The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #133 with Sean O'Malley

Episode Date: November 24, 2022

Joe sits down with Sean O'Malley, a mixed martial artist currently competing in the Bantamweight division of the UFC. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience I know I have eight to ten weeks to prepare for that moment. I guess you could prepare for comedy if you know you're making people laugh and you know you have a good bit. That might make it easier, but to go up there and freestyle it would be hard. That would be impossible pretty much for a newbie. Well, you could. It depends on your personality. There's people who could freestyle it. I'm sure Joey Diaz could freestyle it his first time on stage.
Starting point is 00:00:44 It's just all in who you are. Like, I can't. I have to have, I prepared my shit for months in advance. I even recorded it on a little tape recorder and played it back and listened to it. You still do that? Like, record and then listen to it? No. I record sets, but I don't, like, just talk into my tape recorder and then, like, listen to that like it's a bit and rehearse it like it's a bit
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, comedy would I? Can watch it? I just don't know if I can ever do it I feel like I'm a funny person like when I'm around my group of friends like around like comfortable people like I feel like I can make people laugh, but Sometimes when I get really high I feel like I have good bits Yeah, and I'm like how could you and then I'll tell someone after I'm not high i'm like yeah that was not it but when you're in the moment maybe you could have figured out how to translate it the problem is when you're sober then you're reading like what the fuck was i saying i do that all the time i have notes on my phone so i like if i'm out and you know i just
Starting point is 00:01:41 have a crazy idea i'll write it down on my phone and then I'll go look at them the next day to see if I mined any gold. I'm like, what do I got? What do I got? But so many times it's like, what the fuck are you saying? Yeah. I like the way you talk about it though.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I think it was even more of the recent podcast you're saying it's just like such an infant when you have an idea and then you slowly kind of add to it, add to it, add to it until it's like the whole bit. But you never know because sometimes they come out like full grown.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah. Sometimes it just pop out of your head. You just have an idea. It's fucking funny. It's like a full grown idea, but not always. They're all different. It's a tough job. I have a weird theory about ideas.
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's not substantiated, nor do I expect it to be taken seriously. But I think ideas might be life forms. I think we're very limited in the way we think about life forms. You know, we think of life forms as something that breeds and something that, you know, grows in the ground or whatever. That's what we think of life forms. But if you think about every fucking thing on earth, everything, this microphone I'm talking to,
Starting point is 00:02:42 the airplane that got you here, the sneakers that are on on your feet every fucking thing came out of an idea an idea got in no person's mind and then that person made that idea and we're like people are so creative and we certainly are but where the fuck are these ideas coming from these ideas that manifest themselves in the form of physical things like televisions and automobiles and cell phones where the what is that so you think they could be floating around in different dimensions maybe if we were on some kind of drugs we could see certain ideas floating around you grab that one put in your mind it might be that way it might be that your mind tunes in to these things that are out there and like the more you can tune in the more successful you'll be right so the more you'll have an incentive to tune in and make more stuff interesting you know and people are rewarded
Starting point is 00:03:39 for being successful and making stuff out of ideas. Yeah Fucking weird right I mean fuck yeah, like where are they coming from? We're just as we with the most important thing that human life has ever had is ideas Yeah, because those ideas turned us from these primates living in the jungle Like regular animals to someone who lives in a fucking apartment building on the 32nd floor and has Wi-Fi that's what turned us into that ideas yeah it's fucking crazy it might be life forms i feel like i have very few brilliant ideas good thank god for the people that do figure out the important shit we need a lot of people to think of important shit i have a joke about that about you remember those folks that got trapped on that island there's uh there's an island called north sentinel island and it's in the middle of the indian ocean there's only like 39 people on it no it's uh where there was a missionary a couple years back he went to deliver
Starting point is 00:04:34 bibles to them and they murdered him oh god but but these people like we're talking about like uncontacted people and i'm saying like they don't have a chance like that's that's them oh yeah yeah okay there's not enough of them right there's only 39 of them I'm like for to get a society like we need like we have you need fucking millions of people and there's only like four or five people to figure out everything and we buy all their shit and those are the guys that are gonna live if another I was listening to Graham Hancock one those are the guys that are going to live if another, I was listening to Graham Hancock one, those are the guys that are going to survive if another apocalypse happens. Yeah, something crazy happens. Yeah, we're not going to make it.
Starting point is 00:05:12 No, I'm definitely not. They're not going to miss a beat. No, no, no, yeah. They're out there with bows and arrows hunting and fishing and living off the land, and they've been doing that for thousands of years. They're going to be fun. Yeah, I feel like such a bitch when I think of those guys. I'm so helpless. I can whoop someone's ass, but it doesn't really mean much
Starting point is 00:05:28 when it comes down to it. You could do it. You could do exactly what they're doing if you were thrust into that situation. 100%. 100%, dude. You'd be like that dude in Avatar who just adapts and becomes one of the Na'vi. You would just adapt. Yeah, it's like
Starting point is 00:05:44 languages, I guess, too. You just submerge yourself in another country. I was in Mexico recently, and I was like, damn. My wife's from Oaxaca. Her first language is Spanish. So I've learned. I've been with her for like seven years, so I've learned a little bit. So I was trying to speak it there, but I was like, damn.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I feel like I could learn it if I was here for like three months. I'd just be speaking it. Yeah. There's some method that I was here for like three months. I'd just be speaking it. Yeah. There's some method that I was reading about that is some like tried and true method for learning language that allows you to be functional in a language in 30 days.
Starting point is 00:06:15 See if you can find out what the fuck that is. Damn. It might have just been a marketing scheme. Yeah. I might have got sucked into it. These fucking stars are tripping me out. I can't see anything. Learning a new language in 30 days. Yeah, Pimsleur an ad but that's it is an ad focuses on conversational skills
Starting point is 00:06:32 start actually speaking today i heard that rosetta is good too right yeah it's crazy elena she's two my daughter she's she's uh learning english and spanish at the same time so she'll say like she'll like she's starting to say two or three word sentences some will be in english and spanish and it's just a trip to see how their little brains work it's supposed to be really good for child's development to be learning languages simultaneously yeah danny's mom's our full-time nanny and she only speaks spanish so and she's with her monday wednesday friday and then sometimes on the weekends uh so she's learning like like she's like Spanish could be her primary language at first yeah I know it's it's a fucking interesting it's one of the more important things supposedly to like
Starting point is 00:07:15 keep your mind from atrophying is like learning language like learning language is like a really difficult thing so they they they say that like there's a few things that you can do to kind of stave off mental deterioration. One of them is, like, crossword puzzles. Like, doing things where your mind—it just makes sense. Like, you make your mind work. And what makes your mind work more than learning a language? Yeah, seriously. I remember when I was—I haven't—what was it?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Duolingo or some shit? One of the apps. I would go every day, well, maybe not every day, but pretty much every day. I'd go to the coffee shop before practice and I'd read. I would go there for an hour. I'd go and read for half an hour and then Duolingo for half an hour for a long time. And I got decent at it, but it's just like you lose what you don't use or whatever the fuck that is. And that's so true because that was like a while back when i first
Starting point is 00:08:05 moved to arizona and first met danny i was like i'm gonna be able to talk to her in her language and then did it for a while i was like that i got it a lot when i was in uh high school i i had spanish and i got to a point where i could almost have conversations in class you know i could have like crude conversations in class and i remember thinking at the time oh this is great because now i always know how to talk like a little bit of Spanish. That shit was gone in like six months. Six months after I graduated high school, it was gone.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You want some coffee? Fuck it, I might take some coffee. I was surprised. I was doing pretty good. I think Tim went with me to Mexico. He was impressed. I was trying to have conversations. The thing is when I was there, it wasn't as embarrassing. But when I tried to do it with danny or her mom or like yeah i just feel like a fucking idiot imagine how foreigners feel talking to us you know that's why it's so rude to mock
Starting point is 00:08:55 them yeah danny danny moved to america when she was nine went to just a normal school and no one spoke english and she only spoke spanish and she was like just submerged into it and just slowly had to learn like she went to english class obviously but it's hard when she said there was one girl in her in her class that spoke like broken broken spanish wow yeah imagine trying to like fit in and learn a new culture while you're learning the language you have totally different culture totally different environment and totally different language yeah no it's it's impressive i mean it's like you don't really have a choice different culture, totally different environment, and totally different language. Yeah. No, it's impressive.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I mean, it's like you don't really have a choice. When you're nine and you just go to school, you don't have a choice but learn. Right. Most nine-year-old kids freak out if they have to move to a new neighborhood. Yeah. They've got to make new friends. It's traumatic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 You did a lot of moving, yeah? Well, when I moved my kids here, I'm like, this like kind of at the wire where I can't move them anymore. What age were they? 10 and 12. Okay. I was like, this is like right where, and then we still had friends that visited. We have friends that also live in Texas. We're like, this might work now.
Starting point is 00:09:59 But if you move them when they're like 15 and 16, not good. Not good. Yeah. I was trying to get my sister to move down when she was, I and 16, not good. Not good. Yeah. I was trying to get my sister to move down when she was, I think she was somewhat like freshman or sophomore, moved down to Phoenix from Montana. And my mom was like, no, I didn't get it. I'm like, why? But thinking about it now, I'm like, yeah, that would have probably been, it's hard for
Starting point is 00:10:19 a girl. It's rough. It's rough for everybody. If you, especially girls, they go in these, It's like a natural bullying instinct that teenage girls have. They're fucking mean to each other. They get fucking mean to each other, dude. I get privy to some text message exchanges that some of these kids have. I'm like, what the fuck, man? And parents get confronted by their kid being horrible and saying horrible shit to people. Kids telling kids to kill themselves. Like wild shit.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Not no kids I know did. Let me just state that. But I do know that there was like a thing where a girl was arrested and she wound up being held guilty. She was a teenager. She broke up with this guy and she convinced him to kill himself.
Starting point is 00:11:01 He killed himself. Remember that? I think that was on Netflix or some shit. I watched that. There's something about teenage people that are just learning how to be mean and learning how to turn up and being scared of people doing
Starting point is 00:11:13 it to them. And so they pile on each other. And you're not learning anything in school that's communication skills or going inside yourself and feelings and you're not learning any of that. So it's just Imagine learning how to talk while you're texting Imagine learning how to communicate with people and you're doing more texting than you are actually communicating
Starting point is 00:11:34 That's I mean, I think in seventh grade at my first flip phone seventh eighth grade So I was trying to I could talk to chicks texting I could text them Hey, like you look good I say anything was though but then in school I cannot see him I'd be like it'd. I could text them, hey, you look good. I could say anything. So arduous, though. But then in school, when I'd see them, I'd be like, I couldn't have a conversation. I was so scared. But texting, I could say whatever. Well, it's like we were talking about stand-up. It's just a thing you get used to doing.
Starting point is 00:11:57 You're used to fighting. For you, I'm sure you get heightened senses, and get fired up and your adrenaline kicks in, but this is a normal thing for you. There's people that just would completely freeze and not even be able to walk into the cage. They would have a panic attack. But you've done it so many times. I think that's kind of the case with all things that are difficult to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 That, too, and it's like a skill you have to learn because like donald stroney for example it did it how many times and like i was in the backstage when of his last fight i fought uh i don't remember who i fought but i i was in in the back room he was walking out before me he was warming up and he just looked not scared i don't know if they were nervous like had this anxious energy and he's done it more than anyone but it's just like and then I think if you want to fight well that never really goes away I think you have confidence and I think you control it and I think the best guys learn how to handle it but you know when
Starting point is 00:13:00 you're looking at like Alex Pahita looking at Stylebender in the face-off, there has to be some crazy heightened sense of tension and awareness in the moment, and it's a crazy big fight. I don't think you get away with that without not having that. I think everybody has it. It's just some people handle it better, and I think the guys that don't have it, I think sometimes they get in trouble. Some fights I've seen guys where they're just a little too calm a little too confident and then they get lit up it's almost like they can't wake themselves up interesting
Starting point is 00:13:33 yeah for me my last fight going there with peter i just felt i felt no nerves i felt so calm like and i've had nerves i've had fights like my my debut when I fought Terry on where I remember like in the backstage that closed my eyes too long and I was thinking like I if I lose this and then lose one more I could get cut like having that thought vividly and I was like well fuck that okay well like counter that obviously with some positive shit but that going to that last fight I had zero nerves I don't know if it was I didn't feel like it was a win-win I'm like I wasn't thinking like oh if I lose to Peter like no one's gonna care it was just I don't feel like it was a win-win. I'm like, I wasn't thinking like, oh, if I lose to Peter, like no one's going to care. It was just, I don't know what it was, but I felt it was confidence. Obviously I had a really good training camp, had a good everything weight cut.
Starting point is 00:14:13 But I wasn't nervous to lose, but it wasn't because it was like to Peter. It just wasn't, I don't know. You just had gotten into a good headspace to compete maybe yeah maybe just like much better now at getting in the right headspace that allows you to compete at your best because if you think about it thinking about all those other things those are not beneficial and you've experienced those in the past and you learn from it yeah yeah that's what it is it's like there's these moments in in life where you you could think the wrong way and just go off the rails or you could manage it. It's a skill.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It's a mental skill, and I attribute that to all the things I do in preparation leading up to fights. I've had so many training camps now. I think that was my 10th fight in the UFC, and then I had a ton of fights before that. But I think it's just learning each camp a little bit more, a little bit more to prepare yourself for that specific moment. Fights are fucking weird because you, like, I had no plans for October 23rd.
Starting point is 00:15:12 The fight was October 22nd. Like, it's just like you just plan on not dying, but you're just like there's nothing else that matters. For 12 weeks, I knew I was fighting him for a long time, over three months. There was just nothing. October 22nd was that date. Nothing else mattered. It's crazy what kind of head space you get. weeks i knew i was fighting him for a long time over three months there was just nothing october 22nd was that date nothing else mattered it's it's crazy what kind of headspace you get into into fight camp and then after fight camp it takes takes me like two three weeks like we're
Starting point is 00:15:35 four weeks out tomorrow from that last fight to get back to just normal thinking and not and just being like being at home being a dad being it's a weird mind space you get into in fight camp yeah it's i mean it's just a very disciplined mindset and then there's i know some fighters that don't really train and take it as serious like but everyone's different well i think you're figuring out how to do it right for you. Yeah. You know, you're dialing it in. And I think the way you're doing it is the right way. I think it's the only way you make those big leaps.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I mean, you're in a fucking shark-infested pond, man. Yeah. That is such a shark-filled section of MMA. That 135-pound division is wild, man. Yeah yeah and no one weighs 135 pounds dude Aljo I know I heard Aljo say he was like 170 or something the other day Aljo's so big I'm like what the fuck no wonder he doesn't want to fight till July his build is like the perfect 135 pound like you can't get any bigger any leaner yeah it's like hit you know there's like tweeners like i think diego sanchez was always a tweener you know he was like a little bit too small for 55 and you know
Starting point is 00:16:52 when he tried to make 45 like that was way too much of a weight cut and it's 70 like i think he was small for those guys he beat a lot of good guys at all those weight classes like diego and his prime was just but he was just an animal. And I was like, if there was a 160-pound division, like somewhere in that range. Yeah, no, that would be sweet if they had more divisions. I know you guys always talk about that. Yeah. I mean.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I think it should be every 10 pounds. Yeah, it makes sense. 65, what is it, 75. Yeah. 85, yeah. Because there's a thing, too, about guys who have too many fights with guys that are out of their weight class. Like, I think it takes even more off of you. You know, I think if you're a small guy in the weight class and you have wars with the bigger guys in the weight class, I think it probably takes even more off of you.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah. I mean, and then, in my opinion, I think, you know, I walk around, I think I was 157, 158. I feel like that's prime. If he's walking around 170, that's too fucking big. When you get to 58, is it looming in the back of your mind, 135? Oh, yeah. I will not get above 160 because I know I have to eventually make weight. And I think Aljo is like, that's just too, he's saying he doesn't want to fight you know the weight cut
Starting point is 00:18:06 and all that but that's I mean if you're gonna be champion look at Adesanya he's fighting yeah all the time if you're gonna be champ you got to be ready to go and you can't get that big what did you think about Adesanya when he went up and fight Jan Bohovic and he didn't even gain any weight so that was from 185 to 205 yeah he, he went from 85 to 205, and he wound up weighing like 194 or something like that. So he didn't do anything to try to gain weight. He just didn't cut weight. That's probably what he walks around at before he fights in middleweight. Yeah, I mean, that was just a tough matchup for him to go up.
Starting point is 00:18:37 That's a lot of weight, too. It's not like going up 10. Like, for me to go up to 45 is only 10 pounds for him. Yeah. You know, going up 20 pounds to try to become double champ, that that's that's like a shitty shitty weight class to want to be double champ and unless you're alex peretta i don't get how he because on the scale he doesn't look super super sucked in like doesn't look like he just got done cutting 20 pounds but that motherfucker is so massive he made izzy look small and i've been around iz Izzy. Izzy's a big guy. Yeah, Izzy's a long, tall man.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And Pejeta's just, everything was so, did you see what Robert Whitaker said about it? The big fella? He goes, you see the size of this fella? Yeah, I did. He's a freaking giant. Yeah, and he is. That's an interesting,
Starting point is 00:19:18 they gotta give Izzy the rematch though, right? Oh, I would think for sure. If Izzy wants that, I would think that's his. Yeah. I mean, Izzy said he wanted it but fuck dude he fought damn near perfect fight yeah for a couple more minutes so he goes from yeah from 83 kilograms to 99.3 kilograms fuck so what is 99.3 kilograms is that like 220 something pounds picture on left, 219 on fight day. Yeah. I mean, it's weird because when they weigh you on fight day,
Starting point is 00:19:49 like they just grab a, there's a scale. You have your shoes on and shit like that. You have a hoodie on. They don't really make you take your shit off and weigh yourself. Look at that, 219. He walks around, he weighs in at 184, and then he weighs in on the fight day at 219. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I don't get it. That's so big. He's a heavyweight. Yeah, yeah. He's a fucking heavyweight. He's a heavyweight. He's like, look, if he had a little bit of fat on him, he's a heavyweight. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Like, if you had Cain Velasquez looking, those are some busted up toes, son. Those are some toes that'll kick some elbows, man. That's the worst about every time I get in a fight. My fucking feet. Look at those toes, son. Those toes have seen hell. That's a big fight, though. The rematch. The fourth fight. God, imagine Izzy losing again
Starting point is 00:20:38 though. He's just 4-0 to this guy. Do you think if you were Izzy, should he take some time? Should he go right into the rematch in like six months? Like if you were in his corner, what would you say to him? Yeah, I mean, I wonder if Alex is going to stick around and defend it with someone else. Oh, no, Alex would take that fight. That's such a jerk.
Starting point is 00:20:58 No, no, Alex. Yeah, Alex will. But I wonder if Izzy said, no, let's let someone else try to fight Alex. I wonder if Alex is sticking around for that or if he's like I'm gonna go up to 205 try to fight double champ Unless it's Glover, right? No, he would never fight global But that's actually a good point if you're a Prohaska beats Glover in the rematch Yeah, and then he decides to avenge Glover and fight your Prohaska. They got a great storyline
Starting point is 00:21:23 What a storyline. Because Yuri is, he's got, obviously has grappling skills because he submitted Glover, but that was in sort of a wild exchange and he caught him in a choke while they're in this. And it was just, it was in hell. They were in, they're both in hell. I mean, they dragged each other to hell. It was like as exhausted as you can be,
Starting point is 00:21:42 as broken as you can be. Everybody got rocked. Everybody got hurt. It was a crazy ass fight you can be, as broken as you can be. Everybody got rocked. Everybody got hurt. It was a crazy-ass fight. Uri did submit him. But they say Pajero's got a brown belt in jiu-jitsu. Like he just got a brown belt in jiu-jitsu. The Glover game is a brown belt.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I don't know what it actually looks like if he thinks he's going to grapple. Yeah. You know, like I don't think he thought he was going to grapple. Right. I would like to see, like if that's a real brown belt like does I was seeing real grappling But when it comes to hitting people that fuck dude, he's fucking technical to men It's not just power the way he's setting is he up that left hook the left hook is so fast murderous And he checks kicks is good as anybody man
Starting point is 00:22:22 If you watch his left leg when he's fighting when he's stomping forward he checks kicks as good as anybody, man. If you watch his left leg when he's fighting, when he's stomping forward, he checks everything, man. He's checking all those calf kicks. But that was a big problem in the fight was that Izzy had landed some brutal or he had landed some brutal calf kicks on Izzy early on. I think it was like five or six in that first round. Heavy. Those are heavy, too. His fucking fist. I met him.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I fought him when he fought Shit Strickland. And his fist is like literally both mine put together. It was so massive. Dude, and they're long. Yeah. They're like long fists.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Just a big fella. Just a big fucking fella. His fucking highlight reel is like nobody else's. His highlight reel is so wild. You see his fight with Jason Willness? No. Pull up
Starting point is 00:23:09 Pejeta KO's Jason Willness. His kickboxing? Yeah, Jason Willness was world champion. Jason Willness is like top of the food chain elite kickboxer. And he fought Pejeta before and he actually had beaten Pejeta sometime early in Paris career
Starting point is 00:23:25 But this fucking knockout is so wild and you got to remember like you know These are this is like the cream of the crop in glory you got it Never Jamie cheese here goes Got such a long fucking It's just like he's built different than everybody else. It's weird, man. Yeah. Like, the kind of snap that he has in his shots.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Fucking Izzy had him. Oh, yeah. Ten more seconds in that first... No, two, three more seconds in that first round. First round, he was fucked. Oh. He was fucked. And he was...
Starting point is 00:24:01 Dude. That right hand was perfect. Yeah. There it is. Oh. So watch this. So he drops Will That right hand was perfect. Yeah. There it is. So watch this. So he drops Willness with a head kick. Willness is in trouble.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Just stands there like a fucking killer. Kick through his hand. Oh! Jesus. That is... That's how he knocked that dude out in the UFC too. His flying knee is monstrous. He's knocked a bunch of people out with flying knees. And then he gets on the top of the fucking ropes
Starting point is 00:24:32 and screams like a monster. Listen to the sounds he makes when he screams. Watch this. That's that completeness. That was a head kick. That dude is a legitimate ancestor of people that were like tribal folks in Brazil, in the Amazon. He looks like it. He is, man.
Starting point is 00:24:56 That's superior genetics, son. Those knees, those long fellas. Bro, that's some crazy genetics. Yeah, perfect for fighting, that style. And the technique, man. He's fucking technical. When he was walking down Izzy, when they were hand fighting and he was checking these kicks, I'm like, this is dangerous in every way.
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's not just dangerous power. He's fucking sneaky. He's really technical and creative when he's hitting people. Yeah, slick. That pressure he was putting on Izzy, too, just slow, forward. And he's fucking sneaky. He's really technical and creative when he's hitting people. Yeah, slick. That pressure he was putting on Izzy, too, just slow, forward. And he's fighting strange. It's like hands down, straight up, and he moves in on you. And it's just like, it's so filled with danger.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah. Like every step he moves towards guys, you see this recognition of this, it's a different kind of power. I'd be so curious to see him versus Robert Whittaker. But I feel like he's going to make Whittaker look tiny. Yeah, but Whittaker's got wrestling. Whittaker's got real wrestling. Yeah, or Marvin.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Marvin's a thick bastard. Marvin's a big fuck. Yeah, he is. He's a big fuck. You stand at that guy, you're like, how do you make 85? He's huge. Yeah, Marvin's a big fuck. So guys like that that have good grappling, big, strong guys, that's going to be interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Because I don't know whether or not he can keep those guys off of him. And also, I don't know, we really don't know what it's like for him to fight five rounds with a grappler. We saw him struggle grappling with Izzy. Perhaps he wasn't prepared because he didn't expect it. But still, he got dominated in one round on the ground by Izzy. Perhaps he wasn't prepared because he didn't expect it, but still he got dominated in one round on the ground by Izzy. If a real elite grappler gets a hold of him, you know? From what we saw from that Izzy versus, that little exchange on the ground,
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'd assume a guy like Marvin would take his back, choke him. What if he got in there with a guy like Adolfo Vieira? Yeah. What if he got in there with one of those big Brazilian jiu-jitsu, like Jack Black Belt? God, I can't imagine shooting on that dude, though. Knowing those knees. Knowing those knees are coming up the middle like that.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Fuck. Well, especially in the first round when he's fresh. You're not going to get to those hips. You're going to run into some shit, maybe. How old is he? 34, I believe. 34. So he's not too...
Starting point is 00:27:09 I mean, if he wants to fight in his prime, he's probably got a couple more in him. A couple more years to be at the elite level. But then you look at Glover, and you're like, how is he doing that? How is he fighting at that level? When he stopped Bohovic and choked him, when he dropped him and took him down, he just ran through him.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Like, Jan Bohovic was the fucking light heavyweight champion, and Glover just ran through him. Yeah, that was legendary. 41 years old at the time. Damn, he's that old? Yeah, bro. I think he won it at 41. So is he 40? 42 now.
