The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #6 with Eddie Bravo

Episode Date: December 19, 2017

Joe Rogan sits down with the founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, Eddie Bravo. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, so I was looking at this video today of this dude jumping this cliff in his bike. Like Jamie was showing this one guy who does this on buildings. He does it like he rides his bike on like the ledges of buildings and shit and jumps from building to building. And I was watching this other guy jump this cliff with his bike like literally jumps over one side of the cliff and lands onto the other it's fucking like you're watching the whole thing you go Jesus Christ if he falls he's dead he's fucking dead that shit's totally legal right like we were talking about people thinking that MMA is barbaric that it should be illegal like where should be you'd be allowed to
Starting point is 00:00:43 take your risks look at this fucking guy. This guy's crazy, dude. Look at this shit. Hopping from building to building. I mean, he's riding a bike on the edges of these buildings. This is fucking insane. I mean, this guy's got just ridiculous control with his bicycle. I mean, should this be legal?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I don't know. Seems like he's doing okay. Seems fine. But if he fucks up, like, you know about that Chinese dude that just died? No. He was one of those YouTube guys who would take videos of him on top of skyscrapers and shit. He fell. He fell
Starting point is 00:01:18 to his death. Damn. Yeah, dude. It looks ugly, too. Looks scary. Like he was trying to claw himself up and he couldn't. And you see his hands slip and you realize that's a wrap, son. Oh. 600 feet. I had a friend who was training to be a base jumper. And there's like things you got to do.
Starting point is 00:01:34 You know, so many regular skydiving jumps. You got to master skydiving. And just that before you get into. And then there's things you have to do. There's like a list. Halfway through, too many people died in the scene, or this person just stepped back and said, you know what? Maybe, because it's not that uncommon where these crazy base jumpers die or almost die, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:59 There's a lot of videos. There's one I saw that was awful. This Russian guy jumps off the top of this building, and his parachute doesn't open up in time and he bounces off the ground and you hear him screaming how about that one guy what do they call that they don't call it base jumping but they're like flying squirrels what is that what's that my friend andy's the world record holder andy stumps the world record holder he flew what was it 18 miles record holder. He flew, what was it, 18 miles? I think he covered 18 miles. What's that called?
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's a flying wingsuit. Yeah, yeah. But there's one guy that's super famous for doing it too, and he was supposed to go through, you know, they go down Cairns, and he went between two rocks, and like his leg clipped one of the, yeah, and then it like fucked him. He didn't die though, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Well, you know the one guy that did die on the Golden Gate Bridge? Did you ever see that one? Mm-mm. Ooh. He slammed right into the bridge while people were watching him. He was supposed to go between the wires. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And he hit the bridge. Like he jumped off a plane? Crazier. Like, he hit it like a bullet. No, but he jumped off a plane and then went flying down and tried to go through the bridge? I don't know where he jumped off of. I don't know if he jumped off of a plane or he jumped off of another bridge. I don't know what he did.
Starting point is 00:03:10 But when he was trying to do it, he literally slammed right into the bridge. And it sounds like a crazy car accident. Like, bang! How long ago was that? No, a few years back. This is it. Oh, shit. You want to hear it?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Give it some volume, Jamie. It wasn't Golden Gate, but... San Francisco, which bridge was it? It's horrible, dude. Oh, shit. Who's that in the parachute? That's another guy. He was flying with another guy.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Oh, my God. Oh, shit. Dude, fuck. It sounded like there was a bunch of people there watching, too. There were, too. But should you be allowed to do that? I don't think you should be able to tell someone they can't do something. Right?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Why should you be able to? be able to tell someone they can't do something right and why should you be able to why what if what if they just start influencing so many young kids to do it and there's all these kids dying all over the place then do you make it illegal oh man that's a good question well then do you make war illegal you can't. Right. How are we supposed to eat? Like what sport, when does it become too dangerous? Like soccer people apparently, some of them get brain damage from heading the ball. Apparently you're not supposed to head things like that. And they do it all the time at practice.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They start developing traumatic brain injuries. They get CTE from head-butting a ball. So that may be more dangerous than wrestling. Yep. You know? But there's no way. I mean, people talk about trying to make it illegal because it's barbaric. There's no way you're going to make MMA illegal.
Starting point is 00:05:00 It's too late for that shit. I think so, too. But it's interesting when people start rallying for more regulation for people's behavior it's voluntary behavior what's the latest is there some new thing no i just read some article uh it was uh just something on mma being barbaric and i'm like yeah it is it's a lot of things are you know we like a lot of things that are fucking super dangerous and but there's something about like a greed upon violence like you train for six weeks he trains for six weeks you both get into a cage together and we all watch it like screaming monkeys well we know that in football some guys get luke garrick's disease right sure i mean steve smith remember the guy from the raiders he was
Starting point is 00:05:39 on an hbo special uh they get all kinds of brain issues. Has that happened in MMA? Not like that, I don't think. Not yet, but you've got to think of the long history of football. With football, you're dealing with guys who played in the 50s and 60s, right? Yeah, this guy played on the Raiders in the early 90s. Steve Smith, I think, was his name. Well, we have a few guys like that, right? We have Gary Goodrich, who fought in the UFC in 93 or 94, remember? But he doesn't
Starting point is 00:06:06 have Lou Gehrig's. No, but he's got some serious CTE. He's been real open about it, does a lot of interviews about it. He's on a bunch of medication. He said actually the real damage came when he started doing K1. Hell yeah. Yeah, he started kickboxing. He started kickboxing, but you know,
Starting point is 00:06:22 Big Daddy. Can't be surprised though. I mean. No, Big daddy was in some fucking wars Yeah, remember he got head kick. I mean, I don't mean by I don't mean by about Gary Goodrich I mean about everybody like oh no, you don't have if you if you fight for ten years and you don't come out with some Significant brain damage you're fucking lucky. You're in a sport where your brain is the target. Everyone's trying to figure out ways. They're lifting weights. They're doing kettlebells so that they could hit your brain even harder.
Starting point is 00:06:54 They're learning technique so that it's perfect, so that when it hits your fucking brain, it just knocks you the fuck out. That is crazy. That's the sport. That is the sport. So no one should be surprised. You can the sport. So no one should be surprised. You can't be. But you can't be surprised.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Like, you know, what was that guy's name? Tony Canigliaro? Is that the guy that got hit with a baseball? The guy got hit with a pitch when I was in high school, I think, in Boston. I still like baseball. I found Taekwondo because of baseball. I went to a baseball game and passed by the Taekwondo studio because the line for the T was really long to get on the public transportation.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So we said, let's just go up there and watch. And so we walked up the stairs and this guy John Lee, who's a U.S. National Light Heavyweight Champion, was kicking the bag. And he was kicking the bag so hard, I was like, holy shit, I want to figure out how to do that. That's a movie right there. Dude, I was walking up the stairs and I heard, ka-woom, ka-chink, ka-woom, ka-chink.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And the ka-chink was the chains of the bag. Just cha-chink. Because he had this 150-pound bag flying through the air. Dude, I came up and I watched him kick that thing. And I was like, I got to learn how to do that. Like, that is crazy. How the fuck could he do that? But the guy who was famous in Boston
Starting point is 00:08:09 from when I remember when I was in high school was this guy Tony C. Tony Conigliaro and he was hit with a pitch and became disabled. He got hit in the head in 1967, I guess. There it goes. A Revere native.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Was a rising star with the Red Sox so I'm way later than this so I must have been just here and everybody talked about it but you know that can happen your story about the first time you know considering how extraordinary your sidekicks are that story is just so strong like where did that shit come from? They came from the my instruction for sure But that story how crazy that story you're going to a baseball game and you hear these click or you you end up going to taekwondo school Because of why why don't you go to the baseball game again well we went to the baseball game we're on the way home okay on your way home you know everybody leaves the fenway park so the
Starting point is 00:09:09 line for the train was fucking huge so everybody's getting on the the t so we were kids you know you guys just hanging out yeah i couldn't drive back then i was like 14 almost 15 you see this taekwondo school yeah i knew it was there because i had always looked at martial arts schools because I wanted to go to one for a long time. But I looked at them from the yellow pages like, who has the biggest ad? A big ad in the yellow pages. I was like, oh, that must be the spot, man. That's got to be the spot. When I was a kid, right next to our neighborhood McDonald's was a karate studio.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And, man, I was as poor as poor can be. I mean, we didn't have any money. So, but on Fridays when my mom would get paid, we'd go to, we'd go to McDonald's. That was our, that was like, we're celebrating. Thank God it's Friday. She got $150 check. She's taking her kids to McDonald's. And every time I went to McDonald's, I'd always look over at that karate studio and just think, man, I wish I was rich. Jesus, I just wanted to do karate. I remember one time, it was just like a scary studio. And it looked cool. It was right, it was in Santa Ana on Bristol and 17th.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Right there. It may still be there. I drove by the other day. Didn't drive by that. Tell the story about how your instructor pretended he went to China. Tell a story. I don't want to bust him out. This podcast is too big for that.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Can I do it without saying his name? Oh, yeah. Don't say his name. No, I don't want to say his name. You know, I don't want to bring it up. Okay, we don't have to bring it up. Whatever. Hey, man, back in the day, that's what people did. You know, there's a lot of guys that got by with some fake martial arts. They really did. There was a lot of fake stuff out there.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And that's why I think to this day, like, if I hadn't walked up those stairs, I could have went to some bullshit school. I took karate for, like, one lesson or maybe two at the most before that at Joe Esposito's Karate Academy, which is a really good spot. It was in my city too, but there was no good public transportation methods. It was too hard to get there. It's too hard to get there. And you were 13, 14? Yeah, I was 14. So then a year later is when I wind up walking up those stairs and hearing that bag going, that's a movie right there. That's a cartoon definitely. Not only that, he was training for the
Starting point is 00:11:26 world championships he was training he was a national champion at the time so he and he was training for the world cup where he took bronze so he was like top of his game this guy john lee he taught me a lot of shit too he taught me a lot like a Big, tall, thin black guy who wound up having a substance abuse problem. He was a national taekwondo champion. He was a bad motherfucker, dude. He kicked so hard. But he wasn't the head instructor at the school. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:56 He was a Korean dude. An actual Korean. And an American dude named Michael O'Malley who spent the most time with me. He spent the most time with me. Who was the main instructor? The Korean guy. Jaehyun Kim, the Korean guy. He was trained by General Choi Young-yi, who's the founder of Taekwondo in Korea. So he was like one of a very small elite group.
Starting point is 00:12:14 He was like Henzo Gracie. In a way, yeah. But the difference is they emphasized a power style, whereas as it got more and more competitive, guys realized with that chest protector on, the best style for scoring is like really quick kicks that don't have as much power, but you score and you win tournaments like that. And so the game changed and the kicks changed
Starting point is 00:12:40 because like to throw a kick that's hard, you have to plant yourself. And it does take a little bit more time. It takes a little bit more time. So it's better to spend more time on just getting points. Yeah, in a lot of the Taekwondo tournaments, because those guys were really good. And they knew how to play that game so well. They were so fast with their legs, but they would just touch you. They would just slap, slap, slap, slap. And some guys would kick harder than others. But the whole hard style of the early Taekwondo was kind of missing in a lot of their approaches because they were just trying to win.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And if you really dug in and tried to kick hard, a lot of times those guys would outscore you. You're dealing with really fast, really skillful guys. But then when you apply that to fighting fighting, the real problem is in fighting fighting, you have to land hard shit because people are not just going to play Taekwondo with you. They're going to try to take you down. They're going to try to kick your legs. They're going to try to do a bunch of shits, all that flippy, flippy shit, that flippy, flippy shit. You got to make a hard transition. Whereas like Muay Thai guys, Muay Thai guys, they're fucking digging. Everything's digging. They're fucking driving into everything, Everything they're trying to blast you with. They're doing it skillfully,
Starting point is 00:13:48 but there's emphasis on power through the whole thing. So when they would fight, if a Taekwondo guy fought a Muay Thai guy, and it's happened many times, Taekwondo guys are fucked. They're fucked. They just get their legs kicked out from under them. They just can't last. It's the same thing with leg locks in Jiu Jitsu. It's the same
Starting point is 00:14:04 thing. It is. It's attacking the leg. Because when everything is legal in Jiu Jitsu, when everything's like, it's the same thing with leg locks and jujitsu. It's the same thing. It is. It's attacking the leg. Cause when, when everything is legal in jujitsu and everything's legal, man, legs become like the most important thing. Cause there's, you don't have to sweep, you know, if chokes are the most important thing, you got to do a lot of shit before you could, you got to pass this guy's first, you got to sweep them. Then you got to pass the guard.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Then you got to get his back. You got to do so much shit before you can get to his neck. A lot of the times, most of the times with leg locks, you don't need to do any of that shit. you can get to his neck a lot of the times most of the times with leg locks you don't need to do any of that shit you just need to jump right on them they're right there you don't ever need to sweep anybody you don't ever need to pass anybody's guard you could just go legs 100 and roll with a pure jujitsu guy and wreck them you could do that that happens all the time the legs the leg game when everything is legal the leg game, the leg game, that's the first fight. That's the first fight.
Starting point is 00:14:47 You have to do, whether you like it or not, you have to deal with it. If you want the neck, okay, you're going to have to deal with this leg war right now. Because you can't get to the neck unless you can deal with that. You're going to go around the forest, the leg locks, or you're going to go fucking right through. You know, so, but you take leg locks out of the game, make them illegal, then it becomes a whole different sport. It's totally different. So it's exactly what you're talking about with the power shots and the point shots. Yeah, it's exactly what we're talking about where the style of MMA now is almost always attacking the legs.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Everybody attacks the legs. Did you see Dos Anjos Lawler? Hell yeah. Woo! Hell yeah. Dos Anjos is for real at 170, man. He's for real. His striking's better than ever.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Who the fuck ever did that to Robbie Lawler? Who just outclassed Robbie Lawler? Who the fuck did that? Nobody ever did that. His endurance, too. Robbie Lawler never really... At the end, he kind of showed that his legs were done, right? At the very end, it was kind of wobbling?
Starting point is 00:15:42 He's a fucking animal. He took it the whole way. I mean, you could see by the giant swelling. But visibly, could you see it? But couldn't you see it by, was he kind of like stumbling? He wasn't moving well, and he was definitely more stationary.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I mean, he was just taking out his leg. And that low leg kick, isn't it crazy? I was just talking to somebody about that. Isn't it crazy that more people don't strategize to use that leg to wear down the legs? You would think, in so many fights, it's never one of the main strategies. I think that low leg kick is changing
Starting point is 00:16:10 the game. I really do. Remember when Stipe fought Junior and his legs swole up like a fucking balloon? Uriah Faber fought Jimmy Rivera. Jimmy Rivera fucked him up with that lower leg kick. Isn't it weird that more people don't focus on that? I think they're doing it more and more now, man. I think, but what it more and more now, man.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I think, but what's crazy is it's pretty recent. I credit it to Benson Henderson. Henderson was like the first guy I ever saw do it. He started doing it like really regularly. And I was like, hmm. Like really high level guys, like world championship level guys, Benson Henderson was the first guy to do it. I was like, I like that. And I talked to Duke Rufus about it. He's like, it's the worst.
