The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #137 with Jorge Masvidal

Episode Date: March 22, 2023

Joe sits down with Jorge Masvidal, a mixed martial artist currently competing in the welterweight division for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. a fucking pleasure always a pleasure to see you too man bro i've been a fan of yours since back in the day when i saw you fought a bow dog bow dog yeah so you fought eve edwards on bow dog yes i did damn this dude's fucking dangerous yes i did man yeah you're you're still in the game man it's uh it's it's beautiful to see you know crafty veterans yeah man i uh attributed a lot to like god with the gifts that i was born and also the training that i do i never get too far away from the training and another thing is that i i uh i've kept it like natural for the most part i've seen a lot of guys come in four or five years they they do a little bit of the enhancements and cheating and then tear this break that so these guys ain't around no more i just feel like um i want i couldn't afford it when i was coming
Starting point is 00:01:04 up into that stuff. So I just never did it, you know. So I've always kept, like, my body more or less healthy. I've had injuries that are horrible, obviously, in combat sports, but I've always just been able to, like, heal through them. And always one thing I've always believed in for the sport, for anybody listening, wanting to get into the sport and have longevity is, like, as long as you know that every day you can learn something new from whoever it may be you'll always be going forward you know the moment
Starting point is 00:01:29 you think you know it all that's it bro you fucked up you know so I've always had that mentality since I was young and uh and I still have it to this day you know a white book could teach me something or like a setup or something not necessarily maybe the greatest technique but just a different way to do a technique and I might be able to pull it off so I've always uh stuck firm to that commitment you know yeah for sure that's very important to have that beginner's mentality you know what is the worst injury you've ever had like pain wise eye poke for oh yeah i i uh i shot like a high crotch and the guy's elbow was like resting on his hip and he just like locked out and um it
Starting point is 00:02:05 went right into my thumb and his thumb went right into my eye and i was throwing up immediately like 10 seconds after i started throwing up and i couldn't i was doing like the harlem shake i couldn't control my body i was just shaking and throwing up it was so much pain after that i had to wear eye patch for about like five weeks because i had double vision so So I would like look at you and see like two, three of you. And that would last it for like five weeks. So I was supposed to have surgery on it and they scheduled me for surgery. I came back in and the doctor's like, hey, man, maybe you don't need surgery. You did amazing healing, like sweating's gone down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You kind of don't need the surgery. So I was like, oh, let me not get the surgery. And I wore the eye patch for five weeks. That was the most painful injury of my life the other ones have just been like a Long lasting injuries like my hand is all fucking wrecked, you know Backs pretty messed up, but I get through it, you know cold plunge son a lot of stretching things like that Like they're there I could work through it. But the eye and the hand have been the worst probably did you break the hand?
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, but I've torn like numerous ligaments and tendons on the hand, you know. That's why my fingers look like they're throwing up gang signs, all crooked and stuff, you know. But, yeah, that's been, like, one of the more lagging ones. And the knees and stuff, you know how the sport is. Yeah. Pulling on your joints, meniscus there, here, ACL there. But those, I've been able to rehab and work through them. They suck, like, when I'm running on, like, on a cold day.
Starting point is 00:03:23 But it's nothing that I can't work through. The hand is like sometimes I got to just give it a pause. Like a week, I can't throw my right hand. I just got to use my left and stuff like that. I remember when you got a meniscus injury, and I was worried about that, but you just rehabbed it? Just rehabbed, man. I don't really like surgery, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:41 and I've talked to a lot of other athletes that did do like the meniscus repair and then it tore again and then they were out for like six months i was like nah it's not gonna be me so i've always focused on like rehab get whoever's the best rehab person around at that time that i could find for that particular injury and just get to work and if after some time i'm not seeing any gains and maybe i'll try some other stuff and there's so many advances in the medical field not like the stem so that that's helped me out tremendously with my knees giving me a full range of motion to be able to like squat all the way down i i was having trouble like breaking parallel once i'd have a little bit of weight on my back i just feel crazy tension on my knees
Starting point is 00:04:16 since the stem so i got like a full range of motion back on my knees you know that's beautiful the hand as well where did you go to get the stem cells the ufc sent me up for for my hand i went to california and uh it was freaking amazing it was right after the nate diaz fight uh both my hands were jacked and on one of the the blows that i hit nate with i hit him in the top of the head and you can see it on the video my hand folds i just kind of had like shitty technique for that one punch and um i couldn't even wipe my ass i i swear to you bro the the pain that i had it was just i couldn't bend it in like that i did the stem cells three weeks later i was like holy smokes this is insane and um in my knees and hands i did it in uh down in colombia bio accelerator that was freaking a great time too that's the way to go when you go
Starting point is 00:05:00 to those uh other countries whether it's panama or col Colombia, or they do it in Tijuana now, too, it's like they can do shit that you can't do in America. They just load you up. You get the full spectrum over there. Yeah, and you just fucking heals everything. It's incredible. It's crazy. It's great for stuff you don't even know is wrong. It's great for just overall longevity and body healing.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I haven't done them because you know how you saw it is with us, but I've heard about the IV stem cells as well. They're freaking great for you as well. Yeah, no, it's incredible. It sucks that the IV thing is an issue. But, you know, it's, I mean, you don't cut a ton of weight. I mean, you used to fight at 55. Yeah, 55, I was a ton of weight, a ton of water weight because my body fat. I lived a different life.
Starting point is 00:05:42 They're a very strict diet for like, I had to, once to once i turned like 25 26 i had to have like proper notice like nine weeks notice to get myself in shape to come in and fight weak i had like 174 to drop down to 156 and right around like 172 173 i was five percent body fat already so it was it was just straight water and it was fucking torturous and then um usada when i decided to move up usada came in the game and outlawed the ivs for us right so i was like there's no way i can make 155 and that's when i made my move to 70 but it's been phenomenal for you at 70 i think you're better at 70 because you're just stronger healthier i didn't have the pop um i won 55 after i, 27, which usually a man loses his strength and power at the end of his career, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And it was like a month before the fight, I'd be hurting people in sparring. As I got nearer to the fight, I just, I didn't have that electricity, that pop, pop, you know. Right. So I really started to like, man, fuck, you know, it's something I'm going to have to do. And it was in the back of my mind. But I would always work out with 70 pounders and um like 45 pounders at american top team we had a lot of standouts at 155 so i would work out with them as well but i was like we might have to cross paths so i i didn't make it like my main staple to work out with those guys so i knew that there
Starting point is 00:06:57 was a strength level difference at me at 170 but i knew i could hurt those guys when i touch them you know every time so i i knew if i could work on my strength gains and get a little size, I'd be all right at 70. Oh, well, look at the Darren Till knockout. Yes, sir. That was fucking phenomenal. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah, I mean, I wonder how many fighters are cutting their career short by dehydrating the shit out of themselves. It's rough.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You know, when you're young, you get away with it, always. Your body, you could get ran over by a truck and you wake up the next day but there comes a point where you kind of just lose that you know and i don't care how young you are your chin once you cut over like 12 13 14 pounds of water your chin and legs take a massive hit i feel yeah that's why i'm amazed that pajera who's uh walks around like 40 pounds heavier than 185 i mean he's fucking huge yeah but usually the big boys also could have more more water to release you know the tool fibers the 85 is the heavy weights but yeah that guy's massive i've seen pictures of him off season i'm like holy smokes he looks like a fucking small heavyweight at times when he gets into the octagon at 185 you can't
Starting point is 00:08:00 believe he ever weighed 185 yeah he's so fucking big it's a giant advantage but i wonder how long he could do that he's like 34 now you know i wonder i wonder how long his body's gonna allow him to dehydrate the shit out of himself yeah it catches up i think yeah well he's already talked about going to 205 nice um so you got a big fight coming up you're mid-camp yes sir yeah thanks for coming down man hell yeah bro so uh gilbert that's a good fight it's a great fight man um i i think uh wrestling he's not that good so i know i could negate him on the wrestling takedowns and just keep his stand up and stand up he makes a lot of mistakes constantly i feel you know just looking at it from a striker's point of view i i feel he's like tailor-made for
Starting point is 00:08:43 for me to give him a fucking left hook to the jaw and end his night, you know? Yeah. Well, it's an exciting fight, and Gilbert's a fucking dangerous man. And it's the co-main event in Miami. It's going to be wild. 20 years I ain't been to Miami.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Woo! That's going to be wild. Just the moment when you get into that fucking octagon, the pop that you get, it's going to be insane. Yes, sir. In Miami? In Miami. Woo!
Starting point is 00:09:08 And forever, the road has been my home, so I've always felt comfortable. Like, okay, we're going to fight Abu Dhabi, Fight Island. Cool. We're going to fight California, Texas. Cool. I've always felt great. So definitely it's going to be like a little bit more added pressure, a little different being in actual home you know but you're going to wake up in your own bed you're going to wake up in my own bed that is true i'm going to take a drive from my house to the arena in my car you
Starting point is 00:09:32 know it's all going to be like like if i'm going to sparring but a little bit more added chips to it you know for sure for sure yeah it's uh it's an exciting time for the welterweight division, too. You know, with you having that beef with Leon and Leon now having retained the title and they're talking about Colby. But I feel like with a good showing against Gilbert, you skip the line. Yeah, for sure. It becomes. And Leon wants it, you know, more than anything. He wants it more than anything. Just for the history that we have and also we're going to sell the most pay-per-views if me and him are in that cage.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It'll sell a lot. Yeah. It'll sell a lot. It'll be a big fight. It's going to be a gigantic fight. What did you think about the rematch, the rubber fight with Leon and Kamaru? A little lackluster, you know. And Usman, maybe there was times where I didn't see him like stepping on the gas like he usually does
Starting point is 00:10:25 you know and it might have been because he just took this fight too early i always think that when a fighter gets knocked out you you really you know and i got this from like the old timers in boxing you need to really let your brain and your confidence like heal and come back you know because then you get back in and you get touched and you're like whoa i might get knocked out and you pull the the brakes and you start like like, you know, maybe second-guessing yourself. So I think maybe he took it a little bit too early, you know. I do think that he's, in a way, a better fighter than Leon in a lot of aspects. But Leon just has his number, it seems, right now.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Well, Leon was also super confident coming into that fight. You know, I feel like once a guy becomes the champion, they gain confidence and they gain ability because they just have this understanding of what they're capable of doing. And the fact that it was in England, I mean, it was... And he had the title. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And he knocked him out. Yeah, all the above. A lot of factors. You just don't know how a guy's going to come back after his first KO loss. And it was a bad one. It was a brutal one. Usman was down for a bit.
Starting point is 00:11:24 How long after the Kamaru fight did you take off? Close to like eight to nine months, maybe even longer, you know. All my coaches wanted me. Plus, it was like the first KO of my career, you know. So more so on like, not my body was already here, my brain, but they wanted to make sure that my mind was right, you know. Yeah. How long did it take you to get over it um i still haven't got over it brother i i want to
Starting point is 00:11:49 fucking rip usman's fucking brains out you know nothing personal i just want to get back in there and do it to him you know i i've never been knocked out and i've fought a lot you know we were talking about earlier eves edwards like i fought great strikers you know and they never even came close to knocking me out and it's not the disroostman but he's not i don't put him in the league of one of these great strikers he's a great fighter because he could do a lot of things well but after fighting him the first time and getting his best shots and i cut 20 pounds of water and i took the fight in six day notice and i went to abu dhabi i was like bro this guy will never hurt me like he he hits like a
Starting point is 00:12:22 and then all of a sudden he's the dude that that knocks me out. And I had five rounds with him. So, for, in that, I think it was nine months since the first fight that he gained that type of power. It was just nuts to me, you know. It was, like, unreal, unnatural, you know, because I felt his fucking best punches in the first fight for five rounds. And it never hurt me, never, like, shook me up good, you know. And then, boom, surprise hit in the second fight. So do you think it was a matter of you not respecting his power and on top of that him just getting better?
Starting point is 00:12:54 I always respect anybody who has two hands and two feet, so it's not like I'm trying to do, like, touch me in the chin and I'll give a shot to take a shot. Definitely caught me by surprise when he started to load up. I kind of saw, like, the back of his head, so I thought for sure he's going to shoot. So I start to, like, drop my hands, and I notice, like, midway, oh, it's a right hand.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I try to check hook him, but it's too late already. The right hand had already penetrated the force field and took my ass out, you know? Yeah. It's a moment that happens to many fighters, and it defines who they are, how they bounce back from it. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Oh, and I'm coming strong, man. I feel my mind after that fight maybe, I'm not going to lie, I went into a dark place for a while. Because, like I said, I'd never been knocked out. It was just fucking nuts to me. Like, bro, this guy's the one that fucking literally knocked me out. Like, I was out cold. It wasn't like you stopped it early or nothing. I know in my heart of hearts this guy fucking knocked me out.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And for me to think Usman's the one that knocked me out, I never would have bet it that this guy would knock me out. So it affected me, bro, bad. You know what I'm saying? Do you ever go to a sports psychologist? I just listen to Jordan Peterson a lot, broordan peterson on youtube man that's my dude right there for many many years i've never met him i haven't got a chance but i'm actually um by coincidence he's in florida april 9th and i'm like doing everything in my power to make sure
Starting point is 00:14:18 that i'm there like right after my fight i'm gonna go he's gonna have a conference down and i'll connect you guys oh hell yeah yeah i'll connect you guys oh yeah for sure he's gonna be in florida so i was like bro i gotta go i just want to sit in the crowd and listen to this dude i've been listening to him for years on like youtube and stuff and i listen to a lot of motivational speakers and stuff uh sports psychologists i've never really like seen one personally but i'm sure it would help you know yeah um it it certainly can help but But Jordan is essentially giving you sports psychology. He's giving you, like, life lessons. And not just sports.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I think for me, I have, like, a lot of bad habits that I had from, like, growing up, you know, and the way that I did that. I took into the pro world and I was still succeeding, you know. I was, let's say I stayed up all night for whatever reason it was. I was either chasing money or chasing chicks. And then I went to sleep at 4 a.m. And I woke up at 9 a.m. And I went to the gym at 10.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And I beat everybody's ass in that room. And I'm like, I don't have to change nothing. You know, and I went on to beat numerous good guys, challenge for world titles outside of the UFC. And I was doing really good. So part of me was like, this is just me. I'm just this person, you know. But that wasn't the best version of me you know and like little by little i've had to like tear layers off me and like hey this is no good and every time i've done that and i found out
Starting point is 00:15:33 something maybe was holding me back i've been able to get to like the next level so it's uh it's good to hear somebody like jordan that that addresses and like bro you're a pussy bro if you can't let this go he tells you how it is. It's like, this is why and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I like it like that, like straight raw, like just tell me the truth, you know? So I feel that for me personally, not just in the sports, but in like my life in general, like finding those things that hold me back in, in many things, you know, on the, on the personal side that I could bring into the professional. And then it's like, it makes all the sense in the world you know like let's say i stopped eating domino's pizza now for like a month or whatever junk food i was like binging on and then i see like results and stuff it's like man
Starting point is 00:16:12 i just got to change my whole lifestyle not just before the fight but year round you know and those are those are the things where i like struggle and i've been working on a lot you know that's the problem i think with really talented guys is that you can kind of get away without being disciplined. Yeah. And you don't realize that if you were disciplined, you'd be one of the greats. Yeah. And it's like I have the discipline to make it to the gym under three hours of sleep or ten hours of sleep. I'm going to make it to the practice.
Starting point is 00:16:38 The coach is always going to check my name. I'm always just going to show up to practice. But was it the fucking absolute best version of me showing up to that practice many times not especially when i was younger man and just because in that room whatever particular room i was in i was always like a standout or one of the better guys i was like i don't gotta change nothing bro and then you know i remember there was a video that the ufc put out i think the ufc put it out it was a you younger you were just playing video games all night and just like definitely And everybody was
Starting point is 00:17:06 laughing about this. That's what he does. Yeah. And since young, since I want to say like 17 years old, I started sleeping like five hours a day just because I couldn't get more than that. I'd lay in bed. I could go to sleep at 10 a.m. And I'd just wake up like at 5, 6 a.m. wired. So I started pushing those boundaries. Like, well, then I'd go to sleep at 3 in the morning. I just wake up like at 5, 6 a.m. wired. So I started pushing those boundaries. Like, well, then I go to sleep at 3 in the morning. I wake up at like 9 just fine. I woke up at 10 fine, and I did that for a large part. And I felt good, you know. But with age, though, you can't do that no more.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Nowadays I get like my five cycles of an hour and a half at least minimum. You know, if not, I feel it nowadays, you know. And this started happening to me when I was like 34, 35. Like it took a while for it to hit me. Now sleep is top three priority for me. It never used to be. It used to be like I'll take a nap if I'm not tired or something like that. Nowadays it's like, man, I need my good sleep if I'm going to get a good workout in, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah, it's good that you're aware of that. Some people never learn that lesson. Sleep is everything. It is everything. Your body recovers during sleep. And everything your body recovers during sleep and also your mind recovers i mean just to know that you're well rested when you're getting up and getting through the day you just know you got a full battery i didn't i never even believed in that i was like man that's just motherfuckers being pussy so what do you need what do you mean you need eight hours
Starting point is 00:18:20 of sleep what you need to sleep when you die i used to be like a common thing and everybody around me would always say sleeping's for the birds or for dead people and i really like kind of just embody that like man i don't need to sleep to go training now it's the complete opposite i'm trying to clock in as many hours on a consistent basis leading up but this is not just not for this fight camp i've been i've been trying to implement that for like the last two years of my life you know well i think that's something that you know it's it's a part of what makes fighters great is they have that incredible confidence and they don't give a fuck and they think they're different yeah it's all the great yeah a little bit of that i mean look at that's john jones in a nutshell right i mean john i mean the fun one of the funniest fucking lines ever was
Starting point is 00:18:58 and john was talking to dc at the press conference he was like i beat you when i was doing coke yeah yeah a whole night a weekend of cocaine or something like that that guy's just like you talk about uber talent that guy's on another level next level shit next level i mean fuck and he happens to be fucking mean it's a lot of talented guys sometimes they're not like the meanest guy this guy's mean as it fucking gets you know yeah that's everything yeah that's. And it's just all the above. Genetics, discipline, intelligence, game planning. I mean, nobody game plans like John. Yeah, I've heard he's a student of the game.
Starting point is 00:19:32 He's watching film every day, all day long. Like, that is so much discipline. You know, like, he's wired that into his system. That's who he is. There's a lot of fighters that just don't watch any tape, period, you know? Do you watch a lot of tape on guys? I'll watch at different stages stages and then my coaches will keep breaking down stuff and they'll show it to me i don't watch tape like every day but i i do go on
Starting point is 00:19:53 like uh segments like tonight i saw somebody for like two hours and i'll just keep that in my brain and and i'll try to bring that to sparring like the these are the game plans right that i read in my head like i think so and so is a sucker for this this and that and then i bring that into sparring i try to emulate it and the guys obviously that i bring into sparring are not the guy i'm gonna fight but they're supposed to be you know very similar style something like that so i know if it starts working on them then i'm like one step away from bringing into mass production and bringing it to the world so that's kind of how i do it I just also don't want to look at somebody all day long
Starting point is 00:20:26 because I want to focus on me and my strength as well. I want to be aware of their strengths and what they're good at and what positions I don't want to be involved with them. But I'm worried about me, you know? Yeah, no, I understand. Are you 36 now? 38. 38.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Whoa, you look good. Let's go. You look good. How much longer do you think you got in the game? 38. Whoa, you look good. Let's go. You look good. How much longer do you think you got in the game?
Starting point is 00:20:50 You know, that's a question that I got the answer to. You know, I'm at American Top Team. I feel best gym in the fucking world. We have numerous established killers right now, and we have another world of guys coming up of young, hungry talent that nobody knows of that are just fucking killers. And I've always felt like when I come into the gym and I can't hang with the pack, when I can't, you know, do a round with, you know, so-and-so,
Starting point is 00:21:11 and then after that go with so-and-so and so-and-so, and I'm getting the worse end of it consistently, I'll call it quits because I don't want to be a step-in zone for nobody. I've been in the sport for 20 years. So when I get into American Top Team, I mean, I'm working out with the best of the best. You know, I truly feel in my heart that the best middleweight right now, his name is Johnny Eblen. He's at Bellator. He's a bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Oh, this guy could wrestle. This guy could punch. This guy could kick. He's just a beast. And, like, we've been sharpening iron, me and him, forever. And, you know, there's days that he fucking runs me over. There's days that I do very well over there's days that i that i do very well that i that i hold my own and we have great sessions so the the times that i start to
Starting point is 00:21:50 just get the worst end of the of the sessions it's time for me to hang it up i don't need to go in a ring to find out once i can't keep up with the pack no more i know my time has come and it's gonna hurt like fuck because this is all i've known this is my first my last love this is my everything but at the same time i'm not going to do a disservice to my body and that guys beat me they could have never held my jockstrap probably during my prime you know so that that'll be when i call it quits once the gym is telling me like hey you know your time has come i'm cool with it you know i just gracefully bow out well that's a great situation to be in we still have the love but you're also aware that there's a reality of just your biological limits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And, I mean, it's going to happen to all of us, you know. Everybody. Maybe some Randy Couture was fighting until, what, 44, 45 years old. Yeah, crazy. He was doing it big. Also pre-Usada. Yeah, pre-Usada, yeah. Also pre-Usada.
