The Luke and Pete Show - People still don’t like you, Elon

Episode Date: November 10, 2022

What do you do if you’re desperate for people to like you? Well, if you’re Elon Musk, you buy Twitter.On today’s show, Luke and Pete discuss what we think the world will look like without Twitte...r and a listener risks their job to submit not one but two New Player batteries. That’s the commitment we’re looking for!Think you have found a new player? Email: or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 November, I, at this point, this juncture of the show, I usually turn to my friend Luke Moore and say, Luke, how the devil are you? I'm pretty well, thank you. No, that's not me asking you. That's not me asking you. Get it together, Luke. How are you? There we go. That was the question.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm fine, thanks. Oh, don't be a little prick. When you did add hello to you and you and you, every fibre of my being to stop myself going and but you you literally cannot sing the steam tune to jim will fix it these days oh it is jim for some reason that was record breakers well that'll be fine for some reason the the jim will fix it theme well there's no mud on roy's what she'd been up to i don't know can't speak on behalf of cheryl but roy so few roy castle beyond reproach and he died a long time ago i
Starting point is 00:01:13 was really into royal castle when i was a kid he was a he wasn't i thought he was like um for some reason i thought he was an athlete he wasn't was he was just an entertainer who played the trumpet have you ever seen that video i think it's roy castle i'm gonna say it's roy castle and bruce forsyth maybe we're off and running yeah we're up and running you're up and running one minute so because i think you're right about roy i think first of all a lot of people listen to this are going to be confused but that's their problem they're gonna have to pick up their phone they're gonna have to type in roy castle to google yeah and they have to check it out themselves but i I think... It was the Ryan Seacrest of the... That is harsh on him.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm going to tell you why. Spectrum 48K generation. I'm going to tell you why that's harsh on him. Because there's a great video, I think from maybe the late 50s, the early 60s, of old grainy BBC black and white footage of Roy Castle and Bruce Forsyth. And it is astonishingly good.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So basically it's from that era where to be an entertainer you had to be able to do everything you had to dance yeah so you had to be a dance you had a bit of sing you had to be able to play an instrument you had to be like a little a little a little party trick something and so in this video i'm talking about and we'll get rory to dig it out or i'll try and find it um they start off singing beautiful singing voices song from the shows nice stuff, nothing, nothing, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:25 nothing, nothing vicious. And then they're both tap dancing across the stage, together, perfect unison, brilliant. Yeah. One of them gets down at the piano,
Starting point is 00:02:32 starts plonking away, plays a brilliant tune on the piano, while the other one does a little sing song. They go back again. It's unbelievable. And I think to say that Ryan Seacrest, of all people, could contribute that kind of,
Starting point is 00:02:43 that kind of contribution to our entertainment discourse I think is wrong, and I think you know it's wrong. I do know it's wrong. I think Roy deserves a bit of credit. He's played a trumpet on record breakers. He seemed genuinely into the records being broken, which I think is an important part of it. He invested himself in it. And I think... Categorically
Starting point is 00:03:00 not a paedophile as well. Exactly. Which, you can't say that about everyone. I was driving, when I visited my sister a few weeks ago, she lives in a close that has an alarming amount of roads named after the U-Tree. Now, U-Trees,
Starting point is 00:03:15 they've had a bad, bad, bad... They've done nothing to deserve anything. They've had a terrible... Yeah, exactly. Imagine, you know, being the PR manager for the U-Tree. Like, you just cannot buy a hosting gig. Well, what's really depressing about that is that I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying
Starting point is 00:03:33 that until Operation U-Tree, I think the oldest tree in Britain was, of course, as I'm sure we all know the Fortingall Yew in Scotland which was a yew tree right I mean it's been dated like 5,000 years it's in a church I've actually been there it's in a church
