The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #4 with Justin Wren

Episode Date: December 6, 2017

Joe Rogan sits down with Justin Wren to discuss recent fights in UFC and Bellator. Donate to Fight For The Forgotten - ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 3, 2, 1 Justin Wren ladies and gentlemen, come on, hello fella With the silky hair and the beautiful beard Oh thank you so much for having me My pleasure my brother, how's things? Man, things are good, things are really good I mean last night getting to go to the comedy store for the first time And seeing all those legends and just being in a legendary atmosphere
Starting point is 00:00:22 I mean it was seriously an incredible time It's a fun place right? Yeah, I mean and you had us rolling So it was it was really funny got to see Brendan and Brian Callen first and then you and so is just hilarious Did you get to go to the upstairs room as well or do you? Know I was I was in the the belly room is upstairs, okay? Brendan and Brian were in the main room. I was there. I was in the original room which I was the front room yeah so i didn't get to go to the top uh tonight i'll show you the top okay it's a bizarre little place there's three comedy clubs in one place yeah it was it was awesome yeah it's fucking great yeah walking around seeing all the history seeing everyone
Starting point is 00:00:58 get amped and then being able to be that close to the comedians too is is pretty awesome i mean being able to meet them say hi and just uh you're you're in arm's distance from them so really unique if anyone hasn't gone i suggest going because it was awesome yeah i think chapelle has filmed his netflix special his next one he did there in the belly in the belly room yeah i watched him work one of them out i don't think he was filming then but i'm not sure it. It comes out soon, right? Does it? I think they weirdly announced that it comes out this month, I think. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I'll double check on that real quick, but I think so. That might be the case because it's so small. There's probably not a lot of camera angles. And I know he filmed a lot of shows. So maybe he just wants to just get one of them perfect and then throw it out. But he had a lot of really topical material, real, real current material. Yeah. Was it a, was it smaller than the room that you were in last night? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not even half the size. Wow. Yeah. See, that's incredible. December 31st. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I don't have a video here, but this is equanimity is what it's called. Nice. It was funny, man. He's, he's, it was really funny and then seeing him in that tiny little room like there was 70 people in the room oh wow yeah they did get more in there sometimes but don't tell the fire department because you fucking shouldn't speaking of fire department oh man it's crazy out here yeah yeah i mean i i've seen that video you posted on your instagram yeah it seriously looks like Armageddon. Yeah, it's from Barstool Sports. If anybody wants to go to their Instagram page, somebody put up a video of last night driving up the 405.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Gosh. It's the craziest thing you'll ever see. It's an entire mountain. What's crazy is that's Bel Air. I mean, that's like a really ritzy area. Super expensive houses. And that fire is just raging towards them. It's right near the Getty Center.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And apparently what they're calling this is a dry hurricane. Wow. So I don't live in California, and I'm not a homeowner yet. But does homeowner insurance cover all that, or do you have to have extra fire insurance? That's a very good question, and I don't know the answer. Yeah, because my family was in Hurricane Katrina because they had hurricane insurance but they didn't have like wind insurance. And so the insurance companies would say – Wait the fuck a minute.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Or flooding insurance or something like that. It was whatever you didn't have, you would get one and not the other. And so then whatever you didn't have, that's what the insurance company would claim. Well, you didn't have this and that's what you should have had. And so people were losing tons of money, their home, whole homes. My family lost a whole roof off their house. Ah, these monsters. Yeah. And so that's what I'm wondering, like, okay, you have a homeowner insurance, but do you have fire insurance and are they going to cover that? You know, if those are, if that's Bel Air and that's million dollar homes, hopefully they have the right insurance.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Well, I'm sure some people have fire insurance. I know it's a thing. Just like hurricane and flood insurance is also a thing. Do they have fire hurricane insurance? It's a good question. Well, yeah, right? This is a fire hurricane. It's not just a hurricane.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Well, they're calling it a dry hurricane, meaning there's no wind or there's no water. But it's hurricane gale force winds. Gale force? I don't know if that's right. Hurricane force winds, technically. Not like, you know, Katrina. In my hotel, I mean, the wind was just ripping all last night and I didn't know that there's those fires out there. I mean, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah, it's insane, man. Where I live, I was evacuated twice. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, twice in the early 2000s where the fire got so close it was within a mile of my house. And, you know, when it hits and the wind goes, it can take over. Like, it can just run. They said that the fires that they were having in Northern California were going through an entire football field every six seconds. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That's mind-blowing. Fuck, man. Just imagine watching that, watching fires just cut through a football field 100 yards every six seconds. Yeah, it's almost like those clouds when the storms are rolling. Yeah. You're just watching those go by. A lot of people died in those Northern California fires, too. They just got stuck.
Starting point is 00:05:01 There's nowhere to get out. And they apparently, like that whole napa area is have you ever been up there no damn before the fires i don't know what it looks like right now but god it's beautiful that's where they do all the wine making yeah you know and um we actually uh went turkey hunting up there me and brian callan oh nice yeah steve ranella took us up there and we were up there and we were like, God, this is so gorgeous. But it's like semi rural, but then a big tourist vacation destination too. It's like people come there for those wine tasting things and everything.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Apparently a giant chunk of that part of the state just got lit up. And when you, when you go turkey hunting, are you using a bow? Are you using shotgun? Shotguns. This was for the meat eater show. So do you have to like go for their head? Right. So that's nuts.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So because you can't hit their body or it goes everywhere, right? Well, then you have to pull out all the lead, you know, which you like when people shoot smaller birds like pheasants and things along those lines, you do shoot the entire body. But with the turkey, you're basically sitting still and you call them in and you're like and make this little, you get this little sound thing in your hand or you have one in your mouth you know and you make little turkey calls and the turkeys come in and just blast them in the head or or you shoot them in the body with a bow I know my friend John Dudley and a lot of those guys they
Starting point is 00:06:21 hunt with bows and they shoot turkeys with a bow but But it's tricky because a turkey is a goddamn dinosaur. And if you don't hit it in the right spot, they'll just fly away with an arrow sticking out of them. Wow. Like literally. Wow. Something that kills a deer. Like it'd go right through a turkey and the turkey's like, bitch, I'm out of here. Like you have to catch them and they're vitals.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And they're vitals are, you literally are shooting an arrow at a softball from, you know, 40 yards. Yeah. So you might, 40 yards. Yeah. So you might not hit it. Well, man, seeing this new space is awesome. I mean, this is an incredible new studio. And seeing that your targets are up there, you got, what, 48, 46? 47 yards. 47 yards.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Indoors, yeah. But when you come back, man, we'll have a full gym. You'll be able to work out and the whole deal. Yeah. No, that's awesome. Dude, after you watched the UFC and you saw Francis Ngannou, did you see if you could make 205 that's a lot of people did a lot of people like i could make i can make 205 i think i think it's totally possible i've always been against it but now
Starting point is 00:07:16 i'm thinking about it no just kidding but man he's he is a monster he's terrifying a monster to see how far he sent the overhangs head yeah it was just backwards in that one photo that's like an iconic that's probably the the most iconic at least in my mind um or epic heavyweight fighting mma fighting photo um that there is i mean with that i think so too knock back that way and i mean it just looked like such a power i mean it was a powerful punch but the timing of that shot was just incredible. You see that one where his head is just completely knocked back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Made it a scary, scary dude. I put that one on my Instagram feed, too. That picture seems like the coming of the new king. You know what I mean? Like, obviously, he's got to beat Stipe Miocic, but if you want to, like, look at a picture, like, in history, when you come back and go, this is the moment where Ngannou arrived. And people realize, like, holy shit. Like, this guy is for real.
Starting point is 00:08:11 He didn't just do that to any guy. He did that to Alistair motherfucking Overeem. Yeah. K-1 kickboxing world champion. Yeah. Strike force world champion. Just a stud. Like, elite fighter.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah. Number one heavyweight contender yeah well you you and bernard were talking about it last week on the show and uh here you guys saying if he starches him and if he can if he can prove himself and it's like man he just did it the the best way possible and the way he did it it's like the whole world's noticing like i saw it on cnn i saw it on all these different websites and they're just everyone's just raving like he could be the next big thing. And I think that's going to put him on the map. Now that everybody knows.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And they have this highlight reel of his knockouts now. And so to advertise a fight between him and Stipe, I think it's going to be gigantic. Yeah, I think it's going to be huge. I've been able to talk with Stipe's coach. And there's a potential I was going to go out and help him in this training camp. So hopefully that still happens. My schedule's kind of crazy, but hopefully I can get up there for a week, sneak up there.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, I'm happy for Stipe to get a big fight. Yeah, for sure. And if he wins against Ngannou, I mean, that is just gigantic. That would be absolutely phenomenal. If there's a guy that can do it, I think it's Stipe for sure. Well, he's the champ, and he's the champ for a reason, but he's got a lot of work to do. He's so big. Got to weather that storm and put them up against the cage, wear them out, pummel. I mean, just, just get really heavy on them and tire them out, dig them into deep waters, put them on his back. We got to
Starting point is 00:09:40 remember Overeem did get him up against the cage. Overeem lunged at him, clinched with him, got him up against the cage, but couldn't do a goddamn thing with him. Yeah, that's true. I think a little difference is Stipe having that All-American wrestling background. What? This is crazy. He's opening up as the betting favorite over the heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic. I mean, this is amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I mean, I get it. I understand. But that is pretty incredible that he's the betting favorite. I guess if you just look at his comment, do MMA math or so, but the common opponent with them and Overeem and how they both performed against him. Yeah, well, Overeem did catch Stipe and had him stunned and knocked him on his ass, and then Stipe came back and won. But he's got to be obviously super aware of how dangerous it is to connect with Ngannou.
Starting point is 00:10:28 He's going to obviously try to stay on the outside. And when he closes the distance, close the distance, get that clinch, get him up against the cage, and figure out some way to either get that guy down or wear his legs out or do something. We don't know what happens when Ngannou goes into the third, fourth, and fifth rounds. Right. If anybody can even physically take him there. Yeah. I do love how Stipe has that killer instinct
Starting point is 00:10:49 both against Overeem after getting hurt even Verdum after his leg injury. Junior Dos Santos I think. Oh, sorry. Yeah, you're right. The Dos Santos fight, yeah. Dos Santos had kicked his leg pretty hard and giant swelling on his leg. Yeah. Then to come back and just knock him out the way that he did was just beautiful.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah. This is the big test. So even if he gets hurt, if he doesn't get put out and he's hurt, he can still turn on that killer instinct and put him away. Yeah. It's going to be exciting. Like watching this fight, I'm amped for it. This is one of the big heavyweight fights recently that I'm just so stoked for.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah, that's the big one. I think it's probably the biggest heavyweight fight ever when you think about what Ngannou is. I mean, there's obviously been some giant fights like Brock Lesnar when he fought Cain Velasquez, Brock Lesnar when he fought Overeem. Those are huge fights. But I think that Ngannou's something special.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And if Stipe could figure out how to turn him down, how to shut him down and beat him, I mean, it will really cement his position as the baddest man on the planet. And if not, we've got a new king. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's really exciting. I was even thinking when you were saying those last fights, this one I'm as excited for as whenever Brock fought Shane Cartwin.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah. I was helping me and Brennan both were helping Shane train for that fight. And now I might be involved for a week or so, um, helping Stipe get ready for this one, just being around that, seeing their preparations, what they're going to do. Um, even just being a training partner for that legendary fight would be pretty epic. Are you going to shave lightning bolts in your head to emulate in Ghana? Um, I, I'm at least going to die black, uh, lightning bolts in my hair. Just be the reverse, the vanilla
Starting point is 00:12:25 gorilla version. Have you trained with Stipe before? I haven't. I haven't. I just talked with his coaches a bit. So they thought it'd be a great idea and I think it is too. So he's out there in Cleveland. I'm sure, I mean, he's got some incredible team around him. And you're in Oklahoma City now, right? I'm in Oklahoma City, yeah. With Lovato.
