The Magnus Archives - MAG Retrospective - Cast Commentary Part 1

Episode Date: August 19, 2021

We got some of the Magnus cast together to listen to their favourite moments and reminisce about the making of The Magnus Archives.Content WarningsSpoilers for all of The Magnus ArchivesBody horrorPhy...sical violence & threatsClaustrophobia & live burialDiscussions of: spatial distortion & unreality, death & murder, self-recrimination, scopophobiaMentions of: food, coma, guns & bombs, police, vampires, social anxiety, COVID-19 pandemicSFX: occasional beeping, vocalised suffering, gunshots, staticFeaturing Imogen Harris, Ian Hayes, Karim Kronfli, Francesca Reneé Reid, Fay Roberts, Alasdair Stuart and Frank VossThank you to all our Patrons for your continued supportIf you'd like to join them, visit this week by Nico Vettese and Jeffrey Nils GardnerProduced by Lowri Ann DaviesCheck out our merchandise available at and can subscribe to this podcast using your podcast software of choice, or by visiting rate and review on your software of choice, it really helps us to spread the podcast to new listeners, so share the fear.Join our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillREDDIT: mail@rustyquill.comThe Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike 4.0 International Licence Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the first radio ad you can smell. The new Cinnabon Pull-Apart only at Wendy's. It's ooey, gooey, and just five bucks with a small coffee all day long. Taxes extra at participating Wendy's until May 5th. Terms and conditions apply. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors. Like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit Som når vår estrogennivå dropper under menopause, som gjør at risikoen for hjertestroke går opp.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Vet dine risikoer. Visst Hei alle, Mike her, voksen av Tim Stoker fra Magnus-arkivet, that. Bye! We're launching a shiny new gaming series to show off our favourite video games, and some new ones as well, to test our hashtag gamer skills and have fun with friends. And get a little bit competitive too. You see, it's a gaming series, but there's a catch. We won't just be playing the games, we'll be reinventing them a little. In every game we play we'll be set a challenge by the producers that we'll need to overcome, and our community get to choose the reward for the winner. Each episode will be almost totally out of our hands. Scary. In the comments section, you can suggest what rewards you might like to see us win,
Starting point is 00:01:53 and we'll select one totally at random. So long as it's actually achievable and not shipping one of us off on an all expenses paid round the world trip. Nice as that sounds. Every episode will be releasing on Patreon first before it airs on YouTube, which means if you're a Patreon, then you'll not only get to see the videos before everyone else, but you'll also get first votes on the rewards we could win. So get ready for NPC, New Player Challenges, releasing February 2022 on our brand new YouTube channel, Rusty Quill Video. Hello, and welcome. My name is Kareem Cronfey, and I play Simon Fairchild in the Magnus Archives.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And you're listening to a cast commentary episode where three different groups of Magnus voice actors have got together to react to their favourite clips from the show. With me today, I have... Hello there, my name is Alastair Stewart. I'm the co-owner of the Escape Artist podcast network, and on the Magnus Archives, I played Peter Lucas, the unrequited hero of the show. Hi, my name is Imogen Harris. I played Helen Richardson on the Magnus Archives. My name is Faye Roberts. I played Daisy Tonner in the Magnus Archives. I'm Frank Voss, and I played Basira in the Magnus Archives. Hello, I'm Ian Hales, and I play Trevor Herbert on the Magnus Archives. Hello, I'm Ian Hales, and I play Trevor Herbert on the Magnus Archives.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Hello, I'm Francesca Reid, and I play Julian Montauk on the Magnus Archives. As I stared at that window, I realised there was something, I don't know, off about it. Episode three. It looked different. Across the street. Couldn't figure out what it was. Hello, John. Then I noticed it. Across the street. Hello, John.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Doesn't his voice sound higher? Just a little bit, yeah. He's much less evil at this point. Still very human. It was long, straight, dark, and from what I could see it just looked like a pipe. Except I'd been watching that window for months now, and would have sworn that there had never been a pipe there before. And as I stared at it, it moved. It started to bend slowly. I realised I was looking at an arm.
