The Luke and Pete Show - Pete's Famous Nipples

Episode Date: February 11, 2021

We're back! On today's show, Luke explores the struggles of age-related back injuries, while Chef Pete introduces us to his top tips for getting busy in the kitchen.Elsewhere, we discuss motorised rob...otic bins and personalised Scottish gritting trucks before ANOTHER NEW PLAYER ENTERS THE GAME! Don't miss out!Get in touch with us on Twitter and Instagram at @lukeandpeteshow with your stories from the week, or drop us an email at! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's thursday it is the luke and pete shaw i'm pete donaldson i'm joined by luke mo once again i'm enjoying the maximum taste no sugar kick of a pepsi max ginger actually um luke you weren't privy to this information but producing that um before you you came on the call, she admitted that her dad had to change the brand of Pepsi, or rather Diet Coke, in the fridge because otherwise she would drink upwards of, I think, 25 cans a day. Wow. Or a ridiculous amount, more than five. Nat, do you want to unmute yourself very quickly
Starting point is 00:00:40 and just tell us, we'll just say one number, how many cans of Diet Coke you used to drink a day? Yeah. What's your record? used to drink a day? Yeah. What's your record? 24. In one day? One for every hour? That is outrageous. That is absolutely unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:00:52 She's tiny as well. Absolutely tiny. Well, because of the Diet Coke, isn't it? But I mean, I imagine she was up every hour of that day drinking Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I mean, lordy. That is, that is a, so there's a big controversy, isn't there, around – well, it's not actually really a controversy, but people say that aspartame, which is, I think, the flavouring of – not the flavouring, but the kind of sugar substitute, sweetener in Diet Coke, is potentially hazardous. And a lot of people have come out and said, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:01:24 It's the most tested kind of ingredient in the world, effectively, because it's done so much rigorous testing on it because so many people have it and it's fine. But I always think that I sometimes will have maybe two Pepsi Max cherries in a day. And I think to myself, you probably want to, yeah, you want to avoid that tomorrow. First of all, I didn't have you down
Starting point is 00:01:48 as a Pepsi Max ginger kind of guy, Pete. That is rogue for you. I would never, I never would have matched you to that soft drink. Last aisle in Waitrose, just looking around,
Starting point is 00:01:56 what's new, what's happening, what's popping in the world of Pepsi Max. I've got Diet Coke, lime and Pepsi Max ginger. Don't mind it, not too bad,
Starting point is 00:02:04 but you can't drink more than 23 in a day I tell you what I don't even know how it's possible I just don't know how it's possible So how have you been Luke, how's this week been? Have you been winning? Have you been given, as the kids say
Starting point is 00:02:20 a big W or a big fat L? I don't know I certainly have not been indulging in a big fat L? I don't know. I certainly have not been indulging in a big fat L. But on Monday, I said to you guys, I said to you that I tweaked a muscle in me back. It's still quite sore today. And I think it does go to show how when you get older, it takes you such a long time to recover.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And that's kind of one of the, I think, the misunderstood aspects of professional athletes, particularly when they play in the Premier League or whatever. It's not necessarily that they can't do the things they did before. It's that it takes them a lot longer to recover. And I find now that if I get a little injury here or there, it takes me a long time to bounce back from it, baby. Well, look, you're still my Premier League goal-scoring superstar hero, mate.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Don't worry about it. Thanks. That's so good of you. Have you got any ailments at the moment, Peter? You're normally quite good for an ailment. Yeah, I'm usually pretty good. No, I recooked some curry from Saturday on Monday and ate that. And that's been two days now of just repeating on me
Starting point is 00:03:25 and giving me terrible asses. You won't learn your lesson though, will you? I won't learn my lesson because when I'm ordering the food, I'm very generous with my money. But when I finish the meal, I always want to get another meal out of it. And rice does not keep very well. You've got to be careful with it. You've got to be careful with it. There's a bit of a schism in our household about this because i've always
Starting point is 00:03:47 been quite um i would say i've always been quite reticent to try and reheat rice i was always quite frightened of it because i know that it can grow bacteria on it and it can be bad for you and make you sick and my wife i think either wasn't aware of that or because she knows about science was like oh yeah but it's fine if you just do this and she's always been quite blasé about it and so I've ended up like reheating rice more often than I did before and I've actually been all right so it's fine as long as you absolutely destroy it I mean it's just it's just that um I think if you stick a sick hot rice in a cold fridge I think that's problematic and then you start eating it then or if you um just don't cook your rice through again properly it's not particularly nice anyway as long as it's like covered in oil you usually all right
