The Mindset Mentor - You're Not Lucky!

Episode Date: March 18, 2019

Episode 559 - Do you believe in luck? Do you believe that some people are luckier than others? Well I am going to talk about the subject of luck in today's episode and tell you why you should worry ab...out skill more than luck, because luck might not even be real... Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join here 👉 My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to are some useful links for you… If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:Instagram TikTokFacebookYoutube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is supported by Morgan Stanley. What do you get from the Morgan Stanley client experience? Listening more than talking and a personalized plan to guide you through a changing world. To learn more, visit slash YS. Investing involves risk. Morgan Stanley, Smith Barney, LLC. Welcome to the Mindset and Motivation Podcast, one of the top motivational podcasts in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we come out with a short, to the point, no BS episode to help make massive changes in your mind and transform you from who you are now to who you want to be. My name is Rob Dial and the podcast starts now. And once again, in case you have missed it on the past few episodes, my good friend and also professional one-on-one coach, Patrick, is actually opening up some slots to do some more one-on-one coaching with listeners of this podcast and this podcast alone. I've personally known him for almost 11 years now. He's actually certified through my coaching strategies.
Starting point is 00:01:23 So if you are looking to take your life to the next level, since I don't have any spots that are open to my one-on-one coaching, he has a few spots that are open. And I know, well, number one, because I trained him. So I know that he's good. But number two, I have seen some of the lives that he's been able to change. So if you're out there, you're looking to change your life. You're looking to take your life to the next level.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You want to stop holding yourself back and you need somebody to hold you accountable and give you the tough love that you really need to get you to where you want to go. Send him an email, patrick at That's Patrick, P-A-T-R-I-C-K at He'll send you an email back to fill out the application and everything looks right. You guys can hop on a phone call, discuss it and see if everything looks right for you. So send him an email, patrick at if you're interested in taking your life to the next level and really seeing what you can do and holding yourself accountable for some time. So send him an email and we'll be diving into today's episode. Today, what we're going to be talking about is my least
Starting point is 00:02:22 favorite four-letter word and my least favorite four-letter word, the one that I think is the most offensive four-letter word out of all of them, is the word luck. And I hate the word luck. And the reason why is because I don't believe in it. I hate it. I don't believe in it. I don't think that luck exists. I don't think that someone is just inherently lucky. I don't think that someone is luckier than somebody else.
Starting point is 00:02:44 don't think that someone is just inherently lucky. I don't think that someone is luckier than somebody else. I don't think that just because someone missed in a car accident and they almost got hit that they were lucky. I hate the word luck because I feel like it just takes away all control of your life and says that, hey, I'm not in control of anything. I'm not the captain of this ship. I'm not in control of what happens to me. If something good happens to me, then I'm lucky. If something bad happens to me, then I'm unlucky. Because too many people in the world fall back on the word luck. Too many people use that word for people who are successful and say, man, they must have gotten lucky. They're so successful because they got lucky. Certain things panned out for them the way that they wanted to. They say stuff like, I wish I was as lucky as them. I wish my cards
Starting point is 00:03:24 played out the way that their cards played out. I wish I could have their luck. People say stuff like, I wish I was as lucky as them. I wish my cards played out the way that their cards played out. I wish I could have their luck. People say stuff like that. And the word luck sucks. It's honestly just a bunch of BS because there is no chance you are up to everything that happens. You have to have complete control and realize that you are complete control of your life. And if somebody is more successful than you are, they are not luckier than you. What they did was they replaced that four-letter word luck with a different four-letter word and that word is work. They replaced the luck with the work. They put the work in. They did all of the hours. They did everything
Starting point is 00:03:53 that they need to to be successful and that's why they got there. And if you're not there, the reason why isn't because they're lucky. The reason why is because they put more work in. I think that the word luck and the word talent, those are the two most insulting words that could be said to somebody that's successful. Luck is an absolutely insulting word to someone who's successful. And the reason why is because people wouldn't look at them 5, 10, 15 years down the road, like back in their past and go, wow, they were lucky. You know, they weren't, they weren't there when they were struggling to eat or when they were struggling to pay their bills or when they were going into debt, trying to build their business. They weren't there for
Starting point is 00:04:32 that. I remember one time someone saw a picture of, I was showing someone that I know a picture of my house and they said something to the effect of, wow, that must be nice. You're lucky. And I was like, so pissed off at that point. And I didn't say anything. But the reason why is because if I happen to own a house, no matter how big, no matter how small it is, whatever the house is, I'm not lucky that I got this house. It's not, it must be nice because that person has the exact same opportunity that I do in every single 24 hours. The only difference is what we choose to do with those 24 hours because that whole, it must be nice thing. Nothing was given to me in this world. single 24 hours, the only difference is what we choose to do with those 24 hours. Because that
Starting point is 00:05:05 whole, it must be nice thing. Nothing was given to me in this world. You know, I could also make excuses that I had a lot crappier of an upbringing than some other people, not my upbringing necessarily, because my, my family and everything was great, but things happened to me in the past. And I could use excuses and say that, oh, I'm unlucky for the reasons that all of those things happened to me. You know, they wouldn't look back at me in 2010 when I was living in a one-bedroom apartment and the only things that I had in my one-bedroom apartment were a mattress on the floor and books that were just laying across every single...
