The Mindset Mentor - Get Through The Tough Times
Episode Date: May 7, 2018Episode 424 - Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes when we are up we are worried about falling and when we are down we think we will be there forever. So how do you develop the mental strength so ...that nothing will knock you over? I'll teach you that in this episode! Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, one of the top-rated motivational podcasts in
the world. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I come out with a short, to-the-point, no-BS
podcast designed to transform you from who you are today into who you want to be. There's
no fluff here, just life-changing content. My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode, if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so
you never miss another episode of this podcast.
And last but not least, I decided just for the heck of it,
because I haven't run a webinar in so long, to run a brand new webinar. So if you're interested
in joining my webinar, it will be tomorrow, which is actually going to be Tuesday, May 8th. If you
want to join in on that webinar, it'll be happening at, I believe it's one o'clock Eastern time in America. Go to slash webinar.
Once again, slash webinar.
You can join in on the free video lesson that I will be teaching live.
So I will actually be live.
You can ask me any questions you want to, and I will be teaching you how to reprogram
your brain.
Here's the deal.
If someone is not where they want to be, the reason
why, and the only reason why, is because they are holding themselves back in some sort of way.
Whether that's fears, whether that's limiting beliefs, whether that's too much of looking into
the past, whatever it is, if someone is not where they want to be, the reason why is because they
are holding themselves back. In this webinar, I'm going to be teaching you how to get past that, how to push
yourself past your mental boundaries, these barriers that you put up in front of yourself,
and sometimes just paralyze yourself when you want to be doing more with your life. So if you're
interested in joining that webinar, it is absolutely free. Go to slash webinar.
So today what we're going to be talking about is life and how life is a crapshoot.
That's the only thing that you can expect. The only thing that you know, the only thing that
you can expect in life is that life is unexpected. You can plan and plan and then something unexpected
can happen. Here's the only guarantee in life. The only guarantee in life is there's
going to be good times and there's going to be bad times. Eventually tough times will come.
It's just the seasons of life. There's just like the seasons every single year. There's the summer
and there's the fall and the spring and the winter and there's great times. And there's times where
you go outside in the winter and you're like, holy crap, it is way too cold right now.
Even when I grew up in Florida,
there were still a couple days a year
where I was like, what the heck is going on?
It is so cold outside.
And that's seasons in, you know, there's fall,
spring, winter, summer, all of those.
Your life is the exact same way.
Now that being said, with seasons of life,
if you know that there's gonna be good times
and you know that there's going to be good times and you know that there's
going to be bad times, why should we be floored by the bad times when they come? Why should we
be like, holy crap, I wasn't expecting this? Because if you expect the unexpected, then you
should know that the unexpected will eventually come up. There's no difference between, I'm sorry,
the difference between somebody who lives a
mediocre life and a person who lives a mastered life is this. The difference between a person
who lives a mediocre life and a person who lives a mastered life is this. Mediocre people let
obstacles get in their way and debilitate them. Something happens and it puts them out of commission for
a couple of days. It puts them out of commission for a few weeks. Sometimes with some people,
something happens that is so big to them, which might not even be that big in the grand scheme
of things. Looking at it objectively and not subjectively, you might look and be like,
really? That was what happened? But sometimes people just take things so deeply. Sometimes
one thing can happen
and it can affect the entire rest of their life
in a negative way.
Some one event could happen
and they could think that they're not good enough
or not smart enough
or lose all of their self-confidence
and then they never do what they wanted to do.
They could be on the right track
and then it just completely kicks the legs
out of their success
and they're never the same again. Some people have one event happen that ruins their entire life. That's crazy. And if you
eventually know that one day that crap is going to hit the fan, why are you going to let it bring
you down? And it's like I told you, if you listened to me a couple months ago,
I had somebody ask me, they said, what do you do when you have bad days? Do you have bad days or
bad weeks? And I was like, no, not really. I don't know if I've had a bad day since 2011.
So five and a half years now. And the reason why is because... And then I looked back and said,
well, I guess actually, if you look at the last three weeks, the last three weeks for somebody who wants to look at it this way could
have been some of the worst weeks of somebody's life, if you really look at it that way. And what
happened was in those three weeks was I lost my grandfather first week. The second week, I got a
lawsuit in the mail for one of my other companies that I own. And then the third week, my grandmother passed away.
So I had my grandfather pass away one week.
Very next week, lawsuit come in the mail.
Very next week, three weeks, one right after the other, my grandmother passes away.
Some people could have that happen to them and it could completely ruin their life.
It could just completely be that one little shift that sends them down the wrong path. And they start thinking the wrong way.