Starting point is 00:12:41 With Lovato. Yeah, that's awesome. And he's killing it out there too. Oh my gosh. Well, he's undefeated 7-0. Str Lovato. With Lovato. Yeah, that's awesome. And he's killing it out there, too. Oh, my gosh. Well, he's undefeated 7-0. Strangling people. Gosh. And knocking people out, too, which is crazy. He started boxing, or at least kickboxing, before he ever started jiu-jitsu. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:55 So as a kid. His father and him, I don't know if you know, but they're the first ever American father-son Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belts. And, man, but they have this background of just everything that's awesome since like you know early 90s just going and cross training he's from that old school like it goes like Hicks and Gracie Salah Hibero Shanji and then you know he's in that group of those that style of Jiu-jitsu is just smush style those guys have just tremendous pressure basics and when i say basics i mean like the hard polished tried and true techniques and it's like there's not like a lot of fancy crazy new school stuff but it's just laser sharp
Starting point is 00:13:41 and just smashing power and pressure such a big fan of that guy He's always talking about the pressure passing just melting into Into him being a wet hot blanket on top of them just taking their air away Yeah, making them give up and man honestly I've trained with guys like Carwin and mere and couture and ovary and I've trained with some of the biggest heavyweights couture and ovary and i've trained with some of the biggest heavyweights um around and he is the only person and he fights at 185 he's the biggest 185er i've ever seen i can't i can't imagine that uh i don't know how he makes that cut but he does it so uh in such an incredible way it's the healthiest guy i've ever met most disciplined athlete most disciplined person i've ever been
Starting point is 00:14:21 around in my entire life obsessed obsessed with discipline and training the, the performance mindset or competitive mindset. The guy's the best I've ever been around, but he is the only person to ever make me completely claustrophobic underneath. I've never been claustrophobic underneath anyone. And he just takes my, not in a weird way, but he takes my breath away. But I mean, mean, just, he, he makes you want to quit. He, he, and he's so, and he's always about putting yourself in the worst position possible and becoming uncomfortable or being comfortable being uncomfortable and just making yourself to where no matter where you get put, like you're going to fight out of it. You're always just
Starting point is 00:15:01 one step away from a finish. Like you finishing finishing them even if they're about to finish you you're you're just you're just a few small steps just inches away from getting out of there reversing it taking their back you know putting them on their back and mounting and just finishing and man he's he's incredible he's the only guy that i've ever seen be able to go through like 10 10 minute rounds or sorry 10 8 minute rounds back to back when he was training for the ADCCs. I mean, he's just an animal. No, 10 tens. It was 10 tens. And I was just blown away that he could do that. And we were having to rotate fresh guys on him. And by the end of it, he got tired of it, but that was the only time I've ever seen him tired or actually tired. And so he's just an absolute animal. It's a lifestyle for him. It's honestly so incredibly inspiring. And I feel like just being around him and me doing a lot of the same things, that that's what's going to make me the Bellator heavyweight champ.
Starting point is 00:15:53 But just us feeding off each other, it's really cool, dynamic. But if I can be half as disciplined as he is, I'll be the most disciplined heavyweight fighter there is. I'll be the most disciplined heavyweight fighter there is. So it's pretty amazing being around him and his mindset and how he travels the world seeking out the top instructors in every discipline. I mean, he's going down to Brazil to Ivolosautai that used to be, it's kind of like in. Chutebox. Yeah, it used to be Chutebox. He goes in Curitiba, right? Yeah, Curitiba and goes and soaks up those good vibes at the like largest waterfall in the world or one of them
Starting point is 00:16:32 And then it's just in training camp. Does he speak Portuguese? He does he'd a lot of people mistake him as Brazilian but his family Spanish and he grew up in Oklahoma City So there's no Brazilian in him, but he speaks fluent Portuguese where'd he learn? I think through jujitsu, jujitsu, being around people, always trying to put himself in those situations. And then he would go down, I think it was a 16 year old kid. And he would go down to Brazil sometimes by himself and stay for like a month or two, or I think he might've done it for four months at one time. So he's a really, really special individual. He's the guy that I've,
Starting point is 00:17:05 I've never seen take, take a break or take off. I mean, he competed, he fought three times in Bellator this year, three and oh, um, in between that he had a super fight with Buchecha. Um, he had another grappling tournament. He had the ADCCs. He was just going from every two months he was competing every two months, but he was staying healthy the whole time too, which blew my mind because he takes his, uh, we have a place called the arc that we train at the athlete recovery center. And it's got hot and cold plunges and infrared saunas in the cryotherapy and the, uh, just all sorts of stuff. Those Norma tech boots and our PTs there and our strength conditioning coaches right there. So it's all in one shop.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And so right after he's done training, he's recovering, where he gets there early and he's stretching out. And so the whole warming up truly and cooling down and taking care of your body and putting the right fuel in it, eating whole foods at all times, like just not putting garbage in your body, man, he's going to be the Bellator middleweight champion probably pretty soon. I think they have that maybe lined up in the next two or three fights. I'm excited. I'm excited to see him
Starting point is 00:18:07 compete against really upper echelon guys, guys like Musashi along those lines. Yeah, the guy he just fought, Chris Honeycutt, was in the NCAA finals.
Starting point is 00:18:16 That was the first high-level wrestler that he's competed against. He won every single round. The first six fights he finished everybody. And so, it's going to be exciting.
Starting point is 00:18:24 If there's someone watching this that hasn't watched Rafael Lovato Jr. compete, whether it's in grappling or MMA, go follow him because he's going to do it. He's going to be a champ. Yeah, he's a savage for sure. What does he weigh before he makes the cut to 185? So I don't want to put a specific number, but I think it's around 210, 215, 220, something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So I know whenever he's in camp, he's trying to walk around at less than 200 when he can. And he's about like what, 6'2"? No, he's 6'4". 6'4"? 6'4", and he's got like some of the longest reach. Damn. Yeah, he's at least 6'4".
Starting point is 00:18:56 And he gets down to 185. That's crazy. And if you see like pull up his Instagram and you can see a picture of him with his shirt off. Homeboy is fucking shredded. Sh size 13, 14. Pull up his Instagram and you can see a picture of him with his shirt off. Homeboy is fucking shredded. Shredded, man. He's got to be in the neighborhood of like 8% or 9% body fat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. Zero. But just jacked and shredded. Just as a heavyweight, I've always just envied anyone that was under 15 or whatever. Yeah, there he is. I mean, come on, son. Yeah. Just shredded. and he looks
Starting point is 00:19:26 down at every every every guy he's ever fought i mean if you see other way in photos like they're all looking up at him like literally their yeah i'm sure and he went through a pretty significant injury a few years back right didn't he have like a pec tear yeah i think it was the is there a pec tendon or something something like that i think it was the tendon in there that connects like the shoulder and the pec and completely tore it and had to have reconstructive, uh, surgery. And man, the guy's so disciplined. I mean, I mean, he went through like anyone, all of us athletes would, um, being bummed out a bit, but, uh, you know, he had this machine that was, you know, moving his arm up and down and, you know, just sitting there. But then the guy is a planner, a visualizer. Like he takes advantage, even the times he's not on the mat, he's structuring his life
Starting point is 00:20:12 around it to where he's writing down his goals and his dreams in this month's plan, the next three months plan, uh, this week's plan, this day's plan. I'm just writing every single thing out. So that way he can make sure that he's doing everything he can, even when he's not training, he's this day's plan. I'm just writing every single thing out. So that way he can make sure that he's doing everything he can, even when he's not training, he's, he's training, you know, he's training his mind, he's training, uh, everything for that so that he can, he can perform at the best. And I think that's why he competes at such a high level. And I'm, I'm speaking about him like this and, but it's all true. It's all honest. I'm not just trying
Starting point is 00:20:41 to give the guy props. Like he, he earned that from me at least and i think you should from pretty much anyone he competes with because um man i mean his match with bucheccia even was so competitive and he could have easily won that match um he could have won the 80 cc's i mean easily he is a big fellow too yeah i know like 245 would just like yeah just and then world class yeah oh yeah i, one to 80 CCs, I think four. I'm a big Lovato fan. I think he's awesome. Yeah. I'm excited to see.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I always love when the really, the highest level guys in any discipline enter into MMA. You know, and when you see a guy like him who's just a jujitsu phenom, and now he's like, okay, now I'm going to try to take over MMA. Or a guy like go khan sake enters into the ufc like okay let's see what happens when you get like a real high level guy in any discipline who enters into mma it's always interesting because they're such specialists because most mma fighters you know pretty good at wrestling pretty good at jujitsu pretty good at kickboxing but not elite like world, world championship level at any different discipline.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So when you see a guy who is like Rafael Lovato, he is world-class at jiu-jitsu, like world championship level, and then enters into MMA, it's like, ooh, what you going to do when he grabs you? Yeah, absolutely. Like a Damien Maia. That's who Rafael is. Or Verdum. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And something special about Rafael, you know, and then, but anyways, he's, uh, he can coach it so incredibly well too. And that's not always the case with a lot of athletes. I've been coached by a lot of incredible wrestlers. Um, Kenny Monday, Kendall cross, they were incredible coaches, Kale Sanderson. Um, I've been coached on the mats by Dan Gable and some other guys. Um, so absolute legends. I've been coached on the mats by Dan Gable and some other guys. So absolute legends. And his coaching is also just so thorough and so exact.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And it's like you see the guy at the top right now who's performing at the best. And he's able to teach it at such a high level. That's why he's coached up some other grappling world champions and stuff like that. Now his focus is on MMA. Just perfect timing that him and I got to train together for a full year now and taken in 2018. Both of us want to be, you know, hunting down those belts. Did you move down to Oklahoma city specifically to train with him? There was a few reasons.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Um, but yeah, that was, that was one of the big ones. Um, I was going to regardless, uh, because water four is based out of there and fight for the forgotten is underneath water four. And so we're, we're partners with them and they've taken over all the administrative stuff and we're officially an initiative under Water 4. That's nice. Yeah, I mean, it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So stoked that they're making things just flourish. We're going to serve over 200,000 people with clean water this year. That's so incredible. Yeah. And we're doing a benefit tonight at the Comedy Store. Yeah, yeah. It's going to be incredible. Super pumped. One of many. I. And we're doing a benefit tonight at the Comedy Store. Yeah, yeah. It's going to be incredible.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Super pumped. One of many. I think we're going to start doing these all the time there. I'm just thinking, we do shows there all the time, and most of the time we just do shows. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:23:33 well, why shouldn't we just do shows? I mean, a couple times a month or so, just donate all the money. So that's what we're going to do. Man, I'm blown away by it. So stoked. Well, I just found out right before we got on the podcast that there's a generous donor out of Oklahoma city. Um, and he's going to match
Starting point is 00:23:52 whatever comes in, uh, today on the website, whether that's at the comedy store or now, um, up to $10,000. So the first $10,000 will be matched. And so that first 10,000 will be doubled. It'll turn into 20,000. Um, so just so stoked. So whatever comes in through the doors, uh, man, it can be doubled. That's beautiful, man. Yeah. Well, you know, like the first time we did this, uh, we got Bitcoin, uh, from people and they donated Bitcoin and I have that Bitcoin on my phone and I have to get it off the phone, but that Bitcoin is now worth like $50,000. So what I did was I took that Bitcoin on my phone and I have to get it off the phone, but that Bitcoin is now worth like $50,000. So what I did was I took that Bitcoin, I took the cash version of it and I donated it to
Starting point is 00:24:31 Waterford and then I matched it. And now we're up. So all that additional money is yours too. Like it's not mine. Oh my gosh. So it's yours. So it's like there's an additional $45,000 in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So we got to get it off the phone. But that'll go to Waterford as well. Oh, man. I can't. This isn't fake. I can't fake this kind of smile. I'm happy too, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And the thing is, do you keep it in there for a while? Because if you keep it in there for a while, it might be worth even more. Do you bail now? It might go way up. Oh, well, then we can keep it in there. Way, way, way up. Like how way like speculation in the next six to twelve months is at least twenty thousand if not fifty thousand well that's like
Starting point is 00:25:11 way high speculation i'm not oh my god well this is what i'll do i'll leave it up to you guys we'll get the the bitcoin off the phone and then i'll essentially leave it up to you guys when you want to pull the trigger and take the money out of it. Okay. Because that seems to be the right, because like, well, let's, let's, let's get some advisors to tell us. You know what? I'm going to get Andreas Antonopoulos. He's going to be on the podcast soon. And he's the guy who set up all this Bitcoin stuff for me in the first place. The Bitcoins all came in as donations. So just so anybody knows, like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 because some people accused me of not donating that money to you and i had explained to them no i took the bitcoin and i just whatever the money value of it was then i gave that to you guys for sure so but i remember that but the what's left i still it's not mine it's it's you know just because i gave i mean i have it but it's not mine it's yours so it's it is all donation that's just I thought as a science project I'm like let's just see what happens with this shit I don't want to take it out it could have been zero yeah well I also didn't want to turn it into money I didn't want to cash it out so I said let me just give you guys whatever
Starting point is 00:26:18 money it is and I'll hold on to that and I'll see what happens with it but now it's worth 50 grand wow that's nuts so more than that 665 oh jesus yeah it keeps but now it's worth 50 grand. Wow, that's nuts. So more than that 665 Oh Jesus. Yeah, it keeps going up. It's like on a crazy spike right now. Wow, it's worth $13,000. Holy shit Yeah, whoa That's crazy. And I will also put out my Bitcoin address once I get it off the phone for you guys if you want to donate money and again all of that money None of it goes to me. It's all gonna go to water for it's all gonna go to fight for the forgotten Which is the shirt that I'm wearing and that's what the benefit is tonight at the Comedy Store
Starting point is 00:26:54 All the money is going to fight for the forgotten and you can donate to at what is the website fight for the forgotten? Org-slash donate and if you guys haven't paid attention to any of Justin's podcasts before, I'll give you a brief rundown. Justin was on The Ultimate Fighter, fought for the UFC for a while, and then found his true calling going to the Congo and building wells for the Pygmies. And it's just an amazing story. You could watch some of the podcasts. You could watch some of the podcasts, you could watch some of the short clips on you. And I know there's a documentary on you that's coming out soon as well. Yeah. I think it's going to be the summer of, uh, 2018. And so thank you so much for even doing a
Starting point is 00:27:34 sit down interview on that. It's going to add a whole lot of value to the film and, and just give it a louder, uh, voice or a wider reach because my first promise to the pygmies and this was even, um, so man, I'm just so thankful for the support of this community and personally you, uh, because man, when I first came on, we hadn't drilled any wells. In fact, I had just had Andy bow. Um, you know, I had held him and he's one half year old boy that I held as he passed away. And, uh, and it wrecked me, it changed me and it, but I knew we were going to do something with water. I just knew it. Um, but my first time on the podcast, there were zero wells drilled. I was just going to go there and live for a year. And hopefully we were going to build an incredible team. You know, that team is now 20 strong, uh, full-time 12 part-time,
Starting point is 00:28:17 um, been able to drill 70 water wells. Now 70 communities have been transformed. If that Bitcoin is 50 grand, I mean, 4,200, 65, he said, Oh my gosh. Well, I'm not a math whiz. So I fight for a living, but, but it's a $4,200 transforms a community. It helps our teams go out there and survey the land. We have a survey team now that gets to go out and scout it out beforehand, tell our teams what tools to bring out and what obstacles to expect. So that's a few hundred dollars, four or five hundred dollars to go survey, then to drill the wells around twenty seven hundred dollars and then to help the community and really teach and train them. So we educate the locals with the knowledge on how to drill the wells. We equip them with the tools to be able to do it. How many of them can read?
