The Joe Rogan Experience - Fight Companion - September 3, 2016

Episode Date: September 3, 2016

Joe is joined by Brendan Schaub, Bryan Callen, and Eddie Bravo to watch the fights on September 3, 2016. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Absolutely not. Never watched it. Does anybody know it? Just let me know. We're live? I didn't go on TV. We're live. We're actually live.
Starting point is 00:00:07 We're on the air right now. Eddie Bravo is here. Eddie Bravo. Eddie Bravo. Hello. Brian motherfucking Collins. Yes, I am. And Brendan Schaub is perfect too.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I fucked up. I put too much Steve in the coffee though. Oh, yeah. That Steve is strong. You know what we can do? You just take this one and I trust your spit. I hope you don't have herpes, and just go back and forth with mine, because there's none in there.
Starting point is 00:00:31 There you go. I see it. And then we'll make a concoction. We'll have to. Except we'll go for the both of us. Split it up, bro. Split it up. A concoction.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Just do it. You're a scientist. You can snort Stevia. Yeah, you can. That dude. Yeah, and remember Diego Sanchez got really into that for a while? What? With Dan Quinn, right?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yeah, Diego Sanchez got really into Dan Quinn's Stevia thing. Like he was going to melt fat with Stevia and cure cancer and go to the moon. Yeah, there's a guy out there. His name is Dan Quinn who believes that Stevia can change the world. Tell me how that big brown thing is. Good for him. It's the five companion. Tastes like a chocolatey man kiss.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh, yeah. All right. That's what I'm going for. It tastes like a chocolatey man kiss. If you're listening to this podcast, we're watching the fights live from Germany. They play at noon in L.A. So we all got out of our comfy beds and beautiful wives' arms and embraces and came here to watch dudes fight. We're not going to be watching the fights.
Starting point is 00:01:26 If you want to know what happened, we don't know. We'll be talking about subjects that belong in a 14-year-old's treehouse. And that's essentially what we talk about. And the other thing about muscles and grips. We might eventually get to some of these fights. I want to talk about Alir Latife and Ryan Bader when that fight happens. Tough fight. I don't like that fight for Bader.
Starting point is 00:01:46 That dude's scary as fuck. Latife can bomb. Yeah, he can throw some punches. He's a tank. Bader's been known to eat a couple. It does nothing for Bader either. Yeah, but Bader's fought well against certain guys that are powerful, scary guys. He just really fucked up against Rumble.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So you're looking at that. He shit the bed against Rumble. So you're looking at the bed against He just made a giant error. Yeah, you can't blame him. You see what Rumble just did to Glover That low like weird he tried to ankle pick a big yeah Just why'd his brains? I think he just took a chance You know at something weird like hoping maybe it would work out can't do that I think you also maybe like had a moment, you't do that at that level. I think he also maybe had a moment in there. Oh, shit moment.
Starting point is 00:02:26 That's Anthony Rumble Johnson. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, that's not James Toney. Don't do the same game plan Randy Couture had against James Toney. Exactly. That was exactly what he did. Because Anthony Johnson went, huh? Punched him right in the face.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Not only that, he controlled him on the ground until he punched him in the face and eventually got him flattened out on his stomach. It might be the worst place in the world to be, flattened out on your stomach underneath Rumble Johnson. It's terrible. There is a, like, that's, probably that is the worst place. No, it's right next to that dude who got his arm trapped in the rock and had to saw it off.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah. Yeah. And also in a swamp full of crocodiles. That's worse. That guy. Or standing right in front of him like Glover. Oh, God. Well, Glover just tried to put that pressure on him.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Hey, man. Dude, did you hear it? You can't walk forward. Did you just see an uppercut? Do you remember that white supremacist where they had his brother in jail? And in protest, he videotaped himself sawing his own hand off. What? his own hand off so he had a camera on
Starting point is 00:03:28 and he goes i want to show you guys something essentially basically showing them that he that they had no control of him that he his mind was stronger than theirs and just cut his own hand off would you they're like that's impressive jamie pull that up i need to see this. My brother would do that for me, I feel like. Let's talk off the air. I wouldn't want him to. This is Marcin Held and Taehyung Bang. Taehyung Bang? He is from Korea?
Starting point is 00:03:56 He's a Korean cowboy. He's a Korean cowboy. You said Marcin Held? A lot of cowboys in Korea. Oh, I'm sorry. Nick Hine. You got me all excited. You know what?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Marcin Held just got signed. I was actually going to bring that up. He just got signed over from Bellator. Very hesitant here, ladies and gentlemen. He's a really good footlock guy, huh? Yeah. Good leg locks. One of them rare leg lockers in MMA.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. I don't know why. I confuse all white people. I think all white people look the same. Me too. Especially if they're athletes. I'm super racist when it comes to white people. To the whites.
Starting point is 00:04:24 To the whites. White people from other countries comes to white people. To the whites. To the whites. White people from other countries where they talk weird. All the same. Yeah, that can never be racist. White people look the same. No one cares either. Nobody cares. But any other race, it's very trouble.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Big trouble. Any other race, even Mexicans. Oh, big trouble. A black person can say white people all look the same to me on TV, and nobody gives a shit. Not at all. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. You'd have to be really, really funny and it'd have to be a really obvious joke for you to use any other race, especially if you're a white guy.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Well, Sam Tripoli has that joke where he goes, he'll be like, I lost Bobby Lee at the Korean Day Parade. You ever lose a Korean in a Korean parade? It's like looking for a needle in a needle stack. Come on, that's funny. It is funny, and it is true, too. Sir, I'm not going to say it's true, but I am saying it's funny. There's certain races that share so many similarities as far as their mannerisms or their um their features and stuff i mean it's there's so much variety in like america right because we come from so many
Starting point is 00:05:30 different parts of the world mixes you thought of us as a country which you know we are a country but we're not a country like like say if you wanted to go and meet some colombians you were in colombia most of them are going to look like colombians you know i mean they have a very distinct look to them especially the women well China very much I think in China to have that many people speaking Mandarin which had to do I think with the Yangtze and the Yellow River because they could trade
Starting point is 00:05:56 and share ideas and plus I think they were pretty isolated so you're right there wasn't as much immigration and mix of the United States. I mean, everybody's fucking everybody. Well, not only that, it's never been like this before with this 300 million people. We vary so much and we're more varied now than ever before.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Like they say, what is it like? I think they said 20 more years and white people are going to be a minority. Yeah. It's fascinating. Yep. Because the Chinese and, or you can say Asian and Mexicans will be the minority in America, correct? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Well, China's film market is neck and neck with the United States now. I mean, China's- Well, they like Expendables 19. They love all that bullshit. They're making their own movies, and they're building huge movie studios now. They're also using our old, like, Sylvester Stallone's such a hit now over there. Like, they just found him. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah. Well, it's interesting, man. It's interesting that this world is sort of, in some places, it's not sort of meshing with everything else. But in most places, people are spreading out and sort of, like, integrating with each other. I remember when I was little, my dad gets so, I was like four or five. And we'd see an Asian person, and I'd say, oh, look at that Chinese guy. You know, something, I'd say something, he's like, he's not, he's Korean. I'm fucking five, man.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That's what I do. I can't tell the difference between the eyes, dad. I do. Your dad got mad at you at that when you were five? Even today. Even today. He's from Korea. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Well, today, maybe it should make sense. Like you should have learned it by now. Maybe. It's tough. I've never been over there. I can tell the difference between a Korean and a Japanese person now. My favorite thing to do is to- Pretty close, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I love drawing the distinction and alerting people to the fact that I know the difference. And then I'll give you a little history lesson on it. Yeah, you do. And then I walk away feeling good about myself. Yeah, you do. Greg Fitzsimmons does this thing in his show where he guesses the Asian. He calls it Guess the Asian. He points at people. God bless him. He's really good at it. I bet if you can tell the difference. He can pick up like he tells difference between Filipinos and people from Bali. I think that's easy.
Starting point is 00:07:55 They're huge differences. That's a skill my man. No. It's like an X-Men power. No. If you're in America it is. You know what's weird is like that America's only been around for like really a few hundred years from the first settlers, right? First European settlers. 1640 or something, yeah. And then before that, just one look, right? Like Native American.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And then in that time, just the change of the landscape has been so drastic in just a short amount of time. You think about any other time in the world, any other part of the world, some place as big as the continental United States just gets Transformed over a couple hundred years and just white people just feel Shit over what about Israel? Wizard is very small. You know Israel's time. It's just 1948 and it's a tiny place And they still look like all the people that hate
Starting point is 00:08:45 them. They do. I used to have that bit. Remember that there's, there's, there's a brown skin dude with dark color hair throwing rocks at a brown skin dude with dark color hair holding a machine gun. I go,
Starting point is 00:08:58 what's going on? How do you guys look exactly? This isn't like the Chinese versus the African. This is like a tennis match between the Williams sisters. I'm like, who the fuck is who? What's even crazier, what's even crazier, they believe in the same God. They believe in the same God. And basically the Quran says that everything in the Old Testament is true.
Starting point is 00:09:16 So even the Quran says that's the first book. Then they had a problem with the New Testament. But it's kind of wild. For sure, figure it out. It's just territory, territory. Well, there's no way you're going to figure it out because you want to make your parents happy and you know they have a set of rules and you grow up with them and you start raising your kid that way and then those all those ancient ideas about who those people that you don't know are versus these people next
Starting point is 00:09:38 to you that you don't know well these people are on my side of the dirt and those people on that side of the dirt and we believe a certain type of the dirt. And we believe a certain type of wacky shit. And they believe a different type of wacky shit. I mean, they have their problems over there, but we have problems here too. Like, have you seen how the Kaepernick situation escalated? Have you seen that? Explain that to me. So Kaepernick won't stand for the-
Starting point is 00:09:56 Well, explain who he is. Colin Kaepernick is the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He's African-American and mixed with something else. So he's lighter skinned and he was adopted. He's African-American and mixed with something else, so he's lighter skinned, and he was adopted. He was raised by white parents. And so he was a big-time quarterback, playing like shit lately, but he was a big-time quarterback, refuses to stand for the national anthem because it says his people are oppressed and the cop treatment,
Starting point is 00:10:19 stuff like that. And then a picture came out that he wore them a while ago, these socks with cops as pigs on them. He wore them to them a while ago these socks with uh cops as pigs on him he wore him to practice a while ago before he made this stance and so that's that photo's been brought back out so now the cops in santa clara are saying we're not working the games anymore unless you guys do something about kaepernick we're not working the games anymore so the cops are taking a protest now which to to me is like, it's definitely not the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Because he has freedom of speech, right? First Amendment, he can do that, whether you agree with it or not. But the cops, now you guys are sinking to his level. You can't make a decision to not do your job because you don't like a guy's opinion. Cops that work games are off-duty police officers. They're not on
Starting point is 00:11:03 duty. Oh, that's a good point. So they're doing it for extra money. Well, they're just doing it because they enjoy the game and they want to keep the fucking San Francisco 49ers safe. Well, they're going to exercise their right and then Colin's going to exercise his right. Somewhere in the middle, something's got to happen. It's a complete nightmare, though.
Starting point is 00:11:18 It's not good. You know, it's not a good... It's not a smart platform for all this. I agree. Because it's all going to get lost in the noise. That's the problem. If he has a real point about what he doesn't like about the way the United States is going, or the way our country is being led,
Starting point is 00:11:34 it gets a lot of people paying attention, but it's just going to get a lot of hate. But you're not changing anything by not standing for the anthem during the National Football League. The cops are still going to be the cops, and the black people are still going to be oppressed. You're really not changing much. Well, he's starting the dialogue, he thinks. And when you're young and you have a strong ego and you feel like you're in a position of quote unquote leadership, you feel like you can make a stand. It's a little clumsy. Maybe a little clumsy on his part.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But now you have other players starting to do the same thing. Isn't that what he wanted though? Why would he say all that? He wants this. It's like little clumsy, maybe a little clumsy on his part. But now you have other players starting to do the same thing. Isn't that what he wanted, though? Why would he say all that? He wants this. It's like mission accomplished. Well, it's not mission accomplished. It's working because everyone's talking about it. I don't think he realized it was going to be like this, though.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Well, I think he kind of, but the big issue is he's just not playing very good football. So now the Niners, if they release him, they're going to get so much flack. Oh, that's fucking racist because this. No, no, no. He just can't throw a fucking football. I bet they won't. I bet they won't. I bet they won't. I bet the tougher thing will be him getting picked up by somebody else.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Like what team wants to take on that PR nightmare? True. And you're going to risk the ire of all the police unions that are working your games. And all the people in your town. They're going to say, oh, is this what our team's all about? We're about taking this guy in? What if you went to a more African-American market, like Atlanta or Philadelphia? I wonder if most African-Americans – see, when you – don't stand for the national anthem,
Starting point is 00:12:55 which is the United States versus government or a government policy. Those things can be separate. I look at them as separate. Well, he says that. He says that. So now, instead of just sitting on the bench, he takes a knee, because he goes, I'm not doing this against the soldiers. I have friends. My uncle was in the military. So now he takes
Starting point is 00:13:13 a knee and had a former Navy SEAL next to him and hugged him after. He goes, I'm doing it because the way... He should have made out. Yeah, that'd have been dope. He's just trying to make... He's just gay as shit, too. This is for gays as well. Just over the top. For everybody. He's trying to bring attention
Starting point is 00:13:27 to something he feels strongly about. The question is, is it, like you said, the best venue and it's the most effective? Well, maybe. We're talking about it. He didn't want to be quiet about it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Obviously, he wanted to be loud about it and this is loud as fuck. He even grew a powerful afro. I think he loves it. Powerful afro. Maybe. Maybe. But I think Brandon's not playing wellful afro. Maybe. Maybe. But I think Brennan's right.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, that's the thing. Like, you've got to be playing real well to have a fucked up opinion. Yeah, like if Tom Brady did it, we're like, oh, cool, man. Yeah, do your thing. With him, it's like, fuck. He's not even the starter, probably, and he's going to be paid $19 million this year. So that might have a little bit to do with him getting cut, too. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:14:05 His contract and his on-field play is the bigger issue if you're calling. That's a tremendous amount of money. It's a lot of money. He signed a $114 million contract two years ago. Brennan, at $19 million after agents and taxes, what do you think he sees? I mean, $19 million, that's his guaranteed signing bonus, right? So agents take 10% in the taxes. I mean, he sees a shitload of money.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He sees about $10 million of that. No, no, no, no. Because you've got to figure out, he's probably in a 48% tax bracket. He probably has a manager, an agent, and a lawyer. Yeah. And there's a lot of shit that gets distributed. But don't get it twisted. This is just part of the contract.
Starting point is 00:14:46 He's rich as fuck. Yeah. Because this is his third contract or second, Jamie? His second. So before that, he was already making money. Was he better before? Was he a better player before? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:56 He took him to the conference finals and the playoffs. So when did it start going bad for him? From my insiders who actually, someone worked for the San Francisco 49ers, they were saying it really went bad for him because he was like a really athletic quarterback and no one could really pick up his style of play. And once they figured it out, he was a guy who was on social media all the time and the negativity got to him. So he's a sensitive dude and just all the critiquing from the media
Starting point is 00:15:23 and everyone else really got to him. So he's lost weight He's changed his throwing motion. He doesn't run anymore. This is all black power now social media fucked with him They're saying that that's just just this wave like he let all the criticism get to him really yeah Wow the haters right now are going what the trolls like yeah? We got him he still has 19 million He still has $19 million, people. Yeah, but if he's losing weight and feeling nervous, they win. 100%.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Losing weight. How old is he? He might be 26. Damn, that's a lot of money. How old is he, Jamie? 26? That is so much money. You know what I'm saying, Nevada? First of all, asking a 26-year-old to take a stance about global issues
Starting point is 00:16:06 while they're in the middle of a professional athletic career at the highest level, which demands you know as much as anybody. If you're playing professional football, tell us how much fucking that demands of your day. Especially as a quarterback. How much does that demand of your day? Oh, man, in season. I mean, you're talking full time.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I mean, nine to five doesn't count. You're talking about endless hours of studying, practice. You're the leader of the team. Strength and conditioning. No, just conditioning. Drills, plyos, constantly. Really, they're in the film room more than anyone. Break down tape.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And how tired are you all the time after practice? I mean, you're exhausted. Exhausted. Especially a guy like that who he relies on his athleticism to get the plays done. Well, the NFL doesn't work like that. You have to use your brain. Look at the best quarterbacks in the league. How many plays per team would you say?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Because they have a book, right? I mean, you're talking thousands. Thousands of plays that they have to know. And he has to know the whole inside and out. So that dude doesn't have time to be studying global issues? No, that's why he's playing like shit. It'd be way more powerful if he played well, was a starter, started winning games, and then came out and did this maybe after the season.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Dude, there's no 26-year-old that's built to handle the kind of pressure that comes being that famous and a big football player. And then on top of that, supporting some sort of a global issue, like some sort of a national issue on the United States, like the state of the United States. Are you going to make an official statement? I can't imagine. It's putting a lot on your plate.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I shouldn't be making an official statement today, and I'm almost 50. I'm like, not ready yet. I'm still digesting it. Give me some time. I can't imagine what he's doing. I'm sure he has support from a lot of people, but a lot of it is negative.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Then you've got to get ready for a football game. It's make or break. If you're playing poorly, it's going to get negative real quick from all sides, right? No, I don't think from all sides. I think African-American people are pretty proud of him in a certain aspect. Well, some people are proud of him, too, that feel like things aren't the way they should be in this country, and at least this guy used that platform and took a chance. Correct.
Starting point is 00:18:10 But I think you're dead right in that the real problem is you've got to be playing really fucking good to pull something like that off. Like, people don't want to just listen to you if you're ruining play. And there's going to be so much pressure on him every time he does play. People are going to be psyched if he gets nailed. What's the pressure? I mean, he watches a couple YouTube videos. And, I mean, there's not like something that he's got to study.
Starting point is 00:18:33 God damn it. He wears socks. So what? What is he doing? He likes to tweet. And then what? He has the entire San Francisco 49ers organization on his back to win games. And if he doesn't perform, he's going to lose his job.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Poor him. I mean, it's a tough gig. It's a tough gig, man. You don't feel bad about him, Eddie? No. But he's got money. Because he's black? Fuckers. Rich as shit. Super famous. And he wants this attention. Why else would he wear those socks? If Tom Brady wore those
Starting point is 00:19:01 socks, the whole arena would be yelling, fuck the police, right? For sure, yeah. Tom Brady's white, though. Exactly. Would they, though? I think they would turn on him. I think they'd turn on Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:19:11 There's no turning on Tom Brady. That's bullshit. He can't do anything wrong. They would turn on him. He can't do anything wrong. Incorrect. New England wouldn't. He could murder someone,
Starting point is 00:19:19 and they'd be like, yeah, what can you do with Tom Brady? Tell us the whole story. He did murder four people. Well, the guy probably lipped off. Even with Aaron Hernandez, the guy who's a straight-up murderer, they were like, I mean, if he gets out, we'll take him. He's such a good player.
Starting point is 00:19:34 New England was like, I mean, we wouldn't be mad if he gets out. He's such a good player. They just want to win fucking football games in New England. God. That's how good of a player he was. Throw to the murderer. You know what? The Patriots might sue you for saying that. They'd probably agree with you. No, they're like, yeah, that's how good of a player he was. Throw to the murderer. You know what? The Patriots might sue you for saying that.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah. They'd probably agree with you. No, they're like, yeah, that's how it goes. Trying to win games here. Jesus Christ. Neil Brennan has a fucking hilarious bit about football that I can't do it without doing it. You know, I can't give you the premise of it. But he's talking about why football players do fucked up shit in real life.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It is hilarious. Dude, he's my favorite guest on your podcast. Is he really? By far. I think he's the most creative fucking, I've never met him in person, but dude, that guy is brilliant. Let's get him on. Very, very smart. He's so creative.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Get him on the fighter of the kid. Yeah, we will. Yeah, yeah. You guys will love him. He's awesome. God, he's talented. I've been meaning to do that anyway. So talented.
Starting point is 00:20:21 The football bit he did last night, I was crying. Really? Crying. I can't do it because it'll give away the bit, but it's very, very funny. Dude, I finally watched the roast with Jim Ross with Big Boy. What's his name? The big fat guy. Ralphie May.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Ralphie May. Where his feelings got hurt. I heard it was bad. Dude. I can't watch. Dude. I don't want to watch it. Bro.
Starting point is 00:20:41 What happened? I mean, it's a roast battle. Ralphie's going through a divorce, and these people just fucking... The fucking hammer in the coffin, the guy goes, Well, you've lost... It's so fucked up. You've lost your wife, your career. You can't sell tickets.
Starting point is 00:21:00 You've lost everything. The only thing you haven't lost is weight, motherfucker. And it was like... I don't like that stuff. Because Ralphie's such a sweet... It's a roast. He's such a sweet guy. Well, don't fucking watch. The only thing you haven't lost is weight, motherfucker. And it was like... I don't like that stuff. Because Ralphie's such a sweet... It's a roast. He's such a sweet guy. Well, don't fucking watch.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It's a roast, though. Yeah, don't get involved in the roast. Yeah, don't get involved, yeah. Yeah. They were roasting Ralphie Mae? It was a Ralphie Mae roast? No, it's like one-on-one roast. Roast battle.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah. Roast battle. They roast each other. You ever see Roast Battle? It's a hilarious show. Yeah, they have it at the comedy store. You gotta come, man. I love it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They do it at the comedy store on Tuesday nights, and they do it late at night. And I think it starts at midnight, right? I'm not sure. Isn't it? But your boy Tony Hinchcliffe tore it up, too. Yeah. It's just some of the funniest young up-and-coming kids. And adults, I should say.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Some of them are, for whatever reason, deep in their 30s. There's some old-ass people in there, too. Yeah, some 50-year-old people that are on Rose Battle. They have great judges, too. Yeah, and they have comics judge it and then they'll they'll do like
Starting point is 00:21:47 one you know one joke and the other person will do a joke against them and they go back and forth and then the audience
Starting point is 00:21:53 decides who got who better it's so creative and like Tony Hinchcliffe I guess he does a podcast at the comic store on Monday nights or something like that
Starting point is 00:22:00 whatever it is and he texts me and goes it's called Kill Tony Kill Tony yeah yeah he texts me and goes hey man when do you come by Kill Tony, yeah, yeah. He texts me and goes, hey, man, when do you come by and do the podcast? And I went, oh, no, do the show.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And I went, I'm down to do like a podcast, but I'm not letting you just roast the shit out of me. I'm not going... It's too easy. I don't know how to come... I'm not good at roasting other people. I'm not good at those comebacks. Also, you want everybody to love you.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You don't want to be mean to people. I also don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. It ain't for you, B. It ain't for you. Tony would eat you you. You don't want to be mean to people. I also don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. It ain't for you, B. It ain't for you. Tony would eat you alive. I can't hurt people. Even if I had a good take put down, I couldn't. Tony would eat you.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I don't like hurting people's feelings. Like a cannibal. Brian Moses, the guy who hosts it, is perfect. He's a hilarious guy. Brian's a good guy. Great guy. It's a great show. You know what's tough on that?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Because obviously they're going based off each other, you're volleying back and forth on jokes and roasting each other. But when someone has a horrible, like just a great roast and the other one's not ready, when a roast is bad, it's bad. Like Ralphie May was like, that's why your eyes are close together. And the crowd's like,
Starting point is 00:23:02 it's just dead silent. I'm like, oh, God. Fuck. I heard about it, and I couldn't watch it. It's on the spot. Yeah, I don't want to see somebody get knocked out like that. I don't like that shit. It's on Comedy Central.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I'm sure it's on YouTube. But Whoopi Goldberg was a coach, or she was a judge. Man, it was tough. What was tough? Whoopi Goldberg being a judge? Her commentary and everything. She's just out of the loop You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:26 She's out of the fucking loop That's 100% what she was doing It's funny how people can ride Something great for a long time Like her first HBO special Was it really great? Yeah it was really good Theatrically it was excellent
Starting point is 00:23:42 This motherfucker's in an audition again. He's great. He's in the room right now with the producers. No, no, no. Brian's trying to get on the view. I had some wine last night in Santa Monica with some good friends. You cannot take away from her. Brian's trying to get on the view right now.
