The Luke and Pete Show - Terrible steak, excellent sprouts

Episode Date: December 6, 2021

Tis’ the season for Brussels sprouts! Luke and Pete have started attending those dreaded Christmas parties which, if we’re honest, are situations where neither of them excel. One thing Pete does e...xcel at is forgetting Luke's TV recommendations - he managed to watch his most recent recommendation by accident.Once we bypass this awkward situation, we hear from a man who has a photographic archive of hand dryers. How's that for an early Christmas present? Ahead of the big day, we are wanting you to tell us some stories from your best and worst Christmases. Send them to or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and a very good morning to you this is the luke peter peter donaldson with you mr luke moore is in the studio doing his thing luke have you done your christmas shopping it's the bloody six for crying out loud i have i done some of it. How are you doing? It's nice to speak to all of you here at the official worldwide home of sweet beans. Well, are you eating sweet beans? Are you having some like fancy Christmas pudding with some secret Heston Blumen style sweet beans inside? Let us know. You having sweet beans for Christmas?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Most of you went to Waitrose right and all the Heston Bloomington Christmas range was just like sweet beans but in a different size of containers and all he was doing this year was sweet beans I haven't been doing that
Starting point is 00:00:53 because for me Pete Donaldson sweet beans are for life not just for Christmas baby it's not just for Christmas every you don't even give them
Starting point is 00:01:01 up for Lent you eat more if anything no I do I need it's like my life force. I need water, the old H2O. I need oxygen and I need sweet beans. And the beans too sweet.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Guess what I'm giving my family and friends for Christmas this year? Is it sweet beans? Sweet beans, baby. Oh, the sweet beans. I tell you what, I'm putting together a few shows for Wrestle Me, the Wrestle Me show. Somebody else has been doing a little bit of Christmas shopping around Mark Haynes' Highgate pile.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's the people who steal catalytic converters. Oh, yeah. That's still going on, is it? They must be really easy to remove. I feel like it's a really 90s crime. It is a really 90s crime. Is it though? Catalytic converters came in in the 90 90s and i think they've only just started to figure out that they're actually worth quite a lot of money when it comes but it like it must be a reason it really is a
Starting point is 00:01:54 steal and b must be really easy to actually fence actually church like how do you kind of who do you how would you sell a catholic converter to because i don't fucking know i think if you put three things of around the same size on the table in front of me and said tell me which one's the catalytic converter i would have a one in three chance of getting it right let alone who to sell it to i told you guys i think i think it's robocop's cock it looks like robocop's cock. Does it really? Yeah, I think so, yeah. I think I might have told the Luke and Pete show family this story,
Starting point is 00:02:32 but one of the very first things that happened to me in London when I first moved here back in 2004, August 2004, was I went to a local pub to meet a friend for a drink and a bloke tried to sell me a car battery in the pub. So he came into the pub. I don't know what his vibe was, although I'm sure you can probably work it out yourselves. Tried to sell me a car battery, and I said to him, thanks very much.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I don't have a car, so there's no need for me to buy a car battery. Appreciate it anyway. Then he left, and then like no word of a lie, five minutes later, he came back in with a deli-sized block of yes what do you want this you must like cheese and i said yeah i do like cheese but i'm not that interested in buying cheese in bulk from a man who also sells car batteries you know it's adorable he's he's only ever um church he's only ever sort of um
Starting point is 00:03:24 selling stuff that's in a big block, like a big square. A big square, fully sales, yeah. So good on him. So anyway, I don't know if I'd be the right target audience for a catalytic converter, either as a purchaser or a seller. Yeah. I think that in many ways he probably had you pegged as a street musician.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Oh, almost certainly. Probably your vibe. No, too fat, too fat, innit? Doing too well. Oh, almost certainly. Because of your vibe. No, too fat. Too fat, innit? Doing too well. Too well, yeah. Eating too well. Living off the lamb, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I was well into my sweet beans even then, mate. Yeah, mate, the sweetest. And back then, before the sugar tax, they could be even sweeter, to be quite frank. Oh, exactly. That was not talked about when the legislation was drafted at all. The sweetness level of the beans was not mentioned. Pete, I've got loads of stuff I want to talk to you about
Starting point is 00:04:08 because our keener-eared listeners will know that we pre-recorded a couple of shows last week because I was away. And so I want to talk to you about being away and all the rest of it and I'm sure that'll be fun. But something that's caught my eye is that you've watched the TV show Midnight Mass that I was talking about. Right, yes. I've started watching it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 We're three episodes in. No spoilers. Okay, I won't spoil. I won't spoil. Just part what you did to me in Game of Thrones, Gate. I will not spoil it in return. I mentioned that there was like a dragon or a barrel or something and you were like,
Starting point is 00:04:39 oh, do not tell me about the dragon or the barrel. Barrel spoilers are the worst spoilers. I will not have you. You will not believe what Donkey Kong got on his fucking sleeve. I will not have you talking about barrels willy-nilly. So I'm pleased you started it. I will, in which case, I will keep my powder relatively dry until you're done.
