The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #33 with Brendan Schaub

Episode Date: July 3, 2018

Joe sits down with Brendan Schaub to discuss upcoming fights. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Three, two, one. Yee-haw! I walked in, you guys were watching soccer. I was hugely disappointed. Dude, England's in penalty kicks. Oh my god, is that okay? What happens? It's the World Cup, man. If they win, they move on. But the penalty kick thing... And they just won. They just won. England just won. We missed it? We missed it?
Starting point is 00:00:22 They just fucking won. Are you guys rooting for England? Yeah, I'm English, man. I'm half English. Are you? My mom was born and raised there, bro. I thought you were black. What's up, bro? I know, most people do.
Starting point is 00:00:30 English, son. So you really root for England? Yeah, big time. No shit. Yes. Wow. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Well, if US isn't in it, you know. Do you know what's happening when they're playing, or do you only know when the ball goes in? No, I have kind of an idea. I would say I'm a blue belt in soccer. Really? A blue belt. Damn. Like, I wake kind of an idea. I would say I'm a blue belt in soccer. Really? A blue belt. Damn.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I wake up early and watch the games. Only World Cup. Wow. Only World Cup. Dude, I was in Boulder. You know, Boulder's like the People's Republic of Boulder. I don't have to tell you. You're from Colorado.
Starting point is 00:00:56 You know what it's like out there. I went to school there, son. Boulder's rough. Yes. They're like super duper liberal. And people were Unnaturally happy About the World Cup Like super excited that they know so much
Starting point is 00:01:11 About soccer and I was at a bar And I was like ew That'll make you hate it But if you go to England You'll feel good about it But it was this certain type of white dude Let's see you bro They mean well They probably had a dad that was in the Navy or some shit this certain type of white dude. Let's see you, bro. You know? Let's see you.
Starting point is 00:01:26 They mean well. They probably had a dad that was in the Navy or some shit. Got bullied around at home and they just went the total opposite hard way. No. That shit happens, man. He's a tough sell,
Starting point is 00:01:36 especially if you're like an athlete, like a black athlete. Oh my God. That's why they struggle a little bit. Oh, yeah. Like, look at the beautiful mountains. They're like, bitch, I don't hike. I mountains They're like bitch I don't hike
Starting point is 00:01:45 I don't give a fuck about your mountains That's why they struggle I think recruiting Really? It's so beautiful there though Yeah if you're into fucking hiking And fucking water rafting The people are super nice too though They're alright
Starting point is 00:02:00 They don't give a fuck about sports Where if you go to like a southern school Georgia or Tennessee, you're a god. You get your dick sucked every fucking period. Is that bad that they don't care? Or is it good? It's bad. It makes you work hard. No, it sucks.
Starting point is 00:02:15 You got nature out there, though. Eagles and shit. Bears. Fucking nature. My dick sucks, bro. Did you know that wolves and bears And wolves and grizzly bears Are making their way back into Colorado Really?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah About god damn time Interesting Why were they gone? Well they killed them off in the 1800s And then they reintroduced them to Yellowstone And mostly they stayed around Wyoming And Montana
Starting point is 00:02:39 Where Yellowstone is And they made their way into Idaho But now they've definitely spotted them in Colorado and they also a very credible source in fact my friend Adam Greentree took video of what he said was a grizzly bear and he knows the difference he knows his shit
Starting point is 00:02:55 it was in the San Juan mountains in Colorado last September so they think that there's a population of grizzly bears Adam would know and if you watch the news like the local news in la which i do especially when i get depressed you there's a bunch of black bears like in hot tubs and shit just popping up in pasadena just chilling in hot tubs why do they love the tubs well they don't know that it's a hot tub they just know it's water so like for them to find a spot that's filled with water it's probably terrible for them unless you
Starting point is 00:03:24 have a salt pool you know how hot it is doing the chlorine the chlorine That's what I'm saying. Like if the Bears drinking all that chlorine is in that pool, you know Yeah, that's like that's dick soup. Yeah That cock soup from the black bears Yeah, what percentage of hot tubs people fucking 100% is the answer 100 well in pasadena pasadena they're just rocking it out out there yeah there's a lot of bears up there there's a funny video man of this dude in pasadena and he's on his phone and he's walking down an alley and as he turns and walks down the alley he's just on his phone and he's looking down he's not looking where he's
Starting point is 00:03:58 going he looks up and there's a fucking bear right in front of him and the bear doesn't do shit the bear doesn't know what to do and he just runs. Both of them are like, what the fuck? See if you can find that. Homie is just not paying attention. Dude, I would shit my pants. Oh yeah, for sure. It's very dangerous. Like you saw the homeboys in Seattle get fucked up while one died by the mountain lion? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 That super hungry mountain lion? Yeah, just on a bike. Apparently the mountain lion was emaciated. It was all fucked up and sick and it only weighed like 90 something pounds, but it's still fucked both of those dudes up. But they, they tell you like, Oh, use your bike as a shield and scare them off. That line's like, what? I don't give a fuck about your Trek bike. Yeah. They hit it with the bike. Apparently it didn't do shit. How about homeboy was like, dude, you're going
Starting point is 00:04:39 to attack. I'm going to run and get help. Way to go. Asshole runs off in that line and goes, where the fuck you going? And then kills him. Homeboy got away. You know, that happened in Beijing, too, with the lady who got out of the car and a tiger attacked her at the wild animal park. Yeah, that's what you get. She got out of the car. The tiger attacked her.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Here it is. Damn, that's a big bear, bro. It's a big bear. That's a fucking terrifying bear. So this guy, he's on his cell phone. Where's the... Dude, that's a fucking terrifying bear. So this guy he's on his cell phone Where's the? Dude, that's a big ass bear. Here it is. Here it is watch the dudes on his phone He's like fuck which is by the way the worst fucking thing you could do just got super lucky
Starting point is 00:05:20 See if you can pull back you can see like where the bear walks behind those bushes. Yeah right here See if you can pull back You can see like Where the bear walks Behind those bushes Yeah right here This is hilarious dude Look the bear is walking right there The guy walks down
Starting point is 00:05:30 He's not even looking Oh Jesus Shit Dude So you're supposed to get loud right? Like get as big as possible Yes You definitely don't want to run away
Starting point is 00:05:39 Because their instincts are to chase Yeah but they say When you get loud And like challenge I'm like you hear about that It's funny I don't know why I'm. You hear about that? It's funny. I don't know why I'm laughing. You hear about that Boy Scout leader?
Starting point is 00:05:47 No. Who they saw a bear and it's like, play dead or do your thing when you play dead or get real big and loud. They don't know exactly what to do, but I guess in the Boy Scout fucking handbook, it says to get loud and make a scene. I don't know if I got loud and made a scene and that bear was like, oh, cool. Hey, kids kids watch this ate him asshole first in front of the whole squad oh no yeah so they don't i don't think they know
Starting point is 00:06:09 exactly well the problem is bears are just like every other animal right like think about dogs all dogs are different man some dogs just come over their house and they're like hey what's going on how you doing and then some dudes come over their house their dogs checking you out like i don't know motherfucker i'm not sure about you exhausting they get around you and the hair comes up and you're like oh my god his hair is up the worst your dog has his hair up what's going on here i think bears are probably just like dogs and that they're just they vary they say it also depends where you're at like they walked into his cave so he's like you're in my house give me that asshole oh that's terrifying i don't think for that cub scout you're like oh my god apparently the worst thing that could happen is you walk into
Starting point is 00:06:49 a female with their cubs game over yeah it's female grizzly with their cubs should just light you up do you have no chance it's not like you're gonna what do you do i was listening some bitch on the news because they're talking about black bears and hot tubs and if you run into one this lady is saying go so. It's so hilarious. Punch them in the nose. Oh, my God. Their noses are super sensitive, or go for the eyes. Yeah, let me try that.
Starting point is 00:07:12 They bite each other's faces. People have to understand. And they fight with each other, which they do all the time. They do all the time. They're always fighting. For sure. I've seen bears in person fight in the wild. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:07:24 They just fight. I've seen bears in person fight in the wild. I've seen it. They just fight. Especially during the rut, like in the springtime. They fucking bite each other's faces and it doesn't even look like anything happened. They're good. They bite the shit out of each other and nothing happens. So you punch that thing in the nose?
Starting point is 00:07:38 With your little bitch ass hands. Like, what are you going to do? Callan has an old bit where, he did it on a special, so you won't mind me saying it, but Callan has an old bit where people go, oh, just punch a shark in the nose. Has he ever tried punching underwater? He's like, oh, slow. That's so true! I've thought that
Starting point is 00:07:55 exact same thing. I've thought that exact same thing. Like, how much could you generate underwater? Like, people go underwater to work out. You've seen that famous photo of Ali. Ali used to do a lot of shadowboxing underwater. And John recreated it. Have you seen the John Jones one?
Starting point is 00:08:11 It's fucking dope. That's right. That's dope. You know, GSP does a lot of work in the water. He was the first one I knew that was doing work in the water. And actually for, I mean, months, we'd drive down to Laguna Niguel where he was working out. And we'd do these water workouts And we're in the pool. We're in the pool for like two hours. I was like, bro
Starting point is 00:08:27 I did it for two weeks and he goes you coming in on Wednesday And I go, it's the worst. That sounds more like someone with a mental disability Stephen Hawking definitely sound like someone who doesn't know English that good not good good. So anyways, he goes, you're coming home Wednesday. I won't do the accent again. And I was like, nah, I'm not, man. I'm sick of the fucking pool. He'd be in there for like two hours. He'd have these things.
Starting point is 00:08:52 He'd just be in there doing this stuff. Well, he does a lot of jumping, which is really interesting. I was thinking about it. I was like, yeah, you could generate maximum force jumping in the water. And it's probably like real easy on the joints in comparison. It's easy on the joints, but I was listening to one expert talk about it. Actually, I think Loren Landau was telling me this. He's a strength coach for the Denver Broncos now.
Starting point is 00:09:14 He was saying it's good to mix in, but to do it every week all the time, especially in the sand or water, you're not getting the same explosiveness. You're not generating the same explosive power. So you should mix it up Yeah, it goes if you're just doing that you're actually it's actually make you less explosive Wow See those just be like be bags the differ like land out but those dudes that are just on the cutting edge They're constantly like comparing studies and just trying to get that little extra edge and it is so interesting now It's so like the world of strength and conditioning
Starting point is 00:09:45 has never been, like, more complicated. Because there's no more bro science, though, also. Because there's actual experts who are like, you can look it up now. Right. Like, back in the day, my buddy was like, dude, just eat fucking egg whites, which we know is a terrible thing.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Just eat egg whites and drink milk and you're going to get fucking swole. Yeah, everyone used to say that. No, everyone had all sorts of weird fucking diets or just take this BSN and it'll explode, and you'll be jacked, bro. Yeah, there's so many variables still. There's still some variables, but when it comes to the guys that get paid big bucks to train top-level athletes, they seem to all be kind of on the same page. Correct.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Lauren Lando is one of my best friends. A lot of plyometric stuff. A lot of plyometrics. Usually they all agree on similar things. They might have this variation here and this variation here, but most of them agree on the same fucking thing. Meat and potatoes. Lots of meat and potatoes. No one's saying you need to be
Starting point is 00:10:35 powerlifting only. No one's doing anything stupid. A lot of them are saying, you know, doing max reps and multiple days and all this stuff. Like that's not the way to go anymore. No. Like the meathead days are over.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah, it's over. But I say, fuck that noise. I still do the meathead days. Yeah, I like it. Sometimes like whatever. It's fun to be a meathead. Put a little metallic on. Get those jean shorts out.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Yeah. Nice three-hour workout. Firas was on. Looking for Deca. Firas was giving us some insight into his philosophy on training. What did he say? It was the most interesting thing he said.
Starting point is 00:11:08 He's a smart, smart man. About as smart as people get. But one of the more interesting things that he said was that you should never feel sore. He's like, you should work out and you should build yourself up to the point where you never feel sore and never push yourself past your limit. You should never be like, ah, never. And working out or training too? He was talking about training.
Starting point is 00:11:30 He was talking about everything. He was talking about just do more of it in a day. Interesting. Yeah. He was saying that if you do like sets, like do a set of like, here's a four instance. I'm taking it out of context. This is his example? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It was like if you did a certain amount amount i forget the numbers he was talking about but if you did a certain amount of work let's just to paraphrase say if you do uh 20 chin-ups you do two sets of 20 chin-ups you like you barely can get 20 and you're burnt out afterwards and you're wrecked or instead of that you're doing 40? Either way, do 40 of them throughout the day, but do it five reps at a time. But do the same amount of work. How would you ever build stamina? It's a good question. But the idea being, well, I think it's a different thing.
Starting point is 00:12:14 But the idea being to get yourself into this position where you can train hard, especially with physical fitness type stuff, shouldn't break your body down totally. You should just give your body down totally. You should just give your body enough of a chance to fully recover and then build up. I think we have to be a little careful with it because Frost specializes in mixed martial arts where there's so many disciplines where you can't go balls to the wall in strength condition. You can't just break yourself with wrestling.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You can't just go hard in sparring. You have to kind of monitor those things and figure it out. So I think it's a little bit of a biased thing. He's right. I think as far as it goes, it's mixed martial arts. Lauren Landau has been saying that forever. Because I'd go super hard in the weight room. He's like, I'm telling you, tonight you have wrestling.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You're going to be screwed, man. You've got to figure this out. You've got to figure out this formula, man. That was a long time ago. Yeah, they think that doing weightlifting in lower reps more often is the way to do it. Yes. It's fucking interesting man but when you're training for a fight you're gonna have to push yourself right if you're gonna there's gonna be certain things like whether it's hill sprints or whatever it is i mean you're gonna
Starting point is 00:13:15 push yourself to the limit and i remember is is bis being ngsp had the same concept and training with both of them i remember bis being he would go so hard in practice like his his when he would warm up his repetition striking uh hitting mitts wrestling jujitsu everything was super high pace like i'm this is where i get my cardio from i'm doing the actual sport of it i'm not gonna go around to fucking sprints right i'm just gonna do more wrestling rounds and gsp was very similar he'd go super hard in that aspect. Yeah, GSP was a wizard with that stuff, man. I mean, he was always at the cutting edge when it came to doing gymnastics. Remember, he was really into gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Did it with him. Me, Mark Hart, and him would do it together. So interesting. My big ass, I'd watch him do all these flips like, all right, man, let me try this bullshit fucking cartwheel. And they're like, very good, man. It's good. You're getting better.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You're better. I'm like, fuck you guys. Does anybody your size do that stuff? I was the biggest one in there for sure. And the rest were all eight-year-old girls who were just monsters. And then Nate and GSP. I just looked like this big Shrek character in there.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Gymnastics is probably like the sport that gets dudes the most jacked. When you see like ring guys. They're tiny though. Right, but they're jacked. But doesn't count. You ever seen a skinny midget?
Starting point is 00:14:32 A skinny small person? Have you ever seen like a real thin small person? I'm sorry, small person? They're all jacked. Are they? Yeah, they're all fat asses. They're all jacked as fat asses, bro. I don't think it's the same thing we're talking about
Starting point is 00:14:47 I'm saying I'm saying they're smaller So they're jacked Like if LeBron got in gymnastics He's not going to be jacked What's the average size of Like Olympic gymnasts 5'3
Starting point is 00:15:01 Are they really tiny Tiny, stocky, jacked. Jacked. But they've also been lifting like that since like four months old. All I was getting at. Sorry, man. Before you're horrific. No, I correct this at small people.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Ableist rant. Do you know what ableist is? No, please tell me. That's the newest thing. No, what is it? Say if you make fun of someone who has a disability, you're ableist, including stupid people. Tall gymnast is no oxymoron. Okay, the average height for adult male gymnasts is around 5'4 to 5'7.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Jonathan Horton is listed as 5'1, 5'6, 5'8. The tallest one is my height, 5'8. I mean, he's like the Dikembe Mutombo. He's an outlier. Who's the tallest? The tallest girl is like 5'2". Oh, Jesus. So that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And then our stud. Does it say gymnastics stunts growth? Is that really what they think? They start super young. It said that right below that. There was an article, does gymnastics stunt growth? Is that a real question? Whether it stunts growth.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Right. That's what I'm saying. Is it a real question? Let's see. Click it. Well, they say lifting's stunts growth. Right. That's what I'm saying. Is it a real question? Let's see. Click it. Well, they say lifting young stunts your growth, right? I heard that, but how do they know that?
Starting point is 00:16:11 They don't. I've been listening since fourth grade. Maybe you'd be fucking super giant if you didn't. I know. Maybe I should have been fucking playing basketball. Whether gymnastics. What does it say? Hold on a second. Stunts growth explained.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Hmm. I don't remember Maybe there's drawn to it You know Maybe there's short people Who are drawn to it Makes sense Well
Starting point is 00:16:30 For It's absolutely a myth Says US Gymnastics Mmm Scientific community Isn't entirely sure But the idea
Starting point is 00:16:39 That gymnasts Would have grown To be a foot taller If they had only Hadn't spent the time On the parallel bars is absolutely a myth. The best in the world is 4'8".
Starting point is 00:16:49 That's weird. Simon Biles is 4'8". Simone. It's a girl, bro. Simone. Don't misgender her. Her friends call her Simon. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I should call her Sim. Talking about Sim. Sim's 4'8", bro. Sim's 4'8". See that recovery? That's a crazy sport, man. Everything is like ready, set, go. It's all about doing it in one moment.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Someone says go. It's there and then you have to nail it. But you have a routine. You have a routine. You just got to hit it. Fuck off at all. Game over. It's over.
Starting point is 00:17:20 A little slip. All those months and months. Will you watch gymnastics? I'll watch a little bit. But you won't watch World Cup. I watch World Cup. I'm just fucking with you. I'm just saying, man.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Don't you understand? Look, if I find out something you like, I'm going to start mocking it. That's how we do. That's how we do, bro. That's how we do. I'm just going to make sure. We're here to make fun. This is true.
Starting point is 00:17:37 If you can't make fun of some shit that I like, man, I like a lot of dumb shit. You know? Not too much dumb shit. You did bring back fanny packs, though. I brought them back strong Super strong Yeah you're the I won't get credit for it
Starting point is 00:17:48 You and Crow Cop though Let's be real You gotta give Crow Cop credit He's European Less courageous It is Cause they've been doing it Forever over there
Starting point is 00:17:55 But as far as US As far as the US It's me and Hulk Hogan No Hulk got rid of it A long time ago Okay well We crossed bridges He had it And I had it at the same time.
Starting point is 00:18:06 He just let it go a while ago. He was like a fucking relaying. When did he let it go? Oh, years ago. I bet he didn't totally let it go. No, that sex tape came and he said, fuck that. I bet he still got one. No, no way.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I bet he does. Back in the day at Gold's, guys would have them. There'd be steroids in those. They would shoot up with their little bag? Yeah, you could buy it off of them. Look at that. The Hulkster. You don't have one there. That's pretty recent.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Those new balances are terrible. That guy had a shitload of back surgeries, man. Yeah, no shit. What did you expect was going to happen? He's coming back to wrestling. He is? I believe so. WWE?
Starting point is 00:18:37 I think I heard that, yeah. Probably for WrestleMania appearance or something. Yeah. That's amazing. And Chuck Liddell and Tito are fighting. So what else you got? Ooh, what do you think of that? Not my cup of tea, but you know.
Starting point is 00:18:47 You're going to watch it. For sure. I'm going to watch it. Yeah, we'll watch it. Might do a fight campaign for it. Some people say it shouldn't happen. Oh, no. See, I don't think it shouldn't happen.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I look at it more like if, see, I think if Chuck Liddell was still an employee of the UFC, getting paid $400,000 just to chill or whatever he was doing for the UFC, he would not be fighting. I think there's more of a money play, which bums me out. Because I think Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz, what they did for the sport, should be compensated for the rest of their lives. It bums me out they have to fight to make money. That bums me out.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I don't know if Tito does so much because he was very smart. Chuck, it seems like maybe that's what's going on there. But he also has been saying, now you've got to wonder where this is coming from, but he has been saying that he misses it. It was his favorite thing. Yeah, I miss playing baseball. And then he misses it. Yeah, but it's different.
Starting point is 00:19:37 If we're going to live forever, if we're going to live forever, I would say, yeah, definitely don't do it because you're just going to keep damaging yourself. If you're not going to live forever, if we're going to live forever, I would say, yeah, definitely don't do it. Because you're just going to keep damaging yourself. If you're not going to live forever, and you're- How old is Chuck now? He's 48. So let's say we're going to live to 100. Let's say Chuck lives to 100.
Starting point is 00:19:54 He's halfway there. I'm being friendly right now. Let's say he's going to live to 100. You never know. Athletes don't live long, brother. Oh, I have another- what am I? I'm 35. 30 solid years left in me.
Starting point is 00:20:04 So let's say Chuck is going to- Medicine's son. Science. New shit. I'm big though. Great Danes, bro. So let's say he lives to 100. He's basically halfway there.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Right. Dude, at the halfway mark fighting, it's just, it can't be healthy, man. Like imagine being 50 fighting Joe. Yeah. And you're the exception. You know, like you're in phenomenal shape. Yeah, but I don't want to get exception. You know, like, you're in phenomenal shape. Yeah, but I don't want to get hit. You don't want to get hit in the face.
Starting point is 00:20:28 No. It's not going to be pretty. Not in the head. Especially if you had all those years of... Listen, I'm not hating on it. There's a market for it. Do your thing. Like I said, to me, it's more of a sad story.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Because, like, I think they should be compensated or, like, I want them to parlay their careers like a Michael Strahan or Kobe Bryant, where there are legends and then they move on to do great things. I agree. But I also, if they wanted to compete, if it was because they wanted to compete, I wonder where it makes sense to tell them they can't or they shouldn't. Because if they want to do it, if they both want to do it, like if they had money and they're like, if they want to do it if they both want to do it like if they had
Starting point is 00:21:05 money and they're like so what is it about it is it the motivation that bothers me like what is it about a fight like that is the fact i think it's the motivation you cringe a little bit right a little bit because see i think tito did better financially you know i think tito's fine he did really well in bellator he might actually want this fight just to fight chuck again i think tito's fine he did really well in bellator he might actually want this fight just to fight chuck again i think so i think tito's on a different trajectory correct yeah i mean he's been fighting and doing well over the last few years businesses and you know yeah he's he's still a formidable guy. He's a beast. Tito's a big fella.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. Both great guys. Now, I will say this. Everyone who's fighting in these older leagues, or if Golden Boy, if that's your thing to do, like this Master League, everyone fighting that league better pray to the MMA gods. Vitor Belfort does not enter that fucking thing. Juice to the gills. Oh, he's going to.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Have you seen his tits lately? Yes. Looks amazing. Fantastic. I'm so the gills. Oh, he's going to. Have you seen his tits lately? Yes. You better. Looks amazing. Fantastic. I'm so happy with him. He will wheel kick the fuck out of all those old dudes at the same time. He really will. Dude.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I was looking at his Instagram the other day. I was like, oh my God. Yeah. Does something happens to Vitor when he fills up with super unleaded? Dude, it's like peanut butter and jelly. He's a different human, man. Let him do his roids, bro. Some people don't do well with roids.
