The Money Mondays - Building Network & Connections: How to Stand Out and Succeed💯 E60

Episode Date: March 11, 2024

Learn how to leverage your phone book, cell phone, and contacts to unlock opportunities in money, relationships, deal flow, happiness, events, and charity. Join us as we explore the power of networkin...g and discover how to stand out and succeed in any industry. Don't miss out! Like this episode? Watch more like it 👇 From Garages to Greatness: Build Your Network & Net Worth with Tai Lopez 💸 : The Power of Social Media: Michael Sartain's Guide to Making Millions 🤑: How To Make 2024 Your Most Successful Year Yet: Watch ALL Full Episodes Here: --- The Money Mondays is a business podcast here to teach you how to make money, invest money, and donate money by showcasing some of the world's most successful people and how they do the same. Hosted by serial entrepreneur Dan Fleyshman, the youngest founder of a publicly traded company in history, this money podcast gives you an exclusive behind the scenes look at how the wealthiest celebrities, entrepreneurs, athletes and influencers make, invest and donate money. If you want to learn more business and investing while you work to improve your financial life, you're in the right place! Subscribe: Dan Fleyshman, The Money Mondays Learn more here: Watch all the podcast episodes: Let’s Connect... Website: Podcast: Twitter: LinkedIn: TikTok: FB:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your phone book, your cell phone, your contacts is what leads to money, relationships, deal flow, happiness, events, charity. I'm going to walk you through how have I built up such a big network. I'm going to walk you through little tricks and hacks and tips of how I interact with and nurture my relationships so people remember me. I'm just going to walk you through my thought process on networking and why it's been able to help me start the ranch and acai bull chains and sports card stores and live events and masterminds and everything between it's all from my relationships ladies and gentlemen welcome to the money Monday's solo edition I am here by myself want want want Tarzan is off in South America right now.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And so I'm here in the RV Motorhome. It's just me and Trevor sitting here at the Wild Jungle, the Blacksite Ranch with 200 animals that are outside and nobody's inside this RV, but me and Trevor right now. So what are we going to talk about? We're going to talk about networking. Typically, we talk about three core topics, how to make money, how to invest money, how to give it away to charity. But today I want to teach you about networking. Why? Well, networking, your phone book, your cell phone, your contacts is what leads to money, relationships, deal flow, happiness, events, charity and everything between can happen from your cell phone.
Starting point is 00:01:26 So I'm gonna walk you through how have I built up such a big network? I'm gonna walk you through little tricks and hacks and tips of how I interact with and nurture my relationships so people remember me, I can interact with them, how do I remember all these different thousands of people on my phone? And just gonna walk you through my thought process
Starting point is 00:01:42 on networking and why it's been able to help me raise money for charity, raise money for businesses, start the ranch and acai bull chains and sports card stores and live events and masterminds and everything between. It's all from my relationships. When I want to get a restaurant reservation or invest in a restaurant, it's a text message away. That's the best way to put it. From something as simple as I want to get into this restaurant or I want to get into this restaurant deal
Starting point is 00:02:09 and invest, it's a text message away due to relationships. They might be my relationship or what's called one removed. I know the person that knows the person. And so you want to build your network and your relationships in all different types of categories. People in the restaurant nightlife world and your main city that you live in. Maybe some restaurant nightlife people in big name cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, et cetera. Again, not everything I say today will apply to you. It could be in a different age group.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You might only be 15, can't go to nightclub. You might be 74, don't want to go to nightclub, but I'm going to teach you the topics about it, and you could refer this to your friends, family, followers, coworkers, roommates, people in your world, you might be able to teach them some tricks that you learned here today from how I built thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people in my network and in my cell phone that if I text them right now, they will respond. That's a big difference. You could meet someone, give them a handshake or a high five or talk to them on social media
Starting point is 00:03:10 or get their phone number somewhere and they always say it's not about who you know is about who knows you back. Keep that in mind. When you meet someone really quickly, there have to be certain tricks and things that you do to leave a lasting impression because they meet a lot of people. They go to a lot of events. They go to a lot of dinners, conventions, conferences,
Starting point is 00:03:32 et cetera. How are you going to stand out? How are they going to remember you? Well, let's walk through it. All right. As you guys know,, you can actually go there and sign up. We do a Monday, 4 p. 4pm PST every single week.