Starting point is 00:04:28 because obviously the oil heats up in a microwave or in a or in a wok but yeah you've just got to make sure you cook it right through you're just none of your two minutes and and done because like when we have like ready meals and stuff because some of them are ready in two or three minutes you think that's how much reheating a meal is it's not you're cracking into your sixes your sevens even if you yeah i sometimes consider putting on a half i completely agree yeah i i've i've first of all the microwave i've got in my house has been the one of the most unbelievable purchases i've ever done it cost me 30 quid in 2014 and it's still going yeah right and i think you're right i think when i'm reheating a meal i'm getting into five minutes plus five minutes plus probably yeah yeah you cannot mess around with that sort of
Starting point is 00:05:10 thing give it a stir rotate it 45 degrees and then get back into it get back into it any more kitchen tips for people pete i mean you let's just set the scene right it's a lovely evening you've had a nice day at work yeah you figure i want, I want to sit down and make myself a meal. You've got some ingredients. You're going to knock something together. What's your top kitchen tips? If you have a squash that you want to cut into, just be careful with a knife. You need a really sharp knife or a serrated one
Starting point is 00:05:38 just to get through the flesh because the flesh is incredibly tough. Yeah. I often find it absolutely remarkable how easy potatoes are to cut into raw when compared to their humble cousin, the sweet potato. Very difficult to cut into a sweet potato, but actually incredibly easy to cut into your normal common or garden potato. Yeah. Have you got a garden for growing veg in your new house, by the way?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, I think we've got like a little flower bed sort of thing because I bought this little kind of roll of carrots. You know those little cap guns you used to get when you were a kid and you get like a little roll of caps. What were they called, caps, by the way? It's like a blasting cap, isn't it, I guess? Because you'd have them on the paper roll. It'd taste a bit like gunpowder.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It'd be sort of spicy and hot. And then there's the plastic rotating ones. But the cardboard ones, I bought this in the garden centre because I like to go to the garden centre every weekend because there's literally fuck all else to do. And yeah, similar sort of thing. In each little kind of little hole, there's like a little carrot seed in there.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And you put it in the ground, stick some water on it, and then in a few months you've got some carrots. But the thing is, I've decided to move house. So what am I going to do? Sow my seed and then have some other fucking loser reap the benefits of my delicious sweet carrots? Don't think so. You can't sow your seed into someone else's flower bed
Starting point is 00:07:05 and then reap the benefits. You've been told about that before. I can't imagine you in a garden centre. I like it. I like the smells. I like, I've become very obsessed with, one of these days I'm going to buy one of those suet bars you give to a budgie.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Oh yeah. I'm just going to sink my teeth into it because they always look so lovely. I'm absolutely stunned you haven't fucking done that already. Oh, yeah. I'm just going to sink my teeth into it because they always look so... I'm absolutely stunned you haven't fucking done that already. Oh, man. Sue it... You just talked about eating caps for cap guns.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Sue it mixed with seeds and just getting a ball of it, the ones that the birds eat. And just go... Oh! That would be... Answer me this honestly. What? Have you ever done it?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Answer me this honestly. Have you tasted either of the dogs that you've got access to as food? No, no, I haven't actually. Though we do have the same stomach medicine as discussed. Yeah, Nat did try it, tried her dog's food and she ended up eating 24 packets of it. Peter, what were you doing when you were putting caps from a cap gun in your mouth? That's question number one.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And question number, well, actually, an extension to that question, a question 1B, if you will, is, is there anything from your childhood that you didn't put in your fucking mouth? And question two is, did you have the lesser spotted but arguably more exciting late 80s, early 90s kids toy, the famed potato gun? Never had one myself, though I endured the sweet kiss of many a pellet into the back of my head.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yes, same. But I think it was one of those kind of products that you would see but it always seemed a bit naughty and you always sort of think well that is so that's too much power for one person i would hate to have one of those like it might turn me into crime or something i don't know take it back to medieval times exactly exactly um so yeah potatoes no never had that. What was the other question? Is there anything I've not put in my mouth when I was a kid? What is the thing that people have if they've got to experience stuff with their mouth?
