The Luke and Pete Show - Ian Brown’s nunchucks

Episode Date: November 18, 2021

Pete has only brought two subjects that he wants to discuss on today’s show: Ian Brown’s nunchucks and a lead singer who took a very interesting course of action when needing to answer nature’s Warning, that second story is worse than you think.After wading through those big issues, we just about have time to check in with two of our regular features on the show - battery brands and chasing dads.Have a story you want us to discuss? Email: or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow. Feel free to give us a follow while you're there! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's time for the Lookapicture. It is Thursday the 18th of November. And I do hope you're keeping well whatever you are choosing to do with your lives. Unless it's illegal. Unless you flipped a car in Luke Street. Then you're not allowed to listen. But if you do listen in prison,
Starting point is 00:00:24 you will have to use those weird versions of consumer electronics that have clear plastic cases yeah and also i was thinking it's a good idea actually because if we were to kind of lobby for some kind of nationwide prison service to offer our podcasts only yeah numbers would go through the roof there's more people in prison now than there's ever been, I think. But the roof would be heavily guarded by snipers. And some of it would be being thrown
Starting point is 00:00:52 onto the people below. Yes, exactly. Who was it who said... Oh, I can't remember. There's a funny story about a prison riot. That's for another time. I probably should research these things first. A funny story about a prison riot?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I'll look it up later. The man was decapitated. Can I just say, speaking of criminality, another time. I probably should research these things first. Funny story about Prison Riot. I'll look it up later and we'll do it another time. The man was decapitated. Can I just say, speaking of criminality, the wife I have access to and I watched Lock, Stock and Two
Starting point is 00:01:15 Smoking Barrels this week. Proper naughty film for naughty boys. It is good, isn't it? She'd never seen it. And I was actually, because we watched Snatch
Starting point is 00:01:23 and that was easier to kind of sell into her because it's got Brad Pitt in it, it's interesting, you know, all the rest seen it. And I was actually, because we watched Snatch, and that was easier to kind of sell into her, because it's got Brad Pitt in it, it's interesting, you know, all the rest of it. And not that she wouldn't be interested in watching a British movie anyway, but obviously she doesn't come from the same culture or background. And so, you know, London in the 90s isn't necessarily of interest. Anyway, we watched it. Great movie still.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Very stylized. And it's kind of dated a bit, but it was really enjoyable. Absolutely zipped by for me. I thought it was great. Yeah. And it reminded me of a funny story I don't think I've ever told you. So do you remember the character of Nick the Greek in Lockstock? Not really.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Big fat guy who does all the deals. He's a bit of a wheeler dealer. Tap it into your little internet machine and let me know if you recognise him when you see him. He's played by a guy called Stephen Marcus. Oh, yes, I know. He's like a comedy, naughty gangster. Yeah, just a big larger-than-life, big fat fella. He's quite a good, probably just an elongated cameo, really,
Starting point is 00:02:18 but quite a good kind of character. Anyway, I went to go and see Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Brats twice at the cinema. I was 17 at the time, I think. I just thought it was amazing as I would because I was a stereotypical 17 year old growing up and the second time I went to go and watch it
Starting point is 00:02:32 I went to watch it at a cinema it doesn't matter what cinema anyway the actor who plays Nick the Greek is a guy called Stephen Marcus who's from my hometown okay in the middle of watching the film plays Nick the Greek is a guy called Stephen Marcus who's from my hometown. Okay. In the middle of watching the film
Starting point is 00:02:48 when he came up on screen, no word of a lie someone in the cinema shouted out that's Steve Marcus. He stole my go-kart. Which I completely forgot happened until I watched it again this week.