Starting point is 00:04:42 A long, thin arm. So did you guys listen from the beginning? Yeah, I kind of bounced around, and still do, bounce around horror podcasts going this looks good i'll grab it i listened to the first one of this and went oh boy and just kind of glommed onto it from there and out i was recommended to listen to this one and i started listening to it going on my evening walks this one particularly it was a dark and quite interesting night and having this particular scene described as the pipe slowly bending and bending arms and stuff and moving into a window just really sort of okay this is this is talking serious now i'm hooked yeah there's a sort of like relentless unpleasantness about johnny's writing that it's sort of like you want to get away but you can't
Starting point is 00:05:21 it's the voice he sounds so nice all the time even in the later seasons where john's you know a bit evil he's just like no you should sit there and i'll tell you this awful awful thing that's about to happen and you're like do i get a biscuit no okay but on the discussion of evil that's a whole different that's effectively what the 200 odd episodes were about really what is evil How would you describe it? Not Peter Lucas. No, no, no, no, no, no. Not evil, just misunderstood.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Well, Simon was ultimately very misunderstood, you know. He just wanted to have a good time. And he's so chirpy. I love Simon. Seriously, a variation of your bye gets used at this house about once a week. This is vintage Magnus, though, isn't it? Here's here's a really normal thing yeah it's coming to kill you there's this perfectly normal bloke i seemed quite like i'd like to get to know him and then suddenly what's this going on here i mean i love that as a thread that persists like even the most evil characters have a sort of affability about them yes it's one of the things I actually really loved about the finale,
Starting point is 00:06:26 that there wasn't the traditional now we blow up the Death Star moment, or an old friend of mine coined the term resolution for when a story is finished by two men fighting on a bridge that's on fire, and how you expect to have that big climactic moment, and then they show up in the tower and have the big climactic moment, and it's just nothing. It's just the shell of a man being warned by something much bigger than he is and everyone is painfully human in this show even the people who work really hard on not being human it's the ultimate thing is
Starting point is 00:06:55 what drives somebody to do something that one might describe as evil what are those motivations how can it be drawn forward in that way? Yeah, I mean, I definitely wouldn't describe my character as a villain. I think, you know, she's strongly motivated and kind of a lot of fun. I don't think she's a bad person at all. Every time you turned up in season five, I was just like, oh, yeah, fun times. I just, I love the dynamic between the three of you. John's just like, I am an avatar of darkness now. And Martin's like, you're going to stab me.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And you're like, hey guys! How you been? Do you want to talk medicine people? I do. Can I help you? So this is the one where Daisy kidnaps John. Yeah. Shut up. Are you human? What? Is this man human?
Starting point is 00:07:43 I, uh, no. I don't think so. Not anymore. Right. What does it do? It feels like he makes you vertigo, like you're falling. Has he killed people? Yes. A few, I think. Does he need to see you to do it? Does he need to speak? I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Okay. Doubt he can do it in a coma. Now turn that off and help me get him in the car Don't try to run What did I say about questions? I said turn that off I don't know why it makes me laugh Just Daisy just coming right out the gate Like alright I'm gonna just beat these people up
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yep And shank them and shove them in my car it was a bit of an odd one i won't lie you think he's going to save you what no like my third ever voice acting session and i'm like beating the out people and shooting them i think up until this point i'd only recorded with people that I already knew. There's a spider web lighter. Yeah. So it's like, oh, here's a new person
Starting point is 00:08:50 who I apparently have met before, but I do not recall. That's the thing. It took me like three sessions or more with you to go, oh no shit, I have met Frank. It's just that Frank was covered in silver paint any of the other times I've met and I was wearing a corset.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So yeah. Just another day in the life of the Edinburgh Fringe. And this is the thing, going from zero to this is a person I trust and I will just stop my unholy mission just because she said so. That was quite an acceleration. It was interesting to come in