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's like a kind of fetish or a sexual kind of gratification. But it's not sexual for you, is it? You're just doing it. Every pen I've ever had has been in my mouth. There's not a single pen that I've not tasted the hot ink that's kind of spilled out the top when I've been chewing on my pen too much. I'm always snapping stuff, pulling stuff around. I'm surprised I'm not choked on stuff. Terrible, terrible behavior.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Do you remember like first day back at school after Christmas where some wag would get a cartridge pen. Right, yeah. Do you remember? Like a fountain pen with cartridges. And they'd always be, they'd get it like in their stocking for Christmas or whatever. And they'd also get like a box of ink cartridges.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And then they'd bring them to school. And in break or lunchtime, you'd end up stamping on them so you could fire the ink further. So messy. Did you ever used to do that? So unbelievably messy. And if it gets on your shirt, it's game over for that shirt, quite frankly.
Starting point is 00:10:09 You cannot get that ink out. True. Terrible. It was like nowadays you sort of see those laughing gas ether canisters around town. Back then, it was just inky plastic tubes. Did everyone draw on your shirt on your final day of school? Yeah, yeah, they did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I don't remember where that is. Is that a thing? Because you were a bit of a heartthrob at school, weren't you? Yeah, I was pretty popular. I had my times here and there. But I moved schools consistently, didn't I? So, you know, just spread my love around the harley poe i can remember you know what going back to the old potato gun chat i can remember once
Starting point is 00:10:53 so my sister's five years younger than me and um i was what was i doing i think i was playing on the super nintendo in my bedroom and my sister had her own bedroom. My sister was sitting there watching me play Super Nintendo, and I think I got frustrated by a game or something, and I swore. And as I swore, my mum walked past and was like, what are you doing? You can't sit there in front of your sister. You're grounded. She grounded me for a week, right?
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's kind of fair enough looking back on it. It's probably poor form by me, but i wasn't in control of my emotions and uh anyway so the problem was i was thinking oh yeah week grounding it feels like the end of the world when you're a kid and it feels like it's going to last for a long time but my bedroom overlooked the back alleyway where everyone used to all the kids used to hang out and play and i remember the next day like sod's law there was a massive um potato gun fight and it just looked the best thing ever and i negotiated with my mum that actually the bottom of our garden which had a shed on it which i could climb up the side of and sit on the top of the shed that was technically still our property yeah so i was still staying in snake i sat on the shed and
Starting point is 00:12:04 watched it. But I wasn't allowed to partake. And it was honestly one of the most depressing moments of my childhood. Did you even, you said you didn't ever have a potato gun? No, I wasn't allowed any guns as a kid. My parents wouldn't let me have them. That's probably a good shout.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I mean, bare minimum, if you're just going to, you know, draw a line in the sand. I don't think that's a bad one, to be fair. No, and it's funny because my parents were quite hippie, a bit young to be proper hippies, but they were quite hippie-ish. And one of the first dates they went on was a campaign for nuclear disarmament march in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Oh, nuclear power, no thanks. Yeah, and my mum always used to say that. And then it turned out my dad actually told me that he only actually went because my mum was going. I didn't give a shit. Which is like classic male behaviour, right? What political march would you go on to woo a lady? What's your cut-off point?