The Joe Rogan Experience - JRE MMA Show #84 with Brendan Schaub

Episode Date: December 4, 2019

Joe is joined by Brendan Schaub to discuss some recent and upcoming fights ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A lot of shit on this table. Yeah, this table's ridiculous. I'm a mess, and this table's reflecting of the busyness of my life right now. I need to take some time and clean this fucking table. But the thing is, man, people keep bringing me shit. But it's all cool shit. Paul, I love you, buddy, but you gave me a mushroom hat. This hat is made out of-
Starting point is 00:00:27 Please put that on. Yes, I'll put this on. I don't know, is this the way to wear it? Like this way? I think so. That's fucking good. So people keep giving me cool shit. They also gave me this mushroom.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It's a dried mushroom. People give me all this cool shit, and so I go, oh, thank you, and then I don't know where to put it. You set it down. I got Dan Ayk. People give me all this cool shit. And so I go, oh, thank you. And I don't know where to put it. I got a Dan Aykroyd's vodka in the corner there. Cool skull vodka thing. Got it. I've never seen someone push vodka so hard on a podcast. He goes hard in the paint with his vodka sales. Great promotion. It's very smooth. And it's Dan Aykroyd. So you're like, I'll buy it just to let, I want to hear you talk. The blues brother. I'm in dude. I bought it. I bought it. He was a conehead.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I mean, he's one of the original Saturday Night Live slayers. Like, the real OG. One of the Blues Brothers! Blues Brother. Yeah. Hey, man, we started this podcast off talking off the record. And I thought it was probably good for everybody to hear. I'm so happy, you're not fighting,
Starting point is 00:01:25 you know? And what we're saying was, I know that I was a dick to you to get you to stop doing it. But I felt, I felt like there was almost no other way that you were going to live. I felt like I felt scared. I've seen too many people that are just, there's this,
Starting point is 00:01:43 there's a moment where it changes where they stop being that person and they keep fighting and you see it you see the deterioration and no one steps in and no one stops them and then i taught you'll talk to him alone man maybe you run into him in vegas maybe you both have a couple of drinks you see each other at the bar and you're like hey how's things and you have these conversations and then the reality sets in things are not good for a lot of these guys a lot of these guys that have taken punishment for too long there's no bringing them back man they get to this spot where you know everyone knows there's something wrong and no one says anything to them and i was real scared that that was going to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I was real scared. You know, like I didn't anticipate when we did that crazy podcast that wound up being, you know, this like intervention. I didn't even know I was going to do it. But while it was happening, I was like, you got to stop. That's all I was thinking is you got to get out. I was a little high. I don't even remember if we were drinking, but we probably were. That's all I was thinking is you got to get out. I was high I don't even remember if we were drinking, but we probably were
Starting point is 00:02:51 But I remember that being so sensitive to it like there's something has to be done Like now you got it you you had so many other possibilities That there's if like most guys that are all in on fighting They don't have anything on the side like there's almost nothing else there there's almost just fighting and maybe a family right but you were you were starting to flourish you're hilarious on podcasts what you know that can go away me and guys become shells and man i we see it right now now that you're out you you see it right yeah thank thank god or whoever's up there, man, for you and Brian Callen. Thank fucking God. I know it came out dicky.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I know it did. And I know I apologized then and I apologize now. But I think that's the only way you could do it. I knew you weren't going to listen. I knew you had this pride. Like we were talking about before the show, you were a top 10 professional heavyweight in the biggest organization in the world. That's an identity thing too, man. Like people get strapped into that identity.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's one of the harder things about fighters is when you quit, you have to find meaning in your life. Like what are you good at now? now dude for me I know I never did anything professionally but it was the formative stages of my life where the only thing that gave me any feelings of good was martial arts you feel like a loser the only thing the only thing everything else I felt even the I was kind of good at drawing but even then I was like my drawing teacher didn't like me I had friends that I was close with in the class we all drew and we liked our stuff, but man, I felt like a fucking loser except for martial arts. So when I quit and then I'm just doing comedy and I suck at comedy, I was eating shit.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And I was like, what am I quitting for? Like I'm quitting something that I was good at to be something that I suck at that I maybe think I have this pipe dream that I could eventually make a living out of. I remember that feeling of not having an identity. And obviously when you're 21, no one has an identity anyway. You're always so fucking confused. You're in your head. You're trying to figure it out. I was super fortunate where I was surrounded by guys like you, Callan, Bert, Tom.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And it's just like where I wanted to be in that party. I was so fortunate. The stars aligned for me where I was at this party over here and guys were getting CT and, you know, you're fighting and it's a fucking grind. And then you guys were over here. I'm like, well, I want to be one of them. I'm good, man. I'm good. I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And I think it took that bridge in that gap. that bridge in that gap you and to be honest i think that would that's the only way that you could have done it because the the ego that i had at the time especially fighting men getting to that level it was like that ego is insane the narcissist and the the dream of oh i can beat kane or stipe these guys and i i think the only way that i could have bridged that gap is by you going so hard in the paint dude i was I was so scared about Ngannou. I was so scared they were going to fight you with Ngannou or someone like that. You know what I mean? I was so scared you were going to get murked by some, when you weren't all in anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yes. You know? Those big fucking, when you watch like when Francis murked Overeem with that left hook. That uppercut? Jesus Jesus Christ like if that was you and I was calling that fight man oh dude it would be and I love Alistair he's a great guy I have a deep appreciation for him as a fighter I mean yeah and my my feeling was when he came over as k1 Grand Prix champion like this is the most celebrated striker we've ever had in MMA, and you saw it in his fight with Brock Lesnar. Phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Dude, people, man, that's one of the things that makes that Francis KO so fucking crazy. Insane. He did the same thing to Junior Dos Santos, remember? Overeem did it. He hit him with a beautiful left hook. Very similar punch. Super worried about that with you man but but i also i also think too for me it was
Starting point is 00:06:46 like this quick ascension into into this ufc and i'm and i'm fighting these top 10 top 15 guys i'm in this i'm in this world but it's like i was almost like a cheat code because i was really athletic i was really really athletic with my background my background. So I passed a lot of guys fast in my athleticism. But then you get to a certain point where you're fighting these vets where they fought big, powerful, athletic guys before. But then it comes down to experience and technique. And that's always, always going to win. Nine times out of ten, that's always going to win. The thing is about striking, too, is striking when you mix in with wrestling, You can kind of get away with a lot more a lot more crazy shit happens people knock people out that maybe wouldn't knock people out
Starting point is 00:07:30 Normally, you know like Kevin Randleman was an amazing example that he knocked out Mirko cro-cop of the left hook Remember that yeah, if they were in a straight kickboxing match, it's definitely possible that Kevin could do that Kevin was an incredible athlete But you would favor heavily that Mirko would be able to stuff that. All day. All day, most likely, because he was so elite in that realm. But you add striking to MMA and there's so much craziness going on that sometimes it's hard for people to clearly establish who's actually better on their feet until someone can stop the craziness. Yeah, there's blurred lines. Yeah, and then you get to this level.
Starting point is 00:08:06 There's this level where you get like a Masvidal. He's a perfect example because he's so goddamn good. He's so smart. He's so technical, and he finds these openings that maybe other people don't see or maybe they can't get to where those openings are, and he finds those. So you think you're doing good. You think you're doing good, but he's waiting. He's waiting for the moment where he sees this spot that he's been looking at and boom,
Starting point is 00:08:30 he cracks Darren Till with that step in left hook and puts him out. You put a fucking animal like Darren Till out cold. Come on, man. I think John's one of those guys too. Like we kind of, because of his last few opponents, everyone's like, God, maybe he's older. He's lost a step. I watch and I go, oh, he's playing he's older. He's lost a step. I watch and I go, oh, he's playing with his food. He's playing
Starting point is 00:08:48 with his food. I'm not disrespecting those guys who he's fought or Dominic Reyes who he's going to fight, but for John, you look at his legacy and the legends that he's fought, it's tough for him to get up for the challenge. So he's playing with his food right now. Wait until he fights. I'm telling you, wait until he goes to heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You're going to see the old John. When there's actual where he thinks it's a challenge, wait until you see him fight a steep air Francis. You're going to see the monster come out. Right now, he's just picking with his food. Yeah, I'll do that. All right. Yeah, let's do it. I think he's in cruise control.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think you're entirely correct. And I think when you are at that elite a level, when you've never been defeated, you have one loss. It's a bullshit loss. Everybody knows it's a bullshit loss. He really should get his record clean That should be something that you mean they cleared him with this whole picogram shit They found out that this is we just have this new ability to measure substances in the most Minuscule amounts that it's so ridiculous that just some random sort of vitamin that has some
Starting point is 00:09:46 contaminant, one millionth of a fucking gram or whatever the hell it is. Water or dick pill or protein, whatever the fuck you're eating. All kinds of shit test positive that's not a drug. It's not like someone's cheating. It's just, so they cleared him on that, right? USADA makes this whole statement about the new way they're viewing this stuff because the fact their equipment's just amazing. You can't hide from them anymore, man.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Shout out to USADA, though. Yeah, shout out. I like that USADA went, yeah, it's so good, and you guys are flagging? Yes. We're going to back off. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And they did the same. I like that they learned from it. I love it. I love that they did the same with marijuana. They realized, like, we're not dealing with a performance enhancer. As long as these guys aren't fighting high, it's just like helping them sleep and relax.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It's not helping anybody in terms of, like, not making them stronger or faster. And it might help them with anxiety and a lot of other things. So they release that, right? They're doing good things. But with John, it's cleared that he wasn't taking anything. This is just some shit that's a residual, like a residue that's on something else, some contaminated supplement. Same thing would happen with Tim Means.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Tim Means got busted the same way. I mean, they dragged it out with him for months. There's a lot of guys. When he was at his peak, really. I know, man. When he was peaking in the UFC. One of the most interesting welterweights. All of a sudden, boom, he gets a suspension from tainted supplements. You look at the guy. He's not a fucking steroid user. Dude, how about
Starting point is 00:11:00 Tom Waller? Yes. Kind of lost his career. Josh Barnett. I know. Same thing. People are upset, but if you're Usati, you're like, we don't know what to tell you, dude. Like, we're trying to move forward and get better. Right. It sucks for those guys, and I feel so terrible for those guys. But if you're USADA, like, our bat, we learn, though, man.
Starting point is 00:11:15 There's nothing to do. The thing is, USADA has a long career. You know, when you've got a guy like Tim Means or a guy like Josh Barnett, there's a window. Josh has had an extremely long window, obviously. Youngest ever UFC heavyweight champion. The longest, yeah. But that extremely long window, I mean, it's going to come to a close, and they took away a large chunk of it for something that turned out
Starting point is 00:11:34 to not be accurate. But they're going to last a long time. These guys, they say that at their peak, the best fighters have nine years at their peak. God, that's a long time. It's a long time. The only guys who really hit that nine-year stride at peak form, I think, is Anderson, Fedor. There's a few real legends.
Starting point is 00:11:54 GSP, obviously. GSP. John. John, obviously. John is undefeated right now. They took his title away. He wins it back. He's never lost a title fight.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And you're dealing with the guy wins the title, youngest ever in the sport, flying knee opener on Shogun. Had just nothing but success since then. People are like inspecting him with a microscope, expecting him to fall off. Like you're dealing with the goat, man. It's hilarious. He's the goat. And even after the Santos fight, I'm like, oh, Santos had one leg. So I went back and watched John Jones fight and you watch you're like oh
Starting point is 00:12:32 He's in he couldn't give two fucks about being in there right now. Well. He was smart, too Because he's smart. He's accurate. It's dangerous, but at the same time he could have took him down his coaches like dude I'm talking his manager like we were like dude take him down. He's like now I'm gonna say this anyone It's hard for him to take you look at the resume of guys he's beat. And then they're like – again, it's not a knock on Dominic Ray. It's not a knock on Corey Anderson or Anthony Smith. But you're like, here's Anthony Smith. And John's like, all right, yeah, let's do it, man. So, you know, he's fucking with his food right now.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Well, he's so good. But he's still able to fight off. Like, the Gustafson fight, the early one, the first one, was a perfect example of him falling into a trap, right? Partying too hard, didn't train. Trained for two weeks, sir. Barely, right? Everyone at camp was like, they were saying, what
Starting point is 00:13:18 do we do here? He goes out and guts it out. Wins in the stretch. Wins down the stretch. Like, he had to be pushed to win down the stretch. Right. And I trained with Gustafson for that fight. And I'm talking the best I've ever seen in the training room. I was like, oh, this guy's never going to lose.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah. Oh, he's the best I've ever seen. He would spar five rounds with me, then jump in with a heavyweight professional boxer and fuck him up. Five, five, five, five pounds. Beat the fuck out of me. And I'm like, he's never going to lose. John didn't, you got to understand, didn't train.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Didn't train. Went the distance and beat that man. And won down the stretch. Won down the stretch, gutted it out. That, and Gusvin's the best light heavyweight of all time if he was in a different era and there's no DC or Jon Jones. He's the GOAT. But you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I'm just saying, that's how good he is. He's the GOAT. But you can't say that. I'm just saying, that's how good he is. He's the GOAT if those two fucking guys aren't there. Yeah, you might be right. He was this close to beating both of them. Right, he could. This fucking close, dude. He could with the first fight.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yes. But then the second fight, Jon just runs him over. Because Jon took it serious. Took it very seriously and wanted to prove a point. Oh, he's good. Check this out. Yeah. How about the DC fight?
Starting point is 00:14:23 All right, beat you in decision. That's cool. Run it back. How about the DC fight? All right, beat you in decision. That's cool. Run it back. Boom. KO. Head kick. Yeah. And not just a head kick, but a head kick on the side where DC said, you're not going
Starting point is 00:14:32 to trick me into leaning towards my right where you could hit me with that left kick. Like, they actually had a conversation about it. The GOAT. Here's what's interesting about this. His light heavyweight is so... I just wish John would dip out and be like, you guys do your thing. Build the division. No, no, no, no, no, no. I like what he's doing. Well, no, he's defending hitting with that. His light heavyweight is so – I just wish John would dip out and be like, you guys do your thing. Build the division. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I like what he's doing. Well, no, he's defending it, sure. But here's the thing. He's not stimulated by that. He's talking shit to the middleweight champion of the world. He's busy talking shit to Izzy. Israel's talking shit to him, too. They're having a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It's entertaining, though. Yeah, they're having a lot of fun. But, listen, ultimately I think it's good for everybody. I think that little feud between Izzy and Jon Jones, first of all, it elevates Izzy. Because all these people that didn't know who he was, like, why is Jon Jones talking shit to him? Oh, look at this motherfucker. Holy shit, he's good. And then they watch his fights and go, this is why Jon Jones is talking shit to him.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Because he starched Robert Whittaker. Basically, at the end of the first round, the fight was over. I mean, Robert Whittaker was fucksville. And then he stops it Robert Whitaker. Basically, at the end of the first round, the fight was over. Robert Whitaker was fucksville. And he stops it on the second. And his social media. He's lighting them up there. He's good everywhere. And he's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:15:34 The best. He's a really great guy. Love him. Love him. And honest as fuck. You know he bought a McLaren 720S? Yes, he did. When he told me that, I went, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I gave him a hug. I was so excited for him. I thought he was a car guy. He goes, I'll be honest, man. I just bought it because it looked like this me that, I went, dude. I gave him a hug. I was so excited for him. I thought he was a car guy. He goes, I'll be honest, man. I just bought it because it looked like this anime character. I went, all right. Well, you got the right car. Is it on the right side?
Starting point is 00:15:53 When I know a car is awesome, but it's got a steering wheel on the wrong side, I'm like, I know. Get that thing away from me. God damn, what are you doing, dude? I saw this incredible Porsche. They had this 1972 RS, but it had the steering wheel on the right-hand side. I'm like, get out of here with that garbage. Get this fake shit out of here. What is this? Your steering wheel's
Starting point is 00:16:10 on the wrong side. What's crazy is Izzy told me they actually offered the fight to him already. Do you know that? Jesus. He's smart. He's smart because he went, oh, no, you're not going to Canelo me. Floyd Mayweather Canelo me. You're trying to get me while I'm really young in the game? No, no, no. We're doing two years. We're doing two years in vegas yeah look at is he look
Starting point is 00:16:29 at that car 720s that's a beautiful car man i saw one the other day they sound good too it's a spaceship inside they're beautiful man that's a beautiful car it's a great fucking he's special man i think he's gonna be the next big superstar i really do he's got everything going for him spectacular talent great personality he's fun i mean he he fights with as much skill as we've ever seen a striker i mean he's anderson silva 2.0 he really is man his striking's out of this fucking world man but he has all the skills anderson had but he's amazing on the mic yeah actually terrible on was terrible on the mic. Well, you know. That high-pitched voice. It was kind of the fun of it, though.
Starting point is 00:17:08 No, it was almost like, well, don't talk. But he was so good, it didn't matter. Agree. Like, Anderson was so good, it didn't matter if we didn't understand what he said. Everybody loved him, man. Because he was the GOAT at the time. But also, the game's different. Now it's so much of a specter, like entertainment. Yeah. Where Anderson would still be Anderson, but it the game's different. Now it's so much of a specter like entertainment.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Anderson would still be Anderson, but it was different back then. We were more appreciative of those guys. I feel like, I don't know, maybe the fan base understood the sport more. GSP was huge, not a great shit talker. Anderson Silva, not a great shit talker. We loved those guys.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Cain Velasquez, terrible talker. Never talked shit, ever. Those were the big boys. Yep, yep. GSP is a perfect example. Nothing but nice, always. Never talked shit. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Max Holloway. Max would talk a little shit, but it's more playful. It's more like, we'll see. We'll see. But Stoutbender really doesn't talk shit unless you initiate it. If you initiate it, game, match. It's a devastator. And he's good at it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 He's good at it. He lights people the fuck up. Him and Jon Jones going back and forth is kind of fucking hilarious. It's good for both of them. It's great for Izzy because if Jon is that concerned about him, everybody's got to realize, oh, this guy's for real. And I wouldn't entertain it when people would bring it up. I'd go, Izzy's too small. It's just a fucking, it's nothing. It's like Bigfoot. always say i wouldn't entertain it when people would bring it up i go is he too small it's just a fucking it's nothing it's like bigfoot we're
Starting point is 00:18:28 never gonna see it get out of big difference there's a big difference but is he's fucking big man when he walked up i've never met him before when he walked up went damn dude you are not small no but he's only about 200 or so pounds like 205 somewhere in that range 203 i think yeah he's in that range john's probably 235 right now right and john has two brothers that are elite nfl athletes i mean bro he comes from fantastic genetics i mean he's just got super athlete family they're just and he's huge that size difference is so big like could you see izzy as a heavyweight i don't know if i could no he would be overblown it would be too hard for him to deal with the really big guys you know they swear it's gonna happen though is he loves it he's gonna go up to heavyweight
Starting point is 00:19:15 or john jones uh is he's gonna go up he's gonna go up to heavy he's down for what he's like i don't care man he doesn't care well he's so good technically i mean who knows man maybe he's doing specific kinds of training that keeps his body light. And maybe if he lifted weights, he would actually get better. The only thing that would worry me about that fight, and I'd be rooting hard for Izzy in that fight, but the only thing that worries me is John's wrestling. Oh, yeah, man. You forget how good it is.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Remember he took down DC in Olympia? Yes. He wanted to make a point. First round. So if he wants to play that game, he can play it. But John can do everything. And what he does, one thing he does better than anybody that's ever fought, utilize distance. He utilizes distance better than anybody.
