The Luke and Pete Show - Keep my Swedish indie club out of your god damn mouth

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

Pete has been getting recommended indie clubs again - shock! However, this recommendation didn’t come from an expected source. The lads also discuss a new harrowing, yet thought-provoking Netfl...ix documentary and Luke’s cat makes a surprise guest appearance!Want to get in touch with the show? Email: or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, it's the LukaPete Show. It's Thursday the 28th of April. Luki Moa, what are the scores on the board? How's your week? How's your week been going? It's been pretty good. Yeah. It's actually been pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:22 When you said to me, what are the scores on the board, I was thinking for the first time in ages, I don't know what to say to this. I don't know. Am I keeping score about something? What's going on? What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Review your week out of 10. My week out of 10? Yeah. What's it been like? It's been okay. It's been okay. Fine, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh, I'll tell you what I did do. Okay. I don't know why I do this. And so I have, first of all, this first part, I know why I do this because otherwise I'll never get around to doing anything and I forget. So I've got a notepad with a list of things I've got to do on it. And I've got a little box that I keep in which is non-work stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Right. Which if I see and it looks quite interesting, so I don't forget, I'll make a note of it. So, for example I really want to go and see that film The Northman which was The Northman
Starting point is 00:01:08 is that the one with Skarsgård it's like a Viking epic yeah exactly that so I'll write that down in a little non-work box so that if I'm thinking of things I want to do
Starting point is 00:01:17 or something that the Wi-Fi I'm actually suggesting I want to see the big Viking and I've got a list yeah I've got a list he does look really hot in it I've got a list I interviewed him he've got a list, he does look really hot in it. I've got a list of them.
Starting point is 00:01:25 He's very nice. Nice guy is he? Yeah, he recommended a Swedish indie club for me. Oh, for fuck's sake. So one-paced,
Starting point is 00:01:35 it's unbelievable, Dawson. He was saying it was great, yeah, it was close when we got there to be fair, so he should really keep on top of things.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah, that's poor by him. That was one of the things that me and Mark experienced in Dallas. We went to a park in Dallas looking for a particular resting shore, and the guy said, just look for Big Tex. I was like, what the fuck is Big Tex?
Starting point is 00:01:54 And look, I got your computer there. Type in Dallas Big Tex, right? Okay, hang on. Imagine if you would just getting into a park and expecting to see... Oh, I know know what it is i've seen it before yeah the big tall mascot expected to see big text now he was very he said you don't know i said what's the big text he said you don't know what big text is oh my god it's been there since like the 50s yeah but it burned down like five years ago and i don't think they've for whatever reason
Starting point is 00:02:22 it wasn't there it burned down quite uh spectacularly horrible video of big tech's massive cowboy massive 100 foot cowboy uh burning in the wind burning in the breeze at one time because of his oh that is absolutely chilling i'll just look to the front of it on fire jesus it looks fucking awful horrible isn't it um but they said i'll just look up a big text i was like all right yeah cool look up a big text what a big bloody 100 foot cowboy he wasn't there he'd been taken away for whatever bloody reason that's a shame i forgot i was gonna say sorry we i'm just saying we don't have those kind of i remember the video sam max hit the road there was this the world's biggest ball of twine you
Starting point is 00:03:00 know i mean it's some like little towns and and kind prefectures. They do it quite a lot in Japan. The world's biggest chest of drawers. Yeah, just something massive. So I've seen it now. And people, you know, attracted to that part of the world just to see this bloody. I remember when the Japanese government were handing out grants to different prefectures and towns and villages and cities in Japan. One of them, I can't remember which town, just spent it on a massive 100-foot fiberglass octopus.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Because when they don't know what to do with something, they just create a mascot or create something stupid for someone to boost tourism. And it fucking worked because people love big stuff. We should do that more. Remember the Angel of the North? What a big fucking boom that was to wherever the hell in near gate 10 it is we we we went um the wife i have access to and i went to the west country for a little break yeah x more i think i talked about at the time yeah and this
Starting point is 00:03:56 was slightly different because it's a private venture of very much of a hobbyist right but i can i remember reading up about it after we saw it I think it was a guy and his son or something they built a massive Star Wars AT-AT or something and just put it on the side of the A road and people who love
Starting point is 00:04:13 Star Wars just turn up to look at it so it does kind of happen but it's very much a kind of eccentric venture if you like
Starting point is 00:04:20 but anyway so you interviewed whichever the scars guard whichever the scars whichever scars guard it was he screamed at you keep keep my swedish indie clubs out of your goddamn mouth and anyway so i want to see that so i wrote it down that i wanted to see it and i've got a list so i've just looked at it the northman i want to see um there's a new motown documentary i want to watch um there's that that truffle hunters documentary which i missed at the cinema which is now an iplayer is a story of ill documentary all that kind of stuff nicholas cage