Starting point is 00:23:55 The two things she did to get herself known on HBO, they were pretty amazing. Whoopi Goldberg? Yeah, you can't take that away from her. But I will say that, and she did Ghost, but you can ride that shit for a long time. Ghost is big. I'm blacking out right now. There's no air in this room. I just sucked it all out. Hey, 20 years ago. It was 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:13 She's not like in the comedy scene. She does the view. She does the view. She's got a look that's very distinctive. And she seems like a very friendly person and America took her in a long time ago. And she's sort of been in this steady, coasting state ever since then. So when she goes and does something that demands, like, pop, like these things. Or when she expresses herself on The View, when she's got an opinion, it's not very succinct.
Starting point is 00:24:37 It's not, like, clear and sharp and, like, well-defined. There's a lot of, lot of laziness to it. I'm sure she's just a really wealthy woman who is set for life. She doesn't have to worry about shit. She dresses that way, too. And when she's up there, she's casual, and she's being herself.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Casual as fuck. She has Crocs on and shit. Some ways, what you're getting is when you get a person that's at that level. She's an Oscar winner. Yeah. She's over it.
Starting point is 00:25:06 She's like, what's up? I'm Whoopi Goldberg. I don't have to do shit anymore. She even brought that up on the show. She said, I have Oscars. That's what she said on the show. That was her roast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:18 When someone came at her, when her and Jeselnik were going at it, and she was like, who are you? I have Oscars. That's her thing. She's like, I have Oscars, honey. That's not funny you know what happens but that's what you
Starting point is 00:25:26 but sometimes success can stop a lot of things so Bob Dylan was and he's produced a lot and been amazing but they were going through like the lyrics that he was writing
Starting point is 00:25:36 and stuff and when he was younger that made him like a legend and he said and he literally went isn't that something and they go what do you mean
Starting point is 00:25:42 he goes I just don't that was a different person back then who wrote that stuff. Like, I could never do that again. I could never replicate that again. That magic that made me what I am is gone. So much of it was wanting to be heard so badly. So much of it was, can I even do this?
Starting point is 00:25:56 The wonder and the mystery of who am I? And let me see if this effort can bear fruit. And when you get really wealthy and you get really famous and you become a legend, it's very difficult to replicate that kind of stuff. Like Ellen Jenner is for me when she was younger and doing stand-up personally,
Starting point is 00:26:10 I loved her stand-up when she was younger. And then I was thinking to myself, you had this great stand-up career and then you became a talk show host. You make a fortune. She's really good at that though. But I just could never do that.
Starting point is 00:26:20 That would be so boring to me in comparison to stand-up. You know what the best interview with her? Her and Caitlyn Jenner. When Caitlyn Jenner was talking about how she doesn't believe in gay marriage because I'm more of a traditionalist. So she's sitting there with her frozen face. Why have I always been a traditionalist?
Starting point is 00:26:36 And you're like, what in the fuck are you talking about? Your face is Botoxed and cut and your jaw is half your jaw is missing. You're wearing lipstick. That's her up there on the screen. All this craziness, and she's saying that she's not into gay marriage, or she wasn't into gay marriage. She's trying to change my opinion now. But because she's more of a traditionalist. You are a man who thinks they're a woman.
Starting point is 00:27:00 There's nothing further from a traditionalist. That's a Hollywood insanity. But Ellen wrote her on it. She's like, how can someone like you, who's faced so much discrimination, how could you be against gay marriage? And this is my take on this Caitlyn Jenner thing that everybody's always been missing. You're talking about a nonsense person. You're talking about a male Kardashian. This is what this is.
Starting point is 00:27:22 We're having this national debate, which is an important national debate, because there's a spectrum of gender, and there's some people that get stuck in some weird spots. And to be mean about those people because they're not a manly man like Brendan Schaub or- Or Brian Callen. Or Brian Callen. You know what I mean? Or a girly girl, you know, like Katy Perry.
Starting point is 00:27:42 There's a lot of women and men that fall in these weird places. But this is the wrong one to pay attention to. Yes. This is crazy. I agree 100%. This is, I mean, it's not a bad person, you know? They're not a horrible person. She's Kardashian.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah, but this is what we've been dealing with when we're talking about, like, putting focus on people for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that there's a camera on them. People also get bullied into being super supportive and completely a fanatic on that side. Exactly. Instead of having an objective, fair, critical point of view like it's weird or like, I don't know, she's not that impressive.
Starting point is 00:28:16 What she did in 1976 was pretty impressive and whatever. It's social media, man. Social media, the pressure and the amount of human beings that you're communicating with, it's off the charts the numbers are crazy the numbers that you're you're interacting with on a daily basis if you have any sort of a point whatsoever like this football player dude if he has any sort of a point that he wants to make dude you're you're dealing with literally millions of people throwing their opinions your way. And it's a storm. And you can't go outside in the rain and pick the raindrop that you're going to communicate with.
Starting point is 00:28:51 No, you can't. That's essentially what he's doing when it's opinions. Opinions are coming at him like rain. Well, but also look at Homegirl. Who's the comedian from Ghostbusters, the black girl? Oh, shit. Leslie Jones. Leslie Jones.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Her shit got so bad. People are, when she's doing Ghostbusters. the black girl? Oh, shit. Leslie Jones. Leslie Jones. Her shit got so bad, people are... She exacerbated that. She exacerbated by about poorly... They leaked naked photos, too. No, no, no, that was afterwards. Yeah, I know, but they went ham on it. I don't know if it's the same people. I mean, obviously somebody leaked her naked photos, but
Starting point is 00:29:18 they'll leak your naked photos, too, if you leave them on iCloud, stupid. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, they'll leak everyone's naked photos. You leave your dick on iCloud, that shit's going online. All my dick pics are, I'm pretty proud of. But she interacted with some of those people and she did it. That's what you can't do. It was poorly thought out.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I feel like she's new to it too though, right? Yeah, she is new to it. Ghostbusters! Sideways rain, baby. There's a fucking hurricane out your door. Go out there and find a raindrop. But I feel like successful people don't pay attention to most of that bullshit some people do tyron woodley apparently he's been paying attention to it i've been reading all the shit about tyron reading all these uh haters tweets why would he do that i don't know man maybe someone needs to talk to
Starting point is 00:29:56 him maybe he doesn't mind maybe he's using as a psychological exercise but he's talking about all these people that are being racist no i'm No, let him get dark, man. He needs to focus on Wonderboy. Not only that, when you find out, when they find out that you're paying attention and that it freaks you out like this Kaepernick guy that's losing weight and you fucking can't throw right anymore. There's too many of them, man.
Starting point is 00:30:17 There's too many people. Especially in negative, they can't affect the celebrity in that fashion. They're gonna fucking try, man. It's natural. It's as natural as a virus. Being're going to fucking try, man. It's natural. It's as natural as a virus. Being a hater? Yeah, yeah. There's a certain amount of people that they got a fucking shithand in life.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And they are who they are through a series of bad decisions and life circumstances and genetics and all the above. And they see a guy like Kaepernick that's making 50 million bucks over the next couple of years. Don't be stupid. Fuck him. Good looking dude too. Has a bit of a nose, but good looking dude. And they come home every day and they run to that computer from their McDonald's job with fucking fry smell all over their body, their hands.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And they just start putting all kinds of rude shit about him. Just hoping to get a response. Although the article we read in Time Magazine had a front page article. And according to that author and his research, a lot of that hate comes from, oh, I don't know, kindergarten teachers, doctors, lawyers, and people, your next door neighbor you would never imagine, but they just have a mean streak. Well, they just said it could come from-
Starting point is 00:31:18 And they just want to be mean. They said it could come from anyone. Yes. Like, just don't assume the guy's in the basement of his mom's house jacking off. That's right. It can literally come from anyone Especially Kaepernick who's a San Francisco 49er
Starting point is 00:31:28 You might be a Seattle fan You're like yeah I'm gonna hate him I might as well I'm a doctor in Seattle fuck this dude It gives you a free pass There's also something about some people When nobody's looking to do something outrageous Forbidden That would be totally out of character
Starting point is 00:31:42 It's freeing right So they just want to do like It it's almost like when you go, when you're in a really, in an airplane, you have to be quiet and stuff, and you go to the bathroom, and you're about to pee, and you look in the mirror, and you go, and you just do some weird face, because it's a release. That's you, you fucking weirdo. That's some weird shit. Maybe, guys, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:58 But no, you're definitely right. I think people that are buttoned down all day, like doctors and lawyers, and people that have to put on a persona all day long Those are the ones who want to hire mistresses and get them to shit on them and smack them in the face Well, they don't do wacky stuff. They've done a lot of studies on Cultures that produce a lot of like shit videos and these really perverse videos It's all about the Japanese Japanese and the Germans who tend to be very disciplined very very authoritarian, and very buttoned down and formal. So, listen, man.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's called Bukkake. When you've got to do that all the time. It's called Bukkake. Yeah. I can't watch them. I'll throw up. You want some extreme. Human beings will, they just want to be, it was like they were talking about why would the Germans at one point, who were the quote unquote most civilized society in the world,
Starting point is 00:32:39 they read Goethe and everything else, and they had, and what happened? It culminated with concentration camps and feeding people to gas chambers and ovens. Huh? What? What the fuck? Meanwhile, Elir Latife is stepping towards a cage. There's a video of him online really recently where he deadlifts, what was it, like 450 pounds 33 times. That's impressive.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Oh, my God. Brennan Shaw might not be able to do that. Something ridiculous like that. I can't do that. But he does 33 deadlifts with it. He's impressive. Oh my god. Brennan Schaub might not be able to do that. Something ridiculous like that. I can't do that. But he does 33 deadlifts with it. He's built for it. It's insane. You watch and you're like, check this motherfucker out. What is the weight? What does it say there? 440, 33
Starting point is 00:33:14 times. Okay, 440 pounds. He does it 33 fucking reps. Mr. Schaub's doing 550 for 10 and doing 10 sets of that. I could probably get close. I'd blow my ass off. I bet you could.
Starting point is 00:33:29 He's a big fucking dude. Oh, he's not doing continuous. Oh, Brennan will do that. He's doing them and then dropping them and then letting them go. Brennan Schaub will do that. Brennan Schaub will do that. Now, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Is that the way to go with deadlifts? Do you just let it go when it goes to deadlifts? You don't lower it down? Why wouldn't you lower it down? Yeah, I lower it down, especially if I'm doing continuous reps. That's a little weird. I guess maybe saving energy doing it, but you're restarting every time,
Starting point is 00:33:52 so it's more work, I feel like. Well, maybe that's why they're doing it. Maybe it's just, I mean, obviously, this is something thought up. I thought he was going boosh, boosh, boosh. He's letting it drop. It's still impressive. It's not as hard. He's doing 33 reps, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:06 B was doing, Brennan was doing 550, 10 reps. Don't call him B. Don't. He was doing 10 reps. Sorry. He was doing 10 reps and he did 10 sets of that. And you were doing that. You were lifting 550 like you were getting out of a chair.
Starting point is 00:34:18 That was ridiculous. For what? Because I fucking tell dick jokes and drink coffee. You're strong. Because you want to look good. You're very strong. Yeah, you want to look like a stud. This guy is a very strong man.
Starting point is 00:34:31 You got a big-ass gorilla body, and you weren't lifting weights. It would be rude. Like, you got this big-ass body, and you let it get all doughy and soft and get a little pot that hangs over your belt buckle. Could be funny, though. No. No, it's not funny. People would be upset.
Starting point is 00:34:43 This motherfucker got the perfect frame, and he's wasting it eating Cheetos. You know? I mean, if you have one of those bodies, you're supposed to fucking maintain that bitch. If you have a Ferrari and you're putting paint on it, I'm going to paint my own smiley faces on it. Like an asshole. Yeah, put bumper stickers. Free Tibet on a Ferrari.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Free Tibet. Fuck you. Free Tibet on a Ferrari. Free Tibet. Free Tibet. Don't ever do that. That's really funny. You're ruining the shape of this beautiful thing. Ryan Bader stepping in. Now, how does one recover from that Rumble Johnson fight? He's moving into the top ten.
Starting point is 00:35:19 He's in the top ten. Top five? Yeah, yeah. He won five in a row? He's on his way towards a title shot, and then he fights someone like Rumble, and he gets so annihilated that it leaves this like, okay, how much
Starting point is 00:35:31 improvement would he have to make before he could beat Rumble? Well, but that Rumble fight, I don't think, if I'm Ryan Bader and I'm his camp, you can't really chalk it up as ah, he was the better fighter. I think Bader shit his pants in a huge situation, it didn't go his way. Back to the drawing board.
Starting point is 00:35:46 You get past this one, then he's probably going to get Gustafson next. If they both win, is what I would assume. Maybe. Could be. Because, you know. OSP is still in the mix, too. He already beat OSP. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:35:57 But OSP, I'm sure, would like a rematch. Yeah, it'd be tough. It'd be tough. He's only 33. It's amazing when you think Ryan Bader won the ultimate fighter way back in the day forever ago so long ago He has those wrestling days. Bader's 6'2". I didn't know he was that tall. He's a big boy. Wow He's a fairly narrow like he's not like Latife is different. How tall is Latife? 5'10"? Where's he from? Where's he from? Arizona. I think Latife's Albanian. Damn.
Starting point is 00:36:25 See if that's true. But he lived in Sweden, right? He grew up in Sweden. But he's Afghani. I'm going to say Afghani. I'm pretty sure Rose from the comic store said that's her Albanian brother. God damn, he's jacked. Find out if he's originally from Albania.
Starting point is 00:36:40 She's right. This guy's a tank, though, man. Look at the size of him. If you look at his fucking head, he's a tank. If I'm beta, I wear his ass out and look to knock him out in the late second or third. Yeah, he's super explosive. It says he was born in Sweden.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It says all Sweden. Yeah, but he's not Swedish. Does it say anything Albania? He might go to the Wikipedia, buddy. He was born and raised in Sweden. Background. Because they don't make was born and raised in Sweden Background Cause they don't make him Look like that in Sweden
Starting point is 00:37:08 Was it say ethnicity? Is it Albania? Yeah Albania There you go Swedish people all look the same Yeah they do It's true they're white Goddamn whitey
Starting point is 00:37:16 Northern Green and blue eyes I'll tell you what though Musashi ate The fucking shit Out of Latifi's whole world Right but Latifi Took that fight Just jacked the fuck out of of Latifi's whole world. Right, but Latifi took that fight
Starting point is 00:37:27 on super short notice because somebody else got injured. It was a last minute fight. It was Latifi's first fight in the UFC. Latifi doesn't have a good Latifi doesn't have a good like he doesn't have a big win. This would be his biggest win by far in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:37:43 He doesn't really beat anyone that good. No no this would be his biggest opponent for sure, but he's a spooky dude Oh, I hate this fight for Bader especially coming off a loss for Anthony Johnson in fucking Germany Well the T phase a world-class wrestler to yes the other scary thing about so Bader is most likely gonna be out wrestled by him like if they just go wrestling to wrestling. And Latife can starch you with one shot. Like, he clipped him right there. He just clipped him with a left hook. Remember, Bader has power, too, though. He does.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Remember, he had Glover on the ropes and then ate a fucking hook from Mars. Well, he won the Ultimate Fighter by bombing on Vinny Magalese. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah, he beat the Braves up. And he wrestled in college, so he's loud. ASU. Him and Kane were on the same team.
Starting point is 00:38:22 He wrestled in college, so he's loud. Him and Kane were on the same team. But he's fighting a guy with a lot of gain and some serious power and a guy who doesn't have a lot of miles on him. That was a good right hand there by Bader. Latifi has a lot of miles on him because of the world wrestling shit. Is he switching his stance? You know what I'm saying, Joe? Wrestling training, you mean?
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, all that wrestling. I mean, granted, Bader grew up wrestling too, but a little different On the world level Latife is really reaching He's trying to close The distance Like with these Frantic sprints
Starting point is 00:38:50 And Bader is like Really elegantly Sliding out of the way Now remember Bader's beat Bader Ooh nice Bader's beat
Starting point is 00:38:57 Phil Davis Rashad Evans Like OSP He's beat some Fucking guys man He's been in there With way better competition On 100% No question And here's the thing About Latife He's beat some fucking guys, man. He's been in there with way better competition. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:39:06 No question. And here's the thing about Latife. He's got this big power. But if you look at his tactical approach, like how he's trying to approach Ryan, he's trying to step and then bomb. And if it works, look, if he catches you with one of those things, you're fucksville. But a guy at Ryan's level, he shouldn't really be getting caught with that stuff. So he switched up to wrestling and Ryan stuffed a takedown.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He shouldn't really be getting caught with that stuff. So he switched up to wrestling and Ryan stuffed a takedown. So now Aaliyah is definitely losing this round so far. And he's losing it in terms of strategy, his ability to execute. Is that how he switches to southpaw? Oh! Kick to the body by Bader. 306, 302, 301.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Three minutes into the first round. So if you want to sync it up with us. Yeah, Latife does not look good right here. He keeps getting clipped with the kick, and look how easy Bader blocked that punch because it's obvious. It's that looping right that comes. Latifi even got double unders, couldn't take Bader down. I mean, people underestimate Bader's wrestling. They forget about it because he really doesn't use it that much.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It's interesting how there's certain things that you just absolutely predict Right like if a guy catches your leg if you throw a right kick and the guy catches your leg He's gonna throw a right hand like every time you know that right hands coming. You know it's Unusual approaches to those real common situations. Oh Oh the TFA throwing bombs get Gator a fucking face Bader clocked him with that Southpaw there. Yeah, Latife's trying to sprint at him in these exchanges. He's going to catch a knee, man.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Latife's hair said, see ya. Why not just shave it, right, fellas? He's got most of it shaved. I think he just lets it grow with his beard for a couple days. Elir. That's a cool name. Yeah, it days. Elir. That's a cool name. Yeah, it is. Elir.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So Bader is doing a lot of switching stances. He looks great, man. Yeah. He looks real loose. A big loss like the Johnson one, man, especially when he came off that huge win streak. I'm sure he went back to the drawing board just to improve on stuff. But if he can get past him and give him a Gusman next, he's right back up in there, man. Especially at 205.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Who knows what's going to happen with John? You got DC, Rumble, you know? Yeah, I mean, everybody just assumes that if Rumble catches you, you go to sleep, no matter who you are. Well, that'd be correct, unless you're DC. He did catch DC and drop him on his ass. Bader, good technique there. Holds the left hand high, pin to his face,
Starting point is 00:41:23 throws that counter right hand. And he's able to throw, like, check hooks on both sides. Look at Aaliyah. Tries to take down. Dude, Bader is fucking on one tonight, man. Latifi got double unders. Couldn't do shit. Yeah, it looks good, man. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And also, you've got to realize that Latifi, we're four minutes into this fight. He's been unsuccessful for four minutes. Mine's got to be fucking with him Not even close either. Yeah, fuck with you. Oh, we just just connected my left hand. He just connected with a left hand That's that's the danger of fighting this guy. Yeah, he's so much power. Look at him The way you can see it coming from the fucking well He's got to figure out a way, you know, you don't learn it. So you fight a guy like this You got to figure out a way to do it technically and then bomb selectively correct these guys that try to bomb
Starting point is 00:42:09 Exclusively those guys go dry. They run out of gas, especially when you get in the top five. Yeah, I mean 15 you're you know, you're fine, but like I'm fired even Hector Lombard does that yeah, you know And he's an experienced guy with a, you know, World Bellator Championship. Oh! That's what we were talking about. He caught him! That's what we were talking about. He just needs to get out of this round.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Well, he should break free, man, and keep bombing. Ryan Bader's in deep shit right now. Bader's in deep shit. Bader's in deep shit. Bader's up, son. Damn. Bader's tough. Dude, and let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Okay. Fuck, you got out of the round. How do you score the fight? How do you score the fight? How do you score that round? This is a good question. He knocked him down. So you've got to give it to Alifi. Bader was winning for four minutes and 40 seconds of that fight.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Still. He knocked him down. It's the end of the round and he got the knockdown. That's a legit knockdown. There's no way you're going to give it to Bader. There's no way you're going to give it to Bader. There's no way you're going to give it to Bader. It was the end of the round, and he got knocked down. I'd give it a draw.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Dude, it was the end of the round, and he got knocked down, and you're going to give it to Bader? Okay, but a knockdown. That's ridiculous. But a knockdown, and scoring-wise, in MMA, is not the same as a knockdown in boxing. If it was boxing, that would be either a 10-8 round or a 9-9 round. It's all based on boxing, though. It was all striking. It was not grappling. It was not grappling. It was-9 round. It's all based on boxing, though. It was all striking. There was no grappling.
Starting point is 00:43:26 There was no grappling. It was a boxing round. So let me ask you this, Eddie. No, no, but that's what I mean by boxing scoring. In boxing scoring, when a guy gets knocked down, you lose a point. Okay, give it to Bader, then. No, I'm not saying that. No, I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Eddie Bryant. So let's say he knocked him down in the first 20 seconds of that fight, and then Bader won. The rest, 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Who would you give the round to? That's different. Probably. It's not the same. It is the same. You described a totally different. It's a whole different situation. It's not the same. It is the same.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You described a totally different situation. No, I didn't. It's the end of the round, and he got knocked down. So the end of the round means more. At the end of the round. No, it doesn't. I would personally count how you're doing toward the end of the fight. Guys can't talk over each other, please.
Starting point is 00:43:59 That's not the way the judging works, fellas. I hate to tell you. Yeah, well, that's true. It's true. As far as what the fight is or how it's being judged because of the rules, we're talking about two totally different things. If you're looking at the fight, yeah. If this was a fight in the street and Latife got pulled off of him at the last second, everybody would think Latife won. Well, that's like the Nate Diaz fight.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Even in the sport, he won. He knocked him down. At the very least, he made it a debate. That fight could have been over right there with some more time. Yeah, but he survived. It doesn't matter. You got Bader on that round? I have a draw.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Take it, take it, take it. I have a draw. A draw. Yeah. It could be. He never hurt anybody. I didn't see Bader doing anything besides stuffing takedowns, though. He didn't really connect a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:42 He's got his front headlock here. Octagon control, forward aggression. That means Bader's probably kind of tired. And he got clipped there. That's true. He was pressing it the whole time. You guys just got to know how they score the round. I want to know how you scored it, not how other people scored it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I would give that a draw. An even round. Just because one guy did something with the last 20 seconds. That's like saying the Conor Diaz fight. Man, if that was a fight fight, Diaz would probably win, right? I'm just talking about the sport. I'm not talking about Ali. Latife threw a punch. I always, like, flinch
Starting point is 00:45:15 when dudes throw a punch and they land with the thumb. Oh, dude. You know, and they throw that, like, right hook, but it doesn't land knuckles. That's why I have this fucking earthworm scar on my arm. Yeah, I'm sure. Because I land on that and it fucking compound fractured. Yeah, but T-Fade just did that. He just threw a whipping bomb of a right hand.