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Look, there is nothing more exhilarating in the sphere of political discourse than me in the 90s actually he's when was the poll tax rise swinging around uh swinging around a scaffolding pole that's been left out in charing cross street uh trying to hit a policeman i mean i mean imagine how much lady action one might get you'd be about four years old so i'm not sure it might be a bit weird what's that kid doing where's his where's his parents why has he got a scaffolding pole because that's how the pole pole that's right started didn't it because it was somebody some builders are just stupid he left a lot of scaffolding balls down and they just kicked off.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Beautiful. When you said that, because of how old you were, that was in 1990, right? So you'd have been like eight or nine. I thought it was on the cost. I just imagined you with a pair of welly boots on, a T-shirt, and nothing else, and being like eight years old. Because back in the day, and it was just exactly the same where i grew up because we grew up in like a poor neighborhood you'd get a lot of kids who
Starting point is 00:14:08 would have like shorts on yeah and nothing else yeah they'd never a t-shirt on and a pair of pants and nothing else because i because because kids um like i always find like pictures of myself when i was a kid and yeah i'd spend a lot of my time just in my pants um yeah his nipples are weird oh here we go where's this come from they're just they're just kind of like like i remember sort of like a picture of me when i was a kid i'm going i just had no nipples but there were nipples there but they were like ghost nipples they were like right it was like you know when you're How many of them? Just the normal two. But kids' nipples are weird. And I'm sure parents who have kids must be like,
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm not going to mention it. I'm outside of it, so I can't mention it. But they must be like, our kid's got nipples, but no nipples. It's weird. I hope our kid grows out of that kind of thing. It's like when you play Daytona Racing, and then the next time you go around it shows you what your car did last lap it's they're there it's your car but it's see-through
Starting point is 00:15:12 it's like weird that's what my nipples look like when i was a kid i just get nipple kids just kids just have a crack at nipples but they just don't manage them it's weird what's that and you're quite you're quite famous in our company for your nipples now weirdly yeah yeah no they're ridiculous they're you can see them through if i was wearing like um uh armor back in the day like plate metal armor you could see my nip nip sue that it'd be like batman forever it would yeah yeah it's kind of interesting i can remember when um speaking of like kids and then like seeing them and not what not saying anything like about that kind of thing i can remember when my niece was born and she's five now she's the most beautiful human being in the world i love her to
Starting point is 00:15:55 bits and but because i've never been a dad and because it's never really come up no one really briefed me on what babies look like when they're born and they look fucking mental they look mental i'm telling you now if you listen to this and you've never witnessed a new an actual newborn baby they look mad right little quick little sort of peek behind the curtain for you i'm telling you now when your family or your friends are posting a picture of a quote unquote newborn baby on instagram or something it's been cleaned up okay yeah they look like an alien when they're first born and i was one of the first people there in my family when my niece was born and um they uh let me hold her and i was sitting there thinking i don't i don't know what to say like it was a couple days later was it like dry was it
Starting point is 00:16:44 because because babies obviously... But their heads are funny shape. Their heads are funny shape. They've got blotches all over them. They've just gone through a quite traumatic kind of entrance into the world, if you will. God, yeah. It's a mad thing.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I've never noticed the nipples thing. I'll be totally honest with you. As soon as I get off this call, this recording, I'll give my mum a text. She'll send me a picture or two of me and i'll see i'll have a look and i'll let you know but because i because i was the reason i'm saying that is because i was astonishingly blonde when i was a kid right like proper white hair as a kid so i imagine i might have had i might have something to offer in that nipples department
