The Luke and Pete Show - Episode 130: Donaldson Futurism

Episode Date: January 3, 2019

Happy New Year everyone! We're now officially in the future, it's 2019. How exciting!On today's episode we discuss some of the predictions about what 2019 might look like, including the end of the wor...king week as we know it (something that ended for both Luke and Pete some time ago...), what the future holds for both The Luke and The Pete, and the danger of the Deepfake. Oooh, scary.As discussed, if you've got something you want us to tackle in 2019, email us:***Please take the time to rate and review us on iTunes or wherever you get your pods. It means a great deal to the show and will make it easier for other potential listeners to find us. Thanks!*** Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm still annoyed at how hard I stacked it on the Nile Rodgers interview. I don't want to start 2019 like this. Well, 2019 is the future, mate. What did you imagine 2019 would be like when you were say 12 I was thinking drones would disrupt Gatwick Airport I've told you before
Starting point is 00:00:30 I was worried that all footballers were going to be taken over as robots and that would be really boring but it felt like it has become boring
Starting point is 00:00:36 but in different ways because along the lines of that thing when the internet first started that guy who wrote that article for the BBC
Starting point is 00:00:43 I actually met him I think he's a guy called Dan I can't remember his surnamebc i actually met him i think he's a guy called dan i can't remember his surname i've definitely met him he um he wrote an image a man called dan who works the bbc yeah no right you can't find him anywhere he he wrote an article saying about how england were going to have like a world beating football team in like 2008 or whatever and it was obviously ridiculous because we didn't qualify for 2008 2008 and he got, and he got mocked for it. But when you're a kid, chiefly because of things like sci-fi movies and stuff,
Starting point is 00:01:09 when someone said to you, oh, in 2019, I mean, you would be thinking the world will be completely unrecognizable. My question to you, Pete Donaldson is, is it unrecognizable?
Starting point is 00:01:21 And we just not noticed it because it's been creeping or is it a complete letdown? You went into a shop and tried to buy something and they said they'd pencil you in for an appointment sometime in the future. Now, if that's not a tacit change in everything that we've come to hold, yeah, of course everything's changed massively. We can now order taxis with a box that sits in our pocket and the taxis come to us and then they drive us somewhere
Starting point is 00:01:46 and then we get off and we never have to give them money. Can we fly? Money, we can fly. We've got those guys with the little jetpacks that only work over water. You've got the drone guys, you've got the drone police in Dubai. They'll throw a drone at anything, them lot. It's not crossed over to sort of public consciousness now, is it?
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's still a bit tomorrow as well. Whoa, look at this. All right, well, yeah. It was never going to change that quickly, but give it another 40 years and we will be seeing manned drones. If I said to you in 1992
Starting point is 00:02:12 when you first joined that Catholic senior school, what's 2019 look like? You'd have said straight away flying cars. No, because I would have been fully indoctrinated and I would have went
Starting point is 00:02:21 the return of Jesse, baby. He's coming back I don't know whether Catholics believe that can't remember can't remember how he died pretty sure he is dead but he's coming back
Starting point is 00:02:30 where have you been Jesse one company that prides themselves on what I think they call future scoping is a company called Nesta now I'll be completely honest with you
Starting point is 00:02:40 I never knew anything about them until yesterday when I started looking up um predictions for 2019 specifically for this show the first show of 2019 luke and pete episode 130 in which you're very welcome everyone listening and they come up with 10 things that they thought would happen in 2019 now i was quite disappointed when i saw the list because some of them are quite
Starting point is 00:03:01 boring but one or two of them are quite interesting. One I think you'll be particularly interested in, Pete, and I think this is actually quite a safe bet, is deepfake videos will be weaponised in 2019. I think we're too familiar with them and the sort of people who would accuse a video of being fake are too stupid to understand how the technology works for it to actually take hold. Explain to understand how the technology works for it to actually take explain to people who don't know what it is what deep faking is um it's a very
Starting point is 00:03:30 cpu computer intensive process of creating a fake video where you combine the bodies of one person and the face of another um and create a video so, they used the director of Get Out Peel? Is it Peel? Okay, I always forget. I think it's Peel. And he basically did an impression of Barack Obama and put that performance over the face of Barack Obama doing a speech. And it was almost
Starting point is 00:04:00 spotless. It looked amazing. You can do it on your phone now. Absolutely flawless. And it was an incredible piece of work. And it was a cautionary tale, just sort of saying, look guys, what you see might not necessarily be what happened. Well,
Starting point is 00:04:15 that is a fairly serious point, right? So Nesta, our friends at Nesta are saying the deep fakes perhaps could spark a real geopolitical incident. Well, look at the way that the punch-up at the White House happened with the guy from, I think it was CNN. Yeah, Jim Acosta, yeah. Where one of the right-wing nutjobs kind of removed a couple of frames
Starting point is 00:04:36 from the actual video. This is someone taking a microphone back from a reporter and the perceived violence or whatever. Yeah, so he removed a couple of frames to make the actual action look a little bit more violent, and that kind of was tossed about. And it was a clear fake. Every single person, not even...