Starting point is 00:45:31 He landed with his thumb and I went, oof. And it usually lands on like skull, like not on chin. It's the worst. It just shatters your bone. Keep an eye on his right hand. I shattered my right thumb and when I got a surgery, I asked the doctor, how's the scar? I went, I did my best. It looks like a fucking centipede on my right thumb and when I got a surgery I asked the doctor how's the scar I went I did my best it looks like a fucking
Starting point is 00:45:47 it looks like a centipede on my right hand so you're saying it comes from throwing that over that long hook yeah like a straight arm hook and you hit with the thumb
Starting point is 00:45:55 oh oh my god how did you score it now there it is there it is god damn Ryan Bader holy shit
Starting point is 00:46:04 how did you score that one he kept going down like that. That's what I said. He kept like. That makes it easy. That makes it easy. He kept dipping his head, man. He's going to get caught eventually.
Starting point is 00:46:11 God, Bader got away with fucking that. That was rough. Ryan Bader. Congrats. That's huge, Bader. That's huge. Such a dangerous fight. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Such a dangerous fight and hurt at the end of the first round and comes back with that shot. Holy fuck, man. Yeah. Now, was that a kick or a knee? It was a knee. He kept going down like that because he's a southpaw. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Circling. I think he was doing both. See, he was going for a kick. It was a kick. It was just more. That's awful. Oh, my God. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Walk away. Look at this. Yeah, boom. Yeah, that was a kick that landed on the knee. That's dangerous. That looks awful. God, it was perfect timing, though. Beautiful. Holy shit. Goddamn, that was good. He landed two of knee. That's dangerous. That looks awful. God, it was perfect timing, though. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Holy shit. God damn, that was good. He landed two of those in the first round. Look at this. Boom! Actually, that kind of looks like a knee. It's like he adjusted. It definitely landed.
Starting point is 00:46:55 It looks like he was going for a kick and then just fall through on the knee. I think he might have adjusted and turned it into a knee. Beautiful. Yeah. But being a wrestler, his instinct looked like he just would keep going for that double when he got in trouble. God damn, Ryan Baker. Holy shit, that's huge. Such a big win for him.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Coming off that loss, dude, to get a knockout win. Top four. You're getting guffs for next, son. Enjoy that. It's a tough fight. Joe Silva's out, so I make the matchups now. So is that it? Is Joe Silva definitely out now?
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yeah, he's retiring. He said, I made banks, son. See ya. Is he done this year? End of the year. Is he done right now? End of the year. I make the matchups now. So is that it? Is Joe Silva definitely out now? Yeah, he's retiring. He said, I made banks, son. Is he done this year? End of the year. Wow. He said, I made my money. Fuck this silly matchup stuff. Good for him. Sean Shelby, take care of this. He must have gotten paid.
Starting point is 00:47:37 That's what they say. Paid. Paid. Paid. And what's he do after this? Just lead the troll charge online? Joe Silva just starts doing UFC porn. Does he just lead the troll charge?
Starting point is 00:47:51 He's the head troll online now? Cut to Joe Silva's next project. Quick YouTube clip. Him in a diaper. Pink cage. Bam. Coming soon. He may be short, but he's got a dick.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And just all big dudes in MMA gloves. Boom! Yeah, it's like he was going for a kick and then adjusted in mid-swing and turned into a perfect knee. You can see it. Look at this. Bam! Yeah, see how he turned to hit the knee in?
Starting point is 00:48:17 That's awful. Yeah, beautiful. Fuck, that's awful. Fuck, man, that's amazing. Good for Ryan Bader. Congratulations. God, that's huge. It's amazing, again, that he's only 33.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I mean, we've seen this dude in the UFC for a long time, but realistically, he's in his prime right now. Right now. Yeah. Right now. 32 to 35, you start. Experience, too. Especially light heavyweight or heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Around 35, 36, you start going, hmm, if you're not doing anything, how long can you keep this up? Yeah. Yeah. If you're not on an upward how long can you keep this up? Yeah. Yeah. If you're not on an upward trajectory, it's not going to. Hey, let me ask you that because you just had Scott Coker on, who I'm a big fan of. Such a good dude.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah, great guy. And he's running Bellator now. Wish him all the luck in the world. Powerful Matt Hughes. That's a chin. That's an American chin right there. That's a fucking American haircut. That's an American period. G.I. Joe, you fucks. Him and Henzo in Abu Dhabi. Hear about that? Yeah, they're going to have a grappling match. Yeah. That's a chin. That's an American chin right there. That's a fucking American haircut. That's an American period. G.I. Joe, you fucks.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Him and Henzo in Abu Dhabi. Hear about that? Yeah, they're going to have a grappling match. That's awesome. But Scott Coker running Bellator, if you're a fighter and you know Cajun,
Starting point is 00:49:17 you know you lack a little help, you know, in training, sometimes we're tired and, you know, just a little pick me up, you know, run away from the doctor and, you know, no one need pick me up, you know, run away from the doctor. And, you know, no one needs to know a couple days I'll be back, my friend. My friend.
Starting point is 00:49:31 People, you know, they've been doing that since the beginning of time. They've been taking a little something, something, and then they get to the weigh-in. All they have to do is pass what most fighters call the intelligence test. Yes. Don't get popped after the fight. You know, so it'll help you with your training. And how many guys are, like, looking at Bellator and saying, well, there's no USADA over there? I can fight longer.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Oh, not only longer. Into my 30s. How about better? Yeah, better. How about way better? That'd be better. And I can have all my sponsors. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Oh, well, we can't find Brendan. He's on a mountain somewhere in Colorado, and we can't get a piss test off of him. Meanwhile, he's just out there, just veins coming out of your dick and your face and your tongue has veins. Rocky Mountain oysters. He's just doing deadlifts. Fuck a little TV. 34, 35, 36.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, man. I mean, there's a real incentive to go there. A real incentive. And then there's a financial incentive because you can keep all your sponsors. You don't have to worry about having a Reebok paired shorts on. You can have Nike and fucking Under Armour and Condom Depot and whatever the fuck you want. Well, that's what's going on with GSP and UFC, right? Like, GSP goes, so I retired, but his contract freezes.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So the contract doesn't change because the last time he fought was 2013. He still has that old contract. So when he comes back, they just go, yeah, turn the contract back on. He's last time you fought was 2013 he still has that old contract So when he comes back, they just go yeah turn the contract back on he's like whoa Whoa, when I was fighting for this money from the UFC I had Under Armour I had all these you know that all these crazy brands. I'm making tens of millions of dollars You know you gotta make up for that and they're going now we're good He's like no you can't do that. I'm fucking George St. Pierre that and they're going no we're good he's like no you can't do that i'm fucking george saint pierre did you see the the war of words he's been having with dana where dana's like he really doesn't want
Starting point is 00:51:10 to fight doesn't want to fight at a championship level and then he does not know me yeah give me one fight know me give me he goes give me one fight i'll show you who wants to fight but how much money do you fucking need ufc just pay the man here's the thing from my perspective you can never say that a guy like George doesn't want it anymore unless he fights. You cannot say that. He is the greatest welterweight of all. There's two guys. There's Matt Hughes and there's
Starting point is 00:51:34 George St. Pierre. Those are the two without a doubt greatest welterweights historically ever. So if either one of those guys wants to fight again the last thing you can say is he doesn't want it. Because only he knows if he wants it. He's the baddest motherfucker that ever weighed in at 170 pounds and fought.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And fought everybody. He might go to Bellator. No, he can't. You'll see he owns his contract. But if I was Dana, I'd probably say the same shit. 100%. All they're doing is playing the game. To get him fired up.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I will sign your contract. I'll sign it. I'll fucking sign it. Nah, he get him fired up. I will sign your contract. I'll sign it. I'll fucking sign it. Nah, he don't want it. I'll do it for free. Fuck it. Give me that Reebok kit. All the money will go to my country. George is too smart. You hear me? He goes, I know what Dana's trying to do. He goes, I'm too smart to play these games. I'll sit out.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Like, it's not gonna happen. Is he sitting out for more money? Is that what the deal is? Why don't you take over Joe Silva's job? Why don't you call Dana and say Yo bygones Let's let this shit go by Water under the bridge Holla at me dude
Starting point is 00:52:30 I got some ideas I got some ideas I got some ideas Plus I got flavor And a number one podcast Come with me son Let's take a ride Let's do this
Starting point is 00:52:39 Let's take a ride Let's take a ride Come on man You wanna have some fun? Have a dude that you argue with all the time And you guys publicly have little spats Everybody gets excited Come on Talking man. You want to have some fun? Have a dude that you argue with all the time, and you guys publicly have little spats. Everybody gets excited. Come on!
Starting point is 00:52:48 Let's do this! Mix it up! Spit in my hand! Come on, it's all good, man. Shake! I can't wear Reeboks, though. That's the one stickler. Would you wear Yeezys, you fucking dunce?
Starting point is 00:52:59 You're fucking right. You're fucking right, I would. I thought Yeezys were better. I thought I had them on right now. That's a large Serbian man or whatever he is. You're fucking right. I would. That's how Yeezys are better. I thought I had them on right now. That's a large Serbian man or whatever he is. Look at what I'm wearing here. You got Chucks. These are like some slick looking Chucks, but these are old school Chuck Taylor Converse.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I'm not mad at them. Thin sole. You feel the ground. Those are classics. Quite flexible. Yeezy. They're not comfortable. What?
Starting point is 00:53:21 How dare you? How dare you? For a long day, there's not much comfort. Although they redid the soles on those. I don't like the new ones. Nike makes the soles now. I don't like the new ones as much. I wear them.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I like them. They're okay. I should say I don't like them. I prefer these. Those are second. You prefer the old school fucking wood bottoms. Yeah, like these, man. These ones that, oh, what's this guy's name?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Those are new, son. VM Footwear. But these are not new. These are the old school Converse. Instagram, VM Footwear. Check them out. BM Footwear. V, VM. VM Footwear. But these are not new. These are the old school Converse. Instagram, VM Footwear. Check them out. BM Footwear. VM.
Starting point is 00:53:48 VM. Don't go BM. That's body bowel movement. This dude made some. Even these are upgraded, son. I don't believe so, buddy. Yeah, feel the sole. Feel the inside.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Oh, Brendan knows shoes. You can see it. Brendan knows shoes. Is there a Lunar Lawn on there? Where? Is it green? No, no, no. They're not the Nike Lunar Lawn.
Starting point is 00:54:02 They're just, the padding on the bottom is thicker than what they used to be. Way thicker. Okay, the inside, like the insole. Yeah, but it's not the Nike Lunar. They're still fucking hard as fuck. The sole's the same, but the insole's quite a little bit thicker. Either way, that's what I like. I like old school Chucks, because they're flat.
Starting point is 00:54:17 That's like how your foot's supposed to be. When you wear things with an elevated heel, like a running shoe, it's not really supposed to be very good for you. Really? Yeah, your body doesn't want to be elevated in your heel like that you're supposed to wear cowboy boots like eddie when you lifted you would always lift with these on right yep yeah they're they're they're real thin you know that's why i wear ninja slippers that's a fucking shoe there joe can we get you to wear some yeezys no why it's a terrible they're the worst they're
Starting point is 00:54:41 the worst running in those things look why does it have a thin sole where the toes are? It's a running shoe. Shut your fucking mouth. And a fat sole down there. Why? For pure comfort. Nobody's running in those. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It is a running shoe. People work out in them all the time, too. How dare you? You do not work out in these. I don't. People do, though, at the gym. I just don't think that they're that cool looking. I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Well, you're 50. I don't think you're the demographic. Nah, they still just don't. You wouldn't know, though. Aesthetically them. Well, you're 50. I don't think you're the demographic right now. Nah, they still just don't. You wouldn't know, though. Aesthetically, they kind of suck, dude. You wouldn't know, though. You and Jamie are on the wrong side of history with these stupid shoes. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Well, I have cons, too. You're going to look back on those shoes like people do, and you're going to be like, I can't believe I wore those back in the 2000s. You know what I will never look back on? Me wearing sandals with jeans like you do all the time. And I will never. You just can't do that. Jesus did it, so kiss my ass
Starting point is 00:55:25 I guess Jesus is wrong too Dead wrong I always forget about Gustafson When I think about the division Such a badass And also Gustafson is one of those guys That's been talking about retirement He's talked about ending it soon
Starting point is 00:55:41 He went down to San Diego Because he wanted to find the passion again. I guess he still didn't find it. So that's why they kind of... Are you sure? This is kind of a toss-up fight. Yeah, he's still... You're saying he's still having some struggles with it.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Well, he's been public about that? Oh, yeah. While training? Oh, yeah. For this fight? That might be a trap. What? Who is the guy he's fighting?
Starting point is 00:56:03 He's a tough dude, man. Compare to Gustafson, he's a joke. Well, he's not a joke. He's just inexperienced in comparison to Gusvison. But he's a dangerous guy. He's from Poland. They don't fuck around, dude. They see him there.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Gusvin is the fucking, you know what I'm saying? He's that one percenter. He almost beat fucking DC. He almost beat John. And then he got that freak knockout by Johnson. He's lost to just the 1% of 1%. True, true. True, true.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It's tough, man. Yeah, Blakovich is certainly, this is like, without a doubt, like the toughest fight he's ever had. What are you looking for? That guy looks like a bad guy from the James Bond movie. The guy on his right. Look at that guy. Yeah, he really does. Jesus, he looks tough.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Definitely killed people. Yeah, he's like the guy that james bond has to fight yes like an elevator and yes kills him with a pen he looks rough like the suit he's wearing a suit and it just it's impossible to be elegant with that he just looks brutal it's not a well-tailored suit either is it it doesn't look it's not at home in a suit he's home in camo with a knife or a loincloth did he leave his yeezys at home in a suit. He's at home in camo. Camo? With a knife. Or a loincloth. Did he leave his Yeezys at home? That guy doesn't wear the Yeezys.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Well, he can't get a hold of them. Yeezys melt off his feet. They're so exclusive. It's tough to get a hold of them. What about fake Yeezys from China? Is that super popular? It's super popular, but it's very easy to tell. Me and Brian were at lunch the other day.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Four guys had them on. I went, Brian, you want to see fake Yeezys? How could you tell? He's got an eye, man. He's got an eagle eye for that shit. how could you tell he's got an eye man he's got an eagle eye for that shit how could you tell there's little things
Starting point is 00:57:27 like on the Converse you know like maybe the star is black on the Converse on the Yeezys the stitching on the back is different the space between
Starting point is 00:57:34 the soles is different he's like a sneaker connoisseur I can't believe it he's like smelling him like a fine wine he'll have conversations about it no
Starting point is 00:57:40 the glue is from Indonesia this is fake no you know what it is Joe it'd be the same if someone bought a Z28 No, you won't. No. The glue is from Indonesia. This is fake. No, you know what it is, Joe? It'd be the same as someone bought a Z28 and then put SS badges on it. Well, those rims are different. Right. The exhaust is different.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Right. The interior is different. Let me see the engine. God damn it. You're honey dicking me. This ain't a fucking SS. Cars are just like shoes. Exactly. Details.
Starting point is 00:58:02 It's all in the details, kids. Exactly. All in It's all in the details, kids. Exactly. All in the deets. Dude, how about your boy Damian Maia? Dude. Dude, his jiu-jitsu is so next level. For him to do that to Condit, just slice through him like butter. Dude, can you imagine, let's say Wonderboy beats Woodley,
Starting point is 00:58:22 and then you have Damian Maia versus Wonderboy. It would be like Hot Tub Time Machine 1993. imagine let's say wonder boy beats woodley and then you have damian maya versus wonder boy it'd be like hot tub time machine 1993 because you have one guy who just does jujitsu one guy that just does stand up well in 2016 he doesn't just do jujitsu the reason why he's able to pull off his his beautiful jujitsu is because it's wrestling he can take everybody down at 170 it doesn't matter for sure for sure but it's still but it's still one aspect of MMA compared to one aspect of MMA in 2016. But at the highest of highest levels. It's fucking dope.
Starting point is 00:58:50 It's a throwback. It's dope. It's like Hot Tub Time Machine, but we just, you know what I'm saying? They went back, but their skills are ridiculous. It's so equivalent because one guy is this elite world-class striker, and this other guy is this elite world-class grappler who, like, they could compete outside of the UFC in striking or in grappling. If Wonderboy took on a kickboxing bout in glory, he'd be very competitive with some of the best kickboxers in the world.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And if Damian Maia entered into a major jiu-jitsu competition tomorrow, he'd be very competitive against some of the best grapplers in the world. It's really crazy. It's cool, right? Isn't it cool in 2016 to have that crazy dynamic? I can't think of last time something like... Generally, most UFC fighters, most of them, they couldn't go into Abu Dhabi or even
Starting point is 00:59:33 EBI and they would get smashed. Unless they're a high-level wrestler. It'd be tough. Even a high-level wrestler like in the submission-only tournament, they got leg-locked. EBI different. Abu Dhabi submission only but like EBI different Abu Dhabi there's some high level wrestlers
Starting point is 00:59:47 guys that jump in there with not a ton of jiu jitsu experience exactly and Abu Dhabi because of the point system wrestling becomes fucking everything correct
Starting point is 00:59:55 that's why you can see some guys all the Brazilians when they're getting ready for Abu Dhabi they're going to wrestling camps they're with the church boys and all that
Starting point is 01:00:02 because Abu Dhabi counts takedowns or what we should just explain that Abu Dhabi is the Abu Dhabi Combat Club. This is like the biggest submission grappling. It's like the Olympics for jiu-jitsu. Yeah. Sheikh Taknoon, a guy who owns I think he owns 10% of the UFC.
Starting point is 01:00:16 He also is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Henzo Gracie. And he puts on these grappling competitions that are just monstrous. They spend money, and they have the best fighters in the world, and they put together. They should really adopt EBI rules, dude. It's like blood sport for jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:00:33 EBI rules need to be standard, Ejibra. Now, EBI rules, how many tournaments are switching? I see it. Many, many tournaments are switching to EBI rules. That makes sense. Sonnen went to it. Chael Sonnen's tournament went to it. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Yep. It's smart. It's the most exciting set of rules by far. By far. Not even close. Thank you, man. Brilliant. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:51 You nailed it. You guys going to the show next week? Nah, Jihad. Are you going? Yeah, Jihad. Sunday? You going? Where's it at?
Starting point is 01:00:56 Next Sunday at the Orpheum. LA? LA, downtown at the Orpheum. Yeah, I'll be there. Let's go. Get your tickets at We're in. Oh, for sure?
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah. What about you, Brian? I'll come. Next Sunday. It's going to be fucking amazing. Gordon Ryan. I might be in New York, for sure? What about you, Brian? I'll come. Next Sunday. It's going to be fucking amazing. Gordon Ryan. I might be in New York City. Gordon Ryan is the best
Starting point is 01:01:09 jiu-jitsu player on the planet right now. I'm doing Gotham Comedy Club. Okay. Wait, wait. September 16th and 17th. When is it? 11th. September 11th.
Starting point is 01:01:15 September 11th. I'll be around. Tower 7 day. Did you guys see Gordon Ryan versus Keenan Cornelius go for what, 90 minutes? 90 minutes, yeah. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:01:22 Keenan's a monster. Keenan's a monster, but Gordon Ryan beat him, man. Tapped him. Yep. 20 years old. Kid's been training jujitsu four and a half years. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:01:30 They went 90. But Keenan Cornelius is going to do EBI November 6th. We're doing the light heavyweights, and Gordon Ryan's going to do that one as well. I love Keenan. But next Sunday is 185. Next Sunday is 185. It's the middleweights, EBI, downtown LA, the Orpheum. What time does it start?
Starting point is 01:01:46 At 5 o'clock. Okay, cool. It's going to be on UFC Fight Pass, but for those of you that don't live in Southern California. Yeah, UFC Fight Pass, stepping up. I love it. Yeah, man. It's so cool that they did that. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:58 We got Gustafson versus Blakovich. Gustafson got checked. I would be willing to bet if Gustafson for whatever reason loses fight is done fighting Blachowicz with a right hand over the top Gustafson's so fucking big. I think you say Blachowicz is the way you're supposed to say it Blachowicz. I'm saying Blachowicz. I think it's Blachowicz. I like Blachowicz. Just call him the block son. The block. Talking about the block. The bloho The bloho. No that doesn't work. Yeah. I like the block. The blow-ho.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. I don't like the way Gustafson's looking. Blachowicz keeps his head right in the center when he's throwing bombs against a really elite guy. He stiffens up a little bit when he's standing up. He could get clipped with counters. Gustafson and I trained together for my Mitrione fight, and he went six rounds with a world-class boxer, and it was fucking a war. And then jumped in and went three rounds with me back-to-back. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:53 He's a fucking animal. He's a fucking animal. He's a tough guy. And you know what? I mean— Powerful CM Punk for Mickey Gall sponsor on the back there. Where is that? Oh, right there on the wall?
Starting point is 01:03:04 That's ridiculous. Yeah, well, I mean, he's a famous guy. Look, the CM Punk thing, the thing that's most interesting about it is that he took all this time. Whoa, Blachowicz is throwing some bombs. But he's stiff. Stiff with the neck. Stiff in there.
Starting point is 01:03:17 He's like really... This man's reach is so good. Yeah. Not in this fight. But usually it's fucking on point. His jab's world class. Well, Blachowicz is fighting really well. But usually it's fucking on point. His jab's world class. Well, Blachowicz is fighting really well.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Yeah, he's fighting really, really well. He's very stiff. He's using up a lot of energy. I'll tell you what a surprise is. Gustafson's wrestling, man. His counter-wrestling is amazing. Well, when he took John down in the first round, everybody was like, oh, shit. Called that.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Because I was wrestling with his ass. I'm like, Jesus Christ. Do you really think he was going to take John down? I did. I called it. Wow. wrestling with his ass. Do you really think he was going to take John down? I did. I called it. Wow. Yeah. That's hilarious. Because his wrestling is so unexpecting and good.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Wow. That's impressive. He's so big for a 205 or two, man. He's tall as shit. 6'5", man. Yeah, I always wonder, what does a guy like that walk around at? He's like high 220s, 230s sometimes. So with a guy like him, do you think there'd be any benefit
Starting point is 01:04:10 in a rigorous strength and conditioning program and moving up? To heavyweight? Yeah. I mean, him versus Stipe would be a hell of a fight, but I think when you fight guys like Rothwell, like Stipe, JDS, Kane, I think he might be all right. I don't know if he doesn't possess the power. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I don't know, man. He's knocked guys out. He knocked Jimmy Mano out. I just wonder. Name a high-level guy that he's knocked out, though. Well, Mano is pretty high-level. Take it easy. Oh, Darian.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Let's just be real. I'm talking about when you're talking about Jon Jones, DC, you're talking about one percenters. But the only guy out of that group that stopped him was Rumble. And Rumble can stop anybody. And if you look at the way Rumble stopped him, it's actually arguably more impressive that he lasted as long as he did. Yeah, I agree. When Rumble was bombing on him.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I agree. But those extra shots that he took, those don't help you. Not at all. What's like... Oh, my God. Oh, shit. He's making a dogfight. What's like Carlos Condit, right? He loses that fight and he's like, I don't know if I Not at all. What's like, oh my God. Oh, shit. He's making a dog fight. What's like Carlos Condit, right?