Starting point is 00:05:39 I had stacks of books that were on the outside because I couldn't even afford to have a bookshelf. I couldn't go to Walmart and buy a $20 or $30 bookshelf to put my books on. In 2010, when I lost $50,000 at the age of 24, I lost $50,000 that I had in the bank in a matter of two and a half months. It was just gone. And I went from $50,000 in the bank to in debt. And they weren't there at that point in time when I used to eat. For two months straight, I ate spaghetti with pasta. And the reason why was because I could go to Walmart and I could buy a box of spaghetti for $0.88. And then I could get a box or an actual tin of spaghetti sauce for $1.88. That doesn't look lucky. Nobody would look at that and go, that must be nice. No, because that sucked. That's just the way that it is. But the difference is I just decided to keep on putting in the work to build what I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:06:29 It's the exact same way for every single other person that's successful as well. They wouldn't call me lucky when I remember the exact same month, my air conditioning went out and it's the middle of summer in South Florida where it rains every single day and it's super hot and it's super humid. And I used to have to wear a suit every single day to my office. And I was 24 years old and my AC went out in my car and I couldn't afford to buy another AC. So I decided that I would leave my house every single morning before the sun came up and then leave my office every single night after the sun went down because I didn't want to get stuck in the Florida heat because it was way too hot. And I had black
Starting point is 00:07:04 leather seats in my car. That doesn't look nice. That doesn't, you wouldn't call that lucky. And that's not luck. And people don't see that side of success. And it's insulting to people who are successful because they're assuming that that person didn't have the struggles that they had to go through. They're assuming that the person didn't get drugged through the dirt every single day. They weren't there when they were fighting to get bought. They weren't there when they were trying to eat. They weren't there when they were trying to be able to pay their bills or going into debt just so they could keep their business afloat. They weren't there for all of that. And also when you say someone's lucky, you have to think of the way that works in the law of attraction. When you say that's lucky,
Starting point is 00:07:40 it's someone's lucky and I wish I had that luck. What you're basically doing is pushing that away from you. Whatever their success they have that you. What you're basically doing is pushing that away from you. Whatever their success they have that you're jealous of or that person is jealous of. I'm not accusing you. I keep saying you. But whatever that person has, they're pushing it away from them. Think about the law of attraction. The implications of saying someone is lucky.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So you have to replace the word luck with work. Instead of saying, man, that person's lucky. You got to say, man, that person probably worked their freaking tail off in order to get to where they are. Because that's what they did. But the best part about it is that's what you can do too. You can work your ass off if you really want to. There's an insane amount of struggle on the way to success. And that's why most people aren't successful because it sucks to get there. When you get there, it's nice. But when you're on your way there, it absolutely sucks. And most people would never go through all of that struggle
Starting point is 00:08:29 in order to be successful. And that's why most people don't. Most people use the word luck as an excuse more than anything else. 99% of people use an excuse. And then they cry about how unjust it is that this person or that certain people make ridiculous
Starting point is 00:08:45 amounts of money in the world. I don't look at billionaires and go, man, that's so unjust. That's so unfair that they make that much money. And you shouldn't look that way either because what happened is they worked their tail off to get there. That's how they got there. They worked their tail off by accumulating as much knowledge as they possibly can, training, putting everything they possibly could into it, and then they got to where they want to. That's the thing. It's not unjust that some people have tons of money. It's unjust that some people don't work as hard as these other people. And some people say, well, you know, there isn't enough money in the world. It's unjust that there's not enough money in the world. Of course, there's enough money in the world. You have to have an abundance mindset.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You have to realize if someone becomes a billionaire and they make a lot of money, what are they going to do more of? They're going to spend more money, which means that that's just going to be recycled back into the economy. And somebody is getting paid from that billionaire for some type of service or some type of product that they have. There's more than enough money in the world. Someone that makes a lot is also going to spend a lot. And somebody in the world is making money off that. So it might as well be you or us. Realize that you're in control of your life. You're in control of your finances.
Starting point is 00:09:50 If your bank account is massive and you're excited about it, that's your fault that your bank account is massive. If your bank account sucks or you're in debt, that's also your fault. You have to take control of everything and take luck in being unlucky or whatever that stupid phrase that you want to use is. You have to take that out of your vocabulary completely. If anything sucks in your life, the reason why it sucks is because it's your fault. If anything is great in your life, the reason why is because it's your fault.
Starting point is 00:10:14 But the best part is you can change everything in an instant if you just change your mindset of the way you view things. You can always change it. So if you start using the word luck, replace it with work. That person's not lucky. That person probably worked their freaking tail off to get to where they are. But the best part is you can work your tail off to get to wherever you want to as well. And if you like this episode, please share it with someone that you know. And with that, I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every episode. Make it your mission today to make somebody else's day better.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I appreciate you. And I hope that you have an amazing day. mission today to make somebody else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day. Well, that's it for today's podcast. If you want the show notes for this episode, they can be found at Also, if you liked this episode, please spread the love and share it with a friend because it's our mission to help as many people as we can. And to keep in touch, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Both handles are at MWFMotivation with no spaces. Now you know what time it is. So go out and make your dreams a reality. Outro Music

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