Starting point is 00:04:54 You could clearly see it was a different performance from what actually came out of the TV screens, and it was really hackily done. But even though you had 10 experts saying it's fake, there's still the message that was kind of kicked around. Is this video fake? They want to teach the controversy, basically. Yeah, because the controversy creates clicks.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And media at the moment is kind of obsessed with clicks for obvious reason. And so newspapers and media conglomerates were basically saying, is this fake? is this not fake to fuel the debate rather than actually saying it isn't real, it's a fabrication so bullshit will sell which is their responsibility by the way
Starting point is 00:05:34 if it bleeds it leads and that bled for flipping ages I think also to extrapolate that further it's interesting because... It wasn't me on that webcam. No, because people of our age, certainly people of our age and older, and possibly some people younger than us,
Starting point is 00:05:55 maybe even everyone implicitly believes and understands that seeing is believing, right? So if you see something in front of you, people who are digital natives who've grown up watching things on TV screens, whether it be a TV show or a news bulletin or whatever, or a video of their mates, there is still an understanding that if it's filmed and it's there,
Starting point is 00:06:14 it happened, right? Seeing is believing. This is dangerous because it takes us into potentially a whole new sphere where nothing you see, unless you see it with your own eyes, which of course, if you live in the UK and you want to know about American politics, for example, it's not possible for you to see it with your own eyes, which of course, if you live in the UK and you want to know about American politics, for example,
Starting point is 00:06:27 it's not possible for you to see it with your own eyes. So it could completely undermine the fabric of our society because all it takes is for a decent number of people to not know that it's not real, and then you're away. And that's when these geopolitical incidents happen. Scary stuff, I think. But also, I think, in the last probably three or four years with the invention
Starting point is 00:06:45 of social media you've kind of taken control of your own gossip to a certain extent um back in the day if somebody sort of said oh pete's got a good job and he's gone to you know do do some work in yeah exactly gone to do some work in geneva um that would all be kind of like rumor and hearsay and it would go around the town or the village and people sort of go oh wow yeah yeah yeah yeah right um but instagram like you're taking pictures of yourself poolside going look at this guys don't mind if i do drinking a cocktail and all that shit and and you've taken control of your own gossip there and presented your own um kind of image to a world and something that you never had control of before you now have control of yeah and with that um means responsibility as well. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Absolutely right. Another one of their predictions is, and I quite like this one, and I think I can believe this one as well, it's the end of the week as we know it. The five-day, 40-hour work week has stretched to breaking point and 2019 will be the year that it finally snaps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 The annoying thing is that on the rare occasion that I have to do the commute, I have to come in at like nine o'clock, which obviously is very late for a lot of you, but I work until two. But you get on the tube at like half eight, quarter to nine. It is disgusting in London or in many metropolitan areas, many cities.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's horrible. It's horrible to use. Most trains can't run because of the antiquated, underfunded nature of the infrastructure in this country and beyond. The idea of a nine to five just doesn't exist anymore. It shouldn't exist because you can't have it both ways. You can't have us resident in an office from nine to five and also expect us to work outside of hours as well.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Listen, you cannot hold Pete the Renegade Donaldson down, by the way. Good luck getting that man chained to a desk. He's like the wind, baby. I don't even have a desk. Pete lives on a grand piano. Set fire to it. He lives under a leaf. Boring.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, he lives on the wind. I mean, to be fair, I think I've said before, I bought a... I'm still having problems with my desk at home. He uses his oven as a cupboard, guys. I bought a gaming chair that's too wide for my desk, so I need another desk. People are slogging themselves out there, Pete Donaldson.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I'm the old woman who swallowed a fly the working week is stretched to breaking point and you're out there buying gaming chairs too big for the room I've got to worry about my posture
