The Mindset Mentor - Do You Have Fake Friends?
Episode Date: October 26, 2022Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Tu...rn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast.
I am your host, Rob Dial.
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If you want to receive that, it is right now. It's absolutely free. Once again, right now. Today, we're going to be talking about your friends. We're going to be
talking about your relationships, and we're going to actually identify if you have any fake friends
or fake relationships that have, you know, kind of run their course in your life. The most powerful
thing that you can have for your health, that you can have for your happiness, that you can have for
your wealth is your relationships. Yes, you heard me correctly. Even your wealth,
one of the most important things you could have is the right relationships, your health as well.
What do I mean by that? Well, just so you have an idea, Harvard did a study. It's one of the
longest running studies on humans that's ever been done. Over 80 years, it's still going on
right now. They did an 80-year study and found out that the key to happiness is deep relationships,
not the amount of relationships somebody has. It's not about the quantity of relationships. It's not
about having a million friends. It's the quality. It could be one person that you're in a romantic
relationship and then one person that is your best friend in the entire world. And you could
just have those two people and you could
be great. And the people who had the best relationships lived longer. And the people
who had the most turmoil actually died earlier. Listen to that. The people who had the most
turmoil in their relationships died earlier than the ones that had great relationships.
So those people that are around you that are toxic, that you won't let go of and you've been hanging out with them because you feel
obligated, because you grew up with them, or because they're in your family, whatever it might
be, they're actually killing you faster. Let that one sink in for a minute. Not only do they lower
the quality of your life each day, they actually shorten your life.
That's pretty crazy to think about, isn't it? And so it's not only shorter life, but it's also a
little bit less happiness every single day, a little bit less happiness, not as great as it
could be. It's like living a life in black and white and gray and all of that when you could
just get rid of those relationships, let go of
them, find better relationships or strengthen relationships that you do have that you do want
to continue to keep. And that's like turning on the brightness and all of the colors so you can
see life how it truly is. And you have to understand the power of relationships that you have.
You have to understand the power that a great relationship
with another human, deep relationship, will have on you in your life and the quality of your health,
but you also have to understand the lack of quality of a relationship that you have with
somebody else will actually hinder your life and hinder your
wealth, your health, your happiness, everything. And so, you know, we're going to talk about toxic
relationships first because those are easy. We all know that there's probably somebody in your life,
maybe an acquaintance, maybe someone that you see often, maybe they're a friend of a friend,
whatever it is that they might be, or somebody you've been friends with for a really long time
that has just become toxic. And those are obvious. And we'll dive into that first.
And then we'll dive into another type of relationship, which is actually sometimes
harder to get rid of and harder to actually figure out. And that one's probably going to
blow your mind. So one thing that I want to say about that is this.
With the toxic relationships, they got to go.
You know that.
But for some reason, if they're still around, you're holding on to that relationship.
Why are you holding on to that relationship?
Sometimes, sometimes, many times, lots of times, relationships and friendships go stale.
They do. Friendships go stale. and friendships go stale. They do. Friendships go stale.
Relationships go stale. Not just romantic relationships. We all know romantic relationships
go stale. I know, let's be honest, that a lot of people listening to this podcast, because
hundreds of thousands of people are going to hear this, a lot of people listening to this podcast
are in a romantic relationship that has gone stale a long time ago. What's that doing to you? I don't know. Just not going to tell you
what to do with your life, but I just want you to start to think about that. Think about that
because relationships go stale, not just romantic ones, but there's also some friendships that are
out there. Maybe you have a friend that you've been friends with since college.
Maybe it was your college roommate you met in college.
He was awesome.
You were awesome.
You partied.
You had fun.
You did all kinds of crazy stuff.
You got in trouble.
You have so much history together.
But at some point in time, you started to grow apart.
And you grew apart.
You grew apart.
And it was slow.
But it's been 10 years, 15 years,
16, 17 years. And you don't really have the same want to hang out with them. But when they call,
you feel obligated to hang out with them. You feel like it's something that you have to do,
but you know that when you get done with that, hanging out with them,
man, you just don't feel good. You feel drained. You know sometimes
when they call, you immediately feel the drain. So with those toxic relationships, those are some
relationships that you have to start to get rid of. You have to release. You could see them every
once in a while. You don't have to never see them again, but see them a lot less. Okay? So the toxic
relationships, those are easy to identify. Now we're going to jump into another type of relationship that can actually be even worse,
which is ambivalent relationships.
