The Mindset Mentor - Stop Holding On To What Holds You Back
Episode Date: May 12, 2017Episode 270 - People view their past and their problems as a badge of honor. They lived through it, so they want to carry it with them proudly. The only problem with that is that it holds them back their true potential. Listen to this episode to learn how to get past the things that are holding you back from your greatness. Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the MWF Motivation Podcast, one of the top-rated motivational podcasts in
the world.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I come out with a short, to-the-point, no-BS podcast
designed to transform you from who you are today into who you want to be.
There's no fluff here, just life-changing content.
My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode.
If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to us, however you are listening to us.
Also, if you were not able to join my webinar last night,
actually yesterday, it was amazing. It was one of the biggest webinars I've ever had. It was
quite amazing to see everybody that was on there. But I taught how to hack your brain, how to rewire
it in order for you to make sure that you're going to be successful. So I'm only going to be running
a few more before I leave for Italy. So there's only a few more that you can join in on.
So if you want to join in, go to slash webinar, and you can join in for free until the seats get completely full. And last but not least, if you're interested in doing coaching
with me, with group coaching, reach out to me, go to slash schedule,
and book some time in my schedule so we could see if coaching
might be right for you. But if you're at the point where you just feel like you've been spinning your
wheels and it's the same, you're in the same place as you have been for a while, you know,
to do the same thing over and over again, expects different results is insanity.
And so you have to do something, whether it's group coaching or whether it's something
completely different, doesn't matter. But as long as you do something to make a change. So if you're
interested in group coaching, book some time in my schedule, slash schedule.
Today, what I'm going to be talking about is to stop holding on to the things that hold you back,
your pain, your past, the things that you have been through.
Lots of people like to view them as their badge of honor. I've been through some crap in my life.
That's my badge of honor. That's how people like to think of it, right? You carry that with you,
the things that have happened to you, the things that you've overcome, all of those things.
And I had a video on Facebook. The reason why I had to say this was because I had a video go face... Oh, goodness. If I could speak, it might be a lot easier. I had a video
go viral on Facebook, right? And one of the interesting things is when a video goes viral,
you get to see all sides of the human condition. And I mean all sides. People that are like,
yes, I love your stuff. People are just like, you effing suck, you POS, like all of these things,
right? And I'll have to make a whole other video on haters or a whole other podcast episode on
haters, which will be great because I got to tell you guys just how, how I'm able to view that and
not let it hold me back. But I had a video that went viral the other day. It got like five,
600,000 views, something like that on Facebook. And the video was called be happy for no reason. And the idea of the video
was just like, Hey, you wake up, not you specifically, but people wake up and they're
not happy, right? Why not wake up and just be happy? People wake up and they're sad and they're
depressed and they're pissed off and all of these things. And this wasn't, when I say depressed,
I don't mean clinically depressed. I just mean like they have negative thoughts that hold themselves back and they're not
where they want to be in all these things.
Clinical depression was never mentioned once, right?
And so I put up be happy for no reason and it got an amazing response and got more views
and more shares than any other video that I've ever done.
But in that, that being said, that means more people saw it.
And so some people,
it literally just said, be happy for no reason. Some people were so pissed off because I talked
about being happy. And what they said was stuff like this, like, but yeah, it's easy for, and I
heard this on a lot of them. It's easy for a white guy to, to do that, but you don't know the pain
I've dealt with. And this was actually another white person saying this to me. I don't know, understand why, why when I say be happy, color
has to be brought into it. Like you could be happy no matter what color you are. There's people all
over the world that are different colors that are happy, but they said, you don't know what I have
to deal with. You haven't gone through what I have to go through. It's easy for, for you to say that
you don't know me. You don't know how tough my life has been. If you went through
the things that I went through and I'm currently going through, you would be crying like a little
B-I-T. You know what? Like I'm, if the kids just get into the car, I'm not gonna spill the rest of
it. You know what they said, that I would be crying like that, right? And it was interesting
for me to look at because it's crazy to see how people hold on to
things that hold them back, right? Whatever happened to you, whatever has happened to you,
whatever currently is happening to you, that is not you. That is just something that has happened
to you, right? And you are in charge of the emotion that you attach to it, the feeling that
you attach to it, the thoughts that you attach to it, the importance that you attach to it. That event in your past is not you. It just happened to you, right? For people to look
at me on the screen and they're like, oh, this guy, he's gone through nothing. But you know,
they don't know the fact that I grew up with an alcoholic father that ended up dying when I was
15 years old because of it. They don't know the things. And I don't like to hold that as my badge
of honor. Like, oh, I overcame all of this stuff, having an alcoholic
father and all of these things. And you don't know what I've been through, right? It's just
something that happened to me. It's the cards that I was dealt. You may have been dealt better cards.
