The Mindset Mentor - Ep 85 - The Law of Action
Episode Date: March 4, 2016If you have not listened to Episode 84, you will want to listen to that episode first. That being said, this episode covers the next step in The Law of Attraction, the part that I believe The Secret l...eaves out, the part where you actually get off you butt and put in work. The universe rewards those who work and in this episode I explain the subject more in depth. Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, which I am proud to say has been rated the number one podcast in iTunes new and noteworthy in six different categories, including self-help
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in 10 to 20 minutes.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we'll take a life topic, break it down, discuss
it, and leave you with thoughts to impact your life and mind. My name is Rob Dial, and
the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode, which from some of the emails that I've been getting and some
of the Facebook messages I've been getting is a very awaited episode that people seem to have loved the
law of attraction and the way I was able to explain it, which I am grateful for.
And now I'm going to teach you about the law of action, which I feel is step two in the
law of attraction that people never speak about. The secret never speaks about. So I'm
ready to dive into this. But before we do, if you have not yet done so, subscribe to us, however you listen to us.
If you love this episode, which I'm hoping that you will, because all of this stuff is
really good information, I hope, please share it with somebody that you know.
And if you haven't done so, like us on Facebook, slash MWF motivation.
We're getting about 50 to 100 people that like us a week. So we're over
1,200 or 1,300 by now, I think. Something like that. But the law of action, what we're going
to talk about. So the law of attraction is great. But if you want to run a successful company,
you can't just sit around waiting for it. If I want to run a successful company,
you guys know that I just started a company, another one not too long ago. If I start this company, I can't just sit around waiting for it
to be good. I can't just sit around hoping that the universe is going to make my company successful,
hoping that the universe is going to bring me all of these things.
And also when I say this, when I say the universe, this could be whatever you want. It could be if
you're not religious, it could be the universe. If you are religious, it could be God. It could be whatever God you look into or whatever. It
could be the world. It could be the way the universe works, the way the world works, whatever
it is. But if you want that universe to interfere and try to help you out, you have to work. If I
want my company to be successful, I have to use a law of action and I have to work. And I think this is the part that the secret,
the book and the movie leaves out. Because although it's really good when you listen to
the secret or you watch the secret or you read it, most of it honestly is just like,
hey, sit around and hope and wish for it and do some woo-woo stuff and make a vision board and
all of that. No, it doesn't happen that way. You can't just go, oh, this is the house I want and stare at that house forever and just expect that house to be yours in 10
years. You have to work your butt off in order to get there. So the universe can't give you what you
want and what you desire unless you're out there working towards whatever it is. If you say, oh my
gosh, this is my perfect spouse. This is everything that I want in this person. This is the entire
list of what I want. This is what I want him or her to look like, the type of body that I want him or her to look like. And I'm just
going to sit here on my couch and hope that they come knocking on the door. No, it doesn't work
that way. You got to get your butt up off the couch. You got to make sure that you're looking
good. And then you got to go out to the coffee shops or wherever you think that you might
eventually meet this person. So you have to get up and actually put the work in. You have to work.
And that's the part that the secret leaves out. And I'll give you an example. Once I decided to
100% commit and start this e-commerce fitness business, all these crazy things started to
happen. All these very coincidental or, and I'm doing air quotes, which you can't see me,
coincidental or serendipitous things started happening. And I started meeting all of these people who were somehow connected to me,
but hadn't met them before who were in e-commerce or who were selling online that I was connected
with that offered to help me and go get coffee with me or give me advice and do all of these things to help me out. And the thing about it
was these people were somehow just outside of my circle of influence, my circle of people that I
knew. But once I decided, it was crazy how all these people started saying, oh, well, you're
going to do that? Well, why don't you speak to this person? I know this person right here.
Now, I would have never met those people if I didn't decide to launch this company.
But once we decided to launch the company, I started meeting all met those people if I didn't decide to launch this company. But once we decided
to launch the company, I started meeting all of these people. Now, they helped me launch the
company. They gave me ideas. They gave me different avenues to go down, different ways to sell.
And this would have never happened if I just said, okay, you know what? I'm going to go ahead
and start this company. And then sat at home and was just sitting there
wishing that I would start a successful company or that my company would be successful. What
happened was I decided I committed. And then I started going to all of these networking groups,
started telling people, I do this, I have a podcast. I also have this e-commerce company
that I'm starting. And it was crazy because I started getting connected to all of these people.
So I didn't just sit around. I got up and I started going to meetups. I started going to networking groups and all of these different
things. And this happens all the time when we decide to do something. And this is what I want
you to understand in the way the universe works. You can't just decide to do something and kind of
commit. You know how we normally do it. You're like, yeah, well, I want to start a company, but that'd be kind of cool. But you don't put the order in for your first thousand dollars
for the products or first thousand pieces of your product or whatever it is. Once we decide to do
something and we commit and we 100% freaking commit, not just sit around with our thumbs,
you know what, our thumbs up our butts or anything like that, and we commit to actually doing these,
then all of these things start happening in our favor when we're out there in the world and we're
working and we're hustling. And you know what most people call it? Most people call it coincidence.
I don't think it's just coincidence. I think it's the universe saying, hey,
you're doing what's right. Keep going. Let me throw some of these people so these people can
help you. Hey, you're doing something right. You're going down the right path.
Keep following this. And you keep going out there. You keep working. You keep meeting these people.
