The Luke and Pete Show - These Wooden Ideas

Episode Date: July 12, 2021

Welcome to another week of Luke and Pete Show episodes, starting the news that Pete has taken to doing some joinery around his new house, something that naturally already has him comparing himself to ...the world's most famous carpenter. Will his house fall down at some point? Almost certainly.Elsewhere, the chaps marvel at Tom Cruise's minerals, there's some chat about the Bezos v Branson war that nobody asked for, and we hear from a listener that gave competitive eating a go just for a laugh. How did he get on? Tune in to find out...To get in touch, it's, and we'd love to hear from you! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Monday the 12th of July. I am Pete Donaldson. I'm joined by my good friend, colleague and senpai, Mr. Luke Moore. It's the Luke and Pete show. How you doing, Luke? You missed out lover. Lover. Lovely old Joe. Yeah, I'm doing all right. How are you, my friend? Yeah, it's all right. Yeah. I mean, as you can hear from my voice, I had a heavy couple of days, I'm doing all right. How are you, my friend? Yeah, yeah, it's all right, yeah. I mean, as you can hear from my voice, I had a heavy couple of days, that's to be said. You shouted yourself hoarse.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I shouted myself hoarse yesterday. And there was also the not inconsequential situation that was the London Podcast Festival, Festival Awards, on Friday that we both attended, which was just in a park on a drizzly day where we just drank beers and basically spoke to our old colleagues who used to work in radio. Yeah, isn't it funny how that happens?
Starting point is 00:00:55 One of my favourite moments from the British Podcast Awards, and this isn't, it's not a packed list because it's not the thing that you and I feel the happiest going to but anyway um we won't we won't dwell on that one of my favorite moments was when um i really wanted to go to vip area i had no vip pass uh no one even you know i don't think there's anything going to be a vip area so when i got there i was like all right there's a vip bit there and i heard on the grapevine that the drinks in there were free and so i just thought i'll try my luck because i've got i've got a reasonable
Starting point is 00:01:29 track record trying my luck and i just walked straight through no one checked so i got in there anyway the first thing i do dear listener is i get myself a beer let's make that absolutely clear the first thing i did was get myself a free beer. The second thing I did was get the old WhatsApp out and message old Donnie, old PD, old diggery Donnie, and say, Donnie, fucking great news, mate. The VIP, you could just walk straight in. Just come in, walk in. And I saw that you blue ticked that straight away,
Starting point is 00:01:58 so you'd read it. And then the next thing I remember happening was looking across the crowded VIP bit and seeing you looking perturbed and unsure with a security man. Yeah, no, I walked straight through with my mobile phone to my ear like I was taking an important call and couldn't possibly wait for it. Nice tactic. So I got in, but our younger colleagues, uh katie and uh charlie and finn because i mean finn's very tall you can't really miss finn he's gigantic yeah very rangy gentleman
Starting point is 00:02:29 um and yeah they couldn't get in because they didn't style it out like me and you did luke so i was feeling a little bit perturbed but we'd left people behind but they got in after a while um they stood next to the i'm gonna call him security not really security guard yeah um by just standing next to him and go going um can we go in now and he went oh yeah fine also um i love the difference between you and i you think oh yeah i better just make sure i looked after i'm like i've got to learn they've got to learn sink or swim if i don't get in they'll remember this feeling and that'll spur them on for next time yeah but the thing is thing is, we gave Charlie and Finn a taste, and they were one of the couple of the kids
Starting point is 00:03:08 who rushed the security at Wembley on Sunday. They didn't, I'm joking. Taste of the biscuit. It was very reminiscent, those scenes, were very reminiscent of the January the 6th capital insurrection. What do you mean? The Wembley or the British podcast? No, the Wembley Stadium thing,
Starting point is 00:03:27 the angle of the camera, the behaviour is very similar. Yeah, yeah. It's just, I mean, kids just really like corking these days, don't they? That's something they're really into, I fear. Do you reckon that's what you're down to?
