The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #7 with Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen

Episode Date: December 26, 2017

Joe Rogan sits down with the hosts of The Fighter & The Kid podcast, Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Man, that PRP, plate limber plasma with stem cells is the shit. Did you do it in Vegas? Yeah, one week later. My elbow's feeling great. It's the Brian Callen Show, ladies and gentlemen. We are live. The Brian Callen MMA Hour. Brian Callen.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Spectacular. That's right. Fresh off of Christmas, everybody. Had a bit of the flu. Touch of the flu put me on my back for a couple hours every day. Did you get the flu? Sure did. Did you get the flu shots?
Starting point is 00:00:22 Nope, did not. I should. Who gets those? I don't get those. I should and I don't. Flu's up 70%. Yeah. Well, apparently it's a very complicated thing to try to nail which flu virus is going to hit people.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And they don't get it right a lot. Yeah, the CDC will sometimes be like, listen, we just checked. This flu's coming in. It's a bitch. But here's the problem. A lot of times they'll even admit when you get the flu shot, it doesn't take, it doesn't, it helps a little bit.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It'll make the flu you get less. You can get the flu. That's what they're injecting the flu in you. I've gotten the flu shot and got sick as fuck. It's the dead virus. There's a reaction that some people have to it. You can have a, when you're sick, if you're about to get sick or you're feeling sick, don't get the flu shot, they say.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Who gives flu shots? Yeah, they say don't get it when your immune system's compromised. Yeah, that's correct. But sometimes they can give you the flu shot and everybody will get the flu and you won't. So it does work. Yes. Sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:18 But I don't think it's. I need to. I just don't, you know, it's like, do I want to go in there and get a shot? I'm a pussy. I'm like, ah, I'll just get sick for 10 days. I just don't, you know, it's like, do I want to go in there and get a shot? I'm a pussy. I'm like, ah, I'll just get sick for 10 days. I just don't want to do it. I'll tell you what, if I'm Francis or if I'm steepy, I'm trying to give fucking Francis the flu.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. A little segue. No, a busk blows some fucking poison. Something. There you go. Some North Korean just. Oh yeah. Something.
Starting point is 00:01:40 They found that North Korean soldier that defected. He had been vaccinated against anthrax. What? Yeah. And they're like, wait, what? Oh, no. Yeah, he's the second guy that defected in a month. Oh, yeah, that guy.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, yeah, because the first guy they found, like, crazy parasites and little kernels of corn in his thing. He was eating raw corn. Like tapeworms and everything. Yeah, poor guy. They're starving to death over there. North Korea. They literally have no food. Well, communism works, especially. It doesn't turn into a—it's a no food. Well, communism works, especially. It doesn't turn into, it's a monarchy.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yeah, communism is the best. All you fucking freaks out there, all you young millennials wearing beads. Jesus Christ. Look at North Korea. Look, I'm not exactly a history major, but I know enough about history to know about Marxism. No. Especially after talking to Jordan Peterson about it.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I dove deep into it. It's like, what is the history of this stuff? It's all terrible. Of course it is. It doesn't work. No. It's like, what is the history of this stuff? It's all terrible. Of course it is. It doesn't work. No. It's like, it's not human nature. Because you need a central power.
Starting point is 00:02:30 You need someone to keep the ones that are getting... I talked to an academic the other day. I said, so what are you saying? He kept talking about the... He was talking about the Scandinavian system of government and how great it was. I go, when was the last time you bought something made in Scandinavia? I like Scandinavia, but Saab's? Saab's in Ikea? Ikea's a good car.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, we're talking about an Ikea. I mean, Saab's a good car. Sure, there are certain things, but we're talking about an iPad right now. Everything was made in the marketplace. So go fuck yourself. Well, it's definitely a smaller place too, right? You're not dealing with vast numbers of people. Yeah, it's called 7 million people, 8 million people in Sweden.
Starting point is 00:03:07 What's the last good thing Russia made? That's a good point. The Kalashnikov. Vodka? Yeah, the Kalashnikov in the 50s. Yeah, they made some good rifles in the 50s. I think it was AK-47s. They had some good strides they made in rocketry.
Starting point is 00:03:19 They were the first guy to put a guy into orbit, although they absolutely did fake the video footage that they released of Yuri Gagarin. Is that his name? Yuri Gagarin. Yuri Gagarin in space. They've proven that there's no way you could get the kind of camera that you would need to record that, which film in that small capsule that he was floating around in space in. And then there's light coming from two doors.
Starting point is 00:03:39 So they have lights on him, these dumb fucks. They have lights on him. He's in a cabin and he's faking. And he's like, I think he really did do it, but they didn't really get, these dumb fucks. They have lights on him. He's in a cabin and he's faking. And he's like, he really did do it, but they didn't really get footage of him doing it. So they faked the footage, but they actually did it? They faked the footage, yeah. I'm cool with that.
Starting point is 00:03:52 The Russians bummed me out because Russia- Well, it's just propaganda. They all did it. The Russians are amazing at anything they put their mind to. The culture itself, they work so hard. If you look at them, they're like, we want to be great power lififters, great wrestlers, anything that kind of like-
Starting point is 00:04:06 They're all doing steroids. Even that. They're really good with steroids. Did you watch that movie? The Brian Fogle movie? Icarus? Yeah. How fucking crazy is that?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Everybody doing them. Everybody. Everybody. Aren't they banned from the Olympics? Did they just get banned? They banned them, but here's what's really squirrely. It's a weird band. One of the things they did, they took medals away from a couple of people,
Starting point is 00:04:26 but the people that take medals away, they say, you can't compete in this sport. And now they've pulled them out of a couple sports that nobody gives a fuck about. And here's the other problem. The IOC and WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, they're completely interconnected. People work for both of them.
Starting point is 00:04:41 They go back and forth in between each other. They have an incestuous relationship. And that was all exposed by Brian Fogle in that movie It's a fucking great movie Icarus. If you haven't seen it, you want to know like the depths of doping. I love that guy I love that Yeah, that Russian guy was fascinating to me and he he had been an athlete and then he's in a witness protection program Right. I mean, he's basically afraid for his life. Yes. Russia is banned from the 2018 Olympics and the athletes are told to compete under the Olympic flag,
Starting point is 00:05:09 not representing a country. So now the Olympics are a country? Olympics are going to get their own country. That's going to be the new America Olympics. It's going to be all Russians? They're the country. Most of these states, it's a lot of states sponsored. The anabolics were coming out of China, I think.
Starting point is 00:05:25 They're coming out all over the place. You're crazy if you think Russia's the only one doing that. Crazy. You're crazy. China did the same thing. Brian Fogle pointed out that China did the exact same thing in Beijing. They won all these fucking gold medals. Like crazy they were winning gold medals.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And when there's a disproportionate amount of gold medals that are being won in your home country, yeah, you gotta, okay okay. Okay skeptical hippo face Well, why am I a little why am I a little concerned here that the financial gains of making that many Olympic gold medals are? So fucking irresistible dude look what I did for Jamaica. Oh, yeah, you know, Jamaica don't have the fast sprinters in the world Brandon They're not known for that Brandon They're not known for that Before that No
Starting point is 00:06:03 Brandon is the national sport Now Track is a national sport Now Right but there's no denying That there is an extreme And rampant abuse Of performance enhancing drugs
Starting point is 00:06:14 Nobody's been caught Performance enhancing drugs Okay one guy's been caught They took the relay gold medal Away from Usain Bolt The guy they called the beast He might have I think they're all called the beast
Starting point is 00:06:23 Well when I was talking to Victor Conte Who is by way, as balls deep into that world as possible. The ultimate snitch of snitches. The snitch. Carry on. He fucked Barry Bonds over. Snitches of snitches.
Starting point is 00:06:34 First team all snitch. The guy who was the head of Balco, who made that clear shit that was undetectable for a little while until they figured out how to detect it, which is what they always do. He said, all of tracking feels dirty. Of course. All of it. Yeah. So if you get some dudes
Starting point is 00:06:48 coming out of Jamaica or France or Spain or whatever and they just burst onto the scene and they start fucking running faster than anybody else, they're doing some shit that no one knows about yet.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I know a woman who's going to compete for a country. How big's her dick? And she had a dick on her. She had a dick. She had a dick. But the steroids didn't help.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But she was training to be a triathlete. And she was American, but she was going to represent the country of her origin. And I started training. And she was a phenomenal athlete and everything else. And her coach said, so now, of course, we've got to talk about getting to the next level. Whoa. And she goes, I'm a triathlete. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:07:23 I said, we've we gotta start talking about messing with your endocrine system because you're not gonna get these times until we get here. You can't compete. Yeah. And then when she saw that everybody,
Starting point is 00:07:34 he's like, well, no, no, no, he's a famous coach. She's like, no, no, no, this is just a reality. Yeah. She was like,
Starting point is 00:07:39 God, that's so disappointing. So what'd she do? She didn't do it. That's the Lance Armstrong story. Like, Lance Armstrong realized when he was young that everybody is doing drugs. All of them. And so he, who competed clean when he was young, until he got to a certain level, he's like, fuck. This is just how this goddamn thing works.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's just this weird three-card Monty game of hiding your dirty piss. And he was better than everybody else. He's not a bad guy. State-sponsored. Yeah, not a bad guy. State sponsored. Yeah, it's just part of the game. What do you think? So my feeling is, so if weightlifters are going to move world record weights,
Starting point is 00:08:14 it's really exciting to see them do that. And obviously powerlifters and stuff like that are not going to be lifting as much with testosterone. My question is, are we ever going to beat the inexorable advance of technology? Are we ever going to really be able to stop? As we are able to gene dope and all that stuff, where are we going with this? It's always going to be a cat and mouse game.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Are we going to police this? No, everyone's always going to look for an edge, always. But in powerlifting, yeah, I don't give a fuck what they do because powerlifting you know so when it comes to fighting fighting is the number one yeah those are the two number one fuck yeah for sure football and fighting because you're hitting guys too yeah football's a combat sport it's just got rigid rules when you're running full clip at each other and literally like knocking each other unconscious because you're headbutting each other yeah i mean each other, which is what a big part of football was until they stopped people doing that. It's a combat sport. 100%.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It just doesn't have kicks or punches. But the juice is worth the squeeze in football. It's worth the squeeze financially. Financially, educationally, the fame. How about baseball where your bat speed stays the same through your 30s? I don't give a fuck. Hit all the home runs you want. Baseball is a good argument for steroids because it's a boring fucking game, too.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And the only time it's fun was when someone hits that ball. When was it fun? When Jose Canseco and Barry Bonds and fucking Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, they're cracking them out of the park. That's when it's fun. Correct. Not only that, you're playing 160 games and you break down through the season. It keeps you injury free.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Simply too many games. If you're sprinting full out all the time like that trying to get to third base, there's so many times where you're doing damage to your body and you're not going to have a chance to recover. But if you're on the juice, you can run faster. You can keep going. So what do you think?
Starting point is 00:10:04 But it's weird with MLB How they crack down on it Right? Although they're killing it now But same with UFC Like they crack down on it So now you have USADA But then you're not getting
Starting point is 00:10:12 As good of a product I don't think Well I don't think There's anything wrong With the product Right now on the UFC I think it's as good As it's ever been
Starting point is 00:10:17 But I think How dare you? A few fighters Have dropped off the map But I think that's probably A good thing Because I think those guys Are probably egregious See I think it's a a good thing. Because I think those guys are probably egregious. See, I think it's
Starting point is 00:10:26 a combination. I think the skill level's going up just naturally, you know, through evolution. The skill level's going up. But when you have such strict testing, then we're missing out on certain guys like Jon Jones and these other guys. Yes. Well, the Jon Jones ones is very unfortunate. Because Jon is just just one of the most
Starting point is 00:10:42 talented guys of all time, if not the most talented. He's number, if not the most talented. He's number one. And also the biggest disaster in terms of the big mistakes that he's made. We've never had a fighter that did a hit and run on a pregnant woman and broke her arm and then took off. And then test positive for drugs because he's on dick pills. And then test positive again after his comeback, after a spectacular win over Daniel Cormier. He's so disappointing in that regard.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So exceptional in his physical abilities, but the choices he makes and the decisions that come out of those choices are just fucking terrible. But a lot of it's because of the strict testing that the UFC hired through USADA. That has nothing to do with the car accident. That has nothing to do with the car accident. So car accident, yes. But now? Yes. He'd be cleared. But so like car accident, yes. But now, yes, he'd be cleared.
Starting point is 00:11:26 He'd be all good. Yes, but there's a symptom of something else going on. And people don't like to discuss this, but one of the things that easily could be is that John has impulse control because he's been sparring and fighting and at the highest level of the sport for many, many years now, and he's gotten hit in the head a gang of times. There's no way around it. There was just an article I posted on Twitter that came up a couple of days ago that these neuroscientists were examining brain injury and violent behavior and how they're connected and how damage to certain areas of the brain
Starting point is 00:12:03 has irreparable consequences on the decision-making ability the person who gets hit I think that's part of it but also you know he's been wild since high school college like he's just a wild dude that's why he's a fucking one of the reasons why he's so good is because he's a wild motherfucker and I love that part of it Connor's a little wild too he's wild as fuck like you look at the masterminds of this game they're all a little wild man you have to be in any sport though look at the masterminds of this game. They're all a little wild, man. You have to be. You have to be. In any sport, though. Look at Cam Newton.
Starting point is 00:12:27 He's a bit of a wild guy. Look at some of the great fighters. Just wait if Francis Ngannou wins the world championship and spreads those superpower genes throughout this great nation of ours. Okay? We won't need steroids. Sir. We don't need the rush. So one goes, you're heavyweight champion of the world.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Take a little bump here of this. And Francis gets part of that. Maybe he doesn't want that. Sir, bro. We don't need the rush. He's just so and goes, you're heavyweight champion of the world. Take a little bump here of this. And Francis gets part of that. Maybe he doesn't want that. Devil's dandruff. We all fuck. Stipe Miocic, he's got to stop Stipe from double or single legging him, taking him to the ground and riding him. So you guys be careful because I'm saying Stipe is going to wrestle him to the ground.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I love when this is here. Brian Callen comes out. I don't know what that was. I don't know what that was. He's going to tire him out, and then he's going to stand him up in the third, fourth round, and all that strength is going to go away. Well, it's entirely possible that Stipe wins this. Stipe's the world heavyweight champion.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Stipe's beaten Junior Dos Santos by knockout. He beat Orlovsky by knockout. He beat Overeem by knockout. He's a bad motherfucker. He won the title with a one punch falling away right hand on the button. He's a bad motherfucker, no doubt about it. But there's
Starting point is 00:13:32 physical undeniable characteristics that Ngannou possesses that make him the most terrifying guy in the sport. But we haven't, the only shot that I'm seeing with Stipe win this fight though is stylistically, he could be the key's heel to Francis, meaning he doesn't entertain the stand-up.
Starting point is 00:13:50 He just puts that fucking forehead in the middle of his chest. Right. It's like, dude, we're riding this out to the third, fourth round. Let's see what you can do here. It's totally possible. But Alistair, when he clinched up with him, Alistair is fucking huge. Alistair clinched up with Ngannou, and it was like trying to bear hug a wall. Did you see his face?
Starting point is 00:14:06 He ran straight out, and then when he gets flipped around, he's like, oh, shit. That's not Snowflake. That's not Snowflake. And then just gets worked. Have we seen Ngannou go five, four rounds, even three rounds? No, he's never fought. No. No, I think the most he's ever been is two, right?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah. He got taken out in his first fight against Curtis Blades. Yeah. You shouldn't hang your head on that, because Curtis Blades was a Juco national champion. Juco national champs are fucking good wrestlers. Curtis Blades is an excellent athlete, too, and he keeps getting better and better. Curtis Blades is a real dark horse in the sport. I think he's ranked 10 now.
Starting point is 00:14:36 If he keeps improving and keeps working at the rate he is, he's a big guy. He hits hard. He can wrestle. He's fucking aggressive and smart. Stand-ups. Hopefully he's working with Christian Allen out there in Colorado. His stand-ups kind of his. He's getting better at it.
Starting point is 00:14:50 He's getting better. He's getting better at it. But the thing is, he's got a lot to work with. Correct. He's got foundation. Yeah. He's got a lot to work with. And he's a young guy.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Look at the Juco National Champs who fight in the UFC. How old's Curtis? Well, so is he. He looks 74. But how old is he? John Jones is Juco National Champion. Correct. Anthony Rumble Johnson, Juco National Champion.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. Well, there's a lot of guys. Well, Stipe was D1. He was a D1 wrestler. He wrestled for four years? I think so. I played baseball. There's a lot of guys who are phenomenal athletes
Starting point is 00:15:16 that never wind up going to big colleges because they don't have the athletic or financial. 26? 26. See, Curtis Blades, he has a lot of potential, dude. He has a lot of potential. Damn, he's only 26? I think Ngannou's, what, 33?
Starting point is 00:15:31 32? 33? How old's Francis? He's not a young chicken. But he had some rough years fighting on the streets in Cameroon. Yeah. 31? 31.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So Ngannou's 31. So think about Curtis Blades in five years. Think about it. He keeps getting better. Five years ago, we didn't even know who Ngana was two years ago he makes his UFC debut two years later everybody's lying on their back and he's fighting for the title and I called him
Starting point is 00:15:52 a Czech Congo with braids and I want to apologize yeah he doesn't have braids anymore now he's got fire I want to apologize for that now he's got like highlighted tips nobody says a word about it not a word dude I saw him in the first UFC I've been to since I retired. I went to that UFC that we were at in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And I was around the fighters and all that. And there was one hot dog left. I went to grab the hot dog. And he reached for the hot dog. He fucking de-bowed me on the hot dog. He went, you can have it, bro. You can have it, man. He's fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:16:19 He can have the hot dog. He's so scary. He's scary. Nicest guy, though, right? He's a very, very nice guy. Very nice guy. So I think that Stipe is the—you have to say that Stipe is the most experienced. Stipe has real wins over world-class competition other than Alistair and Orlovsky, who are the two guys that Ngannou fought. So he's got more experience having beaten Verdum, having beaten top-flight guys, Junior Dos Santos by KO.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And he has the style to do it, though. He's got a chance. Yeah. I mean, the odds makers have him as a disadvantage. Stipe? Yeah. Yeah, he's an underdog. I watched that uppercut that he hit with Verdum.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Overeem. Overeem. Please don't critique this. I watched it in full speed. It's so fast. In real time, it's so fast. It's so much faster than you realize, depending on the angle you look at it. What was Overeem thinking there?
Starting point is 00:17:14 I think Overeem was- No, dude, it came so fast. Watch how fast it is. He knew he couldn't get hit by him, so he was trying to be wild. Overeem just went, oh, yeah, I'm one of the greatest strikers in the heavyweight division of all time. Fuck it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:23 But watch how fast it goes. There's a clip of it. It was a weird- Yeah, let'm one of the greatest strikers in the heavyweight division of all time. Fuck it. But watch how fast it goes. There's a clip of it. Yeah, let's go find the video. It's so crazy fast. It's a weird shootout with Overeem just being like, all that experience. Like, how's the one way Francis can win the first round? Fuck it. Let's just throw from our hips, see what happens.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Kick you! I know, like, why didn't he, like, kick his legs? Because he probably didn't expect him to be that fast. Watch how fast this is. Watch. Watch this. See, look what Alistair's doing. He's just trying to be real awkward. Even Alistair said this wasn't the game plan.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He said that? Yeah. What was the game plan? Not this. Oh, that's such a good left hook, too. God damn. Knockout of the year. You know what that's like?
Starting point is 00:18:02 That's like a Bone Crusher Smith shovel hook. Remember when Bone Crusher Smith used to have that ridiculous left hand. And it was like a half hook, half uppercut. That was just like a shovel, man. Oh, terrifying. And then when you find out his dad was a legendary street fighter in Cameroon, like, okay. Oh, that makes sense. That was legendary.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. Oh, and then he was homeless five years ago. Yeah. Five years ago. And they just did that stuff. Oh, you mean the movie Lionheart? Yeah, that's fucking him. And all. Yeah. Oh, and then he was homeless five years ago. Yeah, five years ago. And they just did that stuff. Yeah. Oh, you mean the movie Lionheart? Yeah, that's fucking him.
Starting point is 00:18:27 And all he does is train, man. All he does is train. He practically lives at the UFC Performance Institute. Really? He's there every day. He's the UFC's bane. The UFC's Performance Institute is the most state-of-the-art motherfucking place you've ever seen in your life.
Starting point is 00:18:40 In terms of recovery, in terms of strength and conditioning equipment. I mean, it is a fucking spectacular facility. And he just lives there and trains there. He's there every day. They moved him there. Yeah. They moved him from France to Vegas. Who are his trainers there?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Well, Vinny Magalhaes, I know, is working with him in terms of his jiu-jitsu, but his original trainer that found him in Paris is with him here. I forget the gentleman's name. But this is the UFC Performance Institute. It's fucking phenomenal. Here's my thing with this, Joe. It's a crazy place. So let's say, so France, they're doing his camp.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Well, Stipe's like, hey, man, I want those. I'm going to do my camp there, too. That's a good point. And Stipe's a champ. But Stipe doesn't want to, luckily. You know, it's not an issue because Stipe is in Cleveland and he has his same coaches that he's always had and a real tight-knit team that's worked great for him.
Starting point is 00:19:22 No, I get that. I'm saying at some point, let's say Harley and Cyborg. Why is that girl with full makeup on? She's throwing punches. She'd be the hottest girl to ever enter the octagon if she fought. You think so? Dude, that girl is easy on the eyes. I got nothing for her.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I don't know about that, man. You think she's hotter than that Rachel, how do you say her name? Ostavik girl? I'd have to see her. That just fought for the ultimate fighter at the TV show? You're talking about the two old biddies? I'm talking about, yeah, the girl from Hawaii. Oh, dark hair, wide face.
Starting point is 00:19:49 See, that's why we get along. She's stunning. And she won, too, right? I was rooting for her. We were one of the 30 viewers during that, but I was fucking rooting for her. She's way more... I don't want to say the girl's ugly. The girl's definitely not ugly. She's very pretty. First of all, why is she wearing makeup while she's fighting?
Starting point is 00:20:04 That was a commercial. I think they were both models, and that was a commercial. They's definitely not ugly. She's very pretty. But first of all, why is she wearing makeup while she's fighting? Yeah. That was a commercial. I think they were both models and that was a commercial. They were fighters. Did Reebok engineer that commercial? They sure did. I don't want to say that they engineered it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 by a bunch of millennials that have a hard time putting their backpack in the overhead compartment. I thought that was surveillance, gym surveillance. Yeah, see? Shut your fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Yeah. Look at, that's what I'm talking about. That kind of body, that's legit. Is that Megan Fox on the mass? Jesus, dude. Oh, hey. I can't watch this. I'm going to pass out.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Hey, keep this going, Jamie. And she can fight, too. I mean, I don't want to be disrespectful. And she can fight. No, me neither. Yeah, not at all. She's a legit fighter. She's gorgeous, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And, you know, by all accounts, a very nice person. So, there's a lot of pretty girls that are finding their way into the UFC, and they find that that's an asset. You know what's really interesting to me? One of the best-looking ones of all puts zero emphasis on that, and that's Rose Namajunas. Rose is fucking gorgeous. She's super pretty.
Starting point is 00:21:03 She's pretty. Yeah, she's pretty. And she puts no emphasis on that, shaves her fucking head. I know. And there's nothing fake about that girl. She went full 11, and then she's just,
Starting point is 00:21:11 you know, I met her. There's nothing fake about that girl. Yeah, we met her, I think, or at least I did. You'd known her before. I've known her for a while, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I met her at that thing. That thing we did, was it a spike thing? I can't remember. UFC thing? It was a, and she was in a dress. The Pat Berry?
Starting point is 00:21:22 She was the Pat Berry, yeah. And she, but she had long hair back then. I she was stunning like astonishing looking and i didn't know who she was at the time and uh i mean so she yeah she's she's if she walked into a bar back then like that even now but i mean back then you would have been like i mean she turns a supermodel killer she really does she's a. And she doesn't put any emphasis on that at all. All of her emphasis is on her fighting and zero trash talking. How about after the fight? Remember when she shaved her head
Starting point is 00:21:52 when she was fighting Paige Van Zandt? She went, oh, your thing's beauty? Well, she's like, my hair was just getting in the way. Fuck it. Then beat the brakes off of it. Yeah, that's what she used to look like. She used to have like, that's like workout hair. She looks better with her head shaved. I agree.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It's kind of like a G.I. Jane. With that upper right hand corner with the red shirt on there, Jamie. Upper right hand corner. Right there. I mean, shut the fuck up. That's a beautiful girl. That's a model, son. That is about as hot as a woman's face gets. They don't get any prettier.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Get her a Calvin Klein contract, for God's sake. But meanwhile, how the fuck did no one see her coming? I mean, it's kind of crazy how little. I no one see her coming i mean it's it's kind of crazy i think she looks so feminine i think she doesn't like her body no doesn't look like it's supposed to do that stuff right think about how much emphasis they put on promoting page van zandt how much emphasis they put on a lot of other girls that are really pretty too but that's that's a marketing thing look you got to look at like what this company is now right this company started off a passion project by two fucking crazy billionaire dudes.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Well, first of all, Horry and Gracie, Art Davies, the original guys, Bob Meyerowitz. Those guys started it off. They get it going. Then they sell it as a passion project to two super billionaires who love the sport, who train. They were fucking happy as pie. They're like, we own the UFC. Dana talked them into it. Yeah, Dana talked them into it. You're talking about the Fortun who train. They're fucking like happy as pie. They're like, we own the UFC. Dana talked them into it. Yeah, Dana talked them into it.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You're talking about the 15-year-olds. Exactly. They're having a good old time. They literally were what me and Eddie Bravo used to pray for. When we were watching the fights back when nobody gave a shit about the UFC, the thing we always said was, wouldn't it be amazing if some billionaires just threw a shitload of money at it and made it famous? We know it's an incredible sport to watch. We know how exciting it is. Wouldn't it be amazing if some billionaires just threw a shitload of money at it and made it famous?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Like, we know it's an incredible sport to watch. We know how exciting it is. Wouldn't it be great if someone had just publicized this thing? And then the Fertittas come along. Literally, like, they just figured it out themselves. They're like, this thing is, like, we just need to spend money. They spent, they were $40 million in the hole when the first Ultimate Fighter was airing. Oh, so they put that much money into it initially? They put all the money.
Starting point is 00:23:46 They produced the Ultimate Fighter. Lorenzo's a genius. And then the show takes off. This is, by the way, after they had called Dana White and told him to bail. They're like, sell this thing. We're losing too much money. We're X amount of millions of dollars in the hole. I'm not going to lose my family's business all because of this one project that we have.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Fuck this. And then he calls him up the next day and he goes, changed my mind he slept on it why did you because he's a fucking genius genius i think i think lorenzo's the the most you know there's one a one b but he's right up there as most important people he's so calm too he was the he was a important like balancing act to dana yes like dana's so volatile and crazy. Emotional. Fuck this guy and he's a faggot. All the craziness that Dana, especially in the early days, used to be. And then he goes from that to super calm, really reasonable, incredibly articulate,
Starting point is 00:24:37 like laid back Lorenzo. Yeah. I think he's missed now. Yes. Now that things are going on. You would never have seen the Floyd Mayweather-Connor fight if Lorenzo was there. Why do you say that? He would have never let that happen. You're crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:48 He really wasn't into that stuff. He really wasn't, man. Oh, you're crazy. He didn't like spectacle. No. But why would you pass on that thing? I wanted to see that. Didn't you want to see that?
Starting point is 00:24:58 Hell yeah, I wanted to see it. I wanted to see it. But Lorenzo, I think, looked at the bigger picture. Because I think now that we look back on Floyd and Connor and then where the UFC's at now, I don't know if it's the best decision. It's a great decision. I think it was an amazing decision. First of all, it's an amazing decision for the overall evolution of combat sports.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You don't think it's step back? No chance. It's incredibly important to realize that a real specialist like Floyd Mayweather will run circles around someone who does not have the same amount of time and knowledge. Like, Conor has great punching power. He's got great speed. But as far as his, like, boxing acumen to compare the two of them, the greatest of all
Starting point is 00:25:37 time, arguably. No way, yeah. There's no, there's no, there's no, it's not even close. And please caveat that with the fact that Floyd Mayweather didn't even fight him the way he fights other guys. If he had wanted not to be touched, he could have done that. I disagree with that. He walked towards him, made him work hard, wore him out, and started beating him up. And that's great, and those are great points.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But I think if you look at the lay of the land now, Lorenzo wouldn't have done it. Because now you have two divisions held up. You have Conor with all this power. We have no idea where he's going to fight. He's never going to have to fight again. So you miss out on Conor. If you want to sell the TV deals, you can't guarantee Conor's going to fight. That's why Lorenzo and I died.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I agree with Brennan on that. But I think there's a thing there. Go ahead. Also, now we're in the era of the money fight where everyone wants the money fight. Rankings don't matter. Divisions don't matter. Titles don't matter. So we've lost all that kind of fundamental that we've laid out of title shots and all that.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I disagree. Now everyone wants the famous fight. They do. I do want the famous fight because there's the money in that. But hold on a second. We haven't lost all the rankings. We just lost the rankings sometimes. Sometimes they don't matter.
