The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #20 with Yves Edwards

Episode Date: March 29, 2018

Joe is joined by UFC Lightweight veteran and current Fox Sports analyst, Yves Edwards. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and we're live even with ladies and gentlemen you're one of those dudes that has that book cover for your phone i tried to rock the book cover after a while i'm like what am i doing here with this extra step i gotta open up a book to get to my phone i like it because i forget things a lot so like i don't like having a wallet to get to my phone. I like it because I forget things a lot. So, like, I don't like having a wallet and a phone when I leave somewhere, like, especially even a house. I leave the house with my phone, but I don't have my cash or my cards or something like that. I got a solution for you. It's called a motherfucking fanny pack.
Starting point is 00:00:37 That's right, Eve Edwards. You're a cool dude. You think you're cool enough to rock one of these? You're cool enough to rock one of these? Like, are you cool enough to get past the social pariah aspect of this bag that you wear around your waist? I don't have that much shit with me most of the time. Well, it's not that much shit. There's a lot of shit in here, but this is a weird day.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I have, like, keys and I have a knife in there and stuff. But most of the time, it's just light. I travel light with that. Look at that. Who's that? I believe Quavo from Migos. I have no idea It's just light. I travel light with that. Look at that. Who's that? Quavo from Migos. I have no idea who you just said. Popular rapper.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Is he a popular fellow? I'm an old man who listens to the Allman Brothers. But that one that he's got on is preposterous. He might as well have a laptop hanging around his waist. He's also got holes in his jeans. That's ridiculous. Would you get hanging around his waist. Yeah, he's also got holes in his jeans. Yeah, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:01:26 What did you get attacked by, a tiger, sir? He's also got a lot of jewelry. All that jewelry. In the 80s. Yeah. He's kind of ridiculous looking. Make that bigger again so I can take a look at this gentleman. This is a light version, too.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I probably could have found a better picture. He's got a lot going on. Those pants are preposterous. That's the most preposterous thing. Like, I guess the shoes, if you're like, you want to go out, but you also want to go bowling, you might wear those shoes. This is a roast fest. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I can't say anything bad about the jewelry. I'm not into the jewelry. I mean, that's not my thing, but he looks like he's well-appointed. He looks like he has two watches on, though. Fuck yeah. Ballin'. Hashtag ballin'. I think the one on the right is probably just... Is that a bracelet? Bracelet? Just a fancy-appointed. Looks like he has two watches on, though. Fuck, yeah. Ballin'. Hashtag ballin'. I think the one on the right is probably just...
Starting point is 00:02:06 Is that a bracelet? Bracelet? Just a fancy-ass bracelet. But the pants are ridiculous. I don't... How the fuck did that ever get started, where people wear ripped-up pants? I tried to talk to Brandon Chobb about that. That dumb motherfucker wears those shit.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Didn't they do it in the 80s, though? They did it a long time ago, too. Yeah, exactly. It's been going on for a while. That's like from fucking music videos. It's just like, what are you doing, man? It's like Pat Benatar. I don't have any fashion taste.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Don't listen to me. But when I mock some shit, you might want to listen to me. Like, don't wear what I wear. Don't. Just don't. I mostly wear either I wear like these things, which are like trail run sneakers. They get no sneaker cred. Or I'll wear Converse All-Star.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Look at this. Look at this. Teen Beat Donnie Wahlberg. Yeah, exactly. That's from the 90s. How does his hog not just slip right out of that one on the right-hand side? That one on the right-hand side? Come on.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Silly fucks. I don't know. I see that, and I feel like the guys are probably wearing a thong under that, too. Yeah, I would imagine there's something going on there. No, see, like, with the women, like, it's so much nicer. Yeah, that doesn't bother me at all. I'm going to tell you right now. This is where I'm a hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Like, with Beyonce right there, she fills it out. Yeah, she does. See, that's kind of different because, like, a woman's legs and everything are very sexual, right? So you see extra leg. It's like just shut your mouth and take the bonus. Yeah, right. Yeah. You don't want to complain about it.
Starting point is 00:03:34 But a dude wearing something like that? It's literally like, well, not literally, but it's so much like a guy wearing a dress. Like it's a fashion for women, I believe. It's trying way too hard. Look at this fella. This seems like the 80s, though, because he's got a suit jacket on. You can look at the quality of the picture.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah, right? That's true. And that hairstyle. Suit jackets never came back. He's got patches, too. Oh, he's got patches. Remember when they used to do all that art on the jeans, too? Yeah, those pants are ridiculous. But ripped up pants.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Men. Allegedly. Ripped up pants and skinny jeans. I'm still 100% against skinny jeans. You know what? I say that. I'm against skinny jeans, but I wear these things called barbell jeans. You ever wear those?
Starting point is 00:04:23 No. They look like skinny jeans because they're tight to you, but they have – Oh, I got them on right now. They're made out of this shit. They got some elasticity to it. Oh, yeah, man. They're like wearing sweatpants. You don't feel – you can go throw kicks in them.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You could. Like for real. I'm too old for that. No, no, no. I can't get my leg do you train anymore yeah i still train um i haven't trained the past few months have been a little bit hard but now that things are settling down and i'm settling into this new life um things are good um i've been training with joe a lot shilling oh okay mickey gall just moved out here
Starting point is 00:05:02 are you in that area yeah in the downtown area in the downtown area? Yeah, in Eagle Rock. Oh, nice, nice. So I like it over there. The yard's a great place. The yard is awesome. That's a great place to train. Been going there for a while with him. I saw Mickey training with Joe on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yep. Yeah. Nice. So he's down there too? Smart. Good move for him. That's what he needs, right? It's striking.
Starting point is 00:05:20 His ground game's very good. Yeah, his ground is really good. He moved down here about a month ago, and he actually is my roommate now. No shit. You live with Mickey Gall? Mickey lives, yeah. He came out and lived with me. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's got to be fun. It's fun. It's fun also because he's so young. It's almost like having a son that is doing what you did. That's a great resource for him to be able to talk to you and ask you questions about the game. We sit around and watch fights sometimes.
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's good. Eve Edwards, I saw you fight in hook and shoot in like the fucking 60s. Like you were wearing bell bottoms when you came out into the cage. I was. There was one, yeah. I remember you fought Aaron Riley.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I think you were like 12 years old. How old were you? I was about 20. So I was still, yeah. I remember you fought Aaron Riley. I think you were like 12 years old. How old were you? I was about 20. So I was still a kid. Those were good fights though, man. Those were good fights. I was watching that fight. Actually, Mickey and I watched that fight together a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Is it weird? It is weird. Does it seem like you? Does it seem like another life? It's kind of another life right it is like how old you know i'm 41 when you when you think back about yourself at 20 like how much memory do you really have of that you got like little flashes yeah like i could see little pic images of and then i have a narrative that i play out in my head that i think happened
Starting point is 00:06:43 and so i could repeat it here you go look at that 20 year old eve edwards bouncing around wow dude yeah look at the hair wow yeah you had like this curl thing going on yeah that kumo d thing going on too i was you know i was representing for the homies. Wow. I used to fight in those green shorts. This is the early, early days. This was Jeff Osborne's show. Yep, that was Hook and Shoot. That was the first time Aaron and I fought. Is Jeff doing, he's a really good commentator, man. Is he working?
Starting point is 00:07:16 I don't know. I know he just like, he shut down Hook and Shoot. Yeah. Like it's gone. And I don't know what Jeff is doing. I know he had a lot, he was involved with pro wrestling a lot, too. But now, I haven't spoken to him in a long time. I did a couple shows with him in the UFC when I first came aboard.
Starting point is 00:07:32 He was doing the UFC back in the day. Yeah. I was just watching. That's another thing. That's another thing, going back and watching these old fights. I went on Fight Pass, and I was watching, I think it was like UFC 33. Wow. In Louisiana, when Bustamante and Lin-Lin, that card.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, that was the restart fight. Yeah, exactly. Remember that? Yeah. I fought Bruno on that card. Bustamante tapped him. And then tapped him again. And Big John kind of screwed it up.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, man. You know, that was the early days, too. I think nowadays, I think Big John would have just said, no, no, no. It's over. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we were all learning back then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that was still like UFC, middleweight championship.
Starting point is 00:08:15 You know, it was like they had had 30-plus shows. It was like. It was something that you wouldn't expect. Yeah. For sure. But Lindlund was so crazy. He was so crazy. Didn't he bite Yeah. For sure. But Lindlund was so crazy. He was so crazy. Didn't he bite somebody when he was wrestling?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Lindlund? Yeah, yeah. In the wrestling days, he bit somebody. Here's Bustamante versus Chuck Liddell. This is a different one. Yeah, this was a fight where Bustamante was outpowered. Yeah, he was just too small for Chuck. Chuck was just so scary back then.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And Busted much wasn't taking chuck down well boosted much had fought some big fucking dudes though man yeah that was the thing that he hadn't taken chuck down he had fought some big fucking dudes remember he fought tom erickson yeah in like world combat something or another i don't remember the organization i do vaguely remember the fight i don't remember watching it But um there was it was a It was a mat. I don't feel like it was on a mat, and there was no cage or a ring maybe you might be right That's what my dream is my dream is to do MMA fights in a football field I feel like a freaking run for football feels no, so you can't get trapped up against the cage
Starting point is 00:09:23 I feel like if a guy takes you down and holds you down, he should be able to hold you down because there's nothing there but the ground. But a cage, you can wall walk up the cage. You could protect yourself against submissions up against the cage. There's a bunch of shit that happens against the cage that just doesn't happen if you're in a basketball court. But then because of that, you've got to develop new technique, right? You've got to develop something to deal with that situation. Yeah. Are you, like, do you think the rules are okay?
Starting point is 00:09:50 No. What would you change? I would definitely change the 12 to 6 elbow. That's one. Yeah. I always thought that was silly. You know why that one's illegal, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. So stupid. I used to watch those karate things. Breaking demonstrations. Yeah. I used to come on late at night on ESPN when I was a kid. I used to watch those those um the karate things yeah i used to i used to come on late at night on espn when i was a kid i used to watch those things all the time i used to love them too even when even when i was fighting i was still watching those things because it was
Starting point is 00:10:12 entertainment those things are so silly yeah those they get they get so intense too you know? So the athletic commissions really thought that you couldn't do that to a person because you'd kill them. So they made that technique illegal. Out of all the shit. Like we have that power cube thing in the back where Ngannou registered that power punch. If you go out there and elbow that thing, you'd be shocked at how weak ass your elbow is. Especially a drop down elbow. Like it's just not that much power.
Starting point is 00:10:45 It's just, I mean, when they're breaking those boards, they're using that joint as a lever. As a post, as a lever, exactly. And they're just putting their body weight behind it. That's all it is. You can't necessarily do that when you're inside someone's guard. Right. You don't want Jon Jones elbowing you in the face, period. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:03 But it's no difference if Jon's hitting you with a downward elbow like he got disqualified for when he fought Matt Hamill, or if he's hitting you with a sideways elbow. He's just smashing you. You know what? That downward elbow is going to cut a lot less unless it's the point on the top of the head. That's true, right? That's true. That's a very important point.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Like, that was always the argument against no gloves, was that you'd cut. You'd cut people more. Yeah. I agree with that. I mean, that skin getting pinched between bone at that speed, you know, it's just getting torn. It's not even, like, really cut. But do you think that having wrapped up hands and having padded gloves, like, is that an unrealistic sort of thing? Because like if you're striking, like if you and a dude were just fighting, right?
Starting point is 00:11:50 You're just fighting. Like there's no like, hey, this is a play fight or we're going to have rules. This is just a fight. You and a guy are fighting. You can't just hit them with bare hands the way you can hit them with gloves on, with your wrist taped up. You know, you got to be very wary about punching him full blast in the forehead. You might shatter your hand There's a lot of things you have to think about
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, but I guess as as if someone has done it and trained to to try to knock someone out You're not thinking about you. We're never throwing punches at your skull right you know We're aiming for these targets that are soft. For sure. So when you're in a street fight, those things don't turn off. Right, right, right. So as a fighter, that's not a concern to me in a street fight situation. When you bring that up, but I know it can happen.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I mean, it happened in some of the early UFCs. Guys would break their hands on skulls. That's what I'm saying. Is it unrealistic to put gloves on someone and tape their wrist up? We don't give them any other advantage for striking in any other way. You don't let them cast up your ankles or do something where you protect
Starting point is 00:12:51 your shins and make it easier for you to kick hard. Because if you had some sort of spandex thing with a shin pad, like the same sort of thickness of shin pad as you have on the knuckles. You would just be slamming into everything.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Elbows, arms, who gives a fuck? You wouldn't worry about it. Just slam it in there. Boom. It would change the game. It would completely change the game, but it would slow it down a lot more. I mean, in MMA fights now, you look at a punch count for an MMA fight versus a boxing match. Of course, they can only punch, so the punch count's higher.
Starting point is 00:13:27 But your hands are getting hurt. Guys will lose fights simply because they can't continue going into the second round sometimes. Will that be the case, or will it change their style? It will definitely change the style, but without having the gloves and hand wraps and that stuff there, there is going to be those times when it's just going to minimize, not minimize, but bring the number down. It's not going to stop it, though. I agree.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I mean, I think if I wanted to look at it in terms of just pure entertainment value, I'd say leave it the way it is. Yeah, absolutely. Change downward elbows. Maybe add a couple other things. Yeah, some things like i like the pride rules man yeah pride rules are bad rules including with the judging with the pride rules judge the whole fight judge the whole fight i agree with that i like that i agree with
Starting point is 00:14:14 that and i think um more judges you know um but i think that's a big one i was talking about that with pat militich the other day we're saying like five judges or more you know yeah why are you three yeah i agree i agree with more judges you'll get a little more diversity also though i think um you got to change change the the scoring criteria i mean we are using a boxing criteria but like like when you talk about wrestling and when i see guys go oh he scores a takedown when a guy goes down he pops right back up i'm like it's not a takedown it's not two right you know so so like why can't we implement some of the thing because we're taking aspects of all these different styles of fighting like the the scoring system and the values for things should should come from that to some degree yeah a takedown with a immediate stand-up like if someone takes you down you're right back up
Starting point is 00:15:03 that is not a whole lot different than you blocking a kick. Yeah. Does blocking a kick count? If you get your knee up and your elbow up and you catch one right here, are you counting that as something that got through? Yeah. Right? No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:15:15 You know who does? Greg Jackson. Does he? He's a great coach. He counts that? So I think he does this psychological thing. I'm letting the cat out of the bag with this one. Because I'm in the cage with of the bag with this one.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Because I'm in the cage with Isaac Valley flag, and Isaac throws a kick, and I block it. And Greg's like, it's a great kick, Isaac. Great kick, Ike. That landed. And I'm like, and then he does something else, and it doesn't affect me, but he's cheering him on like it does. And I'm like, is he doing that for the judges? And I went back to the corner. I told Mike.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I was like, Mike, he's cheering him on, kind of getting the judges on his side. Mike's like, and I went back to the corner, I told Mike, I was like, Mike, he's cheering him on, kind of getting the judges on his side. Mike's like, don't worry about that. This is what you need to do. Yeah, you got to get that shit out of your head. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:15:53 For sure. But if he's right there, like if you see where one corner is and then the other corner is, when the fight is not going on, they're over there by the stairs. Yes. The judge is right there. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:04 The judge is just a few feet over. And if they're like enthusiastic, like, yes, you is right there yep the judge is just a few feet over and if they're like enthusiastic like yes you got it you got it you got it those judges a certain percent let's say 30 don't know what the fuck they're watching and so they're very susceptible can we say a name no no let's not say any names because i know what we'd say we'd all say the same name unfortunately nice lady anyway, this fucking situation, there should be way better judges for sure. Yeah. I think guys who are former fighters, guys who are martial arts experts, guys who really care about the sport, you have no shortage of them. You can go to any MMA school, any jiu-jitsu school, any kickboxing school.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Any website. Any website. All across the country, and you willitsu school, any kickboxing school. Any website. Any website. All across the country. And you will find hundreds and hundreds of qualified candidates. People that will tell you why that's a bad decision. People that will tell you why that doesn't work. People that will tell you why this shouldn't mean anything. And we don't have that right now for no reason.
Starting point is 00:16:59 There's like zero reason. It doesn't make any sense. It's not like, well, man, there's not enough money. Like, what? No, there's enough money for it. This is crazy. This is no reason. It doesn't make any sense. It's not like, well, man, there's not enough money. Like, what? No, there's enough money for it. This is just crazy. This is no reason. It's not like, well, you know, water's wet and that's just how it goes.
Starting point is 00:17:12 No. I think it would be a good thing also now that, like, the second generation. I have, like, in my head, I have this three generations of MMA and that's where we are now. In the third, starting to move into the fourth. And I feel like with the first two generations being done pretty much yeah like there's a lot of guys that are highly qualified to to judge way more you know then I mean the sport is giant yeah there's so many good writers out there yeah if you read MMA articles, they're really good writing. And a lot of these mainstream websites, it's like a lot of experts out there
Starting point is 00:17:49 talking about stuff. That's why a fight like next weekend is so fascinating. Because between Tony and Khabib, nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen. It's one of those fights where everybody's like, damn, I don't know. And you got all these people breaking it down on one side, and then you got people making compelling arguments on the other side and you're like
Starting point is 00:18:07 okay this one's gonna be weird i've been i've been bouncing back and forth between my pick for that fight but um i guess because i've been bouncing back and forth this isn't necessarily where i'm gonna stay but i feel like okay i don't see how that can change but again like you said there are people that are making these arguments and if somebody convinces me of something that kind of defeats this argument then it's like man now you open the door for this again and what i think is like what i first my first thought was khabib is this guy he takes everybody down and he controls you and beats you up right and you think he's gonna do that and then um but tony is this guy he just does not he's like one of these submission first kind of guys remember that argument submission or position tony isn't he's too worried about position he'll
Starting point is 00:18:52 create scrambles he's he's aware of where he is at all times and what he's giving up so i feel like he would just continue to scramble he'd be able to get back to his feet at least um and then i go back to khabib and seeing Tony against Kevin Lee. And Kevin Lee kind of controlled him early in that fight. He was able to pass his guard and do some good controlling things. Now, if a guy like Khabib can do that, then he's not getting back up. And Khabib is going to be able to take him down. He is the best wrestler in the game.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Without a doubt. Good arguments. Good arguments. I think another argument is that when Kevin Lee fought Tony, I think everybody knew Kevin had a staph infection. I knew. I saw him walking in the cage. I looked at his chest. I was like, holy shit. That guy's got staph. I knew he was going to be
Starting point is 00:19:38 weak. I knew, compared to the Kevin Lee, the destroyer that you see when he's on point and in shape, I was like, this guy's going to be compromised. And he's also a big 155. So it's a hard cut for him. Whereas Tony makes it, I mean, Tony can get pretty heavy, but he's super disciplined. He makes it easy.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Tony's endurance, his endurance is off the charts. Off the charts. Impeccable. He was posting the other day that he went on a six-mile run at one o'clock in the morning. It's like extra credit.'s like, extra credit. He wrote hashtag extra credit. I mean, he's an animal. I mean, Eddie Bravo trains with him up there in Big Bear all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:11 He says he's never seen anything like it. So the dude is just everybody else, like pacing everybody up the hill, coming back down. They're still trying to make it up the first time. He's running past them the second time. He's a fucking animal. He wants it. Oh, he wants it bad. But so he knew that Kevin going into that fight was compromised.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So if he knew Kevin was compromised, maybe he decided to just let him work. Let him work that first round. And Kevin's no joke. Kevin's fucking dangerous. He's very skilled. Very skilled. Very aggressive. Very strong.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Very dangerous. So Tony, he got in bad positions in that fight, though. Didn't he get mounted in the first round? He got mounted. His guy got passed pretty easily early in the fight. But that's crazy because if he did take that time off, even knowing that a guy like Kevin Lee was compromised, that's still a high-level guy to be,
Starting point is 00:21:03 I'm going to take this time off, be a little bit lax. Yeah. Who knows? It might just have been Kevin is that good. I really wish that fight took place with Kevin healthy. Really wish that fight took place with Kevin. I think Kevin is an interesting guy because he talks a lot of shit. He's really aggressive.
Starting point is 00:21:20 He fights well. He looks the part. When you look at him, he's fucking jacked. That's a bad break for a dude like that. He had like a golf ball growing out of his tit. That was crazy. I mean, it could happen again relatively soon, depending on how his fight with Barboza goes.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's an interesting fight for Barboza, too. Barboza's got to recover from that mauling that Khabib put on him. That was horrendous. That's their common opponent, too, with Tony. Yeah, exactly. too Barbosa's got to recover from that mauling that could be put on him that was horrendous but you know what an opponent yeah yeah exactly and I want to look back at um the Barbosa fight but when I when I did look at it he defended he defended some of those takedowns early you know and I mean it's against Khabib now yes you can defend you're going to be the strongest in the first round right but still um there's not a lot of people defending Khabib's takedowns. No.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You know? There's a great New York Times article that was just on like three or four days ago about wrestlers from Dagestan. Yeah. And about how wrestling is their way out because so many of them trying to prove themselves, they wind up joining those Islamic terrorist groups and these coaches try to take these young aggressive kids and give them something else and give them another alternative. Really, really well written article. Interesting stuff about like how powerful these guys are and how young they get them into it. And when you see Khabib, the thing about him is he's not doing different things than everybody else. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Some people are doing different things, like Wonderboy is doing different things. He stands totally sideways. His hands are down. He's throwing front leg sidekicks. He's doing a lot of different things. You're like, oh, okay, this is a new thing to adjust to. sidekicks. He's doing a lot of different things. You're like, oh, okay, this is a new thing to adjust to. Khabib's
Starting point is 00:23:05 doing standard shit, but he's just doing it at not just a notch, but several notches past what everybody else is doing. I think that's the thing about these Dagestani guys. It's crazy because this American wrestling style, folk style wrestling
Starting point is 00:23:22 of being on top and having that control, that's a big deal. But Nick Lentz, that's one of his strengths. When Nick gets on top of you, it's like a dwarf. He's not going anywhere. But he can also escape that a lot of guys. Same thing with Mike Brown. But Nick Lentz got ridden out in the fight in Brooklyn. I forget which card.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Holly Holmes and Jermaine Durandamy. You know, that card. He won by guillotine, right? No. Which one? Which fight? I forget who he fought. I forget.