Starting point is 00:03:49 We do a call there via Zoom where I'm hosting or a household name friend or a business friend is hosting it on my behalf. Usually it's me teaching live on Q&A on Zoom, answering questions. You can pop up there and I bring you up to the top. You can either do video or just ask me questions or ask me in the chat. I like to do this interactive thing every Monday at four o'clock. You can sign up through the money Monday' Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:11 How do I have so many people on my phone? How the heck do I remember them? How do I interact, et cetera? Well, let's walk you through some of the tricks. First things first. When I get introduced to someone in person, I do not say, hi, my name is Dan. I say, my name is Dan Flachman. Why do I do that?
Starting point is 00:04:30 They have probably met 30 or 40 or 50 Dan's per year. And so by just saying Dan, I now just become another name in their mind that's not an easy-reader member, especially with a common name. You might have a really cool name like Ezekiel, and that's probably easier to remember but my name is Dan. A lot of people are named John, Robert, David, Jennifer, Jessica, etc.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Those names that are common and millions and millions or zillions of people have that name, say your full name. And even if you have an exotic name or unique name, still say your full name, it will be in people's minds even more. Okay, it also stands out because most people don't do it So it's kind of what's called a pattern interrupt when I say hi Dan Playsman It's a pattern interrupt and say I'm saying just hi Dan Which they would be expecting just a first name hearing the full name is now stuck in their mind because most people that just they just met Said hi, I'm John hi. I'm Jennifer, etc. They might might have just said one name so there's a pattern interrupt also when I do that they might know me or know a friend of mine or heard of me or have a
Starting point is 00:05:32 relationship with someone that I know etc so by saying my full name they might not realize it's me when I meet them by saying my full name they're like oh wow I knew I know your friend or I went to school with someone from you or I like acai bowls or sports cards or they might know something because of me saying my full name that wouldn't happen if I just said my name Why is that important? Well, if they know me or someone around me or some past story or some situation We're definitely gonna remember each other now because there's some common thread or relationship We broke the ice we're talking because the name just by me saying my last name triggered something
Starting point is 00:06:07 in their mind of like, oh yeah, four years ago, this or my friend used to work with you or for you or knows this person. They now have what's a common interest or common thread with me that they wouldn't have had if I just said Dan, but I just say my full name. So it's important. Say your full name when you meet someone. Next, handshake, look them in the eyes. Not enough people do this anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Where our society keeps changing. When you shake someone's hand, look them in the eyes out of respect. Don't have to be long, not saying to stare longingly into their eyes. Shake their hand, look them in the eyes, say your name, vice versa, listen to their name. If you can remember their name,
Starting point is 00:06:46 which I know is not that simple for a lot of people because you might meet four people at once, if you can remember their name, that will be important because they will now know that you care. If you can't remember their name, they don't think that you care. Now, if you can throw that in there later because you remember Robert's name or Jennifer's name
Starting point is 00:07:01 or Andrew's name or Trevor's name, that's nice to mention that later as you're talking Saying their name is appeasing to people in their mind They think that you like them remember them that you've seen them or heard them they stand out into your brain So when you say their name they like it. Okay next thing When I'm getting their phone number and placing their contact in my phone, this will change your life forever. This very simple tip, trick, or hack. Their name. So let's say it's Trevor Adler. I put in the
Starting point is 00:07:34 city they're in. San Diego. I put in their profession. Videographer. Why? I now know when I search through my phone, if someone posts on social media media I'm looking for a videographer. I can now look through my phone and type in video and boom Trevor add their pops up right there Roger Rojas pops up right there Murphy pops up right there boom these videographers that are in my mind pop up because of the name video is right next to their First name Trevor Roger Murphy, etc. Their name pops up right with the word video. San Diego, right? Rogers in Los Angeles. Murphy's in Salt Lake City. He's in Utah. And so now when that person that posts on social media, I'm looking to hire a videographer and they say San Diego or LA