Starting point is 01:05:07 Like, he loses that fight, and he's like, I don't know if I want to do this anymore. Then I heard his coach on the interview, Brandon Gibson, powerful Brandon Gibson. There's his wrestling. Gustafson with the takedown. Gibson talking about, I don't know if he wants to do anymore. He wants to move on, do other stuff. It's time to get out, man. He can still beat 98% of the division, but still, man, get the fuck out, Condit.
Starting point is 01:05:25 He's also a smart guy. Very smart. And when you're that smart, you're aware, like, okay, how many more shots am I going to be able to take? Well, he was at like, what was he, 16, 17, doing Valley Tudor, bare knuckle boxing and shit? Like, he's a nightmare. At that age? Yeah. He fought his first ever kickboxing match against Andy Sauer, who's a world champion.
Starting point is 01:05:47 If you don't know who Andy Sauer is, fucking Google or YouTube him. I marvel at how good he's always been. Andy Sauer is like a phenom, like a world champion, multiple-time world champion. That was Carlos' first kickboxing bout. It's so insane that he took that fight. He's done knuckles stuff he's you know he's just been fighting forever man so that you know the head trauma and he's like you said he's a smart guy he talks about it he's open about it what's he talking what he said about head trauma stuff or yeah just like it's a concern of his and he doesn't know if he wants to keep doing and stuff like that he has a second or third baby
Starting point is 01:06:21 on the way i think so this guy's probably got some money in the bank, I hope. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know how much money he's made. It's tough with a guy like that. He was an interim champ, right? Yeah. And then he's always fought top five level, but to really make that crazy retirement money,
Starting point is 01:06:39 you've got to be a guy like GSP, Conor, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, or you've got to figure out some way to market yourself outside of the UFC. I mean, there's got to be something. Like Alane band's doing modeling you know you broke off into podcasting there's got to be like another way as well just but to only rely on your success in athletic contests to make your money you almost have to joe yeah because damian is not thinking about making money anywhere else condit right now can open up an MMA gym and make plenty of money. That's tough, man. I think that's easier said than done.
Starting point is 01:07:09 No, it's not that hard. You're a UFC fighter. You're Condit. The UFC gyms would beg to differ. Verdum's. What do you say to that? They're not doing well? I'm just saying in general, if you go off the general consensus of opening a gym,
Starting point is 01:07:26 you don't get your money back or return within four years. It's not a smart business to go into. If you're a black belt and you're a legit... If you're a UFC fighter and you're a black belt and you're not...
Starting point is 01:07:36 I'm in the... This is my business. You're a great teacher. I have 60... Hold on, let him talk. No. He doesn't even have to teach. He doesn't trust me.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's... He could make plenty of money talk. No. He doesn't even have to teach. He doesn't. Trust me. He could make plenty of money with just his own gym. Have two gyms. Super easy. You just got to be a black belt at the marketing. Learn the marketing. Learn how to do it. He's got a black belt and he's a UFC fighter. I know guys that are purple belts
Starting point is 01:08:01 that are making a living. They just have the marketing down. It's huge. It's still growing. It's expanding. Jiu-jitsu schools and MMA gyms, done right, it really is like the gold rush right now. I agree 100%. People are just putting up.
Starting point is 01:08:13 It's wide open. Now you're assuming he has the money put down to open a gym. He could do it easy. Easy. Open down. A million percent easy. Carlos Condit? That guy's a
Starting point is 01:08:25 famous UFC star and a black belt I'm not saying he can't I think to assume a guy can open a gym and make a shitload of money is a million percent
Starting point is 01:08:32 a million percent so anyone in the UFC could do it if you're a black belt if you're a if you're a legit black belt and you've
Starting point is 01:08:40 you've had success in the UFC remember I mean like I just said I've had guys that haven't been in the UFC, not even black belts, and they're being successful. It is two different skillsets.
Starting point is 01:08:50 You just got to know the business. That's a big if, though. Am I wrong here, Joe? Running a business and knowing how to fight is a completely different world. Yes, that's why I said if you master the marketing and the business side. That's a big if.
Starting point is 01:09:03 It's easy, though. If you learn how to speak Spanish, you could write awesome books. No, but it's easier than learning Spanish. It's easier than that. I believe it. The motivation is there, too, because it's like your money and it's your family. It's not that hard at all. Learning how to coach.
Starting point is 01:09:19 I deal with this every day. I deal with this every day. And you're brilliant at it. You're a really good coach, though. It doesn't mean it's easy, though. There's a lot of guys that are just not good at coaching. Thank you, by the way. But it's easy.
Starting point is 01:09:27 It's easy. All you got to do is know the system and work hard. That's it. You work hard. If you're lazy, it ain't going to happen. Yeah, but that's the truth with everything. Yeah. There's so many people that are looking for things to be happening.
Starting point is 01:09:39 No, no, but there's a lot of things that require the shit that you can never learn, like being a stand-up comedian. Not everybody can do that, right? Not everybody. Not everybody could be a singer. Not everybody. But everybody can do certain things in business. All you got to do is do the work and not be lazy and you can make it happen. You don't need special talent.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Blachowicz cannot get off his back. Powerful wrestling by Alexander. Yeah, he's getting smushed. He's getting a lot of elbows. I agree with you, Brandon, a million percent. Once a fighter starts doubting whether they have the heart, I think it's time to just transition. Especially a guy like Carlos.
Starting point is 01:10:19 It's time to transition. It's also an absolute fact that when you get hit in the head a lot, it starts to affect your enthusiasm. It starts to affect your endocrine system. There's a potential like, you know, I know a guy who's a world-class boxer, and I know a friend who trains him, who said that he absolutely has pituitary gland damage, and he has a really hard time getting the energy up to train. And he had his testosterone checked, and it's just ridiculously low. And there's nothing they can do about it because the supplemented is illegal so they can't supplement his testosterone so this
Starting point is 01:10:47 guy is forced to fight with low testosterone low enthusiasm he just can't muster up the kind of performances he had earlier in his career and that's super common man when you see fighters slow down as they get older it is not just because they're older that's because they're older and they've taken a lot of punishment. Those are the big factors. And it causes a physiological change in their body. Yep. Well, you see some guys like Chinzo Machida.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Chinzo is like 39 years old, but he doesn't have a lot of fights on him. And so he's fighting in Bellator now. He looks like a world beater. He looks fucking fantastic. Starching dude. Damn, starching dude. Kicks. Starching good.
Starting point is 01:11:26 He looks like his brother in a lot of ways. He looks like Lyoto. Maybe even a little more aggressive than Lyoto. He's fucking fantastic. Starching dude. Knees. Starching good. Kicks. Starching good. He looks like his brother in a lot of ways. He looks like Lyoto. Maybe even a little more aggressive than Lyoto. He's aggressive. He's more wild, I would say. How's his jiu-jitsu and stuff? Very good. Great. Well, he's an elite martial artist.
Starting point is 01:11:35 He grew up doing all the Jinzo Machida. Such a good guy, too? I bet. Oh, he's a good guy. Well, Lyoto's an awesome guy. Yeah, they're all great. But the point being that that guy hasn't taken a lot of mileage. So even though he's 39 years old, he looks fucking good.
Starting point is 01:11:49 He doesn't look like a 39-year-old guy who's at the tail end of a long MMA career. He's got all these injuries he's constantly struggling against and can't get through camp without getting hurt. It's not like that. You're looking at a guy who's— A lot of scar tissue. Yeah. Well, that's like the CM Punk argument, right? He's 37 or 38 whatever he is
Starting point is 01:12:05 and he has a lot of injuries coming from professional wrestling and he's never done the sport so then he has to train two years and then go into it you're talking about a different animal it's not a good fucking it's not like if you look at it like a plan and like this is way i want to get into mma it's not a good plan, but this is the plan that he was dealt. I mean, he's 37 years old. He decides he's going to do it now. He does a lot of things that I like. He goes to Rufus Sport, which is an outstanding gym.
Starting point is 01:12:32 He's working with world-class trainers and world-class sparring partners. And then on top of that, he took two whole years. So it's as good as the guy could do. Two whole years? Two whole years. Think about Damien Maia's damage he's taken throughout his career. He hasn't really taken any damage. He's taken 13 punches in his last, what, four fights?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah, 13. It's incredible. What the fuck? What fight was he involved in that he received the most damage? Nate Marquardt starched him with one punch. Oh, really? Knocked him out? Knocked him out.
Starting point is 01:13:02 He went to kick. He struggled for a while there. You know what he did? He figured there's a guy who broke down all his jiu-jitsu on YouTube into four parts. It's pretty fucking interesting. You go through his early decisions on the ground to the decisions he's making
Starting point is 01:13:17 now. He has got this path. Well, the passes that he's using now, he kind of tripods, and it's kind of like a smash pass. He gets to top half. He knows that if he just hovers over, keeps his head on his opponent's chest, and he's pinning him down, and he gets to top half.
Starting point is 01:13:40 He doesn't even need to pass, and then he turns. He's not taking any damage. Then he goes to three-quarter mount. And then from there, he throws a couple punches. The guy gives him his back because in three-quarter mount, you basically already have a hook in. He's figured out this path. Nice and simple. There's so many things you can do as a jiu-jitsu black belt to pass your first initial move.
Starting point is 01:14:00 There's all these passes. He has chosen the passes to the mount and to the back. That path is the best path. He's 38 too, right? He's 39. If he's smart, if I'm his management
Starting point is 01:14:18 and people get mad when I do this shit, but he's not fighting anyone until he gets a title shot. Six in a row, you don't fight anyone. Well, you know what's really interesting? Jake Shields beat him, and he out-grappled him. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Look at the list Jake Shields beat.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Don't ever forget how goddamn good Jake Shields is. And he just submitted Lyoto Machida, by the way, in a grappling competition. And he beat Woodley. He beat Woodley. He beat my—you know, he's beat every—you look at the top five guys. Jake Shields is a stud. Didn't he fight Robbie Lawler and beat Robbie? He beat Robbie.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Submitted him. Standing guillotine. Jumped up, grabbed a hold of his neck, and Robbie was like, what's this? This is a world-class squeeze, son. This is a vegan squeeze. Look at what Maya's doing on his back. What Maya's doing on his back, there's a million things you can do. There's all these styles.
Starting point is 01:15:03 He's keeping it nice and simple. All Damon Maya is looking for when he's on his back is the underhook. Everything is a set up to the underhook He gets in a Z guard he covered he times the punch as soon as you throw a right punch He shoots in he has like a Z guard then he shoots in grabs the underhook and either gets on top and they stand Just like Chuck Liddell used to do with the underhook, or he uses that to sweep them like he'll get into dogfight and he'll go through them. He keeps it simple. When I see a guy like him, I want to see him fight a guy who's a world-class jiu-jitsu guy with a wicked guard, like a Braulio Estima, like someone who's nasty off of his back. You want to see Damien.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah, because I see Damien. He's going to do the exact same path, whether the guy knows jiu-jitsu or not. The path that he's chosen from the bottom and from the top, no matter who he's going with, that's the best path when there's no gi, when there's punches, when there's elbows. Damien Maia just dwindled everything down to keeping it nice and simple. On his back, it's just the underhook. You know what's funny? I'm sure he would do it, but my question is,
Starting point is 01:16:05 would he be able to execute that kind of a strategy against a guy like Braulio Esteem? It would be harder. Yeah, that's why I want to see it. I want to see what a guy with a world-class guard. And Braulio does a lot of weird stuff, too. Like, he's got that triangle that he does, like that underneath triangle.
Starting point is 01:16:20 You know that weird, like, backwards triangle he does? Is he doing MMA? Yeah, he's doing MMA. Braulio Esteem is doing MMA. Yeah, he's doing MMA. He's doing some fights. Yeah, he's doing some fights. Holy shit. When I watch someone like Damian Maia because I don't have that much of a trained eye, it doesn't look like he's doing anything different
Starting point is 01:16:33 than everybody else when he takes your back or when he's on top of you and he's controlling you. And what's interesting is the subtlety of jujitsu on that level that unless you have a cultivated eye eye it just looks like he's wearing him like a sweater he's he's kind of he's controlling the arm he's coming in he somehow gets that figure four around his stomach but there's no way you're getting that
Starting point is 01:16:53 dude off you're not getting him off and why someone like carlos kahn i can't even get him off and carlos kahn is experienced as anybody and that's where that that level of mastery is so subtle and almost invisible, it's hard to see unless you really know what the hell he's doing because a lot of it seems to be like where he's putting his weight, those little differences, how he's countering, how he's predicting what you're going to do before you do it. Well, that path that Maya is on, the techniques that he's putting together,
Starting point is 01:17:21 the treasure map that he's on, Carlos Conant probably wasn't getting someone on a daily basis at a high level, hitting him with that specific path. Those moves that he chose, that he strung together nice and simple, nice
Starting point is 01:17:38 and tight. You know, you got to prepare for something as simple as that. You got to prepare for someone Coming at you Exactly like that Because everything that Maya chooses All those positions
Starting point is 01:17:50 Are the best positions For MMA No doubt He's got a path He's figured it out Yeah he's figured out the path There's a million moves But he's got the path
Starting point is 01:17:58 And it's the same shit He's doing over and over How Damien's smaller You know I wanna see A guy like You know Rafael Lovato
Starting point is 01:18:05 is now getting into MMA. He's had a few MMA fights outside of the UFC. He's going to smash guys. It's a very similar style. That top heavy pressure just grinds and smashes and squishes you. One position to the next.
Starting point is 01:18:21 He's small, methodical. His chest is on you he's so heavy it's all Hicks and Gracie lineage Hicks and Gracie Salo Hibero and he's with Salo it's like that
Starting point is 01:18:29 old school solid jiu jitsu like that fucking scary perfect base jiu jitsu it's really more the specific
Starting point is 01:18:39 you can't breathe it's the it's the specific moves that he's choosing it's how he's doing. It's not like he could have picked all of them. Are you talking about Damien?
Starting point is 01:18:47 I'm talking about Maia. Yeah, we're talking about Rafael Lovato, though. So he does have that smashing, high-level jiu-jitsu, but there have been a bunch of high-level jiu-jitsu guys trying to transition into the UFC. The problem is they're not selecting the moves that Damien Maia is selecting. Everybody in MMA right now, if you're not studying, if you're in the UFC and you are not studying exactly the moves that Damian Maia has chosen and the path, it's all laid out for you. That's the path you need to get on.
Starting point is 01:19:19 There's a lot of different jujitsu techniques, a lot of different styles of playing guard. Different guard passing styles. There's all this shit you can decide to do in the mountain. Three-quarter mountain. All these decisions. Damien Myers making all the right decisions. If you're not studying his shit, I mean, there's something wrong with you and your coach. Look how long it took Damien to get there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:38 He went through some shit to figure out himself as a fighter. There's an evolution. He wasn't choosing that exact path early on. He was trying to stand too much. On the bottom, he was always about the underhook from his early days. But what he changed is he doesn't sit, when he's on top, he never sits into a Z half guard. He calls it headquarters. He doesn't sit into that anymore because when he wants people to sit into Z guard when he's on bottom,
Starting point is 01:20:03 because from there, he just waits for you to throw a right punch and he times it he shoots for the underhook because you just left a big ass opening and from there he gets the dog fight that's all he's waiting for so he doesn't want to do that because he knows that that's the actually the wrong thing to do so he tripods when he's in that headquarter position and he gets up and he drives his head down and then he just he maneuvers his way into top half and then he turns towards it. It's really simple. It's not like he's mixing
Starting point is 01:20:30 it up. He knows the best shit in MMA. He's doing the same path over and over and over again. You know who else is in the MMA recently? I just found out. Tiffany Van Hoost. Tiffany Timebomb. She fights in Invicta I think next week or two weeks. Is it her first MMA fight? I think so.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Is her first MMA fight? Was she a Jiu-Jitsu? No. Muay Thai world champion. World champ, Muay Thai. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Little tiny girl. She's 115, right? 115, yeah. But when you look at the women's division, she's going to be in the UFC quick. Knocking bitches out, too. Tan is fucked. If she can avoid the takedown, it's going to be interesting. She's a great base. She's Joanna's. She's bitches out too. Tana's fucked. If she can avoid the takedown it's going to be interesting because she's
Starting point is 01:21:06 a great base. She's Joanna's she's in Joanna's division. That's what I'm saying. Jamie bring her up for a sec. Let me see your Tiffany time. Isn't it crazy that just maybe four years ago women being huge in the UFC was most people thought that would never happen.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Good looking woman too. She's beautiful. she's a world champion Muay Thai and she I think she lives in Bali But then she does her camps out here, she's doing it right man She's badass If you've seen her on AXS TV just knocking Bitches out left and right
Starting point is 01:21:37 And with little gloves it's going to be very interesting I think she's training at Alliance down there too She has her same striking coach for Muay Thai But then I think she's training at Alliance down there, too. Is she? Part of it. Good move. She has her same striking coach from Muay Thai, but then I think she's doing some at Alliance. There's just going to be
Starting point is 01:21:49 a level of technique that she has that most girls just are not going to be able to hang with. She has such a big advantage. Except for Joanna. Joanna's pretty
Starting point is 01:21:59 fucking high level, dude. I agree, but let Tiff get a few fights, then you got yourself a real barn burner. Because everyone else in that division can't even match up with a striking wise. Tiff can.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, there's a lot of dangerous kickboxing women that are coming over now. Like Valentina Shevchenko. You see when she fought Holly Holm. No, she's fighting in the UFC. She beat Holly Holm. Do you know who I'm talking about in Belter? The chick in Belter? But Valentina, when you see all her years of Muay Thai experience at a world championship level,
Starting point is 01:22:26 when she fights someone like Holly, you get to see that. You're like, oh, there's levels to this shit. Plus, they've been there. Yeah, that check hook that she kept nailing in with, that check right hook. Holly got rattled early in the first round. You realize the timing is very different for someone who's that good. Plus, those girls that come from that
Starting point is 01:22:41 super high-level background of striking with boxing, Muay Thai, whatever it is, you don't really see women come from a high-level background other than those two. The ones that do, they have some of them. Mackenzie Dern, she's in now. Yeah, but they saw her in the UFC with high-level jiu-jitsu. Who's killing it? Well, she's not in it yet, but there's women out there.
Starting point is 01:23:01 She had one fight. Mackenzie Dern, yeah. I'm not saying in the UFC. I'm just saying, Joe, from history with women's fighting, usually they come from that high-level striking background. They have such an advantage because they've been in the live fire. You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:23:16 So when they get in the UFC and they're fighting a girl who maybe she just likes to fight and do it all, when they fight these super high-level strikers, they're fucked, man. Yep. A lot of them. That's why, you know, they're going to need that wrestling and that jiu-jitsu. Another thing about Damon Maia is when he gets the back, a lot of people get the back
Starting point is 01:23:35 in MMA, but he's on that Marcelo Garcia level, but when he gets your back, he knows how to close and he knows how to finish. It takes so long to have that mastered. Because anybody can get on a back and put the leg hooks in and then they got the
Starting point is 01:23:49 overhand five. But people, to be able to close that shit. With gloves. With gloves it's tough. It takes a while and he got to the point now. In the beginning, he probably wasn't really known for taking people's backs and choking them really, really easily. It took a while, but now, man when he your back it's it's very hard to escape unless you're high level
Starting point is 01:24:11 unless you're already at a black belt but you know he gets carlos is a black belt yeah different levels how many rear naked chokes has damien my gun six the record seven the record seven with kenny it's not just that it's like when he gets to that position He doesn't even have to get into your chin. He just squeezes your fucking head all that shit That's what it's all about closing the deal making you tap. He knows how to make you tap Yeah, somebody played an interesting video. They sent it to me on Twitter of one of Hickson's black belts in Australia this guy's doing this Demonstration with a rear naked choke,
Starting point is 01:24:46 and he was saying that the rear naked choke is all about the legs. And so he's got the rear naked choke on and just using his legs, obviously like stretching the body out, but applying pressure just with his legs. And he was like, that's what the rear naked choke's all about. I'm like, man, I see what you're doing, and I think that is definitely, it's definitely, it adds pressure. But to me, I think the most important thing is the squeeze.
Starting point is 01:25:11 All of it. Because a guy. Every ounce of your body is perfect. Yeah. Everything's got to be perfect. Your butt, your hips, your shoulders, your neck. Everything has to be perfect. That's a high-level squeeze, right?
Starting point is 01:25:21 That's everything. Right. Like Gary Tonin, when didn't he win EBI, he got a rear naked choke with no hooks in. Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:29 If you got a world class squeeze and you get a clean angle on the neck, if it's clean and deep and you're under the chin, you don't need the leg hooks no more. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:43 And Gary Tonin, I forget who he did that to, but he did that on EBI 5. It was Tonin, I forget who he did that to, but he did that in EBI 5. It was fucking awesome. I forget who he did it to, too. So, the guy's right. Legs definitely have a huge factor. And when someone's got your back and they have really...
Starting point is 01:25:55 You ever see when Toquinho grappled with Mayhem Miller? Yes. Jesus Christ. In a grappling match? No, they were in Brazil. It was in Brazil or England? He was down there training, and Toquinho just, well, I talked to Mayhem, and I was like, hey, I was out partying the night before. I was drunk.
Starting point is 01:26:13 It was probably totally true, you know? 100%. But it didn't matter. Toquinho just took his back like a ghost. Or took his arm. Maybe he took his arm. I thought that was Salivary's when he took his arm. It wasn't Toino you're talking
Starting point is 01:26:25 about you don't know who's smart Pajaro oh that's not yeah yeah yeah that's his nickname means tree stump yep but um there's a guy like that when they get they get your back with those giant ass legs that he has when he's like squeezing down on your shit and stretching you out as he's choking you. He's a fucking nut. Did you see Gary Tonin against Taquino in Polaris? Yes, yes. You see that? Have you seen that, Brendan? Yeah, amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Amazing. I mean, that's an example of one of those submission-only matches that ends up in a draw but was amazing. You know what I mean? There's so many badass draws out there. They're not all bad. Just because it's a draw doesn't mean it. I mean. Oh. Look's a draw doesn't mean it. I mean...
Starting point is 01:27:05 Look at my draw with Cyborg. To a guy like you, or you who could really appreciate the technique and sees what's going on. Did you just say, look at my draw with Cyborg? Obviously. How dare you? Obviously joking. Obviously seeing who's paying attention. Still no matter.
Starting point is 01:27:21 You know what's crazy about this EBI coming up is one of the worst case scenarios people would would come up to me and ask me about and I would think about it too
Starting point is 01:27:30 would have someone won EBI by escapes got into overtime in every round and then won by quickest escape time like what would
Starting point is 01:27:39 would that ruin the show and I thought damn I don't know but Eduardo Telles he's a turtle guard master, and turtle guard is just basically giving up your back. So anybody who goes to turtle guard, very few people can do this, they gotta have the best
Starting point is 01:27:51 back defense ever if you're gonna play turtle guard, right? So he does, and he's known that, and he's known in the jiu-jitsu community, he's a legend, a legend at defense. Untappable, this guy, Eduardo Telles. So he's doing EBI 8 next Sunday. You can watch the countdown show
Starting point is 01:28:07 on YouTube, EBI Countdown. EBI 8. He's on the countdown show talking about winning EBI on escapes. That's crazy. So now that's an actual real scenario that we're dealing with. So instead of killing the show, now it's actually interesting
Starting point is 01:28:23 to see if he could win the whole thing by escaping. Look at this shit. Ricardo Llamas versus BJ Penn, October 15th in Manila, Philippines. Why not, man? Let's see what's up. That's a good fight right there.
