The Joe Rogan Experience - JRQE #5 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: January 23, 2014

This podcast is currently only available as audio. This podcast was recorded during the production of "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" which originally aired on SyFy. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. What the fuck is going on? This is one of the very last versions of the Joe Rogan questions everything podcasts that we're releasing as an actual podcast. We did somewhere around 10 of them and I think we have two left. So probably this one and one other one might not have been, but don't get all specific, ladies and gentlemen. This show was really a pleasure to do. The big pleasure of it was working with my buddy Duncan, of course, and exposing him to millions of people worldwide who didn't know about my brilliant friend. One of the things I really love about doing podcasts with Duncan is he really gets me inspired to go on these wild rants. And I think I inspire him in the same way. And we have this really cool give and take energy when it comes to certain things. show and introducing subjects and talking to people and injecting new ideas into these silly subjects like psychics, which is this episode.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And a huge thank you to Banachek, who was the guy who we interviewed during the show and had him put on a little bit of a demonstration that really opened up my mind to what is possible in the world of trickery and manipulation and sleight of hand, the art thereof of it. I mean, I had always known that there was a real art to magic, but boy, did that guy blow my mind. And one of the things I really appreciated about Banachek was that he blew my mind and then he told me it was all bullshit. He didn't try to pretend that he had some magic power or some device that only the government knows about. He didn't horseshit you. He told you after he was doing it and even during the time he was doing it that it was all bullshit, but he was so good at it. It was still unbelievably fascinating. I hope this also opens up a lot of people's eyes as to what is possible in terms of trickery, in terms
Starting point is 00:02:06 of what someone can trick you into believing and what kind of manipulation people can pull off when they pretend to have psychic abilities. There's a lot of that going on, folks. I mean, there very well may be some sort of a psychic energy that people possess, whether it's a sense that people are not aware of or smells that people can detect that they can't quite describe that aren't quite olfactory, but just some sense of something being wrong. But there's also a lot of liars out there, man. There's a lot of fakers and there's a lot of bullshit. And one of the things that I was most proud about the sci-fi show was that we were able to expose some of that bullshit. And whether it was bullshit about the science behind chemtrails or whether it was the evidence in quotes when it comes to UFOs or whether it was not bullshit, like the technological innovation that's going on at this incredibly rapid rate
Starting point is 00:03:11 that we're experiencing and where this all could lead to. It was one of my favorite parts about the show. In fact, one of the least controversial and most real aspects of the show. But ultimately, it was a lot of fun to do. So thank you to Duncan Trussell. And Duncan has an amazing podcast, the Duncan Trussell Family Hour. He's an amazing stand-up comedian. He's just one of my favorite human beings on the planet.
Starting point is 00:03:35 He and Chris Ryan, who's the author of Sex at Dawn, and me are doing a joint podcast once a month. We just did Duncan's really recently, the Duncan Trussell family hour, and we were doing Chris Ryan's podcast podcast, which is tangentially speaking. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:53 we'll do mine again and we'll just keep rotating once a month. We'll do each other, but just awesome to have those guys as friends. Awesome to be able to do this show with Duncan and, awesome to be able to work with, uh, such awesome guys like Todd Messero who is the executive producer
Starting point is 00:04:08 and Frank and Michael from Arthur Smith and just we had a great time and all the people at Sci-Fi, Tim and Wayne and everyone thank you very much really really enjoyed working with you guys and I really appreciate the opportunity and I really appreciate you letting me release
Starting point is 00:04:23 these podcasts that we recorded on the show. A lot of people thought they were like we were faking podcasts. They were actually real podcasts. And allegedly, there was real marijuana involved. Anyway, this is one of the last ones. And this one is brought to you by Ting. Ting is a cell phone service that utilizes a Sprint backbone.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It's one of my favorite all-time podcast sponsors because I have had nothing but positive feedback from Ting. Ting is the cell phone service, if you've heard us talk about it before, that uses top-end Android phones. And what they do is they rent space off of the off the sprint backbone so they do it on their terms like they don't have any contracts they don't have any early termination fees they don't have all the nonsense that a lot of people have that's attached to uh cell phone service it's like hidden fees and overages with ting you only pay for what you use if you go over your allotted minutes you just pay for what you use there's not go over your allotted minutes, you just pay for what you use. There's not some exorbitant rate that you have to pay for.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's not some go-fuck-yourself nonsense that comes along. Because that's a real problem with a lot of these companies that are selling cell phone services. They're greedy. They don't just want a little bit. They want it all. They want to suck you dry and get out of you whatever they can get out of you. What Ting does is they sell you the very best of all of the Android phones, like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which is what I use,
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Starting point is 00:08:26 Hover is... It's actually Hover. Hover is a domain name company that I use myself. Hover... Hover? Why am I calling it Hover? I'm a fucking asshole. That's why.
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Starting point is 00:10:52 And they can do that at Hover as well. Personal, professional, and cooler than your Hotmail or your AOL. If you still have AOL, you're a fool. You're not going to fucking get my business. Contact me at johnnyshitpants at What? At AOL, what? So you never have to switch emails and send one of those. Hey, everyone, I got a new email to everyone in your contact lists. Don't you hate that shit? And an email from Hover is one that you won't outgrow.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's easy to remember. It's portable. You can switch away from your email provider without losing your email address. So go to hover, ladies and gentlemen, And you can use the code word Bigfoot for this episode. It's Bigfoot. Use the code word Bigfoot and save yourself some cash. Why Bigfoot? Well, because we're trying to see how many people pay attention to which episode and which one is more effective. So to save some money, the promo code for this episode is Bigfoot. Use it and go fuck yourself. Don't go fuck yourself. I don't really mean that. I say that shit, but I'm just trying to be silly.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I'm just trying to give you a little levity before you delve into the world of fake psychics. So with that, without any further ado, thank you very much for tuning into the podcast. Thank you very much for all the love online and Twitter and so many people that I've met that tell me they appreciate the podcast. And I appreciate the fuck out of you guys as well. And if not for all the information that a lot of you tweet to me and send me on Facebook and the things people tell me about when I meet them. I mean, we are in a very strange time, ladies and gentlemen, and we are sharing information, and I am merely a conduit to distribute some of that information your way,
Starting point is 00:12:36 and I'm honored, and I'm out of here. So enjoy the podcast, and big kiss. Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out. The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out. The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. So, this podcast
Starting point is 00:12:55 is about psychics. And maybe the lack thereof. At a certain point in time in the show, I was wondering what exactly was going on when it came to psychics. I always wondered. I mean, I never want to completely discredit the possibility that someone could have some extraordinary power that I don't possess. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:13:19 I mean, in a way, it's been explained. McKenna described communication as a form of telepathy. Talking. Because in a way, you're making established sounds with your mouth that are attached to a cultural context that we all sort of agree to. And in doing so, you're reading my mind. I'm talking to you. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a laptop oh
Starting point is 00:13:45 i went to the store to get my laptop fixed and the guy behind the counter was such a nice guy you're you're experiencing that with me you know so you're sort of like getting a version of my memories and uh so i i never wanted to like completely say oh it's all bs there's no way but man as we did this show like the more we did it the at a certain point in time i was like how much of this is fuckery you know how much of this is kooky there was there were several times when we were doing the show where i was like like paul smith who seemed like a very nice guy tried to get me to uh remote view and i i had nothing i just drew a bunch of stuff down on paper and he was like, just go with whatever's moving you. And I was like, there's nothing there. I honestly, maybe it's
Starting point is 00:14:30 just me. I mean, I left it to me. I'm like, I want to see him do it because, you know, he'd been doing it for more than a decade. He's an expert at it. He's actually had positive results with it. But me trying it, they were saying that they could show me how to do it within, you know, X amount minutes, I would be doing it. Right. Nothing. I drew some stuff that, I drew like a square and I wrote the color red and something was square with red in it, but it was a guess.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It was a dumb guess. It was a guess where there was a bunch of shapes and stuff in this location. So if I had to judge myself on a pass or fail, I would give myself a 99.99% fail. I can't say a hundred percent fail because I did have a square that had red in it and that there was something like that there. Right. That seems to me to be like something that shows up a lot. Look, there's this on air sign. Sure. That's a rectangle that has red in it. I mean, it's like, there's a lot of squares with red in
Starting point is 00:15:22 them. Yep. So I think that easily could have been nonsense. But then I talked to Ed Dames, okay? And he's the number one top dog. If you start Googling people that are able to do that, people that have that remote viewing skill, Ed Dames' name comes up immediately. He's like the godfather of this stuff. He started that Stargate program.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So he was working on remote viewing. He said they had really positive results. He said he knows how to do it. And he said that they found Osama bin Laden. And he actually said they found Osama bin Laden. He believes they didn't go after him because they didn't want to end the war yet. Huh. For whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You know, so take that for, you know, the grain of salt, whatever. Maybe he's right. But no, you do take something take that for, you know, the grain of salt, whatever, maybe he's right. But no, you do take something like that with a grain of salt. Like he's saying that psychics saw Osama bin Laden. Who did they call? How does that conversation go down? Hey, what's up? Well, it's not just psychics.