Starting point is 00:26:43 When do they matter? Listen, a lot of it is because the $4 billion price tag of that company. That's a big part of it. Well, a lot of it's because the fighters aren't making money. But also because the people that own the company now
Starting point is 00:26:52 are in the entertainment business. They're like, where's the money? And the money's in these big spectacle things. That's where the money is. We're here to make some money. We're here to put on great fights. Like, you can't tell me that fucking Detroit card
Starting point is 00:27:01 wasn't one of the wildest fight cards you've ever seen in your life. They're putting on great fucking fights. They're putting on great cards. And on top of that, they're also having chaos. They're having Conor McGregor box Floyd Mayweather. But I think for the evolution of combat sports, that fight is important. I don't think it lends itself to the evolution of combat sports in that there were such different sports.
Starting point is 00:27:23 So I think everybody knew that ultimately... Yeah, but you need to see it. You need to see it. Like James Tony Randy Couture? Yeah, we've seen it before. Well, the James Tony Randy Couture fight is not fair because James Tony half-assed that. He barely trained.
Starting point is 00:27:35 He didn't train any grappling. We saw him doing his training with some karate guy. But Ali Ali did this stuff too, didn't he? But he did with the milky. Yeah. But here's the thing. What James Tony did was try to just go in there and get paid. He got taken down with a low ankle pick.
Starting point is 00:27:51 He got just completely smushed by Randy Couture. It was a half-ass attempt. I agree. He's out of shape. He's way past his prime. Floyd Mayweather's in his fucking prime. Even though he's 40, he's still so good at his prime. But you can't say he's lost a step But you can't say he's lost a step.
Starting point is 00:28:05 You can't say he's lost a step. You look at him against 26-year-old Floyd Maynard, eats that up cut Conor landed on him. If he fought that way. It depends on if he tried to just walk towards him like he had nothing. Which he did. He stood in his grip. Conor cracked him with that one shot and I think Floyd was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Okay, you can hit me. He's like, we gotta get going. Let me just start ramping this bitch up to nine. Listen, I love the Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor stuff more than anyone. I love it because Conor got paid. I'm saying Lorenzo from a business aspect is going, if we give all this guy the fucking power now, the ball's in his court, man. That's not what we're about. But here's my thought. now, the ball's in his court, man.
Starting point is 00:28:43 That's not what we're about. But here's my thought. The only way you get a superstar, the only way you get a Sugar Ray Leonard, a Muhammad Ali, the cult of personality that comes around those people, they do have all the power. There's no getting around that. They do. You can't stop that as a promotional organization. You have to somehow or another ride with the wave and make some sort of cohesive agreement. They also have to be challenged.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You've got to make some sort of agreement with that person. They made it with Brock Lesnar. They made it with Ronda Rousey, really the only other two superstars. But they didn't last. They didn't last because what keeps a champion relevant and in the lore is the guy who keeps answering the call. And Conor did that in two different weight classes. I mean, you know, he beat the impossible to beat Jose Aldo. So people are going to argue that because he hasn't defended a belt.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Right. So he's not answering the belt. That's what I'm saying. That's why I agree with your point about the evolution of the combat sport. What it's done now is put so much power in his hands. He's got $100 million, whatever he has. Which I love. And me too, because I like the guy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But at the same time, you're not going to see him fight these monsters like Tony. No, bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. You're going to see him fight Tony this year. Wait, wait. Why would you say that? First of all, I don't like anybody saying this guy's not going to do this or he's not
Starting point is 00:30:03 going to do that, because we really don't know. But why wouldn't he fight Tony Ferguson if he wants to fight again? I haven't seen him even training. I don't know. He's training. He's training nonstop. Do you follow him on Instagram? Oh, Brian.
Starting point is 00:30:13 He can't say that. He can't say that. But is he going to fight Tony Ferguson? He hasn't come to my house. He hasn't been training in Santa Monica. Well, that's the problem. Where are you going to see him train? What I'm saying is, has he even mentioned fighting Tony Ferguson?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yes. If he's in a session, he talks shit to each other back and forth on Instagram. Where are you going to see him train? What I'm saying is, has he even mentioned fighting Tony Ferguson? Yes! He talks shit to each other back and forth. TMZ goes, hey, are you going to box Pacquiao? He goes, no, my next fight is mixed martial arts. I'm going to fight inside that octagon. Yeah, he said, my next fight is going to be a real fight. He's going to fight Tony Ferguson. That Tony Ferguson fight, when I look at it more and more, I watch footage, I think it's not
Starting point is 00:30:42 that bad of a matchup for Conor. I used to be like, god, it's a tough fight. But I think early, especially early rounds one through three with Conor's accuracy and the way Tony gets hit, it's a good fight for Conor. Except when it goes past the third round, it could get nasty. Two parts of the problem. One, Tony finishes
Starting point is 00:30:57 motherfuckers off his back. He is nasty off his back. If he gets taken down? Yeah, if he gets taken down. But I'm saying if he gets hit. If he gets hit like Nate Diaz does and goes down, Connor is not, it's not like 100% that he's going to beat him up and ground and pound him. Tony, if he gets dropped, will wrap
Starting point is 00:31:13 you up like a fucking mummy and submit you. You can't do that. So will Nate though, and Connor doesn't entertain that. Maybe Nate, eh. You know what I'm saying? Nate can. Nate certainly can. The difference is if Tony goes You know what I know you're fast and powerful in these first three rounds I'm a college collegiate wrestler
Starting point is 00:31:32 Fuck this noise I'm just going to ankle pick you all fucking day And then third, fourth, fifth I'm going to start striking with you But Connor could catch him long before that It's a good fight Ridiculous speed I haven't seen him get tired He's tired he doesn't show it Because he's a good fight. Ridiculous speed. Tony doesn't get tired. I haven't seen him get tired. It's a big difference.
Starting point is 00:31:45 He's tired. He doesn't show it because he's a fucking serial killer. I think he gets less tired than the other guy. I promise you he gets tired, Brian. Less tired. Everybody gets tired. No, it's just here for him. But it is.
Starting point is 00:31:56 But he also is ridiculous conditioning. Eddie Bravo is his fucking jujitsu trainer. And Eddie said he's never seen anything like this guy. He said the guy trains for six hours a day. He said he's in Big Bear. He's running hills, literally lapping his training partners. He'll turn around and go back and run up again. They're not even up to the top of the hill yet.
Starting point is 00:32:13 That is such an advantage in a five-round fight. I mean, such an advantage in a three-round fight. I mean, his ability to just not, like, when you're less tired than the other guy, oh my God. All his camps are at Big Bear. He goes, he rents a house. He builds his own fucking training facility. He sets up his own heavy bags.
Starting point is 00:32:28 He mats up floors. He takes a fucking room. He's got like a living room, a house. He sets down the borders, brings in the mats, and they start training. He finds hills, runs those fucking hills at 6,000 feet out to Panama. Conor at 55 is no punk, man. He's not. He's good.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Ask Eddie Alvarez. Look at Eddie now. He's a fucking monster. Nobody says he's a punk, man. He's not. Ask Eddie Alvarez. Look at Eddie. He's a punk. Nobody says he's a punk. I'm just saying. At first, I was like, God, this is going to be a scary fight for Conor. Then when I look at him, I'm like, you know, he does get hit first and gets hit, man. The problem child is Khabib.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Khabib, it's almost a round table because Khabib versus Tony, hell of a fight. Khabib versus Conor, God, that's a tough fight for Conor. But they can eliminate each other. It's whoever shows up that night. It's a fucking good fight, man. Yeah, Khabib vs. Conor God that's a tough fight For Conor But they can eliminate Each other Whoever shows up that night It's a fucking good fight man Dude if Khabib Khabib breaks Takes your legs down
Starting point is 00:33:09 We're gonna know All about Khabib This weekend When he fights Edson Barboza We're gonna see him With arguably The fastest striker
Starting point is 00:33:16 In the 155 pound division Who doesn't give a fuck About going to the ground He's like no We're not going to the ground I'm not even gonna entertain that Where other guys Will play that game
Starting point is 00:33:23 Anti-wrestling Will kick you in the fucking face. Right. But how do you keep him from taking you to the ground when he clenches? You kick him in the face. When he gets in the clench. You avoid the clench. How do you avoid that with Khabib, though? It's hard.
Starting point is 00:33:34 It's fucking hard. It's not an easy fight by any stretch of the imagination. It's a tough fight for Khabib. But you've got to realize Michael Johnson cracked Khabib when they fought and had him wobble. It's the first time we've seen any adversity that Khabib had to face inside the octagon. But he handled it with fucking four aces. Took him to the ground and smashed him. I had no idea Khabib went up to
Starting point is 00:33:52 205 when he trains. Well, he gets heavy. He gets heavy in between fights, but he didn't do it this time. Daniel Cormier says he has a new nutrition and he said he has been lighter getting ready for this camp than any fight before. He was 179 pounds just a couple of weeks ago. Josh Thompson was like, dude, you've never seen anything like it.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Because I was talking about Conor and Khabib. He's like, dude, I'm telling you, man. I've seen him go with DC. I've seen him go with all these guys. And think about what he did to Dos Anjos. Think about what he did. Ragdolled them. Ragdolled them.
Starting point is 00:34:19 He was like, oh, you're fighting at 70? And I go, why doesn't Khabib just go to 70 after he sees what Dos Anjos? He's going to. He is. That's his plan. All he wants to do is get the belt at 55. As soon as he gets that, he's going, peace. And then at 70, enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Enjoy that motherfucker at 70. It's like he gets you, and he breaks your legs down. It's like, oh, you're a table. I'm going to take your legs down. Now you're on the ground. And that's it. I've never seen anybody get him off. All elite wrestlers, right?
Starting point is 00:34:42 Whether you're talking about Dave Schultz or whether you're talking about, you know, Carellon, all the best of the best wrestlers, they have an ability to enforce their will. Yeah. To just power into guys and do shit to them that they don't want done and break them. They wear you. They wear you. With technique, with will, with physical conditioning, with everything. DC's the same way. DC's the same way.
Starting point is 00:35:06 DC's the same way. All the best guys have everything. They have all the components. And that's one of the things Nurmagomedov does. Then you add the fact that he's from Dagestan. You add the fact that he grew up in one of the hardest places in the fucking world. That's right. And everyone around him is hard as nails.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I think the national sport might be wrestling. Might be murder. Yeah. Get a varsity in murder in high school. Varsity murder. It's a crazy place, man. What's ridiculous is him versus Barboza, if it's like a video game, you look at their attributes, Barboza's striking's like this, but his wrestling's like this.
Starting point is 00:35:37 They look at Khabib, his wrestling's like this, but his striking's like this. So you're intrigued by this? Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. This to me is the most intriguing fight that Khabib has ever fought. By far. By far. He's never.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Two reasons. One, the two fights where he had so much difficulty making weight that his body was shutting down. It happened in the Michael Johnson fight. Then it happened again in the Tony Ferguson fight to the point that he pulled him off the cart. So they were saying his liver was shutting down. This is serious, serious shit. He has not made 155 cents, right? He hasn't fought since so there's so much pressure on him to do this correctly
Starting point is 00:36:10 But who knows if he can when your body does not want to do that anymore you run into serious problems It's one of things that happens to older athletes when they've been cutting extreme amounts of weight over and over again They get to a point where their bodies take every time you cut 30 pounds of water from your body, your body goes into a state of shock. You do some damage. The question is, how much damage are you doing? Think how long he's been doing it, too. Josh Thompson brought up that point. He goes, dude, he's been
Starting point is 00:36:35 cutting weight since he was a kid. He's been in these wrestling terms, the Sambo terms, since he was a kid, so he's older now. He's been cutting weight for fucking effort. Here's a real question. If he wins the the title how the fuck is he going to defend it in california he's not going to why yeah because california has new strict laws oh no ivs and andy foster the guy runs the california state athletic commission is one of the best guys in the sport he's so proactive he's so ahead of it he's adding weight classes he's doing so much
Starting point is 00:37:04 to make this safe and he was a he's a martial artist lifelong martial artist himself and he competed So here's a guy who sees what the problems are and he says, okay We're gonna make sure you don't weigh 15 pounds more when you get into the octagon. I had a fight. Yeah Yeah, so you have a percentage right? Is it a percentage of weight that you can't gain? No, no, it's it's pounds So I think at 55 can't come in heavier than it's like 15.5 or something like that. Yeah, so like 70. Which is crazy. Which is bigger.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's why Khabib's just going to get the title and dip out to 70. How about Gleason Tebow? Gleason Tebow would fight at 55, and he literally looked like he was 200 pounds. He's going to fight. I heard that Darren Till, and I'm sure you'll hear this, but I heard when he stepped into the octagon against Cowboy Stoner, he was 201 pounds. Yeah, that's what I heard, too. Enjoy beating Darren Till right now.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah, enjoy it. Enjoy it. No one wants to fight him, except for Mike Perry. Yeah. Yeah. He even said he'd fight Mike Perry. He goes, listen, I don't give a fuck about rankings, belts. I'll fight you right now.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Well, he wants to put on a show. He wants to light people on fire. And no one wants to get in there with him. They saw that cowboy fight, and they're like, oh. Yeah. And he's huge. Then you learn his story. Like, oh, my God, he's a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:38:06 He's a high level striker. Wonder Boy was like, let's do this. Then Wonder Boy's daddy was like, oh. No, but Wonder Boy did not say, let's do this. Let me be honest with you. Wonder Boy had hurt thumbs that he told me about in the ring after the fight. His thumbs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:17 In the cage after the fight, he said his thumbs were pretty fucked up because he was talking about it in between rounds with his corner. And I said, what were you saying about your hands? He goes, yeah, man, I did something to my thumbs. Like, I hit, you know, he's throwing these crazy fucking punches on a guy like Jorge Masvidal, who's no joke, right? Hell no. He's catching elbows.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He's catching foreheads. And he fucked his thumbs up. And he might need surgery. Like, he doesn't know. Did he have surgery or no? I don't know. But he was in a position where he had some serious injuries that they were saying like we got and dana white even tweeted it or somebody tweeted no dana tweeted out the fight
Starting point is 00:38:49 right yeah i even said thank you jesus too i i screenshotted to you like holy shit it's going down yeah i had uh that's a great fight that's a great fight if it happens our boy our boy um who fought errol spence um i was just with, fights at Wild Card West. Why am I forgetting? I'm getting old. Oh, Chris Van Haven. Chris Van Haven. Was showing me, like he's a boxer,
Starting point is 00:39:10 a quality boxer, been around forever and fought Errol Spence but got beat. But, you know, a high level boxer. And he was showing me, he was just showing me,
Starting point is 00:39:20 I said, why is Errol Spence so good? Because I know he's great, but he looks basic. He does jab, one, two. So for my eye, as not a very sophisticated guy, I can't see what's making him so good. And he was showing me, it was really yesterday, he was just showing me how he was able to measure his jab. So Chris would throw a jab, and he goes, and I would watch, and I'd would throw a jab and he goes, I was watching. I throw a jab and he goes, and he would move back just like his ability to move back just,
Starting point is 00:39:49 just enough. So some guys will move back just a little bit too much and they'll move back a little bit and then they throw. So their, their measurement of distance is just a little off and you have time to compensate his ability to move back the precise amount so that you don't have time to react because he comes back, boom, and hits you again. So every time you throw, he would make it so his ability to sort of be just out of reach was better than anybody he had fought well no one's better that shit than lomachenko correct
Starting point is 00:40:13 no but also to that point billy joe saunders was like eubanks jr what and then beat the breaks off of did you see billy joe saunders i didn't see that yeah who's gonna beat him he's amazing he might be able to beat triple g he's amazing. He might be able to beat Triple G. He's amazing. Dude, he's ridiculous. His fucking jab is a thing of beauty. The best, right? He would just plop that sucker in there, pop, and then it would be left, right.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Here we go. World title fight. Homeboy misses with a huge swinging right hand. He goes like this into the stands like he misses it. Just puts on the brakes. Billy Joe looks like as if, who are you trying to hit? Is Saunders from Wales? He's a gypsy.
Starting point is 00:40:51 He's a gypsy, but he's from the UK. Are you allowed to say gypsy? Yeah. Traveler. For now, traveler. You got to be careful. I called Fury a gypsy, and a legit traveler came up to the show and was like, traveler, quit calling us gypsies.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I was like, I don't like gypsy. But people say it all the time. Sorry. But they were saying it on HBO. I don't mean anything bad. Yeah, you do. You're a cisgender, white, privileged piece of shit. I'm against gypsies.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You're a fucking monster. I hope Fury comes back. He's one of my favorites. Billy Joe Saunders, though, if you don't know, look him up, man. Boxing needs that guy. The David Lemieux fight on HBO was a goddamn work of art. It was a goddamn work of art. And now he's campaigning for Triple G.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And Billy Joe Saunders-Lemieux, I mean, Billy Joe Saunders versus Canelo. He's so much bigger than Canelo. No one wants to fight Billy Joe Saunders right now, man. He's got to get a bigger name. He's got to get a bigger name, get that Canelo money, that fucking Corona cash. Dude, if Triple G and Canelo don't figure it out, Billy Joe Saunders is getting one of them. I hope so. They have to. Jamie it out, Billy Joe Saunders is getting one of them. I hope so. They have to.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I hope so. Jamie, bring up Billy Joe Saunders' highlight reel. I don't think enough people know who he is, though. You know who he is. I know who he is. And I think the world was introduced to him at that last HBO card. Do you know who Lemieux is, though? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Does the world? I do, because I saw him fight Triple G. Triple G fought him, though. Yeah, but in Montreal, he's huge. And they were fighting in Montreal. That's true. But see, Billy Joe, this was his first fight in America. All of his fights have been in Europe.
Starting point is 00:42:06 But he's been a guy that people have watched a lot. Not really. That's true. But see, Billy Joe, this was his first fight in America. All of his fights have been in Europe. But he's been a guy that people have watched a lot because he's so... Not really. Not over here. He's flashy. His knee kind of like really... Well, he's fucking smart, man. He has a mouth on him. You know what I love? He's a guy you can root for. A trap. He hits them too. Jim Lampley and Roy Jones Jr. had a little disagreement in the commentary. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Jim Lampley was like, well, if he's this far ahead, why does he not try to knock him out? Roy Jones was like, why would he? Do you see what he's doing? He's boxing his face off. He's like, well, you have the added humiliation that you do to your opponent when you knock him out. Stay in your lane, Jim Lampley.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Stay in your fucking lane. Stay in your fucking lane. It was embarrassing. It was embarrassing to listen to him like, ooh, you just said that to Roy Jones Jr.? You're talking about one of the greatest knockout artists
Starting point is 00:42:49 in the history of the fucking sport and you're telling him why someone should... You don't just knock someone out. You have to put yourself in danger to knock someone out
Starting point is 00:42:56 and you could wind up losing against a fucking power puncher like Lemieux. It's not a smart thing. Biggest fight of your life in boxing. You lose that fight, everything's shot.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Lemieux, the Canelo, Triple G fight's gone if you lose that fight. He's fighting a smart thing. Biggest fight of your life in boxing. You lose that fight, everything's shot. The Canelo, Triple G fight's gone if you lose that fight. He's fighting a beautiful pattern. For him to alter that pattern to get a specific result, that's not smart, and it's not boxing. That's not what you're supposed to do. It's also silly. Yeah, here's his highlight reel. When you see him move around. And he's so interesting with his right jab, too.
Starting point is 00:43:22 He throws punches, and then he's like, whoops, not here anymore, dude. Dude, the Lemieux fight, if you can get that, was one of the best fights, because Lemieux is a legit world contender. The thing with Billy Joe Saunders, his highlights, they do him justice somewhat, but he always steps up to the level of competition. So you might watch him against a guy,
Starting point is 00:43:39 you're like, yeah, he looks alright. But then when he, Chris Eubanks Jr., you look at him against Lemieux, you're like, holy fuck, this guy's world class. Yeah, here's Saunders against Eubanks Jr. He will fight to whoever his level's at. Yeah. That's why I think, and he's big too for the weight class, so a triple G or Canelo, you gotta fight on your head.
Starting point is 00:43:55 He's big and he's so fucking smart, man. The big thing is how smart he is. I mean, his ring IQ and his ability to not get hit is so exceptional. He steps just back. And look how he changes it up. He goes to the head, he goes to the body. He's an artist, man. A real
Starting point is 00:44:12 artist. It's really fun watching him. Beautiful left hand. And he has a personality that boxing needs. He's fun as fuck. Talks mad shit. He told Lemieux he has some extra pants from his son they can wear because Lemieux's short. Just kept talking shit to him nonstop. And he's also best friends with Fury.
Starting point is 00:44:27 So they're like Batman and Robin. They're fucking hilarious, man. Yeah, I was surprised that they referred to him as a gypsy on the HBO broadcast. You're not supposed to. I think that was Jim Lampley, too, though. Jim Lampley's an older fella. I thought gypsy's a cool word. I think so, too.
Starting point is 00:44:42 If you go over to London, they told me not to say that. I heard Roma. Roma is considered, Roma is considered derogatory, right? So they were always discriminated against. From Rome? No, Roma, I mean, they're originally from Donald Cerrone versus Yancey Medeiros, UFC Austin. That's a
Starting point is 00:44:58 good 170 for Cerrone because Yancey is not a giant 170. You know, it's not like a Darren Till. It's coming over that fight of the year, some people think. That was a crazy fight against Cowboy Oliveira. Holy shit, what a fight that was. Hey, when is that fight, Austin? Yancey Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:45:11 That's a fight night? Crazy. What a fucking performance by Yancey. February 18th. Yeah. That's close. That's weird they announced it. Really?
Starting point is 00:45:19 That's really close. That's weird they announced it already. That's real close for Yancey from that last fight. Yeah. That fight was a barn burner, and that was only a month ago. That's real close for Yancey from that last fight. That fight was a barn burner, and that was only a month ago. That's weird, and not much time to promote either for Austin. Yeah, well, I don't think you need it for Cowboy and Austin. That motherfucker will sell out quick.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And it's a fight night, so it's not pay-per-view. It's a good headliner for sure. Great headliner for a fight night. But for Yancey, I mean, he took a lot of hard shots in that fight. I don't know if that's given him enough time to recover. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but if you're Yancey, you mean, he took a lot of hard shots in that fight. I don't know if that's given him enough time to recover. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but if you're Yancey, you're jumping at the opportunity. Oh, you hear fucking Jimmy Rivera's off with John Lineker.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Yeah, Lineker got hurt. And then do you see Jimmy Rivera, who, to me, is my dark horse in that division. Yeah, me too, man. He's a fucking monster. And then he was trying to get Marias, right? Marlon Marias. And then he goes, you said you'd do it at
Starting point is 00:46:08 five pounds. I'll give you five pounds. The team said no. Marias said no. And then he goes, I'll give you ten pounds. I just want to fight. Might not be in shape. They still went no. Marlon might not be in shape. But he came at him. He came at him. And Jimmy's like, yeah, let's fucking do it. Well, Marlon just fought really recently. Spectacular knockout.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Didn't get touched. Against Aljamain Sterling. And he's in that position where he's climbing the ladder, too. And to take a short notice fight, Mark Henry's very wise in that regard. They're like, look, you can— Top three coaches in the world. I agree. You can beat this guy. But do you beat this guy this way?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Maybe. But do you beat this guy when you have a long training camp? Much better odds. And that's the way to do it, to really show who you really are. I agree 100%. I wouldn't have done it. If I'm Mark Henry, I'm telling my fighter not to do it. It's a pro sport, man. It's a pro sport. You have to weigh these short-term opportunities
Starting point is 00:46:55 like Michael Bisping got when he stepped up to fight Luke Rockhold. You gotta weigh those. Because look, Bisping, it fucking paid off, and it paid off in spades, right? He KOs Rockhold, he becomes the middleweight champion of the world, fulfills a lifetime dream, all in 11 days notice. The fucking man has cast iron bowling balls hanging from his dick. You can't deny that about Michael Bisping. But then, the same thing, the same mentality bites him in the ass, and he goes and fights Kelvin Gastelum just a few days after fighting a fucking crazy fight
Starting point is 00:47:26 with George St. Pierre and he doesn't look good. He looked horrible. Then look at Machida. He just got starched and now he's headlining in where the fuck they are.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Did Gagastan or where the fuck it is? Well, he not only got starched, he got starched and then he tested positive. Machida's last fight? Machida tested positive for something.
Starting point is 00:47:42 His last fight? Machida was suspended for something. His last fight? Machida was suspended for something. Was it before Derek Brunson? Yeah, before Brunson. Then he had two years off. And then he fought Derek Brunson. Two years off? I'm pretty sure two years.
Starting point is 00:47:54 That's crazy. Then he fought Derek Brunson, got starched. And they're like, hey, we need a main event for where the fuck it is, Poland or whatever. And then he originally said no. And then I heard he was talked into it. Who's he fighting? Machida. God, who's he fighting?
Starting point is 00:48:10 Jamie cannot be fast enough here. There's no way. He could do both things. We need to hire another dude. Come on, man. Give him a chance. While he's doing that... He might be the fastest one-handed typer in the world.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He's pretty good. One hand working the fucking TriCaster. One hand working the... Jamie was a high school basketball player. Probably would have gone D2, T3. He's pretty good. He's a beast, man. Working the fucking TriCaster. One hand working the... Jamie was a high school basketball player. Probably would have gone D2, T3. It's Anders.
Starting point is 00:48:29 What? Anders. Does that sound right? You want to see something disturbing? There's evidence of Jamie's basketball playing online.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Anders. Who's Anders? Which Anders? Sounds jerk. It's in Brazil. Sounds Swedish. What's the gentleman's name? Eric Anders. Eric Anders. It's in Brazil. But Swedish. What's the gentleman's name? Eric Anders.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Eric Anders. It's in Brazil. But he just got starched and now he's taking this one. Well, he could sell a lot of tickets in Brazil. No, I get that. I get all that. Jamie's got legitimate three-point skills. I watched that video of you just hitting threes.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Jamie's an athlete. You need to watch this. After this, I was like, hmm, Jamie might be on the spectrum. I was watching this. I was watching. I'm like, he might be like a little rain man ish It was so impressive. It was so impressive. I might be like in a hypnotic state Using the zone it's called the zone. Yeah, dude. It's called the zone
Starting point is 00:49:15 He's in there all day zone. We're talking about you could get Jamie to do that all day, bro You have so much room. Let's put up a basketball court. That's not really for me Watch these shots seriously Bro, you have so much room. Let's put up a basketball court. Half court. That's not really for me. Watch this. Watch this. Jamie plays a lot of balls. He's been playing his whole life. But watch these shots. Seriously. Swish.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Look at that. Here comes another ball. Watch this. There it is. Looks like a young JJ Reddick, sir. Do you understand how hard this is to do for a guy who is essentially- One miss. One slight miss.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Look at that swish. I mean, get the fuck out of here. Jamie, are you a rain man? But seriously, how dare you hashtag raindrops raindrops Hashtag That is hilarious Jamie's got a little skill Yeah, he does Yeah Well that those guys that are super calm and measured and level
Starting point is 00:50:07 were always the scariest guys to play pool with. Because guys like Jamie were always the guys that didn't get too high and they didn't get low. They're just like, boo. And then they figured out how to get into that zone, and they'd be terrified. That's on. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I mean, I saw that three points, those shots you're making. I was like, okay, Jamie's got that weird gear. He's got that weird mental gear. He taps into the zone. I did a movie with a guy like that. Who's the pool player we met? The girl, the Texas Tornado. Yeah, I talked to her about you.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Oh, Vivian Villarreal. Yeah, she's badass, man. She's a badass. She's a badass pool player. She's a badass. She'll make you feel very uncomfortable with your manhood. There's something about losing to a chick in pool. Really, in pool? Yeah, something about it, man. Pool's a man's game. It's a manly game. I wouldn't give a badass. She'll make you feel very uncomfortable with your manhood. There's something about losing to a chick in pool. Really?
Starting point is 00:50:46 In pool? Yeah. Something about it, man. Pool's a man's game. It's a manly game. I wouldn't give a fuck. In pool? Really?
Starting point is 00:50:50 You say that, but if you play pool, you would. You say that. She'll give you a what for. This is what it's about. It's about keeping your nerves together under pressure. So when a woman is better at keeping her nerves together under pressure, guys bobble shots and miss nine balls and you panic. There's some people that are just built for games.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I did a movie with a guy who was just, I played chess with him. I used to play with my dad. He's beating me so quickly. And I was like, why are you so good? And he goes, I'm just playing. I go, all right. I go, have you read books on chess?
