The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #83 with Firas Zahabi

Episode Date: November 27, 2019

Joe sits down with the head coach of Tristar Gym, Firas Zahabi. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you're listening to this, an audio version, you are denied the beauty of my salmon-colored t-shirt. Beautiful TriStar. You look good in it. I look very good in your shirt. Thanks for coming here, brother. Pleasure. Glad to be here.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Pleasure to have you, man. I use one of your expressions all the time, the touch of death, and there is no better example than what we saw Saturday night night with deontay wilder jesus christ can that guy punch i had him losing all the rounds yeah me too and uh i thought one round was really close could go either way but i had it six to none and that right hand my god it's so crazy it doesn't even make sense when you you look at that shot, it landed it above, kind of like in the forehead, this area. Not even on the chin. No.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Usually here, if you're a powerful puncher, you could daze a guy. Yeah. Put him out the way he did. Yeah. Wow. And no windup, too. No windup. Just right from here.
Starting point is 00:00:58 That's touch of death. Crazy. Touch of death. Nobody ever. Think about that guy's record. 41 knockouts one decision one draw it's incredible undefeated 41 knockouts in 42 fights i mean that is bonkers and he was getting out box like he's not the best boxer well he doesn't care to box yeah yeah he just he knows
Starting point is 00:01:22 like it's such a crazy strategy because out of anyone that has ever fought in the heavyweight division, he is the one guy that literally can shut everyone's lights out with one shot.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Everyone's a knockout artist. Foreman was a knockout artist. Frazier, Tyson, of course, was a knockout artist. But not like this guy. This guy's got, it's like another level of craziness.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I would agree. I mean mean he knows himself that's what's so beautiful if he was less strategic he would have started fighting really early and maybe maybe zap that power he has but he knows he knows exactly he didn't care he lost six rounds he had no he had no qualms about it and he got hurt just before just before he knocked out uh luis he was hurt. And he stayed calm. He's like, oh, now you're going to come for it? Now you're going to walk into the right.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And bang. Yeah. It's incredible. Well, I think he also knew that from the first fight, Ortiz started to fade. And the first fight was very similar in that the first few rounds, there was very little action. And then it started to pick up. And then Ortiz started to fade. But Ortiz put it on him in that first fight.
Starting point is 00:02:22 If you watch that first fight, you're like, wow, this is a crazy rematch for him to take but in this fight he just fought a perfect strategy just waiting and people oh my god i was on twitter reading people this guy can't even box like did you not see what happened you say can't box he's undefeated he's the fucking heavyweight champion of the world he has he tied muham Muhammad Ali for the most title defenses ever. Did you really just say he can't box? In fact, he's a professional boxer. Go in there with him then. Go in there.
Starting point is 00:02:53 If I laced you up, right before you would be like, you'd be so petrified. You would turn white in faith. The way he punches is so strange. It's so strange. And you know, when he fought Tyson Fury fury he told me he weighed 209 pounds oh really 209 that's it that's it wow crazy wow wow he's a phenomenon like all humans are not created equal some people just have a beautiful hand of cards yes that guy's got four aces and he puts them right in your face boom he understands what he's good at and he
Starting point is 00:03:26 fights that way which is brilliant yes i always tell my students it's fighting is two things it's one is level you got to get to a certain level and then the second thing you have to figure out your style like you have to know everything about what you do like for instance if you look at ali and tyson they fought totally differently two Two equally, in my opinion, like, okay, we could split hairs and say who was better. Let's say they fought. It would be very competitive. Whoever you think would win in that fight, it would be very competitive. Ali fights the total opposite of Tyson.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Ali circles supposedly the wrong way. If you look at the book of boxing, they tell you don't circle towards the power side. He doesn't care. In his style, it makes sense. He's up on his on his toes he's jabbing he rarely ever throws a body shot he throws he's thrown a handful of body shots in his entire career whereas Tyson is the total opposite he marches forward he has that peekaboo style he has that you know he's got the gloves tied up to his chin and a totally different style if Tyson tried to fight like Ali he would lose you know but they're at the same level but they figure it out hey what am I good at And a totally different style. If Tyson tried to fight like Ali, he would lose.
Starting point is 00:04:26 But they're at the same level. But they figured out, hey, what am I good at? What advantages do I have physically? What disadvantages do I have physically? And that's why at one point you have to figure out your style. And I feel that's where most fighters fall apart. They never figure out their style. They're trying to do what some trainer told them.
Starting point is 00:04:43 They're trying to do what the guy they most admire in the ring does. They never find out exactly what's best for them that's such a good point because it's such a creative art form in that way and i do believe that martial arts are an art form i really do because to me it's so beautiful like even that right hand that deontay landed that to me was gorgeous there's never been a prettier sunset or a more beautiful mountain. Just black. Watch that spray. That's the way you see the spray, the sweat come off his head. And then Ortiz crumbles. And Deontay walks away like this. Chest up.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Like, motherfucker, you're not getting up. He knew he wasn't getting up. He knew. He knew. When he dropped him, he walked off right away. Like, he knew he was calm. It's the way he walked off, too. It's just like, he knows.
Starting point is 00:05:24 God damn, that guy's got crazy power. But what you said is so important because it's a creative endeavor. You're trying to figure out how to land shots. And you're also trying to disguise what your ideas are, what your tactics are. And you've got to figure out what works best for your body type and that's so open-ended like martial arts are so it's so open-ended once the referee says fight there's all this creativity involved and that's something that i think a lot of people don't really appreciate a hundred percent sometimes you have a trainer who kills that creativity because he
Starting point is 00:06:00 tells you look this is how you fight right and if you go outside of that mold none of you're reprimanded yeah so me me if a fighter wants to drop his hand should you drop your hands in a fight or should you hold them up well it depends what kind of guy you are if you got incredible eyes and you see shots coming from a mile away and you're you're successful with your hands down or one hand down per se let's say then keep doing it but you gotta that's why i think sparring is so important because when we spar we actually try it now we're testing we're testing hey does this airplane fly or is it going to crash and burn well we better test it in the gym before we take it out in the arena and find out it doesn't fly and i always tell guys look if you're if you're fighting with your hands down show me in practice that you're successful then i won't i won't say anything
Starting point is 00:06:42 negative i won't say i won't change your style i'll let it be but first we have to see that you're successful because theories is one thing but then when you get in there and try it's a whole other well wonder boy thompson's an excellent example of that exactly he fights so well with his hands down and he is to me the consummate karate style fighter that has made the perfect transition to mma because he fights so well with his hands down. You don't know where stuff's coming. You don't know whether it's coming up, whether it's coming around,
Starting point is 00:07:10 whether it's going straight at you. You don't see it until you're looking at his body and these things are coming up from his hands being down like this and he's standing sideways. You can take him to the wrong trainer and ruin him. Let's say he was really young and he was forbidden that style.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Because some trainers do that. They forbid a certain style. They forbid a certain type of maneuver or style altogether. Like, for instance, in the 70s, most trainers would not train a left-handed boxer. They'd switch you around. No, no, I don't train left-handed. You got to be right-handed. We got to convert you.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But that's a detriment to the fighter because your trainer is limited and when he only understands fighting in one way now i'm going to limit my fighter it's it's it's totally wrong in my opinion what do you think about fighters who say that even if you're a right-handed person there's an advantage to fighting as a southpaw because you have your most dexterous hand the hand that you have the the most control of is your lead hand and you're also fighting in this unusual stance that is only like what is southpaws like maybe two out of ten people something like that right here in the west yeah yeah if you go to asia it's a lot more but is it really yeah the asians are more supple i think uh you know the the wheel of the cars on the other
Starting point is 00:08:24 side oh and there's stick shift i don't know it's like a left-handed world almost a lot of things Yeah, the Asians are more Sapa. I think, you know, the wheel of the car is on the other side. Oh. And there's stick shift. I don't know. It's like a left-handed world almost. A lot of things are the other way around. Huh. Yeah, like they drive on the other side of the road.
Starting point is 00:08:34 The driver's on the other side of the car. So I don't know. Maybe it affects the way you're developed. But I agree. I always tell fighters, try both sides and see which one you like better. I can't tell you which one you're more comfortable with. Maybe one of your eyes
Starting point is 00:08:47 is the stronger. So when you're like this, it's kind of killing you. So you need to be like that. You never know until you test. So I like to let the guys figure it out. So when people tell me,
Starting point is 00:08:56 do I grab it like this or like that? In some instances, there's a right way and a wrong way. As far as we know, one way is right, one way is wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And sometimes it doesn't make a difference. I tell guys, grab like you're comfortable because I do it the way i like to do it i don't do it the way my trainer showed me so in this particular instance i say it's a question of comfort like people freak out if you grab a kimura like this with your thumb i don't in some instances i grab the kimura with my thumb in some instances i don't so i just show people both and i say look that part it's up to you you certainly can finish it by using the thumb.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Sure. In some instances, it's stronger with the thumb. In some instances. Yeah, because you have better hand control. Sure. Yeah. You know, just clamping down on it, you're actually isolating it. I mean, some people have just ridiculous grip with their hands too.
Starting point is 00:09:38 That should play a factor in there as well. Do you remember Semmy Schilt? Yeah. Semmy Schilt had hands that are as big as his table and he'd grab a hold of the guy's wrists and they'd be just fucked like if you were in his garden he just grabbed your wrist like yeah he did that with fedor he was like this is you for the whole round it's like venom page did that with the lima yes you remember that yes yes just crazy grip yeah well that's a great fight too huh huh? Lima, that's an argument for me.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Lima is one of the arguments for me where I feel like there's got to be, as a fan, I want to see Lima fight the best 170 pounders in the world. So a co-promotion. I know the UFC never wants to see a co-promotion because that pumps up Bellator. But right now, Lima, especially after he just decisioned Rory, and the way he knocked out Michael Page. I mean, nobody's done that to Page before. The way he did it.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That guy can put anyone to sleep. Can I ask you, who did you give round one to? Page versus Lima. I thought it was 50. I was right around the middle. I'd have to watch it again because all I remember was Lima starching him. In round one? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:44 When did it end? Round two. Round two. Round him. In round one? No, no, no. I mean, when did it end? Round two. Round two. But he got hurt right before he knocked him out. He got a little wobbled and then he kind of got his base again
Starting point is 00:10:52 and then low kick, boom, uppercut. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Vicious. Yo, he's so dangerous. He's so dangerous and his low kicks are some of the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I've never seen better. His first fight with Rory. Yeah. Jesus Christ, that swelling on his leg. Didn't he say that took like Six months before he could Use it right
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh his leg is still not the same Really Really It's like It tore some fascia So if you look at it His leg is a little bit Like there's like some hanging
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh Jesus Soft tissue Yeah That's like Pedro Hizzo You remember Pedro Hizzo When he's fighting heavyweight Yeah He would kick guys in the leg
Starting point is 00:11:22 And they'd have this look On their face like What in the fuck is that Yeah Yeah yeah there's levels that's when this the rematch we want to make sure we got to take that off the table you know yes i look forward to a trilogy match so it's one-on-one now you know rory's rory's had some conversations where he's talked about like not fighting again uh you know what i think uh he's had some mixed emotions but i think he's clear he wants to fight now like there's no question about i think uh he's had some mixed emotions but i think he's clear he wants to fight now like there's no question about i think it was just that moment in the ring and
Starting point is 00:11:49 he was emotional but once his head clears up like he wants to fight again like i don't think you could stop him from fighting like he loves to fight well he's so good he's so good he'll be back and i what did you think when he went up to fight musashi i was worried about that fight i didn't like that fight i didn't like that fight either but uh you know if you want to win double gold you got to take that risk but personally I'll be I'll be honest with you I don't think you should fight a champion in his prime when you're weight class below like when they were asking for BJ Penn versus George I was like yeah let's do it George is in his prime right now right you want to bring a champion and they got another belt and but I think it was a bad decision for for BJ like if I was BJ's trainer I wouldn i wouldn't let him let him do that like for instance when george when they wanted to put him with anderson silva
Starting point is 00:12:29 i said look give me a game plan that i'm really confident in and then we'll do it but maybe not when he's at his prime like it's just so dangerous and i'll tell you why you can win but then be uh shorten your career yes because at that level yeah 15 pounds more is 15 tons more well there's fights that people win and even if they want like my position on stipe versus francis and gano is very similar i mean i know stipe won that fight but jesus christ francis and gano he scares the shit out of me man he hits people so hard when he knocked out Alistair, I mean, literally, like, you saw his soul leave his body. And then Stipe survives that fight but then gets KO'd by DC with one punch shortly afterwards. And it's something that I don't want to take anything away from DC because he clearly landed that punch.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It was clearly a strategy of working in the clinch and it was a beautiful punch. And who knows? Maybe he lands that beautiful punch in the rematch and he knocks him out again maybe it could have happened but it didn't you know and i wondered how much of that punch having such a dramatic effect on stipe who's had an amazing chin most of his career how much of that was because of that incredible war that he had with francis because the first round of that was terrifying it was terrifying and the thing is if Ngannou loses he's going to lose in a way that's not so bad but if you lose to Ngannou it could be the end of your career yes like you may never be the same
Starting point is 00:13:54 so did he help DC well for sure you know it's all cumulative right yes excuse me but other fighters I mean John Jones helped Miosic as well but i get what you're saying like and gano's got the touch of death like if i was his trainer i'd put him in boxing as well like i'd be looking at boxing fights well you know he's talking about that well he should be he has a few fights left on his ufc deal and apparently his idea is to one day make his way into boxing which is just a fantastic guy he's so big he's's lifting weights again, apparently, just randomly. I ran into his agent at this place called Dreamscape. Do you know what Dreamscape is?
Starting point is 00:14:30 No. Dreamscape is this cool virtual reality thing in LA. You put on these goggles and you go to this adventure. And his family and my family did it together, just randomly. Just happened to be teamed up together. And we were talking about Francis. And he was saying that Francis wants to eventually fight as a boxer, as a heavyweight boxer.
Starting point is 00:14:46 That's his dream. And that right now he's been lifting weights and he's like well over 270. He's apparently like 275, 279, somewhere in that range. But he's got to be careful with weights because weights could actually make you weaker. Like if you balloon yourself up too far,
Starting point is 00:14:59 it can gas you out and later on, like you can lose the sustainability of your power. There's a right amount of muscle for each athlete. I don just i don't know i don't agree that bigger is always better more power it's not necessarily the case but he has to stay within his natural limits for optimal power also he has to make sure that look at a guy that big at 279 pounds he's probably not really accustomed to cutting weight there he is boom. Boom, boom. Oh, my goodness. The guy's got some thighs on him. The power that guy has, though.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Just ridiculous. So, yeah, he's at the UFC Performance Institute. So, he gets a chance to use all. They have an amazing facility there. Have you trained down there at all? Yes, I have. I've been there a few times. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I was actually supposed to work with Nganou, but we had a little trouble connecting, but like getting him in the country and all that. Oh, into Montreal? Yeah. Oh, interesting. Yeah, but, yeah, no, I mean,, but like getting him in the country and all that. Oh, into Montreal? Yeah. Oh, interesting. Yeah, but I mean, I would definitely put him in boxing. So I would do both. I would do MMA and boxing.
Starting point is 00:15:52 But it's like in Thailand. In Thailand, if you've got good hands, like if you do a couple of Thai fights, Muay Thai fights, and you knock a couple of guys out with your hands, they take you right away into boxing. Like they see the potential. Yeah, because there's more money in boxing. If you're world champion Muay Thai, it's not the same as being world champion in boxing
Starting point is 00:16:06 how much do you think deontay wilder won this weekend i don't know but the way he's winning there's got to be it's got to be something special i hope it's got to be he's heavyweight world champion yes i would i would hope but well the interesting thing too is the this tournament that's involved unofficial tournament? Because what do we have? Are we a week or so away from the rematch between Andy Ruiz and Anthony Joshua? It's got to be coming up soon. I think it's about a week.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I think it's next weekend. But that fight, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's another one. Joshua looks so good in training. And Andy Ruiz, man, you can't judge that guy on his belly you don't know nothing if you think that's what it is you think that's what fighting is you guys have a tissue somewhere sorry my man those are like his thank you his hands are spectacular the fluidity of his combinations it's gorgeous man mexican rocky oh he's so good i love watching that guy throw combinations and
Starting point is 00:17:01 when he fought joshua that was the thing was if he hit him once, he's going to hit him 13, 14, 15 times after that. Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. And the hands are like a middleweight's hands. I mean, he's so fast. He moves beautifully. He takes a shot great, too. And he's such a sweet, unassuming guy. He wins the title, and you're like, fuck, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You're happy for him. He's such a nice guy, man. But do you think Joshua underestimated him? Well, the word is, and this is from people that really know what's going on. This is, I mean, I can't give specifics, but apparently Joshua got knocked out in training. Oh, really? Yes. Like a couple of weeks out, like bad.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And that's one of the reasons why they say his father was so furious at the promoter after Ruiz knocked him out. And it's also one of the reasons. They said that he had some sort of a panic attack in the locker room leading up to the fight. So if he was compromised and he knew he was compromised, and you know as well as anybody, there's certain knockouts that you can get in the gym that can fuck a fighter up for months. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I've seen it. That's why, in the practice room, I don't like rough training. I don't like rough training. Like, certain fighters who are coming up to a fight,
Starting point is 00:18:15 I'll let it go further. I get it. We need the intensities. But I don't like to go in the gym and see this guy knocked out this guy. Then this guy knocked out this guy.
Starting point is 00:18:22 What happens, you go in the practice room, there's nobody there the next week for sparring. Sparring has to be practice, not fighting. So if I had a world champion and he's sparring and I felt one of his sparring partners was out of control, I would definitely have a talk with him or not use him anymore. Like when George spars, I pick all his rounds, but they have to be reasonable rounds.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Not touch sparring, but not also being malicious and trying to injure each other but george told me that you told certain guys to try to knock him out yes yeah this is true also i put a bounty on him as well because the guys at one point he was too famous nobody wanted to touch him no more and it was too low oh i see so i'm like listen too low put him on the ground i'm gonna twitter it for you your tinder is gonna explode you're gonna become famous you're gonna be the number one man on tinder everybody's going to Twitter it for you Your Tinder is going to explode You're going to become famous You're going to be The number one man on Tinder Everybody's swiping right for you
Starting point is 00:19:09 You're the guy Who took GSP down Like I pumped them up Because they're too Oh it's GSP Right You know So there's a balance
Starting point is 00:19:15 There's too little And then there's too much You know I mean if you're trying to like Throw vicious knees You know like If I see you're trying to be rough Overly rough Because this is a control You know if i touch you i'm gonna back off if i hurt you
Starting point is 00:19:29 but if i touch you now i'm trying to knee you and kick you and i'm trying to like right that's like hey this guy's and the thing is with george sometimes i'll keep a guy fresh so he'll be he'll be two two rounds in then i put in a fresh guy so that first guy has to have some control as well because george is tired now right you know he's fatigued and etc so i mean there's a balance as well because George is tired now. Right. You know, he's fatigued and et cetera. So, I mean, there's a balance.
Starting point is 00:19:46 There's too little and there's too much. So, if you get knocked out in practice before a title fight, it could be an accidental, but it could also be negligence. The guys are just too rough. Because sometimes you do go in boxing gyms and it's like, kill or be killed. Yes. That's the attitude. Yeah. Well, it's a lot of MMA gyms as well.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I agree. Yeah. And it's very unfortunate because a lot of people they ruin their career inside the gym because they're sparring not just once a week but twice three times a week and they're going they might get concussed they might get concussed on tuesday and spar again on thursday and that's very very common absolutely and there's no regulation no one's stopping you from sparring if you got head kicked tomorrow no one's stopping you from showing up on saturday and putting your mouthpiece in and going into class.
Starting point is 00:20:25 It's just. It's nuts. It's nuts. It's nuts. And I think most people don't think about those sparring sessions as being cumulative. Like that adding on to the number. I always tell people to look at their brain like a punch ticket. Like let's say you have a hundred spots on that punch ticket.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Let's say you have 100 spots on that punch ticket. Don't use them up sparring with some guy where you just decide to bite down your mouthpiece and go to war with this guy for no reason. If you want to be a professional fighter, you have to act like a professional. You have to treat your profession with respect and think that you only have a certain amount of time in the game. This thing that you teach and this thing that i love this mixed martial arts it must be treated with respect because when done perfectly and when done and when someone wins a title and someone has an amazing run like george did when he was the welterweight champion i mean it's a truly spectacular thing but it can also go terribly wrong and you you have
Starting point is 00:21:24 to like it's one of the reasons why i asked you is rory want to fight and you said yes he wants to fight nothing can stop him that's beautiful i want to hear that the worst thing you could see is someone who maybe doesn't really want to fight anymore and they keep fighting and they keep getting knocked out and no one tells them hey you gotta stop i was i was talking to uh fred Freddie once upon a time, Freddie Roach. And he was telling me about different guys, how they train. And one boxer, I don't want to say his name, but he was telling me that guy's routine was 12 rounds of sparring every day. Is that James Toney?
Starting point is 00:21:57 I knew it. You know, it's kind of him. He's one of the greatest counterpunchers of all time. Oh, yeah. But when he was fighting in UFC. Well. I know what you mean, but they had to put subtitles. He's speaking English.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Right. Yeah, you're right. You're right. They had to put subtitles. Yeah. You know, at what price? Yes. At what price you can do 12 rounds a day.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So there has to be like look at the cuban boxers they're not rough in practice look at the ties they're not rough they're technical the ties especially ties especially they they play i love sancha sancha is one of the greatest instagram pages too because you see all his training and you know he's sparring with no gloves on no shin pads and they just they're just tapping each other and slapping each other. And when he's not doing that, he's hitting pads. And then he fights. And he'll fight bare knuckle, smiling ear to ear. He's going to a bare knuckle fight.