Starting point is 00:03:51 somewhere in Scotland beautiful roots yeah and now no one talks about that and I think that's a shame because the yew I mean if you are Britain's oldest tree
Starting point is 00:03:58 but no one mentions it because of some basically investigation into historic sexual abuse in the BBC i think that's obviously for many reasons that particular u-tree isn't the real victim here but i think that that's
Starting point is 00:04:13 a shame for people of the u-tree persuasion because you know now that's all it's known for the u-tree persuasion i also i also i'm also right in saying um that paul gambaccini wrote a book um called my year under the utuary where he was like incorrectly accused of all sorts of stuff and dragged through the drag and drag through the mud so you know it's a it's a shocking state of affairs we started off talking about roy castle inevitably we've ended up talking about historical issues at the bbc um yeah that's a shame which which i i will say they do have a good fucking line in uh supporting these characters until it comes to the point where they can't support these characters aka your friend of mine tim timmy westwood like things like that we sort of go he was employed very recently by the bbc very recently and they have
Starting point is 00:05:05 a terrible reputation for just keeping people kicking around who have clearly got a lot of fucking skeletons in their fucking closet so to speak and uh it's it's it's it's shocking and they do themselves great discredit for by doing that i would even i've said this before about um that weird start i'm not saying anything was uh was uh was anything any peter philip behavior was was exhibited and it's six minutes in well done peter um um but there's that i've brought it before there's that astonishing uh video of iggy pop uh on uh on on a breakfast TV show with David Boy, who talks eloquently about,
Starting point is 00:05:48 he cuts himself on stage because he let himself down because he left a 13 or 14-year-old girl at an airport while he was on tour. Now, that story has no admission of guilt, no admission of anything, but it does sort of go, what are you hanging around with a fucking 14-year-old girl at an airport, right? And he says that, and does sort of go what you're gonna do with a fucking 40 year old girl at an airport right and he says that and everyone sort of laughs sort of thing because it was the 70s
Starting point is 00:06:10 slash 80s and um he's been employed by bbc6 music and treated like this old sage for such a long time and i'm sort of going like you you keep doing this to yourselves bbc you keep leaving yourself open to this kind of stuff because they're rock legends because they've got an incredible back catalogue it's I find it astonishing that they keep on doing this
Starting point is 00:06:31 every single time and Tim Westwood is the latest example of someone who's clearly exhibiting some fucking pretty awful behaviour you're not going to get a job at Six Music mate
Starting point is 00:06:39 it's gone it's gone that's why I'm doing it they don't want you mate I'm burning all my bridges mate they don't want you give me Iggy Pop's job I'll tell you about my album i wrote in germany they don't want you mate but by the way i would just say this and i'm not leveling this at anyone in particular if you do want um evidence of in that shall we say quote unquote interesting behavior from a lot of
Starting point is 00:07:01 these types just read the fucking memoirs read Read their autobiography. They wrote it. Read their biography. They've written it themselves. They love talking about it. Yeah, so don't, I mean, really, I mean, I'll stop short of saying actual names for obvious reasons, but it's a who's who.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It is a who's who. Rick Flair. No, you said a name. I've seen a lot of, I've said a name. I'll tell you what, this episode's going to age like a fucking brown banana, this episode. The age like a fucking brown banana this episode the WWE
Starting point is 00:07:26 was kind of the WWE was celebrating the him exposing himself on airplanes and stuff like that as recently as like
Starting point is 00:07:35 four years ago and then the wind changes they're left with Ric Flair's cock in their hands effectively and and they're
Starting point is 00:07:43 and they're and suddenly they're having to sort of go, oh, that never happened. That definitely never happened. These men wrote all of this in their autobiographies, wrote all of this in every story they're told. And I can't wait for some more dominoes to start fucking falling, quite frankly. Who would have thought of it from WWE?
