The Luke and Pete Show - Voltage Fraud

Episode Date: May 20, 2021

On today’s show, Luke takes us down memory lane for a disastrous story about a very awkward bucket of chicken, while Pete records from his man shell as he recovers from Monday’s brutal breakdown.&...nbsp;Elsewhere, a NEW PLAYER ENTERS THE GAME before one of the boys gets caught out in some battery fraud. We also hear directly from the dogs Pete has access don’t want to miss this!GET INVOLVED! Drop us an email with your latest nonsense story over at, or get in touch on our Twitter/Instagram pages @lukeandpeteshow. We LOVE hearing from you!If you're enjoying the show, go and drop us a review over on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your pods. 5 stars will do. You don't want to see Pete having another breakdown. Cheers! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's the luke and pete show it's the is it how the devil are you are you all hugged out have you spent most of this week in that pub if indeed you uh enjoy that sort of thing uh let us know hello and pete i'm pete donaldson i'm joined by luke moore and we are back once again to talk absolute rubbish how you doing lu doing, Luke? You all right? Pretty good, thanks. Yeah, not too bad. I'm just pleased to see you've calmed down since Monday's escapades. I could always ramp it up. I could always ramp it back up again, so to speak, but I had to push the ramp at a low speed.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I was thinking that, you know, we were talking on Monday about how you failed your driving test. Well, you don't say that. Say again? You don't fail it, as the as the man was appears to say he said i can't pass you i couldn't pass my driving test okay so you failed to pass your driving test yeah um and i was wondering how many other bad things will have to happen to you this week to make it the worst week of your life well i mean i don't like the fact that you're looking down at your computer like you've got something for me because i was spoken
Starting point is 00:01:10 to your family i just wondered because some people get affected by it some people think ah whatever it is what it is you know just get on with it i'm just wondering if you're dwelling on it still you know what it was a good weekend of football last weekend. Alisson's header, Leicester City, Newcastle put in a performance against Man City. It's not all bad. Football's back. Football's picking up where my life is kind of at.
Starting point is 00:01:36 The week starts on Monday, so you can't count that. I just wondered if you are going to bounce back or whether you're going to disappear into your shell over all this. That's all I'm wondering. I don't know. I mean, I'd love access to a shell, to be quite frank. I mean, look, I've got a house move on the horizon.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I've got to be thinking about that, to be quite frank. I've got to think about disassembling a massive wardrobe that costs nearly a grand. It's all... My sort of tumble, stumble into domesticity uh it obviously it's not going particularly well i can't trust pass my driving lesson driving test but um you know i'm thinking about moving house i'm thinking about disassembling a wardrobe that's 10 times bigger than i am it's it's it's all going off it's fun i don't think i would ever move house again without
Starting point is 00:02:22 getting professional people to help me did Did you not the first time? No, and it was a mistake. What did you do? Just get a van? It's just, yeah. Wow. That's an undertaking. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yeah, it's too much. I think, because the worst thing about it was that I was moving from a first floor flat to another first floor flat and so and it's just like the house i live in now is really quite old it's like i think it was built in 1900 so the dimensions are odd and it's sunk a bit and like there's different bits going on and so couldn't get the um sofa upstairs for example you know um and it's just there's no there's like it comes a point where you can have people helping you but i do think i'm a big believer like um you know that it's fair enough it's not counted as a profession like the tories would say oh it's an unskilled piece of labor or whatever but moving house if you've done a 500 of them because it's your job you're
Starting point is 00:03:22 going to be good at it you're going to know the tricks of the trade you're going to know what to do in different situations you know you're going to know what order to move stuff in you know how to label things you know all these things that come along we do a terrible job in this country of really beefing up and really supporting and helping or respecting people who do really important jobs that for some reason society is deemed not skilled like moving a fucking house to another house is a skilled job, I don't care what you say. That's what I learned when I moved, and it
Starting point is 00:03:52 was in February of 2014, and I'm still not over it. I had to, I mean, I only moved a one bedroom flat into, and I've got a lot of town, but I've not got that much, so there wasn't even a room in my sort of grief hall, but two Iraqi lads, I think there's a father and son kind of team and and and they just they they were like it was like mad kind of heavy tetris it was amazing what they did