Starting point is 00:05:02 But I recommended it to a bunch of other people but i didn't recommend it in a kind of this is amazing i recommended it as like a this is quite an interesting show uh it's good in parts it's bad in part it's just a very talkable show so i'm interested to hear what you think of it what do you think so far i mean to be honest look i forgot that you'd even recommended it i i so uh vash of the Titles mentioned it. Oh, fucking yeah, your proper mates. Oh, at least your proper mates. Fucking hell. Even though she didn't
Starting point is 00:05:30 even recommend it, she just started talking about the main priest. It's no secret that there's a priest in this thing and he's very interesting and charismatic.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And yeah, it was just on and Sarah said, you know what she says? Well, yeah, fine. Vicky said there's a priest who's quite charismatic in it. And you know me, I love charismatic priests.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Because of your childhood and that? Yeah, because of my childhood in the Catholic faith. But yeah, it started all right. I'm up to three episodes in. It's gotten a little silly. I'll strap yourself in, baby. Fuck you now. Listen, trust me.
Starting point is 00:06:07 A priest's gone to the homeland and shit's going on. Do you know what? I mean, maybe you can answer this now. I am of the opinion that he massively is just massively channeling Nick Cave. Yes. Doesn't he remind you of Nick Cave? Definite Cave vibes. It's the hair.
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's the clothing I mean to be honest Nick Cave's probably just channeling the Catholic faith really so it's well Nick Cave
Starting point is 00:06:32 is in my opinion the greatest living human so I mean he's going to be the gold standard for me but yeah I just think by far
Starting point is 00:06:41 the priest is by far the best the best part of the show yeah he's just so watchable you're waiting for by far the best part of the show. Yeah, definitely. It's just so watchable. You're waiting for him to come on screen all the time. The priest and the sheriff.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It's nicely shot and it's interesting and stuff. But yeah, trust me, man, it gets fucking weird. It gets weird. Okay, cool. Does it get a bit, what was the first season of True Detective or the second where it got really weird, like weirdly weird? I lost, so the first season's brilliant, with Matthew McConaughey talking about
Starting point is 00:07:08 fanning the Yellow King all that time, yeah? That's good. The second one, has that got Mahashara Ali in it? That's the third one. Oh, the third one's good. So the third one's good, the second one was a bit, the second one has the bloke from Swingers, what's his name tall uh tired looking
Starting point is 00:07:26 fella oh vince vaughn vince vaughn yeah i i didn't i didn't stick with that one it got panned didn't it and i didn't really like it that much yeah um but the third one's very very good um and the second one got colin farrell in it as well who i like yes yeah it's it's it's very watchable but but like this this show it's very watchable. There's a woman who looks like the wrestler Nia Jax in it. You don't know, Luke, but it amuses me every time. I think she's going to body slam someone through a table. So that's enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I really like the sheriff. I really like the townsfolk. I like the woman with the weird freckles in the school. It's very, very watchable, but I fear it's going to get silly and I'm going to lose interest. No, promise me you'll stick with it. It's not that many episodes, is it? I will. Stick with it.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It's only seven episodes, yeah. Yeah, because it's definitely worth sticking with just because... All right. I mean, you know, I guess if I was being generous, I would say it's obviously just unlike any other show, basically, which is kind of a good thing. And there's an amazing use of, you know, listen, everyone knows about Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond,