Starting point is 00:19:55 He's the very best at keeping you here. And a lot of people accuse him of poking people in the eyes. There have been some incidents. I don't think he's doing it on purpose. I think, and I agree with you, he shouldn't do it. He should close his fist. But what I'm saying is, the way his style is, he keeps you out here and then bang, keeps you out here.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Bang. Yeah, it's a distance. Side kick to the leg. Oblique kick. Leg kick. Pops you with a jab. Hits you with a knee. Keeps you here.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Keeps you here. These are his antennas, really. Yeah, dude. He's just feeling out like a snake's tongue. Yeah, he's got space. Like, this much space where he could fuck you up but you can't hit him he's got this because he's he's also he's so comfortable in world championship fights he's had nothing but world championship that's all he knows yes so when you're at the top of the food chain with the bright lights main event and you're like holy shit this is the big one john's like this is a fight
Starting point is 00:20:44 all his fights another day in the office another day that's how tyson was when tyson was crushing people that's how anderson was when anderson was crushing people they thrive in the light and they get to this point where you're you have to be so much better to beat them because you're shit in your pants going in you're compromised and you're fighting a guy who's at the peak he's in the zone i mean anderson like when he fought stephen bonner in brazil you remember that shit dude he was in the zone man when he fucked up forrest griffin he was in the zone there was this zone where anderson was when he front kicked vitor in the face there was anderson for a few years it was like holy shit holy fuck people
Starting point is 00:21:21 forget we people forget it's hard when you look at it retroactively, you've got to go back and understand the times we were living in. We're talking about 2005, 2006. Do you remember when he first came on? We knew of him in Pride. If you were hardcore, you knew of him in Pride. But you didn't know how good he is. And then they go, hey, Chris Lieben, we got someone for you. And Chris Lieben goes, I'll fight him.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And Chris Lieben had that noggin, that head, so he could take punches. And fucking Anderson Silva lit that dude up. him yeah Chris Levin had that noggin that head to take punches and fucking Anderson Silva let that dude up you're like what the fuck is happening right now I have friends have been on fights and that was one of them listen to me bet the house on the Brazilian I mean bet the house how about a show retire you I thought he was gonna start a big nog was like now you gotta keep going dude crazy he was he was fighting over in Cage Warriors. I remember when he fought Jorge Rivera in Cage Warriors and let Jorge punch him in the face.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Oh, that's right. Let him. Stood right in front of him. Let him punch him in the face. Let him punch him in the face. Then he smiles at him and kicks his ass and stops him. Dude. He fucked everybody up over there.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Remember when he fucked up Lee Murray? Oh, my God. Back when Lee Murray was murking people with one punch? People forget, too. Woo! Lee Murray was crack! Lee Murray was problems, man. Yeah. That guy could murking people with one punch? People forget too. Woo! Lee Murray was crack! That guy could crack! Rob a bank for you. Horrible! Yeah, rob
Starting point is 00:22:29 a lot of banks. Hell yeah. Shout out to Lee Murray. Is he out yet? No! Jail for life, son. Oh, they gave him life? Oh, he's gonna be in there forever. They don't even know where the money is. They're missing like 50 million dollars. It's a goddamn Guy Ritchie movie. I know. Isn't Guy Ritchie making a movie about that? On Lee Murray?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Here's a little thought. People don't know. Lee Murray came into prominence because he got in a street fight with Tito Ortiz. And Chuck Liddell was there. But Chuck didn't fight him though, right? Chuck was fighting his other friends. But the rumor is Lee Murray starched Tito. Well, the rumor was that he hit him.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. I knew that he hit him, but I think Tito had, I'm not making excuses for anybody, but I think what I heard is Tito had like dress shoes on like slippery ass dress shoes. I talked to Chuck about it and he goes, here's no one got knocked out. It was a scuffle and then we separated. He goes, Chuck hates Tito. He goes, but I'm not going to spread the rumor. He didn't get knocked out. No, I heard he got punched. Tito's fighting this weekend, by the way. Yeah, who's he fighting? Some guy who wore a mask and got destroyed by Crow Cop.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Oh, that guy? That guy. Remember that guy in Pride? He was like, I'll try it out, but I'm going to wear a mask. The blood came dripping down under the mask. Dude, it's like a movie. It's a horror movie. It was a horror movie. Get that Dos Caros.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Get the KO from Mirko Crow Cop versus Dos Caros. Mirko hits him with left kick cemetery right to the fucking dome. And when the dude goes out, as he slumps, blood is dripping out of the inside of the mask across his eyes. It's a horror movie. But it's like if Tarantino was going to film this. You'd be like, come on, bro. You'd be like, come on, the blood's dripping down. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Watch this. First of all, the Japanese people are so mean. Here it is. When he gets him up against the corner is when he lands this. Let it roll here. Watch this. First of all, the Japanese people are so mean. Here it is. When he gets him up against the corner is when he lands this. Let it roll here a little bit. He cracks him a few times just to let him know, bro, you're making a huge mistake. You fucked up so bad. Because this guy has no business
Starting point is 00:24:17 being in there. And Mirko at the time is the peak. He's the best kickboxer we had ever seen in a sport at that time in the heavyweight division. This was like, Alistair was still not Alistair back then. You know, he had made it. Mirko was the first. He was the first real K-1 superstar because he
Starting point is 00:24:34 was explosive. Like a lot of the guys like Ernesto Hoost or maybe Peter Ertz, they maybe wouldn't have made the transition the way Mirko did. Mirko was like, boom! Look at that son. One shot. Boom! Now watch when they close up on him. Watch when they close in on him and you see the blood. Come on, bitch. Where's the blood?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Are you trying to take the mask off? It's edited out, these fucks. Yeah, they try to rip the mask off in time, but they don't get it. See if you find dos caros. Boy, I hope I didn't make up the blood part. I don't think I did. No, blood comes out. It's when they're trying to get it off. Yeah, okay. So when they're trying to get it off. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:07 So when they go back to the dude. Okay, there's blood. But let me see where the blood comes out of. Don't they show it dripping? Maybe I saw it on a photo. It's hard to remember. No, I remember seeing it too. But it might be one of those things, like the Berenstain Bears, where everybody remembers it wrong. Oh, you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:23 No, they got blood. There's obviously some bleeding on his head because they're cleaning it up. But I remember seeing him slumped and then the blood trickles down. Hey, what the fuck was that guy thinking fighting? I had that trip. The Japanese don't care. What the fuck were they? They'll pay you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 What was he thinking? Oh, man. Dudes are this idea like they can just do it. Oh, it'll be fine. Oh, what's the big deal? It's Mirko Krokop. I've been in a fight before. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Dude, you knocked that guy out. Yeah, I know. How about that, haters? That guy we just kissed his ass. Brendan knocked him out. Yeah, man. He was still doing the damn thing, too. Bro, his KO of Vanderlei Silva is one of the most horrific in the sport.
Starting point is 00:26:07 The best. Because that was two fights. There's one, his first fight with mixed martial arts rules, like modified rules. Remember, you could only go to the ground for like X amount of seconds. They had some weird rule. And if it went to the distance, it would be a draw. So the fight went to the distance. So then after that, Mirko has a series of fights with high-level competition.
Starting point is 00:26:24 He gets way better at sprawling. Also brings Dean Lister into his camp. Verdum as well. Verdum. So he gets real comfortable with jiu-jitsu, real comfortable with grappling. He's working with these elite guys, powerful wrestlers, the whole deal. Then they have the second fight. The second fight's in the heavyweight tournament
Starting point is 00:26:40 and Vandale is on all the Mexican supplements. I love that Vandale. That's the best Vanderlei, the berserker. Find that. Mirko Krokop versus Vanderlei Silva 2. It's a great fight. And Vanderlei got bigger than Krokop. Vanderlei weighed, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:26:55 I may be wrong, but I think I'm right. Vanderlei weighed 218 and Krokop weighed 214. I think Vanderlei was actually heavier. Vanderlei of pure Brazilian steel. Imagine if I was right about that, if I really remember those numbers. Great, great mind. Vanderlei Silva. I know we had an issue.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Sorry. While we were talking, was that the whole thing go down or just the TV? Vanderlei Silva versus Mirko Krokop, two. Because in that one, that one Mirko fully comfortable with with mma he wasn't getting taken down he knew vanderley wasn't arrested down offense was insane and he wasn't worried about being submitted either because he'd been training with dean lister and fabrizio verdum so he's just smart send in missiles you know he's the one who got verdum into pride and into mma he brought verdum in for jiu-jitsu and verd Verdum's like, oh, that's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Wow. That's crazy. That's right. That's right before Verdum fought Junior Dos Santos. Remember when no one knew who Dos Santos was? And I think it was like a late-minute substitute. Yeah, late-minute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And Junior hit him with the uppercut. See, this is the second fight. In the second fight, Vanderlei is facing a completely different animal. Because look at that. Shakes him off. Crocop was physically strong as fuck. He was moving like a real MMA fighter who's also an elite kickboxer. It was a different animal.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Look how big his legs were. Dude. You weren't submitting him. He's been rolling with Fabricio Verdum. So he lets him up. And he's just battering Vandele in this fight. Look at this straight left hand. Boom.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Boom. I mean, before the KO, it's horrific, right? He's beating the shit out of Vandele. Beating the brakes off him. Vandele is supposed to be fighting 185. That's his real weight class. He's just bulked up, and you just can't hang with a guy that's this fucking good as a heavyweight. And so then Vandele gets up.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They give him a yellow card. Kick to the body, and then sets up the big high kick to the head. I mean, Vandele's trying, man. He's swinging and then sets up the big high kick to the head. I mean, Vandalee's trying, man. He's swinging. He's swinging. He's swinging for the fences. He is, but, dude, that fucking left kick to the forearms right there just numbed his arms. Boom!
Starting point is 00:28:54 And there's the head kick. Back up to the kick to the body. Back up before that. Watch this kick to the body, dude, because you see Vandalee's arms. You know how when a dude gets shins slammed into the arms they have this like, oh look at that one right to the gut. Oh my god dude. I mean he's slamming, it's
Starting point is 00:29:12 hitting forearm and gut and here's the high kick. Boom. So you eat a couple of those to your body or to your arms everything just goes off. Everything is fucked up now and then he hits him with that high kick woo shout out to Crow Cop
Starting point is 00:29:26 shout out to Crow Cop right like hospital left leg cemetery yeah dude but that was a perfect example of pride at its peak
Starting point is 00:29:35 you wanna know how cocky I was when I was a fighter when we came out you know the first thing I did I threw a high kick at Crow Cop yeah I know I threw a head kick
Starting point is 00:29:42 and he blocked it and smiled I was like you fucking idiot I was like, you fucking idiot. I was like, just want to let you know, man. Hilarious. Dude, how about fucking Cowboy Connor?
Starting point is 00:29:53 That's a very good fight. It's a perfect time. Long time overdue, right? Perfect time for it, too. Me, too. I agree. I like how Cowboy's fighting now. He's so calm
Starting point is 00:30:01 and relaxed in there. He's lost his last two, but they were to the top you know top of the heap yeah i mean he fought gaethje who i think is the scariest fucking guy in the division right now he scares me because gaethje's like he's it's like he's on a suicide mission it's like either he's gonna go or you're gonna go and a lot of people say that but they don't really mean it agree he fucking means it and he's backed off of that a hair so he's still controlled wildness if you
Starting point is 00:30:32 say he's a brother he does not like it i don't think he necessarily is i think what he is though he's just he's wild but it's intelligent pressure controlled chaos it's better than ever and he has a great chin phenomenal wrestlingenomenal wrestling. Having those fights where it didn't go his way because of the chaos, I think is just making him be just a little bit more calculated. Agreed. Just a little bit. That's all he needs.
Starting point is 00:30:55 A little more cerebral. Dude, when he fucked up Barboza, I was like, Jesus Christ. Who does that to Barboza? Because I thought they were, Gaethje's kind of left out in the cold with all these matchups being announced with Khabib, Tony, Conor, Cowboy. Kethje's kind of left out in the cold with all these matchups being announced with Khabib, Tony, Conor, Cowboy. Khabib's kind of left out. He's just like, all right, the fuck do we do now, man? Yeah, Gaethje is a little bit left out in the cold but not really.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Did I say Khabib or Gaethje? You said Gaethje and then you said Khabib later. Oh, all right. But I know what you meant. Yeah. Gaethje is a little bit left out but if anybody gets injured, he's right in there. See, like we're in this weird place where we're pretending these fights are all going to happen. We hope,
Starting point is 00:31:27 we hope and pray that Khabib and Tony, we hope and pray that Cowboy and Conor actually make it to the dance, but they might not make it to the dance. So if somebody doesn't make it to the dance, guess who gets a phone call? Justin Gaethje. Or Masvidal. Or Masvidal, but Masvidal's 170.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm saying for Conor. Oh, for Conor. Because that fight, you know Conor versus Cowboys at welterweight? Yes. Which when it was first announced, I was like, oh, at 55, man, that's a tough fight for Cowboys. Slow starter. Conor's a finisher. Comes out the gates like a fucking banshee.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And then my brother texted me and goes, man, you know what's at welterweight? I'm like, why the fuck would they do that? Because Conor doesn't want to lose any weight. Listen, dude, I think that guy tortured himself to get down to 45 so hard. And when you looked at what he looked like when he was on the scale, when he was flexing, he looked like a goddamn zombie. A skeleton. It was horrible.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So I think you don't, nobody, whether he complains or not about that, nobody rides for free. You do that to your body for a couple of years, you're doing some fucking damage. And it makes it harder to lose the weight afterwards, right? So then he's going up to 55. He's obviously elite at 55, wins a title at 55, has the great rematch with Diaz at 70, right? And then comes back and fights Khabib at 55 again and gets mauled. He has a fight with Cowboy. He's really a 55er that can fight welterweight.
Starting point is 00:32:48 That's the right size for him. I don't think Nate is fighting 55 in any time in the future anymore. He's too big now. He's too big. But my only issue at 70, and I would assume his team decided to do it at 70, is when I look at Conor McGregor as a welterweight, is his power the same as it was at 45 and 55? Is his timing the same as speed? No, but he's fighting a guy who I think in his eyes is not really a welterweight.
Starting point is 00:33:14 You think 55 because he did most of his work at 55? Because I think he thinks of Cowboy as a guy who'll fight at 170, but he's really a 55er. That's fair. My only issue with that is, and I'm a huge Conor McGregor fan, obviously Cerrone's a friend of mine, so I just want him to have a great fight. But when people were complaining about this fight,
Starting point is 00:33:35 when the internet's like, ah, it's whatever to me, I think it's a phenomenal fight because I think if you're a Cowboy fan, I always said Cowboy was too much of a company man the ufc and daniel go cut weight dude fight this fight do this turn it quick turn around right cowboy the the legend of cowboy was born he's jumping on fucking ships and whatever the hell he's riding fucking bulls and whatever the fuck he was doing the week of the fight yeah and he was killing himself to make weight and i just went does it ever work out for anybody who says he was a yes man to the ufc not really but now we've seen it's work out for anybody who's a yes man to the UFC? Not really.
Starting point is 00:34:07 But now we've seen it's worked out for Cowboy. Because this is his, you know, I don't put too much into titles anymore. Like this is Cowboy's title shot. You got the biggest fight in the game. You're fighting Conor McGregor. You're going to make millions of dollars. This is the golden goose. If you talk to Kamaru Usman, Kobe Covington, Masvidal, Khabib, Tony, maybe not those two, but if you talk to anyone,
Starting point is 00:34:27 who do you want to fight? Everyone says Conor. Because you know it's the biggest fight you can get in the game. Cowboy got it. By being... He's paid his dues. He's earned it. He's getting millions and millions of dollars. Win, lose, or draw. It's a good fight for Cowboy. I think they should make a red panties night belt. That'd be
Starting point is 00:34:43 cool. Whoever gets to fight Conor, you get a red panties night belt that'd be cool whoever gets to fight connor you get a red panties night belt because because the belts the belts like the belts are whatever now you know because because like think about hire some like super hot actress to wear them for a day oh dude i would love that and they win those it'd be so sick a belt with like framed red panties in it it'd be so dope i think he's you know connor's calculated in his comeback and i think this is a smart fight for him because he's not fighting someone who's too big right where i feel like you know that was the argument about nate even though nate did of course fight at 55 for a long time he's a big dude he's a big dude um you know and then there's some other guys that want to fight him at 170 that are real 170s
Starting point is 00:35:25 like masvidal is a perfect example that masvidal was a 155 for a long time but he's not anymore if you look at his frame like you go look back when he fought like michael kiesa which was like 2013 14 14 somewhere around then right so masvidal back then was like a skinny guy, man. Yeah, real skinny. He wasn't defined. He wasn't a man yet almost. He grew into his body. He was also killing himself to make 55, right?
Starting point is 00:35:53 And you can't pack on any weight, can't put in any muscle. When he went up to 170, we got to see who he really is. We knew who he really was before. I mean, he knocked out Eve Edwards in Bodog fight. Old school. Remember that? Yeah, and that was when Eve was a monster. Eve was probably the best 55
Starting point is 00:36:08 pounder in the world. People forget about that, too. They do forget. One of the reasons why I was trying to think why they would do it at 70, I think you're right where Cowboy is a natural 155. He's not a huge welterweight. The other thing is, now that Conor fights at 70, now he has options.
Starting point is 00:36:23 He can play in 70, he can play at 55. In 70, and I know his team wants to do it, and his manager told me this, Masvidal told me this, they want to be the co-main event against Nick Diaz, and they want the Conor fight. Is Nick taking fights? He announced on his Instagram that he has big news about a fight. On his Instagram story, I guess. Did you see his interview with Ariel? Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:44 What'd you think? What'd you think? What'd you think? I didn't think he looked happy. No. I thought it was real troubled and a lot of rambling. I mean, a lot of thoughts trying to get out of his head. A lot of rants. You know, I mean, I think, I don't, it's like.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But have you ever watched an interview and been like, oh, damn, that was. With him? Yeah, like that was super clear. Look, I mean, I don't think that's his jam, you know. No. His jam is fucking people up. They talk about that. Him and Nate, they're just like, ah, it's a little.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I know. It's tough because, again, we kicked this podcast off with CT and stuff like that. So it's like, is that a combination of him fighting? Is that what's going on there? Those are the years of the wars? Or is that just him? We don't know. But I don't know him well enough.
Starting point is 00:37:27 But I know guys that are in that same era that are having real problems now. Big time. You got to remember when he was fighting in Strikeforce. God, you remember his fight with Paul Daly? Jesus Christ. How about his Cyborg fight? How good was he, man? He was so good.
Starting point is 00:37:41 How about his Frank Shamrock fight? Holy fuck, man. It's a shame what happened with him and his brother in the UFC. We didn't get enough of it. Well, Nate didn't get appreciated enough. And he got fucked? Yeah. And I had always said that after the Conor fight, one of the reasons why those fights were so big was Nate.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And for whatever reason, no one was putting that together. I'm like, this guy's a superstar. People go crazy when they see him. This is not a regular fight. He's real as fuck and he smokes weed. He's a stoner champion. And he says fuck you to the man. Everyone can relate to that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And even the vegans love him because sometimes he follows a vegan diet. He checks all the boxes for a lot of reasons. See, he's got so many good things and he's tough as shit. And he'll fight anybody. And he's been a veteran. He's been fucking fighting forever. He's had so many wars. What did's tough as shit and he'll fight anybody and he's been a veteran he's been fucking fighting forever he's had so many wars what did you think of his fight against masvidal we haven't talked in a long time i know masvidal so good man he's so good i thought masvidal out of the three rounds i thought it was best case for nate too that they did that that
Starting point is 00:38:40 doctor stopped the fight because i thought masvidal was setting up to finish him. And Nate's never been finished, so. He has been finished. Josh Thompson finished him. Well, that's right. But I'm saying it was going that way. Yeah. It was best case scenario where he could be like, dude, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:38:56 He doesn't lose any of that swag that he went into. Yeah. Well, the Josh Thompson fight was more competitive up until the moment Josh landed that high kick. Correct, that high kick. It was a good fight. I think Josh was still winning that fight. I have to go back and watch it again. It was more competitive, though.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It was more competitive. This Masvidal fight, I didn't find it that competitive. When they got on the mic and went, oh, rematch, I went, no, there's no way. And when Dana was like, no, that's not happening, I was like, oh, he gets it. It was certainly competitive in that Masvidal was in a fight.