Starting point is 00:08:20 or Utah, I now know who is who. Why does that matter? What if I have 10 video offers, or 20, or 30? What if I have 10 web designers, or 20, or 30? Or I know 10 chefs, and someone says I need a chef, or someone needs a website designer. When someone's saving your phone as their profession and their city, it will make it easier for you to search, and it will make it easier for you to search and it will make it easier for you to interact. So now I know, let's say something happens interesting in the news that's related to video. Let's say there's a press release like, guess what, the newest video equipment coming out is one third of the price and it's this Sony blah blah blah blah blah. I have
Starting point is 00:08:58 an excuse to now text 15 videographers on my phone about this cool article so that they know I'm thinking about them. I also mentioned the city right? Let's say Utah. Some brand new restaurants opening in Utah. I now have an excuse to text 27 people in Utah. Hey, guess what? This new cool restaurants opening this Friday in Utah. I'll actually use a real-life example. There was a restaurant called Komodo, which is from Miami that Dave Grubman owns in Miami. Fantastic restaurant is opening in Dallas. Okay, this happened a year or two ago. I went through my phone and sent a text message to everyone in Dallas that I would want to
Starting point is 00:09:38 go to dinner with or I think is an interesting business person. I didn't send to everyone in Dallas, but the people that were relatable, I sent them this message, hey, this really amazing restaurant't send to everyone in Dallas, but the people that were relatable, I send them this message, hey, this really amazing restaurant from Miami is opening in Dallas next Friday. You should check it out. They now know I'm thinking about them. This is business people, a billionaire, a zillionaire,
Starting point is 00:09:57 a professional speaker, Super Bowl champion, a priest. These are actual people, right? Like Steve Wutherford, a Super Bowl champion, like literally texting people that are there. Todd Abrams from Icon Meals, I can think about it right this second. Like the people that are in Dallas, Kurt on the huge roofing company,
Starting point is 00:10:13 I texted about this restaurant opening next Friday. Why? Well, I am having some emotional connection with them and a mental connection with them that I'm not just texting them when I need things. I'm not just texting them for favors. I'm not just texting them requests. I'm texting them something that's in their city
Starting point is 00:10:33 relatable to them. Guess what? Some of them went to that restaurant. Some of them didn't. Either way, I earned brownie points because I was thinking about that person. There's a little bit of a quick emotional connection that they know I'm thinking about them. Like, hey, this cool restaurant's opening in their city. Now,
Starting point is 00:10:48 fast forward seven weeks later, I happen to be going to town to throw an event. I'm throwing a spire tour in Dallas. I happen to be actually throwing a spire tour right now in Dallas this month while you listen to this podcast. I go to Dallas. I'm like, hey, I go back and look at the text messages. I'm going to actually be there this Saturday for an event. I'm like, hey, I go back and look at the text messages. I'm going to actually be there this Saturday for an event. I'm flying in Friday. Do you want to go to Komodo? Dun dun dun. I've now closed the loop, right? I first told them about it seven weeks ago. Maybe they went, maybe they didn't. Even if they did, they can still go with me. If they didn't, haha. Now I have an excuse for them to want to go with me.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Either way, I've earned brownie points twice Maybe they're busy. They can't go Friday night. Maybe they can either way I've earned brownie points for inviting them to dinner to something. I told them about seven weeks ago. You see what's happening? I am the good friend in this relationship. I am interacting with them. I am building rapport with them I'm interacting with them about eating together hanging out together, etc Oh, you can't make it Friday night my events on Saturday. You want to come by the Aspire tour? I'll be there all day Saturday. We got Mark Cuban David Goggins. Why don't you come by Saturday to Aspire tour? Oh, you're busy Saturday. You're with your kids playing soccer. No problem. I'm gonna stay at the hotel Sunday
Starting point is 00:12:00 My flight's not till 5 p.m. Do you want to have breakfast or lunch? You see what happened? I've now given them three opportunities to hang out with me. Brownie Point, Brownie Point, Brownie Point, Brownie Point. I am now building rapport, friendship with this person via text mail. I have now given them three opportunities to hang out with me. Friday night dinner at Komodo, the hot new restaurant. Saturday, come by my Aspire Tour event. Sunday, come by breakfast in the morning. Oh, you're going to church? Come by Sunday afternoon before I go to the airport.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I have now given them four or five different options to hang out with me. Brownie Point, Brownie Point, Brownie Point, Brownie Point. I am now building rapport friendship with this person via text message when most people don't text them or only text them when they need something. Now in between there, I also happen to see a really funny meme about Dallas, Texas, because something was going on where it was really hot. It was like 112 degrees. And then it dropped down to 32 degrees to freezing. It was like a 70 or 80 degree swing was the one, the craziest things in nature