Starting point is 00:08:03 It's the last place you'd expect it to be. Who would have thought? I know, the last place. The last place you'd thought it would happen. On behalf of myself, first and foremost, but our listeners as well, can we talk about something else? Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Can we talk about Elon Musk? Because I'm absolutely loving it. Again, yeah, when they fall, they fall hard, don't they? Imagine being the richest man in the world or whatever and losing a lot of that money because you want people to like you. It's exactly that. And this is the thing. It's so rare that billionaires give a shit.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, exactly. And it's great because I know people listen to me saying that. I'm loving it. And people are going to go to go well you know but he's trying to subvert democracy and he's done this thing with twitter and you know etc etc we can come on to that and i understand i'm sympathetic to that viewpoint but pete you've hit the nail on the head to me him buying twitter it's like a 44 billion dollar football right it's basically you've got no mates so back in the 80s where i grew up if you had no mates you'd get your parents to buy you a football because everyone would want to play with you
Starting point is 00:09:09 because you had a football right and you got yourself like a really good one where you started talking about how oh yeah i've got this really good mitre delta premier league here but um we can't play on the street with it because i don't want to get scuffed so we're gonna have to go and everyone's like fucking no he's got an amazing football Elon Musk has basically done that but he spent 44 billion dollars on it and everyone still thinks he's a cunt there's like a coterie of like basically incels but mostly male virgins between the age of like 16 and 30 who never really leave their house who think he's amazing and everyone else thinks he's a cunt. So it's so funny
Starting point is 00:09:49 because there's so many things about this that are really funny. So he's got a platform that has never made any money. Their best year, they never made any money, right? Twitter. He's bought that.
Starting point is 00:09:59 He's paid for that, right? And he has leveraged that deal by spending a lot of like, you know, the Saudi investment fund for one. Notable, all these people who are having a go at fucking Toon fans
Starting point is 00:10:09 still tweeting away. Number two. Was that directly, right into the camera now, was that directly at me? Yeah. No, not you. Because I've got no morals.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Not you. As you well know. You don't have a go at Newcastle fans though. I'd probably have more of a go at them but I just think it's stark. Mostly yourself. No one's talking about that. I'd probably have more of a go at them. But I just think it's stark. Mostly yourself. No one's talking about that.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I look into the mirror quite a lot. And yeah, so he's leveraged that deal with a bit of quite dodgy investment and also leveraging it on his Tesla stock, effectively, so that when Twitter's fortunes are now intrinsically attached to Tesla stock. So if GM Motors, and it's been talked about quite a lot, GM Motors just sort of go, right, well, there's an opportunity. We'll pull all our advertising so the share price of Twitter goes down, so the share price of Tesla goes down,
Starting point is 00:10:54 so we've fucked our major competitor in the electric car market. It is astonishingly fucked. And any dickhead could have seen that coming. But because Elon Musk is Elon Musk, this is what he does. what an e and and any dickhead could have seen that coming but because elon musk is elon musk this is what i also he's he's not listening to anyone who's got fucking any sense in the no no because he's got this idea a lot of people who are super successful like this i've observed or it has been observed sorry have this situation where they think i was successful at this uh now i mean look
Starting point is 00:11:25 because to be honest you know forget all the morals of it and all the other stuff like that i'm not talking about that because that's a conversation for another day probably but the fact is he is is slash was the richest man in the world right that doesn't happen to everyone by definition so he clearly has some kind of confirmation bias that he's brilliant right and i understand that i do i do i can kind of i can empathize with that but what he's done is what a lot of people like that do they go i can do this so really i'm probably the best place person to solve all the other problems and i'm going to do that and it always goes wrong but but the thing that really hit home for me is just i don't get too high
Starting point is 00:12:02 minded about it i can't solve all the world problems because i'm not clever enough and neither of us is but it's what is funny to me is when you drill down into like the human tragedy of it and the human kind of nature of it because i don't know if you saw this um i don't know if much was made of it because i think people just thought all right it's just he's just been a bit weird like his announcement video that he'd bought twitter was he walked into twitter's building carrying a bathroom sink with with the pump let that sink in right and i thought to myself basically you've announced this massive deal by essentially doing a joke that lee evans would have done like 1994 it's like not only is it shit because it is shit i mean if you and i sat down and wrote some jokes we would dismiss that straight away and we're not even fucking professional comedians