Starting point is 00:39:25 It wasn't like you ran him over. No. I mean, they went hard rounds. No one's going to run Nate over. But that first round was devastating. Masvidal is fucking good, man. He's fucking smart. He sees things and he can act on things that other guys just, they just either don't have
Starting point is 00:39:40 the ability to or they don't throw themselves in the fire correctly like he does. And then he gets out good, his defense is on point. He's good at everything. He stands straight up, too. He's got a totally different style. Like, when you see Masvidal stand, like, he's hardly ever crouching. Dude, he stands straight up. He's got so much confidence in his wrestling takedown defense and his striking and his
Starting point is 00:40:02 octagon IQ that when he puts it all together, he's able to fight with his best stand-up stance. You know, he's fighting, and he makes you aware very clear, very quickly that you're in danger with his hands. He's throwing bombs at your fucking head. Think about his experience, man. Think about the guys he's beaten. So now he's here.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So, you know, when you talk to him, he's like, the belt? Fuck the belt. I get the BMF title. He's like, Colby and Kamaru are just third or fourth options for me, man. I'm looking at Nick Diaz. I'm looking at Conor. He's like, I don't care about the belt, man. I see why
Starting point is 00:40:39 he would say that, but I think it would be a real shame if right now in his prime of primes, he didn't fight for the title. I just feel like he's so close. He's huge right now. Huge. You wouldn't rather see him fight Nick or Connor? No.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Interesting. No. Well, I want to see first, no matter what, Colby and Usman. And you're getting that. Yes. Super excited about that. Phenomenal fight. Once that's done, I want Masvidal to fight for the title. Whoever's got the belt, I think if Masvidal and Nate Diaz
Starting point is 00:41:12 or Nick Diaz don't fight on the undercard, I don't know if it's going to fight. If they actually made that. I have no idea. I have no idea. I know they want it, and his management said the UFC has reached out to Nick,
Starting point is 00:41:24 and they're trying to figure that out. If they do make that fight happen, I mean, of course I'm going to be excited to see it. Of course. But my thoughts are that right now we're experiencing Masvidal in this very strange zone where you see fighters enter into it, whether it's through this rededication or refocusing of his intent and his discipline. You know his story, how he went and did that reality show? Yeah, he came back and was like.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yeah, he didn't have any food, man. This is a fucking South American reality show. He had to go to this village and ask for food. He also said he had time to get out and sit back and think about everything going on. I was like, all right, this is what I want to do. And then came back, was like, let's do it, man. And then just he became this superstar. And I just, you know, when I meet those guys and obviously I know their store and you get around them, you just have this sense of just like I'm so happy for them, man.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Like that's why I talk about a Nick Diaz fight for Jorge and I talk about a Conor McGregor fight because you're not the title. Like Kamaru and Colby, they're not making real money, man. You don't think that Colby's going to bring in a lot of people? No. Well, record would say he doesn't. And I love Colby's fantastic fighter. But as far as ticket sales and pay-per-views, no. You know who does?
Starting point is 00:42:37 If I'm the UFC? If I'm the UFC? Colby with one big win right now. See, he hasn't fought in a while, right? He fights Robbie Lawler. Before that, it was a whole year. Yes. There hasn't fought in a while, right? He fights Robbie Lawler. Before that, it was a whole year. Yes. There hasn't been a lot of activity.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Him and Dana hate each other. But his crazy shit talking with his $3 suit and his fucking MAGA hat and his book. And the strippers. If he gets through it right. Yeah, and the strippers. Fantastic. If he gets through and he beats Kamaru Usman and it gets on the internet and it becomes like a thing, he could be the next huge superstar.
Starting point is 00:43:07 He knows what he's doing. And you and I both know him. He's not like that guy at all. This is a fucking character. He's a really nice guy. The best. He's smart as shit. And his fucking discipline is unparalleled.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And people look at him with that stupid suit on and the MAGA hat and his carry around Donald Trump Jr.'s book. And two strippers. It's fucking amazing, dude. He's got the best act that anybody's ever put on in the UFC because he's got an act. All these other guys are talking shit. He's talking shit to a character. He's playing games.
Starting point is 00:43:38 He made a guy. He's playing games. You think he thinks that suit looks good? No. Look at that fucking suit. All of it. Dude, that suit is the cheapest suit he could find. Dude, when I did a food truck with him, like in between, you could see me like.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And I'd be like, dude, you don't have to do this, man. We can just. And he's like, no, no, it's cool. He has to. And then the strippers, he goes, can you, how about, you know, it'd be fun if one of you massage. Dude. He goes, if one of you massage my shoulders.
Starting point is 00:44:05 She goes, get the fuck out of here. Look at him sitting there with his book triggered with his fucking, with his suit on. He's so funny, man. The fucking hat is signed. Closing on the hat. Closing on the hat. By Donald Trump because he went to the White House. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:44:19 When he was an interim champ. Bro. He's still the interim champ. Yes. You can't just take it from him. But what's interesting, too, is remember him and Masvidal had, they were training partners. interim champ. He's still the interim champ. You can't just take it from him. But what's interesting, too, is remember him and Mazdal had, they were training partners.
Starting point is 00:44:29 So there's a story there. But again, I think for Mazdal. But they're friends, apparently. But also, yeah, it's like an Andy Kaufman thing. But I just, for Mazdal to ride off in the sunset and be set up with his kids, I want to see him fight Conor.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I want to see him fight Nick. I know he made a ton of loot for that last fight. He made a ton of loot for that last fight. And it was a big success. Everybody wanted to see that fight. It was big. And I think Masvidal's name's never been brighter. Whoever wins the title.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Dude, think about the story of him versus Nick Diaz. And Nick Diaz going, you beat my little brother. That's the most I've ever relayed to the Diaz brothers. When he goes, dude, you beat my little brother. That's the most I've ever relayed to the Diaz brothers when he goes, dude, you beat my little brother because I have an older brother. I was like, oh, hell yeah. Get him, Nick. I'm in now, bro. Yeah, fuck him up, man.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And people will love that, too. I mean, it'll definitely be successful. But I would like to see Nick be real active before he fights a guy like Maslow. That's not happening, brother. I know. You're right. You're right. That's what's crazy about the UFC warm-up fight
Starting point is 00:45:27 Excuse me Connor hasn't won a fight in three years then before that the only fight he's had against Khabib He he gets done boxing then fights fucking Khabib Hasn't beaten anybody since the Eddie Alvarez fight when he won won the title. It's crazy. Yeah, it's kind of crazy three But he's made a fucking half a billion dollars. This is where you got to, whatever you want to say about Conor, obviously his outside docket on antics have been crazy, but you got to respect the guy who has all that money
Starting point is 00:45:54 and goes, yeah, I'll fight Cerrone in January at welterweight. He's number five lightweight in the world. He's like, yeah, I'll fight that guy. Do you think that he can reignite the fire that he had when he KO'd Derrick Brunson? Nope. When he was coming up? No.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Not with that money in the bank? That sucks. I don't think fighting comes from that place. But how come some guys, when they have hundreds of millions of dollars, they still fuck people up? Like Tyson in his prime, Lennox Lewis in his prime. Tyson fucked people up until the bully fought back. Oh, you mean when he fought Vander Holyfield? Yeah, he was never the same.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I think he was also tired of it too, man. I think it was a combination of he fought a guy who wasn't scared and didn't back down and was like, yeah, bring it, dude. And he got fucked. He's lost every fight that the guy was like, I'm not scared. He lost those fights. But I'm not saying Tyson wasn't great, but Vander Holyander holyfield's a better boxer man he's a better fighter but he don't get the respect well there were some guys that weren't scared of him that that's that stood in with him and he beat him by decision you know like didn't he beat razor
Starting point is 00:46:59 roddick by decision they had a lot of shit talking he KO'd bone crusher smith right yeah but when we're talking about a tip of the spear like Evander Holyfield. Well, Evander Holyfield at that time. Evander Holyfield is a real good argument for sure that he's one of the greatest of all time. He's the only guy to ever win the title four times. Easy. But I just think, you know, with Conor, especially this day and age, the UFC is different than boxing where it's such a grind, man. I was just going to say about Evander.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And guys are so good. Oh, my bad. Go ahead. Oh, sorry. Evander spent all that money. Oh, yeah. On like one house. But that's what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:47:34 He bought some hotel in Atlanta. Rick Ross. The fake Rick Ross owns that house. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not the real Freeway Ricky, the real drug dealer. Yeah. The rapper. Was out there doing positive things in the community.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, the rapper. The rapper. Who took his name. He lost in court. Tried to get his name back. Tried to get that guy to stop using his name or pay him to use his fucking name. And how about that rapper Rick Ross? Used to be a cop.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And now he talks about dope and all this shit. Well, he was a security guard at a prison, I think. I think something along those lines. Yeah, something like that. And how about he owns- Look at that house! Dude. So, Vander Holyfield made hundreds of millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's only 5.8. Oh, it's not bad because it's outside of Atlanta. But it has 37 rooms and all his family moved in. It costs a million dollars just to keep every year. I think that was the word. There was a million dollars to run. For maintenance? Yeah, just everything.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Holy fuck, dude. He moved into Bellagio. Look what he did! He moved into Bellagio! That what he did. He moved into Bellagio. That house is so big. Imagine that. Rick Ross made that with another dude's name just talking shit. What a great country.
Starting point is 00:48:32 You can just talk shit in this country, and you can make fucking millions of dollars. And the other thing Rick Ross did is he owns like 100 Buffalo Wild Wings. Ooh, that's a good move. Or Buffalo Stops. Wing Stops. Wing Stops. Ooh, shout out to Wing Stops. Shout out to Wing Stops.
Starting point is 00:48:45 That's a good move, right? People always want wings. Wings have been around forever. Dude, I fucking, my mouth's watering. I love wings, dude. There used to be a place right outside Boston Comedy in the village. We'd do sets at Boston Comedy and there was this wing spot. And they had different levels. And one was suicide.
Starting point is 00:49:08 You would get this suicide sauce on these wings. Oh, my God. Was it purple? Like it was the purple seeds? I didn't know at the time. I didn't understand hot peppers, but it was definitely habanero because it was an orange color, like a real orange color. And you would eat those wings and just be like, gee, it's like a weird combination of pleasure and pain at the same time. It takes your breath away. Your lips go white.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I fucking love wings. Yeah. I don't want to do that wings show, though. It's not a good way to talk, man. You know, it's like talk while snot's coming out of your nose and you're crying. You would do well in it, though. It's not a good place to talk. It'd be fun, though.
Starting point is 00:49:41 It'd be fun to see you on there, though. Why are you asking people personal questions while they're crying? Well, it's hot as fuck. Some guys just... I can barely talk. It'd be fun though. It'd be fun to see you on there. I know, but why are you asking people personal questions while they're crying? Well, it's hot as fuck. Some guys just barely talk. Like some guys just crush it where it doesn't phase them. Like how does that happen? Oh, there's my friend Tommy Hershko. I've talked about him before. There used to be a place called Chili My Soul in
Starting point is 00:49:57 Encino and it was this crazy chili place. This guy was into the most ridiculously hot chili. It was so hot you would have to like sign a waiver if you wanted to buy the stuff that they put in it and then he was telling me that even with the hottest shit that they had they had like a number system I think I think ten you know I think I ate was like the most I could tolerate but they would have these guys from Nepal come and even
Starting point is 00:50:22 with the ten number ten the hottest shit they had, these dudes would be putting some extra hot sauce in there. Holy fuck. Do you like spicy stuff? I don't like it that spicy. I can't handle that. Spicy, but flavorful. I like spicy. I love jalapenos with elk.
Starting point is 00:50:36 It's like my favorite meal. I like jalapenos, yeah. I slice up like four or five jalapenos, and I'm in a bunch of slices. Every time I take a piece of elk, I put a piece of jalapeno on that bitch. I know. When you post it, I'm like balls deep in a cheese pizza i'm like god damn it dude stuff keeps you alive gives you fuel you eat that stuff i know the spice from the pepper and the fucking supernatural muscle of the elk meat oh that's the menu man man. That was it. That's it? It was a number system.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah, so 10. Demon is 10. See that? 10 will fucking end your life. 10 plus. Oh, my God. 10 plus. And when they let you try it, they would let you try it in the tiniest cup, like a little
Starting point is 00:51:18 paper cup, like that big. And they'd give you a little baby spoon, like one of them baby spoons you get at the ice cream store. You want to try that different flavor? Can I try that French vanilla? And they give you a little baby spoon like when then baby spoons you get at the ice cream store I want to try that different flavor set your fucking I've had French vanilla and they give you a little something the plastic yeah a little something that's what it's like they would give you that and you would put it in your mouth and I would immediately start hiccuping your body's like what in the fuck are you doing to me man there's been a there's been a few
Starting point is 00:51:41 people who on that that wing whatever the fuck the Hot Ones is. Yeah, Hot Ones. That's right. The Hot Ones. Shia LaBeouf took all of them at the end, put them all together, and the guy's like, I wouldn't do that, dude. And he did it, and he was about to throw up. They had to bring him milk or some shit.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Well, Shia's got other issues. He does. Vanilla actor, though. Very good. Very good actor. Shout out to Peanut Butter Falcons. It's a hard road for all of us Yeah it is
Starting point is 00:52:06 He just wanted to get a little further down the road Just Dude Spicy's not for me dude Ran into your boy Logan Paul in Hawaii Did you really? Yeah he was wandering around Hawaii Did you say
Starting point is 00:52:16 When were you there? We talked Over Thanksgiving weekend He's a nice kid right? Very nice Very nice I've talked to him before I've talked to him with you
Starting point is 00:52:22 Oh that's right We were at the Comedy Stories there And he had a good fight, man. Their fight was good. It was a good fight. They didn't get tired. I mean, they fucking went after it for six rounds. Dude, for guys like that to go, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Six rounds. Six rounds. Guys who have experience in amateur boxing would gas the fuck out in front of a crowd like that. Pretty impressive. It's interesting. You know, here's a guy also doesn't need to do that. He makes a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:52:47 A ton of money. He makes a ton of money, right? Whether you like it or not, that's the reality of it. Well, someone likes it. That's why he's making the money. But I mean, whether someone listening likes to hear it or not, the truth is he makes a ton of money. Correct. You can lie all you...
Starting point is 00:52:57 No, man, he's broke. That guy lost all his money. No, he's got all the money. And he still decided to fight which is interesting it's like okay you know if you have that competitive drive in you you know if you really do have it in you i think i think for for him and those youtubers especially at his level is just like what's the next thing that we can compete like get everyone behind right and it was that they could have done ballet dancing. Whatever it is, it would have sold millions and millions.
Starting point is 00:53:26 But they chose this, which I respect. But that KSA guy who I've never seen, I'm not familiar with him. I know he's British. I like British people. So I know he was like, they're like, hey, you want to do a rematch? He's like, fuck, I'm not going to hit him in the face again. This was it, dude. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Well, he won for sure. So for him, that's the best way to end it. Yeah, he was like, I'm out. And it was real controversial. Well, the ref the penalty on logan i thought was ridiculous it was that ref that ref like and he's respected ref but it's also like you're in there for this you know this kind of show like dude take it for what it is he's never fought before don't take two points from logan paul because of that two points yeah i Without a warning? That's ridiculous. I didn't agree with that. And I think with more fights,
Starting point is 00:54:08 Logan could learn how to relax. He gets wild and starts swinging. For sure. But Logan, stop boxing. You have a jigillion dollars. Keep doing that, dude. Fuck this, man. Exactly. But it was interesting watching him. This kid can punch. He's athletic, man. Very athletic. Driven, has a work ethic.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And in the heat of the battle. And was trained by shannon shannon the cannon briggs let's go champ let's go champ let's go champ was training him yeah shannon cannon knows how to fucking fight yeah he no he did a real camp and it's just like i respect it but it's stop fighting go dude i mean exactly well maybe he will know maybe well yeah like you check that box you're good man dude what do you think about adesanya and Yoel Romero? Is that real? It's not confirmed yet, is it? I don't know. I sent you something.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I was hoping. He sent that to me, and I was like, holy shit. Because I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning. I'm like, here we go. Is it not confirmed? Did someone troll me? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I think I found it on one of the websites I follow on Instagram. But usually, though, they leak leak there and then it gets announced. But if he does fight Yoel Romero, and when I was talking to Jorge and Yoel Romero's manager when I was doing the food truck with Jorge, he was just like, oh, Jorge's getting the fight, man. I was like, no. He's coming off a loss.
Starting point is 00:55:18 He goes, think about his fucking losses. He goes, he has this, do you think he lost to Paulo Costa? I was like, no one got robbed, but I can see why they gave it to Paulo, but you have an argument there. The thing about before that, the Robert Whitaker fight, he got fucked with that too. He definitely got robbed in the second Whitaker fight. Correct. I thought he won that fight.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah. I've said that many, many times too, and I haven't really heard a good argument against it. He had him hurt real bad. Yeah. At least two rounds. Yeah, I'd have to go back. I remember at the time I did score it for Whitaker. Here's my thing.
Starting point is 00:55:44 That's fine. If you think he won, yeah, all back. I remember at the time I did score it for Whitaker. Here's my thing. That's fine. If you think he won, yeah, all right. I can see that. I see both sides. But that's an argument for giving Yoel Romero the title shot. It's not like he got – if he got starched in the game title shot, you're like, what are you doing? Is it real? This is on Yoel's page.
Starting point is 00:55:59 It's not official. Oh, shit. March 7th. March 7th. Here's the problem. If Yoel hasn't heard if Yoel hasn't heard anything but that's on Yoel's page I know but he goes a lot of people putting saying we fight
Starting point is 00:56:10 March so it's like a lot of people putting saying we fight March how about should I be ready gay Jesus how about Andrew Schultz?
Starting point is 00:56:25 Don't forget. Andrew Schultz is super close with Izzy. And he saw that and he goes, dude, why would Izzy fight this guy? He doesn't speak very good English. I'm like. What? I'm like, dude, hold on. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:56:37 He goes, he doesn't speak English. He needs a guy to speak good English, right? Talk trash. Talk trash. And I go, you don't understand. Yoel Romero is such a fucking nightmare. And for Izzy to go after Yoel, it just ups the legend of Izzy. What he's doing is perfect.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Trust me, it's perfect. Andrew, stay in your lane. We love you, Andrew. Stay in your lane. Don't you fuck this up. Imagine if he talked Izzy out of it. I'd be so mad at him. Izzy's not going to listen to him on that.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Of course he wouldn't. But imagine if he did. What if Andrew had some fucking magic hypnosis power? And Izzy was like, talk to Schultz, man. I'm not going to do it. That guy can't even talk English. Like, what the fuck are we doing? Why'd you do that?
Starting point is 00:57:15 Don't forget. Gay Jesus. Don't forget. Dude, how about one that fight is confirmed, Ferguson Khabib is having. How the fuck did people not understand? He was saying don't forget, you know out of all the times that I've ever not done post fight commentary That was the time I was the most mad would they not let you I wasn't there I wasn't there for that fight
Starting point is 00:57:36 Oh, so when he was saying it was a fight that I wasn't there, but it was if somewhere where was that? Oh, no, I wasn't there. I was there was a preview. Don't forget Jesus Look, I know a lot of Cuban people. I know what the fuck he's saying. He's saying, don't forget Jesus. It's not, go for gay. Don't for gay. Yeah, why would he say?
Starting point is 00:57:56 What did they think he said? Crank it up so we can hear it. Hey, Miami. Hey, Florida. It was a fight night. That's why he didn't do it. Yeah. Listen, people. Listen, people.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Listen, listen. He's got a John. Listen. He's got a Bible quote on his forehead, folks. What happened to you, USA? What happened to you? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:58:14 You forget for the best and the best of the world. The name is Jesus Christ. He said, don't forget. What happened to you? Listen, he keeps going. Wake up, USA.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Go. Go back for you. Go. Go back where you were going. Go for Jesus. Not forget Jesus, people. Not forget Jesus. God, dude. The thing is, he's going, what's wrong with you Americans? What's wrong with you Americans?
Starting point is 00:58:37 You forget. You forget. You forget Jesus. You gay people. No. Dude. You think that's what he said? That's exactly what he said.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Let me hear that again. Damn. That's exactly. You know what? what he said? That's exactly what he said. Let me hear that again. Damn. That's exactly. You know what? Pause for a second. I'm going to be honest. You thought that. I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I did a little bit. I was like, wait, no. Because he lines it up with what's wrong with you, America. What's wrong with you people? Here's the problem. Here's the problem. He said forget pretty clear. That's what fucked me up.