Starting point is 00:23:52 He fought a Dagestani guy. Oh, right. But he just got ridden out against his own style. Like, that's what I'm saying. Oh, I see what you're saying. These guys are better at what the American style is. But for something like that, I want to see one of those guys against a guy like Gregor Gillespie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Because that style of wrestling, of being on top and grinding on you, that's a high-level wrestler like that. I know a four-time All-American National Champion kind of guy with that kind of conditioning who's not going to break. I want to see that battle. Because that will be like a national championship with two guys that can punch and kick a bit well like a guy like jordan burrows or jordan burrows getting into mma yeah like what happens when he fights one of those dagastani guys yeah exactly but see there's dagastani guys and then there's khabib he's another notch above them
Starting point is 00:24:40 yeah he's a notch above them like there's a lot of those guys that are real good. They're real tough, you know? But he's another level. He is a scary level. When you see him on top of guys, like, especially the Michael Johnson. Yeah. That was. Helpless. That was mauling, man.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Horrifying. And having a conversation with him. Yeah. Pleading with him to give up. You must quit. Title shot this man. You know title shot they deserve. Bam! Just keeps. And he's got his arm tied behind his back. He's punched him in give up. You must quit. Title shot this man. You know title shot they deserve. Bam!
Starting point is 00:25:05 And he's got his arm tied behind his back. He's punched him in the face. It's horrific. It's horrific. I mean, he can do shit to you that is like white belt, black belt beat ups. Yeah. Against the best guys in the world. Against the best guys in the world.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Michael Johnson. But Michael Johnson clipped him, though. But here's the thing about that fight, which is interesting to me. Khabib came into that fight with the same problem he went into the Tony Ferguson fight that was canceled. He cut too much weight, and his liver apparently shut down, making weight for that fight. So then they went into the next fight, and he didn't make weight at all. He got rushed to the hospital. Then he hires a nutritionist, fucking fantastic event against barboza has
Starting point is 00:25:45 zero problems making weight now he's got it all under control but you got to wonder if he was compromised in the michael johnson fight how much of a factor did that play into him getting stunned yeah he got he got clipped yeah he got clipped and you know as well as anybody that when you're dehydrated or you have been dehydrated you just don't take a punch as well yeah yeah dehydration conditioning those things you know those things help you recover when you when you're hydrated and your conditioning is up to par um yeah i don't know he you've seen him take some punches he always backs guys up he's always coming forward and he he does eat a lot of shots coming forward but you know if his conditioning is fine and that's the only time that i can remember him
Starting point is 00:26:24 getting hurt in a fight from taking shots like the same thing with Barbosa Barbosa was throwing at him hard hard
Starting point is 00:26:29 you know especially early walked off everything he's like a zombie he got wheel kicked a couple times it's nothing clubbed in the back
Starting point is 00:26:36 of the head with wheel kicks nope sorry not today just constantly charging forward man he's a fucking tank terrifying guy but this is the fight to me that's most intriguing Just constantly charging forward, man. He's a fucking tank.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Terrifying guy. But this is the fight, to me, that's most intriguing other than him fighting Conor. Him fighting Conor for the name value is like chaos, right? Like, holy shit. Like, they might do that if he wins. That'd be awesome to do that in Russia. Dude, if they do that in Russia, Conor better bring his own food. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:27:05 He better bring some fucking corned beef and cabbage right from the motherland. You don't want to take any chances. Yeah. But when Khabib's fighting Tony, the thing about Tony is that Tony's so creative. Like, he's very unpredictable. You don't know what he might step in and throw an upward elbow.
Starting point is 00:27:24 He'll do all kinds of weird shit. He'll do Gramby rolls on you. He'll dive for a leg. You know, he might try to take Khabib down. Who knows what he's going to do. And stand up, he's got legit knockout power. Legit. And he can take a shot.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Rolls with punches real well. Doesn't mind when he gets hit hard. He just kind of rolls with shit, comes back. Like the Barboza fight. The Barboza fight with him was a very interesting fight. Yeah, that fight was fun to watch. I can't remember all the details right now, but I remember thinking, I remember tweeting, man, I'm watching this and these guys are savages.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I can't believe I fought one of these dudes. I bet Daddy Castillo was like, man, I fought them both. I bet Daddy Castillo's like, man, I fought them both. But, yeah, that fight was fun to watch, and that's that common opponent thing that you say. Yeah. I don't know. It's one of those things also, though, because you know the rule.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Fighter A, B, C, that thing doesn't play out. Like Stout beats, like Jeremy Stevens beats Stout, I beat Jeremy. Yeah. You know, and Jeremy Stout beats me. It's this crazy, crazy thing where it just doesn't add up. It doesn't add up. MMA math just doesn't work. It's one of the reasons why someone like Khabib is so impressive. It's because he beats everybody.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Undefeated. Yeah. Who the fuck is undefeated at that level of the game? I think he has 25 victories. 25 and 0. 25 and 0. Him and, that's the other thing. I still call John, I call him undefeated because. I think he has 25 victories. 25 and 0. 25 and 0. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I still call him undefeated. John Jones? He's undefeated in my book. That's nonsense. You don't win when you get smashed. Exactly. He dominated that fight 100%. It's a goofy rule, and I don't even know if he totally violated it. I mean, he's trying to get through the guard while he's finishing a guy.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Guy's covering up. Stupid. It makes me mad. I feel like I hit a nerve with that one. The 12 to 6 elbow makes me mad. Because it makes me mad because it's still there. Because they changed the rules. They went through this new unified rule system.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm like, oh, this is good. We have some new regulations as far as putting your hand on the mat and taking a knee. When can you hit a guy with a knee? Now it's one hand. Now you can do it with one hand. Great. I like that. What?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Down to 12-6 elbow still in? See, what I've learned since I've retired is that all of these formulas fit into something else. So right now you're like, well, you changed this one thing. Well, all of this other shit is wrong. Well, you look at society and you look at the world, right? And these little changes are what happens.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's never everything that's wrong isn't fixed at all times. It's always this one little thing is fixed. This other little thing is fixed. This other little thing is fixed. You know what I mean? So it's going to take a while. It'll happen eventually,
Starting point is 00:30:03 but man, there's so much in this like there should be something that changes every year yeah i agree i think they've got to figure out something with the eye pokes yeah i i i feel like there's i think some i don't know it might have been you i feel because it was it was a an announcer or a commentator or something talking about it but having like a a glove just that covers the fingers, but it doesn't really change anything, even so much so that like it's a webbing and that your fingers are still virtually individual,
Starting point is 00:30:33 but you can bring them all down together or you can just put those two on and these two are going to be tugged at, but it takes no effort. You know what I mean? Some things are covering like that with the padding over the front so that it doesn't go in the eyes as a single point.
Starting point is 00:30:47 But is there anybody even playing with prototypes or something like that and doing an exhibition or demonstration? It's a good question. I haven't seen anything compelling. I haven't seen anybody come up with anything. Yeah, it was my idea. My idea was to have it like an old school bag glove. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You know, like those old school. You see Joe Louis with those old school bag gloves. It's a very thin glove that would cover the tips. And they used to hit the bag with them back in the fucking 20s. Yeah. It was just like leather. And maybe that's what it is. Keeps the glove and just kind of a topping of that type thing with it.
Starting point is 00:31:27 That makes so much sense. Yeah. Why would the tips of the fingers? In grappling, you never use individual fingers. You cup. Everything is done like this. Yeah. It wouldn't change anything.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Nothing at all. It wouldn't change a single thing. The only thing it changes is, yeah, because it doesn't even change this grip. No. It makes it better, honestly't even change this grip. No. It makes it better, honestly. You have more grip. Yeah. Like if it's like a suede type material, like something that's a little rough,
Starting point is 00:31:54 you could actually get good grip. Yeah, that's true. It would help grappling because gloves definitely hurt some submissions. They get in the way of rear naked chokes. It's one of the reasons why George's submission over Bisping was so impressive because he went this way. He went deep back of the hand to the back of the neck
Starting point is 00:32:12 the real way, which sometimes you don't see because the guy can't get the glove in there. Yeah, that's the one that's on the display image of jujitsu chokes. Yeah, I mean that one was fucking tight. That was crazy to watch George do that. But yeah I mean, that one was fucking tight. That was crazy to watch George do that.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But yeah, they've got to figure out something. You don't need to have these open. It doesn't affect wrist control. It doesn't affect any kind of grappling. In fact, it would make it better. What is Bellator? Yeah, Bellator has done what Pride did, where they curved it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I like it. They're using Everlast. Everlast is their glove manufacturer. Obviously, they make fucking killer shit. But what they're doing is having it so it's more difficult to open your fingers up. That's a smart move. It's a little thicker, too. And you didn't see a lot of eye pokes in Pride.
Starting point is 00:33:04 No, you didn't. That's the point, right? Yeah. thicker too and you didn't you didn't see a lot of um eye pokes and pride no you didn't that's the point right yeah it was very it was the ufc those gloves it's almost harder to close than it is to to open them yeah and then i don't know i feel like maybe it was just the commission but i feel like you know you always break your gloves in you try to break them in a little because they're stiff when you first get them they're new um but there was at least one commission they wouldn't even let us like you know break the gloves in they wouldn't give you the gloves you had you didn't get them until you put them on that must be some amateur shit like some commission that doesn't know what they're
Starting point is 00:33:35 doing yet you know a commission doesn't know what they're doing not not the commission um the hospitals after the after the fight itself in new york Really? Man, in Brooklyn, I had the crazy, well, I had. It wasn't me. Dustin Poirier had the craziest trip. So after that fight with Jim Miller, with all those shin kicks, they both went to the hospital with the calf kicks. And Dustin's calf and shin was swollen. And they were giving him some morphine in the truck. We got there.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And the doctor came in, and they wanted to him some morphine in the truck we got there and they the doctor came in and they wanted to perform a surgery on him there they wanted to slice his shin open um and relieve the the pressure because they were saying you're going to lose nerve tissue and your nerves are going to die and and um you if you start not feeling when they go it's no there's no coming back you can't refix You can't fix those things. They were really pushing for this thing. It was a crazy situation, right? So we're like, hey, Dustin, man.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And then I called Mike Brown back there, and we started having this discussion about, it's just like, it's leg kicks. We've seen this all the time in the thigh and whatnot. No, they're not. And Dustin's like, yeah, I don't want to do that. Then they started, he was like, yeah, I want to get out of here basically. And he was like, can I just have something for the pain? And I felt like they were like, no. They said no.
Starting point is 00:34:53 We're not going to let you leave here on pain medication. And I felt like they were trying to entice him to stay with fucking pain medication. It was just a really weird situation. And we were there for way too long and they were really pushing for this. Three or four different doctors came in trying to convince him to get this surgery done.
Starting point is 00:35:13 It was crazy. Just for some swelling? Just swelling in the calf. That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't. Honestly. Why would they think that it would cause nerve damage to have so much swelling? The swelling was pushing up against the blood vessel supposedly, and there wasn't circulation coming through. That's what was happening.
Starting point is 00:35:38 This is what they... And this is over a year ago, so I'm trying to remember exactly, and I'm not a doctor. Right. over a year ago so i'm trying to remember exactly and i'm not a met i'm not a doctor right um but the the swell and they were asking him about um because he was having some some loss of sensation right and in his toes but he had just fought you know and they'd given him morphine and all this other stuff so um they were no poking at his toes with the pin or something you feel that you feel that he's like yeah a little bit no and you know all these different answers and um they would they claim to be concerned about it they were telling him that this is what this is a possibility and this is what's going to happen and we want to
Starting point is 00:36:13 prevent it and they they weren't like well this is guaranteed that this is what's going on this is just the realistic possibility and we want to prevent it and it was just like he wanted to wait as long as possible and they they were just they just seemed to be really pushy about wanting to do this so where were they going to make the incision in in the shin up the shin how big straight like it was it was big it was as long as my phone what so that was instead that's why we were like yeah this is kind of crazy and they would just want to drain it? And they want to drain it.
Starting point is 00:36:46 They want to release the pressure, right? And then they were like, well, there's a test that we can do. Can't really see it from that angle. And it was so much worse in the hospital. Yeah, it was nasty. They were like, there's a, when Dustin was like, I don't like that idea. I don't want to do that. And they were like, I don't think that, let's just wait.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And he's like, they were like, well, there's a thing that we can do, but we have to take a needle. And they wanted to take a long needle, stick it into his leg, past the bone, into the muscle, and like do a pressure test on it. What? And he was like, yeah, I don't like. It was crazy because he doesn't like needles, right? Dustin hates needles. I'm like, all those tattoos. Covered in tattoos.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah. Fights for a living. Scared of needles. I'm the same way about needles, but I don't have the tattoos that kid has. But he's just like, I don't want to do that. I don't want, like, he's like, no. Because the needle, they wanted, it would have been this much inside his shit. That much needles.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. I don't know how long it would have been. Big. A lot. It was, it was. In there. Yeah. It wasn't just like looking for a vein.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And they were just testing for pressure? They were, they were like talking, They were saying they wanted to test. Put a tire gauge in there and shit? Exactly. What are they doing? So anyway, it didn't happen. Dustin started getting frustrated, and they were really pushing for it. It was late at night, and I don't think I was helping the situation because I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:04 these guys are probably interns. for it. It was late at night. And I don't think I was helping the situation because I was like, these guys are probably interns. They're probably back there with like a chart and they're like, they get bonus points for whatever surgery they get, you know? You never know, man. People are really skeptical about that kind of stuff. But I mean, they definitely do surgeries on people they don't have to. Some doctors do. It definitely can happen. You would hope that you're not running into one of those doctors, but they have done it before. Yeah. I mean, there's a doctor that just got arrested recently. And there was a whole story about all the different surgeries that he did that he didn't have to do.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And including cancer surgeries. Like he removed cancer on people that didn't even have cancer. Yeah. Yeah, that's a scam doctor starts driving a fat mercedes gotta make those payments he should have just got into the plastic surgery business i know right you could talk those crazy ladies into anything anything and everything you need some you need you need to take some of that meat out of your butt and put in your lips yeah that's the move. Meaty butt lips.
Starting point is 00:39:07 So were they ice in the shin the entire time? They were. They had ice on it. They had a drip, like a morphine drip to kill the pain. Why didn't they just wait a couple days? Why did they want to just go right into it right now? They wanted to do it that night. And they said they didn't want to. The reason why they didn't want to wait was because when the nerve nerve damage happens, when the nerves die, that's it.
Starting point is 00:39:28 They're dead. There's no way to, you know. Right. To bring those things back. So, man, I just I wonder what if that's right. I don't want to be talking shit about the doctors. It's not right because dustin fought again after that and he's still fighting and he's fighting in a few weeks like when was his leg better um shoot he
Starting point is 00:39:52 got on the plane the next day so i had had real quick little side note i had had some problems i was helping him for that camp and i had an injury and um i got tylenol with codeine in it and man that stuff that's that's powerful medicine how powerful is it it was i was like i couldn't dustin took me to the hospital i know i went in i was in so much pain and they were like they prescribed that i took one pill and about 20 minutes later i was like this is the first time I was able to relax in like three days. The pain was so bad. And I was like, when I get back and I got to the end of my thing, I had like two pills left. And I was like, I don't need them.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I'll keep them in case I get hurt again at some point, you know. And fortunately, I had them because I was like, dude, like this, that pain that you're going through when you get on a plane. Because in Japan, I had busted my foot. And then I had to fly 16 hours. And my foot was swelling on the plane. It's the pressure of being at high altitude, right? It was miserable. It started in my foot and my ankle. And it swole up into my shin and all the way down into my toes.
Starting point is 00:40:57 But it was, so I was like, I don't want that to happen to you. So, like, it's going to be miserable. Just take this with you and take a pill, you know. just took one pill he said it was a great feeling it helped with the help with the flight i got a hold of some of that old school nyquil back in the day i've only taken it like maybe two or three times ever in my life but the last time i got some was like 20 years ago i took some i was sick and i took old school nyquil and i was lying in bed and it was like my my bed was just hugging me my bed was made out of love and it's just hugging me and i was like ah i didn't give a fuck about that cold i was just so relaxed like old school nyquil is amazing
Starting point is 00:41:39 i i remember that i own that's codeine right isn't? I think codeine was a NyQuil. Ooh, it was nice. Back in the day, Tito Ortiz, I called Tito at one point because I was real sick. I had a fight coming up too. And I was like, man, I don't know what to do. He's like, here's what you do. You take three packs of Theraflu and you put that in one cup of water, right? That's some Huntington beach doctor talk so so he's like you boil a couple you boil the water and you pour that and you put three
Starting point is 00:42:12 facts attack passes there flew in there i was like um i i started to do it and i was like man tito is a light heavyweight i'm gonna do two that's a good move I'm glad you did that I'm glad I did it too Because I was out for 18 hours Wow I laid down I woke up And I still I felt like I just don't want to get up
Starting point is 00:42:33 And I slept I slept for I was in bed for 18 hours I did wake up feeling better though Yeah I would imagine And you probably weren't thinking about the cold at all No So the stress was gone
Starting point is 00:42:43 And you get in that rest. You're out cold. And I was laid out. That's one of the best arguments for cold medicine, is that they let you go to sleep. If I'm sick and miserable, I can't fucking sleep. Yeah. But if you take something, you just fucking... Theraflu is a good one.
Starting point is 00:43:02 It cleans you out, like you can breathe breathe and you just conk the fuck out. And isn't that when you um... What is this Jamie? That old school NyQuil had Sudafedrin in it which is what is used to make meth. Oh Jesus! Doesn't meth keep you up though? Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. It's a stimulant.
Starting point is 00:43:20 It says Sudafed. I got to Google what it was. Yeah but Sudafed is not NyQuil. Sudafed is very different. Sudafed is I get to Google what it was. Yeah, but Sudafed is not NyQuil. No, no, no. Sudafed's very different. Sudafed's a stimulant. Sudafed is the stuff that cleans your nose out. Right, right. This is what the original NyQuil had Sudafedrin in it. Oh, the original NyQuil.
Starting point is 00:43:35 The original green death formula NyQuil is behind the pharmacy counter now because, gasp, it has the evil Sudafedrin in it. Oh, so you can buy that shit still? Some people were looking at it. I was finding an article. Someone was looking for it in New York. That's 2013. I gotta get a good doctor. You might be able to find some still. Mm-hmm. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:54 That stuff fucks you up. Yeah. You go deep with that stuff. I think it's the chemical that it's mixed with probably fucks the pseudophedron. It's probably what keeps you alive. The codeine wants to drag you down into the grave. The pseudophedrine shit keeps you alive.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's the thing about sleeping, though, right? That's when your body, everything else is off. So all your body can do is heal. You know what else happens, man? You make good decisions. Like that term, sleep on it it that's not a joke yeah there's something about going to sleep with a problem waking up in the morning and you have a new perspective you're like that's not that big a deal all right it's all right i don't care or
Starting point is 00:44:36 you know or maybe i should do something about this or maybe i should apologize maybe i should you know something about sleeping on something i don't know is, man, but it gives me a truer compass as to which direction I should go. There's a thing about that, too. Sleeping on it, I had to teach myself some things about car mechanics. And I had a problem. Somebody was like, that's your alternator. I was like, what? Because my engine wouldn't stay on.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I was like, really? I was like, how much does that cost? And I was just fighting you know i wasn't there was no ufc even on the horizon yet um and um i'm like how much does that cost i was like too much i was like he's like i can do it for you he's like you can do it it's like how many you gonna i can't afford that either right but if you can do it i'll figure it out so i went to the store i was like hey i need to buy an alternator for this this model car they were like okay they bring it out and they're like they weren't going they weren't gonna
Starting point is 00:45:30 give it to me because you have to give them the other one back you have to exchange it really yeah like at least this is the way it was in like 2000 Texas you know okay so but fortunately one of the managers at that store was one of my students is right across the street from my gym. So he was like, here, you can take it. Just bring the alternator back. I was like, awesome. Because I didn't know what an alternator was. My plan was to grab it, go look in my engine, and find the like thing.