Starting point is 00:08:51 you're out of touch I'm getting on mate you're out of touch I also think you're out of mind the other thing about that you tapped on the infrastructure thing there
Starting point is 00:08:59 before this gets too boring something aspect of society I feel a little bit it makes a shame to interestingness. You never know. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's always a danger. We've always promised that, but never quite delivered it. But if you're someone who works as part of the gig economy, or works in the service industry, say you do a really important job, for example,
Starting point is 00:09:18 like... Delivering livers. Let's say you work at the tube station. We're in London, so you work on the tube station in London. Deliver liveroo. Yeah, okay. Why don't they call us emergency ambulance guys? Fuck So you work on the tube station in London. Deliver liveroo. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Why don't they call us emergency ambulance guys? Fuck it. I'm going to go with this. Deliver liveroo. You deliver organs. I know someone who used to do that job, by the way. Deliver organs for the NHS. So you're there all hours, right?
Starting point is 00:09:36 I mean, they probably schedule these transplant operations during the day. But anyway, for the sake of argument. You'd hope so. You finish at three in the morning. Or like you do, two in the morning. I don't worry about you. Because one, you've chosen your lifestyle. And you can live in that bed as far as I'm concerned. Because you made it. Secondly, at three in the morning, or like you do, two in the morning. I don't worry about you, because one, you've chosen your lifestyle, and you can live in that bed as far as I'm concerned,
Starting point is 00:09:47 because you made it. Secondly, you live in Soho, right? So it's easier for you to get shit. If you live outside of that area, and you're delivering shit till two in the morning, one, you can't really effectively get home from work, because you can't. Two, you can't buy anything to eat, really.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I mean, there's probably, there's the occasional 24-hour supermarket, but there's not many of them, and they're not great quality. So all this idea that people are now, as these guys say, living outside of this working week traditional thing where it's finally going to snap. If it does snap, people are going to have to start turning London into what it claims to be, which it absolutely isn't,
Starting point is 00:10:21 which is a 24-hour city. You can't just eat kebabs all the time, or pot noodles. You are a living testament to that, Pete, aren't you? Yeah. My toenails keep falling off. Your Sunday night Chinese tradition will not go lost, though, will it? I didn't order from Deliveroo. I ordered from the other company.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Shit. Oh, right. But I have got a liver to eat. Yeah, I mean, did you see that video of that Indian, I presume it's some kind of meal delivery service, like Deliveroo? video of that um indian um i presume it's some kind of like meal delivery service um like deliveroo um the guy was kind of um he was filmed from a window um getting the food that he was delivering eating a couple of mouthfuls out of each each thing and then putting it back and everyone's
Starting point is 00:10:57 excellent and obviously he was fired and everyone's disgusted but it speaks to a wider it speaks to a um a wider problem obviously dipping? If he wasn't double dipping, it's not as bad. It speaks to a wider problem, obviously, of poverty, him not getting paid enough, him not having the time to feed himself, or the money to the films. Or he could have just been a shit. I ordered 70 quids worth of Chinese food once from Deliveroo, and the guys disappeared with it.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Really? Probably his last day on the job, he went, fuck it. But you're right, the gig economy, if you do it in America, these are freelance individuals who sort of go around delivering shit and there's so much more of that about. Silicon Valley has created this kind of microculture of the gig economy and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I haven't got the tech pods. They're your brothers. I am. I am having a go at them. Tech pros. Because they're all twats. And they all, that's another resolution.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Don't use female Jenny Salieri's insults. Dicks only, because that's what I've got. And anyone says resolution don't use female Jenny Salinas insults dicks only because that's what I've got and anyone says I don't have a dick is that your resolution for this year
