The Mindset Mentor - How to Change Your Beliefs
Episode Date: September 7, 2016Episode 164 - What you believe about yourself will directly affect what you will become. Here is the truth - most of us are held back by our beliefs about ourselves and only that. In this episode I t...alk about the importance of your beliefs and the easiest way to change them to make the life you want. Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, which I am proud to say has been rated the number one podcast in iTunes new and noteworthy in six different categories, including self-help
and business, and is a podcast designed to help you grow into the best version of yourself
in 10 to 20 minutes.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we'll take a life topic, break it down, discuss
it, and leave you with thoughts to impact your life and mind. My name is Rob Dial, and
the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode. If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to us however
you listen to us. Like us on Facebook, slash MWF motivation. But most importantly, this is the
last episode before I make the announcement of who won our contest. So if you have not yet entered
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the drawing for the 45-minute coaching session. So today what we're going to talk about is your
belief system. What is your belief system? And what we're going to talk about is how your beliefs
create your actions, which creates your results. Because we all, in the end, what we want to do is
we want to produce better results. We want to change our results. And your beliefs are based off the way that you've been wired over your lifetime by the
way you've been talked to by other people, the way you've talked to yourself, the way
you've seen the results that you have, and you've created these beliefs.
So let me tell you this.
What is a belief?
A belief is something that you are absolutely certain of.
That's what it is.
It's something that you're absolutely certain of in your head. And the way you live your life is based on the beliefs,
but here's how it works in your success and what you want to get out of life.
If you want to change your life, you have to be absolutely certain that the steps that you will
take or you're about to take, or that you're in the process of taking are the steps
that will change your life. So here's the deal. When you think about absolutely not going to
something that's like absolutely not going to work for you, then you will never do it. If you say,
this is not going to work for me, absolutely not. Then you'll never do it. But here's the
other thing is you know that if you're like, nope, I can never do that, then you'll never even try. You don't waste your time. The middle is what kills people.
You have absolutely certain, you have absolutely uncertain, and then you have the middle no man's
land where maybe what you want will work for you. Maybe it won't. And that's the place that
kills people. That's where success goes to die. And if it's a must for you, if something is an absolute must for you,
then you have to make it work. You will absolutely figure out a way to make it work.
And let me give you an example. If I asked you right now, do you believe that you can make a
million dollars in the next 12 months? Do you believe that you can make a million dollars in
the next 12 months? Be completely honest with yourself. 99.9% of you would say no, because you don't believe that you can make,
you know, you don't think you can make a million dollars in the next 12 months. You don't believe
that it's possible because you probably haven't done it before. But let me ask you this. If I put
a gun to your head and said, you have to make 12, in the next 12 months, you have to make $1 million
or your entire family and every single
person that's important to you in your life will die. Would you find a way to make a million
dollars in 12 months? If I said that, if it was your entire family and everyone that's important
to you in your life, yes, you would absolutely 100% find a way. And the reason is because it's become a must. Now, let me ask you
this. What has changed? Did the person change? No, you're the same person. What happened was
that the leverage changed your belief. And what changed? Your belief changed and it changed in
an absolute second. It went from I can't do it to I have to do it. You went from maybe I could do it
or I probably couldn't do it to I absolutely must do it. You went from maybe I could do it or I probably couldn't do it
to I absolutely must do it
no matter what, there's no other options.
And this is the problem is that with most people,
they live on maybes.
Maybe I could change my life.
Maybe I could go out and make $100,000 this year.
Maybe I could find the husband or wife of my dreams
or maybe I could live happy for the rest of my life.
These are all maybes and you got to cut the crap out. You can't live in maybe land.
You have to live in absolute certainty. So once again, all belief is, is something that you are
absolutely 100% certain of. And if it's not a must for you, then you'll look at something and say,
I don't know if I could do it. If it's not a must
for you, you'll look around and say, I don't know if I could do that. I don't know what I could do
to get to a million dollars in 12 months. These are just examples. If it's a must for you,
an absolute must, you'll say, I'll figure out a way. I don't give a crap what comes up in the
next 12 months. I don't care if I lose both of my legs. I will burn the ships and there
are no other options. I have to do this. There's no other options. And it becomes an absolute must.