Starting point is 00:17:20 pete maybe i'll uh maybe i'll maybe i'll chuck over a picture that my dad sent over um earlier earlier today um of my mom when she was a little baby but my god she looks bloody haunted um and i'm showing you it's oh she looks sweet she looks absolutely my little welsh mom absolutely bloody haunted yeah oh by the way, speaking of that, you notice there's been a bit of a groundswell of support, apparently. I was reading the other day for Welsh independence, and as a man of Welsh extraction, I'm very proud of that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yes, please. Let's rejoin Europe. Thank you. Let me have my passport back. Thank you. Have you thought about perhaps heading over to Wales and joining some kind of mining-based close vocal harmony male choir? That would be lovely. I think that I don't have bad pipes, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:18:13 No, you're all right. I think you could also, I mean, listen, you could also volunteer your nipples as some kind of mining device. Yeah, extraction device. H.S. too. I could have helped Swampy out and his friends at Euston Station
Starting point is 00:18:27 who've dug a little... Amazing that they did that. So I walked past that little display, I'm just calling it, outside Euston. What are you talking about? I don't even know
Starting point is 00:18:37 what you're talking about. So in Euston, you know Euston Square? In front of Euston Station there's like a little square. Yeah. The station used to come out a bit more and then it was redesigned in the 70s. There's like a little square. The station used to come out a bit more,
Starting point is 00:18:45 and then it was redesigned in the 70s. There's always a load of flags and stuff there. Yeah, yeah. So they're saying no to, I think, the crossrail, maybe HS2. I'm not really sure what's what. Anyway, they're saying no to whatever it is. And they've set up a little kind of camp. Just no.
Starting point is 00:19:02 What? No, no, just no. They've set up a rather impressive camp. It's the sort of thing, you know, back in the day you'd see outside on Parliament Square. But on Euston Square, they've got this massive, like, little village of tents. And it was at a time when it was, like, absolutely freezing.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So incredible that they managed to do this. But they've managed to dig tunnels. Like, they've dug tunnels underneath Euston. Like, tiny little one-man tunnels up and down. Swampy's been down there because he's obviously protest royalty. But yeah, they've made these little tunnels that they sort of crawl through.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Incredible, incredible. What's Swampy been doing then since the 90s? Because, I mean, in the 90s, he was the big one to stop it was the a30 i think right which is um down in the west country yeah and that's when he became um that's when he became kind of famous but he has been on board the hs2 thing and the reason it's interesting is because those listening are a bit younger they probably won't remember him but he was kind of the first famous environmentalist of that kind, really. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah. He's not been, he's not kind of softened in his older age. No, you'd expect him to be in like Big Brother or something, wouldn't you? You'd expect him to be. Yeah. No, he's doing it for the honor, not the glory. And apparently in 2006, he was living in a yurt. Well, there you go. I mean, yurt is better than a tent, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:20:24 I mean, yurt's a fancy tent, isn't it really good on them yeah apparently a conservative a conservative minister said that they'd like to bury him in concrete at one point so strong tell us what you really think for goodness sake um so he's now he's now as we speak he is digging under euston square is he i don't know whether he's in the i don't know whether he's taking the glory of the of the tunnel um the tunnel diggers, but, yeah, they've managed to sort of tunnel underneath the road. Incredible. Like, just incredible that they've managed to do that
Starting point is 00:20:53 with such cold ground in such terrible conditions. Yeah. So, you know, more power to them, I say. The joke always used to be, like, you hope he doesn't get heart problems because he'll almost certainly refuse a bypass. Good. That works.