Starting point is 00:16:43 What, just taking the legs out? No, lower leg kicks. Lower, like hitting the shins. They're attacking the inside of your leg, like in your calf, your lower calf, and the outside. Devastating. It fucks the nerves up. Like, your legs give out. Did you see Uriah's fight with Jimmy Rivera?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Rivera just constantly chopped at that leg, and Uriah's leg became almost useless. He can't walk on it. I was just talking about straight leg kicks, too. Oh, that, too, for sure. Just the regular old kick right above the knee. Yeah. Well, you know what? Here's another thing, too, man.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Those Bruce Lee kicks, those oblique kicks that a lot of guys are using, those are fucking legit, man. They blow your knees out. I mean, they slam into your thigh thigh and they blow your fucking knees out and You know a lot of people don't like it. They think it's nasty, but look you're trying to kill each other with your bones That's that's getting your nap. Oh, yeah, why that would come up when dudes are trying to do like Flying knees like those dos andros a double flying knees or what do you call those skip knees or flying knee yeah he goes he uses that first knee to propel that second knee bam he also does
Starting point is 00:17:51 it twice you have to block that first knee you got to react to that first knee and it helps the second knee get in there yeah you see that knee coming at you you're gonna you're gonna react and that second knees in that should be something that you'd see way more often yeah that should be an if you're trying to get in the ufc and you're not adding as many different weapons cons you can't add them all at once so you take the the most important ones yeah you know you're you're one two and your leg kick and maybe a head kick and then you slowly obviously you wouldn't you would just add them but you should be if you're making a living in the ufc or or that's your goal you should be always working on adding a new strike to the mix a new something that you master something on the and this camp we're going
Starting point is 00:18:37 to focus you got to always be it's just so hard to get really good at one thing while you're doing everything you know you got to kind of do focus on the basics and then do have 20 minutes a week where you're just working on and over time over time will fly and if you spend 20 minutes a week on a new technique it's not it's gonna within six months it's gonna be something that you've mastered maybe a year if you're consistent with it you could just keep doing that. You could just keep adding another one, add another one. Especially with all that's available with striking,
Starting point is 00:19:10 it seems like the days of just going out there boxing and throwing a leg kick every now and then, that's only going to get you so... It doesn't seem like it would be the smart thing to do to not constantly add weapons. I 100% agree with you. And I always say, like, boil it down to what's the best in each genre. And arguably one of the best striking arts, if not the best, is Thai boxing, right?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Muay Thai. And you don't see anybody just winning Muay Thai with boxing. They don't just go over there and just box. Fucking nobody does that. They go over there and just box. Fucking nobody does that. They go over there and you Thai box. Yeah. They kicked each other. They elbow.
Starting point is 00:19:49 They use the clinch. They throw elbows. They're not trying to like do a Mike Tyson in there. They get their legs chopped out from under them. Yeah. If both guys know how to box, the guy who knows how to box and kick your legs is going to have a big advantage. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I mean, it's just, I don't think there's hardly anybody that's going over to thailand and just trying to box muay thai fighters it's a terrible idea and there's so much more to that is what i'm saying yeah turn inside kicks all that wheel kicks if you're really good at just really good it's so good that your training camp has to address it and use valuable time to address and train against that, you already got him off balance. Like when I was in George Sotteropoulos' corner when he fought Dennis Seaver, that was a part of the training camp. We had a deal with Dennis Seaver's turning sidekick.
Starting point is 00:20:36 He was laying people out with that turning sidekick. He's still to this day, he can still throw it and if he lands it, you're probably going to get knocked out. He's probably one of the best. So that throws, that throws your opponent's game off. He's got to constantly worry about that instead of not having to worry about that. If,
Starting point is 00:20:56 if like Dennis Seaver had all the rest of his skills, but you just deleted that turning sidekick, then you wouldn't really have to focus on that much. You know, you could focus more on yourself and your game plan and how you're going to deleted that turning sidekick, then you wouldn't really have to focus on that much. You could focus more on yourself and your game plan and how you're going to impose your game plan. Like, fuck really what he's doing. But when you have something real dangerous like that, like with Edson Barboza, he's got that turning, that spinning wheel kick that he's knocked out a few people with, right?
Starting point is 00:21:22 At least two? He's the first wheel kick knockout ever in the UFC. How many does he have? At least two or three, right? A couple. I don't know. He's the first guy ever in the UFC also that has two stoppages by leg kicks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:33 That throws your whole game off. When you've got to worry about him throwing some grand slam strike at you. His kicks are so scary. He's the fastest kicker I've ever seen as far as his switch kick. I've never seen a guy throw a switch kick like Edson Barboza. It's like, what's up? What's up? It just gets in there so fast.
Starting point is 00:21:49 You're like, what the fuck, man? Yeah. Yeah. He's fighting Nurmagomedov. Holy shit. Holy shit. That's going to be a crazy one. December 30th.
Starting point is 00:21:59 You should come. That's going to be a crazy one. You should come to that one. Vegas? Come see that shit live. It's a tough one. It's a tough one. It's a tough one. When you've to that one. Vegas? Come see that shit live. It's a tough one. It's a tough one. It's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:22:07 When you got a family, it's like- I hear you, bro. You can't just go, hey, I'm going to go to Vegas with my buddies. It's a different life. That fight is- And I love it. If I never go to Vegas ever again, I wouldn't give a fuck. I've been so much that I'm good for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Seriously, I really am. I think you'd want to go back every now and again just to feel it when you feel that. We're going to do an EBI in Vegas, a May 5th in Vegas. And is it May 5th before the UFC? No, it's on a Saturday night. I don't know if there's not a UFC on the same day. But, yeah, it's going to be. not a UFC on the same day but um yeah it's gonna be um we're gonna have a combat jiu-jitsu match between Gordon Ryan and Vinny Magalhaes holy shit yeah oh my god that's crazy yeah yeah do you we
Starting point is 00:22:55 don't we don't normally do super fights in EBI because we I take all the purse money that we have available in our budget and we put it towards the winner. The winner take on the tournament. We don't have extra money for additional super fights, but this one we had to figure out a way to make it happen. It's going to be nuts to Gordon Ryan against Vinny Magalhaes in combat. Jiu Jitsu might be the next big thing. It really could be the next big thing because as far as like preparation, Jiu Jitsu preparation for MMA without kicking and and punching and standing up it's the best preparation
Starting point is 00:23:29 yeah for sure you could there's a bunch of different ways to look at it uh um an mma purist might say what the fuck is this combat jujitsu it slaps we'll just watch mma like what what's the point you know people can say that easily but the way i look at it it's it's nothing is as good as the ufc the uf that's the best there's nothing better than the ufc but there are jujitsu fanatics that they just want to see jujitsu in the ufc they're really not that into a kickboxing match if you know junior dos santos fights kane velasquez and it's a kickboxing match great that would be an all-time great Velasquez and it's a kickboxing match great that would be an all-time great match to watch but there's a there's a group of jiu-jitsu fanatics
Starting point is 00:24:10 that they're just that's right they just want to watch the jiu-jitsu but with the strikes and that's the only in MMA is the only place where you could watch MMA jiu-jitsu it's a totally different style when you watch just pure jiu-jitsu that's not MMA jiu-jitsu has nothing to do with MMA jiu-jitsu well what people understand is if people that don't do jiu-jitsu it's a totally different style when you watch just pure jiu-jitsu that's not mma jiu-jitsu has nothing to do with mma jiu-jitsu well what people understand is if people that don't do jiu-jitsu to listen to this like what are they talking about there's places where you're going for a submission but someone could easily hit you in your face and it makes the move kind of unrealistic there's a lot of times where guys do unrealistic things and really you could just be smacking them in the face and they would have to stop and protect themselves Yeah, when you're doing jujitsu without strikes It's just pure jujitsu you get into a lot of positions that that would be dangerous and if strikes were allowed
Starting point is 00:24:53 So which is fine, you know jujitsu. I love submission. Oh, yeah And it's just a different thing. It's just you need to understand what it is I mean this doesn't mean that you shouldn't do that move if it's that's the most effective move in that rule set. Yeah. But there's a beautiful place for combat jiu-jitsu. Yeah, because now we could watch jiu-jitsu fanatics. It's just for jiu-jitsu freaks. We could watch MMA jiu-jitsu, and it's just pure MMA jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:25:19 We don't have to sit through the striking. Because we, in MMA, if the fight gets boring on the ground we have stand-ups in combat jiu-jitsu after two minutes standing we have get downs we get them down just like in wrestling yeah you get them down it's like after two minutes no one because if we had a 10 minute or 15 minute combat jiu-jitsu match and they were just standing and wrestling the whole time that match is it's It's garbage. Yeah. That match, nobody wants to see that.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Nobody wants to see that. Trying to wrestle for 10 minutes. So after two minutes, as horn sounds, a coin gets tossed. And if you lose, if you win the coin toss, you get to decide top or bottom. And we start and sit up guard like butterfly guard with double underhooks. You get top or bottom in that position. And then we start right there. And then if they stand up again, two minute clock.
Starting point is 00:26:06 So that's a new thing. Two minute get down clock. Yeah. When did that start? We did that. I like it. We did that right at Combat Jiu Jitsu Worlds about a month ago. Because that would ruin the show.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I constantly am thinking of ways to ruin the show. Like, how can I ruin it? Of course, if they just stand up and wrestle the whole time, and that's going to happen in combat jiu-jitsu, they're not going to pull guard as much as in sub only. People are pulling guard all over the place. It's like people are just tumbling, and then there's no strikes, and they're all over each other's legs, and they're just pulling guard and flipping and doing all this stuff. When there's strikes, boom.
Starting point is 00:26:44 It just, we get into full guard now. And we get, oh, the mount becomes very important. Mount is, you could win a million EBIs and never mount a guy. You know, you could just be a leg lock fanatic. You could, you don't have like full guard. Was it Wagner Rocha and Nathan Orchard? Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yes. That was combat jujitsu worlds. One, the winner of the lightweight bracket was Wagner Rocha. He beat Nathan Orchard in the finals. Was he the only guy to stop somebody? That was the first TKO. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:21 He mounted Nathan Orchard and, and a referee, Mike Beltran stopped the action yeah it was a good stoppage too Wagner's a very accomplished MMA fighter yeah so so again my point with um in jiu-jitsu without strikes full guard totally unnecessary you could win Abu Dhabi 10 years in a row and never put anybody in your full guard. If you never want to play full guard ever in regular jujitsu without strikes, you never have to play full guard. You just open up your legs and you just get into some Z or some kind of spiral Delahive or whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:54 You never, it's totally optional. You don't, most people don't even bother with it. Chrome Gracie, he does. He loves full guard, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:01 whether they're strikes or not. That's why it's full guard in MMA is very effective because he always played full guard in his regular jiu-jitsu without grappling. So what happens with jiu-jitsu is you add strikes in an MMA match or in a combat jiu-jitsu match. It's the same thing. When strikes are added, now full guard becomes the most important guard. It was the least important guard in grappling now it becomes the most important guard so if you weren't playing full guard when you were doing jiu-jitsu without the strikes and now you're doing jiu-jitsu with the strikes guess what that's
Starting point is 00:28:37 that's the guard it's going to be the most important one when a guy could smack your head yeah control posture yes pull guard yes Yes. You have to control posture. Yeah, and again, in sub only, you don't ever have to mount ever. You never have to pass the guard. But in combat jiu-jitsu, now the mount becomes super powerful because now you can mount and strike.
Starting point is 00:28:56 In sub only, if you mount, you can't strike. I like mounting in sub only, but you don't have to. You can get caught in leg locks if a guy has a good mount escape right into leg locks, that's what usually happens. Most leg lock masters are very good at letting dudes mount them, and then they buck them off, and right when they escape, they're already on the legs. A lot of leg lockers do that.
Starting point is 00:29:23 But when there's strikes, you're going to let a dude mount you now? Now he's going to strike you. It's a big difference. Now the mount from jiu-jitsu with no strikes to jiu-jitsu with strikes, combat jiu-jitsu, the mount just turns into this monster. Well, it does, but what's really interesting is you're only allowing slaps. Think about how much more of a monster this is. Palm strikes.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Okay, palms strike hard. Because dudes aren't slapping. They a monstrous it is. Palm strikes. Okay, palm strike. Because dudes aren't slapping. They're not going ta-ta-ta. No, but they're hitting hard, right? Yeah, but they're actually striking. What I was going to say is you're not allowing elbows. No. Like, if you allowed elbows, then it's...
Starting point is 00:29:55 Exactly. Yeah, it's pretty much over a lot of those positions, right? Yeah. Depends on what kind of guard we're dealing with. It depends on who's in the guard. But, like, if you allowed the back to be taken and you allowed elbows, would you go to what we've always said? You said this a long time ago, that if you had elbows, if elbows were allowed to the back of the head, they would change the whole back mount.
Starting point is 00:30:18 There would be nobody going for rear naked chucks. You would just get the back and just elbow the shit out of the back of back of their head and the fight's over that's what was happening early in mma before they outlawed those elbows they used to be legal for like a couple years you remember um the world combat whatever the fuck it was where henzo gracie fought that guy what is his name the judo guy yeah i want to say spiker yes yeah something something spiker and the judo guy had called him in his hotel room all through the middle of the night fucked with him and he got so pissed that when he choked the guy out he uh smashed him in the back of the head and then stepped on his neck as he walked off of him he took it he didn't choke him out he took his back right he tapped him with strikes didn't he
Starting point is 00:30:59 or did he choke him i don't remember he smashed him i'm not sure how he finished him but i do remember him standing up and stepping on his neck. Yeah. And stomped on it. See if you can find that video. You got the video of the stoppage? It's horrific. But this is the perfect example of how effective elbows to the back of the head are once you take the back mount.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So, like, part of me, I see. There it is. Yeah. That was quick, Jamie. Henzo was a bad motherfucker, dude. People forget. He's still down to throw down. Fuck yeah, yes, look at that.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Look at this back mount, and then boom, boom, boom, boom. Oh, yeah. So did he get the choke? So he did get the choke. Those fucking shots were solid. Those elbows. He's tapping right there, and Henzo keeps holding on to him even after he taps. He choked him with the gi. Yeah, and now watch, he. He's tapping right there, and Henzo keeps holding on to him even after he taps. He choked him with the gi.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah, and now watch. He gets off of him and steps on his neck. Henzo, Henzo. That guy is fucked up, and that's from those elbows, man. That position changes radically. Look at him. He's trying to pick him up. Henzo just rolls him over onto his back.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Oh, that is hilarious. Man, that was a big mistake wearing a gi. Oh, huge mistake wearing a gi. Oh, huge mistake wearing a gi with a guy like Henzo. Yeah. You know? Control you with that thing
Starting point is 00:32:10 and you don't have it and he doesn't have a gi on? What? Yeah, yeah. That's a silly idea. The back becomes even more, it's easier to get rear naked chokes
Starting point is 00:32:17 as we're allowing, you know, you got a guy's back, you can palm the side of their head. Well, it's also the body. Like, if you have elbows to the body, remember when Rampage the body Like if you have elbows to the body
Starting point is 00:32:25 Remember when Rampage stopped Chuck Liddell With elbows to the body People forget about that in Pride Elbows to the body A guy who really knows how to throw an elbow That's nasty You know I mean Combat Jiu Jitsu
Starting point is 00:32:36 You're opening up the door What you're doing is Like you're opening up this door To letting Jiu Jitsu guys understand Like where the positions Where they'd be vulnerable Yes But they're not going to take The kind of damage that they would in an MMA fight. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:49 So it'll teach. It's a great pathway. It's a few things on a few different levels. It's great for grapplers, whether they're wrestlers or jujitsu players, to get into if they're aspiring to be an MMA fighter. Also, guys that have done 30, 40 fights, and they're like, dude, this is just too brutal. Guys coming out of MMA, it's a great place for them
Starting point is 00:33:12 because generally, before combat jiu-jitsu, all a MMA fighter had to retire to if he wanted to keep competing in grappling is sub only or the points game. And if you're not working on that every day, you know, the last 10 years they were working on striking most of their time. And, and the purest, like the pure sub only guys, the leg lock guys and the pure points players,
Starting point is 00:33:34 they're working on that every day to win those styles, whether, whether it's to win the points tournaments or the sub only tournaments, those, the athletes that are winning those titles they'll work on every day so when an mma fighter retires he's not going to really want to go into sub bowling he's like dude i'm just so far behind they don't want to do it but now with combat jiu-jitsu 99.9 percent of the people that flooded me with i got a long list of people that want to be in combat jujitsu. They're all MMA fighters. I'm sure. No, no, no, no pure jujitsu guys. Only one, only one, only one. And that's Ben Eddy. He's my brown belt from a 10th planet San Diego. He's, he was,
Starting point is 00:34:19 he trained with Danny at first. Then he started training with Gio and boogie down in San Diego. He's a brown belt. He had a combat jiu-jitsu match with Wilson Hayes at Combat Jiu-Jitsu World. And Ben Eddy probably has top two guards in the world. If you end up in his full
Starting point is 00:34:37 guard, it's a wrap. He does a hindu load team. He plays rubber guard way different than me. We have totally different styles of rubber guard. It all starts off with either like a meat hook or a mission control. But from there, everyone's going. It's so vast now. And he does a leg in guillotine.