Starting point is 00:59:01 You forget. You forget. Right. But a guy like that who barely speaks. You believe in gay Jesus. Is that really what he said? Yeah. Play that what fucked me up. You forget. You forget. You forget Jesus. You believe in gay Jesus. Is that really what he said? Yeah! Play that shit again, bro. Oh, no! Cut it off, Jamie!
Starting point is 00:59:13 What happened to you, USA? What happened to you? What's going on? You forget for the best of the best of the world. You forget the best. USA, you forget the best in the world. Okay. You forget the best. Yeah, yeah, yeah. USA, you forget the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Forget. Go ahead. For the best of the world, the name is Jesus Christ. What happened to you? What happened to you? What come you will say? What come you come? Go.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Go back for you. Go. Go for Jesus. Not for gay Jesus people. Not for gay Jesus people. Maybe, but maybe not forget Jesus. It's like what happened to you, not forget Jesus. It wasn't like there was some gay thing that was going on that he was commenting on.
Starting point is 00:59:52 No, I know. It could have easily. But he's so bad at English. He's so bad. It easily could be don't forget Jesus. He said go for Jesus. Don't forget Jesus. The only problem is he goes, what's wrong with you, USA?
Starting point is 01:00:06 What's wrong with you? You forget the number one, Jesus. What's wrong with you? Go back. Go back. Don't forget. Don't forget Jesus. Maybe it's don't forget Jesus.
Starting point is 01:00:15 But he says don't forget, right? One more time. Because it doesn't make sense. You don't get to hear what we're doing breaking this down. First of all, pause for a second. You've got to remember, he just got hit in the head a gang of times, right? I mean, what fight was this? Do we remember?
Starting point is 01:00:29 And look, he's got John 316 or 318 on a bandana around his head. He's got a Bible quote on his fucking head. Go for Jesus, not for gay Jesus, people. Go for Jesus, not forget Jesus. Yeah, not forget. You forget. You forget Jesus?
Starting point is 01:00:45 It's possible. It doesn't make sense, period, no matter what it is. For him to say not forget Jesus, that doesn't make sense. No, it doesn't make sense. Because no one's saying Jesus is gay. Jesus is not gay. No. No, there's no rumors.
Starting point is 01:00:55 He's saying don't forget Jesus. We might have just started a rumor about Jesus being gay. Imagine if we were the first ones after all these years. All these years. This is what I heard about Jesus. And then it becomes like everybody's talking about it. Like, yo, I was telling you, is what I heard about Jesus. And then it becomes like, everybody's talking about it. Like, Yoel was, there was a scroll. He really was gay.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Shut, bro, get down. Shut shop down. Jesus was gay. Of course. He loves everybody. It's confusing, though. I can see how people mix those words. Don't forget.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Because when we first watched, I went, oh, he's going hard in the paint on the USA and gays. But I remember thinking when I heard it that he was saying, don't forget, because a lot of Cubans with that accent, they might say, don't forget. Don't forget. Don't forget we go out. Don't forget 8 o'clock. We be here. They have that sort of way of talking. So when I hear don't forget, I'm like, oh, he's saying don't forget Jesus.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I'm going to assume he said don't forget Jesus. It doesn't make sense that we'd say no, forget Jesus. That doesn't make any sense. The only problem is that doesn't make any point promise kept saying USA you forget USA you forget and then for gay for gay, but he's barely speaking English That's bear that's a barely. That's not there's no way you should hold him accountable to be able to accentuate every word correctly But I think I think most people got over it. Yeah, and we just rehashed We just rehashed it's like, we just rehashed it. We just rehashed it.
Starting point is 01:02:05 But listen, man, that guy is one of the most scary athletes I've ever seen in the UFC. When he knocked out Chris Wyden with that flying knee that just comes out of nowhere. I mean, he does shit to people, man. He throws people. He took a fucking straight head kick from Derek Brunson right to the neck. Just walked it off like it was nothing. Pretending like nothing happened. Doesn't really use his wrestling
Starting point is 01:02:25 either. Well, he does a little but really fucks people up. He doesn't really fuck with it. Yeah, he just wants to knock your head off. I think with his mass, right, the amount of muscle that he has. So much muscle. And the explosive energy required to try to take somebody down. I don't know if he can do that
Starting point is 01:02:42 for five minutes for five rounds. No. Especially with a guy with takedown defense? Yeah. No. And then he's a little bit more vulnerable with his striking if he can't explode. See, he's not a technical striker in the vein of Stylebender. Stylebender is a technical striker. Stylebender is setting you up.
Starting point is 01:02:57 He's giving you looks. Sending traps. Doing things to you to see how you respond. And then he'll fake things and high kick you. He'll do some shit to you that you don't know is coming. Yoel's not that. Yoel is exploding in a way that you can't handle.
Starting point is 01:03:11 You can't be on guard all the time. You can't be like this because you're going to burn out. So there's going to be a moment where you relax. There's going to be a moment where you can't quite move out of the way quick enough and that's when he's going to leap on you. Boom! And he hits you with that flying knee like you hit Wyb, and you're like, Jesus! It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I think for Stalben, though, and just looking up the matchup and what Stalben did to Robert Whitaker, I do think Izzy finishes him. I do. It's all about if Izzy can just keep him from taking him down. Because if they're standing up, the thing about Yoel is these leaps these power just these giant explosive movements but Izzy's going to be aware of that he's going to try to stand on the outside he saw it look at Robert Whitaker never really had opportunity to explode like that Izzy's so good at distance and he's fought big powerful guys before so he's seen that
Starting point is 01:04:02 you know the one guy that knocked out Izzy is starting to fight in MMA again. That's Alex Pereira. Do you know who he is? Yep. He's fucking terrifying. Yeah. That dude is a ruthless striker.
Starting point is 01:04:13 How's his MMA coming though? I have no idea. I know he talks shit to Izzy, but it's like... That's because he KO'd him in a kickboxing fight. Yeah. He hit him with a horrific
Starting point is 01:04:21 left hook. Robert, I mean, Alex Pereira fucks up everybody, man. For sure. MMA's a differentira fucks up everybody, man. We're sure. MMA's a different animal. Very different. Very different animal. But in kickboxing... He has a ways to go. It's too bad
Starting point is 01:04:31 people don't know who that guy is. I know. You know, because in kickboxing, I mean, you see what he did to Jason Willness? No. Holy fuck, dude. Tore him up. Holy fuck. I remember he fought kickboxing, man. Pull up Alex Pereira versus Jason Willness in Glory. It's for the world title.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Dude, he's a fucking Terminator. He smashes people. Who's he fighting with? Well, it's all cool. Is he just in some low level? No, man. He's fighting in Glory. No, I'm saying MMA.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Is he fighting? Well, I don't know. I have no idea. I'm sure he's just coming up. I just heard that he's about to do it again. I don't know if a matchup has even been announced. But his fucking striking is so dangerous. Because in a lot of ways, he
Starting point is 01:05:07 reminds me... He's big. He's very big. Not with the... Well, this is the guy who knocked out Izzy. Not with the finality of like the way Deontay Wilder punches, but with that kind of... He's got that kind of ability to finish. Deontay's something special.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I mean, he really is. I mean, nobody. He's 216 pounds. Nobody knocks people out with a punch like that. God's gift. To the forehead. I mean, I've never seen it. He's like the new next level in terms of striking power. You know, Ruiz and Joshua's rematch is Saturday.
Starting point is 01:05:38 That's right. That's right. The 7th. So, in this fight, he sets him up, and I think he hits him with a knee and then a high kick. He stops him. Or a high kick first and then a knee. It's coming up here. But Pereira is one of those guys where, okay, it's right there.
Starting point is 01:05:54 You just missed the knockdown. Here it is. Pereira is one of those guys that can really do this to anybody. It's just a matter of if he hits you. So Willness is as tough as they come. Boom, there's the head kick. God damn. Jason Willness is as tough as they come boom. There's the head kick God damn Willness Jason Willness is as tough as they come he's been in there with some
Starting point is 01:06:09 Fucking killers in fact Izzy lost to Jason Willness by decision It was uh I thought he I thought it was kind of a bad decision I thought I thought stylebender Oh look at that flying knee that's it man back that up again. I was talking. Let's see that again Watch this. This is how good Alex fucking Pereira is, son. Watch this. Boom. Just look at it one more time.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Look how good that knee is. Watch that left knee. Bam. I mean, that shit's perfect. Perfect. Look at that again. Watch this. Boom.
Starting point is 01:06:40 I mean, that is a perfect flying knee. And that's just how tough Jason Wilmes is. Where was his MMA fight, Jamie? Do you know? He's going to be trouble for sure. For everybody. If he can stop a takedown. Do you remember Rico Vanhoeven came over?
Starting point is 01:06:55 Yeah, he was training at AK. Have we heard from him? Did he just stop? Well, Rico's got that rematch with Badr Hari. In kickboxing. Yeah, that's coming up real soon. But I thought he was going to keep doing MMA and eventually come on over to the dark side.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I think he wants to do that after Badr Hari, but the Badr Hari fight is the biggest fight in all of kickboxing. Okay, so he's had two fights that he won and one fight that he lost. So he lost his MMA debut by submission, rear naked choke, but
Starting point is 01:07:24 then he won two fights by KO and TKO he hasn't fought in three years he's fighting in jungle fights which is kind of like the LFA but that was then I mean who knows who he's fighting now but see if you can pull up Alex Pereira fight
Starting point is 01:07:38 soon how old is he I don't want to say he's like 30 how old is he 32 he hasn't fought in two years How old is he? I don't want to say he's like 30. How old is he, Jameson, does it say? 32. 32. He doesn't find two years.
Starting point is 01:07:49 He'll be tough. Well, it's all about whether or not he's got a ground game. I don't know anything about his ground game. All I know about is his striking is fucking ferocious. Dude, he's so scary. And he could do that to anybody. If you could do that to Stylebender, you could fucking do that to anybody. For sure.
Starting point is 01:08:03 And if you see the Stylebender fight, he catches him with a clean left hook and just shuts his lights out. But shows you how good Stylebender is, too. Yep. Boom. Look how good this guy is. Jesus Christ. Bro. But how about Stylebender has the skill set to fight a guy like that?
Starting point is 01:08:16 That wasn't Stylebender right there. That was a different fight. Was that different? Yeah, he's the current champ, champion set of Glory. Yes. He's a two-division champ now. Jesus Christ. Yeah, he's fighting 205 and 85.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Right? Is that the two differences in the weight classes? I think so. Either way, murderer. Just a murderer. Scary guy. There's everybody, and then there's Wilder. There's everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Everybody with power you've ever seen, and then there's Wilder. Wilder's power is like, what is happening? He's got super power. Yeah, like his technique's not phenomenal. It's just not. Sometimes he throws from the hip. It's just like when he touches you, it's over. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:08:56 He's not like George Foreman or like these bigger dudes. He floats around 213 to 219. Yeah. Like he's not a big dude. Not even remotely big. It's insane, man. It's insane. When he hit Ortiz on the forehead and just...
Starting point is 01:09:10 And that's not an easy fight, man. No. Ortiz is a fucking monster. No, and it showed. I mean, Ortiz was winning in my book. He was winning up to that punch. He was winning. And now you got Fury Wilder in February.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Dude. Can't wait for that. What do you think about Saturday Night? What do you mean? Oh, with Ruiz? Joshua Ruiz, too. I think Joshua pieces him that. What do you think about Saturday night? What do you mean? Oh, with Ruiz? Joshua Ruiz too? I think Joshua pieces them up.
Starting point is 01:09:28 You do? I do. Really? I hate when people say, you know, oh, it's like a Buster Douglas situation. It's not because
Starting point is 01:09:33 someone doesn't like Mexicans. So, yeah. We're kidding, folks. Yeah, my girls, both my kids are Mexican. His kids are Mexican. Yeah, my kids are Mexican for God's sake. Dude, Andy Ruiz're kidding, folks. Yeah, my girls Mexican. Both my kids are Mexican. His kids are Mexican. Yeah, my kids are Mexican, for God's sake. Dude, Andy Ruiz has got a shot.
Starting point is 01:09:49 He has a shot, but because he was also, it's not a fluke like Buster Douglas, Mike Tyson, because Andy Ruiz was winning most of the fight before he even knocked him out. He got knocked down third, but he was winning. He had more rounds in the bank. Well, he got knocked down, but then he got back up and knocked Joshua downua down correct but so he was ahead on the scorecards too so and then he just stopped them right but i think it was the perfect storm for anthony joshua to lose the fight i think joshua knows what he's dealing with remember that was a late replacement he's supposed to fight big baby miller and also going into that camp he was dealing with some personal issues
Starting point is 01:10:21 which everybody does but the other thing is he he got – the rumor is he got knocked out in camp by a Philadelphia heavyweight. Who's the guy? Do you know? I forget. He's a stud. I definitely heard the rumor from multiple different sources that he got knocked out in camp. Legit source I heard. A guy who would know.
Starting point is 01:10:36 It seemed like it. There was another rumor that he had a nervous breakdown in the locker room that he knew he shouldn't have been fighting. And his dad was like, no, let's not go out there. So that's why you see his dad arguing with Eddie eddie hearn yeah and here's what else is interesting too is now they're doing the rematch it's in saudi arabia they they didn't have arena there they built it for this seats 15 000 people but so crazy he's making 75 million dollars some shit like that yeah for this fight and it's i think it they're they know what's going. There's something going on because it's away from everything. Like media's not going to be the Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 01:11:08 So there's like the pressure of the English crowd's not there. So they're trying to protect the golden goose here in Saudi Arabia. Would you think he's the golden goose? Here's what I think. I think if Andy Ruiz knocks him out again, he's as big a golden goose as there is in the world. Andy Ruiz? You know how many fucking Mexicans there are, bro? I don't have to tell you.
Starting point is 01:11:27 You made two yourself. There's a lot of Mexicans. There's a lot of Mexicans, man. And the guy's soft-spoken. He's a sweetheart. He's got fantastic hands. I mean, he's got a fluidity to him that you rarely see in the heavyweight division. Whereas a lot of heavyweights, they're like big one-punch guys.
Starting point is 01:11:41 No, he's a combo. Andy Ruiz is like bobbing and weaving and throwing combinations. But people are confused because if you've just discovered Andy Ruiz in the Anthony and Joshua fight, he's not a finisher. He's not a knockout artist. That was just that fight. It was balls to the wall. He just had nothing to lose.
Starting point is 01:11:54 He was like playing with house money. But now he's a better pure boxer than Joshua. But Joshua, I bet you finishes him under 10. Interesting. Yeah. Well, he definitely hurt him in the first fight. He hurt him first and then threw caution to the wind and got cracked. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Because he underestimated Andy's resolve and his ability to recover from the big shot. He didn't realize how good Andy is inside the close quarters. Now imagine what would happen if instead of going crazy and trying to stop him, what if he just boxes on the outside and keeps trying to land a big shot? Yes. Yeah. That's what he's going to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Instead of going in like he did in the first fight. Correct. And then Ruiz, I think, he's going to stand outside, use a jab, set him up. He's going to win rounds with footwork and boxing. And then event in the jab. And then eventually, six, seven, eight, Ruiz is going to be way down on the cards. And be like, all right, fuck it. Go for a broke.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I think he gets caught coming in. Interesting prediction. Who knows? It's boxing. I feel like Ruiz is going to have incredible confidence because he's going into this fight knowing that he's able to beat the heavyweight champion of the world win the title and he's got fucking rolls royce now okay he's going in there with champ attitude you think yes or is he going there down himself i don't think so two things i don't think so you think you realize he
Starting point is 01:13:02 can hang with the champs he knocked him out he the title. I think he's the fucking champ. And I think he's got more love and more respect than he's ever had in his life. Oh, 100%. And I think he likes it. 100%. And he seems like he's having a good time. I think we see an even better Andy Ruiz. You think he beats him?
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yep. I don't know. I don't know if he beats him. But I think he's going to be better. I think Joshua's going to be better, too. I think both guys realize this is- A better Joshua. But also, if Joshua loses this fight, it's like, where does he go from here?
Starting point is 01:13:26 I don't know, man. I don't know. I mean, look, you tell me you wouldn't want to see Joshua Wilder? I'll watch Joshua Fury all goddamn day. I'll watch that, too. I think Wilder knocks Joshua cold. I want to see everything. Me, too.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I want to see it all. I want to see everything. I want to see all of it. I think Andy lost weight. What does Andy weigh now? I don't know what he weighs, but... I think he's down. His speed's trouble, man.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Dude, his combinations. He's so fluid. So silky smooth. People forget about Joshua, though, man. You gotta remember. Can't forget. Dude was a gold... And he got dropped by Vladimir Klitschko.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Remember that? And came back and flatlined him. He has to be Dillian White. His resume's insane. Oh, yeah. I mean, Olympic gold medalist. And probably the best body in the history of the division. That boy is bodied up.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Seriously. Especially when he fought Ruiz. He was a little thick. I think he's lost a little weight himself. I think one of the things he's done is he's gone less strength and conditioning and more pure boxing. He was so big. He was talking about that. He said essentially his word, the way he described it is, I was listening to this interview with
Starting point is 01:14:27 him, some English gentleman, and he was saying that you think about it, you have 100% of your energy. If you put 50% of it to strength and conditioning and 50% of it to boxing, you're not going to achieve the same amount as if you put 100% to boxing, something to that effect. Yeah. So the idea is he's doing less road work, he's doing more conditioning in the gym, and he's doing like heavy bags, mitts. It's smart. It's because if you look at
Starting point is 01:14:48 Andy Ruiz's advantages over him, be speed combinations, so you don't want to just be this big, heavy bulk. Also, if you're looking at future matchups, Fury and Wilder, they're all lighter on the feet, move better, better cardio. So how much weight has he lost? This is him. This is
Starting point is 01:15:04 Joshua. He said he's taking on a prison workout mindset for this fight. Well, his career's on the line, I think. Yeah, it is. Here's the thing, too, and it's the same with Conor McGregor. Conor's career's on the line as well against Cowboy. Oh, for sure. So when you put these guys, Andrew Weiss has tricked fans into thinking he's lost weight. He did that Burt Kreischer trick for this picture, he said,
Starting point is 01:15:26 where he lifted his arms up in the air. Lifted his arms up. Bert Kreischer trick. First of all, how dare you? Did he quote Bert Kreischer, though? No, no. I wish he did. He looks exactly the same.
Starting point is 01:15:36 He's exactly the same. More recent training video. He looks the same. Let me see. He's fatter, he said. Even fatter. There's a video of him hitting the shield, and he misses and catches his trainer on the chin. Get a little wild.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Fuck. Yeah, he drops his trainer. I would be worried about Andy Ruiz. He hasn't seen the spotlight in that money, and there's the Rolls Royce, and he might have been partying in San Diego. I'd be worried about him. I'd be worried about him being like, oh, this is the life. Yeah, that's possible. Yep.
Starting point is 01:16:06 But I don't think so. I think he's a disciplined guy. I think he just is wild. And just likes food. Can't be that disciplined with that body. No, no, no. He looks a certain way that you're not going to get away with. Discipline doesn't come when it comes to food.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Well, it's not going to win any best body contests but he fucks a lot of people up fucks a lot of people up i don't think he's gonna trick joshua this time though i think the first time he tricked him joshua was probably looking at him like i'm gonna fuck this boy joshua's like oh oh that's what you do i've seen this in the millions of fights i've had in the olympics yeah watch this that's what i think's gonna happen now if aiz wins, all right. But I just don't see it, man. It's so interesting because it becomes as big a fight as Wilder Fury 2. It becomes a giant fight.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Wilder Fury 2, to me, is the heavyweight fight. That's the heavyweight fight. I'm really interested in this fight. Joshua's third, I think. Joshua is like, it used to joshua number one the golden child and he you know obviously lost so he fell off but wild and fury have just been doing their thing well this is the fight that i want to see more than anything is wild of fury too that's the number one just because the first one was so controversial and fantastic so good and you know
Starting point is 01:17:18 i re-watched it yesterday in fact you can make a real, real solid argument that Tyson Fury got robbed. Oh, 100%. The only argument for Deontay Wilder is he did knock him down. Oh, if the fight was a fight. If it was a fight, fight. Like in the streets and two guys were going at it like that and one guy dropped the guy and blasted him and then dropped him in the end and he was laying on his back. And he got up and at the end of the round they decided it was the end of the fight.
