The Luke and Pete Show - Episode 195: Vinegar strokes

Episode Date: August 19, 2019

It's Luke and Pete Show time here at Stakhanov, and on this damp and dreary Monday we try and brighten things up with a good old fashioned, healthy look at all the things that have interested us acros...s these past few days.Expect UFOs, Japanese mascots, Mindhunter, and Luke having his hair accidentally doused in a foreign liquid when he least expected it. Elsewhere, there's Pete's trumps, a quick chat about The Killers and plenty more. Preach!Email us! Go on, ya know you want to:***Please take the time to rate and review us on iTunes or wherever you get your pods. It means a great deal to the show and will make it easier for other potential listeners to find us. Thanks!*** Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm enjoying a lovely cup of tea on a Monday morning. Is the boiler working? Didn't you have trouble with the boiler? Or was it the coffee machine that wasn't working a little earlier on? The coffee machine is in the canteen here at Stakhanov HQ. The lovely chap, Alex, who runs it. Slowly. Huh? What?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Slowly? He's a lovely... He runs it slowly, but he's a lovely chap. Yeah, he's a lovely chap. I think he's more of a sort of victim of the system rather than any of his own kind of issues. He's a symptom rather than the cause, isn't he? Yeah, absolutely. And he was like, yeah, the coffee machine's broken.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I was like, I don't want a coffee. I just want a cup of tea. I don't want a coffee I just want a cup of tea I don't want a coffee Alex and it's one of those things where you know that like you and you can imagine people I get this a lot I feel like I know better
Starting point is 00:00:52 so I'm like trying to say to him mate I don't want a coffee I know you've got a problem with the coffee grinder but I just want hot water so if you just press that button press the hot water button
Starting point is 00:01:01 yeah it'll be fine and it took me a couple of minutes to convince him to go off piece. To try it. And if anything, it's making the tea even nicer. Again, victim of the system. Because you were involved in the process of making it. It's hard to earn.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Victim of the system. There was a woman who, on Twitter, she posted a video that her husband slash partner had made of him making the world's worst cup of tea. He puts the water into a cup. And then he puts a couple of sugars, I think. Then he puts milk. And a cup and then he puts a couple of sugars I think then he puts milk and then the tea bag
Starting point is 00:01:27 for about three seconds whizzes it around then pulls it out again I mean it doesn't not resemble one of your teas should go to one of the
Starting point is 00:01:35 you should actually have to go to some kind of re-education camp this is episode 195 of the Luke and Pete show it's Monday the 19th of August I'm Luke
Starting point is 00:01:43 I'm Pete and we'll take you through the next half an hour or so. Half an hour of your life wasted. Talking about a load of blabbering crap, as per usual. Yeah. And if you're listening to this and you're a long-time listener, you've got no excuse to complain because we've done 194 of these already. If you're a new listener, I apologise in advance. I just worry we're hurtling towards 200 with nary a plan in action
Starting point is 00:02:06 it happened with 100 to be fair what did we do on 100 I knocked out the top 5 moments on the day and took you through them wow
Starting point is 00:02:14 I don't even think you remember we had a recording that day no I mean I do need a memo when it comes to well those people
Starting point is 00:02:20 should get in touch hello at lukeandpete what would you like us to do for the 200th episode keep it clean keep it reasonable not doing a live show fuck off we'll be good and we will People should get in touch. Hello at What would you like us to do for the 200th episode? Yeah. Keep it clean. Keep it reasonable. We're not doing a live show.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Fuck off, we'll be good. We will do our very best to entertain, at the very least, the sensible ideas that you come up with. Yes, we'll entertain your notions. Entertain your notions with Luke Moore. Yeah, that's going to be the... I hope I get a show like that one day. What? Just called Entertaining Your Notions?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah. I'll entertain your notions. What have you been up to this weekend? I've workedtaining Your Notions. Yeah. I'll entertain your notions. What have you been up to this weekend? I worked all weekend pretty much. I managed to squeeze in a day trip to Cambridge
Starting point is 00:02:49 but I worked on Friday night and Sunday night. I worked both of those nights too so I grew up mate. I still managed to squeeze in. I'm doing talk radio mate. 20 times harder. I did a request show.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Oh here's a song. Here's a song. A lot of moving parts guys. Yeah but you can talk for England. This is a big gas bag. This is your show. This is literally your radio show. Hello, I'm Pete Donaldson.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's 11.53. Text me on this number. Why would it be 11.53? I've just got the timers now. Oh, right. 11.53. Text me on this number. Coming up, we've got a bit of stereophonics.