Starting point is 00:51:22 He goes, of course. I of course I went oh well it's his thing though that's his language that's his language he beat everybody at pool then we play ping pong I beat everything there's something something one of those guys just good at everything he's got he's got game theory like he noticed with my ping pong I pride myself on my ping pong I'm not good but I think I am and I'll talk a big game he noticed that my fucking that my backhand over here is a little suspect. So of course he just saw a hole in my game. Those people who can see
Starting point is 00:51:50 a hole, they're strategic. It sounds like he plays a lot of games. He's got a fucking hole in his game. But that, get that. I was like, this motherfucker. He's playing a lot of games. Does he get laid? If I saw a hole in your game, I'm not going to do that because I want to play the game. What? Really? Yeah, he got laid. And he makes a lot of money as a voiceover artist. Hold on. Wait a minute. You wouldn't try to win?
Starting point is 00:52:06 I don't know. Depending. I don't give a fuck about winning. I don't give a fuck about beating you. If you find out a guy's got a shitty half guard, you tell him you don't go towards his half guard all the time? When I street fight, yes. Honestly, when I street fight, I'm not going into his half guard.
Starting point is 00:52:16 We got silly here. I got to pee. We got to pee. I got to pee too. I'm going to piss. You got to pee. You got to pee. You got to pee.
Starting point is 00:52:20 We all can't go. Let me secure your hips at least. Get out there. Let me go. You talk about street fighting when I come back. Pee out of. Let me go. You talk about street fighting when I come back. Get out of your medium-sized dick. You talk about street fighting when I come back. Don't fucking.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Shut the fuck up. Don't talk about street fighting with me, dude. I take it very seriously. I'm boxing with Wayne and your friends, and then when I come back, shut the fuck up. Don't fucking. I'm a boxer, and I wrestle. Do you think you get hit too much in the head as an older guy? No.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Who does power lifting? No. Did you see that new thing where they said that they trained AI to play chess? There's a new AI program. And not only did it beat some world chess master. I just tweeted it. See if you can pull that shit up. By the way, it is from the Daily Mail, which you got to go, hmm.
Starting point is 00:52:58 That might be exaggerating a little bit. But it said that this chess computer had invented a series of moves that no one had ever seen before. Good God. So it's being creative. It did a move. It did like a pattern that no one had seen before. So it's figuring out how to play on the job. There's this whole movement now.
Starting point is 00:53:17 People are writing books on how to deal with the second smart machine age. In four hours, a robot taught itself chess, then beat a grandmaster with moves never devised in the game's 1500 year history and the implications are terrifying Yeah, for sure and so what that the more terrifying thing besides is the fact that massive Massive sections of our job markets are going away. Yeah, look at what we do Oxford academic AI could go rogue and become too complex for engineers. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:53:51 That is it. Hey, what are your thoughts on net neutrality? Because I was talking to people online today about net neutrality. I posted something about it that it seems to me to be one of those ideological camp issues where if you are leaning right, you think that net neutrality is a bad thing that the market should decide. If you're leaning left, you think that there's some regulation that the government should step in and be important because you want to keep people from information.
Starting point is 00:54:18 You don't want a big corporation to be able to step in and say someone can or can't have their program on AT&T or Verizon? So I think that from what I've read, there are six major service providers, maybe a couple more. That already smells a little bit like a monopoly. But what I think is this. First of all, nobody really knows yet. But I think that the bigger issue becomes if these companies provide you service in your area, they could decide to break it into, say, two bandwidths. They could decide, you want regular service or do you want premium? If you want premium, we're going to pay a little more.
Starting point is 00:55:01 That's one thing. They could break it up. If that's the case, we'll let the market decide maybe that creates an opening for another service provider to come in and say, we don't do that. One price covers everything. One of the guys on my Instagram, or my Twitter rather, had a really good point. He said the real issue that people aren't talking about is the monopolies that these companies have in small areas. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Like if you're in a certain town, like you can only get this kind of company or Verizon or AT&T. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, and that when you have a company that owns a certain town and then in certain areas is the only way you can get coverage is you have to do with this one company.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Then it becomes a real issue. And not only does it become an issue, but the other issue is that the real question is if you are a service provider and you provide people in this area that service, if the other service has – if you use platforms that the other service provides and they compete directly with this, would this service block that? Would this service have an incentive to block your access to it or whatever? And that would be an issue.
Starting point is 00:56:02 But my feeling is that we'll find out very quickly and as long as consumers have the ability to go over to another provider, as long as consumers have the ability to go, I don't like the way you do business, I want these guys. But they don't in a lot of areas. That becomes the issue.
Starting point is 00:56:19 They don't have access to all the options. They have a license in a certain district. Consumer backlash is how you fight that. If there's enough consumer backlash and people go, this is bullshit. Or you just keep net neutrality in place and prevent it. You know? Yeah. I mean, I'm going to have some experts on to talk about it soon in the future.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm going over all the data and information, but I just wanted to get people's temperature. And it's so funny how people get so aggressive and shitty with you when you just talk about this issue because a few people that i had a mute i was like good luck dude yeah your opinion means shit to me because you just have to be insulting when someone's just asking a question right you know this this whole thing is is interesting because there's smart people on both sides of it and they have compelling arguments on both sides of it yeah and i don't i don't have an opinion 100 i lean more do a lot of people. A lot of people don't yet know how this is going to play out.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah. Because, you know. What were you going to say though? You lean towards what? I lean towards the idea that you have to have some oversight. That you have to have someone who's looking out who makes sure that these companies can't fuck you over and can't prevent you from having access to certain information in certain sites. I lean towards that most.
Starting point is 00:57:29 But the other question is, though, does the market decide that? I was going to say, the other oversight could be, I always lean toward the idea that the marketplace would be your oversight. Let people make their choice, but they have to have a choice. And as you were talking about, there are very few service providers. My question is, is there incentive for other people to come into the service providing space? Can they make money? What are the barriers to entry as far as that's concerned?
Starting point is 00:57:55 To compete with the big dogs? Right. No. And secondly, is it in the service provider's interest ultimately to make extra cash for such bad press? You may see nothing happen as a result, but I like the idea that the marketplace, that consumers have a choice. And when consumers have a choice, they're going to go with what works the best for them. Greedy.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I do too, but I do believe that it's entirely possible that large corporations could have real influence over the way our culture has access to information. I think that should be stopped. But I also think that these fucking government organizations almost all suck. They're all filled with unmotivated people who suck at their job. And the bureaucracy and the fucking red tape gets deeper and thicker. I think almost every government organization that does any task is flawed. So the idea that we should have government take care of these issues, I have a problem with that
Starting point is 00:58:50 too. I see both sides of it. I see this side too. There's another dark side of the marketplace though. I think the news nowadays makes a lot of money on clickbait. And so you now have companies, whether it's the Huffington Post or CNN or whatever, who are less interested, it seems, in objective reporting of the news and way more interested in generating clicks. Did you see the fucking Newsweek title that they put out about Trump and the Nazis stealing Christmas? Did you see that? There you go. That's a classic example. See if you can find it.
Starting point is 00:59:24 What is that? I'm already intrigued. That's a classic example. See if you can find it. What is that? I'm already intrigued. You know? What's the world we live in? It's such a clickbait thing. News is entertainment now. Infotainment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And that's a tragedy. The fact that Newsweek, which you would always say- They have to compete? They have to compete. That's what it is. They have to compete? But you'd always think they're measured, they're intelligent. This is Newsweek.
Starting point is 00:59:42 One of the most respected- They have to adapt. When Chris Rock was working on a bit. How Trump and the Nazis stole Christmas to promote white nationalism. There you go. Jesus Christ. Hey, fucking slow down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:54 There you go. That's fair. You're going to get Caitlyn Jenner elected president if you keep this shit up. Exactly. You have to understand what's happening here. People are going to go nuts. The media's approval rating. The opposite. According to some nuts the the media's approval rating the opposite according to some polls the media's approval rating is in the single digits and i think they deserve it i really do i i i um am not nearly as
Starting point is 01:00:15 cynical as a lot of people but as i get older and i see how irresponsible a lot of the news is how much money there is to be made by just hinting or associating somebody's name with something kind of volatile. Sure. And with no regard whatsoever for the real questions. And you get to sell that story. You sell that saying here. But isn't that the product of their environment?
Starting point is 01:00:35 They're dealing with what gets a response and what gets clicks. It's a good question. Our societies are the ones who are telling them to do this. They're not just making this shit up. That's right. They're like, well, if we say Trump and the Nazis stole Christmas, how many clicks are we going to get? See, but this is what they're doing is they're being disingenuous. And he's morons clicking on them.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Hold on. They're being disingenuous here in this article. Scroll up a little bit. Because here's one of the things it says. It says, Donald Trump wants America to think he reinvented Christmas. We can say Merry Christmas again. He has said on numerous occasions, both during the campaign of president and presidency, Christmas is back better than ever before.
Starting point is 01:01:08 He told supporters a month before the Christmas season. He is doing what a guy who's very persuasive does to try to get people on his camp. He's a falcon politician. He's also got a sense of humor, by the way. But it's not even true. What he's doing here is not even true because he, in the past,
Starting point is 01:01:24 did a lot of tweets about happy holidays Happy I like people pulled them up that he used to say happy holidays all the time like in very really recently Yeah, was tweeting happy holidays, and then the idea that Obama never said Merry Christmas is a hundred percent horseshit There's a whole video of Obama saying Merry Christmas Merry Christmas over and over and over again Christmas nothing wrong with it. This idea is he's trying to sell people on the idea that your Christian values have been suppressed by this mediocre left-wing government, and he's stepping in here to make America great again. It's all a hustle. But it's not white nationalists and Nazis.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You can't say Nazis. The problem is when you say that, you leave, the word Nazi loses its fucking meaning. Yeah. They're irresponsible journalists. They're not journalists. They're irresponsible. Yeah. What he's doing is he's being a fucking politician.
Starting point is 01:02:14 He's being a weasel. He's trying to pretend that Christmas was never, we never had Christmas before. We're going to have Christmas now. Yeah. And all the dopes, all the yokels. Yeah. Bring him back Christmas, Donald! You know, there's guys out there with Make America Great Again tattoos.
Starting point is 01:02:28 You just understand this. This is real. Like, there's people with, like, red hat tattoos that say Make America Great Again on. There's dummies in every fucking quadrant of this earth. But, you know, I have to say that the mainstream media, and I know I've never been a fan of Trump, but the way they treat him with this kind of stuff that i constantly hear this petty shit the way he drinks water and stuff it's made me it's made me more sympathetic he's brought it on himself when you drink water like this
Starting point is 01:02:54 drink water like this i gotta talk to you i gotta hold on hold on guys it's fucking weird when you drink 12 diet cokes, I mean, we're going to fucking- It might be true or I don't believe it, you know? I don't know what to believe anymore. Right? That's the other problem. There's another bunch of- Because he tells a lot of lies too, though.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Series of quotes from him from back in the day saying, why would you drink Diet Coke? You drink Diet Coke, people who drink Diet Coke are also all fat. Diet Coke makes you fat. It's been proven. There's a whole series of tweets. Yeah. Like, he might have just forgot he made those tweets. Well, he shredded.
Starting point is 01:03:23 He just doesn't give a fuck. Shredded. Jack. He's in great shape. But I think that, you know, first of all, he as a president, here's a weird one. There was a terror attack that was thwarted by the FBI in San Francisco.
Starting point is 01:03:34 You didn't hear a goddamn peep about it. Because he's against the FBI. Because of this all this investigation shit. So the president of the United States didn't congratulate the FBI, didn't tell the American people that the FBI has done a great job. Have you heard about this? I know about the terrorist attack.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I read that. The FBI thwarted a legitimate terrorist attack. And this is all this whole make America great again stuff, right? You want to stop the terrorists. As a political point, he avoided this. How crazy is that? It's terrible. He holds a grudge.
Starting point is 01:04:03 An arrest man suspected of plotting ISIS inspired Christmas terror attack in San Francisco in 1939. He was an American Marine. He was a Marine who went, you know, started going crazy. Yeah, well, it's just very crazy. And how about he started, they
Starting point is 01:04:19 started to like ISIS posts on Facebook, and then he reached out to ISIS and went, hey, looking to complete this mission, how do I get a hold of the guns and bullets? And ISIS is like, homeboy, if you have to ask for the gear, it might not be for you. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, they're dumb? They're going to go, meet us on the dock where the secret is cold. Hey, asshole, get out of here, man.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Have our flag on your truck as you pull up. Make it super obvious. Every time I've been Pier 39, I've been there. Every time I go to San Francisco, I always think that. I'm always like, damn, this place looks... I don't think like that. Well, a lot of people, though, have been making this comment on why did the president not discuss this? Like, well, this is something that, like, when you address the nation, you have to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And even if he's in some sort of a squabble with one aspect of the FBI, you have to recognize that they did their job here. This is why they're important. And this is why they're important. They literally protected American lives, and he's not mentioning it. So this petty bullshit that they do when they're saying things like how Trump stole Christmas with white
Starting point is 01:05:20 nationalists and Nazis, that kind of petty shit enforces his petty shit. Gets in the way of real news. And they go at each other back and Nazis, that kind of petty shit enforces his petty shit. Yep. Gets in the way of real news. And they go at each other back and forth and nothing gets done. Well, someone needs to grow the fuck up and it should be the president. But Newsweek needs to grow the fuck up too. You can't say things like that.
Starting point is 01:05:36 That's silly. It's the culture we live in. We should be able to rely on the mainstream news. And I know I'm going to get a lot of emails about the mainstream news. Eddie Bravo was calling you right now and I know I'm going to get a lot of emails about the mainstream news. Eddie Bravo was calling you right now. We should rely on them to at least report the facts. At least objective facts. That was the whole
Starting point is 01:05:52 point of journalism. They were the fourth estate. They keep power in line. They speak truth to power. That's the whole idea in a democracy. You need a free press. But now, with money, ratings, it has corrupted. Well, there's also the fucking internet man. The internet came along and pretty much anybody can be a news source now.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Anybody can be a hashtag journalist. There's a lot of fucking fake... Change the game up. Yeah. Change the game up. Credentials are different. Spread rumors. Wikipedia pages. I was saying this the other day. I was trying... I remember writing something about this, but like the idea that you in social media, if you, we all have moments where we do some crazy shit, where we say stuff out loud, that's like politically incorrect. Or we say, well, we just behave in a way that like could make you crazy. Right?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah. Like my, my dog ran into my knee the other day. I was like, ah, fuck it hurt. And I instinctively kicked out of it. Like, I was just like fucking, the other day. I was like, ah, fuck. It hurt. And I instinctively kicked at her. Like, I was just like, fucking. And I kicked. And I missed her. But, dude, it looked like I tried to kick my fucking dog in the ribs.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Because, by the way, in that split second, I was trying to kick my dog, who I love very much, in the ribs. She hit my knee. I was like, ah! I don't think there's anything wrong with giving your dog a little knee tap. Correct. I don't think you should kick him. A little shove. If somebody caught that on camera. A little shove. If somebody caught that on camera.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Yeah. I mean, kick your dog in the ribs. Listen, I'm just saying. Somebody caught that on camera. It would have been Brian Callen if I was famous. They'd be like, say I was a politician or whatever. I'm done. I'm the dog kicker.
Starting point is 01:07:17 It's true. And you should be. That's a comedic example. And you should be. Yeah. But I'm saying that nowadays, and I was thinking about this. Nowadays, anything that you do, if you're having a moment, if I was thinking about this, nowadays, anything that you do, if you're having a moment,
Starting point is 01:07:27 or you make a mistake. Describe a moment, though, B. I think you've got to be careful with this. Hold on, I'll tell you. You're making a mistake. I don't know. It could be... Give me an example. It could be you got caught at a strip club, you were making out with a girl behind a dumpster, but you're married, whatever it might be. There are a lot of examples where
Starting point is 01:07:44 everybody's fucked up. Like my buddy, my buddy... You. There are a lot of examples where everybody's fucking up. Like my buddy, my buddy. You're saying like a Kevin Hart situation? He's fine? Hold on. Hold on. My buddy who owns buildings, he gets sued all the time. And what he does is he'll just hire a private investigator and he just follows the dude.
Starting point is 01:07:58 He'll just follow the person. Whoever's suing him. Yeah. And I go, why did he do that? And he goes, well, because everybody he's ever followed he goes everybody is always fucking up
Starting point is 01:08:08 in one aspect of their life well especially someone who's sleazy who tries these illegitimate lawsuits yes and he always finds evidence
Starting point is 01:08:16 that they're just they're doing something I got a girlfriend I got a boyfriend it's always something but you're fine B so let's say in a hypothetical situation
Starting point is 01:08:24 you were cheating on your wife. You came out. Here's the larger point. The larger point is this. I was thinking about how I was taking Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Hemingway, Picasso, and Einstein. All. Dirtbags. All known philanderers, known to cheat on their wives, just known their poor wives, and just real, real ladies' men
Starting point is 01:08:46 and beyond. Well, how about Kennedy? Forget that. You know, everybody wants to keep talking about how Bill Clinton got caught with Monica Lewinsky. Dude. There was a woman who came out who was like one of the aides in the White House. I believe she was 19.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Kennedy made her suck his dick and suck her friend's dick. Yeah, Jeff Kennedy fucked everybody. Yeah. Everybody. Fuck his dick and fuck a friend's dick. Jeff, Kenny, fuck everybody. Yeah. And so what I'm saying is that in the days of social media now, we would have dilated on that. And we would have looked at that. He could have acted like that. Is that what we want to focus on? Because with those men, let's just take those men.
Starting point is 01:09:16 They could have been discredited and cut out at the knees depending on when that activity was exposed. Okay. You're talking about technology. It could have undermined everything they were working for. But hold on. Isn't it possible that we need to have a more realistic understanding of what a human being is?
Starting point is 01:09:33 And then seeing all these flaws in a person and then getting past that is maybe the way to go. Yes, the way the Europeans do. But our problem is that we're dealing with this old model where everybody was like some fucking Cary Grant dude in a movie. And the good guys wore white hats. The bad guys wore black hats.
Starting point is 01:09:49 That's not realistic. It's not realistic. That's American. Our problem is – But isn't it American because it hasn't been exposed and we don't have a new realization of what human beings are? And so isn't all of this excruciating, detailed information that comes out about anybody that's seeking power. Isn't it ultimately like a good thing to see like, oh, he's like me.
Starting point is 01:10:11 I know I fuck up. He's like me. Oh, that guy's like me too. So instead of thinking there's some person, some Dalai Lama guy who's going to come save us, the one guy on the planet doesn't have any vices. Instead of that, maybe we should have a more honest interpretation
Starting point is 01:10:23 of what it means to be a human being. And compassionate understanding that sometimes we're – you know, Jordan Peterson said something fucking amazing to me. He goes, we're ruled by different gods depending on the moment, time, and day. We're ruled by the god of sex, the god of jealousy, the god of anger, the god of resentment. It just depends on the moment, which is his argument for an overreaching god. But I want my president to be better than me. You know what I'm saying? I don't want him to have the same vices as me.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah, held to the higher standard. We've always said they're going to be better than you anyway. Just because they have the same flaws that you have doesn't mean they're not better at you than running the government. But if he has a drug addiction and he's fucking hookers nonstop on the side, I don't want him running my country. But he could be the mayor of Toronto. Like Rob Ford did a great job while he was mayor of Toronto, smoking crack. Bill Clinton wasn't bad either. Exactly. I just think we need
Starting point is 01:11:09 a more nuanced point of view of what human beings are, and I think we've lost it. I think we're very... Americans have to... Don't you think people are being held accountable more, though, B? Like, there's actual bad dudes who are like, ah, it's out now. Like Harvey Weinstein. There's good and bad. There's good and bad to this.
Starting point is 01:11:26 I just hope that we come back around to the fact that human beings are complicated, that we're all fucking up, that just because I fuck up in this act doesn't mean I'm a bad person all the way through. Trevor Noah said something that was interesting. He said, what I don't understand about Americans is how you can't be both
Starting point is 01:11:42 things. Why do you have to be one thing or another? You gotta have a black hat or a white hat. Can you be, is it possible to sympathize with the Black Lives Matter and also be pro-cop? Can you have both? Is that possible? No, we pick teams. We pick teams. Teams in a way. Well, it's very common to pick teams for sure. So it's an instinct that we have. I think we are getting better at understanding what a human being is is and I think to equate Harvey Weinstein with finding flaws and politicians is very different I agree because what he's doing what he was
Starting point is 01:12:10 doing was essentially he was not just that he was he was like that was part of how he engineered his business yeah he engineered his business to like feed his sexual harassing and sexual assault appetite. He's a piece of shit all the way around. In his fucking contract. But that's going on, I think, in other corporations. Just not in entertainment. Like that? Like the way he did it? Where the girls had to fuck him to get parts?
Starting point is 01:12:36 I think he's an outlier. I don't think so. I think he's an outlier. I don't think so. I think when there comes power and there's pretty girls, I think men are going to abuse that power. Not always. I'm not saying always.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I'm not saying always. Some guys. If you think Harvey Weinstein in that position of power is the only guy to do that to that level, you're crazy. No, but B, B, our women are also drawn to power, right? I like how you guys try each other, B, like you're fucking 15-year-old kids in Brooklyn, you dorks. We're cuties. Because we're a couple of cuties. See, and I agree, it's scary, but I think it's a witch hunt only for witches, man.
Starting point is 01:13:12 It doesn't bother me. No, you can't say that. I'm glad these guys get turned down like that. No, no, no, you can't say that because a witch hunt is also based on hearsay and accusation and not proof. So you have to have due process. For some. Yes. For some. You have to have due process. For some. Yes. For some.
Starting point is 01:13:25 You have to have due process. We all know that we live now at a time when just accusations can ruin your entire career. Well, I mean, I think part of the problem is- Give me an example, B. Whose career has it ruined that wasn't true? I don't know. Garrison Keillor. Garrison Keillor's a good example. Garrison Keillor's the best example.
Starting point is 01:13:40 He's a guy like his entire career. He's been known as this super nice guy. Super nice guy. Consoles some woman, hugs her, his hand goes down her shirt on her back. She pulls back. He apologizes. He sends her a letter apologizing. She
Starting point is 01:13:53 accepts it. They stay friends and then she goes public with it when all this Me Too stuff comes out. She feels compelled. Yeah, she didn't just get fired. They changed the name of his thing. Al Franken too. Al Franken admitted he did some shit that he shouldn't have done and grabbed some butts. Al's almost a better point.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I think Al, I don't think he's a bad guy. I don't think he's a bad guy either. He should have stood up for himself. He didn't stand up for himself. Al Franken's a good example. Well, he did for a while, and then he couldn't. And all the Democrats now in Minnesota are having second thoughts. He shouldn't retire.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Hey, you fucking guys. You mobbed up on Twitter. Like a little proportion. We need to have. Well, who's we, though? You're talking about such a large number of humans. There needs to be a national narrative. Some people mobbed up because it's naturally in their fucking behavior pattern.
Starting point is 01:14:38 There needs to be a national narrative on where the line is, too. A lot of people don't know where the line is. Like I know where the line is. You know where the line is to me? Like if you don't want something and I'm humiliating you or embarrassing you, and if I did that because I'm an idiot, then I got to make amends and figure out what I did wrong.
Starting point is 01:14:54 You're 100% right, but we have to understand what you're saying when you're saying the line. The line includes free speech and free speech for 320 million people is going to leave an exorbitant amount of human beings that feel like they should gang up on everybody anytime something goes sideways. And that's what you see and that's what you feel.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Mob mentality. And then media companies react to that because they don't want blowback. They don't want boycotts. They step in and fire people that maybe shouldn't get fired. But I also think in the workplace it's scary. Even for me, there was a female comic the other night. We were on the lineup. And I'm into fashion.
Starting point is 01:15:24 I'm almost too gay with it, but she had this dope coat on. I thought about, I said something about her coat and I thought, ah, fuck. Was I too forward with her about her coat? I'm scared of it now. Right, you gotta be careful of how it's interpreted. That sucks. There was a male in the room and I was like, dude, where'd you get that coat from? We're talking about
Starting point is 01:15:40 coats. I saw hers and then she was about to go on stage and I was like, I love your coat. That coat is dope. And I saw hers, and then she was about to go on stage, and I was like, I love your coat. That coat is dope. And I grabbed her arm. I was like, oh. Are you going to be careful? Is she going to blast up?
Starting point is 01:15:50 Isn't that fucked up, though, that you can't do that? And I thought, ah, fuck, man. Well, see, the reason why it's fucked up is because your intentions. Your intentions are only like, you really do love fashion, and you see a really nice coat, and you're like, ooh, that is nice. Like, you really, like, the way I would look at a nice car. Yes. Wait, what about if a woman's?
Starting point is 01:16:05 Beautiful and I go you are you are fucking your yeah The way you do it the way you do it you start Take the shape of a letter C You take the shape of a letter C and you start moving towards them. Like a giant cashew. That's weird? Why do you think that's weird? I'm being complimentary.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Because if I was my sister, I'd want to punch you in the face. Fuck away from my sister. Think about it in the workplace, too. Like, you can't, if a girl was a pretty dress, I saw a comic tweet out, can't a girl wear a dress
Starting point is 01:16:40 without being fucking complimented on it? I'm like, fuck, man. Without being complimented on it? Yeah, what do you mean? Like, can't we just dress up and you can't say a word? Like, you don't see guys saying, without being fucking complimented on it? I'm like, fuck, man. Without being complimented on it? Yeah. What do you mean? Like, can't we just dress up and you can't say a word? Like, you don't see guys saying, hey, nice tie. Like, can't women come in the office and not get remarks?
Starting point is 01:16:53 Like, fuck, that's the world we're living in, man. You can't say, man, you look great today. You look gorgeous today. You're confusing this. What you're saying is, can't a woman come into the office and get remarks, get positive remarks, and have it be a good thing? No positive. Can't the man not say anything about a woman the way she
Starting point is 01:17:10 looks in the office place? Can't she just be another employee? A woman was asking for that. Yeah, a woman goes, can you guys just not comment on the way we're... The woman was saying that? Yes. Oh, a woman was saying that. She doesn't know what it's like to be a man. Well, you know... Sometimes you want to compliment somebody. There's nothing wrong with compliments. There's also the reality, and this is something I've been talking about in my act a lot.
Starting point is 01:17:26 There's a reality of the way women are allowed to dress both on television and in real life in office situations where they expose enormous swaths of skin, which men are not. If men in the office were wearing skirts and you could their toes, and they had sleeveless shirts. And this is common. This is commonplace, and there's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing inappropriate about it, and I'm not commenting on it, like criticizing it. But the reality of the way women are allowed to dress, like if you watch Megyn Kelly on television, especially during the Fox News days when she's the ice princess, she wore these very small dresses that looked like she was going out for a hot night on
Starting point is 01:18:05 the town. Not mad at it. Jamie, bring that up for a sec. It's not a bad thing, man. No, it's not a bad thing. There's videos that just show women on Fox News crisscrossing and uncrossing their legs and then dangling their shoes off their feet. How about the weather girls?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Woo! Check out the weather girls in Latin America. The weather girls in LA, son. Everywhere. So girls that dress like that should be allowed to dress any fucking way they want. Yeah. But there is a reality of the way they're dressing that is way more sexually suggestive than anything that a man is allowed to wear.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Yeah. There's not a sexual equality when it comes to wardrobe. When it comes to wardrobe in an office, if every woman dressed like Barbara Walters in the 1980s and wore a fucking pantsuit and had one of those big collars on and shit, dressed like Ellen. Every woman was like Ellen when she hosts her show. This is why all women should be in burkas. But that outfit, that Ellen outfit, is basically like a female version of what men wear. When men are on television, they wear a suit, jacket, they wear a nice shirt, they wear pants with a belt.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Isn't there also a truth to how men naturally are drawn to women in certain outfits? I mean, like men are more visual. You're talking about yoga pants, sir? Talking about just how men can see through a carpet. What? Get in the fuck out of here. How is that the face
Starting point is 01:19:20 of a woman who's giving you the news? She's a serious journalist. Yeah, she's so, and that was back when she was like way hotter. I got no problem with that. I don't have a problem with it either, but what is that? Go in the upper right-hand corner. Upper right-hand corner of that series? What is that? I'm not mad at her at all. She's stupid hot, right?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Ridiculous. Short hair now, which I disagree with. But imagine now, imagine now, Don Lemon wearing that same outfit. Well, I wouldn't look good in that. Actually, I have good legs. They're okay. You don't know, dude. You've seen me in high heels? You're okay. Don Lemon wearing that same outfit. Well, I wouldn't look good in that. Actually, I have good legs. They're okay. You don't know, dude. You've seen me in high heels?