Starting point is 00:22:26 They get all red and shit. He looks great. His skin's vibrant. His tits are popping. He's all tan. His teeth get wider. He's doing straight testosterone. He's not.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I mean, when he was on. See, think about this, right? We know for sure. We all know absolutely 100% that people have cheated and taken steroids and got away with it. We know that. I know it. You know that. Especially in fighting.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Especially when the weigh-ins were the only day you had a pee. Yes. And there was no randoms. They didn't just come by. We know for a fact. But when you watch someone who's just doing testosterone and what else he's doing? With a human growth hormone and fucking gigantic now I love that I love it too but what you get there it's a different
Starting point is 00:23:11 thing like for Vitor like something happens with him like when you when they allowed him to take it like during the Rockhold fight and the Bisping fight dude his body ate it up but that's a it's a kind of a different thing because you're all it's like it's above board a different thing. Because it's above board. You let him do it. So he doesn't feel guilty about it. You feel me? He's finding a way where it's still legal when he was doing it.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah, he was doing it legally. He was doing it legally. He got permission from the UFC to do it in the commission. But if you go back before he did it, like, did you see when he fought Sexy Yama? Yes. Dude, his body didn't look nothing like that. It looked like a welterweight.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And everyone wants to go. A lot of people go, oh, he did steroids, whatever sport. Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, Barry Bonds. You take steroids, try hitting those fucking home runs. Everyone was doing it. In fighting, a lot of people were doing it. I'm not going to say names. home runs everyone was doing it in fighting a lot of people were doing i'm not gonna say names if so when john jones tested hot against dc right for whatever he does hot for if dc was doing the
Starting point is 00:24:12 same stuff would he have beat john the answer is no well it was a very close fight up until that head kick right it was a good fight you don't you really never know what could have happened i'm just saying let's say high level fighting right correct however but however that's what You really never know what could have happened. That's the thing about high-level fighting, right? Correct. However. But however, that's what happened, so we have to judge it based on that. If they are taking the same stuff, whatever you want to say John took, but if DC was saying, do you think the outcome would have been any different? My answer is no. If they were taking the same stuff. See, the John thing, we've gone over this, but we probably should go over this again
Starting point is 00:24:39 if anybody doesn't know the actual numbers. doesn't know the actual the numbers he tested negative then he tested positive for a minuscule amount was really small and then he tested negative again so whatever happened happened in a very short window and it was an incredibly small amount of whatever that stuff was some call it micro dosing yeah it could be that maybe we don We don't know really. Yeah. The thing about it is that stuff is supposed to stay in your system for a long time. It would be a stupid thing
Starting point is 00:25:10 to take because supposedly it's in your system for weeks. But we don't know. Yeah. Also, the micro dosing shit
Starting point is 00:25:17 is real, folks. That's real. I mean, that's what they were doing in baseball. They were taking testosterone gummy bears and they would only last like three or four hours.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And your body would metabolize them. They said A-Rod would eat them during the games. Yeah. Yeah. And then by the time the game was over, it's out of the system. Yeah. And baseball. Fucking gummy bears.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Baseball. That was testing baseball players. It was the dumbest shit. But it was one of those weird American things. Like everybody's like, I don't want my fucking athletes cheating. Dude. But if we had the Russians' about this just be cool, man If I mean, what is it like like how do the Russians feel about like that documentary Icarus where that guy came on?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Claim that all the Russian athletes run steroids. They don't even address like yeah, no shit, buddy Anyways, whatever let it whatever we're gonna get over it man. Kill a few whistleblowers over here. Don't mind us Yeah, come over here. Let me know how it works out it go. Whatever, bro. We're just going to get over it, man. Kill a few whistleblowers over here. Don't mind us. Yeah. Come over here. Let me know how it works out for you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I wonder. But the stuff with steroids, I think we put too much. We almost put too much emphasis on the steroids. Don't get me wrong. It fucking helps. It helps a lot of guys. But if everyone was on the same thing, John Jones would still be the greatest all time. He'd still be defeated.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Right. Brock Lesnar would still be Brock Lesnar. I think Kane would still be Kane. I think everything would be the exact same. I got to be serious here, man. I think you're right if everybody was on. The results would be the same if everybody was on. The problem is like some people like Vitor, his body loves it.
Starting point is 00:26:44 He's made for it. Yeah, his body's made for TRT replacement. It's crazy. Yeah. So, I mean, good luck. Good luck beating that dude. Good luck with that. Now that he's in the wild west of Brazil and he's looking for something.
Starting point is 00:26:58 On his Instagram, we talked on his Instagram, he finds his fan and he's like, how long you been a fan? He's all, since the beginning, bro. He's like, you want to see me fighting him? He goes, let's do it. Like gives him a wink. I'm like, yeah. Who's going to sign up to fight that fucking monster? But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:13 How does he get out of his contract? Does UFC still have him under contract or did he retire? He retired, but just because you retired, and I know because I retired, your contract isn't void. It's frozen. They're very smart. But it's Vitor Belfort. I highly doubt all he's done for the UFC.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I guarantee you could talk to Dana. Let him go, maybe. Dana would let him go, I'd assume. Yeah, that would be nice if they did. The scary thing about Chuck is Dana, who's obviously very close with Chuck for a long time. I don't know if they're so close anymore. Dana. This is Dana going, says, I don't think he should be fighting. Like, I don't want to see him fight again. I sure as fuck wouldn't let him fight here. I don't know if they're so close anymore. Dana, this is Dana going, says, I don't think he should be
Starting point is 00:27:45 fighting. Like, I don't want to see him fight again. I sure as fuck wouldn't let him fight here. I hope he stops. And when someone close to the situation says that, I'm like, oh, God. But he's going to do what he's going to do. Chuck versus Vitor was one of the first fights I ever called. Completed his contract with the UFC last
Starting point is 00:28:02 month and lost to Lyoto Machida. But it doesn't mean he's retiring. The phenom took to social media to hint a return, asked fans who they would like to see him fight next. Oh, he's good then. As usual for Vitor, though, his choices were a bit curious. Who's he asking to fight? Vandale?
Starting point is 00:28:17 He asked the fans, so he said Vandale, Chuck, Tito, Bisping, or Hendo. Well, Hendo and Bisping's not happening. Chuck, Tito, or Vandale. You tell me you wouldn't watch Vandale, Vitor, or Hendo? Well, Hendo and Bisbing's not happening. Chuck, Tito, or Vanderlei. You tell me you wouldn't watch Vanderlei, Vitor, and Bellator? I would watch that. What if, say, imagine if Tito and Chuck fight, and Chuck wins. Chuck wants to fight again. He wants to fight Vitor again.
Starting point is 00:28:38 He beat Vitor in UFC 37 and a half. And now it's like we're back to the future. I would text Chuck, like, please don't fight Vitor. He's a fucking, I feel like it's different with Vitor. But wait a minute. We don't know. Chuck was clean. How about get Chuck on the super sauce?
Starting point is 00:28:56 The ultimate ice man. Stop fucking around. Stop fucking around, bro. You're 48 years old, son. That's true. You can't be eating mangoes and dates and fucking almond butter and think you're going to compete. That's true. With a sauced up Vitor.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I didn't think of that. Come on, golden boy. Yeah, you get that fucking. Yeah, you can't fuck with any legitimate organizations. No, why would you? All these organizations that want to sneak up on you in the middle of the night and test your pee. Oh, come on. No, player.
Starting point is 00:29:22 No, come on, golden snitch. Take a break. of the night and test your pee? Oh, come on. No, player. No, come on. Go and snitch. Take a break. How about there's guys like Josh Barnett, and even Liotto said this.
Starting point is 00:29:29 He goes, with signing with the UFC, because of USADA, and obviously they've all been busted previously, so they have a little different agreement with them. But they're saying, listen, well, Josh Barnett was not busted by Nowitzki, right? It came out he never took anything, but he lost a year of his career. Yeah, I don't understand the Josh Barnett case. I'd like to have him explain it because it sounds like what I've read sounds like he got fucked. No, he did.
Starting point is 00:29:52 They even admitted it. Tell me what you know. They admit it? They know for a fact he did not, right? They came out that same thing. They've had other guys, right? Like the Dirty Bird. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:30:04 Tim Means. Tim Means. They came out that our bad. Over the counter. You didn't take anything. Yeah,'ve had other guys, right? Like, the Dirty Bird. What's his name? Tim Means. Tim Means. They came out that are bad. Over the counter. You didn't pay anything. Yeah, it's all good, right? It took, like, some protein powder that was slightly contaminated. And that came out as true.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And with Josh Barnett, it took a year to figure this out. And then they go, my bad, bro. Yeah, yeah, I know you missed a year in your older fighter. And it's a year of not getting paid. My bad. You're welcome back now. And Barnett's going, fuck this, man. I'm out. Is that really what they did? I promise you that a year in your older fight, and it's a year of not getting paid. My bad. You're welcome back now. And Barnett's going, fuck this, man. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Is that really what they did? I promise you that's what they did. See, that seems to me to be a case where you've made an error that you should compensate that fighter. That's what I'm saying. He should be fully compensated. You can't force a guy if you made the mistake. That's like a—I mean, I'm not a business person, but the mistake. That's like, I mean, I'm not a business person, but if I was a business person,
Starting point is 00:30:47 I'd be like, well, this is a clear case of someone owing someone money because you fucked up. But what you saw I was going to say is it was an investigation. It took us that long to figure, to get to the bottom of it. That's the process. Yeah, but they were wrong, right? So if they were wrong, so all their investigation
Starting point is 00:31:04 stuff they did that took so long to get to the bottom of, you accused a guy who's innocent, right? Yeah, but see, don't they say potentially flagged for PDs, right? They don't say what you're flagged for, and then it goes into investigation. But they don't say he's suspended or he testifies for this. They say potentially flagged,, and there's an investigation. Then it took a year to figure that out. I think that the USADA, especially under the whatever guidelines that they had
Starting point is 00:31:37 coming in here, had a lot to work with, right? There's a lot of fighters. You've got to figure out who's – you've got to test this one more. Oh, it's a nightmare. I mean, it must be crazy. It must be a nightmare. I'm not saying it's an easy job. I think it's too much.
Starting point is 00:31:50 It's a very hard job. I think it's too much. I think it is too much, too. There's 500 fighters on roster. But a legend like Josh Barnett, he deserves respect. That's the youngest ever heavyweight champion. Agreed, Joe. And he's one of my favorite fighters.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And he's probably one of the smartest men to ever grace the octagon. He's such a smart dude. Very, very smart guy. And I love Josh Barnett. However, if you're Nowitzki and you look at the history of Josh Barnett, there's a reason to have skeptical golden snitch eyes on him because he's tested positive previously. Right. That's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I see what you're saying. You know what I'm saying? If you have a track record, I'm going gonna test over him a tad more vitor a tad more than steep or dc how dare you i gotta just look at dc like no you're good dude how about you're fucking super unleaded dc dc is 40 years old son dc is 40 years old on the natch with just some powerful fucking herculean genetics just to get him on that Super sauce kid Bro Get him on that Vitor shit That gives you Veins in your teeth Veins in your ears
Starting point is 00:32:49 God damn it He uh Vitor Dude when he was There was a time When Vitor was They had to face off With him and Rockhold
Starting point is 00:32:58 And you look at Vitor Like how It was when he was Doing the mohawk thing Dude it looked like He had a stingray Hanging off the back Of his neck It looked like A fucking sting stingray hanging off the back of his neck.
Starting point is 00:33:05 It looked like a fucking stingray was back there. His traps were like this. He looked so scary, dude. And this was even at the weigh-ins, man. This was when the weigh-ins were the real weigh-ins. Yes. Brock told me, he goes, he looked right at him. He's like, what the fuck is this guy on?
Starting point is 00:33:19 It was just Winstroll coming out of his eyeballs. Just fucking tears of Winstroll. It was just testosterone. It was just whatever they let him take. You think he was on other things was on other things too oh my god i don't know what he was on it's hard to tell from that picture because he's an actual 185 right there he's very very deflated it's amazing the difference between some guys like when they weigh in like yoel when he weighs in at 185 he still looks super ridiculous uber jacked at 185 you can't believe he only weighs 185 when he gets a good scale but then but then he fucking
Starting point is 00:33:52 I mean he just puts all that meat back on your boy your boy uh Whitaker was like that motherfucker's yeah I hear his interview he's like he said it was magic he's like it's magic see that man go from that to that? And he goes, and also you find him before, and he's aging, and this time he's even harder. He's like, something's up there, son. Yeah. Here's the thing. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:34:16 But you know what else maybe? Maybe crazy Cuban genetics. I think that shit's real. Could be crazy Cuban genetics. But how much more impressive, whatever he's on. Let's say he is on something, Whitaker beat him twice. Yeah. There should not be a third fight.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I don't think this decision was just in the second fight. No, you're crazy. I think there should have been 10 eights. No. Under the new rules? I think it should have
Starting point is 00:34:36 been a draw then. I don't think Yoel won that fight. If you're going to give Yoel a 10 eight, then that's a draw. Yeah. A draw, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And I don't think they give draws out enough. I don't think they do either. Because then they're forced to have that that's what i'm saying that i'm fine with i didn't think that a decision i thought like there's too many moments in the fight where yoel hurt whittaker like really hurt him there was no moments in the fight where whittaker really hurt yoel like really hurt Like, had him in deep trouble. There was one with that head kick that wobbled him a little bit. Yeah, but man, the head kick was when, I don't think that even fucking did much.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It wobbled his legs a tad. A little bit. But if you go round by round, watch that fight a bunch, I think... That actually was a good... He landed with the foot, right? Right in the face, top of the head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:22 But also, you go round by round, just stylistically, I hadittaker winning three two and i went all right let's say i gave you all when he fucked him up that i think it was a fourth or fifth i think it was both rounds you had him in trouble i gave one a 10-9 to you all and then if you give a 10-8 you it would still be a draw right which i'm fine with which makes more sense to me but i just people have a hard time with decisions when the guy at the end of the fight is fucking the guy up. Now, obviously, this is coming from someone who's a professional commentator, so I understand this is a ridiculous argument. But the ridiculous argument is if we're going to judge what a fight is, we all know if you're watching a fight fight, right?
Starting point is 00:35:58 If you and I are in a fight and you're on top of me beating the shit out of me in the last few seconds when the cops come in, that doesn't matter. If I ran around this room and kicked your legs for the first two minutes and then you got on top of me and were beating the fuck out of me for the last 20 seconds when the cops came in. You're talking prison rules, son. You won the fight. You won the fight in the streets.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But that's a fight. But as a professional sport. I understand, but this is a professional sport that's kind of a fight. It's not just a box match. It doesn't matter, though. So in boxing, if I win the first eight rounds, right, and you're whooping my ass, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, those first eight, what do we do? There it is.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's a good, no, it's a real good point, dude. It's a real good point. But the idea is, see, that didn't hardly do anything. Oh, bro, he was on wobble. But he was already tired, dude. Look how wobbly he is already there. How about the kicks by fucking Whitaker, too? Whitaker is so good, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And the fact that he fought that fight, most of it, with a fucking broken hand. He beat him with one hand. He beat him with one leg the first fight. Come on. No, he's phenomenal. He threw that hand, too. Oh, he got cooked there again. No, he was in trouble, for sure.
Starting point is 00:37:01 A couple times. I had one round of 10-8, so that'd be a draw. See this right here? This is a 10-8, man. This is a 10-8. Again, even if you give a 10-8, it should be a draw then. Maybe. He wouldn't win the fight.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Okay. I'm with you on a draw. Two guys are fighting. It's a close round, but one guy drops him and has him hurt. Everything up into that moment is close. I think that's still a 10-8. Jeez, damn, you're tossing 10-8s out like fucking... I think 10-8s, it's gotta be, the difference is
Starting point is 00:37:27 someone almost got finished. This is an almost got finished moment. The legs go, the person falls, the guy gets on top, the guard's pounding him. See, I don't have a problem with 10-9. I think it has to be a clear fucking bully beatdown for a 10-8 round. I think that should be a 10-7. I think we should make this shit make sense.
Starting point is 00:37:44 10-7 game? I mean, fuck it, why even fight? If you're at 10-7. I think we should make this shit make sense Game I mean fucking fighting 10 set of you gotta stop someone fuck. You gotta stop, bro I really feel like this this scorecard this this 10-point must system is silly the whole thing silly don't the the judging But the silliness yeah, you're right. We've been we've get that fucking horse But the numbers like why do we need 10 points just because boxing always had 10 points? They're only using their hands. They're not even using their elbows. Just think about all the different things. What's worth more? Is a jab worth more than an elbow?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh, there's all, yeah. Yeah, what's worth more? A guillotine choke that you get out of? How many points do you get for that? You've got to figure that out, man. But it's also predicated off styles, too, because what happens if, let's say I'm Brian Ortega. Let's take Brian Ortega and Max Holloway. And Max Hollow and max hallway on the feet jabbing good distance control and brian really can't get it going but then he pulls guard he pulls guard and he's fucking throwing arm bar
Starting point is 00:38:33 triangle leg lock and max is kind of defending but he's in trouble yeah they're not giving that to brian down there right they don't know shit about the ground game they look at max on top and go well when it was on the feet, he landed more jabs. Let's give it to fucking Max. Yeah, there's moments where a regular guy is on his back and they're right. Correct. Like a guy who doesn't have a good guard or a guy who just tries to hang on until the referee pulls him off. But then there's some dudes who have their guard is like the scariest place to be.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You got to know what you're dealing with. You got to know the premises. Do you remember that kid, Paul Sass? Fuck yeah. Won so many fights by triangle. It was ridiculous. You'd see that guy fight off of his back and be like, whoa, he's moving quick. He was closing shit up quick.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Dudes didn't know what the fuck was happening. All of a sudden, they're jacked and triangled. Dude, how about that Max Holloway, Brian Ortega fight? That's a great fight. Greatest fight at 45 since Conor and Aldo. Yeah, how about that Max Holloway-Brian Ortega fight? Greatest fight at 45 since Conor and Aldo. Yeah, I agree. I agree. It's such a dangerous fight for Max. It's a dangerous fight for
Starting point is 00:39:32 both guys. I mean, this is the first, well, for Ortega, it's not his first time in world-class territory, right? He had Cub and he had Frankie. He won both of them in spectacular fashion. Finish Frankie. Never been done before. Never been done before. But the crazy thing, I thought, just as crazy, maybe more crazy, was the way he finished Cub.
Starting point is 00:39:50 He almost got Cub in the first round. Cub is a real Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt. And I know that Max finished Cub as well, but Cub was hurt in that fight. I think he had either a broken jaw or... Yeah, he went into the fight injured, yeah? Something was fucked up. Something, I remember that. Something went real bad during the fight.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Anyway, all credit to Max. He did finish him. But it was the way, when they went to the ground, Ortega locked up that darts at the end of the first round. I was like, Jesus. This is tight. This was tight, man. When they went to the ground,
Starting point is 00:40:21 and when he was cinching it up, and then the buzzer went off, I seconds that fight yeah that fight's over that's fine that was a tight fucking and he did the exact same thing again he went oh cool cool he just knew he could do it the thing is his jujitsu is at such a fucking high level he's so dangerous you can't really train for it either like just just be in the room with Ortega, you've seen triangles. You've seen arm bars. The way he sets up, it's so explosive. And the angles he hits, you can't bring anyone in to duplicate that.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's amazing. It's so different. And what's crazy about Brian is his story. He's a guy who's not going to go in there and talk shit. He comes from a super humble background. And his demeanor inside that octagon when even earlier in his ufc career when the the it was not going well for him and he found some way to he's finished all fighters so found some way to get it done and i think it comes from growing up in that rough
Starting point is 00:41:16 background man yeah it doesn't fluster him he's like i just i need something he never gives up he's like something's gonna come something's gonna come and i think that's huge in this max holloway fight because max distant control is fucking second to none man it's gonna be tough for brian to get in there i think once brian can get an underhook i think we're gonna see him jump to half guard something like that it's gonna be interesting man it's gonna be interesting to see if brian could turn into a jujitsu match but the thing about brian is he's so comfortable with his hands man. He's getting more comfortable for sure And doesn't train that doesn't have like a super team. Yeah, he's amazing But Max Holloway dude when I saw the second fight with Aldo the second fight with Aldo There was some moments in that fight where I was like geez. Oh, he's one of my favorite this dude's on another level
Starting point is 00:41:58 I know but he was overwhelming Aldo like he went into that fight You know and the basically when they announced the, this is where his phrase where it started to hit me, it is what it is. I love it. That was his attitude to go fight an absolute future Hall of Famer who was thought to be the greatest featherweight of all time.
Starting point is 00:42:18 A guy who, you know, think about some of his spectacular KOs of Chad Mendes. I mean, he was a monster when he was young. How about when the Cub Swanson flying knee in WEC? What? Dude. He was a beast. And for him to go into that fight and be like it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Like it is what it is. And he just smashed him. How about he was going to fight fucking Khabib? Oh yeah. And if the commission didn't pull him off the weight cut he would have fought Khabib on like how many days notice? What was that? Eight days?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah. Something like that. Something fucking crazy. That's how much of a badass he is. Super short notice. I also think the reason why I love this fight and so good for the UFC, especially just for the both of them, is Max and Brian are going to fight multiple times. I think this is going to become a cool rivalry. We're going to see them go from 45.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Whoever wins this, I don't really care who. I love both those men. I fucking love both those guys. Whoever wins, I think eventually they're both huge for the weight class. And Max is younger than Brian. They're going to go to 55. Even Max's team goes, he should be a 55er. He's fucking huge for 45.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Well, you think about how much weight he had to lose to get to 55. I know. They pulled him off the weight cut to 55, which is crazy. 55, there's some fight for him. But I think, and this is great for fighters, man, like with Aldo. He was never that big until Conor came, right? And there's this rivalry. DC, Jon Jones.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Nate Diaz, Conor. Like there's these rivals. Ali Frazier. Misha Ronda. You know, Holly Ronda. There's all, you know, Holly Ronda. There's all this stuff starting to happen. And then people fucking tune in. So I think for Brian and Max, they don't need to talk any shit.
Starting point is 00:43:52 They just keep being humble. Their skills speak for themselves. But people want to tune in for that. And you're going to get a bunch of fights out of these guys, man. I think you're probably right. I'm fucking on my dicks hard about it. Woo! I know.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I love it, man. I get goosebumps talking about those fucking two. Yeah, they're pretty badass. It's nice to see just any time you have a guy who's defending his title and you have a guy who you legitimately think could be a champion. And you look at the two of them. I look at that fight and I go, I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, I don't either. It just depends. If Max makes one mistake, Brian capitalizes on it. Brian's so dangerous so dangerous what's interesting to me is when i first met brian years ago and he was in the gym remember he was mopping mats and just doing his thing and henner would bring him on the road he even goes on the road now with hen and they teach cops their their tactical stuff and they do these seminars and he was like henner's little guy and i always took him serious because jitsu was ridiculous and
Starting point is 00:44:43 he trained with me and all the stuff but i never thought best in the world you know I've never like he never I know yeah like what's up man and I seem when when they told me because I called him for a fight and then um they go dude UFC's coming calling around I go not yet uh you know I'm cautious Larry I'm like no no no no please he has to work on his stand-up. Don't fucking let him do it, man. And then Henner's like, dude, he wants to do it. And then fucking I was way off. That motherfucker. He got good with his hands fucking fast.
Starting point is 00:45:12 He steps up to the level of competition, man. Well, he definitely does. But it's also he's so good at jiu-jitsu that he just took whatever that focus is that got him so good at jiu-jitsu and applied it to striking. And now he's just a winner. He knows how to win. You know what I mean? He knows how to put shit together.
