The Mindset Mentor - EPISODE 200!!!!!

Episode Date: November 30, 2016

Episode 200 - In this episode I teach the 8 lessons that I have learned since starting this podcast. It is a little longer than normal but there is a lot to learn from this episode! Want to learn about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, real quick, before we start today, are you struggling with achieving your goals or have you ever set a goal or New Year's resolution and then not achieved it? Well, I have a free ebook for you called Hack Your Goals, The Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Success that you can download like thousands and thousands of people already have. Just go to and download it there. Okay, I'll get you to the podcast right now. Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, one of the top-rated motivational podcasts in the world. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I come out with a short, to the point, no BS podcast designed to transform you from who you are today into who you want to be. There's no
Starting point is 00:00:46 fluff here, just life-changing content. My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast starts now. Welcome to today's episode. This is episode number 200 of the MWF Motivation Podcast. I'm trying to process the 200 episodes I have put out. That's insane for me to think about. It doesn't seem like it's... I don't even feel like I've done 100,es, Witches Crazy. 200 episodes. That is insane. Insane. So if you have not yet done so, please subscribe to us however you listen to us. Also like us on Facebook, slash MWF motivation, because I'm going to give you a very exciting announcement about Facebook at the end of this. And if you have not yet done so, and you're interested in joining me for group coaching, and you really just want to take your life to the next level,
Starting point is 00:01:51 and you like the podcast, but you want something more that's going to teach you how to get to the next level, the same stuff that I teach my one-on-one coaching clients to help them get to the next level, send me an email, rob at, and we can chat about group coaching. But don't take my word for it. Just listen to somebody right here. Hi, my name is Petia. What I really love about our group coaching are our challenges that we do time to time together. We hold each other accountable and we push each other out of our comfort zone to try new things and those always help us to grow as a person and it's really exciting welcome back what i want to go over are the eight things that i have learned from publishing 200 episodes i get a ton of emails
Starting point is 00:02:41 i talk to a ton of people i've had hundreds of phone conversations with you guys. I've gotten probably thousands of emails. It's been insane. I have tons of people in group coaching. I've done one-on-one coaching with listeners, all of these things. It's just amazing. And I have eight things that I want to share with you guys of what I have learned from this process of having this podcast, talking to all of these people. And I've learned a lot in the process. It's been just over a year, just over, I think, 1.2, 1.3 million downloads. Dollars would be cool too. And I want to share with you the eight things that I've learned. So I'm going to go ahead and go down the list and I'm going to go through them in kind of some rapid fire. But number one, personal growth is the main thing.
Starting point is 00:03:28 One of the main things I'll say that you should concentrate every single day on. You should concentrate on it every single day. Personal growth is like a shower. You will never go four or five, six days without showering, let alone two weeks without showering, right? No matter how busy you are, you always find time to shower. Do you not? You do. And if you happen to miss one day because you forget about it, because you're busier, because you're tired and fall asleep on the couch, you'll wake up and do it the next day and you won't forget about the next day. That's exactly how personal growth should be. And a lot of people, I get emails from people
Starting point is 00:04:03 say, Rob, I fell off the bandwagon. I fell off the wagon. And I went two weeks and I haven't listened to you in a month or whatever it might be. You should never fall off. You don't forget to eat. You eat at least once a day, I'm sure. You have a shower at least once a day. Personal growth is just as important as all of those things if you're trying to make your life great, you should never have multiple days in a row where you go without personal growth. And a lot of people say, well, yeah, but I have kids and all of these things. Well, can't you agree that when you focus on yourself and you become a better, if you become a better person, can't you agree that everybody else around you, including your kids, especially your kids become better because of that. So to say that you're too busy because of your kids or because