Starting point is 00:03:04 But anyway, that side it was a really random thing to say. The image is funny because that guy is massive. The go-karts are very small. And at the time, I didn't know he was from my hometown because he's quite the old man. So I had no connection. It was just a really random thing to shout out. And it was before the internet release,
Starting point is 00:03:21 so people weren't doing it for a meme. It was a definite thing that happened it was just pure for crying out loud yeah so I enjoyed the movie anyway it's got some
Starting point is 00:03:29 amazing cameos in it it's got like Rob Brydon's got a cameo in it it must be before he was famous he plays a traffic warden well he's kind of
Starting point is 00:03:36 like a character actor wasn't he I suppose and Sting was in it as well Sting oh yes it does ring a bell yeah
Starting point is 00:03:43 it was a good and it had all those kind of actors that might have been proper naughty boys in EastEnders and stuff, and they still kind of... And they turn up in that, and you're like, oh, right. It was Dexter Fletcher in it?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yes, he is in it. Jason Statham's first movie as well, I think. Statham, yeah. Well, Jason Statham was like... Wasn't he a professional diver? He was... Yes, yeah, he did high board, or whatever you call it.
Starting point is 00:04:04 He did the old uh i think i think he also had a job like diving commercially as well for like shipwrecks and stuff oh really he he uh he was in that uh video for move any mountain was in i think he was in that video wasn't he what the shaman yeah because back then the shaman what a bad it was quite hard to get uh men with bodies you know what i mean you were either like a professional bodybuilder but like no one really had a good body yeah the strong men were even even the strongmen were like fat fellas weren't they yeah strong blocks were just people who would eat the aforementioned 15 um uh fried breakfast and stuff they were just lads who could
Starting point is 00:04:38 put a lot of wear and it was strong but like but like they weren't didn't look body beautiful did they so like to get like beautiful bodies and stuff you'd have to go to the swimming community and obviously he was a he was a professional swimmer diver whatever it was back in the 90s no one cared about that did they no no but in in the shaman uh video i think he's in the background dancing around like a but he's like big like a god in in the background he looks it's rather concerning he actually lives very near where we live now um i should probably point out that in no way was he implicated or even present in the car accident that happened
Starting point is 00:05:11 but he does live very near us we see him occasionally in the local park walking with his wife and kids yeah and they've always got like those burley security guys they're always walking like 10 meters behind them i mean he is he is very famous. He's married to that M&S model. Rosie Huntington. Rosie Huntington. He's tough himself though, right? I mean, listen, it's just blokes. It's just like really posh parents and their
Starting point is 00:05:36 three or four year old kids called Hugo. But the thing is with people like that, if you've got a bit of a reputation, it's like being the biggest guy in the bar. Everyone who fancies themselves as a bit of a tough guy Oh, you're fucking talking to him, mate.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Well, I forgot you, weren't I? I always try and have a scrap with you because they're in a situation where they want to, you know, assert dominance over the biggest guy in the yard, sort of thing, the biggest dog. And so, like, if you're big, you will become a target. And if you play a hard man they'll sort of go oh Dave Danipa
Starting point is 00:06:06 he beat up bloody Jason Statham he figures he's a fucking old case doesn't he used to be in the SAS always
Starting point is 00:06:13 all that stuff yeah exactly I read in the pot bitch mail out the other day that Tom Hardy likes to claim that he
Starting point is 00:06:21 he's one of the stand standby on call guys for the SAS if shit really goes down which I don't know if that can be true Tom Hardy likes to claim that he's one of the standby on-call guys for the SAS if shit really goes down. Which I don't know if that can be true, can it? It's a bit too obvious, isn't it? On the nose.