Starting point is 00:08:35 especially after the summer that we just had. The real heads know that the best Neil Diamond song is actually Holly Holy. And that show has got one of the best uses of that song in it that you will ever see or hear. So it's definitely worth watching even just for that scene. What, just for a little dancing scene? No, it's just sometimes they put music on TV shows, Pete. Oh, by the way, speaking of that,
Starting point is 00:08:58 something that fucking occurred to me literally last night. I've started re-watching The Wire for a reason I won't bore you to death with. But I actually just realised, and I wonder if this is something that people already knew, that it's never occurred to me. You've seen The Wire, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 There's no fucking music in it. There's not a single piece. Huh? Not even a little bit of gangster rap? The only music you hear in the show is music that the characters in the show would hear. there's the only music you hear in the show is music in the show would hear there's no there's no atmospheric music it's called non-diet maybe called not is it called diagenic music and non-diagenic music there's no music that the characters in real life wouldn't
Starting point is 00:09:36 hear which has got to be unique for a modern tv show surely you've got i think you're in a situation where uh yes i guess it has to be but i mean it was before it was straight off homicide life on the street wasn't it really i suppose and they kind of took their cues from that a little bit so um there wasn't any incidental music in that apart from the little kind of noises in between and the theme tune yeah yeah you're right actually that's really interesting why isn't there any bloody and i think it's amazing how that they're able to build up tension and still make it fully interesting and stuff, even without that. It must be unique.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Our listeners will have an opinion on that, I'm sure, because it's a very popular show. I'll tell you what, you moved on pretty quickly after saying that Neil Diamond's best song is not coming to America. Oh, that's a good tune as well. Any song off the Jazz Singer is... Look, if you've got a few days off between Christmas and New Year, sit your family down, watch the Jazz Singer.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's a lot of fun. Neil Diamond playing a role that's been played a million times terribly and a lot of Neil Diamond songs. It's really good. I would say that... I know that Neil Diamond's become synonymous with this kind of crooning style
Starting point is 00:10:44 and the Sweet Caroline thing. I am fortunate. It's the Jewish Elvis mate he's fucking great I do finish I do consider myself fortunate on this that my mum used to play quite a lot of Neil Diamond
Starting point is 00:10:54 when I was younger and but the earlier stuff so like Velvet Gloves and Spit the kind of late 60s stuff which is if you listen to now
Starting point is 00:11:02 it actually sounds really fucking good and I'll tell you something now I was walking to that Aas christmas party um on wednesday yeah and um and they still gotta go to nottingham and get something the way you delivered that was like i was going to that bloody party on wednesday i was walking there and i thought i'm not going to get the train all the way there because i you know i just can't be asked to do public transport a lot now.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Not when it's this weather. If you've got a nice warm coat on, if you've got your over jacket and you're walking, you're absolutely fine. It's going down into the tube, taking your layers off, getting out the tube, putting the bloody layers on again. It's horrible. Fuck that. I'm a Boris bike, or I shouldn't call it a Boris bike actually because that's pathetic.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Santander bike or a walk. And I walked from London Bridge down to the city, and I listened to a Neil Diamond selection of songs. The Holy Holy came on. Just brilliant. It's just fucking brilliant. It makes you feel like a million dollars, man. It's just great.