Starting point is 00:03:41 I think there's certainly a lot of the stuff that I saw in Leicester Square, I just sort of go, yeah, I mean, the London riots were fun for a lot of kids, but they didn't seem to be doing fucking Charlie halfway through the bloody thing. It's all a little worrying. Yeah, I think you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I think that we've seen a lot of behaviour befitting that, and it's been going on for a wee while now, I think. But I also think but i also think you know you're talking about a big a big event like the european championship final yeah you really want the security to be even better than that it's not an excuse to say that oh um people yeah it's not it's the ultimate responsibility lies the people that were doing it but but you've got to be fairly certain stuff like that was happening right as it was gonna yeah this this isn't like i mean you know this isn't a terrorist incident but you know if you
Starting point is 00:04:31 can't defend against you know 10 or 20 kids you know just running rushing through the barriers you're not fit to horse an event in my opinion you know and and those sort of scenes will i mean if anything kind of stops you if they're doing whatever they do, it will prevent England being considered in the future to host events because they're just letting whoever they want just walk into the bloody stadium. Awful scenes, awful. Pete, if you had, say that you've got,
Starting point is 00:04:59 I mean, I haven't actually been to your new house yet, but say, I'm assuming it's of the size that I imagine it is, but say you had a larger dwelling. Say you had, I don't know, your home plopped in the middle of, say, a parcel of land of the size of about an acre, and it had a perimeter fence, and you saw 20 to 25 boys trying to get in.
Starting point is 00:05:22 What's your tactic? Are you pot-shot with an air rifle from the roof? I would talk to them, sit them down. All of them together? This isn't the way. All I got, I'd sit them down and just give them a piece of my... Give them something way more valuable than my possessions. Give them my time.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And I think they'd respect that. Would it be a test of your um of your social skills it certainly will be very much any kids listening to me bear in mind these people have been drinking for some time and their manners are actually quite poor how are you gonna how are you gonna how are you gonna stop and putting their feet up on the sofa for look look i mean you can see right behind me this beautiful bit of construction affair. I could build turrets.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I could build a perimeter wall. I went down to Wix and I got some timber and I've made myself a little wall. Let's tell people this full story here. There's been a lot of this bubbling under for quite a long time across the various WhatsApp groups of you asking quite a lot of questions about timber that's what that's what that's what's happened there you probably listen i would take if we're doing that kind of mr and mrs type quiz where you have to answer questions about each other i think we'd
Starting point is 00:06:41 both agree that in a social situation i'm better but in a practical situation you are much better so I'm not gonna have a popper yeah you've put some what looks like foam insulation on the wall behind you they're surrounded by timber and it looks like a pretty good job so good for you but highly carcinogenic you've not used asbestos have you I certainly when I glued it to the walls I used this um sort of, you know, that spray mount stuff. And I didn't realise I was just spraying glue all over my 300 quid bloody gaming chair. So now it looks like I've just jizzed all over it, bloody thing.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, the worst part of that sentence was 300 quid gaming chair. You're in your 40s. Let's grow up. I was 38 when I bought it. Oh, okay, right. I suppose it doesn't just crumble into dust the moment you tick over to 40, does it? Yeah, it was an investment property.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It was an investment chair. I think if police are coming to your house for whatever reason and you're 38 and they see a gaming chair, it doesn't really raise an eyebrow. If they see that you're 40, I think it motivates an instant hard drive check. Oh, yeah, they're taking the hard drives.