Starting point is 00:12:53 history. And so there was a meme about it. What did I do? Everyone in Dallas, Texas, I texted them this meme. And some of them responded, LOL. Some of them responded with pictures in the snow, some of them responded with like melting hot, some of them responded with stories about oh my god I can't believe my car was snowed in and then it was melting hot like I now have an emotional connection with them about Dallas, Texas. I'm not in Dallas. I'm not in Dallas. I don't live in Dallas. I'm in Temecula at the ranch or I'm in Los Angeles or I'm on an airplane But guess what? I am building rapport building relationship with all these people in Dallas the billionaire the zillionaire
Starting point is 00:13:32 Super Bowl champion the priest and everyone in between So that when I do come to town where I do need something or I am throwing a charity event Guess what when I went there for my toy drive and I threw the world's largest toy drive And we did it at a gym in Dallas, Texas Guess what? Everybody I just talked about either showed up or sent toys over. Why? I built a relationship with them along the way and if they didn't send toys over no problem Didn't go to dinner with me. No problem None of these things cost me more than five seconds
Starting point is 00:14:04 26 seconds 12 seconds to send a meme, send a news article, send an invite, et cetera. Cost me nothing financially, but I'm building rapport from everyone, from priests to superpowers, to business people and everyone in between, from simple things that you can do exactly the same thing or pick and choose what you like. Maybe you don't want to go to dinner with them. Maybe you don't care about telling them about Komodo.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Maybe you don't care about telling them about the funny meme. You can pick and choose from things that I talk about today. I'm telling you what has worked for me to build a rapport with people for many, many years. A lot of you listening are like, wait, I know Dan, he sent me a memes. He does send me news articles. He does send me things that are city related. It works and it doesn't hurt anybody and it's fun and it keeps me entertained.
Starting point is 00:14:47 It keeps me active with people. And so when something's going on in Salt Lake City, guess what? I'll give a perfect example. The WWE was in Salt Lake City in February. What did I do? I sent it to my Utah group chat, my Utah friends. I'm not even going to the WWE event in Salt Lake City. I'm just telling my friends and you know what happened? A bunch of them went and some of them went and hung out with Logan Paul. Some of them got pictures with The Rock and they weren't even planning on going. And now that I saw them posting about hanging out with The Rock and Logan Paul and sitting at the freaking WWE event in Skyboxes, Front Row, Bad Seeds, Good Seeds, seeds everything between simply because I texted them about it and they didn't hear about it or they didn't know about it or just came to top of mine because in their mind that I invited them or told them about it, even though I'm not going.
Starting point is 00:15:46 The ones that did go had experiences there. It got to go with their kids or their wives or husbands or boyfriends or girlfriends or roommates or friends or whatever. And then some of them had like life changing memory experiences, like it's called core memory. They have a core memory experience because they got to meet the rock
Starting point is 00:16:02 or they got to hang out with Logan Paul backstage or they got to see wrestlers and like that came from me spending a few minutes sending out a text messages about something I wasn't even going to. I just heard because I saw Logan Paul post about WWE going to Salt Lake City and so I sent the link to a bunch of friends in Utah and then it worked and they went and I was very active in my mind because some of my friends were literally with the rock and Logan Paul and all these interesting WWE characters simply because of a text message for me so if they didn't go I got brownie points if they
Starting point is 00:16:34 did go there's a cool emotional thing there and if they had a core memory well bam that's huge for me right I've now not just got brownie points I'm in their hearts and minds for something that I did from a simple text message. How did I remember to do that? Because as we said at the beginning, they are saved in my phone as Salt Lake City, Utah, or just Utah. They're saved in my phone as real estate investor, influencer, videographer, business person, chef, restaurant owner, whatever their core business is, that's part of the title in my contact saved with their full name with correct spelling. Very important. I want full name, correct spelling. Also, if I met them through