Starting point is 00:45:27 When he landed that uppercut on Frankie, and I was like, Jesus. Vicious. Like, Frankie's a hard guy to fucking hit clean. What? Impossible. Yeah. Unless you're Gray Maynard. It's a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Well, and even Gray Maynard, he came back and won that fight. Which was insane. Which is insane. Draw in the first fight, chaos him in the second fight. Those fights were fucking chaos, man. Some of the best. But the fact that Ortega took him out, I mean, some people say,
Starting point is 00:45:49 well, maybe Frankie's at the end of his rope. He's in his deep into his 30s now. What is he, 36? Something like that, right? 36, 34. Either way, though, it's Frankie Edgar. Either way, it's Frankie Edgar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And then he went on to beat Cub Swanson, what, like four weeks later or some shit? He's like, no, I'll do that in New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah. 36. Yeah. Just phenomenal conditioning. Dude, and then also on this card, you got DC fucking Stipe.
Starting point is 00:46:13 To me, it's like the first real, like we're in the super fight era. To me, this is like the first real, real super fight. Like GSP, Bisming, I was like, that's cool. That's a thick ass GSP. I guess that's super fight. But DC Stipe is a fucking real super cool. That's a thick-ass GSP. I guess that's super fight. But DC-Stipe is a fucking real super fight, man. That's a real super fight. I love it, man.
Starting point is 00:46:31 You know what I'm looking forward to almost as much? Francis Blackbeast. That's right, son. Derek Lewis, Francis Ngannou. Woo! I know everyone thinks to me a first-round knockout, and they're just going to throw Kosh in the wind. I think Derek Lewis
Starting point is 00:46:46 double legs him either in the first round or second round and beats him via TKO. Really? Yeah. Damn, how good is Derek's wrestling?
Starting point is 00:46:54 I mean, he's an explosive dude and he used to play football. You know? See, I think people are making a mistake going, oh, Derek's just going to go on there, Francis is going to go on there
Starting point is 00:47:02 and fucking plant their feet and just fucking chuck the bombs. I think you're wrong, man. I think people think that are wrong. I think Derek's going to mix it up. If he's smart, I just, I think what I would do if I was them and what Derek and his background and Francis working on stuff, I think Derek's going to shoot. The crowd's going to boo, but Derek's going to shoot. And then his ground pound is fucking nasty. I don't know if the crowd will boo. If it's a good crowd, a crowd that understands the danger of Francis on his back and Derrick
Starting point is 00:47:29 on top, Derrick with big KO power, stop Travis Brown. I bet they might be thinking, oh shit, this is going to get crazy. Hopefully. Because it's not like if Derrick takes you down, he's just going to hold on to you. He's going to try to kill you. He's not going to submit you. No. He's going to punch you with the right in the fucking face.
Starting point is 00:47:42 That Travis Brown TKO or a KO rather was ruthless. It's one of the worst ones. Bisping, Dan Hendo, and then that one for me. It's like you don't want to see that replay. Yeah, that was a rough one. That was a tough one. And Ganu, man, you got to get to him first. The thing about getting to him is you're running into hammers.
Starting point is 00:48:01 You got to get to him. You got to get to him. You're running into him. You just got to kind of stay back and then the cardio gets to him. But we only to him. You're running. You just gotta kind of stay back and then the cardio gets to him. But we only saw him tired once. But it was a big once. We've only seen him out of the first round once, right? Yeah. Stipe figured it out.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That's also Stipe. I give France a lot of shit, but that's fucking Stipe. He's the best. The most accomplished heavyweight of all time. Yeah, I mean, you have to look at him, his accomplishments. You look at the guys that he stopped and the guys he defended his title. Stopped Fabricio wins the title. Stops Alistair.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Stops Junior Dos Santos. I mean. The only reason why Stiebe doesn't get enough credit as he should is because all those guys are a step past their prime, right? Like, to me. Yeah. And I love Stiebe. To me, what's more impressive when kane beat
Starting point is 00:48:46 jds that was prime jds who was a motherfucker motherfucker and kane put his fucking head right in the middle of his chest and did work after getting knocked out in the first round on fox in the biggest fight in mma history that was Insane. Like that, to me, that's a little more impressive than what when Stipe beat JDS. Because that's JDS after an ass whooping by Kane. Rounds. It is more impressive. Ten rounds of an ass whooping, basically. What's almost as
Starting point is 00:49:15 impressive is surviving that first round against Francis. I don't know who would have survived. There's not a lot of guys that would have survived that round the way Stipe did. DC. DC, man, I wonder. He ate that fucking punch from anthony rumble johnson how about that kick and pop the fuck back up yeah oh god yeah jesus christ but john ko'd him with that yeah it's john jones yeah john jones beats everyone we're talking about but maybe see the thing about francis i'm very curious to see what he looks like no no that's not what i'm saying i'm very curious to see what he looks like in How dare you? No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. I'm very curious to see what he looks like in this next fight.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Because we're going to find a lot about whether or not he's able to correct mistakes, whether his conditioning is just one of those things with all that fast twitch muscle fiber, whether he's not going to be able to go five rounds hard. I don't think he's going to turn into fucking Nate Diaz or something like that. I think it might be a tad better. The way he can get better is not using all his energy on power punches like right so maybe it's more of a experience thing but with derrick lewis he also pedaled to the metal and hits hard as fuck too he does and he's been in you know he's been in some
Starting point is 00:50:16 serious trouble that travis brown fight like he was in serious fucking trouble man yeah he's uh he's a warrior for sure i, that guy has been in some crazy ass fucking fights. Crazy fights. He's dangerous. Both are super dangerous. I mean, he wants that fight, too. Derek Lewis is asking for that fight. They both wanted it. They both wanted that fight. This is gonna be crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Super crazy. I think the craziest thing on the card to me is how many people are riding off DC. He's the underdog against Stipe. Yeah. I have DC beating him, man. Do you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I know you hate pigs, but when I break down the fight, I look at what that terrible picture makes Stipe look super small and fucking DC look giant. Yeah, that's crazy. Look how small Stipe looks. DC looks like he's a fucking gigantic person. He looks like Brock Lesnar. Stipe looks like DJ Dillashaw. He's like 6'5".
Starting point is 00:51:03 What are they doing? Stipe looks like a bantamaw. He's like 6'5". What are they doing? Stipe looks like a bantamweight. It's hilarious. Yeah, one says 76 inches, one is 71 inches. Now that bothers me, man. The reach, the height, because DC's dealt with that his entire career. Gustafson, Jon Jones, those guys had even bigger reaches.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I think also one thing to take into consideration is Stipe doesn't throw a lot of kicks. He's not a big kicker. Bingo, sir. Yeah, he's more of a boxer. you know, DC's also going to be able to get under him easier than any guy's ever fought before. I mean, DC's, what, 5'11"? Is he about 5'11"? If that,
Starting point is 00:51:35 yeah. You know, he's gonna, and he fucking, he has top of the food chain wrestling, man. Remember what he did to Henderson? Dude, and Barnett! Launched barnett in the air launched him in the air fucking slammed him yeah barnett's a big fella yeah and can grapple his fucking ass grapple his fucking ass off and dc took him for a ride son but the henderson fight was the most impressive to me because henderson even though he's smaller than dc he's a fucking
Starting point is 00:51:59 stud and he was an olympic silver medalist himself and d know, man. And DC just ragdolled him. See, and people go, I see some people discredit DC a little bit when they go, when he won the Grand Prix in Strikeforce, that was a different time. Those heavyweights were older and the games evolved.
Starting point is 00:52:16 When I look at Stipe, I'm like, heavyweights haven't really evolved that much, man. You don't see a guy throwing a lot of kicks and mixing up wrestling and jiu-jitsu. You look at Stipe's game, it's boxing or wrestling. That's very
Starting point is 00:52:27 similar to what DC's used to beating. So the times when he's in trouble is a guy like Jon Jones who fucking mixes up and he's a fucking nightmare. But when you're just boxing, that's what I'm saying. When DC goes in a fight and you're just boxing or wrestling,
Starting point is 00:52:42 the reason why DC's going to go down as one of the greatest of all time is his mental game, bro. His fucking fight IQ's crazy. He's tough as shit. And if you look, who else does it the way John does, where
Starting point is 00:52:59 they're really good at everything? They win by submission, they win by knockout, they win by, you know. Mighty Mouse? You'd have to go to a lighter weight? Those are the two, right? Because even Kane, Kane would do Muay Thai and Kane would for sure wrestle in ground and pound, but he never really submitted anybody. No.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Kane's thing was wrestling. Just smash you. Yes. Outwork you. Yeah, outwork you. Get you exhausted to the point where you never even believed you could be that hard. Embrace the Yes. Yeah. Outwork you. Yeah. Outwork you. Get you to get you exhausted to the point where you didn't you never even believed you
Starting point is 00:53:26 could be that. Embrace the grind. Yeah. Which DC has been training with Kane forever. For this fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And who is Kane back now? Is he training? Yeah. He's helping him. Wow. So. So when I look at that
Starting point is 00:53:37 I go right. Kane style is almost identical to fucking steep base but steep has a little more power as far as cardio wrestling. Yeah, Kane's better at those things, man. Well, Kane was better
Starting point is 00:53:47 than anybody that ever lived for like two years. Nightmare. Yeah, there was a moment, I mean, and he just got injured so many times. There were so many injuries with him. But like, when you look at what he was able to do with real fucking tough guys, just break them down.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Real tough guys. But, them down. Real tough guys. But, you know, he's had shoulder surgery, back surgery, knee surgery. I mean, after a while, everything was just given out because of the force of his will and his workouts are so fucking tough. Those guys at AKA, you know, like Dana was giving them a hard time at one point in time saying something about, you know, that they're always getting hurt. They win. But that's how you get killers like Kane.
Starting point is 00:54:29 To get a guy that's got that kind of mind, he's used to being in that horrible misery of trying to break someone. He's used to it. Does it all the time. So does DC. They all do it all the time. And then DC went, oh, I'll go there and train.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And remember, DC, before he went there, he trained with us in Denver. He wasn't that good. You know, DC, before he went there, he trained with us in Denver. He didn't, he wasn't that good. You know, obviously his wrestling was ridiculous, but he moved there and then he just
Starting point is 00:54:49 followed suit. Then you got John Fitch, you got Kostchak, you got fucking Khabib. Khabib. Luke Rockhold. Yeah, man. When Rockhold gets people
Starting point is 00:54:57 on the ground and smashes them, when he got Weidman on the ground and Weidman was stuck under a building, same thing with Lyoto Machida.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You look at him and you go, oh, David Branch. Same thing. Gets you down, and his fucking top game is just murderous. It's because of who he's training with. He's training with those guys. I have friends who watch him train down in Florida, and they were just saying his jiu-jitsu. They wouldn't give me names. They said world-class jiu-jitsu guys.
Starting point is 00:55:23 He's fucking up rolling, like just destroying. Noiu-jitsu guys. He's fucking up, Roland. Like, just destroying. No, he's a freak. He's a freak athlete. He's strong, and he's long. He's got, like, long leverage, but he's also got physical strength. He was supposed to fight Gustaf until he hurt his leg. What happened to his leg?
Starting point is 00:55:37 He got a huge gash in it. He had staples. I think he posted it. It looked fucking terrible. That would be an interesting thing. Now you've got Gustaf and Volkan. No time. No looked fucking terrible. That would be an interesting thing. Now you've got Gustafson and Volkan. No time. No time, son.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So you think Stipe and DC goes to DC by decision? Yep. Think he out-wrestles him? I just think he out-works him. I think he out-works him. And I don't think it's a classic fight. I just think hopefully more people appreciate DC after this. I look at both of them.
Starting point is 00:56:01 They both have to embrace the grind thing. And as long as DC can avoid that big power punch early on, he's going to be fine. And he's so smart, man. Well, I definitely think he's really smart, but I also think that Stipe is a really good striker and he's a bigger guy and he's got a long reach and he's probably one of the best heavyweight strikers that DC's ever fought. He's got real one-punch knockout power at heavyweight. He throws clean shots. He doesn't have any fat in his punches.
Starting point is 00:56:29 He'll stand here like this and drop one in on you. He has a chin, too. He eats fat. It's his best shot. He's got a chin. He's tough as fuck. He loves being champion. I agree.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You know, he might have a lot to prove here. And, you know, he doesn't throw a lot of kicks, but it doesn't mean he can't. He can throw them if he wants to. If he thinks that's part of the strategy and he wants to throw head kicks. It'd be cool to see. Have you seen him kick? Yeah, I have. He can kick.
Starting point is 00:56:50 He can kick. It's the difference between kicking and practicing and pulling off against a world-class guy like DC. He's a big guy, too, man. But DC has tendencies, man. That's why Jon Jones goes, I'm going to knock him out by head kick. Because if you look at the video, DC's here. He's down there, man. He's susceptible to it.
Starting point is 00:57:06 So that's why he sees it. Did John fake a right hand and then throw that left high kick? He was setting it up. He was throwing to the body, throwing to the body, yeah, and then threw it out. And then you see DC go over and then just whack. Yeah. Let's see if you can find that clip of John Jones KOing DC. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Powerful, Jamie. Oh, man, just landed it perfect. Powerful, Jamie. Oh, man. Just landed it perfect. Let me see that one more time. First one? Yeah. You know what's interesting about this? Go back to the beginning.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Watch this. Dude, that was beautiful. The way he did that. God, I hope Jon comes back. It was beautiful. There was no fat in that at all man it was beautiful boom boom boom
Starting point is 00:57:48 think how good DC is and for him to do that amazing ridiculous man smashed him dude look at this so ridiculous damn
Starting point is 00:58:00 he took a couple extra shots there that he didn't need to take well there's a lot of damn now they're even going back at it on Twitter. John Jones. Here's the perfect case scenario.
Starting point is 00:58:09 If you're Scrooge McDuck and you're sitting down and you're looking at the UFC roadmap, you're like, we love Stipe. He's been a great champion. But if they could plan it like you're fucking Vince McMahon in WWE, you want DC to win and then John to come back. And at heavyweight, you have DC, John and then John to come back and at heavyweight you have DC, Jon Jones fighting for a world title at heavyweight. And they have Brock going
Starting point is 00:58:29 I got next! Wade in the back going I got next! Coo-coo-coo-coo! Ratings, ratings, ratings ratings, ratings, ratings. Go and snitch, take a hike. I like it. Let that sink in. Another one is, would have John's suspension last longer than we think?
Starting point is 00:58:47 We're assuming that John's going to get a suspension and he's going to be able to come back fairly soon. Don't be the no fun, please. Well, what if Brock comes in and Brock fights the winner of DC and Stipe? Let's just say DC wins. I'll take it. Okay, and DC could beat Brock. That's an interesting fight. DC versus Brock is an interesting fight.
Starting point is 00:59:07 It's a great fight. Brock's got hands as big as his table. And he can wrestle his ass off. He can wrestle his ass off. The question is, can he do it clean at his age? Because he took like 12 different tests. What's this clean talk, bro? We'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Just like the last one. I think the UFC wants to make that paper. You got to tell USADA to scram. Get out of the picture for this one. Hey, go grab a cup of coffee. It's Brock and John. Go grab a fucking cup of coffee. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:59:36 No one's going to ever let that happen. We're talking trash. This is nonsense talk. You're crazy if you think USADA is all clean like the U.S. government or some shit. What are you saying? First of all, you think the U.S. government is clean? I'll call Eddie Bravo right now. That's what I'm saying. I'll have him on his way over here.
Starting point is 00:59:51 That's what I'm saying. USADA's like the government, son. Everything ain't fucking done by the books. If I'm Dana, I'm like, open up your glove compartment box. Yeah, man. You keep that and you keep your greasy mouth shut while these boys come over and punch each other in the face. Don't fuck up our ESPN deal. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And who wouldn't want to see that? Yeah, maybe ESPN pulls them aside. Take them into some smoky room. Sit down there with some Cuban cigars. What are we doing here? Fine whiskey. How long is their deal with USADA? Do we know?
Starting point is 01:00:22 I don't know. Do we have any idea? I don't know. Because they had to sign a idea? I don't know. Because he had to sign a contract. I don't know. I bet there's a countdown in Dana's office just every day. 364 days. 364 days.
Starting point is 01:00:37 The whole thing is kind of crazy that it's self-imposed. Right? What are you doing, man? Well, it's a great move. To sell. There's the move. Fertitta's so genius. Monster. imposed right what are you doing man well it was a great it was a it's a great move to sell to sell yeah well there's the move for tita's so genius monster lorenzo's a goddamn genius he figured it out and you know now he gets to just be a fan with four billion in the bank what what he's like yeah i know you have to smash a few eggs and make an omelet, man. But it's a great success story because those guys were down $40-plus million in the hole. Originally, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah, when The Ultimate Fighter took off. They had spent, they had lost $40 million. What's that to them, though? It's enough. $40 is $40, but still. It's enough. If you lost a couple hundred grand, you would survive, but you'd be like, shit. I'd be pissed, for sure. You'd be like, shit. I'd be pissed for sure.
Starting point is 01:01:26 You'd be like, fuck, this is not good. It takes a long time to make that money. Especially when I get to my boy to run and it's fucking up. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. Dude, $40 million is $40 million. I don't give a fuck who you are. Well, if I'm a billionaire, I'm going to be like, I don't want that money going away.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I'm still going home to get my dick sucked. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, God, that sucks anyways still going home to get my dick sucked. You know what I'm saying? Like, oh my God, that sucks. Anyways, let me walk in my giant mansion. You got to think of how many different businesses they're running at the same time, though. They had like 20 casinos, 20 plus casinos. Palace Stations. They had Green Valley Ranch.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yep. They had Red Rocks. Red Rocks is dope. Dope. They just bought out Palms, too. Dope. Yeah. Palms a little run down, but whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:05 The Nine, though. That steakhouse there. Oh. That's one of the best steakhouses in Vegas. And the Ghost Bar? The Ghost Bar used to be dope. That's old school. I used to do stand-up there.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I've done stand-up at Palms. In the Ghost Bar? At Palms. There's like one of the bars there. One of the bars downstairs. There's a Laugh Factory in Vegas, right? There is now, yeah. They're trying to bring it back. Dice
Starting point is 01:02:26 is there all the time. I think it's in the Tropicana. Does that make sense? The laugh factory in the Tropicana? Yeah, they just opened that comedy cellar. Yeah, that's in the Rio. The comedy cellar is supposed to be really good. Who's running that, though? Someone we know is running that, I thought. The comedy cellar? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Ian's there a lot, though. Ian Edwards is doing it doing he says it's great vegas to me is always a weird vibe obviously you're there during ufc fight we can do your huge fucking stadiums but i'm saying as far as the crowds usually if it's not ufc crowd yeah it's a different thing well there's so many things to do first of all right or you can be with slain dion i could be on ecstasy right now why Why am I here listening to you talk? I could be watching Blue Man Group fucking rolling my ass off. Why am I here? There's so many things to do.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Have you ever been to one of those Cirque du Soleil's? Sure have. Have you been to Love, the one at the MGM? Nope, but I've been to Zumanity with a friend and some drugs, and it was one of the best times ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.
Starting point is 01:03:24 How about when Disney uses those robot flipper things to do a Cirque du Soleil show? How crazy was that? I posted this online. You didn't see it? I saw this article about Disney's making acrobatic robots. Dude, these robots flip through the air and land and jump into holes and shit. In the middle of the goddamn park? These robots that Disney's making, they're animatronic
Starting point is 01:03:48 robots, but here's what's fucked up about it. What's to stop someone from using these and making like a super warrior with the same technology? This is all under the guise of Disney! These motherfuckers, I know what they're doing. So, look at these things, dude. That's a robot? That's a robot, son.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Look at this. Look at it swing and look at it things dude that's a robot that's a robot son look at this look at it swing and look at it let go and tuck perfect and jump into a hole yo dude that's gonna be a killer robot that we send overseas to fight battles look at that thing fly through the air and boom this is nuts man i mean this is really insane stuff what the fuck they're doing with this they're gonna have this like the pixar parade or some shit for the kids? I think they're gonna do this for movies. For shit like that so that you don't have to risk the lives of... Stuntman jobs. See ya. Dude, that is so true. Stuntman.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Oh my god. Cuts. Tate Fletcher. Yeah, but Tate's acting. He'll slide in. He'll be able to make it. He's still gonna be a character actor. That's true. He doesn't really do too much CGI face on that. That's right. Starts painting faces on there too.
Starting point is 01:04:47 They're not even going to need people for voices. Half of that movie, Logan, the Wolverine movie, he wasn't there. What? There's a video you can see where they show you how they CGI'd everything. He wasn't really there for half of it. They did it very strangely. That movie's depressing anyways.
Starting point is 01:05:03 If you're a Wolverine fan, I was like, God damn, bro. He's driving a limo and shit. Oh, is that what he's doing after it's over? He's like a limo and fucking Xavier, Professor X, is like in some weird fucking hut dying and it's hot out. It'll bum me out, bro. Don't watch it. I'm not watching it.
Starting point is 01:05:18 It's like that movie, The Wrestler. That's terrible. Yeah, it bumps you out. Depressing. X-Men first class all the way. Anyways. Yeah, Vegas is weird is what we're getting at, and Disney's trying to take over the world. Disney's about to work with DARPA.
Starting point is 01:05:30 That's what's going on, son. That's Boston Dynamics or whatever it is. What's the company? Yeah. Boston Dynamics? Yeah. That makes the robots. Dude, Disney does everything better than everyone.
Starting point is 01:05:40 He's not doing that this show. It all breaks down. This is all a robot? It wasn't even. It was just a stunt double guy. What fucking hater released this? Oh, so the stunt double guy does this? And then they put him on top of that.
Starting point is 01:05:51 What? That's so weird. Him being a... Oh, look at that. They just have his face. So if you can make a robot do all that stuff, then you could easily just put his face on there. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Hugh Jackman got super jack. Bro, he's on that VTOR diet for that. He got so swole. But why not? But he doesn't look like that anymore, like in this one. No, he had to do America's Greatest Showman. You can't be all jacked singing and shit. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:17 So they just mapped out his face. But the thing is, if you see him in this one, he doesn't look as jacked as he did in like the earlier ones he's older he's older wolverine which is what he's supposed to be right if his body can recuperate from anything why the fuck's he aging exactly come on why is he aging like that stanley come on where he's losing some of his muscle but he's still throwing people through the air like we're talking about he gets shot recovers right away but his fucking joints hurt his arthritis is that what's happening? Did he have arthritis?
Starting point is 01:06:45 No. No, he moves like it these days. I don't know if he officially does. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense. How about they come out with another fucking Spider-Man? Oh, thank God. They need a new Spider-Man. They never want to pay Peter Parker.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Dude. When Peter Parker starts getting big, they go, yeah, well, guess what? We're going to reboot it. They just keep rebooting it. They keep telling the same story over and over again with subtle differences. My Spider-Man's Tobey Maguire, you fucks. You fucks. Anyone else, kick rocks.
Starting point is 01:07:10 I'll tell you what, though. The only time that that's worked, though, The Hulk. Yeah, they've done it a bunch. They started off with that Australian dude from Chopper. What's his name? Eric Bana. Eric Bana. He was number one.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Wasn't thrilled about him as The Hulk. Not his fault. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't the best movie. Eric Bana. He was number one. Wasn't thrilled about him as the Hulk. Not his fault. It wasn't his fault. Wasn't the best movie. Bad script. And then Ed Norton, pretty good as a Hulk. Fan of Ed Norton. I was like, okay, I could buy this.
Starting point is 01:07:32 But then Mark Ruffalo, best Hulk. Best Hulk. I believe him. Me too. I believe he's really a scientist. Me too. I believe he really understands genetics. Yeah, you gotta do that.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Like Christian Bale's the best Batman. You're talking about real actors. I agree. Sorry, Ben Affleck. I agree. How about Michael Keaton was Batman? Who the fuck casted- Michael Keaton was a good goddamn Batman.