Starting point is 00:11:50 I did it last year and I stopped for a while but the C word is so juicy it just is it's something that it's important because I call myself
Starting point is 00:11:59 a feminist and then I go and use words like that it's like me with the old meat eating and all that kind of stuff but these people in America who do who indulge and then I go and use words like that. It's like me with the old meat-eating and all that kind of stuff. All that stuff, yeah. But these people in America who indulge, who work,
Starting point is 00:12:11 who make all of their money from the gig economy because it's apparently so flexible and so useful for people who have weird hours and have weird responsibilities, they don't have health insurance. They don't have any protection. There needs to be a tacit endorsement of that lifestyle from the government down. I don't disagree with that. Big talk with Pete and Luke.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm not going to undermine it, but I am going to tell a story that you reminded me of. My friend Duncan, he used to live in a place where it's very difficult to get takeaways delivered. They just couldn't find this place. It was like a road where it was separated into two parts. Yeah, that's annoying. My mum and dad live at 72 Woodstock
Starting point is 00:12:46 I've just told them where they live oh no Stewie Donaldson I might have to should I put an edit point I mean I am intrinsically lazy but I mean
Starting point is 00:12:55 don't go there after 7pm because Stewie will be in bed Woodstock where Woodstock place is that a difficult place to find as well well it's separated by a small road
Starting point is 00:13:03 right okay so this is a similar situation as far as I understand it. Anyway, my friend Duncan, I just mentioned there, he ordered a takeaway once and it just didn't turn up. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And so he called up and said, look, what's happening? Oh, yeah, they're having trouble finding it or whatever. And he said, and the Indian, I think it was an Indian restaurant. It could have been Chinese. I can't remember. He said, the guy's there,
Starting point is 00:13:24 said, stay on the line because you're going to have to help the guy find it. And so Duncan obviously is out on his mobile phone, goes out into the front of the house and says, look, I'm standing outside the house. You should be able to see it.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And he's like in his slippers and stuff, right? And it turns into this really weird, like really boring, like horror movie type situation where he's like, stay on the line. He's coming down in a minute. And he said, at really boring, like horror movie type situation where he's like, stay on the line. He's coming down in a minute. And he said at one point,
Starting point is 00:13:47 the guy was driving up and down a road, not his road, with the hazard lights on, saying, flag me down when you see me. Flag me down when you see me. And all these people are going up to his car, because he's got his hazard lights on. And he's going, are you a dog? No. He said at the end, he ended up just saying,
Starting point is 00:14:03 look, mate, I'm terribly sorry, but forget about it. Just forget about it. I think you'd already paid and everything. Just forget about it. This is a waste of my night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So those people are the people that need help. I mean, you should have a sat-nav. Sat-navs need to get better, don't they? Is that your comedy routine for 2019?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. Oh, turn left, you'll end up in a river. Nightmare. You don't even drive. Why were the kids in the car, Pete, though? I don't know. Stop this.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'm trying to go dark. Before we go to a break, Pete. It's my kind of gag style. Are you turning heel in 2019? Evil Pete. I was never good, Pete. By the way, I really enjoyed that video you shared of Vince McMahon tearing both his quadriceps. He runs in because there's been a big fuck-up and he needs to relay a piece of information to the wrestlers. So set the premise up because basically...
