The Mindset Mentor - Your Dreams Are Too Small
Episode Date: April 3, 2019Episode 566 - Are you dreams big enough to scare you or are they small enough to excite you but make you feel like they're still possible? I am here to tell you that no matter where you are, I don't t...hink your goals are big enough. I think you are capable of way more than you give yourself credit for. In this episode, I will teach you how to dream bigger and achieve those massive goals that scare you! Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube
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Welcome to the Mindset and Motivation podcast, one of the top motivational podcasts in the world.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we come out with a short, to the point, no BS episode to help make massive changes in your mind and transform you from who you are now to who you want to be.
My name is Rob Dial, and the podcast starts now.
Welcome to today's episode. If you have not yet done so, hit the subscribe button so that you never miss another episode. And two quick announcements. Number one, if you have not
yet given a rating and review to this podcast on iTunes, I would greatly appreciate it if you would.
The first winner that we have of the book, my favorite book in the entire world,
Think and Grow Rich that I'm going to be sending out. I sold you out. There's a few different
people that I'm going to pick going through these new ratings and reviews. I'm going to give them
a free book and some extras as well. It's Kirsten P. So Kirsten P said that she's been listening to
my podcast for almost five years back when it was actually the old name, the MWF
Motivation Podcast, and that she found herself listening to it every single morning to help her
with a new online business. And it helps her have a successful morning routine. So Kirsten,
send me an email, rob at I'll send you out some bonuses and I'll also send you out
a free copy of my favorite book, Think and Grow Rich. So if you want to join in and get a free book sent out to you,
see if you could win and also get some free extras as well.
If you happen to be one of the people that are picked,
go ahead on iTunes, put in a rating and review of what you think of this podcast.
And if you're one of the winners, you'll get some bonuses
and you'll also get a free copy of my favorite book.
The last thing I have to tell you is that Mindset University,
which is very rarely open, is open right now. Not only are the doors open to join in on Mindset University,
but it's almost 50% off. So if you're interested in joining in on my group coaching program,
love this podcast, but you feel like you want some extra motivation, some extra mindset,
some extra ways to dive into yourself, to journal, to figure out who you are,
and to actually start overcoming some of your internal battles, your self-limiting beliefs,
your struggles, your negative self-talk, all of those things. And you're interested in learning
more about it, send me an email, rob at, and I'll send you the link so you can
learn more about it. Inside that link, it'll have a video, tells you everything about it,
and also has a link to the almost 50% off discount if you want to join. So if you're interested in taking your life to the next level, send me an email, rob at
and we will be able to send you the information and see if it's right for you. Okay, so let's go
ahead and dive into today's episode. This episode, what I'm going to be talking about, I'm going to
challenge you a little bit. I'm going to challenge you in your dreams and the way that you think.
And I want you to dream bigger. I don't think that you're dreaming big enough.
I want you to shoot higher than you've ever been shooting. I want you to plan higher than you've ever been planning. I want you to work harder and go for what you really want. Whatever it is that
you want, whatever it is that you're like, this is my goal. This is my goal for my life. This is
my goal for my year. This is my goal. I want you to do this. I want you to multiply that by 10.
Think about it. If you want to make $100,000 this year, this would be an example. If you
want to make $100,000 this year, I want you to shoot for making a million dollars this year.
It's not impossible. It's not something that you can't do. Tons of people in the world
make millions of dollars per year. Why can you not be one of them?
It might sound crazy, but it's really not. Tons of people do it.
And here's the great thing about it. You are in charge of how much you make. And you might
say, well, I work for somebody else. I'm not in charge of how much you make. That's BS.
You're in charge of how much you make. And if you go into your job every single day
and act like that, act like you're in charge of your paycheck and make. And if you go into your job every single day and act like that,
act like you're in charge of your paycheck and really work your butt off in order to try to get
an even better paycheck, there's no way that you can't eventually get noticed by either another
company or by the company that you work at and start being promoted. If you need to acquire 20
new customers to hit your goal by the end of the year, shoot for 200. How can you get to 200? And I don't mean
like kind of shoot for 200 or just be like, yeah, I'm going to get 200. I'm not saying like kind of
shoot forward and just kind of believe in it. I'm like, no, this is legitimate in your head.
You are going to do it. And you need to click that switch over where I'm going to acquire 200
customers. If your goal is 20, you're going to go for 200. And don't do it because it sounds cool.