Starting point is 01:07:54 How are you gonna cast Michael Keaton? How about this? George Clooney's Batman too. He's a fucking Mr. Steel, you're a girl. I bought George Clooney. I brought- Did you? I didn't buy it for a second.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Oh, when Jim Carrey was the Riddler And then Tommy Lee Jones Was Two-Face Those are the best Batmans When they were like Oh we need to make this more real I'm like fuck you I liked Arnold Schwarzenegger As Mr. Freeze
Starting point is 01:08:13 Wait a minute Who was the Riddler Jim Carrey was the Riddler When who was Batman? George Clooney No Batman Returns bro Wow
Starting point is 01:08:21 But Christian Bale Or Batman Forever Sorry Christian Bale is the best one It's too real Do you know Christian Bale Was Batman. Or Batman Forever, sorry. Christian Bale is the best one. It's too real. Do you know Christian Bale was Batman only like six months after he was the machinist? That's insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:31 He got super skinny. Really insane. He's such a B-side guy. I mean, he was down to like almost nothing. He was dying. He was eating like a can of tuna and an apple a day. That's insane. You know what kind of willpower you have to have to let your body literally rot away to
Starting point is 01:08:44 this skinny thing for a movie? Just for a movie. You don't have anorexia. You don't have a disease. Think how much you love the craft of acting to do that. Yeah, man. Everybody trying to be the Joker these days, though. That's like the big one.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Tony Hinchcliffe. He's trying. He wants to be. Jared Leto went, excuse me, Tony, take a hike. Tony wants to be the Joker. Yeah. So look, he went from that to that. 121 to 195. That's all natural. That's insane. There was another movie in between, I think. Tony wants to be the Joker. Yeah. So look, he went from that to that. 121 to 195.
Starting point is 01:09:05 That's all natural. That's insane. There was another movie in between, I think. Oh, there was? Yeah. The Equilibrium. There's another picture here. Dude, you're telling me that's not Photoshopped at all on the left?
Starting point is 01:09:15 No. That's what he looked like. No, that's what he really looked like. That is so unhealthy. Oh, dude, it takes years off your life. I mean, you're putting unbelievable stress on your organs. He's such a good actor. He's a beast.
Starting point is 01:09:26 He's English. You know that? I thought he was Australian. Is he's a beast he's English you know that I thought he was Australian is he? I think he's English is he? I think so I thought the best actors were English bro a lot of them are Australian they'll throw you for a loop
Starting point is 01:09:35 Jackman's Australian but Jackman like as an actor like Christian Bale watch your words he does some stuff Wolverine? look I'm a fan don't get me wrong but Christian Bale. Watch your words. He does some stuff. Wolverine? Look, I'm a fan.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Don't get me wrong. But Christian Bale does some stuff like an American Psycho. Okay, that's another one. Dude, he was in The Fighter? When he played Mickey Ward's brother? Oh my God. Dude. He's up and down the whole time. 185, 121, 190, 135, 190, 145.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Him in Reign of Fire, he is bodied the fuck up. Yeah, so he got down skinny again to play Mickey Ward's brother. A meth addict, yeah. Yeah. I forget Mickey Ward's brother, but his brother fought Sugar Ray Leonard. Yeah. This was in between two. Rescue Don, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I never saw that one. Dude, he's such a beast. That fucking, that dragon movie was dope for one of them silly, dumb movies. Which dragon movie? He was in a dragon movie. What was the dragon movie he was in? Wasn't he in a dragon movie with Matthew McConaughey? What?
Starting point is 01:10:33 It was in the future. Yeah, everybody had to live underground. Did you do all the drugs? I did them all. They had to live. That was it. Reign of Fire. Oh, Reign of Fire.
Starting point is 01:10:42 With dragons? Yeah, that's the dragon movie. I've never heard of that. That's where Reign of Fire is. Oh, damn. There's a dragon movie. Yeah, Matthew McConaughey's jacked in of Fire. Oh, Reign of Fire. With dragons? Yeah, that's the dragon movie. I've never heard of that. That's where Reign of Fire is. Oh, damn. There's a dragon movie. Yeah, Matthew McConaughey's jacked in that movie. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Super jacked. See, he got super skinny for Dallas Buyers Club when he had AIDS. Yeah, he did it too. He's another one. Yes. See if you get a picture of Matthew McConaughey jacked. Dude, I heard rumors about Tom Hardy. Shirtless.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Matthew McConaughey shirtless, Reign of Fire. See, right right there that picture where he's got a vest on look how jacked he looks damn yeah he was jacked for this movie I've never heard of that movie
Starting point is 01:11:11 it's a dumb movie is it is it bad it's just dumb it's so dumb it's entertaining it's silly you know
Starting point is 01:11:19 these dragons fuck everybody up and you know dude remember how bad I used to hate on dragons until I watched Game of Thrones? I would clown on all you guys for watching dragons.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I watched Game of Thrones. That dragon burns, spoiler, you fuck, it's been out for nine years. He burns that fucking frozen wall. I'm talking standing ovation. I was in the middle of my living room slow clapping. Those dragons are fucking scary. The one turns into a fucking white walker.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Yeah. Yeah. Woo. Make it dig hard. It bends and his eye just goes, and it's a white walker eye. Everybody who works on that show, listen to me. Don't ever cancel it. Just keep going.
Starting point is 01:11:55 It's over, bro. You're never going to do anything better than that. It's the greatest show of all time. I know. I don't know what you're thinking. Just write some new episodes. Figure out some new shit. It's the greatest show of all time.
Starting point is 01:12:03 They just rap? No! They rap? No! They rap? No, they'll be back God damn, look at that Mr. Stewart Damn Matthew McConaughey jacked Jacked
Starting point is 01:12:11 He's jacked I feel like for me to get that Skinny and thin I would have to go on some I'd have to get some role Like Dallas Buyers Club Look at that one right above that Right above that
Starting point is 01:12:20 Right above your cursor Right there Right there Someone different Oh, who's that? That's Bradley Cooper. Bradley Cooper, bodied up too, son. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:12:28 But wouldn't you do all the steroids to play these roles? I think they call me to be Batman. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, let me go down to Gold's Gym and see what I can do. Yeah, you would have to. You would have to. You'd have to go on the carnivore diet, drop your body fat down. Why wouldn't you, though?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, intermittent fasting. Yeah, just the whole. Cryo every day. Yes. It would be training camp. Get shredded. Be training camp. You would want to have that scene where you're putting on your fucking outfit and you're just talking.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Oh, I'd be like, we need more scenes where I'm shirtless. How hard I work for this shit. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Deadpool shit. Oh, Ryan Reynolds? Ryan Reynolds. Is that Ryan Reynolds? Yeah, that's Blade.
Starting point is 01:13:02 That's Blade. Blade 3. That's Ryan Reynolds in Blade 3. But who's that guy? Not this. This is just another Blade. That's Blade. Blade 3. That's Ryan Reynolds in Blade 3. But who's that guy? Not this. This is just another guy. That's next level. See, that's what you got to try for.
Starting point is 01:13:10 That's what you got to try for. No one ever tries for that. Dude, chicks don't dig that, though. Other dudes dig that. Shut in your fucking mouth. Other dudes. We dig that. Shut in your fucking mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:18 You ask girls, they're like, no, I don't like fucking. Yeah, they say that because they're trying to make you feel better. Oh, my God. I think it's so gross. I like guys that are soft, like you. I like to grab your back and feel all fat. Look at Ryan Reynolds with his fucking Apex. No, bro.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Disgusto. Not Ryan Reynolds. Oh my God, get away. I mean, I definitely don't want his dick in my mouth. Eat up, babe. I'd like to feel a little belly fat on my nose. Get a full rack of ribs. Now, fuck, end the shake.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Watch it down with the shake. Watch it down the shake. I like a man who's just relaxed like me and doesn't want to do much. That's what I like. Please, dude. They're trying to make you feel good. They're trying to make you feel good. I'm pretty jacked. All I'm saying is-
Starting point is 01:13:56 I'm not saying you are fat. We're both fat compared to that guy. Dude, both of us are fucking Adele compared to that guy. I'm saying that's unrealistic. That's too much. Oh, someone has body image issues. guy. I'm saying that's unrealistic. Like, that's too much. Oh, someone has body image issues. No, I'm saying that's too much. You're like one of them girls that complains about chicks with little waists and big tits. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I have body image issues. Oh, no, I appreciate men more than people think I'm gay. I appreciate so many men. I have body image issues because of these women that are unattainable. They have these unattainable bodies. That's not real. And it's fucked up. You're putting a standard on women.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That's not real. Yeah. Yeah. I had a friend once. I had a friend once that said this. She was talking about someone's girlfriend. She's like, I just wish she had a real girlfriend, like a real woman.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I go, what are you talking about? And she's like, look, look who he's dating. It's a typical pretty girl with blonde hair and a nice body. Why doesn't he have a real girlfriend? I go, what is a real girlfriend? That's so crazy. People are real people.
Starting point is 01:14:49 You're hating on someone because they're attractive? Because it's not you. Yeah. Why would you assume that she's not super nice and really friendly and really smart? Because you're prejudiced. Because you're just looking at her and deciding that you're hating. Now, is she a dumbass? Probably.
Starting point is 01:15:02 But does that matter? You know what I'm saying? It does not matter. It's all right. She might not be as smart as you. How much Now, is she a dumbass? Probably, but does that matter? You know what I'm saying? It does not matter. It's all right. She might not be as smart as you. How much of that is her fault? This is as I've gotten older and wiser, even when I meet dumb people. I'm like, how much of it is really their fault?
Starting point is 01:15:16 Maybe they're just not into that stuff. Maybe they just got a bad roll of the dice with life and with genetics and the whole ball of wax. Sometimes a bad roll of the dice is you're genetically gifted if you're a girl or a guy and you look super pretty and things come easy to you and you never have to read a book or get balls deep into a sport or something like that. And that's, to me, that
Starting point is 01:15:35 can be a curse. Yeah. Dude, there's a curse to that because then things get easy. Like you want your daughter, she don't want to be tens. You want them like sevens. Strong sevens. Strong sevens. Strong sevens. There's certain guys' types, but they still got to educate themselves. You don't want them to blow out asses and big titties.
Starting point is 01:15:52 You want them just like, you know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, for sure. You don't want Nicki Minaj as your daughter. And that ten, the ten's a sprint. Seven is an ultra marathon. Yeah, to me, they have a long road. Seven can stay a seven for many, many, many years many years it's all good especially like age and our black go to the gym yeah they could hang in there but they gotta work for it like you don't want to just give it to them you
Starting point is 01:16:15 know what i'm saying the problem with some tens that go to eights can't handle it well even when they're eights they're still hot but in their mind but in their mind they're not anymore and they get really freaked out by it but no testarossa it was hot in the 80s they're eights, they're still hot but in their mind, but in their mind, they're not anymore and they get One old testarossa it was hot in the 80s. They're so hot. They were tens This one they had the gated shifter. Yes, you drive one now you're like what the fuck is going on Oh stupid Fred Flintstone car. I think do I have to get out and do this? No, but meanwhile, they're worth like a million dollars or something. I tried buying one. Yeah But meanwhile, they're worth like a million dollars or something stupid. Yeah, I tried buying one. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:16:43 Did you? I wanted one. I go in these weird fucking... I almost bought a DeLorean the other day. I knew a lady who had an old Ferrari. She bought an old Ferrari. In like 2015, she bought like one that was the one from Magnum PI. Oh, the 364?
Starting point is 01:16:59 Is that what it is? I think so. It's a cool little car, but it was just always breaking. That's a problem. You know, those things, they're just not going to, it's not, you can't drive across country in that car. No. Not if somebody's been driving it every year.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah. They'd be fun though. I'd love to have a bunch of cars. I would like to have a bunch of cars too. You do have a bunch of cars. Oh yeah. Don't jump into this conversation. I'm still hustling.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Don't try, hey, don't try to relate to me on this. Dude, you're fucking hustling your ass off. But you have all the cars. I don't hustling. Hey, don't try to relate to me on this. I'm hustling too, dude. You're fucking hustling your ass off, but you have all the cars. I don't have all the cars. You know what I've been getting into, man? Old, plain-looking BMW M3s. Like an E46 M3. Oh, wow. Alright, I'm down for that. Stealth. Dude, get
Starting point is 01:17:37 an 8 Series with that V12. Maybe, but I'm talking about old cars. I'm talking about like a 2005. Me too. That 8 Series, I'm talking like 1994, bro. Those are gross. V12. That's but I'm talking about old cars. I'm talking about like a 2005. Me too. That 8 Series, I'm talking like 1994, bro. Those are gross. That's when the lights go up. Yeah, that thing's sick.
Starting point is 01:17:53 That's where I draw the line, when the lights go up. Can't do it, son. Testarossa of the BMW. You like the 95 3 Series? Yeah. When they came in that canary yellow? I did. I did like those. I like the ones with the big wing in the back.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah, those are cool. The M3 the big wing in the back yeah the m3 with the wing on the back everyone loved those tiny ass little car too man you go near those cars today they don't make anything that small anymore or not no bmw doesn't at least look at that those white lights on the side so you're that's a dope looking that's an e36 right that's an e36 bmw yeah um google uh silver e46 bmw you're thinking about getting one of those i'm thinking out of all the cars i know right well that's your style i guess yeah are you gonna buy it to run into look at that look at that i like that you know what i like about that that's not that that's not a 95 yes it's 2005 what i like about that yeah that's not 2005 yeah it is that's an e46
Starting point is 01:18:44 the back's different yeah no not so what they look like that's, yeah. That's not a 2005. Yeah, it is. That's an E46. The back's different. No, not what they look like. That's an M3. That's exactly what it looks like. I'm a fan of the model. It's a very plain looking car. But you know what some people do with those? They just juice the shit out of the engine and change the suspension.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And the thing about it, it's a light, small car that moves well. I think that car probably only weighs about 3,000 pounds. Google how much does a 2005 BMW M3 weigh. Those old Porsches are light as fuck too, though, man. Just Google how much does it weigh. What does it say? The weight? I mean, we could go by 10 of these right now, Joe.
Starting point is 01:19:23 No, no, no. 3,400 pounds. So that's pretty light in comparison to like a new one. I bet the new ones are 300 or 400 pounds heavier than that. That's a big deal. The new ones are way faster. Way faster. Way faster.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Way faster. Way cooler. Let's be real. But they take these and they put crazy engines in them. Oh, they blow them out. Juice them up. Because it's a smaller car that's one of the original like cars i remember kids just fucking jacking up with a big exhaust
Starting point is 01:19:50 on you buy the shirts do you ever see a kid that spends so much money on a really shitty accord and puts crazy civic i mean bro just because they sell it at pet boys doesn't mean you have to put it on the goddamn car why do you have all that shit all over the car? What are you doing and why? And it was so loud. I'm like, car's not even fast. Yeah. It's... They have that horrible four-cylinder drone. Oh, dude, that's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Those kids thought they were so cool. Well, I guess it's cooler than the car as it is. No, probably not even. Because what it is is just transportation. You're supposed to just accept what it is. It's peacocking. Yeah. Like, look at this.
Starting point is 01:20:24 And the girls are like... Again, you're not doing that for girls. You're doing that just accept what it is It's peacocking Yeah Like you're like Look at this And the girls are like Again you're not doing that for girls You're doing that for dudes Exactly Other dudes are like Yeah that's pretty cool Girls are like What the fuck is that thing
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah look at that Honda Civic Nothing makes my dick go limp like that Like a Civic They can make those things fairly fast though Can't they Yeah I just thought The SI one you're talking about
Starting point is 01:20:41 Yeah What is that Ford Focus GT? Is that that little tiny car that's supposed to go fast as fuck? Yeah. That's a tiny little car, right? You want something like that, though. You want that Subaru WRX STI. The Ford, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:56 How much does that thing weigh? That's a tiny little car, right? That thing looks like shit. right that thing looks like shit 3,200 pounds is a tiny little car bro dude you brought up 95 BMWs Ford Focuses and civics well you know man you know I have that white car the the white 911 RS. Fuck yeah. That car ruins me for everything else because it's so light. That car only weighs 3,000 pounds. That thing's insane.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Ruins me for everything else. Nothing else fun to drive? Everything's fun. I love cars. That thing is just a different animal. It's like the difference between like a dog and a cheetah like one of them was like dogs run pretty good they do a pretty good job but then you get cheated like Jesus what but what if you got a dog what if yeah that's a weird but what if you got
Starting point is 01:21:54 a 911 T what how lights a 911 T and then soup the send it to shark works just to blow the ass out the front oh one of the new ones you mean yeah yeah things light as fuck they're very light yeah the 911 teaser, I'm sure they could do something like that. Yeah, because they don't even have, you know, they don't even have a handle. They have nothing. They have no back seats. They're super light. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:10 What did they get them down to? I forget, but. Is it GT3 weights? I want to say they're lighter, aren't they? They have a GT3 touring package. I want that thing so bad. Yeah, so it's GT3 without the crazy wing and it just, because most of the people are not taking them on a track. You're just driving a fast car around town. I'm 35. I can that thing so bad. Yeah, so it's GT3 without the crazy wing and it just because most of the people are not taking them on a track. You're just driving a fast car around town.
Starting point is 01:22:28 I'm 35. I can have that thing. So the GT. 3200. Is this the GT3 or is this the T? That's the T. 3200. That's pretty goddamn light. For a Porsche? Yeah. 0-60 for 3.4 seconds. Yeah, but you can soup that fucking thing up. Yeah. I wonder.
Starting point is 01:22:43 What is the horsepower? What does it say? See, what they're doing with, yeah, that's a 370. That's not even the S engine. No, man. That's the regular engine. They're all turbo now, though. Go to 911 GT3 Touring.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I bet that's just as light, but that's got like 500 horsepower. Dude, that's my next ride, I think. Whoa. I either want that or a McLaren, man. Well, you have that GTS, which is a very fast car, too. It's fucking great. There was a big article about one of those recently. I know.
Starting point is 01:23:14 People, they say it's one of the best daily driver's Porsche. Wow, that's 3,100 pounds, son. Bro, 500 horsepower, 3,100 pounds. That thing must be amazing. This is what I want to do. I want to get a Touring. I want to order it. I want it in that mint green. Look how pretty that is.
Starting point is 01:23:28 They just nailed that shape. You know, I love, it's one of the more interesting things about cars is just the physical shapes, like what they've managed to make iconic. Like the Porsche is such an iconic shape. They don't need to do anything. They'll do little subtle changes to the back and the exhaust. That doesn't bother me. Yeah, they just keep kind of tweaking it a little bit, but they keep that shape.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Like every 911 looks like a 911. Like if you look at a 2019 Mustang and then you look at a 1965 Mustang, you're like, how do I know this is the same thing? I know. You can barely tell this is the same thing. know this is the same thing. I know. You can barely tell this is the same thing. But you could have a 911 next to, like, you could have that 964 that's like a 91 next to a
Starting point is 01:24:09 2019, and you can go, oh, I see. They're both 911s. 100%. Yeah. That's the only car that I can think of like that. Because old Ferraris don't look like new Ferraris at all. Not at all. I guess the new Challengers look like a little bit like the old Challengers. Yeah. A tad. Yeah, they retroed it out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Camaros, they're trying to go back to it. Camaros did like a new take on it. The newest ones even. Look at that. Oh, son. Come on. Come on. That is a GT3 RS in all green.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Seinfeld gets like those and shit. That's an amazing car, man. That car's more than 500 horsepower. I think that thing's got 520. And they're so light and just designed for track. You like that? You think you're a dickhead
Starting point is 01:24:53 for driving around town? Oh yeah, for sure. Lime green, of a lime green car that says GT3 RS on it. Dude, mine says GTS and it's fucking hot orange. You should only wear
Starting point is 01:25:03 a golf club shirts from exclusive golf club Golf clubs that no one could join if you try that and then have those loafers on with no socks Just smell like Just in the shit. I should smell like What's that? What is it called when you pass down money to your kids? They have one of those accounts? What about sounds trust funds? Yes, it. You smell like a trust fund. I'll tell you what, man.
Starting point is 01:25:28 All the handicaps you get in life, one of the biggest handicaps you get is a trust fund. There's something that happens to kids, at least most of the ones that I've ever heard of, not just security, but a large income just given to them by their parents. Where they don't have to work on it? Yes. You know, I read a statistic the other day. It's like they're 400% more likely to die before the age of 40 when they have that much money. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:25:51 400%. 400%. 400%. I know a couple people that have had one of those deals where they had one of those. And did you like them? No, they were a mess. They fucking sucked. They felt, I felt sad for them.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I know. They felt like they weren't really done like if you're an egg and you still got that gooey stuff on top it's like it's not quite done rich kids are counting on inheritance to pay for retirement well off young people hold on where you going well if young people say they need money from relatives and friends to guarantee their golden years stay golden see that's just clickbaity that's just click-baity. No, that's bullshit. That's just some click-baity shit. I just saw this article the other day.
Starting point is 01:26:28 You guys just mentioned it. It's like 63% of them or something. Oh, 63% of affluent children between the ages of 18 and 22 say financial stability retirement will depend on inheriting money. You know, it's just, that's one of the things that Tim Kennedy said when he was on the podcast. He said, hard times make hard men, hard men make easy times, easy times make soft men. Preach, Tim Kennedy. To preach.
Starting point is 01:26:54 But what do you do with your kids? Like, my kids grow up in Santa Monica. Martial arts. For the girls, you think they're going to be balls deep in martial arts until they're like in ninth grade? No, no, no. Just to get, I think you've got to get a certain amount of actual hard work in your life. I think martial arts is going to do that for them. I think there's something to it. There's something to goal, like valuing goals and to working towards things and then being
Starting point is 01:27:18 in difficult situations. Well, you could say sports, though. Sports, yes. Sports in general. Yes, for sure. I think all sports. But I think martial arts in particular it's more personal like when someone strangles you when someone gets your back and then sinks that fucking body triangle on you and you're fighting it off and
Starting point is 01:27:33 then they get you and you have to tap that's very personal you'll get humbled for sure but most people don't deal with those kind of things in life i think the experience of dealing with those things in life is very valuable because you can relax more. You can relax more. You know, there's some people- Confidence. Yeah. Well, it's not just that. You've experienced bad things. Bad things in terms of like bad defeats, losses, getting smushed, having to tap. There's a lot of people that have never, like how many times you ever roll with a guy that never rolled before? And the moment you start rolling with them, you get them on his back and they start hyperventilating and panicking.
Starting point is 01:28:06 They panic because they've never been there before. Professional football players, basketball players I've rolled with, they get down like, oh, shit. Oh, no. They realize they can't get up. And then you start closing the gap on them. Here's the problem. My only problem with martial arts, if you're just going to go down that road, is when you're in that dojo where the fuck you're doing the martial arts when they leave they know that's there not many people have seen it right like if you and i are rolling and we don't know each other you tap me out i leave there not too
Starting point is 01:28:32 many people see it the other class might see it when you're professional sports and we're playing basketball or football and the game's on the line and i get embarrassed because i drop the ball or i whiffed and struck out and the entire audience sees it and I have to deal with that and then come back from it and be like, all right, I can deal with this, man. I've, I fucking struck out. I play a game next week. Right. I got to go through class. People can make fun of me. I'll figure this out. To me, that builds a little something different. Yeah. It's also teamwork, right? That's a big part of life. Yeah. Part of life is being able to work with other people. Yeah. Being able to perform under pressure. But also facing that adversity and knowing.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Because if you tap me out, when I go to school, no one knows that. That's true. It's whatever. When my class knows I threw an interception, like, fuck, shopped through that interception, man. That's true. Everyone's like, dude, what happened? You're like, I know.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I know. Wait till Friday. We'll see what happens Friday. Oh. Yeah. Bill Buckner had to leave Boston. He had to go in like fucking... He had to go into hiding. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:30 The ball went between his legs. Everybody freaked out. Dude, I remember people walking around. People were walking around the neighborhood while that was like... Trying to find him. Kicking the snow and angry. They were just so angry. People were leaving their houses.