Starting point is 00:45:55 So that's what I did. I found the like thing. I put it in there. I changed it. I took the other one back, but I couldn't get the belt on. Of course. I did everything. I was trying to do everything.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And somebody was like, the tensioning bolt. And and i was like i don't know what you're talking about and i slept on it i went to bed that night i went to sleep and i woke up ran downstairs connected it you know like i because overnight yeah there was something about being relaxed and not being like stressed about trying to find it right now it's right in front of me i'm just away from it and i see the whole engine in my sleep and it's like you put the ratchet in there and you pull on it and that's that's the tensioning bolt i have a crazy spiritual idea about that i think when you go to sleep you go into the spirit world when you come back you're refreshed i think you live a new life every morning i think you live on the momentum of your past life but I think you have a new life every morning
Starting point is 00:46:46 you just return from the spirit world with the mess that you left behind you gotta clean it up clean it up and figure it out and like oh yeah yeah I should have just cranked that bolt over there okay it all makes sense
Starting point is 00:46:57 there's something to that because I got some stuff going on now where I'm just like when I wake up the next day I'm like you know what it's not that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal most It's not that big of a deal. Most things are not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:47:08 If you're still alive and you're walking around and talking, ultimately it's not that big of a deal. I give things like the 10-year test. If you look back on 10 years, how much of a big deal is this going to be? Not that big of a deal. It's a fucking alternator. Not that big of a deal. The 10-year a fucking alternator. Not that big of a deal. A 10-year test is a good test.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. But people operate on momentum. That's a big problem with people. You know, like when you go to bed, you wake up in the morning, you've still got the shit that you left behind the day before piling up, and bills you've got to pay, and chores you've got to do, and all these different tasks that need to get done
Starting point is 00:47:45 like fuck you know you can't ever get behind it it's it's it's a good day when when i feel like okay everything's done yeah and like this day is completely mine yeah man that's fucking that's to to have like a clean slate in your mind in terms of things you need to do there's no way to underestimate that yeah that's giant you can't under emphasize how important that is yeah or overemphasize rather i completely agree with that is um i'm one of those guys that my brain i feel like as soon as i wake up first thought leads into the next into the next next, and you can't stay ahead of it. And not staying ahead of it, you're kind of being dragged along, being pulled by these thoughts in all these different directions, especially when I'm trying to organize something.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Sometimes if I don't have a list or something like that, I'm not going to get it. If I have five things to do, I'm going to get one thing done if I don't have a list. You know what changed a lot of my life? I started working out early in the morning my my day almost always starts out today's one of the rare days where it didn't like today i'm gonna work out after the podcast but most days i get up in the morning and i work out the only reason why i didn't do it today is because everyone in my house is sick everyone and i wanted to get some sleep yeah my kids are little petri
Starting point is 00:49:06 dishes man they're just always sick everybody's sick so i'm i'm the only one so far that's been able to fight it off and i woke up yesterday and like oh i got a sore throat like it's coming and i fought it off yesterday and i fought it off today i got in the sauna chilled out but something changed in my life when i started working out in the morning. My thought process became clearer. It makes more sense because I clean out my mind when I work out. So I get up and the first thing I do is just go work out and clean up my mind. My mind gets cleaned up. My body's like fully elevated in terms of like my heart rate got jacked up. I'm sweating like a pig.
Starting point is 00:49:47 I already strained. I already pushed. I already got over some shit. I already made it to the end. And then, whoa. So there's already a victory by the time it's 8 a.m. That, to me, then my day just starts off way better. I start off with a clear perspective.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. starts off way better like i start off with a clear perspective yeah i guess it's similar when especially when i was fighting because you woke up get a run in eat something head to the gym yeah you know and then you train now that especially you run fasted yeah i like i would that would be the first thing i did i brush my teeth and go for a run I didn't like eating anything This is when you were living in Texas? This is whenever Even to this day when I run Especially in Texas
Starting point is 00:50:34 Because in the summer You gotta go early in the morning You gotta get in before it turns into a barbecue outside Exactly But what I was gonna say is in Texas you're mostly flat It's mostly flat Especially in Houstonin has some hills um but houston is they're they're the the only hills in houston are the overpasses on the right you know but now you're out here man
Starting point is 00:50:55 there's some ferocious trails you can run yeah yeah there's a there's a hill on my street that's um a quarter mile oh that's miserable yeah there is a miserable shit in the hollywood hills like whoa yeah if you wanted to get at the bottom and do some sprints going up it that's so good for your knees too because you know you're not really uh stomping down you know you're you're pushing yeah you're pushing up so it's just it's basically like doing a bunch of lunges yeah yeah you feel it in your ass, my ass is way bigger than it used to be. Looks good. There was a drill. I did this a couple of times. They would incline the treadmill to its peak and then turn it up to like 10 or 12 and you're sprinting for like 15 seconds.
Starting point is 00:51:43 That was miserable. You'd feel that really, really hard. It's great until you fall off. Yeah, exactly. How do you get off that fucking thing when you're sprinting for like 15 seconds, that was miserable. You'd feel that really, really hard. It's great until you fall off. Yeah, exactly. Like how do you get off that fucking thing when you're sprinting? You've got to grab the edges and hop. Do you know what I just started using the other day? It's a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:51:55 It's that VersaClimber. Yeah. Woo. Yeah. God damn. I've never been on it for an extended period of time. Always in a circuit. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah, I did it in a circuit too. It was the last it's miserable i was like motherfucker this thing like you do the first two or three strokes you're like i can get through this and then you're like 10 in you're like oh shit you're like how much time i got left a minute and 10 seconds how's that possible i'm like i am not gonna make a minute and 10 seconds of this. It feels weird because, like, with every stroke, it doesn't, it's not heavy or hard to make the stroke. It feels like it's nothing, but you're also going nowhere. Right. And it's just like you have, you're making this motion. And you have to look up to read the shit.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You know, you're like down here like this, like, how much time, how is that possible? I've only been doing this for 15 seconds. You know what, here like this. How is that possible? I've only been doing this for 15 seconds. You know what? I like that. And there's a thing called the Echo Bike that Rogue makes that I have out here. Holy shit. It's an airdyne. But it's like an airdyne built for gorillas.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Like if you're going to put an airdyne machine in a fucking gorilla cage, you'd make like this Rogue. It's a thick-ass fucking steel thing with thick-ass handles. Everything is like super beefy and jacked up. God damn thing kicks you gotta show me that i want i want to try it it's the shit man it's the shit i do tabatas on that so i'll do 20s and 10s 20 seconds work 10 second break fuck it's fucking hard man those air dime machines look so they look like nothing that's one of those things where you look at you, you're like, how can that be hard? Yeah. It's hard, too, when you alternate.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah. You know what I mean? So you're riding them both together, but you're doing a conditioning workout, and your coach is standing right there, and you take your feet off of the pedals, and you're pumping with your arms. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's miserable. That's miserable as fuck. And I also don't like, not that I don't like it, but in the conditioning workouts, the parts that were so hard and kind of draining,
Starting point is 00:53:51 that, I don't know what you call it, but with the hydraulic presses. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that's miserable, too, because every direction, like there's no rest on that machine. There's none. It's kind of crazy when you go back and look at old school strength and conditioning workouts that fighters used to do. Comparison to all the crazy shit that guys do today.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Which camp? It's an argument. It's okay. I'll go with camps because I feel like there's two. Which camps really started the conditioning thing? Who were ahead of the game i always think att i always think of them because they were like when lambert created that place
Starting point is 00:54:30 dan lambert the fucking man that guy that guy's done a lot for mma and doesn't get his horn blown enough yeah he has due respect uh he uh he put a shit ton of money in the american top team and one of the things that they did about it was make it a full, like they have everything. They have great wrestling coaches, great striking coaches, great jiu-jitsu, huge facility, everything state-of-the-art. And I always felt like those guys were at a very high level early on. Like I remember Tiago Alves was making weight.
Starting point is 00:55:02 This was back when Tiago Alves was a gorilla. Remember how big he was at 170? Remember when he fought Matt Hughes? And he didn't make the weight, and he looked like he weighed about 400 pounds. He didn't even look like a human, man. He was so jacked. Well, he was making weight once, and it was a fight that they did. I think it was at the Hard Rock.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I don't remember. But it was somewhere where they had, maybe it was at the Palms, somewhere where they had like the smaller ring, I think. I don't know why I remember this. But what I remember was he was warming up for that day's fight. He had made weight. And then after making weight, they had a workout that they would do to put weight back on him. And one of the things that they would do to put weight back on him.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And one of the things that they would do is really burn him out. So they had him. He was in the gym. I wish he was here. I could ask him exactly what this was because I'm talking many years ago. And he goes through this really hard pad workout. It's like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And they were saying they wanted to pump
Starting point is 00:56:05 everything up full of blood and then they fill them up with carbs and they would just everything would blow back up so like the muscles get super dehydrated because he's draining himself out big time you know he was walking around north of 200 pounds cutting down to 170 and then after the weight cut they would swell them back up again. So they got to put 30 pounds back on them in 24 hours. And that was one of the methods that they used was exercise followed by fuel. I guess it kind of makes sense, but it also confuses me. It confused me too because I'm a dummy.
Starting point is 00:56:42 And I was listening to him talking about this. I was like, okay, okay, why is this? Like what's happening? How are you doing this? I get the principle that you're saying, but what's the science behind it? Because that's where I'm at. Science, he looks like a gorilla when he fights. I mean, he really put that weight back on well.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And they had Gleason, and nobody is bigger at 155 than Gleason Tebow. Gleason Tebow looks like a fucking light heavyweight. He's so big. And somehow or another, he makes it down to 55. Like, when he gets on the scale, it's like Yoel Romero. When he gets on the scale, you're like, am I seeing something wrong?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Like, how is that 185? How is that possible? It doesn't make sense. Like, I'm watching him weigh in. He is 185. The guy says 185. He steps off, and you're like, what in the fuck am I seeing? How is that possible?
Starting point is 00:57:29 I get that. Like, with T-Bow, I've been in the locker room with T-Bow a couple of times at ATT, and I'm like, hey, T-Bow, what are you weighing right now? And he's like, oh, my friend, like 190. I'm like, you're not 190. Get on the scale. Bitch. No, no.
Starting point is 00:57:43 He don't want to get on the scale. I guarantee you he's like 210. Get out of here, that 190. He on the scale. Bitch. No, no. He don't want to get on the scale. I guarantee you he's like 210. Get out of here, that 190. He's so big. He's huge. He's so big. Yeah. Look how big he is.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Look at the fucking size of that guy. That's a 155 pounder. Look at the size of him. And he's, you know, 5'8", 5'9". Yeah. Built like a tank. He's so big. He's so strong, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:04 He's the most diesel guy that I've ever seen at 155. That is about as thick as... I mean, there's no room for error there. And he made weight a lot. I mean, he might have missed it. He missed it like once or twice, but he made... Most of the time T-Bow made weight,
Starting point is 00:58:19 it was miserable for him. Well, go back to that one picture that you just showed. Oh, it's him fighting somebody. fighting somebody no no that one right there that's um tractor yeah no not tractor no no no he just fought um oh god why can't i i know who you're talking about brazilian cat yeah maso room what's this crazy, what is that crazy nickname? Goddamn it. Why can't I remember his name? Same here.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Trinaldo. Francisco Trinaldo. Trinaldo fought 85 at UFC Brazil. Did he fight 85? Tebow fought 85, I believe. I know he fought Nick Diaz also at 70. Crazy. I don't know if Tebow fought in the UFC at 85, though.
Starting point is 00:59:06 No, I don't think he did. But when you were saying that thing about what you said about ATT, I agree, but I mean even further back than that. The earliest guys? Yeah. Frank Shamrock was one of the earliest guys. Frank Shamrock and Miletic in those days. Frank Shamrock was the guy who really figured out conditioning. Yeah. That's how he beat Tito the first time. Yeah, for sure. He was so small in that guys. Frank Shamrock was the guy who really figured out conditioning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:25 That's how he beat Tito the first time. Yeah, for sure. He was so small in that fight. He was tiny, man. He was like 190 in that fight. Tito was a gorilla. He was a big fella. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Wore his ass out. That was when the weight class was 200 pounds, too. Yeah, you had to make 199. Yeah. That was the early days. Yeah. Yeah. It was very different back then man i was um i was
Starting point is 00:59:47 scrolling through fight pass watching the whole like the entire events then i get down to like 2000 like it's like you're scrolling through it's like 2017 has all these events across the screen you got to scroll 16 the same thing 15 it starts going down you get to 10 it's like it's still less but you still got to scroll across the screen then you get to like seven you get to 10 it's like it's still less but you still gotta throw it across the screen then you get to like 7 you get to like 8 and it's like 5 events
Starting point is 01:00:07 5 events 5 events and that's it you know like I have 21 UFC fights under my belt but there were 5 UFCs
Starting point is 01:00:18 a year back then yeah it's like now there's like 2 months you get like 6, 7 7 cards
Starting point is 01:00:24 well I always felt like you got fucked. And Josh Thompson and a lot of guys in your era because they cut out the 55 pound division for a long time. And then you went out and fought up Bodog and all these other organizations. There was no 55 for how many years? Quite a few. Yeah, like 2004 to 2005 to like 2010 for sure damn didn't come back until um the ultimate fighter yeah like that's when gilbert and josh thompson were having those epic wars over in strike force yeah it's like those years like there was those guys like you thompson
Starting point is 01:01:02 and i feel like Gilbert. Gilbert staked his claim in the UFC and had some epic fights in the UFC. But I honestly don't think we see the same Gilbert that we saw in Strikeforce. Yeah, no. No one can say better than you, because you've been in there, that how much those wars will just take out of you. They will. And a guy like the wars that Gilbert and Josh went through strike force and then gilbert is that kind of guy he's just like his fight with diego
Starting point is 01:01:32 you know that's it they're not they're not backing down and um they got the chins to take it yeah you know there's not there's not a lot of guys that can that can take it like that um i haven't been in a lot of wars that that were back and forth even if the fight had some attrition there's a lot of times it was um i was winning the striking battle and i wasn't taking as many shots as those guys have taken right um and they you have to have a chin to do that yeah man like i i couldn't imagine to this day having been in having i have like my record shows like 60 something fights i have like 80 plus fights overall and i still like i look at some of those fights like diego and gilbert and i'm like man i'm so glad joe i remember as a kid i was laying on my couch watching vernon
Starting point is 01:02:21 white and pancreas and i'm laying watching, and he's getting his ass beat. And he gets to the third round, and he turns it around, knocks the guy out, right? And I'm like, I roll off of the couch, I get on my knees, and I'm like, God, please let me have fights like that. Those are the kind of fights I want to have. Please, please, please. I'm like this young kid, you know, and I want to do that.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I want to have epic fights like that, right? But now that I'm done and I'm looking back at it, like there are times i watch that stout fight when i get hit i'm just like oh it was it's still it hurts it didn't hurt then but like it hurts now like i feel like a slight physical pain from it not like it breaks my heart it's yeah that part will always hurt but i mean like that looks brutal it looks painful it's not but it looks that way but you know those fights with Gilbert and and like Gilbert and and Diego when they're still in it that shit hurts. Yeah, you know well Gilbert didn't have to fight him that way
Starting point is 01:03:14 That's why it was so crazy. Yeah, is it Gilbert decided to use his skills and fight a technical fight? He would have been you know, he was the better fighter Technically at the time, but he just said was the better fighter technically at the time. But he just said, fuck it. Let's go to war. You know? Yeah. I mean, it's just not a whole lot of people that are willing to do that.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Yeah. I think that's what it is. Like Aaron, like my fight with Aaron Riley, I was able to figure him out and I could pick him apart. And Aaron is the kind of guy who would go to war with you. If I figured you out, I'm not going to go to war. I'm not giving you a chance. Fuck you. You know, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Why? I don't have to prove to anybody else how much of a man I am. And on the other side of that, I don't like getting hit. That shit's nonsense. That prove how much of a man you are by getting hit. That's nonsense. I like when guys like Gilbert choose to go crazy and go to war. But that's on him.
Starting point is 01:04:11 That's because he wants to. That is on him. But you know, like there's a guy who did something like that and he was willing to go to war. But you can see he still kept his technique when he went to war. And I'm talking about Max Holloway when he went with Llamas, when he's like right here, right now. He started trading, but he wasn't just sitting in the pocket trading.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He was throwing his, getting out, coming back, getting something, and getting out. And that's how you do that. You don't just sit there and go, okay, I got mine, now you get yours. Just bite down on that mouthpiece and wing punches.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Yeah, that's Diego's specialty. Diego's the best blood and guts fighter ever. I mean, every single fight he's ever had is blood and guts. I always go back to his fight with Martin Kampman. Lost the first two rounds. He's got his face hanging off, literally like a zombie, and he's chasing after Martin Kampman, and he wins the third round. Wins the third round against Ellenberger.
Starting point is 01:05:03 He's fighting Ellenberger, who's at the time, you know, a strong, powerful 170. Yeah, big puncher. Diego's got his back in the third round. He's beating him up. I mean, that's just blood and guts. That guy's got more blood and guts than virtually, like, 99% of the population of the planet Earth.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Diego is one of those guys, too, that he's a scary individual when you look at him as like, okay, that's a potential opponent, especially in his prime. But away from that, he's like now he's a really, especially now. I was, when he fought Riggs, like, I feel like those two kind of personalities, they're just going to be at each other all the time. And you feel like that's how they're going to be always. But a guy like Diego, look at what he's doing with the guys in Albuquerque. I forget the guy's name, but he's helping out that guy. He has a big UFC fan.
Starting point is 01:05:59 The Down Syndrome guy? The Down Syndrome. I don't remember how old he is. That's amazing. But he's committed to this. It's not like, and it's not like, hey, check me out. You know what I mean? No, he does it all the time.
Starting point is 01:06:11 He's with the guy all the time. I like Diego, man. He's a good dude. He's a very good dude. Yeah, that Riggs fight was crazy, too, because Riggs never thought that Diego was going to KO him. Step in and KO him with a right hook early in the fight, too. stepping and KO'd him with a right hook early in the fight, too. And Riggs is one of those guys that, see,
Starting point is 01:06:31 I don't think that he ever totally showed in the octagon what he was capable of in the gym. And he also is a guy that peaked during kind of like the Rich Franklin era. When he fought Matt Hughes, didn't he miss weight when he fought for the title? Yep. He missed weight against Matt Hughes, and Matt Hughes Kimura'd him. But what I'd always heard is that Joe Riggs in the gym was a world beater. People would spar with him and they'd be like, holy shit, Joe Riggs is a world champion. He's that good.
Starting point is 01:06:57 And that he would be dusting up all these really high-level guys in the gym. There's something, though, about being in the gym, and I know you know this, but the thing about being in the gym versus being inside the octagon, it's that the stakes are real now. Like in the gym, a lot of guys will open up more because you can't really lose there. You can't. But when you're in the fight itself,
Starting point is 01:07:33 you don't want to pull all the triggers because if this bullet misses, I'm exposed. I got no defense to that. So you're not putting everything on the table that you would in the gym because the risk is so much greater. And I think that's where the guys who can perform, who step up to the game, I believe that's the aspect that they have to their game that's missing from some of these guys who are world beaters in the gym, but they just can't bring it to the field. Yeah, it's a mental strength for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And it's a confidence in your technique and the outcome. Some people think that the world's against them. There's an attitude that some people have like, ah, it never works out for me. Ah, fucking, I can't catch a break.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Ah, but it's, it's interesting because those are the guys that can't catch a break. And you always wonder, you always wonder what came first, the chicken or the egg. Is it the attitude that is making their life this impossible puzzle to solve? Or is it, they just got, they just keep getting shitty rolls of the dice?
Starting point is 01:08:28 I think it's the attitude probably. It's a snowball effect from the very first decisions you make real early on, especially when competing. Everybody knows that there's times where you can quit. Everybody knows there's times where you didn't train as hard or you didn't push as hard you didn't and some people don't some people don't learn like they have those moments like when you're a little kid and you know maybe you're wrestling or something like that and you got scared you didn't perform well and then you go back you go okay that sucked i don't want to do that again i got to figure out how to fucking toughen up. Or I've got to figure out how to just perform. And some people just don't.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Some people just run away from it. They run away. They never see that thing again. Yeah, it's like the weird little moments in fights that you could see happening where guys are exhausted but they dig down. You know what fight I always call upon? Like here's a dude who's got impossible mental strength. Darren Elkins. Mursad Bektik.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Mursad Bektik is lighting him up like a Christmas tree in Times Square. I mean, he's just fucking him up. He is on point. He looks like a future champion. He looks fantastic. Darren Elkins won't stop. He won't stop. He keeps coming. He keeps coming. Darren Elkins won't stop. He won't stop. He keeps coming.
Starting point is 01:09:47 He keeps coming. He's absorbing punches. He's covered in blood. He's getting punched and kicked and shinned and fucking elbowed. Keeps coming. Keeps coming. Keeps coming. Boom!
Starting point is 01:09:58 He catches him. You see Bechtik wobble, and you're like, oh, no! Boom! Head kick. Like, what the fuck? Darren Elkins is pounding him out, and then the referee stops the fight and then Elkins steps off him is like it's like god damn like that is that is the reward for having indomitable spirit like that that is a the kind of victory cry that you only get when you went through hell and you did not give up yeah that that fight itself after
Starting point is 01:10:26 the second i believe it was you just like this is like this should be stopped right this should be stopped he's though there's no chance and i don't really want to watch him get beat up as much so i'm i'm like tweeting about the fight and watching and i'm looking back and forth and then holy fuck upside down i love that guy and then elkins chokes out a sudden he catches him. Versace upside down. I love that guy. And then Elkins chokes out Michael Johnson. Man. He shows people he's got skills. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:10:50 There it is right here. I mean, Versace Bektik was super fucking talented. Like, just an undefeated coming into this fight. Darren was covered in blood, and he got crucifixed here, and he's getting smashed with punches and elbows. But Elkin, he's just one of those guys. Darren just doesn't give up, man. And the other thing about Massad is Massad,
Starting point is 01:11:12 I've trained with Massad. Massad trains hard. His conditioning, look at that. His conditioning is on point. Look at this. Look at that scream. That's so crazy. You know there's another scream like that?