You may have been dealt worse cards. It doesn't matter what cards you're dealt. It matters how
you deal with them, right? If it started raining outside on me as I
went outside, that's something that happened to me, but I'm not the rain. I am not that rain cloud.
That is just something that's happened to me, right? And that's exactly how it is with an event
that happens to you. If it rains on me, I'm not the rain. I'm not the clouds.
If you had a terrible past, you are not your past. It is just something that happened to you.
You have to think of it that way. So to continue to hold on to your pain and to your past is
allowing something that means absolutely nothing. Let me say that again. Absolutely nothing to keep you back from what you want in life. Your past
does not mean anything. No matter how good it was, how okay it was, how bad it was. It doesn't matter.
Literally, your past means absolutely nothing in this present moment. To continue to walk around
with this bag that weighs a million pounds on your back and to carry it for no reason makes no sense.
Your past means nothing.
It means absolutely nothing.
And I know that some of you guys are listening to me, and this is legitimately, I understand,
pissing some people off because they're like, no, but I've, but I, because of the fact that
you had to, you're proud of yourself for pushing through.
I understand that.
You're proud of yourself for getting through the things that have happened to you, but you don't have to wear it as a badge
of honor. You don't have to be there and be like, this is me though. Your past has nothing to do
with your current self. Your past is just your past. Well, you might be saying, well, I don't
know about that because I am the way that I am because of my past.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You are not the way that you are because of your past.
You are the way that you are because of the way that you choose to look at your past.
Let me say that again.
You are not the way that you are because of your past.
You are the way that you are because of the way you choose to look
at your past, the emotion that you attach to it, the feeling that you attach to it,
the thoughts that you attach to it. Your past has nothing to do with your present.
If you have habits that you don't like, change them. Stop making excuses because they mean
absolutely nothing, nothing at all. Your past has nothing to do with your present
at all, nothing at all. And if you feel like you're not happy with your present, it might be
because of the emotion or the importance or the thoughts or the feelings that you're attaching
to your past. And so you have to think of it that way. If something happened to you in your past,
have to think of it that way. If something happened to you in your past, don't hold onto it.
If it's holding you back, stop holding onto it. Don't say, oh yeah, but I had to go through this,
but I went through this. You don't understand the life that I've been through. You don't know me.
You don't know how crazy my life has been. Your past means nothing. Take a deep breath.
Let it out. That breath, it's in your past now. Yep. Are you going to attach the importance of your life to that breath that you just took? No. Why not? Because it's just something that
happened in the past. So therefore your present should mean nothing compared. Let me reverse the
way that I said that because I almost said that completely wrong. Your past should mean absolutely
nothing in your present. Remember that. You are in charge of the future that you create
and the future that you create can only be changed in this present moment. If you continue to hold
on to the past and let that hold you back, it will affect your future. The only way that the past
will affect your future is if you allow it to, right? If you had a terrible childhood,
if you were beaten as a kid, if you were emotionally abused, any of those things, it's hard. I get it, but it doesn't have to hold you back. There's been
people in the world that have gone through the same stuff you've gone through and they've made
happy, successful lives out of it. There's no reason why you can't do the same. So if you like
this episode, please do me a favor, share it with someone that you know, someone that you love.
If you want to sign up for my webinar on how to hack your brain so you can understand these things, the way that your brain
works, and you can actually make sure that you become successful instead of being held back by
your brain and the habits that it does have, go to slash webinar to sign up for
free. I'm only going to be running it a few more times before I head off and go to Italy, which is
going to be very soon. So make sure that you sign up there. And if you're interested in my group coaching, go to
slash schedule and schedule some time in my calendar. We can have a quick chat about it
there. When you go to that, it will actually give you my calendar so you can book some time in my
schedule, but only book time in my schedule if you're interested in coaching. But I'm going to
leave you the same way I leave you every single episode make it your mission to make somebody else's day better i
appreciate you and i hope that you have an amazing day well that's it for today's podcast if you want
the show notes for this episode they can be found at also if you liked this episode
please spread the love and share it with a friend because it's our mission
to help as many people as we can. And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Both handles are at MWF motivation with no spaces. Now you know what time it is. So go out and make
your dreams a reality. Outro Music