So it went from a, hey, I'd like to, or maybe I could do this, where you're living in no man's
land to there is no other options. I have to absolutely do this. And that's the thing is that
it's just a change in your perception. It's a change in your mindset. Just like Roger
Bannister, if you don't know about Roger Bannister, I think it was 1952. Before 1952, everyone thought
it was impossible. It was physically impossible for a human to run a four-minute mile, to run
under four minutes for a mile. They thought your heart would explode. They thought that the
human body was physically incapable of doing it. And Roger Bannister in 1952
went under four minutes, just under four minutes. And what happened was within the next two years,
37 more people broke the record of under a four minute mile. Now what happened? Did people just
change overnight? Did they change physically? Did they become more able to? No, what changed
was their belief. Because at that point in time went from, we can't do it. There's probably
not a chance to, hey, this guy just did it. I'm absolutely certain that it's possible.
And then these other people did it. So before Roger Bannister could have done it,
what he had to do though, is he had to change his beliefs and know that he could do it. He had to
become absolutely certain that he could do it so He had to become absolutely certain that he could do it
so that his body would follow through with that. Now, here's the deal. Everyone listening right now,
you have some type of belief on what your true potential is. You have a belief on what you can
do, what your potential is, and it's built by the story that you've been telling yourself your whole
life. So when I talk about the past two episodes,
last one's fear and the one before that was your story.
What you're gonna notice is all of these episodes
for the next week or so
are gonna start building on top of each other
and they're all gonna start making more sense.
You have to listen to them consecutively.
But the thing that I'm saying though
is that your belief of what your true potential is
is built by the story
that you've been telling yourself your whole life.
What you think of yourself, what your fears are and and what your story is, is the house that you're
going to live in. And that's going to create the life that you have. That belief then affects how
much action you will take towards your dreams. We all know how much action you take will then
completely 100% affect your results. If you take more action, you will get
better results. The best action and the biggest action that you could possibly take will almost
always equal the best results that you could get. But if your beliefs limit how much action you take,
then your results in your life will be the connection. Your results in your life will be
the connection between your beliefs and how much you believe in yourself. So let me explain how this works.
Think of your beliefs and your beliefs go directly into how much action you take.
How much you believe in yourself will be directly correlated with how much action you will take.
If you don't believe much in yourself, you won't take huge action.
And that action will be directly correlated with how much your results, how great your
results are going to be.
So if you don't believe in yourself very much, you won't put a whole lot of action into it will be directly correlated with how much your results, how great your results are going to be.
So if you don't believe in yourself very much, you won't put a whole lot of action into it,
and you won't get great results. And then those great results are going to feed back into your beliefs. And you're going to go, well, I don't believe that much myself. I'll try it. I guess
I could try it. Maybe it'll work out. And you take little action and you get crappy results.
And then your crappy results feed back into your belief and go, oh, well, see, yeah, I was right.
I'm not capable of doing that.
I'm not that good at this.
There's people that are better than me at this.
But if you change your beliefs and you take absolutely,
you're 100% certain that you're going to do something.
You leave zero other options.
There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.
If you say, I'm 100% sure.
I am positive I will make a million dollars this year
because I have
to or else everyone that I know dies, well, then what will happen is you will take massive action.
And we all know that the more action you take, the better results you're going to get.
So if you take, your beliefs are great. Your beliefs are a must. You have to absolutely do
it. There are no plan Bs. You have to make it happen. You will take absolute massive action.
And that action will turn into
absolutely great results. But here's the deal. Those results will now feed back into the beliefs.
So if you go through it and you have absolutely great results, well, then your great results are
going to build you up and make your beliefs even stronger. And the thing about this is it's a
self-fulfilling prophecy more than anything else.
Now, if you don't believe in yourself, it's a vicious circle. If you don't believe in yourself
or your potential, then you won't take enough action and then you'll get crappy results.
And then you'll say, oh, I know I couldn't do it. It's that vicious circle that will never change.
How much you believe in yourself is the direct connection to exactly what your results are
going to be because it deals directly with your action. So here's the deal. If you have to put yourself,
you do have to put yourself into a state of absolute certainty. Like when you have that
gun to your head and everyone you're close to's lives depend on it and you create no other options
of failing. There's no options. You burn the ships and you say, I will find a way no matter what. If there isn't a way, I will create that damn way because I know
that I have to get this done. You create absolute certainty. So the thing about it is if you want to
do something, you can't screw around with it. You can't toy around with the idea.
