The Luke and Pete Show - A cycle trip from hell

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

It's Thursday, so that must mean it's time for another edition of The Luke and Pete Show! We start today's episode by trying to work out where Pete can go on his next holiday, before en...ding the discussion by asking why people are always the worst versions of themselves at airports.Elsewhere, there are protests, more sheep food chat and a group of listeners heading across Europe on their bikes with disastrous consequences. Looking for somewhere to send a story? Here's the place: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're back with luke and pete sure i'm pete donaldson i'm joined by luke mo it's a thursday we're hurtling towards the weekend oh baby luke i've got a few days off uh in a few weeks and i've not we've not booked anything um because it just seems very stressful. You want to go to Clifton House again? We're going to go to Clifton House again, yeah. I know a slight holiday is going to present itself, but I just find the whole idea of PCR tests, vaccine passports, just a little bit daunting and a little bit upsetting.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You know what my admin's like. I'm going to up i'm gonna get it wrong i'm gonna get covid inexplicably again the admins are a pain a few people are going to greece although that's still amber at the moment so at time of recording so i'm not really sure what that's all about um why don't you just find a green country and just go there yeah yeah i just but they all have different entry requirements and they sort of say you've got to do this and you've got to do that and you've got to take these tests with you and and a lot of them seem to be very much done on the honor system a friend went to greece and he had to he took with him these sort of pcr tests and you have to uh do the pcr test and then you place it
Starting point is 00:01:21 next to your passport you take a picture and send the passport picture and pcr test picture to uh the authorities in question in greece now right i i realize that some of them are done over zoom some of them you have to go in person to do the test but you could just a presumably doctor the photo to say that it's negative when it's actually positive or just get you know wipe it on the inside of a baby's mouth or a dog's mouth you know just anything just a dog's mouth effectively wipe it in a dog's mouth write that down on your little PCR a dog but you'd be negative wouldn't you you're absolutely right clean piss if you've done some drugs it It's an honor system thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:07 The thing that kind of made it strange to me is when I flew to the US last month, the US weren't recognizing certain types of British vaccines and they weren't interested in the NHS vaccine passport. I didn't want to know what they did want. Yeah, they want a test, right? What the't want to know what they did want. Just the test. Yeah, they want a test, right? Right. What the test they want, you do at home. So you could just report that and get a text
Starting point is 00:02:29 message, whatever. All you've got to do is find a serial number and report it and just say it was negative. You decide that it's negative. No one else does. Yeah, exactly. And it is all on the system. My partner's saying, well, you wouldn't want to get on a flight if you had COVID because you'd infect everyone. And I went,
Starting point is 00:02:44 sorry, a partner I have access to. Are you aware that there's a lot of dickheads out there? There's a lot of absolute psychopaths. And there is no bigger unreasonable person than someone who's been really looking forward to a holiday. No, that is absolutely true. They are unreasonable. And people – listen, we can put this out to their listeners hello at luke and i would posit the following people are human beings in
Starting point is 00:03:11 the uk particularly but wherever i've been but mostly the uk perhaps because that's what i've had the most experience are the very worst version of themselves at airports yes yeah there's stress there's excitement there's hope and there's a lot of alcohol and there's kids yeah so whether it's every single experience you have at an airport where you see another human being not every single a lot of them are either a man who's been at the airport since 4 a.m drinking lager a family of kids that won't behave themselves a family of kids that won't behave themselves because the mum has made them get up to be at the airport four hours before for no reason yeah people who can't hear the announcement people who can't get it from the shopping bit to the
Starting point is 00:03:55 departure gate quick enough people who get to the departure gate three hours early and won't it's absolutely endless people like me who slam a load of valium and then can't walk people who are annoyed to have to walk through that really acrid smelling perfume section every single airport terminal you go to that's me yeah it's crazy how bad it is at airports people it's just the worst version of everyone at the airport like even even like i'm probably the most impatient person i know and they're waiting around is just awful for me. I just can't be dealing with it. I cannot be dealing with it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 The worst ever one I had was when the wife I have access to was still living in the US, and I'd come back from visiting her in February. I think it was probably around Valentine's Day or something because I'm such an old romantic, Pete. february i think it was probably around valentine's day or something because i'm such an old romantic pete uh-huh yeah and i was flying back from um from um the u.s from boston and i remember getting to the airport was a complete nightmare because it was snowing so bad then when i got to the airport a bit later than i wanted because of that reason it was really stressful got through security got
Starting point is 00:05:03 to the airport and like because they're so good there normally because they're so used to dealing with that weather. But this was particularly bad. We boarded the plane to fly overnight back to London. And it was crazy because every time I got to the top of the runway to start the takeoff, the wings iced up again. So I had to go back and get the de-icer done and it was so bad that the gap between the de-icing and the takeoff it kept freezing so we just sat on the plane and then
Starting point is 00:05:31 the airport closed right would you not sort of go sod it let's just take off let's take our take our chances the pilot was coming through the fruit he's a dutch guy he's really friendly the pilot was coming through the cabin being like oh i'll get you your dinner now you guys can have your dinner on the ground and we'll get there some dinner we'll all have some dinner and some wine and so he did that which is quite nice and anyway eventually cut a long story short we actually got out there got up and we got away and here i am today but it was hours and hours and hours and airports i swear they make them so uncomfortable yeah because i guess they don't want people they don't want people sticking around, do they? They want people moving.