Starting point is 00:17:17 someone or met them at an event, sometimes I will put that also just to have what's called a trigger point to help me remember I met this person at a spire tour. I met this person at operation black site I met this person at 100 million mastermind I met this person at the limitless society event in salt lake city, right? I met this person during a moment or during a city or during an event or from a friend I'm like, oh, I met this person from Edmailet. I met this person from Lewis House. I met this person from Beidros or this person.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Like if I met that from someone in particular that's important to me or is important information, I will put that in their contact's name also. Does that make their contact name long, like six, seven, eight words? Who cares? Yes, it does. The first thing that pops up though is their full name.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It pops up Trevor Adler or Roger Rojas or the real Tarzan. Yes, that's his legal name, it's the real Tarzan. Don't let him tell you any different. And so look at my phone, right? If the real Tarzan calls me, guess what it says, the real Tarzan, but then it says LA Miami. Well, why does it do that?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Well, he was living in Miami part time and he was in LA part timetime, so he had both. I now convinced him to move to the ranch where we have 208 animals at the Wild Jungle. However, in my phone, it still says MIA because I haven't changed it yet because I wanted to remember and I wanted to search that person, that city, all the time. You want to make sure that it's very easy for you to find who you want to see now Also, if you're going to a city kind of like the example I used earlier What I do to build a relationship and I've done this for since 2010 so 14 years I've been doing this thing because that's around the time the smartphone came out was like 15 16 17 years ago
Starting point is 00:19:03 So 14 years ago 2010 I had just moved back from Malta. I just had a huge poker site out there I'm moving back from Malta and I'm living in Los Angeles in Las Vegas Smartphones are here. I'm ready to rock and I want to build my network. What do I do? I throw free meetup events Called elevator nights Which we'll get into in a minute but what I do that you guys can do very easily is use your host hotel as your excuse to meet up with people during the weekend or during the one day or two days or three
Starting point is 00:19:36 days you're there during the week whatever I use it so much easier than going to a restaurant or going to a different venue I try to get a cool hotel or unique hotel or just like a mainstream hotel like a Marriott or whatever or W hotel And then I use their lobby or their restaurant or their rooftop etc as my meeting place for a three-day window or a one-day window Depending on how long I'm there. So real-life example. Let's go through this Because I've done this hundreds of times. I've done it for 14 years. I do it all the time whenever I go to cities. I text message, because I know everyone, let's call it Dallas or Miami.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Let's just use Miami for this example. I'm going to Miami from Friday to Sunday. Okay. On Wednesday, I will text them all the people in Miami that I want to meet up with or want to earn brownie points with or I want to hang out with or I want to eat with or I just want them to know I'm in town. Hey I'm gonna be in Miami this Friday evening through Sunday morning. Now if I only want to see this person like let's call it Saturday I will tell them about Saturday meaning if I don't want to go to dinner with them
Starting point is 00:20:40 Friday night or I don't want to go to breakfast Sunday morning or they're a friend that I would go to a nightclub with and I know they're not gonna go to breakfast or they're someone that's never gonna go to nightclub or they don't want to go to dinner with them Friday night, or I don't want to go to breakfast Sunday morning, or they're a friend that I would go to a nightclub with, and I know they're not going to go to breakfast, or they're someone that's never going to go to nightclub, or they don't want to go to restaurants because they have four kids, they're not going to go out. I can adjust it based on the person, but for the most part,
Starting point is 00:20:55 it's pretty much the similar text to most people in that city. I'm going to be in Miami this Friday evening through Sunday morning. I'm going to be staying at the W Hotel if you wanna come by for dinner on Friday night at 8 p.m. I'm having dinner at this restaurant. If you're busy, Saturday morning, I'm actually doing a breakfast downstairs
Starting point is 00:21:16 at the breakfast spot. Saturday afternoon, I'm having a little meetup from one o'clock to four o'clock in the lobby by the bar. I will literally say all this, and I'll just put a little schedule and it's only like 15 or 20 words so I'm not like doing a whole speech. I'm just saying Friday, 8 p.m. here, Saturday, 7 a.m. here, Saturday, 3 p.m. in the lobby, Saturday night here, Sunday morning here.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Like I just give them three or four options. I don't want to do more than that. But I do want to give them at least two or three options. I prefer three or four but at least two or three options. I prefer three or four, but at least two or three options. If I'm only there for a day, then there's usually only two options, which means see me Friday night, or Saturday morning for breakfast, because I'm leaving.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So if I'm only there for 24 hours, I only give them two options to make it very clear. Now, by doing that, it takes away some of the friction and pressure. If I just said, hey, let's go to dinner Friday night, it's a lot of pressure. People have kids, they have significant others, they have lives, they have other events.