Starting point is 01:11:24 When Kat Zingano beat Amanda Nunes. Yeah. It's another one like that. I don't remember her victory. Dude, that one is bone chilling. You hear the scream. You're like, whoa. Like it gets your hair.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Like I got goosebumps just thinking about it. Yeah. Listen to that. Dude. That meant a lot to her, man. Dude. You can hear it. Yeah. Dude. That meant a lot to her, man. Dude. You can hear it. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:52 That's some shit you can't fake. Yeah. You know? There's something about what you were saying, though, about people, like, walking away from these things. It makes me think of, like, of a kid. Sorry, this is going to be, like like a bunch of things tied into one thing but babies when they're first born like first thing that come out of baby usually cry right right and it's like my thought on that is like this is the first time they felt anything
Starting point is 01:12:19 outside of that womb right and and they don't know what pain is like a pain tolerance the first time you got kicked it it hurt a lot more than it does now yeah right so like every sensation is new for them right and then you're growing up and you grow up to be these people and your parents are telling you can do anything but at the same time they're telling you don't do that right right so it's like like the mind is your brain is this this is blank slate when you're born. And you get all these different influences. And this goes back to the people that are like, I can't catch a break. I can't catch a break. It's like, are we doing this right for so many people to have this attitude?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah. You know? Like, where is that coming from? Because there are so many people like that and then there are people that are like that at times and then but they can they can either come out of it and and start having good things or and then they go back into it and they bounce back and forth yeah but why are people the way they are like the the human mind, to me, is like the most amazing, confusing, like it's everything, but like there's no rules. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, I mean, everybody's different. Everybody's similar, but everybody's different. And your attitude has a giant effect, not just on your life, but on other people's lives around you. That's the other thing about it. Those I can't catch a break guys, get them the fuck away from me. I can't be around those guys. I don't want to hear that shit. I don't want to hear that shit.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I don't buy it because everybody has bad breaks. I've had a shit ton of bad breaks, but you know what I did? I stayed up, and I thought through it, and I figured out what the fuck I did wrong, and then I went back. It's like I fucked up everything I've ever done a hundred times. There's no other way to do it. And I've had a bunch of shitty breaks. Everybody has.
Starting point is 01:14:11 But you've got to realize when you have those shitty breaks what that is. It's an opportunity for you to reassess, reboot, get better, figure out another way, find another way through. It's just little challenges. And the people that look at those challenges and go, why do I always have these challenges? They're cancer. Those people are dangerous to be around. They will rob you of your enthusiasm. They don't give you any fuel.
Starting point is 01:14:32 They're the opposite of fuel. Yeah. Like the fuel people, they're the people that are kicking ass. The people that are out there just fucking hustling. Always. Always getting things done. Like my friend Jocko, every morning I'll check his Instagram page, 4.30, shows a picture of his watch,
Starting point is 01:14:46 get after it. He's out there working out 4.30 in the morning. He does it every fucking morning. Why? Because he doesn't want to. And that's how you do it. You go and get after it,
Starting point is 01:14:54 you don't make any excuses. And those kind of guys are fuel. But those, I can't catch a break guys, they're the opposite of fuel. They're just pissing on your fire. They're no fun. And the people that surround them are all
Starting point is 01:15:05 idiots because only idiots want to be around I can't catch a break guys. Only the dummies stick around. After a while, even if they're your good friend, you've got to be like, bro, you've got to fucking stop. You've got to stop with all this I can't catch a break bullshit. All the time you're complaining, you could be instead hustling.
Starting point is 01:15:21 You could be instead chasing your dream. You could be instead figuring out what you're doing wrong, trying to prove certain aspects of your life, getting your shit together, reading a book, meditating, something. Fucking something. But this I can't catch a break shit is not helping anybody, and it pushes everybody away from you. But some people, they get caught in that pattern. And it might be their parents. It might be how they were raised. Somebody might have told them they were useless real early on.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It stuck. And they just, they always, they never feel like they get enough reassurance. They never feel like they get enough motivation. And they feel like other people get more. And they look at all these other people. How come he gets that? How come she gets this? How come he's got that going on?
Starting point is 01:15:59 And all that's bad for you too. That shit ain't no good for you. How much of that is tied into not paying attention to yourself? Not knowing yourself? You know, how much of that is tuned into, or tied into you always on, like your brain always outside of yourself?
Starting point is 01:16:19 You're flushing, you're flooding your brain with TV or Instagram or this or that, you know? And not something that, even reading a book, I believe, is different. When you're watching TV, what you're watching. You know what I mean? If you're watching something that has a message where you have to think, where you can see yourself in that. And you can put yourself in these situations.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And you're like, oh, well, I can empathize with that or i can this but when you're just watching oh spending money on cars and and making it rain and this and that you know um i wonder how much of that because like the thing that i've found is like entertainment isn't what it used to be and this this is i'm gonna sound old as shit right now back in my day entertainment like entertainment wasn't what it is now now it's just like bright lights and flash and bombs right versus like something that you could actually feel i feel like it's a lot less of that well there's some entertainment that you could feel like tv shows like you watch black mirror that'll freak the fuck out of you make you think there's still some good shit that's being made. Stranger Things.
Starting point is 01:17:25 There's a lot of good shows. But you have to go find it so much more. I feel like the bigger things, the things that most people have access to, I think that's what it is. Right, right. But is it that they have more access to that or is that the easiest thing to consume? It's very easy to consume. It's mindless. And everybody wants cars.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Ooh, look at the car. Everybody wants money. Look at his money. You know, it's like you just get sucked up in it. And it's a very low-level frequency that everybody sort of has like a little bit of it. And you see some dude with his open shirt, all these chains,
Starting point is 01:17:59 and all these girls behind him in their underwear. Everybody's dancing. It's like, this guy's life's a party. I wish my life was a party. I can't catch a fucking break. I'm over here. I can't catch a break. It's cool sometimes, you know?
Starting point is 01:18:13 Yeah, sometimes. It's silly. Yeah, exactly. There's a point. You know who's a deep guy? Fucking Schilling. Schilling's a very deep guy. And he pointed this out to me through a
Starting point is 01:18:26 different way but there's a point where everything becomes a bad thing there's a point where like humility is is a bad thing there's a point where um having fun is a bad thing it's like yeah you can't you can't like eating doesn't isn't always a pleasure if you if you're constantly eating if you're never hungry you don't appreciate it as much as if you were hungry. Right. Yeah. Because if you're starving and they feed you and you start, you're full and you have to keep eating, that's not fun. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Yeah. So there's this moderation thing that I feel that's missing. And I'm trying to find that balance myself, man. With what? With life. With a bunch of different things um with with how much time i spend doing this versus this especially now that i'm not fighting because that that was for a long time that was the biggest part of my days you know just just training and
Starting point is 01:19:16 everything else and now i still get to train but i have more time and a lot of time by myself in my own head so i'm back to reading a little wasn't shilling the guy that exposed that crime kid yes for being a racist and his family was over and then his mother said something like contacted shilling about keeping money in the what with the whites or some shit yeah Joe was um Joe reached out cuz he wanted that he wanted to you know I want to like bring the kid out of training him or something. Get him to a Bellator event. The kid, it was a viral, we shouldn't put the kid up.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Keaton Jones. He's a little kid. I don't feel like we should give the kid any more exposure or anything like that. Because the kid didn't do anything wrong. Right. He was just crying about being bullied. And everybody was like, oh, this poor kid. Now, I don't know the part of his part in the bullying thing,
Starting point is 01:20:08 but what we're talking about is his mom's conversation with Joe. Yes. And that's where it got twisted. And was that proven that it was his mom? It definitely wasn't someone trolling? Do we know that? I don't know. Everything is fucking a mystery today.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Up is down, down is up. There's a lot of trolls out there, man. I feel like there's been reports that it was and and there's reports that it wasn't and i didn't pay so much attention to it that i could be like positive as to what what the ruling was yeah but um the conversation that she had with joe was big joe reached out to bring him out and um she was like look i'm just trying to put some money in this account basically yeah and um joe was like hey i'm trying to give him something more valuable than money and um she said something she wanted something else go fund go fund me and then
Starting point is 01:20:57 there was something else joe said like what's the money going to like you can't cure bullion with money yeah like what do you but i forgot how it turned to racial stuff. Something about keeping the money in the whites. Whites, yeah. It was something along those lines. Yeah, she said that. But I don't know. Why did she even bring that up?
Starting point is 01:21:13 What, in Joe's context, made her go to that card? White dude, shaved head, covered in tattoos. She took a chance. She took a chance. She took a chance. She's like, white power. White power? What do we got?
Starting point is 01:21:29 She went fishing. I don't know, man. I mean, maybe she's just a fucking dummy. I mean, the family has Confederate flags and shit and some of their photos. That's still on the flag, the state flag in Mississippi. Yeah. No, I didn't. That's crazy. See, that's crazy to in Mississippi. Yeah. No, I didn't. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:45 See, that's crazy to me because I didn't grow up knowing about that. As a kid in the Bahamas, I didn't even know. When did you come to America? I came at 15. Ah, yeah. So the years when everything's being set, I was in the Bahamas, into your brain. So when I got here, I still had no idea what the Confederate flag was. I told these people, it's like, I didn't know a lot of U.S. history, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:11 We learned Bahamian history in the Bahamas. And when I got here, I didn't know anything about that. The Confederate flag didn't mean anything to me until I was in my 20s, man. Wow. And in Texas to this day, my daughter, where she lives, where her house is, maybe like four miles away, I was visiting. And they're on the corner with a trailer out. And they've got like Confederate flags.
Starting point is 01:22:33 For sale? For sale. On the corner just lined up. They have them out, you know, just lined up and flying. People still drive around. I was in Florida with Dustin. And we were driving and there was a truck with a U.S. flag posted on the back and Confederate. Not like posted on the car.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I mean on a flagpole. They're flying the flagpole as they're driving. So this is a real thing. If you love the South, the South needs a new flag. Okay? You can't have a flag. I got no problem with you loving the South. The South's got a lot of great qualities. You guys need a new flag okay you can't have a flag I got no problem with you loving the South the South's got a lot of great quality oh you guys need a new flag you can't
Starting point is 01:23:10 have the flag of the dudes who are fighting for slavery yeah you can't have that anymore Joe they weren't fighting for slavery that's just what they tell you yeah that argument is a piss-poor argument that falls apart that argument is one of the shittiest arguments and people try to they try to like soldier up and use big words and and try to repackage that argument they wanted slavery yeah period yeah they're fighting for economics yeah slavery they wanted people to work for free that's like a big part of what it was there was a lot of other shit going on as well that was a big part of it that was a huge part of it. And I mean, it's representative in the laws that came right after slavery was abolished.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Did you know that there's a reason why, you know, when people think about people from the South, people think of them as being like slack jawed and kind of stupid. That's like the worst stereotype, right? Southern people. How you doing? Yeah. How you doing? Yeah. There was a hookworm epidemic in the South for years where a substantial portion of the population had hookworm where they were walking around barefoot and they got shit in their
Starting point is 01:24:13 feet and those parasites infected their brain and compromised the way they think and severely diminishes your level of thinking. So does that... Pull that shit up, Jamie. That came out of a podcast, right? Didn't someone bring it up to us? I feel like it was Rhonda... No? Was it Rhonda?
Starting point is 01:24:35 Someone like that? Some smarty pants? When that happens, however that affects your brain, does that pass on? You know what I'm saying? That's a good question. Does it change your DNA?
Starting point is 01:24:47 I bet it does. I bet everything changes your DNA. Here it goes. How a worm gave the South a bad name. Here it is. Make this shit a little bigger. For more than three centuries, a plague of unshakable lethargy blanketed the American South.
Starting point is 01:25:00 It began with ground itch, a prickly tingling in the tender webs between the toes, soon followed by a dry cough. Weeks later, victims succumbed to an insatiable exhaustion and an impenetrable haziness of the mind that some called stupidity. Adults neglected their fields, and children grew pale and listless. Victims developed grossly distended bellies and angel wings, emaciated shoulder blades accentuated by hunching. All gazed out dully from sunken sockets with a telltale fisheye stare. The culprit behind the germ of laziness of the South's affliction was sometimes called was Nicator Americanus, the American murderer.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Wow. Better known today as the hookworm. Millions of those blood-sucking parasites lived, fed, multiplied, and died within the guts of up to 40% of the population stretching from southeastern Texas to West Virginia. Hookworms stymied development throughout the region and bred stereotypes about lazy, moronic Southerners. So, as you're reading that, fuck. Yeah, that's gross.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I remember learning about hookworms as a kid in the Bahamas, but as you're reading that, I'm like, you know what? Maybe, I go through this whole thing
Starting point is 01:26:13 in my brain as you're reading. Maybe if they didn't do what they did to Native Americans, because those guys had moccasins, and they probably had moccasins
Starting point is 01:26:21 because they learned about this a couple hundred years ago. You know what I mean? No shit, right? Yeah yeah if anybody was going to be barefoot it'd be the native americans right and they're like no dog not a good move gotta cover your feet man this bunch of shit gets in there you get stupid and can't figure out how to find the buffalo anymore that's weird that's where that's where sharing information comes in handy man that's a good point that's a real good point because i always always think that when I see those survivor dudes that like to walk around barefoot, those crazy dudes that get the thick calluses in the bottom of their feet,
Starting point is 01:26:52 and the idea is that, you know, like, hey, if the world goes to shit, you're going to need to be able to walk barefoot. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Maybe. Maybe you make shoes, you fuck. There's a bunch of shoes in warehouses. Yeah, exactly. Would you run out of shoes?
Starting point is 01:27:10 I mean, if you found out the world was going to end and you bought 20 pairs of shoes, that might last you until you're dead. Yeah. Maybe. Depends on what you're doing. What kind of hiking. If you're running a lot. Yeah. Burn through those.
Starting point is 01:27:22 You're going to have to be on your feet more because you got hunt now. That's true. You're going to have to be hiking. Yeah. Maybe you need more than 20. You don't need more than 50. 50 pairs of shoes for life. Probably repurpose them too.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Yeah. But that's what the Native Americans did, right? Yeah. Moccasins. Yeah. They used every piece of the buffalo. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 01:27:42 They were smart too because they didn't develop, like, I'm on this barefoot running kick. I run with barefoot shoes. Yeah. I either run with those Vibram five-finger, which are my favorite, but when it gets muddy out, those don't have a lot of traction, and I like this other company called Vivo Barefoot. Plus, you don't look as dorky. The five-fingers ones, you're committing to the project, right?
Starting point is 01:28:03 You've got to walk around with gloves on your feet. People mock you mercilessly, like Jamie. He mocks me mercilessly. But the Vivo barefoot ones are just like they just have no padding, but they have good tractions. I like running in those too. But when you run in something that has no padding at all, all the muscles in your foot develop because your toes have to work and push.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Whereas, like, these things are way stiffer than what I run with most of the time. These things are hard, man. It's like a cast. Like this shit is like a cast for your foot, you know? And so the idea is when your foot is in those kind of like a normal running shoe, it's not really squishing and pushing and all your muscles aren't getting activated. And so they're just not as strong.
Starting point is 01:28:45 They're just weaker, you know, and that it's not good for anything. It's not good for your balance. It's not optimum. I mean, it's better to run with running shoes on than not run. But in terms of, like, foot strength and, like, just maximize your ability to move correctly and have good balance, it's not nearly as good. You can feel it, too. When I first started doing mma for a long
Starting point is 01:29:06 time until i went down to florida and was at american top team there were certain things that i didn't do without shoes on like if we were kickboxing i would put on shins and i would wear my wrestling shoes really okay um i just didn't like wrestling without my toes out like that you know especially when i was throwing kicks. Right. But over time, I got more comfortable with it. But over time, getting more comfortable with it, I could feel the difference when I would have my shoes on
Starting point is 01:29:33 versus not having my shoes on. And I felt more dexterous. I felt more agile. Yeah. I felt more in connection with with you know with the ground yeah what i was doing yeah that's legit that's uh i mean that's what i do with these barefoot running shoes i mean i believe in them 100 i think there's a bunch of good companies that make them morel makes some good ones too um but i just feel like we have too much padding on our shoes. I lift weights and do everything else totally barefoot.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I just feel like, or I wear like, I like Chucks, like Converse All-Stars. Those are good too. Because they're just flat. Those are good for lifting weights sometimes if I want a little bit more. But most of the time I do it barefoot. I would say 99% of the time I do it barefoot. It's just, I think it's just better for your feet, you know? I just think the same thing when I was saying with gloves and punching,
Starting point is 01:30:32 I just think it's unnatural. It's unnatural to have a bunch of shit underneath your foot. Your foot's not designed for that. Yeah. Yeah. When you say that, I start thinking um how people are designed and what people are designed for and then like thoughts and they go everywhere sometimes my thoughts like run into another hey that's a good idea like it come together right um but when you say that i start
Starting point is 01:30:58 thinking about um when we talk about changing your dna where we started with the hookworm thing and your feet. If you take someone from an area that is where they have to be agile and you take them to a place where you just have to be strong. You take a child from the agile area and you make them grow up in the strong area, in an area where you have to be strong, physically strong. How does that child fare in that environment as he's growing up? Does he adapt not as fast as the people that already have those traits, but does he adapt and be able to survive? And then can he go back to that agile lifestyle and take some of that strength? Depends on how big he gets. You know, like if you were talking like strongman strength,
Starting point is 01:31:43 those guys are not known for their agility. They're giant. You know, like if you were talking like strongman strength, those guys are not known for their agility. Right. They're giant. You know, there's a tradeoff for sure. There's a power tradeoff, you know. That's one of the things that's so terrifying about Francis Ngannou is that he's 270 pounds, cuts down to 265, but he moves like a panther. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:00 It's like he's not missing anything. Like, you know what I mean? He's got ridiculous power, but he's also fast as fuck. Like that left hook that he hit over him with, it's like he's not missing anything. Like, you know what I mean? He's got ridiculous power, but he's also fast as fuck. Like that left hook that he hit over him with, it's like, Jesus, that's like a welterweight's left hook. Fast as fuck. But he's hitting you like a nuclear weapon. It's just a different kind of power on his punches. A different kind of power in his body, but he also has the ability to move fast like a smaller person.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Most of the time when you get a really powerful person, there's some sort of compromise that has to be made. But what happens when a guy like Francis Ngannou, you develop his wrestling so that it's like a Cain Vlasquez? Jesus. Could you, though, at 33? Like, that's the problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Like, you know, he ran out of time. And how much does he not like to wrestle? Because that was the word that I had heard, is that he wasn't doing any groundwork. There was very little groundwork being done. They were just trying to keep the fight standing. The problem with that is, you can't just do what you like to do.
Starting point is 01:33:03 You can't just do what you're awesome at. he's already awesome at putting people in another dimension yeah I mean he hits harder than anybody I've ever seen I've never seen anybody that hits as hard as Francis Ngannou and that's that power cube thing shows it I mean he got the highest registered punch Tyrone Spong was number two his punch was something like 10,000 pounds more power or more than Tyrone Spong's, which is crazy. He's a monster. Like you shouldn't be allowed to hit people. He's a monster.
Starting point is 01:33:31 He's so powerful. But it's like all things balance out, right? Like Stipe just said, yeah, you're powerful for about five minutes. Yeah. And I'm not going to be there for those five minutes. I'll be over here and I'll be over here and I'll be ducking and getting the fuck away from you. And he took a few. It takes a guy like Stipe that is smart and fights smart and knows the game.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Like, knows. Like, you can't keep this up. Would Kane be able to do the same thing then? You'd expect so, right? Young Kane. Young Kane, for sure. Like, the Kane that fought Czech Congo. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:02 The Kane that fought Ben Rothwell, that Kane, Jesus Christ, that Kane could have done that to anybody. But I think what you deal with with Kane was like a mental strength that no one's body can hold up to. You know what I mean? Like he just drove forward with so much tenacity that his body is like tires are flying off and bolts are breaking and there's just too much strength in the mind when you say that i picture i see it in my head
Starting point is 01:34:32 and i picture him moving forward a lot like norman gamedov moves yeah a lot just with better striking well people keep forgetting norman gamedov was injury ridden as well yeah he was constantly plagued a lot of guys at AK, you know, I had three or four of my UFC fights because Josh Thompson got hurt. You know? I can think of off the top of my head two of them where it was because Josh was hurt.
Starting point is 01:34:56 What do you think about that? Do you think that they trained too hard, or do you think that that is just the way you have to train? I mean, if you want to look at world-class fighters, a.k.a. is one of the top gyms in the world, Luke Rockhold, Daniel Cormier, Cain Velasquez, Josh Thompson, and you can keep going down the road.
Starting point is 01:35:15 There's a ton of, like, guys that people haven't heard of that are top level. Nurmagomedov, obviously. Ton of guys also that are training out of there that are super, super high level. There's a big fucking tank filled with sharks. Now, you look at their success, and it's just undeniable. They have an incredible ratio of success.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Like world champions. Some of the best guys ever. But a lot of injuries. Now, is that just what happens when you get both things? I believe, especially with those guys, where those guys are concerned, it has to do with the number of quality guys that they have that are fighting at the same time. And they're only being so many hours in the day. So they're in the gym at the same time having to do the work that they need to do to prepare for a fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:01 But they're all on the same mat and guys are running into each other. Right. That's happening. So Luke is over here and khabib is over here but they've got five different guys rotating for them and one of those five guys is the reason um that nirmaga madoff gets hurt right you know right that's a problem right like that doesn't have an unboxing you never see world-class boxers sparring in the same ring as other world-class boxers. At the same time, no. At the same time. It's stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:28 That's a size issue in terms of the gym size. That's definitely a thing in that regard. Yeah. Also, the layout of the gym. You know, like a boxing ring, you could put them in a quartered off area right and nobody else could be involved right you you section off the mats but then you have to have coaches in between people so that when these guys starting to come together the coach comes in hey guys start going back to your area right you know there's there's just no no borders right right and
Starting point is 01:36:59 without having borders and and a guy like hector lombard coming after you, you're going to move. Yeah, you're going to crash into people. Yeah, I think that's a real good point. I think it's the level of talent, the aggression in the room, the level of ambition in the room, all of the above. And the fact that they have that philosophy to just go hard. I mean, they go hard. I talked to DC about it. He's like, kane and i spar
Starting point is 01:37:25 and sometimes we fight yeah i'm like god damn you know you haven't fights before the fight like legitimate full-on you know fights that power shots that happens yeah i remember being um being underneath t-bow trying to come to my feet and he's doing big punches with little gloves on right we're wearing little gloves sparring i'm gonna my feet and he's doing big punches with little gloves on. We're wearing little gloves sparring MMA gloves and he's hitting me in the face like three times and I'm like that's entirely too hard but if I don't get up he's just going to keep going.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Right. But that's what it is man. When you're in the gym there are some guys that they just only have one speed. And a lot of those guys are the guys that can perform when it's time to step into the cage. Well, that's the story with TJ Dillshaw. All the alpha male guys were saying that TJ, when he would spar, he would spar real hard.