Starting point is 00:14:59 I think it's Royal Rumble. Batista's done something wrong. Batista's done something wrong. Batista and John Cena are having a big fight in Royal Rumble whateverista's done something wrong Batista's done something wrong Batista and John Cena are having a big fight in Royal Rumble whatever 2002 or whatever and obviously
Starting point is 00:15:09 the last person remaining in the ring wins the whole thing and so and that sets up storylines that will go off in the future for the next six months
Starting point is 00:15:17 basically it's all about Batista winning and chucking John Cena out the problem is John Cena gets chucked out Batista goes with him and they hit the mat almost at exactly the same
Starting point is 00:15:26 time if not the exact same time. Like proper photo finish stuff. So neither of them know what to do. Neither of them know what to do. They both get back in the ring and start grappling and obviously the referee doesn't know what to do because obviously whatever happens whichever way it goes bearing in mind they've got video replays
Starting point is 00:15:42 and also the referee can't make a decision of the next six months for the company. So Vince McMahon, the CEO, and obviously public face and obviously wrestler himself, comes doing his kind of like, I've shat myself kind of stomping walk into the ring
Starting point is 00:15:57 and launches himself in. But at the same time, he stands up and tears both of his quadriceps. To see it. His legs just fold under just fall it is unbelievable to watch yeah it is unbelievable and he's just on his knees yeah and he's sort of lean and he's sort of lean and so he conducts the rest he sort of sits there with his hands on his hands on his waist hands on his side going oh i'm really annoyed and bearing in mind like patricia's
Starting point is 00:16:22 fuck this like he's in trouble with his on-screen boss and his ceo is genuinely so he's just thinking just stand up why are you just stand up just stand up so like nobody knows what's happened nobody knows why the boss has decided to run in and just sit on the floor and tell everyone off and make a decision and he looks so he's so. Because he sat there just telling people what to do and looking furious. And let's face it,
Starting point is 00:16:48 in complete fucking agony as well. Oh, it must be so painful. So painful. As far as I understand it, your quadriceps are like your biggest muscles, aren't they? So you must be... Behind your bum, surely.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Maybe, that's the part. That's up there. But I mean, they're big important muscles, aren't they? Yeah. It's incredible. Let's have a quick break. Skin's your muscle, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:05 When we come back, I'm going to put a challenge to the listeners. I didn't put a spell on you. Look for a time. Okay, welcome back to the Luke and Pete show with me, Luke Moore, and that man there, the Pete. See, you've got an ordered mind. You should lead more. Okay, I'm happy to do that in 2019. That can be a resolution of us. I don't think our listeners will like that, but we'll give it a bash. And I'll got an ordered mind. You should lead more. Okay, I'm happy to do that in 2019. That can be a resolution.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I don't think our listeners will like that, but we'll give it a bash. And I'll stop saying C word. I won't. So what I thought I'd do, and I haven't briefed you on this ahead of time, Pete, on purpose, because if I did,
Starting point is 00:17:34 you might try and talk me out of it. I thought... Is this going to be a Bud Dwyer moment? What's that? He shot himself in front of assembled journalists. No, it's not going to be that. It was quite a famous in- internet clip back in the day. He handed out his suicide note like it was a statement.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He was a man of advancing years. He was going to go away for some crime for a long time. He probably would never see the light of day again, and he decided, no going to happen. Check it out. So in a press conference, he handed out these things, and then as the cameraman and the journalist started reading them, he realised it was a suicide note.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And from a brown paper bag, he takes a revolver, and he shoots himself in the face. So he's already been found guilty of a crime, and he's waiting to go to prison, but he's able to walk around with a gun and a paper bag. Hey, this is America Baby, and I think Filter, the band Filter, wrote a song about it called Hey Man, Nice Shot. Those guys. It's like Slobodan Priyek, or whatever his name was. baby and I think Filter the band Filter wrote a song about it called Hey Man Nice Shot those guys new metal
Starting point is 00:18:27 Slobodan Priyek or whatever his name was oh yeah well he just got shot didn't he he committed suicide with that poison
Starting point is 00:18:32 in the court didn't he oh yes I will drink this yeah so that's not how I planned to start this section
Starting point is 00:18:38 but that's how this show goes sometimes what I was going to say Pete is I would like to put it over to the listeners
Starting point is 00:18:43 to you guys listening at home or wherever you are. What would you like to see or hear us do or talk about in 2019? Get your emails into Maybe you'd like to hear us go somewhere, do something, eat something, play a game, anything. You name it and we'll consider it. You know this is going to end up with an amputation or something.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Well, as long as it's of you and I'm not involved, that's okay. Let's get hair transplants. I don't need it, do I? That's one thing I don't need. I could do with liposuction. I'll get tits put in like gold dust. Hello at for that. Now, yeah, anything you can think of, just fire it over.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Should we do a couple of emails? I've got an email here that I think you might find interesting, Peter. Yes. What time was that? I didn't write it down. There we go. Sorry. This is from Adam in Glasgow.