Starting point is 00:22:50 They brought him a foreigner he's never seen before. The foreigner's 20 pounds heavier. He's got 85. He doesn't care. He doesn't give a fuck. He doesn't even care. And it's bare knuckle. And he's there walking now.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And he's like, he's smiling. I'll be petrified. Listen, I'll be like, okay, this is it. Like, I got to kill her. The guy's so relaxed. He has a beautiful style, too. Incredible. I'll be petrified. Listen, I'll be like, okay, this is it. Like, I got to kill her. The guy's so relaxed. He has a beautiful style, too. Incredible. I love how light he is on his feet.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like, it's a perfect example of what you were saying. Even though he's fighting in this discipline, Muay Thai, he fights his own way. I mean, if you saw a silhouette of San Chai fighting, you'd say, well, that's San Chai. He's got his way. Light on the feet, switching stances all the time move like really interesting style that he developed this yeah yeah he there's so many ways to do it and you don't know which one is right till you try it on let's always tell guys when i show them a new technique i say do it for two weeks if you don't like it after two weeks i won't ask you to do it again but you gotta have
Starting point is 00:23:41 that grace period because sometimes you teach something to somebody and i've done this too i learn a move and i'm like no i don't do guillotine like that. And then a year later, I'm like, that's my favorite way to do guillotine. I changed my mind about it. Yes. Why? Because I tried it out. I actually figured out the nuances after exploring it a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And all of a sudden, I like this guillotine above this one. Do you ever fuck with this pretzel grip? Yes, sometimes. That feels so weird when you do it in the air. But God damn, when you do it on the air but god damn when you do it on a person it feels amazing it feels like one of the best grips when i do this i'm trying to sweep so that's how like if i'm like this i'm gonna sweep you oh because you have more leverage yeah my forearms my forearms incline so if i'm like this my elbows down if i'm like this my
Starting point is 00:24:18 elbows up so i know it's easier for me to tilt you and then you got like marcello who grabs the hand on the outside he grabs like the blade of the hand and that's his grip. And his thought is that he's sliding this in better and also for the rear naked, which is his specialty. So if you're rolling, if he goes for that and he's rolling,
Starting point is 00:24:36 he gets your back again, he's always sliding under the chin. He's got a vicious guillotine. Oh, he's got a vicious everything. I felt it. You're tapping right away. Yeah. There's no
Starting point is 00:24:45 compromise you know it's yeah it's um that it's a blade of the bone against the esophagus too his his style so unique too because everything was based on no no big man moves right like he didn't believe in kimuras he just doesn't do kimuras no kimura because it's like you know you if you're doing a kimura against a big giant guy you're not going to be able to get it because you're not going to be able he's going to wrestle out of it so everything he did was all neck based do you ever see a smaller guy kimura a bigger guy very very very rarely yeah the guy has to be exhausted right so he uses it as a grip yes but not as a finish right because this philosophy is if the finish doesn't finish everybody,
Starting point is 00:25:25 it's not good enough. Well, there's a lot of guys who teach a system based on Kimura traps, like using the Kimura to get to the back, using the Kimura to set up an armbar.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And I think that's a, that's a, I mean, like I'm a fan of a Kimura and Jocko who just left is, he'll rip your fucking shoulders off. He's a Kimura master, but he's also a gorilla.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah. You know, I mean, Jocko's 5'11", 240, and he's fucking, he's a kimura master but he's also a gorilla yeah you know i mean jaco's 5 11 240 and he's fucking he's a tank yeah he's all about ripping shoulders apart and neck cranks i if if he grabbed the kimura on me i'd be freaking out like i know that's that's really bad yes you know i i when i'm rolling with a bigger guy i know that i have to do everything not to give them that grip yes you know it's it's like you have to know the pros and cons of every hold.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I believe in Kimura. I train my students in Kimura. Because if you don't do Kimura, you're going to get caught in Kimura. Right. And it's also an effective way to get out of certain situations. Sure. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 If you don't know Kimura, it's like if you don't know Darce, like when Darce came on the scene, everybody was getting Darced by the guys who knew Darce. Right. When Anaconda came out on the scene scene everybody was getting caught in anaconda leg locks came out on the scene it was a leg lock fire everybody if you don't know the leg lock game you don't know the new leg lock game you're done so every time there's something new i like to learn it whether i like it or not long term i still know it so if you try it like i know what you're up to you know it's kind of like a magic trick you know if you show it to me again i'm not so surprised right right what are your feelings on guys like uh gary tonin who's doing fantastic now in mma but he hasn't really faced the upper level
Starting point is 00:26:54 of competition we're not seeing anybody with that style winning i mean since paul harris who is a similar sort of modified sort of very but similar leg lock attack look i think ultimately the most important martial art is jujitsu and i'll tell you why because to beat jujitsu you need jujitsu mixed with something else boxing wrestling taekwondo whatever but you got to have some jujitsu because if you have zero jujitsu and you're going into the fight you're going to get you're going to get beat styles like jujitsu need a lot of time so if your foundation is-jitsu and you're going into the fight you're gonna get you're gonna get beat styles like jiu-jitsu need a lot of time so if your foundation is jiu-jitsu because how is jiu-jitsu developed in valley tudor the brazilians had no time limit when they were fighting in brazil it was a two-hour
Starting point is 00:27:35 fight a three-hour fight so what you took me down you held me down for three minutes nobody cares in brazil valley tudor nobody cares the fight will go somebody taps. So, takedowns were not as important. The fight's gonna last three, four hours if it has to. Whatever it is. Why wrestling is being so successful in MMA, one, it's a great sport, for sure, but it's time sensitive. If I take you down in the middle of the round,
Starting point is 00:28:01 you got two and a half minutes to sub me or get back up to your feet. All I gotta do is hold you down, and I won the round. got two and a half minutes to sub me or get back up to your feet all i gotta do is hold you down and i won the round i have to do minimal work now i'm down i'm up around you're down around you you gotta get you gotta come after me now so if there's a time sensitive issue however if i take you down and there's no time limit i'm gonna behave very differently than if i know i can bank in this round if there's just two minutes left i'm gonna spend that energy to hold you down i'm gonna spend that energy to kind of like shut you down and kind of like give you little punches they're not fight enders but they're round winning so because we have these rules that's why i loved
Starting point is 00:28:32 pride it was a 10 minute round grappling needs more breathing room it needs more time for it to work yes like you look at uzman versus damian maya in round one damian maya had a partial back take against the fence and uzman was like almost giving his back. He got fucked by the referee. The referee, the state should never interfere. It's not a real fight. You got out of my controls
Starting point is 00:28:53 because of the state, because of the referee, because of the whistle, because of the bell, whatever it is. We have to start in this position again. If I take you down on the ground and the bell rings,
Starting point is 00:29:03 I should start again on the ground there should be some basic positions that the referee's going to choose we're starting in this position because that was the closest to what you guys had when we when we ended the fight i like that yeah i like that how many fights would change how much behavior would change fighters would train differently fight differently or make it one 15 minute round i like that too that now you're gonna see you know what else i like no cage no cage no cage what's it gonna be how come they can play basketball on a giant court how about it's a big place to play basketball it is but okay because you think there should be no no interference with the fence how about a football field put them in the middle what are
Starting point is 00:29:43 the odds they're ever gonna get to the edges but okay let's say we're to get into a fight okay right here well there's a lot of shit in here exactly but this is this is an unnatural environment what if we get an elevator you can't every fight take place in elevator why can't you protect yourself able to move use his moves you should be able to protect yourself in any environment so i can't throw a wheel kick in an elevator no we can't but a wheel kick's a valid move absolutely but how about this we don't know if it's going to be
Starting point is 00:30:07 a cage an office a podcast an elevator that would be crazy you find that on fight night that would be crazy
Starting point is 00:30:14 that would be crazy it's just they roll the dice before the show a giant wheel maybe yeah like a wheel it's like
Starting point is 00:30:21 five or six different things on the wheel exactly it could be anything football field basketball court, cage ring. You don't know. Yeah. Do you remember they did, I think, well, World Combat Club or World Combat League where Wonder
Starting point is 00:30:36 Boy came up. Chuck Norris. They had like a ramp. Bowl. Yeah, like a bowl. Yeah. And you would fight on that. So they knew when they got to the Elevated edges
Starting point is 00:30:45 But at least you could move You're not restricted But of course There was no grappling in that It was just straight kick That was kickboxing PKA style right Like above the waist
Starting point is 00:30:53 Wasn't it And knee But they wore pants Right Pants Yeah And you're allowed to knee But not allowed to clinch
Starting point is 00:30:59 Look at this Yeah this is beautiful Oh Wonderboy was a master At this too It's so interesting Seeing it in that bowl. But look, when you see it like that, there's no restriction as far as like there's no boundary to push up against. This is Wonderboy in his actual kickboxing style.
Starting point is 00:31:17 He was so good at like leaning away and then firing back. And then also that right high kick that he would throw over the shoulder where you didn't see it coming until it was too late. Moneymaker. Yeah. Boy, that's a slippery-ass floor they're fighting on. Without the cage, we won't have cage techniques anymore. That's true.
Starting point is 00:31:35 That's true. But I feel like there's a lot of wrestling that gets done against the cage that's sort of assisted. It's assisted wrestling, assisted takedowns. And even takedown defense right it's if you're in the middle of the cage and you get up that you earn that that's legit but if you're up against the cage you can kind of press your back up against the cage you can walk you can get back to your feet it's an added element there is that sneaky right high
Starting point is 00:32:00 kick man but this you know i don't know if this would work with takedowns because of course someone would fire up and uh keep driving over the top the takes takedowns change everything yeah they do they take down they take downs change everything um so do elbows and the clinch so the head head butts head butts change everything too you know i had david leduc in here from letway yeah you know maybe watch his fights you watch some of those Letway fights you realize like
Starting point is 00:32:28 that's legit man Rory once he was like he was between contracts and he's like book me a fight at Letway I'm like why do you want to fight
Starting point is 00:32:37 Letway he's like because now's the time or else I'll never get to fight with headbutts before I resign he wanted me to take him down to the jungles
Starting point is 00:32:44 of Letway and book him a fight for $10 against some guy we don't know. No medical test. You're the foreigner. He's nuts. I was like, no, that's a really bad idea. He's like, come on.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I'll never get to fight with headbutts or else. I'm like, okay, I hope you never fight with headbutts. I hope the day never comes. Well, I mean, you remember the old days? Yes. Mark Coleman? Mark Coleman used to take guys down and smash their face with his head. He would hold on to their biceps and boom, headbutt you and punch you in the face.
Starting point is 00:33:15 A very dangerous attack. Woo! Killer. Especially from a giant dude like that. Very dangerous. Yeah. It's also effective. I mean, the argument is look if
Starting point is 00:33:26 you can punch me in the head why can't i use my head to hit you right if you can kick me in the head what is so much more dangerous about me using my forehead to hit you with long-term long-term uh repercussion don't you think i don't know would it increase the level of concussions or decrease the level of concussions or decrease the level of concussion it's a good question because for me that's the major sin of our sport the concussion the concussion i wish we could take that away if we could take that away uh i think it would be better because these fighters would be healthier long term i'm hoping that medical science somehow steps in and comes up with a solution that's legitimate similar to
Starting point is 00:34:03 solution for repairing ligaments, right? Like if you have – we're not going to outlaw heel hooks, right? They're a real legitimate part of the game. But if you get someone in an inverted heel hook and you crank on that fucker, you might rip that guy's knee apart. So that guy might have to go and get everything replaced and get cadaver ligaments and a fake ACL and all that jazz. We're not going to stop that, though.
Starting point is 00:34:26 It's a legitimate technique, the sidekick to the knee that we see a lot of guys use on the upper thigh where it hyperextends the knee. There's going to be someone who gets their knee blown out. I'm sure it's happened in other organizations. I don't think we've had it in the UFC. If they have, I haven't heard about it. Whitaker, no?
Starting point is 00:34:41 He definitely hurt it, but I don't know if it blew out. And then he went and did it in the rematch with Yoel right away. And also Jorge Masvidal did that to Wonderboy. Oh, no, Darren Till did it to Wonderboy. Oh, yes, yes, that's true. Same thing. That's true. That sidekick to the thigh.
Starting point is 00:35:01 So if there was a way that they could repair brain damage the same way they could repair ligament damage i'd be so happy you know i mean some definitely iv stem cell you know some some way i mean they're experimenting with things and i know they're having some positive effects but you know nothing is like hey you tore this go to the doctor he'll fix that you know we're not there yet because the thing is like with with the head butts the fighters are going to go and train head butts after right they're going to be hitting the bag they're going to be doing all this thing and what what is the training going to do to their head well have you seen what uh laduka does no he does head butts on the pads so he'll do like like accommodation on the pad and then a headbutt
Starting point is 00:35:51 seems okay yeah but let's see when he's 50 he's only like 28 yeah exactly give him a call when he's 50 let's see you know like he won't even know what a phone is what's that noise um i think health first health first for sure we're taking we're not living in a bubble people always tell me like some some guy wrote me an email recently like tell me he was in tears he's trying to stop his kids from doing MMA and to give him something to convince them not to do MMA because, you know, the boxer had died. And you know what? The thing is, we don't want to live in a bubble.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I don't want to live in a bubble. Everything I do, I take a risk in life. I calculate, is this, look, I'm petrified of airplanes. I'm petrified. But when I take a flight, I'm like, is this an acceptable risk in my life? Yeah, it's safe.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It's just psychological. I'm being irrational here. And I get on that flight. Statistically, is MMA safe? It is. People don't die in MMA. In any sport,
Starting point is 00:36:38 people will die. If you look at football, there's going to be deaths. If you look at running, there's going to be deaths. There's death everywhere. However, it's safe. Statistically, statistically it's safe they take every measure
Starting point is 00:36:47 and the referee is there they do the medical test before after i mean it's as safe as it can be and look what it gives us it gives us proof of what real martial arts is because before mma we didn't know what fighting was like we had many theories but it's not what we have today and if you look at what we're doing before ufc it was totally different yeah it's crazy what happened in 26 years yeah 26 years the world has just been flipped on its head i've said many times that we have had more advancement in innovation and more growth in martial arts over the last 26 years than we have over the last 2 000 years and that's a fact there's no getting around that it's just an instantaneous burst of knowledge and understanding of what works and what doesn't work and the greasy family is a huge part of that gigantic gigantic huge it probably no not probably
Starting point is 00:37:37 the most important family in the history of martial arts i agree yeah there's nothing i don't even think there's a close that most influential maybe most influential yes influential yes definitely which reminds me of Krohn Gracie's fight what did you think of that
Starting point is 00:37:51 against Cub Swanson well it was a big jump up you know yes Cub Swanson massive amount of experience I mean against elite
Starting point is 00:38:01 world class competition you know fought Jose Aldo back in the WEC days. I mean, Cub Swanson is a stud. He's been there, done that. He could be champion. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:11 He could be champion. Yes, he could be champion. And he's also a legitimate black belt in jiu-jitsu, too. So he's not easy to submit. And for Krohn to go from Alex Caceres right into Cub Swanson, that's a giant leap. And look, Krohn's jiu-jitsu is top of the food chain. I mean, he is an absolute
Starting point is 00:38:29 legitimate world champion caliber jiu-jitsu talent from the best DNA the world's ever known, right? He's the fucking son of the king. Can I ask you a very tough question? Please. If there was no time limit,
Starting point is 00:38:44 Cub Swanson versus Krohn, who wins? I saw no evidence. I wish we could watch round three. I saw no evidence that Krohn was taking Cub down. No, the takedowns were not going to come just yet. I think it would have taken a while. Yeah. But do you think Krohn was going to go away?
Starting point is 00:39:00 No. He wasn't going away. He's an animal. He's got a heart of a lion. He's got a heart of a lion. It takes a tremendous shot both to the face and to the body no fear no fear no fear no fear real warrior if there was no time limit i'm telling you i don't know who wins that fight yeah i mean he won a decision right you could always use that argument if someone wins
Starting point is 00:39:19 a decision and crone never stopped coming right no he didn't even look like he was he was remotely gonna start thinking of slowing down. But, I mean, there's the other question is how much does he endure if that fight goes 30 rounds? I mean, how many more shots to the head does he take and does eventually his brain give out? I don't know. That's the question. I mean, maybe he catches Cub. I mean, he can punch.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I mean, that was one of the reasons why it was so competitive and interesting. Basically, it was a kickboxing fight, right? And in that kickboxing fight, the jiu-jitsu master landed good shots. I mean, Cub's face was cut up at the end of the fight. It's not like he was untouched. So, I think, I mean, I think what a guy like Krohn needs is a guy like you. I mean, that's what he needs. I would love to work with Krohn.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I mean, that's what he needs. I don't know who with Krohn. I mean, that's what he needs. I don't know who, I know he does a lot of work with the Diaz brothers. I know he does a lot. He has his own gym. He has a very successful jujitsu school of his own. But I think a guy like that needs to just put together the overall game so that you could see the best expression of his jujitsu, which is ultimately going to be his strength.
Starting point is 00:40:25 expression of his jiu-jitsu which is which is ultimately going to be his strength but it's i think that has to be expressed in a more confusing and harder to solve puzzle and so right now here's the puzzle walk towards you throw punches once i get you i'm going to strangle you but but if i don't get you maybe i don't strangle you and a guy like cub knows he's coming so he the thing about a guy who comes forward all the time is it's so much easier to counter than it is to attack. It is. It's way easier. That's Anderson Silva's whole game. You remember the fights where Anderson Silva had boring fights?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Like Talos Leites. The guy's not coming forward. Yeah. Hung back. Yeah. Guys who just hang back. You know, Patrick Cote. Same thing. Just hung back. When you're fighting a counter puncher, don't give him anything to counter. Just hang back. You know, Patrick Cote, same thing.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Just hung back. When you're fighting a counter puncher, don't give him anything to counter. Just hang back. Yeah, make him attack. I remember when you had Hickson on your podcast. And you had asked him, like, what do you do if you can't take a guy down? And he was telling you, I pull guard. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:19 But then he was telling you also, when I pull guard, I have to open the guard. And it was like, well, the guy will just back out of your guard. Yes. If you pull guard on me and you keep your guard. And it was like, well, the guy will just back out of your guard. Yes. If you pull guard on me and you keep your guard closed, well, okay, we're on the ground. If you open your guard, I can just get up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And it seemed like, then you were like, okay, if he gets up, well, I got to pull guard again. But it was like a circular type of strategy. We don't know with Hickson, right? Because we never did see him against the cream of the crop. You know, Funaki was the best fighter he fought. And Funaki was arguably towards the end of his career when he fought Hickson. And, you know, he did some damage,
Starting point is 00:41:55 broke Hickson's orbital. Remember he had the really fucked up swelling? Did he hurt Hickson? He hurt him, yeah. His eye was all fucked up and swollen after that fight. I have to go rewatch it. And he also fucked Hickson's knee up. Or did Hickson fuck his knee up? No, knee up. Or Hickson fucked his knee up.
Starting point is 00:42:07 No, no, no. Hickson fucked his knee up. I'm sorry. He was standing up over Hickson and Hickson kicked his knee. Like he extended his knee when Hickson was on his back. But no, at the end of the fight, Hickson's eye. So go to Coliseum 2000 Hickson Gracie. 2000.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I had the honor of going to Hickson's house one night. Really? I had dinner with him. And Krohn was a young kid, man. He was like 15, 16 years old. And then we went to Hickson's house and then we watched fights. And Hickson was breaking down fights. Breaking down what other guys were doing wrong.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Breaking down space. Like he hated space. Like when jiu-jitsu guys got people on the ground. And he was just talking about various positions and different things that were happening in the fights
Starting point is 00:42:48 and then we watched that fight we watched the Funaki fight which was that was his final fight so this was Hickson basically
Starting point is 00:42:56 you know in his prime and back then I mean he was muscular too man Hickson was a big guy back then well over 200 pounds was he 200 pounds back then. Well over 200 pounds.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Was he 200 pounds? Yeah, he was about 200 pounds. But solid as a rock, man. His physique's incredible. Yeah. And he fought, I mean, Funaki was a real world-class fighter. This was probably the guy who was the most dangerous guy that he fought. I mean, when he fought in Japan, Valley Tudor, those guys just really had nothing for him.
Starting point is 00:43:25 That one guy got him in a guillotine, remember, and held on to him for a long time, but he eventually got out of it and submitted him. That guy was a Japanese pro wrestler, right? Mm-hmm. But that's what they had also at the time.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Mm-hmm, yeah. Like... Well, Takada. Takada, yeah. Yeah, remember, he was the first... The first pride people forget was Hicks and Gracie.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Hicks and Gracie fought Takada in the first pride. So eventually this fight goes to the ground. Scoot ahead real quick. Eventually this fight goes to the ground, and Funaki landed a big shot. See, Hicks' eye was all fucked up. You could see it. Well, I don't know if you could see it there.
Starting point is 00:44:00 No, you've got to see it after the fight. After the fight, he gets him on the ground And he reverses position And then he eventually chokes him Completely to sleep It was pretty radical So here he is, he gets See if he can see Right before this, go right before this Jamie
Starting point is 00:44:18 Right before this so you can see the setup See he's punching him, he's gift wrapped in him He's got his hand wrapped across his neck Punching him in the face So he's got Fun. He's gift-wrapped at him. He's got his hand wrapped across his neck, punching him in the face. So he's got Funaki's hand across his own face, and he's punching him in the face. And then Funaki's forced to try to move to better his position. And Hickson eventually sneaks his body behind him. He sees he's using his left knee and sliding.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And now he turns him, and he gets his back. Shitty camera work there. They should have showed that transition. But he got his back. and then when he chokes him out funaki's eyes are wide open and he's completely asleep and hickson gets off of him and kicks him aside it's so nasty look he gets him and he and look funaki like kind of knew he was getting put to sleep too so he's out cold and hickson just climbs off and kicks him off. Get off me Get off me bitch, but you see his eye like when they close if you see if there's a close-up on him Hickson's I like after the fight Yeah, Hickson not not for Naki after the fight. His I was pretty fucked up right there right there. There you see it
Starting point is 00:45:19 See, I don't remember that. Yeah, his left eye was completely swollen. What did he get hit with? I don't remember him getting hit. Punch. It was a punch? I believe so. Yeah, I believe he got hit with a big punch from Funaki. You know, Hickson was never a guy who was trying to kickbox you. No. He wasn't trying to do what his son did at all.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Hickson was always just trying to figure out a way to be defensive, just enough to impose his game and get you on the ground. All the black belts that ever worked with Hickson, they always say the same thing. We got killed. champion black belts i go train with him they go roll with him like oh he killed us all he killed us all there was uh you know like 20 years ago the graces used to get together like once every year every two years to train and eric paulson was invited and he said in an article i remember reading this article when i was really young he was saying that look we don't say what happens in that practice. Obviously it's a family thing. So I was,
Starting point is 00:46:07 I'm not going to be saying what happens, but one thing I can tell you all, nobody came near Hickson, like nobody could touch Hickson. Hickson was the, you know, head and shoulders above everybody. And the reason why they could say that is because everybody admits to it. And it's like an open secret. You know, everybody knows Hickson's way better than everybody else. And just hearing those stories growing up and you're like, man, this guy, he you know can we see him actually fight you know and then you have these clips where look it's one-sided but that was a different time and place but then again that's if he was training today he would probably be kickboxing too yes i'm sure i think he'd be crazy not to i'm sure but then also he wouldn't i mean he hadn't had any fights in a cage
Starting point is 00:46:43 no all his fights were in the ring in the ring there's there's a lot more you can do in terms of movement you can slide through the ropes a little to avoid things it's also harder to take someone down there's a lot of weird things that happen inside of a ring that you could argue that a ring is better for the view because you could see straight through to the fighters but it's also more dangerous because you can fall through the ring you know the ropes you know i mean even in boxing you occasionally see that where bernard hopkins last fight when he fought joe smith he got ko'd by going through the rope and he fell and hit his head he fell like right on his fucking head on the concrete floor at like 50 years old you know oh God. Yeah. Ropes are weird.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yes. There's one guy who died in Thailand many years ago. He ran forward charging and he did a kick, went over the guy's head, flew out of the ring,
Starting point is 00:47:34 hit the table and died. Oh, Jesus Christ. That's why in Thailand now you're not allowed to run anymore. If I catch a kick, I'm allowed one step forward, not three steps
Starting point is 00:47:41 charging across the ring like they used to. Before you could run across the ring. So I catch your leg, I run across the ring flying elbow flying knee whatever i want now it's like you're allowed one or three steps i can't remember so it's like traveling and basketball yeah you can't just charge through because the ring can't contain oh yeah that makes sense you can fly right through the road i like what bellator did
Starting point is 00:48:00 what bellator did for the kickboxing events when they had kickboxing and MMA in the same weekend, they put the kickboxing ring inside that gigantic circular pad. So even if you fell through the ropes, you just landed on the outside pad, which is so much superior. It's so much better. I just feel like we haven't really found the perfect fighting surface. No. I like our idea, the podcast, the elevator, the football field. You don't know. you spin a wheel it
Starting point is 00:48:26 might be in a moat spin a wheel now we know if you really can adapt to anything yeah that's a great idea right you take a guy who's like a mighty mouse guy who's like a phenomenal mover and now he's got to fight an elevator exactly now what happens yeah exactly yeah um there's there's, there's no, I mean, there's no, there's no, I don't, I see like, I see fights that happen, uh, overseas and with like one FC allows fights in a cage, but with soccer kicks and the argument against that, I think would be that you can't get your head out of the way. Like if you're trapped up against the cage like at least in in pride or in k1 when they had fought in a ring if you're on the ground you can move your head through the
Starting point is 00:49:10 ropes you can you've got a little bit of motion but if your head is stuck and someone's soccer kicks you or stomps you it's too dangerous in my opinion i think that's one one maneuver and look we got to draw a line somewhere you know we have to decide what's what like what are we gonna do next poke each other in the eye did you ever see roger huertas ko and when you get knocked out in One maneuver. And look, we got to draw a line somewhere. You know, we have to decide. What are we going to do next? Poke each other in the eye? Did you ever see Roger Huerta's KO when he got knocked out in one FC? It was brutal, man. He fought this really big guy from Brazil.