Starting point is 00:27:40 42 now, fighting, what is that, December 10th? December 10th, the rematch. Yeah. 42? 42. Holy shit. How December 10th? December 10th the rematch 42? 42. Holy shit how old's Yuri? Younger much younger. That's crazy 42 it doesn't say they won't tell you on
Starting point is 00:27:55 UFC they'll hide that shit I would want I mean I think it's a selling point honestly especially for dudes like me who are old. Yeah, yeah. Like, I want to see old dudes go in there and fuck people up. And Glover's just so, and the thing that happened with Glover, too, is his relationship with Alex Bejeda. Oh, he's only 30?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yuri's only 30. Oh, wow. Jesus Christ. That guy's so talented, man. He's super creative. Yeah, that dude's sick. Super weird to watch. But I think what happened was Glover training with Alex,
Starting point is 00:28:25 the two of them tighten each other's games up really substantially. You saw like a big leap in Glover once he started training with Alex. Yeah. And he was like, hey, I'm in the ring with this fucking killer, man. Yeah, that's what happens
Starting point is 00:28:40 when you train with fucking killers. Yeah. You got to, especially at this level. It's like, if you're just training with fucking turds, you're going to be a fucking turd. Yeah, there seems to be a real benefit to the struggle of training with someone who could fucking kill you on a regular basis. Like, you either sink or swim, but if you do swim, those guys who do swim, they, think about those camps that have, like, a ton of killers. You know, that just, like. Everybody thrives off of everybody. You've got to just not destroy each other in training,
Starting point is 00:29:09 and you can all get through it better. Yeah, the sparring. That's very conservative. That can change someone's career, just how hard you spar. I haven't sparred. I spar in camp. That last fight I sparred, I think, nine weeks out up to the fight. Are you careful with training partners? Do you have guys that you know that you could spar with in camp like that last fight i sparred i think nine weeks out up to the fight and then are you
Starting point is 00:29:25 careful with training partners do you have like guys that you know that you could spar with that you'll like legitimately spar and not turn into a fight uh mario batista i know he just fucking smoked um that one dude um benito lopez i've been training with mario for probably last seven eight years we were both amateurs at the MMA lab. He's one where I feel like we're all every time. He's so good at mimicking whoever I'm fighting or he's such a good training partner that it never really turns into like an ego match. Then there's a bunch of guys at the MMA lab
Starting point is 00:29:56 that are killers, up and comers. But sparring, we turn it up. We do got to go hard. I want that feel, but I also want them to know, hey, if I do get hit, if you rock me at all, don't try to take me out. Right. I want, you know, this is sparring. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I'm not getting paid. You're not getting paid. Let's take care of each other. So I always try to take care of my partners, too. I don't want to. The last thing I want to do is fucking knock one of my partners out. Yeah. And I've dropped my partners, and I feel this.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I feel so bad just because I know how concussions can change people's careers, change their lives outside of fighting. So my main focus is not knocking my partner out, and I want them to be the same way while turning it up because I do want to get a good, good fucking look for guys like Peter. I wanted guys to come after me. I knew that motherfucker was going to come after me, So I wanted my partners to not be like in like timid and sometimes it's hard to find training partners that are gonna Come after me and not be like scared a little bit. Yeah, one of the things that I learned from watching fights like
Starting point is 00:30:57 This is important. Is that when I watch fights at home when I just watch them I don't sometimes know who really won because I'm not totally paying attention maybe I get a text message from my friend maybe I'm talking to my kid maybe the dog comes in the room like maybe I don't know like when you watch fights with a group of friends and you're all laughing and talking shit you barely know what the fuck is going on yeah which leads me to your your last fight because after that fight there was a bunch of people that were saying that was a bad decision peter yawn should have got it and i remember being
Starting point is 00:31:30 in my green room i just did a show in london and we're eating steaks and we're all talking watching the fight like did you think he won like i don't know i'm like i'm gonna have to watch that one again i'm like it didn't they look likeiotr took them down a bunch. So there's a perception and I think some of that perception comes from takedowns. Yeah. And so then I go back
Starting point is 00:31:50 and I just watch it. I just watch the fight with no one in the room but me and when I was at the gym and I was like, no, that's a,
Starting point is 00:31:58 that's not a bad decision. You know, there was one round to you in the beginning, second round to Jan, third round to you. If you look second round to Jan, third round to you. If you look at damage done, you look at overall strikes and impact, you landed more. He definitely took you down.
Starting point is 00:32:14 But how much was done with that? That's the thing. It's like, what does that count for? I know there's a sort of subjective element to how that gets regarded and what's good and what's bad. But that was not a bad decision. It was a very fucking close fight. A very good fight. But I felt like for you that was going to be that fight where we'll see.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah. You know, we'll see how you hang with the cream of the crop. Because that guy's the best. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Yeah. All the people that were saying, not all, a all the people that were saying not all a lot of people are saying was a robbery were the same people going into that fight saying i was gonna
Starting point is 00:32:48 get smoked so they fucking hated the fact that it was even close so uh but yeah i've re-watched the fight a bunch first round i i feel like was the round that was controversial some people were saying it should have been 30 27 yon and those guys are just fucking the haters those guys are hot because the third round is clearly mine. I cut him bad and hurt him. The second round he won but I did drop him. Technically I dropped him. He cracked me. He didn't drop me. But he did more damage on the second round.
Starting point is 00:33:13 The first round was the one that was the most up in the air. And when he took me down I was throwing up omoplata, triangles, armbars. They weren't necessarily close. They weren't close to submitting him but he was having to react. He was having to do the defenses to where he wasn't able to strike me right which led me to being able to get up so um and then when i did get up i was landing clearly landing the the better shots but yeah a lot of people they they just hated the fact that i skipped the entire top 10
Starting point is 00:33:41 went to the top dog and uh you know i to answer a lot of those questions about, you know, cardio. Can I even grapple? Because I hadn't really grappled yet in the UFC. Do I have that dog in me? Do I have heart? Which, I mean, I felt like I showed that when I broke my foot in the Andre Sockermann fight five years ago. I was fighting with one foot.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And, like, you know, people don't remember those moments. But, yeah, I feel like I got to show a lot in that, that fight. Yeah. Oh, you definitely did. Yeah. But fuck all those people. Yeah. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It doesn't like we talk about it. Like I talk about it on the podcast and stuff. I do talk about it because it's, you know, it's being talked about. Well, it's your, your flamboyant personality. You talk a lot of shit. Yeahoyant personality you talk a lot of shit yeah so when people talk a lot of shit it gets a lot of people to pay attention to them which is great but it also gets a bunch of haters hoping that you get beat up that's floyd's whole way he made money his whole career connor i mean yes everyone fucking wanted to see him lose i mean
Starting point is 00:34:39 eventually i'm going to be making them pay-per-view points and if people are going to buy to pay me or pay to see me get knocked out, please do. Floyd's the great master at it. Floyd went from being a really exciting pressure fighter, and he had a bunch of hand problems, to money Mayweather, start talking shit, just boxing people's faces off. No more hand problems, much more money.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah, I love what he's doing, too, beating up these YouTube guys. It's crazy. I love it. It's so funny that these's doing, too, beating up these YouTube guys. It's crazy. I love it. It's so funny that these guys are willing to get beat up by him. Well, I think they're all delusional. They really think they have a chance. Most of them, I mean, yeah, they really think, I mean, they're like, I could land it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I could land the shot. Isn't that hilarious? If you're not a, yeah, it's fucking weird. I love what he's doing, though. I mean, I didn't watch his last one. I watched the one with Logan. It was the only one I really watched. The Logan one was insane.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Logan. I bet Floyd was in there like, what the fuck? I didn't realize this motherfucker was that big. He's so big. He's a big guy. He's so big. And athletic. Very athletic.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And when he was like swinging wild at Floyd, I was like, if one of these gets through, that's a big old Viking fella. Yeah. Yeah. That was, I don't know. I was sitting, if one of these gets through, that's a big old Viking fella. Yeah, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. That was probably... I like what Jake fights too. I'll watch those, but it's pretty much the only boxing I watch. Like Logan or Jake's fighting. He dropped Anderson Silva.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I was front row for that. He dropped Anderson Silva. No matter what anybody says. Jake Paul dropped Anderson Silva. You gotta stop with all this. He's just a youtuber Yeah, hit a boxing match with Anderson so V1 unanimous decision and he dropped him. Yeah Over this fucking it was a good fight great boxing match I submit and I have before that if that guy wasn't Jake Paul from YouTube and he was just an up-and-coming Undefeated boxer who's been knocking out MMA fighters, you would go, wow, this kid is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You would say, look at this up-and-coming boxer who's tricked these MMA guys into boxing with him. He's knocking them all out. Knocked out Ben Askren, knocked out Tyron Woodley with one punch. That was gross. Anybody that doesn't think he's legit after that, you're delusional. You're delusional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:43 But he's doing it too. He's getting people to hate him. Yeah, so I'm so curious. Andional yeah but he's doing it too he's getting people to hate him yeah so i'm so curious and i'm glad they're doing it i fucking love it i'm so curious what's next for jake paul i love to wait for the anticipation i know the nate diaz things kind of loom in there but imagine if he wins a world title like what if he does this for five or six more years and wins a world title if he keeps keeps, he's improving, clearly improving fast, too. From that last fight to the Anderson Silva fight, improved a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:10 He went through a full fight camp. He's supposed to fight that Top Ramen Junior, fucking whatever the guy's name was. He's supposed to fight him, going through fight camps. Top Ramen Junior? I don't remember his name. It was Top Ramen, something like that. Rockman? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah. Hasim Rockman's son. I don't know where I got Top Ramen from. But, fuck. He improved a lot from going into that fight camp. Supposed to fight that guy, didn't. But you could tell. Dude's in the gym.
Starting point is 00:37:36 He's training. He's doing big things. So, yeah, I'm excited to see him. See what's next for him. Yeah, it's interesting because he's kind of sort of taken over the sport of boxing in a way like he gets as much attention and as much press as any of these world like ryan davis just signed on to fight giovante or giovante davis just signed on to fight ryan garcia that is official yes is it yes oh shit okay that's happening in february that's a big fight that's i. I'll tune into that one
Starting point is 00:38:05 But like how can we didn't get Errol Spence versus Terrence Crawford? Why didn't we get that fight? Yeah, like that was supposed to happen that was in negotiation like with with boxing There's like certain fights that just don't get made and it's so frustrating Is it different organizations having owned those different fighters and shit? I guess it's probably a factor, different promoters. It's probably a factor, but it's also like I think fighters probably want the best deal for themselves, and they're holding out negotiations, and who fucking knows? But it's just like that was one where I was like, damn. Like, how did we not get that fight?
Starting point is 00:38:41 That was a great fight. Yeah. That's a who-knows-who-wins fight. Those are the ones you want. I mean, how old are they still? I think Terrence Crawford is older. Oh, okay. I think he's in his 30s.
Starting point is 00:38:54 He might be 34. Like a Floyd Manny thing where he'd get it too late? Yeah, man. You don't want that. Because Crawford is, like, one of the best switch hitters of all time. He's a fucking wizard in there god I and I'm not even very familiar with those guys like I've heard of their names but I'm not familiar so you don't watch boxing no I've watched Logan and Jake boxing that's
Starting point is 00:39:13 hilarious I I yeah he's 35 35 yeah see that's getting a little yeah it's getting up there it's getting up there but what well this I wanted to ask you what you think about the power slapping too i know because when i when i was thinking about it i was like i'm gonna probably come on here and if it gets brought up talk just absolute shit about it because i don't fucking but then i sat i had a meeting with with ufc yesterday and i sat down with dana no cameras nothing just just sat down talking he was getting so fired up about the power slapping and so passionate about it that it made me almost kind of want to
Starting point is 00:39:45 watch it because he announced his his thing and everything and i was like he's like they don't have to fucking do it because my my whole thing is concussions like i don't want to fucking watch people just getting like they choose to do it like well fair point but i just can't imagine oh god listen man um i love dana and uh i would be a hypocrite if I said I wouldn't watch this, because I will watch it. But this is not my cup of tea. What I like is problem solved. I like puzzles. I like you and Jan.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I like this fucking Russian assassin storming the gates at you, and you figure out a way to move around him and kick his legs and jab at him. That's what I like. I love that fight. I love that fight. I love technique. It was sad to watch Frankie Edgar get knocked out this weekend. It was sad.
Starting point is 00:40:37 But God damn, Chris Gutierrez is good. Yeah, slick. God damn, he's slick. He's so... The way he moves is so nice. Yeah, I goddamn. He's slick. Yeah. Yeah, he's he's so the way he moves is so nice Yeah, I was I was work. It was very good We has like a similar style to mine as far as like dancing up against the cage and like yeah throw similar shots I think we probably have similar bills, but yeah, I would I did not like that fight for Frankie
Starting point is 00:40:59 I did not like I'm not allowed to bet on fights now that whole new thing. What is that? I don't like that. I don't have any insider information. I want a guy like you who bets his whole fucking purse on winning. Yeah, and betting on yourself. Why? So weird. Why can't a UFC fight?
Starting point is 00:41:15 It's bad optics, they say. I would have bet Frankie. I mean, I looked at Chris Gutierrez and I look at Frankie. I'm like, Chris is going to probably knock him out. That's what I was thinking, and I would have put money on it. And these kids were in the crowd for the first time. And they panned to him in the beginning of the fight. I'm like, that was their first time?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yes, the first time seeing him fight live. And it's the end because it's his last fight. Yeah, that fucking hurts. Look, the guy's a fucking warrior. You can't tell him don't do that. Absolutely. But goddamn, as far as matchups go, Gutierrez is one of those guys that everybody who watches fights knows he's fucking dangerous like a top level but he doesn't have the shine yet yeah for whatever reason you know not enough maybe this fight will change that obviously it's gonna change
Starting point is 00:41:59 if everybody remembers but it's like there's so many fights and so many KOs like in that card 15 fights I think we had the most first round stoppages ever like seven or eight it was not yeah and fucking Ryan span Holy shit a jab. Holy shit. Is he good? It's a scary dude when he said this is the first fight I trained for like what? Yeah, that's what how old he Jamie we he, Jamie? We can see how old... 31. Damn, you're on top of that shit.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, 31. I mean, that's... Dude. That guy's a nightmare. Is he ranked? Was that a... I mean, it should be now because I think Dominic Reyes was ranked. I think Dominic was like five or six or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I think he's 0-4. Those last few fights were rough, dude. The Jon Jones fight was rough, right? And then he goes right from that to Yuri. And Yuri nukes people. When he kicked his body and left this giant red footprint on his body, I was like,
Starting point is 00:42:56 how fucking hard does that dude hit? Number 10 now. Yeah, that's legit, man. There's a few of those guys in that division, man. Nikita Krylov, the way he took out Gustafsson, I was like, holy shit. Did something happen to him recently? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah. Why do I feel like he got injured? That's a scary division right there. Fucking terrifying. Terrifying division. They're all heavyweights. Every one of them is a heavyweight right there. Fucking terrifying. Light heavyweight. Terrifying division. They're all heavyweights. Every one of them is a heavyweight. Yeah, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I'm so glad I'm not a big guy. Like, Bantamweight. There's still some scary guys at Bantamweight. Well, you have a great frame for Bantamweight, though. If you can continue to make 35, that reach is such a nice thing to have. Yeah. I know Chael always says, reach advantage is not advantage unless you, like, I'm like, it is. Reach advantage is an advantage. It's an advantage. I know Chael always says reach advantage is not advantage unless you like, I'm like, it is. Reach advantage
Starting point is 00:43:46 is an advantage. It's an advantage. Look at Jon Jones. When you have the reach advantage and strength like Jon Jones has reach advantage and ridiculous strength in wrestling. He's got the best combination of assets. Like distance management,
Starting point is 00:44:01 he might not have the same kind of one punch power that some of those guys have, but he fucks up everybody. And his distance management is the best ever. In that division, he's so good at just keeping right away, stabbing at your legs, the elliptical kick or the
Starting point is 00:44:17 oblique kick, and then the side kick to the knee. I love that one. Elliptical kick. Where's my brain? Weed stole that word from one. Elliptical kick. Where's my brain? Weed stole that word from me. Elliptical kick. Gus is out for his next fight, if that's what you were thinking. Oh, that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:44:32 That's what it was. Yeah, because Gus was supposed to. That was going to be his rebound fight. Oh, because he retired, right? He was going to come back? Alexander Gus? Yeah, he was going to retire after that last KO. Because Krylov just stormed at him in the first round and took him out. I couldn't believe he fought that way.
Starting point is 00:44:48 He generally fights pretty reserved, but in that fight, he just went do or die. He's out. Oh, OSP. Fucking OSP Von Flu. I remember his fight against, was it Glover that he uppercutted, or who was it? It's an official. Yeah, Glover that he uppercutted? Or who was it? It's a no official. Yeah, Glover. He uppercutted Glover.
Starting point is 00:45:08 That was slick, Box. The last 10 seconds of that, he slides off. Video game shit. Video game shit. That was Gustafson in his best. That and the Jon Jones fight. I remember the Jon Jones fight, the first one, when Jon didn't train. That's how you see the difference difference because look at the second fight.
Starting point is 00:45:25 They have a second fight. Well. Didn't he take him down? But you have to also say, the second fight, was that before or after Gustafson fought Rumble? Oh, that's a good question. Rest in peace, Rumble. Rumble passed away this week.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Apparently he had some form of, I think it was like non like non Hodgkin's lymphoma or something along those lines Yeah, I don't know if that's public. We should find out that's public knowledge I think it was I think I read that I couldn't pronounce the words and that sounds like it was I shouldn't say it if It wasn't public knowledge. It's not public knowledge. We should edit it out You know, I'm almost positive. I just read that in an article the other day But yeah, that was that. 38 years old, man. Yeah, I did the UFC quintet with him. It was me, Clay Guida, him, Gilbert Burns, Anthony Smith.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But yeah, that was my only really interaction with him. Fucking good dude. Yeah, non-conscience lymphoma. A rare immune disorder called HLH. Horrible. 38. Such a nice guy. And the biggest welterweight that's ever walked the face of the planet.
Starting point is 00:46:32 When he was a welterweight? I know. That's fucked. Dude, I saw him in between fights once, and I go, Anthony, how big are you? And he goes, 230 pounds. 230? What the fuck? He walked in looking like a
Starting point is 00:46:46 Greek god. He was so gigantic. And just ripped? He wasn't fat at all. Like, how do you get that little? How do you make 170? He was gigantic. He always had issues making 170 though, right? Oh yeah, well he missed it a bunch of times and then he fought Vitor at 85.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Rumble was like this guy that you never knew what you were going to get. If he was, like, ready to go and in shape and prepared. Jesus. He could be one of the most dangerous guys of all time. Yeah. But he was kind of, you know, at least early on in his career, inconsistent until he moved up in weight.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Then when he moved up in weight. Then when he moved up in weight, look what he did in the light heavyweight division. I maintain that most of what was holding him back was just the dread of making that weight. It was just dread. The guy goes up two weight classes and is knocking out everybody with one punch at light heavyweight. Yeah, 170 should have never been. Imagine that. Inside of his career, he's fighting 35 pounds up and destroying people. Knocking out Glover with one punch.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Knocks out Gustafson. Bro, he fucked everybody up except DC. Yeah. DC just uses wrestling. He fought DC twice, right? Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:00 God, I bet DC was like, God damn it, I don't want to fight this motherfucker again, dude. He's so dangerous Rumbles so dangerous. That's a scary. Yeah, he was so dangerous. He had power that was but I remember when he hit Glover I was like, oh Then his tooth go flying was that Glover's tooth. He made somebody's tooth go flying. Yeah, I don't know if it was Glover's It was that uppercut. God damn. He was a powerhouse. Yeah Possessing that fucking power in his hands because he doesn't need to be like oh it is it is glover oh yeah because he doesn't need to really be accurate either he can hit you like anywhere in the head and that's night night
Starting point is 00:48:34 bro he could hit your shoulders and you'd be dizzy it might get knocked out it's crazy he just had that preposterous power yeah that oh watch this uppercut. Dink. Oh, that was like a thud. That's rumble, man. That's why everybody was scared of rumble. His tooth. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Oh, oh. At least he gets a takedown. He woke up. Two points. He woke up. Didn't know what the fuck happened. No one counted my takedown on Peter with two points. I think that was two. A little takedown at the end of the first.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I think it was a takedown. Did his knees go to the ground? Oh, yeah. DC gets mad when they don. A little takedown at the end of the first. I think it was a takedown. Did his knees go to the ground? Oh, yeah. DC gets mad when they don't give up takedowns. Unless it's me. Colby Covington. When Colby Covington fought Kamaru, he took him down. And DC was like, that's two! That's two! You gotta give it to him.
Starting point is 00:49:20 It's a takedown. I know. So until Leon took him down the first round, which was fucking wild. Wild. Mountedown. I know. So until Leon took him down the first round, which was fucking wild. Mounted. Right in the mount. Wild. Mounted him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Yeah. No one ended up actually officially taking down Kamaru. Yeah. That fight was insane. Dude, that was insane. And then Kamaru coming on here after and just fucking champ. Pure class. Humble champ.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Pure class. Pure class. Good outlook on it. He was winning the fight. Got caught with a fucking head kick from one of the best guys in the world. Yeah. It is what it is. That's the game you play.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Fuck, that was crazy though. And then Izzy losing in the fifth too. Both pound for pound guys. And right when it was about to happen, John Anik actually set it up. He said about like that, you know, he could coast here, but that's not what he's
Starting point is 00:50:06 made of for uh tomorrow i think it was like that he could no i think it was like not quitting i think he's talking about leon see if you can find it that was it was like it was i don't want to fuck it up i already fucked it up but it was like no there was a quote that he said right before leon knocked him out. It was like he was kind of setting up that Leon's not going to quit. Yeah, prophetic call and the greatest knockout call in UFC history. Yeah, there it is. We'll hear it here.
Starting point is 00:50:34 John Anik's the best of all time. He's so fucking good. He's the best. Minute 12. Hold on. Low kick, setting it up already. Throws that little low kick. You see how he's fainting that left leg, trying to get a reaction out of him?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Nothing, no reaction. That is not the cloth from which he was cut. Bam, and then the knockout. It's the perfect call. It's the greatest call ever. That was so beautiful. But that is not the cloth from which he is cut cut and then a perfect head kick. Bro, that's Shakespeare. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:51:08 beautiful. That's Shakespeare. That's fucking man. That gave me goosebumps. It's the greatest call of all time. It's the greatest call of all time. Yeah, John Hennick's a legend, dude. But that's the greatest call of all time. Right there. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't get any better. Every now and then, dude. But that's the greatest call of all time, right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I mean, it doesn't get any better. Every now and then, like, the words and the moment line up, and you're like, that's the greatest call. That's goosebumps. One of the wildest head kick knockouts, I think the most important head kick knockout ever. Ever. Yeah, has to be. And the most shocking, where he just lands it with a minute to go in the fight,
Starting point is 00:51:44 with a fight where he's clearly losing. Holy shit. And there's this pound for pound headshot dead. I was like, oh shit. It was crazy too because that was in Utah at Elevation. Kamaru trains in Denver at Elevation. And Leon to go five rounds was getting grappled. And to be able to pull that off smooth still was so fucking impressive he's
Starting point is 00:52:06 so technical man his feet he's so good there's some video of him hitting the pads and it makes you want to quit karate really watch this motherfucker hit the pads because he can find like leon edwards hitting the pads i've never seen him like do the elbows he's so smooth and powerful man yeah i stood yeah that Give me some volume on this. He's a big guy, too. Bro. Bro, that is fucking clean. Speed and power mixed right there.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Clean technique, too. It's like total efficiency in the way he's delivering that kick. Every move as he steps in with those elbows. That's going to be a massive rematch. Is that the one that's in London? And what Leon loves, too, is that he did all of this out of his gym in England. He didn't have to move to America and join ATT or join one of the big gyms.
Starting point is 00:53:08 They did it out of his town. That's fucking impressive. That's fucking impressive. I couldn't have done that in Montana. I couldn't have done that in Montana. But look at this. Some guys that could pull that off somehow or another. Yeah, no, it's impressive.
Starting point is 00:53:24 But there's some, yeah, sometimes you just got to fucking leave. So those kids listening to this right now at a shitty gym, you got to leave. Sometimes you have to leave. Pretty much everyone, like John Jones had to leave. Yeah. A lot of guys have stories that, you know, they leave. Joaquin Buckley was here last week. He said he had to leave too.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yeah. He had an original gym he started out with. He's like, okay. You can only get so good if someone's, like a coach is only at a certain level. Yeah. And the training partners and stuff. So, yeah, go and do a big gym. Maybe not a big gym, but just a gym with some decent coaches.
Starting point is 00:53:58 But, yeah, for the most part, you got to look for something better. Do you think that there's uh any benefit to having uh a smaller environment where the coaches are really paying attention to you versus a large environment where you're at like an att or something like that they got hundreds of fighters right yeah like where you kind of get lost in the mix dude my my last probably four or five years like i do all my sparring at the mma lab they have a fucking great team over there. Like they have a great schedule. Their Monday through Saturday schedule is great.
Starting point is 00:54:31 But for me, once I started getting into the UFC, I was like, I need that one-on-one. I need my own, my personal strength conditioning coach, Brandon Harris. I need my own guy. Jiu-jitsu coach, Augusto Mendez, 180cc in, I think, 2019, in my weight class, best grappler in the world. And then Tim's kind of the head coach, holds me, sets up the sparring. So I still go to the lab to spar, but I bounce around, and it's more of a boxing approach.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's like you've got the whole team dialed in, focused on me, and I need that. Just like your mindset, right? Like all these things improve with time, right? Yep. And now you've really got it totally dialed in. Yeah. It's crazy to think about all the things that worked out, like how I met Tim,
Starting point is 00:55:14 then I moved to Arizona, then I meet Brandon Harris for the strength and conditioning. And that completely changed my career. I wasn't lifting. And if I was lifting, I wasn't lifting properly. And it's not even lifting to just get get super strong but just to not get injured just building that muscle around those joints and just build this not i haven't gotten seriously injured since i started working with brandon and i think that's a huge reason why it's just from lifting lifting correctly um so what kind of uh exercises does he have you doing um it's not like uh
Starting point is 00:55:46 the the nice thing about it is i don't have to think about it i know i go in there and i just put all my trust in him here's my here's my here's my strength and uh most of the conditioning is the sparring is the mitts is the grappling and then i do like treadmill sprints and shit too but the thing with him is i don't go in there and his main goal isn't to just fuck me up it's not make me sore it's not he he he does what i what i'm not getting in in the gym so we'll do some some stuff with like lower heart rate stuff and i know you had someone on here talking about how important that is just for longevity but in just for getting in shape to having like the zone two workouts for for 45 minutes and and stuff like that but as far as lifting
Starting point is 00:56:31 we'll do the deadlifts and in the the bench press and we'll do normal lifts just in in perfect technique i'm not hurting my back i'm not trying to lift way too much um are you doing like deadlifts squats a clean press no clean and press deadlifts um we'll do we'll do i fucking feel like an idiot thinking about what lifts we do right now so you're doing but is this is is his approach like higher repetitions with lighter weight like how does depending on where we're at in camp like uh it changes from we'll do like four weeks of this four weeks of this four weeks of this and like further out we'll do power i'd really build in that strength especially like i'm gonna go fight a guy like aljo or henry like i'm
Starting point is 00:57:15 gonna be fucking grappling i need to be strong i need to be be able to uh deadlift and jack up some underhooks and be able to focus on it depends like if i'm when i was fighting peter i didn't really plan on grappling too much i was planning on being way faster on my feet not really lifting as much being a little bit lighter so it depends on who we're fighting i'm gonna fight one of these guys next and i want to be strong i want to you know make sure we're hitting those dead lifts and being really fucking strong um but so yeah it depends and if we do like a 12-week fight camp the first four weeks will be whatever and then the next four weeks and then the next four weeks like i don't i don't even really pay attention i just go in trust him do it and fucking yeah do you um anticipate
Starting point is 00:57:58 that henry is going to jump back into the mix is that you think that's real that's a great question i've been saying no for a long time but i do think you know the closer it gets I think he is yeah I think he's gonna come back I know he two-time world champ Olympic gold medalist if he's gonna come back he's got to come back soon yeah like what is he now 35 maybe it's a good question um how old's Henry Cejudo this is like a what age is he? Yeah 35? 36 in like two months Oh wow
Starting point is 00:58:28 He's got it now Yeah he's got it now At that age In that weight class It gets tough There's some outliers Right? Like Mighty Mouse seems to be an outlier
Starting point is 00:58:36 He's as good as he's ever been Yeah It's wild You know I've been watching him over in one FC I watched that last night He's as good as he's ever been
Starting point is 00:58:43 Yeah He's a wizard But Henry vs. Aljo I think is if I had to guess, if that's going to happen, it's going to happen early next year. I wonder if that, how much do you think Cejudo is super talented? Yeah. Obviously, two-division world champion. But how much does that sell?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Is that a big fight For Aldo or me For anybody It should be but it's not because it's Henry And for whatever reason some people are Fucking likable some people are You know superstars And he's just not I mean it's not I don't want to
Starting point is 00:59:19 I'm not acting like I'm talking shit he's just really not a superstar He's a two time world champion He's got like less than a million followers on Instagram, which is crazy. Two-time world champ. That was Conor's whole thing. That's why he was so fucking massive. I'm not saying this as a diss. I'm a Henry Cejudo fan
Starting point is 00:59:35 because I never understood why Mighty Mouse didn't get famous. Nice to meet you. I never met a fucking Henry Cejudo fan. I'm a fan of the way he fights. He's very skilled. The way he took out Dominic? Very skilled. He's a fucking animal, dude. The way he took out TJ. Henry Cejudo's he fights. He's very skilled. The way he took out Dominic? Very skilled. He's a fucking animal, dude. The way he took out TJ. Henry Cejudo's a beast.
