The Joe Rogan Experience - JRQE #6 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: June 12, 2014

This podcast is currently only available as audio. This podcast was recorded during the production of “Joe Rogan Questions Everything” which originally aired on SyFy. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. Are we rolling? We good? How smoky is it in here? We alright? Look at this, this is the fog of confusion. That's what's in the air, Duncan. The fog of confusion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:27 The smoke of mystery. So we went to Skinwalker Ranch, and we found a lot of crazy. Yes. We found a lot of crazy. Yes. It was an interesting place. I'll tell you what. Mike Miller, the gentleman that we talked to that lived with his cool dog and had seen the orbs.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yes. That guy I enjoyed talking to. He seemed like a real down-to-earth guy that had no reason to lie to us. He didn't seem like he had any agenda. Sure. And his story, although sounds completely crazy, while he was saying it, did not seem in any way like he was being deceptive it seemed like he was telling us a real account it's i know he's like i know it sounds crazy yeah but uh you know it's what i saw yeah and i believe him i mean i believe that he had this
Starting point is 00:01:16 experience what it was who you know you would have to be there you'd have to see it and even then if you saw what he saw the way he he explained it, you wouldn't really know. And I think that's the real problem with any completely unique experience. If you had it and no one else had it, what kind of a burden? Walking around, you've seen these rainbow-colored orbs that are the size of softballs. And they're flying around your house and going through walls. and your dog's looking at them, and you're shining lights on them, and they're avoiding the lights and flying around. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's over. It's gone. They leave. You're back to just sitting at home. The TV's still on. Yeah. Your dog's still there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And all of a sudden, you know, you're forced with this decision. You're faced with this decision. What do you do? You tell your friends about your friends about this yeah you keep that to yourself what would you do if you saw a bunch of crazy orbs flying around your car and then disappearing off into space and then you know other than your own strange memory of what just happened life is exactly the same yeah what do you do do you tell people yeah. What do you do? Do you tell people? Yeah, you tell people. You've got a responsibility to tell people.
Starting point is 00:02:30 You've got to be brave enough to tell people because if you don't tell people, then you're discrediting your species. If there's some kind of brand new thing that's happening that no one's observed before and you see it, you've got to have the guts to get out there and tell people. Sure, they're just going to look at you like oh this is the typical dusty cement laying desert recluse with a filthy dog who's been huffing paint and hallucinating orbs that's all anyone's going to
Starting point is 00:02:56 think that's the problem but i think that you must tell people because if you don't then no one's going to investigate it and if no one investigates, then these things will remain in the land of the crazy instead of coming into the light. And if they come into the light, think of what that would do to all of society. If we can prove that there's hyperdimensional orbs that traverse wormholes to communicate with dusty old cowboys in the middle of mormon country wow what a great way of putting it yeah and if they really are some unique thing that we're experiencing for the first time but will continue to show itself and eventually become you know
Starting point is 00:03:41 factual eventually be a part of i don't know what we consider reality yes you know, factual, eventually be a part of, I don't know, what we consider reality. Yes. You know, you would be so pissed. You're like, I saw that too. And I didn't have the balls to speak out. That's right. And what if Marconi never spoke out when he started discovering radio waves? What if Darwin never spoke out when he recognized that there was a process called evolution
Starting point is 00:04:01 that was happening in the world? What if Edison never spoke out when he was uh stealing Tesla's ideas yeah you know and it's really interesting because when you stop and think about what you're talking about this flying thing you know why is that any stranger than fish why is it any stranger than something that breathes water and does whatever it wants in this three-dimensional world under the ocean? Why is that any weirder than birds? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah, why is that any weirder than... I saw an eagle the other day when I was in Seattle. I saw an eagle. Yeah, a flying, knife-faced death machine. Yeah, that was a dinosaur that survived. Yeah. It survived and figured out how to fly and steal fish from the water. Yeah, if someone came up to me and said,
Starting point is 00:04:46 listen, and I'd never seen an eagle, and they're like, which do you think is real? A floating orb that is alive and follows you or a thing that evolved from lizards that has a knife on its face and flies through the sky killing fish? Yeah, it has like bone cutters. It's even sicker than a knife.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It's a pair of scissors. Yeah, it's a flying pair of scissors. A giant scissor-faced monster from 65 million years ago. Yeah, that carries away your cat, your chihuahua. That survived a giant five-mile- wide chunk of stone and metal that slammed into the earth and killed just about everything except these cunty flying lizards yes exactly and also look go down under the ocean yeah go down into the deep deep parts of the ocean where you see those creepy glowing goblin things that just live down there? Absolutely. There's things that are self-luminescent
Starting point is 00:05:46 or bioluminescent. They glow. They make light underneath the water. How crazy is that? Why is a flying orb crazier than that? It's really not. Especially when you consider what that orb did. It's not like that orb stole his cat and flew away with it and ate it on top of a rock like an eagle would.
Starting point is 00:06:03 An eagle would steal your cat, man. No problem. Eagle has no problem. Leave a baby alone with an eagle. Watch what happens. Sure. That's crazy. Yeah, it's crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:06:14 But here's the difference. Orbs just fly around the baby and take off. Nobody gets hurt. We don't know. Maybe the orbs plant seeds in the baby. Oh, change the thought of the baby. Yeah. Change the way the mind works.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Hypnotize the baby. Maybe the orbs drive the baby. Oh, change the thought of the baby. Yeah. Change the way the mind works. Hypnotize the baby. Maybe the orbs drive the baby insane. But the difference, of course, is that there's a million pictures of eagles. Yeah. There's very few pictures of orbs. There's a million pictures of undersea death goblins that glow. No pictures of UFOs. Well, there's photos of orbs.
Starting point is 00:06:44 There's photos that people put online that they claim to be orbs the problem is they're very much like our guide in in utah the the you know i don't know i mean maybe everything he said was 100 factual but it was so crazy to hear someone who says they've seen bigfoot they've seen orbs and bulletproof wolves they've seen Bigfoot, they've seen orbs, and bulletproof wolves. They've seen all these things themselves, and they're telling you it's just this spot, this is this crazy spot. Maybe he's telling the truth, but it's so fantastical. And that is sort of the same thing that comes along with all of these,
Starting point is 00:07:18 all of these tales, whether it's orbs or wolves or any of the crazy things that we were told that these people saw, if they are real, you're dealing with some crazy, unique experience that, really, I commend you for coming out and talking about it because I might keep my mouth shut. I probably wouldn't. I'm pretty stupid. I would definitely talk about it if I saw something cool. What am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:07:42 I would talk about it. But some people didn't want to talk to us. and i could understand that first couple that we met that we were supposed to talk and then the day of shooting they got cold feet and they're like you know what we don't even want to talk about this it's like the last thing i want to do is be that person on tv talking about something nutty and they're like no no no no no no we're not not doing it like they just were done with it they thought about it probably kept him up all night wisely so but uh mike didn't give a fuck you know what man yeah he didn't give a fuck it didn't bother him at all and he told it to us just matter of fact and i was with him every step of the way i i believe that guy was telling us a true encounter i don't know what it was i don't
Starting point is 00:08:23 know me who knows he might have had like a misfiring of like several key elements of his brain. Sure. And they might start producing hallucinations in front of him. Who knows how much whiskey he drank right before he saw these words? Yeah. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Who knows what cold medicines he mixed up? A lot. Who knows? But the bottom line is, this guy, when he was telling us about this, I believed him. And if you and I had just gotten to see it, man, what a world-changing event that would be. But that seems to be a part of the narrative of all this really crazy, fantastical stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's like, if you could be there and see it, boy, it would just change the world. But when you go looking, nobody finds shit. Ever. Ever. Ever. It doesn't matter if you're looking for Bigfoot, if you're looking for UFOs, if you're trying to find the Loch Ness Monster, you never find shit. People finance these giant missions.
Starting point is 00:09:23 People finance these giant missions. They take these huge radar machines and troll the lock in Scotland every couple of years. They spend so much money looking for something that's probably never been there. But that's what we do. That's what human beings do, is we try to expand our understanding of the universe. And part of that expansion means investigating claims of bizarre creatures and aliens and UFOs. We have to investigate it. But the difference between science and these people is science is comfortable with what they call a null hypothesis. They're comfortable coming back with no results and saying, it's not there.
Starting point is 00:10:05 they're comfortable coming back with no results and saying it's not there the thing that these people don't seem capable of or at least the guy who had seen the bulletproof wolf and bigfoot and everything is he saw everything he saw everything that could be to see he hit the supernatural lottery he saw bigfoot the first night he went looking yeah the first night there are people up there there are people up there for years, slowly going crazy under the moon. This guy goes out one night. Bigfoot shows up. Just did some calls that he learned from watching TV. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:32 TV Bigfoot shows. So, you know, man, the problem is that those people are... Super lucky. The problem is they're just lucky. Just super lucky. Just he's a magnet for paranormal activity. Yeah, that's definitely what it is. That's what he is. He's a magnet for paranormal activity. Yeah, that's definitely what it is. That's what he is.