Starting point is 00:11:57 By the way, speaking of the ACAST Christmas party, so for those who are listening who don't know what it is, what ACAST is, they're the kind of tech partners, the commercial partners, the company that we partner up with to deliver a lot of services and we work closely with them. So we got invited
Starting point is 00:12:12 to their Christmas party. Lucky us, great. It was fantastic. What wasn't fantastic, Pete, I don't think I've admitted this to you yet, so this will be something that you can react to in real time, is that I saw across a crowded bar
Starting point is 00:12:27 because of how tall he is presumably predominantly uh i saw dan snow bbc historian dan snow oh yes apparently he does very um i didn't know who he was uh because you know me i just don't know who people are really yeah certainly who do telly and uh and yeah they uh somebody said that somebody from aircast said that he does very passionate uh ad reads they really like his ad reads he's a very passionate man i went over to him because i'm in it because i'm a history enthusiast i went over to him and he's got a show called history hit which i like he did a series of episodes of a podcast about the First World War, I think for the BBC, which was fascinating.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I might have mentioned it before, but it was fascinating chiefly because he discovered that his grandfather was one of the negligent generals responsible for a lot of deaths in World War I. And as a historian, he tackled that in a really passionate way. And it was actually a very compelling listen.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So I went over there. Well, actually, he didn't do any of this, actually. I've just looked at my history books. No, I didn't. I went over there. Worse than than that i went over there and i got someone from a cast to introduce me and you know at the time you feel like you're being you're having like a fairly interesting conversation i think i was just talking at him and and he was very gracious and very nice and i've got nothing but good things to say about i'm very polite man very nice man um i think he would be perfectly happy to never see me again.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Oh, did you get it wrong? Did you get it wrong? You wouldn't have got it wrong because even when you're pissed, you're quite ordered with your thoughts. That's different between you and me, Pete, is that people will think that you're a little bit furtive and a little bit odd because you'll be different. With me, they'll just think I'm a belligerent idiot.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Right. So we've all got our crosses to bear, mate. I didn't appreciate the word furtive there, but we'll... You shuffle about a bit, don't you, you know? Shuffle about? I was holding court with the youngsters at Stack, chatting about my, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:16 the drugs I'd taken in my younger years. They were shocked and astounded. Then I chewed Marcus Bronze's ear off after I'd drank loads of ginger and rum. And then I attended the... Then you pulled the fire alarm. The food table. Started eating all this...
Starting point is 00:14:34 They had this weird kind of sprout and steak thing that I was eating. Loads of them. Terrible steak. Excellent sprouts. Really? You'd think that's hard to do. That's hard to get it wrong
Starting point is 00:14:45 in that way. It's weird, isn't it? Yeah, steak, you'd think that would be the easy thing because steak's delicious. The reason I say this is because
Starting point is 00:14:53 a lot of the feedback we get at the show, the reason people like it, oh, it's just like talking to two mates down the pub. We're both awful in a pub. Awful.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Awful down the pub. Oh, speaking of, have I spoken about this on the show? Speaking of historians, there's a guy on Twitter called John Bull. He's like a pop historian, sort of. I don't think that's his real name. But we were having a chat about a couple of things recently,
Starting point is 00:15:14 and he brought up this amazing fact. You know when you do a house survey, you know, you find out whether there's some taxi firm around the corner with an FM license or whatever, or a UHF license or whatever, and you find out there's a wind farm coming to your area, or there's radon being found in the walls of a building down the road or whatever. the government have an obligation to let you know, the local council let you know what's going to be happening in the area, what dangers, is there subsidence, is there radiation, stuff like that. They have a responsibility. One thing they don't have a responsibility,
Starting point is 00:15:58 and it pulls into sharp focus what happened last week in Germany, in Frankfurt, I think, they don't have to tell you about unexploded ordnance in your area. Should be top of the list, Matt. Hot milfs, unexploded ordnance. I want to know where the hot milfs are. I want to know where the unexploded World War II bombs are. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:16:19 You don't have to know. I'd absolutely love it if as part of your house survey, there was a sheet of paper in there in the binder that just said hot singles in your area, just listed them all. And then the next page. Dora, number 23. Frank, number 25. There should be...
Starting point is 00:16:34 I mean, is that purely an issue of practicality because they don't actually know? No, they do know. If you query Hansard, they can tell you, but it's in the record. It's in the public record where they are. They just don't tell you in a house survey. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I don't think that they can know all of them, though, because you hear a lot about, oh, they've discovered this or they've discovered that. Yeah, but they know enough. They know that there are unexploded bombs under our feet. They know where there are unexploded bombs under our feet. They know where they are. And presumably, it's only when you ask for permission to build something or drill somewhere
Starting point is 00:17:12 that these things come out. But it's just incredible. So, yeah. So you're saying that, for example, because we're both sat in London-ish, you talk about, for example, the Blitz, and there's a lot of bombs that are dropped on a particular area of London,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and then several of them explode, all the rest of it. Then presumably if a bomb drops, it doesn't explode, but it's left at the bottom of a crater or something. Are you saying at the time they just used to build over it? Well, not immediately, but I presume... I mean, they must know where the big hole was. They must have written that down. I mean, somebody must have went,
Starting point is 00:17:50 right, probably better to keep a list of these because they're quite dangerous. Yeah, but it's not going to produce a big hole if it's not exploded, is it? How big do you think the bombs are? They're massive. Massive, they are. I'm just saying I think they know where some of them are, but not all of them.
