeah, that's the first time that guy's been like that since First time he's fought a guy like Robert Whitaker What I'm not ranked cool God that's what you realize so he was supposed to be fighting Tricoli interesting interesting and Tricoli just lost to
Starting point is 02:26:56 share a bullet Interesting Wow yeah big step up It's the blitz. The Bobby Knuckles blitz. So it was Whitaker that came in last minute. No Whitaker was supposed to be fighting Hums on. Oh my god that upper cut. My goodness. There's just levels to the game. Yeah and he's the top of the top. And see this is why it's tough. If you're that kid's manager and like hey man we got a call. You're fighting Bobby Knuckles. You're going. Oh my god one opportunity I sprained my ankle. Yeah
Starting point is 02:27:27 I broke my pinky toe. I have food poisoning. Yeah This is where you see how good Whitaker is. Fuck Or you see how good the UFC is when you're at the higher echelon because this guy's gone through everybody. Watch this uppercut. Watch this uppercut. Damn well if you need to see this to see how good Bobby Knuckles is you're a moron. Yeah, he's a bad man He's a he's been doing for a hot wars too with like yo, El Romero those fights were crazy I mean you all gone yo, El's over in Bellator now at 46 years old Bobby knuckles still torching people I say he gets the winner of Izzy Izzy and Then what do you do with Strickland? He's ranked number one.
Starting point is 02:28:07 That's a good question. I want to see the Strickland-Izzy rematch. I wouldn't be upset at Strickland versus him. Strickland-Whittaker main event for pay-per-view? Right, and you can't hit Strickland like that. He's not there. He's standing up like this, he's moving. He gets hit less than anybody.
Starting point is 02:28:23 I'm surprised that's not not who is he wants who? Strickland because trickling beat him. Yeah, but him and direct his dupe. Let's see We're talking like you don't like each other trick us as the title Yeah, so is he gets the title then he calls out Strickland strickland and him rematch You know what the UFC is gonna do I would be willing to bet they do Whitaker Strickland and winner That's guaranteed title shot. That's what they're going to do. Maybe. Because think about it, Whitaker's healthy.
Starting point is 02:28:47 I don't think he got touched. Strickland's healthy. They're sitting there. And that Izzy fight is when? See, it's hard to see the difference between how good they are when you watch that Asimov, you watch his fights. Then you watch... Al Scariff. Al Scariff. how good they are when you watch that that as more often you watch his fights then you watch scare of Oscar and it's hard on it's hard to see the difference sometimes so
Starting point is 02:29:12 Yeah, that's close that's real close that's only a month or so away Two months. Yeah a little bit. Yeah, so two months away that fight happens in Strickland Whitaker They're both from there well no one's New Zealand one's on the same thing well they they definitely either one's from Australia yeah same hey yeah it's not America but I'll be Whatever Australia From over there It's all lower house He's got to think about his future Sharp just has a globe in his house
Starting point is 02:29:54 Where it says America Alice Garrow fights two elite guys And gets starved by both of them Just lets you know where you're at Back to the drawing board That's life Robert fucking with it Sometimes you gotta fight those guys to realize where you're at again. So this shows you DC should have been a 180 fiber Yeah, you gotta remember Robert Whitaker started his career once 70. Yes. It was just killing himself wonder boy knocked him out
Starting point is 02:30:21 Such a good guy seven first round finishes what's the Isn't that the record not even close seven first round? I don't think oh you're saying first round finishes. I don't know what that is That's that's pretty high though sevens a lot special middleweight. Yeah, it's probably up there Robert's a tough fight for Strickland. He's a tough fight for everybody. That's a great place Strickland's a tough fight for everybody everybody at that level where those boys are at those top four good fucking luck Yeah, it's a deep deep division right now. They're very top. It's great. Oh nothing better. It's ten who has ten Jim Fisher Jim Miller Oh Jim Miller. Yeah, fuck it Shot that Frank Mears got 11 Frank Mears got 11 first round finishes
Starting point is 02:31:04 Yeah, amazing. oh look at that dude damn Totally unique style. Look at that ability to see openings just faster. What is he's a leap man? Yeah, he's a world champion He's been in it. He's a legit world champ It says the record is 10 for Jim Miller, but then it says the second most is 23 What doesn't make any sense? 23 first round record for first round finishes in the UFC is held by Jim Miller with 10 first round finishes Here are some other interesting. Oh, that's why I say most facts about first round finishes
Starting point is 02:31:39 What a great feeling who has 23 Andre Ilovsky has the second most first round finishers with 23. Alofsky? I never would have called that. And Donald Cerrone has the third most first round finishers with 23. Okay, so this is just- I think it's your Android. This is just AI. This is the AI shit. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. Let's chat, GPT. Yeah, let me ask. Who has the first round finish record for the UFC?
