The Luke and Pete Show - The Posh Crisp Phenomenon

Episode Date: March 4, 2021

On today’s show, the boys discuss the highs and lows of the crisp industry before Pete takes us to his palace, more commonly known as the ‘garage’, for a lesson on BBQs. Elsewhere, we talk ...about the correct etiquette for a staycation, a listener gets in touch about plane engine failures and A NEW PLAYER ENTERS THE GAME.Got any interesting crisp-based stories for us? Or maybe you've been a participant on Come Dine With Me and want to tell us your story - either way - GET INVOLVED! Drop us a message on Instagram or Twitter at @lukeandpeteshow or email us! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and we're back with the luke and peter it is thursday i do hope you're keeping well we ended the last show uh luke we were talking about import export um candy and uh snack choices now not something we've spoken about before on this show but i really have to express a deep and undying love for the Tacos Fuegos range of crisps. Corn snacks, crisps. They're hot. I think they might be Mexican. They are delicious. I've never heard of them.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Tell me more. A bit like a spicy Cheetos, but more aggressive. They taste like they've got a bit more like habanero or uh like some kind of chili in there oh it's bloody lovely i can't if you ever get the opportunity arsenic you could have arsenic in it yeah but if you ever get the chance luke i i heartily recommend those i've actually literally just made a note of that right now because i love a savory snack and i would just just bring this one to the table. My favorite crisps are the Spanish brand Torres. Now, before everyone listening looks that up online and goes, bloody hell, they're about eight pound a bag.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Sometimes they are about eight pound a bag. I don't know why. Because if you get them from Amazon Fresh, they might have some kind of supply problem or something, or maybe they're imported. But the black truffle version of torres and i'm speaking about i'm speaking from the point of view of a man from the working classes who used to hate posh crisps with a passion because i thought it was an absolute insult
Starting point is 00:01:34 to the proper people of this fair island but i've come up i've been i'm a i'm a full convert now torres black truffle the best crisps you can buy i mean i've never i've never looked back i'll never go back now i just always find with the posh crisps the attirals etc that they uh are the they're too oily and too crisp and it's kind of like they fracture in your mouth too hard yeah there's no that walkers are delicious uh you know i love me pringles even though they just reconstituted dust yeah but um yeah i just i just don don't understand why we're in a situation eating crisps that are just too hard. My beef with the posh crisp phenomenon used to be that,
Starting point is 00:02:12 you know when some bright spark in the video game industry thought, people love video games, why don't we market a video game console for adults and we'll make a load of money because adults have got more money than kids have, right basically went what are the working classes eating they're eating a lot of crisps i'm the same i used i eat loads of crisps and they've said well middle class people have got more money so why don't we market them at middle class people and instead of calling them salt and vinegar crisps we'll call them sea salt and balsamic vinegar of Modena potato crisps. And more people will buy them.
Starting point is 00:02:48 We could charge a pound extra. And what we'll do is we'll cut them slightly thicker so they're really hard. And we'll put more oil in them so they're greasier, which presumably, I guess, will make people eat more or drink more beer. And it was a very callous, cynical marketing ploy. But unfortunately, Pete, as I sit here in 2021,
Starting point is 00:03:06 in the middle of a pandemic with crisps being partly the only enjoyment I get out of life, I'm a full convert now. I think what's happened is I've tried all the other crisps and now I've just moved on to the big expensive ones. The big ones. If you refuse to eat any snack these days that doesn't have a Victorian man with a stovepipe hat on looking through a telescope on the front. Well, you and I met for our mutual love of steampunk,
Starting point is 00:03:32 so that makes perfect sense. But I would say I treat every savoury snack the same, no matter if it's £5 a bag or 20p a bag. I will happily eat a cheese ball as much as I'll happily eat a Torres black truffle. Yeah, Transformer snack compared to a Faberge much as I'll happily eat a Torres black truffle. Yeah. Transformer snack compared to a Faberge egg.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You can't eat them. Oh, yeah. I love a Transformer snack. Make little cars, make them drive in your mouth. Lovely old job. Yeah. I didn't know if you could still find them. Lovely old job.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah. You used to see them. What were the ones, Space Raiders, who had that like kind of B-Jams pound stretching version of David Bowie on the front? Enjoyable. No, that actually was David Bowie on the front? Enjoyable. No, that actually was David Bowie. That was his first endorsement. Yeah, in the 80s when he was down his luck a bit. I've been noticing, is it Happy Socks or something?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Some kind of sock brand have managed to get a Bowie licensing deal, I noticed. Oh, really? Which is, yeah, David Bowie, Bowie Boy. It doesn't matter. Boy, isn't it? Yeah, it kind of does, it upsets me. And I'm still getting it wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah, no, but I saw like Happy Socks or Happy Feet or something. They've got a big boy licensing deal. So, you know, now he's gone. Cha-ching. The estate must eat. I've got a, I remember like a load of celebrities after David Bowie died. A load of celebrities who David Bowie died,