Do it because I mean, you legitimately want to 10X everything in your life. Multiply everything
that you do by 10. You want 10 times more money in your bank account. You want to travel 10 times
more with your family. You want a 10 times nicer house. You want 10 times more money in your
children's fund to go to college. You want to 10X everything in your life because you're going to
die. I say this all the time. You're going to die one day. Stop freaking sitting around and being
mediocre. Get up and do something. If you're sitting around and you're just waiting for that
one time, you listen to my podcast three times a week and you're like, yeah, one day I'm going to
make changes. That one day might never come unless you're like, you know what? Today's going to be
the day I'm going to do it. See, because here's the deal. We as society, we go in and we look at society and we're aspiring to do something big and
we're excited about it. And then we tell our friends and we tell other people in society,
this is what I want to do. And people try to crap on your dreams and your whatever you're
working for and everything. And it starts to make you think smaller and smaller. They want to crap
on your dreams and they want to take down everything that you're aspiring to be because
it makes them feel insignificant to hear how big you're dreaming and they're not coming anywhere
near that in their life. They don't have aspirations like you do. So what do they do?
They try to make themselves feel better by making you feel smaller.
So we go into society and people look at us being super motivated. I mean, you
guys probably know what I'm talking about. My group coach was talking about this the other day,
where it's just like, people feel like we're freaks, we're weirdos because we're motivated
and excited. Like people feel like, people think that we're, because of the fact that we're
motivated and excited, that we have problems, like that we're the weird ones or something.
When in reality, it's normal to be like depressed and be like, oh, I have a crappy day. And so here's the thing. People start to
fear big because society looks down on big. People start to fear thinking big. They fear
what it will take to get there because they know it's going to take a lot to think really big.
They know it's going to take a lot to get somewhere really far. And they know in order to go big, it will require a lot out of them. It will require focus, effort, sleepless nights,
blood, sweat, tears, overcoming your fears. There's a little rhyme I had for you. I didn't
even plan that one. And I'm here to tell you not to fear big, not to fear effort and focus and working hard and sleepless nights and blood,
sweat, and tears. Don't fear those things. Don't fear big. Fear small.
Don't fear shooting for something big or wanting to do something that no one else has ever done.
Don't fear big. Fear small. fear mediocre. Fear being like everybody else.
Fear wasting your life away.
That's what you should fear.
You shouldn't fear the big, you should fear the small.
You should fear the fitting in with everybody else
and being mediocre and not going for something big.
Fear being like everybody else.
Because here's the deal.
If you want something big,
big dreams, big income, big, amazing, incredible life, you have to do what 99.9% of people in this world don't have the audacity to do. And your mindset is that that is completely different than everyone else that's in the world.
And so here's what you have to realize. If you want to do something big and you feel like you
don't fit in because of that, that's a good thing because society doesn't do big things.
We're supposed to wither away and be small. That's what everybody thinks.
If you want to do something big, if you have big dreams, big income, you have to do what people will not do.
So whatever everybody else is doing, do the exact opposite. If your friends are going out and party
on the weekends, you probably want to do the exact opposite if it's something that you really want
in your life. Because it's sad. Most people will never get anywhere even close to what they could be,
to their potential. So you don't need to follow the sheep. You need to break away from everyone
else, break your mind free and shoot for something that they cannot even comprehend.
And they'll look down on you and they'll make fun of you because you're working hard and you're
shooting for something big. And they'll make fun of you for it because it makes themselves feel
better. But then later on in life, they're going to look up to you in jealousy when your time comes
because you achieved your goals and they didn't even work for it. And you know what they'll call
you then? Do you know what they'll call you? Lucky. They'll call you lucky at that point in
time. Most people don't understand that you need to break your mind free of normal.
You need to fear mediocre, not fear big.
Fear small.
Don't fear big.
Dream bigger than you're dreaming.
10x everything that you've been thinking of.
So from now on, instead of fearing big, you need to fear small.
You need to fear mediocrity. Fear
being like everyone else. Fear being the sheep that just fits in with the herd. Fear wasting
your life away. And the thing about it is you're the only one that's in control. So I hope that
you make the right choices and you do today what others won't. So later on in life, you could be doing what others can't.
And this quote came from... I was in a Facebook Live with my group coaching. We had an hour-long
Facebook Live with them. And I was answering all of their questions, working with them and
talking about that. And I said, don't be small. Your being small does nothing for the world.
And somebody said, well, what is that from?
And I said, it's actually a quote. And I'm going to leave you with this quote.
And you probably heard it before. And if you haven't, it might not have, you might love it,
but if you have heard it, it might not hit with you the same way until after you heard the episode
that I just did. And I'm going to go over it. So this is the quote. It says, our deepest fear
is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You're a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others around you will not feel insecure
around you. We're all meant to shine as children do. We're born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us.
It is in every single one of us.
And we have to let our light shine.
And as we let our light shine,
we unconsciously give others the permission around us to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
So with that being said, if you like this episode, please share with a friend.
But with that, I'm gonna leave you the same way I leave you every single episode.
Make it your mission today to make somebody else's day better.
I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.
Well, that's it for today's podcast.
If you want the show notes for this episode, they can be found at
Also, if you liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend because
it's our mission to help as many people as we can.
And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Both handles are at MWFmotivation with no spaces.
Now you know what time it is.
So go out and make your dreams a reality. Outro Music