Starting point is 00:49:34 He was fighting at 170. You know, Roger fought at 155. Yeah, yeah. I trained Roger for a little bit. Not the biggest guy in the world. And he fought this guy who was much, much bigger than him. And he got caught. He got hurt. And then when he he went down the guy soccer kicked him and not just a soccer kick
Starting point is 00:49:48 a soccer kick where he hits him and he's already hurt he hits him in the neck and his head his whole body moves from the kick where it's just like full power to the head on the ground and there's something about soccer kicks it's just there's too much leverage there yes like if I ask you to break a baseball bat you can do it
Starting point is 00:50:08 if I hold it low right if I hold it high you better be an incredible kicker because you don't have as much leverage now so if somebody falls down
Starting point is 00:50:16 and I kick him in the head as he's down I could really put him out like I could send him to the morgue even so I think it's one technique we have to be very careful about yeah because I think a wheel kick has So I think it's one technique we have to be very careful about.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Yeah, because I think a wheel kick has more power, but it's so hard to land. Exactly. Whereas a soccer kick is going to happen often. Yes. I remember watching Vanderlei, his first fight with Benson Henderson. Not Benson, Dan Henderson. Excuse me. I thought that was just almost a murder.
Starting point is 00:50:41 You see that fight? Right, right, right. He was stomping on him. I was like, my goodness, what are they going to do to stop this fight? Well, that was the old days, man. The old days of pride. And that was Vanderlei with, like, one eye completely swollen shut. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:50:55 I mean, any reasonable organization would have stopped that fight. They would have looked his eye like, you can't see a goddamn thing out of that eye. They're too scared of him to stop the fight. Oh, well, that was Vanderlei when he was vanderley you know i mean i want to talk about a guy whose face just from sheer impacts made his face changed like radically like it flattened out everything flattened his nose flattened did you pull it up would you find the fight yeah here it is boom so that again Watch this So he's already hurt Watch this
Starting point is 00:51:25 Boom I mean, that is horrific I didn't see this one It's horrific, man And he was hurt before that He was getting beat up He was getting beat up And kneed and punched
Starting point is 00:51:37 And look how much bigger that dude is I mean, he's like really on queer street Before he even goes to the ground He gets ragdolled to the ground. And then look at this. Boom. I mean, horrific. Horrific.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah, tough. Well, I mean, Brandon Vares won fights like that in one as a heavyweight with soccer kicks too, which is even more scary. He looked at the ref before kicking him. Yeah, because they give you a clear or not clear. Because apparently sometimes you can head kick a guy on the ground, soccer kicking him. Yeah, because they give you a clear or not clear because apparently sometimes you can head kick a guy on the ground,
Starting point is 00:52:07 soccer kick him, sometimes you can't. Oh. Yeah. Well, that should have been a no-go. I would have,
Starting point is 00:52:12 I would have, he should have stopped that fight. I mean, it looked like he was just so badly hurt. It's happening so fast. It's so hard to tell too
Starting point is 00:52:18 because you got guys like Frankie Edgar when he fought Gray Maynard. He's like, look, looks like he's out on the first round and then he comes back
Starting point is 00:52:24 and wins the fight. Yeah. Yeah, if it's's a title fight i understand they let it go a little further because that's a once in a lifetime opportunity yes but if there's no title on the line which i think that fight there wasn't right i would have stopped it after he fell down like looking drunk you know yes yeah well also you got to take into consideration the size difference the fact that one guy's just pummeling him. And he's almost too tough for his own good. And Roger is not going to quit. He's going to go out in a shield. But, yeah, so soccer kicks, that's a tough one, right?
Starting point is 00:52:56 What about soccer kicks in a football field? No? Still no? We're rolling the wheel. In that situation, if you're rolling the wheel, in that situation, really, it doesn't matter if that's a ring or a cage that's just a soccer kick
Starting point is 00:53:07 and that's a horrific technique they're all dangerous yeah yeah that can end your life yeah exactly that's why I mean I would draw the line there
Starting point is 00:53:14 I would I want us to find a balance of rules that take away concussions as much as possible because some guys are too tough for their own good
Starting point is 00:53:22 and then they're gonna go out there and practice it right so they're gonna be like oh we should talk to each other in practice it's not just that fight night you know they're gonna do it in practice right of course yeah well wheel kicks i mean i remember in taekwondo training you got even guys would try to pull a kick they'd walk into that and you'd accidentally hit them and people would go to sleep and but all the time it's just there's too much power in the leg. There's too much weight. And the leverage of a –
Starting point is 00:53:47 you remember when Edson Barboza fought Terry Adam? Yes. Which was the first ever wheel kick KO. Was it the first one? Yes. Yes. First ever KO in Brazil. And he connected with that wheel kick.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And Terry went stiff like someone just pulled the power cord and just fell back. And it was a crazy fight because like Terry really didn't have anything for him and I was just saying that he's going to have to risk getting knocked out in order to do something and right when I said risk getting knocked out
Starting point is 00:54:18 whack he landed that crazy wheel kick but that's one of those kicks where you go okay should I even be legal of course I think it should be yeah yeah i think it you know it's it's a beautiful technique but man that's a horrible thing to get hit with it's just hard to do it's probably i mean it's among the most powerful kicks in the game like it's for sure for sure but it's not easy to execute that's why most people don't do it yeah there's not a lot of guys that can throw it with the kind of speed and precision that also have real mma skills that's what it is exactly yeah i mean wonder boy being one of the example one of the i mean remember when he fought uh jake
Starting point is 00:54:55 ellenberger and he hit him with a wheel kick and that was a crazy fight because ellenberger was talking shit saying that those things don't work spinning stuff doesn't work and then of course that's what he hit him with it can work if you know how to stay standing what's also like it say whatever you want that's wonder boy okay that's a that's not a regular dude you're fighting you might say spinning shit doesn't work well if it's you know mike mcfuckstick from you know chicago who's never really taken martial arts classes like that and doesn't really doesn't have a background in karate yeah but wonder boy can do some wild shit with his legs he's not 67 and 0 in kickboxing for nothing they didn't give him those 67 wins they weren't they weren't bought they weren't purchased yeah you know you had to watch them you could watch the fights they're online yeah i think sometimes
Starting point is 00:55:40 guys say things like that just to pump themselves up because they're of course they're scared they're worried they're, of course. It's interesting that we're starting to see the level of female MMA really elevate now. And, of course, Amanda Nunes, she fights in December, which is a really good fight, man, that a lot of people aren't talking about. Jermaine Durandamy is a beast. She's really good, man. Super, super technical. She beat a beast she's really good man super super technical you know she'd beat a man she beat a man right yeah she did fight a man yeah she fought a
Starting point is 00:56:11 guy and beat him i think she stopped him i think she KO'd him wouldn't surprise me i wouldn't surprise me either man she's super super technical yeah yeah um but amanda and valentina shevchenko they represent the highest level right now. And Weili Zhang, right? Yes. As you say, Zhang Weili. I mean, when she won the title like that, I was like, holy shit. That's another one.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I mean, and that woman being from China, when martial arts is so gigantic over there and representing like that. She must be a megastar there now. Oh, my God. She must be a megastar. Oh, my God. And to win that way with such a spectacular knockout like that wow yeah and there's a shortage of women and not only is
Starting point is 00:56:52 there a shortage of women she's a champion world champion i know right ufc and she knocks people out she's gotta be like ultra star there oh she's gotta be gigantic too yeah just gigantic huge star yeah yeah i mean and then you know as the ufc is making its way through china to have someone like that as a champion oh my god i heard they build a pi there three times bigger than the one in in vegas yeah it's huge yeah i haven't seen it but i've seen it online yeah the only one i've seen in person is the one here but fuck the one of the it's so impressive the one in vegas all the different state-of-the-art techniques for recovery and even those little pods you take naps in uh that i
Starting point is 00:57:30 haven't seen that if i lived in vegas man that would be the spot you know if you're a fighter and you were living in vegas that's the spot to train yeah yeah i've been there a few times they're really good yeah um listen man kevin lee coming up to you worked out thank you by the way my pleasure I appreciate it I knew it you set us up together I knew it though
Starting point is 00:57:49 when I was talking to him I knew he was like a little bit lost and trying to figure out his way and I said man you need a head coach
Starting point is 00:57:55 and I'm like who fights like you George George St. Pierre I mean not saying he's the same level as George but it's
Starting point is 00:58:03 George fights like that with wrestling and great striking and submissions. He mixes it all up. He's unpredictable in his attacks. They're very similar. Neither one of them are particularly long. Both guys are very physically strong. I'm like, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:58:19 This is the guy. He has a great training team already. He just doesn't have somebody kind of put it all together yes and you know we're talking about styles and level he's he's a bit of a like his personality is a wildcat like he's a he's a you know he's a he's a he's a commando and me i'm the opposite i'm like calculated i'm a scalpel yeah he's a chainsaw together it makes a great a blend because you need you need both a little bit discipline, a little bit of wildness. Yeah. There's a time and place for both.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yes. So like his last fight, I was happy he stayed disciplined. Very so. Very disciplined. Very much so. Very much so. And he could become world champion if he's disciplined. Because George was very disciplined.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Yes. He didn't veer off the game plan at all. And he got the job done. That KO's. I also told him all that shit that he does where he's getting moving up to the cage he's dancing around and going crazy i'm like abandon that shit i go come out like a fucking samurai man you got some serious work to do all that stuff is complicating your mind because then you have to think oh all i did if i lose right now i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:59:20 look stupid of all that dancing and and just all this pretending that you're not feeling the the feeling that you're feeling right now you're feeling this incredible moment because you six months of preparation getting ready for this one moment here it is embrace what that is go zen man be empty and he was like that the whole training camp like he was very focused for this one you could tell yes you and i was really happy because i like guys who come in the gym and work they don't skip practice and like if guys tell me i'm i'm i'm not in today for whatever reason i let them okay you don't want to be in you don't want to be in like i'll tell them look i think you should be in but you don't want to come in what can i do right but he was very disciplined he came to all the practices and it worked out beautifully like exactly how old is he now?
Starting point is 01:00:07 Maybe late 20s now. I'm not even sure. I think he – I want to say he's 26. Mid-20s? How old is Kevin Lee? 27? 27. What's his birthday? September.
Starting point is 01:00:17 September. Okay, so he just turned 27. Yeah. He's fucking not even in his prime. And he's also experienced failure and experienced fights where he didn't live up to his potential. I think that ultimately will be a motivating force because we see what he can do when he's really focused. Gregor Gillespie is a dangerous fight, man. People see that spectacular head kick knockout and they don't understand how good Gregor Gillespie is.
Starting point is 01:00:43 That kid is a savage and so when i found out that kevin was going to fight gregor in his fight back to 155 not a good comeback fight dangerous comeback fight yeah very high risk very high risk and also getting down to 155 what did you guys do differently to get him down to 155 easily this time um we kind of put our heads together you know uh dewey cooper his trainer is really great fantastic kickboxing amazing amazing i love working with him brilliant guy his brother keith we kind of like got our heads together and we're like look we got to keep losing weight at this rate no matter what it takes and um if he if he protests like you know if he wants to like ease
Starting point is 01:01:21 up we'll listen to it but we he's gotta he's gotta bite the bullet at one point like we can't go fall behind this rate of losing weight we have to lose on a pound an hour every hour we have to lose one pound and uh like at a certain point now it's a pound an hour you're talking about for the weight cut weight cut yeah weight cut right but what is he coming in at like what is like when he the week of the fight on monday morning what is he weighing in at you got it on on your phone? Yeah, I have it here. He looked a little smaller, but healthy. Yes. He didn't look sucked in.
Starting point is 01:01:53 He didn't look like he depleted himself. Did he do anything different in terms of weightlifting or running, extra running? I wouldn't lift weights if I was him. I don't want him to lift any weights because he's naturally, like I like bulking and then cutting. I don't like cutting, cutting, cutting. But when he came to me, it was six weeks before.
Starting point is 01:02:10 So we were in a cutting phase. Like I don't want him to bulk up because in six weeks, you can't bulk and then cut. He's already very naturally muscular. He's very naturally strong, naturally already. So I had him doing road work.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Not too much plyometric, not like a little bit But I don't want to put any size on him Because he's got enough size So first thing is evaluation Does he need muscle? No, he's plenty of muscle Does he need power?
Starting point is 01:02:34 Plenty of power We need to create endurance And discipline in him That's what I think is making the big difference And some technical issues And We cut discipline in him that's what i think was making the big difference and some technical issues and we cut the 24 hours before he was 174 174 so 20 pounds that's a lot it's a lot so there was a point where we had to hit after losing a preliminary weight we have to hit one pound an hour and he was
Starting point is 01:03:03 good about it actually it wasn't that hard of a weight cut. He did it really well. We're very disciplined. I was with him the last 48 hours, making sure he was doing the last few steps really well. The rehydration process, I was with him the whole time. What did he wake up at Friday morning? Friday morning, I'll tell you right now, it's not great. I mean, okay, so 1 o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 01:03:28 he was 164 1 o'clock in the morning 9 pounds to go 5 o'clock in the morning he was 163 that's when we start so I let him sleep for a couple hours
Starting point is 01:03:39 4 hours 4 hours of sleep wake up so you woke him up at 5 yeah the day of the weigh-ins the day of the weigh-in wow wake up wake sleep wake up so you woke him up at five yeah the day of the weigh-ins the day of the weigh-in wow
Starting point is 01:03:47 wake up wake up wake up time to make weight at 10 o'clock he was 155 oh wow
Starting point is 01:03:57 so he went through from 5 a.m. all the way to 10 yes and what is he doing during that time? Bath, bath, bath. And then wrap him up in the towels.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Let him sweat in the towels. Jesus Christ. And then... No sauna? No, no sauna for this one. How come? Some guys prefer bath. It's direct heat.
Starting point is 01:04:18 What do you like? I like both. I'll tell guys, if you're not used to the sauna, let's do bath. I always tell guys, before your fight fight Go once a week to the sauna Like six weeks out Because sauna takes practice Some people sit in the sauna For 45 minutes
Starting point is 01:04:31 And it's nothing Like they have sauna World championships I don't know if you know that But like in like Finland They have the world championships Of sauna Like some people
Starting point is 01:04:39 Stay in there for hours Like you build a tolerance Is it for time Or for temperature I think it's Yeah no it's time Time You know Laird Hamilton The guy who makes this amazing coffee this one the turmeric yeah
Starting point is 01:04:48 i love it turmeric coffee is incredible laird is a world champion surfer he's a stud i mean fucking aquaman he's an animal but this guy gets in the sauna cranks it up to 220 degrees and rides an air bike so he's got like one of those airdyne bikes why he's a fucking animal he's wearing oven mitts because the bar is so hot from being in the sauna you can't grip it with your hands so he's in there like on one of them rogue echo bikes and he's just fucking burn it out he's a maniac man but he does all kinds of crazy shit like you know especially like hot sauna work and then jumping what do you got jamie what's up this is the not the last one but the most famous one they were at 230 degrees fahrenheit which is 110 celsius oh my god and at six minutes the i think
Starting point is 01:05:38 the guy on the left in this picture passed out and ended up dying no he died yeah i cooked my steak at 110 celsius jesus holy shit it's incredible huh oh no oh my god russian competitor dies in sauna world championship yeah fuck that how long were they in there six minutes or so i think is what it says six minutes he lost for six minutes and they took him out oh so it's a temperature 60 year old over 60 oh my god look how ready he is ridiculous i cook my steak at 110 no joke this is just inhuman 110 celsius is what fahrenheit 230 230 very dangerous yeah i was doing 220 yeah he had me doing 220 for a little bit but you know what i felt like it was burning my lungs i felt like it was burning the inside of my mouth was dry yeah i felt terrible i stopped doing it i stopped i did it a few times but afterwards i'd lay down after i did it and i was doing it for fucking like 15 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:06:33 too what was the purpose smart me i was just i wanted to experiment but what why does he do it i don't he dude first of all he's built different the guy has an ankle ankle that's like three of these Yeti cooler mugs because he broke it and just kept working out on it after he broke it. So it's all calcified. He pulled it up, put it up on the table. I was like, what the fuck, man? He just broke his ankle and just kept working out.
Starting point is 01:06:57 He kept doing stuff on it. And then it just sort of fused together. And it's like, look at his ankle. Look at that. Oh my my god that's his ankle man and that's just from breaking and never stopping to do anything with it yeah it's like it's like the root of a tree it's real weird man he's a crazy person but he's also you know like one of the greatest surfers that ever lived and i think sometimes you have to be that to be that they're all crazy yeah everybody's the best of their game they're all crazy they're all
Starting point is 01:07:29 crazy no matter what you do they're all they're all they're all there's a touch of genius and there's a touch of madness i say that madness and genius are next door neighbors and they borrow each other's sugar this is true because it's like they're next door neighbors it's almost you you have to be like literally fucking up almost every other part of your life to achieve real greatness. Yeah. Because you got to abandon personal relationships. You got to be totally unbalanced, completely obsessed and focused upon your goal. This is true.
Starting point is 01:08:00 But the beautiful thing for a fighter is fighters can do that in camp and then break. And then take a little break. Not too much, though. Not too much. Not too much space. It's not too much space. How much time do you, like, after a fighter like Kevin wins, how much time do you recommend to just fuck off? I think two weeks is good.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Two weeks of fucking off. Yeah, just go chill for two weeks. But I feel like everybody wants to take a month and six weeks. I think that's too much. There's too much to learn in MMA. There's too much. Right. You know one position that can win you the fight.
Starting point is 01:08:39 So in that six weeks, how many positions did you miss out on that you don't know about? There's so many positions. There's so many scenarios to go over. Yeah. There's too much material to cover. You know, I know this is only his first victory back at 155 pounds, but he said something, and I believe him. He thinks he has the style to beat Khabib. He thinks Khabib's style, which is so wrestling heavy, but not really kick heavy, you know, and Kevin throws some nasty kicks.
Starting point is 01:09:07 He missed Gregor with a crazy head kick before he landed the one that put him out. I was like, woo! Like whizzing by the top of his head. Speed, too. Speed, explosion. It just needs to be. And he controlled the center beautifully. He got hit.
Starting point is 01:09:21 He stayed disciplined. He didn't freak out. He didn't start brawling. He just needs more. More of these sort of fights. More experience with a guy like you in his corner. More grooming. Is he going to move to Montreal?
Starting point is 01:09:33 Or is he going to stay down in Vegas? I'm not sure. I'm not sure, actually. He told me he's going to be back in January. I told him to move. Yeah, he should move for a while. Yeah. I'm like, first of all, Vegas, as great as it is, that nightlife is always like, Kevin. Kevin, come party.
Starting point is 01:09:50 You try to do the right thing. But in Montreal, it's different. First of all, that winter teaches you something about life. That winter up there. I remember my first December in Montreal was like 1992. I did the Montreal Comedy Festival. And I was up there in the winter. I was like, oh. And I grew up in Boston. I thought I knew what a winter was like 1992. I did the Montreal Comedy Festival. Yeah. And I was up there in the winter. I was like, oh.
Starting point is 01:10:06 And I grew up in Boston. I thought I knew what a winter was. Oh. Phew. Oh. Oh. It's something. The air.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It hurts. It hurts. It hurts your lungs when you breathe it in. You realize you could die out here. You know, you only have a certain amount of time to get to where you need to go. And if you're walking. Yeah. I think it was – actually, it was 93 now that I think about it.
Starting point is 01:10:28 But that – you guys are a good style at 10 to 15 degrees colder than Boston. And I just thought that was just ridiculous. And we're near the water too. Yes. The wind chill. Yes. It's the moisture, the cold air. Woo!
Starting point is 01:10:41 The wind chill factor, that cold, wet air. Ah! that cold air whoo the wind chill factor that cold wet air ah but it's just there's something also i think about cold weather people like people that live in cold weather and they do there's more resilience i think it's a character builder i really do i mean i've often thought i don't want to move to a cold weather area but if i did it'd probably be good for me it's actually beautiful winter i find winter beautiful like i don't know what it is about it but there's it's a special time of the year and then when summer comes it's like summer is like the most incredible thing you've ever lived because you just went through winter yes so the summer is just like a
Starting point is 01:11:16 right here every year you get hit with that we're like weather trust fund babies out here we're just so used to everything being perfect it's fine if it rains at all like oh my god the world's over it's raining yeah yeah no it when you go through a brutal winter and then it breaks it's like i don't know how to explain it it's better i don't know how to explain it yeah well it's the passing of the seasons is also symbolic of life the cycle of life there's a real cycle to this and you only have a certain number of those fall winter spring summer events i mean there's not there's not that many of them man you hear the howling wind of the freezing cold and you're in there you're in your home and you have it's
Starting point is 01:11:56 like when i come home and i see my house buried in snow yeah i love it i take pictures of it on yeah because i don't know what it is about it but but when you get inside, it's like. I kind of miss it. I miss it now. Yeah, Denver. Shout out to Denver. They're fucking frozen in right now. All the highways are getting shut down right now as we speak. Giant storm just hit.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Yeah, I think it makes better people. I think it also makes people that appreciate nature. Because in California, we don't even know what the fuck nature is. I mean, you do if you go outside. You're like,'re like oh trees but we don't know the force of it you know because it's so we're so immune to it out here essentially you're nothing to nature like yeah nothing your speck of dust doesn't care yeah it'll freeze you out yeah it's rough well you've also it's also that one another another good choice about moving moving to Montreal is you've accumulated a culture up there at TriStar. And that is as important to success as almost anything, is to go into an environment and feeling the culture of that environment and knowing, like, this is a place where real assassins go to train this is a real world-class facility with some of the best
Starting point is 01:13:06 competitors on earth are going to hone their edge this is this is where they go this is the place you check your ego at the door everybody's the same it's all about improvement excellence there's only one question what are we doing today is whatever is going to make us better period there's no all these guys in the practice room we got to cater to his needs and we got to move things around. No, no, there's none of that. Like I've had some big stars come in and I tell them, look, you can come in with your entourage, but you have to do it this way. And you have to come in and do the workout like this. And you have to be like everybody else.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Oh, yes. If it's a no, you can't come in. That's it. Just don't come in. Like I can't stop the world for a guy to massage his ego. That's why I like Kevin. He was very humble and he works with everybody. He's a great fit.