Starting point is 00:09:24 because I'd already been joking like about daisy and just coming in and being like all right here's my wife what's she done now some of the accents slipping a little bit that's why i just don't do accents or i just don't modify my voice in any way well you see i was only ever supposed to do a one-off so i was just like yeah you said you didn't want english people they'd had enough english people i was like well I just don't modify my voice in any way. Well, you see, I was only ever supposed to do a one-off, so I was just like, eh. He said he didn't want English people. They'd had enough English people.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I was like, well, let's go back to my childhood. I forgot how intense this was. Bless him. John's just pure academic. I don't know. Oh, wait, if I say yes, I could live. I think it's like the gunshot when she shoots the other guy. It's just like, oh no yeah I wasn't hearing any of this when we were recording so to listen to this where essentially Daisy's kicked
Starting point is 00:10:15 the door and done a barrel roll just like laid everyone out or whatever and then just me looking down going me okay I think it really does like it's a really good scene just kind of cement how daisy and basira what they are to each other and how they interact the way that daisy just stops dead when basira calls her name yeah statement of helen richardson regarding uh how would you describe it How would you describe it? Miss Richardson? What?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Your experience. How would you... Well, I've been trying to draw you a map, but it doesn't work. Right. Statement of Helen Richardson regarding a new door in the house she was selling. Statement recorded direct from subject, 2nd October 2016. Statement begins. Miss Richardson? There are no left turns. Look.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Look, none. It just turns right. It doesn't make any sense. Now, it wasn't a spiral, because you could also go forward. I mean, I did mostly just forward, and the paths never got shorter. Like, you were coming to a centre, they just kept going. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Look at it. Look at it! You're right. This map doesn't make any sense. After a few turns. It becomes a mess of impossible lines. I was originally only asked to do this one episode because Helen was supposed to die at the end of this
Starting point is 00:11:45 or never come back. Really? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I was told it was just like a one-off one and then I lobbied hard. I'm sure it was always in Johnny's mind. I'm sure he had it all planned out and stuff, but I'm pretty sure that I was told
Starting point is 00:11:59 it's just a one-off, can you just come in? Oh, yeah. So I was very pleased when she came back. I'm going to just straight up fan-squee for a moment because this, you can kind of put this at one end and Imogen from Stella Firma at the other, and your range is just amazing. Aw, that's very sweet of you to say.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Well, they're both tremendous fun to do. I love them both equally, both my dark children. It's always more fun to play the bad guys now, isn't it? Yes. Let's be honest. Definitely, yeah. They have more fun. It's one advantage of being british accent in the international voice artist scenario is like all the americans oh sooner or later you will get to say oh good evening mr bond
Starting point is 00:12:33 whenever two or three villains are gathered together in one place then one shall have a british accent though as i recall when we recorded this this was before we had a proper studio so I don't know if you guys recorded in the same sort of area in the corridor that had been roped off with blankets and there was a disco light that they would put on to show when recording was happening Oh that's amazing So that people didn't walk in
Starting point is 00:12:56 By the time I showed up we'd graduated to the D&D room with all the audio panelling in it and Alex's immense wall of mixers There he is Oh nice yeah same for me i was 151 was my first so uh it's a little further on having listened to some of the other sort of retrospectives and hearing johnny and alex explaining how they migrated from the corridors to the various challenges they're in it's been where you are where you are now sort of thing
