The Mindset Mentor - New Decade, Same Ole You?

Episode Date: January 1, 2020

Tony Robbins says that people overestimate what they can do in a year but they underestimate what they can do in a decade. In this episode, we are going to look back on the last 10 years of our lives ...and look ahead on how to make this decade the best decade of our lives!LAST CHANCE join my IronMind60 Challenge here: Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Join Planet Fitness and get the PF Black Card. Access 2,000 plus locations and bring a friend. $1 down, $24.99 a month. Join in-club or online and get the PF Black Card today. See club for details. Welcome to today's episode. If you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast. If you're listening to this on the day
Starting point is 00:00:33 it comes out, it is January 1st, 2020 for you, which means it is a new year. It is a new decade, and I hope that you are ready to build a new you. And as I sit back and I reflect on the last 10 years of my life, the one thing that I'm thinking of, and I mentioned it a few episodes ago when I was talking with my best friend, Dean DeVries, when I think about how my life has changed, it didn't change over the past 10 years because of any one big massive event. There wasn't one thing that just completely changed my entire life. There wasn't one event. It wasn't anything that just completely changed my life. Do you want to know what it was? It was a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions and little teeny tiny habits that helped me create the life that I have now. That's it. Nothing sexy,
Starting point is 00:01:28 nothing crazy, nothing insane. It was a bunch of little, teeny, tiny habits, traits, decisions, and thoughts that created the life that I have now. And I want to talk about those little, teeny, tiny life moments. You know, I mentioned in the episode with Dean, I said that nobody dies from a heart attack from eating one hamburger. And what I mean by that is that nobody dies from just having, from just one, you know, no one has their arteries clog up because of one teeny tiny hamburger that they eat. What it is, is it's a bunch of, you know, if they have a heart attack or they have any weight issues or any of those types of things, usually what it comes from is a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions. Oh, I'll go
Starting point is 00:02:15 ahead and have that cookie. Oh, I'll go ahead and have that hamburger when I should have a salad. Oh, I'll go ahead and skip my workout. Oh, I'll go ahead and sleep in instead of going to the gym. and skip my workout. Oh, I'll go ahead and sleep in instead of going to the gym. It's a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions that create the life that you have. On the flip side of that, success or the body that you want or the life that you want or the bank account that you want also come from little teeny tiny decisions. And so I want you to think about that for a second. What decisions over the past 10 years have you been making that no longer serve you? What decisions are typical for you in your life that you're not going to bring into the new decade? What are the decisions that you need to make that you are going to bring into the decade that are going to help change your life?
Starting point is 00:03:08 There's some sort of quote, I can't remember the quote exactly, but the quote is, success is nothing sexy. It's just a bunch of boring habits done every single day for 10 to 20 years. And it's not just when I say success, realize I'm not just talking about money. I'm talking about happiness. I'm talking about joy. I'm talking about peace. I'm talking about the life that you want to create. When you really take a step back and you look at the past decade, if you were to really legitimately rate yourself on a scale of one to 10, what would you rate yourself? And let me ask you, before I ask you this question, let me dive a little bit deeper. One, meaning that you were homeless the entire time. You were addicted to drugs.
Starting point is 00:03:47 You were the absolute worst person. You treated people terribly over the past 10 years. That would be a one. A 10 would be that you woke up every single day for 10 years, you know, executed on every single part of your life. You woke up early. You dominated it. You have the happiness, the peace, the joy,
Starting point is 00:04:05 the money, the success, the bank account, the relationships, everything that you want in your life. Pause real quick and let me ask you this question. I want you to be honest with yourself. Say it out loud or say it in your head. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the way that you moved through your life the past ten years? What is it? What's the number that you came up with? And the next question I have for you is this, what would you need to do to move your life up one to two points in the next year? Because as Tony Robbins says, people overestimate what they can do in a year, but they underestimate what they can do in a decade. See, like I said a couple episodes ago, we want instant gratification. We want things to happen right now because that's what we're used to.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But that's not the way that joy, peace, happiness, success, any of those things happen. All of them, all great things take time. So if you pause and take a second and you really think about that, if you say that you rated yourself over the past 10 years, maybe a six. Let's just use that as an example. Okay. You're a six. What would you need to do to raise it to a seven or 7.5 just for this year? See, I don't want you to go to a 10. I want you to go to a 10, but I don't want you to focus on being a 10. And the reason why is because going from a six to a 10, for most people, you get paralysis by analysis. You don't do anything because there's too many things to do. But if you're just trying to move up one point or one and a half points,
Starting point is 00:05:49 it makes it a little bit easier. It's kind of like a bite size. Instead of eating the entire elephant, you're just taking a bite out of the elephant, right? That's kind of the way that I look at it. So what would you need to do? And this is questions that I'm asking you where I hope you have a pen and paper to ask yourself these questions and then it takes some time and figure out the answers to. What would you need to do over the next 365 days to move yourself up one point, 1.5 points? What would it be? What habits do you need to create? What do you need to start doing on a daily and weekly basis in order to move it up one point? Okay. And on the flip side of that, what habits do you basis in order to move it up one point. Okay. And on the flip side of that, what habits do you need to break to move it up one to one and a half points?