You can't just mess around with it. You have to cut off all possibilities of failing
and know that when you do fail,
you don't see it as a failure.
You see it as a learning process
and you keep going and don't let that be your failure.
You tell yourself, I will keep going.
I will find a way to do X, whatever X is for you.
And if there's no way, then I will make a way.
And you leave no other options.
You can't have a plan B because it distracts from
plan A. When you're certain of something, you take massive action. And when you take massive action,
you get great results. And those great results will then build up your belief in yourself,
which is going to help the circle go around and around because we all know that beliefs
turn into your actions, your actions turn into results, and your results will then build on
your belief. So you build up that circle. When you get into results and your results will then build on your belief.
So you build up that circle. When you get into this and you believe in yourself, it makes you even better. This is the reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
because the poor people see, oh yeah, my results weren't that good. And then what happens? It goes
into beliefs and then you actually lower your beliefs of yourself. When you get great results
because you put in massive action, you build yourself up and you continue to believe in yourself more and
more. So you might say, okay, this is great. I love this. This is good. But how do I change my
belief in myself? That's what I really want to know. Here's how you do it. If the results are
what build in your belief, then you have to create the results in your head
before you actually have those results. You and only you create the life and the things that you
want in your life and how you want to feel in your head before you actually get them.
If you've heard of any successful person, they always say, oh yeah, no, I saw this in my dreams.
I saw this. I was absolutely certain that one day I would have this. They created the results of their head before they ever got the
success that they actually wanted. You have to create the results in your head to then build
up your belief and give yourself absolute massive action to get those results. You create the life
you want to live in your head before you ever actually get it. You create the life you want.
You create the person you want to marry. You create the happiness that you want to feel inside, the house you want, the cars you want,
the money you want in your bank account. And you don't do it once. You don't just think,
oh, this is the house that I probably want. This is the house. This is the life I want, blah, blah,
blah. You don't do it once. It has to become repeated over and over and over again. It has
to literally become one thing. And that's an absolute obsession.
You have to make it an obsession. You have to think it, you have to see it, you have to hear
it, you have to smell it. You have to become so obsessed with your future that you will create
that future. There's no other options and you create the absolute certainty. So what are you
doing? You're creating absolute certainty. And we all
know, like I said at the beginning, your beliefs are just something that you're certain of. So when
you create the absolute certainty that you will create it, there are no other options. You're
creating that belief. And what you're doing is you're conditioning yourself into being successful.
Because here's the deal. You're either right now conditioning yourself to be successful or you're conditioning yourself to be a failure. There are no other options. So think about it.
What have you been doing lately to condition yourself? You either condition yourself into
being successful or you're conditioning yourself to be a failure. So in order to absolutely believe
in yourself, you have to find what you want. You have to be completely clear on what you want. Not
guesses. Not maybe I like to make this much or something around this want. You have to be completely clear on what you want, not guesses,
not maybe I like to make this much or something around this much. It has to be absolutely
certain. You need to know to the exact dollar amount how much money you want to make or the
person that you want to marry or the qualities that you want them to have or the house you want
to have or the happiness that you want to feel. You have to be absolutely certain of these things.
So that's the first thing. You need to create the results
in your head and do it over and over and over and over and over and over again. And you do it
multiple times a day and you just convince yourself that this stuff is going to happen.
You create the certainty and that will in turn change your belief system because you either have
a belief system or you have something else that starts with BS and you probably know what that is.
So that is what I'm going to leave you with BS, and you probably know what that is.
So that is what I'm going to leave you with today. If you like this episode,
please share it with a friend. I know there's a lot of people that really probably need to hear this. And if you know somebody, please share it with them.
And once again, don't forget to go to and download the ebook if
you have not yet done so, because that will enter you into the drawing for a 45-minute
coaching strategy session with me. And with that, I'm going to leave you the same way I have not yet done so because that will enter you into the drawing for a 45-minute coaching
strategy session with me. And with that, I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you
every single episode. Make it your mission today to make somebody else's day better.
I believe in you. Now you need to go believe in yourself. And I hope that you have an amazing day.
Well, that's it for today's podcast. If you want the show notes for this episode,
they can be found at Also, if you
liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend because it's our mission
to help as many people as we can. And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Both handles are at MWFmotivation with no spaces. Now you know what time it is. So go out and make
your dreams a reality.