Starting point is 00:07:46 They're checking every SD card on my desk. Is it true that the only way to destroy a hard drive is with acid or set fire to it? I think you just drill it into a million different bits. I think that's... And certainly these days where hard drives are smaller and they're just chips, you can be way more destructive with a hammer or a drill, drill i reckon yeah i mean you could you can piece anything together but
Starting point is 00:08:08 if you're grinding something into dust i think you'd be all right is it is it would it pass muster from a security point of view to just put it in the trash and then click the empty trash button yeah yeah i think i've i've heard from like. They say, look, don't worry about the, you know, the writing over the data five or six times, eight or nine times to ISO standards. Just stick it in the bin, stick it in the trash and put it in a folder saying, do not look. The amount of FBI meters where they've gone.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I reserve the rights. The amount of FBI meters where they've gone. Did he delete the files? Yeah, he deleted them. But did he empty the trash? Yeah. Oh, fuck! Did he empty the recycling bin?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Gutting! Absolutely gutting! I don't think the stuff that people are deleting is actually recyclable, technically speaking, either. So that's quite a poor way of naming it, a recycle bin. You can't recycle that kind of filth. Nor would you want to. Hey, Luke, did you see that Richard Branson
Starting point is 00:09:03 decided to go into space on the day that England were possibly going to win the Euros? Yeah, so I'm torn on this because I am someone who instinctively, and I can't quite describe why, possibly because I was just into it when I was a kid. I instinctively love space exploration. I love the idea of astronauts. I love the idea of traveling to different places. Why would you not love that? And so I was kind of impressed that it's happening.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And I think it's an exciting new development for private and commercially driven space travel. Because let's be fair. These days, if we're waiting for governments to fund people to go to far-flung places in the universe or across the galaxy, whatever it may be, you're not going to do it. It's got to be done privately. It's got to be done privately it's got to be done commercially so it's an important step on the other
Starting point is 00:09:49 hand i did think it was hilarious that um he did it on the day that england got to a euro's final so no one gave a shit no we like football whatever what you're doing bradson fuck it we like football we like football more and uh and secondly um he is a problematic businessman, in my opinion. And whenever I see Richard Branson now, it always really reminds me of that scene, you might not be familiar with it, in the great comedy series, the underrated comedy series, Saxondale, which Steve Coogan plays,
Starting point is 00:10:22 an ageing roadie turned pest controller who's fighting against the system, kicking against the pricks still got his long hair and all the rest of it and he meets one of his old friends and one of his old friends is kind of embarrassed about what they did back in the day and like he's now got short hair and he's running his own business
Starting point is 00:10:39 and Tommy Saxondale is really pissed off about it and really put out by it and the kicker is that the sensible guy says, look, come on, Tommy, you can't expect me to run a business with the same haircut I had in the 70s. And Tommy Saxondale goes, wow, I think you'll find Richard Branson might disagree with you there. He'll say, I can run a globe-straddling business
Starting point is 00:11:00 with exactly the same haircut I had in the 70s. But anyway, what an amazing achievement achievement it's a great thing he's a brave man for going up there because you probably wouldn't catch me doing it would you be up for it um i was up for it and then i read that like a couple of people died doing it so i was like oh maybe not so that about anything yes it's about putting your timber up. Exactly. How many people died building a cavity wall? Him and Jeff Bezos having the world's
Starting point is 00:11:31 most pointless argument about it. The world's most unrelatable argument about it as well. Yeah, well, they sort of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:36 maybe, I think a lot of the fuel, it's kind of a new kind of fuel. It's their tax records that's burning to get up there. Somebody, some wag on Twitter said,
Starting point is 00:11:48 quick, do a re-entry space tax before he lands. Great idea. But isn't the debate the fact that there isn't a universally acknowledged height that space starts at? So some people say it's 55, I can't remember if it's kilometres or miles, you'll have to forgive me, 55 kilometres.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Some say it's 70 kilometres. And Richard Branson's one isn't going over the upper one, but Bezos's is, and they're having a big ding-dong about it. It's getting quite salty, actually. I still think we're going to get, because Bezos is going up again go bezos going up soon isn't he yeah i would not rule out um bezos about to go up and then um gorilla monsoon just
Starting point is 00:12:34 goes hang on that's elon musk's music and then musk has got a plot twist for us all let's start firing space lasers having having a war or something in space. A big Fortnite-style rave-off. Like the Battle of Britain. Between, like, the Battle of Shitton. Yeah. Up in space. I think it's cool.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Overall, I think it's cool. I think, you know, there's a lot of, um... The old thing about how, like, it's a bit of a misnomer to say, well, we've got a lot of problems on Earth we need to sort out, and perhaps these guys should, you you know pay their taxes or do whatever of course you know fine but space exploration has got a great record in providing kind of direct
Starting point is 00:13:13 benefits short medium and long term to to life on the planet so it's a really important thing as well and i do think for the future of it to be sustainable it's going to need to be private people doing it baby whether we like it or not i'd like the world to be more equitable I'd like it to be a fairer place we all would but you know this is this is kind of how it's this is really the only way it's going to be done I like the fact that um I like the fact that when they actually got up there there was actually a bit of a problem um getting the um live footage from the craft down and broadcasted live. And so this quite sycophantic, fawning voiceover lady was going, and we can't actually hear Richard Branson at the moment,
