The Mindset Mentor - How To Find Your Purpose
Episode Date: June 30, 2023How To Find Your Purpose | The Mindset Mentor Podcast Learn more about my live event here: Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the M...indset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast. I'm your host, Rob Dial. If you have not
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I would appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. Today, we're going to be talking about
how to find your purpose. And I understand that is a very complex topic that requires days and
months and years to probably figure out. But really what I want to do is I want to try to help you realign who you are and discover
your purpose and what would really fulfill you in your life and find out where you're
living out of alignment, where you're in alignment.
And here's what I've found.
I've worked with, you know, I've been in this industry.
I started really young in the self-development industry.
I started when I was 19, about to turn 20 years old. I'm now 37 years old. So I started 17 years ago. And I've
worked with some very, very high-performing people. I've worked with people who are
multi-millionaires, 100 millionaires. I've worked with billionaires. I've worked with people who
have won the NFL Super Bowl. I've worked with many different people. I've also worked with
like average everyday person who makes 50 grand a year, 20 grand a year. I've worked with CEOs.
I've worked with a lot of different people. And what I found is this, is that if you're a high
achiever, if you're the type of person who wants to achieve, I found that a lot of people who
achieve, achieve from a place of woundedness, I could say. And let me explain
it myself, right? And what I have found is that when I was younger, I was always searching to
make money and be successful from a place of scarcity, from a place of safety, from a place
of security. But there was also a piece of me that was trying to prove my worth to my father. Even
though he had died years and years and years before, I felt like, you know, when I was younger,
I wasn't fully accepted by my father simply because he was an alcoholic. And my subconscious
was saying, you know what, Rob, your father chose alcohol over you. And so I think I subconsciously
built, well, I need to prove myself. I need to prove myself. I need to prove myself.
Now, I know consciously that I'm not going to prove my worth to my dad because he's dead.
And there's really no reason to.
But it doesn't mean that I wasn't subconsciously driven to try to achieve.
And then I realized once I got to a place of quote unquote success,
that it really didn't do anything for me.
And so what happened was the first, the journey kind of happened where I was, you know, this was
back in 2014, 2015. I was young, about 27 years old. I was making about a quarter million dollars
a year. I was working a couple hours a day for a company in sales. I worked from home at that time.
a day for a company in sales. I worked from home at that time. And I had just bought a new house and I had a girlfriend and it was a four bedroom, three bath house. And it was just me and her that
lived in this house. And everything seemed perfect. I was able to take some vacations.
I took my mom on vacation to Italy and all of these things. And from the outside looking in,
it looked like success. People would deem as like, that guy is getting a piece of the American dream. But I was fucking miserable. Why? I had gone and followed
this path that I was told that I was supposed to go. Society says go this way. And I thought that
this is what would make me happy. And I got to this point where I was just not happy. I didn't
feel fulfilled in any sort of way. What I was doing was not fulfilling. this point where I was just not happy. I didn't feel fulfilled in any sort
of way. What I was doing was not fulfilling. I felt like I was just selling my soul to a company
that didn't give a shit about me. It wasn't doing anything good in the world. And so I had to kind
of go and rediscover, like, who am I? What do I truly want? And that's how I got onto this podcast
and doing what I do now was because I was like,
what do I truly want? I was at an event and it was December of 2014. And it was, I had discovered that what I truly want to do is help people. And I had learned a lot from 2006 to 2014 about myself,
personal development. I had, you know, trained over 2000 sales reps. And the thing that I really
liked the most was teaching people and helping people grow and helping people learn. Not just make money
as a salesperson, but growing that person. Because I felt like a lot of the self-development stuff
that I learned helped me and I wanted to teach other people. And I was very passionate about it.
And so in December 2014, I was like, I need to figure out some sort of way to help people.
I felt obligated to teach the stuff that
I had known that helped me out a lot. And so it took me eight months until I finally launched
this podcast. I had a bunch of different ideas, what would work, what didn't work, all this stuff.
And I finally got to the point that I had taken unconscious action and created a life that was
out of alignment with my true self and my true purpose.
It looked good, but it didn't feel good. And it's like Tony Robbins always says, he says,
success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. Success is what the world sees.
Fulfillment is what your heart feels. The world saw success. I felt miserable.
So when I started thinking about it, I was like, I've unconsciously built this life that I didn't even actually want. I don't want to work for somebody else.
And even if I did want to work for someone else, it wasn't with that company. I wanted to do
something different. And so I hadn't seen that I was unconsciously building a life based off of what I thought I was supposed to do.