Starting point is 00:06:06 They want people grooming. Well, they've seen that Tom Hanks movie probably. Exactly. The Man Who Lives in the Airport, I believe it was called. Yeah, it was actually. You should have called it that. Everyone would know where they stood. Well, speaking of planes, Luke, did you fucking see this, mate?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Did you fucking see this, mate? Mental. One of those absolutely demented... Red Bull, you know, they're a company that they make energy drinks but they spend a lot of marketing dollar on just fun. They just spend... They do like
Starting point is 00:06:35 a lot of stuff with like video games and stuff and obviously like aeronautic shows and stuff. But yeah, this absolute mad bastard called Dario Costa. He set a new Guinness World Record when he piloted a small aircraft through a set of narrow tunnels in Turkey. Now, we're not talking like a big boy tunnel, like the, I don't know, the tunnel, as the kids call it.
Starting point is 00:06:59 He could fly through the tunnel, could he? He could fly through the tunnel. It would be pretty endless. He'd run out of fuel. That's underwater. That's underwater. But this guy just flew like a little wee plane with Red Bulls on the channel, could he? He would fly the channel. It would be pretty endless. He'd run out of fuel. That's underwater. That's underwater. But this guy just flew like a little wee plane,
Starting point is 00:07:08 we're Red Bulls on the wing, basically 150 miles per hour through a cargo tunnel or just a normal tunnel that you or I would drive our Fiat 500 through. Incredible. Yeah, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I saw the gif. It was amazing. He did two... He didn't just do one tunnel either. He goes into one tunnel, and then you think, oh, well, he's over. He's gone into another tunnel as well. And the wings are in the right and left lanes, the hard shoulders of this fucking tunnel.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And any sort of deviation, he would be a fireball it's incredible and he's in the he's in the uh he's in the guinness world record book obviously but i mean he's the only person who's ever fucking done it so it's incredible absolutely i am i particularly like a bit about the story where because he actually flies through two tunnels after the first tunnel he comes out into the open air again for a bit and he was anticipating crosswinds before he went into the first tunnel, he comes out into the open air again for a bit. And he was anticipating crosswinds before he went into the next tunnel, which meant that he had to basically manage that as well before he went into the next. So have you seen the film Free Solo?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Alex Honnold climbs the El Capitan, right? And in the movie, for those who haven't seen it, he goes and has a couple of MRI scans. And they work out the part of his brain that is responsible for fear just isn't working properly so the the natural kind of physical physiological responses to certain pressure situations like sweaty hands um lack of confidence dizziness etc he just doesn't experience it and i wonder if this guy's probably got the same thing because to even attempt it is insane absolutely insane it's it's it's it's the sort of thing you would see
Starting point is 00:08:52 in um grand theft auto yeah it is it is actually yeah yeah and the most the most adventurous thing i ever fucking do is all the same slightly different from a takeaway menu. But do you have reaction times of less than 250 milliseconds? Because Metro have run this piece and basically wrote he requires reaction times of less than 250 milliseconds. Now, that's just a quarter of a second. Say a quarter of a second. It's not quite as impressive when it's a quarter of a second, I suppose. When you put milliseconds in there, I think it sounds more impressive i suppose yeah i suppose yeah you're absolutely right and i didn't
Starting point is 00:09:28 think about that you're absolutely right it doesn't seem that good i reckon i've got reaction times of 250 milliseconds i've seen you play football you definitely haven't no that's my body my brain has those things but like yeah your body's got to execute it, hasn't it? He's not throwing it with his brain. He's not Stephen Hawking it with his like... So funny. That was an interesting story. That was an amazing video. I mean, I don't know why he's doing it
Starting point is 00:09:55 other than the fact that he's just, I guess it's a Red Bull thing and he wants to break a record or whatever, but it's absolutely insane. Why are you doing it? Why are you doing it? The other story you put in the running order this week, Pete, or for Thursday's show,