Starting point is 00:04:48 a load of celebrities who were friends with him doing interviews, and every single one of them was saying to the interviewer, yeah, the thing about David was he's a very private man. He wouldn't have said anything about his private life, and this happened and that happened. I was thinking, well, why are you fucking saying it then? Why are you saying it? Respect the man's wishes um can i can i can i
Starting point is 00:05:06 can i just talk about a tv program at david burry to my knowledge has never been on the celebrity version of um and that's come that's come dying with me because you said the jump it suddenly occurred to me um the other day my wife and i every sund morning, we have a little tradition. Now, for those who are listening internationally, in the UK, we have a channel here called 4-7, right? And it's kind of like a collection of different programs from Channel 4. And a lot of the time, they'll play them out in bulk. It's almost like an on-demand type thing, but on the TV, and they play things out in bulk, right?
Starting point is 00:05:42 And every Sunday at 9 a..m they do a week's worth of come dine with me in a row right so they'll do 9 3 to 11 35 episodes monitor friday but in a row and you'll do anything to not watch cheer league yeah i probably will i i it's hard enough to get a lot of football past my good lady wife as it is let alone on a sunday morning but anyway no knowing that she knows that for the whole rest of sunday there'll be premier league on um the um the the come diamond me tradition we've got is that we take it in terms to make brunch for each other and then we watch all of the come diamond me's back to back right and we talk about the different right meals and the little themes and when i was watching it last sunday um it really struck me that actually pete you would
Starting point is 00:06:27 be the absolute best ever come down with me guest like why well because you know the legendary um now get off my property i hope you hope this makes you very happy buy some decorum lessons yeah yeah yeah and you've got all the decorum of a reversing dump truck with no tires on that guy so he's he's he's your kind of he's your tiger woods have come down with me right everyone knows him yeah i don't think you can watch that episode now because i think it's been removed for some reason anyway donny you would be perfect because you are very likable you're very quirky they always look for quirkiness because when when you're making the dinner at your house on your episode people kind of route around your house trying to find stuff they'd better find amazing stuff about you they wouldn't know what job you get a read on me and you would also
Starting point is 00:07:13 um be a really pleasant polite house because i reckon you would absolutely shoo in definitely win and on that note i want to know what would you cook for your come diamond experience right i mean first thing first they don't look for the quirk they don't look for the pleasant On that note, I want to know, what would you cook for your come-diamond experience? Right. I mean, first things first, they don't look for the quirky. They don't look for the pleasant. They look for the sociopaths. They look for the people who could start a fight in an empty room.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Well, yeah. I was trying to be nice. I was trying to be nice. All those things apply to you. I would cook. What would I cook? have i been making recently yeah i i had a lot i've been making a lot of uh pretty advanced i had kimchi for breakfast and then i had some after afters on my breakfast i had a little bit of uh delicious um chocolate cereal so i mean that's and then i did half an hour on the little exercise
Starting point is 00:08:06 machine so that's my day effective that's how i start you're not going to win with that kind of approach do you have a dish that you can cook though do you have like a meal that you can cook that you use your go-to that if your people are coming for dinner oh i am i'm very good at pancakes that's all i've got for you all i've got is any any kind of batter i'm pretty good at frying stuff i'm pretty good at i'm pretty good at going sarah i'm gonna go in the kitchen and i'm going to surprise you and it's never going to be a good surprise but it's going to be a surprise you're going to be surprised about what we had in our freezer well you really will and and a lot of the things you think wouldn't be able to cook be cooked straight from frozen because of salmonella and i will have a good go at it
Starting point is 00:08:49 luckily she's got a very good constitution but um yeah i i do just find stuff in the freezer i had a but we had a barbecue on saturday i found one of those little portable barbecues in uh my little palace i like to call the garage and uh made a little bit of food um put um i put scallops on there i put like bits of chicken on there chicken uh sausages and stuff we had a lovely old time it was delicious that would go down well get people into the garden do my little barbie the other thing you got to learn there's a lot of there's a lot of lessons to be learned from the TV show Come Dine With Me. A couple of them now, I'll just tell you.