Starting point is 01:17:48 You would say, man, I think he won. He fucked that dude up. But as far as boxing rules go- It's a boxing contest. Fury won that fight. Fury won the boxing contest. Yeah, Fury won the fight. But Deontay Wilder-
Starting point is 01:17:57 I like the draw though because Deontay Wilder did the most damage in the fight. Sure. So I was like, all right. When it was a draw, I'm like, oh, I dig that. He's going to fight again. Here's the argument against a draw, though. He gets dropped.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Tyson Fury gets dropped in the final round, right? Loses one point for sure, right? It's definitely now a 10-8 round for Deontay Wilder after that knockdown. It was a bad knockdown.
Starting point is 01:18:18 But then he gets up and wins the rest of the round. Wins the rest of the round. So what do you say there? You give him a point for that. No, Fury won the fight. So what is it? 9-8?
Starting point is 01:18:27 What is that then? If it's a 10-point must system, how does that work? Does that mean- Then would it go back to even? Can you have a 7-7 round if you both drop each other twice? I don't think so. I don't think so. No.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Right? What happens there? I don't know. Imagine if guys just like- But then wouldn't it just go back to, you wouldn't score that round 10-8, you'd do it 10-9. Shouldn't we know this? It'd just be a 10-9. I should definitely know. Imagine if guys just like- But then, just go back. You want to score that round 10-8, you do it 10-9. Shouldn't we know this? It'd just be a 10-9. I should definitely know this.
Starting point is 01:18:49 We're not boxing judges. But even, well, he's the same scorers in the UFC, don't they? Dude, is this not where you at all? So, Khabib, Tony, I'm like, fuck yeah, finally. Best fight, skill-wise, all-time lightweight division. One of the best fights the UFC could ever make. But same place, Brooklyn. Brooklyn might have voodoo.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Why are we doing it there, dude? I don't know, man. And guess who's the doctor? Probably homeboy who freaked out when he saw blood on Nate Diaz. Oh, that's right. So he's a doctor. You don't think Tony Ferg's going to be using those elbows? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:19:19 That's so true. Doc, take a fucking hike. That's so true. He's going to be using those elbows from the bottom, too, son. He's not scared of getting taken down. Not at all. Not at all. Enjoys it.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Likes fighting off his back. He loves it. You're going to get that. I think you're going to get one of the greatest trilogies of mixed martial arts history with those three. He can scramble in a way that other guys can't. It's dangerous. Other places could be.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Oh, yeah. When you look at the matchups, you're just like, holy shit, Tony is a perfect kind of foe for Khabib. Well, particularly because he's so good at submitting people from his back. With everything, arms and with legs. I mean, he beat Kevin Lee with a triangle. Think about how many people he darsed. How about that Barboza fight?
Starting point is 01:19:57 Remember that fight? So he darsed a guy that's completely covered in blood, which is so hard to do. Here's the other thing you've got to remember. Tony doesn't get tired. Doesn't get tired. It's a wave. It's a slow wave. So in the fifth, he's actually better than he was in the first.
Starting point is 01:20:10 How is that possible? What the fuck is he doing, strength and conditioning-wise, that other people are not? He's just always been that way. I think it's a genetic thing. I think, you know, I used to train with Tony at Reign. He would spar with everybody else, keep going until guys were like, I'm good, then go to the bag or run sprints. It's just in with everybody else keep going to guys like i'm good then go to the
Starting point is 01:20:25 bag or run sprints he's just it's just in his dna to keep going you talked eddie about it like dude he's doing six hour long practices yeah they said there's no one like him and they said that everybody else gets exhausted all the people that train with him they're all getting exhausted and he's lapping them running hills does his hill sprints laps everybody i mean just a freak like the kane velasquez thing. We're like, what the fuck's going on here? What is happening there?
Starting point is 01:20:47 But you know what it is? Both Mexican. Dude, there's something about that. Something there. Gilbert Melendez too, back in his prime, known for having cardio.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Actually, he said it. I think a lot of his, just like powerful Mexican genetics. Mexican DNA. Listen, man, you know any endurance athletes? Andy Ruiz says,
Starting point is 01:21:03 hold my hand sandwich. I think it's a meatball sub Maybe some quesadillas Hold my fucking tamale If he wins dude, come on man You know what kind of celebration we're going to have in LA If he beats Ruiz If he beats Joshua rather I mean Canelo's the fucking guy for Mexicans
Starting point is 01:21:23 He's the fucking man too Here's the really crazy thing. Ready for this? Yeah. If Andy Ruiz lost all the fat on his body, how much do you think he'd weigh? 130 pounds. Son of a bitch. He's a son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I know. No disrespect. No disrespect. No disrespect. It's all disrespect. I think he's probably 250, right? 250, 260. He's not tall either, man.
Starting point is 01:21:49 He's maybe 6'1", 6'2". Six foot tall. Six foot? Okay. And that's on there, so it's really 5'11". Then what's his weight? Oh, boys. I want to say he's 250.
Starting point is 01:22:00 You say 250? He's thick like a bowl of guacamole. Yeah, 250 guacamole is so thick. It's so thick. Guacamole is so thick. It's so thick. Guacamole's the thickest. It's the thickest. You can't drink that. No, it's the thickest.
Starting point is 01:22:10 It's the thickest. You can drink yogurt. You can't drink guacamole. They make yogurt drinks. They don't make guacamole drinks. It's so thick. Get the fuck out of here. What do we got?
Starting point is 01:22:19 I'm a fan of him. I just think. About 262. Oh, did he really weigh 262? That wasn't his last fight, but he really Wait 262 That wasn't his last fight But he fought at 262 Was he against Anthony Joshua In the first fight
Starting point is 01:22:30 Dude 511 262 That boy He could lose a little Not gonna lie Or not Or he's just like Why dude
Starting point is 01:22:39 I'm fucking I'm the heavyweight champion In the world He has three belts He has more belts Than Wilder More belts than anybody. But here's an argument that I always used to make about Roy Nelson,
Starting point is 01:22:47 is that he could take body shots better because it's like he's wearing eight sweaters. Yeah, 100%, man. Right? And they hit like a Mack truck. Yeah, dude, very similar, both of them. But if you think about Roy's belly, Roy would take a shot to the belly like it was nothing. Dude, people would kick him. Remember, Frank was kicking him.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Everybody's kicked him. Crocop rocked him in the stomach. Yeah. He's the only guy. It listed, I couldn't find it in pounds. It was listed as 19 stones and two pounds, so I had to fucking convert it. So is that 268? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:15 You 270, bro. Jesus. 5'11", 270? He's a little thick. Leave him alone. Isn't it weird? Because think about it. He trains hard.
Starting point is 01:23:23 He trains hard, but he must eat the shit out of some Mexican food. Mexican genetics, dude. Mexican food, too, will pack on the pounds. If you're looking at some calorie-dense food. Oh, you tell him, bro. There's a place up here. Is that place on Canoga? Where is that place?
Starting point is 01:23:37 That Mexican joint that we go to? Talking about Seoul? No, no, no, no. Have you been to Seoul? It's one of the best places. This is one little joint. I don't even want to say the name because I don't want them to get flooded. Oh, don't because I need a spot around here.
Starting point is 01:23:47 It's so good, dude. It's so good. It's so authentic. You go in, they've got the Mexican soap operas are playing. No. Nobody speaks English. Oh, my God. I'm going to freak out.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Really? You're going to love it. Yeah, they've got those pickled jalapenos with onions. Tell me off air. A big old can. I'm going to stop down on the way home. They'll freak the fuck out. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:24:02 They've got lengua quesadillas. My baby's six days old. Already eating jalapenos. Already. It's just fucking. Crack open a beer, wear a sombrero. Woo. If I had one food forever, it might be Mexican.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Mexican or Italian. Yeah, one of those two. If I could only have one thing forever. Like a specific ethnic food. Mexican's so good. Although it's kind of- You know what? I might say Brazilian.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Really? I might say chujas Korea. If I had one- Yeah. I wouldn't miss the meat. Yeah. Dude, you got carne asada with Mexican though, man. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 01:24:39 That's true. Carne asada. Yeah, but if there's a Mexican joint next to a fogo de chow, you know what? I don't know how big a fogo de chow guy is. It stresses me out. I got to flip the green. They just keep coming. I'm sweating.
Starting point is 01:24:53 And I don't eat the salad bar. I'm like, you ain't funny-dicking me on that, dude. That's how you keep your old digestive tract clean. You need some fiber. And I only eat the filet. The real expensive one. I'm like, you know what I'm looking for? You like the filet?
Starting point is 01:25:06 Oh, dude. I forget what is the way to go. I think that's it. Top roast? Yeah. Oh, it's real pink. When they bring the chicken or the sausage, I'm like, bitch, I didn't come here for sausage. Go get the fucking red meat, bro.
Starting point is 01:25:20 What's with the dried tomatoes? Oh my God. Dude. I'm here for the picanha. Get the fuck out of my face, dude. I know you could put away some food. I guarantee you Ari Shaffir will eat you under the table in that place. I agree.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I don't eat that much food. But you can if you wanted to. I could. You could. You got a lot of room. Yeah, you're right. You're a big fella. I'm bigger than Ari.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Ari Shaffir, I'm telling you, I never see nothing like it. He can eat. He just goes for plates and plates. All of us, including Diaz. It's always the skinny guy. We're all sitting back, sitting back going, what the fuck is going on? It's like, it's free. It's free.
Starting point is 01:25:51 You can eat as much as you want. I'm going to keep eating. So I think Ari, when he knows he's going to go to Fogo to chow, he won't eat for a day. That's the Jew in him, man. He's just gangster about it. I think it's competitive as well. It's competitive as well it's like you think you think you're gonna make me pay this much and i'm not gonna eat more than that's worth
Starting point is 01:26:09 dude we uh we had uh dan soda on you know the comic comic he's funny guy man he's the best he's got a new hbo special right yeah damn yeah he's from uh aurora we played against each other in high school no shit what did he play he played uh linebacker at Smoky Hill. I played at Overland. So we know each other. That's hilarious. Yeah, so we had him on the show today. But he was talking about how the culture in L.A., the comics, how they help each other out.
Starting point is 01:26:33 And I was like, well, that's because Joe Rogan is the guy that cultivated that kind of atmosphere where we help each other out in the podcast game and the comics. Like Joe's the one who starred that. And he goes, you know who starred in New York? And I'm'm like i don't see it in new york i know you guys and andrew schultz kind of part of the squad over here now but and he goes when ari moved from la because of joe when ari moved from la came to new york he came in there was like the fuck's wrong with you guys what's wrong with you guys and just kind of like took over and was like no we're gonna
Starting point is 01:27:01 help each other out man and he's like that that, obviously, you and Ari are close. But he took that same attitude and brought it to New York. That's interesting. My take on it was always you should treat it like martial arts. We're in there doing battle. It's not us versus us. And if you're better, I get better. It's better for everybody.
Starting point is 01:27:18 And we got into this because we're fans of comedy. I got into comedy because I loved watching it. I want to watch it. I want to watch Diaz. I because i loved watching it i want to watch it i want to watch diaz like i want to watch theo i want to watch count i want to watch you i want to watch every i want to watch people kill but we're all friends i want to watch mccoskey it's also your friends like i don't want to see that anybody bomb i know we laugh when someone bombs but dude we know so many good comics bill burr i mean god the fucking shit there's so many of them now dalia there's so many murder whitney there's a bunch of murders burt schultz dude there's so many schultz schultz
Starting point is 01:27:53 is murdered mark norman's hilarious there's so many good comics now and if you really love comedy we're supposed to do that for each other we're supposed it's there's not many of us man the idea that like your success somehow or another is bad for me that's crazy what am i going to be in tennessee when you're in tennessee you know you're going to come follow me around we're going to battle for the same customers there's fucking people everywhere there's 300 million people we've also done shows in the same town and you're doing these giant arenas yeah we just and I'm doing the improv, and they all sell out. Everything sold out. Your sellout, mine sold out. Yeah, dude, we have a unique thing, and this unique thing is really only appreciated
Starting point is 01:28:30 by the people that are doing it. Like, everybody that's doing it, like, realizes, like, this is unusual. We haven't had this before. But I think it comes from you. You need someone in your position to do that, and people go, oh, he's killing it, and he's nice like that oh that makes sense you know well i think that's where it comes from i'm very happy yeah i'm very happy because it's a it's a it's a different time
Starting point is 01:28:53 it's a different feel it's a different time you know like when i was coming up when i was my early days the comedy store was like very backstabby and very like people didn't they didn't help anybody and they weren't happy when you got good things and you know this wasn't a lot of camaraderie you know like me and Diaz that was like my first real comrade at the store you know when I became like really good friends with Joey because I realized like Joey's like a real guy you know what I mean it's the best he's an animal like he grew up I mean he when I met him, it was only a few years after he got released for armed kidnapping. But I knew who he was.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Like I got it. I go, I'm like, this is a man. Like I'm his friend. We're friends. I'm that guy's friend to the death. I'm his friend to the death. And I know that about him with me. 100%.
Starting point is 01:29:43 We became friends like real early on in our life. And you guys would go on the road together? Oh yeah, man. I would eat it, man. I ate it going on after him once in Jersey. Oh dude, I wasn't ready. I'd only been doing comedy. You got to realize when I came out to LA,
Starting point is 01:29:57 I'd only been doing comedy six years. Two, four, six, 84, 94. Yes. Were you headlining in six years? Yes. Yes. And I shouldn't have been. And I ate it a few times.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I ate it once. I was headlining four years in. And Jim Brewer made me fucking go down in flames. It was one of the most horrific bombings of my career. But I learned something out of it. One, I learned by watching Jim. Because Jim was murdering, just destroying. And two, I learned that I was nervous. I was real nervous before I went on. I wasn't watching Jim. Jim was murdering, just destroying. And two, I learned that I was nervous.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I was real nervous before I went on. I wasn't enjoying him. I wasn't laughing at him. Instead, I was scared. I was like sitting back there scared that I had to go next. How am I going to follow this? Instead of laughing and enjoying it and going up there as a guy who's having a good time and wants everybody to have a good time, I was going up there selfish.
Starting point is 01:30:44 And they can smell that. The audience is like, oh, to have a good time, I was going up there selfish. And they can smell that. The audience is like, oh, this guy is – Yes, I was thinking about myself. I wasn't thinking about having a good time. I wasn't thinking about being the director of having a good time. So I had to learn that with Diaz. I learned that with Brewer for sure, but I never had to follow Brewer again after that other than maybe like a small spot at the Boston Comedy or Caroline's or something like that, but not when he was doing like a half an hour.
Starting point is 01:31:10 He was the middle and I was the headliner. And I wasn't supposed to be a fucking headliner. You know, Brewer's doing like, he's opened up for a while. Metallica. Yeah, but Metallica, didn't they, I think Hatfield just checked into rehab. Yeah, I know. So they stopped. Yeah, so they had to stop doing it.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Brewer's a monster. Monster. But me taking Diaz on the road with me first of all like I knew like I want to take guys on the road with me that can hang that were fun we could talk shit we can have fun we can go to dinner and laugh yes well you go to dinner with Joey Diaz you've been dinner with us it's the goddamn Joey Diaz show the best best. We're just crying. And he knows that we love him and he knows we're giant fans. He turns it on. So he turns it on.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Yeah. I got to tell everybody, that's the funniest person that's ever walked the face of the earth. He said things that I couldn't believe he fucking said in restaurants. We're falling on the ground, pounding the carpet under the table. Can't breathe. Can't breathe. And he's like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:32:04 The best. The best. The best. He's a fucking animal. But to have a guy like that and to go on a road with a guy like that, you also have to be sharp. You have to pick your game up. I mean, it's basically you're sparring with the best of the best. You can't slack off.
Starting point is 01:32:20 No. You just can't. There's none of that. You can't do that. You have to be ready. And you have to enjoy it. So what I learned to do, instead of being scared to go on after him, which I what definitely was a couple of times But I get that one time in Jersey. I remember I did okay. I did good like I didn't bomb
Starting point is 01:32:34 But there was moments where it was rough. It was today. I'd want to kill myself Anyway, you know I could barely get through it anyway, but I remember Back then I wasn't that good anyway. You know what I mean? I could barely get through it anyway. But I remember it was like, whoa. There was like 10 whole minutes where I was struggling before I picked it up. It was bombing.
Starting point is 01:32:56 It wasn't the worst kind of bombing where they don't clap when you leave. Yeah. But they definitely like, I've had that, man. That's rough. Thank you. Good night. There's nothing. They're like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:33:04 You're like, whoa, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to bomb like that, but but I definitely wasn't as funny as him. I didn't expect to do this fellas But then so then we all started hanging out together right and then it was like Ari and Redband and Duncan and we all support each other and we all Started just spreading this idea. We're all friends. Just because we're all doing the same job, we're not in competition with each other. We're supposed to be the opposite.
Starting point is 01:33:32 We're supposed to be in support of each other. And then if you do that, then we can bring other people along too. And instead of it being a network like NBC or ABC or CBS or whatever, these people you don't know. And their job is just to find people that they can sell on television. They're trying to find a product. To bring an eye on us to the network, yeah. They're trying to find a product.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Whether it's The Tonight Show or it's Friends or whatever the show is, they're trying to figure out how something could go in there. And everybody feels like they're competing for that. Well, I'm like, well, that's, we're in the opposite situation now. Now, the more people, the better.
Starting point is 01:34:03 So it's not like you and i are both competing for some fucking roll on cheers it's not what it is now it's the more the better yep like the more if you know funny people and then they go oh brendan says that guy's funny he must be funny he knows funny and then they watch that guy and that and you can and then it's a real network so then it's a network of friends so it's a different kind of network there's no contracts no but everybody knows if theo vaughn tells you somebody's funny, that guy's got to be funny because Theo Vaughn is funny as fuck. Yeah. So it's just like nice little thing where everybody's kind of helping everybody.
Starting point is 01:34:35 And then when you go there, now it's like a feeling of family. Like every time we go to the store, it's all hugs. Everybody's hugging. You know, it's all like, what's up? What's up? It's all friendly. It's not all the weirdness man and it helps people it helps people get over the hump because sometimes someone what keeps someone from becoming a professional is like you don't you know you don't have supportive friends and you don't put the extra effort into it because
Starting point is 01:34:58 it doesn't feel good to be there because you're not doing well because you bomb too often that's a big one you need someone to like pull you aside when you're bombing you go Hey, man, you gotta stop open with that bit you make people uncomfortable, but also go I've been there too. Yes We've all been there dude Anybody tells you they have a bomb is either a thief either than stealing all their jokes or they're just not telling the truth Not real comic. Yeah, it's hard It's fucking hard this and you you get humbled every time you come up with something new. And every time you have to do a new special and every time you have to put away the old jokes and write new ones.
Starting point is 01:35:31 You're humbled. You're eating shit all the time. There's no way you're not going to. If you're coming up with a new bit, there's going to be a time where you're going to say it where you've never said it before. That's just a fact. And it's never going to be that good when you're in that state. Bambi, yeah. It's Bambi legs. It's all like, it's all Bambi on ice. It's just a fact. And it's never going to be that good when you're in that state. It's Bambi legs. It's all like, it's all Bambi
Starting point is 01:35:48 on ice. It's so embarrassing. It's so embarrassing. You're forcing it. It's clunky. That's the game though. That's what we do. And the more we do it together, the more we help each other, the more it makes people want to come see it too. So it's like, the store has never been more packed. Never. Never
Starting point is 01:36:03 been more packed. It's sold out every night. Every night. And everybody's got a good vibe. It's nice. Like everybody you see there, everybody's happy to see everybody. Whether it's the Leah or Rick Ingram. There's no darkness. Everybody's happy.