Starting point is 00:59:49 He is a beast. He's a beast. I know he talks a lot of shit, but... And it's not good shit. That's the thing. You can talk shit as long as it's good. But him versus Aljo... Does that thing...
Starting point is 00:59:59 Here, if you do like this, it'll tighten it up. Oh, no. This button right here. It's wiggling around. That's why you're having a problem with it down here. Oh, shit. Henry versus Aljo. I think it's a pretty big fight, though.
Starting point is 01:00:09 It's a very big fight. It's not going to do crazy numbers. It's not going to be a main event. If I had to guess, it would be a Cobain. But it's a difficult fight, and it might not be a big fight. Yeah. Yeah, that sucks. Which sucks.
Starting point is 01:00:21 It fucking sucks. It's kind of crazy because you could lose to Henry. For sure. Henry's a monster wrestler. And Aljo's strength is, you know, he's clearly well-rounded, but his strength is his grappling. God. See, it's an interesting fight.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Very, very. Very, very. And, yeah, I bet me versus Aljo would be a main event. I think Henry versus Aljo would be a co-main event on a card. Ooh, shots fired. Shots fired. And I think that's just. He's going to have a crown on in his next video on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:47 He's going to be talking shit about you. Yeah, 75 likes. I've looked at his Instagram. It's pathetic. I was like, what the fuck? How does he have this less of likes? It's unfortunate that people don't appreciate what he's accomplished. It's like the flyweight class just never got to shine.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah. I mean, it still doesn't really. Still doesn't get to shine. Brandon Marino and Davidson Figueredo III is going to be fucking insane. That's right. That's four. That's right, four. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Oh, my God. Yeah, that's crazy. Bro. Kai Carafrance. I mean, that division is filled with killers. Filled with killers. The reason Henry left was money. He wanted more money, and the UFC wasn't going to pay him more money.
Starting point is 01:01:24 They're like, this is what we're going to pay you, either fight or not. And that's why he retired. And he thought retiring, they would want him back, and they just haven't. So now he's this old, and he's like, well, fuck. Okay, I'll come back. Well, I think he's still a competitor, too. Yeah, for sure. We could be cynical about it all day long,
Starting point is 01:01:40 but that guy is an Olympic gold medalist and two-division UFC champion. Considerably the number one combat. I saw someone say Alex Pejeta is the number one combat sports athlete, but it's hard to put him above Henry when he's won the Olympic gold. Yeah, he won the gold medal in the Olympics. However, Pejeta, when he's fighting in glory, he's fighting elite professionals. Yeah. Whereas Henry is wrestling amateurs. in glory he's fighting elite professionals yeah you know where is Henry is wrestling amateurs there's not I wonder if they had a professional
Starting point is 01:02:11 level of grappling if the level would be even better than it is right now you know I'm saying like if there was like millions of dollars to be made oh yeah like if if wrestling was like NBA like it was that big, which is totally conceivable. Wrestling is fucking exciting. You watch two assassins go after each other and dive on legs and scrambles. It's very exciting. Why isn't that a huge thing? And if it was a huge thing and these guys could make millions, I wonder if the level would go up.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Because think about how high the level is already. the level would go up. Yeah. Because think about how high the level is already. But if it was like a real professional sport all around the world. Yeah, that's a good question.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Probably. I mean, I'm sure money makes money makes people happy. It makes them want to fucking go after it. So yeah, probably. Well, it does, but that makes wrestling
Starting point is 01:03:00 even more impressive because other than like guys like Jordan Burroughs who makes a considerably he makes a considerable amount of money doing events and competing he makes money but for most guys it's a fucking tough road to be a wrestler you might get a coaching job but if you get a coaching job like uh that was what kept um that was mark schultz mark schultz who was the brother of the guy
Starting point is 01:03:26 who got murdered by John DuPont in that movie. Oh, yeah. What was that movie called again? Fox. Fox Catcher. Fox Catcher. The movie's kind of like, they play a lot of,
Starting point is 01:03:37 they take a lot of liberties with the storyline, like clear. Yeah. But in the story, in the movie mark schultz uh fight some russian in a cage fight but in real life he fought big daddy goodrich so mark schultz who was a fucking cream of the crop world champion wrestler just took big daddy goodrich down at will just mounted him beating him up but he never never fought in MMA again because he was coaching. I think he was coaching for Baylor,
Starting point is 01:04:07 Brigham Young, maybe Brigham. He was coaching for some college and the college said, if you want to retain your job as a coach, you cannot fight
Starting point is 01:04:17 in a fucking cage with bare knuckle headbutting people on the weekend. Yeah, I know. That's fair, but come on. Don't show up Monday retarded.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That's the problem with guys who were wrestlers. It's like you got to a point where you got a job, then you got to... The only real competition back then for money was MMA. And there was guys that, like, jumped in with no submission training. They didn't know what they were doing. Remember when Ensign Inouye tapped Royce Alger?
Starting point is 01:04:48 Do you remember that? Hell no. You don't remember that? I don't even know who those guys are. Dude, you don't know who Ensign is? Uh-uh. Oh, my God. Ensign's a legend.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Ensign's one of the toughest guys that's ever lived. Old school UFC? Old school UFC. Old school pride. He fought wars in pride. War. He had a war with Frank Shamrock. He was to the death. What a name.
Starting point is 01:05:11 His nickname was Yamoto Damashi, which is... I don't want to fuck up the... I don't want to fuck up the translation. But I think... He's a big guy. I think roughly it has something to do with fighter spirit. Find out what Yamato Damacy means.
Starting point is 01:05:29 What's the actual translation of it? Twelve and eight. It's fought everybody, huh? Or anybody. What does it say? Cultural values. What is the definition? Japanese heart mind.
Starting point is 01:05:47 It's a Japanese language term for the cultural values. Well, they would use it in like a warrior term, though. Spirit, cultural values, as opposed to cultural values of foreign nations. Spirit, Yamato spirit. Anyway. I wonder what those dudes were making back in the back in the one day he was me and Eddie Bravo and this dude cabbage do you remember cabbage no cabbage was another guy who fought in the early days of the UFC one of the fucking toughest dudes has ever lived built like a fire hydrant fucking cabbage yeah samurai spirit or or old spirit of Japan.
Starting point is 01:06:26 So that was what his nickname was. Samurai Spirit. That dude would literally try to fight to the death. His fights were so wild. They were just fucking slugfest like ducking his head, swinging full blast, dumping the gas tank. Just emptying it out. As fast as possible. He fought Igor Vovchanchin.
Starting point is 01:06:42 But he also fought skillfully too, man. He submitted Randy Couture. He armbarred Randy Couture. That was Cabbage. Cabbage was an animal, bro. So Cabbage was a funny dude. One time me and Eddie Bravo and Cabbage were smoking weed in a hotel room in Vegas, and I wanted to quit.
Starting point is 01:06:58 I was like, dude, we can't keep smoking weed. He just kept rolling up joints. And he just would fire the joint up and say Yamato, Damacy Damacy She came we we completely passed through into another dimension in that hotel room We just sat around a giggle for that three hours afterwards. That's what I think I was I was not a member Who I was having this conversation with but I was thinking if fighters got paid way more like they want Say I don't know how many fighters will stick around.
Starting point is 01:07:26 It's such a fucked sport. Like to go through those camps and stuff. I'm like if these young fighters are making, you know, $100,000, $200,000 and they're not used to making money. Like I don't know how long it's, how serious they would take it. I think the killers would all stay. Yeah. I think this is like what makes a Pehera or an adesanya or even you i think what makes people really get is the get to that level it's not just the motivation is not
Starting point is 01:07:53 just money the motivation is glory yeah the motivation is accomplishing this impossible task and right i mean like what is your motivation yeah, I think mine now is just reaching my highest potential. I'm like, damn, how? We're so close. We're number one right now. I want to be the champ, and I want to be, you know, I want to see how far I can take this. I want to be recognized as one of the greatest ever, too.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And I don't want to just be recognized as a striker that knocks people out. I don't want to just, Alex Pahetta's like, no, just for striking. Izzy was kind of just no for striking. I feel like I've underrated jiu-jitsu, underrated grappling, and, you know, I've been training a lot. And I want to start choking. Like, ideal scenario, I fight Aldo or Henry, I would love to fucking choke one of these dudes. Did you tap Gilbert Melendez in a tournament? No, I tapped Gomi.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Oh, it was Gomi. Takanori Gomi? Yeah. Sorry, Gilbert. I grappled Gilbert. We did an eight-minute round. Or it was nine. Eight or nine-minute round.
Starting point is 01:08:49 And that was a pretty sick match. That was on that UFC quintet. Gilbert, super underrated guy. People forgot about Gilbert. Yeah, but high-level black belt, way bigger than me. I took that quintet very serious. I trained for that. It was a match. I think a lot of the guys were justet very serious. I trained for that. Like it was a match.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I think a lot of the guys were just kind of going in there, fucking around. It was like – so I don't know. But I trained serious for that. Yeah, I went nine or eight minutes, whatever it was, with Gilbert, and then choked Gomi. But, yeah, I want to start choking people. I love knocking people out, but I would love to – if I have an opportunity to choke someone, I would love to.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Well, having a well-rounded game where you're a significant threat, both on your back and on the top, and not just standing up is so important. Yeah, especially in this division. Yeah, yeah, that division's just, there's so much going on in that division, man. Remember when Marlon Moraes was the fucking scariest guy alive? He knocked out, I remember when he knocked out everybody knocked out. I was there for that I thought I That and then when Tony Ferguson got front kick bug up my kitchen I watched I was like just witnessed them the first murder in the UFC laid there for so long
Starting point is 01:09:55 Morais had this switch kick off the left leg that was a thing of fucking beauty Yeah, it's one of the best switch kicks I've ever seen. It's like right up there with Barboza, but Barboza would switch kick to the body and you'd be like, Jesus Christ. The whip. When Barboza was in his prime, earliest, like before all the wars, and bro, his switch kick was insane. Yeah. It was insane.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yeah, this fight was, I mean, I think he went to throw that same switch kick and knee him. Yeah, so Aljo took him down and then here. Yeah, went to throw it and knee him. Boom. Dude, his left high kick was fucking insane. Look at that. Look at that left high kick. Yeah, that was beautiful.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Oh, my God. It's so fast, too. Yeah. kick yeah that was beautiful oh my god it's so fast too yeah and when he was chopping at henry in that first round i was like oh my god henry's fucked that's what i thought i'm like he's fucked but morais just fell apart and henry just put the gas on him henry knows how to win he just knows how to fucking win he knows competitor at the highest level yeah and, and it's really strange to watch how a couple of fights can change the trajectory of a fighter's career
Starting point is 01:11:09 and limit how durable they are and what happens when things go sideways with them. That mentally probably fucked him, right? He was dominating and then just completely gassed out. Yeah, and the biggest fight of his life. He was almost the world champion. Was that for a... That was almost the world champion was that for a
Starting point is 01:11:25 that was for the that was for the belt who was henry wasn't champ was he was he at the time no one was champ wasn't it for the wasn't it for the um it was for the belt but henry's belt yeah i don't know i think i'm pretty sure it was for the belt or was it it was a title fight it was a title fight right so it wasn't an elimination fight Or was it an interim fight Maybe it was interim Oh maybe Was this before After Mighty Mouse left
Starting point is 01:11:50 It's after Mighty Mouse left Right Well this was at Mighty Mouse 25 This was at 35 Oh that's right But I think it was After TJ
Starting point is 01:11:58 Or no When he fought Moraes Right there June 2019 Won the vacant UFC bantamweight championship So it was vacant
Starting point is 01:12:09 Okay Yeah cause TJ Must have got busted That's right Cause Henry went down To 25 That's right Or no TJ went down
Starting point is 01:12:19 To 25 to fight Henry Well that was just madness That was so stupid It's weird cause TJ Doesn't look He's not a big 35er. He didn't look. But he looked dead.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah, I know. He looked so bad. Like, he couldn't take shots. No. When you're taking EPO just to try to not be anemic, you know, like, he was literally letting his body eat itself. I would have liked to see TJ versus Henry at 135. That would have been a very interesting, way different fight.
Starting point is 01:12:44 I still think, you know, Henry could have. That would have been a very interesting, way different fight. I still think Henry could have done the same, could win that fight, but it would have been way more interesting. Well, I hope they can do something with TJ's shoulders. It would be a shame if that's what ends it for him. I mean, he's what, 36? How old is he, Jamie? 36, 37?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah, that was him when he was cutting down the flyweight. Just crazy, man. Just crazy. He's dying. The thing Yeah, that was him when he was cutting down the flyway. Just crazy, man. Just crazy. It was, yeah. He's dying. The thing about that is we want to pretend that that doesn't take something out of you. But it fucking does. Do you need tissues, brother?
Starting point is 01:13:15 No, I'm good. I don't even think. It's just stuff. 36 also. He's 30. TJ's 36. He'll be 37. He's almost 37?
Starting point is 01:13:21 Appreciate it. I don't want you sitting around with boogers. I hate that. Mocos. It's so hard to concentrate. He's 37? He'll be 37. You feel like he's 37? Appreciate it. I don't want you sitting around with boogers. I hate that. Mokos. It's so hard to concentrate. He's 37? He'll be 37 in two months. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:31 He's got tremendous skills. I mean, TJ, when he won the title from Hennon Burrell, I remember watching that performance. I'm like, God damn, TJ! I was watching that. I actually watched both those fight week when i was on the treadmill just kind of walking or whatever i was doing for that last fight i was watching those just fucking i always try to find some fights that i like but uh yeah that was so
Starting point is 01:13:54 so impressive when he beat bennett like that that first time fuck people that talk shit about tj dillashaw that's like that roy jones jr song y'all must have forgot yeah just go back and watch him peace up hannah burrow to win the title and do it like he's sparring yeah just do it so calm like that Roy Jones Jr. song, Y'all Must Have Forgot. Just go back and watch him piece up Hannon Burrout and win the title and do it like he's sparring. Just do it so calm like he's fucking sparring. He was a bad motherfucker. And even then, even then his shoulders were fucked. Really?
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah, man. Dude, TJ's had shoulder problems forever. He's had multiple shoulder surgeries. I think he probably tore some shit early and didn't get it fixed and kept training while it was torn there's a lot of guys they blow their rotator cuffs out
Starting point is 01:14:35 and they keep training TJ had some sweet fights against Cody if he wasn't he beat Cody like that that's super fucked up Cody did drop him. Cody, I mean, to recover as fast as he did, it could have been because of that. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:14:49 Whatever. But those fights with Cody were epic. The fight with Corey Sanhagen was fucking sweet. It was a good fight, particularly knowing that he blew his fucking knee out in the first round. First round. Mental toughness, man. Off the charts. His mental toughness.
Starting point is 01:15:02 The fact that he took that fight and popped his fucking shoulder back into place in the middle of the algemene fight and even got through that first fucking round yeah nine months till i can start training rough and tough and then making sure everything is healed up dillashaw explained about his recovery and training timeline i've had shoulder surgery before and i'd say another year maybe to compete either a year to compete a year to get back to a training camp. This is like two days ago. I think he just had the surgery. So he had surgery to repair
Starting point is 01:15:29 a torn labrum, biceps, and additional work on his biceps tendon in 2019. So yeah, man, his shoulders are fucked, man. I wonder, yeah, I wonder why It's just very hard. The shoulders are very complicated joint. Yeah, I've been lucky.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Fucking, I'm put together pretty well so far. That's great. So far. When shoulder issues and back and neck issues, those are giant ones. Yeah. The back and neck one is particularly disturbing. Oh, fuck. I mean, Aljo had that neck, fuck, whatever he had. Yeah, he had an artificial disc in his neck.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Fuck, that's crazy. He had to do it. He had to do it after that Jan fight. He said it was fucked up before that, but when Jan hit him, I mean, you got to think, if you do have a herniated disc, and then you get an illegal knee that you don't expect on the ground, and you're not preparing for it, and you get really jolted. It's so crazy. If Jan didn't do that, Jan wouldn't have ended up having to fight me.
Starting point is 01:16:22 He's just had such, that sucked. Crazy luck. Then that last fight with Jan Aljo. I think he was asking his corner, too. Can I knee him in the face? Didn't someone say yeah? In his corner? That's what I thought.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I felt like that was the, that's true. I'm so curious what that dude does next. I don't think he, he's been kind of off the grid, not saying stuff. He feels like UFC doesn't have his back or whatever. I'm like, well, been kind of off the grid, not saying stuff. He feels like UFC doesn't have his back or whatever. I'm like, well, first of all, you fucking need a guy while he was down. That was your own fault. It had nothing to do with UFC.
Starting point is 01:16:52 They gave you an immediate rematch, lost a close fight to Aljo, and then you lost a close fight to me. So it's just, I mean, that's a shitty... I feel like you fought one other person before you fought... Corey. Yeah, Corey. Fought Sanhagen, which was a great fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And Sanhagen took that on short notice. Yeah, that was impressive as fuck. Yeah, very impressive. In Abu Dhabi. Yeah, yeah. Very impressive. And so then
Starting point is 01:17:14 he has the rematch and I just think when you saw Al Jermaine with his neck fixed and he got his, he had a dietary issue before where it's like he wasn't eating before the fight yeah i remember him said that and he just was like exhausted while he was in the fight and
Starting point is 01:17:31 he realized like i didn't eat anything ate breakfast now you're fighting at 10 p.m at night yeah and this time he fueled up that'll change he said it changed everything but i guess when you're nervous and you're not thinking about it you forget to eat yeah i mean it's not a fucking title fight yeah it's tricky because you're like and you're not thinking about it, you forget to eat. Yeah. Put on a fucking title fight? Yeah, it's tricky because you're like, I don't want to eat too close. Like, will this food, like, is there a certain sauce on there that's going to make my fucking stomach hurt? Like, it's a tricky fight day. What do you eat generally on a fight day?
Starting point is 01:17:57 I add. What is this? This is the video of Peter. I think the link I clicked said that it's video of his corner telling him to do it. Oh, okay. Let's go, Pete. Control it. We need to dig deep.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Keep that pressure on. Punch. Just punch. Just punch. There we go. Yes. Ah, yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yes. Yes. That one guy was saying just punch. Yeah, it's Bahampa. Fuck. You can hear, right? One guy saying just punch. Yeah, it's Bahampa. You can hear, right? One guy's saying just punch, but then somebody in that corner goes, yes, when he says kick. It's in Russian. Habib heard it sitting over here because we couldn't understand the language.
Starting point is 01:18:37 But someone in that corner yelled, yes, kick. And then Piotr Jan lands an legal knee that ultimately costs him the UFC champion. Dude, having good corners is, because you have to have you're with those motherfuckers for a week. In a hotel having three good corners. I have Brandon, doesn't know shit about fighting, strength and conditioning. More of a
Starting point is 01:18:58 guy, he stretches me out. We do breath exercises. We do stuff like that. He knows, don't yell. Don't say shit in the corner. You don't know shit about fighting. Augusto Tanquinho. I said, if you want to say anything, if it's, if it's on the ground, grappling wise, yell, I'm listening. If it's on the feet, tell Tim because Tim's more of a striker. I want to hear Tim yelling in the corner and it's, I don't want him yelling random shit. You hear some people yelling shit just to yell shit, especially in the minute you get, you'll have all three coaches trying to tell you something it's where i feel
Starting point is 01:19:29 like i've had some such a good corner it's like only the person that needs to talk is tim and then if you have something that you think is important you can tell tim tim can tell me unless it's grappling on the ground tankino say whatever the fuck you want i'm listening but uh yeah some people the corners chaotic. Chaotic. Oh, chaotic. And just fight week. You got to hang out with sometimes. I don't know. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I feel super lucky because I bet there's some fighters listening to this that are like, God damn it, he's right. They have to bring, you know, you bring corner men and it's like, maybe you don't have three people you're super close with or you want to hang out with all fucking week while you're cutting weight. Yeah. I just feel so lucky. I have three guys that I just, I love being around. Tankino and Brandon
Starting point is 01:20:06 are so fucking quiet. They're not, it's just, it's a good vibe, fight week, so. You fought in the Apex Center? Yeah, a couple times, three times.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Three times? Yeah. And when you fought in the Apex Center, was it during the COVID times when they had no audience? I fought Eddie Wineland. That's right.
Starting point is 01:20:24 That was crazy. Dude. That was fucking crazy. Have you ever done that before? That fake the uppercut right hand? It's like, that one specifically I think I have done, but it's just I mean, it's they're all just feints. When I was dribbling on Chris Muntinho, it's all
Starting point is 01:20:40 just like, look at my hands. You know what I mean? So I have that little uppercut three and then a two. It's just like, look at my hands. It's like a what i mean so i have that little uppercut three and then a two it's just like look at my hands like a change up in baseball kind of slow boom um so i fought him then i fought uh right after that i fought fought cheeto and then i fought um thomas almeida in the apex but the the cheeto fight that that's gonna be massive and everyone wanted me to rematch him right away and i always i always said i'm gonna rematch him when the time is right and we're getting there i go out there and beat aljor henry which i truly believe i can be i have the style have the skills to beat those guys cheeto's first title defense fucking massive what's cheeto ranked right now um i'm not sure
Starting point is 01:21:23 i think cheeto versus cory is kind of what they're... Is that happening? I don't know. I know they were talking about it in December. It's obviously not going to happen in December now, if I had to guess. But I don't know if Chido gets past Corey. Corey's fucking... Corey's fucking good.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Marlon's four. Four. And people think I hate him. So Corey's six. I got nothing against Chido. People think I hate him. I don't mind Chido. Well, just people thought it was funny that you always said that that wasn't a. So Corey's six. I got nothing against Chito. People think I hate him. I don't mind Chito. Well, just people thought it was funny that you always said that that wasn't a loss.
Starting point is 01:21:48 It's not. And then I'll die at that. How is it not a loss? And I think Chito knows, too. You go watch that fight. It's like he literally, it wasn't a calf kick. It wasn't a good leg kick. It was a kick he threw, and I pulled out.
Starting point is 01:22:04 With kicks, you either check them, step in, you eat it, or you pull out. I was pulling out, and I've watched it. The slow-mo, his big toe literally pushed a button. My peroneal nerve pushed a button, and my foot just fell asleep. But before that, I was kicking him. I kicked him so hard he spun around. I was kicking his legs way harder than he was kicking mine. I was outstriking him.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I don't think he punched me in the head once until the whole thing. And then I blitzed forward and I went to step back and my foot just wasn't there. He got on top, elbowed me. It's a loss on the record, but I don't feel like, it wasn't like I didn't go in there and lose because his skills were better than me.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I do not believe that. If we have a rematch and he goes in there and beats me to decision, something beats me in any other way Without some kind of If he kicks me in the nerve again I'll think he did it on purpose I'll be like Okay that's fair
Starting point is 01:22:49 That's two losses But uh I just know It wasn't a skill set It wasn't a lack of skills It wasn't a He didn't beat me Because his skills
Starting point is 01:22:57 Were better than me that night And it sucked Because that camp Was so fucking good I had such a good training camp And everything was so good For that It happened
Starting point is 01:23:03 And it was And uh I don't feel like I lost any stock or anything and i feel like everything went as it needed to go but i just i'll never accept that as a loss as as far as mentally thinking you know i didn't get beat that night so because it's such a button that nerve is such a button it almost in your mind is like a lucky punch. I know Izzy said his perennial nerve got kicked, but how many times from that fight until, I mean, there's fights every weekend.
Starting point is 01:23:32 You rarely see that happen where the nerve gets shut off and they can't, my foot, I rolled it like eight times since he, when he kicked it until the end of the fight, I rolled it so many times. That happened to Henry against Mighty Mouse, right?
Starting point is 01:23:46 That was a big one. Yeah. We got that drop foot. Chandler had one in Bellator. Yep. And that Jimmy Crute, I think, happened or something.
Starting point is 01:23:53 But you know what's weird is in that fight, right, oh, it wasn't that one? I think that was it. Yeah, it might have been.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yeah, look at what, it was so weird. I was like, oh shit, my foot's not working. Go back to it real quick, will you? Can you make it in slow-mo?
Starting point is 01:24:08 Down to that bottom right? Or even like that? Look, I'm pulling all the way out. And his toe, look at his toe hit. Like, it wasn't a nice calf kick. His shin didn't land on my calf. It wasn't like... It was just a weird fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:24:24 His toe bounced off. I like pushed a button. And my foot turned off. And it was just a weird fucking thing. His toe bounced off. I like pushed a button and my foot turned off. And it was such a weird feeling. I could feel like, I'm like, oh shit. It was so weird. Look at your foot. Yeah. I rolled it like eight times.
Starting point is 01:24:37 And I was still trying, oh. And I still outstruck him if we're counting stats. He still didn't, I just didn't feel any danger. It was a weird, weird, weird feeling. I had to drag it. I couldn't lift it. Are you trying to hope it comes back? Like, what are you thinking right now?
Starting point is 01:24:54 So I have my ankles wrapped. And before I walked out, I was having Brandon. I was saying, hey, are we pulling this? This feels a little tight on my ankle. And I was wondering if it didn't come back because the ankle was wrapped too tight. Because I feel like it should have came back by now. And I still had no feeling. And I was wondering if it didn't come back because the ankle was wrapped too tight. Because I feel like it should have came back by now. And I still had no feeling, and it was so weird. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:25:12 And going backwards like that was fine. It's when I tried to go, ooh, ooh. I don't like watching it. It's when I go forward. Ooh. That I wouldn't lift. Wow. And he, I mean, but even before before that before that had happened i was dominating the
Starting point is 01:25:27 fight i would not getting hit and i was i was piecing him up before the knee thing and then even now it's like i'm not really getting beat up throws a head kick doesn't really do what i have to go backwards and drag it i can't move forward it's crazy watching it from this angle too because i'm only looking at that foot now. And I'm like, yeah, it's totally numb on you. And he hasn't really, I mean, I don't know. Like I said, I don't mind Cheeto. I'll roll it a couple more times here.