Starting point is 01:19:48 You're okay. Don Lemon's is better. You don't have good legs. Who? You. Yes, I do. They're okay. Well, you have shit.
Starting point is 01:19:53 What's the issue? What bothers you? You have psoriasis. Yeah, my psoriasis flared up again. I mean, fuck off. It flared up again. Hey, maybe it comes down to that short dress with psoriasis. I know, but I think my flu caused my psoriasis. I'm sure. No, you have it all the time. I justared up again. Maybe it comes down to that short dress with psoriasis. I know. But I think my flu caused my psoriasis.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I'm sure. No, you have it all the time. I just got it again. Look at your fucking legs. We have to make sure that we let everybody know what we're saying here. I'm not saying that women should be sexually harassed because they dress sexy. No, no. I'm saying if you wear something that looks nice in the office, I think guys should be
Starting point is 01:20:20 like, damn, you look really good today. But it's a problem because if the girl responds to that, then the guy's like, ooh, she wants the dick. I know. Guys are meatheads. She has to be careful about how she walks the water cooler by herself. And you're going to come up to her and she's on her way to the bathroom and ask her weird questions. I know. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:20:36 But don't a lot of people get married in the workplace? Don't they have romances in the workplace? Don't they meet their lovers there? Not anymore, buddy. That shit's illegal. Shit's illegal. Maybe it should be, but I don't know. That's where you meet people. Oh, well, they have a bunch of people who are really buddy. That shit's illegal. Shit's illegal. Maybe it should be, but I don't know. That's where a lot of, like, that's where you meet people.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Oh, well, they have a bunch of people who are really unhappy. That's going to make men and women unhappy. I agree. This is puritanical. I know a lot of people that, especially in, like, the TV business, that, like, the writer would, like, hook up with one of the girls who was in production and then they want to be married and having kids. Yeah, it's a great story.
Starting point is 01:21:02 And I also know a lot where the writer would hook up with one of the girls in production and then they would break up and it would be a fucking disaster on the set and one of them would wind up leaving. Let individuals take that responsibility. Okay, you know what we're all asking for? Let them figure it out.
Starting point is 01:21:15 We want a higher authority, a corporate, nameless, faceless bureaucracy to lay down these laws on high in stone and there are certain things you can't do. No relationships whatsoever. I don't care if you're two human beings. Awesome. The workplace is going to be fucking great.
Starting point is 01:21:36 America's going to be fucking happy. Let me throw a scenario at you. Instead of giving individuals the responsibility for managing their own relationships, their own romance. And now in colleges, and now in fucking colleges, my nephew's got to sit there and every step of the way sexually, he's got to go, is this okay? Is this okay?
Starting point is 01:21:54 He's got to get consent every time. Fuck you. You got to relax, man. You got to relax. Fuck that. I don't want to. Because I went to Arizona State and everybody fucking everyone still. It's big brother.
Starting point is 01:22:03 It's tyrannical. And it's not going to make anybody happier or safer. It's all bullshit. You know why you walk a girl to her car at night? Not because men. Not because of rape culture. Not because men are dangerous. Because there are psychos out there.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Because there are psychotics. Because 1%. I think both. I think both. What do you mean? There's a lot of guys you got to watch out for. If you walk a girl in a park lot, there's going to be guys and girls by yourself. All it takes is one guy in a van.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Right, but it's not just psychos. It's sometimes just a guy with a couple of drinks in him. He's a drunk dude. It's whatever. Listen, man. All my friends who are drunk. We've talked about this. You know, rapists in jail.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Rapists in jail have to be protected from the other inmates. Men who are regular guys like us don't like those fucking guys. Hold on, hold on. No, child rapists have to be protected from the other inmates. Men who are regular guys like us don't like those fucking guys. Hold on, hold on. No, child rapists have to be protected. There's a lot of guys that are in jail. Like, Pertusse O'Neill got arrested once, falsely accused of rape. And one of the things that he said was that when he went to jail, he was worried. And guys would be like, no, no, no, that's a skin beef.
Starting point is 01:22:59 They would call it a skin beef. It's like, that's not, like, no one thinks you're a rapist. It's one thing if you get accused of being some serial rapist. Then you're fucked. But a guy who a girl they have a dispute and the girl claims the guy raped her. No one wants to admit happens and it happens way less. I think way more
Starting point is 01:23:16 women don't report rape way more than women report false rape. I agree 100%. Way more women are embarrassed, disturbed, sickened. They feel dehumanized. They don't even want to discuss it. They would rather not be outed as someone who got raped and let this person get away
Starting point is 01:23:34 with it. That's a common thing with women. That's why I think some of this hashtag Me Too is good. But also, some women lie. That happens too. That's a bummer. But you can't- But they're humans.
Starting point is 01:23:45 They're humans, but you can't tailor everything towards those few negative apples. No, you don't, but you don't tailor anything towards the idea that those apples are non-existent and impossible. Correct. But I'm going back to the office space. You're going to always deal with false accusations. You're going to deal with people who don't report things. You're going to deal with all these things in the wide spectrum
Starting point is 01:24:02 of humanity. I just don't think that this zero tolerance, nobody's allowed to date anybody because we don't want to and that's where we're at that's what happens i don't agree we talked about it on our show and i never even thought about it we're at the comedy store and when i told that girl nice coat i like oh fuck do i seem creepy great because she's young you know she's 21 amazing comic i gotta piss go ahead piss get the fuck out of here. Shut the fuck up. You guys are very aggressive with each other.
Starting point is 01:24:27 If you bring up your nephew one more fucking time. Who's his nephew? I don't know. He's going to some school. I guess he can't talk. You don't. Go pee. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Jesus Christ. Man, he gets on. You two are like an old married couple. It's hilarious. Yeah. I want to kill him some days. But I think we're talking too much about sexual harassment i agree but i think people people will shut it down you know what the problem is with sexual harassment too is you it's everywhere so when they tune into shows like
Starting point is 01:24:55 this they don't want to fucking hear for here either well neither do i really people are trying to work it out i think that's one of the important things about talking about it but the problem is men are talking about it like we don't know jack shit about it. Like I said, I don't really deal with it. But here's the thing. No one's coming at us with it. I've only had gay guys hit on me aggressively a couple times ever in my life. Andy Dick tried sucking my dick. I felt uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I'm just kidding, by the way. He tried, but he's awesome. I had a comic once at the Montreal Comedy Festival late at night when we were all hanging around the bar. Getting super aggressive with me. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Super. Way back in the day. This was like, I want to say like late 90s. Real uncomfortable moment where I had to tell him, get the fuck away from me. Bigger dude, too? Like, could have been some problems? No, it wasn't like a physically threatening thing. I literally told him I would stomp a fucking hole in his chest if he touched me again. Did it work or did it turn him on? No, it wasn't like a physically threatening thing. I literally told him I would stomp a fucking hole in his chest if he touched me.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Did it work or did it turn him on? No, it worked. Yeah. No, I was serious. I was like, you got to stop touching me. He knew what was up. Well, he was drunk and I wasn't. It was one of those weird moments where someone is like being sexually aggressive and they
Starting point is 01:25:57 think it's funny and then they try to take it to the next level to show you how crazy they are or something like that. Yeah, he can't blow. I was like, dude, do not touch me like this. And then I realized like, oh, this is what it's like when you're a woman. Oh, except the woman can't kill the guy. Like I'm dealing with a doughy drunk comedian that I could kill. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:17 If he tried anything, he just whoop his ass where women don't have that option. Whereas they don't have that option at all. And it's not funny. They weren't, you know, with a woman, it's not a funny situation with me. It's like, it was funny. It was never like I was nervous. But it was like, God, this is gross. Well, I think you look at it different, too, because you have two daughters. I do now.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I didn't then. I'm saying now you do where it's like, fuck, man, it's scary. You do that. Just having children, you look at people so differently because children are so vulnerable. And when you have a little kid and you see that little kid trying to make their way through the world, you think about them being victimized by some sort of an evil predator. And it's fucking awful.
Starting point is 01:26:51 It's a terrible feeling. It's a weird thing that we have to reconcile, the fact that some people do prey on other people's vulnerabilities and weaknesses and naivete. Dude, Boyer Girl. Yeah, Boyer Girl. Like, I'm looking for a new nanny, and you hear all these horrible stories
Starting point is 01:27:05 about nannies and the molest kids. Molest kids, beat kids. I do not play that shit. There's some horrible videos of nannies lifting kids up and throwing them against their crib. You can't watch them. It makes me sick. They're so infuriating.
Starting point is 01:27:18 It makes me sick. One kid was all fucked up and bruised and the parents put this fucking camera and they caught the lady picking the kid up by his arms and literally throwing him across the room. And you watch it. You're just like, oh, my God. It'd be tough for me not to go to prison if I came home and saw that. It would be really tough.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It would be so, so tough. I have some more self-control than a lot of people. It'd be so tough. Oh, yeah. Not to choke the life out of her. You know what they say that gave rise to the helicopter parent phenomenon? That? gave rise to the helicopter parent phenomenon.
Starting point is 01:27:43 That? One of the things they talk about, like how students are so entitled and they became sort of like this idea that they can say anything they want. And, you know, that's sort of the whole movement of my personal sovereignty is everything. One of the theories would be that in the 80s, when kids started disappearing and you started reading about it, they'd end up on the back of little cards. All of us as parents, as human beings, like there's nothing worse, right? You can't think of anything worse.
Starting point is 01:28:09 And that created this, every parent, your biggest fear. So now you go, I'm not letting my kid take his bike down to the neighbors, because it might only be 600 yards, but. John Wayne Gacy might be waiting. That's right. My dad didn't let me walk home. That's always happened, actually, but it was
Starting point is 01:28:28 you know, now people say, remember when we used to be able to play out there? It's always happened, but we started learning about it. People started establishing patterns about it. Then we had certain serial killers like John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy and stuff like that. Dude, I dodged bullets twice in my own life. I dodged
Starting point is 01:28:44 a bullet once when I was about 8 years old and again when I was about 13. When you mean dodge a bullet, you mean forget it. Guys are trying to fuck me. What? Yeah, yeah. A guy tried to take me out of a library when I was a little kid. The librarian starts yelling out. He was going to show me these books in his car.
Starting point is 01:28:57 And the librarian started yelling out, Joseph, you get away from him. That guy just got out of jail. And I'm fucking crying. And I run to her. And the guy runs out of there. And then another time when I was 13, some guy like literally tried to get closer and closer to me and my friends. He would jog around this lake that we would fish at,
Starting point is 01:29:14 sit down and talk to us, seemed like a super nice guy. And then it got creepier and weirder until one day he showed up drunk and he told me he loved me and that no love could be, you can't have love without sex and i was like what hell man and i was 13 and i was i was a little skinny kid and i was hiding you know we were in this area of this pond where it's like he's not a lot of people yeah he's a man a grown a big man too what he wants and there's you know i'm waiting for a jogger to come by and catch this guy fucking me in the ass in the bushes. What do I do?
Starting point is 01:29:45 So what did you do? I told him to get the fuck away from me. I put my hand in my pocket where I had a knife. I held onto the knife as if I could... And if a 13-year-old tries to cut you... You cut that dick, though. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:55 If he didn't grab your arms first. I wasn't strong. I was super vulnerable. But my point is, I got lucky and dodged two bullets in my life. And they weren't bad bullets. It wasn't like some guy chloroformed me and threw me in a van and fucked me in the ass for a month. That's scary. But it's not worst case scenario.
Starting point is 01:30:12 But it was enough to know that those things are real and they're out there. There's a lot. My buddy got from the age of nine to 12. This guy was just this master manipulator and he ended up like getting essentially raped from 9 to 12 and he was their neighbor he was like he lived he was like uh probably 25 whatever and he lived and he did work around the place and he what he was really good at was he got my friend to uh like he created a sympathetic character. So my friend felt like he was like,
Starting point is 01:30:47 I was having sex with him because I felt like I was taking care of him. Otherwise, he would die if I didn't. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, so he put all this stuff on him. And then what happened was, he went through all that. His mother, like, they found out.
Starting point is 01:30:58 His mother said, you did nothing wrong. But they didn't know. They fucking, this is in the 70s, maybe like in the early 80s. They go through the whole thing. The guy, I think, went to jail. But it was later. It was later that that trauma began to manifest itself.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Like later on. And he was never really, he's never been okay. No, he's got to be feeling gross and dirty. You hate yourself. Is he gay? No, but he's not gay. But he was never able to, I don't want to say too much because, you know, he's, I haven't talked to him in a long time, but he was, I was close to him.
Starting point is 01:31:32 You might've known, I think I've told you a little bit about him. He would paint. Do I know him? He's a great painter. I have some of his paintings in my home and he was such a great special guy, but he would know, but he would paint the same thing over and over again and he never ever painted anything a different variation his podcast got dark yeah well you know what i think go back to humans need to pay attention to the worst aspects of our
Starting point is 01:31:56 behavior and one of the things that jordan peterson has said that i think is incredibly important is what scares us the most about nazis and murderers and psychopaths and rapists is We are all human and giving the right set of circumstances with the right set of input and the right set of genetics and the right Set of environments and the right set of life experiences and the right set of abuse in the household growing up You could be that person too and enjoy it. Yeah, and when you talk to neuroscientists and and people that are actually studying how the human brain, and one of the things that Robert Sapolsky said when I had him on the podcast was a really fascinating thing. He said that I think in the future we are going to look back at the idea of punishing someone for their actions as being so incredibly short-sighted and foolhardy because what this person is when you think about the concept of determinism right the concept of everything in your life has led you to be who you are right now and your your idea of free will is essentially an illusion your free will is based
Starting point is 01:32:53 on so many different factors that you have no control over and they influence you to such a great such a great deal the idea that this person who's in this terrible situation that does this terrible crime is just acting out of evil intentions. It's a foolish way of understanding how the human brain develops. So what's he saying? How would you treat those people? It's a very good question. No one has answered that.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Back in the day when somebody had an epileptic seizure, you were thought to have been possessed by a demon. If you hit somebody, you would be held accountable to that. But what I thought was fascinating is World War I, Dan Carlin talks about this as well. In World War I, when they didn't know what kind of concussion the bombs and their concussion would do to a soldier over and over and sleep deprivation living in those trenches. And what happened was some people would just begin to go into shock. They would get shell shocked. And so you could see them, their bodies would start to constrict and they couldn't really move. But back in the day, those guys would be brought out and shot
Starting point is 01:33:56 for cowardice because they were being cowards. They weren't. And you could see their bodies were actually manifesting. Rightesting right well here's the thing too of like the problem with drafting an army or requiring people to sign up you know or making it some sort of a cultural mandate is there's some people that are just not designed for war they can't handle pressure no there's a lot of people that just can't handle fucking pressure period and for whatever reason whether it's biological whether it's environmental whether it's a combination of nature and nurture, who knows? But there's some people that just, as of right now, they just can't do it.
Starting point is 01:34:31 It's not their thing. They can't handle pressure. It's not their thing. But also there's injury. There's also constant sleep deprivation and injury that nobody can handle. And the shock of impacts near you. of impacts near you. You know, there's a lot that happens to people,
Starting point is 01:34:47 and, you know, obviously the psychological trauma of it all, and knowing that at any step, you could step on a landmine, any step, you could catch a bullet in the head, any step. Yeah. Well, Jordan said something else that was interesting. He's helped people with PTSD when they come back from a war, and they were from Iowa, and they had a very sort of linear notion of,
Starting point is 01:35:04 first of all, the military, I want to be a man, I want to do the right thing, duty, honor, loyalty, these linear concepts. Of course, you get into war and all of that gets shattered. Sometimes it might even get mocked just because there's the fog of war. There's so many things you do. And some of these guys end up doing things that are, to them or because of the circumstance, maybe inexplicably cruel or just they did something that they can't live down. And he would always kind of help them see that human beings being the bipolar ape that
Starting point is 01:35:35 we are, are capable of incredible kindness and in beautiful construction. And of course, on the other side of that, you have in you the ability to do unspeakable violence and terrible destruction for its own sake and oh by the way in the moment just enjoy it that's being a human being we're fucking complicated man that's how we but that's also how we got here yes the only way you get from the wild ape swinging for the fuck through the fucking trees in the jungle to 2017 with your tesla driving you down the street without you even touching the steering wheel the only way you get to that is through aggression yeah i mean it sounds crazy but you get to that through aggression and competition because if you don't have those that ability to survive you're
Starting point is 01:36:18 not going to get past the jaguars you're not going to get past the the invading tribes you're not going to get so you don't need that today. I'm not saying you need it today, but the only reason why we got out of those terrible situations is because we had the ability to become that monster that defends itself or that monster that attacks for its own interests. That's literally what facilitated us developing. Yeah. And also the fact that development requires a certain amount of destruction in terms of like, I did this podcast with him. I'm going to drop soon on mixed mental arts. And he said something because somebody wrote this article, this woman, a professor wrote this article about how certain speech is violent because when you say something that I disagree with or that hurts my sensibilities, it puts me in a state of stress. And that would be violence.
Starting point is 01:37:03 it puts me in a state of stress and that would be violence. And so Jordan said, fine, let's extrapolate for a second. Yes, it's true that words can pierce your heart. I mean, he said, I'd rather get punched in the face. You got to hear him say it. But he said, essentially, the problem is, what about six months down the line? If I am trying to help you grow and become a better person, I see a fundamental flaw in your behavior, in your character. And I tell you, if you have bad breath and you can't get a date, and I go, dude, your
Starting point is 01:37:30 breath could melt paint. At first, it's going to be fucking embarrassing to you. But you're going to thank me six months down the line when you did something about it. More importantly, if you say to somebody, dude, you want to be, I see you trying to be this, whether it might be a great comic. You don't write. You're not disciplined, whatever it might be. You don't want to hear that. The truth. And sometimes you have a set of beliefs, uh, sort of, you built your house around this set of like sort of an ideology. You think you have the truth. And somebody comes along
Starting point is 01:38:00 with a different idea, a different point of view that shatters those walls. And man, you don't like it. You want to go back to your safe space. But good luck growing. You don't get closer to the truth by fucking saying you're causing violence. Well, I think the real problem with this is that these people are not trying to grow. The people that are trying to change the definitions of words to suit their own intentions, they don't want competition. They have the truth.
Starting point is 01:38:23 And it's not by chance these are the same people that support Marxist ideologies. They don't want competition. And it's not by chance these are the same people that support Marxist ideologies. They don't want competition. They want a lack of competition. They think competition is bad. Yikes. There's a lot of that out there, man. Of course. Because they're not good at it because they don't want to face that ultimate objective view of who
Starting point is 01:38:39 they really are and their actual capabilities. They'd rather get a bunch of fucking weird social justice brownie points for a bunch of weird things. And, you know, there's a lot of that. There's a lot of that. And you can see those patterns in the way those people talk. They have very specific ways of talking.
Starting point is 01:38:54 You can point out very specific things that they say, things that they talk about. They're going to be the first to talk about white privilege. They're going to be the first to talk about, you know, trans rights and all these different. to talk about white privilege. They're going to be the first to talk about trans rights and all these different... And there's a way of talking, an actual pattern
Starting point is 01:39:08 that the way they communicate, your words are violence. There's literally a pattern that they've adopted, a predetermined pattern or behavior of thinking, the ideology, and the way they communicate so they all know
Starting point is 01:39:20 that they're on the same team. Yeah, it's called owning your impact, your verbal impact. Yeah. And there's, there's a, there's a pattern to the way the noises come out of their mouth. It's fascinating because there's so,
Starting point is 01:39:31 they're so uniform. It's so common to hear these people talk the same way. When Jordan Peterson got in this debate on television with this, it looks like a man. And I say it in the same way that they, and them are, you know, pronouns. I don't mean to be negative. I don't know if this is a man or and I say it in the same way that they and them are pronouns.
Starting point is 01:39:46 I don't mean to be negative. I don't know if this is a man or a woman because he's clearly uber-feminine but has a beard and says there is no biological difference in gender. He was a professor of medicine. University of Toronto. Yeah, I saw that. He goes, I'd be happy to unpack that for you. And it's like, oh, XY chromosomes. See if you could find that.
Starting point is 01:40:04 See if you could just find that guy saying to jordan peterson it was because there's no biological basis for gender they were trying to force him under penalty of law and fine or whatever and jail uh to use to not use someone's preferred pronoun which i would do just because i don't want to hurt somebody's feeling but they're trying to pass it as law. So if you didn't use zur or whatever, you would be – A bunch of fake gender pronouns that they're inventing. You'd be tried for – This is in Toronto? Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:31 You'd be tried for hate speech. And that's where we head. You know, with the communists, they always – communism was a true religion in the Soviet Union. communism was a true religion in the Soviet Union, and they had essentially clergymen, people who were sort of the purest form of a priest, the idea that somebody would go around and check with the soldiers to make sure that their piety, that their allegiance to the communist cause was intact,
Starting point is 01:40:57 and they'd ask you questions and stuff. Are other cultures having these problems? It's human. These surnames are coming up and all that stuff? I mean, it's happening in Canada. It's happening in america i'm sure it's probably happening in different ways it's happening like europe and brazil in the 20th century it was called fascism it was called communism human beings love religion we're all religious and if you and there's there are man-made religions and there are religions that are, you know, at least purported to be from on high.
Starting point is 01:41:28 At least with on high religions, they're rather fixed. It seems that man-made religions tend to be more ideologies. And the difference between those, by the way, is philosophy is something that's trying to get to the truth with logic and reason and debate. Ideologies, there's no room for debate. It goes back to what you were saying. There's no room for debate. We have the answers, ladies and debate. Ideologies, there's no room for debate. It goes back to what you were saying. There's no room for debate. We have the answers, ladies and gentlemen. That is equality at all costs.
Starting point is 01:41:50 I'd be happy to unpack that for you. Yes, yes. Do we have that video right now? We'll see if we can find it. Jamie will find it. I can't stand the guy. But it was a bizarre conversation because it's like, okay, I see what you're doing. You're trying to reinvent reality and there's a bunch of people that support
Starting point is 01:42:06 you. There's a bunch of other people that are delusional and they're also right there with you trying to reinvent reality. Is there a huge movement? Like, is this a big thing? There's enough that people are talking about it. The thing about movements is... They're losing ground too, though. Yeah, of course they are. Of course. There's not enough people. No. There's not enough people
Starting point is 01:42:22 going to support it. So many people are going to reject it. The real movers are going to be like, get the fuck out of here. reject it well not only that this is not like a behavior thing this is science you're talking about chromosomes you're talking about gender dysphoria you're talking about all sorts of different issues that are like these are recognized actual issues that human beings have but what are these issues though are you saying there's no there's no scientific basis you're saying you can't differentiate between a male and a woman a man and a female that is bizarre nonsense of course you can you could make a distinction between you could make the distinction between male and female and then he and her in a way here we go yes the bald one is the one who said it. Yeah. That woman's in the woman's studies department.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Yeah. He's not transgender. There's something going on. Really? Yeah. It's not correct that there is such a thing as biological sex. And I'm a historian of medicine. I can unpack that for you at great length if you want.
Starting point is 01:43:20 But in the interest of time, I won't. So that's a very popular misconception. So essentially, in my transgender studies classes, what we're doing is looking at actual research and identifying ways that current social issues related to trans people or things that are associated with trans, such as free speech arguments and claims, how that connects to the way that people are thinking,
Starting point is 01:43:42 the way that research has been framed, the histories of systemic... Give us some of the other pronouns that weren't here. Typically. I don't focus on pronouns because pronouns are actually part of a cis-normative culture. So what we do is learn about... I'm going to stop you right there. I was just about to explain. So we don't start from a cis-normative perspective.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Let's kill this before I throw up. Is that a guy or a girl? That used to be a girl. That's a man. Did it used to be a woman though? He has a better beard than me. No, that's a man. No, I think... On hormones. That's a man on hormones.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I think that's a man on a female that's on male hormones. No, I disagree. I think it's... Look at the hair. Look at the receding hair. Do you know who Buck Angel is? No. Buck Angel is a porn star that was born a woman that became a man through hormones,
Starting point is 01:44:21 and she was on the podcast. He was on the podcast. He's a he now. Talks exactly like that guy. Sounds just like him. That guy right there. Born a woman. Born a woman.
Starting point is 01:44:30 No. Yeah, but just play a clip of him on the podcast. This is what I want you to hear. I want you to hear the way he sounds, because he sounds literally exactly like that guy. Like he could be doing an impression of that guy. What? He's all jacked and yoked and shit. How long ago is this a couple years ago? I want to say a hundred thousand years ago two hundred thousand years ago when we were Women run to women had a fight to women had to stay alive women had to protect their babies
Starting point is 01:44:58 I mean they didn't have to do it as much or often get it get to him get to him that seem larger to the hazing exactly and they'll be less likely to stick around and raise their children we cannot exist but don't they like it doesn't make sense to me the whole the whole person's bodybuilding thing that used to be a female I'm taking yeah let me see it before but here's the thing let me see that more now same voice I think that that guy is a guy who was born a woman who took male hormones, just like Buck Angel. Maybe. You might be fucking right. But the idea that there's no biological difference.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I don't see a naked picture, so let me see the girl version. So he doesn't have a penis. That's not what he looks like. What? No, no, no, no, no. That's not what he looks like. I am. See, what is the word I'm trying to look for?
Starting point is 01:45:47 That hand right there? That was before and after, Sid. Come on. Really? Yes, it said. Does this make sense? Like, I feel like if the world had my attitude. Fool me.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Wait, but like, I feel like. If the world had your attitude, everything would be perfect? No, no, no, definitely not. But I think the world had my attitude about this. Like, even as a kid, if I saw that somebody was very effeminate, or I saw that, like, say somebody was like,
Starting point is 01:46:11 I feel like I'm a woman, but I want to be a man or a man. I have no problem with that. Do your thing, man. I would have protected that person. And more importantly, I think I would have gone out of my way to make no big deal about it,
Starting point is 01:46:21 and they would have been included. Yeah, but that's not, we're not talking about you. No, no, no, I know that. What we're talking about is that sort of conversation is a nonsense conversation and this is going on
Starting point is 01:46:29 over and over and over again because those people are in a cult. Eric Weinstein was on my podcast. Weinstein, sorry. Yeah. Not like Harvey Weinstein. Eric Weinstein,
Starting point is 01:46:38 the brother of Brett Weinstein was on my podcast and he said, here's how you know when you're in a cult. When you hear there is no biological difference between men and women, you're in a cult.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Who puts up with that, though? Who's educated that? Super common in colleges today. In colleges today, you're hearing it left and right. In major colleges. In major universities. In America. Yes, in America.
Starting point is 01:46:57 They're teaching this, and people are afraid to correct them. What the fuck? They're afraid to say anything different about it. And that's exactly right. And in fact, if you were even to say gender dysmorphia was considered... Dysphoria.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Dysphoria, sorry. It was considered a mental illness for a long time. Even to suggest that that may be a subset of the population. Maybe it's worth it.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Wouldn't you have a child just thinking about it? Well, if you have a child who's thinking of themselves... There are people, Hollywood actors, that are having their children i i from what i have heard haven't seen this what i've heard from people that i know their kids are going through they're getting hormones i think there are any hormone blockers owen benjamin got in a shitload of trouble for talking about a guy who has a three-year-old that he's putting
Starting point is 01:47:45 through hormonal blockers. And he was talking about how fucking insane that is. It's insane. People were barring Owen Benjamin from work. Are you kidding? No, I'm not. I love that Owen Benjamin guy, by the way. He's an animal.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Let this child develop. It's child abuse. Let them come up with their own. Of course it is. But if you talk to any legit doctors who know anything about it, they go, really? We shouldn't be doing anything to your past 21 years old. We shouldn't be doing anything. Then if you talk to any legit doctors who know anything about it they go really we shouldn't be doing anything to your past 21 years old we shouldn't be doing
Starting point is 01:48:07 anything then if you want to do it yes frontal cortex is not even fully developed to 25 that was one of the things Sapolsky talked about
Starting point is 01:48:14 just wait until you're 25 yeah but they want easier said than done there's some kids that at a very young age are very adamant about the fact
Starting point is 01:48:22 they were born in the wrong body and some of them you look at them and you go well it, it makes sense. So it's like who's right and who's wrong and when do you decide? But here's when you don't decide. Three!
Starting point is 01:48:30 Three is crazy. Three is crazy. Three, he should be put in jail. There's something wrong with our culture where we think that that's a good idea to interfere with the hormonal system of a very complex thing, like a human being. Three? Not only that- It becomes this sort of thing to do.
Starting point is 01:48:46 It becomes a thing. It's a thing that the CDC, what is the Canadian broadcast network, CBC? They didn't want to talk about a story, and I tweeted this a while back too. They didn't want to have a story on about transgender children because they showed that 85% of the kids that wanted to be trans after a couple of years changed their mind. There was a giant percentage of these kids that went through a phase. You know, Ruby Rose, that famous actress, I think she's a lesbian. She's got, she's really pretty.
