The Mindset Mentor - 6 Simple Tips for Success

Episode Date: September 22, 2022

Want to be successful? Follow these 6 tips and make it easier on yourself!   Want to master your mindset? Every Monday I send out an email with mindset tips for the week, click here to receive that Follow me on IG for more inspiration here: Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast. I'm your host, Rob Dial. If you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another podcast episode. And if you're out there and you love this podcast, please do me a favor, give us a rating and review however you listen to us. All you have to do, go to Apple Podcasts, go and review, however you listen to us. All you have to do, go to Apple Podcasts, go to Spotify, however you listen to us and give us a rating and review. The more positive reviews that we get, the more that those platforms show this to people who have never listened to it before. So if you would do me that favor, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. Today, I'm going to give you six simple tips to become successful. So let's go ahead and dive into it. The first one,
Starting point is 00:00:46 which is probably the most important one of all of these, is to define what success is. If you want to be successful, but you don't know what success means to you, then it's going to be really hard to hit that goal. In fact, you'll never hit that goal because you'll never actually see what that goal is. I always give the example of, you know, if I were to take you and the number one archer in the world and have you guys both shoot at a target, he's definitely going to hit it way more often than you are. But if you were to blindfold him, spin him around and you can see the target, but he can't, who has a better chance of hitting it? You, simply just because you can see it. And so one of the things that I notice with people is that so many people want to be successful. They want success. They're driving,
Starting point is 00:01:30 they're working so hard, they're stressing out because they're not where they want to be yet. But then if I take a step back and they're like, well, I'm not successful and that's what's driving me the craziest. Okay, well, what does success mean to you? Oh, you know, I'm not really sure. Okay, well, you know, you say you're not where you want to be yet. Where are you supposed to be? Oh, well, and they're not even sure they want to be. So then they're stressed out because they should be further along, but they don't even know what that should further along actually means. And so the question I have for you is how will you know when you have become successful? Is there a way that you know if this happens, if this thing is exactly what I have, I will then look at my
Starting point is 00:02:12 life and say it's a success. And what I want you to do is I want you to get it out of your brain and put it on a piece of paper. Don't put it in your phone. Don't put it in your computer. Don't think about it. Write it down on a piece of paper. How will you know that you have become successful? And then ask yourself the question, what does success mean to you? Because every single person that's listening to this has a different version of success. For some of the people listening to this, becoming a millionaire means success. For some people, having happiness is success. For some people, living a peaceful life in the forest and in a tree house is success. For some people, having as many joyous moments as they possibly
Starting point is 00:02:56 can is success. For some people, being able to travel the world and visit 90 countries before they die is success. For some people, having love from a significant other and to have all of their children and the children and your significant other and yourself be as close as possible, that means success to you. Is it sitting on the beach with your family? Is it freedom? What does success mean to you and can you get extremely, extremely clear on what success means and how you know when you've hit that success? How will you know if you woke up one day and you were like, I've made it. What does that look like? So before you become successful, first thing I want you to do, define what success means to you. So that's number
Starting point is 00:03:45 one. Number two, now that you know what it is, now what I want you to do is to come up with a clear plan of exactly what you think from this moment today, right now, what it would look like for you to get there. Now, will your route to quote unquote success change? Absolutely, 100%. It'll change a thousand times, but you can't get it to change until you change? Absolutely. A hundred percent. It'll change a thousand times, but you can't get it to change until you at least start going on that path. And so now that you know what it looks like, you see the target that you want to hit. I want you to come up with a clear plan of exactly what you need to do to get from where you are right now to where you want to be. Think of this part, this planning out process
