The Magnus Archives - The Magnus Protocol 32 - Restructuring
Episode Date: March 6, 2025CAT2RC1475-18032015-17052024Building (angry) -/- N/AIncident Elements:UnrealityNon-consensual mental health detainment/misdiagnosisDisappearancePsychosis/PossessionMentions of: depression, hallucinati...ons, mental instability, PTSDTranscripts available at episode is dedicated to Dan Carlson. You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Alexander J NewallScript Edited with additional material by Jonathan SimsExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Anusia Battersby as Gwendolyn BouchardBillie Hindle as Alice DyerAlexander J Newall as NorrisLowri Ann Davies as Celia RipleyYanick Ghanty as Luke DyerDialogue Editor – Lowri Ann DaviesSound Designer – Tessa VroomMastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner SFX from Freesound: Danrules213, rodincoil, straget, zrrion_the_insect, khenshom, and previously credited artistsCheck out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;DriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hi there. Billy Hindle, the voice of Alice Dyer in the Magnus Protocol here,
I wanted to tell you about Tangled in the Web,
the newest expansion to the record-breaking The Magnus Archive's role-playing game,
a tabletop role-playing game by Monte Cook Games.
The new crowdfund campaign includes new statements, adventures and horrors, new options for players
and even more resources for the games master, including special content written by the eponymous
Jonathan Sims.
Yes, Johnny himself, writer and voice of Jonathan Sims, lent his creative hand to content for the Tangled in the Web expansion.
What's more, alongside bringing a host of new content, Tangled in the Web is a perfect jumping on point for the Magnus Archives role-playing game
and every pledge level includes the complete RPG for free, making it easy to get started with the game. Entangled in the web, you can play your own games
in the universe of the number one cult hit anthology horror epic,
Magnus Archives' universe now, with even more creatures,
more ways for characters to be immersed, including content by Jonathan Sims.
TechRaptor awarded the Magnus Archives Role-Playing Game fourth place
in their Tabletop Game of the Year awards.
Why not check out the Magnus Archives Role Playing Game for yourself?
Visit forward slash mcg to secure a copy right now.
This episode is dedicated to Dan Carlson.
At times you meet people that you know instantly will alter your life.
No other group of individuals are as oddly amazing as the High Fives. Thank
you for the endless stories, inspiration and laughs.
Rusty Quill presents...
The Magnus Protocol The the the
the the The the
the the I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Alice. Hey! Jesus Christ!
Now that I have your attention...
What's your problem? Jesus, I nearly messed myself!
Yes, alright.
After everything that's gone on, I'm all alone in here and you're sneaking up on people like...
I wasn't sneaking!
You're lucky I didn't deck you!
You're lucky I haven't fired you yet.
What are you doing?
Who's asking? Your boss. Debatable. I've never lied to you yet. What are you doing?
Who's asking?
Your boss.
Missing persons.
Figured I'd check and see if Sam had turned up in a hospital with no memories,
ranting about eyeball monsters and overbearing would-be bosses.
Which actually says a lot about the social lives of the people who work here when you think about it. Right. Well, your caseload's backing up, so...
I'm sorry? Just don't fall too far behind. Hang on. Just to be clear, I think you heard
I'm sorry. I'll work harder, boss. When I meant is, I'm sorry, you think I give a flying fart about cases right now.
You can't abandon your work just because...
What? Just because our friends are missing? Or worse?
Why not? What are you going to do? Fire me?
If I have to.
Do it. Good luck with your precious caseload then.
We've been over this already. If you don't stay on top of things, it's going to draw attention.
From who? The right honourable Mr. Sir Trevor Herbert MP OBE DNR?
I doubt he would notice if we burnt the place down.
Alice, you know as well as I do that you aren't going to be able to spend any time looking for them
if we're trapped in a government inquiry or worse so keeping things moving is going to help
look for them in a roundabout sort of way.
I liked you better when you were a miserable grunt like the rest of us.
No you didn't.
Fine but I'm gonna keep using the office systems.
Just as long as you do your cases.
Right. keep using the office systems. Just as long as you do your cases.
Liverpool integrated care system patient record ID and ICS-2015-36584B the following information is confidential and legally protected
unauthorized access disclosure copying or distribution of this document is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
Personal information as follows.
Name, Kyla Barber. Date of birth, 17-88-3912. Sex, female.
Address, 45 Gardner Lane, Wavertree, Liverpool, L153HA.
Occupation, Environmental Health Officer.
Emergency contact, Violet Weaver, Partner, 07439183375.
Medical history as follows.
Primary care provider,
Dr. Mika Folkova,
Sycamore Drive Medical Center.
Mental health provider,
Dr. Alan Cello,
Mersey Care NHS Trust.
Chronic conditions,
type 2 diabetes,
500 mg,
10 mg,
100 mg, diazepam, 100 mg, Alanzapine 10mg Recent Admissions 01-06-2012
Acute Depressive Episode
Treatment provided
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Medication Adjustment
A-10 Detention Under Mental Health Act for admission for assessment.
Approved mental health professional Joseph Block.