Starting point is 00:19:30 He's got universal electronics in his TV remote, which is solid. Very solid. If I'm a spectacular. You wee. I haven't seen a new brand of batteries for ages now.
Starting point is 00:19:41 What do you mean? Like, yeah, we haven't heard. No, because people, they've just been repetitive. Well, this is kind of our thing for the start of the year wasn't it so let's start
Starting point is 00:19:47 2019 with a new one what else could we do though you ever think about it I'll redeem it Adam says hello chaps after hearing the story
Starting point is 00:19:55 of leaving children with strangers in a recent episode it reminded me of a story from my early youth do you remember the guy who busted his teeth open on the half pipe
Starting point is 00:20:03 and the anorak guy Lucky Pete rescued him oh yeah abducted briefly and rescued him by half pipe and the anorak guy Lucky Pete rescued him? Abducted briefly and rescued him. By a man in an anorak called Lucky Pete. He says, I was a matter of days old and no doubt being enough of a shit to drive my mum up the wall. My two year old sister and me were left with my dad
Starting point is 00:20:17 who was told to get us out of the house and as any self-respecting new father would, we headed to the closest McDonald's. Get the fuck out! In the early 90s, it was in a rather rough part of Glasgow called Maryhill. When my sister demanded to go to the bathroom, no doubt with the best of intentions, my father decided to leave me,
Starting point is 00:20:34 still in pram, with the occupants at the closest table, and head to the bathroom. When I returned to the house, my dad made the schoolboy error of instantly telling my mum. Another story is often dragged up at family events, and after a few too many drinks to remind him of his incompetence. Still to this day there's rumours of an Adam baby
Starting point is 00:20:50 switch scandal. Oh, beautiful. Like some kind of beetle, you might say. Yeah, like you mean Paul McCartney's business? Yeah. I was thinking John Lennon. Like some kind of beetle. Like some kind of bloody beetle.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Who do you show with? Oh, mate Pete, what's he like? He can't remember how Jesus died, and he can't name a single member of the Beatles. So, man, can I get an Adrian Graff's email? Sure. Because this man is one of my favourite chaps on the internet. I don't know who he is.
Starting point is 00:21:23 No. With respect. Not Adrian Graffff that's fine that you're all right to not know him right okay um you will have seen this guy but um he's the democracy manifest man right he is a man who gets arrested um basically i'll go into adrian's uh email um hi guys love the show recently you spoke about the democracy manifest guy youtube video something that always amuses me way more than it should. And so I revisited it and decided to research
Starting point is 00:21:48 the reason why he was arrested. I was not disappointed. He wants to bring the ramble or bring the Luke Peet show to Australia. We'll think about it. So the Democracy Manifest is a man being arrested in a Chinese restaurant.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Peter. Have we done it? Yeah, I know, but it's an explanation about him. Oh, okay, cool. This is the reminder. Yeah. I love this. Gentlemen, this is Democracy Manifest.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Have a look at the headlock here. See that guy over there? Get your hand off my penis! This is the bloke who got me on the penis before. Why did you do this to me? For what reason? What is the charge? Eating a meal?