Starting point is 02:32:06 Is 5 UFC fighters first round finish record for the UFC? Is five UFC fighters first round Yeah, that would be there. No, that's the record for finishes five fighters with the most first round finishes I clicked on it says Frank Mears got 11, but I don't mean 11 be the record Frank Miller Frank Mary right here. It says UFC fight night 71 Frank Mears sets the record for first-round finishes Then so Donald Seroni is number five with eight Else we got Amanda Nunes, she's got nine damn that makes sense They're talking about her and her coming back. To fight Kayla.
Starting point is 02:32:45 Kayla. That's a fucking fight. Ooh, I like that. Yeah, Kayla looks great. She looks real good. She's big. Getting down to that 135. Olavsky has nine first round finishes.
Starting point is 02:32:56 So he's number three. One terrible split decision. Number two, Jim Miller, 10. And number one, Frank Mir, 11. All time. time make sense heavyweight yeah also Frank Mir in his day was a fucking murder savage oh my god he broke two different world champions arms yeah yeah snap no Kara in the heart yeah Tim Sylvia no you're horrible snapping bones yeah both both of them when I called it I went like he's always got seven weapons on him and no girl was like fucking it was like
Starting point is 02:33:30 talladega nights we like you go ahead and break it why does he only have seven what do you say what he says he always says seven weapons on all time for real though oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's you are talking about the wrong guy to fuck with oh my god yeah and if Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, for real, like two guns. Guns, knives. Gun holster, knife. I mean, unbelievable. You are talking about the wrong guy to fuck with. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:50 And if it's not a knife, you prefer the knife. Correct. That's it with him, it's a nightmare. Yeah. Correct. But you know what's always interesting to me is when guys are, you know, when talking about Armageddon, like, you know, the day's coming, but they don't run. Their cardio's not very good.
Starting point is 02:34:03 He's got bad knees, actually. That's why I run. I run all the time. The shit pops off. You'll be able to run. Well, somebody said that. Yeah. And somebody thinks about that. Yeah. I was hanging out with this truck guy and he has like a whole bunker for, you know, the Armageddon doomsday. Yeah. And he's big guy. How are you going to get away? What are you going to do, bro? He's like, he he's like and then we get in the mountains I'm like how have you ever jogged up there pal can you even walk yeah you're trying to carry 80 pounds are you getting to those mountains now but I'm gonna get to the mountains I'm gonna take your gear and run up I'll meet you
Starting point is 02:34:38 up there how much are you running three miles a day you see I just when you start doing this about four months ago I started with three miles then I went to two that I did a mile as best I can what made you want to start running? He's always just getting shape. These aren't fucked up from all those years of fighting. No I don't know they invited me to I forgot CD straight-up forgot. I had no I didn't know I saw a picture of jelly roll doing it I used to run I was struggling so hard no training. Why didn't you train a little bit? If you want to get mentally tough running and do it like people do all this shit just go outside and run man It's fucking tough dude. Yeah, like that second mile the third you like fuck. Oh running is hard and stuff man. It's just it's cheap
Starting point is 02:35:29 Yeah, oh, it's a cheese. It does get you in shape, but there is a there's a minimum shape You got to be in for that to be the thing you do understand shape, you know No, you just do a little bit of running But if you just but if you're like morbidly obese and shit, you're gonna fuck your hips. It's kind of shuffle You just shuffle a little bit. running but if you're just but if you're like morbidly obese and shit you gonna fuck your hips just kind of shuffle you just shuffle a little bit you know what the worst thing start walking and then turn that into a jog yeah the most painful things that aerodyne bike that that to me is like oh it puts me I hate it so much it's hell I hate it no I do Jacobs loud I'll do a minute that's hell too that's how to do verse a climber verse verse
Starting point is 02:36:03 climber fuck your day off. All those things are hell. Both of those things are horrible. But even if you don't have access, like go sprint dog. Like it will fuck you up, man. You do sprints with 10 second rest, dude. It will get you in shape fast. It's so hard to do.