Starting point is 00:04:48 you have other things going on, I just honestly don't accept that because you find time to shower. You find time to eat, right? Those things keep you alive. I understand that. Well, personal growth makes you thrive. There should never be a time where you fall off the wagon and you don't have personal growth. It should be that important to you. It's like when a, not when a car, when a airplane starts to fall out of the sky, they say, put the oxygen on yourself first before putting it on others and assisting others. That's exactly how personal growth should be. If you have to wake up earlier, if you have to stay out later, stay up later, if you have to take time on your lunch break and go to your car and read or listen to a podcast or
Starting point is 00:05:29 grow while you're eating, so be it. But that's how important it has to be. It has to be a priority for you. Personal growth every single day is the first thing that I've realized. If you are serious about making change in your life, you need to prioritize personal growth. So that's number one, prioritize personal growth every single day. You should never fall off the bandwagon. Number two, second thing I've learned is clarity is king. After talking to lots of people, lots of people who are extremely happy, extremely successful, lots of people that are miserable, lots of people with nowhere near where they want to be. What I've realized is this, people who are where they want to be are extremely clear on what they want. If you are not where you want to be and I ask you, well, tell me exactly what you want and
Starting point is 00:06:18 you can't give me a very specific answer, well, that's the reason why you feel so lost because you don't know where you're going. You haven't taken a pen and paper and written it down and said, what do I want out of my freaking life? If you're going to somebody's house, you have to know the address. You have to ask for the address. You don't just wander around. That's exactly how your life should be. Make a plan and get extremely clear on what it is that you want. Extremely clear. Not, I want to lose weight in 2017. You need to know the exact number. You need to have the body type, the person that you look up to as far as their body,
Starting point is 00:06:52 print it out and you need to see it every single day. That's what you have to do. Clarity is king. If you say, I want to make more money, there's a pretty good chance you won't make more money. But if you say, I want to make $100,000 more this year, well, now you have something to shoot for. Clarity is king. If you've ever joined me on one of my webinars, I talk about this. You need to know exactly what it is that you're shooting for.
Starting point is 00:07:14 So that's number two. Number three, this is really hard to say, but if you've joined one of my Facebook Live recently, you've known that I say this. I don't think motivation exists. I know I said it. I'm sorry. I run a freaking podcast called MWF Motivation. And I don't know if after 200 episodes, I don't know if motivation actually exists. Let me tell you why I'm saying that. Because people act like motivation. I get emails that say, Rob, I'm just not motivated to do, I'm not motivated today. What can I do to get motivated? As if motivation, there's a motivational fairy godmother that comes and sprinkles motivational dust all over you. That doesn't happen, right? Motivation is not something that just is fleeting and comes in. What I really think motivation, the word that
Starting point is 00:08:03 motivation should be replaced with, is drive. You know when you see someone that's driven. When someone has a purpose, when someone is extremely clear and they're growing, they are extremely driven on what it is that they want. People that don't know what they want, going back to the last one,
Starting point is 00:08:23 are not driven because they don't know what they want. When you know what you want, it's easier to be much more driven. So motivation probably doesn't exist. Sorry, guys. Maybe I should switch this to the MWF Drive podcast, right? Motivation does not exist. You want to be driven. You want to be a driven person. And the way you get there is you have to have clarity. And also you have to have number four. Number four, drive comes from knowing your why. Why you're doing what you're doing. When you're extremely clear on what you want. If you say, I want this body, you might get it. If you say, I want to make $100,000 more this year, you might get it. But if you have an extremely strong why, why you are going for it, you are much more likely to hit your goal.