Starting point is 00:21:07 That works. That was a dad joke back in the day. He's probably still got resonance now. I reckon he probably eats very healthily, so he probably won't need one. Yeah. The jokes on those dads who themselves all do have heart problems,
Starting point is 00:21:18 where he's very healthy. Probably a vegetarian diet, and he's outside all the time, so he's doing fine. All right. Yeah. Shall we have a little break? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And then when we come back, we'll check have a little break and then when we come back we'll check our blood pressure and then we'll come back and we'll do an email or two how about that alright then Stakhanov's award winning football mockumentary The Offensive is available to listen to now after securing
Starting point is 00:21:40 Premier League survival last season Ashwood City have a new boss the new manager Sen Goran Eriksson I am Securing Premier League survival last season, Ashford City have a new boss. The new manager, Sven Goran Eriksson. I am delighted to be the new head coach at Ashford City Football Club. But unfortunately, the same old chief executive. Oh, fuckity, fuckity, fuck, fuck. Stupid comments from an ex-player chanting, make Ashford great again.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Big fucking deal. You know, if he thinks that any of those empty words have had even the slightest impact on Patrick Nolan, MBE, then he is dreaming. Stupid big idiot twat fucking wank wank bollock face. Follow Ashwood City on and off the pitch every Premier League match week. I can't even get easy peelers in my local M&S at the moment, Sven,
Starting point is 00:22:23 let alone a fullback from Real Sociedad. I just have a list of players I'd like to bring into your squad. OK, well, let me know when you have a list of players you'd like to bring out of the squad. Described by The Guardian as a must-listen for football fans. We lied about the corona test result, we isolated our two informed players to stop them playing for England, and now we've asked Man City Football Club to bribe the Premier League on our behalf. I didn't actually ask them to, I asked if they wanted to.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It's the same fucking thing. Search The Offensive on your favourite podcast player and listen now. We're back with the Luke and Pete show. It is a Thursday. We're staying out of trouble, staying in school, and eating our greens, just like Swampy, quite frankly. If you hear any problems with the recording, it'll just be that one of Pete's nipples has pressed
Starting point is 00:23:14 a stop button or something by accident. Yeah, we did have trouble earlier on. Just talk, talk. Just every time, every... I don't know what happens in talk, talk at five o'clock, but somebody just goes for dinner and just presses their, like spills his dinner or spills his, you know, Jalfrezi, chicken Jalfrezi all over the bank of buttons.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And my connection invariably goes down. Is that how it works, Pete? That's how it works. Yeah, that's how it works. Yeah. You were having a running battle with someone at the internet service provider of choice, weren't you, at some point? Yeah, yeah. The good people at a certain, I think at one point, nationalized company. Have you given up on that then? Have you admitted defeat?
Starting point is 00:23:59 No, they've assured me that something will be taking place within a month. And that promise was given to me about a month and a half ago so just say more I mean they're going to fit the broadband the day before I leave for a new house which will really grind
Starting point is 00:24:18 my gears Luke, it really will I hope that happens, I think I'll speak on behalf of our listenership when I say I hope that happens so hello at is the email address. At Luke and Pete Show is us on Instagram and Twitter. Before I get into an email, I'm going to do a couple of battery brands because people send them in. They want to know if they've discovered a new player entering the game.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I think we've got three here. I think two of them are new players, Peter. I'm going to run them past you and see what you think. So first of all, Lizziezie thank you to lizzie hello to you sent in a kung fu max battery which you found in a torch i don't think that's a new player i've looked at the picture no i think it's a um i think it's one we've seen before sadly so good luck to you lizzie but i don't think you've made it and i think you need to get both votes from both of us to get in. Okay, fair. So that's Lizzie's.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Daniel Warrior has sent in – sorry, what were you going to say, Peter? I was just proud that we had someone listening who regularly uses C batteries rather than the AAAs and stuff. It's just nice to see. My motorized robotic bin takes C or D batteries, and sometimes hard to find hang on a minute motorized robotic bin i approach it opens its vast mouth and says get get get it all in here that's what it says get busy get bit get get straight down the gullet it demands it demands my film seriously what does it do? Does it move around?
Starting point is 00:25:45 No, it just opens. It just opens when I turn up. There's actually two, one for recycling, one not for recycling. So you just walk up to it, it opens its lid? Yeah, pops its lid. Fucking hell. That's very good. All right, excellent.