Starting point is 00:34:56 You've seen it. I've seen it. In doulo team. It's the craziest. Where is he grabbing it? There's only like four guys on the planet that could do this. It's incredible. Where is he grabbing it? There's only like four guys on the planet that could do this. It's incredible. How is he grabbing it?
Starting point is 00:35:11 That's a good question. You know what I mean? I've never done it. I know how to do it, but I've never actually. I don't have the flexibility for it. That's hilarious. People think that I'm super flexible. I'm like, I'm not that flexible.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I'm pretty flexible, but I'm not that flexible. I just use it a lot. So it appears that I'm really flexible because I'm always, I'm not that flexible. I just, I'm pretty flexible, but I'm not that flexible. I just use it a lot. So it appears that I'm really flexible because I'm always using it. So it looks, but a lot of people can do what I do and way and way beyond as well. And Ben Eddy, his flexibility is insane. And he, he had a single match with Wilson Hayes, put him in his guard and he tapped him with the dead orchard. You know, I have a problem with people when it comes to the subject of flexibility.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Because I feel like there's this conversation that people have when it comes to flexibility. They say you can only get so flexible. Like some people just can't get so flexible. That's not true. I don't agree with it either. I think there's like a tension and focus to stretching that some people just don't want to give. What I want to know though is to get to the contortionist level. Can anybody get to the contortionist level?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Can you train someone to do those crazy? You know when people like they bend their back all the way back and they get into like a scorpion trying to suck your own dick Maybe Why you got to bring up Oh shit Maybe. Why you got to bring up old shit? I saw a video once where a guy did that. It's exactly what he did. He was a contortionist.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Can anybody train to be a contortionist? That's what I want to know. I'd like to see before and after type vlogs. Right, like get Joey Diaz on it. I don't know about being a contortionist. I don't know that everyone can go that far, but all you need to play rubber guard is to get into full lotus. And anybody can do that,
Starting point is 00:36:53 unless you have like metal plates in your hips or something. Contortionists are skilled at stretching their bodies into different shapes, mostly due to their spinal flexibility and strength. You may think that you need to be born flexible or double-jointed to become a contortionist, but in fact, with enough practice and stretching stretching you can learn basic contortion movements i feel like stretching is one of those things where people just aren't willing to dig in and really like feel that that that like borderline edge every day they don't like that feeling it hurts it's uncomfortable like certain stretches like
Starting point is 00:37:25 it's hard to breathe like we do hamstring stretches it's like it's hard to breathe yeah yeah but you know some i think that uh everyone is born flexible like i think all babies can get into full lotus i just think that some people keep using it and some people don't i always thought because people would ask me Why are you flexible and I just thought I thought it was because You know I was super insecure as a child and I still am but I would put my legs behind my head to like you Know like this is my trick right you know what I mean, so I thought that's why I'm flexible because I was always trying to show off by putting my legs behind my head
Starting point is 00:38:04 Maybe it is but when you think about it. I trying to show off by putting my legs behind my head. Maybe it is. But when you think about it, I didn't show off like all the time. Yeah, but you just do it a few times. But then my mom came over to the house once and saw my son biting his own toenails. He goes, oh, look, just like you when you were a kid. And then I thought, oh, that's right. I used to trim my, even like at 10, 11 11 12. I used to trim my toenails with my mouth Yeah, you did too Jamie did a couple freak toe suckers
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yeah, I don't do it anymore, but as a kid I did it all the time even with dirt I would like James I was only six like six You know when you bite you'd bite the toenail off, it has dirt and you can feel the crunch in the teeth? The grindy, crunchy, yeah, always. It's just the dirt. It's my foot. It's just dirt. That's true.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It's your foot. Yeah, I've done it with my fingernails. Like, why am I so prejudiced about my toes? Like, what if my feet are clean? But to do the Hindulo team, like Ben Eddy, you have to, I mean, when I come back after my surgery, I'm going to have knee surgery. Who are you going to get your knee surgery with? Do you have a doctor?
Starting point is 00:39:11 We'll talk about it afterwards. I've got some options for you. I do have a doctor. You do? Yeah. Okay, cool. Dr. Ron in Beverly Hills. He's a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Dr. Rob, is it? Better go to the right door. let me see is this the hindu here it is yeah check out what he's doing around the back of the head you have to swing it around oh wow so he goes like right over his ankle That's Hindu control People are just listening He's got his leg wrapped over the back of his opponent's head And then he's wrapped his arm
Starting point is 00:39:51 Around the ankle area And he's going all the way around the dude's head And under the chin My little T-Rex arms couldn't do that, dude I don't have enough real estate I don't think I could get in there I'd have to like really compress someone Did he go through it yet?
Starting point is 00:40:05 He's doing it right now. This is something I think that people should watch, though. Look at that. He's done it twice in an EBI. Wow. In one show. That's crazy. Watch.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Look at him work. So we're watching him set this exact thing up that he was just talking about. Wow. That's awesome. this exact thing up that he was just talking about. Wow, that's awesome. But yeah, he's gonna fight for the belt, the EBI combat jiu-jitsu belt that
Starting point is 00:40:30 is currently held by Nick Holmstein. He's fighting Ben Eddy at the next EBI at the Muscle Farm HQ in Burbank. You heard about that? I heard Muscle Farm moved to Burbank, right? Why did they decide to do that? The CEO is from LA.
Starting point is 00:40:46 He just wanted it here. Dude, they were in 5,500 feet above sea level before in a city. That's a pretty rare thing to have. Like to be at a mile, like Denver is very unusual in that you are at high altitude, but you have a badass city. You know? They should have stayed in Denver. You fucked up, kids but but it's awesome
Starting point is 00:41:06 dude the facility is incredible it's awesome they throw a fuckload of money at that stuff so far they had a fight to win show there and that was awesome that was like maybe three weeks ago it was it was awesome the place is is spectacular so we're doing a show there Saturday, February 17th EBI 15, Gio's in it Eddie Cummings is in it, Eddie Cummings is the champion, Gio's in it so Eddie Cummings came back from a bunch of surgeries right, didn't he have some shit go wrong, a bunch of injuries
Starting point is 00:41:36 he's been hurt a couple times, it's normal though yeah especially his style right and you gotta think he's constantly training with all those donna her death squad leg lock masters are going after each other every day yeah testing their meniscus yeah yikes yeah leg locks get the shit out of people hell yeah hell yeah they should but back to that uh hafell dos anjos fight i just can't believe how good that dude looks at 170 pounds. He looks like
Starting point is 00:42:05 top 10 pound for pound in the world, for sure. Dude, the combinations he was landing on Robbie Lawler, fuck, man. He looks so goddamn good. Crazy. And you'd think this guy was making 150, making 154, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:25 155. He still looks like a small welterweight, though. He could add some more muscle, I think, because some of those guys at 170 are monsters. Like Darren Till. Huge. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:36 But he kicks so hard. I think the kicks are going to always, he's always going to be in the game, even if he's smaller. His kicks are so hard. He's fast as shit, too, man. And his combinations are beautiful. And he's just super dedicated.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like, Rafael dos Anjos is very disciplined, very driven. You ever see some of his plyometric workouts that he does? No. He was with Nick Curzon from Speed of Sport. I know he's done some work with other people, too, but he did a lot of it with Nick Curzon. from speed of sport i know he's done some work with other people too but he did a lot of it with nick curse on and uh nick curse on is from that um um the marinovich camp you know where the like with remember when bj penn was trained by the marinovichs so he's doing like this kind of shit like pushing up on all these uh bars a lot of foot strength drills a lot of stuff where they're doing
Starting point is 00:43:22 um uh jumps over uh hurdles over hurdles and those horses. What are those called? Hurdles, right? Yeah. He just does a lot of plyometric type shit. That is hardcore. Yeah. That's working your abs.
Starting point is 00:43:37 You're working your feet. He's lying on his back and he's kicking up on these things. It would give you the ultimate up kick too. But the idea is just that you're put in these compromising positions off balance all the time and you're doing a lot of different plyometric drills he doesn't believe too much in like regular weightlifting type activity everything is like sport specific plyometric type shit but what what i'm always super impressed with is his endurance dude he fought at a crazy pace and like the commentator cormier and uh john annick were going man i wonder if he's gonna burn himself out you know i already
Starting point is 00:44:12 knew the result before i watched it i got to watch it after the fact i didn't watch it live but watching it i was like man i see why they would think that he might have burnt himself out because it's crazy the volume just dig and it's it. It's so skillful, too, man. It was like he was picking his shots. You know, he'd go head, head, body, body, head, head, body, head, body, head. It was all, like, creative and constantly attacking. And Robbie Lawler's just rolling with it. It's like defensively and offensively, it's a very impressive scene
Starting point is 00:44:41 because Robbie Lawler's hurt. He can't move his leg good. His leg's been chopped up, so he's kind of stationary. very impressive scene because Robbie Lawler's hurt. He can't move his leg good. His leg's been chopped up, so he's kind of stationary. And Dos Anjos is just moving in for the kill and throwing bombs on him. And Robbie Lawler is just rolling with everything. He's taken a lot of them in the body, but he's rolling with everything. It's hard to hit him clean.
Starting point is 00:45:02 And he's right in front of him in the middle of the fight. In the middle of this exchange Robbie Lawler smiling. Yeah Crazy, right? Yeah, can't walk like barely can move. He's get his leg kicked out from under him He's fighting a guy who's just Like a Wolverine. I mean just on him attacking and Robbie Lawler smiling But he did pull a pull it out of his ass against Melvin man who fuck I did. Whoo Can we see that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Remember he was getting, it was Elite XC? Or was it Strikeforce? Strikeforce. Strikeforce. He was getting beat down by Melvin Manhoof. Yeah. And then one shot, boom. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah. He always had that chance. Yep. Right to the very end, he had that chance. Yep. Yeah, the Melvin Manhoof one, too, was at 185. That was a bigger Robbie. Remember?
Starting point is 00:45:47 He fought Tim Kennedy at 185. He fought a couple good guys at 185. He fought Jake Shields. Remember Jake Shields tapped him at 185? Oh. Oh, boom. Go back a little so we can see the beginning. He's getting his leg kicked all over.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Look how much bigger he looks back then. And Melvin moves in for the kill, and Robbie hits him with a fucking hit maker. I mean, boom, and then follows up with a left hand that stiffened him. I mean, that's like one of the all-time Strikeforce KOs. Maybe one of the all-time MMA KOs because he's getting his ass kicked. He's moving away. And then he steps in. And here it goes.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Man. Man. He's getting his legs kicked out from under him. Here it is. Bam. Crazy. And you see Melvin's body just shut off. Is he still fighting?
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah. And maybe he could fight in the UFC now. No, he's had a lot of KOs man he's fighting I think he's fighting for Bellator right now he's been he's been KO'd like quite a few times recently that's one of those guys that never got into the UFC no almost man I mean maybe he could put some wins together and get back in the UFC and get in the UFC for the first time but he's you know I gotta think he's like 37 now how old is melvin manhoef it's gonna be uh i don't know man i got i think he's got to be 36 37 41 yeah what's his biggest
Starting point is 00:47:16 mma mma mark hunt one punch damn he KO'd mark hunt with one punch mark hunt charged out of mark hunt was like 260. And I don't think anybody ever stopped Mark like that before. And Melvin clipped him with an uppercut coming in. He's like 190. Maybe. Yeah, maybe 200. So at the very least, he was like 60 pounds lighter.
Starting point is 00:47:40 At the very least. Fuck. Knocked him out with one punch. Remember when he fought Sakuraba? Soccer kick Sakuraba? It was one of Sakuraba's most terrifying losses. Most terrifying. Melvin fucked him up, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I know it happened, but I don't remember it. Pull that. Pull up Melvin Manho versus Sakuraba. This was hard for me to watch because it was Sakuraba who had fought Vanderlei. Twice he'd been KO'd by Vanderlei. He fought a lot of guys, and he had gotten beat up quite a bit. You were seeing the demise of, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:48:15 one of the most charismatic guys from that generation. I didn't know a word that guy said. Never heard him speak English in any long sentences, but I knew he had charisma just by the way he fought, the way he handled himself. Remember when he wore diapers? Yeah, he was crazy. Oh my God, look how big Melvin is. He's on all the steroids. They did not give a fuck back then, man. They let these guys, look how jacked he is. Holy shit. Melvin Manhoef had one of the scariest bodies of all time
Starting point is 00:48:45 for sure, right? Hell yeah. Look at him. I mean, dude, he's jacked and he was so fucking fast. You know, it's just like any old warrior. He's just had a lot of fights and, you know, this is where he's at now. Look how high his hands
Starting point is 00:49:01 are. Sakuraba never held his hands high like that before. Very dangerous. And look at Melvin just waiting. He'd always have his hands low sakuraba never held his hands high like that before very dangerous and look melvin's just waiting he'd always have his hands low remember that yep not against melvin man especially not at this point in his career and hear about sakuraba's fucking knees man that wasn't just for show his knees were basically like falling apart on him so he had to like wrap them up in the most insane mummy-like way laid on in his career. Well, people forget Sakuraba beat Vitor. Sakuraba broke Henzo's arm.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Remember that? Yep. Dude. I commentated that fight. Oh, that's right. You worked for Pride back then. Yeah. Look at this shit.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Look at the size of Melvin. He just looks like a coil. Look at that head kick. Right hand. Boom. Oh just looks like a coil. Look at that head kick. Right hand. Boom. Oh, my God. Boom. Passes the guard.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. This is one of the hardest ones to watch. Here's the knee. Knee to the head. Now he's going to move him to the side and try with the soccer kick. Boom. Right hand. How did they not stop this fight, right?
Starting point is 00:50:04 How did they not stop this fight? Boom? How did they not stop this fight? Boom. Because it was soccer robin. You wanted to give him a chance. That leg drag to the right hand? There it is. Bam, bam, bam. Oh, shit. So I thought he soccer kicked him in the head on the ground. I had erroneous memories. I could have swore he soccer kicked him in the head, but really
Starting point is 00:50:21 he was kneeing him in the head. Somebody soccer kicked him in the head. He had another... I think that in the head. Somebody's soccer kicked him in the head. He had another. I think that's Vanderlei. I think you might be right. Vanderlei definitely did it to Tamora, right? Remember he held the rope and stomped him? Remember that one?
Starting point is 00:50:36 He dropped him. Tamora went down. He grabs the rope and stomps his head. It's rough. It's rough to watch. I remember Vanderlei was mounting Dan Henderson and then just stood up and tried to stomp on his face. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And walk away. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. I don't know if he landed, though. See if you fight Vanderlei KOs Tamura. Did you get it? I got the flying stomp kick.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Oh, this is... It didn't land, I guess. Yeah, no, that's just Sakuraba trying to do that. That was to Vitor, right? Yeah. Yeah, that was... That Vitor is a Vitor that was in rough shape, though. That was after his sister had gotten kidnapped and murdered, I believe. Remember, Vitor was like a shell of himself for a long time after that.
