The Luke and Pete Show - Linda Lusardi is a Worthy Foe

Episode Date: August 23, 2021

Welcome back to another week of Luke and Pete nonsense! You're very welcome. Today, the boys start with chat about Pete's dad's specialist VHS tapes before rapidly moving on to AI robots, Pete's for the near future and his ability to dream up imaginative but wholly innocent scenarios involving 80s glamour models.Elsewhere there's a horrific skunk story from one of the LAPS family (we apologise in advance) as well as several other missives, including one email in particular that's just very nice. So, thanks for that.To get in touch with us, it's and we're over @lukeandpeteshow for all your social media needs. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the month of the 23rd of August, nearly the end of bloody August. We're soon going to be saying pinch punch third of the month. September, September will be here very soon. Laps, Luke of Pete's show, back for another show with me, Pete Donaldson. I'm joined by Mr. Luke Moore Luke you've got a lovely moustache today I have actually yeah I've started rocking the moustache
Starting point is 00:00:30 so can't stick around moustache yeah what do you think? everyone keeps telling me I look like a sex pest I mean you do but not for that reason it's the stains that make you look like that but I'd say that with blonde hair it's quite hard to kind of,
Starting point is 00:00:46 on a screen where there's very little sort of contrast, it's hard for it to stick out, but you've done very well there. It's quite thick and quite luscious. Yeah, I couldn't really grow any kind of facial hair at all until about 25, 26, I would say. Right. And then it's been okay since then.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And it's not ginger. A lot of blonde people get a ginger beard. Does your beard go a little bit gingery? No, at this point in my life, it only goes white, unfortunately. That's why I'm not growing a beard at the moment. That'll look cool. Lest people think I'm a... What's worse than a silver fox?
Starting point is 00:01:19 A silver badger. A silver rat. You'd look like the Night King. The Night King. I was just talking about him when I brought in Japan. What's that about? Yeah, you look like the bloke
Starting point is 00:01:33 Uncle Les, I believe, used to supply my dad with VHS pornography in the 80s. And there was another bloke called Gordon who was involved in the Gordon, yeah. Unholy, unholy typhus.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Hello, darling. You kind of look a bit like him, to be quite frank. Really? I probably need to think about asking this question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. How did you become aware of the fact that your father was getting VHS pornography supplied to him? Running my hand just on the lip of the cupboard upstairs, found a little key.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I was like, what's that key for? Ooh, there's a little locked toolbox my dad's got. A disgusting treasure trove. A disgusting treasure trove. It was the greatest few weeks of my life, Luke. It really, really was. And my dad was on nights, so he was in bed for most of the time. It was absolutely amazing. Dangerous. how old were you dangerous i was probably i was i was of
Starting point is 00:02:29 age where i was like wow it was on the lip of like i didn't use the use the word lip there today um i was sort of like you know 13 14 uh and it was i remember discovering before i was excited by that sort of thing and then afterwards uh, yeah, it was just wonderful. It was just great news. Is that how you discovered that you've got asthma? I gave myself asthma. That's a lovely, rich scene to mine among our listeners, but obviously mostly our male listeners.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Where did your father stash his pornography? Pete Donaldson's opened proceedings with a little key on top of a cupboard which opened some kind of box. Where was the box? A metal box inside the same cupboard. And the thing that gets me is, I've spoken about this before, there is a wonderful unspoken relationship between you and your father's pornography or mother's pornography
Starting point is 00:03:25 you both know you've seen it you both know that you've both seen it but you never want to talk about it with one another I don't think there's anyone listening because there's no one on earth who's ever discovered pornography and not assumed it's their dad's even if it was their mum's
Starting point is 00:03:43 it's unspoken but it's always going to be your dad's, even if it was their mum's. That's a good point. It's unspoken, but it's always going to be your dad's. I'm telling you now, if you discovered a pornographic magazine in your home as a kid, as like a teenager, there's no one on earth who's assuming that's their mum's. No one. No, and that's why they get away with it. Who's written Little Oral Annie on this Memorex vhs it was mom you'll never know that sounds disgusting genuinely one of the titles it was
Starting point is 00:04:12 one of those kind of jazzy 70s kind of porn was where everyone was pretending that it was a it's hollywood and it really wasn't even further i'll go even further if you discovered a pornographic magazine in your house that was of men, you'd assume your dad was secretly gay before you... Before you... Yes, because we have this very sort of childish idea of what your mother's into, isn't it? We're pathetic, really, aren't we?
