The Mindset Mentor - How Psychologists Brainwash You to Buy

Episode Date: February 17, 2020

Did you know that some of the best psychologists in the world work for advertising agencies? The reason why is because they know how to exploit your mental weaknesses to make you buy stuff. Listen to ...this episode to learn how.Follow me on Instagram @RobDialJr Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast. I am your host, Rob Gyo. And if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another podcast episode. Today, I'm going to talk to you about why more is not better. We live in a society where more and more and more is always talked about as if it's better. We talk about having more cars, better, bigger houses, better, more money, more clothes, more sex. All of those things are better. We all think that that's what it is. We want more of it, but more is not better. And I'm going to tell you why this isn't. This is why the minimalism movement has become so strong is because what people are tending to find out is that if you always want more, you will never be fulfilled in life. You
Starting point is 00:00:57 heard me talk about in last episode, fulfillment. You will never be fulfilled if you're always on the quest for more, because if you're always on the quest for more. Because if you're always on the quest for more, you will never get what you want. Ever. Because someone's always going to have more money. Someone's always going to have a nicer house. Someone's always going to have more cars. Someone's always going to have more women.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Whatever it is that you're looking for. More is not better. In fact, if you're constantly on the search for more, more, more, more, more, more, that is a much easier way to become depressed and angry or sad than any other thing is because you're constantly on the quest for something that never, ever, ever ends. There's a really good quote that Bob Marley says. He says, if all you want is money, you'll be unhappy forever. And the reason why is because money is just numbers and numbers never end. And you will always be on the quest for more. You know what they call that? They call that the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost basically means that the more you feed it, no matter how much
Starting point is 00:02:05 you feed it, this, this sensation of, I have to have more, I have to have more, I have to have more. It's just like a ghost at all that you feed it. It's just going to fall right through it. And it's going to need more. It will never feel satiated. And if you're only looking for money, for success, for cars, for more clothes, for more sex, all of those things, you will never be satiated because you're never fully 100% present and grateful for what you truly have. The best way to get everything that you want in life is to want what you already have. Let me say that again. The best way to be happy and to get what you want in life is to want what you already have, to be grateful for the things that are already in your possession. Because we live in a society
Starting point is 00:02:50 where more, more, more is promoted as better. You turn on the advertisements and what do you see through all of the advertisements? There's something wrong with you and you won't feel better until you buy our product. That is what advertisements say. All advertisements say somewhere along the lines, something is wrong with you. And until you buy our product, you will not feel whole. The biggest lie that you have ever been sold is that you are not whole and you are not 100% perfect as you currently are in this very moment. Let that sink in for a second. You are already perfect. You are already whole. Nothing you could buy, no money, no cars, no clothes,
Starting point is 00:03:36 no significant other or multiple significant others could make you more whole. You are already enough. And the biggest lie that you are ever sold is that you are not enough. The quickest way to become angry, sad, depressed is to feel like you always have to be shooting for more. Now, here's the thing. I'm not saying that you should just do nothing with the rest of your life because a lot of people always ask, well, you know, but if I'm grateful for everything that I have, won't I lose my motivation? No, of course not. And the reason why is because the phrase that I love, which is positive dissatisfaction. You can love and be super grateful for where you are right now, but still want to be shooting for more. But more success from yourself, more out of yourself, not more possessions, but more out of yourself. I know that I have another level. You know that you have another
Starting point is 00:04:31 level, but it doesn't mean I need to go out and spend a whole bunch of money. You know, that's the difference is people like, but if I'm grateful though, it makes sense. It makes a little bit of sense. If I'm grateful for what I have, then I'm never going to want to shoot for more. I'm just going to sit at home and do nothing. It's like, ah, yeah, I guess I could kind of get that. But at the same time, it's not that you don't want more out of yourself. It's that you don't want more things. We live in a society, an economy that is based off of buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. And you have been tricked into buying, buying, buying, buying, buying. There's an incredible, incredible, it's very long, but if you have time, I recommend that