Starting point is 00:03:19 But what about this number from the Killers? Five minutes off. 11.53. It's literally a five-minute break. The Killers. How many Killers songs are five minutes long? Back to back, mate. What? Two Killers. Five minutes off. 11.50. Literally five minute break. The Killers. How many Killers songs are five minutes long? Back to back, mate.
Starting point is 00:03:28 What, two Killers songs? Yeah. A Killers double. How many Killers songs are five minutes long? I'll tell you. I'd say... I'm about to Google there.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Seminal debut hot fuss. None of them was. It'd be like three and a half as those ones. Four minutes maximum. I'm saying Sam's Town era Killers would probably be about
Starting point is 00:03:44 five minutes. Everything Will Be Alright, Believe Me, Natalie and all these things that I've done are all plus five minutes. Right, okay. There was a big refrain
Starting point is 00:03:52 at the end of all these things that I've done. I'm not sure. I got sobered up now. Terrible. I quite like that one. I do quite like that one. That was one of the most
Starting point is 00:04:01 top heavy debut albums ever but I quite like that tune. Anyway, sorry Peter you were saying you were doing something I squeezed in a film at Somerset House oh cool
Starting point is 00:04:10 but it was raining sat in the in the chilly cold in the wetty wet it was very nice it was a lovely place to watch at cinema
Starting point is 00:04:19 I watched the film before Sunrise the sequel is called Oh the Ethan Hawke Film. Yeah, I'd never heard of this movie series before. There's just two of them,
Starting point is 00:04:28 isn't there? I think there's three. Oh, there are three. The third one came along a lot later, though. Yes, yeah. They're very good. I watched them years and years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:35 The first two. Everyone says they're brilliant and I had no idea. They are, from what I remember, a rare example, and perhaps you can get Alex Zane on Clash of the Titles to talk about this better,
Starting point is 00:04:46 but a rare example of a romantic drama that's actually really, really good. It's not smaltzy or boring or kind of shallow. They actually are very good. From my memory, I haven't seen them for years, but that's my memory of them. I'd also like to recommend The Return of Mindhunter, where a little wet boy and his big friend
Starting point is 00:05:07 try and pre-determine or pre-empt murders. Pre-crime? Before they're done. Pre-crimes. Like a minority report? Yeah, something like that. There's been some scandal about that in the US over the last week or two. What, Mindhunter?
Starting point is 00:05:22 A guy was arrested for, I'm probably going to get this wrong, but some law enforcement authority was intercepting conversations about something he was talking about planning on doing. A crime. I do the crime.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I do the crime. But he hadn't actually done it. Put the baby in the oven. But he got arrested anyway. Right. Were they allowed to legally tap his phones or find this audio? I mean, it depends on whether it's phones or find this audio I mean it depends
Starting point is 00:05:45 on whether it's legal to find that audio in the first place if not then no arrests should be made this is a message I'd keep an eye though
Starting point is 00:05:51 this is a message to people who are listening in the US for us Brits when we see the news and the information we get from the US
Starting point is 00:05:59 when it comes to law enforcement it's terrifying it's largely terrifying not for us we're white. That is a problem, but you know what I mean? It feels quite scary.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yeah, it just seems to be everyone's got a bit of a hair trigger. And the ones that, yeah, it's just all very scary, quite frankly, and frequently racially motivated. And there was a brilliant clip of in Russia, a bloke driving his car.
Starting point is 00:06:25 He's filming himself getting pulled over for using his mobile phone while driving. Right. And the female police officer comes up and says, can I get your license and stuff? And he said, oh, why have you stopped me? She says, because you were driving while using your mobile phone. And he said, what, this?
