The Money Mondays - Codie Sanchez & Pace Morby on Acquisitions & Real Estate | E14

Episode Date: May 8, 2023

Codie Sanchez is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, and YouTuber with a passion for empowering others achieve financial freedom. She is the founder of Contrarian Capital - a portfolio of "" businesses that do over $50 million+ in revenue... from businesses you’ve never heard of like carwashes, laundromats and everyday shops.. @CodieSanchezCT also runs a successful YouTube channel with over 625k subscribers, sharing her insights on business flipping, investing, entrepreneurship, and personal finance with a wide audience. She spent 15+ years on Wall Street and in private equity investing hundreds and millions of dollars but got burned out before moving into business acquisitions and shares her secrets in money making and business building through stories of those who didn't want to do 9 to 5 grind. --- Pace Morby is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and educator with a real estate portfolio worth over $150M. He has built a successful career by investing in distressed properties, rehabbing them, and then selling or renting them out. @PaceMorby is also the founder of several real estate-related businesses, including a real estate brokerage firm and an online platform that provides education and resources for real estate investors. He also runs a successful YouTube channel with over 175k subscribers. In addition to his entrepreneurial ventures, Pace is also a sought-after speaker and educator in the real estate community, regularly hosting workshops and events. He is known for his no-nonsense approach to real estate investing and helping others achieve financial freedom. The Money Mondays is a business podcast here to teach you how to make money, invest money, and donate money by showcasing some of the world's most successful people and how they do the same. Hosted by serial entrepreneur Dan Fleyshman, the youngest founder of a publicly traded company in history, this money podcast gives you an exclusive behind the scenes look at how the wealthiest celebrities, entrepreneurs, athletes and influencers make, invest and donate money. If you want to learn more business and investing while you work to improve your financial life, you're in the right place! Subscribe for new weekly episodes: Dan Fleyshman, The Money Mondays Learn more here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It was such a good point that you just made there too that word vest because I where I see like where do deals go badly. It's that people do a deal with somebody and they bring on that kidnapped talent or they bring on that 24 year old and they say okay cool we're 50-50 partners because I put up 50% of the cash or I put all the up all the cash and you're going to actually do all the sweat equity in the business. Sweat is never equal ratio to cash upfront in my opinion. I think upfront cash is king. And then people get to earn their sweat equity up into the cash. So like if I was going to do the deal with a 24 year old, I'd be like, all right, dude, you're going to do 100% of the work. I'm going to fund the 100% of the deal. You get to vest your equity over a five or
Starting point is 00:00:42 seven year period. And in the first year, you might invest, I don't know, three percent. And then the next year, maybe we have accelerated investing. So you invest five percent. And maybe you could get all the way up to 50 theoretically, but it's not going to be your one for f*** sure. And I can't believe how often people do deals like that because they just, and then what happens,
Starting point is 00:01:03 it's not that you want wanna take advantage of your operator, you just don't want your operator run, and you have put up a bunch of cash, and then you also have to buy a business. They do not have equal skin in the game. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a special edition of the Money Monday's episode. We are here parked in my driveway at the ranch right now. After running a long event, I convinced one of my favorite influencers and content creators to come here and make this video for you, make this podcast for you. Because I selfishly have questions for her. I've been watching her content for years and
Starting point is 00:01:40 last six months. I've just been so impressed at everything that she's done. The past career, the current career, and the trajectory that she's on, is very exciting for myself. And I think you're gonna hear that in my questions, because I feel kind of excited. I got some energy right now. Just thinking about the question I wanna ask her,
Starting point is 00:01:55 because she's the perfect person to talk about money with. The whole concept of the money Mondays is talking about how to make money, how to invest money, how to give it away to charity. So please welcome my special guest, Cody Sanchez. Thanks for having me. I'm stoked. And the crowd goes wild. All right, Cody. So the way it works is we're 40 minutes. We're going to do a quick two-minute
Starting point is 00:02:12 bio so we can get straight to the money. So if you can, give us a quick story. So started off from finance. Basically did all the things you don't want to do as a young kid, lots of Excel spreadsheets, did Goldman Sachs, State Street, Vanguard, etc. And eventually got to a place where I realized I was making a lot of money and doing big deals for a bunch of other people. Why couldn't I do some of those for myself? And I think the 80-hour weeks probably had something to do with that. So I started buying what I now call boring businesses, but back then it was just like what
Starting point is 00:02:43 we did in private equity. Reoccurring revenue, small mom and dad businesses, I ended up buying those bad boys, adding a few of them to a portfolio, and eventually started making some good money on that, and then realize, wait a second, I think we should talk to more people about buying these boring businesses, because in fact, it's not that difficult. It's simple, but not easy. And so now, we talk of the internet a lot about these R3 caveats or R3 core elements, which is civilized the mind, makes the average of the body, and build the bank account. That's our core at Contrarian Thinking.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And so now we have an audience of, you know, 3.5, 4 million people and get 60 million views a month, which is cool, all about how to become financially, philosophically, and physically free. Why is it important for people to become financially philosophically free? Well, I think our life is sort of, basically everyone's life, in my opinion, is a journey to figure out why you were placed here, to find those unique skills that are only innately years and then try to apply them to the world for the maximum leverage. And I think freedom for a lot of us is the ability to lean in to those unique skills. And so it's hard for you to find your true passion and your true pursuit
Starting point is 00:04:01 when you can't pay a rent. And you can't take care of the kids. And you can't, you know, maybe see how to get out of debt. And so for most people, I think becoming financially free is the foundation to becoming any sort of free. So I don't talk about money because I want people to get rich quicks games. I talk about it because I don't think you can think freely until you can be financially free. And that's why it's so important.
Starting point is 00:04:26 The core root, like really like I get passionate talking about it. The whole idea behind the money Monday's is we grew up thinking it's rude to talk about money. Yeah. I think it's rude to not talk about money. I think the biggest reason we're in these financial crisis is the reason that people are in debt, people are the reason that they have credit card debt. They don't know how to get a loan bank account, lease, FICO, they can't spell FICO score with the hex going out. We don't know anything because we just didn't learn in high school, we barely learned in
Starting point is 00:04:52 college, and we're not allowed to talk about it. And I use examples. Let's say you're 18 year old daughter, niece, nephew, friend, whatever is going to go get a job. And that job is supposed to pay $48,000 for the year. And they go get a job offer of $38,000 for the year because they didn't know. They say yes, they get excited, they come tell us,
Starting point is 00:05:11 hey guys, Cody Dan, we got a job for $38,000 year. And we both look at each other. That's a $48,000 job. And now they've lost five years of their career because they're gonna go from $38,000 to $39,000 to $41, if they get a good raise, maybe $43,000. And maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, after half a decade, they get to 48, which they should have gotten when they're 18, 19 or 20. And then just because it's rude to bring up the dinner table, salaries, rent, loans, hey, my buddy wants to borrow 500 bucks, what should I do? We just don't
Starting point is 00:05:39 talk about it. And so that's the whole message to me. And that's why I'm obsessed with your content. Because you talk about money and you make it so simple to me, and that's why I'm obsessed with your content, because you talk about money, and you make it so simple to discuss, and it's easy for people to consume and understand, and that's why I get shared so much. Because lots of people make money content, right? Yeah. But the way you do and the way you deliver is why it's so important.
Starting point is 00:05:55 All right. Thank you. Why did you decide that you were gonna make so much content about money, business, and finances? Yeah. Well, I love to write. So I think it started from this idea of, it's one of the things I believe I'm pretty skilled at.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It was just, I love writing and expressing myself. And it turned out that I was on this trajectory to know a lot about money. And so I think you start with what you know. And from what you know, you go to where your heart is. And so my heart wasn't really in money. I mean, my husband who's sitting here would tell you, heart wasn't really in money. I mean, my husband who's sitting here would tell you, like, I don't really, I mean, I have a nice watch. We have some nice houses and cars and stuff, but nothing that crazy actually. There's really not much flashy
Starting point is 00:06:33 about us. Joaquin Lee, I always talked to my husband about the fact that he runs around in Mandels and and and and Hawaiian t-shirts and jorts on the regular. So like the opposite of flashy. But the reason that I started making content about money was because two reasons. One, when I started out in my very first, let's call it job, I was a journalist, human trafficking, drugs, mungling across the U.S., Mexico border, and I was covering it. And there was one story in particular that really made me realize the importance of this one universal language we all speak, which is currency, which is green. And that is, it was called, los abanados, the abandoned. And this story was about two things. One elderly citizen is getting left
Starting point is 00:07:18 along the US-Mexico border because they couldn't make the trip. And these hovels and horrible institutions they were left behind them. And their last names were Sanchez, like mine, Gutierrez, Warris. And then I covered another story about, this about Asidas, the disappeared, which is about the women who were brutally murdered in Warris. And guess what their last names were, like Sanchez, Warras, Gutiériz, like mine. And so I started thinking, huh, is this like something that's happening to like Latinos, Latinos like me? And I realized, oh no, it's actually not about that at all. It's about who
Starting point is 00:07:54 socioeconomically has the cash to ensure that they are safe and or powerful. And so I first got into finance because I didn't ever want to be one of those, you know, disappeared or abandoned. And then I started building businesses and hiring those people because I wanted to create more people that were not like that. And then finally, I realized, oh wait, I can only hire so many people. I can only buy so many businesses. Like, I literally can't do enough of it myself.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But if I create content, there becomes a ripple effect. And one thing that I say, somebody may be much better at business and much better at buying things than I am, and they may be able to impact four million people. And that's just from one thing that I create on the internet. And so I thought it would be incredibly powerful to use your voice where you can't always use your hands. So I don't buy stuff either. I've had the same watch since 2008. your voice where you can't always use your hands. So I don't buy stuff either.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I've had the same watch since 2008. I didn't have a car for the last seven years. I didn't have one car at all for the last seven years. And so my friends forced that hammer on me at my birthday party. I didn't want it, and I barely drive it. I don't buy stuff. And people will think about from my world of social media
Starting point is 00:09:01 that I would be flat. I don't, I literally don't buy anything. And I don't post about private jets and I'm post about travel, I don't post about those things because I want people to talk about money, I want people to talk about business, I want them to talk about charity. And so my content's literally like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 here's how you can do charity, here's how you can do business, how you can invest, it's never for me, it's never for padding on my back, I know the butterfly effect. What you're just talking about, the ripple effect, the butterfly effect is if I invest into a company and that founder goes off and goes from a 500k business to 2 million to 10 million, that means they go from two employees to 10 employees to 100 employees. That's the butterfly effect to me. I've done 43 investments now. I'm going to keep doing
Starting point is 00:09:38 them over and over and over and over because the butterfly effect to me is the passion part of it. It's almost like charity. Investing into companies is the reason I preach about angel investing. I know you like the other side of it, which I like to talk about from the private equity side of it. Angel investing is my gambling. The angel investing side creates thousands of jobs. I think the best way for us to fix America is to become self-sufficient and not dependent on the government. And by funding these companies, funding the entrepreneurs that go create thousands of jobs, it's kind of like the Teach to Fish versus the Giving Them Fish. And that's why I'm so passionate about it. In the last year, I created a syndicate called Elevator Syndicate.