Starting point is 00:22:10 There's things going on in their world, especially in Miami, LA, New York, Las Vegas, busy cities, they might be busy. That's okay. And so in order to remove that pressure, I give them two or three options, maybe even three or four, but not more than four. Hey, I'm gonna be there from Friday night to Sunday morning.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm going to be doing Friday night dinner here at the hotel. I'm going to do, why do I keep saying at the hotel? Because it's easier for me and people might come and go. I might send this message to 20 different people and only six or seven or eight or nine or 10 or 11, whatever show up throughout the weekend, but it's easier for me flow wise if I can keep it at the hotel. Now, would I go to someone's office or go to dinner somewhere else, or go to a different nightclub or art gallery, etc.?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Of course I would. But I would schedule that, and I wouldn't be during the times, and I'm kind of using it like open time, of like, okay, my breakfast is from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., my lobby time on Saturday is 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock, like, I want to have my clear times of when people can come to me, and in between there, I can go out to visit people's offices, their homes, their kids, their events, their other restaurants, nightclubs, whatever else I want to see in the city.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I can go out and do those things. I just adjust my schedule based on it. I want to be able to give a couple different options, particularly round two or three. And then I leave other windows of time to be able to go to visit someone's office, or not. I'm just letting you know that you have all the options in the world. I'm just giving you the framework that I utilize. So Friday night's my dinner. Saturday morning's the breakfast. Saturday afternoon's the meetup. Maybe I don't want to do a Saturday night dinner because maybe I want to go to the thing that I'm there for. I might be in a city to go to a convention, a conference,
Starting point is 00:23:45 an event, a show, whatever. And so I won't invite people for Saturday night. I'll just say Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon. But then I say, hey, my flight's Sunday at 3 p.m. If you want to come over for breakfast or a brunch, here's my windows from 8 a.m. to noon. I just have to go to the airport by one o'clock.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Now, I say these things in a clear cut message so that they have the options. If they can't go, I still am brownie points, right? I've now invited them. The ball is in their court. If they come to my city, they're much more likely to wanna invite me to meet up with them, right?
Starting point is 00:24:19 At that time, I could be busy or I can make decisions if I don't wanna go or not, but I've now put it in their court that they've gotten two or three or four options of how we could hang out. If they're busy or not in town, no problem. I will never be offended. I just want to be able to give it to them. Here's my options for us to hang out. I earned the brownie points by doing that. You will build rapport with that person. Most people just wait and they show up and they're in town and it's Friday night at 7 p.m. Like hey, let's go to dinner. That's hard, right? People are busy. People have lives.