Starting point is 00:06:40 And picks up his mobile phone and eats it. He'd made a cake version of his iphone just to piss off he's planned that he's planned that but also you're still getting arrested you're still using your right hand for a mobile phone you know what i mean like you're still you're still doing the same thing that you would be doing even if you're arrested where's the evidence yeah he's eating it it's true yeah that is that if you eat a weapon afterwards if you can like chow down a claw hammer what's a deviant he's actually made that cake true yeah if you eat a weapon afterwards if you can like chow down a claw hammer what a deviant
Starting point is 00:07:05 he's actually made that cake so imagine the situation he made several so he's clearly done a few runs his wife's come in yeah from the shop what are you up to
Starting point is 00:07:13 oh just baking a cake oh that's unlike you it's a funny sort of arrangement of different colour ice frostings you've got there oh yeah
Starting point is 00:07:21 because what I'm doing is I'm making a phone it's a mobile phone why are you doing that is it for a children's party or something what a nice thing to do no it's for this pathetic get out this marriage is finished get out oh i spent a good uh speaking of uh oblong shaped things terrible link i know uh but there is an airport in japan i'm obsessed with the mascots mondo mascots is a great twitter page you should all follow uh where it's just just weird mascots unofficial and official mascots of different prefectures different towns different
Starting point is 00:07:48 companies industries things like that everybody in Japan has got a little mascot because they're a bit of a moneymaker the the cuter they are uh they uh the better they are Kumamoto you're my mascot Pete cheers mate it's a Kumamoto Kumamoto is a place, and Kumamoto is the bear thing that is the mascot for that part of the country, I think, or it might be the reverse. And he's made like billions of pounds just because he's so cute. And the prefecture just said,
Starting point is 00:08:13 look, you can have the image of Kumamoto. Use him as you would. And he's become very popular. Domokon's really big for the NHK TV company and stuff. But there was this one that's like an airport and the mascot for this airport is a really remote airport
Starting point is 00:08:29 in the middle of Japan is a a landing strip which is literally just just a runway with hands that's got planes for hands it looks terrible
Starting point is 00:08:39 it's got eyes yeah it has got eyes yeah it looks fucking awful just sticking eyes and hands on things. I know. It's just awful.
Starting point is 00:08:46 We should do that. Well, I found a place in France that does pre-made, customisable mascots. So for half a grand, 500 quid in all money, you can buy your own. Half a grand. No one says that. Half a grand.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's a monkey. It's a monkey. All right, for a monkey, you can buy a monkey, probably, with certain custom modifications. They make these things to order, but they're actually well put together. They look like official World Cup mascots, for example, running around.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Could you get one for the Football Ramble Live Tour? The Ramble Day Live. Could we do that? 500 quid? That would be eating into the minimal profits. I reckon if we split it between us, we could expense it. It wouldn't flag. It wouldn't flag. We'd split it between four of us. All right, cool. 500 quid that would be eating into the minimal profit I reckon if we split between us we'd get expended it wouldn't flag
Starting point is 00:09:25 it wouldn't flag we'd split between four of us I forgot to say to you that yesterday so I go to a hairdresser's called hairdressers
Starting point is 00:09:37 do they put hairspray in your hair well I'm about to talk to you about that listen if there's one person I know that uses more hairspray
Starting point is 00:09:44 than anyone else it's you Pete Pete Dawson. Yeah, it's terrible. Honestly, my bathroom, after a few months, is just kicked. It's just chlorofluorocarbons. It's just sticky mess all over the place. Yeah, but what about the hairspray? What about the hairspray?