Starting point is 00:10:48 He's a magnet for the paranormal. I just think that he is, that would be hilarious, though. If it was. He was just like this guy who is just, you know, not the most charismatic guy. Doesn't seem like, you know, any different than you or I. Yeah. But yet, the aliens just decided, this is our guy. This is why you... This is our guy this is why
Starting point is 00:11:05 this is our go-to dude don't be an alcoholic well maybe this is why don't live around really stupid people because maybe the aliens landed in his town and everybody else is like barely a monkey they're just apes apes with a language yeah and him in his town he's the dawn of the town like he's the smartest guy for miles. That's a rough town. And they looked around and they said, you know what? This is our guy. You know, maybe they didn't do a really good, accurate assessment of the entire population and find out who's the smartest guy here. Okay, let's go talk to Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Starting point is 00:11:38 He seems to be totally on the ball. He seems like the best guy we could communicate with. He seems like the best guy we could communicate with. No, they showed up in some meth-addled shithole of a town, and there's fucking tumbleweeds flying by, and people shooting up in the corners, and it's just a mess. Everywhere you look, gambling addicts are stealing money,
Starting point is 00:11:56 and everyone's on some fucking form of crank. And they found old Ryan. Ryan was washing his truck and listening to conservative talk radio. Misogyn his dog. Seems like a normal guy. And they're like, we found the guy. This is the best America has to offer. They just didn't, they look at us like we're so stupid.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Like the way we look at chimps, I mean, it takes a long time studying chimps before you figure out what's the bad motherfucker chimp. What's the one chimp that figured out how to take the stick and whittle the end of it so he can get the ants easier? What is the one chimp that figured out how to take the stick and whittle the end of it so he can get the ants easier? You know, what is the one chimp that figured out how to mimic human behavior and do certain things? It takes a long time to find that guy. So if there's so much more advanced than us, than we are from chimps, if it's like that much of a leap, they probably, well, look at these idiots. They probably look at it, this is a sea of idiots.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Oh, I find this one idiot that's not eating his own poop. Let's grab that guy and scoop him up and let's show him everything. Let's show him everything and see if he can perhaps help us enlighten this crazy species. Man, I think you're right. It might be. By the way, if I'm studying chimps, I'm going to pick the crazy ones. Because it's more interesting. Who are you going to take?
Starting point is 00:13:05 The normal chimp? Or are you going to take the chimp that's off by himself by a tree, drinking mini vodkas and staring into the sun, making weird noises to summon a mythical creature? Get that chimp! Exiting an Indian casino way drunker than anybody should be and be allowed to walk on their own, screaming expletives because they lost all the money they've ever made ever on a game of chance.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, exactly. That's the chimp you want to study. That's the guy. Maybe aliens don't believe in crazy people, and they try to prove that crazy people exist by finding them and taking pictures of them. Or maybe aliens are smart enough to avoid credible people, and they figure the best way to get the information they need is to find someone
Starting point is 00:13:45 who already has a penchant for stretching the truth and abduct that motherfucker. And then when you're done with them, go tell your friends. Tell everyone. Go tell your friends. That's what they say. They put them on the front door. And they go, go ahead, go tell your friends, dude. And he's just sitting there like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Hey, you dropped your tequila bottle. Don't forget your tequila when you leave. Oh, don't worry. You've got plenty of meth in your urine. You're going to come up clean. Get out of here, dude. So the guy goes to the police department.
Starting point is 00:14:16 He tells a story. Pisses in a cop. And they go, get the fuck out of here. What's in here? This can get me high. I could drink this and get high for a month. Yeah, beat it. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Scram, storyteller. It's really smart. It's genius. Yeah. It's a genius thing to do. It's true. The last thing you want to do is abduct some logical. Yeah, Obama.
Starting point is 00:14:33 What if Obama feels compelled to tell the world and they actually listen? People alter their behavior, start looking for UFOs, put on special glasses like in They Live. You remember that movie? You know what? I wouldn't. Roddy Piper, John Carpenter. Old school. No one's going to believe Obama.
Starting point is 00:14:47 How dare you? No one believes him now when he talks about anything, much less aliens. Maybe that would be perfect. That would be the ultimate cover. Come straight to Obama. And that's the one thing that everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:14:56 you know what? This guy, we got to get him out of office. Like, everybody's fine with drones. Everybody's fine with paying off the banks. Everybody's fine with arresting people for medical marijuana. Everybody's fine with everything off the banks. Everybody's fine with arresting people for medical marijuana. Everybody's fine with everything.
Starting point is 00:15:07 But he says he saw a UFO this motherfucker. Let's get him out of here. Get him out of here. You're lying to my children. God, that'd be fun to be an alien, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:15:17 You get to suck anybody into your ship and do anything you want to them. No one can call the police. Just drop them off and go tell your friends. Yeah, them off and go tell your friends. Yeah, tell everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Go tell your friends. By the way, we're invisible to everybody but you. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you don't think that they can make you invisible? I mean, it seems to me that if you can come here from another planet, pretty much you can do anything. Yes. Whatever you can manipulate in our world.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. You might be a bulletproof wolf. Maybe that's like the best way to show up. Sure. Just be a wolf that you can go ahead and shoot me. You pretend that they hurt you and know you might be a bulletproof wolf maybe that's like the best way to show up sure just be a wolf that you could go ahead shoot me ah you pretend that they hurt you and then you fly away you turn into mist and you vanish why i mean why would we assume that they're limited in their ability to exist in in matter the way we are just contained by this biological prison maybe they can be missed maybe maybe they can do it. Maybe they just appear out of nowhere. Maybe they don't get in big stupid ships like we do
Starting point is 00:16:08 and fly through the air. Maybe they're like, oh my god, they're still doing that? Do you know that you can just become missed and appear as like a wolf or something? Yes. Maybe they do that. Why not? Wouldn't you? No. Listen, if... Now this is a big if, but
Starting point is 00:16:23 one of the gentlemen that I talked to, Terrell, what's his first name? Rich Terrell. One of the gentlemen that I talked to, this guy Rich Terrell, he's from the JPL Labs. All right, this guy's super smart. JPL Lab. I don't know what they do there, but it's very important. Very important rocket science-y type stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. Well, we were talking about simulation theory. And one of the things brought up about simulation theory was if you don't know that you're in a simulation, and as you're in that simulation, you create another simulation. Like, wouldn't that sort of mimic the fractal behavior that the whole universe seems to exist,
Starting point is 00:17:01 or seems to show, that exists everywhere, Everywhere you look. Whether it's the Fibonacci sequence, the way it applies itself to sunflower seeds, or just the fact that you go into the atoms themselves, and there's so much space there. Yes. It's almost like the universe. And if that's the case, and if what we're looking at is just a representation of an artificially created world, and inside that artificially created world, we're working feverishly to create another artificial world. If that's the case, then maybe alien life is just simply someone who decides to present itself as that inside the simulation.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I mean, if we really are completely in a world of ones and zeros, we may really be limited by our imagination more than we're limited by possibilities. We just seem to only be capable of imagining things that someone has already documented, whether it's a tiger or a shark or a tornado. These things are documented, so we'll accept them yes but maybe if it's a simulation there's some shit out there that we just haven't seen in the game yet yeah there's some new levels to the movie where you you know you pass this area and all of a sudden you're in a magic land and bulletproof wolves exist and turn out a mist and they land on your porch and they look at you and you shoot them and they vanish. I mean, the ability to have wireless communication existed when people were beating each other's heads in with rocks and worshipping golden cows.
Starting point is 00:18:39 The same time. Always been there. It's just they hadn't discovered it yet. So it's true. always been there it's just they hadn't discovered it yet so it's true no doubt there's some amazing technology or some amazing uh law in the universe that we haven't quite discovered yet that eventually we will that will be as disruptive to society as every other invention or discovery like that but these discoveries are not made generally by people who stink of gin and who go wandering drunk through the desert staring up into space. These discoveries are made by people who have an inclination, an impulse, and have studied a lot of science and know the process that you can uncover these laws, which is why it's so important to approach these things from a scientific perspective,
Starting point is 00:19:27 because otherwise you end up with an unprovable thing. Maybe you saw something, but the fact that you're not approaching it scientifically immediately discredits you. You said something that was very important, and I want to reassert it. You said that the ability to communicate wirelessly always existed we just hadn't figured it out yet yes but it always existed just we didn't have the technology to unearth it that's such an important point that you made and i don't think people could really wrap their head around that it's really hard to we can sort of see the future like a little bit in the
Starting point is 00:20:05 future like we think about it but whenever we've tried to guess we're always so off yeah you know like do you ever watch space 1999 no oh it was a great show it was a great show but it was 14 years ago supposedly right i mean the show was made in the 70s or the 80s or something like i think it was the 70s and it was supposed to be about the future in 1999 like space 1999 like this is gonna be crazy we're just gonna be living in the galaxy in 1999 like they're so off everybody's always off yes but you know what they never saw on space 1999 google right they didn't have all the answers they didn't know where they were going they couldn't they didn't have navigation systems yeah they didn't have any of that shit They didn't have all the answers. They didn't know where they were going. They didn't have navigation systems. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:45 They didn't have any of that shit. They didn't have cell phones, okay? Touch screens. They talked to each other. It was like a walkie-talkie type situation. Yes. You know, like in the Enterprise, Kirk out. Nobody saw what we have right now that is completely insane.
Starting point is 00:20:59 That's right. I mean, we literally have the power of immortals if we lived a thousand years ago. We would be some strange freak existence that people had never seen a guy with a cell phone, never seen a guy in a car pull up with a cell phone, never see a guy step out with sunglasses on and have a machine gun in his hand. All the things that we have today that seem like insane, impossible, unimaginable things a thousand years ago. They're totally, completely, 100% commonplace. Yeah, you take, you pluck someone from a thousand years ago and drop them into any city in the
Starting point is 00:21:33 world and they might go crazy. Or pluck someone from a thousand years in the future and who knows what kind of shape you can take. Right. Who knows what, what, you know, whether or not you, you can even teleport consciousness into other objects and ideas. We have no idea what's going to be possible. And once they start figuring out a way to put technology deeper and deeper into our lives,
Starting point is 00:21:55 or we ever become part technology ourselves, some form of cyborg, anything is fucking possible when that happens. That's right. Anything's possible, and it's the people who have the most open minds that end up making the discoveries that transform history. So, that's why it's important for people to not be afraid
Starting point is 00:22:14 to explore these things. It's just the way you explore it has got to be precise. Right. Because if you aren't precise, then you end up in a lot of trouble. I mean, best case, you end up wandering through the desert. Maybe you fall into an ant's nest because you're a little too drunk. And, best case, you end up wandering through the desert. Maybe you fall into an ant's nest because you're a little too drunk. And, you know, you go home with some stings.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Worst case, you've got a little bit more charisma than that fella had. You know, and then you start telling other people like you that you can communicate with Bigfoot. And they'll say, what? Really? Yeah, I communicate with Bigfoot. And he told me that i should start a church and the next thing you know you've got someone who started a new religion about worshiping bigfoot surrounded by equally nutty people who have no interest in proving anything at all and then that's how religions start and then you know what inevitably happens next the person says that
Starting point is 00:23:03 bigfoot came to them in a dream and said that they have to have sex with your wife. I don't know why he wants me to do that, but he wants me to do that. He wants me to do that or the bulletproof wolf will come. And that's how religions start. That's how it starts, man. And that's why it's dangerous. And that's why people like that have to be held to actual scientific principles. Because if they're not, then they can cause a lot of problems.
