The Mindset Mentor - Don't Mess This Up
Episode Date: August 19, 2019Episode 634 - The words you use indicate what you are thinking in your head. What you are thinking in your head creates your reality. Therefore, do not meet this very important phrase up! Follow me ...on Instagram for a change to win FREE headphones: Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the Mindset and Motivation Podcast, one of the top motivational podcasts in the
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we come out with a short, to the point, no BS episode
to help make massive changes in your mind and transform you from who you are now to
who you want to be.
My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode. If you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you
never miss another episode. And last but not least, as I told you guys, I am giving out a free pair of Beats by Dre headphones on my Instagram
to say thanks for hitting 100,000 subscribers or 100,000 followers on Instagram.
So if you want to follow me and figure out how you can win yourself a pair,
go to RobDialJr, R-O-B-D-I-A-L, on Instagram.
Follow me on there.
I put out a lot of motivational videos. There's actually
a lot more motivational videos are about to start popping up every other day, I think is going to be
a brand new video. So go ahead and follow me on there and look at the post that's about to come
up today. If you're listening to this in the day it comes out and I will be explaining how you can
win yourself a pair of Beats by Dre headphones as a way of saying thank you for 100,000 followers.
So go ahead and follow me on there.
And let's go ahead and dive into today's episode.
Today I'm going to be talking about the two most powerful words in the English language.
So when we're talking about the two most powerful words, they are I am.
Because when you say I am, you are then declaring what you are with whatever it is
that you say. I always tell people, if you're going to use the words, I am be very, very careful
with the next thing that you follow that up with is because if you say I am sick, I am dumb,
I am not enough. Your subconscious brain doesn't know the difference between
what is true and what is false. It just automatically, like a filing cabinet,
stores it away as true. So the more that you say, I am not enough. I am stupid. I am stupid. I am
stupid. Whatever it is, your brain's eventually going to go, oh, I am stupid. And you're going
to actually start to make stupid decisions,
do stupid things because you are programming the operating system to think that it is stupid to
then do stupid things. So whenever you use the words, I am, you have to use a very, very
empowering statement after that. And if you really think about it and you really start to dive into it,
the subconscious mind is 95% of the actual thoughts that happen in your brain. The conscious
mind is only 5%. So if we're smart, we look at the two of those and go, well, maybe I should pay
more attention to my subconscious. Because if you start to say things like, I am enough, I am powerful, I am beautiful, I am
whatever it is, you're going to start to realize that you're going to start to take the actions
to make those true. If you're lying to yourself, you're saying, I am dumb, I am dumb, I am dumb,
I am dumb. There's a really famous quote that says, if you tell a lie big enough and long enough,
eventually people will start to believe it. And the person who said that
was Hitler. And if you think about that, some of you guys have been telling a lie big enough and
long enough in your own head that you're actually starting to believe it. Not only are you believing
it, you're actually manifesting it and making it true in your own life. So start to be conscious.
What things do I say inside of my head?
How do I talk to myself?
What is it that I say that's holding me back
from being the person that I need to be?
What is it that I would prefer to say to myself?
What are the ways that I would prefer to talk to myself?
Think about this for a second.
This is a very key question to ask yourself.
Would you ever talk to somebody that you love the same way that you talk to yourself?
Think about that. A lot of times when I say that, everyone's like, hell no, absolutely not.
Would you speak to one of your children the same way that you talk to yourself?
Would you speak to your mother the same way that you talk to yourself?
Think about that for a second, because a lot of times we're our own worst enemy. We're not where
we want to be because we are the ones that are holding us back from being there because we
are limiting ourselves. We are talking down to ourselves. So what you need to do is you need to
take a step back, take a step out of your own mind and ask yourself the question,
what do I say? What I am statements am I using that no longer serve me? Oh yeah, I've been saying I'm terrible at math ever since I failed that math test in second grade. No wonder why I was
crap at math my entire life because you made it true. But it's just like anything else asking it
shall be given. You know, I am amazing. I am beautiful.
I am great at this. I am powerful being in powerful creator, whatever it is that you want
to say, you can get as weird and woo woo as you want to. You can get as, as practical and analytical
as you want to. It doesn't matter. Whatever you say to yourself, your programming and storing is
true in your subconscious. Now you're, if you're saying something like, I am dumb,
then you're attracting what you don't want in your life. If you focus on the negative,
you'll get more negative. Focus on the positive, you'll get more positive. One thing that's really
helped me are things called mala beads. Now, if you listen to the podcast, you're not going to
see what I'm holding onto, but mala beads are prayer beads. They've been used for about 2,800 years.