Starting point is 00:24:49 They're already at dinner or they're going to a dinner or they're at home watching Netflix. They don't want to get up or they're with a significant other or their kids or their parents or their friends. Like there's lives going on and so I want to give them a few days notice. Now, would I still text someone Friday night if I'm in town? Of course I would. Will I remind them if they didn't respond? Depending on the friend, of course I would. You can do live invites and things that are going on throughout the weekend.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Saturday morning, I can still invite people. Even if they didn't respond or they did respond or I just want to remind them. I am interacting with the people in that city while I'm there. I immerse myself in that city because I want to build a network in each of the major cities. It's powerful. If I can build 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 people in Dallas, Texas, that's powerful because those people know hundreds of people or thousands of people in that town. So when I go to
Starting point is 00:25:38 Dallas, Texas and I throw the world's largest toy drive, hundreds of people show up not because of me, because of their network, right? I invite 30, 40, 50 people and they invite people and all of a sudden I have hundreds of people show up to the world's largest toy drive. That's how I did it in 10 different cities. I did the world's largest toy drive in 10 cities in a 15 day window. I ended up doing an 11th city as a bonus one because I'm crazy. And by doing that, it happened because of my connections.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Hey, I'm gonna be in Miami. We're hosting at Boxer Gym. Guess what? Hundreds of people showed up. NBA team people, sports people, DJIRI, all the guys that run nightclubs and restaurants, Instagram models, influencers, athletes, all came by because I build rapport with them. I'm interacting with them, but wait a
Starting point is 00:26:28 Lot of them came by not because of me other people invited them Other people texted them other people posted my flyer other people posted about the world's largest toy drive. Why I Earned rapport with them all year long. I got brownie points brownie points brownie points. So when the night tell them Hey, my toy drive is boxer gym this Sunday at 9 a.m., guess what? All those people I've been inviting to dinners, all those people I've been inviting to meet me at the hotel, all those people I've been invited to lunches and breakfast,
Starting point is 00:26:56 they feel compelled to wanna post about my toy drive. I didn't have to ask them. They want to post about it, because I've been a friend trying to hang out with them all year long. Every time I come to town, I invite them. They want to post about it. Because I've been a friend trying to hang out with them all year long. Every time I come to town, I invite them. They want to post about it. Cost them nothing. It costed me nothing. But we are being humans and interacting. And because I'm building rapport and building brownie points, people want to do that. Now, the same thing happened in St. Louis. We did that first form headquarters at Andy
Starting point is 00:27:23 Fersella's headquarters in first form. Guess what? We had so many toys there because of Andy's network and the people that were there. We then went to Tampa, Florida We're at Vicks freaking private jet hanger He gave us a private jet hanger Did a whole production didn't charge us anything obviously because for charity and hundreds of people showed up You can see all the videos on my social media hundreds of people showed up to the tour drive because I built rapport with Vic I helped him get some speakers and celebrities for his big event Called Rycecon and he's doing it again in April and so
Starting point is 00:27:57 He helped me freaking get an airplane hangar with a private jet in it and big production and stage and so many toys were coming in outside of my network other people were inviting people so Instagram models athletes local business people the freaking politicians and everybody between we're showing up to this toy drive because of other people inviting them I earned my brownie points throughout the year inviting those people to restaurants, to events, come buy a spire tour. Hey, let's hang out at the hotel. Let's go to this breakfast.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Let's go to this thing. Let's go to that thing. By doing those interactions throughout the year, I'm burning brownie points for when I do ask for something or I do need help or there is something that's going on. I'm raising money for this or I got an event going on here. Do you wanna come to this?
Starting point is 00:28:43 By having these relationships, I'm building rapport. This is how you build your network because those people that you meet with and you hang out with and you interact with on social media and you text and you invite, et cetera, they will often refer you to other people. They have friends in that town. They've been living that city for five years, 10 years,
Starting point is 00:29:00 20 years, 30 years, or their whole life. So when you come to town, they are like, hey, meet my friend, he owns nine restaurants. Hey, this lady, she owns 12 apartment buildings. Hey, this is my best buddy who's a musician. Maybe they could play at your events. Hey, this guy's a rapper and he would be great to do this, this, and this.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Like they introduce you to people because you are interacting with them and staying on top of it. Most of them are quiet and they don't follow up. And people are lazy and they're to themselves and they're selfish. You by standing out simply by taking the actions to invite people, to send memes, to text them, to ask to hang out, etc.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Not asking you to spend a bunch of money on this. It's time and energy and it's not a lot of time and energy. It's just being thoughtful of the people in certain cities or in certain industries. Something happens in the real estate market and you've got 17 people that do real estate in your phone and it's easy for you to find them because it says John real estate and Jennifer real estate and Jessica real estate