Starting point is 00:10:17 We invested $44 million, $3 million to $6 million at a time, and I have 846 investors in my syndicate group. The thousands of jobs that happened from just last year is like more important to me than anything I ever do in my life. And so my job and what I've watched you do is by having these discussions about money and showing people how they can invest and how they can buy a boring business or how 11.2 million businesses are gonna go for sale this year
Starting point is 00:10:43 and you're gonna explain that better than I am. If those people go out and do those things and they go buy an HVAC company and go hire 40 people, that is more than any charity you can ever do. Cody Sanchez handing $100,000 to a charity versus creating 40 jobs, it's not close. Creating 40 jobs creates a community. And so I want to talk to you about on the business side, how does someone decide, or how do you decide what type of boring business should I buy? I live in Oklahoma or I live in LA or I live in New York and I've got a couple hundred grand saved up. How do I figure
Starting point is 00:11:14 out what the heck Cody's talking about? Do I buy a drag cleaner, do I buy a laundromat, do I buy a HVAC business, a plumbing business, a pest control business, there's so many options, how the heck can someone think about or decide what they're interested or like or what they should do? Yeah. Well, I call this deal clarity. So basically, the most important part you're right about doing a deal is there's no such thing as a good deal. There's just a good deal for you,
Starting point is 00:11:35 or a good business for you to buy. And the business that's good for you to buy is probably not the same one that's good for me to buy. And there's a few things that you should ponder if you're gonna buy a business. First and foremost, I think, are two types of proximity. First proximity is geographic. So if you're going to buy your very first boring business that's a mom and pop that's, you know, a hard asset business like a store, you really want it to be close to you. I like to have a radius that's within one hour. So I can get to that business inside one hour if anything goes sideways.
Starting point is 00:12:04 So that's number one for your very first deal. Number two type of proximity is the proximity to the type of business skill industry sector that you already are in. So it's just much easier if you're an accountant to buy an accounting firm, or if you're a real estate agent to buy a brokerage firm, or a mortgage firm, or a property management firm, something
Starting point is 00:12:27 that's kind of close to or is a thing that you already do. So those are two like quick hacks. And then the third one I would say is if you're not going to do things that are proximity close to you from a talent or understanding perspective, then I like people to think about cash. The first business I think you should buy, you want to make sure that that deal doesn't ever bankrupt you. So it's really important that you protect the house for the first deal.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And so I like to make sure that people are buying businesses, not jobs. So let's say that, you know, you go out and you want to buy a laundromat, right? Well, you want to make sure that that laundromat has, I don't know, at least $100,000, $150,000 in profit and that profit is real and you have validated it because then you could hire somebody to manage for your laundromat for $75, $80,000 a year. You could hire somebody to take care of most problems
Starting point is 00:13:20 and that extra $70,000 to $80,000, you could actually pocket, That's your upside. But for the first deal that you do, I like there to be some wiggle room in the total expenses so you can afford either an expert who's already run it before or an operator so they can run it with you. And I think if you start with those things,
Starting point is 00:13:38 then you can go to where people naturally go, which is like, oh, I want to buy this type of business. Or I think I should buy this type of business. Or I think I should buy this type of business because I've heard Cody talk to about it first, but that's really not where I want people to go first. It's like, what is your natural proximity to your talent pool? So I'm 24 years old. I'm studying everything about this HVAC business. I know I really want it. I just don't have the money. What the heck can I do? Oh, great. So I have something called the GetRitch tripod. So the GetRitch tripod is basically there's three legs of the stool that you can stand on. The first and easiest leg, meaning the least amount of work from you, is money, right?
Starting point is 00:14:16 So if you have a bunch of cash, you're gonna use cash to do a deal because it's the highest leverage form that you have. The second is Expertise or Experience. So if you are an HVAC manager, you could use that experience to buy a business and get more of the business without having cash because somebody else would bring in the cash for you being an expert, right? And the third leg of the stool is time. And so this is just, if I was a 24-year-old
Starting point is 00:14:41 and I had no expertise and I had no cash, what would I be bargaining with? My time, my sweat equity. And so if I was 24, I'd probably put together a deal. I'd go and look at a bunch of these businesses. I'd learn how to analyze them. I'd pull together a list of them and I'd go find a group of investors, people like you and me.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And I'd be like, Dan, I'm based in Temecula 2. I know you care about the local community. I've done my homework. Here's financials and a deal on a laundromat that I think that I can buy, I can run for us. And if you help me fund this deal, then I will run it for you entirely, and I will cut you a big percentage of the check of the profits. That's what I think. Yeah, exactly. And what's amazing to me actually is how few people follow through on this. A lot of people tell me, hey, I'd like to send you deals. And then they send me like a listing off of biz by cell
Starting point is 00:15:31 or something. That's not what I'm looking for. If you actually do the analysis for me and bring me a real deal and vet it thoroughly, then I think that's really unique. I'm 65 years old. I do have money. I don't wanna run it. I just wanna put up the money. What can I do? I got have money, but I don't want to run it. I just want to put up the money.
Starting point is 00:15:47 What can I do? I got the money, I can buy it, I got 500 grand saved up. What do I do? Yeah, two things. One, you partner with a 24-year-old, and you tell them to run it. I actually think that's not the best idea always. What I would rather do is I would rather buy a business,
Starting point is 00:16:02 and I would want to partner with somebody who had run said business, but wasn't the owner of it. So typically what I like to do, if I'm just optimizing not for helping somebody out or pulling the next generation along, but just for making cash, I'm going to say, okay, I want to do this million dollar transaction. In order to do this million dollar transaction and not have any of my time associated with it, I'm going gonna go look at the competitors
Starting point is 00:16:25 in my specific area who run these other businesses. And I'm gonna find the top manager at one of these other businesses. And I'm gonna pull them over to mine because I bet they don't have equity in theirs or skin in the game. And I'm gonna give them a better deal than they're gonna run it.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And I'm gonna profit off of it. I call that kidnapping. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So when people ask me, well, how do you find people, go kidnap them? It's exactly right though. Because if you find someone that's like the president or vice president or manager, etc.,
Starting point is 00:16:50 they typically are never going to be the CEO. Because the CEO has been there for four years or six years or 12 years, etc., so they're capped out. And they have zero to one or two percent equity. And so they're also capped out there too. Because if they can't get the bigger position, they're not going to go to four or five percent equity or definitely not 10% equity. And so if you can show them,
Starting point is 00:17:07 hey, similar company or similar industry, you get to be the big dog, here's your fancy business card, you get to be the CEO. They're in. It's exactly right. They're gonna get equity, they're gonna invest over three or four years, they're gonna earn 4% or 5%
Starting point is 00:17:20 they're gonna make a similar, that way. You don't need to have to give them a higher salary sometimes. They're like, oh, I'm gonna get 120 grand a year, which is what I already make, but I'm also gonna invest 5%. Yeah. Can I get to have the fancy title? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's such a good point that you just made there too, that word vest, because where do deals go badly? It's that people do a deal with somebody, and they bring on that kidnaped talent, or they bring on that 24 year old, and they say, okay, cool, they bring on that 24 year old and they say, okay, cool, we're 50, 50 partners because I put up 50% of the cash or I put all the up all the cash and you're going to actually do all the sweat equity in the business.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Sweat is never equal ratio to cash upfront in my opinion. I think upfront cash is king and then people get to earn their sweat equity up into the cash. So like if I was going to do the deal with a 24-year-old, I'd be like, all right, dude, you're going to do 100% of the work. I'm going to fund 100% of the deal. You get to vest your equity over a five or seven-year period. And in the first year, you might vest, I don't know, 3%.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And then the next year, maybe we have accelerated investing. So you have vest 5%. And maybe you could get all the way up to 50 theoretically, but it's not going to be your one for fuck's sure. And I can't believe how often people do deals like that, because they just, and then what happens, it's not that you want to take advantage of your operator, you just don't want your operator run,
Starting point is 00:18:41 and you'd have put up a bunch of cash, and then you'd also have to buy a business. They do not have equal skin in the game. So, I get asked this question and I'm sure you do also. What would you tell your younger self? And I always answer the same way and it's going to lead into why I'm saying it. My answer always is sign contracts with everyone, including your mom. It's not that you're ever going to sue your mom.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Instead, if you have a scope of work or a member in a run understanding, it'll be a lot of clarity. So I want to walk you guys through a fun scenario and let you guys debate about this. Dan Flashton and Cody Sanchez, we're going to create a lemonade stand in Temecula, California. And then we're going to go create a second one in Austin, Texas. So we have one in Temecula, goes well.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's doing about $500 a day. Open up in Austin, Texas. Bam, $800 a day. We open up in New York City in Miami, where I got four locations, and it's actually called C&D lemonade, okay? Cody and Dan's lemonade. Everything's going great.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And then CNBC calls, Cody Sanchez, we wanna give you this multi-million dollar TV show deal. We're gonna travel you around the world. Cody's gonna become a super star. It's a three year contract. Obviously tell Cody congratulations. Great job. She gets this multi-million dollar contract, five-million dollar signing bonus. Cody goes off and becomes the star of CNBC for next three years. Dan opens up in Chicago, CNDlimited, in Dallas, Texas, in Las Vegas. Boom, three years goes by.