Starting point is 00:05:17 you watch it. There's a documentary, I think it's a four-part documentary, it's like four hours long. And it's called four-part documentary. It's like four hours long and it's called the century of self. And it is incredible because it shows you how starting back in the 1920s, they started to brainwash you into believing that you needed more stuff. Let me look up on my computer century of self. Yeah. It's called the century of self. There's four parts to it. And it's incredible. Yeah, it's about four hours long, three hours and 54 minutes long. I would recommend watching it though, because you really start to see when psychologists went,
Starting point is 00:05:53 oh my God, yes, we can sell people on this stuff and we can make a lot of money. Because what you have to realize is that we've been duped. I've been duped. You've been duped. I've been duped. You've been duped. We've all been duped into thinking that we need more stuff. And now. And so what happened was around the 20s, there was a guy who, I don't remember his name off the top of my head, but he was a cousin of Sigmund Freud or a nephew of Sigmund Freud and he used Sigmund Freud's psychological tactics to make people think that they needed to buy things. Let me give you an example of
Starting point is 00:06:33 exactly what it what he did. The really big one that was one of the first ones that he did was that the cigarette companies were trying to get women to start smoking more because smoking in the 20s and 30s was seen as a very masculine thing. And if only men could smoke, well, the issue with that is if only men could smoke, then 50% of the possible market is not able to smoke. So the problem with that is obviously the cigarette companies and the tobacco companies went, well, hold on, we need to figure out a way for women to start smoking. So what do they do? They got a campaign together. And on one of the biggest, what was it? The biggest fairs or the parades, it was one of the biggest parades that happened. This guy called up and he, the psychologist went through and made this whole
Starting point is 00:07:19 plan. And he called up all of the major news stations and all of the newspapers in the area. and he called up all of the major news stations and all of the newspapers in the area. And he said, just so you know, a group of women suffragettes is what they call them, are going to be proclaiming their independence by turning on their flames, their torches of freedom is what he called it. They're going to be turning on their torches of freedom. And so nobody knew what that meant. They're like, oh my God, what are the torches of freedom that these suffragettes are going to be, you know, putting out into the world? And what happened is they had these women have a pack of cigarettes inside of their, you know, I think it was inside of their dresses or something like that. And right when they got to the point where he had all of the newspapers there, they took out their pack of cigarettes and they all lit up the cigarettes and smoked it on
Starting point is 00:08:11 the parade. And it was all over, not only the local newspapers, it was over national news that these women have sparked up their torches of freedom and they will no longer be held down as just women who are housewives. They are proclaiming their freedom and their independence through smoking because they're not supposed to be doing it. So they're doing it. And so there was a man who worked for the tobacco companies that led this and it was insane. And then, so it was, here's how powerful it was. Just so you know, it was so powerful that the head of propaganda for Hitler used this guy's tactics. And this guy, I can't remember his name. I wish I could remember off the top of my head, but there's somebody out here who's seen it and they're like, oh my God, just say the guy's name already. And, uh, and basically the, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:00 the thing about it, uh, his name is Edward Bernays. That's what it is. Edward Bernays was the evil mastermind, I guess you could say, behind this. But when he came over back from studying with his uncle into America, he couldn't use the word propaganda. And so he's like, what should I do? What should I call this thing? I can't use the word propaganda because that's seen as a very evil word. And so he's like, Hmm, what can we call it? Ah, I know we're going to call it, we're going to call it PR, public relations. And so he actually made the phrase up of public relations. And he was the one who went through and created all of the psychological things behind all of the psychological advertisements that made people
Starting point is 00:09:48 start to buy. Because before this time, people only bought things based off of need, but companies don't stay in business just off of need. So he had to figure out a way to get them to buy off of want by using the natural human tendencies against themselves. See, because if you know psychology, you know why people act the way that they do naturally. So what do you do? You use them against themselves. That's the crazy part about it. And so if you want to watch it, it's called The Century of Self. And it dives into it. It really makes you realize, holy crap, I've been brainwashed my entire life. And the truth is you have, and so have I. And the rest of our lives is about trying to undo this brainwashing that we need more,
Starting point is 00:10:40 that I need more, that I am not currently perfect as I am, that there's something wrong with me, that I have to fix this thing that's wrong with me. And by going out and buying this car, buying these clothes or buying whatever it is, is finally going to make me feel like I'm enough. Because what happens if you really think about it, you see something in an ad that you want and then you're like, man, I kind of want this thing. And then what happens is you literally don't feel right until you get that. There's a part of you that's like, I got to go out and do this. I got to go buy this thing. And it's like you almost don't feel normal, right?