Starting point is 00:04:48 one about the pig no that's not a documentary is it anyway but i flicked open netflix a couple days ago yeah and i don't know whether to be offended by this or not but i can't really be offended by it because it worked because i watched it straight away and it said luke you might like this new jimmy savel documentary which for no reason i think i was at a loose end for like an hour i was like yeah i'll watch that i press play and i watched the whole thing two long parts two feature-length parts my goodness me i know this is not a new thing to say but my goodness me what a story that is yeah a horrific story of course but i'll tell you what hasn't been talked about enough in my opinion i haven't watched that yeah clearly jimmy saville was jimmy saville a predator a horrific person yeah all the
Starting point is 00:05:38 stuff that he you know he's subsequently been found out to have done i don't think enough introspection and reflection has been done about what britain did as a society to enable that kind of stuff because it is fucking absolutely horrific it's basically in plain sight for 50 years yeah and no one did anything about it on that documentary peak they were showing clips of him being interviewed on prime time television saying basically what he was doing and everyone just laughing about it. Yeah. And, yeah, that was shocking.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And just... Have you seen it? Yes, I have. Oh, you watched it as well? Okay, right. It's that kind of disarm... It's that kind of... The thing that surprised me is
Starting point is 00:06:18 A, he had an astonishing career for someone who didn't have any discernible talent apart from being a presenter. You know, like, he had... discernible talent apart from being a presenter. I think he was quite a good presenter. He was one of the most famous people in the UK. Do you think he was a good presenter?
Starting point is 00:06:34 He clearly had to be because he has to hold it together but his bumbling fucking mumbling weirdness was so bizarre. It's this sort of bizarreness where you're like this is just... He was fucking mainstream but he was a dribbling fucking maniac right and and that kind of subversive um hypersexual kind of disarm it is disarming disarming kind of um sexual uh uh it's not sexiness but you know what i mean kind of like pretending he's sexy do you know what I mean? Kind of like pretending he's sexy.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Do you know what I mean? His whole thing was like putting people on the back foot, like getting in people's fucking faces, kissing people on the lips. This kind of like, this disarming kind of sexual undercurrent that was in plain sight.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I found it astonishing because I don't remember any of that. I do not remember him constantly talking about fucking young lasses. Constantly talking about this. astonishing because I don't remember any of that. I do not remember him constantly talking about fucking young lasses. Constantly talking about this, talking about that. I cannot remember any of that. It was absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:34 bizarre. And some of the clips were just, you know, it was an incredible set of... And a man who just... There's one shot of him when he's like probably about 20
Starting point is 00:07:46 and then after that he looks about 50 like he's so old it was very hard to pin down what age it was yeah what period it was in
Starting point is 00:07:54 because you can't tell how old he is always had his fucking top off as well his disgusting fucking rapey little fucking top always in a string vest
Starting point is 00:08:01 always in a string vest I tell you comes out of it badly oh Thatcher she comes out of it badly oh Thatcher she comes out of it very badly Edwina Curry she was mouthing off
Starting point is 00:08:08 this week you were like oh you saw that on the fucking documentary yeah Thatcher's ink man but the thing is isn't it really I almost think of it as
Starting point is 00:08:15 and I'm not looking to absolve him from any of the blame because clearly he is the fucking main person to be blamed here but I kind of felt I came away from watching it and people listening
Starting point is 00:08:24 if you've got access to Netflix which is fucking anyone you can kind of felt i came away from watching it and people listening you've got access to netflix which is fucking anyone you can watch it um and i came away from the two part of thinking wow this is like just a little bit short of like almost like mass hypnosis yeah like once you know all the horrible truths you can see it in a completely different context and it becomes quite difficult to watch for all the reasons you've said. But at the time, clearly, almost the entirety of society, apart from the poor victims and a few kind of brave journalists who were trying to do the right thing and get it heard, he had managed to almost hypnotize everyone, from TV executives to police officers, quite senior ranking police officers,
Starting point is 00:09:04 to journalists to all these other people and it was interesting i found that what andrew neal who was one of the talking heads said he's you know an interesting character for a number of different reasons i know some people wouldn't wouldn't be a fan of his at all and i understand that but he said something interesting at the end he said and he was talking about himself to be fair as well he said as a profession journalism let the country down. We are responsible for not holding him to account, although obviously he's ultimately responsible.