Starting point is 00:04:16 like and and they know what to you know with a big flat screen they know where to put that thing you know where to where to sort of protect it so it doesn't get smashed it's a it's a it's a massive skill set and and and to be honest they had two or three more drops after they finished with me so they had to fit in two other drops with with my stuff as well it's it's it's incredible i mean they're not gonna they're not gonna face uh it's not gonna be like this kind of they're gonna have a big sisyphean sort of cry at the bottom of a stairwell when they can't get a sofa up the bloody thing, are they? They're not going to go, well, this can't go. Well, you watch it a bit, don't you? Well, at some point, when you're trying to get that sofa up the stairs, you must have
Starting point is 00:04:54 been going, this isn't going to get through that door, this isn't going to get up the stairs, I'm just going to have to burn this, I'll just leave it outside, like the sofa in Friends or something. Like I say, were you there? Because describing it is pretty accurate. I just downed a bit of a breakdown. Listen, one of the worst things about the whole thing was that a mate of mine had moved house like a month before. So he had a spare sofa, and I didn't have anything
Starting point is 00:05:19 because we had moved from a furnished flat to an unfurnished one, right? So I was on the mission. I was like, yeah, I'll take that. I'll take that. Anything free, I'll take. And my mate gave me this big corner sofa. And he said, look, this is how it gets ridiculous, right? He said, it's there for you.
Starting point is 00:05:36 At the time, he was living outside London. He had a big old place. He was like, look, the sofa's there for you. It's in the garage. Whenever you want it, you come and get it. So on the same day, I drove down to Godalming in Surrey. And for those who don't know UK geography very well, I mean, it's like an hour away from where I live.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I drove down there, picked it up in the back of the van, which, by the way, I'd already used to move my other stuff. Then I had to go down to my parents' house on the south coast to pick up some more stuff. Then I had to drive back up to the house, and the sofa didn't fit in the fucking house. So I literally had to go down to my parents house in the south coast to pick up some more stuff Then I had to drive back up to the house and the sofa didn't fit in the fucking house So I literally had to leave it outside anyway, it's a complete waste of time It's so stressful moving house. I'm telling you. I think it's the most stressful thing you can do and that's even before you talk about All the machinations of actually buying the thing in the first place, which is just a complete saga always
Starting point is 00:06:24 Well, I'm so so what happened to so you just have to take it to the tip or whatever no because in our neighborhood people just take stuff you just put three on there people just take it okay fair do your dogs are going mad i know yeah that's probably the boss from some of that what can i do okay look i i can only i can mirror i can signal i can maneuver but if the dogs start barking, I can't help it. They're crying. It's sad. They're upset about you moving house.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Not passing my test. Peter. They were like, these are the basics, Pete. You know, you mentioned on an earlier show where you were moving to, and we had an email from someone saying, just literally just saying, oh, by the way, when you turn up, Pete, let me know if you need any help with this and I'll give you, you know, give me a shout.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You want to go for a beer? I saw that. I forwarded that to my partner. He was very sweet with that person. So thank you very much. I'm going to take you up on that offer. Because that is the thing about, like, kind of moving to an area.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You don't know, like, who the best, like, sparkies are, who the best, you know, kitchen fitters are, all that stuff. It's just a bit of a nightmare. I don't think he's going to fill the kitchen for you. I just think he wants to
Starting point is 00:07:30 beat you to a pint. He might do. You know who else lives in Southend, Peter? Uh-oh. Is it the Southend Strangler? Almost. Big Pav.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Oh, does he? Right, okay. Friend of the show, Big Pav. Lovely. What does he get up to in Southend? What business does he have okay from the show Big Pav lovely where's he going up to in Southend what business does he have out there
Starting point is 00:07:48 I think he's I think he's from there ah okay right interesting oh well I'll get on his PUBG
Starting point is 00:07:55 if he wants to come around and insult you I'm sure if you want someone to come around and give you shit I'm sure he'll be
Starting point is 00:08:00 happy to do it shout in your face tell you what you're doing wrong yeah so good luck with it Pete one thing I would say is that speaking of I'm sure he'll be happy to do it. Shout in your face. Tell you what you're doing wrong. Yeah, so good luck with it, Pete. One thing I would say is that, speaking of, I mean, the reason earlier I was asking you if you had a bad week or not,
Starting point is 00:08:12 did you read about this farmer in Belgium who calls himself a local history enthusiast, right? Saw a, this local, sorry, they're two separate people. This local history enthusiast right saw a this local this local sorry they're two different people this local history enthusiast
Starting point is 00:08:29 was out walking the forest when he noticed Dogging local dogger what's going on there it sounds like a starter one