Starting point is 00:22:41 A succulent Chinese meal? Oh, that's a nice headlock, sir. Oh, ah, yes. I see that you know your judo well. I see that you know your judo well. We covered this a number of episodes ago, right? And we just thought it was really funny. Yeah, the Democracy Manifest
Starting point is 00:22:57 guy in Australia getting arrested. It just sounds like the Australian Brian Blessard, doesn't he? But according to this website, he's not Australian. He was born in Hungary, and the entire backstory of his life and why he was arrested is completely off the wall. It turns out that he was apparently a nobleman called Charles Dolza who was on pension for free food. He was so into it that he got named in the papers
Starting point is 00:23:18 as Sydney's most famous restaurant runner as he had so many convictions for failing to pay for food. This makes the succulent Chinese meal line even funnier than it already is. According to local Australian papers, he used to just go to around five-star restaurants, eat a delicious Chinese meal, and then do a runner.
Starting point is 00:23:34 A succulent Chinese meal. A succulent Chinese meal. All of his fines and court orders built up quite a bit, although we're not sure whether he actually did any time for it or not. In addition to all of this, apparently he was a former chess champion.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Wow. I was not expecting that. So there we go. He quite clearly enjoyed a life of free food and great chess matches. He just loved to get in there, get his food and do a runner. That is a nice headlock, sir.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I can see you know your judo well. Peter, did you ever do a runner from a taxi when you were a kid? Once. It was successful. And I'll kid? Once. It was successful. And I'll do it again. It was successful, was it? It was successful, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Ran across... I don't know why people do it, because it's just a load of... Because you only ever do it... You would only ever do it when you're drunk. And it's not a nice thing to do to the taxi driver. It's awful, yeah. It's really mean, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And bearing in mind, there was like five of us in the taxi. And I'd like to point out that the reason why I did the runner was because everyone had started, and you can't... You've got no choice, yeah. And I either get the beach shitted out of me, or the shit beaten out of me by the taxi driver, or I leave with them. So I left with them. I made the choice.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I think my so-called friends at the time... Bras before taxors. I think my so-called friends at the time consistently did it with me because I knew I was the slowest oh right so you'd always
Starting point is 00:24:48 get caught yeah and you'd have to pay yeah ask me if that ever happened did that ever
Starting point is 00:24:54 happen yeah so how many times oh not that many a couple it's terrible
Starting point is 00:24:58 it's terrible behaviour it's something I'll do now but you don't think about it you sort of go it's not even
Starting point is 00:25:03 about having to pay the couple of quid for the taxi. It's just the excitement of going, hee hee. It's a way to top off the end of the night. Let's end the show with emails we should have read out at Christmas.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay. Here's one from Connor in Manchester who says, hi guys, I have to catch up with your entire back catalogue over the last four weeks. I wouldn't be wishing out on anyone. And following your talk in episode 125 about the Clevelandveland indians i was reminded of a lovely christmas tradition
Starting point is 00:25:29 practiced almost every year by fans of the major league sports teams of philadelphia namely throwing batteries at santa to the best of my knowledge it started some time ago in the 60s by fans of the nfl's eagles who were unhappy with a notably unenthusiastic santa tasked with performing in front of the fans at half time during a game in the festive period. It started with snowballs
Starting point is 00:25:49 but they were substituted for batteries in later years when snow and Santa went around and bad players remained. So they've taken this idea of throwing snowballs
Starting point is 00:25:56 at Santa extrapolated it out to throwing batteries at players who aren't very good. I suppose they've got helmets on. The moment became
Starting point is 00:26:04 part of Philly sports legend and many times this scenario repeated for Philly's games in Major League Baseball and Flyers games in the NHL. The event was commemorated by the Eagles inviting back the original Santa from that rainy day to apologise. Sadly, once again, Eagles fans just pelted batteries
Starting point is 00:26:18 at him again. This event coincided with Flyers fans pelting poorly performing players with bracelets handed out to fans to commemorate the recent passing of Philadelphia Flyers founder, Ed Snyder. That's not nice. So much for the city of brotherly love.