Starting point is 00:18:04 But I think they should have an obligation to tell you if there's any in your area. If there's a bomb in the flat downstairs after this, I'm going to be pissed off. Exactly. Look, Highbury. I don't know what they built in Highbury, but you might be, our studio may very well be above
Starting point is 00:18:20 a big bloody doodlebug or something. Was that one of ours? I don't know the World War II. I've done my fair share of conversational bombs in this studio, I'd say that. No doubt. Listen, Pete, let's take a quick break. When we come back, we'll do some emails
Starting point is 00:18:33 from our lovely listeners. At this point, I am almost contractually obliged to say that we want you to email in over the next week or two with emails related to your best and worst Christmases. We're going to cover those on some of our Christmas shows. So email in hello at as email address. You can email in about anything as usual,
Starting point is 00:18:55 but we are particularly interested in your best and worst Christmases and why. It could be an event. It could be something that happened. It could be something that didn't happen. Whatever. Best and worst Christmases. Hello at lukeandpe and we will read out some of our favorites we'll share a couple of our own stories as well let's keep them get i'll take it as red and so will pete that you had a shitty one last year because of covid don't email about that don't
Starting point is 00:19:18 be creative about it and we'll read out some of our favorites and we'll be back with some emails for this week after this. And we're back with the Luke and Pete show. Before the break, Luke was asking for your worst Christmas stories or worst Christmas best stories, rather. Any Christmas stories at all. We're still technically under Hanukkah, Luke. So if you've got any of them, throw them in the mix as well. Yes, if you want to get to the show, it's really easy.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Hello at Lukeke have you got an email for us and the listeners but mainly the listeners i have it's from dunk who has got in touch referencing um hand dryers i made i made i'm not gonna say mistake perhaps in some quarters slightly controversial claim that you don't really see poor hand dryers anymore. Like the standard is very high. And then we talked a little bit about why that is. Probably improvements to technology, access to better technology. The fact that your new kids on the block, your Dysons,
Starting point is 00:20:20 they kind of act more as windscreen wiper type dryers rather than actually drying the water on your hands they kind of fire it off and that's why it works anyway Dunk has been in touch and said I heard um hi guys I heard reference to hand dryers on a recent show brackets I occasionally dip into your podcast but haven't listened to the in-depth discussion rude um he then goes on to say I have spent years taking a photograph of every new dryer I encounter. I have an archive of hundreds of high-quality images. I will sell them at the right price.
Starting point is 00:20:54 For your information, the best dryer is the Accelerator Eco. Dunk. Right, okay. So I'm looking at the Accelerator, and to be honest, the Accelerator Eco does stick in the head because... You recognize it as soon as you see a picture of it, right? As soon as I heard Accelerator, I thought that's the one that's kind of new. The mouth doesn't have a rotatable dimension to it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It's just built into the unit uh they're sometimes in brushed aluminium or chrome um and if they're reflective they're frequently dirty because you know it's a toilet for crying out loud uh but i do i have a look on the website the accelerator xl sb hand dryer in brushed stainless steel it's top of the tree it's 744 quid including vat uh and yeah i i that is the rose royce of hand dryers for me don't i completely agree have you experienced it though can you vividly remember actually experiencing it yourself i remember the accelerator when i say an accelerator i think bunts i think premium i think quality i think this bad boy's gonna dry my hands super quick.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I wonder whether, I know what you mean, they're very powerful. They're top-down operated. They're very powerful. Presumably, with the Dyson, you're probably panning through the nose if you're running, say, for example, a service station and you have to get them installed, and it's a big old thing. They're probably expensive. It's probably why you don't see them in there.