Starting point is 01:49:16 She was in that John Wick 2 movie. She said that when she was young that she had thought about being trans and she's really happy that she didn't actually go through it with the hormones and everything and now she realizes this is just she just doesn't fit in and a lot of people don't they don't fit into what society has in line for them in terms of a man or a woman this binary one or zero this old-school I also think that makes sense too I also think a lot of the the activism came out of a good place which was that a lot of, 40% of people who have
Starting point is 01:49:48 trans, uh, transmorphia? Gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria? You gotta get that right. 40%? You know, but here's the thing, you're not even supposed to say that. Commit suicide. Well, here's the thing, you're not even supposed to say that anymore. And by the way, it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not they have had surgery or not have surgery. So I was gonna ask you that.
Starting point is 01:50:04 I heard that after they have the surgery, it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not they have had surgery or not have surgery. I was going to ask you that. I heard that after they have the surgery, it doesn't actually put a dent in that. No, it doesn't. Right? But the question is, are they depressed because they haven't been accepted as who they really are? By society? Yeah, and has society caused them to have these irreparable scars, and that's what's led them to commit suicide, ultimately. So we don't accept them ultimately and it wasn't fixed by the surgery. Is that
Starting point is 01:50:28 possible too? Is it possible that we could be more accepting as a society and as a culture and then these people could just be whoever the fuck they want to be and that's alright too and maybe we would have a lower suicide rate if it wasn't thought of with this great stigma. But you're not going to fix that by having people like that
Starting point is 01:50:44 go on TV and say something That's a blatant scientific lie. I got sick in the head I guess should not be educating young mind and people are coming out of those that's crazy thousands of people every year coming out adopting and we know what college he's in because my son's Rebelled against their parents and their parents might be some fucking right wing square jawed knucklehead You know that has some stupid ideas about what a man is and what a woman is. And it isn't. God says,
Starting point is 01:51:09 man, she's not labeled a man. Dude, studios and directors get massive heat for not having transgender actors and stars and all that. And there's this index. How many lines did women say versus how many lines in men? How many female strong characters are
Starting point is 01:51:25 it's just like can we just let people write but here's the thing do you know about this cover with all these women they were talking about inclusivity is it on time no I forget it's a different magazine it was all white
Starting point is 01:51:40 it's all white women how is this diversity you're all white women you don't know. But it's all white women. It's all white women. How is this diversity? You're all white women. You're not even playing by your own rules. They got a lot of shit for it. They should get a lot of shit for it. Whoever the fuck let that slip through. What message are you trying to send?
Starting point is 01:51:55 You're saying, is this an anti-male message? Because you're a bunch of white women. Yeah, but dude, now you're getting into my favorite, fucking favorite new discipline, which is intersectionist feminism. Intersectional. You should know what it is. Elaborate, B. It's the best. So with the feminist movement, it really began with white women.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I think it started in the women's studies department or at least the literature departments of Yale University. And they did some work, man. Those women were serious. And you can't say that the feminist movement didn't have something to say and didn't have some work, man. Those women were serious. And you can't say that the feminist movement didn't have something to say and didn't have some work to do. Of course it did. Smart women were like,
Starting point is 01:52:31 I don't fucking want to be, you know, there are some issues and disparity. But what happens with any movement is that it's like, well, we're white women. What about black women? They have it way worse than we do. And what about, and we can just keep extrapolating, what about black women with allergies? Black women with lupus?
Starting point is 01:52:51 How about, what about black women who come from really poor and violent areas versus black women who come from a better area? What about black women who are midgets? You can keep extrapolating. I know. Little person. Small people. You can just keep't say midget, bro. I know. Little person. Small people. You can just keep. God damn it, bro.
Starting point is 01:53:06 So at the top, sorry, buddy. God. At the top, at the top of the sort of power structure now, the inverted power structure, is people that are the most oppressed. They're the voices that have to be heard the most. The problem with breaking this down into all these sections is you get ultimately to, because when they had this huge, Christine Summers talks about this, they had this huge intersectionist, feminist sort of congregation where all these women got together. But in the group, when they were meeting in the
Starting point is 01:53:36 convention center, they started breaking up. They started breaking up. Oh, they were breaking up. They were like, well, we have allergies. So we're not over there. And by the way, you're black, but you're white. You're a feminist, but you date, you're white, black feminist, but have allergies, so we're not over there. And by the way, you're black, but you're white. You're a feminist, but you date. You're a black feminist, but you also date a white woman. Sorry. You're a little more privileged. You've got to go over there.
Starting point is 01:53:51 And then the midgets were over there. Yeah. So it became this. It became one clique after another. That's crazy that women become cliquey. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. You want to know my favorite story in regards to this? Let me just finish this one story.
Starting point is 01:54:01 The problem with that movement is as you keep extrapolating, you get to what's called the individual. The Founding Fathers figured that out a long time ago. Ultimately, you're going to get down to the fact that you should treat everybody as an individual. I like it. As an individual. That's the whole point. Yes, you can keep going. But if you keep playing that game, you're just going to get down to everybody's different. Everybody has something.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Everybody is a white dude. My buddy, Dave Otley has a spine like this and he's, he's going to die unless he gets an operation. His life sucks. He's about that big. His email is no neck Dave. I say, I love him. He's fucking hilarious. Dave Otley. But Dave is white. He ain't privileged. He came from a Mormon family, a large family. He wasn't, you know, his life has not been fucking easy. He can't breathe. So you can keep extrapolating. That's why you treat people as individuals because you don't know anything about them.
Starting point is 01:54:56 You actually don't know anything about what they've gone through. Could be a great looking guy. Sleeve tattoos. It's a nonsense conversation because what they're really trying to do is establish power structures and they want to have power over the rest of the people in the group because they apparently have more things that are going against them. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:12 They're more impressed. Finish what you were going to say. My favorite story is there was a, uh, all girls college and this woman is running for like president of student council and she decides that she's a male. She decides to change her gender and uh, then the fucking kids. She didn't get an operation council, and she decides that she's a male. She decides to change her gender. The best. And then the fucking kids- She didn't get an operation, though, did she?
Starting point is 01:55:30 No, no, no. She just decided. She was masculine of centered genderqueer, was how she described herself. Tired move. But decided to change her name to a male's name. Then the women in the school were voting against her because she is now a white man and the white man is the patriarchy. And she it was the president of diversity or something like that. Like some student council.
Starting point is 01:55:54 It becomes a form of madness. President of diversity. Did she go back? I do not know. I do not know. Somebody sent me something about that. How somebody said something about colleges have become these specialized. They're specialized in subjects that have increasing irrelevance.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Yeah, it's a weird thing, man. I think people automatically have this desire to stand out and be more important. They automatically do. It's just like a common thing. And they can do it through merit. But merit, it's difficult. Meritocracies are hard. You might fall short.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Fuck yes. And sometimes along the way, you see your meritocracy not working out for you. You'll claim there's some sort of a conspiracy against you. And there might be. You'll claim other people have privilege. And they might. You'll claim all these reasons why you're not getting ahead. And you might be right.
Starting point is 01:56:43 You might be right in some ways. Well, because colleges are like this, aren't a lot Of comics not doing the tours anymore or with the colleges like a lot of comics I'm out before a lot of comics are doing college stopped way before this I stopped in colleges in the early 2000s for that very really for that reason Yeah, they were just way too sensitive and they didn't have life experience the problem is I like talking to people that have bills and jobs and people that have relationships that didn't work out so good and now they have a fucking
Starting point is 01:57:10 kid with some lady who hates them. That's my crowd. I like talking to people that owe taxes. Spending their fucking money trying to figure out what they're doing in their life. They want to talk about real shit. Meritocracy is my favorite. Meritocracy is how you find out who's real, who
Starting point is 01:57:28 really deserves it. You don't do colleges anymore either, do you? I don't. It's just not a smart thing to do because those people in those colleges are they're very, very young. You're dealing with 19 year olds, 20 year olds, and they're in this weird ideological bubble. There's all these fucking people that are just
Starting point is 01:57:43 jammed in together in this group and everybody's trying to stand out in weird and unique ways. And there's people that are doing it by claiming they're masculine of gender, genderqueer and changing their name. And wow, you're so unique. You're so amazing.
Starting point is 01:57:55 And there's also people that are doing it because they're trying to buck that system. They're becoming the Republicans on campus and people are calling them Nazis. You know, there's a lot of fucking weirdness Chappelle talks about that in a special where some woman rushed the stage we've suffered as much as you.
Starting point is 01:58:09 And he's like, hold on, you're a white woman take it easy now. I know you've suffered but take it easy now. But just that thought like we've suffered as much as you. How does that invalidate this person's suffering? If someone's on stage talking about their suffering, the nature of your suffering is invalid you're you
Starting point is 01:58:26 it's not relevant you you you can relate to that person not relate but the fact that you can stop them from talking or that you think you can stop them from talking just because you've suffered yourself as well like what about me now you're there for a fucking audience you're an audience member your job is to sit down and listen if you want to be be a performer, well, you need to fucking get an act. You need to get booked at the club. You need to become a professional, have people come and pay to see you, and then you can express yourself. You're violating the audience versus performer rules. I also think that people who are that sensitive, they haven't really figured out what they believe in.
Starting point is 01:59:01 They don't really believe in what they're saying. They just belong to a group group and they like being a good foot soldier. They haven't really thought out why they're on that team. Or they haven't been challenged. They might have thought it out, but they've been thought it out with a bunch of other people that are thinking the same things that they think. They felt it out. It feels right.
Starting point is 01:59:17 It's not thought. Well, she's going to do that on a live comedy show. She has some serious issues. There's a lot more going on there. She rushed the stage. That's a good point. Like fat shaming. There's another thing. Fat shaming. It's a very similar thing.
Starting point is 01:59:31 You're not supposed to talk about people being overweight. You're not supposed to talk about people being fat. You're not supposed to discuss it as being a real health issue. That's crazy. You're fat shaming them. You talk about reality. You talk about your friend with his bad back and his fucked up spine and has a hard time breathing. And like seriously, like from the jump, right?
Starting point is 01:59:49 Yeah. That's just a reality. But the work- Being overweight, same thing is what you're saying. But it's worse because it's by decisions that they've made that's allowed them to get that big. If you just decided to not eat, that is a possible answer. Now, we go back to determinism. I've tried that.
Starting point is 02:00:07 How much of your life is, you're a beautiful man. Don't worry about that. You're fine. We have suffered more than you, Brandon. But if you go back to what we're talking about, about determinism, I mean, is your life, are you right now in the middle of conscious decision making that's shaping your destiny, or are you a product of all your life experiences, all of the input that you've received your genetics it's a very dangerous scary area because i don't like taking personal responsibility away from people
Starting point is 02:00:35 i don't like it either but the reality about human bodies and ronda patrick was talking about this the other day morbidly obese people have differences in their sperm that is transferred on to onto their children that is that does not exist when that person loses the weight speaking of when a person loses the weight yeah though that all those genetic problems go away so that they reverse himself that then that raises another question if you do have a genetic propensity for whatever it might be, gambling, alcoholism, obesity, it doesn't mean as a human being you can't figure out a way to game the system so that you don't fall victim to it. And we have to keep that open as a possibility so that my free will counts for a lot. No, I'm with Rhonda Patrick. Send all the fatties to another place.
Starting point is 02:01:29 But was Rhonda Patrick saying that obesity is passed down? Yes. Oh, wow. She was saying that the genes that are problematic amongst obese people, those genes, they change when the person loses the weight. people, those genes, they change when the person loses the weight. So even if the person has gastric bypass surgery and they lose the weight and they get down to a normal weight where they're not obese anymore, their genes that they express and the way they transfer them to their children, they will be different. Meaning that those kids could be skinny.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Like Al Roker's fine. I have a friend who's overweight and he has a daughter that's overweight. And she's approaching teenage years. She's thick. No, she's overweight. That's what I mean by thick. She drinks tons of soda, and she eats tons of candy. And he's not a good friend. It's just a guy that I know.
Starting point is 02:02:18 And it's weird to watch because it's like, well, I see where this is going. Is he not educated, though, on nutrition? No, no, no. He's not. He's not a thinker. I don't know the guy well enough. Obviously, I would never comment on, hey, you got to treat your fucking kid better. But I see the kid and I see the thing and I'm just like, Jesus Christ, this kid's fucked.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Sometimes when they're happy and they're fat, though, I appreciate it. This kid's not happy. So it's not a good. It's just it's one of those things where, you know, if you make choices and then your children see those choices and make those same choices, you know, you're responsible for passing that pattern on in some sort of a way. And sometimes people don't realize that until someone like Rhonda Patrick says it. that until someone like Rhonda Patrick says it. And one of the things that Rhonda sent me was an email that she had gotten where someone sent to her this guy that was literally listening to that, eating some shitty food and put it down and decided there and then to make a change in his life.
Starting point is 02:03:14 He's like, I didn't think that this was going to literally change my genes that I pass on to my children. That's really cool. Wow. That's cool. Yeah. The more you learn about stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Because you get a master. Not of your destiny, but maybe your children's destiny. Yeah, some people just don't know, man. Well, you're not just, you're literally hamstringing them from birth. If you're a fat fuck and you have these kids, sorry, fat shaming, you let it out of the gate, you know, and your children from the jump are dealing with all your poor choices, and you have to see that.
Starting point is 02:03:42 That's going to punish you, man. A lot of it's education. A lot of people just didn't know that you know it used to be like high fiber low fat diets how you lose weight and people couldn't lose weight then they were like try not eating sugar and bread and things that spike your insulin but then some people who are obese are they saying it's maybe a mental weakness or is the mental illness no they're saying you're well it's certainly everyone has the ability to do things different. Like nothing's stopping you from just cutting all the bad carbs out, cutting all the refined sugar, cutting all the refined carbohydrates, eating like a very healthy diet and then working out all the time and slowly but surely losing the weight and becoming healthy. Nothing is physically stopping you from doing that, right?
Starting point is 02:04:26 So what is stopping you? Well, there's a lot of behavior patterns that people deal with. There's a lot of depression. There's addiction. Like, what are those mechanisms? And these are all things that we need to address, too. You can't just say, hey, man, pull yourself up by your bootstraps because people don't know how to do it.
Starting point is 02:04:39 How do I get out of my own way? Yeah. How do they get out of their own way? They get depressed. They feel terrible. They feel maligned by society. But I don't think helping them, I don't think you can help them by saying you're fat shaming them by talking about the fact that being fat is gross.
Starting point is 02:04:53 Exactly. It's just bad for you. The world's going to do it anyway. Yeah. The world's going to do it quietly. Yeah. You're going to feel it. It's going to get there.
Starting point is 02:05:00 This is my problem with the side. It's the right and the left, actually, on the fringes. They're way more interested in punishment than they are persuasion. You know, I know that we can pass lots of laws. I know we can have workplace stuff that kind of like makes everybody safer, quote unquote. It's just going to suppress behavior. It's not going to change behavior. You need to figure out a way.
Starting point is 02:05:24 going to suppress behavior. It's not going to change behavior. You need to figure out a way, if you're really serious about changing behavior, appeal to my heart and my mind and make it logical. When you teach me how to eat, the biggest issue I always find with keeping people motivated is number one, you can get pumped up. You can go to a Tony Robbins seminar and get pumped up and really make a change. The question is, how do you keep inspired day to day? How do you stay inspired? You know that comment about inspiration and inspiration is like bathing. It's effective, but it has to be done regularly. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:57 Yeah. It's good. I think community and information. These two are huge. You have to be around like-minded people that also want to do the same thing. That helps. When you're around fucking lazy cunts
Starting point is 02:06:07 who don't want to do shit and they're always making excuses, it fucking trips you up. It's real bad. So if you have friends that are always making excuses,
Starting point is 02:06:14 you got to push them away. You got to separate. Tell them, hey man, this is how I feel. I feel like you're always crying about stuff and you're always thinking
Starting point is 02:06:21 woe is me and you trip us all up. It's a negative cloud. You give them the opportunity to see how you see them. And if not, you've got to find other people that are more motivated to improve their life. Then information. And in community and information, I also include things like this podcast. Any time people are talking about these things uninhibited uninterrupted and uncensored where
Starting point is 02:06:45 you get to see the the real thoughts that they have and then backed up by information from people like ron de patrick from scientists from peer-reviewed studies things that you read you get a sense of like oh i'm not alone in this okay there's a bunch of other people that are thinking about these issues as well like what can we do what can i do on a personal level to get past whatever weird shit i'm tripping up on my life how why do i keep smoking cigarettes why do i keep lighting these fucking things up how come after work i just go for the ice cubes and start pouring scotch why do i do that why do i do that and all these people have to come to grips with this and having a community of people like i learned a shitload when we did that sober october thing man i learned a shitload
Starting point is 02:07:25 because i don't i don't have a drinking problem but knowing that i can't drink it's like inhibiting myself from that no smoking and then also having these 15 fucking yoga classes that we had to do 90 minute yoga classes in a month there's a lot of everything but it was also that we were doing it together that burt was doing it tom was doing it ari was doing it i was doing that we were doing it together. That Bert was doing it. Tom was doing it. Ari was doing it. I was doing it. We were all doing it together. We fed off of each other. And at the end of it, when we were all celebrating and got through it, I was like, I learned a lot from this. I learned a lot from this about the power of community.
Starting point is 02:07:55 I learned a lot from this about having things that you have to do. Like you just have to do those 15 classes. You guys were also accountable to each other. Yes, exactly. Where if you're just trying it yourself, it's going to be tough, man. It's tough. It's tough. But community and information. Those each other. Yes, exactly. Where if you're just trying it yourself, it's going to be tough, man. It's tough. It's tough. Community and information.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Those two things are gigantic. Yeah. Community is big, man. It's one of the big things. So get rid of your fat friends. It's not just information, but education. There's a difference. Don't have fat friends is what you're telling me. But I have fat friends.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Hold on, man. Some of them are fucking awesome. You know? If they wanted to change and they were bitching about it and they didn't do anything about it, then it would be a problem. But some people are functional as fat people. And they're also happy and they celebrate it. I like fat people. Look, some people are fat and they don't drink and they don't smoke and they don't eat bad food.
Starting point is 02:08:36 They just eat too much or they eat a lot of pizza or something like that. And then there's some people that are fat and whine and complain and they're always depressed. I don't have friends like that. That's a problem. I don't have friends like that. That's a problem. I don't have happy, fat friends. And they're not good at anything. You know, this is the other thing. Like, you've got to be fucking good at something.
Starting point is 02:08:50 You know, have something that you have joy in, whether it's a game that you like to play or whether it's a hobby that you pursue. Well, I would say Big Country has the good kind of fat. He could give a fuck and he'll knock you out. But here's the thing. Would Big Country have been a world-class fighter at 185 pounds? He was a heavyweight.
Starting point is 02:09:09 That's a weird example, baby. Yeah. But yeah. But think about that. Think of big country if he went on a crazy good diet. I don't know. Because it goes back to- Guy's a fucking animal.
Starting point is 02:09:18 It goes back to also the idea that- Fighting Matt. Part of his ability to fight, stay calm, perform under pressure might be the fact that he could give a fuck. Like if you get too controlling about your weight, you might get too controlling. That might be a mindset that you can't divest from in everything else. If you get too calculated with everything you're doing and you step in an octagon, something goes wrong, you're not as loose maybe. I don't know. Or you're a professional. Or you're doing and you step in that octagon, something goes wrong, you're not as loose maybe. I don't know. Or you're Mighty Mouse.
Starting point is 02:09:46 Or you're a professional. Yeah. Or you're a professional. Yeah, or you're fucking George St. Pierre. Yeah. You know what I mean? Who's a control, yeah, certain, a lot of champions are control freaks to the nth degree.
Starting point is 02:09:58 Lance Armstrong. Yep. I mean, he had that shit down to a science to read about it. And greatest of all time, so. Yeah, down to a science, if you read about it, and greatest of all time. Yeah, it's a weird conversation, right? It's like, where do you draw the line? And what is more important, performance or happiness, right? That's another thing. Because sometimes your performance, in order to reach the real peak levels of performance,
Starting point is 02:10:22 especially to maintain it as a champion, you're not necessarily going to be happy. No. No. You might be happy in brief moments after you win. Wouldn't that be in everything, though? Just not with fighting, all sports, but even entertainment. If you want to be the top, top comedian, you're not-
Starting point is 02:10:39 You're going to suffer. You're going to have to be selfish where you're not spending as much time with your family. You're on the road. You're doing to have to be selfish where you're not spending as much time with your family. You're on the road. You're doing this. I think it's with anything. If you want to be the tip of the spear there, there's going to be some selfishness there. Yeah, and here's the other ironic thing, that if you do spend too much time away from friends, away from family, you won't be as good because you won't be as compelling. It's like you have to find the balancing act. You have to find the balancing act or you won't be as good because you won't be as compelling. It's like you have to find the balancing act.
Starting point is 02:11:05 You have to find the balancing act or you won't be like happy. Like one of the things that the guy I always bring up is Richard Jenny who eventually committed suicide. And I think to this day, he's one of the greatest comics of all time. The guy was fucking completely miserable. And he had mental issues, obviously, and mental health issues, which led him to commit suicide. How long ago? 2007. Dude, if you never, you're a comic, which led him to commit suicide. How long ago? 2007.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Dude, if you're a comic, you're trying to do stand-up, you've got to watch Richard Jennings. Listen to a big steaming pile of me. I tell everybody to get it. It's fucking brilliant. He's the most underrated of all time. He really is. And he was miserable? Yeah, he's my top 20 all-time greatest.
Starting point is 02:11:43 He's in there, and most people don't even know who he is. He's just a tortured soul, or what's going on? Yeah, he's my top 20 all-time greatest. He's in there, and most people don't even know who he is. He's just a tortured soul, or what's going on? Yeah, tortured. Yeah, he did a lot of plastic surgery. Allegedly had pec implants, had a bunch of shit done to his face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of shit done. He wanted to be Jim Carrey, wanted to be some leading man.
Starting point is 02:11:57 But what he didn't realize along the way was, well, this was the thing back in those days, in the 80s and the 90s. Everybody wanted to be a TV star. They all wanted to be on Home Improvement. They wanted to have their own show like Roseanne. Didn't work out for everybody. And he was one of the guys that didn't work out for. But what he did have that he wasn't getting recognition for was some of the best fucking stand-up ever.
Starting point is 02:12:17 Wow. His stand-up is so good. But that wasn't enough for him? It wasn't enough for him. And why? I don't know. I mean, dude, a lot of comics, especially back then, it's different now. It's different now than it was back then.
Starting point is 02:12:28 But the community of comics is so tight and so welcoming now. We're all- It used to be. It used to be way different, right? Yeah. Something happened. Not a warm group. Not just that.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Everybody was all for themselves. You know, like if you went to see a guy on the road, they usually took some guy with them that sucked. And that guy would do like 15, 20 minutes of shitty stand up. And then this person would go out there and look like a god. And that was the standard move that everybody did. George Carlin for the longest time took this guy on the road with him that didn't work any other places. And there's a lot of those guys. They'll take a guy that works on the road
Starting point is 02:13:08 only with them. They literally don't even work as a professional outside of opening for them. Wow. And they'll do this shitty act and then this guy comes on and looks like a god. Just to make him look good. Just to make him look good.
Starting point is 02:13:19 And that was what the standard move was. And then something happened and I don't know what it is. I think there's a bunch of factors. But I think one of the factors that happened was that there was more opportunity available, so there wasn't this feeling of scarcity. Because before, when it was just
Starting point is 02:13:33 everybody trying to get a network show, everybody was like, hey man, you might be trying for the same part I'm trying for. I want to be the host of The Tonight Show. You want to be the host of The Tonight Show. Fuck you. It's all every man for himself.
Starting point is 02:13:44 Fewer slots. Fewer slots. Fewer slots. Fewer ways to make a living. Then in the 2000s, it opened up. And the internet sort of opened up all these different possibilities. And then guys like us realized, hey, I don't really get represented correctly
Starting point is 02:13:58 in anything that I do that other people write. What I need to do is figure out how to just be myself. People have this distorted idea of who you are because you hosted fear factor or you were on mad tv as pool boy or whatever the fuck it is like this is how they view you and you go no i did that but i also do this and i'm also this person and back then you couldn't do that it didn't exist before there was the internet and before you could actually express yourself completely uncensored.
Starting point is 02:14:25 So I think that that led people to be like much more scarcity minded, much more famine thinking. And famine thinking is the fucking enemy of community. As soon as you have famine thinking. Especially being creative. It's funny you say that because there's this amazing book I just finished. You should have this guy on your podcast, Dan Coyle. Did you send me that? Is that the one you sent me?
Starting point is 02:14:44 It's called The Culture Code. He wrote The Talent Code too. He studied on your podcast, Dan Coyle. Did you send me that? Is that the one you sent me? It's called the Culture Code. He wrote the Talent Code, too. He studied highly successful groups, SEAL Team 6. Oh, this is the deal you're talking about. Yeah, SEAL Team 6, fucking, even jewelry thieves. So they were like these amazing jewel thieves. They studied them, and they were these guys, and they would come in. They stole from a, in the middle of the day in tokyo 105 million dollars worth of diamonds
Starting point is 02:15:06 i think they went to monaco same thing stole like 50 million dollars worth of animals and stuff and got away in speed boats right i mean these guys would come in 40 45 seconds come in but bash when and they were like holy fuck they couldn't figure it out oh yeah i mean they were daring and they would treat the people in the stores roughly but they didn't kill anybody but And they were like, holy fuck. They couldn't figure it out. Speed boats. Oh, yeah. I mean, they were daring. And they would treat the people in the stores roughly, but they didn't kill anybody. And they were strong. They looked athletic. And they were like, all right, this is obviously, obviously, probably Archon's Tigers from the Serbian War.
Starting point is 02:15:39 They're clearly Serbian Crow Out Special Forces guys, right? They were just too organized. They were like literally they moved like water. They would dress up as women. They'd come in like these beautiful women. Turns out they were men, but they looked like women. They're like, these are tall women. Well, there's no biological difference.
Starting point is 02:15:57 Right. Thank you. And they'd come in and they just – but they'd get away with, let me say it again, $105 million in diamonds at a time. Crazy shit. The most successful of all time. So they're constantly stymied by this idea. Who the fuck were these guys?
Starting point is 02:16:14 They've got to be a military unit. Turns out, nah, they sure weren't. They were middle class Serbian kids who'd grown up together. They were all friends. Some were, one guy was, he studied to be a lawyer. Another one studied to be a journalist. Another one, these are men and women, by the way. Another one studied, played basketball, kind of like for a second, almost made it pro, but didn't. Nothing that remarkable. Middle class kids. They all, however, and there was no leader.
Starting point is 02:16:45 There was no mastermind. They thought there's got to be a mastermind. I've got to find the mastermind. There's always a mastermind that they bring the jewels back to. Nah, not that either. They were just a loose confederation of friends from three different towns, I think, who had known each other since childhood. And they had, they grew up in the war. So they had a taste for action and adventure.
Starting point is 02:17:07 And they but they were all close and they would get together and they would plan these. They would plan out these whole, you know, heists. And the way they would do it, the way they would do it would was it was fascinating because there was no boss. was fascinating because there was no boss they would just spitball ideas and everybody was safe not only to come up with a good idea but everybody was also safe to sort of like um to to be wrong they would so so they he went and found the one guy that every seal team six seal team six is fucking who's the one guy he said i want the one guy that's the baddest of the fucking bad. I want the guy. Cause they are, they are such an effective group. And,
Starting point is 02:17:49 um, and you and I are friends with Andy Stumpf and, you know, we know some guys and every one of them was like, Dave Cooper, Dave Cooper is the dude. He's like the Hicks and Gracie of Navy. He is the guy.
Starting point is 02:18:00 And Oh fuck. I want to find this bad-ass this, who's this Francis and Gano Gino type, you know, right. Shows up find this badass, who's this Francis Ngannou genotype, you know. Right. Shows up. Guess what? He's a regular white dude. Just a regular, very fit, but he's a regular dude.
Starting point is 02:18:12 Bring up Dave Cooper for a second. And Dave is the kind of guy who'd be like, what do I call you? He's like 20-year, like SEAL Team 6, Dev Group Commando. He's like, you can call me Dave, Coop, or fuckface. It's up to you. That guy looks regular. That guy looks like a fucking eagle. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 02:18:30 With his eyes. He looks like you're a salmon. He's going to swoop down and scoop you out of a fucking river. He should be in the dictionary as American. Just a picture of fucking Dave Cooper. He's fucking awesome. But the way he- That guy's so American.
Starting point is 02:18:43 But he would send to these guys, and when they would come up with ideas, very democratic. Very like everybody, he wants to hear from everybody. There's no stupid question. Who has- Right, ego doesn't get in the way. No. Yes. All that matters is I might be an idiot and wrong.