And most people create their life unconsciously. And they don't know until they bring the
unconscious to the conscious so they can make a change consciously that they want to in their
life. Now, for some people, it might be a massive change. It might be, I need to completely change
every part of my life. My relationship is complete shit.
My business or my career is complete shit.
And they might redo the entire thing.
For other people, it might be little teeny tiny adjustments to realign themselves.
So like I work with a lot of people who are very successful business owners.
And when I say alignment, it doesn't mean shut down your entire business and start a new business.
Sometimes it means, can we change the alignment of your business so it's not just this money-making machine, but it feels the way that you want it to feel, whatever that means,
whether that's helping the world, helping your employees, giving them peace of the company so
that they can change their lives. And then they start working harder and it becomes more successful
because they feel like they have ownership in it, whatever it might be. But people don't realize
that they've created a lot of times, they've created their life unconsciously. Really what it comes back to is how can we take a step back and start to create
a life consciously and find all of the things in your life that are in alignment and find all of
the things in your life that are not in alignment and find what serves you and what no longer serves
you and what needs to change. You don't need to start over everywhere. Sometimes it's just those
simple adjustments and those simple adjustments might be in your relationship. You know, if you're married
and you're like, I don't feel aligned in my marriage, it doesn't mean that you need a new
marriage. It means that you and your, maybe you need to figure out what is it you truly want.
And then you need to communicate that with your spouse. You need to find out what they truly want
and see if there's alignment in a new version of your relationship, right? So it might be little
adjustments in your business. It might might be little adjustments in your business.
It might be little adjustments in your career. It might be little adjustments in your relationship
so that they align with your true purpose. Because what tends to happen is this,
is you hit a level of success and then there's a glass ceiling and you're like,
I can't fucking break this level, this glass. There's no way. I can't seem to break through
this glass ceiling. The reason why is because you have hit the glass ceiling, the cap of what your
fake self, your unconscious life version of yourself has built. If you want it to grow,
and you want it to grow a lot with a lot more ease, but also with a lot more alignment,
you have to figure out what is your purpose and get aligned with that thing. And then what's crazy
is it's like the glass ceiling a lot of times disappears. So if you feel like you've been stuck for a while, you've plateaued
in any places in your life, most likely it's because you're out of alignment with your true
self. You've unconsciously built this life. Well, now we need to reassess and start to consciously
build. And you might be like, well, I'm 45 years old, Rob. I've built this life. You're 45. Who
cares? If, you know, my grandparents lived to 95, 96. Let's say you live
that long. You still have another 50 years. You're going to live 50 more years out of alignment
because you've built a life over the past 45 years that isn't in alignment? No, you need to make a
change. And it might not be, it's not immediate. It's never immediate. Awarenesses are going to
keep popping up. You're going to start finding more pieces to your purpose, more things. And often that really what it comes down to is when
there's certain pieces missing and you feel like you're plateaued, you might have success, you
might have money, you might have a great job, all of this stuff, but there's just a piece of you
that's like, this doesn't feel right. And I've been there before. I know what it feels like to sit in my car and be like, the fuck am I doing? Like, this just doesn't feel right. You
need to make adjustments in order to level up and break through to the next level. And then what you
really need to do is ask yourself, what do you want? Start figuring out what that is. And you
need to create a plan for authentic living. And you need to like actually have a real plan for authentically living for what it is that you want.
It feels so much better to live a fully authentic life, to figure out who you are
deep down at your core and what it is you need to do to live the rest of your life in alignment.
And it sounds daunting, and to be honest with you, it is. If it's something that you just do
on your own, it's a lot of different things you have to go through. But I to be honest with you, it is. If it's something that you just do on your own,
like it's a lot of different things you have to go through.
But I don't know about you.
I would much rather live a life that feels good,
that feels like I'm doing something great in this world,
that feels like I'm helping people,
that feels like it's in alignment with my true self.
And you get onto this new path of mastery,
you know, and mastering yourself and mastering the
life that you really want. If you're listening to this podcast, you're probably the type of person
who wants to master themselves. But if you're not sure who you truly are, then you're trying
to master a version of yourself, which is not who you truly are. It's like building a ladder up the
wrong wall, right? It's like you're going up the wrong wall. So it's like if you're trying to master yourself right now,
but you don't know your true self, you don't know your true purpose,
how are you going to master yourself? And really what it comes down to is like,
wouldn't it just feel good to build a life that feels good, like that feels good, that feels right, that feels free.
And in that alignment, you can achieve. And achieving from that place is what feels good.