Starting point is 00:06:33 It's a bit too kind of like, because we all are deluded. Going back to the old posh kids thing, and I make apologies to everyone listening who's, I don't mean a well-brought-up, polite kid. I mean like the posh kids whose parents think they're the center of the world. They're the worst thing ever for me. And the thing that annoys me about them is their parents never tell them off, first and foremost.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But secondly, they never seem to get older. Like I'll be walking around the park like two weeks ago, and I'll see a kid, a really annoying,h kid, whose parents won't tell him off. And I think, that kid over there, he's been about six for about eight years. Why don't they ever get older and move on? Why are they always there? Just posh kids? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:07:15 As in people who live in your area? I think it's because they all look the same. You know posh people all look the same? Yeah. I think it's because it's probably a different kid, but it looks the same. Yeah, just as healthy. Just healthy people. When posh kids get to the age of about 17 or 18,
Starting point is 00:07:30 they all dress the same and they all have the same haircut. And so it's very difficult for a working class person to identify them. And I think it might be the same with kids. They've all got the same names, Hugo and fucking Daisy, and they all dress the same and they all behave the same and they all dress the same, and they all behave the same, and they all really misbehave, and their parents never tell them off.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I should say, for the record, that Jason Statham and his family aren't like that. Right, okay, that's fair. All right. It's good that we're not going to get sued by them. Although we might get sued by Tom Hardy. I maintain that would be good for business. What, have we got to?
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, there is a certain part of me that goes, why are we scared? Because it would be good for business. What, have we got to... Yeah, there is a certain part of me that goes, why are we scared? Because it would be amazing if we said something wrong and we got, you know... If it's mild, you're not really going to get awarded a load of damages against you, is what I'm saying. No, exactly, yeah. And you may even win if I'm allowed.
Starting point is 00:08:19 If I'm allowed anywhere near the bench, quite frankly. Yeah, that would be an amazing touch if we were to serve a libel case and we attended it and you were the judge. Yeah, that would be an amazing touch if we were to serve a libel case and we attended it and you were the judge. Yeah, that would be a... I'd have question marks over the British judicial system, first and foremost. Speaking of problematic potential future legal cases, I see that you want to talk about Ian Brown.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah, I think I wrote two things on the list today. The brass against apology and Ian brown's nunchucks let's do ian brown first but you should tell our listeners i don't know who ian brown is first ian brown uh legendary singer of the stone roses had a pretty decent solo career after that absolutely very druggie band uh kind of disbanded uh but uh in later years he's become a bit of a an anti-vaxxer uh kind of all not all right it's just kind of just loopy conspiracy theorist man uh and yesterday was it yesterday i don't think he's got that much detail because you could just say uh unfortunately now he is a british man who is white and approaching 60. Yeah, and he's gone mad. Which explains everything he's done ever since.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, and to be honest, I think the thing that, I think we were talking about karate dads and stuff earlier on. This kind of falls kind of into our radius of interest, I think, with stuff like this. Ian Brown filmed himself or got someone to film him in his flat. You know, like glass paneled apartment probably in the northwest somewhere uh and he wearing his uh his like i'm just asking the question kind of conspiracy theorist uh jumper uh was it no brought no brain or a brain
Starting point is 00:09:59 own brain or something like that either way it's just you know i've done the research i've gone on youtube kind of kind of yeah uh and he's just him doing uh a serious display of nunchucks apropos of nothing he spread the video up though yeah he put it on twitter i think he just spread it up has it been sped up it's been sped up yeah so it looks more impressive than it actually is it's him with his nunchuck has uh flipping them around for about 30 seconds and he sped it up and now it's on twitter and i don't know what he was trying to say with this little sorry display but i'm glad it happened luke yeah it happened it's also quite quaint in a way and the reason i ask if it's been sped up is because he's thought about that yeah he's got enough self-awareness to think if my nunchuck skills aren't quick enough people are going to