Starting point is 00:29:01 equip them with the tools to be able to do it. How many of them can read? So of our well drillers, everyone. Well, I think everyone can. A lot of them have even graduated from a university with community development degrees. I mean the people that live in the Congo. The Mbuti Pygmies. The Mbuti Pygmies, none of them.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I've met two people, I think, two, maybe three, that can actually read. And they're the chiefs. One of them is actually an incredible guy. Chief Alondo, um, his grandson's Jippy and he's gonna be chief one day. And I, that's like my favorite little guy over there. Um, and Jippy's in school now. And, uh, there's a long story with that, but it's, it's one of the first times ever the Mabuti pygmies have ever been in school, uh, and sustainably to where they can even pay their school fees. Um, and they can have food there because they can buy the food. Um, and so, but traditionally they don't have a written language. Um, they don't have a calendar, so they don't know their age.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Um, and so they're really, really traditional hunter gather society. That's just, uh, incredible. You'd love them there, you know, with the bows there, they're deadly. I've seen a little boy, uh, probably eight, nine, 10 years old, um, climb up, uh, the canopy of the rainforest is probably,
Starting point is 00:30:08 it's well over a hundred feet. It's probably 150, 200 feet. Um, and seeing a guy shimmy up there, eight, nine, 10 years old to the top.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And, uh, with a bow, with a bow on his, like hung around his neck. Um, and so he goes up there and then he's sniping, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:24 parrots or, or other kinds of birds, parrots or other kind of birds. They eat parrots? Anything they can find, man. One thing that they do, I don't know why this popped in my mind, but if they're running and they're hunting after an antelope and a bee flies by, they're going to chase that bee to the hive because honey to them is like gold. I mean, they love honey, having something sweet. So they'll risk their lives to climb up into the trees. They set a fire at the bottom of the tree,
Starting point is 00:30:50 let the smoke go up, and then they climb up there, and they just reach in. And these are African bees. These are killer bees that they're reaching into the honey hive and just pulling it out and dropping it down in a basket or just plopping it down. And just getting jacked with stones.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Just getting jacked. Just getting jacked. Sometimes two people go up there and the one, one guy's purpose is just to have like a, a twig and leaves that he's hitting the bees off of the guy reaching in. So he's just protecting them. But then when those guys come back into the village and they have this just treasure pot of, of, of honey, the whole village celebrates their heroes. Um, and you know, cause they literally did risk their lives for their wives, for the kids so that they could have some honey and they save it, they savor it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Uh, and it's, it's, it's pretty incredible. Another thing they do is if they're on a hunt and they find a turtle, um, they'll actually make it looks almost like the kids here that have like Ninja turtle backpacks. Um, they'll tie a vine around the feet of the turtle and then they put it on their back and then they go back to hunting. And if they get an animal, if they get like an antelope. Do they kill the turtle first? No, they just keep it alive and it's on their back. And if they get a kill of an antelope or a wild hog or something like that, they actually let the turtle go.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And then if they, yeah, they only take what they need. So they respect the forest and its resources so much., they only take what they need. So they respect the forest and its resources so much. So they only keep what they need. What a fucking tumultuous ride for that poor turtle. Yeah, you're right. It's like, Jesus, I hope these motherfuckers find a pig. But, but, but, but if they, if they don't and they have food and dinner later for their kids. And so they bring it back and they'll just cut it open and put it on the fire and boil it.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Did you eat turtle? I've eaten turtle there. What's it like? It's not the best. It's really gamey and it's really, really chewy, the kind that I had. And I don't know what part I had, but I've had even monkey there. This was before. I was there during the Ebola breakout and everything. Jesus. But I didn't know that part I had, but I've had even monkey there. This was before. I was there during the Ebola breakout and everything.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Jesus. But I didn't know that you get it from eating monkey. And so they just eat monkey all the time. Oh, my God. I've eaten monkey several times now. Really? Probably five, six, seven times. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:57 What does it taste like? It's going to sound goofy, but it's super tender. It was some of the best meat I've had. The one they gave me, I think it was part of around best meat i've had the one they gave me i think it was part of like the around the femur bone or whatever does it freak you out to eat a primate uh it didn't no at first i thought it was kind of crazy and then after i tasted it it was really really good and so after that i mean it's it's it's good my friend steve ranlla went to, um, where was it in South America that he went to? I cannot remember. Uh, but he was, uh, down there hunting with this tribe and they prefer monkey over everything.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Oh man. It's that good. Yeah. I mean, that's why it's good. Really good. I'm not just saying that. I mean, it's, it's really good. And they celebrate whenever, whatever monkey size they bring back, whether it's a big one or a little guy. They're going to really celebrate because they call it the sweet meat. What does it say he's at? They're eating monkey stew. Yeah, they're eating monkey stew. Does it say where he's at? Bolivia.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Bolivia, that's it. Yeah, that's. I think there's even a YouTube video. Sometimes people can go check out on my YouTube channel of me trying monkey for the first time. I thought they were teasing me. And so at the end I go, no, it's, this is chicken. It's gotta be chicken. And they're like, no, it's monkey.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And after I got off, they walked me outside to, to where the monkey like carcass was still there and everything. And I was like, dang, this is, this is real. Like it's really, really, really good. And I said, it tastes like chicken. Yeah. That's funny. Cause Ronella said it tasted like a smoked turkey leg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's like the way they cook it. They cooked it over like wet leaves over the fire. Yeah, it's just. So, man, it's awesome. And we're about to get 2,000 to 3,000 more acres of land. Oh, yeah, monkeys. We got a monkey harvest coming in. I hope so. I don't think I'd be a hunter if that was all you could hunt was monkeys i'd be like i think i'm going
Starting point is 00:34:51 vegan yeah he's a vegetarian coming back here you know my wife like shed a tear i think because i ate a monkey really yeah i mean she she was she was like you ate a what so so i think she still thinks i just had one instead of five or six oh now she knows oh yeah whoops actually yeah she does now because of this but um man it's it's such an adventure living out there and so to be able to empower the locals to do it for themselves is just so key like that's that's i guess the message i'm i'm preaching is just the opportunity is greater than charity that's why I asked you if they could read. Do you give them instruction manuals, how to maintain and how to upkeep for wells or how to build a new one?
Starting point is 00:35:34 So with the pygmies, they're involved in helping us get our equipment out there. I mean, sometimes our hikes are from the nearest quote unquote road, which none of us would call a road at all. And the same drive, some of the times, the drive to the beginning of the rainforest where from the airport is four, no six hours. The same exact drive has taken 24 hours or 48 hours. We had to dig out like 40 cars in front of us one time because they were just stuck in the mud. Um, and to get around it. So, but once we get to the rainforest, it can take an hour, stuck in the mud, um, and to get around it. So, but once we get to the rainforest, it can take an hour, two hours, three hours to hike each way. Um, and so a round trip to, with one ton of well
Starting point is 00:36:11 drilling equipment is a lot. So the whole village helps us. I mean, there's a incredible Swahili proverb that basically says, if you think you, or if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together. And so I think it's beautiful because they don't even let us do all the work alone. They know that we're going to come in there and help them with something that's so precious, that's life-saving, life-giving to them. So they all send 100 people to come help us with our equipment. And so what used to take us days to take in, you know, it takes us just that one trip. And so they help us get it in there. They build us huts. So basically they build us a home. Just like what they live in
Starting point is 00:36:53 Very hospitable give us our food while we're there. They must be so happy that you showed up You imagine some big white dude from America out of nowhere. It's just like hey. I'm gonna live with you guys make well They're like yeah sure you are Nobody ever come down here made a well the fuck out of here yeah meanwhile you made 70 wells now they must be like how is this possible yeah well well what i love is the the heroes of this are our 32 well drillers we even have no uh i got to share on your podcast last time that pacha soap which was inspired even by this podcast and listening to this working at, the night shift and having a dream to start up Pacha Soap, which is in Whole Foods.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And they got another brand that's in Target. It's super successful. And that's awesome. Yeah. They're helping us buy land there in the Congo. And we're starting up a soap production facility. So we have an essential oil press and we're hiring the locals to be able to get all the essential oils like eucalyptus and avocado oil and palm oil and different raw materials because the only thing
Starting point is 00:37:50 they have available to them right now is car washing soap that's literally from china or from india it's just packed with chemicals when i use it left me raw i mean like in pain from it and you're better off with no soap at all just washing yourself with dirt right and so by way you can do that, if people don't know, if you just take dirt, like if you're somewhere and there's no, no soap, just take dirt and just literally use water and mud and just wash yourself with the dirt and then rinse it all off. You're just trying to scrub off the bullshit and dirt is probably better for you than antibiotic soaps. Yeah, for sure. And so we're about to get two to 3,000 acres more of Lance. We have 3,000. That's awesome, man. And it's about to be five to 6,000
Starting point is 00:38:30 acres. What if we reach out and reach out to people? Cause I know a lot of people do like to go to places like that and teach English. What if there was a way or what would be the language to teach? It would be most beneficial for them down there? So language-wise is really tough because there's over 200 spoken languages in Congo, over 200. And so there's five national languages. The government and schools and hospitals is French. It was colonized by Belgium. And that's a nuts story. But then they also speak Swahili in the east.