Starting point is 00:22:40 A little bit different. Yeah. Those days would be different. The Sylvester Stallone strand, I think it was called. Yeah. Well, listen, fucking Vitor changed his whole fucking world when TRT was in. All of a sudden, Vitor was the—I think TRT Vitor was one of the greatest fighters of all time. Most dangerous, you could say.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh, my God. He was so confident. When he fought Luke Rockhold in hand with a wheel kick, I'm like, what the fuck? You never even seen Vitor throw wheel kicks before. The speed, the power, like something. He turns into like a mutant when there's certain things involved in his body. Yeah, some little fucking pharmacological intervention.
Starting point is 00:23:16 A lot of shit gets going. I kind of wish they'd bring it back. I really do because there's something about the veterans, they have the mind. Like that was the thing with Vitor they had this wealth of experience i mean i first saw vitor fight in 1997 i was training the same gym as him because i was at carlson gracie's in la and he was 19 and you know and we all knew like god damn he was a fucking athlete crazy athlete and he was a speed black belt Yeah, in jiu-jitsu was knocking people dead
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yeah, no one expected that when they first saw him fight like Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Carlson Gracie I was like always gonna take guys down submit him and he was just lighting people up Trey Telegman Scott Ferrozo won the tournament at 19 everybody Shit Oh ran through Vandal and then then vanderley went on that crazy streak and pride so it just elevated the fuck out of vitor like yeah yeah vitor did that to him holy smoke i kind of wish they'd let people do whatever the fuck they want to do well this other organizations are very lax or or just like make it like even playing field for everybody because it's just like you saw it overseas.
Starting point is 00:24:25 The Americans are a lot harder than a lot of these other countries that they can't even get into, you know. Oh, yeah. They're not traveling to the mountains of Dagestan to give people piss tests. You know, so it's just like, man, just make it fair for everybody. If I'm getting tested 20 times a year. Right. So-and-so and so-and-so and social should also be getting tested 20 times a year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Well, the worst shit is like you, you hear stuff from, like, Volkanovski. They wake him up at, like, 6 o'clock in the morning the day before the fight. Yeah. Insane. Cut and wait. Yeah. My last camp, it was the same shit. It just doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:24:57 They came on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday between 5.15 and, like, 6.30 in the morning to my fucking house. Three days in a row? three days in a row three days in a row just to make sure and it's like what well how about my sleep bro you guys just right like i usually get up like around 8 in the morning i'm out the door by like 9 15 like i have a schedule and this is like a week before a fight you guys are just wrecking my shit because now i'm gonna go back to sleep and like or i'm gonna stay to stay up. Now it's just. Fucks up your day. You could get hurt in training because of that. Cause you're tired.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You get caught with something. Maybe you shouldn't have got caught with. I get it maybe like one time, but they literally showed up three times in my crib like that. Why do you think they do that? Like someone tell them like maybe you're doing something like what they think they're being slick. That's just stupid. I don't think I've before that i had gotten tested uh throughout you know my career maybe like once or twice around those times and
Starting point is 00:25:52 there had been a while where they they were just coming in at a regular time like i'd get to the gym they're waiting for me i wake up 7 15 7 30 they're there you know um maybe a couple afternoon later shifts at the gym again and that's all understandable you know or even catch me right now when i get off the plane at the airport cool but you know on sunday on a sunday they came i wanted to let my fucking dogs loose on you know and i got a big old i got a big old fucking gate i was hoping they would have just jumped that gate because my dogs would ate them alive man you know it's so stupid. Yeah. It makes me furious. It really does.
Starting point is 00:26:26 The fact that they did that to fighters that are like the day before a title fight, all the things you have to worry about. Like if they want to test someone, test them at fucking one in the afternoon. Test them when they're done training. Test them before they train. Do whatever the fuck you got to do
Starting point is 00:26:39 to make sure they're not cheating, but don't interrupt their sleep. And more so than anything, I think it's consistency, right? Like if you're testing me i get it it's random but if you're testing me 20 times and my opponent got tested four times what the fuck is that what the fuck is that let's make it let's make it fair on all sides it should be a minimum i think of everybody should get tested like 30 times a fucking year right yeah and then certain guys that they're already like hey i think this guy okay fucking double it for that guy.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Make it 60. But everybody should be at a baseline of getting tested a shitload amount of times. I think it's good that the UFC did something, but I think ultimately what they did is a little bit of overkill. And it just, like, particularly the IVs for rehydration, I just don't, I know that they're saying that it can mask performance enhancing drugs. Well, test
Starting point is 00:27:28 them before they get an IV. There's ways to test. It's healthier for the fighter to have an IV. It's really healthier for the fighter. What they really should do, and I've been saying this forever, and I know it's hard to do, but they should outlaw weight cutting. They should
Starting point is 00:27:43 figure out a way where fighters fight at their natural, make more weight classes and have fighters fight at a natural weight. You're talking about, you're about to fucking go to war for five rounds in a cage 24 hours after you're almost dead, which is really what happens
Starting point is 00:27:58 to a lot of these guys. It's like running a marathon in the desert. That's what I used to feel like, man. I'd be just sucking water, no calories, no nothing. And then you get in there and you're kind of like a shell of yourself, you know. But I do agree with you. There is some components that they could, you know, monitor your weight during the training camp.
Starting point is 00:28:15 What's the heaviest you got? What's the lightest you got? Come up with an average of that. And, hey, you can't weigh more than 190 on fight day. If not, pay a fine or I don't know what the fuck. Well, 1c is trying to do something like that but i heard that one of their events like eight fighters missed weight which is fucking crazy yeah you know because they have a hydration test yeah i don't even
Starting point is 00:28:35 understand it i mean i know they do that with college wrestling i know they do hydration tests but i don't really agree with those either though you know yeah if i did cut more water than the next guy and i still made the weight the the fuck, let me compete, you know? Right, yeah. I mean, Gervonta Davis has a clause. 10 pounds or something? Yeah, with Ryan, where he can't weigh more than a certain amount after the weigh-in. That's a little, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Kind of bitch-ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A little bit. And what do you care what he weighs, right? Yeah. Who do you got in that fight? I don't know, man. I mean, I'm a giant Gervonta fan.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I think he's super fucking talented. But Ryan has that left hook. That left hook is preposterous. He's got the reach on him too. That left hook is so fast. Like, he catches guys in exchanges. You don't even see it land. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 But it's mostly left hook. Yeah. You know, I know he has a right hand. He uses it. But his left hook is just so. That style that he uses, using that reach and just whipping that left hook. It's. Boom.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Very unusual. And his speed is way above natural. His. He's. He's really up there with the hand speed. But so is Gervonta. Oh, my God. Especially in the pocket.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I mean. Gervonta in the pocket is a monster. Oh, my's a man he's like a little tyson he's short and he like he conserves his punches where you know like the first few rounds he throws very few punches he's just measuring he's a computer man yep he's just getting the data on you faking you taking pictures of everything you're doing then like round three round four he starts to fucking just he's dialed in he's slipping he's got special power, too. His power's special. And he's mean, too.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Oh, yeah. Mean is a big part of it, isn't it? I think having that dog, being mean is like the biggest part in it, you know? Really? In being a fighter. Yeah, because you could be a great athlete. One day you're going to come across another great athlete. You know, it's who's got more dog in them.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Do you think Wonderboy's mean? I think he's secretly mean. It has to be. He's very, very competitive. He's the nicest dude. One of the coolest guys and a for real nice guy. I've met him numerous times off camera, just me and him chilling. And the dude's genuinely like a good dude.
Starting point is 00:30:41 But once he gets in there, he's hyper competitive. He wants to win at all costs. He's going to put himself at harm's risk to make good dude, you know. But once he gets in there, he's like, he's hyper competitive. He wants to win at all costs. He's going to put himself at harm's risk to make sure he gets that W, man. I've always liked Wonder World, man. I couldn't believe Kevin Holland decided to have a kickboxing fight with him. I couldn't believe Kevin Holland. They made a deal. No going to the ground.
Starting point is 00:30:59 He's like, let's just stand up. Like, what are you saying? I don't think Holland was going to take him down anyways. Well, I think he would try. I mean, have been worse fantastic jiu-jitsu guy yeah but the wrestling the wrestling yeah and that is like one of the things that drains people you know he might have got stopped earlier if he went for a takedown and i think that's kind of what hurt izzy in the perrier fight putting those takedowns up there it takes a lot of gas if you if you haven't been doing that for a lifetime wrestling is one of the most draining things for the energy tank without a doubt i think with izzy though like
Starting point is 00:31:28 he talked about that left leg getting compromised the calf kicks oh you know i mean pahira landed like six calf kicks in that first round like hard ones calf kicked changed the do you remember when the calf kick came into the game yeah was benson henderson was the guy who first started using it but it wasn't as effective for some reason it's like other guys started using it and stopping people with it i think ben yeah you're right benson uh he was one of the first guys nate with him pretty damn good yeah i uh i use him a lot i remember i used him a lot for my kj noon's fight i used him a ton to chop him up because he's a big boxer. So I chopped his leg down with the calf kick, just boom, constantly going through.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He'd throw like a left hook, pop. I'd chop the calf. He'd throw a jab, I'd chop the calf. And that threw him off. I remember his balance because he started like kind of second-guessing me and not putting as much pressure. But I'm a big believer of the calf kick. I felt it, and I was like, this is it right here.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It's horrible. Yeah, and your leg is so much bigger so much more muscle you could you could take the hit there the one calf kick hits that nerve stem and it like shoots up to your brain and you're like well don't take no more of those you know it's amazing because to the average person they don't even know what happened like they see a guy get calf kicked and the guy's still moving and they feel like nothing happened. But meanwhile, that guy who got kicked is like, oh, shit. Like, you got a poker face, but that leg is fucked. Fucked.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Fucked. And then, bam, if someone hits it again, bang, they hit it again. Like, oh, no. And then you're in trouble. Then they switch stances, and then you know, like, oh, he got him. Yep. Yep, he got him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And you're always calling. I could always see when you're calling. He's like, yep, that calf kick hurt. He's switching stance. Guaranteed it hurt, you know? Well, when you're up close, too, you can see the calf swelling up. Like, guys, calves will swell up, like, immediately. And it's not that big.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's big, but in, like, kickboxing and Muay Thai, it wasn't like a... I know. It's crazy. It was more like an MMA thing. And then now I'm seeing it more and more in Thai boxing now. But it wasn't like maybe 15 years ago. It wasn't a big thing in kickboxing or Muay Thai, you know? No, it's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I'm trying to figure out why. I guess like a lot of the Thai guys, they fight with that light front leg, you know, and they check a lot of kicks and they're accustomed to it. But I think it's a stance. It's, you know, because you might shoot and because you might have to sprawl there's like a little bit more weight on that leg and then you know I don't know definitely for that it changes a lot there's so much options in MMA you know you're just worried about strikes and in combat here you're worried about a clinch or take down somebody dropping
Starting point is 00:34:00 guard you know I mean I love all combat sports there's no comparison. MMA is where it's at. It's the best. What's your second favorite? Muay Thai. Muay Thai. I love Muay Thai. I love Muay Thai. Yeah, I love Muay Thai.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Who's your favorite Thai fighter? Man, I mean, San Chai. You got to go with San Chai because he's been around so long, and he's still fucking people up at, like, 37 years old. And the grace that he does. Oh, my God. And the style is so different than everybody else's he's light on his feet and he throws kicks with no telegraph like a lot of these guys they're like power guys the you know they're plodding forward like rod
Starting point is 00:34:38 tank but you know sancha is just light on his feet everything's shuffling and moving quick he's very different. Like, there's no one like him. Since I started watching Sanchai, I was like, man, what makes him so special? And I would really, like, dig into it because he's obviously like Michael Jordan of Muay Thai, you know. And I think one of the things that makes him so special is his ability to take you off your feet at any moment. So that, like, I see him fighting guys, and they immediately change styles when they're fighting him.
Starting point is 00:35:08 They might be, like, a little looser, and then they get swept off their feet, and now they're just, like, their balance got compromised, and that's a huge thing. Like, you kick, and then I put you on your neck and shoulders, you're going to rethink everything, man. And I think he's, like, the best at fucking manipulating your balance and sending you flying across the ring.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And I've seen a dude to, like, great boxers, great kickboxers, great Thai guys. They lose all sense of like where they're at and stuff. Once you're flying through there and you get back and now you're kind of like a shell of yourself. I don't want to get fucking swept again. And boom, I left and then boom, I kick and then boom, you get swept again. Yeah, it's fucking insane. Yeah, I agree. The sweeps are that's a big key to his game. boom a kick and then boom you get swept again yep bro it's fucking insane bro yeah i i agree the the sweeps are that's a big key to his game and also the angles i mean there's one ko where he hops to
Starting point is 00:35:52 the side and jumping round hacks kicks that dude in the face where he like did the taekwondo i mean this motherfucker is just his timing and his ability to like shit that. I mean, look at that. I mean, what the fuck? What a crazy angle. His angles. And when you look at him, too, one of the things I like about him, he's not an impressive-looking dude. No, he's not like the fittest physical specimen.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And he's fighting guys way bigger than him all the time. He's always fighting guys bigger than him. His fights with no gloves, fucking love. Oh, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah with the ropes yeah sancha is a motherfucker dude and seems like one of the nicest most playful dudes like when you see him working out and sparring in the gym he's a fun dude playful till that bell rings at the end yeah but it's just that like right there look at this the sweeps man it's just that style so different than anybody else's style.
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's really kind of amazing that none of the young guys are emulating him because traditionally when you see Thai guys fight, they fight and they look like a Thai fighter. He looks like another thing, like another kind of thing, another evolution of it. I hope in his next lifetime it's just MMA for him. Do you imagine that guy doing that? He would have done Thai boxing until like 14, 15,
Starting point is 00:37:08 then got brought into MMA at that age with a great camp. Oh, my goodness. Well, that element is one of the elements that I feel like is missing in MMA is the sweeps. Like there's just very few guys that are that good at sweeps, you know, from the standing position in MMA. most of the takedowns we see in mma come off singles and doubles and trips you don't see it like that like what he does not not that many the one of the ones that i love is you throw like that high kick then you'll fake
Starting point is 00:37:37 the high kick and completely get behind you and then you see him flare guys and those are the things that like shut you out because now if you're worried about the sweep, you're going to get kicked. Whether it's in your head or your arm, you're going to start getting kicked, and nobody does it like him. Yeah, that's one of the beautiful things about watching a great Muay Thai fighter like him is that for someone who appreciates it, there's so many levels to what he's doing. He's setting up so many levels. There's so many different things going on simultaneously that you have to compensate for when you're fighting it best best team two in the game oh yeah he hops forward and hits you in the face with it one of my favorite guys also i can't pronounce his name i don't even want to try to because then he's going to kick my butt i'm going
Starting point is 00:38:16 to butcher it but he's olympic gold medalist in boxing and he's like a three-time lumpini champion i uh i know who you're talking about and i can't pronounce yeah yeah that guy was another serial killer bro oh yeah just stand because to do to have head movement i think in thai boxing like to stay in the pocket do this and dodge kicks that's next level shit and this guy would do it to everybody i'm a giant fan of his but i'm also if i had one fighter that i'm gonna watch tape on just just just for pure inspiration. It's Ramone Deckers. Oh. Woo! Ramone Deckers in his prime. What a fucking destroyer that guy was.
Starting point is 00:38:55 That guy smashed his ankle so bad they had to fuse his ankle, and the doctor told him, listen, man, you got to stop kicking with this thing. And he's like, yeah, yeah, tape it up. Shut the fuck up. Bam, like right away. Like in the end of his career his ankles didn't move like his foot was like stuck there forever that that you gotta be so fucking like so mentally rough you know because we've seen everybody that has like a shin break and it comes back it's just
Starting point is 00:39:19 and like you can't blame him man am i gonna the next kick is gonna snap up so for somebody to to have that commitment is fucking nuts like me personally I would be like okay time to adapt I'm gonna become a puncher now bro yeah well doesn't Tyrone Tyron Spong doesn't he train sometimes at ATT he's been there before right no no no he's more
Starting point is 00:39:37 at Stanford I think I've had the pleasure of meeting Tyrone a fucking beast I've met him a couple times but no he's not at ATT. When he broke his leg, he was kind of never the same again. I mean, he had a real bad one with Gokhan Saki. Same as, like, Chris Weidman. Same as Anderson Silva.
Starting point is 00:39:55 That same kind of break. Check a kick, smack. Like, it just snapped in half. He's doing well in boxing, though. Yes, very well in boxing. I would love to see that guy grab a belt for us man yeah kickboxer mma dude and he's like unreal power since he was at 168 pounds i saw his whole career of the heavyweight like unreal fucking power bro yeah saying good reflexes good timing you know just fucking i would love to see him get a belt in fucking boxing there's
Starting point is 00:40:21 that one amazing ko where he's fighting that tall white dude, and the guy catches him in the first round, drops him, and then he measures him. The dude's wailing on him. He measures him, measures him, bang! And it's over. Flat lines. Over, bro. Yeah, the dude, he gets up, and then he sits back down like,
Starting point is 00:40:36 that's it, it's over. There's guys that are like just born with that nickname. He's one of them, bro. You don't see very many guys bouncing back from that shin break and doing well in mma again anderson it was kind of the end of his career when he broke his shin i mean it was chris weidman we haven't seen him back yet uh connor we haven't seen him back yet i don't know what's even gonna happen here it is yeah. I mean, that dude got up and he was like, hang on, what the fuck is going on here? Oh.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You know what? Never mind. Yeah. He realized something was very wrong. The way he measured him, too. Just that straight left. Bang! Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And look how composed Tyrone Stasier is. Hands are up, shoulders are up. He's taking these hits. He's like, I got you. And he got dropped, like like seconds into the fight. Like it was one of the first punches that dude threw. Yeah, Tyrone's a bad motherfucker. He was supposed to fight some big boxing fights.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Is he? No, he was supposed to. He was, and then something happened. I don't know. I remember what happened, but he got pulled out of the fight, and then dude wound up fighting somebody else. But they were setting him up for someone big. I who was who stick I think oh yeah and that's right falling through some stuff happened you know that's too bad that would have been very interesting I
Starting point is 00:41:55 would love to get him on my promotion against some some of these big boxes that we've been talking to I would love to do like Andy Ruiz versus yeah so tell me about your promotion because you've got a big card coming up tell me about first it's very exciting tickets available in ticketmaster i gotta go full promoter on you yeah go full promoter pay-per-view yeah on demand yeah comcast all that linear pay-per-view stuff and if you want the digital rights uh only the second time in history the ufc partners up with like a boxing promotion the first time was Conor Mayweather. So you could also buy the pay-per-view through UFC Fight Pass. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah, and it's Roy Jones Jr. and Anthony Pettis. Anthony Pettis. Jose Aldo vs. Jeremy Stephens boxing. I think that that's going to be the fight of the night. I could be wrong because there's some other good matches. And Vitor Belfort, the guy we were just talking about, versus Jacare.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Who you got in that one? Oh, my God. Who you got in that one? Oh, my God. Wow. Look at that. At the Pfizer Forum Milwaukee Bucks Arena. I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I'm very interested in Jones versus Pettis. How long has Roy been training for this? Well, my good friend, the one that helped. Because as we were setting up the card um Dean Tool which is my matchmaker and helps me set up everything was like I think I get Roy Jones a five for us and my mind I was like yeah I'm sure bro yeah Roy Jones you're talking about Roy Jones Jr. it's like yeah man I because he's from Pensacola and he's known Roy for a while he's like Roy's been training for a while no people don't know but he's been training like he he constantly trains and uh he trains uh he was training eubanks so he told me that the whole training camp with
Starting point is 00:43:33 eubanks he was training alongside him like he's in pretty damn good shape better shape that i've seen him in a while and he's been wanting to fight so i think we might be able to pull this off i was like nah i don't believe this is Roy Jones Jr. I was like, yeah, I think I get Roy Jones Jr. to fight. So we started making calls. You know, we had a couple big names. Actually, for a while, it was going to be Roy Jones Jr. He had already signed the contract versus Donald Cerrone.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Oh, yeah. We were really excited about that one. And Donald Cerrone got a huge project coming up. Movies? Donald's going to be a fucking movie star. Oh, I feel it, bro. I believe it, bro. He's got the looks.
Starting point is 00:44:10 He's got the character, bro. He's got hair transplants now. Now he's jacked. Yeah, yeah. He's 220 pounds now. He's going to be like the MMA Brad Pickett, bro. Not Brad Pickett. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Brad Pitt? Brad Pitt, man. Oh, yeah. Shout out to Brad Pickett, too. That's my boy, man. I love Brad Pickett. Yeah, bro. That's a legend.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I loved seeing him in the crowd the other night. Yeah, Donald, he's a fucking character, man. He told a story on this podcast about cave diving. It was cave diving with this dude. The dude panicked, and it filled the cave up with clouds, and he couldn't figure out how to get out. He was running out of air. I knew he was alive because he's sitting right across from me, but it was one of the most hair-raising stories.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Because his wife and his child were outside waiting for him. And he's thinking, there's no fucking way I'm dying in here. There's no fucking way I'm dying. So you said cave diving? Cave diving. Like he goes scuba diving and gets down in these caves. I thought you were like jumping out of caves into wow wow yeah so they they something happened fuck out of me oh fuck all that dude fuck yeah that
Starting point is 00:45:13 but donald likes to do shit that's scary as fuck that's what he likes to do and he he almost lost his life doing it was a crazy story and when he's telling it you're like your hands are sweating even though i knew he was alive i knew he was okay i'm like oh my god oh my god i i do a lot of swimming um for preparation of the fights just to develop my lungs better and we do a lot of like underwaters down and back and i fucking hate that shit bro there's nothing scarier than running out of air in the fucking ocean and especially i'm just like three feet under the water so at any moment i can get to my feet and push up, you know, and it's over. No matter how fucking close to death I might have thought I was, you know, it's over.