Starting point is 01:29:42 It was like there was reports of it all over Boston. That people would just slam. They couldn't deal with it anymore. They would just slam the car, the front door rather, and just walk out into the street. Like, what the fuck? Everybody out there smoking, looking at each other like, how the fuck did he drop that ball? Imagine you'd be that guy.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Tragic. Look, all of it is rough. I think sports are definitely great for kids, for anybody developing. Even for adults, I think they're good. I think competition's good. The problem with people is they, they, they,
Starting point is 01:30:09 they get nervous about trying new things or doing things. Or, and I think one of the things that gets you over nerves is having done difficult shit before. And one of the things about jujitsu is that that's such a claustrophobic feeling. Like when you're, when you're locked up in a triangle and you're just trying to get like a hand in there to protect you just just try and you're feeling the squeeze you know like fuck i might have to tap and you try and you make your way out of it that being able to do that in your life like knowing i've been in a bad spot before
Starting point is 01:30:40 knowing i've been someone's been on top of me before and i didn't think I'd get up I think it's a very valuable thing for people to experience and I think it's a good thing for people to learn like it if you could start out as a white belt and just deal with that stuff that you get up until like blue belt and purple belt we start developing some skills and putting some taps on if you can get through that man you can get through anything a guy can get to purple better a girl can get to black belt or brown belt. Those people, that man, that woman that can get that far, they can do a lot of shit. Goddamn, bro.
Starting point is 01:31:11 That a lot of people can't do. For sure. For sure. For sure. I think giving your kids that opportunity is a massive thing. And I know your kid's going to learn how to fight. How the fuck is your kid not going to learn how to fight? Already it's an issue.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Because I watch a lot of fights. So when I come in the house, right when I get home today, because he sees all the fighters, boxers, and UFC guys, they fight with their shirts off. When I walk in, he goes, Papa, Papa. He takes his shirt off and goes, Papa, Papa. I'll show you a video of him hitting mitts. I'm like, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Encourage him. Yeah, kind of. Tell him you don't have to fight, son. Daddy encourage him. Yeah, don't you tell him not don't you don't fight son He only does it with any made good. Yeah, he only does it with me Podcast you're not getting hit Daddy's on the road But like you seen Eddie Bravo's kid do martial arts, yeah, dude seen Henners I haven't that motherfuckers on a teddy bear Kenner just post
Starting point is 01:32:02 He's on a teddy bear doing like arm bars on teddy bars on teddy bears. And he's, you know. Eddie does drills with his kid. He posts videos of drills he does with his kid. His kid is learning the system. I think that's good. Fuck yeah. His kid's going to be an assassin. You know what kind of jujitsu Eddie Bravo's kid's going to have?
Starting point is 01:32:18 Pretty gnarly. Because he's around his kid all the time. Eddie is a diligent father. He loves being a dad. Here's Kenner's little boy. This is Kenner's kid. He gets the mount. Look Here's Henner's little boy. This is Henner's kid. He gets the mount. Look at this shit.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Look at him. That is hilarious. He takes the back. Look at that. He's like two and a half, I want to say. That is hilarious. This kid is taking the back at two and a half. That is so funny.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Crazy horse, get on his back. That is hilarious. He is the best teacher in the world. Of course. Yeah. That's amazing. No one explains it better than the world. Of course. Yeah. That's amazing. No one explains it better than Henner. I think Henner, too.
Starting point is 01:32:47 This is like his biggest pupil in terms of jujitsu. I mean, obviously, Ronda Rousey was his most famous pupil. Look at that arm bar that kid's got. That's amazing. Ronda had an arm bar before she got there. She did. Exactly. But Brian Ortega has everything.
Starting point is 01:33:00 He's got everything. He can choke you. He can take your back. He can fight you off his back. Brian came in there and didn't know anything. He was a tough gang member wannabe. Well, I shouldn't say wannabe. He was a tough gang member from the streets.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Couldn't afford it, so Henner took him under his wing. That's amazing. And now he's the number one featherweight in the world, not named Max Holloway. That's amazing. Such a cool story. Henner's such a good instructor, man. I love listening to him talk, too. He's so enthusiastic.
Starting point is 01:33:26 He's contagious. I agree. He does those videos online. He could sell anything. We're going to make watermelon juice, guys. Come on. We're going to do it. You're like, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Watermelon juice. I've had a lot of coaches since I was a very young kid, and I've never had anyone as far as a better coach than Henner Gracie. Wow. I know, man. They're from the source, man. I mean, think about that. Yeah, gracie wow i know man they're from the source man i mean think about that yeah but there's a lot of there's a lot of those guys from the source but they just they're not they're not henner and all those guys are great but as far as like as far as
Starting point is 01:33:54 egos and just being like a cool like you can hang out with henner anywhere and he's like a great time that's awesome and he knows a thing or two about everything like he's like you say surfing and he has a black belt in surfing. Fruit. Didn't he open up his own place now? He has his own jiu-jitsu place? Yeah, they left his dad's place. They went right up the street. Now him and his Huron. Huron? Yeah. Oh, that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Where's that at? It's right up the street. It's still in Torrance. Very close. The facility's ridiculous. Is the old place still open? Torrance place? I'm not sure. I don't know the details on that, but I know Henner and Huron are doing their own thing now, and they're killing it. That's awesome. Yeah, dude, it's very lucrative in Southern California.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Think about how many jiu-jitsu schools. Especially if you're, I mean, Henner and Huron. Top of the food chain. But as far as business mind, too, that's what makes Henner so special. His business mind is insane. Yeah. He started the Gracie University. That was all his all his concept is it really he came up with that well listen for someone who lives in the middle of the country that's a great thing i mean it's not as good as being instructed by him of course not but if you live in the middle of the country and you don't
Starting point is 01:34:56 have access to other instruction that is a great note in wyoming or some shit and you can go online is that a real place snowed in my well? Well, if you're Snowdon. Oh. You know what I'm saying? Sounds like a town, though. Sounds like a nice place. It does. Like a ski resort. I know.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Snowdon? You ever been to Snowdon? Oh, yeah. We go to Snowdon every year with the McGraws. I love Snowdon. Yeah, we fly. Snowdon. We fly together. We drink cocktails.
Starting point is 01:35:19 It's amazing. Snowdon. We're going to Snowdon. I'm going to wear my fur. I don't care. I'm wearing my fur for PETA. It sounds like a legit place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:28 It does. Have you ever been to Wyoming? I've been to Wyoming. Yeah. Dude, I just went to Idaho for the first time. I was just in Boise. Oh, you met the Black Rifle guys. My best.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Great guys. How great is he? They're all great. Yeah. Yeah. They were awesome. Did you go hunting with them or no? No.
Starting point is 01:35:42 No. No. Hunt with those motherfuckers. Okay. They hunt humans, but yeah, hey, that's not I'm just saying it's again on the humans. You can hunt fucking elk Yeah, a lot of those guys who used to hunt humans become hunters. It helps them sort of cope with society They also have you know have a special skill set. Yeah, there's a little bit of that good with the guns
Starting point is 01:36:01 Not even with just guns a lot of them get into bow hunting. Oh, yeah a lot of them I figured you and Matt would get along. Yeah, great guy. Great guy, right? Yeah, and the a little bit of that. They're very good with the guns. Not even with just guns. A lot of them get into bow hunting, in fact. Oh, yeah. A lot of them. A lot of veterans. I figured you and Matt would get along. Yeah, great guy. Great guy, right? Yeah, and the coffee's badass, man. It's delicious shit. I got my own coffee coming out.
Starting point is 01:36:11 I know. That's what I heard, kid. I know. Black Rifle Coffee, Brendan Shop version. What are they calling it? The Big Brown Blend? Big Brown Coffee. It's my own brand.
Starting point is 01:36:18 How about Big Brown Blend? I like that, too. It's the Big Brown Coffee Co. I like that, too. Big Brown Coffee Co. Black Rifle, yeah. Nice. Your own brand? I know. Damn, son. I know, man. Branching out. I know. You like, with the Big Brown Coffee Co. I like that, too. Big Brown Coffee Co. Black Rifle, yeah. Nice. Your own brand?
Starting point is 01:36:25 I know. Damn, son. I know, man. Branching out. I know. You like, what are those things? Entrepreneur. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:32 I guess. Like a fucking boss businessman type character. What's up, man? Fuck. What's up, dog? But Idaho was nice? Dude. They said the show was fucking great.
Starting point is 01:36:39 It was really fun. It was a big ass place. It's beautiful outside. Yeah. It's where the UFC is. UFC's there in July. What card is that? That's Junior Dos Santos versus...
Starting point is 01:36:52 He's fighting that Russian character. Who's he fighting? Volkov? No, not Volkov. No. That's the fucking fight. Forgot about Volkov. I know.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Volkov's the darkest of Dark Horse. Ivanov. Ivanov. Wasn't he the guy that was the Bellator champion at one point in time? No, that's Volkov, bro. No, but I think he was first. So, yeah, Blagov, Ivanov. Blagov, Ivanov.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Ivanov, yeah. Blagoy Ivanov. I think he was, just Google him. I think he was either a him. I think he was He was either a World Series of Fighting Champion might be that it's not I think you're right on World Series That's not Bella tours, is it? Maybe World Series of Fighting Let's see. Oh, he's world series. He's World Series of Fighting. Yeah, he's a tough motherfucker. That guy's a crazy story, too He was stabbed and he almost died. See if you can find that story. It's a it's a tough motherfucker that guy has a crazy story too um he was stabbed and he
Starting point is 01:37:45 almost died see if you can find that story it's a it's a crazy story god they're doing jewish no favors he was stabbed i think more than once i'm pretty sure this is the guy but just just google his name and stab sure you're not talking about darren till no no no no darren till as well i mean lee murray as well. Everybody can stab. Yeah, a lot of people got stabbed. Everybody can stab. But I think he got stabbed. The heart.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Yeah, he got stabbed in the heart. God damn. No, I'm serious. Let me see his- Bellator is- You see, he did fight in Bellator too. Ivano reportedly stabbed in the heart, clinging to life support. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yeah, so this was like 2011. What year was this? 2012. Let's see. He's World Series A fighting champion He's so good with shit That I shouldn't even know Um
Starting point is 01:38:30 Yeah He got stabbed in the heart So he fought for Bellator And then he went over To World Series And now he's in the UFC And his first fight Is Junior Dos Santos
Starting point is 01:38:39 Damn No that's not his first fight No I feel like he's fought already In the UFC No way That's his first fight Is it? Okay So that's his first fight. No. I feel like he's fought already in the UFC. No way. That's his first fight. Is it?
Starting point is 01:38:47 That's his first fight for sure. I must be thinking about the World Series of fighting. Yeah. That's his first fight. Because he fought Josh Copeland in the World Series. He's a tough motherfucker, this guy, though. Very tough. Tough.
Starting point is 01:38:56 It depends what junior we get, you know? Right. And this is a junior that also had a USADA scare. Something happened with him, but then they let him off the hook, right? We never hear... Right? To me, that's the problem with USADA is they go, Something happened with him, but then they let him off the hook, right? I don't, we never, right? To me, that's the problem with USADA is they go, this guy flagged, but then if they get, you know, proven innocent,
Starting point is 01:39:12 there's no big write-up, there's no big announcement. Like, there should be a fucking siren Maybe he didn't get proven innocent. Maybe it was, wasn't it diuretic or something like that? Yeah, it was diuretic. Maybe he didn't get proven innocent.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I mean, when was the last time he fought? Maybe he just hasn't. It's been a fucking grip. Was it Stipe? Yeah. Stipe was last fight? How long ago was that? May of last year.
Starting point is 01:39:32 It was a good fight. So how much time do you get suspended? It depends what you're up to. Six, 12 months, right? Depends what you took. Right, but if you're going to take a diuretic, is it the same as taking juice? No. If you took a steroid, you get longer, right?
Starting point is 01:39:43 Yeah. Hmm. It's all weird, man. It's super confusing, right? It's almost like what they say about the Tour de France. Tour de France. Notice how I pronounce it like Brian Callen would? Dude, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Tour de France. Tour de France. They say that it's healthier actually to do that with drugs than it is to do without drugs. It's so brutal on your body that when they take- Tour de France? Yeah. Don't you think fighting's the same way? Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Like it's so taxing on your body? Yeah. That was my point. Yeah. i really do but i don't want it i wouldn't want everybody to say they have to be on it like everybody has to be on it i wouldn't want i mean that seems like maybe we shouldn't do it if you have to do that jude dos santos admits he's still scared of usada i won't say it doesn't bother me hmm i wonder what the uh actual He was flagged, but he was proven innocent. That's insane. There's no huge announcement about it. See, that's dangerous, right? Because if he...
Starting point is 01:40:31 I mean, how long did he get sat out for? It was months, it said, and he hasn't fought since then. He almost fought again right after. See, but you're guilty. It's like if a girl accused you of sexual assault, right off the bat if that goes on Twitter, you're assumed guilty. With these guys, it's, oh, he's a drug user. But then I had no idea he was good to go.
Starting point is 01:40:50 I had no fucking clue. I know. I saw the announcement that they were making that fight. I went, oh, yeah. Oh, he's back. He's back. Who was he supposed to fight, though? He was supposed to fight someone else, and it got rescheduled, I believe.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Am I wrong about that? Francis Ngannou, no? It's Francis, right? Oh, Jesus. He was supposed to fight Francis. It was in September. It's a motherfucking fight. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:41:07 The one thing I wish the UFC would do better, even this isn't the UFC, but it'd be great if they did, is announce when a guy is vindicated, when he's good to go. Yes. I need a fucking celebration because it's a birthday, so they're good to go. The other thing is when guys retire. So many guys retire, let's do something for them. A guy like Rashad Evans, UFC Hall of Famerer one of the best guys to ever do it great, dude He put the UFC on the map. Let's do something which they do for him
Starting point is 01:41:32 I need fucking something or celebration of his career some just I need something man. You just can't go Yeah, thanks for the times. Here's a tweet. I just I don't feel like that's right not for everyone But for a guy like Rashad We need something Won the ultimate fighter Won the light heavyweight title Think of his rivalries with Fucking
Starting point is 01:41:51 Jon Jones Jon Jones Quentin Rampage Jackson He's been two tough fighters Never fight Like he's had some crazy times Yeah It's funny man
Starting point is 01:42:00 Fighters People think about you as You know Your fights you have late in your career They forget the crazy fights That you have late in your career they forget the crazy fights that he had earlier in his career oh my god see i think the ones that he was doing these past whatever four or five which were tough to watch i don't think of rashad like that yeah it's a he's a different guy and there's something that happens to fighters or to human
Starting point is 01:42:20 beings uh when they don't want to do it anymore. And I mean, I think it happens with every job. But if you don't want to do it anymore and you're a printer, it's not like if you don't want to do it anymore and you're a fighter. Correct. So if you don't want to do it and you're a fighter and you kind of half-ass it and you're in there with a guy, you know, like Glover Teixeira, like Anthony Smith. I mean, he's in there against dangerous guys that are trying to kill him. Hungry lions. Yeah, it's just, it's a bad place Yeah, it's just a bad place to be. It's a bad place to be.
Starting point is 01:42:49 You got to be all in in this. But it's not a sad thing because, you know, like that ridiculous safety for the Seahawks retiring because they had some neck issues. He tried to figure out he's a pro baller. And he retired after eight years. I went, damn, eight years. That's a good run, man. How long has Rashad been fighting? that's a good run, man. How long has Rashad been fighting?
Starting point is 01:43:05 That's a fucking run, man. Dude, he won season two as a heavyweight. As a heavyweight. Yeah. Remember he fought Bad Brad, what was his name? Brad Imes. Brad Imes, that's right. And then remember his fight after that with Sean Salmon?
Starting point is 01:43:19 Ooh, the head kick. He goes, Dana was giving him a stink eye because the fight was boring, and then just, ta-tack! And fucking, remember when he knocked out Chuck Liddell? That was like the first. And he did this to his heart. Yeah. He knocked him out with one punch.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Dude, the special, when I think about Rashad, he was so special to me in my career because he was like in our camp and he was like the guy. When he won the belt, I remember he was training with us, won the belt and came back. And it was the first time where like he would speak truth to us because at the time I had a girlfriend I was super in love with. I didn't want to leave and go to training camp, all this stuff. He's like, dude, how old are you? I tell him, he's like, I'm telling you, it's going to be different, man. You got to make decisions now based off this.
Starting point is 01:43:56 And he would just drop knowledge about the professional life of fighting. And I remember when he won the belt, he was sitting down. He came back like a week after training. And I go, dude, fucking crazy. Did you just feel like out of this world? He goes, I feel the exact same, man. Nothing feels different. I feel the exact same.
Starting point is 01:44:13 He goes, it's cool. And you want this goal. And you achieved it. And I have the belt. He goes, back to work, man. He goes, I thought I'd feel completely different. He goes, got to get better. Now I got to get better.
Starting point is 01:44:22 He goes, I feel just like you do, man. I felt right before I won the belt he fought machida when machida was machida machida machida dude there was a time for a couple of years where machida was just put it on people scares getting the FC for a while he was such a weird guy to fight man because he'd be like doing this yeah he'd be doing all this weird, and then he would blitz in on you. Nobody knew what to do. Knockout power, man. In his last fight with Vitor, like, good Lord.
Starting point is 01:44:53 That was one of the best knockouts ever. See, pull that up. Pull that Lyoto Machida KOs Vitor Belfort. And now he's in Bellator. Bellator making some waves, son. Getting saucy over in Bellator, right? How saucy? How saucy thing he's going to get? Dude, whatever Vitor's on. I think Bruce Lee Getting saucy over in Bellator right How saucy How saucy thing he's gonna get
Starting point is 01:45:06 Dude whatever Vitor's on I think Bruce Lee type saucy He's gonna look like Ryan Gordon Dude how about He knocked him out He's almost too respectful Oh he knew man
Starting point is 01:45:19 He knew I mean he was out cold I'd almost rather have you celebrate my knockout I know right Douche! Like, this is embarrassing. This makes it more embarrassing. Hands on the hip, and then bow to him while his fucking eyes rolled back.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Yeah. Damn. And then, you know, I guess the UFC wanted to work with him a little bit, but he just went to Bellator, because he goes, you saw it, it was way too strict, man, I'm out. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Can we see in real time? Or do they only have it here? Look at this, man. Look how he. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Can we see in real time? Or do they only have it here?
Starting point is 01:45:45 Look at this, man. Look how he fakes that in. Boop! Boom. One more time? See, what's interesting is, like, Vitor always would talk about standing square.
Starting point is 01:45:57 You know, when I first started trading at Carlson Gracie's in 1996. Old school. It was before Vitor made his UFC debut That's when I first started Jiu Jitsu And Vitor was 19 The phenom
Starting point is 01:46:10 He was always talking about Oh here it is in real time Look how he moves man Liotta's so sneaky Look at that That is phenomenal Give me that one more time son In real time
Starting point is 01:46:21 Then he gets down on his knees But look at Machida The way he's moving here So sneaky I mean he didn't even see that coming in real time. Then he gets down on his knees and bows. But look at Machida, the way he's moving here. So sneaky. I mean, he didn't even see that coming. He's looking at these crazy hand movements.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Dude, and remember before this he beat Andrews, who's a big up-and-comer football player at Alabama. Yep. He beat him, starts Vitor,
Starting point is 01:46:38 went, I'm out. Yeah. Now he's at Bellator. You get Roy McDonald, Gagarin, Mousasi, there's some fun
Starting point is 01:46:44 fucking fights over there. Well, I think he sent his brother over there to test the waters. Like, tell me how many times I make you pee. Yeah, let me know. How's that going, bro? What kind of house can they go to next time? Get that Ryan Bader rematch.
Starting point is 01:46:55 There's some cool fights over there. Oh, yeah. Especially if they let him get saucy. I mean, he's 40 years old. Come on. The other scary thing about Bellator is that uh dazon days on days dazon where the fuck they're gonna call it is giving them they gave them a nine-figure deal who you ever heard about this dazon deal i don't know what you're saying dazon what is that it's
Starting point is 01:47:17 their streaming service so now they signed with them so now bellator you remember how they had tape delays now you can stream it digitally. You get that now. For free? High quality. I think you have to pay for it. How much? I don't know. But you can stream it on your phone?
Starting point is 01:47:31 Their first one's going to be free. Their first welterweight big fight is going to be free. Everybody wins in Bellator deal with days into streamed live events. So think about who they got, right? Okay, they got Gegard. His people just contacted me. I'm going to get Gegard Mousasi on the podcast. Love it.
Starting point is 01:47:46 He's fighting Roy McDonald. Yep, so they got Gegard, they got Roy McDonald, two absolute world-class fighters. Absolute world-class. Top of the food chain. Maybe the best 185 and the best 170 in the world. Certainly in the argument, right? 100%. Then, you know, look, Ryan Bader's never looked better.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Ryan Bader's never looked better. He's in a heavyweight tournament right now. He may not ever beat Jon Jones, but he's never looked better. Ryan Bader's never looked better. He's in a heavyweight tournament right now. I mean, I'd never beat Jon Jones, but he's never looked better. You know what I'm saying? Phenomenal. I mean, he looks fucking incredible. When he knocked out King Mo. He could be heavyweight champion.
Starting point is 01:48:13 He could be heavyweight champion. And he's light heavyweight champion right now. And who knows, man? Maybe him going up to heavyweight would be better for him. I mean, maybe he doesn't have to cut weight. Maybe he could fight more, especially as an older guy in his 30s. If he can beat Mitrione, that says a lot. Well, he's really gotten better and better and better.
Starting point is 01:48:29 He's never stopped getting better. Then, of course, you got Paul Daly, one of the most exciting motherfuckers in any weight division, who's got a nuclear missile for a left hand. His last fight was tough. Michael Venn and Page. Phenomenal. Who did Paul? Well, Paul Daly's last fight with Fitch was brutal, man.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Fitch is going to Fitch, though gonna Fitch though Okay but why make that fight That's what I'm saying Why do that fight What are we doing here Why would you diminish Fitch is gonna Fitch bro And why would you Diminish Daly
Starting point is 01:48:53 Like in terms of He was upset Marketability After the Larkin fight So he KOs Larkin Who Larkin always felt like Was a dark horse At 170
Starting point is 01:49:01 Especially after he Fucked up Neil Magny Smoked Neil Magny I was like dude This, this guy is something. He's got a lot of weird skills, man. Larkin's got a weird way of moving. He's got that oblique kick that he does to the body. But then he struggled in Bellator.
Starting point is 01:49:14 He came over there. He's fighting Lima. Lima's a motherfucker. So he struggled with him. Lima beat him. But it was close. He lost two in a row. And then he got KO'd.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Yeah. See, man, you're in a slugfest. You're in a slugfest with Paul Daly, dude. That dude has got something crazy in his left hand. But you know they're doing Paul Daly, Michael Venn, and Paige next. I know. Paul Daly signs new Bellator contract, accepts Joe Schilling's call out. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Joe Schilling versus Paul Daly in MMA. Yes, Joe Schilling. Schilling's fighting MMA now. Paul Daly's not taking anybody down. They're going to stand, son. That's interesting. If it was a kickboxing match, I'd be more excited. But do you think Paul Daly's going to try to take him down?