Starting point is 01:28:38 I keep thinking BJ's retired. Well, BJ honestly should be fighting someone who is outside of the top 20 to get his timing back. Let him fight Sam Punk. But that said, BJ Penn is fucking BJ Penn. And BJ Penn wants to fight the tough guys. He can do whatever he wants. He can do whatever he wants.
Starting point is 01:29:01 And if he doesn't fight a guy who's like Super dangerous He's probably not gonna Train as hard He's not gonna get up for it So this is how BJ's Kinda gotta do it I fucking love BJ It's smart Did Llamas call him out
Starting point is 01:29:12 Or something No How did that happen They just tossed him The Llamas He had a fight He had a fight with Was it Bermudez
Starting point is 01:29:19 Who was the fight He had scheduled with In LA Remember Who's he It wasn't Dennis Bermudez It wasn't Bermudez No it wasn't Bermudez It No, it wasn't Bermudez.
Starting point is 01:29:25 It was someone he had a fight scheduled with. Nick Lentz? No, it wasn't Nick Lentz because Nick Lentz is fighting at 155. There was some fight that got canceled because BJ had taken an IV to rehydrate himself. That was on the LA card, remember? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:42 What was the fight? See if you can find it out, Jan. Who was it? Anyway, so they had to give him another fight, and so the other fight they gave him is Lamas, which is a tough fight for anybody. Tough fight. They threw him to the fucking...
Starting point is 01:29:53 145. It's BJ Penn. What are you going to do? But still. Apparently, his fighting stance is back to the old BJ, right? Yeah. He's not doing that Tito stuff. Well, he went to Winkle John, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:02 I mean, in Brandon Gibson. Is he there now? Yeah, he's been training at Jackson's. Here it goes. What does it say? Cole Miller at 199. Oh, that's right. Oh, Cole Miller.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Yeah, 199. See, Cole Miller's a real good fight. That's a real good fight, too. Yeah. That's a real good fight. Did he listen, man? He did. Remember, people would say, what if BJ went to Jackson?
Starting point is 01:30:20 Yeah. It's like, whoa, what happened then? And he actually did it. How cool is that? He's BJ fucking Penn. Don't ever forget that. If that guy's body is willing and he can figure out a way
Starting point is 01:30:30 to motivate himself into awesome shape again, he is BJ motherfucking Penn. He's the prodigy. I think he should, I think he should just focus on using his striking to take people down
Starting point is 01:30:40 and just take them to the ground. I think he's still one of the best on the ground. You know who I don't want to see fight again? And I hope for whatever reason, contractual, it doesn't happen. It's GSP, man. His last three or four fights, he took so many hits to the head. He has money in the bank.
Starting point is 01:30:55 The 70-pound division's completely changed now. I just don't want to see it. Maybe he's bored. Yeah, he must be bored as fuck making Kickboxer 2 and shit. Yeah, and he did something with Seagal Where Seagal kills him in some movie That would make me want to fucking get back to anything I was doing
Starting point is 01:31:11 That video of Seagal He's not been missing any meals He's so big now It's crazy He would fuck you guys up He has this giant barrel of a chest He's gotta be 100 pounds overweight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:27 It's really weird. Because if you go back to Hard to Kill, this first movie. He's very thin. Oh, my God. He looks awesome. I used to like him, man. Under Siege 1 and 2? Watch your mouth.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Plus, he did a bunch of weird stuff that nobody had ever seen before. A bunch of smacking. It's like, if you go and steven seagal's earliest movie it was hard to kill right no no it was a justice above above the law yeah justice above the law is his first one it's fun to watch like his fight scenes you're like i kind of feeling this i feel like he could maybe pull this off you know he's kind of doing like wing chong but he's smacking Some fucking clotheslines On people
Starting point is 01:32:06 And sweeping them Off their feet And snapping arms And shit I think he's actually Kind of a good actor too Under Siege 1 and 2 Is fucking brilliant
Starting point is 01:32:14 Hard to kill is great Look at his face Look at his face in 88 In 88 above the law Handsome dude Dime piece in hard to kill And he was only Probably 30 years old
Starting point is 01:32:22 Back then In that ponytail He had been teaching A Kido in Japan. He was the first American to run a dojo in Japan. Well, that's been contested. Shut the fuck up, Brian. Why are you ruining...
Starting point is 01:32:34 Sorry, buddy. Sorry. Look at him back then. Look at the body. Look at that knife. But that's a body of a guy who actually knows martial arts. Now he's... Or not.
Starting point is 01:32:44 I mean, I don't know. Have you guys heard of that new Jean-Claude Van Damme show called Jean-Claude Van Johnson? He plays himself. Van Johnson? Is that a reality show?
Starting point is 01:32:53 Dave Callahan wrote that. My student who wrote Godzilla. Yeah? He has a show now. It's on Amazon. I don't even know, but Tate's in it too. Really?
Starting point is 01:33:02 It's called Jean-Claude Van Johnson. It's about Jean-Claude Van Damme is in it. He plays himself. And he's like this washed up actor. He's just himself. So it's a story about Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And he's playing himself but making fun of it like a parody? Yeah. It's kind of like that movie. Goddamn, time's around. I refuse to watch it. I love Jean-Claude Van Damme. It's supposed to be funny as shit. Nope, can't do it.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Can't do it. I remember him from Bloodsport. Powerful Josh Barnett, still swinging. God damn it, that's a terrible pitch I've been in. Still throwing leather. Tough fight to call, man. Two vets. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:37 USADA testing. Germany. Well, I mean, who would have ever predicted that Orlovsky would have gotten that close to a title shot again? Well, I mean, who would have ever predicted that Orlovsky would have gotten that close to a title shot again? After all those years out, after getting starched by Sergei Karatov, after getting beaten down by Rumble Johnson, to come back from all that, get back into the UFC and work his way to the top four. Like, what?
Starting point is 01:34:00 Amazing. How the fuck did he do that? Went to Jackson's, got a huge four or five fight win streak. Amazing. How the fuck did he do that? Went to Jackson's, got a huge four or five fight win streak. Amazing. I mean, it's amazing. When a lot of people thought the Caratano fight, they're like, someone's got to step in. Someone's got to stop this. It's amazing the difference between his nose now
Starting point is 01:34:14 and when he first started fighting. Dude, do you know how many times this guy's been knocked out? If you really went over his entire career, I would like to find out. Well, between him and Overeem, it's a goddamn highlight reel. And in training, I wonder. Yeah, Overeem's had a lot of stoppage losses. Overeem's had more than anyone.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Yeah, well, all the kickboxing losses, MMA losses. Yeah. Yeah, man. A lot of these guys have been stopped a lot of times. Andre's slim for this one. Wow, his nose is flattened. Look at his nose. I know.
Starting point is 01:34:45 That's a guy who's been in some wars, man. Who's been in as many slugfests as Arlovsky? Damn. Barnett. Barnett has, yeah. I mean, they're close. But Andre's almost always in slugfests because he's a striker. He's not trying to take someone down. Has Josh Barnett been knocked out? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Yeah, he got knocked out. Travis Brown elbows to the back of the head. Yeah, real bad. And then... Before that, though, he has for sure. And the Grand Prix days. And Rothwell just choked him out. Yep. Rothwell caught him with that crazy ten-finger go-go guillotine.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yeah. Whatever he calls it. Go-go guillotine. There's so many different ways to put on that guillotine, and they're all secretive because you can never see the grip grip and everyone has a certain way They hold a grip you never gets a hidden grip. There's probably 13 different at least Orlovsky went old school with that with this pregame fight interview to stop about how when he's the UFC champ Barnett was in pride saying how or laughs he wasn't the real champ. He was
Starting point is 01:35:40 You have a but jock Barnett was never the champ 15 years ago I know but he was He was a runner up And he was saying When they were asking Barnet back then He was like UFC champ doesn't really count
Starting point is 01:35:52 Orlovsky's not the real champ Orlovsky brought that shit back Like an old elephant Didn't forget Wow He was like Excuse me sir That was 20 years ago
Starting point is 01:36:00 Like an old elephant Like an old Belarusian elephant It's another one If you look at him He's 37. That's amazing that he was elite in the UFC in his early, early 20s. And Josh Barnett's the youngest heavyweight champion ever.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Really? Oh, yeah. When he beat Randy Couture, he became the youngest ever UFC heavyweight champion. But then, didn't he get stripped? He got stripped. He pissed hot? Yeah. He pissed hot shit between him and over him.
Starting point is 01:36:27 It's a goddamn MLB in the glory days. Mark McGuire buried Bonds. Two badasses, but they'll piss hot. It would be interesting if Bellator just becomes like a PED league. You mean pride? Yeah, just PED league. Just let him do whatever the fuck he wants Well, Scott Coker said that
Starting point is 01:36:46 He's like, our walkouts, we try to mimic Pride I'm like, yeah, for sure Just let guys juice to the gill and do that Do you hate money, Mr. Coker? Get some dry ice smoke Let him juice to the gills I mean, someone's got to explain to me Bobby Lashley Explain what?
Starting point is 01:37:01 Explain what's going on there How's that possible? Why, can I see a picture, please? You've never seen Bobby Lashley, B? Yeah. He's a very strong, powerful wrestler that is the cover boy for the smell test. Oh. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Well, that's the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. That is so ridiculous. He's a tank. Now, does he moonlight as a bodybuilder? No, he used to be a WWE guy. He still is. Look at that. Yeah, that's natural.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Those traps are all natural. Is he fighting in Bellator looking like that? Yep. Yes. Huh. Yeah, show a picture of him in Bellator. That's a lot of Dolce Way. Is he taking a lot of Dolce Way?
Starting point is 01:37:40 Legit wrestler, though. Look at him there in Bellator. Look at the size of him in Bellator. Yeah, now listen. I mean, some people are just born super muscular. But he only fights in funky places like Oklahoma, Indian casinos and shit. Look at the size of him. That's the craziest shit I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Look at the fucking size of him. Hey, this is the thing. The nicest guy in the world world obviously on some Mexican supplements. Motherfucker can wrestle his ass off. He's a monster. I can believe it. Looking at him, I wouldn't say he's an accountant. I would say he's a wrestler.
Starting point is 01:38:16 It's not like CM Punk wrestling. It's a legit wrestling background. I believe that. He's had a lot of fights. He fought in Showtime for a while. He's only had eight or think, like eight or nine. He's not that active. Well, he fought in Strikeforce and lost to Chad Griggs, remember?
Starting point is 01:38:30 The Gravedigger? Yeah, that's right. The Gravedigger. Yeah. And that was a big setback for him. Had to get his shit together again. Start all over again. Josh Barnett's body is an interesting...
Starting point is 01:38:40 You know who his training partner is, Josh Barnett? Bobby Lash and Barnett train together all the time. Makes sense. Never seen Bobby Lash taken out, ever. Okay, prediction. Arlovsky, Barnett. Barnett looks bigger than Arlovsky. That's a big man.
Starting point is 01:38:54 They're both giant. Barnett's heavier. Arlovsky's in better shape, I would assume. Barnett's got a lot of options. Yeah, Barnett, he's like a Swiss army knife. He has too many options. There's a lot of options. And, Barnett, he's like a Swiss Army knife. He has too many options. He has a lot of options. And Orlovsky, his only option is to knock him out.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Oh, he tagged him. Barnett with a right hand over the top. Oh! Oh! Oh, Orlovsky goes right at Barnett! Oh, shit! What's going on here? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Hey, guys. Oh! What the fuck? Oh, my God. Are we all out of our minds here? Couple one too old, he's fucking slanging them. Guys, what? Barnett just took a big, deep breath. And by all these of our minds here? Couple one too old, he's fucking slanging them. Barnett just took a big deep breath.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And by all these, 12 years younger than me and Joe. Barnett is saying something. Barnett is saying something. What is he saying? Was he grabbing my gloves? I don't know. He's saying he's grabbing my gloves, he's grabbing my gloves. Oh, is that what he's saying?
Starting point is 01:39:39 I think so. Wow, man. And the ref said, let's shut up and fight. I think that's what he said. Did he say that? Shut up and fight? I don't think he said shut up. He said, let's shut up and fight. I think that's what he said. Did he say that? Shut up and fight? I don't think he said shut up. He said, let's just fight. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Holy fuck. These boys ain't messing around. Wow. When Arlossi does do this, he's usually at his best. When you think about Travis Brown, he's just cautioning the wind. Yeah, but Barnett is good at controlling the pace here. When he gets a hold of you like this, this is going to sap some of the strength. He's got such wide hips.
Starting point is 01:40:04 He's just so strong So tank of a guy. All his super skill too man. Fuck. Oh Caught him on the break. Oh, someone's about to get knocked out. Get ready boys. Oh Jesus. Baranowski's bleeding hardcore What a tough way to make a living. Big right hand coming from Baranowski. What a tough way to make a living. Oh jeez. Don't let's not do that. Left hook from Barnett coming up. This is intense. Someone's going to sleep real soon. Oh.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Damn, attack that body. There's like a weird way that Arlovsky throws his right hand. Have you noticed that? Almost like a whipping action from the hips. He doesn't throw it the way he threw it when he was young. No, not at all. I wonder if he's had shoulder injuries. Or Lasky painted his toenails. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:40:54 I won't. Don't bring it up. Sorry, sorry. He's a warlock. He's a fucking warlock and I knew it. That's what a bad motherfucker Chuck Liddell is. He had everybody painting their goddamn toenails. He really did. And no one said shit. I'm not saying shit. I just made an observation.
Starting point is 01:41:08 They all wind up doing it. He sacrificed a goat to Satan last night and that's why he had... Arlovsky with the takedown! Look at this! Arlovsky with the takedown! See, I like Arlovsky
Starting point is 01:41:20 putting Barnett on his back. Barnett's not a guy who parties off his back very much. He doesn't party off his back, guys. He doesn't. I wonder if he's putting Barnett on his back. Barnett's not a guy who parties off his back very much. He doesn't party off his back, guys. He doesn't. I wonder. Only on top.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I wonder if he's got some shit off his back. I mean, I'm sure he's capable. Uh-oh, watch that. Come on, son. He went for a double wrist lock from the bottom. Went for that bully beatdown double wrist lock. Wonder what he was going to do there with that. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Look at the blood coming down. He doesn't care. That's a headbutt blood, Brian. Look at that. Go ahead. Give me a charley horse. This is an interesting fight, man. Hold that ankle.
Starting point is 01:41:48 This is an interesting fight. Barnett on his back. Orlovsky above him. Orlovsky needs to watch his legs here. Did you just punch him in the dick? He needs to watch his legs here, man. There's one thing Barnett does know. It's his fucking leg locks down here.
Starting point is 01:41:58 I think you forget the Sambo background of Andre Orlovsky. I didn't. Remember when he got, what's his name, Tim Sylvia in that? Mm-hmm. Got him in a straight ankle. I think you forget about that fucking. Dude, I think Josh Barnett just played a little De La Riva guard for one split second. Watch.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Barnett is thicker than a Snickers right now. Just a vanilla Snickers doing the damn thing. Big man. Look at that. Oh. And they're both just getting... This is the veteran, let's rest. You rest, I rest.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Oh, is that what it is? Okay. Yeah, that's the veteran. I'm going to rest, you rest. I like it. Couple one, two old butts. Keep the hands up, please. Somebody, all of you.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Barnett looks tired. I mean... Jesus Christ. These guys just, they clash heads, man. Gigantesque. Gigante, man. Nobody's... Oh! Oh, man. Gigantesque. Gigante, man. Oh! Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Oh, boy. Oh! Combination by Arlovsky. Josh Barnett's so tough, though. Arlovsky. He looks fine. Josh Barnett looks fine. Someone's going to sleep.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Barnett switched stances. Was he standing orthodox earlier? He was, right? Yeah, he switches. Interesting. I wonder... Does Orlowski always have black nail polish? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:16 No. First time. Get over it, bro. It's a great fight. Fuck his nail polish. Bro, I'm just saying, man. I'm allowed to make an observation. God, you're white, Josh. Let's get a tan. You're whiter than I am. No, I'm just saying, man. I'm allowed to make an observation. God, you're white, Josh.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Let's get a tan. You're whiter than I am. No, you can't tan. That would look weird on him. He'd look pink. He just turns pink, right? He'd be red. He'd get all red?
Starting point is 01:43:34 Come out there like a red fucking pickle. Yeah, a fucking giant pickle. A red pickle? I don't know why I even said pickle. Like a lobster. Yeah, you big fucking blonde lobster. Josh is giving up the neck. He's like, go ahead, take it.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Yeah, our lefty's not known for those. Want to get crazy? Pull the guillotine off. Wow. I would never think that Josh would lean in on anybody like that ever again after that Travis Brown fight. Well, the thing about that is Travis is so good at him because of his leverage, how tall he is.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Oh, Jesus. Oh my goodness. I mean, flash knockouts on both ends here. Oof. Great takedown. I think Travis is the only one who can pull off those elbows because he's so tall. Maybe. Well, he's also just explosive as fuck with them in that position.
Starting point is 01:44:21 That's his spot. He did it to Gonzaga and then he did it to gonzaga and then he jerry barnett you're on the air we're doing the the fight companion already joe diaz well joey it's it's like one two you're not watching the ufc on fight pass dog i'm doing my own UFC I just got back from jiu jitsu bitch I just did my own I got choked out 8 times I just did my own fucking jiu jitsu I just got Luke Barnett
Starting point is 01:44:54 Everybody choked me out today Nice Legacy Yeah yeah yeah I did a little better today to be honest Round 2 I did a little better today, to be honest with you. Round two. Dude, after a minute rest. I did a little better today.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Hey, the fight's on right now. You gotta watch that overhand right. Keep telling Orlovsky that. All right, do your thing. I'm sorry, brother. I saw you call me earlier. You know I love you. Okay, I'll call you right back.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Keep your head in his chin. That's what I, when I teach clinch, I always say, use your fucking head. Spear, spear the chin. When you what huh when i teach clint when i do a uh clinch clinic i call it the clinch clinic with the kid nobody ever comes but if somebody did i would always say use your head i cannot get anybody to fucking come and i have something to say puts on a message board there's to be a clinch clinic with the kid. Piece of paper with a bunch of things you can rip off that have the phone number on. Just one ripped off and he ripped it off himself.
Starting point is 01:45:52 I put it up on phone. Just get things going. On phone poles. I put it up on phone poles. And nobody calls. Nobody calls. I can't get anybody in my fucking clinics, man. I have cupcakes and Kool-Aid for everybody.
Starting point is 01:46:04 How is this not a five-rounder? Right, Brendan? Because they're old. I don't give a fuck. Isn't every main event five rounds? Is it a five-rounder? It might be. Oh, it is. It is. Sorry. The fucking reindeer thing was blocking us all three.
Starting point is 01:46:19 The reindeer thing. Did you guys see that thing where those fucking reindeer, 300 of them, got electrocuted? Was it 300 of them? Jesus Christ. Is that how many it was? What? Why do I want to say it was 40? Oh, you gotta keep your hands up. 323? 323 reindeer got electrocuted to death. They were all
Starting point is 01:46:36 standing in water. Lightning hit the ground. What? The ground was soaked with water, so they all got barbecued instantly. No. Damn. Instantly. Dude. Boy, these boys are throwing. these boys are hundreds of poor fucking reindeer That's crazy. Just landed a huge. Oh fuck It was harp so can you just go there and eat them? Can't go there and eat them or no?
Starting point is 01:46:55 It depends on how cold it is you know if they if it was right afterwards yeah, definitely So that could happen to us when we were hunting Technically it technically could happen yeah because. Because the ground's all wet. So it's connective. So this shit should be happening all the time. It could happen. Well, we got rubber boots on, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:11 We have rubber boots on, and also we're not fucking reindeer. Yep. God likes me more than he likes reindeers. They're called caribou. I call them caribou. Yep. They're delicious animals. If you were there and you came right after the fact, you'd be psyched.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Because you'd have all the meat. You wouldn't want it to go to waste. I agree. So it's not even like you feel bad for shooting the caribou. If you're starving in the wilderness. When you post those Instagram videos of grilling that fine, fine wild meat. I got you hungry. It's my favorite thing to cook.
Starting point is 01:47:42 I cooked some last night. I will say that one you did with the jalapenos. Yeah, that's my shit, dog. My fucking mouth starts running. Dude, I'm telling you, I know you're scared of... Eddie grew up with a fucked up stepfather, so he's got some crazy food issues because his stepdad used to force him to eat food.
Starting point is 01:47:56 So Eddie's like, meat, potatoes, stop. Don't get crazy. You don't eat meat or potatoes? He won't be out. No, no, that's all. He's like super down the middle. I don't like gamey meat. That's how my brother is.
Starting point is 01:48:07 You know what I mean? Elk is not gamey. That's the thing, man. I'm telling you. It's like if you like Fogo de Chow, you like when they come over. It doesn't taste like that because it's got more firmness to it. Oh, good reversal by Barnett. It's on now.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Oh, this is not good. This is not good for Arlovsky. This is terrible. Barnett is a smusher. Look at this is not good. This is not good for Arlovsky. This is terrible. Barnett is a smusher. Look at that instant pass. Full mount, grapevine, old school, catch wrestling style. We call that the Saturday Night Live ride. We call it the Saturday Night Ride. Yeah, you gotta call it one of the
Starting point is 01:48:36 other. You can't call it skydive. We call it staying alive. Boy, if he can last a minute, he's gonna be gassed. He's got it for a minute. Yeah, I don't know about all that. That's a tough call, dude. He might get smushed here, dude. Just hold on.
Starting point is 01:48:48 He's looking for the arm triangle on that right arm. Did you say just hold on to him, BD? Yeah, just hold on to him. He'll be fine. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Well, Josh Barnett will put a beating on you in that fucking mount position, too. He's an expert at maneuvering, getting you in bad spots, anticipating your defense and dropping those short palm-to-elbow elbows down on you,
Starting point is 01:49:08 those pressed-down Jeremy Horn-style elbows. Yeah, he also has a great head-arm choke here that he does. Jeremy Horn was like one of the first guys that really was teaching that. Oh, he's cutting them up. Oh, he's smashing them. 40 seconds to go. Man, he's got to finish them. He's a nasty.
Starting point is 01:49:23 He's looking for that arm. He's looking to straighten those arms out. But Arlovsky's got fairly good defense, but not right here. Come on, Andre. Don't turn to his back. 30 seconds. Oh, my God. He's getting beat on.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Oh, Jesus Christ. It's not enough to stop it, though, is it? Yeah, but he's getting smashed. Andre, he's going to be fucked when he gets on. It's over. It's over. It's over. He's beating on him, man.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Now it's over. You got time. You got time. You got time. Hammer fist. Now it's over. He's going to sink it in. There it goes.
Starting point is 01:49:54 There it goes. Oh, he's going to survive. I don't think so. Yes, yes. Oh, hell yeah. He's surviving. It's over. They're not going to stop.
Starting point is 01:50:01 They're not going to stop it. Oh, he got it. Wow. Wow. He survived. Dude, what a beating. He took a ferocious beating. Orlovsky's in trouble.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Like, getting up, he's got to be reeling right now. I mean, his face is smushed. And he's tired as fuck. He has to be, man. He just exploded for survival for the last minute. The last minute was just a crazy swim to shore with sharks biting your asshole. Is that Winkle John right there? You got to go back out there.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Mike Winkle John is the guy to his left. Like right in front of Orlovsky. That's Mike. And that's Greg Jackson. Been here a bunch of times. That's not good. You've been here 100 times. Well, I'm a little on the brink of dying.