Starting point is 00:45:52 It's like to be 20, 30, 100 feet under the water. Not me, dog. Not me. Not me. Not me. I appreciate it, but not me. I'll pass. I'll pass too, brother.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah. Who you got, Pettis or Roy Jones before we move on? Well, I mean, I've never seen Pettis box. He obviously has hands. He knocked out Wonderboy. He looks in great fucking shape too, man. Looks like a great opportunity for him too. I've gotten to see a little bit of sparring matches between him and Caleb and a couple
Starting point is 00:46:17 of other guys. He looks pretty damn good. One thing he's always had is speed and power. I think just genetically born with it, you know, just uh how does he bring it over to boxing now which is i heard him talking a lot about boxing but what i like to see like mma guys bringing to boxing is we're not going to jab better than you're not gonna you're not going to be a boxer better than them ever but what we can catch him with is that funky like mma shit like dunk your head and they think you're going to body shine you bring up a fucking loopy right hand, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Kind of like Conor Mayweather, those first like four rounds. I know Mayweather was studying him, but still he got hit with a lot of things he just didn't see because you can't emulate that. Conor could have been a great boxer. He could have been a great boxer. Definitely has the pop for it. Yeah. He's got a tremendous uppercut too. The uppercut that he caught Floyd with, you can snap Floyd's head back. Floyd was like, oh, okay. The uppercut that he caught Floyd with, you could snap Floyd's head back.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Floyd was like, oh, okay. That was legit. It just wasn't composed enough to go 10 rounds with one of the greatest of all time. The greatest of all time. If you want to look at guys that never got hit, Floyd went his entire career, got hit hard like three or four times ever. He's defensively unparalleled. And he wasn't a mover. He stood right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:47:30 One of the, not always in his career. Earlier in his career, he would use his legs a lot. I remember nobody could, then nobody could literally touch him, you know. Like when he fought Diego Chico Corrales, one of my favorite all-time fights, you know, because it was like there was nothing for Diego to hit. And all of a sudden, he just bounced in his face in his face pop left hook from like five feet away that that's a Mayweather that I think nobody could possibly maybe be That was the pretty boy Floyd Mayweather boy before he became money Mayweather And he started developing hand problems, you know, he broke his hands multiple times or the Arturo. Got him a weather
Starting point is 00:48:02 Oh my god, he little that was was like his coming out party for the masses. He lit him on fire. Yeah, yeah. Because everybody knew Gotti was his blood and guts fighter, and everybody's like, oh, let's see how Gotti does. And I remember seeing Gotti and thinking, like, man, this guy's got hand speed. He's got good hand speed, good power.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I think it should be the first couple rounds somewhat competitive, not even close. Not even close. Not even close. I think Floyd's ability to shoulder roll be the first couple rounds somewhat competitive not even close not even close not even close i think floyd's ability to shoulder roll and his ability to avoid shots and then land shots when you don't think he can is unparalleled i mean when he fought canelo and he was like standing right in front of canelo and canelo's just whiffing you know he's like oh my it was a life lesson and
Starting point is 00:48:41 then you look at how good canelo's head movement got after that fight when he realized it. I mean, my God, when he fought Danny Jacobs and Canelo's just standing right in front of him. That's all what he learned from fighting Floyd. And it doesn't look like it, but obviously when Mayweather hits, it cracks. Maybe he's not a home run hitter, but he's definitely a third base hitter, you know, because he hits guys and they're like, whoa, they feel it, and then he gets out the way. I think definitely the greatest boxer
Starting point is 00:49:10 maybe in my generation, but not the best fighter. I would say the best, you know, brawler, boxer type fighter, Manny Pacquiao, man. Oh, yeah. Destroyer. Oh, Manny Pacquiao.
Starting point is 00:49:18 He fucking just destroyed. He put world titles in eight different weight classes. Who the fuck does that? And the way he did it. Yeah. I'm a huge fan of Cotto. I love this school.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And the way that he beat Cotto, I didn't think nobody could ever do that to him. It was just like, bro, what the fuck? Well, his legs. Manny's legs are like tree trunks. Yeah. And the hand speed, the power. Speed, everything.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I just always wish that the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight would have took place many, many years before than when it did. Well, it also took place when Manny went into the fight with a fucked up shoulder. I mean, he knew his shoulder was fucked before that fight and just wanted that money and just let's see what happens. Shoot it up with cortisone, let's roll. Yeah. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Unfortunately for us, man. Unfortunately for us, but Foyt was smart. He's like, not yet, not yet, not yet. Waited until he started to fade a little bit. Like, okay, now. After Marquez knocked him out. Mayweather was, I think, one of the best who are doing that, like picking the opponent at the right time.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Like Shane Mosley, you know, when he got to Shane and stuff like that. Well, Shane cracked him. Yeah. That was one of the hardest he got ever got hit. He almost went down to an ear. Yeah. And then Mayweather showed the dog in that fight. You know, after that he came back and got him. Yeah, yeah. And then Mayweather showed the dog in that fight. You know, after that
Starting point is 00:50:25 he came back and got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, Shane, I mean, was a great fighter, but, you know, what Floyd brought to the table
Starting point is 00:50:32 was that combination of discipline and technique and intelligence and just constant, steady improvement. I mean, that guy was a treat.
Starting point is 00:50:45 He was a treat to watch. And he's still out there doing these exhibitions, which is hilarious. Picking up 10 million here, 10 million there. Love it. Fucking people up. Fucking people up. People that have no business being in there with him.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I've seen some of the videos of him getting YouTubers and shit and just fucking torturing him, bro. I'm a mean motherfucker, so I personally like to see that. Especially when guys think, like, yeah, I've been boxing for, like, two, three years. I could handle it. Oh, hilarious. You don't get it.
Starting point is 00:51:11 It's funny because you think, like, my hands are good. I'm moving. I'm good. I'll be all right. And then you're in there with him. Pop! And he's, like, standing right in front. Pop!
Starting point is 00:51:20 And you're like, oh, no. Like a coiled rattlesnake or something. He's a special fighter, and I think he set the bar for a lot of upcoming guys. Like a lot of these guys like Gervonta, who trained with him, and all these guys. That sets the bar when you got a guy who's that good. And then you see how many doors you can break down
Starting point is 00:51:39 just by submitting to your craft and forgetting about the world. There's a million things I could be doing, but I'm just going to focus on this, and everything else will come and i think mayweather is like one of the best stories yeah like look at all he's accomplished outside of boxing as well you know no look it's amazing what he's doing with business i mean i follow him on instagram it's hilarious he's always in abu dhabi and dubai and he's making money make making deals look at my cars look at my watch this is my big watch. I got a bigger watch.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Sometimes I bust out this watch. He brings in like a fucking suitcase filled with million dollar watches. It's like. Boxing money. It's a layer of boxing money, man. Boxing money. And his boxing money is different than everybody's boxing money now. First of all, because he made so much.
Starting point is 00:52:19 But then on top of that, he continues to make money even after he's semi-retired. He had it under his promotions. I remember, it was like either an interview or something that I read, that when him and De La Hoya fought, I think he made a couple, I want to say 17 M's, it was like a good purse, but De La Hoya made like $100 million because it was under his promotion. And then right after that, Mayweather only did Mayweather promotions, and that's when that came in. That's when he started clocking those massive checks, you know, yeah, it's but he spends a lot too
Starting point is 00:52:49 So he's got to keep that money flowing in. It's kind of fun to watch. Yeah, he's a character But the fact that he's like a federal Japan fights tension Nasukawa who's like had no business in there with him He's a not 26 pounder. I would have liked to seen that kickboxing. Oh my God. Tension would have fucked him up. Yeah. I would have paid good money to see that kickboxing. Yeah. I really thought Tension is, like he beat those fucking Lupini champions in the way he did it.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I was like, fuck bro, this guy's scary. His kicks. Those counter kicks, you know. Oh my God. And great hands for Muay Thai kickboxing. The speed, the accuracy. I think he's one of the better striker fighters we got to see for that time period. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:53:27 But he's tiny. He's so small compared to Mayweather. He just had no business being in there with him. My friends were like, duh, bro, that was a fixed fight. I'm like, no, that wasn't a fixed fight. That was a tiny guy against the best boxer of all time. In boxing. Yeah, in boxing.
Starting point is 00:53:43 There's no reason why they just should have been doing that it's like but he's he's able to get guys to fight him i mean he's got uh mma guys lined up he's all these different people lined up he goes over and fights these exhibitions it's amazing collecting check yeah having fun walking around with the ring card girls card dancing not under no threat at all. And, you know, he's 46, 47 years old, still moves fantastic, still looks great. I heard he lives a very disciplined life,
Starting point is 00:54:13 like doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Yeah, he'll stay up late, but he's going to go right back to sleep and wake up and train, and it's like a constant thing for him. It hasn't left his system. So I think, like, when any dude is like man I'm done with this and then three four years you pick it up he might not be the same especially age by this is a guy that you could tell he never left the gym maybe left it when he retired a couple weeks maybe but he's like always in you know you always see him working
Starting point is 00:54:39 out doing something that's everything and that's like Bernard Hopkins to same thing like Bernard Hopkinsard hopkins was world class up until he was 50 yeah which was incredible i mean bernard hopkins beat a world champion when he was 50 years old yeah i mean he was the most disciplined and that's a guy that learned that from going to prison yeah he went to prison he's like this is never happening to me again i'm gonna be a fucking completely different person ate clean exercised slept right never did anything wrong took care of his body and still to this day he'll post videos of him working out and he looks fantastic mean motherfucker too oh yeah oh my god dude I mean he was in his prime I mean I
Starting point is 00:55:20 remember when he fought Tito Trinidad and everybody was counting him out and he fucking when he grabbed the Puerto Rican flag and threw it down, and everybody was like, no! They were chasing him. Yeah, I heard it was ugly. The Puerto Rican started breaking bottles over his security team's head and stuff like that. Like, that was crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It was crazy. I know he was trying to sell pay-per-view, but, dang, that's nuts. That's not a good way to do it. A dude in Puerto Rico like that, you get killed. I know. I know. But he pulled it off. And that fight, man, he established himself in that fight.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And I believe at that time, he was like, a lot of people were thinking he was done. Because he was like in his late 30s. He's just getting started. He still has a record for most title defenses. I won six or something like that, I think. Or definitely up there. It's up there. Maybe he was tied with the Argentinian guy, Monzon, something like that.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Yeah. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. I don't know what the record is in boxing, but, I mean. I remember something stupid like 14 or 16 title defenses at 160, something crazy, some long, long streak. But he was, he's special in that, in that, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:18 like I remember watching him when he was just a middleweight champion and nobody knew who he was. And, like, there was a lot of people that were complaining about his style, that, you know, his style was boring because he would clinch guys. But then you realize, like, he's not getting hit. Yeah. Like, he was so – and frustrate guys, get them out of their – they lose their composure, and then he would start fucking them up.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah. A little sneaky right, a little sneaky left hook. That's – did you remember his fight with Roy Jones? That's when also you were like, we know Hopkins is good, but Roy Jones is a fucking alien, bro. Oh my God, the first fight. The second fight,
Starting point is 00:56:51 you saw the difference because Roy was starting to slow down. Yeah. Bernard had such discipline and technique, whereas Roy, Roy in his prime,
Starting point is 00:57:00 in my opinion, was the freak of all freaks. Yeah. Agreed. The freak of all freaks. Playing basketball games before knocking people Yeah, fuck out play a full game of basketball and then go and slam slam dunking like he's yeah jumping off a trampoline it He is I believe with these a freak of freaks man his speed was insane
Starting point is 00:57:15 But he would throw a left hook instead of a jab I mean is constant always throwing left hooks and it you just like what when when you see that's what's really crazy I mean like if I'm seeing tape's what's really crazy i mean like if i'm seeing tape and i'm a fighter i'm like well i know he's gonna throw this left hook so i'm gonna try to counter with this and the speed and the setup is so out of this world that you don't even see it you know it's a left hook it's like something that we've been seeing our whole lives and it takes a lot longer than this you know you gotta cock it back you gotta throw especially the way he would throw it here and boom explode and people can't see it the world's best couldn't see so i i'm just with you man i've always thought
Starting point is 00:57:50 that that guy was a fucking mutant bro yeah during his prime i think he's the greatest i think he's the greatest middleweight ever like right up there greatest talent yeah the greatest talent they mean greatest talent to step in the ring just Just speed, but beyond speed. When he would drop his hands and knock guys out, put his hands behind his back and knock guys out. I mean, it was like his fights were executions. It was like Tyson in his prime. It was like you were waiting to see when Roy was going to take guys out. But I think even freakier than Tyson for some reason.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Because those reflexes are just out of this fucking world. Out of this world. People that weren't around when Roy was in his prime, I don't think they appreciate it. But man, went up to heavyweight and beat Ruiz.
Starting point is 00:58:32 But then I think that's what fucked him. I think going up to heavyweight, got up to close to 200 pounds. And then came back to 75 and he looked soft. It looked like he had just drained his body to make 75.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Then Tarver caught him and knocked him out. then glenn johnson knocked him out after that and he was just never the same yeah very true like you wonder maybe if he didn't go to heavyweight yeah you know yeah maybe if he stayed at light heavyweight i mean maybe but that challenge to him he started at 154 i know isn't that crazy beat james tony too which is another huge fan of James Toney. Beat James Toney and hit him with that left hook. And James Toney was a defensive genius. Yeah. And the fact that he stood in front of him and just leaped in and dropped him with a left hook.
Starting point is 00:59:14 That's like a perfect example. James Toney had a fucking radar. Yeah. He was born with fucking a radar. And he still couldn't see Roy Jones' speed in his prime, bro. It's crazy. Yeah. His speed was, complete next level. And, you know, it's interesting that he still enjoys fighting so much
Starting point is 00:59:32 that he's still doing it. I mean, he's in his 50s now. I get updates, Royal send us, like, videos and stuff, and this dude still has fucking crazy speed. I would still place him slightly above average speed of most guys in boxing, you know? I know, it's crazy. It's fucking crazy speed. I would still place him slightly above average speed of most guys in boxing, you know? I know. It's crazy. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And the last thing to leave a man is his power. Right. You know, so I'm very interested in that. Obviously, there's a big age gap. Roy Jones is 54, 55. Pettis is, I think, 30. He's a little younger than me, 34, 36, something like that. So that's why I really like this matchup because roy's roy's got
Starting point is 01:00:05 all this boxing experience but youth as we know is youth you know you can pull off anything with use that arrogance that fucking that bravado that youth brings so i mean fuck bro i'm pumped i i'm pumped i don't know who gets it bro yeah i don't know who gets it either i'm leaning towards roy obviously conventional wisdom but youth is youth, man. Youth is youth, and Pettis can crack. He did fight lighter, you know, when you really think about it. I mean, Pettis has fought at welterweight, which is 170, and boxing, 47, but he fought at 170, and Roy was the best ever at 75.
Starting point is 01:00:42 So it's, you know, it's interesting. He was best ever at 68, too. You know, I mean, at 68, he was the motherfucker i mean fuck bro that speed is just we could talk about it just the speed alone for hours yeah we should probably watch a roy jones highlight put on put on a roy jones highlight reel because people that don't know like these young kids today like oh roy jones i saw him fight mike tyson it was kind of boring. Like, listen. No. You need to go back into the archives. If Roy Jones Jr. would have had social media when he was coming up, you're talking about
Starting point is 01:01:10 350 million followers. Oh, yeah. Okay. Body shot, dead. Yeah. Oh, my God. He was incredible. And just the speed.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And, you know, you ever seen his left arm? His left arm is twice the size of his right arm. Yeah, and it has like a double bicep. It's crazy. He flexed for me. I was like, what is going on? One arm is like literally like five inches bigger. That's James Toney right there.
Starting point is 01:01:37 That's James Toney. He just, look at it. Oh, the Vinny Pazienza fight. These were actually pretty good, man. The Vinny Pazienza fight was the only fight in the history of CompuBox where the opponent landed zero punches in an entire round
Starting point is 01:01:50 and Roy just fucking tuned him up and then begged the referee to stop it he said the referee come on man stop it and the referee was like
Starting point is 01:01:57 no no no I think the first one was kind of competitive right was it because they fought twice no he never fought Vinny twice he only fought Vinny once he fucked Vinny up
Starting point is 01:02:03 the Vinny Pazienza fight was a rout like Vinny had no business being in there with he never fought Vinny twice. He only fought Vinny once. He fucked Vinny up. The Vinny-Pazienza fight was a rout. Like, Vinny had no business being in there with him. I mean, Vinny started his career much lighter. And Roy was bigger, faster, more talented, more skilled, more confident. I mean, he was a freak of all freaks in his prime. Nobody was like him. Boom. Captain Hook.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Boom. Captain Hook. He was amazing was amazing amazing i'm excited that you have him that's i'm excited that he still enjoys competing too you know it's it's fun i mean we haven't seen him since that tyson fight but the tyson fight was very different you know look at him standing in front of people that that leaping right hand i think it's one of the best right hands ever the Grace Watson. Also, his instincts and his fucking reflexes. They were off the charts.
Starting point is 01:02:50 The constant mind games is also what takes him to the next level, I think. Whoa, done. God damn, that speed. This is it. Hands behind the back, pop. I mean, really, people. You know, he has that song, Y'all Must Have Forgot. I never forgot.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I never forgot. I mean, I was a kid when he was coming up. And so giant, giant Roy Jones Jr. fan. I think all of us, especially me being from Florida, we were always like, this dude is everything. Pensacola. Yeah, he put Florida on the map. Do you think that Pettis is going to continue boxing? Does he still have a contract
Starting point is 01:03:25 with the PFL? I know he has some works with the PFL. I don't know if he'll be doing the next season or not. I don't know exactly the intricate details of that. But if he gets a win
Starting point is 01:03:37 over Roy Jones, how does he not keep boxing? How does he not? I mean, the money's going to be there. The money's going to be pouring. The guys right now, the older generation boxers, everybody's going to be calling his fucking name. Everybody's going to want to fight The money's going to be pouring. The guys right now, the older generation boxers,
Starting point is 01:03:45 everybody's going to be calling his fucking name. Everybody's going to want to fight him. And plus, Pettis himself is a fucking massive draw, you know? Of course. So it just makes sense that he continue boxing. And I've heard him, and I've talked with him too, that he does want to kind of focus more on the striking and just like, you know, maybe not grapple so much
Starting point is 01:04:02 and use the things that he's naturally gifted with, which is fucking his power and speed. Yeah, yeah I mean he had gotten into wrestling quite a bit and it kind of like changed his game a little bit and then he realized you know what he's better but he's just a wild striker and if you take him down he submits you yeah and it just kind of got away from that and went for a takedown defense but I think was it Rafael dos Anjos that he fought we got we got manhandled oh I think so might have been I think it was see if he fought he's he's such a clutch dude though like when he won the title from Ben Henderson oh my god beautiful I I fought with Ben Ben is like no slouch in the grappling department Gilbert Melendez another guy that had never been submitted
Starting point is 01:04:41 it was just like man he was on fire he was so fast he could get stuff off so fast like a clutch dude bro like the thompson fight was getting murdered made it to go bang catches him with the right hand knocks him out the only guy to knock out wonderboy in mma and then the way that he did it too that that's something too that why i love this matchup so much because in royal you have like one of the flashiest Fighters that had substance not just and Pettis also man. He's one of the best 155ers I think and also brought a lot of flash to the sport but had the substance behind it as well. So Fireworks. Yeah, that's exciting. How many so here it is
Starting point is 01:05:21 Yeah, it was half all dos Anjos. Hafele just manhandled them I mean the half hour was one of those guys that cut a shitload of weight to get to 55 and he was Here it is. Yeah, it was Rafael dos Anjos. Rafael just manhandled them. I mean, Rafael was one of those guys that cut a shitload of weight to get to 55, and he was so fucking thick and such a good grappler and endurance. Great kicking, too. Good power with the hands. Oh, my God, yeah. Yeah, he's actually moving here.