Starting point is 00:09:33 But I've come away from it thinking, God, that's so frightening. It's so frightening how so many people can be almost tricked by it. And I wondered also whether that would be possible now, because maybe we're a much more cynical generation these days and because of the internet and all the rest of it i mean basically it was the internet that brought him down right because people were sharing their stories in a much more connected way and he wasn't able to be as isolated as he was so that's what kind of brought him down so maybe it couldn't happen so much to that scale now i don't know i mean women women are just frequently not fucking believed and and and there'll always be a story i think but yeah i i think you're right though.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I think it makes it a hell of a lot more difficult. But you like to think that we wouldn't be... It was mania, wasn't it? It was absolutely bizarre that he managed to kick off for such a long time. And that was the thing that surprised me, that sexuality that he constantly... That's the thing, Peter.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I think that's the key nub of the issue, right? Because people will say, oh, he had like a double life. And you think, well, not really, because it wasn't like he was... We're not talking about like a Don Draper type character who's ostensibly very charming and very handsome and very kind of Bane.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And you think, oh yeah, of course. He's a fucking bogeyman. He's a fucking bogeyman. Exactly. He looked fucking terrified all the time. I'm a 41-year-old man yeah of course he's a fucking bogeyman he's a fucking bogeyman exactly he looked fucking terrified all the time I'm a 41 year old man and I know he's dead
Starting point is 00:10:49 right and maybe it speaks to me as a kid I used to watch Jim will fix it or whatever but I actually found it distills
Starting point is 00:10:55 and the weird sinister background of him looking into the camera quite hard to look at and they didn't need to sort of dress up they didn't go
Starting point is 00:11:01 put like drones underneath any of the footage it was just fucking chilling you sounded like him then oh now then I thought you'd have an impression of me
Starting point is 00:11:11 but like just seeing him on fucking TV AM just being like I can't remember what fucking show it was where he was in that sleeping blanket
Starting point is 00:11:19 it's this eccentric old fucking idiot who comes on oh with Selina Scott with Selina Scott who just and he just does a shit joke and everyone goes ah yeah and and you just get away because ah it's just old jim just jim being jim in it like and he was getting employed up
Starting point is 00:11:34 until like not that fucking long ago and and and the thing that surprised me it didn't surprise me actually the he was still he clearly had fucking pretty decent legal counsel the best you know in if you're going to be a pedophile if you're going to be uh do the things that you do that you know there are there's a echelon echelon echelon echelon of uh of legal representation that is your only fucking answer and he used it like he used it repeatedly uh to quieten people and uh so i mean that was the side of things that i just assumed that because the women weren't being listened to but it was actually quite a little bit of legaling as well of kind of you know part of the reason yeah no you're right but part of the reason was that women and girls weren't being listened to but um it was also i feel like it was
Starting point is 00:12:23 also the lack of connectedness and coherence between them to be able to build a case right so the reason i mentioned the internet is because people started sharing stories on things like frenzy and reunited and all that kind of stuff saying that you know this and there was clearly a body of evidence here like a a full kind of picture of information that could be used in a coherent way which the internet enabled but yeah I also it kind of really made me think as well about how accepting Britain is
Starting point is 00:12:51 of an eccentric now that's not to say there's anything wrong with being eccentric and it's not to say that people who are eccentric are problematic I don't believe that at all and I don't think that's the case but we are so predisposed to really like love eccentrics in the UK that I also came away from it thinking that was part of it as well yeah okay yeah they they will be i've been indulged