Starting point is 00:16:17 He's working for the CIA. I mean, he's in the government. He's working in the government. Right. I mean, he's, he's been, and he and he said also and this i found this kind of interesting and it kind of makes sense he said that they were trying to like distance themselves from this program because it's like this paranormal thing like you're working on like psychics and he was like even if it was effective they were like look we don't want to be connected to that because it just sounds too loony, even if it's effective. Well, you know what, man? If you look at the history of the various experiments the CIA have done, they're not
Starting point is 00:16:49 afraid of loony. They were dumping acid into guys' mouths and brothels with two-way windows to see the effects of LSD. Once you've done that, you'll do anything. For folks who don't know that story it was called the operation midnight climax and what they did was they they bought uh brothels in new york and in san francisco and these guys uh they came in to uh engage in you know prostitution type activities and they dosed them they dosed them with lsd yeah and it's an amazing story
Starting point is 00:17:25 because the guys couldn't say shit you know you're not supposed to be in a whorehouse anyway and you're out there and you're getting dosed up with acid like yikes holy shit they did a lot more than that man a lot more than that they went into mental asylums and they doped people up so much that they tried to rewrite their memories to fix the various mental disorders. They wanted to see if they could erase memories. They're doing this to mentally ill people in mental hospitals. Look it up. Project Monarch.
Starting point is 00:17:53 The whole point is the CIA is not afraid of putting their feet in Crazy River. They do it all the time. So I think that the idea that they stopped this thing because they don't want to embarrass themselves. No. They stopped it because it wasn't working. Because let me tell you. Okay, but let's for a moment before I stop you. I just want to play devil's advocate.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Okay. All of those things that we're mentioning were in the past. Operation Midnight Climax, I believe, was in the 1950s. Yeah. This remote viewing movement, they stopped that as well is is it possible and again this is just devil's advocate that they try things and they don't work so they move on is that possible is it possible that they it's it's just that it didn't work i mean i think that if any government on the planet figured out a way to use a team of elite psychics to locate their enemies
Starting point is 00:18:45 right they're not going to be like oh let's cancel this program it's embarrassing they're going to keep using it because it's effective what's a better thing than you just sit some guy in a chair and have him communicate all over the planet with whatever matrix of intelligence exists but wait a minute what if it okay what if it only works every now and then, but sometimes it really does work. I think there's plenty of money in the government to keep somebody like that on tap, but maybe not, man.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And I think it does work. I've had so many moments where I'm thinking of a friend and they call or I'll get a weird feeling about somebody and something bad will have happened to them. And I know plenty of people who do that. And I know plenty of people who will get around certain people and immediately not be comfortable around them. And they're sensing something about that person. I think animals are always tuning in to this deeper instinctual level. So at some point it just becomes, I think, semantics. Some people
Starting point is 00:19:46 are going to say, well, I just listened to my instincts. Some people are going to say that they're psychic. And so I don't think that there's a, it's too out there to think that there's some people who have especially developed instincts where they're really good at tuning into what Sheldrake called the morphogenetic field. I think that's possible that you could do that. The problem is, well, if it is possible, then how come it can't be reproduced in laboratory settings? And a lot of people say that immediately discounts it. But, man, I can't imagine meeting someone who's never had that moment where you think about someone and suddenly they call.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Someone that you haven't talked to in years. That has happened. Now, to play devil's advocate again, Sam Harris says that all that is is coincidental and that we think about people all the time and they don't call. But occasionally you think about people and they do call. And it really is just dumb luck. But we make it out to be this big important moment. And we sort of discredit all the other times where it failed. But he's like really super logical when it comes to stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And to the point where I almost have to step back. Like he said that statistically no one really ever gets a hot hand in basketball where they can't miss. It just seems like they do. But if you count up statistically, like there's never a zone where there's an unusual amount of activity over a course of an hour. It's like these little bursts where things are really good and then they go away, but it all balances itself out in the end. And I found that very fascinating because I've always felt like someone getting in the zone,
Starting point is 00:21:24 whether it's in golf or in pool or in basketball or anything, I always thought that was a real thing. And some people, I've seen pool players do it where you get into a place where you just can't miss. And, you know, you just find that zone. And you're significantly better than when you're not in that zone. Right. So I've always felt that it was a real thing. So Sam Harris is a tricky guy when it comes to his ideas on these things well who knows man maybe he hasn't experienced
Starting point is 00:21:50 it himself but maybe he has and he's analyzed it more objectively than you and i have that's a possibility too i had a dream once where in the dream this girl that i was engaged to to be married came up to me and said, hey, I'm pregnant. And in the dream, I was bummed out. I'm like, oh, great, you're pregnant. And then the next day I woke up and an hour after I woke up, she called to tell me that she was getting married. Now, what is that?
Starting point is 00:22:19 I know that that happened to me. And I know that every night I don't dream about my ex-fiance being pregnant. That's not a recurring dream. If it were, I would be in therapy. Is she getting married because she's pregnant? No. Okay, well, then that doesn't – see, that's where I would step in as a skeptic. Not necessarily – I'm not really a skeptic.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But if I was, what I would say – because I kind of am sometimes – I would say you probably think about her all the time. I think about my exes all the time. It's like a normal part of life. Yeah, but I don't have vivid dreams. But you were engaged to her. I don't have vivid dreams about her. I understand that, but you were engaged to her. That's a very strong connection with someone.