Starting point is 01:05:40 He's moving to Texas. Everybody's moving to Texas. They're all following you. It's a fucking beautiful place to live. Yeah. It's great. It's way, way. They're all following you. It's a fucking beautiful place to live. Yeah. It's great. It's way, way cheaper than most of the country, I think. No state taxes, nice people, great food, no traffic. Protect yourself.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah, protect yourself at all times. I love it, man. That's nice. You don't have to worry about it. They have constitutional carry here. You don't even have to have concealed carry. That's the best. We have a, you got to get your permit in florida but uh florida's pretty cool with with the gun laws as well it's not the craziest thing to get your little permit over there you can see a weapons permit you could have it in the car just
Starting point is 01:06:13 has to be like one or two steps away and you could have it in your house you don't need like permission for that but the carry we do need permission to carry it in public i think everybody should learn how to use a handgun correctly and if you could just get a gun and just carry it around you don't know what the fuck you're doing i don't like that yeah i really feel like i mean i want to say it's mandatory because the second amendment is pretty clear you know the right to keep and bear arms is a part of our rights but i think to just as a human being you should learn how to use a gun correctly you should learn how to handle it you should learn just the safe driver's license just like a driver's license. You're gonna get behind a car It's a fucking weapon if you know how to what you're doing you change somebody's life in a second
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah, I'm with the gun before they had that law here. I got a concealed carry permit now So I went through all the steps in California. Yeah, no here Point is hard. Yeah. Hey, that's what everybody's They're loosening that up though though, in L.A. And the sheriff talked about it. He said, there's too much fucking crime. Too much fucking crime. So they're loosening that up and giving away concealed carry permits now.
Starting point is 01:07:12 L.A. is a little scary, man. It's very scary. My friends who go back there now, they're like, fuck, man. It's just not the same place. I was there like eight weeks ago. It's different. It's like zombie land now sometimes, bro. Yeah, well, COVID killed that place.
Starting point is 01:07:23 COVID and the governor. The governor and the mayor, they just fucked that place to death. I don't believe in those same policies that socialism and communism spring up. Anything to do with that, I'm firmly against that. And we see it. It's like a perfect example. You want to follow that shit? Look what happened in California, you know?
Starting point is 01:07:43 Exactly. Look what was going on in New York during doing the whole thing it's it's nuts man i get why people would think that it would work because they think they're they're going to be a better person we're going to make things fair for people but the problem is it just consolidates power in the top and then they have they leave everybody fighting over everything else and it becomes chaos it happens in every country it happens in every city whenever they institute those kind of policies crime goes up people get fucked they let more people out of jail crime continues to go up you can't do that man i i grew up in not the best neighborhoods believe me you don't want to defund the police like no you
Starting point is 01:08:19 know because the guys that the people that they'll be all right is like me and you because i could hire a security team and so can you but how about everybody else that can't they're gonna get fucking murked bro because there's people on the other side that are really fucking hungry
Starting point is 01:08:30 that are real for real bad guys you take the police away you take that filter away you're asking for trouble and when you let bad guys out of jail and then they know
Starting point is 01:08:38 no cash bails they know they're gonna be able to get out of jail easy if something happens I mean these guys are shooting people and they're out of jail in a day
Starting point is 01:08:44 it's crazy it's crazy there was some I forget I think it was California to get out of jail easy if something happens. I mean, these guys are shooting people and they're out of jail in a day. That's insane, bro. It's crazy. There was some, I forget, I think it was California, like the dude went in for stabbing and he got out the next day and then robbed up like a liquor store and then like shot somebody and killed somebody. Like this guy was just in jail 24 hours ago
Starting point is 01:08:58 and you fucking let him go, bro? No, it's a mess. And you know, you've got that district attorney in LA. He's a monster. He just lets people out. And just, I don't understand it. I don't understand these progressive district attorneys. I think it's done on purpose.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Because the evidence is pretty clear. It's like any idiot could read it. Any black and white person. It's in black and white for you to see. Like, it's not working out, man. Now we're trying to do to our boy Trump. It's fucking nuts, bro. They're talking about arresting
Starting point is 01:09:25 him for paying a girl to stop talking about them having sex i thought that was a good deal i thought it's a good deal you pay someone didn't clinton do that didn't john edwards got in trouble for doing that but he didn't go to jail i don't believe he went to jail bill clinton got a blow job while he was our president while me and you are paying our tax dollars this guy's and that's the one that he got caught in how much other shit do we not know about? Why isn't there no nothing on Bill Clinton, on him being on Jeffrey Epstein's fucking charter fucking plane numerous times on the list? Yeah, 26 times. But on the one dude, that's how you know that he's doing something right.
Starting point is 01:10:00 The one dude that's fighting for us, that's actually for the people, they want to crucify him? They just don't want him president again. And they know that if he runs against Biden, Biden is so old. You know, no matter what you think about his policies, you hear him talk. Can't even make it down a flight of stairs. He's so old. He's so compromised. You watch him talk years ago.
Starting point is 01:10:19 He was never an impressive guy. Biden was never impressive when he was young because he was he's full of bluster. And he lied a lot about his record and his education background he lied about a bunch of things he's a he's a goofy old politician that's been in that career he's been in that lying business forever and and the china money that he's been getting for years hooking up his son crazy the computer denying the computer when when it's like, bro, you could see it. Crazy. Before the FBI declared that this was real, I was already watching videos of him like,
Starting point is 01:10:49 bro, how are you going to say this is not real? It's all over the fucking internet. All over the internet. Suppressed it before the election? Yeah. They suppressed it off of Twitter. And the fact that the liberals keep saying that there's nothing to that. Like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:11:01 If that was Trump, if that was Trump and Donald Trump Jr. was doing street crack with hookers in vietnam and getting foot jobs you'd be like and getting 10 million dollars from from these places when he's not equipped to have those type of jobs yes he was getting money from china and from ukraine i mean it's wild and those are the same people that he's given our tax dollars yes what No offense to the people that are going through that in Ukraine. Obviously, it sucks to be in war, especially against a massive thing like Russia. But I don't think we should be poking our chest and they're starting possibly a World War III. It's fucking terrifying. It's terrifying to me to the left of the ones that are behind us encouraging it when the left was always anti-war.
Starting point is 01:11:44 That's what they say when a war from the other side happens. Like, oh, no, no, no, we shouldn't be going to war. But that's the same thing they're going to do, because that's when trillions of dollars get made every time we go to war. Somebody's going to get rich. Maybe not me and you, but somebody's getting rich. Exactly. That's really what's going on.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Someone's getting rich. And what drives me the most crazy is the left is the one, they're the ones that are always talking about equity and the communities that are disenfranchised. Do you know how much money they could have spent fixing up places like Baltimore and Detroit? They don't care about that. It could be a paradise. They don't care about any of those places.
Starting point is 01:12:19 They don't. It's just a slogan. It's just bullshit. It's the same thing that they did in Cuba, literally, in places like Venezuela. In Cuba, they would come and tell the farmers hey man these city boys this is the reason why you only have like one or two cows you know we we need to all get together and go take their money and spread it yes and then you know what they did once they came to power they went to those same farmers and said hey you know these 10 cows that you got now they're part of
Starting point is 01:12:41 the state you're gonna raise them and if you kill them i'm gonna put you in jail for 20 years if you kill one of these cows they're gonna put tags on all of them and uh we're gonna give you like five percent of that cow and if you have a problem with it we'll put you in jail and the next person will come so it's it's like kind of the the same tactics they use here divide and conquer yeah constant you know because they know if we unite as a people and like hey man trump was doing the right thing. We might not like him on Twitter. He might be a mean coach, but fuck, he wins titles constant. If we could do that, I mean, fuck America. I'll be right back to being great again, you know, right now.
Starting point is 01:13:16 What's going on with the banks? I'm hearing all types of crazy shit. We all like, I hear these crazy reports. I read these reports that I forgot the exact percentage, but if a certain percentage of people right now were to pull out their money, banks would collapse. There's 200 banks that are apparently in danger. I hope it ain't mine.
Starting point is 01:13:36 You've been paying attention a little bit, right? Yeah, if I start looking too deep, it sounds like the whole fucking thing is really about to just fall apart. But I'm like, okay. I knew it was bad. I don't like it. I'm so scared. I knew it was bad when one of the heads of my bank sent me a message.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Hey, I just want to send you a message. Everything is good here. We're well taken care of. You got nothing to worry about. Your money's in a safe place. You're like, oh my God, let me get my money now. I called him right away and I told him, hey, bro, do me a favor. Would you tell me if it wasn't good though?
Starting point is 01:14:04 You're going to tell me that? He's like, no, of course I wouldn't. I'm like, no, you me a favor. Would you tell me if it wasn't good, though? You're going to tell me that? He's like, no, of course I wouldn't. No, you wouldn't, man. Come take your money out now before we go broke. You're not going to tell me that, man. Maybe he would do it to you because you might fuck him up. I might fuck him up, man. But damn, it's scary times we're living in, bro.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It's scary because I think a lot of these banks, I mean, it's kind of funky. It's like if you just take all the money out, they're fucked. And if people panic and they take all the money out, and then those banks are fucked and then it starts to cascade. We might have just collapsed the economy right now, me and you with this conversation. Well, if you let too many people know what's going on, it could collapse the economy. If you let too many people panic, if someone decided, like some financial expert, not a
Starting point is 01:14:43 moron like me, but someone's only got legitimate Finally, let's get your money out now. Oh my god If Elon Musk got on Twitter and said get your money out now, you know invest in gold invest in Bitcoin Do something else people would fucking panic. I mean, we're you're fighting at the FTX arena, which is wild Yeah, well Miami-Dade arena now now FTX on my contract FTX Arena, which is wild. Yeah. Well, Miami-Dade Arena now. Now it is. It still says FTX on my contract. FTX Arena, bro. That's a fucking awesome one.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And then how many billions of dollars did they give to, millions, not billions, did they give to Democratic Party? The number two donor to the Democratic Party. That's not like money laundering? It seems a little bit like money laundering. It's like a legal version of money laundering. That's like money laundering it seems a little bit like money laundering it's like a legal version of money laundering that's not money laundering yeah I mean listen man he thought that that was the way he was gonna avoid going to jail and avoid scrutiny just paid all these shut up he wanted to donate a billion dollars next year he wanted to continue donating my
Starting point is 01:15:40 and he was donating money from the people that it put the money into that exchange he was taking other people's money and donating it. What's going on with him now? Is he facing 20 life sentences? They're going to make an example of that, dude. But the CEO who looked at it, again, I don't understand it. So I have to just go off what I've read. And what I've read is the CEO went over and he said, this is just old school fraud.
Starting point is 01:16:05 This is nothing but fraud. This is fraud under a new type of money under crypto. But he goes, but this is just straight fraud. And, you know, he untangled all of it. The CEO has been untangling all the books. You know, they used QuickBooks to do their taxes. QuickBooks. Like some shit that that a guy who runs
Starting point is 01:16:26 a corner store would use. A billion dollar exchange. These guys are saving some pennies there, huh? I mean, they were all on amphetamines and they were all fucking each other in that house. Part of me is kind of rooting for them. I mean, if they weren't doing fraud, I mean, you got all these nerds that are
Starting point is 01:16:42 just, there's nine of them living in a house and they're all just having orgies and fucking each other on speed They're all taking speed and ecstasy and banging each other. They don't even look good. There's no one's even hot Oh my god, just closing their eyes and watching video games and fucking each other I mean, it's crazy Just bought some fucking island the Bahamas and went to town on a giant ass penthouse a forty million dollar Penthouse at the top of this building with the most amazing view. They've got to make a movie on these guys.
Starting point is 01:17:07 They've got to make a movie on these fucking girls. They should, yeah. Yeah, it should be a real, a good one, like an Oliver Stone movie where they really go deep into what was actually going on and just show the grittiness of it. And all the people that are killing themselves because they lost all their money,
Starting point is 01:17:21 and that's what people don't talk about. It's like people commit suicide all the time when these things happen you've got a billion dollars locked up in crypto and now all of a sudden you're broke broke as fuck and no way to get that money back it's impossible it's gone forever it didn't exist in the first place it was all a ponzi scheme and now you're insolvent it makes you really like rethink everything because you know i might know a little bit about money but what do i know compared to like a fucking billionaire you know somebody that's made his money i made my money off fighting not like because i'm the greatest businessman you got these great businessmen to give you a fucking billion dollars what the fuck's going on here i
Starting point is 01:17:59 know that's what's wild there's people that knew money they understood money the whole thing, and they dumped shitloads of money into that exchange. Well, maybe if you dumped a bunch of money, they'd let you come to the orgy fentanyl party or something. Must have been, right? Like, you sign here. Listen, guaranteeing you three orgy fentanyl parties a month, you're set. I don't think anybody wanted to go to those parties. It was a bunch of doughy-looking nerds banging each other. I mean, it's just, the whole thing is crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:26 It's, it doesn't even seem real. Like, the fact that everyone knew that they were having these orgies, everyone knew. That girl, Caroline Ellison, she was talking on Twitter. Is that the one with the glasses? Yeah. Yeah, she was the one he was banging, which is hilarious. Yeah. You ever see Tim Dillon's take on
Starting point is 01:18:42 that? You know who Tim Dillon is? Yeah. Tim Dillon's hilarious. He did this whole Dillon is yeah, Tim Dillon's hilarious Didn't see his take on it by no Tim Dillon on Caroline Ellison and Sam Bankman freed he did About what kind of money like let's see what kind of pussy you know ten billion dollars gets you like I want to know I want to see what it gets you you know it's like i've seen that shit it's like you you got to pay most of us some serious cash to like yeah just to do it yeah but meanwhile they're billionaires and these are the people
Starting point is 01:19:18 that are fucking each other who are we to judge maybe she had like a golden snatch must have 10 billion dollars snatch yeah Yeah, that's real All snatches are not created equal. No some of them are better. That's a fact Yeah, a lot better a lot better like you like oh my god. What's going on in that one make you short-circuit, but yeah We panic and start breathing heavy like fucking concentrate myself here It goes damn Bankman freed and his girl has flipped on him by the way can we get a picture of this woman up because this is why you do it right for the what is 32 billion buy in the market of i don't like i don't even know
Starting point is 01:19:54 i could get a real for 36 billion dollars you know the that i could get let's get a picture of this how do you what is the straight market get you for picture of this hotty up what is the straight market get you for yep oh sam sam sam sam evading u.s regulators this is what it was for? People would be like, well, you're making fun of the way a woman looks. Okay, but they're criminals who stole everyone's money. Okay. So maybe that, is that okay that I make fun of them now?
Starting point is 01:20:40 It's a fun time to be a comedian. There's so much ridiculous shit going on. It's like the whole world has gone topsy-turvy and nobody knows what's gonna right the ship so we're all worried we're all worried about war with ukraine the banks are gonna fail the fucking climate this that the other thing the fucking borders porous people are pouring in including terrorists they're catching people on the terrorist watch list every day sneaking in through mexico it's crazy kam Kamala Harris is yet to still visit the southern border? I don't know if she's visited it, but she doesn't talk too much about it. When she does talk, it's just this rambling weird.
Starting point is 01:21:12 She's talking to the kindergartners, of course. I think she's medicated. I don't know if she is, but I've read this guy that was examining the way she talks and behaves, and he said that it's classic for someone who's on anti-anxiety medications. I don't know if he's telling the truth. I don't know if he's right. But it's like the whole thing freaks me out. It freaks me out.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Because, you know, if Biden dies, which is very possible. I mean, he's. Did you see that in Ukraine? Somebody slid all the way down the stairs. Maybe it could have been Biden. Did you see that video? It was outside on a couple pages on Instagram. Air Force Ones lands in Ukraine somebody falls off the stairs and if it would have been biting
Starting point is 01:21:50 I think he would have died he would have died They slid down the rails like slid down the rails and then um Secret Service caught him at the bottom Who was it Never seen this too. I thought it was Biden too, but they never said who it was. Can we see it? I'm trying to find the right video. He falls all the time. He falls riding a bike. He falls going upstairs.
Starting point is 01:22:12 This was different though. This is like, oh, he's going to die and then they caught him. It's from a far away angle. Yeah, look at that. Oh, Jesus Christ. Who is that? Hard to say. It's in a group of people.
Starting point is 01:22:24 There's a lot of stairs. Whoop. Slip and slide. It's fucking... Dude was in a rush. Oh my God, who is it? I don't think they've ever said, not that I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Oh, it's Biden. He came down separately by himself, I believe, on this particular moment. So it wasn't him. Is what I heard. Bro, he probably had a death grip on that rail. Why doesn't he just have an elevator? I don't think you can get an elevator on a plane.
Starting point is 01:22:50 But someone, for sure. They gotta have some type of rig for this dude, man. They should have someone in front of him, some big dude with good balance. Yeah, but then imagine how weak it also makes him look. You can't even walk down these stairs by your fucking self, and you're running the greatest country in the world? Bro, he falls going up the stairs. First of all, he should not be wearing slippery shoes. He should not be wearing those dress shoes.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Like, don't do that. Those things are slippery for regular people. For a dude, his body's short-circuiting. It's not. Constant. I mean, what do they got him on to keep him going, too? No, he's severely medicated. I would like to get on that cocktail.
Starting point is 01:23:24 His pupils, his eyes just don't seem like regular either when he's like talking and stuff it's it's probably adderall they probably got yeah adderall's what like me and you could get they're giving him something else see that photo of him no around i don't it must have been taken as he was sort of coming down the stairs a little hard whoops it's a weird position bro that's not good for old knees yeah they blow those knees joking he was moshed he was like moshing but yeah he's getting crazy rage against the machines playing fuck you i won't do what you tell me yeah it's a wild time to be alive man it's it's a strange
Starting point is 01:24:02 turmoil it's it's a it's a time that could lead to terrible things or we could come out of this better look that's around the world though it's only led to terrible things on the world i i always have felt that uh especially from hearing it from my dad that escaped communism at an early age he brought himself on over the raft landed your dad came from cuba came from cuba um when he was 14 15 years old him his best friend his best friend's uncle came up with a plan that they were going to escape so they found a tire tractor turned it into a raft hit the sea seven days later he landed to the bahamas from the bahamas he got extradited to the usa straight to the projects and began his journey here in
Starting point is 01:24:39 america so like he always uh would tell me sorry about that. No worries. All my friends that have family that has come from a communist country, I have some friends that came from Eastern Bloc countries. I have friends that came from Venezuela. I have friends that have come from Cuba. Like, Joey does not want to hear any of that shit. You try to say that to Joey Diaz, it's like, this fucking shit always goes bad. Always. Every time.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Shout out to Joey, bro. He's one of the fucking coolest dudes I've ever met. He's the best. Joey Diaz is the funniest fucking human being I've ever met in my life. But he has nothing good to say about that. Nothing. No, no. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Nobody actually lived there. That's why when I see like Kaepernick, he went to Miami and had a fucking Che Guevara shirt. Like this dude slaughtered fucking thousands of people, family of mine, friends of my family, and just to take power this guy was so fucked up that he had the wall removed from his own office so he could see the firing squad eliminating people and these are the people he put on t-shirts and if you believe in them so much like any of these guys that advocate for socialism or communism go live over there dog go just one year i dare you bro i fucking dare you bro because you wouldn't make it one day over
Starting point is 01:25:44 there kaepernick or any of these fucks advocating for socialism, communism, you know. And what I was saying earlier is that look all over the world. Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ukraine. It's like gotten bad overnight. And what used to be like the standard of fighting communism, socialism is now now like somewhat semi-adapted in this country, you know? Progressive socialism or what are they calling? Yeah, they call it democratic socialism. Democratic socialism.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Get the fuck out of here with that, bro. They think that they're going to be able to do it the right way. It's never been done the right way. But they don't understand that that kind of thing always leads to top-down power. It always leads to dictatorships. It always leads to someone enforcing. And those people always have castles and fucking billions of dollars,
Starting point is 01:26:31 and everybody lives in poverty. The only thing that's promising you in communism and socialism is equal misery for everybody else except the fucking elite of elite, you know? And these people out there might be listening like, oh, I'm a billionaire or a millionaire. No, you're not the elite still. It's a different fucking power structure for those guys that, you know, most of us ain't going to fucking ever get to come around, you know.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And that's just for them, you know. Like California, perfect example. What happens when you adopt these fucking shit policies, bro, in a great country like ours? I think a thousand percent we are the beacon of light for the whole world when we're doing good the whole world is fucking doing good when we're fighting against that shit that fucking pure evil the whole world's doing better and look how good we were doing with trump just like two three years ago look fucking this wannabe president took over now the whole world's gone to shit real fucking quick look at china taiwan china hong
Starting point is 01:27:24 kong all this shit i don't think none of this would have happened if trump was in power brother i fucking seriously believe that it probably would have been much different for sure and you know if we could get sensible policies and a sensible like someone who's fiscally conservative to take over these states and put them back on track it would be better for everybody that's what people don't understand it's better for the poor people. It's better for more jobs. When the economy is doing better, everybody does better.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Small government. Yeah, man. Never give them the power. Never give them the fucking power. But it's so hard for people to wrap their head around that because they think that socialism is like a more equitable, fair way to live life. It's not. They just think it because they don't have any money.
Starting point is 01:28:04 They don't understand that the people that do have money, they are manipulating you. The whole thing is manipulation, and it's top-down manipulation. And once they get complete control, if they get something like some sort of a social credit score system and a digital currency, we're fucked. Like China? Like China, exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:21 You won't be able to. If you tweet something that they don't like, you won't be able to. You can't catch that fast train no more. No, no. No, it takes you two, three days to get to that side of the country. They'll punish you. And they'll punish you so you will self-censor. And you will step in line.
Starting point is 01:28:35 You will stand in line. You will be one of the people that's subjugated. And there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. That's how it always works. And the people that want to point to it being the way we should live, there's no successful version of it. No one can say like, this is how socialism works when it's perfect. 200 million souls and counting in the socialism, communism experiment. You know, it's never worked once. Why would we take the chance with the country that's the greatest in the world? And if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You know, could we be better?