Starting point is 01:25:59 And then I blitz forward, which I probably shouldn't have done. That was a nice kick. But my leg is just so compromised right now. I can only go backwards and drag it. Is it getting any better at all? I don't remember, honestly. I just remember it had this weird stinging feeling. I was like, I need to knock this dude out is what I was thinking.
Starting point is 01:26:24 I was hopping right there like, fuck. I was thinking, I need to knock this dude out is what I was thinking. And I was hopping right there like, fuck. I was thinking, I need to throw a bomb on this motherfucker. It seems like it's back a little bit. I haven't watched it in a minute. But yeah, this is going to be an exciting rematch. I know he wants it. I want it. Nice one-two right there. Right here is where I blitz forward and I go to step back,
Starting point is 01:26:47 and it's just not there. Oh. And then he gets on top, lands a nice fucking elbow, but I wasn't even thinking about. Yeah. So I'm excited for that. I think that's a giant fucking fight, obviously. It's a giant fight, too. The division fight. I think it's a giant fight too.
Starting point is 01:27:06 The division. Chido has now become a star too. Yeah. And that knockout of Dominic Cruz, like, holy shit. Yeah. Who else did he? Oh, Frankie. Frankie.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Frankie was a rough one. That was crazy though because Frankie won, was winning that. He won first round, won the second round, took him down. And he would have won that fight and landed that front kick with, like, what, two minutes left or something? Which was... Yeah. But, I mean, he's doing what he needs to do. He's building his name, which is perfect for me, and I think it just makes sense that rematch
Starting point is 01:27:36 is for a title main event. It would be a big fight. It would be a very big fight. It would be very exciting. It's just a really good division in terms of all the different matchups you can make there's so many killers in that division yeah yeah i mean there's the adrian yannis the the chris gutierrez they're they're like still it's a high top 15 or whatever um yeah fucking killers killers yeah when you look at like mma now now that're a part of it, and now that you're an elite fighter,
Starting point is 01:28:07 and you remember what it was like when you were a kid, when you first saw it, what was your first exposure to MMA? I was probably a young teenager. My dad was watching, and I thought it was disgusting. What year do you think this was? I don't know if it was WEC and he was watching Uriah. Well, I think even before that, I was really little and it was Tito versus Chuck, I think. We went over to somebody's house and I was pretty small.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Didn't watch it at all. Didn't really care for it. That was probably the first time I ever watched it. And then the more I can remember, I was watching Uriah. I don't know if it was WEC. I don't remember, but i was disgusted but i'm like how these guys don't i remember thinking how do they not break their ribs when they get kicked and why they're elbowing each other in the head i thought it was disgusting i was like this is fucking absurd i liked football basketball baseball soccer like ball sports did not think fighting i didn't i don't it's so weird i remember
Starting point is 01:29:07 telling my mom like dad's watching that again because i wanted to watch something on the tv and he was watching fighting so and i knew my mom thought it was gross too so she would yell like you gotta change that or some shit so i told all my dad for watching literally watching what i do now which is funny hilarious funny to think about but so funny. I didn't really even, even after that, once I got into fighting, when I moved down to Arizona when I was 19, when I really started watching fights. But until then, yeah, I didn't
Starting point is 01:29:33 really watch UFC. Even now, I rarely watch fights. Really? Rarely. God damn, dude, I can't get enough. I don't know. I watch everything. I watch boxing, I watch MMA, I watch wrestling matches on YouTube, I watch a get enough. Yeah, I don't know. I watch everything. I watch boxing. I watch MMA. I watch wrestling matches on YouTube. Really?
Starting point is 01:29:48 I watch a lot of jiu-jitsu. Yeah. A lot of no-gi jiu-jitsu. No-gi jiu-jitsu is a lot more fun to watch. Oh, man, it's so high level right now. God damn, these guys are so good. Gordon Ryan. Dude, the fact that Gordon Ryan would go and compete and make it look so easy with those
Starting point is 01:30:01 stomach issues he was talking about is fucking mind-blowing. Mental strength off the charts. I don't get it. Off the charts, discipline and mental strength. I like how he said he's like, I'm not the most athletic guy. I just make other people less athletic than me. I'm like, damn. He's in a sport where he just controls you with technique and skill and knowledge and discipline.
Starting point is 01:30:21 That fucking guy trains every day, seven days a week. I don't understand. He makes the best guys, like Galvo when he choked him. Makes them look like they don't belong in there with him. It's so impressive. He one-armed choked him, man. Yeah. The motherfucker must be so strong.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Oh, he's ridiculously strong. I mean, look at him. He looks like a goddamn superhero. Yeah, he does. He's fucking young, too. Yeah. He lets guys take him down. I know. Come on, take me strong. I mean, look at him. He looks like a goddamn superhero. Yeah, he does. And he's fucking young, too. Yeah. He lets guys take him down. I know.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Come on, take me down. I know. Take me down. You're going to have to grapple. Now you're fucksville. That's crazy what Islam did to Charles, too. Yeah. Got on top.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Crazy. Right in the... Right in the... And he's back for a good part of that round and landed some good shots. Dude, I mean, that's like one... Islam had Charles back? Wait a minute. What'd you say? When Islam took down... I thought you said Izzy. Dude, I mean, that's like one... Islam had Charles back? What'd you say? When Islam took down... I thought you said Izzy. Oh, no, no. Islam.
Starting point is 01:31:10 What Islam did to... I was so confused. I'm like, I didn't watch that. I thought you were talking about Izzy fight. No, when Izzy took down or beat Charles, just dropped him past right in the... Oh, when Islam took down Charles. Oh, yeah, Islam. Was I saying Izzy the whole time? Yeah, you said Izzy. It's okay. It makes sense. Islam, I might have missed dropped him past right in the oh islam took down charles oh yeah islam was i saying is he
Starting point is 01:31:25 it's okay it makes it islam i might have missed it maybe you're confusing him because i confused it but uh but islam's choke must be otherworldly yeah it must be otherworldly to do that to charles not just that like the moment he's passing charles is tapping yeah like his squeeze has got to be off the fucking charts i I talked to DC about it and I said, hey man, I go, his fucking squeeze must, he goes, oh dope. I had him demonstrate a choke on me and I thought it was going to be fun.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Show me how you do that. Show me how you do it. He goes, dude, when he grabbed a hold of me I was like, oh shit, this guy's going to choke me. And that's DC. Yeah, DC's a thick bastard. He's a two division champion. a look at him right two division champion but look at that holy crazy man the moment he gets this side
Starting point is 01:32:09 watch this pass clamps it down fast oh they cut it they cut a little snippet where he passes but it's once he passes that's Charles taps yeah most submissions in the history of the UFC and he taps like that yeah Charles is little run he had right there with Chandler, Gaethje. Who else? Was it one more?
Starting point is 01:32:33 Chandler, Gaethje. I don't remember. But, yeah, I wanted to see him win so bad. Poirier. Dustin Poirier. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, he tapped everybody. He's a monster.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Charles is a guy that just changed. Like, whatever he was before, it's like you got to forget that when you fight him. You're fighting this do-or-die assassin. He's just an assassin. And something shifted, and he became the best fucking lightweight in the world. It's the weirdest thing, man. It's got to be just mental. I mean, Jorge, similar to.
Starting point is 01:33:04 It's got to be something mental where something clicks. I think think with him he said that it was the birth of his daughter that can do it that it just was you know he was just so committed and driven now yeah and i mean but like the way he fights too man he's so exciting that guy's he just goes right into the fire man yeah it's not there's no like let's play it safe It's like come on hit the fucking gas. I wonder how much that was to do with his eyes I know that was the first time he fought after the eye surgery Right before they said it was so bad I'm gonna be had to get so that close just come straight forward get that close to fucking dial it in not really peck
Starting point is 01:33:40 Because I mean he's long he could be an outside fighter, but he's not. He's fucking pressure, counter. He's playing a blurry video game. Yeah, fuck. Blurry video game. And he's piecing people up. I mean, it wasn't, it was also his, like, technique. His technique is so clean. Like, when he landed that left hook on Chandler, Like, my goodness, it's so pretty.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Long. Steps in. It's just, it's perfect. Hands are always up high. Yeah. You know, and Islam just took him apart. Took him apart on the feet. Took him apart on the ground.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Yeah. Like, that's how good Islam is. I don't even know if I've watched that fight. Because I was doing media and shit in the back after. So I don't even know if I really watched the full fight yet. It's a good fight to watch. Yeah. I need to go back watched the full fight yet but it's a good fight to watch yeah i can watch that yeah it's a good fight to watch just to see how good he is the dober fight scared me too i was like jesus oh god dober was just fucked the moment he got him down that scared me too i was like oh shit if he could do that to dober make him look helpless
Starting point is 01:34:41 volkanovski versus islam is so fascinating i fascinating. I think that's the fight I wanted to see. Really? Oh, yeah. Volk versus Islam. Yeah. Would you have rather seen Islam fight someone else in the lightweight division? Well, who would it be? Benil?
Starting point is 01:34:57 Maybe Darius. There's a good argument there, especially he just won, and he's due. Yeah. I mean, that's a fucking exciting fight. Benil versus anybody is an exciting fight. Who else? Poirier just beat Chandler, potentially him. Gamrot would have been interesting if he had gotten past Benil.
Starting point is 01:35:20 But I think Volkanovski, dude, that motherfucker is good. He's so good and he's so compact that I think it's going to be an interesting fight. Do you think he's big enough to compete against a guy like Islam who's a really big 55? That's a great question. Well, I guess we'll wait and see. Islam is big. I don't know what he's cutting, but he's got the perfect physique for that weight class. He's very
Starting point is 01:35:45 very lean you know he makes the weight and he's obviously way bigger when he when he's competing he doesn't look anything like a 55 pound guy yeah yeah he's pretty small yeah in comparison when you look at the two of them together yeah but the thing is the grappling. Like, remember, you know, if you look at Volkanovski, he's got real good takedown defense, and he can take guys down, took Max Holloway down a bunch. But he's not the biggest guy even at 45. Right. And when you're going up to face a big guy at 55, but also, has Islam seen anybody that can move as fast as Volkanovski? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And what if he starts catching him? What if he catches him a few times on the feet? And if he can avoid a takedown? I mean, you're dealing with a significantly quicker guy probably. Yeah. He's probably never fought anybody that quick. Remember when Ortega had Volk locked up in a guillotine mounted? That was insane.
Starting point is 01:36:43 I forget about that. Now imagine if Islam had that. Yeah, yeah, I forget about that. Now imagine if Islam had that. Yeah, yeah, I forget about that. Now imagine Islam in that same position. He ain't getting up. He might not get out of the round. He might not get out of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:51 I think Islam has a next level otherworldly squeeze. It just seems like he gets a hold of these guys and they just can't do jack shit. It's so crazy. Crazy. But Volkanovsky goes out there, cracks him, and changed the whole fight. Well, we have to remember, Islam did get KO'd in one of his
Starting point is 01:37:11 early fights. Bad. That was crazy. That was a nice... I think it was just a right hand. Who KO'd him? It was very... Adriano Martins. Oh, Adriano Martins oh Adriano Martins yeah
Starting point is 01:37:25 I'm not sure very familiar with that guy let's see if we can find that fight October 2015 2015 so I think that might have even been his UFC debut
Starting point is 01:37:34 no he had one more before that one fight by submission right before that and all yeah all these guys yeah he hasn't fought anybody it's like
Starting point is 01:37:41 no one will fight like everyone was turning he was the boogeyman he was the boogeyman yeah He was the boogeyman. Yeah. Because there's certain guys you hear about, like from training stories, and you go, jeez, that was Glover.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Everybody said that about Glover. You know, Glover was locked out of the United States for six years. Really? He couldn't get a visa. Yeah, when Glover was in his prime. Damn, that sucks. We got an after his prime Glover.
Starting point is 01:38:01 When Grover was in his prime, he was the boogeyman. Oh, that was quick. Was it that fast? Oh, shit. I didn't realize it was like... This looks... Oh, that right hand was clean.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Whoa. I bet that guy's feeling good nowadays. Whoa. That was a fast right hand. What a clean right hand. Damn, that is a clean right hand. Oh. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Dude, fighting is fucking crazy. Oh, it's so crazy. Wonder where that guy's career went after that. No, Islam's a fucking... I think Cowboy KO'd him, too. Oh, really? Adriano Martins, I think he fought Cowboy. See if that's true. Make sure That's correct. No, Islam's the fucking... I think Cowboy KO'd him, too. Oh, really? Like, Adriano Martins, I think he fought Cowboy.
Starting point is 01:38:47 See if that's true. Make sure that's true. I think that was a sweet head kick that Donald landed. Yeah, Donald had some fucking clean kickboxing. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:58 That's right. Oh, Donald had some amazing head kick KOs. Yeah, he had some... The one against, what was it, Rick Story? Mm-hmm. Oh, my God. That combination.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Video game. With a one, two, three head... Yeah. Just overwhelmed him. I think it broke that dude's jaw. He just was so pretty, too. Like, the way he put it together. That was beautiful.
Starting point is 01:39:17 So pretty. That was a fucking beautiful, beautiful combination. You ever go back and watch, like, old WECs? Here it is. That's that same dude? Yeah. old WECs? Here it is. That's that same dude? Yeah. Those top five finishes. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Oh, right on the neck. Dude. Holy. That was amazing. I don't really go back and watch much. There's random ones I'll go back and rewatch. I rewatched recently the Hamzat versus Gilbert. That fucking fight was crazy.
Starting point is 01:39:44 That was such a pretty kick. That was. That turned his lights right off. He did that to Matt Brown, too, remember? Yeah. Yeah. Fighting's a fucked up sport. It's a fucked up sport.
Starting point is 01:39:57 It's crazy when people get knocked out cold and come back and keep winning. That's impressive. What do you think, when you see boxing, and boxing seems to have more deaths than MMA, do you think that's because of the knockdowns? Do you think that's because you get a chance to revitalize and get back? Or do you think it's because it's just punching?
Starting point is 01:40:19 Do you think there's anything to the idea that getting knocked down and giving someone an eight count or a 10 count to get up and then letting the fight go on that can't be good that can't be good right but yeah i think a couple things that definitely is not good dude i had a pro boxing fight a while back and i went to a gym pro boxing gym you spar monday wednesday friday three times a week hard i think it's a lot of like that's a lot of the damage is in sparring then you go in there get dropped you get back up get an eight count get dropped again so i think it's probably a mixture between how hard those motherfuckers spar
Starting point is 01:40:57 and then yeah the accumulation of getting hit in the head and getting dropped and then the refs like here we'll let you feel decent enough to be able to continue. It's hard to watch. So you think it's probably damage taken in the gym as well is what's happening in that fight that's causing that? I think so. Do they just get hit more? I watch a lot of boxing sparring video footage that people put up,
Starting point is 01:41:19 and I'm like, Jesus, these guys are fighting. Fighting. Fighting. Yeah, fuck that. They're KOing people, and people are hooting and hollering when people get KO'd yeah sometimes you know you get these guys and it's like you have a crowd oh yeah it's a fight yeah it's really a fight and it's you're supposed to be learning how to spar and move and preparing for fights yeah that's just as intelligence like
Starting point is 01:41:41 i guess bravado over intelligence, right? Yeah, you just got to be maybe just more educated on how important the brain is. I mean, it sounds like you should already know. So do you think overall MMA fighters spar less hard than boxers do? That's a good question. That's a good question. I feel like sparring nowadays getting less and less intense as far as taking care of each other. But if you go to a new gym, it's like these aren't really your boys.
Starting point is 01:42:14 It depends who you're sparring. If you're sparring your buddies and stuff and, like, you care about them. But if you're sparring some random guy that comes in the gym and is like, I mean, I've done it. I've sparring, like, new guys come in the gym. Now you're in the cage because you have in the cage-the-cage sparring, the hard sparring, and then you have the outside sparring where everyone's kind of going a little bit lighter. But in the cage sparring, if you don't know someone and they come in, I mean, it's fight.
Starting point is 01:42:35 It's life or death in there. It shouldn't be, but it is. We're all alphas. We're fucking killers. We're all doing the same shit trying to survive. And I'm sure you have guys that visit the gym that go there specifically looking to try to spar with a guy like you yeah we i don't i don't really do that do you make sure that that doesn't happen like you don't you get to know a guy before you spar with him yeah for i can't remember the last time i've just sparred some random guy
Starting point is 01:42:56 um did you see sean strickland sparring that uh that boxer some boxer was talking shit to him have you seen it jam Jamie? It's amazing. He took all the shots. I fucking love that dude. I think he's so ridiculous. He's so ridiculous. He's a fucking character. He's a character and a half, man.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Look, I'm a fan of characters. That guy's a character and a half. But that video is so hilarious because this guy was talking shit to him. And so he started sparring him and he started talking shit. Watch this. I do think fucking that's brain damage at its finest though. Because I, you mean shit. It's also sparring constantly.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Like Sean spars so much. His distance control is excellent. Yeah. It's really good, man. Well, wasn't he sparring like a couple of weeks after Prahada knocked him out? I'm sure he was. That's not good. He's an animal. Yeah, wasn't he sparring a couple weeks after Praha had knocked him out? I'm sure he was. That's not good. He's an animal. Yeah, but a
Starting point is 01:43:47 dumb one. So the guy was talking shit to him back. I'm ready to die here. And then after he was all boys with him gave him a hundred bucks. Yeah. That was funny. He says fuck you. Look, he tells him to hit him. That kid was tough. He says fuck you.
Starting point is 01:44:06 It tells him to hit him. That kid was tough. He took it. Yeah. Well, I think the guy's a good boxer. But Sean is also quite a bit bigger than him, it looks, too. Yeah. Quite a bit. Oh, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Throw that bitch. Let that bitch go. Holy shit. That's an intense dude. That's intense, man. I wouldn't want to get in a street fight with him. So that guy I knew was the perfect guy for Pejera. When he walks forward like this and he just keeps that pressure on you,
Starting point is 01:44:39 I'm like, that is the guy where Pejera's going to shine, and you're going to get to see. Because everybody sees what Sean Strickland does to people. He marches motherfuckers down. He puts that heat on you. Yeah. You know? He's a bad man.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Very skilled. But Pajero just was like, let me just find all this. Fuck! There it is. Boom, that left hook, dude. And then two right hands on the way down. Did you see that? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:58 That was fast. He hit him twice while he was falling. Unnecessary. He hits him with the left. He's going. And then twice while he's falling, he right hands him. left, he's going, and then twice while he's falling, he right hands him. Bro, that guy is
Starting point is 01:45:09 fucking terrifying. There's so many good fighters right now. The sport is on fire, man. It really is. He's so snappy with those kicks, too. Just gets you thinking, gets you thinking low, and then what? Those kicks come out of nowhere those calf kicks man
Starting point is 01:45:25 He does a good job jabbing the body boom boom Twice on the way down he Body and then fucking comes over the top with that left. It's so beautiful that left hook is nuclear I was watching I had a highlights this camp like before sparring get the mindset It's like fucking you got a it's crazy just for even sparring you gotta prepare like it's a fight for me i prepare every saturday like i'm going into like making that walk i'm gonna fucking you gotta get into that same headspace because getting into that headspace is a fucking skill of its own getting into that zone into that that when you're in the cage sparring being able to just be sparring just sparring it's a skill some people go in there
Starting point is 01:46:06 and you're sparring you're fucking thinking about something else or something hurts and you're thinking about it but uh yeah i was watching a bunch of paella highlights before uh before sparring getting in that getting in that mindset when you uh have you evolved your way of preparing like for for sparring to to mimic fights have, like, or have you come up with something that you do when you're training that you do during fights in your mind? Like, how you prepare your mind? For, like, a specific fighter? Or what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:46:35 Just, like, when you know you're making the walk. Do you have, like, a specific headset, a headspace you put yourself in? For me, I always get to the gym early. I always do, like uh especially for sparring because you get in the back and you're sitting there you can sit there for an hour or two hours so i go to the gym early kind of just sit around stretch warm up i'll have some headphones on play leading up to the fight i'm very very calm i'll be listening to some jack johnson something just like something relaxing something that makes me feel relaxed until it's time to, okay, let's start warming up for real.
Starting point is 01:47:07 You know, we got 30 minutes of the fight. Then I'll throw on some, you know, some other music, get my head space then and start warming up. But it's, I don't know. It's nothing, just always the same. I just make, what I've gotten a lot better at is warming up. It just helps so much with preventing injuries for everything going into sparring or going into competition training or wrestling or whatever it is but just getting to the gym always like 30 minutes before class
Starting point is 01:47:33 starts before the warm-up um so so i'd probably say it's long warm-ups so the long warm-ups also you're preparing your mind yeah you're getting your mind right while you're stretching out and that's through. And every time it's just following my breath, nasal. I feel like that helps me quiet the mind. It might not be just fucking blank with no thoughts, but there's a lot less thoughts. The thoughts are slower rather than so many random thoughts.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Just breathing and getting into my meditation, kind of just getting into my breath. I feel like there's a bridge between just like the craziness and then the flow and that's i get there through breath it's like a bridge to that space um so before every session especially sparring is is breath work whether it's long just inhales and holds exhales holds just kind of playing with the breath like it's a game rather than just thinking and not concentrating on the breath. Yeah. And when you're warming up, do you have a specific routine that you follow every day? Do you have like a whole series of movements that you do to
Starting point is 01:48:36 try to get everything loose or do you just kind of flow? I always hit, I'll warm up like 10 minutes on the air dime just before I start stretching. and it depends if my lower left back's a little bit more sore i'll kind of focus on that hit cat cows hit certain positions breathe into it or if my knee's more sore i'll really focus on my knee more often more so so it's not a specific set of stretches or anything it's kind of more of how i'm feeling that day the airdyne is the shit it is that guy i had that rogue version, the echo bike. Yeah. It's the shit because even if you're hurt, like your foot's hurt, you could do it.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Your knee's hurt, you could do it. You got a back problem, get on that fucking bike. You could still do it. It's the most low impact to me and the hardest shit to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:17 I love running in camp. I love doing sprints. I feel like that's where I really can feel like my cardio improves is doing the fucking hard sprints. But there's been camps where my knee's fucked up. I'm like, I gotta do the air dive. I'm like that's where I really can feel like my cardio improves is doing the fucking hard sprints. But there's been camps where my knees fucked up. And I'm like, I got to do the air dive.
Starting point is 01:49:28 I'm like, fuck. I got to do the air dive. That fucking thing is torturous. Dude, it really is. That thing is a motherfucker. Do you do any plyometrics or anything to increase your foot strength and movement? Yeah, Brandon will have me doing stuff like that. Stand on one foot, then jump, jump, like sideways up, doing box jumps, shit like that.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Yeah, definitely do stuff like that. I think all that kind of plyometric. Do you know who Nick Curzon is? He's the guy from Speed of Sport. He worked with Rafael Dos Anjos when Dos Anjos was in his prime when he was like really fucking everybody up. People forgot that too. Rafael Dos Anjos. Remember when he took apart Neil Magny?
Starting point is 01:50:05 Just fucking leg kicked him, took him to the ground, strangled him. Dude, Dos Anjos was an animal. The black belt all around fighter. Oh, my God. He was a fucking animal. He's fighting Brian Barina. Mm-hmm. Great fight.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Great fight. Yeah, Brian's a good fucking dude. He's a tough motherfucker, man. When he knocked out Robbie Lauro, I was like, oh, shit. Yeah, that was on my card. One of my cards. So this is Nick Curse. He's been on the podcast before in the past, too.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Very interesting training philosophy. And he comes from that Marv Marinovich school. You know, Marv Marinovich was the guy who got BJ Penn in shape when BJ was in his fucking prime. There was a few fights where BJ trained with the Marinoviches, and they just forced him to get in insane shape. Because BJ loved to fight. He was super talented, but he didn't really want to train the way they wanted him to train. They wanted him to train this way. So it's all plyos, and they all come from this school.
Starting point is 01:50:57 This is the school of thought. You already know how to fight. You know how to fight. That should be the least of your concern in camp. In camp, you should be getting in the most insane physical shape you possibly can. Yep. And his thing was like that training skills is secondary. You already have these skills.
Starting point is 01:51:16 You already know. But if you could get yourself to fucking insane levels of physical fitness at an elite level, he felt like that's the correct compromise. But, yeah, I think for me, like, when I do most of my cardio, it's doing the actual sport, you know, whether it's sparring or hitting mitts and then having someone grapple and it's just fucking, then you have to hit mitts again, then someone's on your back. Or just wrestling, like, just doing the actual sport for cardio.
Starting point is 01:51:42 You can't beat that. Well, that's George St. Pierre's approach. George St. Pierre told me that after a while he realized that efficiency was the most important. And so that getting really good at the movements, you had less energy you were exerting, you were more efficient. Gordon Ryan says the same thing. Gordon obviously is in amazing shape, but he's also very efficient. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:01 And that efficiency comes from just insane levels of repetitions and drills yeah so there's like a saying like george's position is kind of the opposite of nick curse on but they both i think they both have there's a positive to both approaches because if you're not if you already have efficiency like so you get to a level like where you're at right now if you took six weeks and just had a wild strength and conditioning camp you're not going to lose any efficiency right you already have a completely tuned in body you're at right now, if you took six weeks and just had a wild strength and conditioning camp, you're not going to lose any efficiency. You already have a completely tuned in body. You're already very aware of your skill set.
Starting point is 01:52:30 So if you just got ramped up into the most fucking psychotic state of physical fitness possible, how much would you lose of what you already have? I don't know if you'd lose much. I don't think you'd lose much. But, dude, there's nothing that gets you in shape for fighting than fighting. Nope. That's true. Nothing. Like you can go do the six weeks of fucking crazy cardio and then go do
Starting point is 01:52:50 three fives in the cage sparring and be fucking gas. Right. That's what's interesting too, is like this next fight, my next fight, 100% I'm fighting for a title. I don't know who it is. I don't care if it's Henry.
Starting point is 01:52:59 I don't care if it's Aljo. I'm fighting for a title. 100%. So if they give you, what if they say you and cheeto for an interim title would you go for an interim title i yeah 100 but they're they're not unless alger was injured alger's obviously not injured and he's capable of fighting so they wouldn't do that um but yes i would fight 100 but five fives never fought five fives never fought main event
Starting point is 01:53:20 never done been five rounds so that's gonna be a super interesting and i've been the last three four fights like in sparring hey let's do an extra round let's go on that outside hit mitts for an extra two rounds let's kind of start so we've been preparing for that but that that's crazy five fives is the next next one and that change it dude that's like fighting twice as long damn near yeah like that's a fucking long time to fight extra so and depending upon the amount of damage you took in the first two you're fighting you know yeah fucked up legs fucked up rib fuck yeah it's a you know chael sonnen said it best he really did he said no human being is supposed to fight for 25 minutes he's like you can't you can't fight for 25 minutes so you got to pace
Starting point is 01:54:02 yourself you got to figure it out but no one's going 100 for 25 minutes you just can't fight for 25 minutes. So you got to pace yourself. You got to figure it out. But no one's going 100% for 25 minutes. You just can't do it. It's too much time. Yeah. And then you see some of those guys. I think, like, what was it? Colby versus Kamaru. Like, their 5-5s was, like, super fucking high pace.