You keep getting these very coincidental, once again, air quotes you can't see,
coincidental things start happening. But the thing about it is, is you must take the action.
You must believe in the law of attraction. You must get your paradigm
down and completely commit to, okay, I've never started a business before. I'm going to run a
successful business. So I'm going to run a successful business. I'm going to run a successful
business. And it needs to be in your head. The paradigm in your head needs to shift to,
I am a successful business owner. That is that. And that's what's going to happen no matter what,
whether I die a successful business owner or whether I die working to become a successful business owner. That is the commitment
that you must have. Once you have that commitment, your paradigm shifts, which also means that if you
think about the law of attraction in the last episode, your frequency shifts from AM to FM,
and now you're on the successful path and the path that you need to go on to be a successful
business owner or whatever it might be. And I'm just using business owner because it's easy for me to talk
about for myself, but you must take action. And the reason why is because the universe rewards
hard workers. Once again, if you are religious, it might not be the universe. It might be God
rewards hard workers, whatever it is for you. If you're religious, if you're not religious,
you understand what I'm talking about. The universe rewards hard workers. And I want you
to think about it this way. And I'm going to talk a lot more about this in this analogy in the next
episode when I talk about how to attract money. But think of it this way. Think as if you're a
teacher and you have two kids that you're teaching, okay? You have child A and you have child B. Child A is a hard worker.
They come in, they study, they ask questions, they do exactly what they're told. They may not
be the smartest kid. They may not be even close to the smartest kid. They might be a little bit
below average, but they try. And when you help them, they say thank you. They show gratitude. And then they
work hard again. And they're always working to become a better student. That's child A.
Then you also have child B. Child B is probably just about as smart, maybe even a little smarter.
Who knows? But they don't work. They don't do the homework assignments. They don't ask the
questions. They don't participate. When you help them, they don't say thank you. And then they
don't work hard to become a better student. If you're the teacher and one of them is starting
to fail, let's say both of them are starting to fail. Even though you want to help both,
if you could only choose one to help, which one are you more likely to help?
You're more likely to help child A. Why is because they're trying they're working hard. They're asking questions
They're trying to become better. They're out there working. They're out there hustling
And what you have to realize is that you're going to go toward towards child a it's the exact same thing
If you think of the universe as you as the teacher and you as the student
You can choose which student that you want to be though.
Do you want to be student A, child A, that's the hard worker, that's out there, that's studying,
that's asking questions, that's trying to get better, that's working every day to get better?
Or do you want to be child B that's sitting on your ass all day on the couch, hoping that stuff
happens, not a hard worker, you don't do the homework assignments, you're not grateful,
you're not trying to become a better student? If you think about it that way, where the universe is
the teacher and you could be child A or child B, which one of those two do you think the universe
is going to give more opportunities and more chances to be successful when they're failing?
chances to be successful when they're failing. Exactly the same thing. Child A, student A,
person A, you, the one that's out there working. If the universe has an option of, okay, well,
this person is working as hard as they possibly can. They're going out and they're doing everything that they possibly can. This person over here is sitting on their butt. They're watching TV and
they're just hoping and wishing and thinking that someday this might just show up at their door and they could be successful. The universe is going to go
for the student A, child A, person A, whatever you want to call it. They're going to go towards
the one that's working. And that's why people say coincidence has happened is because that one
person is always out there working. They're always out there trying to get better. They're always out
there trying to become a better student. They're trying to meet more people. And then the universe goes, hey, you're doing really good. You're showing
me that you're working hard. Hey, here's an opportunity for you. Hey, here's an opportunity
for you. And all of this happens. This is the second step to the law of attraction.
So you have the law of attraction and you have to get the law of attraction down before you go
into this next one and start working. But I think you can always work hard as you're working on the
law of attraction. But you work on the law of attraction. You work on the
thoughts that are coming into your head. You work on storing those thoughts. The subconscious is
automatically going to store them no matter what. And once you have enough of those thoughts,
you're eventually going to start having a paradigm. So you need to have your paradigm shift
if it's not where it needs to be. And then go out there and work your freaking tail off.
And guess what? The universe is going to start throwing opportunities at you because
you're out there working hard and not sitting on your butt doing nothing.
So that is the law of action. I hope that gives you a pretty good understanding of the second
step that's never talked about in the law of attraction, which is getting off your butt,
putting the hard work in, putting the blood, sweat, and tears into it, and seeing what type of opportunities are thrown at you and realizing when they are thrown
at you, it's not just a coincidence. And when they happen, you got to look up to the sky and say,
universe, God, whoever you believe in, thank you. I'm so grateful for this. I'm going to do as much
as I possibly can with this opportunity and you work at it. And if you're grateful for it, you
show you're grateful and you keep working for it, well, you're just going to keep getting more opportunities
thrown at you.
So that is the law of action.
So I hope that you like that.
And once again,
if you like this
and you think someone you know
likes it or would like it,
if you would share it with them,
I would be forever,
eternally grateful.
And the universe
will probably throw
some extra gratitude
on your side and help you out.
So that being said,
I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single day. Make it your mission to make somebody else's
day better. I appreciate you. Now it's time to turn this off and start working your freaking
tail off. Talk to you later. Well, that's it for today's podcast. If you want the show notes for
this episode, they can be found at Also, if you
liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend because it's our mission
to help as many people as we can. And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Both handles are at MWFmotivation with no spaces. Now you know what time it is. So go out and make your dreams a reality.