Starting point is 00:20:06 There's 214 locations of C&D-limited all over the country. Does Cody, Sanchez own 50% of two unfortunate locations or four locations? If whatever it says in the contract. There's no contract. Oh, well, yeah, that's a problem. That's the problem for most of our society. Yeah, I think you're exactly right.
Starting point is 00:20:26 That the lawyers are going to be able to fight on either side. I can argue, of course, Cody, on 50%. What do you mean? It's called CND. C is the first letter. Cody, she on 50%. She's a star. She's on CNBC, of course.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Dan's lawyers were like, what are you talking about? I didn't even talk to her for three years. I put up the money for 210 other low, come on, what are you talking about? I didn't even talk to her for three years. I put up the money for 210 other, okay, come on, what are you talking about? I could argue both sides of it, all of that could have been simple with the reaction you had was, what is the lawyer?
Starting point is 00:20:51 What does the paperwork say? Most people start their company with their buddy, their partner, their significant other, their girlfriend, their friend, their buddy, whatever, blah, blah, blah, and they don't make a simple either memorandum of understanding or a scope of work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:05 You don't need some big fancy contract. And the reason I say sign contracts that everyone including your mom, I'll give you one more quick example. Let's say that Cody and I both tell our mom, we're gonna clean the room. It's Monday. And on Friday, we're gonna get paid.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And that's all we say. I go clean my room every single day for five days in a row. Cody cleans the room once on Monday really efficiently and keeps it spotless the whole week and doesn't ever do it again. And we both go to our moms on Friday with our handout. My mom gives me five bucks.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Cody's mom gives her five bucks. I thousand get 50 bucks. I thousand get 10 bucks a day, five days in a row. Cody's actually gonna 100 bucks. She crushed a made her room sparkling, shining clean in the first day. She thought she was gonna get 20 bucks a day, five days in a row. Cody's actually getting a hundred bucks. She crushed a made-of-room sparkling, shining clean in the first day. She thought she was gonna get 20 bucks a day. And our parents, our moms, give us five bucks each.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Is the mom wrong or are we wrong? We're resentful to our moms. We're like, what do you talk about? I was like, 50 bucks. My mom's like, what are you talking about? I was getting 50 dollars. And you thought you're getting a hundred bucks because you made it shine and sparkle on there
Starting point is 00:22:03 with it looks like a unicorn and she gave you five bucks. Yeah, all of that could be cleared the scope of work Remember and understanding hey mom if I clean my room for five days, I'll give you 50 bucks Yeah, right. I'll give you five bucks or 10 bucks or 20 bucks. We can have a negotiation Most people in our country and around the world they say things in their minds and not out loud Oh, it's so true and they don't have a basic agreement. It's so true. Well, and also the other thing that I've realized in our life is that most humans are good or bad,
Starting point is 00:22:32 except that we are incredible at confirming our own biases. So you will think that you are right. I will think that I am right. And we will have confirmation bias that says that whatever decisions we you are right. I will think that I am right, and we will have confirmation bias that says that whatever decisions we make are right. And the only thing that humans are really good at is digging our heels in. And so the worst part about not having contracts
Starting point is 00:22:54 and you realize this again and again, even if you look at the psychology of fighting, so what happens to two humans when they get in elevated states? Well, actually, the studies show that neither side typically remembers exactly what happened. And even in interrogations, that if we were having
Starting point is 00:23:12 an argument right now, and somebody had to come later a third party witness and say, who was being the aggressor, who was being the victim in the situation, and they were sitting behind you and looking at me. And we were having one argument. And then we had the exact same argument, but they were sitting behind me and looking at you. They would have, they would take different sides. Which is wild, because the only difference would be they would see my face, which means that they would self-associate with me more, and they would see your face, which means they would self-associate with you more. And so, I think, you know, humans, we know these things and yet we don't do them.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And so, I think it's really important, even with the people that you work with, the people that come work for me. They get a job description, obviously. They get a list of responsibilities, and they get a 30, 60, 90-day plan. And that 30, 60, 90 day plan has dates on it. So inside of the first 30 days, here's what you're supposed to do. And we check in on that weekly. We have weekly one-on-ones with everybody
Starting point is 00:24:12 that reports into me individually, and then the people underneath them. It's why I take very few direct reports because I cannot have this level of detail with everybody. And that second level of meeting on our weekly meetings, we check in, did you, okay during our weekly meetings, we check in. Did you, okay, by this week we said you were gonna do these three things, are those done?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Okay, great. But if we see that things aren't being done a few times, then by the time we get to that 90 days, we're like, oh, okay, it's very clear that this isn't a fit because you're not executing on the stuff that we need to do. Or you get to negotiate and they get to say this 30, 69 was actually way too aggressive and I couldn't hit this and we can see
Starting point is 00:24:47 if we agree on those things. But every time I don't do that, because I'm certainly not perfect and there's many situations where I don't, every time I don't do that, it ends up being a bad hire. And even the crazy part, I think, and most people don't actually care to talk about hiring, but I think it's one of the most important aspects
Starting point is 00:25:03 of business of all time, is that in your business, every, depending on how fast the business grows, like my little boring businesses, they don't grow that fast, 3%-5% per year, right? But continuing thinking, for instance, grows 300-500-1,000% per year. And when that happens, you outgrow your people every three to six months, or they outgrow their role.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And so that means they have to try something else or try something new, or you have to hire somebody above or below them. And so you have to renegotiate that constantly. And the only way you can do that is if you're having constant check ins and 30, 60, 90 day plans and really clear communications. And if you don't do that, your business will fail. And your business will fail just about every time it three Xs. And so as soon as you realize that, you realize, okay, we're in a fail period. And then you have to tweak and adjust it. Most relationships break up, whether it's significant
Starting point is 00:25:55 others, staff members, investors, business partners, friends, et cetera, over a lack of communication or a miscommunication. And so I often say, use your words. Because you might be thinking something like, Hey, I want a water. And if that water wasn't there, or you were like, you know, I actually want an orange juice. How am I supposed to do one orange juice? You didn't say anything. So I got your narrow head and you didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Too often people have in their minds what they think that other person should have known, or they perceive what they said. All of that could be cleared up by using your words. And this is something I try to passionately explain on these podcasts is a closed mouth doesn't get fed. If you wanna get a raise, talk about it. You wanna get more sales talk about it. You wanna work more hours talk about it.
Starting point is 00:26:40 You're overwhelmed talk about it. Like using your words is so critical and so important. and our society's gotten so soft and so nervous and I can't say that, I don't want to offend them or I don't want to do this or I don't do that, that people don't have open discussions. I'm the nice guy that's really blunt. Yeah. I'm really blunt because if I'm blunt it's to help you. If my friend is screwing up, I'd tell them, if there was something wrong when you're here right now, I would tell you, if there was something wrong when you're here or no, I would tell you if there was something wrong with what you I would tell you I think Okay, it's not a clock. Yes. It looks okay
Starting point is 00:27:09 The point of it is Too often we are nervous to talk with people that were around our co-workers our friends our staff because we don't want to make it awkward Etc You will actually build a closer relationship if you can be blunt with your friends Yeah, my friends when I talk to Andy for seller we we tell each other like, do this, do that. I should do this. Why did you say that? We have blunt discussions because I respect him
Starting point is 00:27:29 and he's won the legends and I want him to be the best of the best. And vice versa, he looks at me as I'm growing in my career and he's like, I went through this. I just changed that. You shouldn't do this or don't work with that. Like using your words is so critical. What are your thoughts about communication among staff,
Starting point is 00:27:42 employees, friends, relationships, et cetera? Yeah, you know, it changes often. I feel like I'm always learning about this. critical? What are your thoughts about communication among staff, employees, friends, relationships, et cetera? Yeah. You know, it changes often. I feel like I'm always learning about this. And Chris and I talk about it often. It's so critical to be transparent. I've realized increasingly. And often the biggest mistakes in my career have been when I let things fester and when I don't say the thing that I'm thinking, especially as a leader. And so, for instance, I will say to somebody who wants a promotion or wants to do something different, you're not ready for that and here's why.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And I will be very blunt, which usually people don't. They're like, well, maybe at this time, if we hit here, you could, they make it not about the other person. But since businesses are typically run as little dictatorships or fiefdoms of whoever is in charge with them, I'll typically be pretty straight forward and say, hey, for XYZ reason, I don't think you're there.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Now you could be if you do these specific things and at that point, the businesses at these specific places. If those two things meet, we can move forward. If not, probably not. And I didn't do that for so many years because it's so uncomfortable. When you are in a leadership position and you know this, too, you are getting asked all the time, all the time, all the time. And if you do not get comfortable with nose, your business will fail. And you will fail because it's little tiny bites of the elephant every single day. And so I get, I've had to get much more comfortable saying, I'll often almost listen to just about
Starting point is 00:29:08 anything, but I'm very comfortable saying, I understand that that's what you want and no, no is the answer. Often I do think it's useful sometimes to just, with your employees, I try to usually always give an explanation for why, to a point, won't debate always. I'll give my explanation to a point. But I do also think it's okay to just say no. And God, that took me so long. I think men are actually much better at it. Men, you guys get used to having to get beat up by other dudes and you guys talk shit to each other all the time. And women were not really like that. We learned to like prancy foot around everything all the time. And so
Starting point is 00:29:43 it's been a really tough skill for me. You know, even the way my husband sometimes speak, he's like, that's wrong. You know, do that. I'm like, I don't like the way you said that to me. And he's like, what? It's literally wrong. Like, you know, the chicken's burnt or something, right? And so I've tried to learn to get more comfortable with that.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And then I've also found that if I can teach my team to do that by saying all the things that I'm bad at first. So I'll be like, I am not great at X. And for that reason, I will never be our COO. I am not detail oriented enough. And I am not slow enough in my thinking. I want to move too fast. I want to move with a lot of with very little friction. I won't ever be our COO. I will always hire really good ones because that's not my strength. And then that's what I will say. And you, Dan, also could not be a diss leader for these reasons at this stage and time, at least at this company. I think that's the right way to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Another message I think is important and some people are not going to hear this is that most of the people are not built to be the CEO. Most people are not supposed to be the entrepreneur. I don't think people realize that being the CEO or being the entrepreneur or being the owner, you're basically a firefighter. All day long, you're putting out problems like you just mentioned dealing with employees and drama and lawsuits and arguments and vendors and payments and late payments and banks and finances and emails and staff and vendors and people firing and competitors and everything between. And some people, for the most part, should be employee number four.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And employee number nine. And you're going to make your salary, you're going to have some equity and you're going to have a good life and you're not going to stress out about payroll over a single two weeks or four weeks. And you're going to go through life and enjoy yourself and that. And at some point, after you've been through the ropes, you might want to make that jump or you might say, you know what, I definitely don't want to do that because I saw what my boss went through the stress.