Starting point is 01:36:15 It's nice people. You see Sebastian. Yeah, I think you've seen that. I'm happy to help. I'm happy to help. But I'm just trying to promote the thing that we all want. We all want it. It's not like you're trying to show people I'm happy to help. But I'm just trying to promote the thing that we all want. We all want it. You know, it's not like trying to show people something they don't want.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Everybody wants family. Everybody wants brotherhood and sisterhood. Everybody wants, like, a nice community. Everybody wants to feel good. But, like, some people think... Everybody has imposter syndrome, too, man. When you meet famous people... I had a phone call the other day with Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 01:36:44 You did? Me and Johnny Depp are talking on the phone and i'm like what is going on in my fucking life i'm here having a phone call with johnny depp do you want to come on the podcast oh i don't know it's just i just wanted to talk to him it was just a cool conversation really yeah yeah good guy oh he's very nice guy i'm a big fan he's a sweetheart of a guy phenomenal but it's like talking to him on the phone, I'm like, what is this life? You know? And people, even, I bet even Johnny Depp feels like he's full of shit. Everybody feels full of shit.
Starting point is 01:37:11 We all feel like a fraud. Everybody's a fraud. Someone's going to pull the curtain up. Yeah. Ah, fuck. And when everybody said like, you suck, you're a fraud. Like, yeah, you're right. Everyone's a fraud.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Yeah, cool, man. Everyone, I guarantee you, Daniel Day-Lewis probably feels like a fraud sometimes. It's imposter syndrome. Everyone gets it. So talking to Johnny Depp, you're like, what the fuck is happening? I'm like, what is happening? And before that was Kanye West. Yeah, that was weird too.
Starting point is 01:37:33 To you that was an insane too? That was weird too. It was real weird. It's weird. I met Paul McCartney once at the improv. I was like, hello. What in the fuck am I doing staring at you? How are you a real thing?
Starting point is 01:37:45 How are you really Paul McCartney? Crazy. I didn't even stick around to talk to him just said hi and kept moving hi he saw me just stand up too i was thinking about him while i was in there i was like i just kept ran up he can handle it what if paul mccartney gets really bummed out walks away what if i did like the caitlin jenner thing and heckled you out at me you know have you ever talked to those guys and asked her on the podcast and anyone said no or you don't even push it chapelle is an interesting one because you and i have talked about it yeah no mike no i don't know sorry sorry yeah no fucking rick chapelle motherfucker his his cousin dave is uh you know davis said it was like he's like i'll do it sometimes i go but i don't know you know and i was like dude i hear you i don't do anybody else's
Starting point is 01:38:32 i mean i don't have any time why would you yeah i don't have any time and second of all i get it man you say enough with your comedy and it's like dave is a smart guy man he figured it out he figured out where was slipping away when they were fucking with him when he was doing the Chappelle show. And he was like, you know what? Let me just sit back for a bit. Dip down. Just sit back for a bit. And he started doing.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Do you know what he did? You see what an artist Dave Chappelle is? He wasn't scheduling shows. Instead, he would bring a speaker to the park. Oh, I know. In Seattle. In Seattle. He'd set up a fucking speaker and do an impromptu
Starting point is 01:39:06 stand-up show and everybody was like what is going on and at the time he could have filled up arenas man crazy i mean still can for sure you know still can still does the ones i did with him were phenomenal we had so much fun but he decided to take time off he decided that like let me just sit back and you know this especially at the level you're at, to step away is probably the hardest. To say no is probably the hardest thing. He's our biggest genius. He's our biggest comedy genius. And he might be one of the biggest comedy geniuses ever.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Oh, yeah. But he's certainly our biggest comedy genius of today. He understands comedy like nobody else does. Did you hear what he said to Trevor Noah was on a show? And they asked him about opening for dave chapelle because chapelle brought him on a bunch of dates and trevor noah was like he was saying he goes i mean i'm i'm fairly good at stand-up i'm not the best but you know i've been a while now and he goes i'm in the green room with dave chapelle and he goes and i'm thinking
Starting point is 01:39:58 why the fuck would he have me open for like he has all these guys like great comics what do you have me so he said that to him he goes hey dave i gotta know man why the fuck do you have me at your shows wait i'm open for you and he goes you know a million better comics and he goes i can find any funny there's a ton of funny people there's a ton of funny comics he goes but you're funny and interesting so to your point he's like we can go to dinner like you're an interesting person and people care about interesting people so there's guys i can bring out who are going to murder, but they're not interesting. People don't care. You can murder, and you're interesting.
Starting point is 01:40:30 That's why you're here. I'd like to talk to Dave, see if that was an accurate quote. Yeah, do it. Dave must have been like, what? Yeah, I know. I didn't say that. I told him it was funny. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:40:37 I told him he's cool, man. Jesus Christ. I told him he's here because he rolls a good joint. And he's just, Trevor Noah just can't. He said, I'm here because I'm really smart. I'm a giant dick. And he's just, Trevor Noah just can't stop it. He said, I'm here because I'm really smug. Stop lying, son! Stop lying, son!
Starting point is 01:40:51 He started his podcast, right? Yes, he did. Finally. I tried to talk him into it for literally a year. Really? I think I started talking to him about it last February or something like that. February or March. When did he do the podcast the first time? You told me to do a podcast From then on I'm like, what are you doing man? You were born so funny?
Starting point is 01:41:09 He's born for this about anything he could ramble was February Okay, so almost you know, like whatever that is ten months. So ten eleven months ago He got it going and finally got it going so funny. That's And he's doing it with Kate Quigley, which is perfect. Oh, nice. The dynamic. Yeah, it's perfect. And have someone to bounce off shit, you know. Or you can Bill Bird or Chris or D'Leon and just speak into the mic.
Starting point is 01:41:34 That's a special set of skills. Yes, he could do that and he has done that, but it's better to have Kate Quigley there. Bounce ideas off. Yeah. First of all, Kate understands like comedy. She knows what he's doing. For sure. She'll get out of the way if he goes on a rant. Yeah. You know, it's ideas. Yeah. First of all, Kate understands like comedy. She knows what he's doing. For sure. She'll get out of the way if he goes on a rant.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Yeah. You know, it's perfect. You know, she'll bring people there herself. So she'll bring people to the podcast as well. It'll help. You know who else started a podcast and finally is Whitney Cummings. I know. She's killing it too.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Of course. Killing it. She should have been doing it a long time ago. I agree. She's another one. She would do other people's podcasts. I know. She would like prepare.
Starting point is 01:42:04 She was like one of the rare people who would prepare for podcasts. Notes and shit. She would come in with notes and shit to talk about. She's so smart. She's one of the most ambitious people I've ever met in an interesting way. Not ambitious like wants to be famous. No. But wants to complete projects.
Starting point is 01:42:18 She's always like, well, I'm in the middle of directing this documentary on violence. She has so much going on. I know. Like, what are you talking about? I know. Why are you directing documentaries? Dude, our neighborhood is Whitney, Tom Segura, it's all of us right there, man.
Starting point is 01:42:33 It's a vortex, bro. You see Tom Segura's dance video? Yes, it's fantastic. Bro. The end when he stabs Burt. Holy shit. He said the director wanted him to stab him, take a gun, and keep shooting him. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:42:47 And Tom was like, all right, I'm down. But I guess it was too long. So he's like, we cut that out. Just me stabbing you. Yeah, the stabbing thing is the way to go. Yeah. But it's dancing. I mean, Duke can dance.
Starting point is 01:42:58 He can dance. You know he's starting to do comedy shows in Spanish? Oh, my God. How crazy is that? I think he said he's going to do a special. In Spanish? Yeah. Oh, my God. I don't that? I think he said he's going to do a special. In Spanish? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Oh, my God. I don't know if it's going to be a four-hour. He just did a special in Austin. Or maybe he's getting ready for Netflix. No, he just filmed it. But that one's not in Spanish, right? No, no, no. That's regular. But he's regular.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Yeah, that was the other thing I was thinking about, this cowboy versus Connor fight. That's the most Irish guy versus the most American guy. It's Bud Light versus proper whiskey. Bud. Actual Bud. Not Bud Light. How dare you? Oh, is it Budweiser?
Starting point is 01:43:31 He's not trash. Is it Bud Light? I thought Bud Light was his shit. No, it's Budweiser. Is it Budweiser? No, he's a Budweiser guy. That thick beer, bro. The real shit.
Starting point is 01:43:39 The real shit. Fuck your light beer, dude. Nothing wrong with Bud Light if you're eating clams or something. You want something cold. You want that cold Budweiser? Budweiser's real beer. Dude, it's Budweiser versus proper whiskey. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And I like my Budweiser in a can. I like to know I'm a piece of shit. Me too. I like to know. Go put it in a fancy glass. Is Connor reaching for his whiskey while Cowboy's reaching for his Budweiser? I mean, I guess. I wish they would have done it in Dublin or something, like a giant stadium in Dublin.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Where are they doing it? Vegas? Vegas. Well, they probably had an agreement with Vegas anyway. See, I think the thing about Vegas is like, there's the most people that can come. It's easy to get to. There's the most amount of hotels. You're going to make the most money.
Starting point is 01:44:16 You're going to make the most money. You're going to make the most money. Yeah. It's, it's, look, it's going to be fucking great. I know. Whether you watch it on TV or watch it live, it's going to be fucking great. Whether you watch it on TV or watch it live, it's going to be fucking great. I can't wait. And if Conor can catch him early,
Starting point is 01:44:30 it could be very interesting. It's literally a sprint versus a marathon because Cowboys stick around. Five rounds for Conor at welterweight, it scares me, man. If Cowboy can use his distance, and he's very good at doing it, and he can avoid that straight left,
Starting point is 01:44:45 because Conor's got a piston of a left hand, man. I think Conor's better with his hands, but Cowboy's better with his feet. And also, the one thing everyone's forgetting is Cowboy can fucking wrestle, man. And he has phenomenal submission. So if he wants to pull that out at some point of the fight, he can definitely do it. I don't think he's going to. I don't think he's going to. The Mike Perry fight opened a lot of eyes.
Starting point is 01:45:04 The Mike Perry fight opened a lot of eyes. Because Mike Perry fight opened a lot of eyes because Mike Perry's a gorilla. Gorilla. That guy is fucking strong as shit. And when Cowboy armbarred him, you know, Mike Perry sent him a picture of x-rays of a broken arm that wasn't really his arm. Oh, really? This is what he did to my arm. So he's like-
Starting point is 01:45:19 Oh, hell no. And Cowboy's like, what? He's like, really? He didn't even really break his arm. Oh, wow. That's hilarious. And I said, what's that about? He was just like, what? He's like, really? Meanwhile, he didn't even really break his arm. Oh, wow. That's hilarious. And I said, what's that about? He was just a strange guy.
Starting point is 01:45:28 He said strange, dude. He just sent him a fake broken arm in the x-ray, and his arm wasn't broken. Hey, didn't Mike Perry do like 21 and Mean? There was like 0.01% of black, and he just started dropping them balls? In like interviews, just out of nowhere and everyone's like what the fuck is happening Mike Perry's a wild dude he's hilarious
Starting point is 01:45:49 is what he is what does it say platinum tattooed on his eyebrow is it platinum or yeah I don't know he's hilarious
Starting point is 01:45:55 he's a wild motherfucker man he has a fight coming up yeah who's he fighting he's fighting someone good right Jeff Neal is he fighting Jeff Neal
Starting point is 01:46:02 yeah ooh that's a good fight Jeff Neal dude you know who we'd leave out you know Ooh, that's a good fight. Jeff Neal. Dude, you know who we'd leave out? Jeff Neal, sweet. You know who we'd leave out when we're talking about welterweight and it's so fucked up? Leon Edwards. Oh, yeah. He's won eight in a row. Well, how about Masvidal fucking sucker punches him and it cuts his
Starting point is 01:46:16 face and they're in the, you know, the middle of this whole thing after he knocks out Till. I know. And he's in the heat of this, but it gets no traction. Everyone's like, yeah, whatever. They actually got in a fight. Straight fight, yeah. And everyone's like, yeah, but Leon, nobody knows you. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:46:30 I know. What? But he's a monster. Well, he beat Cowboy by decision, but Cowboy was sick going into that fight. Yeah. Not to say that Leon couldn't have won anyway. But there's a guy who never pulls out of a fight. When was the last time you heard Cowboy pull out of a fight?
Starting point is 01:46:43 Oh, never. He would have to be on death's door. Again, he's been a yes man for the UFC. He's gone through so much shit, cutting weight on three days notice and fighting this guy and losing. But it's not necessarily even that he's a yes man. It's like he's just down to fight. But sometimes it's not for the best of his career. Like when he fought Masvidal in Denver, his hometown, after the Mike Brown fight, we were like, dude, you suffered a lot of damage.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Like, dude, fight in your hometown, whatever, four weeks later. He's like, yeah, all right. You know what I'm saying? Like that usually you're – because you're like – I'm going to be honest with you. To get to the title, that doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm positive that Dana has actually told him that too at certain points. I'm not blaming Dana.
Starting point is 01:47:21 I think that he wanted fights where Dana was like, look, just slow down. I'm sure. I'm in, but I, he's just wild, man. He's a wild dude, but it's paid off.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Usually it doesn't pay off. It's paid off. He got his golden goose. Well, he's in an interesting stage where he's doing a lot of fights. So he's really comfortable fighting, right? He's fighting very regularly.
Starting point is 01:47:41 And he also, you know, at that age where his brain and his his knowledge of fighting and his fight iq is at its highest while his body's still hanging in there hanging in there though but there's a fine line where it's let's say he got knocked out by gate you right yeah so let's say connor knocks up then it's like right what are we doing? Exactly, because you're in, he's like 36 now? How old is Connor? 36, 37?
Starting point is 01:48:07 So this is the area, right? From 36 to 40 is where you see some guys, Bernard Hopkins it, and they just fucking eat nothing but grilled chicken with perfectly cooked vegetables. God, that's the exception, isn't it? The most except. He's the most odd exception, because Bernard Hopkins was elite as a boxer with no drugs, no nothing. But also Bernard Hopkins' IQ was higher than anybody.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Off the charts. Off the charts. So he could fight defensive. Yeah. MMA really can't get away with that. He also could control the pace where he could dictate how fast you guys fought. So nobody could just put a pace on him. MMA's not like that.
Starting point is 01:48:45 No. It's a different animal. It's a completely different animal. And the only guys that really made it successfully deep into their 40s were not on the match. No. It'd be tough to do these days. It's tough. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:48:57 It's tough. And the early days of fighting, man. You've got to realize the early days, everything has to have an asterisk. Everything. Every fight. Kind of is the Wild the wild west was like everyone did it you know because it was kind of a level playing field speaking of which you see vitor getting ready for one fc hell yeah he's back he's back baby come get some he's throwing fast combinations. Looking juicy. Juicy. Thick. I love that big torn. What weight is he fighting at?
Starting point is 01:49:28 Is he fighting at 205? 205, right? Does it say? Oh, boy, he's thick, too. Dude, he's big. In a good way. How many more years do you think he can have under those looser guidelines? I think does it for three more years.
Starting point is 01:49:44 They won't even let you side in the country to watch. No. Get out. No. But we don't even do it. Out. Out. But we don't have anything to do with it.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Get the fuck out. Out. Out. Out. No Singapore. Out. Out. Out.
Starting point is 01:49:56 That's right. He's won championship, huh? Yeah. Dude. I mean, of course he is. Come on, son. Just has that dime piece wife they're helping him
Starting point is 01:50:06 oh yeah why wouldn't you yeah Chakri's giving him his own piss he's like take my piss this stuff's perfect
Starting point is 01:50:12 I'm eating whole foods going to yoga class yeah they're killing it Sage is gonna fight again too he's gonna drop down to 55 so here he is getting ready oh yeah dude I mean he's thick Sage is going to fight again, too. He's going to drop down to 55. So here he is getting ready. Oh, yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:50:26 I mean, he's thick. And he doesn't have to cut weight. So that's where it gets interesting. Because, you know, you've got to realize that Vitor has been fighting in the UFC at 185 pounds for, you know, all the big fights, right? The fight with Anderson that he lost. And then the Anderson fight, you know, he was a little smooth in that fight. He didn't look like the Vitor that fought Rockhold or the Vitor that fought Michael Bisping or Henderson. That was the thick Vitor.
Starting point is 01:50:57 So we're dealing with a different animal. What poor soul is going to fight Vitor and the Jews? Hey, man, is it enough at this age? Is it enough? I mean, they've got at this age? You know, is it enough? You know, I mean, they've got some straight-up murderers over in 1FC. They do, man. They do. That fucking guy who knocked out Eddie Alvarez? What's his name?
Starting point is 01:51:14 Saryukin? Saryukin? How about the guy who beat Brandon Vero, man? Like, they have some killers we just don't know about. Saryukin. What is his name? Oh, Nastyukin. That's his name. I think it's Timothy Nastyukin. That's his name. I think it's Timothy Nastyukin. This fucking Russian savage. Mighty Mouse been doing work over there.
Starting point is 01:51:30 He has. But also UFC, not to throw Ben Askren on the bus, but UFC went, one championship, that's your best? Come on over. Yeah, but I think... I think it paid off for the UFC because you wouldn't have Mazdal's superstardom without what happened with Ben Askren. Yeah. I think Ben, you know, it worked for both, one championship and UFC. It worked out.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Yeah, for sure. And it worked for Ben, too, because he made a lot of money over in 1FC. But I think that if Ben had left Bellator and gone straight to the UFC, things would have been very interesting. Very interesting. You and I went hard in the paint for Ben. We got starched. We got starched. It was a tough go. Starched and paint for Ben. We got starched. We got starched. It was a tough go.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Starched and then strangled. Hey, it's a tough world out there. And we found out also that he needs a fucking hip replacement. He legitimately does. I connected him with Dr. Reardon. Oh, good. I love Ben. I love Ben.
Starting point is 01:52:16 But also, people dogging on stuff like this. It's like, dude, what about the guy who was retired, had everything going for him, where he's living, has the wrestling camp, and was like, yeah, all right, I'll fight the best of the best in the UFC. Yeah, right away. Just for him to do that, you have to tip your hat to the guy. It's fucking insane. And super nice guy.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Very smart guy, too. Really well educated. Again, all the shit talk, that's all an act. Ben's a great dude. Smart, smart guy. Well, how's the best idea to do that to Masvidal, though? What'd you say? Talking shit to Masvidal.
Starting point is 01:52:46 But that's his game. Because you're not going to tune in to just a pure wrestler. Yeah. Dude. But there's some guys. Oh, where Masvidal's like, what? There's some guys you do not want to make mad. Dude, how about Masvidal?
Starting point is 01:52:58 I'm sorry. How about Ben Askin versus Damian Maia? The striking. I was like, what the fuck is happening right now? Yeah. Go to the ground, you two, right now. Yeah, what is this? I'd rather watch Logan Paul and KSI.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Why is this happening? Well, you got to remember, Damian Maia beat Masvidal. One of the last fights that Masvidal lost was Damian Maia. No, I thought he beat Damian Maia. No, he beat Damian Maia. I don't think so. Damian had his back, remember, and they restarted him? I think Damian Maia won I don't think so. Damian had his back, remember? And they restarted him. I think Damian Maia won that decision.
Starting point is 01:53:27 I'm pretty sure. I think he lost to Wonderboy Thompson. And I think he lost to Damian Maia. No, he beat Damian Maia. Did he? You're right. I think. Yes.
Starting point is 01:53:35 No, no, no. Masvidal. Masvidal. No, no, no. Yeah, Masvidal, Damian Maia. Losing my mind. I'm trying to beat him. I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 01:53:44 I thought Masvidal won. I feel like Damian Maia trying to remember. I thought Maslow won. I feel like Damian Maia won a decision. Yeah, he did. Damian Maia won? Yeah. Shout out to your brain. And I remember he lost a really close one to Wonderboy. Yeah, he's only lost like close, close.