And achieving from that place of alignment is what creates freedom. And so when you're looking
at your life, when you're achieving and you're aligned, that's how you create freedom. When
you're aligned and you're achieving in your life from a place of alignment, that's where you feel
free. That's where you can accomplish from a great place versus a wounded place or an unconscious
place. And really what I think it comes down to for people is we compromise a lot in our lives.
We compromise relationships. We compromise our
bank accounts. We compromise our business. We compromise our jobs. We compromise pieces of
ourselves in order to make things okay and to not rock the boat too much. We have to get to a point
where there's no more compromising in your life. You know, it's time to get real on like actually
who you are, what you want to get
out of life. And then you go and you get it. And that's exactly what you're here to do. You know,
like what I have found is that society doesn't really want people to be fully authentic. They
don't really want you to be like your highest potential. And so what we tend to do is because
of that, because a lot of people are living so unconsciously, when we start trying to step into a place of being
conscious and creating from that place, it can trigger people around you. Sometimes it does.
And that's okay. Because that's when somebody is triggered, that is their problem. That's something
they need to work through. Same thing that when I always say on this podcast, when you're triggered,
that is something that you need to work through. But if you're
going to keep, I don't know about you, but living a life where I'm pretending to be someone else and
pretending to be okay with not having what I want and not being in alignment to not rock the boat
for other people doesn't feel really good to me. Because I don't know what happens after I die.
You know, there's books that say it does this thing or this thing. Maybe I go to another place.
Maybe I relive another life.
Maybe I just become warm food.
I don't know.
But as far as I know, I do have this life and I am here.
And with this life, I don't want to be somebody else for other people.
I want to be myself and attract the right people from there.
And so, you know, a lot of us, we wake up at a certain point in time.
This is why I think people go through a midlife crisis because they wake up at a point and they're like, who the fuck am I?
And then you realize that you are a lot of times who you had to be in order to meet your needs and
in order to meet other people's needs as well. But at a certain point, you have to realize like,
we just got to stop compromising our authentic selves. We've been compromising our authentic selves for way too long.
And it's time to stop that.
It's time to identify, like, who am I truly?
What do I truly want?
What do I believe?
Like, not, not what are the beliefs and the values that were taught to me, because we
were all taught beliefs and values from other people.
But if we take a step back and be like, what are my beliefs?
What are my values? What do I truly believe in? And then actually write down a plan and create
a path for what the rest of our lives are going to be like. That's what it really comes down to.
And that's what you really want to start to create. I think the greatest journey that somebody can go
on is a path of rediscovering who they are because we get lost along the way.
Like when you were born, you were the truest version of yourself. And then at some point in
time, we all break away and we become someone that we have to be in order to fit in with society,
with our parents. We do what we're told to do. And hopefully at some point in time,
if you're listening to this podcast, you've already gone through this. You wake up and you're
like, I don't know if this is who I am. I need to improve myself. I need to grow. I need to be better. All of this stuff. Really what it comes down to is
you taking a pen and paper and asking yourself, who am I? What do I want for my life? What do I
want to be? What feels most in alignment in my life? And then what parts of my life don't feel
in alignment? And starting to go from there, work from there. So if you're one of the people and
you're like, hey, this sounds awesome, just so you guys know, because I wanted to make this podcast
episode to really help you realign. I actually have an event where we're going to be talking
about this. By the time you hear this, it might be sold out. There's only 100 tickets to be there.
We're going to actually be covering all of this stuff. And we're going to talk about your purpose,
your true self, and creating a path to fulfillment. It's called Fulfillment Framework.
It's going to be in Austin, Texas. If you want to learn more about it, all you have to
do is just go to So once again, Once again, you can
learn more about it there. There's a video that explains everything, whether you come to the event
or don't come to the event. What I really want from you, though, is for you to figure out who you are,
what you want, what feels most
alignment in your life, and start living from that place of alignment. So that's what I would do if I
were you. Start figuring that out, and I promise you, it's not the easiest path, but it is the path
that will bring the greatest joy in your life. So that's what I got for you for today's episode.
If you love this episode, please share it on Instagram stories and tag me in it. Rob Dial, R-O-B-D-I-A-L-J-R on Instagram.
Once again, if you want to learn more about the event,
all you have to do is just go to
to learn about the Fulfillment Framework event
that's happening in August.
And with that, I'm going to leave it the same way
I leave you every single episode.
Make it your mission to make somebody else's day better.
I appreciate you, and I hope that you have an amazing day.