The Mindset Mentor - The Virus of Fear

Episode Date: March 13, 2020

This episode is not about just the Corona Virus, this episode is more about the power of you own mind. If you choose to tap into that power, you could create a life you've only dreamt of, if you don't... use that power it could work against you.Follow me on Instagram @RobDialJr me for motivational texts - 512-580-9305 Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, if you're easily offended by cussing, this is not the episode for you because I get fired up in this one. Let's go ahead and dive into it. Welcome to today's episode of the Mindset Mentor Podcast. I am your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another podcast episode. Today, we're going to be talking about the virus of fear. not yet done so, hit that subscribe button so that you never miss another podcast episode. Today, we're going to be talking about the virus of fear. Now, I do want to cover something real quick because I got a ton of messages saying that they love my coronavirus. And I'm not really going
Starting point is 00:00:37 to even be talking much about the coronavirus, just so you know. I'm going to be talking about fear more than anything else. And just, you know, how to build your mindset around something that seems so fearful. And, you know, I got a lot of messages from people like, oh my God, this was amazing. I love the episode about the coronavirus. You were the first person that spoke positively and, you know, got me out of my state of fear. There's a few people that were like, I don't think you understand how big it is and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Listen, the episode about the coronavirus wasn't even really about the coronavirus. So if you thought it was about just that, you missed the whole point. It was what we are consuming and letting into our consciousness
Starting point is 00:01:14 and how it affects what we do, how it brainwashes what we do, whether that happens to be for a positive or a negative. And I want to talk about 2020 because 2020 has been a shit storm so far. You know, there's been a lot of things that have happened, you know, whole thing with Kobe Bryant happened. That was all sad. The whole thing with the coronavirus is happening. There's a bunch of other things that are happening as well. And I saw somebody, um, I saw somebody post a meme, uh, that said, you know, can we just cancel 2020? And then LeBron James said something about 2020 is too hard, all of these things. And, um, here's Maybe I'm weird in the sense, but I welcome a little bit more of the shit I think than most people do. And the reason why is because I know that when things like this
Starting point is 00:01:59 happen, the strongest people survive. I'm not talking about just like they don't die off when something like this happens. I'm talking about they mentally survive, but not only do they survive, they actually thrive through something like this. And I was on a group call. I run a group call. It was about 30, 35 people that were on there.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I coach businesses, business owners on how to grow their businesses through social media and coaches, consultants, realtors on how to grow their businesses through social media and coaches, coaches, consultants, realtors on how to grow, you know, their, their social media and then monetize it from there. And I was on the call with them and we were talking about this. And what I was saying is, you know, is that the coronavirus is happening. There's always something that's happening. And the way that I see the coronavirus, I like to see myself, my body as a, my human form that I'm in right now as a video game. This is all just a video game that
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm in. And every challenge that comes to me is a challenge, not to push me down, but it's to strengthen me, to make me stronger, to make my mindset strong, to make my body stronger so that I can get onto the next level and to push myself to grow. Cause I can't get to the next level of anything. Your muscle can't grow unless it's put under strain. I can't get to the next level. I just happened. We're just happened to be stuck on the coronavirus level right now in our video game. And, uh, in the thing that I am actually using this for is to actually strengthen my courage muscles and to weaken my fear muscles because fear is what's actually happening right now. And it's crazy because I haven't spent much time on social media the past, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:03:38 couple of weeks. And I went on a social media today and literally almost every single post about the coronavirus, how bad it is, all of these things. And what you have to realize is that something that could seem it's, it's not, it's not the greatest thing. Like I'm, I still want you guys to be smart, wash your hands, you know, don't go out around someone that's coughing. If you have a lower immune system or you're more susceptible to stuff, stay inside. Like I'm not saying be dumb, but what I'm saying is don't let the fear of it because you see a lot of people posting about it, make you think that it's worse than it actually is. Because here's