Starting point is 00:09:30 One is that you can't spend too much time in the kitchen away from your guests. Your guests don't like that. They want you to spend time with them, right? The second one is that you've got to think carefully about your entertainment because you've got to do entertainment as well, right? and a lot of it is really thoughtful and really well done but it's too niche i'll give you an example there was a guy who cooked on last week's one he did like a senegalese themed meal right because his wife is from senegal no one liked it pete they couldn't get on board with it i don't know what they were doing they It was too exotic for them. There was some amazing African dancing in the garden
Starting point is 00:10:07 between main course and dessert. I'd have absolutely loved it. It fell on deaf ears. Did they all feel like Boris Johnson on an away day? It seems a bit like I can't really sort of get... Or Theresa May having a dance with some villagers or something. I think what they probably do is they plan their entertainment section before they've met the people they're on the show with.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And so they don't get a chance to kind of read the room. So if you're committing to like a big, long session of Senegalese dancing and you can't change it, it's a low percentage play because I don't know if people know what to do you're much do you not think it's a do you not think all of this that all of the kind of choices that are made are kind of pre-done at the interview stage by producers anyway because you find on on shows like uh like that that the producers have clearly went right you've got to do like don't tell a bride
Starting point is 00:11:05 is a really good example of um you get a very finite amount of choices like you go all right i'm into music so we're gonna have like an indie themed wedding or i'm into the banana boat in ibiza so we're gonna have a beach wedding you know i mean all that stuff that comes up they've clearly been cajoled into let corral down a certain path and they can't really break out of it no because and i think in principle you're absolutely spot on but i'm going to give you a little bit of insight here and to come down with me and the beauty behind it right it's on its 46th season pete the production company's given up they've given up they'll have anyone on there they'll have anyone there now so what's happened is it's gone full circle the reality thing we've come down
Starting point is 00:11:43 with me they just need people they need bodies now so they'll do it anyone there can i interest you in uh a slightly more um down at heel uh kind of um show on that theme dinner date on itv not seen it talk to me it's exactly the same as come down with me but but a woman or a man or anyone starts with five or six menus and behind every menu is a person who's down to fuck. And you've got to kind of, you've got to cudgel that person into wanting to know you a bit better by cooking a great meal. And the problem is a lot of kids nowadays,
Starting point is 00:12:26 and it is a lot younger, it does skew a lot younger, they've only got one interest and that's the gym. So they're kind of limited by their choices. They're kind of limited by their diet. They don't drink very much. They don't eat extravagant meals. They don't really know what a lot of the food is on the menus, and they always pronounce it wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's just protein. It's just protein bars. Yeah. If you love that, honestly, some of the chat is nuclear bollocks. They cannot speak. They literally have no interests apart from going to the gym and socializing, and they can't talk in my opinion, maybe it's just the people they choose and subset that agree to be on dinner
Starting point is 00:13:09 date for some fucking reason. Um, but they're all as thick as mince. The lot of them, I just, but I still watch it cause it's on after buying and selling my favorite TV show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I've not seen it, but I have seen it advertised producer. And that's telling me in my, in my chat box that, um, she loves dinner date. The food is always awful and so is the chat. They clearly just want a bang.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So that's basically what you've said, Pete. Honestly, it's, and, you know, I don't know whether that's lads who you find in All Bar One at 11 o'clock who are down to clown. If that's what their chat is. But the lads are just so fucking dry yeah hot to trot um they're so dry like they just can't they've got no chat to them uh and and it there's nothing about the world makes me fear for that for the youth of today but dinner date in particular makes me worry so basically they cook dinner for a different person every day and they choose their favorite at the end of the week.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Is that what it is? Yeah. Oh, it's exactly the same format as that. And also you get rated with stars rather than numbers. They just pick the most attractive one, right, basically? You can usually tell. You can usually tell. It's kind of that old um joke that snl used to
Starting point is 00:14:25 do about the bachelor or the bachelor no yeah the bachelor um the bachelor never chose the the minority the the the black girl or the minority uh on that show so if you if you're um a minority you rarely get picked if you're not blonde and tall with big old boobies, as a woman, you never get chosen. I'm quick, isn't he? Blonde and tall with big old... I'm laughing, I should enter. You just signed me up perfectly. And the men are just wet, absolute wet boys. So it's really fun if you want to sort of go, oh dear, the world is going to shit.