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's also why what we talked about before, it's important to hang out with people that are smart. If you hang out with a bunch of dumb people, especially if you're that guy, if you can just tell them things like that, like you met a bulletproof wolf and like, whoa, where's the wolf? You tell that guy anyway. You start making tell them things like that, like you met a bulletproof wolf, and like, whoa, where's the wolf? You can tell that guy anyway. You start making things up just to keep yourself entertained. Because you're dealing with an ape. You know, your friend's an ape. Right. Completely stupid.
Starting point is 00:23:55 There's people out there that'll just like that. Once you have a person near you who believes that you saw a bulletproof mist wolf, you can definitely get them to give you a blowjob. Easy. Easy. Yeah, easy. You could tell them that the aliens told them
Starting point is 00:24:12 that you have to give them a blowjob or everyone will die. Yeah. Babies first. Yeah, you gotta do it. Just make it up. I don't want to, by the way, I don't want you to give me a blowjob.
Starting point is 00:24:21 This hurts me more than... It's the last thing I want. But if you don't, all the babies die. Yeah. This thing eats babies and it's going to come me a blowjob. This hurts me more than... It's the last thing I want. But if you don't, all the babies die. Yeah. This thing eats babies, and it's going to come from a wormhole. All right. Wormholes are great, too, because you don't have to show a launch area. You don't have to, like, pretend that there's, like, a secret spot where you got to go to.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Right. You know, when it's a wormhole, when something as simple as a wormhole, it's just, it's there, it's not, whatever. Yeah. You know? We got a mic problem, I'm sorry. What's wrong? It's loose, and every time you move, you pull it on the side. Me? This?
Starting point is 00:24:51 The cable's probably loose on the side. On the cable? Yeah. Every time you move. The cable connecting. Oh. Okay, here, I'll put it in the front. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:00 No problem. Okay. Baby monsters. Do you want to talk? Where was I? You were talking. Babies. Baby, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You were saying you convince these people that the bulletproof wolf eats babies if they don't give you blowjobs. Yeah. It's not likely, but it probably could happen. Not likely. I mean, God, look at religion. Look at religion. I mean, I was just telling you about this on the phone, but Joseph Smith would tell girls that they had to marry him or they would be damned to hell. Now, what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:25:38 See, that's the problem. If someone had gone to him and said, look, you've got to prove this thing, telling you that you can have sex with my daughter before you have sex with her. I want some proof. Measure it. Show me the tablets. I want to know who this thing is that's telling you to stick your penis in my daughter religiously. You know, you have to hold people accountable for stuff like that or they will hump you. That's the inevitable result of this, man.
Starting point is 00:26:01 or they will hump you. That's the inevitable result of this, man. The slippery slope ends with you laying back in the desert with some guys sitting on your face like a saddle, humping your mouth. Doesn't it all go back to what we discovered when we went looking for Bigfoot? There's a simpler thing going on because it's all people that are getting very little physical affection.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And this is why they have the free time to be out there looking for UFOs. It's like nobody wants to fuck them. And so because of that, you develop this deficit, this desperate need for mystery. Desperate need to somehow or another validate the emptiness that is regular normal life with Bigfoot. Right. Or with UFOs. Or with fill in the blank. Whatever crazy thing you believe.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Jersey Devil. What do you believe in? Loch Ness Monster. Chupacabra. UFO abducting. Whatever it is. Levitation. All of it.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Channeling. Oh, she's a channeler and a healer. Oh, really? It's very Freudian of you. It's like from a Freudian perspective, what you're saying is that the repressed sex drive manifests in these kind of hallucinations or wish fulfillment. Delusions. Delusions. And, you know, also I think it puts you in a community of people
Starting point is 00:27:25 that are also idiots or yeah are more likely to hump you and because because i like more gullible yeah and yeah yeah easier to have sex with because they're gullible because they lack critical thinking skills and you can tell them crazy stories they're much more likely to have sex with you it's not a new idea. It's not a bad idea. Look, if we know that the primary motivation for most males, 18 to 34, or whatever the hell it is, is spreading love,
Starting point is 00:27:54 is spreading happiness, spreading sexuality, getting into position to have as much sex as possible, as often as possible, with people that are as pretty as possible. We all agree to that. We know that it's the motivation behind flashy cars and jewelry and $50,000 watches. If there was only men on the planet, do you think they'd sell any $50,000 watches?
Starting point is 00:28:14 No, no one would buy one. We wouldn't give a fuck. No one's going to have sex with you. Unless you're gay, you wouldn't buy that watch. But if you factor in all the reasons why people do all the things they do buy the biggest house wear the fanciest clothes he's always sharp what he's they're setting themselves up to be a primary sexual candidate and when that no longer applies where's your motivation for life where's your motivation to get up in the morning what are you
Starting point is 00:28:41 doing what's going on there's no more libido and you're not even remotely attractive. So you can either scrape up enough money doing what you do really good and pay for it, which always feels gross, I'm sure. Never done it? Never? Yeah, me.
Starting point is 00:28:54 You know what I'm saying. Never do that. Even if I did. What I'm saying is, it would be sad, it was sad to be some 60-year-old dude who worked his whole life to put together a meager bankroll.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And every couple of months, he blows some of it on an escort. And in between that, he's looking for UFOs. Yes. Just out there. We're basically locked down. We've got 100% proof now. What we got here is the smoking gun. This guy actually told us and signed an affidavit.
Starting point is 00:29:27 We got the gun. We got the smoking gun. It's right here. Look, it's Bud's done. If you don't believe in UFOs, you're crazy. Okay? Because we got it all. We got it here.
Starting point is 00:29:36 We got it now. This is a very exciting time. If they're going to release this information, there's going to be no denying. We've got top-level people from all areas of the government who come out with amazing stories. And once you hear those stories, it will be undeniable. And then they give themselves this sense of excitement along with reciting this stuff and talking about this stuff. These mysteries are going to get uncovered. But they never do.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They never do. It's a mating dance. It's part of the mating dance. It's like a tail feather. It's an aberration. They pop up the Bigfoot tail feather, pop up the UFO tail feather. You do that after a few drinks, you know, in a kind of dark
Starting point is 00:30:10 bar. You'd say, like, look, I don't tell a lot of people this, but I had an incredible encounter in the desert a few weeks ago, and, uh, look, I probably shouldn't tell you. No, what? What happened? Well, well, first it started off as a mist.
Starting point is 00:30:29 You know, you're looking to see if they believe you. It turned into a wolf. Then you start maybe a little crying, like you're a little upset about it. Next thing you know, you're back in the days and enjoying a nice roll in the hay with somebody that you've probably drugged you know what's weird about the people that tell these stories too this is one thing that I've been noticing there's people that will tell these stories and they'll tell it to you in a
Starting point is 00:30:58 way where you feel like they're recounting a memory you know like Mike Miller that's name right right mike miller like mike miller he felt to me that he was recounting a memory but other people that we talked to just were saying a bunch of words in order it's like it was complete there's a complete flatness to the way they describe these encounters that doesn't register with you at all like they talk to you they're like well i went into the woods and we started doing the sacred howl. And all of a sudden we saw the pyramid in the sky open up. And from it came this alien craft.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And you're just hearing a bunch of words. There's nothing connected. This person, there's nothing connecting them with that story. And there's nothing connecting you with that story. and there's nothing connecting you with that story. They're not trying to connect you with that story. They're trying to say the words in order that they think would make sense if you were talking about a crazy incident that happened. But it was clearly an incident that didn't really happen to them. And there's a sense that we all have for that.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It's not bulletproof. It's not 100%. But there's a sense that you have when someone's telling you a story where you know they're full of shit. And that's a weird thing. It's a weird thing to be in front of people when you know they're not telling you the truth. But we all know what it's like. It's not that people can't trick us. People certainly can trick you. But when you know someone's full of shit, you really do know they're full of shit you know
Starting point is 00:32:25 what i'm saying sure it's not 100 it doesn't work with everyone and there are people that are sociopaths there are people that are really good at lying there are people that are very charismatic and can you know the con people that can you know steal your money then yes bilk you either they're experts at lying sure actors i mean what what is being an actor it's being a liar yeah you know i'm not saying that they use it in their personal life, but Daniel Day-Lewis would be the greatest fucking liar in the history of the world. Think about how good that guy would be at lying to you. You know?
Starting point is 00:32:53 Did you spill the milk? And he comes in and he looks like he hasn't eaten in a week and he's fucking hobbling and he shits his pants while he's talking to you. You know, that guy would, you'd be like, oh, for sure, that guy didn't spill the milk. He wouldn't lie. He's telling me the truth. He's crying. This poor guy is like, he, for sure, that guy didn't spill the milk. He wouldn't lie. He's telling me the truth. He's crying. This poor guy, he's got cerebral palsy or something.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And you take him to the bathroom, you clean him up, and he punches you in the face and rapes you. You know why? Because he was faking it the whole time. He just wanted to get you to where you were alone with him in a bathroom washing his ass because he can't wash it himself. And then he just beats the shit out of you. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:33:22 This is like erotic Daniel Day-Lewis fan fiction. I don don't even know what it is i don't even know what i'm doing i went down the road how did he end up in your house we started talking i just made all that up look that's that's the universe giving me a little gift it's a gift of it's called creativity dog i don't even know where it comes from i love it no look i love the idea i know where it comes from it's just a gift i love the this is my i love the idea of drag. I know where it comes from. It's just a gift. I love the idea of like, someone spilled milk. Daniel Day-Lewis comes in. You're like, did you spill the milk? He's like, no.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Suddenly, you're washing his asshole? He shits all over himself because he's scared. Because he scared him. He pretends that he's really sick and feeble. And you yelled at him. So he just defecates all over himself. And he's crying. But he can't wash himself.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And that's one of the reasons why he's crying. I mean, snot's coming out of his nose. He's weeping. He can't even breathe. He's doing it so well, you feel terrible. And you're like, we'll clean you up, buddy. We'll clean you up. So as you're cleaning, he just beats the shit out of you and fucks your mouth. He holds
Starting point is 00:34:18 you down, just punches you in the face until you're unconscious, and you wake up because you can't breathe out of your mouth because it's filled with cock. Fifty shades of Daniel Day-Lewis. You try to get some air through your nose while Daniel Day-Lewis is just fucking your mouth. Why? Because he's an awesome liar. He tricked you.