Starting point is 00:13:09 i mean that's how i'm in my bloody career you know but um well steady on how can you come away from that conversation saying that that's how i made my career i mean you haven't run a single marathon disgrace i mean it was a harrowing uh harrowing documentary from start to finish i will say a little bit of levity uh it reached uh our shores uh when a mate's just in the documentary saying that jimmy saville's funeral was lovely that's that's what put it on my radar you had a mate who was a talking head from the time so a contemporaneous talking head head, when Jimmy Savile's funeral was covered in the documentary, who basically went, oh, Savile, what a legend, great funeral.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It was a really classy funeral. I cannot think of anything... Funnier than your friend being in a Peter's documentary. Coming close to dating worse than that. So the thing that got me... The first feeling was mirth and sort of like, ha ha ha, oh dear, that's awkward.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And the second one was like, knowing full well he was up there in Leeds for a radio feature. You know, he was a sidekick on a breakfast show. I'm not going to detail who it is because it's not fair at all that he's been pulled into a fucking... Well, you can just watch it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Right, you can just watch it. You know, you'll find out who it is. But yeah, he was sort of pulled into it. He was told to go up to Leeds and do, you know, it was called Jimmelfixitgrimmage, or the Jimmelgrimmage, I think they were calling it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So when he died, obviously,
Starting point is 00:14:41 is Leeds, Leeds or Scarborough, he's in Marnie or whatever, right? And so there was, you know, the casket was, and people were sort of filing in and filing out. And his, because the show was all about 80s nostalgia, because of the ages of the DJs, he'd been told to go up north. And I don't think, it wouldn't have been his decision,
Starting point is 00:15:01 because, I mean, you know, because it's a pain in the arse to go up north for a day day or whatever but he's all to go off and to do it and he was obviously featured on the news because you know if a news just if you're doing a radio feature and someone shows the camera in your face saying what do you think of the of the of the casket viewing or whatever and he said it was really quite classy really quite classy um and it's really annoying because that that kind of the dj who would have made him do it is such a difficult personality such a difficult person anyone who worked with him many people didn't have a lot of good things to say about him and that show kind of cast such a long shadow and and and it ends up with you know a guy I know featuring slightly
Starting point is 00:15:46 on a Jimmy Savile documentary saying that it was a lovely service it was unhelpful you don't want it you don't really want it I think I think you feel it
Starting point is 00:15:54 particularly keenly because I think it could have easily could have easily been me dressed in a gorilla suit saying no I thought Osama Bin Laden's
Starting point is 00:16:02 sea burial was was really classy. No, I know that we're an international... I saw a turtle's head. I know that it was a pair. I know that we're an international show with an international audience, so I apologise for being so parochial about that,
Starting point is 00:16:16 but he was a massive figure in Britain. If you don't know who he is, if you're listening in the US... Give it a Google. It is really a chilling, harrowing story, but it's worth checking out. You should better watch it on Netflix. Yeah, I didn't know you'd seen it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I didn't know we were going to go on such a deep dive because I wasn't sure that you'd watched it. But I found it very affecting and well worth a watch if you can stomach it. Because I know a few people said to me, I don't know if I fancy that. Because I've got a running joke, right, with my dear old mum.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So, you know, because Jimmy Sabo presented Top of the Pops in the 70s, and that's the age that my mum was kind of a real pop music enthusiast as a young lady. And it's funny, we've got a running joke, me and my mum, because every time there's like an old episode of the Top of the Pops on, I always say to my mum, oh, I saw you on telly earlier, because all the girls look exactly like my mum, I saw you on telly earlier, because all the girls look exactly like my mum does in all the family photos. So I called
Starting point is 00:17:09 my mum and said, mum, you've got to watch this documentary because you're in it. And she was like, okay, what is it? And I messaged back saying it's Making of a Monster, Jimmy Savile. She replies back saying, fuck off, what are you trying to say about it? And anyway, yeah, so that's basically why I
Starting point is 00:17:24 asked my mum to look at it. But anyway, let's get a break. Let's have a quick break, Peter. Let's take a little bit of a pause from talking about genuinely really horrific predators and come back and do some battery brands and get back on track. How about that? All right, then. We're back with the Luke and Pete show.