Starting point is 00:04:26 like a GPS on your phone to go from one place to another. I live in Austin. Let's say I want to go to Houston, right? I could try to just drive there and I could probably figure it out. But if I want to go to my friend's house in Houston, I'm not going to be able to do it by myself. I'm going to need to have some directions. I'm going to need to have a plan or I'm going to need to have my computer, my GPS, tell me exactly how to get there. And so now that I've come up with exactly what it is that I see success as, what I need to do is to start planning for exactly what it is that's going to be success. How do I know when I have become successful? And then how can I actually come up with a plan, step by step by step of what it's going to look like to get there. Okay, that is number two is to come up with a plan of exactly how to get from where I am now, Houston to Austin, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:16 Austin to Houston, excuse me, is the same way of where I'm now to success. Come up with a clear, clear, clear plan on pen and paper of exactly what it's going to look like. Step number three, this is my secret sauce. I don't ever find people that do this too often, is to plan out your pitfalls. You know that you're not going to crush every single day. You know how you typically hold yourself back. You know there's so many times that you've set yourself up. You've said, I want to lose weight. I want to make money in this business. I want to do this. And you've gotten in your own way in some sort of way. There's been some sort of pitfall.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Your pitfalls are different than everybody else's pitfalls, but you have specific pitfalls that you've had before in the past. And so if you know that you've had pitfalls before in the past, how can you look forward now that you know where you're going and you've got a plan of exactly how to get there to plan out all of the pitfalls that could possibly come in? Because you're not going to crush every day. You're not going to have amazing days every
Starting point is 00:06:12 single day. You're going to have positive days. You're going to have negative days. You're going to have days where your emotions get the best of you. You're going to have days where something happens along the way, an employee decides to quit, a vendor leaves you, you know, somebody breaks up, whatever it might be. Plan out whatever pitfalls. Maybe you talk negatively to yourself too often when you notice something happened. Maybe you're too emotional sometimes. Plan out whatever your pitfalls might be so that when they do come up, you've already got a plan of how to work through them. When your pitfalls come up, instead of being blindsided and be like, oh my God, I wasn't expecting this. Now the pitfalls come up and you're like, oh, I was expecting this.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And I've already got a plan of X, Y, Z is exactly what I do when that happens. Makes it much easier, doesn't it? So plan out whatever pitfalls could come along the way on your path to success. That is number three. Hey, if you're the type of person who's always thinking about new business ideas or wondering what's the next side hustle that I should spin up, check out the podcast, My First Million. The hosts Sean Puri and Sam Parr have each built eight-figure businesses and sold them to Amazon and HubSpot. And each week, they brainstorm business ideas that you can start tomorrow. These could be side hustles that make you a few grand a month to big billion-dollar ideas and
Starting point is 00:07:23 anything in between. One example that I really loved was episode 158 where Sam and Sean explain how to make millions of dollars by buying Michael Jordan's home and turning it into a museum. And another one that I loved was an interview with Rob Dyrdek, episode 224. The guy's built a $400 million media empire and has been tracking every second of his day
Starting point is 00:07:42 for the last decade. So make sure you check out My First Million. That's My First Million on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Hey, we all deal with the Sunday scaries, right? Sunday scaries are those, oh shit, stressful, nervous, can't sleep, dreadful feelings that hit you on Sunday evenings when you think about the impending doom of work tomorrow or school or just freaking out about life. Unfortunately, you can feel that same pit in your stomach any day of the week. Sunday Scaries can be those oh shit moments like waking up on the couch and noticing that you left your credit card at the bar, or dealing with five pointless Zoom calls a day in a micromanaging boss.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Sunday Scary CBD gummies were made to defeat the crap that life throws at us. These are perfect CBD gummies for the professionals on the grind, super moms, students, and everyone in between. If you don't relax well or it's hard to shut off your brain or chill, Sunday Scaries are deliciously cute, vitamin-boosted CBD gummies that are must-haves because they actually work and chill you out fast. If you're a bad sleeper and you're a pro at staring at the ceiling and worrying, Sunday Scaries CBD gummies can help you decompress, clear your mind, and fall asleep so that you can wake up and be a fully functioning human being. And 2022 is all about self-love and taking better care of yourself. So whether you need to take the edge off, calm your racing mind, sleep a little bit better, or just chill, Sunday scary CBD gummies are the answer. Look, we all have the right to