Starting point is 00:22:56 It's very likely that you bring her up in your mind on occasion. I have her face tattooed on my stomach. Your scenario is different than her scenario. Your scenario is she was pregnant. Her scenario, the reality was that she was getting married. You just happen to be thinking about her, and she just happened to call you and tell you that she's getting married, and you have made this grandiose connection between a dream. Well, let me play the real devil's advocate, because as many Christians know, the devil is the advocate of psychics. The psychics say that what actually happens is that your mind is kind of like scanning,
Starting point is 00:23:30 and it doesn't always accurately interpret the event. So pregnancy and marriage, they go hand in hand, and then she did end up having children. So the point, what makes it special, and by the way, I know what Sam Harris is talking about. They've done studies about the idea that there's perpetually just a vortex of variables spinning through your mind that consist of all the people you know and all the things that could happen. And those things are mostly in the subconscious. But when something in the external universe happens that resonates with something in the subconscious, it creates the sense of synchronicity that psychics say is real but man i know that i don't always dream about it i know the dream was very vivid i know it was like really soon after waking up to the point where when i got off the phone i was like what the fuck that is really weird so is. Look, it's not outside of the realm of possibility. But all I ever say in these situations is I try, even though I am a natural dork. My natural inclination is to believe in psychics.
Starting point is 00:24:35 My natural inclination is to believe in Bigfoot and aliens and UFOs and everything. But I also think that there's a benefit in considering the completely numerical scientific approach you know and looking at how a guy like sam harris would look at and go you know what you have to address that too why wouldn't you address that you know we don't want to address that because we don't want to miss out on some of the magic that is the world right and we'd like to think that in in being able to tell when things are about to happen to you that somehow maybe that offers you some veil of protection that other people don't enjoy. And sometimes if shit's going to happen, I'm going to know not to get on that plane.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Sure. And we would like to think that. We would like to think that. And how many people miss planes, and then the plane crashes, and then they swear they knew they shouldn't get on that plane? I mean, there's probably a lot of that, too. I would, if that happened to me. Even if I hadn't thought it, I'd say I was going to get on that plane. I mean, there's probably a lot of that, too. I would if that happened to me. Even if I hadn't thought it, I'd say I was going to get on the plane.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Maybe. Maybe it would become a part of your consciousness. Maybe whether you like it or not, just enter in there. Well, yeah. You know, I like what Terrence McKenna said about people, you know, ancient humans and hunting and how you would have to develop the ability to silently communicate with a group of people that you're hunting with. It would make you very effective as a hunter, especially if you're hunting in group situations where you had to stalk something. So in that way, I could see how there might be a part of our brain that you can develop to be acutely tuned in to what the people around you are thinking about doing. I think all sports teams are based on that.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I think that I'm sure that people who fight or who get into really serious situations will tell you that they can really tune in to every sound. You hear that. When someone's in a situation where they have to fight or they're in a life or death situation, you always hear this. Suddenly everything becomes very loud. They can hear everything, see everything. So I think it makes sense that there is a deeper part of the human mind that is more aware than the conscious part of the mind. That makes sense. I don't know if that's what psychics say that they're using,
Starting point is 00:26:47 I don't know if that's what psychics say that they're using, but I think that that does exist in the human mind. It's also possible, I think, that there is like – it's almost like a waterfall that we sort of can poke our heads through and then pull it back and that we can't tune it in all the time. Right. It's very ethereal. It's very slippery. Yeah. And you get it or you don't get it. And maybe some people get it better than, than we do. But one of the things that I have to respectfully,
Starting point is 00:27:08 uh, acknowledge is that Ed Dames, who has done this for so long, trains people in it was pretty clear to me that I needed to learn it in order to really understand it. And I didn't learn it. And I certainly didn't learn it from him. I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:23 Paul taught it to me very quickly, but it was really just for the show you know if we had spent a bunch of time together like over several weeks and i really like tried to do it as if i was a prospect for one of their programs maybe i could learn what the hell he was talking about maybe it's just my silliness maybe there was a breakthrough to be had that i didn't recognize it's super possible that that's the case but you know there's all there's part of you for sure that's always going to be skeptical until it's right in front of you right and if you've experienced it then you have to you can be skeptical about the experience but you have to acknowledge the experience yeah now and i went to the rhein institute okay and And this is really interesting. They're the place for the – it's a scientific study of the paranormal center. And I had a great time there. Who was the guy that ran the Rhine Center? John Kruth.
Starting point is 00:28:16 John Kruth? Yeah. who ran the Ryan Center and was kind enough to take us through and show. I sucked at everything. I tried to be psychic with the numbers, like picking which button to press. I tried to be psychic with picking which button to press. I screwed that up. But one thing I did do is they had this room where it's totally dark, and they have this meter that measures photons.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And apparently you can create some sort of light from your body some sort of some sort of photon release that can be measured and the highest that anybody ever did it was this guy earl and this guy earl was like if he was a character in a will ferrell movie like he would be like the perfect cohort he'd be like will ferrell's crazy partner right who also happens to be psychic yeah and he was trying to move me with his mind ed what did i say his name was will earl he seems like it should be at earl his name was ed yeah ed had gotten to one million on this thing. And Ed also could make you weave back and forth. He could,
Starting point is 00:29:28 he could like direct you with his body and force, force your body backward and forward. Or so he said, he tried to do it. I didn't move at all. I don't know what he was talking about, but I try, I let him try it,
Starting point is 00:29:39 but he's gotten to a million on this photon thing. I got to 400,000, which they were very shocked by. But I had a battery pack on. I had a microphone. And when I was doing it, I was stretching. So, I mean, the battery pack, we had tape over the light and everything like that. But the bottom line is there's a piece of electronics in the room. Sure.
Starting point is 00:30:02 We did it again. And even though i got less much less than the first time i basically did the same stuff i was doing i was mostly like leaning forward and touching my toes like stretching and stuff and uh i was also trying to breathe really hard i was like but then i thought about i was like how is that psychic what am i doing even if i can glow you know, like, in a way that a human being couldn't even perceive. If you could, like, hold your breath to the point where you fucking glow or tense up and scream to the point where you ki-i until a spark comes out of your dick. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I don't know if that's possible. But either way, it's not psychic. I mean, there's nothing I did that gave me any inclination whatsoever that have any psychic ability. But I registered very highly on this one silly test. Yeah. While I was wearing a battery pack. Yeah. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's got to be the battery pack, I think. Who knows, man? I don't know. I called him up the next day because he seemed like an honest guy. And, you know, he was really excited about the results. I said, you know what? I think we screwed up. I think we should have done one without the battery pack.