Starting point is 01:49:53 After all the shit he talks about guys taking him down? I don't think there's a chance in hell. Yeah. I'd rather see Joe Schilling fighting kickboxing. One of the best kickboxers in the world. MMA's tough for him. He wants to fight MMA now. That's what he's doing. I'll watch it. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 01:50:08 The problem that Joe's been having is they don't give him enough money in kickboxing. Bellator kickboxing even, it's just not materializing. Because he's not with Glory anymore, right? He's Bellator. Yeah, I know, but he was in Glory or no? Right, yeah. He was in Glory and then he came over to Bellator a couple years ago and he's fought well. He's had some great
Starting point is 01:50:24 fights. Yeah, I loved watching him fight in kickboxing. But for whatever reason, Bellator kickboxing just does not have the appeal. Kickboxing doesn't have the appeal. That's crazy to me, man. I do not understand. I do not understand. Really? I do.
Starting point is 01:50:36 I do not understand. I do. If boxing is popular, how is kickboxing not popular? I don't know. I watch boxing. I'd much rather watch it than kickboxing. Did you watch Rico Verhoeven's last fight? Sure did.
Starting point is 01:50:46 Fucking that was amazing. It was cool. Against Ben Sadiq. I'm not stopping my plans for it, though. You're not stopping your Friday night for it. I would if I didn't have shit to do. I know. But have shit to do.
Starting point is 01:50:58 We've done Glory Fight Companions. Have we? Yeah. I did a Glory Fight Companion with Joe Schilling. And who else did it? I was in here. Well, listen, you would have been here. True.
Starting point is 01:51:09 I never miss Fight Companions. You're going to make fun of the things I love, like I made fun of your soccer. I see what you're doing. There you go. Full circle. You're coming down on me. Full circle, sir. I got to find something.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Dude, I love kickboxing, man. No, I enjoy kickboxing. I think Glory puts out the best product. I think Glory's phenomenal. I'm actually bummed out that Lion Fight is not on AXS TV anymore. They lost their deal with AXS TV. Well, if you had done Fight Companions for Lion Fight, Bryce would still be around.
Starting point is 01:51:33 I think we did one. No? No. I think we only did Glory. Come on, bro. Fight Companion for Glory. Bam. That's right.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Eve Edwards and Joe Schilling. Son? 2016. Son? I would have done it since then. I just didn't have time, man. Okay? and Joe Schilling. Son. 2016. Son. I would have done it since then. I just didn't have time, man. Okay? It's because it's kickboxing.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I still love it. But you would shut fucking down for, you know. Well, we only did one Bellator, too. We only done one Bellator ever. What was that? That was a big Bellator. Yeah. Who was that?
Starting point is 01:52:00 Who was fighting? It was all KOs and submissions. It was amazing. It's an amazing card. Shane Carlin fight? No. Shane hasn't fought. Come on card no she doesn't want bro you shut your mouth Jamie Jamie's like doctor Jay fucking dork how dare you Shane Carwin she's never fought You know better than this. You son of a bitch. The wrong name came to my head. I apologize. Think who the fuck was it?
Starting point is 01:52:29 It was a big Bellator. You, me, and Eddie did. It was a phenomenal night. Was it Fedor Mitrione? It was 198, but it's not. Was it Fedor Frank Mir? Frank Mir. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Bombs on bombs on bombs. Yeah, Fedor Frank Mir was chaos. Yes, that was a good night. You know, Frank Mir, I really appreciate that guy. I appreciate the way he thinks and talks about fighting too, and one of the things he said is like, remember Fedor hip-tossed him, slammed him on his back, and he said he just got up and just wanted to swing at him. His ego got the best of him, and that wasn't the plan.
Starting point is 01:53:02 The plan wasn't just recklessly abandon and engage on him. No, I would do that with Fedor. Yeah. But he almost beat him. He almost beat him. He had him wobbled. Well, this is the thing. I think Fedor gets you into his groove.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Like, he did that with Arlovsky. He's done it with a lot of people. He gets you into his groove, and then he cracks you with something. Game over. He's done it to Brett Rogers. But I think that I was curious to see how that fight was taking place, because in the beginning, Frank was catching him. He caught him, yeah, and then rushed in.
Starting point is 01:53:28 But Frank also said ring rust is real. He's like, dude, I need the experience. I haven't felt that kind of nerves and stuff going into a fight in a long time. It's been a long layoff for me. How long had he been off, two years? Two years. He's like, I just need to get back in there. You know Josh Barnett's supposed to sign with him.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Bellator? Scott Coker's on the phone Josh Barnett's supposed to sign with him. Bellator? Scott Coker's on the phone with Barnett, and they've worked together before, so you know that boy Barnett gets in there. Yeah, Mario Batali's in the kitchen right now making some sauce. He's chopping up some basil and some garlic. Barnett, get saucy. Get saucy. Dude.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Let him get saucy. Barnett saucy against Ryan Bader? Well, who do theyweights, it's trouble. Get saucy. Dude. Let them get saucy. Barnett saucy against Ryan Bader? Well, who do they have? They have Bader. They have... Chael Sonnen. Chael Sonnen. Frank Mir.
Starting point is 01:54:14 Remember when Josh stopped Frank Mir? How does he realize how good Josh is? Josh is a nightmare. He's a nightmare. Remember when he beat the brakes off Roy Nelson? Beat the shit out of him for five rounds. Beat the shit out of him. And showed some serious cardio. Some serious shit out of him for five rounds. Beat the shit out of him. And showed some serious cardio.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Some serious cardio to do that for five rounds. Yeah, Josh is a nightmare for all those dudes. Oh, he's phenomenal. Yeah, he might be Bellator heavyweight champion. He could. Especially if you let the man sleep in. You know what I'm saying? Hunk.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Hunk. Why wouldn't you? Oh, just trust his pain. Don't hate on him, man. Just look at it. It's all yellow and healthy. Older with just skills for days. Leave him alone. Yeah, that trust his pain. Don't hate on him, man. Just look at it. It's all yellow and healthy. Older, just skills for days. Leave him alone.
Starting point is 01:54:47 Yeah, that's the problem. When those old dudes get a hold of that juice, they got all those years and years of learning and experience. And then all of a sudden, their body starts moving like a young man's body again. That's why TRT Vitor was so fascinating. He might go over to Bellator. I wouldn't be surprised. Well, he might sign with Ryzen, but he might go to Bellator.
Starting point is 01:55:03 But if he goes to Bellator. Even Bellator for Vitor, he's like, dude, you know what you guys test a little bit? I don't be surprised if, well, he might sign with Ryzen, but he might go to Bellator. But if he goes to Bellator. Even Bellator for Vitor, he's like, dude, you know you guys test a little bit? I don't even want that. Like, Bellator's testing's too strict for me. I don't want that. Well, that was one of the things that Rory, not Rory, that Gegard Mousasi was talking about guys fighting him. Who was he bringing up that he would need extra testing from? He was just talking about this.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Gegard was just talking about this. At 205? Or 85, do you remember? At 85. Who was it? Machida, that's right. That's right, because he lost a decision to Machida over in Bellator. He wants extra drug testing for Leo to Machida if they rematch. I don't
Starting point is 01:55:43 trust that guy. He said, whoa. Bellator's going, no problem, man. We'll do extra. We'll make sure on it. Looks like pee. Tastes like pee. Instead of once, we did it twice. Leota confirmed it's pee pee. We let him know six months in advance when he's going to be tested. We give him a heads up. He's going to test it a lot.
Starting point is 01:55:59 We post-dated all his urine samples. He has a full schedule. You want it too? We have 12 urine samples. We took them all on the same day, but we got them. That's what they need to do, man. Even that's too strict for a fucking V-tour, though. Hey, have you heard anything about Tony Ferguson? How's his knee doing? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:16 What is going on with him? I don't know. Eddie just had shoulder surgery a couple weeks ago. He just took his, I think actually a week ago, just took his stitches out. It must have been bad for him to have surgery because I remember the last time I saw him. I saw him at the Tommy store.
Starting point is 01:56:30 He's like, he's going like this backstage. I'm good, man. I'm good, and he's doing this. Well, it must not have been good. He must have done something and hurt it again and realized he just should go ahead and bite the bullet and get the surgery. I need to get them stem cells or whatever.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Stem cells? I need them stem cells in this left knee. Team Dagestan breaking. If the negotiations on the fight, okay this is Russian translation, Team Khabib versus Notorious MMA
Starting point is 01:56:56 will not be achieved, then next week UFC announces fight Team Khabib versus Tony Ferguson XT UFC 229 October 6th. How can he come back that quick? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This isn't even real. I mean, MMA Team Dagestan?
Starting point is 01:57:13 That doesn't work. Yeah, but wait a minute. Let me think of when Tony... Go to Tony Ferguson's Instagram. They show him breakdancing, right? When did Tony Ferguson have his surgery? That was before Brooklyn. So before Brooklyn was what?
Starting point is 01:57:24 How many months ago was that? Two months ago? Correct. There's no way. How does he do that? And from what I hear, Conor versus Khabib is happening. It's fucking happening. This year.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Really? That's what you hear? That's how the UFC gets him out of jail? I don't think they give a fuck. I mean, we'll find out what's going to happen in July, right? So just go to the actual images. Yeah, go back. And then scroll down.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Let me see that one right there, where he's moving around. There's a video. Let me see that. This is him recently. Hmm. He's moving fucking slow. Yeah, he's just controlled. I mean, Tony's an absolute freak. So when he he's ready to go he'll be ready to go but it almost hurts him because he's such a freak and he wants it so
Starting point is 01:58:12 bad he might not be ready you know right and he might hurt himself yes but he's got to be with state-of-the-art guys man um it's tony ferguson there was that one up there with the so he's doing that one right there no right you just had it there you go look at, so he's doing that one right there. No, right, you just had it. There you go. Look at this. So he's getting on his knees and crawling across mats. Shit. This does not totally look like a guy who's ready to fight, though. It looks like he's just breaking down. And to fight Khabib in October?
Starting point is 01:58:35 Scar tissue. That'd be a little tough. Strength, flexibility, motivation, creativity increasing tremendously. Not 100%, but close. Champ. Strap. 11 weeks out. 11 weeks out. 11 weeks out.
Starting point is 01:58:46 That's not much time, man. That's not even three months. That's a weird thing. It's like, you know, these guys, they have incredible willpower and incredible endurance and incredible, like, just the focus and drive and discipline to get better, but your body has to heal. If I'm the UFC, I'm paying to, and I don't know how stem cells work, but if I'm Dana, I'm paying for Tony to see a stem cell doctor every week.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Yeah, I don't even know if that would totally help. I mean, maybe it would help. I think everything helps a little bit, right? It's not like you can really measure it. Like you've got a body chart where I can look at your diagnosis and go, oh yeah, look, after we shot the stem cells in, look, your number here. It's definitely going to help though. Your tissue went up 35%.
Starting point is 01:59:29 It's better than eating fucking fruit roll-ups. Oh yeah, yeah. I mean, I'm sure he's, I don't know what he's doing. I would assume he's doing something. I would do growth. I would do a shitload of growth, which you might get flagged for. I don't know what they're doing with testing, but. I don't think you could really test for growth. I'm honest with you. If do blood work. I don't think they're really – yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:59:45 I think it's real iffy whether or not they can catch you doing that. The IGF one. To catch growth and it's half-life, you have to do blood work. So I don't know how they test these days. How do they test when they randomly show up? Do they get blood and urine or just urine? I have no idea. They've never – I've left this one to happen.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Those guys could probably get away with it. Correct. But it's such a dangerous move if they flag you with it and then you're out for a year. Yeah, but if I'm injured and I have a doctor's prescription for HGH to recover, I'm doing all the HGH stem cells. But would they let you do
Starting point is 02:00:15 that? Would the UFC allow? You can't even have a fucking IV. Like, while he's going through all this, he can't take an IV. How lame is that? Like, if he feels dehydrated, how stupid is that? Terrible. What are we doing? Well, how about this? What if he wants to get an IV. How lame is that? If he feels dehydrated. How lame is that? How stupid is that? What are we doing? Well, how about this? What if he wants to get an IV NAD drip, which will help him recover?
Starting point is 02:00:29 I know. What if he wants to get an IV? That's not even outlawed. What if he wants to get IV vitamins, like a vitamin infusion? You can do that. But if you're in the UFC business, why wouldn't you want that guy to be on all the hgh he can get just to recover his knee so he can fight khabib to fight for 155 which we're all vying to see yeah that's good for business who gives a flying fuck what he's how he's doing you'd want him for sure on the stuff
Starting point is 02:00:54 that you can do like platelet rich plasma or you know dude send him down to panama fucking like a david lee song. Panama. I agree. Look, the thing about Panama and going to like Dr. Neil Reardon and doing all that shit that Mel Gibson was talking about on the podcast with his dad. Yeah. That stuff's legal. It's legal in Panama. You go down there and they'll do shit that- TJ went down there, right? TJ's gone down there twice. He's gone down there twice. And it's all legal. Totally.
Starting point is 02:01:22 If TJ's doing it, it's legal. It's totally above board. You're allowed to do it. I'd fly that fucking doctor in here and I'd have you can't do it here You have to do it in Panama because they're doing things that aren't legal in the United States. Well, all right either way Private jet Tony's ass. Well, you know I'm saying I'm saying Anyone gets hurt. We got this. Yeah cover this. There's not enough money though See the thing they said that the UFC made more money last year than ever before, right? It's like a record year.
Starting point is 02:01:50 A lot of it was like all these deals. But do you know how much money they must have to pay every month for that loan? They have a $4 billion purchase. That's so much money. Yeah, but they just signed a huge fucking nut with ESPN and the streaming deal, ESPN Plus. But do you think they have enough money where they could fly guys down to Panama every time everybody gets hurt? All 500? I'm talking about
Starting point is 02:02:11 special treatment. I'm talking Tom Brady. If I'm the New England Patriots, I'm flying down there by any means necessary. Okay, when do you take it off? When do you not allow it? Do you let Michael Chiesa fly down there? Nope. You're shaking your head no. No.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Damn. What if he strangles Pettis? No. You son of a bitch. What's he ranked? What's he ranked? You son of a bitch. We'll have to find out.
Starting point is 02:02:34 It's also, Pettis hasn't exactly been on a hot streak. Okay, Kevin Lee. Send Kevin Lee down there? Probably. We'll send Kevin down there. We'll send Kevin Lee down there. We'll send Kevin down there. He beat Michael, didn't he?
Starting point is 02:02:43 Choked him out, didn't he? He did, didn't he? Didn't he? Kid's got a lot of star power too, doesn't you? He beat Michael, didn't he? Choked him out, didn't he? He did, didn't he? The kid's got a lot of star power, too, doesn't he? A little star power. I'm like a shitty promoter. Yeah. You know, there's levels to this game where, like, if LeBron gets hurt, we're flying him somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:57 Michael Chiesa, number nine. Kevin Lee, number five. Okay, do you fly down Dustin Poirier? Ooh, you don't. This is tough, right? Bro, you're giving me trouble with all these fucking guys. Dude, I gotta look at pay-per-view numbers. No, he's lost two.
Starting point is 02:03:14 We're not flying down. Wow. You don't fly him down. Maybe you can win two now. You're on fight nights. Can you charter a plane and get a bunch of them in at once? See, now you're talking. 10 for one deal or something?
Starting point is 02:03:24 From the Michael Johnson fight with Justin Gagey, he gets flown down for the rest of his fucking life. Can we inject brain cells? Yes. We're going to go through the ears. If we inject brain cells in there... We're going to get him to lie with his head on one side. We're going to fill his ears up, let it soak into his brain.
Starting point is 02:03:39 You know there's holes in his ear. And then lie down on the other side, fill them up with stem cells. Just go right through the nose we're going through the whole body i mean i'm giving khabib connor tony eddie alvarez and nate diaz a fucking frequent flyer card into that bitch do you know that um that's something that um kyle kingsbury said he did he did some sort of nasal exosomes right and then do you remember him talking about that did he talk about that on the podcast or off the podcast he's into all kinds of crazy state-of-the-art shit oh he's a freak he's a big fella yeah that's a big fella that Kyle Kingsbury jacked super athlete too does
Starting point is 02:04:16 everything to try and get the best body possible well now that he works it on it too like that's his job correct you know he's on the on top of everything new that's coming out, what can help, and what's the newest, latest, greatest shit. So you're saying he injected testosterone right into his nose? No, I think it's exosomes. What's that? I think it's the shit that makes stem cells effective. Into his nose?
Starting point is 02:04:38 Was he talking about that? Was it Ben Greenfield? God damn it. I think it was Ben Greenfield. This is why I think it was. Okay, now I remember. Ben Greenfield? Ben Greenfield? God damn it. I think it was Ben Greenfield. This is why I think it was. Okay. Now I remember. Ben Greenfield? Ben Greenfield crashed his bike hard and really hurt himself. Hit his nose? Yeah, he hurt his head. Okay. And one of the things he did, that's who it was. One of the things he did to mitigate CTE is have exosomes shot up his
Starting point is 02:05:02 nose. He did it IV, had it done up his nose, and he did like a full body exosome treatment. Do you know who Ben Greenfield is? I've listened to one of your podcasts. You gotta have him on your show. On Fire Kid? Yes. First of all, he's a super genius. Tell Brian to shut the fuck up while he's talking. I can't.
Starting point is 02:05:20 I feel like he should be on Brian's podcast. No, but he's also a super athlete. He does a lot of crazy shit Like Tough Mudders and all that stuff But he's on the ball When it comes to the latest and greatest stuff He did a whole article for was it Esquire Or when he shot his dick up with stem cells
Starting point is 02:05:36 And talked about all the different things He did to his dick PRP and stem cells And he self administered it And he's a super genius oh man then but Brian will take over the conversation
Starting point is 02:05:47 that's what I'm saying tell Brian to shut the fuck up I know or leave him at home I know or tell Brian we don't have the podcast that day
Starting point is 02:05:52 you know the French Alps where they train the skiers hey god damn Greenfield's here he's here just today please let him talk let him go
Starting point is 02:06:00 please let him talk when Ben's here I'd just wind him up and let him drop science on me dude that dinner that you posted with all those smart people were you guys trying to solve the world crisis go please i'm yeah i when ben's here i just wind him up and let him tell me drop science on me dude that dinner you're at what they posted with all those smart people were you guys trying to solve the world crisis or what was going on there where'd you guys eat eating talking shit like you
Starting point is 02:06:13 talk shit like we talk shit probably no they're smart guys smart shit though right no there's some shit talking especially sam harris is very funny believe it or not yeah he's very really smart dude yeah he's real funny eric weinstein is very funny uh Believe it or not. Yeah, he's very funny. Smart dude. Yeah, he's real funny. Eric Weinstein is very funny. And Peterson. Was that right? Yeah, and Jordan Rubin, or Dave Rubin, rather, is, Dave Rubin's a stand-up. And then Jordan Peterson can be funny sometimes. He's just insanely smart, though.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Does one person start the topic and then you guys go around like a round table? No, we were all just talking. And sometimes we were all talking together and a couple times we broke off into separate conversations. Yeah, you go into groups, don't you? Yeah. It was a lot of people. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 02:06:53 Those big dinners are tough because you don't really talk to it. You break off in groups. Who's close to you, you know? Yeah. It was fun, though. It's fun knowing people that are way smarter than you. That's my entire friend. All my friends are smarter than me. I thought about this the other night. Oh, wow. Everyone's smarter than you. That's my entire friend. All my friends are smarter than me.
Starting point is 02:07:05 I thought about this the other night. Oh, wow. Everyone's smarter than me. That's cool. That's what you want, though. Yeah, you don't want to be the one who has the answers. If you're the smartest guy in the group, you're fucking, that's not good. You don't want to be the guy with the answers.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Just like you don't want to be the toughest guy in the room. Yeah. You don't want to be that guy. No. You need tough training partners. You also need tough training partners to get good. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:07:22 You don't want to be the best fighter in your gym. Well, really interesting people. it makes you crave interesting conversations. It makes you more interested in different subjects. They motivate you the same way like if you were training with Brian Ortega, you'd want your jiu-jitsu to be tighter. You get motivated by watching them. It's like I did a podcast, I think, Drinking Bros with Matt Best and those guys. And they're all super high-level military guys.
Starting point is 02:07:44 They're asking me about fighting or whatever. And we're doing our dick jokes. I'm like, no, hold on. Cause I want to hear what they say about the military. Cause they have this fucking, they have their black belts in military and all that combat experience.
Starting point is 02:07:55 So I flipped the script on them. It was fucking fascinating. Well, your, your listeners are going to hate this cause they probably don't know this, but it went by in like missions and how it goes down. I was fucking fascinated, man.
Starting point is 02:08:04 I don't want to talk. I was fucking fascinated, man. It is. I don't want to talk. Right. I want to hear them talk. Have you ever done a podcast with Jocko? No, I fucking, uh. Do you know Jocko? I don't know him at all.
Starting point is 02:08:13 Well, you do. I woke up earlier than the other day and felt like, uh, tweeting him like, what's up now, bitch? Ha, you woke up earlier than Jocko? Yeah. What time were you up? Uh, I think like four something, but he posted, he was up at like five something. Jocko's a caricature. I'm like, got your ass. He's, he's been on the carnivore diet before it was the carnivore diet he just eats steak
Starting point is 02:08:29 i look at him i think that's steak you know no i need him on the podcast for sure he would be a great guest i know we i think uh someone goes man we need to get choco on fire in the kid i put let's do it and he goes he goes i'm there but we just got to figure it out. Yeah, I'll give you his number after the show. But he's one of those dudes where if you read his stuff enough and pay attention, it will increase your motivation. It just will. He's the real deal. He has this video called, have you ever seen his video, Good? Have you ever seen Good? No, please play it.
Starting point is 02:09:00 Oh, my God. How long is it though? It's going to give you a rock hard boner. What is it, a couple minutes? Two minutes long? It's tough to motivate me. It's one of my favorite. I watch this at least once every six months. I'm not bullshit. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Play it on the podcast. Go full screen and give me some volume and don't start it prematurely you son of a bitch. Let it load up. Let it load up. One of my direct subordinates, one of my guys that for me he would he would call me up or we pause this real quick what's his background navy seal commander i'm in say no more okay
Starting point is 02:09:34 direct subordinates one of my guys that worked for me he would he would call me up or pull me aside with some major problem some issue that was going on And he'd say boss we got this and that the other thing and I look at him and I'd say good and finally one day he was telling me about some issue that he was having some problem and He said I already know what you're gonna say. I Said well, what am I gonna say? He said you're gonna say good He said that's what you always say when something is wrong and going bad you always just look're going to say good. He said, that's what you always say. When something is wrong and going bad, you always just look at me and say good. And I said, well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:13 When things are going bad, there's going to be some good that's going to come from it. Didn't get the new high-speed gear we wanted? Good. Didn't get the new high-speed gear we wanted? Good. Didn't get promoted? Good. More time to get better. Oh, mission got canceled? Good. We can focus on another one. Didn't get funded? Didn't get the job you wanted? Got injured? Sprained my ankle? tapped out good got beat you learned unexpected problems good we have the opportunity to figure out a solution that's it when things are going bad don't get all bummed out don't get
Starting point is 02:11:03 startled don't get all bummed out don't get startled don't get frustrated if you can say the word good guess what it means you're still alive it means you're still breathing and if you're still breathing breathing well now you still got some fight left in you so get up dust off reload recalibrate re-engage and go out on the attack. Gangster. Dude, when it comes from a guy like him, it has a different meaning behind it. Different meaning, yeah. When those guys speak, I listen, man. I hear that sometimes when I run.