Starting point is 00:39:07 They speak Lingala in the west. They speak Banu Congo. And there's one more that I'm missing. When you talk to them, what do you talk to them with? So I have very, very broken Swahili. Very, very broken Swahili. But the Swahili they speak there is it's mixed with a little bit of French and also the local language. So you you've got to truly live there.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And over the last six years, I've been there for about maybe a year and seven, eight, nine months. Boots on the ground a year at one time. And then, man, but but the saying about Swahili is that it was born in tanzania it got sick in kenya it died in uganda and they took it to the congo to bury it because they can't communicate with anyone in uganda or i mean not not truly communicate wow get their point across so it's what i meant by teaching them english is um teaching them how to read like i just think that if you could somehow or another teach them some language where they could read and write things down and you like, you could just keep, keep this thing
Starting point is 00:40:10 going with them while they're there. What, what I think is really cool is now, um, we we've got this video up on, uh, on YouTube. It's chief Leo May's transformation. And so chief Leo May, uh, in his village, it was just an incredible transformation. They had never owned land of their own, but chief Leo may remembered, uh, his grandfather used to actually take him to hunt on that land that they now own. And so, uh, now it's theirs and his grandson's going to be able to say, you know, this was my grandfather's land, just like he's able to say, you know, I used to hunt with my grandfather here. But, um, so from the land that they have, they have land, water, and food there. They have about 500 acres, I believe. And so then
Starting point is 00:40:49 they have their own water and now they've grown so many banana trees there. They used to get paid one to two bananas a day for labor from sunup to sundown, a banana or two a day. Now they have hundreds and hundreds of banana trees. I mean, probably five, 600 banana trees in that one village. And from that, they're able to go sell it. When they sell it, they can buy their own clothes for the first time. They can now pay school fees so that they can actually go to the local school and learn to read and write. It's a little bit of a hike for them, but they can go learn and read and write. And so it's the first time that, I mean, it could even create an opportunity for the Mabuti pygmies to have representation at their version of Congress in the Congo for the first time ever.
Starting point is 00:41:31 There's over 200 tribes represented there. The only one not represented is the Mabuti pygmies. And so to get them educated, the excuse used to be from the government was they're not, they're not really people. They're part man, part animal. That was the government saying that I think in the early two thousands, um, maybe the late nineties, but early two thousands, they were saying they were half man, half animal that they'll never have representation. But now it's started to shift to where we even have a governor, the governor of the largest state in Congo, um, sponsoring everything we do, you know, endorsing it saying, Hey, you have free range of the Eritrea region,
Starting point is 00:42:05 and we want you to drill here and we want you to drill there. And so he's actually come on our side and said, what the work you guys are doing is really great because it's through the locals, it's locally led. Um, and so to have that opportunity, once some of the Mubuti pygmies are educated, have a high school education, maybe we can get them to a local university there or right next door, maybe in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya. Um, then they can get them to a local university there or right next door, maybe in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya. Then they can go back and they can actually start representing themselves because now they say if they're educated, then we can, but none of them are educated.
Starting point is 00:42:34 So it would draw out the process longer. But now they're, you know, the next generation will be. And that's what's inspired you also to get back into MMA again. Yeah. And that inspired you to sign up with Bellator. And since then, you've had three fights? Three fights. And won all three?
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yep. And now you're one of the top Bellator heavyweight contenders. Yeah. It's kind of crazy because when we first talked, you hadn't fought in a long time. Five years, two months. Yeah. And you weren't training. You were just kind of like going back and forth to the Congo.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Right. Yeah, and you weren't training. You were just kind of like going back and forth to the Congo. And then, you know, that had to be a crazy thing to just get back into it after all that time out. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, physically at least. I'm sure, to get yourself back in that kind of shape. In between my first and second fight back, I had malaria again. And that was my third time to have that. He's got malaria three times, folks, by the way. Yeah. And so that time, I got malaria while I was there because it was so bad. I broke out in shingles,
Starting point is 00:43:36 um, which, you know, being 30 just now turning 30. So then I was like 28 or 29, um, to have shingles. The doctor was like, you're too young for this. And, uh, my body was just that stressed young for shingles. Yeah. I've heard of people getting shingles. Well, I guess, I guess normally that might be like, or met herpes, something like that. But they did the culture or whatever and it was shingles. And it's supposed to be an older generation thing, I think. No kidding. I didn't know shingles. I think they say it starts like 40 and beyond.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Is it a compromised immune issue? Is that what it is? Yeah. The idea? And so it's actually chicken pox coming back out in your body. So if you haven't had chicken pox, you can't have shingles. And so it's like it lays dormant in your body. And then once you get into older age or your immune system is compromised, then shingles can reappear.
Starting point is 00:44:16 That is the most fucked up thing about the human body, that it harbors these bacterias. And they sit there waiting, just waiting, biding my time to fuck up your life. Yeah. Waiting. Yeah. And so then I had, oh man, dude, I had that. Then I had shingles and then I came back in for a month or two months.
Starting point is 00:44:35 The doctors are trying to figure out what was wrong with me because I was clear of malaria. But the CDC did two tests on me for malaria again, but they found out I had dengue fever. Every night I was going to sleep, I was waking up and that was probably- Did you tell them you ate a monkey? I did. I did. And then they wanted to- Did they look at you like sideways?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Like, oh, fuck, bro. They wanted to do the quarantine thing on me. Oh, boy. But it had been over three months since Ebola had broken out and it had been three months since I'd been back. What happened to Ebola? Ebola was going to kill us all just like a year ago. Remember?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Everybody was freaking out. That one lady who's a nurse who wouldn't be quarantined, she's like, fuck you, I'm going outside. Like, no, she's going to kill us all, you selfish bitch. So Ebola was actually discovered in Congo. There's a river called the Ebola River. Oh, great. And so that's, that's where
Starting point is 00:45:25 it was discovered. And it actually came back. It broke out since the big crazy one, it broke out. And I think it was like less than a hundred people. It might've been like 10, um, or less. And so they really were able to contain it, which is impressive to be able to do in Congo because it's not as organized as, as anywhere else. Um, but yeah, so man, but on the MMA journey back, it was, it was really, really tough. I mean, the muscle memory just was not there. I had lost the wrestling I grew up with. Um, and the cardio obviously wasn't there after five years off. Um, but the sicknesses, other things, my body was healed, uh, the muscles and joints and
Starting point is 00:46:02 ligaments and all that. I think, uh think I felt better than ever there. It was just the muscle memory wasn't coming back and the cardio was really tough and I had to shed some weight. Yeah, the muscle. Just get healthy. The muscles and the cartilage and the joints and everything, they probably benefited from
Starting point is 00:46:18 all that time off, right? I think so, a lot. Because so many guys get, by the time you're 30, I mean, how many MMA fighters are just have like really huge injuries by the time they're 30, 31 years old? It's pretty common. Yeah, I started fighting at 19 years old professionally, MMA. And I was always the young guy in the heavyweight division. And so now, just turning 30, I feel like I got a lot of miles left on me having those five years off.
Starting point is 00:46:45 A lot of life experience, too, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I honestly think a lot of people like, oh, so you didn't, you took off and that's probably impossible for me. It was a whole other kind of training. I mean, kind of like I was talking about Raphael and being comfortable being uncomfortable. I mean, I've slept in the mud, woke up in the mud, at least slept on the dirt, woke up in the mud because the rain came so hard and sleeping under twig and leaf huts on the dirt. You know, no, no mattress underneath, you know, anything. And so, I mean, to have that, to battle through the sicknesses, to see what they suffer from and how they dig deep on a daily basis. They're in survival mode and to see the battles they fight.
Starting point is 00:47:27 And then to have, you know, 32 of my heroes there that have drilled 70 wells that whenever a bridge collapses because a truck is illegally logging and they overloaded their, their weight and they just collapsed this 1930s bridge. And then I think, Oh, what's going to be impossible. And then they get out of the truck they start walking through the water with all our well drilling equipment and we're going to find another way we're going to get uh taxi motorcycles to to ride in everything we needed this big truck uh to carry in and so it's going to take a lot longer it's going to be a lot harder but we're going to get it done we're going to win this fight so you feel like that was a training
Starting point is 00:48:04 sort of tool for yeah I mean I'm not going to say this but um or but we're going to get it done and we're going to win this fight. So you feel like that was a training sort of tool for you? Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to say this, but I don't want to compare it to this, but it's almost like it was a life experience and kind of like some of our Navy guys, Navy SEALs, where they do the special forces training. I think this was my version of like kind of special training for me as a fighter. It enlarged my heart or deepened the well of who I am. And so I think I just have more of a motivation to go in there and win. It feels like your submission game has really come up a lot now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It just seems like wrestling. And now my submission game is on point. Yeah. You're a blue belt now under Lovato. Right. Yeah. And, and I, I
Starting point is 00:48:45 wanted to do it, um, the right way. I wanted to do it the way that every other student does it. And so it was, it was really cool to get that. I didn't know that that would mean so much to me, uh, but it, but it really did. Crazy, right? Yeah. It's nuts, man. It's nuts how that award, that, that promotion, um, is a milestone in my martial arts journey. That's why it's so good for kids. Martial arts are so good for kids because it gives them a tangible representation of their hard work. Like you give them a belt and they tie on that belt and they have this giant smile on their face. You know, when my kids take martial arts and when they get a new belt, they have this giant smile on their face.
Starting point is 00:49:22 They're so happy and they jump around. They look at it. They want to wear it home and squeeze it. Yeah, me too, man. I remember when I got my blue belt. I was like, holy shit, I'm not a white belt anymore. Yes! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 You know, you feel like I made it over the hump. And what they say is if you can make it to purple belt, you can make it to black belt. Yeah. The blue belt is like you're just working hard. If you work hard, you get there. Hey, you know, you're not at white belt anymore. But if you can get to purple belt, like, hey, man, just keep going and you can be a black belt. Yeah, and in Lovato's School of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it says a black belt is a white belt who never quit.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, that's a great quote. I've heard that before. Yeah, I like it, man. It's an interesting time now for jiu-jitsu and MMA. It really is. Because you're seeing some guys like this weekend, Brian Ortiz. Ortega, rather. Brian Ortega is fighting Cub Swanson.
Starting point is 00:50:18 And Brian Ortega, I'm trying to remember his nickname. T-City. Triangle City. He's got one of the best guards in MMA. And Ortega is fucking nasty off remember his nickname. T-City. T-City. Triangle City. He's got one of the best guards in MMA. Yeah. And Ortega is fucking nasty off of his back. I mean, he's just, he's so good. Do you think he lulls them to sleep with his baby blue eyes?
Starting point is 00:50:35 He's a beautiful face. Beautiful face. Long, flowing locks, just like you. Yeah, so Brian is, in my opinion, probably the best guy in the division off of his back. I don't think there's anybody that could fuck with him at 145, especially now that Charles Oliveira has moved up to 55. I think he's the best at 45. His fucking submission game is so lightning fast and just tight as can be.