Starting point is 00:13:21 yeah i don't want to sound old but me, this feels like a long time ago. Haven't we all come a long way? Well, I think the last two years have done most of that for us, to be perfectly honest. I'm still laughing because I don't want to stop. One thing I've loved about this is Peter's avuncular nature and Simon trying to explain why he's the one who has to do the talking. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Alex gave me one of the best bits of direction I've ever been given, which is you are playing Kilgrave from Jessica Jones as played by Stephen Fry. Fine. Don't move. Either one of you. So this is us in America, isn't it? This is when we're running around America Basically being Giles and Buffy A bit trigger happy Taken in a sight Me in the actual boot of the car
Starting point is 00:14:23 I love the fact that she just drives around with him in there for a bit you look at my neck it don't feel right you knew it might take a while is this him then it is John Trevor Trevor Herbert the vampire killer Julia
Starting point is 00:14:41 he works for the Magnus Institute he's read all about us oh well then that's something my thoughts exactly time for that later you two help you know what this one you didn't kill it we don't know what it is yet do we so sarcastic the both of them so very over life this is what i love about their little relationship it's just full of bicker isn't it it's like yeah they kind of found each other and complain at life whilst killing abominations i really enjoyed it as well because it was just such a visual scene the way that it was written it was just you could see
Starting point is 00:15:18 everything that was happening and i think that's throughout the magnus archive stuff i've loved because obviously he moved from this just narration into something that's a bigger audio production and I think certainly on this and the America stuff in general it is much bigger soundscape wise but then it's still also and I think this is what people love about it it is personal and about people absolutely yeah relationship is always at the heart of it. And I also, I think the foley and the sound design is just stunning. It really is so immersive and cinematographic. And I think that is, for me, why I absolutely love it. And also, other people did very well.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'll give it that. But I loved working with you. I think this was the first time we worked together on it, wasn't it? Yeah, no, it definitely was. I think, was it a hot day? Have I made that up? Were we all really hot? It was very hot. And we were all trying to be on best behaviour as well because, you know, it was the first time. Well, I was. I don't know, were you? Well, I mean, always, but also, you know, just trying to make people laugh and trying to ingratiate myself. you know, just trying to make people laugh and trying to ingratiate myself.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah, because we are both improvisers. I do remember us having a bit of a, oh, let's have a fun off on this one. And Alex loves a bit as well. I mean, that's my memory of first meeting Alex is when I was at Edinburgh in 2013. We were having a pun off in the living room. Fabulous. Love a pun run. Everyone got really annoyed and like left they were like bye so is that how you know Alex and the whole Rusty Quill thing yeah well I know Alex because he was directing Casual Violence and I had gone and stayed in the Casual Violence house back in 2013 with James Ross who I was friends with primarily from from improv. Yeah, I just got to know everyone then. And, you know, Alex is just kind of stuck
Starting point is 00:17:08 around as an incredible creative influence and someone who I really appreciate as a human being. So, yeah, that was how I first came into contact with him. And to see this and where everything has gone is absolutely amazing. And to be involved in it, even better. Yeah, it is. It's fabulous, isn't it? Yeah. How do you know the guys what was your introduction i mean it's improv again because i knew ed croft or ed jolly boat who i think you might know as well i do yeah he got me into listening to this gaming first i started listening to and then magnus and i liked it so much ingratiated my way into the company and started.
Starting point is 00:17:46 When they wanted an editor, I lied and said I could be an editor and then learned how to be an editor for them. Well, look, fake it till you make it. Absolutely. That's what YouTube videos are there for. Absolutely. But also because Alex was a brilliant teacher and he kind of was like, OK, this is how you do it. And I picked up quickly. And then he worked out that I actually was an actor and I was like yeah I can do some acting as well there you go the rest is history oh hello sorry did I I don't... No. Should I just...