Starting point is 01:29:08 Fuck yeah, we could be better. But I've been all over the world just as as i'm sure you travel the world 20 times over me and i truly feel in my heart this is the greatest country i'm i'm a son of two immigrants speaks it didn't have shit my dad landed on a fucking raft my mom came from peru and didn't have fucking a dollar she was like the first one to get here escaping the socialism over there to an extent it wasn't as bad as cuba and i'm a multi-millionaire bro just for doing my my passion my love something that i love in my heart and i'm taking care of my family my family's family and a couple generations down i'm going to be able to contribute to them sorry about that no worries i worries. I keep shutting it down. Popular dude. No, no, no. It's actually my fucking wake up from my nap alarm.
Starting point is 01:29:51 You got naps incorporated into your day? Not always, but just in case, you know. Every now and then, sleep. Yeah, every now and then, a little sleep. Not too much, though. How many, like, have you changed as you've gotten older? Have you changed your workout routine? Have you done or anything yes no yes no um uh so i i one thing i like to do is obviously shock my body but i also like to to like get like long training sessions in you know i
Starting point is 01:30:19 remember bernard hopkins would talk about it a lot like where he would just do the basics for a very very long time and just doing it. And it's very boring and monotonous just for me to like just throw one jab, one jab, one jab constantly, things like that. But I feel that it just like re-sparks maybe things that I should be sharpening up. And it becomes cardio at some point, you know, as I'm doing it for so long, it becomes cardio. It becomes specific cardio to what I'm doing. So a lot of my sessions, I'll have like a two to three hour session first thing in the morning when I'm nice and strong and I have the fucking full gas tank. And I'll take my little break and then I'll have like another session at night.
Starting point is 01:30:55 But it's not always like that. Sometimes when I don't have a fight, I'll do three sessions a day, but they won't be like crazy. It'll be maybe a strength and conditioning that lasted about 45 minutes to an hour and 15. And I took a big break then i came back in the midday had like a good technique session where i'm just focused on positions that i'm not efficient and just doing them over and over and over and i'm not i used to do a lot more live um mixing with drilling i've always been a big driller just because i i i'm not for for grappling striking is different. Coach can show it to me two, three times, and I understand that the biomechanics really will.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Grappling has never come to me like that. So I have to, like, get numerous repetitions. So in that, I'm doing my cardio. I'm getting better at my craft. So I just like to fucking train more and just put the time in there. So when I was younger, I trained hard, like, twice a day, but always didn't have, like, a direction., I trained hard like twice a day, but always didn't have like a direction. Now I have like a clear direction.
Starting point is 01:31:47 I'm just trying to focus on making this guillotine more efficient or whatever it is that I'm doing. So I'm just going to get numerous reps. I'll spend numerous time with Mike Brown or Paulina Hernandez, whoever is leading the practice, and they know that I'm also like very ADD and dumb. I can't learn more than like one to two moves a day or like even the setup. Just teach me two to three things and I'm just going to drill that for like an hour, hour and a half and I'll be done, you know.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Are you monitoring your heart rate to make sure you're not overtraining? Are you doing shit like that? I was definitely doing that and then with whoop and stuff. But I was like, man, this comes from China, man. No, I'm not even joking, man. I'm not even joking. I was like, these Chinese motherfuck from China, man. Nah, I'm not even joking, man. I'm not even joking. I was like, these Chinese motherfuckers are monitoring my sleep, my everything. And I was like, nah, bro, I can't do this shit no more.
Starting point is 01:32:32 And then, you know, a lot of times I'm just like, mind over matter. Like I wake up feeling like a little, oh, I don't feel great, this and that. And then the whoop tells me, hey, or whatever technology. I'm not trying to diss on whoop or nothing. Or whatever technology I was using, like diss on whoop or nothing or whatever technology i was using like hey you know today should be like a half day but in the back of my mind i'm like should it be because i could i i feel like if i really like start to warm up and start to dig and i got somebody in front of me that's mean and trying to come after me bro i'm
Starting point is 01:32:58 gonna find it and then i'm fighting just in case i wake up not feeling the best who gives a fuck i gotta fight you know i gotta compete so um i i like them and I don't for like workouts I like them but for them to tell me like today take like a half day off it's kind of like I've been doing it so long I also know my body's like the difference between an injury and and just being like truly sore maybe having like a little pain somewhere so I just I just really listen to my body I did I did the the monitoring for like a good six to eight months. And I think it's a great tool. I think individuals should definitely use it.
Starting point is 01:33:33 But combat sports is like this special weird fucking thing. Maybe if I was a triathlete, it would make a lot more scientific sense. But in combat, it's like. You got to test the mind too. Yeah, bro, you got to test the fucking mind. Yeah, and sometimes when you're not doing that well physically, the mind gets you through it. You got to know that fucking mind. Yeah, and sometimes when you're not doing that well physically, the mind gets you through it. You got to know that it's always there. And your body, like when I used to cut a lot of weight at 155 pounds,
Starting point is 01:33:55 it was constant running for me. It was three to five miles every day to every other day. And then as I got closer to the fight, it was just a constant thing. So then I'd have my two-hour long session in the morning, sparring, whatever, and then I would do pads at night. Then I home have like a little protein shake and go run and then there's truly where i discovered myself because i didn't really fucking want to do these runs it'd be like a five mile run i'm like bro i don't think i could do a half a mile and just putting on my socks going through that mentally and then i put on my shoes and the next step i'm out the door
Starting point is 01:34:23 then before i know it i did these five miles and those things led me to believe we're always gonna have breaks sensors put on us like oh that's it can't go no more but when you really want something when you're really like fuck it i'll just pass out on the street and i don't give a fuck but i'm gonna get this done shit happens bro yeah and you just like evolve bro it's the power of the mind it's like some people they have this ability to push. Like David Goggins is the best example ever. Another fucking dude that I love to listen to. You just hear him talk and you get fucking goosebumps.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Whenever I'm around him, man, I'm like, he's an extraordinary human being. Like, do you know his knees are destroyed? His knees are so fucked up. The doctor, when they examined his knees his knee said i can't believe you could walk yeah he goes forget about running thousands of miles how the fuck are you walking on these knees his knees are bone on bone and he got his knee cut because his knee had grown like the the bone had distorted because it was just bone on bone and inflamed so he had to get it cut sliced and wedged and then screwed in place so it was flat fucking mutant bro so it's still bone on
Starting point is 01:35:33 bone but at least now it's flat so he he doesn't like put all the weight on one side of his knee but if you see like his knee like show the picture of the injury it's so fucking crazy that you you can't imagine that this guy would do this and I mean he really needs knee replacements and he probably will have to get them someday but stem cell at least some something the stem cell helped me out tremendous I when I used to do a lot of work the pounding was like fucking you wake up and you just have the pains like I just ran five miles in the night before I wake up and I feel like shit. Yeah, so see that marking?
Starting point is 01:36:09 That's because the edema in his legs. And that picture of being him together, that's what his knee looks like. So they sliced his knee like at an angle and then took a chunk of it out and then moved it down so that it's flat. But if you look at his knee, there's no space. There's no meniscus. There's no no cartilage that is fucking straight bone on bone and that dude is running you know 25 30 miles a day you know at a crazy pace yeah yeah out there talking shit stay hard and just just running in agony like he says when he stands he's in agony when he walks around he's in agony he's always in pain but you would never notice yeah he just keeps moving yeah it's wild it's wild and that kind of mental strength that
Starting point is 01:36:51 dude that like he's like a dispensary for mental strength like you hear him talk and all of a sudden you find a new gear and then you watch him do it which is even more you know yeah i love the motivational speakers but there's nothing more motivational to me than coach just said, hey, we're going to run five hard miles, and he's fucking running it there, and he's ahead of us. I'm like, man, how the fuck is this old motherfucker in front of me? I got to push, you know. I got to fucking get after him.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I'm the one that's competing. That's why I fucking hats off to Goggins always, bro. Hats off to him. I think that is the benefit, like what you just described, of a big camp because ATT has so many fucking killers yeah that you are just constantly around these assassins on a daily basis and it's just it is a dog pit and if you're not a dog and you get in there like you'll you'll find out real quick and you'll know where you stand in the world yeah and it took us a
Starting point is 01:37:45 while to get there man to become like like a refined shout out to Dan Lambert and Lambert Dan Lambert's a fucking man he he spent so much goddamn money putting ATT together back in the day where there was very little money in the sport just out of love and still does you know puts you you know uh this is stuff you won't ever hear from dan's mouth but this is stuff that i know personally he'll fucking probably like punch me in the leg for for saying things but he's constantly helping dudes out whatever rent came up short you have a surgery and it's not getting covered because this promotion that you're at doesn't have that okay here you go bro here's fucking xyz dollars it's just um
Starting point is 01:38:23 he's not he's not like your typical dude man he's a fucking good dude through and through transparent as fuck what you see is what you get and back then when he put the program together like you said there was like no money man this guy could has the pockets to own like a football team or something this is what he loves he's fucking loves mma you know and he's put a great program together back Back then, though, it was some wild stuff. I wish you could have given the American Top Team back then when it was like sparring was just like a fight. Because we had adopted something where, you know, we knew that in boxing you just spar hard. You know, you don't always spar in boxing.
Starting point is 01:38:58 But once that camp is up eight weeks out, those guys are throwing heaters to see where they're at, you know? So ATT used to be like that. And it was like a constant amount of bodies everywhere. Now we've got it more sophisticated. The coaches have gotten better where we still get after it hard, but in a much more scientific way. And fuck, bro, I'm just eager to see what the future brings. Like long after I retire, I think that we're still going to hold the fucking flag up for mixed martial arts, bro.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Well, it's an incredible camp. And, you know, it's filled. And the guys we got coming up right now. Yeah. Yeah. Guys like Eblen. Eblen. Like Johnny, who's.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Yurisov, too, the Bellator champion. Oh, yeah, man. He puts in a lot of work down there. He's a fucking killer, too. Shabili from 155, too, at Bellator, Shabili. There's a thing about Bellator. Unfortunately, people aren't recognizing it. They just, like, they watch it casually, but they don't have the kind of fan base that the UFC has.
Starting point is 01:39:52 No, no, no. Not even close. It's unfortunate because guys like Eblen are so fucking talented. There's so many people. Michael Venn and Page. There's so many people over there that are so good. Yeah. They're so good and so fun to watch.
Starting point is 01:40:04 You know, Douglas Lima. Douglas Lima. Ooh, that motherfucker's leg kicks are out of this world. there that are so good yeah they're so good and so fun to watch you know uh douglas lima that motherfucker's leg kicks out of this world straight right yeah always been a big fan of lima man and one of the best in the world i always wanted lima to compete like i don't know where he's at like in his prime but like when he was at the top in bellator i always wanted him over at the ufc yeah because i was guy. Especially against the better strikers. Yes! The wrestlers, they kind of had his number there, but against strikers, she would have got my money.
Starting point is 01:40:30 It would have paid for sure. He was a motherfucker. Yeah. He really was a motherfucker. And that was when Askren handled him. That was when I was like, man, I want to see what happens when Askren gets into the UFC. Because Askren, in that time, when he was the Bellator champion,
Starting point is 01:40:44 they just let him go. They're like, you're too boring, which is crazy. As a champion, they're like, we don't want to watch your fight. Get out of here. He's a blanket, man. He's a blanket, no excitement.
Starting point is 01:40:53 It takes a lot of attrition and conditioning and skill to do that, but when guys fight like that, they're doing the complete opposite of fighting. They're doing everything in their power for them not to land the blow and me not to land the blow and it's kind of like bro you're almost trying too hard to sniff a crotch or fucking sniff an armpit you know and it's it's it's fighting but it's also entertainment you know and he wasn't finishing guys he's just
Starting point is 01:41:16 literally hugging guys to death you know so my perspective was i'm fascinated to see who he can do that to because he did that to a lot of guys I mean did a lot of guys guys that were like Killers and he just put that fucking wrestling on yeah You know and the beautiful thing about the way you knocked him out as you preyed on his instincts You you went at an angle and then right to him and his instinct was just automatically to grab you. I mean, that is one of the most iconic photos in the history of the fucking sport. And then you use that even in your papers.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Let's just show Jorge has papers. 305, baby. 305 papers, and it says at the bottom, super necessary. Let's go, man. It's super necessary you get them papers but yeah knockout i mean i remember watching that going oh my god you know a lot of it a lot of it was uh also psychological man i i knew from hanging out that um what was he saying to him that it's like hey you got to come prove it now. Something like that. I was saying, like, all that shit talking, you got to do it now. And these guys just flapping gums at each other.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Any chance they get. The fight clock is going to be on. Go to the side and then boom, right in. Out cold. But the whole thing is the walking over him that really gets him, the change of speed. I saw that on Twitter. You know, I always like to study my dudes in different
Starting point is 01:42:45 ways but i saw that in uh celebration on twitter i saw that he was very uh like you know witty and always constantly writing shit like that i'm like you know he's a dork and a nerd but you know he's got a little bit of wit behind the computer screen when i saw him face to face every time and it was straight my cue versus yours improvisation versus your improvisation or maybe you've been thinking about some stupid shit for like a month and you'll say to me now but he froze up every single time and these were like a lot of encounters we had off camera like i remember i saw him and i was like ducked off in a corner and he had he was walking by this so i'm like well i'm just gonna spring up on this dude and scare the living shit out of him so i did pop pop Pop. Pop up on him. Hands behind my back.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Literally short circuit. Hey, hey, hey, master. I heard you're a very tough guy. I got to use the bathroom. I'm following. No, no, no. Let's talk, bro. I just want to talk.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Don't worry. I'm not going to do nothing to you. Come over here. Let me talk to you, bro. Why are you such a corny motherfucker? And I'm just, you know, trying to probe at him. And I noticed every single time that it was unscripted, unimprovised like that, like just spur of the moment. Short circuit.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Couldn't fucking, you know, keep it together. So I was like, I not only need to run at him, but I need to have like a change of speed because that's going to make him go into his natural crotch sniffing instincts. If I just change the speed on him, he's going to fucking duck. So that's why I came out slow, cut the little angle, and let him like, oh, okay, you know, we're going to circle it up. As soon as I change speed What does he do go to his fucking initial instincts is a fucking crotch in there for go sniff the crotch? And say you gonna kiss his knee goodbye, you know
Starting point is 01:44:14 That was one of the greatest knockouts in the history of the sport without a doubt I mean one of the best ever. Thank you, sir Plus it doesn't take up too much of your time, you know, you got that you want to see that body real quick Bam, you know and it's over. It was just a giant screen. And that was like you fucking launched into him. It was hilarious though. Like right away on Twitter, he's like, well, that sucked.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And then I counted his ass out. Boom. I mean, he leaned into it too. He was dying to sniff the crotch, bro. He into it, too. I mean, he was dying to sniff the garage. He was dying, bro. He's like, he should have been invited to the Sam Bankman Freed Party. Horrible knockout. One of the worst ever.
Starting point is 01:44:57 And one of the greatest ever. It's just the way he set it up, though. And then watching video footage of you practicing that over and over and over again and knowing that that was a plan. So when I'm doing it the night before, I'm like 95% certain because of the way he's been acting all week. Like all I got to do at any given moment is just get this guy uncomfortable. Go from like chill to invaded space. Whether it was in the opening bout or like in the second round or midway through the third, I just knew had to invade his space and he's gonna go to his natural instincts i know i keep saying it but i just knew it like the way he'd freeze up every time we talked the way he'd walk the way he'd get stiff i just knew like i mean you literally practice the exact same thing over and over and
Starting point is 01:45:38 over again it's so it's so wild to see like it's like when connor knocked out jose aldo you ever see that shit where he was practicing that he was like mimicking aldo and then he's practicing like just launching that left hand when he moves in yeah and then and the same thing got him out of character got him fucked up and flustered got him angry nobody had disrespected aldo before that everyone was terrible terrified of aldo i still think one of the greatest 145 one of the greatest of all time i mean yeah connor got him yeah connor got him no doubt but he was better than conor his wrestling his career was certainly better than cars but the thing about connor is in that first round particularly he's so explosive it's so quick timing too yeah he comes in with the timing
Starting point is 01:46:20 on like dialed right in that touch of death he's got these big ass hands and he just fucking launches them at people in that first round he's one of the most dangerous guys alive for sure he's so good and it's just i wonder how he's going to come back with that leg break here it is here's him practicing like he's doing like how aldo moves and then he's doing how he moves that's it like he knew what was going to happen. And then here, look at this. This weird style. Throwing that side kick. And then here it comes. Bang.
Starting point is 01:46:53 I mean, crazy. And he got clipped as well. Yeah. It's like, pow. In the process, he got clipped. Well, he's got a hell of a fucking chin. I mean, Conor has a hell of a chin, too, especially at 45. At 45, he would just walk through dudes.
Starting point is 01:47:05 I heard he would have the massive weight cuts, too, at 45. Oh, my God. He looked like death. He was one of those guys when I would see him. That was the real weigh-ins. That wasn't the weigh-ins where guys were at ceremonial weigh-in, where they weighed in at 10 o'clock in the morning. Look at him at weigh-in.
Starting point is 01:47:20 That motherfucker looks like he's on death's door. And all that flexing and craziness. Your body is like, you could cramp up real bad at that point. It's happened to me numerous times. You flex a little too hard after the weight cut. Yeah, look at the difference. I mean, it's extraordinary. I mean, he's gaining a solid 20-plus pounds of water. So, like, just the amount of mental strength it took to get down to that 145, it was crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:44 But at 1455 he's so fucking big yeah that's the thing it's like that the there's a giant benefit to it but man the cost on your kidneys and your organs and and the chin and the chin yeah reflexes oh your head you just fucking tough but that was the the iv days though too yeah you could you could rehydrate four banana bags to the face you you're fine the next day. Reinflate. You would see guys weigh in and the only guy who freaked me out
Starting point is 01:48:11 was Yoel. Yoel Romero would look so big at 185. You're like how is that 185? How is it even possible? He looks like a heavyweight. I've known Yoel since he got to America and I was a fan of him before I remember watching him compete in the Olympics. Obviously, he's Cuban, so my whole family, everybody, we're always cheering for this dude.
Starting point is 01:48:31 This dude was like this fucking Roy Jones Jr. type cloth. And he didn't even start in the UFC until he was 36. And he doesn't lift weights, and he looks like he does. He doesn't lift weights? Maybe he's lifting weights now, um when I was when we were training constantly together it was just push-ups pull-ups squat jumps he'd do a lot of body workouts and uh he looks like he's a fucking pro bodybuilder he's the freaky freakiest of the freaks in terms of like athletic freaks just extraordinary athletic freaks and dense. Out of everybody that I've trained with, I've never felt someone denser.
Starting point is 01:49:08 I remember he had just started, and, you know, so we'd always trade techniques. He's showing me what he would do in wrestling in certain positions, and I'm showing him, like, in striking. And I'm talking about, like— Here's him warming up. Crazy flexible. Crazy flexible, crazy athletic. But, you know, I had him on the podcast and Joey Diaz translated.
Starting point is 01:49:26 It was amazing. That was a bass rock. It was amazing. But he was talking about the Cuban program. He goes, they turn you into a machine. They turn you into a machine. He goes, you can eat. Those were his workouts back then.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Literally. He'd do like 50 of those, then take a break, and then he'd do another 50 of those, and that was his weightlifting. It's extraordinary because, you know, the guy, I mean, because he didn't want to gas out, rarely used his wrestling. And he's one of the best wrestlers ever. I mean, he was an extraordinary wrestler. But his flying knee knockout of Chris Weidman is also one of the greatest of all time. His debut UFC, he gets a flying knockout. He's with me and my trainer, Paulino Hernandez.
Starting point is 01:50:08 And I've landed the knee a couple times in Japan and hurt guys and gotten some good success off it. So we had team fights. He's like, hey, man, I want to learn the flying knee. So we showed it to him, not lying, two weeks and five days before his fight. And we showed him a quick little setup for it. You know, you go forward, you go back, you go forward, and you go back. And when he goes back, if he comes forward, you jump with him.
Starting point is 01:50:31 And fucking his first UFC fight does it. He literally, I saw it with my own eyes. He learned this technique two fucking weeks before. That's when I knew, bro, this not only is, because those guys are athletic. There it is. Yeah. This guy's also fucking great. He's also like, he would move so slowly and casual, and then boom.
Starting point is 01:50:50 You're done. There it is. Show the one with Chris Weidman, because Chris Weidman is even more impressive. And there he is when he was on the podcast. He was like 220 pounds when he came in to do the podcast. His traps look like fucking buildings, bro. He's a fucking house. Here's the Weidman fight. It was a good bro. He's a fucking house. Here's the Widen fight.
Starting point is 01:51:06 It was a good fight. It was a great fight. Boom! And then fucking the cat-likeness, how he landed and everything. Oh, my God. He was extraordinary. I mean, he's just a freak. You know, when they brought him to Australia, I've told this story before.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Forgive me if you've heard this, folks. They brought him to Australia, and he had a fractured orbital, and they brought him to the doctor. So he gets examined, and then the doctor calls the UFC and goes, where did you get this guy? And they go, what do you mean? And they go, he's a fucking specimen. And he goes, oh, yeah, he's amazing, right?