Starting point is 00:04:10 the thing, fear lowers your immune system. So here's the interesting thing about it. If I'm sitting around and I'm really, really fearful of this virus, or I'm really, really fearful of anything, it's going to lower my immune system. So let's just use the coronavirus as an example, right? Let's say I'm really fearful of this coronavirus. It could, all of this fear, it could cause stress, anxiety. I could get less sleep. I cannot be eating as much. My body cannot be taking in the nutrients that it needs to, even though I'm actually eating the exact same food. And even though I don't want to catch the coronavirus, the fear is actually lowering my immune system. And what happens? Let's say somebody
Starting point is 00:04:51 with the coronavirus comes by and walks by me. What does that mean? I'm actually more susceptible to that thing had I not worried about it and not feared it. Does that make sense? So I'm actually in a way attracting what I don't want. I'm attracting the things that I don't want in my life. What you focus on, you will get. If you focus on, on, on the fear of having it, there's a better chance that you're going to have it. If you're focusing on how this is going to make you stronger, whether it's the coronavirus, whether it's the whole thing with Kobe Bryant, whether it's a breakup, whatever it is, if you focus on how can I learn from this and how can I use this to make me stronger, you will get stronger. Don't run from your traumas. Don't run from the bad. They make you
Starting point is 00:05:43 stronger. The only way to grow a muscle is to put it under intense strain and then it will grow. The only way to grow yourself is to put yourself under intense strain and you will grow as well. Now I'm not saying go out there and get coughed on by a bunch of people. What I'm saying is how can you use something like this to make you mentally strong? How can you use this to make your mindset stronger to go? You know what? I'm not going to get this. And one of the things that I said on my call was I'm not going to get the coronavirus. Like I'm telling you right now, I will not get it. My brain will not let my body be susceptible to this thing because that's how much of an iron mind that I'm, that I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:06:21 build that I will. My brain is so strong that I will not allow my body to be susceptible to this thing. I look myself in the mirror and I say, I am healthy. I am happy. I am strong. I am a force to be reckoned with. I don't say I won't get sick because if I say I won't get sick, I'm still thinking about the thing that I don't want. I don't even want to think about the thing that I don't want. I only want to think about what I am and going to be. I am healthy. I am happy. I am strong.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I am a force to be reckoned with. Nothing will stand in my way from creating the life that I want. Because you have to realize there's always going to be something. Whether there's a new virus or whether there happens to be a down economy or whether it happens to be that somebody leaves you or somebody dies or that someone negative is around you. There's always something. And if you focus on the bad of that something, you will be stuck. You will not be able to get out of the place that you're in. You're going to try and try and try. And I know you've been there before.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I've been there before where I'm working so hard to try to get what I want, but it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels and nothing's going the way that I want it to. And it's not because I'm not doing the right actions. It's because my head isn't in the right place. I am not in the right place. You have to realize this. And the reason why I'm telling you I will not get the coronavirus is because I completely 1000% believe in the intelligence inside of my body that is way
Starting point is 00:07:52 far superior to the thoughts that come out of my head. You have to realize this, like my heart beats 200,000 times a day and I don't do anything to make it do that. My body breathes itself. When I'm asleep, it still breathes itself. It's still, there's still a heartbeat. When I don't do anything to make it do that. My body breathes itself. When I'm asleep, it still breathes itself. There's still a heartbeat. When I get a cut, it heals itself. So why don't I try to use this brain of mine, this incredibly complex thing that I have that's inside of my head, the most intelligent and complex piece of machinery in the universe, to try to tap in to that source, whatever it is, that's able to keep my heart beating. That's able to have me breathe the thing. That's able to heal