Starting point is 01:50:44 You start thinking about it Hmm Where do either of these guys go from here? I guess they're both They're both in the mix Yeah, heavyweight division's pretty old Could take down Baralovsky But he got reversed
Starting point is 01:50:58 Watch this Yeah, the momentum Man Mounted way easy Yeah, that's not what you want Oh my god. Barnett just dropping bombs down on him. Super accurate.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Josh Barnett is no joke, man. Come on, Andre. Come on, Andre. Oh, look at this. Barnett also can keep up this pace for five rounds. He fought Roy Nelson and gave Roy Nelson a beating like that for five rounds
Starting point is 01:51:25 Yeah, he did. That was super impressive. He's just such a vet man. He's seen it all. Yep. Well, he's also just so fucking tough. Dermal It has so many fucking tricks, but Arlowski still got the bomb man. He's still got the bomb in his hand Look at him. He's trying to set it up. Oh I don't think that landed dude. It's weird the way he throws that right hand. It's like his elbow's down, his shoulder's up, and he whips it. It's almost like he doesn't throw it straight anymore. See what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:54 He throws that kick and he's getting caught. That's the second time he's gotten caught. But it's like he's throwing it with his body, and then the arm is sort of following behind it. It's like whipping. It's weird. Oh! They're so tired. These guys are...
Starting point is 01:52:06 I mean, if... Kind of... I would like... Oh, man. Oh, my God, my Barnett. Right hand. Barnett. Oh.
Starting point is 01:52:11 Oh, oh, oh. Oh, Orlovsky. Orlovsky is a stud. These guys are amazing. Oh, nice knee to the body. He hurt him with that knee to the body. No, he poked him in the eye. Oh, he poked him in the eye.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Well, the ref didn't see it. Oh, wow. Barnett knows better than that to stop it. Barnett... Oh, shit. Oh, my God better than that to stop it. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. This is an amazing fight. Oh, my God. Orlovsky said, enjoy your win with one fucking eye.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Oh, my God. Give it up, Orlovsky. He gets behind him. Look out. Camara. Camara. Orlovsky needs to stop this shit. Double wrist lock.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Double wrist lock. God damn it. Look at that. Now you're fucked. Now you need to turn him ripped off. He's fucked. He's fucked. He's super fucked. Damn it. This is Barnett all fucking day long. This is're fucked. Flipped him. Now you need to try him ripped off. He's fucked. He's fucked. He's super fucked.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Damn it. This is Barnett all fucking day long. This is his world. Power to twerk. This dude submitted Dean Lister, Huron Gracie. Huron, yes. Easily. That is a big feat, man.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Huge. It's over right here. This is not good. Oh! Shit. Not up in here. Dude, this is a fight. It's still over.
Starting point is 01:53:04 This is an amazing fight. It's still over. This is an amazing fight. It's still over. It's still over. There's no way Orlovsky's going to get up here. It's still over. He's not going to get. He's going for the Kimura again. Orlovsky's a warlock, so he's got those parts.
Starting point is 01:53:15 He's going for it again. He doesn't have much room, though. Man, oh, man. Barnett, upset that it got away, man. He's going to make a big point to try to get it down. If you're Orlovsky, quit fucking trying to grapple with him. Oh, he's elbowing him, too. He's going to make a big point to try to get it out. If you're Arlovsky, quit fucking trying to grapple with him. Oh, he's elbowing him, too. He's going to open it up with elbows.
Starting point is 01:53:28 That's so nasty. A little tenderizing. That's so nasty. Do you remember that time when Arlovsky was on the ground and Roy Nelson had him inside control with a double wrist lock locked in and they stood him up? Elite XC. Elite XC, that crooked ass organization remember that yeah
Starting point is 01:53:46 hell yeah i do and then oh two minutes 20 seconds this is not good it's it's that's not good this is not good this is not good he's giving up the back he's giving up the back he's getting choked out yeah he's giving up the back you've got to the back He's getting choked out Yeah he's giving up the back Enjoy that You've got to be so exhausted here He's flattening him out He's getting the neck That's it Josh
Starting point is 01:54:08 Motherfucking Barnett Ladies and gentlemen Two warriors man Two legends God damn If I was Brendan Schaub I'd say for sure Get off me before you congratulate me
Starting point is 01:54:18 Yeah for sure Get the fuck out of here man Let's do this when we get up For sure We can do this friendship shit When you're not mounting me Yeah man You've got great cardio.
Starting point is 01:54:25 Fuck, he does. You would never think so, but man, he... God, is he good. God damn, that was a good fight. Tough as nails, man. Josh Burnett is tough as nails. That was a goddamn war. Jesus. What a fight. And you know, all due respect, he doesn't seem... He's got great
Starting point is 01:54:41 cardio. He doesn't... If you looked at his body physically, he doesn't look like he's in that good of shape. What? Good lord. Josh Burnett? Come on. He's got great cardio He doesn't If you looked at his body physically The fuck are you trying to say He doesn't look like He's in that good of shape What? Good lord Josh Barnett? Come on He's always
Starting point is 01:54:49 You're talking about a legend I know he is I'm just saying Don't judge a book Don't judge a book By its cover, Brendan Look at Fedor I've always said that
Starting point is 01:54:56 Look at Fedor Yeah God, he's amazing Boom Oh no And still took it And still He hit his hand
Starting point is 01:55:03 Barnett fucked him up After this He went Oh, you want to poke me in the fucking eye? Check this out. See, this is our last fight there. Why did the ref stop that eye poke thing? That was weird.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Didn't see it. He didn't see it. When they're looking at certain things, you know, and they miss little stuff like that, it's so hard to stop and reset. Because you also stop the momentum of the fight. And sometimes a guy gets punched in the eye. And they'll reel away as if they got poked, but if you watch the replay, it's just the knuckle.
Starting point is 01:55:30 Chuck Liddell used to get guys all the time, and he would throw these wild, crazy punches. He would, because of the way the wraps are and because of the way the gloves are, sometimes when Chuck was punching you, he's hitting you like this. So these are going in your eyes. You can't stop it because I mean
Starting point is 01:55:45 It's just he's just dropping bombs on you and sometimes they don't land perfectly with a knuckle or sometimes even with the knuckle The knuckle goes into your eye But these um these things right here. These are not covered So if you're slinging and you catch someone like this and it goes in the eye, it feels just like a poke definitely Yeah, stop it goes in the eye. It feels just like a poke. Definitely can't stop it. Yeah. Probably for Dan Hardy. Look at him. He looks like an Englishman. Dude, did you see Bruce Buffer's fucking white tux?
Starting point is 01:56:09 He had a white tux? That's some Germany shit. That's that foreign shit. Don't bring that here. Oh, it shouldn't? No. No, can't have that here. How come?
Starting point is 01:56:16 We just can't. We just can't do it. No white tux. It's Hardy. Those aren't jeans. Powerful. Powerful Josh Barnett We went for the finish every time
Starting point is 01:56:28 I know we slowed down but We went for the finish every time So please give it up for Andre Oloski Give it up for Andre Oloski Damn right Damn right That's a great sportsman This is a crazy division
Starting point is 01:56:41 It's going to be opened up next week We're going to find out what the hell's going on Because if Stipe can defend the title You know you, you've got a real champion on your hands. And if Overeem could beat him, things get very, very interesting. Look how he put the choke on. Look at the grip. Then he got Verdum. Yeah, Travis Brown smushed it.
Starting point is 01:56:58 He, like, punched at it. It went like this. Yeah. Interesting, huh? I didn't see it, incidental, but. Well, he's a real artist when it comes to submissions. Josh Barnett knows his shit. There's some big-ass fights coming up, dude.
Starting point is 01:57:15 Some big-ass fights coming up. If you would have hit his face, it would have been different. Boom! That's so fucked up, man. But that's something when you see a guy turning away with his... Oh, you go. Holding his eye like that. Go ahead and punch him in the face.
Starting point is 01:57:24 What is... Jamie, what's the card Next weekend You got the heavyweights, right So you got Stipe, Overeem, Verdum Travis Brown rematch You know what, I didn't know until today Just now that Stipe, Overeem was September 10th, I thought it was today
Starting point is 01:57:40 I've been really excited about it You thought it was on Fight Pass Why'd you think it was today? I don't know. So you're upset? A little upset right now. You thought it was next on Fight Pass? So Stipe, Alistair, look at this. Verdum and Travis Brown, very
Starting point is 01:57:55 interesting. What was the original fight? Was this the original fight? No, Fabrizio was supposed to fight... God, who pulled out? Who the fuck pulled out? Travis Brown was the late to fight... God, who pulled out? Who the fuck pulled out? Travis Brown was a late replacement.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Oh, Rothwell pulled out. It was Verdum Rothwell. Oh, that's right. He pulled out. Brown got back in, right? Because he's got his face kicked off by Kane. So he came back in
Starting point is 01:58:16 for this rematch. Man, Travis Brown's in a tough spot. He loses this one. Well, it's also... They're going to get Ronda pregnant. How fairly short is the notice?
Starting point is 01:58:26 Not that short, right? Like four or five weeks. But it's pretty recent since the fight with Kane. Yeah, I know. That's why it's tough to get back in there. He got that spinning wheel kick. Yeah, it was tough. What's next for Kane?
Starting point is 01:58:42 That's a good question. Probably a title fight, I would imagine. Look at that. CM Punk versus Mickey Galls. The third fight of the night. That's crazy. That is before Faber and... Yeah, it's after Faber.
Starting point is 01:58:56 Yeah, sorry. Faber and Jimmy Rivera, which is an interesting fight, man. Jimmy Rivera's a tank. Super tough fight for him. He always wins, though, doesn't he? Well, he wins a lot. Besides the title. Yeah. man jimmy rivera is a tank super tough fight for you yeah he always wins though doesn't he well he wins a lot besides the title yeah well the dominic cruz fight was you know he got dropped in that fight a couple of times he got hurt which is uh interesting i'll tell you the fight i want to see
Starting point is 01:59:14 is uh steve bavers cane that's the fight matchup wise it's such a fun fight very similar styles hey what's going on with uh tyson off he can't get into the country? Yeah, I don't think so. That's what I've heard. That giant wrestler you're talking about? No, no, no. He's not a giant guy. He's 155. Was he 45 or 55?
Starting point is 01:59:32 Who is he supposed to be fighting? 55, right, Jamie? Look that up. Who is Landsberg? Cyborg's fighting Lentz. Yeah, he's fighting Nick Lentz. Nick Lentz has been fighting 55. Damn.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Who is Landsberg? Lineker versus Dodson is crazy. That is goddamn crazy. October 1st, Portland, Oregon. That is madness. Who's the poor soul-fighting cyborg? Holy shit. His name is Landsberg.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Who's the body-back fighting fucking cyborg in Brazil? Looks like a swimsuit model. In Brasilia, Brasilia. That's going to be fed. Jamie, what's her background? Who's that? She's a demon hunter. Landsberg.
Starting point is 02:00:10 She's a fucking warlock hunter. She's going to go there with a necklace of garlic and a fucking sword with a crucifix at the bottom of it. And still won't help. She's fucked. You will get knocked the fuck out. Here's a shield. Good luck in that fight. God damn, man. That's one of them good luck fights. Who's going to beat Good luck in that fight. God damn, man.
Starting point is 02:00:25 That's one of them good luck fights. Who's going to beat Cyborg? That's a good question, man. Who is going to beat? Yeah, Marabek Taisomov out of UFC 203. Visa issues. He's such a monster, too. He's very good.
Starting point is 02:00:36 So fucking good. But he's had visa issues for several fights in a row now. I just don't know why the UFC can't clear that up. Unless it's some weird shit. For sure someone helped him out. did wonder what the problem is I don't understand visas man I don't understand like who gets them and who doesn't you know I think right now it's a little tough it was declined hmm yeah I wonder I wonder what why they declined those things man you know I wonder I don't know what it is but too bad Because he could fight his ass off
Starting point is 02:01:05 So good Yeah he's very good man Very good And look at that whole card That's uh Ooh Ian McCollum Ray Borg That's right I forgot that
Starting point is 02:01:15 Ray Borg's no joke That's interesting Who's on that fight path? Betch Coe Yancy Madero, Sean Spencer. That's a good fight. That should be next weekend. So what else is going on?
Starting point is 02:01:31 You're calling that fight off. It's a championship of the world. Yeah, I'm there next week. Yeah. Powerful Cleveland. See ya. See ya, fuckers. Cleveland.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Beautiful Cleveland. That's steep-based town. It's going to be interesting, man. They're going to come out in droves for him. Hopefully. Yeah. No, It's going to be interesting, man. They're going to come out in droves for him. Hopefully. Yeah. No, it's going to be. It's a very interesting fight, man. Stipe is no fucking joke.
Starting point is 02:01:52 It's a toss-up for me. But Alistair Overeem is so good at striking. He's so clever and sneaky. And now the way he fights, he moves around you and doesn't take any chances until he sees an opening, then he snipes on you. And Miocic has got to be able to counter that,
Starting point is 02:02:08 and if he can't clip him and hurt him the way Rothwell did, then the fight becomes interesting. You also look at the way Stipe almost terminators forward, you know what I'm saying, has that relentless pace like you do JDS. You can't really do that with Overeem. There's no trading like that, really. Well, it's going to be hard if he gets hit with leg kicks, like right away. Because Alistair Overeem has some fucking ferocious leg kicks.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Body kicks, too. He also throws that left kick to the body. He switches stances a lot. He can do a lot of different shit in there, striking-wise. His knees are fucking horrific. And then his grappling. Yeah, his grappling's good. He can fucking grapple. We forget about it. Yeah Yeah His grappling's good He can fucking grapple
Starting point is 02:02:45 We forget about it Yeah His grappling's good He's very good He won the European Abu Dhabi qualifier Correct And he's a I think he was the first guy to submit Vitor
Starting point is 02:02:54 Before John Jones did He submitted him with a guillotine Back in the pride days Mm-hmm Yeah, he's no joke, man Yeah, people forget about that Johnson versus Poirier That's gonna be fun
Starting point is 02:03:03 Hall Brunson's gonna be fun too Yeah Whoa, that's very good Yeah, Rui Hall almost. Johnson versus Poirier. That's going to be fun. Hall Brunson will be fun too. That's very good. Yeah, Raya Hall almost got the Anderson Silva fight, right? And Anderson hurt himself. Phil Brooks is a wrestling superstar. It's interesting. This whole thing is so interesting that it's taken so long. Yeah, I mean, I don't hate on the guy for pursuing something new.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Who am I to hate on a guy for doing something new out of his lane? You know, that's my life. Cowboy and I were making fun of him the other day for being a straight edge, for not drinking. People get so mad. Really? Yeah, they get so mad. He's never been a drinker? No, he's no drinking, no drugs, no steroids, no nothing.
Starting point is 02:03:42 And we were like, all right, good luck with all that. Have fun. People get so mad were like, alright, good luck with all that. Have fun. People get so mad. Like, folks, relax. If you don't want to drink, you don't have to drink. I'm not saying you should drink. He's a superstar. I'm not drinking right now. I'm stone cold sober. I didn't drink
Starting point is 02:03:58 at all last night either. I go many, many days without drinking. You don't have to drink. I only drink here. I almost don't drink. It's fun. Damn, his shirt was super corny. But you don't have to do it. He's got a lot of guts, though.
Starting point is 02:04:13 I'm not mad at his girl, either. Well, it's also like how many options does he have? It's really interesting when you think the fact that this guy was competing in the WWE and he's going to fight at 170. It's kind of crazy because, you know, 170 is small. It's not very big. Is that a big weight cut for him?
Starting point is 02:04:30 What does he walk around at? No, it's not a big weight. He's not a big guy. But it's even more interesting that this guy was able to compete as a professional wrestler. Yeah. Like on television, like to do all that stuff against guys that they must be way bigger than him because he's not a big guy. No, he's not a huge guy.
Starting point is 02:04:47 He's going to get fucked up. How dare you, Eddie Bravo? How dare you question the man's spirit? Two years. You've been training two years. No, look at this striking. It's fucking elite. You've been training two years.
Starting point is 02:04:57 How dare you, Joe Rogan? It's elite. How dare you? It's elite. It's world class. Well, it is. He's fighting at world class level. Look, he's a guy who's taking a big fucking chance.
Starting point is 02:05:07 We can mock him all day long. You've got to respect that. But at the end of the day, you've got to respect the fact that he's going to do it. I don't think too many other people would do it. How many other people would do it at his level? I don't know, man. Also, I'm very curious to see how he responds to the pressure. Me too.
Starting point is 02:05:21 That's the one thing that bothers me. I heard people go, oh, are you worried about the crowd and the UFC jitters? They're real. And he goes, I've been in front of big, big crowds. It's no different. I'm telling you it's different. I've played football in way bigger crowds. Fighting is completely different.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Even though you wrestle and it's one-on-one, it does not count. Yeah, but the wrestling's not real. See, that's what I'm saying. He hasn't done anything competition-wise. There's no pressure. Didn't do karate tournaments. Didn't wrestle. Didn't kickbox. There's no j. Didn't do karate tournaments. Didn't wrestle. Didn't kickbox.
Starting point is 02:05:46 There's no jiu-jitsu tournaments in his past. So the only competitions that he's had really realistically are smokers inside the gym, which I believe they put him through a few. Oh, they did? How did he get into the WWE? How did that happen? What's that story? He's not a big guy.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Was he an actor? How did he do it? I don't know. It's a good question. It's a good question. He'd have something special about him if he's a small dude. He's not taking steroids. Just a famous guy.
Starting point is 02:06:12 He's not taking any steroids and he's doing pro wrestling. How does that even happen? He's a good talker. He's a good talker. But if you watch his like, I mean he's a good entertainer. But if you watch like his pro wrestling, there's guys that are in pro wrestling that are just freak athletes. know and they can Somersault flip over their opponents and land behind them and then spin them around and get him a figure four toe hold or whatever the
Starting point is 02:06:32 Fuck they do he's not one of those he's not one of those guys I thought he was the guy who jumped off and did flips and stuff no even that not like those Mexican mass one No, that's not his thing those guys the craziest. That's not they'll scissor you in the legs and flip you by your own neck Yeah You have to do crazy shit. That's just the law if you're gonna be tiny and right you gotta be fucking he was like the outcast in WWE he was like the Anti man like would it go against Vicksman Vince McMahon the businessman? You know, that was his whole are we allowed to see like one? What is this? See anything?
Starting point is 02:07:04 He's jumping through the air. he's going to land on a table? Is that what you're showing? They make him do crazy shit there Well that doesn't mean he's athletic You're jumping onto a cushion, how crazy My kids do that There's a place down the street from here There's trampolines and they have cushions
Starting point is 02:07:17 Sky Zone I go there all the time It's kind of funny But at the end of the day It it's not like Brock Lesnar. You look at Brock Lesnar and the way just he would move around, he'd be like, I'd like to see that guy fight for real. You look at this guy and he's like a reasonable athlete. Like you look at his body, he's like a reasonably athletic guy who's, you know, looks like he works out. But you look at his legs, you don't go, Jesus, I bet that guy could jump over the fucking moon.
Starting point is 02:07:46 You know? Well, yeah. He's not a big guy. He's not really athletic. He's like your everyday average gym guy. It's like, cool, let's see him fight. He has a big name. Hey, you never know.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Everyone's tuning in. I mean, I do know he won't be the 170-pound champ of the world. We do know that. How dare you? How dare you question what's in a man's heart? I don't think he wants to do that either. Look at him next to The Rock. It looks like The Rock's about to eat him. I will eat you. I dare you question what's in a man's heart. I don't think he wants to do that either. Look at him next to The Rock. It looks like The Rock's about to eat him.
Starting point is 02:08:07 I will eat you. I would love to see The Rock fight in the end. He doesn't look too much smaller than The Rock. Oh, he's way smaller than him, dude. Not in that picture. Well... Look at those arms. They look similar.
Starting point is 02:08:16 He's got big arms. They're similar. He's got big arms. It's for sure the camera. I think it's a perspective issue. Have you seen any of the... I mean, I'm not degrading his body or anything like that, but if you look at most of the pictures of him wrestling, like go to that one on the upper left, right-hand side,
Starting point is 02:08:29 go down, scroll down a little, Jamie, that next column, and there, go to the right, right there, click. Yeah, you can tell he wasn't taking PDs. It's like he's a fit guy. He's in shape. But, I mean, the difference between him and a Rock or absolutely a Lesnar. Like Rock is like a big, powerful athlete. A guy who works out a lot.
Starting point is 02:08:48 He's obviously jacked. He's a jacked fucking giant dude. But Brock moves around like a guy who knows how to kill people. There's a total difference. When he grabs guys. What happened recently? He broke some guy's head open with elbows? An elbow, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Did he do it on purpose? Yeah, for sure. It it was a real cut. Yeah, but they have a lot of scar tissue up there from taking chairs to the head and stuff. So if you're going to open a professional wrestler up, do it there. Jamie, you know this is true? He supposedly got into a real fight with somebody backstage that didn't know that the thing that was going out in the ring was stage two. Oh, really? Some guy got mad that you went too far, bro.
Starting point is 02:09:26 But he didn't because everybody knew about it. So they planned on doing that in advance. So the guy in the back was like, you went too far, bro. He didn't know about it. And he didn't know it was staged. Is he retarded? How dare you? It's 2016. How does he not know it's staged? It's pro wrestling, right?
Starting point is 02:09:42 Supposedly Brock Lesnar's known for going off script, which is part of his craziness. That motherfucker. That off-script motherfucker. That roid-raging motherfucker. Yeah, he's a big fella. It's too bad. You know, USADA, I don't know what kind of a suspension they're going to give him, but they're talking about
Starting point is 02:09:57 not giving him that much of a suspension. He's going to get the Hillary Clinton treatment. His is straight clone-made, though. Listen, shut the fuck up. Different than John. Shut the fuck up. Is he talking about coming back and fighting another fight? Oh, yeah, I'm sure he would. Brock is?
Starting point is 02:10:10 I'm sure he would. He made a ton of money. Crazy money. He really didn't get beat up. Did well. Fought Mark Hunt, controlled him on the ground. Him versus Barnett would be next, I bet. I was about to say.
Starting point is 02:10:18 That'd be an interesting. That would be variant. John Jones, Brock Lesnar facing potential shorter suspensions from USADA. Listen, they need to just throw USADA. And they'll go, look, we proved the point. I think we got it. You got it. But how does it work?
Starting point is 02:10:32 Does USADA take the place of the commission now in testing? No. No. It's not that they take the place of the commission. I believe the commissions are still within their rights to test fighters. You'd have to actually look that up to make sure that's correct. But the most important thing is the UFC is testing fighters all year round. You have to give notice of where you are constantly all the time. So they're testing you whether you're in competition, whether you're out of competition.
Starting point is 02:10:56 They're testing you randomly. They're showing at your house at 7 o'clock in the morning. And if they catch you, they're going to suspend you. But who do they report it to, Joe? That's a good question. Who do they report it to? And who makes the decisions? they're going to suspend you. But who do they report it to, Joe? That's a good question. Who do they report it to? And who makes the decisions? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Because USADA is hired by the UFC. They're not a commission. So the commission and USADA test you. You get tested by two different bodies. But remember, USADA, they don't test the whole card. It's selective testing. Not USADA, the commission. But the question is, and this is what we talked about with Scott Coker,
Starting point is 02:11:29 so with the USADA testing, who's an employee of the UFC? The UFC hired USADA to test their athletes. That has nothing to do with the commission? No. So when USADA, let's say they find Lesnar or Lofsky, random names. Let's say CM Punk failed a test. Do they go, hey, Dana, he failed a test? Like, how does it work?