Starting point is 01:13:50 He's a great guy. He's a great human being. Great. He's got potential outside of the sport too. He's a fun guy. He's an interesting personality. Not even just outside of the sport, meaning after he's done. If he does make big strides in the sport and becomes a champion,
Starting point is 01:14:08 he could transcend. He really can. He has that kind of personality. It's just a matter of doing what he did for that Gregor Gillespie fight over and over and over again. And that is maddening. Especially if he fights Khabib or when he fights Khabib. You think he's going to fight Khabib?
Starting point is 01:14:25 I think so. Khabib said he's only going to fight a couple more times. Especially if he fights Khabib or when he fights Khabib. Yeah. You think he's going to fight Khabib? I think so. Khabib said he's only going to fight a couple more times. I think he wants to fight George. That would be great. 165. Can George make that? Yeah. 165?
Starting point is 01:14:34 Yeah. I think so. Yeah. And Khabib, it'd probably be nice for him to not have to- Yeah. But do we need a title on the line? I don't think we need a title on the line. Or do we do super lightweight?
Starting point is 01:14:42 Bad motherfucker of the north? Whatever they want. Whatever they want. Be a MF? Whatever they want. Whatever they want. BMF will win. Whatever. Whatever you want. I mean, look at the Masvidal-Diaz fight. I love that thing.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I love it. You can do anything you want with a title. Yeah. And you can make one. You could put Tony Ferguson, Masvidal, 165, BMF. You have control of everything now. Right. The BMF thing is interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Very smart. Yeah. It's not going to go away. And no one complained. I loved it. No one was like, what is this? No. No.
Starting point is 01:15:10 We all watched. That's what I tell people. The people who are bad mouthing it, I'm like, you're still going to watch. You want to see it. That's the whole point. It's fun. It is fun. Whenever a belt says bad motherfucker on it, we're living in a good time.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Listen, I was just happy to see that fight. And I'm happy to see George get the shine that he deserves. And I'm happy to see Nate get the shine that he deserves. So for me, the title was great, nice, fantastic, whatever. Five-round fight with two of the very best 170-pounders in the world. That's what was intriguing to me. And whether or not Diaz could handle the overall skill set of Masvidal, because his skill set is so comprehensive.
Starting point is 01:15:50 The wrestling is excellent. His creativity, his instincts, his killer instincts, his knockout power, the fact that he's a great kicker as well as a great puncher. People forget, he knocked out Eve Edwards with a head kick in Bodog back when Eve was a fucking man. And back when Eve was arguably the best 155 pounder in the world. And the body punch. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:11 You don't see that often. Oh man. He throws everything. Yeah. That body shot. That's a lost art of body punching. Because a lot of people punch kind of like this, but he was an uppercut to the body. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:20 That was driving through it. You could tell I heard Diaz. Diaz changed side. Yep. But he had kicked him there before. It was brilliant strike like really beautiful shot selection
Starting point is 01:16:27 yeah I mean he's got one of the highest fight IQs in the sport and he doesn't have any weaknesses like he doesn't have
Starting point is 01:16:35 a weak chin he takes a tremendous shot his heart is incredible now that he's in far better shape than he's ever been at any other time in his career
Starting point is 01:16:43 he's more disciplined I mean I'm very excited about him right now because from his resurgence from the the knockouts that you know knocking out cowboy serrani knocking out darren till the knockout of askren which is just like fucking insane man insane that one was insane and then just Really Putting it on Diaz It shows you how fucking tough Nate Diaz is God damn Oh my god
Starting point is 01:17:08 So tough But can he beat An Usman or Kobe That's a good question It's a real good question I think if he had A lot of rounds to do it Or let's say there was no
Starting point is 01:17:21 There was no rounds I would pick him Really Yeah Really Yeah because he could finish yeah but the problem is he could also get out
Starting point is 01:17:29 out wrestled they eat up the rounds they eat up the time but I don't see them finishing them Masvidal but I could see Masvidal turning it around
Starting point is 01:17:37 later on and finishing because he's a great finisher yes well Usman could crack you know we saw that in the Woodley fight we've seen he's won by knockout before
Starting point is 01:17:45 he's got legitimate power but you see it when he landed he's got at least one knockout but you see he's got that kind of power when he hurt Tyron Tyron takes a good shot and he had Tyron in real bad trouble he's dangerous with his strikes
Starting point is 01:18:01 Colby is a guy who's very wise. He's, to me, one of the most intriguing characters in the sport because he gets you tricked into thinking that he's a bum because he's got the fucking Donald Trump Jr. book and he has a cheap suit on and a MAGA hat and the old belt. But meanwhile, that motherfucker puts it on you and he doesn't get tired.
Starting point is 01:18:24 And he's got this brilliant strategy of everything he throws, very Nick Diaz-like, 50%, 60%. He's not throwing haymakers. 50%, 60%. Just keeps it on. He keeps it on. He keeps it on. He keeps it on. He keeps it on.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And you keep thinking you're going to get this break where you're going to be able to fire back like Robbie Lawler. He kept trying to find an opening to fire back. Those openings aren't coming. 541 strikes against Robbie. People don't understand how insane that is. Go hit the bag 500 times. Like your next workout, just hit the bag 500 times. Yeah, just get someone to stand there with a clicker.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Yeah, just click. And throw 541 shots. And don't even throw it full blast. No. Just throw it 50%. Plus he's wrestling. How many takedown scrambles? How many?
Starting point is 01:19:02 Oh my God, yeah. His endurance is incredible. It's five. And, you know, he created that character because he thought the UFC was going to cut him. Right. He was fighting in Brazil. They told him it was basically his last fight. Really?
Starting point is 01:19:14 Yeah, man. They were ready to get rid of him. They thought his style was fucking boring. The UFC is... Jay, we've got a little issue here with this thing. It's falling down. Oh, it tightens up. There you go.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I got you. I got you. All right. They were basically ready to cut him it tightens up. There you go. I got you. I got you. All right. They were basically ready to cut him. And so he said, you know what? I'm just going to fucking go for broke. I'm going to call these Brazilians a bunch of shitty names. Call them dirty animals and all this crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And he basically just created this pro wrestling heel persona. Have you ever talked to him in real life? No, no, no, no. Very nice guy. Yeah, I'm sure. Very smart guy. I'm very sure. I'm sure of it. Really friendly. Like you ever talked to him in real life? No, no, no, no. Very nice guy. Yeah, I'm sure. Very smart guy. I'm very sure. I'm sure of it.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Really friendly, like real nice to talk to. He's not that guy. He's a fucking, he needs a goddamn Academy Award. It's crazy because everybody hates him
Starting point is 01:19:56 and they think he's a piece of shit. He's there posing with Trump and everything. It's fucking funny, man. He's giving them what they want. He's giving them what they want. And when the fans
Starting point is 01:20:02 don't want that no more, he won't give it to them. But he can also fight his ass off, which is what's so crazy. It's like people get twisted. They get it twisted in their head that he can't really fight. Listen, he beat Robbie Lawler. He beat him bad. Like he dominated him.
Starting point is 01:20:16 That's a big win. That's a massive win. Rafael dos Anjos, same thing. Beat the shit out of him. That's a colossal win. He just keeps it on you. He doesn't give you any air. There's no air. No one gets air. And he could take a him. That's a colossal weight. He just keeps it on you. He doesn't give you any air. There's no air.
Starting point is 01:20:25 No one gets air. And he could take a shot. He's fearless. Dude, he's got everything going for him. If he was just a high-level contender, he'd be like, fuck, keep an eye on that guy. Something special about him. But all this craziness that he does,
Starting point is 01:20:40 he's got everybody confused with the MAGA hat. That suit costs $3. He's got a $3 blue suita hat that suit costs three dollars he's got a three dollar blue suit on the whole thing is so nuts i mean it's he's a fucking character man it's incredible it's really smart and he he really gets a rise out of people because people try to fight him outside the ring and like oh my god yeah i mean he's talked so much oh yeah well masvidal is friends with him too yeah but masvidal wants to kill him though But does he? I don't know
Starting point is 01:21:06 They might both be in on that Could be yeah I don't give a fuck Let them talk Yeah you're right Pro wrestlers like each other And they still throw each other Through tables
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yeah that's true That's true I'm interested to see that fight too He got Trump To come to the fights man Yes Dude Donald Trump Came to the
Starting point is 01:21:22 You know I almost missed The Kevin Lee fight Really? Yeah Because of all the security? I went to the green room To almost missed The Kevin Lee fight Really Because all the security I went to the green room To get a coffee And a little bit
Starting point is 01:21:28 A little bite to eat And then they're like This area is closed I'm like okay I just gotta No Sir you can't move around I'm like okay
Starting point is 01:21:36 The whole building The whole The whole section here Is locked down Yeah I'm like for how long We don't know So secret service now
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah We don't know Well I gotta contact UFC We don't care about UFC Well I'm like, for how long? We don't know. So Secret Service now. Yeah. We don't know. Well, I got to contact UFC. We don't care about UFC. Well, I'm like, who talks to UFC? Who from UFC is talking to Secret Service? We don't care. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah, I had to wait a whole hour and a half before I could leave. Really? Yeah. Everything was locked down. They had to wait until Trump's entourage or whatever. Us too. Us too. We got to wait.
Starting point is 01:22:08 All the bulletproof fucking tanks that take him through the city. Dude, I almost missed the fight. One fight goes by, two fight goes by. Five fights have gone by. I'm like, guys, we don't care. It was hard to get in. It was hard to get in. Yeah, the whole thing was locked down. We had to go into a different entrance.
Starting point is 01:22:19 We had to get everything checked. They had to check my fanny pack. Did you get the dogs? Yeah, the dogs checked the truck. The dogs had to walk around the truck and sniff theanny pack did you get the dogs yeah the dogs checked the truck the dogs had to walk around the truck and sniff the truck did you see the soldiers how how geared up they were yeah oh my god rock man yeah goggles night vision machine guns all over the place crazy well you gotta think i mean if someone was a terrorist they wanted to create create a gigantic thing you'd kill trump at the u UFC. I was shocked he's in the stands.
Starting point is 01:22:46 So he's in the crowd. I thought he was going to be up in the booth. Right. No, he was right on the goddamn floor. Wow, that's pretty dangerous, isn't it? Yeah, he was right there. The fans were there, no? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 It was funny too, man, because everybody was like torn over whether or not he got booed or cheered. Did he? He got booed. I didn't hear it. I was in the back. Bro, I took my headphones off. I took my headphones off. I was like, bro. Wait, they put him on the big screen yeah but here's the thing if you're standing
Starting point is 01:23:10 if you're seated in a place where there was trump fans you heard cheers you heard a lot of fucking noise for sure but there's a difference right okay like say if if he like there's certain people that walk in and you hear cheers, right? Like, if Deontay Wilder was there, the place would go apeshit, right? They'd go, yeah! That's a cheer. When Trump was there, like, that's a booze. But there was cheers mixed in with the boos. Tony Hitchcliffe had a good point.
Starting point is 01:23:41 He's like, well, if you were sitting in the cheap seats where the people were Trump fans, you'd hear a lot of cheers. It's entirely dependent upon who's around you and whether or not they're supporting him or not supporting him. But the idea that they all cheered him, that's fucking nonsense. There was a lot of booing. A lot of booing. But also just a lot of craziness.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Like, holy shit, the president of the United States is here for the UFC. He's here for Masvidal versus Diaz. Yeah. That's nuts, man. For the BMF title. I don't know if he's even a fan. I mean, I don't know if he really enjoys the fights. Who's not a fan of fighting?
Starting point is 01:24:20 I wonder if he's going to come to Vegas for Colby's fight. Imagine if he's like Colby's little fucking dog who follows him to all the fights. He's like his number one fan. Well, he definitely doesn't have the time to tweet. He's doing that shit all day long. That's true. I mean, all he needs is one Saturday. Come on, President.
Starting point is 01:24:37 He's the world's most powerful man. I know. I'm sure he probably has something that day and he's going to move it around. It would be hilarious if he made it to look at that him with Colby Colby I'd like to get him in here
Starting point is 01:24:56 but I don't know if he would break character I don't know if he'd break character if he would stick to stick to who he is but I'm telling you I hung out with him at the comedy store
Starting point is 01:25:04 and I talked to him he's a fucking good guy man he's people i'm sure he is they think he's this character i'm sure they all are they're all good guys they're all a lot of them a lot of a lot of there's there's a few there's always a few but well most of them are good this is a thing i was i was just getting into with a friend of mine we're talking about people and their motivation for getting into fights and i was like or for getting into fighting and i was like i go some of it is not good man some of the motivation it's just but what happens once you become a fighter like you can you can sort of transcend what your initial motivation was like a lot of people they got motivated into fighting because
Starting point is 01:25:39 of abuse they were picked on they were bullied or maybe even abuse at home or you know a father beat them or something like that and then they became this angry mean person wanted to get back in the world but through martial arts you can transcend that and find peace and this is something that i think is it's it needs to be discussed more it needs to be talked more because people don't they don't hear it too much from the fighter's perspective because fighters don't really express these ideas that much. They just try to win and, you know, and kick ass and do their best. But you can find peace through combat. You really can.
Starting point is 01:26:14 You can find a better version of yourself by getting through things that are even more difficult than the childhood that you went through. And you're going to eat a lot of humble pie yeah especially when you start yes and it's a bitter taste yes i always tell people you think george didn't get killed in practice when he was a white belt he think he started black belt no right like everybody that he got killed we all got killed everybody on their way to black belt now you see a black belt he rarely ever gets put in a bad position but what you think he started like this he's suffering but you know
Starting point is 01:26:47 you ever hear of Lierberg Lierberg he's the world's greatest dog trainer oh yeah a dog trainer dog trainer you know Schützen yeah
Starting point is 01:26:57 he's one of the legends I don't know if he's still relevant today but when I was a kid my older brother was obsessed with dogs and he used to watch Lierberg's videos oh really yeah he has a library of videos how to train a dog the first thing he does he tells you how to pick a dog from the litter But when I was a kid, my older brother was obsessed with dogs and he used to watch Lureberg's videos. Oh, really? Yeah, he has a library of videos on how to train a dog.
Starting point is 01:27:09 The first thing he does, he tells you how to pick a dog from the litter. And he says he walks up to the litter and he takes each puppy and he pinches the puppy until the puppy cries. So the puppy will whimper, you know, like he'll cry. And then he tries to make up with the puppy. If the puppy makes up with him and then when he walks off, the puppy follows him, he's like, that's a good dog. I can train that dog. If the dog doesn't make up with him and is bitter about the experience,
Starting point is 01:27:32 and he's walking away from Learburg, he won't pick that dog. That dog, when I'm going to train him later, he's going to be so bitter from the corrections I'm going to give him, and I'm going to have to, training him, I i'm gonna have to training him i have to polish him polish his dog he's going to become so better his attitude his character is no good like attitude is the most important thing attitude is the first and i feel like the new generation today they're like this you know they're hard harder to train than the
Starting point is 01:27:59 last generation because yes because they're more proud they're more proud. They're more proud. They're always trying to make a reason why they're not doing well, as opposed to saying, look, I need to get better. They kind of find excuses for what went wrong. What do you think is the cause of that? I think it's because we have a privileged life. The first generation of any pioneers of any country, they always have nothing. They claw their way to the top. You know, Socrates used to talk about this. The first generation claws their way to the top. The second generation saw that hard work.
Starting point is 01:28:37 So you came in here, you had nothing, you could barely put food on the table, but you did everything to make it. Your kid saw that. He saw how food got on the table, but you're handing him down all these resources, a business, inheritance, education. Like for instance, my parents pushed me to be educated. My parents are not educated people, but when they came to Canada, they pushed me to become educated. And now with your education, these new assets, this new business, you're ahead. The third generation is where generally things go wrong because now they're getting things, but they didn't see how it was made.
Starting point is 01:29:09 They're just, oh, I have this iPhone, but I didn't see how they built this empire. You know, it's not necessarily three generations. It could be more, obviously. This is just like in a nutshell, but there's one generation that just got stuff, but they didn't go out in the wild to go get it. And those are the ones that are going to tell you,
Starting point is 01:29:24 hey, you sinned to put that food on the table you know you killed that animal you put him on the table what a sin on you shame on you but you're like hey you know you ate
Starting point is 01:29:32 from this table this whole world we built is from you know this manner you know so that generation they don't know what it takes to survive
Starting point is 01:29:42 like for instance me and my kids I don't give them anything unless they earn it. I feel like if I give my son something for free, I cripple them psychologically. Take a tiger from the zoo and take a tiger from the wild.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Is it the same animal? One of them can hunt and kill, the other one can't do nothing. The one from the zoo, you took something from him. What did you take? His instinct to survive, to fend for himself. Once I feed you,
Starting point is 01:30:08 I weaken you. If I feed you, oh, I made you weak. Me, I teach you how to hunt. You know, I have to teach my son how to hunt. So one day,
Starting point is 01:30:14 I tell my kids, what are you going to do when I'm dead? What are you going to do when I'm dead? Who's going to feed you? Who's going to take care of you? Like, think about these things, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:20 like, I like them to earn. Because if you put your, if you put some if you give somebody a lot of a lot of nice things they become very um egotistical and i'll tell you why because they're so insecure you could tell an insecure martial artist from a secure martial artist the insecure martial artist doesn't want to roll with this person doesn't want to train here he's very selective how he how he like he's so and it's because like he doesn't want he doesn't want to eat humble pie you could tell that's what happened how much of that we have in martial arts we have tons of that guys with super black belts
Starting point is 01:30:54 but never fought they never trained they never nobody ever saw them in action so i feel like that's what happens at one point success breeds you know what nicha calls success breeds, you know, what Nietzsche calls the last man, you know, your fat cat on a pillow. You fight so hard to give your kids a great life, but that great life kind of ruins them. It could also ruin them. So I feel like this generation of martial artists, not the hardcore guys in UFC, not them, but I'm talking about the everyday guy coming in.
Starting point is 01:31:20 It's, because now in jujitsu, you have clubs giving away belts with membership what yeah so if you show up we we count how many times you come to practice and then you have a stripe every so often it's all scheduled we tell you when you're going to get your purple belt it's already wait a minute what yeah there's clubs now who the fuck is doing that i don't want to say because uh don't you don't have to say but that's real so they give you a certain number so if you train for 50 days yes you get a stripe yes for another 50 days yes wow yes already started it happened karate yeah in the 70s people don't know this maso yama sent three black belt karate uh experts to thailand to fight thais three thais two of the karate guys won really do that today
Starting point is 01:32:04 today not all karate schools but most of them are watered down why they start okay karate Three ties. Two of the karate guys won. Really? Do that today. Today, not all karate schools, but most of them are watered down. Why? They start, okay, karate's popular. Let's take out the sparring. Let's take out all the hard training and guarantee this guy a black belt in four years, three years.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Whereas as opposed to taking 10 years, the guy down the street is going to go out of business. Why? He's charging a fee to train you hard. And it's going to take you 10 years and you're gonna have pain and suffering whereas this guy your neighbor your competitor down the street he's giving it to you in three years and you don't have much pain and suffering involved yeah so you get the prestige of a black belt without the hard training it's gonna happen in jiu-jitsu now
Starting point is 01:32:39 you're gonna see it's coming it's already here it's been here for a while but jiu-jitsu seems like one of the rare meritocracies in martial arts when you if you don't spar you don't tap people you don't get a black belt i agree if you don't spar you don't tap people you don't make your way thank god but it's one of the rare ones because yes in karate there's a lot of like bullshit sparring where they're touching each other you know they put all sorts of rules and the sparring i was like yeah yeah so you never get really backed into a corner. That's why it backfires a lot. A lot of those guys who went to those other kind of schools, they end up in other academies.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Like they give up. I've had a purple belt come up to me and say, I want to give back my purple belt. I got a purple belt from a certain school. And he went to the basics course in my gym. Basics. He says, I want to start back basics. White belt. No.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Yes. He was a purple belt. Right. Went back to white belt Yeah But when I rolled with him I was like who the hell Like
Starting point is 01:33:28 No it's not his fault What do you think he was? Maybe a blue belt Blue belt Like a bear No a blue belt A blue belt The definition of blue belt
Starting point is 01:33:37 According to Elio Gracie Is you can beat A bigger Stronger opponent That's untrained So blue belt's not a huge mega step. Right. But purple belt is an advanced belt.
Starting point is 01:33:49 You're advanced. Yes. You're almost a black belt. You just need to keep training. That's the hardest belt to get. To go from blue to purple is the most painful transition, in my opinion. In my opinion, because most people stop at blue. For me, brown belt was the scariest.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Yeah. Because I was like, fuck, I'm almost there. I was like, oh, almost there I was like Oh man I was a brown belt For like eight years though Good I kept getting injured too though Yeah
Starting point is 01:34:11 That's okay Take your time I always tell guys I'd rather you be a purple belt That tops out black belts Yes Than be a black belt That's getting killed by blue belts
Starting point is 01:34:18 Right Right You harm your student When you give him a belt He can't carry Yes You harm them Why?
Starting point is 01:34:24 Because like you said Jiu Jitsu People walk in from out of town They jump into your class Oh yeah And the a belt He can't carry Yes You harm them Why? Because like you said Jiu Jitsu People walk in from out of town They jump into your class Oh yeah And the blue belt's Killing your brown belt It's embarrassing for him
Starting point is 01:34:31 Yes Leave him blue Yeah At least he's a blue belt Getting beat by a blue belt Right Let him be what he is Yeah
Starting point is 01:34:36 Alright But they want to hook you Oh belt seminar Oh belt test Now there's tests We didn't do tests I didn't do tests No
Starting point is 01:34:44 John Danaher If you say hey John We're going to do tests He's going to laugh at you Right You know Yeah John J we didn't do tests i didn't do tests no john dennehy if you say hey john we're gonna do tests you can laugh at you right you know yeah john jock didn't do any tests no there's no test eddie bravo didn't do any tests i think there's uh there's also a situation where these people are realizing that hey if you have you know x hundred students and they're paying 150 a month you can get this amount of money in mathematics yeah they start doing the thing they're doing the thing in their head and they realize like look i am only making x amount of money the mathematics yeah they start doing the thing they're doing the thing in their head and they realize like look i am only making x amount of money i can make triple that if i just lighten up on people but you have to sell the jiu-jitsu you have to change you didn't you didn't
Starting point is 01:35:13 learn it like this right you didn't train like this yes but jiu-jitsu is one of the it's it's one of the rare martial arts where you go full blast you know and you could tap you know if you get caught in armbar even though the guy's not yanking on it past the point where it's going to snap, they're showing some control. They catch you in that armbar and they know they have it. You have to tap. You just go again. I mean, you can go right again.