Starting point is 01:54:15 There's some that are just insanely fucking. I think Gamera versus someone was just an insane fucking main event. Well, you know, that's also the argument about wrestling, right? Like, if you watch wrestlers, wrestling, imagine if wrestling was no time limit. It'd be a completely different game. You could never go at each other the way you're going at each other. Because you know you can't keep that up. You're doing that because you know you have a time period in which they're going to blow the whistle
Starting point is 01:54:41 and the time's up. And you either win or you don't win in that time period. But if you had like, Gordon does those no time limit matches, and that's a mind fucking a half. That's a mind fucking a half. Like Felipe Pena. I saw that one. I skimmed through it and didn't watch the whole thing, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:58 He's a fucking world champion, and he quits at 45 minutes. I'm like, I'm done. Yeah. That was like a couple days after he found out. Yes. Leandro Lowe was. That was, I can't imagine fucking. No, I couldn't imagine that either.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Even competing like that, but still. Well, they're going to do it again. Are they? Yeah, they're doing it again. Yeah, I think they're doing it again in Texas. I think, find out that. They just announced that maybe it's on Who's Number One's website, because I think it's a Who's Number One event. But I think they're going to do the same thing.
Starting point is 01:55:28 No time limits. It's crazy, because yeah. You want to go? I'd go. I'd go watch. I would definitely go watch that. I think watching in person would be a lot more entertaining than watching on a computer, because you're watching and you're like, well, I could go fuck around for 20 minutes. When is this? November? No, that's the date that they announced it.
Starting point is 01:55:44 February 25th. February 25th. 20 minutes. When is this? November? When is it? No, that's the date that they announced it. Oh, I was like, that's a couple days ago. February 25th. Yeah. And where is that going to be at? Oh. I felt like someone said that it was going to be in... Costa Mesa, California. Oh, it's in... Oh, yeah, okay, so it is in... Okay, Costa Mesa.
Starting point is 01:56:00 I wonder if they have a couple good matches on that. I'm sure they do. They always do. Yeah. Who's number one is awesome. When it's in Texas, it's the shit because they were doing it during COVID in these hotel ballrooms. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:56:14 With fucking no one there. It was like me and Lex Friedman went to one of the first events and we're sitting there. We have chairs right at the front of the mat and there's no one in the crowd. And then it slowly started letting more people in the crowd, and after a while they put up bleachers. Yeah, yeah, basically the same thing. But it was amazing. That's when I first saw Mikey Musumechi compete.
Starting point is 01:56:34 That motherfucker's scary too. Ooh, he's amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Listening to him on the pod, he's a character. He's so nice. Yeah, he's so nice. Such a sweet guy.
Starting point is 01:56:44 You should see how he sits. What, is he just sitting there like fucking? No, on the ground. He can sit on the ground where his butt is touching the ground and his knees are bent like a frog. Like, you can't believe it. Perfect jiu-jitsu body. Just like. You can't believe he can.
Starting point is 01:56:58 Didn't I take a photo of it and I put it on my Instagram? There's a photo of it. I'm 99% sure I put it on my Instagram. But he's sitting there and you're like, how are you doing that? That's not even possible. Because he's not very big, right? No.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Well, he's thin, but he's like very ripped. You know, like if you see him without a shirt on, you would go, what is this guy eating? Oh, only pizza? Pizza and spaghetti? Yeah, that's possible. He's fucking shredded. Is he pretty young? Yeah, he's pasta. He's fucking shredded. Is he pretty young?
Starting point is 01:57:26 Yeah, he's like 25. Yeah. He lives in Singapore now. And he's competing for one, for one championship. Oh, that's right. They're doing legitimate grappling over there. Start making some money. Do I have it on my phone maybe?
Starting point is 01:57:38 Is that what it is? Yeah, it's good for those guys to start making money. I just am so curious where jiu-jitsu is going to go. What month was that, Jamie, that he was here? Do you know that that i know it's when i got covered oh was it i don't remember was that when you got covered the second time yeah yeah okay did you get covered at all um i don't know i don't i remember i i definitely had feel like i had the symptoms at one point i know i got tested once and it said negative uh i never took a positive test to confirm I've had it or not. So you didn't have a hard go of it?
Starting point is 01:58:08 Dude, yeah, my life didn't change at all those whole two years. I bought a cage, put it in a warehouse. We trained like nothing was going on. Fought in the UFC three times. It was just Dana's such a legend for doing that. Amazing that he did that, right? Such a fucking legend. Because he took so much heat.
Starting point is 01:58:25 There were so many people that were mad. Yeah. For him to say, fuck it, I'm throwing up fights. He would have done it at an Indian reservation, threw up some tape. He would have done it no matter what. Well, they were going to do it at an Indian reservation the week that COVID was out.
Starting point is 01:58:38 I thought he was crazy. It was in July. July? Oh, what time in July? It was around the 4th of July. Oh, okay, perfect. Just right before that, maybe. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I got it here. Give me one second. I'll find it. There it is. Bam, got it. Jamie, coming your way. It's hilarious. You look at him, you're like, how the fuck is that even a humanly possible thing to do
Starting point is 01:59:01 with your legs? I'm pumped to see this. Watch this picture. Now, after this. I'm pumped to see this. Watch this picture. Now, after this, I want you to try this. Okay. What the fuck? His feet are on the ground. His butt's on the ground.
Starting point is 01:59:19 And his feet are touching, his knees are touching each other in the middle. What the fuck? I was trying to picture it when you were saying it. Bro, what is that? How is that possible? How can you do that some weird knee dexterity what the fuck weird everything dexterity look at how his knees are going back sideways and his feet are almost like flat like i would tap yeah if you put my knee in that position the right knee i would tap i'd be like i'm tapping he's touching his quads to each other dude that's nuts on the the top. That's absolutely nuts. Yeah, that's fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:59:46 It doesn't seem like you should be able to sit like that. And he was just doing that to be comfortable. To be comfortable. He just sat down. He just sat down. He just sat down and he was like looking at his phone. And I'm like, what the fuck are you doing, Mikey? This is crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:00 How do you sit like that? Have you ever seen anybody that can do that? When I was seven, there were some kids that sat sit like that? Have you ever seen anybody that can do that? When I was seven, there were some kids that sat weird like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Little kids that were super weird like that. Yeah, but not like world jiu-jitsu champions. Yeah, no. They have their feet on the ground, though, too.
Starting point is 02:00:15 Bro, when he gets mount on people, it's like he's got arms. It's like he's got two giant arms down where his legs should be that are holding people down. Yeah, I mean, that's got to benefit your jiu-jitsu for sure. He probably can sit like that because of jiu-jitsu. Oh, 100%. He's been doing jiu-jitsu since he was a little kid. And he's another one. He's a 7-day-a-week, 12-hour-a-day guy.
Starting point is 02:00:36 He's nuts, man, with it. His approach is super interesting. The guys he trains with, the hobbyists. Look at this flexibility, too. What is that? His hands are over his feet? That's weird. That's fucked. His feet are in his elbows almost.
Starting point is 02:00:49 Yeah. I don't even know how that's possible. Yeah, me neither. Anatomically, I don't know how that's possible. Do you even stretch, bro? Yeah, I mean, that's insane. Yeah, I wonder if that's genes, too. Well.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Just like. You know, having that kind of flexibility and leg dexterity is so important in grappling. Eddie Bravo has the craziest flexibility. Still even? Oh, yeah. Really? Yeah, I mean, he's got knee problems and shit. He's had some meniscus tears and shit.
Starting point is 02:01:15 A hundred percent of people that sit that way. Yeah. But that's not the same thing he was doing. That's not as bad, though. No, that's not what he was doing. Because he's got his knees spread apart. The other one, his feet were on the the ground and his legs were touching in the center Which is insane. That's that's I can sit like that. That's way different. I can sit like that
Starting point is 02:01:30 That other shit was yeah preposterous his feet were flat on the ground like your knee would fucking just pop or some shit Yeah, it's supposed to be there Well if you can get your body to be that flexible though and then have dexterity like that You could do so much shit off your back yeah you know you can do so much stuff with with with guard techniques guys who have like really like that was a bj pen thing too bj was crazy flexible yeah you know and if you if you're with a guy and you know you get on top of a guy and all of a sudden you're in a terrible position like there's certain guys if you are on your back and you know you're trying, like
Starting point is 02:02:07 Fabrizio Verdum. If you were in that guy's guard, you're in deep shit. That guy fucking tapped everybody. Think of who Fabrizio Verdum tapped. He tapped Minotauro. He tapped Cain Velasquez. He tapped Fedor when Fedor was Fedor. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:02:23 He tapped Fedor in his fucking prime when Fedor was a murderer. That's crazy. He tapped Fedor in his fucking prime when Fedor was a murderer. Damn. And he caught him in a triangle. Did he retire? Fabricio? I don't know what Fabricio is doing. He's not in the UFC anymore. Let's see what he's up to. Somewhere else. Fucking boxing Floyd
Starting point is 02:02:39 next or something. I don't know what he's doing. I don't know what he's doing, but when you talk about legends, you gotta include Fabricio Verdum because that guy tapped everybody. He tapped all the killers. Yeah. I remember when he tapped Kane. That was the only one I would watch, but that was crazy. And that was one where it was in Mexico City.
Starting point is 02:02:55 And Kane didn't adequately prepare for the altitude. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah. He had went out early. Yeah. Verdum went to the mountains. And he was there for, like,, and he was there for like months. He was there for several months.
Starting point is 02:03:08 I'll never fight in altitude. That's crazy altitude. I'll never do it. It's also Mexico City, which is wildly polluted. Oof, yeah. I love that. The air quality. Dude, I took photos when we were landing on my airplane.
Starting point is 02:03:23 It's insane. It looks like there's a fire like way worse I mean LA even when you come in it looks disgusting it's way worse than LA way worse than LA
Starting point is 02:03:30 I think I wrote on Instagram this is LA in the future LA I mean it's probably a good way to look at it it's when you have just complete like people like
Starting point is 02:03:38 oh the regulations ruining everything look at what happens when you don't have regulated air quality you don't have regulated air quality. You don't have, like, regulated emission standards.
Starting point is 02:03:48 Like, that is fucking important, kids. Those poor people that live there that probably don't even know any better that just fucking... Of course they don't know. You don't even notice it
Starting point is 02:03:55 when you're in there. That's what's crazy. Just flying in? No, air, yeah. Flying in, you see it, but once you're in the city, you're just in the city. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:01 It's just, like, the air quality's terrible. So these people, they just get accustomed to it. See if you can find those photos. Like I took a photo flying in from Mexico City. Damn. But it's a terrible place to be out of gas.
Starting point is 02:04:21 If you're a fighter and you're in Mexico City and you're tired, whoo, that'll test you. That's the worst thing. That's a fighter's biggest fear is literally just gassing out. Yeah, like that's the fucking most terrifying thing. Look at that photo Jesus And that's just a normal fucking day, huh? That's a normal day regular day. That's not a fire That's so fucked. Oh, so fucked up when we were flying in I was like, oh my god, and I didn't want to say anything I didn't want to freak out anybody on the plane Yeah like oh my god and i didn't want to say anything i didn't want to freak out anybody on the plane yeah but i wanted to be like what if i was with a friend i'd probably like bro what the fuck are they breathing yeah that's what are these people breathing that's just insane just walking around
Starting point is 02:04:54 with a portal air filter around you at all times what the i mean that shit takes years off your life like they know that's true they know the people that live in big cities they have like a decreased life expectancy due to the effects of all the pollution did you ever watch the i know there was narcos the columbia one did you ever watch el chapo on netflix no i didn't fuck it's so good is it a documentary it was no it was like uh like a series oh all on chopper yeah it's so crazy like if i was watching i'm like you couldn't make that up. That's real fucking shit. How about the fact that Sean Penn goes over there and interviews him?
Starting point is 02:05:30 Yeah. What balls does Sean Penn have? Sean Penn goes and interviews him there, and then in the middle of the Ukraine war with Russia, flies to Ukraine. Wait, do you have him on? I've never had him on, no. I've never met him. Okay, you had someone that went to Ukraine. Wait, do you have him on? I've never had him on, no. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:05:45 I've never met him. Okay, you had someone that went to Ukraine. Oh, Lex Friedman went to Ukraine. It wasn't Lex. The guy who got in the jail. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a fucking interesting pod. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 02:06:01 But yeah, fucking... Charlie Walker. Yes, Charlie Walker. Yeah, that was a crazy story yeah he got arrested over there yeah he um he's lucky he got out like what they're doing now to Brittany Griner is fucking insane they moved her to a
Starting point is 02:06:16 penal colony man what's that? it's like slave labor no way labor camp dude yeah that's so sad. Penal colony. I can't imagine that. Like where?
Starting point is 02:06:28 Where is this thing? You know, they'll fucking literally move you to Siberia. And you live in prison in Siberia. Yeah, she's, I mean, fuck. Like on Stranger Things. Remember when the dude gets arrested in Russia? I watched Stranger Things first series and then never rewatched. This is where they're moving her to?
Starting point is 02:06:46 Jesus Christ. How grim is that? I wonder. Look at it. It's frozen. The Republic of Mordovia, Russia on Friday. You think she ever gets back to America? Fuck, dude.
Starting point is 02:06:57 Look at that. Do you know how disappointed you- It looks so sad. You know, there's got to be a hope in your head. Like, look, I'm pretty famous. United States is going to take care of me. Nope. How long has it been?
Starting point is 02:07:07 It's been a damn near year, right? It's been a long time. Fuck. Imagine she gets out. I mean, it's been several months. How long has she been in there for? Over nine. Has it been nine months?
Starting point is 02:07:16 It's got to have been. I feel like that was early this year. For a vape pen. I know. Was it CBD, too? I don't know what it was. Fuck. i don't know what it was fuck i don't know what it was but that's that's straight insanity yeah that's so if you want us to be sympathetic that is the wrong way yeah like if you want to like fire people up to the fact that you
Starting point is 02:07:36 have a totally cruel and evil organization that's running your country that's willing to take some innocent woman and use her as a pawn politically and put her in a penal colony and if that's running your country that's willing to take some innocent woman and use her as a pawn Politically and put her in a penal colony and if that's just the laws over there. That's our laws. Well those laws suck Those laws fucking suck. You got a law like that Where you have a vape pen and you go to a penal colony? That's justice like how do you want the world to be sympathetic to you? Yeah. When you'll take some woman who's a professional athlete and a basketball player,
Starting point is 02:08:11 and especially when it's something like cannabis, like, you know there's health benefits to that, particularly for athletes. Yeah. For athletes, it reduces inflammation. A lot of athletes like to smoke weed. Yeah. It's not bad for you. And it's not bad for the culture and bad for people. So, like, why are you putting her in a penal colony? I mean, it's no to smoke weed. Yeah. It's not bad for you. And it's not bad for the culture and bad for people.
Starting point is 02:08:25 So, like, why are you putting her in a penal colony? I mean, it's no different than coffee. It's just kind of the opposite. Coffee, you know, you drink it in the morning, get jazzed up. Weed, you smoke it, kind of chills you out. Makes you think a little different. Unless you get a hold of one of them Joey Diaz stars of death. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:08:39 Russia said the chances of a prisoner swap for Brittany Griner had strengthened and is angling to get a notorious arms dealer freed. Oh, God. Man. What the fuck? If we give up a basketball player for a mass murderer... I mean, is he a mass murderer or is he just an arms dealer? He's like, he didn't do anything. He just sold them to people.
Starting point is 02:09:00 That killed people. He's like, hey, bro, I'm basically like fucking... I'm not a bad guy. ...Manchester or something. I'm just selling shit. Do you think if you make drugs legal, there'll be more... Less people dying, like, from fentanyl, but there's more addicts? Or do you think...
Starting point is 02:09:17 It's crazy how all these people are dying. They're risking it, knowing that just a little bit of fentanyl could be in there. But if it's legal and it's regulated, then you get whatever you're trying to get. There's no fentanyl, just a little bit of fentanyl could be in there but if it's legal and it's regulated then you get whatever you're trying to get there's no fentanyl in it, you know that are you going to have people more addicted because it's easier, accessible but less deaths or do you think that
Starting point is 02:09:37 it's going to benefit just like less deaths and you know less crime it's hard to say I hate to make this quote again but Thomas Sowell had this thing, there's no solutions, there's just compromises. Ooh, wow, that's fucking accurate. And in these situations, these complex situations like drugs, if you do make drugs legal, for sure people are going to die.
Starting point is 02:09:59 But for sure people are going to get hooked on them that wouldn't have tried them before because now they have easy access. And I think it'll take a while until it gets to the kind of same baseline of people who abuse or don't abuse things. And maybe because the stigma and the mystery of it all, because it's illegal, will go away if you know what it is and that it's damaging. Illegal will go away if you know what it is and that it's damaging and maybe they could stop more people from having overdoses and with either counseling or medication like Narcon that stuff that they give people when they do have an overdose if they have that more readily available If they have detox clinics They take some of the money from legal sales and they create these detox clinics and these clinics along with like counseling, help people that have drug addictions.
Starting point is 02:10:50 But it's like who gets to decide what you can and cannot do with your body? If you want to like give that up to the state, well, they're not good at managing anything. Why would they be good at managing your consciousness, managing your choices, what you can and can't do with your body they a lot of them have terrible bodies they don't even know they don't know what what they you know you can't tell people they can't take peptides or you can't tell people they can't smoke weed you can't you don't even know what those things do yeah like if you didn't smoke weed and you were saying you got to stop smoking weed like you're not qualified to make that statement You don't even know how good it is. You don't know what what the benefits it serves Yeah, yeah, I I think less crime to I bet probably overall less crime eventually
Starting point is 02:11:37 Yeah, but there's gonna be some chaotic moments. That's like what I said like some people are gonna die, but I think like Overwhelmingly in the long run less people will die because if you know what you're getting if you want if you're trying to get ecstasy and someone gives you fentanyl and you die that is fucked up so fucked up but if you want to get ecstasy and you get ecstasy and you have your time of your life like that's that's a different thing you know like we try to pretend that people don't enjoy themselves when they're on ecstasy is not helping anything yeah you're not helping anybody yeah i don't think the thing is to like make it illegal and keep it so that only drug dealers are selling you this stuff through illegal methods where they can be locked up in jail forever so only the craziest motherfuckers are doing it
Starting point is 02:12:17 fuck and that's not a solution that's not a solution to a real supply demand and also an ethics question because who the fuck are you? To tell me what I can't do especially if you're talking about pure stuff You know, I've never done coke But I know a lot of people who like it and if you do it now You run a real risk that you might die because the shit is spiked with fentanyl it's a real risk yeah but if you had legal coke you wouldn't have to worry about that at all if it was just like buying a six-pack you go to a store show your license they give you coke i wonder if more or less people would do it i wonder if people would recognize the problems with it just like some
Starting point is 02:13:02 people quit drinking just like some people decide to be healthier, they quit sugar, they quit this. They know. They know it's bad for you now, so they quit. If it's, like, there's a mystery to it being illegal, we're going to be naughty, we're going to get this illegal drug. In other countries, like, where alcohol is,
Starting point is 02:13:21 you could drink alcohol when you're young, if you go to Italy, you don't see a bunch of, like, young teenage drunks. Right. They start drinking wine when they're, like, six years old. Nobody gives a shit about it. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:13:34 No worries, man. But, yeah, that's, I mean, it's crazy how people have, they can say you can and can't do things. Like, if you're at home, it shouldn't matter. You should be able to do whatever the fuck you want. Whatever you feel like doing. If you're not hurting anybody else, whatever the fuck you want to do. Take whatever.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Go to the moon. Or even go to the club. You want to have a little extra fun time? Yeah. You should be able to. It should be legal and regulated where you know what it is, where they do tests on it. They have labs that are certified. If they did that, we'd have tax money
Starting point is 02:14:08 from it. Instead, what we know is billions and billions of dollars people spend every year on illegal drugs. Let's just guess. Let's just guess. Sean O'Malley. How much money spent on illegal drugs? Yeah. What do you guess? In America
Starting point is 02:14:23 or just all over? Let's just say America. How much does America spend on illegal drugs every year? Yeah. What do you guess? In America or just all over? Let's just say America. America. How much does America spend on illegal drugs every year? Fuck. I'm going to say 10. We'll go 5 billion. 5 billion sounds good. I'm going to play it a little under that.
Starting point is 02:14:37 I'm going to go with 4 billion. Okay. You guys are way off. Ah, shit. What's the number? 150 billion. What?, shit. What's the number? $150 billion. What? Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Americans are spending $150 billion annually on illicit drugs. Appears to rival what is spent on alcohol. Holy shit. Spending on cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine by Americans reached a nearly 150 billion and you know what they noticed you know what they left out mushrooms Mmm Yeah mushrooms goes under the radar it does it's 150 billion Mushrooms is such a different drug that should be legal it
Starting point is 02:15:21 100% that should be legal yeah You should that 100% mushrooms should be legal and they should be given to soldiers and anybody with PTSD and people that are dying from cancer and helps them to like at the end of life therapy. It's like one of the most beneficial things for people. The size of retail heroin market is now closer to the size of marijuana market than it is to the other drugs according to the analysis. That's fucked That's so sad the retail heroin market is As close to marijuana what is the retail heroin market is that just like legal opium you don't crazy it is because but what's crazy is
Starting point is 02:16:01 Marijuana is like the most innocuous in most people's eyes. The most prevalent. The most where people won't like thumb their nose at you. You tell your friends you do heroin, they're going to go, oh, Jesus, Sean. What are you doing? Yeah. You tell your friend you smoke a little weed, they're like, hey, who doesn't? Yeah, same with mushrooms. The fact that they're closing in on marijuana.
Starting point is 02:16:24 I'm trying to find out what it says it is. That's crazy. That's bananas. Well, even when you think about Chapo or Pablo, how much money those guys were fucking raking in. This is the point. If drugs are illegal, it's not stopping people from buying drugs. It's just giving all the money to criminals.
Starting point is 02:16:37 Yeah, pretty much. That's $150 billion that we could be using to clean up schools and neighborhoods. Just think of the revenue that comes from that yeah i mean marijuana's changed the game too taxing it yeah if they sold it and made it expensive and tax it highly and then you know made it so there's like fucking crisis hotlines on everything but at least you would know if you're getting heroin that you're actually getting heroin you would know that if you getting heroin that you're actually getting heroin. You would know that if you're getting marijuana, you're actually getting marijuana. You know if it's cocaine.
Starting point is 02:17:06 It's like if the government wants to regulate, do that. Make some money. You guys stop making shit illegal. Biden administration was supposed to make it legal. Remember that? They were like, we are going to let all those people that are in federal prison for marijuana possession, we're going to let them out. There's no one in federal prison for marijuana possession. I heard you and Duncan talking about that.
Starting point is 02:17:32 He's all like, I support it. I liked it. I fucking thumbs-upped it or whatever he said. Yeah, he tricked us. And then you realize it's fucking actually no one. Duncan's an interesting—I always love listening when he comes on here. He's the best. He's so fucking funny when he goes off on his tangents,
Starting point is 02:17:47 and it's just so fun to listen to. Yeah, we always have a new outfit, too. Last time we were clowns, and what was hilarious, we were dressed as clowns, and Fox News was playing a clip of me and Duncan while we were dressed like clowns. They have to say,
Starting point is 02:18:01 well, they were dressed up for Halloween. Sort of. You dress up every time. Every time he's on. We're like, you know, for 4th of July, we dressed up like patriots. We dressed up. What else did we do?
Starting point is 02:18:14 We put the crazy wigs on with the wizards. A couple times. Yeah. We got to come up with a new hour. Astronauts. Astronauts was a good one. That shit's funny. I hate some new costume ideas.
Starting point is 02:18:25 But yeah, Duncan and I did a show last night in Austin. Does he live here? Yeah, Duncan's here. Yeah, Duncan moved here. This is one of his better outfits. Yeah, he wore a ghillie suit with a face mask. Didn't he try talking with it too for a while? Yeah, he did for a while.
Starting point is 02:18:42 It was too crazy. But that was during the height of the pandemic too. There was certain people that were upset that we were doing podcasts and we weren't wearing masks on the podcast. Oh, get the fuck out of here. That was a thing, man. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. They told on us.
Starting point is 02:18:56 The health department came and visited us. No way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What? I mean, meanwhile, we were testing. I was like, dude, we're testing everybody.
Starting point is 02:19:04 Yeah. And they're like, you can't. You have to do this. You have to stay apart from each other. And you have, yeah, yeah. What? I mean, meanwhile, we were testing. I was like, dude, we're testing everybody. Yeah. And they're like, you can't. You have to do this. You have to stay apart from each other. And you have to have signs up. So we have to have signs up like, stand six feet apart. And we had a bag of masks. Some common sense rules and laws are just, it's like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 02:19:17 Do you still overeat when you go out to eat much? And they've talked about it. And I fucking resonated with that so much. Like, if I get high before I go out to eat, like they've talked about it and i fucking resonated that so much like if i get high before i go out to eat like and i'm getting a good cheeseburger like i might as well order two because i'm gonna eat that one and i'm gonna be hungry still i'm not even gonna fucking touch my like doesn't even phase me gluttony god damn it it's such a pain when you're always uh dieting and cutting weight do you think that makes you like more prone to doing that dude look at the reason patty the bad Batty gets as big as he is because it's like you get this mental disorder.
Starting point is 02:19:47 I strict as fuck for about 10 weeks before that fight. Like I would have a little cheat meal on a Saturday, but the closer I got to the fight, four or five weeks out, I was just eating so clean to where right after, it's like I'll order two cheeseburgers, fucking some appetizers, and just eat until I'm so uncomfortable and so much pain. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Look at Patty. I'm going to send you a video, Jamie, this dude posted today. Yeah, Patty's – and I'm not – who am I to fucking say it? But I just – I mean, I know that's just not good for you. He gets up to 200 pounds. That's like me getting up to, like, 190 or 185. Yeah, that's a lot, dude. It's sad. It's like, that's like me getting up to like 190 or 185 yeah that's a lot dude it's sad it's like that's not but it isn't it gives you this mental disorder from eating but fuck dude if you take a couple puffs before dinner it's it depends how high you get there's levels of high if you just
Starting point is 02:20:37 get a nice little high and you can the food just tastes better and you can really enjoy it or you get too high and you go in there and you just feel like a bottomless pit and you're eating the fucking bread and the appetizers then you're eating your fucking other appetizers appetizers then you're getting fucking two cheeseburgers yeah bad sometimes michael easter was actually just talking about that he's a guy who wrote this book the comfort crisis and he wrote this book about a study that they did where they took these guys and they purposely starved them play it so he could he could say it michael underscore eastern time is over scientists had to call it off so in that study i talked about
Starting point is 02:21:15 it a few weeks ago they took 36 men they put them in a lab for six months and they starved them like really starved them because they wanted to know what happens to the human body when we significantly decrease our calories and lose a lot of weight what happens to to know what happens to the human body when we significantly decrease our calories and lose a lot of weight. What happens to our bodies? What happens to our minds? What happens to all these different processes? So it was a really enlightening study, told us a lot about weight loss. But where it started to get interesting is that now they have to refeed these guys and bring them back up to a normal weight. And the impacts of the weight loss were very lasting on these guys' behavior. So for one, they binge ate. One guy ate 11,000 calories a day.