Starting point is 00:10:49 tease me for this so let's speed it up yeah which is like it's not the point Ian yeah at the end of the day it's not the point the point is that you're uploading this and I understand I even can get on board and be empathetic to the idea it's not something I have the luxury of, but perhaps, you know, he's made his dough. He's got a load of money. He's pissed off probably at the restrictions of COVID that have handed him because he's used to doing whatever he wants and he's got nothing to do. So he's mucking around with some nunchucks.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Look, who among us, who among us can say they haven't, you know, if you were in a room on your own and there were some nunchucks in there, you'd probably pick them up is what I'm saying. Oh, I'd have a black eye almost immediately. Exactly, but he he sped it up and he's uploaded it because he thinks that people are going to go,
Starting point is 00:11:28 fuck you now. Brilliant. You know. Isn't it? Oh, I just, it just, it sums up, the thing is,
Starting point is 00:11:37 it does so much damage to his argument because we are more people like that. Do you look at that though, Peter, do you look at that and go, that's in my future? You don't really post stuff to social media. I don't really post stuff to Twitter anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So, you know, maybe I'll get back into it as an older man. But yeah, it's just a stomach. What do you reckon John Squire thinks of that? I don't know. See, we don't hear from any of the other members. We hear from Manny quite a lot. Manny quite a lot. Manny quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:05 He's all right, though, isn't he? Manny's all right. He's a bit kind of, he's a bit like, he's a bit of a parody of a guy like that. Right, okay. So you know when the Stone Roses reformed? Yeah. And no one really liked it,
Starting point is 00:12:20 apart from some really basic people. Because they were bad. Yeah, because it was bad. Fine. Yeah, absolutely right. Objectively, if you can be as objective as you can about that kind of stuff, it wasn't as good as what they used to be like.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Now, anyone with half a brain cell who could have spoken to them should have said to them, this won't be anywhere near as good. If you're going to reform, just play your old hits, do it on the greatest hits tour. You'll make loads of money people won't think it's great but no they have to do the new stuff they have to make new stuff it was a wrong thing to do anyway i'm not sure if you remember there was a movie that came out a documentary movie i think it might have been called made of stone yeah and it was directed by shane meadows great british film
Starting point is 00:13:01 director uh and um it was essentially a super top secret documentary of them reforming but not really telling anyone until it was announced it kind of charted the whole thing and it charted how the whole of the northwest basically went absolutely insane when the news came out they were reforming it was it's actually a really good documentary anyway this is a very long build-up to say that they came across, I'm going to say as twats, particularly the drummer, Rennie, came across as a very, very difficult character. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It was almost a bit like they felt like they were adding to the pantheon of the legendary band that they are, but they were actually taking a lot away from it. Because in the late 80s, early 90s, you could have a mystique. You could be amazing astonishingly brilliant if you go back and listen to the early stone roger stuff it's fucking brilliant it comes from nowhere it's like roses that have grown from concrete all over the fucking place it's amazing and just leave it there clearly it's their it's their choice to come back and do whatever they want it's none of my business they own the music they created the band they can do what they want
Starting point is 00:14:02 but i think what i'm trying to say is that Ian Brown's nunchucks are a sad epilogue, a coda to the decline of what's happened around that band since they reformed, sadly. Yeah, it's indicative of a wider problem in society. It's probably less indicative of a wider problem in the... Too many nunchucks in the it's too many but do you remember when like but do you remember
Starting point is 00:14:26 when the Ninja Turtles weren't allowed not Donatello Michelangelo wasn't allowed to have his nunchucks in certain shots when the Ninja Turtles came over to
Starting point is 00:14:34 that changed to Hero Turtles didn't they for a bit exactly so they were Hero Turtles because Ninjas were in the 80s absolutely scary
Starting point is 00:14:41 is that racist men would go no I just think I just think you know karate was big. People would walk around with nunchucks in the 80s. Certainly that's what my dad said anyway in the streets.