Starting point is 02:36:19 You better be careful though. You can pop shit if you're not really... That's what's really crazy. Chelsun said the best about fighting is like, it is impossible to fight at full pace For five rounds. You can't do it. No one can do it. You can't fight full pace. Chill goes I don't do anything for 25 minutes. It is true If you're going to like go at a fight like this against elite fighters like you got a pick your times
Starting point is 02:36:40 You got a no one tjic Yuri and Alex Paheda too. You know, he's a different dude, man. He's a different dude. Yuri? Yeah, he's a different dude. This is why I have Alex high up on my pound for pound list because part of the pound for pound is you gotta fight
Starting point is 02:36:57 anyone anywhere. You're that bad motherfucker and Alex is that dude. Oh, he's that dude. How many times is he gonna do it? Well, he was trying to get a shot at Aspenall. I know. He was trying to fight Aspenall. Did you see Aspenall talked do it? Well, he was trying to get a shot at Aspinal I know I was trying to fight he was down Aspinal talked about he said he sat next to him at a press conference
Starting point is 02:37:08 And he says he could tell he looked at him like he knew he he's like he's looking at me like he knew he could be Different dude is different dude like my pound-for-pound You gotta be that dude where the UFC calls your name you do it and now cowboy was that guy they call you You do it, but he was in doing it at for titles, right? Not like alex is a fucking world champion. He's like, yeah, whatever. Yeah What you could call him tomorrow and ask him to fight for the heavyweight title That's why I have him so high on my pound for pound. Everyone's like that's ridiculous
Starting point is 02:37:35 Look at his level strength of fucking schedule Ian Machado's, Gary and Michael page that to me that to me is the one that I look at I go Whoa, that should be co-main event jo event Joe Pfeiffer is gonna come out guns Blazing cups one cuz he burned himself out in that last fight You know he's gonna come out against Marc Andre burial with just a little bit more understanding of pacing You know he got through that fight where Joe Pfeiffer is one of the most fucking terrifying guys on the feet He's so scary so fast. He hits so fucking hard. He'd be Francis and gonna was punch count He's a fucking 185 guy so powerful crazy power just preposterous power on the feet
Starting point is 02:38:12 It just he burnt himself out. Well, you know, Jack Cramanson is seasoned He's a real real veteran real veteran and knew what to do good enough on the feet to Kind of drag him into the third fourth and fifth rounds wear him out and then at the end of the fight, you know He was just the fresher fight but a fight like that where he's on his crew. Perfect Yeah, he learned cuz you don't want to learn that when you're fighting the top five cat learn it now Oh, we'll forget about it. Who gives a fuck Joe Pfeiffer has everything to be a world champion Everything he's that motherfucker. He is he is and you know those those fights like that We get kind of humbled those are good for a guy like anything career didn't get KO
Starting point is 02:38:49 No didn't get beat up just lost the lesson and lost the fight at a fight He's dominating in the beginning with terrifying shots, but you can't take everybody out with big power Sometimes you got to set things up you got to pick your shots I see veterans before they don't panic. Exactly. And you gotta keep that power into the third, fourth, and fifth rounds. So if you've emptied the gas tank in the first two rounds, trying to take a guy out, and he's still there, fuck. That was the best thing to happen to him.
Starting point is 02:39:14 Yeah, very good thing to happen to him. He probably didn't think that at the time, but he will. Yeah. When he's champion, he'll be like, oh my god, think about how that happened. I agree. I'm pumped for that. Me too. I'm pumped to see where he goes.