But you have to realize that people who are in control, people who master their lives, they know
that the unexpected times will come. And I'm not saying I'm a master of my life, just so you know,
I'm trying to become that. But they know that unexpected times will come, and they allow
themselves five minutes,
10 minutes to cope with it. I have the five minute rule. When something bad happens,
I give myself five minutes to freak out, to be pissed off. And then I go, okay, what's next?
Life goes on. I'm not going to let this one event do anything to my life. So give yourself the five
minute rule. So what happens is the unexpected happens.
Successful people, people who master their lives, give them the five minutes to cope with whatever
it is. And then they find an opportunity in the obstacle. Once again, they find an opportunity
in the obstacle. In every obstacle, there's an opportunity. In every bad thing that's ever happened to you,
there's an opportunity to get better, to improve,
to pay attention to how you react to this
and take a step back and go,
huh, did I really react to that in the right way?
Could I have done this better?
Could I have reacted differently?
An opportunity to learn and move on
and become better from everything that happens to them.
Anytime something bad happens to you, you have to remember this question.
What is the benefit to this?
What benefit can I get from this?
If you can get anything from this episode, learn that the power of your mind is in the
questions that you ask. Most people,
they ask all of the wrong questions in their mind. What if questions, all of those things.
When something bad happens, they say, why me? Why does this always happen to me? Am I cursed?
Why do I have the worst luck? Why can't I have a better life? All of these questions,
they ask themselves the wrong ones.
And if you ask yourself a question, your brain has to answer it.
So if you're asking yourself, if that's what your focus is on, if your focus is on those
things, you're focusing on the wrong thing.
Because you're going to say, why can't I have a better life?
Why do I have the worst luck?
Why does this always happen to me?
Masters of their mind, when an obstacle comes, what they say is, what can I learn from
this? What benefit can I learn from this? What benefit can come from this? How can I take this,
learn from it, and get better? And the reason why we love the Olympics, the Olympics is a perfect
example of this. The reason why we love the Olympics is because it gives us a glance of human potential. Potential that we all know is deep
down inside of us, but we're afraid to let it out. We're afraid of the work it would take to
let that come out. We're afraid of what it would look like to shine 100% in our true form at full
potential. We all know that it's down deep down there inside of us.
You know, if you watch some of the gymnastics stuff
or the diving stuff or the running stuff or the swimming,
you're watching these and you're like,
how are these people human?
But they are.
That's the crazy thing.
They are just unlocking the potential
that they have inside of them.
We all have the exact same opportunity.
Now, that being said,
do you think that these Olympians have failed? Do you think they've fallen down? Do you think they've broken bones? Do you think they've lost games? Of course, probably 10 times more than you
and I combined. But you know what the difference is? It didn't stop them when they failed. It
didn't stop them when they fell down, didn't stop them when they fell down,
when they lost, when they broke a bone,
all of those things.
They stop when the bad thing happens,
the bad event, quote unquote, I'm saying bad
because with quotation marks, air quotes,
because bad and good is just something
that we make up in our minds.
And then what happens is when these things happen,
they ask themselves, what benefit can come from this? What benefit can come from this? Remember that question.
If you're not driving your car and you have a pen and paper, write that down. What benefit can come
from this? How can you remember that question next time something bad happens? Something bad happens,
what benefit can come from this? The powers in
the questions that you ask yourself. If you can learn to ask yourself that question and ask
yourself empowering questions, empowering questions, when things go wrong, you will
change your perspective of what happened to you and you'll change your life. Because all of the events in our life, good, bad, indifferent,
whatever they might be, all of them, if you let them be, are lessons. So the question to ask
yourself is what benefit can come from this? Because every single time something happens,
you choose how you react to it. Whether you decide to take control or whether
you decide to relinquish control to just let whatever's going to happen, whatever your mind
wants to do, you do. And that's what you got to think about. Do you want to live a mediocre life
or do you want to master your life? If you want to master your life, you need to learn
what questions to ask yourself when something happens. How can you
turn an obstacle or what seems like an obstacle into an opportunity? What benefit can come from
this? So with that, once again, if you want to come to the webinar, the Mindset Mastery webinar,
which has a lot to do with this, with mastering your mind, with making sure that you become successful, go to slash webinar.
But I'm gonna leave you the same way
I leave you every single episode.
Make it your mission today
to make somebody else's day better.
I appreciate you all.
And I hope that you go out
and you have an amazing day.
Well, that's it for today's podcast.
If you want the show notes for this episode,
they can be found at Also, if you liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend
because it's our mission to help as many people as we can. And to keep in touch, you can follow
us on Instagram and Facebook. Both handles are at MWF Motivation with no spaces. Now,
you know what time it is. So go out and make your dreams a reality.