Starting point is 00:14:55 That's an amazing thing. I think my dad's getting confused with the video game Double Dragon. I think he thinks that's a documentary. I said, dad, it's not. At the end of the road was a really massive bloke. Yes. And he was smashed
Starting point is 00:15:08 through the wall and then a lady of the night tried to run me over with a motorbike. It really is. To be fair, that does sell at Hartlepool. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:17 I mean, to be fair. See him at the very best. So yeah, interesting. Pete, talk to me about this brass against him.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Oh, fuck it. Yeah, let's get out of the way I've never heard of Brass Against before no I don't think anyone had to be honest
Starting point is 00:15:28 once again it's like getting sued by a celebrity you do something amazing and everyone and the eyes of the world are on you
Starting point is 00:15:35 they are a kind of like a a medium rock they do rock covers but in a jazzy brassy way so they'll do like they're a band dude reimagine raids against the machine songs and i think it was in the middle of a race against machine
Starting point is 00:15:50 song that this act was perpetrated and i looked at their website and um their tagline is we are a collective with the goal of creating music to inspire social and personal change yeah look it just it's funny because not because of what happened. Rock and roll is a broad church, and you can do what you want, and everyone's comparing this act to Gigi Allen. I'm not sure it's right up there with Gigi Allen getting buried with a wrap of heroin. Gigi Allen was a fucking hack anyway.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah, of course he was. So near the end of this set by Brassagains, which it looks like quite a middle class kind of. That's what makes it funny for me. That's what makes it funny. And so there's jazzy kind of boys and girls playing their jazzy versions of Regigas the Machine and like Sawfly and kind of metal re-imagining stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And it's a very polite kind of product, you would say. It's made it safer. It's made it safer. It's made it safer. Yeah, it's made it safer. If you're scared by a rescue machine you can listen to Brassicons and the lead singer
Starting point is 00:16:51 who is this beautiful woman as well. That's what makes it funny as well. She's not like a rock she doesn't look like she doesn't look like what was that band
Starting point is 00:16:59 that used to do all this fucking caper in like L7 and stuff in the 90s these bands that you say brody darla the distillers or something yeah like she doesn't like she doesn't look like a rotter she's this beautiful woman and she tracks a bloke on stage and i can't pee if there's someone in the urinal next to me and this and this woman just pisses all
Starting point is 00:17:25 over this guy's face. Absolutely covers him. And this isn't, this isn't, it just gets funnier. This isn't the funny part. It is the,
Starting point is 00:17:32 the, the, the, the, the, the tweets, the tweets that got put out
Starting point is 00:17:37 at 12.35am shortly after what can only be described as the most excruciatingly interesting band meeting of all time,
Starting point is 00:17:46 up there with the very best, bearing in mind the very middle-class kind of, you know, jazzy versions of the hits, you know, kind of, oh, this is kind of funny, isn't it? Oh, there's an indie boy doing some rapping. And yeah, Brass Against, at Brass Against on Twitter, we had a great time last night at Welcome to Rockville. Sofia, the lead singer, got carried away.
Starting point is 00:18:07 This is not something the rest of us expected, and it's not something you'll see again at our shows. Thanks for bringing it last night, Daytona. It's just brilliant because hangs are out of dry. It basically says we are the nice middle-class band that you come to expect. Someone needs to hang that fan out to dry after it can I also say that
Starting point is 00:18:30 the statement says to me Pete just to add something to this it's not something you'll see again at our shows that says to me that people have inquired I'm coming to a show in a couple of weeks is that every week? is that going to be every week?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Well, you say that they've inspired personal change to that man's life. Oh, man. It's not the statement itself. It's what will have happened to get to that place. You know what I mean? They're a big, well-known band. People know who they are.
Starting point is 00:19:04 But you're right it's like when you hear of a plane crash and you hear about the black box recording and there's an investigation and they say oh seven failings
Starting point is 00:19:11 had to happen in order for this to happen it's the same here you know a lot of failings first of all she needs to have needed the toilet
Starting point is 00:19:19 you know before she should have gone before she went on to be honest you know first of all the guy's got to willingly get up there third no one's going to stop her you know, before she should have gone, before she went on, to be honest. You know, first of all, the guy's got to willingly get up there. Third, no one's going to stop her. You know, what, has the bloke made a statement?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Through mouthfuls of piss, presumably? Oh, dear. No, she didn't pull a Fergie. That's the main thing. Wow. Well, kind of. I mean, does she get more of a letdown? I mean, what approach would you take?