Starting point is 00:31:02 We did it twice to see if we could replicate it. You know, but this thing is still on me. And even though it's behind me and we're in this totally dark room, I'm still wearing a battery pack and I'm moving around. I don't know if Ed was doing the same things that I was doing. So even though my score on this thing was higher, I might have been moving more than he was. That might have been why the light changed in the room,
Starting point is 00:31:26 wearing this little battery pack. So this wasn't a really scientific test. But if you look at the evolution of animals, and you think about animals before eyeballs existed, the evolution of the eye, you think about the gradual evolution of the eye, there would be certain animals that that mutation was happening to more than other animals. And if those animals could talk, and they started reporting to other animals, Yeah. there's this darkness and movement that's all there is you're crazy so i i don't think that
Starting point is 00:32:05 it's an insane idea that our senses are continuing to expand and to evolve right i mean if you think about what they used to be compared to what they are now we're like gods compared to what we used to be you know and we are just tiny little lemur creatures eating each other's poop and running from snakes all day that's a very good point but But another point is, if that is the case, and we're pretty aware of the established state of consciousness that exists right now without psychic ability, we're pretty sure that most of the time, almost everywhere you go, there's no psychic ability going on.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It's just normal life. But little peeps of it pop through every now and then, almost like poking through a membrane, finding its way, dissolving this membrane slowly but surely with new experiences all the time. But the membrane is gigantic because really what we're talking about is an evolving ability. It takes a long-ass time for a human being to evolve an ability. Right. And some people, though, say that it's not an evolving ability. It's a devolving ability, that we used to be more tuned into what was happening around us.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But then technology took the place of that because, really, I don't need to be telepathic. I can send you a text through the air. I don't need to be telepathic. But look at birds. Look at birds, what they can do or look at dogs dogs why do you think that people think that it you that we used to be able to do it though well i think the idea is and maybe it is a romantic idea but the idea is that the more tuned in you get to nature the more tuned in you get to the movement of things on earth, the actual, the life force on earth.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah. Then the more you begin to hear deeper parts of yourself. When things quiet down, you can, like, you go in that flotation tank. Yeah. You know, when things really quiet down, you can hear very deep parts of yourself that normally you don't listen to at all. So I think the idea is without all the distractions of modern life, people were more tuned into a deeper instinct than we have now. I think you're completely right.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I think that it's real possible that we are inundated by too much sensory overload and that we're not relying on a lot of the instincts that we had to rely on when we were hunter-gatherers. All we're doing is constantly hunting down animals and on the prowl for your next meal and being really in touch with the earth without any electrical signals around us all the time, without any Wi-Fi, without any radio. You know, I like to think that that shit doesn't have any effect on me,
Starting point is 00:34:41 that I'm not affected by Wi-Fi. And that sounds like totally kooky talk. Like, what are you talking about, man? You scared of cell phone towers dude are they zapping you i'm not saying that but what i am saying is there is something undeniably different about where it feels when there's nothing if you go to a place that's in the mountains and very peaceful and you step outside and there's no cell phone signals you don't i mean i guess you could probably tune into the radio up there but there's not much yes it's fucking quiet as shit too you're not getting any noise pollution not getting any city not any
Starting point is 00:35:15 it's a different feeling now if that was life all the time and without even the distractions the electronic distractions that that world sort of forces on you. There's still some. You still have a TV. You still have. If you were just in the woods all the time, it's a totally different feeling. Yeah. And if you're in the woods now with a tracker who knows how to track animals and they just start tracking animals, it would seem like they're magical probably in some of the things that they could do.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. It's amazing. It's amazing. So yeah, man, I think that there is a difference. I just saw this awesome visual depiction of Wi-Fi. Have you seen that? It's a picture of what Wi-Fi would look like if we could see it in the air. What would it look like?
Starting point is 00:36:02 It looks just like an ocean, like this rolling ocean of information that we're all swimming around in right now. That's so crazy. It's crazy. How long is it going to be before people, forget about being psychic, how long is it going to be before you have some sort of Verizon chip in your head that allows you to tune into the internet? Not long.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It doesn't seem like it's going to be long, right? Not long. Within a hundred years, that's going to be reality. I think within 10 years. Really? Yes. Like an operation. I don't know about an operation.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I think within 10 years, they'll figure out a way to do it without an operation. God, that's going to be so strange. And then it will be a world of psychics. And then being psychic won't seem strange at all because everyone will have the ability to tune in immediately to all information on and available to anyone on earth or that's on the internet and you know some people are going to complain about that i can't handle it everywhere i go is the truth oh i know what everyone's thinking hell for liars did you hear about the cyborg that just got uh beaten up in france a cyborg yeah Yeah. A guy has one of the first ocular implants. It's connected to his bones.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's a video camera that films things. And he was in a McDonald's in Paris. And he goes in there. The owner of the McDonald's sees him, tells him to take off his Google Glass. He thought it was Google Glass. He's like, I can't take it off. He brings medical papers with him to show people that it's an implant right but uh they didn't care and they you know they they tried to rip it off his face but it's connected to his bones oh my god so the thing has got i know the thing has got in it this uh if it starts
Starting point is 00:37:43 malfunctioning it starts taking pictures of what's happening when it malfunctions. So he's got images of these French dudes who tried to rip his face off. So what happened? He's filing charges with the police, but they don't. I mean, it's so weird that the cops are like, look, we don't know how to handle cyborg crime yet. Wow. don't know how to handle cyborg crime yet wow but they say this is going to be an emergent form of uh this is going to be a new kind of hate crime which is people uh beating up cyborgs i think that's probably going to be the case i think especially if they the limbs possess superpowers
Starting point is 00:38:16 like if you start getting into like some six million dollar man realm where you decide to get your legs chopped off and put these super bionic legs on, and you're just jumping over buildings and shit. Some guys might kick your ass. They might be like, who's this crazy fuck? Good luck. I know, they'd have to catch you. I've got cyborg legs. That would be really hard.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But if they hit you in the head, you probably still have a human head. They just sucker punch you. You don't see it coming. And then when you're out, they just fuck you up. Well, this is another problem. This is probably very off topic, but this is another problem that's emerging emerging is that right now the disparity in wealth is indicated through people's possessions, their cars and their homes and their bling.
Starting point is 00:38:54 But in the future, this disparity will be reflected in their physical appearance. So poor people who can't afford cyborg legs or cyborg arms or implants that allow them to tune into the internet they're going to uh have this incredible disadvantage compared to people who can afford the implants you know and that's that's a real problem and you're really seeing evolution there because those people who can't afford it are going to gradually slowly die out yeah i wonder man i really wonder if what these what we're seeing with these people that possess this sort of psychic energy to tune into this psychic energy if everyone can do it we're just scared of even knowing that we can do it so we don't look into it i mean why haven't i looked into it why haven't i picked up a book on you know on psychic skills like there's
Starting point is 00:39:45 books on it that supposedly teach you how to cultivate your psychic skills i haven't given them an honest try i haven't like sat down with them and being been completely objective so if i was making any judgment that psychic energy wasn't real i would be i would be kind of a dick because it's not fair I don't possess it but I haven't tried I haven't tried to cultivate it I haven't done any of the work these guys Ed Dames and Paul Smith
Starting point is 00:40:13 they have done the work and they say they can do it so I have to take their word for it but I think that I would like to see something that really stands out for me they had some good stories about stuff that works I would like to see something that really stands out for me. I mean, they had some good stories about stuff that works. I would like to see something that really stands out for me
Starting point is 00:40:29 because the most impressive display of psychic ability I've ever seen in my life was self-admittedly fake. That Banachek. That was the best display of psychic ability I have ever seen in my life. I do not know how he did it, but I saw him make forks bend without barely touching them. I saw him make them twist up in a circle
Starting point is 00:40:53 as he was guiding them in a circle. I Googled search that as soon as I got home to find out how to do that. And what'd they say? Well, what you do is you take a, I mean, there's a step-by-step guide to it on YouTube. It's possible? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You take aluminum forks, exactly like what he had. And I mean, this is according to the YouTube thing. I didn't spend a lot of time with it because you have to bend them. Right. So you bend them and they heat up. So before you do your show, you spend some time on these forks. So by bending them, they heat up. They're looser.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And then that makes them more bendable. And I imagine that's a – this is not a – if you Google search a lot of what he did, there's – it shows how to do it on the internet. Really? Yeah. Boy, I would like to see that because I guess it's very possible. I didn't really completely thoroughly examine those forks. But I did clink them together. They were metal. Clink, clink. And I picked them up. I looked't really completely thoroughly examine those forks, but I did clink them together, and they were metal. Clink, clink, and I picked them up.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I looked at them. They were real forks. Whether or not that was the fork that actually made it into his hand when he did that, I don't. I mean, there's guys that are really good with sleight of hand. Yeah. They're really good with it. So that's possible.