Starting point is 00:10:07 was a band who turned up to their own show by driving a bulldozer through the venue, which I like particularly because it's a funny story, but also because it's the guy from Boredom's who I've actually seen live. We're a completely different cat and the fish to this. Right, okay. Yamatanka Ai. Yeah. from boredom so i've actually seen live we're a completely different cat the fish to this right okay uh yamatanka i yeah so so they were a japanese noise band in the mid 80s and they used to do all sorts of mad stunts like used power tools and drills and heavy machinery
Starting point is 00:10:37 and stuff in their live shows and in their music and he went on to form boredom who were boredoms are a little bit different to that but Apparently some of the things that he did on stage was he had to be stopped at the last minute from throwing a Molotov cocktail on the stage which is probably not ideal. A lot of wooden venues in Japan as well. Strapped a circular saw to
Starting point is 00:10:58 his back and almost accidentally cut his own leg off. Apparently loads of other things like before he got shut down for doing it this is interesting to me because it's like i guess he probably considers himself to be like a performance artist you know and a lot of people would say the fine line between that and just being a complete dick is very very very small wouldn't you say yeah i think so and and i would obviously he went on to um form uh the band boredoms that you've actually seen play um bearing in mind this was his his
Starting point is 00:11:37 formative years in hannah tarash his his previous uh his previous uh band uh you know trying to cut his own leg off throwing molotov cocktails around and driving a massive um bulldozer into the uh into the back wall of a venue and onto the stage so like it it would be very difficult to get um some kind of liability insurance for your next gig if that's what you did last gig he says look i am not part of hannah tarash anymore i'm very much part of the band boredoms i've just formed them uh and would you like to host our first gig no thank you no thank you i also think contextually it's really interesting because like the fact that he's we talked a bit about this on monday didn't move the fact that he's japanese
Starting point is 00:12:20 means it's seen for some reason in slightly different context right yeah and i i find this sort of thing if someone said to me do you want to listen to an hour of christian rock or christian music i'd say no because i'd say it's boring and it's you know as we talked about before uh but like if you listen to like some really good i mean obviously the great spike uh the great um lee scratch perry died a few weeks ago like he produced this record called the heart of the congos by a band a reggae band called the congos and it's basically all about god but for some reason it's fucking cool it's just good yeah yeah it just sounds really cool like i don't know why but it's just it's just the context so
Starting point is 00:12:58 if a bloke if you know you couldn't really if you if this was some really posh guy doing it doing this for Extinction Rebellion, driving a bulldozer through something, you'd probably go, oh, get a life. Do you know what I mean? Or some people might is what I'm saying. But it's like when Otis Ferry ran into the Houses of Parliament and threw flour at the MPs.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yes, that's right. Didn't he swing off the epitaph as well? Cenotaph. Yeah. The epitaph. Epitaph, sorry. epitaph as well cenotaph yeah sorry the uh the my ex-partner used to be quite good quite good friends with him it was a bellend yeah but the thing is he's perceived as rightly or wrongly and some would say right you know i don't know him as being this really super privileged posh
Starting point is 00:13:40 rich kid with nothing better to do with his time and so everyone just fucking says you know get over yourself you know i mean when it's some kind of japanese noise artist people are like whoa what a statement you can't just do what i'm saying is you can't just run around doing whatever you want and go and shout and it's an art statement i guess yamatanka i disagree yaman yaman tank taka uh his real name is tetsuro tetsuro yamatsuka so there you go. What I like about his little Wikipedia is, this is what I'm on now, all of the different kind of projects he's worked on. He is a prolific recorder of music.