Starting point is 01:51:37 And they go, no, no, no, you don't understand. He goes, I've been a doctor for 50 years. I've never seen someone like him. He said the tendons in his eyes are three times larger than a normal person's. He said the orbital fracture, it's already healing.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Like he's just an athletic freak. The rarest of the rare. I used to kick this guy in the fucking leg or the fucking forearm. And everybody that he's fought always has said that, you know. And you saw his performance
Starting point is 01:52:04 with Izzy, I think. He hit Izzy in the first round is he kept like touching it because he truly is the most dense guy i've ever worked out with so luke rockhold said it was like it was made out of metal bro it's not a fucking lie bro and it's crazy because he didn't lift weights push-ups pull-ups those jumping shit but he would be very disciplined with it you know like no matter what he did boom every day he had like his little set of of doing things to keep himself in shape and remember he got like you said he got into ufc at what 36 36 if he comes over from cuba after winning this first world championship was that 19 years old is the first one that he won it and you know then he sold matches and did what he had to do to get money if he comes in at like 19 over here he's like numerous time champion
Starting point is 01:52:43 and at different weights. A hundred percent. And the ability to learn for that guy too was unparalleled. Yeah, no, it's like there's levels to athleticism and he's. And he's a mean guy too. Oh, yeah. Nice guy too. No, super nice guy. But when anything related with competition, you're talking about a pissing contest or a spitting contest.
Starting point is 01:53:02 He's trying to fucking outdo you. Well, think about where he came up from. I mean, what made him is that Cuban program. They turn you into a machine. And that's all you got over there. It's either that or be like everybody else, broken and misery, you know? Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:17 I mean, that's how they make people the way they are. I mean, it's pretty extraordinary. But, man, that dude. I would have loved to see him when he was younger. I mean, it's really kind of incredible man, that dude. I would have loved to see him when he was younger. I mean, it's really kind of incredible that you get him, essentially at your age, just making his debut. It's wild. Wild. You can see from fight to fight just how much he's evolving. You know, he's like, ah, this wrestling stuff is cool, but I need to knock people the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:53:41 And he still looks fucking great. He's fighting in Bellator now, right? He still looks fucking great. At 205. It's incredible. I mean, what an extraordinary human being. Just so unusual. And the fucking, the style that he had, just like so loose and relaxed.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Boom! And then out of nowhere. And he's wrestling too defensively. Offensive is just beautiful. Like in that same Chris Weidman fight, you can see his intelligence. It's before that knee. He goes for a takedown. Weidman stuffs it.
Starting point is 01:54:12 And the way that Weidman stuffs it, he knows if he does it again, I'm going to fucking take him right down. And he shoots the same takedown. Weidman stuffs it the same way and, boom, right in his fucking back. Just like a fucking thing of beauty, man. Levels. It's that Olympic-level wrestling. That's why it's so fascinating to see guys like Bo Nickel
Starting point is 01:54:29 and these elite, elite wrestlers coming in at an early age. That's another fucking problem. Real problem. Huge fan of that guy. I've been watching him since his freshman year, but I hate when this motherfucker goes with me on the mat. He is a fucking nightmare, bro. I can imagine.
Starting point is 01:54:43 He's so good already on the ground. Because that's a very studious guy too he obviously the wrestling is fucking second nature he i was talking to his mom once he had like 85 wrestling matches before the age of nine so so you know like you you just it's part of his psyche his subconscious yeah but how fast he's getting on the ground it's scary i'm seeing it in myself from like a year and a half ago when he came into right now the way he's getting legit black belts and just like fucking take down half guard side mount submission what the fuck bro taking guys backs putting the fucking triangle on him choke him out he's he's the guy that fucking could go very far and very far very far and the hype on him is so intense.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Like, a guy fights on the pay-per-view, his first fight in the UFC. He doesn't even have fucking 15 minutes of cage time. He has, like, a total combined. I think, I'm not exaggerating, I don't think he makes a round here. I don't think he has five total minutes of combat. It's extraordinary. Elite-level wrestling, in my my opinion is the best base the best space for sure because you could dictate where the fight goes you know if you stay up on your feet or
Starting point is 01:55:50 if you take it down you know and it's just like i was always fascinated by striking so i grew up with the striking but once i realized like it doesn't matter how good fast or hard i punch if i can't keep it on my feet like this means nothing i can't knock you out from from being on guard or being mounted you know so i really like focus the last like i don't know 14 years of my career heavy grappling and mainly defensive you know when i tell you that like 70 of my mat time is just spent on like wrestling whether it be offense or defense and then the other stuff is striking because it just comes so naturally to me even Even like the endurance, you know. I could not spar for numerous weeks.
Starting point is 01:56:28 I'll jump into American Top Team with the best guys that we have there. And if it's just straight striking, I can't get tired. It's like I could do five rounds and it's just chilling. If I got to wrestle five hard minutes with another fucking All-American or national champion, different story, man. Yeah, there's nothing like it. What weighs on you in wrestling is the kind of endurance that's required in wrestling is just so different and that's where a guy like yoel or a guy like bo nickel that spent their life doing that they're
Starting point is 01:56:53 so efficient it's just a completely different kind of ability to to push and to drain people in those exchanges oh yeah just being efficient where maybe you're gonna take downedown on me, but I'm going to get away in seconds. But if I take you down, I'm going to fucking wear you the fuck out. I'm going to put all your weight on your hands. I'm going to make you carry my fucking weight. By the time we get out of here, you've been carrying me for like three minutes and a half. It changes you.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Now your snap, your electricity, everything slows down just a bit, man. Are those the most frustrating losses for you, like the first fight with Kamaru or the Colby Covington fight, these wrestling-heavy fights? Definitely, you know, and it's something that at 170 has always been dominant. I feel in other divisions maybe I could have had an easier path to the title because it was more striking-oriented, things like that. At 170, it's always been since the Matt Hughes range, GSP,
Starting point is 01:57:44 it's always been grapp like the matt he's range gsp it's always been like grappler wrestler dense you know and it's not frustrating um it's like fucking fuck bro like damn i want to fight and i prepared so hard for this like little position like he gets into a single like and if he pops his head this we're gonna do this and if he goes out we're gonna do and i have all these game plans then you get there like i was just better than you at that situation before you know you're on your back minutes gone by now you're fucking down you I'm going to do this. And if he goes out, we're going to do it. And I have all these game plans. Then you get there. The guy's just better than you at that situation. Before you know it, you're on your back. Minutes gone by.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Now you're fucking down. You finally get back up. The guy's not engaging. He's moving. Like, you're trying to throw strikes. So definitely frustration, you know. But like everything, man, you got to just get better where you suck at, you know. And for the longest time, I've always known I'm gifted with the hands, the speed, the power.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Where I need to always put in my time and effort, and I've always done that is wrestling and wrestling defensive you know well you've always been good at wrestling defensively but what's been always extraordinary about you is like the sneaky shit the way you set up stuff like like the darren till knockout we stepped in and threw that hook like oh that was a big win sir. That was a big win, too, because that was at the time when Darren Till had so much hype on him. Yeah, he was, like, number three at the time. I had, like, a year layoff. Came back, went to his own town and did it, you know?
Starting point is 01:58:54 Just like I'm about to do to Leon's bitch ass, I'm going to go to England and knock his fucking head off his shoulders. Because that's a good style matchup for me. He's not a wrestler. He can't wrestle for five rounds, and he's not better technically than me he's gonna have to stand there with me and throw blows and that's why I'm gonna hurt that dude bro you can't look past Gilbert though right never look past any man but I I started training not for Gilbert but I started training period I'm gonna say like four months ago so I'm one of the best shapes of my life I haven't got no injuries and my mind is
Starting point is 01:59:24 is right man for a long time I I didn't want to fight I had a lot of things outside of the ring that weren't going right so I wasn't I wasn't trying to compete while all these other fucked up things were happening uh I got three felonies on one side of the thing I got some lawsuits got injuries got losses I was like you know what there's a lot of bad juju I gotta get out of my life so I did you know in all types of shapes and aspect I There's a lot of bad juju I got to get out of my life. So I did, you know, in all types of shapes and aspects. I've caught a lot of negativity and things that maybe weren't negative but were leading to negativity, like gateways to negativity. Things that I didn't need in my life. So I just fucking, I feel that for the 20 years I've been in this fucking sport, I'm in probably one of the best places right now mentally.
Starting point is 02:00:02 And eight months ago, I i mean you can see pictures online i was like 220 pounds i was in a fucking dark place for a fucking long long time i've been living my life very different never to hit that rock bottom no matter what happens ever again in my life it's just i'll never hit that again bro it was like the worst of the worst you know and uh it was just because that was the first time that it happened to you because of the knockout and like numerous things in my life and and the way that it that it was too you know because um leading up to the first Usman fight me and the UFC can't come to to terms and agreement right and I'm in great shape so the fight six weeks out gets cut out like nah we're not gonna make it happen you know I wanted more money on my pay-per-view not not on my guarantee but I'm like
Starting point is 02:00:43 man if I'm gonna sell xyz pay-per-views not on my guarantee, but I'm like, man, if I'm going to sell XYZ pay-per-views, fuck, bro, I want to get paid, you know? And the fight gets cut off, and then six days later, they bring it to my face, and I'm not in shape, fucking 20 pounds heavier. So I fucking, I go out there, and I give it my best, and I come up short, and, like, that, like, sinks into me. Like, fuck, bro, did I do the right thing? Maybe I should have taken a fucking slightly less pay cut and gone after the thing that I've always wanted the most, the fucking belt. But I also wanted to get my my value. And in that also got like a great deal with the UFC taking the fight in six. They noticed I was able to secure some great things for me and my family.
Starting point is 02:01:18 So it wasn't like a total loss, but it was already like, fuck, bro, did I do the wrong thing? And then for the second fight um me and usman were supposed to coach ultimate fighter uh and it was supposed to be like somewhere in september october they were supposed to fight so ufc's telling me yeah we're gonna fight in september october so i tell them hey i'm gonna go do stem cells down in columbia here's all the paperwork is this good for you guys can i go do this since i'm gonna do this in september there's not gonna be no problems like yeah they're running through usada they they check it with all the paperwork is this good for you guys can i go do this since i'm gonna do this in september there's not gonna be no problems like yeah they're running through usada they they check it with all the guys you're good because you're gonna be coaching in september fighting by october november
Starting point is 02:01:52 well while i'm in colombia i get the call and say hey we're gonna have the first live event sporting event it's gonna happen in florida we want you to fucking be a part of it and i fucking i jumped on it i was like man last time i fought him on six day notice i did all right now i'm getting like five weeks notice it's not in september october how they told me but fuck it i'm gonna i'm gonna jump on it again and they didn't work out for me man you know so that sent me like until fucking like bro i shouldn't have took the fight i told myself after the first fight i won't fight this guy again without 10 weeks to prepare for him because that's what i need to prepare for this guy so i just went into like a fucking dark place and for a while and uh and when sometimes you're in dark places addiction happens and fucking bad shit and now just more bad shit breathes bad shit and i'm hanging around
Starting point is 02:02:35 the circle and maybe i shouldn't be and it's just getting like worse and um i always thank god man because fuck i saw the light and i was like this is not me i i come from like a much worse environment where there was drug addicts around me where life wasn't promised to me a fucking a sixty thousand dollar job was out of the question now i'm here i've gained so much and i'm and i'm gonna fucking let this shit beat me up so i went david goggins on him when jordan peterson i'm just like i'm being a fucking bitch dog and this is not overnight this is. This is, like, way before the Gilbert fight. I've been just fucking training and training and putting in the time, especially in the areas where I'm not so great.
Starting point is 02:03:10 And now I feel like it's all been paying off, you know. And I'm not looking past Gilbert, but I am going to make him a stepping stone, an example. And I'm going to say now because it's what's going to happen. And it's going to be a movie ending. I'm going to go fight Leon after that. And I'm going to fucking rip his head off, you know. Not in person. I know he can't stand me, but I give a fuck less about him I just want that belt, you know There is Colby and Dana has said that Colby is gonna fight for the title
Starting point is 02:03:34 Who knows, you know, Dana says a lot of things. He does say a lot of things But you know now he's defended the belt against one of the best pound-for-pound guys Leon I heard is coming to Miami. I just got to do my job. He's coming to Miami this weekend? Two weeks? Yeah, I heard that he's going to be there. Didn't he say that he was going to Miami? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:03:52 I would imagine he would want to be there. Yeah, I heard in one of the interviews that he was coming to Miami, so I'm going to make sure I do my job and perform and fight and forget about all the other stuff. I'm just going to go out there, take care of Gilbert, and then let the chips fall where they may, you know? What happened with you and Colby? He's a bitch bro and he showed his true colors for the money for the pay-per-view he talked about my kids my my family for to maybe sell
Starting point is 02:04:15 not friends i was fucking his everything he's mental i was already in strike force i had competed against gilbert melendez i was an established pro when he came over american top team um i was living up at american top team i had an apartment over there for like about a year I had competed against Gilbert Melendez. I was an established pro when he came over to American Top Team. I was living up at American Top Team. I had an apartment over there for, like, about a year and change. He broke his hand. His girlfriend had fucking kicked him out of the place because he had given her fucking herpes and shit. No, I'm dead-ass serious.
Starting point is 02:04:39 So he had, like, nowhere to fucking live. So he asked if he could crash on my couch. I was like, yeah, fuck it, bro. We're both on this journey together. We train together. We play poker together. Fucking this and that. So I basically fed this dude for a fucking year. Lived on my couch i was like yeah fuck it bro we're on both on this journey together we train together we play poker together fucking this and that so i basically fed this dude for a fucking year lived on my couch didn't give me a fucking dollar because he didn't have a job had a fucking broken hand it's all documented it's all him on youtube saying jorge mazzola was my best friend
Starting point is 02:04:55 if it wasn't for jorge i wouldn't be here and this and that and then you know um i'm at 155 so then i come up to 170 and i start stealing a lot of not stealing but i start getting a lot of shine from myself a lot of eyeballs not stealing, but I start getting a lot of shine from myself. A lot of eyeballs start looking at me, and immediately, instead of like, yeah, we're fucking boys, we can fight, or whatever the fuck, he turns into something fucking ugly. You know, like, everything that I did for you, you're trying to use it against me, especially my kids. He knows the relationship I have with my kids, and you're trying to use that against me. You're a fucking piece of shit. But before all that happened, I already knew he wasn't a good person
Starting point is 02:05:25 because my striking coach, this is when we cut ties, me and him, my striking coach trained him from his amateur all the way to his Rafael Dos Anjos fight, and he did a handshake deal with him, 5% on your fights. If you make $1,000, you make $500,000. 5% is what you're going to pay me because that's what Joel Romero pays me. That's what Jorge Maciel pays me. That's what all the guys that train with him pay him, you know, and he's like
Starting point is 02:05:47 accessible at all times, he will drive an hour this way, drive an hour back that way and just give you all his knowledge and that's what he wanted, you know, and they shook hands on it, as soon as Kobe made money, what did he do? didn't pay my coach, so since then I was like bro, I want to fucking take a bite to his
Starting point is 02:06:04 fucking neck and my coach was like, don't it bro you you'll fight him and that way that's how you'll get him for both of us you know i didn't get him that time but i promise you before my career is over i'm gonna fucking murder kobe in the cage legally legally legally what happened illegally allegedly a lot of things happened allegedly i don't know they're saying a lot of things but it's all allegedly cuz i shit man allegedly is a great word yeah i don't know what they're talking about man but legally in the cage in the ufc i'm gonna fucking snatch his soul one way or another and that's also something that you know losing a piece of shit like that you know like if you let somebody come into you and and you share something with me like man something is very dear to me it's this moment where my mom blah blah blah
Starting point is 02:06:50 and this and that and then i would use that because me and you had a falling out it really shows your fucking character like you're a fucking piece of shit bro you know and that's why nobody fucks with this guy like nobody fucks with this guy in any level in any accord you know well it's a crazy story john j Jones can't stand him. He had a very similar thing with Jon Jones. He changed who he was when the UFC was about to cut him. And he decided to become like a wrestling heel. Shit on the whole country just for what?
Starting point is 02:07:16 It worked, though. I mean, the thing about it is it's kind of genius in the fact that it really did get people paying attention to him. In a negative way, but, you know, I feel that he could have just been beating people, put more time into the craft rather than Twitter and trying to copy other heels, and it would have been fine. I mean, this guy just, oh, what is Conor doing today? Let me go do that in a cheaper, shittier way, you know? Like, be fucking you, bro.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Just fucking go out there and beat dudes up and say what you got to say, and it'll come to you. It took me a while to get here you know i had to fucking knock out and beat numerous fucking people actual champions to get here but it'll come you don't have to sell out for the fucking dollar bro what was it like fighting him um i wanted to fucking kill him i heard him but it wasn't the best version of me bro it just wasn't the best version of me and you know in this sport that's what i love about it's like what happened happened and everything else is bullshit right
Starting point is 02:08:08 so until we fight again nobody will get to see that better version of me but i promise you joe before i close this chapter in my life in mma i will have competed against this guy i'm gonna fucking take his soul bro i i just know it after being those five rounds in there with him and that was the best that he had and that was nowhere near my best at that time for different reasons, I knew I could fucking end this guy. What if the UFC comes to you and says you versus Colby, winner for the title? Do you think that's a possible scenario? That's definitely a possible scenario.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Especially if this— And I would love that because I'd stop him from his dream of fighting for that title. him from his dream of fighting for that title if you could somehow or another shock the world in a way with the with this gilbert fight where it's just undeniable where people just get so fired up about it and then he starts jabbing because he thinks that somehow or another you're going to take that title shot from him that would be the scenario that i could see you guys then i would then i would take the title shot from him, you know, and I'd go fight Leon. And since the start of it, I said this from a technical aspect, like I find nothing but wrestler after wrestler after wrestler after wrestler. So it's like I said it numerous times in interviews.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I want to fight guys that are a little bit more favorable for my style while I work on my wrestling. It's not that I'm putting wrestling to the back burner, but while I'm learning techniques techniques i'm flying in different coaches across the country just to come wrestle with me work from the basics work from zero all the way up and that's what i've been doing the last six months just like bringing in phenomenal uh bo nickel's dad jason nickel came out like six weeks just helping me out and this is a guy that bo nickel gives a ton of credit to he's like man my dad literally showed me 80 of my game bro like get with him and see what he could do and it just so happens that he was in florida he was coming out of florida so i got to work with him a fucking ton you know and i just got to learn like stuff like from a basic level because i skipped high school wrestling you know i didn't go to
Starting point is 02:09:56 college wrestling there's a lot of little chinks and mistake my mind is not weak i i might get beat but it's not because my will was in question nothing it's because all right you're better in that position you're more efficient in that position let me fix him up especially in wrestling you know if you got the heart and determination the grit to just keep coming after i could fix these mistakes that's all i've been doing these like last six to eight months and when i get in there with gill he's gonna fucking feel it right away bro like you're not getting a takedown on me no matter what happens brother the thing about the kobe fight was kobe is a very good wrestler and he has a good gas tank and um and he's a fucking leech you know that collegiate style one thing that they can you know you could see from any of those guys is they could fucking dig down deep and get like a takedown when they're
Starting point is 02:10:38 tired they're good at putting themselves at bad spots and scoring and also um not to like fucking make excuses but i also do think that the rules are favored heavily towards like a grappler wrestling type because if you're on your knees sniffing crotches i should be able to fucking knee you in the face yes like what is this bullshit that i can't live if a guy's like this right and he has 350 matches and he's used to scoring here and i can't punch in the back of the head i can't even punch in the bottom because your face is down the only thing logically i could do is knee you with the other knee you're not grabbing but they don't let us do that so a lot of the rules i think favor grappling
Starting point is 02:11:14 in like certain departments it's not to make an excuse it's the truth because a fight is a fight if you're grabbing if you're trying to suck in my leg why can't i fucking use it as a knee 100 i'll give it to you and fucking knee you in the jaw. You're going to fucking turtle up real quick. You're going to shut up or they're going to drop guard. I agree with that 100%. There's a lot of things that it kind of leans towards wrestling. The downed opponent thing where you can touch one hand down. I know they've changed that in some places,
Starting point is 02:11:38 but there's other places that still consider one hand downed opponent. It's crazy. It doesn't make any sense and it does favor the grappler. It's also unrealistic. Unrealistic. Like, if the guy is on the ground, like, I think you should be able to knee him in the head. I mean, you see it in one FC.
Starting point is 02:11:51 You see it in a lot of other places. That's a legitimate position. And don't be in that position then because it's the way the fight's going to get stopped. How many times do you see, like, a guy that's been wrestling could be in that position, dead tired out of his mind, shoots a horrible shot, gets on his knees and stays there for like 20 seconds. And all you can do is punch his body. And then gets back up and finishes. He's more skilled.
Starting point is 02:12:11 He's more efficient there, yes. But it's not realistic. Like you said, in a real fight, you'd get your fucking eye orbital crushed in, you know? A hundred percent. And you would never stay in that position. You wouldn't. You would know there's danger in that position. Just like every other position.
Starting point is 02:12:24 It's like, that's a, I mean, if we're looking at it as the art of fighting, and this is what the sport is, the sport is as close to real fighting as you can get. There's no way you should be able to do that. There's no way you should be able to be on your knees working for a takedown and not get knee in the face. Yeah. It doesn't make any sense. Because why, you're vulnerable.