Starting point is 00:31:27 We've glamorized, not we. So, a lot of people have glamorized the entrepreneur and CEO lifestyle as if it's sexy and cool and easy and never becomes a millionaire, it's overnight. What are your thoughts about the topic? And people deciding if they should become or how they could learn if there should become a CEO or founder entrepreneur. Well, I'll tell you what I've noticed. When I go to a group of entrepreneurs like the real we were in today, extremely successful people, right? Some really big names. And I said, everybody who owns a business, raise your hand, and they raise your hand. And I go, everybody that would sell their business for the right price in terms also raise your hand. And everybody hands stays up. And why is that? If being a CEO was so phenomenal
Starting point is 00:32:11 and it was just jets and bitches and bent leaves all day and that's all you did, nobody would be selling their companies. But the truth of the matter is, is that being a CEO is really for like, CEO is really for like, massacists. It's like people who somehow love pain. And thank God there are people that are like that because I think it makes the world go around for sure. And so there's a part of me that likes that we can memorize it because we need some people to step into the arena, not just be spectators,
Starting point is 00:32:41 but there will always be a player in the game to spectator ratio, and that ratio will never be one to one. And the reason is because it sucks. There's a lot of fun parts about running a business, but you know, we were talking about this morning, I can't tell you the amount of nights that I'm up at three in the morning thinking about stuff. I can't tell you the amount of nights and weekends. I mean, we've worked like maybe the past five weekends probably. And do we have to because
Starting point is 00:33:10 we need the money or the business is failing? No. We do it because the business needs it at this stage and we need it for some reason. But I don't think you should glamorize it. Because then what I think it does is then you get a bunch of people that try to get in these positions and they try to tell themselves that they're a founder and they're a CEO because they think it sounds better and then they get in there and they're fucking miserable. And then they make everybody who works for them miserable and or they fail when they could have been exceptional at being a specialist in somebody else's business. Right. So we talk to a bit about making money and let's talk about investing side of things.
Starting point is 00:33:44 When you have so many options of what you could be investing into, especially because you're getting so much deal flow, how do you decide what Cody yourself would invest into? So a couple things. I was at this event where only people who had $20 million or more were allowed to attend. So high net worth individuals and I asked how many of them in the room had done a deal before, had made an investment Every single hand goes up right of course we've done deals We've done so many deals. We're so rich all the deals and then I go how many of you guys
Starting point is 00:34:14 Have an investment thesis that you stick to and criteria use every time and they were like Crickets, damn there was not one there were I I don't know, like 100 people in that room, 100 people in the room and they didn't have investment criteria. And I just thought that's crazy. Think about that. If you didn't have criteria for what a good hire was, if you didn't have criteria for you know, why you dated somebody or you didn't, like and you kept trying to do the same thing again again, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing continuously and expecting different results. And so I thought this is so fascinating. When we date somebody or hire somebody, we have parameters. And yet when we make investments, we think that somehow every deal is so totally different, that there's no learnings we could have from deal to deal.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And so for me, I'm very particular. Every single deal that we do, you know, and with perfect examples in our venture capital fund goes into my investment memo. This investment memo every single time has categories based on the asset class. So in this case, it would be we invest in infrastructure for small businesses of technology that empowers small businesses. Based on those criteria, each investment gets a ranking. Based on that ranking, we decide if we want to move forward and also based on that ranking,
Starting point is 00:35:30 we see historically how good are we? So we thought this company was a 48 out of 48, that would be the highest ranking, and it failed. Okay, that's one. But if we have 10 of our 48 out of 48s fail and zero of our 12 out of 48s fail, then we know, oh, there's something wrong with our categorization and so you don't have to be as meticulous as we are about it
Starting point is 00:35:49 But I do think you should have parameters. You had a good one today It was like if you're going to invest in a startup franchise you want to make sure they have four locations because they're much more de-risked at four than they are at one It's the same thing with like if you invest in a business before it does a million dollars in revenue, that's incredibly risky, after a million UFD risk. And so having those parameters is really important and institutionalizing them. So, the elevator syndicate, our rule is we do two million to twenty million dollars. They have to be doing two to twenty million because Dan will gamble on a company that's
Starting point is 00:36:24 doing a couple hundred thousand or zero or million bucks But if I'm gonna have other investors co-invest in a deal with me Yeah, I have a two million dollar minimum because I don't want egg on my face And it'll be a lot less risk if the company's doing four million eight million ten million et cetera my main investment Strategy and what I always preach about is called 40 40 20 40% low risk 40% meeting risk 20% high risk. I also nicknamed the shot at glory. I'm hoping that my low risk and medium risk is going to cover my high risk in case it doesn't
Starting point is 00:36:52 work out, which it's called high risk, so it's not work out, probably won't work out. But if I'm right, it's going to be like a 5X, a 10X, a 20X. Something like changing, something major is going to happen when I do it, but I'm not going to an ulcer over it because I'm gonna put a small amount in on those things, cryptocurrency, angel investing, et cetera. When I talk about throwing in 25K, 50K, 100K, whatever into a startup company, that has to be a small amount of your capital, otherwise it's not time to angel invest yet.
Starting point is 00:37:20 The low risk, I wanna be making five to nine percent for the year. That's just a beat inflation, that's just to keep me going, to keep my dollar value up. It makes my mom happy that I have some boring investments. I need that five to nine percent. That's just like the safe part. The medium risk is where most people live. This is three things.
Starting point is 00:37:36 This is cash flowing businesses. Cody Sanchez is content. This is real estate. And this is the stock market, but only long term, not day trading. Yeah, 100 percent. Over the last hundred years the stock market wins, right? Over the course of time raise your hand if you think Apple will be here in five years. Do you think Walmart will be here in five years? Do you think Google, Netflix? Household name companies that you go shop at you should consider buying stock in.
Starting point is 00:37:58 For the long term, small amounts. Do I know what the stock is going to be in six months? Absolutely not. Anybody that says that they know what the price will be in six months of Tesla, Apple, Walmart, et cetera, is either lying or delusional. Because you can't account for the media, woke situations where stock plummets like Netflix and Disney overnight, you can't account for those type of the Budweiser losing $6 billion in a week. That's wild. I still can't believe we got it. We checked the numbers there. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Oh, I think it's more. Wow. And yeah, and it's just what they lost for now. Oh, man. Think about the masses that are just not going back to Budweiser and now I want to go by stocking Cours Light and Miller and you know, like, I can't believe that head of market
Starting point is 00:38:36 and has again fired. Like regardless of like what you think, like ideologically, if your job is to bring dollars in and, woo. And understand your audience. Yeah, yeah. So the point of it is finding things in the stock market
Starting point is 00:38:49 that you believe in, like if you own Apple phones and you spend $1200 a year in Apple phones, maybe you should buy $1200 in stock in Apple. Yeah. Is it gonna go up or down this year? I have no idea. But with a course of 5, 10, 20 years, pretty sure Apple is gonna be a trillion dollar company,
Starting point is 00:39:02 especially with their new 4.15% banking situation they just offered two days ago like I think they're going to be one of the biggest banks in history Yeah, that's why other other banks offered like 0.1 to 0.3% Apple is offering 4.15% savings account They that's not 10 times more that's like 30 or 40 or 50 times more than other banks And so I think Apple is going to be a multi-trillion dollar company over the course of time. That seems like a safe investment over the course of time. Cash flow and business is interesting, and that's why I say, look at Cody's content, because you can find things that someone has for five, six, seven locations or you can acquire something or invest in something that has cash flow and you're making two grand a month,
Starting point is 00:39:40 a five grand a month, a 10 grand a month. It doesn't need to be six figures a month. It could be that two grand, three grand, 500 bucks, etc. That adds up, and especially when you do it over the course of time. In real estate, it's not about you going out there flipping real estate. I don't flip real estate. I put up money with someone that's really good at flipping real estate. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I don't buy four plexes. I buy pieces of four plexes with someone that's really good at buying four plexes. And so when you guys are out there thinking about investing real estate, and you've got your first five grand, 10 grand, 25k 100k 200k etc. saved up considering co-investing with an expert not their first time that's an expert someone that's done it four times 10 times 20 times and that will reduce your risk and all the things we're talking about. All right last segment charity. So the reason that we like to talk about giving away money to charity it's not just about the money part.
Starting point is 00:40:25 A lot of times, people can do really good charity work with their social media, with their phone, community, rallying the troops together, etc. When we do the toy drives or Thanksgiving food drives or backpacks for the homeless, we're showcasing it so people replicate not to donate money to us. I'm constantly showing, here's how I do a toy drive, you got to get a location, get a date, go to a local offices, invite them over. Here's how you can do a toy drive. Thanks for your food drive, get a location, get a date, invite your friends, tell all the businesses around, rally the troops, they'll bring turkeys and stuffy, etc. You don't need money to do these things. So my question for you is, why is it important for personal brands or for businesses or corporations to involve
Starting point is 00:41:05 themselves in philanthropy and charity work? I actually didn't know. Well, that's why you did that. I think that's brilliant because you're right. It's not necessary to have cash to give cash. It's not necessary at all. In fact, it's the same way that you talked about how you first started masterminds. You're like, you're just, how could you do?
Starting point is 00:41:24 You know, what's interesting about you is you seemminds. You're like, you're just, how could you do, you know, what's interesting about you is you seem to break things down by like, what if this was easy? You know, what if I did this in a way that was easy and what if I did this in a way that didn't take much cash, which I think is just a good question for people to ask themselves just about whenever. I mean, you told me and then we'll get to the charity portion.
Starting point is 00:41:41 You're like, no, when you're first starting a mastermind, you should go to realitters who have really, really expensive Lins, Lins, Lins, Stings on mansions, and you should give them free, you know, free press by basically posting something with a bunch of big names. Bring 100 people to a mansion that's great marketing for them. 100%. So I thought that was really clever.