Starting point is 00:08:58 live scare free. Let me save you with my 25% discount. Visit and use my promo code dial for your discount. That's promo code D-I-A-L for 25% off at Number four is you need to have accountability. Once you decide what it is that you want, once you've come up with the plan, actually screw it. You don't need the plan yet. Accountability can be done as soon as you figure out what it is. You need to decide what is it you want, and then you need to find someone to hold you accountable. I want you to announce it. I want you to announce to someone that you love, someone that you're close to, to as many people as you possibly can. Announce it on your Instagram, announce it on your Facebook, announce it everywhere you possibly can. This is what I'm
Starting point is 00:09:40 working for. This is what I'm going for. I want you guys to hold me accountable to it. I'm going to try to lose 30 pounds over the next three months. I'm going to work out every single day for the next three months, 90 days straight. And I'm going to post a Instagram story of me at the gym every single day for 90 days. If you guys don't see the Instagram story, send me a message. Let me know where, ask me where it is. That could be a form of accountability. But who do you know in your life that will 100% hold you accountable? Can you find someone that is the no BS person that wants the best for you and will hold you accountable? Or, and, or you could have both.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You could have the person who loves you and wants the best for you and will definitely hold you accountable. And, or you could also have the friend who I, one of my favorites is the most annoying friend that you have. And I want you to use them to hold you accountable. And I always say, like, if we use the example of you want to go to the gym five times a week, you tell that friend, Hey, even if they're severely overweight and they're, you know, just an annoying friend and they just pain in your ass, send them a message to, Hey, John, I want to work out five times a week for the next two months. And I'm going to hold you. I want you to be my accountability partner. Every single time that I don't send you a picture, I need to send you a picture five times a week of me, selfie, in the gym. If I don't send it to you, I'm going to pay you a hundred bucks every
Starting point is 00:11:00 single time. John is going to stay on top of your ass and make sure that you get it done. Can you have somebody like that who just wants to make money off of you so they'll hold you hardcore accountable and the annoying friend? And could you also have someone else that's just like someone who wants the best for you, who wants you to improve, who wants to see you succeed, who takes joy in you becoming the best that you could possibly be? Can you find someone that just takes joy in your success as well? That's what I want accountability for is because it's hard sometimes to hold yourself accountable. It's hard to push yourself every single day. But when you know there's someone else watching you, it makes you show up more.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And so can, number four, you find somebody to hold you accountable. Number five, take action. Five, take action. Simple, right? The sixth step, sixth key is to take action. And the take action despite how you feel. If you don't feel like it, do it anyways. Nobody gives a damn about how you feel. Your success doesn't care about how you feel. Your success needs some sort of action to get there. If you're talking about money, if you're talking about happiness, if you're talking about building a beautiful family, if you're talking about happiness, if you're talking about building a beautiful family, if you're talking about traveling, all of those things require some sort of action. So you need to take action in spite of how you feel.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Let's use an example. Maybe success to you means having an incredible family, an incredible relationship with your spouse, an incredible relationship with your children. And you're like, well, what do you mean by take action? Well, let's say that something happens with your spouse. You kind of get triggered by something that happened. You could just brush it under the rug and pretend like it never happened. Couldn't you? Yeah, of course you could. And you can feel like, oh, I feel like I really want to, I know I should say something to her. I know I should say something, but I don't want to get into a fight. I don't want to get into this
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'll just i'll just push my feelings aside. I won't worry about it, right? What I mean by taking action is having that tough conversation Even though you know that it's gonna Maybe turn into a five-hour discussion Of what you did wrong what she did, what you guys need to do to improve. Take action into improving that relationship even when you don't feel like it, even when you feel like, oh, I'll just brush it under the rug. So take action despite of how you feel. You know, if losing weight is the thing, show up to the gym even if you don't feel like it.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Trade being motivated for just being consistent. I want you to focus on being a consistent person, showing up day in, day out, despite how you feel because you said you would. That's what I want from you. Take action despite how you feel. Just take action, take action, take action. If you can just get it into your brain, reprogram yourself, that the most important thing that you can do is take action towards the life that you want and to show up consistently every single day. Whether you're motivated, not motivated, happy, sad, pissed, whatever it is, you show up for yourself and your future every single day and you're focused on consistency. That is how you'll win and how you'll get to whatever success is for you. So that's number five is to take action. And number six, do a weekly review with