Starting point is 00:51:25 I think he was in the UFC at that point. I don't think so. You might be right though. When he fought Sakuraba in Japan is that what you're talking about? Remember he threw that turning sidekick and dropped him? Yeah he turned sidekick to the body. Right to the body and dropped Vitor
Starting point is 00:51:41 and he just basically butt scoot most of the match. What's interesting too about Sakuraba is he had a catch wrestling base. He had some real submission skills and people didn't know in the beginning. Remember his first fight in the UFC? He gets dropped by Conan Silveira.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Referee Big John McCarthy stops the fight and then realizes it was an error because he had dropped down for a knee so they fight again. Remember that? What the fuck? First time UFC was in Japan. Dude, it was an error because he had dropped down for a knee so they fight again. Yeah, remember that. Yep What the fuck first time you have to was in Japan, right dude. It was like this is Sakuraba. You need to fight again And then he catches him in that arm bar he tapped him with an arm bar and everybody was like what a Bruce-hagen jujitsu black belt got tapped. We didn't even think it was possible
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah, we didn't think anybody some guy who doesn't even have a black belt is going to tap. Yeah. When Mario Sperry got tapped by Igor Zinoviev, remember that? Yeah. That was, we didn't know what to fucking think. How can this be?
Starting point is 00:52:34 That was devastating for me. How can this be? How can this be? There it is. Yeah. There it is. He reversed the Kimura on him and took the arm bar.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Yeah. Man, he got it on him and took the armbar. Yeah. Man, he got it right there. Man, crazy. Look how Jack Sacaraba was back then. He was in great shape. He's such a fucking awesome grappler. And so important to the history of MMA. That guy was in some wild fights, and some of them with people he had no business being in there with.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Just the wrong people, like Vanderlei. That was just a terrible matchup. in some wild fights and some of them with people you had no business being in there with just the wrong people like like vanderlei like that was just terrible you know how rare that is like there's a lot of bad calls and a lot of fighters that get fucked from bad rough calls they you can't ever do the fight over again you can't do the fight that was one of the only times it happened another time too yeah it happened when i commentated for Too Hot to Handle in Amsterdam. I don't know if you remember that. Yeah, I do remember that. Back in 2001.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It was Gilbert Ivo against... Fuck. I don't remember who it was, but Gilbert Ivo knocks this guy out. Or standing TKO, they stop the fight.vo knocks this guy out or standing TKO. They stop the fight. And then the guy's complaining to the ref. Like, why did you stop it? He's like, why did you stop it?
Starting point is 00:53:51 I was fine. But clearly he wasn't fine. But you got to at least, you know, plead your case. Right. And make it look like you're fine. Like, why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you stop it? And then the ref just said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:54:01 You ready to go? Get back. We're going to go again. He put Gilbert in one corner, the other dude. And then once that guy you see in his face, once he realizes that the ref restarted the fight, he sinks back into the corner and goes, oh, shit. What the fuck is going on? And he gets knocked out again. What did you put on here, Jamie?
Starting point is 00:54:22 It was against Don Fry. Which one? Oh, Gilbert Ivo? Yeah. Maybe this is another one. Wait a minute. Which fight are you talking about? No, the restart?
Starting point is 00:54:32 No, no, no. No, no, no. This was too hot. This was... Put Gilbert Ivo too hot to handle. What happened to Don Fry? Did he get poked in the eye or something? Did he have a cut?
Starting point is 00:54:40 Like, why were they checking on him? I don't remember what happened earlier in that fight. I don't even remember what happened in that fight. I don't even remember what happened in that fight. I don't remember what that fight was. Gilbert Ivo versus Don Fry? That sounds awesome. Do you remember when Big Daddy Goodrich KO'd Don Fry with a head kick? Gilbert Ivo KO'd Big Daddy Goodrich.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah, and Big Daddy Goodrich KO'd Don Fry with a head kick. This is Don Fry and Gilbert Ivo. Don Fry with a head kick. This is Don Fry and Gilbert Ivo. See if you can find Don Fry or Big Daddy Goodrich KOs Don Fry. On that card. He hit him with a beautiful head kick. On that card that I commentated, it was Pride 10. It was Sakuraba and Henzo.
Starting point is 00:55:15 That was the main event. But also it was Gilbert Ivo versus Gary Goodrich. And that was that one. Yeah, if you could find Gary Goodrich against Gilbert Ivo, it's a 10-second match. Yeah. And it's one kick. Boom. He clips him, shuts him off.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Here's the Gary Goodridge, Don Fry one. He hit him with a couple of leg kicks. Big Daddy had one of the most brutal KOs ever in the history of the UFC, too. Remember that from the fireman's carry? Oh, shit. Against Paul Herrera? Yep. That was the most brutal
Starting point is 00:55:47 knockout probably in history. It's one of them. Boom. Look at that. I mean, come on. Damn. That's a beautiful head kick. Over the shoulder.
Starting point is 00:55:55 He got one back. Yeah, he did. Well, that one that happened against him, he was out for like five minutes. It was one of those. And then, uh, he told me that when he woke up,
Starting point is 00:56:09 he was standing in the ring. He thought he was in a rave in Toronto. That's where he's from. What if he was, what if we were all living in parallel dimensions all around us all the time. And one move left or right, one dream, one action propels you into the next door
Starting point is 00:56:26 What if he was like on death's door and they decide look he's he's gone from this dimension We're gonna put him in a nightclub in Toronto and let his consciousness ride out this experience here And he was with this he's back. His sister was always with him. She was like She was a fitness chick. She's jacked crazy braids And he said when he woke up he thought he was at a rave. And he thought his sister was some chick he was macking on. Oh, my God. That's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:51 He had no idea it was his sister. That's so crazy. Yeah, that guy's had a long career, man. Taken a lot of crazy fights. So do you think Dos Anjos is going to get a shot at Woodley now? You would know better than I would. I don't, though. I would think you would want him to.
Starting point is 00:57:10 You don't get inside scoops anymore? I do. I'd have to ask, though. I feel like I shouldn't ask. Sometimes I get in some inside info. But the inside info I get, I can never talk about anyway. But this one's a weird one, man, because he was lightweight champion, loses the belt, and then has looked insane as a welterweight and just beats the former champion, like outclasses him.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I think he stands out as the number one guy in terms of, like, guys getting another shot at the title. But Woodley apparently is going to get some sort of surgery now. He needs shoulder surgery. He's got, like, a torn labrum. he needs shoulder surgery he's got like a torn labrum so if Tyron Woodley goes out and then they have to put an interim title fight in I would like to see him versus somebody in an interim
Starting point is 00:57:50 title fight like how about Rafael dos Anjos versus Colby Covington all the anti-Brazilian hate all the shit that he said that would be crazy that would be crazy and That would be crazy. And it would be a big fight. You know, because of all the shit Colby talked.
Starting point is 00:58:10 You know, the only fine for Doom, like 500 bucks for hitting him in the head with a boomerang. 600. 600. Fabrizio is probably like, that is so worth it. To get to hit somebody in the head with a boomerang on TV. You know? Yeah. to get to hit somebody in the head with a boomerang on TV. You know? Yeah, you know, the opposite of a fight like that, which would have a lot of hatred, is in Orlando, the UFC in Orlando,
Starting point is 00:58:33 it's going to be Ben Saunders versus Alan Joban. Whoa, that's hard. Yeah, that's hard. I'm staying away from that one. That's going to be a hard one for me, too. Yeah, I told them both not to take it, but the problem is they're on losing streaks and they can't be uh choosing and they did reach out and
Starting point is 00:58:53 say hey man we're both templating you know can find other opponents and they said no so they both agreed to do it and i'm staying out of that one yeah yeah you can't corner anybody right yeah you're gonna go and watch there's gonna be two friends fighting are you gonna go to watch um no i'm gonna watch on tv you know i'm gonna stay completely out of it i was just gonna tell you like i like being there live but i have the most fun when it's us when we do fight companions yeah we're all here drinking smoking smoking weed, talking crazy shit. I've been to enough UFCs, man. I'm like, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:30 You've been to a lot, that's for sure. I'd rather watch it on my phone. Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, I don't like watching it on my phone, but I do like watching it at home. I like watching boxing at home, too, man. You know, it's like you get all the angles. You get to hear the commentary. Roy Jones Jr. had some fucking amazing commentary this weekend on uh boxing it's so interesting hearing it's hearing a guy like roy jones who
Starting point is 00:59:52 like points shit out he was uh i forget the two dudes that were fighting there's a there's an irish guy there were two two guys that i never heard of i think one of them was williams the other one was oh sullivan or something like that and I didn't know who they were and um I was waiting for the main event and I was watching this dude um and Roy Jones was pointing out all the shit that he was doing with his jab he's like he's staying right there after he throws a jab he's gonna get hit with counters and then you see boom the counters start dropping on him and the guy was getting hit was the guy who was favored he was like this really hot prospect and Roy just starts pointing out all the shit he's doing he's like he's playing tough guy now he goes i don't want to see you play tough guy he goes i want to see you boxing he goes you
Starting point is 01:00:31 don't want to find who the toughest guy is he goes you want to find out who the best boxer is these guys are just trying to break each other now he totally called it and you see the guy starting to wilt shots to the body it was really interesting to watch like a world champion top of the body. It was really interesting to watch a world champion, top of the food chain, one of the greatest of all time, boxers, see some shit that you're not going to see. He sees vulnerabilities that you don't see. Are there any high-level boxers that are openly talking about transitioning to MMA? Do you know? Not that I know of. I think Anthony Jacobs has joked about it.
Starting point is 01:01:05 You know, the heavyweight champion? Or Joshua, Anthony Joshua. Why do I call him Anthony Jacobs? Anthony Joshua is his name, right? Jesus Christ. You know, Klitschko used to be a kickboxer. Do you know that? His brother especially.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I think his brother was like a world champion PKA karate style kickboxer. But none that I know of, man. Floyd talked about it, apparently. This is one thing I can tell you. Dana told me that Floyd wants to make a deal in the UFC, like legitimately. And I go, so I texted him. I go, is Floyd really talking about fighting MMA? He goes, yeah, he's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I told him he'd get killed, but he's still talking about doing it. Hmm. Whoa. Faraz Sahabi teases GSP versus Mayweather or McGregor as next fight. We need a mega fight. Okay, let me just stop this nonsense right there. GSP
Starting point is 01:01:55 just fought at 185 pounds. If you fucking really think that Floyd Mayweather is gonna fight GSP, shut the fuck up. Just stop. Just stop it. Floyd Mayweather's gonna to fight GSP. Shut the fuck up. Just stop. Just stop it. Floyd Mayweather is going to be like, a pass.
Starting point is 01:02:11 That guy's huge. GSP's so big. It would have to be like Jose Aldo or something. You'd have to get GSP to die it down to 155, and he would be so depleted. And making 155, Floyd would light him up like a Christmas tree. If Floyd didn't light him up like a Christmas tree anyway I mean they're going to fight in MMA he gets smushed 100%. McGregor would never fight 185
Starting point is 01:02:32 GSP. No. But they might fight at 170 if the money was right. McGregor won't take it. I don't know about that man. That could be a mega mega fight. That could be a 20 million dollar fight. Conor might want an extra $20. Spend a lot of money on Versace.
Starting point is 01:02:47 He's always wearing furs and shit. Flying around in private jets. That shit's pricey, man. What is the latest with McGregor? Like, what's going on, like, today? Hashtag ballin'. That's what's going on. Is that what he tweets?
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah, he's on top of the world, man. Look, that guy, let him enjoy this. He's got plenty of time to come back to fighting just have fun man stare at your watches take instagram pictures of your dick who cares you're the fucking man you made a hundred million dollars you're not even 30 relax do whatever the fuck you want no need to force him to come back and fight but if he does come back and fight. But if he does come back and fight, if he thinks an MMA fight with GSP is a good idea, that's a big guy.
Starting point is 01:03:30 He's very big. George St. Pierre is one of the best fighters of all time. Who's going to take that fight? He's so fucking good at grappling. But! Connor might go, fuck it. No. Fuck it. Give me a couple months to put some weight on. That's not a good fight for him. But if that's where all the money is, who knows?
Starting point is 01:03:46 I think Tony Ferguson is the fight. That's the fight I want to see now. Of course. Until I see what happens with Barbosa and Nurmagomedov. Right? The problem is, if Barbosa and Nurmagomedov fight and Nurmagomedov smashes Barbosa, he's got to be next in line for the title fight, right? No. You don't think so?
Starting point is 01:04:08 No. Conor's not fighting. Tony is the, oh, oh, but. Conor's not fighting. Yeah, well, then he has to vacate, right? What does it say here? Sold at rounds tonight at SGBBG, Ireland. Woo-hoo.
Starting point is 01:04:22 He's training. I mean, he's definitely not fat. You look at him there, he's in shape for sure. I mean, he's definitely not fat. You look at him there, he's in shape for sure. I mean, but he might just be working on his skills. He's got $100 million. I would not be mad at a world fight if they decided to, like, strip him of his belt and have Tony versus Khabib for the undisputed title. I wouldn't be mad at that.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah, that will probably happen. I would not be mad at that. Yeah, that will probably happen. I would not be mad at that. I like that fight. Tony's so fun. He's so wild to watch, man. You know, like when he was fighting Kevin Lean, he's walking towards him with his hands down and just pot shotting him and slowly wearing on him,
Starting point is 01:04:58 slowly chipping him away. And then to finish him off his back. Come on, man. That's sweet. How many people get finished off their back these days? There was a lot of sweet things that he came up with right there. And then to finish him off his back. Come on, man. That's sweet. How many people get finished off their back these days? There's a lot of sweet things that he came up with right there. There's different ways you can get up off your back with the cage or basic wall walking and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:05:16 But you can't wall walk on everybody. It all depends on where your level of wall walking is and how good is your opponent at countering that. What did you think when Kevin Lee walked in with the obvious staph infection on his chest? Did you notice it? I was like, cool. I hope he's weak. Crazy, he's forced to fight.
Starting point is 01:05:40 They asked Tony, did you notice his staph? He goes, yeah, I was trying to punch it. But the way Tony got up off the cage, when Kevin Lee put him up against the cage, he actually can-opened him from the bottom in full guard. So Tony's head was against the cage. And Kevin Lee's head was right here. So he basically did like a Muay Thai clinch like a can opener from the bottom so he couldn't get hit.
Starting point is 01:06:07 And then he had his left foot on the hip and his right leg was just around his ribs and then at the right time Kevin was naturally trying to push pull out because he was holding him in he couldn't hit him. He was safe against the cage. And then Tony put both feet on the hips
Starting point is 01:06:24 pushed him up, kicked up, and then just stood up. It was brilliant. It's like, wow, we're going to be doing that one. Yeah. I mean, Kevin Lee couldn't do anything. He had him exactly where he wanted him, against the cage, on his back, head pressed against the fence,
Starting point is 01:06:38 but he couldn't do anything because Tony did a can opener on him. No one does that. I know. He's an interesting guy, man. That was the first time he ever did that, and it worked. It's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It was perfect. What do you think about Francis Ngannou and Alistair Overeem? How ridiculous was that? Yeah. How fucking scary is that guy? How many times has Alistair been KO'd? We did it on a podcast once. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 01:07:00 We broke it down. It was something like 13 KOs in MMA and then another three in kickboxing. The ones in kickboxing seem so much more brutal. I don't know. Not more brutal than that last one. That last one is as brutal as anything I've ever seen. He got launched into another dimension. I'm not a giant kickboxing fan.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I mean, really, I never watch kickboxing. But if it's on, I'll watch it. Remember when we went to see Glory in L.A., though? That was the shit. Yeah, yeah. But I'm not following it. You know what I mean? I don't know who the hell is winning.