Starting point is 01:38:15 And then when you would hurt him, he'd try to kill you. Yeah. But look, he's a fucking world champion for a reason. Two time. That tenacity that makes you sometimes a problematic sparring partner. That same mental strength. And who knows who's telling the truth? Because this is obviously alpha male.
Starting point is 01:38:34 They were a little salty after he left. And I don't think they're lying. But I think there's two sides of the story. There's two sides of the story. And there's also, you know also people accentuate their position. Yeah. I mean, if you watch a video versus hearing two people tell a story, you see three different things. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:38:52 I've had people tell me things like, man, you won't believe what happened. And then I watched the video. I'm like, wait a minute. What did you think you saw? Because I didn't see that. I saw something pretty reasonable. When these guys go back and watch fights, and they're like, I won that fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:06 And it's like, no, you didn't. That's a real problem. Yeah. Like, some people, and again, those are really the same guys as the I can't catch a break guys. The ones who think they won when no one else thinks they won. Yeah. And you're watching like, wait, man, what fight are you watching? Like, you definitely didn't win.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Look at your, but your face your face yeah the fucking judges man that that is really the number one problem if all the the rules all these different things those are all problem the judges are the biggest problem by far like every it seems like every ufc i'm waiting to interview the fighter i'm in the cage and they're reading the scorecards and i just go like every ufc it's like one fight at least well i'm like what what the fuck did they just say 30 27 who how what yeah like you guys getting their asses kicked taken down getting fucked up on the feet and they're winning rounds 30 27 yeah 10 9 10 9 10 9 what yeah i've seen that i saw i saw a fight recently i can't remember what it was but when when the judging came up i heard 30
Starting point is 01:40:14 27 and i was like there was no guarantee that any guy won any of those or sorry there was a guarantee when i heard 30 27 i thought this guy won because I'm like, he won that round. So they thought he won the other two. And then they gave it to the other guy. I'm like, how did he lose that one round? Full incompetence, man. It's just full incompetence. What is it like now when you're working for UFC and you're doing the Fox stuff, like Fox coverage of UFC?
Starting point is 01:40:49 Do you have a set schedule? Like, how often do you guys do it? So there are, like, seven. Actually, there were seven when I started. I think there are more guys now in that rotation. And we don't have a set schedule. So they just call you up, Hey, are you around Thursday? Well, they give it to you a few weeks out.
Starting point is 01:41:10 You get plenty of advance notice. So the next desk job I'm working is the Barbosa-Lee fight. Which one is that? That's on the 21st of April. April, okay, cool. I think that's Atlantic City. Ooh, that's a good card. Yeah. That's Frankie Edgar's fighting.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Who's he fighting? Cub Swanson. I don't, so about that fight, I don't like the fight. I don't, I don't have a problem with it. Like I feel like Frankie just got knocked out and that's really soon to come back. If anybody can bounce back from something like that, it's a guy like Frankie. But I felt the same way about Bisbing fighting after he didn't get knocked out. He got dropped by George and then got choked unconscious.
Starting point is 01:41:51 It's like, yeah, he shouldn't take that Gaston fight so soon. Yep, I completely agree. And I feel that way about this fight because I feel like Frankie wants this fight
Starting point is 01:42:00 because he wants to get that taste out of his mouth. But it's still gonna taste the same anytime you go back and watch that fight you're still gonna have those feelings right you you're going to win your next fight more than likely you're frankie edgar yeah right you don't have to rush it like let your brain rest recover that's how i feel about it but that's only because i'm 41 now if i if i was 26 maybe I would have been like and I know Frankie's like 32 I think it's 36 Frankie's 36 I think he's 36 um find out
Starting point is 01:42:31 for us I'm pretty sure Frankie 36 but I'm like you want to go out there and do it but when I think about brain trauma and the things that i forget i'm always like my cd is flaring up yeah well um you know he fought cub just a couple of years ago and mauled him and got a last second submission maybe he just thinks look there's a fucking thing in the world this guy can do to stop me yeah you know i've i've fucked him up before i'm gonna fuck him up again it doesn't matter i'm not even gonna get hit i'm just gonna get a hold of him ragged on just like I did before. But Cub Swanson can crack. He can crack.
Starting point is 01:43:11 And he's got a kid now. And he's got a second kid along the way. And he doesn't quit. Does not quit. And that makes dudes hungry. And that fight is probably a massive motivating factor for Cub Swanson. Yeah, and Cub is still around, and Cub is still number four because he takes the lessons from these fights. He learned something in that fight with Frankie.
Starting point is 01:43:33 I can't see that fight going. I mean, there's a part of me that can see that fight going exactly the same way, but I can also see Cub having made adjustments because of the lessons that he learned from that fight. Sure, and he had to learn from the Ortega fight as well. You look at how Ortega handled Frankie. He handled him very smart.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Very creative. I mean, Cub fights a different way. Cub is more of an in-and-out guy. He explodes on you. He keeps his hands down low and sneak shots on you. He does a lot of weird shit. Cub's... He's real creative. He's got to watch out for the takedown and the wrestling control though because that that was a big factor in the fight that was giant
Starting point is 01:44:09 that's where you got controlled but i mean it's a great fight i just again i'm just i'm just all about what's better what's better in the long run right you know well it's tom's river the problem is uh he's new jersey and this is going to be be in Atlantic City, and all the boys are going to come down. I'm with you 100%. I would like to see this fight, but I would like to see this fight in six months. Yeah. I mean, it's a good fight. It's a good fight.
Starting point is 01:44:35 And Frankie could go in there and wipe him out or do exactly what he did last time, or it could be a battle and nothing comes of it. But it's just like I'm, ear on the side of caution. Some good fights on this card, man. David Branch and Tiago Santos. I'm looking forward to that one. That's a tricky fucking fight. That Tiago Santos guy is a murker.
Starting point is 01:44:58 That dude crushes people. And he, ever since his loss to Spicely, he's been like, seemed more focused. He's a fucking animal, very dangerous striker and David Branch coming off of that performance against Luke Rockwold he had Rockhold hurt yeah he had Rockhold hurt and you know he wound up getting dominated wound up getting mounted and beaten down got his back taken and smashed but he learned a lesson in that fight too for sure you learn a lot about conditioning when you fight a guy like Rockhold, too. Rockhold is one of the best in the division at top control. He gets on top of dudes like what he did with Chris Weidman.
Starting point is 01:45:35 Weidman is a stud wrestler. He gets on top of him, and it's like he might as well have a building sitting on him he has a his body type is is is something that's hard to deal with with just how long he is but how good he is at jiu-jitsu and the controls and positioning that's a problem man when you because you have to make that extra effort you know when you start hip escaping um and on a regular guy the guy that you're comfortable with the size, you know, you don't have to make the movements as long. But Luke, his build and the way he is and his understanding of positioning, that's a hard, he's a hard out for a lot of guys. Yeah, he's got that Hodger Gracie type body. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Long, strong. It's weird. It's just different. Strong, strong. It's weird. It's just different. It's like when I first rolled with those guys over, the judo guys, like Manny Gambirian and Karu and those guys,
Starting point is 01:46:34 I rolled with them and it's like they have this jiu-jitsu style that's like the timing is just off a beat somehow. And they're hitting all these kimuras and it feels funky. I feel like that's how Rockhole's body is. Cody McKenzie feel like that's how rock hole's body is cody mckinsey was like that um when i fought cody i was like i'm really good at escaping back control and i peel him off and and it's like i'm fucking so how much leg do you have man get this thing oh you know what i mean it just keeps going yeah yeah well that's what makes the yoel romero fight all the more impressive yeah yoel romero shut that shit down entirely.
Starting point is 01:47:06 He's terrifying, man. But he's seen everything, right? Yeah. Like wrestling all the best guys in the world. Did you see the podcast I did with him and Joey Diaz? I watched some of it. And I like to listen to your stuff when I'm going to bed. So it's all in my head sometimes when I pass out.
Starting point is 01:47:22 When I was in Texas, I was driving all the time. So I would listen when I'd leave Austin, drive to Houston. I would hear like two or three episodes because I'm going there and then coming back. That's a three-hour or two-and-a-half-hour drive each way. Out here, I'm not in the car as much, so I get a lot of snippets. So I got some of the OML, but I haven't got the whole episode. That was amazing. He's talking about the program, the wrestling program coming up in it,
Starting point is 01:47:45 what it was like. Amazing. Yeah. I heard some of that about how they're on a pyramid and they, what was it? The top guys, they get the best. They get some of the best food, the best accommodations.
Starting point is 01:48:02 They get three meals a day. The other guys get two. Yeah. Yeah. Like everything's better. And they three meals a day. The other guys get two. Yeah. Yeah. Like everything's better. That's. And they're all working out with each other all the time. So they're all around each other all the time.
Starting point is 01:48:11 And he's like, everybody knows you hurt your wrist. Oh, everybody knows. And those are the guys you're going to have to go against. Yeah. Yeah. See, that is a representation of capitalism. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:48:22 Right? It is. That's exactly what it is. It is capitalism inside of communism. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right? Right? It is. That's exactly what it is. It is capitalism inside of communism. Yeah. Yeah. But keep people poor and hungry and like the best in the world,
Starting point is 01:48:32 the best they can do is get three meals a day. Right. And live in a better place. That's, now we got political. Yeah, but it is political. And it, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:43 people need motivation. They need incentive for their actions. People that think it is political. And, you know, people need motivation. They need incentive for their actions. People that think socialism is a good idea have never accomplished anything. There's no way you've competed. There's no way. If you're a competitor and you understand the benefit and the value of competition, I'm not
Starting point is 01:48:57 talking about capitalism competitive. I'm talking about just actual competitive in anything. Anything where you're trying to get a position and and it's a very difficult position, so you want to work harder than the other people around you. You know about merit-based performance. Like, you know, like you should achieve based on your merit, based on what you have actually shown to, like, how much work you've put in,
Starting point is 01:49:20 what you've accomplished. You should benefit from that. The idea that everybody should be paid equally and that everybody should just have oh man we'll just contribute and just i'll give a little you give a little those fucks never give their share they're never good they're never the best at what they do they never know how to compete they just don't they just don't it's not saying that you there's not some aspects of a community where we should have some socialist ideas like I believe in free education. I believe that without a doubt our nation, as wealthy as it is, can afford to have better health care and better education.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Those two things I think are gigantic factors in just having a healthy community. But if you want a quality of outcome, you can suck my dick. That's nonsense. There's no such thing as a quality of outcome. Because if you have real freedom, real freedom, you're always going to have inequality of outcome. Because the real freedom is a guy like Jocko wants to get up at 4.30 in the morning and work out every day. Whereas some people just want to sleep till noon. I'd rather just lay in bed, man.
Starting point is 01:50:21 I like to go to the beach and hang out. I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a rush. Good. I hope you enjoy yourself. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you want the same amount of money as that motherfucker who's up at 4.30 in the morning, hustling, constantly cranking out, got three different things in the air,
Starting point is 01:50:36 three different things going on, projects constantly, always in the middle of something, always pushing, always trying to improve, always looking at himself, always being self-critical, always analyzing, what do I have to do to get better? And you're not, but you want the same outcome. Fuck you. Fuck you. I completely agree with that. I feel like there's this, the world,
Starting point is 01:50:56 or especially the country, is in the best place when there are more people in the middle. When there's these extremes, and I feel like the people that were in the middle they've somehow been dragged further out to these extremes because yeah having um like going far right with some things right um no you don't get anything you don't get this unless you you work for it and you're like yeah absolutely 100 and and and but like some of some of the things that go along with that yeah but then this everybody gets a trophy.
Starting point is 01:51:27 No, everybody doesn't get a trophy. You should get a trophy if you were able to compete to the level that's deserving of a trophy, and that's it. Everybody shouldn't get one. You lost, you shouldn't get the same thing that the guy that won got. You did well and you lost, and there's a big competition with a big group and you did better than some of them yeah
Starting point is 01:51:48 maybe you get some of the some of the pie but like this whole thing of yeah everybody's equal like um i i disagree i feel like but i feel like there's there's aspects of everything that should be everywhere so when i say that what i mean is like capitalism like we saw we saw capitalism inside communism in that example right um well inside capitalism there should be some some some socialism like like um like let's look at the major league baseball right the yankees they they're in the playoffs every year because they can afford every they can afford to buy the best players you know but like look at look at green bay wisconsin small market team they can afford to buy the best players. But look at Green Bay, Wisconsin, small market team. They can win a Super Bowl because of the socialistic revenue sharing inside the NFL.
Starting point is 01:52:34 It's a weird dynamic where there are things that apply in different situations. But people can't compartmentalize enough so that these things can happen and we can all make it work out like I feel like like you said about health care and education yeah health care education we have the funds for those things to be to be good across the board but why is it that the schools in this in this rich area are always better. They always have the better scores. But then when you take the same type of effort and you put that somewhere in a poor area, their scores come up and they can compete, right, if they have the same effort from the faculty and the staff and whatnot. But the same thing with law enforcement.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Law enforcement is better in these areas where like it's like there's no crime here and this is where all the rich people live and this yes but like if because they also have better law enforcement right they're a kid they're police patrolling that area in a different fashion um like it's it's this weird thing where it's not equal it's not equal and it doesn't like those things should be equal but but as far as these people live in a poor area now and these people uh they they don't they have a lot of money because of family wealth because of work ethic because of all that yeah like everybody everybody deserves to be safe everybody deserves to have that at the very least right so let's let's
Starting point is 01:54:04 enforce the laws and and patrol and do those things in this area just as much as we do for this area. Right. And put the money into that because that's a community thing. Now we're talking about what they have. They have nicer pools. Well, they pay higher taxes and they do this thing. Okay. Well, if you want that, now that you're safe enough and your education is where where it is let's start reinvesting in that community you know let's not let's not get get to the point where we can afford
Starting point is 01:54:29 to be here so we go there no we can afford to be there and um but let's just try reinvesting in this community to make this community more like that one but if we have the protections to do that then i feel more comfortable reinvesting in this community. It's a weird, all these things are all over the place and you've got to put them together. Well, we don't treat our country as if it's a giant community. Right. If it was a giant community where everybody's equal, we would look at all the problem spots and say, okay, well, there's these crime-ridden, poverty-stricken communities that can't seem to catch a break. These crime-ridden, poverty-stricken communities that can't seem to catch a break.
Starting point is 01:55:10 So the people that come out of that, even though we're saying, hey, there's an open playing field to compete, that's not true. Because they're coming at it with a massive disadvantage from the jump. An education disadvantage, an environmental disadvantage in what they see around them all the time. They're around a lot of I-can't-catch-a-break dudes, right? And a lot of trap. A lot of criminals, a lot of bullshit, a lot of different ways you could go wrong, a lot of things that could set you down a terrible path in life, and it's around you all the time. And if we tried to engineer society to say, well, how do we have less people that are disadvantaged? How do we have less losers? What's the best way? Well, you got to go to the problem spots. All the problem spots we should be dumping money in.
Starting point is 01:55:46 And I'm not saying that we shouldn't do anything overseas because I think a lot of the things that we do overseas probably help and protect us over here. But there's a lot of shit we don't have to do. And that shit, we could take that money and just fix cities just go in and throw a ton of money and compassion and education and community centers and make places safe for people to learn how to be an adult you know what the u.s military budget is yearly it's insane do you have any idea no i don't it's like 600 billion i think it's higher than that it's higher than that. It's higher than that now. I think it's in the trillions. I think it's in the trillions. That is crazy. That kind of takes me. Let's guess.
Starting point is 01:56:30 You say $600 billion? I say $600 billion. I say $1.3 trillion. Wow. I'm crazy, though, dude. $600 billion. I don't even know what $1.3 trillion looks like. What is it?
Starting point is 01:56:43 Technically both. Technically both? Yeah, the thing dun. Technically both. Technically both? Yeah, the thing that when I Googled it, the last one that was reported, I suppose, was 2015. It was $597 billion. Which year? 21? 2015. The new one that Trump just signed that was approved is for $1.3 trillion.
Starting point is 01:57:02 That must be where I heard it. Oh, boy. That's a lot of cash. How much for education, Mr. Trump trillion. That must be where I heard it. Oh, boy. That's a lot of cash. How much for education, Mr. Trump? We don't need no stinking books. Oh, I think that's actually the whole bill. That's $700 billion of that is for the military. Oh, what's the rest of it for?
Starting point is 01:57:16 Everything else. Schools! Yeah, a little bit. Can you imagine if someone just said $700 billion for schools? You'd be like, what? Yeah, we're not fucking around anymore. Yeah. We're ready to take over. We're going to invest 10 years with $700 billion for schools, you'd be like, what? Yeah, we're not fucking around anymore. Yeah. We're ready to take over.
Starting point is 01:57:26 We're going to invest 10 years with $700 billion a year in a school system. Man, that sounds nice, right? Right. What do you think the education budget is for the country, if you had to guess? What's the overall public education budget in the United States, primary through high school? I never thought about it. That's awesome. We go with $600 billion for the military.
Starting point is 01:57:48 I'm going to go with $100 billion. I'll go $100 million. $100 million. As of 2011, discretionary budget was $70 billion. Whoa. That's up from... Education budget?
Starting point is 01:58:03 Yeah, 2006, it was $56 billion. Huh. So it's higher than it has been in the past. $70 billion, and what does that cover? There's too many fucking people. Yeah, I would say that what it covers... What it's supposed to cover and what it actually covers is a different thing. What's it supposed to cover?
Starting point is 01:58:23 I'll have to look deep into that. You just said there's too many people. There's so many people. So check this out. I think the same thing, right? And I did some slight research.
Starting point is 01:58:35 1955, I think it was. Guess what the population of the planet was. Oh, we did that the other day. It was like 2 billion. Right. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:44 Two and a half. Yeah. Two and a half half billion and now we're at seven and a half billion well we went with them when i was in high school we went with like 85 i think it was five billion so just since 1985 to today it's gone up doubled from from almost from the 50s and now it's we've added another half to that 50% to that. So many people. But like, like I was thinking about that and I'm like looking at it and like, if we're,
Starting point is 01:59:11 if it's exponential, right. In 50 years, we will have nearly 20 billion people on this planet. Yeah. That's crazy. That's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Everybody, everywhere is going to look like Los Angeles. Like imagine if there was still like, I, like, 18, in the 1800s, there were, like, still millions of people on the planet. Not billions. Here it is right here. The president's 2017 budget provides $69.4 billion in discretionary funding. Is that, but that's education? Yes, this is for the education.
Starting point is 01:59:42 Education bill? Yeah. $139.7 billion in new mandatory funding for the U.S. Department of Education. The budget supports implementation of every Student Succeeds Act, which embraces many of the reforms in the administration along. Has long supported to improve outcomes for all students. It also makes crucial investments that build the administration's work to advance educational equity and excellence, support teachers and school leaders, promote college affordability and completion. These include, I think college should be free.
Starting point is 02:00:13 I think we could figure out how to make college free. I'm with Bernie Sanders on that. It's a rare thing. I just don't think you should be in fucking debt up to your asshole by the time you get out of school. I think it's crazy. It's a fucked up way to start your life. And people are like, well, you want to make a list that separates the people that really want it and the people that get out of school. I think it's crazy. It's a fucked up way to start your life. And people are like, well, you want to make a living? It separates the people that really want it
Starting point is 02:00:27 and the people that, no, bullshit. You get stuck in debt and you can't even get out of that debt. It's not even regular debt. It's blood debt. It's some weird debt. But doesn't having a more educated society help everybody in the long run?
Starting point is 02:00:42 Sure. Everybody would make more money. everybody would make more money. Everybody would make more money. Yeah. Like, I don't get that. Half less losers. But you would have to, like, make sure that whoever the fuck is teaching these kids, like, you'd have to be real stringent with what you're letting get pushed through if you're
Starting point is 02:00:59 going to throw that much money on it. There's a lot of shitbag teachers out there. We'd have to clean that up. You know, a lot of people. Hey, there's a lot of shitbag teachers out there. We'd have to clean that up. You know, a lot of people. Hey, there's a lot of shitbag teachers out there and now they want to give them guns. That's the dumbest shit of all time. I'm like,
Starting point is 02:01:13 That's the dumbest shit of all time. That is the dumbest shit of all time. You can't expect teachers to become soldiers. That's crazy. That's not what they do. They're not warriors. They shouldn't be out there having firefights with pilled up,
Starting point is 02:01:24 you know, former high school students. Yeah. It's fucking insane. I don't know what the solution to that is, honestly. I do not know what the solution is. You know, the NRA thinks it's having guns everywhere. The anti-Second Amendment people think it's getting all the guns away.
Starting point is 02:01:42 But you're not going to get all the guns away. The thing about people say guns don't kill people, people kill people. I'm like, no, people with guns kill people. They definitely do. Here's exactly how much the government would have to spend to make public college tuition free. How much? What do you think it is? Okay, let me guess.