Starting point is 00:34:34 He got you, bitch. Again, and I think that's one of the most important... Things a person could talk about. ...points. I think that's the important point is that there is a slippery slope when you're around a liar that will end with that liar's cock in your mouth well i think there's there's a real slippery slope with human beings if you are around someone who's trying to be deceptive in order to profit on something or trick you into something yes someone who gets really good at figuring out how to pretend that there's something they're
Starting point is 00:35:08 not or they've seen something they haven't just in order to get something from you. Right. Whether it's your attention or whether it's your money, there's a weird thing where people realize like, oh, I don't have to tell the truth. Right. What I have to do is just make up a good story that allows me to get into a situation where I'm on TV telling this story. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And so that's what they do. They just sort of like lump together this idea in their head and maybe they rehearse it, maybe they wing it. And in that case, you just keep asking them about it over and over again over a long period of time. And they slowly start twisting that story around because they don't remember what the hell they told you. Listen, there's so much money in it, man. So much money.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So much money. Books. Look at the Vatican. I mean, my God, the moment you can convince people that you're in contact with a thing you can't take pictures of or prove and they believe you, you are loaded. You can get so rich. And religion has shown this again and again and again. I mean, these people take it to the nth degree. The people we ran into in the desert, the guy thinks he saw a wolf that turns into mist
Starting point is 00:36:17 and Bigfoot. If we drive 10 miles in any direction and go to a church, I can sit you down with a person who thinks that there is living in the sky, an invisible man that is going to destroy all of humanity. And it's all going to happen in Israel. Now that's within 15 miles. And the difference between the guy wandering drunk in the desert and the person wearing the funny priest outfit is the priest has people who give him money every week to listen to that story they drop it in the they drop it in the collections plate and send that thing around and just listen to that story again and again the man in the sky forgives your sins
Starting point is 00:36:57 and he comes down he comes down if we're all good and ready he'll come down and take us away from this terrible planet. No more bulletproof wolves. No more Bigfoots. Just peace and love forever. That's a gigantic business right now. Those people don't even have to pay taxes. They're such good liars. Did they have convinced the United States government to not take taxes from their multi-billion dollar businesses?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Wow. That's amazing. And that's the end of the thing. And that's the end of the thing. So they're the same thing. They're on the spectrum. They're the successful version of it. The non-successful version is the guy who stinks of gin, wandering through the forest,
Starting point is 00:37:39 pointing at mud puddles and telling it's big footprints. The successful version of it is the guy wearing robes and gold and sitting in a golden throne and telling the planet that they shouldn't wear birth control. Yeah, I think you're right. Totally makes sense. These guys, it's almost like they can't help themselves. Have you noticed that?
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's almost like no matter what you talk about, they just have a story. It just comes out. The ones that are telling a lot of stories, that's why it's always, they don't just see one thing. Oh, they've seen Chupacabras. They've seen Nessie. They were on vacation in Scotland. We saw Nessie. It's real.
Starting point is 00:38:18 They've seen everything. They can't even help themselves. Oh, no. They want to tell you. They want to lie to you. Well, I think there's an evolutionary advantage to it. And I think that the moment you begin to realize if you're okay with telling lies, you start making tons of money and people will start having sex with you. Then you could see how there's like a profound evolutionary advantage to being a liar. And the ultimate liar is the liar believes in himself, who's told himself the story so much that he started seeing it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 There's a huge evolutionary advantage to this sort of thing. So that all being said, the real problem here is that in this sea of horny liars, there's a few people who've seen something real. You think? Yes. Okay, if you had to put all your eggs in a basket and pick, I'm going to give you three subjects. Ghosts, Bigfoot, and aliens. Okay. What of those, which one of those do you think that anybody has ever seen, had a real experience?
Starting point is 00:39:18 A real experience, like actually something actually happened they i think people have seen hyperdimensional entities uh that could be classified as ghosts or aliens do you think that they've seen these while sober no that's the problem though isn't it there's a variety of chemicals that radically affect the way you see reality. And so the real problem is, do we just set as a standard the level of chemicals that exists in a normal human being without any outside help? And we'll call that, like, the baseline. Do we accept that? Or tweaked out of their gourd on magic mushrooms? because that's also a state of consciousness a human can achieve if they consume the right foods.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I mean, that really is what you're experiencing. So if you, under that situation, have a real honest-to-goodness alien encounter where you exchange information and you come out of it a better person, like enlightened by the face of this experience, even if it didn't really happen, it still happened in your mind. That's right. It's still something you experienced.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That's right. So that could be an entity. Well, this is why we need a NASA for psychedelics, because that's when people are experiencing these things. Let's explore it. And I think a lot of people, and I've done this myself, when someone tells you a crazy story, like, were you high? That discredits the person.
Starting point is 00:40:53 But what if the mind is an antenna? And what if certain chemicals allow you to tune in to other frequencies that exist around us at all times? And everyone knows that we're surrounded right now by all kinds of invisible frequencies, ultraviolet light, radio waves, wireless signals. We are in an ocean of information washing around us that our computers and our technology are able to translate, to digitize and put it in a form that the human mind can understand. So in the same way,
Starting point is 00:41:21 the human mind, it's a biocomputer, and maybe these psychedelics create an upgrade to the operating system that allows a temporary window into the unknown. And when you see that, and you come back to this world and talk about it, people think you're nuts because you can't take pictures of something that your mind is seeing after it's gone into a specific state of intoxication. You can only take pictures by describing it. Now, also, if you believe that psychedelics can rewire the mind to allow us to see the invisible world that exists around us at all times, then maybe people who are a little crazy see these things poking out from behind the lattice of reality. Maybe they do see it in the same way that when a person who isn't crazy, for lack of a better word, takes psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So in that way, perhaps the lens of our perception, when it's altered in some way, whether because you're a little on the nutty side or because you've taken some mushrooms. Maybe when that lens is shifted, it allows us to see so much more. Yeah, that's very possible. It's very possible that that's exactly what's happening in this area in Utah as well. Because this area, besides having this one spot where everybody claims all these events are happening, you know what else it has around there? Cattle.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Ah. Cattle all over the place. The guy had a cattle ranch. We drove past several ranches where there's cattle. And where there's cattle, there's cow shit. Yep. And where there's cow shit and a place where it rains all the time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:03 There's a party. There's a party. You're going to get some magic mushrooms growing on that cow shit in a place where it rains all the time. Yes. There's a party. There's a party. You're going to get some magic mushrooms growing on that cow shit. Yes. And if that's all you're doing, you're just hanging out in the middle of nowhere in Utah, eating mushrooms, staring at the rocks, you're going to see some shit. Look, man, I've told you this story before. I've eaten mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I've been attacked by elves. I've seen hyperdimensional entities. I was on mushrooms and I saw it. I'm not going to go around saying that elves are real, but I'll tell you when I was laying on that lawn chair at the spa with elves swimming through my body and making fun of my thoughts, it seemed very real and it didn't seem fun at all. It was a unfun, terrifying experience. And if I'd lived 200 years ago and had just been forging for food and happened to eat some food
Starting point is 00:43:48 and had that experience, I would go back to the village and say, there are elves in the woods. There are elves. They swim through your body. They make fun of your thoughts. They're magic. They're magic.
Starting point is 00:43:59 So I think that psychedelics are a component in the experiences that people have of this nature. But I don't think that that means that the experience, I don't think that invalidates the experience. Well, it also brings into account the fact that the brain itself produces psychedelic chemicals. Yes. Without any help whatsoever, the brain produces dimethyltryptamine, 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine, dopamine, serotonin. There's a lot of shit going on in that brain. Melatonin.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Your brain's producing all of these chemicals. And they come out in varying amounts. Just like we have varying dick sizes and some people have shitty eyesight and this guy was born with a bad liver. Guess what? Some people also get endogenous dumps of psychedelic chemicals they can't control. And so they start seeing things. And this is something that's very difficult to measure. They've just recently figured out how to measure the pineal gland of rats
Starting point is 00:44:55 to prove that the pineal gland itself is a source of dimethyltryptamine. Until really recently, it was just a theory. So now they know that for sure. But the way they had to do it, they had to cut open the head of a live rat. You know, you're not going to let a, no one's going to let a person do that to them. So we're not even going to find out what's going on inside a person's head as far as the production of this stuff. And we certainly are not going to be able to figure out when it's active and when it's not. And these big rushes and bursts, unless we get more advanced medical equipment,
Starting point is 00:45:23 or unless we can get right to the source of it, cut open someone's brain while they're in the middle of an activity. Neither one of those events is very likely. So you're not going to be able to tell whether or not someone who had this crazy experience just had this rush of naturally produced psychedelic chemicals that we know exist in the brain. That's it. Exactly, man. And maybe when they have that rush they're actually perceiving something that is there in some form something that exists in the same way radio waves
Starting point is 00:45:52 exist in the same way that ultraviolet rays exist and we'll never know that until we stop the prohibition on psychedelics and start studying them again But that's probably never going to happen. The experience was still fun. I enjoy going to rural places, and the scenery there was beautiful. And Mike had all of those pieces of petrified wood that he had found in that area. Apparently, he said it's all over the place. You just find petrified wood, and it found in that area apparently he said it's all over the place you just find petrified wood and it's really really super common it's just a very it's a very strange place like it's it's very beautiful and they said there's a lot of cougars out there they see like not the chicks that are looking for action they're over 40 there's not that's not what they meant
Starting point is 00:46:41 they meant like mountain lions a lot of mountain lion activity. One of the women, what's her name that took us up there? Shannon. Shannon? Right. That woman, Shannon, while we were walking up to the top of that bluff, she told me she heard a cat. Yes. She said she just didn't want to upset us. I go, how do you know that you heard one?