Starting point is 00:08:33 myself. The thing that's able to heal my wound. Cause it, listen to this. If you, if you think about it, if my body will heal a wound and I can have it heal without having to think about it, can't I subconsciously also have my body be so strong that nothing happens? Maybe. And why can I say this? There's a really great guy and you guys may have heard of him. He's called the Iceman. His name is Wim Hof is his real name. W-I-M-H-O-F. And what he does is he teaches people how to get in extreme cold conditions and to actually make his body healthier through this and to build his body through it. And he's got like 60 world records on cold. And it's insane. I'm talking about doctors and scientists are like, it is physically impossible for a human to stay in 35 degree water
Starting point is 00:09:24 for more than three minutes without dying of hypothermia or whatever the number is. I don't know. It's something like three, five minutes, whatever's a hypothermia. And then Wim Hof does a meditation, gets himself centered into his supreme intelligence that happens to be inside of his body. And what does he do? He ends up being there for two hours without any change in his body temperature. He's not shivering. Nothing's wrong with him. He soaked up to all these electrodes and his body temperature does not drop. He's in it for two hours. He's able to do all of these things. How? Through his mind. I don't think you understand how powerful your mind actually is. In case you've never heard of
Starting point is 00:10:00 the placebo effect, this has always blown my mind. And I think the reason why I'm so interested in the human mind since I was a kid, there's a thing called the placebo effect. You've never heard of the placebo effect. This has always blown my mind. And I think the reason why I'm so interested in the human mind since I was a kid, there's a thing called the placebo effect. You've probably heard it before, but if you actually truly understood what it is, because 33% of all medical healings actually come from the placebo effect. This is not some weird pseudoscience that says that this is actual science that says 33% of all medical healings come from the placebo effect. And it's not like, you know, it's just this thing that sometimes happens. Every single clinical condition, everything that every testing that they do of any new drug, the placebo effect is always in there.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And many times, just so you know, the placebo effect actually does better than the pill that they're creating or the pharmaceutical that they're creating to give out to the public. Now, just take a step back for a second and think about this. What is the placebo effect? That is humans taking a sugar pill, which does absolutely nothing for them, but that sugar pill does nothing, but their belief that they are going to be healed is actually what heals them. Let me say that again. They take nothing that does anything for their body. What heals their body? The belief that they are healing their body. That's what the placebo effect is. Is that not mind boggling to you? That 33% of all medical healings come from humans believing that they
Starting point is 00:11:28 are healed. Well, if that's the case, shouldn't we be using this to our advantage when something like this comes up? Looking ourself in the eye and saying, I am healthy. I am happy. I am strong and I am a force to be reckoned with. Nothing will stop me today and nothing will stop me in 2020. Because I'm going to use a placebo effect to make sure that I stay healthy. That's what I'm going to do. Here's the thing that you have to realize though. There's also a thing they call the nocebo effect. And that is the thought of being sick actually makes you more sick.
Starting point is 00:12:04 The thought that you could get the coronavirus could actually make you sick or more susceptible to the coronavirus. That's interesting because if you really start to think about it, maybe what we should do is obviously be smart. Wash your damn hands. Of course you should wash your hands anyways, people. That's gross if you don't. But hello, yes, wash your hands. Don't be around people that are coughing. Stay away from certain things where it could be crazy and there could be too many people and there could be some place where it could spread. Be smart. I'm not telling you not to be smart about these things. If you happen to have a lower immune system, definitely be even
Starting point is 00:12:38 smarter. I'm not telling you to go and be stupid about these things, but I'm telling you, what if you woke up in the morning and you looked yourself in the eye and you're like, I am healthy. I am healthy. I am healthy. Your brain is going to tap into that infinite intelligence that's inside of you. The same thing that beats your heart, the same thing that makes you breathe, the same thing that heals wounds without you having to think a fricking thought, the same thing that makes you digest all of these things. It's going to tap into that infinite intelligence. And it's going to say, Rob is healthy. Rob is healthy. Rob is healthy. And it won't even allow the virus to come into you. It won't allow these things. But if that's the case, once again, don't, don't, you have to