Starting point is 00:51:02 But Cub Swanson's a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu too. And Cub is a nasty striker too and super unorthodox, like real weird. But Brian is a fucking great striker, too, and Brian is un-motherfucking-defeated. 12-0 with one no contest. That's an interesting fight. Fuck yeah, it is. It's like a you know, it's a real crossroads fight in a lot of ways because Cub is at the top of the heap in the 145 pound
Starting point is 00:51:30 division. He's lost to some of the big guys like Max Holloway, he lost to Frankie Edgar, but he's still really respected and thought of as one of the top guys in the division and Ortega being this young prodigy at 12-0 has this opportunity now to fight one of the most crafty veterans in the division.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I like it. Sounds like a similar opportunity that Nagano just had, that Francis just had, you know, to be that young lion. Yep. To come up and throw in a guy and really announce himself as one of the top contenders. Ortega can submit anybody in the world. I really believe that. And he'll box with you, too. Ortega can submit anybody in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I really believe that. And he'll box with you, too. The thing about Ortega is, like, he'll make it seem like there's no intention whatsoever to go to the ground. And then sometimes he boxes guys up, and then when they want to take him to the ground because they don't like the stand-up, that's when they're fucksville. He's got an interesting strategy in that regard. Because in the last fight, I was thinking, like, wow, this is kind of interesting. We're in the third round. He still has not tried to submit this guy. Like, that's his game.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And then, boom, they go to the ground, and he instantly catches him with a guillotine. But the reason they went to the ground, his opponent took him down because he didn't like the stand-up. That's smart. Yeah. That's strategy. So his stand-up keeps coming up higher and higher and higher. But when it comes to jiu-jitsu, he's one of the very best in the sport. He's really good.
Starting point is 00:52:43 How far away is he from here, where he trains? He's close. He's in Blackhouse. Blackhouse is in Compton, or that area. So I don't know if it's exactly Compton. It's Compton adjacent. So there's that. Go to the 219 card.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Oh, you know what? Go to the fucking Fox card. That's a big one. That is, yeah, that one right there oh man Robbie I love that hot failed dos anjos good lightweight and welterweight champ yeah man that is fucking interesting he's been doing so great man yeah like Lovato I mean dos anjos what he's done in going up from 155 to 170, it was like, well, he was the champ, but he lost to Eddie Alvarez.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Well, let's see how he does at 170. Looks way better. I mean, he's steamrolling people. The way he fucked up Neil Magny, kicked him to the ground, took him to the ground, smushed him. I mean, he beat Tarek Safedine in a stand-up fight, which is like, wow, Safedine in a stand-up fight which is like wow safadine is world-class striker yeah neil neil's a buddy of mine and he is an absolute monster and to have
Starting point is 00:53:50 seen that fight i mean rafael dos anjos looks incredible at this weight yeah he's uh that's it's very interesting because i think he's supposed to be at 170 all along it's not like he's a big 155 or that's made it up to 170, but he's kind of small in 170. No. He looks like a 170. And, of course, he's fighting one of the best 170s ever in the form of champ, Robbie Lawler. So that should be a perfect fight for Fox. Because, you know, just for fun. I mean, it's going to be a chaotic fight.
Starting point is 00:54:24 There's never been a goddamn boring Robbie Lawler fight ever. Yeah. You know? He doesn't even know how to have a boring fight. Very, very, very true. What do you think of the Lamas fight? I like it, but Lamas was obviously training for Aldo. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:39 And so, you know, he gets this change of guard. Now he's fighting Josh Emmett, who's a tough customer. And Emmett, a lot of people don't know him, but he's 12-1. It's a good fight, very good fight. I'm excited to see how that goes out. Yeah, yeah, I'm excited about that, but I'm also excited about the Ponzinobbio-Mike Perry fight. Yeah. I almost want this fight to just happen so Darren Till can fight Mike Perry.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I'm almost like rooting for Mike Perry just so he can get out of it and they can make that Darren Till Mike Perry fight. Because if they do decide to make that, because I know they tried to make Mike Perry versus Wonderboy and Dana even announced it. And Wonderboy was like, hey, hey, hey, hey, slow the fuck down. Like the guy had one fight in the UFC. I just fought for the title twice and then beat Jorge Masvidal.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And then you're going to have me fight this guy right away? This is crazy. And by the way, my thumbs hurt. He had injuries in his thumbs. He was talking about it after the fight that he fucked up the tendons in his thumbs when I was interviewing him. He's like, something happened to my hand. I thought I broke it. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:55:44 So he's got a lot of rest to to go through. So Darren Till's looking for an opponent and they were talking about Darren Till versus Kamaru Usman Which is very exciting as well because Kamaru Usman who slated go to UFC 219 Usman is slated to fight against Meek Mill. I have known him since we were 15 Usman, we grew up wrestling together Emil Meek Meek Mill's a rapper
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah, what the fuck's wrong with me? Emil Meek, who is the crazy Viking motherfucker In high school people called Usman US man for some reason Why? Is it because of the way it's spelled? Yeah. He's a terrifying guy. He is.
Starting point is 00:56:28 He's one of the most terrifying guys in the sport. What I love seeing is, I think in high school our senior year, I think he graduated, or sorry, I think he finished his senior year fourth in the state of Texas. So number four in wrestling. And then he went on
Starting point is 00:56:44 to UNK or Nebraska Kearney. Well, he never fought Meek Mill. Emil Meek is a scary guy. Yeah. And was really looking forward to this fight. And then there was some talk of the fight not taking place because Emil couldn't get his visa sorted out. But then he got it sorted out, and Kamaru Usman was saying,
Starting point is 00:57:05 hey, you know, I've already moved on. And then so lately, Emil Meek's Instagram and his Twitter has been calling Kamaru Usman a chicken and saying he's ducking him and all kinds of crazy shit. So I do not know if this is official. I'm hoping that this is official because someone needs to challenge Usman. I think Usman is one of the most dangerous and scary guys in the division and he's not being talked about Someone in the top ten that yeah, he's earned that spot. I think I believe so too
Starting point is 00:57:32 there's so many tough guys in that division that he's sort of Kind of been overlooked in my opinion and to me when I watch him fight I'm like Jesus Christ this guy's a handful for everybody. I thinkman pull that card back up please I think Usman is just he's got all the tools he's in his prime he's fucking super dangerous everywhere super dangerous standing up smashes people on the ground really fucking strong for the division top game out of control you know we don't know what happens when he gets put on his back we don't know what happens if he gets tagged if he fights a world-class striker that could stand up but what amik meal brings to the table amil meek he's like did it again what uh amil meek brings to the table is
Starting point is 00:58:14 nasty power and a real warrior spirit yeah i mean yeah he came into the the ufc after uh ko victory over husamar palhares yeah i remember i watched Yeah, I remember I watched that and I was like get this guy in the UFC, please. Yeah, he's a fucking animal. And the thing is everybody's running away from Kamaru Usman except Emil Meek.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And maybe Meek Mill, we haven't asked him. Yeah, he said Colby Covington's ducking him too right now. Oh, Kamaru Usman said that? Yeah. Yeah, of course he is. Everybody's ducking him. But also Colby Covington's ducking him too right now. Oh, Kamaru Usman said that? Yeah. Yeah, of course he is. Everybody's ducking him. But also, Colby would be wise because Colby's made so much noise after beating Damian Maia.
Starting point is 00:58:56 He's trying to get a fight with Tyron Woodley. He's trying to promote himself. And the worst way to promote yourself is to fight Kamaru Usman. But Emile Meek is like, get me in there, bitch. Let's do it. So I sincerely hope that this fight actually takes place because I think it's a fucking wicked, wicked fight.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I want to see if Emil has any answers for the problems that Kamaru Usman brings to the octagon. No one has so far. He's got one loss in his record. I do not know if that was in Usman brings to the octagon. Because no one has so far. And, I mean, he's got one loss in his record. I do not know if that was in the UFC or outside the UFC. But in the last few fights we've seen him, since he's won the Ultimate Fighter,
Starting point is 00:59:33 he's just been unstoppable. But, again, not getting the credit that he deserves. Yeah, all of his fights inside the octagon seem to be all victories. He's one of the most naturally athletic guys that I've ever known. That's what I meant by growing up wrestling with him. He started wrestling in high school and finished fourth in the state, but then he went on to the NCAA's division two and just won two, I think two national titles or maybe three.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And he's a stud. Well, the big fight for me on this card is not just the title fight between Cyborg and Holly Holm, but yeah, that one. Khabib Nurmagomedov versus Edson Barboza. Come on, son.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Number two and number three in the lightweight division, which is the most stacked division, I think. It's like lightweight and welterweight, the two most stacked divisions. But it's hard to pick which one is most stacked. But Jesus Christ, I like this fight. I like this fight a lot. And apparently Nurmagomedov has a new, according to Daniel Cormier,
Starting point is 01:00:30 he told me Nurmagomedov has a new conditioning guy or a new dietician guy, a new nutrition guy. Less dessert. No tiramisu. He's backing off the tiramisu. He's got him on a very strict diet plan plan and he's far lighter than he's ever been and we're headed into this fight this fight is in what two weeks now
Starting point is 01:00:49 30th and today is three weeks away so very exciting very interesting I'm fucking pumped for that fight because Barbos is one of the best strikers in the division for sure and Khabib can't do anything wrong on the feet
Starting point is 01:01:06 because Edson can light him up, for sure. I mean, this is the best striker, for sure the best striker that Khabib has fought. He fought Michael Johnson, who's a good striker. Michael Johnson caught him and tagged him and had him rocked. It was the first time we saw any adversity whatsoever or any real real struggle for khabib but he went on to dominate that fight he took him to the ground just beat
Starting point is 01:01:29 the shit out of him and he's 24 and oh which is unprecedented you know 24 and oh and just been steamrolling everybody so only like 30 right 29 30 it's like that I do not know his age but anyways he's he's i feel like he's not even in his prime yet what what does it say here 29 yeah yeah i mean he's like he's like right at the door of his if he can stay healthy i know he's had a bunch of injuries but if he can if he can get healthy and stay healthy man it's gonna be scary seeing what he does yeah for barboza it's all about just keeping the fight standing and And Barboza has wicked leg kicks. He's the only guy in the UFC that stopped two guys with leg kicks. He stopped Rafael Oliveira with leg kicks and Mike Lulo.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Both those guys he stopped with leg kicks. How do I remember that? I don't know. But his leg kicks are amongst the fastest i've ever seen in any division his switch kick fastest switch kick i've ever seen it's fucking ridiculous when he when he lights it up like off that left leg you're like jesus like it's like he's he's getting there with half the time that most world-class fighters get there with that kick that so that's uh that's interesting yeah that spinning hill kick is like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:46 as fast as most people's just normal head kick. Yeah, his spinning shit's out of control. He's just a ridiculous striker. But it's all about Nurmagomedov getting him to the ground. The question is, he's going to be able to stuff the takedown. What's the strategy they have for this guy on the feet? Are they going to have him open up and possibly give up that takedown? Or are they going to have him cautious and just throwing punches and just constantly
Starting point is 01:03:07 wary about the takedown defense? Because Nurmagomedov, he has been unchallenged when it comes to the grappling. He's so goddamn strong. It's crazy. Well, even guys like Dos Anjos, who's a black belt in jiu-jitsu, usually puts the smush on people. You know, Nurmagomedov puts the smush on him. He gets guys to break, too.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Like, you see it in their face. They're like, fuck, I can't do anything against this guy. Yeah. He grew up doing it to bears. on people right you know never going off puts the smush on him he gets guys to break too like you see it in their face they're like fuck i can't do anything against this guy yeah he grew up doing it to bears so that's why yeah for real like legitimately yeah my wife didn't believe that so i had to pull it up and show her and she's like what are they doing to him like why that's a baby why they make that baby fight a bear he was like six seven eight years old and the bears just biting him in the arm yeah jimmy rivera versus john lineker that's a fucking great fight too that's up in the right hand corner there that's a good fight that's a real good fight jimmy rivera has looked insanely good at 135 especially that victory over uriah faber i was super impressed with that I was like wow like this guy's for real I knew it was for real before but Rivera was
Starting point is 01:04:09 supposed to be fighting Dominic Cruz but Dominic Cruz broke his arm and training and so now he's fighting John Lineker who's a scary fucking guy at 135 yeah I like this a lot for Jimmy because you can just hear every every interview he does he's just hungry hungry for the chance to be world champ. Yeah. So it's exciting to see this fight happening. I like it too. And there's interesting, TJ Dillshaw just shut John Lineker down.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I mean, completely shut down his offense. It almost was like having- Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. I mean, it was a perfect example of how you play the matador, like a technical matador. I mean, that was one of his finest performances because Lineker is fucking terrifying. Like, everybody's in a war with Lineker.