Starting point is 01:53:59 But what's interesting about the Maslow-Damian Maia fight is where Maia had his back and couldn't submit him. True. Which is insane well you know where maya got fucked more than any other time in his entire career is when he had kamaro usman's back i was ridiculous oh so ugly to this day to that this day i'll be driving in my fucking car hori mazda said damian maya lost burns like a fucking std hilarious sometimes i'll be driving. Sometimes I'll be driving. No bullshit. I'll be driving down the road, and I think of Damian Maia having Kamaru Usman's back,
Starting point is 01:54:30 and the referee's stepping in, and I go like this. Fuck! Just driving. Out of nowhere. If someone saw me driving, they would think that I have some personal thing I'm dealing with, or I owe money, or something. Tourette's or something. I'm just driving down the road, thinking about that ref pulling Damian Maia off Usman's back.
Starting point is 01:54:45 And I just go, fuck. That was insane. It was so dumb. Insane. It's like he got to the spot. That's the spot. Next thing you know, who knows what happens. Not only is that the spot, but it's his spot.
Starting point is 01:54:55 It's his spot. He's the best in the world on your back. The best. And it's early. We're in the first round. He's not even slippery yet. You called the Damian Maia Askin fight to a T. I knew that was going to happen. We talked before. You're like, no, no, no. Damian Maia's going even slippery yet. You called the Damian Maia-Askren fight to a T. I knew that was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:55:05 We talked before, like, no, no, no. Damian Maia's going to strangle. Damian Maia's world class on the ground. And Ben eventually wants to go to the ground. What does he want to do? Have a kickboxing fight? There's going to be moments where he wants to go to the ground. Okay, now if you look at when, and this is obviously different because it's just MMA.
Starting point is 01:55:23 I mean, it's just grappling, not MMA. But he rolled with Marcelo Garcia. And if you watch Marcelo Garcia strangle Ben Askren over and over and over again, you realize there's levels to everything. If they were just in a wrestling match, yeah, Ben Askren could probably beat him. But this is not a wrestling match. This is MMA with strangles. And Damian Maia is going to get his back.
Starting point is 01:55:41 That's what I was thinking. I was like, he's going to get his back. But also it is pretty similar to straight jiu-jitsu because Ben or Damian aren't really ground and powders. Yeah. No, they're not ground and pounding. They're literally vying for a position to grapple. So Ben's going to entertain the grappling with Damian Maia.
Starting point is 01:55:56 He's going to slip up. Oh, shit. He's going to slip up. And that's what I felt like he wasn't going to be able to, as Hicks and Gracie would say, couldn't keep the rhythm. Dude, the transitions were foaming at them. I could not get enough of it. When they were standing, I'm like, you two fucking drop down right now.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Yeah, stop it. God damn it. The only thing that made sense to me is maybe Damian Maia thought that Ben Askren's chin would be soft because he was so brutally KO'd just four months ago. Maybe, because that has happened to guys. Yeah. You remember when Travis Luter
Starting point is 01:56:25 who did he fucking knock out cold with one punch? That same dude who Vitor Belfort cut a giant hole above his head. He was a super jacked really powerful black dude. God damn it. I can't remember his name. Pull up Travis Luter.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Not Eastman. Marvin Eastman. Exactly. Marvin Eastman fought Travis Luter and Travis Luter caught Marvin Eastman. Marvin Eastman. Exactly. There you go. Marvin Eastman fought Travis Luter, and Travis Luter caught Marvin Eastman with a punch at the very end of the punch. It was one of the weirder knockouts that you'll ever see. Go back right here. Right here. Right here. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Oh, very end of the punch. Very end of the punch. It's strange. But Marvin Eastman had been KO'd. The word was he got KO'd twice in camp with Tito. Oh, wow. He got hit with a knee during takedown defense, got KO'd, and he got hit with something else.
Starting point is 01:57:11 That was the word. I don't know if that's true. If it's wrong, forgive me. But it's not that Travis Luter couldn't punch. He certainly could, but that one didn't make sense. No, not like that. He touched him, and he just went out. So sometimes guys who have been KO'd recently, you know how it is.
Starting point is 01:57:24 I know how it is. They just can't. It sometimes guys who've been KO'd recently, you know how it is. I know how it is. They just can't. It just doesn't work anymore. You know? And maybe, I think Damian Maia maybe thought that Ben Askren couldn't take a shot. That's scary when that happens in training camp because then you're like, fuck. And you know the fight's like two or three weeks away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:37 And you know you're not going to be healed. So you go into the fight like, oh, fuck. Knowing you're vulnerable. Yeah. Fuck. That happened before I fought Rothwell. He ended up knocking me out but before that two weeks before a week before my last sparring session
Starting point is 01:57:49 shane carwin knocked me literally cold it's like oh we're a week away and then your coach like yeah be all right man you shake it off but in hindsight i'm like why would you guys let me fight dude why would you let me fight that well also why also, why is Shane Carlin trying to knock you out? Dude. Yeah, it was a savage. That dude hit so hard. Oh, he hit so hard. That dude hit so hard. He's a guy who didn't get his day in the sun either.
Starting point is 01:58:18 He had that loss to Lesnar where he came out and fucked Lesnar up in that first round, but then he just gassed out. He just lost all his juice. He was so he put out so much energy trying to stop Lesnar. So much muscle. So much. And he just fucking went after him.
Starting point is 01:58:29 They could have stopped that fight too. They easily could have stopped that fight. Shout out to Herb Dean. And they were both champions. He was the interim champ. Lesnar was the champ champ. He beat Frank Mir. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:38 He crushed Frank Mir with a ruthless series of uppercuts. Remember he held him with one arm and blasted him with the other? I was in his corner. Fuck dude. Fuck dude. Fuck, dude. Fuck, dude. That was terrifying.
Starting point is 01:58:47 That was with Shane Carlin when he was at his peak. He was starching people. And remember, before that, he starched Gabriel Gonzaga. One punch. And after he had a broken nose, Gonzaga fucked his nose and took him down. Gonzaga fucked his nose up. Yep. Shane popped up and went, cool story.
Starting point is 01:59:01 And Shane hit him with a six-inch right hand. Cool story. He went like this shut the lights out and then how about Gonzaga and Bigfoot Silva bare knuckle that's how they're doing sir they found a bare knuckle and Gonzaga piece Big Silva
Starting point is 01:59:16 it's hard to watch Bigfoot Silva was a guy that when they made him get off the test remember that that was the rudest thing ever. The rudest thing? But also, don't fight if you have to have that stuff. He needed the money.
Starting point is 01:59:30 He needed the money. No, I'm saying, remember him on TRT? He was such a nightmare. He crushed Fedor. Huge, dude. He crushed Fedor. Remember that? Remember when Fedor went for an ankle lock on him?
Starting point is 01:59:42 His giant foot. Oh, story, bro. His giant foot. And Fedor's hugging on ankle lock on him and just his giant foot? Oh, story, bro. His giant foot. And Fedor's like hugging on his big toe and he's going like this. Yeah. I'm like, oh, you fucked up, Fedor. You fucked up. You let a guy get on everything.
Starting point is 01:59:52 You're literally fighting a giant. Yeah. Also the nicest guy in the world. Super nice guy. But he- How about I was training with him and- He had a real reason to take tests. When you take him off of it, he had an operation on his pituitary gland.
Starting point is 02:00:04 He had a tumor. Yeah. He had a tumor that was, I mean, he was literally producing too much growth hormone. That's why you become a giant like that. So then he has this tumor removed and now his body's not producing anything. I know. So he has to take stuff, but they say he can't take stuff. So he's just sick all the time. I remember his fight against Mark Hunt when he was on TRT and they just went back and forth
Starting point is 02:00:25 it was like the greatest heavyweight fight of all time and then afterwards he couldn't take a shot he tested hot dude how about I train with Bigfoot to get ready for Big Nog and I didn't know they were like best friends and I'm training with him I'm like this guy's great
Starting point is 02:00:40 next day I'm like where the fuck is Bigfoot I see a picture of him on Instagram with Big Nog oh boy so he went to test you out i just think he came in and was like he was the same i knew he was training there and i don't think it was any like bad intention i think he was like all right yeah if you want to train go ahead dude when he got on top of fedor when he mounted fedor i was like holy fuck that picture of just a giant on top of this kind of fat Russian and just fucking. Dude, he was a building. He was like a building planted on his chest. Like, you're not shaking that off.
Starting point is 02:01:13 DC. He's 300 pounds. Mary and DC fought him. And I go, dude, you fucked him up. He goes, how can you miss? How can you miss? He goes, that's the easiest fight in the world. How do you miss?
Starting point is 02:01:23 I threw a one, two. They both landed. His head was this wide. It's all in when you catch a guy, too. Like, where you catch him in his career and all in, like, what kind of testing are we talking about? True. That's the reality of, like, MMA pre-USADA is all when you catch them and what kind of testing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Well, speaking of testing, how about your boy Overeem fight Saturday? Dum-dum-dum. And he's fighting a fucking— Rosenstreich. Is it Stroich or Strook? Stroich. Stroich. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:53 He's a banshee. Yeah, he's a beast. He KO'd— Andrei Orlovsky. Andrei Orlovsky with a left hook. Fadeaway left hook. His last fight, one punch. Serious power. Really nice guy, hook. His last fight, one punch. Serious power.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Really nice guy, too. Is he nice? Real nice. I can't believe he fights in D.C. What a cool name. Jorzino. Jorzino. Rosenstreich.
Starting point is 02:02:14 God, look at him. I would have to go to John Anik to see if I'm saying it right, but I'm pretty sure it's Rosenstreich. Rosenstreich. Rosenstreich. 6'4", 240. Very interesting guy. Perfect size. Very interesting guy. He size. Very interesting guy.
Starting point is 02:02:26 He's one of those guys where you look at the, oh, they're doing a leg reach thing now. He's one of those guys when you get a guy who's, you know, I think he's 9-0. Is that what it says? 9-0, yeah. I mean, you don't know. He has two, we don't know, but this is a good test. KO ratio, 88%. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 02:02:42 And he's a legit 260 plus, you know And he's a legit 260 plus. He's a legit giant dude. You're fucking crazy if you don't think Rosenstruik and Francis are going to face off. What I want to see, honestly, I want to see Francis fight in boxing. I really do. How dare you? I really do. I really do. Against a guy like Wilder?
Starting point is 02:03:03 Well, not right away. I don't think that would be smart. No. I think he'd have a guy like Wilder? Well, not right away. I don't think that would be smart. No. I think he'd have a few boxing fights. But I think Francis could put people on the moon. That's a fact. You get some dude who's not going to take him down. They're just going to stand in front of him.
Starting point is 02:03:17 He's 280 plus pounds right now. Shredded African muscle. Dude, he's such a specimen. He's such a freak. And, I mean, he's got a story that is literally right out of a movie. He was a child working in the fucking sand mines. Yeah. Digging sand.
Starting point is 02:03:37 That is core, that is shoulders, that is legs, that is back. That kind of strength training as a young person doing that every day, that farmer strength shit, that's for real, man. For real. For real. You go against a farmer, you know what's up, dude. That's exactly what he's got. But sand shoveling strength might top farmer strength, because farmers aren't always doing that.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Sand shovelers are doing it all day long. Blood diamonds. Dude. And a guy can take it, man i love take shots here's what this is about francis too is obviously he had his loss right lost a steep bay and then uh the derrick lewis whatever that fight was whatever i want to erase it from my memory but so he loses to steep bay he gets catapulted into the limelight he's pretty cocky thinks he's gonna start steep bay but then he learns from his losses and you look where he's at now, you're like, oh, shit, this guy's going to be champion.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Yeah. Similar thing happened with Darren Till, man. I went to see, I saw the Junior Dos Santos fight in a pool hall. I was with some guys, and we were playing pole, and we stopped. And I said, this one won't last. Oh, yeah. And I said, this is not going to last. Junior is a great fighter, but his style is the wrong style to stand in
Starting point is 02:04:45 front of that fucking guy he also has some brazilian miles on him like there's a he's a shell of what he used to be let's be real yes so and yet francis is just on this tear right now but there's sometimes you know there's losses that happen for guys where you're like oh man like they needed those huge bumps in their in their career where it's gonna make them it's gonna pay off in the end i think it's happening with franc, it's going to pay off in the end. I think it's happened with Francis. It's happened with Darren Till now as well. I don't know if Francis can immediately beat top-level boxers, but I know that if they put him against some guy who's like a journeyman
Starting point is 02:05:18 who's going to stand in front of him. Oh, he'll starch them. He'll starch guys, and he'll starch a bunch of those guys. A bunch of those guys. And people will get super excited about him. You're talking about a, I agree if they want to do that, but you're talking about a different animal. If you were to go in there like a Wilder or Fury,
Starting point is 02:05:29 which is almost ridiculous to say, but that's where we're at because Conor Diggins, Floyd, but, you know, or even Masvidal talking about, oh, I want to fight Canelo, and they ask Canelo, Canelo goes, what the fuck are you talking about? But I think with Francis, if you put him in there with a guy like Wilder or Fury, they've seen big punchers before, man. He's not going to touch him. There's just a different level.
Starting point is 02:05:50 But he's also older, so I don't know. Fury is a perfect example of a guy that's extremely hard to hit. He's so light on his feet. He pops that jab. He's so well-schooled. One of the things that I saw when I watched the fight again was how well he was slipping punches. Masterclass in boxing. So good.
Starting point is 02:06:06 He's by far the most skilled heavyweight we've seen in I don't know how long. In 6'9". Insane. He's so tall. And he just pops that jab, moves light on his feet. You worked with Till? Yes, yes. I saw that.
Starting point is 02:06:19 Till was like, fuck, dude. And he was like, I want a real workout. Give me what you guys would do and till said he was holding mitts and like holy fuck man of course man and and now imagine him with four ounce gloves lighten your chin up he's just too fast but it's whether or not he would ever be able to stop like steep a's takedown or dc's takedown or any real heavyweight wrestlers dancers no no no they're they're toy with them smashed i don't know why everyone wants to cross pollinate if they do you stay there you stay there i think the guy who can have the most No, they toy with them. They get smashed. I don't know why everyone wants to cross-pollinate.
Starting point is 02:06:47 If they do cross-pollinate, you stay there. I think the guy who can have the most success is Francis. Because I really think that Francis, before he gets to the elite levels, he's going to starch a lot of people. I don't know if he can punch as hard as Wilder. I don't know. Because Wilder's punch is crazy. Insane. But so is Francis's.
Starting point is 02:07:07 If Francis hits anyone with that left hook, I don't give a fuck if he's wearing one of those cartoon gloves that you get that weigh five pounds. You know those ones you get at the carnival? I know exactly what Tom makes. If he hits you with one of those, you're fucked. But here's the thing. You know who ate his punches? Stipe. He did. But Stipe moved away and used his wrestling.
Starting point is 02:07:18 But he still, Stipe got fucking rocked. When you go back and watch that fight, you're like, how can Stipe do this? And he ragdolled him. Amazing. But what, how much different would that fight be if it was just a boxing match? That's trouble. If there was no takedowns at all, he could settle in. He would have knocked him out.
Starting point is 02:07:36 100%. Maybe. Maybe. Who knows? Maybe Stipe would have fought a different fight. What do you think Stipe DC? The rematch. Is that definitely going to happen? They confirmed that. I think Stipe is fucking crazy. Stipe's got an injury that he's dealing with. Am I fucking crazy?
Starting point is 02:07:52 Is that confirmed? This is my third show today. I don't know what's going on. I don't think it's confirmed. I think they both agreed to it, but it hasn't been confirmed. It hasn't been signed. Dude, wait till John goes, hold my fucking beer and comes up the heavyweight. I've seen what that man does, the heavyweights in training. Well, you know, the Johnny Walker thing was really interesting, right?
Starting point is 02:08:09 It was really interesting to see if Johnny Walker could make a big splash. But then people forgot how goddamn good Corey Anderson is. They forgot. The MMA gods don't care about your hype or your fucking dancing into the cage. They don't give a fuck. You knock a lot of guys out, they don't give a fuck. How good are you right now, and do you have a solution to what Corey Anderson brings to the table?
Starting point is 02:08:30 He's a beast, man. He's a beast. He's a beast. He's got an incredible work ethic. He doesn't get fucking tired, and he gets better with every fight. And people forget. You forget he gets better, but you've got to watch the Alir Latifi fight. Shut that guy down.
Starting point is 02:08:43 Stops Johnny Walker. He's beating top-level guys, man. How about Latifi's heavyweight now? I know. Isn't that crazy? Stipe Miocic wants Tyson Fury's super fight more than Daniel Cormier's trilogy. Of course he does. It's like a fucking billion dollars.
Starting point is 02:08:58 He also mad a little bit because DC made him wait for his rematch, so he said, I'll make him wait, too, then. He's probably talking shit. Both of you fight to your nuts, hang down to your ankles. Just fucking make it happen, dude. I don't know if that fight happens again. You don't think so?
Starting point is 02:09:13 I don't know if that fight happens again. I don't know. We'll talk. I'll tell you what I know. Yeah, please do. It's just a matter of time before John goes, all right, I'm ready to go, and just fucks everybody up. Well.
Starting point is 02:09:22 DC John Heavyweight, dear God, make it happen. Oh my God. What do you, DC John heavyweight, dear God, make it happen. Oh, my God. What do you think about John versus Francis, though? Every fight starts standing up, man. Yeah. Yeah, it does. And Francis is big. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 02:09:35 Can John get in there fast enough to get him down? He's cutting weight to make 265. Understand that. Oh, I'm very aware. He's cutting weight. And he's putting people on another dimension. My only thing is John's so technical and long. Oh, I'm very aware. He's cutting weight. He's cutting weight. And he's putting people on another dimension. My only thing is John's so technical and long. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:49 100%. You're just going to power punch it? All right. Oh, 100%. However, he ain't seen nothing like that guy. No. Nothing. When that guy kicks his leg, that guy comes storming in like a bat out of hell, throwing
Starting point is 02:10:01 punches that each one of them has concussion written all over it. Each one of them. God, he's scary. If anything lands on anybody and you're a 205-er, I mean, the best 205-er of all time, no doubt. But if we saw John get left hooked like the way we saw Gregor Gillespie get head kicked and just flatline.
Starting point is 02:10:18 That was insane. Shout out to Gregor Gillespie. I know. And I was thinking that was a really tough fight for Kevin Lee. We both were. I was like, why a really tough fight for Kevin Lee. We both were. I was like, why would Kevin do this? Kevin looked phenomenal. Well, listen, man, the training with Firas Ahabi and making that move.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Getting a real camp, real sparring partners, a real game plan. And a real maestro, like a master. You have to have it today. You have to have it today if you're going to compete against the best. And Firas is just one of the best ever. I told him, I'm like, that's the guy who trained the guy who you fight like the most. Go there. Be that guy.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Yeah, be that guy. Do that. Yeah. Move your ass to cold ass Montreal. Yeah. No black people. Do that. There's a few.
Starting point is 02:10:56 They speak French though. They speak French. They rap in French. Have you ever heard French rapping? Oh yeah. It's adorable. GSP plays it in his car. And I was like, well, this is terrible. Could you please heard French rapping? Oh, yeah. It's adorable. GSP plays it in his car. And I was like, well, this is terrible.
Starting point is 02:11:06 Could you please switch the station? GSP's still training. Still training. Still in tip-top magoo. He's looking for a big fight. Yeah, he said, look, I'm here, boys. What do you want to do? He wants the Khabib one.
Starting point is 02:11:17 Call that Khabib guy. He wants that at 65. Bro, him and Khabib at 165 would be gangbusters. Insane. And he can make 165. He thinks he can make 55. Yeah, but let's not do it. Let's not.
Starting point is 02:11:29 Let's not do it like T.J. Dillashaw. Jesus Christ. When T.J. You know, like, I don't know what T.J. was doing before he was doing this. Before he got busted. Yeah, because. You know, they don't test for EPO every fight. They don't.