Starting point is 00:41:58 It's the same for charity. So I've always believed in a hand up, as opposed to a hand out. So the way that I like to do charity is multi-fold. One, I really like to make sure that the people inside of my businesses are one, I make sure they're really fairly compensated, always. Two, pretty much everybody in all my businesses that's been there over three years. First three years is always a trial period, but over three years gets skin in the game. That doesn't mean equity in my businesses, but over three years gets skin in the game.
Starting point is 00:42:25 That doesn't mean equity in my businesses, like I don't give equity in contrarian thinking, but it might mean that they have, you know, if you get XKPI, you should make more money. If the business is doing better, you should do better every single year. I think there should be skill alignment, or skin alignment. So I think the first and best way for us to do charity is just kind of like the guys we're talking about today help more people not be poor as many people as possible as you can pull up and that's why I feel a big push to make this company as big as possible. I could have a single person influencer business like many people that we know do that does millions of dollars of year And I don't really take any cash from this business right now. So like, you know, I could be making millions of dollars more than I do from this business right now. If I cut everything down and didn't employ a bunch of people,
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'd also probably get rid of a ton of headache. But I actually think some of the best charity or philanthropy you can do is to build really big businesses, pay people well, and then teach them skin in the game. And that's, if you do X, you should get Y. And if you're not happy with X and Y, then go get your own chips. And everything I talk about teaches you
Starting point is 00:43:33 how to go build your own business, how to go to your next thing. And oh, by the way, if you've been a great employee for me, when you go to do your next venture, I'm gonna be the first person to say, I wanna, awesome, let me invest in you. For sure. 100% every time. And so then I actually build this sort of charitable arm next venture, I'm going to be the first person to say, I want to, awesome, let me invest in you. 100% every time.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And so then I actually build this sort of charitable arm in a way that is me recognizing that every single human has some sort of purpose or value. And I want to, I want to give to that. The only thing that I sometimes feel with charity, not a drive or things like you do because that's a tangible need that's directly then given to someone in need. But often I found that these charities are like an amalgamation of bureaucracies that then lead to victimization and often one, don't get enough cash to the actual use case and
Starting point is 00:44:18 two, self-symptoms as opposed to problems. And so what I like to do instead is like what Tim Kennedy does. Like him starting the school for kids in Texas, is it a charity? No, it's a business with a really charitable pursuit, which I think is super important distinction. Can you walk us through your newsletter, your coaching, your weekly calls? Because I'm actually, there's very few things that I actually subscribe to because time-wise, but I've been a customer of yours for years, you don't even know this, but like, walk us through what is the newsletter, what is the weekly calls, like, to walk us through, like, how people can learn from Cody. I didn't know that, and I love that. So, I, we have
Starting point is 00:44:56 Contrary in Thinking, which is a free newsletter, that is all about ways to become financially free, and to do it in unconventional ways, while doing the second thing, which is civilizing the mind, usually there's like a contraint rant or an asymmetric framework, something in there to make your mind stimulated, oh, we make your bank account grow. It's contraint thinking. Then we have something new. It's called the boring business brief that is a newsletter focused exclusively
Starting point is 00:45:19 on doing deals, buying businesses, which is kind of cool. Then obviously we have all of our socials, increasingly YouTube's a huge focus. We have a full team here, sort of filming a bunch of stuff. And the idea is the youth of today, they're not in school, they're not even on TikTok, they're not an Instagram, they're on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:45:39 YouTube is the University of tomorrow. And we want to meet them where they are. And so we're spending a ton of money on YouTube and really focusing on that in a big way. And then we have our educational products. So we have a course for buying small businesses. I started that candidly because I got a little tired of repeating myself.
Starting point is 00:46:02 So people ask, can you get a phone call with me? Can you do this? Can you? Yeah, and I used to love that. And then I was like, oh my god, I'm so overwhelmed. I can barely eat. I don't have any time for anything. And so I put it into a course.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And then I gave away that course for free. And then I found that people got the course and wouldn't finish it. Because there's no skin in the game and there's no value. So then I started charging for it. And the completion rate, 100x. So I was like, this is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Then I increased the price and the completion course, 100x. And so now it's still very inexpensive, but it's enough where somebody's gonna actually do it. It's like 1,500 bucks to take the, how to buy a small business course. And then we have our business buying community, which is called Uncommental Acquisitions.
Starting point is 00:46:44 We call it a mastermind, but I'm not sure that's the right word. This is a very tactical group. The idea with this group is that for $8,000, that means you have enough skin in the game and you have enough cash that you probably could buy a business. You're not gonna drop $8,000 if you should not buy a business right now, most likely.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But simultaneously, it's not so much like this group about the other people you're going to meet in the mastermind, although there's a big component of that. It is that you are on a mission. Inside of one year, which is the term of the community, you will buy a small business. That's what we want to have happen. And so inside of 11 months, on average, somebody's bought a business inside of our group, and the average business size that they've bought has replaced their W2 income. So that's the goal. There's been something like $97 million in profit we've bought over the last two years.
Starting point is 00:47:32 That's fun. Yeah, it's really cool. And we try to really technically follow that. And then I think eventually what we'll do, we just started inside of that group, a post-acquisition group. So for every, so let's say that there's, you know, 50 or 100 people that have bought a business in that group in the last two years, they will get a separate group. So for every, so there's, let's say that there's, you know, 50 or 100 people that have bought business in that group in the last two years, they will get a separate group. It's only for post acquirers that can all learn how to grow. And then I think we'll do a higher level group, which
Starting point is 00:47:54 will be our true mastermind that will sort of self-select people that we think can be the next generation of Warren Buffett, juniors, and have holding companies with multiple companies. And then the difference with this one, similar to your group in some ways, is that I want them to be ideologically aligned. I don't want just everybody to get rich buying businesses and to teach everybody that. I don't want people who are going to rape the companies who are going to strip them, who are then going to sell them off to private equity.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I want these people that want to buy businesses because they want to make their communities better and they want to hold these things for their life as legacy. And so that's going to be the higher level group we eventually built. I like that a lot. Yeah, me too, theoretically. The same thing when you mentioned about getting asked all the time, I wrote a book called How to Set Up Your Business for Under $1,000. I love that.
Starting point is 00:48:43 And I sent it out for free or jeans to everybody I can because I want them to just read it because it's like a short 100 pages. I wrote How to Set Up Your Personal Brand for Under $1,000. Because everyone said, how do I do my brand? How do I hear it read this book? Read this book. And I made it short enough.
Starting point is 00:48:56 100 pages are less on both books. So that they don't have to ask me. And they can read it. They can read in a couple hours. My third and final book is How to Set Up Your Events for Under $100,000. That makes so much sense now. I'm gonna send a three pack out.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Some people can just have all the answers that they need and three 100 page short form books. And lose my number. Don't call me read the book. Last question. We are in a world full of casts. There's a lot of things that the media is saying. People are nervous, they're scared,
Starting point is 00:49:22 that a lot of people are selling their assets for cheap and their businesses for cheap and they want to hand it away. Like in a world for all of chaos, what would you say to people to stay calm? And so look for deals. By when there's blood in the streets, especially if the blood is your own, a barren Rothschild, I think in chaotic world
Starting point is 00:49:38 is where all the opportunity lies. Most of the opportunities I've gotten in my life have been because I positioned myself to be able to take action when most people are running scared. And, you know, like we've talked about before, I want to steal as many people as 10,000 hours as possible. So I try to read the grades. And I've read about Warren Buffett, who says, be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. And I've read about the Rothschilds and how they built up an empire in industries that were in decline. And so I think what you should ponder right now is how can you get yourself in a position where either with your resources or with your sweat, you can take advantage of a world
Starting point is 00:50:18 in a little bit of chaos because nothing ever goes down forever and nothing ever goes up forever. And so if you know that at some point, the world will revert, how can you be ready for that moment? I think real wealth is made in downturns. We're about to experience one. Most people see that as a bad thing. It's really just a sale.
Starting point is 00:50:39 All right guys, you're listening to the Money Monday's. We are the number four business show today. We could use our help to get to number three, number two and eventually maybe the number one spot. It's kind of be hard to kick Dave Ramsey out of there. He is there every single day. But the whole point of this is, we want people to have more discussions about money.
Starting point is 00:50:55 You've seen Cody's content and make sure you go follow her at Cody Sanchez across all platforms, on TikTok, Instagram, et cetera, and obviously on YouTube. Have these discussion about money with your friends, your family, your staff, your coworkers. Be open about it. Share the podcast people, like, subscribe, et cetera, and obviously on YouTube. Have these discussion about money with your friends, your family, your staff, your coworkers. Be open about it, share the podcast people, like, subscribe, all those things,
Starting point is 00:51:09 and we will see it away to charity. Today's guess is going to be one of my easiest interviews ever. So I'm obsessed with this content. I'm obsessed with the community that is built. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and the people will go live with him on social media. Sometimes they'll go live for 16 hours, 24 hours and crazy things like that. Just teaching people for free because he wants them to learn more information about real estate, creative financing, and what's called sub-toto which he's going to teach all that about. But more importantly is I care how much he cares. The amount he cares about his people and the amount of time energy puts into teaching people
Starting point is 00:51:54 is heartwarming, obsessed with it. Please welcome Mr. Pace Morby. Dan Fleischman, what's up brother? Dan Fleischman, the greatest intro you could ever give me is telling me how much I care. Thank you so much. You do care I do like I can feel it I can see it and I watch it you know you can't you can't fake 16 hours, right? People can fake this and fake that like you can't fake 16 hours
Starting point is 00:52:14 You can't fake 24 hours you can't fake drive around the country throwing pop-up meetings I mean I've watched pace throw pop-up meetings He did one in Venice 1100 people show up people don't show up to meet someone in the parking lot, unless they care also about what they're doing for them. All right, pace. So the way this works is we do exactly 40 minutes because the average commutes around 45 minutes, the average workouts around 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:34 So we do a 40 minute podcast, make it nice and easy. But first we do a two minute bio so we can get straight to the money. Love it. Pace Morby, I am on A and E television. Yeah. That is where I ended up. I started as a contractor. I learned how to be a contractor for my dad, family of 12 children, so I learned how to work my guts out, do chores, do all the things. When I got into my 20s, I also became
Starting point is 00:52:58 a contractor. Obviously, because that's when my dad taught me, trade my time for money. That's what I did. And I had a lady that came to me, her name is Bethany, shout out Bethany. She says, why aren't you in real estate? And that one conversation changed my life. She actually changed me and forced me to get in real estate because that's what I needed. I couldn't watch a video, I couldn't read another thing,
Starting point is 00:53:20 I couldn't watch another, anything. I just needed somebody to show me in person. And so I started doing deals. And when I got successful enough at it, I said, man, I wonder how many other people are out there that need to learn in person like me. And so I started going around the country with my wife, my kids, and changing people's lives, buying deals with them, building houses, buying apartment complexes, RV parks, doing all the things, and we got a TV show because of all the attention that we got, and still to this day, my wife
Starting point is 00:53:49 and I, in fact, tomorrow are going on a 15-day jaunt to 16 different cities to meet probably close to 10,000 people a person. Oh, my God. Oh, okay. And my wife and kids are along for the ride, dude. That is so fun. Yeah, that's great. That is amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Okay, so on the make-money side of our three topics, there's so many ways to make money in real estate. It's too many ways. That's the reason why people are so, it's so hard for them to get in is they can't pick one. Right. Yeah. So, when people have options, they have apartment complexes and flipping houses and four
Starting point is 00:54:19 plexes and you should live in one unit out of the fourplex and the house hack and all these, there's so many different things that they see online, they see a guru or they learn about or hear about how the heck do the people make decisions on what the heck they can do? Great question. So you got to break it down to the three ways to make money in real estate.