Starting point is 00:09:56 Anyway, so I was in the hairdressers. What do you call it? A salon? I guess a salon, isn't it? Barbers, I guess. No, it's not a barber, because a barber's like a man's only, isn't it? Okay. So I go to Pop in West Norwood.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Right. And it's run by a lady called Poppy. And that's why it's called Pop. And she's very lovely. And I like her to cut my hair because she's good and she's really friendly. And she runs,
Starting point is 00:10:13 it's a family run thing with her husband, Sel, and they've got a son called Kobe and he's always playing around in the little play area at the back. Cool. Anyway, she's always really, really nice. And she's, as a result,
Starting point is 00:10:23 she's very popular. So it takes me ages to get an appointment. And I was able to get an appointment yesterday, which of course was on a Sunday, which is a bit annoying. The Sabbath. I wanted to watch the cricket and the football and all the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:10:31 But anyway, I go there, a bit flustered because I didn't really want to go on a Sunday. Blah, blah, blah. Get there. And she said, oh yeah, I'll be with you in just a second. She's putting highlights in a woman's hair or something. And so I sit down. Wait, wait, wait. a woman's hair or something. And so I sit down, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:10:46 She brings over a cup of tea, go and sit down. And she, I could tell, you know when you could, it's almost like the coffee machine thing again. I could tell that she's,
Starting point is 00:10:54 her mind's kind of drifted. Somewhere else, yeah. She's thinking about something else, right. You've worked with me for too long. Yeah, quite. And not joking,
Starting point is 00:11:00 she starts spraying what she thinks is water in my hair. Yeah. Turns out to be vinegar from cleaning the mirrors. Which inexplicably she starts spraying what she thinks is water in my hair yeah turns out to be vinegar from cleaning the mirrors which inexplicably is in the same
Starting point is 00:11:11 colour bottle as the water spray yeah and she's like she looks at me and I'm thinking what have you done here is this like acid
Starting point is 00:11:20 or something yeah yeah yeah and she goes oh Luke can I just bring you through to the hair washing bit and I'm like yeah she's like I just want to wash your hair okay because. And she goes, oh, Luke, can I just bring you through to the hair washing bit? I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:26 She's like, I just want to wash your hair. Okay. Because I don't have a hair wash. Oh, she didn't admit that she did. No, she did. She just did. She went, oh, by the way,
Starting point is 00:11:32 I accidentally sprayed vinegar in your hair. Did she do it in like, kind of like a, sorry, Luke, I just put vinegar in your hair. Yeah, and then she went, but apparently it's very good
Starting point is 00:11:39 for your hair. I was like, yeah, all right. Yeah, you do it all the time. Now drink this delicious blue cocktail. I was like this, fine. But what I did say I'm not a big chip
Starting point is 00:11:48 even though I smell like one bit of feedback can you perhaps put the vinegar in a different colour squeezy bottle be a bit easier she's like yeah
Starting point is 00:11:54 I'll do that shouldn't take it did you actually tell her that I didn't tell her I just said why is it in the same colour bottle as a joke
Starting point is 00:12:00 quite a passive aggressive joke but you know what I mean you've got to make a joke of it we're British what am I going to do just sit there crying well youive, yeah. But you know what I mean? You've got to make a joke of it. It was British. What am I going to do? Just sit there crying? Well, you don't have to cry at all.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Just, I mean, it's an honest mistake. Bit of vinegar. But Pete, if it was you in that situation... Didn't know Alan Pardew. He said, Ian Rackwan said to me that Alan Pardew
Starting point is 00:12:15 is obviously his mate and he said he was the first person to tell him that you could like sort of slightly bleach your hair if you put lemon in your hair. Lemon, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 That was all the rage at my school. Yeah. In the sunshine. Pete, if that happened to you in a hairdresser, you would have been apologising to her for it happening. I would. Punching yourself in the face,
Starting point is 00:12:29 giving her 300 quid. Thank you. And working for her for free for like three months. And that's why I think that we are better off alone. You go, don't worry about it,
Starting point is 00:12:37 I do it all the time. Open it, down the vinegar. I do do that all the time. I had red peppers and vinegar last week. That's perfectly fine. Yeah, you can't just eat one though, can you? I ate the whole jar. And I was trumping like a good one the next day.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Absolutely disgusting. How many trumps were talking about here? They were thermonuclear. They were disgusting. How many do you reckon? 15, easily. Three hours. It was disgusting.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It was just a big smelly mess. But they're so good. But I know what it does to my body. Yeah, I can't really eat curry anymore because of the... Oh, really? It doesn't really