Starting point is 00:09:12 If you say, I want to have this body because I have been out of shape my entire life and I have never fit in a bikini or been happy about the way that I look and I'm going to freaking change that now, that's drive. That's drive. And because you have a strong why. If you say, I want to make $100,000 more this year because I want to put money into my kids scholarship or their college funds so that they can have the life that I never had, or I want to take them out of this terrible place, this terrible apartment that we're in, that's going to drive you more than just the money So when you know that you're clear on what it is that you want number four your drive not your quote-unquote motivation I know what I I know what I want. I'm just I just can't be motivated. That can't be a thing
Starting point is 00:09:54 Drive comes from knowing your why the stronger your why? The more driven you will be that's number four number five Guys, I get a lot of emails, a lot. And I'll tell you this, be kind to people because everybody that you come in contact with is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. There's times, a lot of times where I've gotten emails and I've been brought to tears from emails because there's a lot of people that put on a really good face of acting happy or at least trying to put that face out there for people to see, but they're really going through stuff that you know nothing about. And I'm the person that gets the emails that their psychologist couldn't help them with,
Starting point is 00:10:46 their therapist couldn't help them with. Guys, the stuff that I see is crazy. Just the fact that people are going through so many struggles. So if you're going through struggle, know that you're not the only one. There's other people doing it. But be kind to people because you have no idea what they're going through. You have no idea. It's crazy. I've gotten hundreds of emails of hearing about people and the terrible things that have happened to them and just crazy things, just rape and abuse and suicides around them and mental torture and just stuff that's just completely, it's terrible. And I want
Starting point is 00:11:27 you to do this. Be kind to people because no matter what somebody puts out as a front or if they seem like they're extremely rude, whatever it is, they could be going through something that you have nothing, you don't know what it is. So be kind is number five. Number six, next thing I've learned is this. Your fears will destroy your dreams. Your fears will destroy your dreams. Absolutely 100% your fears will destroy your dreams. The best part about, just so you know, FYI, if you've been on one of my webinars, you know this. We're only born with two fears. The fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. Everything else is made up in our head. Therefore, we allow them to be there. If you have a fear of not being enough, a fear of failure, a fear of success, a fear of not having enough
Starting point is 00:12:16 money, a fear of scarcity, a fear of what success looks like and all of these different things, you're allowing that fear to exist so you can kick it out. You're allowing it to exist. You can kick it out. Fears will destroy your dreams. Make it your mission to push those fears away. Here's the deal. You'll never get rid of fears. I have fears. My main fear is that I'm not enough. And the reason why is because my father was an alcoholic and my little kid brain probably took it and said, you know, he loves alcohol more than he loves me. Therefore, I'll never be enough. And that just was reinforced over and over and over again with him. So therefore, that's never going to really go away. I have strategies that I teach in my group coaching of how to get rid of
Starting point is 00:13:03 these fears. We call them a paradigm. And they're never going to really go away. But if they're at an 8 out of 10 right now, a 9 out of 10, what we're trying to do is teach you how to turn it back to a 2. It's going to pop up every once in a while. But if it's a scream right now, we want to take it to just a little bit of a hum. Your fears will destroy your dreams. If you don't do something about it, you will not get the life of your dreams. So that's number six. Number seven, you get what you think about the most. You cannot have a positive life if you think negatively all the time. Thoughts are things. Thoughts exist. Read the book As a Man Thinketh, one of the first self-help books ever, and you'll understand that. Your thoughts will be your reality. Whatever you
Starting point is 00:13:52 think about the most, you will get. If you make sure that you're a positive person, you will get mostly positive. If you think negative, you will get mostly negative. If you think that money's the root of all evil, there's a pretty freaking good shot that you don't have a lot of it right now. And the reason why is because you're pushing it away. You're pushing it away from you. You get what you think about the most. And number eight, the last one, guys, before I make the special announcement for you, we are all the same. We're all the same. The thing that I realize is this, and I do this on webinars. I have everybody type their fears in, everyone that's willing to share and be vulnerable on webinars. And the reason why is because what you'll notice is that there's one