Starting point is 00:42:00 But what's important is that he says it's bullshit. Right. He told us that it's all tricks. He said, I'm not psychic. I have no psychic energy. I can't tell you how I did this because then I would reveal my sources. But I'm not psychic. I believe him.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I mean, I don't have any reason to not believe him. He seems like a very nice guy. And it was very entertaining. He's very very very talented like i felt like we really got a treat because we got like a very small intimate show with a master magician yes i mean he really is a master yeah so it was really entertaining and then the fact that on top of that he was telling us that it was all just tricks i found that to be like really fascinating well yeah he's like an uber skeptic and he's showing how it's so easy to manipulate people and he's showing how you've got to be very careful when
Starting point is 00:42:49 you get around somebody who tells you that they can talk to dead people or they can talk to invisible people because you get a you get into a lot of trouble with those folks well he fooled scientists for four years yeah they thought he had real psychic abilities for four years. He fooled them. Yeah. It's amazing. He made me much more skeptical, but he still didn't. He can't remove from me like experiences I've had where it's like, I don't know what that is, but it's such an incredible coincidence that it seems beyond coincidence.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I don't think he was trying to remove that. I think what he was trying to do is show that you could BS people. Yes, you can. And that's what he did. He BS people. I don't think he's saying that you can't have these unique moments where something becomes apparent to you. I think what he was trying to do was just show you that you can be tricked. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:43 And he was really good at it. I mean, really good at it. Amazing at it. We put coins over his eyeballs, duct taped his face, and he read the serial number on a bill that was in my pocket. I have no idea how he did that. He wasn't even looking at it. He was looking over there.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yeah. That was crazy, man. It was crazy. A lot of what he did was crazy. First of all, he's 50 okay the idea that he could read it from my hand this far away i've got it i've got it a full arms length away from his face that he could even look over and read that serial number this little tiny print on a dollar bill they could read that from there that would be really hard to do but with duct tape over your face and coins over your
Starting point is 00:44:25 eyeball yeah and you're not even looking at it like i don't know how he did it i don't know how he did a lot of what he did it was amazing yeah that girl when he picked her out of the audience and told her her dog's name that girl freaked out man she was like ready to cry she got emotional you could see her face or her jaw was and she wasn't a plant. I know she wasn't a plant. You know what I didn't know, though, man, when I was getting all shrill about her being a plant? Is I didn't know that in the beginning he'd had people write information down and put it into envelopes. Yeah, but she didn't write about her dog. I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah, we know that. We read her information. She didn't write about her dog. You did read the information? Yeah, the crew did. We had her information read, right? Yeah. She didn't write anything about her dog well then the dog died right she wrote the
Starting point is 00:45:08 dog's name see she wrote the dog's name oh wait a minute he got to read all that shit yes she wrote it and put it in her purse okay do you know there are pens, and when you write things down with these pens, they create an exact replica of that on a computer program, and they work wirelessly. See, I didn't know that bit of information. So my mind was just trying to decode what he did, because it would have been impossible. Then it's like, oh.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Well, we don't know. Maybe she used her own pen, which in case... Look, man, he said he named initials. You would get that from someone writing their name on a thing. Right. Maybe he had a camera that was watching all of them. Well, I guess the point is, like, we're trying to figure out the specifics of what he did. But it's no question that what he did wasn't psychic.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And it was a trick because that's what he said. Maybe he had a camera behind me with like a zoom lens. And that's how he could read that. And that's also how he could read people in the audience. I mean, who the hell knows? Yeah. There's no way to... how far in advance did he know where we were going how long in advance did he know no idea huh the location
Starting point is 00:46:17 i got there 10 minutes after call time and he was there did he knew know about it beforehand though before the call he addressed the location possibly but i don't think i don't think he got sent the we're trying to do here folks listening to this is trying to figure out how the hell that guy did what he did what he did was masterful i mean everything about it even if it was tricks whatever it was it was amazing but having him say that it was tricks and it was so good it makes you really call into question all the other psychic ability that people claim well another thing that it does is it shines a light on how monstrous some people are because imagine being such a sociopath that you use tricks like that to get around people, to show them that you have powers, and then you charge them money to let them
Starting point is 00:47:12 communicate with their dead relatives. There are people who do that for a living. They're the most vile, monstrous people on earth because they seek out the most gullible humans who are desperate and mourning and full of grief and guilt. And then they do a couple of banachek tricks. They get them convinced that they're magical. And then they're like, yeah, for a thousand bucks or for a donation, I'll let you say hello to your mom again. Yeah, he was very adamant about his hate for that type of practice, that manipulative practice. And what he does
Starting point is 00:47:45 he calls himself a mentalist and he's an entertainer and he's also a debunker he likes to debunk stuff he'll tell people that what he's doing is a trick and just so you know he's so good at it
Starting point is 00:47:56 and he's telling you it's a trick so be careful because other people are probably tricking you too but they're not going to be as ethical as he is he's a really cool guy man that was a real privilege having him on the show.
Starting point is 00:48:07 But it is fun to imagine that he's just an evil telepath. He's just an awesome, real psychic, and that's how he makes a living, pretending he's not. He's not. He just goes around because he knows that if he tells people that being a telepath is possible, then everyone will have telepathic abilities, and he won't be special anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I wonder if he used his own pen. If he made them write their stuff down with his pen, that would explain a lot. We don't know. Because I do know that they can do that now. They have these special pens that are these computer pens and they dictate. Well, then you got to get your pen back. I mean, I think it's... No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:48:42 No, you can do it wirelessly. No, but if you have like a... I'm saying you want to get your magic wireless pen back. You don't it's no you don't no you can do it wirelessly no but if you have like a i'm saying you want to get your magic wireless pen back you don't want it true so but i but i think that they gave their pen back anyway people don't steal pens when you fill out a form especially if you say can i have my pen back please like if it's a magic pen you're gonna ask can i have that blinking pen back that i gave you what were the numbers shows how many megabytes are left yeah um i don't know what these tricks were but the important thing is that he says they were tricks. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And they were amazing. Yeah, but just because someone can emulate something doesn't mean that it's not real. But it made going to the Rhine Research Center feel so silly. Like me standing in front of these things trying to figure out which one's going to go off next and totally getting nothing. Right. Like thinking like maybe I've got this power. And then this guy comes along that shows you like the craziest psychic shit you've ever seen in your life. And then just goes, oh, by the way, it's all lies.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah, it's true, man. I mean, there's a you can do a lot. You could do a lot. Like think of Rasputin. do a lot like think of Rasputin think of like Rasputin this dirty filthy guy who just comes into Russia says that he's a a psychic or a mystic and the next thing you know he's basically running Russia by manipulating the leaders because he's convinced them that he has these powers I mean you can go far if you can convince people you're leaving something out about Rasputin his giant cock his giant cock his cock that was giant, they cut it off and bottled it.