Starting point is 00:18:26 go? Oh, Brian. Hello? Excuse me. Do you work here? No, I... Hi. I'm looking for Elias Bouchard. He runs this institute. Excuse me, I'm looking for my husband.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I don't... You may have seen him. I'm sorry, I was just, um... Everyone... When? Sorry, Brian. Brian Finlinson. Peter Lucas. Lovely to meet you, Brian. Now, am I to understand
Starting point is 00:18:57 you don't work here? No, I was just, um, making a statement or whatever. That's probably for the best Elias can be quite protective of his people never really understood why I mean in the end the only person
Starting point is 00:19:13 you really have is yourself wouldn't you agree Brian? I have to admit having met you so many times and not actually got to the bits of your episodes when I finally heard your voice Peter he's here at last when I first heard mike playing his character and the sheer energy he put into it it was like wow it blew me away tim is the living avatar of all 1990s children's tv presenters
Starting point is 00:19:38 hey guys let's do some macrame i'm gonna blow myself up see alistair i think there's such an amazing like sinister quality I'm going to blow myself up. See, Alistair, I always think there's such an amazing, like, sinister quality that you bring to Peter Lucas. Like, he's so nice. He's so nice. He's so nice. He's so nice.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Thank you so much. I have very little self-confidence, so even as I was doing these recordings, I was just like, this is just me. Gradually, over time, what became apparent was it wasn't just me, firstly, because I'm not actually that murdery or murdery at all the thing i i really loved about peter that i was very lucky and figured out early was he's really enthusiastic about playing a human it's like he's trying on a costume that he really likes there's a piece of dialogue where he's martin is showing him how to
Starting point is 00:20:19 do computers he's just really oh this is very clever isn't this great martin what's spreadsheet? Could we do one? Peter is just completely divorced from the world. But at the same time, he just thinks it's kind of neat. As long as it's over there. It's something I really like. There is that meme you may have seen of the evil old men lunch club. We're going to have to do that this summer or some point. We are. We absolutely are. What's the evil old man lunch club? Well, you know how much fan art we have. Well, somebody's drawn Simon, Elias and Peter around a table, having tea and discussing things generally, and it's up as the Evil Old Man Lunch Club. And every day on Twitter, some new person likes it.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And it's been out for like two or three months now. Fantastic. The version of that I always get is about eight, nine months ago, we sent a piece of audio to Ben about Elias. And I forget what it was, but his response, which was, your first mistake was stepping to me at all. And then he recorded the Big Boy Man song
Starting point is 00:21:14 in Elias's voice. And that nine months ago, someone finds that once a month, even now. It's just amazing. Well, I used to be in a lunch club with Jodie. It's how I know him. On a Thursday afternoon, I used to be in a lunch club with Joddy. It's how I know him. On a Thursday afternoon, they used to have a food market near our workplace. And so me, James, Ross and Johnny used to go out for lunch and we called ourselves the Batman Mystery Club.
Starting point is 00:21:35 After a one-off radio play, which Johnny showed me, which was meant to be a series and it starts like episode 360 or something, and there's only ever the one and it's called the batman mystery club and it's full of like fantastic old-timey adverts for cremel hair cream oh this is entombed when i woke up here... Daisy and John in the Buried. I thought this was hell. I was dead and was in hell. And I... I knew I deserved it. I don't want to be a sadistic predator again.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I don't want to hobble around like some pathetic, wounded prey either. I don't know which would be worse. And I'm scared now that I will never get the choice. One thing I've learned today, Z, is that we all get a choice. What was this one like to record for you? Intense. Yeah, I can imagine. You know, tiring. super like physically tiring as well
Starting point is 00:23:08 and i think we did another one straight after or something like that it was a long day that's what i remember and i hadn't done any of this stuff for a wee while because obviously um daisy was in the buried so i'm not doing a few episodes so yes just come straight back in and okay you're buried under the whole of creation make that into a sound and it's weird actually it was after this episode that i kind of switched over in my head from someone who does this occasional voice acting or narration or whether to i am a voice actor it was a really interesting switch. And I can't remember if it happened after recording or after hearing it and going, oh, yeah, that's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And the soundscaping for this was just gorgeous. Oh, yeah. The people that work on Magma are just f***ing chef's kiss when it comes to, I mean, just all the audio work in general. Yeah, the best way to listen to it, you have to have proper headphones and get really immersed in it because it just builds up this picture all around you. It's absolutely lush.