Starting point is 02:11:59 When I'm running hills and I'm tired, I just go, good. Good. Just keep going. I'm tired. Tired? Good. You're supposed to be working hard good fight with your girlfriend good bring it bitch it's having that attitude though
Starting point is 02:12:11 like making that switch in your mind to just look at things in a different way everybody can do that everybody that's not unattainable when you listen to something like that the real beauty of something that inspires you like that is you hear it and then you can actually put into action this is but do you ever have a problem being self-motivated joe like i've like don't get wrong that's fucking fantastic i've never been a guy who's been drawn to the motivational stuff or i just never have been i've never needed it i've been blessed in that regards i don't know what it is i like it even when bad things happen, I'm always super positive. Always. That's great. Now when I say bad things, I'm not comparing my bad situations to fucking Jocko in Ward. Right. I'm talking whether it's when I lost a fight, if something's going wrong, in standup,
Starting point is 02:12:58 and something business-wise, I don't get some, I'm usually all good. I'm usually pretty positive. You are. You're a very positive guy. I think that's one of the secrets to your success is that you look at things in a good way and you have confidence and you act. I tell all these young stand-ups, I go, Brandon Childs has been doing comedy for two fucking years. You've got to look what he's doing. This is when an athlete goes after something. You have the work ethic of an athlete and the mindset of an athlete, but you're also funny. See, the thing about comedy is a lot of people that are really funny are also, we're sob, we're, we're personal saboteurs. We self-sabotage. We are impulsive.
Starting point is 02:13:36 A lot of times get addicted to things. It's like real, like the type of person that becomes a standup is a person who says ridiculous shit. They say things that are socially unacceptable things because they know it's going to get a rise they hang around with a bunch of other degenerates like you and me hang around and you get you this is a certain style of person yeah like a joey diaz style of person but you're an athlete who has those attributes so for you like what i tell like young guys in particular i go this highlights the importance of discipline it doesn't make you less funny. That's a cop-out. A lot of people think that discipline makes you less funny.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Comics have these weird cop-outs. You don't want to be a guy who works hard. You want to be a guy who's funny. Some guys are funny and it's effortless. That's nonsense. Working hard in everything. You should work hard in everything. Everything that you try to do, you should put.
Starting point is 02:14:21 The more attention and more focus you put on it, the better you're going to get at it. Correct. Yeah, I just don't want to be a loser. You know what saying i also just i don't want to embarrass myself or people either if they pay for a ticket i'm like dude jesus christ well also you can do it you can do it correct you know you can do it so if you can do it just keep doing it yep get better at it keep working at it keep swinging it's a fascinating thing to do for a living, man. You know? It's the best. Fuck. Are you kidding me? But disciplined, man. So I've never necessarily had a problem self-motivating, but I've always drawn inspiration from a lot
Starting point is 02:14:55 of different sources. Really? Yeah. I go to The Rock's Instagram page every day. Every day. No bullshit. Because he's always hustling. I see The Rock.
Starting point is 02:15:03 He's always fucking flying around in a jet. He's always in the gym. Just a little bit. But The Rock inspires you, but Kevin Hart doesn't on jets? No, no, no. He does too. Really? Not on jets.
Starting point is 02:15:12 The jet thing is I get that. That's funny. But when Kevin Hart's in the gym all the time, that inspires me for sure. To work out. He's constantly in the gym. It doesn't mean I'm going to work out because of Kevin Hart. No, I get that. I was going to work out already.
Starting point is 02:15:22 But you're just like, fuck yeah, let's get it. I like watching people kick ass. There he is. Bam. The rocker. I also like people kicking ass. I don't hate anyone. I root for everyone.
Starting point is 02:15:33 It's almost a problem where I root for everyone. I almost think it was my downfall as a fighter and as a football player. I would root for everyone. I didn't hate anybody. I want everyone to do well. But it helps me in comedy. I want everyone to do well. But it helps me in comedy. Like, I want everyone to, I want everything to be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:49 Like, I did a show at the Ice House, and like, you need someone to open up for you. And so I called Emily at the comedy store. I'm like, hey, do you have two door guys who are vying for spots? She's like, fuck yeah. Give me a list. So every show, I'm always trying to bring the door guys in. That's beautiful. Because I'm like, how can I, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:16:03 It's like, I want everyone door guys in. That's beautiful. Because I'm like, how can I? You know what I'm saying? It's like I want everyone to do well. That's beautiful. Because when I look at like what inspires me is like when you post a video in the crowds in Idaho or whatever or Chris D'Elia or like the crew. When guys are doing like to me, it's trying to keep up with that. Because I feel like we're in this race, right? We're in this race together and everyone's fucking beast and animals and you gotta you're gonna fall back in the pack man be a loser and get fucking eaten by these lions or you keep running with these monsters yeah that's how i look at it well it's it's a great attitude to have in
Starting point is 02:16:35 anything if you want the people around you to do well it's a great attitude to have with everything that's been it's one of the major secrets to my success for sure is have a bunch of people around you that are kicking ass and then helping them. Helping everybody. Promoting everybody. Letting everybody know. And encouraging everybody. And then when everybody's doing great and everybody's – it's just – it feels – it's a good feeling for all involved. When people go selfish and they only want a good thing to happen to them and they get upset if good things happen to other people, that's poison, man.
Starting point is 02:17:05 But the jealousy doesn't work. It does the opposite of work. There's an actual quote about that, that jealousy is one of the rare emotions that achieves the opposite effect that it intends to because you intend to diminish someone by being jealous of them, but in fact you diminish yourself.
Starting point is 02:17:23 Yeah, you're putting energy into things you can't control and it does not matter. Yeah, I forget who made that quote, but it's even uglier when it's jealousy amongst friends. Oh, the worst. We all have seen it. 100%. It's weird.
Starting point is 02:17:34 It's a weird thing to see. It's weird. To me, when I was fighting, it was weird to see people who, I won't mention names, but we're all in the same group and a guy would be fighting. You could tell they didn't want him to succeed.
Starting point is 02:17:47 I'm like, dude, we just went through an eight-week camp. It's going to be tough. I'm like, tough? I'm like, oh, you're jealous, man. With his success, you can go on your own path. That's a weird thing, man. With comedy, I thought I'd get it way worse. I thought people were going to fucking hate me when I walked in the store, laugh at you.
Starting point is 02:18:05 But I don't see it around there. And if I do it, they're not saying it to my face. No. Because our group's there. Well, it's also once you're proven to actually be funny, you're in. Nobody gives a shit. Everybody just wants you to be funny. But if you were like some guy who was like maybe an actor that was kind of half-assing it
Starting point is 02:18:21 and people would come to see you just because you were an actor but you weren't really trying, you didn't respect, which we've all seen in the past well there's been a bunch of those people that tried to get sitcoms back in you know the early days and during the sitcom days when there was a lot of comics like that were getting these deals and then they would do a sitcom based around them very few of them ever became like a seinfeld or something like that but but they gave it a lot of deals man developmental And so there was a lot of actors who got into comedy and put together like a quote unquote act to try to get a deal. Like they would do it because they would look at it seeing like, look, if they're just going to audition for shows, it's really difficult to stand out from the crowd.
Starting point is 02:18:58 I mean, unless you look like Luke Rockhold or you got some, you know, you're the perfect Ryan Reynolds looking fella. Yeah. It's fucking hard. Fuck yeah. And then if you're a girl, like you have to be like really hot or you have to be really big. Like you have to, something has to be funny about you, right?
Starting point is 02:19:13 Well, if you're a standup, there's no rules. Like you can be Ali Wong. You can be Roseanne Barr. You can be, I mean, there's no, you just have to be funny. Yep. Like anybody. That's all that matters. Right.
Starting point is 02:19:23 So a lot of actors looked at it like, oh, I'll just put together an act. And oh, man, stand-ups would hate them. Oh, my. They'd hate them. I'm sure it wouldn't go well either. No. It's within whoever it is. Let's say fucking John Goodman started doing stand-up, right?
Starting point is 02:19:37 And he came on stage and went, oh, fuck, that's John Goodman. And after about three minutes, like, okay, that's John Goodman. What the fuck are you going to do, man? Well, that was Michael Richards you know Michael Richards wasn't he didn't really have a background in stand-up he had a background I didn't know that yeah he was like he would do like he would it wasn't it didn't have like an act he would do like he would fall down on stage and play like he was doing Kramer the character he was Kramer yeah it was very strange and I don't know if he did it for a long time and then stopped doing it for a long time and then started doing it again after Seinfeld.
Starting point is 02:20:09 But before he had that, you know, air quotes, incident at the Laugh Factory, you know, we'd seen him a couple of times and it was weird. You know, it was like a really, really famous open mic night guy. Jesus Christ. Yeah, strange. It was like a guy who's super famous but really hasn't been doing it that much. Because you're going up at the Laugh Factor comedy store. You got to remember, it's murder.
Starting point is 02:20:32 They're not booking those people. So it's murder is wrong for whatever reason you got in, but you're on that lineup with Bill Burr and you and D'Elia. And you got to go up and the crowd's used to seeing high level fucking stuff. Yeah. This was like what? 2006 or some shit? When did all that go down with him?
Starting point is 02:20:53 Brian said he was at the Improv and drove over there. Well, I had gotten back to the Comedy Store, and I think it was Brent Ernst. I think he saw, yeah, he was over at the Laugh Factory when it happened, and he came back, and he was like, yo, I just left the Laugh Factory. He goes, fucking Kramer's up there throwing the N-bomb. And I was like, no, what happened? He goes, dude, it was crazy. He lost his shit.
Starting point is 02:21:20 He was getting heckled. So we had heard about it, but then when the cell phone video got leaked TMZ released that shit everybody was like oh wow game, set, match like this is a new thing dude yeah
Starting point is 02:21:31 it was weird man I was I was doing a set in the belly room the other night and I've never seen Brody Stevens do stand up I've never seen him
Starting point is 02:21:38 and then he got up there and just he can't again I know who he is obviously he's always around but I've never seen him and then he just came out like doing crowd work and not using the mic.
Starting point is 02:21:45 And I looked at Sam and I go, what the fuck's he doing, man? He's like, you've never seen him? I go, just watch. And it was so funny, man. He's going to do it forever. And it's just fantastic. Oh, my God. He does crowd work.
Starting point is 02:21:57 He does warm-ups for so many television shows for so many years that he's super comfortable just talking to people. Yes. Yeah. It was fucking I was dying the special came out recently I think it's on iTunes oh really
Starting point is 02:22:09 live from the main room they taped it and doing that set the Kinnison set the spot no shit dude that's so cool wow
Starting point is 02:22:16 when did they do this it just came out maybe a couple weeks ago yeah he was talking about it on stage good for them that's awesome he can go around and he'll go
Starting point is 02:22:24 Iowa and they're like yeah from there he goes there you go and moves on to the next person like Jesus Christ man Yeah, he was talking about it on stage. Good for them. That's awesome. He can go around and he'll go, Iowa. And they're like, yeah, from Iowa. He goes, there you go. And moves on to the next person. I'm like, Jesus Christ, man. It was so funny. He's a weird guy. He's like, I'll be here till 2 a.m.
Starting point is 02:22:35 It's 10. I'll 2 a.m. I'm like, what the fuck? That's how he kicked it off. I'm like, what is going on right now? Well, his style is so unusual because on paper, you would never understand where the punchlines are. But then when you hear him say, you can't stop laughing. I was dying.
Starting point is 02:22:51 I don't know if he writes it or if he just does it. I wonder. I'd like to ask him if he writes stuff down or if he just does it. There's a few guys like that that are just funny the way, like Theo's like that. Funny the way they say shit. Yes. Theo says shit that I could say the same shit, it wouldn't be funny. Correct.
Starting point is 02:23:07 But he says it and it's fucking hilarious. Yeah. That's the king about comedy, man. Like nobody really knows what funny is until you hear it. But there's also something, Steve Simone, he was saying, because I was telling him, he goes, man, you're here a lot. I go, yeah, I'm trying to just jump on anyone's shows because I want to make sure it's not my crowd because you've got to figure out what's funny because you
Starting point is 02:23:32 just played your shows. I don't want to be that guy. He goes, who told you that? Who the fuck told you that? He goes, everyone here is trying to get their crowds. He goes, when you're on the road, you want your crowd, man. I'm like, I know, but when I'm here, I want to make sure it's not my crowd because I feel like the funny uncle at the barbecue if it's my crowd you don't find out what's working like the ice house like if it's my crowd at the special sizes i've walked off
Starting point is 02:23:52 feel like kevin hart like what the fuck that was a fucking a plus but then you go to the comedy store and it's not your crowd like that was a d that was a fucking d that's true but if you go to the ice house and it's your crowd and you actually record it and listen to it- Which I do. That's important. You can tell what is actually going to work and what's not going to work. You can tell. And then you can tighten it up.
Starting point is 02:24:13 So you have extra confidence at a place like the Ice House to do different shit. To me, what it's like, it's like cross-training. Like, it's not a bad idea to do some kettlebells and run some hills and do jiu-jitsu. It'll probably make you jiu-jitsu better. And I think just doing crowds where no one knows who you are is great, but doing crowds where they know who you are is great too. And as long as you're paying attention, you get a different thing from each one. Yeah, you're right. 100% right.
Starting point is 02:24:39 Yeah, I mean, you also get different things from different size rooms. Dude, there's certain things that will work at the Laugh Factory in certain pockets that won't work anywhere at the comic. It's so strange to me. It's a weird thing, man. It's very strange. It's as strange as it gets. You can feel different energies. It's so cool.
Starting point is 02:24:57 It's so fascinating, man. It is, right? If you want to talk to someone about the comic store and the history of it, Steve Simone just fucking did it. Oh, yeah. He knows a lot of shit. Steve's been around for a long time and couldn't be a nicer guy. Might be the nicest guy in the world. He might be the nicest guy that's ever lived.
Starting point is 02:25:11 Almost like there's a darkness back there that I want to meet. I know. I want to know what's going on there. I want to push him. Come on. He's doing this new bit about his dad. I was like, can we come from a good family, it sounds like. Where's this come from, man?
Starting point is 02:25:22 Nice guy from a good family. Just one day. He was opening up for Artie in San Francisco. Oh, was he? Yeah. The Cobbs. Cobbs is an interesting room. It used to be the tiniest room. It used to be like 150 people. A little tiny room on the road, but it was so good. Everybody wanted to do it. And then they moved to that place, which is
Starting point is 02:25:38 like 450. 450. Giant ass ceiling. It's a big place. It's in crowd there too. Very liberal. Well, that's San Francisco, man. San Francisco highly educated, very progressive. You're doing a different kind of comedy there. Did an abortion joke. They didn't like it?
Starting point is 02:25:59 That's hilarious. More of a reference, but it did not go well. And you can feel it. Is can feel it. Is there anything worse? Nope. But, you know, what it is is when you run into a subject that people don't accept, you've got to ask yourself, okay, does my sense of humor different than theirs? Or did I do a shitty job in figuring out how to get that subject to them?
Starting point is 02:26:20 You know, because some subjects, like, there's quite a few bits that are going to be in my Netflix special that when I first started doing them, they weren't that good. There was something missing. Like I knew there was something there, but you don't, you only know so much when it's written. You really find out what's good when you try it on stage. And then that's when it sort of comes to life. It's like I have almost every bit that i've ever done written in some way but they're all rarely the way i do them yeah you know once you get on stage with it that's when you start fucking with it and figure out how to do it you're more of an outline yeah and then we get on
Starting point is 02:26:55 stage like yeah but it's you know along the way sometimes it just tanks you know that has to happen some guys stick with it though don't they that's so crazy like this isn't where i tell you just the other night man it's not working move it around but a good beating like doing it where it doesn't work makes you just refocus like let me go back and look at this thing and figure out why these people got upset oh you know what if i just do this first then they'll know where i'm coming from first they'll let me get away with that because they won't think i'm an asshole you know it's it's weird and you finish you're especially finished editing yourself yeah that's uncommon right well i didn't have much to edit in terms of like content it was just how much
Starting point is 02:27:34 should i cut out and where what you know what show was the best one that was what it was like really a lot of the best one was the first show see i heard tony as soon as you guys got done because i text you and i text on and he goes i don't even know why we're filming a second one A lot of the best one was the first show. See, I heard Tony, as soon as you guys got done, because I text you and I text Tony and he goes, I don't even know why we're filming a second one. Home run off the first. It really was out of the park. Boston's fun, man.
Starting point is 02:27:54 Wilbur, right? That Wilbur Theater is amazing. Because it's like a theater, but it's also like a comedy club. There's 900 or 1,100 people in the room. And I think it's like 500, 300 or something like that yeah reminds me of the palms if you're you've come to the palms yeah the palms it's like people right on top of you yeah it's like yeah they're right on top of you where most theaters so far you can't feel it kat williams did the palms one time when we were there i didn't get a chance to see him though god he's fucking funny yeah he was there i think he was there like the day before the ufc or something like that my brother went and saw
Starting point is 02:28:28 uh kevin hart he was at pepsi center oh yeah i went i wonder how how the fuck do you pull off stand up at the pepsi center jay goes i know and my brother's a little bit of a hater by nature because he can't be that good and i'm like dude he's like the most successful comic ever touring in these stadiums i bet it's pretty fucking good and he goes in there and there's like a round stage like 360 and he goes dude it was incredible best best he's ever seen wow which is crazy so fucking powerhouse man guys are hustling performing powerhouse yeah interesting right it's interesting when you see those super winners those super winners that just push the envelope of success it's weird you know those those qualities are very strange
Starting point is 02:29:12 it's also strange in comedy because someone kevin hart might be your cup of tea but then they might hate bill burr which it's very strange to me that's silly well i don't i shouldn't say hey but yeah i know maybe you know what I'm saying? Like Bill Burr might be just okay to you, but Kevin Hart, you're number one. Yeah, but that's okay. That's normal. I mean, there's always going to be people that have different tastes. That's the same with music.
Starting point is 02:29:37 That's the same with books. For sure. 100%. Yeah. It's a crazy time for stand-up, though. If you think about how many different comedians are really good right now and have specials. It's nuts. Netflix is blowing up.
Starting point is 02:29:49 Blowing up. Do you know Russell Peters was the first comic to get a Netflix special? When did he get his? A long-ass time ago. Really? I heard him in an interview talking about it. I think it was with Sway in the Morning. And he goes, yeah, I was the first one.
Starting point is 02:30:00 They say, how much did they pay you? And he talks about it. Really? He goes, 10% of what Chris Rock got paid. Wait a minute. When was he the first one. They say, how much did they pay you? And he talks about it. Really? He goes, 10% of what Chris Rock got paid. And they looked it up. Wait a minute. When was he the first one? What year was it?
Starting point is 02:30:10 Old school. Really? Find out. Look it up. Find out. Russell Peters comedy special. Russell Peters is a monster. I had one on Netflix in 2005.
Starting point is 02:30:20 I think Russell Peters beat you. Probably. If he was first. Pretty sure he said he was first. 2005, goddamn. Goddamn. I didn't even know Netflix was back then. Yeah, nobody knew.
Starting point is 02:30:32 That was part of the problem. It's like when everyone's going on, when people are like, my special's on C, so I'm like, oh, fuck. So what else is going on this weekend with the UFC? What other fights are there? Well, you got the Ultimate Fighter finale on Friday. Is there any other on that card?
Starting point is 02:30:47 Stylebender. Pull up. Ooh, Stylebender. Brad Tavares versus Stylebender? Brad's a motherfucker, man. I think Brad beats him, but I think, I love Stylebender, but Brad's been quietly 4-0, but also Brad is a guy who, the rumor is he's injured going this fight. He was going to call the fight off.
Starting point is 02:31:04 He's injured. How dare you say that online? No, it's all over. It's out. Is it? Yeah, it's out. What's he injured with? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:09 He's supposed to pull out, but he's going through it. So it depends. People forget Brack can fucking wrestle too. Hmm. That's a fucking juicy fight. That's a tough fight for Stylebender. From Nigeria 13 and 0, son. He's a motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:31:22 He really is. He's so exciting. Damn. That's very good. Let really is. He's so exciting. Damn. That's very good. Let me see the regular UFC card again. That's a big fight. So that's the headline fight? Yeah, and it's Ultimate Fighter, which is...
Starting point is 02:31:33 You see they're selling the Ultimate Fighter house? That's how you know Ultimate Fighter is done. They're selling it. They're selling it. Really? Five mil, son. You want it? Five mil?
Starting point is 02:31:41 What? Good investment. What did you say? It's like 19 bedrooms. People peed all over that house. Oh, dude. You're going to go in there, it's going to smell like a dude's balls. A dude's jacked off in those closets with no cameras.
Starting point is 02:31:50 Hotfail Sun Tzu, Rob Font. That's a good fight right there. That's a very good fight. Gokhan Saki and Khalil Rountree Jr. Rountree, that's a motherfucking fight. That's a real good fight. Dude, Felder Mike Perry. That's a fucking fight.
Starting point is 02:32:02 That's right. Remember? Felder at welterweight. Very interesting. That's a fucking fight. That's right. Felder at welterweight. Very interesting. He's a big dude. Felder has to cut some serious weight to make 155. Dude, Felder's a monster on the mic, too. He's a great commentator.
Starting point is 02:32:15 Very smart. Paulo Costa and Uriah Hall. That's very interesting. Vitor 2.0. I'm not saying Paulo Costa's on all the drugs, but how does he pass this fucking test? Whose nose is clogged up for that sniff test? Whose allergies are kicking in that day? Hopefully got their inhaler.
Starting point is 02:32:34 Dude, the fuck? Like, what? Bitch. How does Novitski just not live wherever his house is? Dude, he is first team all the way. Is Lando Venata on that card, too? Go down there. Yeah, look at it. It's close. Jakar. Is Lando Venata on that card, too? Go down there. Yeah, look at it. It's close.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Jakar close and Lando Venata. That might be the sleeper of the night, folks. Yeah, I get this. No one's even talking about that fight. What's on Fight Pass? That's crazy. Dude, Hooker and Burns is a motherfucking fight, too. Gilbert Burns, Dan Hooker.
Starting point is 02:32:59 Holy shit, what a card this is. Yeah. Dude, this card is insane. Great card. This is an insane card because people aren't even talking about this Hooker Burns fight. Dude, you know what's going to be sad though? I think the pay-per-view numbers. Oh, how dare you.
Starting point is 02:33:12 You never know. Stipe versus DC. They might get into the twos. What do you think? 200s? Well, and a lot of people like Max Holloway and Brian Ortega, you don't think it can make it into the twos? Hell yeah, 200. 200 would be a nightmare, sir. 250 was the last one, right? Which was terrible.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Not good. See, I'm hoping it does around 500 to 600. Make GSP fight again. You need GSP back. Bring GSP back. He was the last one to get real good numbers. He got 850, right? I know.
Starting point is 02:33:37 But see, I think this does around between 400, 600. Yeah? What do you think, Jamie? I hope so. Jamie made a weird face. I have no idea. It's tough to tell these days, man. I think they need to get rid of the pay-per-view model. It's obviously not working anymore. What do you think, Jamie? I hope so. Jamie made a weird face. I have no idea. It's tough to tell these days, man. I think they need to get rid of the pay-per-view model.
Starting point is 02:33:47 It's obviously not working anymore. What do you think they should do? I think they should put these for free. I think they should put them on ESPN, these major fights. How are you going to pay people? Well, the pay-per-view model. The top four NBA guys are getting more than the top ten NFL quarterbacks, and those games are all free.
Starting point is 02:34:05 So there's a model somewhere. Right. There's a model. But this model's not working. Yeah, but NBA is way more popular than the UFC. Well, yeah, yeah. I'm sure, but it's also free. Right.