Starting point is 00:14:59 The best version of reality show, like dating shows, has got to be the absolute apotheosis of these types of things which is either rock of love with the guy from um poison what's his name brett someone right yeah and or flavor of love with flavor flavor those were the those were the absolute apex like obviously they're american not british but but I'll check out their date. I mean, to be honest, the reason... Mate, you're going to love it. It'll be on by the time we finish this recording.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Stick on the telly. ITVB, it's always on. And it's got the same kind of production as well. You've got a... I think it's the woman who used to be on a BBC Two. I think it was Piper Lager and and a Packet of Crisps. It's the shorter, curly-haired lady. Not Sheridan Smith.
Starting point is 00:15:48 She's done all sorts of bits and pieces. Not Sheridan Smith. She's not getting your Smith on there. But she would. She just does kind of cheeky little commentary behind it, much like the other one. If you're offering dinner date to Smith, you're not getting through the agent's door, are you?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Well, she's doing that dog show, isn't she? I mean, she's kind of easing off the acting roles and the theatrical roles and just going straight in with little easy-peasy presenting roles. Am I getting little diggory dancing on there as a voiceover or not? What do you mean, on what? Would you do the voiceover on Dinner Date if you were offered it i'd take anything i don't have any video jobs and that's why you'll never get it don't have an agent that's why you'll never get it someone call me help
Starting point is 00:16:34 the only video i can get is staccato videos and i do them myself before we get to the break i just want to say my my tastes for these types of shows are a little bit more common or garden, so I prefer the ones that are on during the day. I don't really like the youth culture ones. I like your come diamond me's. I like your four in a beds. They're great. Where you go, where they go.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah, do it tonight. Watch, give us a review next time around. Watch a bit of dinner date. It ticks a lot of boxes. So the good thing about Four in a Bed is that essentially the people on it are so petty, they completely forget after the first five minutes that essentially it's a marketing exercise for your establishment.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And if you are really nice, it's the best advert you could ever get. No, they want to win the 50 quid. No, they want to be petty. Iid. No, they want to be petty. I didn't like the way that tomato was cooked. It's disgusting. What you could do is you could be the nicest people ever. Show what great hosts you are and get a load of business, repeat business for your business.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Or you could run your finger around a toilet bowl five times and complain about a pube. Guess what they choose? Guess what they choose? And if you go first, you're always going to be in a situation where, look, if you're nice, you're absolutely fine. But if you're going hard, it's really obvious who's done each individual review after a while, and people will mark you down.