Starting point is 01:35:36 You have an infinity of amount of lives. If you wheel kick someone in the head, they're not going again for a long time. Yeah. Especially if you actually do it the way you would do it in a fight. not going again for a long time yeah especially if you actually do it the way you would do it in a fight it's just like that that difference of striking training versus grappling training is one of the things that really separates jujitsu from the other martial arts is that you you can learn in a real situation so like if you're in a street fight with jujitsu and you grab a hold of a guy it's so normal the guy's going full blast fucking everybody goes full blast yeah everybody goes full
Starting point is 01:36:06 blast but if you're in a street fight with someone you've only been point sparring and someone's swinging haymakers at you like yikes you're scared because you're not accustomed to that because the the actual consequences of getting hit like that in training are so high that you don't do that you don't it's very different it's very very very different there's a lot of people that have black belts in karate that would get fucked up in a street fight by a guy who's quick who can hit hard who just knows how to just hit you a mean person that's been in a lot of street fights and knows how to punch you in the face there's also real karate instructors out there that have real good karate students oh yeah but the vast majority of
Starting point is 01:36:44 them are sold out. Yes. Because if they train the people for real. Yes. They'll lose their customer too. I think it's the opposite in jiu-jitsu. I think most jiu-jitsu is legit. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Most karate is not legit. Yeah. It's not susceptible as much jiu-jitsu because you have to roll. Right. Or like eventually you couldn't have gotten to per blot without rolling. But they have their ways. They have their ways. If they have a kid who they know he's going to compete, they'll hold them back.
Starting point is 01:37:11 If they have a guy who's a lawyer, they'll boost them up faster. And I understand that. It's not the same thing. A young kid who's competing and a guy who's older. And I get that. But there has to be still a purity to the game. I hope they don't try to water it out because I think it's going to backfire
Starting point is 01:37:26 in the end because it has like so many guys come from other schools to my gym and they're like I don't want to tell you what belt I am
Starting point is 01:37:32 I'm like really they're embarrassed to tell me what belt they are so is that a Canada thing or is that happening all across the world I think it's happening around the world
Starting point is 01:37:40 fuck yeah that's so disappointing to hear because when I started in 96 it was grimy man it was fucking no one was doing it oh yeah rough and when you did it you were getting fun it was a bunch of people that had seen the ufc and were like holy shit it was me it was like i
Starting point is 01:37:57 realized that i was so vulnerable because i had these ideas well i know how to kick box i have no taekwondo you know i know how to handle myself and then i do jujitsu and just get mauled i mean just just man by people my size just manhandling me i got killed my first day and i loved it though because you realize like wow so much to learn what is that movie did yeah what is the thing i was so enthusiastic about like you're gonna get i'm gonna get to see am i gonna get to try and they would show me what they did and i was like mind blow like total mind blow yeah it's interesting how vulnerable you really are like when you when you first learn when your first few days of classes it's different than almost anything else because you feel like there's nothing you could do to get out of it you know what i mean like i felt like sparring when i spar when a kickbox
Starting point is 01:38:46 spar with people that were better than me i'm like at least i can move at least i could avoid this guy and you know maybe survive a few rounds if i fight defensively don't extend myself you know don't leave anything hanging out there just play tight to my chest like keep keep fight spar smart i know this person's better than me but i can get through this round i would do jujitsu against guys who are black belts when i was a white belt or a blue belt I'll be like there's nothing there's not a thing I can do. This is a hundred percent positive. He's gonna tap me It's about her what he's practicing on me. It's fun though. If the guy on top of you is not being a an asshole Yeah, it's really cool. Yes. Yeah, because you could teach somebody just to in a nice way
Starting point is 01:39:22 Yeah, it could be a gentle. It is a gentle art gentle art it can be yeah it can be yeah when i saw the first commercial for ufc2 i saw them hoist up the champion i saw them pick up the champion hoist gracie i was shocked that a small guy is martial arts real i thought it was like this guy won no way i begged my parents to buy UFC 2. I showed it to my brothers. I showed everybody like, we have to watch this. And then they showed the lineup of guys he's going to fight. I thought, okay, no, he's going to get killed. Like I didn't see part one, but this guy, this Brazilian guy is going to get killed.
Starting point is 01:40:00 He weighs 176 pounds. This guy's 250 pounds. I was like, this guy's going to get killed. Is he crazy? And he won. And if the new generation hasn't watched that, they have to go back and watch it. They should.
Starting point is 01:40:11 They have to. Because that's the genesis of like, they set martial arts on fire. Everybody wanted to do Jiu-Jitsu. I couldn't find a Jiu-Jitsu school in Montreal. I was like dying. If you asked me, cut your arm off, we'll teach you Jiu Jitsu I would do it
Starting point is 01:40:25 like that's how badly I wanted to learn it I met a purple belt from Henzo Gracie Angelo Xerakos and I was like religious with my lessons he would teach twice a week
Starting point is 01:40:32 but I would train all week I made my own mat I invite my neighbors over like it was such a like it was a mind-boggling experience to learn Jiu Jitsu it actually worked a martial art
Starting point is 01:40:42 that really works I was do you remember Henzo and Craig Kukuk had like the first instructional videos those red plastic vhs tapes yeah yes i got those yeah yeah those were like the first instructionals because before you would have to go somewhere to learn they were the first guys to actually put it down in an instructional form i would buy all of them oh i bought all of them i remember i used one of the mount escapes once in class against the guy was uh t i was like a maybe i was blue belt not even i think it was a white belt but i i secured this
Starting point is 01:41:15 guy's arm and i i bucked and kicked him over towards where i had taken away his base and i yeah and i was like holy shit it worked because i watched it in the video and then i wound up doing it in the class i was like this is crazy he's like where'd you learn that and i was like i got this video man kenzo gracie craig kukuk now let me ask you this mind experiment imagine you have no martial arts training none take everything you've learned throw it away. Take away all your physical training. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:49 You walk into a room full of people. How do you feel psychologically? A little insecure. Insecure. Yeah. Insecure. Yeah. That's how regular people feel.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Yeah. Most people, I should say, most. They never train in their life. They're unskilled to deal with a situation that might occur, could occur at any moment yeah yeah it's it's such a gift to train a like i train all my students my my my kids it's mandatory training to a certain level is mandatory it's like mathematics is mandatory to a certain level like you can't in canada you can't say i want to drop out of high school now it's illegal now if i remember it's illegal to drop out of high school. Now it's illegal now. If I remember. It's illegal to drop out of high school? I'm not sure. I think it is now. Wow.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Or they're going to pass it. Wow. But it's like you need a certain level of education. And I'm not sure now if high school is, like let's say elementary school. Okay, you can't drop out of elementary school. High school though, I'm not sure. I have to double check.
Starting point is 01:42:38 But I'm pretty sure it's illegal now at this point. Well, I think that would stop a lot of bullying. And I've said this before. But I think it's counterintuitive to people. They think that bullying is a mean person. And if you taught them how to fight, they'd become meaner. But I don't think that's the case. I think bullies are insecure.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Yes. I think if you took away that and they got to really establish through training that they have character and that they're worth something and they don't have to be insecure and they build up this confidence, you wouldn't see them going out and picking on people. I've had so many parents tell me, I don't recognize my son when he's with you. He's so disciplined, he's so kind, he's soft-spoken. He's like at home, he's an animal. He acts up.
Starting point is 01:43:21 I'm like, really? Well, here, if you did that, it would be a problem. You know, like people respect the dojo. They respect the environment they're in because there are other guys out there that put you in line. And that's the real world. And some people, they don't know that. I remember one time I was in an airplane and a guy punched the back of my seat. I swear to God. I leaned back.
Starting point is 01:43:42 He had a laptop on his tray. When I leaned back, it crushes the laptop. I don't know. The guy has a laptop. I'm allowed to lean my seat back. I leaned it back. The guy pushes like he,
Starting point is 01:43:52 he palmed it hard, like boom. And I was like, excuse me, sir. Is there a problem? He's like, don't lean your chair back. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:43:59 whoa. I'm like, this is a guy who's never gotten a beating in his life. The way he talked to me was so rude I was like dude I would never talk like that to somebody never
Starting point is 01:44:09 why because you learn through martial arts you know like respect everyone man respect is huge one day you're the the hunted the other day you're the hunter
Starting point is 01:44:16 and it's just like the way life works you know like have respect why should like this guy's instigating a fight now we know what violence is
Starting point is 01:44:24 it could be it could be really bad for one of us here like why would you want to go there just say a laptop yeah you just say i would have been like sorry sir my fault my apologies i had i would have bought the guy i would have bought him whatever he wants like anything i would i would have took care of it like i would have been nice to him about it because we know the realities of violence like some people don't know the realities of violence like i've seen people like on video they like they're in a certain situation and they act all crazy. Hey, this might spark
Starting point is 01:44:46 some violent event here. You don't want this. You don't know what violence is. You've seen it on TV. You've seen it in a movie. You think you know what it is to be punched and kicked. This could end really bad for you.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Would you want to play with that if you know what it was? Sometimes I see people starting a fight. I'm like, this person has no idea what they're talking about. They've never been in a fight. They're instigating a fight.
Starting point is 01:45:06 A fight might occur and they might regret it. Like, they don't know what it is to be hit, to be attacked, to be in a fight. So like,
Starting point is 01:45:13 I just find, I find it always like jaw dropping when somebody's going to instigate a fight over something so small. And they don't even know how to fight,
Starting point is 01:45:21 which is what's even crazier. I told that guy off so bad. Did you? Oh, because you know, I told him off so bad, I scared the hell out of him. And I was like, yo, what are you going to do now? And he was like, he turned white. I'm like, dude, like I could have been an old lady here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:36 You could have hit an old lady. She's pulling her chair back. I told him off. Look at me. We're in an airplane, too. So I told him off. I didn't yell or anything, but I told him off. I told him what I think of him
Starting point is 01:45:45 That guy shut his mouth But it's like Dude you want to fight Over this laptop Like seriously No one can possibly know That you have a laptop open No but
Starting point is 01:45:55 The fact that you Palm someone's chair Me when I'm in public The last thing I want to do Is fight Yeah of course The last thing Of course
Starting point is 01:46:02 The last thing I got it out of my system Well isn't it funny Like when was the last time you saw a fight at the gym never never maybe occasionally some guys get mad if some guy doesn't let go a little thing a little thing yeah it's a little thing but it's it's rare yeah but a bar jesus christ almost every weekend people fight the worst place to be it's you understand what it is and i think most people don't and i think most people are scared of it and i think that's why they posture that's why they puff their chest up that's why they pretend most people have zero idea most
Starting point is 01:46:36 people that haven't had any sort of a physical altercation they have zero idea of how vulnerable they truly are they really just don't know how to there's this left turn i take to the gym that people think it's illegal like my wife when i did it once she's like it's an illegal turn i'm like no it's not i videotaped the light there's two green lights going left i had to send it to her and she's like oh okay you're right i take that left turn twice a day every day to go to the gym one day i take that left turn and this guy races his car towards me like he's gonna plow through my door honks at me starts telling me off
Starting point is 01:47:06 I'm like I open my car door I'm like let's go you want to go? the guy is like he got scared I'm like dude you're like
Starting point is 01:47:15 talking to me like you're my father here you want to go? and the guy was like turn away he didn't want to come out of his car I'm like shut your mouth it's not an illegal light
Starting point is 01:47:22 I get in my car and I leave but that guy was Mr. Tough that guy's never been in a fight in his life now that it's you an illegal light i get in my car and i leave but that guy was mr tough he's a guy's never been in a fight in his life now that it's you know he's in his car he's safe and i hate stuff like this like cars are so weird too you know why weird people are crazy when they're behind the wheel it's also someone explained to me psychologically what happens is when you're driving you understand that you have to make these split second decisions because you're moving fast
Starting point is 01:47:43 right so everything's accelerated so you're on fast, right? So everything's accelerated. So you're on edge. So if someone does something wrong, like, you fucking idiot! It's like people blow up at a level that they would never blow up if you were just walking. Like, how many times you've been in a crowded street like Manhattan or something and people accidentally bump into people?
Starting point is 01:47:57 It's almost never an issue. It's like, oh, well, sorry, sorry. You know, you don't have that heightened sense of worry because you're not moving very fast where you have to make these split-second decisions. So your brain is geared up to the speed that you're moving at. That's why on the highway, people go fucking nuts because their brain is already at like seven or eight
Starting point is 01:48:17 before anything ever happens. Do you think it has a lot to do like on the internet, you're behind your keyboard? Oh, yeah. There's nothing you could do to me. Right. I'm a distance away. There's a little bit of that. But the guy's behind his car, he thinks I'm going to, yeah. There's nothing you could do to me. Right. I'm a distance away. There's a little bit of that.
Starting point is 01:48:26 But road rage existed before. The guy's behind his car, he thinks I'm going to drive away. There's a little bit of that. Yeah. There's a little bit of that, too. There's a little bit of everything. There's a lot of factors. But there is a psychological aspect to driving a car because your brain is ramped up to make
Starting point is 01:48:39 quick decisions. I think that the society that we live in with people behind keyboards and with anonymous names that's a coward's way of existing it really is it is a coward's way of the worst of the worst it's the worst you saying mean things to people while no one can see your face that's not your real name you're pretending to be something you're not and when you see it happen with fighters to me it's fucking crazy i'll go to people's twitter pages when a fighter wins or something like that and they see all the assholes talking shit oh my god you guys are out of your fucking mind i wish they
Starting point is 01:49:15 all had to use their name with their face and it showed the city where they live that's what i wish i wish like if you wanted to have a more civilized version of social media, you should be able to see your face and your name and where you live. You know, Facebook is probably a little – I don't use Facebook, but I guess it's probably a little – the only way I use Facebook, it's connected to my Instagram. So if I post on Instagram, it goes to Facebook. I've read it a few times, like the crazy shit that people write. I'm like, I don't want any part of you.
Starting point is 01:49:41 It's not. It's the worst side of human beings. Yes. Well, it's also – the thing about Facebook that drives me crazy is there's no limit to how much you can write so you write these long fucking who can read it assholes people post those things they also write it but um there's something about that at least with facebook you it's your name it's for us a hobby you see your name you know you i mean i guess you could have a fake name on facebook yeah you can make a fake account i don't think you should be
Starting point is 01:50:09 able to i think i think the only problem against that would be like say if you were a woman and you're working at an office and your boss was abusing you or sexually harassing you and you couldn't say anything anonymously you know what i mean like you should be able to anonymous anonymously say something or maybe even there's something going on at your job where it's illegal where people's lives are being put in damage you should be able to leak yes whistleblow yes yes you should be able to say certain things anonymously but other than the talking shit as soon as you talk shit all those privileges are revoked but why do people do this you think because again the same
Starting point is 01:50:45 thing is like what we're talking about earlier they're insecure they've never been checked it's also when people are when people are constantly criticizing people and constantly judging people and constantly insulting people that is a way to avoid self-analysis and it's a way you're comparing yourself whether you like it or not, to that person. And instead of self-reflection, you're just shitting on that person. You're projecting. When guys are talking shit to Jon Jones, it's like you're giving a finger to the lion. You see the lion in the cage, like, you're in a fucking cage, faggot. That's what it's like.
Starting point is 01:51:20 It's like they can't do anything because he can't get out of that cage because he doesn't know who you are because you have a fake Twitter name and you're hiding behind one of those little eggs. You're not a real person. And you can say all this crazy shit to him or to fill in the blank, any UFC fighter. And I see it all the time. I see it all the time.
Starting point is 01:51:39 It's crazy. It's weird. Let me put you in there with Jon Jones. Oh, my God. With 16-ounce gloves, you're going to freak out. Oh, my God. It's not even a real fight. 20-ounce gloves, you'll freak out.
Starting point is 01:51:48 You're not even going to make it in. Your legs are going to trump. You're going to collapse. You're just staring down at the beginning. The referee's reading your instructions, just wetting your pants. He's an interesting guy, man. He's such an interesting guy. He is.
Starting point is 01:52:00 He is. I've worked with him in the past. Yeah? Yeah, yeah. Before he was a megastar. Oh, no kidding. When he was up in new york yeah yeah he used to come to tri-star and like yeah i was the one who told him how to get out of new york yeah yeah yeah we were smoking weed in a hotel room really well i was telling him you've given some good advice did you know it's
Starting point is 01:52:22 one thing about being an observer like being on the outside, but caring about those guys. I like John a lot. And I knew he was super talented. And this is in the early days. You know, he's like when he's beating up Stefan Bonner. I was like, listen, man. I go, you got something. I'm like, you got to go to a real camp.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Because he was just so talented. And, you know, he would train. And, you know know he had such a strong wrestling background but also so creative he would just do spitting elbows and shit like practice stuff i'm like dude you gotta go somewhere you know you gotta you gotta find a place and he eventually wound up going to jackson's but he could have gone anywhere i mean he could have gone to you he could have gone to a lot of different places he's just that what a unique talent that guy is.
Starting point is 01:53:05 When you're 23 years old, you open up your first title fight with a flying knee against a legend like Shogun. Opens up with a flying knee. I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. Certain guys just, that's the interesting thing about the UFC style of sort of throwing fighters to the wolves. Because the UFC, unlike boxing, in boxing, they take a guy, you know, and they'll slowly work him through the ranks of journeymen
Starting point is 01:53:35 and they give him different looks. This guy likes to fight inside. Let's see how he handles that. And then they eventually get him to the point where he's 15-0, 16-0. They get him in there with a contender and they calculate risk versus reward. And then they eventually get him to the point where he's 15-0, 16-0. They get him in there with a contender. And they calculate risk versus reward.
Starting point is 01:53:57 With the UFC, man, you could have two fights and Usman needs a fight and they'll throw you in there. I find that I like what boxing does. They build up a guy. Because the thing is if you take two studs and you put them together, the crowd doesn't know that they're two studs. They nullify each other. So they look like average fighters. Right. But they're not average fighters.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Right. If you give them a 500 fighter, he'll eat them up. Right. And you're showing to the fans, look, this is a 500 fighter. We're going to give that guy a chance to prove himself. The 500 fighter thinks he's improved. That's why he took the fight. And this fighter is a young stud. We think he's going to be a star these are these are fights to demonstrate that this guy's in a different league and then you have this other guy you had
Starting point is 01:54:33 built up and when you put them together there's an anticipation you sell out the crowd like that's what boxing does and it's very intelligent in a way yeah because if you put mayweather in delahoya early on nobody knows how good they are exactly. Exactly. They make each other look normal. Right. Right. Yeah, you can certainly make an argument for that. But then again, there's the argument of the outlier, like Jon Jones. A few fights into his UFC career, becomes the youngest champion of all time.
Starting point is 01:54:58 But he also has 300 plus wrestling matches. He has a lot of experience. Very true. Very true. And very important that people don't think about that as fights but their competitions at a high level with physicality yeah it's there's definitely an argument for that and it's also that there's something about having the ability to stuff takedowns and then execute takedowns which is such a it's such a it evens things out in so many different ways. Because you can always dictate where the fights take place.
Starting point is 01:55:27 And his reach. Yeah. Oh, he's done so many things. The greatest reach in history of UFC. There's no longer reach ever. Not just the greatest. Well, I don't think so. I think Sammy Schilt probably had a longer reach.
Starting point is 01:55:36 You're right. Yeah. But also. Today. Well, what about Stefan Struve? He had a longer reach. Did he? He's seven feet tall.
Starting point is 01:55:44 Is Struve's reach longer? I'm not sure. Struve's fucking ridiculous a longer reach. Did he? He's seven feet tall. Is Struve's reach longer? I'm not sure. Struve's fucking ridiculous, bro. Oh, you know what? No, no. I think John's the longest reach. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:52 I have to look it up. How could John's reach be longer than Struve? You know what it was? I had read an article. They were talking about the reach. And they were saying that the reach is the deficit of your height and length. So how much longer is your reach comparative to your height oh i see what you're saying that's reach they call it reach apex or something that's
Starting point is 01:56:10 the same really 84 and a half inches who's that wow stefan struve and john jones have the same that's crazy there you go struve is seven feet tall oh my god well john is the very best at utilizing that reach and and and just keeping guys in the outside he's very intelligent oh yeah he's very creative and intelligent he knows what's going on in the fight all the way and he shifts he shifts the strategy as the fight goes on yeah like he's he's very intelligent guy yeah i'm really curious to see if dominic reyes can hang with him very curious very depends which john jones shows up i think he's very motivated for that fight he should be well i think he also realizes like look he lost a lot of time fucking
Starting point is 01:56:52 off and getting suspended and all the dumb shit that he did he has a chance he's still right now the number one pound for pound fighter in the world he's still the light heavyweight champion and if he moved up to heavyweight he would be the the number one contender. He should fight heavyweight. I think so, too. Why hasn't he fought heavyweight? I think he wants to clean out the division. I think he has a couple fights at light heavyweight. And I think now there's a real possibility that he might stick.
Starting point is 01:57:16 I think you've got Corey Anderson, who looked fantastic in his last fight. You know, Johnny Walker, they were thinking, was going to be the next guy for the title. Corey Starches, him in the first round. He's a guy I'd like to work with johnny walker or johnny walker yeah i think he needs more uh polishing yes oh for sure he's got he's got great talent silly power yes his power is crazy but he needs to yeah he no he's a very big prospect yes no i agree he's a wild man too but you know cory found holes in his game exactly figured it
Starting point is 01:57:46 out and yeah cory is uh clearly one of the top contenders like there's there's two guys that really stand out it's cory anderson and there's dominic reyes and dominic with that knockout um over chris weidman yeah that's hard to watch for me i didn't like that fight for chris i don't like him moving i think he's a 185-pound fighter. I think he should stay there. I think there's too few divisions, man. Not a good fight to go to 205 for the first time. No, terrible.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Very bad idea. Terrible. I liked him versus Rockhold at 205. That's interesting. I don't know what happened there. I think it was scheduled once upon a time. Was it? I think so, too.
Starting point is 01:58:22 If they're going to fight those two, that's the fight to make. Yeah, well, Rockhold's done. I think he doesn't want to do it anymore he's gonna have a jiu-jitsu match though he's gonna do i saw that matches who's he going against um is it gordon well he i think he's talked to talk shit about gordon i don't know if there's anything actually scheduled won't go well for him well It's his legs. Legs could be in real trouble. I've trained with Gordon a lot. He may never walk again. You should be careful.
Starting point is 01:58:52 I wouldn't talk shit to him. All those Donahue leg locks especially scare the fuck out of me, man. Listen, if you're talking a lot, it might take a second or two longer to let go of the leg lock. You've got to be careful with that. You hear the cracking and popping of your ligaments and meniscus. Like, my favorite grappling match of all time is Paul Harris versus Gary Tonin. That was a great fight. I think Paul Harris was probably like 25 pounds heavier than him.
Starting point is 01:59:18 More. How much heavier was he? I don't know, but he came in overweight. Did he? He's just, you know, you got tested positive already. Oh, for sure. Now he's out of UFC. He's not gary tested positive from being in the same room as him that's how positive he is at one point he takes gary and throws gary like literally just yeah and it's like gary just kind of rolls yeah i was a beauty that's what jiu-jitsu is yeah you know just going with the flow of it all. And you fought him to a draw.
Starting point is 01:59:46 And I thought, well, he got the better of him, but the rules is there's no sub. Right. It's a draw. But Gary, if there was no time limit, Gary's going to sub him. He was gassing out. You know, he was slowing down, and Gary was just picking it up, picking it up on him, and he was going to catch him. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Well, another great one is Cyborg versus Gordon Ryan, where Cyborg was was a multiple time jiu-jitsu champion veteran of the game gordon ryan had only been doing jiu-jitsu like five years yeah times have changed something crazy like that john denahar has found a way to teach you jiu-jitsu in a nutshell like he's just now the most efficient trainer in history of jiu-jitsu Yes. His Gordon won double gold again. Yeah. And in stunning fashion too. And after knee surgery. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:31 Yeah. John has created a new way. The best jujitsu place in the world today is, is New York Hensel Gracie Academy. The way that they're, I'm telling you, they're the purple belts today are scary as hell. Like if you roll with their purple belts,
Starting point is 02:00:44 it's like he's a super seasoned black belt. Like I had one of my students, I promoted him to brown belt and I got in a lot of trouble from John because I took him from purple belt to brown belt and that guy had subbed, my student had subbed like five black belts a year. And I was like, okay, time for a brown belt.