Starting point is 00:14:10 yourself every single week. One of the things that I see and that holds people back from hitting their goals is that they set a goal and then they never actually review how it's going. They don't see if they're ahead, if they're behind, if they're falling off track. And so the weekly review is very simple. I've shared a version of this many times on the podcast is on Sunday, all you do is you take 10 to 15 minutes with yourself. And what you do is you look back and then you look forward. So what you do is you look back on how last week went. You look at everything that went well, what didn't go well, you go through Monday. You look at Monday's schedule and all the stuff that popped up. If you didn't have a journal every single day, you look through your journal.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You look at Tuesday, exact same thing. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And you literally look through them and you grade them and figure out what went well, what could have been better, how you can improve the next time. And then what you do when you look back and then you look forward of what this week has for you. And what you do is while you're looking back and look forward, you do something called stop, start, continue. This is something I got from Puff Daddy, you know, P. Diddy. Years ago, he used to have a show, I think it was called Making the Band, and it was stop, start, continue. And what he would have them do is he would have each person from the band come in and say to somebody else, hey, John, this is one thing I
Starting point is 00:15:23 want you to stop doing, this is one thing I want you to start doing John, this is one thing I want you to stop doing. This is one thing I want you to start doing. And this is one thing I want you to continue doing. He made it for one person to say to another person. I took it and started using it in my own life. And I was like, I'm going to work with myself and tell myself what I want to stop, start, and continue doing. And then so what I did is I started using this on myself. And I was like, holy shit, this actually works really well.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And I started teaching it to other people. At that point in time, I was teaching it to my sales reps. I had hundreds of sales reps that worked under me at that time. And I said, hey, what I want you to do every single week is do stop, start, continue. Look back on your week that you just had. You look forward to the week that you have going forward and you figure out what you need to stop doing, what you need to start doing, what you need to continue doing. And you make little micro adjustments every single week. Every single week you make little micro adjustments. You change. And what happens is you do this one week and two weeks and three weeks and 10 weeks and 20 weeks and 30 weeks and 40 weeks and 50 weeks. And within a year,
Starting point is 00:16:14 you've realized that you've made so many little tiny micro adjustments that you are like on top of your stuff. You are on top of stuff way more than you ever have been in your entire life. Simply because you did a look back, a look forward, you stop, start, continue every single week, and you made the micro adjustments that need to be made the same way that when we go back to the very first thing, what success means to you and defining what success is and planning it out and all that stuff, you need a GPS. The GPS is constantly going, where are you? Where are you going? Where are you? Where are you going? What does traffic look like? Is there a backup?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Is there a crash? Is there a detour? It's constantly, all of the time, every second making micro adjustments. Can you start to do the same thing with your life every single week where you stop, start, continue, you look back, you look forward to make all the micro adjustments that you need as well. So those are the six keys to success. Number one, define and figure out what success means to you.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Number two, create a clear plan for it. Number three, plan out any pitfalls that you might have. Number four, get someone to hold you accountable. Number five, take action. Number six, create a weekly review where you stay on top and change and make micro adjustments every single week. So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in it. Rob Dial Jr. R-O-B-D-I-A-L-J-R. I'd love to see where you guys are and all the places that you're listening to this in and all of the stuff that you happen to say about it. So if you would please tag me in it, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. And if you also want to follow this podcast on Instagram and get some extra tips and tricks and see clips from this podcast,
Starting point is 00:17:42 go to The Mindset Mentor Podcast on Instagram. Once again, the Mindset Mentor Podcast. And with that, I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode. Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you, and I hope that you have an amazing day.

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