Starting point is 00:08:37 doesn't it not the guy you not the guy the virgin broadband not the guy who saw two men
Starting point is 00:08:44 caught in flagrante and argued that it gave his dog a limp. Do you remember? Yeah, was that a Tarian B? I can't remember. He said that seeing two men in the countryside naked gave his dog a limp. Anyway, it's a different... I just don't really understand where that comes from. Confusing.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Listen, a male dog will fuck anything won't it it's not going to be shocked by anything a male dog is it no it isn't so I don't understand why I don't understand why that's the case by the way when I was a kid I remember I'm going to get on this Belgian farmer in a minute
Starting point is 00:09:20 when I was a kid my parents took me for a KFC because one opened up in gosport right like a big deal this is in like the 80s yeah i remember when the burger king first opened there as well and it was like everyone was like losing their shit about it i remember the first mcdonald's mate harley put his first mcdonald's brilliant near the tesco fantastic burger king came along a bit later though didn't it it? We never had a Burger King except we did. There's a McDonald's
Starting point is 00:09:48 in Gosport as well but I can't remember that opening. I think that might have been there before I realised. Anyway, there's a KFC
Starting point is 00:09:54 that opened up, right? I was about seven, I think. My mum and dad said, let's go to KFC. It's like a new thing. We went down there
Starting point is 00:10:03 and it was so busy that you couldn't eat in there. Mum and dad said, don't worry about it. What we new thing so we went down there and it was so busy that he couldn't eat in there and uh so mum dad said don't worry about it what we'll do is we'll get the bucket or whatever it is whatever we had and we'll take it drive down the coast to the coast which isn't far obviously because that's where we where we live and we'll sit in the car and we'll eat it right and you see like old people doing that all the time they're going to get fish and chips it's nice because you want to go to the beach but I guess if you're old maybe you feel the cold
Starting point is 00:10:26 a little bit more you don't want to you just sit in the car and you watch the sea it's nice you see a lot of people doing it anyway
Starting point is 00:10:32 family of us KFC in the car down to the ferry bit the harbour sat there eating our food and a bloke
Starting point is 00:10:43 just walks along there's a bench by the bus station anyone who's familiar with gospel will know exactly where I am talking about there's a bus station
Starting point is 00:10:51 right this is probably about 5pm right dinner time for a kid I'm 7 I ain't eating my dinner
Starting point is 00:10:57 any later than 7 o'clock latest am I at 7 so down there bloke walks along looks around quite furtively
Starting point is 00:11:04 just looking around. A girl comes along, right? They sit on the bench and just start having sex on the bench. My parents had to, my mum had to drive us away. Drive you away? Like we're doing William Shepard's Croc? No, as in like drive the car away. It's a scatter.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Right. It's not finger licking. This is terrible. But no one, because we're like a, I guess a socially awkward, normal British family. No one said anything. Just drove off. Yeah. Let's go somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:11:37 We just went somewhere else. I'll never forget it. It's like 33 years ago. I'll never forget it. It's like when a friend of my dad's was on um some kind of safari uh and they sort of drove past a village and a man came out and he had um giganticism of the testicles uh lifted up his lifted up his smock and and asked for some coins um and nobody said a word about it just gave him some coins, never discussed it again until later on.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So I said, I've got to get this off my chest, Stewie. I saw a man with gigantic to the floor testicles and I've just, I've already just come to terms with it.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Why is money changing hands? Well, because he's a beggar, isn't he? So I don't think he was like a freak show. I think he just got a guy and look at the state of my testicles. Can I have some money, some money please what are you gonna do with the money
Starting point is 00:12:27 is it for a fund i don't bloody know is it for a fun maybe for some wheels on it i don't know i feel like you know like um when you're a kid so you used to see porno mags in like bushes and stuff right why was that a thing when when i was in weymouth a couple weeks ago um i was walking through this kind of little little hedge and i was thinking god this would be prime pornography spots so if you were gonna look for pornography in the 80s 90s i don't know it's like a well-worn comedic path but yeah i was thinking there's gotta be something but the thing is somewhere it is a well-worn comedic cliche right i get it right a stand-up for a reason there's five million stand-ups in the uk now you're never more than
Starting point is 00:13:15 three foot from a stand-up right most of them are absolutely fucking shit and they all talk about this kind of stuff i get it right but this genuinely did used to happen and i fear that younger listeners to this show won't fully appreciate or understand what we're saying. For no reason at all, there were pornographic magazines in bushes when we were kids, and I don't know why. Was it because a man would go to the shop, buy one, read it,