Starting point is 00:19:44 The Fergie take or the Brass Against approach? I just think there's more gas in the Football Ramble live tank. That's all I'm saying. Absolutely outrageous. That was not something I expected. Right, let's take a break. We'll see it again at a Ramble show. We've got to take a break because we need to get our breath back,
Starting point is 00:20:01 after which we'll do some battery brands and try and get to an email or two as well. All right. Hi, I'm Flo Lloyd-Hughes. I'm Rachel O'Sullivan. And I'm Chloe Morgan. Join us every week on our brand new show, Upfront on Football Ramble Presents.
Starting point is 00:20:16 We'll get stuck into the biggest stories of women's football every Tuesday from the latest in the WSL. Gareth Taylor said, Well, actually, we were playing 3-4-3 and we moved to 4-4-3-3. If you look at any of the footage, if you look at the way the players played in that first half, there were four players playing at the back. That sort of comment speaks of a manager
Starting point is 00:20:36 who doesn't quite know what they're doing. To how the Lionesses are shaping up ahead of a home Euros next summer. For me, I would pick leah williamson i would just go for it now for a younger age captain you've got some big tournaments coming up i think a lot of players think she's got a really great mentality gets on with a lot of people for me she's a born leader and i think she will be england captain at some point and what it's really like being a player in women's football today from my own experiences of being in a situation like that,
Starting point is 00:21:06 I mean, you know, when we got promoted, when I was with Spurs, that was phenomenal. I was, you know, first choice keeper. You know, then you go into the WSL for our first season and all I wanted to do was get WSL experience. Join us every Tuesday for Upfront. Search Football Ramble Presents in your podcast app. Subscribe now.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Football Ramble Presents is a Stack production. Nunchucks out there ready. It's time for Battery Brands and your emails. You've been sending them in in your droves. I don't know what it is, but we've had more Battery Brands, I think, this week than ever before. It's because we've been reading out full emails and stuff. Kicking off with
Starting point is 00:21:45 Grigulate, or Grigulate, yeah, Grigulate on Twitter. Miami Dolphins NFL batteries. We're not having them. Surely,
Starting point is 00:21:52 this is a new player found in a dollar store in Miami itself. I'm fairly certain, Luke. Have you got the emails? I'm fairly certain that that is not a new player.
Starting point is 00:22:00 We're not having them, Pete, because we decided when someone sent in some Pittsburgh Steelers batteries, that we would not accept cheap promotional re-skinning of an otherwise great product. Yeah, you sort of think that it might be quite limited time only. You know, like they just do it for a few months and then not no more, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, I just don't feel personally convinced that it's a brand of battery you know what i mean it's not a brand of battery is it yeah if listen if the miami dolphins next sunday step up uh for their four downs and the quarterback throws a big battery instead of a pigskin then we can talk until then it's not a product that's fair we've been having a lot lot of lithium-like rechargeable batteries as well that you find. I think we have to draw the line somewhere. If we're not having watch batteries, we can't have rechargeable lithium ones that are an odd shape.
Starting point is 00:22:53 They're not AA's. You see in cereal in an electric car these days. Yeah, we go up to it and including, I think, D maybe. We're not having CR2032s and we're not having NFL branded batteries. You've got to have some standards. You start off doing NFL branded batteries. Before you know it, you're taking a slash on someone's head. You can't be doing that.