Starting point is 00:13:09 affect me that bad that kind of thing but maybe I'm... Maybe you're not going to get that with karma. No, maybe not. Got half a Chinese left in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Could have that when I get home. Woo! You didn't have your Sunday night Chinese last week. No, I didn't actually. No, I think I had them
Starting point is 00:13:22 on Monday night. I'm on drive time at the moment so I get home. What do people do when they get home at like seven o'clock? Because I'm not used to
Starting point is 00:13:28 getting home at seven o'clock after doing a bit of work. I'm usually going to work at about 10 p.m. So you finish at seven, you're like, ah, right. I've got the creeping fear
Starting point is 00:13:37 of the Ramble videos to produce for Ramble Live. Yeah. But I mean, I can sort that. I can do that. But or I could just sit and watch YouTube while eating a Chinese.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Procrastinate. I feel like the routine thing is difficult. When I first moved from working like a full-time traditional job to this, it was hard because you don't have a routine as much. But also, now I'm doing radio shows as well. Last night, I presented Trans Europe Express, which is, obviously, it's a big show for that station because it's
Starting point is 00:14:06 one of the more thoughtful ones and they kind of hang their hat on it and it was presented by the great Danny Kelly of course and he's not doing it
Starting point is 00:14:11 this season so they asked him to come in and do it just for the first one and so all the stress of that which is I think part of the reason
Starting point is 00:14:17 I was on the edge about my hairdressing appointment What? Well you see what I mean when you get a bit nervous about something You don't have vinegar
Starting point is 00:14:25 in your hair well it's not a great preparation is it Andy Brassett tells you sorry Lars can you smell vinegar yeah but the
Starting point is 00:14:32 yeah the thing I was going to say was but not only that it starts at nine and it goes through till midnight so you have this idea that
Starting point is 00:14:41 you can't really eat I suppose you can at your dinner but you have to meet at like seven o'clock so it's hard to have the dinner and then when you're
Starting point is 00:14:47 finished at mid the trains are done so you have to get a cab back and it makes you feel sick in the back anyway the routine is an important thing
Starting point is 00:14:53 it is a difficult one especially when you come in the next morning early but anyway we are very fortunate to do what we do can I interest you
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm sick of everything I want to leave can I interest you in Huel can I interest you in Huel can I interest you in that Huel stuff what the big guy from Breaking Bad
Starting point is 00:15:07 I know it's like a new Silicon Valley kind of food it's not new but it's made from peas and it's fucking disgusting
Starting point is 00:15:15 there was a couple of guys into it was there they were smelling the bless up when I worked at Betfair they were into it
Starting point is 00:15:21 the kind of guys that like they're a bit younger they're on the grad program at Betfair which is quite a well respected it, yeah. The kind of guys that like, they're a bit younger, they're on the grad program at Betfair, which is quite a well-respected grad program. Right. But they're all just into pumping iron.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah. And they've got nothing interesting to say. And they just eat fuel. Yeah. And they just have fuel. Have you ever had the, I had this breakfast fuel, something horrible,
Starting point is 00:15:36 absolutely foul. But surely you still get hungry though, that's the thing, because your stomach gets hungry but it's got no food in it. I think, but I think it's not even a diet thing. It's just a, I don't have time to eat.
Starting point is 00:15:50 It's just fuel. It's perfect for me, because obviously I hate the fetishisation of food, but it is just a powder that you mix with water or whatever and make like a little milkshake, and it provides all of the protein and all of the ingredients and nutrients you need in one little packet, but it just seems a bit joyless. It feels like an extension of that weird Silicon Valley routine
Starting point is 00:16:11 that the people who run those big companies do. When Jack Dorsey's like... Hour of Yoga at 3am. Yeah, I'm paraphrasing here, but it's like, Mark Zuckerberg only eats animals he's killed himself, otherwise he won't eat them. And Jack Dorsey does an ice bath for four and a half minutes at two degrees and then he just sleeps for three hours
Starting point is 00:16:32 and then he touches a statue of a Buddha and rubs a grape up his bum hole and antioxidants of some de-alkalized almonds or something like that. Nice, I'll let him learn all of this. Yeah, it's that kind of thing. It really is. But you can do it for a lot cheaper than that
Starting point is 00:16:48 in a real life scenario. Have a sandwich. Have a sandwich. I'm not regularly in a position where I can give any sort of nutritional advice to anyone, but I have lost 40 pounds in the last five months.
Starting point is 00:17:00 That's a lot. And I've done it by maintaining a healthy calorie deficit. And it's easy. A calorie deficit. And I can say it's maintaining a healthy calorie deficit. And it's easy. A calorie deficit. And I can say it's easy because I've fucking done it. All right?