Starting point is 00:13:54 but Richard Branson is probably saying something very inspirational, as he always does. Oh, my God. Fuck off, mate. Very inspirational, but specifically not about the NHS. very inspirational but specifically not about the nhs um do you also do are we going to see the tin four hat brigade come out of the woodwork like i did with the moon landings and say that it was all faked or is that not happening anymore do we not do that now oh i don't know i mean i i think it's sort of they they take a lot of time to formulate a policy on certain things when
Starting point is 00:14:22 something's so new they're kind of like, well, should I jump in now? Shall we just wait until it just settles? Shall we study the footage over and over again that it didn't happen? It's just a CGI reproduction, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, it's probably... To make it more realistic, it would probably be harder to do it in CGI, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, yeah, I guess so, yeah. It certainly is a big foil craft and there's some very interesting sort of window configurations in the craft because obviously, you know, the plane has to have a heck of a lot of structural integrity and there's like windows in the roof
Starting point is 00:14:59 and windows on the side and they're all circular. I'd love to have a walk around. Yeah, I would. I'd love to have a cup of tea on it. you did you were you consulted after what you've been able to achieve with your timber and um foam or no no nobody needed my uh help but i mean it's mainly like a foil and metal construction i'm i'm a woodman i'm a they called you up and you went what is it hey what is it it's all foil and? Yeah, yeah. Quite by the end of the week, no problem.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I WhatsAppped our religious friend Marcus Speller saying, am I now your favourite carpenter? And he called me a facetious cunt. Which I genuinely thought was a bit strong. That is strong. I mean, all the other things I've said about his God to his face, fine. Criticise me on those things. But I don't think that was that strong, personally.
Starting point is 00:15:47 No, I think it's actually a strange reaction, given I've been present for some of the stuff you've said. And I would have been wholly supportive of him not turning the other cheek on that occasion. This one seems to me like he maybe caught him at a bad moment or something. Yeah, never mind. I mean, I love that also built up into that is that, you know, people think of you as quite a humble man.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I mean, you've knocked up some pieces of wood in your bedroom and now you're referring to yourself as a carpenter. Yeah, true. Correct. That's all it took. All it took. I would say the old adage is probably true. You can put a cat in an oven and that doesn't make it a cake.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Where does that come from? What a horrible image from a cat man. I know. I shouldn't have said that really. Oh, by the way, speaking of cats, I've got something for you. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:34 You'll like this. So when we were at the British podcast. It's a cake. When we were at the British podcast which I understand isn't exactly a relatable thing to say to everyone listening but it's a fact of life.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It's kind of Bezos versus Branson though, isn't it? No, it's true. It's kind of Bezos versus Branson though, isn't it? No, it's true. It's kind of similar in a way, but less people give a shit, including me. When I was at the British podcast, I got a text from my wife saying
Starting point is 00:16:55 on the way back, can you please pick up some AA batteries? I was like, yeah, no worries. So, why do you need them? She said, oh, cat flap batteries have gone. And I've told everyone this before, but just very, very brief if you don't remember. I've got an electronic cat flap that only lets our cats in.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It syncs up to the microchip in their neck. Only they can get in or out. That's the whole point. When the batteries go, it just flips to open. Right? So it doesn't want people to be stuck anywhere. It doesn't want the cats to be stuck outside. So it kind of defaults to open.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Evidently, that's what happened because Mimi was sat in the living room while we were out on Saturday, you and I, and she said that she saw a cat come into the living room and she didn't think anything of it because, you know, we have cats, looked over and it wasn't one of our cats, right? So she kind of just gently kind of cajoled it out
Starting point is 00:17:44 and it went out um i got back um changed the batch on the cat flap held the cats underneath it to make sure it worked it all worked fine so it's back to where it should be anyway didn't think much of it went to bed next morning i wake up at 8 30 with this ridiculous sound just this banging banging sound. Like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Over and over again, like loud. Went to where the cat flap is and the fucking alien cat, the cat that shouldn't be here,
Starting point is 00:18:14 was still in the house. He'd been there all night and now he couldn't get out and he was kicking shit out of the cat flap to the point where he cracked all the perspex. Right? Oh no! If I went near to him,
Starting point is 00:18:25 he started going insane, obviously, because he's frightened and it's a dead end effectively so i had to basically spend half an hour cajoling him with this food to make him show that i wasn't you know wasn't going to attack him and therefore hoping he wasn't going to attack me and then open the door to let him out and i've never seen him since but basically the upshot is a cat that wasn't ours destroyed our cat flap and spent the night in our house without us knowing which is weird where it's all hung up our cats didn't give a shit they're supposed to be very territorial shouldn't they yeah they really should do that's hilarious and like because that's what i never said about cats like people will um sometimes like people
Starting point is 00:19:02 will be walking past someone else's house and they'll just see their cat in that person's house there was there was that bbc documentary episode the secret life of cats and one of the storylines in it was so sad because it was this old lady who had this cat that she loved and this cat just unilaterally decided that it would prefer to live in the house across the road and just stop coming home and saw her, she'll see it going into the other house. And the neighbors were like, well, I'm sorry. I don't really know what to do. We've got to look after it.