Starting point is 02:01:56 One trillion a year. Way, way, way less. Way less? Yeah, I would say. Really? That's according to this article. Okay, what does it say? About a billion?
Starting point is 02:02:06 Well, what is the website? The Atlantic? The Atlantic, yeah. Okay, that's a left-leaning website, but they're not ridiculous. Yeah, it got updated. So the article says $62.6 billion, a mere 62. But there's updates on the bottom of the article that said that's... Some readers say that's in addition to what they already spend,
Starting point is 02:02:24 so that makes it maybe double. Well, you you know here's one way they'd make it really fucking cheap have it available for free online everybody should be able to get an education online that's i really firmly believe that i think they should have courses that you could just sign up and take them like a regular college course. You don't have to be in a physical location anymore. That's so retro. That's so unnecessary. Get in your car and get to traffic and go to UCLA. The only thing good about that is you're in the room with someone like a Jordan Peterson or some really good professor that's really inspirational,
Starting point is 02:02:57 and you're in there with them. They talk to you, and you're like, oh, okay. And you get to be in their presence and see, oh, this guy was probably my age one day, and he figured all this shit out. And like, oh, maybe some extra juice to that. I used to have a bookmark saved. I think it was Harvard. It was a long list of recorded lectures that were from any class, I think.
Starting point is 02:03:16 There probably was a limit to what they were doing. It's definitely not accessible anymore, especially for the public. But it was fully accessible to anybody that wanted it. That's why I had it saved. I don't know joe i mean when i think about that like i said earlier like all these formulas fit into different things you say that and it's like you can be at home looking at them on the screen right and um learning versus being in the same room and it's like yeah but like you could also go to a strip club and watch strippers dance, or you could be at home watching them porn.
Starting point is 02:03:47 And when you're at home watching them, you're going to pull it out and rip one. Mm. You know? Right. So you're saying that if you get your education home, you're just going to beat off? That's a real problem. You know, Louis C.K. was saying once that he has a computer that he writes on that's not connected to the internet because he just can't get distracted and force himself to. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:04:14 The problem is the distraction. With having access to everything right there. That's true. But you also have to be disciplined. That's the biggest part. It's discipline. It's discipline. It's discipline. And that goes back to what I believe.
Starting point is 02:04:27 That ties back into what I was saying before about all this entertainment out there. Everybody's it is always like scratching at you. Like, hey, pay attention to me. Give me something to do. So this is some online So they allow you to study the pyramids of Giza, ancient Egyptian art and archaeology, and it's free. Yeah, this is a whole course on it for free. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 02:04:47 There's a bunch of them. How many courses do they have that are available for free? Tons. I don't know. Nice. I just clicked one that looked interesting, too. Excellent. They have a methadone.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Oh, medicine. I was like, what are you giving people? They get methadone online. Yeah, what? All these courses you could take. Oh, that's nice. And the problem is you don't get credentialed. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:05:04 So if somebody wants you to have a job for it, you can't show them, like, I took this free course and passed it. That seems to be less and less of a factor in the future. I think having a degree is going to mean less than it means now. I think so. I feel like with the Internet,
Starting point is 02:05:22 if you have the right guidance, you can have the syllabus from a college course right and you have the internet without getting the paper that says you you've done it you can literally learn what you would learn in a classroom you should have to take a test for the job you do like say if you're a car stereo installation person you should have a real deep knowledge of the electrical systems in an automobile and what electronics sync up with that and how it works well and what makes them
Starting point is 02:05:51 work and how does a radio detector work? How does a CD player work? You should have to take a test based on whatever the job it is you're interested in. And if you want to be a doctor, obviously we're talking about different ball wax. Then you should have a full understanding of humans. You're cutting people open and draining their shins and shit.
Starting point is 02:06:10 You should have a real deep understanding of the human body. But like, how does that do you any good if you want to be a mechanic or if you want to be, you know, whatever the fuck you do for a living, there should be a way where you could, like if you're an advertising executive, you should for a living there should be a way where you could like if you're an advertising executive you should take a test to find out how much you know about the advertising business and there's a lot of shit that you don't need to know that you went to school for there's a degree yeah there's there's some weird things that go along with that though it's like um you have all these things that you have to to take courses to graduate. Yeah, to get a general education.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Yeah, you have to get a general education. Which is a good thing, right? Yeah, definitely. You want people to understand. You want to understand the world, right? But there are things that are more important. You can take that back to high school, and we can talk about, like, everybody knows the Pythagorean theorem in high school, but you can't do your taxes. And you start working.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Most people start working at, like, 16. You can't do your taxes. And you start working. Most people start working at like 16. When you start working at McDonald's or Gap or something at 16, 17, you're still paying taxes at the end of the year. So doing that in February and March in school, in your math classes, how is that not something that happens? Right. You know, it's just it's one of these weird situations where the education is important. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:33 But let's learn the things that actually apply to life. Yeah. I feel like you should get out of high school with a basic understanding of most things. Yes. Right. Like general education, high school makes sense. Right. But I feel like once you get into college, whatever the fuck you're trying to pursue, it should be very specified, very specific to whatever the fuck your business is.
Starting point is 02:07:54 You don't need to take gender studies classes. But also, you probably don't necessarily need all the textbook knowledge because there's certain jobs that actual experience matters more than the textbook knowledge you you i don't i couldn't tell you exactly which ones well how about what jamie does is a problem with exactly job he went to school to be an audio engineer but all that shit that you use back then that shit's all useless how much of is useless i mean the hardest test i think I took was after we were all done was for Pro Tools. It's basically for a computer program.
Starting point is 02:08:29 They get certified that you know this program very well, like what's almost what you're explaining. That program is like version six of the program. It was, back then, I think they were updating it maybe once every two years. It's been updated like four times this year, probably. And they're on level like 11 now. So it's like completely useless four times this year probably. And they're on level like 11 now. So it's completely useless that I know all that. They've updated
Starting point is 02:08:47 all of the limits are completely like unlimited things now. So it doesn't even matter that you know all that. So someone getting out of school with just the education that you got in school literally can't do it today. You'd have to go back and do it again sort of. They offer that at the school. You can go back and Refresher?
Starting point is 02:09:04 Right, yeah. For free. That's part of the benefit of going to this school, I would say. But to have the time and the ability to go back to Florida and stay there for a month so I could go take that class. I can't take a month off of this to do it. Who's going to pay for my apartment down there and here? It's a really tough situation you put yourself in. That's a lot with a lot of anything that has to do with technology technology right where it's constantly moving it's changing and and the thing about technology it's like if like there's some savants in that you know there are these kids and these
Starting point is 02:09:34 people that that pick up on technology and they understand it so well and they have no formal education with no real formal education right technology is one of those things that I especially I feel like it's the most apparent thing where you don't have to go to school you have to have the experience yeah and you have to be engrossed in whatever the subject is exactly yeah but then again it comes back to what we're talking about with discipline like how much time do you want to spend to work on things and look that's applicable to finding like Like you knew so many people in the gym that just did not put the time into drilling techniques and learning them and really getting a fully comprehensive understanding of why you're supposed to do something a certain way. And they just kind of like listened a little bit, worked out kind of hard,
Starting point is 02:10:18 and maybe they had a little bit of athletic talent, and then they would come back in. But the guys who would stay and drill and think and learn and take notes, those guys always moved past. They always moved further. And also the guys that were willing to do what was uncomfortable, willing to do things that they're not good at. I didn't like it. Like I said, I don't like getting hit.
Starting point is 02:10:42 I didn't like getting hit. I mean, I accept that as a part of the job, but I didn't like it. Like I said, I don't like getting hit. I didn't like getting hit. I mean, I accept that as a part of the job, but I didn't like it. When I first started training, probably for like my first 10, 15 fights, I was like showing up late to practice because boxing was first. Really? I didn't want to spar. I didn't want to get hit. Wow.
Starting point is 02:11:00 And so I was like, well, I don't like getting hit. I got to avoid getting hit, but I got to have things coming at me to learn how to avoid that. So I started showing up on time. I started doing more boxing, and I started doing more boxing. I was like, oh, this is fun. I like this. I'm enjoying this. Same thing with wrestling.
Starting point is 02:11:20 I knew how to sprawl, and I knew how to shoot a double a basic double you know the the 1990s double but um then i started training with tyron then i started training with steve brown and dan valamont and jordan lean and you know these these d1 wrestlers and starting to learn all the other aspects of wrestling there was something i did in the fight with stout where is that ankle breaker i tried to it's not it doesn't actually break your ankle it's just the name of the technique. Where you, I actually watched the tape, and you call it like a standing heel hook, right?
Starting point is 02:11:50 Where I have his ankle, single leg, and I try to trip him and crank his leg down. Yeah. And, like, I would have never done that if I hadn't been wrestling with these kids and learning these things. And there's so much about it, and it just became a whole lot of fun.
Starting point is 02:12:05 Now, like I used to hate wrestling. I used to not want to do it at all. Now, like that's kind of like all I want to do. You see that with everything. You see that with jiu-jitsu guys getting into striking. You see it with strikers getting into the ground game. You see wrestlers getting into striking. Yeah, they just don't want to do it.
Starting point is 02:12:21 And they also particularly don't want to get involved in something they're not really good at. Like if you're a monster at one thing, like if you're a monster on the ground, you don't want to be a white belt at kickboxing, get your legs chewed up and get your nose bloodied every time you spar. And you're covering up in the corner and be like, I can just grab this guy and make him my bitch. And you can't even. You got to just eat shots. You know? Nobody wants that. You saw that a lot with kickboxers in particular that would go into jiu-jitsu class
Starting point is 02:12:49 and just did not like how they would get humbled. They did not like it at all because they were literally starting from scratch. If you don't have a grappling background and you go in there against black belts and killers, they make you feel helpless. They make you feel like you are not safe ever. All they have to do is grab you and it's over.
Starting point is 02:13:08 You're 100% getting choked. That's too fucked up for some people. They can't handle that shit. They feel like, and then that's the case also with like a slow plotting grappler that fights like a dynamic striker and then you have to stand up. And you get leg kicked to death by Edson Barbosa.
Starting point is 02:13:25 Fuck all that. Yeah. Fuck that. I've never been leg kicked to death. But I've taken two or three from Tiago in a practice when I first started training an American top team. I was like, I feel good about checking kicks. I'm comfortable there.
Starting point is 02:13:44 But he landed a couple. I was like, yeah, fuck that.. You know, I'm comfortable there, but he landed a couple hours Oh, yeah, fuck that. I'm like so I would work with Tiago a lot and I feel comfortable now checking kicks You might get one might get two off, but I'm not gonna let I'm not yet letting you do that to me. He had a good Whipping right leg to he would whip it in there, you know Like his his kick was like super textbook man man, especially when he was in his prime. He would throw that jab. He would either throw a one-two or a jab and then just slam that right leg in there. Like he's hopping into it.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Whoa. I feel like Edson Barbosa is like the 2.0 with Tiago Alves. He's a little faster. Edson Barbosa is like the 2.0 with Tiago Alves, you know? He's a little faster. Yeah. Edson's stunning. Like, especially that switch kick. He throws that switch kick, and you're like, what? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:37 His left leg switch kick is probably the fastest kick I've ever seen anybody throw from that stance. I'd love to see, like, something lined up where you time, like, a regular person, a southpaws. Right. Right kick. I'm sorry, their left kick. Yeah. And you time his switch kick to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:51 Or also put his up against somebody else's switch kick. He's got like a Muay Thai world championship caliber switch kick. Yeah. Like you see like a real high level Thai boxer, they've got that same kind of speed to it. You watch his and you're like, there's no comparison in the octagon. You're not countering that. You'd be lucky to react in time. You're just taking it.
Starting point is 02:15:09 You're just taking it. It's real quick. Yeah, but again, we go back to that Nurmagomedov fight. As good as he was, he got fucking mauled. Yeah. That's what's really crazy because he didn't get mauled in the Ferguson fight. It was a good fight. It was a good fight.
Starting point is 02:15:23 Ferguson was winning. It was a good fight until Tony caught him with the darts and sunk that choke in but then again that's a few years too yeah definitely say that barbosa might be better everybody should be better all three of those guys should be getting better at this point yeah yeah um but yeah it's it's it's dangerous and i would like to see i mean barbosa, he's shown improvement after that. After every loss that he had, he showed improvement after the Tony loss. So this fight with Kevin Lee, let's see. That's right into the fucking heart of things, too. Like right out of the frying pan, right into the fire.
Starting point is 02:15:58 For both guys, though. Fuck yeah, for both guys. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Kind of crazy. Kevin Lee might get beat up in that one. Oh, yeah, man. He might get wheel kicked. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:08 You know, he might get Terry Edom'd. Remember that fight? Yeah. Isn't that crazy that that was the first time a wheel kick ever landed in a UFC fight? First wheel kick KO. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. I think Seth Petruzzelli landed a wheel kick, but he didn't knock anybody out with it.
Starting point is 02:16:22 You needed someone with that kind of speed, though. Yeah. Woo! Because the game has changed. But then, you know, Vitor landed on a rock hold. A bunch of people have landed wheel kicks since then. But that one wheel kick was so crazy. It was so perfect.
Starting point is 02:16:35 It landed right on the jaw and just shut the lights out. Man, he went down like a tree. Yeah, he was out going down. That was in Brazil. I don't know.bosa is a fun guy to watch man i'm excited to be on the desk for that one yeah um it's a good fight especially those two fights um like i i love watching cub and frankie fight like i still feel the same way about yeah about i think i would love to see that later i'm not necessarily even love to see i i'm
Starting point is 02:17:03 not crazy about the fight in the sense that i've seen it once and it could go that way again. But I am excited to see the improvements if Cub is able to make any adjustments going into that one. But it's not a necessary thing. There's some fights that I don't like them just for the mathematics of the fight. Like Dustin Poirier and Gaethje, I love Dustin. He's my boy, right? But I don't like it because Dustin and Eddie, the fight with Dustin and Eddie, the fight was going one way.
Starting point is 02:17:34 There was a, was it called a no contest for a disqualification? I'm like, I disagree with that. I know I'm biased, but I feel like my argument is strong in that the ref, Herb, came back to the locker rooms and he explained to us that we're using the old rules. So if by the old rules,
Starting point is 02:17:53 all three of those knees were illegal, right? It doesn't matter if it was intentional. It matters if it's illegal. That's the way I understand the rules. So that's my thing. So you feel like it should be disqualified and should be a loss. Right.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Yeah. I think that's a real good argument it's a real good argument and I don't think Eddie's a dirty fighter no but I do think Dustin was winning that fight up until those moments yeah I agree he had hurt Eddie and he stunned him on several occasions Eddie came back and cracked him there was a lot going on in that fight but fight. But those knees were supposed to be a disqualification for something like that. And that's what the whole idea is about doing something illegal. You do something illegal and the guy gets really hurt from it. That's illegal. You weren't supposed to do it. It's a disqualification.
Starting point is 02:18:37 I think he's in the heat of the moment. He probably didn't even know whether it was legal or not. He was just trying to land knees. Who knows? He's been rocked. You've got to put that into account as well. He got hurt real bad in that fight. it was legal or not legal he's just trying to land knees yeah who knows he's been rocked i mean you got to put that into uh account as well he got hurt real bad in that fight dustin cracked him yeah yeah like so mathematically would you like to see the rematch i would like to see the rematch
Starting point is 02:18:57 um definitely i mean dustin was was lobbying for the rematch also and then on top of that mathematically i feel like it doesn't make sense because Eddie just beat Gaethje. Right. So it's like this disqualification happened and this one guy got to step up the ladder. Right. But now if you want to step up the ladder, you have to do exactly what he did. Right. That's a good point.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Yeah. That's a good point. Well, that essentially is solidifying the position as a no contest, right? Because you're making you think he should have won. I tend to agree with you, and you think that he should have a better position. Yeah, I think a rematch would be the way to go, but I still want to see that fight. I've got to be honest with you. As a fight fan?
Starting point is 02:19:40 Yeah. Gaethje Poirier? Ooh. Gaethje's an interesting guy. Yeah. Tough motherfucker. And he throws leg kicks from like a foot away from you. He's like right on top of you and he swivels his hips and chops down with that leg.
Starting point is 02:19:54 He doesn't care about getting ran over with a takedown either. Mm-mm. Well, he's a very good wrestler. Yeah. Very good wrestler that chooses to stand and bang. You know, and just breaks guys with his will then Michael Johnson fight
Starting point is 02:20:06 holy shit holy shit when you stop and think about that right after I said that I'm like god damn Michael Johnson's been in some fucking wars
Starting point is 02:20:14 yeah he has he's been in some wars with um with Ferguson I mean well he beat up Tony a bit um but Johnson
Starting point is 02:20:23 Johnson's one of those guys you can't count out either. But his inconsistency is what throws me off. Yeah. He's oftentimes very good, like in the Poirier fight, when he knocked out Dustin. He's very good in that fight. And, you know, and then he's had his moments, but then Elkins just takes him down and strangles him.
Starting point is 02:20:42 It's like, wow. I wonder if that cut had anything to do with it, you know? Did he get cut in that fight before? No, the weight cut, I'm sorry. Oh, the weight cut. Just making 45 for the first time. He could very well be. I mean, he looked real lean, real lean.
Starting point is 02:20:55 Who knows how he felt. Doing it for the first time is probably real hard. Is he doing it again, or is he going to go back up to 55? I have not heard. I mean, it may be out there, but I haven't heard anything about it as far as if he's going back to 55 or not what's the most you ever cut um i didn't know what i was doing the first time i made 154 to fight rumen asado i thought i caught 17 pounds in a day whoa um that was ridiculous did you have to fight day of or day after next day after how'd you rehydrate
Starting point is 02:21:26 did you use ivy bags no i i didn't i drank pedialyte did it work i don't know the fight didn't last very long it's all it's on fight pass and it's it's hard to see but as the fight happens i throw a jab and i hit sato as he's coming in i turn his head over and bang as he's coming in we clash heads and i go to my knees and i get up and i grab the ropes and i'm just holding on to the ropes and the ref is like screaming at me slap my ass telling me to get off the ropes and i'm just looking at him like what are you talking about and then he jumps on my back and he starts choking and i'm fighting and um i'm falling back and one of the ropes peels my hands off and he just sinks in the choke. All happens in like 20 seconds.
Starting point is 02:22:07 Wow. But like, I, after learning about rehydration, I didn't know anything. This is like 1999. Right. You know,
Starting point is 02:22:14 after learning, this is the first time I fought at 55. After learning about rehydration and the brain and all that, I'm like, was I out from that? Like,
Starting point is 02:22:24 I, this was when I was a kid. I don't care anymore about the result. But'm like was was i out from that like i'm i this was when i was a kid i don't care anymore about the result but i'm like was i out you know was i was i semi-con i don't remember any of that but i watch it on tape and i see it and i know what happens but i don't know yeah so you don't know how much of a weakened state you were in because it was such a quick fight you didn't get a chance to assess how your body how did you feel like walking to the ring do you remember i remember feeling good but i was uh i was uh 20 something like 21 year old maybe fighting um a guy who i look up to in a main event in hawaii on a show on super brawl you know super brawl super brawl has some great
Starting point is 02:23:02 fucking fights man yeah like that's that's old school, you know? Remember Egan Inouye versus Mayhem Miller? Yep. Holy shit. Egan gets Mayhem into Kimura. Mayhem keeps rolling out of it with those impossible joints. Damn. Super Brawl has great fights.
Starting point is 02:23:19 Wasn't that Vitor's debut against John Hess? Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Shaq was in the audience. Remember Shaq jumps up to celebrate? I don't remember that. Yeah. Vitor lit John Hess. Yup. Yeah. Yeah. Shaq was in the audience. Remember Shaq jumps up to celebrate? I don't remember that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:27 Vitor lit John Hess up. That's when John Hess was like one of the last remaining bullshit artists. He was a SAFTA guy. Yup. Like street combat. Like one of those guys poking people in the eyes and shit. That's what he basically did in his UFC debut. He poked the shit out of some guy he fought.
Starting point is 02:23:44 So he fought some short guy and poked him in the eyes. Well, yeah, this is Vitor. This is back up a little bit. There wasn't much there. Yeah, but just back up a little bit because this is right before the fight starts. Yeah, there. Let it go here. Oh, it starts with a beating.
Starting point is 02:23:57 The video's a weird video. Oh, okay. Look at this. Look at that. Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. Look at him. He's out. Yeah, that was super fast, Vitor. I was training with Vitor then. Oh, yeah?, doom, doom, doom, doom. Look at him. He's out. Yeah, that was super fast Vitor.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I was training with Vitor then. Oh, yeah? Vitor was 19 years old, man. That's when I was at Carlson Gracie's on Hawthorne. It was right down the street from the Comedy Store, man. I was so jealous of Vitor in that UFC Brazil when he fought Vanderlei. Because I was like, this kid's my age. We were born the same year, I guess.
Starting point is 02:24:21 I was like, he's my age. He's already in the UFC. I wish I was 200 pounds. born the same year, I guess. I was like, he's my age. He's already in the UFC. I wish I was 200 pounds. I remember Rod Woodson was his safety for the Pittsburgh Steelers,
Starting point is 02:24:33 and I was like, he's 5'9", 200 pounds. There were only two weight classes back then. This is when he... Trey Tellingman. Yeah, he fought Trey Tellingman. He was only 200 pounds back then, man. When he fought in his UFC debut and he beat the shit out of Scott Ferrozzo, he was only 200 pounds, and he beat the shit out of Scott Ferrozzo He was only 200 pounds And he was shredded Just shredded
Starting point is 02:24:48 Was his UFC debut Ferrozzo Or was it against Vandele Telegman Telegman was his debut Ferrozzo right here That was the second fight of the night This was the first fight that I worked This was in Dothan, Alabama in 1997
Starting point is 02:25:00 When did he fight Vandele He fought Vandele in 96 No 98 I think In Ultimate Ultimate Brazil When did he fight Vanderlei? He fought Vanderlei in 96? No, 98, I think. In Ultimate, Ultimate Brazil. He fought Tank Abbott. This is when Vitor was getting bigger, but he was still fast. He was probably like 215 or 220 then.