Starting point is 00:04:35 We're such mummy's boys. Yeah. Completely agree. I can't... For once, I would love to laugh at you for saying that, but I think you're probably right. Anyway, a traditional opening to the Luke and Pete show. It's great to have people along.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Peter, what's been good for you these last few days, how you've been doing, what you've been looking at? We'll probably get... What have you been looking at? Little oral Annie. We'll get on to the OnlyFans hubbub. Oh, we'll talk about that, yeah. I read this this morning.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I know what people think about me. I know what you think about me. And I can hear you tapping away on your computer, on your laptop, But I am not a consumer of that website. I'm a consumer of every other website in the bloody world. Don't worry about that. But this one's a bit of a mystery to me.
Starting point is 00:05:22 But I know for a fact that that whole website is just pornography and they're suddenly because a lot of modern porno sites uh are having trouble getting money out of their users because a lot of banks and a lot of financial institutions don't want to invest uh in in in those companies um and so you know only fans has made the owner a billionaire by lads and lasses taking their kit off and you know democratizing their pornography and you're taking control of their their bodies etc you know there's a lot to be said uh on on on the bad side of of that kind of company but there's also a lot to be said for you know people taking uh agency into their own hands um and they've made this bloke or whoever it is a billionaire and now
Starting point is 00:06:07 um the financial institutions don't want to play ball only fans have basically said we're not having any boobies or bums or willies on the site and it's like well yeah you've made your money though haven't you you've made your fucking cut amazing i think they've said that you can post nude photos and videos but they can't be what they call i think what they've said that you can post nude photos and videos, but they can't be what they refer to as sexually explicit. Right. I mean, you'll know more about this than me. I'm so sexually explicit. I can be explicit with my clothes on, mate.
Starting point is 00:06:35 As a sexually explicit man yourself, how do you feel about that? Because the comparison that I've seen some draw has been with Tumblr, right? Right, yeah. Exactly what you're describing there. But I think the reason Tumblr did it was partly financial but also because I don't think there was any real barrier to viewing on Tumblr and they were worried that a lot of stuff was getting past their filters etc and it was just becoming a bit like the wild west only fans you need to have an account right so you presumably you've got to be because you've got to buy because you've got to buy because you've got to buy stuff because it's just a marketplace for pornography yeah okay presumably i'm not
Starting point is 00:07:10 pathetic enough to sort of go i've never been on a policy but it but it is i do find it all fascinating um and uh yeah it's it's it's it's so is it just going to be like boudoir photography negligence recipes recipes me with my testicle out. I'm just saying, look, there's going to be a mass exodus. There's going to be nothing on that site. Let's get involved. Let's start a Luke and Pete show, OnlyFans. No, but if you, that means,
Starting point is 00:07:38 because normally the division of labour on this kind of stuff, on ideas, is that you do the tech and I do everything else. I'm not doing the content for that. Yes, please. I can't even do the tech most weeks for crying out loud um yeah oh fun oh yeah okay well look out for that luke and pete shaw no i don't in many ways i'm surprised it's taken this long to promise lonely fans to our listeners but i'm still upset that you have. Lonely fans, Marley. What a mess.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Lonely Dan. What a bloody mess. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, yeah, that is big news. I don't know exactly what's going to go on there. But I want to bring us onto more kind of safe territory, if you like. And I saw something earlier today that um immediately made me think of you and i'm almost certain you're gonna have an opinion on this um and it's that i know that people play flight simulators right in fact i think you might have indulged yourself on the
Starting point is 00:08:37 older flight simulator um you know get yourself on a plane from la to tokyo whatever you crashed it i think didn't you yeah right into van Freck Corfu's ground in Corfu. Yeah, how did that happen? I just wanted to take a closer look at the stadium. How many on board? Oh, a few. A few souls. All perished.
Starting point is 00:08:57 All perished. Two souls. Mayday, mayday. Yeah, but there's apparently now been released, Peter, something you can, I'm sure, wax lyrical on, a lawnmower simulator. Hmm. Yeah, I've seen this.