Starting point is 01:07:36 I have no idea. Zero idea. But when I do watch it, every now and then I'll watch a K-1, you do notice that they hit a lot motherfucking harder. The leg kicks and the push. I'm like, fuck. This is some other kind of shit. You could visibly see it after watching so much MMA
Starting point is 01:07:54 and then go watch them kickboxing. You'll see how hard they fucking kick. There's some serious kicking going on. Well, you see it now with like Gokhan Saki. Now that Gokhan Saki's in the UFC, you know, I was watching someone. Where's he from? Turkey.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Turkish Tyson. He's ridiculous. I mean, he's a brutal knockout artist in K-1 and in glory. To see that dude fighting in the UFC, you see these crazy kicks. Ridiculous power. You see kickboxers transitioning to MMA, but you don't see professional boxers transitioning to MMA. It's too hard without the leg kicks. Your whole striking thing is so different.
Starting point is 01:08:33 You've got to think about those goddamn leg kicks. I mean, some guys are going to be able to make it. It's not impossible. All they have to do is be super dedicated at it, but they have to have a motivation. And right now, the motivation in boxing is, you know, if you get to a high level, you could be a world champion, you make a shitload of money. And there's a lot of money at the highest levels of boxing. But even at the highest levels of boxing, like you have to have some name value. Like they did a Gennady Golovkin pay-per-view, and it got like 150,000 buys. And didn't they say that Ward Kovalev was like really low as well?
Starting point is 01:09:05 One of the best fights ever. Ward Kovalev too. Andre Ward stopped Andre Kovalev. Fucking amazing fight. Sergey Kovalev rather. And I think it only got like 160 something. 125. 125,000 pay-per-view buys.
Starting point is 01:09:19 That's crazy. So those guys aren't making shit loads of money for that. But then you have Mayweather. It's crazy, right? Yeah. It's crazy, right? Yeah. It's incredible. Yeah, but to do your sport, if you're a really good boxer,
Starting point is 01:09:31 you probably have more of a chance of making it as a top-flight boxer than you do of learning all that other shit while you're already 29. You're going to learn how to check leg kicks now? Okay, you've got to change your stance. Do you know how to take people down? You don't? You've got to learn that. You've got to learn how to get taken down. Okay. You've got to learn how to check leg kicks now? Okay, you've got to change your stance. Do you know how to take people down? You don't?
Starting point is 01:09:45 You've got to learn that. You've got to learn how to get taken down. Okay. You've got to learn how to stand back up. You've got to learn how to defend submissions. You've got to learn how to execute submissions. By the time they're basically... That could take seven years.
Starting point is 01:09:55 It could take forever. Whereas a kickboxer, it's a little different. If you get Mirko Krokop, when he fought Vandalé Silva, he was fighting one of the top guys like almost right away. Because he was so scary on the feet and they made some crazy rules. Remember those crazy rules? Like you can only be on the ground for 30 seconds? I don't remember those rules.
Starting point is 01:10:14 They had a crazy rule with Vandele versus Krokop. The first one. First Vandele versus Krokop. I don't remember those rules. It was a bunch of wacky rules, man. Like you go to the ground. You can only go to the ground for like 30 seconds. And if the fight, if no one won at the end of the fight. It was a bunch of wacky rules, man. Like, you go to the ground. You can only go to the ground for, like, 30 seconds. And if the fight, if no one won at the end of the fight, it was a draw.
Starting point is 01:10:30 So it was real weird, man. It's like Cro Cop didn't know really how to stop takedowns as well back then. And, you know, he's just trying to get off his kicks. And he got off a bunch of kicks. But then they fought again. And they fought again later when Cro Cop had figured out the takedown defense game. And it was one of the worst k.o's of vanderley's career cro cop fucking clanged him upside the head with that left shin remember that one he'll put up a giant gash on vanderley's head
Starting point is 01:10:53 so vanderley goes down like literally he was an axe murderer that was his nickname the axe murderer literally went down like he got hit in the head with an axe blood pouring down his head and that was one of the all-time great Mirko Krokop head kick knockouts. Was it Mirko Krokop? I'm pretty sure it was. Who fought that guy in Japan who wore a wrestling mask? Yeah, Dos Caros.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Yes, he clipped him on the head and you could see the blood pouring out of his eye socket. Yeah, dude. Dude. The eye opening. Wasn't that when he was fighting with shoes on, too? He fought a bunch of those with wrestling shoes on. They let Mirko head kick people with wrestling shoes on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I know he fought Mark Hunt with wrestling shoes on. He head kicked Mark Hunt with wrestling shoes on. Pete Williams head kicked Mark Coleman with wrestling shoes. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. Yeah. That's crazy. A lot of people wore wrestling shoes back then It's an interesting argument like what's worse to get in your eye a toe in your eye are fucking
Starting point is 01:11:53 wrestling shoes Wrestling shoes are so much better for traction. Now. Look at him there boom With fucking tape on his shit. Nobody took a punch or kick ever as good as mark hunt Which is why it's even crazier that Melvin knocked him out. Look at that. Boom, right over the top. And Mark Hunt still in it, throwing bombs.
Starting point is 01:12:14 What a savage. So, Ngannou now is going to fight Stipe. What do you think of that? That's a tough one to call. That's an interesting fight, though't it steep it was on your podcast what did he say well he's pretty confident that's what he says but i would say that too but uh that dude ingano is like a character from a fucking conan book you know like somebody brought this up online that like how Conan when he was
Starting point is 01:12:46 young they made him push that wheel and that's how he got so strong Francis and Ghana was like working in like a sand mine he was digging sand when he was like a young guy like that literally might have had an effect on how fucking powerful and strong he is it really might be like an epic fantasy novel like he's he's like if you were gonna go into a lab and design a perfect heavyweight you'd say one of them about 6'4 265 maybe a little heavier has to cut a little bit maybe 269 cuts down 265 crazy freak athleticism fast as shit for heavyweight, knock anybody dead with one punch. People are like, you're asking for too much.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Heavyweights don't move that fast. They get tired real quick. Not everyone can knock you out with one punch. Is he from France? He was originally from Cameroon, I think. Is that right? Yeah, and then France after that. Dude, he was, look at this.
Starting point is 01:13:43 He was grueling in dangerous work, spending hours shoveling sand into the backs of trucks so it could be shipped to big cities for use in construction. Sometimes he would stand all day in water up to his shins, scooping sand out of the riverbed. Other days he spent at the bottom of a steep quarry where large chunks of earth often broke free from the high cliffs and tumbled down onto workers. Fuck, man, that's a movie. That's like- The beginning of a movie right there.
Starting point is 01:14:08 You want to talk about that Drake song? Started from the bottom that way here. Yeah. I mean, he really started from the bottom. Yeah. I mean, he was there. He was homeless in France just like six years ago, five years ago. Did you know that?
Starting point is 01:14:21 No. Dude. He was homeless in France. What's the story? Like how did he get into MMA? He was in Africa and he had decided that he was going to take a trip to Europe and he wanted to get away
Starting point is 01:14:35 from where he was and he decides to go there. He doesn't exactly know what he's doing and somehow or another he makes his way into a gym because he wanted to learn how to box and he made his way into an MMA gym and the coach was like look you should you should try MMA like you know like you could really get good at this and he realizes the guy's a sponge learned shit ridiculously quick you look at him in his first UFC fight versus now with Curtis Blades watch the Curtis Blades fight and then watch him now that's
Starting point is 01:15:03 only two years ago man it's only two years ago, man. It's only two years ago. But his improvement is insane. He just knocked out with one punch one of the greatest heavyweight kickboxers ever. Alistair Overeem was a K-1 Grand Prix champion, Strikeforce heavyweight champion, dream heavyweight champion. You don't get any more experience than Alistair Overeem fought for the title right one punch first round boom it is a little late in his career though it is a good point
Starting point is 01:15:34 please this is has anybody got gone the distance with him or is he knocking everybody no he's he he lost one fight I think he he lost a decision. I think. Like an early fight in his career. And then I think Anthony Hamilton, he submitted him with a Kimura. He submitted someone with a Kimura. I think it was Hamilton. Is that correct? Let's see.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Anthony Hamilton, yeah. He submitted Anthony Hamilton with a Kimura. KO'd Orlovsky. KO'd Overeem, KO'd the KO of Bojan Mihović was a crazy one, man. He was just dropping bombs on him. Curtis Blades was before that. He TKO'd him. Dr. Stoppage.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Luis Enrique was before that. That was the first time I ever saw him and I was like, Jesus. That was the first time I ever saw him, and I was like, Jesus. But it looks like decision unanimous against a dude named Zoumana Cisse. C-I-S-S-E. Zoumana Cisse? What a great name. Dude, his first fight he won by armbar.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Yeah, straight armbar. He's got an arm crangle choke. He's got a standing guillotine choke submission. And he's got one submission in the UFC by Kimura. He's working working with vinnie magalhaes you know i didn't know that yeah vinnie magalhaes says he's so fucking strong says the strongest guy i've ever rolled with i did not know that yeah he's in vegas now yep he's at the ufc training institute dude they got him over there like rocky four it's crazy damn like he's at the performance Institute. Yeah. He's at, he's like literally, I mean, think about this, right? You got a guy who's arguably one of the best physical specimens we've ever seen in the heavyweight division. Like, right. Like it's, it's like, you can't
Starting point is 01:17:15 think of someone who's more impressive than him physically. Right. Then you have a guy who just gives up his whole life for this. Like he just moved from France to Vegas. Then the UFC puts him in this fucking state-of-the-art laboratory, this performance institute, where they've got all kinds of crazy shit in there. I mean, they have therapists and food. They have all these strength and conditioning coaches. I mean, these guys are starting to do their camps down there. They're going there and they're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Like this place is insane. You know, Novitski was telling me all the different services they offer and all the different things they do for the athletes. For them, it's fucking amazing. All these top flight coaches are there training with them. So you got this amazing facility opens, right? He's like one of the first guys there. He's like one of the first guys to do his camps there. Moves from France to Vegas.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Brings his coach and he's just ready to smash the world. Dude, it's like a movie. Homeless. Homeless guy. Walks into a gym. Six years later, UFC. Top of the food chain. Fight for the title. Hopefully he doesn't start doing ecstasy
Starting point is 01:18:21 and start going to raves. know right you got to keep him from getting too crazy i mean because um well first of all he's got to get past stipe and stipe is going to be the first real wrestler that he's ever faced that's a big deal you know it's whether or not stipe can take him to the ground that's a big question curtis blade's actually a very good wrestler too stipe is going to try to take him down you think i would imagine there's going to be a lot of everything i was gonna i'm gonna imagine that fight you're not going to be able to really dictate entirely where everything takes place i don't know too much about steep on the ground
Starting point is 01:18:55 he's not usually on the ground right not usually on the ground but he's a very good wrestler wrestled in college yeah yeah i think i think think he's 20-plus pounds lighter, though. Like, he's about 240. Does he have submission wins on his record? That's a good question. I've never seen him win by submission. I've only seen him win by knockout or decision. See if you can go to Steve Bay's record.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah, I mean, he's got to know everything. The question is, does he know, is he strong enough? Is his wrestling good enough to close the distance? What does he got here? Any submissions? TKO, KO, KO, TKO, TKO. It's mostly TKOs and KOs. Dude, he has fucked a lot of people up.
Starting point is 01:19:38 One submission by leg kicks, though. That doesn't count. That means a guy tapped out from leg kicks. Stefan Struve beat him? KO'd him. KO'd him ko'd him whoa yeah tk owed him uh somewhere in europe i think it was nottingham nottingham england hey ho um yeah man beat mark hunt by tko or lofsky by tko fabrizio verdun by ko over him ko junior dos santos tko that's a fucking hell of a win streak right there, man. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:08 He's no joke, man. The Fabio Maldonado one was scary. Remember that fight? Fabio took that. He was supposed to be fighting someone else. And Fabio took that fight in Brazil as a heavyweight. How did it go down? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Smashed him. Stipe was just way too big just way too big just smashed him knocked him out same way he knocked there it is boom
Starting point is 01:20:31 that's him and Struve here's him him and Maldonado yeah let that go this was I mean Stipe right now is in his prime for sure
Starting point is 01:20:39 but this was a good example of that oh it's just a lot of his fights he's a tough guy man he takes a good shot and he's a good wrestler he's strong A good example of that. No, it's just cutting around. Oh, it's just a lot of his fights. He's a tough guy, man. He takes a good shot, and he's a good wrestler. He's strong.
Starting point is 01:20:51 He likes to ground and pound. Yeah. He's just going to have to figure out a way to deal with the extreme physical advantages that Francis Ngannou has. When does that fight go down? That is Boston, January 20th. Oh, shit. Damn. Oh, shit. Damn. Oh, shit. Dum-dum-dum.
Starting point is 01:21:08 That's also Volkan Ozdemir and Daniel Cormier on that card, too. That's interesting. Ozdemir has KO'd two really good guys in a row. Misha Sakurnov in one round, and then he just KO'd Jimmy Manawa in one round. He hits fucking
Starting point is 01:21:23 hard. Russian? I don't think so. It says Switzerland. Yeah. Vulcan. Sounds like a Vulcan. But that's an interesting fight too.
Starting point is 01:21:36 That's a good fucking card, man. Stipe and Francis Ngannou, so scary. What's the latest with Jon Jones? I don't know, man. I don't think they've reached any sort of conclusion. I don't know if they have some sort of an excuse. I don't know when the trial
Starting point is 01:21:52 is. I think it's got to be sometime coming up soon, but it hasn't been in the news. See if you can find out when the trial is. It's going to be interesting to see what they say or what they think it could be. Did I tell you the craziest rumor about it talked about it on the podcast before the craziest rumor was everybody knows john likes to party i'm
Starting point is 01:22:11 not throwing him under the bus i mean he's even joked around he said uh to dc when dc was talking shit he's like i beat you after i did cocaine yeah i mean which was fucking hilarious but the uh craziest rumor was that they cut creatine with cocaine. It's one of the things they cut cocaine with and that they used some cheap Chinese creatine that was steroid tainted, which is apparently very common. Apparently, there's a lot of creatines and different things you take. They have trace amounts of steroids that will show up in a test because the same vats, they that shit in they make steroids in they make everything in they're making them in china at these really shitty bulk places and you'll occasionally get tainted supplements happens all the time maybe they were purposely tainted that could happen too we talked about that the greatest creatine ever
Starting point is 01:22:57 like dude this shit yokes me out yeah right yeah probably maybe that's just that that's just the way to sell steroids you just sell creatine but what's interesting it says california state athletic commission right because it was in california so who gets to um to decide california gets to decide is that how it works because the california state athletic commission so they apparently get to decide what happens in his future. Oh, USADA. USADA. If found guilty this time, he faces up to a four-year ban. Holy shit. What's the minimum, though?
Starting point is 01:23:34 I don't know. I mean, it really depends on whether or not he's got an actual excuse. If he could get that fucking dealer to get him some coke and it's got the steroids in it. I bet you'd never, the problem is, you would only have a decent excuse. You wouldn't have, you wouldn't be exonerated. There would still be some sort of a penalty.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Wait a minute, wait a minute. Did you say they're cutting, in China, they're cutting creatine with coke or with steroids? They're using creatine to cut cocaine. So if you buy cocaine, say if you got a kilo of cocaine, you want to stretch that shit out, make it a kilo and a quarter. Oh, I got the thing, bro. Super fucking muscle dick creatine. And super muscle dick creatine has some steroids in it.
Starting point is 01:24:17 And so when they're cutting this cocaine with this creatine that has steroids in it, he's snorting the coke. This is he not meeting Jon Jones, a person. I'm making this up, right? I don't know what the fuck happened. No, no, no. This is the rumor. This could be true. The rumor is that this has been shown to test positive.