Starting point is 02:21:49 He had to go to the hospital for eating so much in a meal. And all of them were eating significantly higher calories than when they started. Second is that they obsessed about food. It was on their mind all the time, just as it had been when they were starving. And there's a handful of other really fascinating things that happened that basically ended up bringing these guys above the weight that they started at. So after this crazy diet, they actually ended up heavier. This can tell us a lot about diets today, how we should approach them, how we should think about eating normally once we've lost weight. There's a link in the bio if you want to learn more check it out what I love Michael but hey man that fucking the voiceover
Starting point is 02:22:28 the captions it's like missing all these words I know that was weird does the worst like transcription ever it's doing it for free like if you have to pay someone do that well pay for it because what is this you're cutting off all these words like what's the purpose of having it so you can read it if you can't read it like it's like if you're not listening to him and you're cutting off all these words what's the purpose of having it so you can read it if you can't read it like if you're not listening to him and you're reading that you're like what is he saying he's missing like key words it's also better than not having it
Starting point is 02:22:54 incorrect what's just him making it sitting on his chair what does that mean and guys behavior so for one they binge ate and then it gets to this other one see here and he had to go to the hospital for eating eating what yeah and all of them were eating significantly what then when they started what what if you can't hear and you can't read
Starting point is 02:23:14 that it's better than not having it you're out of your mind no you're out of your mind no it's it's even it's better to not have it than to have it where you can't fucking read it because there's a bunch of words missing. Well, have you ever watched captions normally? They are about 90% accurate. Not that good. Or not that bad. That's pretty bad.
Starting point is 02:23:32 Whatever program he's using, that program sucks. Maybe he didn't know. It sucks. Yeah, it's probably just like a built-in. Really? But interesting study. Is it that bad? Yeah, very interesting.
Starting point is 02:23:43 Dude, it's so true. Every fighter will sit here and say the same thing. After a fight, if you cut a lot of weight, and you make weight, and then, I mean, even for me, I still eat really clean leading up to the fight, but dude, I see fighters at the fucking breakfast buffet eating shitty fight day,
Starting point is 02:23:59 because they made weight, or after weigh-ins that night, they're eating shitty. They just want to eat. I keep it clean until after the fight. And then after the fight, I let loose a little bit. But this has been the best I've done. Usually, because for me, bread, cheese causes inflammation. Like I work with a nutritionist, Dan Garner. He's working on a really, really cool protocol right now, a concussion protocol for me.
Starting point is 02:24:20 He's done 10 plus labs for me. I've been working with him for like five years. He has a ton plus labs for me. I've been working with him for like five years. He has a ton of data on me. But we do a bunch of, like right now he's making a protocol for me outside of camp to eat. So he has all my data. But I've been doing a really good job not overeating. Each time it gets a little bit better. And it's a knowledge thing and a discipline thing.
Starting point is 02:24:43 Does he meal prep for you? He lives in Canada. He writes it out. I have a meal prep company in Arizona, All Organics, that makes my food throughout the entire fight camp. So they give you the exact portions that you need? Exact portions. Oh, that's great. Change the game.
Starting point is 02:24:59 Oh, yeah. You don't have to think about it, right? I don't really cook. Danny cooked. She's a full-time mom, and she does hair for a living, so she'd work a couple days a week. So, yeah, the Recharge Center in Arizona, it changed the game. That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:25:13 But this one, I mean, I got out of this camp or out of that fight, and I was like, I'm ready to go. I want to fucking get back to the gym. I know how hard of a fight Henry is, how hard of a fight Aljo is, how hard of a fight anybody in the top five is. I need to get back to the gym, I know how hard of a fight Henry is, how hard of a fight Aljo is, how hard of a fight anybody in the top five is. I need to get back to the gym. So I, you know, I've been really a lot more disciplined these, I think it's been a month now since the fight, but not eating as much cheese and, or eating as much bread. If I go out, go out to eat just because I know that fucking causes inflammation in my body. And I know it's going to make,
Starting point is 02:25:41 take a little bit longer to get back to training. Or i am training and i eat you know too much cheese and bread it's gonna cause that inflammation risk an injury or just be fucking more sore than i need to be but yeah eating disorder from cutting weight is a real fucking problem it's a real thing right i if i fought at my natural weight class i'd fight at 155 if i didn't cut weight walk around 58 59 whatever i'd fight at 155. If I didn't cut weight and walk around 58, 59, whatever, I'd fight at 155. There's no fucking chance that I'm gonna say, you know what, I'm just gonna do that. I'm gonna go fight Justin Gaethje. I'm gonna go fight Charles. Like, there's no way.
Starting point is 02:26:14 I could go fight at 145. I believe and be successful. I'm not a tiny 35er. Those guys would still even be a little bit bigger, but cutting to 45, I wouldn't. Cutting to 35 is fucking hard. You feel like you're dying. Your heart is pounding. laying in bed you kind of are dying you a hundred percent are dying like i talk to my body i have to tell it like hey you know what we're going what we're doing fight week like we're gonna start you know cutting cutting weight i thought i try to tell
Starting point is 02:26:40 myself like we know we're not gonna actually die we're gonna feel like that or whatever but i could cut to 45 would be a lot easier obviously 55 would be the easiest but i wish more guys would but then again like aljo he weighs how much right now i don't know 160 to 170 davidson davidson figuerito i wonder if he goes to 35 oh he's fighting he's fighting 25 again he's gonna do it again he he said he was mad at me for saying that i didn't think he's gonna be at 25 again He's gonna do it again He said He was mad at me For saying that I didn't think he's gonna be At 25 again But he's short But he's talked about that He's stacked though
Starting point is 02:27:09 Is he? I've never really been around him He's a thick guy He's thick But when you're a certain height I feel like you Like You have to
Starting point is 02:27:15 But then again Look at Henry He's fucking 5'3 And he's fucking doing it Yeah So I guess it depends On how thick you are But how tall is Figueredo, Jamie?
Starting point is 02:27:25 He's 5'5". 5'5". See, he could fight at 35, but I'm damn near 6 foot. It's crazy the different body types. I mean, one's better than the other. But I do think my length, my body type, Izzy, Alex Pahetta, John Jones, the long, Charles Oliveiraa is the best for? Fighting maybe the best for jiu-jitsu too. I think it's very good for jiu-jitsu, and it's very good for distance
Starting point is 02:27:53 Yeah You have so much of an advantage of like if you're fighting a short guy And he's come like yawn had he had little puzzles to solve before he could land shots fuckers good dude his I find people's chins pretty not I wouldn't say easily but I puzzles to solve before he could land shots fucker's good dude he's damn he's good i i find people's chins pretty not i wouldn't say easily but i eventually find their chins quite a bit like that's my whole thing like setting it up setting up boom i want to find that you know i want to find that shut off button and uh fucker's hard to hit he's very good at tucking his chin he's very good at switching stances he throws such a his little body kick that he throws when we were opposite stance was so fast.
Starting point is 02:28:26 But, yeah, finding his chin was difficult. And then in that second round I found it a couple times. And then that knee in the third was. That knee in the third was beautiful. Yeah. That knee in the third was beautiful. Fucking. And, you know, Tim going into the second round.
Starting point is 02:28:41 So right after the first round, going to the second round, he said just trust that left hand, trust that left hand. Because I knew when he was southpaw and I was southpaw, it's similar orthodox, orthodox, that right hand, obviously, but it's just switched. And so I just trusted in that left hand, double jabbed through it, landed it clean, heard him, and then going to that third round,
Starting point is 02:29:00 he's like, feint that right and throw that knee up the middle. So that's important having good corners that can see shit like that Yeah, that was you know, those two things he told me really changed the fight like me hurt I didn't win the second round, but I hurt you I dropped him I heard him bad at that left hand. I hit him with that right hand dropped him to his knee Then he cracked me with that left hand and immediately took me down But that fucking trip he got me with he got that little trip when we're both... I tried it back. I got up right away
Starting point is 02:29:28 and then I tried it right back to him. And then at the end of the third, I tried it in it and then he didn't really take me down. It was more of a failed attempt. So I wouldn't even consider that a takedown on his part because it was just a shitty failed attempt on my part. But I was trying to get him back with that.
Starting point is 02:29:43 You wanted to get him back psychologically? I tried twice, yeah, just because. I was like, God damn it, this little fucker got me. He's good at those Muay Thai trips. Yeah, I was hitting him in sparring. Every single sparring session, I was hitting someone with that. That same trip where he stepped in, he had Aljo with it too a couple times or once, but I wanted that bad and going into that fight, and he got me with it, the little fucker.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Yeah, I'm very impressed with him. And he's very defensively responsible. He keeps his hands up high. He's always rock solid with his defense. Going into that, right at the end of the first round, going into the second round, staring at him on the bench, or on the little stool looking at him, I was like, this motherfucker wasn't expecting this.
Starting point is 02:30:22 I felt him taking pretty big breaths going into the second round. He usually is in really good shape, and he was in good shape, but I don't think he was expecting me to be as good as I was or him to have to grapple because he grappled a lot more in that first round than he usually does. That's exhausting. But I felt like an energy switch and like him going to the second uh going to that second round but that fucking left hand he landed did you watch that slow
Starting point is 02:30:50 mo at all like they've showed they've replayed that that because i've never really been hit with a shot like that i've been hitting sparring hard but that was the cleanest left hand i've ever been hit with and the only reason the only thing i think of how I took that is I was in such good shape. I just did everything fucking right for 12 weeks. And I was able to take that because of that. Because that fucking could have not land cleaner. It was perfect. It was a perfect left hand. And it was because I rewatched it back.
Starting point is 02:31:17 And for me, I get hit when I plant my feet. When my feet are planted, that's when I can start getting hit. When I'm moving on my feet, it's very hard for me to get hit. But that's why it hit me. I had my feet planted. He threw it. I kind of leaned back rather instead of using my feet to get me back. But, yeah, that fucker's super, super skilled.
Starting point is 02:31:38 I'm excited to watch whoever he fights next. I don't think he's leaving the UFC. There's no need. He's one of the best guys in the world. You've got to fight in the best league. I hope he doesn't leave. The problem with leaving is, yeah, you can get paid other places, but you won't be in the UFC anymore.
Starting point is 02:31:50 You could get a good gig at Bellator. You could get a good gig at the PFL. Fuck that. It's not the same. No. It's not the same, unfortunately. I think it's better now than it's ever been before, but there's still like Really good guys
Starting point is 02:32:05 Over at Bellator That nobody Nobody knows who they are Yeah You know The wildest thing Is 1FC Cause those fucking guys
Starting point is 02:32:12 There's guys over there That are fucking elite Really I don't watch I think it's crazy You don't watch that How do you not watch I just
Starting point is 02:32:20 I don't know Yeah I don't I don't really watch Fights in general Unless it's like A massive fight. You know, always tune into, you know, Conor fight or Nate fight, Jon Jon. Like, I'll tune into the biggest fights.
Starting point is 02:32:33 But, yeah, I don't know. I just, I try to. Just fucking. You don't get into it. Maybe it's just because you're doing it. Maybe. You know, I mean, maybe when you're done fighting, you'll enjoy it more. But maybe it's just like you just need a break. I mean, it's obviously you're fully immersed. Maybe. You know, I mean, maybe when you're done fighting, you'll enjoy it more. But maybe it's just like you just need a break.
Starting point is 02:32:46 I mean, it's obviously you're fully immersed. You see plenty of fighting just with your own. Right. And sparring and training and fights that you have to watch because you're there. I'll rewatch my fight. No, I do think that's one thing where I improved the most was watching my own sparring back consistently. Like every sparring session, I'll record it, watch it back. And I've been doing that since pretty much I went to the lab like eight years ago.
Starting point is 02:33:10 I have such crazy – I have like a library of stuff on my YouTube. I just make it private and upload it to my YouTube so I can delete it off my phone. But I have rounds with like sweet rounds like Alex Caceres and what's Henry's boy's name? Pantoja before I was even in the UFC and he was um I have some sweet rounds from from way back in the day but I do think that's where I improved a lot was was recording it and watching it and uh yeah just fucking figuring out what the fuck I'm doing wrong and right just and also like what do you like about watching yourself, that you can see what it looks like versus how you feel, and also you see where maybe you would see openings on you?
Starting point is 02:33:52 Yeah, yeah, 100%. I've rewatched my fights and thought, what is their coach, what is my opponent looking, where do they think that they can take advantage of what I'm doing? Yeah, yeah, that's for sure. I've watched my fights back like that. Do you ever look at it like where you would take advantage of what you're doing. Yeah, yeah, that's for sure. I've watched my fights back like that. Do you ever look at it like you, where you would take advantage of what you're doing?
Starting point is 02:34:08 Yeah, yeah, for sure. Like if you were fighting you? Yeah, yeah. I tried to look at from, I try to watch it from, yeah, as many different perspectives as I can, but for the most part, like the Pedro Munoz fight, fuck. That one just did not end.
Starting point is 02:34:23 Like that one I don't really rewatch. It was just was nothing really happened he tried to kick my legs for about five minutes i checked most of them and that's pretty much what that fight sucked i fucking i hated that fight uh that's probably the one i've watched back the least amount the peter one i've watched back a ton already like probably 10 times um the munos fight that ended on an eye poke yeah yeah supposedly no i'm sure i mean i it was weird i mean it's pedro muñoz dudes fought the killers of killers yeah like if i mean he must not have been able to see but if you watch it's like it wasn't
Starting point is 02:34:57 like that bad of a poke compared to two fights later when izzy put you know half his finger in jared kennedy's eye and jared's like no fuck i, I'm good. So I don't know if, I don't know if like, I mean, if he literally couldn't see, I could see it, but. I think sometimes for whatever reason, like less of, it's just how the eye gets hit. I've seen guys get really poked where it looks bad and they say they're fine. And I've seen guys where they get grazed and they can't fucking see, like they can't open their eye. And then you find out later that they had cornea scratches and all this shit it's real yeah i i don't know how much of a difference do you think it makes with having like what percentage of like
Starting point is 02:35:33 trying to get a hand under a neck with the glove how much you're naked 30 harder yeah probably something like that it's definitely you know the extra couple inches trying to get under the neck especially they're fighting it hard. I was surprised the first time I wore gloves to try to grapple how— It's weird. Yeah, you would think it's not that much bigger. Well, even guillotines or, you know, shooting a darse. Nothing fits it.
Starting point is 02:35:55 All the headlock shows. Nothing slides in anymore. Yeah, super fucking weird. It sucks, too, when you're sparring, like, on a Saturday, and you got a good grappler or wrestler going, and you have shin pads on. There's a fucking—they take take you down and they're like just the whole shin pads. I wonder if there's a way you could somehow make those.
Starting point is 02:36:12 But then again, you got to protect your fucking, I don't know. Yeah, but grappling with shin pads is fucking hard. It's hard. So hard. It's weird. They get in the way. Yeah, even sparring with them sucks.
Starting point is 02:36:23 Yeah. It's like you'd rather have them Because you want to protect your shins But Yeah Everything moves slower Seems sloppier Feel heavy
Starting point is 02:36:31 Yeah If I'm going If I'm sparring a guy And it's like Alright Their main objective Is take me fucking down And let's
Starting point is 02:36:38 It's going to be a grapple fuck It's like I've went into Saturday sparring rounds Without shin pads And didn't even kick Just boxed and grappled Boxed and grappled Because it's It's unrealistic sometimes Like went into Saturday sparring rounds without shin pads and didn't kick just boxed and grappled box and grappled Because it's it's unrealistic sometimes like if someone gets you down and you like
Starting point is 02:36:50 You're trying to get your bottom leg free and it's like there's like four extra five extra inches or whatever it is you can't even yeah get your leg free and then you're there for the rest of the round, but These next this next fight camp is gonna be Grapple fuck either, Henry or Aljo. Their goal, take me down. For Peter, I grappled. We had guys grapple. I mean, we grappled like normal,
Starting point is 02:37:12 but for sparring, for the most part, we didn't grapple much. We had guys trying to shoot every once in a while and stuff. But yeah, I was planning on that being a legit just kickboxing fight. That fucker came out shooting. But I wonder, I'd be curious if his game plan was to shoot or if I started cracking him early and he was like,
Starting point is 02:37:31 all right, I'm going to start fucking wrestling. That's how I'm going to win this fight. Well, there was quite a few moments where he was trying to engage with you and he was having a hard time getting past that length. And you were being really accurate too. Like teeps, those body kicks. It's so weird because even when you watch them on TV, you can kind of see, like, oh, there's a body kick.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Those fucking teeps are deadly. You saw Dan Hooker's teeps against that last guy finish the fight. And I throw, I mean, I was doing serious damage to his body with those teeps. It could have been why he was, you know, fatiguing faster than usual, too. That's, like, probably the most dangerous weapon, I'd say, for long guys. Those fucking front kicks. Oh, yeah, man. It's a fucking amazing kick.
Starting point is 02:38:11 Yeah. Especially when guys are kind of in MMA style. They're kind of facing towards you a little bit because they're thinking potentially of taking you down that wider target. Yeah. A good front kick to the body. Tony Ferguson always had a good front kick to the body. Good front kick to the body. You risk that fucking feet injury, though.
Starting point is 02:38:27 You might kick an elbow. You might kick a fucking, yeah, an elbow. Get those Poetan feet. Yeah, you got some. Yeah, my fucking toes are. You know who had the nastiest front kick to the body? Semmy Schilt. Do you remember Semmy Schilt?
Starting point is 02:38:38 I feel like that name's familiar, but. He was a K1 champion. Giant guy, like seven feet tall. Fought in the UFC. Oh, shit. Seven feet? Yeah. Semmy Schilt was giant, man.
Starting point is 02:38:49 Semmy Schilt was giant. You gotta have a good front kick if you're seven fucking feet. Elite kickboxer. And Semmy used to fuck people up with that front kick. Well, then you start, yeah, that front kick. Then they have to respect it going to the body. Then you fucking go high with it and you fucking head kick someone. He had one of the most disturbing
Starting point is 02:39:06 losses ever to Sergei Karatov in pride where Sergei Karatov got on top of him and he pinned him down Sammy was just a kickboxer and Karatov was like a Sambo guy got on top of him and just kept punching him in his one eye Hammer hammer fisting him and punching him in his one eye and Hammer fisting him and punching him in his one eye. And his eye was a fucking bloody mess. And he was trapped, and he was just getting punched and hammer fisted in this one eye.
Starting point is 02:39:33 Look, he's hitting this one eye. Look at this. God, dude's just a kickboxer, huh? So he's mounted on him, and then he pins his arm down. And then when he pins his arm, he's just a kickboxer, pins his arm down here. I mean, Semmy's fucked, dude. I mean, mean he's just he's so out of his world here and then when he gets on top of him he just starts hitting this one eye that left eye over and over and over again man
Starting point is 02:39:54 he pins his arm down here and just starts hammer fisting it and he can't do shit man he's just trapped fucking molly meatball and fucking that was crazy This is more scary Oh yeah Just look how he's doing it Look how big he is Like men Fucking And he just starts Smashing his eye
Starting point is 02:40:09 That's a crazy little trap He's got there Oh my god It's just grappling superiority Like pure grappling superiority Look how he's doing this Life or death No no no
Starting point is 02:40:18 You're gonna stay here And this guy can't do shit Yeah I mean he's just stuck And Karatanov was Fucking terrifying back then. He was really good standing up, too. In fact, he wound up fighting in glory.
Starting point is 02:40:31 How many minute round was the first one in that? Ten minutes. Ten minutes. Pride's first round was ten minutes. He's probably been there for about seven, huh? Yeah, well, look at this. It's like a minute 15 to go. What round does that say?
Starting point is 02:40:41 I can't even read it. Round one, it looked like. It's so blurry. So he took him down there. Yeah, he's down for seven minutes. Oh, Jesus Christ. Damn, seven minutes on top. So he took him down early.
Starting point is 02:40:51 So now he's just hammering his eyeball with these hammer fists. If you're a kickboxer, what are you, like, what the fuck? Look at this. Look at this. Just hammering his eye. Look at his bloody mess. Look at this. Oh.
Starting point is 02:41:01 It's a big guy on top, dude. It's one of the most disturbing stoppages ever. I mean, when do you throw in the towel? Look at this, man. Look at his fuck. Look at this. It's a big guy on top, too. It's one of the most disturbing stoppages ever. I mean, when did he throw in the towel? Look at this, man. Look at his... Fuck. Look at his eye. Oh.
Starting point is 02:41:10 It's his right eye, sorry. His right eye is just a bloody mess. There you go. And the referee's like, enough. I mean, it looks like he's going to fucking lose his eye if he keeps going. That's terrifying. Terrifying. It was one of the most disturbing stoppages because it's a guy that's totally helpless.
Starting point is 02:41:23 The guy who's on the bottom, like, he's totally out of his water no no nothing his jiu-jitsu is just not and and karatanov is an assassin fuck he was like a russian special forces guy too or something what was his background he's a terrifying one he's still fighting man karatanov is still fighting jeez this is 2004 yeah 2004 damn that dude really is fucking but karatanov is still fighting. This is 2004? Yeah, 2004. Damn, that dude really is fucking sad. But Karatanov is still around, man. He's 42? He's 42, still banging out. So he was young then.
Starting point is 02:41:53 He was young then. But what is his... Didn't he have some... Damn, beat Tyrone Spong. Wait, Spong? Yeah. What was it? Russian airborne troops. Airborne troops. Resigned.
Starting point is 02:42:11 Yeah. Late 2010s. Yeah, okay. Active duty while still training. So active duty, still training, and still fighting. So in that fight, when you saw him smash that dude, he was still in the airborne troops. So he was airborne in Russia and fighting in pride. What a fucking terrifying human being.
Starting point is 02:42:29 45 and 9 in MMA. That's a fat fucking record. It's a fat record. He fought killers too. Yeah. That's a lot of fucking fights. And again, I think he kickboxed really recently. In February, he fought Tyrone Spong.
Starting point is 02:42:40 And in one. He beat Tyrone Spong? I didn't say he beat. I thought it said win. It looks like he's winning. It looks like an MMA fight. Oh, it's an MMA fight. Oh, I did see this. I saw this. I think this was for Eagle FC.
Starting point is 02:42:54 Yeah, Eagle FC. Yes. This is Khabib's organization. He beat the shit out of Tyrone Spong. Did Spong not do MMA? Did he? He did a little bit. He fought some MMA. But Spong was an elite kickboxer, and then he fought Gokhan Saki and broke his leg. Did you ever see that?
Starting point is 02:43:08 Uh-uh. Who broke whose leg? Gokhan checked. He checked a kick. Oh, I don't want to see it. And his leg snapped. I can't watch that shit. You have to watch it.
Starting point is 02:43:16 We're going to watch it. I'll try. Gokhan Saki was another guy who was an elite kickboxer that got into the UFC. He got in the UFC after so many years of war.. Oh fuck. I can't yeah, I didn't show it It just shows him on the ground. Oh, I mean, they're probably the super watch at the end Yeah, this show. Oh, they'll show it here it goes The sound crazy off. What's the other sound?
Starting point is 02:43:49 Oh, watch like... This was really high level shit, man. Oh, look at that. Right there. Boom. And look at Gokhan. Gokhan just like, oh no. Yeah. I donhan just like, oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:05 I don't even like. I mean, I don't think Tyrone Spong has fought kickboxing since. I don't think so. Dude. I think that was his last kickboxing fight. And then he did some boxing fights. And he was getting a pretty good name in boxing but he had a big fight fall through and then he fought garriton off in mma through those those breaks oh i wonder if i'm so curious what who connor's gonna fight i wonder i wonder if he
Starting point is 02:44:38 looks at michael chandler because at one point i mean chandler throws bombs but he throws hooks he throws some fire. How does the USADA thing work? I guess he's not even in the pool anymore. If he's not in the pool, so how much time does he need before he gets back and competes once he gets back in the pool? I think six months is what they say. Six months. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:58 That's a long time. Yeah. So do you think his leg's still fucked up? What do you think is going on? I don't even have thought. I don't know. It's hard to say. I mean, I don't know why he was out of the pool.
Starting point is 02:45:10 I don't know if they took him out because he's on a fucking yacht everywhere and he's just untestable. Like, how are you going to test him if he doesn't really have – That doesn't seem fair. It's crazy. I mean, I literally don't think he's getting – I don't think he got tested last year or whatever it was. No, I don't think he got tested.
Starting point is 02:45:26 This year. So he jumps back into the pool in December. January, February, March, April, May, June. He can fight in June and July. Yeah. If he gets back in December, which is soon. Yeah. And if he does, who does he fight?
Starting point is 02:45:40 But that's something that people need to realize when they toss names around. Yeah. Like if you toss in, I want Conor, I want Conor. You're talking about six months from now minimum. Which might work out for Chandler after going through that war. Conor has to see a guy that's going to get him excited
Starting point is 02:45:55 that he sees is very winnable. And Chandler's dangerous, but he's shorter and he throws fucking hooks. Conor's a bigger and he throws,'s a sniper he throws him down the middle So I'm he might look at that. Yeah For sure back dangerous, but that guy has a warrior spirit Crazy warrior spirit like maybe too crazy like maybe if he fought, you know
Starting point is 02:46:20 Try to be a little more elusive and but it's like that's how he gets the fans, too. He's do or die. And he does it every fucking time he fights, man. You can guarantee if Michael Chandler's fighting, some fucking chaos is going to happen. His run in the UFC since he's gotten signed has probably been the craziest, the fucking craziest. In terms of entertainment, holy shit.
Starting point is 02:46:40 Every fight he's in is do or die. All of them are exciting. But if Conor comes back, it's going to be at 170. He's got to be. He's fucking massive. But he's also still shooting a movie, isn't he? Yes. Like, that's got to take, you cannot shoot a movie and fucking train for a fight.
Starting point is 02:46:57 You just can't do it. You can't do anything and train for a fight. No, you can't. And be like. But I don't think he's actually trying to train for a fight now, but they're just talking about him potentially fighting. But everybody needs to recognize if that's the case, then you're talking about six months from now.
Starting point is 02:47:11 And maybe if, I mean, who does he fight? So Volkanovski and Islam fight, and Islam beats Volkanovski. What's next? That's a good question. Is it a rematch with Oliveira? What is it? That would be exciting. Islam versus, I mean, Poirier?