Starting point is 00:13:37 and then leave it in the bush because he didn't want to take it home or something? Yeah, transient masturbators. I think that's the transient masturbatory community would leave magazines in in hedges but also you know i guess kids would buy i don't really know kids but i remember sort of seeing stashes quite a lot like people would there'd be like lots of magazines in one place just dumped and that is clearly uh they're moving house so dad's gotta go into the cupboard under the floorboards,
Starting point is 00:14:05 pull them out, get rid. You can't just put them in a bin, can you? You can't really just put them, you have to litter. You have to put them in somewhere. Can I just say, they were always in air raid shelters when I was a kid. I like the fact that for a lot of kids, you're going to have to explain air raid shelters. Probably you're going to have to explain the war,
Starting point is 00:14:24 and also paper pornography. But back in the day, imagine printing, like, I'm not pretty good, imagine a paper-based iPad. But it's in the hedge, and it's got Linda Lusardi on it. They're not going to know who Linda Lusardi is, are they? All right, fine. But the, and I don't, to be fair to Linda, I don't think she ever did full pornographic magazines. She's a page-free girl. Alright, fine. But the, and I don't, to be fair to Linda, I don't think she ever did
Starting point is 00:14:46 full pornographic magazines. She's a page three girl. Okay, fine. Certainly not European strength. Which, when my wife moved to the UK
Starting point is 00:14:54 in 2016, she had never heard of nor seen page three of the Sun before and thought it was the weirdest thing she'd ever experienced like in her life she was like right so yeah because basically this is the world this is the country's
Starting point is 00:15:11 most popular newspaper yeah and when you open the front page you just see a random woman topless yeah why yeah i don't know it's always been like that what's the point of it no idea but it's like it is like it's it's so basically so sexless it's so there's no kind of like there's not it's not interesting it's just this inert kind of asinine kind of display of flesh for no reason it was never sexy it was never hot it was never sexy. It was never hot. It was never really interesting unless you were like a bit educationally subnormal and sat in a van. It was interesting then to go, look at this, mate.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Look at this, Steve. It's a girl without any top. See you tomorrow and we'll do this again. Or if you were like... Can I just say, that is the weirdest conversation I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Look at this, Steve. It's a is the weirdest conversation I've ever heard. Look at this Steve, it's a woman without any top, see you tomorrow. But it's, but it's, but I think it was like our kind of version of trying to be a little bit European maybe because in Europe and mainland Europe, you'd sort of see advertising,
Starting point is 00:16:20 like high fashion advertising for perfumes and underwear and stuff like that. And you'd see women, you'd see nipples effectively. And that was kind of like, advertising, high fashion advertising for perfumes and underwear and stuff like that. And you'd see women, you'd see nipples effectively. And that was kind of like, and when you went to the mainland for a trip to Belgium or Holland or whatever, you'd be like,. Oh my,. That is a very exciting, I've seen a lady who was at the top, a tiny skinny lady who was at the top.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And it makes, I think, think american i think certainly americans when for example when wwe i do a podcast called wrestle me with a guy called mark and and when uh it's sort of attitude area era uh when that kind of wrestling setup came over to london they did like a house show where they or a film show um for television like a pay-per-view um where um a woman just got her top off but they just assumed because of things like the sun newspaper because of the advertising uh in in mainland europe they thought it was acceptable to have one of the wrestlers lose her top in front of a load of kids i never knew that happened judged so yeah and and they don't really talk about it.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It was, you know, in the pantheon of shameful things, that company of Pappertrade, it was one of the more shameful things. But I think Europeans have a reputation of being, like, needlessly sexual at the weirdest times. I'm going to enjoy a biscotti and a booboo. Well, that is true. I assumed that page three came from carry-on films or something. Yeah, but it's too revealing.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It's not suggestive, is it? It's just insane. It is mad. It's just very hard. what it is is the classic example of one of those things that once it's been stopped and yeah you look back and go that was a bit of a weird time wasn't it you know what i mean i'm not suggesting that i didn't think it was terrible or weird or sexist at the time i'm sure i probably did but it just of course it's sexist and unacceptable but it's just also odd it's sexist and unacceptable, but it's just also odd.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's like, it's completely pointless. Yeah, the primary sort of thing is that it's just fucking weird. Yeah, basically, yeah. I was going to say, anyway, there's a Belgian farmer, right? And he's found some pornos. He probably found some pornos in his fields. But anyway, he was ploughing his field on a tractor, right? And he found a stone in his path, which was in the way of what he was trying to do.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And it was quite a big stone. So he picked it up and he moved it a few meters out the way. But what he didn't realize was that that was the boundary between France and Belgium. And so ultimately he made Belgium two metres bigger and France smaller. Or as the mayor of the Belgian village said, this is not a good idea. And I think, and it's an interesting story, right? And, you know, fine, it's quite funny. I think if you are a farmer who lives off the land