Starting point is 00:13:17 realize the nocebo effect exists as well. People are able to make themselves sick in the lower their immune system, just by the thoughts and the fears and the worry of something possibly getting to them. We all know somebody who's sick all of the time. And they always talk about how they're sick. They're chronically ill all of the time. And they're not diagnosed with anything, but you know, in their, in your head, they might be bringing this onto themselves. Guys, you have to develop a strong mind. 2020 is throwing the shit at you. Why is it throwing shit at you? Because it's testing you to see if you're going to level up yourself. If you're going to level up your mind, if you're going to
Starting point is 00:13:57 level up your life, if you're going to level up every single aspect of your life, or if you're just going to stay the same, what are you going to do? Are you going to use this to bring you down the fear mongering to bring you down, to make you feel worse about it? Because here's the thing that you have to realize. Just let me just, you know, if you're going to isolate yourself, isolate yourself from social media, just don't go on social media for the next 30 days. You'll feel way better about yourself. Isolate yourself from the news. You don't need to be more informed. You're as informed as you can be guys. And just so you know, FYI, I have a friend who was in Italy last week. He came back and he has the coronavirus. We were texting about
Starting point is 00:14:33 it and you know, he says it sucks. He's 30, uh, 37 years old. He says it sucks. He doesn't want it, but he's going to be fine. So it's not like you're going to automatically die. Could you get it? Yes. There's about a 2% mortality rate or under 2% mortality rate at this point in time. But here's the thing that I'm talking about. How about you make your mind so strong that it strengthens your body as if you basically have this invisible armor around you where no virus will ever come through or no sickness will ever come through. Look at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself that you're strong. Tap into that infinite intelligence, the intelligence that, like I said, it beats your heart. It makes you breathe. It heals all of your wounds and say,
Starting point is 00:15:13 you know what? I'm going to tap into that infinite intelligence and I'm going to make myself so strong over the next 30 days that no motherfucking virus is going to get into my body. This motherfucking virus is going to get into my body. I'm fired up if you can't tell guys, because here's the thing. I feel like I have to be the voice of reason and help people out. This has nothing to do with the coronavirus. It has everything to do with how you use your mind to create your reality. Did I just drop the MF bomb on you?
Starting point is 00:15:45 I did because I had to, because I have to have you guys realize you are so much more powerful than you realize that you are. You're so much more powerful. You are literally the most incredible thing that has ever walked this universe. And we act like we're just, Oh, well, maybe I should go get some water and some toilet paper and some canned beans just in case this thing happens to kill me and everyone else around me. No, I will not accept it. I will not get the coronavirus because I'm telling the infinite intelligence inside of my brain, inside of my body, that it is going to fight off anything that tries to come close with it. Because if it can heal wounds without me having to think about it, imagine what it could do if I actually try to use it. You are healthy, you are happy, you are strong, and you are a force to be reckoned with. You will not get sick.
Starting point is 00:16:42 All right, that's all I got for you guys. All right, that's all I got for you guys. You guys got me screaming in my microphone by myself in the office. If you liked this episode, please share it with someone that you know and love. Please be smart, guys. I don't want anybody to be sick. I don't want anybody to put themselves in dumb situations,
Starting point is 00:16:57 but be smart about it and realize that you're so much more powerful than you possibly believe. If you love this episode, please share it with someone that you know and love. Put it out there on the internets. Put it out on episode, please share it with someone that you know and love. Put it out there on the internets. Put it out on your Instagram and share it with people that you know on your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Tag me in at RobDialJr, R-O-B-D-I-A-L-J-R. And once again, if you guys want to text me, get some motivational text messages from me, I sent one out today to everyone who follows me on the motivational text messages. 512-580-3, oops, I told you the wrong number. 512-580-9305. So 512-580-9305.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I'm gonna leave you the same way I leave you every single episode. Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. Be safe, be happy. I love you guys. And I'll talk to you on the next episode.

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