Starting point is 02:11:48 What's the exact steps? This was our exact question on Fire and the Kid, and no one answered it, really. What's the path to? Like, can Dana go, fuck, all right, well, it's just Molly. Let's not suspend him for that. Or he was, you know, it's this. He's our main event. Let's not do that.
Starting point is 02:12:04 I don't think it's up to Dana. No way. There's no way. I'd like to party. It's weird to think about. I don't know. I'd love to. Obviously, there's no way Dana or whoever's lead would be Dana's going, well, he just spent for that. Let's do this.
Starting point is 02:12:19 So when it comes to Bellator, the commission still checks, but it's a random thing. They can't be checking that much. Well,ator, the commission still checks, but it's a random thing? Yeah. Well, they can't be checking that much. Well, no, but for Fight Week, they can for sure. Well, how does that guy Michael Chisley, whatever his name is, get away with it? Bobby Lashley?
Starting point is 02:12:36 Yeah. Michael Chisley. And Michael Chisley. He's fighting in places that don't have commissions. I got you. Like Oklahoma, wherever. Oh, okay. Certain states don't have commissions. I got you. Like Oklahoma, wherever. Oh, okay. Certain states don't have their own commission.
Starting point is 02:12:47 So then Bellator, the UFC, is responsible in deciding whether they want to test or not. Like when Bellator went to England, there's no commission there. There's no fight commission testing them. So Bellator had their own testing. So, yeah. Which, again, how does that work? I'm not sure it's interesting
Starting point is 02:13:06 right it's very interesting hey fellas no commission do your thing yeah they should be able to do whatever the fuck they want
Starting point is 02:13:12 it's their organization if they don't want to hire USADA and they don't want to do it that way let's see what it's like if you do it the old way let's see what it's like
Starting point is 02:13:20 you're talking about pride yeah we're talking about Strikeforce or the UFC pre-days you're talking about Uber. No, we're talking about Strikeforce. Or the UFC pre-days. You're talking about Ubering versus Brock. Without mentioning names,
Starting point is 02:13:30 you can see such a difference in some people's bodies in the UFC now that they've cracked down on this shit. No one more than Ubering. Well, maybe Vitor. Like TRT Vitor? That was a weird one because it was so transparent. Because it was TRT. He was taking it. It was legally prescribed. Yeah, I'm believe that was a weird one because it was so transparent because it was TRT
Starting point is 02:13:45 I mean he was taking it. It was legally prescribed. Yeah Vitor's number one on that He's number one also number one for like the poster boy for results like Jesus. Where do I sign? Like fuck Explosive if you show a kid a video like dad why the fuck when I do it? I have no argument son I have no argument like a human and a lion made a baby No argument, son. I have no argument. Like a human and a lion made a baby.
Starting point is 02:14:05 For real. It's like even Tanner. He was Tanner. The mohawk, the whole thing comes out. It like crosses, shaved into his head. Went uber religious. It was intense. Jesus ain't putting that testosterone in your blood, son.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Well, that was one of the things that he said after he got off of it, is that he has a holy supplement that he doesn't need TRT anymore. How's that working out for you? Well, it just took a while for the holy supplement to really... Yeah, the blood of Christ. I'm still fucking waiting. Yeah. Just pray every day. Get jacked.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Who's Weidman going to fight? That's what I want to know. He's fighting in New York, though. Well, he should be. But, I mean, damn, he was, like, in the mix. Now they're talking about Rumble versus Jon Jones for a shot at the title. And they're talking about, is that supposed to be at Madison Square Garden? Is that what they're saying?
Starting point is 02:14:51 That's what they're saying. So wouldn't it be Rockhold Weidman 2? Right? Rockhold Weidman 2 would be fucking awesome. Because you have Bisping Henderson for the title in England happening in October. That's in Manchester. In November, you'd have Weidman versus Rockhold, right? It's not a bad idea, but then what do you do with Yoel Romero?
Starting point is 02:15:11 He's still in the mix. Very much so. Yeah, not really. You don't think he's in the mix? Not when it comes to those guys. What do you mean, though? It's hard to market. You can market the fuck out.
Starting point is 02:15:22 You're not going to put Yoel versus one of these guys in New York. It's a huge, huge Madison Square Garden. He's coming off suspension. Rock, cold, Weidman, we're going to watch. Let me tell you something. I will see Yoel Romero fight against fucking anybody. Wow. Rashad Evans.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Maybe Rashad Evans versus Yoel Romero. No, Rashad's fighting Tim Kennedy. What is this? MSG. Yeah. Holy shit. This is the only one that's supposedly confirmed. Holy shit. Powerful Tim Kennedy. Jesus is this? MSG. Yeah. Holy shit. November says the only one that's supposedly confirmed. Powerful Tim Kennedy.
Starting point is 02:15:47 Jesus Christ. Wow. That's interesting. So Kennedy's back in full training mode. Oh, yeah. Because he's been overseas. He's always in shape. He's been still serving.
Starting point is 02:15:56 Well, he was in kill mode. Yeah. This is fight mode. This is easy mode for him. Get ready for a fight? What? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:04 It's easy. Talk about a guy living an intense life. Tough fight for Rashad. I like the matchup, though. It's interesting to see if he can make that 185 cut, because he's not a big 205-er, and he was carrying around quite a bit of muscle. I'm surprised Tim went on with the Reebok deal. I wonder what did it for him.
Starting point is 02:16:21 I don't know. Maybe he just wants to fight. He was more outspoken than I was. He wants to fight. Maybe he just wants a fight. He was more outspoken than I was. He wants a fight. Maybe he just wants a fight. But, yeah, man, it's interesting to see what can happen without the Reebok deal, without USADA over Bellator. And they're slowly starting to get top talent.
Starting point is 02:16:36 I mean, now they've got Benson. They've got Rory. Rory's by far the biggest. By far the best, right? And biggest. Young, has a lot of fight left in him. Ben's right up there with him. Benson Henderson?
Starting point is 02:16:49 Too many wars. He's had some wars. Too many wars. He's slipped a little bit. I mean, he might still be a leader of the elite, but at one point in time, he's accomplished more than any of them. Yes. I mean, he was...
Starting point is 02:17:00 He's amazing. Yeah, I mean, he was... He's the champ. Yeah. WC champ. WC champ. Even on our podcast, he even kind of talked, he kind of hinted at, you know, he's coming to the end of sort of what he considers his MMA career.
Starting point is 02:17:12 Well, he can only do it for so long. But he didn't hint that, no, he still, he thinks he's going to be champ, and he's obviously fighting for the belt. Sure. He's fighting Chandler for the belt, which is a tough fucking fight for him. Tough fucking fight. Chandler's a nightmare. He's dangerous. And Ben hasn't, you know, I love fight for him. Tough fucking fight. Chandler's a nightmare. He's dangerous.
Starting point is 02:17:25 And Ben hasn't, you know, I love Ben, but he hasn't looked that great in Pelotor. Lost his first fight. His last fight with Pitbull, not a great fight. I'm actually losing that fight until Pitbull got hurt. Rory's going to take a whole year off for his nose. For his nose, yeah. He's going to fight 2016. And that's from Robbie Lawler.
Starting point is 02:17:41 Yeah. Well, Wonderboy too. Smash him up fight. Well, Wonderboy opened it up. But as Robbie Lawler broke it so bad in that fight that he broke it twice more in training for Wonderboy. Yep. Just keeps breaking.
Starting point is 02:17:51 So I don't know if he gets surgery for that. Like, what do you do? I would imagine. He thinks just time. Like, he had the proper surgery, but he keeps rushing back and it's just not getting better. Can't breathe. Hmm. It's all that shit.
Starting point is 02:18:02 If he had the proper surgery and he went and got smashed up again, it's probably got to be cleared up again. So maybe that's why he's taking a year. That is such an issue with fighters because they want to get their nose fixed, but if you do get your nose fixed, you really shouldn't get punched in it for a while. But if you don't get your nose fixed, then you can't breathe out of your fucking nose. Yeah, you have to do it. Yeah, it's a real weird one.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Vanderlei had the craziest solution. Make your nose bigger. Go to get surgery, take a chunk of cartilage out of your rib and make me a big nose that I can really breathe out of. Give me that LeBron James nose. I'll take the LeBron. He got this extra chunk in his nose where his nose was bigger than it was before his fighting career. He got a nose job. Let's be real here.
Starting point is 02:18:44 He got a nose job that makes your nose bigger. Yes. Which is crazy. Which is rare. No one's ever done that. Hollywood is like, dude, what? Yeah, I want it bigger. Bigger with my nostrils like this.
Starting point is 02:18:53 So the air's like ram. Like it's ram air right into my fucking nostrils. Like he's got a hood scoop on. If you want, I guess, man. It's fucking nuts nuts we think about it that is funny man it is funny yeah he's uh he had to get all sorts of stuff done he had to get his eyebrows cut down he had so much scar tissue around his eyes that his eyes were sagging yeah he had his facelift well he got all this scar tissue cut and then they pull it up let's see
Starting point is 02:19:23 it before and after well you can see that he's got deep scars all around his eyes. Like, Vanderlei has been in some fucking wars. Legend, legend, legend. And then on top of that, he comes from shoot the box, and they're sparring sessions. Nobody spars like they used to spar. Hell no. Like, today, nobody does it like that. They used to knock each other out for fun.
Starting point is 02:19:42 You can't. You can't spar like that. There's an old story of Vanderlei. Before and after. Oh, that's not. That's not even a good one. That's not even a good one. No, because that right one's not the new one.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Well, the right one is, the one on the right-hand side is relaxed, like after the surgery. Go above there, like there, like there. You can see, like, it's, you got to see him, like, right after the surgery. That says nose number three. He's had three different noses? Look, it says one, two, three. You see that, Jamie? Nose one.
Starting point is 02:20:07 The next one's two. Yeah, so what that is is that's right after surgery, and that's when it's a little bit more relaxed, I guess. But yeah, he had to get sliced down. That guy's had some crazy wars. Him and Shogun fought over a pit bull puppy, supposedly, and he knocked Shogun out and took the puppy
Starting point is 02:20:26 like they made a context if I knock you out I get the puppy for free if you knock me out I'll give you you know whatever
Starting point is 02:20:32 whatever you're asking that's some Brazilian shit you actually do a really good Vanderlei impression Vanderlei sounds just like Dana White you know
Starting point is 02:20:40 this is what they've done in Nevada this is the athletic commission what they've done in Nevada. This is the athletic commission. What they've done is not good. It's almost as good as Callan. It's very good.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Just like him. They fucked him, man. He might have got fucked more than any MMA fighter ever. They banned him for life. For life. For life. And he won. So they threw it out.
Starting point is 02:21:01 But now he doesn't have a license. He doesn't have a timeline. He doesn't have a timeline. He doesn't have it. And they're talking about him fighting. They were talking about him fighting Fedor in Japan in like December, right? In Ryzen, yeah. They even had posters and shit. I don't know if that's ever going to happen.
Starting point is 02:21:16 When does a guy like that, after all that damage, stop? Him versus Fedor, I'll watch, though. Live to fight. Fight is a good fight. It's like a Brazilian Arnold Schwarzenegger Come on do it Come on do it Dana White
Starting point is 02:21:30 Back to pride Dude you wanna hear a fucking A crazy story I heard About Jake Ellenberger This is from his camp So Jake after his last fight Have you heard this?
Starting point is 02:21:41 No Jake after his last fight Gets cut Josepho calls him like yeah man oh yeah i see you cut jake flies to vegas shows up at the ufc headquarters meet with dana he's in his office he's like i need one more man i you gotta give me one more i fought monsters my head wasn't right i have all this shit going on you gotta give me one more dan's like i can't man you've lost whatever four out of your last five it just ain't happening gets. Gets up, leaves, and Jake goes, I'm not going anywhere.
Starting point is 02:22:06 I'm not going anywhere until you give me another fight. I'm not doing anything. He's staying there, leaves, does all his shit, comes back. Jake's still in his office. Good for Jake. Jesus Christ, man. Fine. One more fucking shot.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Days go by. Days go by. Joe Civil calls his manager, his manager Morgan, who I know really well. And he goes, all right, man, we got your boy fucking fight. We got Matt Brown. And his manager goes, Jesus, man, Matt Brown. I don't know if we do have anyone else. And Joe Civil goes, no, that's the fight.
Starting point is 02:22:38 Just forget it. He doesn't have a fight. Hangs up. And Morgan's like, no, no, no. We'll fucking take it. And he calls Jake. And then obviously Jake goes in there. Terrible matchup for him, just starches Matt
Starting point is 02:22:48 Brown. Knocks him down with a right hand, takes him off his feet and then liver kicks him. Great story, man. Amazing. When they told us about it, I had goosebumps. Good for you, Jake. Good for you, man. Damn, desperation can sometimes breed great success. Well, he also started working with Nick Kersan.
Starting point is 02:23:04 You know, Nick Kersan you know Nick Kersan who's a strength and conditioning trainer speed of sport he's Marv Marinovich's disciple and he's the guy
Starting point is 02:23:11 that's done Joe Schilling he handles Provodnikov Aaron Pico like a lot of elite athletes go to him it's really like
Starting point is 02:23:20 pretty revolutionary strength and conditioning ideas and he worked with him and like really built up his training and built up his endurance and did a lot of plyos and shit with him. For Jake, obviously he was fighting just monsters. It seemed to be a little bit of a mental thing.
Starting point is 02:23:35 He's been fighting forever. He's been fighting the best of the best. Yes, it's hard to... First fight in the UFC is against Carlos Condit. Yeah, man. Remember, he knocked out Jake Shields, too. Knocked him out, starched him. Was his first fight in the UFC or was Condit's first fight in the UFC? against Carlos Condit. Yeah, man. Remember he knocked out Jake Shields, too. Knocked him out, starched him. Was his first fight in the UFC or was it
Starting point is 02:23:47 Condit's first fight in the UFC? It was Ellenberger. I want to say Condit's first fight in the UFC was Ellenberger. Who was Ellenberger's first fight in the UFC then? I want to know. That's interesting. It wasn't Nate, right? No. Ellenberger's a beast, man. He was way down the road. Remember when he knocked out
Starting point is 02:24:03 Pele? Yes. Outside of the UFC, KO'd Pele with one punch. I was like, whoo! a beast, man. He was way down the road. Remember when he knocked out Pele? Yes. Outside of the UFC, KO'd Pele with one punch. Crazy power, man. Crazy power. Pele Landy. Carlos Condit. Carlos Condit was his first fight as well. So I think it was Carlos' first fight as well.
Starting point is 02:24:19 Hmm. Decision split. Real close fight. And remember when Jake Ellenberger beat Shields? That's the same week Shields' dad passed away, and he was thinking about not fighting. He took the fight and just got start. Not to take anything away from that fight.
Starting point is 02:24:36 He was super close to his dad, too. Super, super close. No, I can't. It's hard to imagine. Hard to imagine fighting right after losing your dad like that. Like, your motivation would be out the window. His dad was his manager, too, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:52 It's a bummer, man. Yeah. What is this? This rumor, Conor McGregor versus GSP at 205. Where are you hearing this? I was looking around for rumor-ville stuff for that fight, and there's supposedly a big fight announcement is all I saw, and then I saw a big McGregor fight announcement.
Starting point is 02:25:09 That would be awesome. Couldn't be worse fight for Conor. Prepare to get wrestle-fucked. That's just a rumor right now. Prepare to get that French fuck. I would love to see that fight. Prepare to get French fucked for 25 minutes. Give me my fucking money back.
Starting point is 02:25:22 It would be interesting, man, because Conor is fast as fuck. And at least in that first round, while he's exploding with those ridiculous sprint punches that he lands, he lands those counter shots on you and they're so fast. St. Pierre's not slow. He's not slow. And he's way, way too smart to get caught with that. And he's big. He's a big boy.
Starting point is 02:25:42 And he can grapple with the best of them. And his natural walk around weight is a solid 20 plus pounds heavier solid 190 yeah yeah he's probably in the least in the high 180s and connor weighed 168 against nate which you got to assume that that's him not really cutting weight he's just really fit for for connor man everyone knows i'm a the biggest connor fan but you look at the matchups at 55, besides 45, which you can't really make anymore, but you look at 55 and then these super fights,
Starting point is 02:26:10 it's not great, man. Well, they're talking about doing him and Eddie Alvarez. That is no picnic. No. That is no picnic. And that's his easiest matchup at 55. Definitely not his easiest. No, just go through the top five.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Bring up the top five, Jimmy. I went through this the other day. I'm like, Jesus Christ, man. I could not imagine how you could say that the champion would be his easiest fight. Eddie Alvarez? Stylistically. I don't think that's an easy fight for anybody. Eddie Alvarez is a fucking monster.
Starting point is 02:26:38 Exactly. That's what I'm saying. It's not good for Conor. It's a rough fight for him. Right. But stylistically, out of the top five, I'm like, fuck sakes, man. He doesn't want to fight Khabib. Well, Dos Anjos is going to fight Tony motherfucking Ferguson.
Starting point is 02:26:52 Both those two are top five. Rafael Dos Anjos, Tony Ferguson in Mexico. That's going to be great. In Mexico, my friend. That's going to be great. Look at the top five for me, Joe. Look at that. Khabib Nurmagomedov.
Starting point is 02:27:05 Nurmagomedov is a monster. We'll see. Dos Anjos and Tony Ferguson are locked in a death fucking match for the number one position. Let's say the winner of that. Even the winner of that. Or either of those guys. Even the loser fights, Connor. It's a fucking tough fight.
Starting point is 02:27:18 Okay. And Barboza. Well, here's the thing about Barboza. Barboza's kicks are out of this fucking world. Lightning fast. He might be, but he's been caught before. He's been cracked. Barboza's your best bet.
Starting point is 02:27:30 Cowboy cracked him and took his back, and Donald Cerrone in him would be chaos. Donald would take him down. Donald is not fighting 55 anymore. No. He's going to keep fighting at 170, so I don't even know why they got him ranked there. I think he's top 10 right now at welterweight as well. He's number 7, yeah, isn't he? Yeah, Donald Cerrone, 7. It's interesting. He's top
Starting point is 02:27:49 10 in both weight classes. He's fighting better than he's ever fought. I mean, he's just incredible. How dare you have him before Neil Magny? No, no, no. How dare you? I think I think Donald, especially after that last win, should be number 5 in that lineup. He beat Edson Barbosa.
Starting point is 02:28:07 Yes, he did, but he beat him at lightweight, and now he's not really fighting at lightweight anymore. But, yeah, you've got a good point because Barbosa is listed as number four. But Barbosa's looked sensational, especially in his last fight against Gilbert Melendez. Barbosa's just off the charts technically. I know, but you've got to count head-to-head for God's sakes. I know, I agree. And then before that, his fight with Pettis.
Starting point is 02:28:25 But the fact that Donald is semi-retired from that division, you've got to give Barbosa a little bit of a bump. But you see my thing, Joey? You look at it, all right, Khabib, fuck's sakes. Dos Anjos, good God. Tony Person, not great. Nate Diaz at 55, he's better at 55 than he was 70. Why?
Starting point is 02:28:42 I think it's natural for him. I think he's going to be faster, better cardio. I think it's a tough fight. Maybe. All I'm saying for Conor, 55, if you're his management, you're like, God damn, man. There's no, like, you know what I'm saying? Right. There's a lot of killers. I don't think he's
Starting point is 02:28:57 looking for easy fights. I think he wants big money. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. If you want big money, fight Floyd Mayweather. You do a super fight with some of these guys. Donald Cerrone-McGregor would be awesome. It would be awesome. How is Tumanov ranked 15th at 170? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:29:13 The welterweight division is insane. It is insane. That's insane. Yeah, it is insane. And then did you see how good Lorenz Larkin looked against Neil Magny? Good Lord. How is he ranked lower than Neil Magny? Why is he nine and Neil's eight?
Starting point is 02:29:29 Because these Reddings suck. That's terrible. He just ran through Neil Magny. What Cheeto fingers do these? He literally ran through him in the first round. Oh, like a knife to warm butter. Just starch my boy Neil Magny. How is he ranked below him?
Starting point is 02:29:43 That is insane. What about Kelvin right there? Kelvin, number five. By the way, Tumanov beat Neil Magny. Excuse me, Lorenz Larkin. So Tumanov won a decision against Lorenz Larkin, and he's down there at number 15, whereas Lorenz just destroyed Neil Magny,
Starting point is 02:29:59 and he's at nine and Magny's at eight. These rankings are retarded. They're so bad. Maybe they're old. They're probably old. I doubt they're old. No, they're not old because they have the up and down signs. Well, These rankings are retarded. They're so bad. Maybe they're old. They're probably old. I doubt they're old. No, they're not old because they have the up and down signs. Well, this is what it is. These rankings are journalists.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Do you know how these things are established? Journalists. A bunch of journalists give their top pick and half of them are drunk. They're not paying attention. They're doing drugs. Half of them are jacking off to their favorite fighter. Well, it doesn't make any sense. Those ratings don't make any sense. Tumanoff being at 15, Lorenz Larkin
Starting point is 02:30:28 who he beat, being ranked way above him, and then Neil Magny being above him when he just blew Magny out of the water in the first round. Doesn't make any sense. Remember when they're getting base guys pay off the rankings and the fighter's like, what the fuck is going on here? Dana's like, just fucking with you. This is going to be Reebok.
Starting point is 02:30:44 Yeah. Just fucking with you. We ain't doing that. That's crazy. I'm just fucking with you. It's going to be Reebok. Yeah. Just fucking with you. We ain't doing that. That's crazy. I'm just messing with you. That's crazy. Yeah, the rankings and the money and all that jazz, it's just, what a mess. But yeah, for Conor, it gets tough at 55. I'd love to see him fight Eddie, though.
Starting point is 02:30:59 I agree. Great fight. He could win. That's probably the fight. He could beat him. That's probably the fight. Then what happens? If he gets the belt then's probably the fight. He could beat him. That's probably the fight. Then what happens? If he gets the belt then,
Starting point is 02:31:06 he would probably defend against Khabib. Yeah, good luck with all that. Yeah, that's a disaster. I don't think anyone wants to fight Khabib. No one. It's not even a Conor issue. It's an entire fucking division. They're just hoping that he keeps training
Starting point is 02:31:18 like a fucking werewolf and then tears another knee or blows his back out. That's what everybody does, is stay back while that guy whips himself into a frenzy in every training camp. If I'm his coach, that bitch is just on the aerodyne. That's his whole camp.
Starting point is 02:31:31 Aerodyne wears that crazy Russian hat and then jumps in the fucking octagon. He just jumps from the sauna into the frozen lake. I don't want people talking to him. I just have a bubble around him. Aerodyne, crazy Russian hat. Do sprints, Build up that cardio. He's a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 02:31:46 When you watch him fight Dos Anjos and you see how Dos Anjos just overwhelms guys with grappling and pressure and then Habib just ragdolled him.
Starting point is 02:31:55 He's nuts. Just ragdolled him. Oh, you like to grapple? Check this shit out. This is my favorite thing to do. I like to break people. My daycare was
Starting point is 02:32:02 grappling grizzly bears, you fuck. Check this out. Does he have a fight coming up, Khabib? Is he scheduled to fight anybody right now? No, he doesn't have anything. No, he doesn't have anything. Why?