Starting point is 00:50:07 They saved it forever in a jar of formaldehyde. And people go to a museum in Russia and look at it. That's how big his cock is. I've seen that jar. It's like 11 inches flaccid. Yeah. It's a giant hog. It's a terrible thing.
Starting point is 00:50:20 It's a terrible, evil-looking dick. Yeah. You just imagine it, going into a woman that you once loved, just plunging into her. I think when the apocalypse happens, it's going to wake up and break out of that jar. It's going to come out of his dick. His dick's going to sprout legs in the middle of the night. Remember that scene in Aliens, the second one, where what's-his-face, mad about you, kept the chick in the lab,
Starting point is 00:50:46 tried to get her contaminated with one of those little facehuggers. That's what it'll be like. It'll be like the facehugger. It's going to grow some legs and crab its way around the laboratory until it shoves its giant pickled cock in your mouth. Giant pickled wizard cock. Hundreds of years before Malahide. Soaked into that terrible thing. Green and pulsating.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Just a zombie dick with crab legs. Antique jizz remnants pumping out. And that's where it starts. They open up the vault to try to rescue and, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:17 it's a fucking swarm, like a beehive of bugs flying through the air that are all miniature little giant flying crab cocks. And it just spreads. It spreads like a virus. Ariel.
Starting point is 00:51:30 That would be the funniest apocalypse. They're looking at it on their slide for the first time, and it's little tiny evil cocks flapping their wings. They're like, what the fuck are we looking at? They have to look at it like 100x, 100 times the size just to get it what are we seeing they're giant pickled cocks with wings next on sci-fi little tiny one yeah that's right after sharknado man yeah that's a i think that it's a that's a terrifying aspect of rasputin also the fact that they shot him several times and they kept yeah they poisoned them they didn't last
Starting point is 00:52:03 poison shot him well i think any dude with a dick that big is a special man you know you probably have a lot of special tolerances you know so it's a rigid human being if you got a big giant cock like that it's like the universe is like trying really hard to get you to breed you know like right we all know that like penis size no matter what anybody says, it means something. If it didn't mean anything, it wouldn't bother you if your dick was little. It means something. And you probably don't need a gigantic, humongous one, but if you have one, you got that.
Starting point is 00:52:36 That's a big thing with people. So when a guy like Rasputin comes along and he has a giant cock, then he's charismatic with that big, giant cock. Yeah, it's a perfect storm of evil. Scary. Giant horse cock can communicate with the dead. That's all you need to take over Russia. It is a real problem with people that we're gullible. That we want to believe silly things.
Starting point is 00:53:02 We want to believe silly things. And over the course of this show, one of the things that I've found is how many people get upset at you if you don't believe the things that they believe. Yeah. Well, you feel embarrassed. I mean, part of it is you feel embarrassed. You want to defend it because you know that if you're experiencing some strange thing that some part of you is going to be skeptical. And when you decide to believe in the strange thing, then you become very defensive. It's embarrassing. And I think that's why sometimes you feel a little bit of sympathy for some of these
Starting point is 00:53:34 people because they've invested their lives into ideas that they haven't fully investigated or explored in a real way. It's really sad when you end up knocking the legs out from under the table upon which rests a person's entire paradigm that's a sad thing to see happen you're watching someone fight against that with all their might yeah and we're seeing that every week yeah yeah every week we're seeing some some person who believes. And I think somewhere along the line, the show is becoming more about psychology than it is even about these ideas. Yeah, man. And one thing it's taught me is that we can't let people who believe in invisible, unprovable things have any kind of power.
Starting point is 00:54:21 That's what it's showing me. Now, a lot of these people you meet, they don't have a church, a congregation, they haven't started a religion, but you can see how if someone like that, if they had power, they would be incredibly dangerous. If you're around someone- It could be, yeah. Yeah. Well, I think that people having power in that sense, like presidential power or king type power is probably going to be a thing of the past one day. I think ultimately we're going to realize that anybody that gets to control people, it's probably a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It should all be like some sort of a group-minded thing. Because if it's not, then you get led into wars, and you get led into crazy situations, bank takeovers, bailouts and stuff. I just saw a video on a Christian show, which is a speech of Ronald Reagan when he's president talking about how he believes that the end of the world is going to happen in Israel based on biblical prophecy. This is a president. He controls nuclear weapons and he's free freely saying this is what I believe.
Starting point is 00:55:23 It's been prophesied and in the old testament it's like no no you're president yeah you can't believe that you're not supposed to believe that yeah it's too weak an idea it's too weak an idea to you and if you exhibit this weak idea it should disqualify you from controlling anything because it's a crazy person's thought. So we have to reevaluate. Oh, did we just let a charismatic, crazy person run things or did we really pick a wise leader? Right. But the point is a leader can't really be a leader.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You need a bunch of people working with you. And everyone says that, but there's still a president. There shouldn't be one. There's no fucking way one person should be running anything so yeah one her person who believes crazy shit shouldn't be running anything you know who else shouldn't be running anything anybody no one should be running a goddamn country right no one it should be the entire country gets to vote on shit yes you know and i think you can get a a totally different sense of who people are based on that. Like Reddit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Run the country with a Reddit system. Sure, yeah. That would be a true democracy. Or Twitter. Imagine if you could vote on Twitter. Yeah, it would be amazing. It would be incredible. It would be amazing, but also probably pretty easy to hack.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Maybe, but why can we do our banking online then? Right. Good point. You're telling me you trust it with money, you don't trust it with votes it with votes that's ridiculous right it sounds like you want to manipulate votes they can do it they can do pretty much everything online with banking and you're dealing with millions and billions of dollars every day going back and forth including the stock market yeah so that you're fine with all that but we can't vote voting's too complicated that's a great one man one vote what are you trying to sink the whole system what if a bunch of hackers get in control you want a bunch of guys with
Starting point is 00:57:11 guy fox masks running this fucking country right they can't give it back to the people and they know that's what that would be so they can't do it they can't do it so they'll never do it it'll never you'll never be able to vote well i think you eventually will because i think the people that are in the position to control things will eventually get phased out. Let's hope. I think new people will come in. I just think it's inevitable, because the generations that are coming up, it's going
Starting point is 00:57:33 to be way harder to be as corrupt as the generations that are in power, that are just used to abusing it and having that kind of control. You wouldn't want that, like, if you could have the level of control of a Julius Caesar or a King of Scots. I think it's dangerous. I think it's dangerous. But would you want it? Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:57:49 If it was me or Hitler, I'd say yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yes. But it's never that. And I think it's really what it should be is we should all have ideas that we share and we should all have maybe things that we agree on or disagree on or things that we can debate, public discourse. But ultimately, it should be a vote. It should be 300 million people, X amount of them are over 18, whatever the age we decide is. It really should be probably 21. And then from there on, they get to make the choices. Yeah, but what if, for example, this voting happens in a country where people believe in Sharia
Starting point is 00:58:30 law and believe that women should be covered in burqas and that, you know, sort of you cut off someone's hand who steals. What if there's... They convicted a woman in India because they read her mind with a machine. Really? What did they convict her of?