Starting point is 02:00:58 And John's like, no, he's not good enough yet. I'm like, okay. But he subbed five black belts in competition, like real good black belts. And he's like, so what? You know, he just have a new standard now. Their purple belts today at Henzo's John, it's a new standard.
Starting point is 02:01:13 These guys are so good. It's scary, man. You better know the leg lock. Like I learned leg locks from them. It's crazy too that it's in Manhattan where the price for rent is so goddamn high and they still have like a thousand students. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:01:25 It's like, if you go there and you're a stud stud if you're a stud and you go in that practice room you're a regular joe like i don't care if you're gsp i don't care if you are like this is gonna be a hard day and you better be nice you know you better be humble when you come in here you know like i've i've i just sent kevin lee there you know like i'm telling you they're so good this generation like the generation under me and george they're so good they got so good so fast and eddie cummings opened up his own place right um i think he's at another club i think he opened up his own place yeah he was john's student like i used to roll with eddie back in the day he wasn't that great like he he could see he's a very intelligent guy very and then all
Starting point is 02:02:05 of a sudden he got super good like i'm telling you night and day like i'd roll with him once and he was okay you know then i came back like six months later a year later and he's like freaking he was unbelievable and john had just been in developing these new john's in there eight hours a day man figuring out little things sleeping on the mat and teaching eddie this teaching eddie and eddie's not a freakishly athletic guy he's a good athlete but not like it's not his athleticism it's the technique the skill think like he's catching me in things i don't even know what they are and that's what it is that's that's jiu-jitsu once they innovate something you don't know what it is it's like you're getting caught in that and that's what john does is innovating all sorts of things in the game that
Starting point is 02:02:42 now his student who's a purple belt is better than that black belt over there. They had one blue belt. They promoted him at Abu Dhabi. Purple belt. He's a blue belt at Abu Dhabi. He got on the podium and they gave him his purple belt. I'm forgetting his name now.
Starting point is 02:02:53 It's Nick something. The guy's- Rodriguez? Is it? I can't remember. He's new. He's brand new on the circuit. Big, strong guy.
Starting point is 02:03:00 I haven't even trained with him once yet. I haven't gone to New York in a little bit. I didn't go to New York the last time. I didn't go to Henzo's's last time I was in New York. Google Nick Rodriguez, Henzo Gracie. He's like a heavyweight, right? Yeah, he's a big boy. Didn't he beat Cyborg?
Starting point is 02:03:12 Did he beat him by decision? Yeah. Did he beat him? I'm not sure. I think he did. I think he was the one, now that I'm thinking of it, who they said was going to have a grappling match against oh uh yes yes yes i think that's what it is yeah yeah i think he beats rockwell wow yeah yeah i'm telling you they're good man
Starting point is 02:03:31 they're good they're getting good so fast it's crazy look at nikki ryan yeah listen i love that kid uh when he was like 15 he came to my gym like now he's like i don't know 16 17. rumors are true meet the guy who won third at adCC trials after just six months of training. Also, freakishly strong guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yes, yes, for sure. Very good athlete.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Yeah, Nick Rodriguez. There it is. Six months. That is just fucking ridiculous. Yeah, I'm telling you, they're getting good so fast. That is just, how does someone come in third place in Abu Dhabi with six months of training? Like, what in the fuck, man? Jonah has a system, though.
Starting point is 02:04:10 Like, it's... He was a model and then he started doing this it says he was making money being on fitness model or something crazy but what does that mean these days like you could have an Instagram page where you stick your ass out in high school I don't know it's different than it's a dude doing how old is he I think he's only like 19. I think he's really young. Does it say? It doesn't say his age off. Is he 19? I think he's young. Like maybe he's 21 or something like that.
Starting point is 02:04:33 But I feel like he's pretty young. I got to roll with Nicky Ryan. And I've been doing this shit so long. It's been longer than he's been alive. And he's so good. Dude. Yeah. 23. 23.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Okay, I'm wrong. He's so good. It's 23 okay i'm wrong he's so good it's ridiculous yeah man he's he's a really interesting guy too because his brother's so big and he's like what is he like 150 pounds or something like no a little more i would say 160 165 he's not huge but yeah his brother's a goddamn gorilla though yeah that's a big fella and they're smart kids i mean john like schools them like to to be smart it's incredible and they did they start smart kids I mean John like Schools them like To be smart It's incredible And they
Starting point is 02:05:06 Did they start out with him? With John? Yes Well actually no I think they were In a neighboring school But like This is John's curriculum
Starting point is 02:05:14 Like you know I have to be honest I've been in the practice room With them Many times Like Everything they do Is John man
Starting point is 02:05:22 I'm telling you Like There's not a movement in there that's not him. He's incredible. He's an incredible trainer. He is incredible. And how ironic is it? What's going on here?
Starting point is 02:05:30 Oh, here it is. There it is. Polaris 12. 103 kilogram catch weight. What is that? What is that? 220? 220?
Starting point is 02:05:40 210? Is that what it is? But it's 2.2. Oh, that's soon. Yeah. 4.3 times... Oh, that's soon. Yeah. 4.3 times 2 is about 9, 10. So, 103... 4.5 times 2 is 9.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Okay. So, Rockhold, when he fought at light heavyweight, I wonder how much weight he cut to get to 205. That's interesting, though. 30th of November. Okay, that's real fucking soon, man. A couple days. A few days. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Oh, it's on UFC Fight Pass Oh shit Sunday I think This Sunday Oh shit You gotta watch it I'm definitely gonna watch it I'm gonna be in Hawaii
Starting point is 02:06:13 Are you? Yeah man Cool There's gotta be A competitor Like is there Is there anybody That's like close
Starting point is 02:06:22 To putting out That kind of talent That quickly Cause it seems like Usually That's crazy It seems like usually Like, is there anybody that's, like, close to putting out that kind of talent that quickly? Because it seems like usually. That quickly, no. That's crazy. It seems like usually when someone comes along like that, then others rise as well, you know? Other people recognize.
Starting point is 02:06:36 It'll happen. It'll happen. People will go down, see what he's doing, try to figure out, you know? It's crazy that there's also a guy. Look at these guys. Jesus Christ. There's Kevin. There's Kevin, yeah. Look at the size ofki rodriguez this is a fucking huge fella but what's crazy is that like john donahue has his fucked up knee and fucked up hip and he's
Starting point is 02:06:55 teaching people how to fuck people's knees up it's incredible ironic ironic it's poetic but it is it's weird so back to dominic reyes and uh john jones what do you think about that fight depends which john jones shows up like is he motivated to train because if you underestimate reyes you're gonna lose because not he's human john you know like especially his last fight we saw he's human you know um everybody obviously is but he's got to take this guy seriously because the thing, you're undefeated. You have this allure to you. You can't be beaten.
Starting point is 02:07:27 And all of a sudden, somebody beats you. How many times have we seen that? Like the Ronda Rousey fight. Like one day, it's going to happen to you. And that's the one thing I think that made George great. Because George was always scared of that day. And I used to always put it in his ear. Oh, look at this champ.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Everybody thought he was undefeated. Then he lost. Like we'd always talk about these things. And that day is always around the corner you gotta get up before that day comes because that day
Starting point is 02:07:48 it's gonna happen everybody has an expiry date and I feel like you know Reyes is a serious contender he really is yeah and he's got
Starting point is 02:07:56 lightning fast hands that counter punch that he knocked out Weidman with like holy shit and finishes him on the ground with hammer fists but I was saying that I just think there should be more weight classes I really do I think
Starting point is 02:08:09 the jump between 85 and 205 is just too giant 20 pounds I would love to see lightweight super lightweight welterweight super welterweight yeah like give us there's gonna be so many interesting fights yes yeah I think it should be every 10 pounds yeah i mean i don't think that's unreasonable at all in boxing it varies sometimes four seven it depends on the weight class but i don't think there's anything wrong with having a 35 45 55 65 75 and do it like that yeah and let guys fight in different divisions yeah i can fight two divisions i can sign for two divisions why not why there's gonna be so many great fights to make I think they have this idea That there'll be too many champions But I just
Starting point is 02:08:47 Completely disagree So what? They just made a belt For the baddest motherfucker In the world They needed another title fight For that card Yes
Starting point is 02:08:54 You can't get these two champions To agree They both have a title Yeah Because originally It was supposed to be Usman and Colby If I remember correctly
Starting point is 02:09:00 Yeah You can't get them to agree For whatever reason Well we're going to have This other title fight You have to have a title fight In york yes it has to be a good one trump is coming you know you gotta have something really amazing you do it's coming you do you can't have like a regular three-round fight yeah true trump you gotta have you gotta have something you know yeah trump is coming we need a title fight it's New York City man
Starting point is 02:09:25 it's New York City that's the thing it's like it's New York City when you're in Madison Square Garden it's not just the fights it's where you are it's history
Starting point is 02:09:32 yeah you gotta bring your A game you know you gotta make it something legendary you gotta make it something historical that's true yeah you're in the most iconic arena
Starting point is 02:09:40 in combat sports history and that's the spot that place has been around forever it feels different when you're in there too it really does it's the spot. That place has been around forever. It feels different when you're in there, too. It really does. So for Kevin to win that fight by head kick KO and come back and do it in Madison Square,
Starting point is 02:09:53 how happy were you, man? Oh, man, I was super happy. You're happy just thinking about it. Everybody thought he was going to miss weight. Everybody thought he was going to lose. Everybody picked Gregor. Dangerous fight. Yeah, it's a very dangerous fight.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Gregor was undefeated. Phenomenal wrestler. During that camp, the last two weeks, Kevin pops his ankle. Did he really? Yeah, really badly. So I was like, oh, man, the fights might be off. It was really bad. Then the next day, he comes in limping in.
Starting point is 02:10:18 He's like, I'm going to keep training. I'm like, whoa, man, he's really limping. That Friday, he sparred again, but I told him, you've got to put on a ankle brace because it was really bad then he hurts himself again friday same ankle same ankle same injury like it was so tight it was so uh the injury was still really really bad like he shouldn't have been sparring but i couldn't stop him like he really wanted to keep training wow i was like maybe you should take friday off no no no coach i'm okay he told me i don't worry i don't feel anything i see him limping around it's like like, I'll warm up, I'll be okay. He's a very tough kid.
Starting point is 02:10:46 And look, this is what it takes sometimes. You know, you want to win a big fight, you have to work through these kind of things. And he hurts himself a second time. I'm like, you know, this is tough. And PI, the Performance Institute, helped him a lot. They checked it. They said it's still, you know, it's mechanically sound.
Starting point is 02:11:02 It's just kind of like no key ligaments are broken or anything like that and he ended up winning with a head kick with that bad ankle oh wow yeah that was his bad ankle but it was it was a scary injury we had in practice you know how it is in practice like sometimes you could be as safe as you want to be yeah but uh i mean fighters when they get in there a lot of times they're already injured oh yeah you're not a hundred percent when you're in there, a lot of times they're already injured. Oh, yeah. You're not 100% when you're in there. You got a wrist. You got a neck. You got something.
Starting point is 02:11:27 But this one was really bad. This was really bad. I was like, no, listen, I made the decision. I'm going to go through with it. I'm like, okay. So what was your week of the fight? He was a lot better by then, but still I was worried about it. Because it's not as stable as it should be.
Starting point is 02:11:40 Oh, wow. Did you tape it up or anything? No, I don't think we're allowed. I asked and we're not allowed to tape. Why can you not tape? I don't know. But you you could tape your wrists the gauze and all that yeah yeah why does it how come you can't tape your ankle i don't know that doesn't make any fucking sense there's so many goofy rules man yeah yeah if you got an injury why oh you remember when sakuraba used to fight yeah with his knee his knees were like mummified yeah yeah they were
Starting point is 02:12:02 covered all halfway up his thigh All the way down his calf He used to have the most Crazy knee wraps ever I mean And Sakuraba was a Leg lock specialist too He probably mangled his knees In training
Starting point is 02:12:13 You know In all the fights In all the training I heard he smokes and drinks Before practice Smokes And drinks Before practice
Starting point is 02:12:20 Yes He didn't give a fuck Cigarettes Do you remember when he fought Conan Silvera And they made him fight again? He fought twice in the same day. They fought.
Starting point is 02:12:29 They fought. John McCarthy stopped the fight. Conan hit him with an uppercut, and Sakuraba dropped down, grabbed ahold of an ankle, was fighting for a takedown, and John had already stopped the fight because he thought Sakuraba went out. So they're in Japan. Everybody goes crazy. This was the same year.
Starting point is 02:12:47 This is the same fight where Frank Shamrock submitted Kevin Jackson. Remember? Oh, yeah. The armbar. Remember that? Beautiful armbar with shoes on. The fastest armbar in history of armbars. Was it?
Starting point is 02:12:57 I don't know. It looked fast. One of them. As soon as he took him down, armbar. Boom, armbar. Yeah. So he fights again and then submits Conan. They come out of the locker room.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Yeah. Then they fought again like one fight later. And so when they fight again, Sakuraba gets him in an armbar and makes him tap. We're like, what? Brisei and Jujutsu Black Belt tapped?
Starting point is 02:13:17 Like no one thought that Conan would tap. Like this is crazy. Sakuraba was so special. Oh my God. This generation that didn't get to watch him fight has to go back and look at those fights. Oh, they have to go back.
Starting point is 02:13:28 There was something so special about him. Yeah. I don't know what it was. And look, I love the Gracies, and he was beating the Gracies, and you couldn't help but like him. You called him the Gracie Hunter, remember? Yeah. Remember when he broke Henzo's arm? Yes.
Starting point is 02:13:39 Yes, the Kimura. Yep. Yeah, of course. The Kimura snapped his arm. And Henzo was winning that fight. Yeah. It just came down to the last little exchange well in that scramble henzo's arm just was look at that oh my god oh my god
Starting point is 02:13:50 look at that that is fucking nasty henzo beat him after in metamorris a grappling match oh that's right and halleck beat him in the mma halleck gracie oh that's right that was very gutsy of halleck that's right so you know i'm gonna to go fight This greasy hunter You know who dismantled him Who Mayhem Miller Really Mayhem Miller When he was in his prime When Mayhem Miller Went over
Starting point is 02:14:10 And fought in He fought in Pride When he was in his prime And When he was really A contender And he
Starting point is 02:14:18 Systematically Broke Sakuraba down Beat the shit out of him And submitted him He's a very tough guy He was fucking good man For a while Look at him there He's a very tough guy. He was fucking good, man, for a while. Look at him there, throwing a peace sign up. Yeah, he was always a crazy guy.
Starting point is 02:14:29 Wow, he was always a crazy guy, and then, you know, like, legit problems after that. I imagine. And then after the Bisping fight, you know, then he had even more legit problems. But in that fight, man, he was on point. He beat the fuck out of Sakuraba. The scariest loss, though though that sakuraba
Starting point is 02:14:45 ever had well there's three scary losses the two to vandele they were both terrifying he got really fucked up by vandele but then melvin manhoef melvin manhoef beat the fuck out of him with soccer kicks on the ground and all that crazy shit back when melvin was melvin just melvin remember what that guy was built like oh my goodness like fucking like a superhero it didn't look like a real person i've seen him fight live like man the guy's a savage whoo he's fast remember he knocked out mark hunt with one punch did you know oh yes he was 185 pounds and he knocked out mark hunt with one this is a kickboxing fight though right was it uh no it was m it was MMA. No. Look at Melvin.
Starting point is 02:15:25 Jesus Christ. He was coming with those gladiator shorts on. Those gladiator frill shorts. He fucked him up. That's not Sakuraba though. No. That's someone else he's fighting. The greatest fight, one of the greatest, the greatest comeback fight I've ever seen in
Starting point is 02:15:40 my life was K-1 Hero Sakuraba. He's getting beat up by this Lithuanian guy. I don't even know the guy's name. And we're in Japan. we're watching some main event here put put this ahead to the actual fight here but back it up a little back it up back it up back it's a real quick fight man it happens in like no no go like where the k is see that no see where it says uh two point three point seven x three point seven k with a thumb up The first thumb up Go to that part Right there Bam
Starting point is 02:16:07 Right there Click there Click there Yeah Well it's right before It gets fighting They're ready about to He's got a dog collar on
Starting point is 02:16:16 Yeah he'd bring him out On a leash as coach Yeah He had a dog collar on He was at Mike's gym Oh my goodness Yeah scoot up Right there is good
Starting point is 02:16:23 Right there is good When you see them So they're fighting off And so Mark Hunt Charges at him And when Mark Hunt Charges at him Melvin just catches him
Starting point is 02:16:31 While he's coming in So they exchange a little bit Here on the feet Just a little bit of moving around Mark Hunt's so much Bigger than him man Mark Hunt might be 100 pounds bigger than him
Starting point is 02:16:39 No bullshit He easily could be 290 Easily And a tank Look at this Boom One shot I mean come on son who the fuck knocks knocks out mark hunt with one punch it's crazy that's crazy he was so fucking
Starting point is 02:16:54 fast man so fucking fast there's a there's a k1 heroes fight sakuraba fights a lithuanian guy an unknown guy and this guy's beating the hell out of sakuraba oh i sawuanian guy An unknown guy And this guy is beating The hell out of Sakuraba Oh I saw that fight He is beating I'm like Stop Terrifying
Starting point is 02:17:10 Stop this fight And he's between the rows And the Lithuanian guy Is just And we're like God And the Japanese people Just believe in him so much
Starting point is 02:17:19 They know he's gonna Make it out of there And He Comes out Comes back to life, starts winning. We're like, what the? And then he armwrestles this Lithuanian guy. And then they throw up the confetti and everybody's like,
Starting point is 02:17:35 the Japanese people just believe. This is it. Yeah, look at that. I'm like, stop this fight. I'm live here. I'm in the stands. I'm going to fight. He's getting punched in the back of the head and everything.
Starting point is 02:17:48 Oh, my God. Okay, stop the fight. No, no, no god okay stop the fight no right no no not gonna stop the fight now let's stop the fight crazy wait a second oh no they want to bring him back in the ring yep oh he's out of bounds okay and this guy yeah he's punched him while the referee's got a hold of him before you've been said good go hammer fisted him this is one of the greatest comebacks i've ever seen in my life yeah i make you think there's no way sakuraaba's gonna survive here there's no way and he keeps moving and this guy keeps punching him yeah this is crazy and standing up too he was knocking him around and he's hammering the back of his head sakuraba was just he had no quit in him you know like none and sometimes that was horrible to watch because he would wind up getting beat up look at his leg like look at that fucking right leg how much is taped up it's crazy this guy's holding the fence too yep yeah so eventually gets him down
Starting point is 02:18:38 scoot up a little bit there jamie yeah this is on for 10 minutes. Yeah. This is a beating. It does. This is a beating. This is a beating. And the Lithuanian guy beats him up standing too. Yeah, he blew his one. Yeah, he got exhausted. He got too tired here. And eventually Sakharov catches him.
Starting point is 02:18:56 Look at these uppercuts. The audience is going nuts. The crowd was going berserk. I think I was done. You could see how tired he was. Berserk. The crowd was losing it at this point
Starting point is 02:19:06 yeah they believe in him so much when he lost the first time he was like look I'm happy now that the weight is off my shoulders you know
Starting point is 02:19:14 the Japanese people now they know I can lose and like he had too much pressure on him they always expect him to win scoot ahead oh there it is St. Malounson.
Starting point is 02:19:25 Incredible. That's how he finished Conan, too. Same move. Yeah, incredible. Yeah. There's another great come from behind with Melvin when Melvin fought Robbie Lawler. You remember that fight? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:19:37 That's one of the greatest fights ever. That's one of the greatest fights ever. Melvin was fucking Robbie Lawler's legs up, then robbie lawler hit him with a hay maker this is one of the most legendary and and cyborg when he fought cyborg yeah yeah yeah this one yes yes yes yes yeah that was horrendous too i think the craziest knockout i ever saw was michael venom page versus cyborg when he came oh my god that was horrific yeah and all the years i've seen fights i've never seen a guy get his head literally caved in from a knee you know what when you knock a guy out like that you don't dance like i feel like like after kevin knocked out gillespie i don't take a knee right taking like
Starting point is 02:20:13 this kid's still down down for a long time yeah he took a knee see you have to respect the guy we don't know like if the guy is revived okay i understand you want to celebrate i get it but yeah sometimes you know like this guy's injured i don't think anybody thought that he was going to be injured like that though we i've never seen a guy's forehead crushed but when he went down it wasn't he wasn't right obviously like you could tell this well the other thing was cyborg was saying like he wants a fight again in three months and they're like hey dude he doesn't know where he is yeah he doesn't know where he's no like a couple weeks later yeah yeah It's probably still Right He's
Starting point is 02:20:46 He's got so many demons In his mind after that He doesn't know what's going on Yeah right I mean Remember the x-ray Ugh It's like you see it
Starting point is 02:20:54 And you go Oh no Oh man It's hard When your face gets Like you know When your face gets Broken like that
Starting point is 02:21:03 When All your Your bone Like there's gotta be Some Like Sage When Sage fought Cosmo Alexander When your face gets broken like that, when all your bones, there's got to be some, like Sage. Sage fought Cosmo Alexander, which is another ridiculous fight. That was hard for me to watch. Very hard.
Starting point is 02:21:14 Very hard. Very hard. Because I like the kid. He's a really good kid, Sage. Yeah, really good kid. But doesn't belong in a ring with Cosmo. No, not yet. That's the honest truth.
Starting point is 02:21:22 Yeah, not yet. Especially in a ring, like a tight, like I like karate in a big 30-foot octagon i like karate you got the room to breathe here in a small ring it's harder to do karate it's just harder well also cosmo is a world champion oh my goodness the guy's a killer yeah really killer season striker and he's quite a bit bigger too much experience too too fast too soon yeah too fast too soon what's the harm of going a little bit lower than like i'm much lower than that like i rather i rather have gone to a fight that i
Starting point is 02:21:49 could have done more like i could have beat a better guy they go into a fight where this guy was way too much for me like let me just go up slowly you know and and see how far i can go and and then kind of like challenge myself where it makes sense that fight to me doesn't make sense yeah but that's another one like his face was broken in so many different places now they gotta put his face back together yeah that could be a fight
Starting point is 02:22:08 and like your career could be over like fighting career yes it could be over never fight again he's gonna go back to 155 he said I learned my lesson
Starting point is 02:22:17 okay but you know what I don't like injuries like that like he was in surgery for like 18 hours or something like that I mean this is too much you gotta
Starting point is 02:22:24 you miscalculated here. It can happen to anybody, but at least if I had done it in my weight class against somebody, you know, my level and it just happened. Okay, fine. But that was asking for, that's a. That's a horrific one. What do you think about one FC's desire to stop weight cutting? Oh, I love this idea. I do as well.
Starting point is 02:22:42 What's weight cutting? What does that mean? It's cheating. What is it? Sanction cheating. We have to weigh the same and we fight each other why do we have to go through a weight cut right it should be pretending that you weigh less than you weigh yeah you weigh 170 for 15 minutes exactly yeah the weigh-in is about we want two guys of the same size to fight each other yeah and now guys found a way around the rules and now everybody has to do it because otherwise. It's nuts.