Starting point is 00:54:35 There's only three, those are umbrellas. Okay, so umbrella number one is you wholesale, which means you find a deal, where you find a house, a real estate agent, or another person that has a contract on a house, and as a whole sale, you take that contract and you sell that contract to somebody else, kind of like just trading carts.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Interesting. It's kind of like shoes, I know you love shoes. You know, there's people that wholesale shoes, right? You can buy a shoe at a discount, let's say a Nike $200 pair of shoes, you can turn around and sell that shoe for 280 bucks. For sure. The same thing is true in real estate.
Starting point is 00:55:09 You can wholesale real estate. It's very easy, low barrier of entry, no license needed. It's really good for today money. Like, I need money today. So if you're a today money person, you go to wholesale. Got it. Fixing and flipping is tomorrow money,
Starting point is 00:55:22 which means it takes about six to nine months to get a check. A lot more skills have to be obtained. Fixing and flipping is tomorrow money, which means it takes about six to nine months to get a check. A lot more skills have to be obtained. Fixing and flipping is a big umbrella because you got development, you got ground up construction, you got, let me add an addition on this house, whatever. I don't think most people want to be in fixing flip.
Starting point is 00:55:38 But it's the thing that most people think about because all the TV shows, including mine. Exactly. Okay, including mine. Exactly. Including mine. That's the second category. Third category is where actually everybody really wants to be, which is buy and hold. The challenge with buy and hold is a lot of people think they need a lot of money to get into that.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So they avoid getting in there. I don't have good credit. I don't have cash. I don't have the credentials. I don't have the experience. I'm not going to get into that. So those are the three buckets. I know, ultimately, everybody wants to be in bucket three, which is I want to attain wealth.
Starting point is 00:56:07 I want to have passive income. My tenants are paying down my debts. My tenants are giving me cash flow. My tenants are paying for my management. That is ultimately the holy grail. So I break it up like this. If you're brand new, you don't have a good job. You hate your job. Whole sales probably the way to go. Okay. If you love your job, which a lot of people do, I've got a student that she makes $300,000 a year as a developer, she works 10 hours a week. Am I gonna tell her to quit her job? Absolutely not. No, do not quit your job.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Please don't quit your job. Use your money to invest in real estate on the side and be a weekend investor. So it kind of depends on who you are, but choose those three categories first. And then on my YouTube channel, I have a thing called an avatar test. It's free. It's like a four hour video I did where I break down all the different personalities.
Starting point is 00:56:51 So type in pace, morbid avatar, and it will break down your personality and give you the right path based on who you are, experiences you have, and the resources you're currently are holding. They just go to and type in paste or re-avatar. I love this. Yeah, this is really fun. I love these quizzes and tests. That's such a great question. So someone says, you know what? I don't have much money. I'm listening to the money
Starting point is 00:57:16 and I want to learn about money. That's why we're here. How do I do a wholesale deal? Where do I learn? How do I understand the concept? Okay, so bigger pockets, which is the big podcast in my space, they're the goliath of the real estate space. They come to me six months ago and they go, I bet you couldn't do a deal with zero resources, zero cell phone, and $100 in your pocket
Starting point is 00:57:39 in less than 30 days. I'm like, 30 days. Give me five hours. Oh my God. So this is what I did. So I go to bigger pockets, I'm like, 30 days. Give me five hours. Oh my God. Like, so this is what I did. Okay, so I go to bigger pockets, I go, I'll film it and you guys got to put it on your YouTube channel. So this is what I did.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I went to a park bench, brought a videographer to track me, and I acted like I was homeless and I'm just starting from scratch. And I go, you guys can keep your hundred bucks because I don't need the hundred bucks. Okay. Okay, so this is what I did.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I went to a title company. Title companies are who does all the transactions in real estate and title companies are everywhere. There's as many title companies as there are Starbucks. So I go to a title company, I walked about a mile and a half, first title company I go to I walk in and I go, I need a list of homeowners who are in foreclosure. And I also need a list of people who tried selling their house on the market, but they couldn't, because they couldn't get the number they needed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And those become what we call expired listings. So the title company goes, no problem. So they give me a list. And I go, do you have an office I could use? Come on. And they go, yeah, we do, right down here. So they have like a little marketing office. I go, can you have an office I could use? Come on. And they go, yeah, we do, right down here. So they have a little marketing office. I go, can I use the phone?
Starting point is 00:58:47 So I made 180 phone calls in probably about two hours. And the 181st, 180 second call, the seller says, yeah, I'll do the deal. I go, can you come pick me up? Come on. I'm dead serious. Ha, ha, ha. So the seller came and met me at the title company.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And the title company printed out my contracts. We did the deal right there, okay? And I called up somebody I knew that would buy this deal. And I said, hey, I'm at a title company. Will you come and sign a contract with me? So the seller came, did the documents left. I call a buyer who will actually want this contract. And I go, if you give me $5,000 today, I'll let you buy this contract from.
Starting point is 00:59:28 So they came to the title company, the title company printed out the documents. I got $5,000 when I walked away and it took me about five and a half hours to do that whole thing. Oh my God. Please go watch this on YouTube. I'm going to go watch this on YouTube. This is so good. Okay, so the research, the wholesaling side, they watched it, they checked out what type of advertiser they are on your YouTube, et cetera. They're like, you know what? I'm gonna go try to fix and flip a house.
Starting point is 00:59:53 What's like a general's, the cons, let's just say they can afford to buy a $300,000 house. Whether they have like 20 grand, 50 grand, 60 grand, saved up. Walk us through like the general cons of, how much should they be trying to make? What should they be looking out for? Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Okay, so how much you should try and make in a fixed and flip is about 15% net of the sales price. So let's say the sales price is 500,000. You should be trying to net in your pocket after everything's done, everybody's paid $60,000. That's like the great, a good target. Yeah. Okay, where do you find the deal?
Starting point is 01:00:23 Where you can find deals from people who have already gotten them under contract. You don't have to go knock on a seller's door or call a seller. You could go to like Jamil, my buddy. You'll end up having him on the podcast as well. You could go to his website They've got hundreds of houses already sitting there ready for a fix in flipper to just go, yeah, I want that house.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Oh, really? Yep. How do you spell that? Kegley. Kegley. Kegley. Okay. So you go to You tell Kegley, I want that house. Oh really? Yep. How do you spell that? Keagle Okay. So you go to, you tell Keagle, I want that house, I see that it's, it could be worth 500,000 once it's fixed up. That's what Zillow says. Keagle is selling it to me for 220. Sounds decent. Sounds decent. But where am I going to get the money? Right. So we go to a company called
Starting point is 01:01:05 Okay. They'll give you the money for the purchase and they'll also give you the money for the renovation. Whoa, whoa. Bro, this business is too easy. Come on. Okay. The challenge with the Fix and Flip is always a contractor.
Starting point is 01:01:17 You got to find a good contractor. So you've got to ask for referrals. Okay. Typically, I would ask Keighley, like, who do you refer, who should I use to flip this house? Or find some, if you go to my, I have a free Facebook group called Creative Finance with pace morbby, 90,000 free members in there that are all helping each other out with contractor resources, lender resources, etc. I need someone in the city. There you go. So if you got a contractor, my investor loan, you and Keagle, that's all you need.
Starting point is 01:01:46 You're in the real estate game. You're in the real estate game, tomorrow. Like you and I could pull up a phone, make a message to Keagle, you know, we want that house, send the address to my investor loan, get the money today, and then have a contractor by Monday
Starting point is 01:01:58 to start doing the work. Like it's that simple. Okay. The biggest thing is mindset. Like people are so afraid of things. So they just, you know, analysis paralysis. So let's say we find a 220K house that could be worth 500,000 for a group, model it.
Starting point is 01:02:14 How much money should we be thinking about putting it into a 220 house and so try to make that 60 grand at the end of the day? Four years ago I would have said 50 grand. But now with supply costs and contractor costs have gone through the roof, I'd say $100,000. So you buy it for 220, you got closing costs with the title company, they do the paperwork,
Starting point is 01:02:32 they charge you for that, then $100,000 a renovation. So you're into it 320 plus like some change. Some change. So let's just say you're into it 350, you sell it for 500, okay? Seen's good, but when you sell a house for 500, you got a real estate agent, a real estate agent, title company again,
Starting point is 01:02:51 all sorts of home appraisalers, home warranties, all sorts of stuff. That's gonna cost 50 grand to sell your house. Right. So you'll walk away with a 50 to $60,000 profit easy on that thing, maybe upwards of a hundred thousand bucks. Sounds like fun. I'm telling you, most people I know that are fixing flippers. You flip three houses a year. You're probably making anywhere between 150 to $250,000 a year, just doing three to four
Starting point is 01:03:15 houses a year. And then the only concern there is that they're not that good at it, right? Or they do something wrong or they pay the general contractor wrong or they choose something wrong, right? 99% of the issues I see in fixing and flipping is that they hired a contractor that took advantage of that. And if you don't know how to manage a contractor, the best way to manage a contractor is get a referral from somebody who knows how to manage a contractor and ask them questions along the way like, hey, how should I pay them? When should I release some money? Well, you know, what kind of question should I be asking? You need another human being to kind of walk you through this stuff. Tell me about the peace sign. What is the peace sign on your hat right now?