Starting point is 00:12:51 or whatever you want to call them that that's that's how he's chosen to announce it and it really is like it's it the tragedy at the base of it all is like look guys it's not about the 44 billion dollars that i could have spent you know helping a load of people in impoverished parts of the world it's um it's about me just being quite a cool funny guy and i think you should really understand that it's like mate fucking what are you doing like if you can get to that level of success and you still don't feel like comfortable that is very inspirational for the rest of us i'm telling you that yeah it's more like uh i wouldn't say it's lee evans because lee evans was like a kind of manic kind of running yeah i don't know why i
Starting point is 00:13:28 said lee evans because i actually really liked lee evans in the 90s and he wasn't really a slapstick kind of guy not tim vine who's tim vine's brother milton jones the other vine the other vine jeremy vine no oh yeah tim yeah jeremy vine is the brother of Tim Vine and Tim Vine is a stand up Tim Vine that's his joke but he's not a prop comedian I don't know Carrot Top yeah that's what I heard
Starting point is 00:13:51 someone else say someone else said Carrot Top but I didn't say Carrot Top because I'm not sure many of our British audience would know who Carrot Top is but anyway so it's
Starting point is 00:13:59 I mean it's astonishing to me and what's also really funny as well just following this because I know people find Elon Musk a little bit of a toxic character but I do think it's astonishing to me. And what's also really funny as well, just following this, because I know people find Elon Musk a little bit of a toxic character, but I do think it's fun to subvert these kind of people and undermine them.
Starting point is 00:14:12 We've kind of taken the piss out of them. What's really funny to me as well, right, is he obviously thinks he's really successful, and as I've said, on his own terms, maybe, you know, in certain ways he is, obviously. We can't really deny that. But every time he suggests something that he's going to do
Starting point is 00:14:25 right a load of really clever people just bang straight out in the replies go well you can't do that because of this and he gets more and more frustrated and then just
Starting point is 00:14:32 by the end of it it's like this complete like race to the bottom where at the end of it it always ends with Elon Musk just going free speech free speech
Starting point is 00:14:39 free speech but if AOC criticises me I will Elon it's not about free speech that was a crap idea. We all have them. People are going to pull you up on it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You're in the firing line here. People are going to pull you up for a shit idea. If you have a good one. Yeah. So this morning, right? This morning at 7.36am, Lord Sugar, Alan Sugar, one of our most successful businessmen
Starting point is 00:15:02 in the 80s, Amstrad, etc. He is tweeting, How is Suki going to get out of trouble when she did not kill the fellow? At BBC EastEnders. He's watching EastEnders at 7 o'clock in the morning, Luke. He is a character. He's a character, but he's not a dangerous character right now because he hasn't got that much money compared to other people.
Starting point is 00:15:21 But he has done a racism before, though. Has he? I imagine him stumbling to it. Okay, stumbles into them every now and again. Do you remember his moon video, where he thought the moon was really quick and big in Russia? That's the thing. That moon thing was odd,
Starting point is 00:15:39 because I totally am sympathetic to older people being confused by tech, because I'm kind of one of them, right? But that's the moon. That's the moon. You made a a billion quid and you don't know what the moon is like come on that's that's that gives fuel to the people who think that you know basically becoming really wealthy is is a large percentage down to the fact that like it's circumstances and timing and all that kind of stuff which i'm sure it probably is but i do like to think there's some kind of meritocracy involved in life because otherwise there's no point getting up in the morning but then you see alan sugar and you go for fuck's sake alan but it is it's men who've lived in the city all their lives and like you know their life is just you know who's wearing the best shoes who's got
Starting point is 00:16:20 the best fucking watch and all that stuff and and you it's all a big the big what do you mean who wears the best shoes i'm not even wearing a watch you can see there you go but pete can i just say i once went to a house party uh years ago it's quite late i was out in the garden um probably i might have even been smoking a dube i can't remember it was steady man must have been at least 15 years ago. You're going to get cancelled in a minute with that kind of talk. I'm uncancellable, though, because I would quite welcome it. I just want to rip off that plastic.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I probably do. If I'm being totally honest with myself, I probably do need a reason for someone to kick me up the arse to get me to do something else. So anyway. So, yeah, so I was in, I promise you this is true. I might have even told this story before, but if I have, it's a long time ago. And I was in the garden, there's about four or five people in the garden. And there was a lady there, who's obviously at the parties, who I didn't know. And everyone just got talking. And it became quite clear that she didn't, she didn't know that the moon and the sun were different things.