Starting point is 02:18:56 All that matters is I want results. That's all it is. And when you study these highly effective groups, and they look like great basketball teams, Popovich, you'd love this. Popovich, I didn't know that the great pop that the spurs were the most winning in the past 20 years the most winningest team in the past 20 years winningest american team in the past 20 years and it's the same way his ability to kind of like he's a fucking he's got a tim duncan volcanic temper yeah volcanic what does that mean who's Tim Duncan? One of the greatest basketball players of all time. Mr. Fundamentals.
Starting point is 02:19:27 Oh, okay. Hall of Famer. But as far as his team is concerned, it's not a lot of superstars. It's also the way they structure the team, Brennan. They've done some studies. He has amazing players, though. Yeah. No doubt.
Starting point is 02:19:38 Yeah, but he also makes amazing players in how they work together. In Fundamentals and how they work together and how they communicate. That's a good question, too. What makes a great team? Is a great team just having killer individual players, or is it having really good individual players in a killer environment and they all grow and get better together? They've done studies on that.
Starting point is 02:19:57 You've got to think that a guy who's in the NFL, say, for his first year, as long as he doesn't get injured, if he keeps playing and he keeps hustling and keeps learning, he's going to be better in two years, right long as he doesn't get injured, if he keeps playing and he keeps hustling and keeps learning, he's going to be better in two years, right? If he doesn't get injured. NBA is probably better because you don't get injured as much. But you've got to think that these players are going to get better at basketball, better at competing under pressure, and get better at playing together.
Starting point is 02:20:16 They're all going to get better. These guys were talking about this before the podcast. The best team in the world, the Golden State Warriors, they call them a super team, but they were drafted. They added Kevin Durant, which makes them even better, who's one of the best players in the league, top three. But before that, they were all drafted and came up together. So they play as a team. Now they're unstoppable.
Starting point is 02:20:37 Instead of like a Cleveland or a Miami, you just put all these superstars together, Houston or OKC. The Golden State Warriors were drafted and they came up as a team. Now they're a super team. But even like teams, I don't know a whole lot about teams, but teams that grow up, that get put together, they depend upon some sense of community. Yes. Correct. And when that community falls apart, like remember when Shaq and Kobe were beefing?
Starting point is 02:20:59 Yeah. It was a real problem. It was a real problem because they were playing on the same team and Shaq was doing raps about Kobe. It was a fucking real problem. And that kills things because the minute somebody has dominion just on who they are over the group, that becomes a problem because everybody has to share ideas. This structural engineer, you heard me talking about this structural engineer and this architect, he did this amazing study where he took CEOs, lawyers, business students, and kindergartners. And he said, okay, here's the task. 26 pieces of uncooked spaghetti, a yard of tape, a yard of string, and a marshmallow.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Might be one last thing. I can't remember. Whoever makes the tallest structure is the one that wins. CEOs, lawyers, business schools, the kindergartners. Kindergarteners figured it out. Because the way they approached the problem. Nobody had invisible ideas of authority. Nobody had sort of this guy might know more than me.
Starting point is 02:21:59 I'm not going to say my thing. They were like, no, yes. We're all fucking, I'm coming up with my idea. And they were idea and they're no let me do this and they would just fight over the idea But it was the best idea listen to the kindergarten the best idea would win. I'm gonna shut up kid you five shit No, no, they were all together. It was groups of four so there are four kids, but the kindergarten is the four of them figured it Out yeah, they built a 26 in structure and the second one was the CEOs They built a 22 in CEOs are thinking about cocaine and pussy and how their stocks are doing.
Starting point is 02:22:27 They're too distracted. Yeah, they probably didn't give a fuck. It's a question of what makes children learn better. I watch kids, obviously. I have them, and I watch them learn things. And it's interesting how some kids learn things really quickly and some kids don't. And how parents just really don't have the ability to learn at the same level the kids do.
Starting point is 02:22:49 So I'm like, well, what is it? Is it a physical limitation? Is it a clarity thing? Is it an ego thing? Is it your identity that holds you back? I think it's the amount of time and energy that you put towards something and whether or not you're willing to be obsessed by it. Yes and no, though, Joe. you put towards something and whether or not you're willing to be obsessed by it.
Starting point is 02:23:04 Yes and no, though, Joe. And I think that some parents and some people that are adults just do not have the same kind of time that a nine-year-old has to think about things all day. They don't have the same amount of things in their head. They have too many bills and stresses and distractions and things pulling them away in different angles. And they don't have this sense of who they are the way of an adult does that sense of who you are could be very limiting you can have this decision that you you have in your head brackets yeah that's what that's what it is yeah that's a big part of it they've done a
Starting point is 02:23:34 shit load of study on that like there's a huge body of study on how what conditions are the most effective to learn in i mean they've done a lot of work on this. And one of the main things that lends itself to learning fast and well is just the idea that you're psychologically safe. The idea that, first of all, there's no shame in making mistakes. That's huge. Can't be afraid to fail. Yeah, man. And you will fail.
Starting point is 02:24:03 But there has to be competition, too. It has to feel like shit when you do fail. Because if it doesn't feel like shit when you fail, there's always the thing that you learn when you win. But you learn more when you lose. Way more. You learn a lot more. And I think failing and feeling like shit is important to re-energize, re-motivate, re-focus, and then to recognize this is a bad feeling. I don't like this feeling. I have to work harder.
Starting point is 02:24:24 Yeah, I agree. There has to be repercussions to you failing. Otherwise, you don't learn much. No, that's true. But you need somebody. If you're a young person, you need somebody to help you navigate out of that space. Yes, for sure. Because if you don't and you feel like shit and then you're shamed, you're told usually
Starting point is 02:24:36 you're just not as good. Right. And you're not going to be able to get as good. What happens is people quit. Some people, though. Yeah. Some people. Some people don't and they dig their heels in and they get stronger mentally because of that.
Starting point is 02:24:48 Depends on the person. So you need somebody to help you realize, hey, hold on. Learning is a bitch. Learning is a motherfucker. Don't worry. This is part of the process. So let me help you navigate your way out so the biggest thing that they always do is make you realize that mistakes are necessary important and just as good at this stage they feel like shit of course they do they come with all kinds of weird feelings let's stay in this stay in this learn how to stay uncomfortable
Starting point is 02:25:17 in this and let's figure out a way to get the fuck out of this right because the real killers the real winners they're going to be killers and winners in any sort of scenario. But you can develop more winners if you have a better structure and a better learning environment. And then also the community will be better. Yes. We keep coming back to that, but I think this is goddamn gigantic. And we're not just talking about community in the sense of people that know each other like in a one-on-one individual basis. What you guys have done with your podcast is create a community. I see the community interacting with itself.
Starting point is 02:25:47 I see you guys interacting with your fans. You've made a community of fun, silly people that get together when they come to see your shows. That's because he and I are silly. Yeah, for sure. But this is also community. This is even people that don't physically know each other. It becomes a thing.
Starting point is 02:26:04 And I think that that that is one of the least discussed but most important parts of happiness and a part of most important parts of developing agree it's community yeah it's giant yeah yeah it is and also like learning like we had a really good discussion about the podcast and it was funny how i'm gonna piss when i come back first time you're taking a piss break i fucked up i fucked up do you have any today i feel like i'm gonna throw up i drink so much caffeine last time i shit my pants we'll talk about what's going on learning is important let's talk about cyber fundamental i like that that's the first time let's talk about cyborg holly when you get back and brian you take a
Starting point is 02:26:43 fucking huh you take a break oh i want to talk about Cyborg Holly when you get back in Brian. You take a fucking, you take a break. Oh, I want to talk about Cyborg Holly. Oh, what were we talking about? What were we talking about? About how when we have an issue that we want to make the podcast better or whatever. Oh, when I called you and said you suck on the podcast? The first thing you do is take care, like you make sure my feelings are, like you take care of my feelings.
Starting point is 02:27:02 I do the same thing with you. We want to make sure that like hey i don't give a fuck we got some we got some some research on the podcast i called brian said here's where we get the most listeners here's where people turn it off here's what we do this and i i always tell brian i tell brian this all the time i go listen they might turn off here but we didn't create this thing to decide what people like and what don't like. If you want to do fucking an hour of what you want to do, we're doing an hour.
Starting point is 02:27:30 We're doing what we want to do. If they like it, great, but that's how this thing got to where it's at. So we're going to do whatever you want to do. That being said, you got to quit doing that. No, but that being said, you got to be responsive. I just told him, I said, if you want to do it, do it. I'm down, but here's the feedback we're getting. So let's do what you want to do, though, but here being said, you've got to be responsive to evidence. No, I just told him, I said, if you want to do it, do it. I'm down, but here's the feedback we're getting.
Starting point is 02:27:46 Yeah, be responsive to the evidence. So let's do what you want to do, though. But here's the evidence. Yeah. And so if you're not going to be responsive to the evidence. You're fired, but here's the evidence. You're done. You're never doing it again.
Starting point is 02:27:54 You're done, and just keep doing your old thing. You'll peep when I signal at you. You'll peep when I signal at you. Otherwise, shit, man. We've never had that issue where we're like, I have to do this. You and I are about that every single time. Even in fights, we'll get a fucking text.
Starting point is 02:28:11 Hey, man, sorry. A little out of line there. All that matters is what works. I don't give a fuck about being right. That's what I want to learn. I'm your sensei, though. We've established that. And now that we're on Rogan, look at me right now. Not Rogan's gone. Call me Road Dogg or I'm going to kick you in the nuts.
Starting point is 02:28:27 You're not a fucking Road Dogg, bro. And you call me Sente. No, call me Road Dogg. When I give you advice on stand-up, I'm going to fuck your nuts up. Bro, I have the flu and I'll still fight you. Listen to me right now. Call me Road Dogg, though. I'm not calling you Road Dogg. He keeps calling me Road Pup. He's a Road Pup. He's not a Road Dogg yet. No, he's not. Are you feeling comfortable that he sells more tickets
Starting point is 02:28:44 than you? I was going to get to that. was gonna get to that seems weird now that you ruined my christmas with that because he sold out the wilbur wow why are you laughing right now sold it out why are you laughing it seems uncomfortable dude why are you laughing you're not a good friend you said no you proved you broke in a wedge you put a very good friend you put a wedge between us now the podcast will never be the same and why are you laughing think about this you ruined I'm a very good friend. You put a wedge between us now. The podcast will never be the same. And why are you laughing? No, I want you guys to think about this. I'm a good friend. Because I want you to think about this.
Starting point is 02:29:10 This is a real issue. What? Well, this is why he wants to diminish you. Call you road puppy. He's a road puppy. Yeah, bro. Should be proud of you. I am.
Starting point is 02:29:17 I went to Dublin, Australia. Call me. Call me road dog. I'm not calling you that. You haven't heard that yet. And you call me road. And you call me sensei When I give you advice
Starting point is 02:29:26 I don't like when I say Hey try this and you go Makes me uncomfortable With you wanting to force that on him Okay Yeah right Sensei Weird
Starting point is 02:29:32 No I don't call you sensei You stay the fuck out of this bro Listen I've been a comedian For almost 30 years I think I'm allowed to talk about this Correct And I also am a very good friend Of Brendan Shops
Starting point is 02:29:42 Correct And I don't feel the need To diminish him In fact I pump him up at every chance I can. My man. Oh, my God. Friends. Hey, community.
Starting point is 02:29:51 Why don't you guys pump him up all the time? Community. Why don't you move in together? We were just having a conversation on text the other day where I was telling him how proud I was of him and about how he hustles. That was very nice. And then he's got discipline. That was very nice.
Starting point is 02:29:59 And I think that's one of the things that holds a lot of comedians back. They don't have the kind of discipline. This guy's out there doing things a couple years into comedy that guys who've been doing comedy for 10, 15 years can't do. I know. Well, let's just keep this humorous for a sec. I'm trying to mess with him. I'm a big supporter.
Starting point is 02:30:15 You call me a road dog, all right, B? I don't want to be called a road dog either. So I don't know if that's a good thing to want to be called. What do you want to be called? A road wolf? Well, just a fucking comedian. A road wolf? I have an inner wolf. Oh, no. It's inside me. to want to be called. What do you want to be called? A road wolf? Well, just a fucking comedian. A road wolf? I have an inner wolf.
Starting point is 02:30:26 Oh, no. It's inside me. I can't control it. Sometimes it's a cat. It's going to come out. It's going to come out sometimes. Well, I didn't call myself road anything,
Starting point is 02:30:36 but then you and Delia called me a road pup and I had problems with it. Oh, Delia's another one trying to diminish you, bro. Because you're tall and handsome, but you could kill him with your hands
Starting point is 02:30:43 and that makes him uncomfortable. He's so much funnier, though, wins for now he's funnier for now i do look at shop once a day and i do it does cross my mind i'm always like he could he could stifle my life with his hands yeah but, but that part is a given. But you should be in admiration of what he's doing with stand-up. He's hustling. Come on. Who's his biggest supporter? Excuse me.
Starting point is 02:31:12 You're not his biggest supporter. I might be. I am. But I'm 100% positive. Hold on, motherfucker! I'm 100% positive. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 02:31:22 I'm 100% positive. You're calling him road pup. No, no, no.'re calling him road pup. He's a road pup. Who's your biggest road pup? Who's your biggest? This is like my mom and dad fighting. I'm going to go to my room. You're a fucking coward right now.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Let me ask you this. Do you ever open up for Brendan anywhere? Never. I might be opening up for him in the future. I got a gig he and I are doing. You opened for me too, actually. I did. I opened up for you
Starting point is 02:31:47 when you did your stand-up special. Yeah, I appreciate that. It's fun that we can get Rogan to open for us. I might be opening up for Brendan on the sneak dip somewhere.
Starting point is 02:31:53 We can get one of the biggest fucking comics to open for us. It's pretty cool. I'm fortunate, man. Rogan would actually do that for us. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:00 If I really needed to. When I opened up for you, it was the first time I opened for anybody in like 20 years. I love you for that. It's the first time it opened for anybody in like 20 years i love you for the first time i ever went on stage without anybody going on before me i know like you really like that's a hard gig like the opening spot is a little more difficult you got to like juice the audience up you got to get them it's a there's an art form to like smoothing them into
Starting point is 02:32:20 the show i just learned that so i bring someone on the road my gym's like hold on you're just going out there cold? I'm like, yeah, I just do my thing. He's like, no, no,
Starting point is 02:32:27 no, no, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah, and then both of you got like, But you can do it.
Starting point is 02:32:30 Like some guys, like Bill Cosby to the end always just went on stage. Oh really? Yeah, he didn't have an opening act. Bill Cosby would go on stage for like two fucking hours.
Starting point is 02:32:39 He was 100,000 years old. He would go on stage for two hours with one eyeball and a Hello Friends shirt with a backlog of rape in his head. And somehow or another fought through that and delivered
Starting point is 02:32:50 this family-friendly humor to all these people. One of the greatest comics of all, like the most prolific. And it goes to your point that you can be more than one thing. You can be evil and good. God damn. I mean, he was a great comic. That's a classic example. I never even thought about that.
Starting point is 02:33:05 Fuck. Dude, and no opening act. Look at that. Hello, friend. Wow. He would go on stage like that just with a- Two hours. Who knows how many rapes in his memory banks just crushing his self-esteem and thought
Starting point is 02:33:17 process and objectivity. Had he been accused when he was doing stand-up? Oh, yeah. He was the crazy guy there. Yeah, yeah, for sure. He's blind in one eye and losing his vision in the second eye. How old is he now? He's very old.
Starting point is 02:33:30 Did he die? No, he's still alive. He went through the trial. He got through one trial. Mistrial. Mistrial. And then they're retrying him again. I think it's I want to say it's coming up soon. That stress usually kills those guys. Like Joe Paterno.
Starting point is 02:33:45 That'll break. Oh, my God, man. Do you imagine? A body of work, though, and then just fucking. Doesn't matter. But see, what is the human being, right? What is the human being capable of? And the lowest thing you could do to someone besides murder them is rape them.
Starting point is 02:34:00 Yeah, exactly. And to drug all these women that you took in they were like confiding in you because you're this great master of show business. You're Mr. Huxtable. You would never believe it. You would never. If somebody told you, you'd be like, shut up. No way, man. Like the earth is flat before a Bill Cosby raped that lady.
Starting point is 02:34:18 But don't you think this is a part of what we were talking about earlier is that the more information that gets out, the more you understand like the Harvey Weinsteins or the Bill cosby's or the the evil people of the world that that have gotten away with it for so long because of power but the more this stuff comes out the more we'll have we have a more nuanced understanding of what a human being is you know like neil brennan was talking on we were talking on the podcast we were talking about louis ck i love him too he's great and we were talking about like do you think that it's possible to be a really great comic and not be fucked up
Starting point is 02:34:47 in some way and i was like no never met one never met one it might be possible i've never seen it i think there's something about wanting to crush on stage and figuring out like how to do it and having those thoughts inside you that people find so humorous, those crazy impulsive thoughts and those, you know, like deeply disturbing thoughts sometimes where you're just scratching the base layers of your psychology and looking to see what makes it bleed. You know, though, it's hard to find that place when you're a regular person with regular sensibilities and you fit into this normal pattern.
Starting point is 02:35:25 I mean, you might every now and then get a really funny guy who comes out of that. But most of them, when you get to know them, you find some dark shit. 100%. Or just dysfunctional shit. Yep. Or just unorthodox shit. Trying to fill some hole. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:38 Just almost. Just different way of looking at the always on the outside. Outsiders. Outsiders. And fighters as well. It's the same thing. I don't know any fighters that somewhere in the back of their head, do they not have this one area like, oh, you got this spot. Most people don't have that spot.
Starting point is 02:35:53 It's like this one area of darkness. Yes. You know? Yes. I mean, how many human beings do you think could get to the psychological state that Matt Brown gets into in full combat? I mean, how many people have that level of violence in their head in the face of real world-class fighters? The one thing that I love about Matt Brown is every Matt Brown fight
Starting point is 02:36:19 was a motherfucking Matt Brown fight. And he knew it. You'd see him go in the cage like, well, time of clock came for chaos. You see how he got into the cage during his last fight with Diego Sanchez? He roars.
Starting point is 02:36:31 They open up the cage door and he just fucking throws his arm back. It's like, roar! And it's real. It's not an act. Like, this guy's
Starting point is 02:36:39 done it at that level. And he's lost and he's won. He's had ups and downs. Never a physically gifted guy. Not like some insanely fast. Like crazy athletic. Just grit.
Starting point is 02:36:50 Not explosive. Fucking animal. Rawhide and steel cable. And he's got a place that Bob, who works in accounting, his wife is fucking her personal trainer. And his kids call him a piece of shit. And he takes a Xanax every night. Rob doesn't have that place in his brain Jamie Jamie bring up bring up Sama Hayek. He was my monster, too
Starting point is 02:37:17 Yeah, it was she says something about Harvey Weinstein. That's to your point. What'd she say? So she said It's a one sense, but it says everything it's the first what we do that. I want to see Matt Brown roar. You can't supersede my request. Oh, let's see that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, how dare you? I'm going to piggyback on it. I didn't have it right away. I was trying to find it. You don't have it. Sorry. We need another guy.
Starting point is 02:37:30 He retired, though, huh? We need another guy. Yeah, he doesn't know, though. I talked to him in Boston. He came to my show in Boston, and we actually talked on the phone. But he was saying, I don't know, man. He goes, I mean, I was thinking of retiring, but now I'm not sure. Then he gets that one win.
Starting point is 02:37:44 It's tough. If you're thinking about it, do goes, I was thinking of retiring, but now I'm not sure. Then he gets that one win. It's tough. If you're thinking about it, do it, brother. And he smashed Diego Sanchez with the craziest elbow. Oh, my God. That was so crazy. Here's a thought on that elbow. You know, this has been something that's been going on for a while. Like, when is it okay and when is it not okay to hit the back of the head where it counts as a KO?
Starting point is 02:38:03 Right? Like, if you do it on the ground, you can get severely disqualified. Right? DQ'd or points taken away depending on how much damage you do to a person. But if you do it stand it up, whether it's with a head kick, which a lot of times hits the back of the neck.
Starting point is 02:38:17 If it's in movement, right? If it's in the transition and you hit the elbow, you're good. And it's clean KO. But on the ground, it's not. Here's my point. Like if someone's squirming on the ground and you throw an elbow and you hit him in the back of the head, a're good. And it's clean KO. But on the ground, it's not. Here's my point. If someone's squirming on the ground and you throw an elbow and you hit him in the back of the head, a lot of times they can take points away. But isn't there a big difference between doing something on purpose
Starting point is 02:38:33 and doing something in the heat of the chaos? Why is it okay standing up? And I think it is okay. I think Matt Brown's KO of Diego Sanchez is totally clean. But I think there's a reality to that back-of-the-head shot that happens with neck kicks all the time. All the time. There's a reality to the effectiveness of that technique that we accept standing up, but on the ground, we limit that.
Starting point is 02:38:57 I think they're thinking on the ground you have more control of the opponent. I don't think that's real. I don't either. I don't think that's real. I think guys are moving, they're bucking and squirming, and you're throwing shit, and it takes time. There's movement here. While you're throwing, it's very rare that someone's completely stationary.
Starting point is 02:39:14 While you're throwing, they're also adjusting, they're going for underhooks, they're shrimping, you're bucking, you're dropping down. There's a lot of shit happening, man. And the idea that somehow or another you should be able to control it on the ground When you're actually in physical contact with someone right you actually physically have their body that you're trying to manipulate and control while they're bucking around Versus they don't have any control of your body You're standing up you're away from them and any shot that you land this on the back of the head somehow another is okay It just shows you we have a little more ways to go
Starting point is 02:39:45 in the evolution of fighting. If you look at some of the rules and I'm like, how the fuck? How do we still have these problems? I get judging. I'm like, god damn it. Could you wear half a helmet? Could you wear something on the back of your head? They used to wear those in Taekwondo tournaments. They used to give people these...
Starting point is 02:40:01 There's a transition in Taekwondo rules where they started getting ready for the Olympics, where they started making people wear actual helmets. You wore these big foam things. But before that, you'd have to wear these things on the back of your head. There's a video of me wearing one. Did you feel like an asshole?
Starting point is 02:40:19 I always liked it better because it didn't fuck with your peripheral vision. The idea is you get KO'd because we were fighting on basketball courts. And when guys got KO'd, you want to see a video of me fighting on a basketball court? You did. Fuck yeah, dude. You fought on what?
Starting point is 02:40:32 Watch this. This is me. Where were you at? You didn't fight on mats. I'm the guy with the back to us. But if you look at my head, that thing in the back of my head is a red foam thing. It's shitty old VHS. That's a yarmulke, bro.
Starting point is 02:40:44 But there's a rubber band that goes across my forehead. That's a yarmulke, bro. A rubber band that goes across my forehead and this pad is just to keep my head. You just fucked that kid up? Yeah. How old are you there? I was 19.
Starting point is 02:40:53 That was at the US pop in Connecticut. So you see Connecticut on the floor. Why'd you walk off like you're badass? Because he was dead. I knew it was a wrap.
Starting point is 02:41:01 And I wanted all the other guys to be scared. That was a body shot? Yeah. I wanted all the other guys to be scared because I was terrified. Yeah, that dude's fucked up. Yeah, that's a good back up. My move is always to pretend like I didn't was a wrap and I wanted all the other guys to be scared that was a body shot yeah I wanted all the other guys to be scared because I was terrified that dude's fucked up
Starting point is 02:41:06 yeah that's a good back my move was always to pretend like I didn't give a fuck I'd KO guys and walk away like it was nothing and never celebrate never
Starting point is 02:41:14 like it was just another day in the office those are the guys that scared the shit out of me so I just tried to be like one of the guys that scared the shit out of me that's what I do
Starting point is 02:41:20 yeah and then it was what I do but I was like this is weird I'm like a fraud but I'm not I think most guys are like that yeah I do, but I was like, this is weird. I'm like a fraud, but I'm not. I think most guys are like that. Yeah, I'm sure. Most fighters are like that. Yeah, but those
Starting point is 02:41:29 head things were standard, and then they changed it to a padded floor. They changed the floor. They used to let you fight. I fought on a hockey rink. I fought in the Bay State games on concrete. There was a plastic, a thin plastic sheet that was over concrete.
Starting point is 02:41:45 And when the dude's head hit the mat, it cut him open. Because I KO'd him. And when I hit him with a wheel kick, his head bounced off the ground and his eyebrow opened up from contacting the concrete. It was so disturbing. It was like that easily could have been me. I easily could have got head kicked and my head bounces off the fucking concrete. Well, that was like practice.
Starting point is 02:42:09 When you go to practice and you're going to spar, somebody was going to get kicked in the head if they weren't careful, and somebody would do the chicken. Like I said, there would always be a guy once a month who would get hit, and then just- Would you guys wear that headgear? No. The headgear helps. It definitely helps. It'll protect your head a little bit.
Starting point is 02:42:26 It's definitely better than nothing, but getting kicked in the ass. Those power abacus are pretty sweet, though. Yeah. Here's Matt Brown. Here's Matt Brown when he steps in to fight Diego Sanchez. He roars. Isn't he the head coach now there in Denver? Is that what he's doing?
Starting point is 02:42:38 Well, he's definitely one of the top coaches over there. And didn't they just open up a place here? Yeah, did they? Somewhere around. Muscle Farm did. I don't know what's going on with them. I think they opened up a place here? Yeah, did they? Somewhere around. Muscle Farm. I think they opened up a place in Burbank. He's such a fucking animal. This is one of my all-time favorite.
Starting point is 02:42:51 He just goes, hey, check my dick. He's like, does he have a cup on? He goes, yep. He taps his own dick. They got to check his fingernails. Now watch this. Steps up to the cage, thinks this is his last fight ever, walks in. God, Doug.
Starting point is 02:43:05 That fucking roar is real, man. Just such a warrior, man. That roar is real. Such a warrior. So for a guy like that. You call me a warrior, right? Because he died. He's got those awesome dead eyes.
Starting point is 02:43:14 Yeah, he died for a bit. Overdose, right? During a drug overdose, yeah. And they brought him back. Yeah. But it's like for a guy like that, that style is just so, it's so hard. It's such a hard style it's so crazy that's not like a mighty mouse guy that's not a you know just a guy yeah just grinds you just
Starting point is 02:43:31 very skillful no doubt about it what is his great timing was his uh muay thai was everything his clinch was very good his muay thai is very good but his jujitsu is very good too his jujitsu is super underrated really good you know with with fighting, his toughness was world class. Yeah. Toughness was world class. But his striking and his ground, you wouldn't say it was world class. Yeah. I just feel like fighting.
Starting point is 02:43:52 That's no disrespect. I'm saying his ground game wasn't like a Verdum's. His striking wasn't like a Wonderboy. He was good at everything. Yeah. He was good at everything. He wasn't a specialist besides in toughness. Right. I'm not throwing shade at Matt Brown. I love Matt Brown. He was good at everything. He was a specialist, besides in toughness.
Starting point is 02:44:08 I'm not throwing shade at Matt Brown. I love Matt Brown. Brendan, do you think that if fighting was as profitable, say, as baseball, basketball, football, we'd obviously have very different athletes in the game. Oh, yeah. But I just wonder. It's a tougher road. I don't know yeah i i wonder if um if athleticism plays as big a part in the in fighting in it in the umbrella of fighting as it does in say basketball football
Starting point is 02:44:35 so so if you're either making the nfl or the nba you know there's a lot to the game of course but i feel like athleticism plays a bigger factor like some guys can be not as athletic in a lot to the game, of course, but I feel like athleticism plays a bigger factor. Some guys can be not as athletic in a lot of ways, like George St. Pierre. And still be good at fighting? And still fucking dominate. Wait a minute, hold on. What'd you say, not athletic? You say George St. Pierre's not athletic? No, he's a great athlete, but not like... No, George is a bad example. You want to say a guy like... Yeah, he's a bad
Starting point is 02:44:58 example, actually. But Nick Diaz. That's fair. That's a good example. So Nick Diaz, who was just amazing. He's never been knocked out. Josh Thompson knocked him out. Yeah. Yeah, he head kicked him, stopped him. What? When?
Starting point is 02:45:11 It was before the Rafael Dos Anjos fight. He lost to Dos Anjos after that. And then after that, he beat Michael Johnson. And then after that, he beat Conor. There's the X factor with fighting where guys who are not as fast, not as strong, they can't jump as high, not as all that other stuff, somehow are able to close that distance with guys who are. Let me rephrase that.
Starting point is 02:45:33 Nate got stopped by Josh Thompson, never went unconscious. He got TKO'd. I'm talking about Nick, not Nate. Nick. Oh, no. Nick's never been stopped. No, no. Nick got stopped early on in his career by that guy who did tough, who wound up Jeremy...