Starting point is 00:17:56 It's a lose-lose situation if you're going hard. It's a tip for tap. Silly. I want my B&B room to be clean. I'm not going to put my finger down the plug hole to see if there's a pube in there, and nor many guests. So bear that in mind. Not unless I'm very hungry.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Not unless I dropped a skittle down there. I'd be very interested among our lovely listening community to know where they think the prime day to win come down with me is because for me i think you probably want to be going on the monday everyone's positive no one's got a hangover just don't get it wrong don't make any basic errors you're going to post a very very high early score i think but i'll be interested email us in hello at luke and if you're a fan of come down with me maybe you've done the maths. Maybe you're like Ali Dhalo of Monday Show,
Starting point is 00:18:48 but you've done the maths of statistically what the best day is in a spreadsheet, yeah. Yeah, they do say, I know a couple of people who actually didn't come down with me, and they are both celebrity and not, but it is a long day of filming every day, and you're obviously filming for an entire five-day period and it is literally seven in the morning to like two in the morning it's a long long filming day so you're in a situation where yeah the the ones at the end of the week things are going to be people are going to be tired people are going to be hung over people
Starting point is 00:19:19 don't want to cook people are knackered i don't want friday you don't want friday on that no nobody wants fr No nobody wants Friday nobody wants Friday nobody's up for dancing up for belly dancing in a fez no one's up for that Do you think they draw
Starting point is 00:19:33 it out of a hat then? Probably maybe they do I don't know it's probably just worked out logistically this is closest to the bus station
Starting point is 00:19:42 or the airport for everyone to get back Alright listen I'll check out Dinner Date ahead of next week's shows. Let's have a quick break. Do get in touch, hello at, and we'll read out some of your emails,
Starting point is 00:19:52 and that's exactly what we're going to do after this break. Lovely. Hey. This week at Sukarnov. On Clash of the Titles, things got a little awkward when Alex, Vicky and Chris discussed the Incredible Hulk going to the hairdressers. Have you ever had a haircut?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Hang on, that is not what I asked for. I can't remember what it's like to go to the hairdressers. Oh God, sorry, sorry. That's triggering. Sorry. That's on me. Bad move. That is on you. Absolutely. I didn't. I forgot. I forgot. Because we haven't seen you for such a long time. We forgot you've got no hair. I'm still bald.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah, it hasn't grown back magically since we last spoke. And over on Football Ramble Presents, the On The Continent team have been keeping you across all the European knockouts, as well as a possible title race in Ligue 1 as well.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Icardi can be so frustrating because he can be just one of the most impressive finishers but you know when he's not quite on it he's kind of like the David Blaine in football
Starting point is 00:20:49 like he spends a lot of time in a box not doing anything Fine Clash of the Titles and Football Ramble presents on your favourite podcast player
Starting point is 00:20:58 and listen now All that and a whole lot more at Stakhanov. And it's time for more of The Looking Peach Show. You thought you got away with not listening
Starting point is 00:21:15 to any more but you came back. You kept listening. Why didn't you leave us? Why didn't you find something else better to do? Turn it off now,
Starting point is 00:21:24 you cunt. Turn it off now, I dare you. Hello at looking look is the way to do it we're talking about um the old ben breakfast show i would very much like a read as to whether the following is acceptable right hello look at does anybody else do this right i am seriously considering a little kettle and packets of shortbread on a tray in the bedroom. Who's going to replace it? Say again? Who's going to replace it every time you eat the shortbread? That's just magically appear, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Well, yeah, but we'd have enough shortbread. I don't eat a lot of shortbread. I could probably get away with not eating the shortbread. And after a while, it would start to go stale anyway. eat a lot of shortbread i could probably get away with not eating the shortbread and after a while it would start to go stale anyway but i reckon to get that kind of hotel home away from home kind of feeling i think instead of getting a tease made which as you all know is quite kind of like 70s and quite antiquated swingers it's swingers if you buy buy a Tinsmajor, a swinger. Worse than that, a dogger.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But yeah, it's like I do have a little fridge, little mini fridge, little kind of beer fridge filled with milk. In the garage. Or however you take it, in the garage. And just, you know, when you get up, you don't have to really sort of leave the bedroom. You can sort of poise, have a cup of tea. Is that what it's come to in terms of holidays in this pandemic life we're living?