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Hope you enjoyed that ad break. Wasn't it interesting all the products and services you could get these days? What was your favourite, Pete? I like the one about the glove that's covered in butter that allows you to massage bricks to make them lovely and smooth. Yeah, I think you voiced that one excellent. I did, yeah. Thanks, mate. Also, it's a lot easier when it's a product you use regularly, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:18:02 You can really invest yourself into it. It really is. I hope there wasn't an advert for that documentary. Why? Because that could happen. I mean, that could happen. Well, yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:12 But also, like, I mean, the documentary exists. We're kind of recommending it, I suppose, aren't we? Doing them a favour, Netflix. They can send some money our way, can't they? They've got a fair amount of cash. Got a lot of debt. Anyway, it's Thursday, just after the ad break. Just after the ad break, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So that means one thing and one thing alone, doesn't it, Lukey Moe? Yes. It does. Batteries. Batteries! If you are a fan of batteries, or if you've just found some in an old remote, get them in. Hello at The rarer, the better. Andrew has come in with some JCB Zinc AAAs. Tidying up the office today, and I found a beautiful pair of AAA cells in an old Universal TV remote.
Starting point is 00:18:48 JCB Zinx. I remember hearing a listener attempt to new playstats with some JCBs before, but I wasn't sure whether they were Zinx, so I thought these puppies were worth a shot. Andrew Lavers, what do you reckon? New players? Yeah, so we've had quite a few JCBs in the past.
Starting point is 00:19:04 No Zinx? But they've all been JCB Alkaline or JCB Ultra Alkaline. Oh, lovely. The ones that Andrew sent in are JCB Zink. They're AAAs. They look very different. And because his photograph includes him, and very lovely clean fingernails,
Starting point is 00:19:19 I think I'm going to let him in. Fair do's. Fair do's. New player. Congratulations. I'm rumbling in this JCB. I'm five years old, and my dad's giant sitting beside me. Do you remember that song, Nisloppy?
Starting point is 00:19:29 The JCB song? Yes. Who was it? Oh, do you know who? I'll tell you what. Here's a great bit of music trivia for you. Nisloppy with the JCB song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Can you tell me who their guitar tech slash roadie was? I mean, would they need a guitar tech? How many songs do they have? Do you know? No, I really don't. And it was his favourite band growing up and he reached out to them and became their guitar tech slash roadie.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Oh, so now I'm thinking it's not going to be a famous person. It's going to be one of your mates. Who is it? Is it Vish? Ed Sheeran. Ed Sheeran? Yeah. Wow. The writing was on the wall there, wasn't it? Is it Vish? Ed Sheeran. Ed Sheeran? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Wow. The writing was on the wall there, wasn't it? There you go. The man influenced by Nisloppy. Good God. Just saying. I'm not ascribing a value judgment, mate. I'm just letting you know it's a good bit of trivia.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Good God. Every time I hear an Ed Sheeran song, I think, yeah, I can see why he's the most successful singer-songwriter, but I don't want to listen to any of them. The thing is, let me tell you something right now. He's so prolific. He writes for everyone, and he's brilliant. It's just fine.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's just fine, isn't it? There's nothing bad about it. So I think it's a great litmus test of what type of person someone is right because if they profess to hate quote hate ed sheeran i think that's performative yes i think it's affected and i think you're saying that for a reason you've got a motivation for saying it right if you love him good luck to you i don't see how you can hate it i just it's not enough in there to be like oh my god this fucking hate. People love it. He speaks to a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I know plenty of people who are really into it and he seems like a lovely, genuine chap. So good luck to him. But he did start out with the great Nisloppy. I'm now worried that I've got that wrong, but I'm pretty sure I haven't. I thought you would know that fact. No, let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It would be in the Wikipedia, wouldn't it? You think so? No, it's not on look. It would be in the Wikipedia, wouldn't it? You think so? No, it's not on the Wikipedia, but maybe that's the case. Maybe that's the case. I think it is the case. All right, then. Andrew Burke has got in touch with a Petzl Core rechargeable battery, PETZL. Hi, guys.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Further to my failed attempt in having the chimpanzee double plus inducted into what I would consider to be the only widely recognised credible and accepted official database of battery brands in the world I'm back for another crack
Starting point is 00:21:50 and this time I have a picture please see the Petzl core rechargeable battery which I found in an old headlamp all the best guys
Starting point is 00:21:58 keep the good work Andrew Andrew sorry so Peter I've just so I've just I've just whats So I've just WhatsApped you a picture of the Petzl Core
Starting point is 00:22:09 that our friend Andrew has sent in. Let me have a look. It is a new player. It's not been sent in before, so it ticks that box, but I just want to make sure that you are happy with the type of battery it is because I don't recognise it.