Starting point is 02:47:30 I don't know if people... He's not 265. He's joking around. He's joking around. Is it, yeah, Poirier versus Islam? Someone's got to come and make some fucking noise. I mean... I mean, Poirier and Chandler was a great fight.
Starting point is 02:47:41 It was a lot of fun. It was awesome. But, you know, I don't know. I don't know what he wants to do next. Like, what is Dustin? Dustin might just want to take big money fights, like whoever talks the most shit and can sell the most tickets. I mean, Dustin is crazy he's not headlining after those Conor wins.
Starting point is 02:47:59 I don't feel like he took advantage of that opportunity and he should be headlining making pay-per-view money, but he's just not. Is that his fault, though? I mean, he got the interim title when he fought Max Holloway, and then when he lost to Khabib, and he lost to Oliveira, and he beat Conor. I mean, he's in a great spot, right? He's in that fucking top soup. But, like, if you're the person that's making if you're mick
Starting point is 02:48:27 maynard and you're you're making the decision you know you're sean shelby and you're saying okay this is the next fight who do you pick yeah do you pick poirier like poirier it's like uh great fighter might win might beat everybody yeah but like who's the not like there's no like real clear compelling contender right justin fought charles justin fought that's right justin fought charles yeah okay yeah justin fought uh dustin poirier how many times did they fight justin dustin only fought the ones pretty sure just engaging in dustinirier? So I know what you're saying. Okay, so Charles beat Justin, and then Islam beat Charles, so Islam would, I mean, the MMA math, it's hard to say, but yeah. Well, if you wanted to have a Gaethje-Charles rematch,
Starting point is 02:49:16 it's like, you know, Charles took him out pretty quick. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't, like I said, I haven't seen all of it. I've seen a couple highlights, but it didn't seem like Charles really ever had Islam in danger, did he? Well, Charles was like competent You know, he was like defensively responsible He threatened a little bit off of his back But Islam was so good in that fight
Starting point is 02:49:38 It's like, who is compelling Other than Volkanovsky Like, who's compelling? I mean, there's nothing no one on that I look at me like ooh that'd be fucking interesting I mean other than Volkanovski who's at 45 who's still even questionable if it is I mean does Islam go is there who's that 70 oh fuck Islam could be Leon dude this is how crazy good that would be that would be amazing Yeah, this is Gaethje versus Oliveira.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Oh, Charles. This is how good Islam is, right? Because up until this moment, when Charles Oliveira finished Justin Gaethje and he just beat him up and dropped him on the feet and then submitted him on the ground, people were thinking there's no one that can challenge Charles. Charles is at such an elite level. no one that can challenge Charles. Charles is at such an elite level. Islam beats him so soundly that now you're like, I don't even know if it makes sense for Charles to fight him again.
Starting point is 02:50:32 That's insane. That's how good he is. Does he move up? Islam in Kamaru, that's interesting if Kamaru beats Leon. But you're assuming that Islam wants to go up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:45 Like he might decide that he could just crush everybody at 155 and just run the division for a while. Yeah. Why would he just, if he just won the title, why would he go up to 70, right? No, that's, yeah. I mean, it would be crazy, though, if he goes, if he beats Volkanovski, who's the 45-pound champ,
Starting point is 02:51:03 he does not double champ, but beats the 45-pound champ, beat the 55-pound champ, and then goes up and beats the 70-pound champ. That's fucking insane. Dude, look how fucking well he dominates on the ground here. Yeah, his next level of jiu-jitsu. He gets his back. He cranks out a triangle while he's sitting there. Yeah, most fighters don't have great actual like high level brazilian jiu-jitsu dude
Starting point is 02:51:29 look at that transition to the rear naked i mean that body triangle sensational yeah it's just sensational so charles was so good charles was so good when he was running shit that we couldn't imagine a fight where you you maybe didn't think it was compelling for him to fight for the title again that's how good islam is was it was charles nuts the favorite uh underdog too going into that yes damn yeah he was the underdog that's crazy which is nuts yeah that's nuts yeah that is as dominant as he was as a champion to have him be the underdog make sure that's true because i'm pretty sure that's true is that true that char, to have him be the underdog. Make sure that's true, because I'm pretty sure that's true. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:52:06 That Charles Oliveira was the underdog in the Islam Makhachev fight? Yeah, who knows? I'm pretty sure he was. In two years, some fucking stud can just come out of nowhere and be like the next guy. The next guy could be in fucking... Oliveira was the underdog. Oliveira was the underdog. It was not a lot, but yeah, he was the underdog.
Starting point is 02:52:26 That's insane. Champion. Dominant champion. Submitting everybody. Underdog. That's how good Islam is. That's nuts. I wonder if Michael Chandler would have beat Poirier if it would have been more excited for Chandler versus Islam rather than Poirier versus Islam.
Starting point is 02:52:42 Yeah, 190. Two to one favorite. Almost two to one. Yeah, 190. Two-to-one favorite. Almost two-to-one, yeah. 65.5% win probability to become the new lightweight champion. That's insane. That's how good that guy is. That is bananas. I feel like Charles fought a bunch, like back-to-back-to-back-to-back. Oh, yeah, he did.
Starting point is 02:52:58 That's what you do, though. I mean, look what Izzy's doing. He's fucking doing it. Well, when he fought Tony Ferguson, that was like a big coming-out party for him in a lot of ways. You, when he fought Tony Ferguson, that was like a big coming out party for him in a lot of ways. You know, he fought Tony Ferguson and people were like, oh, shit. Like, look how he dominated Tony. And when Tony didn't tap from that arm bar.
Starting point is 02:53:15 That gives me fucking, yeah. That shit's gross. Yeah. The craziest. I remember I've watched like Benson highlights of him being in submissions and not getting submitted. It's fucking insane. There's just some guys. I think Benson, yeah, Benson was like the first high-level guy I watched
Starting point is 02:53:32 at the gym when I went to the lab. I was like, oh, shit. He was the first guy to implement calf kicks. Yeah, his fucking legs, dude. Giant. I mean, I'm pretty sure he's recently won in, or he did just recently win in Ireland But yeah I remember watching him
Starting point is 02:53:48 His cardio is just something He'll fucking go on a trip Come back, spar five rounds, five fives And just be like It's insane But that's where I first kind of learned Championship mindset I was like this motherfucker's mind
Starting point is 02:54:02 Is just always He's just a championship mindset. It was cool to see. But, yeah. How old is he now? 39. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:15 And so who is he fighting for right now? Is he Bellator still? Yeah, he's- So he just fought in Ireland? Is that what you're saying? Look at that, Peter Quealy. Yeah. That's a good win.
Starting point is 02:54:24 Oh, yes. He'll be at Islam. Different Islam, but- Look at that, Peter Quealy That's a good win He beat Islam Different Islam, but I don't know that gentleman who he beat Do you know who that is? The Peter Quealy or Islam? I know who Peter Quealy is I'm not sure about the Islam guy
Starting point is 02:54:36 There's so many guys If you want to follow Bellator There's hundreds of guys over there They're really good It's kind of crazy There's so many if the overall landscape of MMA fighters
Starting point is 02:54:48 someone told me that the UFC has a thousand fighters now is that true? that's a good question that's a I mean I don't know how many fighters
Starting point is 02:54:55 does the UFC have signed? somebody told me it was a thousand but it was like backstage I was like what? that seems like a lot somebody else was saying it was 600
Starting point is 02:55:01 that seems more accurate it says as of 2021 there are 689 contracts. Yeah, but that's 2021. Well, dude, they signed everybody on fucking Tuesday Night Contender Series. You got to win, get in there. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Contender Series was huge. It was massive.
Starting point is 02:55:18 That was fucking brilliant. When you were having your fight called by Snoop Dogg, how crazy was that? Yeah, that was... How crazy was that? Yeah, that was... How crazy was that? It's so crazy looking at my career, how things have played out so perfect. The fact Snoop Dogg was there, that was the first time that I started getting busy on social media and starting to understand, okay, this is going to be a part of my career and my life moving forward. And he would repost me or post me,
Starting point is 02:55:49 and then I started getting a bunch of followers from Snoop posting me. And, yeah, that was fucking insane. And he's still to this day. I mean, you have a conversation with him. He'll call me Sugar Shane. Sugar Shane. Yeah, he'll still call me Sugar Shane. But I just keep it.
Starting point is 02:56:04 I'm just like, that's just Sugar Shane for the most part. That's hilarious. But yeah, that was massive for my career. Just literally having a Snoop Dogg. And it was only that season they had Snoop in your eye doing the Snoop cast. Well, it all came out of, I think, Snoop live streaming, him watching the fights. Oh, really? I think that's where it came from.
Starting point is 02:56:25 SnoopCast. Yeah, I think it came from just him, like, talking into his phone and uploading it to social media. And then I think there was, like, one famous, like, knockout. Oh, Mally! Oh, Mally! Damn, that's crazy. I still remember, like, vividly doing interviews.
Starting point is 02:56:45 It was like the first time doing big interviews at the UFC PI, like being around UFC staff, being just around that, just saying, like, I'm going to be bigger than Conor. And, like, I got so much shit for saying that. Now we're, like, I'm on the verge. You know what I mean? It's like I'm getting there. Holy pre-face test, pre-colored hair.
Starting point is 02:57:08 Look at you. You're a little kid what does that feel like watching this um it's weird that was what 2017 uh i don't know it's almost embarrassing it's like fucking just such a young me well it's just a fascinating thing that they can capture that moment in time and you can watch it and it puts your head back to who you were then when it happened yeah i think i think specifically in that fight i was eating a vegan diet i was i think like 140 pounds when i walked into the cage weighed in at 136 like wow i was just so many things i i remember having a really bad fight camp for that. I had a concussion in that fight camp.
Starting point is 02:57:48 I got a knee in the head. Wasn't really sparring. Had the worst training camp of all time. But still, like, that young me was just so confident. I was on, like, I'd just come off a viral knockout over David Nuzzo. Have you seen that one? You've probably seen it where I head kicked him this way and then spinning kicked him the other way. Will you try to find that one?
Starting point is 02:58:05 Yeah, find that. So I was just coming off that. So I had this confidence about me. I had knocked a bunch of people out previous in my amateur career. I think it was like 5-0 pro. And for some reason, like in the backstage, I remember just being like super, super confident. So this was a fight right before it.
Starting point is 02:58:21 Boom. Oh, wow. That was like one of my favorite knockouts of all time. I thought that was just the sickest fuck. That was in Phoenix. That was the first time I fought on a bigger card. It was LFA. You know what really impressed me about you when I found this out
Starting point is 02:58:33 is that you didn't have a background in traditional martial arts. Just an athlete. I just played ball sports. I just was intuitive. I just fought. I don't know. I think the ball sports, it forces all this movement left and right really quickly. If you think about playing basketball, bam, beautiful.
Starting point is 02:58:53 Oh, it was so, so sick. If you think about playing basketball, you're constantly jumping one side to the other. It involves all this explosive footwork and movement. When they talk to Lomachenko and he tells everybody his dad made him do Russian dance, traditional Russian dance for two years. Watch him move, man. Look at the way he moves. It's incredible.
Starting point is 02:59:12 It's beautiful. His footwork is fucking sensational. That's an advantage that you have too. But the kicking is like, it's really good. Like it seems like you were like a black belt in karate or something. Like when you watch you throw those kicks, if I didn't know, because you told me, I'd be like, oh, yeah, he definitely was like a karate champion or something. That's what it looks like.
Starting point is 02:59:32 It looks like you really know how to execute them, and it's over a relatively short amount of time of training them. Yeah. Like, at that time, how long had you been even kicking? Well, I'd say I started kickboxing and stuff when I was 16. And I was probably 21 or 22 in that but i was never taught how to kick like from anybody that's crazy it was just natural like some people say they're born for certain things i'm like i guess i'm just was born to fight because i do throw pretty good techniques without having learned it that's amazing well did you watch a lot of fighting? I never watched fighting.
Starting point is 03:00:07 I literally, like, when I first I remember Tim would make fun of me when I first moved to Arizona. We were living together because I was 19. And he's like, dude, you can't name, I couldn't name any of the UFC champs. I was like, Jon Jones. It was the only one I know. Then his girlfriend literally named from 25 all the way up.
Starting point is 03:00:24 Knew every one of them. And I didn't know any, who was the champ one I know. Then his girlfriend literally named from 25 all the way up. Knew every one of them. And I didn't know any other, who was the champ in any of the divisions. And I was moving to, I was living in Phoenix to become, to get in the UFC. I just didn't, I don't know. I just didn't watch it. I just loved. I think it was competition. But I also fucking hated it. Because when I first moved to the lab, never wrestled a day in my life.
Starting point is 03:00:42 And the lab's like pretty known. Like they're more of a wrestling i'd say grinder gym dude i got fucked up for years and years and years go in be like all right let's do two and twos wrestling i didn't know how to fucking do a single leg or a double leg or any any kind of wrestling i had no idea i would just get fucked up by the guys that were already in the ufc and it's crazy looking back. I would leave practices crying, being like, this is my only fucking thing. I want to be in the UFC, but I just had to tough it out for years at the lab.
Starting point is 03:01:14 Marlon Vera has a real similar story. Yeah? Yeah, he went to Jackson's. Just couldn't wrestle at all. That's funny. He was just an amateur. Just getting mauled by all these pros and just going, what by all these pros and just
Starting point is 03:01:25 going what the fuck am i doing with my life yeah i see if people think i hate you i think he's a good dude and it's funny because when i do listen to him talk like he was on here right i love that dude he'd saunas he eats healthy yeah you know he's a father he's got daughters he got kids he's like i mean we're similar people fucking think i hate him because i beat him up one time but it's not the case i think we're good we're buddies at the end of the day. But he just, yeah, I don't know. I mean, I've heard him talk about me sometimes. Of course he's going to talk about you.
Starting point is 03:01:52 Yeah, but he just. Just like you're talking about him right now. Yeah, I'd say, but I say I like him. He says he hates me. Maybe he doesn't say he hates me. He's very competitive. Yeah. I bet if you guys weren't in the same division, you'd be friends.
Starting point is 03:02:03 Yeah. Yeah, you never know. You never know. Maybe after I knock him out, division, you'd be friends. Yeah, you never know. Maybe after I knock him out, we can fucking hang out sometime. But that fight excites me. This Peter Yan fight excited me so fucking much. I reached a level of excitement I didn't know I had. I fight Eddie Wineland.
Starting point is 03:02:23 In my mind, I was superior as far as I'm better. I'm going to knock this dude out it wasn't like uh and then the Thomas Almeida fight was right after the Cheeto fight and the same thing I was like I'm gonna beat this dude I'm gonna beat this dude the Pedro Munoz fight I was pretty excited about my top 10 guy but I looked at that fight I thought I was gonna you know go in there do what I do
Starting point is 03:02:38 ended how it ended but the Peter Jan fight I was so excited like this is the best motherfucker in the world this is what i had been training for you know 10 plus years for is to get this opportunity to go out there and and compete with a guy this fucking good so in that camp was there was a level of excitement going into sparring level of excitement doing my like i'm like just it was different but i feel like every fight moving forward is going to be like that, but that Cheeto one is going to be even just different just because of the backstory.
Starting point is 03:03:08 Well, I think you and Tim and your camp were very smart in how you moved up. You came into the sport and came into the UFC young and talented, and you did it very wisely. And now that you got into a position where you could fight the best like Pewter Young, the fact that you were excited about it really says to me that like management and a good coach
Starting point is 03:03:34 that you trust that knows your abilities is really important. It's really important in boxing. Right? Like in boxing, they don't throw you to the wolves right away if they think you're good. They build you up. They give you a guy who's going to show you this look. That's why in boxing it's so common for a guy to get 10-0, 11-0 before he gets tested. Right.
Starting point is 03:03:52 I think there's something to that, man. I think we have this fucking do or die, fucking survival of the fittest. But you're professional athletes. And I think to maximize the potential of a professional athlete, I think you have to match them up carefully. Because if you get in there with Alex Pajeda, and you're a guy who likes to bang it out, but maybe you really don't have good wrestling, and oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 03:04:18 And you see that guy on the other end, and you know they're building him up. And so you have this thing in your head, like you're being fed to the wolf. You don't want that. That's not good. If you have potential, like maybe if that didn't happen and maybe you fought someone who was like commensurate with you
Starting point is 03:04:32 and beat them and maybe learned a little bit more about footwork and maybe got a little bit better at takedowns, maybe got a little better at fighting off the cage, and then two years later, three years later, then you can get in there with an elite guy and you'll have confidence that you can compete with him. But you see sometimes when guys know they're being fed to the wolves,
Starting point is 03:04:48 it's not a good look. It's a fucking terrible feeling. Yeah, UFC is a fucking business at the end of the day. They did what they did with me. They saw me as a potential superstar and now we're here. And your
Starting point is 03:05:03 sky's the limit too man because the fucking division is filled with assassins Sam Hagen he's a fucking assassin that Song Yun Dong fight holy shit we were there for the apex
Starting point is 03:05:13 for that that's why I love the apex you could be right there there's like a hundred people in the whole room I hate that cage I fucking hate the small cage smaller
Starting point is 03:05:22 I like the big cage especially for my style I'm sure wrestlers short guys that like to get inside and push people against the cage, they probably love the Apex. Don't you think they should just make it bigger? The Apex cage? Make it all the same. I don't know why.
Starting point is 03:05:33 How much bigger is it? Like 40% bigger. Like quite a bit bigger. So is there room in the Apex Center? Oh, yeah. So why don't they make that bigger cage? I have no idea. Wouldn't it be better?
Starting point is 03:05:43 Yeah, way better. Because when I saw Francis fight Stipe in that little cage. Dude, Derek Lewis is fighting this weekend in Apex. That's terrifying. That's right. Against that Spivak guy. That guy's a beast, too. Yeah, I haven't seen him compete, I don't think.
Starting point is 03:05:55 I might have. I just don't know his name. Francis versus Stipe there was terrifying. Yeah. That was patient Francis, too. Yeah, so look at that. 7.62 meter diameter versus 9.14. Wow.
Starting point is 03:06:08 44%. 44% larger. Yeah, man. It's a whole different sport. Don't they have the room to put that big one in there? Dana, let's put the big one in there. I used to be a fan of the little one, but now I'm really a fan of a fucking basketball court. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:22 That's what I want. I've heard you talk about that. I want a flat surface with like a fucking basketball court. That's what I want. I've heard you talk about that. Flat surface with very clear out of bounds so there's no bullshit with plenty of room. If we could do it for basketball and you could do it for football, tell me why you can't do it for MMA. Because the
Starting point is 03:06:36 cage is a fucking weapon. It's a thing. You can shove someone against it and hold them. You could use it to get back up. There's a lot of things that happen with the cage. It limits movement. If you're going for a submission and you want to turn towards the cage and you can't, you're stuck and maybe you lose position.
Starting point is 03:06:51 So things change because of this barrier. And it's a shitty barrier to see through. It was hardcore in the fucking beginning, bro, because we're in a fucking cage, bro. But that's also why I think it had a hard time gaining acceptance. Because you got locked in a fucking cage. Dude, when I was first doing comedy,
Starting point is 03:07:07 Dana and I talk about this all the time, when we first got involved in the UFC, it was like telling people that you're involved in porn. That's what it was like. They're like, what are you doing? What are you doing? That's crazy. Not that long ago.
Starting point is 03:07:17 Cage fighting? You're involved in cage fighting? Was that early 2000s or? 90s. Late 90s? Dude, I first did, the first event i did was in 97 holy i remember seeing the old school pic the videos and shit that's crazy 97 i was three you're a baby i was three you're a baby and i was in uh dothan alabama with a fucking microphone i had no coaching no one told me what
Starting point is 03:07:41 to do i wrote a bunch of questions out on a piece of paper so i wouldn't fuck it up sorry i can't fuck this i can't choke yeah because i'm like if i get in front of mark coleman i might fucking panic and i did i fucking completely panicked but luckily i had questions and a good ones i had some prepared questions like how important it was for him to be the first wrestler to win the ufc heavyweight title and he was like oh it's a good question i said we're all right but it was like him after he smashed Dan Severin, he's looking at me like, who the fuck are you? And this is like bare knuckle times.
Starting point is 03:08:10 Like, they're bare knuckle, headbutts, wrestling shoes on. It was a totally different world. Yeah, but that was intimidating as fuck. Intimidating as fuck. Walking in there. It was live. So nervous. Live on TV. Yes, live on pay-per-view. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Yeah, well, that's crazy. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 03:08:26 We're still all fucking idiots. And it was like, back then, it was so raw. It was so raw. It was like UFC 12. It was so raw. Like, the experience was so, dudes were grabbing shorts. I remember Waleed Ismail fought this guy, and the guy gave him this crazy wedgie. He was grabbing his jockstrap and shoving it up his ass while he's fighting him like you could grab clothes when trey telligman fought vitor he
Starting point is 03:08:49 didn't have gloves on because you tried to fight bare knuckle yeah you could say gloves or no gloves or one yeah that fucking most of those guys were going no gloves fuck that i know headbutt oh a nut shot right or no is that the only one. Fuck that. For the first bunch of fights, nut shots were legal. I don't know when they stopped, but I remember Keith Hackney versus Joe Son. Joe Son had Keith Hackney in a headlock, and Keith Hackney just punched him in the nuts over and over again. Just straight shots to the nuts. I would not.
Starting point is 03:09:20 I wouldn't compete. I would not be in the UFC now. Headbutts, groin shots. I don't even like stomps on the ground. I'm glad would not be in the UFC now. Headbutts, groin shots. I don't even like stomps on the ground. I'm glad that's not in the UFC. You don't like it? You think it should be illegal? I like the UFC rules right now.
Starting point is 03:09:35 What if you were really good at stomps? I bet you'd be really good at stomps. Yeah. I mean, I don't really take people down much. But if you kick someone's legs out from under them? Then stomp them. I'd rather choke them. I'd rather fucking darts choke them or something.
Starting point is 03:09:49 But in certain opportunities, it is a weapon that you would use. Like if you were in a life or death situation, it's certainly an effective weapon to use in some positions. Yeah, I mean dude when people are trying to get up against the cage and you're kind of standing over them a nasty fucking soccer kick. This is why I say basketball court. No cage to get up against the cage and you're kind of standing over them, a nasty fucking soccer kick.
Starting point is 03:10:05 This is why I say basketball court. No cage to get up on. No cage to get up on. You don't get your head trapped. I feel like I would be- Yeah, so here's Keith Hackney and Joe. Oh, God. Nutshots, bro.
Starting point is 03:10:15 Fuck that. UFC 4. Look at these straight shots to the junk. No cup, right? Straight shots to the junk. Even, well, it looks like you might wear a cup, but still. Yeah. That'd fucking hurt your hand, probably. Dude. right shots to the junk even well it looks like you might wear a cup but still yeah that fucking
Starting point is 03:10:25 hurt your hand pride depending dude but doing a basketball court i feel like would i'd be dominant i feel like no one would fuck with me if that's what i'm saying if someone couldn't get me up against the cage and take me down i don't see motherfuckers also if someone did take you down you'd have to earn getting back up to your feet you don't you can't use the cage you'd have to try to get back up to your feet from being flat on your back on the ground i feel like i could i would be good at that just creating a scramble going like triangle and platters like very active off my back i feel like that would benefit me you know what would be really wild if people did what gordon ryan is doing in mma and challenge people to no time limit fights no rounds no time limit fights. No rounds. No time limit.
Starting point is 03:11:06 Yeah, fuck that. I mean, fuck that. I wouldn't really. I don't know. God, you get some. Yeah, I mean, who would dominate the sport? Fucking, like, I don't know. The guy's the best fucking just gas tanks I think
Starting point is 03:11:26 guys who are the best at managing distance or managing their energy and also I think the best grapplers unlimited rounds
Starting point is 03:11:34 or no rounds just one just one damn the thing is though if you can't take the guy down and if there's no cage if you can't take a guy down
Starting point is 03:11:43 and there's no cage and you're moving towards him and every time he's whack whack. Yeah, he's chopping at those legs whack whack You can't corner him anywhere and he's moving and he's backing away He's got plenty of room behind him plenty room like like space is not an option anymore. It's not an issue at all We're talking about a giant arena And a big center area and the fighters meet in the very center and there's very clear out of bounds lines but they're far i'd feel very confident yeah that would be a completely different sport right but that would be a sport like imagine if you played basketball but there
Starting point is 03:12:15 was like fucking shelves in the middle of the court right yeah it'd be so stupid like why is the shelf there i could just fucking coast through this empty space but instead there's a desk and a table that's dumb like why is there a cage it sucks to see yeah you can never pay-per-view that huh the timeless if you're there live it's the shit because the energy's insane but how many times you're looking up at the big screen yeah like especially if they're fighting in that little corner area yeah where the post is i can't see shit see shit. I'm five feet away and I'm looking at a screen. Yeah, the cage does fuck with it. And then the ref sometimes. He's gotta be right there, but I mean, I guess
Starting point is 03:12:51 that has to be the case anyway. Well, some refs, there's some shit they just can't like some eye pokes, they just can't see. They have to make a judgment call on the spot. Fuck, being a ref would be tough. What did you think about Goddard's call? I think, first of all, Mark Goddard's one of the best ever. He's fucking phenomenal.
Starting point is 03:13:07 I agree with him almost always. I don't think I've ever disagreed. I mean, everyone's going to make a bad call every now and again or do something, but I think that guy is as good as they get. And when he stopped the fight, a lot of people are like, damn, I don't know. Maybe he could have let it go a little longer. I think the ref has to know which guys are capable of what. Obviously he knows Alex Pajero is so dangerous.
Starting point is 03:13:30 I think because I like Izzy so much, I was okay with the stoppage. I just feel like Izzy's a good dude. I've met him a few times. I really fucking like him. I think he's a good human. I like what he's doing. I think he's a great champion. And the fact, if Alex would have KO'd have killed him clean i've been very hard to see
Starting point is 03:13:49 and he could have hit him with a knee oh like it could have been bad is he was like head down moving like that and wasn't moving very fast and i don't i know he his mind was there but his body was not moving fast anymore he got clipped with some big shots. Yeah. I think it was a good stoppage. I agree. But I could see how Izzy would say, bring back Steve Mazzarotti. I think, well, because I think he was saying that, I saw a clip, he was saying that before the fight. He was saying, I hope Steve Mazzarotti,
Starting point is 03:14:17 Mazzarotti, I saw Derek Luce, Steve was in the fight so he could tee off on Alex and not have the fight stop, then he could just keep beating up Alex. He said that before the fight. Then I heard him say it after the fight. So I think he was kind of being funny, but I also was like... Oh, he was definitely being funny.
Starting point is 03:14:32 But he was also saying, look, he's a champion. Of course he's going to think that he could survive. He's like, if I make it out of that round, anything could have happened. A couple minutes left, he starts circling around. You never fucking know. You never know. But it wasn't trending well. Very fast negative.