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's simple. Success once again is nothing sexy. It's just a bunch of boring habits done every single day for an extended period of time. That's all that it is. So when you look at what you need to do, you can realize that it's just a bunch of little teeny tiny habits. No one ever had a heart attack from just eating one hamburger. It was a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions. No one ever became super successful or joyful or peaceful or found ridiculously great relationships or happiness from just one event. It's a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions, events, and things that happen throughout their life that help them get there. So what do you need to do? What do you need to change your focus to? Because it's not like most people think, oh man, you know what I got to do?
Starting point is 00:07:24 is to. Because it's not like most people think, oh man, you know what I got to do? I got to spend all of my time focusing on building this big, massive, successful business. Cool, that's great. But what you're doing is you're actually stressing yourself out more than you are anything else. Because you're putting so much pressure on having to build this massive business versus saying, okay, today, what do I need to do to take the next step in my business? Do you see how just that question alone makes it so much easier for you versus thinking, oh my God, I have to build this massively successful business. We have to do $10 million a year. I've got to eventually get employees. I've got to eventually figure out how to make better products than my competitors. I've eventually got eventually figure out how to make better products than my
Starting point is 00:08:05 competitors. I've eventually got to figure out how to do this, this, and this. You're thinking too far in advance. You're trying to eat the entire elephant. I just want you to take a bite out of it. What do I mean by that? I don't need you to focus on how you're going to build this $10 million business. I just need you to focus on how you're going to make your business a little bit better today, and then a little bit better today and then a little bit better tomorrow and a little bit better the next day. And the exact same way that you build a business is the exact same way that you build your body. It's not that you need to lose 20 pounds and you need to focus on the next 20 pounds over the next year. Yeah, that might be your goal. Your New Year's resolution might be to lose 20 pounds this year.
Starting point is 00:08:43 That's amazing, but you're not going to lose those 20 pounds in one day. So why don't we just focus on today? It's that simple. Success or lack thereof is a bunch of little teeny tiny decisions repeated daily over and over and over again for an extended period of time. If you want to build the mindset that you want, you're not going to be able to read all of the books today. You're not going to be able to go to all of the seminars today. You're not going to be able to have all of the conversations that you need to with your mentor today. What you need to do is to ask yourself, what can I do today to take one step into the right direction? One step. One of my favorite phrases I say to people all day,
Starting point is 00:09:26 every day is from Lao Tzu. And Lao Tzu says, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Most people don't get the life that they want because they're focusing on the next thousand miles. Don't focus on the thousand miles. Aim yourself towards the thousand mile goal, but then look down at your feet and take one step today. I always tell people that if you make a to-do list and it's 17 items long, I don't care if you get any of them done except for one. And that one is your most important one for the day. See, when you're making your to-do list, rank your number one, two, and three most important things on that to-do list
Starting point is 00:10:05 every single day. It doesn't matter to me if you get number three done. It doesn't matter to me if you get number two done. All you need to focus on is getting number one done because getting number one is taking that foot and taking that step because the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So what I need you to focus on is little teeny tiny decisions, habits, movements, thoughts. That's it. You don't need to focus on the big things. Focus on the small things. And if you focus on the small things and you focus on making sure that you get each one of them correct, you will literally look at your end of your life and be like, holy crap, I just built this incredible thing. If I look back
Starting point is 00:10:50 over the past 10 years of my life, there's not literally over the past 10 years of my life, I cannot name you one big, massive event. But I feel like I've built somewhat of a dream life, the life that I've always wanted. There was never one big event. It was a bunch of little teeny tiny events decisions me following my gut And that's the same thing that I wish for you Is to not focus on this big long journey that you have to take but just focus on what you can do today to get better You're not going to become enlightened today. You're not going to become budd. You're not going to become Jesus today, but you could take one little step in trying to become better, right? Normally when you would react yesterday, you didn't react today and that right there, that's a win. That's a win. But most people usually don't think about it like
Starting point is 00:11:42 that. What do they do? They go, oh, they look in the rear view mirror and they say, oh my gosh, I think about all of this past and things I've been through and how terrible my life has been. And then I look at my windshield and I look out in front of me and I think, my God,
Starting point is 00:11:57 there's so many more miles that I need to cover in order to get to where I want to go. What I would prefer that you do is keep driving on your path to success, happiness, joy, fulfillment, whatever it is that you're working towards. But then every once in a while, look behind you and go, you know what? Damn it. I have gone pretty far. I have overcome some stuff. I have made some pretty incredible decisions over my life and I have started to build the life that I want to. And what you'll realize is if you make these little teeny tiny decisions, habits, thoughts, and you start paying attention to these things and be very, very diligent
Starting point is 00:12:31 on just making sure that you make today, not tomorrow, not the next day, but if you make today the best that you could possibly make it, then 10 years down the road, when January 1st, 2030 is here, you're going to look back and say, holy crap, I cannot believe what I've done over the past 10 years. Because as Tony Robbins says, the average person overestimates what they can do in a year, but they underestimate what they can do in a decade. So concentrate on the little teeny tiny decisions, thoughts, actions, habits that you take every single day. And I promise you that is a secret to building the successful life that you want. So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it with someone that
Starting point is 00:13:20 you know and love. And I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode. Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you. I hope that you have a beautiful year. I hope you have a beautiful decade. And I hope you build a beautiful life. Talk to you soon.

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