Starting point is 01:24:34 That he did coke and it had creatine in it and the creatine had steroids in it. The rumor is that is what people think could be a possibility because if Jon likes to party, and we know John likes to party, it is entirely possible that he might have partied and that he might have just had a little bit of that. And in that was this creatine. Because if you think about it, they're cutting with all kinds of different stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:57 They cut it with, I mean, I'm not a cocaine doctor, but I've got to imagine they take some white shit that looks like coke and you can make more coke, right? That's what the cutting what the cutting is right yeah but to cut it with creatine apparently it's comic we looked it up we actually googled it yeah damn i thought you were saying that he was taking creatine and it had it was tainted with steroids that's what i thought no no but that would be better for him if that was the case that would be good because that way you could take that creatine to USADA and you'd have to have it on a list, the shit you were taking. You say, look, it just says it's creatine. That's all I took.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And they test it. They're like, oh, shit, this does have steroids in it. And then they'll go and find another one that's like from the same vat. They can find like the vat numbers, I guess. They'll find one independently, hopefully from a store. And if they test that, if they find a trace amount of steroids and that and that's what got um uh dirty bird tim means he got off for that that's how he got off he didn't take any steroids just took some fucking over-the-counter normal supplement that wasn't supposed to have steroids in it and then um he tested positive
Starting point is 01:26:00 he was stunned and you look at tim he doesn't he even lifts weights he doesn't remotely look like a guy who uses steroids and they tested the stuff that they found just randomly in the store and that tested positive so he only got a short amount of a suspension yeah it was pretty quick like six months or something like that which even then if you didn't do anything wrong why would you get six months and so you're saying that the steroids are in creatine on accident, not like they're not doing it on purpose, right? No. Well, here's the thing. This is just speculation, right? All I'm hearing, I'm hearing a rumor, right? But the speculation is that these labs where they make creatine, they also make a gang of other things, right? They'll cook up some steroids for you, whatever the fuck the order is, right? And they're not cleaning those vats out right so if they're just pouring another bag they
Starting point is 01:26:49 pour out the steroids and they pour a bag of creatine in there for the next batch and they're mixing everything up it's entirely possible to trace amounts of those steroids are getting into that stuff when we first started doing alpha brain, we had some of the early versions tested. And when we got the stuff mixed from a place, the place didn't do a very good job of cleaning out their equipment. And we had vitamins in our AlphaBrain that weren't in there. We had some stuff that's not supposed to be in there. So when we tested and we found trace amounts, we had to switch what we were doing. We had to change how we have the things manufactured.
Starting point is 01:27:25 That's a super common thing when you're dealing with these overseas laboratories that are making all your shit together. So that's one possibility. Another possibility that I've said before that a lot of people say I'm fucking crazy, somebody could have given him something. Somebody could have given him something to fuck with him. Somebody could have not liked him. Somebody could have done that too.
Starting point is 01:27:43 I'm not saying that's what happened, but I'm saying you have to take into consideration all the possibilities if John is telling the truth and he's totally stunned by this there's a lot of different possibilities and one of them could easily be somebody giving it to him it also could be that he took steroids if you're able to I don't know if you owned a creatine company you'd kind of want your creatine to be. Can you? You guys are making steroids there too, right?
Starting point is 01:28:08 Okay, cool. Can we use the same vats? Mix that shit up, kid. And then you could always just say, hey, you know what? I don't know. It's true. Yeah. You know, they do that with those dick pills, apparently.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Those gas station dick pills. They have like generic Viagra in them. That's why they work so well. Oh no, they just use the same vats. Your Honor, we didn't know that they use the same vats. Yeah, they do that and they also put steroids in those things too. Do you know Brian Redband was the first one to call that John Jones
Starting point is 01:28:37 had taken dick pills and that's why he tested positive? Redband put it together in his head because he does coke. He's like, look, you do coke your dick doesn't work. Your dick doesn't work? You take those gas station dick pills. He probably took one of those pills. He goes, I take those pills and feel like a fucking animal. He's like, I feel like I've got steroids in me. I'm like, really? He goes, yeah,
Starting point is 01:28:54 you get real aggressive. Your dick is hard as a fucking piece of metal. I'm like, okay. Alright. Turned out he was right. That's crazy. And it was the same thing with Anderson Silva. When Anderson Silva tested positive, it was from some sort of Chinese dick pill stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:10 And they found it and they tested it. Red Band does coke? He's done it. He doesn't do it all the time. But he's done it. So he knows what it's like to party. And that's what he was saying. He's like, I know what it's like if you're partying. He's like, your dick doesn't work. He's like, he parties, right? Well, he probably did because he tested positive for coke. He's like, he know what it's like if you're partying. He's like, your dick doesn't work. He's like, he parties, right? Well, he probably did because he tested positive for coke.
Starting point is 01:29:26 He's like, he probably does that. Red band totally nailed it. Or maybe he was doing ecstasy. People take Viagra on ecstasy, you know? Yeah, could be that too. It happened. Yeah. Look, he's a wild motherfucker and he likes to party.
Starting point is 01:29:38 The question is, did he actually take a steroid with the intention to cheat? That's what we don't know. He says he didn't. I wish there was a way that you 100% could tell someone was lying. 100%. You watch that Black Mirror episode where everything's being videotaped with their contact lenses? Yes. So they're just like reviewing everything they've said?
Starting point is 01:29:58 Yeah. That freaked me out. That's coming. If we don't have artificial intelligence that takes over the world before then, that's coming. You're going to be able to record. You're going to have some fucking chip that you put in the back of your head. It's going to store all the stuff directly from your nervous system. You're going to be able to review it in HD.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Dude, the moment they can give you eyes that work better than your eyes. You have an artificial disc, right? Think of that. I saw a dude who got attacked by a shark, and he had no arm and no leg, but here he was with a carbon fiber arm and a carbon fiber leg, and he's walking around.
Starting point is 01:30:32 If you didn't know, you would never know. Like, from the knee down, he was missing his leg, and from the middle of his bicep area, he had a fake arm. He should do MMA. Just knock the fuck out of people.
Starting point is 01:30:44 He'd probably kill people. Just punch holes right through their chest. You could leg lock them all day. Would that be legal? bicep area he had a fake arm he should do mma just knock the fuck out of people he might kill people just punch holes right through their chest you could leg lock them would that be legal with the california athletic commission let someone fight with um a cyborg arm no no chance they'd have to start another league with just amputees with cyborg arms well you remember that dude was his name nick newell he used to fight he had. Remember? He had like a, he was born with like a stump on one side and he put a glove on the stump. Yeah. I think that, uh, man, there's, it's entirely possible that in our lifetime they're going to have better parts.
Starting point is 01:31:15 For sure. For sure. Than what we have. And once girls start preferring that, like they only date dudes with like cyborg legs, you know what I mean? They like that machine. Dudes are going to start chopping off their fucking legs. The first guy that cuts his own eyes out for robot eyes.
Starting point is 01:31:29 That's going to be crazy shit. It's going to happen. Yeah, there's Nick. Yeah, there's going to be no chance that anybody's going to want to be normal. Like, yeah, I'd just rather fade away and get fat and be like my dad. How about you get cyborg legs and you could run like 40 miles an hour yeah you could jump over buildings
Starting point is 01:31:49 people would chop their fucking legs off for sure imagine you got some iron man legs like literally you could jump over a building first of all just stop and think about living in the year 1500 and someone, someone, somehow or another takes you to a place and shows you a Hayabusa motorcycle.
Starting point is 01:32:13 You'd be like, what the fuck is that? Oh, this thing? It's just, you lie on that. It goes zero to 60 in less than two seconds. You just fucking, you would never believe that could be real. You could took someone from the 1700s, the 1800s, even the 1900s. Like maybe the 1900s, they would kind of get it because they had bicycles. But if you go back like a thousand years ago and show someone a motorcycle, they'd be absolutely convinced there's no way that could exist.
Starting point is 01:32:39 It can't be real. It doesn't make any sense. I think if you go a thousand years from now, it's going to be the same shit with our bodies. We're going to have ridiculous capabilities. And it'll look just like a regular body. There'll be some sort of bulletproof carbon fiber skin that'll look just like regular skin. You'll be able to jump over the fucking buildings. 100%.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Just iron fists. Yeah. Just cut out. I'm just going gonna lose my hand well you know what bro my hand's been shrinking I don't know what it is people are just
Starting point is 01:33:09 powerful Jamie with the phone on when's the last time you had your phone on that's weird yeah there's gonna be times where there's no need to like
Starting point is 01:33:20 like oh you broke your arm here's the good news the recovery time's even less if we give you a fake arm you'd be like really? wait six weeks while your fucking arm heals and then your arm can what break again? we give you a fake arm
Starting point is 01:33:32 like mom I don't know what to do get a fake arm I love my fake arms everyone's gonna be just a robot like Steve Austin remember that? six million dollar man bionic legs remember the Bigfoot episode? The best episode ever.
Starting point is 01:33:48 TV shows back then were garbage. Oh my God. Just think about all the TV shows from the 70s. All of them were garbage. Compare that to a Netflix show. Compare that to Game of Thrones. Yeah. Or Black Mirror
Starting point is 01:34:05 that's the best show they did have one shitty episode it was just like pitching a shutout I've only seen three episodes because it's all based on what life is going to be like in ten years or something like a little bit in the future
Starting point is 01:34:21 and that one episode where everyone's just raiding each other all the time, you know what I'm talking about? It's happening now, though. It's called Nosedive. What's happening? It's happening.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Yeah, I get it. I get it that it's happening, but that episode is kind of like, I mean, compared to the other episodes. Did you see the one with the video game where the guy, they put a little thing in the back of his head? Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And he doesn't know when the game's on and when it's off? Yeah. Fuck. That was a tough one. How about the one where the dude catches his wife, he figures out that she's cheating on him? Yeah. Oh, his acting. Whoever that actor is.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Yeah. His acting. That was an amazing episode, man. Yeah. They're intense, man. And the writing was so good. Like the dude with the husband, hold on a second, a social credit app scene in Black Mirror is becoming reality in China.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Whoa. Yeah, it makes sense. It makes sense. You're going to have augmented reality, and people are going to have your Facebook score hovering over your head. Like, this is Mike. He's a super swell guy. He's got four and a half stars from everybody he meets.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like that with followers, you know? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Man, it's going to be a weird world when our kids are our age. It's going to be a weird, weird world. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:40 I mean, I don't even think we could begin to comprehend it. I think we'd be totally guessing. I think there's some shit that's coming around the corner. Do you see that NASA Tom DeLonge thing? Everybody keeps harassing me about the video of the UFO. I'm reading they're putting out more videos all day long. Like, not just one. Put them out.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Let's see them. Let me see one of them videos. Is Tom DeLonge putting out videos? No, his organization is putting out videos. Of UFOs? long like not just one like lots of videos let's see him let me see one of them videos is tom delong putting out videos no his his organization is putting out videos of ufos yeah it's um a fighter pilot an fa18 i believe is chasing this thing and it's uh showing all the details of like the altitude how fast it's going what pitch it's at and all that jazz. I don't know what that means, what pitch it's at. But they're watching this thing. They're trying to figure out what it is.
Starting point is 01:36:28 One of the guys is like, it's a drone. It's got to be some kind of a drone. They see something. It turns. And it was going very fast. So basically it's like all the other UFO footage. It's non-conclusive. Yeah, it's blurry.
Starting point is 01:36:40 It's in like gun sites or like, you know, some sort of infrared site rather. So you're looking at it through this weird infrared video where it doesn't necessarily look. You know, it's weird. It's weird. You're looking at it like, OK, what am I looking at? I'm looking at a little object. Do you remember that quote? It could be a total bullshit quote from Warriner he uh that he said right before he died that beware of the fake alien invasion did he say that in so many words i hope he did i hope he did and he did it just to fuck with people so that's it flying around there's a whole fleet of them look
Starting point is 01:37:17 at my asa so they're following it for a while and then it changes direction so whatever that is whatever whatever that is, is fucking super interesting. And I heard they're now going to fly Travis Barker to Washington, D.C. to talk to people and give him some information as well. No way. Yeah, yeah. Next, they're going to fly Kanye West. They're going to fly him out and show him the secret lab. For real?
Starting point is 01:38:04 No. Oh, okay. I'm making this up. Because I think it's crazy that they're flying to fly him out and show him the secret lab. For real? No. Oh, okay. I'm making this up. I just think it's crazy that they're flying Tom DeLonge out. No, it might not be fake. It might be real. It could be. It looked fake, though.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Here's the thing about aliens, right? How often do you think they'd have to visit? I think they could get it done once in the 70s and be done with us. They'd check us out and they'd be like, look at these crazy assholes. This is what we're going to do. We're going to fucking, we're going to install some cameras on the moon, these stupid fuckers.
Starting point is 01:38:30 They won't even be able to see it. We'll just put some big ass cameras to film them from the distance, and let's get out of here. These people are crazy. They're going to have nuclear power, with these assholes, and they just,
Starting point is 01:38:40 we would never see them again. So like, if that really is a UFO, if it really is from another planet, rather, how many times do they have to come here? I mean, if they are real, how much evidence would you really see of them? Would you see it once every 10 years?
Starting point is 01:38:54 How often would they come by? Who had that joke that, was it you maybe? Someone had a joke that maybe this is like the Tijuana of the universe. Yeah, this is the Tijuana of outer space. They come down here when they're fucked up and they want to see a show. Was that part of your set? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:09 That was old. Yeah, that's super old. That's 2000s, early 2000s. Yeah, I think it's, I'm not a non-believer. That's for fuck sure. I think it's entirely possible. Like if I looked up in the sky and an alien ship flew by,
Starting point is 01:39:23 I would never think there's no way that can't be real, can't be possible. I flew by, I would never think there's no way. That can't be real. It can't be possible. I would think, wow, they fucking visited us. I mean, I'm sure there's something out there that's smart. I'm sure there is. It doesn't matter what it would look like.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Would it even be in a physical form anymore? I mean, why do we assume that everything has to be in a physical form? What are you looking at? Kendrick Lamar says he saw a UFO, but nobody believes him. Ah! Ah! What is that thing in his ear, man?
Starting point is 01:39:54 It's for our onstage ear. It's a stage photo. It's a huge thing in his ear. Ear monitors are awesome, but they're also the best headphones you can get. Dude, that is like some fucking borg shit. He's already been co-opted by technology. I think Burt has some just for regular
Starting point is 01:40:09 listening. Like seven different speakers in there. Really? Badass, yeah. Send me a link, son. I didn't know about that. That's another good case for a fucking phone with a headphone jack, huh? That's really annoying to me
Starting point is 01:40:27 that they've decided to eliminate the headphone jacks from phones. Just lost my second pair of AirPods. You did? Yeah. Fell out of my pocket. So what are you talking about? Headphone jacks, man. Cell phones now, they don't have a headphone jack anymore.
Starting point is 01:40:39 They have this little lightning thing on the iPhones, and the only ones that have headphone jacks are, you can get them off of, Samsung has them. The new Google phones, they don't have them anymore either. So it's all wireless now? A lot of wireless. Yeah. Or you have a dongle that you have to connect at the bottom and then it connects to an audio
Starting point is 01:40:58 thing at the bottom of that. So basically they're adapters still. Yeah. There's adapters still, but you don't want to carry a fucking adapter around. But if you want to listen to really good music, I find that it just sounds better when you have a good headphone. It just sounds better. It just doesn't sound as good. I mean, those AirPods are great.