Starting point is 00:09:10 What is the purpose of that? Because I understand if you're interested in flying, you're interested in the tech, the physics, the cockpit, all that good stuff. I mean, a lawnmower simulator is almost incredibly lazy. I mean, I understand some people don't have a garden and they haven't got any lawns to mow but can it really be a successful game well i mean would you not sort of say that um you know head headspace stuff these days is quite um oh nice angle it's quite
Starting point is 00:09:39 important and it's kind of like it's a little bit like having one of those little sandboxes that you rake on your desk um that's what i would have said until i'd seen the video game um and i thought it'd be way more therapeutic but it's very like you know you get to a place you've got to cut all this bloody grass in this amount of time and you've got to make sure you don't miss any spots and you've got to make sure the grading is right and you've got to make sure that it looks beautiful. It's not stressful. Exactly. And so, Limmy's been streaming a lot of it and doing it in his own inimitable way.
Starting point is 00:10:12 He's such a fucking funny bastard. And, yeah, and it looks quite tense. It looks quite difficult. But Limmy does this one thing where he'll, halfway through, he'll have like a conversation with the people
Starting point is 00:10:24 who've got him to do the lawn mowing. He'll sort of go, you missed a bit, you missed a bit. I haven't missed a bit, I haven't missed a bit. You want to get this fucking thing and have a go yourself, you fucking cunt. Just start shouting. Having this two-way conversation with the person and saying, you missed a bit. But yeah, it looks quite stressful.
Starting point is 00:10:41 But I mean, these are the sort of games that, I don't know who made this one, but I'm not that familiar with the project but a lot of these games are made in sort of Eastern Europe
Starting point is 00:10:49 for kind of the German audience you know your Euro Truck Simulator all your train stuff but also like there's car tuning simulators there's anything
Starting point is 00:11:00 you can possibly think of sewage bloody work simulator you know there are these companies that just have these kind of like this bank of assets and they make these video games every year uh and it's just there's just it's just one thing after another bloody another for for me um the one that really made me laugh recently was that i noticed was um like a pc builder simulator so
Starting point is 00:11:20 like you know how you know most of my most of my YouTube watching is just blokes putting graphics cards that you can't get in this country into high-powered PCs and going, whoa, and running a Cinebench kind of, you know, set up to see how fast it can do tasks that you wouldn't actually do in the real world. And, yeah, and it's basically that, really. Like, you choose your uh you choose your your components and you just put together a pc it's fascinating loving it and presumably that's just done because it's much cheaper than doing it in real life and for people who can't afford maybe they want to build their own they can simulate what it would be like yeah that's pretty much the case it's uh it's it's yeah to a certain extent but there's again there's something very therapeutic about putting something together properly something this modular understandable thing
Starting point is 00:12:08 you put it together uh you switch it on and it posts and it works and you have a lovely time there must be other people out there who find that as boring as i do though it sounds more boring than it is but if you're into that sort of thing you know knock yourself out i mean what do you do to clear your head after a long day a long day podcasting that's a tagline from the lucan pizza by the way it sounds more boring than it is um what do i do to wind down oh you know as you know well i play a bit of pub g you know that yes that's um but on season 13 now the lobbies are getting a lot more um manageable so that's been good right um and i also as boring as this sounds and I'm not trying to say this to sound clever
Starting point is 00:12:45 read a book I do read books, I read quite a lot read a little book I look forward to book reading simulator slash the library it's called a kindle mate Peter on this note as well, we must
Starting point is 00:13:00 we simply must mention the latest Elon Musk PR grab, but we're suckers for it and it does it does bring to mind some challenging conversations and philosophical points of view that we have to really explore is that elon musk announced uh late last week that he is building a quote friendly robot to perform menial tasks which he guarantees won't fight back um now i know it's a pr grab i know it gets him on the front page of the washington post i know that he'll do a lot of stuff with joe rogan about it and it and tesla's share price will go up