Reason for detention, patient admitted to Clockview Hospital under Section 136 Police Detainment.
Indicators for visual and auditory hallucination, distress, paranoia, confusion, transient global amnesia, dissociative amnesia.
Initial diagnosis.
Acute psychosis, schizophrenia,
anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder.
Recommendations, immediate inpatient admission
for safety and further assessment
due to immediate risk to self and others.
Initial treatment plan to include
antipsychotic medication and psychotherapy.
Recent notes, assessment delayed due to missing patient.
Recent documentation,
partial transcript of counseling session 1803-2015. assessment delayed due to missing patient recent documentation partial
transcript of counseling session 1803 2015 transcript as follows k sand into
water water into stone stone into wood wood into cotton cotton into blood blood
into gold gold into fire fire into steel J Ky. Plastic trees in rings of glass, no wind for wings, no birds, no
birds. J. Come back Kyla. K. I'm sorry, I don't... J. That's alright Kyla. Why don't
we take a moment for a reset? K. Reset. Yes. J. My name is? Yes Jay My name is
Okay, my name is Kyla barber. I am in clock view hospital
Jay and
Kay and and and I am safe
Jay and now breathe in
hold and breathe out and
again Jay better And now breathe in, hold, and breathe out. And again.
Yes, sorry.
No need to be sorry.
Are you ready to continue?
Now, Kyla, I'd like you to try and tell me what happened at, uh, at the Man Island
development. K. I can try, but I don't... it doesn't make sense. J. That's alright.
It doesn't have to make sense. It's about what you experienced, what you felt. Not about
any sense we might try to make of it right now. Just start at the beginning. K. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Sand. Sand silent but for the winds caress of red dunes.
Dry iron dancing beneath a thousand thousand sunrises and sunsets.
Calm. So calm. Until. A drop. A single drop that crashes down, herald
to the floods that follow. Then a trickle, a torrent earth's blood and water scattering
the dancers then locking them in an embrace of sand and stone as the land roils beneath, bucking and heaving untamed and unseen until...
One becomes two, two becomes four, and four becomes innumerable.
The boiling froth of life smears itself across the waters, building upon itself in ever more impossible designs.
Fragments into cells, into cilia, into spores and plants and fins and wings and limbs
and blood and teeth and claws and hair and hands and finally everywhere becomes somewhere,
becomes here. This place distinct in the newly minted minds that wander through me and around
me. I am here. They mark my heart with carven stone, frozen dancers now standing in six exultations,
changing me, turning me once more into somewhere new.
I am home.
More minds are born, grown, aged and lost in a new and faster dance of happiness,
tragedy, love and loss.
They know me and love me for sheltering, nourishing and nurturing them until...
blood is spilled. Fresh water for my river, new bones for my earth and soon I have a name.
Not home but Leopold. Now enshrined in ink and pigskin. Six become seven as those long frozen
dancers are regimented into the foundation of untold footfalls, new veins of prosperity
branching from my river's archery which now ebbs and flows with trade and exploration.
The quiet is gone now, replaced by shared purpose and disquiet.
They try to temper rivers run again and again, building new havens to shackle me which I
must wash away with wind and rain and sea but they are industrious. Blood washes once more across my ground, let by steel and sulphur,
forging me into a city. Such a grand name for such a grievous wound. More home now to
stock and cargo than flesh and bone. They are so industrious. Their choking trade clogs
me with the filth of their endeavour and the silt of their constant contempt,
which turns to theft as they steal from my river's depths until...
They fill these wounds with blood once more, but now it is not their own.
Instead, a ceaseless torrent of tobacco, cotton, and chain-bound misery pours in,
fueled by stolen sweat and stained steel.
They are so industrious and I am angry.
The river stutters as they drag fresh lamb from the depths and trap me inside, severed
from myself and lessened from a city to an island made for man.
And what men they are.
Bilge bloated on the bodies of the broken, they laugh without mirth, servants
of lust and despair with regret crawling amongst the sour timber of far-off wilds. And still
the children of those other wares are dragged to me, their grief shackled within the walls
of the gory carnal warehouses which reek of desolation and slow carnage until the last
ship vomits its wretched hold upon my shores.
Perhaps this imperial fetish has finally been assuaged, but no, the gory houses burn too
late and return too soon and with them come the trains, metal ripped from my earth and
baptised in death before it, bellowing black smoke and burrowing into my heart and filling
it with stolen, rolling lightning.
I am angry. Another flood of bloodshed fed by sky fire this time and finally there is
a moment of respite from their ceaseless progress. Instead I am a home once more, a weary home
filled with hardship but also children's laughter. I had almost forgotten how it had felt. But
then their humble lots are scattered for the benefit of trams, buses and more besides I
am angry. And now there rises a canker of glass, an empty luxury, a monument of displacement
that would deny lands past whilst promising prosperity, but I will abide you
no more. Your foundations of bone built, both of mine and those that would have called me
home splinter and slip beneath the weight of your capital arrogance. The metal veins
that waste my waters for your warped and bloated wants bend and break, overflowing with the
filth of your forebears. The cables that you stitched so cruelly in my flesh
now snap and spill their lightning upon the stolen grandeur of your foreign marble floors.