Starting point is 00:22:23 They take up a lot of room. and it's a big old thing. They're probably expensive. It's probably why you don't see them in there. They take up a lot of room. I don't mind seeing an accelerator, but I don't love it. I don't love it.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And how much did you say they were again? 700. Crack it on for 700, 800 quid, including VAT. But then maybe you can claim back the VAT. I don't really understand how it all works. Does that seem a lot to you for a hand dryer? I don't know. It's got to to be durable it's got to be safe it's got to work in quite wet uh environments if you've got the kind of bars that i go to violent and bad environments as well yeah exactly yeah you can't be on your clothes yeah but listen dunk thanks very much
Starting point is 00:23:00 for your enthusiasm re uh hand dryers i don't think I want the archive, personally. I think that's probably too much, even for me. I thought you would have gone for a Dyson. Fair enough. I'll tell you what you also get in service stations. Have you ever tried those little chewable toothbrushes? You must have. Oh, the little chewies, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You get two in a little gachapon bowl. Yeah. Almost every time I've been in a service station where they're selling them, to be honest, Luke, I get two in a little gachapon bowl. Yeah. Almost every time I've been in a service station where they're selling them, to be honest, Luke, I get involved quite a lot. Do they actually work? Because I've seen them from afar. I've admired them from afar,
Starting point is 00:23:33 but I've never quite had the confidence to, A, have a 20-pence piece on me or whatever it is, and B, actually try them. They have. It's not like wet paste, toothpaste. It's like dried crystals around, that are kind of like formed around the fibres. Yeah, they're not pleasant in any way, just by chewing them, I think.
Starting point is 00:23:54 It's just a breath freshener, right? It's just a breath freshener. Because toothpaste used to be powder, didn't it? So people used to use tooth powder before toothpaste was invented. So I guess it's a bit of a throwback to that, I suppose. Well, you see a lot of people on like um instagram and stuff where they uh where these influencers use these this kind of tooth powder and they brush it on their teeth and they're really kind of sparkly and white and they're basically saying to us we've tried the paste we're trying
Starting point is 00:24:19 something new now the powder is the new thing to use but of course like you say you quite rightly say people always used to use powder before they used paste to be quite frank so yeah it's it's it's like when they try and sell us um solid state aftershave where it's like this wax based or non-oil based i've never uh have you not seen it i i we must have different algorithms but i get served this fucking advert for these twats with this little kind of like little, it's like a little Altoid tin filled with this fragrance
Starting point is 00:24:52 and they're sort of rubbing it on their neck and rubbing it on their hands. It's so silly. I've never heard of that. I got fed up of Instagram, to be honest. I know people don't want to hear it on this show. And I'm like, oh, you know, I don't know, I certainly know advertisers don't want to hear this but I just find it boring I just I just delete it off my phone I can't be arsed with it it takes up too much time
Starting point is 00:25:12 you know what I mean do you ever get that feeling where you're like sat around I know you probably do but you don't care because you're a different animal to me but like I just think to myself last half an hour has just disappeared I've done nothing I've learned nothing I've achieved nothing. I've learned nothing. I've achieved nothing. And all I've been doing is thumb scrolling down through Instagram with people, some of which I care about. But if I care about them enough, I know what they're up to anyway
Starting point is 00:25:33 because I speak to them. And people that I just don't give a shit about. It's people who, for me, my algorithm is just people dancing to the forget me not, that song um just a lot of people dance and smile it's too much i just never knew the future would be so dancey everyone's much more dancing all the time definitely much more i mean that wasn't really a thing at all was it it's much more dancing than we think but um yeah what i would say is this like for me i don't i guess i don't really know
Starting point is 00:26:05 who to follow on instagram because if i follow people i know fine that's obvious uh cool uh but that's just a social media and i got rid of facebook ages ago because i was bored of that so that kind of makes sense brands brand content can be a lot of it's very boring famous people are fucking boring um. Football clubs and institutions just put out really boring shit that you know about anyway. You know, it's like companies just put out product.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I just don't really get it. I just can't be honest with it. I'd rather just sit around and read a book or something. Yeah, and if you do want to join Stack as the head of social media, get in touch, Pete. We are literally advertising for one another, aren't we?