Starting point is 02:11:44 No, they don't. Remember whenO every fight They don't No they don't Cody Garbrandt said that he'd been on it before And Cody and him were friends I don't know if that's true But I do know that when you look at the way he looked When he was training for that 125 pound fight He looked like he was a dead man walking I couldn't imagine that he had any energy to train
Starting point is 02:12:04 I can't imagine it I almost understand energy to train. I can't imagine it. I almost understand why he would take something. I almost understand it. That's exactly what I said to him. Except if Cody's telling the truth. If Cody's done it before. He's done it before. Well, you know, Team Alpha has their issues with TJ,
Starting point is 02:12:18 and they've assumed he was on it before. I don't know who to believe. Is that the case, though? Or was he friends with Cody and Cody knew? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Either way, again, the case, though? Or was he friends with Cody and Cody knew? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Either way, again, props to USADA.
Starting point is 02:12:28 Because they're catching people doing shit like that. Look, he should have never gone to 125. No, that's a bad idea. It's a terrible idea. I mean, that guy that's training him, that guy who's that master strength and conditioning coach to put together this diet to drop down 125 pounds, that's all good on paper. Okay? That's all good on paper.
Starting point is 02:12:43 And I know he's trained a bunch of really top level MMA guys. They gotta take some responsibility here. 100%. That's a ridiculous idea. That's too much weight. There's that. Also, Jose Aldo's team, who's like, no, he can make 135. I'm like, he looks like
Starting point is 02:12:59 he's lost a lot of weight. He was dying at 45. But he looks like he lost a lot of weight. Have you seen the recent pictures of him? Nope, don't need to. Because here's the thing, they're like, oh, you were, you know, you got kind of pieced up at 45, and you're older? Dude, let's cut a shit ton of weight and see how that goes. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:13:16 Why not 55? I hear what you're saying, but I don't think he's actually cutting weight. I think what he's done is lose weight. Lose weight, like, running, going slowly, because he's way out from a fight, right? He's already. He's fighting. December 15th.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Marlon Marais. Is that what it is? Yeah. That's fairly soon. Dude. That's a good fight. Brazilian on Brazilian crime. Nothing better.
Starting point is 02:13:39 Dude, Marlon before Cejudo got a hold of him, he looked like a world beater. Like he was going to beat the world. Cejudo broke him. Broke him. Broke him. Put that fucking hold of him, he looked like a world beater. Like he was going to beat the world. Cejudo broke him. Broke him. Broke him. Put that fucking will on him, son. Put that will on him. So here's the question. Is Marlon Marais in a similar situation where he just can't maintain a pace after cutting that much weight?
Starting point is 02:13:58 Because Marais cuts a fuckload of weight. There it is. Jermaine Duran to me. Peter Yan. Uriah. Amanda Nunes and Duran to me. Peter Yan, Uriah. Amanda Nunes and Duran to me. That's a fight that people are not talking about enough. Duran to me is good, dude.
Starting point is 02:14:11 She's good. She's super technical. Remember when she refused to fight Cyborg and was like, I'll just give up the belt. Fuck this noise. No, you can kiss his ass. Kiss his Dutch ass. Not interested. Dude, Volkanovski versus Max Holloway is a good fucking fight. You ever see Volkanovski when he's 240 pounds?
Starting point is 02:14:28 Yeah, it's fantastic. Crazy. Rugby player? Yeah, he's 5'6", 240. He's from Izzy's same camp. Yes, he's an animal. They got some boys over there. And Max Holloway.
Starting point is 02:14:38 Max Holloway, consensus, greatest featherweight of all time. Yeah, that's fair. Of all time. He's the best. Beat the shit out of Aldo twice. Twice. Beat the shit out of Ortega. That's not the main event.
Starting point is 02:14:48 When Ortega was the fucking man. No, keep going. One more. Jon Jones. Oh. Kamaru Usman and Colby Covington. No, Jon Jones is the, what is that? Which one is he?
Starting point is 02:14:58 January. January? January? Is that the other Vegas one? Houston. Oh, that's right. That's February. That's February. That's February.
Starting point is 02:15:05 February, Houston. Oh, come on, Usman and Colby Covington. Give me that again. Let me see that again. That's a good card. Go back to that. Usman and Colby Covington. Good luck calling that.
Starting point is 02:15:16 What do you think happens there? I don't know. Both their styles are very similar. The only difference that you can really see, neither guy's ever been taken down in a fight, ever. But I would give the finishing power to Kamaru Usman. I would as well. He has some power.
Starting point is 02:15:31 He does have some power. How about Colby with Robbie Lawler? Oh, yeah. Just outstruck him. Yeah, yeah. Insane. Well, not only that, puts a pace on that you just can't handle. You can't handle it.
Starting point is 02:15:43 But if anybody can handle it, it's that guy. Because think about what Usman did to Woodley. Yeah. Take down defense 100%, Kamaru Usman. 100%. How the fuck is Kobe 78? Who took him down? No one took him down.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Maybe his first fight. Didn't he get submitted? He had a broken rib. Took a fight early in his career. Injured, I think, to get into the UFC. Really? And lost? He got submitted. I want to say
Starting point is 02:16:06 it was his first fight. Go to Colby Covington's first fight in the Octagon. Oh, that's what they're going to do. Woodley Leon Edwards. Just hit me. That's a tough fight. Tough fight for both guys. Good fight. Very good fight. What is it?
Starting point is 02:16:23 In first fight in the UFC? No. I made him eight and one. Who are you talking about? In the UFC? Eight and one in the UFC? How many fights in was it? One, two, three, four.
Starting point is 02:16:35 It was his fifth fight. Really? Who did it? Warley Alves. Warley Alves, that's right. That was the fight that he got injured. Warley Alves was a beast. He was kind of falling off, but he was a beast.
Starting point is 02:16:45 But I'm assuming Colby shot in. Well, Colby went into that fight with a fucked up rib. I know that for a fact. But did he shoot in and get guillotined? That makes sense. I don't remember. How the fuck did he get taken down? Maybe he fell down?
Starting point is 02:16:56 He was hurt. I know for sure. And then who did he fight after that? Because let me tell you the fight that made him put on this act. Pull up his record. It was quick into the fight. It was his first round. Well, he was fucked up. I know for sure he was fucked up
Starting point is 02:17:12 going into that fight. That was a fight he didn't want to take. Because him and Chael are close, and Chael's like, you need to come up with a shtick, dude. Do you think so? 100%. Make that a little bigger for my shitty eyes. I'll scroll up. Okay, there it is. There it is there it is it was uh i think it was uh when he was was it when he was fighting damien maya that he started talking shit where's
Starting point is 02:17:34 that sao paulo yep that's exactly what yeah that's exactly where so he's fighting damien filthy animals yeah he called them filthy animals so apparently what was going on before then was he was not making enough noise. No one gave a fuck about him. And they're in the middle of contract negotiations, and I think they were threatening to cut him. So he says all kinds of crazy shit about Damian Maia. And people pay attention. They go, okay, okay, how about this?
Starting point is 02:18:00 We'll give you another Brazilian. So they give him Rafael dos Anjos. He beats the fuck out of Rafael dos Anjos. And then they're like, holy shit. Wait a minute here. Wait a minute. So in doing that, he wins the interim title. And then there was a bunch of shenanigans.
Starting point is 02:18:12 They wanted him to fight in Madison Square Garden. He said, look, I can't fight back-to-back that quick. These are hard-ass camps. So they strip him. A lot of shit going on. A lot of shit. So then they bring him back against Robbie Lawler. Big comeback fight.
Starting point is 02:18:25 Robbie Lawler is a murderer, right? Big fight on ESPN. Yeah, big fight on ESPN. And he just runs them over, man. Runs them over. Like, Robbie never got air. He never got air. Kobe just stayed on him.
Starting point is 02:18:36 Stayed on him. You look at his record, right? The last six, five, last five, all decisions. So it's like, if you're like, all this like any guy he doesn't finish but what he's doing with guys like Damian Maia and Dos Anjos and Robbie Lawler is so fun to watch he's breaking dudes this is crazy October of 2017
Starting point is 02:18:54 so it's basically two years old this act and I can't wait three fights old I can't wait for him to drop it I can't wait for him to drop it once he becomes a champ and tell everybody what he did. You know why? Why?
Starting point is 02:19:06 He didn't keep it going because he wants to go to WWE. Does he? Yeah, that's his thing. Smart. Why not, man? He's like, I want to go to WWE. That's my thing. He becomes a champ and then goes to WWE and they put him on all the steroids.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Why not? And they get him up to about 240. Keep the gimmick going, WWE. 100%. Make bank. Fake it. Yeah, tell them. I'm going to show you pussies how to about 240. Keep the gimmick going, WWE. Make bank. Fake it. Yeah, tell him. I'm going to show you pussies how to really fight.
Starting point is 02:19:29 It's fantastic. How about him versus Lesnar? As a heel? Dude, you'll see that. You'll see that. Lesnar fought a little dude the other day. Well, not fought, but you don't say. That would be fucking crazy. That's what he wants to do.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Hey, why not, man? You can make money. At a certain point in time, you've got to go, he accomplished a lot. He's accomplished a lot 100% if he decides if he beats Usman He's like how am I gonna parlay this in? How am I gonna keep this guy? Cuz everybody knows fighting, you know, it's a finite window like I'm gonna do next Nobody knows what his body's like right now as far as injuries and how many guys do you know that are in camp that have? One fucked up knee or a weird shoulder or the neck keeps fucking with especially for his skill set yeah that motor and that grind
Starting point is 02:20:10 like he's a grinder so you gotta have it all man i would like to watch his strength and conditioning workout because it must be fucking insane it must be insane because even jorge masvidal off record i was talking to him i go what do you think about colby is we've trained together he goes never seen a motor like that ever in my life. He's a motherfucker. He can go, man. He can go. He can go.
Starting point is 02:20:28 He put it on Robbie Lawler like I've never seen anybody put it on him. Crazy. The pace. The pace was just insane. He just never gave him any air. Just kept on him. Bang, bang, bang. And I go, what do you use?
Starting point is 02:20:39 I go, you going 50%, 60%? He goes, yeah. About 50%, 60%. Yeah, just volume. Just never throwing full blasts, just staying on you. Very Nate Nick Diaz-ish. People forget about those guys. Those guys started that a long time ago.
Starting point is 02:20:50 Nick started it. Nick started it. If you go back to watch his fight with Frank Shamrock, he just never gave Frank Shamrock any breaks. Just stays on him. It's not like exploding. He's just staying volume. Until he gets you hurt.
Starting point is 02:21:00 Then it's on. Then he starts ripping to the body. Digging to the body. And he starts letting you know, I'm not even a little tired bitch and you're exhausted he starts putting it on you whoa it's on and to the nate diaz thing i think you know connor goes i want to fight three times in 2020 i think he goes if i ever got a crystal ball on um that screws you mcduck of the ufc i think he goes um cowboy masvidal and ends it with Nate Diaz wow
Starting point is 02:21:26 money money money money money money why not right because I think Tony and Khabib are going to tie up 155 for a while I think those boys
Starting point is 02:21:34 are going to be back and forth I think it's going to be a great trilogy for the division dude I'm so excited about that fight I cannot wait
Starting point is 02:21:41 that's my number one fight of the year number one fight don't give a fuck about anything else I give a fuck about a lot of else I give a fuck about everything else but I need that fight that's that's my that's my number one fight of the year number one fight don't give a fuck about anything else i give a fuck about a lot of else i give a fuck about everything else but i need that fight it's important but it's in april it's in brooklyn it might not even happen just wrap each other i'm just i'm i'm saying that because there's no way i could predict that this fight would get canceled so i'm saying that so the people can make fun of me it's the
Starting point is 02:22:03 fifth time the fight actually happens. I know. See? You know what would be great? If the UFC just doesn't tell us, and then the week before they go, Ferguson and Khabib this Saturday. Like, oh, fuck yeah. I'm using reverse psychology, son.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Tight move. Sometimes we jinx fights, dude. I'm serious about Francis Ngannou, though. I think he could be a real heavyweight contender in boxing. I agree. That's the one thing I'm not fucking around about. I don't want anybody to get it twisted. I really think that guy hits so fucking hard, and he's so good at fighting now, and he's so good at fighting high level. He's been fighting in the UFC against high level guys
Starting point is 02:22:37 for a long time. I know it's different, but I don't think there's that much of an adjustment when you think about his primary skill set and the division he's talking about you don't think he could start some of those like top 15 guys he could fuck some of those dudes up i don't know boom you're you're you're against you're out of your goddamn mind if you think you'd hang with wilder fury i'm not saying right away i'm not saying right away but you gotta you gotta i think those are experience under your belt you gotta see some fireworks how many pro boxing fights does he even have? Not many. Think about how many Wilder has.
Starting point is 02:23:08 Does he have any? We don't even know. I don't think so. Conor had zero, and he fought the best ever. How'd that go? Not great, did it? Although he did land some punches. He landed a beautiful left uppercut.
Starting point is 02:23:19 Told you. Beautiful left uppercut. Now, if Francis lands that on Wilder or Fury, it's game over. It's interesting. Maybe not. Oh, with the lands that on Wilder Fury, it's game over. It's interesting. Maybe not. Oh, with the power? Maybe they can take it. Maybe he can hurt him.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Maybe they can roll with it a little bit better. Wilder takes it, dude. That's the thing about Wilder. He takes it. He's got a tremendous chin. So does Joshua. Joshua eats it, too, man. Joshua will get hit.
Starting point is 02:23:40 He's been wobbled before the Dillian White fight. He's been wobbled, man. Well, Klitschko. He got clocked by Klitschko. So that's why I think against Wilder, man. Because there's no Wilder lands. It's game, set, match. It's over.
Starting point is 02:23:53 What did you think about Canelo fighting Sergey Kovalev? How crazy was that? When he flatlined Sergey Kovalev at 175 pounds. How good is Canelo? He's amazing. To me, he's pound for pound number one. Look at his resume. Everyone goes, ooh, Bud, who I love Bud Crawford.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Shout out to Bud. Bud and Earl Spence. Everyone goes, that's pound for pound number one. Or Lomachenko. Dude, look at who Canelo has beat, man, in different divisions. You're talking about fucking marquee guys, and he's stopping them, man. The Triple G fights. Obviously, there's some controversy there. The Triple G fights, obviously there's some controversy there, but I just— The Triple G fights are real controversial.
Starting point is 02:24:28 The first one was very controversial. The second one was as well. The second one, not so much. What's up? They delayed his fight for the end of the UFC fight the other day. Yes, they did, and he's mad at that. He said no more because apparently people were tired, man, especially like East Coast folks. Did you watch it?
Starting point is 02:24:41 Yeah, I watched it. It was insane. Yeah, they delayed it forever. Dude, four hours. They show him in the back sitting there like, what the fuck? Waiting for the end of the UFC fight. And DAZN was just like, how about DAZN played the UFC in the arena? Look at this.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Laugh my ass off. Who wrote that? Who wrote that tweet? Impersonator Ryan. What does it say? Let me shout him out. It says Imperator Ryan, What does it say? Let me shout him out. It says- The Chew Defense. Imperator Ryan, the Chew Defense. That's the Chew Defense.
Starting point is 02:25:07 On Twitter it says, LMAO, Canelo and Kovalev are napping because they got to wait on the UFC. It's ridiculous. Like, show a little pride to Zone. Dana loved it. He loved it. He was so happy. As a UFC guy, I was also like- He was so happy.
Starting point is 02:25:21 Yeah, bitch. Like, this is who's king. a UFC guy I was also like he was so yeah bitch like what this is who's king you got can you can you imagine Dana bowing down to the going listen Floyd's fighting we're not gonna we're gonna wait for the main what impossible the UFC doesn't give a fuck what you got going on that was Nate Diaz versus Masvidal was a special fight too and the thing about making it for the bad motherfucker belt almost like everybody was like, yes! Everyone loved it. Why not? Everyone loved it.
Starting point is 02:25:46 Why not? You know? And now, isn't Joanna Jacek going to fight Zhang Weiling? Isn't she fighting her for the belt? Oh, did they announce that? Because if they didn't give her that fight, Joanna said she wants to fight for the female BMF belt. Oh, damn. She should fight Jessica Andrade in a rematch.
Starting point is 02:26:06 Is it official? Damn. That's a fucking card. Who else is on that card? That's a great card. It's that March 7th card, so it's not been announced yet. So that's the one they think might be Adesanya and Yoel Romero. So Dana said he didn't want that fight though. Determined location. Dana said
Starting point is 02:26:22 he didn't? Yeah, Dana said he didn't want that fight because Yoel lost his last couple fights. I thought he said he did want it. No, Dana said he, personally. Dana didn't think that was a good fight, though. Determined location. Dana said he did? Yeah, Dana said he didn't want that fight because Yoel lost his last couple fights. I thought he said he did want it. No, Dana said he, personally. Dana didn't think that was a good fight for Yoel. But think about it. What else is there? Well, it's a great fight for Yoel.
Starting point is 02:26:32 I mean, for Adesanya. I think it's a great fight for the division. But who else are you going to do? You look at the division, there's no one else. Well, one of the things that Maz Vidal, who's friends with Yoel, said, I respect the fuck out of Adesanya because he asked for that beast. He said he asked for him. And that was my point with Andrew Schultz.
Starting point is 02:26:48 I'm like, no, you don't understand. To build the legend of Izzy, him asking for Yoel, everybody in the game respects that. You want to fight that fucking monster? Even Darren Till. Darren Till said, anybody but Yoel. He was joking around after the fight. He was like, I don't want to fight that fucking guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:04 I think they're going to do Darren Till Whitaker, man. That's a great fucking fight. Well, they talked about doing that on the undercard of Adesanya Yoel Romero. Yes. Wasn't that? No, no, no. No, no. It was the undercard of another fight.
Starting point is 02:27:21 Fuck. What did he say? He reached out to some... Oh, Conor and Cowboy. That's who it was. He wanted to reached out to some, oh, Connor and Cowboy That's who it was He wanted to be on the undercard of Connor and Cowboy Oh no, too soon, not happening I don't know, man
Starting point is 02:27:30 I don't think Whitaker would be ready to go by then, after he got knocked out What's the date on that fight? That's January January 1 We're in December, dude Right, but it's six weeks Darren Till breaks out his red panties, invites Robert Whitaker to UFC 246 co-main event Yeah, so that's six weeks.
Starting point is 02:27:45 The only thing is Robert Whittaker got starched just a couple of months ago. So you get at least 120 days suspension. Right. Well, I don't know if he actually can make that medically. No. No. That's what I'm saying. It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 02:27:57 It's too soon. Also, I think a fight like that where a guy like Adesanya just sort of starches you like that, that requires a reset. Take your time, dude. I love Whitaker. Take your time, man. But maybe not. I mean, maybe he knows better than us.
Starting point is 02:28:10 I don't know. Nope. Nope. You think so? I don't think so. I'm outside looking in. I'd say no. I'm trying to be nice.
Starting point is 02:28:16 I'm don't, dude. Take your time. I don't think he does. Take your time. But I would like to see that fight, too. So maybe they can make that happen on, you know. That March card would work. Or maybe, yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:27 Maybe sometime in the future. There's a great April card as well, right? April is the UFC in Brooklyn with Tony and Khabib. Maybe it could be on the undercard of that fight. That'd be great. That's a great fight. Fuck yeah. That's a great fight.
Starting point is 02:28:40 It's a good time to be a fight fan, man. It's a good time, man. It's a good time. It's a lot of good shit happening. Hell yeah. Yeah. I get home to my son, dude. Yeah, it's six o'clock already.
Starting point is 02:28:48 I know. Where you at next? Tell people where you're at. I'm in KC Friday and Saturday. Kansas City. I know, dude. You doing the improv?
Starting point is 02:28:56 Yeah. I haven't been. I've only did the Stanford and Sons. It's a newer one, I think. I think KC improv. I think it's over the last couple years. Next week, first time, I'm Borgata Atlantic City that's a fun
Starting point is 02:29:06 fun gig is it fun I'm excited for it a lot of animals I'm also chilling watching the UFC throwing money at the audience really
Starting point is 02:29:11 throwing hundreds probably threw $10,000 at the audience I love this guy I brought him on stage I'm like throw your money he smelled terrible
Starting point is 02:29:17 but he threw a lot of money at people Borgata Casey sorry buddy sorry bro I hope everybody's good much love to you all.
Starting point is 02:29:25 Thank you and bye. Mwah.

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