This is in a relationship where you don't really know where you stand with them.
You don't know if you like them or if you don't like them.
You don't know if you enjoy hanging out with them or you don't enjoy hanging out with them.
I'll tell you this, choose boredom over ambivalence. What is wrong with boredom anyways? And we're all addicted to being
stimulated by stuff. Boredom is not a bad thing. Boredom just means that you're not being mentally
stimulated at every single second by something going on all of the time, which is how most of
us usually are. But when somebody calls you in this relationship that you're thinking about, maybe that you don't know where you stand, you don't really know if you
like them, if you don't like them, if they like you, if you don't like them,
when they call you, how do you feel? Because here's the thing that I know,
your body, it's always talking to you. Your body's sending you signals.
If they call you and you look at it, you look at it and you're like,
and you get a little
bit of some little tightness in the pit of the stomach.
That's not the right person.
Your body's trying to send you a signal.
Nope, don't do it.
This isn't it, right?
They actually did a study with police officers years ago and found out that the ones that
had more ambivalent relationships in the workplace, like there were some people that
were just like, they had friends and they loved working as a cop and the friends they had there.
And then there were some workplaces where there was a person that was there and they're like,
I don't know if I like these guys. Like they're my coworkers, so I kind of have to be around them.
They liked their job less when they had those types of relationships and they were actually
sick more often. Not like called in sick. They were actually physically sick more often by having ambivalent relationships in the workplace.
That's just police officers. How many people listen to this podcast and you might go into
an office every single day and have those types of relationships? Can you get rid of those people?
Maybe not. Can you leave the workplace? Maybe. I don't know. That's completely
up to you. Can you design a life to be away from them more often? Sure. That's something that you
could do. Ambivalent relationships are worse than toxic relationships. Why? Because toxic
relationships are easy. You can set boundaries with them. You immediately like, nope, not doing
it. They called like, hey, you want to go to lunch? You're like, oh man, I can't. I'm sorry. Busy. Oh my God, this thing
happened. The children just shit on themselves and they're pissed all over the house and whatever it
is that you want to say, right? It's easy. Just immediately lie to that person and tell them that
you can't, right? They call you or you just ignore it. But ambivalent relationships, because you don't really know
where you stand, you often feel more obligated to go to lunch or to hang out because there's
nothing actually bad about the person, but they still drain you for some reason. For some reason,
their frequency and your frequency just do not match. And you have to realize this, energy and
mental space is finite, like very, very finite. And when
you're trying to chameleon yourself and be somebody that you're not truly, it takes energy.
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You know, and you have to think about it like this. Every
time you are being somebody else for another person, it's like opening a tab on your computer
and you open a tab and you open a tab. You have to be this way for this person, this way for this
person, this way for this person. What happens to a computer when it gets too many tabs open?
Slows down. It starts to get drained. Battery dies quicker. It's going to be the exact same
thing for you. You have to act like you're completely different people in front of
different people. That's not good. Acting like you're having fun when you really don't want to
be there. Fake laughing, whatever, just to seem like you're a part of all of it. Trying to make
conversation when really like you're mentally disconnected and you're looking at your clock
and you're thinking to yourself, how long until I get the fuck out of here before it's not rude? So it's like all of
that is draining. It's mentally draining for you. And your energy, your mental energy, your physical
energy is finite. You've got to be able to use that mental and physical energy towards something
in the production of your life, making your life better, not feeling obligated to have to go and do
something, which is why ambivalent relationships can actually be harder and worse for you. And sometimes these ambivalent
friends have been around for like years, you know, like a long time. And once again, it's not
necessarily that they suck. It's not that they're a bad person. It's just there's something that
doesn't match between you and them. That's okay. You don't have to have everybody like you
and be someone for every single person. And the video that I saw that made me start to think about
this podcast episode and actually start to create it, I was watching a video where a lady was
talking about ambivalent relationships and she asked the question, big question, is are you ever doubting
that they're really happy for you? You know, sometimes there's people that you have in your
life that are not fully happy for you. You know, someone that's a true friend. What's interesting
about somebody when they're a true friend and you're on kind of the same wavelength is that
they will mirror and match your excitement for things. So when you have a big win,
who's the person that you call to celebrate with first? That person, that's usually your person.