Starting point is 00:13:33 blah blah blah but some of this stuff we have to admit and accept he is doing some of this stuff you know people talk about how good he is at pr how good he is at getting the headlines that's true but he is also putting things in space for real so it's not like he's a complete fantasist yeah i think again with this type of stuff it's happening more and more in the modern world whenever i see a story like that the first thing my brain tells me is this is how it starts this is how it starts and before i get your thoughts on it pete i think it is worth reiterating something we mentioned maybe a year or so ago that the big misconception well i think with the general public around ai around robotics around this type of you know almost like future with a dystopian under undercurrent to it is that people make what i believe is a mistake
Starting point is 00:14:24 by thinking that they're going to wake up one morning and there's going to be robots everywhere that's not what's going to happen what's going to happen is it's going to happen gradually and you're not even going to notice it and for example i think pete and you can correct me if i'm wrong here i think if you went and visited an amazon factory you'd be quite horrified not just because of the working conditions but because of the amount of robotics that are going on it's probably quite frightening right and this is an extension of that they wouldn't let me near them there's too many moving parts uh i mean you do not want if you're in an amazon factory you don't want a big robot a tesla
Starting point is 00:15:00 robot um clattering about knocking over this and that, bottles of piss, the drivers, et cetera. It's not ideal. The thing that kind of has got me about this Tesla thing, and it annoys me because it basically says it's average size, 5'8", 125 pounds. Now, that's under nine stone, I think, or certainly under 10 stone. I'm 5'8", and I'm like 11 1⁄2 now these days. pounds now that's under nine stone i think or certainly under 10 stone i'm five foot eight
Starting point is 00:15:25 and i'm like 11 and a half now these days it's not ideal basically your big takeaway from this i'm a big obese robot i've been fat shamed by the tesla bot yeah do you so when i was a kid i used to i had this weird fascination and worry that i obviously i loved football right and i had a horrible thing like thought in my mind that i couldn't shake that when i was 30 which obviously then when you're 12 or whatever feels like a lifetime away that all the all the football players would be robots and it wouldn't be as good right do you have any kind of fear of robotics or are you just such a friend of the tech that you you embrace it? Well, the problem is, like, the Tesla bot is not going to be useful to anyone.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Like, a humanoid-looking robot is not... is neither use nor ornament, really. Like, they're there to make us feel better about the creeping march of automation, isn't it, really? So I go, look at this fella, he can do a little dance. Look at this dog, you give it a little kick and it sort of falls over a bit, but then it gets up, the plucky little fucker.
Starting point is 00:16:25 No, that's just a dog. But the real problem is that's just... Don't kick dogs. I'm crying out loud. Oh, sorry, I thought it was a robot dog. I thought it was a robot dog. Yeah, no, it's not. So, yeah, that part of it's not ideal.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But, yeah, everyone's going to be out of a job. I don't know. I've said it before on the show. I don't know what Amazon, what Tesla, I don't know who they think is going to buy anything. No one's going to have any money to buy anything because everything's so automated, everything's so impersonal.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Everything's kind of like done by robots. We're not going to have jobs. We're going to be on the poverty line. So we're just going to be in a situation where no one can buy anything, so they're not selling anything. So Amazon will be doing themselves out of a job, I would say, doing themselves out of work.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Do people in the tech community, of which you are very much a big part of, in fact, some would say you're a totem of the tech community. Glad to be a part of it, thank you. Generally speaking, are people frightened of this AI stuff? And also, that's part one of the question the second question is are you are you saying honestly that this is a really good point and something i've not considered before that if you were building a robot to genuinely be efficient and
Starting point is 00:17:34 good and do all the things that we're crap at are you saying by definition that you wouldn't make it like a humanoid anyway wouldn't look like this would it it'd have 10 arms it would just have a base that like very bottom heavy uh and it wouldn't have any any legs why does it need legs it depends on the job it's trying to perform right why would it need legs though you know unless it unless it's a human facing thing and we find those um figures um pleasurable and and and we like them um there's literally no use for them so it would only be in a in the same way that in in japan you have those like amiibo um eyeball things or i can't remember their bloody name those little pepper uh robots and they sit or stand in the front of shops and all they do is greet people they go hi yo gozaimasu and you go you know hello