Starting point is 00:26:47 Terrible by me. Listen, it's never going to be me doing the job, is it? Fucking hell. No. Well, not now. You've failed your interview. I'll tell you what, that's the challenge. The challenge is to make our Instagram so interesting
Starting point is 00:26:57 that I want to get back on it. That you want to go on it. All right. Right. We're kind of hurt. It was the end of another show. We're going to get some more emails next more, more, more, more emails next week. Not next week, this Thursday.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's just two a week. We need social media when we're busting out this amount of content every week for crying out loud. Hello at if you would like to get in touch. And also, we want to hear about your worst and best Christmases.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Last year, always going to be rubbish, always going to be rubbish, always going to be rubbish, but we want to know about... How rubbish was yours last year, by the way? Say again? How rubbish was yours last year? You know what? Mine wasn't too bad.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I drank a lot of green ginger wine. I think I played... Christmas is always the time that I play a lot of Football Manager. And let me tell you, this time, this year, Newcastle United got a bit of money in the fucking back
Starting point is 00:27:46 so I am going to be I'm going to be having a lovely old bloody time things have changed I read something I read something just briefly before we go I read something
Starting point is 00:27:54 the other day maybe even yesterday that said and this could be bullshit because who fucking knows what's true and what isn't these days it said that Boris Johnson
Starting point is 00:28:01 is going to decide what to do read Christmas on the 18th of December that can't be true, can it? That's de rumour. Yeah, I think he's just doing that because he knows he's going to give everyone a Christmas, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Like he gave everyone a lovely London bike that time. He is giving everyone Christmas and he's only doing that for a bit of slight peril to sort of give him that kind of leeway. So he's lowering expectations to raise them again. Yes, and in the meantime he's dressed up as a policeman. Do you see him dressed as a SWAT officer?
Starting point is 00:28:36 In the press, he's announcing his 10 year plan to tackle drug addiction on the same weekend that it's been found that a lot of people are using drugs in westminster um just very important address of like who could have seen that coming by the way also yeah i mean yeah tough on law and order having defunded every single fucking criminal part of the criminal system possible it's ridiculous it's absolutely
Starting point is 00:29:01 ridiculous but also do you not think that people aren't... I don't think he's got much room to manoeuvre anyway because people aren't... If he does introduce some kind of measures around Christmas, even if they're not that draconian, people are just going to ignore it, aren't they? There's no way people are going to say, they're not going to say, although I'm triple jabs now,
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm not going to go and see my parents for Christmas, especially after what happened last year. It's just not going to happen. They're never going to be able to control it. Well, and especially because the thing, I mean, the thing that always stays off the Tories is sleaze. It happens every bloody time. And they leave whoever comes in after them
Starting point is 00:29:37 with a failing economy and fucking bins in the street. But they're not going to do it now because of that little wee party. The little party they had over Christmas. But it doesn't matter because Dominic Raab says that we don't investigate historical crimes. We don't investigate...
Starting point is 00:29:56 People get caught up saying that all the time. I've heard so many MPs say that in the past. They don't realise what they're saying. What are they going to investigate then? Fucking future crimes? It doesn't make any fucking sense. He also that oh if it was a formal party it would have been a problem what what does that even mean the worst thing about the whole thing is that people put up with it people are so um in my opinion for the large part people are so comfortable
Starting point is 00:30:18 in their lives and so almost indifferent to it that they get away with a lot more than they should because people just don't fucking care enough. Don't care enough. They don't see a link between changing that kind of thing and their lives improving because that link's been broken, some would say intentionally, by the political class. Anyway, on that bombshell,
Starting point is 00:30:37 we are at risk of going from two people who are terrible in the pub to two people who are really boring at the end of a bar in a pub. And that's neither of our stars because Pete can't stay in one place for too long. And I have a very low tolerance for alcohol. So it wouldn't happen.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Thank you very much for listening. Let's get out of here. We'll be back on Thursday. As Pete's already mentioned, we do want your best and worst Christmas stories for our Christmas shows. Anything Christmas themed, really. We had a really good time with that a couple of years ago doing that.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So let's do that again. Hello at And until then, we shall see you on Thursday. Say goodbye, Peter. Bye-bye, Peter. And it's goodbye from me as well. The Luke and Pete Show is a Stack Production and part of the Acast Creator Network. Own each step with Peloton.
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