Starting point is 00:19:31 and you live that close to the French border, you know what you're doing. You know what you're doing. What, do you reckon he just did it and just went, and just sort of like, sort of thought, I wonder how long this is going to take before I get in trouble
Starting point is 00:19:47 I think it's almost like the Shawshank Redemption where every day you go back and you steal a little bit more dig a bit more of a tunnel oh do you reckon he's just do you reckon this has been like the work of like
Starting point is 00:19:54 years and years and years he's just moved a couple of centimetres every year before you know it France no longer exists I mean you'd have to go some I mean I would probably move the French border more
Starting point is 00:20:05 than the Belgian border well they're the same thing aren't they yeah but like I would sorry I would move it towards Belgium rather than towards France because you're going to take it's going to take a long time that's going to be your life's work
Starting point is 00:20:18 but he's Belgian he doesn't want to make Belgium tiny does he it's already small well you could just there's absolutely no precedent for any there's no I mean's absolutely no precedent for any um there's no i mean there's no precedent for belgium's um borders to have been compromised at any point during the 20th century so i don't know what he's worried about anyway i don't know what um
Starting point is 00:20:37 i don't know how like why we need those stones because i don't know you know like how they would measure what's belgium what's france what's you know france what's spain awesome like i don't know how granular the data actually goes like you know how it actually we just assume and accept it are we talking centimeter yeah we assume that like this meter or 10 meters square is france this 10 meter square is belgium i wonder how granular it gets, how small it gets. Can it go down centimeters, millimeters even? I mean, if you go down centimeters, presumably, you could go down millimeters.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Presumably, it could go even smaller than that. That's why the Planck length is so interesting in science because I think I'm right in saying that there was always this philosophical problem that you could always technically half the distance. So I think it was some Greek philosopher who said that philosophically speaking, in theory, you could never actually cross a river
Starting point is 00:21:34 because if you went half a distance each time, you'd never quite get there. But actually, that's not true because when you get down to a very small length, like the plank length, reality becomes a bit weird. Subatomically, it becomes all foamy and odd, and it's a bit all over the place, and you can no longer make the measurements.
Starting point is 00:21:51 So you can only get down so far, I think, is the answer to that question. But I'll leave the final word on this to the Belgian mayor, who said, I was happy my town was bigger, but the French mayor did not agree. Never upset a French mayor. Right, we'll be back after this with some battery brands and some of your emails. This week at Stakhanov. If you're wondering how Ashwood City Football Club dealt with the news of the European Super League, then binge the award-winning mockumentary The Offensive this summer.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I think a few of the players are considering taking to social media. No, fucking no. Okay, turn off the fucking Wi-Fi for all I care. Tear down the 4G mask. Patrick, you've got a Zoom call with the other 14 right now. The 14? What? The remaining Premier League clubs. Oh, for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I don't want to talk to those fucking losers. Or if you'd rather get stuck into a comedy film podcast, why not check out Clash of the Titles? The podcast where two films with something in common go head to head
Starting point is 00:22:52 to decide which one is better. Their latest episode saw Red Heat up against Tango and Cash. In both films, I think someone says, where did you learn to drive like that?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Which no one ever says in real life. I had lessons. But a nice callback. And your nan has. Your nan has. nan have asked that haven't you how many times did you
Starting point is 00:23:07 take to pass you passed first time what about your written test all that and a whole lot more at Sukarnov and we're back it's the Luke Beecher
Starting point is 00:23:24 it's a Thursday I'm Pete Donaldson joined joined by Mr. Luke Moore. If you want to get into the show, it is unbelievably simple. It's That's our email address. We don't have a phone number. We're on Twitter. We're on Instagram. You can get into the show on there as well.