Starting point is 00:46:59 She goes, you could tell what they sound like. She goes, but they didn't want to have anything to do with us. So I just didn't want to alarm y'all i was like jesus christ we're on a mountain line like right next to us in the bushes and she's like don't worry keep it moving keep it moving it's only nighttime when they hunt you guys have to be careful with this show man yeah you're telling me man wandering up and that's why i send you to weird spots yeah it's bad it's dangerous look we're up in cougar country who is guiding us captain crazy face yeah we're being guided through herds of cougars by a lunatic this is i'm afraid to refer to him as the bulletproof wolf wrangler
Starting point is 00:47:40 the orb caller you know the horse whisperer? He's the Sasquatch whisperer. Yeah, he's the Sasquatch whisperer. I think it's... If only founding Bigfoot knew about this guy. You know? If we knew about this guy when we were looking for Bigfoot, we would have saved a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yep. To be the guy who's just a magnet for the stuff. Yeah. Bring him out there, hang him from a tree. Like bait. But when we're around, man, even though he's a magnet for paranormal activity, when we're around, we're such losers that we just jinxed it for him. Well, that's what he thinks.
Starting point is 00:48:16 That's what he thinks, probably, yeah. I wonder if he saw some stuff while we were all out there together, but he didn't want to bring it up unless we brought it up because he wasn't sure if it was real. Do you guys see my grandmother? No. Go just checking. Yeah, I didn't really. Hey, that's not Abraham Lincoln there telling me that I should blow up the federal building.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Abraham Lincoln dressed up like the Silver Surfer with a swim cap on. The area was beautiful, though. The ranch itself, when we were overlooking the ranch, it's gorgeous. I would love to have a ranch like that. It looks so badass. They had a ranch house and beautiful trees and a beautiful field. I think that's the real gift that hunting for the paranormal gives you, is it gets you out into nature. That's one beautiful thing about it man
Starting point is 00:49:05 this thing takes recluses out of their basement and into nature unless you're going for ghosts that one sucks yeah indoor ghost hunting but still at least you're driving to other houses and a lot of people go to cemeteries and go outside to look for ghosts. This is nice, man, because people who otherwise would just be sitting and moldering piles of old diapers, spraying deodorant in the air to cover the stench of their rotting cat that died three weeks ago while they stare in the internet at conspiracy theory websites. This gets them out into nature. And I think that's a beautiful thing about it. It is. And I think that's a beautiful thing about it. It is.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And you know what? Normally in nature, just wandering around, they'd probably start getting depressed. They'd probably start thinking, what am I doing with my life? But when you're running for your life inside of a graveyard because you know a ghost is chasing you, it makes things way more interesting. Way more interesting. It gives you a spark of excitement. You in fact live the exact same life even if you imagined that this would be happening. If you pretended that this would be happening and convinced yourself you would live the exact same life as if an actual ghost was really chasing you.
Starting point is 00:50:15 So your goofy, shitty brain decides to throw some chemicals down the hatch. Hey, listen, this guy's barely hanging on. Let's reward him with a little of the good stuff. Ka-chunk. So he opens up some valve in your brain and psychedelic chemicals flow. And, you know, all of a sudden, your shitty life that you're, like,
Starting point is 00:50:34 barely hanging on and really thinking hard about jumping in front of a train. Yeah. All of a sudden, it's transformed. And, like, you're the one who's been haunted by Richard VIII from another dimension he comes out of the ground with a fucking turkey leg in his hand yes he's chasing you around the hey it's great why not it's better than his real life his real life sucks a fat one
Starting point is 00:50:55 yeah man well i mean right this is the eternal problem is do we embrace the phantasmal and the invisible to make our lives glow with the light of lies? Or do we just deal with the fact that we exist in an impermanent part of the time-space continuum, and in a matter of time, a few cosmic blinks, our atoms are going to go spraying apart into infinity, and we're going to be worm food. That's a hard thing for a lot of people to digest so maybe they create these mythologies to comfort them a little bit but all that being said i think that there's some people who maybe actually have contact with this stuff just because crazy people believe it doesn't mean it's not real it's like that old saying
Starting point is 00:51:43 just because what how does it go just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't following you well just because you're crazy doesn't mean that there's no Bigfoot out there it's true so we can't just say because the sources of all seem to have burnt antenna it doesn't necessarily mean that the phenomena doesn't exist let Let me ask you this. Have you experienced any blowback for your willingness to engage in any of these ideas, whether it's UFOs or Bigfoot or anything spectacular like that, anything paranormal, anything out of the realm of normal everyday life?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Have you experienced any blowback? Blowback? Yeah. of normal everyday life. Have you experienced any blowback? Blowback? Yeah. Is there any people judging you for being a wacko conspiracy theorist
Starting point is 00:52:29 and talking about harp or chemtrails? No, not at all. Everybody thinks I'm a very rational, logical person. I think a lot of people think I'm a scientist. I'm actually being nominated for a Nobel Prize, I believe. My research is bulletproof. a Nobel Prize, I believe. My research is bulletproof.
Starting point is 00:52:53 No, I mean, I honestly, I have not gotten very much condescension because I hang out with you. I mean, look who I hang out with, man. I don't get a lot of that judgment, but I think actually it's the other way around. I think you tend to get more judgment from people when you're a skeptic than you do if you're a believer. I think skeptics take a lot of heat, man. You know, I took more heat from the chemtrail episode than anything else I've ever done. On Twitter, more people were upset at me because they believe that I'm contributing to geoengineering by the elites. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 The global elites are mixing aluminum in the jet fuel and using it to control the population. Like, whew! That it's actually nanoparticles in the chemtrails that they're heating up with HAARP, and they're using that to control the population. Like, golly! At a certain point in time, you just go,
Starting point is 00:53:40 wow, what am I doing even communicating with you fuckheads? Well, I love the idea of following that all the way through. So this is what I like to imagine as the meeting, where you're in an underground laboratory surrounded by federal agents. You're like, listen, Joe, I think that they're catching on, that we're spraying aluminum into their playgrounds. You're a charismatic guy. Can you do this show?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Calm everything down a little bit. What do you want? An island will give you an island. A mortal life. And by the way, look, I can turn into a lizard. Wow! So then they send you back into the world to do a show on the sci-fi network. That's their answer to the problem.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Yeah, that's how you control the problem. You get dirty comedians who also double as cage-fighting commentators. And you have them disseminate the information. Because everybody knows they are so reliable and accurate with their view of the world. Well, it's not like he's fucked up at all. Well, no, it's not like the guy's a marijuana advocate. Hey, listen, we need to convince these conspiracy theorists
Starting point is 00:54:38 that there isn't actually chemtrails. Give me that guy with a DMT molecule tattooed on his arm and the other guy who's got that YouTube video of him projectile vomiting. Yeah, man, it's a grand conspiracy. You figure this out. Dickfuck79 on Twitter. He's a silly bitch. Yeah, there's no getting around the fact that because of the internet you get to communicate with a lot of
Starting point is 00:55:06 people that you wouldn't ordinarily there's people that you would gravitate towards and you find them as well but there's also people that somehow or another show up at the party and you're like oh god what is this and you're gonna have to deal with that that's part of the whole openness of the complete experience of the internet right is that you are gonna have to deal with that well it's part of the part of the problem part of the fun man and but i again that's why i think that you have to hold people with extraordinary claims even more to the fire of logic and truth than other people because it's because you've got it that i really believe that there is uh for lack of a better word, a supernatural realm.
Starting point is 00:55:48 There is something outside human perception that is populated, that is possibly populated with sentient beings that aren't embodied. I think that that's possible. It's been reported in every religion, every mythology. It's a story that keeps coming up again and again and again in everything. And your own personal experiences. Yes. So having had these personal experiences, it's something that you not only accept it yourself, but you feel compelled to tell other people about it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And the history of humanity is one where humans are being led by an invisible being. The world religions have controlled society for a long, long time. And these world religions all have at their root, outside of Buddhism, the notion of an invisible entity that has an interest in guiding humans. And so this is not just some imaginary thing in the sense that it's something that people talk about who also huff glue. This is something that's been controlling the flow of history for thousands of years. So I think that it's very important to try to get to the truth of it. What's the core? Is it just the brain?
Starting point is 00:57:05 Is the brain just some drug dealer? Are our brains just a Grateful Dead parking lot that from time to time spray hallucinogenics into us? The back of the bus explodes and acid flies through the air like confetti and everybody just sticks their tongue out. Yeah. Is that what it is? Or is that what it is or is it is that all it is is it just that the neurons in our brain misfire a little bit like a like a electrical cable in a puddle and it causes us to see these entities or is there a another universe that exists that we can see if we
Starting point is 00:57:38 learn to control our minds and our consciousness and i think it's important to explore those ideas. I think also that our life in this dimension of conscious reality is filled with so much uncertainty and so much confusion. And we have such a inclination to follow others, to follow smarter people than us, to follow the leader, because we're all basically terrified of what we're doing. because we're all basically terrified of what we're doing. We're all going through life barely hanging on because you don't really want to think about the entirety of it all because it's too much. I just got to get to work by X time,
Starting point is 00:58:15 and I punch out at 6, and then I'm going to go do this. That's filling your time, and it's not by any small coincidence that that's filling your time. And it's not by any small coincidence that that's filling your time. It's because if it wasn't, if you really were spending all of your time contemplating your existence, it would almost be overwhelming. It would almost be too much for you to wrap your head around. And because of that, we seek to define our universe in very certain terms. This is real. That's terms. This is real. That's nonsense.