Starting point is 02:39:24 I mean, that division is fucking deep, man. How about Piver versus fucking I mean that would be a crazy fight Bo nickel versus Piper take my fucking money. Oh my goodness Take my money to me the best thing the best thing in the UFC is not when the guy gets there And he made the money in the fame the best is the come up. Mm-hmm Oh like you you watch Joe Piper coming up, you watch Bo, you watch him go through it and you see him evolve. It's the best thing in fucking sports. You see how many guys have we seen that are so elite, we're like, I don't know, he might not make it. He might make it.
Starting point is 02:39:54 Because it's so hard to do. Like when Connors come up, Mike, it was such a special time. And the hype was there. He was calling it. You're like, what the fuck? I know. It was the best, I get goose ones, it was the best fucking time in sports.. He's calling it. You're like, what the fuck? I know it was the best. I get goose ones He's the best fucking time in sports. Yeah, there's nothing like it. I think right now is the best time I really do I don't think there's ever been better fighters I think I've never been more excited about weight classes and never been more excited about matchups You know, there's so many good fights
Starting point is 02:40:19 Yeah, you know Leon Edwards versus Bala Muhammad is not getting the respect that it deserves for whatever fucking stupid reason people don't like Balaam Mohammed I don't get it at all. I think he's awesome. He's a great guy. He's a cool great guy He's a really great guy and people don't want to see him fight. It's just weird Thank God the UFC didn't bend the knee to the fans. You know complaining those fans are ridiculous I got a prediction on this and he disagrees with me. I think because he's Palestinian You're gonna see the entire Arab world Come out for this fight. Oh, they definitely will. I don't think that's controversial at all. No, no Let me let me he said it's gonna be the most watched fight ever most downloaded paper you bought ever because the Palestinians
Starting point is 02:40:58 That's what you first say. I say most stolen most stolen for sure with young kid But as far as that being and you and I have a good amount of money on this you said it's gonna be the most watched Pay-per-view yo, you know another fight It won't be as big as Connor, but look at this Bobby Green and Patty pinblitz gonna be crazy. That's a real test for Patty Bobby Green is a bad mother fucker dude. I think he's hard to hit him up the floor the patty He might fuck him up I mean his stand-up is elite and he's weird like hands down real awkward jabs come at you from nowhere Talk shit to you
Starting point is 02:41:38 Patty's a bad motherfucker To have you had him in here good grappling no he's one of those guys when you get around me Oh, I get it. He has that it factor is my bro He just has the it and that's why he gets all the sponsors and he's you know He's probably more famous than he is skill level right now, but he'll get there But when you're around like oh, yeah scroll backwards again back where you work. This is another one Arnold Allen and that's a fight I'd say that's a fucking great fight. I'm a scouser. We don't get knocked out That's a fight. That's a fucking great fight. I'm a scourger. We don't get knocked out
Starting point is 02:42:10 Motherfucker mama greens a bad man. That's a real test for Patty Yeah, especially look at the Jared Gordon fight Jared, but that was a good fight for him to get through like realize Okay, I got to tighten things up. He tight things up in his last fight and now he's got Bobby green See see I like see I like the Bo Nickle. I'm so glad that happened. I like that I like especially if I'm vested in a guy, I'm like thank god that happened. Right, Cody Brundage get a little difficulty in there. Has there been a Japanese UFC champ or even ranked? Champ? No. Ranked guys. Tetsuro Taira is elite. There's a few guys that are coming up that are really good. I'm shocked that because you know, Prague came from over there. I'm shocked that because you know pride came from over there. I'm shocked that
Starting point is 02:42:50 They have some guys in rise in one championship. They have some studs bro. China's got some fucking killers coming up Yeah, artificial young Shao Nan versus fucking Zhong Wei Li was one of the best fights, but he got everybody forgot about yeah I hate it because Yuri Prohaska and Alex beheta fought and everybody forgot about I think yeah Was it Yuri and Alex on that card or was it Jamal? It was it was 300. It was Jamal Jamal That's Jamal and then remember Both prior to that was max and Justin Gaethje and then the girl right so you just like Does that we're doing a fight companion in Calabasas. I didn't see the fight Does that we're doing a fight companion in Calabasas. I didn't see the fine
Starting point is 02:43:31 Happens max's fight was so crazy. Give a fuck. No, I was running around crazy and I was go main event, you know Yeah, I know right but meanwhile was an insane fight Yon-shan-an got choked to sleep at the end of the second round. She was out. Yeah, I think it was the first she had choked Unconscious and then the bell rang and she's like out cold and it's like where I go Wow They got in my corner that should be a win. But for the for the males right now I agree with you. It's the best time ever for the females. It's not that's true female fighting suffering right now They need that star. Yeah, they need that because Amanda left at the top of the food chain. Yep Joe who is this guy turkey? I'll shake he is who he's he's financing the whole chain. Yep. Joe, who is this guy, Turkey Alsheikh, he is who? He's financing the whole thing?