Starting point is 02:45:48 Jeremy... Stevens? No, Jeremy Jones. Is that his name? He was a young guy that was really talented, and Nick and him both fought when they were both like 18 or 19. Okay, when he was 18, yeah. And Nick got stopped by him.
Starting point is 02:46:00 He TKO'd him. TKO'd him? Never since. TKO'd him. Never since. No, no, never since. Neither one's been that long. No, and he's fought the best of the best. BestKO'd him. No, no, never since. Neither one's been flatline. No, and he's fought the best of the best.
Starting point is 02:46:07 Best of the best. But that guy was super talented. That guy was super talented, but then went to jail. Went to jail for some shit. To your point, B, I think fighting requires a different skill set. But when you get a guy who has that warrior spirit, who's athletic, then you have problems. Like a Francis Ngannou. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 02:46:26 Or Mighty Mouse. Calvin Gasol. Or Conor McGregor. You get these guys who could probably play other sports. You put Conor McGregor in there as an athlete? Oh, my God, yes. Really? His ability to perform under pressure is undeniable,
Starting point is 02:46:39 and that is a lot of what athleticism is. His movement's fantastic. Look at his body, too. A lot of what athleticism is is effective use of that body. Like, you can't deny that a guy who is a world-class fighter is also a great athlete. There's just no room for that anymore. Everybody who's at the top of the food chain is a great athlete. Obviously, Francis is an outlier because he's such an obviously amazing athlete.
Starting point is 02:47:01 I think Conor's an outlier, too, the way he can go backwards in his reaction time. Tyron Woodley's a fucking outlier. Woodley's an outlier too, the way he can go backwards and his reaction time. Tyron Woodley's a fucking outlier. Woodley's an outlier. Look at his athletic body. Think about also Woodley's ability to hurt Wonderboy in those two fights that he had. Put Wonderboy in more trouble than he's ever been that we've seen him inside, except for Matt Brown, who stopped
Starting point is 02:47:18 him. Did he stop him or beat him on decision? I think he beat him on decision, but beat the shit out of him for three rounds. Look at a guy like Darren Till. Look how big an athletic Darren Till is. He's a big boy, man. Sure. Yeah, there's a lot of guys that are just...
Starting point is 02:47:30 I'd like to see Darren Till fight with Rockwell. See, but... They're super athletes. Different weight classes, but I... Different weight classes, brother. But I think... I know that, but you could easily go up to one of those. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 02:47:39 Luke's so big. Luke can fight at 205 if he wanted to. Yeah. But I think the day and age, you're always going to have those guys, and this isn't a knock, but those Leonard Garcia's, those Matt Brown's, you're going to have those guys, but the evolution of the UFC and mixed martial arts, those guys are going to slowly phase away. You're going to get better athletes.
Starting point is 02:47:58 And just being tough isn't going to get you in the top 10 anymore. I think you're going to get guys who, they have the fighter's mentality, but they're the super athletes, and that's the evolution of the sport. It's going to get fucking scary. Or you get them both. Because you get the top 10 anymore. I think you're going to get guys who, they have the fighter's mentality but they're the super athletes and that's the evolution of the sport. It's going to get fucking scary. Or you get them both. Because you get like a Roy McDonald. Really good athlete. A fucking monster at everything. And he can do both.
Starting point is 02:48:16 What do you think of that Lima fight? That's coming up. That's next month. 20th. We're going to be in Boston. That's the same night as the Ngannou fight. Oh, that's right. Ngannou-Stipe fight. They're going head-to-head, right? Yeah, head-to-head. I think Chael and Rampage is on that, too.
Starting point is 02:48:28 Get your DVRs ready, folks. Can we talk a little bit about... Home Cyborg. Home Cyborg. Battle of the greatest woman fighter of all time, I think. Whoever wins that. But is that the case, right? Because Misha beat Cyborg, or Misha beat Holly, never fought Cyborg.
Starting point is 02:48:44 But the way she beat Holly was so fucking spectacular. How do you not always rank Misha above Holly? I know Misha retired, and Holly is still super active and likely should have been the 145-pound champion, especially if you take away the deductions that she should have gotten for two late shots. And then even on top of that, you still see Holly dropped her with a head kick and then dropped her with a left hand as well.
Starting point is 02:49:09 Holly was also beating Misha in that fight before Misha came back. She was, but there was two rounds where she got dominated. She got taken down one round and mounted and couldn't do shit about it. And then the last 15 seconds of the fight, Misha pulls out the ultimate, takes her down, takes her back, and then chokes her to sleep. No, Misha's one of the best for sure, but if we're gonna play that game, then Holly murked the girl who
Starting point is 02:49:30 Misha could never even hold a candle to, Ronda Rousey. That's true, but don't you think that Misha kept getting better, and that the Misha who fought, I think the Misha that fought against Holly Holm was very much an improved version of the Misha that fought against Ronda.
Starting point is 02:49:48 But that Misha, right, her whole thing is grappling. Yeah. So try implementing that game plan against Ronda grappling. Enjoy that. Yeah, but I think Misha got better with her stand-up. That's one of the reasons why she was allowed. She got better than she did in the early Ronda fights. So did Ronda, though. She did.
Starting point is 02:50:00 So did Ronda. Yeah. You know what? She might take a step back. But here's my problem. You've got to look at Amanda Nunes. Amanda Nunes beat the shit out of the both of them. Dude, Amanda Nunes is a different fighter.
Starting point is 02:50:10 And the way she did it was like, yikes. Legit point. The way she throws, like those long of bang, bang. I mean, come on. She's yikes. She's amazing. Amanda Nunes is yikes. Amanda is yikes, and I wish she got more promotional push.
Starting point is 02:50:23 She's throwing hammers at you. She's a beast. If Holly Holm were able to pull off this upset, she's number one for me. Beating Ronda in her prime, beating Cyborg in her prime. Cyborg is fucking scary, man. She beelines. Cyborg's always beelined everybody. She just comes straight in and puts so much pressure on you.
Starting point is 02:50:39 Her last fight, Tanya Evans, she went, you know what? So here's my question. I'm not just going to murder this girl. Watch, I'm going to stick behind a jab, and I'm going to figure some things out. But if she does that with Holly, Holly has a way better chance. Because if she does that with Holly, where she says, because I think she's been training. I think it's almost like she's been training with somebody different. Take your time.
Starting point is 02:51:00 Step back. The best boxing coach in the world. That actually favors Holly, I think, than her old style, which is to come in close distance. No, that favors Holly. If she comes at Holly like a bull, like Ronda did, you get kicked in the face. That's different, though, isn't it? With Cyborg? No, she's a banshee.
Starting point is 02:51:17 She's so strong. She covers up. If she's calculated, here's the other X factor. If Cyborg goes, Holly kind of sucks on the ground. I'm a black belt on the ground. I also can grapple like a motherfucker. I'm not just going to stand here and strike you. I'm going to take you down.
Starting point is 02:51:31 And she's a naturally larger woman. She's way bigger. So she gets against the cage. And Tito Ortiz, she was in a triangle and picked Tito Ortiz up. Yeah. Is she a black belt now? She's a black belt, yeah. Yeah, and she's competed as a brown belt.
Starting point is 02:51:42 I know she did very well in some high-level competition. She's a big woman. Her and Gabby Garcia go at it grappling. Yeah, that's crazy. That's her main training partner. She decides to go over the Misha Tate footage and see how easy Misha choked Talia. She can pull that card out. That's in her back pocket.
Starting point is 02:52:01 She goes, all right, on the feet, this is getting a little tricky. I'm going to grapple. She has a hard time making 45, right? Yeah, she does. She would be better off if there was a 155 pound woman's weight class where she didn't have
Starting point is 02:52:12 to cut so much weight. Yeah, I mean, she's leaned out. She looks leaner now than she did when she was fighting in Strikeforce. I think when she fought
Starting point is 02:52:19 like Gina Carano, she was fucking gigantic. She's much smaller now. It's such a good fight though, man, for Holly and her. She's still a destroy. It's such a good fight, though, man, for Holly and her. But she's still a destroyer. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:28 You know, it's like, I think for a lot of fighters. It's been a long time coming for her, man. I feel like she's finally got to it where she deserves this. Well, she definitely deserves this big, high-profile fight, but so does Holly. You know, they both do. This is a really interesting fight because, like, clearly Holly's dangerous, right? She headkicks Ronda, knocks her out. She headkicks Betch Kohea, knocks her out.
Starting point is 02:52:50 She headkicked Jermaine Durandamy, who's a multiple-time world Muay Thai champion. Headkicks her, drops her. And a lot of people thought she should have got that decision. At the very least, it was super fucking close. And Jermaine's one of the best strikers in the world. She's a nasty striker so then if holly and cyborg just strike who gets the edge well it's see that here's the thing like you can't sleep on holly like she's probably got a disadvantage when it comes to punching power and probably a significant one not probably
Starting point is 02:53:21 yeah she does yeah we won't we really know because because Holly has dropped people and she does have sharp punches and she's an 18-time world women boxing champion. I mean, there's a lot of craziness to what Holly was able to do as a striker with her hands. Holly's more decorated as far as straight striking accolades. But Cyborg hits hard. She hits so fucking hard
Starting point is 02:53:40 and she's so aggressive. Did you see Cyborg going against the gold medalist in the number one female boxing world? I think Clarissa Shields. Is that her name? Yes, that is her name.
Starting point is 02:53:50 Yeah. Did you see him? You sent me that footage. It's amazing. Bang. Bang, bang. I mean, Clarissa Shields is no joke.
Starting point is 02:53:57 No, she's up to, I mean, best boxer. So good. Bring that up. It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah, it's fun to watch too
Starting point is 02:54:04 because you realize, okay, well, she can hang in the pocket. She takes a tremendous shot. But if you really want to be impressed by Cyborg, I say you look at her one Muay Thai loss to Jorina Barge. I didn't see it. She's in Bellator now. Yeah, she's in Bellator kickboxing now. Jorina Barge is a monster.
Starting point is 02:54:20 She's this really tall woman from Holland who's got outstanding technique. She's impossible. Nobody was fucking with her. She couldn't get a fight for years. So she's given her some coaching here. So Cyborg decided to fight that Muay Thai monster, and it went to a decision. Yeah. And Cyborg landed some good shots.
Starting point is 02:54:37 Yeah. Not only did it go to a decision, does Cyborg have new tattoos on her legs? No, that's tape. That's like a performance a performance tape on the top and oh wow how weird it's all crisscrossing yeah it's a shitty video huh um it's awful video but cyborg got dropped a bunch of times kept getting up you know came after her and was there for the fucking final bell still swinging trying to take her out that boy tie girl had had her hands full it wasn't a walk in the park it was not a a walk in the park. And she's a specialist.
Starting point is 02:55:06 And she's so good. She's huge. If you watch her fight, she's so good. So here's Cyborg sparring with, look how good this girl is. But look, Cyborg and that. She's hanging in there. Yeah, look how she goes to the body and to the head.
Starting point is 02:55:21 She is. She's so good, man. But these girls are going at it. This is not like a light sparring session. This is almost like a fight. And she's got to be careful because Cyborg has big fucking power. So she's treating this like this is a dangerous fight for her. Look, she's landing these shots, but she's realizing the stuff that's coming her way, she can't take one of those on the point of the chin.
Starting point is 02:55:43 She's getting tagged. Look at this. Cyborg tagged her a couple times. But she's clearly like the more polished professional boxer. Cyborg's doing work, though. She is. She is doing work. Look at that beautiful left hook to the body. That step in left hook to the body.
Starting point is 02:55:57 Oh, that's pretty. She's so good. It's so important for a girl like her to get that kind of sparring in, too. Who the fuck wants to spar with Cyborg? No one. That's how it came about. Cyborg was talking about no one wants to spar with her. So this girl was like, I'll do it.
Starting point is 02:56:13 Let her kick you. I gotta see that. I gotta see that Muay Thai fight. Was it close? It was a clear, unanimous decision, but it was dangerous at every turn. And also that woman, that's her thing. You have more respect for Cyborg after you watch it.
Starting point is 02:56:28 She wasn't going to win, but she fucking did work. She got head kicked with a stomp. She got front push kick to the face, right on the chin. Her neck snapped back. She falls down. She gets up. You're still chasing after her. She's a warrior, man.
Starting point is 02:56:42 She's a fucking warrior. But so is Holly. Holly's a warrior, man. She's a fucking warrior. But so is Holly. Holly just comes off cleaner and she comes off more polished and she's very pretty and she's very calm and very kind and nice to hear her talk. I think where female
Starting point is 02:56:58 fighting's at, it's such a high level now with these two that whoever wins this is the best of all time. I think it's the forefront of the feminist movement. No boom no pressure ladies no worries um it's it's a very important fight for the sport that's for sure you know because no one really out there who in my mind is compelling is willing to step in and challenge cyborg other than holly well these two are gonna fight like andre erloski franker back in the day. Or Tim Silver, Orlovsky. Is there anybody in Bellator who would do work in?
Starting point is 02:57:29 That's a good point. Good question. I don't think they're at the same level yet in the female division, but there's some real good talent there. There's some good female talent in MMA, period, right now. You had Rose Deontay, Namajunas, and Yoni, and Jenjack. That rematch is going to be sick. Yeah, that's an interesting rematch.
Starting point is 02:57:45 You going to throw up? I'm getting close. Really? Yeah, I didn't eat all day and I drank all this caffeine. Are you like really swallowing spit and stuff? You brought a garbage can over. Yeah, I know, I know. I feel a little sick.
Starting point is 02:57:55 No, I'm not sick. Just go throw too much caffeine. Make yourself throw up like a chick. I might, man. I might purge. Just go eat a deer stick. Yeah, that'll help. That doesn't help, right?
Starting point is 02:58:04 Don't do that. That's like, you want pork chops and a cigar? I'm feeling nauseous. Have a couple pork chops, smoke a cigar, you'll be fine. How about sausage sub with extra mustard? Gad. I got the... You want to smell my breath?
Starting point is 02:58:18 This fight is important, man. It's important for the sport, right? It's important to figure out what style you need to beat Cyborg. Like, Tonya Evinger just fought a wild sort of brawling style and had, like, very limited success. But it was, like, one of those things where Cyborg just keeps advancing. And in every exchange, you realize she has so much more firepower. But Evinger, you know, she was trying to win that fight. She's as tough as they come.
Starting point is 02:58:39 Yeah. She was trying to win that fight. This is a different fight because Holly is very dangerous. And she has a weird style. She'll fight karate style. She throws sidekicks. A lot of front leg sidekicks. She throws those oblique kicks to the inner thigh. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:58:54 Holly might be... Is she going to go? I'm going to go to the bathroom. You've finished this breakdown. You've got to start eating in the morning. He's trying to fast. He's doing some fasting. He's really going to throw up. He's trying to fast. He's doing some fasting. We're like married. He's really going to throw up.
Starting point is 02:59:08 He's going to throw up, man. Weird. I wanted to get that on camera. No, that's not right, dude. That's not right. Did that shut? Play it on a loop? Play it on a loop?
Starting point is 02:59:17 Yeah. People right now are like, bro, why the fuck didn't you let him puke, bro? He'll do that. He'll just not eat. Like, we'll do podcasts. He's like, I haven't eaten yet. I don't want to smell it. I don't want him to throw up in that garbage can.
Starting point is 02:59:28 That's a tiny garbage can. Yeah, that's not the move. It's not even the size of his stomach. And there's a bunch of stuff in that can, too. It'd be all bile, too. It'd be like... It'd be dry. Dry bile.
Starting point is 02:59:39 You know what I ate last night, dude? I made elk tartare. Really? Yeah, it's so good. Fuck, you make a good... It's so good. You make a good game meat. Yeah, I made elk tartare. Really? Yeah, it's so good. Fuck, you make a good- It's so good. You make a good game meat. Yeah, I get good at it now.
Starting point is 02:59:48 I'm gonna need a little game meat. I got a shit ton. I need some. Yeah, I got some here for you. Hey, and maybe, I mean, I love that you give me the hamburger. Can I get some- I gave you steaks. I gave you a heart, dude.
Starting point is 02:59:59 That is the best part. Yeah, it was delicious. I gave you one of the elk hearts. I know. I've never ever given anyone an elk heart before. I ate the fuck out of it. You can have some steaks, bro. You just can't have all of them.
Starting point is 03:00:09 Greedy bitch. You got to go out and kill your own food. Yeah, but you won't invite me. Ah, that's not the truth. I have a 60-pound boat. What I want to do is bring the boat here and practice. Yeah, well, let's do that. But you're only doing archery, right?
Starting point is 03:00:19 Pretty much. Pretty much, yeah. So I got to get good with archery before I can come. Yeah, that's a, boy, that's a hard one. That's a weird learn on the job one, shooting arrows at animals. You got to be completely obsessed with doing that. Yeah. You've got to, or not, you know.
Starting point is 03:00:34 Honestly, the reality is rifle is more, it's more effective. Like you will shoot more things with a rifle. You don't have to get as close. They're not going to move while you're shooting them. Well, rifle and you bring a yeah for sure yeah yeah if you're in an area that allows both things yeah depends on where you're going because i'd love to get an elk yeah seeing else they have specific seasons where you're allowed to um most of the time during the rut you have to use archery equipment in most places some places are different there's like some some different that let you use all weapons and some they have some special tags but like during
Starting point is 03:01:11 the rut when they're breeding the idea is that it's easy to find them they're all they're all howling and you know they're making those elk like whales and they're distracted by pussy and to get close enough to shoot them with a bow and arrow way more difficult because you could just perch yourself on a fucking you know a nice tree stump and let that sight just settle perfectly on if you have a rifle and just but boom and they're dead they're dead as soon as you pull the trigger whereas with a bow and arrow you really should be getting inside of 40 yards if you can it's hard right it's very hard's very hard. They can smell you. They smell you like crazy. They see your movement. They're constantly tuned in and turned on,
Starting point is 03:01:47 and you have to fight off the fact that there's like, if a bull elk, you're trying to shoot a bull elk, you might have 30 cows that are around that bull elk. You've got to trick them, too. Oh, shit. Yeah, because you've got 30 sets of eyes, 60 eyeballs looking your way, and they bark. You throw up?
Starting point is 03:02:02 A little green under the gills, boys. Did you really puke? Yeah, I did. Did you want some water or something? No, I'm good now, man. Damn, son. That's weird. Are you having withdrawals from the Herald?
Starting point is 03:02:12 I wish it was that. You look pale. I know, I do. Your hair is a little messy. I know. I looked in the mirror and I thought, you look like shit, man. How much caffeine did you drink?
Starting point is 03:02:22 Well, I had a latte with an extra shot on the way here. I had three cups this morning. But then I drank this thing. You never stopped drinking coffee. You drank the Caveman and then you drank that other coffee that we made. And then I drank the French Press. And I haven't eaten today because I fast in the morning. That's a lot of caffeine.
Starting point is 03:02:39 Did you go crazy for Christmas? No. No? I actually didn't cheat on Christmas. Are you, what are you saying? Are you saying that he's like, he's got a weight issue? He, he tends to binge. No, I don't.
Starting point is 03:02:52 I've been super strict. I haven't cheated since Thanksgiving. You secretly sometimes will go crazy on. Not when I'm strict like this. Keto Kid is back, bitch. Whoa, Keto Kid is back. I'm back. I didn't mean to call you a bitch.
Starting point is 03:03:02 I'm sorry. He smelled the pizza in my room. You tried pescatarian for a while. How'd that go? Nah, keto's the only back. I'm back. I didn't mean to call you a bitch. I'm sorry. He smells the pizza. You tried pescatarian for a while. How'd that go? Nah, keto's the only thing that works for me. It's not for everyone, but keto works for me. But does it work for you in terms of the way you feel? Yeah, the way I feel.
Starting point is 03:03:13 Yeah. The way I feel. It's easier to stick to, but the way I feel when I'm on it, I don't want to cheat. I don't want carbs. I don't want that food anymore, so I'm good. I go between keto and low carb. Yeah. And then occasionally i'll fuck off and have like a pastrami sub i call that keto ish i do a thing where i where i go through whole foods
Starting point is 03:03:30 and arowan and if i'll look at people and i try to i try to spot the vegans and this is so mean get those day live glasses boy when i see when i see uh somebody super pale and drawn out and they just look sunken in i I'll look in their cart. Like me right now. They've got oats and some seaweed and it's just all vegan stuff. I'm always like, you could use a little protein. Well, it's really just some people are just doing it wrong. It's really what it is.
Starting point is 03:03:58 You can do it right. Of course you can. But it's just like keto. It requires a lot of thinking and planning. I've seen people argue it online. It's so stupid. Nobody ever gets to ketosis. It's bullshit. Of course they do, stupid. Of course they do. It's
Starting point is 03:04:11 measurable. People do it and they find benefit to it. Some people don't find benefit to it, though. But it's important to point out that it's not hard to get into a state of ketosis. You just have to do what's required. It can be done. It's not difficult to get to. The idea that nobody gets there is just so wrong. People get there all the time. It's a state of ketosis. You just have to do what's required. It can be done. It's not difficult to get to. And the idea that nobody gets there is just so wrong.
Starting point is 03:04:27 People get there all the time. It's a matter of whether or not getting there will be good for you. I'll have people email me on social media like, dude, keto's stupid, man. You can't do that for a long time. It's not for me. I'm like, it worked for me, man. I don't give a fuck. It just depends.
Starting point is 03:04:43 I'm not saying it's for everyone. Don DeAugustino's been on it forever. Yeah. He's been on it forever, but Rhonda Patrick was on the other day, and she was pointing out how with some people, it's not the right diet for your body. I don't think it works for me. It probably doesn't. I read that book, The Plant Paradox, and I've told this before, but I stopped eating bread
Starting point is 03:05:00 and those whole wheat things and all the things he talks about. He's more of a plant-based guy, but it did cure my plaque psoriasis up until yesterday because I started eating bread again. But it cured my plaque. You son of a bitch. It cured my plaque psoriasis. It fucking got rid of it. I'm not saying it's the NB all, but it works for me.
Starting point is 03:05:18 Depending on what you eat. I don't give a fuck what diet you do. That's what I do. Whatever works. Yeah, I'm eating real low carb or keto. Yes. That's all it is. It's either I'm keto or every now and then I'll definitely, I'll feel it when I get off of it.
Starting point is 03:05:32 What do you mean low carb? You eat a lot of vegetables. Yeah, yeah. A lot of vegetables. But low carb in terms of no refined bullshit. No flour. No rice. When I get into those states, I have when i have too much fruit because
Starting point is 03:05:45 then i'll start craving it i'll start like craving carbs whereas i can tell i mean i have tested myself a few times but it's annoying to stick that fucking thing in your hand and extract the blood and put it on the tab and but you can feel when you're in that state of ketosis like i'll monitor my diet real steady for five six six days. And sometimes it'll be like a little dip because I've done it so many times. It's not as noticeable to be a little dip in your energy during your workouts. But then when I come on the other side of it, then as soon as I feel like no hunger pangs during the day at all, like I'm good. And then I went, oh, okay, I'm in. I feel, and then- Can you eat sweet potatoes?
Starting point is 03:06:23 You can, but you can't eat too much like sweet potato has a lot of fiber in it it's one of the reasons why it's one of the better potatoes for you to eat it's got a lot of vitamins in it yams and sweet potatoes are fantastic for you yeah but it's like how much of your are you taking in how much actual sugar does your body have to process if it's just a small portion of it i'm sure it's fine if your overall meals are filled with like really healthy food avocados healthy fats you know good solid protein with no bullshit and no wheat like keep the fuck away from wheat keep the fuck away from pasta or don't you know every now and then have it but if you could just get you
Starting point is 03:07:03 most of your diet free of that shit, you'll just feel better. You'll just feel better. I do. If you ate too many mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes and got out of ketosis, as long as you're not eating any bullshit, I don't even think that's bad. Maybe your body will have more of an insulin response, but you're having all that fiber with your sugar. If you're eating a yam or a mashed potato or a sweet potato It's not it's it's not like eating candy. I don't know that's on your activity level Oh, yeah, that's the big factor
Starting point is 03:07:34 That's a big one as post workout like how many people work out like you did when you were fighting how many fucking human beings? Know what it's like to put in those hard two a days and just be almost no fried four weeks into camp realize you got two to go the worst speak to it man speak to it there's nothing worth your nauseous speak to my coach tony jeffries who he gets it he was olympic boxer and boxer professional he'd go uh yeah you're three weeks in you have four more weeks of this brendan let's get to work just fucking with me oh my god that's why a guy like you has to like keep an eye on his appetite after you get out of fighting yes because you're not broken down like that all day anymore where you could just fucking shovel it in people literally any time
Starting point is 03:08:21 you're doing anything that's super difficult and you're working out twice in a day, man, you're going to be hungry all the time. And your body gets into that head space. But even back then, I wish I was more knowledgeable on diet and stuff like that. I hired some nutritionists, but I never really clicked with anyone. But I have more knowledge now on – oh, Jesus Christ. I almost threw up again. I just threw up in my mouth. It's all good, though.
Starting point is 03:08:47 Back to the keto diet. So I have more knowledge now. Did you say taquito diet? I do. Taquito diet. I'm fucking destroyed. I'm struggle city right now. I threw up in my mouth.
Starting point is 03:08:57 My breath smells like fucking throw up. Anyways, I wish I had more Knowledge back then When I was fighting On diet and stuff Because I didn't I would talk to people And try to figure out I'm like
Starting point is 03:09:09 You're burning so many calories Eat whatever you want I'm like God I don't think That's the right answer When I played At University of Colorado And I asked the nutritionist
Starting point is 03:09:16 I'm like I feel like This yogurt you're giving us And Gatorade Has so much fucking sugar And she goes You're fine You're gonna burn it off
Starting point is 03:09:23 I'm like This doesn't seem right to me man Because I look at everyone's bodies we look like shit that that is true but you you definitely have different requirements than a person who doesn't do the kind of working out that you do sure well your body will burn a certain amount of sugar and a certain amount especially when it comes to fruits or anything complex 100 but i think even though you're burning those calories you can put good fuel in and still get calories. You don't have to get it from cheeseburgers and candy.
Starting point is 03:09:51 You can get it through high quality foods even still. But what I'm saying, getting at it in terms of overall performance, if you want to do it perfectly, I don't know if keto is the way to go for a fighter. I think the strains and requirements on your body in terms of like the amount of fuel your body needs to burn, there's an argument that especially for a lot of people, not for everybody, but for a lot of people, having more carbohydrates in your diet than is required to stay in a state of ketosis is probably required. Oh, man, what fighter did I talk to? I want to say Lance Palmer. Sorry, Lance, if I'm off on this. I want to say Lance Palmer.
Starting point is 03:10:22 Sorry, Lance, if I'm off on this. Lance told me one of the fighters I've had on my show goes, man, for the last three weeks before my fight, he has to make weight. He goes, I go keto. I make weight easily. He goes, I've never felt better. Yeah, Brian Carraway said that, too. Brian Carraway did that. I've never talked to him, so it wasn't him for me. Might be Lance Palmer.
Starting point is 03:10:40 Might be. Well, you look, everybody's body responds differently. That's another problem. Everybody's body responds differently. That's another problem. Everybody's body responds differently to all sorts of different diets. I never push it on people. People ask me, this is what I do, man. I don't know if it's for you. For me, when I'm on the road, I can find keto meals when I go to a steakhouse.
Starting point is 03:10:56 It's easy. It's super easy for me when I'm on the road. Everybody's body. Medicine, I mean, medicine is that way now. Sure. That's why they give you pointed, targeted therapy. They've got to see what your genome is. Well, I always bring up you and your mom when you talk about Brazil nuts.
Starting point is 03:11:10 Yeah. Your mom can't eat Brazil nuts. You could brush her skin with them. That's crazy. And she would break out. Yeah. That's fucking nuts. What did your mommy's call those nuts that I forget?
Starting point is 03:11:19 Brazil nuts. Is that what she always called them? Out of all the things to be allergic to, the wackest nut of them all, the shittiest tasting stupid nut. Like when you get one of those things of mixed nuts, you get those Brazil nuts. You're like, all right. They're the worst. Giant nuts.
Starting point is 03:11:34 Throw that big stupid nut. I know, but they say they're good. Sloth toes. Sloth toes, yeah. Am I making that up? Yeah, they do. Oh, that's what she calls them? Sloth toes?
Starting point is 03:11:41 I feel like we call it something else. Sloth toes, right? They look like sloth toes. Sloth toes. Maybe I just made that up now. You might have. This is what it looks like. I'm sick.