Starting point is 02:23:05 Yeah. It's nuts. But when Kevin went up to 170, it just didn't seem right for him. Those guys. No. They're naturally bigger. Yeah. And they're doing the same thing that he was doing to get to 155.
Starting point is 02:23:19 But now he's not doing that thing anymore. And it also seemed like he got tired. But also he wasn't with you. You need. I really believe this. And this is one of the things that I said to him, you need a maestro. You need a conductor. You need someone that's an honest assessor, someone who can look at your overall game, figure out what you're doing, find the flaws, be honest with you,
Starting point is 02:23:46 and then tell you when to ramp it up and when to slow it down and just have a and as someone who's been there yeah if you don't have that man so it's just so hard to do all that shit by yourself so many things to think about there's so much to think about too much almost right yeah and everybody has an opinion so i always tell people okay show me just get in the ring and show me your opinion is correct. I'll change my opinion if you could show me. So that's why I like, sometimes I work with trainers
Starting point is 02:24:10 and they have these crazy ideas. I just tell them, okay, train some young kid. I have these young kids. Train them. Show me your philosophy. I get trainers all the time that want to show me something
Starting point is 02:24:19 and I always entertain them. Always. Come show me. Do a demonstration. But it can't be theoretical. Like one time I had this guy who had this way of making me stronger like through like a physical therapy so i i said okay let's do let me do my max set of pull-ups and we did either like 15 or something and then we did his treatment and i went back to the pull-up bar and i did 15 i wasn't stronger like i wanted to test this theory like there was nothing
Starting point is 02:24:45 that made me it didn't make me stronger I'm just as strong as I was before the there's a lot of those physical therapy guys there's a lot I'm doing some nerve activation
Starting point is 02:24:53 yes there's something I'm doing I'm going to dig into your scapula with my knuckles and it's going to but listen I like to entertain them
Starting point is 02:25:02 who knows maybe the guy maybe the guy might know something well what's interesting is sometimes the placebo effect catches on and they'll work with one fighter. And the fighter will go, dude, the guy fixed my neck. Yes. And the other guy's like, really? He fixed your neck?
Starting point is 02:25:13 And then all of a sudden. And the next thing you know, this guy's got a business going. Yeah. And he's standing on people's backs. Oh, God. Doing voodoo. Trust me, I've seen this too. I've seen it.
Starting point is 02:25:22 Oh, man, I've seen it. I don't want to say names, but I've seen it, man. I don't want to say names either, but I've seen a lot of it and i there's one guy that was going through a bunch of different fighters and i went and did it with him and i was like what are you doing yeah and this is after 15 20 minutes of questioning right so i'm asking him all these questions he basically said well you know how the placebo effect works right and i said well it works because you think it works right he goes yes he goes the same thing i go so it doesn't work he goes no it does work if you believe in it i go so you're saying that you're bullshitting but if they believe you're bullshit then it's real is that what
Starting point is 02:25:55 you're saying and like we had this like i trapped him with this long conversation about this i wouldn't let it go yes i want to know what you're doing yeah you tell me what you're doing like you just you're fucking pushing on people's back And pretending you're fixing their eyesight This is fucking crazy But there's a lot of that out there Because fighters want any kind of edge Whether it's cupping or acupuncture
Starting point is 02:26:15 Bro once I started doing Thai massage My game changed And if you believe your game changes Sometimes your game does change You know You gotta test, measure, retest. There's no measuring. Yes.
Starting point is 02:26:28 It's like, you know that Game Changers documentary? The guy's doing the battle ropes now one hour. Right. We ate carrots. Yeah, you went from eight minutes to an hour. You know why people stop after eight minutes? Because they're bored of doing battle rope for longer than eight minutes. Who does battle rope for more than eight minutes?
Starting point is 02:26:44 That's just crazy. If I tell you, Joe, you got to do battle rope for an hour, minutes like who does battle rope for for more than eight minutes this is crazy if i give you something if i motor if i tell you joe you got to do battle rope for an hour and i'll give you a million bucks i guarantee you're gonna do a battle rope for for an hour like it's it's you could slow down the pace it's not measured it's not measured if i put you on a treadmill you tell me look i can do 12 miles an hour for one hour i'm like i'll be like on an incline I'll be like wow that's measurable right right battle rope
Starting point is 02:27:07 you can slow down you can you can kind of like you know you can relax your muscles you're not putting as much wattage out the reason why you went for an hour
Starting point is 02:27:15 is because we're not measuring how much output you're doing yes you know you can you can like
Starting point is 02:27:19 there's a reward for going an hour you know you're doing a documentary like there's all these things that are not controlled yes and there's so much of that in training there's just so much of that everything there's a voodoo thing out there yeah and uh you're playing with your career too you
Starting point is 02:27:34 know you got to be careful with the voodoo stuff you have to be very very careful like but the thing is also you got to be open-minded because sometimes people do find real things that actually work not not talking about like massage and stuff like i haven't seen it but uh meditation yeah visualization i believe these things can make a difference but there's also a lot of concrete evidence on these yes a lot of concrete evidence especially meditation and visualization visualization there's actually evidence that sometimes it's as effective or more effective than actual training in certain sports like they've they think about one specific type of motion like throwing a baseball or something like that. And you could argue that if you just really visualize throwing that baseball over and over again and then get motivated and maybe even allow your muscles to heal so you're not throwing the ball as much but you understand the motion better. Because there's also like there's a point of diminishing returns where you're training too much so your body breaks down but yet you still think about it you
Starting point is 02:28:25 want to do it and then you go overboard and then your tissue doesn't recover in time and then you train again and you're within a compromised state whereas if you trained less but visualized the extra time have you ever heard of lenny basham i don't know why does it sound familiar he's a he's a what do you call it? A ski shooting champion. Oh, okay. Gold medalist, silver and gold. And his son is also world champion.
Starting point is 02:28:49 And he has a whole system on how to train. And he does a lot. He's super heavy on visualization, like mega heavy. And he used to train six hours a day visually. Whoa. Yeah, like an extreme experiment. And he went from silver to gold. Like he's a very fascinating guy.
Starting point is 02:29:04 He has a whole fascinating guy he has a whole system he wrote a great book called with winning in mind one of the best books in the game ah with winning in mind yeah and it's all about visualizing he yes absolutely it's his journey in like he basically he talks about how everybody has a has a self-image and you live up to your self-image so he has this thing where self-image. So he has this thing where like, let's say he does something good in practice.
Starting point is 02:29:27 Let's say you did a, you landed a good throw in practice or a submission. He would tell himself, he'll give him a cue, that's me. That's me.
Starting point is 02:29:34 If he did something wrong in practice, he would visualize it, him doing it right. And he'd be like, that's me. So he's building his self-image.
Starting point is 02:29:41 So then he says, because he says like, guys, when they're under the, the lights this the guys who screw up the guys who choke is because they couldn't visualize themselves as a winner they couldn't but he's not talking about visualizing yourself raising your hand he's talking about visualizing the process of winning like actually doing every step so that you're
Starting point is 02:30:00 telling your subconscious mind this is where you're going like he's leading like he has a very interesting system and i think it makes a lot of sense because guys who relive the bad in practice those are the guys who're going to screw up again how do you spell his name uh laney basham it's b-a-s-e-h no s-h-s-h-a-m s-s-h-a-m yeah and how do you spell his first name Lenny Lenny Lenny yeah this guy's awesome
Starting point is 02:30:29 L-A-N-N-Y wow what a crazy name yeah Lenny Bassham that's a good way to remember him L-A-N-N-Y alright man you know what
Starting point is 02:30:39 when I go on vacation I might get that book and put it on the Kindle yeah you can get the audio too oh it's got audio that's interesting yeah i like that man i like um because visualization particularly have you visualized in the isolation tank before yeah yeah that's my favorite that's like visualization squared because you can you can imagine yourself going through movements you
Starting point is 02:31:02 could see them you know and without when your body is just floating around in there, you have more access to resources. Your brain sort of works better. You can picture things better. You lose what's real, what's dream, what's thought. It's all real now. Yeah. Six hours a day pretending you're shooting shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Ba-ding. Ba-ding. And why I believe the system works is because not only was he champion, his son also went through his curriculum. And he became a champion. And shooting is a hard sport. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:28 And it's a lot about getting everything lined up perfectly, squeezing the trigger at the right time. Don't jerk the gun. Follow the clay pigeon. Shh. Boom. Knowing when to pull. Yeah. Yeah, it's very mental.
Starting point is 02:31:41 So many things are, man. yeah it's very mental so many things are man how much when you're training young fighters how much time do you spend with them talking to them about how to think i always tell fighters that far from the fight it's 99 physical we have to go through the routine we have to drill we have to make these skills instinctual closer we are to the fight like the week of the fight now it's 99 mental i can't train you no more i can't make you go back into recovery the fight's coming this week so as we get closer to the fight it becomes more and more mental do you tell them to stay off social media the week of the fight uh some of them some of them that's that's how they let their energy go i know it's so nuts yeah you see fighters three days out fighting people on twitter like what are you doing but
Starting point is 02:32:23 some people are like that that's how they vent yeah me I'm not like that me I'm like you don't see me I have a YouTube channel but everything else I don't do too much social media
Starting point is 02:32:30 smart but some people they vent some people they feel like it's how they connect like I don't know if it's going to help them or hurt them but I like to
Starting point is 02:32:37 I like them to be surrounded with the training partners before the fight just training partners like least amount of public as possible that's how I like to do it but if the guy feels comfortable with his wife and daughter and they're before the fight. Just training partners, like least amount of public as possible. That's how I like to do it.
Starting point is 02:32:47 But if the guy feels comfortable with his wife and daughter and there, that's up to him. But I feel like when you're going to war, I wouldn't bring my family to war. That's how like me and George used to look at it. We're going to war. Don't bring your family, your kids. Like who wants his kid?
Starting point is 02:32:58 Like I know some fighters do, but I wouldn't want my child in the arena when I'm fighting. Right. Because I'll be thinking about them. Well, I remember watching the fight this weekend with Luis Ortiz and Wilder. When you see Luis Ortiz's family sitting there watching and then Wilder starches them, it makes you think. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:17 We can handle it. The family, maybe they can't. Right. Maybe that kid now is scarred. Right. I've seen a guy walk his son to the fight, like a five-year-old. This is like a local fight. Bring him to the corner, like VIP seating.
Starting point is 02:33:32 He gets knocked out really bad. This kid's five years old watching his dad totally out. And people are cheering. It's like, yeah, why'd you bring your son here? We're not here to play games. It's also a distraction. It's a distraction whether you like it or not. You to think about the kid you're holding the kid's hand it's ridiculous you know and by the way the universe doesn't give a fuck if you're holding
Starting point is 02:33:52 your kid's hand if you didn't practice correctly and if you're not skilled enough you're gonna get hit yeah yeah and if you're not if you're not as good as the person you're fighting your kid's gonna watch you get starched i think this is a very bad strategy like it could be a child abuse too like just leave the kid this is not their arena it's not for them it can fuck your kids head up me i don't let my kids watch fights where they know the people fighting oh not live anyway not live unless okay if it went well let's say it's a sub i'll let them watch but i'll let them watch live i don't know what's happening i don't know what's gonna happen like they know that person. They see that person regularly.
Starting point is 02:34:25 You know? I tell my wife, don't, when the fights are going on, let them go play. Put them in another room. Like, don't let them watch these fights. You know? Because you never know. Yeah, my kids started coming into the room to watch when I was watching fights on TV when they were like six, six or seven. And I have to tell them, I don't know if you're ready to watch this.
Starting point is 02:34:43 This is not good. And I'm like, these people are hurting each other somebody hurting each other daddy i'm like this is a fight they're fighting and she's like why do you tell these people do you do the commentator so you tell the people what's happening i go i explain i explain what's happening she goes do you like it when they beat each other i'm like it's complicated if the it is complicated like it's a for me the hardest thing is if i really know someone i like them watch them get fucked up and then also being excited about the guy who fucked them up it's really hard that's that's really hard to do i remember uh when uh machida knocked out um, I'm forgetting his name now, the founder of Reign MMA, Munoz.
Starting point is 02:35:29 Oh. And how he treated him after. He picked him up. Yes, yes. He bowed to him. He hugged him. Left high kick. Yeah, this made me feel better.
Starting point is 02:35:37 I was like, you know what? We're not trying to hurt people here. Right. This is just a fight. Well, they were friends, too. That was a weird one. That was a weird one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:42 Yeah, but there was a respect. And I don't want to hurt you more than I have to. Right. That was a weird one. Yeah. But there was a respect. And I won't hurt you more than I have to. And this was beautiful. Yes. Yeah. Well, Machida had some great moments like that, man. Yeah. Now, is George done?
Starting point is 02:35:53 Like, what is he doing? How often does he train? All the time, man. All the time. It's a machine. It's a machine. Dude, I'm telling you. I believe it, man.
Starting point is 02:36:02 If Usman or Kobe gets injured, like. Really? I don't know I don't want to talk for George But man He can kill anybody Wow He can kill anybody
Starting point is 02:36:10 This man He's the world's greatest martial artist Really? I think so I'm telling you He's a monster Like I was training with him Saturday The guy's an animal
Starting point is 02:36:18 Well you know what When he came back And fought Bisping I was like man This is going to be interesting to see And he came back And he looked fucking better than ever. His hands look great. His kicks look perfect.
Starting point is 02:36:29 Everything. And that rear naked choke was one of the best rear naked chokes to win a title I've ever seen in my life. Yes. Because it wasn't this one with the palm of the back of the head. It was cinched up. It was rock solid. And his jujitsu looks so fucking sharp, man.
Starting point is 02:36:45 It's like, he clearly showed that he had been training the whole time. That even though he hadn't fought in those years, he had been training hard.
Starting point is 02:36:53 He looked better. He loves to train. Like Saturday, he trained, he finished all his rounds and then he was coaching some blue belts and purple belts
Starting point is 02:37:00 and just kind of hanging out with them talking technique. The guy loves this stuff, man. He just, but that's what I tell people. If you love something, you'll do a lot of it. I'm thinking.
Starting point is 02:37:11 Knowledge is power. He's such a nutcase, George. He's crazy. He's great. He always tells me, like, so many crazy characters in MMA. I'm like, dude, you're the craziest one of all. No, I'm normal. He thinks aliens are stealing his time.
Starting point is 02:37:24 Oh, my God. Dude, I show hotel. He thinks aliens are stealing his time. Oh my God. Dude, I show hotel room with him many times. He puts a foam roller against the door like this. Why does he do that? I'm like, George,
Starting point is 02:37:34 like I moved it, you know, I put it away. Right. No, bro, leave it there. Like for what? In case the aliens get us. He'll know,
Starting point is 02:37:42 the next day he'll know because the foam roller was moved. Oh, Jesus Christ. Doesn't he think aliens can come through walls? How are they taking him out? They just take him through the hallway holding his hand? Because they wipe his memory after.
Starting point is 02:37:51 But he'll know because they don't know. He put the foam roller there. So when they move it, when they move it, he'll remember. It's a cue for him to remember. What if he's right? What if the aliens really are experimenting on him? What if they really come down and they say, this is the world's greatest martial artist.
Starting point is 02:38:08 We are going to run tests on him. He's awesome, man. I don't know what to say about his mind. And he's got to be like 37 now, right? He's older. Is he 38? 38 now, yeah, 38. Does he have a thought in mind of when he's going to definitely throw it in?
Starting point is 02:38:24 It has to be, in my opinion, it's going to definitely like throw it in or is he just it has to be in my opinion it's going to have to be I don't want to talk for him okay but I think the thing that's going to motivate him is a mega fight right
Starting point is 02:38:31 like he doesn't want to be champion again and fight every 3-4 months like that's done right that's not going to happen no more but one mega fight
Starting point is 02:38:38 invite him back for a mega fight see if you can entice him because he's a competitor he's still training he's still ripped shredded fighting he could do 5 rounds I mean like maybe not he'll do five rounds
Starting point is 02:38:48 right away but he needs a few weeks then he's doing five rounds like he's close to being like he can get in fight shape he's there you know he's just a monster man i'm telling you like he's he's a very young 38 year old like i would if you i would tell you he's 20 years old really yeah he's in that good of shape. Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? He's a monster. That's crazy that he kept the discipline. A lot of the guys, they stop fighting and they just lose that discipline.
Starting point is 02:39:11 They just don't want to train anymore. He loves it. Well, that's what's important about George is that he's a martial artist. He's always been a martial artist. And that desire to learn and enjoying the training and the struggle. Yeah, to him, it's happy. For me, too. When I go to the gym.
Starting point is 02:39:27 Why doesn't the UFC taunt him? I don't know. Why don't they say, George, we got to fight for you, buddy. Yeah. Well, listen, that would be, well, first of all, I want to see Tony Ferguson versus Khabib. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What is it?
Starting point is 02:39:39 Dana White. UFC targeting Khabib, number go better off Tony Ferguson for April. Ooh. Must happen. Must. Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Oh, shit. Brooklyn.
Starting point is 02:39:49 That means I'm going back to Peter Luger Steakhouse. April 18th. That's a good fight. I like that fight. I like that fight a lot. Please, Tony, don't fall down
Starting point is 02:39:57 and hurt your knee. Please, baby Jesus, make this happen. This is the fifth time they booked them. Is it that many times? Fifth time. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:40:04 Five, four times five four times doesn't happen i gotta forget about it fucking bad listen there's some bad voodoo on this one if this one doesn't happen because they both pulled out twice on each side that's so crazy injury there's that one of them was the day before the day of the way and i think there was a pull up april yes make it happen come on. Come on. That's got to happen. Fuck yeah. Whoever wins that is the greatest lightweight of all time. It's a good argument for it.
Starting point is 02:40:29 Can you argue against that? No. I mean, Tony's had an incredible streak. Incredible. I mean, look at his- And he never lost his title. No. And the only fight he lost, he broke his arm.
Starting point is 02:40:37 He lost to Michael Johnson. Long time ago. Broke his arm and then finished the fight and lost the decision. But I think he blocked a kick snapped his forearm that guy has freakish cardio amazing freakish amazing he goes back to the corner not even breathing heavy his opponent's exhausted the opponent's face looks like it's gone through a fucking meat grinder i mean what is in his fucking knuckles man that guy punches people and just breaks their face apart it's crazy never gets tired tremendous tremendous submission game tremendous striking game and very awkward
Starting point is 02:41:13 his striking game is extremely awkward yes very hard to read what he's doing he's unpredictable yeah elbows knees spinning everything shooting rolling on the ground super creative the way he beat donald was extremely impressive. Yeah, because Donald's a really good striker. Donald's. And he battered him on the feet. I mean, Donald's face was a mess. Round one was close.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Yeah. Round one was close. Well, he's feeling him out. Yes. But round two was like, what happened now? This is just another dimension. He just jumped ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:44 He just ramped it up. And when he beat up Pettis like that, I was like, Jesus he just jumped ahead yeah he just ramped it up and when he beat up Pettis like that I was like Jesus Christ yeah you know he's something special man he's something special and I gotta see him fight for the title you know I mean and also I was really disagreed with them stripping his interim title because he hurt his knee like come on man the guy's doing fucking all this press for you guys he falls down a freak accident and hurts his knee and you take away the interim title injury man yeah injury and in mma it's always knees or shoulders you have to protect of course spine but knees and shoulders you have to go under the knife now it could really alter your career yep acl pcl these things you should never you should never like you should do
Starting point is 02:42:19 everything in your power to avoid these like i think george's career would have been a lot longer obviously would have been if he didn't have those ACL injuries. What we know today, we could have avoided it. But the way we were training, we were doing certain things that were a little bit crazy. And now today...
Starting point is 02:42:33 What kind of things? You had Kelly start on the show? Sure. This guy's a genius, man. I'm telling you. We sent George there. He's amazing.
Starting point is 02:42:39 He's amazing. Is there Becoming a Supple Leopard? Oh, my God. Fantastic book. I always thought it was the greatest training book in the game. People are like, oh, like oh that's an exaggeration no it's not because form
Starting point is 02:42:48 is everything if you don't have great form you're gonna get injured like as i get older i realize how important form is like form is everything and he has he has these rules in the book that protect your knee and george was doing this the vulgus fault all his career and i never noticed it until i read his what was he doing what they call it the volgus what is that it's when you when you jump in your knees bow in oh george always does that i've seen george do a thousand backflips he's always landing like that yeah his knees bowing in yeah and i was reading the book and i was like george had an acl injury already i was reading the book and i was like holy moly i do this fault george's we all do this he's like oh this will tear your acl i'm like what really so i called him up like hey would you work with george george went there he corrected him and
Starting point is 02:43:29 we haven't had an injury since and it's so important because everybody hurts their knee in the game everybody jujitsu guys and i'm always like telling them guys read the book guys won't even read the book it's a picture book it's super simple he says there's two things there's two rules to live by one is alignment and the other one avoid over tension in the muscle i i that's why i i bought the the the dms you ever heard dms deep muscle stimulator okay that's why i started that thing that machine you remember it loosens up the muscle you never have let's tell everybody about the tim tam because i'm a bit of fan of that tim tam since you brought it in here. We have one right behind you.
Starting point is 02:44:05 See that one? But now there's a new one that's fucking 10 times better with heat. The new Tim Tam with heat is incredible. Yeah, bring it out because here's the thing about this too. It sounds like a commercial, but it's just for you. This is for you. This has nothing to do with selling things. Hear how loud this is?
Starting point is 02:44:23 The new one is way quieter sounds like i'm doing a tim tam commercial i think i am but listen listen how much quieter that is right next to it same thing that's one and here's the other one ready here's the other one see dude much quieter this thing saved your career how does it It keeps going Yeah you gotta click the trigger finger Now you're gonna There's three speeds Oh Most powerful machine in the game
Starting point is 02:44:50 Oh I like it It stays on too Yes Click it one more time You know That's 2800 RPM 32 millimeters And then heat
Starting point is 02:44:58 Travel Plus heat You know what girls are gonna use this for right They don't need boyfriends anymore No Now You know what would be nice too This could sit in a vice
Starting point is 02:45:06 Like clamp it And then lean up Against like a Like a rack Like a monster rack And like Yes Coming out 2020
Starting point is 02:45:13 Really Yeah yeah yeah What are you gonna have You can You can clamp it on anything Absolutely anything Like that That's what
Starting point is 02:45:19 I need that We have a lock trigger Heat See that Jamie Heat It's fucking warm If you have a tight muscle In your body
Starting point is 02:45:26 You gotta kill it Yeah Like if your hamstring is tight You're gonna blow your ACL Yes If you're Like Yesterday
Starting point is 02:45:33 I was sitting in an airplane You know This is what Kelly Starrett says He says I'm telling you This guy changed my career He says look If you sit in an airplane
Starting point is 02:45:40 Or in a chair He has a great book on sitting Like sitting is the new smoking Like don't sit all day Like especially you sit all day Yeah But you gotta know how to sit Because you cripple your back
Starting point is 02:45:49 I don't know how to sit And it's like How do I sit? It's like you're making This muscle tight You know what I'm saying? Okay And then what happens
Starting point is 02:45:56 When you go and do athletics Your hips are tight Right When you're sitting For prolonged hours You're creating over tension In certain parts of your body There are rules to
Starting point is 02:46:05 sitting like i used to sit wrong my back i used to have sciatica horrible sciatica this guy fixed me up and i'm telling you i wouldn't be able to train as much as i do if it wasn't for him well i'll tell you what helped me is these fucking chairs this they're called fully yeah this is good oh my god it's called the capisco rather from a company called fully actually i think they changed the name of the company again find out because i saw it on instagram i was like that's the chair i have but i don't know but anyway these uh i bought these from my house i bought these these are fucking phenomenal because they force you to sit erect yeah yeah i've noticed yeah you can't like if you slump like this i mean i used to have like regular office chairs the way my ass would sit
Starting point is 02:46:41 into them let's slump and by the end of a podcast the middle of my back but you know what's the best in my opinion is sitting lotus you know like when you cross your legs they have chairs that are there it is fully yeah it is fully it's called the capisco by oh hag h-a-g capisco by hag that's a h with like a weird little thing on top of it what is that is that a actual h a the a rather what is that the fuck is that a is that a new a what is that well that a as in lowercase huh it's swedish okay so it's their version of an a cut it out cut it out with your fucking extra a but anyway the chair is amazing yeah yeah I used to... So, lotus.