So what a mala bead, and this is where the idea for the rosary came from, is it's 108 beads and
you're supposed to use it for a mantra. So what you would do is figure out what you want to say
to yourself, and you're going to use this as a meditation. You can close your eyes, you can get
these mala beads, M-A-L-A. You can find them all over the internet. You can look up prayer beads if you want to as well. And interesting thing is that there's 108
because of the fact that 108 is actually a very holy number in the Buddhism, Buddhist and Hindu
philosophies or philosophies, I guess, religions. And the thing about them is that it's 108 is a
very holy number to them. And if you look at the
diameter of the earth and you look at the diameter of the sun, the sun is exactly 108 times the
diameter of, and I actually did the math on this. I didn't just read an article. I actually Googled
it and tried the math and made sure after I read it, the sun is exactly 108 times the diameter of
the diameter of the earth. And the
sun is 108 suns away. If you were to line them all up to each other from earth. So I don't know if
that means anything to you. I just think it's pretty damn cool. It might be a coincidence.
It might be that somehow these people, 2,800 years ago knew something that we don't know now,
but what you're going to do is pick what your thing that you're going to say to yourself is,
let's say it's, um, I am
healthy. Maybe, maybe you've gone through some sicknesses and we all know someone who, who they
constantly talk about how they're always sick. And guess what? Then they're always sick again.
We all know friends that are constantly broke. They always talk about how they're broke,
but then every single time you've seen them, they're broke. It's because they're literally
manifesting the life that they're talking about every single day. So let's say that you're going through some health issues
and you want to start programming into your subconscious, more health, more healing.
Then maybe what you say to yourself is I am healthy. I am healing and I am healthy, right?
Then what you would do is you would take your prayer beads and you would go to each one of them
and say it, take a deep breath. And you would say to yourself, I am
healthy and I am healing. You go to the next one. I'm healthy and I'm healing. And what happens is
if you wake up every single morning, the best time that I find to use any meditation, any
mala beads, any of those things, any affirmations that you're going to say to yourself is as soon
as you can after waking up. And the reason why is because the only time your
conscious brain really takes a step back is during meditation, but especially takes a step back
when you're actually sleeping. It's almost turns off completely your conscious brain.
Your subconscious brain is what is in control and what is working while you're asleep.
So if you want to try to access your subconscious as best as you possibly can
Then try to access your subconscious minutes after waking up
And so if you're trying to tell yourself I am healthy and I am healing
Then what you're going to start telling yourself is as soon as you wake up
Get your your mala beads out get your prayer beads
Whatever it is that you want to get and say to yourself 108 times every single morning
I am healthy and I'm healing I am healthy every single morning, I am healthy and I'm healing. I am healthy and I'm healing. I'm healthy and I'm healing.
You know, do it slower than that, but do it over and over and over and over and over again. Within
10 days, you said it to yourself over a thousand times. Within a hundred days, you said it to
yourself thousands of times. Within a year, you said it to yourself thousands and thousands of
times. And it's just being programmed into your brain. You know, as Hitler said, if you tell a lie long enough
and big enough, eventually people start to believe it. Well, on the opposite side of that,
if you start to tell yourself positive things long enough and enough times over and over and
over again, eventually you're going to start to believe it. Why? Because you're switching your
subconscious thoughts. Maybe you have really bad self-confidence issues. You're not confident. You don't like the
way that you look, whatever it is that it might be. What you're going to do is you're going to
start saying these things to yourself as well. I am beautiful. I am amazing. I love the way that
I look. I am healthy. I am healing all of those things. What happens is you start to slowly, but surely,
and I did this a long time ago, right? I started to say, I love myself. I love myself. I love
myself. I love myself. And then I'd look at myself in the mirror and I'd say, I love you. I love you.
I love you. And all of my self-confidence issues completely went away. And the reason why is
because I don't even see them anymore. Do they exist? Sure. But my brain doesn't focus on it.
Do they exist? Sure. But my brain doesn't focus on it. My brain doesn't even notice it anymore. And the reason why is because in one period, in one second, your brain has over 2 trillion bits
of information that it could allow into your brain, but it only allows in 200 bits of information per
second. So it filters out everything. 1.999 trillion bits of information. It filters out. It only pays
attention to the things that it needs to. So if you're telling yourself, I am beautiful, I am
beautiful, I am beautiful. Well, then what's going to happen? Your reticular activating system is
going to start to find all of the things that it likes about you, all of the things you like about
yourself. And you're not going to notice all of the crap that you don't like. You're only going to notice the stuff that you do like.
So you're literally in essence, programming yourself, AKA brainwashing yourself to only
seeing the things that you actually like about yourself. And if you wake up every single morning
and you say to yourself 108 times, whatever it is, I am blank. Eventually you're
going to start to believe it. You're programming your subconscious as soon as you wake up in the
morning. Don't ever, ever, ever say I am blank and have that blank be something that is not
incredibly empowering because you're lying to yourself. If you don't say that. If you do say that,
and you're going to start to believe all of these lies if you start saying it over and over again.
So sit down with a pen and paper. Ask yourself, what are the lies that I'm telling myself? What
are the I am statements? What is all of the stuff that I don't want to focus on anymore?
And then write down, what do I want to say to myself? What do I want to start to change about
my life? What do I want to change about my perception, the way I see the world, the way I see?
And it could be about other people. I am loving of other people. You could do it in your internal
world, but also your external world as well. So that's what I got for today's episode. If you
like this episode, go ahead and hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another episode. And I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode,
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