Starting point is 00:14:13 He is. Some of his artists, audio sports, boredoms, DJ Pika Pika Pika, and under Hanaterashi, the band in which he brought a digger through one of the stages, one of their albums, Take Back Your Penis. Take Back Your Penis.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The Lift Boys is one of his other side projects. MC Hellshit and DJ Carhouse. All kinds of stuff. When I saw Boredom's live, it was like about 30, from what I remember, it was like 30 people in a massive semicircle. And he was just running around like a maniac in between them. It was kind of interesting. But, you know, speaking of when someone may or may not
Starting point is 00:14:50 have shrunk off the cenotaph, do you remember when someone put a grass Mohican on Winston Churchill? Cool. Iconic. Doesn't that seem quaint now? It does seem quaint, to be quite right, yeah. It probably wasn't, but for some reason, because the world's gone to absolute shit, it just feels like that was quite a quaint thing at the time.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah, and they probably had some very, very good points. Was it a climate protest? I think it was, wasn't it? I can't really remember, but what harm's being done putting a Mohican made of grass on a man's head, statue's head? Isn't it lightly electrified, Churchill? It's the only one that is. Really? So the birds don't shit on its
Starting point is 00:15:30 head. Surely people aren't electrifying statues. It's not a huge voltage, but if you're a bird, a couple of volts up your cloaca, that's going to upset you. Is that why you sometimes see pigeons with only one foot?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, being burned off by... One of them landed on the Winston Churchill statue. Classic. All right, Pete, let's have a break. When we come back, we've got to do some battery rounds and we've got to catch up with some emails
Starting point is 00:15:56 because we did hardly any on Monday. All right, then let's do that. It's transfer deadline day. Ashwood City are drifting under manager Sven-Joran Eriksson and chief executive Patrick Nolan is willing to do whatever it takes to turn things round. Look, it's just for a season or two, you know, we get them really cheap, you know, 10% of what they're worth in some cases and I mean the sponsors it would attract as well as the cashier.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Patrick Nolan, MBE, stop talking. This is a fucking Tevez and Mascherano player heist, pal. In the award-winning football mockumentary, The Offensive, the thick of it meets the Premier League and things are about to reach breaking point in the boardroom. That's the rules, Woody. Oh, so now we like the rules, do we? Woody, you can't just move a piece
Starting point is 00:16:40 and make up how to play. Oh, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. No, move that back. Fucking get off. Don't touch my pieces. You're cheating. can't do. No, move that back. Fucking get off. Don't touch my pizzas. You're cheating. You're cheating. Cheating. That's an invasion of my pizzas, that.
Starting point is 00:16:49 You're cheating. Stop fingering my bishop. You don't know what he's doing. It's not... Oh. Start your Ashwood City journey and listen to The Offensive wherever you get your podcasts. The Offensive is a Stack production.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We're back for batteries. As mentioned before, boys and your emails. Peter? Do you want to kick us off with your batteries? We're going to do batteries first. Prepare the search. Okay, prepare the search. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You ready? Let me know when you're ready. Wait a second. I forgot that we do the search. You can just fill for 10 seconds. Yeah, sure. I will do, no problem. So obviously every week we do battery brands
Starting point is 00:17:28 from our lovely listeners who come across different types of batteries and send them in for appraisal. We are trying to build the world's biggest... We haven't finished. Oh, sorry. The world's biggest database of batteries because you always find weird ones in strange electronics.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So first up this week, friend dave creasy who's emailed in with a pair of carrera rcs carrera as in porsche carrera rcs i think they might be a new player just typing that in what do you think carrera is quite a popular word in Spanish. And I don't think anyone sent in a Carrera battery apart from Dave Creasy. Congratulations to you, Dave Creasy. You have entered a new player into the game. Well done to you.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Luke Goodwin has put up a GP Super. A GP Super. Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke a GP Super. A GP Super. Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke. GP Super. I'm telling you now, we'll be in here. What? Whoa. What?