Starting point is 02:47:25 A lotus chair? Yeah, if you cross your legs. Like, there's a chair. It's just a bigger platform where you're sitting. The cushion is wider. And you can cross your legs like you're in the lotus position.
Starting point is 02:47:33 That keeps your spine stable. That's why he says, like, you see people who meditate, they sit in a particular way. And your spine has to be neutral. So, for me, the ultimate way to sit, for me personally, like, you see the Japanese,
Starting point is 02:47:43 they sit on the floor. Yeah. They cross their, like, they're in a lotus position and of course a white stance yeah kind of like that but yeah there you go now you can relax oh you're flexible i do the yoga oh you're very flexible right from yoga class did you yeah yeah i try to do yoga at least twice a week. So anyways, this book, he talks about all the various faults people do. Like how to create torque in your body. Man, the guy is brilliant.
Starting point is 02:48:15 Yeah, he is. I had him on the podcast many, many years ago. Back in the early days. I have to have him on again. This would be good to sit like this. But it'd be annoying after a while. You'd have to have a wider platform, like a wider cushion cushion then you can get comfortable and kind of chill you yeah but even then i don't know if i could do that for a whole podcast maybe barefoot there's a variety of ways
Starting point is 02:48:33 he sits he has a book on just sitting that's so ridiculous yeah yeah because people get injured because of prolonged sitting but what do you think about those standing desks those are the best yeah he recommends them highly there's some that that have weird platforms, too, where the platform's moving. What do you mean? They wiggle and go back and forth, so you're always standing, kind of funky. This is what he says is the ultimate. He made this bar for standing desks. It's designed by Kelly Starrett.
Starting point is 02:48:57 Yeah, this is it. This is what you got to do. What is he doing there? Just sitting. You can move your leg back and forth. It's like a swing almost. Oh, okay. But think of a bar stool.
Starting point is 02:49:08 You have a place to put your foot. You have a place to sit, and you can get up. You're almost sitting and standing every so often. So there's always this motion, this movement. And you need this mobility because what happens to a muscle that's just not moving for hours and hours? It gets super tight. So is that just the bar, or does he sell the desk too? That's a standing.
Starting point is 02:49:27 That looks like a rigid, solid standing desk. Scroll down, Jamie, so I can see that. He's just selling the bar. Scroll down so I can see that. So that is just something that someone made to their specific height. Yeah. Yeah. What do you call that bar?
Starting point is 02:49:39 And when you're at a bar, the bar, you can put your foot on it. You know, there's the bar and then you can put your foot on the bar on the bottom of the bar. I think it's the put your foot on it bar. This is what it mimics. Yeah, that makes sense. Because he says that's what you got to do when you're sitting. Ah, that makes sense. He says, like, the bar is the best way to sit.
Starting point is 02:49:55 So a bar under here would be good if I had a bar. If you had a bar. Yeah. Or I need one of them under my chair. These chairs have it now. They do? Yours might be the older one, but the new ones they sell. Well, what the fuck? Just grab the other one. Well, what the fuck? No, it chairs have it now. They do? Yours might be the older one, but the new ones they sell. Well, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:50:05 Just grab the other one. Well, what the fuck? No, it does have a thing. There is some sort of a bar here. My feet have this thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is? So you're supposed to sit with your feet on that?
Starting point is 02:50:15 Yeah, yeah. There we go. I think this table, maybe it's three inches too low. Yeah, it's a little too low. Yeah, it's got to be higher. It's like banging into my... But it's perfect for elbow sit. That's actually not bad to sit like that. Oh, yeah, you'll get real comfortable. I kind of like that. Yeah, me, when I Yeah, it's got to be higher. It's like banging into my, but it's perfect for elbow sit. That's actually not bad to sit like that.
Starting point is 02:50:25 Oh, yeah, you'll get real comfortable. I kind of like that. Yeah, me, when I sit, it's always like this. At home, I can't sit any other way. My back's finished. This is actually better. I've never sat. This is actually, for me, it wedges my knees underneath this table.
Starting point is 02:50:39 This might be perfect. I'm telling you. Me, when I eat at home, this is how I sit. Really? I can't sit any other way. My back is finished. I'm telling you me when i when i when i eat at home i have my this is how i sit really i can't sit any other way my back is finished i'm telling you like my back is healthy now but if like when i fly i have to take care of my back as soon as i get to hotel i gotta keep away all the tension in my my hips and my glutes like i have to make sure what is your issues with your back just from training i have it here you know right here this whole area i do whenever i fly
Starting point is 02:51:04 because i'm sitting down and my right my muscles just get super tight super super does your back itself the spine itself get tense or just the lower part your glutes i had a bulging disc l4 l5 gone really gone how'd you get that to go away um natural natural decompression so basically uh it's in it's in kelly star's book you lie down on your back imagine lying down back and you raise your legs and you put them on a platform like let's say i was on the floor and i put my feet up on oh i see okay and you put one of those twin lacrosse balls or one lacrosse ball and you kind of you put it under your back and you just kind of wedge because you're because you're lying down you're naturally decompressing
Starting point is 02:51:45 the spine anyways in his book he shows you how to take care of your back i just did those exercises religiously the problem was it took a long time that's why i started this thing this thing i do instead of going to the gym and rolling up and down and for for 45 minutes i could get it done in five minutes super fast i'm done you know and that you have to do it. Like the manager at my gym just popped his heel cord just by doing a round off. The guy, he's an ex-gymnast. He's always doing round offs in the gym. He's always fooling around.
Starting point is 02:52:13 You mean his Achilles tendon? Yeah, heel cord popped. He was warmed up. He was training for an hour. He's like, let me do a round off. Like he does this like routine. Pops his heel cord. I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 02:52:24 I can't afford that to happen to me. Yeah, that's a out for a month like he's it's a crazy surgery he just did it and it's a lot of physiotherapy and like if i did that it probably destroyed my business like i gotta be in the gym you know i got i got fighters to train i got people to like i got i'm too busy to have a heel cord injury you know like these these kind of things can ruin a career if you get one acl tear it's very bad for your career if you have two it could ruin your career like george when it happened the second time okay he had the finances and the name he was already built he could take a year off right but if he was on the way up if that happened in the first second or first or second year of his career his career would have been over like i've had fighters have two acl tears early in their
Starting point is 02:53:03 career career's over. Why? The guy's been off for a year. So now he's going to do it again and then two years later his other, because you know typically your other ACL pops two years later.
Starting point is 02:53:13 Yeah, you know if you pop your ACL on the right, you're a candidate now for the left. Two years later, pop. I hope you're rich and famous already. I hope you built your name.
Starting point is 02:53:22 I hope you put enough money in the bank because that's a long time to be on the sidelines Now imagine you have three ACL injuries You're pretty much done Yeah You know it's a lot to come back from And like when George fought Condit
Starting point is 02:53:33 He'd come back from an ACL injury Man that was a horrific training camp Because it was such a small window Look are you okay enough to do the training camp Some doctors are saying yes Not sure It was such a stressful time Because that fight was happening
Starting point is 02:53:46 at a particular date and George was making his comeback I would have liked a few more months to get him ready like it was a small window to fit in that big fight
Starting point is 02:53:53 and luckily it worked out but ACL injuries is something very serious yeah I've had both of them done yeah what was that what was the recovery like
Starting point is 02:54:02 not good no this one was way harder though this left one was a patella tendon graft where they cut your own patella tendon and drill it in and open you up like a fish and screw it in place. This one was a cadaver. This was way easier. This one was six months.
Starting point is 02:54:14 I was done. How long was the graft? More than a year before it felt right. More than a year. More than a year. Imagine. More than a year before it felt right. I could do stuff, but it just always hurt, and I couldn't get on my knees.
Starting point is 02:54:24 If I was on my knees. Like if I was, if I was on my knees and I was going to like start from a kneeling position, it would hurt like hell. Just like kneeling to pick something up because they take
Starting point is 02:54:32 a chunk of your bone out, you know, and that takes a long time to feel right. Thank God. Yeah. I know I'm going to break my ACL now
Starting point is 02:54:39 because I say this next week. No. I never pop my ACL. Thank God. And I think about it all the time. Like I'm very careful and I do a lot of leg locks and my students are like lockers but in the gym we're very controlled
Starting point is 02:54:49 like i don't like guys to crank the leg lock hold right hold three seconds and that's it yeah in the tap quick yes and i tap me i don't care if somebody grabs me in the leg lock tap yes uh we do leg lock situation it's very safe if you if you have a good culture in the gym but some guys are just you know sometimes it's spazzes and those guys i don't let them do leg locks situation. It's very safe if you have a good culture in the gym, but some guys are just, you know. Sometimes it's spazzes. And those guys, I don't let them do leg locks or off the mat. Well, you know, Dr. Roddy McGee out of Vegas, he does a lot of work with the UFC fighters. He's an orthopedic surgeon. They have some new technique where they can reattach ACLs where they don't have to get a cadaver graft anymore.
Starting point is 02:55:21 Really? Yeah. Synthetic? No, no. They reattach your own torn acl they put it back together again wow and they had one one uh athlete i forget what sport it was but he did it and then four months after the surgery competed in the olympics really yes that's amazing yeah he showed me videos of this guy and they showed he also showed me
Starting point is 02:55:41 it's like they take the cord like say as the ACL snaps so the ligament snaps they put it back together again they have this crazy intricate method of stitching it all back together again and then it heals up much faster that way
Starting point is 02:55:55 and I think they do it in conjunction with stem cells they use stem cells as well to accelerate the healing I've never heard of that it's a very new thing I'll connect you to him
Starting point is 02:56:02 you would love him he's a great he's been on the podcast before, too. He's a great guy, and he's on the cutting edge. He's always going to all these different conferences and finding out about these new research projects that have been done on new healing methods and surgery methods and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:56:18 He's always a young guy, very on top of it. But he's worked with a lot of UFC fighters. Last time I saw Francis in his office or rather Francis Ngannou was in there getting some stem cell shots
Starting point is 02:56:28 in his arm injuries is the worst man fuck man you gotta stay away from injuries there's no way when you come to
Starting point is 02:56:34 TriStar the gym is jam packed and I had one friend of mine an instructor from another province and he's like he came to the gym
Starting point is 02:56:42 and he was shocked how much students have and I was like yeah because here when you gym and he was shocked how much students I have. And I was like, yeah, because here when you come to train, nobody gets injured. Like that's my,
Starting point is 02:56:50 that's one of my key secrets. Like when you come in here, if I see any guy going out of control, like it depends, you know, the more experienced you are, the more I let you guys go hard. But if you're,
Starting point is 02:56:58 if you're a beginner, like if I see two beginners killing each other, like I put a stop to it. I put him with a blue belt. The blue belt's gonna, he's gonna to teach him, take him under his wing,
Starting point is 02:57:06 but he's not going to brutalize him because what happens, you're losing that student. One of those two is going to get brutalized. He's not coming back. And then that's one less guy in the practice room. That guy, I could have developed him. Give me a year or two.
Starting point is 02:57:16 He's a good training partner for my other guys. It's like a pyramid. Give me five years with him. Now, all of a sudden, he's a key training partner. Oh, seven years now, he's a winner. He's a champion. He's going pro. That guy guy you lost him on day one because you you smacked
Starting point is 02:57:29 him around you didn't think he's anybody you know like give me time with that guy i'm gonna mold him let me season him so that's why i like to train at my gym because i know everybody has that kind of attitude i always tell my students if you your partner gets injured it's your fault like go in with that mentality when you get good like my students there have some students that are knuckleheads they are like you know they're cowboys you know i tell them by the time you're good you're going to be crippled like you know your shoulder like you you got to black belt but oh you got to retire now you got to stop training i'm very big on technique physical physical conditioning, but rough sparring has to be like controlled or done very rarely or in a smart way because so many talented kids get busted up.
Starting point is 02:58:12 So many, like it's crazy. So MMA, the injuries are ridiculous. Yeah. MMA, jujitsu, even Muay Thai,
Starting point is 02:58:20 I mean, just all martial arts. I mean, I think that's so important that treat it like your training partner is someone who you're in partnership with. Like you're helping each other. And you need them. If you don't have good training partners,
Starting point is 02:58:33 you're never going to be good. This is something I learned from George. I'll tell you, the one guy who never hurts anybody in practice is George. He's the safest guy to train with. I'm telling you, I've seen him hurt like three people in practice. All the years I've seen him fight. three people in practice all the years i've
Starting point is 02:58:45 seen him fight that's amazing i could tell you three times you heard a guy like bad and it was always accidental obviously and uh one case was a guy got out of control and just kind of like george kind of lit him up but that's very rare because georgio just like finished around that's part of that guy if he's that guy's like you know he's gonna hurt himself if he continues uh but he's very controlled when he trains but that's why everybody wants to train with joy it's crazy like if i would say who wants to go to everybody's gonna raise their hand it's crazy because it's gonna be a great experience that's the kind of guy there's some students i have that nobody wants to train with because
Starting point is 02:59:17 they're crazy yeah and i always tell them straight like sometimes i roll with people and they scratch my hand that's one thing i hate when they scratch like you're rolling they dig their nails yeah they're digging their nails because they're nervous right i won't roll with that guy for a while because every time i wash my hands my hands are stinging you know like it's such an annoyance to have scratched like you know it's painful yeah every time you wash your hands and then i roll somebody grabs my hand it's like ah you know it's like a paper cut and it's like or the guy who kicks you in the groin he's too nervous he's spazzy and it's oh he kicks i can't stand it i had one guy poke me in the eye i was blind for two hours joe really i got to the hospital my vision was still not there i'm telling you two hours just
Starting point is 02:59:56 because and the guy was a seasoned wrestler or wrestling and he just people are nervous because they're rolling with me i'm the instructor there's some people some guys are just nervous because they're rolling with me. I'm the instructor. Some guys are just nervous because I got to show him I'm good. And he kind of did this ridiculous reaction, like a totally absurd reaction. And he poked me in the eye so bad. I'm telling you, my vision was gone for two hours. By the time I got to the hospital, I still wasn't seeing. I thought I lost my eye. I was freaking out.
Starting point is 03:00:20 I was like, dude, I'm going to have one eye. I'm going to have a glass eye. I was like. But luckily, it was just like a swelling. I had such swelling inside my eye when it went down. I was, my vision came back, but I still see a light show. Like when I'm driving, I see lights. Really?
Starting point is 03:00:34 Yeah. They told me if one day you see like black polka dots, you have two days to get a surgery or else you're going to lose your eye or something like that. Like, so now if I'm, if one day my vision goes polka dot black, like I start seeing black spots, I have to rush the eye doctor. But luckily now, it's been over a year,
Starting point is 03:00:52 so my eye's fine. When you say you see light shows, what is it? Is it a red tear? Parker light. I guess. I'll be like, Jesus.
Starting point is 03:00:59 Isn't that what Bisping said that caused him to retire? He started seeing lights in his right eye. Or his left eye, rather. His He started seeing lights in his right eye. Or his left eye, rather. His right eye. No, his right eye is all fucked up.
Starting point is 03:01:10 His left eye, he started seeing lights in too. Oh, really? And that's what he said, I'm done. Yeah, it's too dangerous. Because he realized he's already, I mean, he's basically blind in one eye. You see how he wears a glass eye or a cap. You can see when he got hit by Kelvin. He didn't see that shot.
Starting point is 03:01:24 No, he didn't see that shot. That's why I took him took him like when you don't see the shot it's worse well he said is effectively fighting blind in one eye for you know since the vitor fight essentially yeah you can't see the depth but yeah i see lights here and there and sometimes i turn my head because i think they're outside well i think the light is outside but it's it still, it's. It's the aliens. They've moved the roller. I'm much better now though. But for like a year, I was like. Fuck man. I was seeing lights everywhere.
Starting point is 03:01:51 And did you get an MRI on it? No. Do they know what's going on? Social medicine, Joe. Social? Social medicine. What does that mean? You wait eight hours in line and then they give you the minimum care.
Starting point is 03:02:01 Oh, social. Yeah. Socialized medicine. Socialized medicine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck that. You wait eight hours in line. You care. Oh, social. Yeah, I get it. Socialized medicine. Socialized medicine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck that. You wait eight hours in line. You wait eight hours in line.
Starting point is 03:02:07 Yeah. And then they give you the minimum amount of treatment. You're here in Los Angeles. Why don't you stop and visit some real doctors? That's true. Yeah. I would like you to get it checked out, though, if you're still seeing weird lights. I hate doctors, man.
Starting point is 03:02:21 Really? Oh, my God. I love them. Really? Oh, yeah. They put me back together again. I'd rather just like, I don't know. I believe in nutrition and exercise. I do, man. Really? Oh, my God. I love them. Really? Oh, yeah. They put me back together again. I'd rather just like, I don't know. I believe in nutrition and exercise.
Starting point is 03:02:28 I do, too. I feel like I'm going to last. I also believe in doctors. Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. I'm just scared of them. You believe in everything good.
Starting point is 03:02:33 Yeah, yeah. I just have a fear of doctors. I believe in water. I believe in a lot of good stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know. But you know what it is?
Starting point is 03:02:40 In Canada, you want to see a doctor, you have to wait a long time. Yeah. And I'm lucky because I have friends that are doctors. So I just call them up and I go see them. But man, to go do the tests and all this and waiting, it takes forever. Yeah. I hear you, man. But yeah, eyes are, I mean, you know Winklejohn's story.
Starting point is 03:02:54 Yeah. I mean, that's the craziest one. Holding pads for someone, the guy misses a kick on the pad and hits his toe into his eye. I mean, just crazy. One more time. You can't have one more accident. Yeah. You have one eye that's missing now.
Starting point is 03:03:05 And the guy had a nice long fight career too. Never had any problems with his eyes and loses an eye that way. It's crazy. When I hold pads, I hold a small. The most dangerous pad to hold is a small one. Why is that? Because there's a smaller target. And plus you feel the kick.
Starting point is 03:03:21 There's less between me and the kick and the knee. This is a very dangerous pad to hold. And I hold sometimes for seven fighters one night. Seven fighters. I always wear a cup, but I have nothing on my eyes. One time I got a kick in the head. I never had a concussion in my life except for this time. The guy, he missed a pad.
Starting point is 03:03:40 He just kicked wrong. I'm trying to move it. Boom, hit me off the head. I'm telling you i was seeing stars for like an hour and a half finished the whole training and didn't say a word to nobody i was seeing like lights and i was like i was concussed for sure i acted normal finished practice went home well not feeling well like kind of like i took it took it easy from then but first time i get kicked in the head pow it's very dangerous to be a holder yeah one mistake it is
Starting point is 03:04:03 one thing though i wear for sure is a cup. When I hold, I always wear a cup. Oh, yeah. I've been kicked in the groin holding. Like, the pads are up here. The guy kicks you down there. What are you going to do? But I'm always holding in a way to protect myself. But if I get a little bit sloppy, which can happen, you know, you're tired, boom, the
Starting point is 03:04:16 holder can get hit really hard. It can really hurt. I've been hit in the rib, full kick. Yeah, you get your organs battered, too. Yeah, you get very hurt. And there's a lot of guys who let people kick them when they have those body shields on. Yes. They let them throw full power roundhouse kicks to the body.
Starting point is 03:04:28 Yeah, I do it. Freddie Roach, he got knocked out by Tyson. Did he really? He was telling me the story. Tyson knocked him out. He was holding pads for Tyson. Tyson knocked him out. Oh my God.
Starting point is 03:04:36 Because sometimes the guy's in his head. Yeah. He's in his head. He doesn't, like, you're holding for three punches and he throws a fourth one, but just because it flowed. Right. I don't think they're malicious. Like, my guys are very, you know, they're good kids. They're just in his head. He doesn't, like, you're holding for three punches, and he throws a fourth one, but just because it flowed. I don't think they're malicious. Like, my guys are very, you know, they're good kids. They're just in the flow, and sometimes they hit you.
Starting point is 03:04:51 It's very dangerous. That's why me, when I hold pads, I'm always, like, on guard. Always, always, always. It's very dangerous. Pad holding is not easy. Very dangerous. No, it's an art, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:05:01 There's something that's really, it's, there's some people that do it really well and those people are cherished and then there's some people that just, you know, they just do basic shit. You might as well hit the bag. But Wink,
Starting point is 03:05:15 he's a great, I've been in a practice room with him, he's a great trainer. But he has one, like now he has to wear the glasses, I'm sure, like you, I've seen him wear glasses now.
Starting point is 03:05:21 This is so dangerous, man. He can't lose, he can't get hit, he cannot afford one more accident. Right, of course. And there's nothing they can do about it, right? Like he I've seen him wear glasses now This is so dangerous man He can't lose He can't get hit He can't have He cannot afford one more accident Right Of course And there's nothing they can do about it right
Starting point is 03:05:29 No he has a glass eye Is it glass eye Yeah he has one eye It's glass Oh I didn't know Yeah it's glass eye I thought they It's gone
Starting point is 03:05:35 Wow Unless he gets an organ transplant Maybe I don't know if they can ever do that Does he do that I don't know Fuck What kind of operation would that be I don't know
Starting point is 03:05:43 I don't know if they Like if they can Maybe get him a donor one day I don't know But man I of operation Would that be I don't know I don't know if they Like if they can Maybe get him a donor One day I don't know But man I wouldn't want to Lose my vision Yeah
Starting point is 03:05:50 For us We just did Three hours Did we 25 minutes man It's 625 Isn't that crazy Awesome man
Starting point is 03:05:59 What are the odds I had a blast I had a blast too So this new Tim Tam Yes Is it available now Can you buy it already Yes
Starting point is 03:06:04 Free shipping worldwide right now. So get to it if you want one, man. Free shipping. I got you one with your name on it. Thank you. Listen, folks, I'm not blowing smoke up his ass. This thing is fucking amazing. And the other one is amazing.
Starting point is 03:06:15 The old one's amazing. This one's even better. And the heat function. Incredible. This one, 32 millimeter travel. This one, 26. It's more powerful, this one. Most powerful one in the world.
Starting point is 03:06:24 And the only one in the world with heat. The one the only one only one in the world shit i love it um tri-star montreal if you're a trainer if you're a fighter rather and you want to be trained by the best it's one place to go my man thank you brother thank you sir appreciate you man thank you very much for us a hobby ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Bye.

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