Starting point is 01:03:51 The peace sign. So I do, I have a strategy called creative finance, more specifically subject to. And the process of subject to is that I go to sellers that no longer can afford their payments, or they want to move and they don't have a lot of equity. And I go to the seller, I go, can I just take over your existing payments? It's like taking over payments on somebody's car. You could go to and take over
Starting point is 01:04:13 somebody's lease on their car, super easy. Or there's a website called for like, hey, somebody doesn't want their car anymore, I'm just gonna take over their payments. That's called subject two. So they can just go take a Tesla. Take a Tesla. I'll pay at the hundred bucks a month exactly. So I do that in real estate. I find people That go hundreds of deals like I'll do 500 single-family rentals in my portfolio this year just by taking over somebody else 500 500
Starting point is 01:04:38 Okay, okay, I've amplified I mean it wasn't like that last year of course compounds so Here's what happens. I had a seller five years ago. He was in a bad situation. Couldn't sell with a real estate agent. Couldn't sell with a wholesaler. Couldn't sell because he didn't have equity in his house. And because like I said in the previous example, if you sell a house for 500 grand,
Starting point is 01:05:00 you're not getting 500 grand. You're gonna pay a realtor, a realtor, closing God, all that stuff. He was gonna have to come out of his pocket to sell the house. It was coming down to a timeline that he was gonna lose a real, it was gonna be a bad situation. I come on the scene, throw a referral
Starting point is 01:05:16 because people know what I do. And I end up taking over this guy's payments. 2.9% interest rate I take over, a payment of 1,,900 a month, he walks away with no money, happily. The agent I pay her $2,500 fee for bringing the deal to me, and like two nights later, after the transactions all the way done, Dave, the seller sends me a text message like one o'clock in the morning, and he says, dude, thank you for saving my life when nobody else could says, dude, thank you for saving my life
Starting point is 01:05:45 when nobody else could solve this problem. Thank you for saving my life. And I reply back and I go, isn't it amazing what creative finance can do? And he replies back and says, sub two. And I go, that's my logo. That's my logo. And for me, if you understand where my first deal came from, it came from me helping a lady re-home her bunnies. Literally. I could tell that story if we had the time, but, and so I always think of reminding myself that when I'm doing a deal with a seller,
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'm always trying to find their bunnies. What is your problem? What's your situation? How can I truly help you? Forget about the house. How can I help the human? And so I always say, look for the bunnies. And so I always told people,
Starting point is 01:06:24 like, look for the bunnies when you're doing a deal Look for a bunny the bunnies and then when Dave sent me that text message says sub to I go that's my logo That's so fun. So it has multiple meanings and and all that but it just also it's a It's a great logo that just makes people feel comfortable, you know and then on your hoodie on your sweatshirt It says community. Well, why is community so important to you? Why do you spend 16 hours, four hours, 24 hours, 16 cities and 15 days with the wife and kids? Like, this is very intense, time intensive for you.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Talk to us about community and why it's important. Well, you know, same thing that you do is you bring quality people together to share information. You are a guy that's leading the entire business industry. At the time, I got into real estate 10 years ago, YouTube wasn't really great in a place to get information. The seminars that you go to in real estate were just people trying to sell you a $60,000 product
Starting point is 01:07:14 that gave you no fulfillment, nothing. In fact, I had a lot of people in my world that were like, I'm not gonna, if I teach you real estate, who's gonna do my construction work? I was a contractor and I was doing work for Open Door Offerpad Zillow, crushing it for them, but they all wanted to keep me as their contractor. And it wasn't until a lady came across, and I said this earlier in the podcast, that she's like, paste, why the hell are you not in real estate?
Starting point is 01:07:41 And she grabbed me by my right shoulder physically. I can still feel the talons in her from her fingers in my estate. And she grabbed me by my right shoulder physically. I can still feel the talons from her fingers in my shoulder. And she says, why are you not in real estate? And she, I go, because I don't have anybody to show me, like I'm a blue collar contractor dude. I need somebody to show me the blueprints of exactly how it works, like monkey-see, monkey-do.
Starting point is 01:08:02 That's how stupid I am. And so she did that for me. She's like, pull out your phone, I'll tell you the next step, and then the next step, and the next step, and the next step. So for me, I realized I learned that way, and nobody else was doing it in the industry, and I was kind of, I had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder,
Starting point is 01:08:17 like nobody was, nobody wants to help me? Fine, I'll just help everybody else on the planet. Wow. And so I started doing, I told, you've heard this story before, but I started posting on my Instagram stories and saying, whoever wants to come with me on an appointment, jump in my Prius, let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Do you want to meet my private money lenders? You want to go to my job sites? You want to see my office? You want to see, feel and smell what a real business looks like? Let's go. So how many people came the first time? Zero. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Because I didn't have a brand. Right. And so a lot of people seeing us on a podcast or to forget that Dan Fleischman wasn't always Dan. Right. I didn't always have freaking a Tarzan living on his freaking property in, you know, Temecula, California.
Starting point is 01:08:57 They think that we just came out of the womb like this. Nobody showed up. Second week I did it. Three people showed up. Third week I did it. 63 people showed up. 63. And I did it. Three people showed up. Third week I did it. 63 people showed up. 63. And I did it at Circle K.
Starting point is 01:09:08 63 people showed up the third week. And Circle K called the cops. You're like, what the hell is going on? So I was like, all right, I wiseened up. Then what I did is I started doing it every Friday. I would take my whole day Friday to just tell everybody all in Arizona, come to my office on Friday, eight o'clock to 5 p.m. I, come to my office on Friday, eight o'clock
Starting point is 01:09:25 to 5 p.m. I'll order a taco truck at lunch, we'll hang out, we'll do deals with each other and I'll just whiteboard your answer because I'm a very visual learner and I assumed everybody else was. And so I attracted hundreds of people to the point where my neighbors, the tenants to both my, the sides of our office, then called the cops on us. I was like, all really? Oh yeah. I knew nothing about us. I was like, all right. Oh, really? Oh yeah. I knew nothing about events.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I knew nothing about renting out a space. I knew nothing. I was just like, I want to help change people's lives. And I got the drip of dopamine of like, when somebody says, you change my life. Right, yeah. I mean, how many times you heard that? And it's just like, it makes you so fast.
Starting point is 01:10:01 It's, I call it the emotional income. And what was great is all of a sudden, these people started bringing me deals that I started buying with them. And I started making money with them. And not just changing their lives, but it was improving my family and my wife and my children's life as well.
Starting point is 01:10:19 So I decided one day, let's take this on the road. So I bought an air stream. And for the first time we did it, we did it for five months. We were just on the road. And I did like a hundred deals with people that had never done a deal before. Just by going into a parking lot and going, all right, guys, I'm in this parking lot. Let's whiteboard for an hour. I'm going to show you guys how to do a deal. And we would go out into the city and go do deals. And we're doing that. We're starting to do that again tomorrow, starting tomorrow. That is so much fun. So for me, the human connection was everything for me.
Starting point is 01:10:47 You could throw every book at me, every podcast, everything, but at some point, my dumbass needed somebody to just grab me by the shoulder and go, dude, this is what you do. And so I built a community, and I have about 10,000 people in my community now, nationwide, all 50 states and a lot of other countries, helping each other do real estate.
Starting point is 01:11:05 And the vision was, how can I not make this community about me, but create a vision and a culture that they all help each other even if I passed away? And that's the community I built. Can you do the 60 second version? So I want to make a really fun highlight clip. Yeah, the 60 second version of explaining sub two. Okay, so let's say you've got a cell phone and you don't have a cell phone.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And I go, Dan, I'll sell the cell phone to you. What do you think my iPhone, it's an ear old, it's the top of the line from last year, it's 2000. It's 1200 and 2000, yeah. Okay, great. So today it's probably worth a thousand bucks. Cellar finance is if I go, hey Dan, I'll sell this thousand dollar phone to you.
Starting point is 01:11:47 If you make me $50 payments for the next 20 months, let's sell our finance. That sounds cool. That's pretty cool, right? So I buy houses this way too. I go to a seller, I go, I'll pay you $100,000, but I'll pay you $500 a month for whatever, 20 months, whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:01 So subject two means, if this same cell phone, I had payments with AT&T from when I bought it, I go to you and I go, hey, Dan, do you want to just take over my payments with AT&T and this phone is now yours? Yeah, of course. Right. That's subject two. You're taking over existing payments on a phone, a car, a business, I bought businesses with creative finance, houses, apartment complexes, dirt, we bought a Kia and a Pri businesses with creative finance, houses, apartment complexes, dirt. We bought a Kia and a Prius on creative finance. Yeah, go on my YouTube channel, type and paste more B Kia and you'll see me buy,
Starting point is 01:12:32 I ran into a guy that had leukemia, couldn't afford his car payment anymore. He was gonna just let the car go to, you know, get repowed. I go, let me just take over your payments, man. So I took the $600 payment over and I put it on Turo and it makes us four grand a month. What?