Starting point is 00:17:28 So she had gone for a lot. And I'm not to criticize. No, everyone's got gaps in their knowledge. I mean, it's mad. Personally, I think it's mad. But she kind of was obviously thought that really because one, you never saw two at the same time, which, of course, you do sometimes. But I guess she had never noticed that. She just thought, oh, it's night and one's night and one's delight day version of it right and I found that and that stayed with me
Starting point is 00:17:48 as you can probably tell I'm someone who I think about that quite a lot because I think she was like an outwardly successful person doing fine having a great time lots of friends all the rest of it so I thought you know you know sometimes people don't know things and that's fine and at the time I probably thought it was funny because I'm arrogant and smug. What I'm trying to say is, Alan Sugar's become a billionaire not knowing that. So what does that tell us about life? When you see people like Elon,
Starting point is 00:18:15 when you see people like Alan Sugar, when you see people that, you know, like I'll tell you another example in a slightly different way. That guy, Gavin Williamson, that MP, Sir Gavin Williamson, he's done fuck all. He's done nothing. And everything he has done has been terrible like objectively terrible
Starting point is 00:18:29 knighthood the world's fucked is what I'm trying to say isn't it yeah it's just endlessly I'm sure you know yeah it's just endlessly
Starting point is 00:18:39 I also because I had a situation because as you know Pete I am naturally quite a quite a self-regarding man and I thought about because I had a situation, because as you know, Pete, I am naturally quite a self-regarding man. And I thought about whether I would accept an honour like that if it ever came up, right? MBE, OBE, Knight of the West. I know I'm never going to get one, but just like a thought experiment, right?
Starting point is 00:18:58 And I always thought to myself, you know what? It would mean so much to my family that I would definitely accept it, even though I do have... That's how they get you. Yeah, but I do that. Oh, I'll go into the establishment and subvert from within. That's what they always say, isn't it? Well, no, I wouldn't do that bit. But I'm just saying...