Starting point is 01:04:55 You know? Like, Ian McCall. Like, everybody who fights Lineker winds up being in this goddamn war. So many guys get in there with him, and they get hit hit by him and you just see it on their face like Jesus Christ He's one of the few guys that actually earned that nickname. Yeah, it's a stone. Yeah Francisco Rivera like so many guys He's fought he cracks them and you just see the look in their eyes like oh Christ So he beat Who did he okay? okay he beat Marlon Vera
Starting point is 01:05:26 which is a very good fight the T.J. Dillashaw loss I think was the most telling because T.J. Dillashaw figured out a way how to solve that puzzle when John Dodson couldn't
Starting point is 01:05:38 which was really interesting John Dodson lost to Lineker when Dodson was thought to be one of the best guys in the division at 135 and he lost to him with a split decision. You know, he fucked up Michael McDonald in the fight before that. And he's just, he's just something special, man. You know, he really is. He's, he's a tank of a guy. But I really honestly believe that Jimmy Rivera is world class. And I think this is a good opportunity for him to fight against a big, scary tank of a guy
Starting point is 01:06:10 in John Lineker and show his talent and his ability. I think it's a real test. I'm really interested to see how this works out. Because Rivera's not like an elusive TJ Dill shot type guy. He's an attacker. So how is he going to, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:28 what is he going to do with Lineker? Is he going to chop the legs? He's going to attack from below like he did with Uriah. Like he fucked Uriah's leg up real early in that fight to the port where it really limited Uriah's mobility. That's a, that's an interesting fight. I like that fight a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Carlos Condit returns. Yeah. Against Magni. Dun, dun, dun. That's an interesting fight. I like that fight a lot. Carlos Condit returns. Yeah, against Magny. Dun, dun, dun. That's interesting, too. Carlos has been out for quite a long time. I want to say two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Click on his thing. Let's find out when his last fight was. I want to say it was about two years ago. Didn't he stop and say that he was talking about retirement or he was retiring then? Yes. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:06 August 2016. So not quite that long ago. And then before that, he lost the Robbie Lawler fight, which was a crazy five-round war. And he lost a split decision. Beat Tiago and lost to Tyron. So, I mean, those. The victory over Tiago was phenomenal. He caught him with that elbow.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah. That's murder's row of his last mean, those. The victory over Tiago was phenomenal. He caught him with that elbow. Yeah. That's murder's row of his last opponents, man. Yeah, and the Tyron Woodley loss was by injury. It says KO, TKO, but the reality is Tyron hit him with a brutal leg kick, and his knee blew out. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. With switches, you know, I mean, apparently he had heard it before,
Starting point is 01:07:40 but the power that Tyron Woodley has in his fucking leg kicks. Like, Christ. Tyron Woodley had some choice words about kobe covington too you know he was uh you know talking about kobe like campaigning hard to get the fight and talking all kinds of crazy shit about him but tyron was saying like this first of all everything he's saying about our training sessions is a hundred percent bullshit and he's like when i get that dude in the octagon if he ever does get that shot he goes i'm going to fuck him up and i see he was colby covington is never going to fight again after he faces me that's what he said yeah he was we were talking um before the weigh-ins we were uh standing around the octagon before the weigh-ins this uh past ufc in detroit and he was he was
Starting point is 01:08:22 like shaking his head he's like i am gonna fuck that dude up he's, he was like shaking his head. He's like, I am going to fuck that dude up. He's like, he does not understand. He's not on my level. He's talking all kinds of shit. He's, you know, writing all these checks that there's no way his fucking talent can cash. When I get him in there, I'm going to smash him. And he goes, I'm going to take my time on him. I'm going to try to hurt him. He, this is what he said to me. That was crazy. He goes, I have never tried to hit anyone with all my power in the octagon. And I'm like, wait, what? Why not?
Starting point is 01:08:47 How is that possible? He sends people flying across the octagon. Watch his fight with Jay Heron. Oh, yeah. You can hit somebody harder than that? Are you sure? Because that doesn't seem normal. That doesn't seem right.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Talking about his light kicks, I was just going to ask you, what did you think of being there for the Gaethje-Alvarez fight? Jesus, that was great. Gosh. It was amazing. There was two fights that night that were humbling. That was one of them. That fight was humbling.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Like, the fucking guts and glory. Watching those guys go at it. But Yancy Medeiros and Cowboy Oliveira might have been even crazier. I think that was the craziest fight of the night. And I believe that won performance of the night. Thank the baby Jesus. Because if it didn't, there was some criminal shenanigans afoot. It was the craziest fight ever.
Starting point is 01:09:39 One would get rocked, and then the other would get rocked. And you would think the fight was over. And then the other one would come back and rock the other one. And then finally Yancy won in the third round i mean it was just a fucking chaotic war it was such a good fight just such a good fight two bonuses two fight of the night awards that's nice see that's what i love about the ufc when when people really perform and lay it on the line like that. But, did Aldo and Holloway win any sort of a fight
Starting point is 01:10:08 of the night? I know Francis didn't, but they said they were going to take care of him. Yeah, they were going to hook him up with some sort of a bonus. How do you not give that guy KO of the night? What are we doing here? What's that? It doesn't say. It just says that
Starting point is 01:10:24 those two got fight of the night. It doesn't say anything about anything else. Oh, just says that those two got fight of the night. It doesn't say anything about anything else. Oh, okay. It says that fight got fight of the night? No, no, no, no. The Gaethje. Gaethje and Cowboy Oliveira, Yancy Medeiros got fight of the night? Well, Max Holloway's performance was nothing short of masterful.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Nothing short of masterful. The way he handled Aldo, the way he yelled at me after the first round. He gets done with the round and he's going back to his, and he looks at me and he goes, the man is tired! The man is tired! He's a motherfucker. Dude, Max Holloway is a real
Starting point is 01:10:57 fucking warrior. I mean, to the core. That guy relishes it. He loves it. When he was like chicken necking at Aldo and he's got his hands down and he's talking shit to him and stalking him, you could see it in Aldo's face like he was drowning. You could see the waves were coming and he knew he wasn't
Starting point is 01:11:14 going to be able to dog paddle for too long. He's like, Jesus Christ, how am I going to keep up with this guy? The thing about Max Hall with it that's so interesting is he's in a lot of ways. He has that sort of Nick Diaz approach where he's not hitting you with all of his mind. He's not throwing these hand makers unless he's got you hurt till he's got you hurt.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Once he's got you hurt, then he's just fucking whip and bombs your way. But until then, he's just constantly on you, just constantly peppering you, constantly on your, kick, knee, punch, move forward, move forward. And you're just dealing with him and trying to breathe. You don't get any breath. And he just keeps that pressure on you. And he knew Aldo was fading right out. And I'll tell you, Aldo looked good in that first round. Yeah, I thought he was going to start picking it up,
Starting point is 01:11:57 like almost the Aldo of old with the leg kicks. He should have. Just leg kick, leg kick, leg kick. He should have. He should have gone. His strategy should have been almost entirely leg kick centered. Right. And he he was trying to catch him and he caught him with a couple of good punches but all of his punches are sprints right and he doesn't knock you out with those sprints like he only has so many of those in the gas tank you're fighting the guy that can do it for a marathon
Starting point is 01:12:16 and he can and max holloway can he is so well conditioned and so aware of his ability and not stretching himself. So when they got to the third, he started slugging it out with Aldo at the very beginning of the third. He's like, I know this guy's tired. He goes, I'm going to make him sprint with me. And you could see, like, as the beginning of the third round played out, Aldo was swinging wild at him. And I was watching this. I was like, this is not conservative. Like, he's not conserving his energy at all.
Starting point is 01:12:49 What he's doing is trying to take Max Holloway out with one shot, and he's blowing out his entire wad doing this. And then you saw Holloway just coming out, coming on, coming on, just bang, bang, bang, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. And Aldo's trying to move his head, and he's using all his head movement, but he never gets a break.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah, it's an incredible pace that Holloway has. Incredible. He doesn't give you any space. You don't get any rest. There's no laying back with Holloway. Max Holloway's on you, on you, on you. I love what he said about fighting Aldo in Rio, too. He goes, that's what kings do.
Starting point is 01:13:24 He goes, they go to the other person's village and they take their crown. It's like, Ooh, that's right. That's what they do. That's what he did. He's the baddest motherfucker. I think he's the best 145 or ever. I mean, he might not agree with it yet because of the record, which I see, I see his point, but the way he fights the, the octagon IQ that he he shows, his fight IQ, his ability to find a weakness and to see it, his predatory behavior inside the octagon, I think he's the best. I really do. I just think it's so impressive to me that he's not, like, Aldo in his prime was spectacular and amazingly impressive. Like, his flying knee first round knockout of Cub Swanson,
Starting point is 01:14:06 the knockout of Chad Mendes. I mean, he's the Uriah Faber fight where he brutalized Uriah's leg. I mean, he's unquestionably one of the greats of all time. But in my opinion, skill-wise, Max Holloway has now surpassed him. I think he's the best. What are your takes? Or who do you have for the Bellator heavyweight tournament? I'm fucking very curious
Starting point is 01:14:29 about that. First of all, I thought it was really interesting they decided to go with Mitrione versus Roy Nelson right out of the gate. I thought that was interesting because first of all, Mitrione just knocked out Fedor, right? Wouldn't you want to see that again? Does Fedor want to see that again? Does Fedor want to see that again? Because Mitrione's fighting Frank Mir. I do not know what kind of testing
Starting point is 01:14:50 that Bellator is employing, but I hope it's Wild West-style testing. I hope they pee in a cup, hold it up to the light, and if nothing's swimming in it, they go, you're good. Let them roll. Yeah, I'm kind of campaigning right now
Starting point is 01:15:04 to be the alternate. So I would love, love, love to be the alternate so i would love love love to be the alternate in the tournament what is your ranking in the bellator uh heavyweight division right now do they have one i'm not sure that they really have an official one so um but i'm you know i think if if i'm not in there for this as the alternate i think that i'll be one of the first title defenses that's what i'll be hoping for. And I'll stay active. I'm going to fight. Hopefully I'll pick it up to two, three fights a year.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And King Mo is in the heavyweight tournament with Ryan Bader, who's the light heavyweight champion. That's going to happen in May. It's Chael versus Rampage in January. Then it's the Roy Nelson and Matt Mitrione in February. And then they have the Fedor versus Frank Mir in April. So they're going to take a break in March. The only thing I don't like about this is it locks everybody up for a long-ass time.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Like, I would like it if that was all on, like, two shows. Yeah. Or maybe even one crazy card. You know, have all the fights on one card. I think Mir has to wait until April. Why is that? For his contract? I think it's the testing that he had in the UFC. Don't test him, Bellator.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Don't do it. And so I think he's suspended until April, and then he can fight. And so, but that fight, I think probably a lot of fans 10 years ago, but now, too, are going to be really excited to see Mir versus Fedor, you know, two kind of legendary champions um and then i don't know why the baiter one and king moe ones all the way back in may but i think moe's had some pretty significant injuries that he's had to deal with okay and baiter just fought recently so maybe he needed some time too yeah um but yeah maybe it's the injuries with moe and but man i'm excited so i'm i'm just
Starting point is 01:16:45 training and ready to jump in i'm uh i'm actually getting to go climb mount kilimanjaro maybe well actually i'm i'm deciding on it this next week um to see if i can cement the alternate position or not to me the big one is rory mcdonald douglas lima that's the big one yeah that's the january that's the big one that's gonna be big that's January. That's the big one. That's going to be big. That's the one I'm like, okay. Because I feel like when it comes to the welterweight division, Bellator has two guys in Lima and in – See, the Lima thing, the only thing that stands out in the Lima thing
Starting point is 01:17:19 is Ben Askren. It was Ben Askren, and it was a long time ago, no doubt about it. But Ben Askren just had his way with Lima and had his way with Korshkov, had his way with all these guys. That, to me, and Ben's coming on the podcast next month. We got him scheduled. Awesome. Before or after, I forget which one, the event out here, the Bellator event.