Starting point is 00:11:16 You don't feel normal until you get this. And the reason why is because somebody has learned through psychology that everybody has a lack of self-worth. Everybody has a lack of self-worth. Everybody has a lack of self-love. And if somebody can be tricked into buying something to love themselves more, to make themselves feel better about themselves, then it's simple. It's easy. Use somebody's mind against themselves because buying more is not going to make you more. mind against himself because buying more is not going to make you more. Buying new cars, new clothes, houses, keeping up with the Joneses, having to get more sex, whatever it is, more is not better because more and more and more leads to addiction. That's why you see somebody that goes out and they
Starting point is 00:11:59 buy a Ferrari and then they go out because they already have a Ferrari for a little while and they have to get a Lamborghini on top of it. And then after Lamborghini, they have to get the G wagon. And the reason why they have to do this is because we have been tricked into more is better when in reality, more is actually proven to make you start to feel worse about yourself. And you start to get numb to it just the same way as if you're addicted to drugs and you start to get numb to it just the same way as if you're addicted to drugs and you start having drugs you have to have more drugs throughout you know if i was an an alcoholic six months from now i would have to drink more six months from now than i do right now to get me the same amount of drunk have you ever realized it's the same thing for buying stuff? Where you buy something and you feel good,
Starting point is 00:12:46 but now you need more and then you need more and then you need more. That is an addiction. So I want you to really think about this today. Take a pen and paper, write down with a pen and paper and say, what am I addicted to? Am I addicted to cars, clothes, sex, not feeling like I'm good enough? Am I addicted to working? Am I addicted to food? What is it that I need to unravel for myself? Because more is not better. More is not better. Do you know what the best thing is? And this is the hardest part. Being okay, doing nothing, but just being you. Do you want to know why that's so hard? Because we get bored. Because boredom is a hard thing for us to deal with, especially in this day and age when we have so many things
Starting point is 00:13:33 that we could be doing. But when was the last time you just sat there bored and just allowed yourself to be bored and just experience life as it is? It's the reason why minimalism is becoming such a strong movement is because people are starting to realize that they've been duped their whole life. And the more that they get rid of stuff and rid of stuff and rid of stuff, they start to feel better about themselves because they've realized that more doesn't make you feel better. It actually makes you feel worse. What makes you feel better? Less. And so I want you to think about this. What is it that you're addicted to? What is it that you feel that you need? Do you feel like when you finally get
Starting point is 00:14:10 that success, you finally get that money, that you'll finally be enough? When you finally get someone that will marry you, will you finally be enough? When you finally buy that house, will you finally be enough? When you finally do this thing, will you finally be enough? I'm here to tell you that you're enough as you currently are. Start to unravel all of these patterns that have been put into our brains of what we need and what's supposed to be right for us and realize that you are in charge of whatever is right for you. Only you can decide that. And do you know what's probably right for you? What's probably right for you is loving yourself as you currently are. Because nothing that you buy will ever make you love yourself more. Only you can give yourself that.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it with someone that you know and love. I love the fact that you guys have been sharing this so much on your Instagram stories. Please, please, please continue to share this on your Instagram stories. I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. And if you want to get motivational text messages from me, send me a text right now, 512-580-9305. So once again, 512-580-9305, And you will subscribe yourself to my motivational text messages throughout the week. But I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode, make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you. And I hope that you have an amazing day.

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