Starting point is 00:19:14 I'd respect that bit. Exactly. No, I was just saying that. I probably would accept it, right? And do you know what picked me over the edge? Gavin Williamson. I thought, I don't want to be a part of it. Don't want to be a part of that, right?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Have you seen his face alone? After all of the ones, after all of, we started the show talking about one who's probably had a knighthood, a famous man. Yeah, why don't I take exception to Jimmy Savile thinking about it?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Why has Gavin Williamson annoyed me more? I don't know, he just has. I don't know why. So what do you think is going to happen with Elon? What's the end game? Because a lot of people are saying, you know, people are are saying I've definitely seen loads of people
Starting point is 00:19:48 leave Twitter my feed is a lot quieter so what do you think the end game is here yeah because I mean so they're leaving Twitter because of the Elon thing
Starting point is 00:19:59 rather than where the money's come from that's interesting yeah it's funny people's morals isn't it funny people's morals isn't it the what Funny people's morals, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:20:06 The, what do I think about it? I think I'll just probably just tank it. I mean, do you remember when, oh God, BuzzFeed. Do you remember BuzzFeed? That went down the fucking swanny, didn't it? Like these things that we think are ever present, they're going to be present for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:20:22 They don't. So like people can walk away. big places can feel terrible and awful uh and and it's a shame because you know a lot of people get a lot of solace and a lot of support and you know work uh and they base their entire careers around uh you know people accessing them on twitter so it's so it's uh yeah well i don't think i don't think the the Ramble which was a genesis of Stack would have succeeded
Starting point is 00:20:48 without Twitter personally I don't think it would I'm not sure how important it is now but I think at the time it was really important but
Starting point is 00:20:54 and I was just quickly because I know we've got to go for a break but I also find it interesting that these tech people
Starting point is 00:21:03 like Zuckerberg and like Jack Dorsey and some others, I guess, Page and Brin and the Google guys. What's interesting to me is that they've created things that society thinks are so intrinsic to modern life. life they're so basically they're so successful that the argument seems to be this is actually a public interest issue rather than a private company doing its thing issue it's so influential that actually because if you look at it on paper so say twitter it's a successful company it's never as you say it's never made any money but it's got a huge user base and its influence is massive and some people seem to philosophically be saying that it shouldn't be able to be a private company to be bought and sold on the whims of some wealthy person who wants to do whatever they want with it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 When actually, in reality, there's nothing to stop that. And it's debatable whether there should be. Because it's just a company. It didn't exist before. And now it does. Now, if someone creates something that's so successful that it's got an unquantifiable influence on people's everyday lives to the point where it can subvert democracy
Starting point is 00:22:10 in the world's biggest democracy, then I guess the idea is that that shouldn't be allowed to happen. So it needs to go into public hands or whatever. But that philosophically seems like quite a weird concept to me. Yeah. Because you don't have to use it. It's not compuls to me yeah because you don't have to use it it's not compulsory right you don't have to use it no like no it's not offering really it's
Starting point is 00:22:30 not really in real terms offering anything other than um you know people's people i guess the hive mind of people's opinions and i don't think anyone really envisaged it could ever be that powerful but it is and you know and here we are and are and and for musk to i mean eventually i guess he'll probably you're right you probably tank it or run it into the ground or whatever and people will move on gravitate to another social media kind of website because i think people do seem to need it they seem like they need it or they feel like they need it and if they do the only thing you can hope for is that mistakes that will happen with twitter and with facebook and stuff because because facebook's going it's for a terrible time financially at the moment as well that those mistakes can be rectified and learned from and then we can get a better
Starting point is 00:23:10 place but i tried looking at that mastodon side everyone's talking about fucking baffling to me absolutely baffling what is mastodon i've never heard so mastodon is um is it twitter i actually asked charlie at stack to look into it because it everyone seems to be gravitating towards it. It's a decentralized social media platform of loads of different servers that do cross over but there's no one central kind of powerful decision maker. But who's paying for the server?