Starting point is 00:18:34 GP Ultra is a staple of the local picture. Yeah. The fucking GP Super. What? Three years ago. Not sure if this is a new player, to be honest, but it's been keeping me safe for a few years. The GB Super.
Starting point is 00:18:46 We've never had a GP variant with the word super in it. There we go. Well done, man. And one thing I would say is, you know, it's a matter of fucking course. Please make sure you put that battery back in your smoke alarm because it would be a terrible coda to this amazing success story to hear that shortly after getting a new player entering the game, you've to death yeah i've taken down all of my smoke alarms got three simple smoke
Starting point is 00:19:10 alarms in the house and they just kept tweeting so that they came down um so now to anyone listening please don't do that absolutely chilling so pete we're two out of two here as a chance we could go three for three for the first time ever because Phil Williams has sent in what I believe to be a truly remarkable battery, an Our Family Alkaline. Our Family Alkaline. Our Family Alkaline. Let me just pop that in there. It's got an amazing little photo on it.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It looks so wholesome. Oh, it's a sort of logo you would see on some butter, I think. Yeah, I agree. Our family distributed by Nash Finch Company in Minneapolis. Very nice. No, it's a new player. Potentially a player from William. Wow, so we're three out of three.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Three out of three, baby. Well done, everyone. Congratulations to Dave, Luke, and Phil. And very, very well done. And we hope to maintain that standard next week. And before we move on from Battery Brands into some more of your traditional emails, to Dave, Luke and Phil and very, very well done and we hope to maintain that standard next week. And before we move on from battery brands into some more of your
Starting point is 00:20:07 traditional emails, I've got a follow-up from Andrew Burke. Now, regular listeners will remember that Andrew emailed me a while back claiming Chimpanzee++ batteries, but he didn't attach a photo.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So he's followed up with an email saying, guys, I was delighted to hear that my Chimpanzee++ batteries were indeed a new player player but i was not aware a picture was required well first of all andrew i mean you could just send any words in then couldn't you then and it would it would be fine the boom boom bash bashers i've got some boom boom bash bashers oh cool i've got some um i've got some uh venue bulldozers so anyway Andrew, you haven't officially had a new player because you haven't shown us proof.
Starting point is 00:20:48 But Andrew picks up the story by saying, being a long-time listener, I was not aware a picture was ever stipulated previously in order to become an accepted new entry. Well, listen, it's just common sense. So there we go. We don't hold your hand through everything. He says, since removing the batteries from our handheld
Starting point is 00:21:02 dust compactor to be replaced, I can report that the Wi-Fi I have access to has thrown them away. Not only does this mean that I cannot provide a picture, it also means the batteries were incorrectly disposed of. I ask that as a loyal and long-term stack listener, you reconsider your stipulation for a special consideration in this instance. I offer you my word as my truth. Should I come across the chimpanzee plus plus in the future, you two fine gentlemen will be the first to know.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Warmest regards, Andrew. Pete, the best we can do, I think, is perhaps tentatively accept it with an asterisk until we see a photo. Yeah. Holding pattern. Think of this as a blank check, and we'll fill it in later. We'll fill the signature in later. You've written the sum. We'll sign it in a bit,'ll fill the signature in later. You've written the sum.
Starting point is 00:21:46 We'll sign it in a bit, all right? We choose the sum, Pete. This is how it's going to fall down otherwise. Okay, all right. We choose the sum as well. Give us your checkbook, mate. Just give us your checkbook, Andrew, for crying out loud. There we go.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Right, Pete, have you got an email for us? I do have an email from Justin. Hey, Justin. Hello. Hello. Hello, hi. Hello. So regarding why. Hi. Hello. So regarding why sheep can get away with only eating grass,
Starting point is 00:22:09 I remember watching some science show years ago, one of the ones by Neil deGrasse Tyson or the Brian Cox, that wasn't in Super Troopers or something like that. It actually might have been The Exit Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, which I highly recommend if you've never seen it. Anyway, I had a segment about this very thing, and I figured I'd give you my half-remembered answer
Starting point is 00:22:25 in the event a smarter person doesn't email in. Basically, the reason sheep can only eat grass is because they're very dumb, apparently. A sheep can spend all day grazing and be fine, but not a human. We could technically get away with it, but we, and specifically our complex brains, would require so much grass
Starting point is 00:22:44 that there isn't enough time in the day. So we have to expand what we eat to get more bang for the buck so to speak and so we can still have time to do other things like listen to the podcast we have access to hope this helps and more so i hope i remembered that correctly but i'm almost certain and 90% sure that i did thanks to ollie at the moment over the years justin so they don't need brain food uh the sheep they're thick as pig shit and they create sheep shit, I suppose. They eat grass all day to get as much of it as they need
Starting point is 00:23:12 and they don't need any complex nutrients because their brains are so bad. Yeah, exactly. I still find that quite interesting though because you say that people say they're not very clever or whatever but I mean, basic brain function is still quite complicated. They know how to walk.