Starting point is 02:12:42 That's like, don't do that because of the vulnerability. But there's other positions where like don't do that because of the vulnerability. But there's other positions where you don't do something because of the vulnerability and you get hit. Like in that one, we shield the wrestler from that potential situation of getting kneed in the face. It doesn't make sense either. It would just change a lot of outcomes of fights if that gets instituted. Like overnight we'd see a swing in like wrestling, holding like dominance in MMA a lot.
Starting point is 02:13:08 It would even out the playing field a lot and overnight. I don't even know if we should stop hitting people in the back of the head. That doesn't make any sense to me because there's a lot of knockouts like high kicks. They wrap around the back of the shoulder and they go right to the back of your head and it's legal. And the guy gets KO'd. And there's a lot of times where a guy's fucking half-fine knocked out. And, you know, perfect example, Dustin Poirier versus Conor. He hit him like three times in the back of the head solid.
Starting point is 02:13:32 Then he goes limp. It's like, what the fuck? Is that the referee's discretion now? Who can hit in the back of the head and who can't? Exactly. In wild exchanges and scrambles, like Cyril Ghosn and Junior Dos Santos, he kind of hit him with an elbow in the back of the head. It's like it should be legal.
Starting point is 02:13:48 I don't understand why it's not legal. And people say you're more vulnerable there. Well, don't fucking get hit there. Don't get there. You know, Eddie Bravo's talked about this all the time. The old days of MMA, when a guy got someone's back, they would just drop elbows down on his head. Done.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Back of the head. If you have your back and the head is there, all this punching just to the side is not realistic. Not realistic. The back of the head with elbows. Just one of them. And they say it's more dangerous, but- It also opens you up to get away as well.
Starting point is 02:14:16 It causes more action. So now if you're cocking back and you hit me once in the back of the head and you cock back again, I might do like a somersault to get away from you. I might go for a lay. I might do something to get away there, and you're giving me the space. It would only bring more action. Yeah, it would bring more action and also more realistic
Starting point is 02:14:31 because you realize you can't just lie flat on your back. You're fucked. Like you better protect the back of your neck because it's very, very vulnerable. So guys would have to, when they lie on the back or lie on their stomach, they have to protect their fucking head, and then they would have to try to roll. They would have to do something to lie on the back or lie on their stomach, they have to protect their fucking head. And then they would have to try to roll.
Starting point is 02:14:47 They would have to do something to get out of that position. Instead of just realizing that you can kind of hold there and cover the sides of your faces because you could leave the back of your head exposed. I mean, I'm sure if you talk to a neuroscientist, they say that's a particularly vulnerable area. But fuck, man, isn't the temple, aren't the eyes? Everything is so vulnerable. and all those are legal, you could elbow a dude in the fucking eye socket, 100% legal, so explain to me why the back of the head is so much more vulnerable, I don't get it. In theory, somebody could fucking knee you in the ribs, breaks your rib, and your rib punctures your lung. Yes, of course, there's so many vulnerabilities, there's so many things that are
Starting point is 02:15:24 legal, like the sidekick to the knee, I mean, the side many things. There's so many vulnerabilities. There's so many things that are legal, like the sidekick to the knee. I mean, the sidekick to the knee is a crazy move. It's like you have the potential to ruin. Yes. And that was always a gray area. Like, it's illegal. And then some guys, they, like, get away with it.
Starting point is 02:15:37 And then other guys, they wouldn't. And now everybody could do it. But for a long time, sidekicking the knee was fucking illegal. How long was it illegal for? When did it become legal i man i remember this much when i was uh fighting gilbert melendez i was doing something like that like some tie teeps to the to the leg and the referee called my attention on like the
Starting point is 02:15:56 second one really yeah yeah you know gilbert said something like referee called my attention immediately so it was like very great so this is strike force this is strike force you know interesting yeah and i was like okay that's fucking weird yeah it is fucking weird because you know you know i talked to eddie bravo about that and he's like well why you know if that's illegal then why is a heel hook legal because if you get a guy like pulharis like husamar paul harris who just rip your fucking shit apart and not let go? Yeah. Oh, my God. So here's Khalil Rountree.
Starting point is 02:16:29 That was the worst one I ever saw. Oh, my God. That was against Bukakis. And he just side kicked his knee into oblivion. It was horrible. And Khalil can fucking kick. Woo! Khalil Rountree versus Eric Anders is one of my all-time
Starting point is 02:16:45 favorite performances. He came out straight Thai. Straight Thai. Me and DC were going crazy. Look at him. He had lost to Johnny Walker and then said, you know what? I gotta learn elbows and the clinch. I gotta learn Thai fighting and went to Thailand and just fell
Starting point is 02:17:01 in love with Muay Thai. He came back with teeps and low kicks and middle kicks and high kicks. Picked it up rather quick. Khalil Rountree is so goddamn talented. He's a guy that gets focused and not focused. He's been around a long time. He used to train at Vanderlei's gym when Vanderlei had that gym in Vegas. He has wild stories about that gym.
Starting point is 02:17:22 They would just fight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking fight. Old school Curitiba, chutibak style. Just wail on each other. Not just to plug in my promotion for bare knuckle fighting, but I love bare knuckle fighting because the grappling also feels like a little bit more realistic with no glove. For submission guys, it's a little bit more like they got that grip.
Starting point is 02:17:40 They take the back, the rear naked. It's a little bit easier to hold. Yes. I'm a big component also for just tape the hands up and fucking go you know and it serves strikers and grapplers you know i agree and i think it also gives people a much real more realistic sense of what you could do with your hands yeah because if you just t off and throw wild punches and hit guys in the head you're gonna break your fucking hand it happens all the time gone you have to be much more precise in the placement of your hands and it's never made any sense to me that why your hands are wrapped up
Starting point is 02:18:09 and taped and and padded but your elbows aren't yeah your shins aren't your knees aren't crazy yeah crazy right like sheer bone to bone because this in power not not even that you know like the cuts and all that and just sheer power the elbows closer to your body which is generating the power so you know the elbow's gonna be strong the knees closer to your body yeah you know, like the cuts and all that. And just sheer power. The elbow's closer to your body, which is generating the power. So you know the elbow's going to be stronger. The knee's closer to your body. So you know it's generating more power than the punch. You know, that's why in Thai boxing, they have boxing is like the least ranking for the points. You know, you kick somebody in the arm, it's almost more meaningful to them than getting punched in the face.
Starting point is 02:18:41 You know, because the kick is a fucking kick, man. It's a baseball bat to your fucking arm and ribs. Oh, especially the way those guys throw them. I mean, it's just, I don't know why we insist on, I mean, the one thing, it would be cuts. Like, guys would get cut. Left and right. Like, you see bare-knuckle boxing,
Starting point is 02:18:56 guys get cut up left and right. Left and right. Yeah. Are you going to do bare-knuckle MMA? Are you going to do a promotion with that? No, I have a promotion. It is bare-knuckle MMA? We put on, like, four or five? No, I have a promotion. It is Bare Knuckle MMA? We've put on like
Starting point is 02:19:05 four or five shows already. So I thought it was Bare Knuckle Boxing. No, no, no. MMA, MMA. Oh, shit. You got any highlights? Let me see some of this.
Starting point is 02:19:13 Yeah, we got some highlights up on YouTube. You can go to YouTube. So here it is. Oh, yeah. So this is your promotion? Let me see. Yep.
Starting point is 02:19:21 Yeah, so I agree with that. I really feel like that's the... I feel like... This is Alex Nichols. He's a fucking mad I agree with that. I really feel like that's the—I feel like— This is Alex Nichols. He's a fucking madman, too, bro. I've always felt two things should change, that bare knuckle is the way to go, and then two, no cage. I've been saying forever, like, if you can play football in a big field, why can't you fight in a big field? If you can play basketball in a big court, why can't you fight in a big court where you can't just hold someone against a cage?
Starting point is 02:19:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's none of that. Okay. There's got to be a way to not have a cage. But we have to have some type of boundary. Yeah, like you can't run away for everything. But definitely I do feel you in that. Just explore with it, see what we can do in that.
Starting point is 02:20:00 Yeah, take away this additional variable because there's a variable when your back is up against a cage and someone's pressed you here. Like that shouldn't be there. Like in a natural world with no cage, you're spinning away from it. And also if a guy takes you down, there's no cage to wall walk. There's all sorts of variables that you introduce. And also it's easier to see. Sometimes even when I'm as close as anybody gets to the fights and sometimes I have to look at the monitor. sorts of variables that you introduce and then also it's easier to see you know like sometimes even when i'm i'm as close as anybody gets to the fights and sometimes i have to look at the monitor
Starting point is 02:20:29 yeah there's poles on your way there yeah freaking uh yeah where the advertisements are another variable that takes away from the sport in some way yeah i feel like just a fucking big open space where you have to like an empty pool or something like a huge empty pool like blood sport but even in the pool people would push you up against the side of the pool I feel like
Starting point is 02:20:50 Frank Shamrock did a thing for a while where he had a flat surface and it was curved up in the end like world combat fighting oh yeah
Starting point is 02:20:58 like Chuck Norris this thing that he had yeah have you seen the karate yes they do it boss rooting thing yeah they do it Boss Rutten's thing
Starting point is 02:21:06 Yeah They do it like that too I like that Yeah The set is fucking Also beautiful Yeah That's pretty dope
Starting point is 02:21:12 That's Boss Rutten's thing Yeah Boss Rutten's the commentator On that Wow Yeah I thought you meant Like he made
Starting point is 02:21:18 I think he's a part of it In some way He's fucking awesome Yeah He's always been an innovator He moved out here too Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 02:21:24 He's always a long time la boy man that's crazy yeah he's like fuck this he's a fucking legend he's an animal love that guy yeah bro he's one of the dudes i used to look at because he's i would always like gravitate obviously to whoever was a champion near my weight class but like great strikers i just fucking would fucking soak it up just like what is this guy doing what how did he land that kick over and over what little setups is he doing you know so i'd always digest a lot of these fucking great strikers especially if they came from a great striking background and then translating to mma just to like what are they doing to be able to fucking stay afloat with these grapplers or
Starting point is 02:21:56 wrestlers you know yeah well boss came into mma at a time where there weren't strikers like him yet. He was the most elite striker at his time, for sure. And he was fucking people up. When he fought Toshio Kosaka, like, whoo! Like, if you couldn't take that guy down, fucking get it, bro. Tree trunks of legs, elbows, knees. Power! Everything was power. Everything was
Starting point is 02:22:20 fucking, ah, that Dutch kickboxing style power. One of my favorite, bro. Those fucking Dutchies go at it, my brother. I mean, think about Holland, the amount of killers. Ernesto Hoest, Peter Ertz, I mean, Remy Bonjasky. Like, so many fucking assassins, semi-schilt. Everybody came from Holland. You know?
Starting point is 02:22:40 Badr Hari. Melvin Manhoef. Woo! Tyrone Spong. Yeah, so many guys came from that area. So many guys came from that style of fighting. The French do pretty good, too, with the Thai. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:51 There's a lot of good Thai guys as well. Yes, definitely. England as well. Yes, yeah. Yeah. Cedric Dube. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:58 Woo, that motherfucker. He's a bad man. It's getting closer because it used to be just like, I still believe in kickboxing kickboxing holland's like fucking one of the best best but like in thai boxing and stuff you know like france is pretty fucking good man they got yes yes they do they've embraced it it's interesting how europeans embraced thai fighting much earlier and i never understood why thai boxing never became huge in America. I didn't understand it I think we've lost in promoters. Shut it out straight up Yes, but why is no I mean look think about what the UFC has done with slap fighting which I'm does not really my thing but
Starting point is 02:23:36 Muay Thai I feel like is more marketable you get like elite Joe Schilling type strikers and have like Glory did. Glory is wild. I fucking love Glory. Love Glory. I just don't understand why it didn't become more popular. And the only thing that makes sense to me was it wasn't promoted correctly. But if you got a big promotion like the UFC's promotion machine behind world-class kickboxing, I think it could be as big as MMA.
Starting point is 02:24:02 I think it could be as big as pro boxing. It'd just be action-packed. Yes. Three-second clinch break, boom, go back at it again. I mean, it's what people like to watch. People like to watch striking. I mean, there's a lot of casual fans. Look, I love jiu-jitsu, obviously, but there's something about elite striking that translates
Starting point is 02:24:21 to anybody and everybody. You don't have to know anything. You watch a dude get kicked in the face, you know exactly what happened. Oh, shit. That guy just died. Yeah. Look at this. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:29 I mean, and you see these guys, and you see how 1FC is doing it. I think 1FC is doing it in an amazing way. They have guys like Nicky Holtzkin and Urso. Nicky's a fucking beast, bro. Oh, my God. Nicky's another guy that's been in there forever forever bull cow when he was like 19 oh he's a fucking murderer in the k1 back then bro he's fighting the world's best and now you look at him he's still fighting the world's best and dogging him at times fucking people up man
Starting point is 02:24:57 and you know when he was in glory when he was a glory champion i mean my god you just don't don't see that popularity in America. And I know Glory tried for a while. I think the boxing promoters just shut it out, man. How? I really feel like the UFC could have done that. And I feel like maybe if the slap fighting thing doesn't work out, maybe the UFC could do that. Because I think in that, you really have the potential for a whole new avenue of sport.
Starting point is 02:25:22 It's so accessible, so obvious to watch. It's so fun. There's so much talent. And those guys are fighting for pennies, bro. You start offering them... Nothing. You start offering them some real checks... Yes, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:25:34 Have some elite, elite fighters over here that are fighting for millions. Oh, my God. You don't hear about that in kickboxing. You know, maybe Glory paying out one particular individual hundreds of thousands of dollars, but you don't hear about million-dollar paychecks ever for Thai boxing, for kickboxing. You know, maybe Glory paying out one particular individual hundreds of thousands of dollars, but you don't hear about
Starting point is 02:25:46 million-dollar paychecks ever for Thai boxing, for kickboxing, ever. Look, I mean, it hit the Glory days in K-1 in Japan. Ooh. K-1 in Japan, the Mark Hunt days.
Starting point is 02:25:55 That was a Michael Kropka and his stuff. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Those fights were fucking incredible. Those were amazing times. Yes. Jerome Labanner. Yeah. Oh, my God. I mean, amazing times. That was, those were amazing times. Yes. Jerome Labanner.
Starting point is 02:26:06 Yeah. Oh my God. It'd be amazing times. That guy looked like right out of a fucking movie, bro. And those motherfuckers knocked each other out
Starting point is 02:26:12 all the time. And that's what I love because they would just keep fighting each other. It wasn't like, oh, I beat this guy, I'm never going to fight him.
Starting point is 02:26:18 It was like, no, we fight each other three, four times. Yeah. How it is. If you're the best,
Starting point is 02:26:22 fight the best. Yeah. I mean, and it's so, I just don't understand. It doesn't't make any sense it's not like it's a bad product everybody oh yeah teeping people in the fucking face all the way to the finals bro oh that left kick we grew up on the same shit it was not no party not no girl not no when it like K-1 or Pride was on, nothing mattered. Yeah. Just stuck on stupid, bro.
Starting point is 02:26:47 Like, I watched paint dry all fucking day when it came to that shit. It was just fucking everything, bro. And the fights were fucking incredible. To this day, if you go back and watch, like, Mr. Perfect, when he went, and Nesto was in his prime, and he would throw that left hook to the body and that right low kick. My God. And you can't, you've seen all the tape. You've seen a hundred fights. He's going to low kick you. Yeah. And he's going to throw that left hook to the body and that right low kick. My God.
Starting point is 02:27:06 You've seen all the tape. You've seen 100 fights. He's going to low kick you. Yeah. And he's going to throw a left hook. But you're not going to stop it, bro. You're not going to stop it. The timing, the setup, the everything. Everything.
Starting point is 02:27:14 This is crazy with the Bob Sapp fights, right? I know. Bob was too big. Bob was too big. But then Crow Cop got him, handled him, and Ernesto always handled Crow Cop like three different times. So it was just like, what the fuck is going on? Well, Crow Cop broke his eyeball with one punch.
Starting point is 02:27:28 Yeah. He caught him with that straight left. Crow Cop, he translated so well to MMA because he was so explosive. Like, Crow Cop was so fast and so explosive. And he must have been a strong guy, too, because he got in there with some grapplers and he could fucking fend them off. He must have just naturally been like a sturdy motherfucker. Oh, he was strong as fuck. And then it's crazy gets killed by gonzaga right i know and he got crow copped he basically got crow cop but gonzaga worked him over so bad before that elbowed the
Starting point is 02:27:56 shit out of him on the ground i think he was already loopy by the time he got up but still crazy that that's the technique you've been landing on everybody and somebody caught you with it and that somebody's not like a decorate like he couldn't in a kickboxing match you know he couldn't even hold crow cops jockstrap but in a fight anything can happen bro i know that was that was a crazy kick too boom shin to the dome and to see crow cop fold and go out like that i was like oh my god destroyed his knee on the way down yeah new acls needed now yeah it's um i just don't understand why no one's figured out how to do it right it just makes sense i mean the fact that the ufc is involved in the slap fighting thing which was like i guess easy to promote because it's easy to watch but is it any more easy than
Starting point is 02:28:43 kickboxing and kickboxing makes more sense to me it's like it fits in it's easy to watch but is it any more easy than kickboxing and kickboxing makes more sense to me it's like it fits in what's more martial artist it's more like strategy oriented athlete versus athlete and these guys been solving puzzles seven eight years old they're already in the fucking gym giving all the guy and if we're talking about thai guys they're 20 years old and they have 250 fights. Yes. Why not, right? Yeah, I don't get it. I mean, just to me, it's one of the great mysteries of combat sports
Starting point is 02:29:12 why Muay Thai hasn't become more famous in America. Because it's fucking exciting. Like, when one FC puts on those Muay Thai fights, like, Jesus Christ, man. That's some of the most exciting fights. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially, like, the Mighty Mouse crossover versus Ra-Tang. yeah like jesus christ man that's some of the most exciting fights yeah yeah especially like the mighty mouse crossover crossover versus raw tang like i i short circuit every time it's like fucking i'm foaming at the moment i have to see what one round's gonna be all striking well no
Starting point is 02:29:34 another round's gonna be everything involved yeah i fucking lose my mind and hats off to mighty mouse for doing that because raw tang is not a guy i want to get in front of bro that guy's fucking good man he's fucking good. That just shows you everybody can have their favorite of all time. I think on a technical level, Mighty Mouse might be hands down the best fighter I've ever seen. I think on a technical level, you're correct. I think on an accomplishment level, it's Jon Jones. Because I think Jon Jones fought tougher guys.
Starting point is 02:30:03 I think Mighty Mouse was running through everybody. But other than Cejudo and Benavidez and a couple other guys, they weren't really on his level. But also the way he beat, Mighty Mouse beat guys like Armbar and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt World Champions. Legitimate. What's his name? The guy that he Armbar that legitimately won a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion. Was that Wilson? Wilson Hayes?
Starting point is 02:30:27 Yes, bro. And he's a legit, like, not some bullshit overnight company. No, he's like a legit world champion. And for you to armbar that guy, like, fuck, bro. Your technique is so on point. Your timing is so on point. Mighty can do it all. He can do it all.
Starting point is 02:30:40 And what a nice guy. He just sucks. He's 125. I know. That's the problem. He's 5'3", fights at 125. Because he was finishing guys too, bro. And just excitement from the thing.
Starting point is 02:30:49 Like when I do a checklist, right? Like, can this guy throw a body kick? Can this guy throw a left hook? Does he have good defense? He like checks off on all the boxes. All the boxes. And the footwork and the movement and the speed and the execution. Induction is never a question.
Starting point is 02:31:01 Never. Never a question. And the thing about those light guys is it's all technique. Because they can go and go and go. So you get to see the purest version of technique. Those engines are just different at 25, 35. It's interesting, though. Here.
Starting point is 02:31:16 Ray Borg does a different one, but that one's pretty fucking extraordinary, too. That's a fucking. The fact that he took him down with a suplex and then armbar the shit out of him. Yeah, he was. And this was like in the fourth or fifth round, so that energy that he still has pumping at that stage, bro. What's incredible to me is that 25 never got much attention.
Starting point is 02:31:36 Nope. But 35 gets a lot of attention. It's only 10 pounds more. It's kind of crazy. 35 has been like this chaotic, like very hyped up weight class but other than like brandon moreno he gets so much love from the mexicans obviously and then you know davison figueredo who you know they fought four fucking times the other than those fights there's not a lot of hype at that featherweight division well for us because we're like hardcores maybe like uh
Starting point is 02:32:04 sehuda versus mighty mouse yes some of the better ones and the second fight you know it was close that featherweight division. Well, for us, because we were like hardcores, maybe like Cejudo versus Mighty Mouse. Yes. Some of the better ones. And the second fight, you know, it was close, man. Yes. We could have given
Starting point is 02:32:11 it to Mighty Mouse to me. Easily. It was a very close fight. It was a very close fight. So it was like, those were maybe the, that I could think of
Starting point is 02:32:17 like the more even match, contested, great fights at 125. I'm very interested to see what happens when uh so hudo comes back and fights al jamae yeah that's happening officially yeah i think so hudo's another one of these greats of all time bro he could do it all he could do it all you're not
Starting point is 02:32:35 olympic gold medalist in wrestling you're probably not fantastic striker you know yeah i don't i don't see many people being able to take him down right Right, and the problem is Aljamain's biggest strength is his grappling. So when is this one? May 8th, Newark, New Jersey. Oh, shit. But is the size going to play a difference maybe? Aljamain's a big fella. He gets to some tough spots and put a body triangle and say,
Starting point is 02:33:00 hold on, then who knows, right? Well, he's as big as you get for 135, and he's ripped. Crazy wingspan, arms. Yeah. It's just, I think on the feet, I think Cejudo has an advantage.