Starting point is 02:25:22 And then he fucked up tank abbott um but then as he got older um not older but later it's like here he's still pretty jacked but then when he fought randy couture he got remember this this is joe charles that might have been a fix you ever see that fight yeah he didn't throw any punches they were friends they just grappled got him in an arm bar it's that was like they kind of had a deal here's's the Vandele fight. You got to remember the Vandele fight was when he had slimmed down. It was after Randy had already fucked him up.
Starting point is 02:25:51 Okay, it was after Randy. When Randy fought him, Vitor was 240 and he looked like a lion. He didn't even look like a person. See if you can find Vitor. This is Pride 5. I posted a picture of that a couple months ago about Vitor at that point before the Randy fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:10 Because he had no known weaknesses. Right. That's what it said. No known weaknesses. He lost to Sakuraba in this fight. He hurt his hand. Broke his hand early. And this is also, this is Vitor after his sister got kidnapped and murdered.
Starting point is 02:26:24 He was a different guy then. Sakuraba was so fucking tough too, man. Sakuraba just knew how to survive. See if you can find Vitor versus Randy Couture. Because that's the crazy one. When you just look at his build. Yeah. He was so big, man.
Starting point is 02:26:40 It's like his traps were coming up to his ears. Here it is, right here. This is him versus Randy. So this might be, it says young Vitor Belfort, so it's probably only going to show you the good stuff. Yeah. He was so thick back then. But the thing I remember is like how big his neck was.
Starting point is 02:26:59 Like it started at the top of his head and worked its way down sideways at a 40-degree angle. Those are the Wild West days, man. I mean, how many guys did you fight where you're like, oh, shit, this dude's definitely on the juice? I didn't even think about juice back then. I didn't even know what it was. Really? There's a video on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:27:19 I fought this guy. So, Boss Rootin was coming to Texas, and I was this huge Boss Rootin fan. And he told my coach he was coming. I emailed coach emailed he said i could be there i was supposed to fight in dallas that night i called the guy up in dallas because i had fought for him before and he shorted me on some money i was like i'm not coming up there man i'm not fighting for you and i went to this arena where boss was going to be at and i told the guy hey anybody i walked into the rules meeting i was like if anybody doesn't have an opponent i'll fight and um they gave me a guy that was like two something big jack dude and a big like a man and i was a child my my roommate was like hey did you see your opponent i was like no
Starting point is 02:27:56 he's like man he's like six two he's probably like 220 he's jacked he's like and i was like and boss was like eve eve eve he's drinking he, Eve, you go out there and you fight and you win. I'm going to be like, yeah. You fight and you lose. I'm going to be like, yeah. Fuck these people. They don't understand what it takes to get in there. You don't worry about it.
Starting point is 02:28:16 I will corner you. I was like, I was so excited. It was the coolest fucking thing in the world. Just having boss root in your corner. That's got to be what a motivating factor that is. Right? Like, I was this excited kid. I was watching all these Pankrus
Starting point is 02:28:31 videos. I had pictures of my before I even knew the guy, before I had any idea I'd possibly meet him. I have pictures of myself doing that double front kick in my life. I still have them. It's horrible. And then I meet the guy and he's willing to corner me and whatnot. Yeah. I still have him. It's horrible. But like, and then I meet the guy and he's willing to corner me
Starting point is 02:28:46 and whatnot. Yeah, I'll fight anybody. That's incredible. I'll fight Dan Severn. Dan Severn was out. Like, I'll fight him right now. That is incredible. That's incredible.
Starting point is 02:28:58 That's good, man. Yeah, sorry. You're taking me back. Yeah, man. But that's one of the beautiful things about mma is that especially with a guy like you is you were there for them really at the beginning like the early early early days man you were there when there was no money you know no notoriety no nothing yeah five five shows a year that type of stuff like josh thompson posted a picture a couple
Starting point is 02:29:22 days ago of him and hermes and um hermes franca yeah forgot about that dude that was that was a good fight i remember watching that and thinking like josh as he posted um something about that fight should have made him the number one guy because like we were the guys at that point yeah hermes and josh and when he beat hermes i was like i i gotta fight these guys i want these are the guys I want to fight. And I fought Hermes. And then it was like, that's it. It's just Josh and I, we got to do this. Right.
Starting point is 02:29:50 You know? That highlight kick that you landed on him too was like one of those UFC pre-fight video highlight reel thing. I think they would play with that, the Who song. Yeah, the Bob O'Reilly song. Bob O'Reilly would play and you would land that jumping roundhouse kick to the neck. That was a crazy highlight reel KO finish, man. That's just old school good times, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:16 Those are the guys that I remember those days. I remember when they had that tournament with Dean and Uno and Matt and who was the third guy? BJ. They had that tournament for the belt. And I was like, why am I not in this tournament? I was angry. I was young. I had a little bit less fights than Dean at the time.
Starting point is 02:30:37 A little less experience at that high level anyway. And I was just like, I can fight these guys. I can beat these guys. I had just lost the decision to Uno. I was like, yeah, I know how to be on this level i should be in this i was so pissed and um no i remember those days man those those it's it's fun thinking about them it's fun going back and watching the whole card because like you you start getting these memories of of being around that preparing for those days being on the card and seeing those guys.
Starting point is 02:31:06 You know, the fights were like in Bossier City, Louisiana. You know? Some small town, these small arenas where I'm close to Texas families driving over. And then when I first went to Vegas
Starting point is 02:31:17 to fight, man, that first fight in Vegas was right after 9-11. Empty. The casinos were empty. I remember that. That's when Tito Ortiz fought Vladimir Matyushenko. Maty casinos were empty. I remember that. That's when Tito Ortiz fought Vladimir Matyushenko.
Starting point is 02:31:28 Matyushenko, yeah. I remember that. I was there for that. Yeah. I wasn't even working for the UFC then. No? No.
Starting point is 02:31:34 No, I was there as a guest. I was there watching. And that's one of the... I remember Blotnik was there. Yeah. Yeah. One of the ways I got the job was by becoming...
Starting point is 02:31:43 I became friends with Dana and Dana and I would go to was by I became friends with Dana, and Dana and I would go to dinner, and I'd start asking him questions. I'm like, have you ever seen Genki Sudo? Have you ever seen this guy? Have you ever talked about this guy? What you should try to do is get some of those K1 guys to come over. I would just be telling him all this shit about fighting,
Starting point is 02:32:01 and he was like, you want to do commentary? I was like, I don't want to work, man. He talked me into doing it. That's literally how it happened. Becoming friends with him, talking to him. Oh, and he found some old, he found a video of me on the Keenan Ivory Wayans show talking shit about what would happen if Steven Seagal fought in the Octagon. Yeah, yeah. I vaguely remember that.
Starting point is 02:32:21 Keenan had been in some movie with Steven Seagal, and I was fucking with him about the movie. I was just joking around and mocking it. I remember those rumors of you and Wesley Snipes getting in. That was supposed to happen. It should have happened. Yeah. I think he just needed money, man. I think he just needed tax money.
Starting point is 02:32:39 Yeah. And it was at a point in my life where I was just dumb enough to do it. I was like, I'll do this. I was like, I'll do this. I was like, man, this dude got tapped out by Andy Dick. Weston, you can take it. I got tickled out. Tickling doesn't work, right? No one's ever done that in a fight.
Starting point is 02:32:56 You wouldn't even feel it in a fight. Nah. You wouldn't even feel it. If someone wasted time, like, come on, come on. You just hit him. Just elbow right in the mouth. You're that close. Imagine if someone was so ticklish, come on, come on. You just hit them. It's just elbow right in the mouth. You're that close.
Starting point is 02:33:09 Imagine if someone was so ticklish that you could open up a submission. Like a ticklishness could open up a submission. That's horrible. You know what? You might be, like if someone's turtled up, you know, and you're in the back, you can hit that rib tickle. Right. Maybe. I'm going to try that in the gym. Yeah, in the gym it might work.
Starting point is 02:33:23 I'm going to try to rib tickle somebody in the gym and I get their back next time. Has anybody, here's a question, has anybody ever knocked a guy out where someone's on your back and you hit them with one of these and knock them out? I've never seen that. I've never seen it either. But I've seen people keep trying it. They keep trying it. Right? I don't think anybody's ever knocked anybody out with that.
Starting point is 02:33:42 Can you practice that? Could you get a guy to ride your back with the pads on? And he would hold up pads and you would fucking... That sounds dumb as shit. Sounds dumb as shit. Yeah. Right? I wouldn't do that. But you know what does work that you can't do?
Starting point is 02:34:01 Head butting. Yeah. Like if a guy's on your back and if you got wrist control and you smash your head into his head that is a legitimate technique you're smashing the back of your head into his nose that's legit yeah that's legit but it's a headbutt it's a headbutt it's illegal but it opens up the rear naked yeah but it's a good it's not the best defense the best defense is proper jujitsu defense but there's something to headbutting someone who's got your back that it's another thing they have to think about yeah but if you allowed headbutts then you would allow the ultimate move from the rear
Starting point is 02:34:38 naked choke position which is him elbowing you in the back of the head that's the ultimate move yeah that changes the whole position yeah but also head. That's the ultimate move. Yeah. That changes the whole position. Yeah, but also headbutts change the guard position too. Remember Mark Coleman when he fought Maury Smith? In those old days, Coleman would get on top of guys and just smash his fucking head right into your nose. There was an event from Australia from way back in the day, from I think the late 90s, where this guy won one of his fights in the tournament, maybe a couple fights from inside the guard headbutting. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:35:09 And then I remember that. Remember the guy who put his chin in the guy's eye socket? Mark Kerr. That was Kerr? Kerr did that. Dan Bobish. Dan Bobish. Got on top of him, got the back of his head,
Starting point is 02:35:20 stuffed his chin into his eye socket, and lifted up the back of his head and crushed his chin into his eyeball. Yikes. That's gross. That's as gross as it gets. It's horrible. Man, I've seen a lot of those from the old school. There was these things that would happen that would never happen today.
Starting point is 02:35:38 Right. And it's fun to watch some of that old stuff. Look at this guy. He's just running in. Wow, that's crazy. Is that going to work? That's Oleg Taktarov. It looks like it.
Starting point is 02:35:53 The guy on the right, for a second I thought it was Oleg. Right? No, he would never do something like that. That's a question I like to ask young. When they ask rappers, what do you think of Run DMC? That's a question. That's a name that I'll drop on young fighters. Like Oleg Taktarov or Jerry Bolander or something like that. Jerry Bolander.
Starting point is 02:36:10 You know. Yeah, Jerry Bolander became a cop. Yeah. Wilson Govea became a cop too. Did he? Yeah. He's like a SWAT cop. No shit.
Starting point is 02:36:18 Yeah. He's a talented guy. He's like one of the baddest SWAT cops on the force I hear. Yeah, I would imagine. He was a talented guy. Yeah. He was a the baddest SWAT cops on the force, I hear. Yeah, I would imagine. He was a talented guy. Yeah. He was a guy that I was kind of surprised didn't go further. Wilson was one of those guys who I believe couldn't put it together inside the octagon as well as he could in the gym.
Starting point is 02:36:40 And also had a little bit, he could have put more effort into preparing. Yeah, well, that's oftentimes the case. The difference between someone who just does fantastic and someone who just doesn't quite, just someone who falls off short. Yeah, I think it also comes from like, you know, the way you come up in the sport. Some of these guys, they come up and they're the best guy in their in their area for a long time and um you kind of get this attitude or this you start developing this persona of like i don't have to do all that work because like i'm not even doing that much and i'm still smashing everybody in here well that's where it's crazy about a guy like john jones he actually can
Starting point is 02:37:21 do that yeah right he's one of the rare guys that actually can do that man I like I wonder how much money he's left on the table with with all these problems especially with the attention that Connors brought to the sport yeah and a guy like John Jones yeah you know I know it's good as he is good as he is and it And I feel like for the longest time, too, he was trying to push this goody two-shoes image. And everybody was like, well, that's not you. This is fake. And then all of his problems sort of forced him to just be himself. And then people were like, we like you more now.
Starting point is 02:37:56 Yeah. And then he winds up testing positive for something else, which I believe him. It was accidental. I believe that it was accidental in this in this case because it doesn't make any sense any other way because if you look at how he tested positive and what he tested positive for and how recently tested negative before that and how recently afterwards he tested negative you're talking about something that was a such a miniscule trace amount there's
Starting point is 02:38:22 no way you could consider taking something like that and having it have some sort of positive effect, performance-enhancing effect. Now, was that the substance? Is it oral? Can it be taken orally? Yeah, it can be taken orally. Okay. So I've heard, and I don't know how true this is.
Starting point is 02:38:39 I would expect it to be somewhat true, but I've heard in in boxing you know you um main eventers they've had these these issues where they would only they would provide their own food because they don't trust the staff right for somebody you know yeah spiking their food or something so so i don't um i mean that sounds far-fetched but it also sounds to some degree reasonable um his position was weakened by his testimony in the california state athletic commission hearing because um first of all he said that malke had forged a signature on one of the documents on one of the things that he was
Starting point is 02:39:15 supposed to have gone over like what you can and can't i don't know i think it was a usada paperwork or maybe it was californiaic Commission paperwork, he apparently admitted that his manager forged a signature. And they asked him, have you ever considered getting a new manager? Yeah. And he joked around about, yeah, he has. He said, no, I'm just kidding. But that's not good. And then there was a bunch of stuff in, like,
Starting point is 02:39:41 what he provided as a possible source of that stuff you know like he didn't he didn't have any these a lot of the things that he provided as a source of stuff in his list of stuff that he had taken yeah you know there's a lot going on there man but the real problem is like John at one point in time was being represented by Nike I mean he was representing Nike he was he had a huge Nike contract yeah that's and that's huge I mean, he was representing Nike. He had a huge Nike contract. Yeah, and that's huge. God damn, that was giant because that was pre-Rebok too.
Starting point is 02:40:10 That was the pre-Rebok days where he would have got all the juice. He would have got it all. And, you know, the coulda, shoulda, woulda shit goes on forever. And on top of that, the coulda, woulda, shoulda of that being pre-Rebok and it being Nike with everything that's come to the sport since then, imagine if John, like, he could like, he could've done a, gone a Jordan
Starting point is 02:40:33 route in some sense, you know? Yeah. Where he's got, like, a whole line of John Jones MMA type shit that's Nike's behind. For sure. You know? He could be the heavyweight champion right now. Who knows? I mean, who knows? He could absolutely, absolutely he could be in a super fight with Stipe. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:49 Absolutely. 100%. Absolutely. That would be a huge fucking fight, man, for MMA. John coming up to heavyweight. I mean, it's a huge fight with DC coming up to heavyweight. Yes. And the only guy to have a best him is John.
Starting point is 02:41:04 Yeah. And not just best him. He KO'dweight. Yes. You know? And the only guy to have a best him is John. Yeah. And not just best him, he KO'd him. Yeah. You know? I mean, he hit him with that left high kick that DC said, you're not going to hit me with that left kick. Yeah. He literally said that because he was saying he exposes some tendencies.
Starting point is 02:41:15 He's like, oh, you mean the left kick? You're not going to hit me with that left high kick. And then, boom, he lands the left high kick. Wow. Is that like the Titanic? A little bit. Like, it only sank because they said it wouldn't yeah maybe a little bit that's kind of crazy yeah we um a couple a couple
Starting point is 02:41:32 weeks ago i saw you at the comedy store and you asked me about your boy brendan yeah and like you you would ask me about you let's explain the the whole thing to people that don't know the story. Brendan said something where he was talking about UFC Tonight. Right? It's UFC Tonight? Yeah. Well, he was talking about the Fox panel. The Fox panel. And he said something about, I get it, Fox, you're not racist.
Starting point is 02:41:59 Like saying that you have a bunch of black people on it because they're not racist. Yeah. Because they're not racist yeah and because they're not racist um myself tyron and and karen bryant were the three that were on the desk that day but also a lot of times rashad a lot of times dc yeah um and so it was like all right but are you checking off boxes because are these the best brains and the best speakers for the job right and it was like and you know i some people see the point that he was trying to make the point that he claims that he was trying to make um but the thing is when you when you start when you start in on this race thing you you're saying effectively that these there's a person or a group of these people are only there because of the color of their skin.
Starting point is 02:42:46 Right. You could you could say all of that without without the whole I get it. You're not racist. You're are you checking off boxes or whatever. Right. Because if that doesn't matter to the question or the point that you're trying to make, then why bring it up? Right. You know, that's I feel like I know Brendan very well.
Starting point is 02:43:04 I love him. He's one of my best friends he's definitely not a racist but he definitely talks too much yeah and i don't mean that in a bad way like he talks too much i mean like he says he has too many podcasts and too many things and you say things and i'm i'm a hundred percent guilty of this you say things and you're like why do you even say that and then all of a sudden you're defending it and then you're you're like, why did he even say that? And then all of a sudden you're defending it, and then you're caught up in a wave of just trying to sort out what you're saying without someone being there to say, well, look, here's the thing. Tyron Woodley, UFC welterweight world champion. Eve Edwards, arguably the best 155er in the world at one point in time.
Starting point is 02:43:44 Massive veteran of the sport. You can go down the list. Rashad Evans, former light heavyweight champion. I mean, you're talking about top flight champions, former champions, elite mixed martial artists. But you also have Bisping. You also have Paul Felder. You also have Kenny.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Yeah, Kenny Florian. They're just elite, top of the food chain fighters and analysts i think it was a bad path to go down i don't think it made sense i just i think he thought it made sense in his head when he was saying it i think maybe he was trying to be controversial maybe just i don't know you know it didn't make sense to me yeah it didn't make sense to me either but like my my thing about it wasn't okay you're being racist right um like it's it's a thing when you bring race into the to the situation to right but my thing wasn't you're racist because you say this my thing was you're saying that I'm in this position because I'm not good enough right you're saying that I'm only here because of affirmative action or whatever you want to
Starting point is 02:44:46 call it. You know, there's not a quality to my work. And that's where I'm like, yeah, fuck that. That's not the case. I know that I'm good at the sport. I understand the sport. And I'm good at explaining what I see. Right.
Starting point is 02:44:59 And who would, you know, the other thing is like, who would replace them? Is there white people that are missing out? Yeah. On the gig? Yeah. Like who's not getting the job? Everybody went to an audition. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:12 Who's not getting the job though? Is there like someone who's like, wow, this guy really speaks really well, but they're holding him down because he's white? Has that even happened? Yeah. Some people that probably like that to happen, but I don't think that's actually happened. Yeah. I agree completely. So we kind of went through that, you know, I, um, he sent me a message, he apologized about that.
Starting point is 02:45:31 And I was like, cool. Like my thing was not about the race thing. My thing was you said these things and you're either saying somebody or a group of people up there aren't qualified for the job. You're insinuating that a group of people that you belong to are not qualified to the job. So that's where I was coming from with it. And then I thought it was squash. But then he said some other stuff after that.
Starting point is 02:45:57 And that's where I'm like, man. What did he say afterwards? I forget the guy's name. Sorry, I remember. Luke Thomas, right? He was on this guy Luke Thomas' show. And he's saying stuff. He's specifically talking about me now. He's like, yeah, I forget the guy's name. Luke, sorry, I remember. Luke Thomas, right? He was on this guy, Luke Thomas' show. And he's saying stuff. He's specifically talking about me now.
Starting point is 02:46:08 He's like, yeah, I talk to them. We're all friends. I talk to Eve. And he's like, well, see, Eve, this is something Eve sees in himself. And I'm just like, man, you're not. Is that really what he said? Yeah. Like, I feel like that's something Eve sees in himself.
Starting point is 02:46:22 He was aggressive. And this, you know, he said he was emotional and this and that. I'm like, I never said to you I was emotional. None of these things. So like this bus is coming, you're waiting to throw me in front of it or some shit like that. And I'm like, yeah, no, that's not cool, man. Like we're not friends. We know each other.
Starting point is 02:46:39 The extent of our friendship is like a UFC last summer, I saw Brendan across the aisle and some guy rolled up on him and was talking to him for like 10 minutes and I'm looking back and I could see Brendan's like trapped because I'm like let me let me go try and help him out so I go over there and I start talking to Brendan and then the dude just hangs out I talked to Brendan for about five ten minutes and then the dude just hanging out behind us and I'm just like that's all I got man I'm going back to my seat you know and the guy the guy jumps right back in. And the guy jumps right back in. That's the extent of it. I've seen him at different places beyond that.
Starting point is 02:47:08 You know, Brian and I are cool, so I've seen him sometimes when I've seen Brian. But, like, we're not boys. We don't know each other like that. And you're not a psychologist. You're not a psychiatrist. So you're not qualified to be speaking on my mental state. I didn't know that he said that. I feel like now that I'm remembering it, you might have brought that up at the comedy store the other night it didn't make any sense it doesn't make any i'm brendan's friend
Starting point is 02:47:28 and i can't defend him on that because it doesn't make any sense it just didn't it doesn't make any sense yeah but sometimes he says that doesn't make sense and maybe if you were in the room with him he wouldn't have said it or maybe he would have said it better or maybe he would have you know said are these really the best minds? But here's the argument. If they're not, who are? Like, you really, if you say, are these really the best minds, you really should provide better alternatives. So who are the better alternatives?