Starting point is 02:34:16 But also the sponsorship deals, the endorsement deals, they have major endorsements. Right, but there's only so many endorsements they're going to get behind. Cage fighting. It's such a crazy sport. Well, fucking Harley's only so many endorsements they're going to get behind. Cage fighting. You know, it's such a crazy sport. Harley Davidson, Ford, Bud Light, Miller Light. We've had some big ones. More now, right?
Starting point is 02:34:31 Yeah. Roughly the same amount of people also. Same amount of fighters, same amount of NBA players. About 500 or so. Yeah. 550. Yeah, there's no comparison in terms of overall viewership, though. Like, what is a big basketball game?
Starting point is 02:34:43 NBA Finals. 35? A million, yeah. Yeah, yeah. They big basketball game? NBA Finals. 35? A million, yeah. Yeah, yeah. They're killing it. I'm just saying, I think that the pay-per-view model is so old school,
Starting point is 02:34:51 especially now with illegal streaming. Me and Jay were talking about it. If I'm not that guy, because I fight, I'm not trying to steal money from the UFC, but there's a link I can go to every time that's in HD I don't have to pay a fucking dime for.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Really? Everyone. So many of my friends do that. I have so many people. They're going to jail when Uncle Fester finds out. So when the numbers are low, you got to take that into consideration. Most 18 to 36 males can figure it the fuck out. They're not like, $70?
Starting point is 02:35:18 No. I wonder. I wonder if you just had it free, if the numbers would be. Well, I don't know, man. You've got to make a big fucking risk to do that, because you've got to think of how much money the UFC has to pay every month to make that loan, to make that monthly nut. That's on them.
Starting point is 02:35:34 That's not the fans' problem. That's true. The other problem is, think how expensive it is to be an MMA fan these days. So I've got to fork out money for ESPN Plus now, just to watch. How much is that? Was it $9.99? I don't know. You could call it low end, $5 a month.
Starting point is 02:35:47 I think it's $10. Okay. Okay. $9.99. So you got that, right? When does that go live? Because the fight pass is still- 2019, January.
Starting point is 02:35:55 So I got to pay for that. So that's money, additional money. And then pay-per-views. There's one every month. So if I want that, that's $70. So that's $80 a month just to be a UFC fan. Yeah. Now if I want to watch Dizon, Dizon, Dizon, Bellator,
Starting point is 02:36:10 I've got to pay, how much is that going to be? $9.99 to watch the Bellator now. Is that what it is? It didn't say. I was looking. Let's say it's $9.99. Less than that, I'm assuming something's wrong with the streaming service. Well, if they just had a free streaming service and then had ads,
Starting point is 02:36:23 do you think they could make it up? I'm sure. But my point is it's getting expensive to be an MMA fan, do you think they could make it up? I'm sure. But my point is it's getting expensive to be an MMA fan, and you're losing fans. And the numbers are in decline. So obviously there's a business model problem. What if they made a deal with Netflix? They tried that.
Starting point is 02:36:39 Netflix, Amazon, those guys didn't want to play a game. They went, your audience isn't big enough. Really? No, they went, well, Twitter went, we'll use the NBA. We're going to go the NFL route because the other sports are too big. Hmm. Twitter. What if they showed it on Twitter?
Starting point is 02:36:52 Can you get Twitter on your TV? You could send, if you have it on your phone, you could almost, everyone has it. Yeah, you could just send it to the screen. Yeah, what if your phone runs out of batteries in the middle of the fight, your friends call you a pussy? We'll plug it in. Sometimes it's not linking.
Starting point is 02:37:05 It's not playing off your phone directly now when you do it I do it through Apple TV but you could do it through Google Android right you could do like
Starting point is 02:37:12 Google Play you have like a stick that sticks in the USB for sure yeah there's a little symbol interesting I mean that all
Starting point is 02:37:19 used to be science fiction just a little while ago but I see shit on my like someone sends me a YouTube video to watch if I'm home watching something on Apple TV I'll just stream it right to the TV 100% science fiction just a little while ago, but I see shit on my, like someone sends me a YouTube video to watch. If I'm home watching something on Apple TV, I'll just stream it right to the TV.
Starting point is 02:37:29 100%. That's amazing. Is that us? Oh, hi. Oh, what up? There's a little symbol like on the top by the bar. It's just a broadcast to a TV thing. Yeah. It's just, I feel like UFC has this old school model right now, but with the UFC Plus, ESPN
Starting point is 02:37:43 Plus, it's at least headed in the right direction. But the pay-per-view model, especially as expensive as it is to be a fan right now, they're making it tough. I think it's going to come a time where you're not going to need any streaming service. You'll just be able to type a website address into your television and it'll be universal. Everybody will have that. I think that's real close. Like a lot of people getting rid of their cable.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Yep. Dish. Apparently young kids, they never watch cable anymore. Ever. Yeah, they just don't watch it. I'm a Dish fan, but most young kids don't fuck with any of it. Yeah. Like what?
Starting point is 02:38:11 Dish what? That's interesting, right? Comcast, huh? The only thing it's good for really is live events. Yeah. That's it. Everything else. Netflix is more popular than broadcast cable and more in TV viewing.
Starting point is 02:38:25 Hmm. Hulu TV viewing. Hmm. Hulu and YouTube. Wow. The thing I read said it's got more viewers than all of those combined, but I don't know if that's accurate. Broadcast, cable, Hulu, and YouTube. Netflix has more than everything. See, if Netflix got the UFC, that would be crazy.
Starting point is 02:38:42 For the UFC. For the UFC. Netflix, like, do what? What if they just bought it? They could. What if they just said, we have so much money. That would be crazy For the UFC For the UFC Netflix like Dude what What if they just bought it They could You know if they say What if they just said
Starting point is 02:38:48 We have so much money Like how much is your How much is this Four billion Four billion Okay We'll just buy it Write them the check
Starting point is 02:38:55 We'll just buy it It's like A pair of sneakers That you're never gonna wear Just let them fight every day We don't give a fuck Just air it They could do it man
Starting point is 02:39:02 I wonder Yeah that would be But then how would you figure out how people get paid? You'd have to give numbers, right? It would have to be in the contract because that's one thing about Netflix. They don't want to give away the numbers. So if you have a comedy special on Netflix and you ask them, hey, how's it doing? They go, it's doing really well. Yeah, but you know.
Starting point is 02:39:18 But really happy. Yeah, but you know because like you, they go, you want to do another? You're like, well, it must have went pretty well. Now if you do a special on there and you're like, how are we doing? Like, all right. Yeah, keep on keeping on, man. Do you want to do another? We're all set. It probably didn't go well. You don't have exact
Starting point is 02:39:34 numbers, which I feel like is a little hairy, a little dicey because you have no negotiating power. Yeah, it's super dicey. Because if you're like, hold on, let's say you, for instance, you're like, hold up. 100 million people watch this? I need more fucking money.
Starting point is 02:39:48 Right. Like to them, is 5 million watching good? Is 100 million? Where are we at here? Nobody knows. Negotiate. That can't be right. Like, that can't be good.
Starting point is 02:39:57 But it's their business. They started it. The thing is, like, you don't have to do it there. Don't you think? But you could do it on HBO, and then you'd get real numbers. Or you could do it on Showtime and then you'd get real numbers. Or you could do it on Showtime, and you'd get real numbers. Or you could do it on Amazon. Jeff Bezos tells you to go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:40:11 Do you think you're at a disadvantage if you're not on Netflix these days? Because here's my argument that I had with Brian about things, shooting a special, is Netflix is the king, man. And if you're you, if you're Bill Burr, if you're Kevin Hart, not Kevin Hart, if you're fucking Chris Rock, any of those guys, right? They're paying you a massive amount of money and they're promoting it. But if you get lost into that shuffle, because they have so much content now, it doesn't pay off.
Starting point is 02:40:39 I don't know. You know, Gaffigan, interestingly enough, decided not to do it. And he could do it anywhere. And he decided to do it on all platforms. So he doesn't have it on Netflix, but he has it on a bunch of different things. See where Gaffigan put his special up. But he did it on his own site, right? And released it very Louis C.K. style.
Starting point is 02:40:57 Yeah, I think he actually, I think it's available on Amazon. I think it's available on a bunch of different things. He's so established, though. Yeah, true. Gaffigan's a motherfucker. People still ask him to do his Hot Pockets. Yeah, that's a good point because I think that they probably, no matter where he goes, his fans are very loyal.
Starting point is 02:41:13 They'll go seek it out. He's one of the biggest in the world. Yeah, yeah. But I'm saying if you're like, let's say you're a guy like Brian Callen, where are you going to get the most exposure? Honestly, YouTube. The most exposure would just be release it for free. For free. Would just release it for free. For free.
Starting point is 02:41:26 But that's very expensive to do. It says Gaffigan's Noble Ape initially will be released on multiple pay TV and digital platforms, including Apple's iTunes, Amazon Video, AT&T, Charter Communications, Comcast, Cox Communication, DirecTV, Holler at DirecTV, Dish Network, oh shit, Google Play, and Sony PlayStation. That shit says Walmart's Voodoo. Walmart has Voodoo? That's why they bought that thing.
Starting point is 02:41:48 Microsoft's Xbox and album version will also be released on the same day in digital and physical formats. That motherfucker going sizzler. A $5 download via Louis C.K. Net. Yeah, it's interesting. Because I think that he could do it. So if he does it and then it really works out well, maybe Kevin Hart might do that too. He might say, listen, I could
Starting point is 02:42:14 charge $4.99. Well, he could do whatever he wants. He might be like, hey, I'm Kevin Hart. I could just have, people are going to go watch my special. I'll just put it somewhere. You can do that. Yeah, there's a small handful. If you're a smaller level comic, let's say B-list, you can't do that and make money. People are going to see it. So maybe you get money back when you go on the road. It's like, holy shit, that was great and it's free. So you go on the road and doing theaters now maybe.
Starting point is 02:42:37 Well, that's the thing. Do you know how many comics have done that and had a YouTube video that became a giant smash and then were selling out theaters. What is that girl, Angela Johnson? You know Angela Johnson? Yeah. She's on Mad TV. She has that hilarious bit about the Vietnamese girls
Starting point is 02:42:50 doing her nails. Yeah. That bit got on YouTube and she was selling out giant- Crypto Jail. Yeah. Yeah, Crypto Jail. She's hilarious.
Starting point is 02:42:58 She's very funny. Yeah, fucking hilarious. She was selling out giant places. Well, to that extent, not that Chris DeLeon is similar to that, but Chris DeLeon's Snapchat, his videos were so funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:08 It made him insanely popular. He's so silly. Amongst other stuff, but that's one of the – he had millions of followers on there. Yeah. So you go into City and he's a brilliant comic and he's one of the biggest in the world now. He's so silly. He's a unique kind of silly. It's a weird silly.
Starting point is 02:43:23 You would hate us if you saw our text every day about shoes and fashion. The Yeezy dad shoes came out. I'm like, dude, I can get them. You want a pair? He's like, yes. What are Yeezy dad shoes, Jamie? You're going to hate them. Well, you might like them.
Starting point is 02:43:36 You like them more than the 350 Boost. Sweat these, boy. Sweat these, boy. Converse. Sweat these, boy. Oh, sorry. boy. Converse. Sweat these, boy. Oh, sorry. Dude, I'm not. Those are dope.
Starting point is 02:43:47 Red suede. I know. I'm wearing these just for you. When did you get those? Converse actually sent them to me. I would never have bought these. I was going to say, there's no way you're in a store and got those. They sent me those, but I put them.
Starting point is 02:43:55 I said, I'll wear these motherfuckers. Hell yeah. Those are fucking dope. Those are Yeezys, those things? Those are Yeezys. Those are Yeezys. And you like those? No, I don't.
Starting point is 02:44:00 Are you a San Jose Sharks fan? No, I do not. It looks like a shark. No, let me just say this. That was the first Yeezy, and I can get them. They're coming out. But I went, I'm going to pass. you, a San Jose Sharks fan? I do not. That looks like a shark. No, let me just say this. That was the first easy, and I can get them. They're coming out. But I went, I'm going to pass. I'm going to pass on those.
Starting point is 02:44:10 And I go, Chris, you want these? And I went, Chris, these only look good on small guys. He goes, you're right, but I'm smaller. I go, with the right outfit and small jeans, you can wear them. He goes, you're right, Brent. And we're going back and forth. And I screenshot it. You guys are serious.
Starting point is 02:44:21 And I said to Brian, I went, fuck you. Because Brian likes to wear those boots to make him look like he's an Italian painter. Correct. And wishes he was taller. Yeah, he's got those boots with like wooden heels with leather soles that are really slippery. Very strange. And then they have zippers on the sides. I'm like, what the fuck are you wearing?
Starting point is 02:44:37 You're supposed to wear these when you're in Catholic school. Like, why are you wearing this as a grown man who's 51 years old? Yeah, he's crazy. He never had a period of time where he dressed like his age. Never. He's like finally old as his dress. Yes. Like he is now the age he's supposed to be.
Starting point is 02:44:52 He like got older and fell into his established wardrobe. Not anymore, bro. What? Oh my God. What is this? I don't know. The fuck is happening? That's not Brian.
Starting point is 02:45:00 Why does he dress like a skater? That looks just like him. Wait a minute. Are those slides? That does look identical to him. Wait a minute. That's Brian. I think that's him. Dude, that's fucking Brian. That's does look identical to him. Wait a minute. That's Brian. I think that's him.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Dude, that's fucking Brian. That's Brian Callen. Dressed as a tool. Make that face bigger. It's very blurry. Dude, what is happening? That is Brian Callen. Are those slides?
Starting point is 02:45:13 That's recent because his hair is leaving. Are those slides? Is that black socks and slides? Oh, my God. That's Brian Callen. For a special, he wants me to dress him, and I'm going to get credits on a special. Don't, don't, don't. Let him be himself. Well, no. Say dress the way you want to dress, bro. No, to get credits on a special Don't don't don't let him be himself Say dress the way you want to dress bro
Starting point is 02:45:28 That's what I told him It is him There he is Those are black socks and sandals Or are those No they're not Those are skate shoes Look at him he's wearing skate shoes
Starting point is 02:45:43 Roll down those shoes. I was hoping that those were black socks. Me too. Asian style. I thought they were black socks and slides because they're so gross. Where the white stripe goes over the top. Proper use of slides. Is that the proper use? Black socks?
Starting point is 02:45:59 Is that how you folks do it? Is that how everybody does it? Tight move, Joe. You can do it with slides, but you can't do it with flip-flops, correct? Like slides and socks is okay. Correct. Why do they have rules like that? It's the streets, bro.
Starting point is 02:46:10 You know what it is? It's gross if you like that sock in between your toe with that bar with a flip-flop. Like a fucking master splinter or some shit. Like you're a ninja. Like you got those ninja shoes on. Remember those ninja shoes? I fucking- I'm out of them, man.
Starting point is 02:46:24 What are they called? Tabis or something like that? Oh my God. Oh, that's hilarious. Remember when dudes would wear those kung fu shoes? Do you remember those kung fu shoes?
Starting point is 02:46:34 You didn't grow up on the East Coast, did you? No. A lot of dudes in like the 1990s and certainly in the 80s would wear kung fu shoes. Just as whatever? They would dress up like they knew kung fu.s would wear Kung Fu shoes. Just as whatever?
Starting point is 02:46:48 They would dress up like they knew Kung Fu. They would wear like Kung Fu pants. Those things. Oh my, those are tods. Those are called tods these days. Those are Kung Fu shoes, son. Dudes would wear Kung Fu like they knew Kung Fu because they had those shoes on. They'd be like, damn. Dude, I'm not mad at them. Those are different. Those are more
Starting point is 02:47:03 fashionable. Yeah, those are fashionable. Those first ones you show are some bullshit. Somebody had a bit about it, about dudes in the ghetto. I think it was, do you remember that guy that had a bunch of fucking, he had a bunch of specials on HBO, Robert Townsend. Remember that? Remember Robert Townsend? Remember he had a bunch of HBO specials where he had a bunch of different comedians on?
Starting point is 02:47:28 I feel like someone on one of those did a bit. Did a kung fu bit? About dudes in the ghetto who dressed up like they wore kung fu outfits. I'll tell you who I don't fucking trust. Dudes that wear aqua socks. What do you mean by aqua socks? Like blue socks? No, bro.
Starting point is 02:47:42 Aqua socks like if you went to Waterworld or like a water park aqua socks wearing a mountain public do nothing drives a fucking girl up worse than aqua socks really dries them up dude bring a fucking auger you can still get them at walmart and shit who wears them my dad wore them when i was a kid those yes who wears those you walk around with those on yeah if you're at the water park. So you get traction. Okay, that makes sense. But dudes wear them in real life? Yeah. Hmm. Like some assholes.
Starting point is 02:48:08 Maybe they want to be a superhero. Maybe they're just ready for water at all times. Like, what is the purpose of those? So you don't slip on the outside of the pool? Yeah, because it's all hot and shit. Okay. To quit being a pussy. How about that?
Starting point is 02:48:20 Hmm. But those are, like, very similar to, like, minimalist shoes. See, those are cool. See, you bring up cool ones, Jamie. Wait, wait, wait. You're fucking me. Hold on. How is that cool? Because those are dope, bro. You like that? But those are like Verily similar to like Minimalist shoes See those are cool See you bring up cool ones Wait wait wait Hold on how is that cool? Cause those are dope bro You like that?
Starting point is 02:48:29 Well that's some shit You would run in Yes I would I know that's what I'm saying I'm talking about the original Aqua sock But it's different See that one right there
Starting point is 02:48:36 That you just showed That last one The last one The one above that The one that looks like A normal sneaker Yeah like that Like that yeah
Starting point is 02:48:43 Those look real similar to the shit i wear when i run some tibias i run the with those uh they have like nothing to them they're still running with those yeah i love those they dude my feet are way stronger because of running that way 100 made a big difference it definitely made a difference yeah because your feet have to work way harder it's not like um if you run in a pair of like I like to run in like Solomon Speed cross shoes because they got a lot of traction you could run on anything You don't worry about where you're stepping you just stomp on shit But you don't you don't your foot doesn't have as much engagement
Starting point is 02:49:18 Like when there's no cushioning at all and it's a thin layer your foot is like pushing off and gripping some shit but you can't just jump strengthens your feet you just can't go fucking full no can't operate into that which i tried yeah it'll fuck you you get that plant you got that planner i did that i'm back to cushy shoes yeah the easies and shit oh you like those but you don't run anymore right i need some i need i need to inject some shit into my leg. I need to go full fucking V-torn in my leg. Dude, I'm telling you. They can do that now.
Starting point is 02:49:53 Homeboys around here, right? Yes. They're doing all kinds of shit now, son. You know what else we should do? You sure just don't cover that shit? We should do it on air. We should get NAD drips. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:02 Yeah. Maybe they'll do it in here. It's supposed to be insanely painful. If you do the push NAV where it's like 15 minutes, it'd be funny if we did a podcast. It's supposed to make your guts wrench like someone's stomping on your stomach. But if you get through it, you get through it in 15 minutes versus eight hours. Hold up. 15 minutes and what's it do?
Starting point is 02:50:20 It's supposed to be incredible for anti-aging. I'm down for that. Yeah. 15 minutes of glory? 15 minutes of like, ah! Just the worst podcast of all time. I would think it'd be a fun podcast because for the rest of the time, you'd be fine. So beforehand, you'd be fine.
Starting point is 02:50:34 And then for 15 minutes, you'd be like, oh, I shit my pants. And then you do that for 15 minutes. And then how happy we'll be after 15 minutes. After it's over, you feel great. We'll have Talon in here making fun of us. Yeah, eating cheese and shit. Yeah. No, he can't eat cheese anymore.
Starting point is 02:50:47 Psoriasis is too bad. What? He has horrible psoriasis. He can't eat cheese? No. What's he eating? He's on some weird diet. He refuses to take the proper medication.
Starting point is 02:50:57 He's one of those guys, huh? He's on a diet. Isn't it funny that he would make fun of anti-vaxxers, but he wouldn't take medication? That's fucking crazy. He's crazy. What medication does he not take? Does it fuck with him or something? No, he says it solves it for a little bit, but it's not a complete problem.
Starting point is 02:51:09 It's my diet. I'm like, dude, whatever you're doing, just use the goddamn ointment. Well, you know, George Peterson said- Go see the psoriasis kid in Tampa, by the way, this weekend. Oh, where's he at? Tampa Improv. Tampa Improv. Psoriasis kid.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Don't look down on him from the third floor, though. Tampa Improv has three floors. Yeah, I know. Look down from the top. You see that bald spot. Yeah, I know. You want to sit lower level. You don't see his legs or his bald spot.
Starting point is 02:51:30 Tampa Improv, that's a weird area. That's like Igor City, right? Igor, yeah. I was just there. Did you like it? I loved it. Fun people. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:38 I love Texas, man. Jordan Peterson cured his psoriasis with a carnivore diet. He did that carnivore diet where all he eats is meat. That's all he eats. Red meat. And he got rid of it. Yep. That's all he eats.
Starting point is 02:51:51 Brian should fucking try that, man. Whatever he's doing, his legs are so bad. Yeah. That sucks, man. Psoriasis is a rough one.
Starting point is 02:51:59 Stress too. You know, he's torn a lot. Stress. He's been traveling. He has a show coming up. Yep. He has a special. A has a show coming up. Yep. And he has a special.
Starting point is 02:52:08 A lot of shit, son. So how many times are you going up a week now? Last week I went up four times. Damn. Yeah, at least three. I'm stressed out. Three nights? I'm stressed out this week because I'm on the road on Saturday, Oklahoma, and I'm doing a set at the Ice House and hopefully a set at Laugh Factory, too, if I can make them.
Starting point is 02:52:25 But I always want to be at the Ice House and hopefully a set at Laugh Factory too if I can make them. But I always, yeah, I always want to be at the Comedy Store, man. Yeah, anywhere you can get up though, man. You do the Ha Ha at All? No. It's a good spot. Just go down there. I'm going to do,
Starting point is 02:52:34 Neil Brennan has a show, West Side Comedy Club, I think. Yeah, I heard it. Is that in Venice? Venice, yeah. Santa Monica. Oh, okay. I heard that's really good.
Starting point is 02:52:43 Yep, me too. I think Callum was telling me about that too. That's close too. Yeah, it's close to you, yeah. Santa Monica. Oh, okay. I heard that's really good. Yep, me too. I think Callum was telling me about that too. That's close too. Yeah, it's close to you, right? Super close. Alright, so anything else? Is there anything else we need to talk about before we wrap this bitch up, young Jamie? Covet it, right? Anything crazy that happened during the podcast you need to let us know about? No?
Starting point is 02:52:57 Nothing? Nothing crazier today. Not today? Crazier than normal. I'm in Spokane next week. Spokane, Washington. Okay. And then first two weeks of August, Texas. Can't get enough. I'm in Austin,ane next week Spokane, Washington And then first two weeks of August Texas, can't get enough I'm in Austin, Cap City And then Dallas Improv second week Get you some Texas
Starting point is 02:53:12 Addison Improv, that one? No, I think it's Dallas Improv It might be Addison Alright, that's it Tomorrow What the fuck's tomorrow? Joey Diaz Tomorrow's 4th of July All right. That's it. Tomorrow. What the fuck's tomorrow?
Starting point is 02:53:27 Joey Diaz. Oh, snap. Oh, shit. That's right. Tomorrow's 4th of July. Oh, Josh Barnett sent me a text message. He said, I'd be more than happy to come on and explain the whole deal with USADA. Boom.
Starting point is 02:53:38 Boom. Shout out to Josh Barnett. Shout out to the War Master. All right. Tomorrow, Joey Diaz, 11 a.m. See you. Bye.

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