Starting point is 00:25:59 So it's probably hygienic as well. You have to touch it. Yeah, isn't it? All right, anyway. Good news, Lizzie news your battery would work yeah exactly good news lizzie your your battery will work in peak's robotic bin yeah but it is not a new player sadly daniel warrior i think has submitted a new player to enter the game it's an arcas zinc cola yeah yeah it sounds sounds German doesn't it what does
Starting point is 00:26:25 Kohl I mean yeah Zinc I mean Zinc's probably Zinc isn't it Kohl yeah I'd say so
Starting point is 00:26:30 Mignon underneath there's a Mignon double A for now we're going to give you that as a new
Starting point is 00:26:36 player status Daniel Warrior well done to you and then Phil Ha has sent in a brand of batteries
Starting point is 00:26:43 amazingly titled President's Choice. Oh, lovely. And especially- Sounds like North Korean. Yeah. What I like about it is that they're nine volters as well. It's a double pack of nine volters, President's Choice.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Are they going in the President's smoke alarm? I don't know. Yeah. The only thing I could think of for a 9V these days is a smoke alarm. And am I right in saying the 9V is when you're a school kid, you can put your tongue on it and it gives you a little shock? Correct, yeah, because both terminals are on one side. You can do it on any battery, but you've just got to be creative with your mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Oh, because you've got to go, so you'd have to put maybe one side on the inside of each cheek or something to create a circuit. The thing that you're seeing quite a lot in uh modern uh remote controls is that the you know when back in the day and for the longest amount of time this is so boring but it's never stopped before literally ever um the plus and minus terminals the positive and negative terminals are uh next to each other so the batteries have to go uh one way and then the next one has to go upside down. Right, yeah. Modern remote controls.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And I'm looking at you, the Amazon stick. They have rejigged the components, rejigged the insides, and the batteries go in both the same side up. It is an incredible thing to have happened to electronics uh electronics well what's this i've got on my hand here peter what's that is that a samsung i can't really see it's a sony remote control i'm gonna pop it i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it's an up and a downer it's an up and a downer batteries in there yeah yeah it's an up and down reversal yeah you know this is in the last three or four years they've decided to go you you know what, guys, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:26 This is just making things difficult for people with, I don't know, accessibility problems, vision problems. Why don't we just rejig the wiring inside and just go with this? It's ridiculous. Why have they done that in the first place? Why is it reversed in the first place? I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:28:37 It's probably easier to wire up if it's in serial or parallel. I don't really know how batteries work, to be honest, but it's probably how you wire a battery up with the other one to create one big kind of cell. Just easier, maybe. Just easier, mate. And I don't really know how batteries work to be honest but it's probably how you wire a battery up with the other one to create one big kind of cell so it's just easier maybe just easier mate and i don't think i don't think that is boring for this show i think if you
Starting point is 00:28:52 suggested that as like the opening story on the football ramble i'll be like well i can't really do that but on this show i i want this show to be like a reflection of life yeah yeah i just wanted to be a reflection of life i wanted to be the ultimate companion show where we just chat about our lives they're the same as your lives sometimes they're exciting sometimes they're boring we shouldn't shy away from that no and so i think the the the crucial and in fact tremendously exciting development of the changing around of batteries from opposites to to parallel uniformity is something that we should talk about and we have so well done us so anyway in summary that's the battery section lizzie it's a no from us i'm afraid but thank you very much daniel and phil congratulations you've joined the