Starting point is 00:23:26 They can jump over walls. They can give birth. They can rear young. They can smell danger. They can see. They can hear. So it's still quite surprising. Let's feed them a steak.
Starting point is 00:23:39 See if they become super clever. What, a steak? Well, all right. I had a nice steak tartare yesterday. Steak tartare. Send me a photo. Where were you, by the way? One of those kind of, you know, like King's Cross used to be
Starting point is 00:23:53 just sex workers and needle users. Yeah. It's quite nice now, isn't it? There's some brasserie around the back of that. You were up in King's Cross. Did you stay in King's Cross then? I did, yeah, after the podcast awards. Oh, I see what you mean.
Starting point is 00:24:07 No, the festival. Festival, whatever it is. Whatever it is. And you had a steak tartare for breakfast. I had a steak tartare for breakfast. It was a little bit, they put too much leafy stuff on the top. I would have just preferred the steak tartare itself.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I bloody love that stuff. Delicious. The photo showed a lot of parsley. A lot. Yeah. Is that what that was? I just thought you didn't need that much. I photo showed a lot of parsley. A lot. Yeah. Is that what that was? I just thought you didn't need that much. I only saw a photo of it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 What did it taste like? Yeah, I just don't know what they've added to it. I was just like, that was unwelcome. Let me enjoy the egg. Let me enjoy the bloody egg. You should have got a sheep in to eat all the parsley off. Exactly, nibbled it off. And I can just munch on the back of the sheep.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So I don't even know if steak tartare is a recognized breakfast item i presume it is if you can order it at breakfast yeah i guess so yeah look you have it on but the idea of you because i know you're on a bit of a hangover as well the idea of you eating a steak of eating a massive bit of raw beef with a raw egg and loads of parsley on a hangover is just awful to me it was it was It wasn't the best time to eat steak tartare. I'll level with you there. What is the best time? I'll go that far.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Any time apart from when you've drank limoncello the night before. I think any time. If you've not had limoncello, have a think. Have I had limoncello in the last 24 hours? Which always means I'm pissed. Yeah, just go ahead. But yeah, it was unwelcome, the amount of parsley on top of that bloody steak. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:25:29 That was a Sunday morning. So then did you follow up with your traditional Sunday night Chinese? I didn't actually. No, we had a roast. Had a roast. Lovely job. Anyway, so this is a great email from our friend Laurie. I want to read it out.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And the subtitle for this is, what is it about our listeners and ridiculous cycling trips well last week you heard a story about one of our listeners just missing a ferry and having to ditch all their own belongings to try and get there on time well check this out from lori who says uh hi guys after tuning into last week's episode during my afternoon stroll i heard a familiar sounding story from what turned out to be an old course mate of mine from bristol back in 2012 that coincidence along with the fact myself and a group of five mates from the same uni did a similar trip at the same time inspired me to get in touch and share my own experience of a cycle trip we did from bristol to berlin hollabies bloody hell it's a long old
Starting point is 00:26:24 place a long old way uh much like liam's trip says lorry most things started off quite rosy steady pace easy flats of the dutch countryside and lovely locals waving us on or asking us about our journey the first blip occurred on the german border after days of cycling wild camping no showers and shitting in the woods we decided to treat ourselves to a stay over at a campsite where we could wash our clothes take hot showers and have a swim in the communal pool upon arrival a few of our party got slightly overexcited at the prospect of the pool and so dropped all their equipment slung the bikes to the floor and legged it with the intention of diving
Starting point is 00:27:00 straight in you can imagine that can'tny? Yeah, it sounds very exciting, but surely you would have to take all your clothes off before you jumped in. Well, allow Laurie to pick up the story because it gets a little bit more sinister than that. Laurie says, My mate Max was at the front of the run and decided to dive headfirst