Starting point is 02:44:07 It's a good question. I mean, we turn up the volume so we can hear him. We always see him all the time. He's got that cheddar. He looks like he's in disguise. Like, that's not how he really dress. That dude is putting together some wild ass fights, I'll tell you that. I'm so glad those guys are doing that, that they have the kind of money to throw wild
Starting point is 02:44:24 fights around They're gonna have some wild cards over there. That's who drives Bugatti's, you know, like Americans get them out there Yeah, you don't give a fuck. Yeah Everyone that's ever been Me to dress like that. It looks so comfortable when you go over there Yeah, just just come over there with me for a fight. I will and well dress like that That's how that's how you deal with that Make sure all the weed cans are out of my what are you naked under that you see in Mecca this? Where they're all in Mecca bunch of people died?
Starting point is 02:44:52 1700 people died of heat exhaustion yeah, cuz it's 125 degrees But in the middle of praying that's why that would make you not believe yeah Did I live there we all showed up to pray and make you believe because God's like, I'm taking you. Yep. I lived there for three years. We used to, you could fry an egg. You dressed like that, Brian? No, but my father used to always wear a thobe like that.
Starting point is 02:45:14 Well that's why they come to LA in the summer because it's cool. Correct. You call it a thobe? Yeah, a thobe. Thobe? Saudi clears out for the wealthy, they leave in the summer. Yeah, they call it Saudi summers and they come to Los Angeles around with diplomatic plates they drive around like Ferraris and Lamborghinis with diplomatic you gotta
Starting point is 02:45:32 get out of the way right because they don't get charged for shit yeah they were driving in Beverly Hills and fucking getting rex and hey how hot is Saudi Arabia in the summer what do we talk about 25 degrees yeah it's hard yeah it's like a hundred the records one and I live in Woodland Hills it gets 110 or something no I mean a record is 125 this that in Mecca this past week 1700 people died because the temperature climate one Tuesday it said it reached 117 but either way 117 125 it's the same fucking that's Valley to do it sucks yeah and there are older people
Starting point is 02:46:07 100 degrees it don't matter. Yeah If it's human 110 is a difference we Austin had last summer we had they had a record like 40 day 40 days straight days Oh, you know what I shot archery outside every day for two hours in that heat I bring a 64 ounce hydro flask filled with electrolytes and water It's good shot outside me. I was in the house with the AC pump with my face in the refrigerator. I came inside and it was like I jumped in the pool. My jeans were completely wet. My t-shirt was completely wet. I like it when it's hot. I like to work out when it's hot. Have you been to Saudi? I go in the sauna every fucking day. No, I've been to Abu Dhabi though. Yeah. Saudi. And I've been to Dubai.