Starting point is 02:33:11 The power. The power that nobody at 25 and 35 has Cejudo generates it, bro. Well, when he went through Dominic Cruz like that, I was like, oh my God.
Starting point is 02:33:19 Just smashing those legs. Just smashing those legs and stops him and beats him up. I mean, that was pretty fucking extraordinary. Yeah. Pretty fucking extraordinary. That whole weight class is filled with assassins.
Starting point is 02:33:31 You got Chido Vera this weekend. Chido Vera, that's my boy, man. Versus Sanhagen. Woo! Yeah. Chido Vera's a bad motherfucker. The way he KO'd Dominic was wild. This weekend, kids, that's a big one.
Starting point is 02:33:44 Great calf kicks, too right right down the street too good defensive wrestling and motherfucker is so disciplined cheeto's so disciplined i mean every day he's putting in long miles hard training keeps getting better focused eyes on the prize you know and sam hagen's like this new breed that he yeah good everywhere he's good flying knees yeah we did Frankie I was surprised I was like fuck brother this dude is beyond the truth he's legit bro you're gonna be here for a minute bro oh yeah that's very legit and you know a guy like that benefits so much from being in that shark tank of a division sugar Sean O'Malley and Aljamain and Piotr Jan and how about Mar Davashvili, the way he fucking ran through Piotr?
Starting point is 02:34:29 I was like, holy fucking shit. A huge, humongous Piotr fan. Got to see him at the gym for one of his camps. He came in for like eight weeks. Just his work ethic, his meanness, his toughness. So to see Metaball do that to him, I was like, Marab is a motherfucker. He is a motherfucker. Man, that guy does not get tired.
Starting point is 02:34:45 What's going on there? That's a guy that's like, you seen that documentary, 14 Peaks? No. Oh, yeah, yeah. Nims died. Yeah. I had him on the podcast. That's like the lungs.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Yeah. No, the lungs too. You just know he's born with something a little different in the gas tank. Yeah. A little mutated there, you know? Yeah, a little bit. How many attempts did he put up? 40 fucking
Starting point is 02:35:05 eight takedown yeah never stopped and he's just going for them he's punching kicking punching kicking until he hits exhaustion then he shoots him for the takedown and he's he's that kind of like uh he's making guys fight at it at the e level just like him you know but he functions better on e so he's just not giving you a break punch kick shoot punch kick shoot shoot shoot and he's tired but the other guy's way more tired he's also got that immigrant mentality oh yeah you know what joey diaz calls yeah immigrant mentality it's like something about that dude he's hungry like there's this video of him when he was working in construction god job when he had to like break down walls he's throwing spinning back kicks into walls to break it down so he's like around while he's while he's working and working a full-time job and still
Starting point is 02:35:49 competing as an elite fighter and now that he's you know at the top of the heap and he's in line for a title shot i mean the problem is if al jermaine beats henry they won't fight right they won't fight they love each other yeah yeah yeah but al jameim might go up to 45 anyway he hates cutting that weight sehudo versus marab oh my god well because you're talking about one of our best wrestlers going against this fucking you know which he's naturally bigger and yeah definitely naturally bigger than sehudo but sehudo has a fucking skill set he also is the game plan master. You know, I talked to Mighty Mouse about him, and Mighty Mouse did some training down there,
Starting point is 02:36:28 and he said he's never met a dude who's more meticulous about his training and what he's trying to accomplish and how he has all his goals aligned. He's like, he was very inspirational. Nice. Yeah. Shout out to Cejudo, bro. There's so many good fights coming up, man. I mean, and if he beats Aljamain Sterling, I don't care where you see.
Starting point is 02:36:46 You got to rank Cejudo up there on MMA Mount Rushmore, bro. Oh, 100%. I think he's already there. And if he goes and fights Volkanovski like he's been saying for years. That would be wild. If he was to beat Volkanovski, I think he'd be the greatest fighter maybe in my generation. He would be the first guy to win three titles in three different weight classes. And he beats al jama and olympic gold medals if he beats al jamae and then goes up to 45 with volkanovski holy fuck but volkanovski's gotta get past yair rodriguez
Starting point is 02:37:16 right yeah here i remember you know i i watch all the fighters like the latin fighters actually like like to watch him cheer him on you know and like i remember him coming in like the wrestling wasn't there submissions quite weren't is there you know this and that to see the last four years of transformation that he's fucking done and um uh shout out to his company uh upper management i know a lot of those guys well so i know um how he how he trains he goes to elevation of like 12,000 fucking feet in this Mexican, like, Aztec temple where they used to do, like, ceremonies, sacrifice, all this crazy shit. Like, you got to ask Yair where he goes. I've seen the video's pictures. He trains up there.
Starting point is 02:37:58 Like, it's 12,000 fucking feet of nothing up there. Wow. You can't have a phone there, nothing. It's like sacred ground. So he just brings his camp he locks himself over like eight ten weeks and i'm not exaggerating to you in any way shape or form that's all he fucking does wow and he's been doing that for his last five six fights and bro it's pain fucking so much dividends like he's a different guy you know and he's got a
Starting point is 02:38:21 good style i think for volkanovski the range the speed the kicks the wildness weird elbows you know creativity and he's long and he's like i've worked out with him he has this wiry strength where at the beginning he didn't know wrestling so he was getting beat on these positions he's with a great coach izzy uh izzy style wrestling and man this dude is like crazy genetic like with his like strength level for wiriness he's fucking very gifted you know mix that in there with a striking i think it's gonna be fucking amazing fight or well him versus cejudo would be another fucking short-circuiting fucking thing that would be insane well i was very impressed with him when he fought max holloway because i was like look max holloway in that fight was in his prime and and that was a very, very close fight.
Starting point is 02:39:05 Yeah. And he was fucking Max legs up. Yeah. And Max is one of my favorite of all time. One of my favorite of all time. I love him. Max is the man. He's the man.
Starting point is 02:39:13 He's such a good dude, too. Yeah. He's such a fun guy. And he's a fucking fighter. He's a fucking fighter. He's a fucking fighter. Yeah. He's a bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:39:20 When he fucked Calvin Cater, and he's talking shit the whole time. He's like, I'm the best boxer in the UFC. He's talking to the guys, and people are throwing punches at him. And Calvin talking shit the whole time. He's like, I'm the best boxer in the UFC. He's like talking to the guys and people throwing punches at him. And Calvin's throwing punches at him. He's just sliding out of the way. And Calvin's no fucking slouch, bro. I think that kid's a beast, bro. He's going to be around for a minute, bro.
Starting point is 02:39:33 I wouldn't be surprised if that guy gets a title later on down the road, bro. Yeah, if he can learn from those fights for sure and continue to keep improving. What a division. That 45-pound division is crazy. 45, 55, 70, it's always fucking crazy. Yeah, there's so much going on. Look at it. He's just talking shit to him, and Calvin's like, what?
Starting point is 02:39:53 The gas tank, Mike. Look at him, like moving around, talking. I'm the best boxer. Amazing. That was an amazing fight. And, you know, when you watch his fight with Yair, I re-watched that a couple of months ago, and I was just like,
Starting point is 02:40:11 Yair is the most dynamic kicker in the sport. He's so wild. Like, the stuff that he does, he's throwing wheel kicks. That's technical background, man. Yeah. He hit BJ Penn with a 360 roundhouse kick. 360 roundhouse kick in a fucking MMA fight to the face. He can do wild shit, and he can submit people.
Starting point is 02:40:30 When he beat Josh with a triangle off of his back, I was like, God damn. That's what I'm saying. I worked out with him, and I usually work out with 70-pounders, 85-pounders, a couple 55-pounders here at American Top Team. Then we got some standouts, Grant Dawson. He has one draw and he's on a six-fight winning streak. Guy's a fucking phenomenal grappler.
Starting point is 02:40:50 I've worked out with a lot of great grapplers throughout my time, especially because those are the guys that I choose to go with. When I tell you that Yair for 45 has unreal strength, it's fucking impressive, bro. It's just fucking wiry, freaky.
Starting point is 02:41:03 He's crazy long for the weight and you get him in uncomfortable spots. And I think because of the taekwondo, they develop, like, so much dexterity and rotation of muscles. He could do, like, a split and defend takedowns and then fucking threaten submissions. I had a couple times to work out with him. Kid's impressive, bro. Like, he's not getting ran over no more by anybody in the grappling, I think, bro. Yeah, he's wild.
Starting point is 02:41:24 And the Volkanovski fight is wild and i'm the volkanovski fight is such an interesting fight because volkanovski is such a tank look i i thought you know i thought he beat him you know i watched it again over and over again and it really comes down to that second round and i gave him an advantage in that second round i watched it many times it's kind of like we're watching a fight, man. Who's winning at the end? Yeah. Who's on top at the end? And who would you rather be at the end of the fight? Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:41:49 That's what a fight is. You might out-position him here and there, but, man, I thought I was the same way. But initially I felt the same way, like, man, maybe I'm caught up in the moment. I'm a huge Vogue fan. I love what Islam does because he's trying to hurt guys and put them out and submit them. I don't think he's like a crotchet if he's taking guys down and trying to finish him you know so i i like that but i really thought man i think vogue watched it and then when i watched it the second time and it was it wasn't in a big group you know it was like i still think vogue won man and it just
Starting point is 02:42:17 because of the damage alone yeah like it's a fucking fight it's not it's not a grappling match you know and if you dominate somebody in grappling i could give that but when you're getting stuffed when you're getting punched in the face and then the fifth round he's ending on top of you fucking bomb bomb even the round when islam had his back and folks just punched him in the face and talking shit and just do something yeah yeah and it's like what why is that position good it's only good if you're threatening with submissions he wasn't really threatening or if you're threatening with punches or something. Yeah. If you're just fucking, you're doing everything possible to negate a fight.
Starting point is 02:42:51 Yes. And that, if I was a judge, I would always look at it like, you're doing everything in your power not to fight. It's kind of stalling. Mm-hmm. No, it's- It's kind of stalling. It's not.
Starting point is 02:42:59 It's 100% stalling. Yeah. You know what won't be stalling is Adesanya and Pajero, too. No, no, no. Three, four. What is it now? Four. Well, two kickboxing and two MMA.
Starting point is 02:43:12 So this would be two in MMA. This is their second fight in the UFC. That's the fucking fight, man. My God. That was one of my favorite fights I've seen. I think it was like some of the best stand-up we've seen in a while. Oh, for sure. For sure. Izzy's so creative, athletic, has crazy experience in it.
Starting point is 02:43:31 And Pereira's like a fucking Terminator, bro. He obviously has all the skill set in the world, but I see that guy, I'm like, bro, that's the fucking Terminator right there, bro. He's a scary dude. And he's so big. Coming right out of the Amazon, doesn't give a fuck about the world. Yeah, right out of the Amazon.
Starting point is 02:43:44 Gonna fuck you up, bro. Yeah, right out of the Amazon. I'm going to fuck you up, bro. Yeah, I mean, literally his nickname, Poetan, is that language of his tribe. You see when he dresses up in the traditional garb, and when he walks out and he fucking draws the bow back. Ha! Oh, I fucking love it, bro. He doesn't give a fuck what the world is thinking.
Starting point is 02:44:02 This is who I am. Get ready for it. Yeah. He's such a knockout artist, too. Even in kickboxing. That motherfucker is so scary. That's an iconic picture right there, man. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:44:11 He brought his title to his indigenous reservation back to Brazil. Incredible. It was incredible. I'm fucking pumped for that, man. That's a skit. But Izzy almost had him. First round. Woo!
Starting point is 02:44:26 To fight with a busted eardrum because he was bleeding out his fucking eardrum yeah so one of the worst things that could happen to you in the first round is your equilibrium get fucking killed like that yeah who do you who do you got i don't know i don't know i mean look if izzy can catch him again but catch him earlier, like where he's got time to put him away, it can happen. I mean, that was the most hurt anybody did. Even though Pajero stopped him, he stopped him with like a big barrage of shots. Izzy cracked him, and he had that dude on queer street. And then he hit him with that left hook like at the buzzer.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Yeah. No, another five seconds. Yeah. Doesn't get out of the first round. Another five seconds, the fight is over. And Izzy's such a sharpshooter. Yeah. But, man, Pajero got him.
Starting point is 02:45:14 Like, you can't take that away. I mean, Izzy was winning that fight, but Pajero took it all away in the fifth round. So who fucking knows, man? I'm just going to be. And it's very intriguing to me because izzy's defensive wrestling is pretty on point you know he's demonstrated over the time he has a great defense you know numbers wise perera i don't know how well he'll do against a lot of these other guys that are gonna be like i'm not striking with you bro i'm just gonna straight fucking dive for
Starting point is 02:45:38 your legs it's gonna be interesting to see because you could see in the ground he's not efficient yeah he's not you know he's a tough motherfucker yeah, he doesn't know quite what he's doing. They have wrist control on him. He's a little bit lost in some positions. When Izzy had his back, he looked lost. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you got to imagine if Robert Whittaker gets his back like that, that's a real problem.
Starting point is 02:45:56 Yeah, and Whittaker could wrestle defensively, offensively. I think he's one of the best middlewebs. Now imagine Ebelin coming up to 85 in the UFC. Imagine him leaving Bellator and his contract is up i mean that kind of that quality of wrestler i'm putting my money on it eblin beats everybody at ufc i've been i've been uh advocating for this guy for a while because i i lived it with him i've gone to war with him i've seen what he does against top-notch wrestlers i i never like to mention names but i've seen this guy crush the best of the best.
Starting point is 02:46:26 Doesn't matter what discipline they're in. Everybody comes through the American Top Team at some point, and I've seen this guy just go to fucking war with people and put them on, you know. I believe it. I believe it because the way he handled Musashi on the feet.
Starting point is 02:46:36 That's when the whole world came to find out. But going into that fight, I know I'm a huge Musashi fan, you know, because I've been watching that guy. Musashi's a bad motherfucker, too. Classy dude, bro, too, bro. I was really bummed out when he left the UFC. I was like, God damn it. Yeah, and it was, like, kindashi fan, you know, because Musashi's a bad motherfucker, too. Classy dude, bro, too, bro. I was really bummed out when he left the UFC. I was like, God damn it.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Yeah, and it was, like, kind of weird, you know. Yeah, they didn't appreciate him enough. Yeah, they didn't, you know. And he has a great fucking style, bro. Oh, amazing style. With the Bellator crush and then just, I'm telling you, Johnny's a problem in more ways than one. I believe it. He's fucking, I think he'd be Pereira right now or Izzy, bro.
Starting point is 02:47:04 It's not to diss on those guys or anything. But, man, I'm telling you, Johnny Ebelin is the fucking truth. Is he happy at Bellator? Can he be coaxed? I know he earns a nice check at Bellator. I'm sure. Bellator's got to keep people there. They have to spend that money.
Starting point is 02:47:20 But, you know, like everybody, man, you want to say I'm the number one without question and doubt. If they're saying those guys over there are the best, I want to fucking. That's something that I wish UFC here and there would at least do every once in a while. Just bring them over for one fight. Let's see what happens. Well, they tried that with Pride, but Pride fucked them. Remember when they had Vandalay come over and Chuck, and then Chuck went over to Pride and fought in Pride when he was a star in the UFC. And he got beat in Pride but then they
Starting point is 02:47:45 wouldn't let anybody come over here and then the UFC had to buy Pride and then it turns out they weren't even buying Pride they were just buying a digital library and the fucking the whole thing was a mess the contracts were all bad so then they never got Fedor and then Fedor in his prime here
Starting point is 02:48:01 oh he was the baddest motherfucker ever in the heavyweight division, in my eyes. In my eyes. I mean, I feel like the only thing that comes close to me is Cain Velasquez in his prime. Yeah. Cain Velasquez in his prime was a juggernaut.
Starting point is 02:48:14 He just would not stop. And his cardio was just insanity. He'd be the guy to, like, challenge, like, an Ngannou in his prime. I know they fought, but, like, in his prime, like, nine attempts per round for takedowns. It's like when we talk about Marab, like, gas tank, almost born with it, that's Kane. And power. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:32 When he knocked out Noguera. Oh, my God. Fedor, though, just had an uncanny ability to take you off your feet, whether it was a sambo throw or a fucking right hand, and then he'd cross-body lock you and fucking dump you in your head and then the meanest ground and pound that we've seen bro his striking was so good I mean he walked down
Starting point is 02:48:49 Crow Cop most of that fight was a stand up fight and he's fighting one of the baddest motherfuckers to ever kick box no Fedor and his prime
Starting point is 02:48:56 were trash he was special when they'd show like the pride fights were like what Friday or something like that I remember
Starting point is 02:49:02 maybe it was Saturday I don't know but I know it'd be I don't think it was Saturday maybe it was like five it was weird because it was like four o'clock in the morning yeah i'd have dudes come over my house from jujitsu at like four in the morning we'd be watching the fights live from japan that's how we were too mean all the junkies like yeah pride and then they came up with dreams yeah and saying goku oh man that was some good times yeah some good times.
Starting point is 02:49:26 Yeah, some good times. I mean, it's pretty wild to think that the sport has really only been around in a popular sense since the early 1990s. It's kind of crazy. Martial arts has been around for thousands of years. It's the oldest sport ever. Oldest sport. It was the first Olympic sport. It was fighting, right? Yeah, pancreation.
Starting point is 02:49:41 Yeah. I mean, and this is what has become the biggest, most popular sport now. But it took the UFC spending all that money. 40 million bucks. And just putting it on. They were so close to quitting. Yeah. Like, Lorenzo Fertitta called Dana White and said, look, I can't lose my family's money.
Starting point is 02:49:58 We've got to sell this. And then he changed his mind. Changed his mind. Said, you know what? This is what we'll do. Let's finance The ultimate fighter We'll pay for it We'll do that
Starting point is 02:50:07 And see if that works And boom Boom To the moon That's it That was crazy I remember watching That fight live still
Starting point is 02:50:15 Rest in peace With Stefan Bonder That was a fucking Good fight You know And then you hear The story behind it Is like ratings
Starting point is 02:50:21 Started going up People are calling each other You need to watch this fight And then all of a sudden Pop Household names everybody's fucking watching the uc because i was what i was competing before ultimate fighter so i already was like heavily involved in the ufc since i've been 10 11 years old it was the only thing i consumed you know so when that happened it was like a change of the guard right away man yeah and that was 2005 pretty crazy spike tv which doesn't even exist anymore no way yeah spike tv doesn't exist anymore it became
Starting point is 02:50:51 paramount and then it just went away i mean i don't know what it is now i mean i think paramount is like uh it's just a an app now i think paramount is just a streaming service if i'm not i might be wrong about that but this fight was just fucking chaos. These guys just beat the shit out of each other. This is good to see. I hadn't seen this one in a minute. What's really amazing, and no disrespect to these guys, but how much better people are today.
Starting point is 02:51:16 That's what's amazing. The evolution of the sport from 2005 to 2023 is just unprecedented. Eighteen years later, everybody's just above and beyond. You're seeing guys competing for their first fight in the UFC and they're world class. They look fucking clean. Clean. Clean. Into striking, the wrestling, the conditioning, the jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 02:51:36 No. It's a beautiful sport and it's an amazing time. And I'm very pumped to see your fight, man. And so that's two and a half weeks. Yes, sir. Yes. I'm very excited. And good luck with man. Two and a half weeks. Yes, sir. Yes, I'm very excited. And good luck with your promotion, which is April 1st. Tell people
Starting point is 02:51:49 how they can get that. If you want to go live, Ticketmaster at the Pfizer Forum. I always pronounce that wrong. Where's that at? Pfizer Forum in Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Oh, okay. So it's near Pettis' hometown. Yeah, no, it's Pettis' hometown. Nice. Also, we got Pearl Gonzalez.
Starting point is 02:52:05 She's from Chicago, not too far away, competing on the card as well. It's going to be a fucking hell of a fucking fight. And you can buy the digital rights to it on UFC Fight Pass, which is only the second time in history the UFC has collaborated with somebody else to fucking do something like that. So I'm fucking extremely honored, man, that we're getting to do this. And this and then of course you could watch it on pay-per-view anywhere comcast digital you know you can also go to pay-per-view jose aldo jacare souza vitor belfort that's exciting that's very exciting i'm fucking pumped jorge you're the fucking man appreciate your
Starting point is 02:52:40 brother thank you thank you very much god bless you god bless you too brother you're fucking let me say just one thing i love that you always speak up for this country and you're a fucking patriot because guys like you got so much more to lose than fucking everybody else and people don't understand it takes real fucking courage for you to sit there and say these things and and express it to the fucking millions around the world of what's happening here so for that brother i am always fucking thankful to you god bless you god bless all your family let's keep america great i feel the same way about you thank you very much appreciate you brother bye everybody

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