Starting point is 00:19:32 They just basically decided to fuck off. So they can't be like that. Oh, no. That's so sad. They can't be like that. Anyway, should we take a quick break? Let's have a break. When we come back, we will do some of your emails as usual.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Some good ones this week, i always say but it really is true i promise you we'll see you in a minute we're back it's a luke and pete show uh it's a monday and it's part two of the show i'm gonna get through some of your emails we have some we've had some absolute bangers this week uh sorry if we didn't get to yours last week but uh we're certainly going to be piling through as many as we possibly can because there are some really, really good ones in the email box. Hello at if you'd like to get involved. Luke, do you want to kick us off with a mail, a dispatch? Yeah, I've got one here that I really love from John and I'm going to read it out now.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It's about competitive eating. We talked about competitive eating, didn't we, last week very briefly. John has followed up and said, hi guys, I have some experience of competitive eating. When I was in university, I spent a summer in Montauk on Long Island, which is obviously in New York. I'm a J1 visa holder, which is for Irish students. On the first or second weekend,
Starting point is 00:20:36 there was a hot dog eating contest as part of the Harbour Festival. Being students and naive Irishmen in America, four of us entered thinking it would be a laugh. Great stuff. When we got there, it was serious business. being students and naive Irishmen in America, four of us entered thinking it would be a laugh. Great stuff. When we got there, it was serious business. There were a few Americans trash-talking,
Starting point is 00:20:51 saying how they were going to win and how they could eat loads of hot dogs. Three of the lads treated it as lunch, so had three or four hot dogs and then tapped out, satisfied for the afternoon. Great hack. Great hack. That's great stuff. And John says, I had planned to do the same, but was stood beside an obnoxious American woman who, the minute we arrived was giving it big licks which this set me
Starting point is 00:21:10 off i said to myself i was going to give it a lash and hope i beat her i thought you'd be giving hot dogs with your choice of condiments but i was wrong we were provided with a cup of water and that's it and that one cup of water had to last us the entire nine minutes of the competition. John goes on to say, I tore into the competition and completely demolished the first four hot dogs. It was then that things turned into a bit of a slog. Eating dry hot dogs and buns makes your mouth extremely dry, so to get your mouth moist, you've got to dip the hot dog in the water,
Starting point is 00:21:42 something we were talking about last week. Disgusting. Hot dogs five to nine were slower, but people around me were dropping out all over the place. This obnoxious American next to me was still in though and still throwing the trash talk. At this point, a crowd was forming and I was beginning to get the backing of them due to this obnoxious American woman. The last three hot dogs consisted of me retching throughout
Starting point is 00:22:01 and depositing bits of hot dog in my cheeks to soften them as I chewed through other bits, like a squirrel. Anyway, the bell went and I had done it. I ate 12 hot dogs in 9 minutes. The crowd cheered and I was presented with my prize, which was 100 hot dogs. Following the competition, I had to walk
Starting point is 00:22:20 back to the place we were staying, which was only 5 minutes away, but it took me about 20 minutes. At one point, I had to lay on the road and the police arrived. When I told them I'd won the competition, they congratulated me and just went on their way. I didn't eat for two days after and I'm very proud of my achievement.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I was until I saw the winner of the official competition had eaten 53 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Keep up the great work and apologies for the long email. John, that is a very creditable effort and what sounds like you know a fairly low standard competition compared to the 53 from the professional but nevertheless 12 hot dogs in nine minutes is very very good that is very very good i think um i like the idea of receiving and having to carry home 100 hot dogs would it be in like a
Starting point is 00:23:02 box rather than a big jar i'm imagining a big jar i think it might just be a box in in foil wrapping i'm feeling that i get the feeling that if you're doing that so for example the geezer ate 53 of them if you're doing that you by the time you get through a fair amount of them but presumably they're going to be cold are they by then as well yeah cold and wet it's not great is it it? It's very salty. There's a lot of processed meat. I mean, that's got to be problematic. Very bad for you, I think. And also, probably your stomach stretches
Starting point is 00:23:33 and all the rest of it. Because I think that's what happens when you get... Obviously, I'm certainly a far fatter man than your good self. And I think what happens when you get fatter is that you eat more and then your stomach gets bigger
Starting point is 00:23:44 and then you need to eat more to keep the stomach full, if you know what I mean. Does that make sense? Right, okay, I see. That's true, but presumably larger people's stomachs are bigger than smaller people's stomachs because they're stretchable, right? Definitely.