Starting point is 03:14:46 Yeah, very bad. And that guy is a fucking murderous puncher. And he's also, we saw that knee that he landed on Willness. Imagine landing that there. Especially up against the cage. He's kind of moving around. Not looking too sharp. Bro.
Starting point is 03:15:01 It sucks because for Izzy, he's fought such a good fight. The only time he was really in danger is when he was up against the cage and it's like that's that's a that's the skill is not getting put up against the cage and he did such a good job doing that and then 23 minutes into the fight what was those calf kicks yeah he got hit with those calf kicks early on i watched that again and uh the first go see if you could see if there's like a video showing Alex Pejeta first round calf kicks. He landed like five or six of them in a row. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:28 They were hard. I feel like I kind of remember, but I want to see that. He's got that real sneaky way of doing it, man. He's not like looking at your calf at all. You know, he's distracting you with certain movements and there's no windup to it. And it just fucking slams home. And he checked a lot of the ones that Izzy threw which hurts yes His checks were on point. He was always lifting his shin up always
Starting point is 03:15:52 With every time Izzy's like throwing kicks. He's lifting his shin up He's like you got to think that guy was tuned in for glory kickboxing two division champion So he's fighting all those guys that are kicking the shit out of each other Yeah, I mean and no takedowns at all so you have to be like so on point with your checks
Starting point is 03:16:09 I feel like Izzy had so many like there was another I go back to when I said I want to be well rounded I want to be known I can do everything I can grapple
Starting point is 03:16:17 I can fucking wrestle I can strike he had so many opportunities Alec's a big motherfucker though huge he had opportunities to wrestle. He was in the clinches. He was in certain positions to be able to, you know.
Starting point is 03:16:28 Well, there's such a round when he had his back, man. Yeah. I mean, he had the potential to land big shots too. He was riding his back for quite a while. Yeah. But imagine, I mean, like even in the third, fourth, they were in the clinch. There were options for him to wrestle where Alex, who knows,
Starting point is 03:16:43 if he has the certain skill set to defend even a lower level wrestler. Right. I feel like if Izzy was just a better wrestler, easier said than done. But also you've got to think, Pajero probably didn't train a lot of wrestling for this camp. Yeah. He probably felt this was going to be a stand-up war. 100%.
Starting point is 03:17:01 That's what Izzy does in all of his fights. Yeah. Izzy almost got him in the first round. Dude. Almost got him. That left hook landed right at the bell, maybe after, but if there was one or two seconds left and he threw a right hand to right left, boom, that right could have fucking just- It could have been over.
Starting point is 03:17:15 God, imagine. That's so crazy. Fighting. It could have been like the Derek Brunson KO. Yeah. I mean, Izzy gets sharp when he sees that he's a sniper. Yeah. That Derek Brunson KO was a thing of beauty.
Starting point is 03:17:26 It was just perfect precision. Just pop, pop, pop, pop. Like moves in on him and just, oh, my goodness. Yeah, he had him. I mean, he had him. He had him with zero time. Literally, yeah, no second left. Perfect right hand, wobbles, left hook, bam.
Starting point is 03:17:41 He was hurt. He was seriously hurt. Really hurt. He recovered well. Yeah, must have been in good fucking shape. Yeah, he recovered well, and he got so fortunate that the bell was right there. I mean, imagine if that was like two minutes into the fight, he cracks him with that.
Starting point is 03:17:56 Yeah, he definitely dealt with some adversity. I mean, yeah, the round where Izzy had his back. Did he ever have hooks in and was trying to choke, or did he just kind of ride and stand on top throwing? I don't remember if he had have hooks in and was trying to choke or did he just kind of ride him standing on top throwing? I don't remember if he had two hooks He was on the back for a long time and he was flowing back and forth in different positions But holding the top position in a way that you like is I mean, I'm sure is he's really good at grappling But he's not known for it
Starting point is 03:18:17 Yeah He's known for to be unable to survive on his back and get up on his feet and and stuff Marvin Vittori's take Yeah, impressive. Alex fucking took Izzy down, didn't he? He took a double A. Yeah, he did. He did. He did.
Starting point is 03:18:32 I think that was the end of the first round, right? End of the first round, he was getting knocked out. Or damn near knocked out. Was it end of the second round? Might have been. End of the second round. That's right. End of the first round, he almost got knocked out.
Starting point is 03:18:40 But yeah, Alex, don't listen. End of the second round, he took him down. That was some adversity. I mean, that's... Oh, for sure. That was impressive. Yeah, and now, I mean, that was impressive. Yeah, and now, I mean, ooh, what do you do? I mean, the rematch is very compelling, right?
Starting point is 03:18:51 It was a very close fight. In fact, Izzy was ahead three rounds to one, going into the fourth. But it was always that the feeling of danger was always there. When Pajero was like, march towards him and get him close to the cage. Like, Jesus Christ. So in the rematch, Izzy's going to be way more careful with that calf kick, right? Yeah. So what does he do differently? Izzy can fight southpaw.
Starting point is 03:19:16 That's one thing. I mean, he does fight southpaw very well. He can fight from any position. Yeah, does he wrestle more? Yeah, what does he do? But wrestling is so much easier said than done wrestling such a hard hard Especially with that that switch knee that dude goes and just fucking so dangerous Well now he knows like what went wrong, right? Yeah, you know you cannot be compromised when you're with that guy, right? So he's got to move around and then put the head is gonna know he can do it again
Starting point is 03:19:43 He's gonna know he can do it again. He did it again. He knocked him out two fights in a row. Knocked him out in kickboxing. He knocked him out in MMA for the world title. That's insane. He's going to know he can do it again. But what do you do if you're the UFC? Do you risk Paeda against a Marvin Vittori or Paeda against a Robert Whitaker?
Starting point is 03:19:58 Because if Izzy doesn't fight him right away and one of those guys is really good at wrestling. I mean, Hamza's moving up to 85 too, right? Dude. Who makes the most money in that division? I mean, right now, probably Izzy just because he's been champ for so long, but Hamzat's a fucking problem. He's a problem. I thought they were going to take Hamzat and give him one more chance at 170.
Starting point is 03:20:20 Well, Colby, right? Is that accurate? I think that's- Well, Colby could fight at 85 too if he chose to. No. If he chose to. I think Colby probably walks around fucking 190. Right.
Starting point is 03:20:32 I mean, yeah, he could. Skill-wise, he's fucking definitely skilled enough to. But if he just chose to not cut weight at all, it's not like it's impossible. He's not a small guy. He's just real lean. Oh, I've never been around him in person, but he doesn't seem like he cuts a ton for 170. Well, his pace is so crazy that he can't be drained. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 03:20:50 He just breaks people. He says he always throws punches like 50%, 60%. Everything's 50%, 60%. God, oh yeah, he hasn't fought. According to ESPN, Brett Akamoto, he has asked for Pereira in January at UFC 283 in Brazil and then said he would turn around two months later to fight Colby in March. Who, Hamza? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:13 See, they're not going to give Hamza a title shot at 185. Listen, if they did give Hamza a title shot in Brazil and he strangles Pejeta in front of the Brazilians, good luck getting out of there. Dude, Pejeta ain't taking that fight. Don't take that fight. Listen, the Izzy fight is the big money fight anyway.
Starting point is 03:21:30 That's the big money fight. Well, he gets pay-per-view now. Yeah, he's the champion. Yeah, that's great, yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:34 It's amazing. Look, I was a giant fan of that guy before he ever fought in MMA and when he fought in MMA, I was so happy. I remember you saying that early before he even got signed
Starting point is 03:21:42 or right as he got signed or something. He's the outlier of all outliers when it comes to striking. Like he's that power outlier. You watch his, find his highlight KO reel. Bro, it's preposterous. His highlight KO reel is like, what is he doing? Like how is he hitting them so hard?
Starting point is 03:22:01 It's like sort of like when Deontay Wilder KOs people. You're like, what the fuck, man? Just touches them. Deontay knocked that dude off balance and he hit him with one of these, and the dude just like
Starting point is 03:22:12 was dead. It's that, I feel like that long, like this, Tommy Hearns. The length, that snap and the punch. But his is also
Starting point is 03:22:20 snappy and heavy. Heavy. It's a dangerous combination. Yeah, because he's a big guy, and he's also long. A big fella. Yeah. He's, you know, I mean, even when he was like 209, he fought Tyson Fury the first fight.
Starting point is 03:22:31 He was 209. Yeah. And flattened Tyson. That was, that still doesn't. Crazy. Did you see Tommy, or Tyson Fury's dad, yelling at Jake, took his shirt off, and was yelling at him in the boxing ring? Really?
Starting point is 03:22:44 You didn't see that? No. Jamie, you got't see that? No. Jamie, you've got to pull that up. What did we ask you to pull up first, though? Oh, get the— Was it Izzy? No, no, no, Pajero. Oh.
Starting point is 03:22:51 Alex Pajero KO reel. Can we already do that? KO highlight reel. No, we should have sold the Jason Willness one, that one. But there's a shitload of them, and they're all like that. What's his record? Kickboxing glory, or just kickboxing? He definitely lost.
Starting point is 03:23:04 He lost to a willingness by decision He lost to a few guys He lost a fight off whose elites in his last fight and that was a split decision right before he came over to MMA And then he fought that one fight in LFA He won that fight and then they signed up to the UFC Andrew Tate knocked out by Hedda You know this these chaos did he really know? the UFC. Andrew Tate knocked out Pajero. So look at these KOs. Did he really? No. What?
Starting point is 03:23:25 What are you saying? Oh, that left hook. And that's Simon Marcus. Simon Marcus is a bad motherfucker, dude. That left hook, dude. But I don't think he knocked Simon Marcus out here. I think he just dropped him. Top 10 kickboxing knockout. But he knocked everybody out.
Starting point is 03:23:43 Dude, that left hook. Come on, son. But look what happens when he hits people. Look what happens. They just go off. He's so good at fucking going downstairs, upstairs. That right to the body left hook. Look at it. Bink, boom.
Starting point is 03:23:57 My goodness. Yeah, that is a gnarly left hook. That's the Izzy one. I've fucking seen that about 400 times. Yeah, you don't need to see that one again. Let's see this one. This one. Boom. seen that about 400 times. Yeah, you don't need to see that one again. Let's see this one. This one. Boom!
Starting point is 03:24:08 Just a sniper right hit. That left hook would have been bad. It's just the power he generates. It's the same kind of thing that we were talking about with Deontay. That long frame, but heavily muscled. Check. Yeah, you're right about those. Oh.
Starting point is 03:24:25 Oh. Once you start feeling that thud, you're right about that. Oh. Oh. You just, once you start feeling that thud, you're like, oh, Jesus Christ. Jesus. He just puts it on you, man. Like, that's how he's the outlier of outliers. Because, like, there's extraordinary power, and then there's, like, Poiton power. It's just everybody who gets hit is like, what the fuck, man? Yeah, looks like what the fuck is like, what the fuck, man? Looks like what the fuck.
Starting point is 03:24:45 Like, what the fuck? You got to see Tommy's dad yelling at Jake with his shirt off in the ring. Just looked coked up. Just fucking having a... It's funny. And Jake was sitting there talking and his dad's fucking tits hanging, just yelling at him. I wonder if they'll show him just like ripping his shirt Back it up
Starting point is 03:25:11 Back it up to the beginning so we can hear what he said at the first That's a big boy Look at him I'm the fucking king You're embarrassing You're a fat miserable old man He looks nervous as hell Yeah I didn't watch the boxing fight But I thought that was so fucking funny Just ripping his shirt off in the middle of the boxing
Starting point is 03:25:35 That's who those folks are They're fucking wild people That's a wild family And for Tyson Fury to come out of that That's strong stock That dude's fucking good He's fun to watch That's a wild family, and for Tyson Fury to come out of that, man, that's strong stock. Yeah. That's strong stock. That dude's fucking good.
Starting point is 03:25:49 Yeah, he's fun to watch. Oh, my God. He's so massive, but so fucking quick-footed, and it's just... When he fought Deontay in the last fight, he's standing across the ring from him, and he goes, you're a bitch. You're a bitch. He's staring him down. You're a bitch. You're my bitch.
Starting point is 03:26:03 And you can see Deontay was like, what the fuck, man? Because Deontay put on a lot of weight for that fight, didn't he? Quite a bit for the second one. Was it the second or the third one he was calling him a bitch? Oh, they have three? Don't they? They might, actually. Was it the first one where Deontay
Starting point is 03:26:19 dropped him? Yeah, the first one Deontay dropped him, they have three. And then he stopped him twice. Damn. He stopped him and then he stopped him in the rematch. In the rematch, the first one, Deontay dropped him. They have three. And then he stopped him twice. Damn. He stopped him, and then he stopped him in the rematch. And then the rematch, the rubber match, the third match, rather. It's not a rubber match. The third match, I guess it kind of is because the first one was a draw. But the third match, Deontay catches him hard.
Starting point is 03:26:37 Oh, that's right. He hits him with that bomb of a right hand, and you see, like, literally all the ripples of his fat go down. It was crazy, the impact of it and then he dropped him again after that but that right hand was a missile yeah there's some serious that lengthy fucking power oh dude tyson fury is a motherfucker dude and so is dionte they're like any other world dionte is the unified champion probably. Like if Tyson Fury doesn't exist, because he's got that power. It's just everybody goes out except for Tyson Fury. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:27:11 I feel like if Francis and Tyson fought, I feel like Tyson might, I mean, Francis is always going to have a chance no matter what. He could fight anybody in the world. He'll have a chance. But if it came to a boxing match, Tyson is so good. It's not an even matchup. No. And the gloves make it probably harder for him to win with one shot.
Starting point is 03:27:31 He certainly is dangerous as fuck. Are you talking about this video? No, no, no. This one's great, though. Oh, is that a filter? This is for Usyk. Listen to what he says here. You say you want the WBC, and it's held by gypsies.
Starting point is 03:27:43 It is held by gypsies. It is held by gypsies. It's held by the Gypsy King. And it's held tightly, grasped tight. And all roads leads to a seven-foot behemoth that will absolutely destroy you, middleweight. Middleweight, you will get smashed to bits. You say you wanted to fight me after you beat the bodybuilder. Called me out on television.
Starting point is 03:28:04 And now you're being a little bitch pussy boy. Running. Hiding. Saying you've got injuries. You ain't got no injuries. You had a sparring contest. Get out and fight in December. You let your mouth go.
Starting point is 03:28:15 Now let's back it up. See if you can back it up middleweight. Doesn't matter if it's December or April or August next year. The outcome will be the same. I will obliterate you. I'm a 7-foot, 20-stone behemoth, and I will destroy you, middleweight. Find your balls. Come see me.
Starting point is 03:28:32 That looks like a face filter on, like, Instagram. Find your balls. Come see me, bitch. What's he saying again? A behemoth? Did we figure out what he said? He calls himself a 7-foot behemoth? Is that what that is?
Starting point is 03:28:44 20- stone or something Behemoth is he saying maybe Behemoth That's the way the closed caption had it Let me hear him say it again Bear moth Let me hear him say it again I will obliterate you
Starting point is 03:28:59 I'm a seven foot 20 stone bear moth Okay behemoth It did sound like bear moth Maybe that's a thing they say He's stone bear moth and I okay behemoth it did sound like bear moth yeah I was like maybe that's like a thing they say he's a bear moth
Starting point is 03:29:08 like you know a bear man scary yeah he's a I mean he's a seven foot bear pretty much
Starting point is 03:29:14 fuck well who can move quick fast real quick and he's skillful yeah he's sick to watch I wonder how hard
Starting point is 03:29:20 he's training out like just like on the weekly I don't know I mean I gotta assume that he would think that a real fight is, like, very close to being signed. He's got to be in some kind of shape. He's not going to let himself get fat. Yeah, he's very disciplined.
Starting point is 03:29:34 Well, he has to be now because it's like this is the last fight or two fights he's ever going to have probably. He was ready to retire after the Dillian White fight and he decided to keep going. But I think he's just going to keep going but i think he's just gonna keep going because he thinks he'll beat all those guys too yeah retirement's a scary thing it's a tricky i mean look at frankie it's like fuck do you think you know exactly when you want to get out i feel like i have a good team around me but i also know like how competitive i am and how like i i think i'm not a coach i hate like i feel like i can't coach i do think it'll be fun to stick around and if tim and i once i retire maybe you know co-coach and build up someone a
Starting point is 03:30:14 student if we can get like some great athlete or maybe coaching might help kind of eat like with that but i don't know it's kind of it's kind of scary to think about retirement just because I fucking I like being in camp and I like knowing there's a fight around the corner for me to even think about maybe not fighting until like June, July, I'm like fuck it's a long time but I'm hoping I definitely have the right people around me
Starting point is 03:30:38 but it's not even up to them really I mean I'm sure Frankie has good people it's just that competitiveness that I don't know. Or you maybe, like Conor, you just make so much fucking money and you just go do shit. But it seems like clearly he's still got a competitive drive. He's still working out really hard. There's a bunch of videos of him wrestling.
Starting point is 03:30:57 There's videos of him. He's kicking the bag with his fucked up leg, which is crazy. And I think with a lot of those guys that get those pins they have to make the decision whether to leave it in or to take it out so i've researched surgery again to take it out yes oh fuck yes oh yeah i wonder if you're allowed to keep it in i don't know i don't know what kind of hardware they put in his shin but i do know that some guys have had to have a second operation and take plates out. Tim Sylvia, I believe, had to because his arm broke with Frank Mir.
Starting point is 03:31:30 That's gross. And then there's Anderson. He had his leg screwed back together. Chris Weidman hasn't fought since he broke his leg against Uriah Hall. Oh, he hasn't? I don't believe so. I don't believe Chris has fought. I don't think Silva took his out.
Starting point is 03:31:44 Silva didn't? He did not. I'm reading an article about it right now. It Chris has fought. I don't think Silva took his out. Silva didn't? He did not. I'm reading an article about it right now. It says the doctor said it wouldn't have been a benefit either. Dude, another surgery would have been. Well, it's not whether or not it's a benefit. It's also whether or not it's fair. Like, if a guy has a titanium plate over his shin.
Starting point is 03:31:58 Dude. It's like, so it's going to be different in each case. So in some cases, the leg's going to be really compromised to the point where the guy never feels confident about kicking with it again. And Tyrone Spong, again, we said he fought that MMA fight with Karatana, but I don't think he had other kickboxing fights after he broke his leg with Koukansaki. So it's like, can you throw a kick with that leg?
Starting point is 03:32:18 And if you can't throw a kick with that leg, is it okay then that you have the plate still? Because, like, the leg's already fucked up anyway. Is it balanced out? Or did you get that plate put in and you had full recovery? And now you're smashing things with a shin that also has a plate in it. Fuck, I'd feel a lot more confident if I knew I had metal shins. Would you though?
Starting point is 03:32:41 Because you also have screws. So there's these fucking screws in your shin. Do those compromise your shin? Yeah, that's a a good point I was just picturing fucking I remember when I had my Liz Frank surgery on my foot you know there was an option the two surgeries was the one where they put the screws in or whatever and then they have to redo the surgery or re yeah surgery and take them out or do whatever I did I just I did what I did so I don't have any metal in my foot but yeah I don't know. How long did that take you to recover from? Dude, the Liz Frank surgery took legitimately two years to stop hurting.
Starting point is 03:33:11 Wow. But I was probably training on it too soon. I probably wasn't doing exactly everything. This was 2018, so I was kind of learning about eating healthy. And I was still learning a lot of stuff, so i might not have taken care of it the best way but legit two fucking years that foot hurt so bad like i would train and it would just ache i would have to ice it every day it was uh it was miserable the fucking yeah the liz frank surgery was miserable what is specifically the injury that causes that surgery um so i that happened in my fight when I was laying on my back talking to you.
Starting point is 03:33:46 So I threw the head kick. And then right when I threw the head kick, I planted and threw a right hand and my foot snapped. When I- when I landed. So it's the bones in the middle of the foot. Yeah. And the- and the tendons and shit. Oh, God. It was so fucking-
Starting point is 03:33:59 Oh, boy. Yeah. Jesus. Yeah, that one was- that was fucked. And then, uh, I remember I got like I had to get like an extra I remember I went to The Vegas doctor
Starting point is 03:34:09 When I After the fight And they said no you're fine And then I So they announced They told Dana Oh his foot's fine And then Dana said
Starting point is 03:34:16 At the post fight conference Like my foot was fine I got carried out in a stretcher And everyone was making fun of me And But yeah my fucking foot Snapped in half And then I had to get
Starting point is 03:34:24 I went to get, I went to another doctor in Arizona. They did x-rays and shit. And they're like, Oh, it's fine. So I, it was like the third doctor I went to.
Starting point is 03:34:30 They're like, Oh, your foot's torn in half. I mean, how the fuck are these doctors not fucking finding this? It's like, you're a fucking, uh,
Starting point is 03:34:38 yeah. So how, it was two years before there was no pain. How long before you had full movement? Um, I don't even remember. i just remember fucking definitely i had i wasn't able to run for like two years like grappling just bouncing around hurt but i could still do it but i was like i was like just doing it through the pain i'd always have to wrap it a certain way
Starting point is 03:35:00 i don't even remember though and so what was it like fighting with that so now it feels really now it's now it feels fine um i get i feel like i feel it if i if i'm really eating bad did you have any fights where it came up after that um no it's been feeling like i haven't had any issues with it uh so from that injury how long was it before you fought again two years two solid years 2018 2020. wow yeah well i got remember i'd gotten suspended from the austrian right um which worked out perfect in a way because i was dealing with this i was trying to but i booked a fight like a year or something later i was supposed to fight jose quinones and like i was going into that fight super fucked up my foot was in so much pain
Starting point is 03:35:46 and i was going into that fight and i was a couple weeks out before the i got suspended and then uh so i had i couldn't fight because the suspension but it it was so perfect timing because my foot was so fucked up so it was like very beneficial that i couldn't fight but then yeah two years later um but yeah i was grappling a lot in those two years even with my foot fucked up did you stop plant on it i i bet it was just painful it wasn't it wasn't uh i don't know if it's just super inflamed all the time or if i just didn't you know i think it was a lot of scar tissue i didn't get it massaged out enough. I didn't get enough manual physical therapy. So I probably just didn't take care of it enough.
Starting point is 03:36:30 But I know Liz Frank injuries, I was looking it up and stuff, and they're very serious fucking injuries. Like people can be career enders. I think it happens with, you know, football players and shit, but it can be a serious injury. But I've been super fortunate lately. I've been feeling good. Well, it seems like you're back 100%.
Starting point is 03:36:48 Like, your movement's excellent. I had a labrum, torn labrum in my right hip shortly after that Liz Frank surgery. So I had two surgeries within, like, a couple months. And because my debut and then that second fight, I had a torn labrum. And I couldn't fucking, it hurt so bad. Have you ever had a torn labrum and i couldn't fucking it hurt so bad have you ever had a torn labrum your hip at all no just annoying as fucking a lot of people have torn labrums but just small torn or small tears and then eventually gets to a point to where it's like a it's an issue and that's where mine was so i fought terry on where with the torn labrum and i
Starting point is 03:37:20 remember walking around fight week in vegas and I was just fucking, it was the most uncomfortable. Like, I had to, like, hobble back to my hotel room and stretch and just, like, it was super painful. But I was able, right after Liz Frank's surgery, shortly after I got the hip surgery, which was not bad at all. Like, that's a lot less of a surgery. But, yeah, now I feel fucking great. I would like to get my nose fixed eventually. Justin Gage just did his. Yeah, I heard that your nose is less, it's weaker after you get surgery. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:37:54 I think the benefits of you being able to breathe out of your nose far surpass the weakness. Yeah, I would agree. It'll help your cardio. I got mine done a a while back like 15 years ago it's fucking greatest decision i've ever made i sleep with mouth tape every night or it's probably hard to get air through that yeah one time i'm a little congested right now but even last night at the hotel i bring my mouth tape i sleep with it and i have to fucking i've been sleeping with mouth tape for years now and i just have to but I have to make sure I have to hit some days, nose spray sometimes.
Starting point is 03:38:27 Maybe it's a good time to do it now. Cause if you know, fuck that I'm grab, dude, I'm so ready to get back to the gym. I'm ready to grind and grapple. And I'm pretty much, what are you hoping for? Like for, if they offer you a title shot, when are you hoping for? July? If I had to guess, yeah, it would be July. I want to, I want to get, I just want to go grind and be in the gym and just basically be in jiu-jitsu camp because i know which is going to benefit me in the long run anyway and that's what i've been doing it's grinding on the jiu-jitsu anyway but i want to take it up another level um i'm in such a good mind space and a head space to to just get back to the grind of grappling and wrestling, and it's going to benefit me so much.
Starting point is 03:39:05 So the next, yeah, four or five months, what do we got? December, January, February, March, May, June, July. Because it seems like a good fight for that big card that they do. International fight, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm so curious if Henry and Aljo are going to fight in March in Vegas. I know that's probably what the UFC— if Henry's coming back, he deserves a title shot, whatever. Let those
Starting point is 03:39:26 guys fight. Aljo's healthy. He just beat up TJ. He took no injuries. How much time does Henry need to get ready? Supposedly, Henry's on Twitter saying, let's go, Aljo. He was calling out in Perth for February. I think Henry's ready to go.
Starting point is 03:39:42 Aljo, I don't know. I don't know if he knows Henry's a tough fight doesn't want that fight or what but if I had to guess it's definitely a tough fight Henry's a tough fight for anybody they fight in March I fight the winter in July is what I'd like
Starting point is 03:39:56 but for me my next fight is a title fight so whoever it doesn't matter I'm fighting for title fight yeah Shugashane I've heard him do like on Instagram or interviews or get asked So whoever, it doesn't matter. I'm fine with that. Sugar Shane! Yeah, Sugar Shane. I've heard him do like on Instagram or interviews or get asked. Sugar Shane, that's just me for Snoop. But that's fine.
Starting point is 03:40:11 It's fucking Snoop. It's hilarious. It's close enough. Yeah, it's hilarious. Well, hey, brother. Thank you very much for coming back in here. And congratulations on the win and all the progress and everything. It's been fun to watch, man.
Starting point is 03:40:22 Fuck yeah, I appreciate it, Joe. Thank you so much. It's been fun. Thank you. I can't wait for your next one. It's going to be watch, man. Fuck yeah, I appreciate it, Joe. Thank you so much. It's been fun. Thank you. I can't wait for your next one. It's going to be exciting. Ten more years of The Sugar Show. Ten more.
Starting point is 03:40:29 Yeah, 2020 to 2030, the sugar era, and we're fucking, yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, I appreciate it. Thank you, Joe. All right, tell everybody your social media. Yeah, the Timbo Sugar Show podcast. Me and Tim have been doing a podcast. Actually, after we came on the first time, you fucking inspired us, so thank you. Timbo Sugar Show podcast on YouTube and all that good shit.
Starting point is 03:40:47 And then just my Instagram, SugarSean. Then my merch, Appreciate it. Boom. Bye, everybody.

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