Starting point is 01:41:16 They're fine. They're good enough. But if you want to really hear the music, the best quality it can be, they the lg phone is the best for that the lg v30 it actually has something called a quad DAC uh like a little amplifier built into the um where the jack is for the audio so they they actually have amplified sound they said it's supposed to be by far the best sound for a cell phone like they just decided to like push that like its own speaker like you don't need headphones no it's not that you don't need a sound for a cell phone. Like, they just decided to, like, push that. Like, its own speaker, like, you don't need headphones? No, it's not that you
Starting point is 01:41:48 don't need a speaker, you definitely need a speaker, but the headphone jack is, like, super-powered. It's got some processor in there. See that thing? I'm looking it up, and just hearing you describe it, I'm wondering, like, why? What they could have that's so cool, and then, like, the article I found on The Verge says
Starting point is 01:42:03 it's the best audio on a phone ever. And then, quote, it just doesn't matter. They have some crazy thing and it might be awesome, but it also doesn't matter. Yeah, but if it's awesome, if you like sound, like you, you're a musician, you like sound. I just like it in my car. I have my little aux cable.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Even when you have an aux cable. See, the thing is, if you do an aux cable through the headphone jack with the quad DAC thing, it'd make us sound better in your car. Do you remember bass boost on CD players back in the day? Yeah. Everyone had that. That was the coolest thing. Now it's gone,
Starting point is 01:42:36 but it's just built into all the headphones. Right. Like beats. It's kind of just built into it. Well, do you remember when people's car stereos, like the car stereo you would get, they were always the shittiest fucking sounding things ever and then you have to buy a stereo afterwards if you wanted something good added equalizers to them yeah yeah and then the
Starting point is 01:42:52 car dealerships are like what are we doing why are we letting these people make money off our fucking cars because it's like they had there was a whole industry that was spawned so like why don't we just put our own good radios in the fuck are we doing so now like if you buy like like a new car like say if you buy buy a Cadillac Escalade or something like that, the sound is insane.
Starting point is 01:43:09 You get in those things, you're like, God, it sounds perfect. It's incredible. It just rings through the cabin. I don't know how we got onto that. Trying to talk about fights. Oh, Holly Holm, Cyborg. What do you think of that shit? That's going to be insane.
Starting point is 01:43:25 That's really interesting, right? Holly's probably the only one that has a shot against her. But people forget that Cyborg's a really good striker. People think, oh, Holly is going to outclass her with her boxing skills and her footwork and all that. But Cyborg striking is, she's like a professional muay thai fighter she is now here's another thing to think about cyborg's jiu-jitsu cyborg is a way better grappler she people forget how good her grappling is because of the fact that she wins so many fights by ko but she's competed in grappling i know she was a brown belt just a few years ago. I don't know if she's advanced past that now, but she's legit on the ground.
Starting point is 01:44:06 And if you look at what Holly's weakness in the Misha Tate fight, I'm sure she's gotten better since the Misha Tate fight, but Misha controlled her on the ground in one round. I think it was round two. Took her down, controlled her, and then took her down with just a little bit left in the round, in the fifth round, and choked her unconscious. So the ground game, although I'm sure she got better at it and she even she's got such a good personality and she's
Starting point is 01:44:30 such a she's such a good sport after that she showed a picture of her with a white belt on training she's like trying to get better like like put a picture on instagram after she got choked out and lost her title yeah that's she's got some serious character yeah some some strikers they just don't like training jiu-jitsu they're just not into it yeah i don't know's she's got some serious character yeah some some strikers they just don't like training jiu-jitsu they're just not into it yeah i don't know if she's into it or not into it or you know for a while there people were saying that she just wasn't that into it and there's you know like rampage was never into training jiu-jitsu yeah you know there's just some guys that are so confident on their feet they think that why will why would i ever want to learn this
Starting point is 01:45:03 on the stuff on the ground let's just keep it up on our feet. They think that why would I ever want to learn this stuff on the ground? Let's just keep it up on our feet. She's hard to take down. She works on that for sure. Holly's hard to take down. And she likes to stand. And I don't think that fight's going to end up on the ground. I don't think Cyborg's going to try to take Holly down.
Starting point is 01:45:17 I think Cyborg's going to go right at her. Woo! So that's the same card as Nurmagomedov and Barboza. This is the December 30th card. And then Jimmy Rivera and John Lineker. That's something that people are sleeping on. That is a good fucking fight right there. I don't know too much about Jimmy Rivera.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Dude, he's very good. Who does he beat? Very good. He beat Uriah Faber. He was one of Uriah's last fights, the second to last fight. Just click on Jimmy's record. But he's only got one loss in his career. What does he got?
Starting point is 01:45:54 Oh, yeah, he beat Thomas Almeida. He beat up Thomas Almeida. It was a really good fight too. Before that, Uriah Faber, he beats him. Yuri Alcantara beats him. Pedro Munoz beats him. And he knocked out Marcus Brimage, and I think that was his debut. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:46:11 Does it say that? Full history, it says. That's his full history. Yeah, so he knocked out Marcus in his UFC debut. He's very good, man. Very, very tough. And it's interesting because he comes from a chain, too. He's from Tiger Schulman's.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Tiger Schulman's is a really respected name in MMA right now. They're really good trainers, real good fighters coming out of there. But it was always like, do you have chains out here in the West Coast? Did you guys have karate chains? Not karate chains. Tiger Schulman had quite a few gyms. East Coast. Yeah, but a lot of gyms man i don't know how many he's got now but i want to say it's definitely more than one and it was like a known name in the karate world you know and then when mma came around they adapted
Starting point is 01:46:59 they adapted and they put out some real good fighters. Remember Luis Gaudino, the kid with the green hair? He fought out of there, too. I don't remember him. It was a good fight. The green hair didn't work. Well, you know, Carlos Condit's returning against Neil Magny. That's very interesting. But I'll tell you what, man.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Neil Magny was the first fight where I realized how goddamn good Rafael Dos Anjos is at welterweight. When Dos Anjos kicked his legs out from under him, got him to the ground and smushed him and submitted him, I was like, holy shit. Some guys, that weight cut is just too much. And Dos Anjos had definitely crossed over into the too much territory.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I mean, in my mind, he's one of the best right now, for sure, at 170 pounds. There's so many good matchups at 170, man. So many. Not too many fighters go up in weight and dominate like that. Not like that. Not just dominate, but dominate a former world champion who just came off of a convincing victory over Donald Cerrone.
Starting point is 01:48:01 You know, Robbie's not shot by any stretch of the imagination. That's not what it was. This is what was most impressive about it. Robbie was in there to the very end. I mean, he was bobbing and weaving when he was getting hit with those shots. He never gave up. He gave it his all and he wasn't diminished. He just got out fought. He got out leg kicked. He got out worked. That fucking dude's got some crazy cardio. I mean, Rafael Dos Angeles for the barrage that he put. See if you can find some highlights. Rafael Dos Angeles versus Robbie Lawler
Starting point is 01:48:32 highlights. He was just ripping him to the body with ridiculous quantity of strikes. Carlos Condit hasn't fought in a while, right? Long time, man. How long has it been? Damian Maia choked him out. I think that was his last fight. A couple years ago?
Starting point is 01:48:46 A couple years ago. Pretty sure. Did he get hurt and have surgery or something? Oh, no, man. I think he needed a break. Just put it right in the middle there. It's not loading up. God damn it, YouTube.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Get your shit together. Anyway, doesn't matter. Just there's a lot of good talent in that 170-pound division now. It's very interesting. Darren Till, I want to see him get a second fight in the UFC. After that cowboy fight, I was hoping that he was going to fight Wonderboy Thompson, but Wonderboy apparently fucked his hands up in that Jorge Masvidal fight. He hurt his thumbs.
Starting point is 01:49:25 So he's got to rest up, maybe get surgery. I don't know. What's going on here? Darren Till won't rule out a fight with Mike Perry but has Wonderboy as main priority. Well, Mike Perry just lost in a great fight. But Ponzinibbio fought a brilliant fight against Perry. Perry's a fucking animal, though, man. That guy never stops coming.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Did you see that fight? I did, but I didn't see it consistently. I was just looking over at it. It was a good fight. Mike Perry, he's the guy who fought Allen, right? Joe Bond? Yeah, Joe Bond was the first guy to beat him. Joe Bond beat him by decision.
Starting point is 01:50:01 And then he's been on a win streak since. Well, he lost this fight, and I think he, would he, I feel like, I feel like he won one in between there. The Jake Ellenberger fight was after Alan Gilbon, wasn't it? I don't remember. He's dangerous. Very dangerous. If he catches anybody, he knocks them out.
Starting point is 01:50:22 I mean, he's just got to catch it clean. If he catches you clean, he throws fucking haymakers. Super aggressive guy, like all dudes, with writing above their eyebrows. Whenever you get tattooed above your eyebrow, usually probably a little reckless. Probably a little crazy. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll see here.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Yeah, the Jake Allenberger KO was right after Alan Joban. That was crazy the Alex Reyes KO look at that win streak he had before Alan yep yep Hyunggu Lin
Starting point is 01:50:50 who's a bad motherfucker he uh got him by TKO Danny Roberts got him by KO serious fucking striker man
Starting point is 01:50:59 that guy throws bombs I mean he lost but he lost to a really good guy Ponzinibbio was fucking very good and he put that guy in trouble but Ponzinibbio That guy throws bombs. I mean, he lost, but he lost to a really good guy. Ponzinibbio was fucking very good, and he put that guy in trouble. But Ponzinibbio had an awesome strategy, great workload, great cardio.
Starting point is 01:51:16 There was a fight where both those guys were on the edge a lot. They were both very tired. It was like some serious back-and-forth action. What do you think is happening next for Rose Namajumas? That's a good question. She's probably still on cloud nine, man. Rematch with... Maybe, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:51:31 I don't know if Joanna can make that weight. I think Joanna is struggling real bad to make that weight. Is that what she said when she lost? No, I mean, she gave it all up to Rose.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I mean, Rose caught her, but she said she had a real struggle to make that weight. She's thinking maybe 125 would be better for her. Who knows? She fired her nutrition company, though, that was taking care of her. The people that were getting her to cut weight for that. She said it was her hardest weight cut. When it comes to people that know how to do that, boy, there's like four or five different people right now that are like prominent people. Who's the best at cutting weight?
Starting point is 01:52:09 You hear two guys consistently. You hear Dolce and Lockhart. That's who you hear consistently. You hear Mike Dolce and George Lockhart. Dolce's got a little bit more experience. Who's Dolce got right now? That's a good question. He's got a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:52:24 But he's got a real good record. You know, you look at his record for getting guys on weight for fights. He's got a real good record, you know? Who has the worst record? Whoever Kelvin had. This guy again? Kelvin's lost. How many times has Kelvin missed?
Starting point is 01:52:39 He's missed weight. Yeah. But didn't he make it when he was with Dolce? He made it when he was at Dolce, though, right? I think so. Yeah. Just needs to he make it when he was with Dolce? He made it when he was with Dolce, though, right? I think so. Yeah. Just needs to be super regimented, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:50 He's so fucking talented. Kelvin is so goddamn talented. Hell yeah, he is. That one, too, that he landed on Bisping was like, holy shit. Didn't he catch him with the left hook? Yeah, well, he caught him with a right jab, and then he caught him with a straight left. Oh, that's right. Just snapped his head back.
Starting point is 01:53:06 It was like, but it was, he snaps his punches, man. He throws down. At the end of those punches, they're snap. Like, he's got a very interesting punching style. Like, he catches guys, like, at the very end of his shots, man. I mean, it's really interesting, too, coming from that southpaw position. Bang, look at that. Come on, man
Starting point is 01:53:31 Powerful fuck. It's super powerful and a good wrestler, too That's what a lot of people forget one of the reasons why he can strike so good as he's so fucking hard to take down Remember when he won against Uriah Hall? Yeah, he's been working With Marvin my black belt Marvin cast down. He's been doing some serious training with them. De Cerebris? Yeah, De Cerebus. De Cerebus? He's a bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I'm surprised you remember that. Oh, I know who that guy is. He's got a nasty M&R role. Well, he's got that 12 million views or whatever on flow grappling. Yeah. He's a bad motherfucker. He does that all the time. Marvin is probably at headquarters the hardest
Starting point is 01:54:08 trainer i mean he he's always drilling always teaching teaching privates drilling his boys he's got his own crew the break squad it's like him and about seven guys and man they're training on sundays doing doubles on Sundays. Every day. That's amazing. He lives it for real. And he's hustling too, putting out seminars, training camps. He's got his dark arts seminars. When he teaches a class, it's dark arts.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Just because he's got all kind of game. But he does specialize in his own. He's got his own special leg lock game that no one else is doing. It's pretty extraordinary. And he's the best at it. And he's teaching. He's got all his crew that he's teaching. And I've actually implemented that into the curriculum.
Starting point is 01:54:58 We practice his best stuff. I put it right in directly. Isn't it crazy how jiu-jitsu has no end? There's like new waves and new techniques and new variations and new improvements and new defenses. It has no end. The amount of ways you can intertwine and entangle two human beings in different angles, it really is endless. You know, there's so many different styles of just leg locks, just leg locks alone. It's take a lifetime to master so much. And over the last four years, it's just exploded.
Starting point is 01:55:34 I mean, since since EBI won, when the Danaher Death Squad came in and just started dominating, boom, that's when the leg lock game just exploded. It was always around because Abu Dhabi, Dean Lister was crushing people with heel hooks and so was Vinny Magalhaes. They've always been around. But I think maybe people thought, okay, Dean Lister is leg locking dudes because he's so strong and so big.
Starting point is 01:55:59 And Paul Horace is leg locking everybody because he's so big and strong, just ripping legs apart. You know that. And I think people looked at that like maybe it's on a small man sport, leg locks. And even early in MMA, like big dudes are going for heel hooks, you know, outside heel hook. But when you see guys like Eddie Cummings and, you know, he's not big at all. He cuts down to 135.
Starting point is 01:56:24 He's the 145 champ, but... What does he walk around at? He leg locks dudes that are 250 pounds. He'll leg lock anybody. That's crazy. People are afraid of him. They're afraid of him. He's so good at leg locks.
Starting point is 01:56:37 People are fucking... They run from him. Well, they have such a good system, the Donaher system. Do you know Donaher's system? Do you talk to him about it? He's very secretive about it, and that such a good system, the Donaher system. Do you know Donaher's system? Do you talk to him about it? He's very secretive about it, and that's a good move. That's part of the reason they're dominating the sub-only scene.
Starting point is 01:56:53 They're very secretive. But we take what they do, and we add it to the game, and we dissect their game. We dissect Marcelo Garcia's game. We dissect anybody's game who's who's legit donna has got a great uh instagram page to break it down stuff breaking down his techniques he's a genius yeah i mean look at all his guys you got eddie cummings uh gordon ryan um nicky ryan gary tone and nicky ryan and then the guys from tri-star which are affiliated with them too like ethan crelliston i was messing gsp gsp did a lot of
Starting point is 01:57:25 training with them yep um yep and um oliver taza he's awesome they got a lot their crew they're deep and they're not just good at leg locks they're good at everything they're good at passing uh you know they're passing people's guards in abu dhabi yeah well look at look at when george choked out bisping i mean when was the last time you saw a rear naked choke that tight? Yeah. That was tight right away in a world title fight, the way he slapped it on. It was like, you know, sometimes you'll see a lot of hand to the back of the head type shit that was just super sunken and tight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:05 You know, our rivalry with them, 10th Planet and DDS, it's only because they're so goddamn good. And we're trying to catch them. Right now, in the sub-only game, no doubt, they are the best. And we're trying to catch them. So if we catch them or not, if we surpass them or not, regardless, we're going to be as good as we can get. We're getting better and better every year. And what's important is you need someone like that. The sport needs someone like that. To have a team
Starting point is 01:58:25 that's that dominant, it's great for the whole game because then you realize like, wow, this is possible and you got to take it to the next level. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:32 They're elevating everybody's game. And when Gio beat Eddie Cummings, that was, it was so huge for me and for everybody at Temple.