Starting point is 00:58:45 Oh my god. That's scary. There did they convict her of? She was convicted of murder. Oh, my God. That's scary. She used an EEG machine called an fMRI, read her mind, and it was admissible in court that she actually had prior knowledge of this crime. That's incredible. So that's what's coming. She had experiential knowledge of the crime.
Starting point is 00:59:00 That's incredible. But not admissible in U.S. court. Not admissible in U.S. court. Well, I'll tell the story for the people listening to this who didn't hear it. What they just said is that there's a woman in India that was convicted with this machine called an fMRI. What does it stand for? Functional MRI. Functional MRI.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Magnetic Resonance Imagery is what MRI stands for. And that she was convicted for murder because they knew that she had a, some sort of a memory of the crime and they were able to read her mind and find that. Wow. Holy shit. That's incredible. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I think that eventually we're going to have a hard drive on our brain and I think we're going to be able to record life in a way that looks exactly as if you're living it. And I think you'll be able to watch it and experience it. I think first it'll probably be visual, but then as people, the technology gets better and better and people get more advanced, we'll figure out a way to experience everything too. It'll be like black and white TVs.
Starting point is 01:00:00 They started out, it was just a black and white television. Then all of a sudden it was color, HD, stereo, stereo sound with winds whistling behind you. I mean, TVs today are incredible. But they started out this big stupid wooden box with this dumb little
Starting point is 01:00:17 tube in the middle of it that looked like shit. It was rounded like a fishbowl. I think that first they're going to start out with video. You're going to be able to video and have some sort of an audio, and you're going to be able to play it back. Google Glass. Something along those lines. But it'll be all the time, and you'll be able to access it.
Starting point is 01:00:35 You'll have a giant 18 trillion terabyte hard drive in your head, and you'll be able to access your entire life. So we're going to have to – people are going to be able to read your minds by just taking it out. Yeah. And like, well, let's see what Duncan was doing. Oh, beating off to tranny porn. Were you, Duncan? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Ball gags and tranny porn. Sure. Like, they'll be able to find out what you saw on your computer. They'll be able to – nothing wrong with that, man. And the more we realize – the quicker we realize there's nothing wrong with that, the happier we'll all be. But the point is that they're going to be that there's going to be a moot point. I think everyone's going to be psychic. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I mean, for sure. People, if you look at it that way, we already are psychic. It's just not connected to our heads yet. Well, we're certainly way more psychic today than people were that were living in like 15, 20 or something. What we can do now is there's a call what call it what you will the connection is always on and it's much more powerful and we can do things incredible like talk to people that are on the other side of the world in real time well i mean what is it i i'm probably going to misquote it but is didn't asimov say technology that it's an a technology'm going to butcher this quote, but it's something like a technology, an advanced enough technology would be indistinguishable from magic.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Yes, that's exactly the quote. So that's the idea, which is that if you were to go back and tell people, yeah, we use wireless signals to show us where we're going. We use wireless signals to communicate with people on the other side of the planet. We use wireless signals to show us where we're going. We use wireless signals to communicate with people on the other side of the planet. We use wireless signals to control cars. We use wireless signals to do everything. People will be like, what are you talking about? How is that even possible? But now it's real. And so I'm sure that in the future, once technology becomes more part of us and we all become cyborgs, then in that way, the notion of being able to mentally merge with a person won't seem insane at all.
Starting point is 01:02:30 In fact, you will be able to merge with the consciousness of the planet. There'll be some kind of emotional internet where you can empathically, technologically merge with all human beings and experience the way the entire planet feels. I think you're absolutely right. And I think that we're starting to feel the beginnings of this with the internet that we're experiencing today. I think the internet is joining people today in a way that we've never experienced before. And it's just begun.
Starting point is 01:02:56 And I think the next step is probably going to be a lot more immersive. Yes. And that next step might deal with real-time video and audio from person to person oh we might be able to access people's actual experiences as they're taking place sure and then there's going to be designer augmented realities where you can have you can download upgrades just a normal reality like make your reds redder yeah make the colors deeper let's turn it turn let's let's enhance smells and they'll be like well Let's enhance smells. And they'll be like, well, let's change smells altogether.
Starting point is 01:03:29 This turns the smell of a fart into roses. So from now on, you're not going to smell any bad things. And that's going to be what starts happening. As we begin to enhance our reality technologically, which I've heard in Google Glass, it's already happening. Like one thing that they're desperately trying to keep out of Google Glass is facial recognition. But someone's already hacked it. So it does that because the last thing you want is for a stranger to be able to walk up to you with Google Glass, scan your face, go do a Google image search and come up with like, oh, hey, Ted, do you remember me? Remember me from that party? That's a problem.
Starting point is 01:04:03 You're like, wait, do I really know you? Are you just using the Internet? So they don't want that to happen but the thing about it is they're already gonna hack it so that happens and then you can have like a yelp for people you know what i mean so that when you're doing facial scans for people you could see hanging above them douchebag or rapist or pedophile or whatever. So people are going to be cursed with this cloud that whatever is about them in the cloud will be around them. And you can, you could change that. You can upgrade it if you want. You can make it so that assholes always have flies, digital flies swarming around them
Starting point is 01:04:39 so you know to avoid them. That's a great idea. If technology really can do that and we start judging each other based on our experiences, but you're going to have like, you're going to have to look at a guy's record too.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Like, okay, who gave you one star? Oh, look at this guy. He's an asshole. Sure. But you could tell, you know, we already can do that.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Like, it just takes a second. Yes. I can already get your name and go on your Facebook account and within 10 seconds figure out if you're a douchebag. Yeah. I mean, how many times have you gone to someone's Twitter and you go, oh, I know what's going on in your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Quick. Right away. That's sort of psychic in a way. Yes. I mean, it's communicative. And essentially the idea of psychic is it cuts out all the middleman and you get right to the information. Yeah. Yeah. of psychic is it cuts out all the middleman and you get right to the information yeah yeah it's a it's a form of technologically enhanced connectivity that's never existed as far as we know
Starting point is 01:05:32 on this planet until today and it's only going to get more and more intense and everyone's you know this is part of the thing where everyone's like oh god the NSA they're watching everything I do there's no more privacy it's like oh you have no idea you're so lucky right now if you exist right now this is the last era of privacy it's already there's hardly any privacy if you do something dumb enough on a city bus the entire planet will see yeah if you uh if if you murder someone it's it's so much more difficult to get away with it today than it's ever been before. If you commit a crime. If you commit a crime. If you just do something embarrassing. If you try
Starting point is 01:06:09 to take a burning tequila shot and set your face on fire, within 30 minutes, the entire planet might be looking at that event. So privacy is already going the way of the dinosaur, but in 15 years, you will not be able to go outside without being reported.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Do you think that's going to cause a convergence though, a real convergence where people have real empathy for other people because they're experiencing their pain, their feelings all the time? I think that if anything positive can come out of this connection that human beings are experiencing, it's going to be that we're going to realize somewhere along the line that we're going to all be a lot better off if everybody's happy. And there must be a way. If you can get two people to be happy or four people to be happy, why can't you get four million?