Starting point is 01:17:40 But I feel like that is, I mean, now that he's retired, that is my biggest regret that he's retired that is my biggest regret that he didn't get in MMA that he didn't get into the UFC my biggest regret yeah I wish they could work that out whatever it was fuck I wanted to see what would happen yeah you want to see what happens with him and Tyron Woodley you want to see
Starting point is 01:17:57 what happens with him and world-class wrestlers who are also knockout artists you want to see what happens with him and the elite of the elite at 170 in the octagon and for whatever reason and i'm sure he'll tell us and i'm sure he'll be very very outspoken yeah i wonder if it's the the whole style thing i mean like the hardcore fans yeah hardcore fans love it um but then it's almost like i won't use his name but i know a fighter that uh fought in the upper weight classes in the UFC, you know, nine or ten wins and only two losses and gets cut. And so it's almost like, you know, you've got to be in it.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Who's that? Jared Rochelle. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, great guy. Awesome training partner, great fighter. He had some fun fights. Why did he get cut? It was after just he had an early loss in the UFC,
Starting point is 01:18:42 and then he went on a tear, and then he had another loss and they cut him one loss yeah that seems crazy so i think he had like eight eight nine or ten wins and only two losses there and then so it was after one loss and he was gone so i believe it was because of the the style the style but he's yeah man that style's legitimate though the problem is you can't decide that you need things to be exciting. You need things – your sport is things being effective. The whole idea is, like, here you go.
Starting point is 01:19:11 You got a guy like Francis Ngannou who can knock anybody's head into another dimension, right? Well, what happens if Francis Ngannou gets smothered by some Rulon Gardner type character. Yeah, the Roshalt. Yeah. Some giant dude who grabs a hold of him, drags him to the ground, and fucking hammer fists him for three, five rounds. You know? Like, don't you want to see that?
Starting point is 01:19:35 I want to see that. I want to know that this kind of guy can be immobilized. Right. That he can be neutralized. And we've seen Ben Askren do that. Yeah. to really, like, Korshkov and Lima, two fucking straight-up assassins, right? We've seen him do that. So I wanted to see him try to fight, like, some of the elite of the elite
Starting point is 01:19:57 because I think that style is critical. The wrestling style is the hardest style to deal with if you can't compete with a wrestler. That's why I've always said if you had like a pyramid of all the techniques in martial arts, like what would be the most important? I think wrestling because the ability to dictate where the fight takes place. And by wrestling, I include takedown defense, which is obviously a wrestling skill. But wrestling, the ability to dictate where the fight takes place is fucking critical. And if you could take the guy down, having the ability to take a guy down is giant.
Starting point is 01:20:29 You're on top of him. You're smothering him. He's got to carry your weight. It's exhausting. You're beating him up while he's down there. It's a giant factor. Obviously, every fight starts standing up. But when a good striker is fighting a good wrestler they're fucking always
Starting point is 01:20:46 worried to let anything go right as soon as they tee off on something whoo the doubles on them and then they're on their ass so i think that a guy who has been proven to be one of the most difficult wrestlers to deal with to not have him fight in the octagon is a tragedy it's a fucking real bummer man yeah it is and i wonder how many wrestlers out there looking at Ngannou and going, I wonder, I wonder what would happen if you take that guy down. Yeah. No, I mean, even me being in the same weight class. I mean, that's, that's my, my wife was asking, who would you be more terrified to fight before the fight? You know, with how much do you wear? 262. We can get you down 205. Get you going Kyo.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah, but when Overeem and him were facing off, she's like, which one would you prefer to fight? And I was like, I think Nagano. I think Francis. Really? Yeah, I think so. Well, this was before he sent Alistair into orbit. But because you take him down. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Take him down. And then it's your game, hopefully. He's apparently so strong. With Alistair, he's so seasoned and everything else. And he does have some takedown defense, and he does have some submissions. So I've just seen him be more well-rounded. But that was before this outcome. Right, obviously before.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah, obviously. Yeah, I would have talked to you before that, and I would have said, no, no. Because my thought before the fight when I talked to Shab, Shab and I were talking on the phone. He said, what do you think is going to happen? I think Alistair doesn't make it out of the first round I think we went over all the times Alistair's been stopped. That's a big factor. It was a big factor Yeah, I think more than ten times. Yes more than ten times in MMA
Starting point is 01:22:16 I think it was what was it like twelve times in Thirteen times in MMA and then three or four times in kickboxing as well. What's that analogy? Is there any truth to it? It's almost like a peanut butter jar or something. The first time you open it, you got to get out a towel and put over it and try really hard to open that lid. And then after that, it's a little easier. And then it's a little easier until eventually you do it enough and you can just spin it off, just flick it, you know?
Starting point is 01:22:38 Yeah. Well, he's in the flick it stage. Yeah. But it doesn't matter. That punch would have knocked him out when he was 20. Oh, yeah. That would have knocked anyone out. Yeah. But it doesn't matter. That punch would have knocked him out when he was 20. Oh yeah. That would have knocked anyone out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:45 That punch was insane. Mark Contour, Roy Nelson, either, either of those guys. And the way he threw it, it was like a leg like from the thigh and then whipping that arm with the whole body behind it. Just full torque.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I mean, it had everything. It had all the power. I was a little skeptical of the, well, it was probably from listen to Brendan, but talk about the punching power You know who else has mark hunted it and has crow cop kicked it and everything else and then all of a sudden once you See that punch you like He's sealed the deal dude. I've shook homeboys hands. It's like holding hands with a fucking cinder block. Let's see that again hands and it's like holding hands with a fucking cinder block let's see that again boom see how he like comes up from the thigh and the arm whips up look at this wham man oh my goodness and he's and
Starting point is 01:23:34 as he's punching he's moving in position to punch a second time then he hammer fists him while he's out boom thank goodness he got in there yeah he, he certainly, I mean the referee got in as quick as he could, but he certainly could have not hit him while he was down. He was out cold. What were you going to say? Who got knocked out with a bunch of the elbows? Didn't they have like seven eight extra elbows at the end before
Starting point is 01:23:58 the ref stepped in? In this past weekend? Yeah, yeah. Do you remember what I'm talking about? I was going to say Gary Goodridge. They weren't like extra, extra elbows, but it was like, ah, man, probably should have stopped that early. Pull up the card. I'm trying to remember. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Try to figure out who it was. Paul Felder? Yes. Felder beat the shit out of him. Yeah, that was an interesting fight because what played out is exactly what I thought. I was like, Oliveira is really dangerous with his grappling. His grappling is phenomenal. He has submitted, I think he's tied with Hoyce Gracie for submitting the most guys in the
Starting point is 01:24:36 UFC, which is, how badass is Hoyce Gracie? All these years later, he's still got the record. That's awesome. You know, pretty goddamn significant. Yeah. But he smashed him with that one shot, and then he tapped. He's got such great elbows, man. Yeah, he tapped.
Starting point is 01:24:50 That's right. That's what happened. No one saw the tap. Yeah. And Felder just smashed him. Well, Felder's an enormous 55. Felder walks around somewhere in the 185-pound range, and then jibes down to 55. Yeah, he tapped, but the referee didn't
Starting point is 01:25:06 see it two three and you know he can't let him up five oof yeah six yikes yeah tapped a little harder than that yeah you gotta let don't i mean that's like a humble tap like yeah you got it you gotta tap like okay we're done here yeah you't tap. Paul didn't even realize he tapped. You can't be reluctant. You can't have a reluctant tap. It's got to be like, but guys don't want to tap. You know, I'm kind of tapping. You know, you've seen fights where guys said they tapped, but they didn't.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Yeah, the Ioana thing, she still says she didn't tap. But she definitely did. She probably doesn't realize she tapped because she was in dreamland. You know, I mean, she got hit so hard and got dropped but guys have tapped said they didn't tap remember marillo bustamante and matt lindland yeah that's what i was gonna say they restarted the fight matt lindland got caught in an arm bar clearly tapped and uh big john mccarthy um separated them was declaring bustamante the winner. Lindland said, I didn't tap.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I was moving around. I was moving around. I wasn't tapping. Okay. Okay. And then Bustamante, you can tell he's like, what in the fuck? Are you serious? And then they make him go back at it again.
Starting point is 01:26:17 And then he catches him in a guillotine the next round. Yeah. I mean, I started in 2005 or 2006 fighting. And I remember a lot of wrestlers talking about wrestler tricks as if someone, if you go for the double leg and you start getting a takedown, you know, tap. Here it is. Watch.
Starting point is 01:26:32 That's, well, I don't know. Hold on. Let me watch that again. Let me watch that again. Play it right there. Yeah, that looks like he's tapping. But then he says he's not. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:26:46 It seems like he wanted to tap, but he didn't. Hmm, let me see it again. I'm less convinced now. Watch this again. Here it is. He's got the arm, turns him over. Yeah, that's a tap. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:00 That's a fucking tap. Yeah. And then he said he didn't. So I know a lot of wrestlers would talk about if you know you get a guillotine try to see where the ref is and then you can tap on the other side do you remember chael did that oh yeah and chael did that with paulo filio in wec that's right and then they fought again the second time they fought quest guys filio didn't make weight and uh now he catches him with the guillotine.
Starting point is 01:27:26 This is it right here. Old school Carlson Gracie style, son. Yeah, I mean, Postamante was a wizard back then. A lot of people forgot how good he was. At the top of his game, man, he was one of the fuck. That's a tap right there. He was one of the fucking best. Such a good jiu-jitsu guy and really good boxing, too.
Starting point is 01:27:46 But Paulo Filho went crazy. Remember, he was kind of like the second time they fought, he missed weight. So Sonnen should rightly, by all accounts, really be the – he should have been the WEC 185-pound champion. But he never got that title because Filio didn't make the weight and then they had some real weird fight where like Filio was
Starting point is 01:28:11 saying just do my friend come to the ground with me he's like can't do that sorry and he said he was talking to him you know remember when Paul had like a kind of a bit of a breakdown right got a Mike Tyson tattoo on his face and was acting real weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:29 He was a beast. He was a monster. At one point in time. Yeah. He was submitting everybody. He was so good. And he submitted a bunch of people, at least one or two people in pride,
Starting point is 01:28:38 I believe. But yeah, he was another guy. He was a Carlson Gracie guy as well, right? I believe so. Yeah. World class jujitsu guy who was just a little pit bull of a man.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Yeah. Yeah, like the pre-Paul Harris. What do you think about what Ryzen is doing now? You know, Ryzen is trying to kind of bring back the Pride days. I miss the Pride days. Me too, right? Yeah, a lot. So I support it.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah. I hope they do it well. They're doing a lot of freak shows too like they had was in rising gabby garcia versus some maid uh the old lady yeah the grandma she's had a couple yeah there's one she literally fought a grandma like not not just joking around like she was a grandmother and so grandma with a bad knee remember yeah she didn't want to be in there you can see like once it started it was like they put her up to that. She didn't want to be in there. Why would they put her up to that?
Starting point is 01:29:28 I have no clue. Maybe they can't find anyone to fight Gabby. I'm sure they can't. Yeah. But it's almost like I'd rather not see that fight happen though. For people who don't know, Gabby Garcia is probably 225 pounds and jacked. Yeah. She would be my training partner.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Yes. Like legitimately. Legitimately. Yeah. I'm 6'3", 262. She'd be my training partner. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:52 She'd be, I think she's taller than you. Oh, she probably is. She's a gorilla. So big. So finding a female competitor to compete with her. Good luck. Yeah. Well, whenever they were always talking about the Rousey could beat guys in her division
Starting point is 01:30:08 and different stuff like that, you would almost think they have to have no other options to where Gabby's going to have to fight a guy someday. I know, right? Maybe like a 185 or something like that. But yeah. Yeah, look at the size of her. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:30:20 It's so insane. And this is her versus a little girl in kickboxing. This is a kickboxing fight. Oh, my God. Oh, it's MMA. It's MMA. What are those gloves? Maybe the smaller one didn't want to fight her in MMA gloves because she'd take too much of a beating.