Starting point is 02:46:42 Okay. Texas experiences hottest summer record in 2023 80 days with 100 degree heat 40 days of temperature of 105 or higher And received less than 1.5 inches of rain. So it's it's humid here though, and Saudi's really dry, right? It's human so so you can deal with the dry heat. Yeah better than the humids time Yeah, you lose water in that and because what because I went to Arizona recently in the middle of that summer I went to Arizona and it was like a hundred and three degrees and I was like this This doesn't feel hot at all like Houston a hundo Yes, right by the ocean Houston gets muggy since if you go to Saudi by the way, and you just are respectful and and say hi to people
Starting point is 02:47:23 And they will treat you there if you go there with the Arabs and you show that respectful and say hi to people and they will treat you. If you go there with the Arabs and you show that you like being there or you're just respectful of the culture, they'll take care of you beyond what you can imagine. It'll be over the top. Really? Yeah. It's part of their culture. If you're their guest, you're protected no matter what. I'll tell you what, Dana White loves it over there. Oh yeah. He loves Abu Dhabi. He says the royal family are the nicest fucking people says they're like super cool. They're actually very progressive
Starting point is 02:47:49 He said yeah, yeah, they're also a blast because they don't drink really so listen the podcast What's that royal family listens the podcast shout out to the royal family to them? They're awesome. Just wild you'd be amazed I'm a treadmill listen to Joey Diaz. I'm gonna get me one of those would you call it again a throw? I thought I'm gonna get me a throw You have to go there and if you show interest in the culture in the history I'm telling you man, you'll have the best time of your life. They'll treat you like gold. What if you already yamaka on? well So hold on
Starting point is 02:48:24 Having said that people always forget that in the Muslim world, the place that the Jews found refuge was in the Muslim world. The Christians killed the Jews, typically. Traditionally. What about Lebanon? Well, Lebanon was a Phoenician port, so Lebanon was Christian and Muslim. The Civil War broke out because they were that way. But Lebanon was always like, they were Phoenicians. They were like, they were the port where everybody came.
Starting point is 02:48:48 It used to be the Paris of the Middle East. You would ski in, you could go to Friah and ski then go down to Coral Beach in the same day, because the weather was unbelievable that way. So Lebanon was the Paris of the Middle East. Still the best nightlife, I guarantee if you go there, it's the best nightlife on the planet. The Lebanese are the best What do you do there? Anything you smoke the hookah anything you want like and I'll put this on the record. I Would say the most beautiful women on the planet are probably centered right there But you go you go to Saudi and you see those women like when you're not
Starting point is 02:49:28 Obviously gonna be covered in public you go hang out and see that take your ass Columbia, Brazil, bro Boys let's bring this bitch home another fun podcast another great fight companion Bryan Simpson. Thank you very much Thank you, brother. What happens at the Michael venom page? fight companion Brian Simpson thank you very much thank you brother coming in what happens at a Michael venom page fight oh no that's that's weeks from now also when you say the main event I thought you meant no Michael venom page Ian Gary fight next Saturday that's next Saturday I'm going to fight it's a week are you that's right yeah I'm bringing my nephew yeah I mean now no I just bringing my nephew. Yeah, let me know. I just order my though Yeah, you get a legit though from Arizona. It's from Amazon good man It's 30 bucks. I got a furry outfit from Amazon like a legit one
Starting point is 02:50:13 Yeah, Duncan and I dress up like furries sick Maybe respect the furries because it's hard hard to wear that big have sex in those things We I know they do we we wore the help the hats for like what 30 seconds five minutes at the most five Minutes at the most was the quickest we bail on our costumes. How much was that though man 30 bucks? I can't be no you get some It's just a she's great keeps you hydrated all right. That's us with the furry costumes. Yeah, and that's your outfit Yeah, that's my I wore that shit for like five minutes and died for it was a cat. You got it off Amazon? Yeah. That's fucking hilarious. I'd wear that for Halloween. That's a legit ass outfit. It was fun. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:51 It's hard to wear though man, and also like furries must have good neck strength. Oh, you had this big ass helmet on all day long. It's a lot of weight. That bitch is like ten pounds. Respect man. Sitting on your head. Respect to the furries. Alright. Anybody got anything to promote? I'll be in LOL Comedy Cup San Antonio. Great place. July 12th, 13, 14th. Come see me. Nice.
Starting point is 02:51:13 And I'm giving away a truck. Go to, search July 8th. It's like a Raptor on steroids. Oooh. And I'm with King Shock. Everything. You buy merch to win. Okay. And I'm going to be at Comedy everything, you buy merch to win. Okay.
Starting point is 02:51:25 And I'm gonna be at Comedy Works in Denver July 11th, 12th, 13th, and I'm going bottom of the barrel for the first time outside the mothership on the 14th. Okay. And I'm going to Wilbur Theater at the end of the year, tickets go on sale on Wednesday. Great spot. Nice. Alright, that's it. Bye everybody.
Starting point is 02:51:41 Yay, we did it. Sam, Robert Whitaker did it. What, Sammy? Let me in. Dude, I thought we were done. I thought we were done. I thought we were done. I thought we were done.

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