Starting point is 00:29:56 and Danny real estate, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You can now send articles to them and interact with them so that in that moment, they are thinking about you because you thought about them and you took the time for it. Okay, last thing about this, about networking and why it's so important. You can also host small events, small meetups
Starting point is 00:30:15 in different cities. Again, it's easier to use your hotel or a local hotel like the W Hotel lobby I've done it a bunch of times. You can do it at art galleries or car gallery, fancy car show rooms, et cetera. They want you to invite people there. You have to ask first, but they want you to invite people there. I typically do most things at my host hotel
Starting point is 00:30:33 where I'm staying, or a nearby cool hotel that has a cool rooftop or a cool lobby. And by having a meetup, and you're like, you go invite the 12 people you know in that town, you'll probably have 20 or 30 people show up, because they're gonna to bring friends. And they're typically not going to bring their 14-year-old niece. They're going to invite their friend that's like,
Starting point is 00:30:50 in the real estate space, or in the music space, or in the nightclub space, or a business person, etc. It's typically not them like, hey, can I bring my 14-year-old niece to the W Hotel? It can happen, but not really going to happen that often, and they'll probably tell you about it first. And by the way, it's nothing wrong with them bringing their family members, but in particular, most of the time when you are a business friend or you are a social friend,
Starting point is 00:31:10 they will typically invite other business friends or other social friends to come meet with you. And that is a very fast way for you to build your network. I've been throwing events non-stop for many, many years, like elevator nights. I've thrown elevator nights 53 times. I'm throwing number 54 on March 22nd at the LA Convention Center and it's an all women's event. So all the speakers are women. I had over 600 comments when I posted about it. Why is that important? Well, the 600 comments and that I can't even count how many DMs and emails and messages I got about this all women's event on March 22nd now causes me and Aspire Tour and Elevator Nights to get a whole bunch of new people to interact with each other and all these girls and women are inviting all their friends to come to this event
Starting point is 00:31:55 That I'm throwing for free Elevator Nights is completely free. You just go to register for free March 22nd and come on over for free and see amazing women on stage Speaking why do I do speaking. Why do I do that? Why have I done it 53 times going on number 54? Because it brings people together. It brings a network together. Relationships are happening, people are posting on social media, people are meeting each other. So many great things happen from this free meetup called Elevator Nights. You can do the same thing in your local town. You don't have to spend money or do a big production. Invite 10 people that also like real estate to the W Hotel lobby. Invite 17
Starting point is 00:32:29 people that love to cook over to your house and do a cooking night. Invite 14 people to play flag football game. Invite 12 people that have cool cars to meet up on a Sunday morning. Like you can do these fun things whether it's bowling, golf and everything between, invite people to hang out with each other and that networking will build because they'll invite cool people the second time, the third time and the fourth time.
Starting point is 00:32:53 You just have to be proactive in these things. You being more social, online on social media, and especially in person, will change your life forever. You will get job referrals, connections, investors, partnerships, relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends, new friends, whatever you want happens because you build more and more and more and more connections, more and more relationships that you get to filter through. You're not going to like everyone that you meet. You're not going to gel and vie with everyone you meet. You need to meet lots and lots of people to find out who the people you are
Starting point is 00:33:28 Who are the avatar that you like? What niches do you like? What industries do you like? You might be deep in the real estate game You're like, you know what I want to switch to cannabis or I want to switch to crypto or I want to switch to being part a Professional speaker or an author or personal trainer All those things can happen even faster through relationships because the more people you know, the more access you have. Whether you want to get into a restaurant for a reservation or you want to invest into a restaurant or anything between, it comes from connections. So I hope you enjoyed this networking episode. Typically, we talk about three core topics, how to make money and invest money, how to give it away to charity. However,
Starting point is 00:34:02 by building your network, all of those things will happen even faster, even smoother, even bigger on a bigger level because the hundreds of people that you interact with and maybe thousands of people one day that you build up in your phone book can lead you to everything from restaurant reservation to owning the whole damn restaurant. So thank you for listening to The Money Mondays.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Go check us out on Share episodes like this with your friends, your followers, your co-workers, your family because it's important to have these topics discussed across the board about money, about networking, about taxes, about the IRS, about rents, apartments, loans, cars, everything between. We've got to have blunt discussion about money. That's why the Money Mondays has stayed number one through number three on the charts for over a year now for 43 out of 52 weeks. I think we're now around 47 or 48 weeks at number one around the time you're listening to this, so probably about week 57
Starting point is 00:34:56 or week 58 I think, and that is only happening because of you guys sharing, liking, commenting, subscribing. So share the clips, tell people about it, and make sure to have a discussion about Monday all the time, not just on Mondays. So see you guys next Monday for the Money Mondays.

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