Starting point is 03:11:49 Big, stupid nut. I'm sick. But Brazil nuts, like I heard that they're good for sports and for your liver or some bullshit. So what I do, good old Brian decides to start chopping them up six, seven at a time, put them in my shake. That's all good problem is i inherited a little of the old uh allergic stuff now when you are allergic and you keep eating something
Starting point is 03:12:12 you'll develop more and more of a reaction with less so i would notice that all of a sudden periodically i'd like my throat would be sore it'd just be swollen and sore and i was like what the fuck is going i'm not sick but my throat and then then uh my entire mouth at one point swelled up and like it looked like my the roof of my mouth had been burned and i and my dentist goes did you burn the entire roof of your mouth i went no and he goes your mouth it looks like it's been burned like somebody stuck a thing i go yeah it's killing me i don't know what the fuck is going on he goes you allergic to something i said no i'm not allergic he goes are you eating a nut that you might be allergic to and i said ah and so i was developing very quickly that's a while ago wow that's insane yeah have you ever heard of the Lone Star Tick? That it gives people red meat
Starting point is 03:13:05 allergy? I have. I listened to a podcast. Radio Lab, Alpha Gal. There's some fucking compound. The tick is becoming less and less rare. Tick-borne diseases are fucking horrifying. There are so many people
Starting point is 03:13:21 out there that are suffering from chronic Lyme. They don't catch it quick enough. They don't get the antibiotics in their system quick enough. I know somebody who has that. My friend Chandra, her dad, got a shot for Lyme disease. They used to give you a vaccination and he caught
Starting point is 03:13:37 Lyme disease from the vaccination. They don't do that vaccination anymore. Fuck, man. And once you have Lyme, there's no way to cure it, right? Well, it depends. You take massive amounts of tetracycline, et cetera. But everybody's result is different. God, yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:53 Some people catch it too late, and it's chronic. Jimmy Burke had tuberculosis. We called him Jimmy Burke-ulosis. You don't know about that? When did he have that? Jimmy Burke-ulosis got it. They thought for six months, or it was about three months, they thought he had the disease
Starting point is 03:14:07 that killed Bernie Mac. They thought he had that or lung cancer. I'm with Jimmy. He's walking around with a machine that's straining his lungs. They couldn't figure it out. Where does it hook up? Through his mouth? I think a thing to his chest. How long ago was that?
Starting point is 03:14:23 10 years ago. He's walking around. Yeah. In the hospital. And, uh, and that was what he was looking at. So I fly to New York. Cause my fucking brother,
Starting point is 03:14:31 right? I fly to New York. I'm like, dude, I go, you know, you have, there have the,
Starting point is 03:14:35 the thing that turns your lungs to sand or to, or lung cancer. And he goes, that's what they're telling me about. And I, and we're talking and he's hanging out saying, I go, how the fuck are you not in crisis right now? And he goes, that's what they're telling me, Bob. And we're talking and he's hanging out. I go, how the fuck are you not in crisis right now?
Starting point is 03:14:49 And he goes, dude, I made peace with my death so fucking long ago that if I'm going to go like this, everybody's laughing. And my funeral better be a fucking party. Anyway, long story short, they come in in and they of course guess guess who falls in love with them all the doctors because it's jimmy burke all the fucking doctors and uh they fall in love with them and when they found out that he had tuberculosis on the outside of his lung it wasn't on the inside which was really weird he had on the outside got it probably from his grandfather who he had been exposed to when he was 3-4 years old what did they do for tuberculosis? so with tuberculosis
Starting point is 03:15:28 they give you 9 months of antibiotics and what that did to Jimmy what that did to Jimmy is it made him colorblind so he can't see certain colors from the antibiotics? yeah, nobody healthier by the
Starting point is 03:15:45 way but he went through some shit the way he handled that was amazing to this day he's still colorblind oh yeah it it from an antibiotic yes sir it changed his changed his body a little bit too he wasn't as muscular i think he lost some weight bro you ever take antibiotics make your asshole itch like the ring of your ass no oh you ain't gonna take something that doesn't make the ring of my asshole itch that's what it's one of the it's one of the side effects no to break tb like that that that fucking uh nine months where he was dude he was on the staff i got staff once and i got twice i remember that but i got it once and i took um the antibiotics and we went out to dinner you and me and patty jenkins and couldn't drink. And not only could I not drink, my head felt like I had a lead helmet sitting on my head.
Starting point is 03:16:30 I was like, I can't believe how shitty I feel. I feel so weak and so shitty. And I'd just gotten on them. I was only on them for a couple of days. They're so bad. And I remember thinking, how could anybody fight on this? How about guys fight with them? They're crazy.
Starting point is 03:16:45 It drains you so bad. I didn't train, obviously, because I had staff. I didn't want to give it to anybody. But I did try to use some weights and do some working out. It was useless. I tried to hit the bag. Useless. That's what's crazy when you find out fighters.
Starting point is 03:16:58 They're like, yeah, he won that fight and he was on an antibiotic. How about fucking Kevin Lee? When he fought against Tony Ferguson, I looked at his chest. The moment he walked in the cage, I was like, what the fuck? Fucking Kevin Lee. When he fought against Tony Ferguson. I looked at his chest the moment he walked in the cage. I was like, that is staff. Dude, how about Hadja Gracie against Bouchesha? Did he have staff? Yeah, he was on antibiotics.
Starting point is 03:17:14 No way. Yeah, he goes, I didn't come here to tap. That's insane. And then they're like, you look a little sluggish. He's like, I was on antibiotics the whole time. That's insane. You beat Bouchesha on antibiotics. Nuts.
Starting point is 03:17:24 Holy shit. You could see that Kevin Lee had staff on him. 100%. You could see Bouchesha on antibiotics. Nuts. Holy shit. You could see that Kevin Lee had staph on him. 100%. You could see it. He had an extra titty on his chest. He had a giant welt on his chest. And I pointed it out to Daniel. I pointed it out.
Starting point is 03:17:35 I go, does that look like staph? It was hilarious. Someone in Daniel's ears was saying, do not talk about it. Do not talk about it. And he's like, yep, that looks like staph to me. Right when he said it, I was like, oh, shit, I hope Joe's right, man. Oh, no, I'm right. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 03:17:48 There's no way that could be anything else. I'm sure that it was, right? Yeah. It's swollen. Like, something either happened, like maybe he got burnt backstage. God, what's next for that kid? I haven't heard anything. You think he'd be taking a break, you know, back to drawing board?
Starting point is 03:18:01 His coach committed suicide. Oh, it was Robert Foles. Yeah, man. That was his coach. That's a bummer. Robert Foles is a great guy. I didn't know he committed suicide. Is that?
Starting point is 03:18:08 Yeah. I knew that he died. I was waiting, I heard that there had been a rumor about that, but it wasn't confirmed. That's what I heard, suicide. Did his brother commit suicide as well? Yes.
Starting point is 03:18:17 Fuck. They're poor parents. Fuck. He was a really, really nice guy. Very smart guy, too. Very smart guy. That's such a bummer, man was a really, really nice guy. Very smart guy, too. Very smart guy. That's such a bummer, man. You know, and who knows what causes someone who's so well-loved and so liked,
Starting point is 03:18:35 you know, that's a great argument for, like, chemical issues versus, like, I mean, you can tell some people just don't have good lives. Everything's going bad for them. They want to end their life because they can't take the pain. But then there's other people that are like him that are doing really well. You know, and you got to go, man, what is it? It's a fucking mystery. And we all have this real problem when it comes to people doing things
Starting point is 03:18:59 that we would think would, you know, you'd consider to be something that someone who doesn't have control of themselves does. And we shun that. We don't like that. It bothers us. Not me. But there's a reality to, like, pain and suffering that we have to address. And, you know, shaming someone for wanting to end their life is not something.
Starting point is 03:19:21 No. Until you've been faced with that kind of despair. If your despair level is to the point where you take your own life, you have my utmost and everlasting sympathy. I don't have a judgment on that. I've never been there. So the idea that I would be like, get it together. Usually a rational decision for someone who commits suicide is the only way out of this terrible situation is death.
Starting point is 03:19:49 That's a rational decision. I have nothing but my ultimate. All you can do is shake your head and feel sad, not judgmental. It's fucking completely horrible. I mean, when you stop and think about the idea of wanting to end your life. I feel lucky I don't have that level of serotonin in my brain. But I think, again, I think for a lot of people it goes back to, you know, what's the chemical reaction that's going on in your brain? Well, they've done, yeah.
Starting point is 03:20:19 Is it, you know, is it just an issue with some sort of a disorder where there's something that's not producing the right amount of chemicals? Or is it a problem of your past? It could be a conflation of a lot of different factors. But one thing to know is that you have a set point for your serotonin usually. Certain people like me, I probably have a serotonin level from 1 to 10 at usually 7 to 8. No matter what's going on i'm always i'm just lucky i just very rarely get depressed and if i do it's a mild sort of haze some people they could they could invent the cure for every disease in the world and win
Starting point is 03:20:59 the lottery and all this stuff they just go back to their serotonin levels being at four or whatever and it's just yeah i think it's a little bit more complicated than that but i think there's uh and all this stuff. They just go back to their serotonin levels being at four or whatever. And it's just. Yeah. I think it's a little bit more complicated than that. Probably. But I think there's some people that are just never happy for whatever reason. Whatever reason, chemically or whether it could be aided by exercise. Neil Brennan talks about that, right?
Starting point is 03:21:17 He does. Neil's always, like, has always been melancholy. He's always been sort of in that blue region. And I've always been in the opposite. He's so brilliant. Neil Byrne's so brilliant. When you hear him talk about it, he was like, yeah, with the Chappelle stuff. And he's like, I'm always just here, man, especially if I have medication.
Starting point is 03:21:34 I'm just here. I just go through the motions. He's a very smart guy. Oh, man, he's brilliant. I think there's also an issue with people that are really smart. They look at the futility of it all. And it's sometimes harder for them to overcome not discounting chemical issues.
Starting point is 03:21:47 Well, Doug Davidoff has the greatest joke about that. He'd suffer from depression. I'd go, how you doing? Yeah, he wouldn't call me. I'd go, where you been? He goes, I got a touch of the black dog. And I'm like, yeah. And he had this joke.
Starting point is 03:21:59 He goes, you ever want to kill somebody, but you can't get yourself off the couch? It's like you're too depressed to get off the couch some people have a real thing there's no denying it's like but how much can exercise help you how much can diet help you it's a factor it's not the only factor
Starting point is 03:22:19 but it's a factor and there's a lot of people that don't realize that and they go through life and they have these issues and then there's people that have all the exercise and the diet right they still are depressed yeah still not the answer like they have so much going for them and then there's head trauma you know there's uh that's always going to be a factor there's uh you know tbi and cte and all the different things that that does to your head yeah there's no doubt about that i was thinking about Chris Cornell because Chris Cornell had such an artistic,
Starting point is 03:22:48 fully artistic, he accomplished so much artistically and had his artistry was continuing to flourish and kind of in the middle of that with children and so much to live for. Anti-anxiety medication. Is that what he was taking? Yeah, he called his wife up
Starting point is 03:23:03 before he did it and he was slurring his words, and they think he was on a lot of that stuff. Well, how about the singer of Linkin Park? Same shit. He had seven kids. Yeah. That stuff. He had real depression, too, and he was sexually abused when he was young.
Starting point is 03:23:17 Oh, he was? Yeah. Yeah, but anti-anxiety medication has various effects on people. Yeah. There's some people it's a godsend for, but it's just like the Brazil nuts thing. Some people are going to have an adverse reaction to it, and you have to be prepared for whatever that reaction could be. Yeah, that's a good point.
Starting point is 03:23:34 Yeah, it's a fucking bummer, man. The human body, we don't have it figured out, but goddamn, they're getting closer and closer. But it goes back to the fact that we're all very complicated. We're all individuals, so have a little compassion for each other. Have a little compassion would be nice. There's a lot of people lashing out because they don't feel good.
Starting point is 03:23:48 And I watched this lady the other day cut in front of somebody. It was hilarious. This guy's trying to get into this lane and this lady speeds up to try to keep the guy from getting in the lane. And the guy sees it, so he just kind of eases over anyway.
Starting point is 03:24:00 And she just lays on her horn. Bam! And then the guy pulls up. he's in this he's in this lane now and he pulls up and she gets in the next lane shoots in front of him turns her car in front of him and slams on the brakes and so he gets to the left of her and just starts going towards her and she freaks out and turns into traffic and has to slam on the brakes like you just had a crazy hissy fit over nothing because you did that cunty thing
Starting point is 03:24:28 that all of us have been guilty of doing where you don't let somebody in your lane. And this guy was like, fuck you, I'm getting in. It's like she sped up. She sped up to keep him from going in. You watched it all play out and you're like, wow. I was in Park City with my mother driving her SUV and I wasn't even driving fast.
Starting point is 03:24:43 And this woman, older woman with a very old, like an old matronly, like you used to be the principal of your school and short hair and she had her golden retriever and she, uh, dressed in a preppy fashion. Slow down. Oh my God. And then I go, Oh, and I wasn't even going fast. And she just goes, and I could hear her make that noise. She goes like that with her and she
Starting point is 03:25:06 gave me the hardest middle finger oh my god and i went are you kidding me and she goes i'm calling the police and reached for her phone right away and i don't i got that's what i said i go oh for what i go have a nice day and just kept going i remember getting in a road rage situation with this dude when i first moved to la we're looking at each other on the highway and he takes his shirt off to show me his tattoos. He's screaming at me and I'm not reacting. I'm just looking at him. I'm like, what is going to happen here? I'm like, why is this guy trying so hard to scare me? He's like, fuck you fucking pull over, fucking pull over. So he takes his shirt off. He's got all these tattoos. And by the way, he does not look built. I'm like, you're I'm like You're in trouble fella You don't really know
Starting point is 03:25:45 How to fight Sloppy I highly doubt I mean you get fooled sometimes But I'm like This is a guy That's trying to scare me Which is probably
Starting point is 03:25:51 He's probably terrified A lot of noise Yeah And so I'm just looking at him And the more I'm looking at him He just keeps screaming at me Because I'm not reacting to him I'm just like
Starting point is 03:25:59 Looking at him And he's screaming And I'm in my car driving And he's looking at me And I was driving a suburban too which i thought was hilarious because he goes you rich piece of shit i was like i'm in a suburban how do you know if i'm rich this isn't even like a rich car like the fuck are you talking about like where's this coming from it was real screamy and i was thinking at this time i could make a
Starting point is 03:26:20 terrible mistake where i could say oh yeah i think i could just fuck this guy up. Let me pull his car over and teach this asshole a lesson. You do as a young guy. Yeah, I was only like 28 at the time. I was still pretty fucking stupid. But this guy screaming at me almost made me realize how dumb it is. I was like watching, taking his shirt off, showing me his tattoos.
Starting point is 03:26:39 There's no upside. To this day though, to this day, there'd be like a day would go by that I would think I should just fuck that dude up I literally think I should have just pulled over and kicked that fucking dudes legs out from under him and choked him unconscious be hilarious But it's so stupid to harbor those thoughts early 20 years later Yeah That's how dumb those
Starting point is 03:27:04 instances where you want to go in a lane someone doesn't want to let you they speed up and they're to harbor those thoughts 20 years later. That's how dumb those instances where you want to go in a lane and someone doesn't want to let you and they speed up and they're like, fucking Hong Kong, fuck you. Like that tension. It's so dumb.
Starting point is 03:27:11 You'll hold on to some of those dumb thoughts for decades. Dude, I had a guy the other day. I was driving off Abbott County. I looked at my phone at directions and I was at a stop sign and it was my turn to go, but I was looking down at my phone for directions
Starting point is 03:27:23 and this guy behind me, he's like a regular worker in a car, just goes nuts nuts honking and whoring and i wave that i'm like my batman and then i'm driving he goes around me slams on the brakes and starts flipping me off talking shit oh my god dude come on my god and i'm like all right all right go man i got it i got it i fucked up keep going and then he won't let. And I'm like, alright, alright, go, man. I got it. I got it. I fucked up. Keep going. And then he won't let me go. I'm like, dude, you gotta let me go, man. He just keeps talking shit. I'm like, what the fuck am I gonna do,
Starting point is 03:27:52 man? I'm gonna beat up this dad. What the fuck am I gonna do? But he's playing a game that he thinks he's safe playing, you know, because we're not in Serbia. Nobody's pulling guns out and gunning people down the street. These people, they'll do that kind of shit. I watched these two guys race each other and they were cutting in front of each other and slam on the brakes and doing that thing and slamming the brakes and yelling shit out each other out the window.
Starting point is 03:28:14 And you just watch them and you go like, this could be nothing or it could be your life. Correct. Like you could hit that guy. He can go into traffic. Somebody could die. He could hit someone on the street. Like you guys are speeding like you're in this death race like you're in some fucking mad max movie but you're on a residential street dude me and this guy he's yelling at me and i'm like what are you gonna do
Starting point is 03:28:33 man what are you gonna do you're gonna cut you got a guy you're gonna fight me what the fuck you gonna do and he's yeah yeah that's exactly what the fuck i'm gonna do and i was like i took off my glasses i went went, you're fucking serious. You're serious right now. He keeps going. And then I thought, am I going to get out and fight this guy? What if he has a gun? And I wanted to go left, but I couldn't because he's blocking me.
Starting point is 03:28:56 So I went right. I thought, man, my brother and my friends would make fun of me for going right when I should have went left. It's the right thing to do. That's what I was driving like, what am I going to do? Fight this fucking guy? Think of that as being like you run into a dog. Are you supposed to like, hey, fuck you, dog. No, you sit, bitch. Sit. No, you're supposed to go,
Starting point is 03:29:13 I gotta go. But the problem is it's a person. So a person you think of is different than a dog. A dog is like, get the fuck away from that dog. Yeah, get the fuck away from that person, too. It's a bit of an ego thing, too. But listen, dude. 99.9 percent of the fucking human beings you interact with you could kill yeah that should play heavy on your mind no that you know what played on my mind was i went i bet he's going through some shit he probably went like a double shift yeah
Starting point is 03:29:38 someone probably was texting before me and he he's just taking his anger out on me i'm just gonna go right fuck this man i don't need this. Yeah, but he could have been 10, you know, and still acted like that and you should have the same reaction like, oh God. Like it's a child. He's a child. He's a grown up baby.
Starting point is 03:29:57 He's pretending he's going to kick your ass. I know. I was like, what the fuck? One of two things. Either he has a gun or he's fucking insane. Those are the only two possibilities. Correct. Right? Or he doesn't realize you're a gorilla sitting in your car. Either he has a gun or he's fucking insane. Those are the only two possibilities. Correct. Right? Or he doesn't realize you're a gorilla sitting in your car. You look like a normal-sized person. I'm an orange Porsche.
Starting point is 03:30:11 So he's probably like, fuck this guy. Yeah, he probably feels like you're some preppy dickhead from Bel Air. You know? Some cutie pie. Be right. Imagine. We're talking about road rage incidences. You know, they've figured out why people have road rage, too.
Starting point is 03:30:26 And one of the reasons why it occurs so often is not just a separation by barriers between you and the other person so you don't have social cues. It's also that your senses are jacked up because you're in a situation where you know that you have to react potentially at a very fast rate. You have to be able to react instantaneously to someone changing your lane. Slam on the brakes. So you're at heightened states. And so then you interact with people that you think maybe are fucking with that heightened state. And you just fucking lay on that horn. You piece of shit.
Starting point is 03:30:55 You cut me off. And everybody's been guilty of it. And everybody has to learn to negotiate that weird extra urge of aggression that you get when you're in your car. And don't get out of the car and fight. Don't do it. No, don't do it. But people want to do it, man. They want to do it all the time. No.
Starting point is 03:31:12 Bad idea. People shoot people all the time. I feel like they could look at your head and you've got kind of a big head. Now I got a friendly face, man. What about your ears? They're not thinking. I don't see my ears.
Starting point is 03:31:22 First of all, this guy- They see the bullshit haircut. I'm in an orange Porsche. I probably got skinny jeans on. The guy's not thinking. I don't see my ears. First of all, this guy- They see the bullshit haircut. I'm in an orange Porsche. I probably got skinny jeans on. The guy's not thinking of fighting anyone. He's not thinking of fighting anyone. It's all opposing thing. It's all a bluff charge.
Starting point is 03:31:34 It's all it is. It's a bluff charge. It's exactly what it is. It exists in all of nature. The way he cut me off, though. This guy was down. Yeah, but he's not down. It's like a gorilla running up to you.
Starting point is 03:31:41 He was never planning on smashing you. Yeah, that shit worked. I went right. I needed to go left. I had to go all the way around the block. He got you. He went never planning on smashing you. Yeah, that shit worked. I went right. I needed to go left. I had to go all the way around the block. He got you. He went home. His dick was hard as a rock.
Starting point is 03:31:49 And he fucked the shit out of his wife. I'm a fucking man. He was like, ah, he cut me off. And I told him to fuck off. You want to fight, you motherfucker? He said no. And I'm going to fuck you now. I win.
Starting point is 03:31:58 I conquered. They say that in, what was that book by Malcolm Gladwell? Blink. Wherever you're from has to do with how you react to affronts. So they did this experiment where they would have a guy, they'd have you take two fake tests. And you had to take a test in this room, and then you had to go down the hall and take a test in another room.
Starting point is 03:32:20 As you were walking down the hall to the other test, you would get, somebody would walk by you, bump you, and go, watch out, asshole, and keep walking. And the dudes from the south versus the guys from the north, the dudes from the south, their serotonin levels, their testosterone levels, everything was jacked to the fucking roof. They were ready to fight. Dudes from the north, nah, not at all. They were like, whatever, what a dick. testosterone levels everything was jacked to the fucking roof they were ready to fight dudes from the north nah not at all they were like huh whatever what a dick and it had to do according to glabal not really also this guy nisbitt as well it had to do with where you were from and more importantly where your ancestry heralded from if you came from a culture weird honor culture as
Starting point is 03:33:05 Opposed to what they call the dignity culture So if you came from a culture where honor was everything and those cultures are hurting cultures. That's where you get the Chinese That's where you get the Afghanis. That's where you get the North Scots Irish. That's why Armenians Armenians I mean, it's will fuck you up. Yes Shoulder checks are you getting street? That's why Armenians, Armenians, Armenians will fuck you up. Fuck yes. Armenians are tough as shit. Shoulder check some Armenian in the street. They will punch you in the, they don't fuck around. Armenians and tight knit communities.
Starting point is 03:33:36 Yeah, I like that. But, but, but it was, it was from honor cultures and the Scots Irish who settled where the Appalachians, the, the, the Hatfields and the McCoys. The fuck, yeah. When you go to Ireland, you go to parts of the UK, you know, in the north where Tony's from, good luck. Go see what happens in a bar when you want to get scrappy. You'll find plenty of men to meet you halfway. Whereas if you go to certain other parts of the world where they didn't come from herding cultures, where they came from a culture that relied mostly on agriculture, where it relied on cooperation.
Starting point is 03:34:15 See, because when you're a herder and somebody steals your sheep, you will not survive the winter. So you've got to let everybody know that if you do steal my sheep, I'm going to kill you and every man in your fucking family because I'm a crazy motherfucker. So, you know, it's do or die here. Right. It's literally survival of your family. Nisbet and Gladwell just wrote a book about it,
Starting point is 03:34:39 but some of these guys who actually did the primary research on that proved that culture, even though you don't know those people even though your generations you know removed from that in this country that shit has deep deep roots in your cultural psyche yeah and and of course also probably some form of genetic memory genetic memory but also cultural memory also that's you're raised as a man to protect your cubic space. Well, that guy who wanted to fight me was a herder. I'm sure he was. I think he was probably on Adderall.
Starting point is 03:35:12 He's faking. He's bluff charging. He just got off a double shift. He has a herding mentality. What kind of car did he have? It was a LA County truck. He was Mexican. If you guys want to read about that, Geography of Thought, I think, by Harold Nisbet.
Starting point is 03:35:28 He's a phenomenal guy. He's using a county truck? Boy, that's a dumb move. That's a way to get fired real quick. He didn't give a fuck. Gotcha. He got me. He got me.
Starting point is 03:35:40 I had to go around the block. It took me more time. Because you don't come from that culture. I was embarrassed. Isn't it funny how he's such a badass, but he's like... No, it's not that I don't... You do that to my brother. Listen, my brother's had some issues on the road, you know, and this stuff.
Starting point is 03:35:56 My dad has, too. I've seen it with my own eyes. With me, the stuff I have going on, if I get out of that car, I fight that guy, I lose everything I stand for. Yeah, you're right. For sure. All my gigs. Everything's gone. And for what? of that car, I fight that guy. I lose everything I stand for. Yeah, for sure. All my gigs. Everything's gone. And for what?
Starting point is 03:36:08 But it's self-defense, Brandon. It's not. It's not. You're forcing yourself into an aggression situation. We're both fucked. And what do you think the headline reads? LA worker beats up UFC fighter? No.
Starting point is 03:36:20 I hope not. No. That would be embarrassing. No. I think you'd have real issues with you. Ex-UFC fighter twists man's head off, gets arrested, goes to not. No. That would be embarrassing. Yeah. No. I think you'd have real issues with you. A fighter twists man's head off, gets arrested, goes to prison. Yeah. That's not a good move.
Starting point is 03:36:30 It's not a good look. His showtime, his e-show, his stand-up, fucking gone. No upside. No upside. There's nothing funny about a guy beating up another guy. No. There's no upside to it. And it's also, you can avoid it.
Starting point is 03:36:40 It can be avoided. I don't care. And I think a lot of that posturing bullshit and screaming comes from not being able to fight. I agree. If you could have a, like a bar filled with jujitsu black belts, probably the friendliest fucking bar ever.
Starting point is 03:36:53 The tough guys don't yell like that. It's like gun culture. You don't even hang out with a bunch of gun guys. They're, they're super formal and respectful. Yeah. Cause they're used to seeing bullets flying around. Everybody's got to mind their P's and Q's when everybody's actually equal.
Starting point is 03:37:06 If you're a bunch of gun handlers and all of you, you go into gun competitions and shit and you're shooting, plink, plink, plink, plink. You're rolling like fucking Keanu Reeves and shit. Those guys, you know, they're equal to everybody in the world. All they have to do is this. I mean, they balance it out to a
Starting point is 03:37:22 squeeze of a trigger and aim with your arms. Seals aren't walking around going, I'm in the SEALs. Watch out, bro. I want to get to the front of the line. Exactly. There was a bunch of Marines that came to the comedy store the other night. Real nice guys. They were there for this Toys R Tots thing, hanging out with them, talking to them afterwards.
Starting point is 03:37:37 And then there's some weird drunk guy who comes up to me after the Marines left. And he asked me about recon Marines. And I was like, oh, look at that. He just went in. Oh, you're sick. That was throw up, ladies and gentlemen. That's what we were about recon Marines. I was like, oh, look at that. He just went in. Oh, you're sick. That was throw up, ladies and gentlemen. That's what we were trying to avoid. That was amazing.
Starting point is 03:37:49 It just fluid. We should probably end this anyway. I got to go home. I'm going to Mexico tomorrow. There he's throwing up again. I don't know who's cleaning that thing. That's a good end. Any ideas?
Starting point is 03:37:58 We'll just throw that away. I got you, Josh. We'll get another one. We'll throw that away. We'll get another. You're hurting. We're not. Oh, I'm just watching a bunch of puke coming out of Brendan Schaub's mouth. away. We'll get another. You're hurting. Oh, I'm just watching
Starting point is 03:38:05 a bunch of puke coming out of Brendan Schaub's mouth. Anyway. It's all good. Super sorry about all this. It's a good way to end? It's a good way to end. It's a good way to end. Brian Callen, you got any dates coming up? I'm glad you asked. January 12th.
Starting point is 03:38:20 January 12th. Don't puke through my dates. January 12th, 13th, 14thke through my dates January 12th 13th 14th I'm in I'm in fucking where am I hold on
Starting point is 03:38:29 January 12th I'm in Nashville at Zany's and then at the end of the month Columbus Funny Bone January 25th 26th my birthday
Starting point is 03:38:37 27th you could try to go see Brendan Schaub at the Wilbur Theater in Boston but it's sold out sold out sold out, you fucks!
Starting point is 03:38:45 Sold out! I'm in Portland before the 11th through the 13th. He just threw up. And I'm in Denver on the 1st, February, and then 2nd, 13th. Lewis, come see me! I won't be sick. Yeah, he won't be sick. Boston, that bitch is sold out.
Starting point is 03:38:57 I love you. What are you doing on Wednesday night? Why, what's up? You want to do a set at the Ice House? Hell yeah. Okay, then. Brendan Schaub at the Ice House. Ice House is sold out, too, you fucks.
Starting point is 03:39:06 This Friday night, I'm at the Mirage in Las Vegas with the great and powerful Ian Edwards. And then New Year's Eve, the day after the UFC, two shows at the Wiltern in Los Angeles. All right. I apologize for throwing up. I apologize. It's all good. It was a good way to end. Bye.
Starting point is 03:39:21 Good way to end. Are you okay, man? I'm sorry.

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