Starting point is 00:23:15 That is true. Who's next? Chris has got in touch with a brand, Ponenly. Upon receiving a timer from a national debating association here in China, I found a battery in it. Is Ponenly a new player? P-O-N-E-N-L-I-E.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Sorry, in the midst of asking you to spell it, I didn't hear the way you spelled it. P-O-N-E-N-L-I-E, did you say? Yeah, that's correct, yeah. So it sounds like a... Yeah, new player. Congratulations to you, Chris. Ponenly. Congratulations, Chris. Well done, mate. Well done, pal. Very good. So it sounds like... Yeah. Sorry? New player. Congratulations to you, Chris. New player on Endly.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Congratulations, Chris. Well done, mate. That's amazing. Well done, pal. Very good. So that's one in. Who's next? Finally for now,
Starting point is 00:23:51 we've got a message from Mark in Australia. Hello, chaps. Thanks for the show. I'm an Englishman living in regional Victoria in Australia and I'm offering
Starting point is 00:23:57 a new entry to the game. I hope it's a contender. Remote control, cheap flat screen TV made by FF... F Falcon. for Falcon. It's like Farfetch fried chicken. In Ballarat.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I'm hoping that the fact that the brand and the shop sound fictionalized, even though the place sounds improbable, that it improved my odds for the battery. In the remote, two AAAs made by Fenya Tech. The TV is three years old and the battery is still going strong. So I want to congratulate the team, Hughes U Fenya Tech. The TV is three years old and the batteries are still going strong. So I want to congratulate the team, Hughes U Fenya Electronics, who are outperforming the Duracell Bunny.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Love the show. Thanks for your great work, Mark, in Australia. Is Fenya Tech a new player? I'm going to posit that it isn't, Luke. No, thank you very much to you, Mark, for sending that in. But unfortunately, Peter Pennington, the amazingly named Peter Pennington,
Starting point is 00:24:46 sent those batteries in on October 7th. So that brand has already been heard just over a month ago, so you're fresh out of luck there I'm afraid. Good effort though, good effort. Cracking effort. So a very enjoyable thread on the Linkin Peak show for the past few weeks and maybe months is dads, mad dads
Starting point is 00:25:02 trying to assault kids. In a playful 80s kind of way. I instinctively wanted to correct you there, but no, that sums it up. That is just trying to attack children who don't know any better. Hello to Jamie from Portland in Dorset
Starting point is 00:25:18 who actually grew up in Leeds. Hi, Luke and Pete. I've got a Chasing Dads story for you. Great Stone Patrol song. Growing up in Leeds in the late 80s, we used to play football on the street, banging the ball against the end terrace house. Obviously, this annoyed the residents of said house. After asking us many times to stop, we just continued.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Until one day, John, the middle-aged dad, the owner of the house. I love this email. Because dad's impotent rage caused by a loved one. I love it. Yeah, the middle-aged dad, the owner of the house, Because dad's impotent rage caused by a loved one. I love it. Yeah. In the middle of his dad, the owner of the house took our ball back from us and refused to give it back. His wife came out and told him to stop being so pathetic
Starting point is 00:25:52 and give us the ball back. After hearing his wife say that. I mean, good. I mean, that's the first one. After hearing his wife saying that to him, a very mouthy and confident me said to John, do what she tells you to johnny boy john john did not appreciate this he proceeded to go into his house get a screwdriver and chase me
Starting point is 00:26:14 on the street luckily i lived a few days away into my house uh before he catch me my mom and dad wondering what was going on after telling uh them cue my dad confronting john and it very nearly ending in a full-on fist fight between two dads didn't make it quite that far but it's just another day growing up in the 80s amazing just kind of like just screwdrivers at the ready that's brilliant because sometimes when i go out for dinner with the wife i have access to we're just going for a casual bite to eat somewhere she'll always tease me because if i don't know what i want i'll order what she calls a panic burger right yes because that's just it's easy you can't really go wrong you'll have a nice time with a burger a panic burger that a screwdriver is absolutely a panic weapon he's
Starting point is 00:26:54 what are you what are you gonna bunk me on the head with it or just literally gouge it into my heart you can't stab a kid with a screwdriver you You can't stab a kid. Why did he, like he's only more physically powerful than the child. He could have, I think he just wanted those few seconds to allow the lad
Starting point is 00:27:11 to get into his house. So, you know, because he needed to grab the screwdriver, give him a reason or an opportunity to get away from him because he knows
Starting point is 00:27:18 in his heart he shouldn't be manhandling kids. Or also, maybe he just thinks he wants to intimidate the kid, but that's just going to confuse someone. Yeah, I'm going to put him in a flat pack.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It could give you plausible deniability. Oh, no, no, I'm just doing some work. You know what I mean? Yes, exactly, yeah. Just don't screw in this screw. Great, thank you very much indeed for that. Very enjoyable. Andrew.