Starting point is 00:18:23 how you doing genki desu ka how you doing you all right um and it'll speak back at you um and we find that kind of interaction quite pleasurable but it's got no fucking use on them they just sit there and they just get dusty and they look horrible after a while yeah it's a good point to do that but you're so you're not frightened of the the i'm not frightened of this kind of robot i'm i'm frightened of everything else. I'm frightened of artificially AI scripting, like, you know, writing scripts that humans find pleasurable. I'm worried about algorithmic, you know, the algorithmic takeover of our entire life.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I'm worried about the fact that I can sit on, you know, your Facebook stream, your Instagram stream for 10 minutes doing fuck all, just watching dog video after dog video because it's figured out that I like dogs. That's the worrying thing, isn't it? It's not a robot having to dance around. That's basically dancing around going, don't look up behind me. Don't look at everything else that's happening.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Don't look at what we're actually doing. Don't look at what we're actually doing. Ooh, look at that techno king, Elon Musk. Yeah. And so that's all going to be basically just going to, I mean, that's basically what you're talking about then is the stuff that's already here right like deep fake and that kind of thing as well yeah all that stuff deep fake um there was a i find the thing that really kind of worried me um pixel art you know like video you know that kind of like charming retro 80s kind of 16 bit
Starting point is 00:19:41 8 bit kind of um pixel art you know stylistically people use for video games these days yeah you know to hark back to a even though the computers are very powerful and can do lots of stuff uh they they they make this very simplistic kind of art style and there's a little um kind of um bot uh you can just sort of type in whatever like i want i want to see a fox on a chair in front of a museum and it does this beautiful pixel art of a fox that you've never seen before. It's completely unique on a chair in front of a museum. All these things you've never seen.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It's an interpretation of, it's an amalgamation of 50 million different renderings of what a museum looks like, what a fox looks like, what a chair looks like. And even though it's only, you know, 32 pixels or, you know, 64 pixels by 64, it was so charming. I was like, fuck, that is so charming and colourful and beautiful. And I love it. And that's the worrying thing because it's made something charming to me
Starting point is 00:20:38 just by typing three words and the artificial intelligence computer has just gone off and returned this. You know what I mean? And the NVIDIA art things, you can just draw anything and the artificial intelligence computer have just gone off and returned this. You know what I mean? And the NVIDIA art things, you can just draw anything and it just makes it into this kind of pastoral scene. That's the stuff that worries me because I find them so charming.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's my reaction to the art, to the music it's made, to the pixel stuff it's done. I worry about myself more than I worry about what the computer's doing and what the ideas are behind it. I worry how fucking charming I find this.
Starting point is 00:21:11 They could probably do that. What they could do then is they could probably just match that up with OnlyFans. Yes, exactly. Just virtual people. Just getting the kecks off. So instead of doing Fox on a chair in front of a museum, big pair of front of a museum big pair of boobies
Starting point is 00:21:27 big pair of boobies i want to see linda lussardi glamour model from the 80s on a pirate ship uh having a sword fight with hitler and then it's just there it's just there that's how i get off mate that's how i get off that has shown all of our listeners that the possibilities are quite simply endless you're only limited by your own imagination as we've seen from Pete Donaldson
Starting point is 00:21:52 that is no limitation at all no no if any as soon as the stabilisers come off with me I'm in big trouble to be quite frank
Starting point is 00:21:59 let's have a break because there's nowhere to go from here let's go out of here who would win? ooh Hitler seems weak and Lusardi seems yeah let's have a break because there's nowhere to go from here let's go out of here who would win? ooh Hitler seems weak and Lusardi seems
Starting point is 00:22:09 yeah I think Lusardi would win yeah yeah definitely definitely 100% we'll simulate it in the break and when we come back we'll do some of your emails
Starting point is 00:22:17 alright stick around bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep Lusardi wins we're back it's the Luke and Pete show how are you doing if you want to get in touch with the show Blah, blah, blah. Lusardi wins. We're back. It's the Luke and Pete Show. How are you doing? If you want to get in touch with the show, it's real simple.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You can get on the Instagram, at LukeandPeteShow. You can get on the Twitter, LukeandPeteShow. And you can also get on our email as well. That's probably the best way to do it. We've had so many emails in recently. We really should pile through some of them. Luke, have you got a taste for that sort of shenanigans?