Starting point is 00:27:19 into what seemed to be the deep end of the pool. Cue the sound of a dull thud, then him emerging from the water like the gates of hell screaming and clutching his now obliterated nose that was gushing with blood while forming an immediate red aura in the pool from which he stood there were two little girls standing in the pool at the time which probably should have indicated the pool's depth that didn't look too impressed with the scenes unfolding and they quietly got out and walked away leaving poor max screaming in the water upon closer inspection i took him to the toilets where we examined the damage and found he must have hit an upturned
Starting point is 00:27:54 tile at the bottom of the pool as there were specks of blue tiling embedded into his very deep gash across the bridge of his nose skip forward a few hours there was no taxi or bus service and the nearest hospital was back in the netherlands so myself and max cycled the 20 odd kilometers to the hospital with blood still pouring for him to get stitched up and then told off by a local dutch woman for worrying his mother this was followed by a very sketchy nighttime ride back to the campsite with zero visibility and understandably much pain for paul max i never got the chance to set foot in the pool and he still has a blue scar across his nose to this day which i'd bloody love to see a photo of by the way lori but you haven't attached a photo
Starting point is 00:28:34 lori finishes the story by saying this used to be one of the many impending mishaps throughout the trip including stolen equipment staying in an abandoned insane asylum exhaustion fire burns diarrhea throughout which is where i gained the unshakable nickname sloppy and waking up one night in the woods to a mysterious man standing in the middle of our campsite but the crown jewel of fuck-ups happened during the final leg of our journey while getting from berlin to prague our friend jack had been feeling slightly under the weather for the last few days something at the time we attributed to exhaustion and a lengthy hangover to cut a long story short it turned out he had been suffering from the early effects of Lyme disease which after a few days of heavy drinking while camping and relentless cycling had taken its toll on him it ended with
Starting point is 00:29:20 him ditching his bike and all of his equipment in the Czech Republic and taking the first plane back to Bristol where a doctor said they call it just Czech Republic and taking the first plane back to Bristol where a doctor said they caught it just in time and he was actually pretty lucky to be alive. All in all, great trip, would highly recommend. Love the show, Laurie. So honestly, some people have such active lives that evolve. There's a lot going on there, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:29:41 It just doesn't, none of that seemed like fun. And they saw the easy flats of the Netherlands. Like, I just call that the ground. Like, that's just the ground for me. I don't worry about how high it is. It's not a bit of you in that even when you were a young man. Lyme disease, maybe. No, I'm not...
Starting point is 00:29:56 I'd be doing that, but I'd be in a train doing it. Like, the cycling thing just seems... You're adding too many variables in there for me i can't be asked with the camping i can't be asked for that and lorry sounds like a dangerous man to know by the way i mean he's not the only guy come out of it unscathed did he fall into that pool we'll never know and also just diving headfirst into into life is a good thing but diving headfirst into a pool you haven't really seen is not ideal at all. Awful. One or two of my friends
Starting point is 00:30:28 have done the same thing with not quite such horrific circumstances, but they've hurt themselves. And having a bit of tile jammed in your nose. It's just, it's all dreadful, Luke. I don't care for this at all. It's disgusting. On that note, we should probably leave it for this week. So that has been the Luke and Pete show for the week.
Starting point is 00:30:44 We hope you have a lovely weekend um and yeah get in touch if you want to send us similar stories or even perhaps a story of your own it's hello at luke and pete the email address at luke and pete show on twitter and instagram that's about it isn't it pete there's nothing else to say other than see you later and we'll see you again on Monday. All right, then. We'll see you on Monday. Check us out. Give us an email. Hello, Luke at
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like Luke, what you said. Sweet beans. Sweet beans. the luke and pete show is a stack production and part of the acast creator network

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