Starting point is 00:23:38 Well I think it's run voluntarily. How do you solve how do you features? Okay. I think it's run. As with anything that's decentralized and stuff it's wrong voluntarily. Okay, right, okay. I think it's wrong, okay. As with anything that's decentralized and stuff, it's just always in the same way the idea of the metaverse is supposed to be
Starting point is 00:23:54 decentralized, but the most you know, the biggest incarnations of the metaverse is obviously Facebook and Roblox and stuff like that, which are very centralized. You know, the decentralized metaverse doesn't versus obviously Facebook and Roblox and stuff like that, which are very centralised. The decentralised metaverse doesn't exist, probably will never exist,
Starting point is 00:24:12 because no one's got that amount of money to run it effectively. So, yeah, I've never heard of Mastodon. Isn't it interesting, though? Everyone's got their own little kind of bubbles. And I've been quiet this weekend, but I've not noticed the word Mastodon being discussed anywhere. It's weird. Right, yeah. It's come up a lot, I think, but I've not noticed the word mastodon being discussed anywhere. It's weird. Right, yeah. It's come up a lot, I think,
Starting point is 00:24:27 because I follow a lot of... Because you know I'm just a bit of a nerd for history and politics and stuff. And a lot of people that I follow have been spooked by this blue check thing, this blue tick thing. And now they're saying I'm setting myself up over here because if it goes to shit,
Starting point is 00:24:41 I need somewhere to be able to promote my content and stuff. be able to kind of you know i guess like promote my content and stuff get my truth out yeah and so that's why but it looks um i think it's run like um i don't know you know like it's essentially i think it's just run by donations from users and and people i think they i think the people who set up the separate servers have an obligation to give three months notice if they want to close their server to give people time to move to another one basically i mean i mean the problem is obviously the big the big i would argue the big success thing behind twitter is the simplicity of it right and and mastodon isn't doesn't to me seem simple i've seen i've seen as many people saying i've just tried to go on to mastodon i don't understand what i'm doing as i have saying come to mastodon you know
Starting point is 00:25:23 so yeah anyway anyway pete let's have a break we've got to come back we've got to squeeze some to go on to Mastodon. I don't understand what I'm doing as I have saying, go on to Mastodon. You know, so. Yeah. Anyway. Anyway, Pete, let's have a break. We've got to come back and we've got to squeeze some batteries in because we're way over time, mate.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Got to squeeze some, pop some batteries right up there. Okay. We'll be back in a second. We're back with Luke and Pete's show. We've only got seconds to get our batteries in before our mummy comes in
Starting point is 00:25:42 and slaps our hands and says, stop with this Luke and Pete show nonsense. It is bath time. Lindsay has come in with a message. Hello to Lindsay in Sydney, Australia. What accent was that, by the way? Hi there, Luke.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I don't know, mate. Do you want to twiddle the sideies a little? Hi there, Luke and the Pete. I'm sure you can appreciate the excitement one would feel knowing that there's another Luke and Pete show listening in your workplace. I was delighted to hear that a fellow Ant Store employee, Gary, had emailed in.
Starting point is 00:26:15 As our friend Gary mentioned, there are security issues regarding photography at our workplace. But thank you, Gary, for being the trailblazer in this regard as I've been sitting on these potential new players for a while. As it turns out, radiation monitoring equipment is a potential goldmine for new players as the batteries can't immediately be thrown out without being scanned first.
Starting point is 00:26:33 You've got to check whether they're radioactive. Fantastic. Wow, that's cool. This means a pile of old batteries can build up in a lab over many years before my colleagues at... Whoa. Where'd that come from? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:26:47 The Aussie brain. You're like venom. I'm being taken over by an Aussie version of me. That's not even how Australians say colleagues either. Colleagues? Before my colleagues and I get called to clear them. Are either of these new players? HWMax,
Starting point is 00:27:05 super heavy duty. Your Flamengalar, let me know whether that's... And we've also got Arlec Rechargeable Super Performance from Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, I'm checking them out and both of them are new players. So, you're sitting on the gold mine there, Lindsay. You and your pal, Gary. Well, I don't actually know
Starting point is 00:27:22 if you're pals. Like Elon Musk. Oh, no, wait. It like Elon Musk oh no wait it was Jewels yeah it was Jewels Emerald specifically I think but HW Max
Starting point is 00:27:31 Super Heavy Duty and Arlec Rechargeable Super Performance are brand new players so congratulations to you that's two out of two well done thank you for sending them in
Starting point is 00:27:40 thank you for really I mean taking a massive risk on your own employment for sending them in it's good stuff appreciate it and I also appreciate the fact that for sending them in. Thank you for really, I mean, taking a massive risk on your own employment for sending them in. It's good stuff. Appreciate it. And I also appreciate the fact that
Starting point is 00:27:47 these radiation issues can't reach us via the internet. But those two are definitely going straight into the battery daddy. Thank you very much indeed. I think if we had
Starting point is 00:27:57 like a battery daddy with, the Arlec in particular is a beautifully designed sort of multicolour kind of rainbow monstrosity. Beautiful. What is it? It's like a 9V. Or is it a D? It's a D, isn't it? It's a D, yeah. It's a beautifully designed sort of multicolour kind of rainbow monstrosity. Beautiful. What is it?