Starting point is 00:22:50 Can you go first? Because I just want to do a Twitter poll about who our listeners think will win in a sword fight between Linda Lassali and Hitler. All right then, cool. Always good to do tweeting while the show's on because you don't have that bit in the back of your head that sort of goes, this is distasteful hi luca pete i live i live in connecticut with my wife two daughters and dog uh we moved here in lockdown from tampa florida and have adjusted to life in a suburban
Starting point is 00:23:15 slash rural area we regularly have coyotes bobcats and black bears roaming through our property last year uh my daughter frazierier's first day of kindergarten, I woke up early to the distinct smell of a skunk coming from outside. We had a skunk who periodically came through the property, so I thought nothing of it. A few minutes after letting the dog, Wembley, out, I realised she was barking excitedly from the backyard. I found Wembley four feet from half a dead skunk.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh, my good Lord. The only evidence of life was the animal's mouth opening and closing reminiscent of an eel breathing uh i'm gonna go back on what i said before uh linda lussardi and hitler having a sword fight on a pirate ship not the most upsetting image uh we've had on the show by the way can i also just say this email i spent a lot of time censoring good okay it was a lot worse than this right good on you look good on you the smell was horrible but not yet traumatizing i'll be the judge that mate uh my biggest concern was getting the dog inside and keeping my four-year-old daughter from
Starting point is 00:24:16 seeing the animal um while my wife was off taking my daughter to meet her new teacher the animal control officer from the town's police department came they explained they couldn't take the animal away because they'd never be able to get the smell out of the vehicle. Oh good. Cracking. Brilliant. I'm glad they do all the animals apart from skunks. The best they could do was shoot the animal and leave me to bury the creature.
Starting point is 00:24:36 While I was putting my two-year-old daughter down for a morning nap, I heard the distinct sound of a shotgun coming from my backyard. I grabbed my shovels and began walking outside when I was hit by the smell. Oh no. You're going on a list, mate. They then instructed me to go to the hardware store to purchase pulverised lime and bleach. You're going on a list, mate. I was to use the bleach to dilute the blood and gout from the lawn and the lime to cover the grave site in order to break down the carcass.
Starting point is 00:25:16 After about a week after the burial, a wild animal dug up the skunk and ate the remains. What a dish. It was two weeks before I could walk in the backyard without gagging and roughly five to six weeks before the smell completely dissipated. I made... Oh, good God. I made tacos with ground turkey that night
Starting point is 00:25:34 and I was unable to eat after the raw pinkish meat reminded me of the skunk's carcass. I still can't eat ground turkey to this day. Thanks for all the great content. Andrew from Simsbury. Is that Connecticut? Connecticut. It is, yeah. I mean, Lord E. still can't eat ground turkey to this day thanks for all the great content andrew from simsbury uh is that connecticut connecticut i mean um lord e i did put a listener advisory at the top of this email which you did just simply did not read pile in mate pile in apologies to our listeners who were upset about that but nature is red in tooth and claw as we know so yeah it's just how the
Starting point is 00:26:03 world don't don't shoot the messengers for telling you how the world is right in an elon musk world where all the animals are robots there will be no blood and then you'll miss it and if you are going to shoot the messenger don't shoot him in the the stink sack so to speak the listener advisory that you literally just wrote a graphic skunk story, listener advisory. I don't think that sums up the horrors that came after us, to be quite frank. That was fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And that's from me. That's from me, Luke. How dare you? I'd like to see you stumbling, wounded into an A&E, saying, I've ruptured me stink sack. Stink sack. Stay away. I've ruptured me stink sack. Oh, more on stink sacks. Stink sack. Stay away. I ruptured me stink sacks.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Oh, more on stink sacks next show, by the way. I've got a lovely story about a, well, about a testicle. Fantastic. Is that a stink sack? Charlie, it depends on whether you wash or not. Charlie also emailed us with information about the bombardier beetle, which basically shoots chemicals out of its anus in order to poison frogs and make them vomit the beetle out again after eating it i mean this is the thing right and we're a big fan of
Starting point is 00:27:10 evolution on this show as i think you should be in 2021 right as ricky gervais once said if you believe in god you believe that he meant to do that yeah like yeah it's a big shout in it do you know what i'm having a boring day and i, I fancy doing, I haven't done any beetles yet. I'll do the beetles, and I'll make one of them stink, shoot stink out of its own anus that's so potent that it makes the frog that's just eaten it puke it up, so I survive. It's not, it's not, there's no one would have thought of that.