Starting point is 02:32:12 Probably injuries. I don't know. He's always healthy. I think he's healthy. I hope he is. He won a fight recently against a guy who took the fight on real short notice. And it was straight Mayhem Miller bully beatdown style. It was a pretty ferocious beatdown.
Starting point is 02:32:26 Nasty. But he looked like it was good for him to get that fight under his belt, but he did look like a killer. He's a killer. I mean, his grappling is so next level. The injuries are killing him, man. Trains hard.
Starting point is 02:32:39 Dude, did you see his video of him in Russia doing a signing for Reebok? No. It was like Tom Cruise shit. Oh, I'm sure. They freaked the fuck out fuck out dude anytime i post anything about the ufc my instagram like comments get swarmed with khabib khabib time khabib time oh my god in other parts of the world like here he is you see like this fucking the high level smash and grappling this guy has you're right joe this was good for him though this was good for him because he had a lot of time off with the injuries.
Starting point is 02:33:06 Daryl Horcher, to get that fight under his belt, feel good. He does whatever he wants. He's so powerful. When it comes to his grappling, Look at this Dos Anjos thing. Yeah, play that fight. Play him versus Dos Anjos. Full fight. He's a goddamn werewolf,
Starting point is 02:33:22 man. Even the way he leaps in and throws punches, he's so ferocious. It's hard to stay healthy when you train like that, though. I don't know what a guy does. Some guys are fucking figuring out. Hey, answer me this. How come they can show this on YouTube? Is it because it's in a little window?
Starting point is 02:33:38 Yeah, this is the tricks they play. This is a little window. There's this faded line over here. This is also going to add to like tricking the computer. It might have different music on it. They added this on top of it. Definitely illegal. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:52 It's definitely illegal. Yeah, scoot up ahead so we don't have to watch him walk in. Yeah, it's interesting, man. This guy has been more plagued with injuries than any elite fighter other than Dominic Cruz. Dominic Cruz and him probably take the cake. But Dominic Cruz had how many fights before he started getting all these injuries? He hasn't had that many fights in the UFC. And he's undefeated, which is really crazy.
Starting point is 02:34:14 No one at this level is undefeated. Nurmagomedov is the only guy that's undefeated. Just because he hasn't fought enough, though. But it's the fucking pressure. Look at this guy. When he moves forward, just massive pressure. Constant pressure. But good distance control.
Starting point is 02:34:29 Yeah, great distance. Just outside the range, but always putting that pressure on you. Skinny Dos Anjos, too. It's a good kick to the body, but yeah, a lot skinnier Dos Anjos. This is the fight that probably got him to start lifting weights and drinking watermelon juice. Boom. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:34:45 Look at this. Look at this. Look who carries him around and just drags him to the ground. Dude, his grappling is so next level. Combat Sambo, my friend. Master of sport. World champion. Unreal.
Starting point is 02:34:59 Just so fucking brutal. And the style that he does, it's like it makes sense that this guy gets injured a lot because his style is pedal to the metal. Spelosive, yeah. And you've got to train like this. There's no way he doesn't train like this. So if you're training like this all the time, you're dealing with little injuries, little micro injuries that get exacerbated, and then your fucking knees blow out.
Starting point is 02:35:21 Let's get the fuck out of here, boys. Let's wrap this bitch up. Let's bring it home. I'm enjoying this. Let's bring it home I'm enjoying this fight Let's bring it home How long did that fight go? Three rounds Three round beating
Starting point is 02:35:28 Oh okay I always feel like I'm Particularly quiet Because I'm watching the fights Did he stop him? In the third round? No no he just overwhelmed him It was a decision
Starting point is 02:35:36 Yeah Overwhelmed him Just kept Osangios Kept Osangios defending That's all he was doing Was defending towards the end of the fight Habib Habib I've worn his hat several times Twice at least Sweaty hat He puts it on me when we Kev Dos Anjos defending. That's all he was doing was defending towards the end of the fight. Habib.
Starting point is 02:35:46 Habib. I've worn his hat several times, twice at least. Have you? Sweaty hat. He puts it on me when I interview him after he wins. I forget what that thing's called, the big crazy hat. It's called a babushka, I think. Is it? Really?
Starting point is 02:35:57 Babushka. Are you sure? Look it up. What is that thing called? Find out what that thing's called. That might be just a wig, but I think it's a babushka. No, no, no. It's a warm hat, man. It's probably like lamb's fur or sheep fur or something like that.
Starting point is 02:36:11 There it is. What is it called? No. That's not it? Well, babushka's a grandmother, but the hat, I think the hat, headscarf tied under the chin. Close, though. There you go. Well, what is that?
Starting point is 02:36:21 Well, just Google Nurmagomedov's hat. It was just for babushka hat. Someone will have the name of it. I don't think it's a babushka, bro. I think it kind of looks like a babushka, but I think it's a... See, is that a babushka? It says a shanka. Okay, well, just Google Nurmagomedov's hat.
Starting point is 02:36:39 Because he comes from a very particular place, Dagestan, and they have their own kind of hat. Is it Dagestan? Yeah, see right there. Habib Nurgamadov hat. Habib hat. Maybe it's just called a Habib hat. Find out what it is.
Starting point is 02:36:53 There it goes. Dagestani. Distinctive hat. The heritage behind his distinctive hat. Papeka. P-A-P-A-K-H-A. It means hat. They call it hat. They're matter-of-P-A-K-H-A It means hat They call it hat
Starting point is 02:37:05 Matter of fact people It says a very shaggy wild papaka And papaka simply means hat Unborn lamb fur Jesus Christ What is it? Unborn lamb What? He made the hat wear the fur of unborn lamb How's that?
Starting point is 02:37:22 Is that real? Super soft They give birth to them like that? Is that real? Yeah. It's super soft. So they give birth to them like that? No, they take it out of the womb. That doesn't make any sense. They take it out of the womb and they take the fur that's already there because it's extra soft. But does that make sense that they could get that much fur that long inside the womb?
Starting point is 02:37:38 Yeah, they do that stuff too. So one car company I can remember was using cow fetus because the leather was super soft. Shut the fuck up. Swear to God. What company? I think it was Infinity. No way. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:37:52 Think how many animals they'd have to kill, B. They were using cow fetus. Cow fetus is like, it's in the womb and it's so soft. It's pretty fucking brutal if you think about it. Infinity was doing that? I believe it was some car company. You better not say that. They'd be getting sued.
Starting point is 02:38:07 It was some car company. You're going to get sued. I will. No, you're going to get sued. Yeah, they're going to sue me because they waited for the cat to be born, then they used it. Wow, how weird, huh? It's pretty, yeah. Well, you know, that's what lamb is.
Starting point is 02:38:20 I was trying to explain something. They're like, what's the difference between sheep and lamb? A lamb's a baby sheep. It's a baby sheep. And someone looked at me like, what? I go, yeah sheep It's a baby sheep Someone looked at me like, what? Yeah, it's a baby sheep How do you not know that? It's delicious
Starting point is 02:38:28 Yeah, you didn't know that? Where lamb skin condoms are made from baby sheep? Goddamn, that's savage There's a difference between a lamb and a sheep If you eat lamb, you're eating a baby sheep But if you eat mutton, you're eating a sheep That's right So the people in Scotland eating mutton Scotland They're eating that stuff that's a different that's a much more don't kill
Starting point is 02:38:48 the lambs gamey i don't fuck with lambs i slaughter the lambs really good for you slaughter those fuckers it's really like a very healthy protein very easy to digest to a lot of people yeah i love lamb don't fuck with lamb or pig i do i do do. I do. Don't fuck with pig? I eat pig. Not on that bacon thing? I eat lamb. I eat pussy. Yeah, I like bacon. Bacon's good. But I don't like domesticated pigs. The whole pig industry, it bothers me because pigs are smart and they're all penned up like
Starting point is 02:39:16 that. There's only one way to get bacon outside of that. You got to find a dude who's a farmer who's ethical. You got to find a guy who's a farmer who's ethical. You've got to find a guy who's a farmer who's given their... Joel Salatin, what he does is he moves his giant piece of land and he moves his pigs around with electric
Starting point is 02:39:35 fences. So he sets up an electric perimeter and then he moves it and sets up a new electric perimeter. And then he moves it so they're constantly foraging like regular pigs, but they're constantly contained so they're they're domesticated but they have dark meat like a wild pig does because the other pigs aren't they eating just every like their shit everything they're seeing bullshit everything they can get their hands on it's a hard scrabble life they do the emberico ham the blackfoot hog they eat acorns that's why that
Starting point is 02:40:04 fucking prosciutto I got some in that Refrigerator back there Really Yeah My buddy brought them back Chris Ryan Dr. Chris Ryan
Starting point is 02:40:11 Brought it back from Spain What is it salami or something You're gonna have to cut me off Some stuff No it's like prosciutto It's the best prosciutto In the world The fuck
Starting point is 02:40:18 We could have a fight Companion with pig prosciutto You guys would be Smacking into the I'm gonna have to Get some of that Just animated gifs Of you popping Peanuts in your mouth and chewing.
Starting point is 02:40:27 I'll snack on some nuts. All of us. All of us are guilty. We didn't drink any wine this one. We didn't. That's why it was a good podcast. That's a good point. No more wine.
Starting point is 02:40:38 I'm afraid I'm the wine master and I must reserve the wine for after the five companions. Sometimes we just get a little hammered. A little hammered. A little hammered. A little high. Wine gets you going, man. A little ridiculized. This is a non-drunk podcast. Yeah, it was a noon podcast.
Starting point is 02:40:52 We're responsible. We're all parents. Good God. We're four dads. This is our new sitcom. It's called Four Dads. Four Dads. Escape.
Starting point is 02:40:59 Four dads. We don't watch the fights. We don't know what's going on. This is the only place where we can be ourselves because we live with women. With women. And by ourselves, we mean we talk about fighting at nausea. This is what you do. You get all those four bitches to move into a house together and take care of the kids.
Starting point is 02:41:18 And we'll move into a house right next door and just have fight companions every day. And swap. And come over and go, this place smells like men. Ew. They come over and pick up your sock. Is this yours, Brendan? Brian, you left pizza on the fucking counter. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:41:33 We're like, sorry. You live over in their world, bro. You got to live by their rules. You got to not use those special towels. Did you use the towel that's hanging? It's a towel. It's a fucking towel. Of course I used it. That's a decorative towel. This is a different kind of towel. And it's guys. We sleep
Starting point is 02:41:50 in the same bed, but it's guys. We're like, this is awesome. We're naked. We don't care. Look at my dick. We're not scared of dicks. I got a morning hard on you guys. Look at this thing. I'm not scared. Brandon, grab it. Let's see how big your hand is on my dick. Who came first? You assholes. I'm down, man. My prostate's big because I'm older, so I'm dribbling, you guys.
Starting point is 02:42:07 Eddie, you'll see you shoot. One of the things I think about, Brian, whenever we go on these hunting trips, is like it's all dudes. We're all like, and Ronell and his crew who are the fucking salt of the earth. And we're hanging around just laughing. I'm like, this is what we're supposed to do. It's true. What men are supposed to do is get in these groups and they go out
Starting point is 02:42:23 and they just leave the women alone. The women talk shit about you while you're gone. Yep. And then enough time passes where they miss you and you come back and they meet you at the door and you hug. This is traditional. That's right. When you're all on top of each other all the time, it just wears on each other.
Starting point is 02:42:36 Right. And we have so much fun on those. That's with anyone. The timing trips are all one big comedy show. Well, it's all men being men. Yeah. It's saying things that will get you in real trouble if people heard. Don't you feel like you're doing that in general, though, when you're doing your comedy and
Starting point is 02:42:48 hanging out with your friends and the companions and shit? Yes, but when you're in the middle of Alaska, like we're literally miles from anything, including other animals, by the way, you just end up, there's something that happens to you where you just want to say the most outrageous shit. Because you're like, how can I one-up Joe now? I'm going to say something outrageous that's going to even shock me. No, I get that. But you could do it at dinner, though, right?
Starting point is 02:43:09 Yeah, but there's a difference. When you're in the woods and you're doing this, and me and Brian are specifically geared for fucking with each other in those kind of situations. And I also know that what he's saying, he doesn't mean, and he's joking, and I'm expecting him to take it to another place that's even more fucked up and it just keeps going and when we were in montana the first time it was literally five days of gay jokes oh yeah and a few with a few wife beating jokes thrown in there i took a shit choke fuck jokes and i took a shit i took a shit and joe took a
Starting point is 02:43:42 fucking he put a flag in it. I made an aluminum foil flag. He fucking put a flag in it. In my shit. Terrible shit, too. A terrible mountain. I have dehydrated mountains. You didn't bury it? Huh?
Starting point is 02:43:54 You don't bury your shit in the woods? I'm not fucking buried. I'm in the middle of, that place sucked. I'm sorry about the shit. Nobody's going to be like, goddammit, in the Missouri breaks where it's all clear and nothing grows, how dare you take a shit there? You you ruin the landscape fuck well it was a mustard poo you were supposed to take it and put it in bags and most of the time we did that no bags occasionally because you were you're supposed to like protect the environment you don't want a bunch of shit especially your shit after you've
Starting point is 02:44:20 been eating that dehydrated mountain food that comes in a pouch. You can't just bury it? You can bury it, too. Yeah, I buried it. That's probably the best way. You can bury it, or you can put a flag in it. No, you bury it like a gentleman. With a message that says, Brian was here. Well, he shit on a log, and then I put aluminum foil. I'm seeing if I have it in here.
Starting point is 02:44:36 Aluminum foil flag in the log. Yeah. It was good times. Yeah, and by the way, we were in our late 40s. Yes. This was a couple months ago. Both taxpaying adults. Taxpaying adults.
Starting point is 02:44:47 How often do you think you guys could do that? Like once a year? I do it. I could do it once a month. Once a month. I mean, if I'm with him, which is the fun of being an idiot. You go hunting once a month. No, but being an idiot, being out there and being miserable, but kind of having fun at
Starting point is 02:45:00 the same time, there's something about it that makes, it brings out in many ways the best of you. You have a good time even though you're time. There's something about it that makes, it brings out in many ways the best of you. You have a good time even though you're miserable. It's bonding. Like you're miserable and you're cold and you're wet, but you're laughing your ass off. Like when we finally made that fire and I mean, have you ever enjoyed a fire that much? We were rained on for like five days in a row and then we finally got a dry night and we got a bunch of the guys from camp to find as many small pieces of dry wood
Starting point is 02:45:25 as we could we stacked it on top of each other and started lighting fritos you were wet joe joe didn't bring the proper rain gear he was basically wet including his sleeping bag he was wet the whole time and i remember we were in that tent i was looking at you and you were you were just talking but you were shaking you were shivering and your lips your lips were going and they were jiggling back and forth he's got huge lips but and you just kept talking and it was just it was just guess what it's the morning our body temperature is low we're wet we're cold as fuck and we're gonna be cold until we start walking yeah but once you start walking even though you're wet you're wearing wool clothes that's the thing about those first light merino wool keeps you warm even when you're wet you're wearing wool clothes that's the thing about those first light merino wool keeps you warm yeah even when you're wet how many days we were there for six
Starting point is 02:46:08 days yeah it was awesome though man even though it sucked i think about the memory and it was awesome yeah and then also the landscape was awesome it's just it's so wild there man you guys should do that shit every saturday at runyon or some you'd be surprised though because you do the memory brings you back that's turkey hunting look. Look at that. Look at how handsome I am. I mean, we are. That was in Northern California. That was hilarious because we would go turkey hunting during the day and then Brian and I would go to the
Starting point is 02:46:34 finest restaurants at night because there was all these amazing restaurants in Napa. Oh, really? These fucking guys wanted to pretend they were camping. So they went back to this Airbnb house and made like fucking burgers. I go, come on, guys. It's on me.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Let's go eat. Let's get wine. Yes. Well, that's the way to do it. Of course. That's the course. I'm down for that. Yes. We drink the best wine and eat the best food.
Starting point is 02:46:55 I'm the world. Brian and I went to this fucking insane restaurant. And I had this short rib risotto that I still jerk off to this day. God, that sounds fucking fresh. It had like shaved squash, like a pumpkin-y taste to it. I haven't eaten it today either, so I'm just fine. With risotto and like this rich like burgundy sauce, like a red wine sauce for the short ribs.
Starting point is 02:47:18 I'm getting nostalgic right now looking at these pictures. Do we have a good time, man? I just did one without you. It wasn't as fun. You didn't bring me. Well, I couldn't. You don't know how to shoot a bow and arrow, you fuck. Fuck, that's right. But you could be there for moral support and just pull Joe's hips.
Starting point is 02:47:35 I could have practiced and I could have held your hips while you shot. You could do that. I could have gotten in your ear while you were drawing and I could have gone, control your breathing, control your breathing, control your breathing. This is going to feel like what it is, and it is what it is. You know, the more spectacular thing about it, or the weirdest thing about it, is being introduced to the world of public land. That's one of the weirder things about hunting that I didn't anticipate.
Starting point is 02:47:58 What do you mean? We own human beings that live in the United States and pay taxes, we own enormous chunks of land that are public land that you can go hiking on and rafting and you can go fishing and hunting if you have the proper tags and licenses. And it's not like this anywhere in the world. Like, we have this incredible resource. We have all this public land that you can go and explore on. And it's all amazing. There's so much amazing wilderness in this country. Where were you?
Starting point is 02:48:28 We were in Nevada in the high country desert. What is that like? Five hours outside of Reno. You go to Reno and then you go five hours into the desert. Hot as fuck. You drove five hours? Mm-hmm. What the fuck are you hunting out there?
Starting point is 02:48:40 Deer. Mule deer. And what's that topography like? Oh, it's alien, man. It's amazing. These hills that are covered in sage and then these patches of small mahogany and like desert trees. And there's springs.
Starting point is 02:48:57 You got to find, you find springs and the animals generally go near the springs and the springs are really easy to find because you're looking on this like sort of grayish, greenish, dry landscape. And then you see these lush green patches and then you go to those lush green patches and that's where there's springs and that's where a lot of animals tend to congregate it's fucking amazing are you allowed to use a drone to hunt no in most states they're starting to stop that but in some states yes some states it's still legal and most of the what they're doing is they're using them to spot. It's super controversial what you're
Starting point is 02:49:28 allowed to do and what you're not allowed to do. With technology? Yeah, like in Nevada where we were, you're allowed to use walkie-talkies. So you could tell me where a deer is and it's totally legal. But if we were in Montana, that would be illegal. How the fuck are they going to tell? You don't just don't. How do you just follow rules?
Starting point is 02:49:44 If you have rules, you really should follow them. Because the rules that are in place, it's so fucking hard if you are bow and arrow hunting to close in on a mule deer. It's so hard that they're like, yeah, go ahead, use a walkie talkie, bitchy, go ahead. But Montana's like, yeah, but what if a guy has a rifle? We have to kind of have universal rules across the bat. And if you have a rifle in Montana, you're dealing with a much more wooded area. You could kind of pinpoint where the animal is maybe a little bit better.
Starting point is 02:50:11 Maybe it's a little too much. And Montana is like a real traditional state. They don't even allow lighted arrow knocks. You can't have a light on your arrow sight, on your bow sight. You can't have a light. Why the walkie-talkie law? Because they don't want you to be able to have a bunch of friends. Like, here's a perfect example.
Starting point is 02:50:27 Like, one state, like Arizona, is famous for allowing the use of walkie-talkies and allowing the use of electronics. And there's certain tags that are really hard to draw. Like, there's a unit called 13B, and it's called the Strip. It's a strip between Utah and Arizona. And it's so coveted and so cherished because the animals are enormous and it's really well matched. Like pull up Arizona strip mule deer buck. These things look like elk.
Starting point is 02:50:55 Like some of them are like 270 inches, enormous fucking when they measure like each time. You know what else is huge? Columbus, Ohio. Ohio has giant whitetails. A lot of the Midwest does. But my point is, this one area, because it's so difficult to get a tag there, a guy will pull up one of these animals. This is a deer, by the way.
Starting point is 02:51:16 What? This isn't an elk. These are enormous deer. Holy shit. Juicy ass deer. This is a once-in-a-lifetime tag. To be able to hunt one of these animals is literally once-in-a-lifetime. Why is it so tough to hunt them?
Starting point is 02:51:27 Because they make sure that very few people can hunt them, so they can keep the populations very strong and high. Because the genetics are so powerful. So when a guy gets a tag for a deer like this, if you get a 13B tag for Arizona, you want to get a deer like this. So these people literally will bring 20 of their friends. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Right. So your buddies come and help out, and they all get around on these different points, and they glass, meaning they set up tripods, they put on binoculars and spotting scopes,
Starting point is 02:51:56 and they locate the animal, and then everyone's coordinating. So, like, you know, you got to go 100 yards down, go down there. He's at the bottom of the canyon, and then the other guy's at the other end. And he's like, we got an eye on him out here. He's not coming this way. That's not hunting, is it? It is, though. It's still difficult.
Starting point is 02:52:13 Because first of all, it's impossible to get a tag. But for these people, it's like so important that they capitalize on this one opportunity that they're ever going to have in their life to hunt in this area. Look at that deer. It's very controversial. That wouldn't be hunting. Some people say, oh you should be able to have one guy who's communicating with you, and some people say you shouldn't ever be able to communicate.
Starting point is 02:52:31 It's always gonna be a debate. But with these guys, the way it's set up, you can have a bunch of people. I can tell you that even if you have a lot of people, I'm sure a lot of people leave that hunting ground empty-handed. Of course. The rate of success is super low. Dude, that's an elk. Look at that rack. You know they're using drones to keep the rhinos safe in Africa now.
Starting point is 02:52:50 To farm? Yeah, to make sure the poachers, and to find poachers now. The drones are a beast down there. It's helping with that. We're going to have to have some drone rules over the next few years because they're going to get bigger and better and quicker and easier. And smaller and more stealthy. Yeah, they're going to get bigger and better and quicker and easier. And smaller and more stealthy. Yeah. They're going to look like bugs.
Starting point is 02:53:05 Yep. You're going to be able to spy on your ex-girlfriend by floating one right in her house when she opens her door. Can't wait. She's not even going to know. Just kill everything. She's not even going to know. They might have silent solar powered Tesla made drones.
Starting point is 02:53:19 All right, kids. That's it. You leaving on that? I guess so. You just remind me I'm a Tesla. I got to get home, but I love all three of you. Come see me in New York, everybody. Where are you going to be in New York, Brian Callum?
Starting point is 02:53:30 I'll be at the Gotham Comedy Club. You're going to be there, too. God damn. Yes, I am. I'm doing that in November. I'm there September 16th and 17th, Friday, Saturday. That's a great club. Hey, B, where are you September 22nd, though?
Starting point is 02:53:40 Buddy, we are in Oxnard, California. Wrong. I know. You are dead wrong. No, I know. We are in San Jose, California. That's what I meant. I'm glad you're paying attention.
Starting point is 02:53:48 That's what I meant. I meant that. San Jose. When are we in Oxnard? That's October. That's right. You were just there, right? I sure was.
Starting point is 02:53:56 How was that new club? Loved it. Levity Live is what it's called, right? Levity Live, yeah. It was great. Nice. Eji Bra, September 11th, EBI. Next Sunday. We'll be there. UFC Fight Pass. September 11th, EBI. Next Sunday.
Starting point is 02:54:05 Oh, we'll be there. UFC Fight Pass. September 22nd. Get tickets. See it live. Check out the EBI 8 Countdown Show on YouTube. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:54:14 Everybody. All right. That's it, folks. See you soon. Bye. All right, kids.

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