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah. Well, it generates four grand a month. Yeah, and it saves him his credit. It saves his credit. Generates my little, my son, 15 years old, runs that business. And he took over somebody's payments with no credit check, no credentials, no money out of pocket, immediately put it on Turo.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Turo starts generating money so that my son can make the $600 payment and then start investing his money into real estate. Okay, so I heard you say something about you could do subject to financing or creative deals on buying businesses? Yeah, we got a Steve Harvard who you know as well. Him and I are in contract right now on a CPA firm. Yeah, where, and this guy's think about this, like Cody Sanchez and other really high level people out there in the influencer space are buying businesses as well, I buy businesses creatively, so I go to the seller and I go, look, you didn't build a business that can be sold, because you're too tied up in your business. And here's what I'll do, I'll go and put an operator
Starting point is 01:13:40 in your position, and I'll make a payment to you for the next 15, 20 years, so you can go retire, and this will be like an annuity for you next 15, 20 years so you can go retire and This will be like an annuity for you, right? And so we come in we take over the entire CPA firm now We've got $100,000 a month in cash flow coming in and now what's great is I take over that business with payments and now as a CPA firm guess what I get to see hundreds of other companies books and I get to see hundreds of other companies' books and financials, and then I get to identify which other companies I want to go and buy based on all the insider secrets of actually running their books. Wow. We can see the problems and where their hiccups are, where their sales are dipping or going
Starting point is 01:14:16 up. We see all of that stuff, so now it's a lead gen source for us to go and acquire other businesses. All right, so we talked a lot about the making money side, and now let's talk about the investing side. Yeah. Why is it important for people to invest money, time, and energy into themselves? So why should they be getting mentors or coaches or learning from you or learning from people that are in the space? Why should they spend the money, time, and energy to get a coach or a mentor?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Everything comes down to mindset. Everything comes, if I could give people two pieces of advice. Forget about the techniques, forget about the strategies. Those are just there to tell you that it's possible, but you won't believe it's possible for you unless you fix this. You'll constantly say, oh, that's for them, that's for them like I did.
Starting point is 01:14:54 And they got lucky. Oh, they got lucky. Their parents are rich, dude. My parents had 12 kids. We had to buy 12 dozen eggs. A dozen dozen eggs every week. A dozen gallons of milk every week. You think my family was rich?
Starting point is 01:15:08 Hell no. Doggy petally. My dad was struggling, dude, to survive. And guess what? I learned the mindset from my father, which was to work hard. And I looked at all these other people doing real estate and I thought, I'll never do that. So I might as well just be the person
Starting point is 01:15:22 that works on the real estate. So when I started investing in myself and changing what's up here, then I walk into the same situation that I would have 10 years ago and I make a million dollars from it. Okay, so small example. I go to a meetup because I have the confidence
Starting point is 01:15:39 to go talk to people. I walk up to the first guy on my right hand side and I say, what do you have, what do you need? He says, I have a 42 acre development and I need a million dollars. I go, great, if I could find you a million dollars. First off, who even asked that question? Somebody that believes in themselves
Starting point is 01:15:56 and is invested in skill sets. I go, if I could find you the million dollars, would you cut me in on the 48-2 acre development? He goes, hell yeah, I was. So literally, I was. So literally I turned to my left and I meet the next guy and I go, what do you have? What do you need? He says, I have a million dollars and I have no idea what to do with it. This is not a bullshit story. This is real. So I go, would you mind if I found a place to put your million
Starting point is 01:16:18 dollars if I made money on the transaction? She goes, dude, that would be amazing. So his name is Jody Evans. Jody Evans puts a million dollars into Dave's project. Jody Evans getting a $4 million return on that investment. It's a couple of years later. Okay, it's still amazing. I'm getting $1.8 million on just the connection. Oh. Yeah, $1.8 million.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And so it's a big development that they didn't have to find the deal, manage the deal, manage the money. You just said, Jody meat Dave. Right. And so I believe in paying for myself that they didn't have to find the deal, manage the deal, manage the money. You just said, you just said, Jody meet Dave. Right. And so I believe in paying for myself to even see that that's possible for me, first and foremost, and then I believe in paying to get into the right room
Starting point is 01:16:55 with the quality of people that are like, I have a 42-acre development and I have a million bucks. Did I deserve those friends? No, I paid my way to get into a room that filters me as a quality human being and then people want to do business with me. So buying yourself in the right room, getting around the right people and working on your mindset, I would say that's 99% of every little thing that's benefited me in my life. So for the entrepreneurs that are listening or the
Starting point is 01:17:20 networkers that are listening, I've seen this happen a lot with like night club promoters, etc. They like go through phases, they meet a lot with night club promoters, et cetera. They go through phases. They meet a lot of bottle service clients. They know the owners. They know all the girls. They know all the people that come in now. They know the corporate clients that throw events at their night clubs. And they start to level up in life and start to save a little money from all the cash
Starting point is 01:17:35 they're making. But now they got a Rolex. Ballers. People wasting money, 10, 20th, and green and I at night clubs. And I often see them introduce this baller to this real estate guy or this baller to this coming these financing. How can the people that have their relationships
Starting point is 01:17:51 with the nightclub people, networking people or people just in college, high school, whatever they're doing that know rich people or they know people that might want to invest in deals? How can they go out there and make commissions from some of these introductions? Easy, easy, easy, okay? Write this down, commit it to memory,
Starting point is 01:18:07 it's called the Fund of Funds, okay? It's a technical term, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC who governs all the investment stuff in the United States, they have this amazing strategy called the Fund of Funds. So let's say you go to Grant Cardone, Cody Spurver, Kent Clothier, any of these people, Dave Allred is another person that you know really well. And they've got big developments, big real estate things going on. You do not want to
Starting point is 01:18:33 refer people to them. You want to go to those people like Kent Clotheer, let's say for an example, Grant Cardone, and say, would you be okay if I raised money for your fund through my fund? And you create, you spend a couple thousand bucks and you create a fund of funds. And now you get your friends investing into you and a hundred percent of that money goes into their fund. They found the deal, they run the deal, but it goes through you, you get paid on it, it's legal, and you get a portion of the deal and a portion of the equity but run by an expert but run by an expert the fund of funds is the simplest way to be that person and get into real estate
Starting point is 01:19:12 and actually have equity and ownership when you've got so many options pace more be yourself to invest into things because you can buy a part of complex and RV park so let's talk about not the people that are just getting started, but now the people that are starting to make some real money that are listening as they ascend to their career. How do they make the bigger boy decisions? Like, I, I got some real money and I got a, by an RV park, do I buy an apartment complex, do I buy 20 units, do I buy 100 units, do I buy, what do I invest into and how do you make the bigger decisions as you start to make more and more capital on the way?
Starting point is 01:19:43 You always do it with other people that are more experienced than you. And I am a full, I'm 99% real estate that I control and found myself. That's my investment strategy. The other one percent of my investment strategy is investing in people, not in businesses. So for example, I invested in one of your businesses recently, but did I really? I didn't. In my mind, I invested in Dan. Still, somebody more experienced, has momentum, has a track history. I'm like, I don't care what Dan's actually building.
Starting point is 01:20:10 I believe in Dan. And the fact that he's the goose that lays the golden egg, I'm an invest in Dan. And whatever business he's doing, great. So for me, if you're still kind of coming up in the world, like I'm unsure of what I'm gonna invest in, forget about the what and think about the who. Who is the what I'm gonna invest in. Forget about the what and think about the who. Who is the person I'm gonna invest in that I believe in?
Starting point is 01:20:28 And also investing in a project with you gets me to be in the business world. We become friends. The way that business people want to be your friend is how are we making money together? How am I, you don't want to take a time away from your ranch and your wife and your awesome life unless you and I are collaborating and spending money, making money together. Last subject, we talked about making money, we talked about investing money, let's talk about giving some money away to charity.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Why do you think it's important for individuals or corporations or real estate agents, real estate executives, apartment building owners, etc. Why do you think it's important for them either personally or for their business or brand to do some philanthropy or some charity work tight in? We were not put on this earth for ourselves. We were put on this earth to benefit other people. And so you've heard a thousand stories, your friends with them, I'm friends with them too.
Starting point is 01:21:17 A lot of people, men, women, that make a lot of money. They hit the height, the pinnacle of making money, and they go go my life sucks They maybe they self sabotage their life because they lost purpose They thought they thought the money was the purpose and when they realized it wasn't then everything falls apart and they lose it all Just to find out they should have been saying I'm making money So that my purpose can actually be finance. Yes. And that's really what we're here for. It's what I love about, you know, your backpack charity and other people's charities that
Starting point is 01:21:49 are in, you know, 100,000 people that are understanding that, it makes making money feel better, it makes it easier, and you focus on what you were actually put on this earth for. For yourself personally, how do you decide what you put your personal brand on when it comes to the charity world? Because if you decide that you're going to promote a charity, well, thousands of other people are probably going to want to donate or replicate the charity, et cetera,
Starting point is 01:22:14 how do you decide what charities your personally are going to be involved in? For me, it has to be on brand with real estate or solving affordability. So for me, it's like, if there's something with affordability or real estate, then for me, it's something that's easy to talk about and get people amplified.
Starting point is 01:22:29 The other reason why I talk about, I'll talk about, hey, I invested in this, I invested in that, it's not to show off, it's to inspire other people to invest in it as well. It comes off weird when I start talking about, oh yeah, I invested in this, you know, ice company that does X, Y and Z, it's like, has nothing to do with my brand.
Starting point is 01:22:45 So I invest in homeless causes. I invest in sober living and people are going through transitions and those types of things, because it makes it easier for me to talk about and more exciting and on brand. And if I talk about it more, then more people will donate. Thank you, gentlemen. You're watching The Money Monday is here with PACE Morby. You have to follow him on social media. It's so much fun. Go on Instagram specifically with Pace Morby. You have to follow him on social media. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Go on Instagram specifically at Pace Morby's on all the platforms. But you'll enjoy him on Instagram. On YouTube, you can watch his medium and long form content to really see him show you the behind the scenes and all the action. Obviously, you can see him on TV. You can see much of the old episodes over the last few seasons and there's more seasons coming. But the whole concept of the money Mondays
Starting point is 01:23:25 is for us to get past this thing that it's rude to talk about money. I think it's rude to not talk about money. I agree. We need people to talk about it. We need to open discussions about salaries, rent, credit scores, apartments, leasing. Should I buy this, should I do this?
Starting point is 01:23:37 What should I get paid? How much do I invest? What if my friend wants to borrow money? Do I sign a contract? These are basic things that we just don't talk about because it's rude. No, it's not rude. We thought it was rude because it's rude. No, it's not rude. We thought it was rude, and this podcast has approved that it's not rude.
Starting point is 01:23:48 We need people like Pace that are out there teaching consistently. And so I want you guys to go learn from guys like Pace, consumer content, and have these discussions with their friends, family, and followers. Go to Like, comment, subscribe, share with your friends, and we'll see you guys next Monday. We'll see you guys next Monday.

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