Starting point is 00:26:31 All the best, Connor. I mean, that is pretty full on. I feel like... Batteries. I mean, you'd put them in socks in prison and beat the shit out of them. Yeah. I visit the US quite a bit, as you well know. And I think that one thing, even if people of a certain age in the US don't know anything about football, or as they call know, and I think that one thing, if even if, um, even if people have a certain age in the U S don't know anything about
Starting point is 00:26:46 football or as we call it, you know, as they call it soccer, they do know that in, for some reason they feel like they know that football fans are really badly behaved. Yeah. And I,
Starting point is 00:26:55 and I feel like I've been, I've been led a lie because every time we do an email about stuff like this, more stuff comes out, burn it, setting bombs off at thatco Demolition Night. You know, throwing batteries at Santa. You know,
Starting point is 00:27:08 Tencent Beer Night riots. This stuff happens there as well. Baseball is so boring as well. They have a go... American TV shows have a go at how boring soccer is, but baseball, man,
Starting point is 00:27:19 it is turgid. Yeah, I don't know if... I don't know if I know enough about it because I've never been to see it. Right. Because, I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:27 you would say that about cricket, right? No. Test cricket. Cricket is, yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:27:33 I've been to a bit of cricket. I find the people watching cricket more annoying than the actual people doing the cricket. It's actually quite a nice deal.
Starting point is 00:27:39 The 2020s type people. It's been, it's been co-opted by people our age just getting pissed and dressing up. Darts has, cricket has. Look at me, everyone. Yeah, exactly. That's the thing-opted by people our age who's getting pissed and dressing up. Football has, darts has, cricket has. Look at me, everyone.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, exactly. That's the thing, we talked about this before during the World Cup, I think, when it's fine to get so enthusiastic about a goal being scored that you lose your pint, but to purposely plan to throw your pint in the air is a joke. The reason I'm saying this is because
Starting point is 00:27:59 I don't know enough about baseball and I'm quite interested to see what it's like because I've never been. And I know that people say cricket's boring and I quite like cricket so I might like it. I think cricket might be more interesting to Americans
Starting point is 00:28:09 because you sometimes see batters who are about to go up to bat and they'll sort of they'll take a swing of the baseball but they're so skilled at it they'll throw it in the air
Starting point is 00:28:17 and it'll kind of float and do a couple of spins and then it'll catch it again. Right. It's the coolest thing you could ever do with anything stick-shaped. What's your point?
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm just saying that the cricketers could do that with their cricket bats. They don't, do they? No, I'm saying that, you know, they might get a bit more interested if they could do some tricks with their bats. Do something a bit fancy as they're coming up to the seam. Like the Adidas Predator cricket bat.
Starting point is 00:28:38 My brother-in-law likes cricket and he plays cricket quite a lot. And I was thinking, maybe I could get him a cricket bat. but if you're a cricketer do you bring your own bat? How does that work? Yeah. Do you?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah. If you're a part of a cricket club you bring your own cricket bat. You've got your own stuff, yeah. Right. Yeah. You've not seen them on the tube with their big bags.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, but maybe I should just get my big bag then. What do you think? There's a load of bats at a cricket club. You should choose one. Of course you take your own bat
Starting point is 00:29:05 yeah but I just thought if you've got a cricket club it's like they can cost hundreds of pounds though people like different types of bats for different things
Starting point is 00:29:11 don't they some people like a heavy bat some people like a lighter one what if I mean what if yeah but if everybody brought their own bat
Starting point is 00:29:18 it would be an administrative nightmare wouldn't it if you come to bat with your own bat it'd be crazy we've started off as we mean to go on 2019
Starting point is 00:29:26 talking about cricket bats with the added jeopardy that neither of us know what we're talking about no let's wrap it up here though because that's that that's the start of
Starting point is 00:29:33 2019 that everyone wants oh sorry everyone hello hello at Luke and to get in touch with anything you want and we obviously like to hear from you
Starting point is 00:29:40 and your emails but also if you've got any ideas for suggestions you'd like us to do in 2019 as part of Luke and Peach show little spoiler we're not going to get married i'm already married and we're not going to move in together because pete is not up to my standard of personal hygiene your cuts aren't to mine they look they're on wangers and that's my forte
Starting point is 00:30:02 this house ain't big enough for three bum lickers. Bum lickers. This was a Radio Stakhanov production.

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