Starting point is 00:58:47 This is wood. There's no elves in space around me. You don't know what you're talking about. And we are adamant about our version of reality to the point where people get upset at you if you want to escape this version of reality. Oh, you're looking for a way out? What, are you scared of reality? You can't for a way out where you scared a reality you can't
Starting point is 00:59:06 handle reality you got to take drugs yeah like people will say that to you what are they trying to do they're terrified of other people escaping reality too they're terrified of reality they're terrified of different definitions that they have to have to consider yeah of reality everyone is it's not something we address but it is is subconscious. It is there all the time. Yep, it's true, man. And I think that the impulse behind skeptics is a great impulse. And it's an impulse that changes the world for the better. I don't know who was the first person to say that diseases were caused by germs. I wish I did.
Starting point is 00:59:45 But if that person who started figuring out that, oh, I think there's invisible entities that crawl into our body and make us sick, if that person hadn't explored that in a scientific way, then who knows what could have happened to humanity. All the different cures and antibiotics that we have, that wouldn't have happened. Eventually it would have happened, but if somebody who had that initial impulse,
Starting point is 01:00:12 I think there's invisible creatures that get as sick. When they started saying that, everyone around them, they thought they were insane. You know the story of the, I can't remember the name, it was a doctor who ended up in an insane asylum, because he started suggesting that doctors wash their hands before they deliver babies he would
Starting point is 01:00:31 say if you're touching a corpse wash your hands and then deliver the baby and doctors at the time said gentlemen have no need to wash their hands because they didn't know that there was viruses and bacteria uh existing in the world because it hadn't know that there was viruses and bacteria existing in the world because it hadn't been proven. So this guy who came up with this idea that doctors should wash their hands, he ended up in a mental asylum. He went crazy because he knew this was real. He went insane because he knew that there was something called germs and nobody believed
Starting point is 01:00:59 in it at the time. So that's the great problem. the time. So that's the great problem. All the people out there bugling about UFOs, bugling about wormholes and Bigfoot and mist wolves, they have to let skeptics interrogate them in the most intense way. Not to disprove them or show that they're crazy, but to get to the core truth. And sometimes the core truth is just theirs. They're the only one who will really have access to it. And if it was some sort of a hallucination or whether it was real to them, but we can't perceive it because we weren't tuned into whatever frequency and radio dial of the universe that they were at the time that it happened. The bottom line is you got gotta bring something back in order
Starting point is 01:01:47 for me to take it totally seriously yeah i'm listening i'll listen i'll try to put myself in your footsteps i'll try to put my myself in your head and try to figure out what you possibly could have been experiencing while it was all going down but unless it's happening to me it's all just nonsense you know and, and that's, that's a real part of the reality that these folks are experiencing. And it should be, it has to be, you know, unless I can experience it myself. There's nothing that I've seen that compels me to believe anybody. There's nothing I've seen that compels me that this is an actual UFO landing site, that this is a guy who's been aboard a spaceship, that this is an actual ufo landing site that this is a guy who's been aboard a spaceship that
Starting point is 01:02:25 this is someone who's been abducted apparently there's some people that tell me that they're going to tell me the story of what happened to them and i'm going to believe it and you're going to meet one of them you're going to meet this woman named nicole dome and you're going to sit down with her and she apparently um has some sort of an alien implant that she claims she got inside of her body i don't know the full story but uh you're gonna learn it and uh i figured it'd be perfect for you that's your type of person yeah this sounds like an e-harmony date for me freaky tattooed up very pretty girl who's been abducted by aliens it's my soulmate that's it you're on you're on the path. This is exciting.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I've never met a person that has been abducted by aliens. I've met a couple people that told me they were abducted by aliens, but I'm pretty sure they were bullshitting. Like, I've never met one person who had a story that I was like, wow, this seems to be real. But I'm told that there's a woman, her name is Nicole, and you're going to meet her, and this woman apparently has an incredibly believable, compelling story. And people that have talked to her
Starting point is 01:03:37 have said, you know, wow, like you walk away from it and you go, I believe her. I don't know, but I trust your judgment. She it's she's right up your alley she's really hot freaky looking covered in tattoos and uh she's been a border ufo so mean this is my soulmate she's your soulmate that's amazing so go meet her and talk to her and you know tell us what's up great Great. I'm there. E-Harmony date.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Okay. Tell me about Nicole Dome. Well, you're right. She's a beautiful woman. Tattoos. Interesting tattoos. She seemed very grounded, focused. She did not seem anything like Captain Crazy Cake from, what did you call him?
Starting point is 01:04:29 Captain Crazy Face. She didn't seem anything like Captain Crazy Face. She was very focused, calm, open. She definitely experienced something. Okay, what was her story? She's leaving a diner with her friend. They want to go play pool. It's late at night.
Starting point is 01:04:47 This is a small town. She's driving down the road, and suddenly they witness this hexagonal light above the car. And so they decide to pull over to look at the light because they're experiencing a UFO. And suddenly she's driving down the road. She's a mile down the road. And she gets to meet her friends at the pool hall. And they're pissed off because she's an hour late. And she should have been there in four minutes after leaving the cafe.
Starting point is 01:05:17 So she had the type of, what do they call that? Hypnotic regression? No, not hypnotic regression. Time loss? She a time loss. She had time loss. And her friends seemed drugged after the experience. So that's her experience. Her friends seemed drugged?
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yes. When they were driving down the road, after having decided to stop to look at this light, they're further down the road with no memory of what's happened. They have the typical form of amnesia that abductees talk about. Her friend seems like she's drugged. Her friend seems like she's been anesthetized or given some kind of drug to knock her out. She's her friend's groggy.
Starting point is 01:05:59 I asked if her friend was drunk or that they were high. She said no. Where were they coming from? They were coming from a diner. Is it possible that someone dosed them in the diner? Absolutely. Absolutely, right? That is possible that they were drunk.
Starting point is 01:06:13 That seems much more likely. Someone who's being an asshole, who's working in the kitchen, decided to slip some LSD into their Cheerios or whatever the hell they ate. That seems much more likely. Well, she, yes yes definitely that's a possibility now uh her story is not that she ended up in somebody's basement tied to a chair on cheerio laden lsd or lsd laden cheerios she her story is that um psychics started telling her that something on the left side of her body was off. And this happened a couple of times.
Starting point is 01:06:52 And so she went to a UFO convention, and why are you looking at me like that? Well, because here's my feeling. You know how I feel about psychics. And I feeling you know how i feel about psychics and i think you know how i feel about people that find out something really special happened to them all those things are very suspect the psychic thing is incredibly suspect also a lot of people are very susceptible to suggestion and a lot of people are very susceptible to attractive girls with tattoos. That's you.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Yeah, so I knew you were going to have a problem with reality here. Whereas if she was a fat guy with three teeth and she smelled like Heineken, you'd feel like, this guy's an asshole. He wasn't aboard a UFO. He was trying to get me to look at his stomach, man. It was gross
Starting point is 01:07:45 he kept lifting up his beer gut asking me if i had a black light and i was like this guy's gonna try to fuck me i gotta get out of here that's what you would have said you were hypnotized by the sweet nectar of youth and the reckless indignation of a girl with tattoos on her tits that's what happened with you you got caught up in the the tsunami that is the sexuality of that woman and you were willing to like oh yeah i've been aboard ufo2 kind of hey you want to skype i think i can see your implants i mean you know the alien one right it's natural it's natural that's why you know i mean it's it's for some people it's very you know i'm not gonna argue with you the the vehicle telling the ufo story if it is a if it happens to be a beautiful young young, tattooed girl, then yes.
Starting point is 01:08:47 You know what? My ears are going to perk up a little bit more. But I will say that I've run into a lot of pretty tattooed girls who seem batshit crazy. They seem like they've been staring at the sun, sniffing glue. You know, it's just because you're... Right. So I will say that, and you can review the tape, I will say that she seemed very centered,
Starting point is 01:09:09 focused. She believed her story, and the most compelling evidence that she has is that apparently there is a scar on her stomach, that if you put a black light over it, you can see it. It wasn't there when she showed it to us at the bar.
Starting point is 01:09:27 The problem is she's getting this information from a psychic. The problem is she's getting this information not just from a psychic, but someone who says they're a psychic. And almost everyone who says they're a psychic is full of shit. It might be 100% of them, but it's at least 99, okay? Yeah. Absolutely. It might be 100% of them, but it's at least 99, okay? So the odds of her finding the one out of 100 that isn't full of shit, those odds really suck. So then you have a person who is a nice person, but a person willing to get tattoos on their tits, okay? She's gangster.
Starting point is 01:09:58 She's willing to take some chances. Look, I have tattoos myself. She's willing to take some chances, okay? She's wild. She's willing to go with it. She's willing to go with it. She's willing to go with it. Yes. She's willing to go with an idea, and she might be willing to go with a memory that
Starting point is 01:10:10 some crazy fucking fake psychic plants in her brain, and it sounds real. And when you convince yourself of shit like that, if you're so inclined, especially, and I believe she probably is so inclined to believe the fantastic. It's common for people who have UFO abduction experiences to have like an inclination towards that type of thing. They believe in that type of thing. Yes. Which aids the experience. Confirmation bias. And she's only talking about memories.
Starting point is 01:10:37 That's right. Well, here's the provable part. She is going, apparently these beings abducted her. She is going, apparently, these beings abducted her. The memories that she has are of being put on a steel table, and they did something to her ovaries, possibly put an implant inside of her. She's actually going to get tests within the next few days to see what's going on down there, and to see if there's some kind of implant there.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And also... It's an IED she forgot about. She had an IED put in when she was in high school. It's just, fuck, where'd that thing go? Look, here's... Don't use that. She has no evidence right now to prove... Of course she doesn't have any evidence.