Starting point is 00:17:08 All right, mate. And there's nothing special about me. Pete, let's have a break. All right. Come back. I've got an email about animals on the moon. Oh. Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Who wants to live forever? Who wants to live forever? Certainly not me. Do I want to live forever? I wants to live forever? Certainly not me. Do I want to live forever? I'd quite enjoy it, I reckon. You already told me you hate life at the moment. No. And you're bored and you want to leave.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I want to be like Spike from Buffy. I'm re-watching Buffy at the moment. Hello, I'm Spike. Don't spoil me. Don't spoil me. I can't remember what happened last week to Luke and Peach. I'm not going to remember what happened to Buffy. We're four episodes
Starting point is 00:17:45 into the first season. There was a bit of a love triangle between him, Buffy and what's his name? Me and the lovely Mrs. Lukey. Hello, Lukey. I'm Spike from Buffy
Starting point is 00:17:54 and I talk like this. The good thing is the watcher in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is in no way a stereotypical exaggeration of an Englishman. Is that Niles?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Giles? Anthony Head. He's called Giles. He's always terribly Giles. Oh. He's always terribly apologetic. Hello. I just put vinegar in my hair. I smell like a big chip.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I didn't put it in my own hair. I smell like some Inari sushi. I do like Inari sushi, if anyone was wondering. Hello at is the email address. Jack's been in touch. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And he says, Hi Luke and Pete, with all the recent chat about the moon in the wake of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, I wondered if you'd come across this story. An Israeli spacecraft crash landed on the moon in April.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And what's interesting about this particular spacecraft is that it was carrying an unusual cargo. And it was carrying a collection of tardigrades, sometimes referred to as water bears. These were placed on the spacecraft as part of a lunar library, effectively a backup for planet Earth,
Starting point is 00:18:49 containing records of human knowledge and biology. The Arch Mission Foundation, which organized this, wants to send these out to various solar system locations in the event of a life-ending event occurring on Earth. As well as this information, they also sent some of these water bears, which had been dehydrated and encased in amber. These are extremely tough creatures and have likely survived the crash
Starting point is 00:19:07 landing and are currently trapped alone on the moon. Is the Luke and Pete show willing to promote water bear rights and campaigns to have these creatures rescued? Well, it's very interesting because I looked up water bears, these tardigrades, and they are fascinating little things. So they're smaller than a millimetre in diameter.
Starting point is 00:19:24 They're able to essentially die and then then reanimate so they reduce themselves to something like 0.01 percent of their um metabolism and they can stay there for years and years can't they live in like sulfur like really high sulfur situations they are um they're almost indestructible i am recommending not doing that because water bears, if you've ever looked at one, are disgusting. They look like they're in the video game Half-Life.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Water bears are what we've left on the fucking moon. It's disgusting. It's horrible. Yeah, so no, we're not rescuing your fucking water bears. That's where they belong. Stay there.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And I also found out on that mission that the spacecraft was an Israeli spacecraft as Jack said but they tacked on to I think a private venture
Starting point is 00:20:11 launch and then got themselves to the moon in quite a weird way so rather than going the 250,000 miles directly there
Starting point is 00:20:20 as a lot of the Apollo missions did like an uber pool sort of but they used the orbit of the Earth to kind of slingshot themselves there. So they ended up doing
Starting point is 00:20:27 like 20 times the amount of miles they needed to do in the first place. Right, okay. I don't know if that affected the reasons to why it crash-landed because I don't think the boosters to give them a soft landing actually worked.
Starting point is 00:20:36 No. So it smashed into the moon. Smash! Only US, Russia and China have ever done a soft landing on the moon. Right. Apparently. So there we go.