Starting point is 00:22:21 What? Now, what's going on there then? It looks like a fucking big sim card. It looks like... Oh, yeah. I don't think we can have that because that's a lithium. I think that's lithium. Because obviously
Starting point is 00:22:41 what you're doing there is... That's not even a double A, is it? I mean, it's good that it's branded. We enjoy that you're doing there is, yeah, that's not even a AA, is it? I mean, it's good that it's branded. We enjoy that kind of caper. But yeah, it's not AA. It's not your standard battery size. It's just a random lithium ion rechargeable battery that you've got a little plug for. You plug in like a shitty USB.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It looks like the battery used to get in a big chunky mobile phone back in the day. Yeah, it looks like a camera battery, doesn't it? But fair do's that, oh, that's a really good idea, actually. I back in the day. Yeah, it looks like a camera battery, doesn't it? But fair do's that, oh, that's a really good idea, actually. I'm enjoying the form. I'm enjoying the form factor. You're really chuffed with it. Yeah, I'm like, oh, whoa.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, no, we can't accept that. It's not one of your big five or whatever, AA, AAA, Ds, whatever. It's just not one of those big boys. But thank you for bringing that to our attention. I like the fact that you can plug, you think that that battery would need a charger that you would slice it into, but you actually just pop a little USB cable into the side of it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Fantastic. I mean, it's a great bit of innovation. You've enjoyed it, Pete, as a punter. Andrew, you've enriched my life. Yeah, but you can't accept it as a gatekeeper, can you? Sometimes you've got to separate the man from the job, haven't you? Yeah, true, true. And you can enjoy it personally, but you can't accept it professionally. Unlucky, mate.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Sorry to hear that, Andrew. Yeah. Josh, Josh Bavington Barber. Hello, Pete. After a previous mention for the new player, Golden Power, which included a compliment for my lovely hands and fingers, I thought I'd chuck these 90s raw wrecks, heavy-jokey double A's into the ring. My wife recently found out that Polly Pockets are worth a small fortune
Starting point is 00:24:07 after a tip-off from a friend. She was sorting them out for a sale and asked me to put some batteries in the 1993 Polly Pocket bare window house after struggling with a particularly stubborn screw. Upon opening, I exclaimed, No old batteries! My wife I have access to knew immediately and replied The Battery Podcast
Starting point is 00:24:26 which seems to be a common nickname for yourselves along listeners' partners I don't hold out much hope knowing the large following of battery fiends among your listeners but vintage new players would be a real coup Thanks for the good work and may the new players continue
Starting point is 00:24:42 in this ever-growing lithium age Josh Bavick and Barber. Raw Rex, Heavy Duty. They look absolutely ancient. It looks like one of them is on the turn. One of them is actually starting to expand. Yeah, yeah. They are new players.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Congratulations to you, Josh. You've not only got one of the best names we've heard recently of people emailing in, you've also got a new player entering the game. So congratulations to you. That's the good news. The bad news is I googled, when I saw this, Polly Pockets on eBay,
Starting point is 00:25:10 because my sister used to have loads of them, and I can't find any of them that are valuable. They're all selling for about eight quid. Yeah, I think true collectors know what they're all about. But yeah, I just always thought the disposable, mass-market, cheap Japanese, Chinese sort of stuff that came over in the 80s wouldn't really excite anyone.