Starting point is 00:14:35 key thing between all fears. They're pretty much the same. Almost all of them deal with not being enough. If you have a fear of failure, the reason why you have a fear of failure is because you don't think that you're enough to become successful. If you have a fear of failure, the reason why you have a fear of failure is because you don't think that you're enough to become successful. If you have a fear of success, the reason why you have a fear of success is because you don't think that you're enough to be worthy for that. If you have a fear of being judged, if you have a fear of standing out at all of these things, there's many, many things usually come back to one thing and that's not being enough. And I want you guys to realize this. We are all the same. We're all dealing with the same problems. The I'm not enough, the fear of failure, the fear
Starting point is 00:15:09 of success, the fear of everything. I'm dedicated right now. So you have an idea if you don't know, I'm dedicating my life to helping people destroy those fears. That's what I have come to realize. I have fears and I'm still overcoming them, but I want to teach people through this process of how to overcome them as well. That's what I'm trying to do with my group coaching. That's what I'm trying to do with my one-on-one coaching. And I'm also trying to help you with the podcast as well. So if you're rock bottom, you have absolutely no money. I'm still trying to help you get to where you want to go. I am dedicating my life to helping
Starting point is 00:15:46 people destroy their fears and find their potential and get them to where they really want to go. We get one freaking shot at this. This life, we get one shot. And I don't want to get to the end of my life and wish that I would have done more, wish that I would have helped more people. And you don't want to get to your end of your life and wish that you... The only thing worse than the fear of hard... Or the pain of hard work is the pain of regret. Don't regret when you get to the end of your life. We're all the same. And the best part about it, guys, is you might say 200 episodes. Holy crap. The normal podcast stops at seven episodes. I'm not slowing down. I'm hiring people. We're trying to expand. We did
Starting point is 00:16:26 a million downloads in the first year. I'm trying to get to a million in a month. This message needs to be spread to people. That's what I believe. We're actually putting, I am not slowing down. I'm putting my foot on the gas. I'm going from 150 to 250. And I have an announcement for you. And this is why I say like us on Facebook is because I'm going to try something out. You ready? On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have obviously Monday, Wednesday, Friday podcasts that come out. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I'm going to do a Facebook live and it's going to be at 8 p.m. Eastern. So I did 9 p.m. Eastern earlier this week. It's going to be 8 p.m. Eastern. It's not going to bem. Eastern earlier this week. It's going to be 8 p.m. Eastern. It's not going to be this week, but it's going to be every other week. 8 p.m. Eastern, I am going to
Starting point is 00:17:10 teach you a lesson that is, if you take Monday's episode, for instance, I'm going to teach you the more advanced version of Monday's episode and answer any questions that you have on that episode or any other way that I can help you. I'm trying to destroy your fears and make you realize your potential. You can join in on these Facebook Lives anytime that you want to. You can see me, you can talk to me, you can hear me on these Facebook Lives.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Monday, I'm gonna go more in depth and answer questions on Monday's episode. Wednesday, I'm gonna go more in depth on Wednesday's episode and teach more of it. That's why you need to like us on Facebook, slash MWF motivation. We're going to take it to another level. I'm telling you right now, 200 episodes in, I have never felt more motivated in my entire life. I have never felt like I'm riding a bigger wave of momentum in my entire life. And I hope that you start sharing these episodes. If you have never shared this
Starting point is 00:18:10 episode, if you share it with one person, our episode download numbers double. We're trying to get from 1 million a month to 1 million. I'm sorry, 1 million a year to 1 million a month. I can't get there without you guys helping me get there. If I've ever added value to you in any sort of way, please share this episode with whoever you feel will get the most out of it. But like us on Facebook, slash MWF motivation so that you can join us on Facebook lives on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Eastern time. I'm trying to change the world one person at a time. I hope that I'm helping you guys get there. And I hope that you're sharing with people as well. Tune in for Friday's episode, which is going to be talking about eating frogs. If that interests you, you'll know a little
Starting point is 00:18:57 bit more about it after that on Friday, which I'm going to be talking about eating frogs. So I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode. Make it your mission to make somebody else's day better. I appreciate you guys going along with me on this ride. It's great to see people that have been with me from the very beginning and people that are now just starting to join in. They need to catch up on episodes, but I appreciate you all. And I hope that you have an amazing day. Well, that's it for today's podcast. If you want the show notes for this episode, they can be found at Also, if you liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend because it's our mission to help as many people as we can. And
Starting point is 00:19:37 to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Both handles are at MWFmotivation with no spaces. Now you know what time it is, so go out and make your dreams a reality. Outro Music

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