The Mindset Mentor - Ep 52 - I Got Layed Off
Episode Date: December 18, 2015I was layed off from my job a couple weeks ago. In this episode I wanted to talk about my thought process as it was happening so you can see that I practice what I preach and also what I learned from ...the process that you can too. There is always a silver lining in every situation, you just have to look for it. Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, which I am proud to say has been rated the number one podcast in iTunes new and noteworthy in six different categories, including self-help
and business, and is a podcast designed to help you grow into the best version of yourself
in 10 to 20 minutes.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we'll take a life topic, break it down, discuss it,
and leave you with thoughts to impact your life and mind. My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast
starts now. Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast. This is Rob Dial. And if you have not yet
subscribed to us, please subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Sound Dial. And if you have not yet subscribed to us, please subscribe
to us on iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud. And if you like this episode, just please share it with
someone that you know that you think would benefit from it. And today what I'm going to talk about
is actually a real life experience. I wanted to kind of take you through my life, tell you a
little bit more about things on my day toto-day basis and show you that I actually
do practice what I preach. And let me explain what I mean. So a few weeks ago, I was actually
laid off from my job and it was kind of expected, kind of not expected. They decided just to
downsize some of the Salesforce, actually pretty much most of the sales force.
And I happen to be one of those people where they said, we don't want to lose you as an employee,
but if we switch you to another position, you're going to have to actually take a pay cut. And so
they said, we could either do that or we could give you a severance and we could go separate ways.
And so I want you to realize this
is exactly what happened. And of course, this was somewhat unexpected, especially because I love
some of the people that I work with. They were awesome. They're really good people. I found
myself as, you know, I felt like we were friends. And it kind of at first felt like I was a little
bit backstabbed. But what I want you to realize is I took five minutes and it wasn't even five minutes. I use something called the five minute rule, which is whenever something happens,
you get into a car crash, whenever anything happens to you in your life, you have five minutes
to be completely pissed off as mad as you could possibly be. Whatever you have to do to scream,
to cry, to throw things, I guess, if that's what you need to do, whatever it is that you have to
do, you get five minutes to be as mad as you possibly can. And then it's over. After those five minutes,
grow up, get over it. Let's move on and keep moving on with our life. And so I had the five
minutes where I was kind of pissed off. I immediately text two people. I text my girlfriend
and I text Dean, who you guys have all heard on this podcast before and said, Hey, I just
was let go from my position. Here's the explanation on this podcast before and said, Hey, I just was let go from my
position. Here's the explanation. And both of them said, well, how do you feel? And I said,
I think this is actually something that's really good. This happened for a reason.
I've come to realize after starting at 19 in sales, being my own boss for a long time,
having a lot of things as an entrepreneur that I've done on my own, and then going and being
employed that I'm not a good employee. I'm just, it just, it gets, it doesn't work as well. And the reason why
is because I personally just have an entrepreneur mindset. That's just kind of the way that I work.
And this worked out perfectly because I was already looking into starting a business on the
side. I also have a podcast as well that I work with. And so this allowed me to dedicate more time into the things that I truly, really want to do. Music, podcasting, running my own
business. So after those five minutes, I reconvened, got together and said, okay,
this is it. This is going to happen. Where am I going to go from here? So what I started doing
was I started networking like crazy. And it's funny because when you start to work in a certain
way and go, okay, this is it. I'm going to, this chapter of my life is closed. I'm going to move on to another one.
Things start to work your work towards your way. And in two days after this whole thing happened,
I went to a networking event, met some of the best people I could possibly meet at this networking
event who changed my perspective on what I wanted to do and completely set me up for the new venture
that I'm going on now, which is starting a fitness company, which I'll tell you guys more about as
the time comes and some of the products come out because we're going to run a promotion where you
can get our first product for a dollar, I think is what it's going to be, as long as you just give
us a review. So it's going to be, I think like 20 bucks off of the first product. If that's something that you want to take part of. So I'll tell you more about the,
the, the fitness and the products that we have coming out as they actually come out.
So what happened though, is since I've made the decision to get over it, to start networking,
to meet people and put myself in place, uh, things have started to work out for me. And it's been
very serendipitous. People
who have come into my life, the people who I've started meeting, and people who, no joke, in a
sense have said, can I hire you to do certain things? And it's more or less been to the point
where I have to tell people I don't want to work for them or I can't work for them because I have
other things that I'm working at. So I think that when most people have something like this happen, whether it be getting fired, whether it be anything,
anything that could possibly tragically happen is some people, they have two different ways that
they can look at it. They can look at it and they can see themselves as the victim.
And this happened, why did this happen to me? Why did I get fired? Why did this person leave my life?
Whatever it might've been, or they can take the victor where they say, okay, this happened and I'm going to figure out how to overcome this and how to become
better at it because we can't connect the dots looking forward. We can only connect the dots
looking backwards. And now that it's been a month since this happened, the dots have been completely
connecting. And it's incredible how serendipitous these people that are coming into my life, all of these people I'm starting to network with, these people that are becoming
my mentors or friends or whatever it might be of just ways that the world is showing me that
this is the right direction. Starting your own company in this company is the right direction.
People are supporting me, people that I'm finding that are just the exact people that I
would need to network with that want to help me out along the way and help me launch my business
as well. So things to take away from this, I wanted to share this with you so you realize
that I'm a real person. Stuff like this happens to everybody, but I wanted you to see the way
that my mind works and the way I practice what I preach and things to take away from this.
Number one is there's always a silver lining to anything.
If something bad happens or something tragic happens, whatever happens, it's happening for a reason.
Don't see yourself as the victim.
Find out how you can become the victor, overcome it, and how you can take that
and use it as a learning experience for you.
The second thing I would take away is the five-minute rule that I just told you where you have five minutes to do whatever you need to do and then put it in your
past. You can never be mad about it again. Move on and keep on going on with your life. And those
are the two things that I would say more than anything else. I would take away from the experience
and I'll keep you guys updated on everything that's happening, products as they come out.
But I will absolutely tell you this. I am 100% certain that this is where I'm supposed to be going right
now. And I'm going the correct route to be able to have a successful business, which will in then
turn give me time to travel, to buy freedom, to do all of the things that I want to do by
owning my own business because I don't have to be in town specifically for this event or have to be around the phone
for this event.
I get to make my own schedule.
I get to make money when I want to, whether I'm awake or whether I'm asleep, as long as
this business is running with or without me running in it.
And I wanted to share that with you guys because if you have something come up, if you have
recently had something come up, or if you have something coming up that or something
that might come up in the next few weeks or few months, remember this.
Remember the five minute rule.
Remember everything happens for a reason.
And remember that there's always a silver lining.
So if you like this episode, please share it with somebody.
And more than anything else, I hope that you have an amazing day and make it your
mission today to make somebody else's day better. And if you have not done so already, if you want
to go on to hashtag MWF mission, anything that you do to make somebody else's day better, take
a picture of it, put it up on Instagram. At MWF motivation is our actual Instagram. We're trying
to make the holidays better for other people.
So please join us in the community of doing this.
Have a great day.
Well, that's it for today's podcast.
If you want the show notes for this episode,
they can be found at
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please spread the love and share it with a friend because
it's our mission to help as many people as we can.
And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Both handles are at MWFMotivation with no spaces.
Now you know what time it is.
So go out and make your dreams a reality. Thank you.