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's less than ideal. It is less than ideal, to be quite frank. Oh, lordy. I do not care for that one bit let's let's let's go on to more um i'm actually probably quite related ground actually because a little email here from dave about christian music um talking about what god or god didn't do i mean he obviously invented christian music as well which shows that he's got no taste at all um he says dave says hello gents your chat on christian music reminded me of the simpsons where flanders meets a christian singer he likes and after she tells him her band have left her she says the brilliant and very true line of
Starting point is 00:28:14 they switched from christian music to regular pop all you need to do is switch the word jesus to baby keep up the great work dave that is, very true and very astute. And I should also say that Joel, listen to Joel, hello to you, Joel, got in touch with a clip from King of the Hill where Hank in King of the Hill sees a Christian music guitarist and says to him, can't you see you're not making Christianity better?
Starting point is 00:28:39 You're just making rock and roll worse. Which is so well done. That's fantastic oh yeah yeah any more from you Pete on stink sacks or any of the above let's let's just
Starting point is 00:28:51 chuck out a nice one to finish a pleasant email from Jen from San Francisco in California in the US hi Pete
Starting point is 00:28:58 I just heard the episode where you mentioned that you have ants and flying ants tearing up your patio I wonder if the flying ants are
Starting point is 00:29:03 actually termites and there's actually a war ensuing between the two colonies. As fun as that might sound, I agree. You should probably get that taken care of. And then she goes on to congratulate me on passing my driving test. Sorry about COVID. And Luke, I hope you're enjoying your time off. Like those bits very much in the deep and distant past in Luke and Pete's show.
Starting point is 00:29:24 But I very much enjoyed the idea of flying ants just absolutely kicking off between the two colonies. Is that your, that's your side of things, isn't it? That's a little alarm going off. I think there's some kind of alarm happening here. It's a doorbell, I believe. I think someone's ringing the doorbell. Someone's ringing, someone's knocking on the door. Someone's ringing the bell.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Let's get out of here. And we said we'd do it until the alarm went off it's kind of similar yes that was so tense wasn't it that was so tense i very much enjoyed that yeah let's get out of here that's probably a sign for us to leave but before we do i just do want to say jen who's emailed in there with that email um i presume is a female listener of ours and the email was just so nice and so well written and so really like caring and lovely that i thought you know what i've got to include it because it was like congratulations pete sorry about this pete i hope you feel better soon pete luke have a lovely time off it was just
Starting point is 00:30:13 a real nice like shot in the arm of positivity and i thought thank you very much jen it's exactly what we needed to be quite frank so uh thank you very much for that. We'll be back on Thursday for Battery Brands, boys, fewer boobs this week. Oh, and you promised a story about a testicle sack. Oh, yeah. Before we go, let's leave the last word to our Twitter listeners, who I asked earlier in the show
Starting point is 00:30:38 who would win in an imagined sword fight from Pete's imagination between Linda Lassardi and Hitler. Pete, what do you estimate the result was? Well, the result was probably Linda Lussardi, who I think is on Twitter, probably checking her mentions and going, I didn't deserve this.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But I reckon Linda Lussardi wins quite handsomely. You're absolutely right. Landslide, 66.4% of the vote to Linda Lussardi wins quite handsomely. You're absolutely right. Landslide, 66.4% of the vote to Linda Lussardi. Hitler should be very disappointed with that, but let's face it, it's not the worst thing he's done. It really isn't. I wonder if we typed in 60% of people, 66% of people see what comes up on Google.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Oh, yeah, it's mainly obesity statistics. All right. On that note, we've got to go. 66% of people think you should split the bill on a first date. That's bad behavior, isn't it? That is bad behavior. All right, let's get out of here.
Starting point is 00:31:40 We'll be back on Thursday. See you then. Fewer Hitlers, fewer Lassardis. See you then. Fewer Hitlers, fewer Lasadis. See you soon. The Luke and Pete Show is a Stack production and part of the Acast Creator Network.

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