Starting point is 00:23:57 No, that's got to be the case because that's why gastric band surgery works because you feel full quicker. But the reason it's confusing, though, is stomach, you feel full quicker. But the reason it's confusing though is because you see some of these competitive eaters
Starting point is 00:24:08 and not all of them are big. No, yeah, we said this last time, like the best competitive eaters are skinny because they've got
Starting point is 00:24:14 more room to expand. Do you reckon it just goes through them really quick, like they're shitting like a fucking racehorse? Well, it's just less pressure,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I guess, less pressure in there. But yeah, cracking stuff. I like the idea of the police just coming over and seeing if he's all right. Respecting the achievement. I've just eaten a load.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, I've just eaten a load of hot dogs. And then they started hitting him with a big hot dog nightstick. They patted it red. You remember this? Whack. Oh, my God. I think I told you. After we bom you after the Euros
Starting point is 00:24:45 after we bombed out the Euros in the penalty shootout me and Sarah had driven me to where all my mates were to watch the match
Starting point is 00:24:53 in Bexley lovely little town never really thought I'd been to Bexley Is it where is it? Is it near Kent? Kent
Starting point is 00:24:59 That's a bit of a slog for my UI isn't it? Or was it not too bad? It is a little bit so Sarah drove us down and because obviously everyone was pulling, like we got in the car after the pub and got on the road. And obviously the police are just watching people leave the pub
Starting point is 00:25:13 and just get into their cars. Easy picking. So Sarah got stopped. I thought she was going to get breathalysed, but I was just absolutely shitted. I was laughing my head off. She wasn't like Lynn in Alan Partridge. She got really flustered and started setting the alarm she was getting a little bit flustered as anyone would do
Starting point is 00:25:29 uh with the flashing lights and stuff but i don't know like i've never been pulled i think i've been pulled over once in japan uh in a car um and i wasn't driving so i didn't care uh and i've been pulled over like here and it like the dynamic quite interesting because they've always got their blue lights on because they're always going somewhere it's really hard to know like that you're being
Starting point is 00:25:49 told to sort of pull over I suppose yeah I got pulled over quite a lot in my hometown where there's not really much going on when I was a
Starting point is 00:25:54 kid I had this beaten up old Ford Fiesta and me and my friends all used to get pulled over together or separately
Starting point is 00:26:02 or whatever just because I don't really think there was much going on and these guys had to be honest, I don't really think there was much going on and these guys needed to do something. Profiled.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I was always fired. I've never ever been one for that kind of nonsense like drink driving and all the rest of it. I've always thought it was just awful. But I did once get pulled over
Starting point is 00:26:17 about, I think about a week or two after my tax and MOT had expired. So I got busted for that. Did you get away with that? Yeah, I had to pay a fine and all the rest of it. Which is a bit of a shame well um i'm in a bit of a snafu because uh i my the beloved wangy 125t um scooter um someone's stolen my number plate right how's
Starting point is 00:26:39 that happened well i left outside i left the scooter outside my house and Liv Clay just went, we'll have that because I think you can I think they're not valuable but I mean if you've got a moped and you want to get a free tank of gas just fill yourself up put my number plate on the back of your scooter and then just fuck off I suppose Is that what they do?