Starting point is 00:23:38 That will be collated and delivered to the show post-taste. Have we got some new battery brands, Luke Moore? Yes, we have. We've got Tom Monk's suggestion, which is all-key batteries. All-key. I think they're new players. Yeah, it sounds like the sort of batteries
Starting point is 00:23:56 you'd put inside a sousaphone or a piano. Yeah, I think you can have a new player there, Tom Monk. I clicked on his tweet, and it said, you know, hi, Luke and Pete Show. Found these batteries. can have a new player there tom monk i clicked on his tweet and um it said this is you know hi luke and pete show found these batteries are they a new player fair enough they are his next tweet says i'm up to it i'm optimistic there won't be but if there is another severe peak of infections with covid that delay stage four will be solely the fault of the government's border strategy so i think what's there, Tom is showing us he is capable of the frivolous and the serious. The serious, I care.
Starting point is 00:24:28 On one Twitter feed. So well done to him. Thank you, Tom. He's got a new player entering the game there. Has sent in new leaders. New leaders are not new players. We've seen loads of new leaders over the years, haven't we, Peter? Yes, certainly in this cabinet, this government.
Starting point is 00:24:46 And the final one for now is Sean, who's found he looked into his Portuguese nasal hair trimmer, which I presume isn't a euphemism, and said, what about these new batteries? D-M-E-G-C. D-M-E-G-C. I don't think they are new players. I think I've seen them before.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah, D-M-E-G-C. It sounds like something they are new players. I think I've seen them before. Yeah. I mean, D-M-E-G-C. It sounds like something we've seen before, but I don't recall to be honest. I do have, actually, a VAL wet and dry, rinses clean, nose trimmer. So, could pop mine open, see what's in there. Oh. They get older.
Starting point is 00:25:20 They just never stop growing, do they? Let me just... What battery is it in? It's got max power. Max power. A classic of the Luke and Pete show. It is a classic. There was a tweet, Peter, that you shared on Twitter last week.
Starting point is 00:25:32 All right. Or I think it might have been the lady you have access to shared it. And it was a drawer full of nothing but Duracell batteries. And the Luke and Pete show community were outraged. I mean, there was no other brand apart from Duracell. So do you want, do you want to kind of explain that? Well,
Starting point is 00:25:48 yeah, the, the, um, partner I have access to, um, saw fit to expose my, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:54 own battery drawer, even though she enjoys access to D cells, uh, triple A, double A, uh, C, C's as well,
Starting point is 00:26:03 a bigger, uh, do you make sure you've got a certain amount of all the different types of cell? Got one of each. Got one, at least one of each at any one time. I bought some electronic bins, Luke. And when you go wave your hand in front of them, they open. And then when you go away.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And they take two big, chunky cell batteries. And I thought I'd be going through them at quite a whacking rate, but unfortunately, no, they last quite a long time. So I've got a drawer full of batteries, and yes, they are all Duracell because I bought them from your friend and mine at Tesco's, and they don't seem to sell any others. That's the key, though. If I could have got all of a D-Mag,
Starting point is 00:26:46 if I could have got all of a D-Mag, I would have done, but I couldn't. But that's the thing. I think people missed the point when they were outraged about this. And I wanted to address this now by saying that these rogue different battery brands, you can't buy them, right? That's the thing. With the exception of like Varta, which we've seen,
Starting point is 00:27:03 I've seen Varta shops in Europe and I'm sure there are similar ones in the Far East. Generally speaking, you know, good luck going to the shop and asking them for, you know, an all-key battery. You're not going to find it. So in some ways, Donaldson's got no choice but to go down Duracell Drive and hoover up what he can. The paucity, the lack of kinds of battery batteries.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You don't even see an EverReady anymore. What happened to them? Yeah. Are they made by another company, though? Do you think they got bought out by Duracell? Big D? I don't know. It's possible.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I mean, there's a lot of consolidation in the cell community these days. The thing that kicked us off was the Samsung brand. What was the Samsung brand again? I can't remember back in the day, but they just exclusively came in Samsung remote controls for the television and the DVDs and stuff. But you do occasionally see those brands in shops.