Starting point is 00:28:05 It looks like a 9-volt to me, doesn't it? Or is it a D? It's a D, isn't it? It's a D, yeah. It's a big D. Rechargeable as well. I think if we had those in the Battery Daddy, we'd have like a radioactive Battery Daddy, which is the sort of thing you'd see in like Fallout 3, but that's what gets upgraded.
Starting point is 00:28:21 You have your normal Battery Daddy, then you have a special thing that does more damage to you, but you will have to take Radex to get rid of the radiation on your person. Anyway, Fergus from Kirk and Tillock, Ansmann Industrial. If you go searching for that, I'll read to you. These batteries were given to me
Starting point is 00:28:37 in a Ziploc bag by my wife's cousin. He has access to plenty... There's just no explanation. The drugs these kids are into these days. He has access to plenty of them at work and i borrowed a few for my home use not my first email but my first battery attempt with the ants man industrial i'm not overly confident hey give yourself a bit of uh scope there i think i think these these might be a new play you know should i do it should i do it in the style of jeff stelling on soccer saturday yeah okay here we go fergus has emailed him with a battery and says he's not overly confident
Starting point is 00:29:08 but he should be chris kamara yeah new player new player good stuff well done there's three out of three man this is crazy returns uh hello to alex hi lads uh please see the attached image i wonder if summit is a new player. They sound pretty exciting. Specific batteries for camping gear, apparently. I got them instead of camping lamps from a market in Stratford-upon-Avon while on a recent trip there. I couldn't turn them down, too, for a tenner.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Also, regarding local fish and chip prices in Sheffield, recently went to buy two medium cods with chips and curry sauce and mushy peas, which came to £21. I thought this was outrageous for a relatively northern and modest city. I swear fish and chips used to be about a fiver 15 years ago when I was growing up in the North West. Probably, right,
Starting point is 00:29:54 John's Chip Bar in Hartlepool was probably about that. Yeah, but 15 years ago inflation's currently... Half lot half lot, £3.50 usually. But Pete, inflation's like at 10% now. So I mean, I'm not surprised that 15 years ago things were cheaper. But at 10% now so I mean I'm not surprised that 50 years ago things were cheaper
Starting point is 00:30:07 but I take the point I mean I started this whole debate about how expensive this shit is so I get it but anyway Summit
Starting point is 00:30:14 they are new players as well so I mean we've got a full clean sweep this week amazing really lovely let's do some more fish and chip we've got a lot of
Starting point is 00:30:20 fish and chip shop emails let's do some more Monday but 3 out of 3 on the old batteries Pete you've got to give yourself a and chip shop emails. Let's do some on Monday. Let's do it. But three out of three on the old batteries, Pete. You've got to give yourself a hand for that. It's a good... Great stuff. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well done, Lindsay. Well done, Fergus. And well done, Alex. We'll be back on Monday for more silliness. We will be delving. We'll be jamming our hand into a big bucket of mushy peas and gravy just for you guys. But in the meantime, have a great Thursday. Maybe you're listening to this on a Friday and you're thinking, yes peas and gravy just for you guys. But in the meantime, have a great Thursday.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Maybe you're listening to this on a Friday and you're thinking, yes, I'm ready for the weekend. I'm listening to two blokes talk about batteries. That's how I want to start my weekend. Yeah. I mean, it's nicely put, mate. I think Fridays generally are
Starting point is 00:30:56 the least depressing day of the week, so good for them. I can't wait for Friday myself. Ciao, ciao. Ciao, ciao. The Luke and Pete Show is a Stack Production and part of the ACAST Creator Network.

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