That's your best friend. That's your person that's on the same wavelength as you.
They're excited for you. They want you to win. But when you call up or you have somebody that's asking, oh, I heard that you got a promotion, you start talking about it. Are they celebrating your
wins or are they trying to poke holes in every single thing? You know, these can also be
people, maybe not just the ambivalent ones, but just some types of people can poke holes in
everything and try to make you feel bad even about something amazing. They're the same types of
people. They're like, oh my God, you won the lottery. How much do you have to pay in taxes
of that? God, that's crazy. Like those types of people exist.
And some of you have those types of people in your life and you see them way too often,
right? And it can be that way sometimes, toxic, all of that stuff. But once again,
the ones that are the hardest to actually start to work through are the ambivalent ones.
They seem okay. The person seems okay. There's actually nothing that you can pinpoint wrong
sometimes. There's actually nothing wrong, but it doesn't feel right. And once again, your body is always giving you
signals, but you have to listen to the signals. Most people are too busy in their head too often
and thinking and thinking and thinking, oh my God, well, this is Stacy's friend. So I've got
to hang out with Stacy's friend. I can't be rude to her because then Stacy's going to hear about
it and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They're thinking too much for us being like, what is my
body telling me right now? My body's telling me, is it like, and this is a great question for you.
Is it a fuck yes or a fuck no? If it's not a fuck yes, it's automatically a fuck no. And so is this
person a fuck yes? Because if they're not, they're automatically a fuck no. You have to listen to the
feeling. It's a skill, I get it.
We're not trained how to listen to our body, right?
There's not like a microphone,
we're in a microphone and a speaker
and be like, oh, what's my body saying?
Like we're not taught how to listen to it.
It's a skill that needs to be developed.
But it's something that even if you're bad at it right now,
you can become better at it.
We're always thinking, thinking.
We're a thinking society.
We're a terrible feeling society. But your body's always giving you clues. Are you listening to it? One thing that I'll say
around this is don't let your loneliness keep you around people that don't give you energy,
right? Now, this all might sound selfish and it's not meant to seem selfish, but sometimes you do
need to be selfish with your energy, selfish with yourself, selfish with the life that you're trying to create.
You need to protect your energy.
Being alone or being in good energy is much better than being around someone that is eroding
your energy.
How your energy is and when you're feeling around somebody is going to give you those
That is a big clue from the body, the energy.
How you feel when you get done with them.
If you get done with somebody and you get done with time with them and you're like, man, I energy, how you feel when you get done with them. If you get done with
somebody and you get done with time with them and you're like, man, I feel good. I feel great. I feel
like I just chugged a coffee. I'm excited. I'm motivated. I'm happy. That was so much fun.
Whatever you feel, that's the person. That's a good person to hang out around. You're on the
same wavelength. But if you get done with a lunch and even if it wasn't bad, but you're just like, oh shit. Yeah, that's not one that's for you. I'll tell you that.
And so what I want you to do is this. I want you to think about this. And if you have a pen and
paper, I want you to write this down. I've actually got a few questions for you. But before I get to
those questions, I want you to identify two relationships that you need to spend less time
with. And I want you to write that person's name down. What are two relationships that you need to spend less time with, and I want you to write that person's name down. What are two relationships that you want to spend less time with? Write
them down. And what are two relationships of somebody that you want to spend more time with?
More time with is someone that gives you energy after spending time with them.
They're on the same wavelength. They make you feel better. They're fun as hell,
or they're motivating, Or they want the best for
you. Or it just feels right to be around them. There are two relationships you want to strengthen
and then two relationships that you want to spend less time with or get rid of. Okay? And these are
the four questions that I have for you. Okay? Who are my toxic relationships? First one, I want you
to write down or start to think about. If you're driving your car, don't write it down, but just
pause me if you need to. are my toxic relationships identify them those
are people you need to not spend time with who are my ambivalent relationships
those are people you need to spend a whole lot less time with next who are
the relationships that are most important for me to strengthen who are
the most important to me for me to strengthen and then who are the