Starting point is 00:20:43 The water bears are like, fucking hell, mate, that was a bit... Oh, Jesus. Turns out the water bears had lied about passing their driver's test. I was reading about, speaking of crash landings, a great one in Russia.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Well done, that. Those pilots, good God. What happened there? There was a bird strike. Just had to take off. Obviously, cataclysmic situation for any pilot to deal with. Crash landed in a field next to the airstrip.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Excellent. All lives saved? All lives saved. Excellent. A couple of nasty injuries, but excellent work. Would you say you are most scared of bird strikes, of all the things that could happen? Nah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Fuck it. You're not scared of anything, Pete? Nah. Did I tell you about the guy who, of all the things that could happen. Nah. Fuck it. You're not scared of anything, Pete. Well, there was a... Did I tell you about the guy who... I think I mentioned that on the WhatsApp with Mihan Hio. The guy in Japan in, I think it was 1995 or something,
Starting point is 00:21:35 he stabbed the captain of an ANA, big Boeing flight kind of thing, big flight, stabbed the captain, murdered him, and took over the flight because he wanted to fly the plane under the Rainbow Bridge.
Starting point is 00:21:49 There's a Rainbow Bridge meeting, the mainland of Japan, Tokyo in Odaiba, and he wanted to fly this massive fucking plane under the Rainbow Bridge, and it was, it would have been spectacular. I'm glad he didn't do it because everyone would have died, but that was his plan. He wanted to fly it under the Rainbow Bridge. What happened to the fate
Starting point is 00:22:08 of that plane? What was the fate of it? The passengers and stewards managed to take the knife off the mad bastard. Well, they landed the plane? Landed the plane. But the co-pilot landed the plane.
Starting point is 00:22:18 The co-pilot was fine. Blimey, O'Reilly, that's a crazy dramatic situation. Yeah, but just his plan was that he was going to fly it under the Rainbow Bridge would just, you know, blows me away. Bl crazy dramatic situation. Yeah, but just his plan was that he was going to fly under the Rainbow Bridge. It just blows me away.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah. Blows me away. Don't encourage it, though, Pete. Don't encourage it. Don't encourage hijacking of planes. We've got an email here from Scott Ambercrombie, which is a beautiful, beautiful name. You look like a girl from Abercrombie and Fitch.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yeah. Luke and Pete, if your basement waterproof, it won't regale you with their tales from being in other people's houses. I surely will. I am a real estate appraiser. That is the plot of the first couple of episodes of Mindhunter. So there you go. Sounds like the opening to a buzzer song. I'm a real estate appraiser.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Featuring Tim's new girlfriend from The Office. I don't know that. Tim's new girlfriend from The Office in series season two of The Office UK. Pam. No. Oh, she's in it. She's in it. She has an excellent American accent.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I've walked in on a naked woman in a bathroom. She knew I was in the house. She let me in. She knew I'd be walking around the house to have a look in every room. That old chestnut. Nice. Yeah. I've seen some videos.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I smell a sitcom or a porn film. I've stepped in dog poo on a kitchen floor. I've stepped in more wet spots on carpets in my socked feet than I care to mention. I guess as a real estate appraiser, it's only fair. That's why house shoes are a good option. I have awakened a homeless man in a vacant house. Luckily, I made out of the house our incident. I've been dive-bombed by a pair of barn swallows protecting their nest on a front porch.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I have been in houses with obvious drugs and drug paraphernalia laying around. Also, porn. Lots of porn. If you were a real estate appraiser, as in, we would call that an estate evaluator here, right? Yeah, right. Would you take a pair of slippers with you wherever you went and just stick them on
Starting point is 00:24:00 when you got in there? Because you must do a lot of taking your shoes off. Yeah, I'd take, yeah, I think so, yeah. Oh, those stupid little shoes that silly runners wear that are like socks, but you can see the toes and they're rubber and they've got like a grip
Starting point is 00:24:13 on the feet gloves. Feet gloves. I would have a pair of work slippers in the car and a pair of house slippers for home. I've also attached a picture of a painting
Starting point is 00:24:23 that I came across at someone's house a few years ago. I know Pete will get a kick out of it. These types of paintings are far more common than I would have imagined. And there it is. Looks like Theresa May in the nud.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So it's just a naked painting of someone who lives there, presumably. Maybe. Just an older lady having a little rest. Having a little sit down. In the nud nud. Yeah. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:24:41 That's when you know you're old when you ask people what they've been doing and they say I've just sat down my grandpa used to say oh what have I done today did that had a bit of a sit down
Starting point is 00:24:53 so that's not a thing is it that is a feature previously that was a break in between things in our busy lives I think having a sit down is quite rare
Starting point is 00:25:00 I'd say I haven't sat down now I haven't sat down now I just spend a lot of my time sitting down we are sedentary and thanks for that Scott Scott's from Huntsville in say. I'm going to sit down now. I'm going to sit down now. I just spent a lot of my time sitting down. We are sedentary. And thanks for that, Scott.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Scott's from Huntsville in Alabama, where I was earlier this summer. Alabama. Very interesting place. I liked it in Alabama. I particularly liked the Space and Rocket Center. But I've told you all about that. Yes. What about this?