Starting point is 01:11:20 But she's going to get it. No, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. How about that? How about, hold your breath. It's never going to appear. There's going to be no evidence. It doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:11:32 You're never going to find it. It lives inside the imagination only. I'm going to scan her with a blacklight. It might be a real experience now. Okay, as far as memories go. Her memory might be as real as my memories of some stuff I did just a couple of weeks ago, which are very shady at best. If you asked me about my trip to the mall to get my laptop fixed two weeks ago, and
Starting point is 01:11:56 I had to recount everything that happened, if you could see inside my memory about how shitty it really is, and how little I really remember about my trip to the mall. I remember almost nothing. If you told me I had to pick out where I was parked otherwise I couldn't drive home, I'd be like, shit, I don't know where I parked. I have no idea where I parked at the mall two weeks ago. And that was me.
Starting point is 01:12:16 And that was real while I was awake. So these memories that this woman has that are pulled out of a dream state, pulled out of a hypnotic state suggested to her by a psychic don't they don't even live in her conscious memory a memory that she's piecing together from something that someone told her about some dreams and maybe yeah might as well meet my trip to the mall okay because so to her it is real so when she's telling you that it's real she does feel it's real so when she's telling you that it's real
Starting point is 01:12:45 she does feel it's real and when she looks down first of all why is this freak looking at herself with black lights well that's the story looks at themselves with a black light she was at a ufo convention naked no seriously belly button no this is the story for real ufo convention you know what shows up under black light loads they do they show up like ghosts this is a cut this is take you take your little woman and have a little party on her upper midsection and then then flash a black light close the shut the lights off close the shades use a black light you're like oh now i get it yeah that's a scar honey she got caught with a gunshot of load. That's what it is. She got caught in the crossfire, and some of it was still stuck on her side.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Can you please not talk about Nicole like this? It wasn't even really Nicole. I never met her. To me, she's an imaginary person. But I need to tell you where the blacklight thing happened, because then you can really start making fun of her. Okay. So how did she find out about the scar?
Starting point is 01:13:44 She found out about the scar at a UFO convention. She said that there was a booth where someone had written in black Sharpie scans for alien implants. And you go into the booth and they make you take your clothes off and they run a black light over your body. And they tell you if you have an implant or not life is beautiful it's really beautiful life is a beautiful thing because it's a play it's it's it's we're watching it all play out it's really a grand piece of artwork that's constructed for our amusement there's no other way there's no other way that could be real There's no other way. There's no other way that could be real. There's no other way that someone could have a booth at a UFO conference where you have to take your clothes off
Starting point is 01:14:30 and they look at you with a black light, which, oh, just so happens to show loads. All the loads on you. All the loads on you. Glow like one of those panther paintings that you had in high school. Remember those black light posters that you had? The Panther had like yellow teeth and claws and yellow eyes and little red with his mouth.
Starting point is 01:14:53 My drug dealer had one. Those were the shit. That's what they're looking for. The idea is so hilarious that that's how she found out about this. That it really feels like we're in the middle of a Coen Brothers movie. Yeah. That this is a real person, and this is really happening today, in 2013, in the modern era of smartphones, pressing Google, asking it where to go, it gives you directions. In this world, someone finds themselves naked with a black light going over their body while some white guy with dreadlocks is telling them about scars that they got
Starting point is 01:15:31 because they were picked up by aliens. She said the guy worked at NASA. Of course he did. He's a cleanup guy. He cleans up the spooge. He's a NASA cleanup booth guy. They have a peep booth at NASA. It's very, you know, a lot of those astronauts, it's a very stressful job.
Starting point is 01:15:49 They need to unwind. They like peep booths. This guy, he's the official mopper. Well. He also shows up with a black light at parties. He keeps everything rocking. This fucking guy's got his own black light. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:16:04 He's probably got glow sticks too, the dickhead I agree man It's the sources But you believe this woman This is the part that's gonna get on TV People don't think these are real podcasts Now you know you fucks I believe that she
Starting point is 01:16:23 Experienced something You believe that she experienced something. You believe that she's hot and hypnotic. Let's start with that. She's hot, she's hypnotic, and you and I both know that you've always had a thing for tattooed-up girls. Especially girls with good work. Let's be honest. Who doesn't? That's a dangerous woman willing to take chances.
Starting point is 01:16:38 And if you're a stand-up comedian, that's the type of person you need in your life. Yes. Right? Okay. Okay, that's all true. She's a gangster. Yes. Okay. So you like that, right? Yes. Right? Okay. Okay, that's all true. She's gangster. Yes. Okay. So you like that, right? Yes. Me too.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Alright, go ahead. So you're infatuated, you're intoxicated, this beautiful woman, God, you're so close to her, you can smell her. And she's showing you her little scars. And you're like, wow, yeah, I can totally see it. Maybe we can get a blacklight and, you know, we can look at each other's bodies. I mean, it's cool i mean i'd
Starting point is 01:17:05 like to know if i have one shit i mean if you do maybe i do too next thing you know she's wearing your fedora you're both naked you still got your socks on it's black lights going back and forth in a dressing room somewhere yes yeah easily man i can see it okay you're not really going to give me an accurate assessment of what really went down i would i need to be there with you i need to be there with you to watch your chemical makeup to watch your body shift like a giant human mood ring all of a sudden you just green with with horniness. You're glowing like the Hulk. If you were a mood ring, it would start cracking at the seams. You wouldn't be able to take the G-force of green
Starting point is 01:17:53 that's pumping into the sides of this poor fucking mood ring. Here's the thing. Like a big aquarium trying to hold in sharks. Explodes and takes your finger off with it. Just because a pretty girl is talking about aliens doesn't mean that a person believes... Showing you her skin, lifting up her clothes. She's going like this. It's right there.
Starting point is 01:18:16 It's right there. It's about seven inches from my pussy. If you went from my pussy up with your fingers, you would just go like that. It would be like seven inches. Look, man. All of what you're saying is accurate. It doesn't mean she wasn't abducted. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:38 It's like you said earlier. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not following you. Yes. Just because you're a beautiful tattooed girl with an invisible scar doesn't mean that you didn't get abducted by aliens. Just because you're a crazy liar, it doesn't mean you haven't really been aboard a UFO. That's right. That's right. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:18:57 So, you know, that's why I'm looking forward to getting the results of her tests. Are you guys going to stay in touch? I'm looking forward to it. Are you going to send stay in touch? I'm looking forward to it. Are you going to send her an email? You're not going to believe this, but they just came out with a new type of black light that works best on naked girls. It's amazing. I'm an Amazon Prime member, and it's already here.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Look, it's here. You can come over and try it if you want. I mean, I'm totally cool with it. No. It is dark out. She has a boyfriend. Okay. These are just jokes, folks. She has a boyfriend. Okay. These are just jokes, folks.
Starting point is 01:19:26 We don't mean anything we're saying. Not at all. Okay, but what I am saying is that I'm not entirely sure that you were the hard-nosed, private eye that I would have liked on the case. Not at all. No way, man. No way. You're not going to get an ambush interview out of me in that situation.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Of course not. Of course not. God, man. Hey, man, even if it was a charismatic man, I have often wondered if Tom Cruise was trying to convince me of something. I've seen Tom Cruise give interviews. He's incredibly convincing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Okay? I've seen Tom Cruise argue with people about stuff. You don't want to be in an argument with Tom Cruise. No. And if Tom Cruise is telling you about his UFO abduction, you might be inclined to believe it, man. You might be inclined to believe it. He might be so charismatic that he can just hit every note exactly the right way
Starting point is 01:20:18 with the right amount of pause, the right amount of sincere emotional content. You know, man, I have no proof of this. And I'd say if this goes on the show, you're all getting a huge lawsuit, but I heard that Tom Cruise pays guys to come into his gym when he's working out and rape him. Let's edit that out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Okay. Alright, we wrapped up Nicole Dome. Can you just start with a question again? In case we don't know? Okay, okay, okay. So what were your impressions of Nicole? She was a very focused. All right, we already got all this.
Starting point is 01:20:58 And then for more of this, go to There's more. For more information about this much about this conversation you're not gonna get all of it okay
Starting point is 01:21:08 sorry they're not gonna they're not gonna show all this shit but for more information go to we have a lot more of this
Starting point is 01:21:16 up there we gotta edit this it's a 44 minute show folks yes um okay and then can
Starting point is 01:21:23 what it's alright to say it to the camera I think it's fine Um, okay. And then, can... What? It's alright to say it to the camera, man. I think that's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter. The only one that might be funny is, like, ask each other what would happen if you got abducted. Okay. If you got abducted, each of you.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Okay. I think we're good. Yeah. Um, what do you think would happen? We good? We good? Yep. Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were abducted yes what do you think would happen i'd cry and scream and try to keep whatever i could
Starting point is 01:21:57 out of my asshole Would you or would you worry that if you didn't give up, they would just paralyze you and do horrible things to you, maybe even kill you? Yeah, I mean, I think that that is what happens, is they end up paralyzing you. Do you think that people have ever been killed by UFOs? Yeah, I don't think so. I don't know, man. I mean been killed by UFOs? Yeah, I don't think so. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:22:27 I mean, killed by UFOs? Yeah. No. No. I don't think people have been killed by UFOs, but plenty of people say that they've gotten sucked up onto these ships. And some people think that it's UFOs. Some people say it could just be government agents. By the way, if you're a...
Starting point is 01:22:41 Here's the thing. If you're an inventor, but you're also a perv, all you have to do is have a levitating craft that can suck people into it. And they're totally cool with getting prodded. You'd have to be so ahead of the curve, though. And to fund that thing, you'd have to sell it. You'd have to sell them to fund it. And then it would go public. And then it would get out.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And then people would be careful. They would wear special tinfoil hats that don't allow them to get sucked into your giant rape ship. People talk about it. If you get sucked up into a UFO and you get probed, as they call it, people talk about it. Yeah, it's a sexually violating experience. You get taken into some guy's trailer. Like if that happened to you or you're just walking down the street and somehow you got hypnotized by like a spiral in a trailer park. And you ended up getting like probed by some redneck
Starting point is 01:23:26 who wanted to shove his water bong inside of you, you wouldn't talk about that. That's not a story you share. But somehow if you get taken up into a silver trailer in space and get probed by a thing, it's like, hey, I got probed. Well, it's always a medical experiment. It's never sexual in nature. Yeah, that's always a medical experiment. It's never sexual in nature. Yeah, that's what every creep says.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Aliens are creeps! Okay, so if you were abducted, who's creepier? The alien or the zookeeper? The alien. Why? Because they do it to people? How about the guy who works at SeaWorld?