The stems of steel that shoulder your ambition foul and fail and fall,
overwhelmed by the weight of your derelict intent.
The dances that you look through but never seed, shatter and stab,
such sharp shards into you as cutting retort for your blindnesses.
Your reliable residences sold but never owned grow cold and dark, unloved, unlike the homes
of those that came before your sight.
The offices you loud so loudly as clean and trim and proper now stain and stink with long-kept
scandal as your ledgers wilt and rot.
There is no place for you here. There is no place for you here.
Jay. Kyla? Kay. No. I am not her. I am here. Jay. Kyla, I asked what happened to you, not what happened to the place.
Kay, and all who dwelt within me will feel the weight of it.
Their bones will be my bones, colonized as is my right.
Jay, I don't know if this is helping.
Kay, let me go home.
Let me go home. Let me be home.
Transcript ends.
Difficult case?
Hardly. Building, angry.
So? How do we even start with this mess? Done. So...
How do we even start with this mess?
How does someone get shredded by a computer?
I don't know. Maybe we focus on the why for now, rather than the how.
Okay, but I'm still at a loss about what happened to Sam. Maybe if we went back to the-
Bad idea.
We still don't even know what it is
or whether it's still a danger.
How about you focus on Colin and I'll focus on Sam?
I was the one with him when he left.
I'll have more to go on.
Will you though?
Because you didn't exactly remember anything useful when I asked you before.
Sorry, I know this isn't your fault, I'm just...
I know. I am too.
I swear, I'm going to pick up the sta-
It's okay, I've got it.
Come in.
What's up? Everything okay?
Celia, could you do me a favour and look at my PC for a moment?
I really don't think it's a good idea to be messing around with it after...
Is that...
...a hand?
I think it's probably Colin's.
It is!
Don't touch it!
There it goes.
It's happened a couple of times now.
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't...
I'm pretty sure I saw some teeth in my keyboard yesterday.
It was just for a second and I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything but
Is there anything else I can do for you or
No, no, that's fine
I'd better get back to
To it
Listen Gwen I realize it must be a lot sitting in the big chair while all this is going on
But if you ever, you know, need a hand...
Well, let me know, yeah?
No, I don't think that will be necessary, Celia.
Now, as you can see, I'm quite busy.
Sure. Just look after yourself Gwen.
I assure you I always do.
For god's sake, how do you even...
Hey, leave me a message. Or don't.
Hey Luke, I'm guessing you're driving or picking some old granny's knickers off your head
after a gig or something.
So no need to call back, just checking in on you and the tour.
Sounds like it's going well. Just FYI, I had to use PayPal this time since you're abroad
so let me know if you have any issues. It's not like I'm going anywhere.
Things are a bit weird here. There's actually a lot going on at work and...
Actually, you know what? Do call me back.
Or text me or something. I think I need to talk to a real human person.
And you're the next best thing. Anyway...
Say hi to the lads for me. Later. The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0 International Licence. The series is created
by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J. Newell and directed by Alexander Jane Newell.
This episode was written by Alexander Jane Newell and edited with additional materials by Jonathan Sims, with vocal edits by Lorianne Davis,
soundscaping by Tessa Vroom and mastering by Katherine Rinella
with music by Sam Jones.
It featured Billy Hindle as Alistair, Anusha Battersby as Gwen Bouchard,
Laurie Ann Davis as Celia Ripley, with additional voices from Alexander
J. Newell. The Magnus Protocol is produced by April Sumner with executive
producers Alexander J. Newell, Danny McDonagh, Lynne C and
Samantha F. G. Hamilton and associate producers Jordan L. Hawke, Taylor Michaels,
Nicole Perlman, C.T.S. DeRaven and Megan Nice.
To subscribe, view associated materials or join Patreon, visit
Rate and reviews online? Tweet us at TheRustyQuill, visit us on Facebook, or email us via mail
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Hi there. Billy Hindle, the voice of Alice Dyer in the Magnus Protocol here.
I wanted to tell you about Tangled in the Web, the newest expansion to the record-breaking
The Magnus Archive's Role-Playing Game, a tabletop role-playing game by Monte Cook Games.
The new crowdfund campaign includes new statements, adventures and horrors, new options for players
and even more resources for the games master,
including special content written by the eponymous Jonathan Sims.
Yes, Johnny himself, writer and voice of Jonathan Sims, lent his creative hand to content for the Tangled in the Web expansion.
What's more, alongside bringing a host of new content, Tangled in the Web is a perfect jumping on point for the Magnus Archives role-playing game
and every pledge level includes the complete RPG for free,
making it easy to get started with the game.
In Tangled in the Web, you can play your own games
in the universe of the number one cult hit anthology horror epic,
Magnus Archives' universe now, with even more creatures,
more ways for characters to be immersed, including
content by Jonathan Sims.
Tech Raptor awarded the Magnus Archives Role Playing Game 4th place in their Tabletop Game
of the Year awards.
Why not check out the Magnus Archives Role Playing Game for yourself?
Visit forward slash MCG to secure a copy right now.