Starting point is 00:22:48 I'm having a staycation. What does that mean? I've put a tray with a mini kettle and some shortbread in my bedroom. Can I also say, this speaks to the very heart of the two different types of people in this world, though. And I'm very much a B&B kind of guy. When Mimi and I go away in the UK, we'll just find the nicest B&B we can afford
Starting point is 00:23:07 and we'll stay there because the service is always so good, right? My really good friend, Dan, he is like the absolute polar opposite to that, right? He goes away a lot with business and he says, the moment I step foot in a hotel, I don't want to be bothered.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I don't want to be spoken to. I want to be left alone imagine donna you're a bit like this as well he says completely agree he says sometimes he'll go away for two weeks he'll go to the far east or to australia a long old trip where he's away for a couple of weeks and stay in the same hotel he puts a do not disturb sign on for the whole two weeks he doesn't want anyone touch coming into his room and and i i think in a way that is a bit perverted well if you'd have seen what i got up to in my room i would agree yeah well i always sort of think like like you know you you've had a long trip and i'm saying i do
Starting point is 00:24:02 this but i'm saying like a lot of people will sort of they've had a long trip they're flying alone they'll get to their room and i've said it before they'll do a poo they'll probably masturbate and that's the first two things they'll do in that room and the room must be thinking this is only going to get worse they work in a hotel they know that people go for shits and masturbate and have sex they know it's a hotel hotel room like imagine the the the the like a hotel room what it's thinking it's got this is only going to escalate yeah it's going to be just at the wall it's going to be blood everywhere it's going to be horrible if you're starting with the turn to taking a turn so my friend phil runs a b&b a guest house and he says you won't believe
Starting point is 00:24:39 someone in a state that people leave rooms in just he said don't think because you've been brought up well that everyone has because sometimes it's an absolute disgrace yeah i bet but i i have got um my most recent airbnb review was that i left it as clean as a pin i'm very good at cleaning up after i before i leave i don't leave anything in a mess you are the things i get up to you have overly polite to the point where i actually find it quite annoying um But no, I would just say that the advantage, and people should email, and we will come on to some of your emails and some of your battery brands in a minute,
Starting point is 00:25:10 but people should let us know what type of person they are because you can be split into these two camps. And I think, for example, Mimi and I went to Bruges for her birthday one year, and I've got an amazing deal on a hotel. I don't know how I was able to do it. I think it was fairly last minute, and we stayed at this place called the heritage beautiful five star hotel not the sort of place you normally stay in but you know sometimes you get lucky and
Starting point is 00:25:33 you get the good deal and um they were so good that when you went out sort of sightseeing for the day they would come into your room in the afternoon give you all brand new sheets and everything everything perfectly spick and span they leave handmade chocolates and handwritten notes on the bed for you to say i hope you've had a lovely day have this chocolate come and see us in the bar for a drink we'd love to see you it's a beautiful service and surely you're not going to get that if you behave like a perverted recluse like you don'ton that's got a bit yeah but that's got to be a yeah but i, part of that is clearly the personal touch. There is an expectation for a decent and hefty tip, as they should
Starting point is 00:26:13 be. Oh, and I did not get one of those. And I would still leave a tip, even though, but even if nobody, you know, dirties their boots in my room over five or six days. I'll still get a pretty hefty tip, but I just prefer every morning and evening not to be disturbed by someone coming in and offering me a towel. It's fine. What do you think I'm doing to the towels that are going to be so dirty?
Starting point is 00:26:38 I've had the same towel for like 15 years in my house. Is that what you say to them? Yeah. I don't know what you do to your towels at home or your bed spreads, but I'm fine. Five days, fine, before we change. I think you don't need to change your bed in more than once in a week, I don't think, generally.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Anyway, listen, let me do a couple of these battery brands because it's Thursday and that's what we do on a Thursday. Will Taylor has sent in this Pete, a Zern battery Z-E-R-N-E, Zern to me, that is a new player, can you confirm that Peter? I've not
Starting point is 00:27:15 got a great memory as you well know but Zern, no, that does not ring a bell, that does not even charge up a bell for it to be able to be rung. Same, so congratulations to you Will Taylor, you officially are part of the club, you've brought a new player to a bell so that does not even um charge up a bell for it to be able to be wrong yeah same so congratulations to you will taylor you officially are part of the club you've brought a new player to enter the game with wes cogan's been in touch with a daily max i'm afraid despite your best efforts where's a daily max he's not a new player so better luck next time and michael hayhoe on