Starting point is 00:25:27 But no, I mean, it turns out a lot of toys from the 80s, 90s really do tick a lot of boxes for people. I only... And my mum and dad used to say this all the time. I wish I'd kept my, you know, action comics comics. I wish I'd kept my DC comics. I wish I'd kept all the stuff we had when we were kids. I wish I'd kept them.
Starting point is 00:25:45 But, you know, it's annoying, isn't it? Shit doesn't get kept, does it? That's not how the world works. It doesn't get kept, yeah. No, so by the way, look, I mean, just looking at this now, if it wasn't for your quite harsh judgment of our friend Andrew and his Petzl Core Rechargeable, we'd have three out of three. But as it stands, we've got two out of three, which is not too bad.
Starting point is 00:26:01 So that's the second week in a row we've had two out of three. The new battery brands are still coming in. people are still sending them in four years on and we're still seeing batteries we've never seen before it's incredible to consider really yeah i look i i like rules in our game i like to be the the the the the creator of the umimeters of this particular game. And I think it's important to have rules, regulations and a quality level when it comes to
Starting point is 00:26:34 the old battery brand. I hope Andrew Burke understands. No, not Andrew Burke. Josh Bavington-Barber. I very much enjoyed looking at the raw Rex heavy duties. Yeah, absolutely. I think everyone wins here.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oh no, Petzl car. The guy's listening to get some unbelievable entertainment for free, you know, and we get just to
Starting point is 00:26:57 chip off and muck about for the afternoon. So look, that's that. We should wrap up. We're running rapidly short of time.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Rapidly short of time. Busy boys. We will be back on Monday. We are going to at some point go through the emails from people who started listening to our show because of that big billboard. I've got to go and feed my cat
Starting point is 00:27:17 because his stomach is on a fucking timer. It's unbelievable. Time of recording is now what? Five past five? He gets fed at 5. I'm glad that your cat gets fed the same time as my dogs. That's quite nice. We both know, if we're in the house, we both know what we're doing at that
Starting point is 00:27:34 exact same time. 5 o'clock, we've got I'm pushing a tablet into some meat. Well, the lads here, they get it's kind of interesting for them because if we're both, if the wife I have access to and myself are at work, they won't get fed until we come home. Fucking whistle for it. Yeah, so basically they get it around 7.30 when one of us gets up.
Starting point is 00:27:56 They always get their evening at 9pm. It's generally 5 o'clock if someone's in for the middle one. But if we're not in and they have to wait, then it kind of gets a little bit confusing. Right. I don't know what they do when no one's here at 5 o'clock if someone's in for the middle one but if we're not in and they have to wait and then it kind of gets a little bit confusing right and but they i don't know what they do when i'm not when no one's here at five o'clock yeah um they probably go and hassle all the other fucking houses um but but yeah they're like you can set your watch by you sit there watch by their little stomachs it's kind of mad um but there we go anyway so it's goodbye from me and magnus who's sitting there waiting patiently uh goodbye from you and Magnus who's sitting there waiting patiently. Goodbye from you and your gigantic elbow which looks worse and worse every time I see it.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm just taking a screenshot of it. It's terrible. How do you do screenshots on the Windows machines? Is that it? Do it now because you can also get a screenshot of my cat licking its bum. Oh, you missed it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And yeah, we're back on Monday. Have a lovely weekend. All that usual business and we'll see you then thanks very much for listening hello at
Starting point is 00:28:49 to get in touch at Luke and Pete show on Twitter and Instagram if you are enjoying the show it's really really important and helpful that you tell your pals who you also think
Starting point is 00:28:58 will like it so we can grow the community that's what we're all about so please do do that and until next time we'll say goodbye from me and it's goodbye from peter the luke and pete show is a stack production and part of the acast creator network

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