Starting point is 00:25:21 We've probably got time to squeeze this one in. I asked for emails around UFO sightings, unexplained phenomena, preferably in the night sky. This is a nice one from Toby who says, gents, a few years ago on a late summer's eve, I was cooking a very late dinner after a gig at my flat in Woolacombe, North Devon. Woolacombe is a lovely part of the world. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:25:39 When I popped outside to steal some herbs from my landlady's greenhouse. What kind of herbs? She doesn't say. What kind of herbs, big boy? And I looked up. The sky was completely clear, the stars were out in force, and the air was still. But there was something odd. At first I thought it was just one, just a single aeroplane or satellite or perhaps a shooting star.
Starting point is 00:26:00 But as I stared harder, I realised what I was seeing. Virtually all of the stars were moving westward in one huge galactic shift assuming I must be dizzy or drunk I steadied myself and looked again nearly every star was moving almost all at the same speed in the same direction what made this clearer with a few stars staying absolutely still as the others passed them at astonishing speed if you can imagine being underneath one of the Empire's giant spaceships in Star Wars, and thus all you can see are the lights on its hull and not the ship itself, that's pretty much what I saw. I checked Twitter to see if anyone else had noticed, but there was nothing. I did the same the next day, but still
Starting point is 00:26:37 nothing. While I'm a massive sci-fi fan and would love this to have been evidence of alien spacecraft above me, I don't genuinely think this was the case. I almost certainly did not actually see what I thought I saw. And yet. The mind plays funny old tricks on us, and I hate to admit this is what happened, but as the adage goes, I want to believe. Thanks for the shows, Toby. I reiterate
Starting point is 00:26:58 my question, what kind of herbs? A couple of things flash up, don't they? The herbs? Yeah. Very late dinner after a gig. That's not going to have been a sober affair, is it? No, no, exactly. I think there's a reasonable chance that Toby was in fact actually watching Star Wars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I'm going to use the phrase, drink had been taken. But I asked for that kind of story, and I've got no reason to doubt him. I enjoyed his story. You ever see anything in the night sky, Pete? Nah, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I remember going out once as a kid and seeing the International Space Station go across. Nice. Or some kind of satellite or something.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Interesting, right? Do they have to put lights on satellites? It's a good question. Like tall buildings that Europeans avoid them. I presume it's... Europeans avoid them. I presume it's the reflection
Starting point is 00:27:48 of a star or something. But would you have to? I mean, yeah. I'm not sure. Someone took an amazing photo of the International Space Station and zoomed in and it looks amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It looks really massive and complicated in the sky. It's cool. Because I think people assume that with a telescope you can see all this stuff but you can't because telescopes
Starting point is 00:28:05 are only any good for things that are static really. Otherwise it's just impossible. Right. But anyway. Can you, I just think the National Space Station
Starting point is 00:28:12 could do like a redesign like an iPhone. Just, it's just, just a mash, just a massive like wires and pumps and tubes.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Do you reckon they do updates to it and stuff? Get Johnny Ives up there. Do you reckon they do updates? Get Johnny Ives up there. Do you reckon they do software updates? They probably do, yeah. Yeah. It's crazy, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:28:29 It's crazy. All right, cool. Let's get out of here, Pete. We'll be back on Thursday, the 22nd of August, for episode 196, as that 200 comes rolling around the corner. Ooh la la.
Starting point is 00:28:38 What have you got planned for the rest of the week, Pete? I'm going to have a knife fight in the garden. And I'm going to have a sit down. No. I'm going to have a knife fight in the garden And I'm going to have a sit down No This has been a Stakhanov Production On each step with Peloton From their pop runs to walk and talks, you define what it means to be a runner. Whatever your level, embrace it.
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