Starting point is 01:58:40 It was so huge only because they were so dominant. Yeah. You know, it's like, you know, it was just incredible. So the rivalry we got going is just making us all better,
Starting point is 01:58:50 and it's just elevating the game. It's making us better. It's making our leg locks better, and we're even taking, you know, some of their passing and their back attacks too. Who is out of jiu-jitsu, out of high-level jiu-jitsu, has got, like, a real promise in MMA right now? Because isn't Gary Tonin about to fight an MMA match Gary Tonin who won EBI four times I think I
Starting point is 01:59:13 Think which is a lot and he only has one loss in EBI He's been super dominant He's about to fight for one FC. He signed a contract with Shotry. So that's going down. I think his first fight may be in March, maybe. As long as they bring him along slowly, no doubt he's going to make some noise. And Krohn is still fighting for Ryzen, right? Isn't he fighting for Ryzen? He fought for Ryzen in his last fight, but I don't know what's going on currently with his contract. I have no idea. It's been a while. It's been over a year maybe since his last fight.
Starting point is 01:59:47 So I don't know. And when he was on my podcast, he made it clear that he, he at the very least wasn't certain where he was going to go with MMA. He talked about how the training and the lifestyle is just not fun. He goes, I just beat a guy and I'm like, this is, this wasn't fun. He goes, I just beat a guy. And I'm like, this wasn't fun.
Starting point is 02:00:07 I mean, so he's not, maybe he needs time off, you know, because he's had all the pressure of being Hickson's son. And there's so much pressure that comes. Can you imagine the pressure? You know, he's fighting. He's fighting an ADCC, you know, all that pressure. He cannot get stomped. If he gets stomped, he's got to deal with like how his dad feels and you know that fucks with people's heads
Starting point is 02:00:29 So there's so much pressure I just want to see that kind of level of jiu-jitsu like when like when Brian Ortega fought Cubs yes That guy right there Brian Ortega That guy he probably he's right up there With all the best jiu-jitsu players in the UFC right now. I agree. He's right up there with Damian Maia, right there. I mean, that guy is finishing fights with jiu-jitsu consistently.
Starting point is 02:00:53 And he just took what he did in his last fight against Cub Swanson. When he just took just your basic ass front headlock, head and arm, he just takes that and just closes the show with that. Not very many people can do that. And adjusted his hands. Yeah. While he was hanging on. He had an arm in, faked like he was going all neck Marcelatine and then went back because
Starting point is 02:01:18 as he faked, it loosened up the guillotine. So it went back, boom. And then he, it was just a little fake. Oh, that's interesting. Oh, he faked and went back into it. Because the guy on the bottom, he knows he's caught in an arm and guillotine so i went back boom and then he it was just a little fake oh that's interesting yeah oh he faked and went back into it because the guy on the bottom he knows he's caught an arming guillotine and he knows okay i'm safe here but look there's a little opening if he switches really quick there's a marcelo team there so you're always watching it so when he went he adjusted but he went back and got in deeper with the arming that's that's what i haven't talked to
Starting point is 02:01:43 him personally about it but to, that's what it looked like. I watched it over and over. That looked like a little fake. He had head and arm, faked the Marcelatine and went back in and deep and then he sunk it in. The level of squeeze and clinch that's needed to pull that off. On Cub Swanson, Cub Swanson
Starting point is 02:02:00 is high level Jiu Jitsu. He's one of the best Jiu Jitsu guys in the UFC. He's right up there. His jujitsu is really, really good. Really good. And to pull that guillotine off on him standing, there's so much technique going on. And when he almost got that darts,
Starting point is 02:02:19 was it a darts or an anaconda? Was it a Japanese necktie? What did he almost get in the first round? I'd have to see that again. He was in some weird position where it looked like he was trying to seal up a Darce. But either way, I think it was a Darce. He had Cobb Swanson tighten down quick. And you're like, woo, this guy's closing the show fast.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Those are all very simple chokes to learn. The Darce, the Armand Guillotine, the Marcelatine, the Japanese necktie. That's the easiest part of the technique is just learning how to do it. That's the easiest part. The hard part is mastering it. That's the hard part. Easy. You could learn Arm and guillotine in three minutes.
Starting point is 02:02:57 Anybody can. It's really easy to learn. It's not trigonometry. But mastering it, that's what's hard. You would think, why isn't there more guys like Brian Ortega out there just taking little simple front headlocks with head and arm and then taking it home? There ain't that many. Because the amount of, it's just like a Muay Thai plum clinch. So easy.
Starting point is 02:03:18 You could learn a Muay Thai plum clinch in 30 seconds. Really, really easy. But actually manhandling a professional fighter with it it the amount of time that you need to craft that clench and polish it There's so you actually need physical time you have to you got the it's not gonna happen on its own Remember when Anderson grabbed rich Franklin you could see right away like whoa. This is a different kind of tie clench remember see right away like whoa this is a different kind of tie clinch remember yeah yeah yeah moving them around i to every yeah every now and then you see a fighter utilize just a plum clinch and be really effective with it someone recently i forgot who was using it in that in the ufc last week i forget but uh who was it wasn't dos anjos was it yes it was dos anjosjos, was it? Yes, it was Dos Anjos. That's right. It was him.
Starting point is 02:04:05 And he comes from Rafael Cordero. Yeah, that's right. How much time are you spending developing that plum clinch, that Muay Thai clinch? If that is not in your curriculum, that is not going to be something that people are going to be fearing. You actually have to put time into it. It isn't about learning it. It's about mastering it. What's about developing strength in that one particular move?
Starting point is 02:04:27 Just like the same way some guys can throw a nasty left hook to the body because they just have ridiculous – or you take the average athlete and have them throw a left hook. It's an awkward punch to throw. But you get a guy like Triple G. He's been doing it so long. That neural pathway is so smooth and car he just ripped he just digs that thing it's the same thing with chokes you see with Brian thing same thing with Brian also with his triangles man yes it's fucking
Starting point is 02:04:53 guard you need a dish that needs special time too has has nothing to do with the time you spent on the front headlock and right and taking that all the way home and closing the show just from the front headlock. Now, Cobrina did it against AJ Aghazarm in Abu Dhabi. AJ wrestled in college. Cobrina didn't wrestle, but at this point, he is like a college wrestler. Cobrina's been wrestling so long, he could wrestle with college wrestlers.
Starting point is 02:05:18 AJ wasn't gonna take him down. AJ's a college wrestler, like legit. And he's not gonna take Cobrina down. Cobrina's like, you know, capoeira master. So Cabrinha shot in on AJ and got a single. Wow. And then dragged him in. But he had a single.
Starting point is 02:05:35 AJ was hopping on one foot. And then he would drag him down, like run the pipe with it. And AJ's such a professional. He gets put to the ground, but then pops right back up. Now he's hopping on one leg again. He has a single. And then Cobrina does it again. Boom.
Starting point is 02:05:47 He drags him down. And then AJ, like a professional ninja, he pops up again. How the fuck is AJ even walking after that Gary Tonin bout? I don't know, but let me finish this real quick. This is on that front headlock. So then Cobrina, he realized, okay, he sees what's going on. He knows that he fucking, he still has the single. He still has control.
Starting point is 02:06:06 That clinch Cabrinha has. He captured him. It's not just a regular thing. He captured him. AJ can't pull that leg out. He can't complete the takedown, but he ain't pulling the leg out. That clinch Cabrinha is so strong, right? So then Cabrinha does it again.
Starting point is 02:06:21 He drags him down to the ground, and then before he could pop up, he lets go and jumps on a front headlock and he has a cradle on a front headlock and then boom, and that's it. He's not letting go of that. There's really not that much there, but you know what? It's a starting point. The actual real starting point was that single,
Starting point is 02:06:36 that clinch on the single. Did he submit him? He captured him, yeah. He got his back. Slowly, he had the front headlock with the cradle and then he sprawled on him for a while, maybe a couple minutes, and then slowly jumped got his back. He slowly, he had the front headlock with the cradle, and then he sprawled on him for a while, maybe a couple minutes, and then slowly jumped on his back. He took him out like a real anaconda.
Starting point is 02:06:52 That's interesting. And that, all those positions, every step, just a little single, holding a leg on a single. Most people can't even hold it, and a guy will limp leg out and start again. They start fresh and reset. Most guys can get in there and hold that single for just a little bit. It's only a little clinch, little tiny clinches,
Starting point is 02:07:08 a little second here, two seconds here, a little wrist control. But when Cabrinha gets in there and clinches on that leg, he couldn't pull it out and then he jumped on the front headlock and then he wasn't gonna,
Starting point is 02:07:16 a lot of dudes, you put a front headlock on. Most guys, you could peel that shit off and get off my fucking neck easily. But there's levels. Like we always say, we always say that because that's what it's all about you have to remind people there's levels to every movement and you
Starting point is 02:07:31 just keep getting better and then levels to chaining the movements that's a different that's different you know and then boom you put another movement well how what level are you on this part that we're going to connect that's a whole different level that's a whole different part another piece everything needs to be every pathway in jujitsu there. It could be super long or short, but man, there's some pathways that like, for instance,
Starting point is 02:07:53 you can capture someone in quarter guard. That's your first one. Like this is a path, a normal path. All I'm trying to do is just capture the guy. And the worst capture is quarter guard. That's the worst guard ever. Cause anything worse than quarter guard where's the worst guard ever because anything
Starting point is 02:08:05 worse than quarter guard where you're just controlling his ankle there's half guard you control the leg full guard you're controlling his whole body is between your legs that's full guard half of that is you only have control of one of his legs and then quarter guard is you're you're almost losing that leg you got the ankle that's the worst guard once you lose control of that he passes your guard or you have nothing you have nothing So you capture that? Ankle you're in quarter guard and then use a mini stomp. That's a technique a Series of techniques to get to the lockdown which is a form of half guard and then from the lockdown
Starting point is 02:08:39 How are we gonna get the full guard? So it's a little climb, ankle, full leg. Now I got your full body. Now we're going to attack. And then from there, it's a whole new sport starts. You got them in full guard. Now it's all what you did before has nothing to do with this. It's a whole new level. It's like a video game.
Starting point is 02:08:54 Now I got them in full guard, man, that took a while, but I finally got him here. And that's the whole strategy, strategy and the whole plan. If anything would have failed and I didn't get full guard, then you try to
Starting point is 02:09:05 sweep and try to get on top i'm on the bottom use half guard supes get the dog fight electric chair electric stone reverse lockdown a lot of stuff you could do butterfly sweeps overhook boom i couldn't get full guard but look i swept you now i'm on top now we pass the guard set them up put them in the truck from the truck it's not working out take his back from the truck you know what you're talking about i I know, I know. You were trying to say this is a crazy comprehensive system. Yeah, there's a path, there's all these steps. Nothing's happening in the truck, take the back.
Starting point is 02:09:33 I'm not gonna spend that much time on the back, I'm going to spiderwebs. Spiderweb, that's it. We're first and goal on the one. It's not looking good for you. There were so many things that had, you had to chain together for that to happen. All those moves that sound crazy.
Starting point is 02:09:48 You got to chain all those moves together to make it happen. You know, that's, that's, um, that takes a long time. They should teach that shit in high school. They really should.
Starting point is 02:09:58 What? Jiu Jitsu? They make kids a lot nicer. I believe so. I think so. Makes them a lot more humble. More, more humble, but also more realizing him a lot more humble for sure.
Starting point is 02:10:05 More humble, but also more realizing that a lot of the bullshit and the insecurity, you can get that out of your system. Yeah. Train, you know? Yeah. A lot of pressure though. A lot of pressure,
Starting point is 02:10:14 but a lot of pressure. Everybody would be cooler with each other. Jiu Jitsu. It's competition every night. That's a different kind of pressure. So if you could handle that, if you could handle, if your ego can handle the competition every night,
Starting point is 02:10:24 it's Abu Dhabi every night. If you could handle it and you go in if your ego can handle the competition every night it's abu dhabi every night if you can handle and you go in there like i don't care if i get beat by these guys i care about the guys that are on the streets these guys in this jujitsu club they're all little computer nerds i'm not worried about them i don't care be nice to you yeah i don't care if they tap me out one day i'm gonna be able to do that uh do what they did to me on someone that just walked in the door. That's the attitude you need. You need that attitude. Like people take the tapping when they go into jujitsu too seriously. And there is that.
Starting point is 02:10:53 That's why it's so much fun. That's why it's exhilarating and exciting. Because they don't want you to do it. Yeah, exactly. And then when you tap someone out, it makes it so much better. The fear of getting tapped or whatever. Maybe you don't call it fear, but I guess you could but that in itself makes the tap feel better So it's worth it. You got to have both can't have heaven without the hell. So that's what makes it exciting
Starting point is 02:11:15 That's life itself though. It's like a microcosm. Yeah, exactly. It's like all the shit that's going on in the world It's like maybe this is we're here for the pain like all the shit that's going on in the world. It's like, maybe we're here for the pain. Maybe it's supposed to be fucked up and we're supposed to learn how to survive in this fucked up world. I don't know if we're supposed to, but we definitely appreciate good things more
Starting point is 02:11:33 when we see bad things. Yes. Struggle. Struggle's real. Yeah, when you think about like, you know, getting, let's just say you were a politician or something or a person that that were like a truther or whatever and then you're thinking about man what if i get uh suicided you know do you really think like that no i'm not i'm just saying but you
Starting point is 02:11:58 brought that up many times about like hillary clinton yeah do you mind how many people criticize hillary clinton unless you're working for the dnc you don't have to worry but if you like if you but if you're sending some shit to wiki leagues yeah people get suicided you know what i mean but what's worse they just vanished what's people fight that people are fighting the the extreme corruption going on and there's so many layers but what's worse getting suicided by uh somebody in the DNC, someone ordered a suicide hit on you, or getting eaten by a great white shark in South Africa? How would you rather go? Does it really matter? The shark might suck because it might cut you in half.
Starting point is 02:12:39 Yeah, but there's not people out there. You're not going out there fighting to kill all sharks. You're not trying there's not people out there. You're not going out there fighting to kill all sharks. You're not trying to end sharks, you know? So maybe it's, maybe we're supposed to be in all this shit and we're, we're supposed to try to figure it out. You know, maybe the bad motivates the good. You know, I, I honestly believe that there's gotta be some opposing forces in this world for things to get done.
Starting point is 02:13:02 It's not that I necessarily want to see evil but I think there's a There's definitely some sort of an equation going on there's good and bad look at movies movies always have to have some kind of con Yeah, you know always otherwise you're not gonna watch it. It's almost like we That's how this all works is there's gonna be evil motherfuckers here And there's gonna be good people like what side do you want to play? And maybe you're not supposed to try to fight the evil, just try to survive around it.
Starting point is 02:13:30 You know, I got to pee so bad we have to end this. Uh, but, uh, tell me when again is the next EBI so people can get it on. It's on UFC fight pass now. Yep.
Starting point is 02:13:39 UFC fight pass the next, you could watch, uh, the last, you know, EBI one through 14, um, on, uh, UFC fight pass the watch the last EBI 1 through 14 on UFC 5 Pass. The next one, EBI 15, the Featherweights, February 17th at the Muscle Farm headquarters here in Burbank. Eddie Cummings, Gio Martinez, and also the EBI Combat Jiu-Jitsu bantamweight title fight
Starting point is 02:14:04 between Nick Holstein, who's the current champion, and Ben Eddy, the new low-teen master. The next fight companion we're going to do is the 14th of January, it looks like. That looks like the move. 14th of January, unless another one comes up in between now and then. Is there any other one? But that's a good one, right? Yeah, I think it's just the one on the 30th is the next fight. All right.
Starting point is 02:14:23 Thanks, everybody. Thank you. Thank you,, everybody. Thank you. Thank you, Andy Bravo. Thank you, Young Jamie. How long did we go? Oh, two and a half hours. Oh, nice.

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