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And I'm spoiled now. I'm spoiled for other podcasts. The only one that I've been able to really get into so far is Unwell. But different from this, you've not got that constant saturation, you know, that kind of real texture to it. It's just really crystal clear, but very surround sound, lots of layers. Anyway, rather than talk about someone else's podcast. Hi, Geoffrey.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. Oh, this was difficult. How do you do these kind of groaning sounds without it sounding way overblown, you know? In my case, Alex can tell you, it's generally spending 10 minutes giving me instructions while my social anxiety f flares to all new levels because I'm like I don't want to do this in front of someone sounds about right most of my directions for like season two a bit most of season three was like no angrier more feral less patient this one complete shift everything changed you know I remember being just shocked when I heard this episode, but I was also just really impressed with your work.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Wow. I mean, she sounds different. She sounds like small and vulnerable, but she still sounds like Daisy, which I imagine must have been a really difficult thing to do in the studio. It was an interesting balance, I have to say. I saw one review, actually, which said she sounds more welsh weirdly and i'm thinking well yeah i kind of did that deliberately because your accent gets stronger when you're more upset but yeah
Starting point is 00:25:33 who are you did peter send you you must be martin. He was not exaggerating. I would love to know what that line actually means. Oh, come now. Everybody wants to know what that line means. Let's start over. Simon. Simon Fairchild. Peter asked me to look in on you and have a small chat. Well, a big chat, really.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Answer all those nagging questions. Simon Fairchild? Wait, Simon Fairchild as in... As in all those people who said I did horrible things to them and their loved ones? Yes. They have been in, haven't they? I'd hate to think I'm underrepresented in here. Not when Peter tells me that that Bone fellow has at least half a dozen...
Starting point is 00:26:20 No, no. Not at all. You've sent plenty of people our way. Brilliant. My God, he does terrified rabbits so well, doesn't he? I'm still not entirely clear what's going on. What are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:26:35 I see. I suppose it was a bit much to expect him to have filled you in on everything already. I mean, in many ways, that's the point. I just love his sort of gentle ebullient sense of the slight competition of that bone fellow is at least half a dozen i always picture simon in a straw boater i always picture him as like the most horrifying version of ratty from wind in the willows possible you know just he's really chipper and friendly and he will eat you it was lovely when
Starting point is 00:27:07 i was recording the first time because i was only up to episode seven listening myself at that point martin had to sort of fill me in on a whole bunch of law and we was discussing the character and at one point i said so if he's supposed to be this great evil entity is it a question of having the basic presence and confidence that i can stroll into the room and I could kill every single one of you. But would you like a cup of tea first? I love it. It's absolutely what comes across. I had so much fun recording because it was just so nice,
Starting point is 00:27:37 A, recording with somebody else in a studio, happens so rarely. Alexander is so fantastic to work opposite, as you can hear. His sighs and his exasperation when he's like trying to get his head around why Simon is as chipper as he is grounding Simon in the fact that he's five six hundred years old so he has been there seen it and done it he is this sort of epitome of groundhog day because he is a god he has done everything he's learned how to play the piano he's learned how to do everything else precisely what else is there to do but have a good time, really?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Tea, cake and occasional murder. And, yeah, just loving the fact that, you know, well, Hawley put his little diving bell together for me. I was like, fine. We did have the discussion about how to pronounce Hawley because, of course, Simon, being a bit of a stickler, would insist he said it properly. Of course.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Even after all these years. Because originally Alex thought, is it Halle? No. Correct pronunciation. I was there. Oh, evil Bertie Worcester. He's so good. I have to admit, sort of afterwards as well,
Starting point is 00:28:35 trying to fill in the Fairchild lore as I was going through the episodes. Oh, there's the other one. And suddenly all the stuff about the space station. Yes. The fact that it was split over several episodes, I think, oh, crikey. So many different aspects of each story
Starting point is 00:28:49 coming out through the whole show. To get all the aspect in the space station over a period of a few episodes, I thought that was brilliant, and I loved it. Revealing onion-like different layers of the story. What about you, Julia? Care to make a statement? Maybe about how you met Trevor?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Sure. Why not? Thank you. It's not like you or your tape recorder get to leave here without us. I just love threatening people. Statement of Julia Montauk regarding her initial encounter with the hunter Trevor Herbert. When did this happen?