Starting point is 01:24:03 Tells dolphins they have to flip or they don't get fish. Who's creepier? I say that aliens are less creepy. Because they seem to leave us in the wild. They don't seem to keep us. They don't seem to be kidnapping people left and right and sucking them up in a giant space zoo. I say that aliens are less creepy than the zookeeper.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Let me ask you this. If I told you that I drove around in my car and from time to time picked up stray dogs and shoved my fingers into their assholes and then put them back out in the street would you think i was creepy look i love you man so i'm not the best person to judge i'd forgive you i'd say you probably shouldn't do that man it's probably bad karma but it's not like i would rat you out for something like that. We're friends, dude. But I think that, I mean, I don't know, like I said,
Starting point is 01:24:54 I don't know anyone who I legitimately believe their alien abduction experience. So I don't know what's happening. I don't know if it is just, in in fact a memory that someone has introduced into their mind and they, they relay it as if it was a fact, but much like my real memories, they're very sketchy. I've had some beautiful moments in my life and I look back on them and there's flashes
Starting point is 01:25:17 and trying to try to piece it together. Yeah. You know, try to piece together some of the most memorable, spectacular events, spectacular events in your life. And they still, they come off like weird slide shows of blurry images. Try to piece together some of the most memorable, spectacular events in your life. And still, they come off like weird slideshows of blurry images and a narrative that you can follow in your head because you know it, because you remember it, and also because you've said it a bunch of times,
Starting point is 01:25:36 you've told people about the experience. But the reality of your memories, they're terrible. So it's so hard to say what exactly is going on. Well, you know what those gray aliens look like, right? They look like, and I think someone else has posited this theory, but if you look at the gray aliens and you take a doctor with a medical mask on and you look at him delivering a baby, the first thing a lot of people see is that kind of shape, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:26:05 And when you're taken out of the womb and suddenly they're running medical tests on you, which is what happens when you're born, they weigh you, they do all this weird shit to you, I don't know exactly what, then that is a very traumatic experience. And some people say that alien abductees are actually reliving the trauma of birth. That's what they're experiencing, is the trauma of being yanked out of a very warm, safe place and being poked and prodded by beings that you can't possibly understand because you've never seen another human being in your life. It totally makes sense.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And it also sort of makes sense why there's such a clinical nature to all these experiences. It's always these cold tables and pokes and no one's talking to you. No one's loving and warm and comforting. It's always just medical and cold and sanitary and very dark and bleak and the room seems impossibly large and bright. It's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 01:26:58 It's probably just an implanted memory that's distorted radically over the years and added to with dreams and all sorts of other paranoias that you gather up and stew together over the course of a lifetime. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:12 And then while you're sleeping, they all come boiling together. And my ship! Yeah. They're taking me away! Yeah. Meanwhile, you're just a baby. Yeah, you're just a baby.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Just a little baby, shitting all over yourself. Screaming. Screaming for the first time, staring at a fluorescent life when you've been inside of a pussy for the last nine months. Yes. You don't have a fucking clue as to what you're seeing. How would you not remember that? That was a big question.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Why would we assume that kids don't remember that? Because some people say you try to block it out of your memory because it's so traumatic. Maybe so. It's such a horrible thing. Especially when you get circumcised. You come spraying out of that thing and they snip it out of your memory because it's so traumatic. Maybe so. It's such a horrible thing. Especially if you get circumcised. You come spraying out of that thing and they snip the tip of your cock off. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:27:51 And how about if it's done in an Orthodox Jewish way where the mohel has to suck on it to stop the bleeding? I'd try to forget it. Yeah, how the hell are you going to remember that? You don't want to. I don't even want to think about it happening to other people. Well, you answered my question for me. What? About how I feel about being abducted.
Starting point is 01:28:09 I was going to turn the same question to myself. What would you do? Exactly. Try to stop something from going to my butt. That's it. That's what you do. That's what you do. Because it probably doesn't really happen.
Starting point is 01:28:18 You know what? I don't think it really happens. And if it does really happen, I don't think it happens physically. I might be wrong. I might be wrong. But i don't think it happens physically i might be wrong i might be wrong but i don't think it happens just not enough no no videos it's not a single like security video of a guy like leaving his body and flying through the walls and aliens come and taking him away and the wife getting up to pee in the middle of the night and the husband's gone. She calls 911. And 10 minutes later, he just appears magically underneath the covers.
Starting point is 01:28:47 There's no proof. There's no video. There's no nothing. This is a bunch of weird people that are telling weird stories. And that's all you get. And that's all you're going to get. Bank on it.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Put it all in the bank. Bet it all on black. You don't have a fucking chance. No one's pulling anything back. No one's going to get a picture. No one's going to have an implant that's worth a shit. No one's going to have a single photograph that doesn't look like bullshit.
Starting point is 01:29:12 No one. There'll be nothing. There'll be no evidence. Until there is. There'll be no evidence. I think that we never get to that point. How about that? I think human beings get lodged into a simulation long before we ever figure out how to really live this planet. And I think
Starting point is 01:29:28 that probably happens exactly the same all throughout the universe. I bet the only space travel that people do is inside of simulations. I bet no one ever gets past it. This is what life does. Life creates an artificial reality as soon as it knows how to and jumps in there. They create an artificial
Starting point is 01:29:44 version of what they would like when they figure out that the human synapses are just a bunch of ones and zeros and you can boil it down and copy it and duplicate it. I think that's what we do. No one ever gets anywhere. It's so much more economical, too. It is.
Starting point is 01:30:01 It's easier to go into the depths of your mind than it is to build some kind of ship and go flying to a dead planet and look at dirt. Look, I could be wrong, but I don't think anybody ever goes anywhere. I could be wrong, but I don't think any of these abductees have ever left their bed. I don't think that anybody that's telling you these stories has ever really experienced anything in a physical sense. It doesn't mean it didn't really happen, but I think that if you could put a camera over them while they slept and when they woke up in the morning with this fantastic story, I bet you wouldn't see nothing. I'm afraid that you may be right. It could just be a subjective experience.
Starting point is 01:30:34 It could be some kind of traumatic memory. It could be a lot of things that are in the subconscious mind. But one thing's for certain, a lot of people have had this experience. Now, why they're having it, who knows? But yeah, you would think with the number of people who are having this experience, you'd drive down the road and look to the side and see people getting sucked up into the sky
Starting point is 01:30:53 and clouds coming back down, confused and weak. People have things, Duncan. They have seen things, Duncan. You just don't know the stories. You know, you're sitting here all smug, but if it happened to you, man, imagine. Imagine if it happened to you. And no one wants to believe your story. And you're worried about
Starting point is 01:31:09 telling people at work. They might think you're crazy and you lose your job. And you can't feed your family. Right. Okay, bro? Because you're sitting here all smug. It must be nice. It must be nice to be a stand-up comedian living in Los Angeles. I'm in a trailer park in Oklahoma. Someone sucked me out of the sky.
Starting point is 01:31:26 And now I can't tell my boss at the coal mine or I might lose my fucking kids. My wife's doing meth. My fucking tire's flat. Okay? What do you want me to... You're kind of an asshole, Duncan. Do you want me to hold you?
Starting point is 01:31:38 Talking a lot of shit about people that have actually had unique experiences. I'm sorry about your... You don't know my life, Duncan. You don't know what I have. What happened to me that night changed me forever. Yeah, I bet. You're like the worst of the... Think how bummed the aliens are when they abduct that guy.
Starting point is 01:32:00 He's playing golf drunk in the middle of the night and they scoop him up. Put him back. You guys are dicks. If I was super fucking advanced, I wouldn't just be stealing people while they play golf. Spitting in their face and shit. The aliens are like, what are we doing with this guy? That is one thing, man. What if you could just overpower the aliens?
Starting point is 01:32:24 You never hear about people getting abducted and then wrestling the aliens to the ground. These are apparently these frail little beings. What if you could fight them? I think that the idea is that they've reached this point where they control matter with their mind. That's why they have these giant heads that are way bigger than ours. And that's why they don't seem to talk with their mouths. Look at me. I'm, like, adding to the folklore. I'm just making shit up i don't know what if any
Starting point is 01:32:48 of this has ever happened ever but i'm like culminating a bunch of different idiot stories well they communicate with their minds yeah they do duncan what they do is basically implant ideas in your brain by the way jpl you mentioned jpl you know where that comes from right that's john parsons laboratory you know john parsons was right john parsons was that the rifle man JPL. You mentioned JPL. You know where that comes from, right? That's John Parsons' laboratory. You know who John Parsons was, right? John Parsons was a... Is that the rifleman? John Parsons was a devotee of Alistair...
Starting point is 01:33:11 Jack Parr? What? Jack Pallance. Parsons was a devotee of Alistair Crowley. That's his laboratory. So that Parsons, he believed in extra-dimensional entities. And he would say prayers before he did any of his tests with rocket fuel and stuff. And L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, stole his girlfriend because they used to hang out.
Starting point is 01:33:33 You can look that stuff up. It's all 100% true. There's a crater on the moon named after him. Now, Aleister Crowley, he once tried to summon an entity. This is way before people were talking about aliens and the drawing that he drew of the entity looks exactly like the gray aliens you can look that up
Starting point is 01:33:51 exactly like a gray alien so follow that weird maze maybe it's Jack Parsons I can't remember which Parsons that's the rabbit hole son that's the rabbit hole we're done? Anything else? We good?

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