The Level Up Podcast w/ Paul Alex - Choose Your Hard

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Level Up Podcast. I'm your host, Paul Alex. I went from being a cop to an eight-figure entrepreneur that helps average people like you and me make money every single day. I created this podcast to help you get motivated and to crush your goals. Let's win together.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Remember, I have your six. Get ready to level up right now. Guys, how many of you guys are right now not happy with where you're at? And I'm talking about financially. You don't like the environment you're in. You don't even like your coworkers. Guys, I've been there.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Trust me, okay? I've been in there in the past two careers that I've had before I was a full-time entrepreneur. And I can tell you something right now. In order for you to actually level up to where you want to go, you're going to have to focus. Okay. So let me tell you a short story. When I was in corporate America at the age of 25, well, actually let's say 24, I was already getting burnt out. I was making over six figures. I had my first condo around like 2008. I had a beautiful girlfriend at the time that it was like the the longest relationship i've ever had of seven years and
Starting point is 00:01:07 I thought I had everything right, but I just didn't have fulfillment and I asked her one day. I was just like hey like I don't know. I feel like i'm not happy like I feel like I have everything especially at that age But what what do you think is wrong with me? And she's like nothing's wrong with you You just you're probably just bored. You're probably just burnt out. So then she had this crazy idea. She's like, why don't you just become a cop? And I was just like, all right.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So I became a cop and I became a cop because of her. And it's because she intro'd me to her cousin who was a sergeant of police at the time. And I went through the process. I went through the process and I went through the process. I went through the process and I went through the process because I wanted to accomplish just actually being in the uniform, just to say that I could do it. And I remember when I was telling all my coworkers at the time, when I was working for that company,
Starting point is 00:01:56 that sales company, they were like, dude, you're fucking crazy. Like, what the fuck are you doing? You know? And then what city are you going to work for? I was just like, dude, I'm, I'm, I want to work for Oakland. And if I'm going to be a cop, I'm going to be you gonna work for? I was just like dude I'm i'm I want to work for oakland and if i'm gonna be a cop i'm gonna be a cop's cop And they were like dude, are you fucking dumb? Like what's wrong with you? And dude, I went through the process even though people were like, you know bashing me even my parents at the time They were like no don't be a cop. No one likes the police And you know, there's always this stigma that people hate the police But to be honest, I think there's a lot more people that actually like the police. And you know, there's always this stigma that people hate the police. But to be honest, I think there's a lot more people that actually like the police. They like the fact
Starting point is 00:02:30 that the police are there to protect the public than more haters, right? It's just typically the haters are the ones more to speak out about how they feel and shit. I don't know. It's probably because they don't work or something, but that's just what it is in my opinion. But anyways, with that being said, I was able to get into the police department. I started police academy. During that time, guys, I was, I'm telling you right now, it was one of the hardest things I ever did in my life.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And the reason why I say that is because it's typically like about an eight to 12 month process. You have to go through a physical agility test. You have to go through an oral board, which is like a three person panel interview. And then you have to do through a physical agility test. You have to go through an oral board, which is like a three person panel interview. And then you have to do an English written exam. And if you're not getting writing, good luck. Recommend to practice, practice, practice, practice, go to workshops, close mouths don't get fed.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And I always say that. So make sure you do your due diligence, do your research and then go apply. And then you have to go through a background check. So you have to make sure that you're clean. You have to make sure that the people around you, you're clean. That's why I got off social media for eight years, guys, because I knew that my background investigator was going to go ahead and check my social medias to see who I'm like friends with. And you never know,
Starting point is 00:03:37 you might have family members that are like squeaky clean. They're, they're cool, but they might have that one friend that's like a turd and they might be doing some shady shit. And now because you're connected within that family member, guess what? You're not going to become a cop. So that's just what it is. So I highly recommend anybody that goes through the police process with any department, just get rid of your social media. You don't need it. You're trying to better yourself. So at the end of the day, just level up. Okay. But once I got into police Academy, I can tell you something right now, guys, it was one of the hardest
Starting point is 00:04:10 things I ever done in my life. And the reason why is because I'm not militant. I'm not militant. I came from corporate America, guys. I came from talking to people, doing presentations, wearing a suit. I wasn't used to the yelling, get down, you know, and they put all this stress inside of you to see how much you can handle. Because once you become a first responder, once you actually become a cop, especially like in a city of Oakland, you're going to deal with a lot of stress. So it all comes down to mindset, right? But at the end of the day, just like I said in the very beginning of this podcast, this episode, is life is hard and you have to choose what hard you want. You can either be broke or you can be rich.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So when it comes down to it, the moral of this episode is the fact that I chose to be the police because I wanted more fulfillment. But then also I knew that cops were first responders. You are able to work overtime. So what I would recommend, if you're in a bad spot right now, hey, try being a cop. Why not? You never know. You might actually
Starting point is 00:05:11 be good at it. You don't know until you don't know. Okay, guys, hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Catch you on the next one. Remember, I always have your six. Make sure to share this episode with your family, friends, and anyone you care about. The world's already hard enough, and we need to take care of each other. Make sure to share this episode on Instagram, friends, and anyone you care about. The world's already hard enough and we need to take care of each other. Make sure to share this episode on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and share it with the world. Do me a big favor and tag me, Paul Alex. Also, keep the five-star reviews on iTunes coming.
Starting point is 00:05:36 This episode's going to help change the way the world thinks and will help everyone level up in their life. And lastly, if you want to continue to level up, learn more about business and life, then make sure to get a copy of my book, From Blue to Digital Gold, The New American Dream on Amazon or at

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