Starting point is 00:27:39 No, not Andrew. Who was it? It was Jamie, wasn't it? Sorry, Jamie. Jamie also says that he asked me if I ever played for a team called Gosport Falcons because he's a similar age to me and he may have come up against me in some Dorset Hampshire youth tournaments. I did not play for Gosport Falcons.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I did, however, play for Gosport Vikings. So, Jamie, if you remember them and you played against them, get in touch. I am desperate to get this email in pete um because uh i cannot believe it's true but it is true and uh because i checked and we really do need to furnish our listeners with this because if if they don't know about it the same way i didn't it's going to be a treat so this comes from darren who says um i'm a fairly new listener guys and i only have uh partially worked my way through the back catalog so far.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I hope this hasn't come up before. I'm pretty sure it hasn't. He says, after listening to the latest pod where you wondered if there are any problematic superheroes, allow me to introduce you to Snowflame. Right? Right. He's technically a villain, but I hope it can be counted anyway.
Starting point is 00:28:41 The thing about Snowflame is that he gets his superpowers from cocaine so apart from being the most 80s thing i've ever heard i also think you would make a perfect fancy dress uh for pete's next party because if you were to partake in a little cheers not something that pete does but thank you very much darren anyway uh you would simply be very dedicated to the character you can get away with it he says thank you very much for the show it's got me through many hours of plastering with a smile on my face um but now i must go to the pub and you can get away with it. He says, thank you very much for the show. It's got me through many hours of plastering with a smile on my face. But now I must go to the pub
Starting point is 00:29:09 and do an impression of everyone's new favourite supervillain. That's a shame, Darren. Don't know why you ended the email like that. But that's incredible, isn't it? The best thing is
Starting point is 00:29:19 when you actually go to the... Where is he now? How do I sort of copy and paste? There we go. Yeah, if you go to the DC fandom site he now how do i sort of copy and paste there we go yeah if you go to the dc fandom uh site basically detailing all of the superpowers that this uh this guy snowflame has um it just says uh powers he gets like superhuman strength superhuman speed immunity to pain all this stuff upon snorting cocaine weaknesses drug addiction i love that because that's got to go for a lot of planning
Starting point is 00:29:50 and that has basically been done in the 80s yeah and and i mean he looks really he looks a bit like hulk hogan he's got the similar sort of look to him and i you know if rumors less again that i am uh but his quote quote in the cartoons is, I am Snowflame. Every cell of my being burns with white hot ecstasy. Cocaine is my god and I am the human instrument of its will. Imagine saying that. That's been signed off, that.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I'd love to say that in court. That would be brilliant. Pete, that's been signed off and put in a comic aimed at kids. But that's supposed to be an anti-hero. He's supposed to be like a villain, but he just sounds like he fucking knows how to party for me. He's supposed to be a villain, but it's clearly been written by someone who thinks it's not a bad
Starting point is 00:30:34 thing. I think I saw him at the 90s weekend. Yeah, exactly. Weaknesses. Exact quote. Brilliant. All right, let's wrap up Pete that's about enough time we've got some really great emails
Starting point is 00:30:47 but we'll get through them we'll get to them next week there's one about Harry Styles that I definitely want to do yeah we'll stick that in so we'll do it next week because we've run out of time today
Starting point is 00:30:54 but thank you very much for listening to us this week we appreciate it as ever if you've enjoyed the show tell your friends tell a couple of friends leave us a five star review on Apple or wherever you get your pods
Starting point is 00:31:04 or send us an email about things you want us to talk about hello at luke and pete show dot com we are at luke and pete show on the social media as well special thanks to our producer rory does a great job every week and we'll do another great job getting this show out to you and we'll see you next week say goodbye peter. It's goodbye from me as well. The Luke and Pete Show is a Stack Production and part of the Acast Creative Network.

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