Starting point is 01:06:57 What is missing? At what point in time does it become, does everybody lose value? Is it 4,000? Is it 40,000? Is it 400 000 there's a number where people stop giving a shit about certain people they read about in the newspaper if there's only four of you one of you dies everybody gets sad yeah but if there's four million of you like we lost another one today hey there's fucking four million people don't worry about it dude
Starting point is 01:07:18 yeah right man well i think that's one part of it i think the other part of it is there's going to just be people even more addicted to negativity. And like the Nancy. You think so? Yeah, I think the Nancy Grace show is going to be really hard to watch because you'll be able to emotionally tune into it. And guaranteed Nancy Grace would be like, here's the way it feels to be an eight year old getting strangled to death. People want to experience those dark things, too. People want to experience those dark things too.
Starting point is 01:08:06 But I think ultimately it's the ultimate device of peace because when let's say the president of Iran sits down with the president of Israel and they telepathically merge minds so that one can experience the totality of the other person's life and whatever their religion is and whatever their ideas are if those things merge and you can be like oh shit we're exactly the same we really are the same that's that's the problem yeah the problem is if you lived their life you would have a very similar way of looking at the world as they do and if they lived yours they would probably have all your experiences all your hopes and dreams and loves and conquests and failures all that shit together makes you and unless someone is you it's hard it's hard for them to understand you but when we all can see each other it's going to get real weird man it's hard for you to understand you much less somebody else but still you know where else it's going to ruin? It's going to ruin the meat industry because the first thing PETA is going to do is slap one of these brainwave devices on a cow that's about to get slaughtered. Send that up on the internet and be like, go ahead, eat a cheeseburger.
Starting point is 01:08:55 But first experience this insane terror that that meat felt right before it got murdered. I think you're right. It's going to be a weird world. I think there's going to be a lot of weird things we're going to be able to experience a lot of uh weird ways we're going to be able to be in touch with each other and also getting hacked our minds are going to be able to get hacked and that's another scary thing and the way that sometimes you'll wake up and someone will be and you'll have like six emails from your friends being like hey asshole you got fished i don't want to buy a purse please stop trying to sell
Starting point is 01:09:26 me purses in the same way you might wake up and like your brain has been hacked and implanted all over your brain is the desire to go eat a cheeseburger to like go on a certain website that's another scary thing yeah um
Starting point is 01:09:41 are we good with this episode yeah we just have a few little beats to hit. What do you have to hit? One thing that would be great is the first podcast, you haven't been to Ryan Institute yet. Right. So just kind of... But I said it earlier. I talked about the Ryan Institute.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I'm sorry. Just set it up and we'll get that other part for later in the show. What do you mean? Well, what you said is great. Just kind of do it as if you haven't been there yet. Like, I'm going to go to this place. Okay. Okay. So I'm headed to this place called the rind research center and it's the gold standard for the scientific study of the paranormal yeah i've heard of them they make the
Starting point is 01:10:14 cards they've been uh studying the paranormal since the 1930s so i'm gonna go there and see what they can show me what kind of scientific proof they could demonstrate apparently they can show you all the different ways that they can measure psychic ability and we're gonna we're gonna try a few out yeah man they're the ones who invented those psychic cards with the squiggly lines and the square and the circle they're the ones that came up with that test yeah well apparently they say some people have innate abilities some people don't some people you can you can sort of cultivate their abilities. Some people you can't. Sure, I believe it.
Starting point is 01:10:47 We'll see. I'm open-minded. I'll go check it out. Yeah, they're very respected. Good luck. So anyone looking to get more information on any of these subjects we're talking about, go to There's like clips and videos.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Go check that out spell it because they spell it weird yeah s y f people like why is your stupid show on this it's not even science fiction you're right but it's it's it's s y f they got you on a technicality. So, yeah, it's not the sci-fi channel anymore, like as in only science fiction. But it's still pronounced sci-fi. And you have a right to be upset at me. I understand that. If I wasn't me and I was watching this and I wanted to see Battlestar Galactica, I'd be like, why is the Fear Factor douche on? Right.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I'm looking to watch some Battlestar Galactica, some science fiction. Right. But it's not just science fiction. But you know the one channel that sticks to their name? What? The Learning Channel. That's all about learning. Is it?
Starting point is 01:11:50 No. What do they have now? They have people wrestling pigs. What do they have on now? It's all reality shows? The Learning Channel is like... What do they have? Honey...
Starting point is 01:12:01 Honey Boo Boo's on the Learning Channel? Yeah, Hoarders. What are we learning? People are really stupid as fuck. I'm learning I love Honey Boo Boo. Hoarders's on the Learning Channel? Yeah, Hoarders. What are we learning? People are really stupid as fuck. I'm learning I love Honey Boo Boo. Hoarders is on the Learning Channel? What? Hoarders?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Did you say Hoarders? I think Hoarders. Isn't Hoarders on the Learning Channel? Hoarders is on A&E. Arts and Entertainment. Oh, there you go. Hoarders is on Arts and Entertainment. That's right.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Is that an art or an entertainment? It's both. Wow. Okay. So, you know, I don't know, man. I don't know about this psychic ability thing. I think we have to wrap it up now. But my take on it is I did not feel like in doing the show that it disproved anything to me. there's guys like banachek who are absolutely masterful at doing what he did however he did it he claims that it's a trick and he's not psychic i believe him what he did was amazing though so um i i learned that there's people like that i was really blown away by his abilities but i didn't it didn't take away from me the possibility that a guy like ed Dames can remote view or the guy like Paul Smith can remote view.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I couldn't do it. I didn't see evidence of it, but there's enough there for me, enough anecdotal evidence, enough stories of these guys seeing things that turned out to be real, that I would be foolish if I dismissed it without actually learning how to do it. And that was one of the important things.
Starting point is 01:13:24 So I'm going to leave it at that. I don't know whether or not psychic energy is real, but I am incredibly impressed. I'll say that again. I don't know if psychic energy is real or psychic ability is real, but I'm incredibly impressed at Banachek's ability to fake it and Ed Dame's descriptions of how it works. So that's where I'll leave it.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Cool. I'm in the middle on it. I'm all over the place. Well, I hope people out there try to develop their abilities. I should too. You know, I don't know what's wrong with me, why I don't want to like sit down and read a book on it. I really need to figure out what's wrong with me
Starting point is 01:13:57 that I don't want to give it a chance. God, when I was a kid, I used to read those books all the time. Did they work? No, but like I remember reading that you could sit and if you stare at the back of someone's neck, you could make them look at you. So I'd be riding in the car
Starting point is 01:14:11 and just staring at the back of my brother's neck trying to get him to turn around. Did it work? No. I mean, your brother's just tired of your shit. Absolutely tired of my shit.
Starting point is 01:14:21 And he would turn around anyway to punch me. The end. Absolutely tired of my shit. And he would turn around anyway to punch me. Yeah.

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