Starting point is 00:27:00 I googled it and I was like why would somebody steal that but yeah someone nicked one of my bags. Do they have any idea who you are, man? I mean, presumably that sent reverberations and shockwaves around the local community that someone would do that to someone of your standard. It can get anyone. Like when Tom Hanks got COVID. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Tom Hanks didn't get COVID, did he? Oh, by the way, did you see Tom Cruise at the game? He was one of the first ones. Did you see Tom Cruise at the game last night? Yes, yes. Friends with DBX. Was he enjoying it? If I was not a fan of soccer and it went to extra time,
Starting point is 00:27:34 I would be a bit like, can I go home now, David? Tom's had an amazing day. I think he was spotted on camera at the Wimbledon men's singles final as well that day. Oh, wow. So he must have just got a helicopter to the city. He must have just got a helicopter. Yeah, he must have done. Where is the helipads near Wembley? There must be helipads close to.
Starting point is 00:27:52 No, because the players seem to go in on coaches. I think there's an entrance which takes you underground on a coach. Yeah. I don't think there's a helipad there. There's almost certainly a helipad near Wimbledon. There's one at Battersea anyway, isn't there? I think anyway, famously. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:11 This is the thing. So Tom Cruise, who famously does all his own stunts. I saw a video, I mean, I presume it's real, of Tom Cruise doing a stunt, because he famously does all his own, of him holding onto a plane on the outside while it's taking off, right? And it shouldn't be forgotten that Tom Cruise is about to,
Starting point is 00:28:36 I think Tom Cruise has just turned 59 years old, right? So, I mean, obviously he isn't anything like, I was about to say, he isn't anything like me. He isn't anything like me. But when I hit 40, you feel it. He's 59 and he's doing this stuff. So I would have thought he's got any problem getting in a helicopter,
Starting point is 00:28:51 but I can't really bring myself to get into a helicopter. No, yeah, exactly, yeah. Yeah, I think, did you see that clip from the last Mission Impossible where he jumped from building to building and sort of missed his landing a little bit? Broke his ankle.. God broke his ankle. Like, broke his ankle.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. And they left that in the film, knowing full well that everyone knows what happened on that stunt. Oh, good God. The man is suffering for his art. He really, really is. You can't say he's not, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:19 you can't say he's not full throttle. No, exactly. Or Tom Cruise. But what a day he's had yesterday. I mean, I don't really like tennis, but he's been to the Wimbledon men's singles final and he's off to the Euros final. I mean, I don't know if he knows that much about football,
Starting point is 00:29:31 but I mean, good on him if that's what he wants to do. Who actually won the Wimbledon's final? I've not watched any of his games. Novak Djokovic, who everyone hates. Why did they hate him? I think he's like a bit of a problematic character. He had a very... I'm going to tread very carefully for legal reasons here
Starting point is 00:29:48 but he had a very what you would call a minority view re-Covid oh yes yes yes he was an anti-vaxxer I can't remember can you say that? I don't know
Starting point is 00:29:59 he's probably not going to sue us is he? yeah I'm fairly certain he said he would not get the vaccine, which doesn't necessarily mean you're anti-vaccine. I'm going to say something that isn't legally actionable, and I'm going to stand by it.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I think he's a selfish young man. That's what I think. Very selfish young man. Naughty little boy. He's a naughty little boy. He is a naughty little boy. Anyway, listen, let's wrap this up, Pete Donaldson. We squeezed one email in.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Wrap it. It was a bloody good one, though, to be fair. It was a banger. If you are listening to this show and you've done anything like approaching competitive eating, get in touch because that is a ripe, ripe subject for chat. Pete and I will be back on Thursday. By the way, you can, of course, email us about anything you want. So don't hesitate to do so.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Hello at is the email address. We are at LukeandPeteShow on social media. And we will be back in your ears on Thursday. And we're bloody looking forward to it, aren't we, Pete? Yes, like a ripe, ripe nectarine, which is what I ate for breakfast. Delicious. breakfast delicious the luke and pete show is a stack production and part of the acast creator network

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