Starting point is 00:27:54 But yeah, very, very little choice, unfortunately. Great, great range of asparagus tips and blueberries. There are three different kinds, inexplicably. But yeah, the battery brands, we need more variety. We do. I completely agree. We've got time for a quick email before we go. We are overrunning today, but we'll squeeze one in.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And this is a callback to when Jim was on the show and he talked to us about the 80s and 90s model and heartthrob Fabio, who killed a goose with his face on a, or a bird with his face on a ride at Busch Gardens. Well, interestingly enough, Michael, listener Michael, friend of the show Michael, has got in touch saying, I was at Busch Gardens on the fated day of Fabio's bird battle. Imagine that. I knew someone would have been.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I knew our tentacles would reach this far. And he says, my friend David and I had queued at 6 a.m. to stand in line to be some of the first people to ride Apollo's chariot. And as soon as the gates opened, we sprinted as fast as we could to get in the line. The park is quite big, and by the time we made it there, there were already maybe a hundred others in front of us. Little did we know that it didn't matter when we got there
Starting point is 00:29:12 because some romance novel goon was slated to ride that chariot before all of us. It was clear that something had happened after the first coaster took off though as promptly stopped and the media took off running for the ride. Joke's on you, Fabio. You might have had to wait three hours for them to clean the ride of your blood and bird gore. My nose didn't get busted. They didn't do a great job of hiding the carnage, though,
Starting point is 00:29:34 because a fleet of golf carts hurried him away. All in all, a good day, says Michael. I had a big Renaissance Fair-sized turkey leg and frozen lemonade. Lots of love from San Francisco. Michael. So Michael's had a good day. Yeah, what about turkey legs you get?
Starting point is 00:29:53 A solid, solid Americana day of fun. A romance novel goon on a roller coaster. I like the fact that it was called Apollo's Chariot as well, because I guess it would be, wouldn't it? Because that's why they chose him to ride the first one, because he's like a good guy. Yeah, all the other people yeah all the other people around him were women dressed
Starting point is 00:30:07 in like togas yeah which really does show off the blood you would say so Unlucky Fabio it's a great story and great to be
Starting point is 00:30:16 reminded of it as well absolutely right that's about it for this time another week of Luke and Pete shows we've bloody enjoyed talking to you
Starting point is 00:30:24 thank you very much for your company today. It's been a lot of fun. We'll be back on Monday with more of this. If you want to get in touch in the meantime, hello at You're welcome to get in touch with us about anything you've heard on today or Monday's show or anything you'd
Starting point is 00:30:38 like us to talk about in the future or if anything interesting has happened to you. Before I go, I must just say that um a while back we were sponsored by lego right is that right pete i believe so yeah and i got sent a big lego um ghostbusters car and my wife and i finally completed it this week it is honestly it is brilliant i was i was you know you know i approached these things with a degree of cynicism. The detail and the enjoyment of building that car was so good that I feel like I have to say it.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm not being paid to say this. I've not been told to endorse it for any particular reason, but genuinely, it was brilliant. And so I had a lot of time, a lot of fun, spent a lot of time putting it together with my wife. It's fantastic. I wanted to say that before we go, but we'll be back on Monday.
Starting point is 00:31:27 If you have had a chance to get stuck into some Lego, great stuff. It is great stuff. I completely forgot how much fun it was. Look, I've literally got the Ferrari, because I chose the Ferrari, like some cruel, sick joke in the week that I don't pass my test.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I'm still, I'm looking right now at the Ferrari. It's in the corner of the room. I need to sit down and build it. Gosh darn it. Mate, it was brilliant. It was such good fun. It was a real blast from the past.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Anyway, thank you very much to them and to you for listening, more importantly. We'll see you again on Monday. Have a lovely weekend and stay out of trouble and look after yourselves. Ta-ta. This was a Stakhanov production and part of the ACAST Creative Network.

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