Starting point is 02:47:56 Who's the better alternative? I mean, there's a bunch of really good guys online. Brendan Dorman does some really good stuff. Lawrence Kenshin does some really good stuff about analyzing stuff. I don't know how good they are on camera. Lawrence Kenshin does some really good stuff about analyzing stuff. I don't know how good they are on camera. There's a bunch of people that do good. Robin Black does some real good breakdowns and stuff like that. I mean, maybe there's an argument that he would do a great job at something like that for sure.
Starting point is 02:48:15 But you've got to provide. It's not like there's some overwhelming absence of the best guys where they're saying, hey, why are you going with these black guys instead of going with the best guys where they're saying hey why are you going with these black guys instead of going with the best guys why don't you have blah blah blah there's no blah blah blah like there's no guy out there yeah you know i'm saying like who would that guy be i have no idea but there's also a formula i mean like you and jimmy smith kind of are the exception to the formula and the formula is to have you know the the color guy and the play-by-play guy and the play-by-play guy is usually the one with the actual experience
Starting point is 02:48:49 you've been doing it so long you're as close to having the experience as anybody can without having it yeah you know and jimmy's right there next to you and that jimmy's actually more experienced than me because he's fought mma right yeah he's had some he's had a couple of fights yeah right not at that level but he understands understands Robin Black has had like two or three fights. You know, so that's the formula, though. You know, Karen is on the other side of that. Karen's her role is similar to Goldie's, you know. She is the the person that that asked the questions that has an idea but doesn't have the experience. She represents the fan for the most part.
Starting point is 02:49:29 She does it in a non-robotic way, which is very important. For the person watching, if you've got some guy who's like a radio DJ coming at you, those people, they know how to say the right words and they can do it and seem professional, but you're not smooth. Whereas Karen knows how to be words and they can do it and seem professional but you don't it's you're not smooth
Starting point is 02:49:45 whereas karen knows how to be fun and she can be loose and she's non-robotic while she's knowledgeable professional yeah she has a knowledge of the sport to some degree and a passion for it exactly the passion is what makes it makes it even more out of her you know yeah i was watching uh nfl the other day and i was watching it was Was it with you? Whatever it was where I was like, is that girl really the best person to be interviewing these fucking giants? Wasn't you? I was like, is that girl really know? You've seen that, but she's hot or something.
Starting point is 02:50:12 Yeah, she's hot as fuck. I was like, does she really know about football? Or is this just a gig because she wants to be famous? You know what I mean? There's a lot of those. Whereas you would say, okay, there's got to be someone out there that's better, who really understands the game who could get in there and ask questions to this dude and find out like why
Starting point is 02:50:31 they chose that play what went wrong what was he thinking when this happened like someone who really is a fan of it that's what i want to see with fighting you know i mean that to me fighting To me, fighting is so much more personal, so much more intense. When I see someone that's interviewing someone, I want to see someone who really fucking cares because I know there's a lot of people who do care, and I care. If I'm interviewing someone after a fight, I'm trying my best to figure out what was happening in their head. There's some critical moments.
Starting point is 02:51:03 I want to know, was this a plan? Did you see see this in advance this is something you saw in training when you're watching tapes i have questions like fan questions so i do my best to relay those that's what i do my best if i feel like someone's phoning it in or this isn't a job they're interested in or they really just want to be in you know some sport. They really wanted to be a fucking baseball commentator, but there was no gig. They're just fucking half-assing it. It's weak. It's terrible. One thing I loved, one thing I always tried to do, I always wanted to make you laugh.
Starting point is 02:51:38 Every post-fight interview. Anytime it was like, I won, knockout, okay, I'm going to talk to Joe. Let's see what he gives me See if he gives me something I could try to make him laugh Sometimes I came with something set up but on there's one time I forget who it was I think it was a Jeremy Stephens and um, you would ask me to take you to the replay and I was literally watching it and You would ask me a question and I wasn't even paying attention to you But so it worked out perfectly you you were like I was like John
Starting point is 02:52:04 so I was watching that and I was gonna ask you worked out perfectly. You were like, I was like, Joe, I'm sorry. I was watching that. And I was going to ask you to ask the question again. And it hit me. I was like, and I was just thinking, damn, I'm smooth. And I got that reaction out of you. So that was fun. That would be a natural reaction if you said that.
Starting point is 02:52:19 I also like helping the guys celebrate. There's moments when someone does something where someone almost has to tell you how amazing that was. You know it was amazing, but I want to let you feel it even more. Like when Rose Namajunas beat Ioana. That, to me, is one of my favorite all-time post-it fight interviews. Because she's like, y'all just be a good person. This belt don't mean shit. You know?
Starting point is 02:52:46 I was like, damn, Rose is out there. You know? She's so unusual. And to have, you know, her walk through it, like this impossible underdog coming in,
Starting point is 02:52:56 and even if she won, everybody thought she'd win by submission. Didn't think she'd just step in and crack her with a left hook and then drop her. Like, what? That was crazy. Like, what? That was crazy. Watching that fight was crazy.
Starting point is 02:53:08 Here's a good one for you on another big fight. I feel like there's a moment, right, in a fight, especially when you get a finish. Sometimes there's a moment that comes just before the finish that you recognize this opportunity is there and you jump on it. And then there are times when, like, before the moment happens, like, before the shot comes, it's like, this guy's about to throw his right hand and I know I'm going to slip it and drop my right on top of it. Right? But then there are times when you hit a guy and it's like, oh, this is my chance. Right? And you jump on him and you know the end is near.
Starting point is 02:53:39 And all that rush when the referee steps, that's the moment, that's the biggest moment. When the referee stops the fight, that's when you come. You know what I mean? So, like, if you could figure out how to ask that question, because getting someone to explain that moment is, if they can translate that, that's so sweet. Because, like, I can think of one of my last fights with Stevens. When I hit him, I knew what I was doing, and I knew I was going to land the punch. And then as he went down, I was like, oh, shit, here's that moment. And you jump on it.
Starting point is 02:54:21 That's the best thing to get out of guys. And you asked that question well, but Also, if you can if they can see it coming right man seeing that coming That's the thing. That's when it's like this chick is hot and I know I'm gonna get it It's that moment it's like oh this is actually happening. What do you miss the most about fighting? Like what don't I miss it's i love that challenge man like that's why i still like training and whatnot but but the actual fight itself it's because everything's on the line have you thought about doing grappling competitions or anything
Starting point is 02:54:57 where there's no striking i i have not i've been i thought about it once or twice, but not been committed to doing it. I'm starting to train more now, again. I had some things happening in life that were changing for me. I just moved out here, and I didn't have the team, the foundation behind me. I didn't have the group that I was with all the time anymore. I had to find a new group, start to build a new group. And now that we have this group, I feel more comfortable. I'm back in the gym more.
Starting point is 02:55:30 I'm able to do more like that. And I'm still in good shape. And yeah, I feel like maybe I want to compete again, but just for the fun of it. Not to try and be a world champion or anything. But compete in MMA or compete in jiu-jitsu? I still love MMA. It doesn't make sense, though. Right.
Starting point is 02:55:51 You know? There are definitely some fights that I wish could have happened or that I would have had. Like what fight do you feel like you missed out on? Fighting Gomi at one point. You know? When Gomi was Gomi. Yeah. You throw those fucking fast pitch
Starting point is 02:56:06 baseball punches man like the the pride tournament i would have loved to fought everybody in that tournament you know every individual i fought hansen that was fun he smelled like ass but that was fun it was horrible do you think he did it on purpose one of those guys he does that every fight just doesn't smell doesn't wash for a few days? Yeah, he's bad. Shoot, Sakurai, fights like that, you know? But now, there's still some guys. I have a lot of respect for. I talked to Joe Lozon about it.
Starting point is 02:56:41 I was like, man, I'd love to fight a guy like Joe Lozon, you know? But that was right after the first year of being retired. How many years have you been retired now? Five? Three or four. Since 2000, it was almost four. Almost four.
Starting point is 02:56:53 November will be four. It seems like longer for some strange reason. Because you just miss me, Joe. I do. You just miss me. No, I do. You just miss seeing that right, left leg kick.
Starting point is 02:57:02 But no, it's one of those things where you love it so much. There are times that I'm watching fights, man, and there's some guys that are like just outside the top 15. I couldn't tell you any names right now, but like Jake Matthews, when he was at 55. Like, I feel like this kid is good and he's awesome. They're much bigger than they were back in my day. But still, I'm like, man, sometimes I watch fights and I'm like, man, you motherfuckers are so lucky I'm not 25.
Starting point is 02:57:30 Just because of the things you know now. Right. You know? But isn't that the thing, right? The older fighters have way more knowledge and understanding of what to do, but their body doesn't respond that way anymore. And that's sort of the balance of it all is that the young fighters have all the piss and vinegar
Starting point is 02:57:45 and fast twitch muscle fibers, and they don't know that much. For me, I feel, because I still move around. I still spar. I still spar with Joe and Mickey and those guys. And I can do a lot of the things that I've always been able to do. It has to do with, for the most part for me, the recovery. Like the next day, if i go hard today i can't go hard tomorrow i can't i can't go hard four days a week anymore right you know i could
Starting point is 02:58:11 go hard once or twice a week and as i get in better shape like the twice will be more consistent but um the recovery i can still move very close to just as fast as I've always been. Like I think that will go away at some point, but I still have it. And I can't take it like I used to. Yeah. You know, that's a difference. I don't, like in the gym, I can still, like I still walk through some things. But I don't know about in competition when it's all in line. Because, again, I think your brain kind of, you're in a different mindset.
Starting point is 02:58:45 Do you think about that when you're sparring right now? Because you really don't have a need to. Right. I still love sparring. I don't do it nearly as much as I used to. I do think about that. It's so fun, though. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 02:59:01 And I'm like, you only got one, right? Yeah, you got one. I don't want to be. But you don't want to live the last 20 of that one. Drooling. Shit in your pants and where are my keys? I don't want that. So I try to exercise my brain as much as I can.
Starting point is 02:59:16 What do you do? Reading. I do a lot of the brain cognitive games, a lot of things with cognizant but brain cognitive games like you know a lot of things with numbers and crosswords and I just that's a hard thing for me to not do something because if I'm not if I'm awake and I'm not occupied my thoughts are just going so like that's something else I've been doing I've been I've started to write things down I've been doing like I've started to write things down. I've been doing some stunt work, acting.
Starting point is 02:59:50 Lately, I've been watching old shows and just watching it for the acting. And I'll find a script and I'll stand in front of the mirror by myself and do some things. Oh, that's so weird. Try to play some things out. I'm just going through all of it. I did a small movie. They're doing a movie about nick newell right and um i i so i fight the character the guy that's playing nick newell in one scene early in his career nick newell's the fighter who has one on one arm does the guy in the movie have one arm as
Starting point is 03:00:15 well no but he they green screen it oh um so so he's he's the whole time he has his green sleeve over his arm and he has it out here and he's moving it and we have we choreographed the fight and we have to kind of account for all of that in the choreography with the green screen and all that it's cool though but i got a couple lines i did some lines and the first time i did lines was kevin pollock so that was cool for me wow you know that's pretty crazy yeah and then um and then i did an episode of Ballers for the next season. So that was cool. Did you work with The Rock? No, I worked with Ricky.
Starting point is 03:00:51 So JD Washington. Okay. So that was cool. And I had met. I didn't. I didn't. I watched these shows. I didn't know his name was JD Washington. I just knew his name was JD from being on set.
Starting point is 03:01:02 I always called him Ricky. That was it. Somebody told me he was related to denzel washington and then i find out that his last name is washington when i'm on set and i'm looking at the the call sheet and i'm like are you related to denzel and he's like yeah he has his look on his face like oh fuck you know you know that and i'm like i knew he was related but i thought he would tell me how at the time. And I didn't know. But later I found out that it was his dad. Oh, no shit. I think that's his dad. You know, from the information that I've got.
Starting point is 03:01:31 Oh. And so, but I had met his dad also, worked with him on Equalizer. For the Equalizer 2, we were helping him build the scenes. We were choreographing the scenes and teaching the choreography for that. We were helping him build the scenes. We were choreographing the scenes and teaching the choreography for that. And I have this thing where he's giving me voice lessons. I have this thing with Denzel Washington giving me voice lessons.
Starting point is 03:01:54 What kind of lessons? Like, you know, these tongue twisters that he says to practice enunciating. Oh. You know? It's kind of dope. So we're in the gym. We're working out. And he's like, so he says them to me. Oh. He wants to do some theater because he wants to clean up his stuff. And so he's like, you should write this down. And I'm like, look, fuck. I grab my phone and I start recording. And then he sees that I'm recording. So he comes over and he's like, he's speaking into my phone.
Starting point is 03:02:31 And I'm like, I have this shit on my phone. I have this, Denzel Washington voice coaching me. Damn. Dude, that's huge. Super dope, right? So that's what you're out here for? That's what you're going to do? Other than Fox Desk, you're doing some acting, some of that um it's like i'm a i'm a kid again right and i have my side i have my side
Starting point is 03:02:51 card so i have a i have a ticket to the theme park so why not just try the rides yeah it's something new to do yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm doing i know bisping's doing a lot of work bisping's doing a lot and and i did a movie with bisping well he had a big role in the film kung lee did a lot of shit kung lee's doing a lot man um there's quite a few guys like jay heron jay's doing a lot of stunts you know i stunts are great especially when you're doing fights but i'm 155 pounder you know what i mean like i'm not going to be doing a whole lot of fighting in movies a guy like like tate right right tate's in tate's and doing doing every movie dying exactly yeah he he has he has the look and he's a big guy so he's getting a lot of work in that capacity um but as a stuntman i'm a smaller
Starting point is 03:03:44 guy and most of the time when that you want someone my size you're going to want um someone that can do other things like a lot of the gymnast right and that type of thing and i can do some of that but nowhere near as good as those guys right um and i'm not learning how to get hit by a car get lit on fire you know what i mean fall on a motorcycle yeah that's not happening i'm not doing that so i want to i want to think i i want to get better at this acting thing and try that out some because because it's fun also i played myself on on the episode of ballers and i was like this feels good like like the the the the acting thing. It's like this is fun.
Starting point is 03:04:27 It's a different kind of rush. It's a new thing. I'm going to pick your brain. I'm going to ask you for some advice. Didn't you do stand-up? I did a couple sets. Did you do it at the Dime Bar? I did at the Dime.
Starting point is 03:04:40 I'm going to do it again. Yeah? I mean, I've done it a few times. I like it. You can do it. I don't feel like I'm funny. That's the mean I've done it a few times I like it You can do it I don't feel like I'm funny That's the problem You're funny dude
Starting point is 03:04:49 You can do it It's work for everybody Yeah It seems a lot easier than it is It's not easy at all No Seems like it It's not easy at all
Starting point is 03:04:58 Dude's just talking How can that be hard But see that's the thing It's like people are like Man you fought in an octagon You fought in millions of people Isn't that It's like yeah but i'm not looking at them you know the thing is too all new things are difficult it doesn't matter what difficult things you do try taking up chess for the first time it's difficult to try anything everything that's hard to do
Starting point is 03:05:18 is difficult doesn't matter how many difficult things you've done you might have a better understanding of how to perform under under pressure yep than other people do but it's still going to be hard yeah nothing nothing worth doing is easy right because if it was easy everybody would do it exactly no that's the thing like i i um the other thing that i'm doing is i have i do a show on this platform called pluto so i have the show called the thug Jitsu Master and Squid Show. And buddy, the squid, we go out, we interview guys that got fights coming up. We do a lot of stuff with fighters.
Starting point is 03:05:52 We get coaches. We get people that have nothing to do with fighting. But we make it fun. So what is this on? On Pluto. What is Pluto? So Pluto is a platform you can get on your iPhone or on a Galaxy. Is it an app? It's an app. You can get it on the PlayStation, a Galaxy. Is it an app? It's an app. You can get it on the PlayStation, on Apple TV, on all these things.
Starting point is 03:06:08 Huh. Do you know what it is? You heard of it? He knows. They have a fight channel. I'm the old dude out of the loop. They got a 24-hour glory channel. Whoa. They got glory running 24-7.
Starting point is 03:06:17 What? They got a fight channel where they have MMA fights. That's all you need to tell me. All the time. A glory channel? A glory channel. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:24 Okay. Yeah, so we do it over there. We got a thing. We do a thing called Fight Party Live where we watch the fights, but we just hang out with, it's watch the fights and we just hang out and basically do a podcast while we're doing it. Pluto TV, it's free. Everything's free. No shit.
Starting point is 03:06:42 100 plus channels. Find what you want. And they got everything on there. Why have I seen this seen this before no you know what i'm thinking of there's something on the amazon uh what is the thing that's on tv the amazon fire you can put this on that is that that's what i think i've seen it i think i see a dude who had it and there was a whole channel that was dedicated to um the uh montreal comedy festival just for last yeah they have a stand-up channel okay nice they have everything so what is this show called again um the thug jitsu master and squid show all right
Starting point is 03:07:15 uh dude it's already three o'clock wow we've been doing this for how long now over three hours over three hours crazy right we're at right time warp how the fuck did that happen that's how it goes it's weird yeah man thank you for having me do we need to say anything more about the brendan shop thing did we cover it enough man as far as it goes it's just like that's a conversation we need we like we need to talk him and you you know yeah so it's a weird situation for me because i love the guy and he's one of my best friends. And also, I can't defend what he said because it doesn't totally make sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:07:51 And so, like, what I'm saying when I said he talks too much, I do too. I say stupid shit. I don't mean to say stupid shit. I don't say that stupid. I didn't say that thing. I wouldn't say it like that. Yeah. But sometimes you say things, you don't even know why the fuck you're saying it, you know?
Starting point is 03:08:07 And a lot of it also is like just ranting. Like you go into these rants and you say shit and then you like see if you can back it up once you said it. Yeah, like just don't revisit dumb shit. That's like. It was insensitive. It didn't make sense. And it was insensitive. And I bet he regrets it.
Starting point is 03:08:27 Well, I mean, I don't know. That's an assumption we're making, right? Yeah. Well, I know the guy. That's why I'm saying it. Yeah. He's not a bad guy. By any stretch of the imagination, he's awesome.
Starting point is 03:08:39 I'm not the guy saying, like, you're racist for saying this. Right. My thing is when you're talking about the first, the initial part of the, of the, I'm not the guy saying like, you're racist for saying this. Like that's, I'm like my, my thing is when you're talking about the, the first, the initial part of it. And I conveyed this to him, you know, was you're saying me or my brother or my sister aren't good enough to be here.
Starting point is 03:08:54 So like, that's, that's disrespectful because I, I fully believe that we all are. Yeah. And that, that, that,
Starting point is 03:09:00 so that part, and he apologized for that and we're cool there, you know? And then, then, then why are you, why are you talking about like, this is what I see in myself? Because no, dog, that's not how it is.
Starting point is 03:09:10 I don't know why I said that. You're not a psychologist. You're not a psychiatrist. You have no qualifications to speak on my mental state. That's just weird, too, that you guys haven't. I think you should. I don't know. I think sometimes
Starting point is 03:09:25 someone says something instead of just straight up saying they fucked up. They say, I fucked up, but... Yeah.
Starting point is 03:09:33 You know, I fucked up, but, you know, his issue is because of this or, you know, something else is going on with him that's making him react this way.
Starting point is 03:09:42 Yeah. Yeah. I'm more concerned with his pants. Those shredded up pants he wears. Those. I'm more concerned with his pants, those shredded up pants he wears. Those disturb me way more than what he said. I can't defend either one. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:09:52 Just don't wear women's pants. I don't think they're women's. They're just fashionable. If they have holes in them, if they have holes in them, because we went through that at the beginning of the show. If they have holes in them. It depends on how many holes, right?
Starting point is 03:10:03 It depends on what the holes are, I guess. Well, if you earn those holes, like if you work construction, you got like a real hole. Yeah, you get your pants snagged on it. Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do. If you're a farmer, you got like real barbed wire holes in your pants, that's a different animal. You know, that's okay.
Starting point is 03:10:20 You earn those holes. You wore your jeans out, they started ripping in places. Okay, okay. You can't afford to buy some new ones Yeah, but if you paid a lot of money for pants that are already fucked up you saw that shit in a magazine somewhere That's what what bothers me about Brendan Fucking pants. I thought this bothers me too, but I What really bothers me? I like you a lot. You're always been cool And I think you do a great job and I said that very early on when you first started doing it.
Starting point is 03:10:47 Yeah, I remember that. I tweeted it or something. Actually, and you said it to me too the last time I was here. Joe and I came to do a glory fight companion with you. And I remember that. I remember everything you say, Joe. That's good because I don't. Especially when it's about me.
Starting point is 03:11:03 Because there was a time when you were like, look at Josh. He's so strong. Look how he just gets right back up. He's the stronger guy. Oh! Gotcha. You remember that, too. I remember that.
Starting point is 03:11:13 I love it because there's a couple times when you're not disparaging of either fighter, but there's a couple times when you start seeing a strength in another guy. And there's two fights for me where that happened and I was able to just clip him right as you're giving the other guy some praise. Perfect. I was like, yeah, Joe, shut up. Give me some love. Give him some love, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 03:11:36 Thugjitsu Master on Twitter. What's your Instagram? Same thing. Thugjitsu Master. Thugjitsu Master. All right. Thugjitsu Master and the Squid. And Squid Show. All right. And Thug Jitsu Master and the Squid. And Squid Show. On Pluto. On Pluto TV.
Starting point is 03:11:48 Eve Edwards, ladies and gentlemen.

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