Starting point is 01:30:35 They do look like boxing gloves, don't they? Yeah. I think this is a kickboxing fight. I think that's why they stopped the fight after that takedown attempt. Right? Because they got back up to their feet. This is a kickboxing fight. Maybe it's an MMA fighter, though, doing it.
Starting point is 01:30:46 She's getting battered. She's getting hit by tree trunks. It's so crazy. When she fought Grandma, I was sad for the woman that had to go out there. This is in Brazil versus Megumi
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yabushita. Japan. Brutal knockout. Illegal soccer kick. Okay, I don't want to watch this. Here itita. Japan, brutal knockout, illegal soccer kick. Okay, I don't want to watch this. Here it is. Oh, Jesus Christ. Illegal soccer kick. That's a good night. Yeah, when you're 100 pounds bigger than someone,
Starting point is 01:31:14 please don't soccer kick them when they're down illegally. That just seems like adding insult to injury. So what else is coming up next that you're excited about? Is Paul Daly fighting Semtex. Um, I mean, Semtex fighting, um, uh, Michael Venom page. That they're, they want to, I know that Semtex is going after that, going after that, going after that, but I don't think it's finalized. Is Michael Page into the fight? Does he want to have that fight? I think he's a little more on the fence about it. I think Daly is like campaigning for, at least the last I heard. I love shit talking
Starting point is 01:31:45 with a British accent. Yeah. It's one of my favorite things. Yeah. Anything with a British accent. Especially from Daly, you know, like you look at him, this muscular animal. He's such a fucking psycho. And then what a fucking left hand that guy's got. Gosh. When he stopped Lorenz Larkin, I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:32:02 That's for real. That'll be really exciting to see if it happens. Yeah. that's that's for real yeah that'll be they'll be really exciting to see if it happens yeah he's even been on page with that flying knee um oh with the sideboard face yeah Jesus Christ I've never seen anything like that in my life yeah I think it's the right fight to do so hopefully yeah pages and I don't think he's I don't know maybe it's other other details they need to work out to make it happen but um it seems like Daly's the one that's been campaigning for it, and Michael Van Page hasn't yet.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Yeah, because after Rory McDonald beat Daly, Daly was immediately saying he wanted to fight Page. It wasn't like saying, like, I didn't really want to fight Rory, fuck this fight. He's, like, immediately going after that. He did want to rematch with Rory. He was just, Michael Van Page and him have some serious bad blood. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Makes it exciting. Really exciting, man. I don't know. Here we go. After boxing debut win, who's Paul Daly? Oh, yeah, that's what he's doing. He had a boxing match. Who's Paul Daly?
Starting point is 01:32:57 That's funny. Who the fuck is that guy? Which is probably one of the most brilliant lines. I know everyone else can copy. That's amazing. Yeah. The timing. The timing of that when Jeremy Stevens yelled that out.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Yeah, Venom Page looked amazing in his boxing match. You're hearing all this shit now about Conor possibly fighting Paulie Malignaggi. In an MMA fight? In Pacquiao, right? In an MMA fight? No, boxing match in a cage. That was the latest. Like a boxing match in a cage. That was the latest.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Like a boxing match in the octagon. Listen, the WME crew, the people who own the UFC now, I think they're willing to put on whatever fight's going to bring in the most shekels. That's what they've got to do now. But now they've got to star. I think in Ghanu, one or two more fights you're going to be looking at Mike Tyson days. That's what I think. I think in Ghanu it's going to be like you're going to watch fights just to see how long these motherfuckers can survive against that guy.
Starting point is 01:33:53 That's what I think. And I think that could be their big breakout star. Conor, who knows if he's ever going to fight again. I mean, we really don't know. We haven't heard Conor saying, you know, this is my plan. This is who I'm thinking about fighting. This is who I want to fight. He's been talking shit to Max Holloway. He's been talking shit to Tony Ferguson.
Starting point is 01:34:11 But he's not said, like, set it up. Did you know what Francis was really talking about whenever he was talking about the slaves? Yes. Those happen? Yes. That's so nuts. Yeah, we played that on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:34:22 We showed a lot of that stuff that's going on in Libya. They had open slave auctions and people filmed it and put it on YouTube in 2017. Yeah. I know multiple people from Uganda, Rwanda and Congo that were, um, they were lured into some of these countries, uh, like there, and they would go there thinking that they were going to have a job opportunity, um, and that they would be working at this place or that place or whatever. And you, you start here and you work your way up and, but automatically you're going to be making more than you've ever made in a year every week. And so they go there thinking that they're going to be able to have a new job, send back a bunch of money to their family. Then all of a sudden they get there,
Starting point is 01:35:02 they take all their documents away from them to where they can't travel. They can't escape. If they do, they don't speak the language. And then they throw them into someone's house and they're literally their slave. And they were lured there. Now all of a sudden you're a slave. How long are they keeping them there for? They'll keep them there forever. But then some of these families that are able to, some of these people that are able to make contact with their families, they have to fundraise and come up with thousands and thousands of dollars. I'm talking like an African family that might make a dollar to a dollar 25 per day is now having to come up with three, four, five thousand, ten thousand dollars to try to buy them back out of it. Did you know there's more slavery today than any other time in recorded history?
Starting point is 01:35:47 Ever in human history, yeah. So the lowest statistic is 27 million, but I think it's over 30 million. Just stop and think about it. Most people in America, if you talk to them about slavery, they're like, oh, yeah, that ended in 1865. Nope. Not only did it not end, there's more today than ever. No, nope, not only did it not end there's more today than ever but until we saw the Libya The the YouTube video where you see the one guy saying he's a good he can lift heavy things He's a good digger and you're like what and they were selling him for like 400 bucks
Starting point is 01:36:15 600 bucks. Yeah, so the Mabuti pygmies actually so this is what the documentary is really covering I cover a little bit of it in the book But we've actually seen 1500 people and And that's what at the comedy store tonight, we'll play the short trailer for it. And it's going to talk about the slavery that's in there. There's 400 to 600,000 Mabuti pygmies in the Congo, and basically all of them are enslaved currently right now. And so we've actually seen peaceful negotiations of 1500 people transition out of a life of slavery and into a life of freedom. And we're hoping that we can replicate that. And so how we're able to do it is we're able to work with the local, state, and national
Starting point is 01:36:52 government on documents. And then also we're able to buy back the land from the slave masters so they benefit financially by having maybe more money than they've ever made from their slaves. And then we get water for both sides. So the slave masters, it's a different context for slavery. There's a lot of places like Libya or different countries that they're really rich and they have a bunch of slaves. But in this context, it's a family owns a family. In most cases, some some own many families.
Starting point is 01:37:22 But there I've attended the funerals of the slave masters kids. The slave master, the slave masters kids are dying of dirty water because they have zero access to it. And so whenever you can bring in, because they're making a dollar, dollar 25 a day on the film, there's going to be a beautiful part on the documentary. I don't want to ruin that part or silly of the thunder, but it's man, there's a slave master crying on camera with us crying, um, because of how much of a benefit it's been the peace that's come from not having the slaves that he inherited from his father who inherited them from his grandfather, uh, because it became a burden where they're making a dollar, dollar 25 a day. They're spending on average, the average, uh, person in Congress being $185 a year on treatment against waterborne disease.
Starting point is 01:38:09 So on medicine and all this stuff, they're spending half of their salary on waterborne disease. They're losing their kids because of it. And now they're making a dollar, $1.25 a day trying to take care of their own family. How are they supposed to take care of their slave family? And so they can give them just the scraps. And so whenever we get to come in there and say, hey, this land is rightfully the Mbuti Pygmies, they're the first citizens of Congo. They're the first people here. They're the native
Starting point is 01:38:34 Congolese. Don't you think they deserve some land? And so we kind of cast a vision, work together with them. It's all inclusive to where they get to share their concerns and questions and they get to be part concerns and questions and, and they get to be part of it and say, we want this here. And so then all of a sudden, once that happens, we do the land purchases, it's all legal. And then, um, and then we bring in water for both sides to where they both have clean water access to that, which changes everything. Whenever the slave master's wife is on average going 3.75 miles to go collect water, she can't do other things. Imagine that.
Starting point is 01:39:08 You own slaves and you have to walk three miles to get water. To go get water. Or you're a slave master and if you are fortunate enough that your wife doesn't have to go collect water all day, one of your kids can't go to school because they have to go collect water all day. one of your kids can't go to school because they have to go collect water all day. And so in when those jerry cans are full 44 or sorry, 20 liters, 20 liters is 44 pounds when full. And a lot of times you do it with two, because if you're going to, if you're not going to carry it on your head and if you're going to make the most of your time, that 3.75 mile walk, you're going to go with two jerry cans on that walk and then it'll
Starting point is 01:39:45 balance you out almost like kettlebells um and so you get two 44 pound almost kettlebells but jerry cans of water that's moving that's so hard to carry and you walk that back 100 pounds you're basically walking out with 100 pounds yeah yeah 88 pounds and so to be able to alleviate person you're not a big person yeah some of them are are girls that are you know teenagers and stuff um imagine trying to get an american teenager to carry 88 pounds oh man i i it hurts me going on like literally i go on those our team normally does the water walk in every new village that we go to so probably 70 water walks now there might be one or two that we didn't do um Um, but the first 13 we did when I was there and, uh, man, it's to, to understand, to put yourself literally in their
Starting point is 01:40:30 shoes and go on that long walk and to have the sore neck from carrying it on your head or to have just your shoulders dying because you're walking back with 88 pounds. You're not doing, I mean, think about whenever we're doing those kettlebell walks. I mean, how many feet are we going? But go miles that way. Yeah. I put on one we're doing those kettlebell walks. I know, right? I mean, how many feet are we going? But go miles that way. Yeah, I put on one of those outdoorsman's vests. You know what those things are? Outdoorsman's pack that has a weight plate in the back, one of those posts for weight plates.
Starting point is 01:40:59 I slide on a 45-pound plate, and I hike the mountains with it. Just 45 pounds. Yeah. You go like, that's something. I weigh 200 pounds. Why would 45 pounds be a lot? It's a fucking lot, man. It's a lot. So to think that these women are carrying double
Starting point is 01:41:10 that and they're walking through the jungle. Yeah. Oh, man. It's not funny, but I mean, they cracked up because they're so used to carrying this walk. But I'm going down this steep hill and it's on a little foot trail and it's muddy because it had been raining. And so I'm going down this, this steep Hill and it's on a little foot trail and it's muddy cause it had been raining. Um, and so I'm, I'm having this thing on my head and I fall on my
Starting point is 01:41:29 back and the water just soaks me because all the water that we went and collected, um, fall, no, I mean half of it, uh, ended up on me and on the ground. Did you go back and get more water? No. Wow. No. Cause we were, we were currently trying to drill the new well and we were getting pretty close to it. Damn. And so, but just slipping, falling while you're doing it, losing your balance. I sprained my knee one time on one of the water walks because you're carrying all this weight. You step in a hole, and then all of a sudden you sprain your ankle, sprain your knee, different stuff like that. Listen, Justin Wren, you are doing the Lord's work.
Starting point is 01:42:00 You're doing amazing stuff, man, and I'm so happy that we can help, and I'm happy that we can help tonight. If you were thinking about coming to the show, you're shit out of luck. Sold out. It was sold out a long fucking time ago. So tonight will be Tom Segura, Tony Hinchcliffe, Whitney Cummings, Owen Smith,
Starting point is 01:42:19 Tom Papa. Is that everybody? And me. Is that it? That's it. That's the show. Tonight, 9.30 at the Comedy Store and all the proceeds will be donated to Fight for the Forgotten. Whatever he said.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Thank you, brother. I appreciate you, man. Thanks, bro. you

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