Starting point is 00:29:37 club uh for those of you who want to send suggested new battery players to enter our game it is hello at luke and or at luke and peter on twitter and instagram now i've got an email here and i i kind of want us to do it um i also want to do a one i just want to recap a bit dad behavior from monday actually so maybe i'll do that first okay uh if that's okay this is from dave because this is actually a nice little it's a nice little slant on the dad behavior theme. So Dave says, your recent discussion around classic dad behavior reminded me not of my own father, but my best friend's father. He's called Kirk. Now, first of all, a dad called Kirk is great.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Strong man. That is great. I like it. He said he's a bit of a legend among our group of mates, a dedicated commitment to the 1980s moustache that persists to this day. And in my mind, I'm thinking Tom Selleck straight away. I could write an essay on the man, but I'll keep it brief with a few key highlights.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And then Dave has included three bullet points about Kirk. The first one is endless purchasing of old cars to repair for months while seemingly never making any improvements to them at all that is great yeah very good um then he's got one here about a um a car parking spot that is actually a public space in front of his house even though he had his own driveway which had three cars in it um but he wouldn't let anyone park there and he actually brainwashed his entire family to support him on that so anytime you tried to park there when you visited you'd get in trouble
Starting point is 00:31:10 which is great i mean that's that's probably not bad behavior that's more kind of territorial psychotic behavior um but anyway the best one is this right this is great pete you like this so kirk apparently would always wear socks with sandals, even on holiday, right? And there's a glorious example of this, where Kirk beat his son, who's obviously Dave's best friend, who was 18 at the time, while wearing socks and sandals in a bitterly contested tennis match in the south of France in 2008. The scene is so typically middle class. You'd be fuming. You'd be fuming though donnie wouldn't you be honest oh yeah you're trying your best and you've got your best i don't know slasher shoes on or
Starting point is 00:31:52 something are you are you a premier league or something the thing is the thing is dave the thing is dave that pete like pete isn't that competitive he doesn't give a shit so if you get too competitive he just gets switched off. He just wants to leave. Yeah. But I'm really competitive. So I think if it were me and I had to play Kirk and I'm shit at tennis,
Starting point is 00:32:12 but if I had to play Kirk and he had socks and sandals on and he was like 30 years older than me and he beat me, I'd be pissed off. I'm telling you that now. So that is classic. Absolute classic.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Enjoy. Do that one from Jasper in the emails. It's just been dropped in in it's a good one then yeah it is it's beautiful um jasper hello boys i've just discovered that they name all of the gritting trucks in scotland and i thought it was a bit of you um we've seen this before but i don't think we've mentioned it on the show before in scotland there are several uh gritting trucks um in major cities but also out in the hebrides and beyond um and
Starting point is 00:32:46 they've each got amazing names and you can watch these kind of trucks um they're all gps fitted and you can watch these trucks um hightail it around around scotland and they're always on the move and they've all got amazing names uh i don't know what the website is that you can find it we just google trunk road traffic scotland i think. Traffic Scotland's Trunk Road Gritter Tracker. And you've just basically got a load of little gritting lorries, little icons going around a big map of Scotland. And there are some amazing names. The Ice Destroyer, Sir Andy Flurry, Our Chili, Our Woolly,
Starting point is 00:33:22 William Wallace. I love Sweet Child O'Brien. Salt Disney. Lord Caldemort and You're A Blizzard, Harry. Nice as the chill's good. And so is Sled Zeppelin. Yeah, I like the simple ones with Gritty Gonzalez. I think those ones are kind of taking liberties a little bit,
Starting point is 00:33:43 bringing things like sleds and stuff. But I think, yeah. Gritting, aren't we? It's a Scottish sense of humour, which we enjoy. Yeah. Very nice. I think we should end on that. Let's wrap on that. Because that is a great way to end. And thank you very much for everyone for listening to this
Starting point is 00:34:02 unplanned nonsense again. That's been thursday we will be back on monday of course with another couple of episodes and between now and then we're off to drink as many cans of diet coke as we can but until then email us hello at luke and we are at luke and peachy on instagram and twitter there's loads of interesting stuff you heard on monday you got to vote on your favourite dad behaviours. So get over to our Instagram for more behind the scenes and extra content. Because
Starting point is 00:34:29 let's be honest, there's nothing else to do at the moment. Until then, until Monday, it's a goodbye from me. And it's a goodbye from Pete Dawson as well. Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada Si vous faites vos achats tout en travaillant, en mangeant ou même en écoutant ce balado, alors vous connaissez et aimez l'excitation du magasinage. Mais avez-vous ce frisson d'obtenir le meilleur deal? Les membres de Rakuten, eux, oui. Ils magasinent les marques qu'ils aiment et font d'importantes économies, en plus des remises en argent.
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