Starting point is 00:29:27 About six years ago. Seven? 2010? Sure. Summer 2010. Statement taken direct from subject June 29th, 2017. Statement begins. I tried to live a normal life. I really did.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I took jobs working in the back room of offices where I wouldn't need to meet anyone. I had boyfriends who promised they didn't care. I burned through half a dozen counsellors. None of it worked. You see, my father's always remained one of the darlings of the true crime community. Articles, documentaries, grisly retrospectives. I like this one. This is the one we shared between us, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:30:09 It was. It was a lovely one. She had such a tough legacy to live up to. I mean, how she made it through and is still upright, I think is a testament to her strength as a character. But, you know. Definitely. No, I mean, I think our whole strand is about families.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah. Trevor trying to find the family that he didn't have. You trying to outlive the legacy of your family. And then us two broken things finding each other and kind of going, oh, this is all right then, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, I think also like as a queer person, that whole idea of chosen family is very strong to me and very prescient so I think that's something again that our relationship in particular but a lot of relationships throughout it were people that banded together because of choice versus like bloodline yes absolutely that's very big in the Magnus archives
Starting point is 00:30:55 as a whole as well they are a found family aren't they this is one which is more statement based because there's this whole thing when Alexlex is directing us you start off and it's just you telling the story in a room but then you know johnny's weird eye magic gets into you and you start reliving it how did you feel about that i mean how did you elicit the change between oh i'm just telling this and eye magic I think really because obviously we were in the room together at that point it was pre-pandemic so therefore we were physically in a space together so I think that really helped as well being able to play off of different individuals in the room and to feel those energies and actually there was legit eye magic versus it just being a mental
Starting point is 00:31:41 imagination you know you were able to make eye contact and I think it was a process of allowing it to develop and permeate and I think the further we kind of got into it and the directorial tips I think were really helpful because Alex has also performed a lot himself and for many many years and I think that performers who become directors are often the best at getting the best out of their actors because they have a common lexicon and a language that they use together because a lot of the time you know you'll have a director just saying be more angry well what does that mean like that's a very spurious concept and it has different implications for different people wherever they might be on the gender spectrum
Starting point is 00:32:18 or culturally so I think being able to work with Alex and all of you guys who are in the room that day and within the performance was wicked because, you know, you all got it and like we all shared a language. Yeah, you do have Johnny sat there. And as you say, there is something about him sitting there waiting for the words that he said to come out of your mouth that does. Hello, it's Kareem, the voice of Simon Fairchard from the Magnus Archives, letting you know about our sponsor, Audible. of your mouth that does... Sometimes you just want to get lost in a classic whodunit. And sometimes you want to get wrapped up in a twisted new mystery where the tension is high and you just can't stop listening until you find out what happens next. Audible can take you places only you can imagine and whenever you want. On a run, doing errands, commuting or just relaxing at home.
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Starting point is 00:34:30 We can do it for the last week! At the same time, we test new things, like, for example, menstrual cups and cosnics. That's really it. So what you have to do now is go down to the hook again, because I'm getting a little panicked. I hope you like it! Bye!
Starting point is 00:34:43 Kind of do the archivist magic in a way, suppose it's almost like a summoning isn't it i suppose because so it is written so it shall be done like that's all spells are isn't it as words and words are power and bringing it into life and yeah seeing the person who's written it sitting there looking at you it has a magic to it and i think that is sadly something that we haven't always been able to have over the last while because of the nature of the world. But we've done our best and I think we've created incredible stuff. But there is something very magical about being able to work in communion with cast and crew of people. Yes, I can't wait to get back into an actual rehearsal room again. You did a bit of inexplicables, didn't you? Yes, I did. Oh oh it's so brilliant it was brilliant but it was still a bit odd to be doing it over a zoom call and trying to get that connection going and it's like it's kind of 50% there
Starting point is 00:35:31 this episode is distributed by rusty quill and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike 4.0 International License. For more information, visit, tweet us at TheRustyQuill, visit us on Facebook or email us at mail at Thanks for listening. you

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