Starting point is 00:27:41 instagram at luke and pete show sent in a Kendall Large Capacity Strong Alkaline, which I think is a new player. Peter? Yeah, Kendall's the sort of thing you would see in a B&B. Kendall Mint Cake? On the table next to Kendall Mint Cake. That looks lovely. And a really sort of retro blue and yellow styling to it.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, so another new player from you. Well done, Michael. Kendall Large Capacity Strong Alkaline enters the vault as a new player entering the game two out of three this week very very good keep those coming in hello at luke and pete if you're a new listener to this show we identified a couple of years ago that in electronics you get a load of really randomly named batteries and we're trying to build up the world's biggest collection of them so try and get a new player try and get a new battery that we are trying to build up the world's biggest collection of them. So try and get a new player. Try and get a new battery that we haven't seen before.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Email a picture of it, hello at, or Instagram, or tweet us with it, at Luke and Pete Show. Peter, have you got an email? Yes, I have. And it's from Joel from Charlottesville, Virginia. We talk a lot about... Not that Charlottesville. Remember it.ville, Charlottesville, Virginia. We talk a lot about dad behaviour. Do you remember it? What?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Oh, the tiki torches. The tiki torches. Oh, sad. That's what that sounds like for now. That's really sad. Sorry about that, Joel. I didn't mean to bring it down.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Sorry, Joel. Hello all. I just thought I'd flag this up, this news item out of Denver, Colorado from Saturday where a plane had to return to Denver airport after suffering an engine failure.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Spectacular video, wasn't it, Luke? Yeah, frightening. Absolutely chilling. I think with anything like that, when you look at the – when someone films an engine that is on fire, it's kind of smoldering with a few small fires breaking out on it, and it's still kind of going, it's still kind of sat there. I find that very heartening.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Let me tell you something, I would only watch those types of videos if I know that all's well that ends well. Normally, Joe from Charlottesville, Virginia, wouldn't bother me and Luke about things like this, but the plane in question dropped part of its engine on a residential neighborhood. Oh, really? This reminded me of when Luke shared some information
Starting point is 00:29:54 about planes shearing off its engine mid-flight in case of emergency from a show from a few weeks ago. No one was hurt, but someone did end up with a massive piece of airplane in the front yard, a la Donnie Darko, the model of the plane the boeing 777 um i did see that picture and it looks like a big toilet seat in the front garden it's incredible it really is um another quick story about some dad behavior if you're interested uh this story is not mine but my dad's story about his dad my grandfather worked as a pediatrician but was born in a poverty in the 1920s as a child of the depression he had a lot of difficulty difficulty throwing out food even
Starting point is 00:30:28 after it had gone bad once he even scraped the mold off bacon and put it back in the fridge it was unclear uh if it was ever consumed as my dad's siblings disagree on the outcome of that story my grandfather passed away back in 2019 and all his dad chat is reminding me of some of the things he used to do um thank you for making lockdown more bearable. And he does compare the show to, wow, Juvia's Merchant in Pilkington, which we'd have to take opposition to. No, we're much better than that.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Because obviously that was very celebrated and popular. Get fucked. Well, someone was having a go. We were talking about a big ape war and somebody was having a go on Twitter that it was a story that they covered on monkey news in I think it was
Starting point is 00:31:09 2006 or 7 fuck me it's a long time ago yeah and also Pete A how are we going to remember B
Starting point is 00:31:15 monkeys are my forte it was a chimp not ape that's an uncharacteristic error by you is it they were chimps not apes
Starting point is 00:31:24 have a think about what you just said. What? Chimps aren't apes? No, I didn't say that. Have a word with yourself. We're getting out of here. Have I made a faux pas myself there? You did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Chimps are apes, mate. Sorry, mate. I know this is your specialist subject. The big apes. Lesser apes. Gibbons. Yeah, that's the problem. You're talking your gorillas, the orangs.
Starting point is 00:31:41 You confuse me because all you do is send me gibbon gifs on WhatsApp. I love a gibbon gif. And it poisoned my mind with your four gibbons, your four non-apes. Oh, dear. Right, let's get out of here. We're clearly exhausted by this whole thing. Hello at Get in touch on the Twitter, lucanpeachshow,
Starting point is 00:32:01 and that will be fielding your messages and stuff on Instagram at Luke and Pete Shaw. Yeah, and if you want to kind of send us in topics to talk about, you want to give us observations on the Instagram or the Twitter, then by all means do let us know on there. It doesn't have to be our traditional email, and we'll be happy to chat about it. I bet you thought it wasn't possible to do 10 minutes on Come Dime With Me, but you were wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:24 So we are capable of almost anything, and mostly the things we are capable of are absolutely horrific. So bear that in mind and have a lovely weekend, and we'll see you on Monday. Say goodbye, Peter. Goodbye, Tata. Farewell. That is goodbye from me as well. This was a Stakhanov production and part of the ACAST Creative Network.

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